Lances and Labyrinths

March 15, 2017 | Author: samlaidh2 | Category: N/A
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Lances and Labyrinths Iteration Two What happens when you decide Tunnels & Trolls is too complicated. Attributes Player characters are defined by seven attributes. • Strength (STR): A character raw muscular power and ability. Strength determines how much equipment you can carry and helps in melee combat. • Dexterity (DEX): A characters speed of reaction, reflexes, agility, athleticism and fighting skill. Dexterity helps in melee and missile combat. • Constitution (CON): A characters health, fitness, stamina and size. CON determines how much damage you can take. • Intelligence (INT): A characters intellectual ability, strength of will, memory, intuition, problem solving ability and knowledge skills. • Luck (LUC): How lucky a character is. Contributes to both melee and missile combat. • Charisma (CHA): How attractive and influential a character is to others. • Essence (ESS): How magical a character is. Primary and Secondary Attributes Each character class defines two attributes as primary and two as secondary. Levelling Up When a character levels up their attributes increase as follows: • +2 to each primary, +1 to each secondary and one point to spend on any attribute of your choice. Saving Throws Saving throws are made on 2d6+Attribute Adds. Target number is set by the GM. When making saving rolls, doubles add and roll over. When resisting another characters action (such as a spell) the target number is usually one of their attribute scores. • Easy: 5 • Average: 10 • Difficult: 15 • Very Difficult: 20 Saving throws are made when a character must overcome some hazard or perform a task.


Make a LUCK save to determine if something happens to you by blind chance.


Influence someones behaviour, Make a good bargain


ESS is not normally saved on.

Working Together Sometimes characters may work together on a saving roll, such as a group of characters trying to lift something. Every character rolls separately, then add up their totals and compare to the target number. The GM always has the final say about when characters can work together, and how many can work together on a given problem. Botches A natural roll of 2 on a saving roll is a botch, don't add and roll on and it is up to the GM to decide what this means in each case. Critical Hits In a combat roll, matching dice from a given weapon add and roll on. For example, if you were using a 3d weapon and rolled 4,4,5 you would then roll the two 4's again and add on. If your second roll was 3 & 2 your total would be 4+4+5+3+2=18. If you are wielding two weapons use different coloured dice for each weapon. Opposed Rolls An opposed roll occurs when two characters are competing for some reason. Both characters roll and add attribute adds, highest rolls wins. Encumbrance Characters can carry a number of Weight units equal to their STRx100. For every full STRx10 units they carry they are at -1 DEX, but DEX cannot be lowered below 3 in this way (if the penalty would reduce it below 3, treat DEX as 3). A weight unit nominally represents 1/10th of a pound (which is the weight of one gold piece) but some objects have a weight unit value which does not represent their true weight. Armour and Shields weigh far more than they should to represent the encumbering effect of wearing and wielding such bulky or uncomfortable items. Money The basic unit of currency is the Gold Piece (GP). 1GP is worth 10 Silver Pieces (SP) and 1SP is worth 10 Copper pieces (CP). A Platinum piece (PP) is worth 10GP. Poisons Most poisons reduce CON (some are available which work on other attributes). A dose of poison weighs one unit and the cost for it depends on the strength. Rangers can make poisons, the minimum level required is shown on the table below. If a character receives an antidote within a few minutes of being poisoned half the attribute loss. If the character is reduced to 0 attribute they can still survive if the antidote is adminstered and the restored points put them back to 1 or more. CON Loss Cost Ranger Level

Feat of Strength Some examples of saving throws: Attribute Example Saves STR

Lift something, escape from a hold, force open a door


Dodge a falling object, move without being detected, climb something


Continue doing something when tired


Hear a noise, spot someone who is sneaking, solve a problem, know a specific fact, resist being influenced, resist fear



















A dose of poison can be applied to a weapon and used in combat. If you win a round of combat the poison damage is applied to one of your opponents. If you lose or draw the round the poison is wiped off and no longer effective. Once applied the poison lasts until you fight a round of combat (as described already) or ten minutes, whichever comes first. Recovery of Attribute Points Characters recover lost attribute points at one point per hour. Falling A character takes 1d damage for every 10ft fallen (round up). Armour does not reduce this damage, although magical protection

does unless explicitly stated otherwise. Burning A character who catches fire takes 1d damage per round (armour has no effect on this damage, although magical protection does unless explicity stated otherwise). If you roll a one on the damage dice the fire goes out. Other characters can extinguish a burning character by spend a whole round and making a DEX 10 save. Movement Characters can move a distance, in yards per round, equal to their DEXx2. If they are moving over treacherous or difficult terrain (including over low obstacles) halve their movement rate. Monster Ratings Monsters are defined by a Monster Rating MR. In combat they roll a number of dice equal to their MR/10 (minimum 1d) and add half their MR to their roll. For example, an MR 34 monster rolls 3d+17 in combat. For saving rolls, add the monsters (MR/10) to their save. For example, the MR 34 monster mentioned above rolls 2d+3 when making saves. Named Monsters (also called Boss monsters) get split MR's, shown as Fighting MR/Constitution MR. Damage reduces CON MR without effecting Fighting MR. Dice and Adds are calculated off Fighting MR. Unimportant Monsters just get a standard MR, losing dice and adds as they are wounded. Monster Equipment A Monsters dice represent it's weapons and armour (natural or artificial) whilst it's Adds represents it's innate skill, speed, strength, ferocity and so on. If adventurers encounter ntelligent monsters (such as Orcs and Goblins) with no weapons or armour they only get 1d (like a normal unarmed character) in combat. Setting Monster Ratings for a Party Begin by working out the parties total dice plus adds. Next multiply the dice by four and add to the adds. This gives you the parties average combat roll. Next add up the parties total armour protection and add to the average combat roll. This gives you the parties combat rating (CR) For practical purposes, a monsters CR is equal to its MR (this is not quite right, but works okay). As a rule of thumb increase CR by 50% again for each “special ability” a monster possesses. For example, an MR 30 Skeleton which is Resistant to edged weapons has an effective CR of 45. Monster Ratings and Magic Monsters that can cast magic have relevant attribute scores of 12+ (MR/10).

The following list gives some common monster powers: • Invisibility: Halve the parties combat total against this creature. This power is negated by rain, dust, mist or smoke. • Incorporeal: Only characters wielding enchanted or silver weapons count towards the combat total and can harm the creature. • Vampiric: If the creature wounds it's opponent(s) it regains lost MR equal to the largest number of HP's lost by a single opponent in a round. • Corrupting: Wounds from the creature are always treated as Serious Injuries (which heal at 1pt per day). • STR Damage: Damage from this creature reduces the targets STR rather than CON. • DEX Damage: Damage from this creature reduces the targets DEX rather than CON. • INT Damage: Damage from this creature reduces the targets INT rather than CON. • LUC Damage: Damage from this creature reduces the targets LUC rather than CON. • CHA Damage: Damage from this creature reduces the targets CHA rather than CON. • ESS Damage: Damage from this creature reduces the targets ESS rather than CON. • Armour Piercing: Damage from the creature ignores Armour. The freezing touch of a Wight ignores armour. • Extra Damage: Double the final damage inflicted by the creature (after subtracting the other sides combat roll). A snakes venomous bite causes Extra Damage, a Giants massive tree trunk club causes Extra Damage. • Destructive: The creature damages weapons which strike it. Any dice rolling a one against the creature is permanently discarded. Rust monsters are destructive to metal weapons. • Resistant: The creature is resistant to one type of attack (usually one of edged weapons, blunt weapons or magic). Characters using attacks of that type only add half their rolls to the parties combat total. Skeletons are Resistant to Edged weapons, Wights and Werewolves are resistant to any attack which is not silver or magical in nature, Vampires are resistant to any weapons except wooden stakes, Trolls are resistant to any attacks except acid or fire. Surprise Surprise only occurs when the party is attacked with no warning at all (e.g. By enemies who are invisible or who leap out from cover as the party passes by). The surprising side rolls as normal and the surprised party gets no roll in reply, they must take the full damage dealt out by their attackers in the first round. Complete surprise is quite rare and only happens when the target is completely unexpecting of an attack, for example when a trusted friend suddenly attacks them. Unready An unready situation occurs when a side is caught unprepared to fight, but they at least have a few seconds warning of the incoming attack (e.g. When someone suddenly attacks you in a bar fight without warning you can be considered to be unready). Characters without weapons drawn when attacked are also considered to be unready. Simply halve your combat total in the first round of combat when unready, the second and subsequent rounds are handled as normal. Unusual Combat Situations In an unusual combat situation your best bet is to simply halve the combat rolls of anyone who is disadvantaged. Unusual situations might be fighting in water, on ice, on a small boat and so on.

Fight! Monster Treasure As a good rule of thumb a monster will have treasure on it's person or in it's lair of value (in GP's) equal to it's MR. This treasure will usually be a mixture of coins, gems and other valuable items. Intelligent monsters will probably have weapons and armour but just assume that their equipment is either worthless (rusty/poor condition) or forms part of their treasure. For example, a MR50 creature would have 50GP's worth of treasure. Monster Powers

Who Takes Damage Characters take their share of the damage taken by the party if there is no obvious reason why they shouldn't (e.g. If the archer or magician is clearly out of combat and unreachable by enemies they don't have to take damage). If the allocation of damage is uneven the lower amount should go to a wizard or missile attacker in melee, reflecting the fact that, even if in the melee and not sniping, they are still near the back and less likely to get hurt. Incapacitation A character who is reduced to 2 in any attribute is incapacitated and unable to do anything until they recover to 3+. Death occurs if any Attribute is reduced to 0. The GM may rule that a character at 0 lingers long enough to have a last word.

Serious Injuries (optional rule) A character who loses more HP's in one turn than their CON Adds has taken a Serious Injury. The HP's lost in a Serious Injury heal at 1pt per Day (rather than the usual 1pt per hour). Knock Down (optional rule) A character who loses more HP's in one turn than their STR Adds is Knocked Down. Halve their combat roll in the next turn. Adds Each attribute has an “adds” value, which is added to any saving roll made on that attribute. Calculate each attributes adds as follows. • Attribute score below 9: -1 for each point below 9. • Attribute score of 9-12: No Adds • Attribute score above 12: +1 for each point above 12. Note that adds are based on your current attribute score, if the attribute is dropped adds also drop. Melee Adds Unless stated otherwise, all characters add their melee adds to combat rolls with melee weapons. Combat Adds are your adds from STR, DEX & LUCK. Missile Adds Unless stated otherwise, all characters add their missile adds to combat rolls with thrown or missile weapons. Missile Adds are double your DEX adds plus your LUCK adds. Combat Adds The term “combat adds” refers to both your melee and missile adds. Character Generation Roll 4d and drop lowest one, repeat six times. Assign each score to an attribute.

*So humans have two points to allocate to any attributes when they level up rather than the usual one. Foreigners Character generation assumes that human characters are “Midlanders” who come from the area around Khazan. Characters may opt to be foreigners, from lands beyond. In this case use the following rules: • Northmen must place their highest roll in STR. • Southrons must place their highest roll in CON. • Corsairs must place their highest roll in DEX. • Easterlings must place their highest roll in INT. Motivation As an option, you may roll to determine a characters motivation, the reason why they are adventuring. If you want a heroic motivation read the dice lowest first, for a villainous motivation read the dice highest first. d66



Liberation: The character wants to bring freedom to others, this includes democracy and such like. How the character interprets “freedom” is up to them.


Atonement: The character is trying to make up for past deeds which they now regret performing.


Defense: The character genuinely believes that their way of life, family, friends etc.. is under threat.

14-16 Altruism: The character truly believes that they can help protect the peace and make the world a better place. 21-23 Respect: The character is lacking in confidence and adventures to show others that they are competent and worthy of respect. 24

Self Improvement: The character wants to enhance their own skills and abilities.

25-26 Curiousity: The character wants to explore new things and broaden their outlook. 23

Career: The character is an adventurer because that's what their family does. They may be looking for a long term career or may want out at the earliest opportunity when the family honour is satisfied.

24-26 Thrills: The character is a thrill seeker, getting off on the adrenalin rush of adventuring. 31-34 Rebellion: The character joined up because everyone they knew told them not to. The character may have been the product of a comfortable liberal upbringing and deliberately joined up as an act of rebellion against their family and peers. 35

Conformity: The character is an adventurer because their friends are, they simply followed the herd.


Escape: The character is running away from something. This could be a group or individual, or might be just memories of past deeds.

41-43 Wealth: The character wants to get rich and will always be on the lookout for opportunities to turn a profit. 44-46 Prestige: The character is obsessed with fame, awards and medals and wants to accumulate as many as possible. The character wants to get famous, or infamous, it doesn't matter as long as they become well known.

Elven Warrior Race Non-human races get modifiers to their attribute scores. Apply these modifiers after attributes have been assigned. An attribute cannot be reduced below 2. Roll 2d, add the highest roll to one of the attributes in the + column and subtract the lowest from the one in the - column. Race














INT or CHA Nightvision






Extra attribute point when you level up*


51-53 Power: The character is seeking power, usually through using an adventuring career to lever themselves in politics. 54

Stability: The character seeks to maintain the status quo, protecting it from threats and upsets.

55-56 Revenge: The character is seeking revenge on their enemies. Perhaps their family was killed by Goblins? 61-62 Hatred: The character hates the “enemy” because they are different, a form of xenophobia. They have joined up to give vent to their prejudices. 63-64 Kills: The character is a bit of psycho, they may be a stone cold killer or a raging berserker. Either way they adventure in order to notch up kills.

65-66 Sadist: The character is a sadist who takes pleasure in hurting others. This does not mean they kill, they are more interested in terrorising and hurting than death. Class Choose your character class when you create a character. This determines how your attributes advance when you level up. Each class has one or more examples of characters of that class from literature or media. Warrior Warriors are front line fighters and the leaders of men in battle. • Primary Attributes: STR & DEX • Secondary Attributes: CHA & CON Boromir was a pure warrior.

A Midland Warrior Barbarian Barbarians are less civilised and trained fighters, but they make up for this lack of technical skill with superior stamina. • Primary Attributes: STR & CON • Secondary Attributes: CHA & DEX

• •

Choose a God or Goddess. Can use miracles at double normal cost.

Warrior-Wizard Equally comfortable with a blade in hand or casting a spell, the warrior-wizard is skilled with magic and battle. • Primary Attributes: DEX • Secondary Attributes: INT & STR • Can use spells at double cost. • You may choose a Magical Tradition. If you do not, you cannot then later choose one. Rogue Quick thinking and fast on their feet, the rogue stays just within the bounds of the law.. or outside of it on occasion. • Primary Attributes: CHA & INT • Secondary Attributes: DEX & LUC

Eastern Rogue Scout Scouts specialise in stealth and wilderness craft. • Primary Attributes: DEX & CON • Secondary Attributes: INT & LUC

Northern Scout Northern Barbarian Ranger A charismatic figure skilled in combat. Ranges are frequenters of the wilds, protecting the borders of civilsation from danger. • Primary Attributes: CHA & DEX • Secondary Attributes: CON & LUC Aragorn is the quintessential ranger. Paladin Paladins are holy warriors, infused with their faith they are natural leaders and preachers, whilst also able to battle the enemies of their church. • Primary Attributes: STR • Secondary Attributes: CHA & DEX

Wizard-Rogue Some Rogues acquire a touch of magic through their careers. • Primary Attributes: CHA • Secondary Attributes: DEX & INT • Can use spells at double cost. • You may choose a Magical Tradition. If you do not, you cannot then later choose one. The Gray Mouser was a Wizard-Rogue. Wizard Masters of magic, wizards are knowledgeable and able to wield powerful magics, drawing on the forces of darkness. • Primary Attributes: ESS • Secondary Attributes: INT • Can use spells. • You may choose a Magical Tradition. If you do not, you cannot

then later choose one. Merlin is the archetypical Wizard.

• • • •

sleeping blanket (2/20) backpack or sling bag to hold everything in (5/15) water skin (5/20) Days provisions (5/20)

Weight (units)

Range (yards)

Cleric Urbane and well educated, priests preach to the faithful, convert the unbelievers and are able to draw on the power of the Gods. • Primary Attributes: ESS • Secondary Attributes: CHA • Choose a God or Goddess. • Can use miracles.

Cost (GP)

A Wizard


Weapons 1h: One handed weapon. 1½h: One and a half handed weapon. 2h: Two handed weapon. Weapons are simply classed by how many hands they need to wield. A 1½h weapon can be wielded in one hand or two. In both hands it gets 3d, in one hand it only gets 2d (you can wield a shield and 1½h weapon, but not a 1½h weapon and other weapon). Polearms require two hands to wield and are not really usable in enclosed areas, such as underground (if used in such an environment halve their combat total each round). Small 1h weapons are concealable. Range is used when the weapon is thrown. Weapon







Fist, Foot, Headbutt, Knee

Small 1h Weapon 2d




Knife, Dagger, Cudgel

1h Weapon





Short Sword, Rapier, Hatchet, Mace, Club

1½h Weapon





Long Sword, Broad Sword, Battle Axe, Heavy Mace, Flail, Staff, Short Spear

2h Weapon





Great Sword, Maul, Warhammer, Heavy Flail, Great Axe, Long Spear






Poleaxe, Scythe, Pike, Halberd

*A short spear or long spear has a throwing range of 20 yards

A Matter of Faith Starting Equipment Each character begins play with the following (cost/weight): • An Adventurers Kit (90/360) • A dagger (small 1h weapon) (20/10) • A 2h weapon (150/60) OR Polearm (100/100) OR 1½h weapon (100/30) & Round shield (40/100) OR 1h weapon (70/20) & small 1h weapon (20/10). • Soft leather armour (50/200). • 100 GP (weighs 100). You can choose to use your starting cash to upgrade any items of your choice (e.g. You could upgrade the round shield to a kite shield for 30GP), or convert any starting items into cash. The adventurers kit contains (the X/Y after each entry is the objects cost in GP/weight). A – means the cost and/or weight is negligible): • 30yds of rope (10/200) • Pitch soaked torch (burns for an hour) (0.1/10) • Ball of string (-/-) • 6 iron pitons (20/30) • Piton hammer (5/20) • Bronze mirror (5/-) • Chalk (2/-) • Wax (2/-) • Salt (2/-) • Sheet of parchment (1/-) • Quill pen and ink (5/5) • tin plate and mug (10/10) • fish hooks (1/-) • flint and tinder (5/-) • normal clothing (5/20)

Characters can wield a 1h weapon in one hand and a small 1h weapon or shield in their other hand. This gives a character more flexibility (and the same number of dice) as a two-handed weapon, but remember that 2h weapons critical more often (as all 5d or 6d are from a single weapon). Ranged Weapons Weapon

Dice Cost Weight Range

Light Crossbow*




50 yards





100 yards

Heavy Crossbow* 5d



150 yards





100 yards





200 yards





50 yards





100 yards

Quiver of 20 arrows or bolts***





Pouch of 20 sling bullets





*All crossbows are slow firing and can only fire on alternate rounds, requiring a round between shots to reload. **A javelin can be used as an improvised 1h weapon if necessary. ***Short and Longbows fire arrows, crossbows fire bolts. Short or Longbows can be “built” giving +1 missile adds with the bow, +10 yards to range and increasing cost by 50%. Building means using laminated woods in the bows construction to aid resiliency.

Short or Longbows can be “backed”, giving +2 missile adds and +20 yards range, increasing cost by 50%. Backing involves adding various glues and elasticisers, such as gut and sinew, to increase the bows springiness. To “build and back” a bow double its cost, it gets +3 missile adds and +30 yards range. Recovering Arrows If you win a combat you may roll 1d for each unit of ammunition (arrow, sling bullet, javelin or bolt) expended during that combat. Each 5 or 6 rolled lets you recover one expended unit and reuse it. Armour and Shields The suits of armour below assume a full suit of protection. Cut down suits can be obtained which just protect the head and body, half hits taken, cost and weight. Armour

Hits Taken Cost Weight





Soft Leather




Hard Leather

















Hits Taken Cost Weight





Round Shield




Kite Shield




Tower Shield






Viking Spike Shield* 6 *+1d in combat due to spike.

Missile attacks are rolled as normal (using missile adds rather than melee adds) and added to the parties combat total. The missile firer may opt to stay out of combat and fire from a distance (n.b. The GM must agree that this is a reasonable option in the circumstances). They do not have to share any damage which the party takes if it loses the round UNLESS the enemies are also using ranged attacks, in which case they do. Range & Target Size Penalties At anything beyond point blank range (i.e. In melee) or against small targets, ranged weapon attacks take a penalty to their rolls. If the penalty reduces the roll below 0 the attack missed completely. +0 for short range (within five yards) -5 for medium range (up to ¼ weapons range) -10 for long range (up to ½ weapons range) -15 for extreme range (up to weapons range) -5 for small target (specific limb, humanoid in partial cover) -10 for tiny target (hand, eye, humanoid in full cover) Non-Damaging Spells in Combat The intention to cast a non-damaging spell is declared before combat rolls are made. The wizard gets no combat roll in the round and if they take no damage the spell casts at the end of the round. If they take damage (after armour) the spell fails to cast. Note that, like missile attacks, Wizards may be able to stay out of the fight and cast. Magic Missile Magic missiles add their damage to the parties combat total in a round and, even if the party loses the round, that damage is still applied to the opposition. Monsters & Missiles Weapons Monsters using missile weapons have the same options as player characters, those monsters that stay out of the melee halve their totals but take no share of any damage if their side loses. Experience Awards Characters receive experience points (XP) as they play. A characters current XP total determines their current level. As a rule of thumb, characters should receive 100XP per hour of play, modified by how well they have been playing (150XP for excellent roleplaying, 50XP for poor roleplaying). Level XP

Level XP

Level XP





























































Advanced Combat Options

Some Weapons Combat Procedure Combat is divided up into ten second rounds and is very simple, both sides roll all their dice plus adds, add the sides total, then compare them. The side with the highest total wins the round and inflicts damage to the losing side equal to the difference. This damage is divided as evenly as possible between all the participants on a side. For more Dramatic Play the GM may wish to break the melee down into smaller fights, rolling for each separately (although they are still all occuring simultaneously). This allows for more tactics in a battle, but takes more time. A single round lasts ten seconds and the combat roll represents maneuvering for advantage, sniping, using cover and so on. Rather than trying to map individual actions combat is treated as a chaotic melee of blood, pain and fury. Missile Weapons

Stunts A stunt is some kind of cool move made during combat, a cinematic one. Charging, berserking, drops kicks, roundhouse kicks, massive overhead blows, acrobatic rolls and strikes and so on are all Stunts. A character who opts to perform a Stunt in a round says what the stunt is, then doubles their adds and rolls. The catch is that they must halve their adds in the next round, and you can never Stunt if you Stunted in the previous round. • Double adds, halve adds next round. Some examples of stunts: • Diving between a giant opponents legs and trying to hamstring them. • Fending a foe off with a spear. • Delivering a mighty overhand blow or delivering a spinning blow. • Binding an opponents weapon with your primary weapon and stabbing them with your offhand weapon. • Charging into combat. • Going berserk and throwing caution to the wind, concentrating on attacking and not defending.

Jumping onto an opponents shield and stabbing down at them. Shield charging an opponent to knock them down. Foot sweeping an opponent. Using a polearm to trip a foe. Spitting in an opponents eye. Kicking an opponent in the testicles or poking them in the eye.

• • • • • •




















12800 12800


9th 10

25600 25600 th


51200 51200 x2


Rituals Characters who can use magic or miracles can work together to cast ritual spells/miracles. One character casts the spell, using their own attributes and the cost of the spell is shared as evenly as possible between everyone participating. Magical Items Making Magical Items Magical items can be made by Clerics or Wizards. The level required to make an item is the square root of its cost (in Gold Pieces), rounded up. Making magical items is a ritual process and it takes one day per level required to make the item. For example, making a 3 LUCK ring (200GP) requires a 15th level Wizard or Cleric and 15 days work.

Dwarf vs. Demonic Hounds Grappling To grapple a foe you must have both hands free. A grapple is an unarmed attack, but if you win you have pinned an opponent rather than inflicting damage. On subsequent rounds you can inflict damage equal to the tens value of your STR (or tens value of MR if a monster). Armour gives no protection against this damage. The pinned character can only try to escape, by making an opposed STR roll agains the grappler, if they win they break out of the hold. Subdual Attacks To make a subdual attack halve your combat total. The advantage of a subdual attack is that it cannot reduce a target to below 1 CON, so they are incapacitated but still alive. Fighting Retreat Declare your intent to retreat before rolling then fight a round of combat as normal. If you win you are deemed to have successfully disengaged. If you lose you take damage normally and must fight on. Running Away Declare your intent to run away (flee) before rolling. If you opt to flee half your combat roll but you escape the combat whether you win the round or not. Defending A character may opt to concentrate on defending themselves. Roll as normal but if you win you inflict no damage. Resurrection Most temples can resurrect dead player characters as long as they have all the bones. The cost, in gold and XP, depends on the number of times the character has been resurrected. Clerics and Paladins can halve the cost in XP and GP if resurrected at a church of their own Religion. If you do not have sufficient XP you cannot be resurrected, you are dead and gone. If you do not have sufficient money someone must make a CHA 10 saving roll to persuade the priests to extend credit. Resurrection GP









Home Stones A home stone can teleport one or more individuals back to a preset point instantly. The stones target point is set simply by telling the GM and making a note of it. Using a stone requires a whole turn and no other action by anyone being transported (everyone must stay still and touch the stone). A homestone may be used no more than once every twenty four hours. The stones cost depends on the number of people it can transport: 2 people: 100GP 4 people: 200GP 8 peoples: 400GP 16 people: 800GP 32 people: 1600GP x2 number of people: x2 cost Essence rings These items store ESS points which can be used to cast spells with. A character may wear up to four rings on each hand (a ring must be worn to effective). 1 ESS ring: 50GP 2 ESS ring: 100GP 3 ESS ring: 200GP 4 ESS ring: 400GP 5 ESS ring: 800GP 6 ESS ring: 1600GP +1 ESS: x2 cost Magical Amulets Amulets give +1 or more to one attribute as long as they are worn round the neck. The attribute is specified when the amulet is made. You can wear any number of amulets, but their effects are not cumulative. If you wore two STR amulets, one of +1 and one of +2 you would get +2 STR NOT +3 STR. +1 to one attribute: 100GP +2 to one attributer: 200GP +3 to one attribute: 400GP +4 to one attribute: 800GP +5 to one attribute: 1600GP extra +1 to one attribute: x2 cost Lucky Charms A Lucky charm gives you one or more re-rolls per day. One re-roll per day charm: 50GP Two re-roll per day charm: 100GP Three re-roll per day charm: 200GP Four re-roll per day charm: 400GP Five re-roll per day charm: 800GP +1 Re-roll: x2 cost Restorative Potions Restorative potions restore lost CON or ESS points. When you drink the potion roll the appropriate dice to see how many points you recover. Note that a given potion restores ESS or CON points, not both.

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Restore 1d6: 50GP Restore 2d6: 100GP Restore 3d6: 200GP Restore 4d6: 400GP Restore 5d6: 800GP +1d6: x2 cost

Enhancement Potions Enhancement potions increase an attribute until the next sunrise. When you drink the potion roll the appropriate dice to see how many points you add to your attribute. A given potion only effects on attribute. • Add 1d6: 100GP • Add 2d6: 200GP • Add 3d6: 400GP • Add 4d6: 800GP • Add 5d6: 1600GP • +1d6: x2 cost Cursed Potions Cursed potions work just like enhancement potions but reduce an attribute rather than increasing it. A cursed potion cannot reduce an attribute below three points. If the roll would do so, simply reduce the attribute to three. • Subtract 1d6: 100GP • Subtract 2d6: 200GP • Subtract 3d6: 400GP • Subtract 4d6: 800GP • Subtract 5d6: 1600GP • +1d6: x2 cost Disposable Lucky Charms A Disposable Lucky charm gives you one or more re-rolls then is exhausted. One re-roll charm: 10GP Two re-roll charm: 20GP Three re-roll charm: 40GP Four re-roll charm: 80GP Five re-roll charm: 160GP +1 Re-roll: x2 cost Armour Enhancements Enhancements are not cumulative, use the highest value enhancements on a suit of armour. The enhancement is the number of extra damage points the suit of armour can absorb each round. +1 Armour: 50GP +2 Armour: 100GP +3 Armour: 200GP +4 Armour: 400GP +5 Armour: 800GP extra +1 Armour: x2 cost Weapon Enhancements Enhancements are not cumulative, use the highest value enhancements on a weapon. The enhancement is the number of extra adds the weapon has. +1 Add: 50GP +2 Add: 100GP +3 Add: 200GP +4 Add: 400GP +5 Add: 800GP extra +1 Add: x2 cost Religious Orders Clerics and Paladins must worship a specific God, being part of that Gods religious order. Their choice of God may influence their abilities, making some miracles more expensive to cast and others cheaper. Magical Traditions Wizards, Warrior-Wizards and Rogue-Wizards may opt to be members of specific traditions of magic. Like religions, membership of an order increases the cost of casting some spells and reduces the cost of others. If you choose not to join a Tradition during character creation you cannot then later choose to do so. Magic, Miracles and Saves The difficulty for a save against magic is the casters INT, against a miracle it is the casters CHA. Unless stated otherwise, the target of a spell always gets a save against a spell which does not cause damage, a successful save negates that spell or miracles effect. Damaging Effects

Unless stated otherwise, armour reduces damage from spells. Casting at Higher Level A characters can double the cost of a spell to double its effect. They can quadruple the cost to triple the effect, increase the cost eightfold for four times the effect and so on. This multiplier applies to attributes for saves, points of effect, damage, protection, range, duration and so on... Rituals Spells and Miracles marked * are ritual magics, taking ten minutes for each point of ESS spent. The target of a ritual magic spell must be fully subdued, restrained or compliant. New Spells and Miracles The lists of spells and miracles given are by no means exclusive, but they are the ones most commonly encountered. The GM should feel free to create new ones as they see fit. Clerics and Paladins Don't get spells, instead they get special divine powers. The cost, in Essence points, of a miracle is noted after the miracles name (it is normally two). Unless stated otherwise miracles require touch to use and can be used on the character or another target. • Blessing (2): Adds CHA points to someones attributes for an hour. How the points are allocated is up to the Cleric/Paladin and only one blessing can be on one character at a time, if more than one blessing is applied only the most powerful has any effect. • Healing (2): Restores lost Attribute points equal to clerics CHA. • Purification (2): Neutralises a poison or disease. • Rebuke (2): Undead target must make an INT save or run away for ten minutes. Range 50' • Exorcism (2): Inflicts damage equal to clerics CHA to undead. This damage can be applied to one or split between a group evenly. Range 50' • Holy Shield (2): Target gains armour equal to their CHA against attacks from undead, worshippers of evil gods or supernatural attackers. • Wrath (2): Target of spell adds clerics CHA to their combat total for next ten minutes. • *Sanctify (2): Cleric or Paladin permanently loses ESS points spent on this miracle to sanctify a 2 acre area (ten thousand square yards). This area can be any shape the creator desires (if you create a strip it should be at least one yard across at any given point). Any Undead entering that area takes damage, each round, equal to the clerics CHA (non-magical armour does not protect against this damage). • *Rites (2): Cast on a characters mortal remains. Anyone trying to use magic on that corpse must spend an extra number of ESS points equal to the clerics CHA. This only applies as long as the target body is dead, if it is resurrected this benefit ends. • *Inspiration (2): Use ESS points to ask your God a question. They will either give a Yes/No answer or a cryptic vision, depending on how the GM feels the question is best answered. • *Resurrection (2x targets Level): This spells brings the dead back to life. There is also an penalty to the resurrected characters total XP which depends on how many times they have been resurrected. • Word of Command (2): You give a single, simple, command to a target which they must instantly obey if they fail an INT save. They will not follow an obviously self-destructive command though. • Oath (2): You speak a holy word which stuns any undead, worshippers of evil gods or supernatural beings who hear it. They can take no action in the next round if they fail an INT save. “Evil” Miracles These miracles are available to priests of the Demon princes. • Curse (2): As Blessing, but the points are subtracted from attributes rather than added. No attribute can be reduced below three with a curse. • Harming (2): Drains CON points from target equal to clerics CHA if the target fails an INT save. • Animate Undead (2): Animates a corpse or skeleton as a zombie or skeleton respectively. The creatures MR equals the casters 2x(CHA+INT). Range 50' • Black Sacrament (2): Heals damage equal to clerics CHA to undead or followers of evil Gods. This damage can be applied to one or split between a group evenly. Range 50' • Corruption (2): Target is infected with an unpleasant disease which reduces STR by INT points after one hour has passed.

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After a second hour ½ INT points (rounded down) are lost, after a third ¼ INT points (rounded down), continuing until no damage is inflicted or the disease is treated with a purification spell. If STR is reduced to 2 the character is incapacitated, if STR is reduced to 0 they die. Unholy Shield (2): Target gains armour equal to their CHA against attacks for the next ten minutes. Unholy Fury (2): Target of spell adds clerics CHA to their combat total for next ten minutes. *Desecrate (2): Cleric or Paladin permanently loses ESS points spent on this power to desecrate a 2 acre area (ten thousand square yards). This area can be any shape the creator desires (if you create a strip it should be at least one yard across at any given point). Any Undead entering that area heal damage, each round, equal to the clerics CHA. *Black Mass (2): Cast before a human sacrifice. The caster adds the victims ESS points to their own when they kill the victim. This does not change the casters ESS score, only their current total. *Black Whispers (2): Use ESS points to ask the dead or your demon prince a question (there is no difference in game terms). They will either give a Yes/No answer or a cryptic vision, depending on how the GM feels the question is best answered. *Resurrection (2x targets Level): This spells brings the dead back to life. There is also an XP penalty to the resurrected character. Blasphemy (2): You speak a blasphemous oath and any hearing it are convulsed by pain and unable to act in the next round if they fail an INT save. Word of Power (2): You give a single, simple, command to a target which they must instantly obey if they fail an INT save. They will not follow an obviously self-destructive command though.

Spells Wizards are treated like clerics/paladins, but have a different list of powers (each power is called a spell). • *Ward (2): Caster permanently loses ESS points spent on this miracle to ward a 2 acre area (ten thousand square yards). This area can be any shape the creator desires (if you create a strip it should be at least one yard across at any given point). When the ward is created the caster specifies who may freely pass through it and/or any methods which allow safe passage. Anyone else entering the ward takes damage, each round, equal to the casters INT (non-magical armour does not protect against this damage). • Light (2): Illuminates an area up to the casters INT radius in yards. • Darkness (2): Negates all illumination in an area up to the casters INT radius in yards. A Light spell negates a darkness spell. Anyone in the area who needs to see has their combat rolls halved due to the darkness. • Magic Missile (2): Inflicts damage equal to Wizards INT. This damage can be applied to one or split between a group evenly. Range 50' • Magical Armour (2): Target gains armour equal to their INT. • Wall (2): Creates a magical wall, the composition of the wall is up to the caster and it can be solid or non-solid, transparent or opaque. The wall can be any shape you wish but cannot cover more than INT square yards. An attacker must inflict more damage in one attack than the casters INT to breach the wall (so it can be passed through). The wall lasts for one hour before vanishing (if breached it remains in place, it just has a hole in it). • Dispel (2): Dispels a magical effect cast by a character of equal or lower INT than the caster. • Detect (2): Detects the presence of something within INT yards of the caster and its nature. The “something” is specified when the spell is cast. • Store (2): Stores a single item, of up to INTx10 weight, in a dimensional pocket. Once summoned it can be bought back as an instant action. Returning it to the pocket dimension requires the store spell to be cast again. • Conceal (2): Makes up to casters INT characters invisible for up to ten minutes. Any character who attacks whilst invisible has surprise but becomes visible after attacking. Invisible characters still have scent and make noise as normal. • Teleport (2): Teleport up to INT yards away instantly. You must either be able to see where you are teleporting to, have been there before or have something closely associated with the target place. • *Summon (2): Summon supernatural creatures. The summoned creature will perform one task for the caster before leaving. Its MR equals the casters 2x(CHA+INT). Halve MR for

each special ability it has, such as Flight, Poison, Water Breathing, Super acute senses and so on.

Summoning the Lady •

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Creation (2): Creates a single, non-magical, object with a value of no more than 20GP. The object exists for one hour then vanishes. The caster must have seen an object before to create it, or have a very good description from someone else. *Enchant (2): Cast on a weapon, adds INT to its combat adds for ten minutes. Cast on a suit of armour, increases armour protection by INT for ten minutes. Banish (2): Send supernatural creatures away if it fails to save. Command (2): Target must obey one simple instruction from caster if they fail their INT save. If the instruction is selfdestructive they can double their INT for the saving roll. *Enslave (2): If the target fails their INT save they become casters slave until released or the spell is dispelled. Lock (2): Target door or container is locked and can only be opened by a dispel magic, by bashing it down, or with a STR save. Unlock (2): Target door or container is unlocked. If target has a Lock spell on it opens with a successful INT save. *Transform (2): Caster may rearrange targets attributes, moving a number of points equal to the INT around. This process also allows physical changes to be made, the degree of which relate to the degree of change in the targets attributes. *Transmute (2): Converts up to INT cubic yards of something into something else. This spell cannot add or subtract significant “value” in the process of transmutation. Enhance Sense (2): Multiplies the effectivness of one of targets senses by your INT (so sight becomes INT times more sensitive and so on). Alter Size (2): Double or halve a targets size for one hour. If you double, double STR & CON, but halve DEX. If you halve, halve STR & CON, but double DEX. Target gets an INT save if unwilling. Confusion (2): Target must make an INT save, if they fail they are confused and wander around aimlessly for ten minutes or until attacked, whichever comes first. Portal (2): Creates a portal from one place to another. The places can be between dimensions, but not between times. The portals area, in square feet, is the INT of the caster. The portal remains open for ten minutes. The caster must be able to see the place where the other side of the portal will be, have been there previously or have something closely associated with it. Cantrip (1): Creates a minor cantrip effect within INT yards of the caster. A cantrip cannot directly cause damage. Some examples include: • Blow a candle out with a gust of wind. • Cause a door to swing shut or open (if not locked). • Clean a room with magic.

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Light a fire with magic. Conjure a small reading light. Whisper a word in someones ear. Cause the temperature to drop suddenly, then slowly return to normal.

Religions There are various religions in the game. Any character may profess to follow a particular religion, but Clerics and Paladins must declare a God which they follow. Each God has certain miracles which are usable at half cost and others which are double cost to use. These miracles reflect the nature of the God.

Temples of the Lady can be found in most settlements. • Double Cost: Rebuke, Exorcism, Holy Shield, Wrath, Sanctify • Half Cost: Healing, Purification, Resurrection The Spirit The spirit is the main “opponent” to the Demon Princes. Clerics of the spirit are better equipped to fight evil than others, but the Spirits focus on the metaphysical makes them less effective when it comes to mundane tasks such as healing. • Double Cost: Healing, Purification, Resurrection Half Cost: Rebuke, Exorcism, Holy Shield, Wrath, Sanctify Shamans of the Horned God Worshippers of the nature deity of humans. The horned God personifies the wild nature of the wilderness. He is an old God who's worship is gradually dying out in favour of the newer Gods, such as the Hanged Man, the Spirit and the Virgin. • Double Cost: Healing, Purification, Wrath • Half Cost: Oath, Word of Command, Inspiration The Lady of the Moon Another old God who's worship is in decline. The Lady of the Moon is a Goddess of the feminine, magic, madness and mysteries. • Double Cost: Word of Command, Oath • Half Cost: Healing, Inspiration Shamans of Gurrsh (Tribal Orcs) Clerics of Gurrsh are normally referred to as Shamans. Orc God of drinking, fighting and pleasure. Shamans of Gurrsh are, on the whole, an excitable bunch who tend to charge into combat along with their fellow Orcish warriors. Gurrsh doesn't approve of those who hang back or plan too much, rewarding aggressive action and penalising defensive thinking. Civilised Orcs tend to worship one of the Human Gods, rather than the barbaric Gurrsh. • Double Cost: Holy Shield, Healing • Half Cost: Wrath, Blessing

Shamaness of the Horned God Human Gods On the whole, humans seem to have a thing about deities, worshipping the greatest range of such beings. Humanoids (Elves, Dwarves, Halflings, Orcs and so on) seem to be quite content with one or two Gods only. Elves Elves worship four Gods, worshipping one in each season of the year. The Hag is not actively worshipped in winter time, simply acknowledged. The Maiden of Spring Elvish Goddess of Spring. The maiden symbolises youth, birth, growth and life. • Double Cost: Rebuke, Exorcism, Holy Shield, Wrath, Sanctify • Half Cost: Healing, Purification, Resurrection The Lord of Summer God of activity, battle, hunting, beauty and physical prowess. All Miracles are used at normal cost. The Old Man of Autumn Elvish seasonal God who represents old age and the gradual decline into peace. He is also revered as a symbol of wisdom and knowledge. • Double Cost: Healing, Purification, Resurrection • Half Cost: Rebuke, Exorcism, Holy Shield, Wrath, Sanctify The Hag of Winter Elvish seasonal God. The Hag is considered evil and represents death and decay. Those who actively worship her are known as Dark Elves and are outcastes from normal Elven society. Most Elves respect the Hag but do not worship her. Worshippers of the Hag use the “evil miracles” list. The Hanged Man The martyr, hung for his beliefs. Clerics and Paladins of the hanged man have no double or half cost miracles, they pay 2 ESS for every one. The Virgin The virgin is also known as the Lady of Mercy. Her clerics are healers, focussing their efforts on caring for the sick and injured.

Sigmar Stronghammer Sigmar is the Dwarf God of battle and creator of Dwarven kind. • Double Cost: Healing, Purification, Oath • Half Cost: Holy Shield, Wrath Ingrid Hearthmother Ingrid is the Dwarf mother God, Lady of Mercy and compassion. • Double Cost: Rebuke, Exorcism, Holy Shield, Wrath, Sanctify • Half Cost: Healing, Purification, Resurrection Grimnir the Smith Grimnir is the smith God of the Dwarves, Lord of mines, gems, gold and so on. His followers pay normal cost for all miracles. Locknir the Greedy Evil Dwarvish God. Locknir is the brother of Grimnir. His worshippers are outcasts from Dwarvish society and are known as Dark Dwarves. Locknirs worshippers use the “Evil miracles” list. • Half Cost: Unholy Shield, Unholy Fury • Double Cost: Black Mass, Black Whispers, Blasphemy Mighty Kondria Halfling God of food and eating. His followers pay two for all miracles (normal cost). Cle Var The Evil Halfling God. Cle Var is worshipped by the Dark Halflings, outcasts form halfling society. Dark Halflings are cannibals. His worshippers use the “Evil miracles” list. • Half Cost: Black Mass, Black Whispers, Blasphemy • Double Cost: Unholy Shield, Unholy Fury Maratuu The main Goblin God, worshipped as the creator of Goblin kind. His worshippers use the “evil miracles” list. Golgaar Another Goblin God who competes with Maratuu for the attention of Goblin kind. Followers of Golgaar and Maratuu spend much of their time fighting one another. His worshippers use the “evil miracles” list. Demon Princes and Princesses Clerics and Paladins of the Demon Princes all use the evil miracles list. The Master of Pride Half Cost: Black Mass, Black Whispers

Double Cost: Animate Undead, Black Sacrament The Lord of Gluttony Half Cost: Black Mass, Resurrection Double Cost: Holy Fury, Harming

The “Veil” is the wall between our world and the myriad worlds beyond. The Renders are masters of the arts of summoning. • Double Cost: Magic Missile, Magical Armour • Half Cost: Summon, Banish Blood Mages Blood Mages have mastered the manipulation of the flesh. • Double Cost: Portal, Ward, Summon • Half Cost: Transform, Enhance Sense, Alter Size The Celestial Court Mages of the Celestial Court specialise in defending against magic and other threats. • Double Cost: Magic Missile, Confusion • Half Cost: Ward, Dispel

Demon of Gluttony

Sky Mages The Sky Mages are one with the winds and the clouds. • Double Cost: Transform, Transmute • Half Cost: Teleport, Portal

The Lady of Envy Half Cost: Curse, Word of Power Double Cost: Unholy Fury, Unholy Shield The Lady of Avarice No modifiers The Lord of Sloth Half Cost: Curse, Corruption Double Cost: Unholy Fury, Blasphemy The Lord of Lechery Half Cost: Black Whispers, Word of Power Double Cost: Unholy Fury, Unholy Shield The Mistress of Anger Half Cost: Harming, Unholy Fury Double Cost: Black Sacrament, Black Mass

Sky Mage

Anger Demon Magical Traditions Each tradition of magic focusses on specific types of magic at the expense of other types. Rather than providing a list of traditions players can create new ones when they create characters. Just choose two Half Cost Spells and two Double Cost Spells, then explain to the GM the rationale behind the Tradition. If the GM agrees with the rationale you can have it, otherwise change it until you get agreement. Some examples follow: Scarlet Robes The Scarlet Robes are masters of flame and energy. They tend to be somewhat volatile and impetuous in character. • Double Cost: Conceal, Creation • Half Cost: Light, Magic Missile Circle of the Icefangs The Icefangs are based in the Northern lands and are masters of cold and ice. • Double Cost: Light, Portal • Half Cost: Magical Armour, Wall The Shattered Mirror Masters of illusion and confusion. • Double Cost: Wall, Creation • Half Cost: Conceal, Confusion Renders of the Veil

The World The game world is very large but the players are only adventuring in the area around the city of Khazan. This consists of a mixed landscape of hills, forests, river valleys and marshes (a temperate climate). The area is nominally divided up into manors, each ruled by a local Lord, but in reality the Lords have little sway outside of their own settlements and bandits and monsters run rife over the area. Dungeons, tomb complexes and other ancient sites dot the landscape and are a continuous draw to adventurers. The settlements have areas around them under cultivation and sell most of their produce to Khazan. Most of the plains are fertile but dangerous to farm due to the hazards of bandits etc.. Khazan is a large city-port which sits on the coast. It is ruled by a Duke. When the old Duke dies a council of the aldermen of the city elect a new Duke, the election if a lifetime appointment (unless you get bumped off in one of the numerous plots and intrigues which are rife in Khazan). Khazan is thousands of years old, with new buildings put on top of old for that entire team, resulting in a maze of labyrinths, caves and other structures deep below the city. Foreign Parts To the west of the land lies the Corsair Isles, separated from mainland by the Inner sea. Past the corsair isles is the Outer sea. The Corsair isles are a group of independent city states, originally founded by pirate bands. The trade and raid the mainland in equal measure. Past the Corsair isles lies the great Outer ocean, no one knows what lies beyond that. To the north lies a moutain range, the Icefangs, then beyond that a region of cold fjords and deep vessels bordering the northern ocean. The inhabitants of this fjordland are known as the Northmen. The northern ocean freezes into winter and the ice pack extends to the northern coast. To the east the fertile plains of the land turn into grass covered rolling hills, which gradually rise into a great mountain range, the barrier peaks. On the far side of the barrier peaks the land slopes down into the celestial empire. The people of the empire are known as Easterlings. To the south the land becomes more and more barren, finally turning to desert, populated by nomad tribes and wealthy city states. The peoples of the desert are known as the Southrons. Beyond that lies a land of dank tropical jungles inhabited by strange tribes and, rumours have it, a great empire of lizard men who cannot venture away from the tropical wetness and warmth. Major Races Orcs Orcs are generally classed as civilised or tribal. Civilised Orcs have settled into human culture and live alongside humans. Tribal Orcs, the larger majority, hold to the old Orcish ways of pillage and plunder and are an ever present threat to the inhabitants of the lands. Dwarves Dwarves have moved into the hills to mine the abundant ores there. Elves Elves are found in the deep woodlands, living in harmony with nature. Halflings Small, fat, hairy. Halflings live to eat and enjoy life and are a very bucolic people. A reasonable halfling population has come to live in the area, working the rich farmland. Humans The most populous species in the lands. Settlements Nurg Two miles from the Trollstone caverns, thirty miles west of Khazan on the Khazan road. Nurg is a small town and popular base of operations for adventurers, having a variety of sites of interest within a few miles of itself. There have been settlements where Nurg stands for thousands of years, making it an interesting place to be. Factions For such a small area the land has a remarkable number of powerful, and evil, factions. All of these alternate between

cooperating and vying with one another to wipe out Khazan and the good guys. The Red Hand Orcs The Red Hand Orcs are a tribe operating in the vicinity of Nurg. A group of Red Hands were based in the Trollstone caverns, raiding traffic passing on the nearby Khazan road. Murgo Bonecracker (MR 80) is the leader of the tribe, a huge heavily tattoed Orc warrior. Red Hand Orcs are MR 20 opponents, armed with a variety of big heavy weapons (Choppa's) and armour made of cast of bits slung together. The ArchFiend Necromagus The ArchFiend is the Master of an undead horde. He regularly moves his base of operations from place to place. Defeating the forces of the ArchFiend will be a campaign unto itself. Evil Cults There are various evil cults, either hidden or operating out in the open, in the settlements of the land. Most cults are a group of people motivated by religious fanaticism or a pragmatic desire for power. Those operating in settlements are usually involved in nefarious plots and intrigues, those operating openly are often linked to bandit or raider groups who prey on nearby settlements.

Edges A character gains their first Edge at 3rd level, a second at 6th level, a third at 9th level and so on. Bodyguard You can take one others characters share of the damage in a melee round, but you must specify the intent to do this at the start of the round before rolling. Berserker You can enter a berserk fury. In this state your Combat roll is not added to your parties combat total (making your party more likely to lose the round) but your combat roll is applied as hits to your opponent regardless of their roll. Once you “go berserk” in a combat you cannot then flee or revert to normal until the combat ends. Smithing You can make weapons or armour, use the same rules for required level as those for magical items. Weapon Specialisation Choose a specific type of weapon (e.g. Swords, axes, hammers, unarmed). You get +5 in combat when wielding a weapon of that type. You can take this skill a second time to achieve Weapon Mastery of a weapon you have already specialised in, giving you +10 with it (this replaces the +5 for specialisation). For critical purposes, you still only have to roll the same on the weapons base dice to get a critical. Armour Specialisation Choose a specific type of armour (e.g. Soft leather, mail, plate). When wearing a suit of that type of armour you increase its protection value by 5pts. You can take this skill a second time to achieve Armour Mastery of a type of armour you have already specialised in, giving it +10 protection rather than +5. Snap Shot With this skill you can use thrown weapons or fire a bow (not a crossbow) twice in one round. Roll as normal but use up two arrows/thrown weapons and get +5. Take this a second time for Master Snapshot, which lets you fire three arrows/thrown weapons for +10. Brew Poison You can prepare poisons. Tracking You can follow tracks unerringly can conceal your own tracks so that anyone without the tracking skill cannot follow you. Eagle Eyed Double the maximum range of any ranged weapon you are using. Evaluate You can automatically work out what anything you find is (e.g. Identify what apotion does, what properties a magic item has, how much you could sell something for and so on). Brew Poison You can prepare poisons. Improved Dodge If you have no DEX penalty due to encumbrance you get +5 in combat. You can take this a second time for Masterful Dodge, giving you +10 in combat. Brew Potions You can make magic potions (see the magic items list for rules on minimum level to make a given potion). This skill also lets you identify any potions you find. Enchanting You can make magic items, except potions (see the magic items list for rules on minimum level to make a given item). Spell Specialisation Add another spell to your list of Half cost spells. Miracle Specialisation Add another Miracles to your list of Half cost miracles. Martial Artist You roll 2d when fighting unarmed.

Two Weapon Fighting All the dice from two weapons are treated as being from a single weapon for critical purposes. For example, if you were wielding 3d and 2d weapons and rolled 3 & 4 on the 2d weapon and 4,5, 6 on the 3d weapon you would normally not get any critical hits as the two 4's are from different weapons. If you have the Two Weapon Fighting Edge you would get to re-roll the pair of 4's.

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