March 28, 2017 | Author: Rajinder Arora | Category: N/A
ल लू पराण ु
Written by Ashok Kapoor
My Beloved Wife
Smt. Suman Kapur & my sons Mr. Vikas Kapur Mr. Vinay Kapur Mr. Gaurav Kapur Mr. Vishal Kapur
who suffered miseries of life and cavities due to my follies. And stood with me to support every now and then. he only bonafide Purchaser-Reader of PART-I of the
LALLU PURAN BRAMH-GIAN (DIVYA DRISHTI) will be entitled to purchase the IInd & IIIrd part of the same against payment on submission of this slip duly signed by the writer.
All rights are reserved by the publishers.
SUMAN-SONS Contact : M-69 (Resi.) Greater Kailash-1,New Delhi - 110048 Mobile : 98688-47604, 93122-79323, 011-29238825 Jalandhar (Punjab) : Ph.:0181-2465316, 0181-3294037, 09417476674, 9417077080 e-mail :
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v) w) x)
वषय सची ू ©UÂÜçŽÏØæ´...........................................................................10 ÜËÜé-ÂéÚUæ‡æ ·¤è ·é¢¤Áè.............................................................15 Öêç×·¤æ................................................................................18
SIGNIFICATIONS OF PLANETS & THEIR COMBINATIONS .......................................................................36
5) 6) 7) 8) 9)
ekr`&firjh&”kfDr dk izrhd ...........................................46 yky fdrkc }kjk lek/kku ............................................48 yky fdrkc }kjk “kfu vfu”V ds lek/kku ............................50 yky fdrkc }kjk jkgq vfu”V ds lek/kku ............................51 okLrqKku le`f) dk }kj ..............................................53
10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24)
DIVINE RULES TO VASTU (2ND)................59 QSax”kqbZ ...............................................................61 okLrq “kkL= dk Hkou fuekZ.k esa egRo .................................65 okLrq&2 ..............................................................66 T;ksfr’k okLrq”kkL= & /keZ&deZ Qy ....................................67 T;ksfr’k&okLrq o ekyk .................................................70 T;ksfr’k & okLrq o uke&flej.k .......................................73 tknw Vksuk dk foKkud T;ksfr"k o okLrq vk/kkj ........................74 okLrq”kkL= % O;kikj esa ckj&ckj uqdlku...............................76 lko/kku .............................................................77 okLrq o nsoh@nsork ...................................................78 Økl ..................................................................83 T;ksfr"k&okLrq&'kkL=&/keZ&deZ o fcekjh ................................85 okLrq”kkL= T;ksfr’k vkLFkk .............................................86 T;ksfr"k esa l`tu izfdz;k ..............................................89
ihiy /keZLFkku dk isM+ gS ............................................91 le`f) dk fu;ksx&tkeu ¼tkx½ .......................................92 T;ksfr’k&okLrq'kkL= Vdlky o ljdkj .................................95 Jh oS".kksa njckj vkSj [ktkuk .........................................97 29) tSu mikluk o iz/kkuxh ij dyg ..............................101
25) 26) 27) 28) 30) 31) 32) 33) 34) 35) 36) 37) 38) 39) 40) 41) 42) 43) 44) 45)
ckUnk & vkdk'k csy .............................................103 L=h lq[k ...........................................................103 okLrq&T;ksfr"k cqpM+[kkuk .........................................104 xhrklkj ...........................................................105 eSM dkÅt+ ........................................................107 ekrk us cPps ds isV esa Nqjk ?kksia k ..............................108 okLrq T;ksfr"k 'kkL= ..............................................109 T;ksfr"k&okLrq 'kkL=&'kknh&esfMZ dy foKku ......................110 okLrq 'kknh .........................................................113 xHkkZ/kkj.k egwrZ% ..................................................115 T;ksfr"k dh mi;ksfxrk ij iz'ufpUg ...........................116 T;ksfr"k o xksYM esMy ...........................................117 T;ksfr"k lEesyuksa dh lkFkZdrk\ .................................118 LVhy vyeksfu;e ds crZu ......................................120 cksu & pk;uk .....................................................121 /keZLFkku ...........................................................122
46) The Laws of Destructions in Astrology-Vastu ...........123 47) RAPE.............................................................125 48) SUM-MERCURY - RAHU / KETU.........................128 49) REMEDIALS....................................................129 50) HOME - REMEDIES..........................................131
51) SKIN - IRRITATIONS.........................................131
52) 53) 54) 55) 56)
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K.G. Chandraswamy B.Sc. (Agri.) Jyotish Visharad
Rajathagiri #26, 1st Cross, Kenchappa lay-out Vinobanagar, SHIMOGA-577 204 Karnataka Tel. : 08182-249912 e-mail:
[email protected]
To Shri Ashoka Kapur M-69, Greator Kailash-I New Delhi - 110048 My Dear Respected Brahma Gyaniji, At last I received your great book and I have gone through the details carefully - as already expressed by you-I am a saubhagyashali to read and keep the contents of the masterpiece produced by you for the benefit of the mankind-especially we Indians. I liked and appreciated your approach to Shivlingam-Saturn Dust-Rahu and so many other things and ofcourse the Vastu with reference to non-working watches, transistors, TV's Radios, Pens etc. Your breaking the secrets of Mad-Cow disease-not only these but all the articles are worth millions. Each of the remedies you have suggested is appropriate. Being an Astrologer myself I too had gone through Lal Kitab-But your approach is eye opening. I do also appreciate your analysis of our national currency with reference to the metals viz Gold, Silver and Copper.
How Alluminium and steel have spoiled our religious and domestic atmosphere-your approach is excellent and thought provoking. Kindly do accept my personal congratulations! I am looking forward to your next parts of this Bramhgian. Thanking you Yours Sincerely K.G. Chandraswamy
CHALLENGE ACCEPTED To, Mr. LABKESH PRASHER President, Rationalistic Society of Britain, Britain. Dear Mr. PRASHER,
In response to your challenge in the NEWS Paper D.N.A World - Britain on 7.12.05. I, ASHOK KAPOOR writer of Lallupuran - An Astro - Enlightenment Book - I do accept your challenge. Please do dare, you & your friends come to India, or call me, invite me in Britain. From the Birth Data, Birth Charts of any native and if he has his children their charts required as those charts are his family’s balance - sheet, I will not only self Predict the accurate problems and its Causes and will guide the instant & long term effective relief with the relevance of Man - Mind - Matter & Nature - for the living natives, that too without any Yantra - Mantra Tantra & Pooja Path you may call any of the Scientific, Budhijeevi of Society and the Media Persons and please see, you must have the permission of Govt. of Land as it applies. As the remedials are just to eat certain Matters Herbs - Kept in Residence, wear them, Burry in the Barren land and throw in the Running water or well Tank etc. which are assured does not have any side
effect on the concerned land - water, the Humanity & animals. To have effective Health & Finance tips: Any body, who is sick from any ailment, should clap his hands 5 to 10 Minutes in the Morning / Evening for 100 days will negative energy from his Body. Having Finance Problems concerned person joining the Tips of the Little Finger & the Thumb and keeping other fingers back for a few minutes for regularly for a few days, his fortune will rise. Further person installing a fountain in working order at North East, gas burner at South - East, heavy articles at South & light articles at North - East side, sleeping, keeping head at South, Avoiding all waste - Broken articles and Pencive & Sacrificing Pictures definitely have all pleasures. Now Mr. Prasher you please dare?
Universal Laws of War Hitting, Cheating and Concept of Remedy In brief, whenever certain planets are in trouble due to the cross aspect combination of other planets, and in order to safeguard their own interest, they sacrifice the interest or itself other planets, which are very close to them. As Sun (light-wheat), Saturn (darkness-meat) then was slaughter of Mad-cow in west i.e., Venus (wife-cow-finance) suffers. In Charles-Diana case congeal bliss suffered. Saturn/Rahu-hits ketu-(son – kidney) Sun (energy-day time), Venus (finance-wife-sex), Sex in day (Sun-Venus) result finance and health suffers, result in ailment T.V. Mars-Authority-Power-Blood-Brother
Uncle) sacrifice Ketu (Dog-Nephew) Kidney=Lame-Loss of blood-Red cell in result suffer Venus(wife) hits moon (mother)eve sight chest conjustions Jupiter (Guru-Master) sacrifice Ketu (Son-follower-disciples) Mercury (Daughter-Sister-Nerves) hits Venus (wide) or her interests Sun (Authority-Father) hits Ketu (Son-Juniors-Servant) Moon
Rahu/Ketu effects on their relevant relations melaficly and ultimately Ketu suffers (Son-Kidney-Status) Moon, Mars or Saturn any alone is very good in the eight house but if any two or three above at there will become poisonous to create death and losses of health and finance. Process of Permutation-Mercury (nerves-feelings-thinking) Mars (Anger-Blood-Power-Authority brother) Rahu (cheating-thirst-fraud)
cavity-depressed-poison are the root cause of any ailment, worst drastic-climatic, incidental-accidental happenings in the world where the three joins their hand and due to aspect combination of cross to them. Concept of remedy and base of relief – Jupiter (prayer blessings, guidelines, good advise, wishes) Mars (shelter protection from authority-power, good friend, riches, brotherhood, pure blood) and the Moon (mother’s healing touch-relief, peace of mind pearl, water) are the healing process to cure all melafic and misfortunes. To give relief to the consultees, certain matters-metals, minerals representing planets are advised to throw in river-sea/bury in the graveyard/barren land/donate in holy places/to serve animals birds, widows, aged, helpless and to wear certain metals-germs to check all misfortunes, minimizing the worst/increasing the positive effects of humanity of concerned relevant planets, under the laws of similarity and process of Permutation, based on Red Book – the book of Environment –Moral and Medical Science.
Treebeni – To install a Banyan Tree, Neem and Peepal in grave yard or any other place and worship them offenly. Treelohi Kabaccha – Make and wear a ring of 3 wires of gold, copper and silver. Wrapped each other of equal weight in your ring finger, which will solve all your problems, a healing – touch to the concerned. Brahma Vishnu Mahesh (Som-Surya and Agni Roopa) (Chander)
Highlights of My Jobs Done * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Challenge to Science & Technology. Delhi on Surya Grehan. Challenge to Parke-Davis on their verdict coconut harmful for hearts. 1st to Diagnose the cause of Mad Cow - Anthrax & Bird Flu. Vastu Astro analysis Mother stabbed child at Vashi. Aware Mr. Mukesh Ambani of Reliance for the problems ahead - before time. Aware Mr. Amitab Bacchan for problems to face in future & remedies. Challenge to Hindi Magazine Sarita on Vastu Pakhand Ka Putla, Warned Tantrik Chandra Swami one month before his arrest. Through 17 letters informed Mr. Sunil Dutt about the cause of Troubles to Sanjay Dutt. I objected Mr. B.V. Raman’s verdict that Remedy does not work. I had also objected Sh. Shankaracharya, Sh. Madava Acharya Ji on their verdict. Astrology is not a science. Currency and Govt. Demoralisation/War in Races - and Religion. Permutation of Rape. Suicidal/Sacrificing Attitude Laws of Destruction in Astrology/Vastu. Steel/Aluminium utensils/cheating & diseases. Permutation of disease. Permutation of lose of integrity of religion & statue of zinc and aluminium. Concept of Remedy. Permutation of Divorce and to blame whom?
©UÂÜçŽÏØæ´ 10 tuojh 2003 dks fe0 diwj dks cEcbZ esa mudh vuqifLFkrh ds ckotwn T;sfr"k o okLrq esa fouk'k ds fu;e ds ys[k ij vdsfj;u ,st vokMZ ls fo'o oSdfYid nok LokLF; /kkfeZd foKku lsehukj esa lEekfur fd;k x;k A mudh vesfjdk&vQxkfuLrku] vkslkek&fcu ykMsu o Hkkjr&ikfdLrku ds lEcU/k esa e/; flrEcj ls vHkh rd ?kVukdze ds Hkfo"; dFku 'krizfr'kr vk'p;Ztud :i ls gq, gSa A
Jh v’kksdk diwj ,d ek= T;ksfr’kh gS ftUgksaus lkbZal o VSDukWyksth dks muds dFkußlw;Z xzg.k dk ekuork ij vlj ugha gSÞ dks pSysat fd;k gSA vkSj og gh ,d ek= T;ksfr’kh gS ftUgksaus] lfjrk fgUnh if{kdk if=dk ds ys[k ßokLrq ik[k.M dk iqrykÞ dks pSysat fd;k FkkA fczVsu esa esM&dkÅ (Mad-Cows) fcekjh ds dkj.kksa dks fLoV~t+jyS.M ds Lab. Tenchicians Doctors ls Hkh igys lkjs fo”o esa izFke O;fDr ftlus T;ksfr’k vk/kkj }kjk crk;k fd xk; dks mUgksaus xks”r vkSj dud dh [kqjkd nh gSa vkSj mudh crkbZ xbZ frfFk;ksa ij gh mudks dkVuk] cUn ;k fQj ls dkVuk (slaughter) “kq: fd;k x;kA Mkd ?kj ds izek.k&i=] mudh Hkfo’;okf.k;ksa dh lR;rk dk izek.k nsrs gSa ftuesa Jh oktis;h th] lksfu;k th] vMokuh th] ih- fpnEcje] ykyw th] lat; nÙk] 'kjn iokj] eqds'k vEokuh fjyk;al lewg] ckcjh efLtn dh /oLrrk ds ckn eqEcbZ esa naxs bR;kfnA
oktis;h th dk iz/kkuea=h cuuk o mudh ljdkj dk nksuksa nQk cuuk o mudh ljdkj dk ?kVukØe ls fxjuk] Hkkjr o fo”o esa lu 1999–2000 ds ?kVukØe dk Hkfo’; dFku vHkh rd lR; ik;k x;k gSA os yxkrkj vuqla/kku esa yxs xaHkhj Lukrd gS vkSj ân; jksx] dSUlj] vU/k jksx] fdMuh] cksu&eSjks vkfn fcekfj;ksa dk fcuk nokbZ bykt djrs gSaA blds fy, os T;ksfr’k esa ekuo&eu] izÑfr o inkFkZ ds vkilh leUo; lEcU/kksa dh T;ksfrf’k; vk/kkj dh dM+h ns[krs gSa mudh iqLrd Jh yYyw iqjk.k ¼czã Kku½ fnO; n`f"V ds va”kksa dk ,d ekSfyd eklwe lR; ljy fu"i{k vuqla/kku ds dkj.k lkjs Hkkjr esa cgqr gh ljkgk x;k gSA tks T;ksfr’k }kjk okLrq nks’k fu/kkZj.k o ?kVukØe ls fuf”pr Qfyr esa fcekjh] ijs”kkuh] leL;k dk v{kj{k fu/kkZj.k o xzgksa dh eS=h o nq”euh /kks[ks dh izo`fÙk o vpwd jkgr dh laHkoukvksa dh vn~Hkqr izekf.kd iqLrd gSA mUgsa] LoxhZ; Jh ch-ch- je.k] ,LVªksyksth eSxt+hu cSaxyksj ds eq[; lEiknd us mudh [kkst] ßokLrq dk T;ksfrf"; vk/kkjÞ ij fo/kku lHkk ¼”kkSnk½ cSaxyksj esa fo'odekZ ,okMZ ls lEekfur fd;k x;k gSA dydÙkk lkbal ;wfuoflZVh esa mUgsa ,M~l jksx dh T;ksfr"k esa vytscjhdy fo'ys"k.k o mlds jksx fuj/kkj.k o jksx ds mUewyu ¼jksdFkke½ dh [kkst ij T;ksfr"k&foKkukpk;kZ ls lEekfur fd;k x;kA bu fnuksa muds rhljs iq= Jh xkSjo diwj muds [kkst dk;ksZa esa lgk;rk djrs gSaA mudh psrkofu;ksa dks xaHkhjrk ls u ysuk Hkfo’; esa ,d ew[kZrkiw.kZ ÑR; o vius vkils /kks[kk djuk lkfcr gksxkA
D;k vki tkurs gS fd%& T;ksfr’k foKku crykrk gS fd VwVs csM&ps;j] cUn ?kfM+;ka] gjs jax dh [kkyh “kh”ks ds crZu o dUVsuj] vk/ks&v/kwjs LVspw] VwVk&QwVk o VwVus ds ckn ,e&lhy fd;k “kh”kk] pk;uk dys] feV~Vh dk lkeku] yM+kbZ&>xM+s o mnklh ds n`';ksa] dSys.Mj] xhrklkj&taxyh tkuojksa ds fp= ,oa LVspw] ckt] bZxy ds LVspw&fp=] dkbZ] jsfM;ks] Vh-oh-] Msd [kjkc ;k mudk lkm.M flLVse [kjkc] dSDVl&dkaVsnkj ikS/ks nwljs gfj;kyh okys ikS/kksa ds lkFk ;k rqylh o euhIykaV ds lkFk] jlksbZ@VkW;ysV@ckFk:e lhfs ,d T;ksfr’kh th dk lgk;d muds ijke”kZ ij cuuk i ls dqN yksx tks tyu o dqls bZ’;kZ djus yxsA esjs eu esa iafMr th ds fy, cki ;k xq: ds izfr tks lEeku pkfg, og FkkA tyu dqs tkudkjh Hkh gksrh FkhA 1989 flrEcj esa iafMr th us eq> ls vkÆFkd lek/kku ds :i esa dqN xyr lek/kku djok fn, viuh bZ’;kZ o tyu dks e/; utj j[kdj ftlls ,d nQk fQj esjk vkÆFkd lUrqyu fcxM+ x;kA esjh /keZifRu fcekj jgus yxhA vkSj gj jkst muds ijke”kZ ij u;s lek/kku djrk] vksj T;knk eqlhcr&nq%[k HkksxrkA eSa muds eu ds iki dks le> ugha ik;k FkkA lkSHkkX; ls dqN eghuksa mijkUr tc eSa dksbZ lek/kku djus yxk rks iafMr th ds ijke”kZ ij] muds ,d fe= Jh iksiyh tkyU/kj us eq>ls iwNk fd eSa ;g tks dj jgk gw¡ vius fnekx ls ij[kk gSA D;k eSaus iqLrd yky fdrkc esa bl lek/kku djus dh iz.kkyh o l`tu izfØ;k vkSj lekurk dk fu;e ij ij[kk gSA mlh {k.k esjh vk¡[ksa QVh dh QVh jg xbZ fd ,d fo}ku bZ’;kZ esa fdruk vf/kd vius pfj= ls fxjdj ,d dlkbZ ds :i esa ifjoÆrr gks tkrk gSA ij eq>esa ,d jksekap Hkh iSnk gqvk fd vc esjs lkeus lkjh iqLrd yky&fdrkc gh ugha lkjk T;ksfr’k gh ,d [kqyh&fdrkc gks x;kA feLVj iksiyh /kU;okn ds ik= gSa esjh vk¡[ksa o cqf) [kksyus ds fy,A ekuo
dks fdlh ij vU/k&fo”okl ugha djuk pkfg,] egkHkkjr dk nzkS.kkpk;Z vkt Hkh ftUnk gSA blds ckn eSaus viuk vyx ls Prediction dke “kq: fd;kA rks iafMr th us yYyw o xIih iafMr dk eq> ij vk{ksi dlk& tks vkt bl iqLrd dk uke yYyw&iqjk.k gksus dk dk dkj.k cukA vkSj eSaus viuk miuke yYyw th egkjkt xIih iafMrk rHkh pqu fy;k A /kks[kk] Qjsc] >wB dgus] cksyus] djus dh ltk dqnjr gj balku dks nsrh gSA iafMr th eq>s viuk yM+dk ekurs Fks A vyx gksus ij dksbZ esjs uke Ashoka ds ckjs esa iwNrk] tks fd eSa foKkiu esa nsrk gw¡A iafMr th dgrs Fks fd Ashok esjs yM+ds dk uke gSA izHkq dk vthc QSlyk nsf[k, fd esjh iRuh dh mez ugha gS dk Qfyr dgus okyk viuh iq= o/kq dks 4 ckj Brain Tumour ds operation gksus ls ugha cpk ik;k& vkSj fnlEcj 99 vUr esa og ej xbZA mlh izHkq —ik ls esjh ifRu vkt vLoLFk rks gS] ij vkt Hkh og gekjs ifjokj esa gS ftldh e`R;q dk iafMr th Qfyr nsrs FksA ;gha ij eq>s egkHkkjr ds rhjUnkt+ ,dyO; dh Hkkafr xq: nf{k.kk leiZ.k esa vius vaxqBs ds [kksus dh ihM+k dh rjg] /kueku ;”k o vius ifjokj ds lq[kksa dks [kksus dk nq%[k Hkksxuk iM+kA mlh izdkj jktk tud o mlds fo}kuksa dh lHkk esa osn&iqjk.kksa ds tkudkjksa dh ctk; peM+h ds O;kikjh fo}kuksa ds vëgkl Hkh v"VcØk dh rjg lquus dks feysA lar Kkus'oj dh Hkkafr bu rFkk dfFkr fo}kuksa }kjk cgqr LFkkuksa ij eq>s ihfM+r gksuk iM+kA D;ksafd eq>s nks o nks pkj gh ut+j vk, vU;Fkk dqN ugha vFkkZr lR; dgus esa “keZ ugha eglwl dhA 1992 vxLr esa eq>s Jhefr eYgks=k] dkydk th fnYyh esa ys vkbZ FkhA eSa fnYyh ds ek;ktky ls tkudkj ugha FkkA T;ksfr’k lEesyuksa ds vk;tsdksa] fu.kkZ;dksa] ihBklu ij cSBs fo}kuksa }kjk Ny] diV] ik[k.M] i{kikr iw.kZ O;ogkj& fcuk fdlh Bksl vk/kkj ij dqN xyr ckr lkekftd rkSj ij dguk& vkSj nwljksa dk ew[kZrk iw.kZ vuqeksnu djuk Bhd ugha yxkA lPpkbZ dks lkeus ykuk esjs }kjk budks dHkh
Hkh :pk ugha& ftlds dkj.k bu yksxksa us ihM+k igq¡pkus esa dHkh Hkh deh ugha dhA T;ksfr’k lEesyuksa esa] eSa ukHkk fnYyh vusdksa LFkku tks/kiqj] ¼nqxZ&fHkykbZ½ cEcbZ mMqih ¼nf{k.k½ p.Mhxs le> ugha vk;k] fdlh Hkh vU; xkS= eSa tUe gksus ls eSa ;k vU; dksbZ Hkh cjkg fefgj dh ewaN dk cky cu tk,xk\ ,d vU; MkW0 T;knk /ku vius ihfM+r xzkgdksa ls ,saBus ds xq.k dks tkuuk pkgrs gSA vusdks uke o psgjs gS ij vk/kkj Hkwr ogh iz”u gS ywVus dh izfØ;k dkA Jh xkS: fr:i{kh jSMM~ h vkU/kz okLrq lans”k esa T;ksfr’k Qylwpd gS] QynkbZ ugha] mudk ekuuk xyr gSA cgqr ls cqf)cknh deZ ds fl)kar ds ekuus ds ckotwn&lek/kku ugha ekursA D;ksa\ D;k mUgsa
dk irk gS& “kk;n fcYdqy ugha ¼eka½ ekark gh mldk izFke :i gS& lek/kku ;k jkgr dh A dqN lky igys Jh ukjk;.k nÙk ekyh rkaf=d us ikuhir esa nks lky yxkrkj 108 dq.Mh;s ;K fd,A n”kdks fdyks “kq) ?kh ¼”kqؽ /kjrh ¼”kqؽ ij tyk ;teku ds LFky igys lky ;K ds ckn ;teku dh iRuh dks Breast Cancer gks x;k] nwljs lky mldh Breast dkV nh xbZA 108 dq.Mksa dh vfXu ls “kqØ ty x;k] vxj ;g ;K /kkÆed LFky ij gksrk rks “kqHk o jkgr nsrkA ¼eaxy&”kqؽ nwljs LFkku esa pUnz cu tkrk gSA vkt rd T;ksfr’k leqnk; ,slk dksbZ mfpr LFkku ugha cuk ik;k& ;gka ij lR;&fl)kar dk vk/kkj gks] D;k csclh gS ftlds eu esa tks vkrk gS lkekftd :i ls dg nsrk gS pkgsa lekt esa fdruh f[kyh mM+saA tc rd rkaf=d panzkLokeh arrest ugha gq, Fks lSdM+ksa cM+s&cM+s T;ksfr’kh&rkaf=d lEesyuksa esa muds ikao Nwdj vk”khZokn ysrs Fks ij ckn esa D;k fdlh us mudks dkjkxkj ls ckgj fudyokus ds fy, dksbZ lk/kuk dh A yk[kksa dh la[;k esa T;ksfr’kh&rkaf=d&o deZdkMh gS D;k fdlh us Hkh lfjrk fgUnh if=dk esa Nis okLrq ik[kaM dk iqryk vU; deZdkUMh ys[kksa dk fojks/k D;ksa ugha fd;k] D;ksafd bu rFkk dfFkr fo}kuksa dk lfjrk dk lkeus djus ds fy, ne ugha gSA D;k Jh [kq”koUr flag th ds okLrq fojks/kh ys[kksa dk bUgksaus fojks/k fd;kA U;k; laxr rdZ fn;kA dqN egksn; tks cqf)thoh oxZ ls vFkkZr~ I.C.S. ;k P.C.S. lsok eqDr vf/kdkjh ;k Session Judge odhy] vkjdhVSDV] MkWDVj bR;kfn& okLrq o T;ksfr’k O;olk; esa vk x, gS& os vkSj Hkh T;knk [krjukd lkfcr gq, gSA gSjkuh gS rks bl ckr dh Jherh bfUnjk xk¡/kh ifjokj ;k cPpu ifjokj bu yksxksa dks dSls >sy ikrk jgk gksxk “kk;n vU/kksa esa dkus jktk dh rjgA T;ksfr’k&okLrq fo’k; dks tks “kq) foKkud vk/kkj gS& vxj ;g osnkax gS] rks osn Lo;a foKku ds LrEHk gS mu ij iwtkikB ;k deZdkaM dk culture nsdj fo’k; dks ljyhdj.k laf{kIrhdj.k] xksifu;rk dk vk/kkj ysdj ,d ne [kks[kyk dj fn;k gSA fof”k’V T;ksfr’k laLFkk,a Hkh bl fo’k; ij mnklhu gSaA Concept of Remedy
gtkjksa lkyksa ls lhrk ¼yM+dh½ ihfM+r gS xzg ;ksx lsA D;k geus feyku dks vkt ds ;qx ds vuqdwy vk/kqfud vk/kkj ls ns[kk gSA ugha vkt “kknh gksrh gS lIrkg&eghus Hkj esa rkykd dh izfØ;k vkjEHk gksrh gSA D;k T;ksfr’kh lekt ds izfr mÙkjnk;h ugha gSA fof/k ds fo/kku dks T;ksfr’k }kjk le>uk vkSj RFk;ksa dks e/; ut+j j[kdj mlh vuq:i ftKklq dks tkudkjh nsuk vfr vko”;d gSA lksus ds fiatjs esa jgus okys dqN yksxksa rd lgh T;ksfr’kh dh Hkh igq¡p ugha gksrhA vkSj ;g oxZ Hkh /ku cy ij lHkh dqN bPNkuq:i djus dks rRij jgrk gSA pkgs ckn esa fdruk Hkh uqdlku D;ksa u gksA fo’k; dks xaHkhjrk ls ysuk vfr vko”;d gSA bUgha lc ckrksa dks ysdj eSua s ;g iqLrd vius O;fDrxr vuqHkoksa ij fy[kh esjk ;g nkok gS fd tks Hkh O;fDr bldks ckj&ckj is dkQh vuqla/kku djus esa enn dh] bu lHkh dk eSa gkÆnd vkHkkjh gw¡A
eSa Jh ds-ds- jk/kk —".k th] (,f';u VSyhfyadl o muds LVkQ dk vfr vkHkkjh gw¡ ftUgksaus bl iqLrd dks fudkyus esa esjh enn dh gSA ije iwTkuh; Jh csnkUrkuUn th egkjkt] laLFkkid ikou&/kke gfj}kj }kjk cpiu esa cqf) fodkl ds fy, ;kn djok,a tSu] Lrks=] Jh Hkdrkej Lrks= 25 lwDr dk ifj.kke vkids lkeus mifLFkr gSA
& v’kksdk diwj
Budast Mev Budi Bodaat Tavam Shankaro Aasi, Buvantrey Shanker Tavaat. Dhatta Asi Dheer Shiv Marg, Vidhear Viddanath Viaktam Tavmev Bhagwan Parshatomo Asi. Shri Bhaktamber Jain Strota, 25 Namasya Sarv Bhootanam-Jeevanam, namasya Sarv Brahma Gian Giata, Gianam Sharnam Gocchami, Satayam Sharnam Gacchami, Budus-Lallu Sharnam Gocchami. Respected Bramah Gian Giata, Accept my Sashtang Purnaam all of you. It is all due to your goodness kindness to me Besides of Mother-Nature-Prakriti and its Aura, knowledge gifted to me. To understand Truth & knowledge, I do take shelter of Budus innocents and as Budaas (wise) are too wise expose that (with apologise to Lord Budha). Being youngest to all of you in education research and unaware of traditions, I do apologise if finding comes out not accord to your taste and standard, but please allow me to avail the privilege to put the same based on the lines lay down the
great master Bramhleen Pt. Roop Chand Joshy of Pharwala Distt. Jalandhar. Once Rishi Narda went to Lord Shiva’s Residence and Lord Shiva respected Rishi and called Bhagwati Parvati to bring fruits for Rishi and as the rishi went under Dhianam and having no response from the inner of the house, Lord again called, then Rishi calmed the Lord saying that Bhagwati is Digambra (naked) bathing in the river Ganga. Lord got angry on this but keeping decency he kept quite and went on talking this or that after a few minutes Lord Shiva again called Bhagwati to bring some fruit for Rishi. Having no reply from inner of house, Rishi who was in Dhianam told ‘O, Shiva be calm, Bhagwati came out of River Ganga in Digambra and water in Shahasar Dhara (in hundred thousand of drops) felling on her breast from her hair. At the moment Lord could not control himself and cursed the Rishi Narda or Bhrigu the 1st Astrologer of the world, O, You, Rishi How innocent (Lallu) you are? You speak so truthfully- what you Enlighten, in future it is a curse on your society. Whenever you speak truth, nobody will care, and when you will speak a lie, you will be called the Lallujee Maharaj the Gappipanditta.” So I one of them is present at your service.
Destiny is destined on the moment any native being conceived by the relevant mother. Again the deeds of nativerelevant mother and father and other relative concerned’s past, present and future deeds do effects the native’s destiny. All have to be considered for study and considerations, alongwith the environment of the conception place. As a plane destined to reach Jammu change his routs to Shimla, having climate aspect, injucked, on any call from the ground control-room etc. Astrology is based on our deeds-actions i.e. Karmas i.e. as you sow, sow shall you reap and to study the same we have to see its accordance with spirit ManMind-Nature-Environment-Aura and the Matter. Most of Guru-Jan do ignore their relevance. Before I proceed further, I may point out that modern Society do ignore the precious Mahauratta to conceive for coming generations, which in old Times, even orthodox uneducated folk of villages do observe for even the breeding of animals even and ThatToday still. History speaks the Great Mother Maharani Jeja Bhai had suffered delivery
pains for some more hours/days, so that Shiva Jee Maratha should become a great warrior instead of Luttera on the advise of Family Guru, Saint Samrathdasji. Janam-Lagan chart is a mirror/map which tells how and when the certain events will take place and how we can check them, in advance or how to change its directions from worst to positive and vice-versa. Events took place, when concerned native time and place (all relevant) joins hand and in Astrology Janam-Chart and Transit Gochra should speak alongwith the native symbolically creats the same in the house. Mother-Nature have so much computerised minute accurate scale to balance our past deeds that it never fails in implementations of its with effects and years before its starts its working on the lines-the events/things have turned into actually happen or form. We got help to come out safely from the worst effects, in case we had done good deeds towards others, which in Janam Charts represents the AspectCombinations of Mars-Venus-Saturn in any house or Jupiter in the 8th house-
what may be the Lagna. The day we become able to study the relevance of Spirit-Man-Mind-MotherNature-Environment-Aura and the Matter and got practical awareness of its conversation into required desired process-how we will be in position to check Melafic what it may be. Swami Vivekananda had given us very detailed information about Aura. In Premyoga, and its effects on humanity. Recently, Science & Technology, Delhi, told the public that Suryagrehan is only Mythology and does not effect one’s life and climate. It had been challenged by me any two scientist should conceive a child in this and face the results and confirm the same to people and you see it had affected in the world and till today, no Scientist of the Country World dare to face the same. You see the aspect of Saturn and Rahu even written on the paper gives the melafic aspects. Mythology had been created to educate the common man in the easier way, neither the sages were the Scientist which even modern times scientist could not even imagine.
16. Mythology lies in ‘OM NAMO SHIVAY’ is as under to put flowers to Shivlingam is to respect your Parenthood. 17. To put milk on, or milk & water on lingam is to check the stress and obstacle of Saturn bath with milk because the lingam is of a stone and stone is Saturn, so the person suffering from Saturn should bath with milk, touching the same to nine gates of body and head. 18. Thirdly it is advised to wash the Parikarma of the Lingam. It means if you are under presumed fear depression and quick wit lost, dust-dirty water keep your surrounding clean. 19. Maintain purity of relations with opposite sex other than your life partner. 20. Astrology is Enlightenment and could achieve chanting any Naam-Shabad and adopting truth through mind, body and actions and it is a science based on facts. The Science of Astrology is purely the Science of Environment with the relevance of Man Mind-Matter and Nature. Astrology is the mother root of all sciences. 21. LORD CHRIST SAY’S KNOCK THE DOOR, IT WILL OPENED, DESIRE HIGHEST IT WILL BE ALLOTTED TO YOU. No misfortune will occur until-unless you do creats construct similarity of misfortune articles in your possessions
which your Birth-Chart and transits of planets also do speaks, all the three have to reconcile representing the same. Laws of similarity and process of permutation. BANANA TREE NOT CARED WHEN A THORNEY PLANT PLANTED NEARBY. Sun represent father self govt. official, reputation. Mercury-Breath-Steps-Stairs, Movement, Knowledge, Girl, Plant, Greenery. Rahu-Cavity, Hallow, Fraud, Cloud, Shadow, Dust, Dirty Water, Fear, Depression-Thorn. Saturn-Stone, Obstacles, Stress, Meat, Cunningness, Intoxication, Drugs. Jupitor-Prayer, Blessing, Holy, Goodness, Advise, Guideline, Prestiage. Moon-Mind, Mother, Peace of mind, Milk, Water, Silver. Mars Fire Power Brother-Brotherhood, Protection. Venus-Beauty-Creations, Art, Venus, Lady, Cotton, Pureghee, Cow, Women. Ketu-Status, Son, Disciple, Kidney, Backache, Urinal Parts, Leg, Stone Disease, Bed-Chair
21-a. To understand, we should look the representation of the word ‘Durbhagyashalli’ who moves dust with His/her feet while walking. It has similarity in VaastuDust on Steps of Stairs, Toilet below Stairs. Elgy, Empty Green Glass Wares, Sleeveless Statues VENUS, Watches non working, Cactus Thorney Plant with Tulsi or Money Plant Greenery, Business Partnership with in-laws, Birds-animal hunting, Birds Caging Meat-BeefChicken-Egg eating, Smoking Sex indulgenses with different partner. 21-b. What will be results just see, Barrenness, Isolation, Splitation, Separation, Destructions, Jungle, Mental tension Mad, Anxiety, Hospitalisation, Jail, Court Involvement, Ignored, Neglected, Divorce, Drug Addict, Daughter and Daughter-in-laws disturbed, Business factory failed uprooted, Heart attack with anxietyDepression unactivity, Handicap LulaLangda, Controlled Dimenssiones of Rise-working, Downfall, Rape, AIDS, Sacrifice for others and feeding of Masaans. Bones and Ashes of Dead being fed an act of witchcraft and total loss of Peace of Mind.
AIDS It defines in Astrology Budh - Girl (lady) Passage Path (way) movement repeated, again and again. Rahu - Mischief-Cavity-Urine So Bud - RAHU (Passage of urine), (Yoni) Mischief with sex, (Bud-Rahu) Repeatedly Mischief with fair sex by the different persons. (Bud Bud Rahu-Bud Rahu Bud Rahu) Bud-Rahu (Vomiting-rejection by the passage of Urine-Yoni, as it is not accustomed to certain chemicals of different semens it observe from different persons engage in Mischief (Sex) Results Budh-Rahu i.e. Isolation-SplitationSeparate Death Mental Tension-Hospitalisation, Court involvement and Jail). 21-c.
In Britain Cows become Mad-Cow it effected as they were feed with the Meat with Wheat. When Sun saturn aspect, Venus is in trouble cow represent Venus. Venus is ladies, womenkind slaughtering of cows will put word womenkind only in Dictionery under the law of similarity. It will surprise most of you that I had been the 1st person that too before the Medical Science of Switzerland who diagnosed the cause of the Mad-Cow based on the principles of the LalKitab of Astrology.
21-d. Same had been informed to Respected Sunil Duttji from the birth-chart of Shri Sanjay Dutt and his grand daughter’s birth-chart in a serials of 17 letters postal evidence do speeks. Postal evidence also do speaks about M/s Sharad Pawar, Arjun Singh, Advaniji, Mukesh Ambani of Reliance, Bhajanlal, Sudhakar Naik and Mr. Rao
the Prime Minister before time from the birthchart of due events informed. 21-e. We had not paid any due consideration to the cunning notorious lady Fox Mercury the most dreadful in all the planets-whenever it joins hand with Mars and Rahu or the both combined or aspect them creats bloodshed, fire storms and destructions irrespective of the houses. Though in 2nd, 5th and 11th it gives excitement, yet reverse tension and misfortune is equally have its share. 22.
Mercury in 3rd, 8th, 9th and 12th; Rahu in 1,5,7,8, 11th houses or combined except in 11th all the others 11 houses causes Destruction, Seperation, Splitation, Death, Mental-Mental Tensions, Court-Involvement-Imprisonment.
Rahu-the cloud, dust, shadow demoralisation and cavity in 2nd and 11th houses gives threat of life-weapon and Monetry losses, alongwith names of Fraud Bribes etc. and Saturn in 2nd and 3rd also gives losses which could be checked having a silver solid ball of 4 gm around neck or at arm.
Mars transit over Ketu- Paralysis blood-loss of Redcell disease of yarkaan (poolia) etc. (helplenness) Budha Mars aspect-combinationtransit (over Ketu) gives Hypertension, opposition, finance problem, obstacle paralysis, which can be checked.
During transit when saturn visits sixth house or in birth-charts t is in 6th house it gives true/false blames, insult and demoralisations alongwith loss of rank etc.
26. Recently, when saturn was in capricorn and acquarius and was in the sixth house of Mr. Rajiv, Mr. V.P. Singh and the present Prime Minister Mr. Rao faced as above said. 27. Saturn and Rahu whenever visits eight house or aspect each other in any house creats obstacles, fatal accident and misfortune, irrespective of houses. 28. Sun-Saturn-Rahu and Jupitor or one any planet in 10th houses causes stress, Mental-tensions, Depressions and Maigrain and their aspects on 4th house and moon. 29. Heart and Head Lines chained, broad and broken in hand also shows the same. 30. Bath with milk and light shade cap-pagree-scrafchunri on head during day time definately check the same Pure Silver Kavach (Kada) one pc. positively help except when the Moon is in 10th. No doubt moon stone and pearl in silver is mostly recommended. 31. Mercury in 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 11th and 12th makes a man rigid, blunt, out spoken, irritative-agitative. To check it nose may be punched and threaded for 100 hours from centre for men and from left for ladies alongwith a copper ring on ring fingure for Mercury in 5th and 11th house and; a steel ring in little finger for mercury in 3rd-8th and 12th check the melafic from life. 32. Rahu in 4th house makes a person to lose quick wit and saturn in 10th makes him a blind-undecisive to solve day to day problems. He will have to Septike
Tank & confusion pictures
33. Ketu in 8th and 10th and saturn’s aspect-transit on Ketu in any house gives unstability, urine kidney, sugar, backache problems, race for lively-hood children not caring, not responsive abortions, life and health of children in danger (venus ketu and venussun again sugar alike problems and Mars-venusvenus Rahu-Bleeding and ladies problems. Stone Dana-fring in silver ring in ring figure; definately helps. Jalparvah of Geru in River checks bleeding-khooni piles etc. and Jalparrah of wooden coal checks dry piles and pinching grumbling irritative state of mind). Jalfarvash of Super also help in Nose bleedingbleeding of Piles & Body Dysentry. 34. Aspect-combination of Sun-Rahu and Mercury gives Govt. Raids, punishment, life danger demoralisation a like aspect-combination of Saturn-Sun again demoralisation and eye sight problems can not be ruled out. When Sun Saturn aspects combine themselves-Venus become disturbed so then light and air comes from the south side finance and the health of ladies and the family pleasure disturbed (congual bliss). Sun Saturn aspect and combinations also gives eye sight problem and colour blindness. Aspect and combination of Mercury and Jupitor makes a native useless and devalued creature in life. 35. Aspect of Mar’s on Rahu helps to check melafic, but Rahu’s aspect transit on Mars gives Fire-Flame Bloodshed etc. cheating also. 36. Girdle of venus, broken-chained in hand and SunMercury-Venus Combined and adjacent houses makes a person indulges in self abuses. And in 8th house again a fatal Accidental Murdered Death even in Day time. While taking positive turns (actionsdeeds-precautions) one can rise to the heights of Swami Vivekananda and other Great Master of Art and Literature.
37. Again the above combination in Birth Chart and Broken-Chained girdle of venus ill-formed alongwith stoping head line at the mount of moon with a cross or Saturn mounts gives suicidal mania and having aspect of Mars and Rahu death due to Fire. 38. Mercury with Mars in any house or aspect of them in above mentioned houses; in hand stiff and forming narrow angle of Thumb with Jupitor finger with clubbed nails of the fingers-thumb gives murderous instinct. 39. Evil Spirits and “Najjar Lagna” is not only effective when you are under the Melafic influences of MercuryMars and Rahu, and who could cause you-only those are having the combinations of Mercury and Mars alongwith Kanna, Langra, Widow-Widower and persons deprived of children and not all as we do fear (Feeding Sweet Tandori Roti to dogs and Ashairwad of widow could help to come out of it).
40. So now Vastu the Science of Construction and Desigun is also the part of Astrology, your goodness will realise in further details. 41. World’s ‘THE SUPER VASTUKAR’ is a Bird called ‘BHAAYA BIJRA’. Whose House is you do find hanging on the branches of a tree even in storms, rains, winds uneffected. 42. Adopting simple rules of the Vaastu, you can convert, change you path of life into Fortunate, Happy, Healthy, Prosperous, you may do have even Hundred and one yogas of misfortune in your janam-chart and hand prints. So the remote control of your fate lies in your own hand and your positive action and positive thinking. 43. Let me come to my point Vaastu’s principals.
South should be highest, West should be high and North-Northeast-East should be kept open. No construction of building is recommended and it must be lower. 44. Preference should be given to North-East and West facing gate and it should be kept in mind south facing gate should be avoided, if not possible then the above mentioned South-West must be kept higher than North-Northeast and East. 45. No fire, fire articles, generating system should be below stairs and in North East and in all cases it should be in South-East Neither the daughters and daughter in-laws of the family will be disturbed and there will ladies life burn cases in the family suicidal cases in the family. Even fuel items and generating systems below stairs or toilet, bath-room also makes the lives of the family worst possible for the coming generations too. 46. Water pump must be in North-East neither South West create fire daily and suicidal and fear for children. North-west fear for ladies. Over head water storeage can be made North-west on roof, but in square tank. Only in South-west high and heavy articles should be kept. 47. If your house is near the Politician Govt. Official house money and other problems, Nearer the four cross, you will face insult. Near wicked one
problems, Nearer the four cross, you will face insult. Near wicked one children will be spoiled near peepal and thorney plant evilspirits will work and any dig hallowness will creat thrust and house like a ball will make loss of money. 48. Most drastic dragon affects we do have in modern civilisation is septik tank in the building, result in quick wit lost, Business fails, all round Problems, Lever and Kidney (Urinary)diseases along with the problem of ground water becoming unfit for human consumptions. Day’s are not for away when pure water will be sold in 100gm pouches. 49. No round water tank and pumps should be below stairs neither the heart-trouble-coma-paralysis like affects in the family. Pillars of iron and wood on and also roofs on well-pump and constructions on it will causes mental tensions or mad. Beams must be parrelel to the entries of the house. 50. House constructed 3 sides makes the owner and the family members lame and handicap. 51. Construction without kaccha space means ladies and finance trouble. 52. Handpump and well dry means loss of peace of mind. Income resources are curtailed. 53. Cracks in barreness.
54. Iron Jungla on roof for sunlight means-health risk to ladies and problems to the couple who has saturn and sun combination or aspects- reason might be mind or body. Are you aware what are the reasons we find our modern times ladies are more prone to
separation and bent to take divorce and abortions. Evidence says that Maharani Britain had been services offered to avert the separation of Charles & Princess Diana, regrets it had been not cared by her Majesty. The main cause of separation, loneliness is that in Modern Times people tries to have full sun light and prefer south facing buildings and it causes so in results, reason may be mind or body or any other reasons for separation-conjual bliss and finance suffer. 55. Broken beds, chair means urinary problems. Children not in say and your rank seat is going to be uprooted childrens are not caring not responsive and their life and health in risk and abortions. 56. Furnase under ground and on the roof and filling the digs and pitches underground with the burnt clay red and black of furnaces or of quilns make the house agnikunda for dwelers. 57. Broken crack, mirrors, glass and crockery wares clay pots, jungle items, sceneries containing war scenes also make your life hyper-tension prone. 58. When Saturn is in 1st, 3rd, 5th, 6th, 8th, 10th and 11th houses constructions should not be done. Here you see, when Saturn was in the six house of Mr. Rajiv, Mr. V.P. Singh and Mr. Rao all had faced Eligations. heavy constructions and machinery all must be kept in South and South-west side. No constructions and other functions should be doneon any lunar dates 4th, 9th and 14th of Shukal and Krishna Paksha, neither their will be problems and the jobs done will result in misfortune.
59. PURE GHEE JYOTI Natives having SUN MERCURY-VENUS or VENUS MARS-SUN MARS-VENUS, SUN-VENUS, SATURN VENUS combinations-aspects and continuously performing Pure Ghee Jyoti in the house and also in the North-East directions will face Finance Problems and Trouble to the ladies of the house. Please, for God Sake perform it in the community temple, instead of the house. Though you can do on Navratri-Festivals-Days and BirthDays and only in the South-east conrner of house or the rooms where it has been to be lighten. 60. In Dec. 92-93, three was fire in Bombay (Fire in the Sea) Why-How? All due to Melafic-aspects of Mars and Rahu i.e. due to the theft of electricity ä
Loss of Vitality-Impotency-Cowardness.
Quarrel with Brothers & Brotherhood.
Cheating, Name of Cheating, Fraud, Theft and Fear.
Militancy, Gondagardi, Police Police unresponsive. Fire, blasts etc.
Bloody Accident-Operations, Piles, Paralysis, B.P. up and down Heart-attack, Hypertension, Cancer, Blood Cancer, Tumour-Handicap and all drastic affects. Be vigilant if you see all the TIMES AND HEAR MELODY SCENES AND SONGS you will face the same situations.
Excessiveness Bomb
In Jan. ’95 Miss Bindra admitted in a bombay hospital for mental tensions. In birth there was no
sign and doctors could not found any signs symptoms of madness, I was called and also not able to trace out, but at the moment I had to take leave from the family, luckily, I found a electric wire behind the clock frame having the picture of Shree Harimandir Sahib-in centre a clock and lights off and on, on the clock, with a electric operatus and the picture of Sh. Guru Goving Singh Ji and below the clock the symbol of Sikhism Talwar and Dhaal. And you see on lighting the operators, the Baby go mad and family indulge actually in war due to the aspects of the same the picture was hanged at the North East Corner which was wrong incase we have to install any such crual scenery that should be installed only at South East or South Corner. Clock represent (Mercury)–daughter. Electric (PowerMars) off and on of light–Rahu in–in results (Budh Mangal–Rahu–Anger-Depression & Anxiety). 61. In Panipat, a family presented a scenery of war among two soldiers on the back of a elephant and 5 on the grounds having arrowed Iron sticks in there hand. The only son of the family met the same fate and he had been hit in his bed room, where the photo installed, and died after two yrs. being remained in coma. 62. An Engineer of Bombay consulted me at Delhi having the combinations of Sun-Mars and Rahu, I asked, are you working in heat and furnase. He confirmed and you see his last employer at Japan presented him a Momento having a man’s head in the mouth of a lion. A young lady at Delhi consulted me at Delhi having combination of Sun-Mars-Mercury-Venus-Rahu, on asking about the symbol she do have, she denied. On repeatedly my insistance she found in her bed
room a poster presented to her by her boy friendBeauty and the Beast. 63. KUNDLINI JAAGRAN Enlightenemnt etc. so likewise, persons having ketu in the 9th house only capable to remove the Melafic-To cure your ailments and to bless you to fulfil your desires and also to give you effective purposeful Talismans-Tabeej and Yantra, and not all the saints and holy person. Though people having Jupitor and Ketu one or both in 2nd-9th or Jupitor in 4th and Ketu in 5th and 9th and Mercury in second and 5th, 6th also could perdict and forsee the future events in advance, without the knowledge of Astrology and its allied subjects. It do comes to even common man but with establishing purity of mind-heart body and action and speech. No doubt naam (shabda) simmrin often opens the doors of Enlightenment, it may be MaraaMaraa instead of Rama-Rama refer Rishi Patanjali Rajyoga (Satya Partishtayan_____). 64. From hands it revelas from Medical Stagima (IIIII) on the mount of Mercury, Ring of Solomon on Jupitor mount and Sloping head lines towards mount of moon, with mystic cross between head and heart lines and line of intution gives enlightenment. 65. HOW TO CHECK MELAFIC Our predecessors had lay down certain principles for us to absorve to check melafic of lifes. 65-a. Any timely help made to sufferers of Society with Medicine or any help ease one’s path also Except they should not have any combination of Jupitor in 10 House and Moon on Saturn in 4th house.
Ganga-Snan, Long Journey also cut short your problems as efforts to visit for Ganga Snan or Long Journey comes under Mars and Ganga Water at Haridwar comes under Moon (Water) Haridwar-a Holy Place is Jupitor. So in results, the conclusion comes any DrugsHerbs and Stones Metals who represent JupitorMars and Moon will definately could Cure Cancer, Aids, like serious diseases and to over come any problem of life cause by the Mars-Mercury and Rahu etc. GAU-GRASS One must serve the following animals birds from his meals whenever possible or may be daily. To Cows : For prosperity and family pleasures To Crows : For livelihood and monetary gains To Dogs : For childrens pleasure,reputations and status and to achieve all over prosperity in life. TAREELOHI KABACHA Tareelohi Mudrikaanen Manunaa Sadhu Saadhitaa, Karittaya Daroha Dishmani, Sarvviadhi Vinashni Sarv Sampatprada Niatayam Sarv Vashayakari Mattaa. A ring made of equal weights wires of gold, silver and copper over lapped each other like a rope
representing Jupitor Sun-Mars and Moon and wearing it checks all Melafics of lives. 66. In the last, my Gurujan and my friends please quide consultant to let they remain residence as-residence for peace-prosperity and development and not as temple and jungles and museum.
YAA KHUDA WEH JYOTISH KA GIAN NAHEE WOH TO BRAHM GIAN HOO GIYA So, these are my humble submission for your kind considerations. Let us think the “Lallu” way.
SIGNIFICATIONSOF PLANETS & THEIR COMBINATIONS Extract from the Lallu Puran–The Bramh-Gian The Dwine Enlightenment Innocent-approach to Astrology & Vastu
Based on Process of Permutation & Laws of Similarity
uhps fy[ks xzgksa dk dq.Myh ds dqN Houses esa gksus ij izHkko vyx&vyx ik;k x;k gS vkSj dqN xzgksa ds ;ksxksa dk dqN viuk egRoiw.kZ ¼vFkZ½ [kkst esa ns[kus esa vk;k gS tks T;ksfr’k izsfe;ksa ds fy, fnypLih dk fo’k; gksus ds dkj.k izLrqr gSA
x`g ----
[kkuk ua0
“kfu “kfu
.....10.... ......6.....
vDy dk vU/kk viuk twrk viuk flj] csbTtrh Master of Field ukeh f[kykM+h czãKkuh rFkkLrq (Power of Relief & Blessing)
p0”k0] p0jk0] p0cq0] p0ea0 p0”kq0jk0 c`0”k
nnsZ fny] gzn; jksx] izse ihfM+r eu gjkeh] gqatrk wyk ¼vU/kjax½ gLVhfj;k dh fcekjh] vke cq[kkj] Prolapse of Anas & Uterus ¼xq)k o ;wfVjl dk Normal Function Automatic u gksukA O;kikj esa ckj&ckj :dkoV O;kikj dh fdLe o O;kikj ds LFkku dh rcnhyh] fo|k esa :dkoV] pØO;wg] Hkwy&HkwyS;k pkSjLrk] tkSgM+] ?kcjkgV] ijs”kkuh] Engina Pain ¼ân; nnZ½] lkal esa :dkoV] ikZuk] Hkkx tkuk] o`) gksuk ;k lw[k tkukA GAY leySafxd] Acids, Pesticides (Deep-high-extreme) Drug Addict] [kqljkA gLr&eSFkqu] Self abuse. dUMe] dUMkse ¼fujks/k½] ukeqjkn] I;ksn] fu;ksx] nRRd iq=] Artificial Insemination grafting, dtZ Debts] ;wVjl dk [kq'd jguk] (lsDl izfdz;k vUrxZr izkd`frd yqojhds'ku u gksuk)] ngha dk tkequ] [kkuk oksnks'k ftIlh] Bega Bond, vkokjk] “ka[k] mtM+k peuA
eaxy&cq)&jkgw Astro Term for Computer (Positive) Astro Term for Obstacles in Computer as Love Virus etc. (Mars-Mercury & D. Head) Negative. ä
iqfyl pSd iksLV ¼:dkoV½] Some defects in electric
wiring. Electronic/Eletric appliances are at wrong side i.e. or at North east. eysfj;k o E;knh cq[kkj Fever Typhoid. Defected Defected Wiring. ä
fcYyh dk E;kÅ¡] “kgn dh eD[kh] ePNj o fcPNq dk
dkVukA Air Crash-Train & Bus Accident, Death in Heavy Numbers, Riots. ¼lHkh cM+s o NksVs mRikrksa dk dkjd ;ksx] Hkwpky] rwQku] vfXu&dkaM&vkxt+uh½ Poisioneous Drug] xkyh&xyksp] /kDdk&eqDdh] ukeqjkn] Piles. [kwu&is'kkc ds jksx] Cancer.
ea0&cq0&ds0 ikxy dqÙks dk dkVuk] Spokesman, izoDrk] to raise a point/or objection, cgl] odkyr] vQokg QSykuk] Cancer vxj ea0cq0jk0 ¼ds½ ij 'kfu dh n~f"V rks fdMuh Failure o vylj
lq0&“k0&ea0&ds0 Chicken Pox fcekjh Bone Marrow, Anthrax,
Iysx] fdMuh ds jksxA
lq0&ea0&jk0 jktxíh ls vinL; ;k jktk dh dSn esa jktk] mPp tkfr] jktnjckj ;k ljdkjh ekU;rk izkIr ifjokj ls lEcU/k] M.P., M.L.A., Minister, I.G., D.I.G., Commander.
ea0”kq0jk0 ;k ea0”kq0 ;k cq0“kq0 ij jkgw dk Cross Miscarriage - Rape [Inter caste/Religion N.R.I. (Foreigner ls “kknh@Sex lEcU/k½] Rape ;k I;kj&
“kq0&ea0&jk0&”k0&Ck`0 &
lq0&'k0&ea0&jk0 &
eqgCcr esa ?kj ls Hkkxuk ¼uksV% pj jkf”k ¼1-4-7-10 jkf”k½ esa budk ;ksx gksa rks 100% lgh½ æksinh phjgj.k o Hkxoku Ñ’.k dk le; ij ykt cpkuk] ¼j{kk djuk ¼Protection nsuk½ dlkbZ] tYykn Fish/Pig/Poulry Farming, House/dsUlj vylj
cq0&'kqq0&p0&jk0 & Serrogate Mother cq0&'kq0&ds0 ;k (jk0) & lf[k;ksa esa dkUg cq0&'kq0&c`0 (ds) jk& vkSjrksa dk xq: lq0&e0&cq0] e0&cq0&jk (ds) Pronography
D;k ge fuEu dk;Z Bhd dj jgs gSa%& I;kj&eqgCcr fnu ds le;] jfr lq[k fnu ds le;] ehV (Saturn) ds lkFk xsgwa (Sun) inkFkZ dnkfi u [kk;sa] ugha rks x`g
y{eh ¼iRuh&x`gLFkh½ o /ku y{eh nksuksa gh u’V gksxh o Brain ds cq[kkj dh fcekjh mRiUu gksxhA Mad Cow Diseases bR;kfn gksaxsA vki ns[ksaxs tc Hkh czãkaM esa lw;Z&”kfu dk cross-aspectcombination gksrk gSA fo”o ls bl fcekjh ds QSyus ds lekpkj feysaxs] T.V., ij ns[kus “kq: gks tkrs gSaA (Sun-Saturn Astro Terms) eSM dkmt+] ,uFkZDl] cMZ¶yw] fnekxh cq[kkj] xyk ?kksVwA xys esa rqylh&:nzk{k dh ekyk ;k lk/kw&lar xq:&egkjkt o ;fr guqeku th o egkHkxorh nwxkZ ¼oS’.kks½ ekrk th dk ykWdVs x`gLFkh dks “kqHk ugha D;ksafd xys esa iguus ls ;g oSjkX; iSnk djrs gSaA
cq/k xzg& rqylh ikS/kk] xksy (Round) dU;k eka nqxkZ&life, lkal dU;k dk izrhd gS
jkgw& lqjk[k] deh] I;kl] mnklh] fujysiA eka nqxkZ o guqeku nksuksa oSjkX; esa gSa] ;fr&lrh gS] ifo= vkSj ikou gSaA lk/kqvksa us rHkh rqylh&:nzk{k iguk rkfd mldk eu izHkq fpUru o /;ku esa yxsA x`gLFkh Mkysxk rks mls Hkh oSjkX; gksuk “kq: gks tk,xkA vFkkZr Deathachment gksxhA
c`gLifr&’kqØ xq:& ’kqØ&
iwtkikB LFkku ¼efUnj½ xq:nkjk&mnklh Sex ikfjokfjd thou&/kunkSyr
eq¡g esa jke&jke@vk¡[kksa esa b”d&Sex. Double Faced Man
efUnj ds vgkrs esa&Family Bed room
‘’kqØ& c`0’kq0&
ä ä
ä ä
Bed room esa efUnj o vius bZ’V xq: vkfn ds
fp=] lk/kw&lk/kfD;ksa ds fp= “kfu eDdkjh dk dkjd gSA vxj ,slk dksbZ djrk gS rks u rks Hkxoku gh feysaxs vkSj u gh nqfu;k ds lq[k] mYVk larku Hkz’V gksuh “kq: gksxh] Bed room esa ekrk&firk dk fp= Hkh ugha pkfg,A Drawing Room esa bu dk dksbZ oge ugha gSA /keZ LFkku dk oL= Hkh ugkus ds ckn gh iguuk pkfg,& lqcg mB dj fcuk Luku fd, ugha] ugha rks csdnjh gksxhA vius cSM&:e esa eka&cki ds fp= o lk/kw&lk/kfD;ksa o xq:&egkjkt ds fp= yxkuk dgka rd “kqHk gSA [kqn gh lksfp, D;k ;g dksbZ HksM+&pky ughaA Bed-Room vkids Rest o le;≤ ij vkidh sex izfØ;k dk LFky gS D;k Bed room esa bu fp=ksa dks yxkdj vki xq:tuksa dk vuknj ugha dj jgs gSaA LVhy@yksgs dk] ?kksM+s dh uky vkSj csMh ds dhy dk NYyk e/;ek esa dnkfi ughaA dkjksckjksa] dkj[kkuksa] egyksa ds ekfyd ‘’ kfu egkjkt dks vLr&uhp] ihfM+r gksus ij 'kfu'pfj;s ugha cukvks mudks ghjs&tokgkjkr ¼ewaxk eksrh lksus½ bR;kfn ls lqLlftr djks&vkidks ykHk gksxkA ekjckM+h lekt esa fdlh O;fDr dks O;kikj ;k lês esa ¼ekyh½ vkÆFkd uqdlku gksus ij viuh lk[k lekt esa cukus ds fy, vksj lksuk&pkanh [kjhn dj iguus izn”kZu dh iz.kkyh gSA u fd ?kj dk lksuk (prestige) izfr’Bk pkanh ¼ekufld “kkafr½ dk ?kj dk Hk.Mkj cspus dh iz.kkyhA
yksgs dk NYyk cq/k dh ¼NksVh½ vaxqyh esa iguuk “kqHk jgsxkA cq/k&cqf)@’kfu&yksgk&pkykdh vFkkZr~ cqf) dh diplomacy dk tkx`r gksukA
dsrq (8–10)vius csM&ps;j ¼dsrq½ dks ,dne cfqjeqV esa ?kwers&?kwers esa e`xuh esa cny nsrs gSaA vc xq# egkjkt] mls u ikdj] ijs”kku gksdj vUrZ/;ku gksdj mls e`xuh ds :i esa ns[k dj og Hkh e`x ds :i esa mldk /keZ xq# ihNk djuk “kq# dj nsrs gSaA cq/k dU;k o o`gLifr xq# ls vfHkizk; gS dFkkud ;gka vUr dj ge vius ewy fo’k; esa vkrs gSa fd cqñ o`ñ dk yM+dh ds fy, dqN gn rd “kqHk gS ij yM+ds ds fy, “kqHk ugha [kkl dj lkrosa Hkko esa ij fQj blesa lUnsg ugha j[ksa fd bl ;ksx esa ijs”kkfu;ka rks gSa ghA cq/k&c`gLifr dks iw.kZr;k “kqHk ;ksx ugha dgk tk,xk tSlk fd T;ksfr’k iqLrdksa esa vkerkSj ij fy[kk gSA ,d izdkj dh Demoralisation gSA edj jk”kh “kfu ds xq.k “kSrkuksa okyh gS o pj gksus ls vkSj mlesa pUnz “kqØ gksus ls
tkrd dqN Hkh dkj.k gks le; viuh Attachment I;kj eksgCcr cny nsrk gSA blesa mldh xYrh pkgs gks ;k u gks & ;g fu%lUnsg ;g ckr iRFkj ij ydhj ¼u feVus okyh gS½A fQj Hkh ,sls tkrd dh 'kknh ftlds lkrosa LFkku esa fLFkr jk”kh gks o pUnz “kqØ nksuksa ;k ,d rks vo”; fLFkj esa gksA feFkqu&/kuq rks fcYdqy ugha pkfg, vkSj mudh “kknh fLFkj yXu esa dqN lek/kku mijkUr “kknh dh tk ldrh gSA vkSj lkrosa Hkko esa pj jkf”k Hkh ,slk gh attachment cnyus dk cgkuk dj nsrh gSaA dkj.k dqN Hkh gks tkrd t#jh ugha gSa mlds fy, ftEesokj gksA uhe ds dM+os isM+ ij djsys dh csy ,d ij nwljh dM+oh oLrq lg;ksx djus dh rjg fcfV;k ds “kfu 6 Hkko esa gksus ls ;nk&dnk tkrd ds dkj.k ;k vdkj.k fuUnk] csbTtrh gksrh gSA mUgksaus esjk dgk u eku dj vU;k T;ksfr’k cU/kqvksa ds ijke”kZ ls fnYyh esa fj”rk r; dj fn;k ij 15 jkst ckn gh M.L.A lkfgc fj”rk rksM+us dh ckr dj lek/kku iwNus vk x,A eSaus lek/kku crk fn;k vkSj fVDds esa rhu yk[k yxk dj rksM+ dj nks yk[k okfil ysdj vk x,A dqN vU; tUe if=;ka Hkh fn[kkbZ o ij ckr ugha tehaA fQj ,d jkst ,d 'kgj ds tkrd dh dqaMyh ykdj fcfV;k ls feykus dks dgkA eSaus yM+ds dh dqaMyh eaxy] cq/k ij jkgq dk Økl ns[k dj fj”rk u djus dks dg fn;kA T;ksfr’k ds fo}kuksa dh lykg ls fj”rk r; dj fn;kA ,d nks ekl mijkUr mudk ukSdj dqN lkeku ysus vk;k] tks fd fdlh yM+dh dh “kknh esa njdkj Fkk & ml lkeku dh fyLV esa ,d pkanh ds NYys dh fMekaM FkhA lkyksa ls muls o muds LoHkko ls ifjfpr Fkk] lks Qksu ij
ftKklko”k iwNk fd ;g pkanh dk NYyk D;k djsxh\ tks /kuh ifjokj dh L=h] lksus&ghjs ds tsojkr u[kjs ls igurh gksA pkanh dk NYyk dSls igusxh esjs le> esa ugha vk jgk Fkk rks mUgksaus dgk fd vki }kjk lpsruk nsus o”k] eu esa ruko gS & “kkfUr ugha gSA lp yxrk gS fd dy dks fcfV;k dk HkkX; dSlk eksM+ ysxk\ ckdh lkeku gS mlh dh “kknh ds fy,A pwafd muds lkjs ifjokj dh tUe dqUMyh esjs ikl FkhA eSaus mUgsa dgk vki ruko esa ugha vfirq dyi jgh gSaA lks dqN lek/kku lq>k fn, vkSj dqN lek/kku “kknh ds le; djus dks dg fn, rkfd ijs”kkuh ckn esa u mBkuh iM+sA ij eSa vius eu esa mu ij rjl [kk jgk Fkk fd ,d /kuh ifjokj viuh fcfV;k dh ftUnxh] viuh ftn vkSj dqN bl “kknh] ds feyku esa lEcfU/kr T;ksfrf’k;ksa dh vKkurk ls cjckn djus ij rqyk gS vFkkZr~ Hkkoh cyoku fl) gks jgh FkhA eq>s “kknh esa igys dh rjg bl ckj Hkh cqykus ds LFkku ij fueU=.k Hkh nsuk Hkqyk fn;k x;kA lnhZ ds jkst Fks] eSa vius vkWfQl ds lkeus cSBk FkkA os 4&5 jkst “kknh ds ckn lqcg&lqcg gh vk xbZA dksbZ nqvk&lyke ugha] vkSj eSa mUgsa “kknh dh eqckjd nsus okyk FkkA eqag ls “kCn] ^^”kknh ----- eqckjd**] eqckjd “kCn ugha fudyk Fkk fd Mrs. M.L.A. tUe&i=h nksuksa est ij Qsadrs gq, iwNus yxh] fd D;k ;g tksMh+ pysxh HkhA og dqlhZ ij Hkh ugha cSBh vkSj vR;Ur fpfUrr o ijs”kku yx jgh FkhA eSa tUei=h ns[kdj] mUgsa lkUrouk nh fd ,slk dqN ugha gS] dqN rks vkSjrksa dks ysu&nsu dk ekeyk gSA vki muds ifjokj dks cqyk dj lEekfur dj nsaA mUgksaus viuh fcfV;k dks cgqr gh Hkkjh yky jax dh tjh dh lkM+h nh Fkh o lkl
o cM+h HkkHkh dks dqN ukeZy lkfM+;ka nh FkhA mu fnuksa eaxy] cq/k] “kqØ dk xkspj bdV~Bk gks jgk Fkk o jkgq dh n`f’V FkhA “kknh dks QkSju ckn ubZ ubZ&“kknh gksus okys ;qod&;qorh izse jl o jfr esa vr;ar Mwcs gksrs gSa o muls fcLrj ls lqcg&lqcg mBuk FkksMk+ vlEHko lk gksrk gSA ij tks ifjokj vHkh vk/kqfud fopkjksa esa ugha vk, gSaA og ubZ uosyh cgq ls vis{kk djrs gSa fd og lqcg gh rS;kj gksdj ifjokj ds cM+s cqtqxksZa o vius ls cM+ksa dk lEeku djsa vkSj nqYgs egk”k; u;h uosyh nqYgu ls tdM+s jguk pkgrs gSaA mls NksM+rs gh ughaA lks ,sls esa ftYyr mBkuh nqYgu dks iM+rh gSA ,slk /;ku uosyh nqYgu dks vius fgr esa vo”; j[kuk pkfg,A “kk;n guhewu dh ijEijk ?kj ds ckgj blh dkj.k j[kh xbZ gSA mudh dqN lek/kku lq>k, x, gSaA ,sls gh dHkh ujktxh&dHkh eu&eqVko] 5&6 ekl dk le; fudy x;k fd ,d jkst yM+ds ds tUei=h “kfu ij lw;Z dk Cross vk x;kA cpiu esa mlds firk Jh dk ân; jksx ls nsgkUr gks x;k FkkA ml dU;k ds mu fnuksa cq/k] xq# ij jkgq dk Cross ij eaxy dh n`f’V Fkh fd yM+ds us ekewyh ruko esa vkdj jkr le; yM+dh dh xnZu dluh “kq# dj nhA [kSj fdlh izdkj ml yM+ds ds gkFkksa ls cp dj yM+dh us vius eka&cki dks Qksu ij lwfpr fd;k vkSj jkf= dks gh firk ds ?kj pyh xbZA nks pkj jkst ckn Jheku ,e-,y-,- lkfgc o mudh iRuh esjs ikl vk xbZa vkSj ifjfLFkr;ksa ls ifjfpr djk;k vkSj fQj esjh jk; iwNus yxsA lkai ds eqag esa NNwanj [kk, rks vU/kk u [kk, rks dksM+h okyh fLFkfr esa D;k crk;k tk ldrk gSA eSaus mUgsa rykd
ysus dh lykg nh D;ksafd lw;Z ij “kfu&jkgw ds Økl o n`f’V lEcU/k cksy fd chch o /ku&nkSyr vkSj Hkkstu rhuksa ls ,d izdkj ls ihfM+r vFkkZr~ rhuksa lq[kksa dh deh dk vuqHko izk;% gksrk gh gSA vkSj eaxy] cq/k] jkgw ds Cross n`f’V lEcU/k o ;ksx gj le; >xM+s esa veknk] nq%[kh vkRek] ruko] #dkoV] gj oDr nq%[kh jguk vkSj vusdksa eqlhcrksa dks >syuk iM+rk gSA muds nkekn ds ;g ;ksx Hkh FkkA bu ifjfLFkfr;ksa ij fopkj dj eSaus mUgsa dgk fd vxj vki dks yM+dh ftUnk pkfg, rks vki rykd ys yksA /kuh O;fDr ds vudksa jlw[k gksrs gSaA mUgksaus ;su&dsu izdkjs o vius lekt esa ncncs ls ml yM+ds ls lekftd lgefr ls rykd 6 ekl ds vUnj gh ys fy;kA blh chp yM+dh tks fd 5@6 ekl ds oSokfgd thou dh vH;Lr vFkkZr jfr lq[k dh vH;Lr gks xbZ FkhA ijs”kku gksus yxh o ?kj esa lHkh ls ruko djus yxhA vc esjk uEcj yx x;k ijs”kku gksus dkA ,e-,y-,nEifr yM+dh ds O;ogkj ls ihfM+r gksdj eq>s mykguk nsus yxs fd diwj lkfgc vkius yM+dh dk rykd djok;k gSA vki gh bldh vc nwljh “kknh djokvksaA gj nwljs&rhljs jkst muds Qksu vkus yxsA mu fnuksa mUgksaus “kknh ds ckn cPkh ydM+h] ydM+h ds dks;ys] iRFkj ds dks;ys o Nr vU; yksgs&ydM+h dk VwVk QwVk lkeku j[kk FkkA mUgksus esjk dksbZ lq>ko ugha ekuk gqvk FkkA eSaus muls igys okys okLrq ds mik; djus dks dgkA ,dk,d esjk /;ku mudh xq#uh vk/;kfRed nsok th ¼ekrk th½ ds fp= ij iM+h vkSj izHkq d`ik ls eq>s izkcye dk Clue lqjkx Hkh fey x;kA eSaus iwNk fd vc ;g vkidh csch D;k
vc ,d ekrk th gh ugha cu xbZ u rks dqvkjh gSa] u gh O;kgh gSaA fQj esjs le>kus ij mUgsa ml fp= dks ?kj o iwtk LFkku ls fudky fn;k o vU; nwljs mik; Hkh fd,A vki eu ls vius vki dks lR; ds fl)kUrksa ij pykrs gSa rks izHkq Hkh vkidks ekxZn”kZu nsrs gSaA eSaus mudh csch dh dqaMyh o xkspj dk v/;;u fd;kA ml le; 9osa Hkko esa lw;Z cq/k] “kqØ ij jkgw dk Økl py jgk FkkA cqñ o`ñ xq# dh n`f’V FkhA mUgsa lq>ko fn;k fd vkidh fj”rsnkjh esa ;k ,uvkj-vkbZ ls vU; tkr&/keZ esa dqN lk/ku djus ls ,d ekl ds vUnj gh “kknh gks tk,xhA izHkq d`ik ls mUgksaus lk/ku fd, vkSj 5 fnu ckn gh mUgsa viuh ut+nhdh fj”rsnkjh esa fj”rk fey x;kA muds lEcU/kh dqN xzg o”k tks vkfFkZd :i ls detksj Fkh vFkkZr~ vkfFkZd :i ls cjckn gks pqds FksA mUgksaus /ku dk FkksMk+ lk ykyp o vk”oklu fn;k vkSj mudk og lq;ksX; yM+dk ,d rykd'kqnk yM+dh dk fj”rk eku x;kA esjs crk, lek/kku o le;kuqlkj “kknh vPNh rjg lEiUu gks xbZA mudh fcfV;k vc ,d yM+ds dh eka o vPNh x` dh rjg thou O;rhr dj jgh gSA ;gka ij eSa ;g mYys[k djuk t:jh o vR;Ur vko”;d le>rk gwa fd “kk;n T;ksfr’k oxZ dks ik[k.M] Ny] diV djuk] /kuh O;fDr;ksa us gh fl[kk;k gksxkA ekuuh; ,e-,y-,- lkfgc o muds yM+ds us viuh yM+dh o cfgu dh “kknh ds mi;qDr mik; lq>kus ds fy, yk[kksa :i;s nsus dk izyksHku fn,] ij tc ckr fljs pkA izHkq vo”; gj d`R; dks ns[krs gSaA izHkq d`’.k [kkuk [kk jgs FksA nsoh ia[kk >y jgh FkhA ,dk,d izHkq mBsA ?kj ds ckgj Hkkxus yxsA ij x`g }kj ij tkdj #d dj okfil vkdj [kkuk [kkus yxsA bl lkjh tYnckth ds d`R; dk dkj.k iwNk rks izHkq us crk;k fd esjk ,d HkDr ckcyk gS yksd mlls “kjkjr djrs jgrs gSaA eq>s mlus ;kn fd;k vkSj mldh enn dks Hkkx ij utj vk;k mlus Hkh mudks ekjus ds fy, iRFkj mBk fy;k gSA rks fQj eSa viuh t:jr u le> okfil vkdj [kkuk [kkus yxs vkSj ges Hkh rks vk”kk gS gekjs rks izHkq fxj/kj xksiky og gh lc ns[ksaxsA /kuh yksx ekuo dks ekuo ugha le>rsA D;ksafd og gj oLrq dks /ku ls [kjhnus esa fgr le>rs gSaA ekSdk ijLrh viuk gd le>rs gSaA [kSj eSa ewy fo’k; ij vkrk gw¡ fd ftl izdkj mUgksaus viuh v/;kfRed ekrk th ¼nsok th½ dk fp= ?kj esa j[kk gS & oSls gh mudh viuh dU;k dk thou gksus yxk FkkA blh fo’k; dks eSa vU; n`’VkUr }kjk o.kZu d:axkA
izHkq bZlk elhg th us ekuo dks ges”kk mPp fopkj/kkjk viukus dks dgk gSA cgqr ls yksx bZlkbZ er dks ekuus okys D;k dj jgs gSaA ;g; gS&izHkq bZlk dgrs gSa fd njoktk [kM+[kM+kvks] [kqysxkA bPNk,a djks] iwjh gksaxh vFkkZr vki vius thou Lrj dks mPp ls mPprj cukus dk iz;Ru djksA lHkh iz;Ru iwjs gksaxsA ge muds izrhd fpUg dks xys esa Mky dj j[krs gSaA ftldk vfHkizk; gS Sacrificing Attitude vkRe cfynku dh HkkoukA ;gka ij ,d lR; n`’VkUr fy[k jgk gwaA ,d lqcg nks Zee TV ds vkfVZLV ,d dkj xSjst esa e`r ik, x,A xSjst ,d bZlkbZ yM+ds ds edku esa FkhA vkSj dU;k,a ,d fgUnw ifjokj ls Hkh eq>s irk pyk fd dU;k us flQZ ,d ekl igys Økl fpUg xys esa Mkyk FkkA Økl fpUg] izHkq bZlk elhg ds cfynku dk izrhd dress code gSA flQZ iknjh] uUl o iksi dks gh iguuk pkfg, u fd vke turk dksA izHkq us rks yksxksa dh HkykbZ ds fy, vius dks cfynku fd;k ;k fQj ,slk fu”kku fdlh /keZ LFkku ;k Museum esa yxk;k tk ldrk gSA esjs ,d fe= lQy Exporter jgs FksA mUgksaus bVyh ls izHkq bZlk dk lqyh esa Vaxs gkFkksa ikoksa esa dhy Bqds o muls [kwu Vidrs dk
2 ;k 3 yk[k :i;s esa [kjhn dj ?kj esa yxk
fy;kA esjs ogka ij tkus ij] mudks 4 lky igys le>kus ij Hkh ugha fudkyk vkSj vkt og [kqn djksMk+ sa #i;s ds ljdkjh o vU; yksxksa ds dtZ ls ncs gSaA yksxksa }kjk /kks[ks o Qjsc ds dkj.kA exj mudh cnfdLerh rks ;g gS fd og bl le; esa Hkh mls ugha fudky ik jgs gSaA viuh izHkq bZlk esa fu’Bk ds dkj.kA ,slk gh vkradokn] feyhVsUlh dk izrhd ckt] phy] cxqyk] eqjxkch dk fp= ;k Statue ,slk j[kus Establish djus ls /kks[kk Qjsc djok ldrk gS vFkkZr~ tks yksx de eki&rksy ;k fctyh pksjh ;k Hksniw.kZ ¼NV&diV esa j[k dj½ ckrphr djus ds i{kikrh gS] ;k ,slk eukscy og dkykUrj ls fuf”p; gh /kks[kk [kkrs gSa vFkkZr~ eaxy] jkgq o eaxy&dsrq eaxy ij jkgq&dsrq dk Økl T;knk [krjukd gSA /kks[kk] Qjsc] uqdlku] pksjh vkxtuh Short-Circuit bR;kfn vo”; gh djok nsrk gSA jkgw&dsrq ij eaxy dk Økl 'kjhj esa [kwu dh deh [kwu fudyuk buhfedk cuk nsrk gS vkSj rhuksa ifjfLFkfr;ka gh [kjkc gS] fQj Hkh eaxy ds bu ij Økl ls dqN u dqN daVªksy esa dgk tk ldrk gSA ;gka ij ;g fy[kuk vfr mi;qDr gksxk] fd ftuds Hkh fuokl esa ckt&phy bR;kfn gksaxsA mUgksa /kks[kk] Qjsc] pksjh] gsjk&Qsjh o ckr eu esa Hksn Nqik dj djus ds vkfn gksaxs o Lo;a ihfM+r gksxs Hkh vkSj fdlh vU; dks Hkh ihfM+r dj ldsaxsA esjk ,d fe=] eka Hkxorh oS’.kksa o dk ije Hkxr gSaA tc Hkh ekSdk feyrk gS ogka ds njckj ls Hkxorh ds pj.kksa ds iq’i] ekSyh o ekrk dh pqUuh bR;kfn ykdj ?kj esa ,d Vªad Hkjk jgrk gSA muds cqñ eñ “kqñ jkñ ij xq# dk
Økl gS vkSj vktdy vr;ar ijs”kku gSaA eSaus mUgsa lHkh lkeku ty izokg djus dks dgk vkSj vc og vkxs ls dqN vkfFkZd :i ls Bhd gSA ,sls gh dqN yksx xq# ?kj ls ljksik iVdk ykdj j[k nsrs gSa vkSj flQZ iM+k gh jgrk gS ;k fQj mldk xyr bLrseky gksrk gSA mls lqcg fcuk ugk, ugha iguuk pkfg,A mls flQZ iwtk&ikB /keZ djrs oDr bLrseky djuk pkfg, D;ksafd mldk Hkh vfHkizk; gS oSjkX;] mnklh] izHkq fpUru ij vxj ge fdlh Hkh izdkj ls lRrk] lkekftd izfr’Bk] /ku&nkSyr ds izfr vkLFkk j[krs gSa rks gesa mls vknj lfgr vLohdkj dj nsuk pkfg, ;k fQj viuh bPNkvksa vkfn ij vadq”k yxkuk pkfg,A ugha rks o`gLifr ¼/keZ LFkku½ o diM+k oL= ¼”kqؽ nksuksa ls bdV~Bs vfHkizk; “kjkjr ¼c`gLifr&'kqdz&“kfu½ #dkoV] ijs”kkuh dk vlj gksus yxsxkA fdlh Hkh inkFkZ ij vxj dksbZ O;fDr vklfDr ugha j[ksxk rks mls izHkq vius uke flej.k ls tksM+ dj eks{k izkfIr dk jkLrk Lo;a nsaxsA fdlh Hkh njckj ls feys [ktkus dks vki viuh Cash Box, Locker esa j[k ldrs gSaA /keZLFkku ls fdlh Hkxr }kjk forjr izlkn dks vki [kk ldrs gSa o viuh le`f) ds fy, vius [ktkus esa LVksj dj ldrs gSaA fQj Hkh fdlh dks /keZ LFkku ls iVdk ;k fljksik feyrk gks rks og vius ifjokj o iM+ksl ds fdlh o`) dks ns nsosa ftlls mudk eu /keZ&/;ku esa yxsA okrkoj.k] fuekZ.k foKku o dyk ds vkilh lEcU/k o l`tu izfØ;k o lekurk ds fu;eksa ds vuqlkj ltho & futhZo gj inkFkZ tks Hkh mldk LFkku gS ml txg LFkkfir gS og ,d nwljs ij izHkkfor djrs gSaA ;g gesa eku dj pyuk pkfg, A
eq>s ,d tkrd us viuh dqaMyh fn[kkbZA muds xq# lkrosa Hkko esa Fks vkSj cq/k] eaxy] “kqØ ij jkgq dk Cross py jgk FkkA eSaus mUgsa ?kj esa /kkfeZd iRFkj vkfn dh ewfrZ;ka rqylh #nzk{kZ o mnklh okyh pht+sa j[kus ls euk fd;kA muds xys esa gh #nzk{kZ o vktdy ds ,d ekU; lar dk ykdsV xys esa ;k tks jkr lksrs le; Hkh muds xys esa gh jgrk ;k vkSj Bed Room esa Hkh mu lUrksa dk fp= yxk j[kk FkkA yM+ds dk Bed Room South esa vkSj South ls gh muds jks”kuh] gok Hkh vkrh FkhA flrEcj esa mldh “kknh gqbZ vkSj fnlEcj rd muds yM+kbZ&>xM+s] ruko iqfyl ds pDdj o dkuwuh yM+kbZ ds ckn mldk rykd Hkh gks x;kA bu fnuksa eaxy] cq/k] jkgq dks ;ksx o Hkze.k nks rhu ekl yxkrkj jgk gSA ,d izdkj ls mudk ?kj vQxkfuLrku gh cu x;k FkkA jfr lq[k dh bPNk o /ku dh bPNk okys yksxksa ds ?kjksa esa nf{k.k ls jks”kuh gok ugha ysuh pkfg,A D;ksafd lsDl vkSj /ku dks bdV~Bk vU; yksxksa ls Nqik dj gksrk gSA vxj ,slk ugha gksxk rks fe;ka&chch esa vdkj.k ruko] eu&eqVko] /ku dh deh o Hkw[k dk ej tkuk ;k Hkkstu dk ulhc u gksuk vke rkSj ij ;g ckrs gksrh gSA vius; lUrksa ds fp= flQZ ykch ;k Drawing esa gh yxkus pkfg, vkSj lUrksa ds o Hkxokuksa ds ykdsV Cross Hkxoku guqeku th o nsoh nqxkZ th] bZlk elhg th] lkbZa ckck th o vU; nsoh&nsork ds ykdsV dnkfi xysa esa ugha Mkys j[kus pkfg,A bu lHkh nsoh nsorkvksa] xq#vksa] nsokth bR;kfn dk gesa vk”khZokn pkfg, u fd lkFkA mUgsa xys esa yVdkus ls mnklh] oSjkX; gksxk o mudk fujknj gksrk gSA
T;ksfr"k&okLrq&'kkL=&/keZ&deZ o fcekjh Jh LoxhZ; ujk;.knRr ekyh tks vius vki dks ,d rkfU=d dgykrs Fks mUgksus nks nQk ikuhir esa ;K fd, & 108 dqUM Hkwfe ij flaxyk iSysl gksVy esa cusA lSdM+ksa fdyks ?kh] ydM+h ¼lfe/kk,½ o lkexzh dk gkse gqvkA gtkjksa dh HkhM+ FkhA ;K ds ;teku Jh flaxyk nEifr gksVy ds ekfyd FksA muds “kqØ “kuh iape Hkko esa vkSj ml jkgq dk Økl FkkA rqyk jkf”k ds o eaxy jkgw ds Hkko FksA izFke ;K ds ckn mudh ifRu dks Breast Cancer gks x;k vkSj nwljs ;K vxys o’kZ esa gksus ij mudh Breast dkV nh xbZA ;gka ij ;g mYys[kuh; gS fd vxLr ekl esa lw;Z ikapoh jkf”k esa gksrk gS vkSj mudh tUe dqqaMyh esa Hkh lw;Z Lojkf”k flag dk r`rh; Hkko esa FkkA ;gka ij T;ksfr’k ds inkFkZ “kq) nslh ?kh] tehu] “kqØ] ¼ftl ij vfXu dqUM cus½ vkSj mudh iRuh Hkh “kqØ gSA mUgksaus tehu ij vkx tykbZ gksVy Compound dh Hkwfe gh ugha tyh mudh ifRu dks tyu “kjhj esa gksus yxhA mudh dqUMyh esa “kqØ “kfu ij jkgq dk Cross crkrk gS “kqØ ¼L=h½ vkx o /kq,a ls ihfM+r gks x;kA ges'kk ;K esa izFke bZaVksa ds rhu pkj Layers ds tehu ds Åij dqUM cuk dj ml ij ,d QqV jsrk fcNk dj gou ;K djuk pkfg,A
vHkh rks ugha ij igys fookg “kknh esa tehu esa Under Ground HkV~Bh cukus dk izpyu Fkk rks mlls lEcfU/kr
fookg “kknh okyk tksMk+ o og ifjokj ;gka ij HkV~Bh cukbZ tkrh FkhA dHkh lq[kh ugha jgsA 4
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okLrq’kkL= T;ksfr’k vkLFkk xyrh dkjhxj dh % ijs'kkuh x`gLFkkh dhA eq>s cEcbZ ls dHkh&dHkh cqykok vkrk gS] ,d O;kikjh uss eq>s rhu&pkj lky igys eqEcbZ cqyk;kA vius lek/kkuksa ds ckn mUgksaus dgk fd muds Export Manager Mr. Bindra ds ;gka cPph dks dksbZ lky&MsxM+rh vkSj eqDds ?kwlksa ls ;q) djrhA yM+dh dks ckj&ckj ikxy [kkus ykuk iM+rkA gLirky esa yM+dh vPNh Hkyh jgrh vkSj ;gka ogka lHkh ejhtksa ls xi&”ki djrhA Medical Science ds fo}ku] ikxyksa ds MkDVj] mls mldh ekrk ls Elergy crk jgs FksA ;gka ij ?kM+h dk lEcU/k cq/k xzg yM+dh ls o fctyh ds cYcksa dh txex dk eaxy ls cYcksa ds cq>us dk lEcU/k jkgq ls vFkkZr~ Anger Depression o AnxietyA
dkjhxj us ;gka ij xYrh ;g dh fd mlus fctyh ds cYc Jh gjfeUnj lkfgc th o xq# egkjkt th ds fp= ij yxkus pkfg, FksA eSaus mUgsa ml pht dks fudky dj ty izokg dj vkSj ?kM+h ds Åij ls cYc fudky dj Qsadus dks dgk ;fn bPNk djrs gks rks xq# egkjkt th ;k Jh gjfeUnj lfgc th ij cYc yxokus dks dgkA vkSj ckn esa irk pyk fd lek/kku mijkUr vc mudh dU;k Bhd gSA ge igys Hkh vkids /;ku esa yk pqds gSa fd fuftZo Hkh ltho ij iwjk izHkko Mkyrk gSA lks bls e/; utj j[k dj gh ?kj esa gj inkFkZ dks mlds mfpr LFkku ij gh LFkkfir djuk pkfg,A gj inkFkZ] oLrq dk viuk vyx vyx LFkku dksM gSA ,d nwljs ds LFkku esa LFkkfir gksus ls og vyx vyx izHkko nsxsa o ijs”kkfu;ksa dk dkj.k cusaxsA dqN lky igys jkuhckx] fnYyh esa T;ksfr’k lEesyu gks gqvkA mlesa ,d fnYyh ds ,d T;ksfr’kh ftUgsa mu dh e;kZnk vuqlkj vk;ktdksa us lEeku nsus esa FkksMh+ datl w h dj nh FkhA ;g xyrh tkus esa Fkh ;k vutkus esa ;g fo’k; ugha gS vkSj mudks tc LVst ij tkdj cksyus dk ekSdk feyk] rks mUgksaus vius eu dh lkjh HkM+kl fudkyus dk ;Ru fd;k] ij og brus Øks/k esa Fks fd mudks irk Hkh ugha py jgk Fkk fd og D;k cksy jg gS] D;k ughaA ljLorh nsoh dh vius ij bu ekeys esa fo”ks’k d`ik jgh gS & gesa rHkh lw>k fd egksn; dk ?kj dk okLrq [kjkc gSA /kkfeZd iwtkikBh O;fDr FksA rks eq>s yxk fd mudks confusion gSA lks muds ?kj esa xhrklkj dk dysUMj ftlesa lkjFkh Hkxoku~ Jh d`’.k mins”k ns jgs gSaA vtqZu ;ks)k ds :i esa jFk esa muds lkeus bl vk”kk ls cSBs gSa fd izHkq esa
bl ;q) dh fLFkfr esa vius ppsjs Hkkb;ksa ls ;q) d# ;k u d#a ds ckjs esa crk;saxsA ,d ,slk nwljk fp= Hkh muds ?kj esa gksxkA ftlesa Jh vtqZu rhu&deku dls ;q) LFky dh vksj ck Hkh jgs Fks vkSj lkeus [kM+s gksdj jkd Hkh jgs FksA ij Hkxorh ikoZrh mudks gkFkksa ls ijs /kdsy dj vius firk ds fuokl tkus dks rRij FkhA ,dk,d mUgksaus Hkxoku~ “kadj dks ijs /kdsyk vkSj og fxj x,A Hkxorh ikoZrh muds Åij
ls mNy dj nwljh rjQ tkus dks gksrh gS fd mudk ,d iSj Hkxoku~ “kadj dj Nkrh ij iM+ tkrk gSA rc og nqfc/kk esa i”pkrki esa iM+ tkrh gS fd vutkus esa muls D;k gks x;k gSA bl dkj.k mudh ftOgk foLe; ls ckgj fudy vkrh gSA lks vxj ,slk fp= vkids ?kj esa gksxk ftlls ikoZrh th ds xys esa #aM&eqaM gksaxs rks le>s fd vkidh iRuh Hkh Øks/k esa fdlh Hkh oDr vkdj #nz :i ys ldrh gSA ?kj esa dkyh dk lkSE; :i gh yxkuk pkfg,A iCfyd efUnj esa dkyh ekrk ds jkSnz :i dk cge ugha gSA vc ikoZrh th vius firk ds fuokl tk dj ns[krh gS fd njoku ds :i esa Hkxoku~ “kadj ds cgq:fi;s dks muds firk us cSBk j[kk gSA ;K”kkyk esa muds firk us lHkh nsoh nsorkvksa ds fy, mfpr LFkku cSBus dks cuk j[kk gS ijUrq Hkxoku~ “kadj dk ugha gS lks og Øks/k] Xykfu o i”pkrki esa Mwch gqbZ ;K ds vfXu dqUM esa ty tkrh gS vkSj izHkq “kadj dks tc ,slk irk pyrk gS rks os Øks/k esa mcy dj ikxy gks tkrs gSa vkSj os tks rkaMoh; :i ls fØ;k,a djrs gSa lks mUgsa ns[k dj muds uVjkt dh mikf/k nh tkrh gSA ;g lc fØ;k dk Øks/k jkgq ¼i”pkrki o cspSuh½ ls lEcfU/kr gSA
T;ksfr"k esa l`tu izfdz;k T;ksfr’k okLrq “kkL= o /keZLFkku o ?kj gekjs _f’k&eqfu;ksa us gekjs fy, fuokl dksM fu;e Hkh fu/kkZfjr fd, gSaA ijUrq dkykUrj ls gekjs iqjkus lHkh jhfr&fjokt+ o vU; gekjs thou iz.kkyh fo”ks’krk,a lHkh ckgj ls vkØedksa ds gekjs ns”k ij fujUrj geyksa ds dkj.k o mu }kjk gekjs xzUFkksa dh pksjh o mudks tykus dh ?kVukvksa ls 99 izfr”kr u’V gks x;kA cl ,d&vk/k izfr”kr tks fdlh dks ;kn Fkk vkSj mUgksaus vius “kkfxnZ viuh lUrkuksa dks crk;k] le>k;k vkSj blesa crkus dk le>kus dk vfHkizk; dgha dqN vksj Fkk vkSj og dqN vksj gksdj gekjs lkeus vk x;k gSA vki nl yksxksa dks ,d gh ckr ,d dks crk dj nwljs dks crkus dks dgs rks vki nlos O;fDr ls ogh ckr iwNsa rks ml ckr dk fo’k; o vFkZ gh cny tk,xkA vusd Hksn o vUrj vki dks vki ds dgs gq, fo’k; ds feysaxsA gekjs iqjkus dkjhxj bu ckrksa dks Hkyh&Hkkafr lefir Fks fd edku cukus dh iz.kkyh D;k gSA xkoksa ds vuiku gks x;k & irk ugha fdl us ,slk djuk lq>k;k gSA tc vkokxeu ls /kwy mM+dj LVspq ij iM+sxh rks D;k ml LVspq dh csbTtrh ugha gksxhA LVspq flQZ ikdksaZ esa yxkuk gh mfpr gSA
;kn j[ksa pkSFkh ckr] vkidk fuokl ljdkjh vf/kdkjh o jktusrk ds lkFk esa gksxk rks /ku o nwljh ijs”kkfu;ka D;ksafd ,sls O;fDr o muds lnL;ksa dh T;knfr;ksa esa vki iaxq cu dj lgus dks etcwj gksaxsA dgk Hkh x;k gS leFkZ dks u nks’k xkslkb±A ihiy ds isM+ o vU; dkaVsnkj ikS/ks ?kj esa ;k iM+ksl esa gksaxs rks ijs”kkfu;ka gksaxhA
ihiy /keZLFkku dk isM+ gS ihiy dks Hkxoku czEgk dk izrhd dgk tkrk gS vkSj og vusdksa ijs”kkfu;ksa] xehZ] lnhZ o cjlkr] HkwdEi esa Hkh ugha lw[krkA Åij ls dkV nsus ij Hkh mldh tM+ ds gjs jgus ij og fQj iSnk gks tkrk gS vkSj gj le; vkDlhtu ,d ek= ;gh isM+ NksM+rk gSA vxj mlds nk;jk dh lQkbZ ugha dh tk,xh rks ogka /kwy iM+sxh vkSj iM+ksl esa jgus okyksa dh csbTtrh gksxhA ihiy ls vfHkizk; xq# xzg o /kwy ls lEcU/k jkgq ls gSA blh izdkj rqylh dk lEcU/k gSA dSDVl dkaVsnkj ikS/ks dk lEcU/k jkgq ls gS] ;g taxy dk isM+ gSA dSDVl tgka ij gksxk ml LFkku dks lekurk ds fu;e ls taxy esa cnyus dh ps’Vk djsxkA dSDVl vkSj dkaVsnkj ikS/kksa }kjk gesa dksbZ ijs”kkuh u gksA lqcg ikS QVus ls igys mudks ikuh nsuk pkfg, vkSj ihiy
o rqylh ds vkl ikl ds okrkoj.k dks lkQ o LoPN j[kuk pkfg,A lq/kh ikBd] eq>s ,d ckr dk nq%[k gS fd ,d fo’k; ij fy[krk gqvk eSa vU; dbZ lEcfU/kr fo’k;ksa ij “kq# dj nsrk gwaA ewy fo’k; dks Hkwy tkrk g¡wA mlds nks dkj.k gSa & ,d vPNk i djA vki ukud”kkgh ikb;ksa ;k iqjkus flDds rkacs ds vki pSd djsaxs rks lR; tku tk,axsA rkack lw;Z o yksgk “kfu & bldk vfHkizk; jktk o jkt xn~nh dks ijs”kkuh (Demoralisation) ljdkj dk fxjukA ge lu~ 1947 ds ckn ns[krs gSa fd ml le; rkacs dk iSlk yxHkx 5 xzke dk
o vBUuh ds vkdkj dk Fkk vkSj lu~ 1900 dk vk/kk #i;s ls Hkkjh FkkA 1 #i;s dk flDdk pkanh dk FkkA ckn esa yksgs dk cuuk “kq# gks x;k vFkkZr~ pkanh&pUnz vkSj “kqØ ls vfHkizk; ls /ku vFkkZr “kkfUr eu dks “kkfUr ¼rlYyh½ izlUurk dk izrhd exj yksgs dk flDdk cuus ij ljdkj dh lk[k fczfV”k jkt esa gh fxj xbZA vFkkZr Hkkjr esa fczfV”k lezkT; dk vUr dk dkj.k mldh djUlh dh lk[k fxjuk dgk tk,xkA pkanh ds flDds dh txg eqnzk fLQfr ls dkxt dh eqnzk vk xbZ rks ljdkj dh lk[k fcYdqy gh [kRe gks xbZA dkykUrj ls rkacs dk iSlk vBUuh vkdkj ls poUuh vkdkj dk gks x;kA vkuk] nqvUuh] vk/kk vkuk ihry dh ctk; okbZV eSVy dk gks x;kA dqN le; mijkUr ,d iSls dk vkdkj vkSj otu de gksdj lqjk[k okyk gks x;kA ljdkj dh lk[k vkSj fxj xbZA dkj.k lqjk[k dk vfHkizk; jkgw ls vkSj jkgq dk vfHkizk; deh ls lw;Z&jkgw ¼jktnjckj ;k ljdkj dh ekugkfu½ eku&izfr’Bk dk [kRe gksukA fQj dkykUrj ls iSls dk ctu o vkdkj ,d ikbZ iSls ds pkSFks Hkkx ftruk gks x;k vkSj vUr esa fxyV dk gks x;kA fxyV ls vfHkizk; jkgq&jkgq ls vfHkizk; deh vFkkZr~ DemoralisationA fQj dqN le; ckn n”ke iz.kkyh ds vUrxZr #i;k ckdh flDds yksgs ;k OgkbZV eSVy ds gks x;kA bu lkjs
lkyksa esa ljdkj dh lk[k LorU=rk feyus ds ckotwn fxjrh jghA vc ljdkj dh lk[k Hkh fxj jgh gS o ljdkjsa Hkh ;nk&dnk fxjrh jghaA Hkkjr dk caVokjk] tkfr&/keZ ds uke ij fookn] ?k`.kkA fczVsu ds egk"kM~;a= dk ifj.kke Fkh] pk¡nh] lksus ds ctk; yksgs ds flDds ko fn;k rkfd mudk dke Positive Energy okyk gks tk,A bl fy, dke dks 'kh?kz NksM+us dks dgkA ,slh xzg pky okys yksx Pig Farming - Fish Farming ¼eNyh ikyu½ m|ksx ;k Chickenshop ;k Meet Shop bR;kfn ;k Sea Food bR;kfn dk Hkh dke dj
ysrs gSaA eq>s ;kn vk;kA ,sls gh ,d Sea Food ds cM+s O;kikjh dh fiNys lky Cancer ls ekSr gks xbZA tc eq>s muds ckjs esa irk pyk rks og Death Bed ij FksA eSus mldh yXu dqaMyh ns[khA muds ehu yXu o f}rh; Hkko es"k esa eñ&jkñ o r`rh; Hkko esa lwñ&cqñ&'kqñ o NBsa Hkko flga jk”kh esa 'kfu o v"Ve~ Hkko esa rqyk jk”kh esa dsrq FksA mu fnuksa r`rh; Hkko esa cSBs lwñ&cqñ&'kqñ o`"k jkf'k ij 'kfu Hkze.k dj jgs Fks vkSj jkgq ddZ esa FksA ,sls yksxksa Kidney Failure vYlj o dSalj bR;kfn ls Hkh ihfM+r gksdj vYik;q esa ejrs gSaA
xhrklkj xyrh firk djs] vkSj Hkqxrs csVkA eq>s ,d jkst fnYyh ls tkyU/kj Qksu vk;k fd og yksx vfr “kh?kz feyuk pkgrs gSaA lks eSa ,d nks jkst esa gh fnYyh igqap dj mudks vius fnYyh esa gksus dh lwpuk ns nhA og lTtu vius 18&19 lky ds ;qod ds lkFk vk, & eq>s mUgksaus cPps dh dqaMyh ns nhA eq>s flok; firk ds dkjksckj ds dksbZ [kkl ijs”kkuh utj ugha vk jgh FkhA cPps ds gkFk esa Hkh dksbZ ijs”kkuh okyh ckr ugha FkhA mlds jkgq yXu esa o xq# 12osa Hkko esa FksA cPps dk eu i