Lalita Trisati With English Meanings

August 3, 2018 | Author: techbeam | Category: Devi, Shiva, Moksha, Mantra, Brahman
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Wonderful Translation of Lalitha Trisathi (Meanings courtesy: Malathi Swaminathan)...


Lalita Trisati with English Meanings (Meanings courtesy: Malathi Swaminathan) Agasthya uvaacha—“Agasthya asks” 1. Hayagreeva* dayaasindho! Bhagavan! Bhakthavatsala! Tvattas Srutamashaesaena Srotavyam adyadasti Tat.* Hayagreeva ho is the ocean o" love and com#assion$ as alays "ond o" his devotees. He alays gave his devotees hatever they re%uired. Sage Agasthya Agasthya e&tols him saying that he learnt hatever he as su##osed to learn "rom him.* '. (ahasyanaama Saahasram A#i Tattas Tattas Srutam )ayaa ) ayaa ta" +aram ,ha mae -asti Srotavyamiti -ischayaha.* Sage Agasthya Agasthya says as he learnt the holy$ sacred names o" Sri alitham/ika "rom Hayagreeva he has nothing more to learn "rom him.* 0. Tathaa#i Tathaa#i )ama ,hittasya +aryaa#tir -aiva aayatae 2aartsnyaartha"* +raa#ya tyaeva Sochayishyaamyaham*+ra/ho Sochayishyaamyaham*+ra/ho But my inner "eeling says that  have something more to learn "rom you.* 3. 2imidam 2aaranam Broohi nyaatavyaamsoosti* 4aa 4aa +unaha Astichenmama tam Broohi Brooheetyuktvaa +ranamya Tam.* Tam.* 5hat is the reason6 “ am a m #re#ared to receive hatever you say and learn.* Soota 7vaacha —“Soota says”* 8. Samaalalam/ae* Tat#aada ugalam** 2alasod/havaha Hayaanano* Bheeta/heetah 2imidam 2imidam tviti.* Sage Agasthya Agasthya held the "eet o" his 9uru ord Hayagreeva* ith reverence and* the ord* as startled* and as gri##ed ith "ear.* :. )uncha )unchaeti Tam choktvaa ,hintaakraanto Ba/hoova Saha ,hiram 4ichaarya -ischinvan 4aktavyam -a )ayaetyasou.* ord Hayagreeva tried to get aay "rom the gri# o" the sage Agasthya and as "illed ith agony. He thought "or a long time and "elt that there as nothing more to tell him.* ;. Tooshneemsthitas Tooshneemsthitas Smarannaa;. Fm Hreenkaara 4edyaayai namahaJ Salutations to the )other$ ho is knon through the )antra Hreem. 5hen 7#adesam is received "rom a 9uru and Hreem is )editated$ ?evi gives the e&#ierence and reveals that she is the Atma saroo#am$ this e&#ierence leads to )oksham. >=. Fm Hreenkaara ,hinthyaayai -amahaJ Salutations to the )other$ ho is meditated through Hreem. Ther are "ive +ranava )antras and Hreem is one o" the +ranava mantras. The 7#asana "or Fmkaram is -irguno#asana and leads to )oksha$ Salvation. 5here as the 7#asana "or Hreekara is Saguno#asana hich leads to /oth yogam and )oksham$ so it so good to do the 7#asana o" Hreem. >>. Fm Hreem -amahaJ Salutations to the )other$ ho is the Hreem )antra hich gives us Salvation. t is also called ,hithamani )antra$ Bhuvaneshari Bee
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