Lagman Vs Pimentel III
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LAGMAN vs PIMENTEL III GR No. 235935, 236061, 236145 February 6, 2018 Ponente: Jusce Noel Tijam
Can the Peoners invoke the expanded jurisdicon of the SC (Sec. 1, Art. VIII of Constuon) in seeking review of the extension of Proclamaon no. 216. Posion of Peoners:
Peon Pe oners ers queso queson n the man manner ner that that the Con Congre gress ss approv approved ed the extens extension ion of maral maral law in Mindan Min danao ao and charact characteri erized zed the sam same e as done done with with undue undue haste. haste. Peon Peoners ers pre premis mised ed their their argument on the fact that the Joint Rules adopted by both Houses, in regard to the President's request for further extension. Peoners argue that given its crical role in the system of checks and balance, the Court should review not only the suciency of the factual basis of the re-extension but also its accuracy. They assert that the standard for scruny for the present peons is suciency of factual basis, not grave abuse of discreon. The former is, by constuonal design, a stricter scruny as opposed to the laer. Moreover, the Court is allowed to look into facts presented before it during the pendency of the ligaon. This includes, for example, admissions made by the Solicitor General and the military during oral arguments, as they aempted to show compliance with the constuonal requirements . Peoners insist that clear and convincing evidence is necessary to establish sucient factual basis for the extension of maral law instead of the "proba "probable ble cause" standard standard set in Lagman. In Lagman. In comparison to the inial exercise of the extraordinary powers of proclamaon of maral law and the suspension of the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus, their corpus, their extension must have had the benet bene t of sucient me to gather gather addional informa informaon on not only on the factual factual situaon situaon of an actual rebellion, but also the inial exercise of the Execuve during its inial implementaon. Posion of the Respondent:
The invocaon of this Court's expanded jurisdicon under Secon 1, Arcle A rcle VIII of the Constuon is misplaced. As held in Lagman, the "appropriate proceeding" in Secon 18, Arcle VII does not refer to a peon for certorari led led under Secon 1 or 5 of Arcle VIII, as it is not the proper tool to review the suciency of the factual basis of the proclamaon or extension. Ruling of the Court:
The Court reiterated their earlier ruling in Lagman case where they emphasized that the Court’s jurisdicon under the third paragraph of Secon 18, Arcle VII (is special and specic, dierent from those enumerated in Secons 1 and 5 of Arcle VIII. IItt was further stressed therein that the standard of review in a peon for cerorari cerorari is whether whether the resp responden ondentt has commied commied any grave abuse of
discreon amounng to lack or excess of jurisdicon in the performance of his or her funcons, whereas under Secon 18, Arcle VII, the Court is tasked to review the suciency of the factual basis of the President’s exercise of emergency powers. Hence, the Court concluded that a peon for cerorari pursuant to Secon 1 or Secon 5 of Arcle VIII is not the proper tool to review the suciency of the factual basis of the proclamaon of maral law or the suspension of the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus. The Court added that to apply the standard of review in a peon for cerorari will emasculate the Court’s constuonal task under Secon 18, Arcle VII, which was precisely meant to provide an addional safeguard against possible maral law abuse and limit the extent of the powers of the Commander-in-Chief. Finally, the Court held that a cerorari peon invoking the Court’s expanded jurisdicon is not the proper remedy to review the suciency of the factual basis of the Congress’ extension of the proclamaon of maral law or suspension of the privilege of the writ.
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