Lac La Biche Metis Scrip Claims

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Lac la Biche Metis Scrip Claims Fort Lac la Biche (Buckingham House, Greenwich House)

This Metis community community in northern northern Albert Albertaa became home to many Metis who left Red Ri Rive verr afte afterr the Resi Resista stanc ncee of 18 186969-70 70 an andd le left ft Sa Saska skatc tche hewa wann aft after er th thee 188 18855 Resistance. It was founded in 1798-99 as a result of the competition between fur trade companies. By 1872 it was a well-established Metis community with more than fifteen time timess the the popu popula lati tion on of Edmo Edmonto nton. n. It is secon secondd to Fo Fort rt Chip Chipewy ewyan an as th thee ol olde dest st settlement of Alberta. Lac la Biche’s is located on the lake of the same name also called Red Deer Lake. The Cree name for the lake was “Waskesiu Sakhahegan”, which means Elk Lake. Its location on fur-trade routes resulted in posts being built there in the late 1790s. Both David Thompson and George Simpson passed through here, using the Beaver River to go from the main Methye (La Loche) Portage route to reach the Athabasca River. The Metis  people, mostly from Red River, coalesced around the Oblate mission that was established in 1853. In 1798 David Thompson of the North West Company established a trading post, Thompson built Red Deers Lake House and spent the winter of 1798-99 at Lac La Biche. The construction of Red Deers Lake House (later called Buckingham House), on the southeast shore of the Fidler lake. This marked the beginning of European settlement Lac La Biche. In 1799, Peter of the Hudson's Bay Company arrived on the southatshore of  the lake and also established a trading post. This post, Greenwich House, operated until 1821, when the two companies amalgamated. In 1853, the Hudson's Bay Company opened a new trading post at the present town site of Lac La Biche. Later trails where cut into Lac La Biche from Fort Edmonton and Red River carts moved goods from St. Paul to Lac La Biche after which they were transported down the Athabasca River by boat. The first two Oblates to travel to Western Canada were Rev. Father P. Aubert and Brother Alexandre Tache. In the spring of 1853 Father Remas started a mission at Lac la Biche. The mission would later be officially named Notre-Dame-des-Victoires. The first site chosen for the mission was not entirely entirely suitable suitable so in 1855 a new site on a bay north and west of the current Town of Lac La Biche was chosen. Notre Dame des Victoires  became one of the most important Oblate missions in Western Canada. For more than a quarter of a century in the North West. the mission served as the main supply depot for all Catholic missions According to a census taken in 1872 Lac La Biche once had a larger population than Edmonton. Although most of the residents of Lac la Biche had taken treaty under  Chief Peeaysis in 1876, many band members were removed from the annuity lists as  punishment for participation in the 1885 Metis Resistance and most sub subsequently sequently applied to withdraw from treaty and take Metis Scrip. The Indian affairs report of 1889 states: Lac la Biche {late Peeaysis} Band, No. 129

This band, now comprising a membership of only seventeen persons, reside at Lac la Biche, in the Half Breed settlement of that name. Prior to 1886 this band numbered one 1


hundred and sixty persons, but in that year the number was reduced to that above stated  by the discharge from treaty of the remaining r emaining members of the band. Of the present [band] members twelve are Half Breeds who will shortly be dischar discharged ged from treaty. As this band have no reserve, and do little farming, they receive no assistance from the Government, and are dependent upon hunting and fishing for their living, and thus far  they have not suffered any great degree of hardship.  Note that Chief Peeaysis signed Treaty No. 6 in 1876 and a reserve for this group was finally assigned at Beaver Lake (north of Lac la Biche) in 1911. Scrip Claims

Adam, George; concerning his claim as a Head of Family; claim no. 275; address: Lac la Biche born: 1833 at St. Boniface; father: Joseph Adam (Métis); mother: Angèlique Racette (Métis); married: 1857 at St. Boniface to Angèlique Desjarlais;children living: 1; children deceased: 3; scrip for $160.00 Amiskwiyinisis, Nancy (dit Petit Castor); for her deceased daughter, Sophie; claim no. 2208; address: Lac la Biche; born: 4 December, 1870 at Lac la Biche; father: Jean Baptiste Amiskwiyinisis dit Petit Castor (Beaver Indian); mother: Nancy Amiskwiyinisis (Métis); heirs: scrip cert.: form D: 2026, Nancy Amiskwiyinisis dit Petit Castor, $60.00; scrip cert.: form D: 2028, Angéle Cardinal Amiskwiyinisis, $60.00; scrip cert.: form D: 2030, Monique Amiskwiyinisis, $60.00; scrip cert.: form D: 2032, Philomene Desjarlais, $60.00 Anahawattum, David; concerning the claim of his deceased son David Anahawattum; claim no. 2314; address: Lac La Biche; born: 1884 at Lac la Biche; father: David Anahawattum or Bernard (Métis); mother: Betay Kistenawattum (Métis) Atkinson, Marie Catherine; address: Athabasca Landing; claim no. 2381; born: 1879 at Lac la Biche; father: William House (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1618; mother: Cécile Paul (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1618 Attaken, Simon - Marie Kapawis Piché, wife of Alexis Wabemaskoah and formerly widow of Simon Attaken - Concerning her claim and the claim of her children to  participate in any grant to Simon Attaken - Address, St. S t. Albert - Born, Lac la Biche Father, Attaken, (Indian) - Mother, Rosalie Gladu, (Métis) - Married, 1865 at Edmonton to Marie Kapawis Piché - Children deceased, one, Pierre Simon Attaken in 1870 Children living, one, Louis Attaken - Scrip for $160 - Claim 1004 Aubichon, Clara; wife of Joseph Aubichon; claim no. 245; address: Green Lake; born: 15 August, 1884 at Lac La Biche; father: Antoine Laliberte (Métis); mother: Matilda Fraser  (Métis) 2


Auger, Agathe; address: Lac la Biche Settlement; claim no. 711; born: 1848 at Fort Vermilion, Peace River; father: Baptiste Auger (Métis); mother: Josephte Chalifoux (Métis); married: 1864 at Lac la Biche to Charles Johnstone; children living: 6; scrip for  $160.00; scrip cert.: form A, no. 604 Auger, Augustin; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 644; born: 1826 at Lesser Slave Lake; father: Baptiste Auger (French Canadian); mother: Marie Nipissingue (Métis); married: 1848 at Edmonton to Rosalie Labonne and 1861 at Edmonton to Silvie Bruneau; children living: 8; children deceased: 4; scrip for $160.00; scrip cert.: form A, no. 526 Auger Sr., Augustin; sole heir to his deceased son, Augustin Auger Jr., claim no. 766; address: Lac la Biche Settlement; born: 1861 at Edmonton; father: Augustin Auger  (Métis and deponent); mother: Rosalie Labonne (Métis); died: Summer of 1873; scrip for  $240.00; scrip cert.: form B, no. 548 Auger, Augustin; sole heir to his deceased daughter Emilie Auger; claim no. 688; address: Lac la Biche Settlement; born: 10 July, 1870 at Lac la Biche; father: Augustin Auger (Métis and deponent); mother: Sylvie Bruneau (Métis); died: 16 June 1871; scrip for $240.00; scrip cert.: form B, no. 512; Auger, Clement; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2230; born: 1878 at Lac la Biche; father: Augustin Auger Jr. (Métis); mother: Sylvie Bruneau (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1298 Auger, Eliza; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 665; born: 1853 at Lac la Biche; father: Augustin Auger (Métis); mother: Rosalie Labonne (Métis); married: 1868 at Lac la Biche to Shakokessikoipew (an Indian or Métis); children living: 7; scrip for $160.00; scrip cert.: form A, no. 519 Auger, Eulalie; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2236; born: 1882 at Lac la Biche; father: Augustin Auger (Métis); mother: Sylvie Brunneau (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1504 Auger, Felix; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2249; born: 1872 at Lac la Biche; father: Augustine Auger (Métis); mother: Sylvie Brunneau (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1514 Auger, Julie; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 654; born: 1863, South of Saskatchewan River; father: Augustin Auger (Métis); mother: Sylvie Bruneau (Métis); married: 1883 at Lac la Biche to Narcisse Ladouceur children deceased: 1; scrip for $240.00; scrip cert.: form A, no. 525 Auger, Julie; on behalf of the heirs of her deceased husband, Pierre Auger; claim no. 649; address: Lac la Biche; born: 1856 on Athabasca River; father: Augustin Auger (Métis); mother: Rosalie Labonne (Métis); died: 27 January, 1886; heirs: Julie Rivet (widow and deponent) and his children Auguste Auger, Emile Auger, Emma Auger, Francis Auger; Five Scrips for $48.00; scrip cert.: form B, no. 506 and 507 3


Auger, Julien Gregoire; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2262; born: 26 November 1880 at Lac la Biche; father: Augustin Auger (Métis); mother: Sylvie Bruneau (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1530. See 2230 Auger, Justine; address: Lac la Biche Settlement; claim no. 684; born: 9 April, 1870 at Lac la Biche; father: Shapowkissokwepew (Indian or Métis); mother: Elisa Auger  (Métis); scrip for $240.00; scrip cert.: form D, no. 38 Auger, Marie Eugenie; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2235; born: 1875 at Lac la Biche; father: Augustin Auger Jr. (Métis); mother: Sylvie Bruneau (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1502; See case of Clement Auger  Auger, Peggie; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 656; born: 1866 at Lac la Biche; father: Augustin Auger (Métis); mother: Sylvie Bruneau (Métis); scrip for $240.00; Scrip cert.: form A, no. 528 Auger, Therise; address: Lac la Biche Settlement; claim no. 685; born: 1867, January 20 at Lac la Biche; father: Augustin Auger (Métis); mother: Sylvie Bruneau (Métis); married: Spring of 1885 at Lac la Biche to Joseph Desjarlais; children living: Felecia; scrip for $240.00; Scrip cert.: form A, no. 546 Beaulieu, Jean Baptiste; address: Sandy Bay, Westbourne; claim no. 1449; born: 1814 at lac la Biche; father: Baptiste Beaulieu (Métis); mother: Josephte Ka-takoa-ko-ia-way (Indian); married: 1840 at Baie St. Paul to Josephte Richard; children living: 5; children deceased: 7; scrip for $160.00 Belcourt, Isabelle - Concerning her claim as a head of family - Address, St. Albert P.O. [Post Office] - Born, Lac La Biche, July, 1858 - Father, George Adams, (Métis) - Mother, Marguerite Desjarlais, (Métis) - Married, 1868 at Lac La Biche to Jean Baptiste Belcourt - Children living, eight (names on husband's application) - Scrip for $160 - Claim 665 Bellcourt, Jean for his1876 deceased Bellcourt; claim no. 2832; address: Lac Ste.Baptiste; Anne; born: at Lacdaughter, la Biche; Florine father: Jean Baptiste Bellcourt. (Métis and deponent); mother: Isabella Adam (Métis); scrip cert.: form F, no. 994; died: 1879 at Lac la Biche Bellcourt, Jean Felix; address: Lac Ste. Anne; claim no. 2817; born: 1881 at Lac la Biche; mother: Isabelle Adam (Métis); father: Jean Baptiste Bellcourt (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 2138 Bellcourt, Magloire; address: Lac Ste. Anne; claim no. 2820; born: 1877 at Lac la Biche; father: Jean Baptiste Bellcourt (Métis); mother: Isabelle Adam (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 2144



Berland, Jacques; concerning the claim of his son, Louison Berland as heir to his mother, Anne Blandion (deceased); claim no. 765; address: Lac la Biche Settlement; father: Pierre Blandion (Métis); mother: Marguerite Amiotte (Métis); married: 1866 at Saddle Lake to Jacques Berland (deponent); died: September 1870 at Frog Lake; scrip for  $160.00 Bernard, Agathe; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2424; born: 1888 at Lac la Biche; father: Francois Singer or Castor (Métis); mother: Marguerite Desjarlais (Métis); married: 1904 to Louis Bernard at Lac la Biche; scrip cert.: form E, no. 3368 Bernard, Louis; address: Lac La Biche; claim no. 2378; born: 1879 at Lesser Slave Lake; father: David Bernard (Métis); mother: Betsy Kis-te-no-wattum (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1612 = Bernard, Louis; résidence: lac La Biche; no de réclamation 2378; né: en 1879 à Petit lac des Esclaves; père: David Bernard (Métis); mère: Betsy Kis-te-nowattum (Métisse); certificat: formulaire E, no 1612. Bernard, Paul; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 758; born: 1853 at Cold Lake; father: Pashkoatay Bernard (Métis); mother: Kehnawehematt (Indian); married: 1872 at Lac la Biche to Betsy Tremblay; children living: 4; scrip for $240.00 Bernard, Silvie; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2303; born: 1881 at Little Slave Lake; father: David or William Bernard (Métis); mother: Betsy Kistenowattum (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1572 Bird, Joseph; for the heirs of Thomas Bird; claim no. 229; address: Edmonton; born: 1800 at Lac la Biche; father: Baptiste Bird (Métis); mother: Angélique (Indian); married: in 1861 at Lac la Biche to Isabelle and in 1869 to Bella; died: Spring of 1873; heirs: His Children: Joseph Bird (deponent), $40.00; John Bird, $40.00; Betsy Bird, first wife, $40.00; Bella Bird, second wife, $40.00 Bird, Katy; address: Athabasca Landing; claim no. 2364; born: 1882 at Lac la Biche; father: Julien Cardinal (Métis); mother: Liza Ladouceur (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1372 Boucher, Agnes; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2173; born: 1881 at Lac la Biche; father: Xavier Cardinal dit Cis (Métis); mother: Jeanne (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1254 Boucher, Alexander; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2198; born: 1874 at Lac la Biche; father: Narcisse Boucher (Whiteman); mother: Judith McCarthy (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1450 Boucher, Alphonse; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2183; born: 1874 at Lac la Biche; father: Narcisse Boucher (Whiteman); mother: Judith McCarthy (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1450



Boucher, Antoine; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2197; born: 1881 at Lac la biche; father: Narcisse Boucher (Whiteman); mother: Judith McCarthy (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1260 Boucher, Emilien; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2184; born: 1878 at Lac la Biche; father: Narcisse Boucher (Whiteman); mother: Judith McCarthy (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1452 Boucher, Judith; for her deceased daughter, Caroline; claim no. 2207; address: Lac la Biche; born: 1881 at Fort Chipewyan; father: Narcisse Boucher (Whiteman); mother: Judith McCarthy (Métis & deponent); died: 1890 at Fort Chipewyan; hers: Judith Boucher (mother); Narcisse Boucher (brother); Theophile Boucher (brother); Francois Boucher (brother); Alphonse Boucher (brother); Millan Boucher (brother); Antoine Boucher (brother); Alexandra Boucher (brother) Boucher, Marie; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2174; born: 1876 at Lac la Biche; father: Clement Kalen (deceased Whiteman); mother: Isabelle Quintal (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1442 Boucher, Marie; for her deceased brother Anseline Kalen; claim no. 2176; address: Lac la Biche; born: 18 May 1872 at Lac la Biche; father: Clement Kalen or Collin (Whiteman); mother: Isabelle Quintal (Métis); died: Dec. 1878; heirs: Marie Boucher (nee Kalen or  Collins), deponent & sister; Hubert Kalen or Collins (brother); Mathilde Laliberte (sister); scrip for $ 80.00 each Boucher, Narcisse; for his deceased daughter, Sophie; claim no. 2293; address: Lac la Biche; born: 15 July, 1883 at Lac la Biche; father: Narcisse Boucher (Métis & deponent); mother: Caroline Ladouceur (Métis); died: 1893, April at Lac la Biche; heir: her father,  Narcisse Boucher, deponent; scrip s crip cert.: form F, no. 808 Bourke, Arsene or Bourke; address: Lac la Biche Settlement; claim no. 664; born: 1865 at Lac la Biche; father: George Bourke (French Cdn); mother: Agathe Ladouceur (Métis); married: $240.00 Fall, 1883 at Lac la Biche to Marie Houle; children living: Sylvestre; scrip for  Bourque, Alphonse Marie Ligori; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2117; born: 1872 at Lac la Biche; father: George Bourque (Whiteman); mother: Agathe Ladouceur (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1402 Bourque, Barthelemy; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2116; born: 1874 at Lac la Biche; father: George Bourque (Whiteman); mother: Agathe Ladouceur (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1206 Bourque, Charles Henry; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2150; born: 1882 at Lac la Biche; father: George Bourque (Whiteman); mother: Agathe Ladouceur (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1418 6


Bourque, Elizabeth Jane; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2215; born: 23 Oct., 1877 at Fort Chipewyan; father: William Frederick Gardner (English); mother: Flora Flett (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1476 Bourque, George Silvester; address: Saddle Lake; claim no. 2000; born: 29 Jan., 1871 at Lac la Biche; father: George Bourque (Whiteman); mother: Agathe Ladouceur (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1284 Bourque, Jean Baptiste; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2193; born: 1877 at Lac la Biche; father: George Bourke (Whiteman); mother: Agathe Ladouceur (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1468 Bourque, Joseph; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 640; born: 1866 at Lac la Biche; father: George Bourque (French Cdn.); mother: Agathe Ladouceur (Métis); scrip for  $240.00 Bourque, Marie Agnes; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2155; born: 1881 at Lac la Biche; father: Paulette Desjarlais (Métis); mother: Betsy Cardinal (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1426 Bourque, Marie Agnes; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2162; born: 1884 at Lac la Biche; father: Pierre Desjarlais (Métis); mother: Catherine Matsimuttan (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1428 Bourque, Sophie; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2124; born: 1874 at Lac la Biche; father: Isidore Deconie (Métis); mother: Catherine Fawetts or Latranche (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1404 Bourque, Oliver Edward; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2144; father: George Bourque (Whiteman); mother: Agathe Ladouceur (Métis); born: 10 Oct., 1879; scrip cert.: form E, no. 1412 Bruce, Elizabeth; address: Beaver Lake; claim no. 1817; born: 23 July, 1881 at Lac la Biche; father: James Pruden (Métis); mother: Thérèse Calahaisen (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1126; file ref. 622304 Bruneau, Daniel; address: Baptiste Lake; claim no. 2386; born: 1877 at Lac la Biche; father: Paul Bruneau (Métis); mother: Isabelle Kukikekamik (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1620 Bruneau, Elizabeth; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 592; born: 1847 at Buffalo Lake; father: Michel Bruneau (Métis, deceased); mother: Catherine Ladouceur (Métis); married: 1863 at Lac la Biche to Patrick Pruden; children living: 10; scrip for $160.00



Bruneau, Isabelle; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 703; born: unknown; father: Baptiste Moise (Métis); mother: Charlotte Wa-pis-ta-kwan; children living: 6; children deceased: 2; married: 1866 at Lac la Biche to Paul Bruneau; scrip for $160.00 Bruneau, Louise - Concerning her claim as a child - Address, Lac la Biche - Born, Lac la Biche, January, 1867 - Father, Paul Bruneau, (Métis) - Mother, Marguerite Gladu, (Métis) - Scrip for $240 - Claim 1140 Bruneau, Louison (alias Montagnais); address: Calgary; claim no. 98; born: 1832 at Lac la Biche; father: Michel Bruneau (Métis); mother: Marie Ladouceur (Métis); married: in 1843 at St. Albert to Angéle Dumont and in Winter, 1871 to Marguerite Allary children living: 3; children deceased: 4; scrip for $160.00 Bruneau, Marie Marguerite; address: Baptiste Lake; claim no. 2407; born: 1882 at Lac la Biche; father: Paul Bruneau (Métis); mother: Catherine Cardinal (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1398 Bruneau, Mathilda; address: Baptiste Lake; claim no. 2431; born: 1876 at Lac la Biche; father: Eugene Pèche (Métis); mother: Elisa Cardinal (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1410 Bruneau, Paul (alias Montagnais); address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 702; born: 1848 at Lac la Biche; father: Michel Bruneau (Métis); mother: Catherine Ladouceur (Métis); married: 1866 at Lac la Biche to Isabelle; children living: 6; children deceased: 2; scrip for $160.00 Bruneau, Paul; heir of his deceased children: Charlotte, born: 1871 at Lac la Biche, died: 1886 at Lac la Biche; Marguerite, born: 1873 at Lac la Biche, died: 1877 on Athabasca River; Marie Rose, born: 1882 at Lac la Biche, died: 1886 at Lac la Biche; claim no. 2239; address: Baptiste Lake; father: Paul Bruneau (Métis and deponent); mother: Isabella Kakikekamik (Indian); scrip cert.: form F, no. 788, Charlotte; scrip cert.: form F, no. 790, Marguerite; scrip cert.: form F, no. 792, Marie Rose Bruneau, Rose de Lima; address: Baptiste Lake; claim no. 2395; born: 1879 at Lac la Biche; father: Francis Castur, or Singer (Métis); mother: Marguerite Desjarlais (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1626 Bruneau, Silvie; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 655; born: 1845 at Lac la Biche; father: Michel Bruneau (Métis); mother: Catherine Ladouceur (Métis); married: 1861 at Edmonton to Augustin Auger; children: details on husband's application; scrip for  $160.00 Bruno, Josephine - Concerning her claim as a child - Address, Battleford - Born, Lac la Biche, fall of 1868 - Father, St. Paul Bruno, (Métis) - Mother, Isabelle Cardinal, (Métis) Scrip for 240 acres of land - Claim 1232



Burbank, Maria; address: St. John; claim no. 2383; born: 1882 at Lac la Biche; mother: Lizette Cardinal (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1356; Adopted by Peter Pruden Callion, Louise; address: Lac Ste. Anne; claim no. 2818; born: 1879 at Lac la Biche; father: Jean Baptiste Bellecourt (Métis); mother: Isabelle Adam (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 2140 Capot-Blanc, Isabelle; born: April 1864 at Lac la Biche; claim no. 215; father: Jean Marie Desjarlais (Métis); mother: Isabelle Batoche (Métis); married: July, 1878 at Fort Vermillion to Pierre Capot-Blanc; children living: 3; children deceased: 1; Isabelle Capot-Blanc, scrip cert. no. 474 A; Julienne Capot-Blanc, scrip cert. no. 475 A Cardinal, Absolon; address: Lesser Slave Lake; claim no. 551; born: 1869 at Lac la Biche; father: Joseph Cardinal (Métis); mother: Lizette Cardinal (Métis); married: 1894 at Lesser Slave Lake to Julie Ma-yas; children living: 2; Agnes, born: November, 1896; Joseph, born: March, 1898; scrip cert. no. 1174 Absolon Cardinal; scrip cert. no. 1175 Agnes Cardinal; scrip cert. no. 1176 A Joseph Cardinal Cardinal, Adam; address: Wolverine Point; claim no. 362; born: 1854 at Lac la Biche; father: John Cardinal (Métis); mother: Cécile Cardinal (Métis); married: 1881 at Vermillion to Elise Shanon Nipissing; children living: Adam Cardinal, scrip cert. no. 730 A; Joseph Cardinal, scrip cert. no. 731 A; Victoria Cardinal, scrip cert. no. 732 A; Mary Cardinal, scrip cert. no. 733 A; Gilodelle Cardinal, scrip Cert, no. 734 A; Jean Félix Cardinal, scrip cert. no. 735 A; Clement Cardinal, scrip 736 A Cardinal, Adelaide; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2349; born: 1873 at Fort Chipewyan; father: Donald McDonald (Métis); mother: Catherine Tourenqeau (Métis); file ref. 1400492 Cardinal, Alexandre; address: Lac la Biche Settlement; claim no. 741; born: August, 1868 at Lac la Biche; father: Joseph Cardinal (Métis); mother: Euphrasine Lemire (Métis); scrip for $240.00 Cardinal, Alexandrine; address: Lac La Biche; claim no. 581; born: June, 1879 at Lac La Biche; father: Joseph Ladouceur (Métis); mother: Véronique Etaoncapo (Indian); married: November, 1897 at Lac la Biche to Joseph Cardinal; children living: Pierre,  born: 4 January, 1899 Cardinal, Alexis; address: Lac la Biche Settlement; claim no. 690; born: 1859 at Lac la Biche; father: Jerome Cardinal (Métis); mother: Isabelle Weh-sah-we-ko-man-a-pew (Métis); married: 1885 in Spring, at Lac la Biche to Marguerite Desjarlais; children living: Felecia; scrip for $240.00 Cardinal, Alexis; address: Calling Lake; claim no. 2280; born: 1875 at Lac la Biche; father: Francois Cardinal (Métis); mother: Adèle Desjarlais (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1544 9


Cardinal, Alphonse; address: Battleford, Saskatchewan; claim no. 1034; born: 1878 at Lac la Biche, Alberta; father: Joseph Cardinal (Métis); mother: Euphrasine Lemire (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1641 for $240.00 Cardinal, Amedee; address: Lac La Biche; claim no. 2128; born: 1880 at Lac la Biche; father: John Cardinal (Métis); mother: Angéle Desjarlais (Métis); scrip cert.: form C. no. 1220 Cardinal, Angéle; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2344; born: 1874 at Fort McMurray; mother: Marie (Chipewyan Indian); father: Tsitson (Métis); file ref. 2033419 Cardinal, Angéle; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2352; born: 1872 at Lac la Biche; father: Domonique Cardinal (Métis); mother: Marie Anne Desjarlais (Métis); scrip cert.: form C. no. 1362 Cardinal, Angélique; for her deceased daughter, Rosalie; claim no. 2413; address: Baptiste Lake; born: 1876 at Lac la Biche; father: Joseph Cardinal (Métis); mother: Angélique Kikikekamilk (Métis); died: 1886 at Lac la Biche; file ref. 802800 Cardinal, Antoine; heir of his deceased son, Benjamin; claim no. 763; address: Lac la Biche; born: January, 1856; father: Antoine Cardinal (Métis and deponent); mother: Cécile Boucher (Métis); died: 22 March, 1884; scrip for $240.00 Cardinal, Antoine; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 650; born: 1828 at Lac la Biche; father: Jacques Cardinal (Métis); mother: Josephte (Cree Indian); married: 1858 to Marie; children living: 7; children deceased: 3; scrip for $160.00 Cardinal, Augustin; address: Lac la Biche Mission; claim no. 633; born: 1856 at Lac la Biche, Post; father: St. Luc Cardinal (Métis); mother: Marguerite Desjarlais (Métis); scrip for $240.00 Cardinal, Augustin; address: LacCardinal la Biche(Métis); Settlement; claimMarguerite no. 745; born: 5 April, 1869 at Lac la Biche; father: Louison mother: Larocque (Métis); scrip for $240.00 Cardinal, Baptiste - Frances Hope, concerning the claim of her deceased husband, Baptiste Cardinal, a Métis head of family - Address, Calgary - Born, Lake la Biche, 1846 - Father, Laurent Cardinal, (Métis) - Mother, Marie Magnon, (Métis) - Married, 1868 at Lac La Biche to Frances Hope, now wife of Simon Whitford - Children living, one, James born January, 1871 - Died, October, 1870 - Heirs, widow, Frances Hope, son James Cardinal - Scrip for $160 - Claim 404 Cardinal, Baptiste; address: Lac la Biche Mission; claim no. 635; born: 1849 near Rocky Mountains; father: Louison Cardinal (Métis); mother: Susanne Desjarlais (Métis);



married: 1868 at Lac la Biche to Josephine; children living: Isabelle and Marie; children deceased: Madeleine and one not baptized; scrip for $160.00 Cardinal, Baptiste; for his deceased daughter, Magdeline; claim no. 2237; address: Lac la Biche; born: 1872 at Lac la Biche; father: Baptiste Cardinal (Métis and deponent); mother: Josephine Desjarlais (Métis); died: 1873; heir: her father, Baptiste Cardinal, deponent; scrip cert.: form F, no. 784 Cardinal, Baptiste; heir of his deceased son, Joseph Patrick; claim no. 2279; address: Lac la Biche; born: 1883 at Lac la Biche; father: Baptiste Cardinal (Métis and deponent); mother: Josephine Martin (Métis); died: before being 1 year old; scrip cert.: form F, no. 1849 Cardinal, Basile; for his deceased son, Narcisse; claim no. 2164; address: Lac la Biche  born: 1877 at Lac la Biche; father: Basile Cardinal (Métis and deponent); depo nent); mother: Isabelle Capot (Métis); died: before family got treaty; file ref. 799288 Cardinal, Basile; address: Lac la Biche Settlement; claim no. 701; born: 1830 at Beaver  River; father: Pierre Cardinal (Métis); mother: Marguerite Desjarlais (Métis); married: 1858 at Lac la Biche to Isabelle Capot-Vert or Keh-ke-neh-ta-w-kew; children living: Jean; children deceased: Narcisse; scrip for $160.00 Cardinal, Benjamin; address: Calling Lake; claim no. 583; born: 1870 or 1871 at Lac la Biche; father: Francois Cardinal (Métis); mother: Adèle Desjarlais (Métis); married: 1893 at Lac la Biche to Sophie Lapoudre; children living: 3 (names on application) Cardinal, Benjamin; address: Calling Lake; claim no. 2297; born: 4 July, 1870 at Lac la Biche; father: Francois Cardinal (Métis); mother: Adèle Desjarlais (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1324 Cardinal, Bethsy; address: Lac la Biche Settlement; claim no. 746; born: 1853 at Lac la Biche; father: Joseph Kis-teh-no-watem (Indian); mother: Euphrasine Cardinal (Métis); married: 1873 at Lac la Biche to Oma-howattum; children living: 4; children deceased: 1; scrip for $240.00 Cardinal, Betsy; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2228; born: 1885 at Lac la Biche; father: Dominique Cardinal (Métis); mother: Marie Anne Desjarlais (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1292 Cardinal, Betsy; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 587; born: 1844 at Lac la Biche; father: Louison Cardinal (Métis and deceased); mother: Susanne Desjarlais (Métis); married: 1868 at Lac la Biche to Paulette: Desjarlais; children living: 6, see husband's application; scrip for $160.00



Cardinal, Billy; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2142; born: 7 June, 1879 at Lac la Biche; father: John Cardinal (Métis); mother: Angèle Desjarlais (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1242 Cardinal, Catherine; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 529; born: October, 1879 at Lac la Biche; father: Nazaire Martel (Whiteman); mother: Celina Tremblay (Métis); married: May, 1897 at Lac la Biche to John Cardinal; children deceased: Alexandre, born: August, 1898, died: October, 1898; scrip cert. no. 1069 A Cardinal, Catherine; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 659; born: 1868 on Athabasca River; father: Jean Baptiste Cardinal (deceased Métis); mother: Josephte Chalifoux (Métis); scrip for $240.00 Cardinal, Cécile; address: Lac la Biche Settlement; claim no. 727; born: 1840 at Lac la Biche; father: Boucher (French Canadian); mother: Josephte Cardinal (Métis); married: 1855 at White Fish Lake to Antoine Cardinal; children living: 8; children deceased: 3; scrip for $160.00 Cardinal, Cecile; address: Lesser Slave Lake; claim no. 271; born: 1839 at Lac Poisson Blanc; father: Bazile Labonne (Métis); mother: Nanette Cardinal (Métis); married: 1856 at Lac la Biche to John Cardinal; children living: 7; children deceased: 6; scrip cert. no. 566 A Cardinal, Cécile; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 605; born: 1861 at Fort Pitt; father: Jerome Cardinal (Métis); mother: Josephte Desjarlais (Métis); married: 1879 at Lac la Biche Mission to Joseph Desjarlais; children living: 2; scrip for $240.00 Cardinal, Charles; address: Lac la Biche claim no. 2201; born: 1883 at Lac la Biche; father: Dominique Cardinal (Métis); mother: Marie Ann Desjarlais (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1268 Cardinal, Clement; address: Wolverine Point; claim no. 361; born: 1863 at Lac la Biche; father: John Cardinal Alickdeceased: (Métis); married: 1880 at Dunvegan to Josephine Richards;(Métis); childrenmother: living: Cecile 5; children 2; Clement Cardinal, scrip cert. no. 738 A; Alfred Cardinal, scrip cert. no. 739 A; Alice Cardinal, scrip cert. no. 740 A; Eleonore Cardinal,Scrip Cert. no. 741 A; Joe Cardinal, scrip cert. no. 742 A; Paul Cardinal, scrip cert. no. 743 A Cardinal, Damien; address: Lac la Biche claim no. 2248; born: 1879 at Lac la Biche; father: Julien Cardinal (Métis); mother: Eliza Ladouceur (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1512 Cardinal, Dominique; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 606; born: 1845 near Floating Stone Lake; father: Laurent Cardinal (Métis); mother: Marie Moignon (Métis); married: 1864 at Saddle Lake to Marianne Desjarlais; children living: 10; children deceased: 1; scrip for $160.00 12


Cardinal, Edward; address: Calling Lake claim no. 2282; born: 1872 at Lac la Biche; father: Francois Cardinal (Métis); mother: Adèle Desjarlais (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1548 Cardinal, Edward; address: Calling Lake; claim no. 587; born: 1873 near Lac la Biche; father: Francois Cardinal (Métis); mother: Angèle Desjarlais (Métis); married: 1892 at Calling Lake to Suzette Gladu; children living: Louisa, Sylvestre, & Isabelle Cardinal, Elenore; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2267; born: 1881 at Lac la Biche; father: Louison Cardinal (Métis); mother: Marguerite Larocque (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1540 Cardinal, Eleonore; address: Edmonton; claim no. 235; born: 26 June, 1860 at Lac la Biche; father: St. Luc Cardinal (Métis); mother: Marguerite Desjarlais (Métis); scrip for  $240.00 Cardinal, Elie; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2196; born: 1882 at Lac la Biche; father: Joseph Cardinal (Métis); mother: Mathilde Tremblay (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1258 Cardinal, Elise; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 752; born: 1867 at Lac la Biche; father: Louison Cardinal (Métis); mother: Marguerite Larocque (Métis); married: Spring, 1886 at Lac la Biche Mission to Theophile Boucher; scrip for $240.00 Cardinal, Elise; address: Lac la Biche Settlement; claim no. 723; born: 1868 at Lac la Biche Settlement; father: Antoine Cardinal (Métis); mother: Cécile Boucher (Métis); scrip for $240.00 Cardinal, Eliza; address: Lac la Biche Settlement; claim no. 748; born: 1852 at White Fish Lake; father: Antoine Cardinal (Métis); mother: Cécile Boucher (Métis); married: 1868 at Lac la Biche to Eugene Piche; children living: 8 (names on application); scrip for  $160.00 Cardinal, Elizabeth; address: Edmonton; claim no. 254; born: 14 July, 1870 at Lac la Biche; father: Moise Cardinal (Métis); mother: Thérèse Bruneau (Métis); scrip for  $240.00 Cardinal, Emile; address: Lesser Slave Lake; claim no. 89; born: 1878 at Lac la Biche; father: Joseph Cardinal (Métis); mother: Marie Desjarlais (Métis) Cardinal, Emilie; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2135; born: 1876 at Cypress Hills; father: Guillaume Desjarlais (Métis); mother: Marguerite Sauvé (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1234



Cardinal, Emma; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2289; born: 1878 at Lac la Biche; father: Etienne Quintal (Métis); mother: Marie Cardinal (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1562 Cardinal, Euphrasine; address: Lac la Biche Settlement; claim no. 738; born: 1846 on the Plains; father: Jarvis Lemire (Métis); mother: Julie Martin (Métis); married: 1865 at St. Francois Xavier to Joseph Cardinal; children living: 8; children deceased: 2; scrip for  $160.00 Cardinal, Euphrasine; address: Lac la Biche Settlement; claim no. 595; born: 1843 near  Victoria; father: Jacques Cardinal (Métis); mother: Josephte (Métis); married: 1860 at Lac la Biche to Charles Quintal; children living: 5; children deceased: 1 scrip for $160.00 Cardinal, Eustache; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2332; born: 1879 at Lac la Biche; father: Paul Cardinal (Métis); mother: Marguerite Tremblay (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1590 Cardinal, Francis; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2200; born: 1880 at Lac la Biche; father: Dominique Cardinal (Métis); mother: Marie Anne Desjarlais (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1266 Cardinal, Francois; address: Buck Lake, North West Territories; claim no. 661; born: 1831 at Lac la Biche; father: Jacques Cardinal (Métis); mother: Marguerite Desjarlais (Métis); married: 1861 at Lac la Biche to Angèle Desjarlais; children living: 8; children deceased: 1; scrip for $160.00 Cardinal, Francois; address: Calling Lake, Athabasca; claim no. 586; born: 1831 at Lac la Biche; father: James Cardinal (Métis); mother: Marguerite (Métis); married: 1859 at Buffalo Lake to Angèle Desjarlais; children living: 8; children deceased: 2 Cardinal, Francois; heir of his deceased children: James, born: 1875 at Lac la Biche: died: 1875; Marie Julie, born: 1876 at Lac la Biche: died: 1890; Emilia, born: 1878 at Lac la Biche: 1895; address: LacCaroline la Biche;Johnson claim no. 2309; file father: (Métis died: and deponent); mother: (Métis); ref. Francois 799289; Cardinal scrip cert.: form F, no. 816, Marie Julie; scrip cert.: form F, no. 818, Emilia Cardinal, Francois Moise; address: Lac la Biche Settlement; claim no. 736; born: 1853 at Lac la Biche; father: Baptiste Moise Cardinal (Métis); mother: Charlotte Wapistokowan (Métis); married: 1874 at Lac la Biche to Caroline Johnstone; children living: Marie Julie and Emilien; children deceased: James; scrip for $240.00 Cardinal, Gabriel (dit Labatoche); for his deceased brother Olivier Cardinal; claim no. 2026; born: 1854 near Lac la Biche; died: 1871; address: St. Paul de Metis; father: Baptiste Cardinal dit Labatoche (Métis); mother: Amy (Métis)



Cardinal, Gabriel; address: Victoria; claim no. 562; born: 1835 at Lac la Biche; father: Baptiste Cardinal (Métis); mother: Emmy Moignon (Métis); married: 1855 at Lac la Biche to Marie Bruneau; children living: 12; children deceased: 2; scrip for $160.00 Cardinal, Isabelle; for her deceased son Thomas; claim no. 2311; address: Lac la Biche;  born: 1859 at Lac la Biche; father: Basile Cardinal (Métis); mother: Isabelle Isab elle Cardinal (Métis and deponent) Cardinal, Isabelle; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 636; born: August, 1869 at Lac la Biche; father: Baptiste Cardinal (Métis); mother: Josephine (Métis); scrip for $240.00 Cardinal, Isabelle; address: Lac la Biche Settlement; claim no. 700; born: 1829 at Athabasca; father: Masko-meh Capot Vert (Indian); mother: Isabelle Cardinal (Métis); married: 1858 at Lac la Biche to Basile Cardinal and before that to Kistenowatam; children living: Jean; children deceased: Thomas and Narcisse; scrip for $160.00 Cardinal, Isabelle; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2134; born: 1881 at Lac la Biche; father: Jérome Cardinal (Métis); mother: Josephte Desjarlais (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1232 Cardinal, Isabelle; for her deceased son Thomas Cheechea; claim no. 2251; address: Lac la Biche; born: 1860 at Little Slave Lake; father: Pierre Cheechee (Métis); mother: Isabelle Cardinal (Métis) Cardinal, Isidore; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2189; born: 1874 at Lac la Biche; father: Dominique Cardinal (Métis); mother: Marie Anne Desjarlais (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1462 Cardinal, Jacque; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 581; born: 1797 at Moose Mountain near Pitt; father: Cardinal (French Canadian); mother: Lizette (Maskegan Indian); married: in 1814 at Lac la Biche to Josephte (Cree Indian) and in 1820 at Lac la Biche to Marguerite Desjarlais; children living: 8 (names on application); scrip for $160.00 Cardinal, James; address: Red Deer River; claim no. 536; born: 30 April, 1870 at Lac la Biche; father: Jean Baptiste Cardinal (Métis); mother: Francoise Hope (Métis); scrip for  $240.00 Cardinal, Jean; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2169; born: 1874 at Lac la Biche; father: Basile Cardinal (Métis); mother: Isabelle Capot rouge or Capot vert (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1446 Cardinal, Jean Baptiste; address: Peace River Landing via Edmonton; claim no. 85 to 87;  born: 1868 at Lac la Biche; father: Henry Cardinal Card inal (Métis); mother: Betsy (Cree Indian); married: in 1891 at Peace River Landing to Sophie Laprete and in 1897 at Peace River  Landing to Sophie Hamelin; children living: John, born: 1892, Flora, born: 1898, Philomène, born: 1899; Jean Baptiste Cardinal, scrip notes nos. A12842 and A4473 for  15


$160.00 and 80.00; John Cardinal, scrip notes nos. A12843 and A4474 for $160.00 and $80.00; Flora Cardinal, scrip notes nos. A12844 and A4475 for $160.00 and $80.00 Cardinal, Jean Baptiste; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 642; born: 11 July, 1869 at Lac la Biche; father: Joseph Cardinal (Métis); mother: Marie (Indian); scrip for $240.00 Cardinal, Jean Baptiste; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2199; born: 1880 at Lac la Biche; father: Joseph Cardinal, dit Nubesis (Métis); mother: Mathilde Tremblay (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1264 Cardinal, Jean Baptiste; address: Calling Lake; claim no. 2295; born: 1880 at Lac la Biche; father: Francois Cardinal (Métis); mother: Adèle Desjarlais (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1320 Cardinal, Jean Marie; address: Lac la Biche Settlement; claim no. 620; born: January, 1868 at Lac la Biche; father: Dominique Cardinal (Métis); mother: Marie Anne Desjarlais (Métis); scrip for $240.00 Cardinal, Jerome; address: Lac la Biche Settlement; claim no. 614; born: 1859 at Victoria; father: Laurent CardinalDesjarlais; (Métis); mother: Moignon (Métis); married: 1859 at Lac la Biche to Josephte childrenMarie living: 7; children deceased 3; scrip for $160.00 Cardinal, Jerome; heir to his deceased son, Gabriel Cardinal, born: 1857 at Lac la Biche; died: 28 September, 1870; address: Lac la Biche Mission; claim no. 639; father: Jerome Cardinal (Métis); mother: Josephte Desjarlais (Métis); scrip for $240.00 Cardinal, Jerome; for his deceased children: Monique, born: 1872 at Lac la Biche; died: 1874; Marie, born: 1877 at Lac la Biche; died: 1879; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2147; father: Jerome Cardinal (Métis); mother: Josephte Desjarlais (Métis); file ref. 960931 Cardinal, Jimmy; address: Lesser Slave mother: Lake; claim no. 234; born: June, 1873 at Lac June la Biche; father: Jacque Cardinal (Métis); Catherine Cardinal (Métis); married: 1896 at Lesser Slave Lake to Flora Gladu; children living: Norman, born: 2 April, 1897; Jimmy Cardinal, scrip cert. no. 504 A; Norman Cardinal, scrip cert. no. 505 A Cardinal, John; address: Lesser Slave Lake; claim no. 270; born: 1826 at Lac la Biche; father: Simon Cardinal (Métis); mother: Marguerite Robinson or Desjarlais (Métis); married: 1856 at Lac la Biche to Cécile Labonne; children living: 7; children deceased: 6; John Cardinal, scrip cert. no. 564 A; Henry Cardinal, scrip cert. no. 565 A Cardinal, John; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 534; born: February, 1876 near Pelican Rapids; father: Joseph Cardinal (Métis); mother: Marie Desjarlais (Métis); married: May 1898 at Lac la Biche to Catherine Martel; scrip cert. no. 1068 A



Cardinal, John; address: Lac la Biche Settlement; claim no. 627; born: 1839 at Victoria; father: Pierre Cardinal (Métis); mother: Marguerite (Indian); married: 1866 at Lac la Biche to Angèle Desjarlais; children living: 9; children deceased: 1; scrip for $160.00 Cardinal, John; for his son, Raphael Cardinal; claim no. 2127; born: 1883 at Lac la Biche; address: Lac la Biche; father: John Cardinal (Métis and deponent); mother: Angèle Desjarlais (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1218 Cardinal, John; address: Victoria Settlement; claim no. 564; born: 1864 at Lac la Biche; father: Gabriel Cardinal (Métis); mother: Mary Bruneau (Métis); scrip for $240.00 Cardinal, John (dit Sisawapas); address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2268; born: 1876 near  Lac la Biche; father: Louison Cardinal, dit Sisawapas (Métis); mother: Marguerite Larocque (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1542 Cardinal, Joseph; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 696; born: 1848 at Lac la Biche; father: Cardinal alias 0-kee-stoh (Métis); mother: Cecile Boucher (Métis); married: in 1869 to Rosalie Courteoreille at Lac la Biche and in 1874 to Matilde Tremblay; children living: 5, names on application; children deceased: 1; scrip for $160.00 Cardinal, Joseph; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 520; born: 15 July, 1875 at Lac la Biche; father: Julien Cardinal (Métis); mother: Eliza Ladouceur (Métis); married: 10  November, 1897 at Lac la Biche to Alexandrine Ladouceur; Ladou ceur; children living: Pierre, born: 4 January, 1899; scrip cert. no. 1129 A Cardinal, Joseph; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 576; born: 1857 at Lac Poisson Blanc; father: Louison Cardinal (Métis); mother: Suzanne Courteoreille (Métis); children living: 9; children deceased: 3; married: 1874 at Lac la Biche to Marie Desjarlais Cardinal, Joseph; address: Lesser Slave Lake; claim no. 53; born: 15 September, 1859 at Lac la Biche; father: John Cardinal Sr. (Métis); mother: Lizette Moosetakiph (Métis); married: August, 1882 at Lesser Slave Lake to Anne Auger; children living: 6; Joseph Cardinal, Cardinal, scrip scrip cert. cert. no. no. 118 120 A; A; Nancy Joseph Cardinal, Cardinal, scrip scrip cert. cert. no. no. 119 121 A; A; Ambroise Flora Cardinal, scrip cert. no. 122 A; Jeremie Cardinal, scrip cert. no. 123 A; Charles Cardinal, scrip cert. no. 124A Cardinal, Joseph; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 628; born: 1858 at St. Paul des Cris; father: Louison Cardinal (Métis); mother: Suzanne Courteoreille (Indian); married: 1875 at lac la Biche to Marie Desjarlais; children living: 4; children deceased: 1; scrip for  $240.00 Cardinal, Joseph; address: Lac la Biche Settlement; claim no. 668; born: 1860 between Victoria and Lac la Biche; father: Antoine Cardinal (Métis); mother: Marie Lafourche (Métis); married: 1881 at Lac la Biche to Domithilde Desjarlais; children living: Virginie and Joseph; scrip for $240.00 17


Cardinal, Joseph; heir of his deceased daughter, Marie Julie Cardinal; claim no. 743; address: Lac la Biche Settlement; born: 1864 at St. Francois Xavier; father: Joseph Cardinal (Métis); mother: Euphrasine Lemire (Métis); died: 25 January, 1874 at Lac la Biche; scrip for $240.00 Cardinal, Joseph; address: Lac La Biche; claim no. 2247; born: 1877 at Lac la Biche; father: Julien Cardinal (Métis); mother: Eliza Ladouceur (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1510 Cardinal, Joseph; for his deceased children: Jean Baptiste, born: 1880 at Lac la Biche, died 1881; Marie Lalouise, born: 1884 near Lac la Biche, died: 1898; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2354; father: Joseph Cardinal (Métis and deponent); mother: Marie Desjarlais (Métis); scrip cert.: form D, nos. 2182 and 2238 Cardinal, Joseph; address: Victoria; claim no. 567; born: 1856 at Birch Lake, Saskatchewan. River; father: Gabriel Cardinal (Métis); mother: Mary Bruneau (Métis); married: 1878 to Eliza Desjarlais at Lac la Biche; children living: 3; scrip for $240.00 Cardinal, heir of hisborn: deceased Francoise; claim no. 477; address: Battleford,Joseph; Saskatchewan.; 1883 daughter, at Lac la Biche; father: Joseph Cardinal (Métis and deponent); mother: Euphrasine Lemire (Métis); died: 1890 at Battleford, Saskatchewan.; scrip cert.: form D, no. 1281 for $240.00 Cardinal, Joseph; for his deceased son, Joseph; claim no. 2191; born: 1885 at Buck Lake; died: 1886; father: Joseph Cardinal (Métis); mother: Marie Domitille (Métis); scrip cert.: form F, no. 780; address: Lac la Biche Cardinal, Joseph Emile; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2159; born: 1879 at Lake Wabiscaw; father: Joseph Cardinal (Métis); mother: Marie Desjarlais (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1430 Cardinal, Josephine; heir ofSettlement; her deceased father, Martin Frederickfather: alias Duck; claim no. 722; address: Lac la Biche born: 1810 at Athabasca; Frederick  (Métis); mother: Peyesseweskoweu (Métis); married: 1840 to Marie Carifel; children living: Josephine (deponent); children deceased: 4 (names on application); died: Spring, 1886 at Lac la Biche; scrip for $160.00 Cardinal, Josephine; address: Lac la Biche Settlement; claim no. 712; born: 1849 at Athabasca; father: Martin Frederick (Métis); mother: Marie Cerifel (Métis); married: 1868 at Lac la Biche to Baptiste Cardinal; children living: 2; children deceased: 2; scrip for $160.00 Cardinal, Josephte; for her deceased nephews and nieces: Moise born: 1867 at Lac la Biche, died 1890; Véronique, born: 1869 at Lac la Biche, died 1873; Joseph, born: 1870 at Lac la Biche, died: 1882; Hermas, born: 1865 at Lac la Biche, died: 1882; address: Lac 18


la Biche; claim no. 2358; father: Paul Desjarlais (Métis); mother: Véronique (Cree Indian) Cardinal, Josephte - Louise Ladoceur, widow of Joseph Beaudry concerning the claim of  her deceased mother Josephte Cardinal - Address, St. Albert - Born, Lac La Biche, 1800 Father, Cardinal, (French Canadian) - Mother, Lisette, (Indian) - Married, Joseph Ladouceur and Joseph Desjarlais - Heirs, names on declaration - Scrip for $160 - Claim 993 Cardinal, Jules; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 618; born: Summer, 1868 at Lac la Biche; father: Jerome Cardinal (Métis); mother: Josephte Desjarlais (Métis); scrip for  $240.00 Cardinal, Julie; address: Calling Lake near Lake Wabascaw; claim no. 542; born: 1869 at Pelican Lake; father: Kesiapokisiquaypoyo (Indian); mother: Thérèse Sakipok (Métis); married: 1889 at Lac la Biche to St. Luc Cardinal; children living: 4; children deceased: 1; Julie Cardinal, scrip cert. no. 1168 A; Hyacinthe Cardinal, scrip cert. no. 1169 A; Louis Cardinal, scrip cert. no. 1170 A; Samuel Cardinal, scrip cert. no. 1171 A; Frederick  Cardinal, scrip cert. no. 1172 A Cardinal, Julie; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2069; born: 1876 at Lac la Biche; father: Baptiste Desjardins (Métis); mother: Madeleine Lafleur (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1360 Cardinal, Julie Marie; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2186; born: 1878 at Lac la Biche; father: Francois Larocque (Métis); mother: Marie Anne Paquenaude (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1456 Cardinal, Julien; for his deceased brother, Antoine; claim no. 631; address: Lac la Biche;  born: 1850 at Lac St. Anne; father: Laurent Cardinal Car dinal (deceased Métis); mother: Marie Moignon (Métis); died: Sept. 1870; heirs: Marie Moignon (mother) $40.00 Jerome Cardinal, $40.00; Suzanne Cardinal, wife of Dominique, $40.00; Dominique Cardinal, $40.00; Paul Cardinal, $40.00; and Julien Cardinal, $40.00 Cardinal, Judith; address: Peace River Crossing; claim no. 91; born: 1825 at Lac la Biche; father: Joseph Desjarlais (Métis); mother: unknown; married: in 1844 at Lac la Biche to James Hopp and in 1870 at Lac la Biche to Louison Cardinal; children living: 6; children deceased: 7; scrip notes nos. A12975 and A4606 for $160.00 and $80.00 respectively Cardinal, Julien; for his son Alexander; claim no. 2336; address: Lac la Biche; born: 1885 in September, at Lac la Biche; father: Julien Cardinal (Métis and deponent); mother: Liza Ladouceur (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1344 Cardinal, Julien; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2132; born: 1877 at Lac la Biche; father: John Cardinal (Métis); mother: Angéle Cardinal (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1228 19


Cardinal, Julien; address: Lac la Biche Settlement; claim no. 716; born: July 1854 at Lac la Biche; father: Laurent Cardinal (Métis); mother: Mario Moignon (Métis); married: Fall, 1876 at Lac la Biche to Eliza Ladouceur; children living: Joseph, Damien, Catherine and Alexandre; scrip for $240.00 Cardinal, Lizette; address: Lac la Biche Settlement; claim no. 728; born: 1862 at Lac la Biche; father: Antoine Cardinal (Métis); mother: Cécille Neh-io-wahtiapiss (Métis); scrip for $240.00 Cardinal, Lizette; address: Lesser Slave Lake; claim no. 545; born: 1833 in Rocky Mountains; father: Moose-tatal Cardinal (Métis); mother: Marguerite Ma-tsi-pa-kous (Indian); married: 1848 at Lac la Biche to Joseph Cardinal; children living: 8; children deceased: 1; scrip cert. no. 1177 A Cardinal, Louis; address: Calling Lake; claim no. 2281; born: 1879 at Lac la Biche; father: Francois Cardinal (Métis); mother: Adèle Desjarlais (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1546 Cardinal, Louise; address: Lac la Biche; claimSee-ya-kee-chee-cha-pew no. 575; born: 1868 near Moose Lake; father: Cos-wa-kan-is Barbe (Métis); mother: (Indian); married: Summer, 1885 to Arsine Cardinal, at Fort Pitt; children living: 1; scrip for  $240.00 Cardinal, Louison; address: Peace River Crossing, via Edmonton, Alberta; claim no. 90;  born: 1843 at Lac la Biche; father: Louison Cardinal (Métis); mother: Susan S usan Courteoreille (Métis); married: in 1860 to Josephine Frederick and in 1870 at Lac la Biche to Judith Desjarlais; children living: 1; children deceased: 1 Cardinal, Louison; address: Lac la Biche Settlement; claim no. 739; born: 1840 at White Fish Lake; father: Sheshawapas Cardinal (Métis); mother: Suzanne Decoyne (Métis); married: 1864 at Lac la Biche to Marguerite Larocque; children living: 6; children deceased: 2; scrip for $160.00 Cardinal, Marcelline; address: Edmonton; claim no. 232; born: 30 November, 1863 at Lac la Biche; father: St. Luc Cardinal (deceased Métis); mother: Marguerite Desjarlais (Métis); scrip for $240.00 Cardinal, Marcil; address: Battleford, Saskatchewan; claim no. 1033; born: 1876 at Lac la Biche; father: Joseph Cardinal (Métis); mother: Euphrasine Lemire (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1637 for $240.00 Cardinal, Marguerite; for her deceased children: Alexander, born: 1871 at Lac la Biche: died: 1872 at Lac la Biche; Patrice, born: 1878 at Lac la Biche: died: 1884 at Lac la Biche; Florestine, born: 1872 at Lac la Biche: died: 1890 at Lac la Biche Rosalie, born: 1884 at Lac la Biche: died: 1897 at Lac la Biche; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2244; 20


father: Louison Cardinal (Métis); mother: Marguerite Larocque (Métis and deponent); heir: their father, Louison Cardinal; scrip cert.: form F, no. 794, Florestine; scrip cert.: form F, no. 796, Rosalie. Cardinal, Marguerite; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 689; born: 1866 at Lac la Biche; father: Dominique Cardinal (Métis); mother: Marianne Desjarlais (Métis); scrip for  $240.00 Cardinal, Marguerite; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2131; born: 1875 at Lac la Biche; father: John Cardinal (Métis); mother: Angéle Desjarlais (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1226 Cardinal, Maria; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2302; born: 1874 at Lesser Slave Lake; father: David Anahuwatan Bernard (Métis); mother: Betsy Kistenawatum (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1570 Cardinal, Marianne; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 671; born: 28 April, 1865, at Lac la Biche; father: Jerome Cardinal (Métis); mother: Josephte Desjarlais (Métis); married: 1884 at Lac la Biche to Absolom Ladouceur; children living: Louisa; scrip for $240.00 Cardinal, Marie; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 616; born: 1853 at Lac la Biche; father: St. Pierre Cardinal (Métis); mother: Angélique Opistiskoisis (Métis); married: 1867 at Lac la Biche to Etienne Quintel; children living: 5; children deceased: 1; scrip for  $160.00 Cardinal, Marie; heir to her deceased father, Pierre Cardinal; claim no. 623; address: Lac la Biche. (Settlement); father: Jacque Cardinal (Métis); born: 1840 at Lac la Biche; mother: Marguerite Desjarlais (Métis); married: 1852 at Lac la Biche to Angéle Apis-tiskoisis (died: spring, 1885); children living: 1; children deceased: 2; scrip for $160.00 Cardinal, Marie; heir to her deceased sister, Angele Cardinal; claim no. 625; born: 1858 at Lac la Biche; died: February, 1876 at Lac la Biche; address: Lac la Biche Settlement father: Pierre Cardinal (deceased Métis); mother: Angélique Apistis-koisis (Métis); scrip forSt.$240.00 Cardinal, Marie; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 730; born: 1846 on North side of Lac la Biche; father: Cardinal, alias O-kee-stole; mother: Cécile Boucher (Métis); married: 1858 at Lac la Biche to Antoine Cardinal; children living: 7; children deceased: 2; scrip for  $160.00 Cardinal, Maria; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 641; born: 1 March, 1866 at Lac la Biche; father: Joseph Cardinal (Métis); mother: Modeste (Cree Indian); married: Fall 1885, to Louis Ladouceur; scrip for $240.00 Cardinal, Marie; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 660; born: 1864 at Lac la Biche; father: Francois Cardinal (Métis); mother: Angéle Desjarlais (Métis); scrip for $240.00 21


Cardinal, Marie Alexandrine; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2246; born: 1879 at Lac la Biche; father: Joseph Ladouceur (Métis); mother: Véronique Batard (Indian); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1502 Cardinal, Marie Josephine; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2202; born: 1883 at Lac la Biche; father: Xavier Cardinal (Métis); mother: Mary Jane Bruneau (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1270 Cardinal, Marie Louise; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2227; born: 1879 at Lac la Biche; father: Jean Baptiste Cardinal (Métis); mother: Josephine Masaskin (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1290 Cardinal, Marie Louise; address: Calling Lake; claim no. 582; born: 1882 at Lac la Biche; father: Alexis Capotvert (Métis); mother: Josephte Cardinal (Métis); married: March, 1899 at Calling Lake to Petit Louis Cardinal; scrip cert. no. 1146 A Cardinal, Marie Marguerite; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2203; born: 1877 at Lac la Biche; father: Xavier Cardinal (Métis); mother: Marie Jane Bruneau (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1272 Cardinal, Marie Rose; address: Victoria; claim no. 568; born: October, 1869 between White Fish Lake and Lac la Biche; father: Gabriel Cardinal (Métis); mother: Marie Bruneau (Métis); scrip for $240.00 Cardinal, Mary; born: 1854 at Red River Settlement; claim no. 778; address: Lac la Biche Settlement; father: We-we-pass Desjarlais (Métis); mother: Lan-dak-kan-ekek-na-mowk  (Indian); married: 1868 at Riding Mountain to William Cardinal; scrip for $160.00 Cardinal, Mathilde; for her deceased children: Melianie, born: 1878 at Lac la Biche: died: 1886 at Lac la Biche; Marie Caroline, born: 1884 at Lac la Biche: died: 1885 at Lac la Biche; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2318; father: Joseph Cardinal (Métis: deceased); mother: and deponent); Mathilde Cardinal, scrip cert.: form D, Mathilde nos. 2184Cardinal and 2192(Métis for $60.00 each; Oliveheirs: Huppe nee Cardinal, scrip cert.: form D, nos. cancelled; Jean Baptiste Cardinal, scrip cert.: form D, nos. 2188 and 2196 for  $60.00 each; Elie Cardinal, scrip cert.: form D, no. 2190 and 2198 for $60.00 each; file ref. 786447 Cardinal, Matilda; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 651; born: 1866 on the Plains; father: Louison Cardinal (Métis); mother: Suzanne Courteoreille (Indian); scrip for $240.00 Cardinal, Melanie; address: Edmonton; claim no. 233; born: 20 November, 1856 at Lac la Biche; father: St. Luc Cardinal (Métis); mother: Marguerite Desjarlais (Métis); scrip for  $240.00



Cardinal, Michel; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 729; born: 1864 at Riding Mountain; father: Jerome Cardinal (Métis deceased); mother: Marianne (Métis); scrip for $240.00 Cardinal, Michel; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2206; born: 1882 at Martin Mountain; father: Joseph Cardinal (Métis); mother: Marie Desjarlais (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1278 Cardinal, Narcisse; address: Edmonton; claim no. 249; born: 21 November, 1869 at Lac la Biche; father: St. Luc Cardinal (deceased Métis); mother: Marguerite Desjarlais (Métis); scrip for $240.00 Cardinal, Narcisse; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2139; born: 1875 at Lac la Biche; father: Jerome Cardinal (Métis); mother: Josephte Desjarlais (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1408 Cardinal, Norbert - Hélène Cardinal, wife of Baptiste Sauvé, concerning the claims of her  deceased family, (all died autumn of 1870) - Norbert, father; James, brother; Marguerite, sister; Ann, sister - Address, Fort Saskatchewan - Father, Soldat Cardinal, (Métis) Mother, Louise, (Métis) - Married, 1848 at Lac La Biche to Nancy Beaudoin - Children living, one, Hélène $880 - Claim 1041 born 1860 - Children died, three (names on declaration) - Scrip for  Cardinal, Olivier; address: Calling Lake near Wabascaw; claim no. 552; born: 1859 at Buck Lake near Lac la Biche; father: Laventure Cardinal (Métis); mother: Josephte Peischeck (Indian); married: 1876 at Lac la Biche to Adelaide Sa-po-ki-si-key-peu-o; children living: 6 (names on application); Olivier Cardinal, scrip cert. no. 1190; Frederick  Cardinal, scrip cert. no. 1191; Francis Cardinal, scrip cert. no. 1198; Maria Cardinal, scrip cert. no. 1194 A; Maggie Cardinal, scrip cert. no. 1195 A; Adam Cardinal, scrip cert. no. 1196 A Cardinal, Paul; heir of his deceased children: Raphael, born: 1877 at Lac la Biche: died: less than 1 year old; Joseph, born: 1884 at Lac la Biche: died: 1893 at Lac la Biche; father: deponent); Marguerite Tremblay (Métis); address:Paul LacCardinal la Biche;(Métis claim and no. 2334; scrip mother: cert.: form F, no. 820 Cardinal, Paul; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2149; born: 8 April, 1871 at Lac la Biche; father: Antoine Mustalip or Cardinal (Métis); mother: Marie Okisto (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1416 Cardinal, Paul; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2190; born: 1876 at Lac la Biche; father: Dominique Cardinal (Métis); mother: Marie Ann Desjarlais (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1464 Cardinal, Paul or William (dit Anahawattum or Bernard); address: Lac la Biche; for his deceased son Pierre Cardinal; born: 1876 at Lesser Slave Lake; father: Paul or William



Cardinal (Métis and deponent); mother: Betsy Kistenowattum (Métis); died: 1881 at Lesser Slave Lake; claim no. 2307; scrip cert.: form F, no. 812 Cardinal, Pelagie; address: Lac la Biche Settlement; claim no. 693; born: 1862 at Lac la Biche; father: Jean Baptiste Cardinal (Métis); mother: Josephte Chalifoux (Métis); married: 1880 at Lac la Biche to Francois Decoyne; children living: Annie and Josephte; scrip for $240.00 Cardinal, Pelagie; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 669; born: Winter, 1868 at Duck  Lake; father: Antoine Cardinal (Métis); mother: Marie (Métis); married: Spring, 1886 to Harry Lapondre, at Lac la Biche; scrip for $240.00 Cardinal, Petit Louis; address: Calling Lake; claim no. 585; born: 1879 at Lac la Biche; father: Francois Cardinal (Métis); mother: Adèle Desjarlais (Métis); married: March, 1899 at Calling Lake to Marie Louise Capotvert Cardinal, Philip; address: Lac la Biche Settlement; claim no. 626; born: 18 January, 1870 near Battle River; father: John Cardinal (Métis); mother: Angéle Desjarlais (Métis); scrip for $240.00 Cardinal, Philomène; for her deceased husband, David Auger; claim no. 715; address: Lac la Biche; born: 1845; father: Augustin Auger (Métis); mother: Rosalie Labonne (Métis); married: 1868 to Philomène Cardinal; died: Fall of 1870; heirs: Philomène, widow and deponent, $80.00; Augustin Auger, father, $80.00 Cardinal, Philomènee; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 603; born: 1853 at Pembina River; father: Alexis Cardinal (Métis); mother: Nancy Quintal (Métis); married: 1871 at Lac la Biche to Jules Desjarlais; children living: 6 (names on application); children deceased: 1, not baptised; scrip for $240.00 Cardinal, Pierre; address: Peace Hills Agency; claim no. 209; born: 1825 at Lac la Biche; father: Joseph Cardinal (Métis); mother: Rose (Métis); married: 1849 at White Fish Lake to Catherinechildren Pa-ka-koos; 1882 at PeaceSuzanne, Hills Agency to Pierre Isabelleand Durand; living: Geneviève; deceased: Joseph, Adam, Bethsy;children scrip cert. no. 1066 A; scrip for $160.00 Cardinal, Pierre; heir of his deceased son, Joseph Cardinal; claim no. 187; address: Peace Hills; born: 25 May, 1851 at Lac la Biche; father: Pierre Cardinal (Métis); mother: Catherine Pakakus (Métis); died: Fall of 1870 near Sounding Lake; scrip for $240.00 Cardinal, Pierre; heir of his deceased daughter, Suzanne Cardinal; claim no. 188; born: 26 May, 1853 at Lac la Biche; address: Peace Hills; father: Pierre Cardinal (Métis and deponent); mother: Catherine Pakakus (Métis); died: Fall of 1870 near Sounding Lake; scrip for $240.00



Cardinal, Pierre; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2133; born: 1872 at Lac la Biche; father: John Cardinal (Métis); mother: Angéle Desjarlais (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1230 Cardinal, Rosalie; address: Battleford; claim no. 843; born: 1854 at Saddle Lake; father: Baptiste Cardinal (Métis); mother: Charlotte Wapistekoan (Métis); married: 1868 at Lac la Biche to John Longmore; children living: John and William Robert; children deceased: Alexandre; scrip for $240.00 Cardinal, St. Luc; for his deceased brother, Moise Cardinal; claim no. 2359; address: Calling Lake; born: 1867 at Lac la Biche; father: Joseph Cardinal (Métis); mother:  Neyomonpekinam (Indian); died: 1880 at Bud Lake; file f ile ref. 802800 and 868894 Cardinal, St. Luc; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 643; born: 1859 at Lac la Biche; father: Joseph Cardinal (Métis); mother: Marie (Indian); scrip for $240.00 Cardinal, St. Paul; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 732; born: 1851 at Moose Lake; father: Laurent Cardinal (Métis); mother: Marie Moignon (Métis); married: 1875 at Lac la Biche to Marguerite Tremblay at Lac la Biche; children living: 4; children deceased: 1; scrip for $240.00 Cardinal, Scholastique; address: Lac la Biche Settlement; claim no. 724; born: 1864 at Lac la Biche; father: Antoine Cardinal (Métis); mother: Cecile Boucher (Métis); scrip for  $240.00 Cardinal, Sophie; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2265; born: 1873 at Lac la Biche; father: Abe Lapoudre (Métis); mother: Catherine (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1536 Cardinal, Suzanne; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 755; born: April 1869, at Lac la Biche; father: Joseph Cardinal (Métis); mother: Euphrasine Lemire (Métis); scrip for  $240.00 Cardinal, Theophile; address: Lacmother: la Biche;Marie claimKiyakiskanepew no. 2126; born: (Indian); 1881 at Lac la cert.: Biche; father: Antoine Cardinal (Métis); scrip form C, no. 1216 Cardinal, Therese; address: Lac la Biche Settlement; claim no. 756; born: 1826 at Lac la Biche; father: Jacob Cardinal (Métis); mother: Josephte (Métis); married: 1842 at Lac la Biche to St. Pierre Lapoudre, now dead; children living: 7 (names on application); scrip for $160.00 Cardinal, Thomas; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 733; born: 1863 at Riding Mountain; father: Jerome Cardinal (Métis); mother: Marianne (Métis); married: 1882 at Lac la Biche to Christine Baptiste Moise Cardinal; scrip for $240.00



Cardinal, Véronique; address: Victoria; claim no. 566; born: 1864 at Lac la Biche; father: Francois Desjarlais (Métis); mother: Euphrasine Auger (Métis); married: 1884 at Lac la Biche to Benjamin Sinclair; children living: 1; scrip for $240.00 Cardinal, Victoire; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2301; born: 1873 at Dunvegan, Athabasca; father: Nazaire Martel (Whiteman); mother: Celina Tremblay (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1568 Cardinal, Virginie; for her deceased sister, Rosalie Martel; claim no. 483; address: Battleford; born: 5 July, 1884 at Lac la Biche, Alberta; father: Marcel Martel (deceased French Canadian); mother: Celina Tremblay (Métis); died: Fall, 1886 at Lac La Biche; heirs: Celina Martel (mother), $80.00, scrip cert.: form D, no. 1313, Virginie, wife of  Alexandre Cardinal and deponent, $26.67, scrip cert.: form D, no. 1323, Victoire Cardinal, wife of Jules Cardinal, $26.67, Marcil Martel, $26.67, scrip cert.: form D, no. 1131, Catherine Martel, $26.67, Elzear Martel, $26.66, scrip cert.: form D, no. 1325,  Nazaire Martel, $26.66, scrip cert.: form for m D, no. 1315 Cardinal, Virginie; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2204; born: 1882 at Duck Lake, Alberta; father: Joseph Cardinal (Métis); mother: Domitille Desjarlais (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1274 Cardinal, Virginie; wife of Alexandre Cardinal; claim no. 1054; address: Battleford, Saskatchewan.; born: 15 May 1874 at Lac la Biche; father: Nazaire Martel (French Canadian); mother: Celine Tremblay (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1661 for $240.00 Cardinal, Vital; address: Calling Lake; claim no. 2296; born: Spring 1885, at Lac la Biche; father: Francois Cardinal (Métis); mother: Adéle Desjarlais (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1322 Cardinal, William; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2192; born: 1882 at Lac la Biche; father: Dominique Cardinal (Métis); mother: Marie Anne Desjarlais (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1466 Cardinal, Xavier; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 638; born: 1855 on the ceded Territory north of the Saskatchewan; father: Louison Cardinal (Métis); mother: Suzanne Desjarlais (Métis); married: 1876 at Lac la Biche to Mary Jane; children living: 4; children deceased: 1; scrip for $240.00 Castor, Francois (alias Singer); for his daughter Peggie; claim no. 2321; address: Lac la Biche; born: 1881 at Lac la Biche; father: Francois Singer (Métis); mother: Marguerite Desjarlais (Métis); file ref. 864901 Castor, Francois (alias Singer); for his deceased children: Francois, born: 1874 at Lac la Biche; Marie Victoire, born: 1885 at Lac la Biche; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2347; father: Francois Castor alias Singer (Métis and deponent); mother: Marguerite Desjarlais



(Métis); scrip cert.: form F, no. 822, Francois; scrip cert.: form F, no. 824, Marie Victoire; died: 1894 at Pelican River, near Pelican Lake Chalifoux, Mary alias Labouteille; address: Lesser Slave Lake; claim no. 108; born: 18 September, 1881 at Lac la Biche; father: John Johnson or Johnston (Métis); mother: Maria Quintal (Métis); married: 1 December, 1895 at Lesser Slave; Lake to Eugene Chalifoux dit Labouteille; children living: Rosalie; born: 12 September, 1897; Mary Chalifoux, scrip cert. no. 257 A Charland, Madeleine - Concerning her claim as a child - Address, St. Albert - Born, July 1, 1867 at Lac la Biche - Father, Charland, (French Canadian) - Mother, Julie Daigneault, (Métis) - Scrip for $240 - Claim 788 Chatelain, Catherine; wife of Louis Nappessis; applies on behalf of her deceased husband Pierre Desjarlais; claim no. 374; born: 1843 at Lac la Biche; died: November, 1870 at Victoria; address: St. Albert; father: Appetahpeness Desjarlais (Métis); mother: Iippettakkonakkoos (Métis); married: 1864 at Edmonton to Catherine Chatelain; children deceased: 2; heir: Catherine Chatelain (widow); Other heirs died subsequent to claim; scrip for $240.00 Collings, Norbert; address: Green Lake; claim no. 833; born: 1 May, 1878 at Lac la Biche; father: Clement Collings (Métis); mother: Isabelle Quintal (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1267 for $240.00 Collins, Marcel; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 586; born: 1867 at Lac la Biche; father: Clement Collins (Canadian); mother: Isabelle Quintal (Métis); married: 1884 at Lac la Biche to Isabelle; Desjardins; scrip for $240.00 Collins, Mathilda; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 583; born: 1862 at Lac la Biche Mission; father: Clement Collins (Canadian); mother: Isabelle Quintal (Métis); married: 1884 at Lac la Biche to Antoine; Laliberte; children living: Clement, born: 1883; and Googwin, born: 1884; scrip for $240.00 Courteoreille, Sr., Alexis; address: Big Point, Lesser Slave Lake; claim no. 182; born: Dec. 1839 at Victoria, Alberta; father: Alexander Courteoreille (Métis); mother: Lalouise (Indian); married: April 1857 at Lac la Biche; to Angelique (Kese-quay-payees); children living: 5; children deceased: 2; Alexis Courteoreille Sr., Scrip; Cert. no. 413 A; Auguste Courteoreille, Scrip; Cert. no. 414 A Courteoreille, Alfred; for his deceased sister Marguerite; claim no. 2325; address: Lac la Biche; born: 1875 at Dunvegan; father: Louison Courteoreille (deceased Métis); mother: Marguerite Assisine or Comptois (Métis deceased); died: 1898 at Little Slave Lake; file ref. 866297



Courteoreille, Alfred; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2329; born: 1880 at Dunvegan; father: Louison Courteoreille (deceased Métis); mother: Marguerite Comptois or Assisine (deceased Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1584 Courteoreille, Baptiste; address: St. Albert; claim no. 405; born: 1842 at Lac la Biche; father: Baptiste Courteoreille (Métis); mother: Marianne (Métis); married: 1864 to Lalouise Cardinal at St. Paul des Cris; children living: 3; children deceased: 3; scrip for  $160.00 Courtoreille, Olivier - Concerning his claim as a head of family - Address, Lac la Biche Born, July 15, 1841 at Lac la Biche - Father, Louison Courtoreille, (Métis) - Mother, Françoise, (Métis) - Married, 1864 to Sarah Pruden and 1877 to Jane Ladouceur Children living, four (names on declaration) - Children deceased, one - Scrip for $160 Claim 1473 Cummings, Abraham - Concerning his claim as a head of family - Address, St. Albert Born, 1840 near Lac la Biche - Father, Cummings, (Métis) - Mother, Marguerite Gladu, (Métis) - Married, 1869 at Lac la Biche to Geneviéve Duguette - Children living, three (names on declaration) - Children deceased, two - Scrip for $160 - Claim 1084 Decoin, Augustine; address: Athabasca Landing; claim no. 2123; born: 1876 at Lac la Biche; father: Isidore Decoin (Métis); mother: Catherine Latranche (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1406 Decoine, Francis; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 698; born: 1862 on the Athabasca River; father: Isidore Decoine (Métis); mother: Catherine; married: 1884 at Lac la Biche to Isabelle, a Cree Indian; children living: 1; scrip for $240.00 Decoine, Isabelle; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 764; born: 1864 at Little Slave Lake; father: Joseph Mahkass (Métis); mother: Véronique (Métis); married: 1884 at Lac la Biche to Francis Decoine; children living: 1; scrip for $240.00 Decoine, Isidore; heir to his deceased children; claim no. 2368; Narcisse, born: 1872 at Lac la Biche; died: when 2 months old at Lac la Biche; Marie Adelaide, born: 1879 at Lac la Biche; died: 1899 in winter at Lac la Biche; address: Athabasca Landing; father: Isidore Decoine (Métis and deponent); mother: Catherine Jawits (Métis); Narcisse, scrip cert.: form F, no. 834; Marie Adelaide, scrip cert.: form F, no. 836 Decoine, Isidore; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 704; born: 1840 at Little Slave Lake; father: Francois Decoine (deceased Métis); mother: Josephte Desjarlais (Métis); married: 1860 in Athabasca District to Catherine; children living: Francis, Maria, Madeleine, Sophie, Augustin, Adelaide, and Moise; children deceased: Narcisse; scrip for $160.00 Decoine, Joseph Felix; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2278; born: December, 1885 at Lac la Biche; father: Francis Decoine (deceased Métis); mother: Isabella Makkass (Indian Woman); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1316



Decoine, Josephte; address: Athabasca Landing; claim no. 2276; born: 1884 at Lac la Biche; father: Francois Decoine (deceased Métis); mother: Pelagie Cardinal (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1384 Decoine, Julie; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 648; born: 1862 at Lac la Biche; father: Francois Decoine (Métis); mother: Josephte Desjarlais (Métis); married: 1875 at Lac la Biche to Leon Desjarlais; children living: 2; children deceased: 1; scrip for $240.00 Decoine, Madeleine; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 751; born: March, 1869 at Lac la Biche; father: Isidore Decoine (Métis); mother: Catherine; married: 1883 to Jules Lapoudre; scrip for $240.00 Decoine, Maria; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 699; born: Summer, 1867 at Lac la Biche; father: Isidore Decoine (Métis); mother: Catherine; scrip for $240.00 Decoine, Pelagie; for the heirs of Paul Decoine, deceased; claim no. 277 and 737; address: Edmonton; born: 1838 at Lac la Biche; father: Francois Decoine (Métis); mother: Josephte Desjarlais (Métis); married: 1867 to Marguerite Fosseneuve (alias Sansregret); 1876 at Vermillion; heirs: Moise $8.00; Adelaide Decoine, $8.00; Louisedied: Decoine, $8.00; Paul Decoine, $8.00;Decoyne, Lalouise Decoine, $8.00; Josephte Desjarlais, $8.00; Isidore Decoine, $8.00; Francois Decoine, $8.00; Julie Decoine, $8.00; Marguerite Fosseneuve, $80.00; Moise Decoine, $14.54; Pelagie Decoine, $14.54 Decoine, Pelagie; for her deceased daughter, Annie Decoine; claim no. 2409; born: 1882 at Lac la Biche; died: 1897 at Lac la Biche; address: Athabasca Landing; father: Francois Decoine (deceased Métis); mother: Pelagie Cardinal (Métis); heirs:-; Pelagie Decoine, née Cardinal, mother; scrip cert.: form D, no. 2242 for $60.00; Josephte Decoine, sister; scrip cert.: form D, no. 2244 for $60.00; Alphonsine Decoine, scrip cert.: form D; no. 2246, for $60.00 (sister); William Decoine (brother);scrip cert.: form D, no. 2248 for  $60.00 Decoine, Pelagie; address: St. Albert; claim no. 272; born: 13 September, 1858 at Lac la Biche; father: Francois Decoine (Métis); mother: Josephte Desjarlais (Métis); married: 2 January, 1876 to André Fortin; children living: Vitaline, Alphonsine and Marie Madeleine; children deceased: Hermine; scrip for $240.00 Decoine, Suzanne; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 753; born: 1807 at Little Slave Lake; father: Decoine (French Canadian); mother: Kee-na-kwa-na-chee-wan-nok (Indian); married: 1824 at Lac la Biche to Moise (deceased), and at Carlton to So-so-wa-pas Cardinal; children living: Baptiste, Moise Alexis, Pierre Cardinal, Louison Cardinal and Joseph Cardinal; children deceased: Augustin and Marie Moise; scrip for $160.00 Decoyne, Adelaide - Concerning her claim as a child - Address, Lac la Biche - Born, 1860 at Lac la Biche - Father, François Decoyne, (Métis) - Mother, Suzette Desjarlais, (Métis) - Married, 1880 at Lac la Biche to Edward Villeneuve - Children living, three,



Edward born 1882, Marie Magdeleine born 1884, Moise born 1885 - Scrip for $123 Claim 1136 Decoyne, Catherine; address: Lac la Biche Settlement; claim no. 770; born: 1841 at Athabasca; father: Peh-to-ke-kahpow Latranche (Métis); mother: Wess-ke-ta-ko-shim Picote (Métis); married: 1856 to Hughes who died, and 1862 to Isidore Decoyne at Athabasca; children deceased: Narcisse; children living: Charlotte, Christine, Francis, Sophie, Augustine, Adelaide, Maria, Madeleine, and Moise; scrip for $160.00 Decoyne, Francois; for his deceased son, Theodore Decoyne; claim no. 781; born: 1845 at Lac la Biche; died: 1 October, 1870 at Lac la Biche; address: Lac la Biche Settlement; father: Francois Decoyne (Métis and deponent); mother: Josephte Desjarlais (Métis); married: 1868 at Lac la Biche to Christine Carlouche Vivier, who died in summer, 1885; children living: Alexandre, Honarine, Olivier, Jonas, Marie and Francois (heirs to Theodore Decoyne); children living: not Theodore Decoyne's children but his wife's children by a second marriage to Henry Lapoudre; children deceased: Paul; scrip for  $160.00 to heirs Decoyne, Francois; address: Lac la Biche Settlement; claim no. 692; born: 1858 at Lac la Biche; (Métis); mother: Desjarlais (Métis); married: 1880 atfather: Lac laFrancois Biche to Decoyne Pelagie Cardinal; children Josephte living: Annie and Josephte; scrip for  $240.00 Decoyne, Isidore; for his brother, Moise Decoyne; claim no. 780; address: Lac la Biche Settlement; born: 1862 at Lac la Biche; father: Francois Decoyne (Métis); mother: Josephte Desjarlais (Métis); scrip for $240.00 Decoyne, Marie - Concerning her claim as a child - Address, St. Albert - Born, Spring of  1877 at Lac la Biche - Father, Pierre Decoyne, (Métis) - Mother, Agnes Letendre Batoche, (Métis) - Married, fall of 1884 at Battle River to Samuel St. Sauveur - Scrip for  $240 - Claim 1048 Decoyne, Marie alias Cardinal; address: Red Deer River, Post Office; claim no. 147;  born: 1858 at White Fish Lake; father: Pierre Decoyne (Métis); mother: Agnes Batoche (Métis); married: 1871 at Lac la Biche to Augustin Moignon; children living: Marie Rose, Baptiste and Joseph; children deceased: Isabelle and Caroline; scrip for $240.0 Deguire, Marguerite; wife of Toussaint Deguire; claim no. 988; address: Battleford, Saskatchewan; father: Gilbert Sauvé (Métis); mother: Betsy Bellehumeur. (Métis); born: 17 December, 1873 at Lac la Biche Desjardins, Angélique; address: Cold Lake, Saskatchewan; claim no. 1079; born: May, 1885 at Lac la Biche; father: Baptiste Desjardins (Métis); mother: Magdeleine Lafleur  (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1703 for $240.00



Desjardins, Arsène; address: Cold Lake, Saskatchewan; claim no. 1083; born: 1881 at Lac la Biche; father: Baptiste Desjardins (Métis); mother: Magdeleine Lafleur (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1697 for $240.00 Desjardins, Baptiste; heir to his deceased daughter, Adeline; claim no. 497; address: Cold Lake, Saskatchewan; born: October, 1883 at Lac la Biche, Alberta; father: Baptiste Desjardins (Métis); mother: Magdeleine Lafleur (Métis); died: 1893 at Egg Lake, Saskatchewan; scrip cert.: form F, no. 293 for 240 acres of land Desjardins, Baptiste; heir to his deceased daughter, Marie; claim no. 498; born: June, 1873 at Fort Pitt; died: Fall, 1886 at Lac la Biche, Alberta; address: Cold Lake, Saskatchewan; father: Baptiste Desjardins (Métis); mother: Magdeleine Lafleur (Métis); scrip cert.: form F, no. 295 for 240 acres of land Desjardins, Felix; address: Cold Lake, Saskatchewan; claim no. 1081; born: 1879 at Lac la Biche, Alberta; father: Baptiste Desjardins (Métis); mother: Magdeleine Lafleur  (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 611 for 240 acres of land Desjardins, Jean Baptiste; address: Cold Lake, Saskatchewan; claim no. 1080; born: 1876 at Lac lascrip Biche, Alberta; Baptiste Desjardins (Métis); mother: Magdeleine Lafeur  (Métis); cert.: form father: C, no. 1701 for $240.00 Desjarlais, Ambroise Alphonse; address: Lac La Biche; claim no. 2897; born: 1881 at Lac La Biche; father: Joseph Desjarlais (Métis); mother: Betsy (Indian); scrip cert.: form E, no. 2188 Desjarlais, Angéle; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 674; born: 1846 at Lac la Biche; father: Francois Desjarlais (Métis); mother: Euphrasine Auger (Métis); married: 1866 to John Cardinal at Lac la Biche; children living: 9; children deceased: 1; scrip for $160.00 Desjarlais, Angéle; address: Buck Lake, North West Territories; claim no. 662; born: 1848 at Lac La Biche; father: Jean Marie Desjarlais (Métis); mother: Marguerite Gladu (Métis); married: 1861 at Lac La Biche to Francois Cardinal; children living: 8; children deceased: 1; scrip for $160.00 Desjarlais, Agnes; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2205; born: 1881 at Lac la Biche; father: Francois Larocque (Métis); mother: Marianne Paguenaude (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1276 Desjarlais, Alexandre; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 584; born: February, 1869 near  White Fish Lake; father: Paulette Desjarlais (Métis); mother: Betsy Cardinal (Métis); scrip for $240.00 Desjarlais, Angélique; address: Lac la Biche Settlement; claim no. 602; born: 1834 at St. Francois Xavier; father: Marcel Desjarlais (Métis); mother: Brigitte Cardinal (Métis);



married: 1848 at Lake Manitoba to Baptiste Chartrand and 1855 at St. Boniface to George Adam; children living: 1; children deceased: 7; scrip for $160.00 Desjarlais, Antoine; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2140; for his deceased daughter, Josephte Desjarlais; born: 1878 at Lac la Biche. died: February, 1879; father: Antoine Desjarlais (Métis and deponent); mother: Marguerite Kaoyatapiyis (Métis); file ref. 786452 Desjarlais, Antoine; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2137; for his children: Baptiste;  born: 6 February, 1883 at Lac la Biche; Edda, born: 11 November, 1885 at Lac la Biche; father: Antoine Desjarlais (Métis and deponent); mother: Marguerite Kaoyatapiyis (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1238, Baptiste; scrip cert.: form C, no. 1240, Edda Desjarlais, Antoine; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 589; born: 1860 at Fort Ellice; father: Marcel Desjarlais (Métis); mother: Brigitte Cardinal (Métis); married: 1877 at Lac la Biche to Marguerite Ayatoo-pewisk; children living: Bethsy, Baptiste and Edda; children deceased: Josephte; scrip for $240.00 Desjarlais, Archange; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 585; born: 1864 at Lac la Biche; father: $240.00Paulette Desjarlais (Métis); mother: Lizette Bruneau (deceased Métis); scrip for  Desjarlais, Benjamin; for his deceased father, Baptiste Desjarlais; claim no. 1306; born: 1790 at Lac la Biche; died: Winter, 1871 at Little Fork, Qu'Appelle Lakes; married: 1815 at Baie St. Paul to Charlotte Cardinal; address: Qu'Apelle, Post Office; children living: 6; children deceased: 2; heirs: Benjamin Desjarlais, $20.00; Madeleine Desjarlais, $20.00; Marguerite Desjarlais, $20.00; Louise Desjarlais, $20.00; Josephte Desjarlais, $20.00; Emmanuel Desjarlais, $20.00; & Charlotte Desjarlais, $20.00 Desjarlais, Betsy; address: Lac Ste. Anne; claim no. 2914; born: 1876 at Lac la Biche; father: Joseph Gouin (Métis); mother: Angélique Ducharme (Métis); died: October, 1886 at Lac la Biche; scrip cert.: form F, no. 1026 Desjarlais, Betsy; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 613; born: 1864 at Lac la Biche; father: Joseph Kah-ne-powe (Métis); mother: Marie Chartrand (Métis); married: 1880 at Lac la Biche to Joseph Desjarlais; children living: Ambroise and Louis; scrip for $240.00 Desjarlais, Betsy; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2136; born: 11 April, 1880 at Lac la Biche; father: Antoine Desjarlais (Métis); mother: Marguerite Kaoyatapiyis (Métis); scrip cert.:form C, no. 1236 Desjarlais, Catherine; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 622; born: 1862 at Lac la Biche; father: Matche Mootaw; mother: Josephte Cardinal (Métis); married: 1884 at Lac la Biche to Pierre Desjarlais; children living: 1; scrip for $240.00



Desjarlais, Domitile; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 670; born: 1865 at Lac la Biche; father: Jean Marie Desjarlais (Métis); mother: Na-quis Batoche (Métis); married: 1881 at Lac la Biche to Joseph Cardinal; children living: 2; scrip for $240.00 Desjarlais, Eliza; address: Victoria; claim no. 573; born: 1861 at Lac la Biche; father: Francois Desjarlais (Métis); mother: Euphrasine Auger (Métis); married: 1878 at Lac la Biche to Joseph Cardinal; children living: 3; scrip for $240.00 Desjarlais, Francois; address: Calgary; claim no. 133; born: 1824 at Beaver River; father: Joseph Desjarlais (Métis); mother: Josephte Cardinal (Métis); married: in 1844 at Lac la Biche to Euphrasine Auger (deceased); and in 1874 at Red Deer River to Marie Fleury; children living: 10; scrip for $160.00 Desjarlais, Francois; address: Fort Vermillion; claim no. 416; born: January, 1859 at Lac la Biche; father: Jean Marie Desjarlais (Métis); mother: Madeleine Batoche (Métis); scrip cert. no. 921 A Desjarlais, Guillaume; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2222; born: 1877 at Lac la Biche; father: Jules Desjarlais (Métis); mother: Philomène Cardinal (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1490 Desjarlais, Guillaume; heir to his deceased son, Maxime Desjarlais; claim no. 491; born: 1874 at Lac la Biche; died: 1877 at Duck Lake, Saskatchewan; address: Battleford; father: Guillaume Desjarlais (Métis and deponent); mother: Marguerite Sauvé (Métis); scrip cert.: form D, no. 1335 for $240.00 Desjarlais, Guillaume; heir to his deceased son, Edouard Desjarlais; claim no. 492; born: 31 December, 1872 at Lac la Biche; died: Summer, 1873 at Lac la Biche; address: Battleford; father: Guillaume Desjarlais (Métis); mother: Marguerite Sauvé (Métis); scrip cert.: form D, no. 1337 for $240.00 Desjarlais, Guillaume; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 697; born: 1851 at Lac la Biche; father: Francois Desjarlais (Métis); mother: Euphrosine Auger (Métis); married: 27 July, 1870 to Marguerite Sauvé; children living: 4; children deceased: 2; scrip for $240.00. Desjarlais, Hyacinthe; address: Battleford; claim no. 1021; born: 1881 at Lac la Biche; father: Guillaume Desjarlais (Métis); mother: Marguerite Sauvé (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1627 for $240.00 Desjarlais, Isabella; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2345; born: 1878 at Onion Lake; father: John Thompson (Métis); mother: Rosalie Ak-a-mas (Métis) Desjarlais, Joseph; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 597; born: 1860 at St. Albert; father: Paulette Desjarlais (Métis); mother: Lizette Bruneau (Métis); married: 1879 at Lac la Biche to Cécile Cardinal; children living: 2; children deceased: 1; scrip for $240.00



Desjarlais, Joseph; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 713; born: 1858 on the Plains South of the Saskatchewan; father: Francois Desjarlais or Pa-ya-sis (Métis); mother: Euphrosine Auger (Métis); married: 1885 at Lac la Biche to Thérèse Auger; children living: 1; scrip for $240.00 Desjarlais, Joseph; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2219; born: 1875 at Lac la Biche; father: Jules Desjarlais (Métis); mother: Philomène Cardinal (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1484 Desjarlais, Joseph; address: Sandy Bay, Westhouse Post Office; claim no. 1480; born: 1806 at Lac La Biche; father: Baptiste Desjarlais or Necho-kapow (Métis); mother: Lisette Cardinal (Métis); married: 1830 at Baie St. Paul to Lalouise Richard; children living: 10; children deceased: 1; scrip for $160.00 Desjarlais, Joseph; for his deceased sister, Delphine Desjarlais; claim no. 2241; born: 1871 at Lac la Biche; died: when 1 month old; address: Lac la Biche; father: Fransis Desjarlais (Métis); mother: Euphrosine Auger (Métis) Desjarlais, Joseph - Concerning his claim as a child - Address, Lac la Biche - Born, 1862 at Moose(Métis) Lake, North West 1881 Territories Desjarlais, - Mother, Mittiew, - Married, at Lac-laFather, BicheMichel to Bethsey Adam -(Métis) Children living, two, Louis and Ambroise - Scrip for $240 - Claim 743 Desjarlais, Josephte; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 675; born: 1852 at Riviere La Biche; father: Joseph Desjarlais (Métis); mother: Josephte Cardinal (Métis); married: 1839 at Lac la Biche to Francois Decoine; children living: 9; children deceased: 6; scrip for $160.00 Desjarlais, Josephte; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 619; born: 1843 between Red River  and Qu'Appelle; father: Marcel Desjarlais (Métis); mother: Bridget Cardinal (Métis); married: 1859 at Lac la Biche to Jerome Cardinal; children living: 7; children deceased: 3; scrip for $160.00 Desjarlais, Jules; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 590; born: 1858 at St. Boniface; father: Marcel Desjarlais (Métis); mother: Brigitte Cardinal (Métis); married: 1871 at Lac la Biche to Philomène Cardinal; children living: 5; children deceased: 1; scrip for $240.00 Desjarlais, Jules; or his son, Joseph Desjarlais; claim no. 2242; address: Lac la Biche;  born: 1884 at Lac la Biche; father: Jules Desjarlais (Métis and deponent); mother: Monique Petit Couteau (Métis); scrip issued 25 July, 1903 for 240 acres; file ref. 786451 Desjarlais, Julia; for her deceased children: Paul, born: 1876 at Lac la Biche; died: 1879 at Lac la Biche; Francois, born: 1880 at Lac la Biche; died 1896 at Lac la Biche; father: Guillaume or Léon Desjarlais (Métis); mother: Julie Decoyne (Métis and deponent); scrip cert.: form F, no. 764, Paul; scrip cert.: form F, no. 766, Francois; claim no. 2156



Desjarlais, Lèon; address: Lac La Biche; claim no. 680; born: 1853 at Lac la Biche; father: Paulette Desjarlais (Métis); mother: Lizette Bruneau (Métis); married: 1876 at Lac la Biche to Rosalie Decoine; children living: Francois and Vitaline; children deceased: 1; scrip for $240.00 Desjarlais, Léon; for his decaesed brothers and sisters: Madeleine, born 1872 at Wepescow; died: 1873 at Wepescow; Marie Rose, born: 1878 at Lac al Biche; died: 1879 at Lac la Biche; Absolom, born: 1879 at Lac la Biche; died: 1898 at Owl River; Alfred,  born: 1883 at Lac la Biche; died: 1898 at Owl River; Louise, born: 1875 187 5 at Lac la Biche; died: 1880 at Lac la Biche; father: Paulette Desjarlais (Métis); mother: Betsy Cardinal (Métis); heirs: Pierre Desjarlais, scrip cert.: form D, nos. 2050, 2076, 2128, 2154 and 2102 for $21.82 each; Alexandre Desjarlais, scrip cert.: form D, nos. 2052, 2078, 2130, 2104 and 2156 for $21.82 each; Henry Desjarlais (held); Marie Cardinal, scrip cert.: form D, nos. 2056, 2082, 2108, 2134 and 2160 for $21.82 each; Julie Desjarlais, scrip cert.: form D, nos. 2058, 2074, 2110, 2136 and 2162 for $21.82 each; Archange Desjarlais, scrip cert.: form D, nos. 2060, 2076, 2112, 3138 and 2164 for $21.82 each; Eliza Pattenaude, scrip cert.: form D, nos. 2062, 2078, 2114, 2140 and 2166 for. Desjarlais, Margaret; address: Qu'Appelle; claim no. 1272; born: 1810 at Lac la Biche; father: Francois Desjarlais (Métis); (Cree1;Indian); 1825 at White Horse Plains to Joseph Moretmother: Friday;Marguerite children living: childrenmarried: deceased: 7; scrip for $160.00 Desjarlais, Marguerite; for the heirs of her deceased son, Joseph Desjarlais; claim no. 242; born: 15 November, 1865 at Lac la Biche; died: 12 July, 1885 at Lac la Biche; address: Edmonton; father: St. Luc Cardinal (deceased Métis); mother: Marguerite Desjarlais (Métis and deponent); heirs: Marguerite Desjarlais, $30.00; Melanie Cardinal, $30.00; Isabelle Cardinal, $30.00; Elenore Cardinal, $30.00; Marcelline Cardinal, $30.00; David Cardinal, $30.00; Narcisse Cardinal, $30.00; Augustin Cardinal, $30.00 Desjarlais, Marguerite; for the heirs of her deceased husband, St. Luc Cardinal; born: 1836 near Lac la Biche; died: May, 1871; address: Edmonton; father: Pierrot Cardinal (Métis); mother: Marguerite Desjarlais (Métis and deponent); married: 1854 at Lac la Biche to Marguerite Desjarlais; heirs: Marguerite Desjarlais, $20.00; Melanie Cardinal, $20.00; Isabelle Cardinal, $20.00; Eleonore Cardinal, $20.00; Marcelline Cardinal, $20.O0; David Cardinal, $20.00; Narcisse Cardinal, $20.00; Augustin Cardinal, $20.00; claim no. 245 Desjarlais, Marguerite; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 615; born: 1860 near Battle River; father: Keh-kekowah-tam Decoyne (Métis); mother: Kah-pe-teh-kowah-tame (Indian); married: 1879 at Lac la Biche to Antoine Desjarlais; children living 3, Bethsey, Baptiste and Eda; children deceased: Josephte Desjarlais, Marguerite; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 604; born: 1854 at Lac la Biche; father: Francois Desjarlais (Métis); mother: Euphrosine Auger (Métis); married: 1874 at Lac la Biche to Francois Auger; children living: 7; scrip for $240.00



Desjarlais, Marguerite; address: Edmonton; claim no. 286; born: 1839 at Lac la Biche; father: Joseph Desjarlais (Métis); mother: Josephte Cardinal (Métis); married: 1854 at Lac la Biche to St. Luc Cardinal; children living: 7; children deceased 2: scrip for  $160.00. Desjarlais, Marianne; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 607; born: 1849 at Red River; father: Arsene Desjarlais (Métis); married: 1864 at Lac la Biche to Dominique Cardinal; mother: Priscille Cardinal (Métis); children living: 10; scrip for $160.00 Desjarlais, Maria; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2245; born: 1874 at Lac la Biche; father: Charles Jonston (Métis); mother: Agathe Auger (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1506 Desjarlais, Marie; address: Battleford, Saskatchewan; claim no. 1020; born: 1 April, 1883 at Lac la Biche; father: Guillaume Desjarlais (Métis); mother: Marguerite Sauvé (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1611 for $240.00 Desjarlais, Marie; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 634; born: 1856 at Lac la Biche; father: Paulette Desjarlais (Métis); Lizette (Métis); 1875 atchildren Lac la Biche to Joseph Cardinal; children living:mother: John, Emile, Michel andmarried: Marie Louise; deceased: Baptiste; scrip for $240.00 Desjarlais, Marie Vitaline; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2213; born: 1882 at Lac la Biche; father: Jules Desjarlais (Métis); mother: Phiomène Cardinal (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1286 Desjarlais, Michel; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2221; born: 1879 at Lac la Biche; father: Jules Desjarlais (Métis); mother: Philomène Cardinal (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1488 Desjarlais, Moise; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 388; born: 10 September, 1867 at Lac la Biche; father: Paul Desjarlais (Métis); mother: Véronique Ota-ki-na-tu-kewish (Métis); scrip for $240.00 Desjarlais, Paulette; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 582; born: 1830 at Lac Ste. Anne; father: Antoine Desjarlais (Métis); mother: Josephte Cardinal (Métis); married: in 1852 at Edmonton to Lizette Bruneau and in 1868 at Lac la Biche to Betsy Cardinal; children living: 11; children deceased: 8; scrip for $160.00 Desjarlais, Petit Louis; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2906; born: 1884 at Lac la Biche; father: Joseph Desjarlais (Métis); mother: Betsy Lee Mon As Nut (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1588



Desjarlais, Philomène; for her deceased son, Jules Desjarlais; claim no. 2148; born: 1885 at Lac la Biche; died: 1885; address: Lac la Biche; father: Jules Desjarlais (Métis); mother: Philomène Cardinal (Métis deponent) Desjarlais, Pierre; address: Lac la Biche Settlement; claim no. 621; born: 1862 at Lac la Biche; father: Paulette Desjarlais (Métis); mother: Lizette Bruneau (Métis); married: 1884 at Lac la Biche to Catherine Matche-moo-taw; children living: Agnes; scrip for  $240.00 Desjarlais, Pierre; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2220; born: 1873 at Lac la Biche; father: Jules Desjarlais (Métis); mother: Philomène Cardinal (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1486 Desjarlais, Sarah; wife of Francois Desjarlais; claim no. 866; address: Green Lake, Saskatchewan; born: 3 July, 1878 at Lac la Biche; father: Francois Desjarlais (Métis); mother: Marie Laframboise (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1375 for $240.00 Desjarlais, Vitaline; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2160; born: 1882 at Lac la Biche; father: Guillaume or Léon Desjarlais (Métis); mother: Julie Decoine (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1246 Desmarais, Marguerite; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 734; born: 1858 at St. Boniface; father: John Desmarais (Métis); mother: Marie Ducharme (Métis); married: 1873 at Lac la Biche to Adam Ladouceur; children living: 7; children deceased: 1, not baptized; scrip for $240.00 Ducharme, Angélique; address: Lac la Biche Settlement; claim no. 719; born: 1856 at Qu'Appelle; father: Pierre Ducharme Lanouche (Métis); mother: Marie Cardinal (Métis); maried: 1871 to Joseph Kanepow, and 1880 at Lac la Biche to Baptiste Moise; scrip for  $240.00 Ducharme, Antoine; heir to his deceased son, George Ducharme; claim no. 2270; born: 6 September, 1880 at Qu'Appelle; died: 1896; address: Lac la Biche; father: Antoine Ducharme (Métis and deponent); mother: Caroline Fidler (Métis); scrip cert.: form F, no. 800 Ducharme, Antoine; for his children: Marie, born: 1885 at Lac la Biche; Marguerite Victoire, 1883 at Lac la Biche; father: Antoine Ducharme (Métis and deponent); mother: Caroline Fidler (Métis); Marie, scrip cert.: form C, no. 1302; Marguerite Victoire, form C, no. 1304; claim no. 2273 Ducharme, Caroline; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2274; born: 9 July, 1882; father: Antoine Ducharme, Métis); mother: Caroline Fidler (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1306 Ducharme, Pierre dit Lanouche; heir to his deceased daughter, Francoise; claim no. 113;  born: 1857 at Lac la Biche; died: Fall, 1870 near Fort Fo rt Pitt; address: Calgary Post Office;



father: Pierre Ducharme (Métis and deponent); mother: Marie Desjarlais (Métis); scrip for $240.00 Dumont, Marie; address: Lac la Biche Settlement; claim no. 686; born: 1851 at Carlton, Saskatchewan; father: Norbert Dumont (Métis); mother: Lalouise Decoyne (Métis); married: 1867 near St. Paul des Cris to Pierriche Blandion or Wabiska; scrip for $160.00 Dumonds, Marianne - Thimothé Dumonds, concerning the claim of his deceased mother, Marianne Dumonds, a Métis head of family - Address, Battle River, Peace Hill P.O. [Post Office] - Born, 1839 at Lac La Biche - Father, Bruneau, (Métis) - Mother, Ladouceur, (Métis) - Married, 1850 at Lac Ste. Anne to Jacques Dumonds - Children living, three Children deceased, two, Ambroise and Marie - Died, fall of 1870 - Heirs, her children Adelaide, wife of Olivier Laderoute, Thimothé Dumonds, (deponent), Veronique Three scrips for $53.33 - Claim 739 Fortier, André; heir to his deceased children: Marie Hermine, born: 1881 at Lac la Biche; died: 1885 at Lac la Biche; Marie Madeline, born: 7 May, 1885 at Lac la Biche; died: Fall, 1886 at St. Albert; address: St. Albert; father: André Fortier (Whiteman and deponent); claim no. 2482 Fortier, André; for his daughter, Marie Euphrosine Fortier; claim no. 2481; address: St. Albert; born: 1883 at Lac la Biche; father: André Fortier (Whiteman and deponent); mother: Pelagie Decoine (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1688 Fosseneuve, Alfred; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2216; born: 1883 at Lac la Biche; father: Louis Fosseneuve (Métis); mother: Thérèse Ladouceur (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1478. Fosseneuve, Emile; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2217; born: 1878 at Lac la Biche; father: Louis Fosseneuve (Métis); mother: Thérèse Ladouceur (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1480 Fosseneuve, Jean; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2218; born: 1875 at Lac la Biche; father: Louis Fosseneuve (Métis); mother: Thérèse Ladouceur (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1482 Fosseneuve, Joseph; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2212; born: November, 1885 at Lac la Biche; father: Louis Fosseneuve (Métis); mother: Thérèse Ladouceur (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1284 Fosseneuve, Julie Victoire; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2223; born: 1873 at Lac la Biche; father: Louis Fosseneuve (Métis); mother: Thérèse Ladouceur (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1492 Fosseneuve, Louis; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 372; born: 1848 at Red River  Settlement; father: Baptiste Fosseneuve alias Lecroche (Métis); mother: Julie Morand



(Métis); Maried: in 1869 at Lac la Biche to Catherine Decoine, and 1870 at Lac la Biche to Thérèse Ladouceur; children living: Julie Victoire, Jean, David, Emile, Alfred Alphonsine; scrip for $160.00 Fosseneuve, Louis; heir to his deceased children: David, born: 1876 at Lac la Biche; died: 1887 at Lac la Biche; Euphrosine, born: 1882 at Lac la Biche; died: 1892 at Lac la Biche; address: Lac la Biche; father: Louis Fosseneuve (Métis and deponent) mother: Thérèse Ladouceur (Métis); David, scrip cert.: form F, no. 770; Euphrosine, scrip cert.: form F, no. 772; claim no. 2224 Fosseneuve, Marguerite; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 646; born: 1841 in Athabasca District; father: Baptiste Fosseneuve (Métis); mother: Julie (Métis); married: at Red River  to Antoine Gouinville and 1873 at Lac la Biche to Paul Decoine, and 1876 at Lac la Biche to Louis Frederick; children living: 2; children deceased: 2; scrip for $160.00 Fraser, Marguerite; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 652; born: 1840 at Edmonton; father: Hugh Fraser (Scot); mother: Cécile Ogden (Métis); married: 1851 at St. François Xavier  to Pierre Ladouceur; children living: Absolom, Eliza, Caroline, Florestine, Louis, Henriette, Alexandre and Fabien; children deceased: Henriette and Damien; scrip for  $160.00 Frederic, Cyrville; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2233; born: 1878 at Fort Chipewyan; father: Louis Frederic (Métis); mother: Marguerite Fausseneuve (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1498 Frederick, Louis; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 645; born: 1846 at Red River; father: Baptiste Frederick alias Paul Frederick (French Canadian); mother: Josephte Bourré (Métis); maried: to Catherine Dauphinais or Jenton, and Summer, 1869 to Mathilde Badger at Norway House, and 1875 to Marguerite Fosseneuve; children living: Marie, Louis, Véronique, Gregoire, Eleonore, Louisa and Cyrille; children deceased: Victoire, Hyacinthe and Alexandre; scrip for $160.00 Frederic, Louison; heir to his deceased children: Alexandre, born: 16 February, 1871 at Athabasca; died: 1872 at Fort Chipewyan; Eleonore , born: 14 June, 1872 at Athabasca; died: April, 1889; Hyacinthe , born: 4 April, 1880 at Lac la Biche; died: April, 1880; address: Lac la Biche; father: Louison Frederic (Métis and deponent); mother: Mathilde Badger (Métis); Alexandre: scrip cert.: form F, no. 774; Eleonore: scrip cert.: form F, no. 776; Hyacinthe: scrip cert.: form F, no. 778; claim no. 2225 Frederick, Marguerite; for her deceased nephew Paul Decoine; claim no. 2240; born: 1868 at Lac la Biche; died: 1877 at Athabasca; address: Lac la Biche; father: Theodore Decoine (Métis deceased); mother: Christiana Viviers (Métis); file ref. 805611 Frederick, Marie Marguerite; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2266; born: 1874 at Lac la Biche; father: Adam Ladouceur (Métis); mother: Marguerite Desmarais (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1538



Gladien, Charles; address: Edmonton; claim no. 216; born: 1868 at Lac la Biche; father: Francois Gladien (Métis); mother: Catherine Hope (Métis); scrip for $240.00 Gladien, Francois; address: Edmonton; claim no. 218; born: 1840 at Lac la Biche; father: Francois Gladien (deceased Métis); mother: Agathe (deceased Métis); married: 1863 at Lac la Biche to Catherine Hope; children living: Christiana, Edward and Charles; scrip for $160.00 Gladu, Catherine; for her deceased daughter, Sarah Glad; claim no. 1733; born: 1872 at Lac la Biche; died: 1877 at Morley, Alberta; address: Black Mud; father: Francois Gladu (Métis); mother: Catherine Hope (Métis and deponent); file ref. 1386732. Gladu, Edward; address: Lesser Slave Lake; claim no. 21; born: August, 1847 at Lac la Biche; father: Louison Gladu (Métis); mother: Geneviève Gris (Métis); married: October, 1866 at Lac Ste. Anne to Betsie Constant; children living: Louisa, Catherine, Flora, Ambroise, Marie Rose, Louison and Nancy; children deceased: Lucy, Julie, William and Victoria; Edouard Gladu, scrip cert. no. 45A; Ambroise Gladu, scrip cert. no. 46A; Marie Rose Gladu, scrip cert. no. 47A. Gladu, Catherine; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 767; born: 1851 at Little Slave Lake; father: André Gladu (Métis); mother: Marie Rose Auger (Métis); Lived unmarried: from 1871 to 1874 with Antoine; Auger; children deceased: 1; scrip for $240.00. Gladu, Christine - Concerning her claim as a child - Address, Edmonton - Born, 1861 at Lac la Biche - Father, Francois Galdu, (Métis) - Mother, Catherine Hop, (Métis) Married, 1879 at Edmonton to John Lightning - Children living, three, Marie born 1880, Caroline born 1883 and William John born 1885 - Scrip for $240 - Claim 1133 Gladu, Marguerite; address: Lake Wabascow; claim no. 514; born: 1869 at Lac la Biche; father: Louison Matchemutaw (Indian); mother: Josephte Cardinal (Métis); married: March, 1896 at Lake Wabascow to Louis Gladu; children living: Alexandre, Julie, Mélanie, Véronique; children deceased: 1 no name; scrip cert. no. 1130A. Gladu, Marguerite; address: Lac la Bich; claim no. 657; born: 1826 at Lac la Biche; father: Louison Gladu (Métis); mother: Geneviève Auger (deceased Métis); married: 1851 to Jean Baptiste Decoyne; children deceased: 1; scrip for $160.00. Gladu, Marie; wife of Olivier Gladu; claim no. 862; address: Green Lake, Saskatchewan;  born: 12 October, 1875 at Lac la Biche; father: St. Pierre Quintal (Métis); mother: Marie Gladu (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1373 for $240.00. Gladu, Marie; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 609; born: 1846 on Riviere la Biche; father: Oka-ee-ma-oo-wasis; mother: Marianne Gladu (Métis); married: 1864 at Lac la Biche to Pierre Quintal; children living: 6; children deceased: 2, names on husband's application; scrip for $160.00.



Gladu, Pauline; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 768; born: 1856 at Little Slave Lake; father: Kas-ka-won; mother: Constance Gladu (Métis); married: 1877 at Lac de Sable to Charles Crandell alias Major; children living: 3; scrip for $240.00. Hamelin, Alexander; heir to his deceased son, Thomas Julien Hameli; claim no. 2271;  born: 17 Nov., 1885 at Lac la Biche; died: Oct., 1890 at Lac la Biche; address: Lac la Biche; father: Alexander Hamelin (Métis & deponent); mother: Angelique Houle (Métis); scrip cert.: form F, no. 802. Hamelin, Alexandrine; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2257; born: 1876 at Batoche; father: Alexander Hamelin (Métis); mother: Angelique Houle (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1520. Hamelin, Elenore; address: Lac la Bich; claim no. 2256; born: 25 June, 1879 at Lac la Biche; father: Alexandre Hamelin (Métis); mother: Angelique Houle (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1518. Hamelin, Joseph Solomon; address: Lac la Bich; claim no. 2272; born: 27 Nay, 1882 at Lac Biche; Alexander Hamelin (Métis); mother: Angelique Houle (Métis); scrip cert.:laform C, father: no. 1300. Hamelin, Marie - Concerning her claim as a head of family - Address, Battle River Born, 1824 at Lac la Biche - Father, Joseph Desjarlais, (Métis) - Mother, Suzette Cardinal, (Métis) - Married, 1839 at Lac Ste. Anne to Antoine Blandion and 1867 at Mountain Fort to Azure Hamelin - Children living, six (names on declaration) - Children deceased, eight - Scrip for $118 - Claim 1051 Herman, Francois dit Canot; address: Lac la Loche; claim no. 69; born: 1872 at Lac la Biche; father: Charlot Herman (Métis); mother: Marie Montgrand (Métis); married: 1895 to Rosalie; children living: Thomas & Philip. Hope, Catherine; address: Edmonton; claim no. 217; born: 1843 at Lac la Biche; father: James Hope (Métis); mother: Judith Desjarlais (Métis); married: 1863 at Lac la Biche to Francois Gladu; children living: Christiana, Edward & Charles; scrip for $160.00. Hope, Susette; for her deceased sister, Eliza Hop; claim no. 91; address: Calgary; born: 1852 at Lac la Biche; died: Oct., 1870 at Lac la Biche; father: James Hope (Métis); mother: Indic Desjarlais (Métis); married: Aug., 1870 to Samuel Whitford; heirs: Catherine Hope, $40.00; Francoise Hope, $40.00; Flora Hope, $40.00; Susette Hope, $40.00. Houle, Andree; address: Wabiscow via Edmonton; claim no. 168; born: 1876 at Lac la Biche; father: Charles Houle (Métis); mother: Francoise Decoine (Métis); married: 1897 at Wabiscow to Sarah Beaver.



Houle, Charles; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 500; born: 1828 at St. Boniface, Manitoba; father: Charles Houle (Métis); mother: Madeleine Berland (Métis); maried: 1856 at Lac la Biche to Esther Bruneau, & 1866 at Lac la Biche to Francoise Decoine; children living: William, Marie, Josephte, Veronique, Melanie, Samuel, Solomon, Clemence, Andre, Louise & Francoise; children deceased: Caroline, Henry, Clemence, Veronique & Solomon; scrip for $160.00. Houle, Charles; heir to his deceased children: Henry, born: 1862 at Lac la Biche; died: Oct., 1882 at Lac la Biche; Veronique, born: 26 May, 1870 at Lac la; Biche; died: Aug., 1881 at Lac la Biche; address: Lac la Biche Settlement; father: Charles Houle (Métis & deponent); mother: Esther Bruneau (Métis) for Henry Francoise Decoyne (Métis) for  Veronique; scrip for $240.00; claim no. 630. Houle, Charles; for his insane brother -in-law Louis Decoin; claim no. 754; born: 1834 on Athabasca River; address: Lac la Biche; father: Francois Decoine (Métis); mother: Josephte Desjarlais (Métis); scrip for $240.00. Houle, Marie; address: Lac la Biche Settlement; claim no. 663; born: 1865 at Lac la Biche; father: Charles Houle (Métis); mother: Esther Bruneau (Métis); married: Fall, 1883 at Lac la Biche to Arsene Bourke; children living: Sylvester; scrip for $240.00. Houle, William; address: Lac la Bich; claim no. 658; born: 1858 at St. Albert; father: Charles Houle (Métis); mother: Esther Bruneau (Métis); married: 1875 at Lac la Biche to Cecile Gregoire; children living: Elzear, Catherine & Melanie; children deceased: Pauline; scrip for $240.00. Houle, William; for his minor daughter, Melanie Houl; claim no. 2371; address: Athabasca Landing; born: Spring, 1885 at Lac la Biche; father: William Houle (Métis & deponent); mother: Cecile Bruneau (Chipewyan Indian); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1382. House, Alexander; address: Baptiste Lake, Alberta; claim no. 2437; born: 1879 at Lac la Biche; father: Charles House (Métis); mother: Emilie Bruneau (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1650. House, Emilie; for her deceased son, Edouard Brunea; claim no. 2440; address: Baptiste Lake; born: 1874 at Lac la Biche; died: 12 days old at Lac la Biche; father: Charles House (deceased Métis); mother: Emelie Bruneau (Métis & deponent); heirs: Emelie House, scrip cert.: form D, no. 2250 for $26.66; Louison House, scrip cert.: form D, no. 2252 for $26.66; Flora Nipissing, scrip cert.: form D, no. 2254 for $26.66; Alexandre House, scrip cert.: form D, no. 2256 for $26.67; Mary House, scrip cert.: form D, no. 2258 for $26.67; Marie House (Louise) scrip cert.: form D, no. 2260 for $26.67; Adelaide House, scrip cert.: form D, no. 2264 for $26.67; Narcisse House, scrip cert.: form D, no. 2266 for $26.67; Marie House, scrip cert.: form D no. 2262 for $26.67.



House, Louis (Cardinal); address: Baptiste Lake, Albert; claim no. 2436; born: 1875 at Lac la Biche; father: Charles House (Métis); mother: Emilie Bruneau (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1648. House, Louison; address: Baptiste Lake, Alberta; claim no. 589; born: 1875 at Lac la Biche; father: Charles House (Métis); mother: Milly Bruneau (Métis) House, Mary; address: Baptiste Lake; claim no. 2434; born: 1882 at Lac la Biche; father: Charles House (Métis); mother: Emilie Bruneau (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1416. House, Susette; address: Calgary; claim no. 51; born: 1851 at Lac la Biche; father: James Hope (Métis); mother: Judie Desjarlais (Métis); maried: 1867 to Andrew House, & 1893 at Victoria to Thomas House; children living: Henry, Joseph & John; children deceased: Matthew, Charles, George Washington & Edward. Huppe, Adelaide; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2188; born: 1883 at Lac la Biche; father: Thomas Huppe (Métis); mother: Louise Decoine (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1416. Huppe, Adolphe; address: Lac la Bich; claim no. 2152; born: 23 April, 1879 at lac la Biche; father: Thomas Huppe (Métis); mother: Louise Decoine (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1422. Hupe, Isidore; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2195; born: 1872 at Fort McMurray; father: Thomas Hupe (Métis); mother: Louise Decoine (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1472. Huppe, John; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2153; born: 6 Sept., 1877 at Lac la Biche; father: Thomas Huppe (Métis); mother: Louise Decoine (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1424. Huppe, Olive; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2185; born: 1875 at Lac la Biche; father: Joseph Cardinal dit Okisto or Nabesis (Métis); mother: Mathilde Tremblay (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1454. Huppe, Sophie; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2231; born: 1878 at Lac la Biche; father: Adam Ladouceur (Métis); mother: Marguerite Desmarais (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1494. Huppe, Thomas; for his minor son, Albert Hupp; claim no. 2182; address: Lac la Biche;  born: 1884 at Fort McMurray; father: Thomas Huppe H uppe (Métis); mother: Louise Decoine (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1448.



Hupe, Thomas; for his deceased children, Marie Albertin; claim no. 2115; born: 1 Dec., 1875 at Lac la Biche; died: June, 1888; address: Lac la Biche; father: Thomas Hupe (Métis & deponent); mother: Louise Decoine (Métis); scrip cert.: form D, no. 2004. Huppe Jr., Thomas; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2158; born: 1881 at Lac la Biche; father: Thomas Huppe (Métis); mother: Louise Decoine (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1428. Johnson, Agathe; for her deceased son, Robert Johnson; claim no. 2306; address: Lac la Biche; born: 1876 at Lac la Biche; died: Dec., 1891; father: Charles Johnson (Métis); mother: Agathe Auger (Métis); heir: her father, Charles Johnson, scrip cert.: form F, no. 810. Johnson, Bernard; address: Lesser Slave Lake; claim no. 31; born: 20 Sept., 1878 at Lac la Biche; father: John Johnson (Métis); mother: Maria Quintal (Métis); scrip cert. no. 69A. Johnson, Eulalie; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2310; born: 1883 at Lac la Biche; father: Charles Johnson (Métis); mother: Agathe Auger (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1326. Johnson, John; address: Lesser Slave Lake; claim no. 81; born: 1855 at Beaver Hills; father: Charles Johnson (Métis); mother: Lizette Bruneau (Métis); married: 1875 at Lac La Biche to Maria Quintal; children living: Marie, Isabelle, Leon, Madeleine, Victor, Charles, Bernard & Lizette; Isabelle Johnson, scrip cert. no. 180A; John Johnson, scrip cert. no. 15B; Madeleine Johnson, scrip cert. no. 184A; Victor Johnson, scrip cert. no. 181A; Charles Johnson, scrip cert. no. 185A; Leon Johnson, scrip cert. no. 182A; Lizette Johnson, scrip cert. no. 183A. Johnson, Maria; address: Lesser Slave Lake; claim no. 70; born: 1863 at Lac la Biche; father: Charles Quintal (Métis); mother: Frizine Cardinal (Métis); married: 1875 at Lac la Biche to John Johnson; children living: Bernard, Mary, Isabelle, Madeleine, Victor, Charles, Leon & Lizette; scrip cert. no. 159A. Johnstone, Alexandre; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 679; born: 1862 at Lac la Biche; father: Charles Johnstone (Métis); mother: Lizette Bruneau (Métis); married: 1882 at Lac la Biche to Melanie Lavalle; children living: 2; scrip for $240.00. Johnstone, Caroline; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 709; born: 1855 at Lac la Biche; father: Charles Johnstone (Métis); mother: Lizette Bruneau (Métis); married: 1874 at Lac la Biche to Francois Moise Cardinal; children living: Marie, Julie & Emilia; children deceased: James; scrip for $240.00. Johnston, Charles; address: Lac la Biche Missio; claim no. 637; born: 1829 at St. Andrews, Man; father: Robert Johnston (Orkneyman); mother: Nancy Cremar (Métis); married: 1856 at Lac la Biche to Lizette Bruneau, & 1863 at Lac la Biche to Agathe



Auger; children living: John, Caroline, Alexandre, Marie, Mathilda, Maria, Robert,  Nancy & Eulalie; children deceased: Venasse; scrip for $160.00. Johnston, Emma; address: Saddle Lake; claim no. 1998; born: Oct., 1882 at Lac la Biche; father: Alexander Johnston (Métis); mother: Melanie Lavalle (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1290. Johnstone, Charles; for his ill daughter, Mathilde Johnstone; claim no. 673; address: Lac la Biche Settlement; born: 7 May, 1866 at Lac la Biche; father: Charles Johnstone (Métis & deponent); mother: Agathe Auger (Métis); scrip for $240.00. Johnstone, Charles; heir to his deceased son, Venance Johnstone; claim no. 666; address: Lac la Biche Settlement; born: at Lac la Biche; died: 22 Feb., 1882 at Lac la Biche; father: Charles Johnstone (Métis); mother: Lizette Bruneau (Métis); scrip for $240.00. Kakikekamiak, Francois Moise; for his deceased brothers & sisters; claim no. 2343; William John, born: 16 Jan., 1874 at; Lac la Biche; died: 9 Feb., 1874 at Lac la Biche; Joseph, born: 17 Oct., 1874 at; Lac la Biche; died: Day of birth at Lac la Biche; Angelique, born: 1870 at Egg Lake; died: 1876; Agnes, born: Sept., 1880 at Lac la Biche; died: 19 Nov., born: 5Moise Nov.,or1884 at Lac; la Biche; died: Dec., 1887; address: Lac la1895; Biche;Augustine, father: Baptiste Kakikekamiek (deceased); mother: Emilie (Métis deceased); mother of William, Joseph & Angelique; Angelique Ducharme, mother of Agnes & Augustine; heirs: Francois Moise or Kakikekamiek, scrip cert.: form D, nos. 2202 & 2220 for $26.66 each; Agathe Bourque scrip cert.: form D, no. 2204 and; 2222 for $26.66 each; Angelique Cardinal, scrip cert.: form D, no. 2206 & 2224 for  $26.66 each; Isabelle Bruneau, scrip cert.: form D, no. 2216 & 2234 for $26.67 each; Rosalie Landmore, scrip cert.: form D, no. 2218 & 2236 for $26.67 each; Christine. Knibb, Andale; address: Lesser Slave Lake; claim no. 217; born: 20 June, 1878 at Lac la Biche; father: Adam Ladouceur (Métis); mother: Margaret Domoreste (Métis); married: 23 July, 1896 at Edmonton to William Henry Knibb; children living: Harry, born: 18 May, 1897; Mary Grace, born: 20 Sept., 1898; Andale Knibb, scrip cert. 543A; Harry Knibb, scrip cert. no. 544A; Mary Grace Knibb, scrip cert. no. 545A. Kwenis, William; address: Beaver Lake near Lac la Biche; claim no. 2100; born: 1878 at Edmonton; father: John Kwenis or Gladu (Métis); mother: Marguerite Dumont (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1400. Labatoche, Joseph or Cardinal; for his minor children: Silvestre, born: 1885 at Floating Lake; Marie Rose, born: 1885 at Onion Lake; address: Lac la Biche; father: Joseph Labatoche (Métis & deponent); mother: Eliza Desjarlais (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1334, Silvestre; scrip cert.: form C, no. 1336, Marie Rose; claim no. 2315l. Labatoche, Joseph or Cardinal; heir to his deceased daughter, Celina; claim no. 2308; address: Lac la Biche; born: 1881 at Lac la Biche; father: Joseph Labatoche or Cardinal (Métis & deponent); mother: Liza Desjarlais (Métis); scrip cert.: form F, no. 814.



Labonne, Nancy - Concerning her claim as a head of family - Address, Fort Saskatchwan - Born, 1835 at Lac la Biche - Father, Basile Labonne, (Métis) - Mother, Nanette Cardinal, (Métis) - Married, 1850 at Lac la Biche to Norbert Soldat and 1878 at Fort Saskatchewan to James York - Children living, one, Hélène - Children deceased, three, James, Marguerite and Annie - Scrip for $160 - Claim 1034 Ladouceur, Absolom; for his minor child, Louisa Ladouceur; claim no. 2157; address: Lac la Biche; born: 1885 at Lac la Biche; father: Absolom Ladouceur (Métis & deponent); mother: Marianne Cardinal (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1244. Ladouceur, Absolom; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 653; born: 12 March, 1866 at Lac la Biche; father: Pierre Ladouceur (French Canadian); mother: Marguerite Fraser (Métis); married: 1884 at Lac la Biche to Marianne Cardinal; children living: Louisa; scrip for  $240.00. Ladouceur, Adam; for his minor children: Gilbert, born: 1882 at Lac la Biche; Lia, born: 1883 at Lac la Biche; address: Lac la Biche; father: Adam Ladouceur (Métis); mother: Marguerite Desmarais (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1294, Gilbert; scrip cert.: form C, no. 1296, Lia; claim no. 2229. Ladouceur, Adam; address: Lac la Biche Settlement; claim no. 731; born: 1843 at Lac la Biche; father: Joseph Ladouceur (Métis); mother: Julie Auger (Métis); married: 1873 at Lac la Biche to Marguerite Desmarais; children living: Marguerite, Adele, Sophie, Gilbert, Elizabeth, Delia, Joseph, & 1 not baptised; scrip for $240.00. Ladouceur, Adam; heir to his deceased daughter, Agath Ladouceur; claim no. 2238; born: 1879 at Lac la Biche; died: Nov., 1879 at Lac la Biche; address: Lac la Biche; father: Adam Ladouceur (Métis and; deponent); mother: Marguerite Desmarais (Métis); scrip cert.: form F, no. 786. Ladouceur, Agathe; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 681; born: 1846 at Lac la Biche; father: Joseph Ladouceur (Métis); mother: Julie Auger (Métis); married: 1864 at Lac la Biche to George Bourke, died: 1864; children living: Arsene, Joseph, Sylvestre, Alphonse, Bertholeine, Marie Agathe, Jean Baptiste, Olivier & Henry; children deceased: Edouard; scrip for $160.00. Ladouceur, Agathe; for her deceased son, Edouard Bourke; claim no. 687; born: 28 July, 1868 at Lac la Biche; died: 9 Feb., 1879 at Lac la Biche; address: Lac la Biche; father: George Bourke (deceased French Cdn.); mother: Agathe Ladouceur (Métis and deponent); heirs: Agathe Ladouceur, Joseph, Arsene & Sylvestre awarded scrip for  $24.00 each; Alphonse, Bertholeine, Marie Agathe, Jean Baptiste, Olivier & Henri Bourke awarded scrip for $44.00 each.



Ladouceur, Agnes; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 251; born: 1855 at Lac la Biche; father: Joseph Ladouceur (Métis); mother: Julie Auger (Métis); married: Winter, 1885 at Lac la Biche to William Houle; scrip for $240.00. Ladouceur, Agnes; for her deceased mother, Julie Auger; claim no. 262; born: 1827 at Lac la Biche; died: 1877 at Lac la Biche; address: Lac la Biche; father: Baptiste Auger  (French Canadian); mother: Marie Nipissingue (Métis); married: to Joseph Ladouceur; heirs: her children: Joseph Ladouceur, Jennie, wife of1843 Olivier Courteoreille, Therese, wife of Louison Gosselin, Agathe, wife of George Bourke, Sophie, wife of  Thaddic Ouellette, Agnes, wife of William Houle, Augustin Ladouceur, David Ladouceur, Narcisse Ladouceur & Adam Ladouceur; scrip for $16.00 each. Ladouceur, Augustin; heir to his deceased son, Solomon Ladouceur; claim no. 2292; address: Lac la Biche; born: Oct., 1884 at Lac la Biche; died: 1885 at Lac la Biche; father: Augustin Ladouceur (Métis & deponent); mother: Betsy Houle (Métis); scrip cert.: form F, no. 806. Ladouceur, Augustin; for his minor son, Maxime Ladouceur; claim no. 2288; address: Lac la Biche; born: Sept., 1883 at Lac la Biche; father: Augustin Ladouceur (Métis & deponent); mother: Betsy Houle (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1560. Ladouceur, Augustin - Concerning his claim as a child - Address, Lac la Biche - Born, 1858 at Lac la Biche - Father, Joseph Ladouceur, (Métis) - Mother, Julie Auger, (Métis) Married, 1882 at Lake Qu'Appelle to Betsy Houle - Children living, two, Maxime born 1883 and Salomon born 1884 - Scrip for $240 - Claim 1480 Ladouceur, Caroline; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 593; born: 1862 at Fort Pitt; father: Pierre Ladouceur (French Canadian); mother: Margaret Fraser (Métis); married: 1879 to  Narcisse Boucher Jr. at Lac la Biche; children living: 2; scrip for $240.00 Ladouceur, David; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 387; born: 1860 at Lac la Biche; father: Joseph Ladouceur (Métis); mother: Julie Auger (deceased Métis); married: 1884 at Qu'Appelle to Marie Rose Houle; children living: 1; scrip for $240.00. Ladouceur Sr., David; for his son, David Ladouceur Jr; claim no. 580; address: Athabasca Landing; born: 7 May, 1861 at Lac la Biche; father: Joseph Ladouceur  (Métis); mother: Julie Auger (Métis); married: 24 Aug., 1884 at Lac Qu'Appelle to Marie Rose Houle; children living: David Jr., Marie Felicite, Josue, Eleonore, Marie Anne & Agathe; children deceased: 1, no name; See 2232 of 1900. Ladouceur, David; for his minor son, David Ladouceur; claim no. 2232; address: Lac la Biche; born: 1885 at Lac la Biche; father: David Ladouceur (Métis & deponent); mother: Marie Rose Houle (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1496. Ladouceur, Eliza; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 714; born: Fall, 1860 at Fort Pitt; father: Pierre Ladouceur (French Canadian); mother: Marguerite Fraser (Métis); married:



Fall, 1876 at Lac la Biche to Julien Cardinal; children Living: Joseph, Damien, Catherine & Alexandre; scrip for $240.00. Ladouceur, Florestine; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 588; born: 1864 at Lac la Biche; father: Pierre Ladouceur (Canadian); mother: Marguerite Fraser (Métis); married: 1881 at Lac la Biche to Thomas Taylor; children living: Eva; scrip for $240.00. Ladouceur, Joseph; address: Lac la Biche Settlement; claim no. 667; born: 1853 at Lac la Biche; father: Joseph Ladouceur (Métis); mother: Julie Auger (Métis); married: 1886 at Lac la Biche to Marie Courteoreille; scrip for $240.00. Ladouceur, Sr., Joseph; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 718; born: 1813 near Beaver  River; father: Ladouceur (French Canadian); mother: Josephte Cardinal (Métis); married: 1837 to Julie Auger, & 1879 to O-see-sis Veronique; children living by 1st wife: Adam, Jane, Therese, Agathe, Joseph, Sophie, Agnes, Augustin, David & Narcisse; children deceased by 1st wife: Olivier & Felix; children living by 2nd wife: Alexandrine, Melanie & Josephine; scrip for $160.00. Ladouceur Sr., Joseph; for his stepson Benjamin Ladouceur; claim no. 760; address: Lac la Biche; born: 1867 near Lac la for Biche; father: Joseph Mankass (Métis); mother: Veronique Batard (Métis); scrip $240.00. Ladouceur, Josephine Alice; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2243; born: 1884 at Lac la Biche; father: Joseph Ladouceur (Métis); mother: Veronique Asisis or Batard (Métis); scrip issued for 240 acres. Ladouceur, Narcisse; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 291; born: 1864 at Lac la Biche; father: Joseph Ladouceur (Métis); mother: Julie Auger (Métis); married: 1882 at Lac la Biche to Julie Auger; scrip for $240.00. Ladouceur, Narcisse; heir to his deceased daughter, Felicit Ladouceur; claim no. 2129;  born: 3 July, 1884 at Lac la Biche; died: July, 1884 at Lac la Biche; address: Lac la Biche; father: Narcisse Ladouceur (Métis & deponent); mother: Julie Auger (Métis); scrip cert.: form F, no. 760. Ladouceur, Louis; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 632; born: 10 Oct., 1868 at Lac la Biche; father: Pierre Ladouceur (French Canadian); mother: Marguerite Fraser (Métis); married: Fall, 1885 to Maria Cardinal; scrip for $240.00. Ladouceur, Louise - Concerning her claim as a head of family - Address, St. Albert Born, 1820 at Lac la Biche - Father, Ladouceur, (French Canadian) - Mother, Josephte Cardinal, (Métis) - Married, 1837 at Edmonton to Joseph Beaudry - Children living, two,  Narcisse and Elise - Children deceased, nine - Scrip for $160 - Claim 916



Ladouceur, Marie; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2290; born: 1879 at Lac la Biche; father: Charles Johnston (Métis); mother: Agathe Auger (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1564. Ladouceur, Melanie; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2234; born: 1881 at Lac la Biche; father: Joseph Ladouceur (Métis); mother: Veronique Batard (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1500. Ladouceur, Pierre; heir to his deceased children: Damien, born: 18 Oct., 1871 at Lac la Biche; died: Aug., 1884 at Lac la Biche; Henriette, born: 13 Aug., 1874 at Lac la Biche; died: April, 1875 at Lac la Biche; Alexandrine, born: 9 June, 1879 at; Lac la Biche; died:  Nov., 1886 at Lac la Biche; Fabien, born: 12 March, March , 1883 at Lac la Biche; died: May 1893 at Lac la Biche; address: Lac la Biche; father: Pierre Ladouceur (White & deponent); mother: Marguerite Fraser (Métis); scrip cert.: form F, no. 756, Damien; scrip cert.: form F, no. 758, Henriette; scrip cert.: form D, no. 2006, Alexandrine; scrip cert.: form D, no. 2008, Fabien; scrip cert.: form F, no. 830, Alexandrine; scrip cert.: form F, no. 832, Fabien; claim no. 2125. Ladouceur, Sophie; address: Lac la Bich; claim no. 212; born: 1851 at Lac la Biche; father: (Métis); mother: Julie (Métis); married: 1866 to Louis Daze atJoseph Lac la;Ladouceur Biche & 1878 at Lac la Biche to Auger Antoine Ducharme; at Qu'Appelle to Thaddie Ouellette; scrip for $160.00. Ladouceur, Therese; address: Lac la Biche Missio; claim no. 717; born: 1844 at Lac la Biche; father: Joseph Ladouceur (Métis); mother: Julie Auger (Métis); married: 1872 at Lac la Biche to Louis Fosseneuve; children living: Marie Victoire, Jean, David, Emile, Alfred, Alphonsine & Joseph; scrip for $240.00. Ladouceur, Veronique; address: Lac la Biche Settlement; claim no. 742; born: 1844 at Lesser Slave Lake; father: Eto-we-ka-pow Batard (Métis); mother: Marie Rose She-naska-mik-apew; married: 1864 at Slave Lake to Joseph Mahkass, & 1879 at Lac la Biche to Joseph Ladouceur Sr; children living: Isabelle, Benjamin & Joseph (children of 1st husband); Alexandrine, Melanie & Josephine (children of 2nd husband); scrip for  $160.00. Lafleur, Francoise; for her ill daughter, Mathilde Lafleur; claim no. 2328; address: Lac la Biche; born: 1871 at Dunvegan; father: Jean Baptiste Lafleur (Métis); mother: Francoise Courteoreille (Métis & deponent); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1582. Lafleur, Napoleon; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2327; born: 1878 at Grand Prairie; father: Jean Baptiste Lafleur (Métis); mother: Francois Courteoreille (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1580. La Grosse tête, Julie; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2254; born: 1863 at Lac la Biche; father: Paulette Desjarlais (Métis); mother: Lizette Bruneau (Métis)



Laliberté, Antoine; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 321; born: 1848 at Red River; father: Pierriche Laliberté or Lachouette (Métis); mother: Saracine Morin (Métis); married: in 1868 at Ile a la Crosse to Maggie Sandison and then at Lac la Biche to Matilda Collin; children living: 3; scrip for $160.00. Laliberté, Clement; address: Green Lake, Saskatchewan; claim no. 818; born: 1 Jan., 1883 at Lac Biche; father: Antoine Laliberté (Métis); mother: Mathilda Collings (Métis); scriplacert.: form C, no. 1281 for $240.00. Laliberté, Pierre; address: Green Lake; claim no. 817; born: 13 Feb., 1885 at Lac la Biche; father: Antoine Laliberté (Métis); mother: Mathilda Collings (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1279 for $240.00. Lapoudre, Abé or Albert; for his minor children: Maggie born: Dec., 1885 at Lac la Biche; Arsene born: Nov., 1883 at Lac la Biche; address: Lac la Biche; father: Abé Lapoudre (Métis and deponent); mother: Catherine-Picoté (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1312, Maggie; form C, no. 1314, Arsene; claim no. 2277. Lapoudre, Agnes; address: Calling Lake; claim no. 1371; born: 1882 at Lac la Biche; father: Pitikiwinis (Indian); mother: ElizaE,Auger (Métis); married: 1899 at Calling Lake to Alexander Lapoudre; scrip cert.: form no. 3340. Lapoudre, Albert, or Bernard; address: Lac la Biche Settlement; claim no. 771; born: 1853 on the Plains; father: St. Pierre Lapoudre (Métis); mother: Therese Cardinal (Métis); married: 1872 at Lac la Biche to Catherine She-sha-we-Kash Koet Bostonais Picoté; children living: Sophie; Arsène; Joseph; Caroline; Jamy; Peggie; scrip for  $240.00. Lapoudre, Alexandre; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 533; born: Aug., 1872 at Lac la Biche; father: Henri La Poudre (Métis); mother: Christine Carlous (Métis); married: Jan., 1899 at Lac la Biche to Flora Nipichewham; scrip cert. no. 1070A. Lapoudre, Alick; address: Calling Lake; claim no. 539; born: 1875 at Lac la Biche; father: Augustin Lapoudre (Métis); mother: Marie Keesokowasis (Métis); scrip cert. no. 1137A. Lapoudre, Ambroise; address: Athabasca Landing; claim no. 2374; born: 1880 at Lac la Biche; father: Pierre Lapoudre (Métis); mother: Rosalie Picotté (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1604. Lapoudre, Augustin or Powder; address: Calling Lake; claim no. 541; born: 1856 at Lac la Biche; father: Makatahkarjaway or Lapoudre; (Métis); mother: Therese Cardinal (Métis); married: 1874 at Lac la Biche to Marie KeesKowasis ("Skychild"); children living : Alick; Elize; Frederick; Lizette; Solomon; Modeste; Mary; Joseph; children deceased: 2 with no names; Augustin Lapoudre, scrip cert. no. 1138A; Solomon Lapoudre, scrip cert. no. 1139A; Mary Lapoudre, scrip cert. no. 1140A; ElizeLapoudre,



scrip cert. no. 1141A; Lisette Lapoudre, scrip cert. no. 1142A; Modeste Lapoudre, scrip cert. no. 1143A; Joseph Lapoudre, scrip cert. no. 1144A. Lapoudre, Catherine; address: Lac la Biche Settlement; claim no. 759; born: ?; father: Bostonais Picoté, or Bostonaisis (Métis); mother: Marguerite Thompson or  Wapistekowan (Métis); married: 1872 at Lac la Biche to Albert or Bernard Lapoudre; children living Sophie; Caroline; Joseph; Arsène; Jamy and Peggie; scrip for $240.00. Lapoudre, Edouard; address: Lac la Biche Settlement; claim no. 773; born: Oct., 1867 at Lac la Biche; father: Pierre Lapoudre (Métis); mother: Rosalie Bostonais (Métis); scrip for $240.00. Lapoudre, Eulalie; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2263; born: 1880 at Lac la Biche; father: Abe Lapoudre (Métis); mother: Catherine (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1532. Lapoudre, Félix; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2326; born: 1878 at Lac la Biche; father: Paul Lapoudre (Métis); mother: Christine Bews (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1578. Lapoudre, la Biche; claim Bews no. 2330; born:scrip 1881cert.: at Lac la Biche; father: PaulFrancois; Lapoudreaddress: (Métis);Lac mother: Christine (Métis); form E, no. 1586. Lapoudre, Frederic Arthur; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2337; born: 1883 at Lac la Biche; father: Paul Lapoudre (Métis); mother: Christine Bews (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1346. Lapoudre, Harry; heir to his deceased son, Francois Lapoudre; claim no. 2411; address: Baptiste Lake; born: 1883 at Lac la Biche; died: 1888; father: Harry Lapoudre (Métis and deponent); mother: Christine Vivier (Métis); scrip cert.: form D, no. 2240. Lapoudre, Jany; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2264; born: 1878 at Lac la Biche; father: Alec Lapoudre (Métis); mother: Catherine (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1534. Lapoudre, Joseph or Powder; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 532; born: Dec., 1876 at Lac la Biche; father: Henri Lapoudre or Powder (Métis); mother: Christine Carlouche (Métis); scrip cert. no. 1071A Lapoudre, Jules; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 750; born: 1862 on the Plains; father: St. Pierre Lapoudre (Métis); mother: Therèse Cardinal (Métis); married: 1883 at Lac la Biche to Madeleine Decoine; scrip: for $240.00. Lapoudre, Maggy or Decoine; address: Athabasca Landing; claim no. 2377; born: 1879 at Lac la Biche; father: Pierre Lapoudre (Powder) (Métis); mother: Rosalie (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1610.



Lapoudre, Marie; born: 1859 at Rock Island Lake; claim no. 536; father: Keesokosis ("Sky Child?"); mother: (Métis); married: 1874 at Lac la Biche to Augustin Lapoudre; children living: Alick; Elize; Frederick; Lisette; Solomon; Modeste; Mary and Joseph; children deceased: 2, no names; scrip cert. no. 1145A. Lapoudre, Marie; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 749; born: 1864 at Lac la Biche; father: St. Pierre Lapoudre (Métis); mother: Therèse Cardinal (Métis); married: 1883 at Lac la Biche to Thomas Gladu; children living: 2; scrip for $240.00. Lapoudre, Olivier, or Decoine; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2346; born: 1874 at Lac la Biche; father: Henry Lapoudre or Decoine (Métis); mother: Christine Vivier (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1594. Lapoudre, Pierre or Decoine, for his deceased children: Marie, born: 1870 at Lac la Biche; died: 1873 at Lac la Biche; Louis, born: 1871 at Lac la Biche; died: 1871 at Lac la Biche; Christine, born: 1880 at Lac la Biche; died: soon after birth; address: Athabasca Landing; father: Pierre Lapoudre or Decoine; (Métis and deponent); mother: Rosalie Picotté; claim no. 2121. Lapoudre, Pierre;Lapoudre address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 683; born: 1846 at Lac la Biche; father: St. Pierre (Métis); mother: Therèse Cardinal (Métis); married: 1867 at Lac la Biche to Rosalie Sâ-Sâ-Wa-Kos-Kwêp (Indian); children living: Edward; Paul; Maggie; Ambroise and Harry; children deceased: Louis and 2 born after transfer; scrip for $160.00. Lapoudre, Pierre; heir to his deceased son, Louis Lapoudre; claim no. 775; address: Lac la Biche Settlement; born: 24 June, 1870 at Lac la Biche; died: 1871 at Lac la Biche; died: 1871 at Lac la Biche; father: Pierre Lapoudre (Métis and deponent); mother: Caroline Bastonais or Sheshawekaskoet (Métis); scrip for $240.00. Lapoudre, Rosalie; address: Lac la Biche Settlement; claim no. 772; born: 1851 at Beaver  Lake; father: Bastonais Picoté, or Bastonaisis (Métis); mother: Marguerite Wapiste Kowam Thompson; (Métis); married: 1867 at Lac la Biche to Pierre Lapoudre; children living: Edward, Paul, Maggie, Ambroise and Henry; children deceased: Louis and 2 not named; scrip for $160.00. Lapoudre, Samuel; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2338; born: 1885 at Lac la Biche; father: Paul Lapoudre (Métis); mother: Christine Bews (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1348. Larivière, François; address: Isle à la Crosse; claim no. 209; born: 1854 at Lac la Biche; father: Abraham Larivière (Métis); mother: Marie (Métis); married: to Véronique, who died 1881 and in 1886 to Sophie Des Rochers; children living: Margaret, Ellen, Marie Anne, Hélène & Marie Angèle.




Laroque, Adam; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2210; born: 1871 near Saddle Lake; father: François Laroque (Métis); mother: Marianne Patenaude (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1280. Larocque, Anne; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2187; born: 1877 at Lac la Biche; father: Johny Cardinal (Métis); mother: Angèle Desjarlais (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1458. Larocque, Baptiste; address: Lac la Biche Settlement; claim no. 677; born: 1863 at St. Boniface; father: Francois Larocque Jr. (Métis); mother: Marie Anne Patenaude (Métis); married: Spring, 1885 at Lac la Biche to Rosalie Desjardins; children living: Agnes; scrip for $240.00. Larocque, Baptiste; for his minor daughter, Angès Larocque; claim no. 2355; address: Lac la Biche; born: 1885 at Lac la Biche; father: Baptiste Larocque (Métis deponent); mother: Rosalie Desjardins (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1364. Larocque, Elise; address: P.O. Lac la Biche Settlement; claim no. 706; born: June, 1867 at Fort Ellice; father: Francois Larocque Jr. (Métis); mother: Marianne Patenaude (Métis); scrip for $240.00. Larocque, Ernestine (Florestine); address: Edmonton; claim no. 2945; born: February, 1872 at Lac la Biche; father: Louis Larocque (Métis); mother: Angélique Sauvé (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 2214. Larocque, François; for his living son, Albert Larocque; claim no. 769; address: P.O. Lac la Biche Settlement; born: December, 1868 on the Plains; father: François Larocque (Métis and deponent); mother: Marie Anne Patenaude (Métis); scrip for $240.00. Larocque Jr., François - Concerning his claim as a head of family - Address, Victoria or  Fort Pitt P.O. [Post Office] - Born 4th December, 1847 at Red River - (lives at Lac la Biche) - Father, François Larocque Sr., (Métis) - Mother, Angèlique Says, (Métis) Married, July 20, 1862 to Marianne Patenaude - Children living, seven (names on declaration) - Scrip for $160 - Claim 940 Larocque, Julie, née Quintal; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2300; born: 5 August, 1870 at Lac la Biche; father: Étienne Quintal (Métis); mother: Marie Cardinal (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1566. Larocque, Marguerite; address: Lac la Biche P.O.; claim no. 744; born: 1847 at Norway House; father: François Larocque (Métis); mother: Angélique Sayis (Métis); married: 1864 at Lac la Biche to Louison Cardinal; children living: Elise, Augustin, John, Florestine, Eleonore and Rosalie; children deceased: Alexandre and Patrice; scrip for  $160.00



Larocque, Pierre - Concerning his claim as a child - Address, St. Albert - Born, 1866 at Lac la Biche - Father, Moise Larocque, (Métis), deceased - Mother, Ursule Beauregard, (Métis) - Scrip for 240 acres of land - Claim 589 Larocque, Ursule, née Beauregard; for her deceased children; claim no. 2636; address: St. Albert; John, born: December, 1870 at St. Albert; Romain, born: April, 1865 at Lac la Biche;Ursule father:Larocque, Moïse Larocque (Métis); Ursule (Métis and deponent); heirs: scrip cert.: formmother: F, no. 928; for Beauregard 60 acres; Pierre Larocque, scrip cert.: form F, no. 930; for 60 acres; Melanie, wife of Milan Belrose, scrip cert.: form F, no. 932; for 60 acres; Ursule, wife of Guillaume Laboucanne; scrip cert.: form F, no. 934; for 60 acres. Le Prétre, Benjamin; address: Peace River Landing; claim no. 328; born: 1847 at Lac la Biche; father: Jean Baptiste Le Prétre (Métis); mother: Lisette Lemire (Métis); married: 1868 at Dunvegan to Angelique Tastawitch; children living: Rosalie; Philomene; Alexis; Marguerite; Genevieve; Veronique; Michel; Adam and Julie; children deceased: James;  No name; John and Anne; Benjamin Le Prétre, scrip s crip cert. no. 683A; Veronique Le Prétre, scrip cert. no. 684A; Michel Le Prétre, scrip cert. no. 685A; Adam Le Prétre, scrip cert. no. 686A; Julie Le Prétre, scrip cert. no. 687A. Lavallée, Elizabeth, née Ladouceur; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2286; born:  November, 1880 at Lac la Biche; father: Adam Ladouceur (Métis); mother: Marguerite Desmarais (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1556. Lavallée, Frédéric Arthur; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2284; born: 1879 at Lac la Biche; father: Louis Lavallée (Métis); mother: Catherine L'Espérance (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1552. Lavallée, Joseph Émile; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2283; born: 1881 at Lac la Biche; father: Louis Lavallée (Métis); mother: Catherine L'Espérance (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1550. Lavallée, Louis or Martin; for his deceased children; claim no. 2141; address: Lac la Biche; Louis, born: 1866 at Fort Chipewyan; died: 1868 at Fort Chipewyan; Marie Pauline, born: 1874 at Big Point Deschênes; died: 1875 at St. Boniface; Joseph Louis,  born: 1876 at Big Point Deschênes; died: 1878 at Big Point Deschênes; Deschêne s; father: Louis Lavallée (Métis and deponent); mother: Catherine L'Espérance (Métis) Lavallée, Louis or Martin; for his minor son, Alfred Napoléon Lavallée; claim no. 2122; address: Lac la Biche; born: 1883 at Lac la Biche; father: Louis Lavallée (Métis and deponent); mother: Catherine L'Espérance (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1214. Lavallée, Martin; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2285; born: 1877 at Lac la Biche; father: Louis Lavallée (Métis); mother: Catherine L'Espérance (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1554.



Lemire, Norbert; heir to his deceased wife, Emilie Cardina; claim no. 999; address: Havre, Montana; born: 1876 at Lac la Biche; died: ?; father: Joseph Cardinal (Métis); mother: Euphrosine Lemire (Métis); scrip cert.: form D, no. 1000. Louis, Margaret; address: Peace River Crossing; claim no. 229; born: 1856 at Lac la Biche; father: James Hope (Métis); mother: Judith Desjarlais (Métis); married: 1868 at Lac la Biche to Louis; scrip notes nos. A12931 and A4562 for $160.00; and $80.00. Ma che mo tow, Jeannette; née Stewart; address: Calling Lake; born: 1872 at Lac la Biche; father: Baptiste Stewart (Métis); mother: Marie I-i-to-ka-pow (Indian); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1418; claim no. 2438. Martel, Elzéar; address: Battleford; born: April, 1882 at Lac la Biche; father: Marcil Martel (French Canadian); mother: Célina Tremblay (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1663 at $240.00; claim no. 1053. Martel, Marcil; address: Battleford; born: March, 1878 at Lac la Biche; father: Nazaire Martel (French Canadian); mother: Célina Tremblay (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1665 for $240.00; claim no. 1055. McDonald, Caroline; address: Fort McMurray; born: March, 1875 at Lac la Biche; father: Etienne Quintalle (Métis); mother: Marie St. Pierre (Métis); married: February, 1897 at Lac la Biche to Alexander McDonald; children living: John; scrip cert no. 1059A; claim no. 497. McGillis, Eliza - Concerning the claim of her deceased husband, Michel Cardinal, a Métis head of family - Address, Calgary P.O. [Post Office] - Born, 1832 at Lac la Biche Father, Cardinal, (Métis) - Mother, Susanne de Coigne, (Métis) - Married, Eliza McGillis, (deponent) - Children living, three (names on declaration) - Children deceased, five Died, 1 November, 1871 - Heirs, Eliza McGillis, (widow and deponent), John Cardinal  born 1866, Marie Rose Cardinal born bor n 1869, Julie Cardinal born 1871 - Three scrips for  $60 - Three scrips for $32.22 - Two scrips for $36.66 - One scrip for $50 - Claim 391 McLean, Melanie; for her deceased son, Harry McLean; address: Black Mud; born: 20 December, 1880 at Lac la Biche; died: 20 May, 1900 at Black Mud; father: Donald McLean (Whiteman); mother: Melanie Cardinal (Métis and deponent); heirs: Melanie McLean, scrip cert.: form D, no. 2516 for $60.00; James McLean, scrip cert.: form D, no. 2518 for $60.00; John McLean, scrip cert.: form D, no. 2520 for $60.00; Flora McLean, scrip cert.: form D, no. 2522 for $60.00; claim no. 3080. Moberly, Francoise; address: Willoughby, Saskatchewan; born: 1854 at Lac la Biche; father: Lafleur or No-nen-es-skit (Métis); mother: Marie Guilbeault (Métis); husband: Harry John Moberly; scrip cert.: form E, no. 3233 for 240 acres; claim no. 34. Moignon, Marie; address: Lac la Biche; born: 1822 near Egg Lake, St. Albert; father: -?Moignon (Métis); mother: Marie (Métis); married: 1836 at Lac la Biche to Laurent



Cardinal who died in 1853; children living: Jerome, Susanne, Dominique, Paul Cardinal and Julien; children deceased: Baptiste and Antoine; scrip for $160.00; claim no. 694. Moise, Angelique; address: Lac la Biche; born: 1857 at Lac la Biche; father: Baptiste Moise (Métis); mother: Madeleine Abraham (Métis); married: 1877 at Lac la Biche to Joseph Cardinal; children living: 2 children deceased: 1; scrip for $240.00; claom no. 720;. Moise, Baptiste; address: Lac la Biche Settlement; born: 1827 at Lac la Biche; father: Moise (Métis); mother: Susanne Decoyne (Métis); married: 1844 at Lac la Biche to Charlotte and in 1853 to Madeleine, then in 1858 to Emilie, then in 1860 to Thérése, and then in 1880 to Angélique Ducharme; children living: Francois, Isabelle, Rosalie, Angélique, Catherine, Christine, Agnet and Augustin; children deceased: Isabelle, Angélique and other names not remembered; scrip for $160.00; claim no. 735. Moise, Catherine; address: Lac la Biche; born: 1867 at Lac la Biche; father: Baptiste Moise (Métis); mother: Therese Bethlehem (Métis); scrip for $240.00; claim no. 721. Moise, Christine; address: Lac la Biche; born: 1860 at Lac la Biche; father: Baptiste Moise ka-ka-ke-ka-mik (Métis);claim mother: (Métis); married: 1882 to Thomasalias Cardinal; scrip for $240.00; no.Madeleine 725. Moisee, Baptiste; heir to his deceased daughter, Angelique Moise; address: Lac la Biche;  born: January, 1869 at Plains of St. Paul des Cris; died: 26 July, 1876 at Lac la Biche; father: Baptiste Moisee alias ka-ka-ke-ka-mik (Métis and deponent); mother: Émile (Métis); scrip for $240.00; claim no. 777. Morand, Marguerite; address: Battleford; born: 24 May, 1875 at Lac la Biche; father: Pierre Chrysologue Pambrun (Métis); mother: Elizabeth Quintal (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 581 for 240 acres; claim no. 1008. Munroe, Christine; for her deceased children: Adelaide, born: May, 1873 at Lac la Biche; died: 1886 at Blood Reserve; Francois, born: September, 1875 at McLeod; died: 1894 at Blackfoot Montana; Joseph, born: October, 1877 near mouth of Red Deer; Melanie Deschamps, born: 1884 at Cypress Hills; died: at Lewiston, Montana; address: Pegin Reserve, Montana; father: Joseph Deschamps (deceased Métis); mother: Christine Desjarlais (Métis); heirs: Christine Munroe, scrip cert.: form D, nos. 1432, 3429 and 3251 for $80.00; Lewis Deschamps, scrip cert.: form D, no. 1434 for $80.00 and 2 other scrips for $80.00 each (cancelled); Angus Munroe, scrip cert.: form D, no. 1436 and 2 other  scrips for $80.00 each; claim no. 1410. Munro, Christine - Concerning her claim as a child - Born, 1855 at Lac la Biche - Father, Francois Desjarlais, (Métis) - Mother, Euphrosine Augé, (Métis) - Married, 1877 at Blackfoot Crossing to Joseph Deschamps and fall of 1884 at High River to William Munro - Children living, three (names on declaration) - Children deceased, one - Scrip for $240 - Claim 308



Mustatip, Francois alias Francois; heir to his deceased son, Victoire Mustatip or Cardinal; address: Calling Lake, Athabasca; born: 1877 at Lac la Biche; died: 1878 at Calling Lake; father: Francois Cardinal or Mustatip (Métis and deponent); mother: Adele Desjarlais (Métis); scrip cert.: form D, no. 2024; claim no. 2298.  Neepetchim, for father: her deceased deceas ed sister, Isabella; address: Lac laMarie Biche; born: 1856; died: 1872 onTherese; the Prairie; Ok-im-aw-awasis (Indian); mother: Cladu (Métis); claim no. 2319Ok-in-awawasis.  Nipissing, Marie or Swan; address: Peace River Crossing via Edmonton; born: 1858 at Lac la Biche; father: Joseph Hamelin (Cree Indian); mother: Lizette Hamelin (Métis); married: 1872 at Lesser Slave Lake to Frederick Nipissing or Shawan; children living: Paggy, Eliza, Julie, Susette, Elalie, Marie Rose, Louise, Clemas, George and Christian; children deceased: Philoméne; scrip notes nos. A12934 and A4565 for $160.00 and $80.00; claim no. 286.  Nipitchas, Joseph; address: Buck Lake; born: 1840 at Lac la Biche; father: Sisawikaskwew (Métis); mother: Wiyasikwapewish (Métis); file ref. 133568A; claim no. 2350.  Noisk, Bella; address: Calling Lake; born: 1879 at Lac la Biche; father: Olivier Cardinal (Métis); mother: Adelaide Pite-que-noo (Indian); married: 1896 at Calling Lake to Harry  Noisk; children living: Emile and Norbert; scrip cert.: form no. 1188A; claim no. 547.  Noose, Joseph or Ladouceur; Ladouceur ; address: Lac la Biche; born: March, 1873 at Sandy Lake; father: Noose (Cree Indian); mother: Veronique Oosis (Cree Indian); married: 1893 at Lac la Biche to Marguerite LaPoudre; children living: Henri, born: 25 May, 1899; Joseph  Noose or Makhass or Ladouceur, Ladouceur , scrip cert.: form no. 1072A; claim no. 531;. 531 ;.  Norn, Elizabeth Jane; for her deceased deceas ed son, John Norn; address address:: Beaver Lake; born: 4 June, 1883 at Lac la Biche; died: December, 1885 at Beaver Lake; father: Joseph Alexander Norn (Métis); mother: Elizabeth Jane Pruden (Métis and deponent); scrip cert.: form F, no. 638, issued to his father, Joseph; Alexander Norn, his heir; claim no. 1833.  Noss, Marguerite; address: Lac la Biche; born: born : 1879 at Lac la Biche; father: Henri Lapoudre (Métis); mother: Christine Vivier (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1288; claim no. 2226. Obishon, Cecile; for her minor sons: Joseph, born: January, 1883 at Lac la Biche; Maxime, born: 8 January, 1885 at Lac la Biche; address: Lac la Biche; father: Joseph Desjarlais (Métis); mother: Cecile Cardinal (Métis and deponent); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1222, Joseph Desjarlais; scrip cert.: form C, no. 1224, Maxime Desjarlais; claim no. 2130.



Obishon, Cecile; for her deceased daughter, Henriette Desjarlais; address: Lac la Biche;  born: 1880 at Lac la Biche; died: 1897 at Lac la Biche; father: Joseph J oseph Desjarlais (Métis); mother: Cecile Cardinal (Métis); heirs: Cecile Obishon, scrip cert.: form D, no. 2010 for  $80.00; Maxime Desjarlais, scrip cert.: form D, no. 2012 for $80.00; Joseph Desjarlais, scrip cert.: form D, no. 2014 for $80.00; claim no. 2138. Ouellette, Thaddie; his living daughter, Ouellett; address: Lewiston, Montana;  born: 15 June, 1885 for at Lac la Biche; father: Sara Thaddie Ouellette (Métis and deponent); mother: Sophie Ladouceur (Métis); scrip issued to Sara Ouellette for 240 acres; file ref. 43775A; claim no. 260. Ouellette, Thaddie Francois Xavier; address: Lac la Biche; born: 1863 at Wood Mountain; father: Isidore Ouellette (Métis); mother: Marie Bottineau (Métis); married: 1884 at Qu'Appelle to Sophie Ladouceur; children living: 1; scrip for $240.00; claim no. 248. Pambrun, Frederick; address: Eagle Hills, Saskatchewan; born: 21 November, 1872 at Lac la Biche; father: Pierre Chrysoloque Pambrun (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 537 for  240 acres; claim no. 953. Pambrun, Isidore; address: Battleford; born: 14 January, 1885 at Lac la Biche; father: Pierre Chrysoloque Pambrun (Métis); mother: Elizabeth or Bethsy Quintal (Métis); married: 1875 at Fort Pitt to Isabelle Dufresne; children living; Marguerite; Caroline; Maria and Isabelle; children deceased: Henriette and Edouard; scrip for $240.00; claim no. 866. Pambrun, Peter; address: Battleford; born: 31 December, 1863 at Lac la Biche; father: Pierre Chrysologue Pambrun; (Métis); mother: Elizabeth or Bethsy Quintal; (Métis); scrip for $240.00; claim no. 867. Pambrun, Pierre Chrisologue - Concerning the claim of his deceased daughter, a Métis child, Harriet Pambina - Address, Battleford - Born, 10 August 1868 at Lac la Biche Mother, Elizabeth Quantail, (Métis) - Father, Pierre Chrisologue Pambrun, (Métis and deponent) - Died, 12 October, 1884 - Heir, her father, Pierre Chrisologue Pambrun Scrip for $240 - Claim 1241 Pander, Flora; address: Lac la Biche; born: 1875 at Lac la Biche; father: Joseph  Nipitcham (Cree Indian); mother: Therese (Cree (Cre e Indian); claim no. 2146. Parenteau, Melanie; address: Onion Lake; born: December, 1880 at Lac la Biche; father: Francois Masson (Métis); mother: Elise Desjarlais (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1739 for $240.00; claim no. 1099. Pasteo, Agathe; Adopted child of Joseph Ladouceur; address: Edmonton; born: Spring, 1868 1885 at LacatlaLac Biche; father: Alexander Pasto Marieclaim Greenno. (Métis); Fall, la Biche to Joseph Paul; scripmother: for $240.00; 247. married:



Pattenaude, Eliza; address: Lac la Biche; born: 1872 at Lac la Biche; father: Paul Desjarlais (Métis); mother: Betsy Cardinal (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1432; claim no. 2161. Pattenaude, Joseph; address: Lac la Biche; born: 1876 at Fort Pitt; father: Benjamin Pattenaude (Métis); mother: Maggie Donald (Cree Indian); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1410; claim no. 2143. Pattenaude, Josephte or Defraisse; for her deceased husband, Mitshus Michel Paul; address: Calgary; born: 1830 at Lac la Biche; died: Fall, 1870 at Fort Pitt; father: Paullette, Paul (Métis); mother: -?- (Métis); married: 1864 at Battle River to Josephte Pattenaude (deponent); children living: Josephte and Michel Paul; children deceased: Marie; heirs: Josephte Paul, $53.33; Josephte Pattenaude, $53.33; Michel Paul, $53.33; claim no. 106. Pattenaude, Marianne; for her deceased mother, Felicite Arcand; address: Lac la Biche Settlement; born: 1820 at Carlton; died: 1876 at Fort Ellice; father: Joseph Arcand (Métis); mother: Gadbois (Métis); married: to Baptiste Pattenaude; children living: Marianne and Felicite; children deceased: Baptiste, husband to Madeleine Mistaskanik; heirs: Felicite Pattenaude, $53.33; Marianne Pattenaude, $53.33; Madeleine Mistaskanik, $53.33; claim no. 762. Pattenaude, Marianne; address: Lac la Biche; born: 1843 at Fort Pitt; father: Baptiste Pattenaude (Métis); mother: Felicite Arcand (Métis); married: 1862 at Fort Ellice to Francois Larocque; children living: Baptiste, Elise, Albert, Adam, Marguerite, Julie, Agnes and Francois; scrip for $160.00; claim no. 705. Pepin, Eliza; for her minor daughter Marie Rose Petequiness by her first husband; address: Calling Lake; born: 1887 at Lac la Biche; father: Petequiness (Indian); mother: Eliza Auger (Métis and deponent); scrip cert.: form C, no. 2258; claim no. 139. Piche, Arsene; address: Baptiste Lake; born: 1875 at Buck Lake near Lac la Biche; father: Eugene Piche or Waweyenam (Métis); mother: Elise Cardinal (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1642; claim no. 2426. Piche, Catherine; address: Peace Hills Agency; born: 1828 at Lac la Biche; father: Pierre Eia-io-wew (Métis); mother: Catherine Cardinal (Métis); married: 1849 at Pigeon Lake to Alexis Piche; children living: Cecile, Francois, Angele and Alexis; children deceased: Marguerite, Marie and Nancy; scrip for $160.00; claim no. 171. Piche, Eugene or Wah-we-he-nam; address: Lac la Biche Settlement; born: 1846 at Moose Lake; father: Kees-te-nap Piche (Métis); mother: Ke-na-we-ematt (Métis); married: 1868 at Lac la Biche to Eliza Cardinal; children living: Pierre, Louis, Mathilde, Peter, Arsene, Angele, Albert and Johny; scrip for $160.00; claim no. 747.



Piche, Eugene; for his minor son, John Piche; address: Baptiste Lake; born: 1885 at Lac la Biche; father: Eugene Piche (Métis); mother: Eliza Cardinal (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1490; claim no. 2716. Piche, Eugene; heir to his deceased children; Pierre, born: 1871 at Lac la Biche; died: 1889; Louis, born: 1879 at Lac la Biche; died: 1880 or 1881; address: Baptiste Lake; father: (Métis deponent); mother: Eliza Cardinal form F,Eugene no. 956,Piche Pierre; scripand cert.: form F, no. 958, Louis; claim no.(Métis); 2715. scrip cert.: Piche, Lambert; heir to his deceased mother, Louise Cardinal; address: St. Albert; born: 1816 at Lac la Biche; died: October, 1870 at St. Paul des Cris; father: Pierre Cardinal (deceased Métis); mother: La Rose We-mistekoshew (Métis); married: 1840 at White Fish Lake to Pierre Piche, deceased; children living: Lambert; children deceased: Marie, Marguerite, Simon, Pierre, Scholastique, Joseph and Germain; scrip for $160.00; claim no. 365. Piché, Mary Kapawis - Concerning the claims of her deceased father, Albert Kapawis Piché and her deceased brother, Thomas Kapawis Piché - Address, St. Albert P.O. [Post Office] - Born, Albert 1825 at Lac La Biche, Thomas 1846 at Beaver Hills - Albert's father, Piché, (Métis) - Thomas' father, Albert Kapawis Piché, (Métis) - Thomas' mother, Geneviève, (Indian) - Albert married, 1850 at Lac Ste. Anne to Geneviève - Thomas married, Indian fashion in fall of 1870 to an Indian girl - Albert's children living, one, Marie - Died, Albert, September 1870, Thomas, fall of 1870 - Heirs, Geneviève Kapawis Piché; Marie Piché (deponent) - Two scrips for $200 - Claim 1039 Piche, Peter; address: Baptiste Lake; born: 1881 at Lac la Biche; father: Eugene Piche (Métis); mother: Liza Cardinal or Mustatip; (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1404; claim no. 2427. Pruden, Alexander; address: Cache Lake; born: 1872 at Lac la Biche; father: Patrick  Pruden (Métis); mother: Isabella or Elizabeth Bruneau; (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1438; claim no. 2167. Pruden, Charlotte; address: Lac la Biche; born: 4 January, 1870 at Lac la Biche; father: Patrick Pruden (Métis); mother: Elizabeth Bruneau (Métis); scrip for $240.00; claim no. 594. Pruden, Charlotte; address: Lac la Biche; born: 1848 at Carlton; father: Arthur Pruden (Métis); mother: Charlotte Small (Métis); scrip for $240.00; claim no. 682. Pruden, Frederic; address: Hay Creek; born: 1874 at Lac la Biche; father: Patrick Pruden (Métis); mother: Isabelle or Elizabeth Bruneau; (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1436; claim no. 2166. Pruden, Genevieve; her deceased Frederick Pruden; Beaver (Métis); Lake; born: June, 1874 at Lac la for Biche; died: 1885son, at Beaver Lake; father:address: James Pruden



mother: Genevieve Desjarlais (Métis and deponent); heir: his father, James Pruden; scrip cert.: form D, no. 1782; claim no. 1836. Pruden, Henry; address: Lac la Biche; born: July, 1867 at Lac la Biche; father: Patrick  Pruden (Métis); mother: Elizabeth Bruneau (Métis); scrip for $240.00; claim no. 591. Pruden, JamesAlberta; Edward;father: address: PrincePruden Albert,(Métis); Saskatchewan; born: 5 Vandale February,(Métis); 1881 at Lac la Biche, Charles mother: Rosalie scrip cert.: form C, no. 395; claim no. 445. Pruden, John Henry; address: Prince Albert; born: 1844 at Carlton; father: Arthur Pruden (Métis); mother: Charlotte Small (Métis); married: 1864 at Lac la Biche to Marie Landry; children living: 8; children deceased: 1; scrip for $160.00; claim no. 975. Pruden, Louis; address: Hay Creek near Lac la Biche; born: 11 June, 1879 at Lac la Biche; father: Patrick Pruden (Métis); mother: Isabelle Bruneau (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1434; claim no. 2165. Pruden, Marie Louise; address: Hay Creek; born: 1877 at Lac la Biche; father: Patrick  Pruden (Métis); mother: Isabelle Bruneau (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1440; claim no. 2168. Pruden, Mary Jane - Concerning her claim as a child - Address, Edmonton P.O. [Post Office] - Born, 1866 at Lac la Biche - Father, Patrick Pruden, (Métis) - Mother, Isabelle Jean, (Métis) - Married, December, 1884 at Lac la Biche to Samuel Whitford Jr. - Scrip for 240 acres of land - Claim 495 Quinn, William or Quinenis or Takooch; for his minor children; Patrice: Summer, 1883 at Edmonton (Born); Mary, born: Spring, 1885 at Edmonton; address: near Lac la Biche; father: William Quinn or Kwenis (Métis and deponent); mother: Emma Na-we-chack  (Indian); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1366, Patrice; scrip cert.: form C, no. 1480, Mary; claim no. 2101. Quinn, William or Kwenis or Takooch; heir to his deceased children; William, born: 1873 at Edmonton; died: 1898 at Beaver Lake; Augustin, born: 1875 at Edmonton; died: 1898 at Battleford; Marie, born: 1878 at Edmonton; died: 1883 at Hay Lakes; address: near Lac la Biche; father: William Quinn or Kwenis or Takooch (Métis and deponent); mother: Emma Na-wa-chach (Indian); scrip cert.: form F, no. 754, William; scrip cert.: form D, no. 2000, Augustin; claim no. 2106. Quintal, Alexandre; address: Lac la Biche; born: 1874 at Lac la Biche; father: Charles Quintal (Métis); mother: Euphrasine Cardinal (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1444; claim no. 2175. Quintal, Andrew; address: Lac laMarie Biche; born:(Métis); Fall, 1865 Lac$240.00; la Biche;claim father: Pierre Quintal (Métis); mother: Gladu scripatfor no.St. 914.



Quintal, Charles; address: Lac la Biche settlement; born: 1840 at Lac la Biche; father: Quintal (French Canadian); mother: Charlotte Ladouceur (Métis); married: 1860 at Lac la Biche to Euphrasine Cardinal; children living: Maria, Charles, Sylvie, Henry and Alexander; children deceased: Philoméne; scrip for $160.00; claim no. 596. Quintal, Charles; his deceased grandchild, Henriette Johnson; address: Lac la(Métis); Biche;  born: 1876 at Lacfor la Biche; died: 1886 at Lac la Biche; father: J ohnny Johnny Johnson mother: Marie Quintal (Métis); claim no. 2179. Quintal, Charles; for his deceased daughter, Philomene; Quintal; address: Lac la Biche;  born: 1866 at Lac la Biche; died: 1868 at Lac la Biche; father: Charles Char les Quintal (Métis and deponent); mother: Euphrasine Cardinal (Métis); claim no. 2181. Quintal, Charles; for his living son, Henry Quintal; address: Lac la Biche; born: August, 1869 at Lac la Biche; father: Charles Quintal (Métis and deponent); mother: Euphrasine Cardinal (Métis); scrip for $240.00; claim no. 624. Quintal, Edward; address: Lac la Biche; born: 1881 at Lac la Biche; father: Etienne Quintal (Métis); mother: Marie Cardinal (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1318; claim no. 2294. Quintal, Elizabeth; address: Battleford; born: 1833 at Lac la Biche; father: Pierre Quintal (French Canadian); mother: Charlotte Ladouceur (Métis); married: 1854 at Lac la Biche to Pierre Chrysologue Pambrun; children living: Isidore, John, Maria, Frank, Peter, Eda, Frederick, Marguerite and Rosalie; children deceased: Harriet and Alexandre; scrip for  $160.00; claim no. 902. Quintal, Etienne; address: Lac la Biche Settlement; born: 1851 at Lac la Biche; father: Quintal (French Canadian); mother: Charlotte Ladouceur (Métis); married: 1867 at Lac la Biche to Marie Cardinal; children living: Julie, Caroline, Emma, Edouard and Theophile; children deceased: Madeleine; scrip for $160.00; claim no. 617. Quintal, Etienne; heir to his deceased daughter, Madeleine; Quintal; address: Lac la Biche; born: 1873 at Lac la Biche; died: February, 1874 at Lac la Biche; father: Etienne Quintal (Métis and deponent); mother: Marie Cardinal (Métis); scrip cert.: form F, no. 804; claim no. 2291. Quintal, Henri; for his deceased wife, Catherine Quintal nee Watsiwiyin or Otchiwiyin; address: Lac la Biche; born: 1870; died: 23 August, 1890; father: Watsiwiyin (Métis); mother: Suzanne Lachouette (Métis); claim no. 2180. Quintal, Isabelle; address: Lac la Biche, 691n; born 1847 at Lac la Biche Settlement; father: Quintal (French Canadian); mother: Charlotte Ladouceur (Métis); married; 1860 at Lac la deceased: Biche to Clement children living: children Arseline;Collins; scrip for $160.00; claimMathilda, no. 691. Marcel, Marie and Herbert;



Quintal, Marguerite; address: Lac la Biche; born: 1875 at Lac la Biche; father: Francois Larocque (Métis); mother: Marianne Pattenaude (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1470; claim no. 2194. Quintal, Marie; address: Meadow Lake, Saskatchewan; born: March, 1872 at Lac la Biche, Alberta; father: Louis (Métis); Chatelain (Métis); husband: Vital Quintal; scrip Thomas cert.: form C, no.mother: 1369 forSophie $190.00; claim no. 864. Quintal, Marie; address: Lac la Biche; born: 1872 at Calling Lake, Athabasca; father: Kene-kwan-wa-we-tum (Cree Indian); mother: Charlotte Gladu (Métis); scrip Issued for 240 acres; file ref. 786454; claim no. 2342. Quintal, Nancy; address: Lac la Biche Settlement; born: 1834 at Lac la Biche; father: Quintal (French Canadian); mother: Charlotte Ladouceur (Métis); married: 1860 at Lac la Biche to Baptiste Singer or Kah-nah-ka-moot and before that to Alexis Cardinal; children living: Philoméne, Monique and Angéle; children deceased: Sophie and Baptiste; scrip for $160.00; claim no. 600. Quintal, Olivier; address: Green Lake, Saskatchewan; born: Summer, 1878 at Lac la Biche, Alberta; father: St. Pierre Quintal (Métis); mother: Marie Gladu (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1361 for $240.00; claim no. 863. Quintal, St. Pierre; heir to his deceased daughter, Louise Quintal; address: Meadow Lake;  born: 25 April, 1882 at Lac la Biche; died: 29 July, 1884 at Lac la Biche, Alberta; father: St. Pierre Quintal (Métis and deponent); mother: Marie Gladu (Métis); scrip cert.: form D, no. 1093 for $240.00; claim no. 431. Quintal, St. Pierre; address: Lac la Biche; born: 1844 at White Fish Lake; father: Quintal (French Canadian); mother: Charlotte Ladouceur (Métis); married: 1864 at Lac la Biche to Marie Gladu; children living: Andrew, Vital, Justine, Mary Jane, Olivier and Frederick; children deceased: Pierre and LaLouise; scrip for $160.00; claim no. 611. Quintal, Silvie; address: Lac la Biche; born: 1864 at Lac la Biche; father: Charles Quintal (Métis); mother: Euphrasine Cardinal (Métis); scrip for $240.00; claim no. 608. Quintal, Theophile; address: Lac la Biche; born: 1884 at Lac la Biche; father: Etienne Quintal (Métis); mother: Marie Cardinal (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1340; claim no. 2317. Quintal, Vital; address: Lac la Biche; born: June, 1868 at Lac la Biche; father: St. Pierre Quintal (Métis); mother: Marie Gladu (Métis); scrip for $240.00; claim no. 610. Reid, Maria; address: Lac la Biche; born: May, 1876 at Lac la Biche; father: William Ried 2260.(Whiteman); mother: Mary Setter (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1526; claim no.



Reid, Mary; for her deceased children: George, born: January, 1872 at Lac la Biche, died: February, 1872 at Lac la Biche; Alexander, born: 2 April, 1880 at Fort Pitt, died: 1888 or  1889 at Lac la Biche; address: Lac la Biche; father: William Reid (Whiteman); mother: Mary Setter (Métis and deponent); heir: their father, William Reid; scrip cert.: form F, no. 782, for Alexander; scrip cert.: form D, no. 2022, George; claim no. 2209. Robillard, Angelique (deceases); Marie Desjarlais, wife of Baptiste Posseneuvee deponent and sole heir, as a grandchild of Angelique Robillard; address: Calgary; born: 1800 at Lesser Slave Lake; died: October, 1870 at St. Albert; father: Robillard (French Canadian); mother: Iroquois Indian; married in 1816 to Cardinal and in 1853 at Lac la Biche to Charles Beauregard, who died in 1885; children deceased: Angélique Cardinal, wife of Ke-pe-toe-we-tam Desjarlais, mother of Marie Desjarlais (deponent); scrip for  $160.00; claim no. 75. Robillard, Elzear; for his minor stepson, Joseph Villeneuve; address: Fort Chipewyan;  born: 1884 at Lac la Biche; father: Edward Villeneuve (Métis); mother: Mary Mar y Cardinal (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1408; claim no. 2429. St. Sauveur, Sophie; address: Lac la Biche; born: 1852 at Lac la Biche; father: Pierre St. Sauveur (French Canadian); mother: Marie (Métis); married: 1872 at Lac la Biche to Marcel Tremblay; children living: 5; children deceased: 1; scrip for $240.00; claim no. 676. Sauvé, Guillaume - Concerning his claim as a child - Address, Duck Lake - Born, 3 April, 1870 at Lac la Biche - Father, Norbert Sauvé, (Métis) - Mother, Josephte St. Pierre, (Métis) - Scrip for $240 - Claim 1304. Sauvé, Maggie; address: Duck Lake, Saskatchewan; born: 1877 at Lac la Biche, Alberta; father: Isidore Pambrun (Métis); mother: Isabelle Dufresne (Métis); husband: Damase Sauvé; scrip cert.: form C, no. 843 for $240.00; claim no. 568. Sauvé, Marguerite; address: Lac la Biche; born: 1857 at Red River; father: Norbert Sauvé (Métis); mother: Josephte St. Pierre (Métis); married: 27 July, 1870 at Lac la Biche to Guillaume Desjarlais; scrip for $240.00; claim no. 695. Sayer, Rosalie; address: Bresaylor, Saskatchewan; born: 7 July, 1877 at Lac la Biche; (Alberta); father: Pierre Chrysologue Pambrun; (Métis); mother: Elizabeth Quintal (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 533 for 240 acres; claim no. 949. Sharpern, Cécile (wife of Lazarus Lapatajue) - Concerning the claim of her deceased husband and child, John Hope, (husband), born 1846 at Lac la Biche, died fall of 1870 and William Hope born spring of 1870 at White Fish Lake, died spring of 1871 Address, Edmonton P.O. [Post Office] - John Hope - Father, James Hope, (Métis) Mother, (Métis) - Married, 1869 Lac -laClaim Biche1154 to Cécile SharpernJudith - Heir,Desjarlais, the deponent, Cecil SharpernJuly, - Scrip forat$400



Sinclair, Jr. Benjamin; address: Victoria; born: 1864 at White Fish Lake; father: Benjamin Sinclair (deceased; Métis); mother: Marguerite Collins (Métis); married: 1884 at Lac la Biche to Véronique; Cardinal; children living: 1; scrip for $240.00; claim no. 571. Sinclair, Donald;mother: address:Flora Edmonton; born: June, 1876 Winter, at Lac la1884 Biche; John Sinclair (Métis); Hope (Métis); married: andfather: 1885 at Lesser  Slave Lake to Marguerite Hamelin; children living: Émile; scrip for $240.00; claim no. 523. Sinclair, Donald; for his children; address: Lesser Slave Lake; born: October 1867 at Lac la Biche; father: John Sinclair (Métis); mother: Flora Hope (Métis); married: November  1884 at Lesser Slave Lake to Madeleine Hamelin; children living: Émile, Samuel, James, Marie Rose and Betsy; Madeleine Sinclair; address: Lesser Slave Lake: born: 1857 at leseer Slave Lake; father: Baptiste Hamelin (Métis); mother: Suzanne naywootahetohaywisk (Métis); married: November, 1884 at Lesser Slave Lake to Donald Sinclair; Madeleine Sinclair, scrip cert. no. 305A; Émile Sinclair, scrip cert. no. 306A; Samuel Sinclair, scrip cert. no. 307A; James Sinclair, scrip cert. no. 308A; Marie Rose Sinclair, scrip cert. no. 309A; Betsy Sinclair, scrip cert. no. 310A; claim no. 129. Sinclair, James - Concerning his claim as a head of family - Address, Edmonton P.O. [Post Office] - Born, 1852 at Lac la Biche - Father, Benjamin Sinclair, (Métis) - Mother, Marguerite, (Métis) - Married, 1877 at White Fish Lake to Adéline Hunter and 1867 at White Fish Lake to Angèlique - Children living, three (names on declaration) - Children deceased, one - Scrip for $160 - Claim 1173 Singer, Angéle; address: Lac la Biche; born: 1867 at Lac la Biche Mission; father: Baptiste Singer (Métis); mother: Nancy Quintal (Métis); scrip for $240.00; claim no. 599. Singer, Baptiste alias Castor; address: Lac la Biche; born: 1844 at Lake Athabasca; father: Ka-nee-ta-nee-ka-moo (Singer); (Métis); mother: Angélique A-misk-kwao-ee-eno Skwao; (Castor); married: 1859 at Lac la Biche to Nancy Quintal; children living: 2; children deceased: 2; scrip for $160.00; claim no. 776. Singer, Colin or Castor; address: Lac la Biche; born: 1875 at Lac la Biche; father: Francis Singer or Castor (Métis); mother: Marguerite Desjarlais (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1602; claim no. 2369. Singer, Edward or Castor; address: Lac la Biche; born: 1877 at Lac la Biche; father: Francois Singer (Métis); mother: Marguerite Desjarlais (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1596; claim no. 2356. Singer, Francis alias Castor; address: Lac la Biche; born: 1851 at Athabasca Lake; father: Ka-ni-ta-nee-ka-moo (Métis); mother: Angélique A-misk-kwao-ee-eno-Skwao; (Castor);



married: 1873 at Lac la Biche to Marguerite Desjarlais; children living: 7; scrip for  $240.00; claim no. 761. Singer, Jean Baptiste or Amiskoi-y-misis; (Métis and deponent) (Indian); mother: Nancy Quintal (Métis); scrip for $240.00; claim no. 678 heir to his deceased son, Jean Baptiste Singer; address: Lac la Biche Settlement; born: December 1863 at Lac la Biche; died: September 1875 at Lac lamother: Biche;Nancy father:Quintal Jean Baptiste Singer (Métis and deponent) (Indian); (Métis); scripor forAmiskoi-y-misis; $240.00; claim no. 678. Singer, Monique; address: Lac la Biche; born: 1860 at Lac la Biche; father: Baptiste Singer (Métis); mother: Nancy Quintal (Métis); married: 1883 at Lac la Biche to Jules Desjarlais; children living: 2; scrip for $240,00; claim no. 598. Stewart, Baptiste; heir to his deceased children: Joseph, born: 1876 at Lac la Biche; died: 1895; Moise Alexandre, born: 1877 at Lac la; Biche; died: 1895; address: Lac la Biche; father: Baptiste Stewart (Métis & deponent); mother: Marie Ah-te-na-koos-hoo-wisk or Ii-to-ka-paw (Métis); scrip cert.: form F, nos.826 and 828; claim no. 2324. Stewart, Marie; address: Calling Lake; born: 1852 at Lesser Slave Lake; father: I-i-tooka-paw (Cree Indian); mother: Marie Rose No-glas (Cree Indian); married: lived with Alexandre Pa-ci-te-o, a Cree Indian, from 1869 to 1872 and in 1875 at Lac La Biche to Baptiste Stewart; children living: Jeanette, Simeon and William; children deceased: Agathe, Joseph, Alexandre and Therese; husband: Baptiste Stewart; address: Calling Lake; born: 1839 at Lac Ste. Anne; father: Pierre Stewart or Mee-ogh-ta-quia; (Métis); mother: Sam-ki-quay-wisk (Indian); Marie Stewart, scrip cert. no. 1131A; Simeon Stewart, scrip cert. no. 1132A; William Stewart, scrip cert. no. 1133A; claim no. 535. Stuart, Baptiste; address: Lac la Biche Settlement; born: 1847 near St. Albert; father: Joseph Stuart Meiostiakoos (Métis); mother: She-a-me-kijek-oi-wisk (Indian); married: 1869 at Lac la Biche to Marie Etowekapow; children living: Jeannette, Joseph, Alexandre, Simeon and William; scrip for $160.00; claim no. 779. Sutherland, Jane; address: Little Red River Post; born: March, 1872 at Lac la Biche; father: Toussaint Auger (Métis); mother: Angélique (Indian); married: 4 July, 1892 at Athabasca Landing to Alexander Sutherland; children living: Alfred, Elizabeth and  Norman; children deceased: Mary Anne; Jane Jan e Sutherland, scrip cert. no. 1008A; Alfred James Sutherland, scrip cert. no. 1009A; Elizabeth Sutherland. scrip cert. no. 1010A;  Norman Sutherland, scrip cert. no. no . 1011A; claim no. 471. Swain, Florence; address: Birch Creek, Montana; born: 2 March, 1878 at Lac la Biche; father: Guillaume Villebrun (Métis); mother: Flora Hope (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 912; claim no. 1406. Taylor, Florestine; for her minor children: Ada, born: 4 March, 1885 at Lac la Biche; Alexander, born: 25 February, 1888 at Lac la Biche; address: Lac la Biche; father: Tim TaylorC,(Métis); mother: form no. 1338; claim Florestine no. 2316. Ladouceur (Métis and deponent); Ada, scrip cert.:



Taylor, Thomas; address: Lac la Biche Settlement; born: 1850 at Poplar Point, Manitoba; father: James Taylor (Maskegon Métis); mother: Mary Inkster (Métis); married: 1881 at Lac la Biche to Florestine; Ladouceur; children living: Edda; scrip for $240.00; claim no. 601. Traill, Harriet; forather Harrydied: Traill; Prince Albert; 20  November, 1877 Lacdeceased la Biche,son, Alberta; 28address: December, 1878 at Lacborn: la Biche; father: William Edward Traill (Canadian); mother: Harriet McKay (Métis and deponent); heir: his father. William E. Traill, scrip cert.: form F, no. 27 for 240 acres; claim no. 77. Traill, Harriet; for her deceased daughter, Mary Traill; address: Prince Albert; born: 18  November, 1873 at Prince Albert; died: 18 August, 1874 at Lac la Biche; father: William Edward Traill (Canadian); mother: Harriet McKay (Métis and deponent); heir: her father, William E. Traill; scrip cert.: form D, no. 123 for $240.00; claim no. 78. Traill, Harriet; for her deceased daughter, Katie Traill; address: Prince Albert; born: 29  November, 1871 at Prince Albert; died: 18 December, 1878 at Lac la Biche; father: William Edward Traill (Canadian); mother: Harriet McKay (Métis and deponent); heir: her father, William Edward Traill; scrip cert.: form D, no. 121 for $240.00; claim no. 79. Traill, Harriet; for her son, William McKay Traill who is; serving in Africa; address: Prince Albert; born: 25 June, 1875 at Lac la Biche; father: William Edward Traill (Canadian); mother: Harriet McKay (Métis and deponent); scrip cert.: form C, no. 549 for  $240.00; claim no. 457. Tremblay, Alexander; address: Lac la Biche; born: 3 October, 1879 at Lac la Biche; father: Marcel Tremblay (Métis); mother: Sophie St. Sauveur (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1414; claim no. 2145. Tremblay, Charlotte dit Paul; address: Lac la Biche; born: 6 November, 1874 at Fort Chipewyan; father: Louison Frederic (Métis); mother: Mathilde Badger (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1282; claim no. 2211. Tremblay, Emile; address: Lac la Biche; born: 10 September, 1877 at Lac la Biche; father: Marcel Tremblay (Métis); mother: Sophie St. Sauveur (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1524; claim no. 2259. Tremblay, Hélene; address: Lac la Biche; born: 1880 at Beaver Lake; father: Dominique Takutchin (Indian); mother: Suzanne Cardinal (Indian); claim no. 2252. Tremblay, Henriette; address: Lac la Biche; born: 1876 at Lac la Biche; father: Pierre Ladouceur (Whiteman); mother: Marguerite Fraser (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1208 claim no. 2118.



Tremblay, Louis; address: Lac la Biche; born: 1875 at Fort McMurray; father: Marcel Tremblay (Métis); mother: Sophie St. Sauveur (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1528; claim no. 2261. Tremblay, Marcel; for his minor daughter, Marie Delphine; Tremblay; address: Lac la Biche; born: 30 May, 1884 at Lac la Biche; father: Marcel Tremblay (Métis and deponent); mother: Sophie St. Sauveur (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1522; claim no. 2258. Tremblay, Marcel; heir to his deceased daughter, Marie Victoire Tremblay; address: Lac la Biche; born: 28 January, 1874 at Lac la Biche; died: February, 1874; father: Marcel Tremblay (Métis and deponent); mother: Sophie St. Sauveur (Métis); scrip cert.: form F, no. 798; claim no. 2269. Tremblay Jr., Marcel; address: Lac la Biche; born: 1881 at Lac la Biche; father: Marcel Tremblay (Métis); mother: Sophie St. Sauveur (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1308; claim no. 2275. Tremblay, Mary Agathe; address: Lac la Biche; born: 1876 at Lac la Biche; father: George Bourque (Whiteman); mother: Agathe Ladouceur (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1420; claim no. 2151. Tremblay, Raphael; heir to his deceased daughter, Marie Angelina Tremblay; address: Egg Lake; born: 1875 at Lac la Biche; died: 21 November, 1875; father: Raphael Tremblay (Whiteman and deponent); mother: Catherine McDougall (Métis); scrip cert.: form D, no. 2308; claim no. 2728. Tremblay, Rosalie - Concerning her claim as a child - Address, Duck Lake, Stobart, P.O. [Post Office] - Born, 1865 at Lac la Biche - Father, Raphael Tremblay, (French Canadian) - Mother, Catherine McDougall, (Métis) - Married, 1880 at Lac la Biche to Louis Riquidel - Children living, one - Scrip for $240 - Claim 1326 Villebrun, Elise; address: St. Louis de Langevin; born: 12 February, 1873 at Lac la Biche; father: Guillaume Villebrun (Métis); mother: Flora Hope (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 21 for $240.00; claim no. 9. Villebrun, Flora; for her deceased children: Joseph, born: Fall, 1871 at Lac la Biche; died: 3 days old; Emma, born: June, 1875 at Lac la Biche; died: 1891 at Benton, Montana; Gilbert, born: 1880 in Spring at Lac la Biche; died: 1892 at Havre; Maxime,  born: 1885 at Battleford; died: May, 1886; address: address : Havre, Montana; father: Guillaume Villebrun, scrip cert.: form D, nos. 1014, 1024, 1034 and 1044 for $48.00 each; Elise Swan, scrip cert.: form D, nos. 1016, 1026, 1036 and 1046 for $48.00 each; Flora Swan, scrip cert.: form D, nos. 1018, 1028, 1038 and 1048 for $48.00 each; Margaret Villebrun, scrip cert.: form D, nos. 1020, 1030, 1040 and 1050 for $48.00 each; Frank Vilebrun, scrip cert.: form D, nos. 1022, 1032, 1042 and 1052 for $48.00 each; claim no. 1029.



Villebrun, Francis; address: Havre, Montana; born: Winter, 1883 at Lac la Biche; father: Guillaume Villebrun (Métis); mother: Flora Hope (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 614; claim no. 1025. Villeneuve, Edward; for his minor children: Moise, born: 1885 at Lac la Biche; Marie Vitaline, born: 1883 at Lac la Biche; address: Athabasca Landing; father: Edward Villeneuve (Métisscrip and deponent); mother: Adelaide scrip cert.: form C, no. 1376; Moise, cert.: form C, no. 1378; MarieDecoine Vitaline;(Métis); claim no.2366. Villeneuve, Edward; address: Athabasca Landing; born: 1882 at Lac la Biche; father: Edward Villeneuve (Métis); mother: Adelaide Decoine (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1374; claim no. 2365. Wanipitcham, Felix or Nipitcham; address: Lac la Biche; born: 1879 at Cod Fish Lake; father: Joseph Wanipitcham or Nipitcham; (Métis); mother: Thérèse (Métis); claim no. 2351. Ward, Jane; address: Lac la Biche Settlement; born: 1859 at Bow River, North West Territory; father: William Ward (half-breed); mother: Susanne Bruneau (half breed); married: 1875 at Lac la Biche to Xavier Cardinal; children living: Marguerite Agnes, Josephine and Théodore; children deceased: Baptiste; scrip cert. no. 602A; claim no. 707. Ward, Julie; address: Lac la Biche Settlement; born: 1866 at Waypiscack; father: Louis Minnatooch alias Icenowooskum (Indian); mother: Marie Esqwoo (Indian); married: 1879 at Dunvegan to Louis Seeweeassoo; 1883 at Lesser Slave Lake; to John Ward; children living: Mary Jane, born: 1897 at Lesser Slave Lake; children deceased: Ellen; Julie Ward, scrip cert. no. 719A; Mary Jane Ward, scrip cert. no. 720A; claim no. 314. Whitford, Ellen; address: Saddle Lake; born: 25 October, 1885 at Lac la Biche; father: Samuel Whitford (Métis); mother: Mary Jane Pruden (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1288; claim no. 1999. Whitford, Frances; address: Red Deer Crossing; born: 1855 at Lac la Biche; father: James Hope (Métis); mother: Judith Desjarlais (Métis); married: 1869 at Lac la Biche to Baptiste Cardinal & 1871 at Lac la Biche to Simon Whitford; children living: James, Cornelius, Fred, Georgina, Sarah, Nancy and Sophia; scrip for $160.00; claim no. 226. Whitford, Vitaline, née Fortin; address: St. Albert; born: 1879 at Lac la Biche; father: André Fortier (Whiteman); mother: Pelagie Lecouamme (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1896; claim no. 2634.

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