Labour Law
Short Description
Course Title: Labour Law-I
Course Code:
P/ SW/F TOTAL S W CR!" T #$"TS %
Credit Units: 4 Course Objectives: •
The course aims at imparting imparting to the students students an in-depth in-depth understanding understanding of Labour Laws in India by recourse to relevant judicial pronouncements in this regard. It aims at the many aspects of the relationship between trade unions, employers and employees which is the most important part of any a ny industry.
Prerequisites: The students should have the knowledge of the Indian Constitution as labour is a subject in the concurrent list of the Indian Con stituti
Student Learning Outcomes: t the end of the course students will be able to! •
"tudy the Indian labour laws which are considered to be very highly regulated and rigid as compared to those of other countries co untries in the world.
The students will also establish establish a legal system that facilitates facilitates productive individual individual and collective employment relationships, and therefore a productive econo my.
It serves as an important vehicle for students who opts for a corporate career because they can achieve harmonious industrial relations based on workplace democracy
Course Contents/S%llabus: &odule ": Regulation o' Trade #nion ( #n'air Labour Practices:
Weight age %
&istory of Trade 'nion (ovement in India and need to form Trade 25% 'nion. , )orkers *ight to form 'nion vis-+-vis Indian Constitution the (embership of Trade 'nion, Closed shop and 'nion shop, *egistration of Trade 'nion, *emedies in case of non-registration and cancellation of registration of union, rivileges and rotection of registered Trade 'nion form certain acts and omissions, 'nfair labour practices and victimiation. &odule "": Collective )argaining:
Concept and importance of collective bargaining, re-re/uisites for collective bargaining, rocess of administering collective agreement 01egotiation,
(ediation, 2 3oluntary arbitration 2 Compulsory rbitration.4 , 5uration and enforcement of bipartite greement 0"ecs. $6, $7, Industrial 5isputes ct, $7%84, ressuriation! "trike, 9o-"low, wok to rule, 9herao and Lockout. &odule """: Regulation o' "ndustrial !is*utes
5efine the concept of Industry, Industrial 5ispute and workman, ower of 9overnment to refer Industrial 5isputes for adjudication! The djudicatory (achinery, ward and its binding nature, :udicial review of wards , The concept of lay-off, retrenchment and procedure and compensation relating to lay-off and retrenchment. &odule "+: Standing Orders
Concept, 1ature and scope of standing orders under Industrial ;mployment 0"tanding ormulation of "tanding
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