7. Isquilgtmi fds pgsds eimisgrcds pgrg pripgrgr y vgfdrgr fgs sdfumcdeis hi KMf i
EgDK. ^ripgrgmcýe y vgfdrgmcýe hi ueg sdfumcýe hif Mfdrurd hi kchrýbied
Mdld if KMf ed is ue pgrýe prclgrcd si kgmi eimisgrcd vgfdrg vgf drgrfd rfd pgrg pgrg mdedmi mdedmirr su mdemie mdemierg rgmcýe mcýe ixgmg ixgmg.. If Eg0MD= gek ekch chrrd si ilpfi lpfigg md mdl lúe úeli lie ei pgr grgg isg isgeh ehgr grcz czgr gr sd sdfu fumc mcde deis is hi KMf. KMf. Fg ri rigm gmmc mcýe ýe hi eiurgfczgmcýe hif KMf mde if Eg0MD=
Kgffi if eúlird hi iqucvgfieis y if pisd iqucvgfiei ie ouemcýe hif pisd odrlufg brgld, hi fds mdlpuisds KMF, Eg0MD= y OG^. ^grg mghg ueg hi fgs susgemcgs ghjuei fg rigmmcýe hi eiurgfczgmcýe.
Mdfdqui ie ue `gfýe godrghd hi 9>>lF, gprdxclghgl gprdxc lghgliei iei 0>>lF hi gbug histfghg1 histfghg1 ghcmcdei ghcmcdei 8. 8.0l 0lFF hi KMf KMf md mdem emie ier rgh ghd, d, gb gbc cii y md mdlp lpfi fii i if vdfulie mde gbug histfghg1 kdldbiecmi fg sdfumcýe.
^ripgrgmcýe y vgfdrgmcýe hi ueg sdfumcýe hif Kchrýxchd hi sdhcd
g sdfumcýe `çscmg si vgfdrg mde ue tpd prclgrcd mdld sde fds çmchds hã`cfis, gfgd çmchd hi pdgscd (OG^), çmchd `iezýcmd d ydhgd çmchd hi pdgscd.
Kcirvg hurgei ris lceuds ie ue vgsd hi primcpcghds hi ?>>lF, 9>>lF hi gbug histfghg1 ritri if rimcpciei hif ouibd, çpifd mde ue vchrcd rifdj y ieorìi g ilpirgurg gl`ciei.
^isi 0.>800b hi OG^ ie ue vchrcd hi rifdj d cerdhúzmgfd mde fg gyuhg hi ue il`uhd y hi ue orgsmd fgvghdr, ie u `gfýe godrghd hi 7>>lF qui mdeiebg gprdxclghgliei =>lF hi gbug histfghg1 hcsuifvg if sdfud y mdlpfii g vdfulie1 kdldbiecmi fg sdfumcýe.
Hipdsci ie ue irfieliyir hi 09>lF, 09lF hi fg sdfumcýe pripgrghg hi OG^1 gbribui ris bdgs hi oiedfgfiìeg1 fgvi ueg `urig mde gbug histfghg1 pgrg if iejugbui egf, utfcmi gprdxclghgliei 9lF hi fg sdfumcýe pripgrghg hi EgDK y ghcmcdei fg `gsi gf irfieliyir qui mdetiei if OG^ kgsg qui ueg bdg hi fg `gsi mdfdrii fg sdfumcýe hi rdsg pçfchd qui pirscsg pdr fd lieds => sibuehds.
0. Cevistbui qui drds pgrdeis prclgrcds si pdhrìge utfczgr, gsì mdld sus viegjgs y hisviegjgs ie fg vgfdrgmcýe hi sdfumcdeis.
_ietgjgs y pripgrgmcýe: If gfgd çmchd hi pdgscd, AKM ;K8D8 d
M?K8(MDDA)MDDK (0>8,0=), hi mgfchgh pgrýe prclgrcd tiei edrlgfliei ueg purizg hif 33,39 g 7>>,>9% ]i utfczg mdld cehcmghdr oiedfgfiìeg. Fg rigmmcýe hi eiurgfczgmcýe is: d
ÇMCHD D[ÇFCMD D[Ç FCMD HCKCHPGXGHD HCKCH PGXGHD d _ietgjgs: If K0M0D8²0K0D puihi utfczgrsi ed sdfd pgrg fg edrlgfczgmcýe hi çfmgfcs, sced gl`cãe pgrg edrlgfczgr hcsdfumcdeis hi pirlgebgegd. d
KM;K8D8 - + DK- M;K8D8 0- + K0D Hisvietgjgs: Hi`i hisimgrsi g ilpirgurg ceoircdr g 709¾M, pui s g ilpirgurg supircdr puihi vdfgtfczgrsi gfbd hi gekìhrchd çfcmd.
Hisvietgjgs: ]u pripgrgmcýe is fg`drcdsg.
_ietgjgs y pripgrgmcýe: If çmchd is ismgsgliei sdfu`fi ie gbug1 fg luisrg
pisghg si hcsuifvi prclird ie ueg piqui÷g mgethgh hi gfmdkdf y hispuãs si hcfuyi mde gbug ixieg hi mgr`degd y si vgfdrg mde çfmgfc kgsg if vcrgji hi fg oiedfgfiìeg. d
Hisvietgjgs: If M?K9MDDK is luy fcbird y hcmcf hi lgecpufgr ie fg pisghg1
pdr isd si ouehi ie ue mrcsdf hi pfgted y si pufvirczg fg lgsg d`iechg hispuãs hif ieorcglcied ie ue ldrird hi çbgg. Hi`i kgmirsi scilpri ueg prui`g ie `fgemd mde fg hcsdfumcýe gfmdkdf-gbug fuibd hi fg vgfdrgmcýe.
=. ´Wuã is if pued hi iqucvgfiemcg hi ueg rigmmcýe4 If pued hi iqucvgfiemcg is if pued ie ueg tufgmcýe hdehi fg mgethgh hi tufgei gbribghg is sumciei pgrg eiurgfczgr mdlpfigliei fg sdfumcýe hif gegfcd. Fds ldfis hi tufgei
(sdfumcýe isçehgr) sde cbugfis g fds ldfis hi fg sdfumcýe mde mdemiergmcýe hismdedmchg. Isd gl`cãe si mdedmi mdld if pued isiqucdlãrcmd pdrqui is hdehi fds ldfis hi çmchd sde cbugfis g fg mgethgh eimisgrcg pgrg eiurgfczgr fds ldfis iqucvgfieis hi `gsi. Xiebg ie muieg qui isd ed scbecmg eimisgrcgliei qui fg rifgmcýe çmchg g `gsi sig 7: 7. Fg rifgmcýe isç hiirlceghg pdr fg imugmcýe quìlcmg `gfgemighg çmchd-`gsi.
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