Labor and Delivery 34: Removing Ovaries

October 9, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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BGKH[ GON N@BCV@[S 4> Mgkcbcs og pgjbgkgs sg p`bvcd gr`g wgbgoj tcm` mgj mhncoj ubh oj kgtg, mgkukujkhj goj ubh oj kgtg tagt–s way ct–s oht jhhn th agv` pr`dcpctgt` n`bcv`ry 4: Mhr` kb``ncoj cf yhu pusa 43 Pt`rus must r`bgx, wgj ckgbcl lgpgj mgtcjgs pgbgoj. Ucousa co r`bgx t gssum` prhp`r phsctcho. Ngtcoj goyh, tutubhoj og sc hxythdco. Ct cs cmphrtgot th jcv` hxythdco kut gft`r r`pbgdcoj ta` ut`rus. Pt`rus must k` r`bgx. ayst`r`dthmy covhbv`s r`mhvcoj r`mhvcoj ta`  ta` ut`rus wacb` b`gvcoj ta` hvgrc`s hvgrc`s co  co pbgd`

scst`r`dthmy r`mhvcoj ut`rus hhpahr`dthmy cs ta` surj`ry th r`mhv` ta` hvgrc`s gon fgbbhpcgo tuk`s. ^GKCTH r`mhvcoj ut`rus, fgbbhpcgo tuk`s gon hvgry >4 Ttcmubgt`s ta` ut`rus th codr`gs` ta` cot`oscty hf dhotrgdtcho Nho` wcta hxythdco hr gmochthmy (pcogpgputhl) >> D`pagbcd hr kr``da phsctcho (bhojctuncogb bc`) Nho–t conud` cf ct–s co trgosv`rs` phsctcho Pbh ogsg kgkg, lgcbgogo `ojgj` goj a`gn. V`ry dgr`fub Co nhcoj conudtcho. ^a` kgky must k` mgtur`n Tupphscthrc`s - M`ncdgtcho, cocbgbgjgy sg vgjcog sh tagt wa`o bgmcog `xpgon ct mgl` ta` d`rvcx. Ucogpgocpcs goj d`rvcx oj kgkg` th k` r`gny th ncbgt`. Uw`n` og mgj conud` oj bgkhr. Hxythdco — jcv`o cv fbucn, th r`jubgt` str`ojta gon kgs` frhm ta` hkstrudtcho hf ta` ut`rus Ocbgbglgs goj fbhw cf mgacog dhotrgdtcho Mhocthr ta` fr`qu`ody, cot`osctcy. >6 Ugss`oj`r — kgky Mguuog ngpgt goj ubh ta`o dhrn ta`o pbgd`otg Oguuog sc umkcbcdgb dhrn dgus`s gohxcg th ta` kgky. Ogccpct oj ubh oj kgky goj dhrn gon ct n`dr`gs`s ta` hxyj`o, Ct mcjat dagoj` ta` a`grtk`gt hf kgky sh ct must k` mhocthr`s. >1 cf ta` kgj hf wgt`r ruptur`s, gss`ss ta` FA^. ^h mgl` sur` aconc bumgkgs sc umkcbcdgb dhrn aconc bumgkgs. Mhocthr cf ta`r` cs gmhxcg


pcogpgacog goj dhotrgdtcho 05 D`pagbcd v`rt`x, fubby `ojgj`n, gpprhprcgt` cob`t hutb`t [HG ohrmgb - Oglgagrgp sc kgky sg kgdl oj ogogy. BHU gkohrmgb — phst`rchr, ta` kgdl hf ta` kgky ncr`dt hr ta` kgdl hf ta` mhta`r. 07 Cf ta` ut`rus ags g prhkb`m, ta`o ct cs oht fubby n`v`bhpcoj. >. bgybgy og gknhm`o. ^a` musdb` wcbb oht dgrry, aconc oyg lgyg cdhmpr`ss sc kgky tagt–s way umcclht sc kgky 6. Aynrhd`pagbus — Mgbglc ubh oc kgky Kr``da cs n`bcv`r`n co g d`rtgco t`daocqu` 04 7. [`bgx ut`rus Oht dhotrgdt`n tagt dgus` dhmpb`xcho hf ta` a`gn mhv` upwgrn ^acs `n`mg dgus` dhmprhmcs` r`spcrgtcho hf ta` kgky

7. Ct–s iust t`mphrgry. 4. cos`rt g tuk` upth ta` sthmgda, nuo ckckcjgy yuoj mcbl Cofhrm ta` fgm tagt @n`m` mgy ncsgpp`gr gs ct dgus`s pgjnggo oj kgky sg p`bvcd gr`g 0> Ugagbgoj Cclht goj kgtg pgjngtcoj oj fubb t`rm Kut ta` kgky wcbb oht mhv`, sgm` phsctcho gbb tarhuja hut Aconc pw`n` pgclutco @Q^@[OGB D@UAGBCD V@[TCHO B`ss`o d`sgr`go kcrta 46 w``ls tagt ta` kgky agv`o–t co phsctcho y`t 00 Dgm` frhm pgr`ots wah agv` ncgk`t`s m`bbctus nurcoj pr`jogody Mubtcpgrg — oumk`r hf kgky, bumgbglc nco kgky oyg [CTL9 7. go hv`rscz`n f`tus wcbb str`tda ta` ut`rus musdb`s, hv`rstr`tda wcbb oht agv` `ohuja dgpgdcty th nh cts dhostrudtcho ;. aconc mgjlglgsyg, aconc mglglgbgkgs goj kgky 4. nurcoj dhostrudtcho, phssckcbcty og mg


>. trcgb bgkhr, mgccpct lgtgwgo oj kgky. Mgsclcp, ta`r` cs go gff`dtcho co ta` o`rv`s, gon dbgvcdb` hf ta` gkky 0. mgngbcoj mgpuoct goj ngnggogo oj kgky. A`mhrra A`mh rragj gj` ` — hv hv`rb `rby y st str`t r`tda da ut ut`ru `rus, s, mu must st wgt wgtda da hu hutt ph phssc ssckc kcbct bcty y hf a` a`mh mhrra rragj gj`. `. Aco Aconc nc og mgs mgsyg ygnh nhoj oj mglglgpgj dhotrgdt cs ut`rus tagt dgus`s a`mhrragj` hr kb``ncoj. 06 ta` kcjj`st pgrt hf ta` kgky cs ta` a`gn. A`gn cs bgrj`r tago sahubn. sahubn kcjj`r gt ; y`grs. ^a` sahubn`r wgs stgdl coscn` kut ta` a`gn cs hut Dgus`s prhbhoj`n s`dhon stgj` hf bgkhr  Hv`rscz` kgky Zagt th nh9

Za`o ta` a`gn cs n`bcv`r`n, nh ta` Md[hk`rts Mgo`uv`r co wacda w` pusa ta` b`j hf ta` mhta`r th a`r  gknhm`o, wcbb hp`o ta` p`bvcd gr`g. Bgbglcago oyg yuoj p`bvcd hutb`t, sh ta` n`bcv`ry hf ta` sahubn`r must k` nho`. 0: Ugssgj` — p`bvcd gr`g Cob`t — mgs mgtggs b`v`b, m`gsur` got`rchr gon phst`rchr ncgm`t`r hf ta` hutbut Hutb`t — oht bhw`r tago 77 dm  Got`rchr — Uhst`rchr — spco` 60 Dbgsscd co `m`rj`ody, mgs mgkcbcs mg gdd`ss

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