MOAC 70-412: Configuring Advanced Windows Server 2012 Services
Configuring the iSCSI Cient
Exercise 2.2
Instaing the !aiover Custering !eature
Exercise 2.3
Creating a !aiover Custer
Exercise 2.4
Configuring the "uoru#
Exercise 2.
I#$e#enting Custer Aware %$dating
%$grading a !aiover Custer
&'ercise 2( 2(1
Configuring th the iS iSCSI C Cient
F o r a f a il ov e r c l us t e r t o f un ct i o n, yo u ne e d to ha ve a s ha r e d drive. Storage01 is an iSCSI target, which has iSCSI drives that can be used by Server01 and Server02. During this eercise, you will connect to the iSCSI drives using the built!in iSCSI client software that co"es with #indows Server 2012.
Co"$letion ti"e
2% "inutes
MOAC 70-412: Configuring Advanced Windows Server 2012 Services
2&. 'a(e a screen shot of Co"$uter )anage"ent by $ressing *lt+rt Scr and then $aste it into your -ab 2 wor(sheet file in the $age $rovided by $ressing Ctrl+.
&'ercise 2(2
Instaing !aiover Custering
MOAC 70-412: Configuring Advanced Windows Server 2012 Services
In this eercise, you will install Failover Clustering.
#hen running the alidate the cluster configuration wi/ard, the four "ain tests are inventory, networ(, storage, and syste" configuration.
Co"$letion ti"e
1% "inutes
#hen the feature is installed, ta(e a screen shot of the Installation $rogress $age by $ressing Alt+Prt Scr and then $aste it into your -ab 2 wor(sheet file in the $age $rovided by $ressing Ctrl+V.
&'ercise 2()
Creating a !aiover Custer
During this eercise, you will create a failover cluster using two virtual "achines running #indows Server 2012.
Co"$letion ti"e
2% "inutes
MOAC 70-412: Configuring Advanced Windows Server 2012 Services
2%. 'a(e a screen shot of the alidate a Configuration #i/ard window by $ressing *lt+rt Scr and then $aste it into your -ab 2 wor(sheet file in the $age $rovided by $ressing Ctrl+.
. 'a(e a screen shot of the Failover Cluster )anager window by $ressing *lt+rt Scr and then $aste it into your -ab 2 wor(sheet file in the $age $rovided by $ressing Ctrl+.
MOAC 70-412: Configuring Advanced Windows Server 2012 Services
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&'ercise 2(4
Configuring the "uoru#
In this eercise, since you onl y have two nodes, you will create a uoru" using a dis( witness.
Co"$letion ti"e
10 "inutes
What isks o you have an how are the isks assigne?
MOAC 70-412: Configuring Advanced Windows Server 2012 Services
" isks# one is assigne to $isk witness in %uorum an one is assigne for availa&le storage
Which configuration is recommene for our configuration?
&'es(i)$ 4
*dvanced uoru" configuration
11. 'a(e a screen shot of the Failover Cluster )anager $ressing *lt+rt Scr and then $aste it into your -ab 2 wor(sheet file in the $age $rovided by $ressing Ctrl+. 3co$y screen shot over this tet4
MOAC 70-412: Configuring Advanced Windows Server 2012 Services
&'ercise 2(*
Configuring a Custered Storage S$ace
In this eercise, you will create a clustered storage s$ace fro" three iSCSI drives.
Storage s$aces and failover clusteringis the clustered storage s$ace based that $rovides resilient, highly available storage.
Co"$letion ti"e
0 "inutes
50. 'a(e a screen shot of Failover Cluster )anager by $ressing Alt+Prt Scr and then $aste it into your -ab 2 wor(sheet file in the $age $rovided by $ressing Ctrl+V.
&'ercise 2(+
I#$e#enting Custer Aware %$dating
In this eercise, you will install and enable cluster aware u$dating.
#hen u$dates need to be a$$lied to nodes in a cluster, you "ust ensure that all nodes get the sa"e u$date. Cluster *ware 6$dating will schedule the u$dates to be de$loyed to a cluster.
MOAC 70-412: Configuring Advanced Windows Server 2012 Services
Co"$letion ti"e
20 "inutes
21. 'a(e a screen shot of the Co"$letion $age by $ressing Alt+Prt Scr and then $aste it into your -ab 2 wor(sheet file in the $age $rovided by $ressing Ctrl+V.
'y efault# how often are clusters scheule for u(ates?
LAB REVIEW &*ESTIONS Completion time
10 minutes
MOAC 70-412: Configuring Advanced Windows Server 2012 Services
In 7ercise 2.1, what is used to connect to an iSCSI target8 a.
In 7ercise 2.2, how is failover clustering defined in Server )anager9 is it a role or is it a feature8 a.
Con!i"ure t#e sttic ip $$ress
In 7ercise 2.5, why is the 2 :; volu"e used when configuring the uoru"8 a.
In 7ercise 2., before creating the failover cluster, what should first be done in order to "a(e sure that your servers will su$$ort the failover clustering8 a.
iSCSI inititor
It c#ooses t#e smller %olume to &i" %olume '' It nee$s (1)*
In 7ercise 2.%, what are the three high!level ste$s necessary to creating and using a clustered storage s$ace8 ' Stor"e pool ,- V./ ,- Volume
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