1. The softwar software, e, Aspen Aspen Hysys Hysys V8.6 was clicked clicked and opened opened 2. The File File button was clicked clicked on to select select the ew !ase !ase for the the process. process. ". The !o#ponent !o#ponent $ist $ist button button was clicked clicked to add the the co#ponents co#ponents as per per instruct instruct in the the %uestion.
!o#ponents 1
Hydrochloric Acid. H!l
&thyl !hloride
Fi(ure 1 ) *roperty *acka(e +indow '. The Fluid Fluid *acka(es *acka(es button button was clicked clicked to choose choose the desire desired d Ther#odyna#i Ther#odyna#icc #odel in the fluid packa(e which is Adanced *en(-obinson.
Fi(ure 2 ) Fluid *acka(e /. Then, the the reaction reaction button button was clicked clicked to add the the reaction reaction which is is the conersion conersion..
Fi(ure " ) eaction 6. &thylene &thylene was set set as a base co#ponent co#ponent with with the conersi conersion on 0. The The stoichio#et stoichio#etric ric coefficients for each co#ponent was also added.
Fi(ure ' ) eaction ea ction +indow 3. 4i#ulation 4i#ulation was was clicked clicked to insert insert all the the unit operati operations ons inoled inoled in the the reaction reaction by usin( the *alette bo5. 8. The #i5er #i5er icon was dra((ed dra((ed fro# fro# the palette palette bo5 bo5 to the worksheet worksheet.. The inlet inlet strea# strea# of the #i5er was na#ed as 4trea# 1 while the outlet strea# was na#ed as 4trea# 2.
Fi(ure / ) i5er
0. The #i5er #i5er icon was doubledouble-clicke clicked d to insert insert the propertie propertiess of each co#ponents co#ponents below below..
Hydrochloric Acid. H!l
&thyl !hloride
Fi(ure 6 ) i5er7s i5er 7s !o#positions
1. The followin( infor#ation were also included )
1 at#
Flow rate
1 k(#olh
Fi(ure 3 ) i5er7s !onditions
11. !onersion reactor was added to the the worksheet by dra((in( its icon icon fro# the palette bo5. The strea# in for the reactor is 4trea# 2 while while its apor outlet strea# was known as 4trea# " and li%uid outlet strea# was 4trea# '.
Fi(ure 8 ) !onersion eactor 12. The te#perature for the reactor reactor re#ain constant because it is is an isother#al reaction. reaction.
Fi(ure 0 ) eactor7s !onditions 1". 4plitter was added. The The inlet strea# for the splitter was strea# " while the oerhead outlet known as 4trea# /,the botto# outlet o utlet is known as 4trea# 6.
Fi(ure 1 ) 4plitter 1'. Then, the T&& icon was dra((ed to the worksheet fro# the palette bo5 as a 9unction for the pur(e strea#. The inlet strea# was 4trea# / while the outlet strea# was chan(ed to 4trea# 3 and 4trea# 8.
Fi(ure 11 ) *ur(e 4trea#
1/. Then the T&& icon was double-clicked to add the properties properties needed )
1 at#
Flow rate at strea# 3
1 k(#olh
Fi(ure 12 ) !ondition for *ur(e 16. ecycle icon was dra((ed fro# the palette bo5 to the worksheet. The inlet for the recycle strea# is 4trea# 8 and its outlet was known as 4trea# 0. The pressure was contant at 1 at# and the te#perature at 2/!.
Fi(ure 1" ) ecycle 4trea#
13. :utlet of the recycle strea# strea# which was 4trea# 0 was connected back to the #i5er. #i5er. PROCESS PROCES S FLOW DIAGRAM DIAGRA M ( PFD )
The ob9ectie of this e5peri#ent is to install and coner(e a conersion reactor and to si#ulate a process inolin( recycle. =y usin( Hysys software, all the ob9ecties were obsered. All the e%uip#ent in the process is carried in isother#al and isobaric process. The te#perature is at 2/ ! while the pressure is 1 at#.
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