Lab MGT Lecture 2013

September 7, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Laboratory Management


What is management? Working with and through people  Art of getting things done through people 

Mission= goal  Authority = legitimate legitimate right to give command  Accountability = liability 

Responsibility = obligation 5M’s   Resources = 5M’s  


Management  A management function of a medical technologist is:  A. prepare a surprise birthday party B. direct & evaluate the med tech staff  C. Teach the patient how to collect urine sample D. Notify the med tech manager that his cocostaff is impaired


 AUTHORITY  MT staff Stephanie delegates effectively if  she has authority to act, which is best  A. B. C. D.

defined as: Having responsibility to direct others Being accountable to an organization Having legitimate right to act Telling others what to do


The phases of management process are:  A. organizing, coordinating, staffing, directing B. staffing, directing, budgeting, controlling C. planning, organizing, directing, controlling D. planning, organizing, commanding, staffing


What is planning? Mental effort  No action taken yet 

Forecasting of events  Goals, Policies and standards 


What is organizing? 

Structuring of the organization to accomplish the common goal

Identify grouping, roles, relationship  Staffing and Scheduling  Job description 


What is Directing? Effective utilization of executive ability  Issuance of assignment, orders and 


Delegation  Supervision 

coordinate Communicate  Motivate  Decision making 


DIRECTING Which of the ff is a directing function?  A. Evaluate the credentials of staff  B.



Check if activities conform with the schedule Instruct the MT staff committee to prepare policies Review the policies of the Lab


What is Controlling? 

Process of checking to make sure that things are done as intended

Check work against plan or standard  Actual activities conform to planned activities 

Performance appraisal  Quality control and quality assurance 


CONTROLLING The ff are basic steps in the controlling process of the dept EXCEPT:  A. B. C.


Measure actual performance Set laboratory standard and criteria Compare result of performance standard and objectives Identify possible courses of action


Performance Performanc e appraisal MT manager Gloria knows that performance appraisal consist of all the following activities a.

b. c. d.

EXCEPT: Setting specific standard and activities for individual performance Using organizational standard as a guide Determine areas of strength and weakness Focusing activity on the correction of identified behavior


Scientific Management Systematic approach  Cause and effect analysis 


Frederick Taylor = Father of SM  Henri Fayol= Planning  Gilberth= method analysis  Follett= coordination  Urwick = management consultant 


Bureaucracy Management Workflow and Scalar Principle  Chain of Command 

Unity of command  Advocators: 

 Adam Smith = specialization specialization  Peter Drucker = efficiency and effectiveness 


Behavioral Science Performance and Interpersonal approach  Psychology and Sociology 

Elton Mayo= job satisfaction via participation and recognition  McGregor= Theory X and Y  

Likert = supportive approach  Barnard = cooperation 


System Analysis 

Continuous process of interacting itself and environment


Who is a manager? Manager= guide to attain org. objective  Director = policy maker; direct the org  Administrator= runs an org  Supervisor = oversee the activities 


What are the characteristics of  a manager? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Motivation  Vision Decision making Good health humility


What are the roles of Mgr? Henry Mintzberg 1. Interpersonal role = leadership (servant)  “GREAT MAN THEORY”  2. Informational role = spoke person (rep) 

3. Decisional role = direct and control


What are the skills of Mgr? 

1. 2. 3.

Robert Katz: Technical skill = Lab procedure Human skill= interpersonal skill Conceptual skill = knowledge


What are the Levels of Mgt? 1. 2. 3.

First line Manager= supervisor Middle Manager= chief MT Top Manager= executives (CEO)


What is efficiency?  efficiency?   “Doing things right”    Ability to get things done correctly  Minimize the cost of resources 


What is effectiveness?  “Doing the right thing”    Ability to choose appropriate objectives


The question “ Did the medical technologist perform the best laboratory procedure without waste?”, illustrates:  illustrates:   A. reliability B. efficiency C. effectiveness D. economy


What are the steps of planning? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Identify goal – goal – General purpose Evaluate current sit. – sit. – Available Resources Establish time frame – frame – TIME (Long/short) Set objectives -SMART Forecast resource needs - FEASIBILITY  Implement plan – plan – STRATEGY (TOOLS) Obtain feedback- EVALUATION


What are the phases of  planning? 1. 2. 3. 4.

Determine objectives Collecting data Developing a plan of action Evaluating the plan




 Vision Provides image of the desired future  Organization desire to achieve in the future  Prospective reason for establishing an organization 


The statement: “ FEU-NRMF FEU-NRMF Laboratory Hospital trendsetter in Medical  A. B. C. D.

Diagnosis by 2010” is an example of:  of:  Mission Goal Philosophy vision


In a tertiary hospital, the section manager of  clinical chemistry is implementing a new and innovative laboratory procedures much earlier than the other section. What characteristic of  the manager is illustrated?  A. interpersonal skill B. communication skill C. vision D. decision making skill


Mission 

Describes and reflects an organization’s core value  value 

Present reason for establishing the organization  Actual function and purpose of its existence 


The statement: “ To deliver comprehensive laboratory health services” is an example of:  of:   A. vision B. philosophy C. mission D. value


Philosophy 

Set of values and beliefs in an organization that promotes unity in

the fulfillment of their respective goal  Statement of belief that influences the practice of medical technology


Identify: Vision, Philosophy Philosophy   

The officer and staff of FEU-NRMF believe

in the unique feature of the human person  FEU-NRMF is a trendsetter in tertiary health care in the next 5 years


Identify: Goal, Objective Objective  

Aims to provide a patient centered care  All MT staff shall undergo continuing competency training program


Goal 

General statement of the purpose of  the organization


Objective 

Specific and measurable statement of  the purpose of the organization


Identify goal or objective: Establish rapport with patient  Reduce TAT for 30 minutes  Eliminate the incidence of delay in the transport of specimen  Increase patient satisfaction rate 


Policies 

General statement on the course of  action to be undertaken in fulfilling the organizational goal


Procedure 

Specific statement of a step-by-step process in undertaking the goal of the organization


Rules  Are punitive steps in the event of any misconduct or omission in the



What is budgeting? 

Planning and controlling resources that affect the organization Examine resources, anticipate costs and predicting gains and shortfalls


What is MBO Program? Devised by Peter Drucker  OBJECTIVES and COMMUNICATION 

Long term goal  Short term objectives ownership of objective  Accountability and ownership  Realistic and attainable objective  Individuality  Measurable 


end na po…..  po….. 

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