Lab Manual Ceg551 Word

November 20, 2017 | Author: saifulsabdin | Category: Continuum Mechanics, Nature, Mechanical Engineering, Materials, Engineering
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Short Description






Table of Content Item 1. 2.

Topics General Laboratory Safety Procedures General Laboratory Rules and Regulations

Page 1 2

Concept of Open Ended Laboratory Activities 3.

 Introduction

3 3

 Level of Openness in Open Ended Laboratory


 Implementation of Laboratory Activities


 Assessment of the Laboratory Activities


 Course Outline



 Summary Remark



Lab.1.1 – Moisture content and particle density tests.


Lab. 1.4 – Atterberg Limit tests (Plastic and Liquid Limit tests) – Cone Penetration and Casagrande tests. Lab. 2.1 – Constant Head test on coarse‐grained soil.



Lab. 2.2 – Falling Head test on fine‐grained soil.



Lab. 3.1 – Direct Shear Box test.


Lab. 3.2 – Unconfined Compression test (UCT).


Lab. 3.3 – Unconsolidated Undrained (UU) Triaxial test / Consolidated Undrained (CU) Triaxial tests. Lab. 5.1 – JKR Probe Test





10. 11. 12. 13.

Lab. 5.2 – Vane Shear Test Construction of Sport Complex UiTM Pulau Pinang

34 36 38


Students or laboratory users are advised to read the following safety procedures and rules carefully before or when using the equipment or run the experiments: 1. Not point the open end of a test tube, breaker or any glassware that is being heated at yourself or anyone else. 2. Keep the lab clean and neat before and after conducting an experiment. 3. Keep the work area clear of all materials except those needed for your work. 4. If a piece of equipment falls while being used, report it immediately to your lab assistant or tutor. Never try to fix the problem yourself because you could harm yourself and others. 5. If the chemicals are splashed into your eyes, immediately use tap water to flush your eyes with water and continue rinsing your eyes for at least 15 minutes. 6. If the chemicals are splashed on your skin or clothing, flush the affected areas with large quantities of water or if a large area is affected, please use the safety shower. 7. Wash your hands thoroughly before leaving the laboratory.


GENERAL LABORATORY RULES AND REGULATIONS 1. Student must arrive at each sessions on time, with proper dress code (example: lab coat and covered shoes, and no slippers are allowed) 2. Students are not allowed to enter the laboratory without permission from the lecturers or the technicians. Working alone or unsupervised in laboratory is forbidden. 3. Bags are not allowed in the laboratory. 4. Students are not allowed to eat, drink or smoke while working in the laboratory and are not allowed to run the experiments with their hands wet. 5. Students are not allowed to run the experiments when they are sleepy or under medication. 6. Read the instruction carefully and follow the laboratory procedures. Do not touch anything that you are not completely familiar with. 7. Ensure that your circuit and equipment connections are correct before turning ‘on’ the power supply. 8. Ensure that the switches are ‘off’, the power plugs are unplugged and the working area is cleaned before you leave the laboratory. 9. Place the equipment, tools and components back to their original place after the experiments. 10.Notify your instructor immediately if there is an accident.


CONCEPT OF OPEN ENDED LABORATORY ACTIVITIES From Prescriptive to Investigative Introduction Various methods of innovative teaching may be implemented in the teaching and learning activities to simulate an environment where students are encouraged to be proactive. These innovative methods may be in the form of Project Based Learning (PBL), Project Oriented Problem Based Learning (POPBL), Active Learning (AL), Cooperative Learning (CL), Independent Learning (IL) and others. Previous methods of teaching laboratory courses are basically in the form of fully guided assignment. The methods are described as prescriptive or traditional methods. However these methods are now no longer adequate within the context of outcome based learning environments (1). It could not provide the platform where students are given opportunities to explore their own simulation and design their own experimental works. The Engineering Accreditation Manual (EAC) 2012


stipulated that:

“Students should receive sufficient laboratory work to complement engineering theory that is learnt through lectures. The laboratory should help students develop competence in executing experimental work. Throughout the programme, there should be adequate provision for laboratory or similar investigative work, which will develop the young engineer the confidence to deal with new and unusual engineering problem.” Thus the need for an open ended laboratory is emphasized in enhancing independent learning and inculcating creativity and innovation of students. They are required to determine the objectives and scope, identifying apparatus needed and preparing the methodology, running th e experiment and finally submitting the technical report. Through this process students must understand the principles of technical reasoning and the experimental design (3). This manual looks at the practicality of implementing the open ended laboratory activities at different levels of education for a four year engineering degree program and how it was implemented at the Geotechnical Laboratory, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Pulau Pinang.


Level of Openness in Open Ended Laboratory The conduct of laboratory activities should be carried out at different levels of openness throughout the period of study. The concept of different level of openness is categorized as problem, ways and means and answers. as shown in Table 1 as envisaged by Schwab‐Herron McComas (1997). Four levels were identified and three elements to be addressed were categorized. Table 1 suggests that there should be four (4) levels of openness, namely Levels 0‐3, and three categories of element to be incorporated into the laboratory manual, namely problem, ways an d means and answers. The ways and means are also mean as apparatus and procedures respectively. The scientific enquiry rubric, as given by Fay, 2009, for the levels of openness are summarized and described as in Table 2.

Table 1 Level of Openness according to Schwab‐Herron Schwab/Herron Levels of Laboratory Openness


























Note: Given means the traditional way of writing the documentation for each lab activities.

Implementation of Laboratory Activities Implementation of the laboratory activities at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, UiTM, Pulau Pinang was progressively introduced, monitored, reviewed and streamlined since the last accreditation exercise by EAC in 2008. New guidelines were introduced to facilitate the teachin g and learning activities to benefit not only the students but new lecturers taking the courses. Thi s manual for each laboratory activities would include the elements such as introduction, objectives and learning outcomes. Basic theoretical information are also included in each laboratory activity as found in the manual. 4

Table 2 : Scientific Enquiry Rubric Establishing the level of independence and autonomy expected of students to carry out an assessment task Level of Enquiry 0




Description The problem, procedure and methods for achieving solutions are provided to the student. The student performs the experiment and verifies the results with the The problem and procedure are provided to the student. The student interprets the manual data in order to propose viable solutions The problem is provided to the student. The student develops a procedure for investigating the problem, decides what data to gather, and interprets the data in order to propose viable solutions A “raw” phenomenon is provided to the student. The student chooses the problem to explore, develops a procedure for investigating the problem, decides what data to gather, and interprets the data in order to propose viable solutions

Assessment of the Laboratory Activities Twelve elements were identified to be assessed for the laboratory activities. These elements ar e grouped into individual, group or technical report assessments. Table 3 shows the suggested elements that could be assessed for the laboratory activities. Table 3 : Suggested Elements to be Assessed for the Laboratory Activities NO

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12



In order to facilitate the assessment process rubrics for the suggested elements are prepare d and given as in Table 4. Table 4 : Assessment Rubrics for Laboratory Activities A. INDIVIDUAL IN LABORATORY‐ACTIVITIES ASSESSMENT NO




108 Arrive Arriveon ontime time and Between 5 to Up to 5 min. butfully not fully More than 10 utilizing utilizinglab lab10 min. late late 1 Punctuality min. late hours hours Conform to Conform to Conform to lab’s dress lab’s dress Does not fully Discipline lab’s dress (such as lab Does not wear code, code, conform to dress code, dress codes, code, safety shoe, safety shoe, did consistently consistently lab’s dress not clean up the safety and 2 consistently equipment and all clean up the clean up the code, major did know follow laboratory clean up the regulations) lab procedures equipment and equipment flaws in safety equipment and nearly all lab without and seldom nearly all lab regulation but reminding and clean up the Not able to regulation and Knowledge all regulation with minor equipment explain, design safety 3 on the and safety flaws in safety and conduct the Able to design, open‐ended Able to design, Able to design, experimental conduct, Not able to laboratory conduct and conduct, testing work in the lab testing, explain the explain the data and explain the interpret and experiment and B. GROUP IN LABORATORY ACTIVITIES ASSESSMENT data obtained obtained but RUBRICS/Marks explain the data the work NO ELEMENTS 6and the work not the work 2 4 8 the work assigned 10 and Able to control, Able to control, assigned assigned Able to control, assigned lead and Able to control, lead and delivering the Unable to lead the group lead and task to the control, lead, but fail to delivering the group fail to deliver deliver the task delivering the efficiently and the task to the and does not task to the serves as a group and does compromise task to the leader in Leadership not 4 towards the group managing skill compromise to achieveme5nt group members individual ideas achieve the objectives of efficiently and towards the objectives of the and achievement of experiments experiments usually does the objectives occasionally what is the best helps the group interest of the Communi Unable to Able to deliver Able to deliver Able to deliver Able to deliver 5 to achieve cation deliver ideas ideas ONLY ideas with the ideas clearly, ideas clearly, group towards objectives of the 6 the achievement of experiments the objectives 2

clearly, effectively and confidently in the group


Organization /Teamwork

with constant prompting. Delivery of ideas is still not clear, not confident and not effective in the group

Team demonstrated Team showed some cohesion, poor cohesion, interaction poor respect. Most interaction and work was done poor respect. by only 1 Only one member team. person does all Tasks were the tasks. Tasks completed on were not time but with completed. unsatisfactory results

limited clarity, confidence and effectiveness in the group

Team showed good cohesion, interaction respect. Team member did not share the tasks equally and did not utilize abilities of each team members.

confidently, and effectively most of the time in the group

confidently and effectively at all times within the group

Team showed great cohesion, interaction respect. Team member did not share the tasks equally and did not utilize abilities of each team members. Tasks were completed on time with satisfactory results.

Team showed great cohesion, interaction respect. Team member shared the tasks equally and did not utilizing abilities of each team members. Tasks were completed on time and with great results.










Some discussion on purpose of work , missing some information background Able to analyzes the basic concepts Able to identify Able to discuss Able to apply of solid the basic the basic the basic mechanics and concepts of concepts of concepts of solid mechanics solid mechanics solid mechanics structures through and structures and structures and structures formative test through through through and lab report formative test formative test formative test and lab report and lab report and lab report

No information on purpose/ objectives of Introduction work, no background information

Basic concepts

Summary of procedures/ methods



Unable to design experiment and no explanations on the procedures of conducting

Little information on purposes, objectives of work and no background information

Able to design the experiment with little explanations on the procedures of conducting experimental


Some discussion on purpose of work and no background information

Able to design experiment, find relevant standard procedure and sufficient explanations of

Able to design, find standard procedure and clear with precise

Discussion the purpose of work with relevant background information Able to design and evaluate the basic concepts of solid mechanics and structures through formative test and lab report

Able to design, find Relevant standard procedure and clearly stated

experimental work


conducting with good explanations on experimental explanations conducting on work conductingexperimental experimental work work Data collected is relevant, Data collected

Data collected


related to the Data collected Data collected is relevant, was not objectives, Analysis and is relevant but is relevant and related to the relevant and sufficient to interpretatinot sufficient to sufficient to objectives and not sufficient to



analyze and on of data analyze and analyze and sufficient to analyze and analyze and accurate interpret interpret interpret interpret interpretation of data. Result and Discussion on Little discussion Description of discussion are results is very result is on what result clearly stated, difficult to generally clear. mean and through No discussion follow, no implications of Some discussion on on the meaning discussion on results. Enough discussion on what results Discussion of experimental the meaning of errors are made what results mean and of result results and very results and mean and to be implications of difficult to information is distracting, but implications of results. Provide follow so inaccurate results. No some consistently that makes the significant information is accurate report errors are made accurate information unreliable Conclusion is Conclusion is Conclusion is excellent and good and good and derived from Conclusion is derived from derived from No attempt was the collected derived from the collected the collected made to and analyzed the collected and analyzed and analyzed conclude and Conclusion data and not and analyzed data and not data and not objectives of from other data but it is from other from other the lab were sources. not answering sources but did sources and not answered 8 Conclusion the objectives not directly directly answer answering the clearly answers the objectives objectives. the objectives.

Course Outline The course provides exposures to students on the basic theories and procedures in performing standard laboratory tests for civil engineering purposes. Introduction to simple field tests method will also be presented. Course outcomes as well as the Program Outcome of this subjec t are stated in Table 5.

Table 5 : Course Outcome and Program Outcome of CEG551 Course Outcomes


1. Apply knowledge of soil mechanics on standard laboratory soil tests and analyze data obtain from the lab session.(C4) 2. Conduct a laboratory test and produce report related to basic physical and mechanical properties of soils.(P4)







Throughout the semester, students are required to conduct a series of laboratory activities in group as stated in the manual. Each laboratory activity has been assigned a level of openness a s stated in Table 6. Besides that, there are two formal assessments, i.e. Test 1 and Test 2 are used to determine student understanding about the subject. The formal assessments will be commenced on Week 7 and Week 13 as shown in Table 6.

Table 6 : Laboratory Activity based on the Level of Openness WEEK TOPIC




Briefing on the health and safety aspects in conduction laboratory works. Briefing on the purposes and objectives of soil characterization and classification for civil engineering works.



1.1 Moisture content and particle density tests.


Level 0


1.4 Atterberg Limit Tests ‐ Plastic and liquid limit tests (a) Cone Penetration test. (b) Casagrande test.


Level 0


2.1 Constant Head test on coarse‐grained soil. 2.2 Falling Head test on fine‐grained soil.


Level 0


3.1 Direct shear box test.


Level 1



Common Test 1.



3.2 Unconfined Compression test (UCT).


Level 1


3.3 Unconsolidated Undrained (UU) / Consolidated Undrained (CU) triaxial test.


Level 2


5.1 JKR probe test. 5.2 Vane shear test.


Level 2


Open Ended Laboratory Level 3 Practical test


Level 3


Open Ended Laboratory Level 3 Practical test


Level 3


Open Ended Laboratory Level 3 Practical test


Level 3


Open Ended Laboratory Level 3 Practical test


Level 3


Common Test 2.


Summary Remark The concept of adopting the new method in laboratory courses from prescriptive to investigative in nature will eventually mould the students to be better engineers in the future. It should be noted that well‐prepared laboratory manuals based on the different levels of openness would also enable students to be better prepared in taking final year projects of investigative nature in the fourth year in the studied program.



La 1.1a: PARabRTICLE DENNSITY TEST ON SAND SOILTDY 0 1.1 Introduction1 Th specific gravity of soi solids is ohegiloften needed for various calculations in soilds meechanics. It can be deteermined acccurately in th laboratory i.e. it is th mosthey,he acccurate methhod; whereas the flask o pycnomete methods a only suitsoreraretable for deetermination of specific gravity of coagarse-grained soil.d 1.2 Objectives2s otnengottle.To determine the specific gravity of fin sand usin density bo 1.3 Learning Outcomes3O By the end of this laborato work, stuytoryudents should be able: or1. To recor the masrdsses of saample and/o density bottle during the performan of the pancearticle densit test.ty 2. To calcula the spec gravity o sandy soil.atecificof 1.4 Theoretica Backgrou4alund Sppecific gravit Gs is defty,fined as the ratio of the weight of a certain voeolume of soil solids to the weight of an equa volume o distilled walofwater at a cconstant temmperature


Wh are the inherent prhatroblems and assumptiodons that had to be madade with reggards to the sample, apparatus an procedures used th might afeandhatffect the acccuracy and reliability of the results??


3.1 Apparatus ensity bottle with stoppe having caerapillary hole at its centeter, vacuum flask &De deesiccators, wash bottle with de-aired distilled wawwdater, weighin balance, alcohol,ng constant tempperature wate bath,

Density bott with stopper havingtle capillary hole at its centery

Vacuuum flask & ddesiccators

23.2 Procedures 1 Clean and dry the deensity bottle a stopper properly.andr 2. Weight th dried bottle with stopp and reco the mass (m1).2heperords 3. Take abo 10 to 20 g of dry sa3outand sample in desiccato Pour it cors.carefully into the density bottle Weight th e bottle with sand and sde.hstopper. Reccord the mass (m22). 11

4. Pour distilled water in the bottle until about ¾ full and shake for 5 minutes. 5. Remove the entrapped air further by applying partial vacuum for 10 minutes. 6. Gently pour some more water into the bottle until completely filled without any entrapped bubble. Put the stopper on. 7. Keep the bottle on the stand in constant temperature water bath for one hour. 8. Take out the bottle from water bath. Wipe to clean and dry from outside. If the capillary of the stopper is not full, fill it with drops of distilled water. Again make sure the bottle and stopper are clean cry. 9. Weight the bottle filled with water and sand samples, with stopper. Record the mass (m3). 10. Empty the bottle and clean it properly. Fill the bottle entirely with distilled water. Make sure there are not entrapped air bubbles, or otherwise the partial vacuum has to be used. 11. Put on the stopper as in step (8) and wipe dry from outside. Record the mass (m4). Again empty the bottle and dry it properly. 12. Repeat the step (2) to (11) for two observations to obtain an average specific gravity of the sample.


4.0 Results, Analysis and Conclusion The group is required to submit the technical report of the laboratory results highlighting the data acquisition process, analysis carried out and the relevancy of the set-out output to achieve the objective.

The report must incorporate the results in the form below and answer the following questions: #

Density bottle no. Mass of density bottle + stopper (gm)


Mass of density bottle + stopper + dry soil (gm)


Mass of density bottle + stopper + soil + water (gm)

m3 m4

Mass of density bottle + stopper + full of water (gm) Mass of dry soil used (gm)


Mass of water used (gm)


Mass of water to fill density bottle (gm)


Particle density of soil (Mg/m )


Average particle density (Mg/m )




m2-m1 (m4-m1)-(m3-m2)

Gs,1+Gs,2+Gs,3 3

a. What are the recommendations that can be implemented to improve the accuracy and reliability of the results b. What is the value of particle density or specific gravity, G s for the tested soil? Discuss the suitability of the soil as a construction material in a backfilling works. 12


La 1.1b: MOISTURE COabONTENT ON COHESIVE SOILNE 0 1.1 Introduction1 Th ratio of th mass of water to th mass of solids in a soil specimhehehemen is terrmed the mooisture conte of the soiil.ent 1.2 Objectives2s To determine the moisture content of cohesive sooteoils. 1.3 Learning Outcomes3O By the end of this laborato work, stuytoryudents should be able: 1. To record the masses of sample and/or contadsainer during the performmance of the moisture content test. 2. To calcula the moisatesture content of cohesive soil.te 1.4 Theoretica Backgrou4alund Mooisture conte is referre to as wat content a is define as the ra ofentedterandedatio weeight of wate to the weig of solids in a given verghtvolume of sooil.



Wh are the inherent prohatoblems and assumption that had to be made withnse reggards to the sample, apepparatus and procedure used that might affec thedestct acccuracy and reliability of the results?? &

3.1 Apparatus Deensity bottle with stoppe having caperpillary hole a its center vacuum fla &atr,ask deesiccators, wash bottle with de-aiired distilled water, wewdeighing balaance, alccohol, consta temperature water bantbath, etc.

Set of containeters

WWeighting balance

Drying ovenD 3.2 Procedures3 1. Clean and dry a set of 3 containeoers. r2. Weight th dried emp container and record the mass (m 1).2heptydm 3. Take abo 10 to 20 g of natura cohesive soil each an place int the3out0alndto 13

respective containers. Weight the container with the wet soil. Record the mass (m2). 4. Oven-dry the container & specimen to a constant mass in an oven maintained at a temperature of 105°C to 110°C. 5. Weight the container with the dried soil. Record the mass (m3). RESULTS

4.0 Results, Analysis and Conclusion The group is required to submit the technical report of the laboratory results highlighting the data acquisition process, analysis carried out and the relevancy of the set-out output to achieve the objective.

The report must incorporate the results in the form below and answer the following questions:


Container no.


Mass of container (g)

Mass of container + wet soil (g) M2 Mass of container + dry soil (g) M3 Mass of water (g)


Mass of dry soil (g)


Moisture content (%)


Mw Ms


Average moisture content (%) w,1+w,2+w,3 wave= 3

a. What are the recommendations that can be implemented to improve the accuracy and reliability of the results? b. What is the value of moisture content, w for the tested soil? Discuss the significance of water in determining the engineering properties of the soil.



Lab 1.4: ATTERBERG LIMIT TESTS ON COHESIVE SOIL 0 1.1 Introduction The physical state of a fine-grained soil at particular water content is known as consistency. Consistency or plasticity refers to the relative ease at which a soil can be deformed via rolling & molding without breaking apart. Depending on its water content, a soil may exist in liquid, plastic, semi-solid or solid state. A Swedish agriculturist, Atterberg (1911) set arbitrary limits for these divisions in terms of water content. Liquid limit is defined as the water content at which soil, cut by a groove of standard dimensions, will flow together for a distance of 12.7 mm (½ in) under a impact of 25 blows in a standard liquid limit device (ASTM D 4318-98, 2000). Plastic limit is defined as the water content at which a silt or slay will just begin to crumble when rolled into a thread approximately 3.2 mm (1/8 in) in diameter (ASTMD 4318-98, 2000). Shrinkage limit is defined as the water content at which any further reduction in water content will not result in a decrease in volume of the soil mass (ASTM D 427-98 or D 4943-95, 2000).

1.2 Objectives 1. To determine the water content corresponding to the behavior change between the liquid and the plastic state of a silt or clay. 2. To determine the water content corresponding to the behavior change between the plastic and the semi-solid state of a silt or clay. 1.3 Learning Outcomes By the end of this laboratory work, students should be able: 1. To record the masses of sample and/or container during the performance of the Atterberg limit tests. 2. To calculate the moisture content, and determine the Liquid Limit & Plastic Limit thresholds of soil. 1.4 Theoretical Background Plastic limit is defined as the moisture content, in percent, at which the soil crumbles, when rolled into threads of 3mm in diameter. Liquid limit is the moisture content at the point of transition from plastic to to liquid state. PROBLEM STATEMENT

What are the inherent problems and assumptions that had to be made with regards to the sample, apparatus and procedures used that might affect the accuracy and reliability of the results?



AND 3.1 Apparatus1s Te sieves of size 425 µm and 2 mm & a receivestfmver, wash boottle with disstilled waater, sharp knife, paleettes knife, airtight conntainer, glas plate, set ofss containers, weeighting balaance, cone penetromete & brass cercup, Casagrrande liquid limit appparatus & groooving tool, etc.

Set of contaainers

Wash bottle with distilled waterWw

Weighting balannce Drying ovven 2es3.2 Procedure Co Penetraoneation test (LLiquid Limit test): 1. Take a saample of the soil of sufficient size to give a test specimen weoweight at least 150 g which passed the 4p425µm test ssieve. 2. Transfer the soil to a flat glas plate. A2ossAdd distilled water and mixd thoroughl with 2 palettes klyknives the mass beecomes a thick homogenneous paste.. 3. If necess3sary add mo distilled water so that the first corecone penetrration reading is about 15 4. Push a po4ortion of the mixed soil i nto the cub with palette knife taking careg not to trap air.p 5. Strike off excess so with the straightedg to give a smooth level5ffoilege surface. 6. With the penetration cone loc6cked in the raised poeosition lower the supportin assembly so that the t of cone ju touches the surface soil.ngtipust 7. Lower the steam of the dial gau ge to contac the cone shaft and re7etctecord the readin of the dia gauge to th nearest 0 mm.ngalhe0.1 8. Release the cone a period 5 s ± 1 s. If the a8tpapparatus is not fitted wi anith automatic release and locking decevice. 9. Record th difference between t9heethe beginnin and end of the drop coneng penetratioon. 10. Lift out th cone and clean it careheefully to avoiid scratchingg. 11. Add little more distill water to the cub. Make sure the difefference betwween setration is les than 0.5 mm.first and second peness 12. Take a moisture content sample of about 10 g from the area penetme0etrated by the cone. 13. Repeat st 2 to 12 at least 3 mo time.tepaore 14. The reading of the liqquid limit shoould be arou 15 to 30 mm.und 16

Casagrande test (Liquid limit test): 1. Clean the apparatus and adjust height of drop of the cup using adjustment screws. 2. Take about 150 g soil sample, passing though 0.425 mm sieve. 3. Form uniform paste of the soil sample by mixing it with distilled water on glass plate. Leave the soil paste for some time to let the water permeate thoroughly. 4. Fill the cup half with the paste and make surface level using spatula. 5. Cut a ‘V’ shape groove (2 mm wide at bottom, 11 mm at top, and mm deep) along cup diameter using grooving tool. 6. Turn the handle of the apparatus at the rate of 2 revolutions per second. Count the number of blows required to cause the groove to close along a distance of about 10 mm. 7. Collect a soil sample for water content determination by mixing the spatula from one edge to the other edge of the soil cake at right angles to the groove. Record the weight of sample and keep it in oven. 8. Remove the remaining soil from the cup. Change the consistency (water content) of the mix either by adding some water or leaving the soil paste to dry. 9. Repeat step (3) for four times. The soil paste in this repetition should be of such a consistency that numbers of revolution (drop) to close the groove are ± 10. (It is always better to proceed from drier to the wetter condition of the soil). 10. Record dry weights of soil sample kept in oven after 24 hours.

Plastic Limit test: 1. Take a sample about 20 g from the soil paste and place it on the mixing plate. 2. Allow the soil to dry partially on the plate until it becomes plastic enough to be shape it into a ball. 3. Mould the ball of the soil between the fingers and roll it between the palms of the hand until the heat of the hands has dried. The soil sufficient for slight cracks to appear on its surface. 4. Device the sample in two sub sample of about 10 g each and carry out a separate determination on each portion. 5. Divide into four more or less equal parts. 6. Mould the soil in the finger to equalize the distribution of moisture, then from the soil into the tread about 6 mm diameter between first finger and thumb of each hand. 7. Roll the tread to reduce to about 3 mm in 5 to 10 complete, forward and backward movement of the hand. 8. Mould it between the fingers to dry it further. The first crumbling point is the plastic limit. 9. Replace it to the container. Determine the moisture content of the soil in the container.



4.0 Results, Analysis and Conclusion The group is required to submit the technical report of the laboratory results highlighting the data acquisition process, analysis carried out and the relevancy of the set-out output to achieve the objective.

The report must incorporate the results in the form below and answer the following questions: Cone Penetration test (Liquid Limit test): Container no. Mass of container (g)


Mass of container + wet soil (g)


Mass of container + dry soil (g) PLASTIC LIMIT DETERMINATION Mass of water (g)

M3 Mw=M2-M3

Mass of dry soil (g)




Container no. Cone penetration (mm)

Individual Average

LIQUID LIMIT Mass of container (g) DETERMINATION Mass of container + wet soil (g) Mass of container + dry soil (g)

M1 M2 M3

Mass of water (g)


Mass of dry soil (g)






Cone penetration (mm)40 PENETRATION CURVE



10 10

Plastic limit, PL (%)



Liquid limit, LL (%)

Soil classification


4050 Moisture content, w (%)


Plasticity index, PI=LL-PL (%)



Casagrande test (Liquid limit test): Container no. Mass of container (g)


Mass of container + wet soil (g)


Mass container + dry soil (g) P L A S T IC L IMofIT DETERM IN AofTwater (g) Mass IO N


Mass of dry soil (g)



Container no. Number of blows Mass of container (g)




Mass of container + wet soil (g) M2 L IQ U IDMass L IM of IT container + dry soil (g) M3 D E T E R M IN A T Mass of water (g) Mw=M2-M3 IO N

Mass of dry soil (g)





70 Moisture 60 w content, (%) PENETRAT IO N C U R V E





10 1 Plastic limit, PL (%)


Liquid limit, LL (%)

25100 No. of blows


Plasticity index, PI=LL-PL (%)

Soil classification

a. What are the recommendations that can be implemented to improve the accuracy and reliability of the results b. What are the classification of the soil based on both Cone Penetration and Casagrande tests? Discuss the potential causes for the difference in soil classification between the two tests, if any. Also discuss the typical engineering characteristics of the soil.



La 2.1: CONSTANT HEA TEST ON COARSE-GRAINED SOILabADN 0 1.1 Introduction1 A material e.g sand is to be permg.meable if it contains coontinuous vvoids. ermeability is a property of permeasyable material that permit flow of liqtsquidsPe thrrough the voids. The flows of liqvquid through soil eithe by lamina orherar turrbulent depeending on peermeability o soil and the head causofsing flow. 1.2 Objectives2s To determine coefficient of permeabiility of coarsoose-grained ssoils by connstant head method. 1.3 Learning Outcomes3O By the end of this laborato work, stu dents should be able:ytory 1. To record the amount of water c.dcollected ove a specific duration of timeercf during the performanc of the conecenstant head test. 2. To calcula the coeff.ateficient of perrmeability for coarse-grarained soil. 1.4 Theoretica Backgrou4alund q  kiA wh :here rgemeq  Dischar per unit tim fyk  Darcy's coefficient of permeability ulici  Hydrau gradient rossalmassA  Total cr - sectiona area of soil m perpendicular to the diirection of floow



Wh are the inherent prohatoblems and assumption that had to be made withnse reggards to the sample, apepparatus and procedure used that might affec thedestct accuracy and reliability of the results?r

AND 3.1 Apparatus1s Peemeameter complete with accessowories, de-aiired distilled water source,d stoopwatch, graaduated meaasuring cylinnder, thermoometer, etc.

Permeameter with accessoriesPr


De-aire distilled wedwater sourcee


2es3.2 Procedure 1. Clean the mould an apply greendside the moould. Recor itsrdease on ins weight. 2. Prepare sample:s 3. Trim the sample to the size of mould from undisturbfmbed lump of soilf collected from the site. Fit this saample into th mould. AheApply wax arround periphery of the samp mould to prevent leaypleoakage OR. 4. Prepare statically comsmpacted remmolded speccimen of dessired density andy water conntent. OR. 5. Prepare dynamically compacted remolded sdspecimen of desired defensity and water content. 6. Trim of th excess so Place filt paper on top of soil sheoil.terspecimen an fixnd perforated base plate to 7. Turn the assembly upside down and remov compactunvetion plate or endr plug and collar, as th case ma be, place top perforaheayated plate on then top of soil specimen insert sealing gasket and fix top cap properly.gdp 8. Saturate the sample. Use vacuum desiccator facility if atmrsavailable. 9. Take out specimen (mmould) when saturation is complete.n 10. Place the mould in boeottom tank. 11. Fill the boottom tank with water up to its outletwpt. 12. Connect out tube of constant head tank to the inle nozzle of theoetf permeammeter. Remov all air bubvebbles from th system.he 13. Adjust hydraulic head Record the head.d.e 14. Start the stop watch, and the sam time put a beaker unmender the out oftlet the bottom tank.m 15. Run the te for same convenient time interva Record th time.estetal.he 16. Measure and record the quantity of water colllected durin that time.tng 17. Repeat th test two times more under the shetsame head a for the sandsame time interrval.



4.0 Results, Analysis and Conclusion The group is required to submit the technical report of the laboratory results highlighting the data acquisition process, analysis carried out and the relevancy of the set-out output to achieve the objective.

The report must incorporate the results in the form below and answer the following questions:

Hydraulic head Length of sample Hydraulic gradient

h (cm) L (cm) h/L

Diameter of sample D A Cross sectional area of sample

Time interval Quantity of flow - Test no. - Individual - Average

Coefficient of permeability - Individual

- Average


t Q

(cm) 2

(cm )


(ml) (ml)

QL k= (cm/sec) thA (cm/sec)


( C)

a. What are the recommendations that can be implemented to improve the accuracy and reliability of the results ? b. What is value for the coefficient of permeability of the soil? Discuss on the drainage capability of the soil and its likely usage in the construction industry ?



Lab 2.2: FALLING HEAD TEST ON FINE-GRAINED SOIL 0 1.1 Introduction Permeability is defined as the capacity of a soil to allow water to pass through and the coefficient of permeability is the flow velocity produced by a hydraulic gradient of unity. The falling head test is used to determine the coefficient of permeability of fine-grained soils such as silts and clays. For these types of soil, the rate of water flowing through them is too small to enable accurate measurements using constant head permeameter. The determination of k using the falling head test is govern by Darcy’s Law which states that the flow velocity of proportional to the hydraulic gradient and derived as: 1.2 Objectives To determine the coefficient of permeability of fine-grained soils by falling head method. 1.3 Learning Outcomes By the end of this laboratory work, students should be able: 1. To record the duration of time required for a column of water to fall during the performance of the falling head test. 2. To calculate the coefficient of permeability for coarse-grained soil. 1.4 Theoretical Background

h aLln(h21


k= A(t 2 - t 1 ) where : a  Cross - sectional area of the standpipe A  Cross - sectional area of the sample L  Length of the sample h1  Initial height of the standpipe hs  Final height of the standpipe t1  Initial time before the start of the test t 2  Final time before the end of the test PROBLEM STATEMENT

Permeability of soil is an important soil parameters used in the design of geotechnical structures. As a group you are given a set of samples to test to determine the permeability parameter using a falling head test apparatus. The group must carry out the test following the procedures outline and subsequently analyse the data and present it in a proper technical format.



AND 3.1 Apparatus1s Peemeameter complete with accesswsories, de-aired distilled water sodource, stoopwatch, graaduated meaasuring cylinnder, thermoometer, etc.

urceWater sou

Falling head permeamFmeter withh sttandpipes & other accesssories

Stopwatch CCompaction mould 2es3.2 Prosedure 1. Take a U100 sample or from a core-cutter tube and tri the samp toUeimple assure th both surfa is flat an smooth.hatacend 2. Place the soil sample fully into a triaxial cell o top of a p2eeonporous stone ande again place a porous stone on to of the soil sample.sop 3. Place the whole set up in a bu3eucket partially submerge in water. Theed. sample should be ensncased in th triaxial c to make sure that n airhecellno bubbles are entrappe in the soill sample.aed 4. Measure the length, (L) and the diameter, (D of the sam4D)mple. Recor therd diameter, d of the sta,andpipe used in the test.d. 5. Connect the standpip to the sam5pemple. The coonnection of the standpi tofipe the samp should be intact to make sure that the prplebresence of air is minimizedd. 6. Open the valve and fill the wate into the s6eerstandpipe to a marked initialo height of the standpip Record t initial reape.theading for heiight, h1 and time, t1 before the commenncement of t test.the 7. Close the valve and start the test by observin the flow o water and time7estngofd of the redduction. Onc the flow of water reaches the final height mcemark, stop the time and reecord the fi nal reading for height, h2 and tim t2me, simultaneeously. 8. Record the temper8trature at th time of the test and obtain thehefn temperatuure correction from Taable 1 for kT and k20. Compute thee average value of k by repeating the above pvyprocedure. T correctio forTheon the effect of temperatttures is give by:en


k t=  tk


where : k t  Value of k coorresponding to a teemperature of k k


 Value of k coorresponding to a teemperature of 20C

 t  Temperature correction coefficie tcen


4.0 Results, Analysis and Conclusio0Aon Th group is reheequired to submit the te chnical repo of the labortboratory resuults higghlighting the data acquisition proceeess, analysis carried out and thes rellevancy of th set-out ouheutput to achiieve the objeective. Th report must incorpora the result in the form below and answer theheatetsmde following quesstions: SO SAMPLE DATAOIL Diaameter of sampleD cm Crooss-sectional area of sa A2 cm

Len of samplength L cm Ma of dry sampleassMs g Mooisture content ofwsample % Bulk density of sample ρ 3 STTANDPIPE DATA Mg/cm Staandpipe no. Diaameterd cm Areeaa cm2

Test No.

Standpipe a h1 No. cm2



Individual t1t2t3 cm sec sec secs

Ov average coefficient of permeability of soil sam kverallomple,

Average t sec



cm2 cm


h1aL ln() h2At cm/sec


a. What are the recoaommendatio ns that can be implemeented to improve the acccuracy and reliability of t resultsrthe b. What is value for the coefficien of permeasntability of the soil? Discuss one the drrainage cappability of tthe soil an its likely usage in thendyn construuction industtry.



Lab 3.1: Direct Shear Box Test on Cohesionless Soil 1 1.1 Introduction The shear strength of a soil is its maximum resistance to shearing stresses. It is usually considered to be equal to the shear stress at failure on the failure plane. The shear strength of soil mainly consists of the resistance due to interlocking of particle and friction between individual particles at their contact point i.e. internal friction and the resistance due to inter particle forces which tend to hold the particles together in a soil mass, what so called cohesion. 1.2 Objectives To determine the shear strength of soil using direct shear or shear box apparatus. 1.3 Learning Outcomes By the end of this laboratory work, students should be able: 1. To record the normal & shear loads, and deformation of soil. 2. To plot the shear load vs. deformation, and determine the shear load at failure. 3. To plot the Coulomb failure envelope, and determine the cohesion & internal friction angle of soil. 1.4 Theoretical Background The shear strength t of soil can be represented by coulomb’s equation of:

 f  c   n tan 

where :  n  Total normal stress on failure plane c  Cohesion

  Angle of internal friction Problems Statement

Shear strength parameters are important soil parameters used in the design of geotechnical structures. As a group you are given a set of samples to test to determine the strength parameters using a shear box apparatus. The group must carry out the test following the procedures outline and subsequently analyse the data and present it in a proper technical format.


3.1 Apparatus Triaxial testing machine with accessories, triaxial cell, deformation dial gauge, proving ring, stopwatch, sampling tube, extractor & trimmer, verniercallipers, weighting balance, etc.


Direct shear apparatus with accessories

Shear box

Weighting balance Loading weights 3.2 Procedures 1. Find the volume of the space assigned for sample in the shear box, i.e. measure length and width of the shear box and height from lower grid plate to mark for upper grid plate and calculate volume, V. 2. Calculate weight of the soil required to obtain desired density of soil sample in the shear box i.e. . 3. Place the grid plate on the base plate such that the serrations of grid plate are at right angles to the direction of the shear. Tighten the locking screws. 4. Pour the weighed sand carefully into the shear box in two or three layers and tamp each layer by the wooden piece to obtain the desired density. 5. Place upper grid plate on the soil with serrations of grid plate at right angles to the direction of shear. 6. Keep the loading pad on the top grid plate. 7. Choose a suitable strain rate and select the gear accordingly. 8. Position the loading frame on the top of loading pad. 9. Fix the dial gauges to measure change in thickness and deformation of the specimen (if required). 10. Make sure that the proving ring to measure the shear force is in contact with the shear box. 11. Set proving ring dial gauge and deformation dial gauge to zero. 12. Apply the required normal stress depending on design requirements. 13. Remove the locking screws. 14. Raise upper half of the shear box by about 1.0mm above lower half for free movement by turning spacing screws. 15. Apply the shear force at the selected strain rate toll failure or until 20 % of longitudinal displacement, whichever occurs earlier. 16. Record the shear force reading (proving ring reading) longitudinal displacement and change in thickness of specimen, if required until failure of the sample occurs. 17. Remove the dial gauges, loading frame, loading pad etc and remove the sample from the shear box. 18. Repeat step (3) to (16) on three more specimens with same initial


condition but at different normal stresses applied. 19. Plot the graph between shear and longitudinal displacement for each set of the test. Note the maximum shear stress and corresponding longitudinal displacement. Finally plot a graph between normal stress and maximum shear stress. The slope of the average line joining above points with normal stress axis, gives value of internal friction angle, φ and the intercept on shear stress axis gives value of cohesion, c.


4 Results, Analysis and Conclusion The group is required to submit the technical report of the laboratory results highlighting the data acquisition process, analysis carried out and the relevancy of the set-out output to achieve the objective. The format of the report is left to the creativity discretion of the group. The report must be submitted 7 days after the completion of the test.



Lab 3.2: Unconfined Compression Test (UCT) on Cohesive Soil


1 1.1 Introduction The unconfined compression test (UCT) is a type of the triaxial test in which a cylindrical specimen is failed due to axial compressive stress only, thus as without any lateral stress (σ₂=σ₃=0). This test is considered as an undrained shear test assuming that there is no moisture loss from the specimen during the test. This test is used to determine the in-situ strength of fully or partially saturated cohesive soils in the field and to study the decrease in shear strength due to remoulding. The failure occurs along the weakest portion of the sample and hence the test gives conservative shear strength value.

1.2 Objectives To determine shear strength of soil by conducting unconfined compression test. 1.3 Learning Outcomes By the end of this laboratory work, students should be able: 1. To record the deviator force & deformation of soil. 2. To plot the shear load vs. deformation, and determine the shear load at failure. 3. To plot the Mohr-Coulomb failure envelope, and determine the unconfined compressive strength & undrained shear strength of soil. 1.4 Theoretical Background From the major principal stress:  1   3 tan 2   2cu tan  where :  u  45  u 2

For  3  0 , the above equation reduces to:

 1  2cu tan   2cu tan 45  u 2


For pure cohesive soils,  u  0 & tan   0 :

 1  2cu The major principal stress at failure in an unconfined compression test is called the unconfined compressive strength, qu of the soil:  1  qu qu  2cu

The undrained shear strength of a saturated clay (where,  u  0 ),  f may be expressed as:  f  cu  q u 2 29


Shear strength parameters are important soil parameters used in the design of geotechnical structures. As a group you are given a set of samples to test to determine the strength parameters using an unconfined compression test. The group must carry out the test following the procedures outline and subsequently analyse the data and present it in a proper technical format.


AND 3.1 Apparatus Triaxial testing machine with accessories, triaxial cell, deformation dial gauge, proving ring, stopwatch, sampling tube, extractor & trimmer, verniercallipers, weighting balance, etc.

Triaxial testing machine with accessories

Triaxial cell

Upper & lower porous stones


3.2 1.

Procedures Prepare the cylindrical specimens, undisturbed, compacted or remoulded as per requirement, at pre-determined water content. 2. Measure the dimensions of the specimen and record. 3. Record the weight of the specimen. 4. Keep representative sample for water content determinations, i.e. record the weight of wet sample, keep it into the oven and take weight after 24 hours when it becomes dry. Place the specimen on the bottom plate of the loading device of the 5. testing machine. Adjust the upper plate to make contact with the specimen. Fix the deformation dial gauge in position. 6. Make sure that the proving ring is central and just in contact with the 7. upper plate. Adjust deformation and proving ring dial to zero. Set the strain rate of 1.5 mm/min. 8. Apply the axial load with preset strain rate. 9. Record force and deformation reading at suitable intervals, preferably at 10. closer intervals during initial stages of the test. 11. Continue the test until the specimen fail or 20 % of axial strain is reached. 12. Carefully sketch the failure pattern of the specimen. 13. 30

14. Take a sample from the failure zone of the specimen for water content determinations, i.e. weight the wet sample, keep it after about 24 hours when it becomes dry into oven, obtain dry weight. 15. Repeat steps (2) to (14) for other sample (at least three samples). RESULTS

4.0 Results, Analysis and Conclusion The group is required to submit the technical report of the laboratory results highlighting the data acquisition process, analysis carried out and the relevancy of the set-out output to achieve the objective. The format of the report is left to the creativity discretion of the group. The report must be submitted 7 days after the completion of the test.









1.1 Introduction The shear strength of soil is its maximum resistance to shearing stresses and represented by coulomb’s equation of:

 f  c   n tan  where :  n  Total normal stress on the failure plane c  Cohesion

  Angle of internal friction In a triaxial compression test, a specimen of soil is subjected to three principal compressive stresses at right angle to eagle other. The specimen is failed by changing one of the stresses. The specimen used in triaxial test in cylindrical in shape and confining pressure is applied by a liquid under pressure, which creates a condition where the intermediate and minor principal stress (σ₂ and σ₃) become equal to the confining pressure. In order to fail the specimen, the major principle stress σ₁ is applied axially on top of the specimen. The relationships between principle stresses at failure are obtained by using Mohr circle concept. In terms of total stress:

 1   3 tan 2   2cu tan where :  u  45  u 2 When the stresses in a soil mass are in accordance with the above equations, the soil mass is considered in a state of plastic equilibrium. The difference bet major and minor principal stresses in a triaxial test is called deviator stress . Deviator stress at failure is the compressive strength of the specimen. For calculation of stress at any state of test, it is assumed that any changes in length and volume of specimen results in a uniform change in area over the entire length of the specimen. Average cross sectional area A at a particular strain is given by: A A o 1  where : Ao  Initial average area of cross - section of the specimen   Axial strain L  Lo L  The change in specimen length (mm) Lo  Initial length of specimen (mm)



Proving ring reading  Proving ring constant Deviator stress,   A Plot deviator stress versus strain curve. Peak of the plot gives ultimate stress. If a distinct peak does not exist before 20 % straining of the specimen, take stress corresponding to 20 % strain calculate major principal stress σ1:

 1   3   Plot Mohr’s circles for principal stress and obtain shear strength parameters. 1.2 Objectives To determine the shear strength of soil using triaxial shear apparatus. 1.3 Learning Outcomes By the end of this laboratory work, students should be able: 1. To record the deviator force & deformation of soil. 2. To plot the shear load vs. deformation, and determine the shear load at failure. 3. To plot the Mohr-Coulomb failure envelope, and determine the cohesion & internal friction angle of soil. 4. PROBLEM STATEMENT

Shear strength parameters are important soil parameters used in the design of geotechnical structures. As a group you are given a set of samples to test to determine the strength parameters using an unconfined undrained triaxial test. The group must carry out the test following the procedures outline and subsequently analyse the data and present it in a proper technical format. 3.1 Apparatus (OPEN) The group must identify the availability of the chosen apparatus in the lab before the right procedures can be identified. 3.2

Procedures (OPEN) The group is required to search for the relevant procedure to carry out the test based on the available apparatus in your laboratory. The document must be made ready for verification by the instructor during the laboratory activity.


Data Acquisition (OPEN) All data collected and observed during the test must be tabulate in proper format for easy verification and presentation of the technical report


4 Results, Analysis and Conclusion The group is required to submit the technical report of the laboratory results highlighting the data acquisition process, analysis carried out and the relevancy of the set-out output to achieve the objective. The format of the report is left to the creativity discretion of the group. The report must be submitted 7 days after the completion of the test. 33


Lab 5.1: JKR Probe Test on In Situ Soil


2 1.1 Introduction The supporting power of a soil or rock is referred to as its bearing capacity. The value of bearing capacity can also be determined by conducting tests on undisturbed sample in laboratory. But it is very difficult and expensive to collect undisturbed samples from cohesionless soils. The bearing capacity of cohesionless soils can be determined most economically by conduction in-situ dynamic and static penetration tests. The most commonly used test in Malaysia is JKR probe test. This is a light dynamic test. The cone is driven into the soil by a 5 kg hammer falling freely from a height of 280 mm. the numbers of blow required for every 300mm penetration of cone are noted and from which the allowable bearing is estimated using empirical relationship between number of blows and allowable bearing capacity. The test is stopped when the number of blows required for 300mm penetrations reach 400 blows. The JKR probe can be used up to 12.0 m depth.

1.2 Objectives To determine allowable bearing capacity of the ground using JKR dynamic cone penetrometer. 1.3 Learning Outcomes By the end of this laboratory work, students should be able: 1. To record the number of blows required over every 1 foot penetration, and plot the total depth of penetration versus the number of blows/foot. 2. To correlate the number of blows/foot with the safe bearing capacity of the soil, and recommend the founding depth & design bearing capacity of shallow foundation. PROBLEM STATEMENT

Bearing capacity parameters are important soil parameters used in the design of geotechnical structures. As a group you are given a set of samples to test to determine the bearing capacity parameters using JKR Probe Test. The group must carry out the test following the procedures outline and subsequently analyse the data and present it in a proper technical format. 3.1 Apparatus (OPEN) The group must identify the availability of the chosen apparatus in the lab before the right procedures can be identified. 3.2


Procedures (OPEN) The group is required to search for the relevant procedure to carry out the test based on the available apparatus in your laboratory. The document must be made ready for verification by the instructor during the laboratory activity.


Data Acquisition (OPEN) All data collected and observed during the test must be tabulate in 34

proper format for easy verification and presentation of the technical report RESULTS

4 Results, Analysis and Conclusion The group is required to submit the technical report of the laboratory results highlighting the data acquisition process, analysis carried out and the relevancy of the set-out output to achieve the objective. The format of the report is left to the creativity discretion of the group. The report must be submitted 7 days after the completion of the test.Refer to BS1377:1990 Part 7 Clause 8 & other relevant soil engineering references.



Lab 5.2: Vane Shear Test on Cohesive Soil


2 1.1 Introduction The measuring part of the instrument is a spiral-spring, max torque transmitted 38kgcm. When the handle is turned, the spring deforms and the upper part and the lower part of the instrument get a mutual angular displacement. The size of this displacement depends on the torque which is necessary to turn the vane. By means of a graduated scale the shear strength of the clay is obtained. The lower and upper halves of the instrument are connected by means of threads. The scale is also supplied with threads and follows the upper part of the instruments by means of two lugs. The 0-point is indicated by a line on the upper part. When torque is applied, the scale-ring follows the upper part of the instrument and when failure is obtained, the scale-ring will remain in its position due to friction in the threads. Three sizes of four-bladed vanes are used: 16 mm × 32 mm (extra)multiply readings with 2 20 mm × 40 mm (standard) direct readings 25.4 mm × 50.8 mm (extra) multiply reading with 0.5 This makes it possible to measure shear strength of 0 to 260, 0 to 130 and 0 to 65 kPa respectively. The area ratio of the vanes is 14, 16.5 and 24 % (ratio of cross sectional area of vane to the area to be sheared). The vane blades are soldered to a vane shaft which again is extended by one or more 0.5m (0.49m) long rods. The connection between the shaft-rods the instrument is made by threads. To make the connection as straight as possible, the rods have to be screwed tightly together and the threads are to be cleaned.

The maximum shear strength that can be measured with the inspection vane tester is 260 kPa.A force of about 40 to 50 kN is required to press the vane down into the clay. The vane shaft is designed to take this force, but if extension rods are used, precautions against buckling are required. 1.2 Objectives To measure the in situ undrained shear strength in clays primarily in trenches and excavation at a depth not influenced by drying and excavation procedure. 1.3 Learning Outcomes By the end of this laboratory work, students should be able: 1. To record the undrained cohesion readings from the graduated scales in both natural & disturbed soil conditions. 2. To determine the sensitivity of the vane shear apparatus.



In situ undrained shear strength is an important soil parameter used in the design of geotechnical structures. As a group you are given a set of apparatus to determine the in situ undrained shear strength using Vane Shear Test. The group must carry out the test following the procedures outline and subsequently analyse the data and present it in a proper technical format. 3.1 Apparatus (OPEN) The group must identify the availability of the chosen apparatus in the lab before the right procedures can be identified. 3.2

Procedures (OPEN) The group is required to search for the relevant procedure to carry out the test based on the available apparatus in your laboratory. The document must be made ready for verification by the instructor during the laboratory activity.


Data Acquisition (OPEN) All data collected and observed during the test must be tabulate in proper format for easy verification and presentation of the technical report


4 Results, Analysis and Conclusion The group is required to submit the technical report of the laboratory results highlighting the data acquisition process, analysis carried out and the relevancy of the set-out output to achieve the objective. The format of the report is left to the creativity discretion of the group. The report must be submitted 7 days after the completion of the test.Refer to BS1377:1990 Part 7 Clause 8 & other relevant soil engineering references.



Construction of Sport Complex UiTM Pulau Pinang


3 1.1 Introduction This open-ended laboratory is prepared to assess students’ ability operating within cooperative intra-group environment in solving practical civil engineering problem specifically involving soil investigation (S.I.) works. The problem encompasses issues relating to soil type determination & drainage capability, backfill & sub-grade compaction, and soft ground settlement. The S.I. works involve planning, site preparation, sampling, testing, analyzing & recommending appropriate soil design parameter, which form indispensable complement to the structural design & implementation processes.

1.2 Objectives 1. To identify specific engineering problems relating to sport complex construction over soft ground. 2. To determine comprehensive S.I. program aimed towards solving the said problem. 1.3 Learning Outcomes By the end of this laboratory work, students should be able: 1. To identify engineering problems relating to sport complex construction over soft ground, which involves among others soil type determination & drainage capability, backfill & sub-grade compaction, and soft ground settlement. 2. To collect representative samples, and conduct laboratory & field testing. 3. To analysize the data & obtain results relating to the classification and compressibility of soil, and recommend valid design parameter.


A sport complex is to be constructed at site which is located opposite Pusat Islam, UiTM (Penang) campus. The underlying soil is found to be of Penang marine clay and the area is susceptible to flooding due to its low-lying topography formerly made of a paddy field. Furthermore any superimposed load might result in large consolidation settlement. Consequently, a 3 feet residual soil shall be placed on top of the clay formation to raise the platform level. In the construction, four problems have been foreseen with regards to the materials used as given below: 1. Suitability of the residual soils as a back fill material. 2. Relative compaction for the raised platform. 3. CBR values for the sub-grade to be used in the design of the flexible pavement. 4. Total consolidated settlement expected at the site.

Each group will be assigned to collect representative samples of the soils to be used (i.e. residual soil and undisturbed clay from the site) for laboratory testing from a makeshift construction or any real construction work which 38

utilized equivalent materials. The group is also required to design and conduct related laboratory experiments for the purpose of obtaining relevant soil parameters which would address the four problems mentioned above. The experiments should be conducted in succession in 4 consecutive weeks, inclusive of all of the preparatory works. Throughout the activities are conducted, a practical test will be used to assess the works conducted by each group. Following that, the group will be required to prepare a technical soil investigation report highlighting the entire investigative process including design recommendations. WAYS MEANS

& Ref. Standard Procedure : BS 1377, 1990 Testing of soils in civil engineering, Part 2 Clause 9, Part 4 Clause 3 & 4, Part 5 Clause 3 &Part 9 Clause 2 & 4. Brief Procedure of work to be written by each group. Format for data acquisition to be prepared by the group. The process of all the experiment activities and data acquisition must be recorded clearly


Technical data, analysis, video tape and report to be submitted by each group.


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