Lab Exercise in Ms Exel

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MBA 2011-12 I Semester Data Processing Practical Exercise

Exercise I  –  Windows Operating System  –  File System Do the following operations 1.  Create a file folder in your name in E drive 2.  Create directory structure as follows




3.  Under the above directory directory structure create subdirectories subdirectories as follows follows 4. 

5.  6.  7. 

Budget->Excel, Power Point, Forcast General -> HRIS,Sales,Word Create the following files in respective directories using notepad editor  Budget – part.doc, item HRIS – recruit.cob, timeschedule.bas Sales – cash.dat,bill.pas,invoice.for  Word – letter.doc,memo.doc Create the following files in respective directories using wordpad editor  Excel – salary.xls, allowance.xls PowerPoint – show.ppt, introduction.ppt Display the tree structure of the directory Create your bio-data(one page) in MS-WORD and save that in the folder WORD under the name biodata.doc

8.  Create a document containing following in note pad and save that in the folder  Forcast under the name asianpaints


  Asian Paints Ltd. was established in 1942. More than half a century down the lane, today Asian Paints is India's leading paint company. The name Asian Paints itself is used as a synonym to home painting solutions. Asian Paints enjoys the maximum paints market share in India since 1868. In Asia, Asian Paints holds the third position and it is only going to get higher. The global operations of Asian Paints are taken care of by their subsidiaries Berger International Limited, Apco Coatings, SCIB Paints and Taubmans. Asian Paints along with PPG Inc, USA is one of the leading manufacturers of automotive coatings in the world. Industrial coatings market is catered to by Asian Paints Industrial Coatings Limited. To touch the realm of powder coatings, Asian Paints Industrial Coatings Limited has reached a tie-up with Protech Chemicals that is a world giant in powder coatings. An online color visualizer can help you in selecting the shade for each room or wall in your home or office. Care should be taken in the pre-painting works like masonry work, crack filing, waterproofing etc. and then preparing the surface to be painted for instance the interior walls to be painted need to be made smooth by application of Plaster of Paris (POP) or putty. Then comes the painting job where the common problems like sagging, dripping, blocking etc. should be taken care of. The post-painting jobs include regular cleaning and scrubbing of the painted surface. Asian Paints have applied a key marketing strategy, flooding the leading media channels with their ads and marketing campaigns. Asian Paints have left the competitor brands way behind in not just the market share but also the recognition factor. They have a countrywide network of  dealers and retail shops making their  painting solutions products available to you in the easiest possible manner.

9.  Copy the content of asianpaints created in previous question into the Word pad file paints file  paints and store that in the folder  Budget.  Budget. 10. Copy the file cash.dat in sales to purchase folder  11. Copy all files in HRIS to PAY folder  12. Remove the file invoice.for from sales 13. Rename the file asianpaints in Forcast to paintsasia to paintsasia 14. Rename the directory EXCEL into WorkSheet  WorkSheet   15. Verify the directory removal by displaying the tree structure  structure   16. Remove all files from Budget Directory  Directory   17. Make a new folder named “Production” under “General” and copy all files from WORD into this directory.  directory.  

II Practical Exercises Using Excel 1.  Using simple formulas. 1.The following data of ABC company are available Year Sales Cost of goods sold

2008 500,000 275,000

2009 650,000 310,000

2010 750,000 410,000






Create a worksheet in Ms-Excel to calculate the following:a)  Gross profit = Sales-cost of goods sold  b)   Net Income= Gross profit-Expenses c)  Percentage of net income compared to the sales in each year  2.  The total amount of business carried out by b y the four regions of City Bank for each

month in the first half of year 2010 is available. av ailable. Design a worksheet contains some arbitrary data to find the following:a)  Total business for each zone for the year   b)  Total business of all zones for each month c)  Average monthly business of each zone.

3.  A financial Institution wants to fix the number of years they want to issue loan for 10 of  their deposits by calculating simple interest for first 5 years. They will fix the least number of years in which the deposit will become 10% more than the initial deposit. Prepare a table that contains the new principal amounts at the end of all five years which will help the institution to choose the best year. (Formula for Simple Interest is I = PNR)

 No  Principal 

1 2

50000 10000

1%Principal 2%Principal 3%Principal 4%Principal 5%Principal -





4.  The sales figure for 10 commodities for 4 salesman are are available in a table shown  below. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Commodity No A B C D Average Sales(Commodity Sales(Commodit y wise) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------………….. ………. ………  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Average Sales Average Sales (Salesman wise) (Total) ======================================================== You are asked to find out how far each sales figure deviated from i)  Commodity wise average ii)  Sales man wise average iii)  Average Sales

5.  A table containing age and number of number of people in a locality as follows. Prepare less than cumulative frequency and greater than cumulative frequency.

Class 0-10 11-20

No of People 100 200

cumulative Frequency


21-30 400 31-40 150 Above 40 140 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Using Simple Formula

6. An Employee pay roll contains co ntains details such as Emp No, Name, Designation(Manager, Accountant, Clerk, Assistant) ,Department (Sales, Purchase, Accounts), Basic Pay, DA, HRA, LIC, PF, Gross Pay, Deductions, Net Pay. The evaluations are under  Basic pay < 3500 3501-4500 4501-7000 7001-12000 >12000

DA 30% 27% 25% 22% 17%

HRA 10% 8% 8% 8% 8%

The deductions are LIC(Rs 500 for manager, Rs 200 for Accountant and cl clerk, erk, Rs 100 for  last grade), PF(20% for Basic Pay for Manger, 10 1 0 % basic pay for others) Gross Pay = Basic Pay+DA+HRA  Net Pay = Gross Pay - deductins

7 The amount of sales achieved achiev ed by 10 sales representatives of a compa company ny for three different types of product are available. The sales figures ranging from 5000 to 1 lakhs. Calculate commissions payable for each type of products p roducts as given below:Less than

Rs 100,000 1-2 lakhs

10% 11%

2-3 lakhs 12% above 3 lakhs 13% An incentive of 10% of grand total sales amount will be given to each sales person if  grand total of commission exceeds 2 lakhs. Find the total earning of each sales person and categorize the sales person as below. Total Earnings > 10 lakhs >=8 and < 10 lakhs >=5 and < 8 lakhs

Category Gold Winner  Silver Winner  Brass Winner 


8 Create a work sheet contains the share values of 5 companies namely WIPRO, INFOSIS, ORACLE, IBM, TCS for one month using RAND() function assume that the share values ranging from 1 to 99. (a) Using functions find the following for all the 4 weeks separately. sep arately. i)  ii)  iii)  iv)  v) 

 No of share values in the range Maximum Share Value Minimum Share value Average Share value Variance of Share value

(b)  Also find these figures for the entire month. © Transfer each weeks figures including share values to separate sheets in the work book  st nd rd th and rename the sheets as 1 week, 2 week, 3 week , 4 week. 9. Design a spreadsheet to calculate the income tax of an individual based on the following rules:Standard deduction Rs 50,000 Deduction for LIC savings upto a Maximum amount of 80,000 Rebate to senior citizens Additional Rebate to senior ladies Donations to national Emergency fund Taxable income 50000-60000 60001-100000 100,000-300,000 above 300,000 surcharge-

10% of the amount Rs 15000 Rs 5000 Full amount donated Tax rate 10% 15% 20% 30%


10. A Bank offers a monthly monthl y recurring deposit scheme in which Depositors can make deposits in multiples of Rs 1000. A compound interest at the rate of 8% will be given (compounded half-yearly). The term of deposit 5 years. Prepare a table showing the total amount payable at the end of the term for monthly amounts of Rs.1000/- to Rs.10000/- in steps of Rs 1000/-

III Data Base Manipulation Manipulation (Using SOR SORT, T, Filter, Subt Subtotal otal ) 11. Refer the Work sheet made in Exercise 3. Do the following operations (a)  Sort the Employee data and place each list in separate sheets. I.  Alphabetical order of name II.   Name Z to A order 


III.  IV.  V.  VI.  VII. 

Decreasing order of Basic Pay Increasing order of Net Pay Group based on department Group based on department and within that on designation Group based on department within that on designation and within that in the descending order of Net Pay (b)  Auto Filter to find the following I.  To list all rows in the range II.  To get only Managers data III.  To get Mangers or Accountants data IV.  Employees having more than 5000 as basic pay V.  Getting Net pay between 10000 and 20000 VI.  Those working in Sales Department only (c) Advanced filter to make the output in separate sheets.


I To get only Assistants data II. Employees having more than 5000 as DA III. Those working in Accounts and Purchase P urchase Departments only Subtotal based on I.  Department with total of Net pay II.  Designation with one getting maximum Net pay III.  Counting how many employees in each department

12. The marks obtained for five subjects by students in an examination are given. The  pass mark in each subject is 40 and a maximum mark is 100. Grades are awarded as given below. Total marks 350

Grade D C B A

a) Design a spreadsheet to find the grade obtained by each student.  b) Prepare a rank list of students. Based on total score c) The pass mark in each subject is 40. Find out the following following results using a worksheet. a)  Percentage of pass  b)  Percentage of students who got 60% or above marks c)  Percentage of students who failed in one subject d)  Percentage of students who failed in all subjects e)  The marks to be given as moderation to increase the pass percentage  by 10%. f)  The number of students who will pass by b y giving 10 marks moderation in any one subject



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