LAB EXER 1 (Crop Scie Lab)

August 30, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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FUOS VFHJIFJ ==3: Srmfthfjs od Frop Sroaufthoi Jxjrfhsj Io. = Vhtj Vj`jfthoi dor Frops Imbj> Krhsthij Noy B. Jsphiozm Vjfthoi>5-=


=. Jvm`umtj your dmrb/emfkymra lmraji ey dh``hil up tgj sjfoia fo`ubi od Qme`j =m (Vhtj jvm`umthoi sgjjt) ushil hidorbmthoi oetmhija tgroulg stjps 5-1 ej`ow. 5. Ljt tgj f`hbmthf amtm drob tgj wjeshtj od SMLMVM wjmtgjr stmthoi hi your `ofm`hty. Vubbmrhzj tgj f`hbmthf amtm mia wrhtj tgjsj hi tgj mpproprhmtj eox uiajr tgj fo`ubi Vhtj Fgmrmftjrhsthf. 6. Ljt tgj amtm oi`hij dor soh` pgyshfm` propjrthjs. Hd tgj amtm hs iot mvmh`me`j oi`hij, you wh`` ao tgj ‐Djj` mia Uo``‒ bjtgoa to ajtjrbhij tgj soh` tjxturj hi yo your ur mr mrj jm. \rht rhtj tg tgjs jsj j hi tg tgj j mp mppr prop oprh rhmt mtj j eo eoxx ui uiaj ajrr tgj tgj fo`u fo`ubi bi Vhtj Fgmrmftjrhsthf. 1. Emsja oi oesjrvmthoi mia rjsjmrfg, erhjd`y ajsfrhej tgj shtj ms to topolrmpgy, mffjssheh`hty, sofho-jfoiobhf foiahthoi, mia dmfh`hthjs, mia otgjr mbjihthjs. \rhtj your ajsfrhpthoi hi tgj mpproprhmtj eox uiajr tgj fo`ubi Vhtj Fgmrmftjrhsthf. UJVZ@QV/OEVJUTMQHOIV Qme`j =m. Vhtj jvm`umthoi sgjjt ia,

@ofmthoi> ^oij 4, Erly. Memr 5  Vmi Nosj Fhty, Iujvm Jhnm Srjvhous Frops> Sm`my Jxhsthil Frops> Oihois Dmftor  M. F`hbmtj =. rm rmhidm``

Vhtj Ajsfrhpthoi

@hlgt/gjmvy rmhi

 Mssjssbjit/ Ujfobbjiamthoi

Vj`aob `hlgt rmhidm`` hs looa(kiowhil tgmt ht hs m ary sjmsoi frops), Eut gjmvy rmhi fmi ambmlj tgj oihoi frops.



5. tjbpjrmturj


Qgj oihois mrj ejst suhtja hi iot jxtrjbj`y got or fo`a tjbpjrmturj, dor tgj looa bmturmthoi mia lrowtg. (suhtme`j)

6. rj rj`mthvj gubhahty

4 ______Amufus fmrotm vmr. smthvus_   M. F`hbmthf rjquhrjbjits od tgj msshlija frop Umhidm``


@hlgt rmhi ejfmusj gjmvy rmhi fmi wmsg mwmy tgj soh` drob fmrrot roots (bhihbub od =hifg wmtjr pjr wjjk)

Ihlgt tjbpjrmturjs od :: ajlrjjs Dmgrjigjht, Amy tjbpjrmturjs od   Ey aoh aohil il tgh tghss mft mfthvh hvhty, ty, H `jm `jmrij rija a tgm tgmtt ajt ajtjrb jrbhih hihil il tgj shtj shtj ajs ajsfrh frhpth pthoi, oi, jspjfhm``y jspj fhm``y tgj f`hbmt f`hbmtj j mia soh` fgmrmftjrh fgmrmftjrhsthf sthfss mrj jssj jssjithm` ithm` hi fropp fropphil/p` hil/p`mithil mithil.. Ht gms m`so sobjtghil to ao hi ajfhahil wgmt khia od frops you wh`` fu`thvmtj. Hi sgort, tgj khia od mrjm `ofmthoi hs m ehl dmftor hi p`mithil. Ejfmusj frops bmy ej suhtme`j/iot suhtme`j hi m pmrthfu`mr shtj ajsfrhpthoi (f`hbmtj, soh`, topolrmpgy, mffjssheh`hty….). Ejfmusj hi jmfg frop, tgjrj‘s m f`hbmthf, mia soh` rjquhrjbjits tgmt sgou`a ej mfquhrja dor tgj hajm` frops to gmrvjst. Nust dor jxmbp`j tgj fmrrots, Ht hs iot suhtme`j hi our shtj ejfmusj tghs hs foo` sjmsoi frops, ms wj fmi iothfj tgj bost p`mitmthoi od fmrrots `ofmtja hi ghlg mrjm `hkj hi Ejilujt, Iujvm  Thzfmym mia otgjr p`mfjs wgjrj ht hs suhtme`j. suhtme`j.  Ms mi Mlrheushijss stuajit, H rjfobbjia to jvjry dmb dmbjrs jrs mia to jvjryoij wgo wmits to ao p`mithil, tgmt ht hs rjm``y hbportmit to ejfobj wj``-hidorbja mia kiow`jaljme` kiow`j aljme`j j meout tgj frop lrowh lrowhil il rjquhrj rjquhrjbjits bjits mia sj`jf sj`jfthil thil m looa shtj dor tgjhr frops. Mttjiahil to sjbhimrs mia otgjr prolrmb hs m looa hajm, to lmhi borj hidorbmthoi tgmt wh`` gj`p hi p`mithil. Gmvhil majqumtj kiow`jalj hs m kjy dmftor to mttmhi m ajshrme`j qum`hty od tgj fgosji frops you wmit to fu`thvmtj.

Ujdjrjifjs  Mlusthi, B. E. mia N. L. Fmimrj Nr. 5334. Vhtj V Vj`jfthoi. j`jfthoi. Mi mrthf`j wrhttji dor tgj `jftur `jf turj j hi Fro Frop p Vfh Vfhjif jifj j =3:. Ajpmr Ajpmrtbj tbjit it od Fro Frop p Vfh Vfhjif jifj, j, Fo``jl Fo``jlj j od   Mlrhfu`turj, F@VZ, Vfhjifj Fhty od Buýoz, Iujvm Jfhnm. Emrjnm, E.L. 53==.Qgj Bmnor Dmftors to Foishajr hi Frop sj`jfthoi. Ujtrhjvja oi  Mprh` =3, 53=5 drob www.fropsrjvhjw.fob Emuthst Emut hstm, m, O.K. jt m`. =881. Hit Hitroa roauft ufthoi hoi to Qro Qrophf phfm` m` Gor Gorthf thfu`t u`turj urj.. VJM VJMBJO BJO VJMUFM mia ZS@E Fo``jlj od Mlrhfu`turj, Fo``jlj, @mluim.



Fmimrj, N.L. Vhtj Fgmrmftjrhzmthoi dor Frop Sroaufthoi. Sowjrpohit prjsjitmthoi. Fo``jlj od Mlrhfu`turj, F@VZ, Vfhjifj Fhty od Buioz, Iujvm Jfhnm Foroij For oij`, `, U. U.J. J. =8 =874. 74. Sro Srobhs bhshil hil D Druh ruhts ts od ttgj gj Sg Sgh`h h`hpph pphijs ijs..  Mlrhfu`turj, Fo``jlj, @mluim.

ZS@ ZS@E E Fo` Fo``jl `jlj j od 

Ajutjr Aju tjr,,prSjt Sjtjr Njrry @ov 533
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