Lab 6

February 13, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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 Name: Brandon Sookdeo Date: 12/12/13 Title: Volume and Temperature P&D Hypothesis: It is predicted that the aera!e temperature o" the #arth $ill increase % a

"e$ de!rees oer the ne't hundred ears( )ne conse*uence o" this is that sea leels $ill rise due to: 1+ ,eltin ,eltin! ! o" the the -nta -ntarct rctic ic ice ice cap cap 2+ #'pansi #'pansion on o" $ater $ater in in the oceans oceans In order "or scientists to make an kind o" estimate o" ho$ much the leels $ill rise. it is necessar to kno$ ho$ much e'pansion $ill occur "or a !ien rise o" temperature( Aim: Desi!n a la%orator e'periment to inesti!ate ho$ the olume o" a !ien amount o" 

$ater chan!es $ith temperature( Apparatus and Materials

• • • • • • • • •

Top pan %alance ,icrometer scre$ !au!e ,eter ule ,easurin! clinder  0ater Bath ,ercur in !lass thermometer  lass lask  lass apillar Tu%e Stopper 



 Name: Brandon Sookdeo

i!ure 1 sho$in! the setup o" apparatus to determine ho$ the olume o" a !ien amount o" $ater chan!es $ith temperature( Theory: -s su!!ested in the aim. this e'periment $ill attempt to sho$ a relationship

 %et$een olume and temperature and in "act there is one( - certain olume o" $ater is directl proportional to its temperature( This is true oer most temperature ran!es. e'cept  %elo$ 4o $here $ater %e!ins to take up more space 5%ecome less dense+ instead o" "ollo$in! the common trend 5"rom 166  o to 4 o+ to take up less space 5%ecome 5%eco me more dense+( This is $h ice can "loat on $ater. $a ter. %ecause it is less dense( In the temperature ran!e 4o to 166o the kinetic ener! o" the $ater particles increases !raduall causin! their relatie distances to each other oth er to increase. thus increasin! the


 Name: Brandon Sookdeo olume o" the $ater( It should also %e noted that increasin! kinetic ener! o" the $ater  particles as a result o" an increase in temperature causin! heat trans"er( trans"er(


1( 7se microsc microscope ope $ith $ith scale to to determine determine diameter diameter o" capillar capillar tu%e( tu%e( 2( ind and record record the $ei!ht $ei!ht o" the the empt !lass !lass "lask "lask and capillar capillar tu%e tu%e usin! usin! the top pan %alance( 3( ill the the "lask complet completel el $ith $ith $ater and and insert insert stopper stopper and capillar capillar tu%e( tu%e( 4( ind and record record the the $ei!ht $ei!ht o" the the apparatus apparatus a!ain a!ain usin! usin! top %alance( %alance( 8( Place !lass !lass "lask "lask into into $ater %ath %ath at room tempera temperature ture 5measur 5measuree $ith the thermometer+( 9( eat $ater $ater %ath $ith $ith Bunsen Bunsen %urner to a temperature temperature a couple couple de!rees de!rees hi!her. hi!her. $hile simultaneousl stirrin! $ater $ith !lass rod(

;( Turn Turn o"" the Bunsen Bunsen %urner %urner and and *uickl *uickl record record temper temperature ature T1. and the correspondin! hei!ht. h1 o" the $ater in the capillar c apillar tu%e "rom its initial hei!ht( mass o" apparatus $ithout $ater 

Volume o" $ater = mass o" $ater 5"ound a%oe+ / densit o" $ater 51666k!m ?3+


 Name: Brandon Sookdeo 2( alculate alculate olumes olumes o" $ater. $ater. V. corres correspondin pondin! ! to hei!hts. hei!hts. h( ind radius. r. o" capillar tu%e % halin! the diameter "ound usin! the micrometer scre$ !au!e( 7se "ormula V = @r 2h and use the alue o" r "ound a%oe and the arin! alues o" h to calculate alues "or V( V( 3( Plot !raph !raph o" Vo Volume 5?a'is 5?a'is++ s Tem Temperatu perature re 5'?a'is+ 5'?a'is+ - strai!ht strai!ht line $ith a positie !radient should %e plotted(


The $ater in the %ath is stirred durin! hearin! to ensure that the $ater is uni"orml heated(


DonAt heat the $ater to temperature close to 166  o due to steam pro%lems(


The capillar tu%e that is used is to %e er narro$ to allo$ "or the %est reada%le hei!hts(


eat loss can take place in the time it takes to transition "rom steps 9 to ; causin! inaccurate results(


 Name: Brandon Sookdeo •

or some temperature chan!es the correspondin! olume chan!e mi!ht %e too sli!ht to %e read accuratel(

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