La Sucesión Intestada en Nicaragua
March 14, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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H@ Y^INYGÙB GBTNYT@D@ NB BGI@\@C^@ Zer; OYi. Nrbnste Nrbnste \`o \`oùb ùb Beve` Q` Q`hdgvg` hdgvg`0 \NY^ONB;; H` suinsgùb gbtnst`d` \NY^ONB gbtnst`d` surcn ` a`ht a`ht`` dn h` vehubt`d nxprns` nxprns` dnh i`us`btn, qun be au aunn
ph`so`d` nb ub tnst`onbt tnst`onbte, e, ns h` hny per ondge dn sus kudgig`hn kudgig`hnss qugnbns sn nbi`rc`b dn h` dgstrgluigùb dn h` o`s` fnrndgt`rg`. Nh Iùdgce Igvgh nst`lhnin qugnbns seb hes sukntes qun pundnb snr hh`o`des ` h` suinsgùb y ns per nhhe qun surcn bnins`rge f`inr ub `bàhgsgs ` i`d` ube dn nstes. Nh Iùdgce Igvgh, nb su `rte. 0::: onbigeb` qun; ‘Nb h` suinsgùb gbtnst`d` be sn `tgnbdn bg `h snxe bg ` h` prgoecnbgtur`‟, y` qun tedes seoes gcu`hns `btn h` hny y be nxgstn dgsirgogb`igùb dgsirgogb`i gùb `hcub`, nst`lhnigde nste nb h` Iebstgtuigùb Zehïtgi` dn Bgi`r`cu`. Nst` suinsgùb ns iebeigd` ieoe h` suinsgùb hnc`h, punste qun h` hny, ` pntgigùb dn p`rtn, ns qugnb eterc` nh tïtuhe dn fnrndnre y `pnc`de ` Dnrnife nbtrnc` hes lgnbns ` qugçb hn ierrnspebdn, `inpt`bde y `i`t`bde nh hh`o`ognbte qun nst`lhnin nh Iùdgce Igvgh, `sï ogsoe o`bganst`bde qun hes oàs prùxgoes nxihuynb ` hes oàs hnk`bes y o`btnbgnbde o`btnbgnbde nb i`d` erdnb h` iu`rt` iebyuc`h qun hn ierrnspebdn ` h` nspes`, `ub nst`bde nb ubgùb dn fnife nst`lhn. Nh Iùdgce dn A`oghg` o`bgagnst` nb su `rte. 36 y sulsgcugnbtns h` dnagbgigùb dn he qun ns h` ubgùb dn fnife nst`lhn, ` he iu`h fey nb dï` nst` ubgùb snrà iebsgdnr`d` hnc`h nb tedes hes àolgtes, per he t`bte nb ub` suinsgùb gbtnst`d` sgnoprn tgnbn qun rnspnt`rsn nh dnrnife p`r` `dqugrgr su perigùb dn h` fnrnbig` nh iùbyucn selrnvgvgnbtn. Z@H@L\@Y Z@H@L\@ Y IH@QNY;
dn iukus, iukus, suinsgùb suinsgùb gbtn gbtnst`d st`d`, `, tnst tnst`onb `onbte, te, fnrnbig` fnrnbig`,, i`us i`us`btn `btn,, hgtg hgtgs, s,
dno`bd`, iebstgtuigùb pehïtgi`, iùdgce igvgh, preins`h igvgh, suinsgeb gbtnst`d`, `l gbtnst`te, hnc`h, hnc `h, ieh ieh`tn `tnr`h r`hns, ns, `si `sinbd nbdgnb gnbtns tns,, dn dnsin sinbdg bdgnbt nbtns, ns, hïb hïbn` n` rnit`, rnit`, iùbyu iùbyucn, cn, iùd iùdgce gce dn a`oghg a`oghg`, `, rnpudg`igùb, `inpt`igùb, p`rtgigùb kudgig`h, p`rtgigùb nxtr`kudgig`h nti… @LYT\@IT; @LYT\@I T; Gbtnst`tn
suiinssge suiinssgebb `rgsns gb tfn `lsnbin ea tfn nxprnss wghh ea tfn dnin`snd,
wfgif w`s bet noledgnd gb ` wghh, gt gs tfn h`w tfreucf gts kudgig`h eaaginrs wfe `rn rnspebsglhn aer tfn dgstrglutgeb dgstrglutgeb ea tfn nst`tn. Tfn Igvgh Iedn nst`lhgsf nst`lhgsfns ns wfe `rn tfn sulknits tf`t i`b ln i`hhnd te tfn suiinssgeb `bd tf`t gs wfy gt gs bninss`ry te o`mn `b `b`hysgs te n`if ea tfnsn. Tfn Igvgh Iedn, gb gts `rt. 0::: onbtgebs tf`t; ‘Gb gbtnst`tn suiinssgeb, bngtfnr snx ber lgrtfrgcft gs 0
O`nstrï` nb Nbnrcï` \nbev`lhn y Ondge @olgnbtn per h` ^B@B-Hnùb, pestcr`de nb Cnstgùb Noprns`rg`h y Tnibehecï`, ^BG O`b`cu`, Gbcnbgnre Nhnitrùbgie ^BG-O`b`cu`, Hginbig`tur` nb Dnrnife per h` ^B@B-Hnùb. ^B @B-Hnùb. I`tndràtgie I`tndràtg ie per qugbin `ðes `ðe s nb dganrnbtns ubgvnrsgd`dns dn Bgi`r`cu`. 0
`ttnbdnd te,‟ sgbin wn `rn `hh nqu`h lnaern tfn h`w `bd tfnrn gs be dgsirgogb`tgeb, dgsirgogb`tgeb, `s nst`lhgsfn nst`lhgsfnd d gb tfn Zehgtgi`h Iebstgtutgeb ea Bgi`r`cu`. Tfgs suiinssgeb gs mbewb `s tfn hnc`h suiinssgeb, sgbin tfn h`w, `t tfn rnqunst ea tfn p`rty, gs tfn ebn wfe cr`bts tfn tgthn ea fngr `bd `tt`ifnd te tfn h`w dnhgvnrs tfn ceeds te wfeo gt lnhebcs, `iinptgb `iinptgbcc `bd `lgdgbc ly tfn i`hh tf`t nst`lhgsfns tfn Igvgh Iedn, se Fn s`gd tf`t tfn ihesnst nxihudn tfn oest dgst`bt `bd o`gbt`gbgbc gb n`if erdnr tfn aeurtf speusn tf`t ierrnspebds te tfn wgan, nvnb lngbc gb ` st`lhn ubgeb. Tfn A`oghy Iedn o`bgansts gb gts `rtgihn. 36 `bd sulsnqunbt dnagbgtgeb ea wf`t gs tfn ubgeb gb a`it st`lhn, te wfgif ted`y tfgs ubgeb wghh ln iebsgdnrnd hnc`h gb `hh `rn`s, tfnrnaern gb `b gbtnst`tn suiinssgeb tfn rgcft te `iqugrn gts pertgeb ea tfn prepnrty oust `hw`ys ln rnspnitnd. gbfnrgt`bin tfn survgvgbc speusn. speusn. MNW SE\DY; ea iukus,
gbtnst`tn suiinssgeb, tnst`onbt, gbfnrgt`bin, i`usnr, hgtgc`tgeb, dno`bd,
pehgtgi`h iebstgtutgeb, iebstgtutgeb, igvgh iedn, igvgh preindurn preindurn,, gbtnst`tn suiinssgeb suiinssgeb,, `l gbtnst`tn, hnc`h, iehh`tnr`h, `sinbd`bts, dnsinbd`bts, str`gcft hgbn, speusn, a`oghy iedn, rnpudg`tgeb, `iinpt`bin, kudgig`h p`rtgtgeb, p`rtgtgeb, nxtr`ku nxtr`kudgig`h dgig`h p`rtgtgeb p`rtgtgeb nti ... Y^O@\GE; G.-
GBT\ED^ GBT\ED^IIGÙB. IIGÙB. 0.< Nvehuigùb fgstùrgi` y `btnindn `btnindnbtn btn dn h` suinsgùb
gbtnst`d` nb Bgi`r`cu`. GG.- H@ AGC^\@ DN H@ Y^INYGÙB GBTNYT@D@.
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