Fo ainilel cugof ghdilezo le fhs pridlrhs dlsls kl fo viko, glpiffoekh fhs kiletls klf clcl klskl qul lsths oporlgle le fo chgo, sie posto kletof, usoekh glpiffhs g lpiffhs oprhpiokhs o su lkok. [hkos fos plrsheos klcle glpifforsl fhs kiletls klspués kl goko ghdiko. Lsto hplrogi÷e klcl rlofizorsl ufizoekh lf glpiffh y fo posto iekigokhs phr lf hkhet÷fhnh, slnúe fo lkok y lf lstokh cugof kl goko ueh.
c - Risitl o su hkhet÷fhnh plri÷kigodletl
Fos gorils y poroklegihpoos she leblrdlkokls prlvleicfls y rlvlrsicfls si sl kionehsgoe y trotoe tldproeodletl. Wl klcl ghesuftor of hkhet÷fhnh rlnufordletl, phr fh dlehs khs vlgls of oÿh.
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