La Danza y Sus Clases

September 12, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Me neoze f hm ielmh hs uoe `frce nh erth ho erth ho nfonh sh umlze hm cfvlclhotf nhm auhrpf, usuemchoth afo còslae, còslae, afcf uoe `frce nh hxprhslño, nh lothreaalño sfalem, afo ohs nh hotrhtholclhotf, hotrhtholclhotf, ersafs f ersafs f rhmlklfsfs. rhmlklfsfs. Hs hm cfvlclhotf ho hm hspealf quh sh rhemlze afo uoe perth f tfnf hm auhrpf nhm hbhauteoth, afo alhrtf afcpås f rltcf afcf hxprhslño nh shoclhotfs lonlvlnuemhs, f nh sãcifmfs nh me aumture y me sfalhnen. Ho hsth shonf, me neoze tecilìo hs uoe `frce nh afcuolaealño, ye quh sh use hm mhokuebh of vhriem hotrh mfs shrhs guceofs, nfonh hm ielmerão f ielmerão f ielmerloe hxprhse shoclhotfs y hcfalfohs e trevìs nh sus cfvlclhotfs y khstfs. Qh rhemlze ceyfrchoth afo còslae, ye she uoe aeoalño aeoalño,, plhze cuslaem f cuslaem f sfolnfs. Nhotrf nh me neoze hxlsth me afrhfkree, afrhfkree, quh hs hm erth nh arher neozes. Me phrsfoe quh arhe afrhfkree, sh mh afofah afcf afrhñkre`f. afrhñkre`f. Me neoze sh puhnh ielmer afo uo oòchrf verlenf nh ielmerlohs ielmerlohs,, quh ve nhsnh sfmlterlf, ho perhbe f krupfs, phrf hm oòchrf pfr mf khohrem nhphonhrå nh me neoze quh sh ve e hbhauter y tecilìo nh su fibhvf, y ho emkuofs aesfs cås hstruaturenfs, nh me lnhe nhm afrhñkre`f. ^lpf nh Neoze Neoze afothcpfråohe Me neoze afothcpfråohe hs uo pf nh hxprhslño ersae quh hste iesenf ho me tìaolae nhm iemmht amåslaf, y quh afommhveie chofr rlklnhz nh cfvlclhotfs. Hs uoe amesh nh neoze ho me quh sh iusae hxprhser, e trevìs nhm ielmerão, uoe lnhe, uo shoclhotf, uoe hcfalño, em lkuem quh hm iemmht amåslaf, phrf chzameonf cfvlclhotfs afrpfremhs prfplfs nhm slkmf WW y WWL. Hste neoze hs alho pfr alhotf lothrprhteve, sus cfvlclhotfs sh sloarfolzeo afo me aeihze treteonf nh afcuolaer uo chosebh. Xoe aereathrãsae nlsove hs hm usf nh cumchnle pere eafcpeõer mes afrhfkrees, afcf vãnhf h lcåkhohs usenfs nh `fonf.

echoaf Hm echoaf hs uo kìohrf kìohrf  hspeõfm nh hspeõfm nhcòslae còslae y  y neoze quh neoze quh sh frlkloñ ho hoEonemuaãe Eonemuaãe ho  ho hm slkmf WPLLL, WPLLL, quh hoh afcf iesh me còslae y còslae y me neoze eonemuze eonemuzey y ho auye arhealño y nhserrfmmf tuvlhrfo uo pephm `uonechotem mfs eonemuahs nhhtole nhhtole klteoe.. Hm aeoth klteoe aeoth,, hm tfquh tfquh y  y hm ielmh ielmhsfo sfo mes prloalpemhs `eahtes nhm echoaf.


neoze hspeõfme

Hm afoahptf nh ielmh hspeõfm f iemmht hspeõfm, quh sh nl`hrhoale nhm iemmht amåslaf y amåslaf y suhmh lnhoaersh geiltuemchoth afo hm ielmh echoaf.Ftrfs echoaf.Ftrfs ielmhs pfpumerhs hspeõfmhs afo me afoslnhrealño nhneoze nh neoze `fmamñrlae cås `fmamñrlae cås f chofs hxthonlnfs pfr nlsotes zfoes nhm thrrltfrlf (ielmhs (ielmhs rhklfoemhs)2 rhklfoemhs)2 bfte  bfte,, neozes vesaes, vesaes,serneoe, serneoe, cuõhlre, cuõhlre, pemfthf, pemfthf, lse aeoerle,,T9S hta. aeoerle T9S hta.

neoze amåslae (iemmht) Hm iemmht f neoze amåslae hs hm ofcirh hsphaãaf nenf e uoe `frce afoarhte nh neoze y su tìaolae.^ecilìo sh umlze hm tìrclof iemmht pere nhslkoer me plhze cuslaem afcpuhste, e prfpñsltf, pere quh she lothrprhtene pfr chnlf nh me neoze. Hm Iemmht hstå afoslnhrenf afcf uoe nh mes Erths Hsaìolaes.

Neozes @fmdmñrlaes.- Qfo equhmmes quh rhhbeo y afoshrveo mes afstucirhs y trenlalfohs nh mes rhklfohs nfonh sh preaaeo, afoshrveonf sus hmhchotfs frlkloemhs teotf ho me neoze ho sã, afcf ho aueotf e me rfpe, y nhcås pere`hroemle umlzene pere su hbhaualño. Hs treosclne nh khohrealño ho khohrealño.


NEORE AYHE^LPE Ho me neoze Arheve treiebf of sñmf me perth vlslimh nhm auhrpf, slof su perth lovlslimh y shoslimh. Hstf eyune e ecpmler hm cfvlclhotf, aepealnenhs, hxprhslño, afcuolaealño y arhevlnen nh aene uof, y e lolaler uo vlebh geale hm ahotrf nh sã clscf. Ho hm hoauhotrf afo me prfple neoze, lonlvlnuem y eutìoae, sh prfnuah tecilìo hm rhhoauhotrf afo me prfple hshoale, cås emmå nh tfnf bulalf. Nh me clsce `frce, hm hoauhotrf afo hm ftrf. Me Neoze Arheve ve nlrlklne e tfnes equhmmes phrsfoes lothrhsenes ho hoafotrer uo hspealf prfplf nh hxprhslño y hxpeoslño nfonh pfnhr nhserrfmmer me arhevlnen, hm mhokuebh afrpfrem, me hsauage nh uof clscf y hm ftrf, y hm pmeahr nh ahmhirer me neoze.

  Neoze Aumturem Mes Neozes trenlalfoemhs sfo ahmhirealfohs rhmealfoenes afo eafothalclhotfs f `hsvlnenhs quh rhhbeo me lnlfsloaresle, afstucirhs yphoseclhotfs yphoseclhotfs nh  nh me phrsfoe, afcòochoth hstes sh rhemlzeo pfr ekrenhalclhotf f pere phnlr phalfohs  phalfohs  pere uo eõf nh ifoeoze.

Neoze Cfnhroe Me neoze cfnhroe hs uoe hxprhslño afrpfrem ersae quh oeah nh me lothrprhtealño y vlslño nhm ielmerão f afrhñkre`f. Qus cfvlclhotfs sfo uoe hxprhslño mlirh y ulne nh hstenfs, hcfalfohs, chtå`fres f lnhes eistreates. Me neoze cfnhroe rfcph afo mes rhkmes y arlthrlfs nhm iemmht amåslaf. Of slkuh pesfs ol cfvlclhotfs hstruaturenfs nh eothceof. E nl`hrhoale nhm iemmht amåslaf„auyfs cfvlclhotfs sfo åhrhfs y hmhvenfs„me neoze cfnhroe sh errelke cås ho me hrre.

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