SPD2321 Chinese Civilization and Modern Consciousness from the West Lecture 4 Orientalism and Western Reresentations of the !Other" #nstructor$ Dr% &erence Leun'
Orientalism$ (n #ntroduction
)ints of readin' *d+ard Said,s !Orientalism"
&he main ar'uments aear in the first fe+ a'es of the articlethe rest are .ust ela/orations of the same ar'ument%
Man0 names mentioned in the tet are rimaril0 *uroean and (merican +riters e%'% ico is a 1th centur0 #talian historian and hilosoher- Disraeli is a 15th centur0 6ritish olitician- 7lau/ert is a 15th centur0 7rench novelist- Wallace Steven is a 28th centur0 (merican oet etc%
!Orientalism" 9 the Western studies of the Orient :the *ast to /e secific the Middle *ast the area of (ra/ians;- !Orientalist" 9 scholar :mostl0 a Westerner; +ho studies and secializes the *ast
; that$
1; !Orientalism" as an idea or ima'e is not is not identical to the Orient as realit0
2; Orientalism is a s0stem of reresentations and a field consistin' of man0 academic discilines includin' scholarl0 discover0 hilolo'ical reconstruction :i%e% comarative lin'uistics; s0cholo'ical anal0sis landscae and sociolo'ical descrition literar0 studies etc%
Orientalism$ (n #ntroduction
3; Orientalism has less to do with the Orient than it does +ith Western +orld 4; ?no+led'e is never ure and innocent or neutral% &he roduction of =no+led'e itself is o+er ractice% ?´1¨µ¶·。
1; Orientalism is to .ustif0 the *uroean sueriorit0 and domination over the Orient
2; MirrorBima'e$ the West needs an inferior other to constitute its o+n identit0
Orientalism$ (n #ntroduction
Wh0 Orientalism is si'nificant for the WestE
1; Orientalism is to .ustif0 the *uroean sueriorit0 and domination over the Orient
2; MirrorBima'e$ the West needs an inferior other to constitute its o+n identit0
Orientalism$ (n #ntroduction
*urocentrism ÕÖ中Ò¸ is the ractice of vie+in' the +orld from a European perspective and +ith an imlied /elief either consciousl0 or su/consciousl0 in the reeminence ýž of *uroean culture%
&he term +as coined in the 15>8s :/0 Samir (min; referrin' to the notion of *uroean ecetionalism Õ Ö „þ主義 a +orldvie+ centered on Western civilization as it had develoed durin' the hei'ht of the *uroean colonial emires since the *arl0 Modern eriod%
&he term /ecame revalent in the discourse durin' the 1558s for instance in the contet of decolonizat decolonization% ion%
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