L2 V4 02 Datapoints Configuration E 01

April 29, 2017 | Author: Rinda_Rayna | Category: N/A
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Datapoints Configuration PACiS Technical Training Level 2 CS&P – Support Team


• Content  SPS, DPS, MPS  MV, TPI, Counters  SPC, DPC, SetPoints  Datapoints Quality

Schneider Electric - CS&P – Datapoints Configuration – E01


• Content  SPS, DPS, MPS  MV, TPI, Counters  SPC, DPC, SetPoints  Datapoints Quality

Schneider Electric - CS&P – Datapoints Configuration – E01


• Typed / Generic xPS  TYPED DIGITAL INFORMATION It is an information which is representing a special input regarding the MiCOM C264 inner automations. Examples : - Switchgear Position DPS, Locking device status SPS, Bay Local/Remote DPS

 GENERIC INFORMATION It is a standard information which can be configured at any level. Examples : - Module xPS, Bay xPS, VoltageLevel xPS, Substation xPS (x=S,D,M)

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• Typed / Generic xPS  Mapping SPS It is an input which is produced by mapping to another DP. Each state of this DP is mapped and corresponds to a state of the mapping SPS.

 Day cyclic SPS It is a transient SPS which is triggered every day at fixed time. (accuracy of +/- 1 minute)(8 max per C264).

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• Add / Configure a SPS (1) 1) SPS can be added at Substation, Voltage Level, Bay, Module, ISaGRAF automation level in Electric hierarchy. Some SPS are System Info. 2) SPS attributes Short Name : SCE Key + appears in C264 local SOE

Long Name : appears in viewers + printers

Detection Mode : permanent : DI remains ON as far as signal is ON

Time tagging : done at starting/end of signal filtering

Persistence filtering : LHMI display :

SPS should remain valid “Set” or “Reset” during the configured timer

yes = SPS in state list (MSC)

Forcing Management : if FSS enabled, auto/manual force Schneider Electric - CS&P – Datapoints Configuration – E01


• Add / Configure a SPS (2) 3) SPS can be acquired by DIU/CCU board, IED. Some SPS are computed by C264 application (C264 automation, …) => Relations under a SPS

Has for IED address : SPS acquired by IED


Wired on : DI Channel SPS acquired by DIU/CCU board Schneider Electric - CS&P – Datapoints Configuration – E01


• Add / Configure a DPS (1) 1) DPS can be added at Substation, Voltage Level, Bay, Module, ISaGRAF automation level in Electric hierarchy. Some DPS are System Info. 2) DPS attributes Short Name : SCE Key + appears in C264 local SOE

Long Name : appears in viewers + printers

Time tagging : done at starting/end of motion

Motion & Persistence filtering :

LHMI display :

Motion : eliminate transients 00 and/or 11 motion states Persistence : DPS should remain valid “Open” or “Closed” during the configured timer

yes = DPS in state list (MSC)

Forcing Management : if FSS enabled, auto/manual force Schneider Electric - CS&P – Datapoints Configuration – E01


• Add / Configure a DPS (2) 3) DPS can be acquired by DIU/CCU board, IED. Some DPS are computed by C264 application (C264 automation, …) => Relations under a DPS Wired on : DPS acquired by 2 channels (“open” and “closed”) on DIU/CCU board

DPS computed from 2 SPS : DPS acquired using 2 SPS, 1 for “open” and 1 for “closed”

Has for IED address : DPS acquired by IED

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• Add / Configure a MPS (1) 1) MPS can be added at Substation, Voltage Level, Bay, Module, ISaGRAF automation level in Electric hierarchy. Some MPS are System Info. A MPS can have a maximum 16 valid states. 2) MPS attributes

Short Name : SCE Key + appears in C264 local SOE

Long Name : appears in viewers + printers

Motion & Persistence filtering : Motion : inhibition (cf. next slide) Persistence : MPS should remain in one valid state during the configured timer

LHMI display : yes = MPS in state list (MSC)

Forcing Management : if FSS enabled, auto/manual force

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• Add / Configure a MPS (2) Example : Change State with Filtering “all DI =0 “ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Before change state

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

During change all DI =0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

End of change state

Example : Change State with Filtering “all DI =1 “ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Schneider Electric - CS&P – Datapoints Configuration – E01

During change all DI =1


• Add / Configure a MPS (3) 3) MPS can be acquired by DIU/CCU board, IED. Some MPS are computed by C264 application (C264 automation, …) => Relations under a MPS Wired on : MPS acquired by a maximum of 16 channels on DIU/CCU boards

Has for IED address : MPS acquired by IED Schneider Electric - CS&P – Datapoints Configuration – E01


• Content  SPS, DPS, MPS  MV, TPI, Counters  SPC, DPC, SetPoints  Datapoints Quality

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• Add / Configure a MV (1) 1) MV can be added at Substation, Voltage Level, Bay, Module, ISaGRAF automation level in Electric hierarchy. Some MV are System Info. 2) MV attributes in General Tab Short Name : SCE Key + appears in C264 local SOE

Long Name : appears in viewers + printers

Analogue Type : Analogue (AI,CT/VT,IED) or Digital Measurement

Forcing Management : if FSS enabled, automatic force to a given value

LHMI display : yes = MV in measurements list (MSC)

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MV transmission : SBUS, LHMI


• Add / Configure a MV (2) 3) MV attributes in Value Features Tab

Minimum / Maximum Value : scaled values for SCADA and OI display + Full Scale definition

Thresholds definition : scaled values for LLL, LL, L, H, HH, HHH thresholds + hysteresis

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• Add / Configure a MV (3) 4) MV attributes in Scaling Tab

Scaling Low : Linear / Quadratic

Minimum / Maximum acquisition values : Scaling coefficients : scaled value = A1 x acq. Value + B1

Up to 20 segments

Additional segments : A2, B2 - A3, B3 - ... Schneider Electric - CS&P – Datapoints Configuration – E01

- if transducer 0/10 mA : min=0, max=10* - if transducer 4/20 mA : min=0, max=16* - if voltage of CT/VT with nominal ph-N = 57.7 V min=0, max=57.7* - if IED (T103 : min=0, max=1; Modbus : cf. IED documentation) … * schedule a max value = 120% of expected max max=12, max=20, max=70 ... (transducers can measure more and display overflow and undershoot measurements). 16

• Add / Configure a MV (4) 5) MV can be acquired by AIU/TMU/DIU/CCU board, IED. Some MV are computed by C264 application (C264 automation, …) => Relations under a MV Wired on DI Channels : Digital Measurements acquired by a maximum of 64 channels on DIU/CCU boards

Has for IED address : MV acquired by IED

Computed by CT/VT board : relation to be configured

Wired on AI Channel : Channel to be configured (cf. next slide) Schneider Electric - CS&P – Datapoints Configuration – E01


• Add / Configure a MV (5) 6) AI Board channel configuration Transducer range :

Scanning acquisition period : cf. C264 configuration, Measurements tab

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• Add / Configure a TPI (1) 1) TPI can ONLY be added under a Tap Changer object belonging to a Transformer module. => Add / Configure a Tap Changer object : Built-in function : Tap Changer

Min TAP, Max TAP

Execution timeout : Time allowed for Tap Changing

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• Add / Configure a TPI (2) 2) TPI attributes : 2.1) General Tab

TPI type : - Analogue Tap Position acquired by AIU or IED, - Coded Digital Measurement (1/N, decimal, gray, BCD) acquired by DIU

Note : Tabs are not the same - Value Features is common to Analogue and Digital TPI - Scaling & Tap Position for Analogue - Tap Position for Digital Schneider Electric - CS&P – Datapoints Configuration – E01


• Add / Configure a TPI (3) 2) TPI attributes : 2.2) Value Features Tab

Minimum / Maximum Value : Should comply with Tap Changer object configuration

Thresholds definition : scaled values for LLL, LL, L, H, HH, HHH thresholds

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• Add / Configure a TPI (4) 2) TPI attributes : 2.3) Scaling Tab (for Analogue TPI only) Minimum / Maximum Acquisition Value : Same as for a MV

2.4) Tap Position Tab For Analogue TPI : filtering => transient “intertap” filtering current valid range => gives validity DC input range for each tap

For Digital TPI : filtering => signal validation inhibition => transient “intertap” filtering

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• Add / Configure a TPI (5) 3) TPI can be acquired by AIU/DIU/CCU board, IED. => Relations under a TPI

Wired on DI Channels : Digital TPI acquired by a maximum of 64 channels on DIU/CCU boards

Has for IED address : TPI acquired by IED

Wired on AI Channel : Channel to be configured

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• Add / Configure a Counter (1) 1) Counter can be added at Substation, Voltage Level, Bay, Module, ISaGRAF automation level in Electric hierarchy. 2) Counter attributes in General Tab Short Name : SCE Key + appears in C264 local SOE

Long Name : appears in viewers + printers

Counter Type : Standard (standard DI counting) Energy import / Energy export

Counter Acquisition : validation => min pulse length to be counted invalidity => for double, non complementarity

LHMI display : yes = Counter in measurements list (MSC) Schneider Electric - CS&P – Datapoints Configuration – E01

Counter Management : cf. next slide


• Add / Configure a Counter (2) 2) Counter attributes in General Tab

Counter Total for IED counters : Yes => IED is sending real counter value No => IED is sending non-scaled value

Counter cumulative period : - configure a period at the end of which the counter value is transmitted (SBUS, LHMI) - possible values : 10mn, 15mn, 30mn, 1h, 2h, 3h, … 24h -at the end of this period, counter value can be reset (C264 re-start counting from 0)

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• Add / Configure a Counter (3) 3) Counter can be acquired by DIU/CCU board, IED. Some Counters are computed by C264 application (C264 automation, …) => Relations under a Counter Wired on : Single counter => 1 DI Channel Double counter => 2 DI Channels

Has for IED address : Counter acquired by IED

integrate : Counter computed by MV integration (example : P) Counter type is not “Standard” but “Energy import” or “Energy export”


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Integration of P or Q : In case the scale and unit is to big ((MVarh MVarh for ex.), if energy is changing of less than 1MVarh in 10 minutes, the value is not sent (counter is integer so 0.2 value is equal to 0). 26

• Content  SPS, DPS, MPS  MV, TPI, Counters  SPC, DPC, SetPoints  Datapoints Quality

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• Typed / Generic xPC  TYPED CONTROL It is an information which is representing a special functionality regarding the MiCOM C264 inner automations. Examples : - Switch Ctrl DPC, Locking device status SPC, Bay Local/Remote DPC, Sync CB Close

 GENERIC CONTROL It is a standard control which can be configured at any level. Examples : - Module xPC, Bay xPC, VoltageLevel xPC, Substation xPC (x=S,D)

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• Add / Configure a SPC (1) 1) SPC can be added at Substation, Voltage Level, Bay, Module, ISaGRAF automation level in Electric hierarchy. Some SPC are System Info. 2) SPC attributes General Tab Short Name : SCE Key + appears in C264 local SOE

Long Name : appears in viewers + printers

Activation Mode : - transient => configure pulse duration - permanent - permanent until feedback

LHMI display : yes = SPC in control list (MSC)

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Inter Control timeout : no possibility to execute 2 consecutive orders during this timer


• Add / Configure a SPC (2) 3) SPC execution may be dependant on Local/Remote status of Substation/Bay, on SBMC and/or on control uniqueness => SPC attributes Dependencies tab Bay Local/Remote : Bay Local => control from LHMI allowed, from OI & SCADA not allowed

SBMC : advised not to use SBMC (put No) if needed, local transfer when SS is in Remote

Control Uniqueness Substation Local/Remote : SS Local => control from OI allowed, from SCADA forbidden Note : This is internal automation existing and configurable for all xPC.

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• Add / Configure a SPC (3) 4) SPC can be executed on DOU/CCU board, IED. Some SPC are computed by C264 application (C264 automation, …) => Relations under a SPC Interlock SPS : holds a logic allowing/blocking the control

Associated DO channel status SPS : for hardwired SPC only

Auto/Manu dependency : blocks the operator control if an automation is in progress => connect to SPS/DPS giving automation status

Feedback definition : Wired on : DO Channel

for C264 acknowledgement cf. slide “§3.4”

SPC executed on DOU/CCU board

Has for IED address : SPC executed by IED Schneider Electric - CS&P – Datapoints Configuration – E01


• Add / Configure a DPC (1) 1) DPC can be added at Substation, Voltage Level, Bay, Module, ISaGRAF automation level in Electric hierarchy. Some DPC are System Info. 2) DPC attributes Short Name : SCE Key + appears in C264 local SOE

Long Name : appears in viewers + printers

Activation Mode : - transient => configure pulse duration (2 channels “open” / “close”) - permanent - permanent until feedback

LHMI display : yes = DPC in control list (MSC)

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Inter Control timeout : no possibility to execute 2 consecutive orders during this timer


• Add / Configure a DPC (2) 3) DPC execution is dependant on one hand from Local/Remote status of Substation/Bay and on the other hand from control uniqueness => DPC attributes Dependencies tab Bay Local/Remote : Bay Local => control from LHMI allowed, from OI & SCADA not allowed

SBMC : advised not to use SBMC (put No) if needed, local transfer when SS is in Remote

Control Uniqueness Substation Local/Remote : SS Local => control from OI allowed, from SCADA forbidden Note : This is internal automation existing and configurable for all xPC.

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• Add / Configure a DPC (2) 4) DPC can be executed on DOU/CCU board, IED. Some DPC are computed by C264 application (C264 automation, …) => Relations under a DPC 2 Interlock SPS (open/close): holds a logic allowing/blocking the controls

2 Associated DO channel status SPS : for hardwired DPC only

Auto/Manu dependency : blocks the operator control if an automation is in progress => connect to SPS/DPS giving automation status

Feedback definition : Wired on : DO Channel

for C264 acknowledgement cf. slide “§3.4”

DPC executed on DOU/CCU board

Has for IED address : DPC executed by IED Schneider Electric - CS&P – Datapoints Configuration – E01


• Configure a xPC feedback 1) SPC/DPC can have for feedback a SPS/DPS => C264 checks if control success (ex: CB control, feedback CB position) => Example given for DPC with DPS feedback DPC Relation “has for feedback” with 2 attributes : DPS

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- execution timeout : maximum time allowed to get feedback - status check : C264 will check status before performing control


• Add / Configure a SetPoint (1) 1) SetPoints can be added at Substation, Voltage Level, Bay, Module, ISaGRAF automation level in Electric hierarchy. 2) SetPoint attributes Short Name : SCE Key + appears in C264 local SOE

Long Name : appears in viewers + printers

SetPoint type :

For Digital SetPoint : LHMI display :

increment value pulse duration

yes = SetPoint in control list (MSC)

Minimum / Maximum value : raw values for SetPoint validity Schneider Electric - CS&P – Datapoints Configuration – E01


• Add / Configure a SetPoint (2) 3) SetPoint execution is dependant on one hand from Local/Remote status of Substation/Bay and on the other hand from control uniqueness => SetPoint attributes Dependencies tab Bay Local/Remote : Bay Local => control from LHMI allowed, from OI & SCADA not allowed

SBMC : advised not to use SBMC (put No) if needed, local transfer when SS is in Remote

Control Uniqueness Substation Local/Remote : SS Local => control from OI allowed, from SCADA forbidden Note : This is internal automation existing and configurable for all Setpoints.

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• Add / Configure a SetPoint (3) 4) SetPoints can be executed on DOU/CCU board, IED. Some SetPoints are computed by C264 application (C264 automation, …) => Relations under a SetPoints DO Channels : C264 will close DO channels using configured code (BCD, binary, …)

Auto/Manu dependency : blocks the operator control if an automation is in progress => connect to SPS/DPS giving automation status

Has for IED address : SP executed by IED

AO Channels : C264 will set AO channel

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• Content  SPS, DPS, MPS  MV, TPI, Counters  SPC, DPC, SetPoints  Datapoints Quality

Schneider Electric - CS&P – Datapoints Configuration – E01





Electric status 0


Electric status 1


Faulty DI Channel on board


Toggling filtering has detected behaviour


IED acquiring DP is disconnected from C264


SPS is Forced Set by C264 (FSS enable)


SPS is Substituted Set by Oper. (FSS enable)


SPS is Suppressed by Oper. (FSS enable)

* => Same for RESET Quality => gives the nature of invalidity

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Electric status 01


Electric status 10


Electric status 00


Electric status 11


Faulty DI Channel on board


Toggling filtering has detected behaviour


IED acquiring DP is disconnected from C264


DPS is Forced Open by C264 (FSS enable)


DPS is Substituted Open by Op. (FSS enable)


DPS is Suppressed by Oper. (FSS enable)

* => Same for CLOSED Quality => gives the nature of invalidity Schneider Electric - CS&P – Datapoints Configuration – E01





Only one channel activated


No channel or more than one activated


Faulty DI Channel on board


Toggling filtering has detected behaviour


IED acquiring DP is disconnected from C264


MPS is Forced St. N by C264 (FSS enable)


MPS is Substituted St. N by Op. (FSS enable)


MPS is Suppressed by Oper. (FSS enable)

Quality => gives the nature of invalidity Schneider Electric - CS&P – Datapoints Configuration – E01





MV in between min/MAX and/or L/H threshold


No DI channel or more than one activated DM


Faulty DI/AI Channel on board


Toggling filtering has detected behaviour


IED acquiring DP is disconnected from C264


MV is Forced C264 (FSS enable)


MV is Substituted by Op. (FSS enable)


MV is Suppressed by Oper. (FSS enable)


Acquisition out of range


No current on AI channel (mA)


Over H, HH, HHH Threshold


Under L, LL, LLL Threshold

Quality => gives the nature of invalidity Schneider Electric - CS&P – Datapoints Configuration – E01


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