Kyokushin Training

June 7, 2018 | Author: Danton Bravo | Category: Aerobic Exercise, Physical Fitness, Flexibility (Anatomy), Dance Science, Sports
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Kyokushin training TECHNIQUE TRAINING

The mainstay of technical training is, of course, the regular dojo class, where competent instruction, correction and support is available. This training can be supplemented by using kihon training as a warm-up to other parts of personal training. Before every training session you should ensure that you have sufficiently warmed up. Such a preparation is expected to: 1.Increase the metabolic rate; 2.Reduce the risk of injury; 3.Increase the speed and strength of muscular contraction; 4.Increase the rate at which oxygen is delivered to and utilized by the muscles; 5.Reduce nervous tension; 6.Result in an increase in speed, strength, coordination, efficiency, and endurance. Leg and wrist weights can be used while doing kihon to increase speed and endurance of the extremities. Caution should be exercised when doing snapping techniques in an uncontrolled manner, as this can cause damage to the joints and the soft tissue surrounding joints. Time should also be set aside to work on new combinations for jiyu kumite. This type of training can be done four ways: 1. in front of mirrors 2. with a partner  3. heavy bag work  4. focus pads It is recommended that a programme contain all types of combination work. The technique must be done at 3/4 speed and at fighting speed. The dojo instructor and many Kyokushin books are good sources of new combinations. A good repetior of  combinations and styles of fighting will allow the athlete to adjust his/her fighting to overcome fighters with various styles. A pre-requisite to the speed and control of technique is flexibility. It can be improved with a regular, varied stretching programme. A programme should be broken into light, medium and hard stretch days. The stretching will also help prevent injuries to joints and soft tissue. Conditioning

Conditioning must be the most important part of personal training. Without a good level of cardiovascular fitness, and endurance, all the good technique and power are not going to help. Conditioning of muscles is also important. Cardiovascular Fitness:

Gains will be made in cardiovascular fitness when continuous activity is performed involving a large muscle mass at the appropriate intensity (within the training zone) for   between 15 to 60 minutes per session 3-5 times per week. There are two types of cardio work, which must be included in a training regime: a) Aerobic training: This type of training is usually distance running done at an aerobic pace. As you  progress, this pace will increase as your body becomes better equipped to supply oxygen and fuel to the muscles. An aerobic pace is that pace at which you can comfortably hold a conversation while running.  b) Anaerobic Training: This type of training is very important because you may be required, during the course of a fight, to perform at a level at which your body cannot supply enough oxygen to maintain aerobic activity. You must train your body to be able to supply energy without  burning oxygen and then to be able to remove the by-products of this activity quickly. Anaerobic activity produces high levels of lactic acid through the burning of glucose. Most of your aerobic fitness is going to come from your running programme, although at least one running day needs to be devoted to anaerobic fitness - intervals, and one day is devoted to cardiovascular strength - hill work. Interval work is essential for developing the anaerobic fitness necessary to compete well. Intervals are exactly that; intense performance passed the point at which the body can supply oxygen to the muscles, followed by a period of rest and recovery equal to the duration or distance of the exercise. Generally intervals are done on the track, 100, 200, 400, or 800 meter runs done at an anaerobic pace with a recovery period of equal distance or time run. An example of this would be: Distance


Time interval

Recovery time

1600m warm-up


10 minutes

5-10 minutes



35-40 seconds each

Walking for 200m



80-95 seconds each

90 seconds



180-220 seconds

5 minutes

1600m warm down


10-15 minutes

This type of schedule is essential at least once in 7 days. Intervals can be done on a  bike, with kihon, with bag work, swimming in the pool, or low weight, high rep weight training. However, running gives the best results. Remember to start slower with less distance and build up gradually or you will become discouraged. Intervals are difficult and require tremendous commitment because they are physically, mentally and emotionally demanding. When preparing your training schedule always schedule an easy day or a day off the day following intervals to allow you body to recover and heal. For the students who are just starting, shorter distance, approximately 30% of those

stated, should be done, increasing your distance until you reach the recommended levels after four to six months of training. Higher levels of aerobic and anaerobic training will  be necessary for international tournaments. An alternate to running for those that can not run due to physiological problems in the ankles, knees, hips or back is cycling. Although you must cycle greater distances for  greater periods of time to gain the same benefit as running. It is recommended that large individuals be very aware of the outcomes of their running programs, as running can damage the knees of large individuals easily. Prior to starting, be sure that you have a good, serviceable pair of training flats. Poor  shoes can damage ankle, knee, hip, and back joints. A good shoe can help prevent injuries becoming an issue in your training. The liberal use of ice packets on joints, soft tissue, and muscles after running is also a good preventative measure. Muscle Endurance

Strength training is intended to increase the cross-sectional area of a muscle (hypertrophy) to enable that muscle to produce a greater amount of tension. Endurance training is aimed at increasing the muscles' resistance to fatigue and does not encourage muscular hypertrophy as significantly as strength training. Repeated correct execution of each technique will gradually strengthen the involved muscle groups, however,  performance will improve more quickly when students are prepared for maximal effort. As well, the risk of injury will be decreased. This can be achieved through additional training techniques designed to replicate the physiological demands of the activity. Good postural alignment, balance, and strength provide the foundation from which  basic punching, blocking and kicking skills are executed. The initial objective in terms of conditioning should be to improve general fitness while at the same time enhancing  postural awareness. Strong back muscles, abdominals, and the muscles of the pelvis, hips and legs are important for maintaining a balanced, stable base from which techniques can be effectively executed. Muscular endurance comes from many source: a) Calisthenics: Calisthenics are generally limited to sit-ups for abdominal and torso strength. This is essential for the fighter for both attacking and defending. The ability to absorb attacks to the body is directly linked to the strength and endurance of the torso muscles. A rule of  thumb is that a fighter must be able to do a variety of sit-ups for a daily total of 10001,500 without difficulty.  b) Weight Training: A portion of a weight program must include high rep. exercises. Many good books are available as references for a variety of training regimes. c) Running:

Muscular endurance will evolve in the legs, torso, diaphragm, and heart from running. Running hills at an aerobic pace is excellent for conditioning in these areas. d) Repetitious Kihon, Renraku and Jiyu Kumite. This is very good for general conditioning and flexibility of the body as a whole. Power And Strength Training

Power and strength training will be a weight program and a heavy bag/kick pad  program. a) Weight Program: The weight program must be designed to increase strength, and body mass, as well as muscular endurance. The following is a sample schedule: Monday, Wednesday & Saturday:


7 sets bench press 7 sets dumbbell flys 7 sets decline bench press.


4 x 10/6/6/sets Super Set - bar biceps curls, flat triceps curls, french press 4 x 10/10/10/10 sets Super Set - dumbbell curls, triceps pull-downs, reverse grip triceps pull-downs, concentration biceps curls.

Tuesday, Thursdays & Saturday:


5 x 10 (failure) squats 7 x 10 (failure) leg press 4 x 20 seated calf raises 5 x 10/10 super set - leg extensions, leg curl Legs are done with maximum weight, except for the warm-up set.


4 x 10 bent-over rowing 4 x 10 pull-downs 4 x 10 dumbbell pull-ups 4 x 10 seated back pulls.

Every Training Session


Situps Leg ups

 Note: The sets are done starting at 60% of maximum weight for the first set, 70% for  the second set, 85% for the third set, and 100% for the fourth set, and descending back  to 60% over the next three sets. Each set is done to failure, with a good rest and recovery between each set. Strict movement, without cheating, is also important to gain the most from your programme. Always run before lifting weights to ensure a good warm-up thus preventing injuries. It is important to note that stretching should be done in conjunction with your weight training afterwards.

For maximal effectiveness and safety in conditioning you must: 1) Use proper breathing control. Watch that you do not hold your breath during isometric contractions or on exertion during isotonic exercises. 2) Spread the workload around the body to prevent fatigue of one muscle group (i.e.) alternate exercises for upper and lower body. 3) Don't do too much too soon. Strengthening exercises should be progressive. 4) Always "stretch what is strengthened and strengthen what is stretched". Use isometrics to build strength at the limit of the range of motion as an injury prevention technique.  b) Bag Work: Bag work is the essential to your power-training programme. The use of the heavy bag is important and can be used in two ways: three-minute rounds or block time (usually 30-45 minutes continuously) Hand held kick pads are good for developing mobility in fighting techniques and allows the fighter to gain comfort with throwing power while moving on or retreating from an opponent. Again, the use of these pads can be done in 3-minute rounds or a block of time. For every minute spent in the ring, the athlete must have spent at least 1,000 minutes on the heavy bag and kick pads. Be sure to attack the bag or pads using as much force as is  possible, while still maintaining good posture, technique, and combinations. Maintenance of Muscular Strength: Muscular strength subsides at a much slower rate than it is increased. For example, what is gained in 6 weeks will take 6 months to lose. Therefore you can maintain your level  by lifting your personal maximum once in every 14 days. Muscle and Joint Flexibility Karate requires good muscle and joint flexibility to allow for good postural alignment and suppleness of dynamic motions of the upper and lower extremities. Static stretching has been shown to be effective in increasing flexibility and preventing muscular  soreness. There have been numerous studies to determine how long a position of  maximal, static stretch should be held. For the best increases in flexibility each position should be held for 60 seconds and definitely not less than 10 seconds. 1) As various parts of the body are stretched, focus on them to develop body awareness. You should get to know your bodies and recognize your own limitations. 2) Do not hold your breath while stretching Breathing should be slow, rhythmical, and controlled. Exhale into the stretch and then breath slowly as the stretch is held. 3) Each exercise should be steady and controlled. Bouncing at the limits of the stretch (ballistic stretching) should not be done. Bouncing causes muscle contraction by stimulating the muscle-tendon stretch reflex. 4) When beginning a stretch go to the point where mild tension is felt and hold this  position for 10 to 60 seconds. The feeling of tension should subside as the position is held. If it does not, ease off slightly and find a degree of tension that is comfortable.

When the tension diminishes move a bit further until a mild tension (not pain) is felt and hold for 10 to 60 seconds. Repeat each stretch 3 times. Emphasis should be on the feeling of the stretch, not on how far one can go. 5) Always reinforce correct body alignment ensuring that muscles are relaxed and that undue stress is not being placed on joint ligaments. 6) Aim for symmetry (i.e.) flexibility of a muscle group on one side of the body should match that of the same muscle group on the other side of the body. This is especially important in the muscles of the back, pelvis, hip, and leg. Hyper-flexibility  Normal joint mobility is variable to some degree from person to person. If ligaments and connective tissue that support joints are stretched to excess the problem of joint strain and/or instability can develop. Responsible coaching can prevent this problem if  the following rules are adhered to: 7.Never stretch into pain. 8.Always strengthen the muscles supporting the joint, in all directions, at the end of the range of motion, (i.e.) isometric contractions at the end of range. 9.Do not do "contortionist" type positions and demonstrations. 10.Never force movement. 11.Analyze the skill to determine where and how much mobility is required. 12.Be specific in what you aim to achieve and ensure it is within the your ability. Jiyu/Jissen Kumite

The ultimate goal of your training is to improve your tournament fighting. Therefore it is essential that you get on the mat with training partners and spar. There are two types of sparring that need to be worked on jiyu kumite or free sparring and jissen kumite or  knockdown fighting. All sparring done during training needs to be under the watchful eye of the coach and the rounds are to be 3 minutes in duration. Jiyu Kumite:

Free sparring allows the fighter to become comfortable with the spontaneity of the fighting on the mat, as it would be in the tournament, to become comfortable with having a live body that fights back. That moves in and out. That is unpredictable. Care should be taken when sparring. There is a high probability of injury on the mat if the session is not tightly controlled. 2-3 days/week of sparring in the dojo are adequate for   proper development of the fighter. Both fighters should wear leg & thigh pads, hand & forearm pads, groin protectors, head-gear, mouth guards and chest protectors for all sparring. Jissen Kumite:

This type of knockdown fighting should only be done once a week during regular  training. It should be discontinued 1 month prior to competition to ensure that injuries have time and opportunity to heal. Training Schedule & Diary:

It is important to have a written schedule of your training and to keep a diary of your  day-to-day progress. This allows you to plan your goals and keep track of your   progress. A coach, training partner or yourself can then review this periodically to ensure your training is on schedule, you are not over training, and you will attain the desired result at the desired time. The use of a bank calendar and a small lined notebook  can be used for these purposes. More sophisticated electronic methods are also available  but are generally expensive and do no better job then the written methods. A book and a calendar are much more portable for the athlete also. As the tournament grows closer, usually 1 week prior to the tournament, training should consist of light running, stretching, and technique. No contact should be allowed to ensure that you do not get injured. Sample Training Schedule:

The example of a schedule is only that, an example. A training schedule needs to be set up in consultation with your Sensei, coach, and trainer. This way it will reflect the individual strengths and weaknesses of the fighter in training.

Monday (medium day, 5-6 hours):

dojo class conditioning medium stretching sparring weight training/conditioning easy run (3 miles)

Tuesday ( hard day, 6-8 hours):

kihon hard stretching weight training run - intervals (2 km. warm-up, 4x200, 2x400, 2km warmdown)  bag work and combinations conditioning - sit-ups, etc.

Wednesday (easy day, 3-4 hours):

dojo class conditioning light stretching sparring. run - aerobic pace (5 miles) weight training

Thursday (hard day, 6-8 hours):

karate techniques kihon. conditioning - sit-ups, etc. weight training hard stretching run - hill work (5 miles)  bag work and combinations.

Friday (medium day, 5-6 hours):

kihon medium stretching.

conditioning - sit-ups, etc.  bag work and combinations

Saturday (hard day, 6-8 hours):

dojo class conditioning hard stretching sparring weight training  bag work. running - L.S.D. (maximum 8-10 miles)

Sunday (easy day, 0 hours):


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