Kuroko No Basuke Replace Novel

August 27, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Kuroko no Basuke -Replace- novel G1 Part 1 English translation The 1st Game: Teikou Middle Schools Event!ul "!terschool

Part 1

Teikou Middle School’s basketball team dominated the national middle-school tournaments for Teikou three years consecutively. Among their brilliant history/record, there existed an even more glorious !hattime. eole deem geniuses that only aear in as a decade, five of such aearederiod. at the same They "ere the strongest, kno"n byonce others the #$eneration of Miracles%. They "ere the &$eneration of Miracles’ "ho managed to reali'e Teikou’s motto motto of &a hundred battles, a hundred "ins’. These five geniuses "ere( Akashi, Midorima, Murasakibara, )ise, Aomine. Also, there "as someone "hom these five geniuses ackno"ledged- The hantom sixth member, )uroko Tetsuya. This story is about these youths before they "ere "e re called a miracle and raised throughout the country. *t is a story from before they discovered their real strength. #+ou reected% #ey, d-don’t get excited Shh% Momoi Satsuki hurriedly laced her finger on her lis to urge her classmate, *'umi +ayoi, +ayoi, to be 0uieter. *'umi also 0uickly covered her mouth "ith her hands and looked around. After the sixth eriod "as over, the classroom "as very noisy as it "as divided into those "ho "ere ready to go home, ho me, and those "ho "ere rushing to get ready for their club activities. 1o one "as aying attention to the t"o "ho "ere chatting secretly at the back of the classroom. *'umi and Momoi laced their hand over their chest to calm themselves do"n. Then, as though nothing had haened, Momoi steed to"ards the classroom’s door and said smilingly to *'umi( #Then, * have club activities, so2% #ey, "ait% Seeing Momoi grinning as she "as about to leave, *'umi grabbed hold of her hand, then laced her hands on her shoulders, ut her face close and asked softly( #3eally, "hy did you have to reect The one "ho confessed con fessed "as the catain of the volleyball team e is a suer good looking guy "ith his o"n fanclub o" can you refuse such a  erson% #4-4ut, * don’t kno" him "ell2% Momoi, a little troubled, cast her eyes do"n"ards. *'umi exaseratedly shook her shoulders. #+ou can slo"ly get to kno" him better after dating him Such a ity *t’s really such a ity, #+ou Satsuki This is already the sixth erson "ho confessed to you this year% *'umi continued shaking Momoi’s shoulders. shoulders. Suddenly, she stoed. #Satsuki2 5ould it be2% er eyes sarkled.


#+ou u already have someone "hom you like% #+o #Ah% 4riefly, Momoi’s cheeks flushed red. 6f course, this did not escae *'umi’s eyes. She firmly 4riefly, hugged Momoi’s shoulders, "earing a roud exression as if saying &mh, * found it out’. #6h, oh, no "onder !ho is that erson  erson Aomine-kun% Aomine-kun% #6f course not That guy is merely a childhood ch ildhood friend *t’s because he can be too unruly, so * have to kee an eye on him2 There’s absolutely no other reason% #*s that so7 An innocent childhood friend can suddenly become a love interest one day o" romantic To Too o erfect +ou +ou can even ublish it on Ma% #Ma !hat is that% #The maga'ine Margaret )no"n as Ma% *'umi sighed a little frustratedly and gently hit Momoi’s forehead. #Satsuki, you should at least read some shouo manga. All that you read are related to basketball. 8ven "hen it comes to T9, all you "atch are other schools’ video taes, right +ou +ou should read some shouo manga sometimes and yearn for love a little. +ou’ve been confessed to so many times already, ho" can you simly not care about love% #*-*t’s not like * don’t d on’t care about love at all2% Momoi ans"ered vaguely in a lo" voice. She kne" that her face "as already red. *n order to not let *'umi find it out, she turned around and escaed from *'umi’s arms. #*f * don’t go for ractice, *’ll really be late *’m going first7% !aving !a ving and saying goodbye goodb ye to *'umi, Momoi rushed to the gymnasium. g ymnasium. Today, To day, for the basketball club, c lub, "as a secial day. *t "asn’t that there "as a cometition being held against the other schools. Teikou Middle School "as having their midterm exams next "eek. 8ven if the athletes "ere extraordinary gifted, in the end they "ere "e re still students and had to sit for their exams. Today "as every club’s final meeting before the exams. Adding together the four days of exams ex ams as "ell as the "eek before the exams, it meant that there "as a total of eleven days da ys "hereby club activities can not be held. :or the assionate basketball club members, this "as torture, thus this day’s activities "ere very imortant to them. This "as "hy "hen Momoi entered the gymnasium and heard a third year senior say #Today after finishing the basic training, "e’ll end it at that.%, she "idened her eyes in surrise. #6nly doing basic training2 !ould !ould this be okay% o kay% Momoi thought that she heard the senior "rongly, so so she looked for the senior to confirm it. o"ever, the senior merely nodded and said( #+es.% #+es.% #*t’s Akashi "ho said that today toda y "ould be only basic training.%


#Akashi-kun2% Momoi looked at the club members me mbers "ho "ere training. She sotted Akashi among the teams running las around the court. Akashi "as, as usual, doing the training seriously. seriously. #*f Akashi said so, he must have his reasons.% #That’s true.% 6verhearing the seniors, Momoi still did not understand but agreed to the decision that had been b een made. *f it "as Akashi’s Akashi’s roosal, then she did not intend to oose it. Akashi’s roosals al"ays exceeded everyone’s exectations. o"ever, every time, eole "ould be able to areciate the aroriateness of the roosals after"ards. The best examle "ould be "hen Akashi discovered the hantom sixth member of the $eneration of Miracles. #That2 !ould !ould it be related to the decision for me to sit out% Momoi umed back in surrise at the sudden sound. #Momoi-san, are you alright% #T-Tetsu-kun% The one "ho had soken "as )uroko Tetsuya, the one "hom Momoi "as looking for. )uroko "as standing outside the court "earing his usual ractice clothes. e "as right beside Momoi, only observing. #Tetsu-kun, #Te tsu-kun, "h-"hy are you here Ah, huh Sitting out% Startled, Momoi could only let out her 0uestion 0 uestion hoarsely, "hich "hich "ouldn’t a surrising reaction if the erson you "ere looking for suddenly aeared in front of you. #Today #To day Akashi-kun suddenly asked me to observe. !hy is this so% )uroko muttered. 8ven though he had the usual exressionless face, but his tone sounded as if he "as dissatisfied. #Akashi-kun e let you observe% The finally calmed Momoi asked. )uroko ans"ered( #+es.% #*f that’s "hat Akashi-kun Akashi-kun said, then you should ust 0uietly 0u ietly observe.% The senior atted )uroko’s shoulder and left for ractice. #4ut today is the last training before the exams2% ex ams2% )uroko gave a small sigh. Since the senior had to already said so,"atch it meant decisiontrain. could not be changed. )uroko could only stay next Mo moi Momoi and the that otherthe members


Momoi scanned the court, but she "as very conscious of the sixth member of o f the $eneration of Miracles. She remembered *'umi’s "ords. #+ou #+o u already have someone "hom you like% Momoi glanced to"ards )uroko, "ho stared unblinkingly unb linkingly at the court. *t’s robably2 a crush on that erson standing next to her, the one "ith a lo" sense of resence. To be honest, it "as only recently that she noticed )uroko. *t started out from a small incident. A fe" days ago after club activities ended, the male members of the club as usual droed by a convenient store that "as on the "ay home. Momoi "as "ith them, but as the only girl, she could not fit into the loud cro"d of boys. She could only "atch them from afar, her face robably inadvertently having the exression of #1o matter "hat, * still really envy them7%. *t "as at this moment "hen )uroko suddenly aeared in front of her. #* don’t need this. ;lease have it.% #!hat% )uroko handed to her the "ooden stick from an eaten ice-cream. 4ecause it "as too sudden, Momoi didn’t react but blindly acceted the stick. #!hat is this% She susiciously looked at the stick, and she "as greeted by b y the "ords &you "on a ri'e’. *t "as this event "hich sarked Momoi’s heart. )uroko’s every action "as erfect in Momoi’s eyes. eyes. e noticed her feelings and effortlessly heled her to be art of the grou. 1ot only that, he did not seem to be atroni'ing at all. Truth to be told, no one kno"s "hat )uroko "as thinking at that time, but Momoi stubbornly  believed "hat she "anted to. That "as the reason "hy she began to notice )uroko. 6nce she began to ay attention to )uroko, she discovered things about him that "as reviously unnoticed. *’ll robably follo" you all to the convenience store7% Murasakibara said. #* "as actually lanning to go home alone, but * changed my mind. * "ill go together "ith you all for a "hile.% Midorima said. Momoi started to have a headache. headach e. There’s no need to even consider being able ab le to go home together "ith )uroko haily. Someho", the situation turned into going home "ith a bunch of  roblematic boys. :inally, the creator of the "hole situation, Akashi, 0uietly said( #Momoi, *’ll leave the rest to you.
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