Kurgusal Sözlük I-II

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İngilizce öğreten kurgusal sözlük, Cilt I & Cilt II birleştirilmiş...


İngilizce - Türkçe

Kelime EZBERLETEM Kurgusal Sözlük ÜSD, YDS, KPDS ve TOEFL Sınavlarına Hazırlananlar İçin

SINASI BADEMCIOGLU 1955 vılında İstanbul'da doğdu, Pertevniyal Lisesi ni 1974 yılında bitirdi. Bir süre İstan­ bul Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi İngiliz Dili \e Edebiyatı Bölümü ne devam etti. Daha son­ ra Marmara Üniversitesi Basın Yayın Yüksel Okulu ndan mezun oldu. Çalışmalarını bir süre serbest gazeteci olarak sürdürdü. Çeşitli firmalarda export-import manager olarak görev aldı, 1996-1999 yılları arasında, sırasıyla: İstanbul Üniversitesi nin Eczacılık Fakültesi. Diş Hekim­ liği Fakültesi. Veteriner Fakültesi, Kimya Fakültesi. Fen Fakültesi. Çapa Tıp Fakültesi. Cer­ rahpaşa Tıp Fakültesi. Adli Tıp Kurumu; Marmara Üniversitesi nin Eczacılık Fakültesi, Spor Akademisi. Kimya Fakültesi. İşletme Fakültesi. Güzel Sanatlar Fakültesi. Mimarsinan Üniver­ sitesi Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi. İTÜ İnşaat Fakültesi. Florence Nightingale Hemşirelik Yüksek Okulu ile GEBZE YÜKSEK TEKNOLOJİ Enstitüsü ve TÜBİTAK Marmara Araştırma Mer­ kezimde. KELİME EZBERLEME ve HAFIZA GELİŞTİRME TEKNİKLERİ konusunda dersler verdi. Halen çalışmalarına İngilizce - Türkçe sözlük ve öykü yazımı alanında devam etmektedir.

İngilizce.- Türkçe

Kelime EZBERLETEN Kurgusal Sözlük ÜDS, YDS, KPDS ve TOEFL Sınavlarına Hazırlananlar İçin



Alfa Yayınlan 1095 Sözliik 34

İngilizce - Türkçe Kelime EZBERLETEN Kurgusal Sözlük Şinasi Bademcioğlıı

1. Basım : Nisan 2002 5. Basım : Ekim 2004 d. Basını : Nisan 2005 ISBN : 975-207-071-0

Yayma ve Genel Yayın Yönetmeni M. Faruk Bavrak Ynı/ın Koordinatörü ır Editör Rana Cürtuna Pazarlımın ir Salış Mıidiinı Vedat Bayrak © 2001, ALFA Basını Yayını Dağıtım Ltd. Şti Kitabın tıim unum haklan Alfa Ba>ım Yanım Dağıtım Ltd Şti ıu- iüfOr Yanniı vinden ı/azılı izin alınmadan kıaınen un da tamamnı alıntı ı/amlama hiçbir ^ehildi- kopya edilcnuz.. çoğaltılmanz ve yayındanamaz

Alfa Basım Yayım Dağıtım Ltd. Şti. Ticnrıijyıne Sokak No: 53 Cağnloğlu 34410 İstanbul, Turkey Tel: 1) : çevik Sirk cambazını izleyen küçük bir çocuk: "'Ben de ÇEVİK biriyim. İple yürüyebilirim" dey in­ ce: babası: 'E CAHİL (agilel bunun ÇEVİK olmakla ne iİni si var!"' der 253- perish (per’îş) : ölmek: mahvolmak, yok olmak Kocası ölen PERİHAN hanımı teselli etmek isteyen komşusu: PERİŞ (perish) üzüntüden MAHVOLDUN. Bu kadar kendini üzme" der. 53- fascinate (fasTneyt) : büyülemek Evlilik yıl dönümlerini kutlamak üzere, bir çift akşam yemeğine gider Dinledikleri FA­ SIL HEYETİni çok beğenirler. Kendi arala­ rında: FASIL HEYETİ insanı (fascinate ı BÜYÜLÜYOR" diye konuşurlar. 221- squander (skvvan'dır) : (para v.s.) çarçur etmek Düğün için hazırladığı yemeklere yamağın su koyduğunu gören aşçıbaşı: "PARAMIZI ÇARÇUR EDEN PİŞMİŞ AŞA SU KOYAN­ DIR (squander)" diye onu diştirir 367- sneer ut (snir at) : küçüksemek, alay etmek Okuldan gelen kızının ağladığını gören anne nedenim sorduğunda, kızı: "Beni arkadaşla­ rım SİNİR Eltiler (sneer at! yeni ayakkabım­ la ALAY ETTİLER" der


TEST: Aşağıdaki İngilizce sözcüklerin karşısına Türkçe anlamlarını yazınız.

steadily fsted’ili) check in (çek în) lash (iaş) eyesight (ay’sayt) zeal (zil) agile (âc’ayl) perish (per’îş) fascinate (fâs’ınevt) squander (skvvan’dır) sneer at (snîr at)

CEVAPLARINIZI KONTROL EDİNİZ İşte senaryo tekniği ve karikatürler yardımı ile yabancı soyut sözcükleri gayet kolay bir şeklide hatırladığınızı görüyorsunuz. Hiç kuşkusuz ilk dene­ mede tüm yanıtların doğru olması beklenemez. Önce yukarıda sözünü etti­ ğimiz senaryo tekniğinin mantığını kavramanız gerekmektedir. Senaryolarda verilen ipuçlarını dikkatle değerlendirmeniz ve karikatürlerle bağlantılar kur­ manız sayesinde İngilizce'deki SOYUT ANLAMLI SÖZCÜKLERİ ÇOK RAHAT bir şekilde öğreneceksiniz.

1. - 25. Kelimeler 1- famine (fâm'in) : kıtlık famine = dearth famine x abundance : bolluk Bir müzik öğretmeni öğrencilerine yeni beste­ lediği şarkısını öğretmektedir O sırada yoldan geçen bir işsiz notaları duyar. İçinden "FA Mİ. FA Mİ. Bu da ne böyle? (Famine) Ben AÇLIKtan KITLIKtan perişanım” diye düşünür. Anohter crop failure could result in widespread famine. The dearth of medical supplies made the situation even more serious. There was an abundance of wine at the wedding.

2- drought (draut) : kuraklık drought = dryness drought x deluge : sağanak Uzun şiire ambarda bekleyen buğdayın bir kısmı küflenmiştir. Çiftçi buğdayın hepsini at­ mak ister. Karısı: "DUR ATMA! (drought) KURAKLIK'tan kırıldığımız günleri ne ça­ buk unuttun?” diye söylenir. There was a prolonged drought last autumn. Despite last summer's dryness, there is no shortage of vvater. They arrived home soaked, having been caught in a deluge on the way.

3- explode (îksplod) : patla(t)mak explode = burst İKS adlı bir PİLOT'un (e.\p!ode) çok gizli bir görevde çalışırken, su borusunun PATLADI­ ĞINI hayal edin. Gerçek dışı olay size (explode) kelimesinin "PATLATMAK" olduğunu anımsatacaktır. Experts were called in to explode the bomb that was found under the m inister’s car. During the vvinter one of the vvater pipes burst and we had a flood in the house.


Kelime Ezberleten Kuransal Sözlük

-4* pnverty (par'ırtiı : yoksulluk poserty = «ant pmerty \ Mealilı : zenginlik Yokla yürüyen iki arkadaş gördükleri bir kö­ pek üzerine konuşmasa haşlarlar. Somunla: "Bu olsa olsa RA VIK İTİklir. (poverty.ı YOKSULLUK ve açlıktan kemikleri sayılır or" di­ ye karar verirler Two million people in ine city iive in abject (=very gresi) poveriy The plants ciied ror vvant of vvaier. The country's ıvealth comes from ils oil 5- nıisstateınent Imis.ster 1ıııınt) : yanlış, kusurlu bey an. cümle nıisstatemeni - misi|u(itation Miss STHYTMI.VI dunsa güzellik kıaliees, seçilir. Ancak dü/enkdiğ; lı.ısin iopianlısnuia Miss STEYTMINTın (mis,t zemeiıtı YAN­ LIŞ. KUSURLU BEYAN da bulunması yr lüsmelere neden olur There are several misstaîemenis nbout the cost of the nevv aireraff İt is imporiant to avoid misquotation oi other people's work in your essay 6- revise (rivayz) : gözden geçirmek re\ ise = revierr Yapımcı sahnese konan müzikal oyunun ge­ nel prosasını izlemekledir Oyunun yönelme­ ni ise "VALS" bölümünü bir kez daha GÜZ­ DEN GEÇİRMEK gerektiğini vurgular An­ cak yapımcı oyunu beğenin .yerek: "NE YALSİ! (revise) Oyunu baştan sona GÖZDEN GE­ ÇİRMEK kızını" diye söylenir. I will have to revise my ideas about Ziyahe is really quite elever after ali The committee is revievzing iîs decision.

Kelime Ezberleten Kuransal Sözlük

7- admittedly (iidmit'idli) : kabul etmek gerekirse admittedly = concededly Aşırı sanığından dolayı, çalıştığı şirkette arka­ daşları tarafından AD MİT lakabı takılan AD. çeşitli eleştirilere maruz kalır. Ancak şefi bun­ lara karşı çıkarak: "KABUL ETMEK GERE­ KİRSE (admittedly) AD MİT çalışkan biri ve işini iyi yapıyor" diye onu korur Admittedly, he vvorks slovvly, but his essays are alvvays excellent. The policy is seen to have failed, althought concededly, it was never treated fairly by the press S- unim aginathe (AnîmiicTnıtiv) : hayal gücünden şoksun uııimaginatis e = uninspired ıınimaginatise x imuginatise : hayal gücü k u \\etli ANT adlı genç kız siyah saçlarından bıkar. Saçlarına MEÇ yaptırır Ancak renk tutma­ mıştır. Arkadaşları: "ANİ'nin MEÇİNİ (ııııimagiııalive) HAYAL GÜCÜNDEN YOK­ SUN" diye eleştirirler. Some of the contemporary composers are unimaginative. The production was professional but uninspired Jane is one of the more imaginative members of the class 9- irrelesant (ircTmııt) : (konuşla) ilgisiz, bağlantısız irrelesaııt = inapplicable iı relevant x related : ilgili U/ım süren satranç oyununda bir sonuç çıknıa>inen, hakem beraberlik önerir. Ancak oyuncu­ lardan biri: "BİR İLERİ hamle DE MAT (irrelevaııt)" dive karşı çıkar. Durumu inceleşen ha­ kem: "BİR' İLERİ hamle DE M.ATT iirrelevantı KONUYLA İLGİSİZ" bularak karşı çıkar The book was full of irrelevant information These regulations are inapplicable to visitors trom outside the European Community. We discussed inflation. unemployment and related issue


10- vacant (vey’kınt) : boş, münhal (kadro vs.) vacant = empty vacant x occupied : dolu Polis cinayette kullanılan antika bir bıçağı ara­ maktadır. Sonunda bıçağın sadece KİNİ bulu­ nur. Yazılan raporda: "VE KIN (vacant) BOŞ olarak bulundu" diye bir cümle geçmektedir. Bob Dylan was appoinîed to fiil the vacant seat on the board. He says his life has been completely empty since his wife died. Is that seat occupied? (=ls it free?) 11- deceptive (dîsep’tîv) : kandırıcı deceptive = deceitful deceptive x true : doğru Bakanlık müfettişleri, bir hayali ihracat olayı­ nı araştırmaktadırlar. Firma yetkilileri kürk ihraç ettiklerini iddia ederler. Ancak Urlar açılınca, içinden sadece tüyler çıkar. Baş mü­ fettiş yardımcılarına: "DESENE HEP TÜY (deceptive) KANDIRICI. ALDATICI beya­ natta bulunmuşlar" der. Ali knew that îhe tiger’s fragile appearance was deceptive. İt was a deceitful attempt to persuade people that they would make a large profit. İs it true you are going away? 12- \vealthy (\vePthi) : zengin \vealthy = well-off rvealtlıy x poor : fakir Bir çay firmasında yeni bir karışım üzerinde çalışan çay uzmanı, ürünü beğenir. Ne var ki çay lüks sınıf olduğu için, fiyatı pahalı olacak­ tır. Kendi kendine: "Bu WELL TEA (iyi çay) ancak (\vealthy) ZENGİN'lere satabiliriz" der. Her parents were very vvealthy. The government claims that most people are better-off than they were five years ago. Most of the vvorld’s poorest countries are in Africa.

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük

Kelime Ezberleıen Kurgusal Sözlük

13- snıooth (smudh) : yumuşak, pürüzsüz smooth = even smooth x uneven : pürüzlü Aylardır kuraklık çeken yöre halkı sonunda bilge olarak tanınan bir dedeye başvurur. Hal­ kın derdini dinleyen dede: "Dua etmek SON UMUT (smooth)" diye YUMUŞAK Ve PÜ­ RÜZSÜZ sesle söylenir. This cream will help to keep your skin smooth. After driving on the bumpy surface, it was nice to get back onto even ground Take çare when you walk on that path the paving stones are rather uneven. 14-superfıcial (supırflş’ıl) : yüzeysel superficial = surface superfıcial x deep : derin SÜPER FISH-AL (Süper Balık AL) Firması için hazırlanan yeni reklam filmini izleyen ge­ nel müdür, filmi YÜZEYSEL bulur. Yaptığı konuşmada: "SÜPER FİSH-AL'a yakışmaya­ cak derecede YÜZEYSEL (superficial). Bu filmi kullanamayız" der. She has a superficial knowledge of the language. Luckily, the accident caused only surface damage to my car We are deep in debt. 15- \ersatiie (vır'sıtil) : lıer işe uygun (alet. ede\at için) elinden her iş gelen (insan için) \ersati!e = adaptable versatile x uıısuitable : uygunsuz Aylardır arabasına müşteri bulamayan satıcı tavsiye üzerine bir komisyoncuya gider. Ara­ bayı inceleyen komisyoncu: "VER SATA­ YIM (versatile) benim ELİMDEN HER İŞ GELİR" diyerek araba sahibini rahatlatır. Nylon is a versatile material. I'm sure she will cope with the changes very well; she is very adaptable. The first person we interviewed was clearly unsuitable for the job.

6 16- vast Hastı : geniş. büyük vast = immense \ ast x tin\ : küçük 1 ezgahtur zorlu mıişierisini ikna etmeye çalış­ makladır, Salmak islediği çekelleri üreten (Vasi) adlı Fimıa'nın WEST'te batıda (vasi) GENİŞ ve ÇOK BÜYÜK imkanlara sahip lek firma olduğunu söyleşerek, daha ucuza mal bulamay acağıtıı belirtir He is responsible lor running a vast organization They spent an immense amount of time getting the engine into perfect condition. I don't know wny you are so cross-we are only a tiny bit late. 17- relentless ırilcnt'lîsl : acımasız relentless = rutlıless relentless \ nıiltl : kibar, nazik Dıinya'daki ilk seslendirilnıesi yapılacak olan çağdaş bir opera için, çok iiz sesli bir soprano aranmaktadır. Adaylar içinde sesinin çok liz olduğunu ileri süren bir bayanı dinleyen yö­ netmen: "Senin NEREN TİZ (relentless)" di­ yerek ACIMASIZca eleştirin He was relentless in auestioning the suspect The enemy killed vvomen and children vvith ruthless cruelty. He has too rnild a nature to get angry. even if he has good cause. 1 7) a) enhanced b) depreciated c) outdid d) vvaived e) abated 8 ) Hopefully, the meeting will enhance the prospects of world peace. a) lessen b) enrich c) outdo d) abate e) surpass

9) I' II send a postcard as soon as I get ihere. a) dispatch

b) lessen

c) retain

d) ascend

e) shrink

Kelime Ezberleten Kurausal Sözlük


10} VVashing wool in hot water wi!l make it şhrink. a) retain b) shorten c) exceed

d) put forward e) dispatch

Ântonym çalışm ası (176-200)

D 2)

He never acknovvledged the boy as his son a) contirmed b) disavovved c) shrank We need a holiday to boost our spirits a) discourage b) shrink c) retain

d) abated

e) retained

d) abate

e) uphold

3) We praise the children regularly to reinforce their sense of self-•worth. a) strengthen

b) throvv out

c) fortify

d) toss out

e) vveaken

d) confirm

e) fling out

4) VVashing wool in hot water v/iil shrink it. a) expand

b) vveaken

c) toss out

5) You must build-up your sîrength after your illness. a) discourage b) deteriorate c) retain d) fling out 6 ) İt was callous for them not to visit their lonely grandmother. a) amenable b) adamant c) astray d) tender 7) l'll şend a postcard as soon as I get there. a) retain b) dispatch c) deteriorate d) uphold 8 ) That dessert was very pajatable. a) delicious b) tasteiess c) astray d) adamant 9) She was adamant that slıe would not go. a) tasteiess b) palatable c) delicious d) astray 10) The vvind has started to abate siightly. a) expand b) dispatch c) ascend d) retain

e) uphold e) heartless e) expand e) obstinate e) amenable e) uphold

Vocabulary çalışması (176-200)

acknovvledge, enrich,

lessened, asking for,

arısen, shorlening,

considerably, endorsed,

arıse rrom, heartless


Most people vvould...........him as one of the greatest philosophers of this century

2) 3) 4) 5)

The storm eventually .............

Some unexpected difficulties h a v e ............. The second dictionary w a s .......... more expensieve than the first one. Turkey's present difficulties........................the reduced value of its money. 6) Music c a n ...........your whole life 7) The miners a r e ...........another increase in pay. 8 ) The days a r e ...........as autumn approaches.

9) The scheme w a s ...........by the President himself. 10 ) How can you be s o ...........?


203- diligent (dîl'ıcınt) : çalışkan diligent = assiduous, industrious, lıard-\vorking, active, .sedulous. tireless diligent x slothful : tembel Çok ÇALIŞKAN olmasına karşın yine de be­ ğenilmeyen bir işçiye arkadaşları sahip çıkar: "Adamın yorgunluktan DİLİ ÇIKTI (diligent) Daha nasıl ÇALIŞKAN olunur?" diye onu ko­ rurlar. Diligent poliçe inquiries eventually turned up sorne clues. Some friends were particularly assiduous in the campaign for his release. She is an industrious teacher. Ali does weil in his job because he is hardworking. My grandfather leads an active life even though he is eighty. His wife is a sedulous housewife. She is a tireless promoter of new causes. Cyrus vvon’t work; he is just too slothful. 204- scatter (skiit’ır) : dağıtmak scatter = separate, strew, sprinkle. distribute, disperse, dissipate scatter x gatlıer : toplamak Scot adlı bir genç gittiği lokantada tartışma çı­ karır. Polis hazırladığı raporda: "Bunu yapan SCOT'tır. (scatter) DAĞITMAK onun işidir" der. The.gunshot scattered the birds. You can’t separate morality from politics. The floor of his Office was strevvn with books and papers. She sprinkled sand along the icy patfı. She distributed the fertiliser över the lawn. The wind dispersed my piles of leaves and blew them ioto the air. He dissipated his money by gambling. The children gathered round to listen tfıeir grandpa’s fairy tale.

Kelime Ezberleten Kurausal Sözlük

Kelime Ezberleten Kurausal Sözlük 205- fluent (fhırv’ınt ) : akıcı fluent = articulate, eloquent, snıooth, silver-tongued, slick, fluid fluent x stilted : belirsiz Yazar Thomas FLUENT'ın son romanı için eleştirmenler: "Eser FLU bir ENDie bitiyor. Yine de yazar (fluent) AKICI bir dil kullan­ mış" diye eleştirirler. (Flu: belirsiz anlamında kullanılmıştır.) He speaks fluent English. The most articulate interviewees aren’t necessarily the best people for the job She is an eloquent speaker. He tricked her with his srnooth talk That politician is successful because he is silver-tongued. He is a slick salesman. The dancer's movements were beautifully fluid (=smooth and follovving) He writes in a formal and rather stilted styie 206- abdicate (iib'dıkeyt) : vazgeçmek abdicate = give up, desist fronı. renounce, cease, abandon, quit abdiate x allege : iddia etmek ABDİ ve KATE ailelerinin baskısına davananıayıp evlenmekten vazgeçince, olay Türk ba­ sınında şu başlıkla yer alır: "ABDİ ve KATE (abdicate) evlenmekten VAZGEÇTİLER.” She has abdicated ali responsibility for the project. Abdi has given up driving since his iiiness, The soidiers have been ordered to desist from firing their guns. Gandhi renounced the use of violence. The French have ceased fighting and asked for peace negotiations. Due to rough vveather, the coast guard had been forced to abandon the search. Suddeniy she quit talking, turned her face to the pillovv and went to sleep. This is what Mehmet alleges, but he is unlikely to be able to prove it.

114 207- dismay (dismay'ı : korkutmak disrnay = appal, petrify. terrify. horrify, frightetı, shock disnıay \ reassure : «inenini tazelemek Baiıarda, özellikle MAYIS ayı gelince oğlu­ nun içine kapanıp kimseyle konuşmadığını farkedeıı annesi: "Tlıis MAY’ bu Mayıs (dis­ may ı seni KORKUTMA sın" diye oğlunu ce­ saretlendirmeye çalışır They enjoyed the meal but were a bit dismayed by/at the bili. They were appalled by news ot the crash My new boss absolutely petrifies me! Flying terrifies me. We were horrified at the conditions they were üving in, The noise frightened me His attitude shocked her She was reassured by our orfer of support. 208- panıper (panTpır) : şımartmak parnper = spoil, iııdulge, coddle panıper x discipline : terbiye etmek, yetiştirmek ŞIMARTILAN küçük çocukların, PAMPER marka bez kullandıklarını hayal ediniz. Nere­ de ŞIMARIK çocuk görseniz: "Bu da diğer ŞIMARIKlar gibi (panıper) kullanıverdin" di­ ye düşünün. The little boy vvas pampered by his father. His grandparents spoil him dreadtully. They indulge my every whim He vvas feeling İH and just wanted to be looked after and coddled. They never make any attempt to discipline iheir childten.

Kelime Ezberleten Kursusu! Sözlük 209- affluent (af'lu«ınt) : zengin affluent = rich, wealthy, prosperuus. «eli ofî, \vell-to-do, loaded affluent x poor : fakir Eleştirmenler Jack LONDON'ın ZENGİN bir yazar olmasını kullandığı akıcı (FLUENT) di­ le bağlarlar. Yazarın adı da bundan sonra (aff­ luent) ZENGİN olarak kalır. They have a relatively affluent way of life. The rich get richer and the poor get poore r.

My t'riends are wealthy enough to travel overseas every year. The prosperous businessman vvorked hard to make his company grow. The government daim that people are better off now than they have ever been. Only well-to-do people can afford to live in this neighbourhood. They were so loaded that they went to Paris for Christmas. The poor family barely made enough money to live on. 210- humble (hAm'bıl) : alçak gönüllü humble = modest, rııeek, polite, kind, respectful, docile humble x haughty : kibirli Arkadaşına "HIMBIL"' denilmesine üzülen Ali: "HIMBIL görünüşüne aldanmayın. O gerçekten (humble) ALÇAK GÖNÜLLÜdür" diyerek onu korur. Ziya strikes me as a very humble person. Dr. Haydar is very modest abouî the success of his research in genetics. She vvon’t objecî, she is so meek and mild What a polite girl you are to offer me your seat in the bus. She is very kind to animais He taught his children to be respectful of other cultures The önce docile population has finally risen up against the ruthless regime. His face vvore an expression of haughty disapproval

1 15

116 211- bire (hay’ır) : kiralamak bire = charter, lease, rent Oğlunun sürekli spor araba KİRALAYARAK parayı çar çur etmesine kızan babası: "Artık HAYIR (bire) araba KİRALAYARAK benim paramı harcamana izin vermiyorum" diye söylenir, 1 hired a car for a week when I was in Turkey. The company has chartered a jet for the trip. Richard leases his field to a farmer We have rented our house to some French people 212- ban (ban) : yasaklamak ban = forbid. prolıibit, proscribe, disallovv, restrict, outlavv ban x allovv : izin vermek İşyerinde uygulanan bazı haksız kısıtlamalar nedeniyle sorgulanan bir kişi: "Bunları BEN (ban) YASAKLAMADIM" diye kendini sa­ vunur, She was banned frorn driving for a year, The law forbids the use of Chemical fertilizers, Smoking in this railway carriage is strictly prohibited The State might proscribe private education altogether, The judge disallovved the defentant's application for bail. The growth of television exports is restricted to 10 % a year, This new law restricts freedom of speech The production and sale of alcohol was outlawed, Wa!king on the grass is not allowed.

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük 213- plıase (feyz): görünüş, evre phase = appearance, aspect, side, period, stage Öğrencilerin resim çalışmalarını kontrol eden dersin hocası, canlı modeli ima ederek: "GÖRÜNÜŞünden hiç mi (phase) FEYZ almadı­ nız" diyerek eleştiride bulunur. We are entering a new phase in international relations. There was nolhing unusual about/in her physical appearance. The impressive aspect of this mountain has inspired many artists. Canadian coins have a picture of the Oueen's head on one side. They are going through a difficult period in their marriage. The submarine is stili at the design stage. 214- aftermath (aPtırmiith) : yan etki aftermatlı = side-effect, after-effect, effect, consequence, result, outcome Sürekli matematik çalışıp zihnini yoran bir bi­ lim adamım muayene eden uzman: "Biz buna tıpta MATEMATİK SONRASI (aftermath) YAN ETKİ diyoruz. Senin beynin çok yor­ gun Röntgenden belli. Biraz tatil yap" der. Large number of businesses went bankrupt in the aftermath of the recession. Does this new drug have any side-effecis? The after-effects of the bomb are stili being feit in Hiroshima. I think l'm suffering form the effects of too little sleep. The high ievel of unemployment has produced harmful social consequences These problems are the result of years of bad management. We are anxiously avvaiting the outcome of their discussion.


118 215- revolve (rivalv') : dön(dür)nıek revolve = rotate, turn, circle, whirl, spin VOLVO marka arabasını satıp başka bir araba alan Cem, pek memnun kalmayınca: "Bunu satıp, VOLVOva (revolve) geri DÖNMELİ­ YİM" diye düşünür, The Earth revolves round/around the sun in an ellipse. The satellite slowly rotates as it circles the earth, The earth turns on its axis önce every 24 hours, The plane circled for an hour before receiving permission to land. He whirled the sword round his head The teacher spun round to see who had spoken. 216- dilemma (dilem’ı) : zor durum, çıkmaz dilemma = quandary, predicanıent, plight, difficulty, mess, perplexit_v EMMA’mn kocasıyla tartıştığını gören anne­ si: "Biraz dilini tutmuyorsun! Kızım kocan haklı! İlişkinizdeki ZOR DURUM, ÇIKMAZ, DİL in EMMA (dilemma)” diye öğüt verir. He was in a dilemma as to vvhether to stay at school or get a job. David GARRET was in a quandary about/over vvhere to go. With no money, no job and novvhere to live, he found himself in a real predicament. Everyone is horrified about the plight of the starving people, She is having financial difficulties. The company’s affairs in a terrible mess. He felt considerable preplexity as to which course io take.

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük

Kelime Ezberleten Kursusa! Sözlük 217- vvrestle (resul) : mücadele etmek «restle = struggle, strive, grapple, combat, fıght, battle « restle x renounce : vazgeçmek Dünya güreş şampiyonasına iddialı bir şekilde hazırlanan RESUL, bir gazetecinin rakipleriy­ le ilgili sorusuna: "Vallahi benim adını RE­ SUL (vvrestle) MÜCADELE EDİP şampiyon olacağım” diye yanıt verir. Resul has vvrestled professionally for eleverı years. 1 have been struggling to understand this article ali afternoon. He strove for recognition as an artist. This is just one of îhe problems the council is grappling vvith. I have to combat this constant desire to eat chocolate. They had to fight hard for improvements to the road system. He had to battle againsî prejudice to get a job. He renounced his daim to the family house. 218- embark (imbark’) : girişmek, başlamak embark = commence, set about, launch, begin, initiate, start embark x complete : tamamlamak Yeni bir işe BAŞLAMAK isteyen arkadaşına öğüt veren Ali: "Önce piyasaya İN BAK (em­ bark) işe GİRİŞMEK daha sonraki mesele" der. İt is late in life to embark on/upon a new career. If everyone has appeared (=arrived), the meeting may now commence. The sooner we set about it the sooner we will finish. She launched a fierce attack on her political opponents. He went upstairs to begin packing. VVho initiated the violence? Can you start on Tuesday? Seeing the family ali together again completed her happiness.


1 2 0

219- cease (sis) : kesmek, sona erdirmek cease = halt, leave off, break off. discontinue, finish, stop cease x begin : başlamak Hava aniden bozulmaya başlayınca dağcılık ekibi başkanı: "Birazdan bölgeyi SİS basacak, (cease) Tırmanmayı yarıda KESMEK. SONA ERDİRMEK zorundayız" der. The company has ceased trading in this part of the world. “Halt! Who goes there?” shouted the sentry. i wish the rain would leave off. The two countries have broken off diplomatic relations. The bus service has been discontinued. Have you finished typing that report? Stop behaving like an idiot. I vvill begin vvhenever you are ready. 220- notablv (no’tıbli) : dikkate değer bir şekilde notablv = noticeably, conspicuousiy, strikingly, distinctly, remarkably, considerably notablv x slightly : önemsiz bir şekilde Anne, oğlunun notunu sorduğunda, öğretmen: "NOTu Bİ İYİ Kİ (notablv) durumunda DİK­ KATE DEĞER BİR ŞEKİLDE düzelme var" der. Many members were absent, notably the chairwoman. The newspapers are conspicuousiy biased. The problems we face are strikingly similar. He was looking distinctly nervous before his interview this morning. İstanbul is a remarkably noisy and crowded city. He is considerably fatter îhan he was when I used to know him. Kerem is slightly taller than his sister.

Kelime Ezberleten Kurausal Sözlük

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük 221- squander (sksran'dır) : (para v.s.) çarçur etmek squander = run through. expend, spend, consume, go through, dissipute squander x eut down : tasarru f etmek Düğün için hazırladığı yemeklere yamağın su kovduğunu eören aşçıbaşı: "PARAMIZI ÇARÇUR EDEN PİŞMİŞ AŞA SU KOYAN­ DIR (squander)" diye onu eliştirir. Emre squandered ali îhe money his parents lert him. He soon ran through ali his father’s money, Tney have expended ali their resources. İn recent years the company has spent a lot of money on new technology. Arguing about details consumed many hours of the cornmittee’s valuable time, The hotel was so expensive, we went through S 20000 in îhe first week. He dissipated his large fortune in a few years of heavy spending, The factory’s production has been cut down. 222- ascertain (iisırteyn’) : araştırmak, -soruşturmak; onaylamak ascertain = search, delve into, diseover; verify, endorse, confirm ascertain x surmise ; tahmin etmek Arkadaşı ile pişti oynayan Red Kit kağıtların eksik olduğunu farkedince: "Etrafa bakalım. Birli (AS) kesin. AS CERTAIN buralarda bir serde (ascertain) iyice ARAŞTIRMAK zorun­ dayız" der Have you ascertained vvhether Esra is coming or not? The poliçe failed to find any evidence vvhen they searched the Office. Before Sibel was appointed, FBI delved into her past record. Scientists have discovered how M predict an earthquake. Are you able to verify your account / allegation? I fully endorse (= agree with) everything the PM has said. The expressiorı on her face confirmed our worst fears. From her letter I surmised that she was unhappy.

1 2 1

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223- ensue (ensu') : birbirini takip etmek; sonuç olmak, meydana gelmek ensue = follotv, clıase, pursue; result, lıappen, occur, arise ensue x precede : önde olmak, önce gelmek Kuraklık çekilen bir bölgede yapılan sondaj ça­ lışmaları sonucunda BİRBİRİNİ TAKİP EDEN bir kaç su kaynağı bulunur. Kimyasal analizler sonucunda hazırlanan raporda: "BİRBİRİNİ TAKİP EDEN su kaynakları arasında EN SUya benzer (ensue) dördüncüsüdür'’ denilir. Boredorn ofterı erısues from inactivity. You go ahead l’li follovv yom The cat chased the mouse, The poliçe pursued the youths who had stolen a car. The fire resulted in darnage to their property. Anything could happen in the next half an hour. The tragedy occurred only minutes after take off. Should the opportunity arise, l'd love to go to Paris.. George Bush preceded Bili Clinton as president of the USA. 224- bribe (bravb) : rüşvet vermek bribe = corrupt, lure, suborn, buy off/over "BİR AYIP" adlı operasyon kapsamında orta­ ya çıkarılan RÜŞVET olayını gazeteler: "BİR AYIP daha (bribe) RÜŞVET VERMEK adet oldu!" şeklinde verirler. I bribed him into giving me the top secret documents. Do you think young people are corrupted by big city life? Cheese is often used to lure mice into traps. The penalties for attempting to suborn witnesses are heavy. His sister threatened to teli the poliçe, so he had to buy her off.

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük


Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük 225- engross (ingros'l : tutmak, zaptetmek. işgal etmek; meşgul olmak engross = absorb, occupy, immerse, eııgage. invoive, arrest engross x release ; serbest bırakmak EN GROSS adlı marketler zincirinin en büyük pazar payına sahip olması üzerine, mahalle bakkalı: "EN GROSS piyasayı (engross) TUTTU. ZAPTETTİ. Bize "bir şey kalmadı" diye düşünür. (gross : büyük) I was so engrossed in my work that I completely forgot the time. Defence spending absorbs almost 40 % of the country’s money. Writing occupies most of my free time. 1 immersed myself in vvork so as to stop thinking about her “Can you come on Sunday.” “No. I'm engaged.” I'd rather you didn’t involve me in your family quarrels. She was arrested for shoplifting. The hijackers released three of the hostages

hilarious falter diligent scatter fluent abdicate dismay pamper affluent humble hire ban phase aftermath revolve dilemma vvrestle

: neşeli : kekelemek, tereddüt etmek : çalışkan : dağıtmak : akıcı : vazgeçmek : korkutmak : şımartmak : zengin : alçak gönüllü : kiralamak : yasaklamak : görünüş, evre : yan etki : dön(dür)mek : zor durum, çıkmaz : mücadele etmek

embark cease notably squander ascertain




: girişmek, başlamak : kesmek, sona erdirmek : dikkate değer bir şekilde : (para v.s.) çarçur etmek : araştırmak, soruşturmak; onaylamak : birbirini takip etmek: sonuç olmak, meydana gelmek ; tutmak, zaptetmek, işgal etmek; meşgul olmak : rüşvet vermek




225. Alıştırmalar

Find îhe right word çalışması (201-225.) 1) We had s o m e ...........adventures on our walking trip. a) fiuent b) articulate c) affluent d) vvealthy 2)


4) 5) 6)

7) 8)

9) 10)

E m re ...........ali îhe money his parents lefî him. a) squandered b) ascertained c) ceased d) vvrestled I ...........him into giving me the top secret documents. a) run îhrough b) squandered c) cut down d) bribed Have y o u ...........whether Esra is coming or not? a) vvrestled b) embarked c) ascertained d) bribed The company h a s ...........trading in this part of the wor!d. a) ascertained b) ceased c) squandered d) bribed İt is late in life t o ................ ....... a new career. a) embark on b) cut down c) run through d) leave off Resul h a s ...........professionally for eleven years. a) cut down b) set about c) vvrestled d) renounced She w a s ...........from driving for a year. a) cut down b) vvrestled c) set about d) hired I ...........a car for a vveek vvhen I vvas in Turkey. a) hired b) vvrestled c) banned d) set about H e ...........önce or tvvice in his speectı a) run through b) pampered c) scattered d) faltered

e) hilarious e) embarked e) ceased e) run through e) vvrestled e) break off e) bribed e) banned e) bribed e) decided

Synonym çalışması (201-225) 1) Richard ieases his field to a farmer a) commences b) charters c) revolves 2 ) I wi'sh the rain would leaveoff. a) break off b) lease c) revolve

d) wrestles

e) renounces

d) renounce

e) commence

3) Many members were absent, notably the chairvvoman. a) assiduously b) industriouslyc) noticeably

d) slightly

e) diligently

d) modest

e) haugfıty

4) He speaks fiuent English. a) diligent

b) articulate

c) humble

5) The gunshot scarttered the birds. a) separated b) left off c) broke off d) released 6) He vvavered betvveen accepting and refusing. a) left off b) separated c) released d) faltered 7) She is an industrious teacher. a) slothful b) fiuent c) diligent d) hilarious 8 ) She has abdicated ali responsibility for the project. a) separated b) faltered c) left off d) broken off education altogether. 9) The State might proscribe private a) commence b) ban c) allovv d) falter

e) revolved e) renounced e) serious e) given up e) revolve

Kelime Ezberleten Kureusal Sözlük 10)


If everyone has appeared, îhe meeting may now commence a) begin b) ban c) falter d) revolve

e) leave off

A ntonym çalışması (201-225) Somehow, Mehmet was able to remain çhee_rfuj hroughout îhe crisis. a) jolly b) serious c) assiduous d) industrious e) tireless

2 ) You can’î separate morality from poliîics a) gather

b) set free

c) pamper

d) spoil

e) hire

d) surmise

e) discipline

d) left off finish. d) break off

e) broke off

3) His grandparents spoil him dreadfully. a) set free b) appal c) squander He soon ran through ali his father’s money: 4) a) embarked on b) struggled c) cut down

5) a) complete

b) cut down

c) squander

They have a relatively affluent way of life, a) haughty b) poor c) fluenî

d) stilted

e) gather e) assiduous

7) Ali does well in his iob because he is hard-w rkina. d) poor a) haughty b) fluenî c) stilted 8 ) She is very kind îo animals. a) humble b) poor c) affluent d) haughty 9) He had to battle against prejudice to get a job d) ban a) renounce b) vvrestle c) cut down 10) Crime has decreased npticeabjy. a) exuberantly b) slightly c) notably d) assiduously

e) slothful e) rneek e) pampeı e) slyly

V ocabulary çalışması (201-225) affluent, forbids,

released, phase,

appalied, humble,


fluent, pampered

1) They never make any attempt t o ...........their children. 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)

The hijackers...........three of the hostages, They have a relatively...........way of life, The liftle boy vvas...........by his father. They w e re ........... by the news of the crash, Edvvard Heath sp e a ks...........English

7) Ziya strikes me as a ...........person. 8) The la w ...........the use of Chemical fertilizers. 9) We are entering a n e w ...........in International relations 10) Large number of businesses went bankrupt in th e ......... of the recession.

] 2 6

K e l im e

E z b e r le te n

K u r g u s a l

S ö z lü k

Word form ation çalışm ası (201-225) 1) Novvadays, violence seems to be a ...........occurrence. (day) 2) While money can’t exactly buy y o u ........... at least iî helps you suffer in comfort, (happy) 3) But how could you do it? Really, Ayla, I feel q u ite ...........of you! (shame) 4) There was a lot o f ...........this morning as work began on the new süpermar­ ket, (active) 5) I can think o f ...........reasons for not getting married; but even so, I stili want to one day, (count) 6) The lovers stood, hand in hand, gazing at th e ...........sky, (star) 7) As the child’s head went urıder the water for the third time, I stood and watched ...........to help, I couldn't swim„ (povver) 8) l’d love to come to your party b u t,.......... I have to go somewhere else, (fortune) 9) Thousands of people turned up for the Pop Festival where the b ig ...........was Bob Dylan. (attract) 10) l’m afraid you'li have to see Mr. Moni, Ali matters concerning finance are his (response) 11) İt i s ...........to take credit for other people’s ideas. (moral) 12) Some people daim to be able t o ........... the future, (teli) 13) I hope there won’t be too m u c h ...........in getting a work permit. (difficult) 14) How are you getting on with y o u r...........course in Russian? (correspond) 15) VVhat time do y o u ...........start work? (use) 16) There was ice on the pavement vvhich made it difficult to vvalk as it was so ............. (slip) 17) I could never he a teacher. I am far t o o ............. (paîient)

226. - 250. Kelimeler 226- burden (birdin) : yük, külfet, yükle(n)mek; sıkıntı vermek burden = strain, bother, trouble, responsibility, anxietv, afflietion burden x relieve : sıkıntısını hafifletmek Yazlık evlerine sürekli kocasının akrabaları ziyaret edince, kadıncağız: ‘'Bıktım BURDAN (burden) YÜK ve KÜLFETten başka bir şey değil" diye şikayet eder. Many pupils find homevvork a burden. Don’t strain your eyes trying to read in this dim light. Don’t bother yourself about ali these details. I never have any trouble getting the car started. I take (full) responsibiüty tor losing the money. There is a lot of anxiety among the staff about possible job losses. Malnutrition is one of the common afflictions of the poor. The good news relieved my anxiety. 227- bemoan (bîmon’) : (birşeyden) ağlayıp sızlayarak şikayet etmek bemoan = lament, bevvail, deplore, complain, condemn, mourn bemoan x rejoice : neşelenmek Titiz yaşlı bir kadın yaptırdığı MAUN kapla­ ma masayı beğenmeyince, marangoz: "Bİ MAUN kullandım ki! en iyi kalite (bemoan) AĞLAYIP SIZLANARAK ŞİKAYET EDE­ CEK ne var?" diye şaşırır Researchers at universities are always bemoaning their lack of funds. My grandma, as usual, lamented the decline in moral standards in today's society. He bevvailed his sudden misfortune and the loss of his most treasured possessions. Even though I deplore the decision, i'll have to accept it. You're alvvays complaining. Most people vvould condemn violence of any şort. They're mouring for/over their lost opportunities. Everyone rejoiced at the news of his safe return.


128 228- beneficiary (bemfiş'iyeri) : faydalanan (yararlanan) kişi beneficiary = iıeir, inheritor Konserve firması yeni deniz ürününü piyasaya sürerken ilginç bir slogan kullanır: “Benden FAYDALANAN KİŞİ olmak istiyorsanız, (beneficiary) BENİ PİŞİRİN ve afiyetle yi­ yin/' Schools in Southern Africa will be ihe main beneficiaries oi the charity. She is his sole heir. They are the inheritors of Greek and Roman culture. 229- agitate (ac'ıteyt) : rahatsız etmek agitate = disturb, stir. trouble. perturb. incite, slıake up calnı dovvn : sakinleştirmek Türkiye'ye gelen Amerikalı öğrenci TEDDYNe arkadaşları çiğ köfte yedimıek isteyince, içlerin­ den insaflı olanı: “Bu ACI TED (agitate) seni RAHATSIZ EDER" diverek onu uvarır The bad news will only agitate her-let's wait till tomorrow to teli her. I’m very disturbed to hear that you haven't yet done whaî 1asked you to do. He enjoys stir ring Many of us are deeply troubled by the chairman’s decision The news that her son had been arrested by the poliçe perturbed her greatly, She incited them to rise up against their officers. The bad news shook me up, Calm dovvn, for goodness sake. It's nothing to get excited about.

Kelime Ezberleten Kuransal Sözlük

Kelime Ezberleten Kureusal Sözlük 230- span (span) : süre; genişlik span = spell, duration, period; extent. length Kendi SIPAsı hep sonuncu olan çocuk nedeni­ ni merak edince, babası: "Senin SIPAN (span) yarış SÜREsini ayariayamıyor" der. Thaî child’s attention span is poor - he only listens to the teacher for a few seconds at a time Över a span of three years a surprising amount has been achieved. After a shori spell in hospital she was soon back at work. He planned a stay of two years' duration Her work means îhat she spends long periods away from home. I was surprised at the extent of his knowledge. Take two pieces of string of diffeıent lengths. 231- bet (bet) : iddia etmek, bahse girmek bet = gamble, stake, risk, speculate, wager. lıazard BETTY bir konuda gereksiz yere İDDİA EDİNCE annesi: "BET boşuna (ben İDDİA EDİYORSUN" diye kızını uyarır. I bet that she won’t come. Anyone who gambles on the sîock exchange has to be prepared to lose money. The PM is siaking his reputation on a successful outcome to the arms talks. He gambled away (=risked and lost) the fortune his grandfather left him. I don't know ali the circumîances, so it vvould be pointless to speculate. She wagered me S 10 that i would not do it. I hazarded ali rny money in the attempt to save the business

1 3 0

232- mark do\vn (mark daun) : fiyat indirmek; seçmek; kayıt etmek mark do\vn = reduce, ctıeapen, discount, lovver, decrease mark do\vn x mark up : fiyat yükseltmek Bir emekli yatırım yaptığı Alman MARK'ı değer kaybedince: MARK m FİYATI İNDİ (mark down) MARK DOWN oldu” diye karı­ sına dert yanar. Some of the sale goods have been marked down by as much as 75 %. Could you reduce the price, please? American Steel has been cheapen due to the fail in the dollar. If we have to discount our prices we aren’t going to make a profit. Interest rates have been lovvered again. Our share of the market has decreased sharply this year. If you vvitness an accident, mark down the licence number of the car. I marked down the spot as a suitable place for camping. Shares in retail businesses were marked up on the news that consumer spending rese last month. 233- dire (dayr) : dehşetli, korkunç; ciddi dire = terrible, dreadful, fearful, horrible; serious, severe dire x splendid : harikulade Ünlü İngiliz rock grubu "DİRE STAİTS"in son albümü beklenen başarıyı gösteremeyince müzik eleştirmenleri: “DİRE STRAITS (dire) KORKUNÇ bir bunalıma girdi" diye olayı yo­ rumlarlar. Their business is in dire straits. P ve just received some terrible news. The food was bad and the service was dreadful. There was a fearful argument when Mr. Moni demanded his money back. She’s fearful that she may lose custody of her children. Isn't the vveather horrible today? Please don't laugh - l'm being serious. Şirin has been under severe strain / pressure recently. Love is a many splendid thing.

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük

Kelime Ezberleten Kurausal Sözlük 234* blunder (blAn’dır) : gaf (hata) yapmak blunder = err, mistake. stunıble, bungle, misjudge, botch blunder x succeed : başarmak Yaptığı hatayı düzeltmeye çalışan bir kişi pot kırmaya devam edince arkadaşları: “Meseleyi daha da BULANDIRma (blunder) HATA YAPMAYA devam ediyorsun" diye uyanda bulunurlar. I realized I had blundered. To err is humarı. İt would be a fatal mistake to ignore my advice. Just relax and be confident, and you vvon't stumble when you give your speech. Our tour operators realiy bungled-they booked us on the vvrong flight, I thought Şirin vvasn't going to support me, but I misjudged her. I botched up my intervievv. If you try hard you'll succeed. 235- core (kor) : öz, esas core = essence, kernel, crux, centerpiece, centre, lıeart core x exterior : dış, harici Çırak küllenmiş ateşte kalay yapmağa kalkı­ şınca. ustası: "Külde kalay yapılmaz Ateş KOR olmalı, (core) İşin Özü. ESASı bu" der. This is realiy the core of the problem. The essence o' his argument was that education should continue throughout life. There is often a kernel of truth in what they say. The crux of the country’s econorni&problems is its foreign debt. Marriage is no longer the centerpiece of vvomen's life, she said. His political vievvs are known to be right of centre. Let’s get to the heart of the matter. İn some of the villages the exterior walls of the houses are painted white.

! 31

132 236- kin (kin) : akraba kin = relations. relatives. family Bir süredir dargın olan iki yeğen, bayram gü­ nü karşılaşınca: "Biz yeğen değil miyiz'’ Bu KİN niye? (kin) AKRABAyız" diyerek barı­ şırlar. Ali of her immediate kin are dead. Şirin is a relation by marriage because she married my brother. Ali my distanî relatives came to the wedding. A new family has/have moved in next door. 237- kinship (kîn'şip) : akrabalık kinship = relationship, kin, relation, reiative İki yeğen yıllar sonra ortak bir denizcilik şir­ keti”kurunca. adını da KİN SH1P MENT CO. koyar, (kinship) AKRABALIK Denizcilik Şirketi. Different etnnic groups have different Sys­ tems of kinship. Scientists have established the relation­ ship betvveen lung cancer and smoking. Ali of her immediate kin are dead. The funeral was attended by friends and relations. I've got many blood relatives.

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük 238- predict (pridîkt') : önceden tahmin etmek predict = anticipate. prophesy, forsee. foretell, forecast, divine Öğretmen: "Hangi hayvan dik atlayabilir?" diye soranca, bir öğrenci: "PİRE DİK atlar (predict) ÖNCEDEN TAHMİN ETMEK zordur" der. Nowadays it is possible to predict the time of eclipses with great accuracy. At this stage we can not really anticipate what will happen. She prophesied that there wou!d be a bad winter. I foresaw that my journey would be delayed by bad vveather. Who can foretell how the worid will end? He confidently forecast a big increase in sales, and he turned out to be right. The gypsy looked into her crystal bali to divine my future. 239- predicate (pred'îkeyt) : ifade etmek; doğrulamak predicate = assert, affirm, declare, proclaim, indicate, verify predicate x deny : inkar etmek Kate: "Biraz önce elinde ne saklıyordun'’" diye sorduğunda kocası: "İFADE ETMEK gerekirse PİREYDİ KATE (predicate)" diye yanıt alır İt has been predicated that a seismic shock was the cause of these phenomena. The govemment has repeatedly asserted that it will not change its policy, She asserted her opinions. The minister affirmed the government's intention to reduce taxes. Seh declared that she knew nothing about the robbery. His accent proclaimed his Amer ican origins. He indicated his willingness with a nodof his head. The prisoner's statement was verified by several witnesses The minister has strenuously denied these allegations.


240- gloomy (glu'mi) : sıkıntılı; ümitsiz gloomy = unhappy. duil, pessimistic, cheerless, depressing. discouraging gloomy x cheerful : neşeli Telefondaki sesinden karısı GÜLün biraz SI­ KINTILI olduğunu hisseden kocası, akşam dönüşü bir buket GÜL alır. Kapıyı açan eşine: -GÜL İYİ Mİ? (gloomy) belki SIKINTINI gi­ derir" der We waited in a gloomy waiting room. She is unhappy. He vvrote dull, respectable articles for the local nevvspaper. The experts are pessimistic about our chances of success. They live in a bare, cheerless apartment in downtown London. VVhat depressing weather, we’re having! Why are you always so discouraging about my chances of getting a job? She is very bright and cheerful this morning. 241- couch (kauç) : beyan etmek, söylemek couch = declare, express, announce, proclaim, affirm, assert couch x repudiate : reddetmek Basketbol Milli Takımı KOÇunun maç sonra­ sı verdiği BEYANAT ertesi günü gazetelerde şu başlıkla yayınlanır: "KOÇ BEYAN ETTİ (couch) seneye şampiyon alacağız.” Youil have to îhink carefully about how to couch your reply to his letter. They declared themselves (to be) bankrupt. Children often express themselves in painting. They announced the death of their father in the local paper. Ali the countries have proclaimed their loyalty to the alliance The suspect affirmed that he had been at home ali evening. İt is nonsense to assert that smoking doesn't damage people's health. The convict repudiated the charge that he had tried to deceive them.

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük 242- evaluate (ivaPymveyt): değerlendirmek evaluate = appraise, assess, estimate. gauge, judge, rate evaluate x overrate : fazla önem vermek, önemsemek Hazırlanan raporu beğenmeyen genel müdür: "İşin EVVELİYATını levalma^) DEĞER­ LENDİRMEK gerekir. Baştan yazılsın” diye not düşer. The school has only been öpen six months, so it's hard to evaluate its success. She took a moment to appraise the situation before deciding how to act. They assessed the value of the house at $ 10 . 000 . We haven't estimated the proper price for the contract yet. İt was difficult to gauge the distance from the shore to the Island. İt is difficult to judge his age. How do you rate him as a footballer? I think that film is overrated. 243- miscellaneous (mîsıley’nivıs) : karışık, çok yönlü miscellaneous = sophisticated, various, confusing, mixed miscellaneous x primitive : ilkel Bir komutan ordusuna emir verirken: “Siz de düşmana MİSİLLEYİNİZ (miscellaneous) ama KARIŞIK ve ÇOK YÖNLÜ olsun ki şa­ şırıp kalsınlar” der. missilleyiniz: (misilleme yapın, anlamında kullanılmıştır). The increase in inflation is due to higher prices for food and miscellaneous household items. I think a more sophisticated approach is needed to solve this problem. For various reasons I vvould prefer not to meet her. The instructions were so confusing I couldn't understand them. He has mixed feelings about his daughter’s marriage. Small sea shells were often used as a prim­ itive kind of money.


i 36 244- chilly (çîl'i) : soğuk ciıilly = cold, cool, freezing. nippy, icy chilly \ hot : sıcak Yüzü ÇİLLİ bir askerin SOĞUKtan titrediği­ ni gören komutan nedenini sorunca, asker: "Komutanın benim yüzüm ÇİLLİ (chilly) SO­ ĞUK bana yaramıyor" der. I felt a bit chiiiy so I put on a coaî. You will be/get/feel cold it you don’t wear a coat. It's freezing cold in here-Can I shut the window, please? İn the late afternoon the breeze at the beach can be nippy Let me rub your icy hands. How hot is the water? 245- cravvl (kröl) : sürünmek cravvl = creep. incit, slink, vvorrn cravvl x race : yarışmak Hollanda'nın ünlü futbolcusu KROL'ıi yıllar sonra perişan halde gören bir arkadaşı: "KROL (cravvl) artık SÜRÜNÜYOR. Bu hâl­ lere düşecek adammıydı" diye üzülür, The littie child, cravvled across the floor. We crept upstairs so as not to wake the baby. I inched îhrough the narrow space betvveen the cars. The defeated army slunk back to its strongholds in the mountains. We wormed our way through the crack in the wail, I used to race against (him) when we were boys.

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Kelime Ezberleten Kuramsal Sözlük 246- urban (ır’bm) : şehre ait. kentsel urban = civic. municipal, to\vn, eity. metropolitan urban x rural : kırsal, köye ait Yıllar sonra köyüne dönen bir bilim adamının canı fena halde sıkılmaktadır. Durumu fark eden annesi: "KURBAN artık sen (urban) ŞEHRE AİT'sin köyde yapamazsın" der. Some urban areas can look quite pretty. A program of urban renewai has been initiated. Civic leaders can not agree on what is best for the city. Municipal eiections will be held on April 23 rd. 1wil! meet you in the îown park. City life is becoming increasingly dangerous. London Transport serves the whole met­ ropolitan area. Rural bus Services are often inadeguate 247- treaclıerous (treç’ırıs) : tehlikeli treaclıerous = dangerous, perilous, risky, lıazardous. dishonest. disloyal, unfaithful treacherous x safe : emniyetli Oğlu TERE yemek isteyince annesi: "TERE CİS! (treacherous) TEHLİKELİ sen yiyemez­ sin. TERE sana acı gelir'" der. The snow had frozen hard and the ski slopes were treacherous. Motor-racing is a dangerous sport. Climbers would often be overeome by vertigo on the perilous descenî. Removing the fuse from an unexploded bomb is always a risky operation. Being the President's bodyguard was obviously a hazardous occupation. İt was very dishonest of you to lie them about your aualiîications. Two newspapers have been ciriiicized for disloyal reporting of the war. She has been unfaithful on more than one occassion. My mother vvished me a safe journey.


1 3 8

2 4 8 -entail (înteyl) : gerektirmek entail = involve, bring about, necessiate, cali for, demand, require Bir grup aydın kendi aralarında konuşurken içlerinden biri: “Aydın olmak. ENTEL olmak (entail) köklü bilgi GEREKTİRİR diye düşün­ cesini belirtir. Such a large investment inevitably entails some risk. The operation involves putting a small tube into your heart. Science has brought about many changes in our lives, Lack of money necessiated a change of plan. This şort of work calls for a lot of patience. This work demands your immediate attention. This suggestion wil! reguire careful thought. 249- tamer (tey’mır) : terbiyeci, yetiştirici (hayvan v.s.) TAMER adlı bir kişinin LONDRA SİRKİ'NDE (tamer) aslan TERBİYECİSİ olarak çalıştığını düşünün. Tamer is a well-known lion tamer in Turkey.

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Kelime Ezberleten Kurausal Sözlük 250- disband (dîsbüncT) : dağılmak, dağıtmak disband = disperse, break up, separate, scatter, dissolve, demobilize disband x muster : toplamak BAND bilindiği üzere "Orkestra, grup" anla­ mına gelmektedir. İşte bu BANDlerin en ünlü­ sü THE BEATLES, 1972'de DAĞILINCA bir gazete: "THIS BAND (The Beatles) (dis­ band) DAĞILDI" diye başlık atar. He formed a political group vvhich disbanded a year later. Security guards dispersed the crowd that had gathered around the building Their marriage broke up, The two friends separated at the crossroads. War separated the family. The gunshot scarttered the birds Parliment has been dissolved. As soon as the peace treaty was signed, soldiers begarı demobilizing. The tvvelfth division mustered on the hilî.



beneficiary agitate span bet mark down dire blunder core kin N____________________________

yük, külfet, yükle(n)mek; sıkıntı vermek (bir şeyden) ağlayıp sızlayarak şikayet etmek faydalanan (yararlanan) kişi rahatsız etmek süre; genişlik iddia etmek, bahse girmek fiyat indirmek; seçmek; kayıt etmek dehşetli, korkunç; ciddi gaf (hata) yapmak öz, esas akraba

akrabalık önceden tahmin etmek; ifade etmek; doğrulamak gloomy : sıkıntılı; ümitsiz beyan etmek, couch söylemek • değerlendirmek evaluate miscellaneous . karışık, çok yönlü : soğuk chilly : sürünmek crawl urban : şehre ait, kentsel treacherous : tehlikeli ; gerektirmek entail : terbiyeci, yetiştirici tamer (hayvan v.s.) : dağılmak, dağıtmak disband

kinship predict predicate


.................. — J)


226. - 250. Alıştırmalar Find ihe right w ord çalışması (226-250)

1) Many pupils find homework a ............. a) span b) core c) burden d) kin e) exterior 2 ) The bad news will o n ly .......... h e r ........... let's vvait till tomorrovv to teli her a) agitate b) calm down c) predict d) bemoan e) bet 3) I ...........that she will not come.. a) bemoan b) bet c) calm down d) predict e) agitate 4) I realized I had ............. ' a) disbanded b) evaluated c) cravvled d) blundered e) entailed

5) He formed a political group vvhich...........a year later. a) mustered b) entailed c) disbanded d) crawled e) predicted 6 ) You’ll have to îhink carefully about how t o ...........your reply to his letter. a) couch b) predict c) crawl d) muster e) disband 7) The school has only been öpen six months, so it is hard t o ...........its success. a) repudiate b) disband c) bemoan d) evaluate e) muster 8 ) Nowadays it is possible t o ...........the time of eclipses with great accuracy. a) blunder b) predict c) repudiate d) entail e) bet 9) İt vvould be a fa ta l...........to ignore my advice. a) burden b) span c) kin d) essence e) mistake 10 ) İt has b e e n ...........that a seismic shock was the cause of these phenomena. a) predicated b) disbanded c) crawled d) entailed e) bemoaned

Synonym çalışm ası (226-250) 1) We vvaited in a gloomy waiting-room. a) miscellaneous b) various c) cheerful d) splendid e) dull 2) The increase in inflation is due to higher prices for food and miscellanepuş househoid items a) sophisticated b) chilly c) dull d) cool e) treacherous 3) The snovv had frozen hard and the ski siopes were treacherous. a) gloomy b) cool c) dangerous d) sophisticated e) primitive 4) The litîle child cravvled across the floor. a) repudiated b) evaluated c) declared d) crept e) appraised 5) She îook a moment to appraışe the siîuation before deciding how to act. a) overrate bl evaluate c) creep d) predicate e) predict 6) At this stage we can not really anticipate what will happen. a) predict b) overrate c) err d) mark down e) gamble 7) l'm very dişturbed to hear that you haven’t yet done what I asked you to do. a) asserted b) blundered c) marked down d) agitated e) evaluated 6) Most people vvould çondemn vlolence of any şort. a) overrate b) predict c) bemoan d) bet e) mam up

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Don't strain your eyes trying to read in this dim light. a) relieve b) rejoice c) bemoan d) err e) burden 10) Some of the sale goods have been mjüj >■> J ' >

349- agiie (âc’ayl) : çevik agile = athletic, sprighth, spry, light. nimble, agile x clumsy : sakar, beceriksiz

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük


350- rank (rangk) : sıraya dizmek rank = classifv, group, arrange, grade, şort, file rank x disorganize : altüst etmek, dü7.enini bozmak Yeni gelen kumaşların gelişi güzel dizildiğini gören patron: “RENKlerine göre (rank) SI­ RAYA DİZMEK bu kadar mı zor?" diye söy­ lenir. The cups were ranked neatly on the shelf. The books in the library are classified by/accoring to subject. I grouped the children according to age. His books are neatly arranged in alphabetical order. Eggs are usually graded into different sizes. Paper, plastic and cans are sorted for recycling. The librarian filed ali the index cards so that we could find them easily. I'nrı too busy. You’ll disorganize rny vvhole morning schedule.

flee vacate mature sanitary misty bankrupt barren plot rush | era equilibrium incur adamant earnest concise


: kaçmak : terketrrıek; boşaltmakfeshetmek : o!gunlaş(tır)mak : sıhhi, sağlıklı : sisli : iflas ettirmek, iflas : kısır : entrika (çevirmek) : acele etmek ■Çağ : denge : yakalanmak, maruz kalmak : çok sert; inatçı : ciddi; gerçek : kısa, az ve öz

scene insight bias undue usher mould spare

curtail agile rank

: olayın geçtiği yer (mahal) : bir şeyin iç yüzünü kavrama : önyargılı ; gereksiz, aşırı : öncü olmak, yol göstermek : biçimlendirmek, şekillendirmek : öldürmemek, bağışlamak, kurtarmak; vermek, onsuz işini çevirmek ; kısıtlamak : çevik i sıraya dizmek

326. - 350. Alıştırmalar


Find the right word çalışması (326-350) 1) Everyone.. ........the building when the fire alarm sounded. e) plotted c) ushered a) curtailed b) ranked d) fled a lot while she was at college. S h e ........... 2) e) curtailed c) plotted d) ranked b) fled a) maîured 3) Make your ansvvers clear and e) barren c) agile a) bias b) casual d) concise 4) The government has accused the media o f .. c) concise e) agile d) casual a) impartial b) bias The councillor prornised that the new system would not im p o se ...........b 5) dens on the locai taxpayer. d) barren e) undue c) impartial a) concise b) agile 6) The bombing of H iroshim a.... ..... in the nuclear age. e) curtailed b) matured c) ushered d) plotted a) fled 7) He w a s ..... .... that he would not go. c) concise d) barren e) misty a) adamant b) undue 8) The mornings are o fte n .......... . in the mountains. e) bias c) concise d) undue a) impartial b) misty 9) Hotel guests are reguested to ...........their rooms by twelve noon,. e) vacate a) usher c) plot d) mature b) incure 10) I worry that they w ill...........against me. a) vacate c) plot b) curtail

d) usher

e) incure

Synonym çalışması (326-350) 1) The resignation of the PM upset the countrv’s economic eauilibrium. e) epoch c) balance d) insight a) ara b) scene 2) He soon etablished himself as a scientist of great insight and creativity. a) comprehension b) era c) balance d) scene e) eguilibrium 3) The PM is taking his country into a new political era with a package of radical reforms. e) equilibrium d) scene a) place b) epoch c) insight 5) Make your answers clear and conçjşe. d) undue e) determined a) sanitary b) barren c) short 6) Her kitchen didn’t look verv sanitary. a) healthy b) concise c) undue 7) There is plenty of time; we needn’t ruşh. a) plot b) spare c) rnould

d) barren

e) bias

d) hurry

e) rank

8) These huae presses rnould the car bodies. e) rush d) plot a) spare b) form c) rank 9) The enemy killed ali the men, but şpared the vvomen and children.. a) fled b) plotted c) ushered d) rescued e) moulded

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2 0 6


These objecîs were found at the scene of îhe erime. a) era b) insight c) equtlibrium d) balance

e) place

Antonym çalışması (326-350) 1) 2) 3) 4)

Your comment is very brief. You should teli me more. a) lengthy b) concise c) bias d) misty The excessive rainfall this week caused the river îo flood. a) undue b) necessary c) bar/en d) bias We longed for a child but my wife was barren. a) undue b) bias c) concise d) lengthy l washed my handkerchief until it was spotless. a) lengthy b) fertile c) insanitary d) undue

e) undue e) concise e) fertile e) barren


These elassroorn activities are intended to foster children's language skills. a) deteriorate b) pioneer c) spare d) flee e) vacate


The Conservative Party has now abandoned its policy of unilateral disarmament. a) retained b) vacated c) spared d) ranked e) fled The cups were ranked neatly on the shelf a) fled b) retained c) spared d) plotted e) disorganized


8) The mornings are often misty in the mountains. a) barren b) fertile c) concise d) clear e) insanitary 9) Due to the economic recession, İli have to curtail my spending a) mould b) inerease c) spare d) flee e) usher 10) Monkeys are very agjle elimbers. a) earnest b) cloudy c) clumsy d) adamant e) barren

Vocabulary çalışması (326-350) equilibrium, plotting,

bias, insight,

agıle, obstinate.

scene, hurry,

serıous fled

1) Monkeys are v e ry ...........elimbers 2) l’ve brought you here to discuss a ...........matter. 3) She has a n ...........belief in her own ability. 4) 5) 6) 7) 8)

These objects were found at th e ...........of the erime. He soon established himself as a scients of g re a t...........and creativity. The government has accused the rrıedia o f ............. They a r e ...........(together-, to take över the company. İt is late; we’d b e tte r.............

9) Everyone...........(from) the building when the fire alarm sounded. 10) Yoga is said to restore one's inner (=m ental)............

Kelime Ezberleten Kureusal Sözlük Word formation çalışması (326-350) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

We must îa k e ...........before things get worse. (act) There is a lot o f ...........outside the stadium. (act) Don’t worry about the volcano. İt has b e e n ...........for years.. (act) She said she vvanted to be a television............. (act) Are ali th o s e ...........they put in food really necessary? (add)

6) İ n ........... to doirıg the cleaning, I make the coffee. (add) 7) This is a n ...........piece of work.. (admire) 8) l'm full o f ...........for the improvements he’s made. (admire) 9) Unfortunately, you'll be at a ...........if you can't drive.. (advarıtage) 10) Knovving a lot of languages, he is in a v e ry ......... position. (advantage)



351-spectacular (spektâk’yılır) : harikulade, görülmeye değer spectacular = impressive. eye-catching, rvonderful, fabulous. extraordinary, striking spectacular x ordinary : sıradan Bayan müşteri yumurtacıya: "Hangisinden ve­ receksin?"’diye'sorunca: "Abla SEPETTEKİLER (spectacular) HARİKULADE. GÖRÜLMEYE DEĞER! Gerçek köy yumurtası" der. The most spectacular goal of îhe match was scored by Hagi. There are some impressive buildings in îhe town. The shopkeeper put the most eye-caîching clothes in the shop window. İt vvas a vvonderful sight to see the rocket taking off. We had a fabulous time looking över the space museum. Sending rockets into space is an extraordinary achievement. She is a very striking girl. We are very ordinary people really-there’s nothing special about us. 352- curriculunı (kırîk’yılım) : müfredat curriculum = schedule, policv, scheme, project, plan, program Okul müdürü genç öğretmeni odasına çağır­ tıp: "KIRK YILIN başında (curriculum) MÜFRADAT hazırladın. Onu da becereme­ din. Nasıl olurda bir öğretmen aynı anda beş ayrı derse birden girebilir" diye sorar. Is Russian on the curriculum at your school? Ali State schools in Turkey follovv a national curriculum. His schedule includes a two day stopover in Ankara to meet the PM. it is not our policy to reveal our clients' narnes. İt is hard to see any scheme in what this vvriter has vvritten; İt is very confused. I'm doing a project on the history of the cinema. If we keep to the plan, the work should be cornpleted in two vveeks. So far the testing program for the drug has produced encouraging results.

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük 35 3-tarnish (tar’niş) : lekelemek, karalamak tarnisiı = blacken, soil, stain, blemish tarnish x polish : parlatm ak İzmir'deki ! ARIM İŞ Tesisleri'nde işten çı­ kartılan bir işçi TARIM-İŞi (tarnish) LEKE­ LEMEK. KARALAMAK ’için elinden geleni yapar. Silvet tamishes easily and turns black if not polished regularly. The island's name has been blackened by the travel writer in his latest book. I wouldn't soil my hands on/with such a dishonest scheme. Severai important politicians have had their reputations stained by this scandal. The scandal has blemished her shining reputation. You should polish your shoes regularly to protect the leather. 354- şnatch (snaç) : kapmak, kaçırmak snatch = seize, make off vvith, fly off vvith, make avvav vvith, \valk away with snatch x release : serbest bırakmak Manda yuva yapmış söğüt dalma, yavrusunu SİNEK (snatch) KAPMIŞ. KAÇIRMIŞ. He snatched the phoîos out ot my hand before ! had a chance to look at thern. ! seized his arm and made him turn to look at m e.

The pcüce chased hım but the thief made off vvith the oiamonds. Someone has no-vn ati vvith my bag. The poliçe gave chase. but thieves made avvay vvith the jewe!s. Someone got in and vvalked avvay wi;h the money while we were out. She was arrested tor shopliftn.j but was reieased on bail.


210 355- syllabus (sîl’ıbıs) : özet (ders vs.) syllabus = summary. resume, precis, synopsis, outline, plan Öğretmen son dersin ÖZETini çıkarması için sınıf başkanmı görevlendirirken: "ÖZET bitin­ ce benim odama gel. Kapıdaki ZİLE BAS (syllabus) bende ÖZETin bittiğini anlarım" der. I want you to vvrite a syllabus of the whole passage in not more than 80 words. I gave the class a summary of the headmaster’s speech. He gave us a resume of progress on the new tennis courts. Kerim wrote a precis of the article on grass snakes. Sfıe wrote a synopsis of the novel to persuade us to re ad it. We were ali given an outline of what had to be done. I jotted down a plan for my story before I began to vvrite it. 356- dallv (dal’i) : vakit öldürmek, oyalanmak dallv = dawdle, dilly-dally, loiter, linger, tarrv dally x hurry : acele etmek Oğlunun ders çalışmadığım gören anne: "Yavrum sen DELİ misin? (dally) Şimdi OYALANMANIN zamanı mı? Yarın ki sına­ va ben mi gireceğim?" der. Kerim always dallies över tasks that he doesn’t like doing, You’ll never get there if you dawdle so much. Don't dilly-dally - just pack your things and then we can go! I loitered near the park hoping to see someone to play with„ We lingered at the monkeys' cage because they rnade us laugh. We tarried until it was almost too late to catch the train. We will have to hurry or we will be late.

Kelime Ezberleten Kursusal Sözlük

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük 357-alimony (al'ımoni) : nafaka alimony = nıaintenance Mahkemede hakimin kendisine bağladığı NAFAKAyı beğenmeyen bir Karadenizli kadın: "Ne yapalım? Bari ALİYİM ONİ (alimony) bu NAFAKA ile üç çocuk okutulmaz. Ama başka çarem yok" diye söylenir. He refused to pay alimony for his three children. 1have no job and receive no maintenance from my children’s father. A lot of young mothers do not sue their formet husbands for maintenance. 358- oasis (oney'sîs) : vaha oasis = spring Çölü gezen bir gurup turist rehberlerini kaybe­ dince susuz kalır. VAHA bulmak için harca­ nan çabalar da boşa gidince, içlerinden biri rehberi kastederek: "O BEY SİZ (oasis) bir VAHA bulmak imkansız" der. The caravan stopped for the night at an oasis. Her bedroom is an oasis of calm in the noisy house. A spring is a place where vvater flows out from the ground.


212 359- breach (briç) : ihlâl (etmek) breaclı = defy, flout, disobey, break; infringe, violate, break one’s promise breach x obey : söz dinlemek, denileni yapmak Arkadaşına BRİÇ kurallarını öğreten BRİÇ ustası, bir ara: "Eğer oyun başında koz söyle­ mezsen. bu durum BİRÇte (breach) kural İH­ LALİ demektir. Dikkatli ol” der. They breached the agreement they had made with their employer. He defied his mother when she told him to turn off the radio, They flouted the drug laws. She disobeyed orders. Your actions broke ali the rules and regulations. You musn’t infringe the school rules. The UN censured the nation which violated the international treaty. She broke her promise/vvord to me. The soldier said that he was just obeying orders. 360- surplus (sır’plAs) : aşırı, fazla surplus = excess, extra, excessive, unnecessarv. superfiuous, spare surplus x necessarv : gerekli Lordlar Kamarası'nda yaptığı konuşmalarda hep ARTI (ek) süre isteyen bir üyenin adı SIR PLUS'a çıkar. Ne zaman söz istese: "SIR PLUS (surplus) FAZLA süre ister. Ona. beş dakika yetmez" denilir. The sîore is selling off stock that is surplus to requirements. An excess of enthusiasm is not always a good thing. Recenîly he has been vvorking an extra two hours a day. He takes an excessive interest in clothes. I found a lot of the violence in the film totally unnecessary. Their eyes met across the room, and words were superfiuous Ali children should bring a spare set of clothes in case they get wet. Just do vvhat’s necessary and then leave.

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük 361- sum (sAm) : toplama(k), yekûn çıkarma(k) sum = add, calculate, count, figüre up sum x minus : eksi Hesaplara bakan patron, muhasebeci SAM'a seslenerek: “SAıVl şu hesaplan (sum) TOPLA, ve YEKUNu bana bildir” der. The sum of 13 and 8 is.21. She added a Picasso to her collecfion. He took out his ruler and calculated the area of the square. Can you count how many books are left for me, please? Add these figures up and see what the total is? What is 59 minus 39? 362- random (ran'dım) : tesadüf, rasgele random = haphazard, accidental, coincidental, chance, fiuky, arbitrary random x deliberate : kasti, önceden düşünülmüş Yeni işe başlayan işçilerden RANDIMAN alamayan patron yaptığı toplantıda: “Burası babanızın çiftliği değil ki! RANDIMAN (ran­ dom) RASGELE, TESADÜFİ olsun!" diye söylenir. We asked a random sample/selection of people what they thought. George Duke tackled the problem in a typically haphazard manner. Don’î get angry with him for breaking the window because it was purely accidental. İt was coincidental that we both went to the movies yesterday, I came across this valuable vase by a chance vist to a junk shop. That fiuky goal in the basketbali match was thrown by iheir shortest player. The fans complained about the apparently arbitrary distribuîion of tickets for the next game. He made a deliberate attempt to mislead us



363- detect (dîtekf) : bulmak, meydana çıkarmak detect = locate, find, discover, discern. perceive. ascertain detect x conceal : gizlemek İngilizce kompozisyon sınavından zayıf alan öğrenci duruma itiraz edince, öğretmen: "İşte sınav kağıdın. İçinde "THE" geçen bir TEK cümle (detect) BULMAK imkânsız" der. High levels of lead have been deteeted in the atmosphere. At last I located the fault in the engine. He found his pen under a chair. Gravity was discovered by Nevvton when an apple fell on this head 1soon discerned that the old man was lying. We were unable to perceive where the problem iay. I ascertained that she was dead. He managed to conceal from his parents where he was going 364- eminent (em'ınmt) : seçkin, üstün enıinent = distinguished, prestigious, important, prominent, pre-eminent, famous enıinent x unknotvn : bilinmeyen Bankaya yatırılması gereken iki milyon doları kime teslime edeceğini düşünen bir iş adamı­ na. ortağı: "Bizim EMİN EN (eminent) SEÇ­ KİN insandır. EMİN'e ver" der. Even the most eminent doctors could not cure him, I think grey hair on a man can look very distinguished. The famous singer earned his prestigious position by praetising for hours every day. We planned a special vveleome for the important visitor. Because she was a prominent member of the council everyone listened to her. He is the pre-eminent scientist in his fieid. A famous film star has come to live in our village. The exact number of people carrying the virüs is unknovvn.

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük

Kelime Ezberleten Kurausal Sözlük 365- adore (ıdör'I : tap(m)mak adore = vvorship, idolize. revere, venerate, honour, respect, love adore x despise : nefret etmek Ege Uygarlıklarından biri olan DOR'ların. BİR KAPIYA (TAPDIKLARI) TAPINDAKLARI için. A DOOR (adore) DOR adıyla anıl­ dıklarını hayal edin. He adores his ex-wife His follovvers vvorshipped at his feet. As a child he idolized his father, until his parents divorced. Jews revere Moses and ali their prophets. Roman Catholics venerate the Pope. We honour our country by singing the national anthem. Aboriginal children are taught to respect their tribal elders. I love my parents. John despised himself for being such a covvard. 366- \vorship (vvor'şîp) : tap(m)mak vvorship = adore. revere, venerate, respect, love, idolize, admire vvorslıip x scorn : küçümsemek Aztek Uygarlığı'm inceleyen bilim adanılan. Azteklerin SAVAŞ GEMİSİNE W AR SHİP (vvorslıip) TAPTIKLARINI ortaya çıkarır. Let us bow down and worship God. He adores his elder brother. We ali revere Shakespeare's plays as great literatüre. Roman Catholics venerate the Pope. He isn't the most popular teacher, but ali the students respect him. His employers didn’t esteem him (to be) worthy of trust. The young teacher was much loved and esteemed. Almost 20 years after his death, Elvis is stili idolized by millions of funs. What I really admire about her is the way she always stays calm. Herman Prey scorned my advances.


367-sneer at (snir at) : küçümsemek, alay etmek sneer at = deride, nıock, taunt, ridicule, scorn, tease sneer at x esteem : hürmet etmek Okuldan gelen kızının ağladığını gören anne nedenini sorduğunda, kızı: "Beni arkadaşla­ rım SİNİR ETtiler, (sneer at) yeni ayakkabım­ la ALAY ETTİLER" der. He sneered at my attempts to vvrite poetry, She was derided for making such a stupid proposal İt was unkind of them to laugh when Mary mocked Kathy's lisp. The louts taunted the lame boy fot not running faster. Ali ridiculed Veli's attempt to row the boat, Ayşe scorned my advances. Don’t tease the kitlen like that. Her work is highly esteemed by ali her colleagues. 368- expire (îkspayr’) : bitmek, sona ermek; ölmek espire = end, finish, terminate, cease; die, perish expire x begin : başlamak İlaçlama yapıldığı halde, evde hala PİRE ol­ duğunu iddia eden karısına kızan Veli Bey: “Bunlar EX-PİRE ESKİ PİRE hepsi ÖLDÜ. Bu iş burada (expire) BİTTİ"" der, The contract between the two companies will expire at the end of the year. The storm ended almost as suddenly as it had begun. The match finished when it grew too dark to see the ball. The concert terminated with a solo by the leading tenor, The canary’s vvhistling ceased when I covered its cage. My pet dog died lasî week, The explorers perished in the desert, Karajan expired on Christmast Day. When will you begin to study English?

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük

Kelime Ezberleten Kursusal Sözlük 369- espress (îkspres’): anlatmak, açıklamak express = explain, clarify, elucidate, spell out, teli, articulate e.vpress x suppress : örtbas etmek, önlemek EXPRES trenin ne olduğunu soran öğrenciye öğretmeni: "EXPRES tren her istasyonda dur­ maz. Bu nedenle de diğerlerine göre daha hız­ lı gider" diye (express) AÇIKLAR. I would like îo express my thanks for your kindness. Can you explain what you mean? Can you clarify your answet? I can’t give you an ansvver until you eluci­ date what you mean. Kerem is only four so you had better spell out the rules of the game. Do you always teli the truth? Many people are opposed to the new law, but have had no opportunity to articulate their opposition. The government used their emergency powers to suppress the truth about the accident. 370- enlighten (inlayt’ın) : bilgi vermek enlighten : inform, instruct, aquaint, edify, educate, teach enlighten x confuse : şaşırtmak, yanıltmak Müşteri. LİGHT YOĞURT isteyince: bakkal: "EN LİGHT’I bu marka (enlighten) diye BILGİ VERİR._______________________________ Perhaps you will allovv me to enlighten you. I informed him of your success. The dentist instructed us on how to çare for our teeth. Let me acquaint you with the facts of the case. The film ’s aim is not to edify, but simply to entertain. She lives in Turkey but was educated in the USA. He teaches music. Don’t give me so much information-you're confusing me.



371- drill (drill : talim yap(tır)mak; alıştırma yap(tır)mak drill = teach, train, instruct, coach, e.xercise, practise Eğitim çavuşu askerlere isteksizce TALİM YAPTIRINCA, durumu gören komutan: “Ölü gibisin! Biraz DİRİL (drill) TALİM YAPTIR­ MAK o kadar kolay mı?” diye kızar. The officer drilled the soldiers She taught Turkish to foreign students. He trained as a pilot. I need someone to instruct me in how to use the Computer. He coached me in maths so I could understand the new work. She exercises every morning by running. Ayşe practises the violin exery day. 372- indict (indayt’) : suçlamak; sorguya çekmek indict = accused of, charged \vith, condemn, censure, prosecute; interrogate, ask a question, inquire, question indict x acquit : beraat ettirmek Uzun süredir iş bulamadığı için dama çıkan bir kişiyi, polisler ikna etmek için: “İnadı bı­ rak! İN DAYATma (indict) seni SUÇLA­ MAK; SORGUYA ÇEKMEK gibi bir niyeti­ miz yok!" diye seslenirler. The company was indicted for making excessive profits. The teacher accused the boy of cheating in the test. The poliçe charged him with speeding. I didn't condemn him for what he had done. The doctor was censured for negligence. People who give the poliçe false information will be prosecuted. The poliçe interrogated the suspect for several hours. If you want to ask a question raise your hand. “Where do you live?" he inquired. Three men are being questioned by the poliçe in connection with the robbery, The jury acguitted him (of murder).

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük 373- extra\agant (ikstravTgmt) : savurgan: aşırı: abartılı extravagant = prodigal. lavish, vvasteful; excessive. extreme: exaggerated extravagant x thrifty : tutumlu Tren seferlerine gereksiz yere EXTRA VAGONlar eklendiğini fark eden işletme müdü­ rü: "EXTRA VAGON (extravagant) SAVURGANlıktan başka bir şey değil. Bunları derhal seferden kaldırın!" der. Don’t be so extravagant; spend your money more carefully. There have been rumours thaî he has been prodigal with company funds. He is lavish with his money. İt is wasîeful to throvv these away; we might be able to use them one day. The prices at this hotel are excessive. His political views are rather extreme. He has an exaggerated idea of his own importance. My wife is very thrifty. 374- discard (dîskard’) : çıkarmak, atmak discard = cast aside, get rid of, throvv a\vay, dispose of, dispense \vith, shed discard x retain : alıkoymak Bilgisayar programcısı elindeki bilgisayar kartını bir an evvel değiştirmek isteyince : "BU KARTı, THİS CARD (discard)"hemen elimden ÇIKARMAK, ATMAK zorundayım" diye düşünür, Remove the skins from the tomatoes and discard them. You must cast aside/away/off ali your fears. He must get rid of his unhappiness. You should throvv away ali those old clothes ycu never vvear. The murderer was unable to dispose of the body. We shall have to dispense vvith the car. We can’t afford it. The factory is planning to shed about a quarter of its vrorkforce. Jimmy Page managed to retain his dignity throughout the performance.


Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sbzliik

22 0 375- harsh (hars) : kaba, insafsız harsh = rough, coarse, «ılgar, cruel, vicious. ruthless, barbaric harsh x gentle : kibar İzmir'i işgal eden Yunan Ordusu gösteri yürü­ yüşü yapınca, askerlerin yürürken çıkarttığı sesleri duyan bir Türk: "HARŞ HARS HARŞ (harsh) KABA. İNSAFSIZ adamlar" diye söy­ lenir. We thought the punishmeni was rather harsh for such a minör offence. The boys were rough, always looking for a fight. This dog has coarse hair. He apologized for his vulgar manners during îhe concert. His cruel remark made her cry, The vicious dog tried to attack the passersby The ruthless dictator executed anyone who dared oppose him. Everyone condemned the barbaric torture of prisoners. Şirin has a gentle smile and a soft voice.

speciacular curriculum i tarnish ; snatch syllabus dally alimony oasis breach surplus i sum random detect V

harikulade, görülmeye değer müfredat lekelemek, karalamak kapmak, kaçırmak özet (ders vs.) vakit öldürmek, oyalanmak nafaka vaha ihlâl (etmek) aşırı, fazla toplama(k), yekûn çıkarma(k) tesadüf, rasgele bulmak, meydana çıkarmak

eminent adore vvorship sneer at expire express eniighten drill indict extravagant discard harsh

, ............ a seçkin, ustun tap(ın)mak tap(ın)mak küçümsemek, alay etmek bitmek, sona ermek; ölmek \ anlatmak, açıklamak bilgi vermek talim yap(tır)mak; alıştırma yap(tır)mak , suçlamak; sorguya çekmek savurgan; aşırı; abartılı çıkarmak, atmak kaba, insafsız ....... J

351. *■ 375. Alıştırmalar


Find the right word çalışması (351-375) 1) The m o s t...........goal of fhe maîch was scored by Hagi. a) spectacular b) harsh c) extravagant d) barren 2) II w a s ...........of you to buy strawberries out of season. a) barren b) harsh c) extravagant d) eminent

e) undue e) unknovvn

3) I would like t o ...........my thanks for your kindness. a) expire b) deride c) sneer at d) express

e) indict

4) The company w a s ...........for making excessive profits. a) expired b) indicted c) derided d) snatched

e) breached


H e ...........at my ali attempts to vvrite poetry. a) expressed b) indicted c) breached

d) sneered

e) snatched

6) The o ffic e r......... the soldiers. a) driiled b) expired c) suppressed e) concealed 7) High levels of lead have b e e n ...........in the atmosphere. a) expired b) detected c) driiled d) concealed e) indicted 8) We asked a ...........sample / selection of people what they thought. a) thrifty b) spectacular c) extravagant d) undue e) random 9) Even the m o s t...........doctors couldn't cure him. a) undue b) thrifty c) eminent d) random e) undue 10)

Let us bow down a n d ......... God. a) vvorship b) detect c) expire

d) conceal

e) drill

Synonym çalışması (351-375) 1 ) Don’t be so extravaqant; spend your money more carefully.


a) random b) thrifty c) prodigal d) harsh High levels of lead have been detected in the atmosphere a) located b) worshipped c) expressed d) driiled

e) eminent e) indicted

3) The contract betvveen the tyvo companies will expire at the end of the year. a) sneer at

b) end

c) vvorship

d) adore

e) indict

4) l vvould like to express my thanks for your kindness. a) indict b) drill c) explain d) end Perhaps you will allovv me to enlighten you. 5) a) drill b) indict c) sneer a t, d) worship 6 ) Remove the skins frorrı the tomatoes and dişçard them. a) indict b) drill c) inform d) indict

e) sneer at e) inform e) defect

7) Even the most eminent doctors could not cure him. a) random

b) extravagant c) distinguished d) thrifty

8) Let us bow down and vvorship God. a) adore bjdrill c) inform

e) harsh

d) indict

e) detect

d) trained

e) expressed

9) The officer driiled the soldiers a) detected

b) vvorshipped c) expired

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük



We thought the punishmenî was raîher harsh for such a minör offence. a) thriity b) random c) eminent d) extravagant e) rough

Antonym çalışm ası (351-375)

1) Perhaps you will allovv me to enjgjhten you. a) discard b) breach c) detect d) dally 2) An excess of enthusiasm is not alvvays a good tbing. a) necessary b) harsh c) random d) eminent

e)confuse e) extravagant

3) You should polish your shoes regularly to protect the leather, a) conceal b) tarnish c) dally d) breach e) drill 4) He snatched the photos out of my hand before I had a chance to look at them. a) drilled b) tarnished c) released d) discarded e) adored 5) At last I iocated the faul! in the engine. a) concealed b) calculated c) tarnished d) breached 6) You'll never get there if you dawdle so much! a) mock b) despise c) locate d) sum

e) despised e) hurry

7) We ali revere Shakespeare’s plays as great literatür. a) sum b) scorn c) conceal d) tarnish e) dally 8) Can you explain vvhaî you mean? a) sum b) scorn c) suppress d) dally e) tarnish 9) The contract between the tvvo companies will expire at the end of the year. a) begin b) sum c) breach d) conceal e) despise 10) l didn’t condernn him for what he had done. a) confuse b) acquit c) sum d) despise e) mock

Vocabulary çalışması (351-375)

summary, breached,

alimony, maintenance,

cirriculum, oasis,

syllabus, rough,

dallies haphazard

1) İs Russian on t h e ...........at your school? 2) T h e y ...........the agreement they had made vvith their employer. 3) 4) 5) 6)

I want you to write a ...........of the whole passage in not more than 80 vvords. Kerem alw a ys...........över tasks that he doesn't like doing. He refused to p a y ...........for his three children. A lot of young mothers do not sue their former husband f o r .............

7) I gave the class a ...........of the headmaster's speech. 8) The caravan stopped for the night at an .............. 9) He tackled the problem in a ty p ic a liy...........manner. 10) The boys were rough, alvvays icoking for a fight.

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük Word formation çalışması (326-350) 1) He works for a n ...........agency. (advertise) 2) I saw a n ...........for the job in our local nevvspaper. (advertise) 3) He gets very angry if y o u .......... vvith his ideas.. (agree) 4) T h e ...........we made was for one year only. (agree) 5) l only had a day to visit ail the to u ris t............. (attract) 6) She smiles s o ..........., doesn't she? (attract) 7) My grandfather only had a v e ry ........... education.. (base) 8) The organisation is run on a vo lu n ta ry............. (base) 9) Half th e s e ...........are wrong! (calculate) 10) My son wants a p o cke t......... for his birthday. (calculate)


224 376- mete out (mit out) : ölçüp vermek, taksim etmek (ceza vs.) mete out = distribute, allocate, ration, allot, share, divide mete out x \vithhold : kendine saklamak, vermemek METE bayram harçlığından kardeşine pay vermeyince, babası: “METE hepsi senin değil ki! Hemen parayı kardeşinle (mete out) TAK­ SİM ET." diye çıkışır. We need a judge who will mete out justice with a firm hand. He distributed gifts to the children. The children allocated some of their money to buy svveets, During the war, the authorities rationed food because it was in short supply. Most of the money has already been alloted. The children shared the toys. I divided the books among the children. He vvithheld vital information from the poliçe. 377- haul (hol) : çekmek, çekerek taşımak haul = drag, dravv, tow, pull; carry, convey, transport lıaul x push : itmek Ayşe Hanım sobayı nereye kuracağına karar veremeyince kocası: “En iyi yer HOL. Çünkü bütün eve ısınır. Ama önce sobavı HOLe (ha­ ul) ÇEKMEK. ÇEKEREK TAŞIMAK zorun­ dayız" der. They hauled dovvn the enemy's flag when they captured the city. The protesters were dragged away by the poliçe. I quickly drew my hand away from the hot stove. The tractor towed our car out of the flooded river. I pulled my fishing line into the boat but the bait was göne. The ship carried its cargo across the sea. A bus conveyed the passengers from the airport into town. We hired a truck to transport our furniture to our new house. Don’t push; w ait for your turn to get on the bus. He pushed her into making a decision.

376. - 400. Kelimeler

Kelime Ezberleten Kurausal Sözlük 378- heed (hid) : dinlemek; önemsemek heed = mind, attend, pay attention to, listen to, take notice of, regard, obey, conıply with, follovv heed x ignore : gözardı etmek Beatles’ı tanımayan oğluna kızan baba: "Beatles'ın HİT olmuş en az otuz şarkısı var. Hiç ol­ mazsa bu HİT parçalan (heed) DİNLEMEK, ÖNEMSEMEK zorundasın" diye öğüt verir. Pay heed to/Take heed of her advice. We decided to heed the “No Svvimming" notice at the lake. Mind that you don’t İrip, Are you attending to vvhat is being said? Pay attention to vvhat I am saying! She never listens to rne/to my advice. Don’t take any notice of (=pay no attention to) vvhat she says. If you fail to regard my vvarning, you may be sorry. The children obeyed their parents. The audience complied with the request to remain in their seats, i will follovv your instructions. How can the government ignore the wishes of the majority. 379- hectic (hek’tık) : heyecanlı, telaşlı; hırslı hectic = excited, fussy, thrilled, exhilarated; ambitious, avid, eager hectic x cooi : sakin 051u TİK nedenivle sözlerini kırpınca, annesk"HEP TİK bu kadar (heclic) HEYECANLI, TELAŞLI olmasa ne olurdu" diye üzülür, This morning there was hectic trading on the Stock Exchange. An excited crowd waited for the group to arrive outside the theatre. The manager turned out to be a fussy lif­ tle man. She was thrilled vvhen she knew you were coming. They felt exhilarated after the ride on the roller-coaster. She has some ambitious expansion plans for her business. She was avid for equal rights for immigrants. She sounded very eager to meet you. He was very cool and calm about the mishap, didn’t shout or lose his temper.


226 380- deride (dîrayd'ı : alay etmek deride = tease, sneer at, mock. laugh at, ridicule, .jeer deride x respect : hürmet etmek Arkadaşlar] DERİ ceketiyle ALAY EDİNCE kızgın adam: "Ne sarmış DERİDE! (deride) ALAY ETMEK için bahane arıyorsunuz " der. J Page was derided for making such a stupid suggestion I was only teasing 1didn’t mean to upset you. She will probably sneer at my new shoes because they aren’t leather, You shouldn't mock at other people's religious beliefs İt was so funny, I couldn't help laughing. He was ridiculed tor his ideas. The team was playing dreadfully, and the crowd jeered (at) them. I deeply respect her courage. 381- disnıal (dîz'nııl) : neşesiz; sönük distııal = «loomy. dark, dıeerless, depreşsin», sad, unhappy, discouraging, pessimistic disnıal x cheerful : neşeli Yeni üretilen kışlık modeli beğenmeyen ünlü bir modacı: "TH1S-MAL (disnıal) hem NE­ ŞESİZ hem de SÖNÜK BU MALI listeden çıkanın" diye talimat şerir. The future looks pretty dismal. Our future seems gloomy. Don't always look on the dark side of things, They live in a bare, cheerless apartment in downtown İstanbul. We rinally to İd him to keep his depressing comments to himself. I was sad when my best friend left our school. She was unhappy when she couldn’t go to the picnic. His discouraging talk began to make us lose hope. He was pessimistic abouî our chances of being rescued. She is in a cheerful mood this morning.

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük

Kelime Ezberleten Kursusu! Sözlük 382- anıple (am'pıl) : bol, büyük unıple = iıırge, substantial, great, massive. big, gigantic. roonıy, generous anıple x tiny : küçük Bir dükkân sahibi yılbaşı için hazırlanan vitri­ ni beğenmeyince: "BOL AMPUL (anıple) ko­ yun. Hem de BÜYÜK olsun" der. You will have ample opporunity to ask questions arter the meeting. I didn't expecî such a large number of people to attend the concert. The union is calling for a substantial pay increase this year. I have great difficulty in reading vvithout my glasses. His house is massive John is the biggest in his family. The ship vvas sunk by a gigantic wave My nevv tıat is vşry roonıy. We are not expö Ting a generous pay rise. Aytaç lives in a tiny flat. 383- evade tiveyd’) : paçayı kurtarm ak evade = elude. dodge, circumvent. avoid, steer ciear of, siıirk. nıiss evade x face : yüz yüze gelmek Kısıtlı olanaklarla yuva kuran yeni evliler, na­ sıl evlendiklerine şaşırıp kalırlar. Kendi arala­ rında: "IEEE VADEli satışlar olmasaydı (eva­ de) bu islen PAÇAYI KURTARMAK zor olurdu" diye konuşurlar. She evaded her pursuers by hiding in a cave. They eluded the poliçe by fleeing to the USA. How did he manage to dodge paying the fine? The company opened an office abroad in order to circumvent the tax laws. 1went another way to avoid the traffic jam We steered ciear of the deepest part of the river, They vvere very clever at shirking the hard work. I rnissed that film because I thought it would be boring They are faced with financial penalties.



384- ferocity (fıras’ıti) : vahşet, vahşilik ferocity = crueltv, brutality, savagery, severity, ruthlessness ferocity x goodness : iyilik Eski batıda VAHŞET'in kol gezdiği bir bölge­ de FERRO KROM madeni bulununca, bölge­ ye FERO CITY adı verilir. Yıllar sonra FEROCITY’ye gelen bir kovboy: "Bir süre önce FE­ RO CITYMe (ferocity) VAHŞİLİK'ten. VAHŞET’ten başka bir şey yoktu" diye şaşırır,, The ferocity of the attack has shocked a lot of people, The tamer was accused of cruelty to animals. His former wife charged with him of beating, verbal abuse, and other brutalities. The savagery in his voice made her step back in terror. Even the doctors were shocked by the severity of his injuries. The prisoners were treated with great ruthlessness by the secret agents, Mother Teresa’s goodness is an example to us ali. 385- nıuse (myuz) : düşünceye dalmak muse = reflect, nıeditate, runıinate, contenıplate, think about, ponder, weigh Ünlü ressam Picasso, kendi resimlerinin sergi­ lendiği MÜZE'vi gezerken çok duygulanır ve: "Bu “MÜZE (muse) DÜŞÜNCEYE DAL­ MAK için bire bir" diye mırıldanır, 1began to muse about/on the possibility of starting-my own business. She reflected that this was probably the last time she vvould see him. If you meditate on a problem you can find a solution to it. He ruminated over/on the problem. He contemplated the letter for several minutes. Study this poem and think about it until you understand its real meaning. We pondered the question of whether we would let him join our club. Give me some time to weigh your suggestion in my mind.

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük

Kelime Ezberleıen Kurgusal Sözlük 386-ameliorate (ımil’yıreyt) : düzeltmek ameliorate = amend, improve, better, enrich, enhance, perfect, pronıote ameliorate x deteriorate : bozulmak Konsültasyon yapan bir grup doktor sonunda kararını açıklar: “Tek çare AMELİYAT (ame­ liorate) hastayı DÜZELTMEK için bu şart,” Foreign aid is badly needed to ameliorate the effects of the draught, The Society's constitution has been amended to allow vvomen to become president. 1want to improve my handwriting. He bettered his last score by ten runs. Farmers enrich the soil with fertiliser. A coaî of paint should enhance the value of the house. The inventor perfected his invention before selling it. Milk promotes health. The paîient’s condition deteriorated in the morning. 387- forgo (forgo’) : gönüllü olarak vazgeçmek forgo = quit, relinguish, renounce, forsake, give up, abandon, surrender Bir doktora öğrencisi askerlik görevini yap­ mak isteyince, şube başkam: “Oğlum askere gitmek için FOR GO doktora çalışmandan (forgo) GÖNÜLLÜ O LA R A K ‘ VAZGEÇ­ MEK zorundasın” diye açıklamada bulunur. I'm not forgoing the chance of a free ticket. He quit his job. He reiinguished his daim to the land. He renounced his daim to the property She forsook her principles and begged money from a friend. i gave up smoking över ten years ago. The bad weather forced them to abandon their search. After two days, the hijackers surrendered to the poliçe.



388- aggravate (iig'm eyt) : kötüleştirmek aggravate = deteriorate. \vorsen, decline. waste arvay, go tü seed. rot aggravate x improve : düzelttlmek Ahmet'in taktığı KRAVAT'ı beğenmeyen ar­ kadaşı: "AAA KRAVATa bak! Görünüşünü (aggravate) KÖTÜLEŞTİRMEK için neden bu kadar uğraştın” diye alay eder. The lack of rain aggravated the already serious shortage of food. Relations between the two countries have detetiorated sharply in recent weeks. The situation/crisis has vvorsened. His health has declined since he came here. Their bodies wasted away during the famine. The old man went to seed after he lost his job. Too much television rots your brain. Let’s hope the vveather improves before Monday 389- alliance (ılay'ıns) : anlaşma alliance = treaty, agreement, pact, deal, consensus, contract alliance x disagreement : anlaşmazlık Son tartışmadan sonra barışmak isteyen koca­ sı güzel bir ALYANS yüzük alınca, kadın: "ALYANS ile (alliance) ANLAŞMA istediği besbelli" dire düstiniir The two countries entered into a defensive alliance. I sold the nouse by private treaty. Eventually ali the parties signed the agree­ ment. We made a pact that we vvould alvvays be friends. İt was a profitable deal for everyone. Can we reach a consensus on this issue? According to the contract you have to work 37 hours a week„ I am in total disagreement with you över this.

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük

Kelime Ezberleten Kurausal Sözlük 390- sound (saund) : akla yatkın, makul sound = reasonabie, sensible, \vise, prudent, rational, iogical, reliable sound x unreasonable : mantıksız; aşırı Müzik yapımcısı bir şarkıcı adayının sesini dinler ve yardımcısına: “SOUND (ses) (so­ und) AKLA YATKIN, MAKUL ölçülerde Bir deneme kaseti yapın. Sonra bakarız" der. That is very sound advice; you should take it. İt is reasonabie to expect that prices will come down soon, İt vvould be sensible to take an umbrella. He made a wise decision to take no notice of that stupid dare. Prudent people alvvays lock up their houses when they go out. VVould you deşeribe this as rational behaviour? İt seemed a İogical idea to everyone but my mother. She may forget to come-she’s not very reliable. It’s unreasonable to expect me to work ali night. 391- spouse (spauz) : eş spouse = husband, \vife, partner, mate, friend, pal, companion Yeni tanışan aileler birbirlerinden pek hoşlan­ mazlar. Her biri diğerinin EŞİ için: "Bir EŞİ var ki SIRF POZ! (spouse) Böylede EŞ olmaz ki!" diye söylenir. İn 65% of the households surveyed both spouses went out to work. Have you met her husband? He introduced me to his vvife. The Office party is on Monday, but part­ nere aren't invited. Yağmur is a real mate. My friend and 1 spend our spare time together. Good pals do things for each other. I like to go fell-vvalking vvith a companion.



392- acclainı (ıkleynT) : övmek, alkışlamak acclaim = praise, clap, honour, clıeer. applaud, hail acclainı x denounce : suçlamak Konser başarılı geçince, orkestra şefi yaptığı konuşmada: "Dinleyicilerin sizi ÖVMESİNİ. ALKIŞLAMASINI istiyorsanız, başarılarını­ za bir yenisi EKLEYİN (acclaim)” der. The new drug has been acclaimed as the most important discovery for years. The doctor praised him for his courage. They clapped the clovvn after he had performed some clever tricks. The King honoured the great scientist by making him a knight. We cheered the vvinner as he crossed the finishing iine. The audience applauded the boy at the end of his song. Critics hailed it as the best new play of the decade. He was denounced as a traiîor. 393- identical (ayden’tîkıl) : özdeş, aynı identical = indistinguishable, same, duplicate, similar, akin, alike. corresponding identical x difTerenet : farklı AYDIN adlı bir araştırmacı üniversitedeki gruptan ayrı olarak çalışmak isteyince, bir arka­ daşı: "AYDIN TAKIL bize (identical) AYNI konuda çalışıyoruz. Hem daha yararlı olur" der. This is the identical motel we stayed at last year. The tvvin brothers are almost indistin­ guishable My father sits in the same chair every evening. If you have lost your key I can give you a duplicate. Ali and Hakan drew similar pictures. Emus are akin to ostriches. The brothers' faces are very alike. She told a corresponding story to that of her friend. This is a different car from the one I drove yesterday.

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük 394- cuntribute (kmtrîb’yut) : katkıda bulunmak contribute = supply. support, donate, furnish, provide, give, bestovv contribute x uithhold : kısıtlamak, vermemek Bir ülkeye neden COUNTRY BUT adının ve­ rildiği sorulduğunda, ülkenin başkanı: “Çünkü bu lezzetli tavuk BUTları COUNTRY BUTa maddi açıdan (contribute) KATKIDA BU­ LUNDU" diye yanıt verir. Various factors contributed to her downfall. The factory supplied a uniform to each of its vvorker. Her father suppotted her until she got married. We donated some money to the Red Cross. This shop furnishes everything that is needed for camping. The course is free but you have to provide your own books. We like to give presents at Christmas time. Several gifts were bestowed on the royal visitors. I vvithheld payment until they had fulfilled the contract. 395- render (ren’dır): karşılık olarak vermek: göstermek; vermek; çevirmek render = give, present, submit; shovv, exhibit; translate, interpret render x retain : alıkoymak Coğrafya öğretmeni bir öğrenciye Almanya'da­ ki en büyük nehrin adım sorduğunda, öğrenci bir an duraklar ve: “Acaba REN’dir desem? (render) soruya KARŞILIK OLARAK Ren'i VERSEM sanırım doğru olur" diye düşünür. You will be expected to render an account of money that is owed. I gave those socks to my father. The vvinners were presented vvith medals. You must submit your application before June 1 st. She never shows her feelings. She has exhibited her paintings in İstanbul. Poeîry doesn't alvvays translate easily. I don’t speak Spanish; will you interpret for me? She tried to retain her self-control.



396- dull (d.\l) : kalın kafalı: duygusuz; sıkıcı dull = stupid, senseless, boring, callous, tedious. monotonous dull x sensitive : duygulu Eşinden boşanan kadına, bir arkadaşı: "Niye ayrılıp DUL kaldın?"’ diye sorunca, kadın: "DUL kaldım. Çünkü kocam (dull) DUYGU­ SUZ biriydi" der. Life is pretty dull here at home. VVhose stupid idea was it to travel at night? The plan she suggested was senseless. This book is so boring that I don’t think l'll finish it. His cruel and callous comments about the murder made me shiver. The hero often rrıakes tedious speeches about being well- behaved. A postman's job must be a monotonous one. Don't be so sensitive - I vvasn’t criticizing you. 397- stereotype (ster’iyıtayp) : basmakalıp söz (örnek) stereotype = banality, cliche, platitude, comnıonplace Genç bir şair adayı yazdığı şiirlerini STERO TEYP'e doldurup şiir eleştirmenine dinletir Eleştirmen: "Senin şiir diye STERO TEYP'e doldurdukların (stereotype) BAS­ MAKALIP SÖZlerden ibaret. Bunları her­ kes yazar” der. The characters in the film are just stereotypes, with no individuality, The film is predictable, full of banalities and tediously dull. You should alvvays try to avoid the use of cliche. His speech was full of platitudes about the importance of family values. İt is a commonplace that it alvvays rains in Trabzon.

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük

Kelime Ezberleten Kurcusa! Sözlük 398- fortnight (fört'nayt) : on beş gün. iki hafta fortnight = t\vo vveeks FORT Otomotiv Sanayi‘nin 100. yıldönümü kutlamaları için yapılan toplantıda konuşan James Fort JR: ' “Tanı bir FORT NIGHT (FORT gecesi) olsun. Tam ON BEŞ GÜN var. Ona göre hazırlanın" diye talimat verir. İTİ be in İzmir during the second fortnight of May. Ali BAYÜLKEN is taking his usual fortnight (=two vveeks holiday) in August. He borrowed it two weeks ago. 399- fortheonıing (förth'kAming) : gelecek forttıcoıning = future, prospective, inıpending, soon, inıminent forthcoming x previous : önceki James FORT JR hazırlıkları denetlemeye GE­ LECEĞİNİ söyleyince, kutlamalardan sorum­ lu müdür, çalışanlara söyle der: “Aman FORT COMİNG "(forthcoming) ford GELECEK ek­ sik bir şey olmasın."

We've just received the Information about the forthcoming meeting. Sometimes I worry about the future. We've looking forward to our prospective holiday. Our departure was delayed by the impending arrival of another plane. İTİ be seeing you very soon. There's a storm imminent. Training is provided, so no previous experience is reguired for the job.


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400- proprietor (prıpray'ıtır) : mal sahibi proprietor = landlady, owner, landlord, landoıvner PİRİ taksitle aldığı evin senedini yatırmayı unutunca, karısı:'""PİRİ PARAYI YATIR (proprietor) MAL SAHİBİ olmak sorumluluk ister" der, I have vvritten a complaint to îhe proprietor of the yacht. My landlady keeps complaining about the noise. Are you a dog owner? The landlord promised to redecorate the bedrooms before we moved in, but he stili hasn’t done it. Local people are protesting against farmers and landovvners who block public footpaths.


mete out

haul heed hectic deride dismal ample evade ferocity muse ameliorate forgo aggravate i ------------------------

ölçüp vermek, taksim etmek (ceza vs.) çekmek, çekerek taşımak dinlemek; önemsemek heyecanlı, telaşlı; hırslı alay etmek neşesiz; sönük bol, büyük paçayı kurtarmak vahşet, vahşilik düşünceye dalmak düzeltmek gönüllü olarak vazgeçmek kötüleştirmek

alliance sound spouse acclaim identical contribute render

dull stereotype iortnight forthcoming proprietor

; anlaşma : akla yatkın, makul : eş : övmek, alkışlamak : özdeş, aynı : katkıda bulunmak : karşılık olarak vermek; göstermek; vermek, çevirmek : kalın kafalı; duygusuz; sıkıcı : basmakalıp söz (örnek) : on beş gün, iki hafta : gelecek i mat sahibi .....................................J

376. - 400. Alıştırmalar


Find the right word çalışması (376-400) 1) We need a judge who will ...... ....justice with a firm hand. a) forgo c) haul d) deride e) evade b) mete out 2) This morning there w a s ......... . trading on the Stock Exchange. a) hectic b) dull c) stupid d) cheerful f) unhappy He w a s .......... for rrıaking such a stupid suggestion. 3) d) derided e) evaded a) hauled down b) contributed c) forgone 4) S h e ..........her pursuers by hiding in a cave.. a) forvvent b) contributed c) evaded d) rendered e) acclaimed 5) The new drug has bee n ......... , as the most important discovery for years. a) acclaimed b) forgone c) rendered d) derided e) hauled down m have t o ...... .... the pleasure/ODportunity of seeing you this week„ 6) a) mete out b) forgo c) contribute d) evade e) deride 7) The lack of rainı .......... the already serious shortage of food. a) forvvent b) evaded c) rendered d) acclaimed e) aggravated 8) Foreign aid is badly needed to .......... the effects of the draught. a) aggravate b) muse d) forgo e) acclaim c) ameliorate 9) I began t o ...... ...about/on the possibility of starting my own business. d) render a) mete out b) muse c) acclaim e) aggravate 10) Various factors .......... to her downfall. e) derided a) contributed b) rendered c) evaded d) forvvent

Synonym çalışması (376-400) 1) We need a judge who wi!l mete out justice with a firm hand. a) haul b) evade c) render d) muse e) distribute 2) If you meditate on a problem you can find a solution îo it, a) muse b) haul c) distribute d) evade e) ameliorate 3) I want to improve my handwriting. a) haul b) ameliorate c) quit d) deteriorate e) muse 4) Relations between the two countries have deteriorated sharply in recent weeks. a) mused b) aggravated c) evaded d) distributed e) rendered 5) He guit his job, a) forvvent b) deteriorated c) acclaimed d) evaded e) mused 6) The factory supplied a uniform to each of its vvorker. d) praised e) supported a) denounced b) mused c) evaded 7) The doctor praised him for his courage.. a) distributed b) quit c) forment d) acclaimed e) aggravated 8) He relinguished his daim to the land. a) praised b) forvvent c) mused

d) aggravated e) irnproved


Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük


They eluded the poliçe by fleeing to the USA. a) praised b) quit c) evaded d) mused e) improved 10) Shell probably sneer at my new shoes because they aren’t leather. a) tease b) quit c) muse d) improve e) ameliorate

Antonym çalışması (376-400) 1) He distributed gifts to the children. a) vvithheld b) allocated c) pufehed

d) teased

e) eluded

2) How did he manage to dodge paying the fine? a) withhold b) push c) face d) elude e) tease 3) Foreign aid is badly needed to ameliorate the effect of the draught.. a) face b) deteriorate c) withho!d d) tease e) evade 4) İt is reasonable to expect that prices will come down soon. a) ample b) sound c) dull d) unreasonable e) identical 5) The future looks pretty dişmaj. a) cheerful b) dull c) identical

d) ample

e) gloomy

6) You’ll have ample opportunity to ask questions after the meeting. a) dull b) identical c) tiny d) gloomy e) cheerful 7) The doctor praised him for his courage. a) eluded b) denounced c) acclaimed d) faced e) vvithheld 8) The lack of rain aggravated the already serious shortage of food. a) denounced b) eluded c) faced d) vvithheld e) improved 9) J. Page was derided for making such a stupid suggestion. a) respected b) withheld c) denounced d) mocked e) eluded 10)

The children shared the toys. a) mocked b) withheld c) respected

d) eluded

e) praised

Vocabulary çalışması (376-400) proprietor, identical,

pessimisiic, haulded down,

fussy, substantial,

spouses, stereotypes.

fortnight forthcoming

1) The manager turned out to be a ...........liîtle man 2) T h e y ........................the enemy's flag when they captured the city. 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8)

He w a s ...........about our chances of being rescued. The union is calling for a ...........pay increase this year. İn 60% of the households surveyed b o th ...........went out to work. This is t h e ...........motel we stayed at last year. The characters in the film are ju s t..........., with no individuality. We will be in İstanbul during the s e c o n d ...........of June

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük 9) 10)


We've just received the Information abouî t h e ......... meeting. İve vvritten a complaint to th e ..........of the yacht.

Word formation çalışması (376-400) 1) She received a letter o f ...........from the hotel. (confirm) 2) We've veceived an ........... report of an explosion outside the President’s house.. (confirm) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

His laîest book is a ...........of his previous one. (continue) The train service w a s .......... because it wasn't used by many people.. (continue) After four hours’ ...........typing l had a terrible headache. (continue) I couldn’t get much work done as I w a s ...........being interrupted by people telephoning me. (continue) They praised her for h e r ............. (honest) I ...........think that this is the best thing to do. (honest) İt was v e ry ...........of him to steal the money. (honest) Have you got some kind o f ......... on you? (indentify)

240 401- essence (es'ıns) : asıl, öz essence = core. basis, nucleus, centre, substance, principle Piyasaya yeni sürülen "Diorella" adlı ESANS'ın tanıtımı yapılırken. "ESANSm (essence I ÖZii menekşe ve ardıç çiçeklerinden oluşmaktadır" denilir. The essence of his lecture was the assertion that the justice system is unfair. This is really the core of the problem. There is no scientific basis for these claims. The drummer was the nucleus of the new rock band. There are many shops in the centre of the City. The rumours are compleiely vvithout sub­ stance. This course teaches the principles of cooking. 402- plausible (plö'zıbıl) : akla uygun; itimat uyandıran plausible = reasonable, feasible, believable, credible, suund, sensible plausible x unsound : geçersiz Sürekli POZ yapan ve havasından geçilmeyen bayan elemanını işten çıkarmayı düşünen pat­ ron. bir an için: "POZU BOL ama (plausible) AKLA UYGUN ve İTİMAT UYANDIRAN biri. Ne yapayını POZU da BOL olsun!" diye aklından bir hesaplama yapar Your explanation sounds plausible, but l'm not sure 1believe it. We live a reasonable distance avvay from the station. Your plan sounds quite feasible. Your story is strange but believable. They haven’t produced any credible policies for improving the situation. The advice is very sound; he should take it. She is very sensible about rrıoney. I’ve alvvays been convinced that the judgement of most film critics is unsound.

401. - 425. Kelimeler

Kelime Ezberleten Kurausal Sözlük 403- gender (cen’dır) : cinsiyet gender = sex. neuter, feminine, masculine Biyoloji öğretmeni, öğrencilerine: "CİNSİ­ YETİ belirleyen faktörlerden biri nedir?" diye sorduğunda, iki öğrenci aynı anda yanıt verir: “CİNSİYETİ belirlemede en önemli faktörler­ den biri GEN DİR (gender)". There are now various tests vvhich can show the gender of a baby long before it is born. İn some societies, gender roles are very fixed. What sex is your bird? VVorker bees are neuter. “Actress" is the feminine form of actor. She has a deep masculine voice. 404- lavish (lav'îş) : bol, pek çok; savurgan lavish = abundant, plentiful, profuse; extravagant, uneconomical, vvastefu! lavish x scant : az, yetersiz Patlama sonrası ETNA Yanardağı’nın verdiği zararla ilgili olarak hazırlanan raporda: "Bu olay LAVın İŞİ (lavish) çevreye PEK ÇOK zarar vermiştir." denilir The lavish production makes the musical truly memorable. The country has abundant supplies of oil. Strawberries are plentiful in the summer. She was admitted to St. Helen's Hospital with profuse bleeding. Real cream! Thaî was extravagant of you. Hill farming is an uneconomical way of producing crops. This method of cooking is wasteful and expensive. There is stili scant evidence of an improvement in business and consumer confidence.



405- dash (diiş) : hızla koşmak dash = rush, run, race, spriııt. hasten. hurrv, dart dash x amble : avare avare gezinmek Koşu için çalışma yapan bir atlet: ‘'Eğer aya­ ğımın ucuyla toprağı hafif DEŞersem Belki (dash) HIZLI KOŞARIM" diye düşünür.. He dashed across îhe Street, Doctors and medical supplies were rushed to the scene of the accident. Don’t rush into marriage; you might regret it later. I had to run to catch the bus. She raced for the bus. The runners sprinted down the finishing straighî, The strike hastened the downfall of the government. Don’t hurry me; l’m working as fast as I can! The fish darted under the rock. He ambled nonchalantly över the phone. 406- proximity (praksîm’ıti) : yakınlık proximity = nearness, eloseness, vicinity proximit x distance : uzaklık Beş çayı için alman SİMİTler az gelir. Evin küçük oğlu, yeğenlerinden önce SİMİTleri alıp kendisi yemek isteyince: annesi onu uya­ rarak: "Oğlum BIRAK SİMİDİ (pro.vimity)! Bu işte YAKINLIK bir işe yaramaz. Payına razı ol!” der. The house is in close proximity to the shops and the station. One of the reasons 1 bought my house was its nearness to îhe office where I work. I sensed the eloseness of another person in the room. He vvanted a cheap hotel in the vicinity of the station. 1 noticed a certain distance between father and son.

Kelime Ezberleten Kurausal Sözlük 407- tender (ten'dır) : duyarlı, sevecen; yumuşak tender = delieate, fragile. kind, hutnane, Feeble, gentle tender x tough ; katı, sert Karanlık odada annesini arayan küçük çocuk, sonunda annesine dokunduğunu sanarak; "Bu annemin TENİDİR (tender) YUMUŞAK. DUYARLI oluşundan belli" diye düşünür. Don’t mentiorı his divorce - it is a very ten­ der subject. Be careful vvith those glasses - they are very delieate. This old glass dish is very fragile. She’s very kind to animals, Many of us are vvorking for a more humane and civilized society. The opposition to the plan has been rather feeble. He has a gentle smile and a soft voice. Only tough breeds of sheep can live in the mountains. 408- slıortcoming (şort'k.Vnıîng) ; kusur, kabahat slıortcoming = faıılt. nıistake, error, süp, blunder, gaffe, boo-boo slıortcoming x perfect : kusursuz Londra'da bir giyim mağazasına giden bir müşteri, daha önce Apariş ettiği ŞORTlurm hâlâ gelmediğini öğrenir. Tezgahtar: "ŞORTS are coming tomorroıv" diye yanıt verir. Sonra da: "(slıortcoming) KÜSUR. KABAHAT bende. Keşke dün şortları depodan getirtseydinı" diye üzülür. Like any political system. it has its shortcomings. Profits are down and the faulî is / lies in bad management. I made three mistakes in my spelling. i saw my error and corrected it. I made a slip in adding up the bili. What a blunder to teli you the wrong day! His first gaffe was asking my mother her age. He made a boo-boo when he decided to try to trick her. Her teeth are perfect.



409- topic (tap'îk) : konu topic = subject, theme, matter, issue, question, point, business, tlıing, aspect Bir TOPÇU subayı askerleri eğitirken: "TOP İLK düşündüğünüz (topic) KONU olursa, işte o zaman isabetli atışlar yaparsınız" der. His favourite topic of conversation is Italian food. She wrote a book on the subject of sailing. The subject of the painting is the Battle of VVaterloo. Ali his novels deal with the theme of love. The first item on the agenda today is the matter of public transportation, Abortion is stili a highly controversial issue. The governmenîris examining the energy question closely. Make a list of the main points in the article. Is there any other business before we close the meeting? The first thing we have to discuss is next year’s timetable. The book deals with the economic, social, and religious aspects of Egyptian society. 410- prim (prim) : fazla resmi, çok ciddi prim = formal, official, ceremonial, denıure, priggish. poper prim x easy-going : uysal. Samimi olduğu arkadaşının son günlerde FAZLA RESMİ davrandığım farkeden Ali: "FAZLA RESMİ olmak (primi sana hiç bir PRİM sağlamaz!" diye çıkışır There was a prim avoidance of the issue. They decided to have a formal wedding. We made an official request for a pedestrian Crossing outside our school. The King attended the ceremonial opening of parliament. She gave him a demure smile. He is a very priggish young man. That short dress isn’t really proper for wearing to a funeral. You are lucky to have such easy-going parents.

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük

Kelime Ezberleten Kurcusal Sözlük 411- expound (îkspaund’) : açıklamak expound = explain, clarify, elucidate. describe. eniighten, set out, teli expound x mystify : şaşırtmak Arkadaşı, “yeni elbiseni kaça aldın0” diye so­ runca, Sir John: “X POUND'da aldım diye­ rek. güya (expoıınd) AÇIKLAMA YAPAR." Ayşe expounded for some hours on her theories about Central America, I will explain it to you later. Will you clarify that statement? He fully elucidated this point later in his speech. Try to describe exactly how it happened. We are not familiar with this procedure. Could you eniighten us? She set out the reasons for her resignation in a confidental letter to her boss. She told me how the machine vvorked. I'm quite mystified - where can it be? 412- frantic (fran’tîk) : çılgın frantic = mad, insane, crazy, maniaca!, dotty, nutty frantic x sane : akıllı FANATİK taraftarların birbirleriyle tartıştık­ larını gören yaşlı bir dede: “FANATİKler (frantic) ÇILGIN olmalı. Alt tarafı bir lig ma­ çı” diye söylenir. Exams alvvays drive me frantic - I get so nervous. He vvent mad in his young age. She lives in a fıome for insane people He has lived alone for so long that he has become crazy, I was scared because his face had a maniacal look. I think she is a bit dotty. I'm going to visit my nutty old aunt. He has been certified sane.



413- persevere (pırsn ır') : sebat etmek, ısrar etnıek perserere = persist, eontinııe. carry on. staııd. llrnı. maintain persevere x « i n e r : lereddııl etmek, kararsız olmak Odasına çizdiği şekilden oğ lu nu n u y k olduğu­ nu anlayan anne: 1ILK SK\ Tik ııı (persevere) SEBAT ETMESİ lazım Sergi kolay bir şey değildir” diye düşünür, If you persevere with the work, you’ll succeed in the end. Must you persist in misunderstanding me? The fighting continued for a week. Carry on with your work. She can't stand her son’s wife. Stock market prices have firmed. Throughout the trail he maintained his innocence He vvavered betvveen accepting or refusing. 414- (pıeneh (knenç) : tatmin etmek; bastırmak, söndürmek quench = slake, satisfy; suppress, ıpıell; extinguish, put out ıpıenelı x annoy : rahatsız etmek Kl\ ANÇ sınıfını iyi dereceyle geçince, anne­ si: "Bu güzel notlarla KIVANÇ beni (quench) T \TMİN etti. Çok mutluyum" der. Her thirst for knovvledge will never be quenched I don't think Kerem will ever manage to slake his lust fer povver. My test results satisfied my parents. Opposition to the government was quickly suppressed. The army quelled the rebelion in June, arresting dozens of the participants Nothing could extinguish his love for her. She put out the light. İt annoyed me to think how much time we had vvasted.

Kejime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük 415- square vvith (skvver vvith) : uygun gelmek, uyuşmak square vvith = reconcile vvith, agree, concur, assent, make a deal, go with, go along vvith, reach agreement square with x disagree : anlaşamamak Geometrik bulmaca çözen öğrenciler son boş­ luğa hangi şekli yerleştireceklerine karar vere­ meyince, öğretmenleri: "KARE İLE deneyin.. 0 boşluğa KARE (square vvith) UYGUN GE­ LİR" diyerek yardım eder. His actions do not square vvith his principles. The reason l’m disappointed is that the results do not square vvith the promises I was given. How do you reconcile your principles vvith your behaviour, vvhich is exactly opposite? 1 agreed to his plan. I concur vvith her decision The council members assented to the suggestion to build a new school. Perihan suggested going for a picnic and we ali agreed. The government made a deal vvith the kidnappers to free their hostages. We considered ali the options and decided to go vvith Cemal's original proposal. Convincing others to go along vvith nevv ideas is always difficult. After a vveek of talks, Turkey and Greece reached agreement on fishing limits. I disagree vvith her on most political issues.



416- climax (klav'mâks) : zirveye eriş(tir)mek, doruk, zirve climax = peak, top, summit, pinııacle, apex, crest climax x nadir : dip MAX’in dağa tırmanmaktan vazgeçtiğini an­ layan arkadaşı, ona cesaret vermek için şöyle der: "CLIMB MAX! (climax) ZİRVE biraz öte de. Gayret et!" The battle approached a climax. Holiday fiights reach a peak during August. He climbed to the top of Mt Everest in 2001. We reached the summit of the hill after a steep climb. No one has ever climbed that treacherous rocky pinnacle. O n ly o n e tre e g re w o n th e a p e x o f th e m o u n ta in .

There is a beautiful view from the crest of the hill. The defeat was the nadir of Nadir's career. 417- tease (tiz) : alay etmek tease = mock, deride, sneer at, jeer at, ridicule, taunt TİZ sesli bir kişi çevresindekilerle ALAY ET­ MEYE kalkışınca, arkadaşlarından biri: "ŞU TİZ sesinle (tease) insanlarla ALAY ETMEK mi istiyorsun?" diye sitem eder, it isn't fair to tease her about her spots. The other children mocked her. He used to deride her efforts at dravving. Don’t sneer at their reiigion The team was playing dreadfully, and the crovvd jeered at them. Ali ridiculed Veli’s attempt to row the boat. The teacher taunted the little boy for not running faster.

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük 418- embellish (îmbel’îş) : süslemek embellish = adorn, decorate, garnish, beautify, ornam ent, deck embellish x disfıgure : çirkinleştirmek BELMAmn doğum günü için hazırlık yapan annesi, kızının üst kattaki arkadaşına gittiğini hatırlayınca, kapıyı açıp: “BELMA! Aşağıya İN BELİŞ (embellish)’! Seni SÜSLEMEK "isti­ yorum" diye seslenir. The ceiling was embeüished with flowers and leaves. The bride's hair was adorned with pearls and red roses. Are you going tc decorate the Office for Christmas? Before serving the salad, add a little parsley to garnish it. I'm jusi going to beautify myseif-it should only take a few hours. Kerem ornamented his letters with little dravvings in the margin. The room was decked with flowers. This part of the old town has been disfigured by ugly new buiidings. 419- hijack (hay’cak) : uçak kaçırmak; kuvvet zoru ile çalmak hijack = commandeer, steal, seize, kidnap, abduct, mug, carry off hijack x free : serbest bırakmak JACK adlı arkadaşının UÇAK KAÇIRMAK istediğini anlayan bir yolcu: ”HI JACK (hi­ jack) yine mi UÇAK KAÇIRACAKSIN? Bu işten bıkmadın mı?” diye alay eder. A Pan Am aircraft was hijacked on its way to İzmir. The soldiers commandeered his truck. I left my bike outside and someone stole it. The rebels seized the soldiers earlier this week and have been holding them as hostages. He was kidnapped by terrorists. The company director was abducted from his car by terrorists. The old man was mugged in broad daylight. The thieves carried off the farmer’s sheep during the night. Her retirement from politics will free her to vvrite her memories.


2 5 0

420- devastate (dev'ısteyt) : harap etmek, yok etmek devastate = destroy, demolish, eradicate, annihilate, vvipe out, exterminate devastate x build : inşaa etmek Uluslararası tarih kongresinde sunulan bir bil­ diride şöyle denilir: "Osmanlı İmparatorluğu bir zamanlar DEVASA bir STATE’di. Ama bu DEVASA STATEi (devastate) YOK ET­ MEK için bütün dünya birleşti." devasa: "büytik" anlamında kullanılmıştır. We vvere devastated by the announcement. Bombina destroyed the centre of Betlin in 1945. The vvorkman demolished the old house We want to eradicate etime in large cities. They annihilated the enemy’s army. The hailstorm wiped our my garden. We exterminated the cockroaches in the kitehen. He built a model ship for me. 421 - fortifv (för’ tıfay) : kuvvetlendirmek, takviye etmek fortifv = strengthen, reinforce, prop up, urge, encourage, brace fortifv x vveaken : zayıflamak, zayıflatmak Sınırdaki askerleri silah yönünden KUVVET­ LENDİRMEK. TAKVİYE ETMEK (fortifvı için FORTY-FIVE 45’lik tabancalar dağıtıldı The town was fortified at the time ot the Crusades. I fortified myself with a drink and sandvvich before driving on. The bank loan has greatiy strerıgthened our financial position. Extra soldiers vvere sent to reinforce the army. They vvorked harder in order to prop up the failing business. She urged her son to try again He encouraged me to apply for the job He braced the ceiling with long pieces of wood. The illness vveakened her heart

Kelime Ezberleten Kurausal Söz

Kelime Ezberleten Kurcusu! Sözlük 422- moderate (nıad'ırît) : ılımlı, orta moderate = reasotıablc. modest. restrained. ıııiddle ol the road. tenıperate. average moderate x e.vtreme : aşırı Babasını muayene eden doktor şu öneride bu­ lunur: "Baba sen en iyisi havası II JMLI olan MADRİD e git (moderate) ILIMI.1 ıklım sağ­ lığına iyi gelir."" We put a moderate price on the goods at our school fete and sold everyîhing We made a reasonable profil at the garage sale. Our parents boughi a modest home for us to live in. There was polite, but restrained applause for the amateur singer. Her opinions in politics are middle of the road. Britain lies in the earth's northern temperate zone. We don't want Eienstein. just someone of average ability. You should take extreme çare över your child’s education. 423-vandal (vıin'dıl) : uıhsi \andal = fierce. «ild, l'urioııs. ferocious. \ iolent. vicioııs vandai x gentle : kibar, nazik VANDAL'ların eski dönemlerde kuzeyden gelip, Avrupa ülkelerine VAHŞİ saldırılar yaptığını hatırlayınız The seat-covers on the train had been ripped by vandals. VVild cats are much liercer than domestic ones İt is a wi!d night tonight A furious storm darnaged crops över a wide area of land The overseer dealt out ferocious punishment to the slaves under his control The violent earthquake kılled many peopie and wrecked ali the buddıngs in tho eıty He gave the dog a vıcıous blov. .vıth his stick Be gentle when you brush U : oaby s hair

2 5 1

424- get no\vhere (get no'hıver) : başarısız olmak get novvhere = fail, fail through. eollapse, fizzle out, miscarry, founder get novvhere x succeed : başarmak Numara almadan yarışmaya katılan bir spor­ cuyu gören dikkatli hakem, hemen yardımcı­ sını bozuk şivesiyle uyarıp: "GET NO VER yoksa (get novvhere) BAŞARISIZ ALACAK" der. get no ver: "git numara ver" anlamında kulla­ nılmıştır. If we go on talking ali around the subjecî, we shall get novvhere. He failed in his maths test because he could only ansvver a couple of questions. Their plans fell through because ihey hadn’t prepared well enough. The company collapsed in its first year of trading. The idea fizzled out even though everyone was enthusiastic to start vvith. The terrorists plan miscarried when the bomb exploded too soon. Like the Titanic, his great plans foundered after a short vvhile. If the business succeeds, she'll be a very wealthy vvoman.

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük


425- fetch (f'eç) : alıp getirmek fetch = bring, get. collect, deliver, carry, convey, escort Çiftçi, karısının odadan ayrıldığını görünce: "Nereye gidiyon?" diye bağırır. Karısı: "HEEÇ (fetch) çocuğu ALIP GETİRECEĞİM" der Could you fetch me my book from the other room, please? Bring that glass to me, vvould you? Dinner is ready-can you go and get Fırat? She has to collect the children from school at 5 o’clock. The postman delivers the mail every day. The ship carried its cargo across the sea. A bus conveyed the passengers from the airport into town. The queen was escorted by the directors as she toured the factory.

------------------------essence plausible gender lavish dash proxim ity tender shortcom ing topic prim expound frantic | persevere quench

\ ------

asıl, öz akla uygun; itimat uyandıran cinsiyet bol, pek çok; savurgan hızla koşmak yakınlık duyarlı, sevecen; yumuşak kusur, kabahat konu fazla resmi, çok ciddi açıklamak çılgın sebat etmek, ısrar etmek tatmin etmekbastırmak, söndürmek

clim ax square with tease em bellish hijack devastate fortify m oderate vandal get nowhere fetch

----zirveye eriş(tir)mek, doruk, zirve : uygun gelmek, uyuşmak | alay etmek süslemek uçak kaçırmak; kuvvet zoru ile çalmak harap etmek, yok etmek kuvvetlendirmek, takviye etmek ılımlı, orta vahşi başarısız olmak I alıp getirmek -.. J

401. - 425. Alıştırmalar


Find the right word çalışm ası (401-425) 1)

T h e ............. o f h is le c tu re w a s th e a s s e rtio n th a t th e ju s tic e s y s te m is u n fa ir. b) d is ta n c e

a) v ic in ity 2)

a) g e n d e r 3)

c) p ro x irn ity

b) p ro x im ity

c) e s s e n c e

d ) to p ic

b) m y s tify

c) d a s h

d ) a m b ie


if y o u ............. w ith th e w o rk , y o u ’ll s u c c e e d in th e e n d .


W e w e r e ........... .. b y th e a n n o u n c e m e n t.

a) q u e n c h

b) te a s e

a) e m b e llis h e d

b) fo rtifie d

e) fo rtify

d ) p e rs e v e re d

e) d e v a s ta te d

d) d a sh e d

e ) e m b e llis h e d

c) d a sh

d ) e m b e llis h

e) q u e n c h

c) g e n d e r

d ) c lim a x

e ) d is ta n c e

c) te a s e d

H e r th irs t fo r k n o w le d g e vvill n e v e r b e ................ a) h ija c k e d

b) g u e n c h e d

c) p e rs e v e re d

İt is n ’t fa ir to ... ......... h e r a b o u t h e r s p o ts .


T h e b a ttle a p p ro a c h e d a .......

a) te a s e

a) to p ic

b ) p e rs e v e r e

b) p ro x im ity

A P a n A m a ir c ra ft w a s ............ . o n its w a y to B o s to n . a) g u e n c h e d


e) p e rs e v e r e

d ) e m b e llis h

c) p e rs e v e r e



e) s u b je c t

H is a c tio n s d o n o t ..................... ........w ith h is p rin c ip le s . a) s q u a re w ith


e) g e n d e r

d) e sse n ce

T h e h o u s e is in c l o s e ............. to th e s h o p s a n d th e s ta tio n .

b) h ija c k e d

c) d is fîg u re d

d )s u c c e e d e d

e) d a s h e d

if w e g o o n ta lk in g a li a ro u n d th e s u b je c t, w e s h a i l ....................... a) q u e n c h

b ) e m b e llis h

c ) g e t n o v v h e re

e) h ija c k

d) d a s h

Synonym çalışm ası (401-425) 1) C o u ld y o u fe tc h m e m y b o o k fro m th e o th e r ro o rn , p le a s e ? a) b rin g

b ) g e t n o w h e re

c) d e v a s ta te

d) w e a ke n

e) s q u a re w ith

d ) fo rtifie d

e) e m b e llis h e d

d) g e n d e r

e) c lim a x

2 ) B o m b in g d e ş tro y e d th e c e n tre o f B e rlin in 1 9 4 5 . a) h ija c k e d


b) p ro x im ity

c) e s s e n c e

H is fa v o u r ite to p jc o f c o n v e rs a tio n is Ita lia n fo o d . a) c lim a x


c ) d e m o lis h e d

H o lid a y fiig h ts re a c h a p e a k d u rin g A u g u s t. a) to p ic


b) te a s e d

b) s u b je c t

c) g e n d e r

a) e x p o u n d

b) s q u a re w ith

c) h ija c k

6 ) If w e g o o n ta lk in g a li a ro u n d th e s u b je c t, w e s h a il a) e x p o u n d 7)

e) p ro x im ity

d ) n a d ir

I vvill e x p [a in it to y o u la te r.

b) fe tc h

c) fa il

d ) d e v a s ta te

e) fe tc h

g e t n o w h e re d ) s q u a re w ith e ) te a s e

T h e c e ilin g w a s e m b e llis h e d w ith flo w e rs a n d le a v e s a) fa ile d

b) te a s e d

c) h ija c k e d

d ) d e m o lis h e d e) a d o rn e d

8 ) A P a n a m a irc ra ft vvas h ija c k e d o n its w a y to A n k a ra a) c o m m a n d e e r e d 9)


b) a d o rn e d

c) te a s e d

d) g u e n c h e d

d) p c s e v e r e d

d ) p e rs e v e re d

e) d e m o lis h e d

dashed across the Street,

a) g u e n c lıe d

b) ru s h e d

c) e x p o u n d e d

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük

2 5 5

10) The reason l'm disappointed is that the results do noî şg_uare_wi|h the promises I was given. a) rush b) guench c) reconcile d) mystify e) demolish

A ntonym çalışm ası (401-425) 1) He fully elucidated this point later in his speech. a) mystified b) ambled c) wavered d) derided

e) hijacked

2) This part of the old town has been disfigured by ugiy new buildings. a) ambied b) mystified c) embellished d) wavered e) derided 3) The soldiers commandeered his truck. d) mystified e) adorned a) derided b) hijacked c) freed He built a model ship for me. 4) e) fortified a) freed b) devastated c) adorned d) vvavered 5) I fortified myself with a drink and sandvvich before driving on, e) brought a) vveakened b) eradicated c) built d) hijacked 6 ) If you go on talking ali around the subject, we shai I get novvhere.

7) 8) 9) 10)

a) continue b) slake c) succeed d) Must vou oersist in misunderstanding me? b) hijack c) build d) a) persevere Mv test results satisfied my parents. a) annoyed b) vvavered c) fetch d) I had to run to cath the bus. a) vvaver b) amble c) fetch d) Exams alvvays drive me frantic - I qet so nervous. a) lavish b) vandal c) mad d)


e) bring


e) fetch


e) embellish

sguare with e) demolish extreme

e) sane

Vocabulary çalışm ası (401-425)

Bring, lavish,

gender, vandals,

tender, insane,

prim, plausible,

moderate shortcomings

1) Your explanation so u n d s ..........., but l'm not sure I believe it. 2) İn some societies,...........roles are very fixed 3) The meal, he said, would be nothing fancy, but the portions vvould be 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

Don't mention his divorce____ it's a v e ry ............ subject, Like any political system, it has i t s ..... ....... There was a ...........avoidance of the issue. She lives in a home f o r ...........people. We put a ...........grice on the goods at o ur school fete and scld ever/îhing. The seal-covers on the train had been ripped by , that glass to me, vvould you?

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W ord form ation çalışması (401-425) 1) Mr. Öner will be wiîh y o u ............. (short) 2) 3) 4) 5)

I had t o ...........my speech as we had started late. (short) There is a ...........of carrots because of the bad weather. (short) She’s a to p ...........vvorking on our space project. (Science) There's n o ...........explanation for what happened. (sciuıce)

6) The connection has not been ........... proved yet. (scierce) 7) He couldn’t give a ...........explanation for his actions. (satisfy) 8) l get n o ...........from doing this. (satisfy) 9) l’m afraid I was v e ry ...........with the travel arrangements. (satisfy) 10) If he isn’t Spainsh, w h a t......... is he? (nation)

426. - 450. Kelimeler 426-condemn (kındem5) : kınamak, ayıplamak; suçlu çıkarmak condemn = blame, fault, criticize; charge vvith, accuse of, impeach condemn x exculpate : temize çıkarmak Çay falına bakan çingene falcı, müşterinin ge­ tirdiği çayı DEMsiz diye beğenmeyerek: “Bi­ raz daha KOY DEM! Eğer bardakta bir şey göremezsem (condemn) beni sakın KINAMA, AYIPLAMA!" der, Most people would condemn violence of any şort. Well don’î blame me if you miss îhe bus! They couldn't fault his vvonderful singing. The decision was sharply criticized by businessmen nationwide, She has been charged with murder. Are you accusing me of lying? The PM was impeached for wrongful use of State money. The pilot of the aircraft will surely be exculpated when al! the facts are knovvrı. 427- svveep (svvip) : süpürmek sweep = clean, vvash, clear, tidy, cleanse, \vipe svveep x pollute : kirletmek Kızı bayram temizliğine vardım etmeyince, si­ nirlenen anne: "SİLİP (svveep) SÜPÜRMEK bu kadar mı zor?" diye söylenir,I* 1found a broom to sweep the fioor with. I cleaned my shoes. He vvashed his face and hands before dinner. She cleared the table and started the washing-up. There will be no television until you’ve tidied your room. We cleanse our skin every night, She wiped her tears away with the back of her hand The river has been polluted by waste products from the factory.

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428- anticipate (iintîsTpeyt) : önceden tahinin etmek anticipate = foresee, prophesy, expect. predict, bargain for, dirine İngilizce öğretmeni sözcük türetme teknikleri hakkında bilgi verirken konu bir ara ANT! adlı prcfıx'e (önek) gelince, öğretmen: "İngilizce ANTİ Sİ PEK bol bir lisandır, (anticipate) keli­ menin bu sekiivie ne anlama geldiğini ONCEDEN TAHMİN ETMEK deneyim İster" der. The army anticipated the explosion by evacuating the town. I can foresee trouble as Mum looks very cross to me. He ptophesied a huge flood after the cyclone. He warned the sailors that a heavy storm was expected. He tried to predict which party would win the election. We didn't bargain for the crowd at the picnic ground. The gypsy iooked into her crystall bali to divine my future. 429- impeach (impiçb : suçlamak, itham etmek impeach = indict, accuse of, charge ıvith, denounce, censure, blame, put/lay the blame on impeach x vindicate : hakkım korumak Kendisini ŞEFTALİ zanneden akıl hastasının dama çıktısını gören doktoru: "Hemen aşağı­ ya İN P EA C H T( im pe ach) Seni SUÇLAMAK niyetinde değilim" der peaclı: şeftali The PM was impeached for vvrongful use of State money. The company was indicted for making excessive profit. Are you accıısing me of lying? She has charged with murder. Her former colieauges have denounced her as a spy. The teacher was censured for negligence. You alvvays blame someone else when things go wrong. After their separation he laid/put the blame on his wife. The report of the committee of enquiry completely vindicates him.

Kelime Ezberleten Kursu.sal Sözlük

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük 430- congest (kıncest’) : toplamak, yığmak congest : crowd, overcrowd, fiil, jam, pack, stuff congest x scatter : dağıtmak JESS adlı şahini ile avlanan bir kişi. JESS’iıı uzun süre yere konmadığım fark edince, kuşa seslenip: "Hadi artık yere KON JESS (con­ gest) daha bir sürü malzemeyi TOPLAMAK zorundayız" diye bağırır, VVeekerıds the automobiles congest ali the roads near the city. As soon as he appeared, reporters crovvded round. The room was overcrowded and it was difficult to breathe. Protesters filled the square. The crowds jammed the streets, and no cars could pass. The club is really popular. By 9 o’clock it's packed, Don't stuff anything else in, or the bag will burst. The soldiers came in and scattered the crowd.


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431- crucial (k ru’şıl) : hayati erucial = vital, essential, necessary. basic, iııdispensable. primary, important, momentmiş crucial x trivial : önemsiz Ünlii bir sanayici şöyle der: “Eğitime harcadı­ ğını paradan asla kaçınmanı. Ama iş hayatım­ da harcadığım bir KURUŞUN (crucial) HA­ YATİ önemi vardır.” İt is crucial that the problem is tackled immediately, Trust is a vital element/component in any elose relationship. Flour is an essential ingrident in bread VVater is necessary for life. The government regards housing as a basic need Thio guide book is indispensable for the traveller to Southern Italy. The primary purpose of his visit is to improve trading relations İt is important for people to learn to read. VVhether or not to move overseas was a momentous decision for the family 1don’t know why he gets so upset about something that is utterly trivial

Kelime Ezberleten Kuransal Sözlük

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük 432- slv (slay> : kurnaz siy = artful, cunning, crafty, vvilv, devious, foxy, dishonest siy x artless : saf Kocasının çektiği SLAYTları çok beğenen ka­ dın: "SLAYTları bu kadar güzel çekmek senin gibi (siy) KURNAZ birinin yapabileceği bir şeydir" diye eşini tebrik eder. You are siy one! Why didn't you teli us you were going to get married? Kerem is very artful and usually succeeds in geîting what he vvants. Here is a cunning plan to make them think we’ve göne avvay. The hare was amazed that the crafty tortoise beat him. The wily fox escaped the hunters by svrimming downstream. He used devious means to gain povver. Watch out! He is a very foxy businessman. I can’t teli them that - it vvould be dishonest. He is an artless man who vvould never dream of thinking to mislead anyone. 433- elaborately (ilabTrîtli) : dikkatle elaborately = carefully, painstaKİngly, meticulously, cautiously, gingerly, attentivelv elaborately x carelessly : dikkatsizce Evdeki sigorta atınca. ELA ve BORA adlı çift telleri değiştirmek ister. Bu sırada kızın anne­ si: -ELA, BORA TELİ (elaborately) DİK­ KATLE değiştirin" diye onları uyarır. İt vvas the most elaborately decorated study. He drives his car very carefully. He painstakingly explained how the aircraft vvorked. She finished her work meticulously.. Cautiously, she moved closer to the edge of the cliff. Gingerly, he picked up the dead rat by its tail. He vvas listening attentively to a senior colleague, I found your gloves vvhich you had care­ lessly dropped outside.


2 6 2

434- upright (Ap’rayt) : doğru upright = sincere, trutful, honourable, honest, fair upright x dishonest : sahtekâr İngilizce öğretmeni sınıfa sorduğu bir soruda. DOĞRU edatı ister Öğrenciler hepbir ağız­ dan: •‘U P ' diye bağırır. Öğretmen de: "UP” RIGHT (upright) "UP" DOĞRU yanıt" diye karşılık verir. Stand upright when you are being spoken to! That policeman is an upright man vvhom we ali respect. His sincere compliment pleased me. I don't doubt her story as she is always truthful. I believe what you say because you are an honourable person. If you are alvvays honest, people wi!l know they can trust you. You must be fair to both sides He has been dishonest in his dealings with us / about his past._______________ 435- compel (kımpeF) : zorlamak compel = coerce, force, drive, oblige, urge, bully, necessiate compel x coax : gönlünü yapmak Gençlerbirliği'niıı oyuncusu COMPELA baş­ ka bir kulüpte oynamayı reddedince, kulüp başkanı: "C'OMPELa inatçıdır (compel) ZORLAMAK bir işe varamaz" der He didn't want to visit her but conscience compelled him (to). The defendant claimed he had been coerced into making a confession The thief forced them to hand över îhe money. He always drives himself hard to get his work tinished on time I felt obliged to leave after such an unpleasant quarrel. They urged us to give our support. She bullied us into agreeing with her. Lack of money necessiated a change of plan Perhaps you could coax your father into taking you to the station.

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük 436- leak (lik) : sızmak, sızıntı leak = teli, expose, disclose, spill the beans, gire away, divulge leak x conceal : gizlemek Bozulan musluktan gelen “LİK, LİK” sesini duyan evsahibi: "Ancak bir tesisatçı (leak) SIZINTIyı halledebilir" der. Water was leaking from the pipe. He leaked the names to the press. Don't teli anyone about this. The story he told me exposed many family secrets. He then disclosed the history of the castle. “Does Ziya know about out plan?’’ “Yes, someone must have spilled the beans." The thief gave his companion avvay to the poliçe hoping to escape punishment. The other three companies refused to divulge their plans. I concealed my feelings from my wife. 437- mob (mab) : yığılmak mob = crowd, gather, converge, mass, congregate, collect, assemble, raily mob x break up : dağılmak; dağıtmak Ekonomik durgunluk nedeniyle MOB petrol drketi benzin istasyonlarını kapatınca, işçiler (mob) YIĞILARAK olayı tartışırlar. Reporters rnobbed the minister as he left the building. They ali crovvded into the cinema. By the time the president arrived a large crowd had gathered The two armies converged on the enemy Capital. Troops are massing ali along the frontier. A huge ctowd congregated to see the tirevvorks A crowd of people collected to vvatch the procession We assembled in the playground before going on the excursion The people rallied behind their ieader. The poliçe broke up the fight.



438- deed (did) : iş, fiil, hareket deed = action, act, feat, move, achievement, exploit Kendisine verilen İŞİ yanlış yapan işçi, aksini iddia edince, patron: “You DİD (sen yaptın)! (deed) Bu yanlış İŞ senin eserin” diye kızar. Who could have done such a vvicked deed? But for your prompt action 1 might have drovvned. This despicable act vvill not go unpunished. İt was a quite feat to move that piano by yourself! Saving his energy for the end of the race was a clever move. Learning to ride a horse at the age of six was a great achievement. They told fascinating tales of their exploits in the jungle. 43 9 -springboard (sprîng’börd) : başlangıç noktası springboard = starting point BAHAR gelip beden dersleri bahçede yapıl­ maya başlanınca, öğrenciler üzerinden atladık­ ları tahtaya BAHAR TAHTASI (SPING BOARD) adını verirler. Bunu duyan beden öğret­ meni: "BAHAR TAHTASI (spring board) bu dersin BAŞLANGIÇ NOKTASPdır der. The firm’s director is confident that the new project vvill act as a sprinboard for further contracts. The starting point of the discussion is a recognition of the nature of inflation.

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük 440- superstition (supırstîş’ın) : boş inanç superstition = fallacy, illusion, delusion BOŞ İNANÇ nedeniyle Avustralya Yerlileri trene binmeyince, sorumlu bakan: "SÜPER bir İSTASYON yaptık. SÜPER STATİON Ama (superstition) BOŞ İNANÇ yine galip geldi” diye şaşırır. According to superstition if you wa!k under a ladder it birings you bad luck. The idea that a good night's sleep will cure everything is a complete fallacy. She thought he loved her but it was just an illusion. I was stili under the delusion that everyone was trying to cheat me. 4 4 1 -insomnia (însam’niyı) : uykusuzluk insomnia = sleeplessness, vvakefulness, restlessness Misafirin eski SOMY''A da yattığını gören ev sahibi: "Hemen İN O SOMYAdan (insom­ nia)! Gece UYKUSUZLUK çekersin” diye uyanda bulunur. He went to the doctor because he was suffering from insomnia. She has been suffering from sleepless­ ness since her husband’s death. The music shook me into vvakefulness. They are shovving some signs of restless­ ness.


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442- massive (mas’îv) : ağır, iri (yapılı) massive = heavy. enormous, huge, colossal, gigantic massive x tiny : küçük Kuvvet ve cesaret tanrılarından MASİS, HERKÜL'LE yaptığı kılıç yarışmasını kaybedince, olaya şahit olan tanrıların kralı Zeus: '“MASİS (massive) çok AĞIRsm İRİ YAPILI olman yarışmayı kazanmaya yetmedi’’ der. The huge tractor pulled a massive load of logs wiih ease. Without a massive invesment, the firm will collapse. The piano was so heavy that three men had to move ii for us. İt was an enormous house with more rooms than I had ever seen We couldn’t even see the top of the huge mountain. There was a colossal pile of dishes to wash up after the party. The gigantic man towered över everyone else. The Antarctic is a vast region of ice and snow. She has immense respect for him as a whîer. Her handvvriting is so tiny, you can barely read it.

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük

Kelime Ezberleten Kuransal Sözlük 44 3 -corrigible (kör'ıcıbıl) : düzeltilebilir corrigible = remediable, curable, treatable, adaptable, flexible, changeable corrigible x incorrigible : akıllanmaz, adam olmaz Mangalı kontrol eden bir ev hanımı: “Daha ateşin KORU var. KORU CIBIL CIBIL parlı­ yor. Biraz kömür konulsa, ateş (corrigible) DÜZELTİLEBİLİR. Yeniden mangal yakma­ ma gerek kalmaz” diye düşünür. Your mislakes are unimportanî so they are corrigible. Turkey’s economic problems are remedi­ able. Many illnesses vvhich önce killed are today curable. Infant blindness can be treatable later in life. I’m sure she’ll cope vvith the changes very well; she’s very adaptable. We can visit you on Saturday or Sunday, our plans are fairly flexible. I’m a changeable şort of person. He’s an incorrigible liar/rogue, but he has great charm. 444- voluntary (vaPınteri) : gönüllü, serbest, hür voluntary = vvilling, spontaneous, free, intentional voluntary x compulsory : zorunlu Şiddetli fırtına nedeniyle kopan elektrik teli yaş­ lı bir kadının bahçe duvarına düşer. Kadıncağız komşularına seslenip: "VVALL’UN TELİni (du­ varın telini) (voluntary) GÖNÜLLÜ olarak du­ vardan indirecek bir var mı?” diye yardım ister. He made a voluntary statement to the poliçe. My nephevv is a vvilling helper Her vvitticisms seemed spontaneous, but were in fact carefully prepared befotehand. You are free to go anyvvhere you wish. His exclusion from the meeting was quite intentional. Some things are compulsory by law, such as vvearing seat belts in cars.



Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük

445- cripple (krip’ıl) : bozmak; sakat etmek cripple = paralyse, damage, ruin, vvreck, sabotage, enfeeble cripple x invigorate : canlandırmak, ______________ kuvvetlendirmek_________

The new tax increases have crippled small businesses. Damage to the sciatic nerve paralysed his left leg. He damaged the car when he backed into the tree. The hail stor m ruined the harvest. She wrecked the radio when she dropped it in the vvater. The spy sabotaged the enemy planes. The country was enfeebled by war, drought and disease. We were invigorated by our walk. 446- condole (kmdol’) : baş sağlığı dilemek condole = commiserate, sympathize, feel for, lament, consoie, pity, feel sorry for condole x rejoice : neşelenmek, ____________sevinmek ,_________________ Bir Venedikli kadın yakınım kaybeder. Bir GONDOLa binip (condole) BAŞ SAĞLIĞI DİLEMEK için yola çıkar. The priest visited the family to condole with them on the loss of their son. When he failed his driving test I called him up and commiserated him. Much as I sympathize with you in your predicament, I don't really see what I can do. I really feel for her, with no job and three childreen to feed. The nation lamented the passing (=death) of its great war leader. I tried to consoie her with a box of chocolates. I pity you having to live with that awful woman. Sometimes Gabby felt sorry for her She seemed so lonely. We rejoiced at/over the good news.

* UH

İzlediği yeni KLİP hoşuna gitmeyince, yapım­ cı: “KLİP sanki CD satışlarını (cripple) BOZ­ MAK için özel hazırlanmış” diye kızar. 17......

Kelime Ezberleten Kureusal Sözlük 447- congruous (kang' gruvvıs) : uygun congruous = suitable, appropriate, fit, compatibie, convenient, proper, apt congruous x incompatible : birbirine uymayan Avustralya'dan getirilen KANGURU için UYGUN bir yer aranır. Sonunda hayvanat bahçesi müdürü, bir yer göstererek: “İşte bu­ rası KANGURUMUZ için (congruos) UY­ GUN bir yer” der. Your behaviour is not congruous with your social rank. Even though Ali has no experience he seems to be suitable tor the job Her remarks were considerate and very appropriate to the situation I don't think she is really fit for the job Their marriage ended because they were simply not compatibie They met in a mutually convenient place. That is not the proper way to stop the machine. John produced an apt comment which summed up how we ali felt. Maintaining quality is incompatible with increasing output 448- connive (kınay v') : suç ortağı olmak connive = conspire, plot, scheme, intrigue, commit a crinıe, collude Şüpheli adamın evinde yapılan aramalar sıra­ sında karısının çantasında bir bıçak KINI bu­ lununca, kadıncağız: “Bir KIN AAY! (conni­ ve) demek ki kocam benim de SUÇ ORTAĞI OLMAMI istiyor” diye şaşırır The two students connived (with each other) to eheat in the examination. The criminals conspired (together) / (with each other) to rob the Central Bank They plotted to overthrow the government. Ali sehemed for the downfall of ali those who disagreed with him She knew they were intr iguing against her behind the locked door. Women commit far fever crimes than men. İt was suspected that the accused had colluded with the witnesses.



449- peculiar (pîkvul’yır) : garip, tuhaf pecuiiar = strange, bizarre, \veird, abnormal, odd, unusual pecuiiar x ordinary : sıradan Geçit resmi için hazırlanan süvari alayını de­ netleyen komutan, atlara takılan yeni model YULARIı beğenmeyerek: “Bunlar PEK YULARa benzemiyor, (peculiar) GARİP, TU­ HAF şeyler. Derhal eksikilerini takın!” diye emreder. What a peculiar smell! 1didn't enjoy îhe movie because the story was rather strange. His multi-coloured car is bizarre. She wore weird clothes to the party. The heat is abnormal for this time of the year. Her father was rather an odd man. I was actually on time, vvhich is unusual for me. I have got an ordinary şort of car, nothing special.

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Kelime Ezberleten Kurausa! Sözlük


450- boom (bum) : hızla artmak, büyümek boom = prosper, develope, flourish, increase, thrive, progress boom x decline : azalmak Savaşta hava saldırılarını anlatan bir sivil: "Bombalar BUM BUM diye patladı. Şehre verdiği zarar (boom) HIZLA ARTTI” der. Business is booming. Perhaps, he'll prosper as a painter now the initial problems seem lo be över. The department is developing a strategy to fight unemployment. Very few plants will flourish vvithout sunlight. The population of this town has increased. Few plants or animals thrive in the desert. My Spanish is progressing. The party’s popularity has declined in the opinion polis.

[ condemn


svveep anticipate impeach congest crucial siy elaborately upright compel leak mob

kınamak, ayıplamak; suçlu çıkarmak süpürmek önceden tahmin etmek suçlamak, itham etmek toplamak, yığmak hayati kurnaz dikkatle doğru zorlamak sızmak, sızıntı yığılmak


deed springboard superstition insomnia massive corrigible volurıtary cripple condole congruous conrıive peculiar boom

: iş, fiil, hareket ^ : başlangıç noktası : boş inanç : uykusuzluk : ağır, iri (yapılı) : düzeltilebilir : gönüllü, serbest, hür : bozmak; sakat etmek : baş sağlığı dilemek : uygun : suç ortağı olmak ; garip, tuhaf ; hızla artmak, büyümek



....... J


401. - 425. Alıştırmalar Find the right word çalışması (426-450)

1) The PM w a s ............for wrongful use of State money.

2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8)

a) swept b) impeached c) mobbed d) anticipated Most people w ould.......... violence of any şort. c) condemn b) congest d) cripple a) mob The priest visited the family to .......... with them on the loss of a) condole c) anticipate d) impeach b) mob The new tax increases have .......... small businesses. a) connived b) impeached c) mobbed d) crippied Your behaviour is n o t.......... with your social rank. d) voluntary a) siy b) peculiar c) corrigible The huge tractor pulled a ...... .... load of logs with ease. a) massive b) siy c) voluntary d) congruous Your mistakes are unimportant so they a re ..... b) voluntary d) peculiar a) siy c) corrigible What a ........ .. smell! a) voluntary b) peculiar c) congruous d) corrigible

e) crippied e) svveep their son. e) condemn e) anticipated e) congruous e) peculiar e) massive e) siy

9) According t o ...........if you walk under a ladder it brings you bad luck. a) superstition b) springboard c) insomnia d) leak e) deed 10) Who could have done such a vvicked...........? a) insomnia b) springboard c) superstition d) deed e) leak

Synonym çalışması (426-450) 1) He didn't want to visit her but conscience çompejjed him. a) coerced b) impeached c) connived d) anticipated e) swept 2) VVell don’t blame me if you miss the bus! a) boom b) condole c) condemn d) connive e) coerce 3) The two students connived (with each other) to cheat in the examination. a) impeached b) conspired c) anticipated d) swept e) crippied 4) I found a broom to sweep the floor with. a) conspire b) compel c) impeach d) coerce e) clean 5) The army anticipated the explosion by evacuating the town. a) foresavv b) coerced c) svvept d) conspired e) impeached 6) Weekends the automobiles congest ali the roads near the city. a) sweep b) conspire c) crovvd d) compel e) boom 7) I didn’t enjoy the movie because the story was rather strange. a) peculiar b) congruous c) corrigible d) voluntary e) upright 8) That policeman is an upright man whom we ali respect. a) corrigible b) voluntary c) congruous d) honest e) peculiar 9) İt is crucial that the problem is tackled immediately. a) îrivial b) vital c) siy d) honest e) voluntary

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You are şly one! Why didn't you teli us you were going to get married? a) crucial b) upright c) honest d) vital e) artful

Ântonym çalışması (426-450) 1) İt was the most elaborately decorated study. a) carefully b) gingerly c) meticulously d) carelessly 2) The deferıdant claimed that he had been coerced into making a) conspired b) coaxed c) impeached d) foreseen 3) Most people would condemn violence of any şort. a) exculpate b) coax c) foresee d) conspire 4) I found a broom to sweep the floor with. a) blame b) pollute c) excu!pate d) conspire 5) He leaked the names to the press.. a) exculpated b) polluted c) scattered d) mobbed 6) The crowds jammed the streets, and no cars could pass. a) foresavv b) polluted c) scattered d) concealed 7) Trust is a vital component in any close relationship. a) compulsory b) corrigible c) upright d) trivial 8) I made a voluntarv statement to the poliçe.. a) compulsory b) upright c) congruous d) corrigible 9) The company was indicted for making excessive profit. a) polluted b) scattered c) mobbed d) vindicated 10) We couldn’t even see the top of the huge mountain.. a) compulsory b) tiny c) congruous d) upright

e) slyly a confession. e) blamed e) connive e) coax e) concealed e) mobbed e) congruous e) trivial e) coaxed e) corrigible

Vocabulary çalışması (426-450) vindicates, appropriate,

fallacy, action, springboard, painstakingly,

insomnia, gathered,

leaked prosper

1) He went to the doctor because he was suffering fro m ............. 2) The idea that a good night’s sleep will cure everything is a com plete............. 3) The firm’s director is confident that the new project will act as a ...........for further contracts. 4) But for your p ro m t...........I might have drovvned. 5) 6) 7) 8)

H e ...........explained how the aircraft vvorked. H e ...........the names to the press. By the time the president arrived a large crovvd h a d ............. Her remarks were considerate and v e ry ...........to the situation.

9) Perhaps, he’l l ...........as a painter now the initial problems seem to be över. 10) The report of the committee of enguiry cornpletely......... him.

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük


W ord form ation çalışması (426-450)

1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

They were caught in a n ...........shovver of rain.. (expect) The roads w e re ...........because of the snow.. (pass) The earthquake ca u se d ...........damage. (extend) She took the job to b e ...........independent, (finance) He died u n d e r........... circumstances. (suspect)

6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

We can look forward to a period o f ............. (prosper) l’rrı afraid I ra th e r...........agreed to help. (wise) She spent hours getting the fıo u s e .... ......clean. (spot) If I were you, I vvouldn't make a ...........just yet. (decide) It’s ...........of motorists to drink and drive. (response)

11) If you have any s p e cia l..........., please let me know. (reguire)

451. - 475. Kelimeler 451- pension (pen’şın) : emekli aylığı pension = allovvance, benefit, annuity

Aldığı EMEKLİ AYLIĞI ile geçim zorluğu çeken Ahmet Bey, bu yüzden ucuz bir PANSİYONda kalmaktadır. İçinden: “Eğer bu ucuz PANSİYON da olmasaydı, aldığım (pension) EMEKLİ AYLIĞI bana yetmezdi” diye düşünür. She went to the bank to draw (=collect) her pension. Some students have an allovvance from their parents. There are several benefits you can daim if you're unemployed. She receives a small annuity. 45 2 -yeli (yel) : haykırmak yeli = shout, scream, beilovv, roar, crv out yeli x vvhisper : fısıldamak

Şiddetli esen rüzgara rağmen karşı tepedeki arkadaşına HAYKIRAN bir çocuğu gören ço­ ban: “Oğlum YEL aksi yönde eserken (yeli) HAYKIRMAKla sesini duyuramazsın! Boşu­ na HAYKIRMA” der. Don't yeli at me like that! There is no need to shout; l’m not deaf. I screamed tor help. The sergeant bellowed at the troops when they disobeyed his orders. The man roared with rage. She cried out for help. I vvhispered the message to her.



453- orbit (orbit) : yörünge, çember; bir yörüngede dön(dür)mek orbit = revolve, circle

ÖR BİT şekerlerinin, yapılan başarılı promasyonlarla satışları bir YÖRÜNGEye oturur. Pi­ yasada %30'luk pay ekle eder. The satellite orbits the Earth every 48 hours. The Earth revolves on its own axis önce every 24 hours. She has a large circle of friends. The teacher circled the pupils- spelling mistakes in red ink. 454- disciaim (dîskleynı'l : kabul etmemek, reddetmek disciaim = reject. repudiate, refuse, tura dovvn, renounce. rebutî, decline disciaim x confess : doğrulamak, teyit etmek

Bir KİLİMİ tarihi eser diye turiste satmak is­ terler Turist: "TH1S KİLİM'i satın almayı (disciaim) REDDEDİYORUM. KABUL ETMİYORUM" diye itiraz eder,_____________ Mozart disclaimed ali responsibility tor the mistake. I was rejected for the army because ot my bad eyesight. He repudiated ali offers of friendship He asked her to marry him but she refused The local council turned dovvn the plan for the new motorvvay. The old man renounced his legal right to the money. She rebuffed ali his attempts to be friendiyHe declined my invitation to the party. I have to confess I didn’t believe her at first.

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Kelime Ezberleten Kursusal Sözlük 455- devote (dîvot’) : adamak devote = dedicate. consecrate, pledge, commit devote x vvithhold : kısıtlamak. yermemek, kendine saklamak PİVOT olarak CHİCAGO BliLLS'a transfer olan MİRSAD KANITÜRK, antremanları ak­ satınca. antranör: "İyi bir PİVOT olmak de­ mek. bu spora kendini (devote) ADAMAK demektir. Dikkatli ol!” diye onu uyarır He has devoted his life to helping blind people. The doctor dedicated his life/himself to finding a cure. He consecrated his life to helping the poor. We’ve pledged ourselves to fight for justice. If you want to be a doctor you have to really commit yourself to it. He had withheld viîal information from the poliçe.

456-cautious (kö’şıs) : tedbirli, dikkatli cautious = careful, \vary, \vatchful, prudent, scrupulous, meticulous cautious x careless : dikkatsiz Hizmetçinin kapıda bir dilenci ile konuştuğu­ nu gören evsahibi: "KOV ŞUNU KIZ (cau­ tious). biraz DİKKATLİ. TEDBİRLİ ol"! diye onu uyarır. I have alvvays been very cautious about giving my address and phone number. A careful driver never causes accidents. I was wary of the barking dog before I realised he was friendly. I was tescued by the watchful lifesaver His wife was a prudent manager of money. The investigation was carried out with scrupulous fairness. This beautiful jewellery is the work of a meticulous craftsman. İt was careless of you to lose the documents.



457- lanıent dıment’) : matem (tutmak) lament = mourn, grieve, pîne atvay. bemoan, bewail, sorro\v lament x rejoice : sevinmek

Kardeşini kaybeden bir kadının, LAME elbi­ sesini giyip, her gece davetlerde boy göster­ mesi üzerine bir yakını: “LAME elbise giyip gezeceğine ölen kardeşinin (lament) MATE­ MİNİ TUTSA ya!” diye ona kızar. Madam Sirnson is stili lamenting the death of his husband, İt vvould be irıdecent to question her vvhile she’s stili mouring her son, She was stili grieving for her son. She has been pining away since her pet dog died. He bemoaned his bitter fade. Frequently they bevrail the ingratitude of their children. For years she sorrowed (=felt great sadness) över for missing son They ali rejoiced to hear the happy news. 458- come by (kAm b,ay) : elde etmek, edinme*. come by = gain, obtaln, get, procure, acquire come by x lose : kaybetmek

Gerekli Kanın bulunamaması üzerine, ameli yatı yapacak olan doktor, İngiliz hastanın ba­ basını çağrırken şöyle der:” Piease COME ne­ re BAY! acilen (come by) kan EDİNMEK zo­ rundayız!" How did you come by that beautiful picture? He has gained support among young voters in the recent elections. How was this information obtained? I got full marks in my maths exam. I managed to procure two tickets for the final. The museum has recently acquired several paintings by Dali. If you don't label your luggage clearly you may lose it.

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Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük 459- eradicate (irâd’ıkeyt) : yok etmek eradicate = destroy, vvreck, devastate, demolish, vvipe out, externıinate eradicate x restore : restore etmek

KATE adlı bir kişi yine asılsız bir ihbar yapın­ ca. polis memuru: “Yine ARADI KATE güya, şehirdeki en yüksek binayı (eradicate) YOK ETMEK isteyenler varmış” der. Poverty is proving hard to eradicate. The earthquake destroyed much of the city. The power station was vvrecked by a huge gas expiosion. Flood and disease devastated the harvest. When the old house demolished, a cave was discovered beneath it. The heavy storm wiped out our house. I exterminated the cockroaches in the kitchen. She restores old paintings at the museum. 460- supersede (supırsid’) : yerine geçmek supersede = supplant, replace, succeed, take the piace of, stand in for, deputize

Emre. Inter’de kaptan olarak oynamak isteyin­ ce, antranör: “Yeteneğin SÜPER SEDE, kap­ tanın (supersede) YERÎNE GEÇMEK için da­ ha çok deneyimsizsin” der. Iron began to supersede bronze for tool making about 3000 years ago. There were rumours that Ahmet vvanted to supplant George as leader of the party. The factory repiaced most of its vvorkers with robots. When the queen dies, her eldest son wil! succeed to the throne. Nothing really takes the place of püre cotton. I will stand in for you vvhile you have lunch. My boss had to go to the Caribbean unexpectedly and asked me to deputize.



461- mercenary (mır’sıneri) : para gözeten, çıkarcı mercenary = selfish, think of nobody but yourself, self-centred, avaricious, spoilt, inconsiderate, possessive mercenary x generous : cömert

Bir işadamı geçen hafta verdiği davette, sırf paradan konuşan adamın ismini merak edince; bir arkadaşı: “Kolunda MOR SİNİRİ vardı, (mercenary) ÇIKARCI birine benziyordu" der. İt was purely mercenary considerations îhat made me accept the job. Ali she ever thinks about is herself and her own selfish interests. My husband thinks of no one but himself, He’s going out with his friends on my brithday. He was too self-centred to notice how unhappy Ruth was. The employees of the avaricious tycoon were over-worked and under-paid. Spoilt children aren't usually popular. İt was inconsiderate of him to slam the door when the baby was asleep. Don’t be so possessive! Let the others play with the kitten too. We are grateful for your generous offer.

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Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük 462* precise (prisays’) : tam. keskin, çok dikkatli precise = exact, accurate, clear, defînite, spot-on, explicit precise x ambiguous : belirsiz Yoğun kar yağışı nedeniyle geceyi ilk gördü­ ğü berbat bir otelde geçirmek zorunda olan bir tüccar: “Bari PİRESİ AZ bir oda bulsam, (pre­ cise) ÇOK DİKKATLİ olmalıyım. Çünkü çok eski bir otel” der. The precise cost of the project is almost impossible to estimate. The exact amount of tax you pay depends on the size of your family. İt that an accurate copy of the original? The instructions on the pocket weren’î very clear. 1 found the definite instructions you gave me very helpful. Your cartoon of the Prime Minister is spot-on. I gave you explicit instructions not to tamper with the Controls. The situation is very ambiguous. I really don't know what to do.

463- grip (grip) : sıkı tutma(k), kavramak; etkilemek grip = lıold, grasp, clutch, clasp. cling to grip x release : serbest bırakmak Hastayı muayene eden doktor: “GRİP olmuş­ sun İşi (grip) SIKI TUTMAK lazım. Grip ciddi bir hastalıktır" der. He gripped my wrist and pulled me back. Hold the baby a minute, vvould you? I grasped the railing to stop myself falling. She clutched her father's hand as they crossed the busy Street. He clasped his teddy bear tightly and vvouldn’t let me hold it. The frightened little boy clung to his father's hand. They agreed to release him after his father paid the ransom.



464- stiff (stîf) : zor, çetin; ağır: resmi; sert stiff = hard, diffıcult, firm, tough. rigid, solid stiff x ümp : yumuşak

Yaşlı adam satın aldığı odunun kömürlüğe İS­ TİFLENMESİ (dizilmesi) için hammala az para teklif edince, hammal: “İSTİF (stiff) işin en ZOR tarafı” diye itiraz eder. I think that rapists should be given a stiff prison sentence. English is a hard language to speak really well. İt is a diffıcult question to answer. I like to sleep on a firm mattress. The meat was so tough it felt like rubber. The kite is made of soft material attached to a rigid frame. Children's bicycles sometimes have solid rubber tyres. The government does not want to be seen as having a limp response to terrorism 465- hasty (hevs’ti) : acele, çabuk; aceleci; düşüncesiz lıasty = quick, speedy, rapid, swift; reckless, thoughtless, inconsiderate hasty x cautious : tedbirli

HASTA oğlunun kar topu oynadığını gören annesi: “Oğlum HASTA olduğunu unutma Kar topu oynamak için (hasty) bu ACELE ni­ ye? DÜŞÜNCESİZ davranıyorsun” diye kızar. He vvarned against making hasty decisions. I think perhaps we were a little hasty in judging him. I had to make a quick decision. Speedy replacement of faulty component is guarenteed. Having read the message, I came to rapid decision. My critical remarks broughî a svvift reaction from Kerem. He was charged with reckless driving. Ho,w could you be so thoughtless tovvards Mr. Öner? İt was very inconsiderate of him. I'm a very cautious driver.

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Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük 466- lame (ievm) : sakat; eksik, kusurlu lame = disabled, crippled; feeble, \veak, inadequate, insufficient lame x strong : kuvvetli

Güzellik yarışmasında birinci olan genç kızın bir tek LAME elbisesi olduğunu gören yarış­ ma komitesi başkam: “Bir tek LAME elbise kurallara göre (lame) EKSİK ve KUSURLU bir durum" diye itirazda bulunur. Infection in this part of the foot can make the horse (go) permanently lame. My lame excuse was that I had too much else to do. The accident left him severely disabled. She has been crippled ever since the car accident. The old Champion becarne so feeble that he had to use a vvalking stick. The illness left her almost too weak to stand. The food vvas inadequate for ten people. The food vvas insufficient for our needs. He lifted her up in his strong arms. 467- incident (în’sıdınt) : olay, hadise incident = event, occurence, occassion, happening, thing, phenomenon

İNCİ ve Ayla'yı tartışırken gören Necla: "Acaba OLAYı kim başlattı? Herhalde OLAY İNCİ DEN kaynaklanmıştır, (incident) HADİ­ SE çıkarmakta üstüne yoktur" diye düşünür. The spy scandal caused a diplomatic inci­ dent. The programme revievvs the most important events of 1998. This şort of incident is an everyday occurence. The opening ceremony of the 1996 Olympiad was a memorable occassion. The happenings of the last two days had left me feeling dazed. A funny thing happened to me on the way to work this morning. Scientists have studied this phenomenon for years



468- tenacitv (tînas'ıti) : direnme, ' a/.geçnıeme lenacity = persistence, stubborness, obstinacy, insistence. endurance

İstanbul'a yapılan yoğun göçler nedeniyle, Anadolu'daki bir şehire. nüfusu çok azaldığı için "TENHA CITY" adı \ erilir. Ancak, bazı­ ları "TENHA CITY" de kalmak için (tenacity) DİRENAlLye devam ederler. I don't like the man, but I admire his tenac­ ity. She managed it by persistence and ambition. His stubborness was well known to ali the nurses. She was infuriated by his obstinacy. At the director's insistence the new product vvas kept secret. They admired the troops tor their courage and endurance. 469- grant (grant) : vermek; bağışlamak: kabul etmek grant : donate, support. give avvav. nıake a donation, give, subcribe to

Ünlü sinema oyuncusu GARY GRANT’ in tüm servetini yardım kuruşlarına (grant) VER­ DİĞİNİ. BAĞIŞLADIĞINI hayal edin. At last my vvish vvas granted I had to grant the iogic of his argument. Last year he donated S 5.000.000 to cancer research The Federal Reserve Bank intervened to support the failling lira She gave away ali her money to the poor He has made several donations to charities. He regularly give 10 % his income to those in need Some firms subscribe to sporting events and good causes simply to avoid paying tax.

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Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük 470- svvift (swîft) : hızlı svvift = quick, rapid, fast, speedy, prompt, hasty svvift x slovv : yavaş

Jonathan SWIFT. "GÜLİVER’in GEZİLERİ" adlı eserini 2 ayda tamamlayınca, edebiyat eleştirmenleri: "SWIFT ne kadar (ssvift) HIZ­ LI hayret doğrusu!" diye şaşırırlar. My critical remarks brought a svvift reaction from Reyhan We offer our customers a quick, reliable service. Our armed forces are capable of a rapid response to any aggression. She is a fast runner. Even though her work speedy she didn’î make one mistake. A majör disaster was prevented by the prompt acîion of the safety officer. He soon regretted his hasty decision to get married. The trains were slow and crovvded and the journey was awful. 471- frankly (frangkli) : açıkça, dobra dobra frankly = lıonestlv, directly, truthfully, fairly, sincerely, candidly frankly x deceitfully : yalancılıkla

Okula yeni tayin olan öğretmen. FRANK LEE adlı öğrencinin neden bu kadar sevildiğini soruncarFRANK LEE her zaman (frankly) DOB­ RA DOBRA ve AÇIKÇA konuşur, işte bu ne­ denlerden dolayı" diye arkadaşları yanıt verir. I'm frankly terrified every time 1go on stage. Honestly, it makes no difference to me vvhere we have the vvedding. She toid me quite directly that my work vvasn't good enough. Truthfully, I don’t know what happened. I’m fairly sure that this is the right address. I’m sincerely grateful for ali the help you have given me. She answered his questions fully and candidly. She acted deceitfully.


2 8 6

472- sensuous (sen’şuvvıs) : duygusal sensuous = emotional, sentimental, sensitive, loving, tender, affectionate sensuous x unemotional : duygusuz

Kabahatli çocuk, hesap vermek üzere ailesinin önüne geldiğinde, baba: “Hanım SEN SUS! (sensuous) DUYGUSAL davranır, işi de ber­ bat edersin!” diye karısını uyarır. Sculpture is a sensuous art. The cat stretched itself with sensuous pleasure (ease) in the warm sun. There were emotional scenes here today at the funeral. He has made a fortune from singing sen­ timental songs. He has a sensitive nature and is easily hurt. Her loving parents alvvays tried to do the best tor her. The film ended with the two lovers in a tender embrace. The affectionate puppy kept licking my hand. Poliçe were shocked at the unemotional way the murderer described the killings. 473- caution (kö’şın): ikaz (etmek), uyarmak caution = warm, alert, forevvarn, alarm, advise, admonish, urge

Marketin meyva reyonunda, bir kadının mal­ lan zedelediğini gören müdür: “Hemen KO­ ŞUN (caution) şu hanımı İKAZ EDİN!” diye elemanlarını UYARIR. Kerem's teacher cautioned him tfıat the level exam vvould be very difficult. I vvarned him that the cliff was very dangerous. When he realized that one engine was not vvorking the pilot alerted air traffic control. A poliçe team, forewarned of the raid, had taken up positions inside the post Office. The sentries alarmed the camp when they ;aw the approaching enemy. ihe advised me not to say anything. ue was officially admonished for vvasting :he club’s money. The speaker urged immediate action against the illegal regime.

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Kelime Ezberleten Kurcusa! Sözlük 4 7 4 -gap (gap) : aralık; boşluk; eksiklik gap = rift, hole, chink, clef

GAP Projesi tam olarak bittiğinde, GAP Böl­ gesi ’nin su (gap) EKSİKLİĞİ tam olarak gi­ derilmiş olacak. The gap between rich and poor is stili widening. How can we bridge the gap (=make the difference smaller)? The marriage caused a rift betvveen the brothers and they didn't speak each other tor ten years. Do you think this hole in the cliff is an entrance to a cave? I could just slip rny fingers through the chink in the wall. Eagles often nest in a clef in the rocks.


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475- ballot (bâl’ıt) : oy vermek ballot = vote, elect. opt for, singie out, choose, poll

Müzikholde verilen Ballad konserlerini dinle­ yen bir seyirci, arkadaşına: “En güzel BALLAD'A (ballot) OY VER" der. (ballad: sözleri duygulu olan halk şarkısı) The union decided to ballot its members on the issue. İn a democracy, ali adult citizens have the right to vote - the people choose the government. I elected art as my extra subject at school. I opt tor the train because it's faster. They singled her out for a special avvard because of her kindness. I had to choose betvveen getting married and taking up a career in ballet. With nearly ali the votes counted, Mr. BADEMCİOGLU had polled 87 % of the vote.

------ ---------pensıon yeli o rbit

disclaim devote cautious lament come by eradicate supersede mercenary precise grip

: emekli aylığı : haykırmak : yörünge, çember; bir yörüngede dön(dür)mek : kabul etmemek, reddetmek : adamak : tedbirli, dikkatli : matem (tutmak) ; elde etmek, edinmek : yok etmek : yerine geçmek : para gözeten, çıkarcı : tam, keskin, çok dikkatli i sıkı tutma(k),

s tiff hasty lame incident tenacity grant svvift frankly sensuous caution gap ballot

kavramak, etkilemek ; zor, çetin; ağır; resmi; sert : acele, çabuk; aceleci; düşüncesiz : sakat; eksik, kusurlu : olay, hadise ; direnme, vaz geçmeme ; vermek; bağışlamak; kabul etmek ; hızlı : açıkça, dobra dobra : duygusal : ikaz (etmek), uyarmak : aralık; boşluk; eksiklik ; oy vermek ......................... ........ jt

451. - 475. Alıştırmalar


Find the right word çalışması (451-475) 1) He went to the bank to draw (—collect) h is ..... d) incident e) tenacity a) gab b) pension c) orbit 2) D on't.......... ; at me like that! d) supersede e) grant a) yeli b) devote c) come by My critical remarks brought a .......... reaction from Mr. Moni. 3) e) firm a) mercenary b) stiff c) svvift d) hard 4) He h a s ........... his life to helping blind people. e) devoted d) balloted c) lamented a) disclaimed b) yelled 5) How did you .......... that beautiful picture? a) ballot b) lament c) devote d) come by e) yeli .......... bronze for tool making about 3000 years ago. Iron began to 6) b) supersede c) grip d) come by e) lament a) grant 7) H e .......... my wrisî and puiled me back. d) balloted e) devoted b) came by c) lamented a) gripped 8) The spy scandal caused a dipiomatic............ d) tenacity e) orbit a) pension b) gab c) incident I don’t like the man, but I admire h is ............ 9) d) incident e) tenacity. a) gab b) pension c) orbit 10) Kerem's teacher.......... him that the level exam vvould be very difficult. e) came by b) superseded c) balloted d) lamented a) cautioned

Synonym çalışması (451-475) 1) He has gained support among young voters in ihe recent elections.. e) devoted a) superseded b) lamented c) came by d) yelled 2) I was rejected for the army because of my bad eyesight. e) cautioned a) come by b) disclaimed c) lamented d) granted I vvarned him that the cliff was very dangerous. 3) e) superseded a) cautioned b) rejected c) came by d) balloted 4) The gap betvveen rich and poor is stil! widening. a) pension b) orbit c) incident d) rift e) tenacity 5) She managed it by persjstençe and ambition. e) occurence a) orbit b) pension c) rift d) tenacity l had to yi an: the logic of his argument. 6) a) ballot b) supersede c) warn d) lament e) agree 7) We offer our customers a guick, reliable service, a) swift b) slovv c) cautious d) lame e) stiff 8 ) English is a hard language to speak really well. a) slow b) stiff c) lame d) mercenary e) precise İt was purely mercenary considerations that made me accept the job. 9) a) lame b) selfish c) precise d) slovv e) limp

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10) The precise cost of the project is almosl impossible to estimate. a) limp b) slow c) lame d) mercenary e) exact

Antonym ç a lış m a s ı (451-475) 1) Ali she ever thinks about is herself and her own selfish interests. d) hasty e) lame a) cautious b) generous c) precise He vrarned against making hasty decisions 2) d) lame e) disabled a) generous b) precise c) cautious

3) The accident left him severely disabled. d) speedy e) exact a) strong b) generous c) hasty 4) Our armed forces are capable of a rapid response to any aggression. e) mercenary d) selfish a) generous b) slow c) hasty 5) Sculpture is a sensuous art. d) hasty e) unemotional a) slow b) lame c) mercenary 6 ) I grasped the railing to stop myself falling. a) released b) balloted c) superseded

7) They ali rejoiced to hear the happy news. a) lamented b) disclaimed c) dedicated 8 ) I like to sleep on a fim i mattress. a) hard b) slow c) mercenary

d) came by

e) lamented

d) yelled

e) gripped

d) limp

e) ambiguous

d) limp

e) mercenary

d) rejoice

e) disclaim

9) Is that an accurate copy of the original? a) slow 10)

b) firm

c) ambiguous

How did you come bv that beautiful picture? a) replace b) lose c) mourn

Vocabuiary çalışması (451-475) bellovved, careless,

granted, frankly,

advised, sensuous,

Honestly, ballot,

orbits allowence

1) İt w a s ...........of you to lose the documents. Some students have a n ...........from their parents.

2) 3) 4) 5)

The se rg a n t...........at the troops when they disobeyed his. The satellite ...........the Earth every 48 hours.

At last my wish w a s ............. 6 ) I'm ...........terrified every time I go on stage. 7) The union decided t o ...........its members on the issue. 8 ) S h e ...........me not to say anything. 9) The cat stretched it self w ith ...........pleasure in the vvarrn sun. 10 ) .... ......, it makes no difference to me vvhere we have the vvedding.

Kelime Ezberleten Kursusal Sözlük


Word formation çalışması (451-475) 1) I don't m in d ...........criticism but there's no need to be unpleasant. (construct) 2) I had may tro u se rs.......... because they were too short. (long) 3) If you lose your cheque book, you should ........... the bank withould delay. (note) 4) İt was a ...........letter addressed to the boss and the secretary shouldn't have opened it. (confide) 5) T h e ........... ot the flight was delayed so we had to spend the night at the airport. (depart) 6) When ch ild re n ...........,their parents shouldn’t become angry, (behave) 7) İt i s ...........to study a language it you are never going to use it. (point) 8) Great works of art like the Mona Lisa a r e ............. (price) 9) l’m afraid y o u 'v e ...........me because that's not what i meant. (understand) 10) l’ve been a ..........since I had a heard attack. (smoke)

292 476- lash (liiş) : kınamak, ayıplamak; azarlamak laslı = criticize, attack, berate, scoid, rebuke, censure lash x praise : övmek İşe gitmek için giydiği gömleğin yıkanmadığı­ nı fark eden Ali Bey: "Bu gömlek LEŞ gibi kirli (lash) seni KINIYORUM, AYIPLIYO­ RUM" diye karısına söylenir, The job of a restaurarıt critic is to lash bad restaurateurs and complimenî good ones. The latest economic report has been criticized as being too pessimistic, The senatör made a speech attacking James Brown. His mother berated hirn for making a mess. His mother scolded him for breaking her favourite vase. Her father rebuked her for frightening her brother. The directors were censured for their lack of decisiveness during the crisis. He should be praised for his honesty. 477- keen (kin) : şiddetli, keskin; canlı keen = eager, enthusiastic, vvilling, avid, anxious, ardent keen x apathetic : duygusuz; soğuk KİNci oğlunu yola getirmeye çalışan annesi: "Oğlum sen ne kadar ŞİDDETLİ! KESKİN (ke­ en) KİNcisin! Biraz dikkatli ol! diye onu uyarır. The competition for almost every job is now very keen. Many people are taking keen interest in the result of the vote. The company is eager îo expand into new markets. She will be an excellent teacher, she is so enthusiastic and lively. He was a vvilling helper. She was an avid reader, She was anxious to please her mother. He is an ardent supporter of the local football team. She is so apathetic about everything.



500. Kelimeler

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük 478- drastic (drâs’tîk) : şiddetli, zora baş vuran: ağır ve kesin drastic = radical, violent, forceful, intensive, severe, desperate drastic x moderate : ılımlı Annesi çamaşırları neden hala asmadığım so­ rarken, ŞİDDETLİ bir şekilde bağırınca, kızı: "DUR ASTIK işte! (drastic) Böyle ŞİDDET­ Lİ bağıracak ne var!” diye söylenir, The government have recently taken drastic measures to control public spending. The talks are aimed at radical reductions in the level of vveapons, This was a particularly violent attack. She has a forceful personality which will serve her well in politics. İntensive efforts are being made to resolve the dispute, The bad harvests led to severe food shortages. She is desperate for money. He has quite moderate political opinions. 479- confess (kmfes’) : itiraf etmek, doğrulamak confess = acknovrledge, admit, concede, reveal, betray, unburden confess x deny : inkar etmek Tüm kanıtların aleyhine olduğunu gören Dean adlı bir KONTES (confess) suçunu İTİRAF ETMEK zorunda kalır, I have to confess 1didn’t believe him at firsi The terrorists refused to acknovvledge the court. I admitted that I had broken the window. He had to concede that some of her suspicions had been justified. Do you promise not to reveal my secret? His expression betrayed how angry he really was. I felt better after I unburdened myself and told her what I had done. The under secretary has strenuously denied these allegations.



480- verdict (vır'dîkt) : jüri kararı: karar verdict = decision, judgement, conclusion, opinion DIC adlı jüri üyesinin kararsız olması. JÜRİ KARARInın açıklanmasını geciktirir. Ancak jüri başkanı: "Hadi artık kararını VER DÎCK! (verdict) JÜRİ KARARI senin yüzünden geci­ kiyor” der. The jury returned a unanimous verdict of (not) guilty, “VVhat’s your verdict on her work so far?” “Oh, fairly, positive," The company wiii reach/corrıe to/make a decision shortly. She's the right person for the job, in our judgement. Only one conclusion can be dravvn from that. Her recent behaviour confirms my opinion that she is not happy here. 481- uneartlı (Anırttı') : meydana çıkarmak, keşfetmek unearth = trun up, discover, fınd, reveal, disciose, uncover, expose unearth x conceal : gizdemek Doğum günü pastasının üzerinden bir parça alıp yiyen çocuk, daha sonra bu boşluğu nasıl kapatacağını düşünür. Sonunda: "Eksik kıs­ mın üzerine biraz UN ÖRTsem (serpsem) (unearth) o zaman yenen kısmı MEYDANA ÇIKARMAK zorlaşır” diye düşünür. The investigators have unearthed some new evidence about the possible cause of the crash. İt was a painstaking search, but the poliçe failed to turn up any clues. The planet Pluto was discovered in 1930 Medical scientists are determined to find a cure for cancer. The investigation has revealed some serious faults in the system. She disclosed that she had been in prison. The poliçe uncovered a plot to rob this bank. The story she told me exposed many family secrets. She tried to conceal how she felt.

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük 482- undo (Andu’) : çözmek; iptal etmek; mahvetmek undo = untie. release; annull, abolish; destrov, ruin undo x fasten : bağlamak Bilgisayar öğrenen çocuk. İPTAL tuşunun hangisi olduğunu merak edince, babası: “Oğ­ lum numarası İO’DU (undo) İPTAL ETMEK için 10 numaralı tuşa basmak yeterli" der. She urıdid her shoelaces. She was undorte by the news of the accident. She urıtied the laces and took her shoes off. He released the rabbit from the trap. Parliament annulled the law against wearing bikinis. A law was passed to abolish slavery. Bombing destroyed the centre of Berlin in 1944. This wind will ruin my hairstyle. Make sure your seat belt is securely fastened. 483- undulv (AnduTi) : boş yere; aşırı derecede unduly = excessively, overmuch, overly, extremely, unnecessarily, extravagantlv unduly x moderately : az çok; ılımlı olarak Arkadaş çevresindeki ON DUL bayanı düşü­ nen bir genç kız: (unduly) BOŞ YERE ayrıldı­ lar" diye üzülür. There is no need to be unduly pessimistic about the situation. My grandpa was excessively stubborn. I don't have overmuch confidence in Ziya's ability to do the job. His films have been criticzed for being overly violent. She was extremely beautiful. I thought his explanation was unneces­ sarily complex. He was one of those extravagantiy demostrative people. İt is only moderately more expensive than the other.



484- dvvell (chvel) : oturmak, ikamet etmek dvvell = reşide, iive, settle, inhabit, lodge, stay dvvell x move : taşınmak D şeklinde inşaa edilmiş dublex villayı gezen bir İngiliz çift: “Villa Dİ \VELL (iyi) inşaa edilmiş (dvvell), burada OTURMAK isteriz” diye düşünürler. They dvvell in peace and harmony. We reşide in İstanbul now. He no longer iives alone but now dvvells with his family. I never imagined that one day l’d settle in İzmir, but here I am. The island is rnainly inhabited by sheep. I lodge at Mrs. Smith’s houes. My mother is staying (with us) this week. The people next door have moved away (=gone to İive somevvhere else) 485- redeem (ridim’) : borçtan kurtarm ak, rehinden kurtarm ak, vaadini yerine getirmek redeem = recover, repav, ransom, rescue, fulfıll, carry out, regain redeem x surrender : teslim olmak Bir televizyon yarışması finalinde, RİTİM ke­ limesini bilerek büyük miktarda para kazanan yarışmacı: “RİTİM (redeem) beni BORÇTAN KURTARDI. Yoksa yanmıştım" der. She managed to save enough money to redeem her jewellery from the pawn shop. I thought it was time to redeem my promises to Jane and marry the girl. The country is in a State of decline and very

unlikely to recover its former prosperiiy. He had to seli his car to repay the loan from the bank. Her father ransomed her for a million dollars. He rescued the man from drovvning. The conditions of the contract must be fulfilled exactly. They have failed to carry out their obligations. She made an effort to regain her selfcontrol. They would rather die than surrender.

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük 486- err (er) : hata yapmak err = go wrong, make a slip, trip up, make a mistake, misjudge, miscalculate, lead astray. Her acemi ER (asker) (err) HATA~YAPAR. To err is humarı. You have göne vvrong in the second line of the sum. We don’t want to make a slip at the last moment. I was doing well in the exams, until I tripped up on the last question. We ali make mistakes, so l’m not blaming you for the accident. I’m sorry - it seems l’ve misjudged you. The management has miscalculated the union's determination to win this dispute. I was led astray by an out-of-date map. 487* verifv (ver'ıfay) : onaylamak verifv = bear out, substantiate, confirm, prove, sho\v, support, back up verifv x refute : yalanlamak, delillerle çürütmek Kuzey Anadolu FAY Hatlıyla ilgili raporu in­ celeyen bayan deprem uzmanı: “Bu bölge VERY FAY (çok faylı) (verifv) bende ONAYLIYORUM" diye görüş bildirir. These figures will have to be verified by an accountant. Her allegations are not borne out by the facts. Can you substantiate your daim in a court of law? His silence confirmed his guilt. Can you prove you vvere at horne when the erime was committed? Recent events in Somalia clearly show the futility of war. Do you have any evidence to support these claims? I read an article in the Herald Tribüne that backs up what you vvere saying yesterday. I knew that he was lying but I had no evi­ dence with which to refute his story.



488- nıark (nıarkl : dikkat etmek, hatırda tutmak; göstermek mark = pay attention, notice, mind. distinguish. identifv. indicate mark x overlook : gözden kaçırmak MARK adlı oğlunu ağaç tepesinde gören an­ nesi. heyecanla: "MARK (mark) DİKKAT ET! Düşeceksin!" diye bağırır. She will cause trouble-(you) mark my words. Pay attention to what I am saying! I noticed she was wearing a new dress. Could you mind my bag tor a moment while I go to the toilet? I can distinguish them by their uniforms. I was asked to identify the criminal. Please indicate which free gift you would like to receive. I always check my work to see if there is anything l've overlooked. 489- rvitty (\vît’i) : esprili; zeki \vitty = lıumorous, funny, amusing. ironic, lıilarious, clever \vitty x dull : sıkıcı Dünya şampiyonu Catherina WIT. düzenledi­ ği basın toplantısında sorulan sorulara ESPRİ­ Lİ bir şekilde yanıt verince; gazeteciler kendi aralarında: 'AVİT hem çok ZEKİ (witty) hem de ESPRİLİ" diye konuşurlar. I enjoyed reading your witty letter in the Times. Some of the responses to our questionaries are very humorous. We ali enjoyed his funny stories. I suppose the film was miidly amusing. He is well known for his ironic humour. He entertained us with hilarious stories aboııt his experiences in the navy. My nephew is very clever. She is a nice, polite girl, but rather dull.

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük 490- murmur (mır'mır) : mırıldanmak murnnır = mıtmble, mutter. babble, vvhisper Küçük oğlunun sürekli olarak MIRILDANIP huysuzluk yapmasından bıkan annesi: “Oğ­ lum ne MİR MIR MIRILDANIYORSUN! (murmur)" diye söylenir. He was murmurirıg lo himself in a corner. The old woman mumbied something that I couldn’t hear. Some members of the government are beginning to mutter about the PM. 1 have no idea what he was babbling on about. She leaned över and vvhispered some­ thing in his ear. It’s vvhispered that he rrıay resign. 491- stationary (stey’şıneri): sabit, değişmez stationary = static, stili, immobile, fıxed, motionless, inert stationary x mobile : hareketli Yardımcı eleman Haydarpaşa İSTASYONUnu bulamayınca, patron: “Oğlum İstasyonun yeri STATİON YERİ (stationary) DEĞİŞ­ MEZ ki! SABİTtir!” diye şaşırır. House prices have been stationary for several months. Oii prices were fairly static worldwide at that time. Who can stay stili the longest? She sat immobile, vvondering what to do next. The tables are firmly fixed to the floor. She stood motionless in the doorway. The inert figüre of a man could be seen in front of the car. I’ve a mobile telephone that I can take to the garden.





492- onset (an’set) : başlangıç; hücum, saldırı onset = start, beginning, outset: attack, onslauglıt, onruslı onset x end : son Sınıftaki zayıf öğrencilere tatilde çalışmaları için ON SETlik kitap veren "öğretmen: "ON SETlik kitap (onset) ilerlemeniz için bir BAŞ­ LANGIÇ olacaktır" der. The syrnptoms are characteristic of the onset of influenza. Everyone was lined up for the start of the race. We arrived just in time io see the begin­ ning of the match. From the outset of the match we knew our team vvould win. The soldiers loaded their rifles ready for the attack. He coped very well with the onslaught of the questions from newspaper and television reporters. The poliçe were overwhelmed by the sudden onrush of hundreds of footbatl supporters. Get to the end of the queue and vvait your turn like everyone else. 493- pretex (pri’tekst) : sudan sebeb, bahane pretex = excu.se, daim , allegation, reason, assertioıı, pretence Öğrencilerinin BAHANElerinden bıkan bir bi­ yoloji öğretmeni. PİREler ile ilgili TEXTi (me­ tim ) dağıtırken: "Bunlar PİRE" TEXTIer (pire ile ilgili metinler) artık (pretex) BAHANE iste­ miyorum! İyi çalışın!" diye uyanda bulunur. The border dispute was used as a pretext for military intervention She needs only the slightesi excuse to go on holiday. Can you give any evidence to support your daim? He resigned amid allegations of fraud. He'd better have a good reason for being so late! Despite, her assertion that she was innocent, she was found guilty. She made a pretence of reading so he wou!dn’t disturb her

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük

Kelime Ezberleten Kursusal Sözlük 494- outshine (autşayn’J : başkasını gölgede bırakmak outshine = stand out. edipse, overshadotv, outclass, outdo, outstrip Fenerbahçe Stadı'nda yapılacak ışıklı gösteri için son hazırlıkları denetleyen organizatör, stad dışındaki sokak lambalarının daha parlak ışık verdiğini fark edince: "DIŞARIDA PARLA­ YAN lambalar OUT SHINE bizimkileri (outshi­ ne) çoktan GÖLGEDE BIRAKTI’' diye şaşırır. Meral outshines ali the other competitors, Only three paintings stood out as deserving special praise. The economy has ectipsed alt other issues during this election campaign. Her new book will overshadovv her earlier ones. He outclasses ali of us at tennis. She outdid him in running and in swimming. Export growth should far outstrip import grovvth. 495- bilateral (baylat’ırıl) : iki taraflı bilateral = mutual, give and take, reciprocal, joint, common bilateral x unilateral : tek taraflı Mektup şeklindeki anlaşma metnini almaya ge­ len bir kuryenin, kapıda dalga geçtiğini gören genel müdür: "Sayın BAY LETTERİ AL (bila­ teral,) İKİ TARAFLI ticari anlaşma metni zar­ fın içinde; hemen yerine götür" diye alay eder, Turkey and England have been negotiating a bilateral free-trade deal Both countries are acting to their mutual advantage. There has to be a lot of give and take in any successful marriage. The two superpovvers agreed to a recipro­ cal reduction of nuclear vveapons. The search project is the work of a joint French-ltalian team, We have got a lot of common interests, We will take unilateral action



496- alibi (iil’ıbay) : suç işlendiği anda zanlının başka yerde bulunduğunu ispat etmesi; özür, mazeret alibi = justification, reason, motive, pretex, excuse, defence ALİ adlı şüphelinin olay anında İstanbul dı­ şında olduğunu ispat edememesi üzerine, karı­ sı: "ALİ Bİ (alibi) SUÇ İŞLENDİĞİ ANDA İstanbul DIŞINDA BULUNDUĞUNU İS­ PAT EDEBİLSEYDİN! Ne iyi olurdu!” diye kocasını teselli etmeye çalışır. Ali has a cast-iron (=very strong) alibi-he was in hospital the week of the murder. We expect you to provide a justification of/for your actions. The reason I walked out was because I was bored. Does he have a motive for lying about where he was? His sore leg was a pretex, he just vvanted a day off work. “What is your excuse this time?" “I overslept." The judge remarked tfıat ignorance was not a vaiid defence. 497- commiserate (kımjz’ır e y t ) : dert ortağı olmak, kederini paylaşmak commiserate = sympathize, pitv, feel for, condole, grieve, console Vejeteryan, arkadaşının neden üzgün olduğunu soran İlhan, ilginç bir yanıt alır: “Bugün dalgın­ lıkla KIRMIZI ET yedim, (commiserate) DERT ORTAĞIM OLURSAN memnun olurum.” i was just commiserating with Ziya the loss of his pet rabbit. 1 know you must be feeiing very upset, and I do sympathize. I pity you having to live witfı that awful woman. We ali feel for you in your sorrovv. She visited the family to condole with them on/over the ioss of their father. She was stili grieving for her son. We tried to console him when his dog died.

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük 498- idle (ay'dıl) : işsiz idle = redundant, unemployed, jobless idle x active : faal Dede, torununa gece parlayan en büyük yıldı­ zın adı nedir ve ne iş yapar diye sorunca, afa­ can çocuk: -Adı AYDIR (idle) İŞSİZdir. Boş­ ta gezer” diye yanıt verir, Owing to the electricity strike, a lot of factory vvorkers were left idle. Seventy men at the facîory were made redundant because of falling demand for our products. Fifty per çent of the men in this town are unemployed. He has been jobless for the past six months. She was active in the campaign for spelling reform. 499- sophisticated (sıfîs’tıkeytîd) : deneyimli sophisticated = vvordly, experienced, seasoned, educated, trained sophisticated x unsoplıisticated : deneyimsiz, saf Bayan KATE, işe yeni eleman alındığı öğre­ nince nedenini sorar. Yardımcısı, personel müdüriyesi SOFİ'i kastederek: “SOFİ İSTEDİ KATE (sophisticated) DENEYİMLİ diye işe aldı" der. Her vvitty conversation shovved her to be very sophisticated. She's very sophisticated. She was much older and more wordly than I was. Our doctor is very experienced in these matters; you should follovv his advice. Being a seasoned traveller, he was fully prepared for the long delay at the airport. The villagers respected me because I was an educated man. She is a trained teacher. She was a country girl, shy and unsophisticated, so different from her rich cousins in İstanbul.


Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük


500- fret (fret) : üzülmek, sıkılmak fret = \vorry, bother, fuss, brood, agonize. upset, annoy fret x soothe : yatıştırmak FRED’i üzgün gören babası: "FRED bu kadar (fret) ÜZÜLMEKie eline ne geçecek? Ali ta­ rafı bir dersten zayıf getirdin. Onu da çalışır düzeltirsin" diye oğlunu teselli eder. Don’t fret - l’m sure he’s OK. 1sometimes vvorry that he will never find a job. Don’t bother about making your bed this morning. Thaî's to silly to fuss about. There is no point in brooding - forget about her. She agonized for days about whether she should take the job. Don't upset yourself by thinking about what might have been. I’ve managed to soothe him down a bit, but he is stili pretty annoyed. lash keerı drastic confess verdict unearth undo unduly dwe!l redeem

err verify \—

: kınamak, ayıplamak; azarlamak ; şiddetli, keskin; canlı : şiddetli, zora baş vuran; ağır ve kesin : itiraf etmek, doğrulamak : jüri kararı; karar : meydana çıkarmak, keşfetmek : çözmek; iptal etmek; mahvetmek ; boş yere; aşırı derecede : oturmak, ikamet etmek ; borçtan kurtarmak, rehinden kurtarmak, vaadini yerine getirmek ; hata yapmak : onaylamak

mark w itty m urm ur stationary onseî pretex outshine bilateral alibi

com m iserate idle sophisticated fret

: dikkat etmek, hatırda tutmak; göstermek : esprili; zeki ; mırıldanmak ; sabit, değişmez ; başlangıç; hücum, saldırı : sudan sebeb, bahane : başkasını gölgede bırakmak : iki taraflı : suç işlendiği anda zanlının başka yerde bulunduğunu ispat etmesi; özür, mazeret : dert ortağı olmak, kederini paylaşmak : işsiz : deneyimli ; üzülmek, sıkılmak

476. - 500. Alıştırmalar


Find the righi word çalışması (476-500) 1) The latest economic report has b e e n .......... as being too pessimistic. a) confessed e) discovered b) criticized c) dvvelt d) denied 2) I have t o ......... .... I didn't believe him at first. a) confess b) dvvell c) deny e) unearth d) lash 3) S h e ...........her shoelaces. b) confess c) marked a) dvvelt d) undid e)ı commiserated 4) The old vvoman ...........something that ı coludn’t hear. a) dvvelt b) redeemed c) commiserated d) lashed e) mumbled 5) D o n 't............... ........I’m sure he’s OS a) fret b) lash c) dvvell e) confess d) undo 6) Owing to the electricity strike, a lot of factory vvorkers vvere left a) active b) bilateral c) stationary e) mobile d) idle 7) House prices have b e e n ...........for several months. a) bilateral c) idle e) stationary e) drastic d) vvitty 8) The government have recently taken .......... . measures to control public spending. a) drastic b) idle c) dull d) stationary e) redundant 9) She’s v e ry ...... a) idle b) redundant c) sophisticated d) bilateral e) mutual 10) Both countries are acting to th e ir...........advantage. a) redundant b) mutual c) idle d) dull e) drastic

Synonym çalışması (476-500) 1) I sometimes worry that he'll never find a job. a) soothe b) commiserate c) outshine e) fret d) err 2) Tb_err is human.. a) go vvrong b) soothe c) fret d) commiserate e) outsbine 3) These figures will have to be verified by an accountant. a) soothed b) dvvelt c) confirmed d) moved e) lashed

4) The job of a restaurant critic is to lash bad restaurateurs and compliment good ones. a) dwell b) fret c) go wrong d) err e)criticize 5) The terrorists refused to acknovvledge the court. a) confess b) err c) fret d) criticize e) lash 6) The investigators have unearthed some new evidence about the possible cause of the crash. a) soothed b) dvvelt c) turned up d) confessed e) lashed 7) She untied the laces and took her shoes off. a) undid b) dvvelt b) turned up d) lashed e) confess

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük


8) They dwetl in peace and harmony. a) turn up b) reşide c) undo d) confess 9) She managed to save enough money to redeern her jevvellery shop. d) go vvrong a) surrender b) turn up c) confess 10) Can you substantiate vour daim in a court of law? a) repay b) reedern c) go vvrong d) bear ouf

e) go wrong from the pawn e) repay e) turn up

A ntonym çalışması (476-500) 1) She wiff cause trouble a) notice b) undo

. (vou) mark my vvords. d) overlook c) err

2) Don’t bother about makina vour bed this morning.. d)deny c) overlook a) soothe b) notice 3) Can vou substantiate vour daim in a court of lavv? d) soothe a) overlook b) refute c) undo We reşide in İstanbul now. 4) a) refute c) overlook d) undo b) notice 5) He had to seli his car to repay the loan from the bank.. a) surrender b) overlook d) reşide c) move 6) She undid her shoelaces. a) overlooked b) moved c) fastened d) dwelt She tried to conceal how she felt. 7) d) surrender a) move b) turn up c) overlook

e) confess e) undo e) err e) move e) dvvell e) surrendered e) dvvell

8) I have to confess I didn't believe hirrı at first. a) deny c) surrender e) reşide b) move d) dwell 9) The job of a restaurant critic is to lash bad restaurateurs and compliment good ones. a) move b) fret c) praise d) surrender e) reşide 10) He has quite moderate political opinions. a) drastic b) slow c) mutual

d) idle

e) redundant

Vocabulary çalışması (476-500) outshines, sophisticated, onset, alibi, verdict commiserating, pretex, vvitty, unduly, murmuring 1) Her vvitty conversation shovved her to be v e ry ............. 2) Ali has a cast-iron.......................he was in hospital the week of the murder. 3) 4) 5) 6)

I was ju s t...........with Mr. K. Moni the loss of his pet rabbit. N ih a n ...........ali the other competitors, The symptoms are characteristic of t h e ...........of influenza. The border dispute was used a ...........for military intervention.

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük


7) He w a s .......... to himself in a corner. 8) i enjoyed reading y o u r........... letter in the Times. 9) There is no need to b e ...........pessimistic about the situation. 10) The jury returned a unanim ous......... of (not) guifty.

W ord form ation çalışm ası (476-500) 1) Unless y o u ...........i vvon’t forgive you. (apology) 2) I wish you’d b e ........... instead of telling me ües. (true) 3) The weather in this country is s o ......... that you never know what to expect. (predict) 4) It’s a ...........doing business with you. (please) 5) Although the stone in your ring looks like a diamond, i'm afraid i t 's ............. (vvorth) 6) How can y o u .......... the fact that some people live in mansions while others iive in slums? (just) 7) İt’s ...........to expect to get something for nothing. (reason) 8) If you're hoping to make a g o o d ........... , you should pay more ........... to your ............. (impress / attend / appear) 9) There was a look o f ...........on her face. (sad) 10) He was unavvare of t h e ...........of her illness. (serious) 11) He was impressed by the ........... of her skin, (smooth) 12) My ...........is Italian sculpture. (special) 13) Is there a n y ...........to treat her so badly? (necessary) 14) H is ........... vvill lead to misfortune one day! (curious) 15) This car is famous for i t s ............. (reliable)

Cevap Anahtarları


Find the right word çalışması (1-25) 3) D 4) A 1) A 2) D 5) D 6) B


1) 6)


1) 6) 1)

3) 5) 7) 9)

7) D 8) B 9) D 10) Synonym çalışması (1-25) A 2) B 3) D 4) B 5) B 7) D 9) A 8) B 10) Ântonym çalışması (1-25) D 2) A 4) D 3) B 5) B 7) A 8) D 9) B 10) Vocabulary çalışması (1-25) sirnilarity 2) similar revise 4) intention derisively 6) close imaginative 8) issues preoccupied 10) deceitful


Find the right word çalışm ası (26-50) 1) A 2) D 3) D J *4) A 5) B 6) C 7) A 8) C 9) B 10) D 11) A Synonym çalışması (26-50) 2) C 3) D 4) A 5) B 1) A 7) B 8) C 9) B 10 ) C 6) D Â ntonym çalışması (26-50) 2) B 3 )Â 4) B 5) B 1) A 7) C 8) B 9) C 10) D 6) C V ocabulary çalışması (26-50) 2) immense 1) ruthless 4) tiny 3) mild 6) concealed 5) touch down 8) booked in 7) ignores 10) irnplemented 9) is bound to 1) 3) 5) 7) 9) 11) 13) 15) 17)

Word form ation çalışması (1-50) debater 2) revision(s) explosively 4) admissible deceitful 6) allegedly relevance 8) incurable restrictive 10) unbearably undeniable 12) insurmountable confidingly 14) concealed irresistible 16) executive disagreeable (kötü, nahoş)

Find the rig h t w ord çalışması (51-75) 1) A 2) C 3) D 4) A 5) B 6) B 7) A 8) D 9) D 10) A S ynonym çalışması (51-75) 1) A 2) B 3) A 4) A 5) A 6) D 7) B 8) C 9) A 10) C Â ntonym çalışm ası (51-75) 3) B 4) A 1) C 2) D 5) C 6) A 7) B 8) B 9) D 10) D Vocabulary çalışması (51-75) 1) conveyed 2) caused 3) induced 4) verify 5) nomirıation 6) mortified 7) abolish 8) repealed 9) invalidated 10) result Find the right w ord çalışm ası (76-100) 1) D 2) B 3) b ' " 4) A 5) B 6) A 7) D 8) C 9) A 10) A S ynonym çalışm ası (76-100) 1) D 2) A J3) B 4) A 5) D 6) A 7) B 8) B 9) C 10) A Â ntonym çalışm ası (76-100) 1) A 2) B '3) D 4) A 5) C 6) B 7) A 8) B 9) C 10) A Vocabulary çalışması (76-100) 1) initiated 2) launched 3) irresolutely 4) similarities 5) solely 6) elude 7) burned down 8) utter 9) unconditional surrender 10) Supreme Court 11) faces 12) looked över 13) partial 14) partiality 15) sued W ord form ation çalışm ası (51-100) 1) credibility 2) constitutional 4) beneficiary 3) unbearable 5) deliberation 6) impatient 7) insufficiently 8) negotiations 9) officially 10) implementation 11) unendurable 12) baffüng 13) indifference 14) initiative 15) intension 16) enlightenment 17) impediment 18) industriousness 19) shallovvness 20) previously 21) inspector 22) impartially 23) scrutiny 24) ignorant 25) derisively

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük


Find the right word çalışması (101-125)

1) 6)

E 2) A A 7) B

3) B 8) C

J 4) C 9) E

5) D 10) A

Find the right word çalışması (151-175)

1) 6)

Synonym çalışm ası (101-125)

1) 6) 11)

B 2) C D 7) E E

3) A 8) D

4) B 9) A

5) E 10) B

C 7) E

8) A

9) D

carried out receipts laid down uneasy actually

2) disîressed 4) company 6) fully 8) proceeding 10) rule

W ord form ation çalışm ası (101-125)

1) 3) 5) 7) 9) 11) 13) 15)

unrest unreality undesirables uneverı noticeable undying unquestioning invitalion

2) urıresolved 4) unrelenting 6) unendurable 8) unerring 10) unending 12) unprepared 14) unqua!ified 16) investments

Find the right word çalışm ası (126-150)

1) 6)

A 2) E B 7) A

3) D 8) B

A 2) E D 7) A

3) A 8) B * 3 )‘b 8) E

4) D 9) E

5) C 10) C

4) C 9) D

5) B 10) B

4) C 9) A

5) E 10) C

2) invincible 4) chance 6) ignores 8) apathy 10) püre

Word form ation çalışm ası (126-150)

greedily enervating endurance enduring appalling soundlessly zealously promotion

5) E 10) A

4) B 9) D

5) B 10) B

2) 4) 6) 8) 10) 12) 14) 16)

hazardously enfeebled endurable appallingly spotlessly soundless zealous decision

4) B 9) A

5) E 10) B

Vocabulary çalışması (151-175)

2) target 4) scorned 6) slapdash 8) recruited 10) traduced

W ord form ation çalışması (151-175)

1) 3) 5) 7) 9) 11) 13) 15) 17)

abhorent aimlessly allegedly heroically unprintable unlimited unproductive inadvisable residental

2) 4) 6) 8) 10) 12) 14) 16) 18)

aimless alienation beautician unpredictable unmoved unsuitable unmanageable residence resistance

Find the right word çalışması (176-200)

1) A 2) B 6 )^ 7 )C

3) E" 8) D

' 4) C 9) A

5) A 10) C

Synonym çalışması (176-200)

1) 6)

A 2) C " 3) B A 7) E 8) B

4) C 9) A

5) D 10) B

Antonym çalışması (176-200)

1) B 2) A 6) D 7) A

Vocabulary çalışm ası (126-150)

1) invigorate 3) deviates 5) exclude 7) demoralizing 9) relinguished 1) 3) 5) 7) 9) 11) 13) 15)

2) E "" 3) A 7) A , 8) C

1) loathe 3) tip 5) aggravate 7) taking 9) kind

Antonym çalışm ası (126-150)

1) D 2) A 6) D 7) C


1) E 2) A " 3) C 6) A 7) B 8) C

Synonym çalışm ası (126-150)

1) 6)

4) B 9) E

Synonym çalışması (151-175)

1) 6)

10) B

Vocabulary çalışm ası (101-125)

1) 3) 5) 7) 9)

3) D 8) C

Antonym çalışması (151-175)

Antonym çalışm ası (101-125) 1) A 2) C ' 3)*E 4) B 5) A


A 2) E A 7) B

' 3)'E 8) B

4) A 9) E

5) B 10) C

Vocabulary çalışması (176-200)

1) acknovvledge 3) arisen 5) arise 7) asking for 9) endorsed

2) lessened 4) considerably 6) enrich 8) shortening 10) heartles

W ord form ation çalışması (176-200)

1) 3) 5) 7) 9) 11) 13) 15)

shortage suitable impossible successful performance terrified applications sensitive

2) 4) 6) 8) 10) 12) 14) 16)

occupation invention harmful awake doubtful signature pleasure increasingly

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük Find the right word çalışması (201-225)

1) 6)

E 2) A3) D ' 4) C A 7) C 8) E 9) A

5) B 10) D

Find the right word çalışması (251-275)

1) 6)

B2) A * 3) C D 7) C 8) E

4) B 9) B

5) A 10) B

1) 6)

2) A 7) E

' 3)'E 8) D

4) C 9) A

5) A 10) B

2) 4) 6) 8) 10)

released pampered fluent forbids aftermath

2) happiness 4) activity 6) starry 8) unfortunaîely 10) responsibility 12) foretel! 14) correspondence 16) slippery

daily ashamed countless powerless attraction immoral difficulty usually impatient

5) C 10) A

J3) C 8) C

4) D 9) E

5) B 10) A

3) A 8) B

4) C 9) E

5) B 10) C

Vocabulary çalışm ası (226-250)

1) urban 2) 3) perilous 4) 5) demobilizing 6) 7) chilly 8) 9) verified 10)

entails tamer various gauge kinship

Word form ation çalışm ası (226-250)

1) desertion 3) qualifications 5) disability 7) artistic 9) aetions 11) bloodshot 13) confidential

2) 4) 6) 8) 10) 12) 14)

behaviour dependable basically unreasonable applicable comparatively continually

" 3) C 8) B

4) D 9) E

5) E 10) D

2) A 7) C

" 3) B 8) E

4) E 9) A

5) B 10) D

red-handed aims roughly sphere eyesight

2) 4) 6) 8) 10)

purely pacify declined exigency via

Find the right word çalışması (276-300)

1) A 2) D 6) A 7) D

3) E 8) C

4) C 9) B

5) B 10) A

Synonym çalışm ası (276-300)

1) 6)

D 2) A B 7) D

3) B 8) C

4) C 9) A

5) A 10) B

Antonym çalışm ası (276-300)

1) 6)

A 2) E E 7) D

3 )' b 8) A

4) C 9) B

5) A 10) A

Vocabulary çalışm ası (276-300)

Antonym çalışması (226-250)

1) B 2) E 6) D 7) A

2) A 7) C

W ord form ation çalışması (251-275)

Synonym çalışması (226-250)

1) E 2) A 6) A 7) D

5) D 10) C

1) agreement 2) proteetion 3) protestors 4) proteetively 5) recovery 6) recognizable 7) disobedience 8) classifying 9) indefensible 10) mistaken 11) imprisonment 12) partially

Find the right word çalışması (226-250)

1) C 2) A3) B J 4) D 6) A 7) D 8) B 9) E

4) B 9) A

Vocabulary çalışm ası (251-275)

1) 3) 5) 7) 9)

W ord formation çalışması (201-225)

1) 3) 5) 7) 9) 11) 13) 15) 17)


1) D 6) A

Vocabulary çalışması (201-225)

1) discipline 3) affluent 5) appalled 7) humble 9) phase

3) E 8) E

Antonym çalışması (251-275)

Antonym çalışması (201-225)

1) B 6) B

2) C 7) B

Synonym çalışm ası (251-275)

Synonym çalışm ası (201-225)

1) 6)


1) 3) 5) 7) 9)

tricked garrulous solernn flair boroughs

2) 4) 6) 8) 10)

din solitary posted commonly bid

W ord form ation çalışması (276-300)

1) 3) 5) 7) 9) 11) 13) 15)

disqualified widespread headstrong overthrew breakthrough hesitantly hesitant upset

2) 4) 6) 8) 10) 12) 14) 16)

disqualifications precision headlines dovvnpour bypass hesitaney holdup outbreak

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük Synonym çalışması (351-375)

Find the right word çalışması (301-325)

1) 6)

C 2) E E 7) D

3)A 8) C

J 4) B 9) A

5 D 1C B

1 )C 6) B

Synonym çalışm ası (301-325)

1) 6)

A 2) C E 7) C

' 3) D 8) D

4) B 9) A

£ B 1C E

B 2) D B 7) E

3) A 8) A

4) E 9) C

5 C 10 D

Vocabulary çalışması (301-325)

1) 3) 5) 7) 9)

akin turbulent inhaled malicious majority

2) 4) 6) 8) 10)

informed exposed brook dense revenue

2) 4) 6) 8) 10)

indulgence indulgently input turnover outcome

D 2) A C 7) A

3)D J 4) B 8) B 9) E

5) E 10) C

3) B 8) B

4) E 9) D

5) C 10) E

3)JE 8) D

4) C 9) B

5) A 10) C

Vocabulary çalışması (326-350)

1) 3) 5) 7) 9)

agile obstinate insighî plotting fled

2) serious 4) scene 6) bias ,8) hurry • 10) equilibrium

action 2).activity inactive 4) actress additive 6) addition admirable 8) admiraîion disadvantage 10) advantageous

Find the right word çalışması (351-375)

1) A 2) C 6) A 7) B

4) C 9) A

5) A 10) B

Vocabulary çalışması (351-375)

1) 3) 5) 7) 9)

curriculum syllabus alimony summary haphazard

2) 4) 6) 8) 10)

breached dallies maintenance oasis rough

1) advertising 3) disagre 5) attractions 7) basic 9) calculations

2) advertisement 4) agreement 6) attractively 8) basis 10) calculator 4) C 9) B

5) A 10) A

3) D 8) E

4) B 9) C

1) 6)

E 2) A E 7) D

'3)B 8) B

4) B 9) C

5)A 10) A

Antonym çalışması (376-400)

1) A 2) C 6) C 7) B

J 3) B 8) E

4) D 9) A

5) A 10) B

Vocabulary çalışması (376-400)

1) 3) 5) 7) 9)

fussy pessimistic spouses stereotypes forthcoming

2) 4) 6) 8) 10)

haulded dovvn substantial identical fortnight proprietor

W ord form ation çalışması (376-400)

Word form ation çalışması (326-350)

1) 3) 5) 7) 9)

3) B 8) C

Synonym çalışması (376-400)

Antonym çalışm ası (326-350)

1) A 2) B 6) A 7) E

2) A 7) B

1) B 2) A 3) D J 6) B 7) E 8) C

Synonym çalışm ası (326-350)

1 )C 2) A 6) A 7) D

5) E 10) E

Find the right word çalışması (376-400)

Find the right word çalışması (326-350)

1) 6)

4) C 9) D

W ord form ation çalışması (351-375)

Word form ation çalışm ası (301-325)

1) indicator 3) indulgent 5) output 7) breakup 9) intake 11) onset

3) B 8) A

Antonym çalışması (351-375)

1) E 6) D

Antonym çalışm ası (301-325)

1) 6)

2) A 7) C

5) D 10) A

1) confirmation 2) unconfirmed 3) continuation 4) discontinued 5) continuous 6) continually 7) honesty 8) honestly 9) dishonest 10) identification Find the right word çalışması (401-425)

1) D 2) B 3) A ' 6) B 7) A 8) D

4) C 9) B

5) A 10) C

Synonym çalışması (401-425)

1) A 2) C 6) C 7) E

" 3) C 8) A

4) B 9) B

5) A 10) C

Antonym çalışması (401-425)

1) A 2) C 6) C 7) D

3) C 8) A

4) B 9) B

5) A 10) E

Kelime Ezberleten Kurausal Sözlük

312 Vocabulary çalışması (401-425)

W ord form ation çalışm ası (401-425)

1) 3) 5) 7) 9)

2) shorten 4) scienîist 6) scientificially 8) satisfaction 10) nationality

shortly shorîage scientific satisfactory dissatisfied

" 3) B 8 )0

4) E 9) B

5) E 10) D 5) A 10) E

Antonym çalışması (426-450)

1) D 6) C

2) B 7) D

' 3) A 8) A

4) B 9) D

5) E 10) B

Vocabulary çalışması (426-450)

1) insomnia 3) springboard 5) painstakingly 7) gathered 9) prosper

2) fallacy 4) action 6) leaked 8) appropriate 10) vindicates

W ord form ation çalışm ası (426-450)

1) 3) 5) 7) 9) 11)

2) unexpected extensive 4) 6) suspicious 8) unwisely 10) decision reguirement

impassable financially prosperity spotlessly irresponsible

Find the right word çalışması (451-475)

1) B 2) A 6) B 7) A

3)C 8) C

' 4) E 9) E

5) D 10) A

Synonym çalışm ası (451-475)

1) C 6) E

2) B 7) A

' 3) A 8) B

4) D 9) B

5) D 10) E

Antonym çalışm ası (451-475)

1) B 6) A

2) C 7) A

3) A 8) D

4) B 9) C

5) E 10) B

Vocabulary çalışm ası (451-475)

1) 3) 5) 7) 9)

careless bellowed granted ballot sensuous

2) 4) 6) 8) 10)

allovvance orbits frank!y advised honestly

lengthened confidenlial misbehave priceless non-smoker

2) A 7 )C

3) D 8) A

' 4) E 9) C

5) A 10) B

Synonym çalışması (476-500)

2) C3) A ' 4) D 7) C 8) B 9) A 2) C 7) A

2) 4) 6) 8) 10)

Find the right word çalışması (476-500)

1) E 6) C

Synonym çalışm ası (426-450)

1) A 6) C

constructive notify departure pointless misunderstood

1) B 6) D

Find îhe right word çalışması (426-450)

1) B 6) A

W ord form ation çalışması (451-475)

1) 3) 5) 7) 9)

1) plausible 2) gençler 3) lavish 4) tender 5) shortcomings 6) prim 7) insane 8) moderate 9) vandais 10) Bring

2) A 7) A

* 3) C 8) B

4) E 9) E

5) A 10) D

Antonym çalışması (476-500)

1) D 6) B

2) A 7) B

' 3) B 8) A

4) E 9) C

5) A 10) A

Vocabulary çalışm ası (476-500)

1) 3) 5) 7) 9)

sophisticated 2) commiseraîing 4) 6) onset murmuring 8) 10) unduly

alibi outshines pretex witty verdict

W ord form ation çalışması (476-500)

1) 3) 5) 7) 8) 9) 11) 13) 15)

apologize 2) truthful unpredictable 4) pleasure vvorthless 6) justify unreasonable impression / attention / appearance sadness 10) seriousness smoothness 12) speciality 14) curiousity necessity reliability

Kaynakça İngilizce Kurgusal KPDS Kelimeleri Sözlü­ ğü, Şinasi Bademcioğlu, İst., 1999. Seçenek, Doçentlik, Bankacılık ve KPDS İngilizce Sınav Yardımcısı, Cilt 1.2.3 Cüneyt Bademcioğlu, Seçenek Ya­ yıncılık, 1992. Accelerated Word Memory Power, Melik Safi Duyar, Yeni Stratejiler Eğitim Hizmetleri Ltd. Şirketi, Ankara, 1996. İngilizce - Türkçe Redhouse Sözlüğü, Redhouse Yayınevi, 1993. The Penguin Dictionary of English Synonyms And Antonyms, Penguin Books Ltd., 1992. Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs, Rosemary Courtney, Longman, 1996. Collins Cobuild English Larıguage Dictionary Collings Publishers, 1990. Essential English Dictionary, Chambers H. Publishers Ltd., 1995. The School Thesaurus, Collins Publishers, 1988.

313 Cambridge International Dictionary of English, Cambridge University Press, 1995. Language Activator, Longman Group UK Ltd., 1993. Dictionary of English Language and Culture, Longman Group Ltd., 1992. Longman Synonym Dictionary, Longman Group Ltd., 1991. Collins Dictionary and Thesaurus, Happer Collins Publishers, 1992. Test Your Vocabulary 3, 4 Peter WatcynJones, Penguin Books Ltd., 1985. Build Your Vocabulary 2,3 John FlovverMichael Berman, Language Teaching Publications, 1989. Macmillian Contemporary Dictionary Macmillian, Publishing CO. INC. New York ABC Yayınevi, İstanbul, 1998. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, Longman Group Ltd., 1978.



(not) any longer, (55) abandon, (206) abandon, (327) abandon, (387) abate, (182)

abate, (348) abbreviate, (348) a b d ica te , (206)

abduct, (419) abhor, (151) a b h o r, (175)

abide, (318) ability, (140) ability, (289) abnormal, (449) abnormality, (301) abolish, (162) abolish, (327) abolish, (482) a b o lis h , (60)

aborninate, (151) abominate, (175) about, (257) abridged, (340) abrogate, (106) abrogaie, (162) abrogate, (327) abscond, (326) absolutely, (105) absorb, (225) abundance, (1) abundant, (404) abuse, (161) abysmal, (314) accelerate, (334) accidental, (148) accidental, (362) a c c la im , (392)

acclimatize, (304) accommodaîe, (304) accomplish, (260) account, (115) accountable, (167) accurate, (462) accusation, (177) accuse of, (426) ccuse of, (429)

accuse, (269) accused of, (372) achieve, (260) achievement, (438) acknowledge, (188) acknovvledge, (279) acknovvledge, (479) acquaint, (316) acquire, (458) acquit, (261) acquit. (269) acquit, (372) acrid, (290) act, (308) act, (438) action, (438) active, (203) active, (498) a c tu a lly , (110)

actually, (26) adamant, (185) a d a m a n t. (338)

adapt, (304) adaptable, (15) adaptable, (443) add, (361) adjust, (304) adrnire, (154) admire, (366) admit, (479) a d m itte d ly , (7)

admonish, (473) ado, (283) adore, (175) a d o re , (365)

adore, (366) adorn, (418) adrift, (180) advance, (107) advantage, (179) a d v e rs e ly , (124)

advise, (316) advise, (473) a ffa ir, (172)

afıectionate, (472) affirm, (168) affirm, (239)

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük affirm, (241) affliction, (226) a fflu e n t, (209)

after-effect, (214) a fte rm a th , (214)

afterwards, (96) age, (328) age, (335) aggravate, (155) aggravate, (171) aggravate, (251) a g g ra v a te , (388) ag ıle , (349) a g ita te , (229)

agitated, (108) agitated, (320) agonize, (500) agree, (415) agreeable, (167) agreement, (389) agreement, (50) a id, (84)

ailing, (157) aim, (152) aim, (252)

almost, (257) alone, (196) alone, (286) alteration, (82) amaze, (294) ambiguous, (462) ambitious, (379) amble, (138) ambie, (405) ameliorate, (107) a m e lio ra te , (386) a m e n a b le , (167)

amenable, (185) amend, (386) amiss, (180) amount, (115) a m p le , (382)

amusing, (489) arıger, (155) annihilate, (306) annihilate, (420) annihilate, (60) a n n ih ila tio n , (25)

akin, (393) alarm, (137) alarm, (473) alert, (276) alert, (473)

announce, (241) announce, (316) annoy, (101) annoy, (155) annoy, (414) annoy, (500) annuity, (451) annul, (133)

a lib i, (496)

a n n u l, (162)

alienate, (160) alike, (317) alike, (393)

annul, (327) annull, (482) ansvverable, (167) anticipate, (135) anticipate, (238)

a kın , (317)

a lim o n y , (357)

allegation, (493) allege, (168) allege, (206) a lle g e , (41)

alleviate, (171) a llia n c e , (389)

allocate, (376) allot, (376) allow, (212) allovvance, (451) ally, (270)

a n tic ip a te , (428)

anxiety, (226) anxious, (477) apathetic, (187) apathetic, (477) apathy, (145) apex, (309) apex, (416) apology, (177) appal, (207)

316 a p p a ll, (137)

apparerıtly, (26) appear, (194) appearance, (213) appease,(251) appetising, (178) appeîizing, (281) applaud, (392) appointrnent, (288) a p p ra is a l, (170)

appraise, (242) appreciate, (311) apprehensive anxious, (108) apprise, (316) appropriate, (118) appropriate, (447) approximately, (257) approximatiorı, (170) apt, (447) aquaint, (370) arbitrary, (148) arbitrary, (362) ardent, (339) ardent, (477) ardour, (145) arise from, (193) a rise , (194)

arise, (223) arise, (27) arrange, (350) arrangement, (90) ar rest, (225) arrest, (261) artful, (432) article, (80) articulate, (205) articulate, (369) artless, (432) as a rnatter of facî, (110) ascend, (182) a s c e rta in , (222)

ascertain, (363) ask a question, (372) ask for, (192) aspect, (213) aspect, (409) assemble, (299)

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük assemble, (437) assent, (415) a s s e rt, (168)

assert, (239) assert, (241) assertion, (493) assess, (242) assessmerıt, (170) a sse t, (179)

assiduous, (203) assiduously, (122) assignment, (288) assist, (190) a s s u a g e , (171)

assure, (293) a s to n is h , (294)

astound, (294) a s tra y , (180)


athletic, (349) atrocious, (314) attack, (476) attack, (492) attempt, (310) attend, (378) attentively, (433) augment, (198) avaricious, (461) aver, (168) average, (322) average, (422) a v e rt, (139)

avert, (277) avid, (379) avid, (477) avoid, (383) babble, (490) back up, (487) bad, (314) bad-health, (157) baffle, (83) balance, (336) b a llo t, (475) b a n , (212)

banality, (397) b a n k ru p t, (331)

barbaric, (314) barbaric, (375)

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük barely, (43) bargain for, (428)

bind, (280)

b a rre n , (332)

bizarre, (449) blacken, (169) blacken, (353)

base, (309) b a s h fu l, (323)

basic, (431) basis, (401) battle, (217) be annoyed, (87)

b itte r, (290)

b la m e , (269)

be b o th e re d , (87)

blame, (426) blame, (429) blemish, (353) blithe, (201)

be off, (133)

b lu n d e r, (234)

be p u z z ie d , (83)

blunder, (408)

bear out, (487) bear, (318)

b lu n tly , (129) b o d y , (104)

bear, (49)

bold, (273) bold, (323) bolster up, (198)

beat, (200) beautify, (418) because, (130) begin, (218) begin, (219) begin, (368) beginning, (492)

b o n d , (73)

boo-boo, (408) book in, (37) b o o m , (450)

boon, (179)

b e h a v io r, (68)

b o o s t, (190)

believable, (402) bellovv, (452) bemoan, (457)

bore, (294) bore, (53) boring, (113) boring, (396)

b e n e fic ia ry , (228)

b o ro u g h , (298)

b e m o a n , (227)

benefit, (179) benefit, (451) b e n e fit, (54)

benevolent, (274) berate, (476) bestow, (347) bestovv, (394)

b o rro w , (297)

borrovver, (65) botch, (234) bother, (226) bother, (500) brace, (421) brave, (273)

bet, (231)

b re a ch , (359)

betray, (479) better, (386) bewail, (227) bevvail, (457) bevvilder, (294)

break off, (219) break one's promise, (359) break one's word, (293) break up, (250) break up, (437) break, (271) break, (271) break, (359) oreathe, (319)

b ia s, (343) b id , (295)

big, (166) big, (382) bigoted, (343) b ila te ra l, (495)

b rib e , (224)

brief (340)

318 brilliant, (174) bring about, (248) bring up, (325) bring, (425) b ris k ly , (122)

brood, (500) b ro o k , (318)

browbeat, (184) brutality, (384) build up, (186) build, (420) building, (23) building, (42) b u lk , (313)

bulidoze, (164) bully, (164) bully, (184) bully, (435) bungle, (234) b u rd e n , (226) b u rn d o w n , (94)

burn out, (94) burst, (3) business, (119) business, (172) business, (409) buy off/over, (224)

Kelinıc Ezberleten Kur ca n n y, (255)

capable, (255) capitalize on, (161) c a p tiv a te , (19)

careful, (156) careful, (255) careful, (456) carefully, (433) careless, (255) careless, (456) carelessly, (433) carnage, (278) carry off, (419) carry on, (413) carry out, (260) carry out, (485) carry, (377) carry, (425) carry, (52) case, (177) cast aside, (374) casual, (148) casual, (339) casuse, (66) cause,(21) c a u tio n , (473)

cautious, (174)

b y far, (40)

c a u tio u s , (456)

by means of, (272) by way of, (272) calculate, (361) cali for, (248)

cautious, (465) cautiously, (433) cease, (206)

c a li in, (79)

cease, (368) celebrity, (302) censure, (269) censure, (372) censure, (429) censure, (476) centerpiece, (235) centre, (235) centre, (401) çere al, (258) cerernonial, (410) chance, (148) chance, (362) changeable, (443) charne with r4?R1

c a li o ff, (133)

cali on, (79) c a li o u t, (34)

cali, (299) c a llo u s , (187)

callous, (396) calm, (108) calrrı, (255) calm, (320) cancel, (133) cancel, (162) c a n d id a c y , (63) ca n d id a te , (62)

candidlv. (4711

cease, (219)

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük charge with, (429) charge, (103) charge, (269) charged with, (372) charitable, (274) charm, (53) charter, (211) chase,(223) chatty, (284) cheapen, (232) cheat, (282)

clearly, (129) clef, (474) clever, (174) clever, (489) cleverness, (140) cliche, (397) climax, (305) climax, (309) c lim a x , (416)

chink, (474) choose, (475)

cling to, (463) close, (305) close, (315) close, (81) closeness, (406) cloudy, (330) clue, (153) ciumsy, (349) clutch, (463) coach, (371) coampanion, (391) coarse, (375) coax, (164) coax, (435) coddle, (208)

c irc le , (126)

co d e , (308)

ch e c k in, (37)

check out, (37) c h e e r up, (56)

cheer, (392) cheerful, (201) cheerful, (240) cheerful, (381) cheerless, (240) cbeerless, (381) chiefly, (291) c h illy , (244)

circle, (215) circle, (453) circumstance, (172) circumvent, (383) City, (246) civic, (246) daim, (168) daim, (41) daim, (493) clap, (392) clarify, (369) clarify, (411) clash, (50) clasp, (463) classify, (350) clean, (329) clean, (427) cleanse, (427) clear, (261) clear, (330) clear, (427) clear, (462)

co e rc e , (164)

coerce, (184) coerce, (435) coincidental, (148) coincidental, (362) cold, (244) cold-blooded, (187) collapse, (253) collapse, (424) collect, (425) collect, (437) collude, (333) collude, (448) colossal, (442) combat, (217) c o m e by, (458)

corrıe frorn, (193) come of, (193) comfort, (307) comfort, (87) commandeer, (419) commence, (218)

320 c o m m e rc e , (119)

Kelime Ezberleten Kur condensed, (340)

commiserate, (446)

co n d o le , (446)

c o m m is e ra te , (497)

condole, (497) conduct, (345) confess, (454)

commission, (312) commit a erime, (448) commit, (455) common, (495) c o m m o n ly , (291) c o m m o n p la c e , (322)

commonplace, (397) commotion, (283) communicative, (284) compact, (315) company, (104) compatible, (447) compel, (164) co m p e l, (435)

compete, (270) complain, (227) complete, (218) complete, (97) cornpletely, (105) completely, (196) complicate, (30) cornpiy with, (378) component, (72) comprehend, (324) comprehension, (342) compromise, (131) compromise, (337) compulsory, (444) conceal, (31) conceal, (363) conceal, (436) conceal, (481) concede, (479) concededly, (7) conciliate, (160) conciliale, (251) c o n c is e , (340)

conclude, (305) conclusion, (480) concur, (415) condemn, (227) condernn, (269) condemn, (372) c o n d e m n , (426)

c o n fe s s , (479) c o n fid e , (28)

confine, confirm, confirm, confirm, confirm, confirm,

(300) (133) (162) (188) (222) (487)

c o n firm , (69) c o n flic t, (50)

confound, (294) confuse, (370) confused, (320) confusing, (243) c o n g e s t, (430)

congregate, (437) c o n g ru o u s , (447)

connect, (280) connection, (73) connive, (333) c o n n iv e , (448)

conscientious, (156) consciously, (75) consecrate, (455) consensus, (389) consequence, (214) c o n s e g u e n c e , (66)

consequently, (130) c o n s id e ra b ly , (195)

considerably, (220) consign, (181) console, (446) console, (497) conspicuously, (220) conspire, (333) conspire, (448) constant, (134) constantly, (125) consume, (221) contemplate, (385) contend, (270) contest, (270)

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük corıtinue, (413) continued, (134) continuous perputual, (134) continuously, (125) contract, (189) contract, (389) contradicl, (64) contravene, (271)

contribute, (394) convene, (299) convenient, (447) convention, (109) converge, (437) corıvey, (118) convey, (377) convey, (425)

convey, (52) convoke, (299) cool, (244) cool, (379)

cope with, (58)

crest, (416)

cripple, (445) crippled, (466) crisis, (263) critical, (339) criticize, (426) criticize, (476) crowd, (430) crovvd, (437)

crucial, (431) cruel, (314) cruel, (375) cruelty, (384) crux, (235) cry out, (452)

culminate, (305) cunning, (176) cunning, (432) curable, (443) curt), (275)

copy, (121)

curb, (300) curriculum, (352)

core, (235)

curtail, (259)

core, (401) corn, (258) Corporation, (104) corresponding, (317) corresponding, (393)

curtail, (348) custom, (109) customs, (112) cut down, (221) cut down, (259)

corrigible, (443)

dally, (356)

corrupt, (224) cost, (103)

damage, (445) dangerous. (247) dark, (381) dart, (405) dash, (334)

couch, (241) count, (361) courageous, (273) cover, (265) covvardly, (273) coy, (323) crafty, (432)

crawl, (245) crazy, (412) create, (306) creation, (25) creativity, (140) credible, (402) creditor, (65) creep, (245) crest, (309)

dash, (405) davvdle, (334) dawdle, (356) daze, (294) dazed, (276)

deadly, (113) deal with, (310) deal, (389) dealings, (119) dearth, (1)

debater, (46) debtor, (65) decay, (24)

322 decay, (253) decease, (253) deceit, (176) deceitful, (11) deceitfully, (471) deceive, (282) deception, (176)

deceptive, (11) decide, (202)

decimate, (306) decision. (480) deck, (418) declare, (168) declare, (239) declare, (241) declare, (316)

dedine, (259) decline, (388) decline, (450) decline, (454) decorate, (418) decoration, (121) decrease, (182) decrease, (189) decrease, (232) decrease, (348) dedicate, (455)

deed, (438) deep, (14) defame, (169) defence, (177) delence, (496) delend, (265) defiled, (143) define, (292) definite, (462) deflect, (139) defy, (359) deliberate, (148) deliberate, (362)

deliberately, (75) delicate, (407) delicious, (178) delicious, (281) delight, (311)

deliver, (118) deliver, (425)

Kelinıe Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük delude, (282) deluge, (2) delusion, (440) delve inlo, (222)

demand, (192) demand, (248) demobilize, (250) demolish, (306) demolish, (420) demolish, (459)

demolition, (23) demoralize, (146) demur, (202) demure, (323) demure, (410) denigrate, (169) denounce, (392) denounce, (429)

dense, (315) deny, (239) deny, (41) deny, (479)

deny, (64) deny, (69) deparı, (117) department, (264) depici, (292) deplore, (227) depreciate, (18) depreciate, (183) depress, (146) depress, (56) depressing, (240) depressing, (381) deprived, (142)

depth, (95) deputize, (460) deride, (367)

deride, (380) deride, (417) derisively, (71) describe, (292) describe, (411) desert, (327) design, (121) desist from, (206) desperate, (478)

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük despise, (151) despise, (175) despise, (365) destroy, (306) destroy, (346) destroy, (420) destroy, (459) destroy, (482) destruction, (25) destruction, (278)

detect, (363) deteriorate, (186) deteriorate, (200) deteriorate, (328) deteriorate, (386) deteriorate, (388) determined, (339)

detest, (151)

diminish, (182) diminish, (259) diminish, (348) din, (283)

dire, (233) direct, (139) direct, (345) directly, (129) directly, (471) disa vow, (188) disabled, (466) disagree, (415) disagreement, (389) disal!ow, (212) disappear, (194)

disband, (250) disband, (299) discard, (114)

detest, (175)

discard, (374)

devastate, (420)

discern, (363) discernment, (266) discernment, (342) discipline, (208) disclaim, (168)

devastate, (459) devastation, (23) devastation, (278) develop, (107) develop, (186) develop, (328) öevelope, (450) deviate, (149) devious, (432)

devote, (455) die, (253) die, (368) difference, (303)

difference, (82) differenet, (393) differently, (125) difficult, (464) difficulty, (216) difficulty, (263) diffident, (323)

digresse, (149) dilemma, (216) diligent, (156)

diligent, (203) diligent, (92) diligentiy, (122) dilly-dally, (356)

disclaim, (454) disclose, (436) disclose, (481) disconnect, (280) disconnection, (73) discontinue, (219) discontinue, (36) discount. (232) discourage, (146) discourage, (190) discourage, (277) discourage, (325) discouraging, (240) discouraging, (381) discover, (222) discover, (363) discover, (481) discuss, (93) diseased, (157) disfigure, (418) disgust, (175) dishearten, (146) dishonest, (247)

324 dishonest, (432) dishonest, (434) dislike, (151) disloyal, (247) d ism a l, (381) d ism a y , (207)

disobey, (271) disobey. (359) disorder, (90) disorganize, (350) disorientate, (304) disparity, (303)

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük domain, (126) donate, (394) donate, (469) dotîy, (412) doubtfully, (110) dozy, (276) d ra ft, (191)

drag, (377) d ra s tic , (478)

draw, (377) dravvback, (179) dreadful, (233)

d is p a tc h , (181)

d re n ch , (78)

dispense with, (374) disperse, (204) disperse, (250) dispose of, (374) disputant, (46) disregard, (150) disrepute, (302) dissimilar, (317) dissipate, (204) dissipate, (221) dissolve, (250) distance, (406) distinction, (303) distinctly, (120) distinctly, (220) distinguish, (488) distinguished, (364) dislress, (101) distribuîe, (204) distribute, (376) distrust, (28) disturb, (229) disturbed, (320) diverge, (149) divert, (139) divide, (376) divine, (238) divine, (428) divulge, (436)

drift, (149)

d o up, (32)

do without, (347) docile, (210) docîor, (102) dodge, (383)

d rill, (371)

drive, (164) drive, (435) d ro u g h t, (2) dro\Nsy, (276)

dry, (78) dryness, (2) dull, (113) dull, (240) dull, (330) d u ll, (396)

dull, (489) dupe, (282) duplicate, (393) d u ra b le , (165)

duration, (230) duty, (172) d w e ll, (484)

dwindle, (259) dwindle, (348) eager, (379) eager, (477) eagerness, (145) earnest, (287) e a rn e st, (339)

ease, (171) ease, (182) easy-going, (410) edipse, (494) edify, (370) educate, (370) educated, (499) eerie, (296)

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük effect, (214)

elaborately, (433) elecf, (475) elegant (163)

eliminate, (114) elope, (326) eloquent, (205) elucidate, (369) elucidaîe, (411) elude. (100) elude, (383) emanate from. (193) embark on. (310)

em bark, (218) embellish, (418) embezzle, (159) emerge, (194) emetgency, (263)

emigrate, (117) eminent, (364) emotional, (472) empty, (10) encourage, (190) encourage, (277) encourage, (300) encourage, (325) encourage, (421)


enhance, (183) enhance, (386) enjoy, (311)

erılîghten, (370) enlighîen, (411) enlighten, (83) enlist, (158) enormous, (442) enrage, (155) enrich, (18)

enrich, (183) enrich, (386)

erıroll, (158) ensue, (223) entail, (248) enthusiasm, (145) enthusiastic, (477)

entirely, (105) entirely, (196) epoch, (335)

equilibrium, (336) equity, (336) equivocally, (129)

era, (335) eradicate, (306) eradicate, (420)

eradicate, (459)

encumber, (275)

err, (234)

end, (368) end, (492) endanger, (131) endanger, (321) endarger, (337)

error, (408) escape, (326) escort, (425) essence, (235)

err, (486)

endorse, (188)

essence, (401)

endorse. (222) endurance, (468) endure, (318) endure, (49) enduring, (76) energeticly, (122) enermous, (166)

essential, (431)

enervate, (146)

evade, (383) evaluate, (242)

enfeeble, (146) e n fe e b le , (445)

engage, (225)

erıgross, (225) enhance, (18)

esteem, (154) esteem, (367) estimate, (135) estimate, (170) estimate, (242) evacuate, (327)

evaluation, (170) even, (13) evenly, (125) event, (172)

event, (467)' evetlasîing, (165)

experienced, (499) expire. (253)

evolve, (186)

expire, (368)

evolve. (328) exact: (163) exact, (462) exactly, (123) exaggerated, (373) examine, (99) exasperate, (155)

explain. (292) exp!ain, (411) explicit; (462)

exceed, (200) excel, (200) excess, (360) excessive, (344) excessive, (360) excessive, (373) excessively, (40) excessively. (483) excited, (108) excited, (379) exclude, (150) exclusively, (120) exclusively, (196) exclusively, (256) exculpate, (426) excuse, (177) excuse, (493) excuse, (496) execute. (260) execute, (48) exercise. (371) exhale. (319) exhausted, (276) exhibit, (395) exhilarate, (56) exhilarated, (379)

exigency, (263) exlain, (369) expand, (186) expand, (189) expect, (428) expeditiously, (122) expend, (221) expenditure, (103) expenditure, (312)

expense, (103) experienced. (174)

explode, (3) exploit, (161) exploit, (267) exploit. (438) expose, (265)

expose, (321) expose, (337) expose. (436) expose.(481)

expound, (411) express. (241) expıess. (292)

express, (369) extent, (230) extent. (95) exterior, (235) exlerminaîe. (306) exterminaîe, (420) exîerminate, (459) extinguish, (414) exira, (344) extra, (360)

extradite, (144) extraordinary, (322) exiraordinary, (351)

extravagant, (373) extravagant, (404) extravagantly. (483) exîıeme. (199) extreme. (344) exireme, (373) extreme. (422) exiremely, (483) extremity, (263) eye-catching. (351)

eyesight. (266) fabulous, (351) face. (100) race, (383) factory. (268) faculty, (289)

Kelime Ezberleten Kuransal Sözlük fail. (260) fail. (310) fail. (424) fail. (58) fair. (322) fair, (434) fairly. (471) fail through, (424) faliacy. (440)

falter, (202) fame, (302) familiarize, (304) family, (236)

famine, (1) famous, (364) fancy, (311) fascinaie, (19)

fascinate, (53) fashion. (346) fasi, (470) fasten. (280) fasten, (482) fastidious, (156) fatal, (113)

fathom, (324) fault, (408) fault. (426) favourably, (124) fearful, (233) fearless, (273) feasible, (402) feat, (438) fee. (173) feeble, (407) feeble, (466) feel for. (446) feel for. (497) feel sorry for, (446) ‘eminine, (403) rend off, (139) ferocious, (423)

ferocity, (384) fervent, (339) fervour, (145)

fetch, (425) field, (264) fierce, (290)


rierce. (423) fight for. (270) fight. (217) figüre up, (361) figüre, (121) file, (350)

fiil, (260) fiil, (430) final end, (199) find, (363) find, (481) finish, (219) finish, (305) finish, (368) finished, (134) firm, (104) firm, (185) firm, (413) firm. (464) first, (199) fit, (447) fixed, (491) fizzle out, (424) flair, (140)

Hair, (289) flee, (326) flexible, (167) flexible, (338) flexible, (443) fling out, (197) flourish, (24) flourish, (450) flout, (359) flow from, (193)

fluent, (205) fluid, (205) fluky, (362) fly off with, (354) foggy. (330) follovv, (223) follovv, (378) fool, (282) foolish, (174) forbid. (136) forbid, (212) force, (164) force, (435)


Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük

forceful, (478) forcefully, (128) forecast. (238) foresee, (428) forestall, (136) foretell, (238) forewarn, (473)(473)

funcîion. (116) functionary, (67) funny, (489) furious, (423) furnish. (394) furthest, (199)

forgo, (387)

fuss, (500) fussy. (156) fussy, (379) future. (399) gaffe, (408) gain, (458) gain, (54) gamble, (231)

forlorn, (286) form, (346) formal, (410) formality, (109) formula, (308) forsake, (387) forsee, (238)

forthcomirıg, (399) fortify, (198)

fuss, (283)

game. (273) gap, (474)

fortify, (421) fortnight, (398)

garnish. (418)

forvvard, (181)

gather, gather, gather, gauge,

foster, (325) foster, (328) founder, (424) foxy, (432) fragile, (407)

fragment, (72) frankly, (129)

frankly, (471) frantic, (412) fraud, (176) freak, (301) free, (132) free, (261) free, (419) free, (444) freely, (127) freezing, (244)

fret, (500) friend, (391) friendless, (286) frighten, (137) frighten, (207) frightening, (296) frivolous, (287) fulfil, (260) fulfill, (485) fully, (105)

garrulous, (284) (204) (299) (437) (242)

gender, (403) generally, (120) generally, (291) generous, (141) generous, (274) generous, (382) generous, (461) genius, (289) genocide, (278) genteel, (163) gentle, (375) gentle, (407) gentle, (423) get a move on, (334)

get novjhere, (424) get rid of, (100) get rid of, (114) get rid of, (374) get upset, (101) get. (425) get, (458) gift, (289) gigantic, (166) gigantic, (382)

Kelime Ezberleten Kuramsal Sözlük gigantic, (442) gingerly (433) give and take. (495) give away (436) give away, (469) give in. (118) give in, (144) give in. (88) give up. (206) give up. (387) give, (347) give. (394) give, (395) give, (469) gladly, (127) gleeful, (201)

gloomy, (240) gloomy, (381) go along with, (415) go dovvn, (259) go through, (221) go îo seed, (388) go vvith, (415) go vvrong, (486)

goal, (152) goal, (252) good, (274) good. (281) goodness, (384) grade, (350)

gram, (258) grant, (469) grapple, (217) grasp. (324) grasp, (463) grave, (287) great, (382) greatly, (195)

greedy, (141) grieve, (457) grieve, (497)

grip, (463) group, (350) grow from. (193) grow up. (328) grow, (186) guarantee, (293)

guard. (265) guess. (135) guide, (345) guiie. (176) habit. (109) hail. (392) hal!. (219) hamlet, (298) hamper, (275) hamper, (277) hand över, (118) handle, (116)

haphazard, (148) haphazard. (q32) happen, ( iP ,) happen. (223) happening, (467) happy, (201) harass. (307) hard. (464) hardship, (263) hard-working, (203)

harsh, (375) hassle, (155) hasten, (334) hasten, (405)

hasty, (465) hasty, (470) hate, (151) hate, (175) haughty, (210)

haul, (377) h a v e t he l e a n of.

(297) have the use oî, (297) hazard. (131) hazard, (231) hazard (321) hazardous, (247) hazy, (330) healthy, (157) healthy, (329) heart. (235) heartless, (187) heavy, (442)

hectic, (379) hector, (184) heed, (378)

Kelime Ezberlenen Kurgusal Sözlük


heir (228) help (179) help. (190) nence. (130) heroic. (273) hesiîani. (85) hesiiaîe (202) hide, (265)

hijack, (419) hilarious, (201) hilarious. (489)

hinder, (275) hinder. (277)

hint, (153) hire, (211) hire. (297) hold back, (300)

hold on, (36) hold. hold. hold, hole,

(144) (463) (88) (474)

holocaust, (278) honest, (434) honesfly, (129) honestly, (471) honesty, (176) honour, (154) honour. (365) honour, (392) honourable, (434) horrible. (233) horrify, (137) horrify, (207) hot, (244) hubbub. (283) huge. (442) hullabaloo. (283) humane. -(274) humane, (407)

humble, (210) humorous, (489) hunt, (267) hurry, (334) hurry, (356) hurry. (405) hurt, (101)

husband. (391) hygienic (329) icy, (244)

identical, (393) identify. (262) identify. (488)

idle, (498) idolize. (365) idolize. (366) ignore, (150) ignore, (378) ignore, (99) ili, (157) illusion, (440) illustraîe (292) imaginative, (8) immaculate. (143) immaculate, (329) immediately. (123) immense. (16) immense, (166) immerse, (225) imminent. (399) irnmobile, (491) impartial, (343) impeach, (269) impeach. (426)

impeach, (429) impede, (275) impede. (300) impede. (84) impending. (399) impenetrable, (315). imperil, (131) imperil, (321)

implement, (48) important. (364) important, (431) impoverish. (331) impoverished, (142) impressive, (351) improve. (107) improve, (183) improve, (386) improve, (388) in fact, (110) in flagrante delicto, (254)

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük in need, (142) in reality, (110)

in shame, (59) in vain, (111) inability, (289) inadequate, (466) inapplicable, (9) incessantly, (125) incessantly, (128) inch. (245) incident, (172)

incident, (467) incite. (229) inelude, (114) include, (150) income. (173) income, (312) incompatible, (447) inconsiderate, (461) inconsiderate. (465) incorrigible, (443) increase. (183) increase, (186) increase, (259) increase, (348) increase, (450)

incur, (337) indicate, (239) indicate, (488) indication, (153) indict, (269)

indict, (372) indict, (429) indispensable, (431) indistinguishable. (393)

inler, (135) infertile, (332) inflexible. (185) inrlexible, (338) inriexible. (338) inform, (316) inform, (370) informer, (61) infringe, (271) infringe, (359)

ingenuity, (140) inhabit, (484)

inhale, (319) inheriîor, (228) inimically, (124) initiate, (218)

initiate, (81) inquire. (372) insane. (412) insanitary, (329) insatiable, (141) insensitive, (187)

insight, (342) insignificantly, (195) insist, (192) insistence, (468)

insistently. (128) insomnia, (441) inspection, (98) instruct, (370) instruct. (371) insufricieni. (466) inieiiigent, (174) intensiiy, (183) intensive. (478)

individually, (120)

intent, (85)

indomitable. (147)

intention. (152) intentional, (444) intentionally, (127) interpret. (395) interrogate, (372) intimidate, (164) intimidate. (184) intimidate, (267) intolerant, (343) inîrigue, (333) intrigue. (448)

induce. (21) indulge. (208) industrious. (203)

industrious, (92) industriously, (122) industry, (119) ineffective, (111) inequitable, (343) inert, (491) infecund, (332)

ı11"1 ’

Kelime Ezberleten Kurcusu! Sözlük

intrinsically. (110)

İament, (457)

invalid, (157)

land (33) iandiady, (400) landlord. (400) landowner. (400) landscape, (341) large, (166) large, (382)

nvariably, (125) Invent (35) invigorate. (146) tnvigoraîe, (445)

invincible, (147) :nvolve, (225) mvolve. (248) r: 'ulnerable, (147) ■ nic. (489)

devanı. (9) irntate, (155) ssue, (409)

i.:sue, (74) İÜ- Tl, (80) (430) '■er at, (417) jeer, (380) jeopardize, (131) jeopardize, (321) jeopardize, (337) job, (288) jobless, (498) joint, (495) joüy. (201) judge, (242) judgement, (480) justificaiion, (496)

keen, (477) keep, (347) kernel, (235) key. (153) kidnap, (419)

kin, (236) kin, (237) kind, (163) kind, (210) kind, (274) kind, (407)

kinship, (237) knott, (280) knovv, (135) lodge, (484)

iame, (466) lamenî, (227) iament, (446)

lash, (476) last, (199) last, (253) lasting, (165)

lasting, (76) later on, (96) laugh at. (380) launch. (218) launch, (81) lavish, (373)

lavish, (404) law, (308)

lawsuit, (89) lax. (132)

lay down, (106) lazy, (92) lead astray, (486) lead, (345)

leak, (436) iease (211) lease, (297) leave off. (219) leave, (117) leave, (327) iend, (297) iength, (230) lengthy, (340) lenient, (314) lessen, (182) let somebody go, (261) let somebody out, (261 lethal. (113) light. (349) like, (311) like, (317) limp, (464) linger, (356) link, (280) listen to, (378)

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük litigation, (89) live with, (318) live, (484) loaded, (209) loan, (297) loathe, (151) loalhe, (175) loathe, (311) locate, (363) logical, (390) loiter, (356) lone, (286) lonely, (286) lonesome, (286)

make, (361) malicious, (314)

look över, (99)

markedly, (195) mascuüne, (403) mass, (313) mass, (437) massive, (382)

look up to, (154)

loose, (132) loquacious, (284) lose, (458) loss, (54) love, (151) love, (365) love, (366) loving, (472) lower, (232) lower, (57) lure, (224) luscious, (178) mad, (412) magnitute, (313) mail, (181) mainly, (291) maintain, (168) maintain, (413) maintenance, (357) majority, (313) make a deai, (415) make a donation, (469) make a mistake, (486) make a süp, (486) make away with, (354) make off with, (354) make off, (326) make out, (262) make out, (324)

maligrı, (169) maltread, (307) rnanage vvithout, (347) rrıanage, (116) maniacal, (412) manipulate, (161) manner, (68) manufacture, (346)

mark down, (232) mark up, (232) mark, (252)

mark, (488)

massıve, (442) mate, (391) matriculate, (158) matter, (172) matter, (409)

mature, (328) mediocre, (322) rneditate, (385) meek, (210) member, (47) mercenary, (141)

mercenary, (461) merchandising, (119)merely, (196) merely, (256)

merely, (86) merry, (201) mess, (216)

mete out, (376) meticulous, (156) meticulous, (456) meticulously, (433) metropolitan, (246) middle of the road, (422) migrate, (117) mild, (17)

make up, (35)

mili, (268)

make, (346)

mind, (378)

334 mind, (488) minority, (313) rninus, (361) miscalculate, (486) miscarry, (424)

miscellaneous, (243) misjudge, (234) misjudge, (486) mislead, (282) misquotation, (5) miss, (383) missing, (180) misstatement, (20)

misstatement, (5) mistake, (234) mistake, (408)

misty, (330) misunderstand, (324) misuse, (161) mitigate, (171) mixed, (243)

mob, (437) mobiie, (491) mock, (367) mock, (380) mock, (417) model, (121) moderate, (182)

moderate, (422) moderate, (478) moderately, (40) moderately, (483) modest, (210) modest, (323) modest, (422) mollity, (251) momentous, (431) monkey business, (176) monotonous, (396) more or less, (257) more-ish, (178)

mortgage, (285) mortification, (59) mostly, (291) motif, (121) motionless, (491) motivate, (325)

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük motive, (496)

mould, (346) mourn, (227) mourn, (457) move, (117) move, (438) move, (484) mug, (419) mumble, (490) rnunicipal, (246)

murmur, (490) muse, (385) muster, (250) muster, (299) mutter, (490) mutual, (495) mysterious, (296) mystify, (411) nadir, (416) name, (302) narrow, (189) nasty, (281) natural, (296) nearly, (257) nearness, (406) necessary, (344) necessary, (360) necessary, (431) necessiate, (136) necessiate, (248) necessiate, (435)

necessities, (51) necessity, (263) needy, (142) neglect, (150)

negotiate, (93) nervous, (108) nettle, (155) neuter, (403) new, (143) nick, (159) nimble, (349) nippy, (244)

no longer, (55) nomination, (63) nominee, (62) nondescript, (322)

Keiitne Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük normality, (301)

official, (67)

notably, (220)

orrıit, (114)

notice, (488) noticeably, (195) rıoticeably, (220)

omit, (150) ongoing, (134)

notify, (316) nourish, (325) nucleus, (401) nulify, (133) nullify, (162) nutty, (412)

oasis, (358) obey, (271) obey, (359) obey, (378) object, (152) object, (252) objective, (152) objective, (252) obligate, (285) oblige, (285) obüge, (435) observation, (266) obstirıacy, (468) nbstinate, (167)

only, (196) only, (256) onrush, (492)

onset, (492) onslaught, (492) opaque, (315)

operate, (116) operations, (119) opinion, (480) oppose, (136) oppose, (271) oppress, (267) oppress, (307) opt for, (475)

orbit, (453) order, (192)

order, (90) ordinary, (322) ordinary, (351) ordinary, (449) organisation, (104)

nhriinaie, (185)

orientate, (304)

obstinate, (338) obstruct, (275) obstruct, (277) obtain, (458)

oddity, (301) odds, (303) odour, (302)

original, (143) ornament, (418) outclass, (200) outclass, (494) outcome, (214) outdo, (200) outdo, (494) outfit, (104) outgoing, (103) outlaw, (212) outlay, (103) outline, (191) outline, (355) outlook, (341) outset, (492) outshine, (200)

of your own free will, (127) offer, (197) offer, (295) Office, (288) official, (410)

outstrip, (494) ovenlook, (488) overcast, (330) overcome, (22)

obviate, (136) obviously, (129) occassion, (467) occupied, (10) occupy, (225) occur, (194) occur, (223) occurerıce, (467) odd, (449)

outshine, (494)


overcome, (58) overcrovvd, (430) overlook, (150) overlook, (262) overly, (483) overmuch, (483) overrate, (242) overshadovv, (494) ovvner, (400) pace, (138) pacify, (160)

pacify, (251) pack, (430) pact, (389) painful, (290) pairıstaking, (156) painstakingly, (433) pal, (391)

palatable, (178) palatable, (281) paltry, (111)

pamper, (208) paralyse, (445) part with, (347) partial, (343) partial, (97) partially, (105)

participant, (47) particularly, (120) partner, (391) pass away/on, (253) passion, (145)

patiern, (121) pawn, (285) pay attention to, (378) pay attention, (488) pay, (173) pay, (312) peace, (283)

peak, (305) peak, (309) peak, (416)

peculiar, (449) peculiarity, (301) penetration, (342) penniless, (142) pension, (173)

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük

pension, (451) perceive, (324) perceive, (363) perception, (266) perception, (342) perennial, (165) perfect, (386) perfect, (408) perform, (116) perform, (260) perilous, (247) period, (213) period, (230) period, (335) periphery, (126)

perish, (253) perish, (318) perish, (368) perishable, (165) perrnanent, (165) perpetually, (125) perpetuate, (36) perplexity, (216)

persecute, (307) persevere, (413) persist, (413) persistence, (468) persistent, (338) persistently, (128) perturb, (229) pessimistic, (240) pessimistic, (381) peter out, (348) petrify, (137) petrify, (207)

phase, (213) phenomenon, (467)

philanthropic, (274) physician, (102) pig-headed, (185) pig-headed, (338) pilfer, (159) pine away, (457) pinnacle, (309) pinnacle, (416) Pioneer, (345) pity, (446)

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük pity, (497) place, (262) place, (341) plan, (191) plan, (352) plan, (355) plant, (268) platitude, (397) p la u s ib le , (402) p le a , (177)

pledge, (285) p le d g e , (293)

pledge, (455) plentiful, (404) plight, (216) p lo t, (333)

plot, (448) polnt, (409) policy, (109) policy, (352) polish, (353) polite, (210) politely, (257) poll, (475) pollute, (427) ponder, (385) poor, (12) poor, (142) poor, (209) poper, (410) p o rtra y , (292)

position, (288) possessive, (141) possessive, (461) post, (181) p o s t, (288) p o v e rty , (4)

practice, (109) practise, (371) praise, (169) praise, (392) praise, (476) precede, (223) precis, (355) precise, (163) p re c is e , (462)

precisely, (123)

predicament, (216) p re d ic a te , (239) p re d ic t, (238)

predict, (428) pre-eminent, (364) prejudiced, (343) p re m is e s , (42)

present situation, (77) present, (31) present, (395) press for, (192) prestigious, (364) pretence, (493) prete%, (493)

pretex, (496) pretext, (177) prevent, (136) prevenl, (139) prevent, (21) prevent, (275) prevent, (277) prevent, (300) previous, (399) previously, (96) p re y , (267)

pride, (59) priggislı, (410) p rim , (410)

primary, (431) primitive, (243) principle, (401) p ris tin e , (143)

privileged, (142) proceed, (107) proclaim, (239) proclaim, (241) procure, (458) prodigal, (373) produce, (346) professional, (174) proffer, (295) profuse, (404) profusely, (43) program, (352) progress, (107) progress, (186) progress, (450)

338 prohibit, (136) prohibit, (212) project, (352) prominent, (364) promise, (293) promote, (386) prornpt, (470) promptly, (123) prop up, (421) proper, (447) prophesy, (238) prophesy, (428) propitiate, (251) propose, (197) propose, (295)

proprietor, (400) proscribe, (212) prosecute, (372) prospect, (341) prospective, (399) prosper, (450) prosperous, (209) prolect, (131) protect, (265) protect, (321) prove, (188) prove, (487) provide, (394) province, (264)

proximity, (406) prudent, (174) pruderıt, (390) prudent, (456)

public, (38) pul!, (377) punctual, (163)

punctually, (123) punish, (347) püre, (143)

purely, (256) purloin, (159) purpose, (152) purpose, (252) pursue, (223) push for, (192) push, (377) put at risk, (321)

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük put at risk, (337)

put fornard, (197) put out,(414) put up with, (318) put/lay the blame on, (429) quandary, (216) quell, (414)

quench, (414) question, (372) question, (409) quick, (465) quick, (470) quit, (117) quit, (206) quit, (387) race, (245) race, (405) radical, (478)

raise, (57) rally, (437) randorn, (148)

random, (362) range, (264)

rank, (350) ransom, (485) rapid, (465) rapid, (470) rarely, (291) rate, (242) ratify, (188) ratify, (69) ration, (376) rational, (390) reach agreement, (415)

readily, (127) really, (110) realm, (126) reason, (493) reason, (496) reasonable, (390) reasonable, (402) reasonable, (422) reassure, (137) reassure, (207) rebuff, (279) rebuff, (454) rebuke, (476)

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük rebut, (279) recall, (262) receipt, (103) reciprocal, (495) reckless, (465) reckorı, (135) reclusive, (286) recognize, (262) recoil, (189) recollect, (262) reconcile with, (415)


release, release, release, release, release,

(261) (347) (354) (463) (482)

relentless, (17) reliable, (390) relieve, (171) relieve, (226) relinguish, (144) relinguish, (387)

reconcile, (160)

relish, (311)

reconcile, (251) record, (115) recover, (485) recruit, (158)

reluctantly, (127) remarkably, (195) remarkably, (220) remediable, (443) remove, (114)

redeem, (485) red-handed, (254) reduce, (232) reduce, (259) redundant, (498)

refined, (163) (385) refuse, (279) refuse, (454) refute, (487) regain, (485) regard, (154) regard, (378) regularly, (123) regulation, (308) re lle c t,

reinforce, (198) reinforce, (421) reject, (279) reject, (454) rejoice, (227) rejoice, (446) rejoice, (457) related, (317) related, (9) relation, (237) relations, (236) relationship, (237) relative, (237) relatives, (236) relaxed, (132) release, (225)

tender, (395) renounce, (206) renounce, (217) renounce, (279) renounce, (387) renounce, (454) renown, (302) rent, (211) rent, (297) repay, (485) repeal, (162) repeal, (48) repel, (19) replace, (460) represent, (292) repudiate, (241)

repudiate, (279) repudiate, (454) reputation, (302) request, (177) request, (192) require, (248) requirements, (51) rescue, (347) rescue, (485) resentful, (290) reşide, (484) resist, (49) resistant, (165) resolute, (339)


resolute, (85) resource, (179) respect, (154) respect, (365) respeci, (366) respect, (380) respectful, (210) respire, (319) responsibility, (226) responsible, (167) restlessness, (441) restore, (459) restrain, (275) restrain, (300) restrained, (422) restrict, (212) restrict, (300)

resul t from, (193) result, (214) result, (223) result, (66) resurne, (355) retain, (181) retain, (327) retain, (374) retain, (395) retain, (60) retrogress, (107) reunite, (251) reveal, (479) reveal, (481)

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük risk, (231) risky, (247) roar, (452) robbery, (70) roomy, (382) rot, (388) rotate, (215) rough, (375)

roughly, (257) round, (126) routine, (109) ruddy, (113) rudely, (257) ruin, (445) ruin, (482) rule, (109) rule, (308) ruminate, (385)

run a risk, (131) run through, (221) run, (116) run, (116) run, (326) run, (405) rural, (246)

rush, (334)

revere, (365) revere, (366) review, (6)

rush, (405) ruthless, (17) ruthless, (375) ruthlessness, (384) sabotage, (445) sad, (381) sadden, (101) safe, (180) safe, (247)

revise, (6)

salary, (173)

revoke, (162)

salary, (312) same, (393) sane, (412) sanitary, (329)

revenue, (312)

revolve, (215) revolve, (453) rich, (209) ridicule, (367) ridicule, (380) ridicule, (417) rift, (474) rigid, (464) riot, (283) ripen, (328)

sardonıcally, (71) satisfy, (414) savage, (314) savagery, (384) save, (337) save, (347) say for sure, (91)


Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük scant, (404)

scarcely, (43) scare, (137) scarper, (326)

scatter, (204) scatter, (250) scatter, (430)

scene, (341) scenery, (341) schedule, (352) scheme, (333) . scheme, (352) scheme, (448) scold, (476)

score, (115) scorn, (366) scorn, (367) scream, (452) scrub, (133) scrumptious, (178) scrupulous, (456) scrutiny, (98) search, (222) seasonably, (123) seasoned, (499) sedate, (287) sedulous, (203) seed, (258)

seemingly, (26) seize, (267) seize, (354) seize, (419) self-centred, (141) self-centred, (461) selfish, (141) selfish, (274) selfish, (461) send, (118) send, (181) senseless, (396) sensible, (390) sensible, (402) sensitive, (396) sensitive, (472)

sensuous, (472) sentimental, (472) separate, (204)

separate, (250) separately, (120) serious, (201) serious, (233) serious, (287) serious, (339)

service, (39) set about, (218) set about, (310) set down, (106) set free, (261) set out teli, (411) set out, (292) settle, (160) setîle, (484) severe, (233) severe, (290) severe, (478) severity, (384) sex, (403) shake a leg, (334) shake up, (229) shaliowness, (95) shape, (346) share, (376) Sharp, (290) shed, (374)

shelter, (265) shelve, (133) shield, (265) shirk, (383) shock, (207) short, (340)

shortcoming, (408) shorten, (189) shout, (452)

show to, (31) show, (395) show, (487) shrewd, (255)

shrink, (189) shy away, (189) shy, (323) sick, (157) side, (213) side-effect, (214) sign up/on, (158)

342 sign, (153) significantly, (195) silver-tongued, (205) similar, (317) similar, (393) similarity, (303) similarily, (82) simply, (256) sincere, (287) sincere, (434) sincerely, (471) sing out, (34) single out, (475) singularly, (120) situation, (288) size, (313) s ize a b le , (166)

skeleton, ( 19 1 ) sketch, (191) skill, (140) skill, (289) skiilful, (255) slack, (132) slake, (414) slander, (169) slapdash, (156) slaughter, (278) sleeplessness, (441) slick, (205) slightly, (220) siînk, (245) slip, (408) Sioppy, (132) slothful, (203) slow, (470) slovvly, (123) sluggish, (276) sluggishly, (122) s iy , (432)

smooth, (13) smooth, (205) s n ate h, (354) s n e e r at, (367)

sneer at, (380) sneer at, (417) so, (130) soak, (78)

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük sober, (287) society, (126) society, (38) soften, (171) soil, (353) solely, (120) s o le ly , (196)

solely, (86) s o le m n , (287)

solid, (134) solid, (464) s o llta ry , (286)

somnolent, (276) soon, (399) soothe, (101) soothe, (155) soothe, (171) soothe, (500) sophisticated, (243) s o p h is tic a te d , (499)

sorrow, (457) ş o r t o u t, (30)

şort, (350) s o u n d , (390)

sound, (402) sp a n , (230) s p a re , (347)

spare, (360) s p e c ta c u la r, (351)

speculate, (231) speedy, (465) speedy, (470) spell out, (369) spell, (230) spend, (221) sphere, (126) sp h e re , (264)

spill the beans, (43b, spin, (215) splendid, (233) spoil, (208) spoilt, (141) spoîlt, (461) spontaneous, (444) s p o t, (262)

spotless, (329) spot-on, (462)

Kelime Ezberleten Kuransal Sözlük

spouse, (391) sprightly, (349) spring from, (193) spring, (358)

springboard, (439) sprinkie, (204) Sprint, (405) spry, (349)

spy, (61) squander, (221) square with, (415) stability, (336) stage, (213) stain, (353) stake, (231) stale, (113) stammer, (202) stand by, (190) stand in for, (460) stand out, (494) stand, (318) stand, (413) Standard, (322) stardom, (302) start, (194) start, (218) start, (305) start, (492) starting point, (439) statement, (20) static, (491)

stationary, (491) status quo, (77) stay, (326) stay, (484)

steadily, (125) steal, (159) steai, (419) steer clear of, (383) steer, (345)

stem from, (27) step, (138)

stereotype, (397) sterile, (332) stern, (287)

stiff, (464) stiffen, (198)


stili, (491) stilted, (205) stimulate, (325) stir, (229) stony, (187) stop, (136) stop, (219) stop, (277) straighten out, (30) straightforwardly, (129) strain, (226) strange, (296) strange, (449) strangeness, (301) stray, (149) strength, (183) strengthen, (198) strengthen, (421) strew, (204) stride, (138) striking, (351) strikingly, (220) strive, (217) strive, (270) stroll, (138) strong, (165) strong, (466) struggle for, (270) struggle, (217) stubborn, (185) stubborn, (338) stubborness, (468) stuff, (430) stumble, (234) stun, (294) stupid, (396) stupidity, (140) stutter, (202) style, (121) subcribe îo, (469) subject, (172) subject, (409) subrnit, (295) submit, (395) suborn, (224) substance, (401) substantial, (382)

344 substantially, (195) substantiate, (188) substantiate, (487) succeed, (234) succeed, (424) succeed, (460) succumb, (144) succumb, (22) suffer, (318) suggest, (197) suitable, (447) sum, (115)

sum, (361) summary, (340) summary, (355) summit, (309) summit, (416) summon, (299)

s uperficial, (14) superfluous, (344) superfluous, (360) superiority, (303)

supersede, (460) superstition, (440) supplant, (460) supplement, (183) supply, (394) support, (190) support, (198) support, (275) support, (325) support, (394) support, (469) support, (487) support, (84) suppose, (135) suppress, (316) suppress, (369) suppress, (414) surface, (14)

surgeon, (102) surmise, (135) surmise, (222)

surmount, (22) surpass, (200)

surplus, (360) surprise, (294)

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük surrender, (144) surrerıder, (387) surrender, (485)

surrender, (88) susceptible, (167) swear, (293)

sweep, (427) svveet, (290) swift, (465)

swift, (470) syllabus, (355) sympathize, (446) sympathize, (497) syndicate, (104) synonymous, (317) synopsis, (355) taciturn, (284)

tackle, (310) take a deep breath, (319) take a deep sniff, (319) take advantage of, (267) take in, (282) take in, (324) take notice of, (378)

take off, (33) take out a loan, (297) take out, (114) take the place of, (460) take to your heels, (326) take, (159) take, (318) talent, (140) talent, (289) talkative, (284) tally, (115)

tamer, (249) target, (152)

target, (252) tarnish, (353) tarry, (356) tasteless, (178) tasty, (178) tasty, (281) taunt, (367) taunt, (417) teach, (370) teach, (371)

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük tease, (367) tease, (380)

tease, (417) tedious, (113) tedious, (396) teli, (369) teli, (436) temperate, (422) tempestuous, (320) tempting, (281) tenaciously, (128) te n a c ity , (468)

tender, (187) tender, (295)


through, (272) throvv away, (374) throw out, (114) throw out, (197) thus, (130) tidy, (427)

tie, (280) tie, (32) tight, (132) tiny, (16) tiny, (166) tiny, (382) tiny, (442) tip, (153)

tender, (407)

tiptoe, (44)

tender, (472) tense, (108) terminate, (305) terminate, (306) terminate, (368) terrible, (233) terrify, (137) terrify, (184) terrify, (207) territory, (264) terse, (340)

tired, (276) tireless, (203)

testimony, (20) theft, (70)

topic, (74) torment, (307) torture, (307) toss out, (197) total, (115) totaliy, (105) totally, (256) tough, (407) tough, (464) tow, (377) town, (246) town, (298) trade, (119) traduce, (169) train, (371) trained, (499) transient, (76) translate, (395) transmit, (118) transmit, (181) transpire, (194)

theme, (409)

thereby, (130) therefore, (130) thick, (315) thieve, (159) thin, (315) thing, (409) thing, (467) think about, (385) think highly of, (154) think of nobody but yourself, (461) thoughtless, (465) threaten, (131) threaten, (184) threaten, (337) thrifty, (255) thrifty, (373) thrilled, (379) thrive, (450)

to be bound to start, (45) to be sure to start, (45)

to be upset, (101) to build up, (107) tolerate, (318)

toothsome, (281) top, (309) top, (416)

topic, (409)


transport, (118) transport, (377)

treacherous, (247) tread, (138) treatable, (443) treaty, (389)

trick, (282) trickery, (176) İrip up, (486) trivial, (111) trivial, (431) trouble, (101) trouble, (226) trouble, (229) true, (11) trully, (110) trun up, (481) truss up, (280) trust, (28) trutful, (434) truthfully, (471) try, (310)

turbulerıt, (320) turn away, (139) turn down, (279) turn down, (454) turn, (215) two weeks, (398)

ultimate, (199) unanimously, (291) unbalance, (336) unbeatable, (147) unburden, (479) uncanny, (296) uncompromising, (185) uncompromising, (338) unconsciously, (75) uncover, (481)

underprivileged, (142) understand, (324) understanding, (342) undertake, (293) undertake, (310)

urtdo, (482) undue, (344)

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük

unearth, (481) unearthly, (296) uneasy, (108) uneconomicat, (404) unemotional, (472) unemployed, (498) uneven, (13) unfair, (343) unfaithful, (247) unfavourably, (124) unfeeling, (187) unhapp, (240) unhappy, (381) unilateral, (495)

unimaginative, (8) uninspired, (8) uninterrupted, (134) unjust, (343) unkind, (163) unknovvn, (364)

unleash, (261) unnecessarily, (483) unnecessary, (344) unnecessary, (360) unreasonable, (390) unsophisticated, (499) unsound, (402) unsuitable, (15) untie, (32) untie, (482) untouched, (143) unusual, (449) uphold, (190) uplift, (57)

upright, (434) upset, (500)

urban, (246) urge, (325) urge, (421) urge, (435) urge, (473) use, (161) useless, (111)

usher, (345)

unduly, (344)

usually, (291) utmost, (199)

unduly, (483)

utter, (97)

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük utterly, (105)

vacant, (10) vacate, (327) vacillate, (202) vague, (132) valiant, (273) valuable, (111) valuation, (170) valueless, (111)

vandal, (423) various, (243)

vast, (16) vast, (166) venerate, (365) venerate, (366) venture, (321)

verdict, (480) verify, (188) verify, (222) verify, (239)

verify, (487) verify, (64)

versatile, (15) verve, (145) veteran, (174)

Via, (272) vicinity, (406)

vicious, (314) vicious, (375) vicious, (423) victimize, (307)

vie, (270) view, (341) vigorously, (122) viiify, (169) viilage, (298) vindicafe, (429)

violate, (271) violate, (359) vioient, (423) violent, (478) Vision, (266) vital, (431) voiuble, (284) voluntarily, (127)

votuntary, (444) vote, (475)

vow, (293) vulgar, (375) vulnerable, (147) wage, (173) wage, (312) wager, (231) waive, (192) wakefulness, (441) walk away with, (354) walk, (138) wander, (149) wane, (182) want, (4) ward-off, (139) warm, (473) vvarranty, (285) wary, (456) wash, (427) waste away, (388) waste ful, (404) vvasteful, (373) watchful, (456) waver, (202) waver, (413) weak, (466) weaken, (146) weaken, (198) vveaken, (421) wealth, (4)

weaithy, (12) vvealthy, (209) weigh, (385) weird, (296) weird, (449) weirdness, (301) we!come, (311) weli off, (209) well-off, (12) well-to~do, (209) vvhirl, (215) whisper, (452) whisper, (490) whole, (72) wholly, (105) wholly, (256) wife, (391) vvild, (423)


vvilling, (444) willing, (477) willingly, (127) willingly, (128) wily, (432) wipe out, (306) wipe out, (420) wipe out, (459) wipe, (427)

wise, (174) wise, (390) wither, (24) withhold, (376) withhold, (394) withhold, (455)

witty, (489) vvonderful, (351)

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük wordly, (499) work, (116) vvorm, (245) worry, (101) worry, (500) worsen, (388) vvorship, (365)

worship, (366) worthless, (111) wreck, (445) wreck, (459)

wrestle, (217) vvrong, (180)

yeli, (452) yield to, (29) yield, (144)

zeal, (145)

İngilizce - sürkçe

Kelime EZBERLETEN Kurgusal Sözlük ÜDS, YDS„ KFDS ve TOEFL

Sınavlarına Hazırlananlar İçin



Alfa Yayınlan 1376 Sözlük 50

İngilizce - Türkçe Kelime EZBERLETEN Kurgusal Sözlük Şinasi Bademcioğlu

1. Basım: Ekim 2003 2. Basım: Aralık 2004 ISBN: 975-297-396-5

Yayıncı ve Genel Yayın Yönetmeni M. Faruk Bayrak Yayın Koordinatörü ve Editör Rana Gürtuna Pazarlama ve Satış Miidürii Vedat Bayrak Resimleyen Yener Çakmak

© 2003. ALFA Basını Yayım Dağıtım Ltd. Şti.

Kitabın tüm yayın haklan Alfa Basım Yayım Dağılım Ltd. Şii. 'ne aittir Yayınevinden yazılı izin alınmadan kısmen ya da tamamen alıntı yapılamaz, hiçbir şekilde kopya edilemez, çoğaltılamaz ve yayımlanamaz

Alfa Basım Yayım Dağıtım Ltd. Şti. Ticarethane Sokak No: 53 Cağaloğlu 34410 İstanbul, Turkey Tel: (212) 511 53 03 - 513 87 51 - 512 30 46 Faks:(212) 519 33 00 www.alfakitap.com [email protected]

Baskı ve Cilt Melisa Matbaacılık Çiftehavuzlar Yolu Acar Sanayi Sitesi No: 8 Bayrampaşa - İstanbul Tel: (212) 674 97 23 Faks: (212) 674 97 29

Önsöz Yeni bir anlayışın sözlüğü Sözlükler, vazgeçilmez başvuru kaynağıdır. Yalnız ana dilimiz açısından değil, bir yabancı dil açısından da önem taşır. Hele yabancı dil sözlükleri, yalnız bir kelimenin karşılığını vermekle yetinirler­ se. o dilin öğrenilmesi konusunda eksik kalırlar. Önemli olan o dilin lezzetini, esprisini sözlüğe yüklemektir. Çünkü bu tür bir sözlük belleğimizde kalır, böylece de o dili daha çabuk, daha doğru, daha güzel öğrenmemizi sağlar. Şinasi BADEMCİOĞLU'nun bu sözlüğü, modern anlayışın bir çok yönlerini kendinde toplayan, yeni sözlük anlayışını yansıtan bir çalışmadır. Sadece kelimeleri, kavramları değil onun ardındaki daklarınızdan uçmadan öğreneceksiniz.


de. gülümseme du­

Sanırım bu anlayıştaki sözlük çalışmalarını Şinasi BADEMCİOGLL sürdürecek­ tir. Çünkü bu sözlükten dili öğrenmenin zevkine varanların sasısı her yeni gün biraz daha artacaktır. D odan H IZ L A N


"No species of music eurrent in his time »as ief't untouched by MOZART, noııe is »ithout a matchiess eontribution t'rom his peıı."

İkinci Cilde Önsöz Bir yabancı dili öğrenirken karşılaşılan zorlukların başında kelime öğrenme gel­ mektedir, İngilizce gibi sözcük dağarcığı son derece zengin olan bir dil için bu durum daha da önem taşımaktadır. Soruna çözüm getirmek amacıyla hazırlanan KELİME EZ­ BERLETEN KURGUSAL SÖZLÜĞÜN okuyuculardan gördüğü ilgi son derece olumlu. Zaten bir yazarın amacı da bu değil midir9 İkinci cildi yazmayı düşünmeye başladığımda, sîzlerden bu konuyla ilgili pek çok e-mail aldım. Yaklaşık bir buçuk yıl süren çalışma sonucunda ortaya çıkan KELİME EZBERLETEN KURGUSAL SÖZ­ LÜĞÜN İKİNCİ CİLDİ format olarak aynı. .Ancak bazı farklılıklarda yok değil. Ör­ neğin: synonvm (eş anlamlı ya da anlamca benzer) sözcük sayısı 1,ci ciltte ortalama al­ tı iken. 2.ci ciltte bu sayı SEKİZE çıktı. Temel olarak alman sözcüklerin birden fazla anlamı varsa, bunlar örnek cümlelerde ayrıca gösterildi. Sözgelimi: APPEAL kelime­ si:

1) rica etmek, yalvarmak 2) yardım dilemek 3) temyiz etmek 4) ilgisini çekm gibi dört ayrı anlama sahiptir. Şimdi sırasıyla bu anlamlan İngilizce cümlelerde görelim:

1) The government is appealing to everyone to save \vater. 2) They are appealing for clothes and blankets to senti off to the earthqııake viç­

tim.-. 3) I inteııd to appeal against ılı is serilence. 4 i Does the idea ol »orking abroaü appeal (t o vou L

Kitapta bölüm sonlarında verilen alıştırmalar dışında SEKİZ ADET’ Revisioıı Test ilave edildi. Kurgusal Sözlük H'de 26K0 kelime ver almaktadır, i.ci ciltteki 3350 kelimeyle beraber toplam say: 6000 etmektedir. Karikatür sanatçısı Yener ÇAKMAK. KELİME EZBERLETEN KURGUSAL SÖZLÜĞÜN her iki cildi için yazdığını senaryolara uygun olarak 750 karikatürü bü­ yük bir sabır ve titizlik göstererek çizdi. Yener ÇAKMAK olmasaydı bu proje gerçekleşmezdi. Kendisine derin bir teşekkür borçluyum . Ayrıca katkılarıyla bana güç seren, dostluğuyla yıllara adeta meydan okuyan sevgili Ali BAYÜLKEN'i burada anmama:/lık edemezdim Şi ik is i BADEMCİOGLU .Ağustos 27/2003 İSTANBUL


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Başlarken KELİME EZBERLETEN KURGUSAL SÖZLÜK TOEFL. KPDS. YDS. ÜDS ve benzeri sınavlarda sıklıkla karşılaşılan ÇABUK UNUTULAN (soyut) kelimeler­ den oluşturulmuştur. KURGUSAL SÖZLÜĞÜN diğer sözlüklerden FARKI nedir? 12 FARKLI ŞE­ KİLDE TEKRAR. Temel olarak alınan kelimeler için akılda kalmayı kolaylaştıran kı­ sa bir HATIRLATICI SENARYO yazılmıştır. Bu senaryo ile ilgili ayrıca bir KARİKATÜR çizilmiştir, o 2 Kelimenin KENDİ ANLAMI. EŞANLAMI. ZIT ANLAMI için ÖRNEK CÜM3 4 5 6 LELER verilmiştir. Her 25 kelime sonrası bu Jteljnıejer için genel bir hatırl a tma n ın_ardından 5 ayrı 7 alıştırma verilmiştir. 8) İ-IND THE RIGHT WORD ÇALIŞMASI 9) SYNONYM ÇALIŞMASI 10) ANTONYM ÇALIŞMASI 1 1) VOCABULARY ÇALIŞMASI 12)


Böylece HİÇ BİR SÖZLÜKTE bulunmayan 5 AYRI ALIŞTIRMA ile birlikte toplam 12 AYRI ŞEKİLDE bir kelimeyi TEKRARLAMA imkânı doğmaktadır. Bu sözlüğü NASIL ÇALIŞACAKSINIZ? 1) Senaryoları birkaç kez okuyun. 2) Senaryolarla ilgili olarak çizilen karikatürlerle bağlantı kurun. 3) Kelimenin kendi anlamı, eşanlamı ve zıt anlamı ile ilgili örnek cümleleri iyice incelevin. Kelimenin cümle içinde nasıl kullanıldığım öğrenin.


4) Her 2? kelimeden sonra verilen (ekran mutlaka şapın.. 5 ı En sonra da alıştırmalara geçin. KELİMELERİ SÖZÜ EDİLEN ŞEKİLDE ÇALIŞMADAN ASLA ALIŞTIR­ MALARA GEÇMEYİN!

Senaryo Çalışması Nedir? Bilindiği gibi insan beyni sağ ve sol olmak üzere iki lobtaıı oluşmuştur. Sol lobun görevi matematik, fizik gibi fen bilimlerinde devreye girmektedir. Sağ kısım ise sa­ natsal faaliyetlerde kullanılmaktadır. Edebiyat, plastik sanatlar ve müzik gibi daha çok hayal gücünün kullanılmasını gerektiren alanlarda işimize yaramaktadır. SENARYO ÇALIŞMALARINDAKİ AMAÇ BEYNİN HER İKİ TARAFINI DA KOORDİNELİ OLARAK KULLANMAKTIR, Hemen hemen herkes İtalya'nın ha­ ritasını çizebildiği halde. Tanzanya'nın haritasını çizemez. Çünkü İtalya "çizme"vi andırır, Tanzanya'nın böyle bir benzetilme şansı şoktur. İtalya örneğinde devreye sağ lob girdiğinden iş kolaylaşmıştır. Benim amacım da bu koordinasyonu senaryo­ lardaki çeşitli benzetmelerle hatırlatmayı sağlamaktır. Somut sözcükler hemen öğre­ nilen sözcüklerdir. Her öğrenci TEACHER. CHAIR vs. gibi kelimeleri hemen öğre­ nip bir daha unutmazken. SOYUT bir sözcük olan ENROLL kelimesini çabucak öğ­ renemez. Gelin simdi bu sözcüğü senaryo çalışmasıyla beynimizin her iki lobunu kullanarak öğrenelim. "İstanbul Tiyatro Kulübü EN iyi ROL yapan EROL'ıı (enroll) ÜYELİĞE KA­ BUL ETTİ," enroll; iiş el iğe kabul etmek ÖRNEKTE DE GÖRÜLDÜĞÜ GİBİ "ENROLL" KELİMESİNİN "N" HARFİ­ Nİ BİR AN İÇİN YOK FARZ EDEREK. SANKİ "EROL" GİBİ ALGILAYACAK HALE GETİRDİK. KELİME "ÜYELİĞE KABUL ETMEK" ANLAMINA GELDİ­ Ğİ İÇİN DE HAYALİ BİR TİYATRO KULÜBÜ OLUŞTURDUK. YAPTIĞIMIZ TÜM İŞLEM BUNDAN İBARET. BÖYLECE BEYNİN SAĞ LOBU DA DEVRE­ YE GİREREK. SOYUT BİR SÖZCÜK OLAN ENROLL KELİMESİ KALICI HA­ FIZAYA YERLEŞMİŞ OLDU, Bu sözlüğün ilk taslaklarının hazırlanmasından bitinceye kadar geçen 4 yıl bo­ yunca bana verdiği sonsuz destek için annem PERİHAN CÖBOZAN'a ne kadar te­ şekkür etsem azdır. Dizgi işlemleri sırasında en az benim kadar titizlik gösteren sayın Hülya FIRAT'a teşekkür etmeyi bir borç olarak addediyorum.

Ş imisi BADEMCİOĞLU Şubat 2002. İstanbul



f'atique (lıtigü : yormak. yorgunluk vermek; bitkinlik: zahmet FITIK ameliyatı sonrası hasla: "FITIK beni (fatique) çok'YORDU, bana YORGUNLUK VERDİ" der

eke out (îk aut) : ilave etmek, eklemek; güçlükle geçinmek Mae bittiğinde, orta hakem yazdığı raporda: "İLK AUT atışını da (eke out) İLAVE EDER­ SEK. EKLERSEK toplam 12 aut atışı oklu" der

gingerly (cin'cırli) : büyük bir dikkatle, yavaşça Doğum günü için hazırlanan İNCİRLİ pastayı oğlunun dikkatsizce taşıdığını gören anne: "Yavrum o pasta İNCİRLİ (gingerly) BÜYÜK BİR DİKKATLE. YAVAŞÇA Uışı" der.

\ U l l i11 / /




sue ,sul

: da\a açmak

Akıl hastasını SU ile konuşurken uoreıı dok­ toru. nedenini sorunca: hasta: "SUya (sue ı DAVA AÇMAK istiyorum" der.

barter (bartır) : değiş tokuş (etmek), takas (yapmak) İşini değiştirmek isteyen BAR sahibi. BARı satıp TİR la (barter) DEĞİŞ TOKUŞ EDER TAKAS YAPAR.

compromise (kanı' prımayz) : uzlaşma, uçuşma: uzlaştırmak Yeni eleman PRİM AZ diye işi bırakmak iste­ yince. patron: "COME PRİM AZ bunu ben de bilişorum (compromise) UZLAŞMA. UYUŞ­ MA sağlarız’ dişe onu ikna etmeye çalışır.


trash (trii.ş)

çöp; saçma, zırva: değersiz şey

Çırak boş konuşmaya devam edince, ustası: "Hadi TRAŞı Kes! (trash) şu ÇÖPleri topla! SAÇMAlamayı bırak!" der


aPt ' tude (îîp'tıtud) : yetenek, kabili)et

Abdi: Öğretmenim ben o ipi tutamam! Beden öğretmeni: ABDİ TUT! (aptitude) sen­ de YETENEK. KABİLİYET var. Kendine haksızlık etme!


nau»ht.v (nö'ti) : yaramaz, haylaz

Veli: Oğlumun son sınavda aldığı NOT iyi mi? Öğretmen: NOT iyi. Ama sınıfta (naughty) YARAMAZ. HAYLAZ bir öğrenci


fruitful (Trut'fıl) : verimli

İngiliz kabzımal anlaşma yapmak için dolaştı­ ğı meyve bahçelerinden birini çok beğenince: "FRUİT FULL bütün ağaçlar meyve dolu, (fruitful) Ne kadar da VERİMLİ! Sahibiyle derhal anlaşmalıyım" diye sevinir.

,wiii TEST: Aşağıdaki İngilizce sözcüklerin karşısına Türkçe anlamlarını yazınız..

fatique (fıtig'I eke out (îk aut) gingerlv (cin’cırli)

sue (su) barter (b a r ' t ı r ) co i n p r o m i se (k a m ' p rı m a y z ) trash (traş)

ap titu d e (ap'tıtud) nau gh t (n ö ’ti) f ru itfu l ( f r u t ’ fıl)



İşte senaryo tekniği ve karikatürler yardımı ile yabancı soyut sözcükleri gayet kolay bir şekilde hatırladığınızı görüyorsunuz. Hiç kuşkusuz ilk dene­ mede tüm yanıtların doğru olması beklenemez. Önce yukarıda sözünü etti­ ğimiz senaryo tekniğinin mantığını kavramanız gerekmektedir. Senaryolarda verilen ipuçlarını dikkatle değerlendirmeniz ve karikatürlerle bağlantılar kur­ manız sayesinde İngilizce'deki SOYUT ANLAMLI SÖZCÜKLERİ ÇOK RAHAT bir şekilde öğreneceksiniz.

Kelini,c [:~hcrlcUii Km ^ usliI Sözlük

oppress Opres") : baskı yapmak: yormak: zulmetmek oppress = subdue. subjugate. crush. sııppress. \envhelm. o\erpo\ver. tyrannize oppress x free : serbest bırakmak Yıldızları bir türlü barışmayan iki sinema sanatçısı aralarında tartışırken, biri diğerine: "BAS­ KI YAPMAK için (oppress) OOO PRESSİ mi kullanıyorsun?" diye söylenir, press: basın

For years now. the people have been oppressed by a ruthless dictatoı. He criticized the school tor trying to subdue individua! expression. They vvondered vvhere Mitler vvould îurn when he had subjugated Europe, The president called upon the army to help crush the rebellion, The Hungarian uprising in 1956 was suppressed by the Soviet Union. Government troops have ovenvhelmed the rebels. She was completely overpov/ered by the two men who aîtacked her He was one ot those school bullies who tyrannized the whole playground. ilhan freed the bird trom its cage. morbid (nıör'bîd) : hastalıklı: bozuk, ruhsal açıdan sağlıklı olmayan morbid = unhealthv, sick, diseased, un\vell, ilk off-colour, groggy morbid x healthy : sağlıklı BİT araştırması yapan bir uzman açıklamasında: "Bunlar MOR BİT (morbid) HASTALIKLI bir türdür" der.

He was a morbid individual, always talking about strange and horrible murders Don’t lets get too morbid. They eat a lot of unhealihy iood. Cindy is very sick. Her liver was too diseased to iunction properiy. He has been teeling unvvell tor a while novv. "You are too ili to get out of the bedT he said She v/as too off-colour to go to school. I was groggy for two weeks. Healthy children have lots oi energy.


Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük

’ş.fTiÇ) gauge (jgeyc) : ölçmek; tartm ak , tahm in etmek '— J

gauge = measure, weigh, determine, evaluate. estimate, cîıeck, calculate, appraise, judge, assess

Gelişim çağındaki çocukların boylarını ÖLÇEN ve TARTAN uzman doktor, şakacı bir çocu­ ğu tekrar karşısında görünce: "Oğlum sen GEÇ!!! (gauge) seni ÖLÇTÜM, TARTTIM ya!” di­ ye söylenir.

A înermometer gauges the ternperaîure, Rana gauged the height of the tunnel with her eyes. Can you gauge what her reaction is likely to be? The men measured the fence. He weighed the ideas in his mind. We should first try to determine how much it is going to cost. Artisiic talent is extremely diniculi to evaluate. İt was difficult to estimate the cost ot building a new one. He looked for a clock to check the time. The scientists calculated when the spacecraft would reach the moon She took a moment to appraise the situation before deciding hovv to act As a vvriter, she is difficult to assess. dizzy (dîz’i) : başını d ö n d ürm ek , sersemletm ek; düşüncesiz, dikkatsiz dizzy = confuse, bevvilder, daze, befuddle, baffle; foolish, silly dizzy x reiiable : güvenilir DİZİnden amelivat olan bir futbolcu: "DİZİmin ağrısı (dizzv) BASIMI DÖNDÜRÜYOR, beni adeta SERSEMLETİYOR!" diye şikâyet eder.

They had been dizzied by the pace of technological change. She sîarted to feel dizzy and had to iie down. His sudden change in mood compleiely confused her. A new environment can bewilder and frighten a child. The collision dazed me for a while. but I soon recoverea. They never tnoughî that seniliîy could ever befuddle their senses. The disappearance of the suspeci baffled the poliçe. That was a foolish ihing to do. He gave a silly ansvver. He is such a reiiable friend I know he vvill keep his oromise.

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük pluckv (plAk’i) : yürekli, yiğit, cesur plucky = courageous, brave, valiant. bolci, heroic, fearless, daring pluckv x cowardlv : korkak Müzik eleştirmenleri en son çıkan bir PLAK hakkında eleştiri yaparlarken: "Bu PLAK İYİ (plucky) içindeki şarkıları bestelemek için YÜREKLİ, CESUR olmak lazım” diye görüş bil­ dirirler.

The dog was rescued from the river by two plucky kids. But for the actions of a few courageous individuals, we might ali have died. We must remember the thousands of brave men and wornen who died for freedom. Despite their valiant efforts, doctors were unable to save the child's life, Gustav MAHLER was one of the boidest and most innovative composers of his day. Amy Johnson is famous for her heroic solo flight from Britain to Australia in 1930. Sanem was a fearless and outspoken woman who condemned ali violence. He would often do very foolish things just to prove how daring he was They are guilty of a cowardly failure to address the prob­ lem. spark (spark) : harekete geçirmek, teşvik etmek, kışkırtmak spark = stimulate, activate, kindle, animate, iııspire, start, excite Uzay yolu adlı dizideki rolü ile Mr. SPAK çocuklardaki uzay merakını (spark) HAREKETE GEÇİRDİ, TEŞVİK ETTİ.

The speaker's aim was to spark the reformers ınto action (=cause them to act). The government plans to cut taxes in order to stimulate the economy. The alarm is activated by the lightest pressure. Her imagination was kindled (= started to work) by the exciting stories her grandmother told her. An identical expression of amusement animated their faces. Captain Scott’s example inspired them to reach the So­ uth Pole on foot. They started building the house in June. The thought of their holiday excited them greatly.

4 jrfîT f

kelime Ezberleten kurenycu kozluk ralh (ral'iı : can land ırm ak . düzene »irmek: iyileşmeye \iiz tutmak rıılly = reeo\er, recuperate. perk up. revive. inıprove. get better. puil through. lirin» through ra iiy \ vvorsen : kötüleş! tirlmek

Formula i RALLİ varışları bir ülkenin turizmini (rallyı CANLANDIRMAK için gereklidir.

The nurse said my mother had rallied after a poor nighi. İt took her a long vvhile io recover after her heart operation He went to îhe mountains to recuperate (his strengîh). You need a holiday to perk you up. My plants revived as soon as I gave them a little vvater. He did a lot to improve conditions for factory vvorkers The first part ot îhe book is pretty boring but it gets bet­ ler as îhe sîory goes on. For some weeks we vvondered if Mother would pul! thro­ ugh her illness. The doctor brought my father through a serious illness. The situation has vvorsened. define (difajn'l : tarif etmek: sınırlamak, tay in etmek define = deseribe, explain, spell out. specify, delineate. outline, limit, restrict "DEFİNE nasıl bulunur?" diye bir soru sorulunca konunun uzmanı: "DEFİNE bulmak mı (define) bu işi TARİF ETMEK; SINIRLAMAK hiçte kolay değil" der. İt is impossible to define (= knovv and State) exac!ly what makes him so attractive. Your role in îhis project will be strictly defined (= limited

to particuiar areas). He deseribed îhe painting in deîail The teacher explained îhe rules to îhe teacner, Please spell out what you mean. I don t auiîe unaersîand She did not specify reasons for resigning. A good manager should be abie to delineate tasks İn a strucîured vvay. AH BAYÜLKEN outlined îheir responsibilities. 1shall limit my discussion to an analysis of the sales figures. Journallsts should try to restrict themselves to reporting fairly and honestly what has reaiiy happened.

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sbzliik



o\erstate (ovırsteyt'ı : abartmak usitl bbzlıik




I know Ali was only trying to help, but he was inadvertently adding to our problems by phoning us up ali the time. a) inattentively b) unhesitatedly c) thoughîlessly d) Inconclusively e) unınterruptedly Yelda greeted me equivocally and asked if she was in the place. a) ambiguously b) dubiously

c) irresolutely

d) undoubiedly

e) unavoidably

Revision Test 4 Vocabulary çalışması 1 drovvned, wrecked, 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

shatîered, outskirts,

withdrawals, adults,

appropriately, approachable,

appropriate, vvithin

The factory is in / on th e .............of New Delhi. İt wouldn't b e .............for me to comment. Those children arerı’t ............. dressed for this cold weather. The new conductor is always v e ry .................... ......why don't you talk the problem över with him? .............pay an admission charge but children get in free. The bank became suspicious after several large ............. v/ere made from his accourıt in a single week. We recomrnend that this wine should be consum ed.............six months. The e xplosion .............nearby windows and wrecked four cars. He has been warned that his behaviour m ig h t.............his chances of promotion He feel in to the river a n d ..............

Revision Test 4 Vocabulary çalışması 2 upperhand, make no mistake abouî it mistrust, worthwhile, integrity,

insurmountable, mismanage,

upwards monopolized. misquote

1) Ömer to preserve h is ............ as an actor, he refused several lucrative Hollywood offers. 2) The new government faces a lm o s t........... difficulties in its alttempt to ünite its country's people. 3) Meriç had a long wait, but it w a s .............because she got the tickets. 4) İt is not surprising the company’s in d e b t............it has been completely 5) The PM complained that the nevvspapers h a d .............him / his speech. 6) Yeşim keeps her money at home because she has a g re a t.............of ali the banks. 7) If we don’t finish the job today they vvon’t pay u s ;............. 8) Şükrü com pletely.............the conversation last night; Şinasi and ilhan couldn’t get a word in edgevvays! 9) Costs are m o vin g ............. 10) After many hours fighting we began to gain / get th e ............

kelime Ezberleten Kur ıra!


Revision Test 3. 4 Word formaîion çalışması 1) I found her lying on the floor, drunk a n d ............... (sense) 2) Sadly, high levels of e co n o m ic............. tend to breed racial hatred and intolerance. (secure) 3) This cerlificate is an important, and should be k e p t...............(secure) 4) A n ............. socialisf, he is passionafely against ali forms of privatizations. (construct) 5) His speech earned h im .............criticism from the opposition parties. (restrain) 6) The paper's editör has adrnitted the accusaîions vvere unfounded and apologized .............to the senatör, (reserve) 7) N. Mandela will be remembered as an .............opponent of racial diserimination. (relenf) 8) The poliçe visited the nightclub on two occassions after complaints o f .............by nearby residents. (unruly) 9) There have been allegations that he approved ............. practices as direetor of the now-defunct bank, (sound) 10) The nevo bridge is one of several said to be s tru c tu ra lly.............in some degree. (sound) 11) Such a n .............political elimate inevitably discourages foreign investment. (settle) 12) Actors' reputations have been made a n d .............on this London stage. (make) 13) İt is fairiy entertaining as films go but i would not deseribe it a s ...............(miss) 14) A n .............mission to the planet Mars is planned for next year. (man) 15) Of course there were one or tw o .............problems along the way but eventually we got the project finished. (look) 16) Shots like this have earned Michael PLATİNİ his reputation a s .............goal scorer. (err) 17) The u n io n 's .............rejeetion of the latest pay offer vvill almost certainly lead to further strikes. (equivocal) 18) The contest was very ...........................the other team was far stronger than us. (even)

Revision Test 5 Find the right word çalışması 1) She w a s .............as a laboratory assistant. a) taken on


b) taken orf

c) taken in

d) taken after

e) taken över

d) Siyly

e) Desperately

............. you have heard the news? a) Overly

b) Presumably

c) Unduly

3) She has been in bed with the flu and she is stili a b i t .............on her feet. a) unsteady

b) prevailling

c) cripple

d) cusîomary

e) combative

d) compromise

e) come to an end

4) Everyone vvhishes the war vvould.............soon. a) look upon

b) come up with c) cripple

5) A heavy piece of machinery fell on him a n d .............him for life. a) crippled

b) came up vvitrı c) brought into erfect

d) took on e) obiained


Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusu! Sözlük

6) Scoît died whiie he was on a n /a .............to the Antarctic in 1912. a; preservation b) expediîion c) legisaiion d) provision e) range 7) The poliçe have appointed a /a n .............officer to encourage liasion with the local community. a) liasion b) intervention c) basin d) expedition e) borough 8) Decisions about trade agreements are o fte n .............poiitical consideıations. a) come up vviih b) bounded up with c) taken on d) crippled e) taken in 9) The new government promised t o .............against cigarette advertising. a) cripple b) compromise c) exploit d) appeal e) iegislate 10) We would now like to broaden/widen th e ............. of the enquiry and look at more general matters. a) provision b) legislation c) borough d) expedition e) scope

Revision Test 5 Synonym çalışması 1) Many people were injured in the vicious fighting that broke out betvveen the demonstrators and the poliçe. a) wicked b) inexplorable c) constant d) prevailling e) innovative 2) I have had this constant headache ever since I vvoke up this moming. a) inexplorable b) prevailling c) innovative d) wicked e) invariable 3) We stayed in the best hotel in town. a) borough b) preservation c) provision d) exploitation e) detection 4) We want to preserve the character of the borough while improving the facilities. a) detect b) conserve c) innovate d) resolve e) decide 5) She was an imaginative and innovative manager (=full of new ideas). a) contemporary b) conservative c) unruly d) unseasonable e) surplus 6) İt is too early to aşsess the long-term consequences of the collapse of the Soviet Union. a) innovate b) conserve c) detec d) resolve e) appraise 7) We didn’t really focus upon any specific area - we just talked generally about the problem. a) rear b) ascribe c) adjourn d) envisage e) concentrato 8) No one vvas seen in the vicinity at the time of the murder. a) negbourhood b) conundrum c) conviction d) conversion e) convention 9) They are using that hail to hold their party convention a) conundrum b) meeting c) conviction d) vicinity e) borough 10) By ali means cali me if you need help. a) of course b) by no means c) by any means d) at any cost e) at ali costs.

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sbzlıik


Revision I est 5 Antonym çalışması

D 2)

3) 4) 5) 6)

7) 8)

9) 10 )

A car is a concrete object, but speed is not. a) tangible b) absîract c) convenieni d) unruiy e) unseasonable The roorn must be kept at a unifojm temperature. a) everı b) regular c) uneven d) surplus e) prevailing We will have to look at the offer in the iight of prevailing circumstances. a) unruiy b) tangible c) unmanned d) rare e) prevalenî There is stili no Valid evidence tlıat supports your theory. a) baseless b) legal c) official d) real e) lavvful The vveather has completely vyrecked our plans. a) devastated b) built c) adorned d) inflieted e) held back Do it atjönce! a) right away b) later c) unruiy d)unearthly e) desperately Try not to mess up your new dress before the party. e) mar a) purge b) pollute c) soil d) muck up There was a palpable tension between the two groups. e) unequivocal a) lucid b) unclear c) rare d) austere His books are alvvays full of turgid prose. e) plain a) pompous b) purfy c) prevalent d) rhetorical I knew it vvould be tedious. a) dull b) dreary c) vivacious d) mischievous e) arid

Revision Test 5 Vocabulary çalışması surreptitiously, lucrative, revivify, 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

scale, revoked, deadline

scope, sum,


reservation, hemispheres, stood out

T h e .............of thirteen and eight is twenty-one. A .............meeting of OPEC leaders was called to find a solution to the oil crisis. S h e .............searehed through her husband's desk. Ali accepted my advice vvithout............... H is .............of values is different from mine. l’m afraid that problem is beyond / ouside th e ............. of my lecture. She has a ............. business selling leather goods. İt would need a leader with real charisma t o ............. the political party. He had his lice n ce ............... l’m afraid you have missed th e ............. , so your application can not be considered. 11) The main part of the brain is divided into the left and rihgt cerebal hemispheres. 12) We had lots of good applicants for the job, but o n e .............from ( = was much better than) the rest.


Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük

Revision Test 5 Word Formation çalışması 1) The last few years have seen th e .............of many industries previously owend by the State, (privatize) 2) Nobody can b e .............blame. (exclude) 3) Volunteers will receive information about architecture and h is to ric ....... ....... (preserve) 4) The government faces a lm o s t.............difflculties in its attempt to ünite its country’s people. (surmount) 5) Too little exercise isn’t the only cause of heart disease but it's certainly a ............. factor. (contribute) 6) The member nations voted on th e .............banning whaling. (resolve) 7) None of us have any d o u b ts .............your ability to do the work. (regard) 8) The drug is ............. in the body for up to three days after it has been taken. (detect) 9) The government has a n .............econonıic policy and is determined to cut unemployment by 50%. (intervene) 10) l’m afraid the members won’t find ali these changes v e ry ...............(palate) 11) Technology can enhance o u r .............of fossil fuels. (exploit) 12) What is y o u r.............of her chances of winning? (assess) 13) The European Parliament will have g re a te r.............povvers. (legislate) 14) A T exas.............has proposed stricter sentences for drug offenders. (legislate) 15) The ............. of her poems means that sfıe is able to reach a wide audience. (access) 16) What she is saying i s .............true. (substantial) 17) Their business plans were ruined by th e .............of inflation. (ravage) 18) Will you confirm y o u r.............in writing by Friday, please? (reserve) 19) They accepted the p la n ...............(reserve) 20) She has taken a /a n .............dislike to me. (conceal) 21) The laws and decrees of the State had to be obeyed. (condition) 22) Drug smugglers constantly use th e ir .............to find new ways of getting drugs into a country. (ingenious) 23) The book has s o ld .............large number of copies. (conceive) 24) We were baffled by th e .............of the message. (comprehend) 25) S h e .............in local politics during the 70s. (come)

Revision Test 6 Find the right word çalışması 1) The country’s coffee crop w a s .............by the floods. a) svvayed b) taken on c) assigned d) reared e) devastated 2) George has adopted a n d .............two children. a) reared b) recalled c) flared up d) svvayed e) denounced 3) The ............. of our trip to New York was going to the top of the Empire State Building. a) fusion b) highlight c) scarcity d) fare e) disorder

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük


4) The company has b e e n .............pressure on me to get another qualification a) sv/aying b) rearina c) rlaring up d) denouncing e) exeriing 5) ............., I think we should accept their offer. a) Lengthily b) Pertinenily c) Prorusely d) Publicly e) Concisely 6) The minisler made a .............defence of the government’s policies. a) profuse b) modest c) infrequent d) vigorous e) gloomy 7) S h e .............wanted a child. a) moderalely b) pertinently c) lengthily d) profusely e) desperately 8) The design has be e n .............to improve fuel consumption. a) modified b) extinguished c) scattered d) swayed e) devoted 9) This dictionary is first a n d .............a learning tool. a) moderate b) foremost c) vigorous d) gloomy e) infreguent 10) A n ........... majority have voted in favour of the proposal. a) susceptible b) overvvheiming c) vigorous d) gloomy e) cosîly

Revision Test 6 Synonym çalışması 1) İt worTt be easy, but vve’ll get across the river somehovv. a) someway b) unrecognizably c) susceptibly d) obligingly e) tactfully 2) We have assigned Chris to the advertising campaign. a) set up b) caught up with c) appointed d) receded e) irnposed 3) He recaljed that he had sent a letter över a month ago. a) receded b) looked back c) irnposed d) set up e) got away 4) Thanks tor the offer but I vvon’t stay the night - I don’t want to impose on you. a) exploit b) get avvay c) look back d) recede e) assign 5) Nothing could extinquish his love tor her. a) suppress b) compromise c) impose d) make sacrificee) exploit 6) Increasing number of people in hig-powered jobs are suffering form fatigue and stress-related illnesses. a) fare b) clumsiness c) residence d) disorder e) tiredness 7) She is one of the foremost experts on child psychology. a) vigorous b) supreme c) decent d) permaneni e) cautious 8) The two presidents have had candid talks about the current crisis. a) honest b) irresistible c) supreme d) vigorous e) cautious 9) She felt an overvvhelming urge/desire to teli someone about what had happened. a) inestimable b) irresistible c) supreme d) vigorous e) cautious 10) The factory is gearing up for increased production with nevv machines. a) preparing b) svvaying c) devastating d) assigning e) exploiting

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük


Revision Test 6 Ântonym çalışması 1) She asserted her right to speak in her own defence. a) denied b) installed c) ascended d) compromised e) invaded 2) I shall list my objections to ihe plan in ascending order of importance. a) incıeasing b) d\vindling c) compromising d) installing e) invading 3) They tried to intimidate her into doing what they wanted. a) frighten b) encourage c) get at d) dvvindle e) assert 4) He studied very hard in school so that he could get ahead in his studies. a) get at b) give away c) take up d) retrogress e) dwindle 5) A child’s development can be curbed by poor nutrition. a) fostered b) got at c) taken up d) dvvindled e) asserted 6) He can’t evade doing his military service forever. a) set about b) intimidate c) give away d) elude e) face 7) The military backed government severely curtaiied trade union rights, freedom of speech and public spending. a) lengthened b) undervvent c) set about d) condemned e) intimidated 8) The children took up the song when the singer asked them to join in. a) undervvent b) differentiated c) took över d) stopped e) got ahead 9) The peace talks have been suspended indefinitely. a) invaded b) continued c) differentiated d) eluded e) incurred 10) The production of the play has incurred the anger of both audiences and the eritics. a) exposed b) avoided c) suspended d) compromised e) set about

Revision Test 6 Vocabulary çalışması 1 consolidate, whereby,

surplus, invade,

fictitious, revoke,

hold back, dwell on,

landslide, landmarks

1) The v/orkers built banks of earth t o ............. the rising of the flood waters. 2) İt is no u s e .............the past. 3) İn our report we have u s e d ............. names for the people concerned in the incident, in order to protect them. 4) His successful negotiations with the Americans help him t o .............his position in the government. 5) The government has authorized the army to seli i t s .............vveapons. 6) The government h a s .............its permission for them to enter the country. 7) We need to devise some şort of syste m .............people can iiaise with each other. 8) Hundreds of squatters have ............. waste land in the hope that they wil! be allovved stay. 9) His popularity has fallen dramatically since he won a .............victory last year. 10) I couldn’t pick up a n y ............ in the dark and completely lost.

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük

Revision Test 6 Vocabulary çalışması 2 deprived, prejudiced,

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

ıınderestimate, mould,

unduly, Shareholders,

invoke, Share,

crippled. solidly

Our attempts to help these people find jobs have been.............. Poliçe can............ the law of irespass to regulate access to these places. He asserted that he had been............of his freedom, He didn’t seem............ concerned about his vvife’s health. You shouldn’t ............ the difficulties of getting ali the political parties to the conference table. His unhappy childhood has............him against having children. ............ vvill be voting on the proposed merger of the companies next week. ............prices showed little change today. You can not............ the character of a cat. My colleagues are........... behind me on the critic issue.

Revision Test 6 Word Formation çalışması 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20)

She has never behaved very..............(depend) Oscar Wilde was a vvriter famous in his day for his............ wit. (devastate) We are a li............ grateful for your help and encouragenıent. (profound) Unemployment has been............estimated at 70%. (officiate) i find raw fish completely..............(palate) The smell was............ irresistible. (utter) Why b e ............ about that old coat? (sentiment) He told them............ to leave him in peace. (oblige) Her sudden ............ from the championship caused a lot of press speculation about her health. (withdraw) Following her husband’s death, she became quiet and ............and rarely went out. (withdraw) ............use of the drug is known to have harmful side-effects. (prolong) The compnay............ apologized and agreed to contribute some money to charity. (public) The............of coal from these deep mines is expensive. (extract) Each part of the organization operates............of the others. (independent) She was arrested for behaving............ at a cricket match. (decent) Technology has had an ............impact on society. (reserve) if you take this drug över a long period, it can lead to memory loss, confusion, ............and even depression. (irritate) The ship has been............ damaged. (repair) They agreed that he acted..............(response) The talks have become............with both sides refusing to compromise any further. (reconcile)


Kelime Ezberleteli Kurgusu! Siizliik

21) His argument is virtually..............(refute) 22) The evidence is ..............(deıiy) 23) These forgeries are so good that they are more or less............from the originals. (distinguish)

Revision Test 7 Find the right word çalışması 1) She has............ a brilliant seheme to double her income.

a) come up with b) suspended c) put out d) fallen off e) tackled 2) The new conductor is a very............musician. a) philanthropic b) gifted c) unsuspected d) insane e) dotty 3) He has a ............ seheme to marry a wealthy widow. a) discernible b) sophisticated c) gifted d) under privileged e) mercenary 4) The prisoner’s good behaviour will b e ............ wherı the length of his imprisonment is being decided. a) taken into account b) laken down c) put out d) come up vvith e) fallen off 5) If our industries shy away from............ , we will never compete successfully vvith other countries. a) asset b) sanetion c) innovation d) pension e) flair 6) The new spokesman has a great............ for public sepaking. a) flair b) pension c) sanetion d) asset e) obesity 7) Trade/economic............ will only be lifted when the aggressor nation withdraws its troops. a) asset b) flair c) irritation d) boay e) sanetions 8) He gave a ............ vvarning about the likelihood of there being an earthquake. a) obnoxious b) subversive c) dire d) articulate e) devout 9) He has some............ manners, bu he is reliable. a) prosperous b) articulate c) gifted d) philanthropic e) obnoxious 10) Such memories exist only on / at the........... level. a) obnoxious b) subversive c) philanthropic d) subconscicus e) gifted

Revision Test 7 Synonym çalışması 1) The new charges will come into effect next April. a) get out of fıand b) put out c) fail off d) run through e) come into force 2) Both sides in the conflict have agreed temporarily to suspend hostilities. a) shelve b) detect c) adopt d) apply e) resume 3) The difficult elass got out of hand when an inexperienced teacher was put in charge. a) run through b) put out c) got out of control d) come into force e) fell off 4) I was somevvhat put out when the audience laughed loudly. a) irritated b) implemented c) indulged d) resumed e) shelved 5) Although there was hardly any food, our troops resisted for a week. a) rounded up b) held out c) broke up d) fell off e) resumed

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük 6) He speaks fluent Chinese. a) dire b) subversive c) giüed d) articuiaıe e) unsouna 7) VVİth discovery of new historical sites, tourist business in our town is bpoming. a) thriving b) suspending c) enrolling d) putting out e) running through 8) These people are in dire need of Help, a) subversive b) terrible c) prosperous d) devout e) giüed 9) The fasfıion industry is always desperate to innovate. a) asset b) change c) shelve d) body e) fiair 10) He stopped to take a sip of water and then resumed speaking. a) put out b) got out of control c) run through d) renevved e) held out

Revision Test 7 Antonym Çalışması D I have told you a million times not to exaqqerate. 2)

3) 4) 5) 6)

7) 8)

9) 10 )

a) magnify b) infiale c) understate d) oppress e) subdue The dog was rescued from the river by two piucky kids. a) brave b) valiant c) fearless d) covvardly e) unheaiihy They eat a lot of unhealthy food. a) morbid b) healthy c) valiant d) covvardly e) terrific His latest song is terrific. a) ordinary b) tremendous c) intense d) valiant e) covvardly We were foolish to buy such an expensive house. a) inane b) ordinary c) covvardly d) brave e) sensible Having missing the last bus we had to set off walking. a) oppress b) revivify c) set out d) arrive e) set fourîh Don’t vvorry about me l can look after myself. a) mind b) set out c) oppress d) keep an eye on e) neglect Don't mention her hairstyle. She’ll probably take örtence. a) offend b) insult c) set out d) piease e) keep an eye on I hate and despjse that kind of cruel behaviour. a) respect b) scorn c) disdain d) offend e) keep an eye on Good teachers should ask questions that stimujate the children to think. a) animate b) depress c) enliven d) activaie e) set out

Revision Test 7 Vocabulary çalışması assets, resume,

resurreetion. cheerfully,

comes up, retaliated,

afforded. aftermath,

prove, aff licted

1) Let u s ............ where we left off. 2) VVhen they refused to allovv our exports into their country, w e ............by putting a tax on goods from their country. 3) The plan has now been dropped, with little hope of of the recession. 4) Large numbers of businesses went bankrupt in the


Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük

5) Her s e a t.............her an uninterrupted view of the stage. 6) He i s .............with severe rheumatism.

7) Do you think the new manager w ill............ more amenable to our proposals? 8) We capitalized ( = sold) our............to avoid bankruptcy, 9) She walked down the road, whistling.............. 10) Let me know if anything interesting.............

Revision Test 7 Word formation çalışması 1) The............of fighting is to take effect at 6 am on Monday. (suspend) 2) Refine giriş are often drawn t o ............ men. (refine) 3) There has been no ............ change in the patient’s condition for several days. (detect) 4) He is a skilful writer, but not a n ............... (innovate) 5) He works slovvly and............ vvhereas I tend to rush things and make mistakes. (precise) 6) Fashions change quite..............(predict) 7) The boys till spoke both ianguages a s ............ as ever, (fluent) 8) These methods have been............tested över many years. (rigorous) 9) Even............children fail to progress vvithout good teaching. (gift) 10) Modern vveapons have an extremely high............force. (destroy) 11) The old school was bought and............ turned into a hotel. (subsequent) 12) He has very............neighbours. (oblige) 13) The car has been vvorking............since Ali repaired it. (superb) 14) The government h as.............control of the Capital frorrı lebel forces. (gain)

15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23)

Her ability is ............, but l’m not so sure about her experience. (question) The............question is how long this war is going to last. (answer) For some............reason they built the toilet next to the kitchen. (fathom) The charity raises money for holidays for the..............(privilege) He won a ............to study at Eton. (sholar) it is an institution to vvhich young............are sent instead of prison. (offend) She’s ............of being on her own in the house at night. (pertify) He vvas vvearing a rather............pink and yellovv shirt. (taste) The vveakness of the opposition has allovved the present government eigfıt .............years in Office, (interrupt)

24. One of the good things about Ali is that you can alvvays rely on his............enthusiasm. (fail)


E zb e rle te n

Kurgusal Sözlük

Revision Test 8 Find the right worcJ çalışması 1) Thousands of new businesses h a v e .............in the past couple of years.

a) sprung up

b) set free

c) set by

d) banned

e) averred

2) M y ....... .....would never allovv me to wear a fur coat.

a) dilemma

b) deterioration

c) muiineer

d) relief

e) conscience

3) There is n o .............reason why this should be the case.

a) predominant

b) discernible

c) benevolent

d) philanthropic e) precipitous

4) Property shares h a ve .............rapidly.

a) set free

b) set by

c) depreciated d) resumed

e) vvresiled

5) Smoking i s .............in this restaurant.

a) sprung up

b) utiiized

c) wrestled

d) banned

e) depreciated

6) The fa c t.............that she was older than she clairned.

a) banned

b) utiiized

c) depreciated d) vvrestled

e) emerged

7) Many p eople .............the sun’s energy to make electricity for their homes.

a) utilize

b) ban

c) depreciate

d) emerge

e) aver

8) .............readers understood the book's hidden meaning.

a) Fierce

b) Conscientious

c) Benevolent

d) Precipitous e) Sophisiicated

9) Large numbers of businesses went bankrupt in th e .............of the recession.

a) immunizaiion b) phase 10)

c) conscience d) aftermath

e) utilization

We a re ........... a new project later this year.

a) depreciating

b) embarking upon

c) banning

e) averring

e) embroidering

Revision Test 8 Synonym çalışması 1) Don’t yeli at me like that! a) shout

b) explore

c) prejude

d) explore

e) yield

2) I had privilege of interviewing Picasso in the 1960 s. a) relief

b) exemption

c) exploration

d) philanthropy e) troop

3) He was a benevolent old man, he wouldn’t hurt a fly. a) mercenary

b) notable

c) predominant

d) stringent

e) philanthropic

d) slyly

e) jointly

4) İt will be a mutually beneficial project. a) retrogressively b) overwhelmingly c) respectively

5) Getting both sides to agree was a notable achievement. a) remarkable

b) stringent

c) mercenary

d) barren

e) philanthropic

6) A quilty conşcience was preventing her from sleeping at night. a) relief

b) exemption

c) moral sense

d) orbit

e) mutineer

7) Have you ascertained vvhether she’s coming or not? a) yeiled

b) offended

c) explored

d) found out

e) ascended

8) Fish struggle for survival when the water level drops in the lake, a) vvrestle

b) yeli

c) yield

d) find out

e) ascended

d) banned

e) emerged

9) The lavvyer averred her client’s innocence. a) yeiled


b) asserted

c) found out

She was banned from driving for two years. a) yeiled

b) averred

c) vvrestled

d) aggravated e) forbidden


Kelime biberleten Kurgusal Sözlük


Revision Test 8 Ântonym çalışması 1) İt was, in the vvords of the judge, a malevolent act which must be severely punished. a) impractical

b) predominant

c) reekless

d) notable

e) philanîhropic

2) İt was most generous of you to lend me the money. a) liberal

b) mercenary

c) discernible

d) reekless

e) barren

3) Opposition to the new plan has sprung up in some political groups. a) revolved

b) embarked

c) disappeared

d) chartered

e) possessed

4) The political situation in the region has detengrated markedly/steadily. a) ascertained

b) improved

c) averred

d) applied

e) embarked

5) There is stili no discernible improvement in the economic situation. a) precipitous

b) reekless

c) liberal

d) philanthropic

e) imperceptible

6) The PM is clearly in a dilemma över how to tackle the crisis. a) conscience

b) orbit

c) ease

d) phase

e) temperament

7) He was found guilty of reekless driving and fined $ 1000, and disquaiified from driving for three months. a) careful

b) precipitous

c) discernible

d) mercenary

e) liberal

8) The company has suffered from a precipitous decline in orders. a) steep

b) gradual

c) mercenary

d) malevolent

e) reekless

9) I know you don’t like Helen, but there is no need to make it so obvious (to everyone). a) conspicuous


b) glaring

c) concealed

d) steep

e) precipitous

The new machine is extremely intricate and very difficult to repair. a) sophisticated

b) primiiive

c) steep

d) malevolent

e) precipitous

Revision Test 8 Vocabulary çalışması 1 embarking on, benevolent, 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

immunized, aftermath,

privilege, adverse,

steep, notified,

resumed. augments

İt would be a .............to be taught by suciı a famous pianist. We are fortunate enough to live under a .............government. The government is ............. a new educational programme. H e .............his income by teaching in the evenings. There has been a ...... ...... inerease in prices. Children are ro u tin e ly.............against polio. Many more people died in th e .............of the explosion. They received a lot o f .............criticism/ publicity about the changes. Normal service will b e ........... as soon as possible. Has everyone be e n ............ of the decision?

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük

Revision Test 8 Vocabulary çalışması 2 glaring, dilemma, 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

enterprises, figures.

rounded up, ceased,

temperament, possessed,

sophisîicated. akin

The degree to vvhich different people cope with stress depends on th e ir............. The report is full o f .............mistakes. The company h a s ............. trading in this part of the world. Their offer has put me in a bit of a ............. İn the autumn, the sheep have to b e ............ and counted The company is one of the la rg e s t............. of its kind. He was one of the leading p o litic a i............ of century. The fashion magazines show what the ............. woman is wearing this year. The poiice asked me if I .............a gun. His position in the Soviet System is ro u g fıly ............ to that of the US President's public relations adviser.

Revision Test 8 Word formation çalışması 1) There has been a continuing .............in the relations between the two countries. (deteriorate) 2) You must give the bank a w ritte n .............if you wish to elose your account. (notify) 3) She is an excellent student-bright, attentive a n d ...............(conscierıce) 4) S ensibie.............of the w orld’s resources must be given priority, (utiiize) 5) Public opinion seems to b e .............in favour of holding a referendum. (predominate) 6) The price of shares in the company d ro p p e d .............wiih the news of poor sales figures. (precipitous) 7) Ali i s .............taiented. (common) 8) İf the red flag goes dovvn you m u s t...............(cease) 9) Animals and plants a re .............evolving. (perpetuate) 10) For so m e .............reason she wants to marry him. (discern) 11) İf you really want the promotion, you wili have to be m o re ...............(assert) 12) l'm sorry l’m late; I w a s .............detained. (avoid) 13) A n .............idea is attractive because it is elever but simple. (elegance) 14) .............of the leaf allows us to see it in detail. (magnify) 15) l a m .............sure that this is the right address. (fair) 16) International measures have been taken to prevent the ............. of the whale, (exterminate) 17) They left the country out of fear o f .............(persecute) 18) The ............. of large amounts of money does not ensure your success vvith vvomen, but it may help. (possess) 19) Silk clothes are s o .............because you can't put them in the washing machine. (practice)


Kelime Ezberleten Kurgv.uıl Sözlük

20) Bob Dylan has a n .............talent for writing catchy melodies. (err) 21) The minister maintained what the coal -m ines w e re .............and would have to be elosed. (economize) 22) There is so m e .............över what the PM will say when he addresses the conference next week. (ease) 23) She i s .............cheerful no matter what the circumstances. (fail) 24) Due t o ............. circumstances the cost of the improvements has risen by twenty per çent, (foresee) 25) A great number of people.............carry the AIDS virüs. (know)

Cevap Anahtarları


Find the right w ord çalışm ası (501-525)

1) C 6) C

2) B 7) B

3) A 8) A

4) D 9) B

5) A 10) C

Synorıym çalışm ası (50-525)

1 )C 6) A

2) A 7) B

'3 ) B 8) C

4) C 9) A

5) E 10) D

A n io n y m ça lışm ası (501-525)

1) B 6) D

2) E 7) B

3) A 8) E

4) E 9) A

5) A 10) C

V o ca b u la ry çalışm ası (501-525)

1) 3) 5) 7) 9)

highly dizzied define intrusive cursed

2) terrific 4) rallied 6) lure 8) set aside 10) fancy

oppression 2) oppresively dizzing (= confusing) definable 5) definition meekly 7) terrificially oversîatement 9) alluring steer clear of (= keep away from)

Find the right w ord çalışm ası (526-550) 3) E 4) B 5) A 1 )C 2 )A

6) E

7) B

8) C

9) D

10) A

Synonym çalışm ası (526-550) 5) A 1) E 2 )A 3) B 4) C

6) B

7) C

8) D

9) A

10) E

A ntonym çalışm ası (526-550)

1) B 6) A

2 )A 7) E

3) D 8) C

4) E 9) B

5) B 10) A

V o cabu lary çalışm ası (526-550)

1) 3) 5) 7) 9) 11) 13) 15)

mismanageaI 2) overcharge set out 4) keep an eye on offends 6) despise invigorate 8) privilege 10) match take up vvithstand 12) interplay forth with 14) enduring constructive W ord fo rm a tio n çalışm ası

1) 3) 4) 6) 8) 10)

2) disobeyed underpriveleged 5) matchless 7) animated animatedly 9) excitedly 11)

congueror interaction animation animator scornful

Find the right w ord çalışm ası (551-575)

1) C 6) A

2) B 7) E

3) A 8) B

4) E 9) C

5) D 10) A

S yn o n y m çalışm ası (551-575)

1) A 6) B

2) C 7) A

3) E 8) D

4) D 9) A

5) C 10) D

A n to n y m çalışm ası (551-575)

1) B 6) A

2) D 7) B

3) A 8) C

4) E 9) D

5) C 10) A

V o ca b u la ry çalışm ası (551-575)

W ord fo rm a tio n ça lışm ası (501-525)

1) 3) 4) 6) 8) 10)

12) scornfully 13) disobedient 14) Disobedience 15) privelegcd

1) 3) 5) 7) 9) 11) 13) 15) 17) 19)

solid i.e. (= id est) leapt think back economize on laid on bail out receding harsh elude

2) 4) 6) 8) 10) 12) 14) 16) 18) 20)

namely, ebbed drew attention disperse alleged conducted argues censured depend on projected

W ord fo rm a tio n ça lışm ası (551-575)

1) 3) 5) 6) 8) 9)

trained 2) training stringently 4) stringency un acccompanied provider 7) fulmination indecent (= too much) indecently 10) solidly

Find the right w ord çalışm ası (576-600)

1) B 6) A

2) A 7) B

3) D 8) C

4) E 9) D

5) C 10) A

S yn o n y m çalışm ası (576-600)

1 )C 6) D

2) A 7) C

3) D 8) B

4) B 9) A

5) A 10) C

A n to n y m ça lışm ası (576-600)

1) B 6) B

2) A 7) E

3) C 8) E

4) D 9) A

5) A 10) D

V o ca b u la ry ça lışm ası (576-600)

1) 3) 5) 7) 9) 11) 13) 15)

census gingerly defiant capitulated ringleaders strengthen entreated nurture

2) 4) 6) 8) 10) 12) 14) 16)

malpractice ignites reigns alter failed brought off paid the ranson enforced

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük


17) 19)

pushed up mining

18) ill-treating 20) insane

Find the right w ord çalışm ası (626-650)

W ord fo rm atio n çalışm ası (576-600)

1) 3) 5) 7) 9) 11) 13) 15) 17) 19)

assurance assuredly nourishment easily enlargemenî achievement alteration sîarvation urgent motivation

2) assured 4) nourishing 6) capitulation 8) maltreatment 10) enforcemenî 12) failures 14) starving 16) ignition 18) urgently 20) moîivated

Find the right w ord çalışm ası (601-625)

1) A 6) D

2) C 7) A

3)E 8) B

' 4) B 9) C

5) A 10) D

S yn o nym çalışm ası (601-625)

1 )C 6) A

2) A 7) D

" 3) B 8) D

4) E 9) E

5) C 10) D

A n to nym çalışm ası (601-625)

1) E 6) A

2)B ' 3) A 7) D 8) D

4) E 9) E

5) C 10) B

V o ca b u la ry çalışm ası (601-625)

1) 3) 5) 7) 9) 11) 13) 15) 17) 19) 21) 23) 25)

backlash, literacy afford suing ails endure shaîtered repudiate facility zenith fastened hallucinations dragged

2) 4) 6) 8) 10) 12) 14) 16) 18) 20) 22) 24)

seal announced escalated driving put ouî minimal calm premiums Sturdy sickens fallacy sheer

W ord form ation çalışm ası (601-625)

1) 3) 5) 7) 9) 11) 13) 15) 17)

sealed off affirmative affordable escalaton ailment investment suffering shaîtered nauseating

2) 4) 6) 8) 10) 12) 14) 16) 18)

affirmation affirmatively escalation incitement ailing investor sufferers sedative nauseatingly

1) E 6) A

2) A 7) D

3)b" 8) C


4) C 9) A

5) E 10) E

S yn o n y m çalışm ası (626-650)

1) B 6) B

2) A 7) D

" 3) C 8) C

4) E 9) B

5) A 10) A

A n to n y m ça lışm ası (626-650)

1) B 6) A

2) E 7) E

J 3) A 8) C

4j C 9) D

5) D 10) A

V o ca b u la ry ça lışm ası (626-650)

1) particular 2) 3) obnoxious 4) 6) 5) virtue 8) 7) traded 10) 9) robust 12) 11) lastidious 14) 13) joyful 16) 15) fuss 17) reassurances 18) 19) eropped up 20) 21) augments 22) 23) outstanding 24) 25) irrational

nasty sins locate fail in with delicate sacked palaver horror occurs elashed with superb daunted

W ord fo rm atio n çalışm ası (626-650)

1) 3) 5) 7) 9) 11) 13) 15) 17) 19)

nastily baseless consiructors constructive opposiîion opposed endurable occupation occurrence engagements

2) 4) 6) 8) 10) 12) 14) 16) 18) 20)

sinful construction constructively merrily opposite enduance unendurable occupiers superbly encouragemeni

Find the right w ord çalışm ası (651-675)

1) C 2) A 3)EJ J 6) A 7) C 8) E S yn o n ym çalışm ası 1) A 2) E J 3) B 6) D 7) E 8) B

4) B 5) D 9) A 10) B (651-675) 4) C 5) A 9) A 10) C

A n to n y m ça lışm ası (651-675)

1) B 6) C

2) B 7) D

3) D 8) A

4) B 9) D

5) E 10) B

V o ca b u la ry ça lışm ası (651-675)

1) variable 3) slipped up 5) missed 7) derisory

2) attitude 4) trash 6) nil 8) yearn

kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük

9) remedy 11) heartless 13) chilling out 15) truiy 17) desert 19) defied 21) minör 23) step aside 25) Rubbish

10) 12) 14) 16) 18) 20) 22) 24)


fussy solidarity inept gainsaying earnesily repine zileh miscarries

9) 10) 12) 14) 16)

Find the right w ord çalışm ası (701-725)

1) E 6) A

abandoned daring rependant Hopefully hopelessness entertaining vvearily laughable variation misjudgement

2) abandonment 4) daringly 6) hopefui 8) hopeless 10) entertainer 12) entertainment 14) weariness 16) laughingly 18) variance 20) missing

Find the right w ord çalışm ası (676-700)

1) B 6) C

2) C 7) D

3) E 8) A

4) A 9) E

5) B 10) B

S yn o n y m çalışm ası (676-700)

1) C 2) B 6) E 7) A

J 3 )E 8) B

4) A 9) C

5) D 10) D

A n to nym çalışm ası (676-700)

1) B 6) B

2) A 7) E

2) C 7) C

3) E 8) D

4) A 9) B

5) B 10) E

S yn o nym çalışm ası (701-725)

W ord fo rm atio n çalışm ası (651-675)

1) 3) 5) 7) 9) 11) 13) 15) 17) 19)

pomposity/pompousness osîensibly 11) utilization allotment 13) ostracism sulky 15) sulkiiy resumption 17) plainly

3) D 8) A

4)E 9) C

5) A 10) E

V o ca b u la ry çalışm ası (676-700)

1) solitary 2) astute 4) entangled 3 i bleak 5) wrap 6) dazed 7) daunted 8) enunciaied polied 10i pompous osîensibie 12) shunned 13) utilize 14) alloied 15) shudders 16) ioafing aboui 17) bustled 18) osîracized 19) suiks 20) defiled 21) sağa 22) turgid 23) plain 24) arid 25) knocked backed W ord fo rm a tio n çalışm ası (676-700) 1i soiely 2) artfully 3i enîanglemenis 4) dazed 5) daunîiess 6) dauniing 7) enunciation 8) pompously

1) A 6) D

2) C 7) B

J 3 )B 8) C

4) E 9) E

5) A 10) A

A n to nym çalışm ası (701-725)

1) B 6) B

2) C 7) D

3) "D 8) A

4) A 9) C

5) E 10) B

V o ca b u la ry çalışm ası (701-725)

1) owe 3 ) disasters 5 ) neatly 7 ) severed 9 ) thorough 11) determined 13) dismissed 15) degrade 17) omen 19) disemble 21) heir 23) blemished 25) reîain

2) 4) 6) 8) 10) 12) 14) 16) 18) 20) 22) 24)

sensitive circulated systematically sketehy mischief summoned belligerent precious wan concerns rejoice mess up

W ord fo rm atio n çalışm ası (701-725)

1) poliution 2) 4) 3) biurry 6) 5) exultani 8) 7) obsessive 9) indicaîion 10) 12) 11) indicators 13) sensitive 14) 15) sensitiveness 16) 17) separable 18) 19) intention 20)

pollutants exultation obsession obsessively indicative owing sensitiveiy circuiation separation intentional

Find the right w ord çalışm ası (726-750)

1) B 2) C 3) A4) .E 5) C 6) A 7) B 8) D 9) C 10) E 11 i A 12) C 13; E S ynonym ça lışm ası (726-750) D E ” 2) A

6) A 11) D

7) D 12) C

” 3) C

4) E

5) B

8) A

0. 3

10) C

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük A n îo n ym çalışm ası (726-750)

1 )A 6) E 11) B

2) E 7) A 12) E

" 3) B 8) E

4) D 9) C

5) C 10) A

V o cab u lary çalışm ası (726-750)

1) 3) 5) 7) 9) 11) 13) 15) 17) 19) 21) 23) 25)

implemented bay prolific moderted enthusiasm intelligible affiliated barrister capacity Forthright stalK contradict cbief

2) 4) 6) 8) 10) 12) 14) 16) 18) 20) 22) 24)

fritter away gibbering ruffled traded at dexterous insubordinate defamed detained stand in line destiny yearned assets

W ord fo rm atio n çalışm ası (726-750)

1) 3) 5) 7) 9) 11) 13) 15) 17) 19)

execution executor exhaustion disconcerting lucidly fruitfully fruitlessness allied challenger Jailbirds

2) executive 4) exhausîible 6) exhausted 8) disconcertingly 10) lucidity 12) fruitlessly 14) Alliance 16) candidly 18) jailer 20) itching

m m

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük R evisio n Test 2 V o ca b u la ry çalışm ası 2

R evision T est 1 Find the right w ord çalışm ası

1) A 6) D 11) B

2) C 7) A 12) A

3) E 8) E

4) A 9) C

5) E 10) A

R evision T est 1 S yn o n y m çalışm ası

1) A 6) A

2) B 7) C

3) A 8) A

' 4) C 9) D

5) E 10) E

R evision T est 1 A n to nym çalışm ası

1) A 6) D 11) B

2) E 7) A 12) A

3) E 8) E

' 4) A 9) C

5) E 10) A

R evision T est 1 V o ca b u la ry ça lışm ası 1

1) 3) 5) 7) 9)

intervene lucrative tally undermines turn up

crew 2) step aside forthcoming 4) relied upon / on relinguished 6) equilibrium interveniionist 8) reimbursed deemed 10) consolidate

2) shortcoming 4) competition 6) eminent 8) overall non profıl-makıng nonchalance

1) 3) 5) 7) 9)

interventions unsound ineradicable infamou unerring

2) A 7) E 12) E

3) B 8) B

4) D 9) A

2) B 7) A

3) E 8) D

J 4) C 9) A

5) C

10) C

2) A 7) B

3) EJ 8) E

J 4) C 9) C

R evision T est 2 V o ca b u la ry ça lışm ası 1

1) 3) 5) 7) 9)

lazy honesty acquitted deliberate exceptional

2) probity 4) perplex 6) underrate 8) collapsed 10) prevented

inexhaustible pervasiveness unanimously unannounced

R evisio n Test 3 Find th e rig ht w ord çalışm ası

1) E 6) E 11) C

2) A 7) D 12) B

3) C 8) A 13) A

4) Â 9) E 14) C

5) B 10) C 1 5 )A

1) A 6) A

2) B 7) C

3) C 8) B

4) A 9) A

5) E 10) A

R e visio n T est 3 A n to n y m çalışm ası

5) E 10) E

R evisio n T est 2 A n to nym çalışm ası

1) E 6) D

unrest perpetration inexpressible irrigation unpredictable

R evisio n T est 3 S yn o n y m çalışm ası

R evision T est 2 S yn o nym çalışm ası

1) A 6) B

2) 4) 6) 8) 10)

15) unprepared 17) inhosptable unapproachable unansvverable 20) unattached 22) unaccompanied unaccountable

R evision T est 2 Find th e right w ord çalışm ası

1) E 6) A 11) C

plauging monopolized eminently overrode

R evision T est 1,2 W ord fo rm a tio n çalışm ası

14) 16) 18) 19) 21) 23) 24)

2) vvhence 4) make up for 6) elaborate 8) look after 10) run through

R evisio n T est 1 V o ca b u la ry çalışm ası 2

1) 3) 5) 7) 9)

1) 3) 5) 7) 9) 10)

5) B 10) A

1) A 6) B

2) B 7) C

3) C ' 4 )B 8) E 9) A

R evisio n T est 3 V o c a b u la ry çalışm ası 1

1) harsh

3) expire 5) nimble 7) lucrative 9) ludicrous

2) 4) 6) 8) 10)

vvhatsoever expired opponent lunatic legislaiure

R evisio n T est 3 V o c a b u la ry çalışm ası 2

1) opine 3) offended

2) overrides 4) deterred

5) A 10) A

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük


5) deter 7) demurred 9) eluded

15) 17)

6) deterioraîing 8) entrenching 10) revolce

eluding impulsive discrimination overheard gender

2) legendary 4) segregation 6) virtue 8) mob 10) ritual

R evision T est 4 Find th e right w ord çalışm ası 2) E 3) C 4) B 5) A 1) A 6) E 7) A 8) C 9) A 10) C 11) E 12) B

1) A 6) A

5) E 10) D

D E 6) E

R evisio n T est 4 A n to nym çalışm ası 2) D 3) B " 4) A 7) A 8) C 9) B

5) C 10) D

R evisio n T est 4 V o ca b u la ry çalışm ası 1

outskirts appropriately Adult vvithin vvrecked

2) appropriate 4) approachable 6) withardrawals 8) shattered 10) drovvned

R evision T est 4 V o cabu lary çalışm ası 2

1) 3) 5) 7) 8) 10)

integrity 2) insurmountable worthwhile 4) mismanaged misquoted 6) mistrust make on mistake about it monopolized 9) upvvards upperhand R evision Test 3,4 W ord fo rm atio n çalışm ası

1) insensible 3) securely 5) unrestrained 7) unrelenting 9) unsound 11) unsîetîled 13) unmissable

1) A 6) E

R evision T est 5 S yn o n y m çal ısm ası ' 4) B 2) E 3) A 8) A 9) B 7) E

5) A 10) A

1) B 6) B

R evision T est 5 A n to nym çalıışması 4) A 2) C 3) D 7) A 8) B 9) E

5) B 10) C

R evision T est 5 V o ca b u la ry çalışm ası

R evisio n T est 4 S yn o nym çalışm ası 2) B 3) A" " 4) A 7) B 8) D 9) E

1) 3) 5) 7) 9)

16) unerring 18) uneven

R evision T est 5 Fid the right w ord çalışm ası 4) E 2) B 3) A 5) A 1) A 7) A 8) B 9) E 10) E 6) B

R evision T est 3 V o ca b u la ry çalışm ası 3

1) 3) 5) 7) 9)

unlooked for unequivocal

2) insecurit 4) unreconstructed 6) unreservedly 8) unruliness 10) unsound 12) unmade 14) unmanned

1) sum 2) submit 3) surreptitiously 4) reservation 5) scale 6) scope 7) lucrative 8) revivify 9) revoke 10) deadline 11) hemispheres 1 2 )s ta n d o u t R evisio n T est 5 W ord fo rm a tio n çalışm ası D privatization

3) 5) 7) 9) 11) 13) 15) 17) 19) 20) 22) 24) 25)

2) excluded from preservation 4) insurmountable contributory 6) resolution regarding 8) detectable interventionist 10) palatable exploitation 12) assessment legislative 14) legislator accessibility 16) subsiantially ravages 18) reservation without reservation unconcealed 21) unconditionally ingenuity 23) inconceivably incomprehensibility came to the force R evisio n T est 6 Find the right w ord çalışm ası

1) E 6) D

2) A 7) E

3) B 8) A

4) E 9) B

5) E 10) B

R evisio n T est 6 S yn o n y m çalışm ası

T) A 6'j E

2i C 7) B

3) BJ 8) A

J 4) A 9) B

5) A 10) A

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük

235 R evîsio n Test 7 V o ca b u la ry çalışm ası

R evîsion T est 6 A n to nym çalışm ası

1) A 2) B 6) E 7) A

3) BJ 8) D

4) D 9) B

5) A 10) B

Revîsion T est 6 V o ca b u la ry ça lışm ası 1

1) 3) 5) 7) 9)

hold back fictitious surplus whereby lanslide

2) dwell on 4) consolidate 6) revoked 8) invaded 10) landmarks

R evîsio n Test 7 W ord fo rm a tio n çalışm ası

1) suspension 2) unrefined 4) innovator 3) detectable 5) precisely 6) unpredicably 8) rigorously 7) fluently 9) gifted 10) dstructive 11) subsequently 12) obliging 14) regain 13) superb 15) unquestionable16)unanswerable 17) unfathomable 18) underprivileged 19) sholarship 20) offender 21) petrîfied 22) tasteless 23) uninterrupted 24) unfailing

R evîsio n T est 6 V o ca b u la ry ça lışm ası 2

1) crripled 2) invoke 3) deprived 4) unduly 5) underestimate 6) prejudiced 7) Shareholders 8) Share 9) mould 10) solidly R evîsio n T est 6 W ord fo rm a tio n çalışm ası

1) 3) 5) 7) 9) 11) 13) 15) 17) 19) 21) 23)

dependably 2) profoundly 4) unpalatable 6) sentimental 8) vvithdravval 10) prolonged 12) extraction 14) indecently 16) irritability 18) irresponsibly 20) irrefutable 22) indistinguishable

devastating unofficially utterly obligingly withdrawn publicly independently irreversible irreparably irreconcilable undeniable

R evîsion T est 7 Find the right w ord çalışm ası

1) A 2) B 6) A 7) E

3) E 8) C

4) Â 9) E

5) C 10) D

R evîsion T est 7 S yn o n y m ça lışm ası

1) E 6) D

2) A 7) A

3) C 8) B

4) A 9) B

1) resume 2) retaliated 3) resurrection 4) aftermath 5) afforded 6) affiicted 7) assets 9) cheerfully 10) comes up (=happens)

5) B 10) D

R evîsio n T est 8 Find th e right w ord çalışm ası

1) A 6) E

2) D 7) E

3) B 8) D

4) A 9) A

3) B 8) E

4) C 9) D

1) A 6) C

2) B 7) D

3) A" 8) A

' 4) E 9) B

5) A 10) E

R evisio n T est 8 A n to nym çalışm ası

1) E 6) C

2) B 7) A

3 )6 8) B

4) B 9) C

R evision Test 8 V o ca b u la ry çalışm ası 1

1) privilege 2) benevolent 3) embarking on 4)augments 5) steep 6) immunized 7) aftermath 8) adverse 9) resumed 10) notified R evisio n T e s t 8 V o ca b u la ry çalışm ası 2

5) B 10) B

5) D 10) B

R evisio n Test 8 S yn o n y m çalışm ası

R evîsio n T est 7 A n to nym ça lışm ası

1) C 6) E

2) E 7) A

1) 3) 5) 7) 9)

tem perament cased rounded up figures possessed

2) glaring 4) dilemma 6) enterprises 8) sophisticated 10) akin

5) E 10) B

Kelime Ezberleten Kurguna! Siclük

2 36 R evision T est 8 W ord fo rm atio n çalışm ası

1) 3) 5) 7) 9) 11) 13) 15) 17) 19)

deterioration conscientioııs predominantly uncommonly perpetually assertive eiegant fairly persecution impractical 21 ) uneconomical 23) unfailingly 25) unknowingly

2) 4) 6) 8) 10) 12) 14) 16) 18) 20) 22) 24)

notification utilization precipitously cease-fire indiscernibie unavoidable manification extermination possession unerring uneasiness unforeseen



Accelerated Word Memory Power, Melik Safi Duyar, Yeni Stratejiler Eğitim Hizmetleri Ltd. Şirketi, Ankara, 1996. Build Your Vocabulary 2,3 John Flower-Michael Berman, Language Teaching Publications, 1989. Cambridge International Dictionary of English, Cambridge University Press, 1995. Collins Cobuild English Language Dictionary Collins Publishers, 1990. Collins Dictionary and Thesaurus, Happer Collins Publishers, 1992. Dictionary of English Language and Culture, Longman Group Ltd., 1992. Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs, Rosemary Courtney, Longman, 1996. Essential English Dictionary, Chambers H. Publishers Ltd., 1995. İngilizce - Türkçe Redhouse Sözlüğü, Redhouse Yayınevi, 1993. İngilizce Kurgusal KPDS Kelimeleri Sözlüğü, Şinasi Bademcioğlu, İst., 1999. Language Activator, Longman Group UK L‘± , 1993. Longman Dictionary of Coniemporary English, Longman Group Ltd., 1978. Longman Synonym Dictionary, Longman Group Ltd., 1991. Macmillian Contemporary Dictionary Macmillian, Publishing CO. INC. New York ABC Yayınevi, İstanbul, 1998. Seçenek, Doçentlik, Bankacılık ve KPDS İngilizce Sınav Yardımcısı, Cilt 1.2,3 Cüneyt Bademcioğlu, Seçenek Yayıncılık, 1992. Test Your Vocabulary 3, 4 Peter W atcyn-Jones, Penguin Books Ltd., 1985. The Penguin Dictionary of English Synonyms And Antonyms, Penguin Books Ltd., 1992, The School Thesaurus, Collins Publishers, 1988. TOEFL Preparation Guide, Michael A. Pyle and Marry Ellen Munoz, Fourth Edition 1991 Ciiffs Notes Lincoln N e b ra s k a - U.S.A.

(= videlicet) (568)

abandan (652) abate (732) abbreviate (536) abduct (589) abet (647) abhorrence (640) abide by (544) abiding (541) ability (525) abiliiy (617) ability (742) abnormality (517) abridge (536) abrupt (624) abscond (561) absoluîe (624) absoluîely (653) absorb (646) absürd (521) absürd (597) abundant (730) abuse (578) abuse (593)

abut (645) accept defeat (581) accident (527) accommodate (663)

accom pany (554) accomplish (587) accomplish (642) accord (669) accurately (720)

achieve (587) achieve (642) acknovvledge (615) acquiesce (581) activate (506) activaie (534) adapt (537) adapt (577) adapt (650) add (551) add to (592) addle (702) adept (735) adequate (564) adjoin (645) adjust (577) adjust (650)

administer (582) admirable (644) admit defeaî (581) adroit (735) advance (557) advance (590) a d v a n c e (636) advantage (524) advantageous (542) adverse (714) adversity (724) advocate (740) affiliate (738) affirrn (552)

affirm (604) affirrn (651) affix (621) afflication (724) afflict (609)

afford (605) aggressive (714) agree (632) agree (638) agreement (638) aid (555)

ail (609) allay (662) aliege (552) allege (615) alleviate (732) allocate (689)

allot (689) aliovv (535) al!ow (586)

allure (522) ally (738) alter (577) amaze (681) amend (577) amuse (663) an all-time low (612)

ancestor (563) anîisocial (714) anger (598) animate (506)

animate (534) announce (604) announce (615) announce (683) annoying (737)


Kelime Ezberleten kurgusal Sözlük antagonistic (714) anlicipate (657) antidote (665) apparatus (650) apparent (686) appeal (522)

appeal (588) appease (598) apply (688) apportion (689) appraise (503) appreciate (725) approve (586) approve (602) aptitude (525) aptitude (617)

aptitude (742) arbitrate (638) ardour (734) argue (552) argue (556) argue (638)

arid (698) arise (641) army (573) around/round (687) arrant (624) arrive (530) arrogant (685) artess (677)

artful (677) arîful (735) articulate (683) ashen (710) ask (715) aspire (657) assemble (573) assemble (627) assemble (715) asseri (552) asses (503) assets (749) assist (555) assist (586) associate vvith (554) assurance (602) assure (599)

astound (681) astute (677)

at önce (540) attach (621) attack (636) attain (642) attempt (654) attend (554) attend to (531) attenlively (580)

attitude (671) attorney (740) attrack (510) attrack (588) attract (646) attraction (522) augment (592) augment (643) augury (711) austere (700) authorize (535) authorize (602) avail against (546)

a ver (552) average (700) avoid (515) avoid (687) avowed (686) award (616) avvkvvard (659) babble (637)

babble (729) backlash (601) bad (737) badly-behaved (737) baffle (504)

bail out (555) balderdash (673) ballot (684) bamboozle (702) band together (738) bang into (642) bange into (543) banish (550)

bank on (560) bare (678) bargain (631)

assure (600)

bargain (632)

assure (646) assure (647)

bark inlo (543)

barrister (740)


barter (631) barier (632)

base (630) bay (728) be a failure (585) be about (733) be against (556) be conspicuous (562) be cruel to (593) be heavily in debî ^725) be in a bad mood (694) be in a huff (694) be in debî (725) be in deep debî (725) be in one of his/her moods (694) be in the red (725) be in tbe grip of (611) be in the queue (743) be in the throes of (611) be indebted to (725) be jubilant (706) be noticeable (562) be on the inerease (606) be on trial (607) be opposed to (556) be overdrawn (725) be passport to (586) be pushed/pressed for time (692) be put ouî (532) be rid of (703) be rigged (529) be subject to (611) be tried (607) be unsuccessful (585) be up to your ears in debi (725) bear away (561) bear up (647) bear with (639) be at (642) beat (664) bed (619) bedevil (708) befuddle (504) befuddle (702) beg (588) behead (726) believe (657) believe in (560) belligereni (714) belongings (749)

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük beneficial (542) beneficiary (707) benefit (524) benefits (616) beset (708) besmirch (516) besi part (528) beştir (692) betray (704) bewail (655) bevvilder (504) bevvilder (679) bevvilder (702) bid (715) bight (728) binding (559) birîhmark (547)

bite (548) bite into (548) blab (729) biackball (693) blacken (516) blacklist (693) blaze abroad (721)

bleak (678) blemish (516) blemish (547) blemish (695) blemish (705) bless (513) blessing (527) blissful (635) bloated (699) blooming (710) blot one's copybook (705) blot out (705) bloteh (547) blunder (672) blunt (732) blunt (744)

blur (705) blurt out (729) boarden (606) boast (706) bold (505) bonus (616) boob (672) boon (724) border (645) border on (645)

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük bore (663) boring (697) bottom (619) bound (570) bowl out (681) bovvl över (681) brag (706) brave (505) brave (618) brave (654) break (613) break avvay (672)

break off (719) break out (579) break up (666) breathe in (660) bribery (578) bring into play (688) bring off (561) bring off (587) bring sb to their knees (546) bring shame on (713) bring sth to sb's attention (571) bring through (507) bring together (627) bring up (531) bring up (574) bring up (590) broad (718) brood (694) brush up (575) build (630) build on (551) bully (593) bump into (543) buoy up (647) burn (579) burn out (565) burrow (594) burst into flames (579)

büstle (692) busy (667) cackle (666) calamity (527)

calamity (724) calculate (503) cali attention (571) cali upon (715) calm (614) calm down (662)

can’t get sth out of your head (708) can’î hide (704)

candid (744) canvass (684) capability (617) capability (742) capacity (525) capacity (742)

capitulate (581) captivate (646) çare for (531) carefully (580) carelessly (580)

carry off (561) carry off (587) carry off (589) carry on (697) carry out (587) carry through (587) carry through (726) carve up (689) cary out (726) cast (684) cast a vote (684) cast out (693) cataclysm (724) catastrophe (527) catastrophe (724) catch (625) catch fire (579) cautiously (580) cease (719) celebrate (706) censure (558)

census (576) certify (602) certify (604) challenge (556) challenge (654)

challenge (748) chance (745) change (577) changeable (670) changing (670) charge (523) charm (522) charm (588)

Chase (746) Chat (529) Chat (729)


chaîter (637) check (503) cheer (647) cheerful (635) cheerless (635) chew (548) chief (750)

chill out (662) chip (613) choosy (667) chronicie (696) chuck out (693) chuckle (666) cipher (658) circulate (721) circumstance (749) daim (615) clash (537) clash (with) (636) dash against (642) dash with (642) d ean (516) clean up (695) clear (570) clear (700) clear (736) clear the way for (586) clever (677) cleverly (720) cleverness (742) climax (528) clink (741) close (602) clothes (650) clothing (650) clumsy (659) coach (574) cold (678) cold (714) collaborate (738) collected (614) collide wiîh (636) colourless (697) combat (636) combat (646) combative (714) combine (738) come (together (627) come about (641) come across (543)

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük come down (643) come into effect (726) come off (587) come to grief (585) come to mind (641) come to nothing (585) come to trial (607) come up (641) comfort (524) comfort (598) comfort (731) command (582) command (715) commence (680) commission (616) compare (537) compassionate (668) compete (537) competent (659) complete (624) comply with (544) compose (662) composed (614) compound (741) comprehensible (736)

com prom ise (638) compromise with (638) con (529) conceal (705) concede (581) conceited (685) concensus on / about (638) concern (708) concern (733) concivt (649) conclude with (680) concord (669) concurrence (669) condemned (558) condense (536) condition (749) conduct (518) conduct (554) conduct (591) conduct (726) confess (615) confident (716) confine (741) confirm (604) confirmaîion (602)

kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük confront (538) confront (748) confuse (504) confuse (679) confuse (702) confuse (731) congregate (627) connect (621)

conquer (546) consider (663) constant (670) construct (630) constructive (542) consume (727) contaminate (701) contem plaie (663) coptempt (660) contend with (639)

contest (556) continue (639) contradict (651) contradict (748) contrary (714) control (518) control (582) count on (657) convene (627) convert (577) convoy (554) convulse (690) cool (614) cope with (733) copious (730) cordial (714) correct (575) correct (665) corrupt (701) corruption (578) cosî (523) counsel (740) count (576) count on (560) counter (538) counterblast (601) courageous (505) courageous (618) court (687) cove (728) covvardfy (505) crack (613)

crack up (666) crave (747) crawl (625) crazy (597) credit (739) creep (625) erime (629) criminal (649) erook (649) erop up (641) eross mind (641) crude (718) cruel (668) crumble (613) crush (501) cry (666) cry över spilt milk (655) culprit (649) cure (665) curiosity (517)

curse (513) curse (599) curse the day (655) cursory (718) customise (577) cut down (536) cut off (613) daintily (720) damage (717) damn (513) dampen (732)

da re (654) dare (748) daring (505) dash aeros (692) daunt (464)

daunî (682) daze (504)

daze (681) dazzle (681)

deaden (732) deal (632) deal in (631) deal out (689)

deal with (733) dear (712) death beat (664) debar (693) debase (713) debilitate (727)


Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük

decent (564) declare declare declare declare

(552) (604) (615) (683)

decoy (510) decrease (643) defame (695) defame (739) default (725) defeaî (546) defiant (583) defiant (737) defile (516) defile (695)

define (508) deformity (517) defraud (529) defy (538) defy (636)

defy (654) defy (748) degrade (713)

delicate (633) delicate (723) delight (567) delight in (706)

delineate (508) delinquency (717) delinquent (649)

delirium (623) delusion (622)

demean (713) demolition (717) demosîrate (704) demure (651) denigrate (695) denounce (558) deny (552) deny (604) deny (651) depart (530) depend on (560) dependable (566) deplete (727) deplore (558) deplore (655)

deport (550) depraved (722) deprecate (713)

depreciate (713) depress (534) deprive of (553) deranged (597) derangement (623) derelicîion (578) derisory (656) descendant (563) descendanl (707) deseribe (508) desert (554) desert (652) desire (657) desire (747) desperate (678) despise (533)

destiny (745) destroy (613) destroy (703) destruetion (717) defaı'n (7 4 1) deter (682) determine (503) determined (716) devilment (717) devious (744) dexterity (617) dexferous (735) die (595) difficult (735) dig (594) dig out / up (594) dim (705) direct (518) direcf (744) direclly (540) dirty (516) dirty (628) dirty (722) disagree with (651) disagreeable (628) disapprove (558) disapprove (602)

disaster (527) disbelieve (651) disbelieve (739) disburse (610) diseharge (634) discomfit (731) discompose (731)

disconcert (731) discredit (739) discreetly (580) disdadin (660) disdain (533) diseased (502) disgrace (713) disgrace (713) disgust (620) dishonest (677) dishonour (713) dismal (678)

dism iss (634) dismiss (715) disobedience (717) disobedient (583) disobedient (737) disown (693) disparage (713) disparage (739) dispassionate (744) disperse (573) disperse (627)

display (704) display (709) displease (567)

dispose (703) dispuîe (556) dispute (651) dispuîe (739) dispute (748) disregard (675) disruption (717) dissemble (709)

dissem inate (721) dissent (748) dissipate (727) disster (724) dissuade (596) distract (702) distress (609)

dizzy (504) do a swap (631) do away with (703) do business (632) do business with (733) do somebody in (664) docile (514)

dodge (515) dogged (716) döle out (689) dominant (750) dominate (582) double - cross (529) doubt (739) doubtful (716) doubtfully (653) dovvnfall (724) drag (625) drain (727) draw attention (571) dravv on (688) dread (640) drearn of (747) dreary (678) dreary (697) drift apart (719) drive (591) drive (596) drive (608) d rop (570) drop (643) drop across (543) drive up (592) dry (697) dull (697) dull (732) dumbfound (681) dwell on (708) dwindle (606) dvvindle (643) eagerness (734)

distribute (689)

earmark (512)

distribute (721) distrust (560) distrust (657) distrust (739) disturb (662) disuniîe (738) divert (663) divide up (689)

earnestly (653)

ease (598) ease (617) easy (735) easy to understand/follovv (736) easygoing (667) ebb (557)

ebb (569)

246 ebb (643) ebb avvay (569) ebellious (583) economize on (551) edification (603) educate (574) education (603) efficiency (617) eject (550)

eke out (551) elaborate (667) eleetrify (545) elegantly (720) elementary (735) elude (515) elude (561) embark (530) embrace (693) embroil (679) employ (646) employ (688) empty (521)

enable (586) enehantment (522) encourage (534) encourage (590) encourage (600)

encourage (647) end (680) end (719) endanger (654) endow (586) endure (538) endure (611)

endure (639) enduring (541) energy (734)

enforce (591) engage (646) engross (646)

enlarge (592) enliven (534) enrnesh (679) enormously (519) ensnare (510) ensnare (679)

Kelime Ezberleten Kııı ittisal Sözlük enticement (522) entrap (510) entrap (679) entreat (588)

enunciate (683) epic (696) equip (553) equipment (650) err (672) error (622) error (629) erudition (603)

escalate (606) escape (515) escort (554) esprit de corps (669) establish (630)

estate (749) estimate (503) estuary (728) evade (515) evaluate (503) even-tempered (614) everyday (700) evil (629) exacerate (665) exactly (653) exaggerate (509) excavate (594) excellent (520) excellent (644) exceptional (626) exceptional (644) exchange (631) excite (506) excite (534) excite (545) exclude (693) exclusive (676) excommunicate (693) excuse (535) execute (587)

execute (726)

entangle (679) entertain (663)

exempt (535) exercise (574) exercise (688) exhaust (565) exhaust (664)

enthusiasm (734) entice (510)

exhausted (664)

exhaust (727)

kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük exhaustion (549) exhibit (704) exhibit (709) exile (550) expand (592) expand (606) expatriate (550) expatriate (693) expect (657) expel (550) expend (610) expiain (508) exploit (688) expression (671) exquisite (633) extend (606) exlernal (686) extinguish (579) extol (713) extradite (550) extraordinary (712) extreme (520) extremely (519) extricate (679) e x u lt (706)

fable (696) face (515) tacile (735)

facility (525) ta c ility (617) fa c u lty (525) fail (585)

fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail

(675) about (666) away (569) away (672) back (569) in with (632) off (672) through (585)

fa lla c y (622)

faney (517) faney (699) fantastic (644) fare (523)

fascination (522) fasten (621)

fastidious (633) fate (745) fatigue (549)

fatigue (727) fa tig u e (565)

fatuous (521) faux pass (672) fear (640) fearless (505) fearless (618) fee, (523) feeble (633) feeble (710) feed (590) feel put out (532) feel sorry for (655) feel sorry for yourself (694) fellovv feeling (669) fellovvship (669) felon (649) fend off (515) fertile (730) fiddle (529) fidgety (667) fight (646) figüre (576) file (743) filth y (722)

fine (633) fine (644) finicky (667) finicky (712) finish (680) finish off (703) finish off sth vvith (680) fire (634) fire (734) first-class (644) fit (537) fit (650) fitful (670) fix (621) fix (665) fix somebody up vvith (553) flare up (579) flexible (670) floor (619) flout (660) flueney (617) fluster (702) fluster (731) focal point (528) focus attention on (571) focus on (621)

248 follovv (554) foilow (746) follovv/on (625) follower (707) foolish (504) foolish (521) foolishness (673) iorce (591) force up (592) forces (573) forebear (563) forecast (711) forefather (563) foremost (750) forget (572) form (630) forthright (744)

lorthwith (540) fortune (745) foul (701) found (630) fractious (737) fracture (613) fragile (633) frail (633) frame of mind (671) frankly (653)

frazzle (549) freak (517) free (501) free (634) fretful (667) fright (640) frighten (682) fringe (616) fritter avvay (691) fritter avvay (727) frivolous (521) frovvn on / upon (558)

fruitfu! (730) fruitless (697) frustrate (731)

fuddle (702) fulfil (567)

fulminate (558) furnish (553) furnish (605) fuss (637)

fu ssy (667) future (745)

kelime hzherieıen Kuryesek S ö z lü k future generations (707) gabble (729)

gainsay (651) gamble (654) garbage (673) gather (573) gaîher (627)

gauge (503 gaunt (710)

gear (650) general (626) gentle (514) gently (580) genuinely (653) get around (721) get away (672) get better (507) get into debt (725) get novvhere (585) get pset (609) get rid of (703) get round (600) get somebody excited (545) get something dirty (516) get something wrong (674) get sth dirty (701) get tired (565) get vvorked up (609) gibber (729) gift (742) giggle (666)

gingerly (580) give - and - take (539) give (551) give an assurance (599) give an undertaking (599) give Chase (625) give in (538) give in (581) give one’s word (600) give permission (535) give sb the sack (634) give sb your word (599) give somebody treatment (665) give somebody /som ething the go ahead (535) give somebody a thrill (545) give something a boost (590) give sth/sb a vvide berth (687) glad (635)

kelime tzherleıeıı Kurgusal Sözlük gladden (567) gleeful (635) gloast (706) gloomy (678) glory in (706) gnavv (548) go (530) go after (625) go after (746) go along with (632) go around (721) go away (530) go back (557) go back on (600) go back to (697) go by the book (544) go dovvn (643) go for (715) go hungry (595) go off (672) go on (697) go their separate ways (719) go through (611) go through (639) go to the polis (684) go with (537) go with (554) go without food (595) go wrong (585) good (542) good (717) good enough (564) gossip (637) gövem (518) govern (582) graceful (633) gracefully (720) gradual (624) grandiloquent (699)

haggard (710) haggle (632) hallucination (623) halt (719) hand in your notice/resignation (661) handle (733) hang (726) hanker after (747) happen (641) happen on (543) happiness (524) harbour (728) hard (566) hardship (617) hardship (724)

hardy (618)

gratify (567)

hare-brained (597) hark back to (572) harm (717) harsh (559) batred (640) haughty (685) haul (625) have (675) have a Chat (729) have a laugh (666) have a lie down (662) have a rest (662) have enough (605) have sth on your mind (708) have the money (605) hazard (654) headstrong (583) heal (665) health (524) healthy (502) hearten (647) heartless (668) hedge (515) heighten fears / effect (606)

great (520)

heir (707)

greatly (519) grimy (722) groggy (502) grubby (722) guarantee (600) guarantee (602) guide (518) gulf (728) have confidence in (560)

heiress (707) help (555) helpful (542) heroic (505) high point (528)

highlight (528) highly (519) higliht (571)

hit (642)


hold îo ransom (589) honestly (653) honourable (564) hop (570)

hope (657) hopeless (678) horrible (628)

horror (640) hostile (714) hound (746) howl/shriek with laughter (666) hum (729) humble (514) humble (685) humiliate (713) humour (567) hurry (692) hurt (532) hurt (593) hurt (609) hurt sb’s feeling (609) i.e. (-id est). viz (568) idiotic (521) idle away (691)

igrıite (579) İH (502) ill-advised (597) illiteracy (603) ill-treat (593) illuminate (705) illusion (622) illustrate (709) immaculate (722) immediately (540) immerısely (519) impartial (744) imperfect (718) implement (726) implicate (679) implore (588) imply (709) important (656) importunate (511) impose (591) impress (545) impression (671) impressionable (723) imprison (741) improve (575) imrove (507)

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük in fact (653) inability (525)

inane (521) inappropriate (659) incarcerate (741)

incite (608) incoherence (623) incompetence (742) incompetent (659) incomplete (718) inconsistent (670) increase (592) increase (606) indecent (564) indecent (628) indecent (722) indicate (571)

indicate (709) indication (711) indiscretion (672) indispensable (712) individual (626) induce (596) indulge (567) inefficient (659)

inept (659) inestimable (712) inexpert (659) inflate (509) inflict sth on (591) ingenious (677) inhalo (660) inheritor (707) inhospitable (714) inhuman (668) iniquity (629) inlet (728) inneffectual (659)

insane (597) insanity (623) insentive (723) insignificant (656) insist (596) insist (683) inspire (506) inspire (545) inspire (682) instigate (608) instil (574) instruct (574)

kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük inslruct (715)

insubordinate (583) insubordinate (737) insult (532) intellect (742) intelligence (603) intelligence (742) inîelligible (736) intense (520) interısify (592) intensify (606) intensify (732) intensity (734) intenl (716) interaetion (539) interest (588) interfering (511) intern (741)

irıterplay (539) intimidate (682) intrusive (511) invaluable (712) inventive (677)

invest (610) invigorate (534) invite (715) irrational (648) irrational (736) irreplaceable (712) irresponsible (566) irritable (723) issue (553) issue a statement (683) it nearly killed me (664) iteh (675)

iteh (747) jabber (729) jabber (729) jack it in (661)

jail (741) jettison (652) jilt (652) join (621) join (645) join (738) join forces (738) jolly (635) joyful (635) jubilant (635) judge (503)

jump (570) jumped up (685) jut out (562) keenness (734) keep an eye on (531) keep apart (687) keep away (687) keep back (557) keep back (689) keep clear of (687) keep company (554) keep in reserve (512) keep one’s promise (600) keep to (544) keep up with (537)

kidnap (589) kili (726) kind (723) kindle (506) kingpin (584) kit (650) kit somebody out (553) knack (525) knack (742) knock (642) knock back (681) knock down (681) knock into (543) knovviedge (603) knuckle under (544) lament (655) land (749) last out (639) lasting (541)

laugh (666) lavvbreaker (649) lawyer (740) lay aside (512) lay by (512) lay down arms (581) lay of (634) lay on (553) lay out (610) laze (662) laze about (691) laze around (691) lead (518) lead sb to do sth (596) leader (584) lean (645)


ketime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük

lean against (645)

leap (570) earning (603) eave (530) eave (661) eave behind (652) eave off (697) egend (696) end (551) engthen (536) enient (559) essen (569)

lessen (643) essen (732) et go (741) ethargy (549) evel-headed (648) ewd (722) ibel (739) ie down (662) ifelong (541) ight (579) imit (508) impid (736) ine (743) ine up (743) ingering (541)

literacy (603) itler (673)

loaf (691) oathing for (640) ocaie (630) ock up (741) ockup (741) ogica! (648) one (676) ong - ter m (541) ong (541) ong (657) ong for (675) ong for (747)

long running (541) ong standing (541) look af ter (531) look back (572) ook ook ook ook ose

down on (533) dovvn on (660) dovvn one's nose at (660) forward to (657) (561)

lose (675) iot (745) ' iounge about (691) lounge around (691) love (658) lovvest ebb (612) lovvest point (619) lucid (700)

lucid (736) luck (745) lull (662) lunacy (623) lure (510) lust (747) mad (597) madness (623) magnify (509) main (750) maintain (552) maintain (577) maintain (652) maintain (683) make something shorter (536) make a deal (638) make a statement (683) make an exception (535) make changes (577) make happy (567) make inquiries (684) make it clear (704) make public (721) make sb do sth (591) make sb redundant (634) make sb feel at home (598) make use of (688)

malefactor (649) malpractice (578) maltreat (593) manage (518) manage (733) manifest (686) mar (701) mark (547) mark (709) marvellous (644) marvellous (520) masterful (735)

mateh (537) maximum (612) mean (709)

17 z>

kelime Ezberleten kurdur al Sözlük meaningiess (659) measure (503) meddlesome (511) medicinal (665) mediocre (656)

m eek (514) meet (573) meet (627) meet with (611) mend (613) mentality (671) merciless (668) mercurial (670)

merry (635) mess up (701) methodically (720)

mettle (734) mild (514) mind (531)

mine (594) minimal (612) minimum (612) minimum (619) minör (656) minör (750) misapprehenc (674) misbehaviour (578) misbehaviour (717) miscaiculate (674) miscalculate (675) miscarry (675) mischance (724)

m iss (675) mistake (622) mistaken belief (622) mistreat (593) mistrust (739) misunderstand (674) misuse (578) mitigate (598) mitigate (732) mock (533) moderate (732) modest (514) modify (577) modify (650) mood (671) moody (723) mope (694) mope around/about (694)

morbid (502) motivate (596) motivate (647) mourn (706) move back (557) muck up (701) mucky (722) muddle (679) muddle (702) muffle (732) multiply (592) murmur (729)

m uster (627) mutinous (583)

m ischief (717)

nadir (619)

mischievous (737) misconception (622) misconduct (578) misconstrue (674) misdeed (629) misdirect (526) misfire (675) misfortune (527) misfortune (724) mishandie (526) mishap (527) misinterpret (674) misjudge (672)

naked (678)

misjudge (674)

nondeseript (700) none (658) nonplus (702) n o n s e n s e (673)

mismanage (526) misread (674)

misruie (526)

nameiy (568) nasty (628) nauahtiness (717)

naughty (737) nauseate (620) neatly (720) negligence (578) nervous (614) never forget (572) next in line (707) n'ıcely (720)

nil (658)

2 54 normal (700) normality (517) not come off (585) not get enough to eat (595) notable (626) nothing (658) notion (517) noughî (658)

nourish (590) numerous (676) nurse (531) nurture (590) obedient (583)

obey (544) obfuscate (705) object (748) object to (556) objectionable (628) obliterate (613) obnoxious (628) obscene (722) obscure (705) observe (544)

o b sess (708) obstinate (583) obstruck (538)

occur (641) oddity (517) odious (628) of great value (712) off-colour (502) offence (629)

offend (532) offend (620) offender (649) offer (553)

officious (511) old w ives’ tale, (622) ornen (711) one and only (676) one of a kind (676) one-in-a-million (676) only (676) öpen (678) öpen (744) opinion (671) oppose (538) oppose (556)

oppose (636) oppose (651)

Kelime Ezberleten Kıt oppose (748) opposed (714)

oppress (501) order (582) order (715) ordinary (520) ordinary (700) ornate (667)

ostensible (686) ostentatious (685) ostracize (693) out of the ordinary (626) outlavv (649) outline (508) outline (718) Outlook (671) outrage (620) outspoken (744) outstanding (644) outward (686) överblown (699) overeharge (529) overdo (509) overemphasize (509) overestimate (509) overlook (675) overpovver (501) overrate (509) oversight (622)

overstate (509) overtime (616) overwhelm (501) overwhelm (546)

owe (725) pack it in (661)

pal a ver (637) pale (710) palpable (700)

paltry (656) panic (640)

paramount (750) parcel out (689) parehed (698) parry (515) part (719)

particular (626) parîicular (667) pass away / on (639) pass över (675) pass through (611)

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük pass üp (675) passionless (614) patient (514) pay ransom (589) payment (523) peck (548) penitentiary (741) perceptive (723) perform (587) perform (726) perk (616) perk up (507) perrnit (535) permit (586) perplex (702) persuade (596) persuade (600) perturb (731) petty (656) pick on (593) pick up (697) pick up vvhere you left off (697) picky (667) pit against (537) pitiless (668) place your trust in (560) placid (614) plague (708) plain (686) plain (699)

plain (700) plead (588) pleasant (628) please (567) please (663) pledge (599) plentiîul (730)

plucky (505) point of view (671)

point out (571)

pom pous (685) pompous (699) poor (644) portent (711) possessions (749) posterity (707) potantial (742) pout (694) povver (525) powerful (618) povverless (618) practical (648) pragmatic (648) praise (558) praîtle (729)

precious (712) precipitous (624) precisely (653) precurşor (563) predec'essor (563) predietion (711) prem ier (750)

premium (616) premonition (711) preoccupy (708) present (704) pressurize (591) pretend (615) pretended (686) pretentious (685) pretentious (699) prevail över; (546) prevent (586) prey on your mind (708) price (523) priceless (712) prickle (747) primary (750) Principal (750) prison (741)

point out (709) point to (709) pointless (659) poke out (562) poiish up (575) poll (576)

prize (616) proceed (697) procession (743) produce (605) produetive (730)

poll (684)

profess (615)

pollute (516)

proficient (735) profitable (730) progenitor (563)

pollute (701) polluted (722)

privilege (535)


project (562) prolific (730) promise (646) promote (647) prornpt (596) promptly (540) promulgate (721) pronourıce (604) pronounce (615) pronounce (683) propagaîe (721) property (749) prophecy (711) prosecute (607) prosperity (524) protean (670) protest (651) protrude (562) proud (514) proud (685)

provide (553) provoke (608) prudently (580) publicize (721) puffy (699) pull off (561) pull througb (507) pull togeîher (738) püre (624) purge (701) purge (703) pursue (625) pursue (746) push (596) push (608) push up (592) p u s h y (511) put aside (512) put away (512) put away (741) put down (713) put in (610) put into effecî (726) put into practice (591) put money into (610) put off (608) put off (682) put out (610) put pressure on (591) put right (665)

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlıik put sb at their ease (598) put sb on trial for (607) put straight (665) put through (276) put up to (608) put up with (639) put your trust in (560) puzzle (679) puzzle (702) quai! (654) quake (690) question (684) question (739)

queue (743) queue up (743) quicken (534) quiver (690) radiant (635) raise (606) raise objections to (556)

rally (507) rafify (586) rational (648) rational (736) rattle (731) reach (642) reach agreem ent with (632) reaction (601) real (566) real (686) realistic (648) really (653) reasonable (564) reasonable (648) ' reasonable (736) reasurrance (640) recall (572)

recede (557) recede (569) receive (663) reciprocity (539) recollect (572) reconcile (638) reconciliation (638) recondition (575) recover (507) recruit (646) recuperate (507) recur to (688) refuse (673)

Kelime Ezberleten Kw\ ■ıısal Sözlük


refute (651) regale (663) register (704) register (709) regret (655)

restart (697) restless (667) restore (575) restrict (508)

reign (582)

retain (703) retaliation (601) retire (557) retire form (661)

rejoice (706) rejuvenate (565) rejuvenate (664) relax (598) relax (662) release (555) release (589) release (634) reliable (504) reliable (566) rely on (560) re m e d y (665)

remember (572) reminisce (572) renege on (599) renew (697) renovate (575) repatriate (550) repel (588) repel (620) repel (636) re p e n t (655)

repercusion (601) repine (655) replenish (727) repress (721) repudiate (615) repulse (636) repulsion (522) rescue (555) reserve (512) resign (661) resist (538) resist (581) resistence (601) re s o lu te (716)

resolved (716) resort to (688) resourceful (677) respect (533) respect (544) respectable (564) response (601) responsible (566)

re s u m e (697)

re to u c h (575)

retreat (557) retreat (569) return to (697) reveal (704) revengeful (668) reversal (601) revise (577) revive (507) revolt (620) rhetorical (699) ridiculous (597) right away (540) right now (540) rigid (559) rigorous (559) rin g le a d e r (584)

risk (654) rival (537) robust (618) robust (633) romance (696) root out (703) rot (673) rough (718) round off (680) round up (627) rout (546) row (743) rub up (575) rubbish (673) rue the day (655) ruffle (731) rule (582) run (518) run across (543) run after (746) run down (746) ru n in tro (543)

run out of steam (565) run out on (652)


run through (727)

run to (605) run up debts (725) rush (692)

ruthless (668) ruthless (716) sack (634) sadistic (668)

sağa (696) sanetion (586) sanetion (602) sane (597) sane (648) sane (736) san ity (623) sap (664) start again (697) safisfy (567) say (604) scamper (692)

scar (547) scare (640) scare (682) scatter (721) scoff at (533) scoff at (660) scorched (697)

scorn (533) scorn (660) seramble (692) serateh (747) serateh out (551) serimp and save (551) scuttle (692)

seal (602) second (647)

sedate (614) seditious (583) seduce (510) seize on/upon (621) seleetive (667) self - effacing (514) self-important (685) self-possessed (716) send for (715) send inte-exi!e (550) sense (673)"' senseless (521) sensible (521) sensible (736)

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük

sensı'ble (648) sensitive (633) sensitive (723) separate (626) separate (719) serene (614) set aside (512) set fourth (530)

set off (530) set out (530) set right (665) set sth on fire (579) set straight (665) settle (638) s etti e (680) sever (719) severe (559) sew up (680) shadovv (746) shake (690) sbake up (682) shameless (722) share (689) share out (689) Sharp (677)

shatter (613) shattered (664) shed (634)

sheer (624) sheltered (678) shirk (515) shirk (691) shiver (690) shoot (726) short - term (541) shorten (536) sbow (571) show (704) show (709) shrevvd (677)

shudder (690) shun (687) shut (602) shy away from (687) sick (502) sicken (620) sickly (710) sigh for (675) sign (711) silly (504)

Kelime Ezberleten Kurgusal Sözlük Sİlly (521) simple (624) simple (700) simple (735)

sin (629) sincerely (653) single-minded (716) sit about (691) sit around (6.91) situation (749)

sketch y (718) skilful (735) skill (525) skill (617) skilled (735) skillfully (720) skip (570) slander (739) slide (643) slide (672) slight (533) slight (656) slight (718) slip (622)

slip (672) slip off (561) slip up (674) small (656) smartly (720) smash (613) srnear (695) smear (705) smell (660) srnudge (695) smudge (705) snap (613) snap at (548) sneak (672) sneak away (561) sneak out (561) sneer at (533)

sniff (660) snigger (666) snobbish (685) snuffle (660) so-called (686)

soil (516) soil (695) soil (701)' soldier (573)

sole (676) solicitor (740)

solid (566) solidarity (669) solitary (676) sound (736) spare (605)

spark (506) speak out (552) speak up (552) special (626) specific (626) specify (508) spell out (508) spend (610) splinter (613) spoil (695) spoil (701) spoil (731) spoilt (737) spot (547) spread (721) spring (570) spring to mind (641) spur on (590) spurn (533) stability (669) stagger (681) stain (516) stain (695) stain (705) stalk (746) stance (671) sîand against (748) stand aside (661) stand by (600) stand down (661) stand for (639) stand in line (743) stand off (646)

stand out (562) stand together (738) stand trial for (607) stand up to (538) stand up to (748) start (506) start out (530) startla (681) startle (682) starve (590)


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