hat is written by Dr. U.S. Pulippani - titled "Biorhythms of Natal Moon
The mysterious mysterious "Panch-pakshi "Panch-pakshi Shastram" Shastram" is a unique system of edi! astroloy# propounded by an!ient Tamil Siddha Saints thousands of years ao# whi!h has been !onsidered a olden $ey in the hands of man whi!h !an be used with ad%antae in any endea%our and in any wal$ of life. The system is is said to be &unfailin& as as it is based based on natural laws of '%e '%e elements ("Pan ("Pan!ha !ha Mahabhutas") !ombined with &*stro Stellar& for!e of ea!h indi%idual. +t&s e,tra-ordinary utilities lies in pro%idin you the pre!ise $nowlede of your strenth and wea$ness for a parti!ular hour of a parti!ular day.
An introduction to the system:
,perien!es ,perien!e s and feedba!$s
The mysterious &Pan!ha Pa$shi Pa$shi Shastra& is a unique system system of edi! edi! astroloy astroloy whi!h has been !onsidered a olden $ey in the hands of man whi!h !an be used with ad%antae in any endea%our and in any wal$ of life. The system was was propounded propounded by an!ient an!ient Tamil Tamil Sidha Saints Saints thousands thousands of years ao. ao. The se!rets se!rets of this system system were written written on old Palm eaf eaf manus!ripts# manus!ripts# in Tamil lanuae# la!$in in !larity and e,pression# and that too# a%ailable in the form of dis'ured s!ripts# dri%in the reader into utter !onfusion. /owe%er# for the %ery 'rst time# in 0112# the $nowlede of this system was made a%ailable to non-Tamil astroloers by a well $nown South +ndian edi! 3yotish s!holar# Prof. Dr. U.S. Pulippani# who wrote an illustrati%e boo$ on the sub4e!t# in nlish# after a resear!h spread o%er nearly two de!ades. Mr. 5.N. 6ao# the most well $nown edi! astroloer of re!ent times (who has authored se%eral e,!ellent boo$s on astroloy himself and has uided many of his students to !ondu!t %ery important resear!hes in edi! astroloy) has written the &+ntrodu!tion& of Prof. Dr. U.S. Pulippani&s boo$. Mr. 6ao says that - &+t is the unfailin stellar theory of biorhythms (of natal Moon) spe!i'! to ea!h indi%idual# relatable relatable to his birth-star (3anma Na$shatra) and !orrelated !orrelated to one of the '%e-fold di%isions of a day for '%e spe!i'! human a!ti%ities.& &The Mysterious Pan!hapa$shi& is a down to the earth pra!ti!al system# whi!h !an be applied with ad%antae for all matters in day to day life and by indi%iduals in all wal$s of life# to lead a su!!essful su!!essful life with !omplete rati'!ation# both in mental# physi!al and e%en in spiritual planes. This is based on !omparati%e radation of elemental %ibrations of indi%iduals fun!tionin in life in di7erent ebbs durin di7erent time aps with a uniform su!!essi%e time slots. The aen!y of these relati%e %ibrations is the '%e elements and are personi'ed as birds whi!h are '%e in number as many as the elements themsel%es.
The system is said to be &unfailin& &unfailin& as it is based on natural laws of '%e elements (&Pan!ha Mahabhutas&) !ombined with &*stro Stellar& for!e of ea!h indi%idual. +t&s e,tra-ordinary utilities lies in pro%idin you the pre!ise $nowlede of your strenth and wea$ness for a parti!ular hour of a parti!ular day. +t is so loi!al# so s!ienti'!# so appealin. *nd we $new nothin about &Pan!hapa$shi& in the North +ndia - till now. The author of the boo$ has written that due to !ertainty and ide'niteness of results of this s!ien!e# there are ma,ims in Tamil whi!h warn that one should not de%elop enmity with a man who $nows this s!ien!e (& Panchapakshi&) Panchapakshi&) and when employed for sel8ess ends# the man li%es !omfortably and attains eman!ipation at the end. *fter !onsiderable e7orts# we ha%e prorammed the whole system of " Pancha Pakshi Shastra"# Shastra "# whi!h has so far remained a se!ret. Now we are !apable of pro%idin tables of &biorhythms of natal Moon& for any indi%idual# born or lo!ated anywhere anywhere in the world# for anytime of any day of any month. 9uidan!e pro%ided by this system should be used more reularly and e7e!ti%ely in the terrible diurnal and e%en no!turnal whirl of human a!ti%ities by all in all wal$s of life. The report ful'lls the lon felt need of &astroloi!al plannin& of your important a!ti%ities. :ou must lie low when you should lie low and you must be a!ti%e when you should be a!ti%e. *s told in introdu!tion introdu!tion - your birth stellar bird personi'es your basi! element# amon the '%e elements ("Pancha (" Pancha mahabhootas"). mahabhootas"). The reat Tamil Sidhas found out that the planetary mo%ements# the wa,in and the wanin periods of the Moon due to it&s relati%e !y!li! distan!e from the Sun and due to the radiation of these planets proressin throuh the e!lipti! !onsistin of 0; apartments !alled &Sins& and ;< /indu !onstellations (!alled " Nakshatras") Nakshatras") produ!e a spe!iali=ed elemental %ibrati%e for!e at ea!h of the time-situations. They also found found that these elemental %ibrations %ibrations di7erentially di7erentially fun!tion fun!tion in > ways durin the periods of wa,in and wanin Moon !y!les in > di7erent radations. The horos!ope of an indi%idual is the representation of the imprint of the !osmi! %ibrations emanatin from the pe!uliar pattern of the nine planets at the time of one&s birth. This !olle!ti%e imprint remains in the sub-!ons!ious always after one&s birth. Bein !ontrolled? dire!ted by this imprint# the indi%idual is helpless# but to li%e in a pe!uliar indi%idual way a!!ordinly. +f we !an identify the basi! laws behind formation of this imprint and the fun!tional pattern of our elemental %ibrations# we !an ad4ust oursel%es and fun!tion in su!h a way so that our indulen!e in any a!tion durin a time-situation# whene%er elemental %ibrations are at the hihest ebb# we will be !rowned with supreme su!!ess. This is the fundamental of " Panchapakshi ". +n this system# one&s birth birth stellar-bird stellar-bird personi'es personi'es nati%e&s basi! element element amon the '%e elements (@Pancha (@ Pancha MahabhutasA). Mahabhutas A). There are '%e radations of a bird&s a!ti%ity# as listed below# in de!linin order of strenths
"Ruling "# "Eating"# "Walking"# "Sleeping" and "Dying". *mon the abo%e listed '%e a!ti%ities# " Ruling" is best and " Dying" is worst. 6est of the three a!ti%ities are raded in between a!!ordinly. The nati%e must a!!omplish (or start) all of his?her important tas$s when his?her &Birth Stellar Bird& is "Ruling" in main period (and if possible# in sub-period also). The se!ond best option is when Birth Stellar Bird is " Eating". +t will brin su!!ess in all endea%ours. Similarly# nati%e should a%oid the time aps when Birth Stellar Bird is " Dying" or "Sleeping ".
The "Ruling bird" and "Dying bird" of 'Day!ight segments':
* parti!ular bird is stronest for the entire period of day or niht. Durin this period# the bird remains !ompletely powerful o%er all other birds and rules o%er them. This bird is !alled the " Ruling bird" of that parti!ular day-time (or# nihttime) sement. So to say# for su!h people of whom their "Birth stellar birds" are rulin for the entire day (or niht) duration# su!h days (or nihts) will be fully fa%ourable. More so# when these bird are in their " Ruling" a!ti%ity in one of the '%e ma4or intra-day time-slots (of few hours ea!h) and e%en in a sub-time-slot of few minutes. The "Ma4or time-slots" and their sub-slots ha%e been des!ribed a little below in this do!ument. Similarly# %i!e-%ersa to abo%e# there is a parti!ular bird whi!h is wea$est for the entire period of day or niht. Durin this period# the bird remains !ompletely &powerless& or &dead&. This bird is !alled the " Dying bird" of that parti!ular daytime (or# niht-time) sement. Cor su!h people of whom their "Birth stellar birds" are in &Dying& state for the entire day (or niht) duration# su!h days (or nihts) will be hihly un-fa%ourable for any a!ti%ity or endea%our. Thus# there are a &Ruling bird& and a &Dying bird& for ea!h of the &Day-time sement& and &Niht-time sement&. These two birds are shown at the start of ea!h sement# in the table.
The #e ma$or time%slots &" Yama" in each of the t(o 'Day% segments': a!h of the abo%e des!ribed two sements (Day and Niht) is further sub-di%ided into '%e ma4or equal time-slots# !alled & Yama&. Thus# there are 0 :amas (ma4or time-slots) in total# within ;E hrs# - '%e durin the day-time sement and '%e durin niht-time sement. *!ti%ities performed by birds durin these ma4or time slots are !alled their &ma4or-a!ti%ities&. a!h ma4or time slot (&Yama&) is of about ;
hrs and ;E minutes duration.
The #e sub%slots of time in each of the ')a$or time slot' &' Yama':
a!h of the abo%e des!ribed ten ma4or-time-slots (& Yama&) is further sub-di%ided into '%e unequal sub-slots of time. Thus# there are > sub-slots in total - ;> durin the day-time sement and ;> durin niht-time sement. *!ti%ities performed by birds durin these sub-slots of time are !alled their &sub-a!ti%ities&. a!h suba!ti%ity lasts for few minutes# usually between 0 minutes and >> minutes.
The categori*ation of time%slots:
The an!ient Saints ha%e i%en !omparati%e &Natural strenths& for the '%e birds. They ha%e also i%en appli!able ratios for "%ibrational strenths" of the %arious abstra!t a!ti%ities (li$e# &wal$in &eatin& et!.) performed by the birds. Fe ha%e di%ided# in "Panch-pakshi" table# the thus !al!ulated net strenths of nati%e&s bird# ained by it durin %arious main-a!ti%ities and sub-a!ti%ities# !ombined# under se%en !ateories for ma$in it easy to use the table. These < !ateories of intraday time-slots# in de!linin order# are as follows
E+cellent # ,ood# -air# A#erage# .nade/uate# 0oor and Worst
Fhen your bird&s main-a!ti%ity is " Ruling" and it&s sub-a!ti%ity is also " Ruling" that time slot is shown as " E+cellent " in the table. There will be two su!h time slots ea!h day - one durin day-time and another durin niht-time. These are the &9olden time-slots& of whi!h you may ma$e best use. +f your bird is also the &Ruling%bird & of that parti!ular day?niht sement# results would be!ome e%en more positi%e. /owe%er# if your bird is the &Dying%bird & of that parti!ular day?niht sement# then# e%en if it&s main-a!ti%ity is & Ruling& and it&s sub-a!ti%ity is also & Ruling& - the results would not be as ood. :ou may !onsider this time slot simply as the "1est a#ailable time slot " on an otherwise neati%e day. Similarly# when a bird&s main-a!ti%ity is & Dying' and it&s sub-a!ti%ity is also & Dying that time slot is shown as & Worst&. There will be two su!h time slots ea!h day - one durin day-time and another durin niht-time. These are the " (orst time% slots" for you - durin whi!h you must be hihly !areful. *ny untoward in!ident# of any $ind# may ta$e pla!e durin su!h time duration. *ll your e7orts would not yield any results. :ou would be %ulnerable to defeat in neotiations# barainin
and !ompetitions. +f your bird is also the " Dying%bird " of that parti!ular day?niht sement# results would be!ome e%en more neati%e. /owe%er# if your bird is the &Ruling%bird & of that parti!ular day sement# then# if it&s main-a!ti%ity and suba!ti%ity are &Dying& - the results would not be as bad. :ou may !onsider this time slot simply as the " Worst time slot" on an otherwise ood day. 6est of the many other possible !ombinations for main-a!ti%ities and sub-a!ti%ities would !ome some where in-between of & E+cellent & and &Worst&. They ha%e been !ateori=ed as & ,ood &-air &A#erage &.nade/uate& and &0oor&. The &Panch pakshi& table shows the e,a!t %alue of "Net strenth" ained by nati%e&s bird# alon with it&s !ateori=ation# for ea!h time-slot# in the th !olumn
Name of the other bird - whi!h is in same &Maina!ti%ity& Jas the listed sub-a!ti%ity of nati%e&s bird.K
The Hth !olumn
The &6elation& of !on!erned bird with nati%e&s bird
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