Kupdf.com Pancha Pakshi Shastra

May 2, 2019 | Author: Karthikeyan Jambulingam | Category: Horoscope, Planets, Karma, Zodiac, Hindu Astrology
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astro-lunar biorhythms

hat is written by Dr. U.S. Pulippani - titled "Biorhythms of Natal Moon

 The mysterious mysterious "Panch-pakshi "Panch-pakshi Shastram" Shastram" is a unique system of edi! astroloy# propounded by an!ient Tamil Siddha Saints thousands of years ao# whi!h has been !onsidered a olden $ey in the hands of man whi!h !an be used with ad%antae in any endea%our and in any wal$ of life.  The system is is said to be &unfailin& as as it is based based on natural laws of '%e '%e elements ("Pan ("Pan!ha !ha Mahabhutas") !ombined with &*stro Stellar& for!e of ea!h indi%idual. +t&s e,tra-ordinary utilities lies in pro%idin you the pre!ise $nowlede of your strenth and wea$ness for a parti!ular hour of a parti!ular day.

An introduction to the system:

,perien!es ,perien!e s and feedba!$s

 The mysterious &Pan!ha Pa$shi Pa$shi Shastra& is a unique system system of edi! edi! astroloy astroloy whi!h has been !onsidered a olden $ey in the hands of man whi!h !an be used with ad%antae in any endea%our and in any wal$ of life.  The system was was propounded propounded by an!ient an!ient Tamil Tamil Sidha Saints Saints thousands thousands of years ao. ao.  The se!rets se!rets of this system system were written written on old Palm eaf eaf manus!ripts# manus!ripts# in Tamil lanuae# la!$in in !larity and e,pression# and that too# a%ailable in the form of dis'ured s!ripts# dri%in the reader into utter !onfusion. /owe%er# for the %ery 'rst time# in 0112# the $nowlede of this system was made a%ailable to non-Tamil astroloers by a well $nown South +ndian edi! 3yotish s!holar# Prof. Dr. U.S. Pulippani# who wrote an illustrati%e boo$ on the sub4e!t# in nlish# after a resear!h spread o%er nearly two de!ades. Mr. 5.N. 6ao# the most well $nown edi! astroloer of re!ent times (who has authored se%eral e,!ellent boo$s on astroloy himself and has uided many of his students to !ondu!t %ery important resear!hes in edi! astroloy) has written the &+ntrodu!tion& of Prof. Dr. U.S. Pulippani&s boo$. Mr. 6ao says that - &+t is the unfailin stellar theory of biorhythms (of natal Moon) spe!i'! to ea!h indi%idual# relatable relatable to his birth-star (3anma Na$shatra) and !orrelated !orrelated to one of the '%e-fold di%isions of a day for '%e spe!i'! human a!ti%ities.& &The Mysterious Pan!hapa$shi& is a down to the earth pra!ti!al system# whi!h !an be applied with ad%antae for all matters in day to day life and by indi%iduals in all wal$s of life# to lead a su!!essful su!!essful life with !omplete rati'!ation# both in mental# physi!al and e%en in spiritual planes. This is based on !omparati%e radation of elemental %ibrations of indi%iduals fun!tionin in life in di7erent ebbs durin di7erent time aps with a uniform su!!essi%e time slots. The aen!y of these relati%e %ibrations is the '%e elements and are personi'ed as birds whi!h are '%e in number as many as the elements themsel%es.

 The system is said to be &unfailin& &unfailin& as it is based on natural laws of '%e elements (&Pan!ha Mahabhutas&) !ombined with &*stro Stellar& for!e of ea!h indi%idual. +t&s e,tra-ordinary utilities lies in pro%idin you the pre!ise $nowlede of your strenth and wea$ness for a parti!ular hour of a parti!ular day. +t is so loi!al# so s!ienti'!# so appealin. *nd we $new nothin about &Pan!hapa$shi& in the North +ndia - till now. The author of the boo$ has written that due to !ertainty and ide'niteness of results of this s!ien!e# there are ma,ims in Tamil whi!h warn that one should not de%elop enmity with a man who $nows this s!ien!e (& Panchapakshi&) Panchapakshi&) and when employed for sel8ess ends# the man li%es !omfortably and attains eman!ipation at the end. *fter !onsiderable e7orts# we ha%e prorammed the whole system of " Pancha Pakshi Shastra"# Shastra "# whi!h has so far remained a se!ret. Now we are !apable of pro%idin tables of &biorhythms of natal Moon& for any indi%idual# born or lo!ated anywhere anywhere in the world# for anytime of any day of any month. 9uidan!e pro%ided by this system should be used more reularly and e7e!ti%ely in the terrible diurnal and e%en no!turnal whirl of human a!ti%ities by all in all wal$s of life. The report ful'lls the lon felt need of &astroloi!al plannin& of your important a!ti%ities. :ou must lie low when you should lie low and you must be a!ti%e when you should be a!ti%e. *s told in introdu!tion introdu!tion  - your birth stellar bird personi'es your basi! element# amon the '%e elements ("Pancha (" Pancha mahabhootas"). mahabhootas"). The reat Tamil Sidhas found out that the planetary mo%ements# the wa,in and the wanin periods of the Moon due to it&s relati%e !y!li! distan!e from the Sun and due to the radiation of these planets proressin throuh the e!lipti! !onsistin of 0; apartments !alled &Sins& and ;< /indu !onstellations (!alled " Nakshatras") Nakshatras") produ!e a spe!iali=ed elemental %ibrati%e for!e at ea!h of the time-situations.  They also found found that these elemental %ibrations %ibrations di7erentially di7erentially fun!tion fun!tion in > ways durin the periods of wa,in and wanin Moon !y!les in > di7erent radations. The horos!ope of an indi%idual is the representation of the imprint of the !osmi! %ibrations emanatin from the pe!uliar pattern of the nine planets at the time of one&s birth. This !olle!ti%e imprint remains in the sub-!ons!ious always after one&s birth. Bein !ontrolled? dire!ted by this imprint# the indi%idual is helpless# but to li%e in a pe!uliar indi%idual way a!!ordinly. +f we !an identify the basi! laws behind formation of this imprint and the fun!tional pattern of our elemental %ibrations# we !an ad4ust oursel%es and fun!tion in su!h a way so that our indulen!e in any a!tion durin a time-situation# whene%er elemental %ibrations are at the hihest ebb# we will be !rowned with supreme su!!ess. This is the fundamental of " Panchapakshi ". +n this system# one&s birth birth stellar-bird stellar-bird personi'es personi'es nati%e&s basi! element element amon the '%e elements (@Pancha (@ Pancha MahabhutasA). Mahabhutas A). There are '%e radations of a bird&s a!ti%ity# as listed below# in de!linin order of strenths

"Ruling "# "Eating"# "Walking"# "Sleeping" and "Dying". *mon the abo%e listed '%e a!ti%ities# " Ruling" is best and " Dying" is worst. 6est of the three a!ti%ities are raded in between a!!ordinly. The nati%e must a!!omplish (or start) all of his?her important tas$s when his?her &Birth Stellar Bird& is "Ruling" in main period (and if possible# in sub-period also). The se!ond best option is when Birth Stellar Bird is " Eating". +t will brin su!!ess in all endea%ours. Similarly# nati%e should a%oid the time aps when Birth Stellar Bird is " Dying" or "Sleeping ".

The "Ruling bird" and "Dying bird" of 'Day!ight segments':

* parti!ular bird is stronest for the entire period of day or niht. Durin this period# the bird remains !ompletely powerful o%er all other birds and rules o%er them. This bird is !alled the " Ruling bird" of that parti!ular day-time (or# nihttime) sement. So to say# for su!h people of whom their "Birth stellar birds" are rulin for the entire day (or niht) duration# su!h days (or nihts) will be fully fa%ourable. More so# when these bird are in their " Ruling" a!ti%ity in one of the '%e ma4or intra-day time-slots (of few hours ea!h) and e%en in a sub-time-slot of few minutes. The "Ma4or time-slots" and their sub-slots ha%e been des!ribed a little below in this do!ument. Similarly# %i!e-%ersa to abo%e# there is a parti!ular bird whi!h is wea$est for the entire period of day or niht. Durin this period# the bird remains !ompletely &powerless& or &dead&. This bird is !alled the " Dying bird" of that parti!ular daytime (or# niht-time) sement. Cor su!h people of whom their "Birth stellar birds" are in &Dying& state for the entire day (or niht) duration# su!h days (or nihts) will be hihly un-fa%ourable for any a!ti%ity or endea%our.  Thus# there are a &Ruling bird& and a &Dying bird& for ea!h of the &Day-time sement& and &Niht-time sement&. These two birds are shown at the start of ea!h sement# in the table.

The #e ma$or time%slots &" Yama" in each of the t(o 'Day% segments': a!h of the abo%e des!ribed two sements (Day and Niht) is further sub-di%ided into '%e ma4or equal time-slots# !alled & Yama&. Thus# there are 0 :amas (ma4or time-slots) in total# within ;E hrs# - '%e durin the day-time sement and '%e durin niht-time sement. *!ti%ities performed by birds durin these ma4or time slots are !alled their &ma4or-a!ti%ities&. a!h ma4or time slot (&Yama&) is of about ;

hrs and ;E minutes duration.

The #e sub%slots of time in each of the ')a$or time slot' &' Yama':

a!h of the abo%e des!ribed ten ma4or-time-slots (& Yama&) is further sub-di%ided into '%e unequal sub-slots of time. Thus# there are > sub-slots in total - ;> durin the day-time sement and ;> durin niht-time sement. *!ti%ities performed by birds durin these sub-slots of time are !alled their &sub-a!ti%ities&. a!h suba!ti%ity lasts for few minutes# usually between 0 minutes and >> minutes.

The categori*ation of time%slots:

 The an!ient Saints ha%e i%en !omparati%e &Natural strenths& for the '%e birds.  They ha%e also i%en appli!able ratios for "%ibrational strenths" of the %arious abstra!t a!ti%ities (li$e# &wal$in&# &eatin& et!.) performed by the birds. Fe ha%e di%ided# in "Panch-pakshi" table# the thus !al!ulated net strenths of nati%e&s bird# ained by it durin %arious main-a!ti%ities and sub-a!ti%ities# !ombined# under se%en !ateories for ma$in it easy to use the table. These < !ateories of intraday time-slots# in de!linin order# are as follows

E+cellent # ,ood# -air# A#erage# .nade/uate# 0oor and Worst

Fhen your bird&s main-a!ti%ity is " Ruling" and it&s sub-a!ti%ity is also " Ruling"&# that time slot is shown as " E+cellent " in the table. There will be two su!h time slots ea!h day - one durin day-time and another durin niht-time. These are the &9olden time-slots& of whi!h you may ma$e best use. +f your bird is also the &Ruling%bird & of that parti!ular day?niht sement# results would be!ome e%en more positi%e. /owe%er# if your bird is the &Dying%bird & of that parti!ular day?niht sement# then# e%en if it&s main-a!ti%ity is & Ruling& and it&s sub-a!ti%ity is also & Ruling& - the results would not be as ood. :ou may !onsider this time slot simply as the "1est a#ailable time slot " on an otherwise neati%e day. Similarly# when a bird&s main-a!ti%ity is & Dying' and it&s sub-a!ti%ity is also & Dying&# that time slot is shown as & Worst&. There will be two su!h time slots ea!h day - one durin day-time and another durin niht-time. These are the " (orst time% slots" for you - durin whi!h you must be hihly !areful. *ny untoward in!ident# of any $ind# may ta$e pla!e durin su!h time duration. *ll your e7orts would not yield any results. :ou would be %ulnerable to defeat in neotiations# barainin

and !ompetitions. +f your bird is also the " Dying%bird " of that parti!ular day?niht sement# results would be!ome e%en more neati%e. /owe%er# if your bird is the &Ruling%bird & of that parti!ular day sement# then# if it&s main-a!ti%ity and suba!ti%ity are &Dying& - the results would not be as bad. :ou may !onsider this time slot simply as the " Worst time slot" on an otherwise ood day. 6est of the many other possible !ombinations for main-a!ti%ities and sub-a!ti%ities would !ome some where in-between of & E+cellent & and &Worst&. They ha%e been !ateori=ed as & ,ood&# &-air&# &A#erage&# &.nade/uate& and &0oor&. The &Panch pakshi& table shows the e,a!t %alue of "Net strenth" ained by nati%e&s bird# alon with it&s !ateori=ation# for ea!h time-slot# in the th !olumn

Name of the other bird - whi!h is in same &Maina!ti%ity& Jas the listed sub-a!ti%ity of nati%e&s bird.K

 The Hth !olumn

The &6elation& of !on!erned bird with nati%e&s bird

 The 1 O
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