Kunci Jawaban_PR Inggris 12_2013.pdf

June 26, 2016 | Author: MuhammadKholisI'tishomAnsor | Category: N/A
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At the end of this unit you should be able to: 1. admit, 2. promise, 3. blame, 4. accuse, 5. tell stories using spoken English, 6. create short functional texts (spoken announcements), 7. create written narratives, 8. write short functional texts (written announcements), 9. use modal perfect and conditionals using ‘wish’.



Reading narratives is always amusing. While reading a narrative, we are transported to the imaginary world created by the author and it’s interesting. It suits the purpose of a narrative, i.e. entertaining the readers or listeners. Not only interesting, a good narrative should contain good moral values for the readers too. Now, if you wish to learn more about narratives, please follow this unit.

1.1 Expressions Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat memberikan soal berikut untuk meningkatkan pemahaman siswa. Bapak/Ibu Guru perlu memperbanyak soal-soal yang dikerjakan siswa sesuai dengan jumlah siswa, lalu membacakan soal listening-nya. A.


Jawaban: 1. At home. 2. To have breakfast. 3. Because he is afraid of being late. 4. Today is a holiday. 5. She blames the boy. B.

Listen to and complete the dialog based on what you have heard.

Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru dan jawaban: Irene : Adam, (1) please stop disturbing me. Adam : What do you mean, Irene? Irene : You called me and sent me many texts recently, (2) even at midnight, didn’t you? Adam : Hey, what did you say? I never did such things. Irene : (3) Don’t lie to me. It’s not the first time you did that. Adam : O.K. I disturbed you once, but never again. Irene : Really? Do you swear? Adam : Yes, I do swear. Irene : So, (4) who did it? Adam : Who knows? Anyway, what is the number? Irene : I don’t recognize the number. Adam : O, come on. Don’t take it seriously. It’s only a prank. Irene : Yes, but (5) I am really unhappy with this. Adam : Perhaps he is one of your ‘fans’. Ha . . . ha . . . . C.

Percakapan yang dibacakan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru dan jawaban: Rico : You look so sad, Trias. Tyas : Yes. I’m in a (1) bad mood. Rico : What’s wrong? Tyas : It’s just a (2) simple problem. Rico : Would you mind sharing it with me? (3) I promise I won’t let others know. Tyas : Can you keep a promise? Rico : Yes! Tyas : Well, I feel that no one likes me. This morning, when Ms. Rani asked us to (4) work in groups, no one was willing to work with me. Then, Ms. Rani assigned me to Vanya’s group. Rico : Maybe it was because they lacked confidence to work with such a (5) brilliant girl like you. Tyas : Whatever it was, I feel a bit miserable. Rico : Don’t worry. You have me here. Cheer up.

Listen and answer the questions based on what you have heard.

Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Woman : Aldy, where are you going? Please have breakfast first. Boy : No, Mom. I am afraid I will be late. It’s quarter to seven. Woman : Last night I told you not to sleep late, but you ignored me. Now, you wake up late and rush. Boy : Yes, Mom. That’s my fault. Woman : Where are you going then? Boy : School. Woman : Going to school? Are you sure? Boy : Yes, Mom. I hope I will not be late. Woman : Don’t you remember that today is a holiday? Boy : O, gosh. Yes, you’re right.

Answer the following questions based on the dialog in Task B.

Jawaban: 1. Someone called her and sent her many texts, even at midnight. 2. Because Adam had once disturbed her by calling and sending her many texts. 3. Not to take it seriously. 4. She accuses Adam. 5. Annoying.

Listen to and complete the dialog based on what you have heard.

Soal Rico Tyas Rico Tyas Rico Tyas Rico Tyas

Rico Tyas Rico

yang dikerjakan siswa: : You look so sad, Trias. : Yes. I’m in a (1) ________. : What’s wrong? : It’s just a (2) ________. : Would you mind sharing it with me? (3) ________ I won’t let others know. : Can you keep a promise? : Yes! : Well, I feel that no one likes me. This morning, when Ms. Rani asked us to (4) ________, no one was willing to work with me. Then, Ms. Rani assigned me to Vanya’s group. : Maybe it was because they lacked confidence to work with such a (5) ________ like you. : Whatever it was, I feel a bit miserable. : Don’t worry. You have me here. Cheer up.


Answer the following questions based on the dialog in Task A.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Why does Tyas look sad? What does Rico ask? What does Rico promise? What did Tyas’ teacher ask her? In Rico’s opinion, why did Tyas’ friends do such a thing?

Jawaban: 1. Because no one was willing to work with her. 2. To share her problem with him. 3. He promises that he will not reveal Tyas’ problem to others. 4. To work with Vanya’s group 5. Because they were not confident to work with a brilliant girl like Tyas.

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Listen and choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer.

Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Questions 1 and 2 refer to the following dialog. Girl : Ough . . . I have no credits left. You used them without my permission, didn’t you? Boy : Um . . . yes. Sorry. I used it to call Randy last night. I had difficulties in doing my homework, so I called him for help. Girl : I see, but why didn’t you ask my permission first? Boy : You had already slept and I didn’t want to disturb you. Girl : It’s O.K., but please don’t do it again. You should have asked my permission before using my cell phone. Boy : Yes. Jawaban: 1. D 2.




Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Questions 4 and 5 refer to the following dialog. Girl : Where are we right now? Boy : I don’t know. I am not familiar with this place. Girl : I think we are lost. Anyway, you said you knew the way to the waterfall. Boy : Sorry. Let me retrace my memory. Um, I think it’s the right way. Girl : Oh, what a fool you are! You said you knew the way, but now we are lost. Boy : I’m really sorry. Girl : You should have been honest if you didn’t know the way. Boy : It’s my fault and I accept the blame. Jawaban: 4. A 5.


8. Bram : 9. Bram : 10. Bram :

I think there is a problem with the hardware. Sure. Please do. There may be something wrong with the computer. May I see?

Jawaban: The correct arrangement of the sentences is 2–9–1–7–4–10– 5–8–3–6. B.

Answer the following questions based on the dialog in Task A.

Jawaban: 1. He would like to go for a walk with his friends. 2. He promised not to go out too often. 3. She wanted Andro to focus on his studies. 4. It was disappointing. 5. At the weekend. C.

Complete the following dialog with the correct words from the box. Then, practice the dialog.

Jawaban: 1. c 2. D.



Contoh jawaban: 1. You : Your old friend : You : Your old friend :


Jawaban: The correct arrangement of the sentences is 2–9–5–7–4–6–1– 8–3.


Your friend : You :

Your friend : You


Your friend : 3.






Your bother : You

Excuse me. You’re Alexa, aren’t you? Yes. Um . . . Andrea? Sure. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you too. Long time no see. What about going to the food court? We can have a chitchat while eating. I’d like to, but sorry, I have no time. I have to attend the course. I see. What about visiting my house? Here is my address. Good idea. I will visit you next Sunday. I promise. O.K. I’ll wait for you. See you. See you.

We lost the match by 2–3. Yeah, we have to admit that our opponent had better team work. They also had both strong defense and attack. Well, I’m a bit disappointed with our strikers. What do you mean? You know, Ardy should not have aimed the ball directly at the goalkeeper. For the second attempt, it was your fault to pass the ball to him. The defender got the ball easily. I know. I should have kicked it powerfully. Anyway, we can learn a lot from this match. Yes, you’re right.

Your friend : You : Your friend : You :

Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat memberikan soal berikut untuk meningkatkan pemahaman siswa. Bapak/Ibu Guru perlu memperbanyak soal yang dikerjakan siswa sesuai dengan jumlah siswa.



Your old friend : You : Your old friend : 2.

Arrange the following sentences to form a meaningful dialog. Then, practice the dialog. 1. Jane : Oh, no. How can it be? 2. Jane : Sorry, Bram. May I interrupt you for a while? I need to type an invitation. 3. Jane : I think you are to blame. You often use the computer for playing games for hours, don’t you? 4. Jane : I suddenly can’t move the cursor and I can’t click on anything with the mouse. 5. Jane : Please. 6. Bram : Yeah, but it could be another reason. Let me restart the computer. I hope it will work again. 7. Bram : What’s the matter, Jane?


Your old friend :

Arrange the following sentences to form a meaningful dialog.


Create and practice dialogs based on the following situations.

You A.



Your bother : You :

Sandy, did you see a sheet of notes that I put on the desk? What notes? There were sheets of paper here. My courses schedule. It was on a piece of white paper. Not too big, I guess. Were there highlights on the notes? Yup, you’re right. Green highlights?

Your bother : You : Your bother :



Yes. I think I threw it away. You threw it away? O, gosh! It was on the used paper pile. I didn’t think anyone will need it. Well, let me find it. I hope the rubbish collector hasn’t collected the rubbish yet. :

Bus conductor : You : Bus conductor : You : Bus conductor : You :

Bus conductor :

I’m sorry, Sir. I can’t pay the fare. I lost my wallet. You lost your wallet, or you didn’t bring it? I lost it, Sir. The wallet was in my bag. I’m pretty sure. Have you tried to find it? I have. Errr, could it be the man who sat next to me who took it? What do you mean? There was a man sitting next to me. He was wearing a black jacket and a dark-blue cap. I just thought that he could have stolen my wallet, when I was asleep. Don’t accuse him if you don’t have any evidence at all. Well, you don’t need to pay this time. Please search for your wallet, in case you left it at home.

Although she loved her parents and family, she yearned to live in that golden house. She dreamed all day about (3) how wonderful and exciting it must be to live there. When she got to an age where she was old and sensible enough to go outside her garden fence, she asked her mother if she could go for a bike ride outside the gate and (4) down the lane. After pleading with her, her mother finally allowed her to go, insisting that she kept close to the house and didn’t wander too far. The day was beautiful and the little girl knew exactly where (5) she was heading! Down the lane and across the valley, she rode her bike until she got to the gate of (6) the golden house. She dismounted her bike and leaned it against the gate post. Then she focused on the path that lead to the house and then on the house itself. You know what! She was very disappointed as she realised all the windows were (7) plain and rather dirty, reflecting nothing other than the sad neglect of the house that stood derelict. So sad she didn’t go any further and turned, heart broken as she remounted her bike. As (8) she glanced up she saw a sight that amazed her. There across the way on her side of the valley was a little house and its windows glistened like gold as the sun shone on her little home. She realised that she had been living in her golden house and all (9) the love and care she found there was what made her home the ‘golden house’. Everything she dreamed was right there (10) in front of her nose! Adopted from: http://www.rogerdarlington.me.uk/stories.html (August 4, 2012)

1.2 Genre


What do the following words mean? You will hear the words in the text in Task B.

Jawaban: 1. biasa 2. rindu, ingin 3. jalan kecil/pedesaan 4. memohon dengan sangat 5. menuntut/meminta dengan tegas 6. mengembara, berkeliling 7. turun 8. yang ditinggalkan 9. naik kembali 10. berkilau-kilauan B.

Listen to and complete the text based on what you have heard.

Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru dan jawaban: Once, there was a little girl who lived in a small, very simple, poor house on a hill. As she grew she would play in the small garden, able to see over the garden fence and (1) across the valley to a wonderful house high on the hill. The house had golden windows, so golden and shining that the little girl would dream of how magical it would be to grow up and live in the house instead of (2) an ordinary house like hers.


Answer the following questions based on the text in Task B.

Jawaban: 1. In a small, very simple and poor house on a hill. 2. A wonderful house with golden windows. 3. She dreamt to live in the wonderful and exciting house. 4. Her mother insisted that the girl kept close to the house and didn’t wander too far. 5. By bike. 6. Because the house was different from what she had imagined. All the windows were plain and rather dirty, reflecting nothing other than the sad neglect of the house that stood derelict. 7. A golden house. 8. Her own house. 9. She realized that she had been living in a golden house. Love and care made her home a golden house. 10. Desired.

Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat memberikan soal berikut untuk meningkatkan pemahaman siswa. Bapak/Ibu Guru perlu memperbanyak soal yang dikerjakan siswa sesuai dengan jumlah siswa, lalu membacakan teks listening-nya. Listen and answer the questions based on what you have heard. Teks yang dibacakan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Once upon a time, two traveling angels stopped to spend the night in the home of a wealthy family. The family was inconsiderate and refused to let the angels sleep in the mansion’s guest room. Instead, the angels were given a small space in the cold basement. As they made their bed on the hard floor, the older angel saw a hole in the wall and repaired it. When the younger angel asked why, the older angel replied, “Things aren’t always what they seem.”

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The following night, the pair settled down at the house of a very poor, but very hospitable farmer and his wife. After sharing what little food they had, the couple allowed the angels to sleep in their bed where they could have a good night’s rest. When the sun rose the next morning, the angels found the farmer and his wife in tears. Their only cow, whose milk had been their sole income, lay dead on the field. The younger angel was infuriated, accused and asked the older angel, “How could you have let this happen?” “The first family had everything, yet you helped them. However, the second family had little, but was willing to share everything, and you let their cow die.” “Things aren’t always what they seem,” the older angel replied. “When we stayed in the basement of the mansion, I noticed there was gold stored in that hole in the wall. Since the owner was so obsessed with greed and unwilling to share his good fortune, I sealed the wall so he wouldn’t find it. Then last night, as we slept in the farmer’s bed, the angel of death came for his wife. I gave him the cow instead. Things aren’t always what they seem.” That is exactly what happens when things don’t turn out the way they should. Adopted from: http://varietyreading.carlsguides.com/forwards/notseem.php (March 24, 2012)

Soal-soal yang dikerjakan siswa: 1. What is the story about? 2. Where did the main characters spend the first night? 3. What do you think of the characters of the house occupants? 4. Where did the main characters sleep that night? 5. Where did they sleep the following night? 6. What was the occupant’s situation? 7. What happened the next morning? 8. What did the main character actually do for the second family? 9. Why did the main character seal the wall of the first family’s house? 10. What can we learn from the story? Jawaban: 1. It is about two angels who were traveling together. 2. In the house of a wealthy family. 3. They were inconsiderate and stingy and they didn’t allow the angels to spend the night in the mansion’s guest room. 4. In a small space in the cold basement. 5. They slept in a farmer’s house. 6. They were very poor but very hospitable. 7. Their cow died. D.

Listen and choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer.

Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: A nurse took a tired, anxious serviceman to the bedside. “Your son is here,” she said to an old man who was her patient. He opened his eyes, but blurrily saw a young soldier standing beside his bed. The soldier reached out to the old man’s hand. The nurse brought a chair so that the soldier could sit beside the bed. All through the night the young soldier sat beside the old man’s bed, holding his hand and offering him words of love and strength. Occasionally, the nurse asked the soldier to rest for a while, but he refused. The man said nothing, only held on tightly to the young soldier all through the night. Towards dawn, the old man died. The soldier released the old man’s hand he had been holding and went to tell the nurse. While she did what she had to do, he waited.



Finally, she returned. She started to offer words of condolence, but the soldier interrupted her. “Who was that man?” he asked. The nurse was startled. “He was your father,” she answered. “No, he wasn’t,” the soldier replied. “I never saw him before in my life.” “Then why didn’t you say something when I took you to him?” “I knew right away there had been a mistake, but I also knew he needed his son who wasn’t here. When I realized that he was too sick to tell whether or not I was his son, knowing how much he needed me, I stayed.” So, the next time someone needs you, be there for them. Adapted from: http://rajaniyer.blogspot.com/2009/02/tale-to-understand-helping-handspeaks.html (March 22, 2012)

Jawaban: 1. C 2.









Arrange the following paragraphs to form a meaningful text.

Jawaban: The correct arrangement of the paragraphs is 5–4–6–1–7–3–2. B.

Complete the following statements based on the text in Task A.

Jawaban: 1. good, hard working 2. Alan 3. he would be the next king 4. taking him to the top of a mountain 5. a fire-winged house 6. took pity and took care of him 7. a feather from its fire wings 8. going to the neighboring kingdoms and revealed all military secrets 9. fire-winged horse’s 10. the fact that the boy was his son C.

Retell the story in Task A from the prince’s point of view.

Contoh jawaban: My name is Alan. Now I live happily in a palace with my parents. Will you listen to my story? My country is ruled by a good and hard working king. No wonder that my country is very prosperous and wealthy. Do you know who the king is? Yes, he is my father. When I was born, my parents were very happy. To show their happiness, they held a festival in the palace. Everyone was happy with my birth but Oralf, my uncle, wished that he would rule the kingdom so he planned to estrange me. Guess what Oralf did then! He took me to the top of a mountain. He left me there and returned to the palace. Moments later, a white horse approached me. The horse lived in a cave of the mountain. It had fire wings that could destroy everything. When it looked at me, it took pity. Then it decided to take care of me. It loved me and taught me all types of warfare. I grew well with other children. Actually it didn’t know that I was the king’s son! Years passed. My parents were very sad about me. One day a woman told my mother that I was still alive and lived with a fire-winged horse in a cave of a mountain. Of course it made my mother very happy. She gave gifts to the old woman and asked the king to look for me.

Arriving at the cave, the king soon realised that I was his son. He then told the white horse and my friends that he would take me back to the palace. They could say nothing but yes. Before I left them, the horse gave me a feather from its fire wings. It told me that if I had any need, I could call it by dipping the feather in water. It would appear and help me. After saying thanks to the horse, the king and I went back to the palace. Of course my arrival made Oralf upset. He planned to kill me. He went to the neighboring kingdoms and revealed all military secrets to attack my kingdom. The attack was so sudden that we could not defend. Suddenly, I remembered the feather the horse had given me. I dipped it in the water and requested for the horse’s help. At once the horse appeared and helped me. Soon we defeated the enemy and Oralf was killed. Since then, we live happily until now. Well, that’s my story. Thank you for listening.


Read the text and answer the questions.

Jawaban: 1. A prince (even in the form of a statue) that always helped unhappy people. 2. It was made up of lead and with various jewels. Blue jewels were fixed in his eyes. 3. In order that everybody could remember the prince. 4. A swallow. 5. He wished that the swallow helped him care about others. 6. When the swallow died. 7. He looked ugly and shabby. 8. To replace it with the statue of the mayor. 9. They threw it into a heap of the dust. 10. Good deeds will never die, so we should always help other people in need. B.

Find the synonyms of the following words in the text in Task A.

Jawaban: 1. sorrow 3. to die 5. to stop 7. to request 9. place C.

2. 4. 6. 8. 10.

to help center surprised ugly precious

Complete the sentences with proper modal perfect and the words in brackets.

Jawaban: 1. should have submitted 2. must have moved 3. could have bought 4. might have had/must have had 5. must have recovered D.

Complete the text with the correct words from the box.

Jawaban: 1. h 2. c 6. b 7. f

3. k 8. j

4. e 9. a

5. i 10. G

Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat memberikan soal berikut sebagai kegiatan pendalaman. Bapak/Ibu Guru perlu memperbanyak soal yang dikerjakan siswa sesuai dengan jumlah siswa. Complete the text with the correct words from the box. a. d. g. j.

impatiently silence believers offend

b. e. h. k.

heartbeat wise classmates message

c. f. i. l.

pretend stay home perfect far away

Daddy’s Girl Her hair was arranged in a pony tail, her favorite dress was tied with a bow. Today was Father’s Day at school, and she couldn’t wait to go. Her mommy tried to tell her that she should probably (1) ________. Why the kid may not understand, if she went to school alone. But she was not afraid; she knew just what to say –– what to tell her (2) ________, on Father’s Day. Her mommy was still worried, for her to face this day alone and that was why once again, she tried to keep her daughter home. The little girl went to school, eager to tell them all. About a dad she never saw, a dad who never called. There were daddies along the wall, for everyone to meet. Children were squirming, (3) ________, anxiously in their seats. One by one the teacher called a student from the class, to introduce their daddy as seconds slowly passed. Finally, the teacher called her name and every child turned to stare. Each of them was searching, for a man who wasn’t there. “Where’s her daddy?” she heard a boy call out. “She probably doesn’t have one,” another student dared to shout. From somewhere near the back, she heard a daddy say, “Looks like another dad too busy to waste his day.” The words did not (4) ________ her, as she smiled at her friends and looked back at her teacher, who told her to begin. With her hands behind her back, slowly she began to speak and out from the mouth of a child, came words incredibly unique, “My daddy couldn’t be here because he lives so (5) ________, but I know he wishes he could be with me on this day.” “Although you cannot meet him, I want you to know all about my daddy and how much he loves me. He loved to tell me stories, taught me to ride my bike. He surprised me with pink roses and taught me to fly a kite. We used to share fudge sundaes and ice cream cones. Although you cannot see him, I’m not standing here alone. My daddy’s always with me, even though we are far apart. I know because he told me, he’ll forever be here in my heart.” With that her little hand reached up and lay across her chest, feeling her own (6) ________, beneath her favorite dress and from somewhere in the crowd of dads. Her mother stood in tears, proudly watching her daughter who was (7) ________ beyond her years, for she stood up for the love of a man not in her life. Doing what was the best for her, doing what was right. Then she dropped her hand back down, staring straight into the crowd. She finished with a voice so soft, but its (8) ________ clear and loud. “I love my daddy very much, he’s my shining star. He’d be here if he could, but heaven’s much too far. Sometimes when I close my eyes, it’s like he never went away.” Then she closed her eyes and she saw him there that day.

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To her mother’s amazement, she witnessed with surprise that a room full of daddies and children, all started to close their eyes. Who knows what they saw before them, who knows what they felt inside. Perhaps for merely a second, they saw him at her side. “I know you’re with me, daddy,” to the (9) ________ she called out. What happened next made (10) ________ of those once filled with doubt. Not one in that room could explain it, for each of their eyes had been closed, but there placed on her desk was a beautiful pink rose. A child was blessed, if only for a moment, by the love of her shining bright star and given the gift of believing that. Heaven is never too far. Adopted from: http://www.thinkingagain.com/html/daddysgirl.html (March 24, 2012)

Jawaban: 1. f 2. h 6. b 7. e E.

4. j 9. d

5. l 10. g

Answer the following questions based on the text in Task D.

Complete the following sentences with conditionals using ‘wish’. See the example.

Jawaban: 1. She wishes (that) she would continue her studies abroad. 2. I wish (that) he had called me. 3. She wishes (that) Kian were her best friend. 4. They wish (that) they could have finished it on time. 5. We wish (that) we knew Singapore. G.

Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer.

Jawaban: 1. E 2.









Write five sentences using modal perfect.

Contoh jawaban: 1. The house is very luxurious now. The new owner must have renovated it. 2. Gea would have dropped by your house yesterday, but it rained heavily. 3. Mr. Roland is strong. I think he could have lifted the desk by himself. 4. There was no food on the dining table. Rika should have cooked dinner for us. 5. Donna didn’t call me to ask for help. She may have asked another person to repair her computer.


Write five sentences with conditionals using ‘wish’.

Contoh jawaban: 1. Ruben has no enough money to buy a motorcycle. He wishes (that) he had enough money to buy it. 2. The boys didn’t watch a concert, but they wish (that) they had watched it. 3. Dody is not diligent. His parents wish (that) he were diligent. 4. Dara is not going to pick Harry up from the airport. He wishes (that) she was going to pick him up. 5. I met Sonia in the party last night. She is an arrogant girl. I wish I didn’t meet her. C.

Continue the following paragraphs to form a meaningful text using your own words.

Contoh jawaban: 3. a 8. k

Jawaban: 1. To be great friends forever. 2. He wore a two-color coat (red and blue) that was divided down the middle. 3. Because they had different opinions about what color the trickster’s coat was. 4. We should not look at something based on our point of view only. 5. The trickster’s coat. F.



The Twin Stars In front of the little house was a pine tree and every night at the time when the children went to bed, a bright star appeared over the top of the tree and looked in through the window. The children were brother and sister. They were twins, and so they always had each other to play with. “Now go to sleep,” the mother would say when she had kissed them goodnight, but it was hard to go to sleep when such a beautiful, radiant thing was shining in through the window of the little house. “What do you suppose is in the star?” asked the sister. “I think there are daisies, honey, violets, butterflies and blue birds,” answered the brother. “I think there are roses, robins, berries and hummingbirds,” said the sister. “There must be trees and grass too and I am sure there are pearls and diamonds.” “I can almost see them now,” declared the sister. “I wish we could really see them. Tomorrow let us go and find the star.” When morning came, the star was gone, but they said, “It was just behind the pine-tree, and so it must be on the blue mountain.” The blue mountain was a long way off but it looked near. The twins thought they could walk to it in an hour. They walked all day long. They went through the lonely woods, crossed brooks, climbed hills and still could not find the radiant star that had looked in through their window. The hour had come when their mother always put them to bed and kissed them and said goodnight, but now they had no mother, no goodnight kiss and no bed. They were tired and sleepy. They heard strange sounds in the forest and they were frightened. “I am so tired,” the sister whispered. “I am afraid a bear will come. I wish we could see the star.” The sky had grown dark and a star could be seen here and there, but it was not their star. They went on till they could go no farther. “We will lie down on the grass,” said the brother, “and cover ourselves up with leaves and go to sleep.” Tired as they were, they did not have time to go to sleep before they heard a bear calling “Ugh! Ugh!” in the woods. They sprang up and ran out of the woods. Just before they came to the bottom of the hill, they saw right in front of them a beautiful little lake. They were not frightened anymore, for there in the water was something radiant and shining. “It is our own star,” said them, “and it has come down to us.” They never thought of looking up into the sky over their heads. It was enough for them that the star was in the water and so near them. But was it calling them? They thought so. “Come,” cried the brother, “take my hand, and we will go to the star.” Then the spirit of the skies lifted them up gently and carried them away on a beautiful cloud.

The father and mother sat alone in the little house one evening, looking sadly out of the window through which the twins had looked. “There is the star that they loved,” the mother said. “I have often listened to them while they talked of it. It is rising over the pine-tree in front of the house.” They sat and watched the star. It was brighter and more radiant than ever and in it the father and mother saw the faces of their lost children. “Oh, take us too, good spirit of the skies!” they cried. The spirit heard them. When the next evening came, close beside the star there was another star. In that were the father and mother. At last the parents and children were all very happy to be together again. Adopted from: http://www.sacred-texts.com/etc/bnm/bnm55.htm (JanuaryL 16, 2013)

1.3 Short Functional Texts: Spoken and Written Announcements


Listen and answer the questions based on what you have heard.

Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Attention, please. A watch has just been found in the school yard. The watch is round with a brown leather strap. Its brand is Quarto and the digits are in Roman numerals. For anyone who may have lost it, please contact Mr. Ardian in the teacher’s room during break times. Thank you. Jawaban: 1. A found watch. 2. To announce a found watch. 3. In the school yard. 4. It is a round Quarto watch, with a brown leather strap and the digits are in Roman numerals. 5. He/she should contact Mr. Ardian in the teacher’s room during break times.

Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat memberikan soal berikut sebagai kegiatan pendalaman. Bapak/Ibu Guru perlu memperbanyak soal yang dikerjakan siswa sesuai dengan jumlah siswa, lalu membacakan teks listening-nya.


What do the following words mean? You will hear them in the text in Task B.

Jawaban: 1. menderita 2. membanjiri, menggenangi 3. mengungsi 4. kekurangan 5. bermaksud untuk 6. mengharapkan, mengharuskan B.

Listen to and complete the text based on what you have heard.

Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru dan jawaban: Good morning, all. Many people are suffering, because of floods. They should evacuate their (1) inundated houses for safer places. Of course they lack food, fresh water, clothes and even medicines. Not only that. Many diseases such as diarrhea may (2) infect them easily. It’s a real pity! That’s why, to show our (3) sympathy we intend to help them. We will collect money and use it to buy foods and materials which they will need. All teachers, students and (4) school staff are expected to participate. The class teacher will be (5) responsible for the donations from the students in his/her own class. Thank you. C.

Listen and answer the questions based on what you have heard. Teks yang dibacakan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Good afternoon, radio lovers. We have a new program called Interactive Program for Teenagers. The program will be broadcast every Sunday afternoon at 4 p.m., by your favorite VJ Andika. We will have a different topic each week. We invite you to give opinions or make suggestions about the related topics. So, don’t miss it. Stay tuned only on Star FM 103.3 FM every Sunday at 4 p.m. Soal yang dikerjakan siswa: 1. What is the announcement about? 2. When is the announcement presented? 3. When will the program be broadcast? 4. What can the radio listeners do during the program? 5. “So, don’t miss it.” What does ‘it’ refer to? Jawaban: 1. It is about a new radio program called Interactive Program for Teenagers. 2. In the afternoon. 3. Every Sunday afternoon at 4 p.m. 4. They can give opinions or make suggestions about the related topics. 5. It refers to the new radio program.

Answer the following questions based on the text in Task B.

Jawaban: 1. At school. 2. The school’s plan to give donations to people who are suffering, because of floods. 3. They must remain in the places evacuated to. They lack food, fresh water, clothes and even medicines. Diseases such diarrhea may also infect them easily. 4. All students, teachers and school staff. 5. People who are suffering, because of floods.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII



Arrange the following sentences to form a meaningful announcement.

Jawaban: The correct arrangement of the sentences is 4–6–2–7–1–5–3. B.

Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat memberikan soal berikut sebagai kegiatan pendalaman. Bapak/Ibu Guru perlu memperbanyak soal-soal yang dikerjakan siswa sesuai dengan jumlah siswa. A.

Complete the following statements based on the text in Task A.

a. d. g.

Jawaban: 1. to give information 2. a new school radio 3. three hours 4. a means of communication among students, teachers and school staff 5. receive news about their school and the educational world, have pleasure and even greet their friends C.


Good evening, radio lovers. We are proud to present a new talk show program. It is called Teens’ Talk Show, with your favorite DJ Derry. This program is especially designed to share and discuss teens’ problems. We invite you all to share opinions or suggestions to help other’s problems. The program will be broadcast every Saturday evening at 8 p.m. So, we invite those who want to share problems and those who want to help solve problems. So, don’t miss it. Only on Trias FM 105.8 FM every Saturday at 8 p.m.

Complete the following text with the words from the box.

Jawaban: 1. b 2. B.







further prices bargain

c. contact f. sorts

Come to our house at Jalan Merpati number 30. We will be waiting for you. For (5) _________ information, please call 4335291. Jawaban: 1. d 2.









Answer the following questions based on the text in Task A.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

What is the text about? What is the purpose of the text? When will the event be held? What does the event offer? What can people do if they wish to buy a certain item?

Jawaban: 1. A garage sale. 2. To announce (give information about) a garage sale. 3. On October 25, from 10 a.m. till end. 4. Many sorts of items to sale, including electronics, DVDs, clothing, furniture, toys, etc. 5. They can bargain the price of the item. Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer.

Jawaban: 1. C 2.









Answer the following questions based on the text in Task A.

Jawaban: 1. Car free day. 2. Every Sunday morning. 3. Three hours. 4. By biking or walking. 5. At the town square.

b. e. h.

There will be many (2) _________ of items for sale, including electronics, DVDs, clothing, furniture, toys, etc. We’ll offer you (3) _________ prices, plus, you can (4) _________!



fantastic sale fixed

Announcement A garage (1) _________ will be held! On October 25, from 10 a.m. till end.

Create announcements based on the following situations.

Contoh jawaban: 1. Welcome to the public library. Anyone who lives, works, pays property taxes or attends school in the province is entitled to for a borrower’s card. Most books can be borrowed for up to six days. These may be renewed once every three days if no one else has already reserved them. More popular books should be returned in four days. Visitors must follow all library instructions. We provide a coin-operated photocopying machine. Use of personal equipment, such as portable CD players, cell phones and personal computers, are not allowed. Thank you.

Complete the text with the correct words from the box.

Write an announcement you may find at your school. Contoh jawaban: Announcement We would like to announce that the computer laboratory will be renovated in order to improve its services. The laboratory will be closed for three days, from August 8–10, 2013. Sorry for the inconvenience!



Tape Script for Assessment Question 1 refers to the following dialog. Girl : Ugh . . . you are late again. Boy : Sorry, I overslept. Girl : You told me that you will not be late but you keep breaking your promise. Boy : It’s my mistake. Sorry. Question: 1. What does the boy express by saying, “It’s my mistake. Sorry.”? Question 2 refers to the following dialog. Girl : Rendra, did you take my raincoat? Boy : No, I didn’t. Girl : It must be Riko. I put the raincoat on this table and now he is out, right? Boy : I don’t think so. I saw Riko leaving and wearing his own raincoat. Why don’t you try to look for it again? Maybe you forgot where you put it. Question: 2. Why does the girl accuse Riko of wearing her raincoat? Question 3 refers to the following dialog. Girl : Look! The water keeps rising. Our tents are almost inundated by water. Boy : Yes. Let’s pack the tents and save our possessions. Girl : It’s your fault. I told you not to camp on the bank of a river, but you insisted. Now, see the result. Boy : Sorry. I admit my mistake. Question: 3. What are the girl and boy doing? Questions 4 and 5 refer to the following monolog. Let me tell you a story. One day a tailor was at work. He took a piece of cloth and with a pair of shining, costly scissors. He cut the cloth into various bits. Then he placed the pair of scissors at his feet. Later on he got a small needle and thread and started to sew the bits of cloth, into a fine shirt. When the sewing was over, he stuck the needle on his turban. The tailor’s son who was watching, asked him, “Father, the scissors are costly and look so beautiful. However, you place them at your feet. This needle is worth almost nothing. You can get a dozen for less than a thousand Rupiah. Yet, you stick it carefully on the turban, on your head. Is there any reason for this?” “Yes, my son. The scissors have its function, no doubt, but they only cut the cloth into bits. The needle, on the contrary, unites the bits of cloth and enhances the value of the end product. Therefore, the needle to me is more precious and valuable. The value of anything depends on its utility, son, not on its cost or appearance.”


Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer.

Jawaban: 1. C 2. A 6. A 7. B 11. E 12. B 16. B 17. D II.

3. 8. 13. 18.


4. 9. 14. 19.


5. 10. 15. 20.


Write a narrative text. You may choose your own story.

Contoh jawaban: Once a king had a great highway built for the members of his kingdom. Before it was opened to the public, the king decided to have a contest. He invited as many as desired to participate. Their challenge was to see who could travel the highway the best. On the day of the contest, the participants came. Some of them had fine chariots. Some had fine clothing, fine hairdos or great food. Some young men came in their track suits and ran along the highway. People traveled the highway all day, but each one, upon arrival at the end, complained to the king that there was a large pile of rocks and debris left on the road at one spot and that this got in their way and hindered their travel. At the end of the day, a lone traveler crossed the finish line warily and walked over to the king. He was tired and dirty but he addressed the king with great respect and handed him a bag of gold. He explained, “I stopped along the way to clear a pile of rocks and debris that were blocking the road. This bag of gold was under it all. I beg you to return it to its rightful owner.” The king replied, “You are the rightful owner.” The traveler replied, “Oh no, this is not mine. I’ve never known such wealth.” “Oh yes,” said the king, “you’ve earned this gold, for you won my contest. He who travels the road best is he who makes the road smoother for others to follow.” Adopted from: http://varietyreading.carlsguides.com/forwards/kinghighway.php (March 24, 2012)

Adopted from: http://rajaniyer.blogspot.com/2008/06/inspirational-stories_17.html (March 22, 2012)

Questions: 4. What is the text about? 5. Where did the tailor put the needle?

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII


Tape Script for Review Unit I Version A Question 1 refers to the following dialog. Man : I don’t think I can finish the paper on time. The topic is rather difficult. Woman : Don’t give up. Believe in yourself that you can do it. Don’t worry, I’ll help you. Man : Promise? Woman : Yes! Question: 1. What does the woman promise? Question 2 refers to the following dialog. Girl : Rafi, you ate my muffin last night, didn’t you? Boy : Er . . . sorry. I ate it. Question: 2. What did the boy eat? Question 3 refers to the following dialog. Boy : Look at the living room! It’s a real mess. Girl : Sorry. It’s my fault. Boy : How come? Girl : Well . . ., I was looking for my English textbook. Question: 3. What is the dialog about?



Questions 4 and 5 refer to the following monolog. There was a blind girl who hated herself because she was blind. She hated everyone, except her loving boyfriend. He was always there for her. She said that, if she could only see the world, she would marry her boyfriend. One day, someone donated a pair of eyes to her and then she could see everything, including her boyfriend. Her boyfriend asked her, “Now that you can see the world, will you marry me?” The girl was shocked when she saw that her boyfriend was blind too and refused to marry him. Her boyfriend walked away in tears and later wrote a letter to her saying, “Just take care of my eyes, dear. I’ll always love you.” Adopted from: http://www.lovefatedestiny.com/shortlovestories5.htm (March 15, 2011)

Questions: 4. What would the blind girl do if she could see the world? 5. What happened to the blind girl’s boyfriend?

Review Unit I Version A

Lampiran 3

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas : XII

Semester Tanggal


Nomor Induk


Tanda Tangan

I. A.

Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer. Listening Section

1. A. B. C. D. E.

To finish the paper soon. To help the man finish his paper. To hand in the paper on time. To get a topic for the man’s paper. The help the man type his paper.

2. A. B. C. D. E.

A cake. Ice cream. Fried chicken. Noodles. Sandwich.

3. A.

A girl who admitted her mistake for messing the living room. A boy who was looking for his English book. A girl who wanted to tidy up the living room. A girl who helped the boy tidy up the living room. A boy and girl who messed up the living room.

B. C. D. E. 4. A. B. C. D. E.

She She She She She

5. A. B. C. D. E.

He He He He He

would travel around the world. would like to see her boyfriend. would help others who were blind too. would like to see everything in the world. would marry her boyfriend.

married the girl. became blind. became an oculist. left the girl with happiness. lived happily with another girl.

This is the end of the listening section. B.

Reading Section

The following text is for questions 6 and 7. May I have your attention, please? I would like the committee of the English Night activity to assemble in the school hall to receive some advice and directions from the principal. This will be done after school today at 2 p.m. It is very important so I would like everyone to attend this meeting. As we all know, the English Night activity is going to be held next Saturday, August 31 at 7 p.m. We have to ensure that everything is prepared and well arranged. Please come on time. Thank you. 6. What is the announcement about? A. The delay of a meeting. B. The English Night activity. C. An invitation to have a meeting. D. The English Night activity committee. E. Advices and directions of the principal.


: 1 (satu) : ....

What is the agenda of the meeting? A. To prepare for the English Night activity. B. To plan the English Night activity. C. To prepare for and arrange the English Night activity. D. To evaluate the English Night activity which had been done. E. To receive advice and directions from the principal.

The following text is for questions 8 to 10. To: All the teachers and staff of SMA Perdana A one-day meeting will be held next week: Date/Time : Tuesday, August 13, 2013 at 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Location : Room 101 Topic : National Examination Preparation Due to the importance of the meeting, please be punctual. Bring your ideas and suggestions, to help our students be successful in the examination! Widya Purnamasari The Head of the National Examination Committee 8. What is the meeting for? A. To inform about the national examination. B. To give solutions to the examination problem. C. To discuss about the national examination items. D. To ask teachers to face the national examination. E. To talk about the preparation for the national examination. 9. From the text above we can conclude that ________. A. the national examination has already been done B. all students have been successful in the national examination C. the meeting is held before the national examination D. the teacher must be pleased with the result of the national examination E. the participants should review whether they have done the exam well 10. Who invites all the teachers and staff of SMA Perdana? A. The students. B. The teachers. C. The principal of SMA Perdana. D. The head of the national examination committee. E. The staffs of SMA Perdana. The following text is for questions 11 to 13. One day a man was going to market with his son and his ass. They met a couple on the way. “Why walk when you have an ass to ride?” called out the husband, “Sit the boy on the ass.”

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII


“I would like that,” said the boy, “help me up, Father.” And the father did that willingly. Soon they met another couple. “How shameful of you!” cried the woman, “Let your father ride. Won’t he be tired?” So, the boy got down and the father rode the ass. Again they marched on. “Poor boy,” said the next person they met, “why should the lazy father ride while his son is walking?” So, the boy got onto the ass too. As they went on, they met some travelers. “How cruel they are! They are ready to kill the poor ass,” cried one of the travelers. Hearing this, the father and son got down. Now they decided to carry the ass on their shoulders. As they did so, the travelers broke into laughter. Unfortunately, the laughter frightened the ass. It broke free and galloped away. Adopted from: http://www.kidsgen.com/moral_stories/you_can _please_everyone.htm (March 12, 2011)

11. What is the story about? A. Some travelers. B. A man and his son. C. A man and his ass. D. A man, his son and an ass. E. A man, his son and a couple they met. 12. Why did one of the travelers say that the man and his son were cruel to the ass? A. Because both of them got onto the ass. B. Because both carried the ass on their shoulders. C. Because the man let his son walk while he was sitting on the ass. D. Because both of them were walking when they had an ass to ride. E. Because the boy let his father walk while he was sitting on the ass. 13. What moral value can you learn from the story? A. We should work hard. B. We cannot please everyone. C. We cannot underestimate others. D. We should respect other’s opinions. E. We should obey our parents. 14. Mom : Ryan : Mom :

Why are you so gloomy? I lost my purse, Mom. You ________ dropped it on the way home from school. Ryan : I think so. A. could not have B. must have C. should have D. would have E. might not have

15. Jerry : Irfan : A. B. C. D. E.


Can you drive a car? No, I can’t. Actually I wish (that) ________, but my father doesn’t allow me. can drive it could drive it could have driven it cannot drive it couldn’t drive it

The following text is for questions 16 to 20. This is Good An old story is told about a king in Africa who had a close friend with whom he grew up. The friend had a habit of looking at every situation that occurred in his life (positive or negative) and remarked, “This is good!” One day the king and his friend were out on a hunting expedition. The friend would load and prepare the guns for the king. The friend had apparently done something wrong when



preparing one of the guns, for after taking the gun from his friend, the king fired it and his thumb was blown off. Examining the situation the friend remarked as usual, “This is good!” To which the king replied, “No, this is not good!” and proceeded to send his friend to jail. About a year later, the king was hunting in an area that he should have known to stay clear of. Cannibals captured him and took him to their village. They tied his hands, stacked some wood, set up a stake and bound him to the stake. As they came near to set fire to the wood, they noticed that the king was missing a thumb. Being superstitious, they never ate anyone that was less than whole. So untying the king, they sent him on his way. As he returned home, he was reminded of the event that had taken his thumb and felt remorse for the treatment of his friend. He went immediately to the jail to speak with his friend. “You were right,” he said, “it was good that my thumb was blown off.” He proceeded to tell the friend all that had just happened. “So I am very sorry for sending you to jail for so long. It was bad for me to do this.” “No,” his friend replied, “This is good!” “What do you mean, ‘This is good’? How could it be good that I sent my friend to jail for a year?” “If I had not been in jail, I would have been with you.” Adopted from: http://www.motivational-well-being.com/motivational-stories-4.html (March 3, 2010)

16. Why did the king send his friend to the jail? A. Because of his positive remark when the king lost his thumb. B. Because he hadn’t joined the king to hunt in the forest. C. Because he had tried to kill the king. D. Because he had betrayed the king. E. Because he had fired the king. 17. “. . . and felt remorse for the treatment of his friend.” (Paragraph 4) The word ‘remorse’ is best replaced by ________. A. pity B. pain C. regret D. dissatisfaction E. disappointment 18. Why didn’t the cannibals eat the king? Because ________. A. he could beat them in a fight B. he could hide himself C. he had lost his thumb D. he had lost his foot E. he was sick 19. What would have happened if the king’s friend had not been in jail? A. He would have died. B. He would have been sick. C. He would have lost his thumb. D. He would have hunted many animals. E. He would have lost his friend, the king. 20. Which of the statements is NOT TRUE? A. The text is about an African king. B. The cannibals would eat the king by burning him. C. The king’s thumb was blown off when he went hunting. D. The king went to the jail to express his regret to his friend. E. The king friend’s had been in jail for two years when the king visited him. II.

Create an announcement. You may choose your own topic.

Lampiran 4 Kunci Review Unit I Version A I.

Pilihan Ganda

1. B

11. D

2. A

12. A

3. A

13. B

4. E

14. B

5. B

15. B

6. C

16. A

7. E

17. C

8. E

18. C

9. C

19. A

10. D

20. E



Contoh jawaban: Pay attention, guys! Our school shop needs an additional shop assistant. The school shop assistant will work after school hours. Applicants should have a good academic background. Literate in computer programs, preferably MS. Office.

Tape Script for Review Unit I Version B Question 1 refers to the following dialog. Woman : Waiter! Can you check this soup, please? I see a little black living object swimming in it! Man : We do apologize, Ma’am. I’ll replace your soup. Please wait for a moment. Question: 1. Where do you think the dialog takes place? Question 2 refers to the following dialog. Woman : Oh, where is my flash disk? Did you see it? Man : Sorry, I didn’t. Woman : I remember I put it here. You must have taken it. Man : No, I didn’t. Hey, you told me that you asked Henry to transfer the pictures on your cell phone. Did you lend him the flash disk? Woman : Oh, I did. Sorry for accusing you. Man : It’s O.K. Question: 2. What did the woman accuse the man of? Question 3 refers to the following dialog. Boy : Tania, will you attend Viko’s birthday party? Girl : Um . . . I’m not sure. Boy : O, come on. It won’t be merry if you’re not around. Girl : Really? Boy : Positive. Please. Girl : O.K. I’ll go, but please pick me up, will you? Boy : Yes, I will. Question: 3. What does the boy promise? Questions 4 and 5 refer to the following monolog. Once there were conversations in a smithy. A hammer said to an anvil, “I can strike harder than you can bear.” The anvil replied, “I can bear harder than you can strike. Try!” The hammer redoubled its energy and the anvil was as firm as ever. “Hold on, gentlemen!” said the iron that had got between the two. “Too much of a good thing is a bad thing.” “Quite right,” said the furnace in its own abrupt style. “Competition has gone too far when no one benefits.” Adopted from: http://oaks.nvg.org/ifab103.html#rain (November 16, 2010)

Questions: 4. What did the hammer boast to the anvil? 5. Where was the iron’s position?

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII


Review Unit I Version B Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas : XII

Semester Tanggal


Nomor Induk


Tanda Tangan

I. A.

Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer. Listening Section

1. A. B. C. D. E.

At school. In a restaurant. In a city park. In the speakers’ house. In a shopping center.

2. A. B. C. D. E.

Using her flash disk without permission. Lending her flash disk to another person. Breaking her flash disk. Losing her flash disk. Taking her flash disk.

3. A. B. C. D. E.

To To To To To

4. A. B. C.

It could It could It could ever. It could It could

D. E. 5. A. B. C. D. E.

pick the girl up. attend a birthday party. celebrate the girl’s birthday. accompany the girl buying a birthday gift. give the girl a gift. bear harder than the anvil could. bear harder than the anvil could strike. redouble its energy and became as firm as strike harder than the anvil could bear. get more energy than the anvil could.

Near the hammer. On the hammer. Under the anvil. On the furnace. Between the hammer and the anvil. This is the end of the listening section.


Reading Section

The following text is for questions 6 and 7. Dear students, Many students have been asking for an additional lessons program. However, we can’t hold it until there are enough participants from each class. For all class captains, please immediately report to Ms. Lavenia how many students are going to participate and compile a list of their names. It is very important so that we can make a final decision on it. 6. When will the final decision be made? A. After all class captains gather together. B. After the teachers have a meeting. C. After it is certain about what lessons will be offered in the program.



D. E.

: 1 (satu) : ....

After interested students had registered to join the program. After the numbers and names of students who are going to participate are certain.

7. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE? A. Many students have been asking about an additional lessons program. B. The program will be held when there are enough participants. C. All teachers should report about how many students are going to participate. D. Ms. Lavenia is responsible for collecting the reports. E. All class captains should report the names of students who are going to participate. The following text is for questions 8 to 11. The Imperial Majesty visited a small teahouse one morning. He ordered an omelet. Serving a great public figure, the owner was flattered and served the omelet on the common tableware of the teahouse. The owner apologized over and over again, for the common cloth on the table and the simple furniture. “Not at all suitable for the standards of a king!” he said. “It’s fine,” the king reassured him. “How much do I owe for the omelet?” “For you, Sire, the omelet will be 1,000 pieces of gold.” “Whoa!” The king raised an eyebrow. “Eggs must be expensive around here. Is that because they are scarce?” “It’s not the eggs which are scarce around here, Your Majesty,” said the owner. “It is the visit of a king!” Adopted from: http://www.storyarts.org/library/nutshell/stories/visits.html (September 15, 2010)

8. Where did the story take place? A. In a castle. B. At an inn. C. At a food stall. D. At a teahouse. E. In a restaurant. 9. How much should the king pay for his order? A. 100 pieces of gold. B. 100 pieces of silver. C. 1,000 pieces of gold. D. 1,000 pieces of silver. E. 10,000 pieces of gold. 10. Why was it so expensive? A. The tea was rare. B. The customer was a king. C. The eggs were very special. D. The eggs were scarce in that area. E. The tea was imported from another region.

11. “. . . Is that because they are scarce?” What is the synonym of ‘scarce’? A. Rare. B. Precious. C. Common. D. Expensive. E. Big. The following text is for questions 12 and 13. Good morning, everyone. We’d like to deliver an obituary. It comes from Rendy, your friend from Class XI Science 2. Rendy’s father passed away last night at 10 p.m. The funeral will be held at 2 p.m. at Jalan Cenderawasih number 23 Magelang. For those who would like to go there, please join us after school. Thank you. 12. Where can you hear the announcement? A. In a hospital. B. In a cemetery. C. At Rendy’s house. D. In a medical clinic. E. At school. 13. What is the announcement about? A. Rendy’s address. B. Rendy’s funeral. C. Rendy’s absence. D. Rendy’s father who passed away. E. The speaker’s friend named Rendy. 14.

Betty : How was the math test? Leo : It was not too hard. Betty : Yeah. I believe you ________ done it well. A. might have B. should have C. would not have D. could have E. must not have

15. Vina


Are you going to go to the bookstore with Ricky this afternoon? Winda : No, I am not. Vina : Really? Actually he wishes (that) ________. A. you are going to go B. you were going to go C. you had been going to go D. you are not going to go E. you were not going to go

The following text is for questions 16 to 20. John’s Bright Idea Mrs. Walter was a most kind and thoughtful woman. She spent a great deal of time visiting the poor. One morning she told her children about a family which she had visited the day before. There was a man sick in bed, his wife who took care of him and their little boy, and could not go out to work. The little boy — named Tom — had interested her very much. “I wish you could see him,” she said to her own children, John, Harry and Clara, “he is such a help to his mother. He wishes to earn some money very much but I can’t see what he can do.” After their mother had left the room, the children sat thinking about little Tom. “I wish we could help him earn money,” said little Clara. “So do I,” said Harry. For some moments John said nothing. Suddenly he sprang to his feet and said, “I have an idea!” The other children also jumped to attention. When John had an idea, it was sure to be a good one. “I tell you what we can do,” said John. “You know the big box of corn Uncle Sam sent us for popping? Well, we can pop it

and put it into paper bags and Tom can take it round the houses to sell.” When Mrs. Walter heard John’s idea, she too thought it was a good one. Very soon the children were busy popping the corn, while their mother went out to buy the paper bags. When she came back, she brought Tom with her. In a short time, he started out on his new business and much sooner than could be expected, returned with an empty basket. Tucked into one of his mittens were two dollars. He had never earned so much money before in his life. When he found that it was all to be his, he was so delighted he could hardly speak, but his bright smiling face spoke for him. After he had run home to take the money to his mother, John said, “We have enough corn left to send Tom out many more times. May we do it again?” “Yes,” said Mrs. Walter, “you may send him every Saturday morning if you pop the corn for him. John, will you agree to take charge of the work?” “Indeed I will,” replied John, and he kept his word. For many weeks, every Saturday morning, no matter what plan was on foot, no matter how good the coasting or skating, he ensured that all the corn was popped, the paper bags filled and arranged in the basket before Tom arrived. People began to watch for the “little pop-corn boy” and every week he had at least a half dollar to take home and often more. All this was because of John’s bright idea, and the way he carried it out. Adapted from: http://www.rickwalton.com/folktale/cinder06.htm (March 26, 2010)

16. Who was Tom? A. Mrs. Walter’s son. B. John, Harry and Clara’s nephew. C. John, Harry and Clara’s playmate. D. The son of a family Mrs. Walter had visited. E. The son of a family Mrs. Walter knew from newspaper. 17. What did the children ask Tom to do? A. To sell pop corn. B. To pop corn. C. To bring corn to Uncle Sam. D. To deliver corn around their customers’ houses. E. To help the children put the corn in the paper bags. 18. “When he found that it was all to be his, . . . .” (Paragraph 10) Who does ‘he’ refer to? A. John. B. Tom. C. Harry. D. Uncle Sam. E. Tom’s father. 19. Which of the statements is NOT TRUE? A. The big box was sent by Uncle Sam. B. John was called “the little pop-corn boy”. C. Tom was successful in doing his business. D. John sent corn to Tom every Saturday morning. E. Tom started the business when his father was sick. 20. “. . . and the way he carried it out . . . .” (Last paragraph) The phrase ‘to carry out’ means ________. A. to win something B. to continue doing something C. to start and complete a task D. to delay something until a later time E. to help somebody to survive a difficult period II.

Write a dialog using the expressions you have learned in this unit.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII


Kunci Review Unit I Version B I.

Pilihan Ganda

1. B

11. A

2. E

12. E

3. A

13. D

4. D

14. D

5. E

15. B

6. E

16. D

7. C

17. A

8. D

18. B

9. C

19. B

10. B

20. C





Contoh jawaban: Ms. Dini : Can I help you? Rino : I’d like to return these three books. Ms. Dini : All right. Let me check. There is some handwriting in this book. It was you who wrote some notes here, wasn’t it? Rino : Yes, Ma’am. Sorry. I thought it was my book. Ms. Dini : No one is allowed to write anything on the books, including you. Don’t do it again. Rino : I won’t, Ma’am.

At the end of this unit you should be able to: 1. make suggestions, 2. make requests, 3. make complaints, 4. give instructions, 5. explain natural phenomena and how something works using spoken English, 6. deliver short functional texts: telephone messages, 7. create written explanations, 8. write short functional texts: formal letters, and 9. use passive sentences correctly.

Do you know the process of happenings, such as an earthquake, or how an object functions, like how our kidneys work? A text which talks about the process is called an explanation. Let’s learn about explanations in this unit.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII


2.1 Expressions


Listen to and complete the dialogs based on what you have heard.

Percakapan-percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/ Ibu Guru dan jawaban: Dialog 1 Ms. Ira :

Please write the essay individually and submit it next week. Yes, but I still don’t fully (1) understand it, Ma’am. What is it? I’m still confused of how I should (2) start writing the essay. First, find an idea. Then, make an (3) outline. I have done (4) both of them, Ma’am. Good. Then, make a (5) draft and write the entire essay. Thank you, Ma’am. I’ll try it. You’re welcome.

Lia : Ms. Ira : Lia : Ms. Ira : Lia : Ms. Ira : Lia : Mr. Ira :

Dialog 2 Dea : Mr. Arman : Dea : Mr. Arman : Dea :

Mr. Arman : Dea : Mr. Arman :



Dialog 3 Tomi : Mrs. Ted :



Mrs. Ted : Tomi : Mrs. Ted : Tomi


Mrs. Ted : Tomi :


Dad, would you (1) pick me up at four p.m? Sure, but why 4 p.m.? You are usually ready to go home at two. I will have an (2) extra activity today, Dad. What is it? Um, my class teacher asked me to be the school representative for the (3) essay competition. She will (4) guide me on how to do it after school. Oh, really? You’ll be the school representative? Yeah, Dad. Although I’m not sure I can win the competition, I’ll do my best. That’s it. Do your best and have (5) self confidence, honey. Forget about winning or loosing. Sure, Dad. Thank you.

Oh, why did we take this route, Mom? Now we are (1) stuck here. How did I know that there would be an accident here? I thought this was the (2) shortest route to the airport. What if we miss the plane, Mom? We can’t be late for the (3) wedding ceremony. We won’t be late. Don’t worry. Uncle will be dissapointed if we don’t (4) arrive on time. Instead of complaining, why don’t you just pray so that we can get to the airport on time? I’m not complaining, Mom. I just can’t imagine if we can’t be there on time. (5) Trust me we can, O.K.? Yes, Mom. Sorry.


Dialog 4 Susi, Rani and Nia are studying at Nia’s house when Susi’s cell phone rings. Susi : I got a text message. My aunt is hospitalized. Rani : Oh, I’m so sorry. Which hospital is she in? Susi : Bunda Kasih Hospital. The problem is, maybe mom doesn’t know about this. Her cell phone is (1) being serviced. Rani : I think you should (2) go home now and tell your parents about this. Susi : Yeah. I’ll do that. Nia : If you like, Fariz, my brother, can (3) take you home. Rani : Yes, or I can take you home first, then (4) come back again. Susi : Thank you very much, friends, but I can go home myself. Nia : I see. Then, you’d better (5) hurry up. Susi : Hm, I’ll see you later. Rani : O.K., see you. Nia : Take care. B.

Answer the questions based on the dialogs in Task A.

Jawaban: Dialog 1 1. Write the essay individually. 2. Next week. 3. She asks how to start writing the essay. 4. She has found an idea and made an outline. 5. Make a rough draft and write the entire essay. Dialog 2 1. To pick her up at four p.m. 2. She will have an extra activity. Her teacher will guide her on how to be a school representative for the essay competition. 3. Two hours. 4. An essay competition. 5. That she should do her best and have self confidence. Dialog 3 1. A wedding ceremony. 2. By plane. 3. That they will miss the plane and be late for the wedding ceremony. 4. She thought that it was the shortest route. 5. There has been an accident there. Dialog 4 1. Susi’s aunt. 2. Maybe her mom doesn’t know about the news because her cell phone is being serviced. 3. She should go home and tell her parents. 4. He is Nia’s brother. 5. To take her home and come back again. C.

Listen and answer the questions based on what you have heard.

Percakapan-percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/ Ibu Guru: Dialog 1 Boy : Hi, Keila. How was your speech contest? Girl : Hi, Wan. I haven’t done it yet. The contest is next week. Boy : Oh, I thought it was yesterday. So, are you nervous? Girl : Yes, I’m very nervous. Boy : Well, I suggest you drink a lot of water and have enough sleep. Remember, deep breath before you deliver the speech. Girl : Thanks for the suggestion. I’ll keep that in mind. Boy : You’re welcome. I’m sure you’ll win the competition. You have the experience. Girl : I hope so.

Dialog Girl : Boy : Girl : Boy : Girl : Boy : Girl :

2 Nino, wait! May I borrow your History notes, please? What? I suggest you prepare yourself for the test. Please? The test is only the day after tomorrow. So, I still have a day to prepare myself. O.K., I will lend them to you this time, but only to copy. Don’t take them home. Thanks, Nino. You’re a really good friend. I’ll copy the notes during second break. O.K. Anyway, you should make notes of what the teacher gives. Yes, I know. Thanks, for the advice.

Dialog Girl : Boy : Girl : Boy : Girl :

3 What a day! I feel so exhausted. Me too. I would like to go home and sleep. But we have a test tomorrow, remember? I remember, but I feel so tired. Give me a break! Well, after this mid-term test, I would like to go on vacation, to relax. Boy : So would I. You know, this test is very tiring. Dialog 4 Man : Nalla, today is your first day at school, by motorbike. Don’t forget to lock your motorbike and activate the secret key code. Park your motorbike in the parking area. Girl : Yes, I will. Don’t worry, brother. Man : One more thing. Leave your helmet with the parking attendant. Friends of mine have lost their helmets at school during the last few weeks. Girl : Yes, I will keep that in mind. Man : Be careful. Girl : Sure. Bye! Man : Bye! Jawaban: Dialog 1 1. About the girl’s participation in a speech contest. 2. Next week. 3. She feels very nervous. 4. He suggests the girl should drink a lot of water, have enough sleep and take a deep breath before she delivers the speech. 5. Yes, he is. Because the girl has the experience. Dialog 2 1. Students. 2. She wants to borrow the boy’s History notes. 3. She asks, “May I borrow your History notes, please?” and “Please?” 4. The word ‘them’ refers to the History notes. 5. She should make notes of what the teacher gives. Dialog 3 1. She complains about tests. 2. They feel exhausted/very tired. 3. They have a mid-term test. 4. They would like to go on vacation. 5. It refers to the boy. Dialog 4 1. Brother and sister. 2. A suggestion to keep the motorbike safe. 3. In the morning. 4. Because the boy’s friends have lost their helmets during the last few weeks. 5. In the parking area.

Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat menggunakan soal-soal berikut untuk meningkatkan pemahaman siswa. Bapak/Ibu Guru perlu memperbanyak soal-soal yang dikerjakan siswa sesuai dengan jumlah siswa, lalu membacakan soal listening-nya. A.

Practice the following dialogs.


Silvy : Emmy : Silvy :

Emmy, are you alright? No, I’m not. I have a headache. You should have medicine. Let’s go to the sickbay. You are right. Let’s go.

Emmy : 2.

Ramon : Ms. Viona : Ramon :

Ms. Viona : Ramon :

Ms. Viona : Ramon : Ms. Viona : 3.

Julian Etha Julian Etha

: : : :

Do you have time, Ma’am? Yes. What’s up? I have difficulties in math. I’m afraid I won’t pass the exam if I don’t ask for your help about it. I’m listening. We would like you to teach us and we hope you have time for that, Ma’am. Please? I can’t give you an answer now. Anyway, how many of you are interested? Four students, Ma’am. Well, speak to me tomorrow morning and I will give you an answer.

I hate this, having to queue like this. Be cool, Julian. Nothing is easy, you know. You’re right. We should have come earlier, and we wouldn’t have to wait like this. I agree with you.

Julian : 4.

Mona Deden Mona Deden Mona Deden

: : : : : :

Don’t you feel hot? Yes. Well, open the door, please. Sure. I’ll get us a drink. Good idea.


Listen to and answer the questions based on the dialogs in Task A. Pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang dibacakan oleh Bapak/ Ibu Guru: Dialog 1 1. Who are talking in the dialog? 2. Where does the dialog take place? 3. What’s wrong with Emmy? 4. What should Emmy do? 5. What does Silvy suggest? Dialog 2 1. Who are talking in the dialog? 2. What is Ramon’s problem? 3. What is Ramon afraid of? 4. How is Ramon going to solve his problem? 5. How many students are interested in the course? Dialog 3 1. How is Julian feeling at the moment? 2. Why does he feel so? 3. What does Etha say to respond to Julian’s complaint? 4. What does Etha suggest? 5. Does Julian agree with Etha’s suggestion?

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII


Dialog 4 1. How is the day? 2. What does Mona ask Deden to do? 3. What does she instruct Deden to do? 4. What does Deden say in response? 5. What does Mona want? Jawaban: Dialog 1 1. Two students, Silvy and Emmy. 2. At school. 3. She has a headache. 4. She has to have medicine. 5. She suggests that Emmy have medicine and go to the sickbay. Dialog 2 1. A teacher and student, Ms. Viona and Ramon. 2. He has difficulties in math. 3. He is afraid that he won’t pass the exam. 4. He asks Ms. Viona to teach them. 5. Four students, including Ramon. Dialog 3 1. He is annoyed. 2. Because he doesn’t like to stand in a queue. 3. He says, “Be cool. Nothing is easy, you know.” 4. They should have arrived earlier, so they wouldn’t have to queue for a long time. 5. Yes, he does. Dialog 4 1. It’s a hot day. 2. To open the door. 3. She says, “Well, open the door, please.” 4. She says, “Sure.” 5. A drink. D.

Listen and choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer.

Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Questions 1 and 2 refer to the following dialog Girl : I hate this lesson. It’s so boring. Boy : Don’t say that. I think it will be useful for the future. Girl : Do you think so? Boy : Yes! So, stop complaining! Jawaban: 1. D 2.


Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Questions 3 to 5 refer to the following dialog. Woman : Oh no! Man : What’s wrong, dear? Woman : The green I would like is sold out. I would like to make salad. Man : What would you make now? Woman : I don’t know. Man : Well, let’s go to Mrs. Marni’s food stall. Some say it has delicious salad. Jawaban: 3. A 4.





Complete the dialogs with the correct words from the boxes.

Jawaban: Dialog 1 1. c 2.








Dialog 2 1. e 2.









Answer the questions based on the dialogs in Task A.

Jawaban: Dialog 1 1. At Bondan’s house. 2. How to use an e-book reader. 3. It’s Bondan’s brother’s. Dialog 2 1. On the bus. 2. To their grandmother’s house. 3. The slow bus. 4. She should be patient and think about their safety first. 5. It is dense.


Practice the following dialogs with a friend. Do it in turns.

Dialog 1 Mr. Roger : Salsa : Mr. Roger : Salsa : Mr. Roger : Salsa : Mr. Roger : Salsa


Dialog 2 Feri : Mrs. Tagor : Feri : Mrs. Tagor : Feri : Mrs. Tagor : Feri : Mrs. Tagor : B.

Oh man! What’s wrong, Dad? I can’t start the car. Oh! I’ll be late for my meeting. Let me call a taxi, Dad. Thanks, dear. (After a while, . . .) Well, the taxi will be here in five minutes, Dad. Thanks. By the way, please call Mr. Sam to repair the car. Sure, Dad. Mom, may I ask you something? Yes. What is it? There’s a Famous University’s open house next Sunday morning at 10 o’clock. That’s good. You’d better go. So? I have a request. May I borrow your motorcycle? Yes, of course. What about the ticket? Have you got one? Yes, I have. Thanks for the motorcycle, Mom. Don’t mention it, but be careful.

Answer the questions based on the dialogs in Task A.

Dialog 1 1. Who are talking in the dialog? 2. What are they talking about? 3. What is Mr. Roger’s agenda that morning? 4. What does Salsa do for her father? 5. Mr. Roger says, “Oh man!” What does he express? Dialog 2 1. Where does the dialog probably take place? 2. Where will Feri go next Sunday?



3. 4. 5.

What time does the event start? Mother says, “Have you got one?” What does “one” refer to? What does his mother warn when Feri asks to borrow her motorcycle?

Jawaban: Dialog 1 1. Father and daughter. 2. The car which can’t start. 3. He has a meeting. 4. She calls a taxi for him. 5. He complains about his car. Dialog 2 1. At home. 2. The Famous University’s open house. 3. At 10 o’clock. 4. It refers to a ticket. 5. She warns him to be careful. C.

Arrange the sentences to form meaningful dialogs. Practice the dialogs with a friend.

Jawaban: Dialog 1 The correct arrangement of the sentences is 2–7–4–8–1–5–3–6. Dialog 2 The correct arrangement of the sentences is 7–1–6–3–9–2–5– 4–8. Dialog 3 The correct arrangement of the sentences is 4–1–3–6–8–2–5–7. D.

Answer the questions based on the dialogs in Task C.

Jawaban: Dialog 1 1. In a car. 3. To the airport. 5. From France.

2. 4.

To put his seat belt on. They will pick Ronny’s uncle up.

Dialog 2 1. She asks her mother’s permission to go to the movie with some friends. 2. Finish her homework first. 3. Three. 4. Letha should not come home too late. 5. A movie entitled Skyfall. Dialog 3 1. Go by train. 3. To Bogor. 5. Buy a ticket.

2. 4.

By car. At 6 a.m.

Arrange the following sentences to form meaningful dialogs. Then, practice the dialogs with a friend. Dialog 1 1. Shop assistant : 2. 3.

Shop assistant : Shop assistant :

Let me get you the good one. Please wait here. Can I help you, Ma’am? I’m really sorry, Ma’am. May I see the dress?


Shop assistant :

5. 6.

Mrs. Inna Mrs. Inna

: :

7. 8.

Mrs. Inna Mrs. Inna

: :

Dialog 2 1. Ms. Selina : 2.

Ms. Selina :

3. 4.

Ms. Selina : Ms. Selina :




6. 7. 8.

Yoyok Yoyok Yoyok

: : :

I’m sorry, Ma’am. She’s out at the moment. You can tell me about your problem. Sure. Here it is. Yes, please. I would like to meet the store manager. Thanks. I wish to complain. Well, I bought a dress here yesterday evening. Unfortunately, there’s a hole in the back.

I don’t want any excuse. Please do something! Hello, Sir, this is the tenant of Apartment 4. I don’t think the water is running properly. This is the third time since this morning. I wonder why it happens. Hello, is Mr. Yoyok there? I can’t wait until tomorrow. I want it checked now. I don’t have enough water to cook, wash the clothes and shower. Cool down, Ma’am. The plumber has promised to repair the pipeline tomorrow. I’m really sorry for the inconvenience. Yoyok speaking. Yes, Ma’am. I’ll call the plumber now. Sorry, Ma’am. The pipeline under apartment Blok B leaks and . . .

Jawaban: Dialog 1: The correct arrangement of the sentences is 2–6–4– 8–3–5–7. Dialog 2: The correct arrangement of the sentences is 3–6–2– 8–1–5–4–7.


Make short dialogs based on the situations. Use the expressions you have learned in this unit. See the example.

Contoh jawaban: 1. Yuna : Nirma, may I use your cell phone please? I have to contact Guntur now. Nirma : Sorry, Yuna. I’m using it at the moment. Yuna : But this is urgent. I have to call Guntur, otherwise he won’t be here this afternoon. Nirma : Er . . . why don’t you use yours? Yuna : Mine’s run out of credit. Nirma : Well, I suggest you ask mom to lend you hers. Yuna : No . . . no! I would like yours. Lend me your phone, please? Nirma : O.K., but don’t be long. Yuna : No. Thanks, Nirma. 2. Mrs. Evan : Oh! How dirty and messy! Noval, do you know who made this mess? Noval : It’s Surya, Mom. Mrs. Evan : Please tidy up the mess and mop the floor. I don’t want your father to see this mess. Noval : Come on, Mom? Why should I? I didn’t mess it. Mrs. Evan : Well, call Surya and ask him to help you clean it. Noval : Mom, I have homework to do. Mrs. Evan : No! You and Surya were responsible for keeping the house clean and tidy.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII


2.2 Genre

sterile (4) liquid. Waste passes from the blood through the walls of the tubing and the clean blood is returned to the body. This process must be (5) carried out regularly, to be successful. Adopted from: Anonymous, Tell Me How?, London, Chancellor Press, 2010.

Soal-soal yang dikerjakan siswa:

Find the meanings of the following words. You will hear these words in the text in Task B.


Jawaban: 1. mengubah 2. pengisap 3. menekan, memeras 4. percikan 5. memperluas, mengembang 6. roda gigi 7. berputar 8. naik Listen to and complete the text based on what you have heard.


Let me tell you how kidney machines work. If kidneys become diseased and stop operating, it is (1) ________ to use a kidney machine to (2) ________ waste from the blood. This machine process is called dialysis. It (3) ________ pumping blood from a rube in the person’s arm into thin tubing that runs through a tank of sterile (4) ________. Waste passes from the blood through the walls of the tubing and the clean blood is returned to the body. This process must be (5) ________ regularly, to be successful.

Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru dan jawaban: Cars cannot run without gasoline. Burning gasoline provides the energy needed for the car to move, but how does that happen? The engine converts the gasoline’s potential energy into (1) movement. It does this in several steps. 1. Gasoline mixed with air is (2) pumped into a cylinder, which is fitted with a piston that can move up and down inside. 2. The piston moves up and (3) squeezes the fuel, making it heat up. 3. An electric spark makes hot fuel react with oxygen in the air and explode. The reaction produces several gases, which are very hot- the gasoline’s potential energy has become (4) heat energy. You know, hot gases (5) expand very quickly and the expanding gases push on the piston, forcing it to (6) move down. The heat energy has now been converted to movement, or kinetic energy. The up and down movement of the piston is converted (7) by gears to the spinning motion of the car’s wheels. 4. Finally, the piston rises again and (8) pushes out the used gases ready to repeat the process.

Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Nitrogen makes up 78 percent of air, but it cannot be used by animals or plants while it is a gas. Nitrogen in the air is changed by lightning into nitrogen dioxide. It combines with drops of rain to fall to the ground as nitric acid. Nitrogen is also converted into usable compounds by nitrogen-fixing bacteria and plants such as lichen and algae. They change it into chemicals called nitrates. The nitrates are a form of nitrogen that can be taken up by the roots of plants. The plants are then eaten by animals in turn. Some nitrogen is passed out in manure. This manure and animal remains then help feed the soil. This is called the nitrogen cycle.

Adopted from: Krista West, Chemistry Reactions Volume 3: Chemical Reactions, Connecticut, Grolier Educational Sherman Turnpike, 2007.

Adopted from: John Bassett, Science Activities, Our Environment, Connecticut, Grolier Educational Sherman Turnpike, 2002.

Adopted from: Anonymous, Tell Me How?, London, Chancellor Press, 2010.


Listen and choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer.

Jawaban: 1. C 2.

Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat menggunakan soal berikut untuk meningkatkan pemahaman siswa. Bapak/Ibu Guru perlu memperbanyak soal yang dikerjakan siswa sesuai dengan jumlah siswa, lalu membacakan soal listening-nya. Teks yang dibacakan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru dan jawaban: Let me tell you how kidney machines work. If kidneys become diseased and stop operating, it is (1) necessary to use a kidney machine to (2) remove waste from the blood. This machine process is called dialysis. It (3) involves pumping blood from a rube in the person’s arm into thin tubing that runs through a tank of











Retell the following texts using your own words. Do it in turns.

Contoh jawaban: 1. You must be familiar with the term ‘photosynthesis’. Photosynthesis is a process of making sugars in plants which uses energy from sunlight. Well, the process takes place in the chloroplasts, the structures inside the tightly packed palisade cells in the leaves of a plant. You know, in the chloroplasts there is a green pigment called chlorophyll.

It is the chlorophyll which traps the sun’s energy. Later the plant uses the energy to make molecules of glucose from water and carbon dioxide. I tell you that the glucose provides energy for the plant. In the process, oxygen is released as a by-product. 2.

You know Arizona, don’t you? Yes, it’s one of the states in the U.S. which people call Arid Zona. In Indonesian it means Daerah Gersang or Kering and is termed as sunburn state. You know, it is so hot in Arizona that we can boil an egg on our legs. So, one can just imagine the temperature. The heat in Arizona is dry until October. The hot condition doesn’t last all through the year, as during Christmas it becomes so cool that frost forms. Let’s see why Arizona is so hot. It’s because the Laguna Mountains in California tend to block the cool marine air that flow from the Pacific Ocean. The flow of air is inhibited to move eastwards to Yuma. These Mountains are known to retain the heat. The weather pattern in places like Utah, Nevada and Arizona have high pressures. These high air pressures make the air in Northes Arizona move at a latitude, in height. That’s why, Yuma in Arizona, situated at a higher altitude, experiences more heat and gets baked. The level of precipitation is very low at this place due to these Mountains. If any storms arise in the Pacific Ocean and move towards California, they move from west to east. The clouds that form, touch the Mountains and will be forcibly cooled and condensed further. The condensed clouds fall as rain on the Mountains. So, the clouds that pass the Mountains don’t fall as rain in Arizona. The Southern part of Arizona is a desert and hence it is too hot in this region. In Phoenix, June seems to be very hot, with less humidity. People in Arizona experience monsoon storms during summer. The summer in Arizona has higher humidity levels, with wind and dust storms occurring during the season.


Adopted from: Achmad Doddy, Ahmad Sugeng, Effendi, Developing English Competencies for Senior High School (SMA/MA) Grade XII of Natural and Social Science, Jakarta, Pusat Perbukuan Depdiknas, 2008.

Contoh jawaban: Good morning, everybody. I’m going to explain what causes air to rise. There are ways in which the air can be forced to rise. This causes water droplets to condense. Let’s look at each of these one by one. First, air is heated from the ground. This tends to occur mainly in the tropics. Here the air in contact with the ground is warmer than the air above. This makes the air rise. As a result, huge thunder-clouds (called cumulonimbus clouds) form and rainfall can be very heavy. This rainfall is called convection rain. Second, the air is forced to cross a mountain barrier and consequently, forced to rise. If the mountains are sufficiently high and the air mass contains enough moisture, clouds will form. This makes rain fall on the windward side. This is the side closest to where the air mass is coming from. This rainfall is known as orographic rain, meaning, caused by the shape of the land. The air mass, now drier and warmer, will continue to flow down the other side of the mountains, the leeward side. Third, air rises as it enters an area of low pressure. As air rises, other air must replace it which, in turns, also rises. In fact, this is a complex process. As the air rises, it moves in a spiral, but if enough air enters an area of low pressure, clouds will form and rain may fall. That’s all about what causes air to rise. B.

Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat memberikan teks berikut. What Causes Air to Rise? There are ways where air can be forced to rise, thus causing water droplets to condense. We will look at each of these one by one. 1. The air is heated from the ground. This occurs mainly in the tropics, where the air in contact with the ground is warmer than the air above, so it will rise. As a result, sometimes huge thunder-clouds (called cumulonimbus clouds) form and associated rainfall can be very heavy. This type of rainfall is called convection rain. 2. The air is forced to cross a mountain barrier. As it crosses a mountain barrier, it is forced to rise. If the mountains are sufficiently high and the air mass contains enough moisture, clouds will form and rain will fall on the windward side (the side closest to where the air mass is coming from). This rainfall is known as orographic rain, meaning “caused by the shape of the land”. The air mass, now drier and warmer, will continue to flow down the other side of the mountains (the leeward side).

Air rises as it enters an area of low pressure. As air rises, other air must replace it which, in turn, also rises. This is a complex process. As the air rises, it moves in a spiral, but if enough air enters an area of low pressure, clouds will form and rain may fall.

Answer the questions based on the texts in Task A.

Jawaban: Text 1 1. To explain a process called photosynthesis. 2. In the chloroplasts. 3. Chlorophyll. 4. To make molecules of glucose from water and carbon dioxide. 5. The release of oxygen. Text 2 1. It’s about why Arizona is so hot. 2. During Christmas time. 3. Because the Laguna Mountains in California tend to block the cool marine air that flows from the Pacific Ocean. 4. They experience monsoon storms. 5. The storms.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII




Arrange the following paragraphs to form a meaningful text. Read it in turns. Why is Our Blood Red?


As well as red blood cells, our blood also contains white blood cells, which help to fight off diseases. All heart cells and nutrients are transmited in a pale yellow, thick liquid, called plasma. Other materials carried in the plasma, include a substance called fibrinogen, which helps the blood to clot when we suffer cuts.


As well as transmitting oxygen and carbon dioxide, blood also transmits nutrients to the cells, so that they can perform their functions and for cell repair and growth. Waste products are carried back to the liver for removal.


Our blood is red because of haemoglobin, which is contained in our red blood cells (red corpuscles). The function of these specialised cells is to carry oxygen from our lungs to wherever needed in the body. They are formed in our bone marrow and the haemoglobin in them, which is made of iron and protein, turn redder as it picks up oxygen. It loses this color as it deposits oxygen in other cells and picks up carbon dioxide to return to the lungs, which is why some of the veins in our hands and arms appear blue through our skin.

Contoh jawaban: How do Snakes Inject Their Venom? A venomous snake has saliva glands which produce poison for its prey. This is called snake’s venom. Snake venom is powerful enough to kill an elephant. About two hundred venomous snakes out of 412 species can be considered dangerous to humans. Two of these are African snakes called the boomslang and the bird snake. Their fangs are at the rear of their mouths, greatly enlarged and have grooves running down one side. Above these fangs are openings that lead to the venom-producing gland. When a rear-fanged snake bites, venom drips down the grooves into the bite made by the fangs. Cobras fangs are at the front of the mouth, one on each side of the upper jaw. A muscle surrounds the venom gland so that when the snake bites, the muscles press on the gland and force the venom down the fangs and through their tips. The spitting cobra can spray venom from its fangs the way water is squirted from a toy gun. Adopted from: Anonymous, Tell Me How?, London, Chancellor Press, 2010.

Adopted from: Anonymous, Tell Me Why?, London, Chancellor Press, 2010.

Jawaban: The correct arrangement of the paragraphs is 3–2–1. B.

Find an explanation text, such as why the body is warm, how snakes inject their venom, or why snow is white. Share your work with the class.

Match the words in column A with the similar meanings in column B.

to support ailment to transport role material to restore to carry out a source of nourishment to include to require

Jawaban: 1. e 2. d 6. j 7. h

3. b 8. f

Read the text and answer the questions that follow.

Jawaban: 1. Why is the Sky Blue? 2. A mixture of gases and other materials, such as nitrogen (78%) and oxygen (21%), argon gas, water and solid particles, salt from the ocean, dust, soot, pollen, ashes and many other gases. 3. High frequency colors are absorbed more often than low frequency colors. 4. It refers to particles. 5. It is “rely on”.


A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


4. a 9. g

a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j.

5. c 10. i.

function to carry substance disease to help nutrient to contain to execute to need to repair

Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat memberikan soal berikut. Seasons occur regularly. We have probably noticed that it gets warmer during summer or dry season, while it gets colder in winter, or wet season. However do we know how these seasons change? Seasons occur and change every year. This happens because the Earth tilts back and forth as it goes around the Sun. During the Summer, Earth tilts toward the Sun. It makes half of Earth hotter. This condition is called Summer. During the other half of the year, Earth tilts away from the Sun. As a result, this makes the other half of Earth cooler. This cool condition is called Winter. Adapted from: http://downloads.ziddu.com/downloadfile/8080278/ Kumpulan_Explanation_text_1.txt.html (March 28, 2011)

Questions: 1. What is a suitable title for the text? Jawaban: How do Seasons Occur? 2. “We have probably noticed that it gets warmer during summer . . . .” (Paragraph 1) What is a similar to the underlined word? Jawaban: Possibly.




4. 5.


What is the weather like in the dry and wet seasons? Jawaban: The weather is warmer in summer, or dry sea son and cooler in winter, or wet season. When does the Earth move closer to the Sun? Jawaban: During summer, or dry season. “It makes half of Earth hotter.” (Paragraph 2) What does the word ‘it’ refer to? Jawaban: It refers to the movement of Earth towards the Sun. Complete the text with the correct words from the box.

Jawaban: 1. h 2. 5. b 6.

d a

3. 7.

i g

4. 8.

f c


Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer based on the text in Task B.


What is the purpose of the text? A. To explain why light travels fast. B. To explain how light is produced. C. To explain kinds of light movement. D. To explain how refraction happens. E. To explain bent and continuous light.


Where is the angle of refraction? A. Above the water surface, between the light ray and the normal. B. Above the water surface, between the incident ray and the normal. C. Below the water surface, between the light ray and the incident ray. D. Below the water surface, between the incident ray and the normal. E. Below the water surface, between the light ray and the normal.


When is the angle of refraction greater than the angle of incidence? A. When light enters a denser medium. B. When light travels from the same dense of medium. C. When light travels from one medium into a less dense medium. D. When light fails to enter a denser medium because there is an obstacle. E. When light travels from the same dense of medium because there is an obstacle.



The following are the examples of refraction, EXCEPT ________. A. a straw in a glass of water appears to bend below the surface B. a mirror reflects a light ray from an object C. fish in a lake appear to be nearer the surface than they really are D. a pool appears to be shallower than it really is E. we are able to see the Sun when it has dropped below the horizon “. . . when they emerge through the surface and into the air.” (Paragraph 2) The word ‘they’ refers to ________. A. light rays B. underwater objects C. swimming pools D. substances E. directions

Jawaban: 1. D. Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat di paragraf satu, ”This bending, called refraction, happens because light moves at different speeds in different substances . . . .” yang artinya ”Pembelokan ini, yang disebut refraksi, terjadi karena sinar berpindah dengan kecepatan yang berbeda dalam zat yang berbeda . . . .”. Jadi pilihan jawaban (D) yang artinya untuk menjelaskan bagaimana refraksi terjadi, benar. 2. E. Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat di paragraf tiga, ”Below the water surface, the angle between the light ray and the normal is called the angle of refraction.” yang artinya ”Di bawah permukaan air, sudut antara pancaran sinar dengan garis normal disebut sudut refraksi.”. Jadi, pilihan jawaban (E) benar. 3. C. Pilihan jawaban (C) benar karena sesuai dengan kalimat di paragraf tiga, ”When light travels from one medium into a less dense medium, as from glass into air, the angle of refraction is greater than the angle of incidence.” yang artinya ”Ketika sinar datang dari suatu media ke media yang kurang kepadatannya, seperti dari gelas ke air, sudut refraksi lebih besar dari sudut datang.”. 4. B. Pilihan jawaban (B) benar untuk soal pengecualian karena dalam teks tidak disebutkan bahwa kaca yang memantul-kan sinar dari sebuah objek merupakan gejala refraksi. Pilihan jawaban (A) salah karena sesuai dengan kalimat di paragraf empat, “The straw appears to bend below the surface.”, pilihan jawaban (C) dan (D) salah karena sesuai dengan kalimat di paragraf dua, “You may have noticed that a swimming pool looks as if it is not as deep as it really is, and fish in a lake or a river appear to be nearer the surface than they really are.”, dan pilihan jawaban (E) salah karena sesuai dengan kalimat di paragraf empat, ”As a result, we appear to be able to see the Sun even when it has dropped below the horizon.”. 5. A. Kata ’they’ mengacu pada subjek/klausa sebelumnya, ”The reasons for the illusions are that light rays traveling . . . .” yang artinya ”Alasan adanya ilusi ini adalah bahwa sinar berpindah . . . .”. Jadi, kata ’they’ mengacu pada sinar, sesuai dengan pilihan jawaban (A). Complete the text with the correct words from the box. Then, read it aloud.


a. d. g. j.

bad event sleep return

b. e. h. k.

from hear skin conscious

c. f. i. l.

mind cause create lead to

Why do Hallucinations Occur? Hallucinations are created by the (1) ________, not real occurrences. Hallucinations that commonly occur are bodily sensations like a spider creeping on your (2) ________, or internal organs moving. Hallucinations assist us in hearing sounds like music, footsteps, banging of windows, or doors, etc. If you (3) ________ a voice of someone who did not speak, look at various patterns, lights, beings and objects and smell a good or (4) ________ odor, these are also hallucinations. The subconscious mind is considered a sleeping mind while the (5) ________ mind is considered an awakened mind. People generally relate the conscious mind with reality.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII


When anyone experiences an event during (6) ________ or dream, the event is considered as part of a dream. This is so, as it occurred within the subconscious mind. If an (7) ________ occurred when one is in conscious frame of mind, then it becomes a realistic experience. The mind-sets which are intermediate to conscious and subconscious minds (8) ________ hallucinations. Hallucinations occur when the mind state is in-between dream and conscious state. They occur when your mind does not (9) ________ to conscious state. Other causes of hallucinations are being drunk; cease using the drugs. Dementia is a common disorder that can often lead to (10) ________ hallucinations. Epilepsy is another disorder which can lead to hallucinations. Normal fever in children and adults, blindness, deafness, severe illness, liver failure, kidney failure and brain cancer are possible causes of hallucinations. Hallucinations can lead to a perception gap. Adopted from: http://www.knowswhy.com/why-do-hallucinations-occur/ (March 24, 2012)

Jawaban: 1. c 2. 6. g 7.


h d

3. 8.

4. 9.

a j

5. 10.

k k

Adopted from: http://www.knowswhy.com/why-is-snow-the-color-white/ (March 24, 2012)

Change the words in brackets into the correct forms of verbs.

Jawaban: 1. are used 3. are oxidized 5. is used 7. forms D.

e f

attached to one another. Ice crystals are also clear and colorless, while accumulated crystals combine to form snowflakes. Snow is visible to us due to the presence of light. Snow falls from the atmosphere and reaches ground. The ice crystals will enable light falling on them, to be reflected on the surface. There are multiple faces for crystals and, hence light also gets scattered. Visible light has various wavelengths of light that are visualized by us. When light falls on any object, part of the light will be absorbed and the other part will be reflected. The reflected part of light reaches our eyes and allows us recognize the colors. The light fallen on ice crystals, do not pass through the crystals for long distances, but tend to change directions. The light is also reflected at an angle on the interior of the ice. As snow exists as a collection of several snowflakes on the ground, the light that falls on them will not have a particular wavelength that is reflected with regularity. So, most of the light that falls on the snow will almost completely be reflected back. The light that is reflected by the snow will remain white most of the time, as the total light and not any one wavelength is reflected back.

2. 4. 6. 8.

2.3 Short Functional Texts: Telephone Messages and Formal Letters

turns are found is heated has been oxidized

Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer.

Jawaban: 1. E 2.








A. A.

Write an explanation text. Choose one of the following topics.

Contoh jawaban: Ageing is a result of the gradual failure of body cells and organs to replace and repair themselves. This is because there is a limit to the number of times each cell can divide. As body cells begin to near their limit, the rate at which they divide slows down. The new cells that are produced have defects, or do not carry out their usual task effectively. Organs may begin to fail, tissues change in structure and chemical reactions that power the body become less efficient. The blood supply to the brain may become ineffective. The brain cells become starved of oxygen and nutrients, leading to forgetfulness. For most old people memories bring great pleasure. Strangely though, recent events may have been forgotten, old people quite often remember events that took place in their childhood. Adapted from: Anonymous, Tell Me How?, London, Chancellor Press, 2010.


Write an explanation text. Find references to support your writing.

Contoh jawaban: Why is Snow White? Water in pure form is colorless. If there are any impurities present, the color of water changes. Snow can also absorb the color of other objects. For example, in the case of glaciers deep inside an ice block, it appears blue in color. But, snow is slightly different from ice. Snow is the collection of tiny ice crystals,



Listen to and complete the texts based on what you have heard.

Teks-teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru dan jawaban: Text 1 Nessa, Ferry speaking. Sorry, I can’t go to your house this (1) afternoon to return your math book. I have a (2) stomachache. However, don’t worry. I’ll ask my (3) brother to return your book. Thanks. Text 2 Tom, this is Donita. I’m on the way to your town. I think I will (4) arrive around five p.m. Please pick me up at the (5) railway station. Thank you. B.

Answer the questions based on the texts in Task A.

Jawaban: Text 1 1. He is going to Nessa’s house to return her math book. 2. He has a stomachache. 3. Ferry’s brother. Text 2 4. By train. 5. He should pick Donita up from the railway station.


Listen and choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer.

Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Questions 1 to 3 refer to the following text. Alyssa, it’s me Rico. I am going to Sydney today. The plane will take off in three hours, or precisely at one p.m. Sorry, I can’t meet you to say goodbye. Please inform our friends about my absence and pass them my regards. See you all next time. Jawaban: 1. A 2.



Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat memberikan soal berikut. Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 150 Jl. Tangkuban Perahu No. 21A Bandung ______________________________________________________________________________________ August 5, 2013


Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Questions 4 and 5 refer to the following text. Ardian, this is Galih. Sorry, I overslept and forgot our appointment. You must have been waiting for me at the library for a long time. I will be there soon. Are you still there? Jawaban: 4. B 5.


The Manager Harapan Baru English Course Jl. Kemerdekaan No. 8 Bandung Dear Sir/Madam,


Request for Trainers – English Short Course I am OSIS chairperson of Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 150 Jalan Tangkuban Perahu No. 21A, Bandung. At the end of this semester, OSIS plans to organize an English short course at our school, for five days, in which, a number of the students will participate. It will be a privilege if the representatives of Harapan Baru English Course will be able to train our students. The main topic is, how to improve the students’ English speaking and writing skills. We plan to do this challenging course in September 2013. We can discuss about the dates. I hope my request will be given consideration and I hope to receive a positive reply from you soon. Thank you.

Create spoken messages based on the following situations.

Contoh jawaban: 1. Vian, it’s me Vina. Thank God, I have arrived in Bali safely. It was a long journey, but I’m happy. I will now go to Kuta Beach and other places. 2. Sonny, this is Amanda. Did you know that there will be time management training tomorrow? I’m interested in joining it. What about you? B.

Create a spoken message. You are free to choose your own topic.

Yours faithfully,

Contoh jawaban: Mom, I will be home late this afternoon. After school, my friends and I will visit Mr. Bagas, our biology teacher, at the hospital. He had an accident this morning.


Read the letter and answer the questions that follow.

Jawaban: 1. To lodge a complaint. 2. Mr. Tora Montari is the customer of Mr. Anggara Priyambada’s bank. 3. Mr. Priyambada’s teller. 4. He processed a withdrawal instead of a deposit. 5. He refused to process a correction.

Astuti Rinawan OSIS Chairperson of SMAN 150 Questions: 1. What is the letter about? Jawaban: It’s a request for trainers, for an English short course. 2. Who sent the letter? Jawaban: Astuti Rinawan did. 3. Who is she? Jawaban: She is OSIS Chairperson of SMAN 150, Bandung. 4. What is the topic of the activity? Jawaban: How to improve the students’ English speaking and writing skills. 5. When will the activity be held? Jawaban: In September 2013. B.

Complete the letter with the correct words from the box.

Jawaban: 1. d 2. C.








Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer.

Jawaban: 1. A 2.








Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII


Write a letter based on the following situation.


Contoh jawaban: Chairperson of Inter-school Basketball Competition Committee Jl. Kuta No. 50 Denpasar ___________________________________________________________________________________________ September 14, 2013 Mr. Agung Hartawan The Principal Modern International School Jl. Pesisir Selatan No. 2 Denpasar Dear Sir,

Are accommodation and meals included in the registration fee of Rp100,000.00? Since the competition will be held over eight days, where would the team members be accommodated? We would be grateful for your feedback on our enquiry as soon as possible. We would make a decision after we receive the said information. Look forward to hearing from you. Thank you. Yours faithfully,

Agung Hartawan The Principal Adapted from: Matilda Xavier, Khatija Tahir, and Aznizah Abdul Rahman, Spot On Model Compositions & Summaries for PMR, Selangor, Oxford Fajar Sdn. Bhd., 2009.

Tape Script for Assessment

Inter-school Basketball Competition To commemorate Heroes’ Day, we will hold an inter-school basketball competition. The participants will represent all schools in Denpasar. The competition will be held from October 12–20, 2013. There will be valuable prizes to be won. It would be a great honor, if you are willing to enter your basketball teams to participate in the competition. The contribution for each team is only Rp100,000.00. We welcome any calls for more information on 082345678. We look forward to your reply. Thank you. Yours faithfully,

Chairperson Suppose you are a principal. Write a reply for the letter you have written in Task A.

Contoh jawaban: Modern International School Jl. Pesisir Selatan No. 2 Denpasar ____________________________________________________________________________________________ September 17, 2013 Mr. Erwin Chairperson of Inter-school Basketball Competition Committee Jl. Kuta No. 50 Denpasar Dear Sir, Re: Inter-school Basketball Competition Thank you for your letter of invitation to the Inter-school Basketball Competition. My school teams are very interested in taking part in the competition. However, there are a few points I would like to clear, concerning the competition and participation in the event.


Question: 1. What does the girl suggest? Question 2 refers to the following dialog. Man : Are you busy right now? Girl : No, Dad. Is there anything I can do for you? Man : Yes. Can you take your brother to the course? Girl : Yes, Dad. Question: 2. What will the girl do?



Question 1 refers to the following dialog. Girl : Where have you been? Mother is looking for you. Boy : I’ve been with Rintoko. He needed my help. Girl : You should tell us whenever you go out. Don’t make others worry. Boy : Sorry.


Question 3 refers to the following dialog. Girl : Ouch! Boy : What happened? Girl : My feet hit the pole accidentally. Boy : Oh, it must hurt. Can you walk? Girl : Yes, I think so. Question: 3. The boy says, “Oh, it must hurt.” What does he express? Question 4 refers to the following monolog. About four per cent of the population is left-handed. In the course of history many of the greatest geniuses were lefthanded. Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo, the greatest sculptors of all times, were both left-handed. The brain has a right and left half and these two do not function the same way. It is believed that the left half of the brain is predominant over the right half. As the left half of the brain predominates, the right half of the body is more skilled and better equipped. We read, write, speak and work with the left half of our brain. This, of course makes most of us right-handed. However, in the case of lefthanded people, it works the other way round, where the right half of the brain is predominant and therefore, best with the left side of the body. Adopted from: Anonymous, Tell Me Why?, London, Chancellor Press, 2010.

Question: 4. Why are people left-handed?

Tape Script for Review Unit II Version A

Question 5 refers to the following monolog. Before a metal can be recycled, it needs to be collected and separated from any other types of metal. It is then melted down and poured into moulds. The metal cools into a solid block, ready to be made into a new, finished product.

Question 1 refers to the following dialog. Woman : Ugh, why has it happened again? Boy : What’s wrong? Woman : My laptop is infected by a similar virus even though I cleaned it two days ago. Boy : That’s too bad.

Adopted from: Alastair Smith, Philip Clarke and Corinne Henderson, The Usborne Internet-Linked Library of Science Material, London, Usborne Publishing Ltd, 2001.

Question: 5. What recycling process is explained in the talk?



Question 2 refers to the following dialog. Woman : I think your hair is long enough. You should have it cut. Boy : Yes, Mom. I’ll do so next Saturday after school.

Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer.

Jawaban: 1. B 2. C 6. B 7. B 11. A 12. D 16. C 17. A

3. 8. 13. 18.


4. 9. 14. 19.


5. 10. 15. 20.

Question: 1. What does the girl complain about?


Write an explanation text about an interesting natural phenomenon.

Contoh jawaban: Rainbows are sometimes seen in the sky after rain. What causes these colorful rainbows to form?Rainbows are formed when light and water meet in the sky on a hot day. Rainbows appear during and immediately after local showers, when the Sun is shining and the air contains raindrops. The higher we are above the ground, the more of the rainbow arch we would see. Have you heard the saying: ‘There is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?’ The idea that a pot of gold can be found at the end of the rainbow started in Europe. It is said that angels put the gold there and only a naked man can get hold of it. Of course, this is just a myth. You may sometimes wonder if you could go under the arch of a rainbow. According to scientific laws, you cannot do so. It is always in front of you while your back faces the Sun.

Question: 2. What does the woman suggest the boy do? Question 3 refers to the following dialog. Girl : Brandon, please move your motorcycle. It’s blocking the way. Boy : Yes, sure. I’m sorry. Question: 3. What does the girl ask the boy to do? Questions 4 and 5 refer to the following monolog. Aldo, it’s me Arya. All students have arrived at school. Why haven’t you arrived yet? As we planned before, we will leave at eight o’clock so that we will not arrive at the museum at noon. Questions: 4. What are Arya and his friends going to do? 5. What time will they leave?

Source: Kristine Teo, Primary English Cloze Passages 4, Singapore, Postkid.com Pte Ltd, 2002.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII


Review Unit II Version A Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas : XII

Semester Tanggal


Nomor Induk


Tanda Tangan

Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer.

I. A.

Listening Section

1. A. B. C. D. E.

Her laptop is broken. She cannot delete some improper files. Her laptop is infected by many kinds of virus. Her laptop is linked with the similar virus. Her laptop is infected by the similar virus.

2. A. B. C. D. E.

To cut her hair. To wash her hair. To have his hair cut. To brush his hair. To wash his hair.

3. A. B. C. D. E.

To To To To To

A. C. E.

Have a tour. Have a party. Do an outbond activity.


A. B. C. D. E.

At At At At At

The following letter is for questions 8 to 11.

To: Megah Pratama Tour & Travel Jl. Gunung Marapi No. 100 Jakarta Phone: 1234567 Dear Sir, B. D.

Go camping. Visit someone.

half past seven. eight o’clock. eight fifteen. eight thirty. nine o’clock. This is the end of the listening section.


7. Which of the statements is NOT TRUE? A. Sandra is sick. B. Ms. Shandy is a tutor. C. Finally, Sandra and Olivia go to the course together. D. Olivia would pick Sandra up from her home. E. Olivia and Sandra attend the same course.

SMAN 1 Jl. Taman Mini No. 1001 Jakarta ___________________________________________________________________________________________ October 2, 2013

move his motorcycle. park his motorcycle. take her somewhere. wash his motorcycle. repair his motorcycle.


: 1 (satu) : ....

Reading Section

Study Tour to Yogyakarta We intend to have a study tour to Yogyakarta from December 10–14, 2013. This activity will be attended by approximately 200 students. Our agenda is to conduct educational, cultural and nature tourism. Therefore, we request detailed information about locations in Yogyakarta, in relation to our agenda. Please include the cost of the tour. Please send the information within a week, which we will study before making a final decision. Thank you very much indeed. Yours faithfully,

The following message is for questions 6 and 7. Olivia, this is Sandra. You don’t have to pick me up from my home to take me to the course. I will be absent today, as I’ve a headache. Please inform Ms. Shandy about it. Thanks. 6. What is the purpose of the text? A. To inform something. B. To ask for information. C. To invite someone. D. To tell interesting news. E. To express a dream.



Harun OSIS Chairperson 8. What is the letter about? A. A pleasurable study tour in Yogyakarta. B. Information about a route to Yogyakarta. C. A suitable agenda for doing a tour in Yogyakarta. D. Information about a reputable travel agency in Yogyakarta. E. Information about tourist destinations in Yogyakarta.

9. “This activity will be attended by approximately 200 students.” (Paragraph 1) The word “approximately” can be best replaced by ________. A. around B. less than C. more than D. much more E. closely 10. What are the objectives of the activity? A. To conduct cultural and nature tourism. B. To meet famous people in Yogyakarta. C. To conduct educational and cultural tourism. D. To conduct educational, cultural and nature tourism. E. To get some significant information about Yogyakarta. 11. Which of the following statements is TRUE? A. The information should be delivered on October 2, 2013. B. The tour participants will arrive in Yogyakarta on December 10, 2013. C. The tour participants will only visit some cultural tourist resorts. D. More than 250 students will join the tour. E. Harun is the principal of SMAN 1. The following text is for questions 12 to 14. A solar eclipse is an interesting natural phenomenon. Many people are interested to see it, but be careful with a solar eclipse! If we look at the sun directly during a solar eclipse, it can make us blind. Do you know how a solar eclipse occurs? Well, when the moon, moving in its orbit, passes exactly between the earth and the sun. A shadow of the moon tracks across the face of the earth. For anybody in this shadow the moon blocks out the light of the sun. It becomes nearly as dark as night. This is called a solar eclipse. Adapted from: John O. E. Clark, Physics Matters! Volume 4 Light, Connecticut, Grolier Educational, 2001.

12. The A. B. C. D. E.

purpose of the text is to ________. describe what solar eclipse is discuss about natural phenomenon explain how the solar eclipse happens tell recent news about solar eclipse experience natural phenomenon

13. “Many people are interested to see it.” (Paragraph 1) What does the word ‘it’ refer to? A. The sun. B. The moon. C. The Earth. D. A solar eclipse. E. The moon’s orbit. 14. We should be careful with a solar eclipse because ________. A. the day will become nearly as dark as night B. it may blind us if we look at it with naked eyes C. the moon blocks out the light of the sun D. people cannot see anything clearly E. the temperature will raise very high For questions 15 and 16, choose the correct words to complete the sentences. Nindya : Itong : 15. A. C. E.

Where are the CDs? I will (15) ________ them to Ima. They (16) ________ by her. have been given has been given give

B. D.

be given gave

16. A. B. C. D. E.

has been bringing has been brought have been brought being brought is been brought

The following text is for questions 17 to 20. Human body is made up of countless millions of cells. Food is needed to build up new cells and replace the worn out. However, the food we take must be changed into substances that can be carried in the blood to the places where they are needed. This process is called digestion. The first digestive process takes place in the mouth. The food we eat is broken up into small pieces by the action of teeth, mixed with saliva containing digestive juices which moisten the food so it can be swallowed easily. From the mouth, food passes through the esophagus–the food passage–into the stomach. Here the food is mixed with the juices secreted by the cells in the stomach for several hours. Then, the food enters the small intestine. All the time the muscular walls of the intestine are squeezing, mixing and moving the food onwards. In a few hours, the food changes into acids. The acids are soon absorbed by the villi (microscopic branch projection from the intestine walls) and passed into bloodstream. 17. Where does the first digestive process take place? A. In the mouth. B. In the stomach. C. In the esophagus. D. On the muscular wall. E. In the small intestine. (Ujian Nasional 2010/2011)

18. Why can the food be swallowed easily? A. It has been digested. B. It is carried by the blood. C. It is moistened by saliva. D. It will pass the esophagus. E. It is already in the stomach. (Ujian Nasional 2010/2011)

19. What is digestion? A. The process of absorbing substances into the blood vessels. B. The passes of food through the esophagus into the stomach. C. The process of squeezing, mixing and moving of the food into the stomach. D. The process of distributing substances to the places where they are needed. E. The process of changing food into substances that can be carried in the blood to the places where they are needed. 20. “Food is needed to build up new cells and replace the worn out.” (Paragraph 1) The word ‘replace’ can be best replaced by ________. A. submerge B. substitute C. subtract D. subdue E. suffer II.

Write five passive sentences.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII


Kunci Review Unit II Version A

Tape Script for Review Unit II Version B

I. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Pilihan Ganda E 11. B C 12. C A 13. D A 14. B B 15. E A 16. C C 17. A E 18. C A 19. E D 20. B

Question 1 refers to the following dialog. Girl : Helmi, are you free this afternoon? Boy : Yes, I am. Is there anything I can do? Girl : Can you take me to Mawar’s house? It’s on Jalan Kartini, behind the post office. Boy : Sure.



Contoh jawaban: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

The road to Arum Village is widened. Father’s car is towed to the garage nearby. My house has been renovated for a month. Dad, our telephone line was checked this morning. You can’t use the printer at the moment because it is being fixed.

Question: 1. Where will the girl and the boy go? Questions 2 and 3 refers to the following dialog. Boy : It’s really annoying! Girl : Relax. Is there something bothering you? Boy : Yeah. I have repaired the printer, but it’s broken again. Girl : I suggest you bring the printer to Ayong. I think he can repair it. Boy : That’s a good idea, thanks. Questions: 2. What does the boy say to complain? 3. What does the girl suggest? Questions 4 and 5 refers to the following monolog. When the first symptoms of illness appear, the doctor uses a thermometer to check whether the patient has a ‘fever’. The average or ‘normal’ temperature of a healthy body is 37° Celsius. Some diseases make this temperature rise and this high temperature is called a ‘fever’. Fever is in fact a natural response, which helps the body to fight off infection. It makes the vital processes and organs of the body work faster. More hormones are produced as well as enzymes and blood cells, especially the white cells, which attack foreign bacteria and viruses in the bloodstream. The hormones and chemicals have to work much harder when the body is weak. The rate of blood circulation and respiration increase so that the body eliminates toxins and waste more quickly. Perspiration is also increased. It is important, however, to bring down a temperature whilst treating the cause, as it can destroy vital protein in the body. Adopted from: Anonymous, Tell Me Why?, London, Chancellor Press, 2010.

Questions: 4. What is the monolog about? 5. Which attacks foreign bacteria and viruses in the bloodstream?



Review Unit II Version B Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas : XII

Semester Tanggal


Nomor Induk


Tanda Tangan

I. A.

Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer. Listening Section

1. A. B. C. D. E.

To To To To To

Norma’s house. Damar’s house. Helmi’s house. the post office. Mawar’s house.

2. A. B. C. D. E.

What a shame! It’s really annoying! Never did that again! Why didn’t I think about that? Do you think you can do it?

3. A. B. C. D. E.

She She She She She

4. A. B. C. D. E.

It’s It’s It’s It’s It’s

5. A. B. C. D. E.

Hormones. Perspiration. The white cells. Enzymes. Protein.

suggests the boy meet Ayong. calls Ayong to fix the printer. wants Ayong to fix the printer. suggests the boy bring the printer to Ayong. suggests the boy call Ayong and ask him to come.

about about about about about

what fever is. how fever happens. when fever happens. what a thermometer is. how we use a thermometer.

This is the end of the listening section B.

Reading Section

The following text is for questions 6 and 7. Sofi, this is Teddy. We have to submit our paper next Wednesday. That’s why, we have to finish it soon. What about doing it at my house this afternoon, at about three? If you agree, I’ll ask Farah and Vika to come. Remember, we only have three days before the deadline. 6. How many people will do the paper? A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four. E. Five. 7. When do you think Teddy send the message? A. On Saturday. B. On Sunday. C. On Monday. D. On Tuesday. E. On Wednesday.

: 1 (satu) : ....

The following letter is for questions 8 to 11. PO Jelajah Pulau Jalan Raja Ampat No. 200, Padang ____________________________________________ December 20, 2013 Mr. Wilson Rumadi Perum Kelapa Gading Raya Blok H No. 28 Tasikmalaya Dear Sir, The Backpack Return We got a letter from you on December 15, 2013 reporting that you lost your backpack on your way from Jakarta to Padang on December 14, 2013. You described that the backpack is grey with black strap. There’s a name tag: Willy. Here I would like to inform you that we have found your backpack today. We hope you would pick it up in our office: PO Jelajah Pulau, Jalan Raja Ampat No. 200, Padang, phone number 123456789. Sorry for the inconvenience. Yours sincerely, Devina Handayani Operational Supervisor 8. The A. B. C. D. E.

letter is about ________. the loss of a backpack the theft of a backpack a damaged backpack the return of a backpack a new backpack

9. Mr. Wilson lost his backpack when ________. A. he checked his ticket B. he went from Jakarta to Padang C. he went from Padang to Jakarta D. he bought a ticket in PO Jelajah Pulau E. he got off the bus on his way to Jakarta 10. How long has Mr. Wilson lost his backpack? A. For one week. B. For nine days. C. For eleven days. D. For two weeks. E. For almost one month.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII


11. “Here I want to inform you that we have found . . . .” (Paragraph 2) What does the word ‘I’ refer to? A. Mr. Wilson. B. The bus driver. C. The owner of PO Jelajah Pulau D. The Manager of PO Jelajah Pulau E. Devina Handayani, the Operational Supervisor 12. The A. B. C. D. E.

process ________ by Joyce. will explain will be explained will be explaining being told will have explained

The following text is for questions 13 to 15. Regular exercise is important because it keeps bones, joints and muscles healthy. During any physical exertion, the rate at which the heart beats increases, as it pumps more oxygenated blood around the body. How quickly the heart rate returns to normal after exercise is one way to assess how fit someone is and how exercise is actually improving their fitness. Once almost everyone did manual work of some kind. It was essential for survival. Human bodies were not designed for the inactive lives many of us now lead. That is why exercise is important for good health. Adopted from: Anonymous, Tell Me Why?, London, Chancellor Press, 2010.

13. The A. B. C. D. E.

purpose of the text is to ________. explain how we should do some exercises explain why exercise is good for us explain what a good exercise is describe what exercise is good for us describe what exercise is

14. “It was essential for survival.” What is similar to ‘essential’? A. Expected. B. Accepted. C. Presented. D. Significant. E. Predicted. 15. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE? A. During any physical exertion, the rate at which the heart beats increases. B. Heart beats pump more oxygenated blood around the body. C. Once almost everyone did manual work of some kind. D. Human bodies were not designed for the inactive lives. E. How quickly the heart rate after exercise is one way to assess how fit someone is. The following text is for questions 16 and 20. Why does Urine Smell like Ammonia? There are several reasons why urine smells like ammonia. As ammonia is mainly nitrogen, the most common cause of the smell is thus, eating foods with high concentrations of nitrogen: proteins, meats, eggs and the like, as well as a few vegetables like asparagus. Eating lots of these will cause a strong smell of ammonia in urine. Of course, urine itself does not smell; it is the concentration of various chemicals in it. When one is dehydrated, there is less water in one’s urine, this results in a darker yellow color and a stronger odor from all the concentrated chemicals. Sufficient amounts of water should be consumed each day to prevent highly concentrated urine.



Another cause of ammonia smelling urine could be from a bacterial infection, in the kidneys the urinary tract, or infection of the bladder and is most commonly found in women, simply because of the positioning of anatomical features. Urinary tract infections lead to even stronger smelling urine than concentrated ammonia and it smells much more foul, though there is a distinct ammonia odor. Women also tend to get ammonia smelling urine after menopause. This could occur because of diet changes for weight control and water drinking is often minimized at this time, so it is important to drink lots of water during this period. Other issues could be serious liver or kidney damage or disease, so it is very important to consult a doctor, if there are any other accompanying symptoms, which could include burning sensations, itching, redness or rash, fever, or chills and the odorous urine lasts for more than a few days. Adopted from: http://www.knowswhy.com/why-does-urine-smell-like-ammonia/ (March 24, 2012)

16. The A. B. C. D. E.

text is about ________. an explanation about urine a description of what urine is the causes of ammonia smelling urine the reason why people consume proteins an explanation about bacteria that cause infections

17. “In fact, urine doesn’t smell.” The statement is the main idea of paragraph ________. A. one B. two C. three D. four E. five 18. “ . . . , and it smells much more foul, even though there is a distinct ammonia odor.” (Paragraph 3) The underlined word is closest in meaning to ________. A. definite B. strong C. far enough D. clearly equal E. alike 19. Which food and vegetables may cause urine to smell like ammonia, if they are consumed excessively? A. Meat, eggs and asparagus. B. Meat, asparagus and beans. C. Eggs, meat and carrots. D. Meat, eggs and beans. E. Asparagus and beans. 20. The following statements are reasons of ammonia smelling urine, EXCEPT ________. A. serious liver or kidney damages or diseases B. eating meats and eggs that have high concentrations of nitrogen C. a bacterial infection, in the urinary tract, or in the bladder D. the lack of water consumption that causes highly concentrated urine E. urinary tract infections which mostly occur in men, lead to even more strongly smelling urine II.

Write an explanation text.

Kunci Review Unit II Version B I. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Pilihan Ganda E 11. E B 12. B D 13. B B 14. D C 15. E D 16. C B 17. B D 18. A B 19. A A 20. E



Contoh jawaban: Why do Muscles Ache After Exercise? When you exercise your muscles contract and produce an acid known as lactic acid. This acid acts like a ‘poison’. The effect of this lactic acid is to make you tired, by making muscles feel tired. If the acid is removed from a tired muscle, it stops feeling tired and can go right to work again. So, feeling tired after muscular exercise is really the result of a kind of internal ‘poisoning’ that goes on in the body. But the body needs this feeling of tiredness so that it will want to rest. During rest the joints of the body replace the supplies of lubricants they have used up. Adopted from: Anonymous, Tell Me Why?, London: Chancellor Press, 2010.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII



Narrator : What is the suitable response for the statement? A. Please do it carefully. B. Fill in the form in capital leters, please. C. Please submit it and you may leave. D. You should finish it quickly.


Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Boy : Mona, could we go to school together tomorrow, please? I’ll pick you up at 6.15. Girl : O.K., but don’t be late. The traffic is heavy lately. Boy : I promise I will be on time. Narrator : What does the boy promise?

Jawaban: C 6. Write your answer on your answer sheet. Percakapan dan pilihan jawaban yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Girl : What do you think about this burger? Boy : ________ Narrator : What does the boy likely reply? A. I think we can make it ourselves. B. I’m afraid the veggies aren’t fresh and it’s too salty. C. I’m sorry I don’t have enough money. D. Burgers and pizzas are Italian food.

Jawaban: A 2.

Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Boy : You used my laptop, didn’t you? Now, I can’t turn it on. What have you done to my laptop? Girl : No, I didn’t use your laptop. I just arrived home from school. Narrator : What is the conversation about? Jawaban: B


Jawaban: B 7. Write your answer on your answer sheet. Percakapan dan pilihan jawaban yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Girl : I have lots of assignments this week. What a busy week! Boy : ________ Narrator : What is the suitable response for the statement? A. I’m sorry to trouble you. B. You’d better look at your diet. C. I don’t think you understand what I’m talking about. D. Why don’t you ask your friends to do them together?

Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Boy : I’m sorry, Ma’am. You gave me the wrong change. It should be Rp8,000, but you gave me Rp7,000. Woman : I’m sorry for my oversight. Boy No problem. Narrator : Why does the boy blame the woman? Jawaban: E


Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Man : You will have a semester test soon, won’t you? Girl : Yes, Dad. Man : I suggest you review all the materials you have learned. Please ask me if you have problems. Girl : Yes, I will. Thanks, Dad. Narrator : What does the man suggest?

Jawaban: D PART III 8.

Jawaban: C PART II

Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Boy : Sorry, I didn’t mean to break your pencil case. Girl : Never mind. Be careful next time. Narrator : Which picture describes the conversation? Jawaban: B

5. Write your answer on your answer sheet. Percakapan dan pilihan jawaban yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Boy : I’ve finished doing the test, Ma’am. Woman : ________


Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Man : Write the date at the top right of the page. Girls : All right, Sir. Narrator : Where should the students write the date? Jawaban: A


Mid-Term Test 1


Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: A group of alumni, highly established in their careers, got together to visit their old university professor. Conversation soon turned into complaints about stress at work and in life. Offering his guests coffee, the professor went to the kitchen and returned with a large pot of coffee and a variety of cups–porcelain, plastic, glass, crystal, plain looking, expensive looking and telling them to help themselves to the coffee. When all the students had a cup of coffee in hand, the professor said, “If you notice, all the expensive looking cups are taken, leaving behind the plain looking ones. While it is normal for you to want only the best for yourselves, that is the source of your problems and stress. Be assured that the cup itself does not add quality to the coffee. In most cases it is just more expensive and probably, even hides what we drink.” All the alumni looked at their own cups and glanced at the others’. “What all of you really wanted was coffee, not the cup, but you consciously went for the best cups and then you began eyeing each other’s cups,” the professor continued talking, “now consider this: life is the coffee while the jobs, money and society status are the cups. They are just tools to hold and contain life and the type of cup we have does not define, nor change the quality of our life. Sometimes, by concentrating on only the cup, we fail to enjoy the coffee God provided us.” Adopted from: http://www.rogerknapp.com/inspire/godcoffee.htm (February 11, 2012)

Narrator :

What did the professor serve to the alumni?

Jawaban: C 11.

Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Have you ever wondered how snow falls? A cloud is a mixture of air and very tiny droplets of water. When the droplets of water get very cold, they turn to ice. Ice particles start very small. They travel through the air and more water freezes on them to form ice crystals. When the ice crystals are big enough, they merge, to become snow flakes. When the snow flakes are heavy enough, they fall to the ground. That is how the snow falls and people then realise how cold it is. Adopted from: Thomas Bye, On Location: Reading and Writing for Success in the Content Areas, New York, McGraw-Hill, 2005.


Which picture best describes the monolog?

Jawaban: D PART IV Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Questions 12 and 13 refer to the following monolog. There was a poor bricklayer named Hadi. One day, Hadi found a treasure map. He told his family that he would go find that treasure. At first, his family forbade him, but then they let him go. He insisted that he didn’t want to live in poverty. Hadi left his home early in the morning and went down the road as shown on the map. Then, he arrived at a thick forest where he met a ranger named Rino. Rino told him that it would be dangerous for him to pass the thick forest alone. So, he decided to accompany him. Hadi was very happy because he had a friend to chat with during his journey. The next day, Hadi and Rino arrived at a high stony hill. They had to pass the hill if they wanted to find the treasure. Not long after that, a stone cutter named Toni greeted them. Hadi and Rino knew that Toni had to know the passage very well, so they invited him to join. He agreed and went with them.

The three of them arrived at a vast sea the following day. There was no boat they could use to cross the sea until a fisherman named Herman offered his help. Then, the four men crossed the sea together and arrived at a small island. They met an old man who told them that they had actually found the treasure. The old man explained that the treasure they were looking for was FRIENDSHIP. They had different backgrounds, but they traveled together. They helped each other sincerely. Knowing the four men were blank, the old man invited them into his house. He served his most delicious food and gave each of them a lump of gold. “You know, friendship is as priceless as gold. So, you must preserve it,” said the man. Narrator: 12. How many characters are there in the story? 13. What can you learn from the story? 12. Jawaban: D 13. Jawaban: A Teks yang diperdengarkan Bapak/Ibu Guru: Questions 14 and 15 refer to the following monolog. Let me tell you how hurricanes form. Hurricanes are the most violent storms on Earth. They are also known as typhoons or cyclones, depending on where they occur. The scientific term for all these storms is tropical cyclone. Only tropical cyclones that form over the Atlantic Ocean or eastern Pacific Ocean are called “hurricanes.” Whatever they are called, tropical cyclones all form the same way. Tropical cyclones are like giant engines that use warm, moist air as fuel. That is why, they form only over warm ocean waters near the equator. The warm, moist air over the ocean rises upward from near the surface. Because this air moves up and away from the surface, there is less air left near the surface. Another way to explain, is when the warm air rises, an area of lower air pressure is created below. Air from surrounding areas with higher air pressure pushes in to the low pressure area. That “new” air then becomes warm and moist and rises, too. As the warm air continues to rise, the surrounding air swirls in to take its place. As the warmed, moist air rises and cools off, the water in the air forms clouds. The whole system of clouds and wind spins and grows, fed by the ocean’s heat and water evaporating from the surface. Adopted from: http://spaceplace.nasa.gov/hurricanes/ (January 28, 2013)

Narrator: 14. What is the monolog about? 15. Where do tropical cyclones form? 14. Jawaban: C 15. Jawaban: E This is the end of the listening section. READING SECTION 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.


31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45.


46. 47. 48. 49. 50.


Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII


At the end of this unit you should be able to: 1. ask about possibility, 2. express curiosity and wishes, 3. express views, 4. create discussions using spoken English, 5. create short functional texts (spoken public service announcements/ advertisements), 6. create written discussions, 7. write short functional texts (leaflets), and 8. use contrastive conjunctions.



All people must have different opinions and views about recent issues. The opinions may be for or against it. In this democratic era, people have more freedom to express their ideas and thoughts, especially through mass media. In literary texts, discussions are from two points of view. It is called a discussion text. Now, in this unit you will learn more about discussion texts and their examples.

3.1 Expressions Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat memberikan soal-soal berikut untuk meningkatkan pemahaman siswa. Bapak/Ibu Guru perlu memperbanyak soal-soal yang dikerjakan siswa sesuai dengan jumlah siswa, lalu membacakan soal listening-nya. A.


Jawaban: 1. An entrepeneurship seminar. 2. Day after tomorrow. 3. Galih Pramuditya, a very successful entrepreneur. 4. He is interested in knowing the key to Galih Pramuditya’s success. 5. It refers to ‘the cost of the seminar ticket’. B.

Listen to and complete the dialog based on what you have heard.

Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru dan jawaban: Adam : Look at the farmer. It is very (1) hot, but he still works very hard. Yurike: Yes. He is a hard worker. Adam : He (2) reminds me of my grandpa. Yurike: Your grandpa? Adam : Yes. He is also a farmer. Yurike: He must be a (3) very successful one. Adam : Yup! Although he is not rich, he could afford higher education for his children. You know, all his children are university graduates. Yurike: That’s great! What is (4) the key to his success? Adam : He is strong and (5) hard working. I think those are the keys to his success. Yurike: I wish I can meet him and learn from him one day. Adam : Sure. C.

Percakapan yang dibacakan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru dan jawaban: Nadine : You look so serious (1) observing the ants. Bryan : Yes. I’d like to know about the life of ants. Nadine : What makes you (2) curious? Bryan : I’m wondering how such tiny creatures survive. Nadine : I think it is because they are (3) hard workers. Bryan : It can be. I often see them carrying food together. Nadine : You’re right. (4) Togetherness is the most interesting fact about them. You know, ants always live and work together. Bryan : That’s right. Look! When they meet, they touch each other. It’s a kind of greeting I think. Nadine : Yes. Sometimes, we can learn a (5) lesson from a tiny creature.

Listen and answer the questions based on what you have heard.

Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Boy : Will you join the entrepeneurship seminar, day after tomorrow? Girl : Um . . . I am not sure. Who is the speaker? Boy : Galih Pramuditya, a very successful entrepreneur. Girl : It seems interesting. Boy : Yes. I’d like to join since I am interested in knowing the keys to his success. Girl : I’d like to, but it must be very expensive. Boy : Not really. The cost of a ticket is in line with the knowledge we will gain from the seminar. Moreover, there are special ticket prices for students. Girl : Have you reserved a ticket? Boy : I have. If you wish to join, I’ll accompany you to reserve one. Girl : O.K. Thanks.

Answer the following questions based on the dialog in Task B.

Listen to and complete the dialog based on what you have heard.

Soal yang dikerjakan siswa: Nadine : You look so serious (1) ________ the ants. Bryan : Yes. I’d like to know about the life of ants. Nadine : What makes you (2) ________? Bryan : I’m wondering how such tiny creatures survive. Nadine : I think it is because they are (3) ________. Bryan : It can be. I often see them carrying food together. Nadine : You’re right. (4) ________ is the most interesting fact about them. You know, ants always live and work together. Bryan : That’s right. Look! When they meet, they touch each other. It’s a kind of greeting I think. Nadine : Yes. Sometimes, we can learn a (5) ________ from a tiny creature. B.

Answer the following questions based on the dialog in Task A.

1. 2. 3.

Why is Bryan observing ants? In Nadine’s opinion, why can ants survive? According to Nadine, what is the most interesting fact about ants? Bryan says, “Yes. I’d like to know about the life of ants.” What does he express? Nadine says, “You look so serious observing the ants.” What does ‘observing’ mean?

4. 5.

Jawaban: 1. He is curious about how tiny creatures such as ants can survive. 2. It is because they are hard workers. 3. Their togetherness. 4. He is curious about ants. 5. It means ‘watching closely’.

Jawaban: 1. It is very hot. 2. A farmer who is working hard at his field. 3. He is a farmer. 4. He is a strong and hard working man. No wonder he has become a successful farmer. He could afford higher education for all his children. 5. She expresses her wish.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII



Listen and choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer.

9. Fariz : Perhaps. However, I’ve heard that a few villagers in Java still hold wayang performances for special occasions. 10. Fariz : Yes. Not only that. Several Indonesians make wayang from parts of a bike. It is usually called wayang onthel.

Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Boy : You’re daydreaming. Anything wrong? Girl : Um . . . I am just thinking about my future. I am eager to continue my studies at university but that’s impossible. Boy : How can you say that? Everything is possible. Girl : My parents can’t afford a university education. Boy : Why don’t you search for scholarships? Girl : Is it possible? I am not very smart. Boy : Just try. You will not know the result before you do. Girl : You’re right. I’ll try. Thanks. Jawaban: 1. C 2.







Jawaban: The correct arrangement of the sentences is 4–7–1–9–3–10– 5–8–2–6.



Complete the following statements based on the dialog in Task A.

1. 2.

The dialog is about ________________. According to Elsa, in this modern era teenagers prefer ________________ as entertainment to wayang. ________________ still hold wayang performances for special occasions. Several Indonesians make wayang from ____________. The story in such a wayang performance reflects ________________.

3. 4. 5. A.

Jawaban: 1. wayang 2. contemporary music and film 3. A few villagers in Java 4. parts of a bike 5. current conditions

Arrange the following sentences to form a meaningful dialog.

Jawaban: The correct arrangement of the sentences is 3–7–1–9–5–8–4– 6–2. B.

Complete the following statements based on the dialog in Task A.

Jawaban: 1. where Hexa and Dewi would like to continue their studies 2. she thinks that she will have to pay more at a private university 3. a computer college 4. in his view, studying at a college will give him more practical skills 5. private universities


Create dialogs based on the situations. Then, practice the dialogs with a friend.

Contoh jawaban: 1. You : Your brother : You : Your brother : You : Your brother :

Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat memberikan soal-soal berikut untuk meningkatkan pemahaman siswa. Bapak/Ibu Guru perlu memperbanyak soal-soal yang dikerjakan siswa sesuai dengan jumlah siswa. A. 1.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.


Arrange the following sentences to form a meaningful dialog. Elsa : How can you say that? In this modern era, people especially teenagers prefer contemporary music and film as entertainment to wayang. Elsa : That’s unique. Elsa : Do they? Elsa : In your opinion, is it possible that wayang will survive in Indonesia? Elsa : What do you mean? Fariz : Of course. The story behind the wayang performance is contemporary. It reflects current conditions. Fariz : It’s possible. Fariz : They made wayang from gears, pedals, saddles and many other parts of a bike. They also used other parts of the bike to make instruments.






Your friend You

: :

Your friend You

: :

Your friend




Your friend


Your sister




Your sister You

: :

Look at the boy! He is poor. Yes. He has to work hard to survive. You’re right. Do you think he has a good education? I’m not sure. Is there any possibility that he could become a great man one day? If he has a good education and good luck, anything is possible. Nobody knows what the future is. There is a man who once sold newspapers but has a business in renting expensive cars now. Yes, that’s right. A poor boy may become a great man one day. Where would you like to go next holiday? I would like to go to my uncle’s house. You know, he lives near a coastal area. Is your uncle’s a fisherman? Yes. When I was there, I helped him catch fish. It seems interesting. Actually I am very curious about people’s lives near coastal areas. May I go with you? Sure, but you must ask your parents’ permission. O.K. You know, I just won a modeling contest. Publishers have asked me to be a model for their magazines and I accepted the offers. What do you think? I support your decision, unless it interrupts your studies. You can do it after school. Anyway, have you asked mom and dad’s permission? I have and they support me. That’s good. One thing you should remember, never ignore your studies.

3.2 Genre Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat memberikan soal berikut untuk meningkatkan pemahaman siswa. Bapak/Ibu Guru perlu memperbanyak soal yang dikerjakan siswa sesuai dengan jumlah siswa, lalu membacakan teks listening-nya. Listen and answer the questions based on what you have heard.


Teks yang dibacakan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: A few people have to live near a volcano for various reasons. Actually, living near a volcano has positive and negative sides. Let me tell you about them. The positive side of living near a volcano is that the soil is fertile. Besides, a lot of volcanic products can be used in everyday life. Sulphur, for example, can be used as an ingredient for matches or medicine. Meanwhile, the finer volcanic deposits, such as gravel and sand found in rivers, can be used in building materials. More than that, the thermal energy from volcanoes can be used to generate electric power. Now, let’s discuss the negative side of living near a volcano. An eruption is very dangerous. When a volcano erupts, lava and other materials destroy habitats and crops. Of course, this causes great losses and could harm, or even kill people living there. Considering the facts above, we should live far away from a volcano.

Find the meanings of the following words. You will hear the words in the text in Task B.

Jawaban: 1. seluruhnya 2. kasih sayang 3. (tempat) perlindungan 4. kekerasan 5. berhak mendapat 6. kurungan B.

Listen to and complete the text based on what you have heard.

Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru dan jawaban: Humans, as a natural part of the animal kingdom, have interacted with the animals around them for the entirety of their (1) existence. People around the world seem to have tamed many sorts of animals as companions and pets, from goldfish and birds to monkeys and reptiles. The (2) isolation of these instances suggests that it is an intrinsic human quality to tame animals beyond the role of hunting. Despite the vast popularity of pet ownership, the question still remains as to whether the practice should be (3) continued. Keeping pets is considered positive. It shows our love and affection for animals. Pet owners treat their pets very well. They will (4) feed and provide shelters for their pets. They assume that their pets will not survive without being looked after, since in nature only the strongest survive. By keeping animals as pets, the weak animals can be protected from danger. On the other side, keeping pets is considered a violation of animals (5) rights. Living creatures deserve the basic rights which captivity denies even though they may have no moral comprehension. It is up to human beings to (6) ensure that these rights are maintained. To sum up, we are supposed to set animals free to roam their (7) habitats. However, if we decide on keeping them, we have to be (8) responsible. We should treat them well and avoid animal violations. Adopted from: http://idebate.org/debatabase/debates/environment-animal-welfare/ house-believes-people-should-not-keep-pets (January 25, 2013)


Answer the following questions based on the text in Task B.

Jawaban: 1. Pros and cons of keeping pets. 2. It shows our love and affection for animals. 3. Because in nature only the strongest survive. 4. It is a violation of animals rights. 5. We are supposed to set animals free to roam their habitats. However, if we decide on keeping them, we have to be responsible for their lives.

Adapted from: – http://dancinghockeygirl.blogspot.com/2009/10/pros-of-living-nearvolcano.html (March 16, 2012) – http://www.kyrene.org/schools/brisas/sunda/ev/alex/page2.html (March 16, 2012)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

What is the text about? What is the soil like, near a volcano? Why is sulphur useful? What is the argument against living near a volcano? “. . . can be used to generate electric power.” (Paragraph 2) What is the synonym of ‘to generate’? Jawaban: 1. Pros and cons of living near a volcano. 2. It is fertile. 3. It can be used as an ingredient for matches or medicine. 4. The eruption is very dangerous. The lava and other materials can destroy habitats and crops. Many people may also be killed. 5. It is ‘to produce’. D.

Listen and choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer.

Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: There are many energy drinks advertised these days. According to advertisements, these drinks are good for us. What are actually the pros and cons of consuming energy drinks? On the positive side, energy drinks provide us with quick bursts of energy when needed. Therefore, people often report an increase in mental alertness after they drink energy drinks. Perhaps too much physical energy can reflect a positive effect on mental awareness. The other benefit of drinking energy drinks is that they are nourishing. Vitamins and minerals in these drinks could have positive effects on the body. Apart from their advantages, drinking energy drinks also has negative effects. We can get addicted to them. Moreover, they contain excessive sugar and calories which can lead to

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII


becoming overweight. Children, pregnant women and those with health problems should not drink them, as these drinks may cause serious health problems. Last but not least, the negative side of energy drinks is that they are rather expensive. Adapted from: http://slapenergydrink.com/energy-drinks-pros-and-cons (March 15, 2012)

Jawaban: 1. D 2.









Compose a discussion text based on the following data. Then, present it in class.

Contoh jawaban: Several people are interested in taking out life insurance. However, others think that life insurance is of poor value. Now, let’s take a look at both sides. On one side, taking out life insurance provides us a sense of security. We don’t have to think much about the payments for illness treatments, since the insurance company will be responsible for settlements. Not only that. When we die, the insurance company provides a sum of money to our survivors. Of course it can lessen their burdens. On the other side, life insurance is considered unnecessary. It can be costly, especially if we suffer from bad health or participate in ‘high-risk’ activities. Then while taking out life insurance, we have a contract for a set period of time. It means that we have to pay a sum of money for the period. The other negative side of life insurance is we can outlive our insurance term and don’t receive any financial benefits. Also, we will not get better returns compared to that of a regular saving or investment account unless we die. Based on the pros and cons I’ve mentioned before, we should consider carefully, before taking out life insurance. B.

Interview your friends about their opinions of a certain topic, for example following a study club, the use of cell phones, etc.

Contoh jawaban (hasil interview): Topic: Pros and Cons of Joining Study Clubs Write the result in the following table. Then, compose a discussion text based Name Pro Con Reasonon your interview and present it during class. Linda ✔ We can solve problems dealing with our studies. Alvian ✔ We can get more friends. Winda ✔ We can get many new experiences. Dion ✔ We will spend much time for a chitchat and other useless activities. Contoh jawaban (a discussion text): Do you follow a study club? Why do you like to follow it? You know, following study clubs have advantages and disadvantages. I had interviewed friends, to get their opinions and now I’ll tell you about them. Most of them stated that following study clubs is advantageous. By following a study club, we can solve problems dealing with our studies. We can ask other friends about subjects or lessons we don’t understand. More than that, we can make more friends. Study club members usually have close relationships. More friends, more happiness, right? Not only that. By following a study club, we can gain many new experiences and they will be unforgettable.



However, there is an argument against it. Did you know what it is? Yeah. Following a study club means that we have time for a chitchat. If we can’t manage time, we will spend it on uselessly. Based on the different arguments, I can conclude that following a study club has many benefits. If the reason is about time for a chitchat and other useless activities, we can minimize them, right?


Complete the text with the correct words from the box.

Jawaban: 1. e 2. i 6. h 7. f B.

3. a 8. b

4. j 9. k

5. c 10. g

Find the synonyms of the following words in the text in Task A.

Jawaban: 1. advantage 2. risk 3. important 4. wish 5. starting 6. regular 7. need 8. opportunity 9. smart 10. viewing C.

Complete the table based on the text in Task A.

Jawaban: Topic: Being an entrepeneur Arguments For ● ● ●

It is challenging. It’s adventurous. It can offer/produce new products. It can make someone more independent. He/she can be his/her own boss and arrange his/her own time.

Arguments Against ●


He/she should be ready to give up the security of regular paycheck. He/she should be ready to take all risks, including fewer benefits. He/she has to be smart in viewing opportunities and work hard.

Answer the following questions based on the text in Task A.

Jawaban: 1. Pros and cons of being an entrepeneur. 2. Because it has high and risky stakes. 3. We can be our own boss and make all important decisions. We can also arrange our own time schedules. We can work whenever, wherever and however we wish. 4. We must be willing to give up the security of regular paychecks, accept fewer benefits (especially when starting the business), have to be smart in viewing opportunities and work hard. 5. It is ‘benefit’.

Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat memberikan soal-soal berikut sebagai kegiatan pendalaman. A.

Complete the text with the correct words from the box. a. d. g. j.

future area potential green

b. e. h. k.

expensive save economically cold

c. f. i. l.

unlimited heat triggered solar

Geothermal energy is essential energy in the form of (1) ________ below the earth’s surface. It has positive and negative sides. On the positive side, geothermal energy is renewable. In other words, it is an energy source that can sustain its consumption rate. Unlike other conventional resources such as coal and fossil fuels, the energy we gather from below the Earth’s surface is almost (2) ________. So, harnessing energy, using these methods can be considered non-polluting. In other words, geothermal energy is a (3) ________ energy source. Green sources of energy are crucial for fighting the climate crisis. Geothermal heating and cooling systems can (4) ________ a lot of money. It is usual to save up to 70% on heating bills, compared to using traditional heating systems. Geothermal energy is reliable, meaning there are little to no fluctuations of energy flow. Using geothermal energy as base load, gives us the opportunity to add other forms of energy, when there is extra demand. This is a major benefit, both (5) ________ and environmentally. Although geothermal heating and cooling systems can save a lot of money in the long term, the initial costs can be quite (6) ________, which is one of the arguments against geothermal energy. Another negative argument is that larger projects of harnessing geothermal energy, could pose a threat regarding earthquakes. The majority of these projects are successful, but in January 1997 a geothermal power plant in Switzerland (7) ________ an earthquake with a magnitude of 3.4 on the Richter scale. Finally, the disadvantage of geothermal energy is that you require a relatively large (8) ________ to dig out and lay pipes for a geothermal system. These systems cannot be installed in all buildings. To sum up, the advantages and disadvantages should be considered carefully. Even though the energy is dirt-cheap, it will be a long time before the initial investment is repaid. Hopefully in the (9) ________, technological advancements can make geothermal systems cheaper. There is no doubt geothermal energy has great (10) ________ in contributing positively to the climate crisis and a greener future. Adopted from: http://energyinformative.org/geothermal-energy-pros-and-cons/ (March 15, 2012)

Jawaban: 1. f 2. c 6. b 7. i

3. j 8. d

4. e 9. a

5. h 10. g


Answer the following questions based on the text in Task A.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

What is the text about? Why is geothermal energy renewable? Geothermal energy is reliable. What does it mean? What is the initial cost of geothermal energy? What is the writer’s conclusion about geothermal energy?

Jawaban: 1. Pros and cons of geothermal energy. 2. Because the energy we gather from below the Earth’s surface is almost unlimited. 3. It means there are little to no fluctuations of energy flow. 4. It is expensive. 5. There is no doubt that geothermal energy has great potential in contributing positively to the climate crisis and a greener future. E.

Continue the following sentences using your own words.

Contoh jawaban: 1. she didn’t believe me 2. he likes to live in his old house 3. she has bought a new one 4. being sick/her sickness 5. the boys mop it F.

Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer.

Jawaban: 1. E 2.









Write five sentences using contrastive conjunctions.

Contoh jawaban: 1. The government has worked on the problem of floods in Jakarta. Nevertheless, they still can’t overcome the floods. 2. The government warned people to steer away from corruption. However, many officials are still involved in corruption. 3. Many students would like to continue their studies at universities whereas other students would like to work. 4. People use textile coloring for foods although it is dangerous for human health. 5. Nadya will buy a laptop in spite of its high price. B.

Write a discussion text about an interesting issue. You may search for some references about it.

Contoh jawaban: Organic Farming Arguments for and against organic farming are largely anecdotal and left to personal opinions. Here are a few arguments. Organic farming is good for the environment. Numerous surveys have evaluated the environmental impact of various farming methods. From these, a general consensus is that organic farms do not use synthetic pesticides which can harm local wildlife. Organic farming is good for food consumers. The harmful effects of pesticide exposure are well documented. Even when they are used accordingly, they still end up in the bodies of

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farmers and food consumers. Organic techniques do not expose consumers to dangerous organophosphate pesticides and other dangerous chemicals. Perhaps the single best argument against organic food is that it is just too costly. On average, consumers pay 50% more for organic products and up to 100% more for organic meat and dairy products. To sum up, organic farming is a good way of farming. It is safe for the environment and consumers. Adapted from: http://altmed.creighton.edu/OrganicFood/perceived_pros_and_cons.htm (March 16, 2012)

Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat memberikan soal berikut untuk meningkatkan pemahaman siswa. Bapak/Ibu Guru perlu memperbanyak soal yang dikerjakan siswa sesuai dengan jumlah siswa, lalu mem-bacakan teks listening-nya. Listen and complete the statements based on what you have heard. Teks yang dibacakan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Infected cuts and wounds can make you sick and possibly kill you. Prevent infections from cuts and wounds. Clean all cuts and wounds with soap and water. If possible, use antibiotics, then cover the wound. If a wound swells or weeps, see a doctor.

3.3 Short Functional Texts: Public Service Announcements/Advertisements and Leaflets

Adopted from: http://www.bt.cdc.gov/disasters/earthquakes/psa/ tetanuspsa1.asp (March 12, 2012)

1. 2. 3. 4. A.

What do the following words mean? You will hear the words in the text in Task B.

Jawaban: 1. ruangan di bawah tanah 2. hebat, keras 3. luar biasa 4. sadar akan, mengetahui 5. sifat lekas marah B.

Listen and complete the statements based on what you have heard.

Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: From wet basements to lost crops, this year’s floods and severe storms are causing extraordinary stress to many people in our country. That’s why, we remind you to be aware of the signs of stress. Increased irritability, sleeplessness or anxiety means you could be under extreme stress. If so, let your friends or family members know how you’re feeling. Their support can help you deal with stress. For more information, contact your local Extension office. This message comes to you from Iowa State University Extension’s SAFE FARM program, to make our farms a safe place to work and live. Adopted from: http://nasdonline.org/document/1551/d001345/stress-from-flood-andstorms-psa-radio-script.html (January 27, 2013)

Jawaban: 1. this year’s floods and severe storms 2. being aware of the signs of stress 3. increased irritability, sleeplessness or anxiety 4. let our friends or family members know how we’re feeling 6. the local Extension office




Infected cuts and wounds can make us _______________ and possibly _________________ us. We should prevent __________________ from cuts and wounds. For prevention, we should clean all cuts and wounds with __________________ and __________________. We should also use _________________ then cover the wound. If a wound swells or __________________, we should see a doctor.

Jawaban: 1. sick; kill 4. antibiotics C.

2. 5.

infections weeps


soap; water

Listen to and complete the text based on what you have heard.

Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru dan jawaban: Parents work hard to do everything right. They (1) baby-proof their homes and learn what to do in an (2) emergency. Yet most parents don’t know that children could be (3) poisoned by lead paint in their own homes. Lead poisoning causes (4) permanent learning and behavioral disorders, and the culprit is usually dust from peeling or chipping lead paint which it transmitted from children’s hands into their mouths. That’s why, keep house paint in good condition. Ask your doctor to test your child for lead poisoning and get your home tested too. For more information on how to address lead (5) paint problems safely, call 1-800-424LEAD. Adopted from: http://www.afhh.org/hps/leaddocs/radiopsa.pdf (January 27, 2013)


Answer the following questions based on the text in Task C.

Jawaban: 1. To remind us about the danger of paint for children and how to solve the problem. 2. Because it may cause permanent learning and behavioral disorders. 3. By keeping house paint in good condition and asking a doctor to test the child for lead poisoning and get our home tested too. 4. By calling 1-800-424-LEAD. 5. It is ‘temporary’.


A. 1.

Complete the text with the correct words from the box. b










Compose a public service announcement. Say it to the class.

Contoh jawaban: If you look around town, you may see heaps of garbage everywhere, which is really not healthy, nor good to look at. If it continues like this, we could face problems. So, from now on, let’s throw garbage into litter bins provided and let’s start separating garbage. Collect plastic garbage and convert it into money by selling it to the nearest garbage bank.

Read the text and answer the questions.

Jawaban: 1. An international learning center for leadership and interpersonal communication. 2. To develop potential talent across a wide arena of service industries and the educational sector. 3. It is internationally recognized. It also has an international qualification and standard. 4. Nine. 5. It is ‘acknowledged’.

Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat memberikan latihan berikut sebagai soal pendalaman bagi siswa. Read the leaflet and answer the questions that follow.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII


Questions: 1. What is the leaflet about? Jawaban: It is about Manipal Education’s Soft Skills Program. 2. How long has the institute experimented in education? Jawaban: Over five decades. 3. How can the program develop professionals to reach industry expectations? Jawaban: By helping the professionals apply their knowledge in a professional and organized manner. It provides them with a strong conceptual and practical framework to develop their personality and ensure substantial improvement in behavior and approach. 4. What techniques are used in the program? Jawaban: 360 degree feedback, one-to-one interaction, group discussions, projects, etc. 5. “. . . consider an integral part of everyday business.” What is similar to ‘integral’? Jawaban: It is ‘whole’. B.

What do the following words mean? You will find the words in the text in Task C.

Jawaban: 1. rahasia 3. disitulah, disanalah 5. banyak 7. pertanyaan C.

2. 4. 6. 8.

yang sepenuhnya permulaan pada awalnya ragu-ragu

Read the following leaflet and complete the statements that follow.

Jawaban: 1. integrative counseling 2. confidentiality 3. once a week; fifty 4. contacting the counselors by phone or e-mail at first and then arrange an initial meeting 5. Nicola Saunders, the counselor D.

Complete the text with the correct words from the box.

Jawaban: 1. c 2. E.








Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer based on the text in Task D.

Jawaban: 1. B 2.








Write a leaflet dealing recent issues. You may find some reference. Contoh jawaban:

Tape Script for Assessment Questions 1 and 2 refer to the following dialog. Boy : We will have a long holiday. Where are we going? Girl : Um . . . actually I would like to go on a picnic. However, mom and dad will not have a holiday. Boy : Yes, you’re right. Girl : Do you have any idea then? Boy : We can spend our holiday in Bandung, at our uncle’s home. I miss Della and Roy, our cousins. Girl : Good idea, but do you think it’s possible that mom and dad will allow us to go there? Boy : It’s possible. Girl : Let’s tell them about our idea. Questions: 1. What would they like to go on holiday? 2. Who do you think the speakers are? Question 3 refers to the following dialog. Boy : Would you like to attend the Batik Carnival in Solo day after tomorrow? Girl : Sure. I am very curious about it. It has been held several times, but I have never seen before. Boy : Neither have I. What about attending it together? Girl : Good idea. Question: 3. What is the girl curious about? Questions 4 and 5 refer to the following monolog. In this modern era many people like consuming frozen food. What are the advantages and disadvantages? Let’s discuss it. On one hand, frozen food is fast and easy. Cooking has always been time consuming. That’s why, cooking with readymade products is becoming more and more popular. Besides that, frozen food is still nutritious since the product is picked and frozen at the peak of its ripeness. On the other hand, frozen food has disadvantages. Frozen food is first blanched or boiled in order to sterilize it. This process breaks down some water-soluble nutrients and the real problem with frozen food is the chemicals, preservatives and amount of salt that is packed into them. We all know that salt is an enemy when it comes to dieting and to our heart health. Adopted from: http://www.3fatchicks.com/frozen-diet-foods-pros-and-cons-to-consider/ (March 15, 2012)

Questions: 4. What is the monolog about? 5. Why is the sterilization process in making frozen food not good for our health?

Adopted from: http://bloxham.info/ broadsheet/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/ Flood-leaflet2a.png (January 28, 2013)



Tape Script for Review Unit III Version A


Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer.

Jawaban: 1. E 2. A 6. A 7. C 11. C 12. E 16. E 17. C II.

3. 8. 13. 18.


4. 9. 14. 19.


5. 10. 15. 20.


Write a discussion text. You may choose your own topic.

Contoh jawaban: In this modern era, almost everyone wants everything simple. They like practical packages, including food. There are many kinds of foods, like tinned foods. Actually, there are pros and cons of tinned foods. Let me tell you about them. On the positive side, tinned foods are stored easily. Compared to fresh foods, tinned foods have longer shelf-life. Not only that. They are more economical. Furthermore, the packaging can be recycled. However, tinned foods have negative sides too. Nutrients, especially vitamin C and potassium, are lost during the canning process. Moreover, salt or sugar is often added to the food, used as preservatives. Finally, the negative side of tinned foods is that, their taste and texture are not always as good as fresh foods. So, what will you choose now? Will you still prefer consuming tinned foods to fresh foods? Adopted from: http://www.paulamee.com/paulamee/Main/Eating_Well_Advantages_ Fresh.htm (March 15, 2012)

Question 1 refers to the following dialog. Girl : Many Indonesian singers are obsessed with going international. Is it possible for them? Boy : Why not? There have been Indonesian singers who have gone international, such as Anggun and Agnes Monica. Girl : Yes, but it’s very difficult. Boy : Of course. We don’t get anything without hard effort. Question: 1. What is the dialog about? Question 2 refers to the following dialog. Girl : Hey, I found this small gift in my drawer. Boy : Who is the sender? Girl : I don’t know. Hmm . . . I am curious about who sent me the gift. Boy : Just open the gift and you will find the writer’s name on it. Question: 2. What is the girl curious about? Question 3 refers to the following dialog. Boy : There are a number of smart students but they come from poor families. What do you think? Girl : I think the government should pay attention to them. Boy : What do you mean? Girl : There should be funds or scholarships for them. Question: 3. What is the girl’s view about a number of smart students who are poor? Questions 4 and 5 refer to the following monolog. Terracing is one way to prevent erosion or farmland runoff. It is making slopes into steps so that rain cannot run down a hill carrying away the soil. Like other methods, it has arguments for and against. Let’s discuss the two sides. One of the reasons why people choose terracing is that it prevents water from running down hills. More than that, it increases water infiltration and root development. On the contrary, terracing has disadvantages. It could become expensive and require heavy equipment. Not only that. It may hinder more modern or authomatic farming practices. Adapted from: http://forest.mtu.edu/pcforestry/resources/studentprojects/AdamB/ Rain%20Erosion.html (March 15, 2012)

Questions: 4. What is the monolog about? 5. Why do people choose terracing?

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII


Review Unit III Version A Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas : XII

Semester Tanggal


Nomor Induk


Tanda Tangan

I. A.

Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer. Listening Section

1. A. B. C. D. E.

Some Indonesian singers. Some singers’ great efforts. Some popular international singers. The possibility for some people to be singers. The possibility for some Indonesian singers to go international.

2. A. B. C. D. E.

The The The The The

3. A. B. C. D.

We should help them. We should appreciate their achievements. We should not underestimate them. The government should have a fund or scholarship for them. The government should provide them with many facilities.


thing in the gift. one who sent her the gift. one who received the gift. one who took her gift. price of the gift.

4. A. B. C. D. E.

Why terracing is useful. The description of terracing. Pros and cons of terracing. The function of terracing. The cost of terracing.

5. A. B. C. D. E.

Because Because Because Because Because

it it it it it

: 1 (satu) : ....

6. What is the purpose of the text? A. To advertise a boat and fishing trip. B. To sell boat and fishing equipment. C. To persuade people to join a boating and fishing day. D. To persuade families that they should have activities together. E. To persuade people that boating and fishing are good, to bond families. 7. “No other activity can bond a family, like boating or fishing.” The word ‘bond’ means ________. A. give fun B. give chances C. help guiding D. develop relationships E. develop an understanding The following text is for questions 8 to 10.

is cheap. requires simple equipment. allows more modern farming practices. decreases water infiltration. increases water infiltration.

This is the end of the listening section. B.

Reading Section

The following text is for questions 6 and 7. No other activity can bond a family, like boating or fishing. They provide wonderful opportunities for us to talk, laugh and create new memories. So take someone you love, out on the water and see where the water takes you. To learn about local boating and fishing resources, plus helpful tips for your next trip, please visit takemefishing.org. Adopted from: Live-Read Radio PSA Scripts in www.rbff.org (March 19, 2012) Adopted from: http://retasleeds.files.wordpress.com/2011/06/ielts-flier.jpg (March 19, 2012)



8. What is the leaflet about? A. An English test. B. An English course. C. A qualified English teacher. D. Students’ achievement in English tests. E. A scholarship for students to study in England. 9. How long will the course be? A. About one week. B. About two weeks. C. About one month. D. About two months. E. About three months. 10. “95% of people taught on the course achieved an IELTS score of 5 or more” What is the synonym of ‘achieved’? A. Reached. B. Taught. C. Received. D. Provided. E. Took. The following text is for questions 11 to 14. Many people like consuming seafood, especially fish. Actually, there are advantages and disadvantages. People should consume seafood because it is nutritious. Most of the domestic fish such as tuna, salmon and cod are good sources of protein, B vitamins, potassium, magnesium, selenium and other minerals. This is a versatile protein food source that is also relatively low in fat. Salmon and whitefish have the highest Omega-3 fatty acid content. This type of fat is very good for cardiovascular, brain and joints. On the contrary, there are arguments against seafood. According to the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network, more than 2 per cent of Americans report an allergy to fish and shellfish. Some of the reactions can be severe and/or lethal. Besides that, bigger fish have more chance of contamination by mercury and other toxins such polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). The ones to avoid or eat sparingly are swordfish, tilefish, king mackerel, blue fin tuna, domesticated shark and marlin. Moreover, undercooked or raw fish can contain many kinds of parasites (including tapeworms). From the arguments above, we should be careful when consuming seafood. If we want to consume seafood, be sure the seafood is commercially deep frozen and/or heated to at least 140 degrees to kill tapeworms and other parasites. Also, it’s important for pregnant women, babies, young children and immunity-compromised persons to avoid these types of fish. Adopted from: http://www.fitday.com/fitness-articles/fitness/the-pros-and-cons-ofseafood.html (March 15, 2012)

11. Why should people consume seafood? A. It is nourishing. B. It is delicious. C. It is cheap. D. It is high in fat. E. It is low in protein. 12. The following are reasons why we should not consume seafood, EXCEPT ________. A. it may contain many kinds of parasites B. it may be contaminated by mercury C. it may contain tapeworms D. it may cause a headache E. it may cause allergy 13. What should we do before consuming seafood to kill tapeworms and parasites? A. We should clean it. B. We should keep it fresh. C. We should pack it firmly. D. We should soak it in salt water. E. We should heat it to at least 140 degrees.

14. “The ones to avoid or eat sparingly are swordfish, tilefish, . . . .” (Paragraph 4) What is the opposite of ‘sparingly’? A. Carefully. B. Extravagantly. C. Frequently. D. Greedily. E. Continuously. 15. Tika : Raka : A. C. E.

Why do you look upset? My computer is still broken ________ I have tried to repair it. although B. nevertheless however D. in spite of despite

The following text is for questions 16 to 20. One promotion method people can consider, is through the Internet. Internet promotion has advantages and disadvantages. Internet promotion presents the advantage of a smaller budget and storage costs, when compared to printing brochures, producing television or radio advertisements or managing a call center. It presents a fast and cost effective option for penetrating new markets. Besides that, e-mail makes business communications instant. It makes it easier for customers to maintain contact and readily facilitates repeat purchasing. The net result is that, a small business can gain significant competitive advantage in a given market. Furthermore, Internet promotion also provides the advantage of endurance. Whereas participation at a trade fair or conference loses sales impact, once it is over. An advertisement in a newspaper or business magazine may quickly lose its sales generating value within a day or two, or as soon as the next issue is released. Internet promotion is often timeless. Apart from the dates and sometimes prices, much of your website contents remain valid years later. However, Internet promotion is not without its risks and weaknesses. With millions of businesses selling the same products and services, competing with more established businesses can be frustrating and a costly venture for small businesses. Another notable disadvantage is that it may be difficult for the businesspersons and consumers to thoroughly evaluate the legitimacy of a transaction. Small businesses are particularly vulnerable to theft, using stolen credit cards and stolen information to do online transactions. Then, another disadvantage is that the customers and businesspersons are isolated. There is little personal contact between customer and salesperson prior to and after the sales transaction. Thus, the prospect for repeat sales may diminish. From all indications, it appears that the advantages of Internet promotion far exceed the disadvantages. With adequate knowledge,entrepreneurs can benefit significantly from Internet promotions, especially small business owners. Adopted from: http://www.patantconsult.com/articles/advantages-and-disadvantagesof-internet-promotion.htm (March 15, 2012)

16. What is the text about? A. Pros and cons of promotion. B. Pros and cons of Internet promotion. C. Pros and cons of running a business. D. Pros and cons of being a salesperson. E. Pros and cons of entrepreneurship. 17. Compared to other media of promotion, how is Internet promotion? A. It is more interesting. B. It is more expensive. C. It is more exclusive. D. It is cheaper and longer. E. It is more difficult and more challenging.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII


18. What can we conclude from paragraph two and five? A. Both paragraphs discuss the advantages of Internet promotion. B. Both paragraphs discuss the disadvantages of Internet promotion. C. Paragraph 2 tells about argument for, while paragraph 5 tells about argument against. D. Paragraph 2 tells about argument against, while paragraph 5 tells about argument for. E. Paragraph 2 tells about argument for, while paragraph 5 tells about the writer’s conclusion. 19. Which of the following statements is NOT the disadvantage of Internet promotion? A. We have to compete with other businesses selling similar products. B. It is difficult to evaluate the legitimacy of a transaction. C. It is vulnerable to theft using stolen credit cards. D. The prospect for repeat sales may diminish. E. It may quickly lose its promotion.



20. “Internet promotion has advantages and disadvantages.” (Paragraph 1) What is similar to ‘advantage’? A. Benefit. B. Loss. C. Similarity. D. Difference. E. Relationship. II.

Create a public service announcement. You may choose your own topic.

Kunci Review Unit III Version A I.

Pilihan Ganda

1. E

11. A

2. B

12. D

3. D

13. E

4. C

14. B

5. E

15. A

6. E

16. B

7. D

17. D

8. B

18. C

9. E

19. E

10. A

20. A

II. Uraian Contoh jawaban: Are you concerned about violence at school? Do you know of students threatening to hurt or bullying someone? Well, there’s something you can do about it. Just call 1-866-SPEAKUP to report a threat. The call is free and completely anonymous. If you know about a student threatening violence, don’t take chances, call 1-866-SPEAK-UP. That’s 1-866-SPEAK UP. It could be the most important call you’ll ever made. Adopted from: safeschoolsweek.org/PDFs/NSSW%202006%20radio%20script.pdf (March 19, 2012)

Tape Script for Review Unit III Version B Question 1 refers to the following dialog. Girl : You know, there will be an audition for Indonesian Idol in the town hall. Boy : Do you mean Indonesian Idol which is broadcast on TV? Girl : Yes. I will join it. In your opinion, is it possible for me to pass the audition? Boy : I think so. Your voice is beautiful. Question: 1. What is the girl going to join? Question 2 refers to the following dialog. Girl : It seems that you like reading books about great men. Boy : Yes, I do. Girl : Why? Boy : I am very curious about the keys to their success. Question: 2. What does the boy want to know about some great men? Question 3 refers to the following dialog. Boy : Ugh . . . news about corruption again. It upsets me. Girl : Sure. There are many corruptors in this country. What do you think? Boy : I think they deserve very hard punishment, otherwise they will make our country collapse. Girl : I think so. Question: 3. What is the dialog about? Questions 4 and 5 refer to the following monolog. The decision about whether to live on, or off campus is very important. It could affect your entire college career. Both situations have advantages and disadvantages and which one you choose depends a lot on what is suitable for you. On-campus housing is generally more convenient than offcampus housing. It’s easier to get to class, especially early in the morning. Students who live on campus are also closer to facilities, such as the library and gym. On the other hand, in a dorm, you usually have to share a room, while off-campus housing can be more private and less noisy. Cafeteria food is another disadvantage of on-campus housing. Students on special diets will often find it difficult to live in a dormitory than to live in a rooming house or apartment where they can cook for themselves. Adopted from: Cheryl Pavlik and Margaret Keenan Segal, Interactions 2, New York, McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2007.

Questions: 4. What is the monolog about? 5. Why is living in on-campus housing more convenient?

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII


Review Unit III Version B Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas : XII

Semester Tanggal


Nomor Induk


Tanda Tangan

I. A.

Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer. Listening Section

1. A. B. C. D. E.

A contest at a TV station. The audition of a contest on TV. A live broadcast on TV. The audition of television reporters. The audition of television news readers.

2. A. B. C. D. E.

Their social life. Their success. Their principals. The keys to their success. Their merits for human being.

3. A. B. C. D. E.

Corruption in this country. Punishment in this country. The collapse of a country. Courts in this country. Effects of corruption.

4. A. B. C. D. E.

Pros and cons of living in on-campus housing. Pros and cons of living in off-campus housing. Pros and cons of living in on and off campus housing. The difficulties of living in on-campus housing. The benefits of living in on-campus housing.

5. A. B. C. D. E.

It is easier to get to class and library. It is easier to get various foods. We can cook for ourselves. We can get more privacy. We can get less noise.

: 1 (satu) : ....

6. Where is the salsa concert held? A. In the park. B. At school. C. At the square. D. In the sports hall. E. In the theatrical building. 7. Which one is TRUE about JUNEFEST? A. It is held in two months. B. Not all the programs are free. C. We can call to get a calendar. D. It is a series of films and concerts. E. We should enrol ourselves to see the programs. The following text is for questions 8 to 10.

This is the end of the listening section. B.

Reading Section

The following text is for questions 6 and 7. Don’t miss this summer’s hottest concerts and art exhibition as Staten Island’s Arts Council presents JUNEFEST, a series of free concerts and free art exhibition during June. Whatever your mood, Junefest has it. Heat up with a salsa concert in the park, relax at a classical guitar concert or visit an amazing exhibition, there are so many concerts and exhibits to choose from . . . best part –– they’re all free! To get your Junefest calendar or to find out more about these great summer events, call 718-447-3329 or visit us on the web at www. statenislandarts.org. That’s 718-447-3329. Adapted from: How to Write Your Radio PSA, New York, Council on the Arts & Humanities for Staten Island.



Adopted from: http://www.westeuston.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/PAP-leaflet-pg1.jpg (March 19, 2012)

8. In what sector is the program held? A. Computer. B. Agronomy. C. Travel and trip. D. Economy and trade. E. Rail and construction.

9. Who CANNOT join the program? A. Sheila who is eighteen years old. B. Olivia who joined construction training. C. Daniel who lives five hundred meters from King’s Cross. D. Bertrand who works in a construction company. E. Vika who graduated from senior high school three years ago and has not worked yet. 10. “Fast track it at crunch time” What is the synonym of ‘crunch’? A. Critical. B. C. Usual. D. E. Main.

Spare. Valuable.

The following text is for questions 11 to 14. When you attend university, you have to make many decisions, the most important being, where to live. Two popular options are living with family or relatives, or renting a dorm on your own, or with a roommate. These living situations differ in many important ways including price, convenience and amount of independence. Living with a family or relative is very different from living on your own. First of all, it is less expensive and much easier than renting a dorm. Second, when you live with a family or relative, you can minimize living costs. You usually eat with them, so you don’t have to cook for yourself. In contrast, in your own dorm, you have to do all the cooking. Finally, you probably wouldn’t be lonely because there are people to interact with. On the other hand, if you value independence, you would probably prefer to be on your own, in a dorm. When you rent a dorm, you are free to do what you want or when you want. No one will complain if you want to watch television in the middle of the night, or eat breakfast at eleven in the morning. You may also find it easier to study without any interruption. When you’re deciding where to live, the differences between living in a dorm and living with a family or relative should be considered carefully. There is no right answer for everyone. Both living situations have advantages and disadvantages. You are the only one who can decide which would suit you best. Adopted from: Cheryl Pavlik and Margaret Keenan Segal, Interactions 2, New York, McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2007.

11. What is being discussed in the text? A. Deciding where to study. B. Deciding where to have a holiday. C. Deciding where to live when studying at university. D. Deciding whether we will study or work after graduating. E. Deciding when to stay in a dorm on our own. 12. According to the text, why can living with a family or relatives minimize living costs? A. They will remind us to be thrifty. B. We should not live with other people. C. We will be careful when buying something. D. We should not share foods with a roommate. E. We usually eat with them and don’t have to cook ourselves. 13. What is the main idea of paragraph three? A. Advantages of living with family or relatives. B. Advantages of living in a dorm on our own. C. Disadvantages of living with family or relatives. D. Disadvantages of living in our own dorm. E. The writer’s conclusion about the issue.

D. E.

The writer concludes that we should stay with family or relatives. Living with family or relatives is less expensive than living in a dorm.

15. Terry : Irfan : A. C. E.

Why do you look disappointed? I would like to join a mountain climbing club. ________, my mother don’t allow me. However B. Although As D. In spite of Despite

The following text is for questions 16 to 20. If you’re considering a job as a television reporter, you may already know that there are advantages and disadvantages. It’s important to look at both sides before determining whether this is truly the job for you. This kind of television journalism job also offers excitement and fun. To be on a case, investigating a story and searching for the truth can be exhilarating and exciting. Moreover, the pay depends on what level of reporting you’re at. Obviously, more popular faces will get paid more because more people tune in to watch the reporter. Making a name for yourself can really kickstart your career and help it become very benefical for you. This is also a great stepping stone into other types of journalism, from writing jobs to news shows to talk shows. There’s also the benefit of really being able to help solve cases and ensure that the public is informed – depending upon what type of television reporter job you secure. To realize you’re doing a good thing is very rewarding in any job. Not only is television reporting a very demanding job, but it can come with extremely long hours. This means less time with family and loved ones, which can obviously put strain on relationships. In some cases, television reporting can also be dangerous. If you’re chasing stories that are related to crimes, there’s always the risk of injury, or death. Another con is that television reporting comes with its own set of discriminations. Individuals who are considered nice looking and attractive will have a higher chance of succeeding, because the public would rather tune in to watch an attractive person report the news. All in all, you need to look at your own desire and determine whether it’s truly important to you to pursue this industry. Adopted from: http://kristi-carter.suite101.com/pros-and-cons-of-being-a-tv-reportera230178 (March 15, 2012)

16. What is the purpose of the text? A. To describe a television reporter’s job. B. To explain why a television reporter’s job is interesting. C. To discuss the profession of a television reporter from two points of view. D. To criticize a television reporter’s job. E. To explain how a television reporter does his/her job. 17. Why is a television reporter susceptible with discrimination sometimes? A. There is not enough promotion to get a better position. B. The salary is lower than other professions. C. The salary depends on someone’s skills. D. Men are preferable to women in a reporting job. E. Attractive individuals will have a higher chance of succeeding.

14. Which statement is NOT TRUE? A. The living situations differ in many ways, such as price and independence. B. If we want more freedom, we can stay in a dorm, on our own. C. We will not feel lonely when we stay with family or relatives.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII


18. What is the main idea of paragraph six? A. A television reporter’s free time to meet his/her family. B. The risk of danger which a television reporter may face. C. Chances of being successful in a television reporter’s job. D. The happiness of being a television reporter. E. Discrimination among television reporters. 19. Which of the statements is NOT TRUE? A. A television reporter’s job offers happiness. B. More popular faces may get more payment. C. A television reporter may work long hours. D. A television reporter spends much time with his/her family. E. A television reporter’s job can be a stepping stone for a better career in journalism.



20. “. . . and help it become very benefical for you.” (Paragraph 3) What is the synonym of the underlined word? A. Advantageous. B. Important. C. Worthy. D. Good. E. Easy. II.

Write a dialog using the expressions you have learned in this unit.

Kunci Review Unit III Version B I.

Pilihan Ganda

1. B

11. C

2. D

12. E

3. A

13. B

4. C

14. D

5. A

15. A

6. A

16. C

7. C

17. E

8. E

18. B

9. D

19. D

10. A

20. A



Contoh Reva : Ferry : Reva : Ferry : Reva : Ferry : Reva : Ferry : Reva : Ferry : Reva :

jawaban: I heard Rendy will join a physics olympiad. Is that true? Yes. Where will the olympiad be held? In Kazakhstan. Is it possible that he could win a gold medal? Nothing is impossible. Moreover, he is the brightest student in this school. However . . . he has to compete with students from other countries. That’s right, but I’m sure he has prepared well for the competition. He could be the best. You’re right. Let’s support him. Anyway, I am wondering what Rendy will be in the future. Since he is very smart in science, I guess he may become a scientist. Your guess is right. Rendy told me that he wished to be a great scientist one day.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII



5. Write your answer on your answer sheet. Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Man : Oh, Donna, you’re daydreaming again. Woman : No, I’m not. I’m just thinking. Man : Okay, what are you thinking of? Woman : Well, I’m thinking about quitting my studies. Man : What? Why? Woman : I would like to look for a job. Well, I need to help my family’s financial problem. Narrator : Why does the woman think of quitting her studies?

Jawaban: C 2.

Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Man : That looks like a very bad cut. How did that happen? Woman : It happened while I was slicing onions. Man : Poor you. Be careful next time. Narrator : What happened to the woman? Jawaban: C


Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Woman : Look at your work! You repeated the mistakes. Why do you write Mr. Teddy as company manager? He doesn’t work here anymore. The manager is Mr. George. Man : Yes, Ma’am. I’m really sorry. I promise it won’t happen again. Narrator : What does the man promise the woman? Jawaban: C


Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Woman : It would be better for you, not to cooperate with the man. He is untrustworthy. He has deceived many people. Man : Really? You should have told me, before we made an agreement to cooperate. Woman : I’m sorry, I forgot to tell you. Narrator : Why did the woman apologize to the man? Jawaban: E



Final Test

Percakapan dan pilihan jawaban yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Woman : Look at you! What a mess! What is going on? Man : There is a lot of work to do and my boss asked me to work until late at night. You know, I’ve been working for fourteen hours! Woman : ________ Narrator : What will the woman most likely reply? A. B. C. D.

O.K., I’ll pick you up at 9 p.m. Thank you very much. Poor you. Well, you’d better have a rest now. I have a job interview tomorrow morning.

Jawaban: C 6. Write your answer on your answer sheet. Percakapan dan pilihan jawaban yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Woman : I can’t endure it anymore. There are many people smoking in my office. Man : ________ Narrator : What is the man most likely to reply with? A. B. C. D.

Why don’t you tell them not to smoke? You should do it immediately. Thanks for reminding me. You should not smoke.

Jawaban: A 7. Write your answer on your answer sheet. Percakapan dan pilihan jawaban yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Man : Starting this month we will have many projects to do. What do you think of hiring some freelancers? Woman : ________ Narrator : What is the appropriate response? A. B. C. D.

I’m not satisfied with her work. It is very bad for you. I don’t know the manager’s name. I think it is a good idea.

Jawaban: D


Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Man : Look at the ferris wheel! Would you like to ride on it? Woman : No, thanks. Man : Come on. It will be fun! Woman : If you like a ride, please go ahead. I’ll stay here. Narrator : Which picture shows what the man likes to do? Jawaban: A


Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Man : Sorry, I broke your glasses. They fell when I took the torch near them. I promise I will buy you a new pair. Woman : No, you don’t need to. Man : You can’t see well without glasses, right? Woman : Don’t worry. I have another pair. Narrator : Which picture shows the object the man broke? Jawaban: B


Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Let me tell you about the life cycle of a grasshopper. Well, it grows in three stages. The grasshopper begins its life cycle in an egg. After hatching, the young insect is called a nymph, or tiny adult, but it does not have wings. The nymph becomes an adult insect when it has grown wings and can fly. The adult female grasshopper can lay eggs and the cycle restarts. Adopted from: http://www.eriesd.org/LessonPlans/LifeCycle/animals.htm (October 27, 2011)

Narrator : What animal is discussed in the monolog? Jawaban: D 11.

Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Once upon a time, there was a prince, who fell in love with a princess from another kingdom. However, there was a girl in the prince’s kingdom who fell in love with him. So, she asked a witch to kill the princess. The witch disguised herself as the chef of the princess’ palace and served the princess some poisonous food. Luckily, the king knew about this and expelled both the witch and the girl. The prince and the princess got married and lived happily ever after. Narrator : Who prevented the princess from being killed?

air that flows from the Pacific Ocean. The flow of air is inhibited to move eastwards to Yuma. These Mountains were known to keep the heat in them. The weather pattern in the summer causes places like Utah, Nevada and Arizona to have high pressures. This high air pressures make the air in North Arizona move at latitudes, in height. Due to this reason, a place called Yuma in Arizona, which is situated at a higher altitude, experiences more heat and gets almost baked. Adopted from: http://www.knowswhy.com/why-is-arizona-so-hot/ (January 29, 2013)

Questions: 12. What is the topic of the monolog? 13. Where does cool marine air that is blocked by Laguna Mountains flow from? 12. Jawaban: B 13. Jawaban: A Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Questions 14 and 15 refer to the following monolog. Once upon a time, at the edge of the sea, there was a rock, older than Time itself. Only The Unicorn used to go there, to watch the sea at sunset and soothe its sadness with the song of the sea. It always arrived lonely, as each night-time fell, it left even lonelier and sadder. Only the moonlight reflecting from its mythical horn lightened the darkness and its sadness. One day, at twilight, the sea gathered all of its waves at the foot of the rock. The watching Unicorn was puzzled. It had never seen so much foam in one place before and then, out of the sparkling foam, “She’ was born!” With a body of foam and a soul made of light, ‘She’ climbed the rock with steps of dreams and shadows. The Unicorn looked deep into her sea-like eyes and found true happiness. ‘She’ was its beloved! Since then, that ancient rock had been pummeled and crushed by the pounding waves of Time, and spread afar, throughout the seas of the world. We call that crushed ancient rock ‘sand’ and imagine that it knows only of the footprints trodden into it; though soon forgetting them, as the sea wipes away the bare-foot traces, but, in every grain of sand a memory remains, of the golden summer when The Unicorn found its true love! Adopted from: http://short-stories.org.uk/talespinners/talespinners/sand.htm (January 29, 2013)

Questions: 14. What did the Unicorn usually do on a rock at the edge of the sea? 15. What did the Unicorn see one day at twilight? 14. Jawaban: D 15. Jawaban: A This is the end of the listening section.

Jawaban: B


PART IV Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Questions 12 and 13 refer to the following monolog. Arizona is called Arid Zona by some people. Arizona is considered as a neighbor of the east side and is termed sunburn state. It is so hot in Arizona that it is usually said that you can boil an egg on your leg. The heat in Arizona is dry and it is not hot all through the year. It appears that it is hot in Arizona until October and during the Christmas it is so cool that frost forms. The Laguna Mountains in California tend to block the cool marine

16. A

26. A

36. A

46. E

17. C

27. E

37. B

47. C

18. D

28. D

38. D

48. E

19. C

29. D

39. C

49. D

20. D

30. E

40. E

50. C

21. E

31. D

41. B

22. C

32. B

42. E

23. A

33. D

43. A

24. B

34. E

44. E

25. B

35. C

45. D

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII


At the end of this unit you should be able to: 1. persuade people, 2. encourage people, 3. discourage people, 4. tell stories using spoken English, 5. warn people, 6. understand and write narrative texts, 7. write encouragement cards, and 8. use direct and indirect sentences correctly.



Do you like reading stories? What kinds of stories do you like? Well, reading stories reveals a few benefits. Besides amusing ourselves, we can expand our knowledge, stimulate our imagination and creativity, improve our language skills, develop our thinking ability, personal emotions and help overcome boredom. Stories can also be good stress relievers and what is more we can learn the moral values from the stories we read. You will learn how to understand and write narrative texts, in this unit. Enjoy yourselves by reading them and realise what you can learn from the stories. You will also learn expressions of persuasion, encouragement and discouragement, as well as warning and writing encouragement cards.

4.1 Expressions


Listen to and complete the dialogs based on what you have heard.

Percakapan-percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/ Ibu Guru dan jawaban: Dialog 1 Sandro : You look so tired, Dad. Mr. Adry : Yes, I have much to do and finish by the end of this month. Sandro : Meet a (1) deadline again? Mr. Adry : Yeah, you know what I’m working on. Sandro : But you shouldn’t (2) push yourself too hard, Dad. You need time to relax and rest. Look! You’re a bit pale. Mr. Adry : Well, reviewing and editing those (3) piles of manuscripts really take time and energy, but don’t worry, son. I’m O.K. Sandro : Hmm . . . what if we have (4) a cup of tea? Mr. Adry : I’m not sure. Sandro : Oh, come on, Dad. You’ve worked so hard these few weeks. Spare a few minutes to enjoy with us. I think the gazebo (5) in the backyard offers a calm place for a cup of tea and also a game of monopoly. Mr. Adry : All right, son. Just as you wish. Sandro : Thank you, Dad. Dialog 2 Dentia : Why are you walking to and fro? Isna : I’m a bit nervous. You know, this is the first time I will be a (1) master of ceremony. Dentia : Oh, my dear Isna, listen! Everything will be fine and I’m sure you can lead the event to run smoothly. I believe you can do it because you have good (2) communication skills. You have the experience to talk in front of public, don’t you? Learn a lot from your experience when (3) leading OSIS meetings. Isna : You’re right. I’ve prepared myself and I’m trying to do my best, but I can’t help (4) trembling. Dentia : Take a deep breath and (5) exhale slowly. You have one hour to go, enough time to help yourself stay calm. I’ll be there for you whenever you need me. Isna : Thanks for your support, Dentia. Dentia : Anytime. B.

Listen to and answer the questions based on the dialogs in Task A.

Pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Dialog 1 1. Where does the conversation probably take place? 2. When is the deadline for Mr. Adry’s work? 3. What does Mr. Adry work on? 4. What will the speakers do after the conversation? 5. Sandro says, “Oh, come on, Dad.” What does he mean?

Dialog 2 1. Who do you think the speakers are? 2. Why does Isna feel nervous? 3. What does Dentia think about Isna? 4. What experience does Isna have which can support her performance as an MC? 5. How long does Isna have to prepare herself for the event? Jawaban: Dialog 1 1. At home. 2. By the end of this month. 3. He is reviewing and editing manuscripts. 4. They will have cup of tea and play monopoly in the gazebo, in the backyard. 5. He persuades his father to spend a few minutes with the family. Dialog 2 1. They are friends. 2. Because it’s the first time she will be a master of ceremony. 3. She thinks that Isna can perform well because she has good communication skills. 4. Experience in leading OSIS meetings. 5. One hour.

Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat memberikan soal berikut sebagai kegiatan pendalaman. Bapak/Ibu Guru perlu memperbanyak soal yang dikerjakan siswa sesuai dengan jumlah siswa, lalu membacakan soal listening-nya. Listen and answer the questions based on what you have heard. Percakapan yang dibacakan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Woman : Where are you going, dear? Boy : I’m going to Dani’s house. We have an appointment to discuss the art performance this afternoon. Woman : But I really don’t think you should go now. It is raining heavily with lightning. I don’t think it would be safe for you. Boy : Well, we have agreed to gather at 4 p.m., Mom. I am just trying not to break my promise. Woman : However, you should consider the situation, dear. You’d better wait for a few minutes until it shows signs of abating. Boy : All right, Mom. I’ll text Dani to inform of my late arrival. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Who do you think the speakers are? Where is the boy going to go that afternoon? What is the boy going to do there? Why should the boy not go at that time? The woman says, “But I really don’t think you should go now.” What does she mean?

Jawaban: 1. Mother and son. 2. To Dani’s house. 3. He’s going to discuss the art performance. 4. Because it’s raining heavily with lightning. 5. She discourages the boy from going to Dani’s house due to the heavy rain and lightning.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII



Listen and arrange the sentences based on what you have heard to form meaningful dialogs.

Percakapan-percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/ Ibu Guru: Dialog 1 Marsha : Dad, may I use your motorbike? Mr. Johan : Where are you going? Marsha : I’m going to the bookstore. Mr. Johan : But, you don’t have a driving license, right? Marsha : I don’t but I’m able to ride a motorbike, Dad. Mr. Johan : No, you must not go anywhere by motorbike without a license. Marsha : But, I need to buy a book. Mr. Johan : I’ll drop you off at the bookstore. Marsha : All right. Thanks, Dad. Mr. Johan : Any time. Dialog 2 Deo : You were so excited when buying the magazine, but now you’re gloomy. What’s wrong? Venita : Well, I wrote a short story and sent it to this teen magazine. I hoped it would be published now, but I can’t find it here. Deo : Do mean your story hasn’t been published yet? Venita : Maybe it won’t be published. Deo : Don’t give up, friend. Believe me that it will be published in the next edition. Venita : What if it won’t? Deo : Oh, come on. You won’t stop writing just because one short story of yours wasn’t published, will you? Keep writing, build your creativity and explore your imagination. It’s not a matter of it being published or not. We still enjoy your stories. Venita : Thanks, Deo, but I feel less motivated now. Deo : You have my support. I’m sure you can improve your talent and will be a great writer one day. Venita : Thank you. Kalimat-kalimat acak yang dikerjakan siswa dan jawaban: Dialog 1 5



I don’t but I’m able to ride a motorbike, Dad.




Dad, may I use your motorbike?




All right. Thanks, Dad.




But, I need to buy a book.




I’m going to the bookstore.


Mr. Johan :


Mr. Johan :

Where are you going?


Mr. Johan :

Any time.


Mr. Johan :


Mr. Johan :

No, you must not go anywhere by motorbike without a license. But, you don’t have a driving license, right?

I’ll drop you off at the bookstore.



Venita :

Maybe it won’t be published.


Venita :

Thanks, Deo, but I feel less motivated now.


Venita :

Well, I wrote a short story and sent it to this teen magazine. I hoped it would be published now, but I can’t find it here.


Venita :

Thank you.


Venita :

What if it won’t?




Do mean your story hasn’t been published yet?




You have my support. I’m sure you can improve your talent and will be a great writer one day.







You were so excited when buying the magazine, but now you’re gloomy. What’s wrong? Don’t give up, friend. Believe me that it will be published in the next edition.



Oh, come on. You won’t stop writing just because one short story of yours wasn’t published, will you? Keep writing, build your creativity and explore your imagination. It’s not a matter, of it being published or not. We still enjoy your stories.

Dengan menggunakan percakapan-percakapan pada latihan sebelumnya, Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat memberikan soal latihan berikut. Dialog 1 1. Where do you think the conversation takes place? 2. What does Marsha ask her father? 3. Where is Marsha going? 4. Why can’t she go to the bookstore by motorbike? 5. How is Marsha finally going to the bookstore? Dialog 2 1. What is the relationship between the speakers? 2. Why does Venita feel sad? 3. What does Venita like to write? 4. How does Deo support Venita? 5. Deo says, “We still enjoy your stories.” Who do you think ‘we’ refers to? Jawaban: Dialog 1 1. At home. 2. She asks her father to lend her his motorbike. 3. She is going to the bookstore. 4. Because she doesn’t have a driving license. 5. Her father takes her. Dialog 2 1. They are friends. 2. Because her short story hasn’t been published in a teen magazine. 3. She likes writing short stories. 4. By using encouraging words. 5. ‘We’ refers to Deo and other friends. D.

Dialog 2



Listen and choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer.

Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Questions 1 and 2 refer to the following dialog. Boy : I have two tickets for 5 cm the movie. Would you please go with me? Girl : When is it? Boy : At 2:55 this afternoon. Girl : This afternoon? Boy : Yes. You don’t have any plan yet, do you? Girl : I’m free this afternoon, but . . .

Boy :

But what? It’s a worth seeing the movie. Come on! I’m sure you won’t regret watching it. All right, as you wish.

Girl :

Jawaban: 1. B 2.





Answer the questions based on the dialogs in Task A.

Jawaban: Dialog 1 1. She has just argued with her brother. 2. Because Anggita cracked a simple joke of a photo on her brother’s desk and her brother didn’t like the way she joked. 3. They get along very well. 4. By saying, “Cheer up, girl. Be cool-headed. I think he just needs time to pull himself together. Everything will be O.K.” 5. It means calm. Dialog 2 1. They are friends. 2. A poster design competition. 3. Because he thinks Ken is good at illustration and multimedia. He also thinks that it will be a great chance for Ken to show his talent. 4. He thinks that the competition will be tight and he’ll face lots of skillful rivals, considering that it’s a national competition. 5. He persuades Ken to take part in the competition.


Reta : Counseling teacher : Reta


Not really. I help my mom at work, after school and I spend some time studying in the evening. I know it must be hard for you and your mother. But I’m sure you and your mother are tough. You can overcome this. Be strong, cheerful girl. Thank you, Ma’am. Let me know if you need any help. I’ll be here for you. Thank you for the support.


Answer the questions based on the dialog in Task A.

1. 2. 3. 4.

Where does the conversation probably take place? What happened to Reta recently? How does Reta manage her study time? The counseling teacher says, “But I’m sure you and your mother are tough. You can overcome this. Be strong, cheerful girl.” What does she mean? “. . . see my mother struggle by herself, for the family.” Who does the underlined word refer to?


Jawaban: 1. In the counseling room. 2. Her grades are decreasing and she looks gloomy. 3. She studies in the evening/after helping her mom. 4. It means that the teacher is encouraging Reta to be strong. 5. It refers to Reta’s mother. C.

Complete the dialogs with your own sentences. Then, practice them with your friends.

Contoh jawaban: Dialog 1 1. I think it’ll be perfect if you wear make-up too. 2. Nope! Don’t be silly! 3. O.K., just a little powder, please. Dialog 2 1. What’s the matter, dear? 2. We lost the match. 3. Don’t worry, you will win the next matches. Dialog 3 1. don’t play hide and seek inside the house, please. 2. there are many of mom’s glasses and porcelain items here? 3. please play outside or choose other safe games.

Read and practice the following dialog.

Counseling teacher : Reta : Counseling teacher : Reta : Counseling teacher : Reta


Counseling teacher :


Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Questions 3 to 5 refer to the following dialog. Woman : Why don’t you sleep, dear? It’s already 10 p.m. Boy : I’m trying to finish my essay for proposing a scholarship to Singapore. Woman : You told me that the due date will be in the next two weeks. So, I think you still have enough time to finish your essay. Boy : You’re right, but my mind is full of ideas right now. So, I’m trying to put them into words. Later, I can review and edit my essay and make it better. Woman : O.K., but please don’t stay up too late. You have to keep your stamina. Boy : I will. Thanks, Mom. Jawaban: 3. E 4.



Counseling teacher :

Reta, I can’t understand why your grades are decreasing drastically. I’m sorry, Ma’am. Unlike previous days, you look gloomy these days. I’m all right, Ma’am. Be honest. Any problem? You can trust me if you want to share. Well, it’s not easy when I have to see my mother struggle by herself, for the family. I am just trying to help her fulfill our daily needs. You are helping her and ignore your studies?

Dengan menggunakan percakapan-percakapan pada kegiatan sebelumnya, Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat menyuruh siswa untuk saling bertanya jawab berdasarkan percakapanpercakapan tersebut. Contoh tanya jawab: Dialog 1 Student A : What does Nisa suggest Lenka do? Student B : Apply make-up. Student A : Correct. Your turn, please. Student B : All right. Why does Lenka refuse to wear make-up? Student A : Because it’s not her style.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII


Dialog 2 Student A : Student B : Student A : Student B : Student A : Dialog 3 Student A Student B Student A Student B

: : : :

Student A :

Refi What is the relationship between the speakers? They are mother and son. Correct. What’s your question? I’m ready to answer it. What made Dito disappointed? His basketball team lost the match. What did Winky ask Kaka to do? To play in the yard. It’s my turn now. Please go ahead. Where does the conversation probably take place? At home.

Contoh jawaban: 1. You : What’s wrong with you? Your eyes look swollen. Your friend : I’m O.K. Don’t worry. You : Don’t lie. I can see it. Do you want to tell me? You can trust me. Your friend : Well, I failed in the math test. You know, I got 6. You : It’s not the end of the world. Keep your motivation up and study harder. I believe you can do better in the next test. If you have difficulties, I’ll be willing to help you. Your friend : Thanks. Your support means a lot for me. You : You’re welcome. Just don’t give up. You


Your father : You :

Your father :



Your father : You : 3.

Denias : Refi : Denias : Refi : Denias : Refi :

Yes, I am but I have to wait for my father. He had an urgent meeting at his office, so he is likely to be a bit late to pick me up. I can take you home. No, thanks. I don’t think my father will be too long. He’ll arrive soon. Are you sure you wouldn’t like to go home with me? Yes, I am sure. Let me wait for my father a few minutes, but thanks anyway. All right then. I’m leaving now. See you. See you.

4.2 Genre

Create dialogs based on the following situations. Then, practice the dialogs with a friend.






Your sister : You : Your sister : You


Your sister : E.

Dad, would you please buy me a modem? I need it to find articles for my assignments. You can go to the Internet café nearby, right? Yes, but I think the Internet café at the corner of the block is not comfortable and the connection is slow. Besides, I sometimes need to browse articles in the evening when I study at home so I think it’s better for me to do it at home than at the Internet café. If I buy you one, you’ll spend most of your time surfing the Internet, whether it deals with your assignments or not. No, Dad. I’ll use it wisely. Would you buy me one, please? All right, as long as you use it wisely. Thank you, Dad. Would you please help me pack these old items? Will you sell them? No, I think I’ll keep them in the storeroom. O.K. I just need to put these clothes and toys in the boxes, right? You’d better separate the clothing items from the toys. Use a box for the clothes and another for the toys. So, it’ll be easy to find them if we need them later. All right.

Choose a topic and create a dialog using the expressions you have learned in this unit. Practice the dialog with a friend.

Contoh jawaban: Denias : Hi, Refi. Who are you waiting for? Aren’t you going home?




Listen to and complete the text based on what you have heard.

Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru dan jawaban: It was a fine day during the (1) rainy season. A peacock was dancing happily in a forest. As it was singing a song of joy, suddenly it was reminded of its ugly and (2) rough voice. Its face turned pale and its eyes started to shed a tear. Suddenly, it heard a (3) nightingale sing beautifully on a nearby tree. Listening to it, the peacock lamented, “What a sweet voice you have! Everybody loves and (4) praises your good singing voice, but when I utter a sound everybody makes fun of me. I was (5) unlucky.” The nightingale looked at the wonderfully (6) feathered peacock. It asked the peacock, “Why do you say that?” The peacock sobbed loudly, “I have such a beautiful body that everyone praises, but my voice is so bad that everyone (7) laughs at it. I think this beauty is useless.” The nightingale replied, “Why should you be unhappy? Every (8) creature is gifted by God with various gifts. I am with the sweet voice, you with your beauty, eagle with (9) its strength, dove with peace, owl with wisdom and so on and so forth. So don’t grumble over your (10) weakness, accept the way it is and be grateful.” Adopted from: http://www.kidsfront.com/stories-for-kids/ learn_to_live_with_your_weaknesses.html (January 19, 2013)


Find the synonyms of the following words in the text in Task A.

Jawaban: 1. joy 4. unlucky 7. to grumble C.

2. 5. 8.

to lament to sob grateful

3. 6.

to utter useless

Answer the questions based on the text in Task A.

Jawaban: 1. The ungrateful peacock. 2. It was fine. 3. Because its voice was not as beautiful as the nightingale’s. 4. It had beautiful feathers but it didn’t have beautiful voice. 5. We should be grateful for what we have.


Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat memberikan soal-soal berikut sebagai kegiatan pendalaman. Bapak/Ibu Guru perlu memperbanyak soal-soal yang dikerjakan siswa sesuai dengan jumlah siswa, lalu membacakan soal listening-nya. A.

Listen to and complete the text based on what you have heard.

Teks yang dibacakan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru dan jawaban: An elderly carpenter was ready to (1) retire. He told his employer about his plans to leave his work and live a more (2) leisurely life with his extended family. He would miss the paycheck, but he needed to retire. The employer was sorry to see his good worker go and asked if he could build just one more house as a (3) personal favor. The carpenter agreed, but in time it was easy to see that his (4) heart was not in his work. He resorted to shoddy workmanship and used (5) inferior materials. It was an unfortunate way to end his (6) career. When the carpenter finished his work and the employer came to (7) inspect the house, the employer handed the (8) front-door key to the carpenter. “This is your house,” he said. “It is my gift to you.” What a shock! What a (9) shame! If only he had known he was building his own house, he would have done it all so (10) differently. Now he had to live in the house he had built none too well. He was really sorry about that. Adopted from: http://www.rogerknapp.com/inspire/carpenter.htm (March 30, 2012)

Soal yang dikerjakan siswa: An elderly carpenter was ready to (1) ________. He told his employer about his plans to leave his work and live a more (2) ________ life with his extended family. He would miss the paycheck, but he needed to retire. The employer was sorry to see his good worker go and asked if he could build just one more house as a (3) ________ favor. The carpenter agreed, but in time it was easy to see that his (4) ________ was not in his work. He resorted to shoddy workmanship and used (5) ________ materials. It was an unfortunate way to end his (6) ________. When the carpenter finished his work and the employer came to (7) ________ the house, the employer handed the (8) ________ to the carpenter. “This is your house,” he said. “It is my gift to you.” What a shock! What a (9) ________! If only he had known he was building his own house, he would have done it all so (10) ________. Now he had to live in the house he had built none too well. He was really sorry about that. Adopted from: http://www.rogerknapp.com/inspire/carpenter.htm (March 30, 2012)

B. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Answer the questions based on the text in Task A. What is the story about? Why did the carpenter decide to quit? What did the employer think about the carpenter? What did the employer ask the carpenter to do before he quitted? How did the carpenter perform his last job? Why do you say so?

Jawaban: 1. An elderly carpenter who was ready to retire. 2. Because he wanted to live a more leisurely life with his extended family. 3. He was a good worker. 4. To build one more house. 5. He didn’t do it wholeheartedly. Because he resorted to shoddy workmanship and used inferior materials

Listen and answer the questions based on what you have heard.

Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Once upon a time there lived a donkey on an island. For the whole day, it used to roam around here and there on the island. Soon it got bored of it and thought of going to a new place. All its friends advised the donkey not to do so, but it didn’t pay any attention to them. Later the donkey swam to another island. It was full of green grass. The donkey made new friends over there. In a few days, it became fat. However, one day a farmer saw the donkey and caught it. He took the donkey to his house. Now the donkey had to work hard the whole day. The farmer didn’t give it enough to eat. One day, the donkey saw an opportunity and fled from the farmer’s house. It went back to its old island and decided not to leave its friends again, who had given good advice. Adopted from: http://www.kidsfront.com/stories-for-kids/never_leave_friends.html (March 30, 2012)

Jawaban: 1. A donkey that felt bored. 2. It used to roam around here and there. 3. Because it felt bored. 4. It was full of green grass. 5. It became fat. 6. It had to work hard the whole day. 7. The farmer didn’t give the donkey enough food to eat. 8. It fled from the farmer’s house and returned to its old island. E.

Listen and choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer.

Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Questions 1 to 3 refer to the following text. An inexperienced little mouse set off on a journey. He came across a cockerel, as he had never seen one before. He was so afraid of the cockerel’s beak, its feathers and red crest, that he ran off as fast as he could. Further on, the mouse saw a cat. “What a handsome animal!” he thought, “what soft fur, what striking eyes!” When the mouse got back home, he told his mother what he had seen.” “You silly mouse,” his mother said, “never go by appearances. The terrible animal that you saw was a harmless cockerel, while the fine-looking one is our enemy, the cat.” Adopted from: Gianni Padoan, 366 and More Fairy Tales, Sussex, Ravatte Limited, 1986.

Jawaban: 1. C 2.




Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Questions 4 and 5 refer to the following text. Herbie the hermit crab was very proud of his shell. He lived in a tank in a pet shop. He would crawl around looking at all the other shells, but he couldn’t see one that was as nice as his. Then one day the owner of the pet shop put a handful of shells in the tank. It was like a “blue light” special at Kmart. All of the crabs, including Herbie, were going crazy, just looking for the best and most beautiful shell. One was red, another was blue. There were striped ones and spotted ones. But the more he looked, the more he liked his shell. Then one day the pet shop owner picked Herbie up and put him in a plastic bag, handed him to a little girl and the little girl took Herbie home. He had a tank all to himself and he had his perfect shell. Adopted from: http://childstoryhour.com/story10.htm (March 12, 2012)

Jawaban: 4. B 5.


Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII




Arrange the following paragraphs to form a meaningful story.

Jawaban: The correct arrangement of the jumbled paragraphs is 4–6–2–7– 1–3–5.

Arrange the following paragraphs to form a meaningful story. Wendy’s Summer Vacation 1.

So the next day Wendy and mother went down the street to see the lady. Her name was Mrs. Martin. She and Wendy seemed to like each other right away. Wendy told her she would visit her three days a week. On her first visit, Mrs. Martin told her that there was a trunk in the upstairs closet that had dolls in it and also a dollhouse.


Wendy would miss her visits with Mrs. Martin, but she promised that she would see her as often as she could.


Wendy was sitting by her bedroom window wondering what she was going to do for summer vacation. Just then her mother came into the room. “What’s the matter Wendy? Why are you so sad?” Her mother asked.


Wendy had great fun playing with all the dolls and the dollhouse. It was furnished and decorated for all that lived in it. She loved going to Mrs. Martin’s.


“Mommy, I can’t think of what to do this summer. I know I can play outside and go swimming in Grandma’s pool, but what else I can do?”


Later that year, Wendy went to visit Mrs. Martin so she could pick out her kitten. She took the brown, fluffy female kitten. She named her “Summer” because that’s when she met her very best friend.


When summer was about over, Mrs. Martin told her that one of her cats was going to have kittens and as soon as they were ready, she could pick one out for her own.


Her mom thought, then she said, “I have an idea. There is a really nice lady living down the street, who is a friend of mine. She lives alone with her four cats. Her family lives far away. I think it would be nice if you would visit her once in a while this summer.”

Adopted from: www.childstoryhour.com/story1.htm (January 26, 2013)

Jawaban: The correct arrangement of the jumbled paragraphs is 3–5– 8–1–4–7–2–6.



Answer the following questions based on the story in Task A.

Jawaban: 1. In a classroom. 2. There were a large empty mayonnaise jar, rocks about 5 cm in diameter, a box of pebbles and a box of sand. 3. They represented the important aspects, such as our family, our partner, our health and our children, anything that is so important to you that if it were lost, you would be almost destroyed. 4. They represented the other things important matters like our job, house and car. 5. The pebbles rolled into the empty spaces between the rocks. 6. The sand. 7. We would never have room for the things that were important to us. 8. About setting our goals in life, by making priorities from the highest to the least importance in our life. C.

Retell the story in Task A using your own words.

Contoh jawaban: Let me tell you my story. It happened in my philosophy class. One day my professor brought some items to the class. I could see there were a large empty mayonnaise jar, rocks about 5 cm in diameter, a box of pebbles and of sand. At first, without saying anything, he picked up the empty jar and proceeded to fill it with the rocks. Then he asked us whether the jar was full. We agreed that it was full. Then, my professor opened the box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar slightly. The pebbles, of course, rolled into the empty spaces between the rocks. Again, the professor asked, whether the jar was full. We agreed it was. We were quite amused to listen to these silly questions. Finally, my professor opened the box of sand and poured it into the jar. Obviously, the sand completely filled the remaining empty spaces. We felt quite puzzled about what the professor’s explanation would be. Soon after, the professor explained that what he had just done reflected our lives. He said that the rocks were important aspects. They were our families, friends, partners, health, children––anything that was so important to us that if it were lost, we would be almost destroyed. The professor then added that the pebbles were the other important matters like our jobs, our houses or car. Meanwhile, the sand, in his opinion, was everything else, the small stuff. Everyone appeared enthusiastic, listening to the professor’s explanation. The professor then continued that, had we put the sand into the jar first, there would have been no room for the pebbles or the rocks and like our life, if we spent all of our energy and time on the small stuff, then we would never have room for the things that were important to us. Before he closed the class, the professor reminded us to pay attention to the things that were critical to our happiness. Spend your time with others and do the most important things first. D.

Tell your friends about your favorite story.

Contoh jawaban: Let me tell you about unconditional love. One day, a young man and woman fell in love. However, the woman’s parents weren’t happy with their relationship, for the young man came from a poor family. So the young man decided not only to court the woman, but to court her parents as well. In time, the parents saw that he was a good man and was worthy of their daughter’s hand.

The man was a soldier. Soon, war broke out and he was sent overseas for a year. The week before he left, the man knelt on one knee and asked his lady love, “Will you marry me?” The young woman wiped a tear, said yes, and they were engaged. They agreed that when he got back in one year, they would get married. However, tragedy struck. A few days after he left, the girl had a major vehicular accident. It was a head-on collision. When she woke up in the hospital, she saw her father and mother crying. Immediately, she knew there was something wrong. Guess, what happened to the young lady? She later found out that she suffered brain injury. The part of her brain that controlled her face muscles was damaged. Her once lovely face was now disfigured. She cried as she saw herself in the mirror. “Yesterday, I was beautiful. Today, I’m a monster.” Her body was also covered with so many ugly wounds. Right there and then, she decided to release her fiancé from their promise. She knew he wouldn’t want her anymore. She would forget about him and never see him again. For one year, the soldier wrote many letters—but she wouldn’t answer. He phoned her many times but she wouldn’t return his calls. But after one year, the mother walked into her room and announced, “He’s back from the war.” The girl shouted, “No! Please don’t tell him about me. Don’t tell him I’m here!” The mother said, “He’s getting married,” and handed her a wedding invitation. The girl’s heart sank. She knew she still loved him—but she had to forget him now. With great sadness, she opened the wedding invitation and saw her name on it! Confused, she asked, “What is this?” That was when the young man entered her room with a bouquet of flowers. He knelt beside her and asked, “Will you marry me?” The girl covered her face with her hands and said, “I’m ugly!” The man said, “Without your permission, your mother sent me your photos. When I saw your photos, I realized that nothing has changed. You’re still the person I fell in love with. You’re still as beautiful as ever because I love you!” Adopted from: http://academictips.org/blogs/category/inspirational-stories/ (March 30, 2012)

Read aloud the text. Then, answer the questions that follow. A young and successful executive was driving down a neighborhood street, going a little too fast in his new Jaguar. He was watching for kids darting out from between parked cars and slowed down, after he thought he saw something. As his car passed, no children appeared. Instead, a brick smashed into his luxurious car’s side door! He slammed on the brakes and reversed his Jaguar to the spot where the brick had been thrown. The angry driver then jumped out of the car, shouting to the first kid he saw, “What was that all about and who are you? See what you’ve just done! That’s a new car and that brick you threw is going to cost a lot of money. Why did you do that?” The young boy was apologetic. “Please, Sir, I’m sorry, but I didn’t know what else to do,” he pleaded. “I threw the brick because no one else would stop.” With tears dripping down his face and off his chin, the youth pointed to a spot just around a parked car. “That’s my brother,” he said. “He rolled off the curb and fell out of his wheelchair and I couldn’t lift him up.” Now sobbing, the boy asked the stunned executive, “Would you please help me get him back into his wheelchair? He’s hurt and he’s too heavy for me.” Moved beyond words, the driver tried to swallow the rapidly swelling lump in his throat. He hurriedly lifted the handicapped boy back into the wheelchair, then took out a linen handkerchief and dabbed at the fresh scrapes and cuts. A quick look told him everything was going to be okay. “Thank you and may God bless you,” the grateful child told the stranger. Too shook up for words, the man simply watched the boy push his wheelchair-bound brother down the sidewalk towards their home. It was a long, slow walk back to the Jaguar. The damage was very noticeable, but the driver never bothered to repair the dented side door. He kept the dent there to remind him of this message: “Don’t go through life so fast that someone has to throw a brick at you to attract your attention!” Adopted from: http://www.onlymessages.com/touching-stories.html (March 30, 2012)


Read aloud the text. Then, answer the questions that follow.

Jawaban: 1. Tiny frogs which competed to reach a high tower. 2. They thought that it would be impossible for the frogs to reach the tower. 3. They were collapsing one by one, except for one deaf and tiny frog. 4. Because they were too tiny and weak for that high tower. 5. The deaf and tiny frog.

Questions: 1. Where did the story take place? 2. What is the main idea of paragraph 2? 3. What was the boy’s purpose of throwing a brick at the executive’s car? 4. Why did the boy cry? 5. “The damage was very noticeable, . . . .” What is the synonym of ‘noticeable’? Jawaban: 1. On a street. 2. A brick smashed into the executive’s car’s side door. 3. To ask for the executive’s help to get his brother back into the wheelchair. 4. Because his brother rolled off the curb and fell out of his wheelchair and he couldn’t lift him up. 5. It is visible.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII



Complete the text with the words from the box correctly.

Jawaban: 1. c 2. 5. d 6. C.

f g

3. 7.

h a

4. 8.

b e

Answer the questions based on the text in Task B.

Jawaban: 1. He was naughty. 2. Because he was caught stealing onions from a greengrocer. 3. His eyes began to tear, his nose started running and his mouth felt as if it was on fire. 4. Because he couldn’t undergo the first two choices properly. 5. Think before you speak./Watch your words because you can’t take what you said. D.

Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer.

Jawaban: 1. C 2.









Please write five sentences about what your teachers or parents asked or told you today.

Contoh jawaban: 1. My parents told me that they would be home late. 2. My father asked me to pick my brother up from school. 3. My English teacher asked whether I had done my homework. 4. My math teacher told me that my test result was great. 5. My art teacher asked us not to use water colors when doing the project. C.

Write an imaginative story.

Contoh jawaban: There once lived a toy vendor. He was poor, but he was kind and hard-working. He was grateful for the life he lived. One day, he was walking around the neighborhood selling toys when he met a little boy at the corner of the block. With a gentle smile, he greeted the boy. “Why are you crying, my dear little boy?” asked the man. “My little sister had an accident. She was badly injured and is hospitalized now. My dad passed away a few months ago because of an accident and since then my mom has to work hard for the family,” the boy kept sobbing. “I’m sorry to hear that. Is there anything I can help you with?” the man offered his help. The boy replied, “I’m not sure, but my little sister asked me for a doll yesterday. Her favorite barbie doll came apart in the accident. How can I buy a barbie doll for her with only Rp2,000 in my pocket?”


4.3 Short Functional Texts: Spoken Warnings and Encouragement Cards

Change the following direct sentences into the indirect form.

Jawaban: 1. Diana said that she was sorry. She hadn’t attended my party because she had a fever. 2. The children said that they had never ridden a cable car before. 3. Denta asked me where I was going at weekend. 4. Yumna asked me whether I would take part in the English debate competition. 5. Sally told us not to sit on the bench because it was about to break. B.

The man took a pity. He looked at his toy bag to find a barbie doll. With his care and love, he said, “Fortunately, I have one barbie doll left. It may not be as beautiful and luxurious as what you can see in the stores, but I hope it can replace your sister’s doll.” Looking at the doll, the boy felt relieved. “Oh, my sister will like it. How much is it?” the boy asked, with his sparkling eyes and touching smile. The man replied, “My son, you don’t need to pay for this. It’s my gift to such a loving brother like you. I know your love for your sister is priceless. You are a really good brother. Please go see your sister and hand her this doll. I hope she’ll get well soon.” The little boy thanked the man and said, “Would you please come with me to meet my sister? I want to let her know that there is a kind stranger who also cares about her.” Then, they both went to see the boy’s sister.



Listen to and complete the text based on what you have heard.

Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru dan jawaban: Attention, please. Now it’s time for you to clean the (1) glasses. Let me warn you as follows. First, don’t wash the glasses with anything hard or (2) abrasive. Second, while washing, keep a (3) space between one another. Third, watch for (4) cracks. Cracks are the reason for glasses (5) being broken. Now, you may start working. Be careful. Thank you. B.

Answer the questions based on the text in Task A.

Jawaban: 1. To warn someone about something. 2. Before washing glasses. 3. Anything hard or abrasive. 4. The space between one another. 5. Because cracks are the reason for glasses being broken. C.

Listen to and write down the sentences you have heard.

Kalimat-kalimat yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru dan sekaligus jawaban: 1. Don’t swim. The waves are too big. 2. Please handle the box with care. It’s fragile. 3. Do not puncture and incinerate, as the product is sensitive to explosion. 4. It’s a hazardous substance. Be careful when transferring the substance. 5. Don’t leave your children unattended. Always keep alert when they are playing.

Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat memberikan soal berikut. Kalimat-kalimat yang dibacakan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru dan sekaligus jawaban: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Do not use this medicine for children under five years old. Don’t use the product on glass, or solid products. No one is allowed to enter the room. The meeting is in progress. Don’t take shelter under a tree during the rain. It’s dangerous! Do not make phone calls or send texts while driving your car.

Jawaban: 1. Beware when driving on a bendy road. 2. Do not clean this cooking utensil with sharp tools. 3. Wash your hands after doing experiments. 4. Do not tear or write in the books. 5. Lock the doors before going to sleep.


Contoh jawaban: 1. Guys, please don’t make jokes on a busy street! It’s very dangerous. 2. Don’t drink it now. It’s still hot. 3. Don’t lean against the escalator.



Complete the texts with the words from the box correctly.

Jawaban: 1. g 2. B.








Answer the questions based on the texts in Task A.

Jawaban: Text 1 1. To warn someone about something. 2. When we are going to save a back up to a certain disk. 3. Information that there is not enough space on the disk to save a back up. 4. We should delete files, format the disk, or select another disk. 5. It means erase or remove. Text 2 1. On a computer screen. 2. We will lose all the data within it. 3. We should back up the data onto another disk. C.

Arrange the following words to form meaningful warnings.

Jawaban: 1. No cameras allowed here. 2. Check your motorcycle before leaving. 3. Don’t sit in front of the computer for too long. 4. Turn off the air conditioner when it is not used. 5. Don’t touch the wire when your hands are wet.

Create warnings based on the following situations.

Read the card and answer the questions that follow.

Jawaban: 1. To encourage someone. 2. She is facing a problem at the moment. 3. He/she will always help and support her. 4. It is ‘strong’. 5. They are friends. B.

Complete the texts with the correct words from the box.

Jawaban: 1. d 2. 5. b 6.

f e

3. 7.

c h

4. 8.

g a

Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat memberikan soal berikut. a. d.

sail away solutions

b. e.

disappointed share

c. f.

discover focused

Text 1 Courage means to keep working at a relationship,to continue seeking (1) ________ to difficult problems,and to stay (2) ________ during stressful periods. Adopted from: http://homemadecraftsandgifts.blogspot.com/2011/03/freeprintable-homemade-cards-with.html (March 24, 2011)

Text 2

Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat memberikan soal berikut. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

a–when–road–driving–beware–bendy–on sharp–do–cooking utensil–clean–this–not–tools–with doing–wash–after–your–experiments–hands write–do–or–in–books–tear–not–the to–going–lock–sleep–the–before–doors

Twenty years from now you will be more (3) _________ by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines, (4) _________ from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. (5) _________. Adopted from: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/words-of-encouragement-for-afriend.html (March 12, 2011)

Jawaban: 1. d 2.








Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII



Arrange the sentences to form a meaningful encouragement card.

Jawaban: The correct arrangement of the sentences is 2–5–3–1–4. B.

Create an encouragement card.

Contoh jawaban: Sometimes, it is pain that makes us stronger, problems that make us wiser, and challenges that make us try harder. So, don’t give up! Success in there for you.

Tape Script for Assessment Questions 1 and 2 refer to the following dialog. Boy : What are you doing, Ardian? Girl : I’m preparing a speech for the OSIS chairperson election tomorrow. Boy : Well, I guess you have prepared yourself well. Girl : I have, but I still feel rather nervous. I’m afraid I won’t be able to do it properly. Boy : What are you afraid of? In my opinion, you’re the best candidate for the position. You’re smart, diligent, disciplined and full of creative ideas. I’ll vote for you. Girl : Thanks, Dito. Your words are really encouraging. Questions: 1. What event will be held at the speakers’ school? 2. Which is not the positive thing about the girl according to the boy? Question 3 refers to the following dialog. Boy : What is this, Mom? Woman : Oh, God. That is a match. Don’t play with it! Boy : But . . . Woman : Listen! You mustn’t touch it. It’s dangerous. Question: 3. What does the woman want the boy to do? Questions 4 and 5 refer to the following monolog. Once upon a time there lived a peasant. The peasant had an apple tree in his garden which bore no fruit, but only served as a harbor for the sparrows and grasshoppers. He resolved to cut it down and taking his axe in his hand, made a bold stroke at its roots. The grasshoppers and sparrows entreated him not to cut down the tree that sheltered them, but to spare it. They promised they would sing to him and lighten his labors. He paid no attention to their requests, but gave the tree a second and a third blow with his axe. When he reached the hollow of the tree, he found a hive full of honey. He tasted the honeycomb and then threw down his axe, because he considered the tree sacred, he took great care of it. Adopted from: www.halseystreet.com/FlexTIM/documents/Aesops-ParablesComplete.doc+story:+the+cobbler+turned+doctor&cd=3&hl=id&ct=clnk&gl=id (March 17, 2010)

Questions: 4. What is the story about? 5. Why did the peasant want to cut down his apple tree?




Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer.

Jawaban: 1. D 2. B 6. A 7. C 11. E 12. A 16. C 17. B II.

3. 8. 13. 18.


4. 9. 14. 19.


5. 10. 15. 20.


Write a short story that contains a good moral value.

Contoh jawaban: Long ago, there lived a little boy named Sammy. He was a good boy. He was good at his studies, obedient to his parents, more intelligent than the other boys in his class and kind to everyone. Adults, as well as those junior to Sammy loved him very much. But that aroused jealousy in many other boys who longed to be as loved as Sammy. There was another boy named Timmy who studied in the same class as Sammy. Unlike Sammy, he was not good at studies and always liked to play during school hours. He misbehaved with his parents, bullied his classmates and even ill-treated Sammy. He always tried to put Sammy down and belittle him before other kids in the class, but no matter what he did, Sammy’s grades kept getting better and better. Whether at studies, or in sports, or from his classmates, Sammy kept getting accolades from everywhere. On his eighth birthday, Sammy received a nice pen as a gift from his parents. He brought it to school so that he could use it to write down notes from the lectures that the teachers gave in class. This was a very beautiful pen and it could help one write very fast. When Timmy saw it, he was very jealous of Sammy. He asked Sammy, “Hey, where did you get that? Did you buy it?” “My parents gave it to me as a birthday gift.” replied Sammy. Timmy was overwhelmed with anger and jealousy. The bad boy that he was, he rarely got any presents from his parents. He decided to steal Sammy’s pen. During recess, when everyone had gone out from the class, Timmy opened Sammy’s bag and took his pen. Then he hid it in his bag and went out to have his tiffin. When Sammy came back and could not find his pen, he informed his class teacher about it. There was a hunt for the missing pen and the class teacher ordered the class monitor to search the bag of every child inside the class. The missing pen was soon found in Timmy’s bag and the furious teacher asked the errant boy, “Now Timmy, what do you have to say about it?” Timmy was in tears. He had nothing to say. When Sammy saw Timmy cry, he took pity on the boy. The kind boy that he was, he had no ill-feeling against his classmate. He requested his class teacher not to take any action against Timmy, now that his stolen pen was found. This opened Timmy’s eyes. He could now see what a good boy Sammy was. He apologized to his teacher and Sammy. From that day, he became friends with Sammy and gradually changed himself to be as good as Sammy. Everyone began to love Timmy and Sammy was proud of his new friend. Despite being hurt by Timmy, Sammy only gave him love in return. This is how we should also treat our enemies. Who knows? One day, our behaviour may just change them for the better. From the story, we can learn that we should not harm someone even if he harms us. We should be good to all. Adopted from: http://www.kidsgen.com/moral_stories/be_good_to_your_enemies.htm (March 12, 2011)

Tape Script for Review Unit IV Version A Question 1 refers to the following dialog. Girl : Physics is a difficult lesson. I don’t think I can pass the exam. Boy : Come on, don’t give up. You can do it. Just study harder. Girl : All right. I’ll do my best. Question: 1. What does the girl feel? Questions 2 and 3 refer to the following dialog. Boy : Ouch! This tooth is really bugging me. Girl : Maybe you have a cavity. Have you visited the dentist? Boy : No, I haven’t, and I don’t want to. You know, I have had an unnerving experience before. Girl : Come on. Don’t be a chicken! It can’t be that bad! Boy : I’m not a chicken! However, I’ll do anything to keep myself away from the dentist’s chair. Girl : Even deal with a tooth that’s killing you? Boy : You bet! Questions: 2. Why does the boy not want to see the dentist? 3. What can you conclude from the dialog?

Questions 4 and 5 refer to the following monolog. One day a blackbird and a dove called upon a peacock. The peacock received both of them very kindly in his arbor. “I have long wished to meet you,” said the blackbird. “Many have told me of your beauty and of your grace. I find that they did not tell me half.” He stroked the peacock’s coat lovingly as he praised him. The dove was silent. At last they bade the peacock goodbye, the blackbird making many low bows. As they started home, the blackbird said, “I hope I may never meet that stupid peacock again. I cannot bear him. Did you notice his feet? I felt like laughing every time I looked at them. His voice makes me shudder. What can anyone see to praise that bird?” “I did not notice his feet nor his voice,” said the dove. “He has a noble form and his dress is very beautiful. The rainbow and the flowers are not more beautiful.” The blackbird turned away in shame. He wished to hear fault about the peacock, but the dove gave it only the highest praise. Adopted from: http://www.rickwalton.com/folktale/50fabl26.htm (August 10, 2011)

Questions: 4. What can we conclude about the dove’s character? 5. What did the blackbird do to the peacock?

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII


Review Unit IV Version A Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas : XII

Semester Tanggal


Nomor Induk


Tanda Tangan

Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer.

I. A.

: 2 (dua) : ....

The following text is for questions 8 to 10. Dear Zaskia,

Listening Section

1. A. C. E.

Optimistic. Terrific. Pessimistic.

B. D.

Hopeful. Enthusiastic.

2. A. B. C. D. E.

Because he is afraid of being painful. Because the dentist is not friendly to him. Because he has an unnerving experience. Because he thinks it is too expensive. Because he thinks that his toothache is not very serious.

3. A. B. C. D. E.

The girl can make the boy see the dentist. The boy won’t go to see the dentist. The girl will go with the boy to see the dentist. The girl will call the dentist for the boy. The boy will just buy medicines without seeing the dentist.

4. A. B. C. D. E.

He He He He He

was cruel. was kind. was proud. was ignorant. was dishonest.

5. A. B. C. D. E.

He He He He He

praised the peacock before their other friends. said bad things about the peacock behind her. made the peacock frightened. wanted to kill the peacock. poisoned the peacock.

I’ve heard that you failed to be number one in the speech contest. Don’t worry. I’m sure you’ll do better next time. Best regards, Nadine 8. What is the purpose of the text? A. To encourage someone. B. To congratulate someone. C. To inform someone about something. D. To ask someone to do something. E. To invite someone to go somewhere. 9. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE? A. The card is sent by Nadine. B. The card is addressed to Zaskia. C. Zaskia failed to win the contest. D. Zaskia took part in a speech contest. E. Nadine is doubtful whether Sazkia can do better next time. 10. “I’ve heard that you failed to be number one in the speech contest.”’ The underlined word means ________. A. the first performance B. the winner C. the championship D. the competition E. the match The following text is for questions 11 to 14.

This is the end of the listening section. B.

Reading Section

The following text is for questions 6 and 7. CAUTION WATCH FOR FORKLIFT TRAFFIC 6. What does the text mean? A. We must be careful using the forklift. B. The place has many forklifts. C. It warns people to be careful for forklift traffic. D. It prohibits people to use forklift. E. The traffic of forklift is crowded. 7. Where can you find the text? A. On the road. C. At the hotel. E. In the factory.



B. D.

At school. At home.

A lion wandering by the seashore saw a dolphin lift up its head out of the waves, and suggested they make an agreement as friends. The agreement was that all of the animals should be best friends, since the one was the king of beasts on the earth, and the other was the supreme ruler of all the inhabitants of the ocean. The dolphin gladly accepted its request. Not long afterwards the lion had a combat with a wild bull, and called on the dolphin to help it. The dolphin, though quite willing to help, was unable to do so because it could not by any reach the land. The lion insulted the dolphin as a traitor. The dolphin replied, “Nay, my friend, do not blame on me, you should blame the Nature, which made me the ruler of the sea, but didn’t give me the power of living on the land.” Adopted from: Joko Priyana, Triyani Retno Putri Saridewi, Yuliyanti Rahayu, Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students XII Science and Social Study Programme, Jakarta, Pusat Perbukuan Depdiknas, 2008.

11. What is the story about? A. The ocean inhabitants. B. C. The lion and the dolphin. D. E. The king of beasts.

Sea animals’ agreement. The ruler of the ocean.

12. Which of the following statements is TRUE? A. The dolphin was actually willing to help the lion but it couldn’t reach the land. B. There was an agreement made by the lion and dolphin after a long quarrel. C. The dolphin could not refuse the lion’s agreement for the lion was powerful. D. The lion considered itself as the highest ruler of sea creatures. E. The lion met a bull when it was wandering by the seashore.

“It is not the king who has been miserly,” thought the man, sadly. “If I had been generous and given him the whole bowl of rice, I would have been a rich man today.” Adopted from: http://www.english-for-students.com/The-Miserly-Beggar.html (December 10, 2010)

16. Why did the king ask the beggar to give him something? A. He wanted to know what the beggar had. B. He wanted to test the beggar’s generosity. C. He needed the rice to be given to someone else. D. He didn’t know that the beggar was really very poor. E. He didn’t like the beggar’s attitude in asking him money.

13. Why did the lion call the dolphin a traitor? A. The dolphin didn’t help the lion beat the bull. B. The dolphin helped the bull to fight against the lion. C. The dolphin had betrayed the lion by telling its weakness. D. The dolphin challenged the lion for a fight. E. The dolphin treated the other animals badly.

17. “‘Have you got nothing for your king except a tale of woe?’ said the ruler . . . .” (Paragraph 7) What does the underlined word mean? A. Nonsense. B. Suffering. C. Absurdity. D. Cruelty. E. Upbringing.

14. “ . . . and called on the dolphin to help it.” (Paragraph 2) What does the word ‘it’ refer to? A. The dolphin. B. The bull. C. The lion. D. The other animal. E. The bull and the Lion.

18. Which of the statement is TRUE? A. The king didn’t like the beggar’s story. B. The king gave the beggar five bags of rice. C. The beggar got the five grains of rice by buying them. D. The king gave the beggar the rice as soon as he asked for it. E. The beggar cursed the king because he thought that the king was mean.

15. Lina : Dewi, have you submitted your biology paper? Dewi : No, I haven’t. I will submit my paper tomorrow. Fred : What did Dewi say? Lina : Dewi said that ________. A. she will submit her paper the following day B. she would submit her paper tomorrow C. she would submit her paper the following day D. she will have submitted her paper the following day E. she would have submitted her paper the following day The following text is for questions 16 to 19. The Miserly Beggar The king was to pass by a beggar’s hut and the man was beside himself with excitement, not because he was about to see the king but because the king was known to part with expensive jewels and huge sums of money when moved by compassion. He saw the king’s chariot just as a kindly man was filling his begging bowl with uncooked rice. Pushing the man aside, he ran into the street, shouting praises of the king and the royal family. The chariot stopped and the king beckoned to the beggar. “Who are you?” he asked. “One of the most unfortunate of your subjects,” said the beggar. “Poverty sits on my doorstep and follows me about like a dog. I haven’t eaten since yesterday afternoon!” “Have you got nothing for your king, except a tale of woe?” said the ruler, putting out his hand. “Give me something.” The miserly beggar, astonished, carefully picked up 5 grains of rice from his bowl and laid them on the king’s outstretched palm. The king drove away. The beggar’s disappointment was great. He raved and ranted, and cursed the king again and again for his miserliness. Finally, his anger spent, he went on his rounds. When he returned home in the evening, he found a bag of rice on the floor. “Some generous soul has been here,” he thought and took out a handful of rice from the bag. To his astonishment there was a small piece of gold in it. He realized then that the bag had been sent by the king. He emptied the rice on the floor, feeling sure there would be more gold pieces in it, and he was right. He found 5, one for each grain of rice he had given the king.

19. What can you learn from the story? A. We should not be mean. B. We should be humble. C. We should be honest. D. We should not be greedy. E. We should treat others with great respects. 20. Arrange the following sentences into a good paragraph. (1) Hoping to die in battle, he would fight in the front line, exposing himself without any worry for his life. (2) If you want to be truly great, you must not be scared of dying, you must be daring. (3) There was once a Greek man who suffered from a deadly disease. (4) On the day of presentation, he was looking very down and sad. He told the general about his deadly disease. (5) But from that day onwards, the soldier was no longer seen at the front. He would always avoid danger and tried his best to avoid danger and protect his life. (6) Knowing that he would die soon, he was the first to join the army when his country was in a battle with the enemy. (7) His general decided to promote him and award him with medals of bravery and honour. (8) The general didn’t want the soldier to die, so he hired the best physician and finally cured the soldier. (9) Eventually, they won the battle and he was still alive. Adapted from: http://www.inspiring-quotes-and-stories.com/wise-man.html (June 13, 2011)

A. B. C. D. E. II.

3–1–9–7–4–6–8–5–2 3–6–1–7–4–8–5–2–9 3–6–1–9–7–4–8–5–2 3–6–4–9–7–1–8–5–2 3–6–1–9–7–4–5–2–8

Write a narrative story.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII


Kunci Review Unit IV Version A I.

Pilihan Ganda

1. E

11. C

2. C

12. A

3. B

13. A

4. B

14. C

5. B

15. C

6. C

16. B

7. E

17. B

8. A

18. E

9. E

19. A

10. B

20. C


Tape Script for Review Unit IV Version B


Contoh jawaban: A terrifying cat had come to live in the big house. Every time the mice went into the kitchen for a nibble, the cat would send them scampering. “We’ll starve!” they shouted, and decided to have a council meeting. One by one the mice spoke, but no one could think of a plan. Finally, a boastful mouse stepped forward and proclaimed his idea to be best. He explained, in detail, how a small bell attached to the cat’s collar would warn them all of his approach. Putting himself on his own back for the excellent idea, he sat down. The oldest mouse stood up and said, “You are a very clever fellow to think of a plan like that! But, now tell us, are you brave enough to put the bell on the cat?” Adopted from: http://www.storyarts.org/library/aesops/stories/miceincouncil.html (May 28, 2009)

Questions 1 to 3 refer to the following dialog. Girl : Hey, you look gloomy. What’s wrong with you? Boy : Well, I’ve lost my biology paper. You know, it’s due date today. Girl : Where did you put it? Boy : I don’t remember. Girl : Well, that’s your problem then. You’re too forgetful and careless. It has happened a couple of times that you lost something, right. Boy : Yeah, I admit that it is my weakness. Girl : In my opinion, it’s time for you to change. List everything you have done, or to be done. Add notes of where you keep, or put anything. Don’t forget to put everything in its proper place. Boy : Thanks for your advice. I’ll try that. Questions: 1. How is the boy’s feeling? 2. What happened to the boy? 3. What should the boy do about it? Questions 4 and 5 refer to the following monolog. One day, a frog decided to investigate a barn. He was hopping around a farmyard. However, being somewhat careless, and maybe a little too curious, he ended up falling into a pail half-filled with fresh milk. The frog attempted to reach the top of the pail, but he found that the sides of the pail were too high and steep to reach. Then, he tried to stretch his back legs to push off the bottom of the pail, but found it too deep. Even though it seemed impossible for him to get out of the pail, he was determined not to give up. He continued to struggle. He kicked and squirmed and kicked and squirmed, until at last, all his churning about in the milk had turned the milk into a big hunk of butter. The butter was now solid enough for him to climb onto and get out of the pail! Adopted from: http://allaboutfrogs.org/stories/butter.html (November 20, 2011)

Questions: 4. What happened to the frog when he investigated the barn? 5. What can you learn from the story?



Review Unit IV Version B Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas : XII

Semester Tanggal


Nomor Induk


Tanda Tangan

I. A.

Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer. Listening Section

1. A. C. E.

He is sad. He is shocked. He is not feeling well.

2. A. B. C. D. E.

He He He He He

3. A. B. C. D. E.

Take multivitamin regularly. Have regular exercises. Make notes about everything. Consult a psychiatrist. Talk to his teacher about the problem.

4. A. B. C. D. E.

He He He He He

found a pail of fresh milk. asked another frog to check the barn. fell into a pail containing fresh milk. enjoyed himself drinking fresh milk. saw someone hopping around a farmyard.

We We We We We

should help others. must never give up. cannot underestimate others. must work hard to achieve our goal. should not believe what others say easily.


A. B. C. D. E.

B. D.

He is glad. He is nervous.

got a low mark for his biology. hasn’t finished his biology paper. wasn’t ready for the biology test. lost his biology paper. didn’t do his biology homework.

This is the end of the listening section. B.

Reading Section

The following text is for questions 6 to 8. DANGER!! Wear goggles and rubber gloves when handling chemical

: 2 (dua) : ....

8. “Wear goggles and rubber gloves . . . .” The underlined word can be best replaced by ________. A. put off B. turn on C. change D. turn off E. put on The following text is for questions 9 to 12. A young student was walking in the woods when he heard a small voice calling him. He looked all around, but could not see anyone. The voice called out again, and appeared to come from the roots of an enormous oak tree. There the student found a bottle, in which there was a tiny man, who begged him, “Let me out.” So the student removed the cork, and a cloud of smoke emerged and grew into a frightening giant. “I am a genie,” said the giant, “and I was imprisoned in the bottle by a magician. But now that I am freed, prepare to meet your end!” Adopted from: http://www.childrenstoriesworld.com/ (March 29, 2010)

9. Where did the story take place? A. In a village. B. C. In a cave. D. E. On a road.

In a wood. In a hut.

10. What would the genie do after being freed by the student? A. He would kill the student. B. He would be the student’s servant. C. He would give what the student wanted. D. He would run away from the student. E. He would turn himself into a handsome prince. 11. Why did the student help the genie? A. Because the genie was the student’s friend. B. Because the genie had begged him to do so. C. Because the student felt frightened of the genie. D. Because the genie had promised many valuable things to him. E. Because the student was curious to know more about the genie.

6. What is the text about? A. A leaflet about using goggles. B. An advertisement about goggles and rubber gloves. C. An announcement to buy goggles and rubber gloves. D. A warning to wear goggles and rubber gloves. E. A message to handle chemical.

12. “ . . . and appeared to come from the roots of an enormous oak tree.” (Paragraph 1) The underlined word means ________. A. very small B. very old C. very shady D. very strange E. very big

7. Where can you find the text? A. In a department store. B. In a laboratory. C. At school. D. In a beauty center. E. In a seminar room.

The following text is for questions 13 and 14. Behind every success is ambition Behind every ambition is effort Behind every effort is someone who is willing to try So keep going on . . . You’ll make it!

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII


13. “You’ll make it!” What does it mean? A. Someone who has ambition, without an effort, will success. B. Someone who is willing to try, but has no ambition, will success. C. Someone who has ambition and an effort will fail in his/ her attempt. D. Someone who lacks of ambition and effort will easily give up. E. Someone who has ambition, an effort and is willing to try will success. 14. “So A. B. C. D. E.

keep going on . . .” What does it mean? We should be patient. We should never give up. We must not depend on anyone. We must face everything bravely. We cannot regret what has been done.

15. Picta


Have you prepared all materials for the presentation? Keindra : Sure. Should I print and copy them? Picta : Print one. We’ll review it before copying. From the dialog we know that Picta asked Keindra ________. A. whether he prepared the materials for presentation B. whether he had prepared the materials for presentation C. whether he had reviewed the presentation materials D. that he should print and copy the presentation materials E. whether he has printed the presentation materials

The following text is for questions 16 to 20. There was once a little girl who had a bad temper. Her mother gave her a bag of nails and told her that every time she lost her temper, she must hammer a nail into the back of the fence. On the first day the girl had driven 37 nails into the fence. Over the next few weeks, as she learned to control her anger, the number of nails hammered daily gradually dwindled. She discovered it was easier to control her temper than to drive nails into the fence. Finally, the day came when the girl didn’t lose her temper at all. She told her mother about it and her mother suggested that she should now extract one nail for each day that she was able to control her temper. The days passed and the young girl was finally able to tell her mother that all the nails have been extracted. The mother took her daughter by the hand and led her to the fence. She said, “You have done well, my daughter, but look at the holes in the fence. The fence will never be the same. When you say things in anger, they leave a scar just like these.”

18. “When you say things in anger, they leave a scar just like these.” (Last sentence) What does the word ‘they’ refer to? A. The girl and her mother. B. The things said in anger. C. The other people’s feelings. D. The nails and the fence. E. The nails. 19. What can you learn from the story? A. We should care about other’s feelings. B. We should think about getting a better solution. C. We shouldn’t make rude comments to other people. D. We should control our temper, otherwise we will hurt other’s feelings. E. We should not judge others from their appearance. 20. Arrange the following sentences to form a meaningful paragraph. (1) All the trees and houses were swept away but a boulder, which he once had been cutting, as a stone cutter, was unmoved and unchanged. (2) One sunny day, after working very hard, he sat in the shade and fell asleep. (3) “How powerful the sun is,” he thought, “I would rather be the sun than the king.” (4) The stone cutter, now a cloud, was amazed because the rock was powerful. “Only a stone cutter could change the rock, with his skills. How I wish I were a stonecutter.” He murmured. (5) At once, he became the sun. He shone at the earth too strongly. But no matter how hard he shone, he could not see through the clouds. (6) Once upon a time, there lived a stone cutter in a small village. He worked hard all day long, cutting hard stones, to make the shapes ordered by his customers. (7) During his sound sleep, he dreamt about becoming a king. The stone cutter, now the king, was going in a palanquin. The sun shone brightly at that time. Thus, the king felt uncomfortable and hot in the palanquin. (8) No sooner had he said those words that he found himself sitting on a stone with hard and rough hands. He picked up his tools and set to work on the boulder, happily. (9) Then, the stone cutter wished to be the clouds. Suddenly, he found himself turn into a huge dark cloud and poured rain onto the fields and caused floods. Adapted from: http://www.kidsgen.com/short_stories/stone_cutter.htm (September 4, 2012)

A. B. C. D. E.

Adopted from: http://www.yourlifehappiness.com/friends_nails.html (December 17, 2011)

16. What is the story about? A. A bag of nails. B. The loss of nails. C. A scar caused by anger. D. A bad-tempered girl and nails. E. A bad-tempered mother and daughter. 17. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE? A. The girl once had a bad temper. B. The nails left some holes in the fence. C. The girl’s mother gave the girl a bag of nails. D. For the girl, controlling her temper was easier than driving the nails. E. The girl must pull out the nails when she lost her temper.




6–2–7–1–4–9–5–3–8 6–2–7–4–3–5–9–1–8 6–2–7–3–5–9–1–4–8 6–2–7–5–9–3–4–1–8 6–2–7–9–3–1–5–4–8

Create an encouragement card.

Kunci Review Unit IV Version B I.



Contoh jawaban:

Pilihan Ganda

1. A

11. B

2. D

12. E

3. C

13. E

4. C

14. B

5. B

15. B

6. D

16. D

7. B

17. E

8. E

18. B

9. B

19. D

10. A

20. C

When one door closes, another door opens. If we so often look long and hard upon a closed door, we do not see the ones which open for us. Just keep fighting!

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII


At the end of this unit you should be able to: 1. criticize, 2. predict, 3. speculate, 4. assess, 5. create spoken movie reviews, 6. create spoken advertisements, 7. write reviews about movies, 8. create written advertisements, and 9. use preferences correctly.



After watching a movie with your friend, do you usually make a review on it? Do you talk about the good and bad sides of the movie? If you do, you have made a review. In a literary work, there is a kind of text which is called a review text. It is a text which is aimed at criticizing a literary work, including movies. In this unit, you will learn more about review texts and their examples.

5.1 Expressions


Listen to and complete the dialogs based on what you have heard.

Percakapan-percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/ Ibu Guru dan jawaban: Dialog 1 Arial : Victor, let’s go to the movie this afternoon. Victor : (1) Why shall we? Any good movie? Arial : Yeah. Today is the premiere of Fast and Furious 5. (2) You don’t want to miss seeing Van Diesel perform in his latest movie, do you? Victor : Of course, I don’t. (3) He is the best action actor, you know. Arial : So, shall we go this afternoon? Victor : I’d love to, but (4) there’s likely to be a long queue at the cinema today as you said, today is the premiere. Arial : You’re right. So, when should we go? Victor : Next week. (5) I predict it won’t be crowded after the first week. Arial : Deal. Dialog 2 Vanessa : Laura : Vanessa : Laura : Vanessa :

Laura : Vanessa : Laura : Vanessa : Laura : Vanessa : B.

Laura, have you read Dewi Lestari’s new novel? No, I haven’t. (1) I’ve been busy with my studies so I don’t have much free time. Have you? Yeah. Tell me. (2) Is it good? Well, I can say that it’s one of Dewi Lestari’s best novels. (3) The story is really touching and the plot is very good. I like the way she describes the characters and settings of the story. (4) She is a really great novelist. Do you have the novel? Yes, I bought it a week ago. You know, I finished reading it in only three days for I just couldn’t stop. Oh, (5) I wish I have time to read it now. Don’t worry. You can borrow the novel as long as you like. Really? Thanks, Vanessa. Your welcome.

Answer the following questions based on the dialogs in Task A.

Jawaban: Dialog 1 1. To the cinema to see a movie. 2. He thinks that he is the best action actor. 3. Because he thinks that there is likely to be a long queue at the cinema, since that day is the premiere. 4. Next week. 5. Because he predicts that it won’t be crowded after the first week.

Dialog 2 1. Dewi Lestari’s new novel. 2. She is busy with her studies. 3. She thinks it is one of Dewi Lestari’s best novels, since the story is really touching and the plot is very good. 4. She thinks that she is a really great novelist. 5. Three days.

Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat memberikan latihan ini sebagai kegiatan pendalaman. Bapak/Ibu Guru memperbanyak soal-soal yang dikerjakan siswa sesuai dengan jumlah siswa, lalu membacakan soal listening-nya. A.

Listen to and complete the dialog based on what you have heard. Percakapan yang dibacakan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru dan jawaban: Fanny : Look at my new shirt. What do you think? Dion : (1) It’s very nice. Fanny : You think so? Dion : Yes. The choice of color is good. (2) The sewing was done neatly. Who made it? Fanny : I did. Dion : Did you? Fanny : (3) Of course. You don’t believe me? Dion : (4) It’s almost hard to believe. It seems that the one who sewed it, is a professional. Fanny : Actually I have learned to sew for a long time. It is my third shirt. Dion : (5) You’re really talented. Fanny : Thanks.

Soal yang dikerjakan siswa: Fanny : Look at my new shirt. What do you think? Dion : (1) ______________________. Fanny : You think so? Dion : Yes. The choice of color is good. (2) ______________________. Who made it? Fanny : I did. Dion : Did you? Fanny : (3) ______________________. You don’t believe me? Dion : (4) ______________________. It seems that the one who sewed it, is a professional. Fanny : Actually I have learned to sew for a long time. It is my third shirt. Dion : (5) ______________________. Fanny : Thanks. B.

Answer the questions based on the dialog in Task A.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

What is Dion’s assessment about Fanny’ new shirt? Who made it? Why is it hard to believe? How many shirts has Fanny sewed so far? “It’s very nice.” What does ‘it’ refer to?

Jawaban: 1. The choice of color is good. 2. Fanny herself. 3. Because it seems that the one who sewed it, is a professional. 4. Three shirts. 5. It refers to Fanny’ new shirt.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII



Listen and choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer.

Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Questions 1 to 3 refer to the following dialog. Boy : What do you think of this old train? Girl : I think it is antique and has many historical values. Hasn’t it? Boy : Yes, it has. Anyway, this old train will be operated for the city carnival tomorrow. Girl : Really? Boy : Yes, it’s confirmed. Girl : Are you sure it will work well? Boy : There’s just a chance that it will work. This train hasn’t been used for a long time. Jawaban: 1. C 2.




Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Question 4 refers to the following dialog. Girl : Rafi, do you join the scouts? Boy : No, I don’t. Why should I, Linda? Girl : I think you should do it. By joining it, you will learn how to be independent and responsible for everything you do. Jawaban: 4. A

Jawaban: 5. E

Complete the following dialogs with the correct sentences from the boxes.

Jawaban: Dialog 1 1. c 2.








Dialog 2 1. c 2.









Answer the questions based on the dialogs in Task A.

Jawaban: Dialog 1 1. By bus. 2. Because she heard that many bus drivers will be on strike. She predicts there will be no buses on the streets today. 3. Her husband. 4. They oppose the government’s plan of increasing the fuel price. 5. It refers to ‘Vika’s house’. Dialog 2 1. Because she is disappointed with Mandy. 2. That Mandy arranged for Bella to oppose her. 3. Bella herself. 4. She criticizes her for her bad character which can harm their friendship. 5. It means crafty.


Complete the dialog with the correct words from the box.


a. d. g.

best of all b. performance e. wonderful h.

Bintang : Kemala : Bintang : Kemala : Bintang : Kemala : Bintang : Kemala : Bintang :

Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Question 5 refers to the following dialog. Woman : Why don’t you take a bus to work? Driving means rushing out and the traffic is terrible. Man : I would, but I predict that there won’t be any seats left, by the time the bus arrives at my stop.


Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat menggunakan soal-soal berikut untuk meningkatkan pemahaman siswa.


Jawaban: 1. c 2.

congratulations audience faith

c. f.

contest boring

You watched the music (1) ________ last night, didn’t you? Yes. What do you think about our performance? It was (2) ________. You and your friends arranged a really beautiful harmony. You think so? Thank you. Alline, the vocalist, has a beautiful voice, great (3) ________. You’re right. If I can say, your group is the (4) ________. I predict your group will win. Really? Thanks for your (5) ________ in us. g








Answer the questions based on the dialog in Task A.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

What is the dialog about? What is Kemala’s assessment about the performance? Who is Alline? What does Kemala predict? “I predict your group will win.” What is similar to “predict”?

Jawaban: 1. Bintang’s music group performance in the contest. 2. It was wonderful. Bintang and his friends arranged a really beautiful harmony. 3. The vocalist of the group. 4. She predicts that Bintang’s music group will win. 5. It is ‘foretell/foresee’. C.

Create dialogs based on the following situations. Then, practice the dialogs with a friend.

Contoh jawaban: 1. You : What do you think of Rendra, our OSIS chairperson? Your friend : Well, he is the best student in this school. You : Yes. We must be proud of him. You know, he is very capable in managing the school organization. Your friend : You’re right. He activates many extra curricular clubs. He also supports the students to be creative and critical. You : I am sure he will be a good leader one day. We need excellent people like him to be leaders for the future. Your friend : Yes.



Your sister You Your sister You Your sister You

: : : : : :

Your sister


Your : Your brother : You : Your brother : You


Your brother : You 4.


Your brother : You : Your brother : You : Your brother : You : Your brother : You :

Your brother :

You look worried. What’s the matter? It seems that the rain will not stop soon. I agree. It is not only raining, but also stormy. What time is it? It is a quarter to five. What’s up? Actually my friends and I will have a study club here at four thirty. I’m not sure whether they will come because of the rain. Don’t worry. I believe they will come. May the rain stop soon. What an interesting contest! You’re right. All contestants displayed great performances. They also have unique talents. If I were the jury, I would have difficulty in choosing the winner. Yes. I must say this is the best contest I’ve ever watched. That’s right. I am sure the program will receive a high rating. Of course. Many people will be interested in watching it. Ira, do you know where my phone is? I put it on this desk. Are you sure? Yes. It can’t be. What do you mean? Didn’t you put it on the desk on the terrace? Um . . . yes . . . I put it there. I’ve told you many times to put everything in its proper place, but you always ignore me. What if someone took it? Yes, I admit that I made a mistake.

Perahu Kertas is about the wax and wane of love, dreams and friendship among the (2) main characters, Kugy, played by Maudy Ayuda and Keenan, played by Adipati Dolken and the people around them. Kugy has a dream to be a (3) tale writer, while Keenan is a young (4) talented painter. The two characters have been friends since at a college and admire each other, but there are many obstacles between (5) their feelings. Soon after I watched the movie, I knew I had to write this. There are only two things in this world that can make me happy, (6) good movies and good music. In my opinion, Perahu Kertas is beautiful. Hanung Bramantyo is brilliant. Dee is an (7) amazing writer. I’ve read the novel before I saw the movie and it is fantastic. The writing is beautiful, the story moves as fast as the movie that I can’t stop reading it. The movie itself is amazing too; the paintings, (8) scenario and beautiful views of Bali, Bandung and Jakarta. The casts are great. I love Maudy Ayunda, she’s the perfect Kugy. The story itself moves fast, cutting all the (9) boring parts from the novel. I just love it. I’m not really into drama movies, especially ones with (10) predictable stories and lame scenarios, but this is an exception; Perahu Kertas is perfect. This movie is about love, dreams and friendship. A movie that makes me seriously think that not all Indonesian movies are trash. There are many that are really good, including Perahu Kertas. Adapted from: http://anonymousdailyadventure.blogspot.com/2012/12/movie-reviewperahu-kertas.html (January 18, 2013)

Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat memberikan latihan berikut sebagai kegiatan pendalaman. Bapak/Ibu Guru memperbanyak soal-soal yang dikerjakan siswa sesuai dengan jumlah siswa, lalu membacakan soal listening-nya. A.

5.2 Genre


What do the following words mean? You will hear the words in the text in Task B.

Jawaban: 1. menyutradarai 3. memerankan, memainkan 5. mengagumi 7. pemeran, pelaku 9. pengecualian B.

2. 4. 6. 8. 10.

pasang surut berbakat halangan tidak memuaskan sampah, tidak bermutu

Listen to and complete the text based on what you have heard.

Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru dan jawaban: Have you seen the latest novel-adapted movie, Perahu Kertas, written by Dewi ‘Dee’ Lestari and (1) directed by Hanung Bramantyo?

Find the meanings of the following words. You will hear them in the text in the next task.

Kata-kata yang dikerjakan siswa: 1. treasure hunter = ________________ 2. to assemble = ________________ 3. elite = ________________ 4. looted = ________________ 5. to venture = ________________ 6. remote = ________________ 7. abandoned mine = ________________ 8. apparently = ________________ 9. trapped = ________________ 10. underground = ________________ 11. dungeon = ________________ 12. prop = ________________ 13. decent = ________________ 14. illogical = ________________ 15. spoiler = ________________ Jawaban: 1. pemburu harta karun 2. mengumpulkan 3. elite, golongan atas 4. dirampas 5. pergi, menjelajah 6. terpencil 7. tambang yang ditinggalkan 8. rupanya, tampaknya 9. terperangkap, terjebak 10. bawah tanah 11. kamar di bawah tanah untuk menahan orang

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII


12. 13. 14. 15. B.

alat atau barang yang diperlukan untuk sopan, patut, pantas, layak pementasan atau pertunjukan tidak masuk akal pengganggu, perusak Listen to and complete the text based on what you have heard.

Teks yang dibacakan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru dan jawaban: Let me give you a review of an (1) action horror movie entitled Dead Mine. This action movie tells a story of a (2) rich amateur treasure hunter who assembles an elite group to investigate a possible treasure location. They are on mission of searching for the legendary Yamashita’s Gold, (3) lost treasure looted from across Asia, by Japanese forces during World War 2. Venturing deep into the jungles of a remote Indonesian island, the group finds itself (4) under attack. Then, they are forced into an apparently abandoned mine only to become (5) trapped underground in a Japanese Imperial Army bunker. They quickly realize that they are not alone and have to face the (6) terrifying reality that the only way out is to go further in and struggle to escape, or fight to death. This HBO Asia’s first original movie was quite (7) average and typical. This is the kind of Hollywood-styled movie where the group will be killed one by one while exploring. The setting of the underground dungeon was great, props were great too. Acting was good and the characters had decent (8) scripts. For a first time Asian made action-horror, this was actually a good start. However, some parts of the story were (9) illogical that comes into my mind while watching it. Here are examples that may contain spoilers; ‘How did the zombies and the (10) Japanese officer live for 70 years without food?’, ‘How were the samurais activated to move?’ Overall the movie was okay for me and I rate it 6 out of 10. Adopted from: http://www.eventlovershideout.com/dead-mine-movie-review/ (January 20, 2013)

Soal yang dikerjakan siswa: Let me give you a review of an (1) ________________ movie entitled Dead Mine. This action movie tells a story of a (2) ________________ treasure hunter who assembles an elite group to investigate a possible treasure location. They are on mission of searching for the legendary Yamashita’s Gold, (3) ________________ looted from across Asia, by Japanese forces during World War 2. Venturing deep into the jungles of a remote Indonesian island, the group finds itself (4) ________________. Then, they are forced into an apparently abandoned mine only to become (5) ________________ in a Japanese Imperial Army bunker. They quickly realize that they are not alone and have to face the (6) ________________ that the only way out is to go further in and struggle to escape, or fight to death. This HBO Asia’s first original movie was quite (7) ________________ and typical. This is the kind of Hollywood-styled movie where the group will be killed one by one while exploring. The setting of the underground dungeon was great, props were great too. Acting was good and the characters had decent (8) ________________. For a first time Asian made action-horror, this was actually a good start. However, some parts of the story were (9) ________________ that comes into my mind while watching it. Here are examples that may contain spoilers; ‘How did the zombies and the (10) ________________ live for 70 years without food?’, ‘How were the samurais activated to move?’ Overall the movie was okay for me and I rate it 6 out of 10. Adopted from: http://www.eventlovershideout.com/dead-mine-movie-review/ (January 20, 2013)




Answer the following questions based on the text in Task B.

Jawaban: 1. To criticize a movie entitled Perahu Kertas. 2. He is the director of the movie Perahu Kertas. 3. Dewi ‘Dee’ Lestari. 4. It’s about the wax and wane of love, dreams and friendship among the main characters, Kugy and Keenan and the people around them. 5. They are Kugy and Keenan. 6. When they were at a college. 7. The reviewer thinks that the movie is beautiful, the director is brilliant and the writer is amazing. 8. Because the story moves fast. 9. It was shot in Jakarta, Bandung and Bali. 10. The story moves fast, cutting all the boring parts from the novel. D.

Listen and choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer.

Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Do you know the movie entitled The Possession? The movie is about a young girl who buys an antique box at a yard sale, unaware that inside the box lives a malicious ancient spirit. The girl’s father teams up with his ex-wife to work hard and find a way to end the curse upon their child. The movie stars Jeffrey Dean Morgan, from Eat, Pray, Love, Natasha Calis, Kyra Sedgwick, Madison Davenport and others. The movie belongs to the horror movie category. You know, I usually dislike horror movies, but love them at the same time. Dislike it, because I can’t control myself from screaming and close my eyes during horror scenes. Love it, because horror movies always leave me in suspense. In my opinion, The Possession starts real slow. The first 40 minutes were boring, with nothing really scary, but too obvious and predictable. At first, I thought this movie was going to suck, but it turned out so good after the first 40 minutes. I closed my eyes so many times . . . and held my breath. I almost jumped from my chair. The only annoying thing about this movie was the transition from each scene. There were lots of fade out-fade in transitions. It’s like an amateur editing the movie. Seriously, fade out-fade in transition for a 94 minutes movie? That’s intolerable. Apart from the negative side, the acting of the casts is superb. I didn’t find any flaws from the casts. Natasha Calis is amazing; I love her. The way she acts as the possessed girl is just amazing. The way she cries, screams and acting all scared were very convincing. She’s going to be a big star! The casts truly save the whole movie for I think the story isn’t really interesting. So, if you’re looking for a good horror movie for weekend, I recommend you see this movie. Not really scary, but scary enough to make you close your eyes during some scenes. Adapted from: http://anonymousdailyadventure.blogspot.com /2012/12/movie-reviewpossession.html (January 20, 2013)

Jawaban: 1. B 2.









Read aloud the text. Answer the questions that follow.

Jawaban: 1. A review of a movie entitled Snow White and the Huntsman. 2. It was Mirror Mirror because Snow White and the Huntsman is the latest version of Snow White, meaning it was released later.

3. 4. 5. 6.

It has a similar basic problem. She is like a cross between Aslan and Joan of Arc. The cast of the movie Snow White and the Huntsman. She played the sexy evil queen. At first she has an interesting steely coldness. He is the actor who plays the role of the huntsman. She has the power to cure the people’s physical ailments. British character actors. They try to fix what isn’t broken: the poignant clarity of Snow White being betrayed by a non-mother and then having to be a quasi-mother to seven little people.

7. 8. 9. 10.

Match the words in column A with their correct meanings in column B.



No. 1.




a. b.


posh prince



feebly evasive


steely coldness

d. e. f.




physical ailments


badass forest brigands


poignant clarity




Jawaban: 1. i 2. e 6. a 7. l B.


3. k 8. f

h. i. j. k. l. 4. b 9. c

kejahatan mengelak dengan lemah/ tak berdaya kejelasan yang menyakitkan rasa takut yang besar keren perampok hutan yang jahat ibu pura-pura/bukan sebenarnya perhatian yang berlebihan candaan sifat dingin seperti baja pangeran yang menawan penyakit fisik 5. j 10. g

Find the synonyms of the following words in the text in Task A.

Kata-kata yang dikerjakan siswa dan jawaban: 1. newest = latest 2. wicked = 3. alike = similar 4. cheated = 5. to repair = to fix 6. charming = 7. to guide = to lead 8. option = 9. disease = ailment 10. to role = B.

evil betrayed posh choice to play

In my opinion, the movie gives Snow White an unresolved and franchise-friendly romantic choice between the Huntsman and a charming prince named William, played by Sam Claflin. Unlike Julia Roberts’s feebly evasive version, this movie does at least tackle head-on the Queen’s sexual jealousy and Theron has an interesting steely coldness at first. However, she is soon reduced to screeching like a villainess in that all-purpose Bardspeak accent. Snow White, her stepdaughter, leads a revolution against the queen’s misrule and has the power to cure the people’s physical ailments. Like other Snow White movies, this movie also presents seven dwarves. The dwarves are badass forest brigands played by British character actors, but with a Narnia touch. It all becomes very drawn out and like Mirror Mirror, tries to fix what isn’t broken: the poignant clarity of Snow White being betrayed by a non-mother and then having to be a quasi-mother to seven dwarves. That is evidently far too babyish and needs to be sexed up, or rather teen-abstinenced up. The result is tangled and overblown. So, if you’re curious about this movie, get the DVD soon. At least, you could see Kirsten Stewart’s acting, outside Twillight. Adapted from: http://www.guardian.co.uk/film/2012/may/31/snow-white-and-huntsmanreview (January 20, 2013)


Contoh jawaban: Do you like seeing action movies? If you do, you must see an Indonesian movie entitled The Raid: Redemption. The Raid: Redemption which is directed by Gareth Evans resembles the best of the ’80s cult action movies. It brings back the star of Merantau, Iko Uwais. The action in The Raid: Redemption starts early and never really relents. Uwais fights his way through one room full of bad guys, one after another. Meanwhile, the building’s occupants make tough life-or-death decisions, choosing whether to help the police or stay out of the way. There are a few tense, twisty suspense sequences, as the gangsters hunt the heroes. However, for the most part, The Raid: Redemption’s plot is not complicated. Of course the ‘story’ is not what most people will look for from The Raid: Redemption. The emphasis here is speed. The fight choreography is quick, designed to make viewers gasp and then cheer. The only real knock against the film is that there’s no real variation in tone or plot from start to finish. Adopted from: http://www.avclub.com/articles/the-raid-redemption,71283 (March 24, 2012)


Retell the text in Task A using your own words.

Contoh jawaban: Have you seen another Kirsten Stewart’s movie adapted from a famous fairy tale? Right, the movie is entitled Snow White and the Huntsman, directed by Rupert Sanders. This movie was realeased a few months after Mirror Mirror, another version of Snow White. In this latest version, Snow White is like a cross between Aslan and Joan of Arc. It’s very different from the jovialness of Julia Roberts in Mirror Mirror, but both have a similar basic problem. In Snow White and the Huntsman, Kristen Stewart plays Snow White, the heroine. Another actress supporting this movie is Charlize Theron as the sexy evil queen with headgear modelled on the Disney animation. Meanwhile, Chris Hemsworth plays the huntsman, who is now a full-blown romantic lead, a hunky-stubbly protector with an accent like Russell Crowe in Robin Hood.

What is your favorite movie? Try to review the movie orally, in class.

Match the words in column A wih their correct meanings in column B. You will read the words in the text in Task B.

Jawaban: 1. d 2. l 6. j 7. a B.

3. f 8. c

4. b 9. k

5. h 10. g

Read the text aloud. Then, complete the statements that follow.

Jawaban: 1. J.R.R. Tolkien 2. the magical land of Middle-earth 3. Peter Jackson 4. Bilbo Baggins’ unexpected journey 5. it is filled with bumbling trolls and singing dwarves, who can crack a few bad jokes 6. the movie does not follow the original storyline page for page

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII


7. the book itself, The Hobbit, is tiny and represents just a small portion of the Lord of the Rings backstory 8. a more “lifelike” quality 9. superb 10. Cate Blanchett; Lady Galadriel


Read the text aloud. Then, find the meanings of the underlined words. Review: The Iron Lady By Avijit Ghosh

The early 1980s were difficult times in Britain. They were the hard times when Margaret Thatcher became the country’s first woman prime minister in 1979. By the time she quit in 1990, the Russians had fondly dubbed her The Iron Lady and Britain had changed irrevocably. Much of the drama and trauma that the nation underwent during her tenure in the 1980s is glossed over by director Phyllida Lloyd’s venture in this movie. The movie merely skims the surface of all that Britain underwent; instead it chooses to focus on the personality of Thatcher. There is no complexity or counterpoint on offer. Luckily, director Lloyd has Meryl Streep in the protagonist’s part. Streep’s magnetic performance makes up for the script’s shallowness. Streep and her long-standing makeup man J. Roy Helland earned Oscars for their work in the film. They almost make us believe, as if we are watching the real Thatcher in action. Streep not only captures the walk, the gait, the voice and the diction of the former British Prime Minister, but also the transformation into Thatcher’s personality that comes with her growing confidence in the job. The early hesitancy is replaced with authority and arrogance. The sharp physical contrast between Thatcher as Prime Minister and the frail, faltering Thatcher of later years, who keeps talking to her dead husband, is stunning. As a movie, The Iron Lady would have been dumped in the category of less-than-satisfying biopics. However, Streep and Helland have not only ensured that the movie engages the regular viewers, but have also made it a ‘must-watch’ in every acting workshop. Adopted from: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/entertainment/movie-reviews/ english/The-Iron-Lady/movie-review/12097279.cms (March 24, 2012)

Jawaban: ● prime minister = ● irrevocably =

perdana menteri dengan tidak dapat dibatalkan atau ditarik kembali masa jabatan perbuatan yang mengandung risiko atau bahaya, spekulasi kedangkalan gaya berjalan, berjalan dengan langkah cepat keragu-raguan lemah yang bimbang /terhuyung menarik perhatian

tenure venture

= =

shallowness gait

= =

hesitancy frail faltering stunning

= = = =


Answer the questions based on the text in Task A.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

What is being reviewed in the text? Who directs The Iron Lady? How is Meryl Streep’s performance in the movie? What is the reviewer’s opinion about the movie? “They almost make us believe . . . .” (Paragraph 3) Who does ‘they’ refer to?

● ●

● ●

● ● ●



Jawaban: 1. A movie entitled The Iron Lady. 2. Phyllida Lloyd. 3. She acts well. She not only captures the walk, the gait, the voice and the diction of the former British Prime Minister, but also the transformation into Thatcher’s personality that comes with her growing confidence in the job. 4. As a movie, The Iron Lady would have been dumped in the category of less-than-satisfying biopics. However, Streep and Helland have not only ensured that the movie engages the regular viewers, but have also made it a ‘must-watch’ in every acting workshop. 5. It refers to ‘Meryl Streep and her long-standing makeup man J. Roy Helland’. Complete the text with the correct words from the box.


Jawaban: 1. g 2. 6. h 7.

k l

3. f 8. a

4. j 9. i

5. b 10. d

Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat memberikan latihan sebagai berikut. a. d. g. j.

brilliant featuring practiced realized

b. e. h. k.

ballerina manipulation nominated cues

c. f. i. l.

horror portrayal explains relationship

Movie Review: Black Swan By Collin George Darren Aronofsky’s Black Swan makes ballet cool. It also happens to be one of the best films of the year, (1) ________ one of the best performances of the year. Natalie Portman is (2) ________ as best actress for her devastating (3) ________ of petite perfectionist Nina the ballerina. Black Swan is cut from the same cloth as Aronofsky’s 2008 film The Wrestler, if at opposite ends. Interestingly, before either project was (4) ________, the director was reportedly mulling a drama about the (5) ________ between a professional wrestler and a ballerina. Somewhere along the line however, that concept was split down the middle—and thank God, Black Swan is (6) ________. Yet despite certain unmistakable (7) ________, I’d hesitate to call Black Swan a (8) ________ film. Visually, maybe, but John Carpenter insists “The Thing” is a Western and likewise there is more to Black Swan than is aesthetically obvious. It probably best fits the psychological thriller mold, but as Aronofsky suggests through his (9) ________ of mirrors, it is not a film that ever casts a clear reflection. For me, that dichotomy is what makes it so fascinating and rewarding. Black Swan is a wholly effective work born from a shadowy underside of the mind. It is a quick, impulsive piece, but it (10) ________ artistic devotion and the consuming nature of obsession as well, or better than any film I’ve ever seen. Adopted from: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0947798/ (February 3, 2011)

Jawaban: 1. d 2. h 6. a 7. k

3. f 8. c

4. j 9. e

5. l 10. i


Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer.

Jawaban: 1. E 2.








Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat menggunakan latihan ini sebagai kegiatan pendalaman. Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer. The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader is based on the fantasy novel of CS Lewis. In this film, the youngest of the kids Edmund and Lucy go back to Narnia accompanied by their intolerable cousin Eustace. Thus, Skander Keynes and Georgie Henley start their adventure on the high seas and Dark Island. This movie gives you all the fun that you expect from a Narnia movie. The mean Eustace will be seen finding his noble side and thus giving you another moral lesson. The special effects used in the movie are watch worthy and will transport you to the fairy tale world. It keeps your interest level intact with appealing 3D effects and fire dragons. However, one will be surprised to see the reluctant Eustace turning out to be a true hero at the end. He fights fearlessly against the wicked creatures and sea serpents. However, Aslan and the mean White Witch were not seen much in action, probably due to their growing age. This in no way affects the thrill of watching the movie at the weekend. Adopted from: http://www.realbollywood.com/news/2010/12/review-the-chroniclesnarnia-3-mesmerizing-journey.html (March 2, 2011)


What is the movie ‘Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader’ based on? A. A fantasy novel. B. Someone’s biography. C. Someone’s experience. D. A familiar fairy tale. E. A famous folktale.


According to the reviewer, what is the surprising event of the movie? A. Edmund and Lucy go back to Narnia. B. White Witch was not seen much in action. C. Eustace turns out to be the true hero at the end. D. Edmund turns out to be the true hero at the end. E. Lucy fights bravely against the wicked creatures.


Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE? A. Eustace is Edmund and Lucy’s cousin. B. The special effect will take the audience to a fairy tale world. C. Eustace will find his noble side in this movie. D. The movie provides the audience much fun. E. The movie is directed by CS Lewis.



What is the character of Eustace at the beginning like? A. Cruel. B. Humble. C. Arrogant. D. Helpful. E. Respectful. “He fights fearlessly against . . . .” (Paragraph 3) What is similar to ‘fearlessly’? A. Proudly. B. Bravely. C. Cowardly. D. Arrogantly. E. Reluctantly.

Jawaban: 1. A. Pilihan jawaban (A) sesuai dengan kalimat dalam paragraf satu, ”The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader is based on the fantasy novel of CS Lewis.”. Jadi, film tersebut berdasarkan novel khayalan (a fantasy novel). 2. C. Adegan mengejutkan dalam film tersebut adalah Eustace akhirnya menjadi pahlawan sejati. Hal itu diketahui dari kalimat dalam paragraf tiga, ”However, one will be surprised to see the reluctant Eustace turning out to be the true hero at the end.”. Pilihan jawaban (C) benar. 3. E. Pilihan jawaban (E) benar untuk soal tentang pernyataan yang salah karena tidak sesuai dengan kalimat dalam paragraf satu, ”The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader is based on the fantasy novel of CS Lewis.”. Jadi, CS Lewis adalah pengarang novel Narnia. Pilihan jawaban (A) sesuai dengan kalimat pertama paragraf dua, (B) sesuai dengan kalimat ketiga paragraf tiga, (C) sesuai dengan kalimat kedua paragraf tiga, dan (D) sesuai dengan kalimat pertama paragraf tiga. 4. A. Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat di paragraf tiga, ”The mean Eustace will be seen finding his noble side . . . .” yang artinya ”Eustace yang jahat akan diperlihatkan menemukan sisi mulianya . . . .”. Kata ’mean’ sama dengan kata ’cruel’ yang artinya jahat. Jadi, pilihan jawaban (A) benar. 5. B. Kata ’fearlessly’ artinya dengan tanpa takut. Kata tersebut memiliki makna yang sama dengan kata ’bravely’ yang artinya dengan berani. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah; (A) artinya dengan bangga, (C) artinya secara pengecut, (D) artinya dengan angkuh, dan (E) artinya dengan rasa malas. E.

Choose the words in brackets to complete the sentences.

Jawaban: 1. would rather 3. prefers 5. prefer 7. would prefer 9. prefers

2. 4. 6. 8. 10.

would would would would would

rather prefer prefer rather rather

Answer the questions with the expressions of preference. Use the words provided in brackets. Examples: ● Do you like pizzas? (prefer/hamburgers) Answer: No, I prefer hamburgers. ● Want to watch TV? (would prefer/read “Bunheads”) Answer: I’d prefer to read/reading “Bunheads”. 1. Do you like singing? (prefer/recite poems) 2. May I leave now? (would rather/stay for a little while) 3. Would you like to go to the movies? (would prefer/stay at home) 4. Would you mind, if I open the gift now? (would rather/do it later) 5. May I browse the Internet? (would rather/don’t) 6. Would you like to buy some apples? (prefer/some oranges) 7. Would you like to have some coffee? (prefer/tea) 8. Would you mind, if my friends join us? (would rather/don’t)

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII


9. Would you like to watch the football match? (would prefer/ go to the library) 10. Want to buy the dictionary? (would prefer/buy short stories) Jawaban: 1. No, I prefer reciting poems. 2. I’d rather you stayed for a little while. 3. I’d prefer to stay/staying at home. 4. I’d rather you did it later. 5. I’d rather you didn’t. 6. No. I prefer buying some oranges. 7. Thanks, but I prefer tea. 8. I’d rather they didn’t. 9. No, I’d prefer to go/going to the library. 10. I’d prefer to buy/buying short stories.

Much like actors in early films, star Jean Dujardin performs marvelously. A challenging role, to say the least, Dujardin never pushes himself too far and we always know exactly how he feels and what’s going through his mind. What’s more, the French actor looks as though he’s been ripped straight out of the era, looking perfectly natural wearing a tailcoat tuxedo and sporting a pencil-thin moustache. He sells the drama, makes us laugh and is, in short, perfect as George Valentin. Despite its flaws, The Artist really is a delightful film. A love letter to an age of cinema has gone by, it aims to reflect and recapture the spirit of some of the earliest films and does succeed in that regard. The movie isn’t revolutionary and doesn’t aim to create a whole new wave of silent filmmaking, but it is a fun diversion. Adopted from: http://www.cinemablend.com/reviews/The-Artist-5569.html (March 27, 2012)

5.3 Short Functional Texts: Spoken and Written Advertisements A.

Write five sentences showing preferences. Share your work with the class.

Contoh jawaban: 1. I would rather walk than run. 2. I would prefer to stay at home when it rains. 3. I prefer going to school by bike to taking a bus. 4. I would rather visit my grandparents during long holidays. 5. I prefer listening to music to playing games during my leisure time. B.

What movie are you interested in? Write a review about the movie. Share your work with the class.

Contoh jawaban: Movie Review: The Artist By Eric Eisenberg The movie industry abandoned black-and-white silent films 80 years ago. However, the spirit of the film in the past is back with writer/director Michel Hazanavicius’s The Artist. Set in the late 1920s, the story centers on George Valentin (Jean Dujardin), a famous movie star who is truly on top of the world. His movies are some of the biggest in Hollywood and he is constantly surrounded by fans who heap praise upon him. One day, by pure chance, he meets a young background actor named Peppy Miller (Berenica Bejo), with whom he has an instant connection. Ignoring the warnings from a powerful producer (John Goodman) that talkies are becoming the big thing, George refuses to change his act. He watches his career sink lower and lower as Peppy rides the talkie wave and grows bigger and bigger. While the presentation and performances are terrific, The Aritst’s derivative story prevents it from being a great film. The story of the silent film actor being pushed aside to make way for talkies is hardly new. As a result, the whole thing smells of Michel Hazanavicius first deciding that he wanted to make a silent film and then finding the simplest story to tell in that format. This reverse engineering sadly dampens the film and while you can still have fun and feel for the main character, it’s never going to reach the heights audiences expect.




Listen to and complete the text based on what you have heard.

Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru dan jawaban: Do you always want to keep in (1) touch with people around the world, via the Internet? Don’t worry. We (2) present a new modem named Techno. It can (3) download up to 3.1 Mbps and upload at a (4) speed of max 1.8 Mbps. It comes complete with a (5) miniature Internet antenna and a micro SD card (6) reader slot up to 4 Gygabyte. Not only that! We will give you free (7) unlimited access for ninety days. So, what are you waiting for? Get it now from your favorite computer (8) stores. B.

Listen to and answer the questions based on the text in Task A.

Pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: 1. What is the text advertised? 2. How fast is the download speed? 3. What completes the device? 4. What will people get if they buy the device? 5. Where can we buy the device? Jawaban: 1. A new modem named Techno. 2. It is 3.1 mega byte per second (Mbps). 3. A miniature Internet antenna and a micro SD card reader slot. 4. We will get free unlimited access for ninety days. 5. All computer stores.

Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat memberikan kegiatan berikut sebagai kegiatan pendalaman. Bapak/Ibu Guru memperbanyak soal-soal yang dikerjakan siswa sesuai dengan jumlah siswa, lalu membacakan soal listening-nya. A.

Listen to and complete the text based on what you have heard. Teks yang dibacakan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru dan jawaban: Our company has just (1) launched a new watch for men. It is called Sporty W781-M. It is a (2) round, analog and digital watch with a sporty and masculine design. It comes in two colors, black and (3) silver. Not only that, it also has a (4) compass and calendar. To avoid (5) corrosion, the watch is in stainless steel. Get it now from your favorite store.

Soal yang dikerjakan siswa: Our company has just (1) ________ a new watch for men. It is called Sporty W781-M. It is a (2) ________, analog and digital watch with a sporty and masculine design. It comes in two colors, black and (3) ________. Not only that, it also has a (4) ________ and calendar. To avoid (5) ________, the watch is in stainless steel. Get it now from your favorite store. B.

Your teacher will ask you questions about the text in Task A. Listen to and answer the questions. Pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang dibacakan oleh Bapak/ Ibu Guru: 1. What is the advertisement about? 2. Who is the product made for? 3. What is the product like? 4. How many colors does the product have? What are they? 5. Why is the product made from stainless steel?

Jawaban: 1. A new watch product. 2. Men. 3. It is a round, analog and digital watch with a sporty and masculine design. It also has a compass and calendar. 4. Two colors, black and silver. 5. To avoid corrosion.


Listen and complete the statements based on what you have heard.

Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Attention, all. The Rock in the Park festival starts this weekend. Vivatrend is proud to sponsor this tenth annual event that features legendary groups such as the Dinosaurs, the Cliffhangers, the Bricks, the Lobsters and many more. The festival runs from nine a.m to eleven p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. Bring your own food or buy from the vendors. Entertainment for the kids includes a special musical puppet show, carnival rides and much more. For more information, visit our website www.rockinthepark.com. See you there!

Jawaban: 1. the Rock in the Park festival 2. ten; year 3. two; Saturday and Sunday 4. 9 a.m.; 11 p.m. 5. a special musical puppet show; carnival rides


Complete the text with the correct words from the box.

Jawaban: 1. c 2. 5. a 6. B.

h g

3. 7.

f j

4. 8.

i b

Answer the questions based on the text in Task A.

Jawaban: 1. It advertises a place called Situ Patenggang. 2. It is located in South Bandung, about 1,600 m above sea level. 3. It offeres a mountain range covered with tea plantation and a georgous lake. 4. We can fish, go water cycling and observe wildlife. 5. In a bungalow. C.

Suppose you have a good book. Try to advertise the book orally in class.

Contoh jawaban: If you have difficulties in learning English grammar, this is the book for you. It consists of two hundred pages with hard cover. The book is easy to read. Not only that, it provides us with many exercises to explore our knowledge about grammar. So, what are you waiting for? Get this book soon and master English grammar.


Find the meanings of the following words. You will read them in the text in Task B.

Jawaban: 1. batu bata 3. tambahan 5. daun jendela 7. lantai dari kayu pinus B.

2. 4. 6. 8.

menampilkan, meliputi marmer lantai keramik lapang, luas

Read the text and answer the questions that follow.

Jawaban: 1. It is about a house for sale. 2. It has two floors. 3. There are four bedrooms. 4. We can find stainless steel appliances and marble countertops. 5. They feature tile floors and granite countertops. 6. Bonus rooms. 7. We should view its website to see the picture. 8. It is ‘tiny’.

Adopted from: Marianna Katsaounou, et al, B2 Practice Exams for the TOEIC Test, Athens, Hellenic American Union, 2010.

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Tape Script for Assessment

Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat memberikan soal berikut sebagai kegiatan pendalaman.

Question 1 refers to the following dialog. Boy : Look at my rabbits. What do you think? Girl : What cute rabbits! They look clean and healthy. I am sure you take care of them well. Boy : Yes. I always give them enough food, clean them and their hutch. Girl : No wonder. Question: 1. What is the girl’s assessment about the boy’s rabbits? Question 2 refers to the following dialog. Girl : It’s unlikely we will have a camping activity this week. Boy : Why do you say that? Girl : It has rained hard almost every day this week. The campsite must be wet and possibly flooded. Boy : You’re right. Question: 2. Why does the girl speculate that they will not have a camping activity?

Questions: 1. What is the advertisement about? 2. Why does the product provide razor-sharp pictures? 3. What is the design of the product? 4. What can people get for free, if they buy the product? 5. “fast 11-point Autofocus system; delivers razor-sharp pictures” What is the opposite of ‘sharp’? Jawaban: 1. It is about a digital camera. 2. Because it has an 11-point Autofocus system. 3. It is compact and lightweight. 4. A camera bag. 5. It is ‘blur’. C.

Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer.

Jawaban: 1. B 2.





Create an advertisement. Choose your own topic. Contoh jawaban: Go.Com Rental Jl. Perdana 32, Medan We provide: Computer Desktop Laptop Notebook Rental Daily, Weekly, Monthly With Cheapest Rate Just call: 999-99900 Contact person: Donna






Question 3 refers to the following dialog. Boy : Watching an infotainment, right? Girl : Yes. It’s about Clara, a famous musician’s daughter. Boy : I am sure she will also be a good musician in the future. Girl : You’re right. She is very talented in music. Question: 3. What does the boy predict about Clara? Questions 4 and 5 refer to the following monolog. Let me give you a review about a movie entitled Mama. You know something is up when what looks like a cheapie fright flick is produced by Guillermo Del Toro and boasts an Oscarnominated actress in Jessica Chastain. Mama, directed by Andrés Muschietti, doesn’t live up to its potential, but the film knows how to creep you out. Two sisters, Victoria, played by Megan Charpentier, and Lilly, by Isabelle Nélisse, considered dead for five years, are found in the wilderness. The feral girls are taken in by their uncle Lucas, played by Nikolaj Coster-Waldau and his raven-haired girlfriend Annabel, by Chastain, who try to solve the mystery of how they survive and why they still seem to be haunted by a menacing ghost they call “Mama.” To get a taste of the film’s eerie essence, check out the acclaimed short of the same title, it’s on You Tube, that director Andrés Muschietti and his producer sister, Barbara, crafted in 2008. The feature-length Mama – which Neil Cross wrote with the Muschiettis – can’t hide its stretch marks. However, Chastain digs deep, going beyond the call of scream-queen duty to find the passion that gives horror a pulse. Adopted from: Peter Travers, http://www.rollingstone.com/movies/reviews/mama20130117 (January 20, 2013)

Questions: 4. Who is the director of the movie Mama? 5. What mystery does the main character try to solve in the movie?

Tape Script for Review Unit V Version A


Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer.

Jawaban: 1. E 2. B 6. A 7. B 11. C 12. D 16. E 17. B II.

3. 8. 13. 18.


4. 9. 14. 19.


5. 10. 15. 20.


Create an advertisement about a house for sale. Share your work with the class.

Contoh jawaban:

Question 1 refers to the following dialog. Boy : Where do you want to continue your studies after graduation? Girl : Actually I want to study abroad. However, it seems that my parents will not let me go. Boy : Why? Girl : You know, I am the only child in my family. Question: 1. Why does the girl think that her parents won’t allow her to study abroad? Question 2 refers to the following dialog. Man : Hey, stop your dancing. Girl : What’s the matter? Man : You have danced gracefully, but you still lack total comprehension. Girl : What do you mean? Boy : It’s a Balinese dance. Your eye movements don’t show that. Question: 2. What does the man criticize about the girl? Question 3 refers to the following dialog. Man : Have you finished designing my new house? Woman : Yes, I have. Here it is. Man : Let me see. What a very nice design! This is the design I want. Woman : Thanks. Question: 3. What did the woman make?

Adopted from: http://catchadvertising.com/cm/11/09/01-schokman-house-for-sale/ house-for-sale.jpg (January 23, 2013)

Questions 4 and 5 refer to the following monolog. Although it is an old movie, Pasir Berbisik or Whispering Sands is one of the best Indonesian movies. Let’s review it. Directed by Nan Achnas, Indonesia’s most prominent woman director, Pasir Berbisik has an enchanted, dreamlike atmosphere. It took East Java desert as its setting. The widescreen landscape shots of shifting sands and swirling dust storms are both gorgeous and haunting. The film is filled with the mythological beliefs of residents of the village where it is set and the way figures emerge, ghostlike, from the dust and sand that constantly blows across the land to give them a mystical presence. The heart of the story is the relationship between a woman named Berlian and her daughter, Daya. An intriguing mix of other worldly visions and real-world turmoil, Pasir Berbisik haunts the viewer with images that linger in the mind long after the film ends. Adopted from: http://movies.msn.com/movies/movie-critic-reviews/pasir-berbisik/ (April 2, 2012)

Questions: 4. Where was the film set? 5. According to the reviewer, what is the heart of the story?

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII


Review Unit V Version A Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas : XII

Semester Tanggal


Nomor Induk


Tanda Tangan

Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer.

I. A.

Listening Section

1. A. B. C. D. E.

She She She She She

will need much money. will live far from her family. is the only child in her family. has never lived abroad. is still young.

2. A. B. C. D. E.

She She She She She

doesn’t pay attention to her movement. still lacks total comprehension. doesn’t dance gracefully. shows bad performance. is not well dressing.

3. A. B. C. D. E.


4. A. B. C. D. E.

On the sandy beach. On the grassland. On the desert. On a farmland. At the bank of a river.

5. A. B. C. D. E.

Togetherness among villagers. A relationship among close friends. A love story between a boy and a girl. A relationship between two old friends. A relationship between a woman and her daughter.

design of an office. design of a mall. fashion design. design of a house. design of a bridge.

This is the end of the listening section. B.

Reading Section

The following text is for questions 6 and 7. Good news for Plankton lovers! Your favorite band, Plankton, has released a new album entitled I Luv U. The album contains two new songs and also three old songs with new arrangement. So, what are you waiting for? Get the CD from your favorite CD store and always remember, buy original CDs. 6. What is the advertisement about? A. A new song. B. A new song album. C. A famous movie. D. A famous band. E. A new music arrangement.



: 2 (dua) : ....

7. “. . . and always remember, buy original CDs.” What is similar to ‘original’? A. Cheap. B. Exclusive. C. Temporary. D. Genuine. E. False. The following text is for questions 8 to 12. Movie Review: Gie By Ayesa Vawandia

Gie is a film adapted from a book entitled Catatan Seorang Demonstran (Notes of a Demonstrator), a collection of journal entries by Soe Hok Gie. The film tells the life story of the famous young, Indonesian-Chinese activist named Gie. The movie starts from Gie’s teenage life during high school. Some scenes show the critical nature of Gie and the fact that he always expresses his opinion since he was young. Also, several scenes show his interest in languages and books. He spends his free time by reading, or writing articles and he always writes in his journal every day. His critical behavior reaches a peak when he enters University of Indonesia, Facully of Letters, majoring in History. There is revolution at that time. Gie then decides to establish a new organization with his friends named “MAPALA”. Gie also writes articles about Indonesia’s government for several newspapers, such as Kompas and Sinar Harapan. The film not only tells Gie’s life as an activist. There are also several scenes focused on Gie’s private life, with the role of fictional characters intended to dramatize the story. All of them can be played by Nicholas Saputra as the main character. The film’s duration prevented director Riri Riza from being able to deliver a complete picture of Gie. Some parts seem unclear, such as Gie’s father’s silent and reclusive characteristics. Gie himself doesn’t seem as outspoken as we would expect from a young activist. Overall, this movie is about Soe Hok Gie’s path of life. This is a good movie for anyone who wants to know more, or recall the figure of Soe Hok Gie—a young famous activist in the 60’s. Adopted from: http://whiteboardjournal.com/news/entertainment/ movie-review-gie.html (March 24, 2012)

8. What does Gie tell us about? A. The life story of an activist. B. The life story of a journalist. C. The life story of a student. D. A student’s criticism against the government. E. The establishment of “MAPALA” organization. 9. According to the text, what does Gie usually do in his spare time? A. Goes on a strike. B. Hanging out with his friends. C. Reading and writing articles. D. Reading and writing literary arts. E. Having discussions with his friends.

10. Which statement is NOT TRUE about Gie? A. He always expresses his opinions since he was young. B. He and his friends establish “MAPALA”. C. He is interested in languages and books. D. He studies in the Faculty of Letters. E. He only writes articles for a certain newspaper. 11. What is the main idea of paragraph two? A. What the movie is based on. B. The story plot of Gie. C. The weakness of Gie. D. Gie’s father’s characteristics. E. The reviewer’s conclusion about the movie. 12. “Gie himself doesn’t seem as outspoken as we would expect from a young activist.” The underlined word is similar to ________. A. private B. close C. blunt D. secret E. mysterious The following text is for questions 13 and 14.

The following text is for questions 16 to 20. Review: Hugo By Manohla Dargis Hugo, an enchantment from Martin Scorsese, is the 3-D children’s movie that you might expect from the director of Raging Bull and Goodfellas. It’s serious, beautiful, wise to the absurdity of life and in the embrace of a piercing longing. The movie is based on the book The Invention of Hugo Cabret, but is also very much an expression of the filmmaker’s love for the movies. Gracefully adapted by John Logan, the movie involves a lonely, melancholic orphan, Hugo (Asa Butterfield), who in the early 1930s tends to all the clocks in a Parisian train station. Seemingly abandoned by his uncle, the station’s official timekeeper (Ray Winstone), Hugo lives alone, deep in the station’s interior, in a dark, dusty, secret apartment that was built for employees. There he sleeps and naturally dreams, mostly of fixing a delicate automaton that his dead father, a clockmaker (Jude Law), found once upon a time. The automaton is all that remains of a happy past. Hugo is the tale of a boy, one of fiction’s sentimental orphans. While you can guess what happens, it’s the getting there—how the clock is wound—that surprises and often delights. Waves of melancholy wash over the story. There is something poignant and paradoxical about Mr. Scorsese’s honoring a film pioneer in digital (and in 3-D, no less), yet these moving pictures left for a time and entered once again through the love of the audience. Adopted from: http://movies.nytimes.com/2011/11/23/movies/martin-scorseses-hugowith-ben-kingsley-and-sacha-baron-cohen-review.html?adxnnl=1&pagewanted= all&adxnnlx= 1332562174-MbiGw1O/s9UoHkqDgeKoKQ (March 24, 2012)

16. What did Hugo’s father do? A. A timekeeper. B. A clockmaker. C. A filmmaker. D. A comedian. E. An actor. 17. Where does Hugo live? A. On the street. B. In an apartment. C. In an orphanage. D. In his uncle’s house. E. In the station’s inferior.

Adopted from: http://www.thompson-morgan.com/medias/sys_tandm/ 8796231106590.jpg (March 19, 2012)

13. What is the advertisement about? A. Packets of fruit and vegetables. B. Tinned fruit and vegetables. C. Mixed vegetables. D. Fresh fruit and vegetables. E. Fruit and vegetables growth. 14. “FREE with the purchase of any . . . .” What is the opposite of ‘purchase’? A. Demand. B. Offer. C. Sale. D. Rent. E. Planting. 15. Jean


Actually I want to stay at home. What do you think? Mrs. Miller : ________ A. I prefer visiting grandma. B. I’d rather visit grandma. C. I’d prefer to visit grandma. D. I would prefer visiting grandma. E. I’d rather you visited grandma, with us.

18. What is Hugo’s dream? A. To be an adventurer. B. To make some clocks. C. To fix a delicate automaton. D. To be a machine repairman. E. To be an employee in a train station. 19. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE? A. Hugo’s uncle is a timekeeper in a station. B. Hugo, the main character, is an orphan. C. Hugo is based on a book. D. Hugo lives with his family. E. Hugo is a 3-D movie. 20. “. . . secret apartment that was built for employees.” (Paragraph 2) What is similar to ‘secret’? A. Confidential. B. Special. C. Dirty. D. Clean. E. Small. II.

Create a dialog using the expressions you have learned in this unit.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII


Kunci Review Unit V Version A

Tape Script for Review Unit V Version B

I. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Pilihan Ganda C 11. B B 12. C D 13. D C 14. C E 15. E B 16. B D 17. E A 18. C C 19. D E 20. A

Question 1 refers to the following dialog. Girl : What do you think of my dress? Boy : Sorry. I must say that it doesn’t suit you. Girl : Doesn’t it? Why? Boy : It is too glamorous. You’re not attending a party, are you? Girl : No, I am not.



Contoh jawaban: Yuki : Bam : Yuki : Bam : Yuki : Bam : Yuki :

Have you heard that someone will crawl on the high tower walls like Spiderman? Yes, I have. It’s amazing, isn’t it? It is, but it will be very dangerous. Do you think he could do it successfully? Yes, I do. But it is very difficult, you know. It can be. However, I am sure that the man will succeed in doing it. He must have some tricks for it. You’re right.

Question: 1. What does the boy criticize about? Question 2 refers to the following dialog. Girl : I speculate our soccer team will win the final match. Boy : Do you think so? But Danny, the best player in our team, can’t play because he is sick. Girl : Remember! We still have other good players. Boy : You’re right. Question: 2. Why does the girl speculate that their team will win the match? Question 3 refers to the following dialog. Boy : You know, Meryl Streep won an Oscar, as best actress in the movie The Iron Lady. Girl : Yes. I’ve watched the movie and I think she really deserved it. Boy : Do you think so? Girl : Yes. She portrayed Margaret Tatcher very well. Question: 3. What is the girl’s assessment about Meryl Streep? Questions 4 and 5 refer to the following monolog. I believe that all of you have heard Jessi J’s song entitled Price Tag. Maybe it’s one of your favorite songs. Now, let’s see someone’s review about the song. It is not a new argument for money concerns to get in the way of delivering the highest quality popular music. However, there is something about Jessie J’s laidback vibe that makes us want to listen again and nod our heads in agreement. The sound is soulful and surprisingly restrained. There is depth and verses to mull over in your head. From a marketing standpoint, it seems wise to have Price Tag as the first Jessie J’s single with a major push in the US. Price Tag will sit comfortably next to hits by either Bruno Mars or Katy Perry. Pop radio is already snatching up the song and you will soon be singing, “forget about the price tag” in the car. Adopted from: http://top40.about.com/od/singles/gr/Jessie-J-Price-Tag-Featuring-B-OB.htm (April 2, 2012)

Questions: 4. What is being reviewed in the monolog? 5. What is the reviewer’s opinion about it?



Review Unit V Version B Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas : XII

Semester Tanggal


Nomor Induk


Tanda Tangan

I. A.

Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer. Listening Section

1. A. B. C. D. E.

The The The The The

girl’s party. girl’s dress. girl’s appearance. girl’s behavior. girl’s performance.

2. A. B. C. D. E.

Their rival is a weak team. Their team didn’t prepare for the match well. Their team shows bad performance lately. Their best player won’t join the match. They still have other good players.

3. A. B. C. D. E.

She She She She She

4. A. B. C. D. E.

A song. A movie. A product. A singer. A song album.

5. A. B. C. D. E.

It It It It It

is a great actress. is not a talented actress. didn’t perform well in the film. couldn’t act her role properly. is a beautiful actress.

is bad. is hard. is soulful. is easy listening. is not boring. This is the end of the listening section.


Reading Section

The following text is for questions 6 and 7. Today, we’ll familiarize you with our new product, LTC C500 cell phone. It is one of the best phones on the market. It is Android 2.3 with 4.5 inch screen. Different from other android cell phones which are mostly touchscreen, this phone has a qwerty keypad. It has a dual-core processor with 1 gygabyte RAM and 8 gygabyte storage. It has the best camera, with 8MP rear camera (LED flash) and 2MP front camera. 6. What is the advertisement about? A. A cell phone. B. A keyboard. C. A computer. D. A camera. E. A laptop.

: 2 (dua) : ....

7. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE about the product? A. It has keypad. B. It has an LED flash. C. It has a dual-core processor. D. It is touchscreen. E. It is Android. The following text is for questions 8 to 12. Review: The Woman in Black By Gregg Katzman

The Woman in Black shares the same experience as being in a haunted house. There’s some tension between jump scares, but ultimately, you know there’s no real risk of danger. The Woman in Black is about Arthur Kipps, a young lawyer (Daniel Radcliffe) visiting a remote village to collect paperwork from a deceased woman’s house. As he arrives, the locals give him the cold shoulder and he quickly discovers the suspiciously spooky mansion, is indeed haunted. The scorned woman is horrifying the local community, taking the lives of their children from time to time. As Arthur spends more time in the house, it becomes clear that the locals aren’t crazy and there’s some spooky stuff going on at the wealthy estate. I’m sure everyone is wondering about Radcliffe’s performance, but he’s not the star of the film. The estate is the spotlight in The Woman in Black. It really is the one and only scary aspect of this film. The rundown house on an island oozes atmosphere and one would have to be bearing with courage, or filled with stupidity, to venture around the home alone investigating noises, like Arthur did. Some will dispute that this film has an excellent classic vibe, proving a horror movie can be done well without violence. There’s tension, suspense, a few well-placed jump scares and you have no idea what’s going to happen next. Adopted from: http://www.ugo.com/movies/the-woman-in-black-review (March 29, 2012)

8. Who is Arthur Kipps? A. A young doctor. B. A businessman. C. A police officer. D. A young lawyer. E. A young judge. 9. Why does Arthur Kipps visit a remote village? A. To investigate a woman. B. To observe a house. C. To refresh his mind. D. To study the people’s life. E. To collect proof from a deceased woman’s house.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII


10. Where A. In B. In C. In D. In E. In

does Arthur stay while visiting the remote village? the haunted house. a secret house. his friend’s house. an apartment. a hotel.

11. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE? A. The locals give Arthur the cold shoulder as he arrives. B. Daniel Radcliffe is the star in the movie. C. There was violence in this movie. D. The scary aspect of this movie is the haunted house. E.

The scorned woman horrifies the local community.

12. “. . . he quickly discovers the suspiciously spooky mansion . . . .” (Paragraph 2) What is similar to the underlined word? A. Dangerous. B. Scary. C. Safe. D. Large. E. Luxurious. The following text is for questions 13 and 14.

The following text is for questions 16 to 20. Review: John Carter By Chris Tookey Andrew Stanton’s two animated hits, Finding Nemo and Wall-E, gave him the right to fail–a privilege he exercises to the full with this year’s first mega-disaster, John Carter 3D. Handsome, muscular war veteran John Carter (Taylor Kitsch) is prospecting for gold in Arizona. He is doing a wretched impersonation of John Wayne when he finds himself transported to a densely populated Mars–called Barsoom by its inhabitants. Here, he encounters Tharks, 12ft-tall green aliens with tusks, who ride Thoats, huge eight-legged hamsters. The Tharks admire Mr. Carter’s superpower–he’s able to jump really, really high, which makes him a cert for a couple of gold medals in any Martian Olympics. In the absence of such a sporting event, Carter becomes reluctantly involved in a war between the human tribes of Mars. The red-skinned Heliumites are led by peace-loving King Tardos Mors (Ciaran Hinds) and his daughter, a brilliant scientist turned warrior princess. Most strikingly, the hero does practically everything Daniel Craig did in Cowboys & Aliens: wake up on a desert with an amulet, discover new powers and suffer troubling flashbacks about a dead woman he couldn’t protect. More than £160 million was spent on the movie, and the Utah scenery and special effects are reasonably impressive. But a couple of quid should have been spent on making the plot halfway plausible–and at least a tiny bit comprehensible. The scale is epic and the visuals expensive, but the human element is missing, along with narrative skills and even the tiniest trace of humour. Without these, this science fiction never stood an earthly. Adopted from: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2112402/John-Carter-filmreview-Lame-heroes-ghastly-script-albino-space-wombats.html (March 29, 2012)

Adapted from: Alnect Brochure

13. What can we use the product for? A. Browsing the Internet. B. Calling someone. C. Playing games. D. Sending texts. E. Sending e-mails. 14. How long can we play the game continuously? A. More than eight hours. B. Not more than eight hours. C. Eight to nine hours. D. Nine to ten hours. E. Ten hours. 15. Nia :

Which do you prefer, a beach or the foot of a mountain? Aldi : I prefer ________ my time at the beach rather than at the foot of a mountain. A. spend B. spent C. spending D. to spend E. to spending

16. What does John Carter do in Arizona? A. He looks for his relatives. B. He joins an Olympics. C. He works there. D. He prospects for gold. E. He prospects for mining. 17. What do Tharks ride on? A. Huge hamsters. C. Huge horses. E. Huge birds.


Huge scorpions. Huge sharks.

18. Why do the Tharks admire Mr. Carter’s superpower? A. He can run fast. B. He can walk fast. C. He can beat the aliens. D. He can fly very highly. E. He can jump very highly. 19. Similar to what Daniel Craig did in Cowboys & Aliens, John Carter does the following, EXCEPT ________. A. discovers new powers B. wakes up on a desert C. wakes up with an amulet D. succeeds in protecting a woman E. suffers troubling flashbacks 20. “. . . on making the plot halfway plausible . . . .” (Paragraph 5) What is the synonym of ‘plausible’? A. Possible. B. Reasonable. C. Responsible. D. Impossible. E. Capable. II.


B. D.

Create an advertisement about a product. Share your work with the class.

Kunci Review Unit V Version B I. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Pilihan Ganda B 11. C E 12. B A 13. C A 14. B C 15. D A 16. D D 17. A D 18. E E 19. D A 20. B




Adopted from: http://ci.yp.ca/15052911aa_f.jpg (January 23, 2013)

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII




PART I 5. Write your answer on your answer sheet. 1.

Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Girl : Billy, I heard that you would compete in the Science Olympiad next week. Boy : That’s right. There are three of us who will participate in the competition. Girl : Wow, great! I wish you luck and success. Boy : Thanks. Narrator : What will the boy and his friends do next week? Jawaban: E


Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Girl : I don’t think I can hang out with you this afternoon. Boy : Oh, come on. It won’t be merry without you. Girl : I’m really sorry. I have a math course every Tuesday afternoon. Narrator : What does the boy likely feel? Jawaban: C


Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Man : To be honest, the composition of the drawing is not good and the mixture of the colors seem unclear. Would you please improve on it? Girl : All right, Sir. I’ll revise it and do my best. Narrator : What is the dialog about? Jawaban: A


Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Woman : You are not supposed to activate your cell phone here. Boy : Oh, I’m sorry, Ma’am. Narrator : What should the boy do? Jawaban: B

Percakapan dan pilihan jawaban yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Boy : My team could not beat the Fast Striker team in last week’s match. They were hard to defeat. Girl : ________ Narrator : What is the best response? A. I don’t think they are able to win. B. I intend to join the Fast Striker team. C. I’m sure you can do better next time. D. I predict that the last score will be 3–1. Jawaban: C 6. Write your answer on your answer sheet. Percakapan dan pilihan jawaban yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Boy : It’s a semester holiday next week. What are you going to do? Girl : ________ Narrator : What does the girl reply? A. I’m planning to join a short music course program. B. I hope the weather will be nice during the holiday. C. I think the holiday will be lots of fun. D. I wish I could have a longer holiday. Jawaban: A 7. Write your answer on your answer sheet. Percakapan dan pilihan jawaban yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Woman : Linda gets almost perfect scores for all subjects. Man : You’re right. She prepared well and worked hard for every subject. Woman : ________ Narrator : What does the woman probably say? A. I can’t imagine she can go abroad. B. She is going to take an English course. C. It is likely that she will be ranked first. D. She should enjoy her free time at home. Jawaban: C


Mid-Term Test 2



Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Man : What is your opinion about Negeri 5 Menara? Woman : It is such an inspirational trilogy novel. Narrator : What are the speakers talking about? Jawaban: E


Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Woman : Did you attend the entrepreneurship seminar last week? Man : I wish I had done, but I had to work overtime at my office. Narrator : Which picture shows what the man wished he had done?

Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Questions 12 and 13 refer to the following monolog. Torry the giant was arrogant. He liked to talk about how strong he was. He also liked to talk about his prosperity, that he could eat meat three times a day. He even underestimated others. That’s why, his friends didn’t like him. One day, Torry got sick. He was hungry, tired and weak. However, no one visited him. He became very sad and cried aloud. His friends heard his cry and visited him. They brought food for him and said, “See, Torry, you also need us, don’t you?” Torry realized his mistake. Since then, he became a good and humble giant. Narrator : 12. What was Torry’s character like before? 13. What happened to Torry at the end of the story? 12. Jawaban: B 13. Jawaban: C

Jawaban: C 10.

Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: A young man was walking along the beach when he found a dying dolphin. It was cast ashore by the waves. “Please return me to the sea,” the dolphin requested. The man did it. After helping the dolphin, he continued walking ashore. Suddenly, the weather turned bad. It rained hard and was stormy. The storm was severe enough that it destroyed trees and houses. Suddenly, the dolphin appeared in front of him. “Ride on my back. I will take you to a safe place.” The man did so and the dolphin swam fast and carried him to a land, safely. The man was very grateful to the dolphin. Narrator :

Which picture shows what the dolphin did?

Jawaban: B 11.

Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Samsung GT-B7510 is an Android mobile phone. It is touch-screen but also QWERTY. The device’s touch screen lets us easily select items or perform functions. We can enter text with the QWERTY keypad or in handwriting mode. So, for people who are accustomed to use QWERTY mobile phones, but would like to feel what touch-screen is like, this mobile phone is suitable for them. However, they may make new users confused, because there are applications which should be used by touch, but there are also parts which we use with the keypad. Adapted from: Samsung GT-B7510 manual

Narrator : Jawaban: B

Which picture goes with the monolog?

Teks yang diperdengarkan Bapak/Ibu Guru: Questions 14 and 15 refer to the following monolog. The 128-page book “Art in Felt and Stitch: Creating Beautiful Works of Art Using Fleece, Fibers and Threads” by Moy Mackay is characterised by her wonderful use of color. Moy’s work is breathtaking and includes landscapes, still-life and animals. She takes you through all stages of the process, from what you need and the felt-making process to creating four fabulous stitched and embellished felt pictures of your own. There is guidance on stitching, including both hand- and machine-stitching, as well as how to use color and introduce texture in the form of different fibers and threads. Adopted from: Complete Art and Craft Book Catalogue Search Press 2012, Wellwood, Search Press, 2012.

Narrator : 14. What is the monolog about? 15. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE? 14. Jawaban: A 15. Jawaban: D This is the end of the listening section. READING SECTION 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.


31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45.


46. 47. 48. 49. 50.


Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII


At the end of this unit you should be able to: 1. express hope, 2. express regret, 3. ask about/state plan, intention and purpose, 4. review films, books, etc. using spoken English, 5. present spoken announcements, 6. review films, books, etc. using written English, 7. write e-mails, and 8. use compound and complex sentences correctly.



After watching a movie, surely you and your family or friends talk about it. You express your opinions about the good and bad aspects of the movie. It means you are reviewing the movie. You will learn about review texts in this unit. You will also learn how to express hope, regret and plan. Study these materials so that you can reap the benefits from them.

6.1 Expressions

Johan : Dian : Johan : Dian


Johan :


Listen to and complete the dialog based on what you have heard.

Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru dan jawaban: Mr. Gufron : Where are you going? (1) You’re in such a hurry. Ayu : I’m going to meet Hanifah, Dad. (2) I hope I can still meet her. Mr. Gufron : What do you mean? Ayu : Hanifah will move to Palembang this morning. She will fly at 10 a.m. Mr. Gufron : I see. You must be careful, then. Ayu : Yes, Dad. By the way, (3) I’m planning to see her off at the airport. May I, Dad? Mr. Gufron : Of course. Please go now. (4) Otherwise, you’ll be sorry. It’s 8:15 now. Ayu : Thanks, Dad. Bye! Mr. Gufron : Bye! (5) Take care! B.

Answer the questions based on the dialog in Task A.

Jawaban: 1. Father and daughter (Mr. Gufron and Ayu). 2. In the morning, at 8:15. 3. She will go to Hanifah’s house. 4. She will move to Palembang. 5. At 10 a.m. 6. He says, “I see. You must be careful then.” 7. I hope I can still meet her. 8. I’m planning to see her off at the airport.

Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat memberikan soal berikut sebagai kegiatan pendalaman. Bapak/Ibu Guru perlu memperbanyak soal yang dikerjakan siswa sesuai dengan jumlah siswa, lalu membacakan soal listening-nya. A.

Listen to and complete the dialog based on what you have heard.

Soal yang dikerjakan siswa: Johan : I received a letter telling me that (1) __________________________. Dian : Really? From whom? Johan : From a food company. However, I must (2) __________________________. I will (3) __________________________. Dian : You must transfer a sum of money? Be careful! (4) __________________________. Johan : A con? Dian : Yeah, they just want your money. After they get it, they (5) __________________________. Johan : But, the letter looks real. (6) __________________________. Dian : Well, they could easily do. If I were you, I would not transfer. (7) __________________________. I have read about many people being conned. Although they had (8) __________________________ to the police, they didn’t get their money back. Johan : Thank you for the information. O.K., I won’t transfer the money. B.

Answer the questions based on the dialog in Task A.

1. 2. 3.

What has happened to Johan? Who is the letter from? According to the letter, what should Johan do, to claim the prize? What will Johan do? What does Dian advise Johan to do? Why does she give him the advice? Why does Johan think the letter appears real? What is the boy going to do at the end of the dialog?

4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Jawaban: 1. He received a letter telling him that he won a motorcycle. 2. From a food company. 3. He should transfer five million rupiah first. 4. He will ask his mother for the money. 5. To be careful and not to transfer the money. 6. She thinks that it may be a con. 7. Because a director has signed the letter. 8. He decides not to transfer the money. C.

Percakapan yang dibacakan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru dan jawaban: Johan : I received a letter telling me that (1) I have won a motorcycle. Dian : Really? From whom? Johan : From a food company. However, I must (2) transfer five million rupiah first. I will (3) ask my mom for the money. Dian : You must transfer a sum of money? Be careful! (4) It could be a con.

A con? Yeah, they just want your money. After they get it, they (5) can’t be contacted anymore. But, the letter looks real. (6) The director has signed it. Well, they could easily do. If I were you, I would not transfer. (7) It is too risky. I have read about many people being conned. Although they had (8) reported the cases to the police, they didn’t get their money back. Thank you for the information. O.K., I won’t transfer the money.

Listen and choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer.

Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Questions 1 to 3 refer to the following dialog. Man : Hey . . . why are you looking at the product for such a long time? Woman : I just feel regretful. Man : Why? Woman : Look, the milk has a later expiry date than the one we bought from Complete Shop yesterday. Moreover, it is cheaper.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII


Man Woman Man Woman Man Woman Man

: : : : : : :

How come? Is it the same brand? Yes and it is also 100 grams. How much is it? Rp45,000. The one we bought cost Rp52,000. Yeah! I think we should buy milk here next time. I think so.

Jawaban: 1. C 2.




Complete the dialogs with the correct words from the boxes. Then, practice the dialogs with a friend.

Jawaban: Dialog 1 1. c 2.








Dialog 2 1. e









Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat memberikan soal berikut sebagai kegiatan pendalaman. Bapak/Ibu Guru perlu memperbanyak soal yang dikerjakan siswa sesuai dengan jumlah siswa. Dialog 1 a. c. e.

Arman : Netty : Arman : Netty : Arman : Netty : Arman :


b. d. f.

write a review teaching me too much

Thank you for (1) ________ how to write a book review. You’re welcome. I hope I can (2) ________ as well as yours. Good! I’m sure you can. By the way, how many books do you usually review in a month? Two or three books. Two or three? That is (3) ________ for me! You must read books every day. Yeah . . . that’s right. You know, I am (4) ________.


happy to do it spoke rudely feel the same

Arlinda Enny Arlinda Enny

: : : :

Arlinda : Enny


Arlinda :


b. d. f.

embarrassed to do so send her a text snapped at her

You look serious. What are you thinking about? I feel guilty. I said bad things to Reyna yesterday. What did you say to her? I got angry with her because I was really tired then. She only asked me what we should do with our paper. But, I (1) ________. What a pity. You should have (2) ________ instead. I think so. Now, I need to borrow her book. But, I feel (3) ________ because of what I said. Yeah . . . you should apologize to her. About borrowing the book . . . if I were you, I would (4) ________. However, I think Reyna is a kind girl. I am sure she will lend it to you. I hope so. I will (5) ________ to apologize, but I think I will borrow the book from the library.

Jawaban: Dialog 1 1. d 2.








Dialog 2 1. c










Answer the following questions based on the dialogs in Task A.

Jawaban: Dialog 1 1. They are talking about a seminar. 2. No, he didn’t. Because he didn’t feel well. 3. He is the keynote speaker of the seminar. 4. She is the chairperson of the committee. 5. Next April. Dialog 2 1. Rika. 2. She may be sick. 3. They fell when Bondan accidently hit a hole on the street. 4. He will call her and say sorry. 5. It refers to Rika’s left arm. C.

understand it manage your time fond of reading

Netty :

Dialog 2



So, how do you (5) ________, studying, taking courses and reading? I like all of them, so I don’t have difficulties in managing the time.

Arman :

a. c. e.


Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Questions 4 and 5 refer to the following dialog. Boy : I heard you have written a book. Congratulations! Girl : Yes, thanks. Boy : By the way, you wrote a book on collection of fables. Why did you write such a book? What was your purpose? Girl : Well, fables usually contain good moral values. I just want young generations to learn about these values from the fables. Boy : What have you done to be able to write the book? Girl : I read many books, especially fables to get the main ideas. Then, I developed the ideas to write mine. Boy : I hope your book can be a best seller and I will buy it! Girl : Thank you. Jawaban: 4. C 5.

Netty :

Make a dialog using the expression(s) you have learned in this unit. You are free to choose your own topic. Then, practice the dialog with a friend.

Contoh jawaban: Tio : Hey, what are you bringing? Jenna : Pins, hairbands and spectacles. Tio : Why are you bringing so many? Jenna : I am going to sell them. My friend Janie could sell them. Tio : So, who are you going to offer them to? Jenna : My neighbors, my friends, etc. Tio : So, are you going to sell them door-to-door? Jenna : Yeah . . . I think so. Tio : I hope all can be sold. I will buy one pin, please. Jenna : Thank you. Here you are.

6.2 Genre

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

What is the title of the book? What is Kronos going to do? How does the author explain the battle scenes? What part really shines according to the author? What does the reviewer like from the book?

Jawaban: 1. The Last Olympian. 2. He is going to take over Mount Olympus in New York. 3. In so much detail. 4. The part with Luke and Percy. 5. He likes how the author introduces the mix of Greek Mythology with something modern. A.

Listen and answer the questions based on what you have heard.

Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Hi, everybody. I’m going to review a laptop which I think is worth buying. We all know that today tablet PC’s are very dominant in the market. Most people carry their tablets wherever and whenever they go. However, this condition doesn’t discourage Avionindo, a famous laptop producer, to launch its slimmest and lightest laptop, named W1N 007. It only weighs 0.8 kilograms. It has a 14inch screen, very smooth keyboard, 2GB DDR3 memory, 329GB HDD and long lasting battery. The weakness is that it only uses a dual core processor. In some cases, it affects its speed. As a conclusion, despite of its little weakness, W1N 007 is the best choice for you who need a slim and light laptop for doing your jobs. Adopted from: http://fcpltab.wordpress.com/category/reviews/page/2/ (March 24, 2012)

Jawaban: 1. A review of a laptop. 2. Avionindo. 3. It only weighs 0.8 kilograms. It has a 14inch screen, very smooth keyboard, 2GB DDR3 memory, 329GB HDD and long lasting battery. 4. It only uses a dual core processor. 5. It means equal in value to the money spent.

Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat memberikan soal berikut sebagai kegiatan pendalaman. Bapak/Ibu Guru perlu memperbanyak soal yang dikerjakan siswa sesuai dengan jumlah siswa. Bapak/Ibu Guru membacakan teks listening berikut. Teks yang dibacakan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Hi, today I’m going to review a book entitled The Last Olympian written by Rick Riordan. This book is about the final battle against Kronos. Well, Kronos is going to take over Mount Olympus in New York. Guess who’s going to stop him. Percy and his gang! It’s up to him and the rest of his friends to stop Kronos from taking over New York and let me tell you, it’s one epic battle against him. The author pushes his ability to the limit as he explains the battle scenes in so much detail. However, the part that really shines, is the part with Luke and Percy, that was so emotional and entertaining, that it was so good. Also, I like how the author introduces the mix of Greek Mythology with something modern, he does this so well too. So my final response is that it is good and definitely worth to wait, so read it and good luck on your quest! Adopted from: http://fcpltab.wordpress.com/category/reviews/page/2/ (March 24, 2012)


Match the words in column A with their meanings in column B. Then, memorize them. You will hear those words in the text in Task C.

Jawaban: 1. d 2. C.








Listen and choose A, B, C, D or E based on what you have heard.

Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: I want to tell you about a book entitled I Wonder Why the Sun Rises by Brenda Walpole. It is a non-fiction picture book. When you look at the sunrise, do you wonder why it appears at a certain time? Are you curious about why we have seasons? How can you tell time without a clock? This book is filled with questions and answers about sunlight, time and seasons. Thirty-one questions about time and seasons are asked and answered in this book. An index provides a great way for readers to look up topics of interest without reading the book from cover to cover. The colorful illustrations aid in understanding the text. The author, Brenda Walpole, gives easy-to-understand explanations to describe what is happening and why. I recommend this book to anyone who wants to learn more about the science of sunlight, time and seasons. But be warned, you’ll be left with more questions! You’ll be ready to start your own search for other scientific explanations about what you see happening all around you. Jawaban: 1. D 2.








Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat memberikan soal berikut sebagai kegiatan pendalaman. Bapak/Ibu Guru perlu memperbanyak soal yang dikerjakan siswa sesuai dengan jumlah siswa. Bapak/Ibu Guru membacakan teks listening berikut. Listen to and complete the text based on what you have heard. Teks yang dibacakan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru dan jawaban: On this occasion I will give you a review of plastic sandals that have become a (1) trend setter recently. These sandals are widely worn by children, (2) teenagers and even adults. Apparently, these sandals are comfortable and are not (3) slippery. These are different from rubber sandals which are already on the market.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII


Besides comfortable to wear, there are many models with different ornaments, to choose. Furthermore, these plastic sandals are easy to clean. We just need to wash with (4) lukewarm water and then leave for a moment. Dirt will (5) vanish. Our sandals will look new again. Are you interested in buying them? Go and get them before people consider you outdated. Soal yang dikerjakan siswa: On this occasion I will give you a review of plastic sandals that have become a (1) _____________. These sandals are widely worn by children, (2) _____________ and even adults. Apparently, these sandals are comfortable and are not (3) _____________. These are different from rubber sandals which are already on the market. Besides comfortable to wear, there are many models with different ornaments, to choose. Furthermore, these plastic sandals are easy to clean. We just need to wash with (4) _____________ water and then leave for a moment. Dirt will (5) _____________. Our sandals will look new again. Are you interested in buying them? Go and get them before people consider you outdated.


Complete the text with the correct words from the box. Then, read it in turns.

Jawaban: 1. d 6. f

2. g 7. a

3. e 8. j

4. b 9. c

5. i 10. k

Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat memberikan soal berikut sebagai kegiatan pendalaman. Bapak/Ibu Guru perlu memperbanyak soal yang dikerjakan siswa sesuai dengan jumlah siswa. a. d. g. j.

scary regretful very brave summer

b. e. h.

jealous sorry the cops

c. f. i.

outcast listen hate

The book entitled Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson is reviewed by Nika Jones. According to her, it is easy, but the character is really depressed. The main characters of the book are Melinda Sordino– an outcast from the first day, her ex-friends–Nicole, Ivy, Rachel and her only friend, a new girl Heather. Mel is an (1) ________ and it doesn’t tell you why until around the middle of the book. When it reaches the point, during the (2) ________ holidays there was a huge party and Melinda called (3) ________ because something terrible happened to her at the party. She can’t tell anyone what it was as she’s scared and no one would (4) ________ anyway. Then, she finally tells Rachel–who listens for long enough, who doesn’t believe Mel because she thinks she’s just (5) ________ of her. However, rumors spread–and everyone knows what happened. Then, it happens again, but this time she calls for help and everyone feels



(6) ________ for her and tells her she was (7) ________. She becomes popular and is liked at the end of school. The book is written in a funny but (8) ________ way – hiding stuff from you all the time, slowly uncovering the story. The overall verdict of the book is a cool-read. Adopted from: http://www.cool-reads.co.uk/review.asp?ID=2931 (March 28, 2012)

Jawaban: 1. c 2. 5. b 6. B.

j e

3. 7.

h g

4. 8.

f a

Answer the questions based on the text in Task A, orally.

Jawaban: 1. To review a movie entitled The Brokers. 2. They are Mahesa (Abimana Arya), Kevin (Christian Sugiono), Rendra (Pierre Gruno) and Analea (Kamidia Radisti). 3. They work at the largest securities firms owned by Kevin’s father, Rendra. 4. He is a conservative; he always does his jobs by following and complying with procedures and rules. 5. Mahesa. 6. She’s Mahesa and Kevin’s old friend. 7. Mahesa. 8. He decides to play dirty tricks. 9. Titien Wattimena and Anggoro Saronto. 10. It is ‘describe’. C.

Tell the class the review of a book you like.

Contoh jawaban: Let me give you a review of the book I have just read. The title is Shadow of the Hegemon and it was written by Orson Scott Card. Well, in the beginning of the novel, the members of Ender’s army return to Earth where they are all kidnapped, except for Bean. The kidnapper is Achilles, who wants to use the Battle School graduates to help him dominate the world. Bean convinces Peter to reveal Achilles as the perpetrator of the kidnappings and each of the kidnapped children is rescued except for Petra. Achilles has Petra’s plan for war between India and Burma when in reality he is secretly working for China. In the end, Bean, with the help of Peter, foils Achilles’ plan and saves Petra. Peter is then given the title of Hegemon to rule the world. Shadow of the Hegemon is a good book because it is filled with action and adventure and simultaneously has characters that are very real and easy to relate to. Adopted from: http://www.ci.arcadia.ca.us/home/index.asp?page=1513 (March 24, 2011)


Read the words and find their menings. You will read them in the text in Task B.

Jawaban: 1. terpandang, terkemuka 2. menyerah, berhenti, mengorbankan 3. pergi, melarikan diri 4. mengejar 5. latihan, gladi bersih 6. secara konstan 7. tidak biasa 8. sudah waktunya 9. cemburu, iri 10. dengan sepenuh hati


Read the text and choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer.

Jawaban: 1. C 2. C.








Read the text and answer the questions.

Jawaban: 1. A book entitled The Moneyless Man, Kisah Nyata Setahun Hidup Tanpa Uang. 2. Gandhi. 3. He decided to live a year without money. 4. The culture of cooperation and mutual help existed strongly. 5. They feel confortable. 6. Because they compete against each other in an attempt to get as much money as they can. 7. He had created an environmentally friendly house for him to live in. 8. He wants peacefulness, not conflict; he wants friendship, not fights. He wants to see people make peace with the planet, ourselves and all the other species that inhabit it. 9. It refers to the readers. 10. It is destruction.

Writing Style: The research behind the book is vast as it uses other biographies, commentaries and press reports. Detail is a positive aspect of this book and very frequently historical personalities have been quoted in the book. The chronology is brilliant and chapters, though lengthy, either describe stages of Gandhi’s personal growth or focus on important historical events like Dandi March, Noncooperation movement, Independence, etc. Gandhi’s images in the book have a certain emotional touch to them. My Thoughts: The book is a brilliant lesson in understanding Gandhi and how he influenced India’s freedom struggle. It is disappointing that the principles which freed a nation are not practiced anymore. Gandhi is the perfect role model for an honest and simple life. Religious and cultural differences have always been our weakness, but one man dared to overlook all such differences; the result is before our eyes. Of course such principles should be gradually realized through thoughts and action; blind acceptance will just make us weak. Gandhi found solutions to most social problems and these solutions hold, even in today’s industrialized world. Only self-discovery can help us truly appreciate the man who confronted an Empire, his own divided people, his adversaries and most of all, his self. Adopted from: http://www.book-review-circle.com/Mohandas-RajmohanGandhi.html (March 21, 2012)

Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat memberikan soal berikut sebagai kegiatan pendalaman. Bapak/Ibu Guru perlu memperbanyak soal yang dikerjakan siswa sesuai dengan jumlah siswa Mohandas Author Reviewed by

: :

Rajmohan Gandhi Karan Mehta

Summary: Mohandas is a biographical description of Mohandas Gandhi, well known as Mahatma Gandhi. It observes Mohandas grow from a timid child in Gujarat to a man who goes against all odds while adhering to his principles of non-violence, self-dependence, simplicity and equality to bring about revolutions, first in South Africa and then in India. It starts with the boy Mohandas’ family and social ties, his experiences as a 13 year old husband, his difficulty in accepting religious norms and his ambition to study in England after his father’s demise. As a young man studying law in England, he zealously develops simplicity in life, a zeal he would retain for the rest of his life. A job search takes him to South Africa where he starts Satyagraha and wins Rights for Indians there. Coming back to India as a well-known reformer, he popularizes his principles and wins the hearts of millions, uniting them despite religious and political differences. Till his assassination in 1948, he tried to bring peace between India and Pakistan. Social/Historical Context: The development and meaning of Gandhi’s principles are in focus. This simple man tore through all kinds of differences, helped alleviate poverty and outcastes, found a way, the charkha, to make millions self-dependent. Simplicity and non-violence can go a long way even today with the Neta Raj replacing the Empire. Gandhi won over various politicians and leaders with his principles and dedication to the Indian cause and this serves as an inspiring lesson to many who have similar ideals.

Questions: 1. What is the purpose of the text? 2. What was Mohandas’ personality like when he was a child? 3. Where did Mohandas start Satyagraha? 4. What did he try to do till his death? 5. Why does the reviewer say that the research behind the book is vast? 6. What is the function of the charkha? 7. What does the reviewer say about the chronology of the book? 8. What makes the reviewer disappointed? 9. What do the book chapters describe? 10. What is Gandhi a perfect role model for? Jawaban: 1. To review a book entitled Mohandas. 2. He was timid. 3. In South Africa. 4. He tried to bring peace between India and Pakistan. 5. Because it uses other biographies, commentaries and press reports. 6. To make millions of people self-dependent. 7. It is brilliant. 8. The principles which freed a nation are not practiced anymore. 9. Stages of Gandhi’s personal growth or important historical events. 10. An honest and simple life. D.

Match the clauses in column A with their suitable pairs in column B. Read your work aloud.

Jawaban: 1. e. 6. j

2. i 7. c

3. a 8. k

4. f 9. g

5. h 10. d

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII



6.3 Short Functional Texts: Spoken Announcements and E-mails

Make five compound sentences. Read your work aloud.

Contoh jawaban: 1. I’m doing my homework and my sister is doing hers. 2. Beny usually goes to school by citybus, but I go to school by bicycle. 3. We never arrive at school late, nor do we skip school. 4. Will Yuyun buy a tablet PC or will his parents buy him a laptop? 5. The principal appoints Hanif to participate in the Science Olympiad, for he’s very good at physics. B.

Make five complex sentences. Read your work aloud.

Contoh jawaban: 1. Wahyu has to stay up late because he has to submit his assigment tomorrow. 2. Although their houses are flooded, those people don’t want to be evacuated. 3. I usually go to school after having breakfast every morning. 4. Mr. Ramli asked me whose dictionary it is. 5. Tatta who became the host of a famous TV program was my friend in elementary school. C.

Write a review of a book. You may choose the book you like.

Contoh jawaban: I have just read a book entitled I.D. Very short title, right? It was written by Vicki Grant. For me, this book was: a definite read! Let me summarize the book. When Chris finds a wallet on the street, he tries to return it to its owner. In trouble at home and school, he is struggling to do the right thing. However, as circumstances slowly start unraveling and his whole life appears heading down the drain, Chris realizes that the person who owns the wallet looks a lot like him and has a life he would do almost anything for. What if he switched identities? What if he became someone else? This book is very interesting. I think it is very good! I think the book ends unexpectedly. I was reading the book and before I knew it, I was finished and I thought there may be more story left, but it is still a really great book. Adopted from: http://www.st-thomas.library.on.ca/?q=content/teen-book-reviews. (March 24, 2011)


Listen to and complete the text based on what you have heard.

Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru dan jawaban: Ladies and gentlemen, the seminar will begin in (1) fifteen minutes. To anyone who are still registering, please be quick and then (2) proceed to Garuda Room. Please fill in your (3) ID card with your name and place it on your pocket. Ladies and gentlemen, please (4) allow me to tell you that during the seminar, please set your mobile phone on (5) silent mode. I hope you will get enlightment from the seminar. Thank you. B.

Answer the questions based on the text in Task A.

Jawaban: 1. In a seminar. 2. They are still registering. 3. It will begin in fifteen minutes. 4. They should enter their names and place them on their pockets. 5. To inform the participants to proceed to Garuda Room immediately.

Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat memberikan soal berikut sebagai kegiatan pendalaman. Bapak/Ibu Guru perlu memperbanyak soal-soal yang dikerjakan siswa sesuai dengan jumlah siswa, lalu membacakan soal listening-nya. A.

Listen to and complete the text based on what you have heard.

Teks yang dibacakan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru dan jawaban: Ladies and gentlemen, the Captain has (1) illuminated the Fasten Seat Belts sign. If you haven’t already done so, please (2) stow your carry-on luggage beneath the seat in front of you or in an (3) overhead bin. Please be seated and fasten your seat belts. Make sure your seat and (4) folding trays are in the full (5) upright positions. Adopted from: http://airodyssey.net/reference/inflight/ (March 27, 2012)



Soal yang dikerjakan siswa: Ladies and gentlemen, the Captain has (1) __________ the Fasten Seat Belts sign. If you haven’t already done so, please (2) __________ your carry-on luggage beneath the seat in front of you or in an (3) __________ bin. Please be seated and fasten your seat belts. Make sure your seat and (4) __________ are in the full (5) __________ positions.

4. 5.

Before that day, where will all the transactions be done? Jawaban: At the old location. What does the announcer say about the new location? Jawaban: It is wider and more entertaining.

Adopted from: http://airodyssey.net/reference/inflight/ (March 27, 2012)


Answer the questions based on the text in Task A.

1. 2. 3.

Where can people hear the announcement? What has the captain done? Where should the passengers stow their carry-on luggage? What should be in their upright positions? What is the purpose of the text?

4. 5.

Jawaban: 1. On the plane. 2. He has illuminated the Fasten Seat Belts sign. 3. Beneath the seat in front of them or in an overhead bin. 4. Their seats and folding trays. 5. To inform the passengers to fasten their seat belts. C.

Listen and answer the questions based on what you have heard.

Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Good afternoon, everybody. We will see Mr. Brad at hospital at 4 p.m. We will leave the school at 3:45. Now, we will collect money for him and please hand your money to Ningrum, the treasurer. Before that, let’s pray for his recovery. Thank you for your attention. Jawaban: 1. To announce that the students will visit Mr. Brad at hospital. 2. In the afternoon. 3. At 4 p.m. 4. She’s the treasurer. 5. They will pray for Mr. Brad’s recovery.


Jawaban: The correct arrangement of the sentences is 1–3–6–5–4–7–2.

Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat memberikan soal berikut sebagai kegiatan pendalaman. Bapak/Ibu Guru perlu memperbanyak soal yang dikerjakan siswa sesuai dengan jumlah siswa. Arrange the sentences or clauses to form a meaningful announcement. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat memberikan soal berikut sebagai kegiatan pendalaman. Bapak/Ibu Guru perlu memperbanyak soal yang dikerjakan siswa sesuai dengan jumlah siswa, lalu membacakan teks listening-nya. Listen and answer the questions based on what you have heard. Teks yang dibacakan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Attention please. BLOSSOM Florist will have moved to its new location at Jalan Mawar no. 12 on Sunday, June 1, 2014. From then on, all transactions will be done at the new location, which is wider and more entertaining. Thank you for your attention. 1.

2. 3.

What is the purpose of the text? Jawaban: To announce that Blossom Florist will move to its new location. Where will the florist move? Jawaban: To its new location at Jalan Mawar no. 12. When will it move? Jawaban: On Sunday, June 1, 2014.

Arrange the sentences or clauses to form a meaningful announcement.

Besides, once every two months we will have lessons outdoors. and considering the fact that cycling can help reduce pollution, Thank you. So, the teachers will decide which lessons will be done on that day. This regulation will start next week. We will go to these places, by bicycle. Dealing with the governor’s recommendation to go to school or office, by bicycle, in the square, or other places such as museums or city parks. it is hoped that all teachers and students, especially the OSIS staff members, come to school by bicycle.

Jawaban: The correct arrangement of the sentences is 7–2–9–5–1–8– 6–4–3. B.

Answer the questions based on the text in Task A.

Jawaban: 1. A radio announcer. 2. 100.3 FM. 3. The outage of electric power. 4. District 2. 5. For three hours. C.

Present an announcement. You are free to choose your own topic.

Contoh jawaban: Attention, please. The computer laboratory is being repaired for the next two weeks. Therefore, all lessons which have taken place in the laboratory will be done in class. In addition, there will be no computer extra-curricular activity for two weeks. Thank you.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII




Complete the e-mail with the correct words from the box.

Jawaban: 1. i 2. 5. e 6.

j a

3. 7.

c g

4. 8.

f b

Jawaban: 1. To advertise a temporary lowering of the price of jewelry. 2. They are seller and buyer. 3. That she should drop by and check it out for herself. 4. Three weeks. 5. To the level it was in 2009.


Answer the questions based on the e-mail in Task A. 1.

2. 3.

4. 5.


What does Craig Smith complain about? Jawaban: The late delivery and the damaged components of the order. Who is Peter Taylor? Jawaban: The Customer Service Manager. What was Peter Taylor’s reply to Craig Smith’s complaint? Jawaban: He said that the components were undamaged when they were delivered to him. What is the effect of the damaged components? Jawaban: They cannot deliver orders. What does Craig Smith want Boswell to do? Jawaban: To send him an e-mail by 5 p.m. at the latest that day, to resolve the problem.

Read the e-mail and answer the questions.

Arrange the following sentences to form a meaningful e-mail.

Jawaban: The correct arrangement of the sentences is 4–7–2–9–8–6–3–5– 10–1.

Write an e-mail. You may choose your own topic.

Contoh jawaban:

[email protected]

article refusal

Dear Ms. Sue, Thank you for sending your short story entitled “The Havermouth and the Foot” to Teen News Magazine. However, we cannot accept it, since we consider that it is too heavy for teens. Moreover, some of the vocabulary used is unfamiliar. Anyway, we are happy that you have participated. We hope that you will continue participating, by contributing your articles to us, for the sake of the teens in our country. John McClair Teen News Magazine Editor



Tape Script for Assessment Questions 1 and 2 refer to the following dialog. Boy : Your eyes are tearing. May I know why? Girl : You know, had I answered the last question correctly, I would have won the quiz. I was only a runner up. Boy : Don’t worry. You have done your best. Everyone knows that. You shouldn’t blame yourself. Girl : If only I had thought of the answer more carefully. Boy : No use crying over spilt milk. Questions: 1. Why does the girl feel regretful? 2. What does the boy say to comfort the girl? Question 3 refers to the following dialog. Girl : Why are you packing, Dad? Man : I’m going to Medan next Tuesday. Girl : How long will you stay there? Man : I don’t know. It can be three, four, or five days. I hope I can finish the business fast, so I can be home soon. Girl : I hope so. Remember that mom will have her birthday on Thursday. Man : I remember that, but I can’t cancel business. Question: 3. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE? Questions 4 and 5 refer to the following monolog. 5 cm is a film that was produced based on a novel with the same title written by Donny Dhirgantoro. The story is about a strong friendship between five youngsters, named Zafran, Riani, Genta, Ian and Arial. They always spend much time together and know each others’ characters. One day, Genta challenged them not to contact or communicate during the next three months. It is meant that each of them can fulfil their dreams which have always been delayed by the amount of time they spent together. The five of them finally agreed to undergo the test. Three months passed so quickly. Then, Genta sends messages to his four friends to bring equipment and meet him at a railway station. Unexpectedly, Genta invites his friends to make a trip to Malang, East Java. Then, they continued their journey by climbing Mount Semeru and reached the top, Mahameru. It is the highest peak on Java Island. Accompanied by his Arial’s sister, Dinda, the journey which tests the strength of their friendship begins. Adapted from: http://amiratthemovies.wordpress.com/2012/12/16/review-5-cm-2012/ (January 23, 2013)

Questions: 4. What is reviewed? 5. What mountain will those six people climb?


Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer.

Jawaban: 1. B 2. D 6. B 7. A 11. C 12. D 16. E 17. B II.

3. 8. 13. 18.


4. 9. 14. 19.


5. 10. 15. 20.


Write a book review. You may choose your own topic.

Contoh jawaban: Lion Fables Written and illustrated by Jan Ormerod Paperback Reviewed by Maureen Pugh This book contains both Aesop’s fable “The Lion and the Mouse”, as well as the Malaysian fable “The Hare’s Revenge”. The stories are retold and illustrated by award-willing author and illustrator Jan Ormerod. “The Lion and the Mouse” is about the familiar tale of a little mouse, who captured by the self-acclaimed “King of the Beasts”, bargains for its life with an offer of friendship and aid should the lion ever need him. Amused by the offer, the lion lets the mouse go, never thinking he actually will need the aid of such a small creature. Yet in only a matter of days, the lion is captured in a hunter’s net. The mouse sets the lion free by nibbling the rope in two, and the lion is humbled and grateful. The Malaysian fable “The Hare’s Revenge” is a bit darker. In this tale, the lion is a “bully and a fool” who boasts and rages about how strong and brave he is. His poor neighbor, the hare, can stand it no longer and decides to get his revenge. He tells the lion about another lion who has declared that he is the King of the woods. The hare leads the boastful lion to the new lion’s “hiding place” at the bottom of a well. Tricked by his own reflection, the enraged lion flings himself down the well never to be seen again. The illustrations of both stories are dramatic, with the lion’s head sometimes taking up the whole page. Jan Ormerod is able to depict the different backgrounds–arid desert and lush Malaysian countryside–with minimal brushstrokes. The illustrations instead focus on the animals and are quite striking and expressive. Between the two stories is a page that has teacher’s notes, with some interesting tips on how to talk to children about the stories. Although they are designed for classroom use, the suggestions would be of interest to parents teaching their own children as well. Adopted from: http://blog.languagelizard.com/2011/08/13/bilingual-book-review-lionfables/ (March 28, 2012)

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII


Tape Script for Review Unit VI Version A Questions 1 to 3 refer to the following dialog. Girl : There is a new section in the newspaper, the Student column. Boy : So, is it for students? Girl : Yup! And written by students. Boy : What do they write? Girl : Various things, students’ opinions, stories, useful tips, etc. Boy : So, are you going to write? Girl : I think so. I am going to write a story and it would be good for you to write one too. Whether it will be published or not, the important thing is that we practice writing. Boy : But I don’t think I am good at writing. Girl : Well, practice makes perfect. Writing a lot can make you a good writer. Boy : Thanks. I hope I can write as well as you. Questions: 1. What are the speakers talking about? 2. What is the girl going to do? 3. What does the girl suggest that the boy should do?



Questions 4 and 5 refer to the following monolog. I’m going to review Fever 1793 by Laurie Halse Anderson. This book is about a girl named Matilda. She lives in Philadelphia. In that place, the yellow fever is going around. Many people were dying from it. It reached a point where nobody could go outside and if there was a certain color flag on the door, that would mean that a member of the family house has yellow fever. Matilda’s mom catches yellow fever and Matilda goes away with her grandpa. So this book is about surviving until the frost comes and the germs will die. So you will have to read the whole book to find out, whether Matilda or her mother will survive the yellow fever! Adopted from: http://fcpltab.wordpress.com/category/reviews/page/2/ (March 24, 2012)

Questions: 4. What is the sign that someone has yellow fewer? 5. Who goes away with Matilda?

Review Unit VI Version A Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas : XII

Semester Tanggal


Nomor Induk


Tanda Tangan

I. A.

Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer. Listening Section

1. A. B. C. D. E.


new section in a teenage magazine. new section in the newspaper. new-released newspaper. new-released novel. school magazine.

2. A. B. C. D. E.

Write a story. Write her opinions. Write some tips. Buy the newspaper. Find some articles from the newspaper.

3. A. B. C. D. E.

Have a part-time job as a journalist. Consult their writing teacher. Subscribe to the media. Write an article. Read a lot.

4. A. B. C. D. E.

There is a color flag on the door. There is a color flag in the front yard. There is a color flag on the roof of the house. The clothes of the sufferer are put in the front yard. The clothes of the sufferer are put on the roof of the house.

5. A. C. E.

Her mother does. Her grandmother does. Her brother does.

B. D.

Her father does. Her grandfather does.

This is the end of the listening section. B.

Reading Section

The following text is for questions 6 to 9. The 7 Professors of the Far North

: 2 (dua) : ....

This book follows three young people, Zara, Sam and Ben, as they attempt to find their uncle and his friends after being kidnapped. It leads them onto an icy adventure in the north pole, with lots of action and excitement. The main characters are Sam, Zara and Ben, who are spending their holidays together with Zara and Ben’s Uncle Alexander in Edinburgh. Other important characters in the book are professor Murdo, an eccentric and power crazed professor who is obsessed with genetic engineering, Marcia Slick, who has been subjected to a course of treatment by her parents, but never wanted it and 5 other academics, friends of Alexander, who are kidnapped along with him. The story goes that Alexander and the5 professors, along with professor Murdo, set up a research facility and university upon the isolated and hard to reach island of Nordbergen, in the Arctic sea. However, Murdo’s ambition soon got the better of him, and he left all the other professors stranded when they refused to cooperate with him. Many years later, he kidnaps the other 6 professors and takes them to his secret hideaway. It is up to Zara, Sam and Ben to find them before it is too late. The book is worth a look, but is probably better suited for younger readers and to me some of the aspects of the book seemed a little unoriginal. Adopted from: http://www.cool-reads.co.uk/review.asp?ID=3069 (March 28, 2012)

6. Who is Ben? A. He is Alexander’s cousin. B. He is Alexander’s nephew. C. He is the person who helps Murdo. D. He is one of the professors kidnapped. E. He is a police who helps the professors. 7. What happened when the other professors didn’t want to cooperate with Murdo? A. He killed them. B. He poisoned them. C. He left them stranded. D. He made their boat sink. E. He destroyed the results of their observations. 8. What does Tim say about the book? A. The characters are not developed well. B. It is complicated enough. C. It is too long and boring. D. It suits young readers. E. Its ending is unclear.

by John Fardell Faber and Faber, 2004, 216 pages, ISBN 0571221556

9. Which of the following is NOT TRUE? A. Murdo brings the professors to his secret hideaway. B. The professors do the research in an isolated island. C. Marcia Slick has been subjected to a course of treatment. D. Professor Murdo is obsessed with genetic engineering. E. Sam, Zara and Ben spend their holidays together in Nordbergen.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII


The following text is for questions 10 and 11. Attention, please. Because of the strong wind, some rooms in our school, including our library, have been destroyed. Because it is still under restoration, it will be closed for about a week, starting from today, until further notice. So, if you still have library books with you and the due date is this week, you can return the book to the librarian, Ms. Anita, in the teachers’ office, so that you will not be fined. Thank you.

11. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE? A. The library will be closed for about a week. B. The library is not the only room which is destroyed. C. The restoration of the library will start next week. D. The students will be fined if they return the books late. E. The library is destroyed because of the strong wind. 12. Nia :

Which do you prefer, a beach or the foot of a mountain? Aldi: I prefer ________ my time at the beach rather than at the foot of a mountain. A. spend B. spent C. spending D. to spend E. to spending

10. What should students do if the due date is this week? A. They can return it next week. B. They should return it to the library. C. They should inform the librarian. D. They should return it to one of the teachers. E. They should return it to the librarian in the teachers’ office. The following text is for questions 13 to 15.

[email protected].

Seminar promotion

Dear Ms. Jeanne, Would you like to learn how to be more successful and make more money? Well, that’s a silly question. Of course you would. The point is, you’d like to do it without spending thousands on a bloated seminar that’s going to tell you about training your mind and changing your life. You don’t need a seminar to change your life; you need someone to give you real-world advice on building your business and becoming successful! That’s what I’m offering. My seminar, Property Business Explosion, is a real-world look at the business of property. Who wants to spend a few thousand bucks on a weekend at an expensive hotel talking about philosophy and training to walk on hot coals? If you want philosophy, read Shakespeare! I link you up with a few dozen other professionals in property and present sound intelligent ideas that you can put into action today! That’s what you need to increase your success, and that’s what you get. In addition, you’ll receive some books and CDs that you can take with you and use both to aid and chart your success. It’s all part of the Business Explosion plan: addressing real-world issues in no-nonsense terms and changing the way you think to change your business! Attending Property Business Explosion costs only Rp300,000. That’s much less than many of the big, competing seminars. So you’ll get more for your money and take away more knowledge that you can apply immediately. If you’d like more information, just reply to this e-mail and I’ll send you a complete information kit. Take this opportunity to build your career! I look forward to meeting you.

Adopted from: http://www.bestsampleletters.com/e-mails/business/sales/sales-email-seminar-or-workshop-letter.html (March 28, 2012)

13. What is the purpose of the text? A. To advertise a book. B. To sell property. C. To inform about career development. D. To promote a seminar. E. To tell the readers about the pros and cons of joining a seminar. 14. What does the writer say about the seminar? A. People attending the seminar will be able to sell many of their properties. B. It tells you about training your mind and changing your life.



C. D. E.

It is a real world look at the business of property. It tells you about philosophy. It is an exclusive one.

15. How do people get a complete information kit? A. Enroll the seminar. B. Reply to the e-mail. C. Attend the seminar. D. Phone the e-mail writer. E. Make a comment on the website.

The following text is for questions 16 to 20. The Foreshadowing Author Grade Level Genre(s)

: : :

Number of Stars :

Marcus Sedgwick 9–10, 11–12, Adult Historical Fiction, Mystery, Realistic, Science-Fiction Four Stars

What an excellent book this turned out to be! Marcus Sedgwick, being one of my favorite authors has done it again! His style of writing is superb and I enjoy reading his works. The Foreshadowing is about a 17–year–old girl named Sasha living in WW1. Trying to pursue her dreams of becoming a nurse, she discovers she has the ability to see the future, and know when someone is about to die. As the war begins, Sasha gets the opportunity to work in a hospital, caring and aiding the young wounded soldiers of the war. Though the more she is around these soldiers, the more deaths she sees. As these deaths come to pass, she begins to worry about herself. No one will believe her so called “stories”. Then, her brother joins the army, and she begins to see visions of her brother’s own death and Sasha decides that she has to do something about it while there is still time, for her brother’s life and her own. Will she be able to save her brother in time? This book was very well constructed and stayed true to the time period of which it was written. That style of writing wasn’t laid on too thick which made it easier to read. I was quite happy with the strength of all of the characters, and their determined personalities made this book quite a page turner. It is a quick read for an avid reader like myself and one of the best historical fictions I’ve ever read. The only problem I had with the book was that I was expecting a more complex and twisted ending, though the ending was good, I thought there could have been something more complicated involved. So in the end, it’s a great book and I recommend it to the historical fiction lovers.

16. What is the purpose of the text? A. To tell the readers about past events. B. To entertain the readers. C. To describe a particular thing. D. To analyze and evaluate a creative work. E. To persuade the readers to do something. 17. What is the genre of the story? A. A historical fiction. B. C. Action. D. E. Romance.

An adventure. Non-fiction.

18. What is special about Sasha? A. She can heal people’s sickness. B. She can influence people to obey her. C. She knows when someone is going to die. D. She can go to everywhere she likes quickly. E. She knows when someone has evil purpose to her. 19. “It is a quick read for an avid reader like myself.” (Last paragraph) The synonym of ‘avid’ is ________. A. very smart B. so bored C. very ignorant D. very interested E. unenthusiastic 20. What does the reviewer say about the ending of the book? A. It was hanging. B. It was confusing. C. It was fascinating. D. It was good, but not complicated enough. E. It was twisted, but not really understandable. II.

Write a book review. You may choose your own topic.

Adopted from: Severa, http://fcpltab.wordpress.com/category/reviews/page/2/ (March 24, 2012)

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII


Kunci Review Unit VI Version A I.

Pilihan Ganda

1. B

11. C

2. A

12. D

3. D

13. D

4. A

14. C

5. D

15. B

6. B

16. D

7. C

17. A

8. D

18. C

9. E

19. D

10. E

20. D



Contoh jawaban: From Darkness Won (Blood of Kings, Book 3) By Jill Williamson Review by Christian Miles The adventure has ended! Readers have fallen in love with Achan and Vrell. This is the final tale Achan and Vrell embark on one last journey, an epic battle, and take the final stand to push back Darkness or perish. This is it, the final book of the Blood of Kings trilogy. Achan and Vrell have come far. They’ve fought Black Knights in Darkness, freed prisoners from icy cells, escaped the wrath of a bloodthirsty usurper . . . but now they’ve found themselves in the midst of a war. Everything hangs in the balance, and if the Crown Prince cannot take the throne at Armonguard, Darkness will consume all the land. Our final foray into the land of Er’rets couldn’t have been better. I don’t know how she did it, but somehow Jill Williamson managed to write the perfect last book to her Blood of Kings trilogy, tying up every loose end with flair. From Darkness Won had me up until 3 a.m. reading. It bonded to my hands the moment I picked it up, refusing to be put down until the last page fell. Five stars and a standing ovation are in order, I think. Very highly recommended. Adopted from: http://novelteen.wordpress.com/ (March 24, 2012)



Tape Script for Review Unit VI Version B Question 1 refers to the following dialog. Girl : A new chocolate factory is going to be built in this town. Boy : Is it? Girl : Yeah . . . and you know, the owner creates many kinds of chocolate with the ingredients from Indonesia. The tastes are various, sweet, spicy, salty, etc. Boy : Hmm . . . quite creative. I hope I can be as creative as he is. Question: 1. What does the girl tell the boy about? Questions 2 and 3 refer to the following dialog. Boy : Hey, Rani! How have you been? Girl : Yeah . . . a lot better, my stomach is not as painful as on the first day, but I still feel anemic. Boy : You should have eaten regularly. Girl : I think so. I regret not eating regularly, because I wanted to be slimmer. Boy : Well, healthy is better than slim. O.K. then, I hope you recover soon. Girl : Thank you. Questions: 2. What happens to the girl? 3. Why didn’t the girl eat regularly? Questions 4 and 5 refer to the following monolog. I’d like to review a book entitled Imagined Worlds by Freeman Dyson. Freeman Dyson’s exploration of science and technology at the end of the 20th century is provocative and brilliant. Whether he’s debating the best method of averting Earth-bound comets or envisioning humanity’s postbiological future in deep space, Dyson’s intelligence and direct writing style will grip you. “Imagined Worlds” contains excellent chapters on the anatomy of scientific progress, genetic engineering, the digital revolution and near-future astronomy. Dyson excels in critical science writing that inspires and invigorates. Adopted from: http://mactonnies.com/scitech.html (March 27, 2012)

Questions: 4. What does the speaker say about the book? 5. Which of the following is NOT what the book contains?

Review Unit VI Version B Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas : XII

Semester Tanggal


Nomor Induk


Tanda Tangan

I. A.

Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer. Listening Section

The Aviary blends the old-fashioned feel of gothic horror with a hint of supernatural magic. The result is the perfect recipe for an entertaining and engaging read. Adopted: http://sbyteens.wordpress.com/2012/01/ (March 28, 2012)

1. A. B. C. D. E.

Many kinds of chocolate. The winner of a chocolate competition. Chocolate with Indonesian ingredients. A new chocolate factory which is going to be built. A chocolate fair which is going to be held in their town.

2. A. B. C. D. E.

She She She She She

has a stomachache. cannot sleep well. feels very tired. is hospitalized. has fever.

3. A. B. C. D. E.

She She She She She

was too busy. didn’t have an appetite. wanted to be slimmer. felt reluctant to eat out. wanted to save her money.

4. A. B. C. D. E.

It is brilliant. Its style is indirect. The choice of words is clever. It makes science seems enjoyable. It is required for all science teachers.

5. A. B. C. D. E.

The anatomy of scientific progress. Near-future astronomy. Genetic engineering. Robotics movements. The digital revolution. This is the end of the listening section.


: 2 (dua) : ....

6. What is the text about? A. Clara’s biography. B. Clara’s isolated life. C. The description of an aviary. D. The influence of an aviary in human life. E. A critique of a book entitled “The Aviary”. 7. Which of the following statements is TRUE? A. Clara is helped by Daphne, her feathered friend. B. Clara is the daughter of the mansion’s owner. C. The mystery of the disappearance has just occured. D. There are five people who will help Clara. E. The six Glendoveer children have disappeared from the mansion. 8. What happened to Clara? A. She was brought by a ghost. B. She was imprisoned in her own house. C. She was isolated to the ground of a mansion. D. She found an old mansion when being exiled to a dessert. E. She found an old mansion when being exiled to an isolated island. 9. “. . ., Clara stumbles upon a long-forgotten mystery involving the disappearance . . . .” (Paragraph 1) The phrase “stumble upon” means ________. A. blunder B. recognize C. come up D. find by chance E. make a conclusion The following text is for questions 10 and 11.

Reading Section

The following text is for questions 6 to 9. The Aviary Reviewed by sbyteens Author : Kathleen O’Dell Genre : Magic, mystery Looking for a creepy tale involving a mysterious old mansion, family secrets, missing children and talking birds? Your search is over. Young Clara Dooley is the daughter of a servant, sequestered to the grounds of the Glendoveer mansion due to a weak heart. Left to her own devices, Clara stumbles upon a long-forgotten mystery involving the disappearance of the six Glendoveer children. Long presumed dead, Clara will work to uncover the truth behind the tragedy, aided by her friend Daphne and five feathered friends.

Attention, please. Now, we have arrived in the park. You can go everywhere you like. If you go to the right side, you will find many kinds of birds, on the left side there will be some games such as flying fox and boating. There is also a tree house. If you go straight ahead, you can go to either the swimming pool, or the forest following the path beside it. Don’t forget to gather here at 12:30 p.m. sharp. We will have lunch and then go home. 10. Where should we go to play some games? A. To the left side. B. To the right side. C. Straight ahead. D. Near the birds cages. E. Near the swimming pool.

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII


11. Which of the following statements is TRUE? A. The birds’ cages are on the left side. B. They should gather at the place after lunch. C. They should go everywhere together. D. We can find a tree house if we go straight ahead. E. The path to the forest is beside the swimming pool.

12. Ika : ________ Onny : The song, please. A. Would you prefer listen to the news or the song? B. Would you rather listen to the news or the song? C. Do you prefer listen to the news or the song? D. Would you listen to the news? E. Shall you listen to the song?

The following text is for questions 13 to 16.

McAdam_smith @gmail.co.id

re: information request

Dear Mr. McAdam, With reference to your last e-mail regarding the current situation with the Skipton Airport Project, I can confirm the following: We successfully completed stage 2 on Monday and at present we are preparing to start stage 3. On the whole, the project is going well. We have not encountered any problems with the machinery, but there are still some minor issues with the delivery system. As was pointed out at our last meeting, the problem with the delivery system is due to the software. It is a very common software issue and we just need time to correct the code. Rest assured that this issue is being looked into and we are confident that it will be resolved by the end of the month. Please accept my apologies for not receiving a copy of the updated Project Report earlier. Please find attached a copy of the report below: Concerning your question about the post-installation support package, I can confirm that we provide both remote and call-out site support 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. This covers remote monitoring, a service every 3 months, service engineer visits and the cost of all parts and labor. With regards to your request to extend the period of post-installation support from 6 months to 12 months, may I suggest that we discuss this matter at the next project update meeting? I hope that these answer your questions. If you require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me on my cell phone, 07340 7602133. I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely yours, David Mitchell Project Manager

Adopted from: http://www.blairenglish.com/exercises/emails/exercises/formal_email_response/formal_email_response.html (March 28, 2012)

13. What is David Mitchell’s problem? A. Hardware. B. Machinery. C. Budget. D. Delivery system. E. The post-installation support package. 14. Which paragraph tells the readers abouts the copy of the updated Project Report? A. Paragraph 1. B. Paragraph 2. C. Paragraph 3. D. Paragraph 4. E. Paragraph 5.



15. What does David Mitchell say about the extension period of 12 months? A. He agrees with it. B. They should discuss it at the next meeting. C. Six months is the best period. D. They should extend it to just 10 months. E. He is going to discuss it with his team first. 16. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE about the coverage of the post-installation support package? A. The cost of labor. B. The cost of all parts. C. Remote monitoring. D. Service engineer visits. E. A service once in a month.

The following text is for questions 17 to 20. Divergent by Veronica Roth Published : Genre : Number of Pages : RAC Book :

February 6, 2012 Futuristic Realistic Fiction 487 Yes

Beatrice lives in Chicago in the future where the entire population lives in one of five factions. Each faction focuses on a different virtue: truth, bravery, selflessness, peacefulness, and intelligence. She was born and raised in the Abnegation faction, which focuses on selflessness. At the age of 16 each person is tested to see which faction they are best suited for, but each person is given the freedom of choice to choose where he or she would like to spend adulthood. If Beatrice should choose to leave her faction, however, she will rarely, if ever see her family again. When she is tested, she finds that she does not fit easily into any faction and therefore has mixed results. She can truly choose any faction she wants. The choice she makes surprises everyone and she worries she has made a mistake. Can she survive initiation in order to feel she is a true member of her faction? Can she trust the society she lives in, to create a city she feels is righteous and fair? There are many futuristic society stories out right now, but this one is a bit different and will appeal to readers who like this style of writing. Beatrice makes some difficult decisions that will affect her future, a topic many young adults can relate to. Meanwhile, there are some unexpected realizations about growing up and seeing the flaws in adults, especially those with power. As Beatrice struggles through initiation, she makes new friends and enemies as she lives in a competitive environment. In the end, the story is about society and how people treat each other, which is something young adults must ponder as they reach adulthood. The story has excitement and action and will leave readers wanting more.

17. In what faction was Beatrice born and raised? A. The one which focuses on truth. B. The one which focuses on bravery. C. The one which focuses on selflessness. D. The one which focuses on intelligence. E. The one which focuses on peacefulness. 18. Why can Beatrice choose any faction she wants? A. She is still young. B. She doesn’t fit easily into any faction. C. Her families are spread in all the factions. D. She has more than two strong points. E. She has been tested many times but still fails. 19. What are the people’s reaction to her choice? A. They feel worried. B. They feel angry. C. They feel surprised. D. They feel happy. E. They don’t care about it. 20. What is the story about in the end according to the reviewer? A. How people treat each other. B. How adults prepare themselves for their future. C. How we should be careful in making decisions. D. How people survive in competitive environment. E. How people learn from their mistakes and face the future. II.

Write a book review. You may choose your own topic.

Adopted from: http://youngadultbookreviews.com/ (March 30, 2012)

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII


Kunci Review Unit VI Version B I.

Pilihan Ganda

1. D

11. E

2. A

12. B

3. C

13. D

4. A

14. C

5. D

15. B

6. E

16. E

7. E

17. C

8. C

18. B

9. D

19. C

10. A

20. A





Contoh jawaban: Borderlands of Science by Charles Sheffield is an arresting guide to physics, chemistry and biology written by a seasoned science fiction writer. Borderlands, while a fun factual adventure for readers of any persuasion, is especially good reading for aspiring writers. Sheffield’s prose is brisk and conversational, and his book successfully balances the seriousness of science with the sheer fun it can be when translated to the medium of fiction. Borderlands is a compulsively readable refresher course comparable to the popular science works of Carl Sagan and Isaac Asimov. Adopted from: http://mactonnies.com/scitech.html (March 27, 2012)


5. Write your answer on your answer sheet. Percakapan Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Woman : I have no idea what to present in the school art performance. Man : Why don’t you display your talent in music? Narrator : What will the woman likely do in the school art performance?

Jawaban: E 2.

Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Man : Any problem? Woman : My mom called me, to say that my grandfather passed away a few hours ago. Man : Please accept my condolences. Woman : Thanks. Narrator : What is the dialog about? Jawaban: D


Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Man : What are you doing with those pieces of paper? Woman : These are the manuscripts of my short story. I am going to submit them to a local magazine. Narrator : What is probably the woman’s hobby? Jawaban: A



Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Man : Here we go. I have two free tickets to watch The Avengers. Would you please go with me this weekend? Woman : Great. I’d love to. Narrator : What are the speakers going to do at the weekend?

Percakapan dan pilihan jawaban yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Man : What do you think about this TV program? Woman : ________ Narrator : What will the woman reply? A. I hope you will be a good news presenter. B. I think it’s an educative TV program. C. I’m going to watch a movie tonight. D. I wouldn’t be surprised if the actress gets a high rating. Jawaban: B 6. Write your answer on your answer sheet. Percakapan dan pilihan jawaban yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Woman : Would you mind driving me home? Man : ________ Narrator : What is the suitable response? A. Absolutely not. Please. B. OK. See you later. C. Thank goodness. D. I’m displeased with it. Jawaban: A 7. Write your answer on your answer sheet. Percakapan dan pilihan jawaban yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Man : I’m so nervous. This is the first time I’m participating in a speech contest. Woman : ________ Narrator : What will the woman say? A. The chance is that we will win the contest. B. The speech contest is good for you. C. You’d better have a private course. D. Keep it up. You have my support. Jawaban: D

Jawaban: C

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII



Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Woman : I will hold a party to celebrate my victory in the speech contest. Would you like to be the master of ceremony? Man : I would like to, but I don’t think I’ll be able to do it. Woman : Come on. I am sure you’ll be able to do it. Man : O.K. then. When will it be held? Woman : Thank you very much. It will be on Saturday. Narrator : Which picture shows what the woman would like the man to do? Jawaban: E


Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Woman : I regret I didn’t buy the tablet. It is very cheap. Man : Well, there are still other computer exhibitions. Don’t worry. Narrator : What are the speakers talking about? Jawaban: B


Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Tulips are flowers that bloom in spring, from bulbs. Tulips are monocots and produce one large, bellshaped bloom at the end of each stem. There are about 100 species of wild tulip, growing right across Asia. Tulips come in most colours, but blue. Reds and yellows are common, but they vary from white to deep purple. There are over 4,000 garden varieties. Adopted from: John Farndon, 1000 Facts on Plants, Essex, Miles Kelly Publishing, 2002.

The point on the surface immediately above the earthquake is called its ‘epicenter’ and is thescene of the greatest destruction. The shock waves travel out from the epicenter in the same way that ripples spread when you drop a stone into a pool. Earthquakes can be so violent that buildings topple, people are killed and huge craters open in the ground. They often trigger tidal waves and landslides. Adopted from: P. Durkin, V. Ferguson, G. Sperring, Text Types Book 5 for Primary Schools, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2006.

Narrator: 12. What is the monolog about? 13. What is an epicenter? 12. Jawaban: E 13. Jawaban: A Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Questions 14 and 15 are based on the following monolog. A child who was reported missing yesterday has been found. A farmer found the boy sitting alone at a crossroads on Jalan Panjaitan this morning. He was kidnapped by a group of men while walking home from school. The child said that his body had been tied and his face covered. He also said that the kidnappers had mistakenly kidnapped him because he heard a few people express their disappointment after the kidnapping. It is thought that the kidnappers have chosen the wrong victim and then decided to return him. The police is still investigating the case.That’s breaking news for tonight. Thank you. Narrator: 14. What is the news about? 15. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE? 14. Jawaban: B 15. Jawaban: C

Narrator : Which picture goes with the topic of the monolog?

This is the end of the listening section. READING SECTION

Jawaban: E 11.

Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: North of Mt. Batur, overlooking the Petanu River, is Goa Gajah, the site of an intriguing archeological mystery. The man-made caves found here date from the eighth century and feature Buddhist inscriptions and carvings, even though Buddhists are not known to have ever lived in Bali. Above the entrance to the cave is a giant head, with floppy ears, thought by many to be an elephant of which there is also no record in Bali. This is a special place, especially if you can avoid the crowds. Adopted from: http://www.bali1.com/bali-island/bali-destinations.htm (April 4, 2011)

Narrator : Which picture goes with the monolog? Jawaban: C PART IV Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Questions 12 and 13 refer to the following monolog. An earthquake is the movement of the Earth’s crust which makes the ground shake or quake. Earth quakes usually occur when the plates of the Earth’s crust grind against each other. This causes tension in the rocks and when the tension becomes too great, the plates shift and split. These movements cause shock waves, which start deep underground.


School Examination

16. D

26. C

36. B

46. A

17. C

27. E

37. A

47. B

18. E

28. D

38. D

48. C

19. D

29. B

39. A

49. B

20. B

30. D

40. C

50. A

21. D

31. E

41. D

22. B

32. A

42. E

23. C

33. A

43. D

24. E

34. C

44. A

25. B

35. E

45. D


5. Write your answer on your answer sheet. Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Woman : Excuse me, is there a place to stay around here? Man : Yes, there is a hotel near the Kawula Café. Go straight down this street, then turn left onto Jalan Slamet Riyadi. Continue ahead for two blocks and you’ll find Grandston Hotel on the left. Narrator : What is the man doing?

Jawaban: D 2.

Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Man : What did you think of the cultural festival two days ago? Woman : For me, it was such a marvellous event. The contingents from various regions performed their traditional arts professionally. Man : Yeah, I think so. I was very impressed. Narrator : How was the cultural festival two days ago? Jawaban: B


Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Woman : Guess what! I won a scholarship to study at University of Indonesia. Man : That’s great. I’m happy to hear that. Congratulations! Woman : Thanks. Narrator : What is the topic of the conversation? Jawaban: C



Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Girl : Are you busy right now? Boy : Not really. Why? Girl : Would you please accompany me to get a bouquet of roses for mum? Today is Mother’s Day and I’d like to give her a bouquet of roses to show our love and appreciation. Boy : Okay. Wait a moment. I’ll change my T-shirt. Narrator : Where are the speakers going?

Percakapan dan pilihan jawaban yang diperdengarkan Bapak/Ibu Guru: Woman : Tomorrow will be my first day of work, at Medika Hospital. Man : ________ Narrator : How would the man respond? A. I wish you luck at your new job. B. I hope you’ll get well soon. C. I feel a bit tired of my work. D. I will visit her tomorrow. Jawaban: A 6. Write your answer on your answer sheet. Percakapan dan pilihan jawaban yang diperdengarkan Bapak/Ibu Guru: Woman : They performed pretty well. Two thumbs up for their teamwork. Man : ________ Narrator : What is the best response for the man to say? A. Sure. It’s a pleasure to be your teammate. B. Yes, I’m really satisfied with their performance too. C. You should work in harmony with your team. D. They will perform at five this afternoon. Jawaban: B 7. Write your answer on your answer sheet. Percakapan dan pilihan jawaban yang diperdengarkan Bapak/Ibu Guru: Woman : Thank you for the dinner. Man : Any time. Did you enjoy it? Woman : ________ Narrator : What will the woman probably reply? A. We shall eat out. B. No, I didn’t dine there. C. Yes, I really loved it. D. Let’s go to Aroma Restaurant. Jawaban: C

Jawaban: E

Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII




Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Man : Are you all right? Woman : Not really. I have a sore throat. Man : Have you taken medicine? Woman : I tried the herbal medicine. I drank squeezed lemon with little honey. Narrator : Which picture shows the herbal medicine the woman drank? Jawaban: D


Percakapan yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Boy : What’s that, Mum? Woman : A pudding. Mrs. Aya gave us, plus a few muffins and cookies. I will put them on the dining table. Boy : May I taste the pudding, Mum? Woman : Sure. Narrator : Which picture shows what the boy would like to eat? Jawaban: E


Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: An amphibian is an animal with a bony skeleton and skin without scales, hair or feathers. The usual kinds of amphibians are frogs, toads, newts and salamanders. When a frog hatches from its egg, it does not look like its parents. It has a round body and a long tail and is called a tadpole. As tadpoles grow, their bodies change and they begin to look like their parents. When amphibians are born, they breathe through gills like a fish, but as they grow up, they develop lungs and can live on land. Amphibians eat plants when they are tadpoles but start eating other animals and insects as they grow. Adult amphibians eat many kinds of animals such as worms and slugs and insects. Larger amphibians eat mice. Adopted from: Sally Hewitt, et al, Explore and Learn the Natural World Vol. 3, Nashville, The Southwestern Company, 2000.

Narrator : Which picture of an amphibian is mentioned in the monolog? Jawaban: C 11.

Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Once, there was a man passing through a jungle. Feeling tired, he stopped and spread a cloth under a tree. He placed his bag full of caps near him and lay down with a cap on his head. The man had a sound sleep for one hour. When he got up, he was startled to find all his caps in the bag were missing. He was puzzled as to where they could have gone. He then noticed several monkeys sitting on the branches of a tree, each wearing a cap on its head. They had evidently done that to imitate him. He tried to get his caps back. Unfortunately, the monkeys only imitated whatever he did, instead of returning his caps. He then realized that monkeys were great imitators. So, he took off his cap and threw it on the ground and so did the monkeys. Quickly, he stood up and gathered the caps, put them back into his bag and went away. Narrator : Which picture shows what the monkeys took from the man? Jawaban: A


National Examination

Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Questions 12 to 13 refer to the following monolog. The House of Representatives (DPR) and the government have officially endorsed the establishment of North Kalimantan as the nation’s 34th province. The province will have Tanjung Selor as its capital and be comprised of several regencies carved out of East Kalimantan, including Bulungan, Nunukan, Malinau, Tana Tidung, as well as Tarakan municipality. North Kalimantan will border with the Malaysian states of Sabah and Serawak in its north and west, respectively; the Makassar Strait and Sulawesi Sea in the east; and the regencies of West Kutai, East Kutai, Kutai Kertanegara and Berau in East Kalimantan to the south. Lawmaker Agun Gunandjar Sudarsa, who sits on House Commission II for regional autonomy, said that North Kalimantan would be an open gate to enter Malaysia, the southern Philippines and Brunei Darussalam. Therefore, the province is a strategic location to counter threats against the unity of the nation from neighboring countries. Adapted from: m.thejakartapost.com/news/2012/10/27/north-kalimantan becomes-34th-province.html (October 27, 2012)

Narrator: 12. What areas border North Kalimantan in the east? 13. Based on the monolog, who endorsed the establishment of North Kalimantan as the 34th province? 12. Jawaban: D 13. Jawaban: B Teks yang diperdengarkan oleh Bapak/Ibu Guru: Questions 14 to 15 refer to the following monolog. Wakatobi is the name of an archipelago and regency in Sulawesi Tenggara, Indonesia. The name Wakatobi is derived from the names of the main islands of the archipelago, namely, Wangiwangi, Kaledupa, Tomea and Binongko. The group is part of a larger group called the Tukangbesi Islands. The archipelago is located in the biodiverse hotspot known as Wallacea. It is part of the Wakatobi National Park. Wakatobi, as one of the world’s marine tourism objects, is prepared and ready to welcome you and your family with hospitality and its particular culture. Wakatobi is also home to Operation Wallacea, a UK based, non profit conservation group looking at sustainable development of fisheries and coral reef research. An independent non-commercial website has been set up about the marine park. This website contains tourist and travel information in Wakatobi, including the biodiversity, conservation and local people. Narrator: 14. What is the monolog about? 15. What is Operation Wallacea? 14. Jawaban: E 15. Jawaban: A This is the end of the listening section.

READING SECTION 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.


31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45.


46. 47. 48. 49. 50.


Kunci Jawaban PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII


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