Kunci Dan Pembahasan Latihan 1

June 11, 2019 | Author: Ardina Nur Pramudhita | Category: Life Insurance, Insurance, Financial Services, Business
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SECTION I: LISTENING COMPREHENSIO COMPREHENSION N In order to make everybody understand this TOEFL Explanation, we write this explanation in Bahasa Indonesia. If you want to pratie your En!lish, you an hat with me via toeflindonesia.om"s t oeflindonesia.om"s hattin! lub.

Pembahasan TOEFL Test ini menggunakan soal Free TOEFL Test yang ada pada www.toeflindonesia.com.. www.toeflindonesia.com Part A : 1. Man : I hear Jan isn’t teaching here this term. Woman : That’s right. She was fired. Question : What does the woman say about Jan? (A). She’s tired of teaching. (B). She was dismissed from her job (C). She’s changing jobs. (D). The school is too hot. Correct Answer : B 2. Man : Nancy, Nancy, I heard you were were late for class class this morning. Woman : I overslept and missed the bus Question : Why does the woman say she was late ? Meaning : I Overslept and missed the bus = Saya ketiduran dan ketinggalan bus (A). She got up later than usual. (B). The bus was late. (C). She forgot her class. (D). Her clock was wrong. Correct answer : A 3. Woman : I heard on the radio that the eastbound lanes of interstate 4 are closed. Man : Yes, a tractor trailer jackknifed and caused a huge pile up Question : What are the speakers discussing? (A). The weather report. (B). The traffic report. (C). Directions to interstate 4. (D). Their disgust withc areless driver. Correct Answer : B

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4. Man : What do you think of Professor Conrad’s class ? Woman : Well, his lectures are interesting enough, enough, but but I think he could choose more appropriate questions for the tests. Question : What does the woman woman not like about Professor Professor Conrad’s class ? (A). She thinks his lectures are boring. (B). She thinks his tests are too long. (C). She doesn’t like his choice choi ce of test questions. (D). She doesn’t think he prepares well enough. Correct Answer : C 5. Woman : Are you going to watch the movie on TV tonight? Man : No, Ithink I’ll watch the soccer game and then the documentary on volcanoes. (A). a movie (B). a documentary (C). a soccer game (D). a comedy Correct Answer : C 6. Man : Where did Suzanne come from? Woman : She was born in Switzerland, grew up in Sweden, and now she’s a citizen of England. Question : What country does Suzanne presently call her home? (A). America (B). England (C). Switzerland (D). Sweden Correct Answer : B 7.

Woman : Karen is entering Stetson University this fall. Man : So She She did apply. apply. Question : What had the man assumed about Karen? (A). She had not applied for stetson (B). She had not worked very hard. (C). She was certain tobe admitted. adm itted. (D). She was not likely tobe admitted. Correct Answer : A

8. Man : Why are you wearing that cream all over your arms? Woman : I ate wild berries at the picnic last week, and I broke out in a rash. Question : What does the woman say happen to her? (A). She got scratched in the wild berry bushes. (B). She got cut at the wild picnic celebration. (C). She was allergic to the fruit that she had eaten. (D). She was trying to get a suntan at the picnic. Correct Answer : C

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9. Woman : Would you please spell your name for me, sir ? Man : Sure. W-I-T-T-N-E-R Question : What is the man’s name? (A). Wiwtner (B). Wittner (C). Wittmer (D). Witner Correct Answer : B 10. Woman : I have to go out of town for a meeting tomorrow, and I need somebody to work for me. Man : Sure. I could use the extra hours. Question : What is the man probably going to do? (A). Go out of town. (B). Help the woman to prepare for her meeting. meetin g. (C). Work with the woman. (D). Work when the woman was supposed to work. Correct Answer : D 11. Man : Louie, how did your football team do last season? Woman : We won three times, lost five times, and tied twice Question : how many times did they tie? (A). 5 (B). 3 (C). 2 (D). 8 Correct answer : C 12. Woman : Do you know what happened to Sally? Man : She couldn’t find the classroom until after the class had begun. Question : What does the man say happened to Sally? Sall y? (A). She went to the wrong class (B). She was late for class because she got lost (C). She missed the class (D). She had some trouble finding the class, but she arrived on time. Correct answer : B 13. Woman : Did April visit you in the hospital when you were ill? Man : No, but it was certainly kind of her to send me flowers. flowers. Question : What does the man say about the flowers? Meaning : Jelas sekali Jane baik hati karena mengirim bunga ketika saya sakit. Choices : (A). The man is not sure which type of flowers April sent. (B). April received many kind of flowers. (C). The man received many kind of flowers from April. (D). The man appreciate April’s sending him flowers. Explanation : Kind punya 2 arti : a. baik hati, b. Macam. Pada option B dan C,

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kind berarti “macam”, sedangkan yang dimaksud speaker, adalah “baik hati”. Correct answer : D

14.an 14. an ! "illiam looked l ooked #ery tired this morning "oman ! $e dro#e %eorge&s car from %eorgia to 'ew (ork without stopping to sleep. )uestion ! "hat does the woman mean* #eanin! $ %illiam men!emudikan mobil &eor!e dari &eor!ia hin!!a 'ew (ork tanpa berhenti tidur. +hoices !

,-. "illiam slept all the way from %eorgia to 'ew (ork. ,/. %eorge didn&t sleep at all on the trip. ,+. "illiam was half asleep all the time that he was dri#ing. ,0. "illiam didn&t sleep at all on the trip. +orrect -nswer ! 0 1."oman 1. "oman ! $ow was the turn out at the meeting last night* an ! Fewer people came than 2 had e3pected. )uestion ! "hat does the man say about attendance at the meeting* ,-. Too many people came to the meeting. ,/. There were not enough people at the meeting to inspect the document. ,+. "e had e3pected more people to come to the meeting. ,0. There were not enough seats for all the people. +orrect -nswer ! + 1."oman 1. "oman !"as $arry successful at his new #enture* an ! $e spent fi#e hours knocking on doors5 but he didn&t sell a single maga6ine. )uestion ! "hat does the man say about $arry* ,-. $e sold no maga6ine ,/. $e sold only one maga6ine ,+. $e has ne#er sold as many maga6ine as he sold today ,0. $e sold fi#e maga6ine at one house +orrect -nswer ! 17.an 17. an ! 0id Frank ha#e his house repaired* "oman ! The contractor said the repair would be #ery e3pensi#e5 but he decided to ha#e the work done. )uestion ! "hat does the woman say about the repairs to Frank&s house* ,-. Frank told the contractor to do the work in spite of the cost. ,/. Frank told the contractor that the price was too high. ,+. Frank cannot afford the work on his house. ,0. Frank repaired his own house. +orrect -nswer ! -

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18."oman 18. "oman ! "hat did you do last night* an ! 2 should ha#e studied5 but 2 was too tired. )uestion ! "hat does the man say he did last night* ,-. $e studied last night because he had to ,/. $e tried to study last night but the material was too hard. ,+. $e couldn&t study last night because he was #ery tired. ,0. $e studied last night because hewas bored. +orrect -nswer ! + 19.an 19. an ! 0o you think %loria will come with us. "oman ! 2 understand she hasn&t gone to a mo#ie in years. )uestion ! "hat does the woman say about %loria* ,-. :he goes to the mo#ie e#ery year. ,/. :he hasn&t gone to the mo#ie yet this year5 but last year she did. ,+. :he doesn&t go to the mo#ie unless she has time. ,0. :he hasn&t seen a mo#ie for a long time. +orrect -nswer ! 0 ;s. $. still because she is yet . yet as a result she is still &. yet because she is still . still while she is already xplanation 1 $da = alimat dalam soal di atas! yang dibatasi dengan ata because@as a result@while. Bata ;yet; haruslah ditaruh di ahir alimat! dan ti da boleh di tengah atau di awal alimat.
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