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Honorable, the principle of SMP / SMA englishindo.com Unfo Unforg rge etabl table, e, all all teac teach hers ers and and my frie friend nds s in this his best best scho school ol,, ou ourr EN!"SH"N#$ %e lo&e. Standing o&er here, " %ould li'e to gi&e my greatest than's to Allah the Almighty, (ho has been gi&ing me and you all His Mercies and )lessings %ithout stopping days to days, hours to hours, e&en seconds to seconds. (ithout those all, %e %ill ne&er be here to listen my short but important speech. *hen, Shola%at be to Muhammad, our messenger messenger %ho has gi&en gi&en us many teachings to li&e in this %orld and hereafter. hereafter.
"n this this good good oc occa casi sion on,, " %oul %ould d li'e li'e to gi&e gi&e a shor shortt spee speech ch abou aboutt the the important of learning English. " don+t %ant to tal' too much ho% important English is because all of us ha&e 'no%n %hy %e learn much English in the class. " don+t thin' that learning English is ust to 'no% ho% to read and understand operating Handphone, computer, and many gadgets %hich all of them are usually operated in English. " ust con&ince you all that English is regarded important because it gi&es us opportunity to open the closed thing in this %orld. A lot of things are being closed because %e don+t understand ho% to open it. )y understanding English, " do belie&e that %e can open %hat %e ha&en+t opened yet. -or instances, ho% to ma'e peace in this %orld " do belie&e that peace in this %orld %ill only be achie&ed through discussion. (ars can fight against %ars because peace %ill ne&er be gained by %ars. es, only honest discussion %e %ill find the peace. -urthermore, %ithout English, the discussion is closed. *herefore, %e should understand English to open the discussion. "t is enough. #on+t tal' too much %e can gain peace %ithout 'no%ing ho% to discuss in English to stop the %ar in the %orld, do you
-inally, " do hope that %e can open all closed things in this %orld by 'no%ing, understanding and practicing English. !et us start no% because tomorro% the %ar may be o&er here. *han's for your participation, the final %ords0
Assalamualaikum Dear protocol Dear speaker And my moeslem brother Before I’m going delivery my speech, I hope all audiences to thank our God Allah SW for !e has besto"ed as abundant mercies, so, due to these "e are able to attend this peace full meeting
#urthermore "e specially send our peace and salutation to our prophet $uhammad SAW, his messenger and his servant% And I thank to protocol "ho has provided me time to speak today entitled !& '!A(A'&( !A $)&S*&$ G&+&(AI)+ ) D&&*)- B&&( I+D)+&SIA Dear moeslem brother. When "e talk about youngsters, "e often /nd in many articles and "e ourselves even "itness the great role of youth participation in developing, favoring, and supporting the development of nation % hey are the hope of nation "ho "ill carry out the struggle for sake the of brighter future of the country% Similarly they are at the same time, the hope of Islamic religion "ill strve for the sake of Islamic eaching in the ne0t, maintain the Islamic la", "ho "ill safeguard the $oeslem 1oung generation at large from in2uence of destructive "estern style of life, "ho "ill the leaders for the ne0t% It "as yelled as3 )DA1 IS 1)4+G )$)(()W WI** B& A *&AD&(% his statement encourages us to pay attention to the young e0istence in the future% By kno"ing all the facts "e reali5e, ho" important role the young have for the future% he youths supposedly symboli5e the force never become "eak 6uickly% #or this reason, the former president of Indonesia Soekarno has once said3 7GI& $& &+ 1)4!S W)4*D S!A8& !& W)(*D9% #rom this statement "e can sum up that Soekarno appreciated the young people more than the old% Why: Because they play signi/cant roles, have great potency and great energy that can be prided% Dear $oslem brothers. herefore our religion en;oins us to be 2e0ible $oslem leaders for society "ho ultimately have to devote them selves for the development of $oslems community at large% Ironically, in this sophisticated era "e "itness the conducts of young people are al"ays against the Islamic la"s% We pay attention to many young people "ho are not a "are of their education and "ill be sadder if "e see our $oslem brothers in our country behave badly and intentionally avoiding Islamic teachings to follo" "estern culture% We can not imagine and describe "hat is going to happen in the ne0t time if all the young people are careless in this responsibility% We have to be a"are that the responsibility of nation developing and religion establishing depend on us% By those considerations "e should be very cautious "ith any destructive "estern culture that "ould enter Islamic teaching%
$y brothers. *as but not the last, I should like to cal you to prepare our generation in order to be able to replace the old in the future% And I hope you and all $oslem brothers "herever they are to abstain from bad action and furthermore "e have to develop our skill and potency to reach the bright future% I think it’s time for me to /nish this speech begging your pardon, /nally I say
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