
April 17, 2019 | Author: phyllobius | Category: Sports, Leisure
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The Juttejutsu of Kukishinden Happobiken. Found on P2P. As I understand these are from the notes of an English Shihan. M...


Kukishinden Kukishinden Ryu Happobiken Jutt Juttejutsu ejutsu Kotsu In the Kukishinden Ryu Juttejutsu, the Densho says that you must master you Taijutsu, before you attempt to do the Juttejutsu. It is important to keep the hips low, and level when doing the following movement..

Kihon Stand as in Kenjutsu "Hasso no kamae" with the Jutte in the right hand hidden behind the right leg. Step forward with the left foot, and raise the Jutte so that the right arm is straight out in front of  the body with the Jutte at shoulder height. The body posture is low. Then step forwards with the right foot, and bend the right arm lifting the Jutte so that it is raised higher than the head, with the Jutte vertical. The knees are bent and the posture is low. The body turns to face the rear the legs stay the same, but the feet move to face the other way. The Jutte is dropped to the shoulder height position. Continue the rest of the exercise. The Yoko Ha is upwards, with the thumb braced next to it.

Jutte Ju tte Karada Kamae Kamae All Kamae except Muso, are squat, and low down with plenty of strwenght in the thighs \ legs. Muso No Kamae The feet are shoulder width apart, and the hands hang loosly down by the sides of the body. The Jutte is in the right hand. Muso gives the impression that you are relaxed, and do not pose a threat. Mizu Tori No Kamae The left foot is forward, and both knees are bent. Theleft hand is in Fudo ken and is just to the right of the left knee. The Jutte is in the right hand, p ointing straight down, at t he side of the right knee. The body slightly leans forward. The posture is low,and looks strong. Ichi No Kamae The body is the same as Suicho no kamae. The left hand is on the out side just above the knee. The right arm is straight out at shoulder height pointing forwards with the Jutte pointing straight at Ukes throat. Seigan No Kamae This is the same as Ichi no kamae, except the Jutte is pointinmg at Ukes eyes. Ten No Kamae The body is the same as Ichi no kamae, except the right foot is forwards. The Jutte is in the right hand. The right arm is up in front of the body with the forearm forearm vertical. The Jutte points to the rear, at 60 degrees.

Juppo Sessho No Ju tsu Ten directional attack crush art Kiri No Hitoha Leaf of the Paulownia tree Uke is in Daijodan, and does Jodan Kiri. Tori is in Seigan no Kamae, with the Jutte in the right hand. Tori steps to the right to avoid the cut. Tori the strikes the right side of the neck with the Jutte, and takes the sword hand with is left hand. The tip of the Jutte is placed under the arm. Pull on the right arm, and push the Jutte into the armpit to restrain Uke. When he strikes with the Jutte, strike with the tip. Or with the area with the area of the hook, and shove it in. Rakka Falling Petal Tori is in Seigan no Kamae, Uke is in Daijodan and does Jodan Kiri. Tori steps to the left, and traps the sword in the Yokoha Hook. Tori then steps to the right, and does a Yoko Aruki forwards with the left foot. As he does this Tori lifts the right elbow, and as he steps forward with the right foot, drops the right elbow down over the arms trapping Uke. As he does these movement Tori is turning the blade over. Tori does a right kick to the groin, and takes the sword handle with the left hand. Tori then does Yoko Aruki away taking the sword with him. To trap the sword blade the hook must point towards the eyes, and the thumb 1must be on the other side of the the hook to act as a brace. Mizu Tori Water bird Uke is in Daijodan, and does Jodan Kiri. Tori is in Hira no Kamae with the Jutte in the right hand. Tori steps back with the left foot, so that he is on the inside of the cut, at the same time he traps the sword in the hook. The left hand comes up behind the Jutte until the shaft of the Jutte lies in the open palm. Tori the steps forward with the left foot, so that he is now on the out side of the

Jodan Kiri. As he steps the left hand pushes the Jutte down until it is horizontal. The left hand take hold of the Katana handle. Tori steps back with the left foot, and steps forward with the right foot, and strikes with the Jutte to the top of the head. Gorin Kudaki Breaking the five circles Uke is in Daijodan, and cuts with Jodan Kiri. Tori is in Seigan, and steps across to the right, and strikes the top of Ukes hands with the Jutte. Uke drops the sword. Tori then does a Tsuki to the stomach, holds Ukes left hand with the right and drops him to the ground. Mawari Dori Rotating capture Tori is in Seigan no kamae Uke is in Daijodan no kamae. Tori has the Jutte hiden behind the right leg upside down so that it lies along the forearm. Uke does a Jodan Kiri. Tori steps across to the left with the left foot, and raises the Jutte up to block the sword. Tori steps forward with the right foot to raise Ukes sword up, and then turns clockwise under the sword. Tori then does a right Sokuyaku ken to Ukes hands to dislaodge the sword. Tori then places the right side of the Jutte into the neck, and grips the other end with the left hand while turning clockwise, applies a Shime.

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