Kuji Kiri Reference
May 7, 2017 | Author: razzle1016 | Category: N/A
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Nine Cuts – Nine Powers
This title is a reference to the ninja’s legendary kuji-kiri “nine-letter cut” – a grid of horizontal and vertical slashes that project our power out into the world to give a boost to our intentions to create good and diminish negative, to accel advancement and banish obstacles. Sometimes, just feeling strong and positive is not enough; you need to give your power a sound and a form to project it into action. The nine powers are deep and cannot be quickly or simply explained, but an attempt at describing these nine aspects of full self-actualization follows.
RIN Physical, mental, and spiritual strength – To be strong and vital, unhindered in body, mind, and spirit MUDRA: DOKKO IN (VAJRA) MANTRA: ON BAI SHIRA MAN TO YA SO WA KA
PYO Nervous and energetic systems at full power – To activate and actualize the bright potential in all my body energy centers. “Activated energy centers, multiple intelligence systems” – feeling your way towards winning a fight from intellect, emotion, reading the process, regulating tension, holding values, remembering past lessons. The idea is to be in a fight with your mind, feelings, perceptions, memories, senses, nerve energies, and intentions all providing subjective guidance for move-to-move progress towards winning. Sometimes we study and train so hard to learn a technique in a “this for that” sort of technical application that we lose touch with all the input coming our way that would help us make better tactical decisions in a fight. This is a series of processes aimed at waking up all the inner generators and receptors for fully energized presence in a conflict and in life itself. MUDRA: DAIKONGO IN MANTRA: ON I SHA NA YA IN TA RA YA SO WA KA
TOH Riding ki power through all moments – To follow my true path with authentic ease, and avoid extreme diversions born from seeds of depression, frivolity, and dullness MUDRA: SOTOJISHI IN MANTRA: ON JI RE TA RA SHI I TA RA JI BA RA TA NO-O SO WA KA
SHA Healing and wellness – To be whole and happy and radiantly healthy, and to be free from illness, injury, and incapacitation MUDRA: UCHIJISHI IN MANTRA: ON HA YA BAI SHIRA MA TA YA SO WA KAON NO-O MA KU SAN MAN DA
KAI Perceiving danger, finding sanctuary – To be safe and secure, and to evade effortlessly the damaging effects of distress, misfortune, obstruction, and dark influence MUDRA: GEBAKUKEN MANTRA: BA SA RA DAN KANON A GA NA YA IN MA YA SO WA KA
JIN Hearing the truth of the universe – To follow the directives of the bright way, rather than the tempting whispers of divisive passions; to receive guidance from the divine scheme of totality MUDRA: NAIBAKUKEN MANTRA: ON HI RO TA KI SHA NO GA JI BA TA I SO WA KAON CHI RI CHI I BA RO
RETS Remote viewing of distant places and times – To reach through the vastness of endless time and infinite space to access highest wisdom MUDRA: CHIKEN IN MANTRA: TA YA SO WA KA
ZAI Manifesting what is needed – To attain enlightenment as to the major questions of my life, generating the diamond legacy of exploring highest truth, and the lotus legacy of assisting all beings to realize truth MUDRA: NICHIRIN IN MANTRA: ON CHI RI CHI I BA RO TA YA SO WA KA
ZEN Eliminating the influence of enemies – To vanish from the sight of all that is divisive and diminishing, and rise from the dark and teeming confusion of birth and death to realize the direct experience of unified oneness with all MUDRA: ONGYO IN MANTRA: ON A RA BA SHA NO-O SO WA KA
JUJI symbolizes the intention of what’s to happen - Putting intention into action. To manifest intention in the physical realm reinforced by everything that ever was and ever will be. To project intention out into the world with a personal signature of sorts. Focused intent backed by everything the individual was, is, and will ever be. Represented by crosscut on grid or in writing as 5 point star AH - UM
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