Kryon FAQ _1

May 30, 2016 | Author: funstuffrocksbig | Category: N/A
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Kryon Frequently Asked Questioned - Collated...



Welcome to the Kryon Question and Answer Index! Each of the below words or phrases is linked to a specific question within the archive lists. When you click on the subject, you will be taken to the appropriate archive. The appropriate question should appear on your screen. Be aware that sometimes the subject you have asked to find is dealt with within the answer, not within the question. Since this is a cross-referenced list, there are many subjects that can be stated many ways. This helps find answers, but it also means that there are many duplications. Important: Use your browsers "back" button to return to this list

A Course in Miracles Abortion About the current Pope Accidents (1) Accidents (2) Accumulating Karma Addictions Addictions and compulsiveness Adultery Advance planning - appropriate? Advice for this year? Affects of the new magnetic alignment? Africa (1) Africa (2) Agartha and Shamballah Age makes a difference? AIDs Aliens interested in our power? (also see ET) All life part of God? (in the Universe) All life part of God? (in the Universe) Allergies - increasing? Altering your body surgically Always in the state of love? Alzheimers - Comas - what's happening? Alzheimers - How can we help them? Am I a Lightworker? Am I an Indigo child? (Letter from Turkey) Am I Lemurian? Am I losing it? Am I really channelling Kryon?[1/29/2014 9:46:20 AM]


Am I shutting down? American Indians Ancient civilizations Ancient healing practices Angelic hierarchy Angels Animals Animals - their death Animals - their reaction to us Animals - treatment of Appendix - what's it for? Archangels Architecture Are some of the other channellers a sham? Are the poles going to shift? Areas not to live in? Armageddon averted Art Bell Show w/Kryon? Art on the other side of the veil? Artifacts of the ancient past Ascension Ascension channelling by Kryon (1) Ascension channelling by Kryon (2) Ascension & duality Asteroid Chiron Astral projection appropriateness Astrology question (1) Astrology question (2) Astrology - the way it works scientifically Atlantis Atomic Phasic Displacement Attributes of Kryon Australia Autism Babies crying in the womb Balance & Harmony - maintaining Bali Bankruptcy Battle between old and new Been there, done that? Beginning contracts Bermuda Triangle Bible Code Bigfoot Bio-electric feedback device Biological changes Biology on other worlds - divine also? Biophotons Birth - premature Birth process Blacks in metaphysics Breathing Buddha and Christ Can I channel Kryon? Can I lose weight?[1/29/2014 9:46:20 AM]


Can someone have a double chakra? Canada Can't feel anything Can't see guides. Where is proof? Catholic Church's problems Cerebral Palsy Chakra colors (new) Chakras - more than 7? Change of guides Change the past by what you do now? (1) Change the past? (2) Channelling ourselves? Chanting Hebrew Names of God Chanting Mantras Christ and Buddha Circular time Circumcision Changes in biology Changing a life-time disease Changing DNA Changing role of Lightworkers? Channellers - lots of them! Cloning Co-creation (1) Co-creation (2 Co-creation – how do I know? Coffee consumption Co-creation - Greed? Comas - Alzheimers - what's happening? Communes Communication with our guides Communities of like-minded Completed soul - what is it? Conflicting History Confused on the path Conscience vs. soul Contracts (life) Contracts (again) Cooler part of earth is better for enlightenment? Cosmic Lattice physics question Course in Miracles (1) Course in Miracles (2) Created in His image Cremation Crime Crop Circles Crying during channelling (ref 1) Crying during channelling (ref 2) Crystal children Dark entities Dark Force energy Dark side - if its "us," how do we void it? Darkness of Humanity (41) Dead Sea Scrolls (1) Dead Sea Scrolls (2)[1/29/2014 9:46:20 AM]


Death Death experience (about) Death rituals Déjà vu - meaning of Depressed! Desire for fame? (5) Diabetes Did my karma get worse? Diet - which one? Differences in religious opinion Difficulty co-creating Difficulty understanding Kryon science Dinosaurs - are we related Direction of the head while sleeping? Disappearing abilities Discipline in Children (11) Disease - change it? Disease in Africa Disengaging from your kids Disoriented? Divorce DNA - Can we "see" changes? DNA - Was it altered in the past? ...also see Pleiadian intervention DNA - Activation by chanting? DNA Change DNA change. How do I know? DNA with ragged edges Do Fairies exist? Do we have the Temple of Rejuvenation now? Do we remember? Does Kryon exist? Dolphins and Whales Does Lee read other channels? Doing the right thing Donating eggs Double chakras? Dowsing Drastic Earth shift? Drawing from other information Dreams (1) Dreams (2) Drug use Drugs - transplant Duality Duality & ascension Duality - it fights you Earth - Hollow? Earth axis shift? Education - the future of Egg donation Elderly - helping them in hospice Eleven-Eleven & The Harmonic Convergence EMF Balancing Technique EMF Balancing Technique in prison[1/29/2014 9:46:20 AM]


EMF from power lines? Emotions while reading Kryon Energy healing and "feeling" energy Energy of distraction? English language Enlightenment vs power Entities of darkness? ET’s of the future ET's – Part of the divine? ET's on Earth (1) ET's on Earth (2) Everything just got bad! Evolution Evolution of culture Experiencing the true-self Explaining God to children Fading energy? Failed attempts at moving forward Fallen angels Fatigue syndromes Fairies Feeling "stuck" Feeling energies fade Feng Shui question Fibromyalgia Fidel Castro Fifth dimension (1) Fifth dimension (2) - can we go there? Fighting injustice Food allergies Forest destruction Fred Sterling Free choice - discussion Free will on Earth (1) Free will on Earth (2) ...also see Friend in prison Friends - loss of Future ET’s Galactic Councils General advice for this year? Geographic Area - affect you? Geometry - sacred Geothermal pressure build-up Getting information to the public Ghosts Giving Intent Glastonbury question Global warming Gravity and matter God - proof of existence? Going to the next step? Greed - co-creation? Grid completion and timing Grid line changes of Earth?[1/29/2014 9:46:20 AM]


Grief of a lost one Group - personal? Group energy (personal group) Guide change Guide questions 2001 (ref 1) Guide questions 2001 (ref 2) Guide questions 2003 (1) Guide questions 2003 (2) Guide questions 2003 (3) Guides – all American Indians? Habits (original contract) Hair coloring Hair loss Hall of records Hard concepts of Kryon science Harmonic Concordance Harmonic Convergence and the 11:11 Harmony Harmony & Balance - maintaining Harry Potter Hauntings Healer intuition Healer's frustration Healing of children by parents Healing modalities 35 Healing with magnets Health and ph balance Hearing voices Heavy karma Helping the elderly in hospice Higher-Self Higher-Self vs Soul Hints for co-creating Hitler and the Holocaust Holding pills for effect Homo floresiensis Holding the light Hollow-earth theory (1) Hollow -earth theory (2) Holy Bible Homosexuality Horror films House of Biology (The Journey Home) How big is God? How can I know to move or not? How can we love ourselves? How do I know what old ideas to toss? How do we proceed with ascension? How do we really relate to others in the Universe? How many spiritual families are there? How many stars? How to help those with mental disorders Human - magnetic field? Human - soul Human as a "group"[1/29/2014 9:46:20 AM]


Human Beauty - a discussion Human cloning Human consciousness affects earth Human death Humans - are we all doing work or just some? Humans - fallen angels? Humans - many developing fatigue syndromes Humans - the only parts of God? (1) Humans - the only parts of God? (2) Humans - very small ones just discovered! Humans without afterlife? Human organ transplants I don't believe in Kryon I feel very alone Ice age coming? Illuminati Immunization question Increase in crime? Indigo children and Star children Indigo children in Toronto? Indigo Goat? Inert gases and magnetics Injustice - reaction to Insomnia Integrating "your" group Integrity of bankruptcy Intent Intent - defining Interdimensional life in air & water (1) Interdimensional life in air & water (2) Interdimensional time (ref 1) Interdimensional time (ref 2) Interdimensional tools International language in the future? Intuition Intuition of a healer Is Bigfoot real? Is everything part of God? Is it possible to have no soul? Is Kryon leaving in 2002? Islamic Jahad. What is a Lightworker to do? Israel. What's happening? Jehovah’s Witnesses Jerusalem Jesus Christ Jewish ceremony Jews – why are they here? Jews (1) Jews (2) Joseph Smith JR Tolkein Trilogy (ref 1) JR Tolkein Trilogy (ref 2) Jupiter, second sun? Kabala & Hebrew names Karma - Positive karma?[1/29/2014 9:46:20 AM]


Karma - next time around Karma accumulation? Karma and the Implant Karmic clearing Kidnapping - more than usual? Kinesiology discussion Kirael Kissing Koran - discussion Kryon - an ascended master? Kryon - does he give 48 steps? Kryon - doesn't help anyone? Kryon - leaving us? Kryon - part of what organization? Kryon - long answers? Kryon - pronunciation Kryon - what do you do when you're not working? Kryon attributes Kryon has left the building Kryon in Africa Kryon's name (ref 1) Kryon's name (ref 2) Language, limiting? Lazy in co-creating? Leaders who believe theirs is the only truth Lee Carroll - Is he sick? Lee Carroll - Not in integrity? Lemurian energy? Lemurians - definition Ley line changes of earth? Life contracts Life sucks. What can I do? Light - attributes of Light - holding it Light - sending it (1) Light - sending it (2) Light - sending it (3) Light and sound Lightworker - What is it? Lightworkers - changing role? Living in the "now" - throw away advance planning? Lonely Lord of the Rings (ref 1) Lord of the Rings (ref 2) Lost sun? Love - what happens to it when its given? Love of self Lucifer Mad Cow disease Magnetic affects on animals, birds, mammals, amphibians Magnetic grid and whales (also see above) Magnetic fields - personal? Magnetic Grid finishing Magnetic healing Magnetic healing devices[1/29/2014 9:46:20 AM]


Magnetic mattresses Magnetics near the equator Mantra Chanting Magnetic products Magnetics - scientific questions Magnetics - scientific question Magnetic secrets Magnetic water filters Mary Magdaline (1) Mary Magdaline (2) Massless objects Mel Gibson Movie Melting glaciers Menopause (1) Menopause (2) Mental disease and how to help Merkabah breathing technique Metaphors - why use them? Metaphysical explanation of Déjà vu Metric system - do we need it? Microwave ovens and energy Middle East Minerals. Do we have a relationship with them? Mistakes - & our affect on the Universe? Mitochondreal DNA Money question Moon landing – hoax? Morality within a marriage More Chakras than 7? Move or stay? Movie - The Passion of Christ Mt. Shasta 2003 channelling from Kryon Mt. Shasta - eruption ahead? Muhammad and martyrdom Multiple birth souls Multiple Personalities – Walk-ins? Muscular Dystrophy Music (1) Music (2) Musician – being one My friends left Narcolepsy National park geothermal question Native traditions Near death experiences Need to train , to heal? Negative paranormal activity Nesara Neutral Implant Neutral Implant – changes? Neutral Implant – what happens to Karma? (17) Neutral implant results New Chakra colors? New Ice age coming? New World Order[1/29/2014 9:46:20 AM]


New Zealand No attention to Africa? No Indigo children in Toronto? Non profit - okay? Not all life is eternal in the Universe Now-time - a discussion Nudity Number 144,000 Numbers.. seeing them over and over Old energy healing? Old scriptures - toss them? Old soul - definition Old soul - more discussion Old Testament prophets On the right track? Oneness - Does God contemplate it? Oneness - keeping it during divisions of politics Only planet of free choice (1) Only planet of free choice (2) Only planet of free choice (3) Organ Rejection Organ transplants (1) Organ transplants (2) Organization of Spirit? Organized religion in coming years Other channelled material Other intelligent worlds? Oxygenation Pain – why it is allowed by God? Parallel lives Parenting Parents healing their children? Parents who murder their children Paying off debt Pendulum use in dowsing Perception - God’s or yours? Personal shielding Pesticides Physics – Time Physics questions Planet X (special article - click at left when you get there) Plants ward off magnetics? Pleadians Pleiadian intervention Pope Pope - the new one Popularity of certain movies now (2003) Population increase Portal changes? Portals - new Portugal Positive Karma? Power lines (1) Power lines (2) Power vs enlightenment[1/29/2014 9:46:20 AM]


Prayer Predisposition - a discussion Premature births increasing? Premature birth - general Preoccupation with physical appearance Problems with the throat Proof of God? Prophesy about what is happening now? Protection for Lightworkers? Pure Intent Purpose of life on earth Pyramids QRS system (1) QRS system (2) Questions to ask of Spirit? Ragged DNA Redesigning the body? Regeneration (body) Reiki (1) Reiki (2) Reincarnation (1) Reincarnation (2) Reincarnation cycles - explanations Relationship with minerals Relative time Remembering your "oneness" Reptilian agenda Restrictive belief systems Revenge - how to void it Reversal of vasectomy Rewriting the old textbooks (1) Rewriting the old textbooks (2) Right/left handed Ringing in the ears (1) Ringing in the ears (2) Rods - interdimensional life Role of science fiction Ruth Montgomery's pole shift Sacred Geometry (1) Sacred Geometry (2) Sacred Geometry (3) Sacred sex Sai Baba SARS Satan Scalar waves - dangerous? Scalar waves Schizophrenia (1) Schizophrenia (2) Science - light/time/etc. Science fiction Scrolls - the other ones Sedona energy Seeing numbers over and over Seeing sparks[1/29/2014 9:46:20 AM]


Self-worth (1) Self-worth (2) Sending the light Sensitivity to everything! Seth Sexual energy Shakespeare (1) Shakespeare (2) Shapes that are sacred Shark attacks.. Related to grid? Shasta energy Shielding - personal Shift in Earth's axis? Should I have children? Silicone implants Sleep - lack of it Society evolving Sociopaths Solar flares Solar System Soul - is "no soul" possible? Soul Soul splits? Soul mate Soul vs Higher-Self South America question Space and Time Space secrets Space-time and reality Special waters Speed and Vibration (difference) Speed of light Spirit doesn't reveal everything Spiritual growth challenges Spirituality, do we keep it the next time around? Spreading the word Star children Staying in an inappropriate place? Staying in pure intent Stem Cell research Stem cells Stem-cell comment Substance Intent Suicide (1) Suicide (2) Sumatra earthquake - man made? Sun activity Tachyon Energy Tai Chi Chuan & Qigong Talking to your cells Temple of Rejuvenation The "web" as channelled by Thomas - Is it the Grid? The 5th Dimension The Australian fires The Bermuda Triangle[1/29/2014 9:46:20 AM]


The Bible code - old vs. new God The big picture The Book of Mary The "new war" The Catholic Church's problems The Circle of reality The Course in Miracles The Devil The future of education The grid system map? The Higher-Self The Hollow-earth theory (1) The Hollow-earth theory (2) The Holy Bible The Human soul The Journey Home book The Kryon name (ref 1) The Kryon name (ref 2) The magnetic grid The meaning of life ...also see The Name of Kryon The New Jerusalem The population bomb The puzzles of Kryon The Reconnection The Reiki system The singularity illusion The Sphinx The state of love The test of Earth 1 The test of Earth 2 ...also see The Third Language - developing Theology class discussions Theory of relativity Throat problems Throw out the old books? Thymus (1) Thymus (2) Thyroid Time and physics Time being circular Time secrets Time speeding up? Timing of new projects in 2003 Transplants (organ) Treatment of animals Truth - only one? Tsunami and animals Tsunami effects Twin Flame Twins and triplets Universal Life Universe - our affect on[1/29/2014 9:46:20 AM]


Universe - the shape of it Universe - What is beyond it? Urantia Book USA - frustration Vaccinations (1) Vaccinations (2) Vasectomy reverse Vertigo Violence - ever okay? Voiding the darkness in duality Warning about being deceived by fearful information Voices - hearing them Walk-ins Walk-ins – Multiple Personalities? Wearing the wrong colors? Weaving Weeping in joy Weight loss help Whale suicide? Whales and dolphins What do I need to know? What does the name "Kryon" mean? What happens when we are finished? What happens when you die? What old beliefs do I eliminate? What questions do I ask? What to do with challenge? What's life all about? When does life start? ...also see When to use power or when to wait for God Where did we come from? Where did we come from? Where does everyone come from? Who is God? Who is "with us?" Who to pray to? Who’s in charge? Why are Kryon answers so long? Why are we here? ...also see Why not more Blacks in metaphysics? Why channel in parables? Why do we create? Why doesn't Kryon help anyone? Why doesn't Spirit reveal everything? Why is pain allowed by God? Why not the Art Bell show? Wicca Why to babies cry in the womb Wingmakers William Shakespeare (1) William Shakespeare (2) Women channeling Kryon? X-rays used in Law enforcement[1/29/2014 9:46:20 AM]

ARCHIVES - Index[1/29/2014 9:46:20 AM]

kryon-Q&A 3rd Quarter2005

UPDATE: 3rd Quarter 2005

(1) QUESTION: Dear Kryon: When I chant mantras I know they affect my body, but can they also affect the bodies of my horses, dogs and cats? I play different mantras 24-hours a day on our horse farm (chants like ‘Lumen De Lumine’, ‘Om Mane Padme Hung’ and ‘Om Nama Shivaya’). I was also wondering, can these chants help raise the vibration of the Planet as well? I sure hope so, because this is my humble intent; even though the main reason I use them is because they make me feel good. ANSWER: All toning and sound vibration has energy. When you combine it with intent from Human consciousness, it is very powerful. Don’t spend too much time on the details of exactly what notes or what mantras you use, for these details are only there to keep you pleased that you are fulfilling a system. Humans love systems and respond well to them, but following a system isn’t necessary from the perspective of Spirit. It’s true that almost everything around you, including your body, has specific tonal attributes. However all Life around you will respond even if you don’t say or sing its specific frequency. This is because the intent of your actions is seen as a “carrier” for all the tones. So, even if – through your lack of knowledge or vocal ability – you miss the note, the intent carries the correct note at an interdimensional level. This is true with the mantras you mention. They are only powerful due to the intent that you place upon them and the words that you feel are meaningful to you. The animals respond to the same energy. They feel the intent and they like the vocal sounds you make. They wouldn’t care what language or what mantra. Do you see the power that your own Human consciousness has on nature and everything around you?

(2) QUESTION: Dear Kryon: You've said that there is power in voicing the Hebrew names of the DNA dimensions you are revealing. Can we activate the consciousness of this DNA within us by voicing a prayer or chant? Is this how the voicing should be used? ANSWER: All the Hebrew characters and many of the names of God in Hebrew have energy connected with them. When spoken, they carry an energy that Gaia responds to. (By the way, voicing the Lemurian language would be even better if you knew it.) But these things are not really needed for any Human to become enlightened, or for any Human to activate their DNA or move to another level. They simply are part of a massive tool box of energetic attributes that are on Earth to help you in your balance. The only reason DNA would respond to any sound at all that you make, in any language, is because of the intent you place around it. No character or word in any language has a power of its own. The voicing of any word is powerful when combined with what you know about it, what it means in that language, and what it means to you. I know this is not what some wish to hear about these things, for there are many who establish[1/29/2014 9:46:28 AM]

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energetic attributes to words and tones all by themselves. As though you might we walking along minding your own business, hear one of these, and be affected. The real science behind toning ancient words reveals that true power comes when you combine the toning with a consciousness of action. So it’s really a meditation technique and not just saying a sound that is going to somehow magically help you. So the answer is that these things indeed talk to the DNA when sounded out and spoken. But it must be accompanied with intent. All toning is this way, and you can receive benefit both in listening only, and in participating, as long as your intent is placed correctly. The most powerful sounds being given today are derived from the ancient ones, even older than the Hebrew. These sounds were developed for your biology by those who could “see into the DNA,” and therefore knew what would best balance you. So the answer to “how” is given yet again… with intent!

(3) QUESTION: Dear Kryon: Are there helpful death rituals that one can do to help the after-death journey of those who have recently died? You mentioned that it takes three days for a soul to leave the Earth. What can loved ones do during these three days? ANSWER: Release the idea that these souls are somehow in the dark, needing your prayers. They are not. When they leave you, they are on a well worn path of energetic transition. Believe me, they are busy with their own transition, and wouldn’t know what you were doing anyway! The three-day journey is not as much a distance journey as an energy journey. Interdimensionally, they are moving out of 4D and being reintroduced to their natural state. Much is going on for each, for it is a reintegration of their God-self. The very best thing to do for a departed one is to help those left behind. Hold a celebration of their life! Hold a “remembrance meeting.” Consider the rituals – the ones for the Humans in sorrow and not for the departed. The departed are fine. It’s those left behind who need the energy of your ceremonies.

(4) QUESTION: Dear Kryon: Is the "death" experience a quick "falling into" a 5th dimensional frequency? Also, if this is so, do those entities continue to ascend into higher frequencies or do they return to the Earth plane to become Indigo children and physically help others here? ANSWER: All of that and none of that. How do you like that answer? You don’t, I know. Examine the question for a moment. See the box it is in? You are stuck in a limited Human perception and can’t see the big picture around you. Therefore you ask questions about an interdimensional journey as though it was within your own neighborhood. You are attempting to define the consciousness of deceased entities using terms that are numbered and assuming that a timeline is involved. These are all within the scope of what happens as you perceive it, but this perception is very naïve and not equipped to describe the true process. When you leave your pet in the morning, what do you think is their thought process around what’s happening? Do you think they ponder your day’s itinerary? No. Their perception is no larger than missing you! It really is that big of a difference as you ponder what must be happening. First, each soul is unique. You can’t assign a generic “this is what happens” kind of process to all of them. Second, there are no “levels” they pass through as you see it. There is no hierarchy on the other side of the veil. This type of linear system is used only for the sake of helping Humanity to understand. Interdimensional[1/29/2014 9:46:28 AM]

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things cannot be numbered, placed, sorted, or labeled. They simply don’t work that way. You wish to sort different color and sized items into bags and boxes so your mind can easily consider them. But now try it with something invisible and without physical form, such as a gas! Can you sort a colorless, odorless, invisible gas into boxes? No, you can’t. And that, dear one, is just how difficult it is to truly answer a question such as yours… one that was asked intelligently and in love, but with a perception that is limited to your reality. The “death experience” is a transition of energy to an interdimensional attribute. It has no place or time. Humans want to know what happens after death, and in trying to understand this, they describe the transition of energy within an Earth timeline. It doesn’t happen that way. If you knew the truth of it, it would be too confusing to ponder. Let me give you just a small glimpse of just how confusing: You think your past lives are all lived one after another, don’t you? Think again, for your perception is that time moves in a linear direction. On our side, it does not. Therefore, what if a “past life” was really simply “another life” and didn’t follow a time-line at all? Confused yet? The “death experience” is shrouded in mystery for you, and should remain so. For too much information would not only be very confusing, but would lead to yet more religions on your planet… something you don’t need right now.

(5) QUESTION: Dear Kryon: I play guitar and have a great desire to be a rock star. Although there is no guarantee of this happening, I wish to aim for this goal. Hopefully financial security will come as a part of this. In addition there is a potential for fame and adoration from others, which is also very appealing. After having read Kryon books 1 and 5 and now reading book 6, I find that I am being told this would be an incorrect route to take as it is filled with negatives such as Greed and Ego. Can one be a Light Warrior and also have the desire for fame? Is it right for me to follow my desire and passion to become a famous rock star? Can fame and fortune be in any enlightened person’s contract? ANSWER: Fame in itself is an inappropriate goal, for it is an attribute that helps no one but the one who desires it, and it is a product of Human ego. However, perhaps this is not what is actually going on in your life. You may indeed see into the potentials for your life and see fame. But it will be the result of your abilities, the passion you have with your music, and it won’t stand alone as a goal. For Spirit can use famous people. The pitfalls are great, but a balanced one can achieve and accept fame with grace and maturity, and go on to be an even a greater musician due to it. Think of what a famous Lightworker rock star could do! The Universe would love that! So it isn’t a “no-no” as you might think. When done with integrity, ego control, and professionalism, fame can be a giant help to thousands of watchers. For the famous one can then live a life of light, showing others something they never thought could exist. How does the famous one treat others? How does the famous one deal with the media? How does this famous Lightworker handle money? You see? If you are indeed watched all the time by the public, just think of what you might show them when you live a balanced life with a balanced ego. Here’s a fact: If such a thing could happen, the famous one becomes more famous! For Humanity loves good talent combined with a balanced ego. They would love you and wish to know more about how you did it. Then you get a chance to tell them.

(6) QUESTION: Dear Kryon: I know that you have touched on the subject of guides many times, I understand our guides are as a soup and are all together. Why is it that guides are usually portrayed as[1/29/2014 9:46:28 AM]

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American Indians when seen by mediums or drawn by psychic artists? Surely we can’t all have guides that are American Indians. Or is that how we would like to think – that we have an American Indian as a guide – so that is how they are seen? It seems like an ordinary non-exotic person is never portrayed as a guide. ANSWER: You really answered your own question. It’s cultural and specific to your country. American Indians are seen as good guides for Humans; and Americans can relate well to the idea of a Native American guide. Therefore guides are drawn that way by many. This same thing – Human bias – happens in other areas as well, areas that you never think about. For instance, you draw angels with skin and wings. They don’t have either one; but in a Human culture, they have to. So that’s a Human bias. One of your most popular masters [Christ] was Jewish, and had strong Middle Eastern features. Yet he is drawn as a blue-eyed blonde in many of your paintings. A European artist might draw your guide to look more like a biblical character, and an Asian artist might draw monks. Each one is culturally influenced. But indeed, all this is as it should be, for no Human can really draw a guide at all. But you can appreciate and love the process, nevertheless.

(7) QUESTION: Dear Kryon: I have read all the Kryon books and have been studying spirituality for years. Recently I came across "A Course in Miracles" while at the same time reading the book "The Disappearance of the Universe." Now I am in a quandary. It seems to me there are a lot of similarities to your material; but also there is much that is not in alignment with the Kryon material. “A Course in Miracles” (ACIM) says the ego is responsible for our problems, this world is an illusion and therefore all in it is illusion. ACIM states that God did not create this universe but we did through our minds/ego by way of separation from God. The ego keeps the perpetuation of this universe going. My question is should I follow this and start a study of ACIM? Is this "when the student is ready a teacher will appear"? Or is this something to distract me on my path to enlightenment? ANSWER: Why are you surprised that other sources sound like Kryon? I represent Source and therefore these things should be everywhere. We have given you much to ponder and consider in our writings. When you encounter differences, we encourage you to study anything that appeals to you, then use your own discernment to decide what to do with it. But at the same time we try to give you guidance within your discernment that you might not have thought of. When you are faced with other materials that are very different, make your decisions based on these things: 1. Does it magnify the Human Being or tear him down? Human weakness is all part of the test. So the question is: does the study show how the Human can get above the details and create a divine goal? If not, then what’s the purpose? 2. Beware of any study or process that wishes to limit your power, or the potential power of Humanity to create peace on Earth. If the study keeps you suppressed or teaches you that only “others who are stronger than you can do it,” then run the other way. 3. Does the study exemplify the emotional self and speak of the power of love? Beware of anything that is so intellectual that the emotional self is seen as a weakness, for this is not so. Just remember: God is LOVE. And JOY is a product of that love. Therefore, you are an emotional creature as well as an intellectual one; and the balance of the two is the key to an enlightened self.[1/29/2014 9:46:28 AM]

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4. Does the study require you to give away anything that makes you nervous? Remember: God will never ask you to go out of your own integrity. Dear ones, there are many roads that lead to an enlightened Human. If, along the way, you differ in the details (what happened when, or how; or who did what, or when…) this doesn’t matter to God. What matters is that you eventually discover the magnificence of the Human potential and move into balance, live a longer life, and create light for this Earth of yours. The goal is a higher vibrating Earth, and a Humanity that does not have to suffer to be there. The goal is to achieve mastery so that your life clearly shows the love of Spirit in everything you do.

(8) QUESTION: Dear Kryon: Our world involves excruciating pain and suffering, and even "lessons" that we choose in which we hurt each other. How is this justified? How does God/Source feel about this? Why is this allowed? ANSWER: First, God is not in charge of your world, dear one. You are. The sooner you realize that, the better. Therefore, there is no “allowance” of anything. The energy of Earth is what you have created through free choice. Now… all my work to this point has been in explanation of this. You live in a duality which is free to claim any energy it wants to, without interference from the outside. That’s why it’s called a test. This has been given you many times: The reason for the suffering and hurtful behavior is because, up to this point, you have chosen a lower energy of existence. That is what is changing regarding the great shift. Your prophesied Armageddon future didn’t happen, and much of what was supposed to be next, is also not happening! You have changed the future and are moving upward to a higher energy and a lofty goal of peace on Earth. All our teaching have therefore said: Behold the changes! Don’t be afraid to hold light for this, and hold your ground. We told you the weather would change, and it did. We warned you about big storms, magnetic variances, and earthquakes. All these have now happened. They were not punishments by God, but rather movements by Gaia due to your own vibratory changes. Therefore, again we tell you to take responsibility for what you have created and move on now to balance it, eliminate what is obviously inappropriate, and roll up your sleeves! As we see it, your recent history is now showing that this is well underway. There is much good news here, but you won’t see it on your media. Don’t despair. You are changing things greatly. Know that this might take generations to accomplish, but you are the forerunners and have already made a difference.

(9) QUESTION: Dear Kryon: Does the walk-in theory have anything to do with multiple personality disorders? ANSWER: No, it does not. Walk-ins are those who have a contract with others to share the space of what you would call a soul, in a balanced manner that does not show itself to anyone. One of them spends the time growing up, and the other comes in quickly when it’s time. This is a system which allows a very quick return of a soul, much quicker than the process of reincarnation. Conducting a walk-in is an extremely efficient way to return to Earth, eliminating the time usually necessary to grow up when a soul reincarnates. Normally walkins have a specific task or work to continue. This system is very beneficial to all of you.[1/29/2014 9:46:28 AM]

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(10) QUESTION: Dear Kryon: I understand that the Pleiadians had something to do with our DNA and adding a star seed. I also connect them to the "giants" of biblical lore who mated with men/women. You say we needed them for our development, and I'm asking why. What type of ancestral source are they? Are they still working with us? ANSWER: Yes on all accounts. The Pleiadians, a group from the Seven Sisters star system, were needed to alter your DNA, which was done fairly recently (100,000 years ago). You were at that point where you were beginning to develop many kinds of Humans, just as most of the mammals of Earth have done. The first thing they did was to stop the development of all the branches of Humans but one… the kind you have now. The second thing they did was to alter the genetic code of the Humans who would be the core race. This alteration would create a genetic “imprint of God” in each of you, since they carried that too. Their system is NOT “In lesson” as your Earth is, and they live life much differently than you do. Your Earth existence is about free choice, and where you will take the energy of Gaia. You have a mission here in this part of the galaxy, and it’s very different from theirs. They knew what to do for you, since they are of divine origin and this is part of their existence and purpose. This is difficult to explain to you, since you see everything with a Human perception. The Pleiadians are not like you, for you live in a condition of old and new energy, on a very young stage. They have actually gone through their own tests, and are now serving the Universe in other ways… including the seeding of other “Earths” to come. However, they are very much like you in many ways. When you finally meet them, and you will, don’t be surprised if they look very much like you. And yes… they are still interested in what happens here on your planet; but they are not interested in intervening with your path. They approach you with a truly loving spirit.

(11) QUESTION: Dear Kryon. You mentioned that ET’s visit us to learn from and try to duplicate that piece of divinity they do not have. You said that just as I am certain that I am part of the divine, many of these ET’s are just as certain that they are not a part of the divine. If our experience involves the duality of being divine and not knowing it, what is theirs? What is it like to know for a fact you are not part of the divine? What is their life like? Do they know joy and love? Do they have intuition? ANSWER: Don’t Humanize them! It’s time to change your perspective. If you were blind and came upon a race of those with sight, you would not know what you were missing. You would only know that the others had a power to sense what was in the dark. You would not be able to relate to the concept of sight. So your assumption that they know they are without divinity is incorrect. All they see is your power, and they will do anything to have it. They have no idea where it comes from, or that it has anything to do with divinity. They don’t have any concept of divinity and if you could explain it to them, they still wouldn’t understand it. Many races in the Universe are simply biological for the balance of all. And many of these have no souls (as you call them), no divine plan, and no place in the choice of “dark and light” balance. Humans have all of these things. Some of you will say this is not fair, or may not understand how intelligence and intellect can exist without God. It can. It does, and when it sees you, it is awestruck with what you can do (things that you don’t even see in yourselves!) Some of these beings have technology which is higher than yours, since they are much older. Do they have joy? Yes. So does your dog, right? But it is not the “joy of God.” Do they have intuition? No. But they have intelligence and logic, much like insects do. They are NOT like you. And they are dangerous if you simply let them into your life. But they won’t have a chance to hurt you if you stand up to them with your mental force. Dear ones, it’s time to alter your limited perception of the universe. Does everything have to be like you? Allow for a tremendous variety of life. Look at what Earth has. Is all the life on Earth the same? Do you place[1/29/2014 9:46:28 AM]

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upon the rodent, the same attributes as the Human? What about the lion or the fish? NO. Each has a different purpose on the Planet, and you even eat some for your life’s sustenance! See the Universe in the same way. It teems with life, and there is variety beyond your imagination. Not all Humanoids have intellect, intuition, or love. They are placed very far away from you so that you don’t have to interact with them; so that you can instead concentrate on the “business before you.” 

(12) QUESTION: Dear Kryon: I read a book some thirty years ago that when the body dies, the silver cord is severed. If the body is cremated before the silver cord is severed, the spiritual body suffers pain. What is the truth in the current energy? Do we still need some days to allow the silver cord to sever? ANSWER: Dear one, the “silver cord” is a metaphor of the interdimensional connection of Human and Higher-Self. In the new energy it is now PART of the Human, and the connection is no longer what it used to be. Think of it like this. In the older energy, in order to take your power you might have needed an extension cord to connect you to the power socket of God. Now, in the new energy, you ARE the power source. Therefore the entire silver cord metaphor has graduated into something far grander that is filled with promise. And, by the way, there never was a “severing process.” When you pass on you have a reunification process. The body is just a carcass… nothing more. Your essence is reconnected to the Cosmic Lattice of God, and is again whole. Believe me, you don’t miss the Human body, and don’t ever even think about it. It passes from your being just as the birth sac – your home for nine months – passes from your consciousness after you are born. It’s no more important than that.

(13) QUESTION: Dear Kryon: I would like to know about Hitler, the truth of the Holocaust, Agartha and Shamballah. Do they have any connection with Atlantis and Lemuria? ANSWER: Dear one, Hitler existed to fulfill prophesy about the Jews, and to push them into a place where eventually they would have their own land. The Holocaust was every bit as horrible as history says it was, and is an example of the evil that is within every single Human Being on the planet. We have told you that "the devil and the angels in heaven all reside within each of you." You got to see it clearly with the Holocaust. Agartha (Hollow Earth): This is an interdimensional attribute of the planet and is NOT 4D. You will not find Humans inside the Earth. But multitudes of life are there and they are interdimensional. This even includes the Lemurians of Mt. Shasta, and many more. There is always a tendency for Humanity to "4D-ize" everything you feel intuitively. Much of what is here is real, but in a multidimensional state. Shamballah: Your perspective might differ, but let us say that this is the name of the core healing energy of the Universe. Many are discovering it and calling it many things. All this is appropriate, for its name is not important. What is important is that you are now using it!

(14) QUESTION: Dear Kryon: When I read the article in “In the Spirit” Magazine by G. Kumar, I wonder if such a thing can happen. A New World Order where all control is in the hands of "benevolent guides" and there is no such thing as currency or boundaries etc. I don't think any one on Earth is capable of being given that much power and remaining free of corruption. We do not see this in government today; no matter what level you examine, from local governments in small communities to the United Nations. Also, it saddens me to think of no countries or cultures, everyone just sort of the same.[1/29/2014 9:46:28 AM]

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ANSWER: What if…. Just what if… this is a description of an Earth in 10,000 years? Can you move off the perspective of “what you see today makes certain things impossible tomorrow?” This description of Earth is an Earth which has passed beyond its initial purpose and has moved into something that other planets actually now have, many of which have civilizations far, far older than yours. It speaks of melded cultures and great wisdom. If you really take a look at your history, you are seeing much the same effect on Earth. Where was the English language 1,000 years ago? Now it’s a “world standard.” 200 years ago, each culture had its own music, now the entire Earth participates in all music. You see this same principle working, but it’s far too slow for you to acknowledge it.

(15) QUESTION: Dear Kryon: I think Joseph Smith [founder of the Mormon faith] was shown something by Spirit, but may not have understood what he was seeing. He speaks of three levels of heaven. Is that the truth; or was he looking at different dimensions and just didn't realize what he was seeing? He says people cannot go from one level to the other; and I do not believe this is so. Also, is there any truth to his idea that a ceremony must take place for families to be together after we leave this Earth? If it is true that we are all part of a greater whole when not here, then what was the truth of what he saw? ANSWER: Joseph Smith had angelic help, and what he saw was all metaphoric. This is the way Spirit shows Humans the interdimensional aspects of attributes on the other side of the veil. No Human can understand what they see, since their perception is simply not able to cope with something that is outside of their experience. So Joseph did his best to put it together, and yes, he says interdimensional things which he then attempted to put into 4D (your dimension). He also needed to add to scripture, in his opinion, to bring it up to date. It’s not much different than the writing you see now! (Kryon smile). We showed Joseph the many souls waiting to be born… a wonderful picture of what you call reincarnation. He only perceived one side of it, however, and never saw it as a circle, something that takes a perception that is way beyond 4D. So you might say that back in an older energy, he tried his best to create a four dimensional construct from his vision. Like many prophets, he was killed in his own land before he could adjust his concepts, study them more, or receive even more messages that might have made them more succinct.  And… like most prophets, a following developed anyway, based on half information which they considered whole. This following has now grown into a religion and millions participate in it. This is no different than Islam, Christianity, or Judaism. All are only part of the truth, but celebrated as the whole truth by fundamentalists who won’t look any further than the information from the past.

(16) QUESTION: Are you the “Paul” part of the Christ entity that Seth said would return in this century? ANSWER: No. That energy is what is being poured into you as you give pure intent.

(17) QUESTION: Dear Kryon, what can you tell us about the process of being born, from the perspective of the other side of the veil? What steps does a soul have to take to incarnate once again? ANSWER: It’s a process so grand that you cannot conceive of it. Remember, being a Human is not your natural state! So when you are “Home,” the journey of being born into Earth is like “going to work” in the[1/29/2014 9:46:28 AM]

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morning. Sometimes it seems that your days are very short, but you go willingly, and lovingly, in all appropriateness. Even those who have the potential of an early death, or of a tragic death, go willingly and with joy. Death is not seen as anything more than a transition… opening one door and closing another. Humanity is a grand experiment, and you can hardly wait to get “back into the play.” Now, I told you that you wouldn’t understand it. It’s beyond the scope of your perception. Take away time, distance, and linearity, and you have what you call heaven. When you come to Earth, everything changes within what you “think” is real.

(18) QUESTION: Dear Kryon, you talk about being in our contracts, and finding the "sweet spot" in our lives. I have been searching for my sweet spot for a long time, and feel that I may have found it in music. I am not a musician, but love going to concerts and sharing the experience of "linking" with the energy of the crowd and "playing" the music through the musicians. The energy that is channeled or created is the most wonderful, amazing and powerful energy that I have ever felt in my life. Does that mean that I'm in my sweet spot? It has occurred to me that this energy could be directed or focused on areas/people that need it. Is this appropriate? ANSWER: Yes, dear one. YES! Music is vibration, and it speaks not only to your ears but to your heart. It can heal, change, and create physical material changes – even within the DNA – through the power of Human emotion. Keep on in your sweet spot, and learn to bring this to others.

(19) QUESTION: Dear Kryon: I was at work today and several of my fellow employees were talking about parents who murder or do other horrible things to their children. I wasn't really listening to their conversation; but suddenly I had this thought in the back of my head: maybe these parents are doing these things to these babies because of the new energy. Or, in other words, the parents are of the old energy, while the babies are Indigo Children and of the new energy. When the two energies come together, it sometimes has bad results. This is just an idea I had, but it makes sense to me; and I would like to know your thoughts on it. ANSWER: There is more truth to this than not. It is not a subject that we like to speak of, since there is so much sorrow connected with it for Humans around it. Suffice it to say that energy works in many ways, some seem inappropriate, but are needed just the same.

(20) QUESTION: Dear Kryon: I read in a spiritual article that Fidel Castro's mission is to show how to do things without money, that this is the reason why he and the tropical revolution have been kept alive. Is that true? If not, then why didn’t Cuba change when Eastern Europe changed? Has Fidel Castro been working for the light or is he a part of the old energy? ANSWER: This leader is of the old energy, but was needed for the time. The real reason was to bring the Soviet Union close to your shores in order to help with the year 2000 Armageddon scenario that didn’t happen. His earthly masters would have played a very important part in Cuba with the nuclear war you didn’t have. That’s the whole reason, and now he exists as a relic of what didn’t happen. His society is poor, and the culture is not elevated or pleased with itself. This energy will change soon… sooner than you think. Then you will see a Cuba that has been “hiding” for a very long time, and also realize the unbalance and cultural[1/29/2014 9:46:28 AM]

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richness that has been there all along.

(21) QUESTION: Dear Kryon: My question is regarding Sai Baba. I, myself, have gone to visit this man in India and I see masses of people crowding to him and worshipping him like a God. I have no doubt of his enlightened discourses and many of these teachings I agree with since he says that each person is God. However, what I can't understand or relate to is the fact that he allows people to worship him in such a manner. Masses of people kneel before him and he raises his hands to offer penance to whomever he chooses. He allows pictures of his feet to be taken, which he knows will be displayed in people's homes for them to worship. His devotees believe in self-empowerment and the God-within but believe that Sai Baba is God incarnate - surely a contradiction! I have heard of people regurgitating powder in the name of Sai Baba and have heard many talk of honey dripping from his pictures. But what is the point of this? How is he teaching people to become their own God if he is showing them miracles that make them feel inferior before him? Who is this man? Is he truly an Ascended Master as he claims to be? If so, then surely his way of teaching is of the old energy, where we look externally for someone more powerful than us. Thanks! ANSWER: Sai Baba is a current Master (not Ascended) walking the Earth. He is real and yet most westerners do not even know about him. His DNA is activated to a point that he teeters on actually leaving the Planet. He can manifest “something from nothing” and has the gift of healing. Do not judge what all this looks like, for in your culture (America) the “worship” attitude looks trite and out of place. However, consider the culture he is in (India), and the consciousness of the people around him. He does not wish to be worshipped and his message is not one where he demands it. No masters wish this. But the culture of India is far different than yours, and the people there are comfortable with this mode of learning. Disengage yourself from your perception of what it looks like and be wise in the differences between the ways Humans must find God. For them, this is the way they choose to listen and learn. For you, it seems inappropriate. Know that the western world could learn a great deal from Sai Baba, but will wait until after he is gone to validate him. Then he will begin to be a symbol of enlightenment for many, like so many masters who have to pass on to have their real work known.

(22) QUESTION: Dear Kryon, did America actually go to the moon? ANSWER: Yes, dear one, they did. From Lee: This is a question we have seen before, and I wish to weigh in. There are many web sites and conspiracy groups that are convinced that we did NOT go to the moon, and that it was a hoax. Some of the “proof” is actually very laughable, with seeming NASA photos that show how the hoax was done. These photos are not from NASA at all, but are made to look like NASA photos in order to perpetuate the drama. Despite all those who are convinced that the moon landing didn’t happen, so much that they would make up stuff to prove it, there are some very obvious things that show that a hoax of this kind simply could not have occurred, especially after all this time. Some have said that the lousy TV picture was planned, and that it shows we needed to hide what we were doing and make the quality poor. Anyone who says this was not alive to watch it! They are locked into what TV is now, and have no concept of what was going on then. Our TV back then was good, but only if you had 50,000 watts of power on a hill! The LEM (Lunar Exploration Module) was broadcasting on only about 5 watts (or less) and represented one of the first attempts at remote TV from space... 240,000 miles away! Also[1/29/2014 9:46:28 AM]

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remember that Neil Armstrong landed the LEM with a computer that has a fraction of the power and technology present in today’s Ipod! It was so bad that he disengaged it to land (use the force, Luke!) In other words, our technology back then was very, very low. We had big rockets and brave astronauts, but no computers to speak of, and very little automation for this task. Today’s generation can’t really imagine an Earth without all the gadgets. But the truth is, in 1969 we just didn’t have them yet. Things to think about. 1. First… the big one. Remember what was happening back then? The Soviet Union was also trying to beat us to the moon. They had probes, even some capsules that crashed on the moon, (perhaps manned?) They were possessed with this lunar race! They had radar, satellites, and their best optic technology pointed at the moon when we were about to land. They also had a monstrous CIA-type group that spies and trys its best to uncover western deception. If it had been a hoax, they would have shouted, jumped up and down, and had the greatest publicity coup of all time! They would have been the first to know, and would have immediately told the Earth of the USA deception. In other words, you simply couldn’t have kept it from the Soviets. Even if they suspected it, it would have been front page news. They will still do that today! They are very proud of their technology. 2. Thousands were involved in the moon landing project, yet not one has come forward with credible “whistle blowing” information proving that it was not real. In an age where secrets can’t be kept for even a few hours, this is very telling about the fact that we actually did it. We would have had many come forward by now. 3. Thousands of amateur Astronomers all over the Earth were viewing the LEM capsule as it disengaged from the orbiting “Mother ship” and landed. They also saw it later rise from the moon’s surface and rejoin the orbiter. For this to be a hoax, they would all have to have been “in on it.” This stretches the imagination of conspiracy. 4. In the same vein, many countries participated in tracking this event and saw it all happen. They also would have had to be “in on it” and not talking after 40 years.

(23) QUESTION: Dear Kryon: I am an Orthodox Jew living in Jerusalem. I have been following your channellings for several years now, having read many of the Kryon books, online channellings, and Q&A archives via the website. I have a deep drive to uncover basic truths of reality, physical as well as spiritual. This is one of the reasons I have also studied Jewish philosophy and Kabalah. I can say that what attracted me to your teaching at first continues to attract me today; and that is the feeling I get of it being Truth, both in a physical (scientific) sense, but even more so in a spiritual and ethical sense. That having been said, I have some points of significant disagreement, at least ostensibly, and I would very much like to be enlightened about them. Not that they would negate the “99% plus” that I agree with; but still they are bothersome and some have ramifications in whether I should take action or remain inactive. A frequent theme mentioned in your channellings as well as in the Q&A is the irrelevancy of existing prophecies. In one Q&A you ask (rhetorically) if ANY existing prophecy describes what we are seeing today (implying that none does), and you go on to say that all existing prophecies are irrelevant now that the energy has shifted, etc. My question is: what about the Old Testament prophets like Isaiah and Ezekiel who in very many chapters, alongside prophecies of doom to Evil forces (Edom, Gog, etc.), also prophesize about "Wolves grazing with Lambs", "Knowledge of God covering all as water covers the ocean", "Death tears being a thing of the past", "Swords converted to plowshares," etc. (All of this is loosely translated from my[1/29/2014 9:46:28 AM]

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memory of the Hebrew). Another issue arises in the context of “Question 1” (I emailed this question to Lee a few years ago, but the answer I received wasn't very satisfactory. Perhaps you can satisfy me this time...). The question is:  “What is the role of the Jews in the enlightenment of the the World?” Although in your teachings you refer many times to the fact that the Jews are special and intrinsically different, up till now (to the best of my knowledge) you haven't given them any special role as a group or as collection of individuals. On the other hand, prophecies of Isaiah and Ezekiel, as well as compilations based on them such as RAMHAL's, give a major role to the Jews as a whole and to their leader (the Messiah, King David, Scion of Yishay) or leaders (the Seven Shepherds) as the factor of divinely inspired leadership, continuing enlightenment, priests and etc. ANSWER: From LEE: Thank you for this fine question. First, Kryon has said that all past prophesy regarding the specific path of Humanity is moot. This would be in the form of the quatrains of Nostradamus and the specific timeline of the New Testament Book of Revelations. There is no prophesy existing that told of our 9-11 event, or the demise of certain dictators, etc. This is the kind of prophesy that is contained in Nostradamus and Revelation. There is an overall prophesy, however, of the goal of Earth. This overall prophesy exists in both Jewish and Christian scripture, and also in many of the eastern philosophies. So there is a difference between a “timeline prophesy” and the kind of prophesy that consists of “wise words of what is possible on the Earth.” You might even say that the Sermon on the Mount (The Beatitudes) also falls into the same kind of encouraging energy that is found in Isaiah and Ezekiel. It's all from God, and the messages are the same. The answer as to why the Jews are here? What role do they play? This was answered in the three channellings given in Jerusalem on October 27, 28 and 29, 2005. At this writing, they may not all be on the website, but the plan is for them ALL to be posted there. The answer? The Jews are now commissioned with the task of bringing about the impossible: Peace in their land. Now you can understand why Kryon has said, "As go the Jews, go Earth." The challenge in front of them is to create a new paradigm of coexistence within a very complex situation. When this can be agreed upon, the core reason for hating the West will be disengaged. Hate is easily perpetuated when it is fueled, but it stagnates when the reasons are removed. You might say that the entire fate of the Earth is in the hands of the Jews. Now… perhaps the Old Testament description of why the Jews are here begins to make more sense? They are not alone! But they must muster the strength and the wisdom to get out of the role they have played for centuries, and begin to put on their "hero" hats. Kryon even gave them a political prophesy. But I'm betting you were there to hear it, huh? Blessings to all of you in Israel! LEE CARROLL   Submit Your Question To Kryon updated every quarter.. or so (we try)[1/29/2014 9:46:28 AM]

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UPDATE: 3rd Quarter 2003

QUESTION: Dear Kryon: 1. I recognize that you thought it important for where we're at now to know that we don't have "2" or "3" spirit guides, but rather, an infinite (metaphorical) energy soup of them that act as one and change composition from time to time. My first question is "Why is it important for us to know that the old '2 or 3' metaphor was inaccurate and that the new metaphor is more accurate?" 2. My second question is: "Don't clairvoyant people 'see' 2 or 3 guides?... what are they seeing if not guides"? 3. If guides are more appropriately called "energies" rather than "entities," are there still nonbiologically-based life forms that are "entities"? 4. Are angels such entities or if not, how would you describe angels relative to guides? 5. What are archangels relative to angels? 6. More recently you said that some of the guide energy is with us for the duration of our earthly life cycle and other parts of it change composition. But, in the more further past, you mentioned that during larger vibrational increases we go through, there is a guide change for 90 days during which they "go quiet." So, my questions on this one are why is it necessary for them to go quiet? And, why 90 days? And, I assume that they're "still there" just being "quiet" rather than truly disconnected from us, right? And what "triggers" this "go quiet" period? ANSWER: Dear one, 1. It's important for you to know that you can't count the guides so that you don't "hang your hat" on them, name them, and depend on who you think is 2 or 3 entities. If a Human does this, it keeps them from experiencing the reality that there is far more than what they think. It keeps the Human restricted in his sight. 2. Clairvoyants see the top layer...the ones who are doing the most help at that moment, and the ones who the Human needs the most at that time. That's also why Auric photography (energy photography) differs from day to day. It's the "guide soup" at work, changing what you need. 3. Our definition of "entities" is any energy which has a consciousness that is equal or above to what you would consider Human. Yes there are many non-biological forms called entities in addition to energies[1/29/2014 9:46:33 AM]

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called entities. Here again, we have the problem of your 4D propensity to compartmentalize almost everything to a singular source. This is very understandable, and honored. But a true interdimensional being knows that there are no hard "walls" to any consciousness and therefore the idea of assigning names or even personalities to interdimensional beings is limiting and misleading. 4. Angels are interdimensional beings just like you, but who contain their entire "group" in their awareness and comprehension. They have no duality and they have no biological expression. 5. Archangels are angels who have the energy of many angels. They are not "higher" or "lower" despite the name. They are not "in charge" of anything either. They are instead filled with the energy of many of the pieces and parts of the other angel entities. This makes them seem like they are more important. They are not. Think of them as communicating stations or "hubs" of energy transference that are more easily accessible to the whole. They exist to help bring groups of energies together for those who can't think out of 4D. They also help in the organization of energy that is needed in the Universe. ** 6. With the implantation of permission to ascend (the implant) there is a one-time shift in the guide energy. It's related to the activation of the third layer of what you call DNA. What you call "going quiet" is process that you will relate to only metaphorically. It is the changing of the guard. It is that moment in space and time where one temple is torn down and another has its foundation laid. It is variable from Human to Human and also relates to your fears and allowances. It's a one-time change, and it's profound. And no... your assumption that they are still here is only partially correct. The guides actually leave. You are NEVER alone, however, but what remains during this changing of the guard is far less than what you are used to. When the great master of Love thought he was near death, he called out to the "family" and thought they had forsaken him. He instead was experiencing this exact thing. Even the master was upset with this shift. In his case, it lasted 90 minutes. In most cases it is 90 days. The "9" is completion, and is significant in energy. ** [From the Kryon office] Here is a discussion on the definition of Archangels from Ronna Herman, world renown channel for Archangel Michael: "The great Archangels represent the individualized aspects, attributes and qualities of the Supreme Creator. They bring forth the fuel, or project the "love nature" of the Creator. The Elohim, builders of form, project the mental aspect of the Creator, and are the cocreators of manifested worlds using universal Light substance. They are projectors of primal life. One explanation would be that the Archangels and the Great Beings of Light carry a greater amount of "God Essence" and we are refracted facets of these great beings. Each of the seven major archangels of our galaxy embody and radiate particular aspects, qualities and virtues of the Creator. Example: AA Michael radiates the First Ray of Divine Will and Power Each archangel and ray overlights humanity and the Earth in 2,000 year cycles. The predominant rays at this time are the Seventh Ray - the Ray of the violet transmuting flame - ceremonial order, freedom, redemption and purification, and the First Ray of Divine Will to Create is the secondary influence. The Angelic Host of this universe came forth under the direction of the twelve great archangels who came from the Great Central Sun. They are the link between humanity and the Creator The archangels are the messengers who bear the Divine Decrees of God and come forth in greater force and number to interact with humanity during times of great change/evolution." Ronna Herman – Channel for Archangel Michael – [][1/29/2014 9:46:33 AM]

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QUESTION: Dear Kryon, what exactly are the 144,000? In the Bible, Jehovah Witnesses use the term to let us know that only 144,000 Jehovah witnesses will be saved, etc. ANSWER: Does it make sense to you that in an earth of over 6 billion Humans, that only a fraction of those would be saved from eternal damnation? How does that play into the infinite love of God? However, If it serves those who believe it to do so, then honor their free choice. They are looking for the same divine answers that you are. However, at some point "spiritual common sense" has to also be honored for you to perhaps consider an alternate: The number 144,000 is a metaphor for energy of spiritual ascension. It is 12 times 12,000. This, of all things, should give you the answer. Our discussions of the twelves is legendary and will not be repeated here. You will see this number in many places. It isn't a literal number of Humans or entities, or days, etc. It is instead a "pointer" to you of what certain energies are on the planet, and the sacredness of them. It is especially pertinent to the new Crystalline Grid energies, and what is taking place in this new energy. After all this time, it's now more important than ever to understand that much of channelling and scripture is given in metaphor form. The reason should be obvious now that we are beginning to broach the interdimensionality of your essence, your matter, and your spiritual structure. You live in 4D, and the universe around you is in 12D and beyond. Anything out of 4, however, is a mystery. Time is not time, and reality is multi-layered. Past, present and future are combined, and there is no linearity. Therefore spiritual information is often given in numerical energetic code. Your DNA has the same thing, as someday you will see.

QUESTION: Dear Kryon: I have been communicating with my body and cells for 25 years. It is with great joy that I have read the indications you yourself have given about that. I have read the recent science that confirms the electromagnetic properties of cells and particularly of DNA, but I have found little information on Biophotons. These are the coherent, laserlike, but ultraweak, pulsating photons that emit radiation found in cellular DNA in all life forms. These Biophotons provide the avenue of communication between the cells throughout an organism. Is this what you have been talking about? ANSWER:Dear one, you are on the right track. Not only do biophotons radiate messages between cells, but they are also one of the strongest attributes of what many in your science are trying to identify as the "Human consciousness field." They are also part of the energy of what some see as the Human Aura.

QUESTION: Dear Kryon, in book 9, you mention that the collective conscious train slowed down on the track (even though we weren't noticing the time differences). Why did we slow it down if we are speeding up? Are we attempting something else on the track? ANSWER: We are again dealing with metaphors, are we not? They are often difficult to explain, since we are describing interdimensional attributes to you. Since time is relative to what you perceive, and what is around you, let me set a stage that you may or may not understand: Let's say you are speeding away from earth (an old reality) at a tremendous speed, close to your 4D speed limit… one that changes the time frame of YOU. Now, if you had a video camera back on earth, and you could look at what it shows (which you could not… but pretend).. the screen you have with you would show earth slowing down. In your space ship, you would perceive your time as unchanged, however, since it's relative to your own speed. Everything in the old-reality (the old track) on earth would seen to be slowing down, as you retreated from it at almost light-speed.[1/29/2014 9:46:33 AM]

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When we told you that you slowed down, it was the old realty perception, looking back, as you sped up! This is difficult to explain and to understand, so instead of pondering the details, instead ask yourselves: Have you felt any speedup in time in the last three or four years? If so, then celebrate it and use these feelings for validation that indeed you have changed tracks of reality. The earth is a different one now… one that you have shifted!

QUESTION: Dear Kryon: I am changed forever as a result of your channelling and I am so grateful for being here now. I am a little confused by what is meant exactly by 'giving intent'. To me it's an odd use of the language. So far I've interpreted this as intending honestly to have something change... or giving permission to accept truths or gifts. It would help if I had this clarified. ANSWER: It's more than intent, or honesty or giving permission. We have defined it as "Pure intent." This energy has been described and explained many times. It's not "passive intent," or "angry intent." It's the core of your passion… when your very being resounds with it. It's the energy that Abraham had in his hand, in the parable story where he was poised with the dagger, ready to sacrifice his son. This is "Pure intent." It's when you are on your knees before God, and it's just you and the Universe. It's driven by a spiritual engine that can't turn back once it has been given. ** ** Intent is explained and referenced in the Kryon books: Intent - (Bk 2) pages 87, 119, 133 Intent - (Bk 6) pages 20, 41, 42, 44, 46, 48, 68, 88, 100, 109,163, 169, 185, 189, 253, 272, 276, 290, 307, 377 Intent - (Bk 7) pages 59, 98, 177, 239, 322, 382, 413 Intent - (Bk 8) pages 80, 117

QUESTION: Dear Kryon: As I am a long time fan of Kryon, I remember having read information about coming epidemics. I just would like an update on SARS. What is the meaning of it? Why and how did it emerge? What can we learn from it? Do we have to protect ourselves or do we have to trust our immune system that we can cope with it? QUESTION: Dear Kryon: Can you tell us a bit about the new SARS virus, the origin of it and whether a cure will be found? It seems to be creating quite a big problem in Asia (and many other countries) and we hope the situation will improve soon. ANSWER: SARS is no different than AIDS in that it will be found to have arisen from roots that have to do with the destruction of your natural resources. Although it may seem obscure now, some day this fact will be shown, and SARS will be traced from those areas where forests are being wiped out. Unless Humanity wants to experience new diseases that they will have to fight with increased difficulty and great Human sacrifice, they must understand that there is a balance going on in the forests of earth that must remain untouched. These areas have been balanced systems long before Humans came here, and they won't be harmful if they are left alone. If, however, you invade these sanctuaries of ecology, viruses that have remained in balance for eons, will now discover Humans. Can it be cured. Yes. And so can AIDS. But even after these are cured, each virus will be a surprise, and research will start all over for each of them. Instead, why not honor the forests and let them be! QUESTION: Dear Kryon: Are microwave ovens really bad for our bodies? ANSWER: Yes, don't ever get in one. [Kryon humor]. Microwave energy is dangerous to your cellular[1/29/2014 9:46:33 AM]

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structure. Period. In whatever form it is presented in your science, including transmission for communication, it's dangerous. There is no reason to throw away the science, instead, understand it and devise protection that is appropriate. As to the microwave oven, you would be better advised to know what is happening to the food you ingest that has been cooked with it, rather than being afraid of the oven itself. Microwave energy removes much of the nutrition from anything cooked with it. It's not the same kind of heat you would have from a fire. Therefore our advice has always been to use these ovens sparingly and not as your prime source of heat for cooking. My partner says popcorn is okay. (smile) QUESTION: Dear Kryon: Have the ley lines changed because of the shift in the grid? If so, how will we know their location now? I would like to know whether Stonehenge, Avebury, Glastonbury etc are still on the same ley lines or are they different? Or is this "old energy"? ANSWER: The answer is a large YES. If you have followed the recent channellings of 2003, you will know that we are discussing these very things. Even nature is responding. [See "about whales" on the Q&A Index page] Some areas of earth are being removed from the role as "portals" such as Sedona Arizona, and some are being enhanced, such as Mt. Shasta. This also goes for England. Glastonbury is being enhanced. Stonehenge is not. Go see for yourself. There is much teaching to come here. [See the channelling in Mt. Shasta:]

QUESTION: Dear Kryon: This question is with regards to sexual energy. I understand that this energy is sacred, however using it in a sacred way has proved to be a great challenge. In an environment that manipulates this energy in varied and conflicting ways, advertising, pornography, classical religious doctrines, alternative meditative practices, abstinence, celibacy, monogamy, polygamy, etc. What are the new age guidelines/practices to use this energy sacredly when a partner is available and when one is not? How does this differ for a single person, a married couple, male and female? ANSWER: This answer has never changed. You have free choice to do whatever you with this. Since it can be used for anything from fear based religious control to sacred life-giving love, do you understand that it is something that will always be a measure of energy on the planet? What are the new rules? The same as the old ones: Treat it as sacred, change yourselves, and thereby change the energy around you on the planet (Again, the parable of the tarpit is in order). When other Humans see the enhancement provided by adding the sacred attributes to something only seen as biological, they will have the option to follow suit. The end result is a change of consciousness on the planet. There will always be this balance, since sexual energy is also so related to so many other things that create lessons, drama, and turmoil. But the more it is discovered within a spiritual framework instead of a solely biological one, the more those around will change what they have perceived it to be. Any powerful energy on this planet of yours can be used to create or destroy. This is the duality of your existence, and is the playing field of free choice.

QUESTION: Beloved Kryon: I have been feeling an energetic expansion in the area of the thymus. I[1/29/2014 9:46:33 AM]

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remember that I'd read something about the thymus but don't remember what. Will you please tell me about the expanded role of the thymus and whatever else I need to know about it? ANSWER: [From the Kryon office] Please see Kryon book 9, pages 45, 83, and 332 for a discussion of this wonderful question. An excerpt: Kryon Book 9, page 83: "There is a strong metaphor for what is happening to your biology and consciousness. You are moving from a paradigm that involves your immune system to a paradigm that now involves the thymus. What did I just say? I'll tell you: The immune system identifies the enemy and fights it. The thymus identifies the enemy and harmonizes with it. From fight to harmony, that is the theme of this next 12-year period. It involves consciousness, biology, politics, and even physics. Watch for harmony in all fields of science--things that will start making sense and dovetailing one with another. Kryon Book 9, page 332: Dear Kryon: As we begin to experience interdimensional energies, what changes are occurring in our physical body, especially to the pineal and thymus glands? How will these changes manifest in our day-to-day reality (if at all)? What symptoms might we experience as we hold more light? Eventually you'll find an awakened thymus. This may be noticed in about a decade, if at all. As to what symptoms you might experience? Not all of them are positive, but neither are they as you grow up: You might experience occasional headaches, ringing in the ears, unusual sleep patterns, being overly tired (sometimes), an increasing awareness of the feelings of others, increased sensitivity in certain situations in crowds, a change in musical and/or art preferences, and a realization that some of the friends you've selected may not serve you anymore.

QUESTION: Dear Kryon: Why am I so profoundly physically and emotionally affected by the energy contained in your books? Why do I often cry and feel a tremendous ache in my throat when reading. I do not feel unhappy, in fact, quite the opposite. This response even happens when I read responses to questions on your web site. Also, will this profound emotional response settle down with time? ANSWER: [From the Kryon office] Please see the keywords: "Crying during channelling" on the Q&A index page: This profound emotional response may never settle down with time, any more than you will ever get used to looking at your children with love. It is inherent in the process of love between us.

QUESTION: Dear Kryon: I understand we have amnesia about our origins. I even understand why this is necessary. My question: After death do we experience amnesia re this life experience? If we do, even in part, it would make this Human-struggle seem even more frustrating. Why would we return if we remembered all the pain, struggle and frustration experienced as a Human? ANSWER: No. After a period of adjustment, you have the mind of God. You remember everything, and see the whole picture clearly. Your wisdom is strong, and you can often hardly wait to return. This may seem counter-intuitive to what you now consider pain and struggle, but you don't see it that way when you are complete. The duality only hides who you really are, and the grand plan, when you are on the planet. When you are in your natural eternal state, you are part of the planning of the universe itself…. a creator of energy and grand master of love. Your decision to return is based on your love of the universe, all that is in, and the few moments of time, called "another Human lifetime" that is takes to come back and further change the only planet of free choice, called the "earth." There has been much discussion of this in our channeling over the last decade. Go find it. You will be[1/29/2014 9:46:33 AM]

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surprised to see just how much is there for you. (See the channelling from Philadelphia, July 27th 2003.)

QUESTION: Dear Kryon: I'm in the process of donating my eggs and I'm seriously questioning what I am doing. Are there any consequences to the child? Is this child my child or the child of the family that I'm donating to? Is this the child that I have a contract with that should be born to me and raised as my child? How will this affect the future children that I have with my partner? ANSWER: Long ago you made agreements to do this, and now here it is. What you do here may be the sacred passion that you have always had to bring others to the planet that otherwise would not have the chance. It's not about biology. God is not in a vacuum concerning these things. There is no punishment, or karmic payment. There is nothing but sacredness in your decision. It doesn't affect any of the things you mentioned, all of which are concerns of misunderstanding of the real principle at work here. If this is your passion, then do it. It will result in a completion of a contract that you are well aware of. Your partner, if truly understanding, will also know of this. Don't think biologically. Think sacredly. Part of what you "know" will be passed to a Human Being that needs it. Did you think of that? This is the miracle of DNA… all the layers of it.

QUESTION: Dear Kryon: I have just started reading Book 9. So much of what I read re-emphasizes many things I have felt or thought. However, although I was raised Jewish, I am not practicing and have always questioned whether or not God really exists. I am very uncomfortable when people start talking about "their" God. I don't believe in going to church or temple. My husband and I are more agnostics - or even atheists at times. So, I am torn when you start talking about God. I am not sure how to feel about that even though there are so many things you talk about that I do believe are true. Please help me to understand what you mean by "God." ANSWER: First, know this: You are honored for whatever you choose to believe. There is no judgment about your wishing to distance yourself from God. However, why does the Kryon information resound with you? Are you ready to admit that perhaps there is more than is seen? The answer is "yes" (as you know). So what is it that is unseen? Could it be that you have been here before? If so, was there a plan? If there was, who designed it? What you are reacting to (this is personally for you) is that you have spent so many lives on this planet knowing "the truth," that the organizations you see around you, all disgust you. You are not ready to "join" anything. This, dear one, is what happens to those who are old souls and come back to this planet with full spiritual recall. You run from anything religious! You throw up your hands and are frustrated that nobody seems to understand. The reason? You know who God really is. Time to take stock of what "GOD" might mean. What if it meant, YOU? What if there were a grand collective family, of which you were a part? What if the word GOD meant "The collective of angelic beings, some of whom are on earth, who comprise the whole of sacred energy of the universe?" What is GOD meant "Angels disguised as Humans for awhile?" Humans often "see" GOD as the benefactor in the sky… filled with judgment. Heaven and Hell are words used to control behavior, and in order to gain early control, many religions have you "born dirty" with no[1/29/2014 9:46:33 AM]

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chance for redemption. To an old soul, this is reprehensible. God is so much bigger than any of this. The truth? You are GOD. Want to know more? Read our communication to you which became "The Journey Home." It gives you an entire parable about the discovery of this very thing. [Kryon Book 5] Know this: You are sacred. The love of GOD is the love you have for all natural things, including nature, animals, and other Humans. It is the energy of the universe and YOU are in control. While on earth, it all hides from you. Blessed is the Human who knows they are part of the grandness, all of which is God.

QUESTION: Dear Lee/Kryon: In my psychotherapy practice, I am specializing in menopause and other women's life transition issues. I am trying to frame menopause as a step within the spiritual evolutionary process, perhaps even part of the female response to ascension. Can you help me with an explanation of what the process of menses means for my clients? And how is it that females seem to undergo this "reverse puberty" process in a more dramatic way than men do? ANSWER: Again we say to you that you must remove the biological from the spiritual. Look at what the body does. It is geared to stop the engine of procreation so that the female will not be harmed. That's why it occurs at all. It is an engine of appropriateness related to age. It's also an old paradigm, however, since we teach that you can extend your life-span, and that also means bearing children longer with safety, if that is part of your life plan. For a male, the evolutionary process is one where, since he does not give birth, his biology is not one that goes through anything in the birth process. Therefore age is unimportant to his health when it comes to producing the seeds, which he can do almost until death. So the body is protecting the females from undue stress, and even from premature death - going through childbirth when the chemistry is not up to it. This should be seen as a blessing, and one that is honored. However, now we tell you something that is more along the lines of your question. In females, sometimes the process isn't stopped for biological reasons at all, but spiritual ones! In males, sometimes the hormones of desire and performance are also seemingly prematurely stopped. Ever wonder why this might happen? The reason? Sometimes shamans need to have some of the common distractions of earth eliminated so that their concentration can be focused more clearly on spiritual matters. Don't read anything into this. It's different for every Human Being, so there is no generality here. But you should know that this is often part of the process of "relief from the distraction of things that are no longer needed," given for spiritual enlightenment. Not for all, but for many. This is often why you perceive elders to be wiser. They don't have that set of very complex and demanding chemicals surging through their body, either giving them pain with each cycle, or the pain of desire without fulfillment, which has its own attributes of psychological frustration and distraction. For the females: Think of these things as all related. What is it you need? Do you give permission for it? Is it appropriate in your contract? Then when it comes, talk to your cellular structure and replace the chemistry that needs to be there for your energy, and say good-bye to that which is leaving. Give ceremony around it. You may do all of this naturally, talking to your cells. They will respond, and create what is missing. This is the new Human Being, taking control of their bodies, and speaking directly to their cells. Creating tissue and chemistry naturally, since the cellular structure of your body is "listening" to what you need, and is far more capable than any scientist has ever told you. And this is the truth.[1/29/2014 9:46:33 AM]

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QUESTION: Dear Kryon: Would you please explain more about the 5th Dimension? ANSWER: The subject of interdimensionality is one of the most covered by the Kryon messages than any other subject. So the answers have been given again and again. However, to honor you in the ‘now,' I again say: There is no such thing as the 5th dimension. When you broach moving from the 4 your are in (height, depth, width, and time), then you enter all the others at the same time. In addition, you throw away linearity (counting – one step after another – the clock) so you can't call anything "number 5." But your reality is that you are indeed moving to the "next dimension," even though you perceive it singularly. Think bigger than that. When you step out of the reality you are in, you step into something far bigger than the "next box called 5." Instead, it is the whole package!

QUESTION: Hello Kryon: I appreciate your sense of humor so much; it brings me such joy to laugh with you about our duality. How does humor work between spiritual entities? How does a sense of humor differ, if at all, when we in lesson vs. when we are not in lesson? What other things (besides our duality) prompt laughter? ANSWER: Dear one, thank you for this profound question! Humor is one of the only energies passed through the veil completely untouched. The other is love. They are related, and one cries when they laugh and also in grief. They both affect Human biology too, and so they are catalysts for chemistry changes. On the other side of the veil it is there, too. Don't we smile and laugh when we hug you? Yes. Don't we dance when you do? Yes. Believe me, it's very much a part of what you call "The Cosmic Lattice" of sacredness. Truly, humor is sacred. It calms the Human spirit and creates the chemistry of tolerance, forgiveness and even health. Is it any wonder that we make it a staple of this work you call "the Kryon"? Other things that make us laugh are our own interactions with Universal energies which you don't understand while you are here.

QUESTION: Dear Kryon: I would like to figure out if "Intuition" is an important and relevant issue regarding The Question: "Dear God, please teach me what I need to know." ANSWER: Stop trying to figure it out, and just do it! Yes. It's very much a part of it. Call it intuition if you wish. It's The Third Language which allows Humans to receive thought groups and intuitive information which then translates into manifestation and co-creation. So if it's intuition that you feel is your guide, then this is indeed where the message is coming from. However, you will soon see that it's far more than that, for intuition doesn't talk to you in the shower [Kryon Humor] QUESTION: Dear Kryon: Regarding homosexuality or transsexuals. WHY are they the way they are and WHY are they not accepted in mainstream society? ANSWER: [From the Kryon Office] There is often a tremendous amount of information on subjects that are not necessarily part of the on-line magazine Q&A database. Kryon has been channelling for fourteen years, with 9 books covering many, many[1/29/2014 9:46:33 AM]

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topics. Homosexuality was one of them from the very beginning. Please see our "Books index page" for subjects contained in the Kryon books: [] An excerpt from Kryon Book 6, page 306 Question from the book: Dear Kryon, I am gay, and an enlightened man. I live in an American society that barely tolerates me, and actually has some laws against my way of life. The church I used to belong to cast me out as being evil and anti-God. I don't feel that I am violating some Human ethic. My love is as true as any heterosexual, and I am a light worker. Tell me what I should know. Answer from the book: Dear one, less than two generations from now, there will be those who find this book and laugh at the quaintness of this very question. Before I answer, let me ask you and those reading this to examine a phenomenon about Human society and "God." Thirty years ago, interracial marriage was considered to be wrong by the laws of God. Now your society finds it common. The spiritual objections around it were either dropped or "rewritten" by those divinely inspired and authorized to do so. Therefore, your actual interpretations of the instructions from God changed with your society's tolerance level--an interesting thing, indeed, how the interpretations of God seem to change regularly to match a changing culture! The truth, of course, is that you find yourself in a situation that is known to create a test for you. Right now, in this time, you have agreed to come into your culture with an attribute that may alienate you from friends and religious followers. You have faced fear of rejection and have had to "swim upstream," so to speak, just as an everyday life occurrence. Your contract, therefore, has been set up well, and you are in the middle of it. Additionally, like so many like you, you have a divine interest in yourselves! You feel part of the spiritual family. What a dichotomy indeed, to be judged as evil by those who are the high spiritual leaders--interpreting God for today's culture. Now I say this: What is your intent? Is it to walk with love for all those around you and become an enlightened Human Being in this New Age? Is it to forgive those who see you as a spiritual blight on society? Can you have the kind of tolerance for them that they seem not to have for you? Can you overlook the fact that they freely quote their scriptures in order to condemn you, yet they don't seem to have the love tolerance that is the cornerstone of their own message? If the answer is yes, then there is nothing else you must do. Your INTENT is everything, and your life will be honored with peace over those who would cause unrest, and tolerance for the intolerable. Your sexual attributes are simply chemistry and setups within your DNA. They are given by agreement as gifts for you to experience in this life. Look on them in this fashion, and be comfortable with that fact that you are a perfect spiritual creation under God--loved beyond measure--just like all humans. But then you know that, don't you?

QUESTION: Dear Kryon: I am a healer/alternative therapist, and I need to know, what is the best way to help people with addictions and compulsive behaviors? ANSWER: Addictions and compulsive behavior are a result of more than just psychological disorders and/or chemical imbalance. They are a way for the biological-self to distract a Human from completing what it came here for, spiritually. It is also given as a test or challenge [see drug use] If you work with addicted Humans, then I don't have to tell you the frustration they feel. They absolutely know what they are doing, yet then can't communicate with their cellular structure enough to stop it. The main part of this struggle is the one where the biology builds a "wall of addition or compulsive behavior" so that the Human does NOT have to make the decision they came here for. Worse, sometimes this activity is actually designed to kill them quicker![1/29/2014 9:46:33 AM]

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Many of these precious souls are very spiritual… did you notice? They are "on the edge" of complete knowledge, but just can't seem to "go there." What to do? Your work as a healer is to help them over this hump of fear. They can't stop smoking… or eating… or sexual desire… or drugs? These are all classic Human biological ploys that are part of the "seed fear" of enlightenment. Clearing fear is the answer… fear that perhaps this time they won't suffer and go through torture because they accept the information of the Higher-self. Many are unconsciously fearful of moving into a spiritual experience. Even those who are healers… channellers… and ministers will also experience this! They don't want to "go all the way," since the last time they did this… they died, horribly. So, healer, help them to begin talking to their cellular structure in ways that will relax the fear of spiritual information and action. The more they can love themselves, the less they will rely on outside stimulus for their peace. The more they can drop this very real fear of theirs, the less they will need their additions. Behavior will modify and the addition will eventually drop away. Meditation is also part of the key to this… real meditation, with intent and motivation. Finally, self-worth is the real issue (same as loving themselves). When this is settled, then the addictions begin to diminish and go away. We will give you more on the actual ways to gain self-worth as the months go by.

QUESTION: Dear Kryon: I found the questions and answers on your website extremely helpful. But, I have a question that has been nagging me and I can't find an answer for it: Given this world population at its highest it has ever been 6+ billion people, where have all these souls been all this time in the past when the earth was not so populated? ANSWER: In the place you call "the other side of the veil." There are more entities in the pool of "God" than you can conceive. Each star you can see, and can't see represents a hair on the head of an angel. We are countless, yet finite. The earth is populated with these angelic creatures you call "God," and you are one. Many have waited eons to be part of this wonderful test called earth. Your population increase allows them to join you, and your planet of free choice. At some point, you will be full, and if Human wisdom is where we expect, you will deal with it in a way that has common sense and honor.

QUESTION: Dear Kryon, thank you for the many communications you have given. They have been enlightening in many ways. I hope this is not a rude question, but it is a subject that I have not seen addressed in the collection of Questions and Answers. I want to know: What is the morality of stopping someone's new life in the physical plane, by abortion? And what is the karma to the person who helps to accomplish an abortion? I think it will depend on when a Human life begins. When life begins is a moment that is very important to those who oppose abortion and those who say it is allowable. Do you have a decisive response to guide those who receive your words? ANSWER: [from Lee Carroll] We have tried to "paint" Kryon into a corner on this many times, since it really is an important issue in our society. Kryon says this: "Human life actually begins when the intent of the entities involved in the planning session is to create it." It's not a biological answer, and it won't please either[1/29/2014 9:46:33 AM]

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side. This places it far before any kind of biological morality decision. Kryon has said that there is no judgement in the choice of Humans... including this one. When it occurs, there is also no horrible karmic payback. But there IS energy created that affects everyone around the event. Sometimes these lives come and go to create lessons for those involved, then these terminated lives return almost immediately, often within the next pregnancy (sometimes changing gender). If there is no next pregnancy, often it's in a very close family group. God is not in a vacuum concerning these things, and often they are set-ups, and are executed with the agreement of all parties in advance. This is far different than our society wishes to believe. They want to paint a black and white answer to when life occurs, and set rules on what you can and cannot do with it. Instead, Kryon's answer gives honor and validity to the fact that you are not here by accident, and the things that take place in your lives are not random. Not to mention the fact that your free choice is the free choice of God (since you are a piece of God). So we leave the biological cultural decisions for those who wish to make them, but we have heard the spiritual answers many times... that these things are far more than they appear, and are all part of our spiritual setups, and they are honored.

QUESTION: Dear Kryon: How many divine families are there? ANSWER: One! Yours!

Submit Your Question To Kryon[1/29/2014 9:46:33 AM]

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UPDATE: 3rd Quarter 2004

(1) QUESTION: Dear Kryon: What is the function of the current pope? What role did he play in the end of communism, and why is he still alive? To me, he seems to be part of the old energy: a reactionary and a chauvinist. ANSWER: Dear one, this pope is the last of a lineage of old-energy spiritual leaders. Although he indeed carries this old mantle, which includes an apparent chauvinistic attitude of his age and culture, he is also a bridge to what is to come, which began to really show itself after the end of communism. First, he is the only pope to come to an understanding of the fact that what he represents [his church] is changing drastically. This brought him to a place where he not only apologized to the peoples of earth for the Spanish Inquisition, but also asked for forgiveness for what took place regarding the Vatican and its position during the Holocaust. No pope has ever done these things. It opens the door to the fact that the church is fallible, and that is a large step for any pope. He's also aware that he's the last one of his kind, and he's holding on to this as long as he can. He won't be with you much longer, but things are not ready just yet for the new one who is coming. The timing will be within the next four years (or sooner if things move quickly), and it will be obvious why. The new pope will eventually represent a large change in the Catholic Church, and will create much upheaval within the ranks. The church must come to grips with a real changing consciousness on the planet, and prune itself of old energy practices, as well as an image that, increasingly, is not anything the new generation is interested in. Honor this man. He has walked a tightrope of tradition versus new thinking. He's told you that there is no such thing as heaven or hell, yet he did it in a way that would not go against hundreds of years of church doctrine that says the opposite. He asked forgiveness of Galileo's family 300 years after the fact, yet did it in a way that didn't make the other popes appear to be wrong. This truly is a man who "knew" he was the last of the old popes, and he's tried to bring the church's energy to a place where it would be more prepared for what was coming. He didn't tackle the hardest problems, which are now on his doorstep. He knows better. It will be taken care of by the next pope, a younger one whom history may call "the evil pope." Not "evil" in the sense of being ungodly, but evil in the sense that he will go against the grain of tradition and history. He will make waves, just like the prophet they worship did. Jesus the Jew was known by the Essenes as the "wicked priest." It was because he went against all Jewish tradition, and empowered those around him. Think about it.

(2) QUESTION: Dear Kryon: What do you think about Tachyon Energy? Does the Tachyonisation process play a role in future science, medicine, and meditation?[1/29/2014 9:46:36 AM]

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ANSWER: Yes, all of the above and more. Tachyon Energy cannot be placed in a box and separated from other interdimensional energies, yet it is specific. Call it the "lurking, benign, energy of the Universe." It's always there and can be focused (placed in objects), but "feels" like a friend who will help when you need him. When you feel the energy of a crystal, or perhaps some gemstones, they all have powerful specific energy that's helpful for specific purposes. Tachyon is one of the only energies in this "energy soup" that tunes itself to you to allow for balance. The whole function of Tachyon is to enhance your life and allow other energies to do their work. So it's a very quiet energy and will "steer" itself to your energy and "know" how to help you, no matter what's going on. Those who have found ways of placing Tachyon into glass and other materials give you an opportunity to carry this around with you in a more specialized way. This will eventually lead to the inclusion of things scientific and medical, for when you realize that Tachyon's purpose is to "set the stage," you begin to see how it would be needed in all things. Remember, you are all in a quantum state. Your reality doesn't see it that way, since you feel that you are singular. But you are instead, "connected." This allows for energies like Tachyon to exist and "know" who you are.   (3) QUESTION: Dear Kryon: In the history of humanity, at least of the Western world, there are few greater writers than Shakespeare. His name reverberates as some kind of divinely enlightened or "godlike" being. Yet the name and person "Shakespeare," according to many intelligent readers and famous geniuses, appears clearly to be a cover-up for the writer Christopher Marlowe. To say that he was just some "anonymous master" really would not answer this. And the more I become aware, the more this "conspiracy of silence" appears politically motivated, ridiculous as it may sound. Surely you may give us the simple answer - or are you waiting for us to fight the dirty "intellectual" battles until the truth is eventually revealed? ANSWER: So, what is your question, really? Who was Shakespeare? The answer is not a secret, but will be debated hotly by intellectuals forever. But being debated between intellectuals does not prohibit me from giving answers. First, yes, it was Christopher Marlowe. He assumed the name of Shakespeare after his death was faked. Second, Christopher Marlowe was a master who came to earth with a specialty of his own that should be obvious to you. His talent wasn't to heal or lead the masses, or even to die as a martyr. In fact, he was actually quite the warrior, but this gave him experience with his specialty, which was the story of Human drama. Just like some other masters had their specialties in art or music, Marlowe did what he came to do, and you're still reading and studying his work, aren't you? Regardless of the name, this is the mark of a true master... to give the earth something grand that lasts for eternity. Now... an "anonymous master"? No. He was Shakespeare!... very famous indeed [Smile] Naturally there will be those who don't believe this. It doesn't matter. Simply enjoy the works, and smile at the circumstances around it all. Remember, this was Marlowe's choice. He doesn't feel slighted in the least. He became Shakespeare by choice.   (4) QUESTION: Dear Kryon: Can you please explain to me the deeper significance of a kiss? ANSWER: It's basically mammalian instinct, and even your pets understand it. For a Human, however, it's from the mouth... where all sustenance is focused (food), and where communication comes from (speech). It's[1/29/2014 9:46:36 AM]

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also a sensual center (taste). So it makes much more sense that the mouth has evolved as the focus of your emotion or friendship symbol of exchange. Besides, it just wouldn't be the same, would it, if you touched elbows? [Smile]   (5) QUESTION: Dear Kryon: I've read about the importance of the word intent, but I'm still confused as to its meaning. You say that true intent is all that is needed, but my grandmother used to say, "The road to hell is paved with good intentions," and my daughter always "intended" to clean her room but never did. Surely the intent must be carried through by positive action or it's meaningless. ANSWER: Dear One, you left out the other part we've taught for years. It's called "pure intent," and that's a description we've defined again and again. It's an interdimensional purity that's spiritual. There's no such thing as pure intent to clean your room. It's a spiritual attribute that was defined as the intent that Abraham had when he held the knife that was about to go into his son's chest. It was driven with a purity that cannot be shaken, and which is driven by the core level of the Human soul. It can't be altered or denied. It is "pure" when it is absolutely correct for your path, and this is known only at this core level. Consider it the angelic intent if you wish, for it's involved with you, your life lesson, and why you came here. It's powerful, and drives everything in front of it when it's finalized and put into play.   (6) QUESTION: Dear Kryon: I live in Goa in India. I've been reading the Kryon books/Internet channellings for the past five years and they're absolutely amazing. My question is: In an early book, you mention "not to make war with the Dragon." You've never touched on the topic again. Are you referring to America? ANSWER: No. It was China, and that potential passed after the year 2001.   (7) QUESTION: Dear and beloved Kryon: What should we know about "Brit-Mila" (Jewish circumcision)? ANSWER: All circumcision was based on commonsense health issues of the day, which manifested itself in religious-based teaching. That basically is what made people keep doing it. This eighth-day-from-birth ritual is no more religious today than trimming your fingernails (except that Brit-Mila is only done once, and it hurts a bit more). It's time to start seeing these things for what they are. Common sense is not static. It's dynamic, and related to the culture of the time. Yesterday's common sense about health changed greatly with the discovery of germs. It changed again with practices of cleanliness due to the discovery of germs, and so on. Therefore, we would say that it really doesn't make a lot of difference in today's health practices. It's done almost totally for cultural historic and traditional purposes and holds no energy around it other than the obvious intent of the tradition. This is also true for a great deal of the admonishments of the Old Testament regarding food and cleanliness, and even the rules of the neighborhood (such as taking your neighbor's life if he steals your goat, or selling your daughter in slavery if you really need the money... all found in scripture). The times are gone where these things matter anymore, yet they're still treated with reverence and even practiced religiously in some places. They're now only relics of tradition, and that's all. If you feel that you should honor a tradition, then do it. If not, then don't. It's not a spiritual or health issue any longer. Be the boss of your own body and your own traditions. Follow what your spiritual intuition tells you is[1/29/2014 9:46:36 AM]

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appropriate for your own spiritual path and health.   (8) QUESTION: Dear Kryon: What's really happening during the experience known as "déjà vu"? ANSWER: You're tapping in to the "now" in a very interesting way. This forum is not the place to give you extensive esoteric answers to the puzzles outside of your perception. Even the answers I give are often seen as too long [Reference to Kryon's long answers]. A metaphor: See your reality as a life that has many tracks or potentials that you call "the future." Everything you've done and all those potentials together make up the "whole" of the now experience. In your mind, place this "now experience" in a very large balloon-shaped space, where they're pasted to the inside of the balloon's interior. Now, place yourself in the middle of this balloon and look around. You're now standing in a place where everything you did is there, along with the potentials of everything you might do. There's no predestination, but plenty of avenues of potential. But since you're looking at everything (esoterically), you're "feeling" it, too, and you actually have some kind of interdimensional foreknowledge of what might happen depending on the road you take. Now, return to 4D. Even though you're sitting there reading these words in normal reality, there's still part of you that's always in that balloon, but you're not aware of it. So when some of these potentials finally happen, there's part of you that says, "I've been there and done that! Wow! Déjà vu!" All that has really happened is that you're just recognizing the potentials you built for yourself, and felt early, which are now manifested into your linear reality.   (9) QUESTION: Dear Kryon: I've read your books (only the ones that are translated in Dutch), and I have a French friend who also reads them. She tells me that it's not healthy to live near electric wires. She says that the cactus (which normally lives in the desert or tropical countries) helps eliminate the negativity of this electricity. Is that so, and is there any particular plant that can help eliminate the negative effects of electricity? ANSWER: Indeed, we've admonished you to at least make a measurement (easily done) to see if you live in a magnetic field caused by the proximity to high-voltage lines that are often strung in the air near where you live. Not all these wires are bad. Some carry only communications, and some are lower voltages. The ones that are the most dangerous to you are those that are very large and that carry the power from city to city. It's also true that certain kinds of plants carry energy that can help shield or void magnetics. This is actually a part of what you call "radionics," which we will leave for another discussion. This is not well known to the people reading this, however, and your friend is correct. Some cacti have water in them, which changes the situation slightly. However, if you're near a very large magnetic source, we still recommend moving instead of growing a lot of cactus. Even though the cactus "knows" what you're trying to do and might help reduce the risk, unfortunately, today's technology presents a far stronger field than can be voided by this plant. Also know that there is now scientific validation to support the danger of the effects of long-term magneticfield exposure on both plants and animals. It's not balancing for you to remain in a magnetic field. You should instead be exposed only to the one you were born in... the one that surrounds you and the earth, and which science is now beginning to understand is needed for your heath and well-being... the earth's magnetic field. To have another one around you is to stop the flow of the balance that you need and deserve.   (10) QUESTION: Dear Kryon: There has been much predicted regarding a shifting of the earth poles, which would cause much destruction and loss of life. My sister read me a passage from a book by Ruth[1/29/2014 9:46:36 AM]

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Montgomery published in 1999 pertaining to this. It was very frightening. Does this really have to happen? It seems that the projected date is around 2012. Can you provide information on this subject? ANSWER: Once again we will tell you plainly: These predictions were seen dimly and became prophecy about a pole shift. Instead, there will be a magnetic shift. It's already under way, and your science has commented on it. To have the poles shift (the earth flip) would basically kill all of you. Do you really think that's what you planned for yourselves? The 2012 date is often used in prophecy, since it represents another "measuring point" for the planet, similar to what you had in 1987. It's a 25-year cycle (as we've told you before). It's not the end of time or the end of the earth. It's the end of an old time.   (11) QUESTION: Dear Kryon: Revenge has been holding me down for about ten years. I feel that if I could let go of it, I could make my ascent. How can I let go of this darkness called revenge? ANSWER: Dear One, bless you for this question. First, you are totally correct. When you get rid of this attribute in your life, everything will change! It is indeed holding you back. The hard part is to get rid of it. We've been teaching about mastery, DNA activation, pure intent, and meditation with the Higher-Self for 15 years. All of this is meaningful to creating a "balanced self." However, in your case we also recommend that you try outside sources of facilitation to help balance yourself so that you can move forward faster. Revenge and hatred are some of the most difficult emotions to get rid of, since they also form a habit of energy that you actually depend on for strength of resolve. Therefore, it becomes a "drama drug" that feeds you at a level you don't perceive but you know exists. Like any other addiction, others can help you start the process of getting rid of it better than you can do for yourself. Look into balancing techniques (EMF is a very good start). Not all techniques work the same for each path, so I tell you that there are many out there that may suit you and many that won't. So, look into some of the energy-balancing work until you find the one that works the best, then dedicate yourself to achieving high levels of that particular study. If you do so, then you'll find a wonderful freedom that allows you to void these feelings. It can be done!   (12) QUESTION: Dear Kryon: I'm not Jewish, but I've been studying the Kabbalah for years. When you talk about the DNA layers, they're notated with Hebrew names, most of them also found within the Kabbalah knowledge. Do the Kryon messages have any relation to the ancient and holy Kabbalah knowledge? QUESTION: Dear Kryon: Could you tell me about Kabbalah and the Zohar? Does the Zohar hold the secrets of the universe? Is there something within the books that you haven't already told us? Also, I'd like to ask if the Hebrew letters are as powerful as claimed. ANSWER: These questions are connected to a much larger picture. So rather than giving you an answer that you can fit in to the Kabbalah and Zohar box, let me expand the box. These are all ancient teachings of basic metaphysical and spiritual truths. The "secrets" contained in them are no less or more than those contained in what we're now teaching. They relate to each other directly, and you'll find similarities everywhere between all of them. The reason? They're the truths of the Universe. This is, therefore, not Kryon or Kabbalah or Zohar (which means "splendor"). They are instead, truth.[1/29/2014 9:46:36 AM]

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Hebrew is used because it's the oldest language that you consider a "core" language on the planet, which is still understood and spoken today. There are many other languages older, not to mention Sumerian and Lemurian, but these are not spoken or studied, and their existence is even controversial. Therefore, Hebrew is the "core" language, and yes, it has powerful meanings and symbology. The sons of Abraham spoke Hebrew (or at least their kind of Hebrew) before they became enemies, so there's a strong link to Hebrew also being the original "spiritual teaching language" that existed long before the cultures broke away, creating what you see today. Now that you've discovered what you're calling the "God Code" [a concept written about by author Gregg Braden], you're also beginning to understand that even chemistry and the Hebrew characters are related, and this relationship will continue to grow in your discovery. So it's all germane to the subject of universal truth, with Hebrew characters and names given as a grounding source for you to study for understanding. Take a good look. Isn't it about time you were able to see things coordinating together to show that indeed there might be a universal truth about God instead of the multipleGod truths that exist today? Go back to the source! That's where you'll discover the circle: What we teach today was also what was taught then, and also carried with all the masters who walked the planet. It's what men made of all this that makes it so diverse and confusing.   (13) QUESTION: Dear Kryon: I see that society is consuming more and more coffee every day. Now it seems to be too hard to wake up in the morning without a cup or to fully function during the day. Some people say that it's good for our bodies, and that it contains a lot of antioxidants. Others say that it should be treated like any other drug that causes addiction. What can you tell us about the effects of coffee in our bodies (other than waking us up)? ANSWER: The answer is simple: Anything you take into your body that is a stimulant is not natural and would not have occurred normally. Therefore, it disturbs the ability of a Human Being to regulate the body's chemistry in a natural way. With all of that said, it's also important to reveal that logically you might also say the same thing about a chocolate bar or piece of candy! The real secret is to eat or drink these things that you enjoy so much in a way that honors your body. Consume occasionally rather than consistently. If you feel that they're interfering with your health, then they probably are! Your body has a wonderful communication link with your conscious mind, if you'll just listen to it. Also, don't be shy about using energy methods [the pendulum method] to ask your body the important questions: Shall I eat this or not? There are even Radionic-based biofeedback machines that can help you with this in your new science. Anything in moderation will probably be fine. Your body's system is designed to be robust in its ability to "snap back" from occasional stimulation due to foods that contain overabundances of sugar, caffeine, salt, and chemistry that would change your ph. balance. But when you "live on" these substances, your body never has the chance to balance itself. You're in charge. Use your intuition, and "ask" your body what it needs or will tolerate. Then enjoy yourself within these guidelines, for many of these foods were created for your pleasure.   (14a) QUESTION: Dear Kryon: There's something that has been bothering me for quite a while now: the issue of "coming back" after being in lesson. It seems that many people who are here "in lesson," as you say, go to the other side of the veil (like all of us) following their transition, where they see things from a godlike perspective. Then they often choose to come back to go through another lesson. These Earth experiences, as you know, involve quite a great deal of suffering.[1/29/2014 9:46:36 AM]

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To me, this sounds extremely frustrating. From my perspective on this side of the veil, I would never choose to come back again. The fact that on the other side I would view things differently, "from a larger perspective," and choose to come back in spite of this adds to the frustration. It makes this cycle seem like a never-ending circle of suffering over which I have no true voluntary control (at least here). All it does is create a circle of endless suffering (albeit with some joy and peace throughout the experience). Is this the way it works, or do I have it wrong? ANSWER:From your perspective, you have it right. Indeed, you would never choose to come back in hardship. But you don't have the mind of God while you're here, and that's the big difference. Also, because of your limited perception of the way this really works, you wonder if you're even in charge, or if you can do anything about it! You are in charge, and what you do today greatly affects your life the next time around... very much. The only way I can really answer this is with a metaphor. Remember, all is not what it seems, and you're in a situation that's like a pot with a lid on it. After you get out of the pot, you get to see both the meal being prepared, the food around you, and the kitchen. You also realize that you're part of the team of chefs! All of that is hiding while you're in the dark in the pot, feeling only the heat. Here is the metaphor... a story to imagine: You're a great thespian. You've been in so many plays that you're very good at it. Each day you return to the stage to play a part in front of an audience, and therefore actually change the energy of the theater. You absolutely love it, and you're getting better all the time. The theater reacts, too, and the audiences are often mesmerized by your wonderful abilities. After one of the last curtain calls, you go to the manager of the theater and ask to meet with the cast and crew, since you have an announcement. When they're all there together, you say, "I've done this play over and over. I know all the lines and I can even play and speak the other parts. Please, please, put in a more meaty part... one I can use my real talents for. Make me the bad guy, or the one who gets killed. I can do wonderful death scenes! I want something that challenges my talent!" The next time the curtain comes up, you indeed have the part you ask for: You're a Lightworker on Earth, challenged with dragging the bottom of the tank of Earth energy in order to expose hatred, move through death, challenge disease, and create drama in order to awaken others. Do you see? You can't believe it while you're here, but your life is your own design, and it's also short by design, but it changes the planet and energy in the "theater" while you're here. And no matter what happened within this play, you can hardly wait to "take the stage" again. This is why you're so loved. You're part of a grand plan that you cannot see, but which you're in charge of. What is inconceivable to you while you're here is your passion when you're not. This is the truth, but it may not sit well with you while you stew in the pot.   (14b) QUESTION: Dear Kryon: How long does an entity with this kind of mission have to go through these in-and-out lesson "cycles"? QUESTION: Dear Kryon: Is it possible to break this cycle somehow, and not have to return to lesson? ANSWER: Do you see how completely this hides from you? Why would you wish to break a cycle of success? Why would you ask to be released from something as grand as what you came here for? All you see is the suffering and the cycle of apparent despair. You feel that you're a victim, never understanding that this is the role you're playing in the grand play of Earth... and that you're in your sweet spot. You don't see the whole picture. Some of you even see it as punishment![1/29/2014 9:46:36 AM]

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Blessed is the Human who knows he is loved and that what he's doing is making a difference for the planet, no matter what is before him. This is the one who says, "Bring it on," for all is well with my soul. I am the engineer of my own existence.   (14c) QUESTION: Upon coming back into lesson again, do we continue from the level of spiritual consciousness and evolution where we left off in our last incarnation, or do we come back, having to start from scratch? ANSWER: One of the greatest questions of the day! Each of you has a metaphoric "spiritual jar." This jar fills up as you learn the truths of life and of the universe around you. As you activate your DNA or change your spiritual awareness, this jar fills up. When you return to the planet, the jar is still filled to whatever degree it was when you left. This explains why some of you "just know" things when it's time to make the choices of life. You didn't have to start over. It was simply "there." There are many Lightworkers walking around your society with jars that are filled with wonderful knowledge and practical spiritual experience. Some are never going to open those jars, for it's a life of complete free choice. Also... something we've said before... some of the most unlikely of you may decide to open that Lightworker closet and take out the jar. When you do, mastery is upon you! Seemingly without any training at all, you know so much! Masters walk among you... perhaps you are one? You'll never know until your pure intent begins to open those jars.   (15) QUESTION: Dear Kryon: I have a question concerning the nature of the term "old soul." You stated in one of the conferences that all time is now. That past, present, and future are all occurring at this moment. I happen to agree with that idea, but if that is the case, how could there be such a thing as an old soul, given that all of our lives, including this one, are occurring at the same moment? Wouldn't that make us all old and new souls regardless of this lifetime, and therefore strip us of any need to place ourselves in a soul category? If one person is an "old" soul, and another a "new" soul, doesn't that just imply separation and a soul caste system, instead of equality and unity? If you have any insight into this question, I'd appreciate it. ANSWER: You already know the answer, and it's semantics. On the other side of the veil, where all is seen as interdimensional, there's no linear time. Therefore, you're simply an eternal soul. On your side of the veil, you're an old soul, since linearity is the way your life works. As you read this, do you understand that you absolutely must see each work next to each other in a row to get the message? How limiting! Why not just take this paper and eat it so you have the whole message at the same time? The answer is obvious. You're restricted in your perception, and it must come in a slow, limited, linear fashion and be done with your eyes and brain. This is why we must use linear terms to help you understand how this works in your reality. Further, are you aware that there's no word in your language to indicate an object that has no beginning or end? If there were, we would have used it. So we say ancient or old to indicate wisdom and experience. Those of you who wish to debate these kinds of things would be better to suppress the intellectual urge to discuss "chicken and egg" scenarios and instead go right for the gold: Become interdimensional so that the true answers make sense to you without ever asking about them on a piece of 2D paper.[1/29/2014 9:46:36 AM]

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[Also see Question 8 of this series.]   (16) QUESTION: Dear Kryon: This question is about (Human) beauty - I mean the striking beauty of some people, like the most adored actress or actor with whom others often instantly fall in "love," I put love in quotes because that doesn't seem like complete love to me. Why do certain people have these "teasing" qualities, while others do not? Why are most of us drawn to physically attractive people, although that is just a small fraction of what can make a person a good mate? Are we blind? Are we missing something? ANSWER: No, dear one. You're missing nothing. You're simply responding to basic Human chemistry and biological attributes that you were built for. Your entertainment industry worldwide is based on it, and it's not something you should try to figure out or "undo." It's part of the setup and creates appropriate challenges. The real issue, however, lies in the examination of those who have elected to come in "beautiful." The one with this kind of beauty has an added layer of difficulty in their life's challenge. They will bring upon themselves increased awareness to others of who and where they are. They can't help but create a fuss, create drama, and have to learn some skills others may never have to learn. Most fail, if you've noticed. It requires a firm sense of responsibility about what they believe, an intuition about what others want from them, and the ability to have "eyes in the back of their head" awareness for their own safety. It also creates a situation where they must create their own balance, and not get it from anything outside of themselves. Perhaps you've seen what happens to a famous person when throughout their life they're surrounded with people who will only say yes to them for everything? They end up in a reality different from yours, or anyone else on Earth... and they don't even know it. You've heard that it's a curse to be beautiful? There is some truth to the energy of that statement.   (17) QUESTION: Dear Kryon: Is everyone who is alive at this time as an incarnated spiritual being here to raise the vibration of the planet, or are some of us simply Human Beings? ANSWER: There's no such thing as "simply Human Beings." All are here to be part of the test of Earth. Most will never see anything before them but the 4D experience that seems so common and ordinary for many Humans. This is the free choice we speak of, and it truly serves the purpose of a test without "God bias." Many others, of the kind who are reading this, will determine for themselves that there's a bigger picture at hand. These are the ones whom we address with the kinds of teachings you're seeing on these pages. There's no judgment about the decisions you make. You're all here with the potential to play a part in a new consciousness for the planet. All are players, but some will become the masters of the day.   (18) QUESTION: Dear Kryon: When I wasn't here, did I ever see the Kryon? What do you do when you're not assisting creation as powered by the process currently going on Earth? ANSWER: (a) Have you seen me before? Yes. You know me well, and you see me every time you come and go from the planet. You run the gauntlet of love and hugs from the energies of Gaia, and those such as myself who are part of your support family. This is why I may seem so familiar to many of you. (b) What will I do when I'm not helping you? That will never occur, for the kind of things we do together are an ongoing building process of the consciousness of multiverses yet to exist, yet existing as we speak. Think of it as a circle of love that never ends... a party that we all love to be a part of.[1/29/2014 9:46:36 AM]

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  (19a) QUESTION: Dear Kryon: You say that we are biological, with a divine complement while we're here, and that other worlds do not have this combination. Then, I guess my question to you is what are we really? If there are worlds where only biology exists, and there's such a thing as divinity, but the two do not always go hand in hand in the way they do here, why is that, and what are we when we're not here? Where is our home? You say that we'll be known by our colors as ones who participated in this experience, but where will that be? And by whom will we be recognized? I've read in the Pearl of Great Price that God told Moses, "For behold, this is my work and my glory, to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man." I wonder if this means that our work here is to bring to pass the realization that we are eternal and immortal and that we are God. And I wonder why there are worlds where there is no divinity present, only biology, and if this means that somewhere, life forms are more primitive than Humans? Why would there ever be a world where Humans would not live intuitively and be a part of their Creator? I ask a lot of questions, I know, and have done for many years! (19b) QUESTION: I'm still not clear on your explanation that Humans are a part of God but that there are other things/beings in the Universe that are not. I feel that God creates everything; therefore, everything is a part of God. ANSWER: ANSWER: First, review the reason why we're here and what it means for the Universe [Kryon Q&A reference 1] [Kryon Q&A reference 2]. For this has been answered many times and will not be repeated here. You're living intuitively, and you are part of your Creator. When you finally drop the idea that God is somewhere else in the sky, but instead understand that you are here as a viable piece of God doing your own bidding, then you don't have to struggle with the "whys" that you have. Indeed, you have no problem on earth with the fact that there is biology without spiritual purpose. You're a biological being with divinity in your DNA. You're supported by other biology that supports you and simply exists as a balance of Gaia. Are you stressed that bees and rodents don't have your same attributes? They're here as part of the "system of the planet," and they're "of God." They are life, and they're important in the system. But they're not divine pieces of God that reincarnate for the purpose of helping the Universe. They're simply a support system for you. The Universe itself is no different. There are planets with intelligent beings who exist as a balance within the system of the Universe, but who are not part of a divine experience like you are. They have no divine blueprint and they do not reincarnate. But they are life, and they are respected... but they are not like you are. Earth is the only planet that has beings like you. You represent the only place that has choice over your own vibration as a planet, and can change your own time frame if you wish. You're the only beings who can achieve spiritual mastery if you choose. You're the only beings who have the ability to think thoughts that can change matter, or eliminate disease within your cells through your own internal DNA processes. You represent the only planet of free choice, yet the choices you make are going to affect other planets! You're the only one with a humanity that's born believing in the afterlife, and whose very genes carry the code that searches for God. Consider that all the planets together represent a vehicle, but you're the steering wheel. Would you complain that all the others weren't also the steering wheel? No. Every part has its purpose within the scope of the system. The others are so far from you that most will never know about you. You're hidden well, since you only have one sun (most have dual suns, since this promotes the development of life early in a system). Your alternate sun was lost a long time ago. The ones who are able to visit you do so at great risk, since they know your very thoughts, and fear can fry them! The joke is that you're afraid of them and don't know your own power. They take some of you away and try to find out "why you tick," but after more than 100 years, they're giving up. You're so different interdimensionally, yet they can't see that part. But they're impressed with your power... the very power we continually tell you about, but which you deny even within the scope of your questions.[1/29/2014 9:46:36 AM]

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God told Moses, "For behold, this is my work and my glory, to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man." Who is God? It's you. Therefore, your task is to discover mastery within yourself to the degree that you meld with your divinity. That's why we call it ascension. Where is home? It's not what you think. You think this is work and that someday you get a reprieve? You don't understand. You stand in line to come here! When you're not here, you're not in a "place" at all, but in a "condition." This is interdimensional and difficult to explain to anyone who's reading this. Where does love go when it's not being used? To the "love closet"? There's no mansion in the sky, or 72 virgins, or a "place" of peace. You are peace! You are love! You're a piece of God who walks in lesson on the planet Earth, who desired to be here and who's working on the greatest challenges of the Universe. The colors are "experience badges" that you carry. Within an interdimensional state, all entities can see everything you are, where you've been, the Universes you've started, the group you represent... it's all like a book and instantly "seeable." This is what we mean by the fact that all will know you by your colors. And when you're not working on the planet Earth, you're busy guiding those who are. This isn't the first time you've done this, for this is a specialized group who does this over and over for Universes in the past and ones yet to be created (linear reference). Be still and know that you are God. Then all these questions will shrink away, and new ones will occur to you: (1)  What can I do to discover my divinity inside? (2)  How can I create peace on Earth using my divine attributes? (3)  How can I live longer so that I can remain in my current state and do more for the planet at this critical time? (4)  What should I know that will enhance my divinity and spread light to the dark places that need it so much? (5)  How can I have peace in my intellectual mind over the fact that I am linear, but can receive nonlinear answers to my questions?   (20) QUESTION: Dear Kryon: This year is an election year for the President of the U.S. There's such division in our country over this topic. Is there anything you can tell us that will help us to remember our oneness? ANSWER: Yes. Get above the politics and concentrate on the unity of the real issues. Peace on Earth is going to be achieved first through bringing light to the Israel/Palestine issue. Send light daily to this place. Second, when this begins to take place, expect the major diseases on the planet to also suddenly start to have cures. What you don't understand is that this is related. It has to do with the "disease consciousness" of the planet, and how nature responds to overall Human consciousness on Earth. Believe me, when these things begin to be solved, your political polarization will diminish back to the place that you're more comfortable with. I know you don't believe it, but the clearer and more peaceful you are with the overview of things, the more light you can create to help exactly what you're trying to do with your political endeavors.   (21) QUESTION: Dear Kryon: I'm so very new to all the Kryon writings, and appreciate the wonderful news you pass on. My question: I understand that we are angels within a Human form. Could it be possible that we're the fallen angels mentioned in the Bible? ANSWER: Dear One: There are many who won't like this answer, for they wish to have the heaven and hell mythology manifest itself as excuses for their own actions.[1/29/2014 9:46:36 AM]

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There's no such thing as a fallen angel. Not everything that was translated in the history book of your scriptures is literal. Much like our metaphors are used to help in our teaching, so it is that you'll find the same there. When you see the term, understood what it originally meant: It's a reference to your own divinity on Earth. You are all "descendant angels" in that you agreed to put apart your grandness and spend linear time here. It's not a term of negativity or a description of an angel who fell from grace. There simply is no such thing. There is no devil and there is no Hell. As we've said before, all the darkest things imaginable come right out of the Human mind through free choice. Even your own pope has now acknowledged that: (paraphrased) "Hell is a state of mind, one which you are responsible for and create yourself. As you remove yourself from God, you create your own darkness." [Internet reference] When you are part of the divinity of what you call God, you're a finite part of an interdimensional soup. The ingredients of that soup never rebel or disagree with the whole, since they're part of the structure of the whole. They're also biased in favor of the soup, which is a way of saying that they're biased in love.   (22) QUESTION: Dear Lee Carroll: You've said in the archive index that "Kryon"is the name of an Earth support group that is about physics. Is this your organization or some other? If another, whose? This is very important to me. ANSWER: This was Kryon's answer when asked: "Who are you?" He says that all divine entities have a specialty. Yours is that you come to planets like Earth and live reincarnated lives to help a greater purpose of the Universe. Kryon has never been Human and never will be. His specialty is to help with the physics support around you. As you change the consciousness of the planet, Kryon came forward with his physics group and moved the magnetic grid to align with your new consciousness attributes. This grid movement has even been validated by CNN [CNN reference]. So it has nothing to do with me. It's Kryon's answer to a Kryon question.   (23) QUESTION: Dear Kryon: When you talk of "oneness," is there anything outside that? When I sit and think about what it means to encompass everything, a part of me wants to think that even oneness needs perspective on "itself." In 4D duality, if something exists, so does its opposite. Is there a level of existence where the totality of God is itself subject to duality, where God interacts with other "gods" in a dualistic exchange? ANSWER: Duality and all the linearity of it is a logic paradigm for you while you're Human. It doesn't exist in the interdimensional "oneness" we speak of. When you're not Human, your intellect doesn't ponder antiGod or a mirror to express itself. The balance of God is perfect and complete, without a foil.   (24) QUESTION: Dear Kryon: I've been following your teachings for quite some time now and thank you for all the information that you've given us. I'm very curious about something. Lately, I've been hearing about people here on Earth who have "no soul." Is that possible? I'm of the understanding that we're all pieces of God - the hybrids you constantly speak of. If there are folks on the planet right now who read differently than Humans, then who are they, and what are they doing here? I believe that everything and everyone is an energy of God or from God, so how can this be?[1/29/2014 9:46:36 AM]

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ANSWER: All Humans on Earth are part of the divine plan and have souls. Beware of false information being given that is very dramatic and fearful. For with this "non-soul" attribute also come warnings of alien takeovers and fearful events. Some have even accused Kryon of being part of a takeover plan, so in their minds I would be part of this very plan and therefore tricking you with this answer. So again I say, discern for yourself. Look for fear-based information or agendas as a mark of information that is not pure. Through my partner, for 15 years, I've supplied you with only love-based information that shouts of your own empowerment. Every Human on Earth is here for a reason in a divine plan, with free choice. You're all part of the family of God.   (25) QUESTION: Dear Kryon: English is the language of choice for much of the world. Was this meant to be? Will there one day be a universal "world" language? ANSWER:There are no spiritual expectations with the way your language has evolved. English is used universally in certain areas at this time in your history since (a) the last few wars on the planet were won by English speakers, and (b) the main free enterprise push comes from America [products]. It's that simple. There will never be a universal world language. Cultural balance will always be part of the test before you. So these differences of these other rich languages on Earth are respected and needed.   (26a). QUESTION: Dear Kryon, you have spoken of a 7th Dimensional Musician that will bring healing energy to the planet through music. I connected with this - I have long felt music's healing energy; I am a musician myself. Pray tell if you will - just a little more on this subject, please. (26b) QUESTION: Dear Kryon: I know that musical sounds evoke healing, and that this modality of treatment is part of the new energy. Which treatment, research, and/or teaching resources are credible? ANSWER: Truly, dear ones, you can always use music as a healing source. It's always credible for this. Do you not see where it affects every Human no matter what the culture? Play music for children and watch them smile. Music is part of the divine setup, and the residual of it is emulated even by other mammals (like whales). But only Humans can organize and structure it in meaningful ways that stir the soul and actually speak to the DNA. Part of this is vibrational physics, and part is at the soul level. But when you combine certain melodies and certain harmonies, they can actually balance a Human Being and create the potential of profound healing anywhere for anyone. The reference to the interdimensional musician is a metaphor for your DNA, which "sings" a song of balance. Someday your science will shock you with information that DNA sings (varies and oscillates within itself).   (27) QUESTION: Dear Kryon: I've read and heard information for and against immunizing against various diseases, particularly those that affect children. Can you help me understand immunization? There are many options for immunization now. Are all necessary for children? ANSWER: This is good science and was brought to you early so that you and your children could extend your lives. The original "mixture" for immunization that was created for the few basic diseases is still good for you and your children. However, there is now a tendency to increase the immunization to include over 17[1/29/2014 9:46:36 AM]

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different targets (or more). There's a problem with this, and it has already shown itself, but is not yet understood. Ask for the original mixture if you can get it. It's the safest and most viable.   (28) QUESTION: Dear Kryon: What exists beyond our Universe? ANSWER: In order to answer your question, I must expand it. Your question is linear, and the Universe is not. You assume that (a) your Universe is singular, and (b) therefore, there is something in a singular way "beyond" it. Your Universe is part of a multiverse of created events that exist simultaneously in various time frames. They overlap in very interesting ways, and every so often they collide, bringing a "big bang" type of event that will actually create another 4D Universe. So the question is answered first in this way: What is beyond your Universe is what coexists with it, interdimensionally, in the same space. It's a far more complex thing than you think, since there's a lot more of it than you can see in 4D. Still, you ask a good 4D question about what is actually beyond the limits of your known 4D Universe. The second answer is something you won't comprehend: What's beyond it? It's an infinite space seeming like nothingness, ready for even more Universes. Yours folds and folds, so it's really not quite as large as you think, but the space around it goes on forever... no limitation... no ending... just like your own divinity. Your Human brain detests things that don't have containment and won't fit in a box. This doesn't have containment in your perspective, but there's always something present in all of it, even if it appears to go on "forever."   (29) QUESTION: Is Kryon trying to explain "and God created man in His own image" from the Bible, thus elevating Humans to "godlike" entities and/or separating Humans from all other life? Perhaps I'm splitting hairs, but this is troubling to me. From my earliest childhood, I've envisioned all of life as part of God. ANSWER: Don't be troubled. Again, God can create something and have it be a creation of God without also having it be part of the divinity of God. Humans were created in the "image of God." That image is in their DNA, and it says that they're eternal beings and part of God itself as the Creator. Yes, they're separated from the rest of "life." A Human and an onion are both part of God's creation. But one is angelic and can change matter with their thoughts, and one is food as sustenance for the Human-angel. Both are part of God's creation, but one is actually part of the Creator itself. Onions don't reincarnate, but they are still "of God" in that they were part of the creation of balance.   (30) QUESTION: Dear Kryon: I am a practitioner of Middendorf Breathwork, the Experience of Breath. Do you have any information about this work? I've had experiences while working with the breath in this way when I've felt an interdimensional reality, and I'm wondering about this. Do you have information for me about how to develop this breathwork further? Is it about connecting with our interdimensional reality, or should I be focusing the work in another direction? ANSWER: Dear One, let me comment instead on breathwork in general, for there are many viable training schedules in addition to the one you have mentioned. The answer is yes. Breathing may seem to be ordinary in its function, but it's really a healing and meditation technique that's[1/29/2014 9:46:36 AM]

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profound when you focus on it. As you already know, if you train yourself to do it within a certain system that is then combined with intent and consciousness, not only will it take you through very stressful times, but also bring you to an elevated place where a connection to the divine part of yourself becomes easier. So continue in your work and spread the word! For many, breathing is automatic and very normal. But then again, so is eating and drinking... yet eating and drinking are processes that have fostered tremendous information and systems for focus, balance, sustenance, well-being, and even vibrational increase. So it is with breathing, also.   (31) QUESTION: Dear Kryon: I requested and believe that the neutral implant was accomplished a few years back. Now I'm being repeatedly told by a past-life regressionist that I have a positive past karmic credit due to me. I assumed past karma to be negative and didn't think of a past late reward. How does this claim of positive karmic credit/reward factor into the issue of one having cleared all past karma with the implant? ANSWER: Dear One, your past-life regression worker is seeing it right, but let's just change the label. It's not positive karma, for the whole system of karma (an old paradigm in this new energy) is gone. You've cleared that system, and instead, what is due you is actually the result of the implant-permission you gave. I know this will seem like a circle, but try to understand. You are in the "now," so all your potentials are "seen" as having taken place [see Question 8 within this section]. So at some level your helper is seeing what you have done, and what is "due you" because of it. What is being observed is your potential to blossom into a peaceful Human without the burdens you've been carrying in an old energy. Congratulations for having verified what you just did for yourself!   (32) QUESTION: My question is what is a Lightworker? Am I one? ANSWER: We define Lightworker as any Human Being who has examined his own consciousness and has decided that there's a divine part, and that it can be used to help both themselves and the earth. There's no doctrine connected to this attribute or any organization around it. Are you one? Let me ask you: Why would you ever write a question to a disembodied entity called Kryon, who very few believe exists, and who also claims to be an interdimensional worker from the Great Central Sun? That's the kind of thing Lightworkers would do. [Smile].   (33) QUESTION: Dear Kryon: I've reread your channel about spiritual winter [URL goes here], and you've mentioned again that Earth is the only planet of free choice... one that can change its own dimensionality. If Humans can grasp the concept of freedom, then I know it is divine information and helps God, too. As Humans, however, we wish all peoples of the Earth to have freedom. Why is this freedom to change potential not extended to other planets? ANSWER: In some ways it is. You see, what you do here will affect all other planets, plus planets yet to be created. They may not have your divine complement, but what you do will change their awareness. You are, therefore, the catalyst for something so big that you cannot conceive of it. It's a test that has been in the planning for eons, and will eventually change the potentials of other planets that have life. But you're the only ones who have the charge to do this... part angelic... part Human, you exist for this. [Also see #19 in this section.][1/29/2014 9:46:36 AM]

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Other planets are free to change their reality as a result of what they decide. But only you are free to become masters while on the earth, changing your actual vibration level, and through that, changing the fabric of time for all the others. Don't look for proof of this, for you'll never find it. It's part of the challenge, but when you're not on Earth, it's the main subject of your energy quest.   (34a) QUESTION: Dear Kryon: Would you please explain crop circles? What is their origin? What is their importance to humanity? How can we interpret the symbology? Is it connected with interdimensionality? (34b) QUESTION: Dear Kryon, I have a question regarding crop circles. We know that some of the crop circles are hoaxes, but many are not, especially the ones that are so mathematically complex that they defy common explanation. The question is, how are these crop circles created, and by whom? ANSWER: I give you only this for now: (1) Definitely interdimensional. (2) From Humans, but from a different time. (3) The symbology is 12-based math. The messages are to help with peace on Earth. (4) Yes, many are hoaxes.   (35) QUESTION: Dear Kryon, are you a member of the Ascended Hosts, along with St. Germain, Kuthumi, Hilarion, Maitreya, Gabriel, and so many others that we know of down here on Earth? Are you an Ascended Master, dear Kryon? ANSWER: No. I am a servant for humanity in its quest to create peace on Earth and increase the vibration of the planet. I honor the ascended masters, for theirs is also a specialty to help you as well. I work with all of them, especially that of St. Germain. My interdimensional counterpart is Metatron. We often work together regarding the physics of your planet. All of the others are back on Earth in some form of energy work at this time in your history. They have all returned and are working with you daily.   (36) QUESTION: Dear Kryon: Many cultures and religions have a myth explaining the dark side of the Universe. You told us that there's no evil side, but instead, creations of the Human Being. So would these collective myths be part of our DNA (collective DNA) created by us, as divine beings, to facilitate the duality experience? How can we overcome or change this setup? ANSWER: Think of it in this way: The setup can't change. It facilitates duality, which is needed for the test. The question should be: "How can we see past the duality and deal with it?" Consider it a staple of your challenge, and instead of trying to void it, contain and conquer it. In this mixture, include fear, for it's the brother of duality. When you have a storm, you don't try to find out what caused it and eliminate the source, since the source is the system of atmosphere all around you and also sustains you. It's impossible to get rid of the source of storms without destroying the system. Instead, you build lighthouses and ships or buildings that can withstand the force. That's when you're safe, peaceful, and feel you've contained it... when your personal life is no longer affected. The storm rages on, and so will duality. But the lighthouse was built for storms, and feels very calm about the whole life experience.   (37) QUESTION: Dearest Kryon: What becomes of the love and healing energy created through prayer? Hundreds of people evoked prayer on behalf of a much beloved child in our community who was fighting cancer. This precious soul chose not to continue this lifetime. As heartbreaking as this is, I[1/29/2014 9:46:36 AM]

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know that energy, once created, cannot be destroyed, and I wonder, if these prayers were not used for healing by our little one, where did they go? Into the earth, into the grids, or perhaps to other children in need of healing? ANSWER: Yes! Your intuition is strong. Love is never wasted. It goes into helping those around the child especially, and also right into helping to heal relationships of those who are doing the praying. It also goes into Gaia itself, and helps to change the land around you. It tempers the apparent tragedy and heals the very fabric that surrounds it... which is everyone and everything. The power of love is greater than any other emotion. Once created, it has a life of its own and continues and continues and continues. Did you ever consider that the child knew this? Perhaps the child came and went quickly upon this earth so that this love would be generated as an eternal beacon that would never die? Now that's a Lighthouse!   (38) QUESTION: Dearest Kryon: I've read the question and answer on people with diseases of the mind - for example, Alzheimers and dementia. But I have more questions. You say that people have chosen this path and that the lessons are for us. As I work with these people, I'm wondering if there is any stage where there could be a reversal of the condition, and if so, with what methods? The people in the hostel are so drugged up, and there's a mind-set with the authorities that no "alternate" therapies work - although they're using colored lights. (Sadly, the diversional therapist told me she doesn't know what color therapy is.) From a spiritual point of view, what is the best way to work with these people - talk to them as though they were normal, or go along with their imaginings? I've been told that they need to be kept quiet, especially toward evening. However, I've found that with one woman who mostly paces saying very little, the more childlike I am (dancing and singing makes her happy), the more she talks. I could go on and on - could you please enlighten me further? ANSWER: I will answer the second part first. Love those who are in this condition. Find out what makes them smile... and then make them smile. The best you can do in a facilitation of this condition is to somehow create joy. Even in their confusion they can laugh at situations and be creative. They'll also remember you better as the one who creates this emotion. Each is very different, but in general, try to find their "happy" button and push it as often as you can. They will remember that. Right now you're perched upon some important discoveries that will be able to reverse these conditions to a large degree. But just as the paraplegic who regains their nerve connections must than relearn how to walk, suffering much pain, there will be this attribute with a regeneration of the mind. Even if new cells are created, they won't necessarily have the old memories, but they can be trained to be healthy and be ready for new memories. So someday these will have the ability to halt the progress of the degeneration of cells that are being taken, and instead grow new pathways around them. Some will be able to "reconnect" to certain kinds of memories (like recognition) but will have to relearn what the association of recognition actually means. So history and events might have to be studied and relearned... sometimes even things like reading, also. The pain will be that the individual will regain mental health and will realize exactly what has happened. Your stem-cell research is very important, and you're reaching a point where you'll be able to use birth cells that aren't embryonic, but every bit as potent for research... thereby sidestepping all moral issues. Look for this in the next few years.   (39) QUESTION: Dear Kryon: I've noticed how many children are developing severe allergies to foods[1/29/2014 9:46:36 AM]

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(my daughter included). When I've researched this, it seems that most of the allergies are essentially to seeds, grains, legumes, eggs, and dairy. I've noticed that these foods all hold the potential for life, or in the case of dairy, are essentially used to sustain the first stages of life in an animal's baby. My feeling is that because we're not releasing the life force within these foods (that is, sprouting, etc.), they're becoming harmful to us. I would like your impressions of this. ANSWER: For thousands of years, these foods have worked for humanity. In these cases you speak about, the main culprit continues to be the way in which these foods are collected and processed. You won't find these allergies in third-world countries, and you won't find them within the children who work on farms, where they eat the foods directly. There will eventually have to come a day when you relax some of your efficiency attributes and go back to the way food was meant to be collected and eaten. And yes... there are effects from how the dairy animals are treated, too. Going back to some basics will help, and so will eliminating some of the procedures that supposedly create a "safer food." These procedures have instead made them begin to look like foreign food to the Human body.   (40) QUESTION: Dear Kryon: Having accepted that I'm greatly outnumbered by those who favor the metric system, I still wonder if we are to be stuck with it forever? Despite my country's adoption of metric, in my work, I still use inches, feet, and so on every day. The richness of the old system adds to our language and culture and seems irreplaceable to me. ANSWER: There are really several issues here. The metric system is a good one for the general public, so your country is probably wise to "join the club." It's helpful to have everything on one system that's base-10. It's also less confusing for everyday math and the understanding of fluid quantities, and so on. It also has merit for some science. Just think, the American Mars machine would have made it if it hadn't been for the metric/nonmetric confusion. (1999 Mars climate orbiter metric-english measurement confusion). Part of the reason you long for the richness of the old system is that it not only reminds you of what you grew up with, but it also shouts base-12! Take a look: Your rulers have 12 inches, and a yard is three feet. These reflect nature, which is all base-12. Crystallize a drop of water and it will have six points. Examine a snowflake and you will see base-6 and -12. Biologists know that DNA is groups of fours and threes, and western music has 12 half notes between octaves. Your compass has 360 degrees, and the oldest science on the planet features 12 houses, or groups of activity around the movement of the planets. Go back far enough and you'll discover that ancient civilizations (the Sumerians) used it, too. It's intuitive, but as we've said before, it's a lot harder to work with for those who count on their fingers and toes. [Smile]   (41) QUESTION: Dear Kryon: What is happening with so many people developing fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue? Is there something going in the bodies of these people that no one understands? ANSWER: Usually I don't pull the "spiritual card" on questions like these, but in your case it is the true and accurate answer. Humanity is changing the energy of the planet, and this is affecting what many are calling "normal." Your DNA is a product of an older energy. If you wish to see something unusual, take a look at the children. They're not having this problem to the degree the adults are. Think of it as a sign that you need to readjust your vibration to that of the new energy around you. This is accomplished by what we've been telling you for 15 years. Become more attuned to your body and your internal spiritual-selves. Your DNA will activate and help bring you to a new balance with everything around you. There are so many who continue to fight the new Earth energy. These are the ones who are finding it harder and harder to make it through a day without a nap. Relax, and celebrate everything around you. Be more patient with the things that formerly have brought you drama or disappointment. Work on your self-worth, and take time to love those around you in a more[1/29/2014 9:46:36 AM]

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profound way. Become a Lighthouse for humanity with your new understanding of what makes a peaceful person. Drop the drama of the family and of situations that surround you, and instead move the rudder of your life's ship to let it point toward a goal that can create peace on Earth. Begin to examine yourself in a spiritual way and you'll indeed match the energy of the earth, and that will bring you good energy, less stress, and a longer life.   (42) QUESTION: Dear Kryon: I had been on a spiritual quest my entire life until I discovered the Kryon material. It has changed my life, and I've been a devoted "Kryonite" ever since. Five years ago my life turned upside down - in a moment, I lost both of my dear parents, my mother to heart disease, and my father to dementia. I also learned that my closest sister was suffering from chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). It has been a most difficult time for me. I'm the eldest daughter of nine children and have always felt I must care for everyone. My belief system has helped me cope with the pain and despair that I often feel. On May 14, 2003 (5-5-5) I too was diagnosed with CLL. What a blow! This past year my world has changed dramatically, and I no longer feel that I "belong" anywhere. I feel disconnected from family and friends. I meditate and talk to my cells, but it has been a long time since I've felt any joy in my life. What's wrong? I understand that being a Human "being" is not easy; however, I used to have an active professional and social life but now take little pleasure in my former pursuits. Why? I want to make a contribution, but how do I discover what that will be? Help! ANSWER: Dear One, nothing is wrong with you, or the thousands of others who experience these kinds of things. Remember: Lighthouses are never built in safe places. You discovered the answer to your questions early on. Now implement them. Change your DNA and this disease will retreat from you. Not only that, but a little-known effect that we haven't yet discussed can also occur... what you do with your DNA will be "seen" by the consciousness of the DNA within your children and can actually break the linkage within your lineage. All humanity is connected at a level that is consistent with what your physicists are noticing in their new quantum studies. So what you do affects more than just you. This is also the basis of almost everything we teach about what you can do for others through your own self-examination. So now is the time to create an island of peace within the storm of life. This is something that has been given to you because you're strong and have the ability to do it. Break the mold that others would normally be pulled into. Instead of "Why me?" shout "Why not!" You're not exempt from the Human experience just because you're spiritual. Instead, you're one who can change this situation... part of the planet of free choice we've spoken of so often. You're not alone, and we line up behind you and celebrate your victories, and hold you when you cry. It's a group effort... one that you have sensed from the beginning. Now strike this light of yours and show what you can do. The storm rages, but you are calm. Let the love of God be your sword, and the wisdom of your knowledge be the shield. Your light can change not only you, but all those around you. Blessings to you and those like you, who are distressed at this time.

(43) QUESTION: Dear Kryon: Scientists have recently found skeletons of a hobbit-like species of human that grew no larger than a three-year-old modern child. The tiny humans, who had skulls about the size of grapefruits, lived with pygmy elephants and Komodo dragons on a remote island in Indonesia 18,000 years ago. They have determined that these belong to a species of Humans completely new to science, now named Homo floresiensis, after the island on which it was found.[1/29/2014 9:46:36 AM]

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Didn't you say that there was only one kind of Human? ANSWER: Dear one, I told you that there were many kinds of Humans many years ago, and that they all stopped developing except the kind you see now. This discovery is simply validation of what I have told you. Here is an example of a completely different kind of Human, and one that does not exist now. There were as many as 17 kinds at one time, but they all went into extinction except you. There is nothing else like this in earth's evolution, [that a species has no variety] and that is what we were pointing to when we spoke of these things. Is it a coincidence? Don't you find it strange that you are the only mammal that has this situation (who is alive by the billions)? We have brought this to your attention many times so that you might start to look around at these seemingly odd attributes of Humanity when compared to "the way things are supposed to biologically work" on the planet.   Submit Your Question To Kryon updated every quarter (we hope)[1/29/2014 9:46:36 AM]

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UPDATE: 2nd Quarter 2004

QUESTION (1) Dear Kryon: I'm fascinated by the Dead Sea Scrolls. Are they current at this time? ANSWER No, but current enough so that you can reconstruct history to see what happened. Sometimes people use the term Dead Sea Scrolls to indicate all the scrolls, but there were actually more. Written by those who were also there at Christ's life and death were writings by other disciples. These were found within a few years of the ones found in Qumran, and are just as important. Look for the ones found in Egypt. They'll reveal much more diversity than you think, and bring you to the conclusion that perhaps there's far more to this story that you think you know so well.*

QUESTION (2) Dear Kryon: My question is this: Where can I find access to these scrolls? I've long thought that the "known" story of Jesus is convoluted and different from the truth. Are these scrolls accessible to average people? ANSWER Not yet, nor would it help much if they were, since so much of what they contain must be realized within the context of the culture in which they were written. Look to the unbiased scholars who have access to them for a far better understanding of what took place. And yes... the truth is different from your current teachings. (From Lee): You've touched on a subject that was presented by Kryon in Book One, published in 1989. There are books that might help you learn more, written by the only female biblical historian allowed access to the scrolls. Her name is Barbara Thiering, and she's written many books about Jesus that are filled with "Aha!" revelations that you always suspected... but which are presented from the standpoint of a historian, not a New Age believer. Go to and type in Barbara's name under "Author," and you'll find her books.

QUESTION (3) Dear Kryon: Are there currently any women channelling Kryon? If not, is there a particular reason why not? ANSWER First, let me answer the question literally. After that I'll give you an answer within the consciousness and the intent of which it was asked. I am Kryon, a piece of what you call God, but so are you. My service is different from yours, yet we have a link between us. Any Human can channel my energy at any time. It will come in with what you call the Higher-Self and complement the whole of your divinity. It's available anytime and without any permission. You are family, and I've said this for more than 15 years. So[1/29/2014 9:46:40 AM]

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that means that tens of thousands of women are channelling Kryon every day! As for the intent of your question, you're really asking if there are any "recognized" female Kryon channels of the kind that my partner represents. The answer is yes. Some are part of the original nine I spoke of but aren't popular yet, and some are not part of the nine, but are teaching openly. If you wish to know who is "real" and who isn't, that's easy. Look for the same energy I've given you through my partner. It's unmistakable. Also look for the consistency of the message with respect to what has already been given. There's no gender preference when it comes to the love of God.

QUESTION (4) Dear Kryon: I've read quite a bit on the "hollow earth theory" and it's a matter of record, based on what Admiral Byrd found on one of his explorations many years ago. In a recent book, Mt. Shasta and surrounding areas were named as exits and openings for a civilization that calls that region home. I checked on the Web, and there's a person who's telling of the existence of these people, who are supposed to be survivors of Lemuria, and what their relationship to us is. One of the things that was brought out was that they're waiting for the 12:12, the same time that's referred to by Kryon. Does Kryon have any info on this possibility? ANSWER This information is answered completely within some of the newest channellings. I've instructed my partner to place the second channelling from Mt. Shasta, which was given June 2004, into publication (on the Website) within two months of this question-and-answer series. In that channelling, we describe these Lemurians and what their society used to be like, and what happened that allowed them to move dimensionally into your future. There is no hollow earth containing Human creatures as you know them. There are, however, interdimensional beings who have been waiting to come to the surface if the planet ever got to the place where they could. These are the Lemurians. The time would be now, and they are actually here. They're not waiting for 2012, which is the "book end" of the Venus Transit (see the first Mt. Shasta channelling on the Website, from June 2004). There's a great deal to understand here, and some of it will seem esoteric and beyond the scope of the what would normally be seen as the "practical Kryon message." However, it's no different from your belief in guides and angels, and falls within much the same category... those who have been waiting to help you. (From Lee): There are now satellites that continuously "see" the topography of the earth over and over. They've been in place for years. Many are dedicated to the mapping of the planet, gravitational anomalies, geophysical attributes, and so on. Environmentalists are especially interested in the poles due to the gradual warming of the planet. If there were an exit and opening that has been described, which is in 4D, you'd have to understand that it would have been seen by now, over and over. And if you're one of those who believe that it has been seen but is being kept secret, then you're not yet awakened to what real Human nature is like. No more secrets like this can be kept when the world is connected in the way it is via the Internet. There's always someone who will "spill the beans." It's really easy to believe in conspiracies. The truth will be much stranger, and harder to accept.

QUESTION (5) Dear Kryon: I'd like to ask about architecture. I'm a young college student, and I fear that I will possibly contribute to the destruction of the earth through my work. I wish to make buildings that work with the Universe. How can I design and build adequate homes for the Human species? Nature seems to get it right every time in an effortless manner. ANSWER Dear one, bless you for your question! Do not fear what is before you. It will fall to those like you to develop the intuitional design that will be the future of architecture. You are needed to stay where you are[1/29/2014 9:46:40 AM]

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and trust your inner knowing as you do your work. The biggest thing you might do to help build for the future is to start understanding the movement of energy in all structures. Design with an "eye" on the whole picture, not just the one you can see.

QUESTION (6) Dear Kryon: Will there come a time when our job, as pieces of God here on planet Earth, will be complete and we'll leave it to the biological beings? ANSWER You are biological beings, but you have a divine complement. This is different from biological beings in the Universe who do not, as we've told you many times. It means that you're a hybrid, part biology and part angelic. The angelic part hides within duality, and this is the ever-present test of energy on the planet. The answer to your question is this: There will come a time when you're complete... yes. But when that happens, the earth will be finished in purpose. It will then return to a state of purity, and life will begin again. Don't worry. This is very far away, and in all appropriateness, will be something you will all celebrate. This is not fortune telling. It's the plan you've designed around this beautiful planet.

QUESTION (7) Dear Kryon: If we're allowed free will, and the work we do requires that we be safely "beyond the veil" from you and our home, why is it that you're allowed to speak to us and to tell us parts of the truth? Not that I'm complaining! I love to hear from you! Blessed are you for the work you do, for the tremendous comfort and hope that's contained in your message, and for the love you bring us. ANSWER You might notice that I never give answers that reveal secrets you must reveal for yourselves. I'm a guide, and I do no more than what has been allowed from the beginning... give information that points you to find the next answer. This is no different from any angelic entity that you've studied. We all have the same rule book for humanity. The only thing that has changed is that my messages were able to be brought into a more prominent place within the acceleration of the energy on the planet. This was your doing, and you might say that the 11:11 in 1987 was the turning point. This opened a door that allowed even further "pointers" to more advanced learning. It's like I'm helping to write a new chapter in your divinity, pressing you forward to find out more about areas that were always there, but that are now more important than ever. Remember what I told you sometime ago? "When the light is turned on, it often reveals things that you may then see and act upon. This doesn't mean that they didn't exist before the light was turned on."

QUESTION (8) In a recent channelling, you mentioned the Book of Mary and said that it had been hidden away but is now out in the open. When will information such as this (and other writings that have been hidden away), be widely available to the public? ANSWER This book is from Mary, a disciple of Christ, and is not a secret. It has been in existence since 1947.* It's only now, however, that the information is beginning to play into a larger scenario that you may see and examine as truth. This is also the subject of your mainstream writings (The Da Vinci Code is an example) and is right on time. Know this: that the reason for these revelations is twofold: (1) There's more to the story than you've been told, and (2) the divine feminine is an important part of it. The information isn't meant to cancel any religion on the planet, or to disrupt anyone's belief. Think of it in this way: What if God was bigger than you were told? If you're happy with only part of a grand story, wouldn't you want the rest? Consider it an enhancement of truth, not a destroyer of it.[1/29/2014 9:46:40 AM]

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Blessed are the Humans who seek the whole truth, like children opening new gifts, for it will only enhance their lives, not upset them. To the priests, ministers, and shamans, we say this: Prepare for a more complete story... one that will make it easier for you to minister to those who seek the love of God.

QUESTION (9) Dear Kryon: My question is, after we know our Higher-Self, what's next? ANSWER Then you are complete, dear Human... just like when you know everything there is to know. Prepare yourself. It might take a while. [Smile]

QUESTION (10) Dear Kryon: I have a pet goat that has exhibited some remarkable qualities as of late. I've been noticing his behavior since I first bought him, and out of curiosity, took him to have his aura read. You can imagine my astonishment when his aura turned out to be a deep indigo hue! How is it possible for this Indigo Goat, if you will, to exist? ANSWER Be aware of what's happening so that you don't sequester the "Indigo experience" into a box. The indigo color is being seen because of a large change in consciousness on the planet. So it's an energy gift to Earth - not to children. The new children of Earth are taking this Earth gift and changing it to new thought. The crystalline energy that we spoke of last year is also part of this. Therefore, you'll see this new energy everywhere, since it belongs to the planet. It's not that you have an "Indigo Goat," but rather, an animal that's simply participating in its way in the new Earth energy. Also remember this: that the entire animal kingdom exists for the support of humanity, so you can't be that surprised by an indigo color around an animal. Want to see something really spectacular? For those who see energy, watch the plants.

QUESTION (11) Dear Kryon: Recently I've encountered a number people who tell me that their children, young people between the ages of 18 and 27, have suddenly developed schizophrenia, or other imbalances such as manic/depression, bipolar disorder, paranoia, and severe depression. What's going on? Can you address this phenomenon? ANSWER It's not your imagination. It's increasing. So are other kinds of mental imbalances in children. As the energy of the planet changes, those coming in to it will be presented with a far larger puzzle of development than you were. This will result in more aberrations of "normal" than ever before. It's going to demand that you rework your health care for these young ones. Be aware: It's only imbalance, not a disease.

QUESTION (12) Dear Kryon: I'm a mental-health nurse working in the British National Health Service with people who have a huge range of problems. Can you help me understand the psychotic experience that's often labeled as schizophrenia, and more important, how I can best help the people I work with (having gained a greater understanding of the human experience from your words) within the constraints of the system I have to work in. QUESTION (13) Dear Kryon: I'd like to ask about multiple personalities. I understand the psychological aspect (as much as anyone can) of this condition, but I'm wondering about the spiritual aspects of it. Is the "fragmentation" something that extends to spiritual or soul levels, or is it only something that exists in consciousness?[1/29/2014 9:46:40 AM]

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ANSWER The actual answer is that those who are the most unbalanced in this area are the ones having a profound reaction to what normally hides in most Humans. You're all "multiple," but only the life you have now is seen as "real" or "the one on top of the pile." In multiple personalities, these dear ones often "see and feel" the past-life residue in their DNA as real. The only rule in their reality is that these "real" multiples must appear in a serial time line... one at a time. Each one is actually real, and each one can be "owned" by them since they actually had full lifetimes lived for each. This is why it's easy for them to have a history of each one. It's not made up! So you're not seeing fantasy, but simply an added enhancement that allows them to act out many of "who they used to be." It's something you don't have. We call this the many "expressions" of each Human. These affected ones don't always see these other personalities in the past, either. They often relate to the date on your calendar, but they also relate to the reality of the others, all living together, today. The best thing you can do is to help them to understand "who's on top." You are then helping to reconstruct the "wall" between expressions, and also helping them to get into a place that's more normal, representing what you experience. This multiple situation is seen in their minds as a rotating stack of appropriate lives who all share the same body! It is so, for these residues are sharing one DNA in one body. But by making them decide "who's on the top of the stack," you'll get them used to returning to "home base" each time they switch. Once they get used to returning to the one on top, then they can begin concentrating on keeping it there if they want to. So in your work, try to get them to acknowledge who's "the boss" (the one on top). Once they get this concept, they'll begin to understand that "the boss" is the top personality. They'll return to "the boss" no matter what. It will also become a safety valve for them so they don't get worse, and so that they'll become comfortable with the home base of their existence (the boss). Many of them can be helped to live a very normal and productive life without any drugs. This will occur through their realization of the fact that they're not crazy, but only "enhanced." They have the opportunity to control the enhancement through new knowledge. This eventually begins to let them choose if they ever want to leave "home base." This is healing through empowerment... something we've taught for a very long time. Know this: They'll always be enhanced no matter what you do. It's only through their understanding of their power to change themselves that they'll be healed. Think of it as a Human with something you don't have, which causes confusion. It's not something missing, but something added. Therefore, they need added information to cope.

QUESTION (14) Dear Kryon: In the past year or so, I've been experiencing different and strange happenings in my body. I find that whenever I'm reading spiritual material, I'll see sparks, and I've also felt sensations in my ears. Could you please explain some of the physical conditions humans may feel during these fascinating times. ANSWER You're not alone. Although the symptoms are different from Human to Human, please be aware that by having spiritual events take place, you're activating DNA! This will manifest itself in many ways, but almost all of them will appear to be unusual. Welcome to the beginning of ascension!

QUESTION (15) Dear Kryon: I've had a "phlegmy" condition in my throat for over a year, and I feel as if I've searched everywhere for a cure. It seems to have a mind of its own - sometimes barking uncontrollably or at inappropriate times. Have you heard of such a thing? Is it emotional, spiritual, or other? ANSWER Dear one, this is spiritual and emotional (they often go together). Look for cause and effect. You[1/29/2014 9:46:40 AM]

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think it's happening randomly, but it's not. There's always something connected with speaking your truth. I think you know what I'm talking about. This will go away when you take care of the situation.

QUESTION (16) Dear Kryon: For a couple of years now, I've been having dull feelings in the right and left sides of my head. Lately, I have this cold spot on my right temple. It feels as if someone is holding an ice cube to my temple. Also, I hear a pitched noise in my right ear. I feel these are the adjustments we are to expect. Am I right about this? Could you explain this to me? ANSWER There are two things going on here. The head issue is blood flow. You'd be wise to seek more medical information on this. The second, regarding the ears, is very typical for many Lightworkers, and we've given this information before: ( It is a symptom of spiritual growth. There are many noninvasive ways of examining blood flow within your head. Do not fear this situation. It was given to you so that you'd look. Then you'll act. It will let you live a long time. Bless you for your work on this planet.

QUESTION (17) Dear Kryon: Do fairies really exist? ANSWER If you take a poll about what a "fairy" is, you'll get as many answers as there are those taking the poll. But the basic answer is yes. These are directly related to workers of the earth. The "devas" of the gardens were seen as fairies, and so were other Earth-related helpers. They are also part of sea lore. So in the context of "Tinkerbelle," the answer is no. [Smile] In the context of interdimensional creatures that are the helpers of Gaia, yes.

QUESTION (18) Dear Kryon: In the most recent question-and-answer session, premature births were discussed. Part of the answer about why they're occurring more frequently is due mostly to the new consciousness of the children being born today. They're impatient in life and also in birth. Coming in at full term isn't needed for many of them, since they wish to get on with it! However, most babies who are born prematurely have a multitude of health problems, including respiratory, cognitive, and developmental delays. Many babies born before 28 weeks need respirators initially because their lungs aren't mature enough. My own son died after being born at 25 weeks because of his lungs. Children who don't die initially usually have multiple disabilities as adults. The question is: If there's a new consciousness of the children coming in today, why aren't their bodies ready at 24 or 25 weeks - or any week they're ready to be here? ANSWER This is far simpler than you think. You're making an assumption that these new children know what they're doing biologically. Their impatience is spiritual, and it doesn't give them the ability to shorten the term. So what we're saying is that you're seeing a learning curve. The ones that don't make it will come in again, and understand that full term is important. The ones that have difficulties will also know the next time around. You're actually seeing a new kind of interdimensional spiritual growth trying to marry itself to 4D biology. It's not always what you think it should be.[1/29/2014 9:46:40 AM]

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QUESTION (19) Dear Kryon: How does one stay in the present? Intent? ANSWER Yes, that's always the key. Truly, intent is the spiritual part of you that always knows what's going on. If you tend to "float," then you don't spend much time in the present. Intent to stay in the present helps your body have a goal. Also take a look at your diet. Sometimes what you eat will help ground you more appropriately. Then there's always exercise! It works... very grounding.

QUESTION (20) Dear Kryon: Many times I've requested to go to my next step but haven't noticed anything happening. I think of sending light to certain places and wonder if anything's happening. How can I increase my awareness? ANSWER Let me ask you a question. When you take a vitamin, is there some kind of body reaction that tells you it's working? When you eat, does your body give you a sign that you did good? In both cases, the answer is no. It's intuitive that you're doing something that's appropriate and correct, since your reality is based on it. The actual spiritual reality is that what you're doing is making a difference. Don't decide what you think it should feel like. Don't even get close to deciding how you think it should be measured. What you're doing is helping the planet and yourself in ways that can't be known by you in the 4D sense that you wish. Instead, own the fact that it's working, just like you own the fact that nutrition happens when you eat, or that vitamins increase your health. It's more than faith. You have to make it your reality. So let your awareness be increased from the knowledge that what you're doing is indeed making a difference. Believe it.

QUESTION (21) Hi, Kryon, where can I find a map of the new grid system? ANSWER The same place you found the map to the old one. If you're speaking of the new magnetics, then it rests with your geophysicists. The changes are very well mapped. If you're speaking of the spiritual map, it exists in your DNA... much harder to get to. [Smile]

QUESTION (22) Dear Kryon: Being the "master of magnetics," could you provide new information about the effects of electromagnetic fields applied to inert gases and how these effects are connected to The Cosmic Lattice? ANSWER Remember, there's a big difference between actually magnetizing a gas, and having a gas react to a magnetic field. Inert gases such as helium and krypton, among others, are valuable in magnetic devices since they can be "pushed around." This is really not a direct link to The Cosmic Lattice. The real link to The Cosmic Lattice lies in a yet-to-be-built (on this planet) device that must create magnetic fields in very specific relationships to each other, then fine-tuned. This almost demands that you use a gas that can actually be magnetized (hold a charge like a magnet - a residual magnetizing field). At the moment, this is cesium gas. For hints about this, we again ask you to look at entanglement, and also don't make any judgments about what temperature this gas has to be or not. When done correctly, these fine-tuned multiple magnetic fields will create an interdimensional attribute that will force The Cosmic Lattice to be involved. Think... propulsion without gravitational influence.

QUESTION (23) Dear Kryon: You've often spoken about the thymus and the change from fight to[1/29/2014 9:46:40 AM]

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harmony. Will a fully awakened thymus inhibit procreation? ANSWER This entire "thymus" subject is going to happen very slowly, and most of it will be within the new generations who are coming into the planet. This slow-growth "thymus activation" will also be accompanied by appropriate maturity regarding procreation. All that said, the answer is yes! But this is the result of maturity and spiritual evolution, not chemistry. There's something hiding here that I cannot further comment on, since it's not time. But let me ask you this: Did you ever wonder what might be the answer to the ever-increasing world population?

QUESTION (24) Dear Kryon: My question is this: When the people around you are hurting you and you're aware of why they're doing it, is it appropriate to stay in that situation since it might be part of the contract with them? ANSWER No! Contracts are only starting potentials. They get the ball rolling for you to decide if you wish to change them. We've said it before: When one tennis player stops showing up for the game, it doesn't take long for the other to realize it. Karma and beginning contracts are exactly like this. When you remove yourself from situations like these, you make a profound statement to the Universe: (1) I recognize what's happening. (2) I wish to change it, and I can. (3) The ones whom I affect with this change will eventually have the opportunity to do the same. (4) I will never be the same.

QUESTION (25) Dear Kryon: My sister asked for a neutral implant several years ago. She was in a car accident in April 2004 when the person who hit her ran a red light. The night following her accident, out of desperation, I requested that whatever contracts she'd made regarding the events of the previous day be broken. She'd expressed the desire, before the accident, to break all contracts. I didn't know at the time of my request that her doctors didn't expect her to live beyond 48 hours after the accident. She's now home and making great progress in her recuperation. My question is, can contracts be broken on behalf of another person if it's known that it was their intention to do so? And, did I commit an energetic or universal faux pas in making my request? ANSWER Dear one, God is not in a vacuum when it comes to these things. At some level, your sister fully asked for these things. You only helped facilitate her own intent. Not only has the beginning contract been eliminated in her life, but the traffic "accident" was all part of this. This is a rebirth for her! Can she feel it? At some time in the future, let her celebrate this rebirth and all that comes with it. There's far more going on here than you know. As for your part? Blessed is the Human who cares so much for another that they join for a moment in the other's sacred quest. You did well. This is what family does.

QUESTION (26) Dear Kryon: I've read your books and attended several of your live channellings. Some years ago, I requested the neutral implant. I've worked assiduously to live in the now, to free myself of previous contracts, and use this time to the fullest in helping the world reach its greatest potential. What confuses me is that on April 19th of this year I was involved in a serious car wreck that has left me battling to regain my ability to walk, the use of my right arm, and the life I had before the accident. If I neutralized all previous contracts and neutralized my karma, why the car wreck? ANSWER Dear one, we honor your life and also the timing of everything around you. At this moment, you[1/29/2014 9:46:40 AM]

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should, too. For with time you'll regain all that you're working for. Meanwhile, ponder this: The implant is defined as "your implantation of permission to shift." You did. The "accident" was all part of a major life change and happened on schedule. Your implant request changed your future... for there you sit, alive! I don't wish to be overly dramatic, but you changed everything right before the accident, including your lifeline, your contract, and your purpose on Earth. The accident had nothing to do with your karma. Surviving it did. Many of you aren't understanding your power to shift what you've been given. So many are looking at things in such a shallow way. Receiving the implant doesn't necessarily mean that traffic accidents won't happen to you; instead, it gives you permission to shift an old reality around the event. In the case above, this dear one still doesn't understand that the very accident that would have taken her life under a different reality is now set to allow her a totally different reality. Her healing will occur, and she'll be a different person on the planet, ready to move on to the kinds of things that will change her future, and those around her. She may even come to a point where she can celebrate the accident. That's the wisdom of masterhood.

QUESTION (27) Dear Kryon: Some years ago when I was walking outside one morning, I heard someone calling me by my name, but I couldn't see anybody. This has happened a couple of times. I asked a few spiritual friends about this. They said that this was only a test to see if I was ready for spiritual enlightenment. I wonder if this is true. ANSWER Finally, an answer! What took you so long? We've been trying to see if you could accept that you're not alone. Perhaps the next time we call, you won't have to go ask a friend and write a question for us to honor you! [Kryon wink and smile] Not all voices that are heard are spiritual. Some are a result of imbalances within your biology. In your case, you were indeed clearly hearing us trying to get your attention. The difference will always be apparent. For in a spiritual setting, it will be accompanied by good feelings, love, and appropriate honor. You might ask, "Well, what do you want?" The answer? "For you to know that you're never alone, and to take that knowledge and begin to relax with the fact that you're also a piece of God." It's all about self-worth. Congratulations, dear one. You are awake!

QUESTION (28) Dear Kryon: Our approach to space and time has changed since Galileo and Newton. What needs to change in Einstein's space-time approach to be in conformity with the new reality? You said it exists as a negative time (mass). Could this time (mass) be a positive time (mass) from another reality? Is it the non-synchronicity of this time (mass) we interpret as negative time (mass)? Negative time (mass) doesn't really exist. ANSWER I'll answer the last part of the questions first. Don't confuse "mass-less objects" with something called negative mass. It's simply mass that has had one of its attributes altered so that gravity reacts differently to it. Also, don't confuse interdimensional matter (dark matter) with something that's polarized. Dark matter is interdimensional matter, out of your sight since it's not in your 4D. So, no, the polarities of mass aren't opposite reflections of your reality (which is really the question you're asking). Also, anti-matter isn't what you think, and doesn't play into these discussions at all. Next, your new approach to time and mass has to go beyond Einstein's teachings. He gave you a new dimension to look at (time) and showed you how it could be variable; therefore, out of the "box" of what you believed. The next phase has to be centered around your new work, which you call "Super String Theory." It[1/29/2014 9:46:40 AM]

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must be tuned up to include a base-12 math system, which is interdimensional math. It must also include a far more serious understanding of the integer that you call zero. Lurking in this new elegant math are secrets that will be as profound and expanding as the ones Einstein brought to you in the 1940s. Understand that there's not another reality lurking interdimensionally that would have you walking around in a reversed polarity situation. This has actually been postulated by physics but is now being examined through the use of very large magnetic, small-particle acceleration devices, and is showing revelations about reality itself. So be aware that there's only one playing field that has you in it, working a spiritual puzzle. Concentrate on the reality in front of you.

QUESTION (29) Dear Kryon: How do we know what the new chakra colors are and when to start using them in our meditations? ANSWER There are many new ones, and all of them are interdimensional. They're colors that are multiples of frequencies that you can and can't see, making some of them iridescent or appear to "shimmer" in your mind's eye. They're "seeable" for many of you who are working on a higher vibration. They're difficult to describe due to their multiplicity. So here's our advice. Don't concern yourself with this goal. If you begin to sense them either on yourself or others, then celebrate the event and begin to use them in your meditations, even though you might not know what they represent. Your intent to use them is all the activation needed! More specific information about these new chakra colors and actions will be coming soon, so at least you can observe what others have to say who've seen and worked with them for the last year or so.

QUESTION (30) Dear Kryon: Can you explain the difference between the terms soul mate and twin flame? ANSWER These represent different energies, but similar attributes. Both indicate a partnership. A soul mate is a partner for life. It does not have to be a romantic one. It can be mother and daughter, or two unrelated people who team up for whatever reason. And yes, it can also be romantic. Therefore, it is a partnership energy. The energy of a twin flame is one that's your mirror-image energy. A twin flame is one who finds the "other half" of what it is seeking in purpose. Twin-flame energy isn't necessarily a partnership issue like a soul mate is. It's more about coming together to fulfill a wholeness that's missing in potential or purpose. A soul mate might be a partnership that's good for life, but it may not result in anything else. A twin flame has purpose behind it, driving toward a goal. Let me give you real-world examples. Your past leader Ronald Regan has a soul mate called Nancy. But the discovers of the DNA structure, Watson and Crick, were twin flames. Sometimes twin flames are also together in love, but even if they are, that's convenient for the bigger picture... something to be accomplished together. Soul mates exist together for joy and life extension. Twin flames exist together to accomplish something that neither could do alone. They also can be both! When that happens, it's really obvious. (From Lee: Please see Kryon Book Six, page 333, for a similar discussion. Also, Kryon gives references to St. Germain's work regarding twin-flame energy.)[1/29/2014 9:46:40 AM]

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QUESTION (31) Dear Kryon: Talk to me about walk-ins. I believe I am one, and if so, do I go home? ANSWER A true walk-in is a difficult thing to understand, for you have to begin to understand something else we've taught about the fact that you are not singular. You have many parts and pieces to your spiritual body, and sometimes they even involve a meld with another energy. One this side of the veil you're "singular." So this doesn't make sense. On the "home" side of the veil, you're multiple, which is your natural state. This involves many more dimensions than you can see or are ready to understand at the moment. For reasons that you can't comprehend, sometimes a part of you comes into the Earth plane and grows up. Then later, usually through some kind of traumatic experience, the other part joins you. Some have "seen" this as two different entities, where one kind of warms up the place for the other, then leaves. [Smile] There are really two different kinds of walk-in experiences. One is just like I mentioned, where two actual entities are involved by agreement, and one comes in to start, then the other steps in and takes over when it's time. Then the original takes a back seat, melds, and becomes a part of the whole of the experience for life. This is what we've told you in the past about walk-ins. Now there's something even more to know, since you're now at a point where advanced information is possible. The second kind of walk-in experience is where there's an "enhancement" of the first Human consciousness to such a degree that it appears that another Human arrived! Actually, it's just the other part. The reasoning is about timing, and also about life purpose. Many times a walk-in is one who suddenly has a purpose after the experience. That's accurate, but the purpose is due to the fact that now all the parts are together, and are aware of what to do. Sometimes it's so dramatic that even the walk-in individual sees the past as another person! Sometimes they even change their names. The logistics and "rules" behind walk-ins are not list-able, since they're infinitely variable. Sometimes the other part never arrives if the timing isn't right. Sometimes it arrives so strong that it's scary! As to the question, "Do I go home?"... you might be misunderstanding something. A true walk-in, after the experience, is home! The whole reason for a walk-in experience is a time enhancement. There's no entity who "held a place" for another. Instead, it's a Human entity who may now be "multiple," who now gets to have the rest of the story. Any walk-in has great purpose for the earth and is needed in its entirety (a full complement of parts, including the one that started the process at birth).

QUESTION (32) Dear Kryon: In past channellings, you indicated that Earth is hidden by only having one sun in our solar system, and that there was something interesting about Jupiter. Was or will Jupiter be a second sun in this solar system? If it was, did its moons at one time sustain life? Or, is Jupiter an active sun in another dimension? Can you elaborate? ANSWER Your gas giant Jupiter was never a second sun. However, its size and gravitational influence is important to your current sun, which gives you the "Jupiter patterning" through the solar wind. (Please see the Mt. Shasta channelling of June 19 for a better explanation of this.)You lost your sun appropriately, very early, and it's gone out of your solar system. So the importance of Jupiter is that it's a major player in your Earth energy. There are attributes of your solar system that "shout" that you once had two suns. Perhaps time will eventually show this to your scientists. As for the sustenance of life on the moons of Jupiter, the answer is that there's currently life on certain moons of Jupiter, and it's basic life of the kind that your biologists can catalog or define as life as you know it on Earth.[1/29/2014 9:46:40 AM]

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QUESTION (33) Dear Kryon: Somewhere I read that at age 49/50 we enter a new phase in life, a sort of ripening process, as I understand it. All sorts of doors then open to us. Then it occurred to me that Lee Carroll, Steve Rother, and Ronna Herman (whose information "feels" right to me) are also age 50+. It got me to wondering if perhaps this age thing was perhaps real, also meaning that I haven't "missed the boat," as I sometimes worry. That would be wonderful news for me! That would mean great and exciting things are still on their way! Please tell me your views as to the age 49/50 as a milestone (or not) in our spiritual development at this time. ANSWER (From Lee): I hope you don't mind my answering this, since I've asked this exact question of Kryon. I'm now 60+, but my awakening came at age 45. I asked Kryon early on why this was. My question to Kryon was this: "Wouldn't it have made more sense to have me younger so that I could have more energy? Why now, when I'm obviously past the halfway point of a normal life span?" Kryon gave me an answer that's similar to the one you postulate. He said that after 50, there's something that happens. Chemistry changes, wisdom often increases, and so on. In my case, then, Kryon asked me a question: "Why don't you slow down your biological clock so you don't age as fast? And while you're at it, why don't you co-create more energy than you've ever had?" Okay, so the gauntlet was thrown down (metaphorically) from Kryon, who told me that age was important for several reasons - among them was the challenge to let people see me work with it in a way that was obvious to them. So... I feel that if you're not yet 50, look to the positive side: that first, God willing, you will be 50 someday! When that time comes, expect some spiritual changes if you're in that place that gives permission for them. By the way, if you're an Indigo reading this... forget everything I said. Your situation is different, very different.

QUESTION (34) Hi, Kryon. Pertaining to the channelling in Israel: "As go the Jews, so goes the world." "Jews are different from everyone else." "Jews have a different karmic link." Don't all of us have a part in what happens in the world? Aren't we all equal and special, be that from the African tribesman to the Buddhist monk to the Presbyterian minister to the Catholic priest to the starving child in Africa or India? The Dalai Lama was just here in Toronto. Here's a man who's neither Christian, Jewish, Catholic nor Muslim. Yes, he's Buddhist, but the feeling of togetherness and compassion that he exudes is universal. Doesn't a person like that have an impact on how things go? ANSWER It's been explained many times. The Jews hold a place in the Akashic Record of the earth that is a "core" energy. Yes, all are special in their own way; however, the Jews are specialists on this planet in a way that should be obvious if you look at all of Human history. It has nothing to do with compassion or universal love. Think of it as universal accounting. No other group has the attributes of a "race" without being one (according to anthropologists). No other group has seen civilization try to eliminate them repeatedly over the centuries, no matter if they were slaves or in modern times sitting in their own country. They're a group that has a core energy to civilization itself. "As go the Jews, so goes the world" is a correct statement, and believe me, you shouldn't envy this position, for it carries with it such seeds of responsibility that the load is heavier for them.

QUESTION (35) Dear Kryon: I have a question about healing and the way that the healing practices/processes all seem to be tied up with so much red tape as to be almost impossible to enter into without so many years of "training/instruction" or expensive tuition/courses, etc. I'm a "natural"[1/29/2014 9:46:40 AM]

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healer, like all humans, but I'm working closely with my own intuition as to how to operate: I don't lay on hands, but work with my hands just above the body, feeling changes in the energy. I imagine I'm emitting or sending beams of light into the aura. My question is, how do we natural healers (who don't wish to be boxed into a certain mode of operation or to join this or that association) offer our services without fear of falling foul of some code or without suffering the pitfalls of the lack of insurance coverage? I feel very strongly about this. To me, healing is love, and nobody should be penalized for offering love in a hands-on/hands-off fashion, but the powers that be seem relentless in their efforts to control and place restrictions upon what must surely be a most ancient and natural expression of love. ANSWER Dear one, all that you said is accurate. Many are coming into the planet with "remembrances" that are profound as to how to intuitively reach for the correct healing for Human biological DNA. You're one of those, and you know it. Not only are you frustrated with the system, but also with Lightworkers themselves, who don't see your "qualifications." You didn't say that, but it's so. The answer is that you must actually work outside of the system, but honor the system, probably most of your life. It's a tightrope that will result in the most healings. Remember that the rule-makers are not as altruistic as you are. Their rules are often for financial gain as much as anything else. You can't expect this to change much in your generation, for you're one of the forerunners. In fact, expect their whole system to fail before it gets any better. It's almost beyond repair. Meanwhile, go forth in joy and use what you have in profound ways. Don't challenge the system, for it's very young and doesn't understand who you are. Instead, learn to "wink" at it and flow with it. If it allows you to be a masseuse, yet you really are healing people, then laugh and "be" a masseuse in their eyes! If it allows you to use acupuncture [which honors insurance in certain states], then become one! Then also use the energy work that you know about along with the acupuncture. There are many ways to flow into the system yet still achieve profound healing in other areas. Learn to flow with the society you live in. Pay the association fees and join the schools. But when you're oneon-one with a patient, use the Lemurian tools you were given and perform the miracles you're capable of. Then... everyone wins. This isn't deceit, but rather a form of wisdom that takes in the system in ways that it wants, while also allowing the most healing for the most Humans. Think about the goal. It's about love.

QUESTION (36) Dear Kryon: I'm on a program where my picture is placed on a computer and based on holographics, I'm sent over 3,600 frequencies, including my own personal mantra and sacred geometry. Is this new-energy technology, and does it serve me? ANSWER Yes, it serves you. However, this is just the elementary beginning of something else you'll be shown if you're open to it. Make no assumptions about the system you're seeing or why it works. Be aware that others are doing the same thing without a computer. Then move past what you think is the goal.

QUESTION (37) Dear Kryon: Why are your messages so long, like a book? Why aren't they more objective and concise? Why should we take so long a trip to learn and evolve when humanity needs information so desperately? Your long messages seem to discourage those who need enthusiasm in their search for evolution. Why don't you simplify your messages? Don't you think that in this way, your light and energy would touch more people? Isn't that your goal? ANSWER Humanity will never achieve "drive-through" master-hood. You might even consider reading the[1/29/2014 9:46:40 AM]

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book if you have time.

QUESTION (38) Hi, Kryon: I have a question regarding the karmic clearance. As you put it, in this New Age, karmic-attribute clearance is possible just through our pure intent. However, a different Website under the name of Lord Maitreya gives a different view of it. Quoting the master's recent message, it goes: "There is no easy way to free yourself from the wheel of karma. It takes hard work, discipline, determination, and a battle between the Self and the Higher Self. However, for those of you who can achieve the end result, [which] is no more return to the earth plane, the struggle is absolutely worth it." Please tell me in these times what should we believe? I was so much at peace, but after reading this, it appears that I'm confused again! ANSWER The Maitreya information you're quoting is accurate, but Maitreya didn't say you had to suffer all your life or get beaten up by your past karma to get through it. Hard work was indicated, and we agree. There's no conflict here. The Kryon message never said that you could say some magic words and have your karma voided. The message was that you now have the gifts to void it without actually going through it, just as the masters did, whereas in the old energy, the only way to void it was to live through it. Now you're able to void it with pure intent, which starts a journey. Then comes learning and patience. Eventually you'll be free, and yes... it is absolutely worth it. Our message is about a personal process that's new for humanity. You can begin this journey of selfevaluation and the voiding of karma with pure intent and achieve it. We've always told you about the battle between the lower and higher self. If you really want to review our message of karma-voiding and ascension, find and read the book of parables called The Journey Home, where we outlined the story of a man who did it, and what he went through. Hard work, a battle between the lower and higher self, and a loving outcome... that was worth it.

QUESTION (39) Hello, Kryon: I bought a book by Kryon, and after reading it, I have doubts about what he said. He said he's a loving entity, but why doesn't he help anyone? So many people on planet Earth are suffering, and nobody's lending a hand. Many people die of illnesses and starvation, and we throw our food into the garbage every day; nobody cares about other people. I don't think there's any single "loving" soul in the whole Universe. Maybe there is, but he's powerless, or else he would have made the world a better place. If Kryon is "loving," will he help me? I need $6,000 for a surgical operation. Will the loving Kryon help me? No, because he's powerless. He doesn't even have a cent, and maybe he's not loving at all. Please don't use the word love loosely. ANSWER There's an old-world consciousness that says that God is everything and Humans are nothing. In that story, God is supposed to help the poor Humans out of their misery if they beg loud enough or climb enough stairs in the hot sun. This is a fairy tale. Humans are enabled to help themselves, and now in a new energy, it's about time they learned it. This is the message of Kryon. For the last 15 years we've told you how to begin this journey. It's not about begging, and hoping God will help. It's about understanding that you're a part of God; therefore, you can create the miracles. With this realization comes power! This is power that heals, co-creates funds for operations, and eventually touches thousands of people around you. It's the answer to all the ills of the planet and can create peace on Earth and change the consciousness of those who create war... all without begging or hoping that somehow God will do "something for you" as you sit there helpless and frustrated. This answer is the truth, and I honored you by never using the "L" word. But there is a place where your name is known, and there are many who are waiting to help you help yourself. They are angels who want nothing more than for you to have healing and joy in your life. Perhaps you might consider using the "L" word on[1/29/2014 9:46:40 AM]

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yourself? [Kryon wink] You do have the ability to receive what God has to offer, regardless of your life situation or condition or your frustrations. You are dearly liked. [Smile]

QUESTION (40) Dear Kryon: Many of your teachings talk about how if we visualize a new world, and visualize peace, then that's what we'll create. However, from the teachings of others, I've also learned that sending our light in meditation to countries in turmoil may often have no positive effect. Because by sending all that light, you also attract darkness. Moreover, if there are millions of New Agers sending their light with different notions and ideas of peace and what the future should hold, then isn't this creating more chaos? I'm confused regarding this. Is visualizing and hoping for a new world, a world with global peace, different from sending our light? What is appropriate? Should we simply just work on ourselves and find inner peace, and that itself will affect the collective consciousness of humanity? ANSWER (From Lee): This has been answered completely in many channellings and also in this Q&A series many times, yet we still get questions like those above. This person is correct! We're not supposed to send our ideas of peace, or our agendas or biases of what we feel should or should not be done. Instead, there's a beautiful scenario of exactly how to do this, which Kryon has presented many times. When you read it, it makes spiritual sense and honors those in every situation. It can also change the planet! Please see this explanation at: [] Also, see page 56 of Kryon Book Ten: A New Dispensation.

QUESTION (41) Dear Kryon: Would you please be so kind as to answer this question? I've always understood the concept of sending, projecting, and visualizing light. However, I'm having great difficulty actually seeing or visualizing this light. I have more of a "feeling" with this, and it ends up being a draining experience afterwards, both physically and emotionally. Can you tell me how to change this? Thank you so much. ANSWER Dear one, you don't have to "see" anything. The beauty is before you without it being visualized. Do you love your family? Perhaps your child? What does that "look" like? The answer is that there's no visualization of love. It projects from a place that's divine within you and you feel it. So "feel" the light within you, which is the love for humanity and the planet, and project that. There's no greater light than that which is this love. When done in this way, there's no drain. As you send your light, the jar will overflow... ready to be dispensed again.

QUESTION (42) Dear Kryon: Will we as humans be able to use a sensory-based language to impart feelings to each other without words (soul speak). I can say "I love you," but I wish to give a feeling to you. I'm not referring to what we can give in prayer or meditation; I mean as something physical. Rather than a five- page essay of the feeling we're trying to give someone understanding about, can we give them the "feeling" of the "feeling" we're trying so hard to verbally explain? My point is, if I could impart an essence to you right now, there would be no need for all of these words; you would know by feeling what I'm asking. ANSWER Look at the answer above this one. When you and your love partner look in each other's eyes, there's no essay. There's an energy transmission that's present, and it's different for many kinds of love. It's the same one that's between you and your parents, your offspring, your animals, and yes, also your divine family. But it's a transmission without words, and it's absolutely real and understood.[1/29/2014 9:46:40 AM]

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So forget the words and just "be." Love is that way. It can be felt without anything being said, and Humans all have the ability to "feel" it being given from any distance. Don't analyze it any more than you would when someone says they love you. Just realize that it is so, and celebrate the power of this gift of light discernment. It doesn't need to be researched or developed. It has been one of the basic truths of humanity from the beginning. This, of all things, is proof of your divinity.

QUESTION (43) Dear Kryon: Can you talk about the energy of Canada? ANSWER There are truly two answers here: (1) The energy of the land, and (2) the energy of the citizens of that great land. Canada has some of the most pristine land on Earth. It also has the attribute of having very few battles upon it, and therefore very little "land karma." This is an expression we use to describe the layers of energy one might have to go through to communicate with the energy of Gaia effectively. Therefore, we'll tell you again that this is a place where Humans would find it easier to meditate, heal, or learn to vibrate higher. If you doubt that, just go there and "feel" it. It also supports channelling better than most other parts of Earth. There's a karmic group of Canadians who will protect this land to the end. The main karmic attribute of this group is one who lost their lands before and this time will not! They're more environmentally aware than almost any other country on Earth, and indeed, most of their electric power is produced by water! (Other countries should take note.) They're also working through another issue of separatism. We've said it before: When Canadians truly unite as Canadians, no matter what their language differences, their monetary system will suddenly "heal itself" and develop the strength it once had, as compared to all of Earth's currencies. It's all related.

QUESTION (44) Dear Kryon: Way back in 1987 I was sitting in my office discussing the "God principle" with my colleague. I remember saying that in my opinion, God was energy, that which animates us. Suddenly, I astounded my friend (and myself) by stating that "we are God." Shortly afterwards, my life fell apart in every department. As I slowly recovered, I began to realize that the same was happening to some other people, although not many. I found Kryon and thought that maybe I was a Lightworker. I have to say it's a lonely path, because I dare not impart my knowledge, even to my family. I can accept that as a group we may be helping in a universal way, but what's the point of my being aware of this when others aren't? Surely if we're just holding the light, all of us, and making a difference, I don't need to know. Could it be that there will come a time when I can talk about these things without the usual "eye-rolling"? ANSWER Dear one, you are a Lightworker, and 1987 was "the year" for your awakening. The year 1992 is when you celebrated it! Yes, it's a difficult task. As we've said, it's you who are doing the "heavy lifting" for the planet at the moment. As far as the "eye-rolling," let me review some things. What happened some years ago when the unusual and odd idea of the existence of germs took place? The medical community laughed out loud! Such profound truth, yet they all laughed. How could something invisible create disease? What happened when Galileo postulated that direct observations showed that the earth went around the sun? He was arrested and kept under house arrest all his life. It was blasphemy! Such profound and simple truth, yet there were those around him who weren't ready to hear it. Your work isn't evangelistic, and you never have to tell anyone how you feel. If you want the answer as to how to exist within your "Lightworker suit," I'll tell you:[1/29/2014 9:46:40 AM]

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- Love yourself to the degree that you're no longer in drama about anything. - Become so peaceful with your life and your situations that you can co-create anything you need in appropriateness. - Send light to dark places, for you are powerful. Let your light shine so that others may see in areas where they didn't before. Take quiet "alone time" for this. - Never be concerned that you may not be helping anyone, for you are. - Never tell anyone what you believe unless they ask. - Never give anyone a Kryon book unless they ask. The result? Get ready to have lots of visitors who just "want to be around you." Be prepared for a family to love you more than ever... even if you're a bit odd. [Smile] Get ready to help the planet around you seemingly without a single soul knowing what you're really doing. But also know that there's a legion of angels at your side who love you dearly and will always be there when you need them. Can you talk about it? Yes. Someday when someone comes to you and asks how it is that you're peaceful, joyful, and wise, then you can say, "Because I found God in myself."

QUESTION (45) Dear Kryon: Could you please explain why some animals appear to react in fear or keep their distance from me? I'd always believed that as we release our issues and move into balance, animals would find us less threatening (like St. Francis), and I wonder what they're sensing. I've tried to rationalize this reaction, but it still makes me feel bad and question my energy. Other than the animals, the difference in my life seems to confirm that I'm on the right path. ANSWER Thank you, dear one, for this question! This attribute of vibrating higher actually goes both ways with animals. It really depends on how you're vibrating at the moment. Sometimes your light shines so brightly that everyone notices: the animals, the security people in the airport, etc., etc. [Kryon humor] Truly, you can set meters off and blow out lightbulbs in some cases. In those states, animals only see you as powerful and unusual among Humans. When you "pull in" from power mode, you present yourself as neutral to an animal, and therefore are very safe. An animal will then see you as allied with nature, and no threat at all. What you have to learn is what mode you're in, and how to control these things. Try using the "rainbow filter" that's described in this teaching by partner Jan Tober: (Page 339 - Kryon Book Nine - The New Beginning)

QUESTION (46) Kryon, I'm confused about the 11:11 and the Harmonic Convergence. They are two different events, but you seem to keep referring to them as one. Which is correct? ANSWER (From Lee): You're right! The date of the Harmonic Convergence is August 1987. The 11:11 event was initiated by Solara (a channel) on January 11, 1992. However, Kryon has linked the 11:11 and the Harmonic Convergence, and has always spoken of them happening at the same "time" in an energetic way. Think of the 1992 event as a celebration of the 1987 event. That's how Kryon has spoken of it.

QUESTION (47) Why do babies cry in their mother's wombs, and does it have any meaning? ANSWER Not any more meaning than why they often cry when they're born. It's just an infant's way of expressing displeasure with their surroundings... both in and out of their wombs.[1/29/2014 9:46:40 AM]

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QUESTION (48) My question is: Why are we, as a Western society, preoccupied with our external/physical appearance? Why can the way we look either raise or lower our self-worth and selfesteem? Why can I look at nature/animals that come in all sizes and appearances and find it/them to be perfect and beautiful? Why are we all getting fatter, and yet as a society we condemn ourselves for it? Is it a Western society setup? And if it is, Kryon, I want to be the Lighthouse that can show another way. I want to be the role model who can say to young women that they're perfect just the way they are - and they are! For me to do this, I need to work out why it's such a setup that I've been caught up with for the past 30 years. ANSWER The true answer is not to describe the Human psyche for you, but to truly address the real issue. It is what it is, and this comes with both a setup and with some intellect. The over-concentration about looks is all about procreation and the fear of not continuing the race. Animals do it in the wild, but in different ways. So it's a holdover. Know this: As a human vibrates higher, self-worth begins to occur naturally. In that process, it's also natural to start understanding the whole scenario you describe. So without anyone's help, a very nice balance takes place - all by itself. So the best advice for you is to vibrate higher and send light to others. Let your frustration with what's around you, which is lower energy, be replaced by the joy that you don't have to be included. Then start to balance your opinion of what's around you. For it will do you well to relax with what it is you cannot change, and get excited about what it is you can. Blessed are the Human Beings who understand this, for they will no longer be in a place of stress due to what the world looks like around them. Instead, they'll paint a beautiful portrait of what they can be within the world on a daily basis.

QUESTION (49) Dear Kryon: Representing only 3 percent of the population, how do we account for Jews appearing in disproportionately large number in the professions such as medicine, law, and accounting, and excelling in the areas of classical music? My own sense is that some souls who come into Jewish families are dedicated to high levels of individual contribution to the culture. They bring in an essence of harmony and peace, and find expression for this essence in the professions, honoring the gift of a natural intelligence. ANSWER This has been answered before, but I will again say these things to you. When you have a pure karmic group, then they incarnate over and over into the same group until it's time to leave that group. When they leave, they don't come back. This is the "purity" of the karma. It carries with it both challenge and reward. The challenge is that it's "seen" by others on Earth as a group that carries the core, and if the group is eliminated, then the conqueror will carry the core. You might think this is ridiculous until you look at their history. The good news is that any group like this (and it's the only one) has individuals who really "know how things work" on the planet. They keep coming back in the same situations, and it shows. This is why they're so good at what they do, and are the earth's shopkeepers, artists, and musicians. Again, you can look around you and see this all over the planet. It's not a coincidence, and I've given you the spiritual reasons long ago. You may have your own ideas, but truth is stranger than anything you can conceive, for it goes right back to the core of the Akashic Record, and what happens to entities who incarnate so often within the same family structures.[1/29/2014 9:46:40 AM]

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QUESTION (50) Dear Kryon: Where is the proof that Kryon or God or Spirit exists? ANSWER According to your own Human statistics, over 85 percent of the Earth population belongs to organized religion or is actively involved in a spiritual search. Do you think this is all a trick, or might it be intuitive? The number 85 percent in any of your polls would be considered an overwhelming majority! Would it be so if there was nothing to search for? You've had thousands of years to evolve and figure it out, yet the search continues. It's real, but elusive. It continues to be "out there" somewhere, and humanity is born with the desire to find it. This alone should provide you with proof that you're indeed searching for something that exists. God will never be a provable thing, any more than you can prove you love someone. Some things are left for the Human to "feel" and experience on a higher level. When Humans finally realize that they may have found it, they still won't have proof. Instead, they will have a solution. Now... if I don't exist, why would you ever ask me a question?

QUESTION (51) Dear Kryon: There's a lot of channelled material in the world, a lot of entities like, or similar to, you, and I'd like to know if there are any cross-references between them. (Well, this isn't about competition, so I may tell you that I also enjoy reading Abraham-Hicks.) Besides having a very different approach, sometimes the teachings don't seem to totally conform to each other. Is this only due to my limited point of view? Or maybe, should I not expect a definite, ultimate "truth" from any of you nonphysical guys? ANSWER (From Lee): The ultimate truth is that you're a divine creature in the Universe and are here for a purpose. You're known and loved by God. You're here at a very special time. Now... you'll find that information with Abraham, with Steve Rother and "The Group," with Ronna Herman and Archangel Michael, within the channelling of Tobias, and also within the work of Doreen Virtue. It's present in the channelling of Fred Sterling (Kirael), and also within the science exposed by Gregg Braden. The work of Pepper Lewis channelling the energy of Gaia speaks of it, as well as the books of Telos, the Lemurian connection by Louise Jones. It goes on and on, and is even found within Conversations with God. Each pure messenger speaks the truth, but Humans are very different and wish to have it delivered in slightly different ways. This is simply Human nature. One specific flavor of this message wouldn't work for all humanity any more than your food does. So the food of spirit is still food and sustains you, but the flavors are different from cook to cook. Even the ideas of which flavor is best is debated among Humans... but the food is still good. Meanwhile, don't get caught up in the differences. Instead, get caught up in the beauty of who you are, and what this is all about. Begin to search for the divine inside, then let God sing the appropriate tune and the appropriate lyrics that speak to a unique entity in the Universe, which is who you are.

QUESTION (52) Dear Kryon: Following your answer about the morality of a love affair between married human beings... this, like all other messages of self-empowerment, brings into question the narrow line between self-responsibility (being part of God), and the order of society and nations. Morality codes have done (and do) their damage. No doubt about it. Yet they also hold benefits. It seems as if the last 400 centuries have been plagued by ever-growing wars as a consequence of human beings deciding more and more by themselves what their chosen ethic codes will be. This is, of course, part of the process of finding balance. What does this imply within societies? Are[1/29/2014 9:46:40 AM]

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more and more cases like children who come to school and kill their schoolmates just one of the expressions of this kind of relativistic ethics in its making (and balancing process)? ANSWER This is a fine question, but most won't understand it, or the answer. So let me just say that society will evolve spiritually. This will create a moral base that's much more balanced in realistic Human endeavor, rather than one that was created to control the masses. Right now, it's often difficult to tell if your "moral compass" is one that was given to you by men, or one that was given to you by God. In the future, society will begin to depend upon one that comes from inside rather than from a book of the ages. It's already happening, and you can see it clearly, even within your own societies over the last 200 years. Remember when your women couldn't vote? That was a religious issue. Did you know that? Go study it. Many died trying to keep women from voting, and felt it was their "moral duty" under God to keep men in charge. Whose rules do you think they were following? When your world achieved your first heart transplant, many were outraged about the spiritual implications of what was being done, believing that the spiritual soul of one person would be damaged due to receiving the heart of another. They opposed it, and felt the opposition was from God. Nowadays, you smile in wonderment as you look at how your culture was back then. You ask, "What were we thinking?" Believe me, you'll do the same in another 25 years! What's happening today, belongs to today. It doesn't represent your internal divinity. It is still being evolved by means of those who ask to vibrate higher, and who then receive the wisdom of God. The wisdom of Solomon is yours, and resides inside. All Solomon had was a clear understanding of his divinity. Now it's your turn.

QUESTION (53) Dear Kryon: Does traditional Chinese medicine such as Tai Chi Chuan and Qigong still have an effect on the new energy, or should we not take it into account anymore as part of the old energy? ANSWER This is energy work at its best, and now should be enhanced. It's part of what we told you would be some very powerful ancient techniques that have been sequestered to only certain cultures, which now needs to be part of them all. Look for new techniques within the established ones in both of these disciplines.

QUESTION (54) Dear Kryon: What happens to animals (such as dogs and cats) when they die? Do they live after they pass? Do they reincarnate, also? Do they evolve? ANSWER You're asking specifically about pets. These are animals whose purpose is to help humanity. They're workers in that respect, and reincarnate in that same group. These are entities that are not necessarily scheduled to "evolve" into Humans any more than Kryon is set to "evolve" into another form. Some of us are divine universal workers, and we're all very different-looking to you in your reality, but very much understood and seen as appropriate on this side of the veil. We've said this before: We all have separate tasks, but we're not compartmentalized. The "soup" of divinity has many flavors, but it's still "the soup." So consider the animal-issue part of the flavor of God. For those Humans who have lost animals (since they don't last very long), here's some advice: When you lose a beloved friend, an animal who has unconditionally given their existence to help you all its life, naturally you're sad and mournful. Here's the good news: They reincarnate! Not only that, they do it in the areas where they passed over for the very purpose of letting you find them again! The rules of finding the same "soul" energy again:[1/29/2014 9:46:40 AM]

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- Don't wait any longer than 90 days. - Don't make up your mind that the animal will be of the same breed or size. In fact, don't even pre-decide that they'll be the same kind of animal! It's common for cats and dogs to swap, just to keep the balance correct. - Look into their eyes... nothing else. They'll show themselves to you. - Name them anything you wish. They're not attached to anything but your energy. - If you don't find them again, there's no negative thing attached to this. It's only an opportunity. They'll go on to love humanity just as much, and help others as they helped you. Not all animals you find have been here before. Many are coming in for the first time, having volunteered their part to make you feel more loved and peaceful, so that you can be a stronger Lighthouse. The purpose of the animals on the planet is to support humanity while it develops peace on Earth. They're also divine. But then, you knew that, didn't you?

QUESTION (55) Dear Kryon: We face such a quandary regarding the hope of stem cell research. So many wish to use the embryonic ones, since they are the most potent for development. You said we could find others outside of the chemistry of birth, but what if we can't wait? Where are the ones that are the most profound, but do not upset the moral compass of those who respect life and don't want it experimented with? ANSWER Let's answer this in two parts: (1) There are stem cells throughout the body that will work for everything you wish to do. However, you are right: It's going to take awhile for you to locate and "active" them so they behave like the ones you observe from the birth chemistry. There is something you will discover which will bring these other cells to their original state. But you don't have it yet (actually you do, but it is not being revealed yet until more research is done to see if it is really what science is seeing. This will take another 5 years). (2) There are those now working with stem cells from the result of birth. Those parts of the Human which are involved in birth have very, very active stem cells. These would be in the placenta and also the umbilical cord. This information is not new, and there are laboratories who are doing this research now. Again, you often don't hear about it until later, since science is often quiet… waiting until they are certain. So, celebrate the good news: the fact that you can have your profound research and not disturb what many feel is sacred ground regarding Human embryonic issues. *** *(From Lee): The Book of Mary, one of the so-called Lost Gospels, was discovered in Nag Hammadi, Egypt in 1947. You can read more about these lost gospels in Time magazine. []. It's interesting that this information is now coming to light, and through the mainstream press, not the New Age.

Submit Your Question To Kryon updated every quarter (we hope)[1/29/2014 9:46:40 AM]

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UPDATE: 4th Quarter 2003

QUESTION: Dearest Kryon, on October 28, 2003, there was a huge coronal mass ejection from the sun pointed straight to the earth, as well as a smaller one on Thursday, October 30. I also understand that there were several significant flares before then. When I originally heard this, I immediately felt that something important was happening and that a tremendous gift was being given to all of us on Earth. Such joy, happiness, and gratitude went through me. Can you please tell us more about this phenomenon and its effects on both the earth and us, spiritually and physically? ANSWER: Dear one, congratulations. You have immediately summed up the situation. There are many who would generate fear over something so profound and spectacular from your own sun. Instead, you correctly assumed that there was actually more happening. Let me give you a hint at what's taking place. According to your own scientists, the last time you had solar activity like this was in your year 1987. Do you remember what took place then? It was the Harmonic Convergence, or what you now call the 11:11. Your current situation has you experiencing the alignment of what is now called the Harmonic Concordance.* The sun's activity is once again at a peak (an 11-year radiance cycle), and is delivering energy to you. This is not a coincidence, and it's not an accident that it again coordinates with a strong spiritual event. We've spoken before about the magnetics of your solar system. Your sun is the center, and it radiates information to the planets. In your case, this directly affects your magnetic grid, and your grid is what saturates your existence, including the instruction sets to your DNA. This is how the planet's energy is postured and changed, as Human consciousness on the planet steers it. If things stay the same in the scenario you've set up, expect something else of this nature in 2008. *Editor's note: More has been given in live channellings about the Harmonic Concordance. As of this writing, it might not be transcribed and on the Internet yet, but watch for it. []

QUESTION: Dear Kryon, my son asked me tonight, "Which are there more of, grains of sand on the earth or stars in the heavens?" What a question! My son is opening up! What is the answer? There's no number in counting for either, or so my intuition tells me. Am I correct? If anyone can answer this, you can. ANSWER: There's always a qualified numeric value to everything, even the number of entities that comprise what you call God. The answer, however, is how you qualify it. How many grains where? On earth? In your solar system? Everywhere? Which dimension?[1/29/2014 9:46:46 AM]

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Let's assume that your sun qualifies it as "on Earth." The answer is that there are more stars in the heavens of your seeable universe than there are sands on Earth. Even more startling, perhaps, is this: There are more pieces of God even than stars, yet the "family" knows them all. You are one, and God would not be God without you.

QUESTION: Dear Kryon, in your books and Q&As, I have not yet come across information about ancient Egypt or the pyramids. There have been some recent claims that the famed Hall of Records has been found beneath the Sphinx. Is there anything appropriate you can tell us at this time about ancient Egypt, the pyramids, or the Hall of Records? ANSWER: Don't confuse the "Hall of Records" with the Cave of Creation, where the Akashic records are kept. Although physical, it will never be found, and it's nowhere near Egypt. The Sphinx is not anything more than what it seems. What is under it may be discovered, but it will only be important to Egyptologists. The pyramids may also interest you, especially the relationships of mathematics and solar alignment, but most of this is a result of superstition, cultural religions of the time, and the preoccupation with worship of the solar system. Add to that something that's very mystical and some important missing pieces of your history, and this puzzle begs to be discovered. However, there are very competent Humans who are in the process of revealing some of this. Our teachings, instead, focus on a very different kind of Human on the planet at this time... you. That is why our information spends very little time in your ancient past. Some of the things we've told you regarding your history have even brought about divisions within your own belief system! Some have even discredited Kryon, weighing what they were told about the past with what I have revealed. My information wasn't the same; therefore, the old information "won." That's how "hooked" many of you are with respect to what you think happened. You "hang your spiritual hats" on what some have told you happened, taking you out of the paradigm of the "now," and also keeping you from experiencing new information about what it might have really been. This propensity on the part of many of you to anchor yourself to something you felt happened is why we don't often give you information about what really took place. Instead, we wish you to look around you now, and experience what is happening today. We encourage you to drop the old fears. Let the proof of what we're telling you now anchor your belief. See if what we've said in the past ten years makes sense to the Earth energy of the last ten years. Use intellect, logic, and intuition together to make this decision, not what someone told you from a past discussion. You're in a totally new paradigm of existence. None of your prophets told you anything about what's happening now, did you notice? Therefore, isn't it possible that even your spiritual reality changed? Are some of you so stuck with an old reality that any other information must be a "trick"? Think about it. Some of you would be shocked to know what your history really is. When you eventually find out, what will you do—deny all evidence as it churns up out of the earth? What happened in your ancient past is no longer the issue. We'll leave that for others. The only thing that is important at the moment is the work you have as a Lightworker now.

QUESTION: Dear Kryon, my two sisters and I are triplets. We've been told that we are one soul in three bodies. I was under the belief that each body houses a separate soul. I think my ego is upset that I'm not an "individual" if this is true. Can you enlighten me on this? ANSWER: The most difficult thing to explain to a Human is the concept of how something singular in appearance can be many things in reality. You appear to be one soul because you have one body. When angels are drawn in your books and paintings, even though they are multidimensional beings, you give them skin and[1/29/2014 9:46:46 AM]

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wings and call them one name! So you continue to believe in "one body, one soul." The reality is that every Human alive is multidimensional and is in many places at one time. Even as you sit there reading this, parts and pieces of you are in other places doing other things. Is that, then, one soul in many places, or many souls? The answer is both. Your single-digit dimensionality limits your concept of how this is, since everything before your reality is singular. So the very premise of your question can't be answered, since nobody on the face of the earth has one soul. A better question would be, "Do your sisters share a singular purpose with you?" The answer, as your intuition told you, is no. They may have the same astrological aspects, but each Human is a separate piece of God, multidimensional and therefore not singular. Each is a different piece of God, on Earth in lesson to be independent. The confusing part in all of this is what you do share with your sisters. You all share a common thread of divinity that might actually look like "one soul" to a reader (in 4D). This thread is your karmic bond, and why you all came in together the way you did. This has to do with potentials, past energies, and your current expression of lesson. But it's not the "same soul." Again, we liken this to a bowl of soup. It is singular in appearance, yet fluid inside. You can't ask how many soups there are in the bowl. It's different for all, but each bowl is singular. The soup is the divinity. Don't ever let the container fool you. It may be the same size and color, but the soup in each is diverse and tastes different. It's composed of many parts that make up what it is. It might be nourishing or poisonous. Only the soup can decide what vibration it will be. Celebrate this with me! Isn't it a wonderful situation that you have? The connection to your sisters is unique to humanity. Only twins and other multiple-birth Humans have it. This is why you will always be "connected" as long as you live. When one of you leaves, finally, watch what happens: You will still be connected! Multidimensional things are like that.

QUESTION: Dear Kryon, I have a question regarding the EMF Balancing Technique and The Reconnection energy. Are they the same thing? ANSWER: No. They are two profoundly different approaches to the discussion and development of procedures around one thing... the power of the Human Being. Both disciplines are new to the planet (in the last ten years). Both are discussions that actually start out by asking you to "feel" the energy within you. Both are divinely inspired, and both are stewarded each by one Human Being who was born to do just that. And... both facilitations can work together if you wish them to. Humans are diverse. Your brains are designed to be different from one another. One's approach to excitement in life is often the other's boredom! You know this, for you see it every day. This is why there are many religions on the planet. Did you ever think about that? If God is God, and you are actually pieces of God, then why are there so many different ideas of what to do about it all? Therefore, you'll continue to see many roads to the realization of the same thing. Some will travel one, some will travel the other. Some will even wish to travel them all! So weigh which process is meaningful to you and study it. Then when you're finished, see if you wish to study the other as well. They do not conflict with respect to what they teach... that the Human Being is capable of divine power within, and can create in ways that an old energy thought was impossible. The basic premise of both is that you're a master on the planet.[1/29/2014 9:46:46 AM]

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QUESTION: Dear Kryon, I was interested to read in the Q&As about the Quantum Resonance System. Searching the Internet, I found the technology mentioned. I also found a site that uses Quantum Resonance Prayer that I understand to be "distance balancing." [Helping someone at a distance] I am intrigued to know how my energetic resonance can be measured and balanced. I can relate to a physical piece of equipment, but this other system would have to use "thought" in some way. Is this correct, and would it have as much value as the mechanical method? ANSWER: Yes, it would. Again, your intuition serves you well. The Quantum Resonance System is simply one name given to a process that's tapping in to the fact that "everything is connected to everything." This is the beginning of interdimensional science. Another one that actually uses a mechanical device is Radionics. Editor's note: See: []

QUESTION: Dear Kryon, where can we find a cure for hair loss/baldness for both men and women? ANSWER: The true answer is within stem-cell research. It's actually here now, but won't be with you for a while until there are more available resources to work on it. Disease first, then cosmetics. As we've told you before, the body has plenty of stem cells in ordinary places. They're not something only found in the chemistry of birth. This profound research can also lead to regrowth of nerve tissue, and also even the regeneration of limbs that have been lost. You think this is folly? Read these words in a generation. Editor's note: The irony here is that if science would concentrate on cosmetics first, the result would probably fund the disease research completely!

QUESTION: Dear Kryon, in your channeling in Redding, California, you told us that holding pills in one's hand can be an effective way to "heal." Question: Will that eliminate harmful side effects? Is it safe to hold Prozac? Can I hold a painkiller without negative after-effects? ANSWER: We've been speaking about this for years. The Human Being has the ability to link to "cellular intelligence" in order to hold medications and benefit from the results. This is perhaps one of the strangest of all the Kryon teachings. However, it also forms the foundation for kinesiology, and in some ways, even homeopathy. In both those cases, cellular intelligence, beyond your own understanding, is activated to bring about changes in your chemistry or give you answers or messages that only it has. We've told you that you might experiment with this by holding in your hand the medication you've been using. Just as in kinesiology, the body "knows" what you're holding. Call this strange if you wish, but even your own science is beginning to validate the process of meditating to change body chemistry. This gives validity to consciousness over matter, or in the case of what your science has seen, "the ability to significantly alter your own cellular structure through consciousness alone."* Your body knows what your intent is, and also what substance you're holding. It is therefore possible to imbue the properties of the intent of using the substance into your cells. You're not actually using the substance, so there are no side effects of a drug, for instance. The body is reading what you wish the drug to do, and it is "seeing" the properties of the drug. Be wise here. This is out of the experience of your normal reality, isn't it? Then if you wish to try this, go very slowly if the substance is important to your health. This will work on a case-by-case basis within the consciousness of each Human and the path they're on. But it will work with aspirin or insulin - substances with two very different purposes.[1/29/2014 9:46:46 AM]

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There have been those who have heard these words and have reduced their insulin levels substantially over time. They still need to actually inject some of it still, but only a fraction of what it used to be. This is the same principle as homeopathy, where one part in a million of a "cure" can be "seen" by the body. What the body is doing is reacting to your intent, the substance, and the consciousness around it. *Editor's note: If you wish to try this, do it slowly and with ceremony. If you find that it's not working, then stop. Don't do it "cold turkey." Use common sense here, and experiment. But be aware that many have found it to work. Just think... a bottle of aspirin or antacids will last for years!

QUESTION: Dear Kryon, I have a new grandson. He's going for his first vaccination in the next few weeks. If we're beginning to transmute toxins with reconnections to our endocrine system through our DNA, then what happens to our babies, who by law have to be vaccinated? What are your thoughts on this subject? ANSWER: First, know that vaccinations are a God-given science that humanity earned. They're a tried and proven homeopathic method that have been with you for years. You were probably vaccinated yourself, and it worked. We have three answers: (1) God is not in a vacuum. Even the vaccinated Human Being who's older can modify and rework their DNA. So there's no time limit, and there are no rules that say "Once vaccinated, you're ruined." (2) The Human who is of the age of awareness can say, even as they are vaccinated, "Let nothing inappropriate enter my chemistry." This is a conscious instruction given to your "intelligent cellular structure" (the same one responsible for kinesiology and homeopathic results). This will result in your cells only using what they need and casting away everything else. (3) Finally, about babies: There has been a push by your science lately to vaccinate against many things at the same time. You'd be advised to seek out a doctor who will only vaccinate your child for only the basic diseases that have been known in the last 40 years. Eliminate the vaccinations for the new ones. This leaves you with approximately seven or eight - the very ones that have been used for years. What your science is not appreciating yet is the results of combining all the vaccination substances together. There's a problem that will show itself in time. Stick with the basic ones.

QUESTION: Dear Kryon: My children were born when I was 41 and 43 (they are 15 and 17, now). Because of my age, amniocentesis tests were done. Both reports came back as okay. However, the doctor said that the technician reported that the cells had slightly ragged edges, like something had chewed on them. The children are healthy, loving, and self-confident. Are the "ragged edges" signs of the new DNA? Or are we just lucky the kids don't have physical problems from the ragged edges? ANSWER: Yes, it has to do with your age, giving birth, and no, it won't be a problem. The cells look ragged, but the DNA is good. As you begin to know more about the Human genome, you'll understand how complex this is. Consider it cosmetic. The ragged parts aren't used anymore.

QUESTION: Dear Kryon, I understand the reality of creating our own reality, but what if one doesn't know what one wants to create? What if one reaches a state where one has harmony with whatever is happening in one's life, no matter what? Why create something when you have peace with whatever is happening? ANSWER: You are one of those who wishes to know if a tree makes a noise when it falls in the woods where[1/29/2014 9:46:46 AM]

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nobody can hear it. Don't over-intellectualize your purpose in life. The answer: Your co-creation should be, "Dear God, tell me what it is I need to know and create. Let me have peace in my life no matter what that is, and let me celebrate what is before me and know that it is divine."

QUESTION: Greetings, Kryon. I just finished your book The Journey Home (Book Five) and would like to know what Michael's training is about in the House of Biology regarding diet and exercise. What made him so healthy and strong? ANSWER: Diet and exercise.

QUESTION: Dear Kryon, I have multiple sclerosis (MS), and I've been a Lightworker for 18 years. I have given my intent and had EMF, but still nothing other than a little symptom relief has occurred. Can you help me know what will heal me completely? I've always believed that we're creative beings who can create our healing. I seem to be lost when working on myself. I've been thinking the words "I am healed" and "I love myself," as I've taught others to say. I need your help. I'm lost, and we've spoken directly, but I need your words now, please. QUESTION: I have a 23-year-old daughter with cerebral palsy. I've read, and have come to believe, that there are no accidents, and that we choose our basic circumstances before arriving here. My daughter doesn't buy that. She says she would never have chosen to be unable to walk. Who's right? ANSWER #1: Both of you are correct. She chose her condition, but she also chose to come to Earth at a time when it could be changed. It's no accident that she's here with this condition, and no accident that she's here now, when such new possibilities are before her. Encourage her to change her biology. Energies are being developed on this planet that will marry with her intent. Each path is different, but no creature of God was sent here to suffer. They were instead sent here to discover what they could do. ANSWER #2: Dear one, there are some things that have been given to you in this lifetime that are so much a part of you that only a compete life shift will change them. It's eventually up to you to learn far more about yourself than if you can just heal. Have you cleared the past? Have you told God that no matter what happens, you're fine with it? Have you really taken care of your spirituality? It's time to work on the whole Human. You're frustrated that you're only getting what you call "symptom relief," yet for you, the fact that you got some relief at all is a sign that your cells responded and you can go further. Your cellular structure isn't stuck in the MS mode! But now it's time to turn from the physical and take care of the other parts of you that aren't working fully. This message is given in love. *Editor's note: Take a look at this book! (The Thunder Within: A True Story about the Healing of Dystonia, by John J. Heney: ISBN 1-894263-56-1 – [])

QUESTION: Dear Kryon, my 18-year-old daughter is taking a theology class, a requirement at her university. She's upset and very confused. Her thoughts are totally opposite from the entire class (she attends a Catholic university that she chose herself). She doesn't believe in organized religion. She believes in angels and says that "God" is anything you want Him/Her to be. She has created chaos in her class and is confused because of this. She had never considered herself to be an atheist, because she feels she "believes" and has her own views. She's very uncomfortable and has turned to me to help her[1/29/2014 9:46:46 AM]

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understand. I'm not sure I can, or should. This is a journey, I think, which is hers. I'm very proud of her decisiveness and openness about this topic, and her maturity in her class discussions. (This course contains mostly upperclassmen, and she has turned them all "against" her.) Please guide me in guiding her. ANSWER: Ask her this: Is she confused when others like a food that she does not? Does it upset her that there are books that others love and she does not? The answer is no. Tell her that her wisdom is to "know what she knows" and to also honor the others. She never has to prove anything, since they can't either. She never has to change their minds, since all humanity is honored for their pursuit of divinity. Tell her to relax in the knowledge that she knows as much as any Human on the planet about God. Then tell her to smile and listen to her classmates. Honor their quest, and perhaps they will honor hers. Let the divinity of what she believes show through in her attitude. Even if her classmates shun her, let her stand tall in the love of God. Some prefer to place God in a box. This is more comfortable for their understanding and their worship. It's only preference, and nothing is absolute. God sees and honors them, too. But she's well ahead of the old 4D approach to spirituality. She sees the big picture and knows that the box where God dwells is her.

QUESTION: Dear Kryon, it seems to me that from time immemorial, the soil in Jerusalem has been covered with the blood of the thousands who die there. One of the channellings confirmed that the New Jerusalem is, in fact, the physical Jerusalem. If this is the case, I'm curious as to why, over all the centuries, has so much blood been spilled on this land/ground/soil? Why does Jerusalem seem to exact payment in blood - even sometimes from travelers who pass through and are killed? This seems to be a most peculiar thing - it's as if this ground/soil demands human blood for its existence. Why? ANSWER: Your question is truly a profound one. It's against all odds that this would occur, right? It's counterintuitive to the way things work in a divine place, isn't it? This alone should "flag" that there's something here that's different. The reason? Jerusalem is at the heart of the largest religions on the planet (Islam included). It's the center of the "one God" revelation. It's also where the trouble would begin that would end civilization and bring about the tribulation and the end of Earth. Such a place is filled with the blood of all, even the blood of what you called the Christ. It's all part of a portal that's so strong that it creates human passion, and therefore leads to death (the choice of humanity is what to do with its passion... free choice). God didn't create the blood. Humans did. The "New Jerusalem" will be such a contrast to the old one that historians will say, "How could a place with such a violent history be the portal of peace on Earth?" This is the potential in Jerusalem. It exists as a "portal to the way Earth will evolve." So far, it has been death and more death. The potential is that it can become the model of "peace and more peace." Can this really occur? Yes. It will take time, but the energy being delivered to the planet from now to the year 2008 will make a difference. Watch the players change. Watch what the children will do.

QUESTION: Dear Kryon, wherever I go on the Internet or in books, magazines, or TV, Africa is seen as the darkest continent - almost unsalvageable. Now I live in Africa (Cape Town, South Africa, to be precise), and from where I stand, I see Africa as the world's future! We have ideas in Africa that are way ahead of the thinking in the rest of the world - we're an example to the rest of the world - an example for those who deal with racism, consensus, discussion, and consideration. Sure, we have a very high crime rate, and sure we have AIDS, but why should this mean that we can't turn it around? Why are you keeping to the "safe" regions? Please clarify this for me... and please forgive any aggression that may come through - it's not intended, it's just a question that I'm passionate about.[1/29/2014 9:46:46 AM]

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ANSWER: Please forgive the peaceful answer. You're right. Africa will eventually lead the way in a new paradigm for the planet. There's something remarkable in the works, and the next generation will see it. It has to do with large corporations on the planet finding out that "health is profitable." We've spoken of this before. There's something that's going to happen that will take advantage of the very consciousness you've described, which is in South Africa. As to your last question, I assume that you're referring to my partner Lee Carroll coming to Africa? He's been told not to. There are South Africans who will carry this message. Many already are. In certain parts of the earth, it's far better to hear spiritual truth from those who know of the culture and who have lived there all their lives, rather than an American who has simply traveled there. I am Kryon, and I am in South Africa, too.

QUESTION: Dear Kryon, what is the position with people who have had organ transplants and have to take anti-rejection drugs for the rest of their lives? I have read that to achieve ascension status, the cells must not be poisoned by drugs. Does this mean that a transplantee cannot ascend in this life, nor do they have to trust that the body won't reject the donor organ if they stop the drugs? I would very much appreciate your answer to this question. ANSWER: Let's engage in some plain talk, and speak directly to those who have had organ transplants (including those relating to the heart) and are existing on drugs. Organ rejection is a chemical attribute of your biology. It has nothing to do with your spirituality. The drugs that are keeping you alive are blessed and Godgiven. They're not poisons to your system. They are, rather, to be honored and celebrated as the very science that's helping to keep you alive, and one that was divinely inspired. Ascension status is given to any Human on the planet who will give intent and start on the path. God isn't somewhere behind a curtain! Your divine spiritual family knows exactly what's going on in your body and won't penalize you because you're keeping yourself alive! It's time to use spiritual common sense in these things. See God at your side, knowing all things, and celebrating your life. Then make whatever spiritual decision you wish, knowing that all is perfect within your pure intent.

QUESTION: Dear Kryon, is there anything specific located at the second focal point (besides the sun) that makes the Earth (and all the other planets) move elliptically instead of in a plain, round circle around our single sun? ANSWER: No, but there used to be, and the pattern was set. You were originally a dual sun system. Dual sun systems are ripe for the development of life as you see it. Contrary to those who would wish to frighten you, this lost sun will never return.

QUESTION: Dear Kryon, please enlighten us as to the role of the two great teachers - that is, Buddha and Christ. If one were to literally study each of these two masters' lives and work, it would appear that they're not preaching the same truth. Yet, if there is one God, there should be one truth. What is the truth regarding these conflicting teachings? One appears to teach that the end of desires is the gate to immortality or nibbana; the other teaches that by accepting the finished work of redemption on the cross, we have made peace with God and our eternality is assured. ANSWER: Your question is asked in the posturing of what you've been told today. If you were to understand what both really were about, you wouldn't even ask the question. Today's "history" is one that has been manipulated by the leaders of these two organized religions.[1/29/2014 9:46:46 AM]

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The idea of accepting the redemption of what took place on the cross doesn't even relate to the real purpose of the master of love, who was the Christ. That entire scenario was created later from a false assumption, and did well for those who would control the population with religion (which history will show they did). The Buddha (Siddhartha) also has not had his full true passion revealed. The teachings of both were sequestered early on, and revamped to suit the needs of those who would be in control of the teachings. The above information may sadden you, but be aware that you can "tap" in to both of these great masters anytime you wish. And when you do, you'll discover that the truth is the same. The ultimate liberation for all beings is within you. You're eternally assured of peace with God because you are a piece of God. Even the master Christ told you that you could be exactly like him... a son of God. How do you justify that information against what eventually became the doctrine? Are you at all concerned that there was no Rapture when it was "scheduled"? Did you know that Christ taught about your past incarnations? Where is that in scripture? Why is it missing? Things aren't always as they seem, and you must now "look past" what men have given you or taken away. Look past what they manipulated and removed from the teachings of both, and instead, now it's time to pull from the truth within. When you do, you'll peacefully justify all the teachings of the great masters, given from culture to culture, that taught unity for all and exposed the grandness of the Human Being. Do not let this shake your faith, for the Love of God is still supreme in all these things, and if you seek, you'll discover the true messages, and then you'll love these masters all the more.

QUESTION: Dear Kryon, I have a "fixation" on weaving. I know that the ancients often depicted the Earth Goddess (or Mother) holding a spindle (for spinning yarn) and a shuttle (for weaving). I feel such a strong connection with the earth and the spiritual when I'm at my looms. I'd like to know if Kryon has a feel for the spiritual importance of weaving. ANSWER: Dear one, there's no spiritual importance in weaving. What you are feeling is the comfort of what used to be our solace in another incarnation. This "feeds" you and makes you remember the emotions that were special during the many lifetimes where that is what you did, and that is what meant the most to you. There are many things like this in humanity today. It "rides" in with the interdimensional layers of your DNA, and you find yourself reacting to seemingly nonlogical activities or passions that you can't explain. This is especially true with lovers of animals, especially horses.

QUESTION: How do we know whether we're Lemurian? Is it important? ANSWER: No, it really isn't important that you acknowledge what you think is your past. The spiritual reality is that if you were Lemurian, it's your present that you should be looking at. The most important thing about you is who you are now. If, in the distant past, you were actually Lemurian, it's not a "past" attribute anymore. The energy of the planet is opening to Lemurian energy, and the spiritual seeds that were planted back then are now being watered. This means that the "Lemurian" in you is beginning to blossom. It isn't a "past" attribute at all. It's here now. Don't concentrate or ponder on these things. They're not important for your study. You have enough to do as you handle the "heavy lifting" that all Lemurians are feeling at this time.[1/29/2014 9:46:46 AM]

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QUESTION: Dear Kryon, I have a question about my health. About 15 years ago I was treated for hypothyroidism, and the treatment at the time was to destroy the gland with radioactive iodide. I have been chained to synthetic hormone replacement ever since, and have experienced difficulties because of it. I want to grow a new thyroid and have been working on my health and talking to my cellular structure. Is it possible for this to happen? ANSWER: Yes, but don't limit your spiritual vision to regrowing an organ. This will be common some day, both through science and through consciousness, but you don't have to wait. Instead, start working with "substance intent." The idea is to let your body produce the hormone, even without a new thyroid! Editor's note: [see Substance intent in the index] []

QUESTION: Dear Lee/Kryon, it is with love that the Kryon books have landed in my lap at this time of my spiritual learning. I haven't been able to put them down. The love that I feel when I read is overwhelming. I have a question: In Book Six; you talk about disengaging from your children. As a mother of two boys aged 17 and 19, I worry about them all the time. Will they get jobs, will they be happy in their lives, and so on. Can you please explain to me what you mean by disengaging from them? With love from a family member. ANSWER: This admonition is about taking care of you. Every caring parent alive will love and be concerned with their children's lives as long as they live. But many parents live their own lives by what happens to their children. So the instruction is to balance yourself. Be loving and helpful, but don't let what happens to them become your entire focus. If it does, then you'll take responsibility for another's free choice. You'll ignore yourself and your own spirituality and give up your power. The best thing you can do for grown children is to love them and send them light all the days of their life. Be there for them, but don't live their lives for them.

QUESTION: Hi Kryon, it's Pablo from Australia. My friend Rachel and I believe that it's our job to save the world. We feel like we have a big role to play, but we can't seem to find the exact action to take... as in, should we inform, protest, fight injustice, etc.? Or just chill? I feel that just chilling and fixing the self is the way to go, but at the same time I feel we should be doing something more, Any advice? ANSWER: Dear one, you're exactly right. There are two steps toward doing what you've set out to do, and also a very powerful frustration. Take care of yourself. We've taught this for a very long time. "Why," some ask, "would this help anything?" We answer in this fashion: If you were going to win a race in a race car, would you spend any time preparing the car, or would you just hop in and drive? The answer, of course, is that there is far more preparation time with the car, than time in the race. Wise Humans know this principle. The more you're ready to do what you came to do, the more effective is your performance. Therefore, prepare yourself. Vibrate higher, Become wise, and spend time on your spiritual being. When you're ready, begin to develop your light and start the work. The work is a concentration of consciousness, or sending light to dark places. Don't send your ideas or thoughts... just the light. The metaphor is that you're illuminating dark places so that others may have free choice and see or discover hidden ideas that may contain solutions for some of the biggest problems on Earth. It's not an evangelistic light; it's a loving light of wisdom. It honors the free choice of all humanity, but it creates a more balanced place where everything available may be seen and evaluated.[1/29/2014 9:46:46 AM]

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In politics, it creates solutions that haven't been seen before. In disease-ridden places, it creates peace and hope. In scientific places, it creates ideas and inventions that were "hidden" in the past. Where there is strife, there can be peace, and where there is hatred, there can be understanding. The frustration? You can't see the results of what your light does for a very long time. There is no instant response, since you're so used to seeing in normal reality. Since results are the desire of every Human Being who takes action, it will be frustrating not to see them right away. It will cause you to even wonder if anything is working at all. There's no greater thing you can do for the planet than to hold the energy of hope for your future, and project a divine light to dark places.

QUESTION: Dear Kryon, are you aware of NESARA? Is this a real law, or a metaphor to help increase consciousness? QUESTION: Dear Kryon, I've been reading a lot these days about NESARA, and I was hoping that you would have more information on this. QUESTION: Who are the "wingmakers"? What is their role in the ascension process? Do they work with your group? ANSWER: This is a time on Earth where there will be many new systems, laws, and organizations that will intend to reflect the new consciousness that's being built. As you look at them, you must discern for yourself if it's right for you. Here are some guidelines: (1) What is the greatest intent or goal of the system? Does it promote the individual or a group? (2) Is it political or affiliated with a bias? If so, it's a mixture of the old and new and isn't appropriate. (3) Does it ask for your membership? This is an old energy method. The family of God has a built-in membership that's spiritual, understood, and forever. (4) Is there an underlying monetary or marketing structure? Examine this. Lightworkers must earn a living, too, but does it go further than this and involve your investing? Stay away from any organization that asks you to follow another Human Being, dead or alive. Ask yourself... do you really need an organization in your life to accomplish your lightwork?

QUESTION: Dear Kryon, my question is this: Since we can "channel" other beings of Light from the highest realm, does that mean we can also "channel" God, the Creator? If we are "God" as you say, are we therefore channelling ourselves? Our own golden angels within? It would seem as if we were indeed talking to ourselves. But how can the answers that we "receive" be unbiased? Does that make sense? ANSWER: All of this makes sense when you realize what you're attempting. First, the answer: Yes. The best channelling on the planet is when you get divine answers from the closest God-source around - your HigherSelf. Many are channelling their own Higher-Selves and are finding very profound information there. After all, as you mention, it is God. The question about being biased is indeed the challenge. It's what we've been teaching all along. It is with the[1/29/2014 9:46:46 AM]

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new tool set in the new energy that allows you to build a bridge between the duality and the divine. It's a bridge that allows you to step out of the duality and into the wisdom of God, and it's all within you. It's the basis for the "neutral Implant" that we brought to you years ago... the implantation of your intent to eliminate the bias of duality! So you are indeed invited to find the divine within, and channel yourself. In the process, it may seem like you've found a wonderful angel who is outside yourself, even with another name. That's the perception when you step out of a dimension that features singularity, bias, and linear thinking. Instead, the entity is you, and it's ready to give you answers for you. Blessed are the Humans who find wisdom for themselves by channelling themselves!

QUESTION: Dear Kryon, I'm from Brazil and have read some of your books, I have questions regarding the neutral implant. If we come here with karma that has to be lived through to be cleared, when we neutralize this karma (as I understand it, it is not changed but neutralized), what will happen after we leave? Do we still have to clear this karma? Another question is that if we neutralize the karma, what will happen to the people who had karma to clear with us? For example, I have a son and a daughter who definitely have karma to be passed through and cleared with me. We surely agreed, or made a contract, before they came to live through the karma. If I neutralize mine, what will happen to theirs? ANSWER: Dear one, again you have elected to intellectualize something very simple and basic. When someone says "I love you," do you then launch an inquiry? Listen: The neutral implant is "permission to neutralize the past." It's a tool of Spirit given to you to use if you wish. It completely changes the parts and pieces of your interdimensional DNA that were scheduled to perform an old energy task of solving (working through) karma. When it's asked for, a process begins that is profound and different for each individual. Some feel it and some don't. The karma is cleared at the moment you ask to personally change. Others who had karma with you are also changed. This may not seem "right" to you, but we've taught you now for the last decade that you are a "group." Nothing you do for yourself is singular. It changes the energy around you. We've told you that if you regularly play tennis with a partner and one day the partner doesn't show up anymore, after a number of broken appointments, you'll stop showing up at the tennis court, too! Karma is complex, but it indeed works in the way we say. If you clear yours, the one who had karma with you is also affected. It's all part of a grand system that says that if you help yourself, you also help the planet. When you leave and come back, it's still gone. There is no "rule" that you must relive anything. Once you change your spiritual DNA, these attributes belong to your soul and are part of the Akashic record. Remember this: There is no predestination, only predisposition. You only have potentials when you come into this Earth experience. These predispositions are generated by what you've done and what you've learned. They lay there begging to be changed! Start getting used to the idea that you're a dynamically programmed angel, living in an appropriate but false belief that you're not in control. Your test is to learn that anytime you wish, you may change your life. The neutral implant is one of the first tools (of many) that we told you about that directly affects the spiritual parts of you DNA. When this was first presented, many of your established metaphysical leaders balked at it, even calling it evil. Their bias was that you were predestined to "serve your karma." But you are not. Karma is a starting energy, and that's all. Does it make sense to you that God would make you come down to Earth with no choice in your own lives? You would be a slave to the past. Think about it.[1/29/2014 9:46:46 AM]

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You're in charge of everything - your health, your love relationships, your peace, your own life span, and yes... even the energy of your own past. If you wish to buy into anything else, you will never bridge the distance from the place you're now in (4D), to the interdimensional energy that's now being given to you. You're an enabled and powerful Human Being, a part of God and a part of the grand plan of the Universe.

QUESTION: Kryon, are the visitors that we've been told are coming, who will "look just like you," our Higher Selves? ANSWER: In our past published discussions about ETs in general, we told you, "Don't be surprised if someday the ETs who visit you get out of their crafts and look just like you!" This is a reference to the Pleadians, who are part of your seed biology. There is no "scheduled" arrival for them, but the potential exists that you indeed may meet them. When you do, there will be questions to answer about why they look so much like you. Hopefully, you'll celebrate the answer they give.

QUESTION: Dear Kryon, I love music more than anything we humans have created on the planet of free choice. It connects me with myself, with others, and especially with Home. I love it, for it is a form of art that moves in time, unseen, but very much felt. Beyond this planet, on your side of the veil, is there music? I certainly would like to keep listening to music far beyond this life. ANSWER: Yes, dear one, there is music on my side of the veil. How could you ever doubt this? It is a divine aspect of God! On my side, you're always part of the choir, and the "music" is awesome. The reason so many of your relate a spiritual-type experience to music is due to this. Even those who do not believe in God are moved by music. It is a staple of the universe, and is interdimensional in nature. Tones and vibrations create energy!

QUESTION: Dear Kryon, in 2002 I followed my inspiration and moved to Thailand with intent to create a community (of light). In August 2002, a change in direction (of energy) meant that the community did not manifest. Now I have no job, little money, no partner, no friends, no fun, and no home to call "my own." My confidence is low, and my tools for manifestation do not appear to work. ANSWER: All attempts to create communities of this type will fail in the new energy. Your attempt is honored and is seen as pure, but now you might begin to understand. If you create a community of like-minded individuals, you sequester their light from the rest of the earth. The light is needed to be where the darkness is, not placed in a box so it can attract and live with other light. Instead, create a community within yourself that is huge and bright, filled with the power of many lighthouses. You will have your "community" as those of like mind bond together within an individual system to help Earth. Meet together, plan together, then go and live apart as synchronicity determines. You are loved, and there is no problem with what you've done. But now it's time to turn your efforts inward. When you do so, many of the things you've longed for will slowly begin to co-create themselves.

QUESTION: Dear Kryon, I've felt like a dark cloud has been over me all my life. No matter what I do, or how much I try to co-create a change in my life, it seems like if I'm running in circles, like I can't get[1/29/2014 9:46:46 AM]

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out of it. I want to change tracks in my reality, but apparently there's something I'm doing wrong. Could you please tell me the correct thing to do? QUESTION: Dear Kryon, I am a Lightworker, and my primary ideal is freedom for others and myself. I claim my power of manifestation every day, but nothing seems to work in my life. What am I doing wrong, dear friend? ANSWER: It's time to stop trying and just "do." Many of you have been born on this planet with a high energy, but within the earth's low vibration. Nothing works in this scenario. Many of you are in this situation so that when the new energy begins to show itself, you will recognize it and breathe a sigh of relief. You will see it as "yours," and begin to work with it. If, however, you feel that there is no hope, then you'll never manifest within the very energy you've been waiting for. You can't create a peaceful Human Being in the body of one who's convinced that they're useless. So start by creating an attitude of one who is not. Openly declare yourself free of this lifetime curse. No matter what's happening around you or what you feel isn't happening, begin to create your new reality by announcing to Spirit and the energy of Earth that you have "arrived" and are now complete. This might seem comical to you, as the old reality around you seems to be stuck. But this is the seed-planning that will allow you to begin to slowly move. The giant ship that has been in the mud for years will have a hard time freeing itself, no matter how large the engines become. But once freed, watch it go!

QUESTION: Dear Kryon, I've always been able to feel people's emotions and relate to them on an emotional level. Last year I began to see different energies and entities, but slowly all of that has gone away. I know I've grown tremendously as a person - spiritually, emotionally, and mentally. Can you help me figure out why these gifts have faded? ANSWER: Yes! You're experiencing what many Lightworkers already know about. Your "gifts" were linked to the metaphor of an older radio station. When that station was renewed, it changed its frequency of broadcast to a new and higher frequency. Those who continue to "tune" to the old station will find very little there. Those who seek the new station and the new frequency will find renewed and increased power! So begin to search for the new station. How? Begin by trying new spiritual avenues. Change your meditation techniques. Throw away procedure. Begin asking Spirit for guidance to find the new energy. You're not in the dark here. As you begin this process, there will be a response. There's always response to those who ask, "Dear God, tell me what it is I should know." Look for answers in ways you didn't expect. Toss away your biases of what you "think" will be God's answer, or what you "think" should be seen as the answer in your reality. Let the energy flow to you in ways you never thought they would!

QUESTION: Dear Kryon, what effects has science fiction played in the part of consciousness raising? I read a Kryon book that said that 50 years ago, a group of people began to raise the consciousness of the planet... sounds like science fiction to me. ANSWER: We've told you many times that today's weirdness is tomorrow's reality. In this, you should know that much science fiction is channelled! But you knew that, didn't you?[1/29/2014 9:46:46 AM]

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QUESTION: What happens to a person who is old but wants to change? Is the old person still inside? Or does he/she just move on to a new plateau? I've made so many mistakes in my lifetime, but also achieved much satisfaction. I would like to keep the good things I've done or achieved, but I also want to cleanse my past indiscretions and become a person who feels wanted and worthwhile. If I change, what happens to the good parts that I wish to keep? QUESTION: Dear Kryon, what's the significance when after more and more effort to find a job, I've found nothing? I've made the focus in my heart to be helpful in this world, and I want to change my life for my children, but sometimes I question myself. Do I have a place in this world? QUESTION: Dearest Kryon, I'm having difficulty with my recent past (which is directly related to selfworth) spilling over into my present so much that I feel like I'm caught in a tornado, unable to see where I am or where to go from here. I'm so confused that I feel I can't move forward. In fact, you once said that not everyone who chose ascension would succeed, and indeed, I feel like I'm failing. ANSWER: There are many, if not most of you, who are burdened by a basic theme. You were born in an energy on this planet that wasn't balanced in the "self-worth" department. Add to that that your religious leaders told you that you were worthless! This is a mountain to climb, and it affects most of you greatly. I've addressed this in a step-by-step manner, and offer you this message that you might climb out of the hole of depressed self-worth. It's time, and I think you know it. Please see the very recent message that I have offered. Editor's note: See Kryon's recent self-worth message in its entirety []

QUESTION: The mystical teachings have urged us to renounce craving for material (and spiritual!) things because craving will never allow the mind to rest and the real self to shine through. Now you teach us to co-create whatever we want. Won't that fan up the fire of the ever-thirsting mind and take us further away from the center within? If someone co-created a lovely big car out of greed, he would only have his greed gratified and enhanced further. How would he profit spiritually from this act? And anyway, how does abundance relate to happiness? In my opinion, it is how much we want that makes us happy or unhappy. ANSWER: These are your own thoughts that have interpreted "co-create what you want" to include a big car or the lust or craving for material things. These were never the teachings of Kryon. The ascended consciousness of the masters (what we teach is the Lightworker) co-create spiritual balance. They constantly co-create the love of God within their lives. The goals of co-creation have been listed many times, and they never included material things. They were peace, health, wisdom, happiness, long life, and a sustenance of needed items within a specific culture to exist comfortably. The power of co-creation is something granted to those on a spiritual path who have the wisdom to know what they're asking for. It's not an invitation to collect cars. If you need to work to feed your children, then a job is within the spiritual purity of co-creation. That is not a craving. If you're having trouble within a family or within a relationship, it's not greed that co-creates peace and harmony there. It's time to use common sense. God doesn't wish you to be poor or in trouble, for that doesn't meet your magnificence as a creature of God on the planet, and it doesn't suit the work you're here to do. To always be hungry or homeless, and in "survival mode," helps nobody anywhere. This is not what any master ever wanted for you. The definition of abundance has been given as "sustenance." You can even read how this worked with the history of the Israelites in the desert. They were fed every day for years by God. If you looked at the storehouse where this came from, you might consider each of them to be abundant beyond reason! You all[1/29/2014 9:46:46 AM]

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are, since we see you in the "now." So abundance is the storehouse of God, which is your family. It was never meant to crave and co-create material things. Begin to read the Kryon messages with discernment and spiritual wisdom. It will suit you better... and also those around you.

QUESTION: Please explain the process of accumulating negative karma. Does an action considered negative by society create dark karma by itself, or is it our attitude that counts? If I were to cheat, lie, or even commit a crime in a detached state of mind (in perfect equanimity, so to speak) or with some noble end in mind, would I still create negative karma? ANSWER: There's no such thing as negative karma. Again, Humans wish to polarize everything and place it into a box. This box is then carried from place to place as a singular and linear process. It isn't. The definition of karma: Karma is the energy of incompletion. It begs to be solved, and drives a Human being to behave a certain way, live in a certain place, and meet other specific Humans for resolution. It was created and worked in an older Earth energy as a way to move the energy of the planet vibrationally one way or the other as humanity worked the karma with total free choice. If you clear your karma, you are releasing an old energy and moving on to one where you are free to help the planet with your light. This is your free choice, and it is driven by your intent. Those with the "attitude" of pure spiritual intent will indeed move into that new attribute of being a Human with no past-life karma. Part of this process is the understanding that becoming interdimensional means blending the past, present and future (potential) into a new reality called "the now." This "now" leaves no room for "past karmic instruction sets" within the DNA. If you were to clear your karma, then go on to do what you deem as inappropriate things, then you place upon yourself (free choice) attributes that you'll be forced to deal with immediately, in this life. Creating new karma, the kind that's passed from lifetime to lifetime, is no longer done. Again, these kind of questions are the result of those who wish to analyze God. To try to analyze God within a single-digit reality is folly. Can you analyze love? Can you set rules for angelic thought? It's time to grasp all of this as "the way things work." Many use the machines of Earth to get from one place to the other without a full and complete understanding and disclosure of every working part in the mechanism. It they had to have that, no one would ever get anywhere! They would forever be bogged down in study, and many would never understand. Yet there are always those who feel that everything must make 4D sense to move on. If they can't understand it, they're afraid of it. This fear will keep them in one place all their lives. It's time for you to fully grasp the principle that the mechanics of God are beautiful, mystical, and constantly with you. You're never alone, and you never have to wonder if this or that is "known" of "God. All is known, and the system is loving and wise. Now... use this system to move to another place.

QUESTION: Dear Kryon, is it possible to revisit someone's earlier years while dreaming? Thank you. ANSWER: Not only earlier years, but earlier lives. Certain kinds of dreams are a window to your soul on Earth. Dreams are interdimensional and cannot be related to when waking. That is what makes them so wonderful.

QUESTION: Dear Kryon, who is Lucifer, and what was the purpose of the Luciferian rebellion?[1/29/2014 9:46:46 AM]

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ANSWER: We know this will disappoint many and enrage many more, but there is no such thing as the devil, and there never was a real Lucifer. These were all metaphoric stories to help you understand yourselves. The darkest energy on the planet comes from the Human Being as a result of free choice. Even the added metaphoric story of Adam and Eve should have given you that information. Free choice meant that a Human could chose darkness even in the garden of light. It's what "duality" is capable of. For those who don't believe this and would rather think that there are those who are after your soul, you still have free choice to think as you wish. But it will also keep you from seeing your magnificence within the love of God, as you base your reality in fear of dark entities. We have given you a full discussion of dark and light several times. Editor's note: Please see Kryon's most recent discussion of dark and light: []

QUESTION: Dear Kryon, you've presented much information about DNA and the changes we're going through. What role does mitochondrial DNA play in the Human, our development, and in our past and future? What does it really do? Why is it there? This DNA has been traced back to our origins in West Africa by science to about 250,000 years. It seems that we're all related to a virtual Adam and Eve. Is this a marker of our heritage as humans? ANSWER: It is the mitochondrial DNA that has the star-seeds in it. And remember, it only came from Eve (in your example). Its energy is feminine. This is where you will find the attributes of the Pleadians. This is the actuality of your real biological heritage. It's also not an uncommon thing within the universe for one life form to help another. In your case, it was needed for you to develop. If you think this is folly and science fiction, then ask your anthropologists why it was that in early humanoid development, there were many kinds of Humans on the planet. Like all other life forms on Earth, many kinds were being formulated. You can see the results of this diversification all around you... many kinds of every animal. In the case of the Human, however, only one developed. What a coincidence! [Kryon humor] Editor's note: See Scientific American - January 2000, an article asking this very question. "Once our species had at least 15 cousins. Only we remain. Why?" [] You might have to buy the magazine, since this lead article doesn't seem to be shown

QUESTION: Dear Kryon, exactly what is the light, the space, the time, the magnetism, and the gravitation? What are the various attributes of the light? QUESTION: Dear Kryon, what is unique about the part of the light spectrum that humans are designed to see? In what parts of the light spectrum can interdimensional energy, beings, and parts of the other side of the veil be observed/measured? Do humans have the ability to naturally view other parts of the light spectrum, and how can that skill be developed? ANSWER: Answer: Dear ones, it is not our intent to be evasive with these answers. Within all of the questions are the secrets to interdimensional space and time, and the source of life itself. We will deliver only what is appropriate as it is needed, and also what has already been "thought of" by other Humans on the planet. This is the planet of free choice, and this is also so in the development of science.[1/29/2014 9:46:46 AM]

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Editor's note: Kryon has given much information on this topic already! Take a look at these channellings, all of which are very science intensive... mostly physics. [] [] [] ... and also the channelling in New Jersey, in October 2003, when it's posted on the Website. []

QUESTION: Dear Kryon, the theory of relativity is based on three postulates: (1) constancy of the speed of light, (2) the principle of relativity, and (3) relativity of time. What should one think of these postulates? ANSWER: (1) The speed of light is variable from time-frame to time-frame. It is not a constant of the universe. (2) All is indeed relative, however, and so the theory holds, but the rules are unique to each reality. (3) Time will be relative to whatever the speed of light is within the construct of the reality it represents. That's why you can look out into the universe and observe "impossible physics." One should celebrate these postulates, for they are the beginning of the explanation of how nothing stands alone. If one thing changes, it changes the whole realty. This is also how it is with each Human on the planet.

QUESTION: Dear Kryon, in Book Seven, page 348, you state that you previously gave us information about a formula for the distance of the electron haze elements from the nucleus. Would you please review this formula? Does taping the Lattice to create a "tiny vent" automatically create a second vent? ANSWER: (From Lee) It may seem odd to you to have the reference from Book Seven, referring to the past, presented in Book Eight! But this is the way of Kryon when we speak of things linear! He often tells of something he "did," and I know full well it's coming later. I just laugh. Try page 150 of Passing the Marker. It's really not a formula as we think of it, as much as a discussion of a formula and the revelation of APD. Evidently the ratio of attributes between mass, magnetics, and gravity changes with size. This is direct information that the space between the nucleus and the electron haze is variable. There was no information about creating a second tiny vent, but I think that's a very logical assumption given what Kryon told us about the way the macro version worked in the Cosmic Lattice discussions.

QUESTION: There's so much wonderful spiritual energy/information available. How do we get it (the channellings) out there (to the public) without offending the nonbelievers? I understand that we don't want to intrude where we're not wanted, so how do we reach/teach those inquiring minds? ANSWER: You may feel that the information is sequestered, but it's not. Any Human who's in a situation of searching can find the truth. There's a spiritual mechanism for this, even in the most remote village on the planet. One of the promises of God is that those who seek will find the truth. Sometimes this will be without books, tapes, meetings, or the Internet. Don't be concerned that they might not find the channellings of Kryon. Their own channellings will be just as good. Also, don't be concerned about offending others. Only the ones who seek the information will be affected. The others will be honored within their silence.

QUESTION: Since we're eternal, have we done this in other universes? Will we do it again? Will this be our goal always? Are there others, elsewhere, who have other tasks? And what is the purpose of all of this? Why do we do this at all? Why don't we simply just "be" what we naturally are for all of eternity?[1/29/2014 9:46:46 AM]

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ANSWER: Yes. You're very good at this. The purpose? Creating new universes. The way it works? We've told you before that it's a very grand thing you do, and you do it with passion and you do it always. It's difficult to describe to you what you've done in the past, when there is no past. Everything fits into a "now" puzzle that you're constantly creating over the eons of what you call time. Blessed are the Humans who admit that there's something more than their own reality, and trust that it is within.

QUESTION: Dear Kryon, I'm a Reiki master, and I've got a question about this energy and other older energies - for example, the Celtic rune. Are these energies changing in these days? Are they replaced by EMF? When I use Reiki as a living holy energy (in German, "Schöpferkraft" ),isn't it all the same, then? ANSWER: We have channelled this information many times: Many of the older modalities are just now coming into their own as major players of healing on the planet. Reiki is one. How can you tell if the process is of the old energy or new? It's easy! Does it still work? Is it being enhanced within your practice of it? If the answer to these questions is yes, then it's very viable and should be continued. If it simply isn't working anymore, then it no longer fits with the energy that you've created on the planet. EMF is a new and beautiful tool. It doesn't replace anything, however, but rather gives you still another powerful new tool in the tool cabinet of the Lightworker.

QUESTION: Dear Kryon, just this fall I discovered the Kryon series of books and have been reading them avidly ever since. I read that sleeping patterns can be altered in the new energy. As a teenager, I had trouble with insomnia, which cleared up as I matured physically. Now at 48, it seems to be back. I seem to be noticing a subtle vibration, a tenseness in my body, that prevents me from relaxing, even though my eyes and mind are tired enough to sleep. I'm worried that I can only relax with a glass of wine, even after I've taken a prescription sleeping pill. This has been going on for several months now, and I've been blaming hormonal changes. ANSWER: Dear one, you and many like you are facing the exact same thing. It's tough to sleep when the bedroom is being renovated! Here is the answer: Don't be angry when you can't sleep. You think you need a certain amount to exist? The answer is yes, but Spirit can give you the equivalent of it without your ever having it! It's only energy, you know. So try this: (1) At a sleepless moment, thank God for this, that you're being vibrated so much that you can't sleep - that the energy of DNA change is so great that sleep cannot be accomplished. (2) Ask Spirit to give you the needed energy as though you had slept. If you need seven hours of sleep, then make a deal with God. You get the equivalent of seven hours of sleep (from Spirit) even though you didn't sleep (in 4D), and you'll promise to just lie there and smile and not get angry or frustrated as they work on you! Take the rest. Don't get up and do cleaning, or errands either. Don't read or otherwise occupy yourself. Rest and celebrate. Then watch this process reveal itself. The next day you will have more energy than you expected. Repeat this often until it no longer bothers you that you're not seeming to sleep in the way you used to. Just about the time you get used to the whole scenario? ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Submit Your Question To Kryon updated every quarter[1/29/2014 9:46:46 AM]

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kryon-Q&A 1rst Quarter2004

UPDATE: 1rst Quarter 2004

QUESTION (1): Hi, I’m Monica from Argentina, and I don’t know how to pronounce "Kryon." In Spain, I say "Kreeon," and I’m not sure if this pronunciation is correct. Thank you very much. ANSWER (from Lee): Monica, thank you for this question. You’re not alone in saying "Kreeon," since all the French do it, too! In America, it’s pronounced Cry-ahn, but I really don’t think it makes much difference. Kryon tells us it’s a "sound in the air," and that it means something to the energy around you. However, we’ve also discovered that either pronunciation seems to have very good energy. For years our French-language friends have said "Kreeon" and even spelled it differently (Kryeon). So say it any way you wish, and know that it’s your intent that is honored, not how you say the name.

QUESTION (2A): Kryon came as a call to the light, not to make you money. Kryon left; he’s gone, and has been for several years. What you (Lee) are doing isn’t nice. ANSWER (from Lee, March 2004): I’m open to discussing this criticism and do not judge you for this comment. But since you asked, I now get an opportunity to answer fully. I ask everyone around me to measure the energy they feel when I channel. If Kryon is gone, then nothing would happen. If Kryon is gone, then those who see and feel energy would know it. Instead, the energy has increased, and in some of our meetings we’ve actually had healing miracles. The United Nations group, who came to judge this very thing last year, has once again asked me to return and channel Kryon in September 2004. So I say this to all of you: You’ve had 15 years of information to look at as a measure of the Kryon energy. You also know I can’t create it myself. Therefore, when you read the new material or sit in a Kryon channelling, be your own judge. See for yourself if the love of God is still there in a strong manner. Many have reported that not only is Kryon still here, but the power of his messages is even greater and more detailed now that the grid is settled. I continue to channel Kryon for thousands all over the world. They see him and feel the love of God during each session. This would be tough to fake for an engineer (my former profession). As for just making money, I’d love to have the author of the question spend some time in my shoes, because I think there might be some revelations about a lot of things. It’s common knowledge that of the 12 Kryon books, we self-publish 8 of them. This means that we have to be our own bank. Each time there’s a reprint or a new release, we fund it ourselves. We have a publishing company to support, with an office, employees, vendors, and monthly advertising. Yet even though we do spiritual work, we never ask for money, and there is no place on our Website to donate anything. We also try to keep the commercial separate from the spiritual,[1/29/2014 9:46:52 AM]

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and for those who have noticed, we don’t shout about new products on our home page, nor can you purchase anything there. Our Website is set up so that if you wish to purchase anything from it, you have to find the store section, then hit still another button to get there. I make my living in this way, just like most people must. If my work doesn’t stand up, then I will fail. If the energy of the books and seminars isn’t good, then my pocketbook will show it. This is the way I like it. It keeps me in integrity, and makes my journey as much as a day-by-day financial experience as many of you have.

QUESTION (2B) (for Lee): In your seminars, you’ve indicated that you don’t ask for money in your work or on your Website. I personally like that. However, you also said that you support the work of Fred Sterling (the channel for Kirael), who does ask for money. Isn’t this a conflict? ANSWER (from Lee, March 2004): I don’t see it as a conflict, since you have to remember that what I’m responsible for is my own work, which is much different from that of Rev. Sterling. He is the minister of the Honolulu Church of Light, a real church with services, a building, and a staff that’s available to help people without charge. He also supports a free international weekly radio show without sponsorship. Rev. Sterling is also available for counseling and private readings (on a donation basis), and there’s no membership within his church; therefore, no tithing. He doesn’t have a series of books as I do, and he’s seldom able to leave his church and lecture anywhere else due to his very busy schedule. So in his case, I fully understand the need for outside contributions. In his shoes, I would do the same. Please understand that I don’t judge anyone else who asks for money. It’s just that I feel strongly that in my case it’s not appropriate, and that my work as an author and lecturer should be able to drive the funding. It’s pretty simple: If folks don’t like my work, then I won’t have a job. I feel that there’s integrity in this approach for me.

QUESTION (3): Dearest Kryon, I feel that Lee Carroll isn’t feeling well at all. Is he ill? If so, will he recover? Your channellings mean so much to me, as I’ve learned so much and am grateful for you and Lee. God bless you, Lee! ANSWER (from Lee, March 2004): I’m so appreciative to receive your question! Not only am I feeling great, but I feel as if I’ve never had as much energy as I do now. In fact, I haven’t had a cold in more than eight months (very rare), and feel that my immune system is healthier than ever. I’m writing my tenth book, presenting twice a week, and I just turned 60! So keep your good thoughts coming. I’m so grateful for your concern, but I feel better each year!

QUESTION (4): Dear Kryon, did a person named Jesus actually exist, or was it a group with the Christ energy that the church made into a person? QUESTION: Dear Kryon, I’ve looked at birth charts for Jesus over many years and found one which I believe, if not real, is the most intriguing. Therefore, I ask: Can you please reveal the exact date and time of Jesus Christ’s birth? And which DNA layer is the "astrology layer" that you’ve mentioned? I really believe that this may help in realigning astrology with the energy you’ve talked about. QUESTION: Dear Kryon, when Jesus came here, did he know of our eternal work of Universe building? Does he know how much we love him?[1/29/2014 9:46:52 AM]

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QUESTION: Dear Kryon, I’m not a Christian, but am curious as to whether the story of Jesus is accurate. Did he die by crucifixion, or was he spared to live a full life with a family of his own, elsewhere? QUESTION: Dear Kryon, was Jesus nothing more or less than a Crystal Child? Did he possess something that simply wasn’t understood during his time? Did he have different DNA or advanced DNA? This time is so exciting, and things have become so clear, that I want to be able to tell others what I now understand. ANSWER: Dear ones, we posture this answer with great respect for those who love this Human master. It serves no purpose to give information that would be detrimental to any study or search for the divine by any Human alive. This is why we often do not give you the actual history of some of the masters who walked this earth. We see the search for the divine as the most important thing a Human can do. Even if the facts of history are incorrect, sometimes the benefits of the search still bring the Human into the light and into the realization that God is inside us all. Jesus was a real person. His birth and death were far different than have been reported, but he walked the earth as an enlightened soul whose miracles and teachings were the beginning of a new dispensation. He taught unity, and the principle that all men could speak personally to God. He said, "You can be just like me!" and that is what our message is, also . . . that master-hood is within each of you. If you really want to know more about the real history, it’s very clearly in the scrolls, but it’s not in your scriptures! If you feel that Jesus might have had a special consciousness, as many of the new children do, you’re right! His DNA was without some of the restrictions that you have, but had those that you’re now learning about. The astrological layer of his DNA (the layers that respond to other planetary energy movements) were void and neutral. (This particular layer will be exposed this year for you, along with a name.) And yes, he knows of your love, and all the things that your divinity knows. Like all of you, he is multidimensional, and is in many places at the same time. Did you know that you are, too? Spiritual enlightenment is not about following any Human Being or any entity in the Universe. It’s about knowing that God resides within you, and that you’re an eternal part of His universal plan. This information has been brought to you from many masters and is within many cultures throughout the history of the earth. Jesus, as well as other masters who walked the earth, not only gave you messages of empowerment, but then "walked the walk" so you could see that a Human Being could actually do what he said could be done. Many of you are poised on the edge of realizing this same thing.

QUESTION (5) (about the Mel Gibson movie): Dear Kryon, as a Jew, I’m aware of the danger in allowing the "passion plays" to penetrate the consciousness of those who would believe that the Jews were responsible for the death of Jesus Christ. I’m also sickened by the belief of some that unless we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we’re eternally damned. Can you shed some light on this topic and explain why the world is being exposed to The Passion of the Christ at this time in our history? ANSWER: Stay in your own integrity, and don’t look to others to define your beliefs; humanity has always had these divisions. There was a time in Europe for more than 30 years when towns were regularly conquered, destroyed, and pillaged by Christians who demanded that you were to believe in a certain way. Today you have the same kind of behavior within a segment of people who are just as adamant about their own belief system. The truth is that your divinity is within you, and no doctrine on the planet is higher than this truth. If you claim[1/29/2014 9:46:52 AM]

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it, then you’ll be "above the fray" of those who wish to convert you, damn you, or kill your family because you’re not a believer. This, my Human friend, is the war between the old and new energy. This movie is a dramatic effort to pull humanity back into the suffering and victim mode. Although it’s done with integrity, does it exemplify what this master taught? Does the movie, based partially in myth instead of real history, show the joy of Jesus’ life? We told you that there would be a battle between the old and the new. You are in it, and this is just the beginning of a fight that will bring you to the following questions, which will tear you off the fence of indecision about your own spirituality: "Were you really born dirty? Would a loving God prepare the earth in this fashion? If God created the earth with love, why is suffering often considered a virtue for sacredness? How much of what you have in your scriptures is altered? How much is missing? How much is political? Do you have the entire historic story? If God is family, and divinity is self-evident, why are there hundreds of factions of belief on the planet? How could murder and rape be perpetrated in the name of a loving God? Could there be something far grander and greater about who God really is? Is it time to find out?" These are the real questions that are creating the battles on Earth at the moment.

QUESTION (6) (on Mary Magdalene): Dearest Kryon, over the past few months, many signs regarding Mary Magdalene have come to me. My intuition tells me that she was, in fact, the partner of Jesus, and that the Church repressed and hid away her status for fear that the feminine would be connected in partnership and marriage with Jesus. This belief would then destroy the myth that Jesus was virgin. It is said that Mary Magdalene was the Blessed Apostle and was given the true doctrine of Jesus. Can you explain this theory, and tell me if it will be a part of the New Jerusalem. ANSWER: Dear one, look to your own history: The scrolls - all of them - will reveal many of these answers. Look for the ones discovered in Egypt, too, including the Book of Mary. There is much here that has been hidden, but which is very well documented by your own Earth sources. It has been sequestered, but now is in the open.

QUESTION (7): Dear Kryon, in my work, I actually look at the DNA of Human Beings - the chromosomes - which are the visible manifestations of our DNA. You’ve said that there will be changes in the DNA as it’s activated to higher vibrations. Will I be able to "see" these changes? I’d love to be able to detect the changes and know that they are the activations and not some abnormality. QUESTION: Dear Kryon, I read a book called The Power of Twelve by Anne Brewer, and it fired my imagination. How much of this DNA recoding is true? She speaks of different levels, of genetic engineers, of Galactic Councils, and of their work on our astral bodies. Am I being redundant by asking a bit more information on DNA? QUESTION: Dear Kryon, I’ve only recently found your teachings, but find them fascinating and heartwarming - thank you. I have a somewhat bizarre question that I hope you can shed some light on. Shamans from indigenous cultures across the world (Africa, South America, and Mexico) talk about a race of interdimensional reptilian beings that came to Earth long ago in order to escape another race of beings that were persecuting them. They found that they could hide inside Human Beings and avoid detection unbeknownst to the majority of humanity. This concept doesn’t worry me, as we are all one and all[1/29/2014 9:46:52 AM]

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ultimately part of the divine. I’m curious as to whether these shamanic stories are based in fact, and if so, are these reptilian beings really our fears, our ego that we must overcome in order to reach enlightenment? ANSWER: Physically: Those of you who actually study the pieces and parts of DNA won’t see many physical changes. The changes we speak about are interdimensional. However, for those unbelievers who say, "How convenient," we say this: Even though you may not see physical structure changes, the chemistry itself will change. Immune systems will strengthen, life expectancy will lengthen, genes may rearrange themselves, and other systems will seem to be on a new track. So you’ll be able to see the results of something else seemingly affecting the 4D layer of DNA (the Human Genome). When you finally get the instruments that can detect interdimensionality (the shadows of other realities), you’ll see it very clearly around our DNA. This will beg the question: "Is there more to DNA than what’s under the 4D microscope?" ANSWER: Spiritually: We told you many years ago that your DNA has been altered by off-world energies. It was on schedule, and we even told you when it occurred within your Human history. Your anthropologists know of the anomalies of Human development, too . . . asking why evolution provided such a vast variety of all Earth species except the Human Being! They can even point to when it happened (the end of the variety).* These historic facts all point to a truth that we’ve given you before: You had help, and it came from that part of the sky you call the "Seven Sisters." *Scientific American, January 2000, Volume 282, Number 1 *Kryon Book Eight, Passing the Marker, pages 367–69 ANSWER: Reptilian: Due to the above-stated truth, which can never be proven but which is intuitive and surges through your DNA, many stories have surfaced within many cultures about wars, battles, good and evil, reptilian origins, and how this could have been. So I will ask you to go inside and ask yourself: How much of this information fits into a loving scenario of the creation of a Human Being who’s divine and has a loving role to play within the Universe? Did you ever wonder who you might have been on another planet in past Universes? We told you before that the Humans who come here have done this before (lived in duality) in other places. We also told you that your whole spiritual record is in your DNA. This also means that there’s a subtle memory of you being other kinds of creatures if you look hard enough. But this is meaningless within your life on Earth at the moment, and has a "residual" energy that has been obsessive to many, and has even created fear-based teachings. Think about it, family: Did you evolve as a result of a mistake . . . or a battle between evil and good Gods . . . or the spoils of a cosmic war . . . or secretive reptilians? I think your own divinity will tell you a better story one of honor, logic, and divine purpose.

QUESTION (8): Dear Kryon, almost every Human seems to use either their right or left hand better. When I, for example, write something using my left hand, I notice that I’m not very good at, it to say the least. Why are Humans usually better at using only one of their hands (and most commonly the right one)? Is it a good idea to actually practice using the other hand/side, too? (Perhaps that will open us up to more awareness of the whole Human.) ANSWER: Part of the Human condition is that you’re polarized. Your right and left sides are actually separate parts of your body system that compete. Surely you’ve noticed the outside symmetry of your body, where one side of you is simply a copy of the other? This is the efficiency of your evolutionary process. The subject you bring up, however, is a good one. For indeed, if you spend a little time using your other hand for writing (or even throwing a ball), you increase the balance of the bridge between the polarity of your body. Your brain is involved in this profoundly, as well as your DNA. Anything you can do to create a better[1/29/2014 9:46:52 AM]

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balance within yourself is good. Here’s an exercise: Try writing a letter to yourself using the nondominant hand. You might actually find yourself!

QUESTION (9): Dearest Kryon, what’s the difference between the soul and the Higher-Self? ANSWER: There are many divine ideas and concepts on your planet that have many names for the same thing. This might be one of them, but from our standpoint, they’re different. Before we define them, we’d like to give you a brief discussion about names in general. When you’re dealing with interdimensional attributes or intuitive energies that are being revealed, there’s no cosmic dictionary to consult. Therefore, those who channel or regularly give this kind of information must deal with concepts that have no established names, but which are still very real. The result is that you may end up with many names for the same thing, depending on the source. This isn’t a conflict, but rather just semantics and the result of being in a very new energy where many things are being presented that are unique and unusual. The soul is often seen as the overview of all that you are. It includes all the "selves" that you have, including the ones that aren’t here in 4D. Therefore, it’s a name that would indicate a "divine wholeness," and is often meant to reflect the "entire system of you." This would include the "I AM" presence you have in the Universe. The Higher-Self is a name that’s given to the part of you directly involved in communication with God, and the part of you that’s "connected" full-time to the family. Therefore, you might say that it describes a part, a section, of you. So the difference between them is that one describes the whole, and the other describes a part.

QUESTION (10): Dear Kryon, what is the opinion of Spirit when it comes to two people, married to others, who are in love with each other and have been having a love affair for years? I’ve tried to remain out of judgment with a dear friend who’s had a longtime friendship/romance/physical relationship with another man (not her husband) for years. She’s also had a two-decade relatively happy marriage and three happy, well-adjusted nearly grown children. I’ve taken the position of neither encouraging her nor judging her in her affair. I know that it would devastate her family, yet it seems like these two people are in a close love relationship for a reason and have both managed to remain respectful of each other’s family commitments. Can you shed some light on what your position is on relationships like this, and also what mine should be? I like her husband, and I’m torn about how I feel about this. ANSWER: We fully understand the protocol that you have in your culture and your society that establishes rules around behavior and what you call morality. However, now I tell you that there’s no judgment around anything you do that has pure intent and love. This is different from the "call of biology" (lust). We’re speaking about pure love. We also remind you that many of your rules that you think are "rules of God" are merely rules of Humans, structured to look spiritual in order to keep things in order. In many societies on Earth, partnership is not monogamous at all, and people have no feelings that they’re in violation of any rules of God, as your religious leaders would indicate you might be if you did what they did. Therefore, even the original Commandments are in question as far as being accurate and true. You might ask about the morality of taking a new partner after the death of the first. Your society says that this is not only acceptable but expected, yet there are other cultures that say that this is a horrible violation of[1/29/2014 9:46:52 AM]

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morality and is against the rules of God! So who’s correct? The answer is that the divine "rule book" is far more complex than you might think. When it comes to love, the Human is very expansive. It is well-known and common information that Humans can love and partner with multiple Humans, but it’s not the norm in your society. Add to this the fact that you carry over powerful love karma from one lifetime to another. Questions have been asked about this, too: "What happens when you’re partnering successfully with one person, and you meet a ‘soul mate’ from another lifetime? Do you throw this away, pursue it, or ignore it?" Do you really think you understand the complexity of love and can compartmentalize it to fit within the rules of a culture? The answer is truly one that has to fall within the purview of your own divinity, and the divine rule book that all of you personally carry. If you establish spiritual rules and vows for yourself, then follow them. You’ll benefit by the structure you have self-created. In all things, seek the council of your Higher-Self, and the divinity within you. This is your moral compass, and the "book" that is filled with truth. When you do this, some of the things you may wonder about start to become very clear. You’ll end up changing what you do because of it. I know you want an empirical (positive and final) answer, and this isn’t it. I also know that there are those who would read this and say, "See . . . those New Age Lemurians have permission to do anything they want. What kind of spirituality it that?" The short answer is that it’s a spirituality that places responsibility for the largest decisions about integrity and morality at the feet of each Human being. How easy this would be if you just had a yes or no answer. Then you wouldn’t have to claim responsibility for being a child of God who has divine wisdom.

QUESTION (11): Dear Kryon, with 4D collapsing, and an intertwining of multiple-D, how can we maintain harmony and balance within ourselves and our homes (to keep the chaos down)? ANSWER: What a wonderful question! This, dear one, represents the entirety of the work of Kryon and the Kryon entourage. We will continue to channel and fill books with answers, teachings, and instructions about precisely this subject. The first step? Claim your partnership with the divine. Once you begin to "own" this attribute, the answers to so much begin to show themselves. Your DNA changes, and your patience factor is enhanced. Actually, 4D isn’t collapsing; it’s joining with the rest of the "D’s" as the veil lifts slightly. Indeed, the result could be chaos if you remain in an old paradigm. So the answer is to shift.

QUESTION (12): Is there any way a Human can experience their true selves, at least emotionally, so as to be refreshed and to have some peace while we go about the task of multidimensional creation?! I long to do so. I’d like to "go home" and experience myself, intimately acquainted with the divine. QUESTION: Dear Kryon, it’s clear to me that one of the greatest achievements of Human Beings in this new energy is the development of The Third Language. Since the language of Spirit is not linear, is the understanding of symbolic information such as archetypes, metaphors, parables, and symbols a way to improve The Third Language? ANSWER: Yes, yes, and yes! This experiencing of The Third Language is what we teach. It’s about "talking to your cells." Look at our teachings in 2003 and up through 2005 for these answers, for it’s about claiming master-hood.[1/29/2014 9:46:52 AM]

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This isn’t something that you have to call the press and stop your life to accomplish. It’s about a daily walk that’s so loving, peaceful, and different that your cells refuse to go into drama, anger, or worry. You’re "connected to the family" as you walk in ordinary places, and you know it. You asked how: Start with asking for this in the most quiet times you have. Take time to meditate, and ask for nothing but this. Tell your God-partner (the Higher-Self) that you wish to start this connection and keep it. Take the profundity of the emotional feeling you have during these quiet times with God and keep them going! Come out of meditation and walk this 4D earth in an interdimensional bubble of love. Don’t close the mediation . . . just get up and keep it going! These are all concepts. They don’t seem to relate to a linear step-by-step procedure, do they? You may not have received the answer you wanted, either. So many of you want the solutions in a simple way. It isn’t simple. You begin a process through divine co-creation, and you stair-step through it as your own process demands it. But you can’t climb the stairway until you open the door. Can you show the color blue to a child? Yes. This is simple. Now, explain it to a sightless person. This is complex. Interdimensionality is this way. You want steps, rules, and procedures, but it’s far more complex than this. It’s also the goal of everything we teach. Begin with pure intent. Follow it up with joy. Add some wisdom and give it some time. God can hardly wait to fill up your cup of understanding.

QUESTION (13): Dear Kryon, is the expression and movement of energy based upon the inherent properties of a circle/sphere? Do the polygons that we cannot presently construct geometrically, link or connect with those we can. If so, how? ANSWER: The movement of energy indeed has sacred geometry at its core. However, that’s only the shell of what’s really there. Think of the shapes as containers for the energy, and the vessels of their potential. They structure something that has no structure. You won’t like this answer, since I won’t give you a shape, and I can’t fully describe the beautiful truths that are actually here. Energy is like that. It doesn’t come with much shape, but certain shapes "point" to the core of it. This is very difficult to explain. Think of someone finding sunlight, and thinking it’s the end of the line, not realizing that there’s a sun somewhere making it. Shapes and designs play a tremendous part in your sacredness, but they’re only the shadows of what’s inside them. As you use them, however, you actually emulate the core of the DNA, the medullas, and the relationships of 12 (lots of 4’s and 3’s). There are generic shapes that are known to have energy, but the "magic" is in interdimensional aspects, and these have to be transparent in your mind and intersect in complex ways that move through each other and violate 4D lines. These things simply cannot be drawn, or given from me to you. I know you wish to construct shapes that will do things and create energy, but there’s a limit to what you can do within 4D, and you have basically reached it. The next step has to be what your mind can be taught to visualize, and that can never be recorded, drawn, or conveyed to another. However, it can be sent!

QUESTION (14): Dear Kryon, the Canadian farmers have been hit hard with two cases of BSE, or Mad Cow Disease, reported as coming from Alberta. This is a fatal disease that’s scaring many people away from beef. Is Spirit trying to tell us to be vegetarians? Why is this disease coming out now? Will beef ever be as safe to eat as it was before? ANSWER: As we’ve discussed before, there isn’t enough fertile land on the planet to feed humanity if you’re all vegetarian. In addition, we’ve told you that a balance is needed for most Human biological systems that includes meat. Therefore, one of the reasons for the existence of animals is for your sustenance, and they[1/29/2014 9:46:52 AM]

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come here for that. Animals are in service to humanity, and they do it in several ways. (This has been channelled many times . . . the reasons for animals on the planet.) We’ve also told you that in order for them to be healthy sustenance, they must be treated with a higher consciousness than they are now or they’ll die. This is what you’re seeing. This disease is one that’s here to draw attention to this issue, not to force you to eat vegetables. It’s to bring the plight of the animals into mainstream consciousness, and to eventually demand changes in the way they’re treated. Many of you don’t wish to think about these precious creatures being sacrificed for your sustenance, but remember, this is all part of the support for your life on the planet. What you owe them is honor and dignity within the scope of creating food for your lives. When you see these kinds of diseases, they exist to make you stop and look at what you’re doing. If you don’t, these animals will self-destruct on their own.

QUESTION (15): Kryon refers to audience members as Lemurians and sometimes as angels. Please explain. And does that mean that only the people that have gone to that specific session are Lemurians? ANSWER: This isn’t that hard. You’re all angels, since you’re all divine and also eternal. You always were and always will be pieces of God. But in the beginning, many of you who are now called Lightworkers were part of Earth’s Lemurian experience, a life within a time and place that your historians deny ever happened. It was a different kind of society, and was a "warm-up" for what you have now. Your bodies are not exactly the same as they were then, and much is now different. This is also why we tell you not to look that far back when you want to know about your "current history." For Lemuria was during a time when duality was not as high, or the energy as low, as it is now. The planet was "wiped clean" of this society, and a re-start was done. This is old news, and we’ve given it before. You all gave permission for this, but at a very profound level, as a Lemurian, you prepared for this time on the planet. So your angelic properties are a property of God. Your Lemurian properties (if you have them) are properties of an early Earth experience that was filled with high science and DNA differences. A group that may come to a Kryon channelling is one that’s often filled with past Lemurians, since many of you who are "awakening" to new spiritual truths have these old-soul Lemurian backgrounds. But you’re also all angels in my view. My reference to you within these meetings is a greeting and an honoring, asking you to remember who you are. There are many past Lemurians, and only a fraction will ever know about Kryon. You’re all over the earth, but you’re all awakening to some degree.

QUESTION (16): Dear Kryon, does a geographical area have an influence on the energies of a person? ANSWER: Absolutely! If you live within an energy portal, you will be influenced by the energy of the earth. If you live within a "null" area of the magnetic grid (the poles), you’ll eventually die early. So part of what we teach is to begin to "feel" if the area where you are vibrates to you or if it doesn’t. If it doesn’t, then move! This is spiritual logic, and also takes into consideration your partnership with the earth.

QUESTION (17): Dear Kryon, how can I distinguish between a creation of my mind, as opposed to intuition or extrasensory perception? ANSWER (from Lee): Since these things are so similar in perception, I encourage you to give it the "reality test." Begin to coordinate something you experience in your mind with what happens next. Did you actually[1/29/2014 9:46:52 AM]

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feel an energy that was later confirmed by the revelation of truth? If so, try to remember what that felt like. This is what I felt regarding channelling, since the beginning feeling was that I was "making it up." Later, however, when the information given in channel became mainstream news, I knew I wasn’t making it up. Then I started to feel the difference between imagination and channelling. I believe it’s the same with intuition. If it bears out a truth of some kind, then you were feeling energy. Go back and try to correlate what that felt like, and then look for that feeling again. Soon you’ll be able to detect the difference between intuition, spiritual knowledge, and your creative mind. I think we all start out with everything, but it’s in a big "box," and we can’t see any differences. Later, we’re able to start putting smaller boxes in the big box, and sorting what is and is not spiritual or intuitive. It’s a learning process, and it takes time. But many have reported exactly this process of sorting out energy.

QUESTION (18): Dear Kryon, I want to validate my understanding of what NOW time really is. I understand it to be that Spirit is in a spot (for lack of a better word) where you can see the potentials of all possible things to come. I can understand this concept because I equate it to looking at a tree and seeing the branches extend out in an ever-increasing pattern. My questions are: What happens when events come to pass? Do they form a singular path of reality, similar to the bottom of the tree, where there’s only one path back to the ground? Or is Spirit able to see all possible paths that did not come to pass? This is sort of a linear-time question, but is Spirit able to see all possible things that reach into infinity, or does it become too cumbersome to see after a certain point (such as you would have with an everexpanding tree going into infinity)? You say that NOW time is circular, but we are in linear time. So somehow the two must correlate. How long (days, months, or years) does it take in our linear time to complete one circular path of NOW time? Or is that different for each person, based on where they are on their path? Is there a collective correlation of linear time traversed to complete one circular NOW path for the earth? ANSWER: Dear one, first, throw away the tree. It’s way too 4D for you to relate to it. It may serve to help you with your metaphor, but it’s very limiting within this complex analogy. There’s no such thing as predestination, but only predisposition. As events come to pass, you tend to stay in a predetermined groove, much like the old LP phonograph record groove that plays only one song as long as you stay in that specific groove. So watching a Human Being play the song he began when he was born is very predictable and not all that complex. It’s when you decide to "play another song" that it becomes difficult to explain to you. Picture this: Spirit stands in the center of a huge balloon. Inside this balloon your potentials exist. All the "if you go this way, then this is the potential" kind of energy is shown. For instance, if you void a whole reality (in the same way that you might sterilize yourself), then all the potentials involving having more children go away. This means that as you move within your life, this "NOW map" changes depending on what you do. It also shows you where you are now, and the potentials of what’s possible at the next step. Although many potentials are there, only the nearest ones are shown, since they are the most energetic ones. Now understand that this map is not just for God. It’s for you, too. This is the "You are here" map that we tried to explain in the parable of Michael Thomas (Kryon Book Five). Becoming interdimensional gives you insight as to which way to turn in order to accomplish what you want. It’s also an energy map that gives you the intuition to move accordingly.[1/29/2014 9:46:52 AM]

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You’re right to think that time is not linear, and this is what makes it really tough for you to understand. We encourage you to "think in the NOW" and to understand that your path is not what you think. It’s not a straight line from one place to another. Instead, this circle of the NOW takes into consideration that you created it, so you have the ability and permission to change it anytime you wish. Want to get off the "road" for a while? It may feel unsafe, but that’s because reality isn’t what it used to be. The two kinds of time exist together, but one is an illusion. They’re always connected, but this is hard for you to see. For instance, consider that you’re on a road that goes to the horizon. It seems to disappear into the distance, straight ahead. Seemingly it goes forever in one direction. But your mind knows that there’s a potential that this road could circle the earth and actually be the same road, all the way around in a circle. (Naturally we assume that it goes over the ocean, too.) So instead of what your eye tells you (a straight road that goes forever away from you), it’s actually a circle, and therefore the road in back of you is the same as the one in front of you. How long it takes to travel over the same spot in the road (that is, to complete the circle) depends entirely on you. If you tend to revisit the same thing over and over, then the circle is fairly small. However, for some, the circle is a lifetime. It just depends on your own path. Even the earth has a path, and has the attributes of this same circle. One of the most interesting things is that when you traverse the same path again (start to go over the ground you already covered), the energies you laid down before are now enhanced, and more apt to manifest themselves than when you first traveled the road. Metaphorically, this is why a past life often leads to a current life that has more resolve, or more manifestation than the last. It’s also why Lemurians know they are Lemurians!

QUESTION (19): Dear Kryon, won’t the increase in population affect the ecological balance? More people gives rise to more requirements for houses and companies, resulting in destroying more natural resources and leaving the earth barren and an increasingly difficult place to live. Did we ask for this as a "free choice"? How do we control it? We are growing like viruses and destroying everything around us, with little regard for the environment. ANSWER: Yes. Your free choice can cause you to overpopulate the earth and destroy it. This is all part of an awakening that the new children of this planet will tackle. It’s very solvable, but takes responsibility and cooperation on the part of most of humanity. Like so many other issues, however, it may have to reach critical mass for it to be considered seriously. So look for starvation in the future to be an even greater issue than it is now. When the starvation issue hits the West, then something will happen. Again, it’s about responsibility, and this is the dispensation of responsibility for the earth. Most viruses don’t destroy the host (AIDS is the exception). So even in nature, there’s a point where there’s an awareness of evolving systems, at the micro and macro levels.

QUESTION (20): Dear Kryon, my husband had a vasectomy 15 years ago. We’re giving full intent for a nonsurgical reversal by talking to our cells and our DNA, and giving full intent for trust in having a baby together. Can you give us any advice? ANSWER (from Lee): My father had a vasectomy a year before I was born, and I don’t look anything like the milkman. [Smile] In other words, anything is possible. Kryon has answered similar questions before with this same scenario. If you want a child, try the approach that best suits your intent. If you feel you’re really good at changing things in your body, then do it that way. But if that doesn’t work and you still want a child, then let science help reverse the vasectomy. It’s not about how you do it as much as the intent to let that kid[1/29/2014 9:46:52 AM]

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come to Earth! Don’t make him wait too long, though. The issue is the child, not the method of vasectomy reversal.

QUESTION (21): Why have the government and the media been silent on the geothermal activity in certain national parks? Can Kryon provide guidance on the time frame for an eruption? ANSWER: It’s because nobody understands what’s happening. Geology is changing greatly, but not beyond what I told you might happen back in 1989. Even global warming is related to the shift you’ve created in consciousness on the planet. When? It may happen sooner than you’d like, but it will happen. Know this: Like earthquakes, this is changeable. Matter responds to Human consciousness, and the quicker you try experiments involving more than12,000 people, the faster you’ll understand a brand-new power that you have. The reason this is dangerous before its time, however, is that mass fear consciousness often brings about disorder and unbalance . . . and the matter within the earth will cooperate with that, too. Patience.

QUESTION (22): Kryon, I'm a BodyTalk System healer, and have been getting more intuitive lately, which has helped my work. The protocol I follow seems somewhat restrictive. What can I do to move more quickly and deeply into my clients’ needs, and help them realize that all healing comes from within them? What can I do differently to help them get better results faster so that they can feel more encouraged? ANSWER: Change your protocol! With your intuition, expand what you’ve been taught about the way your system works, and go beyond it. You won’t violate the system. If you work with the meridians of the body, then find the other meridians that are above the ones you know . . . and so on. As far as meeting your clients’ needs, you can do that far easier than you think. Each client’s consciousness field is shouting at you exactly what they need. So "tune in" to this and make the appropriate moves. You never have to tell the client what’s happening, since sometimes this gets in the way. But you’re still dealing with the individual’s healing power, and actually talking to their divinity process. Remember, there’s no accident that they find themselves on the table before you. Become a channelling, intuitive, BodyTalk system healer!

QUESTION (23): My question is about the Bermuda Triangle. What is the significance of this part of the world? Has this anything to do with vortexes or portals? Why have so many ships and aircraft gone missing in this area? Is there a spiritual significance? QUESTION: Dear Kryon/Lee, what is in the Bermuda Triangle? Can knowledge about it be of any use to us now? Is there really anything there? ANSWER: This area of the planet is a profound combination of anomalies in the earth’s magnetics, combined with attributes of interactions with the weather and water. There’s a process that has been seen, yet not understood. These are not ETs, and it’s not spiritual. Your science will eventually discover it, analyze it, and understand it. It’s about the earth.[1/29/2014 9:46:52 AM]

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QUESTION (24): I’m having trouble knowing "who" to pray to. Slowly over the years I’ve come to believe that we are all a "piece" of God" and that the Human on Earth is only one of a "group." You’ve told us that you are part of a "group." There are angels like Michael and Gabriel, and masters like Jesus and Buddha, and I assume that they are "groups" as well. I know that we can confer with our Higher-Selves and our guides, but is there any one group or entity In charge? Is there a "Father"? Is the Universe a big democracy? ANSWER: Your question not only shows intuition and wisdom, but also the limitation of what you have placed upon yourself, called duality. No matter what is explained, Humans wish to compartmentalize and build organizational charts around everything. This is a totally linear process, and doesn’t represent the reality of the way it is on the other side of the veil. Take a large bowl of soup. It has organization, taste, matter, nourishment, and form. Yet there’s nobody in charge of the soup. Now you might say, "Sure, but there’s no consciousness in soup. It doesn’t have to think or make decisions and is not aware of itself." You think not? Do you think all those molecules just happened to create themselves and organize themselves into intricate structures that combine in complex ways that are so involved that science doesn’t even understand them? Were you aware that even in something as simple as soup, there’s a plan, a system, and coordination? If so, then who’s in charge? Where’s the democracy? Who gives the orders? What if, instead of a linear order of command, all the pieces had full knowledge of what the plan was, and without any interfacing, just fit into what they all know? Not only does soup do this, but so does the Universe and what you call God. Yes, you are all pieces of the whole. But all the angels and other entities that have identified themselves through the ages, have this in common, also: They’re all reading from the same script . . . one that is one consensus, and that updates itself all together. This is like nothing you’ve ever experienced, so you can’t really imagine it. You’ve even built mythology around "wars in heaven" so that you could somehow justify why things were as they are, thinking that only a conquering energy could be a certain way. These Human actions are all about trying to linearize God. Your DNA contains a divine code that says it all. You are divine, and also included in the "knowing" of this map. The closer you get to your own divinity, the more this is evident, and the greater your wisdom is. We’ve encouraged you to find the prophet inside, the rule book inside, and the compass of who you are and why you’re here. Critics say that this is also what serial killers have done, mocking the process as something that’s unbalanced and even evil. "Just think," they say, "if everyone had their own rule book, it would be chaos!" Then they give you their rule book, often in full integrity, explaining what they say God wants you to do. The truth is that this "rule book" is individual, but like the soup, it’s something that’s common to each molecule of the soup. So it’s the same script for everybody! It has to be, or what you call "nature" wouldn’t work at all. It’s the book that says that the "group" is all one family. The organization portion (explained for the benefit of your linear reality) is one that speaks of specialists. Some of your family is dedicated to working with the 4D interface between you and us (guides). Some of the family is dedicated to being angelic before you, and some, like me, are involved in your physics. But we’re all involved in the love of God, the support of humanity, and we’re all a group . . . your group . . . the family group called God. Who should you pray to? Start turning inward. Instead of praying "to" anyone, start to understand the wisdom of where the power actually is. Then create what you need, apart from any thought of sitting there hoping that God might give you something - like a dog sitting patiently on the floor under the dinner table, hoping for a handout. It’s not that way! It’s the grace of your own existence, which is the essence of God on Earth, and which drives all creation. You are your own master, a fact hidden completely within the face of your duality. Join the group called God. Pray - not to a higher supreme being - but as a family member who’s writing home during the front line of a battle. You’re part of God, and are a family member. You’re also a Human Being,[1/29/2014 9:46:52 AM]

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one of the few entities in the Universe who lives and works in a place where you can’t know the truth, since it would spoil the fairness of the test. . . . And you wonder why we support you and love you so?

QUESTION (25): Can the Human body exist or live productively without the presence of a spirit or soul? ANSWER: No. Even the most seemingly uncaring or evil Human, or the one who is brain-dead or insane, has a soul and an essence of divinity. It’s all part of a combination of free choice and that of fulfilling specific energies for the benefit of creating balance (or the lack of it), which helps the rest of you make important decisions about your own divinity.

QUESTION (26): Dear Kryon, my first questions are regarding stabilized oxygen water. Is it really of any value other than to the people selling it? Is it a good idea to pH-balance our water before we drink it? What is the best water accessible to us, in general? My second question: I’m extremely confused regarding what foods to eat and whether pH balancing is really all I’ve heard it is. Would you expound on this? I guess my most profound question (to me, anyway) is, through the power of intent and melding with our total self, is any of this really necessary? ANSWER: The answer to these questions are quite logical, but they don’t conform to a simple answer. Three years ago we told you that there would be more water products coming your way than ever before. The reason? Because your heath workers would begin to understand how important this basic sustenance is for you, and the beginning of the "secrets" of real biological balance would begin to be found. We told you that you’d discover that what you had felt was needed and healthy would end up looking like the dark ages of knowledge. In other words, you’d say, "How could we have ever believed this would be good for us?" Now all this is at your doorstep. There are many waters available, and the first thing you do is ask, "Which one is right?" What if most are right? Why do you wish to limit your options to just one? Yes, the pH balance will be new information that will be controversial, then be validated over time by the health of the individuals who drink it. The process is still not fully understood, since your health industry still gives no credibility at all to the body’s intelligent structure. That is to say that the body isn’t just a chemical machine that reacts. It’s a creative machine that actually calls upon processes that are beyond chemistry, and which change portions of your DNA that speak to all cellular structure, and which create new paradigms of reality for you . . . immune setups, and longevity schemes that you haven’t discovered yet. Are some just making money from this new fad? Yes. So what do you do? The answer is obvious: Try samples of what is offered and decide for yourself. Don’t weigh what others say or experience as your guide, since many of these new products aren’t generic to all biology. This means that they will affect some more than others. This is knowledge we brought to you many years ago. Throw away the idea that all biology is the same, and that a cure is a cure is a cure. It’s not, and you’re going to begin to see far more individuality within medicine and health substances. The same is true with food, and there will be many discoveries there as well. But through all of this, we’ve also given you information that says that above all, the power of your consciousness can change both food and water. You can balance both to allow for everything you need. You can even change matter, and create a[1/29/2014 9:46:52 AM]

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situation where ingesting food or water that might make another sick will actually nourish you. This is the promise for those who wish to examine this issue and take it all the way. So, greet the food and don’t worry about it. Change it to match your own biological structure. This is actually very old spiritual information, lost along the way of modern civilization.

QUESTION (27): Dear Kryon, some years ago I bought a dowsing pendulum from a New Age shop. It’s made up of two pieces of mineral stones joined by a chain. I used it several times and thought it was inaccurate, so I put it aside. Recently, I took it out of storage and used it again. Somehow, now seems like a more appropriate time. Are the answers that we get from the dowsing pendulum reliable? Where are the answers coming from? ANSWER: The ability to douse and to receive answers from a pendulum are completely dependent on the Human Being using them. These instruments are an extension of what we’ve called "Intelligent Human Cellular Structure," as we told you in the last answer. Let me ask you this: What is the principle behind kinesiology? Did you ever wonder how the body could "know" what you’re holding in your hand, and could then produce communication about the substance through the strength of your muscles? What about homeopathy? Did you ever wonder how a substance that was so small that it was undetectable by your modern chemical analysis could send a healing message to your body? The answer is that your body has a process that goes way beyond chemistry or biology. Some have the gift to extend this bodily "awareness" to douse. It’s simply that your body is connected at an interdimensional level to everything around it. It knows about the earth and more. Did you know you could douse for oil? Yes. That’s not all. These are gifts that are just being discovered, but now they’re being considered seriously instead of being "strange and unusual powers." So the answer is that the power to douse comes from your internal connection to the earth. It’s only as reliable as the Human using it is, and it’s not for everyone. But we encourage you to try it. You might be surprised!

QUESTION (28): Dear Kryon, what can you tell us about the increase in premature births that we’re seeing in this country? Is it related to the change in the grid magnetics? My children were born at just 24 weeks gestation on February 28, 2003. ANSWER: So you’ve noticed the trend, have you? It’s not just within your country. It’s actually everywhere. It has nothing to do with the grid specifically. It has everything to do with the new paradigm you’re in. The souls coming into the earth at the moment are far more "ready" for the task than you ever were. They come into your planet as old souls, and you can see it in their eyes as they’re born. The increase in premature birth is due mostly to the new consciousness of the children being born today. They’re impatient in life, and also in birth. Coming in at full term isn’t needed for many of them, since they wish to get on with it! As proof of this, I ask you to notice how they act later in their development. They already know so much! They’re not patient in school if they feel they already have the concepts (if not the facts), and they’re very impatient with a parent who treats them as a young soul instead of an old soul who’s simply reviewing! It’s all part of a new kind of Human being born on this planet. When you can see it firsthand, you no longer[1/29/2014 9:46:52 AM]

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think this kind of message is foolishness. Look to the children for proof of what I say.

QUESTION (29): Kryon, my quest is one of power, rather than "enlightenment." I've attempted all manners of psychic or magical feats. I’ve contemplated the nature of perception and existence. I’ve sought to communicate with beings of this dimension and others, to further my quest. Do you have any suggestions for how I might succeed without having to reincarnate into some other form that has these abilities from birth? As an example, I’ve had dreams (for decades now), in which I possessed psychokinetic abilities (flight, moving objects at a distance, healing and changing living flesh, transmuting elements, generating energy, etc.), and there’s nothing in me that doubts that a person can have these abilities. Science is constantly discovering more "magic" in the Universe. So, for me the question is not "Why?" but "How?" ANSWER: The days are gone where you can separate the two. Enlightenment is power, and one without the other is something you only found within an old energy. Humanity has changed its course, and within the things that have changed greatly are precisely these attributes. That’s why integrity is becoming such a great issue. That’s why we’ve encouraged you to find truth . . . because biology is involved, too. So, know that the magic you seek is truly there . . . everything you mentioned. However, it’s now linked to master-hood, and not any outside source.

QUESTION (30): My husband and I have always tried to do our best to work for love, light, and life. Over many years, we’ve done many things (at least we had the impression of doing so . . . ) but now we’ve lost our friends, and we seem to have come to a stop. Sometimes we think it’s okay; perhaps the new tools we’ve asked for need a little time to manifest. . . . but sometimes we’re a little afraid: Maybe we’ve mistaken something? Maybe the "old" in ourselves is still fighting against our quest for the "new"? I’m certain you can help us, as usual, to understand and go further on the path of Light. ANSWER: Dear ones, you’re right on schedule. The friends have gone because what you’ve asked for is happening. They saw something in you that they didn’t understand or they didn’t agree with. It’s truly a clash of consciousness, isn’t it? This is happening to many. Yes, the duality will fight you all the way. It will shout to you that you’ve messed up. It will cloak itself in righteousness and give you seemingly spiritual information that says to "Please come back" and to "Stop this silly quest you have." All the while, you’re beginning to vibrate higher, and this isn’t only different for others around you, but also for your own biology. Check this out with your own Higher-Self: Regularly go to a very quiet place and ask yourself, "Is this proper?" Ask for the love of God to be stronger than fear, but check what you’re doing with your "divinity compass." This is the only proof that’s valid. It won’t be what Kryon says, or what those around you say. It’s the old soul inside that you should listen to . . . always. Blessed are those who hold fast to the purpose they came here for, for they will have the rewards of peace in their lifetime . . . both in their own bodies and on the planet Earth.

QUESTION (31): Dear Kryon, what is meant by an "old soul"? Does having lived many lives mean that you’re a slow learner or that you’re unable to ascend or increase your vibration? ANSWER: When we use the term old soul, it refers to a Human Being who’s been on Earth so many times[1/29/2014 9:46:52 AM]

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that they come in with spiritual knowledge that sits on them like a mantel. They have "been there and done that." This doesn’t make them dense at all. Instead, it makes them very ready for the next step in Earth’s spiritual growth. They’re the ones who will awaken first.

QUESTION (32): I recently attended a Kryon "At Home" seminar where Lee discussed that due to the grid changes, places like Sedona, Arizona, have less energetic resonance, while places like Mt. Shasta, California, now have an increased resonance. What other places now have an increasing resonance, and what can we do to help contribute to the new energy? ANSWER (from Lee): There really isn’t anything you can do to enhance or contribute to what Kryon calls the new "vortals." This is an Earth process, and we just get to participate. Sedona is still a beautiful, energetic place, but it lacks the profound polarity of energies that used to be present there. It’s not because of anything that happened there, but rather the new energy of the planet, which is moving more toward Lemurian energies. So Mt. Shasta is a big one, and Kryon has indicated that it’s ripe for a major change. Other areas that are being affected are New Zealand and Bali. These have very strong Lemurian energies.

QUESTION (33): For me, going to Bali is one of the most amazing experiences I’ve ever had, and one of the most beautiful places in the world. Is there something different or special either energetically or magnetically about that island? Has it always been like that, or is this more recent? Also, is this disorientation something that’s experienced by many people, or was I just particularly sensitive to it? ANSWER: Funny that you should ask this apart from the other question. See the above question and answer. [Smile]

QUESTION (34): Dear Kryon, there have been quite a number of sociopaths in my life. Psychiatrists tell us that they have no conscience, as opposed to a good or a bad one. So, doctors cannot help them because there’s nothing to fix. How can they be a spirit soul, having a life, if they have no conscience? Isn’t that the essence of a soul? ANSWER: No. Conscience is not the essence of a soul. It’s only a biological reaction to chemistry. Many of these you mention have actually been born without the needed biology, but they still have a soul. From a much higher place than you’re giving credit for, their soul is active, looking down on a life they planned for themselves, where they would come to the planet and help balance something or unbalance something that would eventually lead to something far higher and better. This is one of the most difficult things for you to see or understand. How can abuse or even murder help the planet? The answer is one that only time can reveal. It often pushes Humans into understanding, spiritual endeavor, or laws that change a country. A Human Being can have a glorious soul, but never speak to it, see it, or be in touch with it. Even the lowest of the low of humanity have souls. It’s all part of a plan that you participate in, even if you don’t believe you could ever have a part in something like this.

QUESTION (35): Dear Kryon, I've been pondering your statements about light and multidimensionality, and something occurred to me today. I'm not sure if this is a flash of insight or just plain crazy. I’d appreciate it if you could tell me if I’m on the right track. Have we missed something about light that’s blindingly obvious? We live in 4D space-time. Does light experience time? Light is a[1/29/2014 9:46:52 AM]

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massless particle, according to physicists. My "insight" or "crazy idea" is that light is in another dimension than 4D space-time. If this is right, then is it just our perception that needs to change? ANSWER: Yes, the perceptions need to change. Instead of seeing light outside of time, you must start seeing light as controlled by time. It may not experience time, but its attributes (speed, especially) are controlled by it. Why does light travel at all? What is the engine behind it? When you look at the core energy of reality, it demands that light be related to time. But since time is different for many parts of the Universe, then light is not the constant you think it is. Your insights are good, but you need to carry them still further. Light is indeed partially interdimensional, but it’s forever locked to formulas about the reality of where it is. Each time-frame will create a different "speed of Light." This is perhaps the most difficult part of what we teach in astronomy and physics. When you look into space, the light that has come from a far away place is seen as traveling at a constant speed to get to you . . . the same speed as the light that came from the bulb over your head. In fact, this isn’t so. Instead, think of this faraway light as having made a long journey through "light roads" where there were construction delays, stops, and even expressways! It didn’t get here in the simple linear fashion you think it did. Along the way, it reacted to the time frames that it passed through. This will also give you pause to wonder if your distance measurements are accurate, too. When you begin to discover more about the dark energy (not negative, but unseen) in your Universe, you’ll have to conclude that it’s interdimensional, and therefore some of it’s even in a quantum state (all together, without distance). As soon as you add this attribute to the reality of space, you then must consider that what you’re seeing and measuring as light might actually be far more complex than you thought. What scientists call the "big bang residue" is an energy left over from a dimensional shift, not an explosion. It creates a reality where you can only see part of it in 4D, and where the energy doesn’t "add up" to the whole you know is there. This will lead you into interdimensional math and eventually to also discover the vents we’ve spoken about. More is coming on this.

QUESTION (36): In one of one books, you mentioned that the flow of charged particles interacting orthogonically with a magnetic field can induce zero and magnetic mass. (I hope I got this right.) Could you kindly elaborate more, and hopefully predict when we can expect this kind of technology? As a sidebar, you mentioned that the equator is not conducive for ascension. I’m actually living near the equator. Does this mean that for the people here, there can be every little or no spiritual progress? ANSWER: The creation of massless objects (what you call anti-gravity) is the insertion of specific multiple dimensional attributes within 4D. It can be done when you understand some very specific and easily accomplished relationships of magnetic fields within magnetic fields. We told you to look for clever ways of spinning fields within fields, and attuning them to certain levels of gauss. These are definitely "designer fields" and not stray ones, and they must "see" each other in a certain way. When you do that, suddenly you get a massless object. If you do it inside an object and follow some specific alignments, the object itself will become massless. You can also "steer" it with the very magnetics being used to create the massless attribute. But the "steering" is about "where in space" it must exist, rather than what you consider "turning left or right." Although only a few will understand what I’m speaking of, later some will read this and they will absolutely "know" that this is accurate and therefore must be channelled. For there are only a few scientists on Earth right now who could read this and relate to my next statement: The "magic" of a massless object is contained in the energy artifacts of what’s remaining after magnetics voids magnetics. These artifacts of energy are interdimensional gold (as far as you’re concerned), meaning that they’re the essence of what you’re looking for, and what they contain is what will change the "rules" of your physics, causing you to revamp your understanding of matter.[1/29/2014 9:46:52 AM]

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Know that even interdimensionality can exist in 4D (gravity and magnetics are examples), yet be part of your system of 4D physics. But they remain only reactive physics, in that all you can do is see what happens around them. The magic will happen when you can begin to understand what actually creates them, and manipulate that. Then you begin to see beyond the 4D, and begin to manipulate the attributes of the other dimensions and get reactions. All dimensions are in your lap for you to work with. There’s nothing hiding, or against some spiritual law. Magnetics is only the first area of interdimensional physics, but it’s the most obvious, since it exists in 4D in a way that can be seen and manipulated. Be careful not to have too many presuppositions about what might or might not be the results of experiments. Remember one of the most basic quantum rules: When you get into interdimensionality, distance isn’t a factor. Living at the equator makes it harder to find enlightenment, and also harder to maintain spiritual balance. It’s also this way at the poles. But remember, Humans carry divinity with them, so although harder, it’s still possible.

QUESTION (37): Dear Kryon, I’m trying to understand how Feng Shui works. When we tested where the energy in our house was happiest in activating certain corners, we came up with the Pa Kua system that gears placement from the front door of the home. This was different with the directional system. I can see that if your intention was to work on certain areas such as wealth, your intention would make it happen regardless of which system you used, but I don’t understand how it can apply to missing corners which for example could be wealth or powerful mentors. I’ve read how people were having money troubles and when a Feng Shui assessment was done it was found that the wealth corner was missing, but if you used a different system, it would be powerful mentors. I know Feng Shui works; I’ve felt the difference in the energy, but this part is confusing. ANSWER: This is a good question, for it shows how linear the thinking is. Here’s a simple answer. Even without any of the movement of chi, your co-creative energy as a Human Being will work. However, if you then decide not to isolate yourself, and instead use the energy of the earth as your partner, then everything you’re doing will be enhanced. So again, it’s not either/or when determining which system is best. It’s your goal to use all the systems together to enhance the big system, which is your intent. Pa Kua actually holds hands with Feng Shui, but there are times when one is better depending on the individual circumstances of what’s around you, including the energy of the land! You can’t plop a house down on the earth and expect to only have the energy of the house! So the land plays a part, too. The answer is to try it all and use what works. All this is to say that these energy systems are like the conveyor belts you walk on in your municipal areas. You can walk at your own speed, or walk on the conveyor. Both actions will get you where you’re going, but one will enhance your travel and get you there faster. Unfortunately, so many Humans look at the whole thing and just sit down. Then nothing happens at all.

QUESTION (38) 1: The following are burning questions for me! Was there a specific event, chosen by all of us, of course, which was pivotal in our shifting out of the old Earth paradigm into this new one? ANSWER: Yes. The Harmonic Convergence of 1987.[1/29/2014 9:46:52 AM]

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QUESTION (39) 2: How can the free choice of those of us on this small little planet affect a Universe where there is no free choice? Our physics says that the Universe is one seamless whole composed of a singular one-stuff. How can the nature of that stuff be free will in one section and not in an all the rest? What kind of existence would the rest of the Universe even have without free will? ANSWER: There is free choice all over the Universe, but yours is the only planet inhabited by pieces of God who don’t know who they are and have free choice about changing their reality and their spiritual quotient. The "one-stuff" is accurate, as is the energy of God. It’s the reason this works, not the objection for why it shouldn’t. QUESTION (40) 3: Is the rest of the Universe condemned to suffer for our mistakes? What kind of AllThat-Is creates a Universe without free will, then puts a tiny spot of free will in an insignificant, obscure solar system in an insignificant, obscure galaxy? Is free will that dangerous? ANSWER: None of the Universe will suffer anything due to what Humans do here. You’re not making mistakes, but rather you’re deciding on a balance of energy, and where dark and light may balance itself. Your efforts will apply to a new creation. The Universe will celebrate what you do here, and take from you the light you’re creating. Think of it as solving problems, where only the solutions get seen, not the work around their creation. It’s the Human duality that finds objectionable logic in a divine system. When you place a limited paradigm over a complex one, you only get partial answers. But those in the limited paradigm don’t know it. They think they’re complete, and their thinking is clear. If all you can do is add and subtract, and you try to compute complex physics problems, you’re going to get very simple and inaccurate answers. But if all you can do is add and subtract, then you’ll never know they’re inaccurate, will you?

QUESTION (41): Kryon, I’m wondering about magnetic fields and people. Do some people have larger magnetic fields than others? My son seems to have magnetic energy coming out of his fingers; he can even draw on a Magna Doodle. Can you shed some light on this? ANSWER: It’s really not magnetics that your son has. It seems that way, but it’s just a portion of a powerful energy field around him. Many can drain batteries or cause electronic equipment to malfunction (crash computers). This is not as much magnetics as it is a very energetic Human field. So yes, many Humans have fields that are different. They’re not larger, but more active. The actual size is set for all, and is the same. How active they are is the point, and that’s about activation of DNA. Many young people have this naturally, since their DNA has been changed . . . not chemically, but interdimensionally.

QUESTION (42): Dear Kryon, when I read your words, my energy level rises dramatically. Thank you for them. My question: Dr. Ovokaitys is openly supported by you, and his works are very intriguing. But kinesiology tells me that none of the laser-enhanced products you probably helped to design, work with me, although the symptoms (i.e., "Heart Gems") would fit perfectly. I’m pretty disappointed and feel a bit "left out." Do you have an idea for me? ANSWER: As we told you even within this Q&A session, biology is shifting in order to be very independent and unique. Remember, kinesiology is a wonderful tool, for it "knows" all about your specific chemistry. Others may test very positive for something you do not. This is the beauty of your cellular intelligence. So move on. In your case, there is indeed something that might "fit" the symptoms and will work for you. So[1/29/2014 9:46:52 AM]

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keep looking, and remember not to overlook water . . . very different water.

QUESTION (43) 1: Dear Kryon, about two months ago, a friend suggested that I read The Journey Home (Kryon Book Five). That was my introduction to you, and I’ve been reading as much of your channelled information as I can since then. I honestly don’t think I've ever cried so many tears of relief as I did when I read this book. I have two questions. The first one is about The Journey Home. As I read this book, it felt like my chakras were being opened up. Through each house, a different part of my body had strange movement in it that corresponds to the chakras. Shortly after I read the book, I had the biggest emotional release I’ve ever had. Since then, the scope of my healings has changed, I’m doing things much differently than I did, and my abilities have been much greater than they were before. Is it possible that the book helps to clear you of old energy, and how do you know if you’ve cleared out all the old energy? ANSWER: Dear one, yes. This is the reason for the parable of Michael Thomas. As you read it, and are open to the metaphors within the metaphors, your DNA awareness is activated. It’s different for every Human, but those who are ready, respond! QUESTION (44) 2: My second question is about shielding and psychic protection. Throughout my journey, I’ve been told that shielding is a must. I’ve never really liked to do it because I usually forget to do it. Now I’m wondering if shielding myself is keeping me in a duality mind-set? I have friends that say shielding is a must, especially when you’re a healer. What are your thoughts on this? ANSWER: As we’ve discussed many times, shielding yourself keeps you not only in a duality mind-set, but also in an old energy of fear. If you’re carrying the light, and you know it, then no other energies will harm you. We understand what you’ve been taught as a healer, and also the reasons that were developed in an older energy that would require you to shield. So let me ask you, do you think the masters who walked the earth shielded themselves? It’s almost laughable, isn’t it? Well, smile and laugh, since this is the energy we teach you about. As you create this light, know that you are whole. Know that the light is the shield, and that nothing can exist in it as long as there’s integrity. You’re claiming the exact energy of the masters. There are some who point to this teaching as a "Kryon trick." They say that if you lower your shielding, then "creatures of the light" can invade you and take away your intelligence, your power, your logic, your divinity, and even your ability to know that something happened. Our answer to this is to examine what all the masters told you. They gave you this same message, over and over. They encouraged you to be just like them. Some trick! It’s not a Kryon message, but a universal message that’s as old as humanity and just as potent for you today as when it was first given so long ago.

QUESTION (45): Kryon, I read your answer on addiction. I’ve known for years that I’m a highly evolved spirit, but cannot go to the next level. Fear has me crippled. How can I move to the next level? ANSWER: Fear will cripple, paralyze, and keep you from even understanding this answer. It’s that potent! You’re poised on a revelation. But before you can understand any of this, you must create self-worth in yourself, and also speak to the child within (this was you, before you had the addition of the things that currently are feared). We’ve given the methods for this.* And yes, you’re not only highly evolved, but very ready to get rid of this attribute. We stand beside you and[1/29/2014 9:46:52 AM]

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will support you when you begin. *See Kryon channelling on Self-Worth []

QUESTION (46): Kryon, do have any sense of what the immediate (and not so immediate) future of education may be? ANSWER: No entity can tell your future, but we can all give you readings of energy based on what you’re doing now. The potential future of education will be one that the next generation will begin to put in place. It will be a dynamic system where the children can change the classroom as the term unfolds. This would be classroomby-classroom. The teacher will only have one goal . . . that the children learn certain concepts by the end of the term, and prove they know everything expected. Each classroom will be able to govern how long this takes, and how long is spent on each concept or step, based on what the collective student group decides. This will eventually feature an evolved classroom where the students, based on their performance, will actually determine the term. Those classes who finish their terms early will get longer vacations. In addition, the classrooms will be able to collectively dismiss other students in the class who detract from their learning, and/or individually help those who need review. So instead of the system deciding who’s fit for a class, the students will. It will be a far more empowering system, and will always be under the direction of the teacher. But it’s a far different system from what you have today, where the system drives the student. In the future, the student will drive the system. There won’t be chaos, as many educators may predict. A funny thing happens when you give leadership concepts to those who can lead: They do.

QUESTION (47): Dear Kryon, my heart has been greatly changed by your channellings and books. I had never felt much empathy for organized religion, although I’ve always believed in God. Frequently, I was confused by what I was taught about God, but I always believed in a divine creator. I’ve read that what we do here on this planet determines the energy set-point of a Universe that’s being created. That begs these questions: Since we are eternal, have we done this in other Universes? Will we do it again? Will this be our goal always? Are there others, elsewhere, who have other tasks? And what is the purpose of all this? Why do we do this at all? Why don’t we just simply "be" what we naturally are for all eternity? ANSWER: Oh my . . . the wisdom and intuition of the Human is beginning to broach the veil! Yes, you have done this before. Yes, you will do it again. There are many of you "in the wings" who will continue to come in as your population increases to a critical level . . . and all of them have done it before. Perhaps you may begin to finally understand? This is what you do! This is your specialty. This is also the "heavy lifting" we’ve spoken about which you do, and your colors show this. The purpose is beyond Human understanding, but it’s one of the grandest things that exists within the scope of what you call God. It’s about the integrity of creation, about life in general, and about the love of God. So . . . just "be" with it, and continue to search for your divinity. At every step, be certain that you remain in integrity. Let everything you do be "well with your soul," meaning that you’re totally comfortable with the faith of your intent.[1/29/2014 9:46:52 AM]

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The core of every religious teaching of the planet asks you to have faith that there’s a bigger picture. They tell you that you are forever . . . beyond Human death . . . and that some things are simply not to be known while you’re here. Then they tell you to keep your eyes on God. It’s my message. too.

QUESTION (48): In a channelling posted on the Website, you state that when a family member dies, he/she becomes part of their children. When that child dies, he/she becomes a part of his/her children . . .and on and on. My question is twofold: First, what happens when a person’s sibling dies without children? Does that sibling become part of his/her brothers and sisters, or go somewhere else? Second, what is the dynamic when a parent dies and becomes part of his/her child, but the parent was antagonistic toward the child during his/her lifetime, was abusive, etc.? Is the child now going to have a part of himself/herself that is going to be at war with his/her other "parts"? ANSWER: Dear one, try to stop placing these interdimensional concepts in 4D boxes. It will never suit you. The whole channelling revealed a concept that you are a group. This group moves around your immediate karmic group, and when you leave, part of you is active. It’s with children and parents, brothers, sisters, and even good friends. Remember that, karmically, your parents and children are all mixed up within your group, far beyond what you think are parents and children. Also try to get beyond what the Human thinks about other Humans while they were here or after they’re gone. Don’t you understand that when you pass over and become angelic, you have the mind of God? Abusive fathers will be with the daughters they abused . . .just like they agreed to before they came. When they both get to the other side, they may even decide to change roles and come in again! On the other side of the veil, it’s no different than a play. When the play is over, you go to the cast party and choose another role. So, "feel" those who have passed on, whom you loved and lost. Feel the friend, the parent, the brother or sister, and yes . . . the child. They are with you forever, and are part of the makeup of an interdimensional system that is family. Placing them in physical form and drawing up organizational charts of who is with who and what they must think about it all is a very 4D exercise!

QUESTION (49): Dear Kryon, how do we know when a divorce is appropriate or not? ANSWER: It’s appropriate when the energy and consciousness of the one is on a different reality from the other, and it’s obvious that it will never change. This isn’t about enlightenment, either. It’s about your individual paths. Although contrary to your society, the rules of the church, and what your family wishes for you, sometimes you go through "partnership stages" that are appropriate but temporary. It can also be between two enlightened souls who simply needed to be together for a while. So if you’re going to separate a partnership, do it with integrity. Do it in a way where you offer friendship. Do it with wisdom and maturity. Never slam the door. Offer the other person your maturity all your life, and always give them the opportunity for forgiveness and discussion. As you grow older, you’ll eventually see the dynamics of growth, and why a temporary partnership might[1/29/2014 9:46:52 AM]

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have been needed in your own personal path, or in theirs. Sometimes it’s only about being a time placeholder, keeping each other in a place so that something else could happen. Each path is different, and there are as many who will stay together until they stand and hold hands on the other side of the veil. Then they’ll do it again the next time around! Don’t pass judgment either way. There is appropriateness in many things that result in growth and maturity for either or both of those involved. As I discussed before, your cultural rules are often designed to look like they’re also the "rules of God," but often they’re just the rules of Humans who are doing their best, without full understanding of how big God really is. Submit Your Question To Kryon updated every quarter[1/29/2014 9:46:52 AM]

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UPDATE: 3rd Quarter 2003

QUESTION: Dear Kryon: 1. I recognize that you thought it important for where we're at now to know that we don't have "2" or "3" spirit guides, but rather, an infinite (metaphorical) energy soup of them that act as one and change composition from time to time. My first question is "Why is it important for us to know that the old '2 or 3' metaphor was inaccurate and that the new metaphor is more accurate?" 2. My second question is: "Don't clairvoyant people 'see' 2 or 3 guides?... what are they seeing if not guides"? 3. If guides are more appropriately called "energies" rather than "entities," are there still nonbiologically-based life forms that are "entities"? 4. Are angels such entities or if not, how would you describe angels relative to guides? 5. What are archangels relative to angels? 6. More recently you said that some of the guide energy is with us for the duration of our earthly life cycle and other parts of it change composition. But, in the more further past, you mentioned that during larger vibrational increases we go through, there is a guide change for 90 days during which they "go quiet." So, my questions on this one are why is it necessary for them to go quiet? And, why 90 days? And, I assume that they're "still there" just being "quiet" rather than truly disconnected from us, right? And what "triggers" this "go quiet" period? ANSWER: Dear one, 1. It's important for you to know that you can't count the guides so that you don't "hang your hat" on them, name them, and depend on who you think is 2 or 3 entities. If a Human does this, it keeps them from experiencing the reality that there is far more than what they think. It keeps the Human restricted in his sight. 2. Clairvoyants see the top layer...the ones who are doing the most help at that moment, and the ones who the Human needs the most at that time. That's also why Auric photography (energy photography) differs from day to day. It's the "guide soup" at work, changing what you need. 3. Our definition of "entities" is any energy which has a consciousness that is equal or above to what you would consider Human. Yes there are many non-biological forms called entities in addition to energies[1/29/2014 9:47:00 AM]

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called entities. Here again, we have the problem of your 4D propensity to compartmentalize almost everything to a singular source. This is very understandable, and honored. But a true interdimensional being knows that there are no hard "walls" to any consciousness and therefore the idea of assigning names or even personalities to interdimensional beings is limiting and misleading. 4. Angels are interdimensional beings just like you, but who contain their entire "group" in their awareness and comprehension. They have no duality and they have no biological expression. 5. Archangels are angels who have the energy of many angels. They are not "higher" or "lower" despite the name. They are not "in charge" of anything either. They are instead filled with the energy of many of the pieces and parts of the other angel entities. This makes them seem like they are more important. They are not. Think of them as communicating stations or "hubs" of energy transference that are more easily accessible to the whole. They exist to help bring groups of energies together for those who can't think out of 4D. They also help in the organization of energy that is needed in the Universe. ** 6. With the implantation of permission to ascend (the implant) there is a one-time shift in the guide energy. It's related to the activation of the third layer of what you call DNA. What you call "going quiet" is process that you will relate to only metaphorically. It is the changing of the guard. It is that moment in space and time where one temple is torn down and another has its foundation laid. It is variable from Human to Human and also relates to your fears and allowances. It's a one-time change, and it's profound. And no... your assumption that they are still here is only partially correct. The guides actually leave. You are NEVER alone, however, but what remains during this changing of the guard is far less than what you are used to. When the great master of Love thought he was near death, he called out to the "family" and thought they had forsaken him. He instead was experiencing this exact thing. Even the master was upset with this shift. In his case, it lasted 90 minutes. In most cases it is 90 days. The "9" is completion, and is significant in energy. ** [From the Kryon office] Here is a discussion on the definition of Archangels from Ronna Herman, world renown channel for Archangel Michael: "The great Archangels represent the individualized aspects, attributes and qualities of the Supreme Creator. They bring forth the fuel, or project the "love nature" of the Creator. The Elohim, builders of form, project the mental aspect of the Creator, and are the cocreators of manifested worlds using universal Light substance. They are projectors of primal life. One explanation would be that the Archangels and the Great Beings of Light carry a greater amount of "God Essence" and we are refracted facets of these great beings. Each of the seven major archangels of our galaxy embody and radiate particular aspects, qualities and virtues of the Creator. Example: AA Michael radiates the First Ray of Divine Will and Power Each archangel and ray overlights humanity and the Earth in 2,000 year cycles. The predominant rays at this time are the Seventh Ray - the Ray of the violet transmuting flame - ceremonial order, freedom, redemption and purification, and the First Ray of Divine Will to Create is the secondary influence. The Angelic Host of this universe came forth under the direction of the twelve great archangels who came from the Great Central Sun. They are the link between humanity and the Creator The archangels are the messengers who bear the Divine Decrees of God and come forth in greater force and number to interact with humanity during times of great change/evolution." Ronna Herman – Channel for Archangel Michael – [][1/29/2014 9:47:00 AM]

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QUESTION: Dear Kryon, what exactly are the 144,000? In the Bible, Jehovah Witnesses use the term to let us know that only 144,000 Jehovah witnesses will be saved, etc. ANSWER: Does it make sense to you that in an earth of over 6 billion Humans, that only a fraction of those would be saved from eternal damnation? How does that play into the infinite love of God? However, If it serves those who believe it to do so, then honor their free choice. They are looking for the same divine answers that you are. However, at some point "spiritual common sense" has to also be honored for you to perhaps consider an alternate: The number 144,000 is a metaphor for energy of spiritual ascension. It is 12 times 12,000. This, of all things, should give you the answer. Our discussions of the twelves is legendary and will not be repeated here. You will see this number in many places. It isn't a literal number of Humans or entities, or days, etc. It is instead a "pointer" to you of what certain energies are on the planet, and the sacredness of them. It is especially pertinent to the new Crystalline Grid energies, and what is taking place in this new energy. After all this time, it's now more important than ever to understand that much of channelling and scripture is given in metaphor form. The reason should be obvious now that we are beginning to broach the interdimensionality of your essence, your matter, and your spiritual structure. You live in 4D, and the universe around you is in 12D and beyond. Anything out of 4, however, is a mystery. Time is not time, and reality is multi-layered. Past, present and future are combined, and there is no linearity. Therefore spiritual information is often given in numerical energetic code. Your DNA has the same thing, as someday you will see.

QUESTION: Dear Kryon: I have been communicating with my body and cells for 25 years. It is with great joy that I have read the indications you yourself have given about that. I have read the recent science that confirms the electromagnetic properties of cells and particularly of DNA, but I have found little information on Biophotons. These are the coherent, laserlike, but ultraweak, pulsating photons that emit radiation found in cellular DNA in all life forms. These Biophotons provide the avenue of communication between the cells throughout an organism. Is this what you have been talking about? ANSWER:Dear one, you are on the right track. Not only do biophotons radiate messages between cells, but they are also one of the strongest attributes of what many in your science are trying to identify as the "Human consciousness field." They are also part of the energy of what some see as the Human Aura.

QUESTION: Dear Kryon, in book 9, you mention that the collective conscious train slowed down on the track (even though we weren't noticing the time differences). Why did we slow it down if we are speeding up? Are we attempting something else on the track? ANSWER: We are again dealing with metaphors, are we not? They are often difficult to explain, since we are describing interdimensional attributes to you. Since time is relative to what you perceive, and what is around you, let me set a stage that you may or may not understand: Let's say you are speeding away from earth (an old reality) at a tremendous speed, close to your 4D speed limit… one that changes the time frame of YOU. Now, if you had a video camera back on earth, and you could look at what it shows (which you could not… but pretend).. the screen you have with you would show earth slowing down. In your space ship, you would perceive your time as unchanged, however, since it's relative to your own speed. Everything in the old-reality (the old track) on earth would seen to be slowing down, as you retreated from it at almost light-speed.[1/29/2014 9:47:00 AM]

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When we told you that you slowed down, it was the old realty perception, looking back, as you sped up! This is difficult to explain and to understand, so instead of pondering the details, instead ask yourselves: Have you felt any speedup in time in the last three or four years? If so, then celebrate it and use these feelings for validation that indeed you have changed tracks of reality. The earth is a different one now… one that you have shifted!

QUESTION: Dear Kryon: I am changed forever as a result of your channelling and I am so grateful for being here now. I am a little confused by what is meant exactly by 'giving intent'. To me it's an odd use of the language. So far I've interpreted this as intending honestly to have something change... or giving permission to accept truths or gifts. It would help if I had this clarified. ANSWER: It's more than intent, or honesty or giving permission. We have defined it as "Pure intent." This energy has been described and explained many times. It's not "passive intent," or "angry intent." It's the core of your passion… when your very being resounds with it. It's the energy that Abraham had in his hand, in the parable story where he was poised with the dagger, ready to sacrifice his son. This is "Pure intent." It's when you are on your knees before God, and it's just you and the Universe. It's driven by a spiritual engine that can't turn back once it has been given. ** ** Intent is explained and referenced in the Kryon books: Intent - (Bk 2) pages 87, 119, 133 Intent - (Bk 6) pages 20, 41, 42, 44, 46, 48, 68, 88, 100, 109,163, 169, 185, 189, 253, 272, 276, 290, 307, 377 Intent - (Bk 7) pages 59, 98, 177, 239, 322, 382, 413 Intent - (Bk 8) pages 80, 117

QUESTION: Dear Kryon: As I am a long time fan of Kryon, I remember having read information about coming epidemics. I just would like an update on SARS. What is the meaning of it? Why and how did it emerge? What can we learn from it? Do we have to protect ourselves or do we have to trust our immune system that we can cope with it? QUESTION: Dear Kryon: Can you tell us a bit about the new SARS virus, the origin of it and whether a cure will be found? It seems to be creating quite a big problem in Asia (and many other countries) and we hope the situation will improve soon. ANSWER: SARS is no different than AIDS in that it will be found to have arisen from roots that have to do with the destruction of your natural resources. Although it may seem obscure now, some day this fact will be shown, and SARS will be traced from those areas where forests are being wiped out. Unless Humanity wants to experience new diseases that they will have to fight with increased difficulty and great Human sacrifice, they must understand that there is a balance going on in the forests of earth that must remain untouched. These areas have been balanced systems long before Humans came here, and they won't be harmful if they are left alone. If, however, you invade these sanctuaries of ecology, viruses that have remained in balance for eons, will now discover Humans. Can it be cured. Yes. And so can AIDS. But even after these are cured, each virus will be a surprise, and research will start all over for each of them. Instead, why not honor the forests and let them be! QUESTION: Dear Kryon: Are microwave ovens really bad for our bodies? ANSWER: Yes, don't ever get in one. [Kryon humor]. Microwave energy is dangerous to your cellular[1/29/2014 9:47:00 AM]

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structure. Period. In whatever form it is presented in your science, including transmission for communication, it's dangerous. There is no reason to throw away the science, instead, understand it and devise protection that is appropriate. As to the microwave oven, you would be better advised to know what is happening to the food you ingest that has been cooked with it, rather than being afraid of the oven itself. Microwave energy removes much of the nutrition from anything cooked with it. It's not the same kind of heat you would have from a fire. Therefore our advice has always been to use these ovens sparingly and not as your prime source of heat for cooking. My partner says popcorn is okay. (smile) QUESTION: Dear Kryon: Have the ley lines changed because of the shift in the grid? If so, how will we know their location now? I would like to know whether Stonehenge, Avebury, Glastonbury etc are still on the same ley lines or are they different? Or is this "old energy"? ANSWER: The answer is a large YES. If you have followed the recent channellings of 2003, you will know that we are discussing these very things. Even nature is responding. [See "about whales" on the Q&A Index page] Some areas of earth are being removed from the role as "portals" such as Sedona Arizona, and some are being enhanced, such as Mt. Shasta. This also goes for England. Glastonbury is being enhanced. Stonehenge is not. Go see for yourself. There is much teaching to come here. [See the channelling in Mt. Shasta:]

QUESTION: Dear Kryon: This question is with regards to sexual energy. I understand that this energy is sacred, however using it in a sacred way has proved to be a great challenge. In an environment that manipulates this energy in varied and conflicting ways, advertising, pornography, classical religious doctrines, alternative meditative practices, abstinence, celibacy, monogamy, polygamy, etc. What are the new age guidelines/practices to use this energy sacredly when a partner is available and when one is not? How does this differ for a single person, a married couple, male and female? ANSWER: This answer has never changed. You have free choice to do whatever you with this. Since it can be used for anything from fear based religious control to sacred life-giving love, do you understand that it is something that will always be a measure of energy on the planet? What are the new rules? The same as the old ones: Treat it as sacred, change yourselves, and thereby change the energy around you on the planet (Again, the parable of the tarpit is in order). When other Humans see the enhancement provided by adding the sacred attributes to something only seen as biological, they will have the option to follow suit. The end result is a change of consciousness on the planet. There will always be this balance, since sexual energy is also so related to so many other things that create lessons, drama, and turmoil. But the more it is discovered within a spiritual framework instead of a solely biological one, the more those around will change what they have perceived it to be. Any powerful energy on this planet of yours can be used to create or destroy. This is the duality of your existence, and is the playing field of free choice.

QUESTION: Beloved Kryon: I have been feeling an energetic expansion in the area of the thymus. I[1/29/2014 9:47:00 AM]

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remember that I'd read something about the thymus but don't remember what. Will you please tell me about the expanded role of the thymus and whatever else I need to know about it? ANSWER: [From the Kryon office] Please see Kryon book 9, pages 45, 83, and 332 for a discussion of this wonderful question. An excerpt: Kryon Book 9, page 83: "There is a strong metaphor for what is happening to your biology and consciousness. You are moving from a paradigm that involves your immune system to a paradigm that now involves the thymus. What did I just say? I'll tell you: The immune system identifies the enemy and fights it. The thymus identifies the enemy and harmonizes with it. From fight to harmony, that is the theme of this next 12-year period. It involves consciousness, biology, politics, and even physics. Watch for harmony in all fields of science--things that will start making sense and dovetailing one with another. Kryon Book 9, page 332: Dear Kryon: As we begin to experience interdimensional energies, what changes are occurring in our physical body, especially to the pineal and thymus glands? How will these changes manifest in our day-to-day reality (if at all)? What symptoms might we experience as we hold more light? Eventually you'll find an awakened thymus. This may be noticed in about a decade, if at all. As to what symptoms you might experience? Not all of them are positive, but neither are they as you grow up: You might experience occasional headaches, ringing in the ears, unusual sleep patterns, being overly tired (sometimes), an increasing awareness of the feelings of others, increased sensitivity in certain situations in crowds, a change in musical and/or art preferences, and a realization that some of the friends you've selected may not serve you anymore.

QUESTION: Dear Kryon: Why am I so profoundly physically and emotionally affected by the energy contained in your books? Why do I often cry and feel a tremendous ache in my throat when reading. I do not feel unhappy, in fact, quite the opposite. This response even happens when I read responses to questions on your web site. Also, will this profound emotional response settle down with time? ANSWER: [From the Kryon office] Please see the keywords: "Crying during channelling" on the Q&A index page: This profound emotional response may never settle down with time, any more than you will ever get used to looking at your children with love. It is inherent in the process of love between us.

QUESTION: Dear Kryon: I understand we have amnesia about our origins. I even understand why this is necessary. My question: After death do we experience amnesia re this life experience? If we do, even in part, it would make this Human-struggle seem even more frustrating. Why would we return if we remembered all the pain, struggle and frustration experienced as a Human? ANSWER: No. After a period of adjustment, you have the mind of God. You remember everything, and see the whole picture clearly. Your wisdom is strong, and you can often hardly wait to return. This may seem counter-intuitive to what you now consider pain and struggle, but you don't see it that way when you are complete. The duality only hides who you really are, and the grand plan, when you are on the planet. When you are in your natural eternal state, you are part of the planning of the universe itself…. a creator of energy and grand master of love. Your decision to return is based on your love of the universe, all that is in, and the few moments of time, called "another Human lifetime" that is takes to come back and further change the only planet of free choice, called the "earth." There has been much discussion of this in our channeling over the last decade. Go find it. You will be[1/29/2014 9:47:00 AM]

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surprised to see just how much is there for you. (See the channelling from Philadelphia, July 27th 2003.)

QUESTION: Dear Kryon: I'm in the process of donating my eggs and I'm seriously questioning what I am doing. Are there any consequences to the child? Is this child my child or the child of the family that I'm donating to? Is this the child that I have a contract with that should be born to me and raised as my child? How will this affect the future children that I have with my partner? ANSWER: Long ago you made agreements to do this, and now here it is. What you do here may be the sacred passion that you have always had to bring others to the planet that otherwise would not have the chance. It's not about biology. God is not in a vacuum concerning these things. There is no punishment, or karmic payment. There is nothing but sacredness in your decision. It doesn't affect any of the things you mentioned, all of which are concerns of misunderstanding of the real principle at work here. If this is your passion, then do it. It will result in a completion of a contract that you are well aware of. Your partner, if truly understanding, will also know of this. Don't think biologically. Think sacredly. Part of what you "know" will be passed to a Human Being that needs it. Did you think of that? This is the miracle of DNA… all the layers of it.

QUESTION: Dear Kryon: I have just started reading Book 9. So much of what I read re-emphasizes many things I have felt or thought. However, although I was raised Jewish, I am not practicing and have always questioned whether or not God really exists. I am very uncomfortable when people start talking about "their" God. I don't believe in going to church or temple. My husband and I are more agnostics - or even atheists at times. So, I am torn when you start talking about God. I am not sure how to feel about that even though there are so many things you talk about that I do believe are true. Please help me to understand what you mean by "God." ANSWER: First, know this: You are honored for whatever you choose to believe. There is no judgment about your wishing to distance yourself from God. However, why does the Kryon information resound with you? Are you ready to admit that perhaps there is more than is seen? The answer is "yes" (as you know). So what is it that is unseen? Could it be that you have been here before? If so, was there a plan? If there was, who designed it? What you are reacting to (this is personally for you) is that you have spent so many lives on this planet knowing "the truth," that the organizations you see around you, all disgust you. You are not ready to "join" anything. This, dear one, is what happens to those who are old souls and come back to this planet with full spiritual recall. You run from anything religious! You throw up your hands and are frustrated that nobody seems to understand. The reason? You know who God really is. Time to take stock of what "GOD" might mean. What if it meant, YOU? What if there were a grand collective family, of which you were a part? What if the word GOD meant "The collective of angelic beings, some of whom are on earth, who comprise the whole of sacred energy of the universe?" What is GOD meant "Angels disguised as Humans for awhile?" Humans often "see" GOD as the benefactor in the sky… filled with judgment. Heaven and Hell are words used to control behavior, and in order to gain early control, many religions have you "born dirty" with no[1/29/2014 9:47:00 AM]

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chance for redemption. To an old soul, this is reprehensible. God is so much bigger than any of this. The truth? You are GOD. Want to know more? Read our communication to you which became "The Journey Home." It gives you an entire parable about the discovery of this very thing. [Kryon Book 5] Know this: You are sacred. The love of GOD is the love you have for all natural things, including nature, animals, and other Humans. It is the energy of the universe and YOU are in control. While on earth, it all hides from you. Blessed is the Human who knows they are part of the grandness, all of which is God.

QUESTION: Dear Lee/Kryon: In my psychotherapy practice, I am specializing in menopause and other women's life transition issues. I am trying to frame menopause as a step within the spiritual evolutionary process, perhaps even part of the female response to ascension. Can you help me with an explanation of what the process of menses means for my clients? And how is it that females seem to undergo this "reverse puberty" process in a more dramatic way than men do? ANSWER: Again we say to you that you must remove the biological from the spiritual. Look at what the body does. It is geared to stop the engine of procreation so that the female will not be harmed. That's why it occurs at all. It is an engine of appropriateness related to age. It's also an old paradigm, however, since we teach that you can extend your life-span, and that also means bearing children longer with safety, if that is part of your life plan. For a male, the evolutionary process is one where, since he does not give birth, his biology is not one that goes through anything in the birth process. Therefore age is unimportant to his health when it comes to producing the seeds, which he can do almost until death. So the body is protecting the females from undue stress, and even from premature death - going through childbirth when the chemistry is not up to it. This should be seen as a blessing, and one that is honored. However, now we tell you something that is more along the lines of your question. In females, sometimes the process isn't stopped for biological reasons at all, but spiritual ones! In males, sometimes the hormones of desire and performance are also seemingly prematurely stopped. Ever wonder why this might happen? The reason? Sometimes shamans need to have some of the common distractions of earth eliminated so that their concentration can be focused more clearly on spiritual matters. Don't read anything into this. It's different for every Human Being, so there is no generality here. But you should know that this is often part of the process of "relief from the distraction of things that are no longer needed," given for spiritual enlightenment. Not for all, but for many. This is often why you perceive elders to be wiser. They don't have that set of very complex and demanding chemicals surging through their body, either giving them pain with each cycle, or the pain of desire without fulfillment, which has its own attributes of psychological frustration and distraction. For the females: Think of these things as all related. What is it you need? Do you give permission for it? Is it appropriate in your contract? Then when it comes, talk to your cellular structure and replace the chemistry that needs to be there for your energy, and say good-bye to that which is leaving. Give ceremony around it. You may do all of this naturally, talking to your cells. They will respond, and create what is missing. This is the new Human Being, taking control of their bodies, and speaking directly to their cells. Creating tissue and chemistry naturally, since the cellular structure of your body is "listening" to what you need, and is far more capable than any scientist has ever told you. And this is the truth.[1/29/2014 9:47:00 AM]

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QUESTION: Dear Kryon: Would you please explain more about the 5th Dimension? ANSWER: The subject of interdimensionality is one of the most covered by the Kryon messages than any other subject. So the answers have been given again and again. However, to honor you in the ‘now,' I again say: There is no such thing as the 5th dimension. When you broach moving from the 4 your are in (height, depth, width, and time), then you enter all the others at the same time. In addition, you throw away linearity (counting – one step after another – the clock) so you can't call anything "number 5." But your reality is that you are indeed moving to the "next dimension," even though you perceive it singularly. Think bigger than that. When you step out of the reality you are in, you step into something far bigger than the "next box called 5." Instead, it is the whole package!

QUESTION: Hello Kryon: I appreciate your sense of humor so much; it brings me such joy to laugh with you about our duality. How does humor work between spiritual entities? How does a sense of humor differ, if at all, when we in lesson vs. when we are not in lesson? What other things (besides our duality) prompt laughter? ANSWER: Dear one, thank you for this profound question! Humor is one of the only energies passed through the veil completely untouched. The other is love. They are related, and one cries when they laugh and also in grief. They both affect Human biology too, and so they are catalysts for chemistry changes. On the other side of the veil it is there, too. Don't we smile and laugh when we hug you? Yes. Don't we dance when you do? Yes. Believe me, it's very much a part of what you call "The Cosmic Lattice" of sacredness. Truly, humor is sacred. It calms the Human spirit and creates the chemistry of tolerance, forgiveness and even health. Is it any wonder that we make it a staple of this work you call "the Kryon"? Other things that make us laugh are our own interactions with Universal energies which you don't understand while you are here.

QUESTION: Dear Kryon: I would like to figure out if "Intuition" is an important and relevant issue regarding The Question: "Dear God, please teach me what I need to know." ANSWER: Stop trying to figure it out, and just do it! Yes. It's very much a part of it. Call it intuition if you wish. It's The Third Language which allows Humans to receive thought groups and intuitive information which then translates into manifestation and co-creation. So if it's intuition that you feel is your guide, then this is indeed where the message is coming from. However, you will soon see that it's far more than that, for intuition doesn't talk to you in the shower [Kryon Humor] QUESTION: Dear Kryon: Regarding homosexuality or transsexuals. WHY are they the way they are and WHY are they not accepted in mainstream society? ANSWER: [From the Kryon Office] There is often a tremendous amount of information on subjects that are not necessarily part of the on-line magazine Q&A database. Kryon has been channelling for fourteen years, with 9 books covering many, many[1/29/2014 9:47:00 AM]

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topics. Homosexuality was one of them from the very beginning. Please see our "Books index page" for subjects contained in the Kryon books: [] An excerpt from Kryon Book 6, page 306 Question from the book: Dear Kryon, I am gay, and an enlightened man. I live in an American society that barely tolerates me, and actually has some laws against my way of life. The church I used to belong to cast me out as being evil and anti-God. I don't feel that I am violating some Human ethic. My love is as true as any heterosexual, and I am a light worker. Tell me what I should know. Answer from the book: Dear one, less than two generations from now, there will be those who find this book and laugh at the quaintness of this very question. Before I answer, let me ask you and those reading this to examine a phenomenon about Human society and "God." Thirty years ago, interracial marriage was considered to be wrong by the laws of God. Now your society finds it common. The spiritual objections around it were either dropped or "rewritten" by those divinely inspired and authorized to do so. Therefore, your actual interpretations of the instructions from God changed with your society's tolerance level--an interesting thing, indeed, how the interpretations of God seem to change regularly to match a changing culture! The truth, of course, is that you find yourself in a situation that is known to create a test for you. Right now, in this time, you have agreed to come into your culture with an attribute that may alienate you from friends and religious followers. You have faced fear of rejection and have had to "swim upstream," so to speak, just as an everyday life occurrence. Your contract, therefore, has been set up well, and you are in the middle of it. Additionally, like so many like you, you have a divine interest in yourselves! You feel part of the spiritual family. What a dichotomy indeed, to be judged as evil by those who are the high spiritual leaders--interpreting God for today's culture. Now I say this: What is your intent? Is it to walk with love for all those around you and become an enlightened Human Being in this New Age? Is it to forgive those who see you as a spiritual blight on society? Can you have the kind of tolerance for them that they seem not to have for you? Can you overlook the fact that they freely quote their scriptures in order to condemn you, yet they don't seem to have the love tolerance that is the cornerstone of their own message? If the answer is yes, then there is nothing else you must do. Your INTENT is everything, and your life will be honored with peace over those who would cause unrest, and tolerance for the intolerable. Your sexual attributes are simply chemistry and setups within your DNA. They are given by agreement as gifts for you to experience in this life. Look on them in this fashion, and be comfortable with that fact that you are a perfect spiritual creation under God--loved beyond measure--just like all humans. But then you know that, don't you?

QUESTION: Dear Kryon: I am a healer/alternative therapist, and I need to know, what is the best way to help people with addictions and compulsive behaviors? ANSWER: Addictions and compulsive behavior are a result of more than just psychological disorders and/or chemical imbalance. They are a way for the biological-self to distract a Human from completing what it came here for, spiritually. It is also given as a test or challenge [see drug use] If you work with addicted Humans, then I don't have to tell you the frustration they feel. They absolutely know what they are doing, yet then can't communicate with their cellular structure enough to stop it. The main part of this struggle is the one where the biology builds a "wall of addition or compulsive behavior" so that the Human does NOT have to make the decision they came here for. Worse, sometimes this activity is actually designed to kill them quicker![1/29/2014 9:47:00 AM]

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Many of these precious souls are very spiritual… did you notice? They are "on the edge" of complete knowledge, but just can't seem to "go there." What to do? Your work as a healer is to help them over this hump of fear. They can't stop smoking… or eating… or sexual desire… or drugs? These are all classic Human biological ploys that are part of the "seed fear" of enlightenment. Clearing fear is the answer… fear that perhaps this time they won't suffer and go through torture because they accept the information of the Higher-self. Many are unconsciously fearful of moving into a spiritual experience. Even those who are healers… channellers… and ministers will also experience this! They don't want to "go all the way," since the last time they did this… they died, horribly. So, healer, help them to begin talking to their cellular structure in ways that will relax the fear of spiritual information and action. The more they can love themselves, the less they will rely on outside stimulus for their peace. The more they can drop this very real fear of theirs, the less they will need their additions. Behavior will modify and the addition will eventually drop away. Meditation is also part of the key to this… real meditation, with intent and motivation. Finally, self-worth is the real issue (same as loving themselves). When this is settled, then the addictions begin to diminish and go away. We will give you more on the actual ways to gain self-worth as the months go by.

QUESTION: Dear Kryon: I found the questions and answers on your website extremely helpful. But, I have a question that has been nagging me and I can't find an answer for it: Given this world population at its highest it has ever been 6+ billion people, where have all these souls been all this time in the past when the earth was not so populated? ANSWER: In the place you call "the other side of the veil." There are more entities in the pool of "God" than you can conceive. Each star you can see, and can't see represents a hair on the head of an angel. We are countless, yet finite. The earth is populated with these angelic creatures you call "God," and you are one. Many have waited eons to be part of this wonderful test called earth. Your population increase allows them to join you, and your planet of free choice. At some point, you will be full, and if Human wisdom is where we expect, you will deal with it in a way that has common sense and honor.

QUESTION: Dear Kryon, thank you for the many communications you have given. They have been enlightening in many ways. I hope this is not a rude question, but it is a subject that I have not seen addressed in the collection of Questions and Answers. I want to know: What is the morality of stopping someone's new life in the physical plane, by abortion? And what is the karma to the person who helps to accomplish an abortion? I think it will depend on when a Human life begins. When life begins is a moment that is very important to those who oppose abortion and those who say it is allowable. Do you have a decisive response to guide those who receive your words? ANSWER: [from Lee Carroll] We have tried to "paint" Kryon into a corner on this many times, since it really is an important issue in our society. Kryon says this: "Human life actually begins when the intent of the entities involved in the planning session is to create it." It's not a biological answer, and it won't please either[1/29/2014 9:47:00 AM]

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side. This places it far before any kind of biological morality decision. Kryon has said that there is no judgement in the choice of Humans... including this one. When it occurs, there is also no horrible karmic payback. But there IS energy created that affects everyone around the event. Sometimes these lives come and go to create lessons for those involved, then these terminated lives return almost immediately, often within the next pregnancy (sometimes changing gender). If there is no next pregnancy, often it's in a very close family group. God is not in a vacuum concerning these things, and often they are set-ups, and are executed with the agreement of all parties in advance. This is far different than our society wishes to believe. They want to paint a black and white answer to when life occurs, and set rules on what you can and cannot do with it. Instead, Kryon's answer gives honor and validity to the fact that you are not here by accident, and the things that take place in your lives are not random. Not to mention the fact that your free choice is the free choice of God (since you are a piece of God). So we leave the biological cultural decisions for those who wish to make them, but we have heard the spiritual answers many times... that these things are far more than they appear, and are all part of our spiritual setups, and they are honored.

QUESTION: Dear Kryon: How many divine families are there? ANSWER: One! Yours!

Submit Your Question To Kryon[1/29/2014 9:47:00 AM]


UPDATE: November 1, 2002

Question: Dear Kryon: Well, what next? It is definitely becoming a lot more fun than it used to be! Is the next part about simply moving toward the manifestation urges of the heart (as always)? Or should I be looking still deeper? Answer: There are those around you who would question the fun. Obviously you are learning to celebrate the change! Blessed is the Human who opens their minds and hearts to enable a dimension shift. Look deeper. You are going to need to.

Question: Dear Kryon: I had some energy work done a few years ago. I was told that I had a double heart chakra Is this possible if so why? Thank you . Love Antionette Answer: What if I told you that there were at least twelve layers for every chakra - one on top of the other? This is the same for the meridians of the body. Those who deal in the classic energy healing arts will be the first to tell you that their work is changing. They are discovering layers upon the layers, and giving them significance and learning how they interact. So yes, a double heart chakra? It was the se-ers wisdom that simply verbalized something that has always been there. Welcome to stepping out of the 4th dimension!

Question: Dear Kryon: I love you so much! I study medicine and would like to know if you have additional information about how to use magnetism for my patients. Answer: Look to very small magnetic fields that are produced active, not passive. This means no static magnets. Look for what we will call "designer magnetics." These will be elegant magnetic fields, always involving more than one field intersecting another, creating what we will call "inductance nulls." Lurking within these nulls is the secret of "communicating to the cells." So it's going to take experimentation, intuition, and especially the introduction of what nobody is thinking about yet.... tools that measure what here-to-fore has been out of the scope of measurement. Can you see interdimensional attributes in 4D? Yes. You already understand what gravity and magnetism can do. What about advanced magnetism? There is much yet to develop, and you are on the edge of discovery. Hint: Don't separate physics from biology or from chemistry. In the end you will need to have them all together for the miracle cures you are seeking.

Question: Dear Can you please give me your opinion on the Urantia Book? Answer: Dear intuitive Human Being, you will never hear from me a judgment of these things. Spirit does not have opinions, only honor for those who seek hidden truths. However, you will hear me give metaphors around[1/29/2014 9:47:04 AM]

Q&A-11-1.html things for your self-examination. The Urantia book is supposed to be a "history of all that was." You might say it indicates "the way things worked." In countless channellings we have asked you this: If you have a hundred books about the care and feeding of a sleeping Human, and suddenly that Human awakens and leaves the room, what will you do with the books? They may be accurate, but for what reality? Our teaching is this: in another paradigm, the manuals were valid and sacred and correct. In a new paradigm, even history changes! We have discussed the odd properties before, of changing the past through a shift in dimensionality... begging the question of what "reality" truly is. Now even your best physicists are starting to ask the same questions. So we say this. Render the most profound ancient writings to the times and attributes that existed when they were written. Reserve space for you to change reality, and to write new manuals in the paradigm you are in now. Then you will fully understand that all the books were appropriate for their times. Hint: Everything changes when your reality changes. Past... present... future. So where are the books that you may follow now? Perhaps they are within you, ready to come out as profound lessons for humanity?

Question: Dear Kryon: I have a LightWorker friend who received the Kryon information before Lee Carroll published his books. When I questioned her about the fact that my eyes have trouble focusing (although I continually ask for divine health), she simply stated that it's because there is so much light coming out of the eyes they have trouble with this dimension - (rather than concentrating on seeing on this plane, she wears glasses to keep her reading in focus.) To me this begs the question - I am here for the duration, the long haul and I have known that all my life; however, to me it is logical that to operate in this dimension all of my body needs to function here regardless of my vibrational level. So... is this phenomenon happening to others or is there some inner dramas that I'm unaware of and need to explore and work on? Somehow I just can't believe that this being that is me, needs a mechanical device to correct eyesight. Any suggestions?

Question: Dear Kryon: I recently had an episode of vertigo. I am 84 years old and have been in very good health most of my life. Since my encounter with vertigo I have heard of many more elderly women with this problem. Medication has helped but I still have moments when I have what I can only describe as an oceanic feeling, sort of like floating. Does this have anything to do with the physical Human Being changing from a carbon based being to a crystalline one? Answer: Dear ones, it's far more basic than any of what you have indicated. Don't try to compartmentalize one aspect or another. When a Human Being is experiencing even the slightest interdimensional shift, many things change. False feelings of anxiety, dizziness, focus problems, sometimes ringing of the ears and even occasional "light shows" all are alterations of the basic senses. When you are experiencing an entire color spectrum of change, you can't say you are moving from one color to another. Instead, you are developing a whole new pallet.

This is moving from 4D to beyond, and it affects all the biology greatly. For awhile you might use mechanical devices to help, even chemical rebalancing or natural substances. But eventually you are being asked to transmute the dimensional shift and stand on your own with none of these things present. You indicated that you are living in "this dimension." Exactly what do you feel "this dimension" is? You were born in 4, and are moving beyond. Therefore your "normal" is changing. Is it possible to balance yourself to compensate? Yes! Is it possible for your cellular structure to be "talked to?" Yes... we have been saying this for years. Now you know why we gave you these lessons. Now you may begin to understand the importance of becoming more integrated with your biology!

Question: Dear Kryon: I am an orthodox Jew. I read The Kryon books , saying that the old scriptures must be rewritten has they are of an old paradigm. What about all the rituals that the Jewish people practice , are they lost in time? Question: Dear Kryon. I am an Israeli-Jewish who see my self as a light worker, and try to fuse between the new-age believes and Judaism (I'm not a religious Jewish). I have two questions: First, You talked[1/29/2014 9:47:04 AM]

Q&A-11-1.html about changes in belief-systems, and about old books that are no longer relevant. Do you mean that the bible (the "Torah") is really no longer relevant? It is a major contradiction to the essence of Judaism... Second, you also talked about the need for different belief-systems on this planet, and the different roles that every nation plays. Does it mean that if I was born Jewish - that the best and most affective spiritual way for me is the Jewish way? Answer: These are wonderful questions and they deserve in-depth answers. First, let us define what we mean. There are many kinds of books, and some are metaphoric... lessons of the past written on the souls and attitudes of men. Some are wonderful spiritual books which exist, and which are very old, indeed. They speak of the way things are, and give advice as to the way things should and will be. How can you tell the difference between the ones to embrace and not embrace? Here is the key: Any spiritual text that tells you that Humans have no choice, and that predestination will rule are now obsolete. If the future is said to be unchangeable and set, it is a book set in a very old reality. There once was a time when the track was set, but no longer. Any books that paint a picture of Human enslavement and conspiracy should be examined very carefully for relevancy in this age! Do they ring true? Some of those books actually say that Kryon is part of a massive plot to blind humanity with the light of love. Does this sound realistic or does it sound like the last gasp of those who are trying to force an old prophesy of doom on all of you? These will call Kryon a liar, and ask you to instead submit to a philosophy of eventual darkness, fighting an unseen enemy... a battle with no hope and much fear. Ask the question, "which one has an agenda?" The invitation is open to look at this. Now, take what we will call "the ancient texts of celebration." These are more like the ones you speak of. Do they set up a relationship between God and humanity which is honoring? Do they provide a guidance for an honoring life of honesty and integrity? Do they teach love? Do they teach harmony with all that is around you? Do they teach unification or separation? Do they provide ceremony? If that is the case, you are indeed in a place of appropriateness. Embrace the spiritual culture that teaches that you have choice, and that you can worship it in any way you wish. Embrace the old ways if you wish, that provide long respected ceremony. Spirit loves ceremony! It's a time of communication between Humans and God. For the advanced thinker, we give you this: Cull out the old from the new and provide intelligent spiritual logic to what is before you. If a wonderful spiritual book gives you instructions for communication with God, but speaks of tents and horses, do you understand that these words are not part of the sacredness? They are only markers of the times. Flow with the cultural changes of the times and convert the instructions to fit your current situations, both technically and realistically. Remember this: Spirit honors intent. You don't have to provide specific ritual to please God. You don't have to turn around three times and find a camel! Just honor yourself and God by whatever ceremony you wish, wherever you are. There will be love and communication for you. We are next to you, not in a vacuum! So, discern the books for what they are. Are they restrictive in nature, placing humanity in an old paradigm of restrictive discipline and ritual, or are they expansive in nature, praising the relationship and inviting change? That is the key. There is a difference between giving instructions on how to love and harmonize, and giving instructions on how to enslave and control. Unfortunately, many of these exist together, since the texts all have been altered over the years. So to answer you directly, some of the original texts that you have are some of the most expansive you will ever see on the face of the planet! You will know when you read them. Can an ancient text invite you to become interdimensional? Yes! Go back and look. On the second part of the question, remember this: If you were born Jewish, you are different than everyone else on earth. This is old information from Kryon, but it is about spiritual lineage and even about the revolving circle of lifetimes of which you all participate. So for you, I would say this: Look to your lineage first for answers. They are all there. It may be the most comfortable thing for you. But in your search remember that what you will eventually find is tolerance and love... even for the worst enemies of the day. And know this, that even when those enemies go back to study their texts from their prophets, they will discover the same thing. Honored is the Human who understands that the most ancient and relevant book of life is the one they carry around with them in the Higher-Self... the one at the core of each Human, and the one which now invites you to open its pages.

Question: Dear Kryon: I live in Spain. I am sorry if I will ask you a question you might have already[1/29/2014 9:47:04 AM]

Q&A-11-1.html answered, but the translations of your books are very slow and I might not have gathered all information you have already given. I am quite concerned about abandoned animals. It seems that many people buy animals for their children and as soon as they grow, they set them out somewhere. Recently I had the occasion to see a small kitten in the middle of the street. I did not immediately react, since I could have stopped and taken it, without getting out of the car. So, I went on and at the first occasion I could turn, I went back to see if I could take the kitten, but it was to late, somebody had already killed it. This happened some month ago, but I still feel very sorry for that kitten. I just would like to know, what kind of entity are these animals and how does this fit in our world. Are these entities which choose this kind of life, like we do choose our kind of Human life? I see so many abandoned animals and every time I see one, my heart aches... I would like to know more about them. Answer: Dear one, indeed the answer has been given, but let us give it again so you all understand. Animals are here on earth for three (3) reasons. (1) The balance of biological life. . . the circle of energy that is needed for you to exist in what you call "nature." (2) To be harvested. Yes, it's true. Many exist for your sustenance, and this is appropriate. It is a harmony between Human and animal, and always has. Remember the buffalo that willingly came into the indigenous tribes to be sacrificed when called? These are stories that you should examine again. The inappropriateness of today's culture is how these precious creatures are treated. Did you know that if there was an honoring ceremony at their death, they would nourish you better? Did you know that there is ceremony that could benefit all of humanity in this way. Perhaps it's time you saw it. (3) To be loved and to love. For many cultures, animals serve as surrogate children, loved and taken care of. It gives Humans a chance to show compassion when they need it, and to have unconditional love when they need it. This is extremely important to many, and provides balance and centering for many. Do animals know all this? At a basic level, they do. Not in the way you "know," but in a cellular awareness they understand that they are here in service to planet earth. If you honor them in all three instances, then balance will be the result. Your feelings about their treatment is important. Temper your reactions with the spiritual logic of their appropriateness and their service to humanity. Honor them in all three cases.

Question: Dear Kryon: You said in your latest book (#9) that we would need " a seven dimensional player" to affect healing of ourselves by way of musical sounds. There are several modalities available now combining color and sound (color frequencies turned into musical tones) that are said to be effective in healing. Are these helpful to us, or must we wait until we have a seven-dimensional musician? (Human joke) What advice can you give us on this subject? Answer: The information about a "seven dimensional player" might seem to be a cosmic joke, or even a metaphor. In actuality it is a real comment. There will come a day when you may "listen in" to the other dimensions and hear the choir (not really a metaphor). It has to do with interdimensional physics. . . what we will eventually call "the new physics." In the coming years there is the potential of the recognition of the "missing energy" around you, and the implications of what is really happening. When that door is opened, there will be brilliant development of instruments to reveal it. This, you might say is the beginning of the "interdimensional machinery" that will be able to sense the previously eye-rolling unseen universe that has always been part of the engine of life around you .

Question: Dear Kryon: I would appreciate a perspective on the following: There seems to be two opposed schools of thought with respect to pesticides and their use. One group categorically states that they are very dangerous and that they are responsible for causing cancers etc... (there's a very long list!!) The other group naturally claims that they are perfectly safe with today's technological advances etc. Answer: The chemicals you are using today are dangerous to your health. The more they are used, the more it will be seen over time. We have indicated before that there are far better natural scientific solutions to protecting your crops. Use biology to balance biology. It is non-toxic and simply an alteration of what already exists.[1/29/2014 9:47:04 AM]

Q&A-11-1.html Question: Dear Kryon, Thank you for the information on people looking at the clock at 11:11, 12:12 or 4:44. Over the past several months, I have been nudged to look at the clock at 2:22. I have been seeking an answer on the meaning of 2:22 and have come up empty. I now thank the "soup" for it's presence when this happens but was wondering if there is more I need to know about 2:22? [This refers to Kryon's comment that seeing patterns of numbers over and over are your guides simply winking at you. Kryon has also referred to the number of guides surrounding you as "guide soup." Answer: There is always a significance to the numbers you repeatedly see. The 11:11 is a reference to humanity's permission window to change. The 12:12 is when humanity received the passing torch of spiritual energy. The 4:44 is a 12 in disguise, and it's about grounding. . . the number of the building blocks of the universe. 2:22 is a disguised 6, again, along with the 3, and 4, it is part of the scenario of 12. In addition, for you, it is a congratulation of your "harmony" energy! The 22 also represents the master builder... but you knew that, didn't you?

Question: What is Kryon's explanation for all these young girls being kidnapped and killed as of late? Answer: It is intuitive of you to ask this. Many would assume that because there are simply more people being placed on earth, that the odds of having unbalanced Humans present themselves is larger. This is actually true, but the real reason is what we have told you before: There is the beginning of a battle of light and dark. . . of old vs. new. It will represent itself often in outrageous behavior, crimes against the innocent, suicide, and abuse to animals. It is a way of saying that the fence-sitting is over. Those who have these tendencies will find them following them. . . giving their power to their inner thoughts. It is also so with the LightWorker – creating spiritual light for the planet which only the masters have been able to do before. So, what you are seeing is proof that the pendulum has begun to swing and solidify the dark and the light within the Human soul. Do not fear this, for you are in control! Light transforms and transcends the darkness. Stand in the light! Question: Dear Kryon: Can you tell me anything that you know about the Meta Matrix Technology developed by Sandra Michael. Supposedly it uses scalar wave technology and provides healing and I wanted to see what Kryon has to say about this. I know he has said there are some negative aspects of Scalar technology being developed by government and I wanted to see if any of this is connected. Answer: As in all basic physics, the more you know how things are balanced, the more you also know how to unbalance them. We have said before, that the biggest issues you face may be the use of hi science. All of it will have two sides – solution and destruction. You soon may be able to easily destroy the whole eco system if you wish. This will be one of Humanities greatest tests. It is also one of the reasons you are right now consumed with facing the differences in consciousness, and even asking large portions of humanity where they stand. Did you ever consider that this fits right into what we told you would take place back in 1989? Therefore we say this. Yes, scalar wave technology is dangerous. It also holds profound promise of healing and solution. Again we say, use it wisely and gently. But we never said, "Don't use it." Hint: You are on the edge of discovering what tune the orchestra is playing via the "Cosmic Lattice." Question: Dear Kryon, I have been reading a little bit about the consciousness web from the Thomas messages from James Twyman. He said this web has been completed and it is a very crucial time for all of mankind to decide what path they are going to choose moving forward. He also speaks and has many writing from souls he calls the "psychic" children and I have even heard them called the "purple" children. I can only assume that these are indeed the indigo children that you have spoken about so many times. These "psychic children" are sending the same message over and over across the globe. You said the grid would be finished by the end of this year (2002), This consciousness web is said to mark the opportunity but also a warning. Twyman says that now that the "web" is activated, it requires, or even forces, a response. The completion of this web means that from now on our choices will be clear and clear signs of our group conscious , My question is: Is the consciousness web the same as the magnetic grid that you have come here to adjust? Is it the cosmic lattice? Things are happening very quickly and I'm really trying to keep up!!![1/29/2014 9:47:04 AM]

Q&A-11-1.html Answer: Yes. All that you have said about this channelling is echoed in the former teachings. Look at the answers above this one. It speaks of having to decide. . . getting of the fence, and also choosing energies. The "web" is the grid and The Cosmic Lattice. They cannot be separated any more than you can separate the chemistry of the air you breathe. You breathe several basic elements. Which one is really "doing the work"? The answer? It's so intertwined that you just call it "air." It's time to look at spiritual change the same way. Stop compartmentalizing what is what, and get on with seeing the whole.

Question: Dear Kryon: I have read that if we manage to vibrate at a higher level, this will affect millions of beings throughout the cosmos, the same for our counterparts on earth and mother earth herself . Is this due to the fact that of us being a part of God or Spirit ? We are also part of everyone else in the cosmos and the earth itself .. I understand that our energy is connected , but are we all part of one another? Answer: Is isn't about you being part of the family (Spirit). It's about free unbiased choice of those who don't know they are part of God. Yes, you are all interconnected, and there are more involved than all the grains of sand on the planet. These grains form a "beach" that is one. . . a beach that is seen as one beach. You are a jar of sand on that infinite beach which has elected to go through a profound test of energy, one where there is no judgment about what you do, but rather only honor that you showed up to participate. It's difficult! Where will the unbiased balance of dark and light go to when angles, who don't know they are angels, are placed into a neutral playing field where there is unlimited choice of energy? Where will the balance go? Perhaps you might now get a small interdimensional glimpse of why we honor you so much? Of why we are waiting for a day to sing your name to all? You have changed the earth, and in line with all that is at stake, you are changing the Universe for all of us. It's difficult to explain something that must remain hidden, but at the core, you know exactly what this is all about.

Question: Dear Kryon, I have read several accounts of people who had "died" and then returned to their bodies. In some of the accounts, they describe a very dismal place for those who committed suicide. Usually, they say that those who committed suicide are "stuck" there. Are these accounts true, or is this colored by the person's personal belief? What about those who don't commit suicide because they are depressed and can't continue on, but who "die in their cause", such as the terrorists who blew up the Twin towers or the suicide bombers in Israel? Or those who chose to take their lives because they have cancer and the pain becomes too much for them? Answer: Dear one, as we have mentioned before, the energy of suicide is a test for those who remain, not for the one who committed the act. Indeed, the Human Being has very strong survival instincts to keep him from doing this, but for those who do, there is no stigma of dishonor or punishment. They are not stuck, either. Most of the time this was a potential contract all along, and it prods those around them to make decisions that they would never have had to do otherwise. Remember, this is a test for all of you. When it's over, don't be shocked to return to this side of the veil and find that there is no punishment or reward… only a family who is appreciative of your journey, and of the energy it took to love the earth and the Universe so much, that you went through it. (from Lee) Kryon has explained near death experiences. You can read it at: [] Also, Kryon has mentioned death many times, and about how it relates to us. Check out the master index to find out what Kryon books these things are mentioned in: []

Question: Dear Kryon: What advice would you give to people around the world during this pivotal year? Answer: Dear Human Beings, stop fearing these changes, and start developing the solutions! Your longing to "keep things the way they were" is like trying to put the brakes on a train which is endeavoring to escape a tidal wave. Let the train go. Let the speed increase, and stoke the engine of change. You will celebrate it all some day.[1/29/2014 9:47:04 AM]


Question: Dear Kryon: I've just read the question about what happens as our earth body dies, and I'd like to add another issue: What happens during some diseases as Alzheimer disease, what happens to our spiritual body during the loss of memory, or when our earth body works as a vegetable? Answer: This very year we have addressed the fact that you are actually "multiple entities." All of you! When what you call normal Human consciousness leaves the body through disease or injury, this "spark of divinity" you call the personality, is transferred to what you call The Higher-Self. No energy is every destroyed. Instead, it just moves somewhere else. Therefore that life that is in limbo is there for YOUR lesson, not theirs. They have elected this path (believe it or not), and now are here holding space for you and others in a less than aware state. But for them? They are already over here. . . celebrating and loving you for your service to them!

Question: Dear Kryon: What do you think about some leaders who judge other people because they believe their "truth" is the only "Truth"? Answer: We've said it before. . .give to these their own doctrines and let them live by them if they wish. You are responsible only for yourselves and what you independently believe, not them. What does your Higher-Self tell YOU? Do you really feel God is sequestered to one group? Is the creative force that lives in you, and which created the entire universe looking down on humanity waiting for it to step on a crack or bow to a certain direction? Do you really think your spirituality is dependant on some list that Humans have created for you? The God that lives in you is universal and is contained in every Human Being to the same degree equally. It is the Human who compartmentalizes Spirit and forces the love of God into boxes of protocol for control. Be wise and give unto the priests their own space to find their own paths. Then turn on your own light and find your own!

Question: Dear Kryon, I am reading book 7, chapter 3. I just finished the story of "The Golden Tray." I have been confused about this subject for many years and am still confused. It seems there is an imaginary line between what we do and what we let be done. Another way of putting it is, "What do we have faith in and let Spirit take care of the details, and What do we take responsibility for and go forward with our pure intent?" When do we use our power and when do we let Spirit help us? Answer: Is this beginning to sound like a theme from all of the above answers? The answer is both! Why don't you allow yourself to become the force you are praying to? Why not have faith that YOU are a piece of divinity so that you may participate in the solutions? As long as you separate yourself from God, you will sit on the floor and ask for help over and over. When you stand and turn on your "God light," the power you have will be the power of God. Question: Dear Kryon, lease provide a bit more information regarding the ever-popular topic of abundance. You have mentioned living in the "now." I assume those 401ks and retirement plans are unnecessary? Society often requires advance planning for a number events such as schooling and travel. Do we go ahead and book that cruise or sign up for classes months in the future even though the money isn't in the bank "now"? I'm a little curious about the compatibility of society's need for organization, reservations and advance planning when we should only consider the "now." Answer: Go ahead and plan. You have to, since you are living in a society and a culture that demands it. Then sit in the "now." What will happen is that the plans become only a direction to begin, letting you change your plans at any time you wish. The problem with being so linear minded is that you would ask this at all! You assume that you must do one or the other. Plan or not plan. How about planning to walk in a certain direction until the "now" offers you another plan? Walk the path. Make your advance plans which are appropriate in your culture. When you see a fork ahead, go ahead and decide in advance which way you will turn if it makes you feel better. But in this process, always let the 4D plan take a back seat to the real one which is guided by your co-creative energies. Don't be so glued to what you planned that you can't change it. Don't be so fond of what you planned that somehow to change it seems like a violation of your own choice and wisdom. It's just the opposite. Planning is now like "pointing yourself" in the direction of a target. . . no more than that. Let your power then redefine the target, and re-point[1/29/2014 9:47:04 AM]

Q&A-11-1.html you in the correct direction. Think of it like this: An arrow is never going to hit the target unless it's in flight. If you sit around and wait for God to shoot the arrow, nothing is going to happen. Instead, do your best to shoot the arrow in the direction you think is correct, then ride with it, gliding the distance and making steering corrections as you go. Feel the wind in your hair as you decide to change direction, and never worry that you will miss! This is the advanced Human who does this, knowing that to be interdimensional is to include the first 4D's in the process, not eliminate them. Question: Dear Kryon, I keep struggling with that huge part in me that doesn't believe that you exist. How do I cross that barrier? How can I start to really act in harmony with my whole self? I feel stuck and it only scares me to read about the urge to get off the fence. Answer: Dear one, you never have to believe I exist. That is not my teaching. What the lesson is really about, is to believe that you exist! Are you really a part of God? Can you really change matter around you? Is what we tell you correct about the relationship you have with the Universe? These are the profound questions of humanity, not the existence of Kryon. So, go within and begin to ask yourself about yourself. What does the "core" tell you? It's about conquering the duality. . . you named it: that part of you which wishes you to doubt that you can harmonize with yourself. Blessed is the Human who understands that when they begin the journey of self-discovery, that the very essence of the questions of God will be answered. It's a profound study, and one that only may be begun with pure intent. "God, please tell me what it is I need to know." This is the most respected of all the questions of life

Submit Your Question To Kryon[1/29/2014 9:47:04 AM]


UPDATE: May 15, 2002

QUESTION: Dear Kryon: I have been given a water filter that uses magnets in the filtration process as an attachment to the plumbing pipe. The filtering system claims to generate Pi water also known as living water. Should I use this type of filtration sparingly due to the magnets utilized? Also, what about magnetic mattresses and chairs? ANSWER: Let me again speak of these things. The use of magnets to alter substances and to create cellular stimulation are in a beginning phase on your planet. You are just starting to realize that they change and influence matter and biology around you. There are several things that you should be aware of. Without full knowledge of what you are doing, you might accidentally be altering or “signaling” your body to do things you didn’t expect. The makers of these devices, including the arrays you rest on and sit on, are in good integrity. But their integrity does not automatically give them full knowledge of the details of magnetic influence on cellular structure. At this infancy of your development, you are aware only of the stimulating attributes of the magnetics. You don’t actually know what is happening, or the layers of DNA that are affected. You DO know that they seem to stimulate and seemingly help some situations. You are also aware that a person can actually feel them working. To stimulate your cellular structure for hours and hours with small passive magnets is an extremely coarse way of giving your cells information. Some day you will discover just how elegant the cell needs to see these forces…fine-tuned to awaken them into very specific activities. Magnetic cell balancing and attunement is a refined process that needs to see active “designer fields,” not an avalanche of random magnetic polarities. You are throwing the entire lower spectrum at them in a crude method. It would be like discovering herbs for the first time and taking them all at once in large doses with the idea that one of them might help you. We suggest that you honor your body’s internal balancing system. If you feel intuitively that the system you have chosen is helping you, then use it only 50% of the time. Magnetics is powerful! To willingly sit in a generic magnetic field as a “normal” situation is foolish. Use the system to stimulate your body into normal balancing behavior. Spend half your time with it, then let the body recover or balance, according to what it wishes. Then, just in case you are accidentally giving your cells less than positive signals, they have time to correct and balance. In case you are sending it healing signals, then the body can complete and enhance that. For those who say, “It’s helping… I can feel it.” I say this. You can get the same reaction with a stimulating drug. What you don’t understand yet is that magnetics is even more potent than chemistry. QUESTION: Dear Kryon: I’ve recently read that Planet X will be returning to our Solar System in[1/29/2014 9:47:07 AM]

Q&A-5-15.html approximately 14 months, and will cause terrible events to our planet… a pole shift, earthquakes, floods, volcanic eruptions.; It will put the earth into darkness for decades, and 90% loss of human life due to starvation and all the other catastrophes. This planet is supposed to come around every 3600 years, the last time being during the time of the exodus out of Egypt. Many ancient cultures left accounts of this huge red planet causing devastating loss of life as it returns. I am asking you, Kryon, to please tell us if this is going to happen. ANSWER: Dear ones, again we give you the short answer. NO. Does this sound like the “new earth” to you? Does this sound like a new path of reality that we spoke of? Does this sound like grand hope for the planet? Do you really think the Kryon messages of the last decade would have left something like this out? This is the old energy fear-based information that we spoke of almost twelve years ago from soothsayers and fear mongers that wish to create disturbances in the light, and feed on the results. We have told you this: Beware of those who would rob you of your hope. For they diminish your light by planting seeds of fear within you. These same forces will tell you that Kryon is evil as well. Remember some of the recent past prophesies? What about the grand alignment of planets pulling the earth out of orbit? Remember the comet and the trailing pieces? It was to disgorge evil forces as it went by. Remember prophesies about the “three days of darkness” as your earth passed into the astronomical attribute called the Photon Belt? Remember Armageddon? How quickly many of you forget the things that “didn’t happen” as you willingly grab onto other fears about new things that won’t happen either. Do you really think that decades of astronomical observations from thousands of sources would somehow have all kept this a secret from you? It’s time to put the pieces together and see the reality that you have changed the paradigm of earth, including the old prophesies of destruction, doom, and horror. Go inside and ask your higher self. It will hug you and give you the same answer as I have. Concentrate on the problems at hand that you CAN see. This is where the light is needed. Don’t cast your energy to the fear of the things you can’t see, giving away your power. You are needed, lightworker... to use your light for the existing clearing of the current situations. QUESTION: Dear Kryon: The Grid is almost ready and should be activated at the end of 2002. What would be the effects of this grid on us? Will we feel different? ps: thank you for all the amazing work you’re doing! ANSWER: Over the years we have only set the stage for what is the potential of earth. We told you that the magnetic grid is the engine of cellular communication. We have told you that the grid is also responsible for helping to posture the veil…your duality. When it is finished, the teaching begins. What did it affect and how can you now use the new gifts and tools that have been put into place? What are the new attributes? Will you feel different? You should be feeling it now! Many have complained that what they got used to spiritually, now moves away from them. This is what will stop, as the grids settle down and bring stability to your spiritual process. Soon, you will be more comfortable with the new feelings. These are the real teachings of Kryon. In 2003 we will begin describing what the new grid attributes are. QUESTION: Dear Kryon: I am a hypnotherapist who desires to call forth the highest and best within each client. I have studied what my teachers have taught but I’m left ‘wanting.’ I feel as though I’m being called from within to do my work quite differently than all the books and classes about hypnotherapy have stated. No matter the reason a client comes into my office, I find myself desiring only to discuss what they’ve ‘forgotten,’ that they are already whole and loved. I find myself not wanting to discuss the issue that brought them to my office at all. I want to call up from within them, their truth. If we truly honored ourselves and others, wouldn’t our problems disappear? We would simply choose not to overeat, abuse drugs/alcohol, be depressed, etc ANSWER: Dear healer, everything you have said is correct. Over and over we have stated that the core information… the miracles… the physics… and the even ascension information is stored in every cell.[1/29/2014 9:47:07 AM]

Q&A-5-15.html Part of what we are doing with the magnetic grid is to make it more available as the veil lifts slightly in this new energy. But look at your question. It’s not about the Humans who come to you, but rather it’s about you! It’s about your frustration to go through layers of a system that is not fine tuned, in order to help those who come to you to “see” this reality. The answer? Ask for help to create a system using your gifts and tools to open a window of remembrance for those who sit in front of you. Slowly lead them into self-discovery…that they have the answers and the storehouse to find them. What you need is what we are asking every enlightened Human Being on the planet to create. Patience. You are dearly loved. QUESTION: Dear Kryon: I am a mother of a son diagnosed with autism, now 7. I have worked with energy for what seems to be all my life. In the past 5 years, I have been getting concepts that I do not really understand. Your channeling has been helping. However, perhaps any of you who read this (I trust it will be read by whomever Spirit intends) may have encountered this as well. Here goes - My son’s magnetic system does not feel the same as ours. Is there a possibility that his DNA may have different magnetic structures than non-autistics? I can almost see this in my mind as strands running through some sort of chrysalis-type prism. Okay - I know that sounds nuts. I also feel this same thing around dolphins. He is particularly drawn to the calls of Humpback whale recordings. Is it possible that the cetacean connection to autism is in the magnetics? His communication (still nonverbal) has been progressing in leaps and bounds over the past year. Are the magnetic grid alignments becoming more compatible to autistic’s systems? ANSWER: Dear one, for you and the others who work with these children, I honor you! We told you earlier that they are mostly savants. These children are indeed born with DNA differences of the kind that are magnetically enhanced from your own. The difference is that they are more geared to an interdimensional existence rather than the 4D existence that you live in. So, Yes, this is a magnetic cellular attribute. Some are even calling them “rainbow children.” Your intuition is correct. Here is more. (1) They wish to communicate and live out of linearity. They don’t understand things in-a-row or in line. They will do far better with overall concepts that steer them to a pseudo-linear action… so that they can live in your world. If it were possible, they would love to communicate without “in-a-row” linear verbal speech. They would rather do it all it once using a “thought group.” Their frustration is that everything around them is boxing in their expansiveness, and they have to stop and make sense of it. Can you even imagine what it would be like to be born in a world where you had 3D, and everyone else had 2D? Let’s say there was no depth… only height and width. You wanted to “reach inside” things, and you could see how…only to have an invisible wall stop your hand each time you tried, or stop your mind each time you tried. You couldn’t even walk around! Others around you would call you retarded, as they watched the funny kid who couldn’t navigate in a simple 2D world. You would spend most of your time looking at things, trying to decipher if what you were seeing was true or not for the reality you were in. (2) They tend to live partially in a reality that Humans don’t see or understand. Where are they mentally, you sometimes ask, as they stare off into space. The truth? They are actually seeing and participating in interdimensional attributes of life… or trying to. They also can “see” the other life on earth…the life that you don’t even acknowledge yet. More on this some other time. (3) They are attuned to the energy of the dolphins and whales, but more specifically the dolphin. There has actually been research on this from your scientists, so it is not as odd as it sounds. There is communication at a distance between autistic children and these sea mammals. If they ever actually establish a one-on-one relation to a single animal, it lasts a lifetime. (4) Yes… the grid system of the planet is going to make them more comfortable, and you less comfortable. We have been channelling in the last year about becoming interdimensional. Perhaps it’s time Humans moved a bit in their direction, instead of teaching them how to exist in yours?[1/29/2014 9:47:07 AM]



Submit Your Question To Kryon[1/29/2014 9:47:07 AM]


(September 15, 2001)

Q: Dear Kryon, as the Universe transforms in this period of ascension/transition, why does it appear that little spiritual attention is focused on the African continent? While there has certainly been a religious awakening largely due to the circumstances that souls choose (for example, poverty, HIV/AIDS, etc.), this is being translated quite slowly into spirituality (my perception). What is your information on the state of spiritual awakening on the African continent? A: Dear one, this question is perhaps the best one you could have asked for your time. Indeed, it appears that the African situation is dichotomous to an awakening Earth. For a full explanation, you have to go back to information we presented 12 years ago [Kryon Book One, 1989]. We told you back then that there was a potential that showed that in order for your planet to move forward at the rate it was appearing to, up to one percent of the population might have to leave. This was startling information to most of you, and some wondered how and where this might begin. A disaster, perhaps? A comet strike? Now, as you know, the Humans on the African continent are currently losing their lives by the tens of millions. In addition, the life expectancy is bleak for at least the next decade . . . perhaps the next full generation! Your disease called AIDS is seemingly fulfilling this prophecy. What this might mean to you is that the prediction given to you about your transition is now upon you, and all you can do is sit back and watch it occur in horror. What we have channelled to you recently, however, is that nothing could be further from your reality, or your 2001 potential. Instead, we have reported to you that since the 1989 potentials, you have far exceeded the energy for the year 2001 beyond that which was expected. What this means is that now the prophecy does not have to occur at all! What you are seeing, however, is the setup for the old potential still in progress, without knowledge that it is not needed. Remember that death of any kind is abhorrent to you. We don’t expect you to understand how such a thing could have helped Spirit or Earth, but on a grander scale, it would have. An entire generation of Humanity came in with this expectation and knowledge, and they had agreements to leave early. It is this African family that you may now turn your attention to, for they have the opportunity to void this entire contract and remain in health.[1/29/2014 9:47:14 AM]

q&a-Sept-P.html This African continent is not in a state of spiritual awakening. They are instead in survival mode, plowing through an outdated spiritual potential. What can you do? Visualize the change in this scenario! You just changed the very time frame of Earth itself, so changing the energy of this one place is well within your ability! Visualize them happy, with families intact, fed, healthy, with the potential for life and joy. The energy you can develop in these visualizations can nullify the scenario that is there . . . totally! You can change the leaders’ minds, quicken the ability for science to reach those it needs to, and even change the reality of the disease itself. All these things we tell you, lightworker, since this is the work that you have asked to do. Your visualizations create a light that shines into the dark places of consciousness, or science, and of hope itself. You still don’t understand the potential of your energy! Is it worth two minutes a day? Perhaps three? Each day, consider this. Blessed indeed is the awakening lightworker who is free from worry about death and who is not constantly hungry. For this Human has the ability to use his energy to help those who are ready to blossom into their own spiritual awakening, but who are currently consumed with an old contract of death and disease. The few may help the many, and the many may remain to help the earth in other ways. This is what family does for family. Believe it! Q: Dear Kryon, since January I’ve been living in Glastonbury (UK). The energy here is not easy to handle, but everything seems to work well except work and money. It feels as if I’m not able to create anything here. As soon as I go outside the country, it works, but not here. So I’ve been going back to Germany every other month in order to work and make the money I need for my life. Why doesn’t it work here? What can I do? A: Dear one, the answer you want is not necessarily the answer you expect. It’s not Glastonbury—it’s you! Are you praying, “Dear God, let me live in Glastonbury and support myself?” or are you asking Spirit this: “Dear God, show me where I should be?” Spirit is showing you that perhaps your desire to be in Glastonbury and your spiritual abundance are not in synch at the moment. Watch the reality of what you have in 4D. If it works for you in one place, then perhaps that’s where you belong for that time. There may be reasons why Spirit is clearly showing you that Glastonbury is not the place to be at the moment. Indeed, perhaps your prayers are being answered and you don’t like the answer! For all of you: Bless the signs from God! Even if they don’t necessarily coincide with what you expect at the moment, be free and wise enough to celebrate them, and move accordingly. Nothing you do regarding these things is permanent, and many times you must give intent to follow the energy given to you in a current situation in order for it to then lead you home in a future situation. Q: I’ve been working with young children for many years as a first- and second-grade teacher near Toronto, Canada. I have yet to clearly see any of the characteristics attributed to the Indigo Children. Is it possible that Indigo behavior manifests differently nearer the Poles? A: Dear one, this is indeed so. The energy of magnetics is very different in certain colder areas near the Poles, and we have indicated this in past channellings. In addition, your area is magnetically different—even from the western areas of your own country. All of this changes the potential consciousness of Humans, should they wish to give intent for it. Do you think it’s a coincidence that the equator carries such a dark potential in so many areas of Humanity? There hasn’t been much Human thought on this. You have Indigos in your classes, but what is different is that the area where you live is more attuned for the parents to know how to intuitively raise them. Remember the axiom of the Indigo: Their seemingly difficult behavior patterns are in direct relationship to their home and school environments. Indigos are not difficult when[1/29/2014 9:47:14 AM]

q&a-Sept-P.html they are honored and given choice. You do this intuitively in your classroom, and many around you are also doing it at home. This is not the case a few hundred kilometers below you, or even west of you, and the mainstream news reports bear this out. Blessed are those who are passionate for the children of Earth, for they understand that they are children as well. Q: This may sound strange, but here goes: Is Bigfoot real? If so, is it Bigfoot’s job to hold the Earth’s energy? A: Dear one, his may sound strange, but: Yes. Even stranger is this statement: We are not saying that Bigfoot is currently still alive, or that the purpose is still the same. Some things change as you Humans change the very fabric of the earth’s reality and future. These things will be known soon through your own investigations.[1/29/2014 9:47:14 AM]


UPDATE: August 15, 2002

QUESTION: Dear Kryon, I have experienced very negative paranormal activity. I know you said that “ghosts” exist in a different dimension than ours. But I need to understand them more. I don’t believe in evil. I think it’s only an absence of love, but why does the power of darkness seem so strong? Also… if aliens are interested in us for our “power,” are evil spirits interested for the same reason? ANSWER: Again, you ask for knowledge that requires you to think completely out of your concept of universal reality. Can you do it? Here is the test. When you step to the other side of the veil, there is no linear time. All is happening at once and does not have the structure you expect or that is logical to your 4D mind. When you come upon a “haunting,” you are actually experiencing the energy of one event in another dimension that seems to be playing in a circle in yours. What you perceive as something that happens over and over is something that only happened once. Is it real? Yes. However your perception of what is happening is very difference from the reality of those who participated in the event. Sometimes the question is asked, “Are these former Humans stuck in a sort of limbo, repeating things over and over?” This is actually a very funny question! It is you who have the limitation. You are forever stuck with a mono-reality within an incredibly rich spectrum of time. You live in black and white time, while all around you is a spectacular colored rainbow of existence. Therefore when you peek with black and white eyes into a beautiful color hue, you only see a small piece of what is really there, and you can’t figure it out. If indeed you run into an entity that seems to be doing something over and over, for them it is only one time. This is how NOW time looks to a linear observer. It is happening in an instant of univeral time, but to you they look “stuck.” It might promt you to ask the real question: Who is the “stuck” one? The “haunting” is often a situation that left a residue of energy that is interdimensional. You feel it and see it and it is frightening. Sometimes it appears to have purpose. Sometimes it even appears to have a consciousness. Again, this is due to your observation! As you have consciousness, you alter the reality of the event! I told you this would be difficult to grasp. In other words, the act of you viewing the event changes what happened in your eyes. We are now back to the first question in this series, are we not, where the definition of reality has to do with those who are there to see it. There is no such thing as an “evil sprit.” The greatest evil power of your planet can be found in the minds and intentions of the Humans who walk upon it. They can manifest darkness just like you can manifest light. This is a discussion we have had before [See Kryon Book Nine for more about this]. Therefore you continue to create your own reality.. evil and angelic.[1/29/2014 9:47:17 AM]

Q&A-8-15.html After all… you are the only planet of free choice! — Kryon QUESTION: Dear Kryon, would you please tell me if Indigo Children and Star Children are the same? Can someone born in the 1960’s be an Indigo? ANSWER: Dear Human, don’t get bogged within your linearity in these things. You wish to compartmentalize everything, and thereby feel more comfortable in your understanding. Know this: All children being born on the planet have strong potential to be of the Indigo consciousness. Within that group there are many parts and attributes. What you have called a “Star Child” is a type of Indigo. The same goes for the “Crystal Children.” Years ago we identified a new breed of Human that was slowly being introduced to earth. Now they are so plentiful that many are beginning to notice and categorize them. Our admonition is NOT to, but we know that sometimes make you feel better to do so. Another name for these “Star Children” are the Interdimensional or even the Interplanetary, if you wish. As far as the potential of those born before or during the 1960’s: The answer is yes, but with a qualification. The “pure” Indigo Children have really only been arriving slowly for the past 25 or 30 years, but there are many who have what we call an “Indigo overlay.” This is Human who fits the generalizations, but without some of the absolutes that are buried in what you call the DNA that really qualify this new Human experience. — Kryon QUESTION: Dear Kryon, I read the first three books in the Turkish language before year 2000. It didn’t take long to decide and request the clearance of my karma. But then my life got deeper and deeper into everyday life and I feel that my karma is loaded and loaded more. This load is getting heavy! Did it get worse? Was the original cleared? I still feel I have a special mission in this life. ANSWER: Dear one, you indeed have a special mission. For you, and for so many others who may feel this way, listen: Do not confuse karma with life difficulty. Karma is an imprint that helps direct lesson and life passion. When you clear it, you give yourselves permission to change. Change often means a rebuilding of the very foundations of your life, and this is reconstruction. Did you really think this would be easy? We told you many times that the work is now beginning, and you are really doing the “work.” Now do you understand why we gave such importance to this decision you made? You are not “loading” yourself with anything. Instead, you are clearing and completing, and it will potentially be finished within 2003. This means that what you are doing is not a futile up-stream swim against a current called “life.” Instead, it is a steady rebuild of something called YOU. Blessings to the Human Being who understands this, and approaches this important work time with understanding and peace. This is indeed why you are loved so deeply…for all you are enduring and working through. It is helping the very fabric of the planet! — Kryon QUESTION: Since I am an esperantist for more than 20 years, I’d like to know if the idea of a neutral international language will prosper along the 21st century. ANSWER:The potential is no, and there are many reasons why. First, earth already has an official international language, but it isn’t neutral. It will probably prevail, however, as the language of commerce and travel for some time. There is no reason to de-culturalize earth. The various cultures represented are rich in history and language. As your computing tools become better, the language barrier will diminish. With pocket devices that translate as they “listen,” almost every language will be able to be translated. Earth travelers will benefit greatly from this, receiving a win-win scenario—the ability to hear and enjoy an original language, while also having it translated into their own in real time. Then they can decide if they wish to learn it for themselves. Many will object to this technology, feeling it will keep one culture from personally learning the language of another. However, the real effect will be in making it comfortable for many more to travel[1/29/2014 9:47:17 AM]

Q&A-8-15.html and see “the rest of you,” thereby understanding what “the family” really means. — Kryon

Submit Your Question To Kryon[1/29/2014 9:47:17 AM]

kryon-Q&A 2nd Quarter2005

UPDATE: 2nd Quarter 2005

(1) QUESTION: Dear Kryon, you gave an explanation of menopause that I don’t understand. The verbiage is vague and I’d like to get a more specific answer to my concerns. First of all, I don’t want the age-related changes that come with menopause. I don’t want to be low on estrogen or progesterone, and I want to remain sexually attractive until I’m ancient and die. I don’t want to become a dried up old prune with lines on my upper lip, hair growing under my chin, and a roll of resistant fat around my waist! Of course, I don’t want to become pregnant either, but I do want my physical beauty to stay intact. My sexual drive seems to have diminished greatly, which is no fun at all. You say that menopause is to protect women so they don’t get pregnant when they’re chemistry can’t deal with it. But why do women have to live with the emasculation of their bodies in this so-called protective process? I’ve been talking to my cells, telling them to return to the pristine condition of this body when it was ten years old, as you suggested. But it’s not happening because I’m still getting hot flashes. Please tell me how long it takes to get the cells to listen and act. Is there something else I can do? Thanks so much—I feel blessed to have gotten the opportunity to read your words. ANSWER: Menopause will always be there for the reasons I’ve described. It’ll remain a system that honors a time when a woman is finished with her child-bearing years. So don’t curse menopause. Instead, think of the answer to this question: “Why does menopause occur, and what triggers it?” The answer is the body clock. So if you wish to avoid the hair under your chin, then delay the clock! Concentrate on this, and the rest will take care of itself. You may think you’re talking to your cells about this, but in your case you’re actually trying to defeat menopause. Put the fear and disappointment of aging away, and concentrate daily on becoming younger and living longer. Are you doing the things that a younger person would? Do you try to be with a younger crowd? The answer to both of these is probably not. Instead, you’re instead trying to straddle the line of the reality of your chronological age, and endeavoring to delay the things you don’t want that come with it. Instead of this, bring the whole body along with your visualization of the slowing of the body clock. If you slow the clock, then you actually place yourself out of sync with the old paradigm of what the calendar says about how “old” you are. You can change hormones, your immune system, and even your appearance by working with the body clock. Start showing your body that your reality is different than it was, and help it to “create” what age you really are.   (2) QUESTION: Dear Kryon, I’m willing to talk to my cells, but I don’t know what to tell them! Is it enough to say “detox and rejuvenate!” or do we have to be more specific (and maybe polite, like[1/29/2014 9:47:21 AM]

kryon-Q&A 2nd Quarter2005

“Please, cartilage, grow,” or even talk about amino acids, vitamins, and so forth? Is intent enough or are words and style relevant? How long would be considered enough talk for one purpose? I’ve had a horribly itchy allergic dermatitis for ten years. Should I talk to my skin, to my immune system, or something else? ANSWER: First, do you not yet understand that the portions of DNA you’re addressing are interdimensional? We’ve been teaching this now for many years. This type of system isn’t linear, doesn’t understand your language, and won’t even begin to respond to your logical processes. Speaking with your cells is an energetic process—energy is what is needed, not verbiage. Rewording your talk does nothing but make your voice tired. You need to visualize, not verbalize. Spend time addressing your cells with the visualization of what you wish. See yourself with no itching. See yourself with young DNA. Remember, the body went through that, and it has a cellular memory of your young DNA. So start by setting a time to do this communication daily, for just a few minutes, and create strong visions of what the goal is for your body process. See young skin, young health, and a young attitude. Your body will get the idea and begin to conform to “the boss.” This is what the masters do, and it works. However, you’ll have to learn to get out of your 3D paradigm of wishing to hold verbal conversations. “Talking to your cells” is done with visualization energies.   (3) QUESTION: Dear Kryon, will we be seeing more revealed on biblical forgeries that pertain not only to artifacts but to scriptural writings as well? (4) QUESTION: Dear Kryon, I can’t thank you enough for your insight on so many subjects of concern to us all. I hope you can shed some light on this question: Why has the Bible been allowed to survive for so many years with all its fallacies? Being brought up in a Christian church, I lived in fear of God, Satan, and not being able to live a life without sin. Through your teachings and others I have come to believe differently and now feel free after such a betrayal. ANSWER: First of all, let us remind you of how Humans are honored with free choice. There is no “giant hand of God” that’s going to come down and correct misinformation. Whatever develops within the Human culture is done so through whatever Human consciousness is there at that time. What we have told you is that your current awakening will create awareness of false information, and that even the church leaders will see it. Some will try to keep things the same, fearing that it will all collapse if they don’t, and others will begin the correction process. All this will add up to chaos. You’re already beginning to see it. Basically, all religious systems will begin to fail—all of them. Ancient texts will be found (or revealed) that clearly show the writings you have lived by aren’t accurate, and have been manipulated over the years by men in power. The result will be that some will leave the system and look for better answers and some will attempt to change the church to better conform to what has been discovered. In both cases, it will change the status quo of the balance of religion on the planet. The new energy on this planet is already doing exactly this. How is old organized religion doing these days? The answer is that it’s slipping in popularity. Are any popular books challenging the premises of years of spiritual teaching? Seen any division in Christianity or Judaism or Islam? The answer to all of these questions is yes. Look around and you’ll see Humanity beginning to try to validate what they believed in the past, and if it’s found wanting, they’re going to find something better for themselves . . . sometimes with information[1/29/2014 9:47:21 AM]

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coming only from within instead of from the outside. Humanity will be intuitively looking for a belief system that doesn’t tear down the Human seed of existence, or place God in a box for everyone to conform to. They’ll be looking for something that acknowledges that every Human is part of the harmony of life, and therefore is eternal; something that begins to “connect the dots” and reveal what every master who walked the earth has said: That you’re empowered to change yourselves and the earth since you’re partly divine yourselves. They’ll be looking for something that “rings true” with what they’re feeling, where they don’t have to suffer to please a higher power. What they’ll seek isn’t a doctrine and it doesn’t always depend on having a prophet. It’s a way of life that honors the “prophet within” and lets all that has gone before snap into place within a wisdom pattern that allows a realization that God is much, much bigger than previously thought.   (5) QUESTION: Dear Kryon, is it ever appropriate for a Human to resort to violence? ANSWER: Yes, when you’re attacked with life-threatening force, it’s appropriate to respond with violence if necessary. In addition, it’s acceptable to meet violence with violence when protecting your children or family. There are times when you must meet force with force, for this is the only thing that force understands. Let me give you an example: If you’re awakened in the middle of the night and you find an assailant standing over your child’s bed, about to destroy the life of your child, I guarantee that you’ll use force to stop it. This is instinct, and it doesn’t mean that you’re violating spiritual guidelines. The term “turn the other cheek” refers to a situation where you’ll give ultimate patience within an exchange where anger might have otherwise been a Human reaction. It has never meant “stand and be harmed.” (6) QUESTION: Dear Kryon, I still doubt that I’m a Lightworker. How can I get a definitive answer to this question? (7) QUESTION: Dear Kryon, I’ve had this question for a while: If a Human isn’t a Lightworker, then what is he or she? A Lightworker who is not yet aware of being a Lightworker, or something else? Are there other roles besides Lightworkers, and if so, what are they? ANSWER: Again, don’t let the esoteric compartmentalization of terminology define your lives! If you don’t find the definition you wish, will you then stop your spiritual quest? The definition of a Lightworker is a Human who realizes that there’s more to life than has been seen in 3D reality, and therefore is trying to increase his or her awareness by spiritual means. There are as many Lightworker “types” as there are Humans. Some are in the discovery stage and some are in the active stage of having identified themselves, and have moved to a place where they’re able to increase their vibration, and therefore affect the very dirt of the planet. So if you’re one who asks if you’re a Lightworker, then of course you are! Why would your eyes even be on this page if you weren’t a seeker of light? And yes, in some ways, all Humans are Lightworkers waiting to turn on their lights. This is a profound realization and is what we teach. There are the seeds of truth in all of you, and through free choice some will begin the search and some will not. There is no judgment in either case, but there is tremendous change to the Human who begins to awaken and ask the question, “Is there more?”   (8) QUESTION: Dear Kryon, I’m one of a growing population of people who have been given the diagnosis of multiple chemical sensitivity/environmental illness. This disorder is primarily an immune[1/29/2014 9:47:21 AM]

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system dysfunction, and affects every organ system of the body. Some of us aren’t only severely “allergic” to common, everyday substances in our environment, but like myself, are highly sensitive to smells, light, touch, sound, and taste as well. Some of us are also sensitive to the emotions of others, and develop symptoms of toxicity in the presence of hostile people. So here are my questions: Why is the number of people who have this syndrome increasing, what’s the spiritual basis behind this disorder, and how do we desensitize ourselves to the physical and emotional environment around us? ANSWER: First the chemical: This is a result of increased toxicity on the planet. The more the planet unbalances itself, the more those who came in depending on balance will be affected. So the increase is due to pollution of the planet—something I think you already knew. This often goes hand-in-hand with those who can sense emotions, since the ones who are fine-tuned chemically are also fine-tuned energetically. This isn’t really about spiritual things. It’s about energy. If you’re a sensitive, then it’ll be a sensitivity to everything, not just within 3D. Even those who don’t think of themselves as spiritual at all are still right in the middle of this problem—including the sensitivity to other peoples’ emotions. We teach that you can temper this, and it falls into the category of taking control of your cellular structure through visualization and meditation. Your own science now confirms that your thoughts can change your immune system, and that’s exactly where to start. You really do have control of these things! Begin by daily visualizations of an immune system that’s more tolerant of the imbalance of the environment. Don’t see yourself as sensitive and vulnerable, but rather as able to balance everything as it comes along and to be comfortable with these things instead of frustrated with them.   (9) QUESTION: Dear Kryon, I’m a nurse who works with older people who have dementia. One of my jobs is to figure out what medicine will help them be more comfortable in their bodies and keep them safe and calm enough for others to care for them. These medicines are toxic and have side effects. I do have intent that the recipient of the medicine I prescribe will receive what benefits their highest good, but somehow that doesn’t seem to be enough. The staff who care for these people often get hurt and the person with the illness seems to suffer also. Please help me understand how I might help them in a better way. ANSWER: Your intent is honored, but you can’t do this for another person. In other words, your intent for the substance not to hurt them isn’t enough. It has to be their intent, but unfortunately they’re not able to work this problem due to their mental circumstances. It seems unfair, but the bigger picture is that for spiritual reasons, their soul is working out a lifetime of challenge and it is appropriate on levels beyond your understanding. There are substances that can help them that won’t have the side effects. There are also energy systems that can help, too—all of which you’re not able to give them in your institution. And that’s another frustration for you. But you’re there to help hold the energy of all of this and to infuse light into an otherwise untenable situation. Believe me, you’re valuable where you are, and those who seem not to understand where they are can still sense your caring and balancing energy. This helps them. Some day you may be able to give them some of the powerful herbs that the ancients did for this very thing and also help them with energy balancing. The substances were those used by the American Indians, and might very well be outlawed in your culture due to their mistaken nature.[1/29/2014 9:47:21 AM]

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(10) QUESTION: Dear Kryon, are we dinosaurs, and/or what happened to the dinosaurs? ANSWER: No, you are Human, and no relation to the dinosaur except that you both represent biology on the planet. The dinosaur is a product of earth evolution. Your Human DNA is a combination of Human evolution and a mixture from another star system (Pleadian). The dinosaurs left you when their food went away due to geological and astronomical circumstances—very appropriate for the growth of the planet.   (11) QUESTION: I’ve recently started to read some of the Kryon material and I find it one of the more comforting channellings I’ve read. Thank you very much. Here are my questions: With respect to diet, I’ve recently done quite a lot of (private) research on it. First Ayurvedic-based vegetarianism, then macrobiotic-based veganism, then vegan raw foodism, then more paleo-based raw foodism (that is, raw foodism that includes flesh products that are raw), and so on. I’ve never managed to actually follow any diet in the long term, it was more about shedding light and adding perspective to what I eat. But from all these, I ended up more confused, because it seems our digestive system is like that of a cat, our teeth are similar to those of omnivores, yet it also appears that our stomach was not designed to digest grains and raw vegetables. In addition, I sympathize with the long-held view of the moral consequences of eating meat, and I adopt the position of personally not eating anything I wouldn’t be able (psychologically speaking) to kill myself. Therefore I occasionally eat fish. I don’t know if that’s the right view. My question is, can you shed more light on diet, especially the truths in eating everything raw? And is vegetarianism a good way to go, as after so many years of research, its seems some nutrients, or at least their bio-availability, is much more easily obtained through eating flesh products? Or should I eat what my biological ancestors in the near past have eaten (I’m Jewish with German or Polish—Jewish and non-Jewish ancestors)? (12) QUESTION: Dear Kryon, I first must comment on how impressed I am with the intelligence and thought that everyone has put into their questions. And the answers are satisfying as well. My question has to deal with health. What is the best diet for optimum health? Should we go back to the Old Testament and keep kosher guidelines? Or is being vegan the way to go? Does eating unhealthy and carrying excessive weight interfere with the activation of DNA components and moving forward spiritually? Is there a specific diet we all should be following? Is there a specific exercise we should be doing? ANSWER:Everything you’ve all said is intelligent, correct to some degree, and honored. The Human body has many elements of the other animals that your biology evolved from, and shows that basic core evolution is real. You are a combination of much of earth’s past. That means your diversity is at the top of the ladder— very high. The real issue here is that many try to make diet issues generic for all Humanity. However, you are all very different, not only chemically, but energetically. Therefore the studies of diet based on blood types, birth months, and even energy fields are valid. The truth is this: Find the diet that suits these unique things about you and use them. Don’t make the mistake of believing that what you discover for you is for everyone. This also goes for eating meat. If all Humans decided not to eat meat, the Human race would suffer greatly since there isn’t enough developed farmland to feed all of you. There is appropriateness in everything you mentioned, including the raw elements, and even the kosher ones (originally developed intuitively so that you’d stay away from diseased food). But it isn’t for everyone. The solution will eventually be to provide a test that will help you know what is best for each Human diet-wise,[1/29/2014 9:47:21 AM]

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and then hold no judgment of others who have a different solution. These tests are actually here, but they haven’t been combined yet. It’s another feature of your constant linearity and compartmentalization that within your science you have sequestered pieces and parts of the solution and given them all important names, as though each one was the final solution or a final system. The truth is that they must be combined. Therefore, find the diet that works for the individual Human, and don’t place a generic label on studies you find that work for you. They’ll work for those like you, but not for all. Start with the blood types, then move to other unique features that make you all very different. Oh . . . and don’t forget your karmic group (Kryon smile).   (13) QUESTION: Dear Kryon, I’m very concerned about the obesity epidemic, particularly in the U.S. Around me I see people getting bigger and more unhealthy, all for the sake of convenience and saving time. You mentioned at one point a famine, and I suspect the famine won’t be from a lack of food, but from an abundance of food that has no nutritional value. I wonder how we can honor the Earth by eating nothing that comes straight from it? Of course this involves caring for the lands and oceans as part of a bigger issue and making that connection, too. Is this what it will finally take for people to switch to a healthier way of living? Its amazing how detached people are from the food they eat. We don’t even honor our digestive processes, the way we combine foods. Whatever happened to nutrition? Atkins is no solution; there is no balance in it. Gastric bypass is all about quantity reduction, not quality increase. When will people make the direct connection between what/how they eat and their health? Is a change in diet and lifestyle part of the upcoming shift? ANSWER: The shift has little to do with it. It’s a culture-specific problem and has to do with consciousness of health. Go study the cultures on your planet that have very few overweight Humans. Start with the Japanese. They have some of the same western work ethics and live in very sophisticated industrial-based environments. Yet they aren’t overweight. It’s about the core food groups and the combination of them.   (14) QUESTION: Dear Kryon, you say the degree of enlightenment we’ve reached when we die is the degree of enlightenment we start with in the next incarnation. Now, with the neutral implant and the elimination of karmic residuals, does it mean I’ll be starting without karma when I eventually reincarnate? ANSWER: Indeed it does! But let’s get more specific. The kinds of karmic attributes you voided with the implant (permission for implementation of enlightenment) is the kind of heavy karma that you carried around from past lives. It isn’t the kind of karma of your immediate lifetime of energy. It’s the past energy, not the present. Therefore it’s a freeing of very old energies that represented you in very different times. As described many times, this needed to be a tool for you to move forward in a new energy with very different goals. This is something you’ve created for yourselves, and not something granted by God (Spirit). God is here to help you to understand what you’ve created, and to use it to develop a peaceful and balanced planet.   (15) QUESTION: Dear Kryon, please help us understand the increase of allergies. What can we do to heal this phenomenon? ANSWER: Reduce the steps in your food chain, which are adding chemistry to fresh food.[1/29/2014 9:47:21 AM]

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  (16) QUESTION: Dear Kryon: I was student of the I AM activity, but was unhappy because of all the restrictions you have to live by and rules you have to follow in order to be involved. My question is this: Is it truth that the Ascended Master appeared to the Ballards and dictated all those messages? Because according to old students, Mrs. Ballard invented everything. St. Germain promised good health, money, youth, and the ascension, but as of this time no one I AM student has accomplished that. ANSWER: This isn’t a specific answer to your particular spiritual following, but a generic answer to all who are asking similar questions. First, be aware that God doesn’t place restrictions on your life. Your lifestyle is one you select that will best help you find your divinity. Many Human teachers in the past have dictated that you follow rules, but those are rules of the teacher, not the source. Often it’s what the teacher feels will help you with less distraction, but these remain Human rules. In addition, sometimes you’ll find yourself sequestered with others of like mind, living in communes and trying to force a lifestyle that’s supposedly one that will create ascension in your life. The truth is that the masters who walked the earth told you that your body is your temple, and that all else is what you decide to invent around it to make it work. Your temple is complete and is able to generate light for others, no matter where you go. The masters didn’t sequester themselves, but walked among the people and loved them for who they were, warts and all. The rules were to be patient with others around you, and to be an example for them. We encourage you to stop and look around you. Ask this: What is it you can best do to provide divine clarity for yourself, and at the same time be a Lighthouse for others on this planet? If you’re sequestered with others in a nonconforming lifestyle, exactly who are your helping? Yourself? If so, then at what point can you get out of the group to be in the world, where you’re needed? The answer to that, if you ask the teachers, is usually, “You can’t leave.” When you hear that, then you know that the lifestyle is about the teacher, not God. All the messages have been for you to hold the light for the earth. Show your joy and your well-being to others. Be a balanced Human Being in the center of unbalance, and walk among those who are needy so they can be exposed to your love. All the masters did this. So if you find yourself dressed in odd clothing, singing strange chants, eating funny food, and living with a group of others doing the same thing, at some point you must ask yourself if you’re following some Human’s rules, or those of Spirit. Who is being helped?   (17) QUESTION: Dear Kryon, we’ve been studying astrology for some time and we know that the solar system helps to create and support an impression of an individual selfhood for us. The planets and their movements affect our character, moods, and ideas. We’d like to know what exactly this mechanism does and how this system works in terms of science. Most important, we’d like to know how we could use this ancient science most effectively in the new energy. It seems to be a contract, “karma.” What happens when one enlightens and cancels his contract? Do the planets then stop affecting us? ANSWER: Although this has been explained in recent channellings, we’ll summarize the way astrology works: The sun is the fulcrum of the solar system and the center of energy for life for you. There is a physical mechanism for the sending of information from the sun to the other planets and it’s called the solar wind. This energy stream carries with it whatever pattern of interdimensional energy the sun has at that moment, and delivers it to whatever is in reach of the sun's magnetic field [the Helios]. It’s always there, but it has cycles of intensity. Although science sees the solar wind as a energy player in the solar system, they have yet to see the interdimensional patterns it carries to the planets as this wind blasts out from the sun. These patterns reflect the posturing of the sun as the other planets exhibit their tugs and pulls on it via gravity and magnetics (both are interdimensional energies). Therefore these sun patterns change continuously as the[1/29/2014 9:47:21 AM]

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planets provide new gravitational and magnetic situations to the sun. When the solar wind, carrying this sun pattern, hits the Earth, it deposits the pattern upon the magnetic grid. The magnetic grid is dynamic (changes all the time), and is responsive to being constantly repatterned. The grid lines of the planet alter the pattern slightly due to fact that your grids aren’t consistent and have greater and lesser areas of influence in different Earth locations. Human DNA is sensitive to magnetics, since it is a magnetic engine itself. At birth, when the child is separated from the parent, there is a signal sent to the brain of the infant that says, “Your system is now active and on its own, apart from your mother.” During that first breath of independent and unique life, the child’s DNA receives the pattern from the magnetics of the Earth’s grid, and takes on what you have come to call “astrological attributes.” Different places on the planet will carry the basic pattern, plus or minus what Earth’s magnetic field has contributed due to geographic location. This explains why world-class astrology must take into consideration the location of birth. Astocartography is also based on this principle. Astrology is the oldest science on the planet, and can be proven to be accurate. In addition, “generic” astrology is also a significant influence in Humanism, from the cycles of the female’s system, to the profound changes in Human behavior when the moon in full. You can’t separate yourself from it, and those who don’t believe in it might as well not believe in breathing, because it’s that much of an influence on your life. The new energy on the planet invites you to change your DNA. This is the teaching of Kryon. When you change your DNA, you’re working with the very core of the pattern you had at birth, and so you’re able to then work on some of the attributes of your astrological blueprint, and actually change it—even neutralize it. We told you all about that in 1989. Masters did this, and you’re now coming into a time where your abilities are those of the masters. Look into your life and eliminate the things that are challenges and keep the attributes that support you. This is the true balanced Human Being. You can change your sensitivity to attributes within your own individual astrology type, but the generic influences of the planets’ and moon’s movements will always affect you to some degree, since you’re not an island apart from others. These would be things such as retrogrades and the moon’s influence (as indicated). You might say, “I’m no longer affected by retrogrades” and sit and smile all you want. Meanwhile, you still shouldn’t sign contracts during that time, since all those around you are still affected. Think about it.   (18) QUESTION: I’m a black woman who enjoys your teachings tremendously. It seems that there aren’t a lot of black people involved in these discussions. Is this true, and is there a reason for this? Is it cultural? Or am I wrong in this assumption? ANSWER: Dear one, yes. If you’re speaking about black Americans, you’re right. It’s cultural. There are two basic reasons you won’t find many blacks in metaphysics in your culture: The first one is that in your land, your race is a minority with a history of oppression. This has created a very strong spiritual support base. Almost from birth, most of you have been exposed to very high church and spiritual support and a feeling of belonging and sticking together. There are few groups that have this kind of support and prayer base. So spiritually, you don’t look around much for answers other than what you have already learned about the love of God. This works for you and is honored. The second reason is perhaps politically incorrect in your culture to speak of, but Kryon is not of your culture. Many of you are in survival mode due to sustained second-class citizenship you experience from birth. This causes despair, poverty, and a shift to crime among many due to despondency over life and a need to survive in a system that does not honor you. When a Human is consumed with survival in a difficult environment, they don’t have time or a desire for introspection or a search to better themselves spiritually. All their time is spent spinning within the challenges they have, many of which they assume to be their plight, many of which[1/29/2014 9:47:21 AM]

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they have created themselves. The sadness here is that if they did look within, they would find the tools to co-create a life outside of survival, and start processes that honors their endeavors and their lives. Blessed are those with life challenges, as so many of the minorities have, but who have decided to increase their spiritual knowledge as a solution, instead of trying to force-manipulate the reality of the cultural situation.   (19) QUESTION: Dear Kryon, in some of the channel readings I’ve had, I’ve been referred to as a completed soul. But I’m a bit confused as to what that means. ANSWER: This is a reference to the fact that you’re not here to accomplish a karmic solution based on an incomplete karmic challenge. Instead, you’re here to focus on helping the challenge of the planet, which is to create peace within yourself, others, and on earth. Many of you are in this condition, and these are the ones we address first when we speak of Lightworkers.   (20) QUESTION: Hello, I’m a site user from Iran. I want to ask Kryon about Holy Scriptures and specially the Holy Koran. Does everything we need to know exist in it? ANSWER: No, but neither does any other scripture that exists on earth. Your Koran is a beautiful spiritual book, and many of the readers know this. I stirs within you faith and a feeling of the love of God that suits your culture. Anyone who truly examines it will see the purpose and goal of the Prophet, which was given to him by God. It was to unite those of his area and give them the same God as those of the Jews. This uniting spirit is the core of your holy book. The same angel who visited the Prophet is the one who visited Abraham many times. In all the spiritual doctrines of earth, what is missing is that Humans are self-empowered to be part of God, not separated from God. Many of these historical doctrines are not complete, and have been altered. Be circumspect in all these historic spiritual books, for there is more than what is given to you. So use your intuition as you read them, and fill in the blanks with the tools you have from your own divinity. Look around. Does it appear that there is unification, or is there separation? Divine for yourselves what belongs to God and what belongs to men. Spirit’s instructions are always about unity, and the core of the Koran was about that very thing.   (21) QUESTION: Dear Kryon, was the undersea earthquake near Sumatra a result of scalar wave testing? ANSWER: No. It was a result of the change on your planet of Human consciousness. We told you about this in 1989. Your weather changes are caused by the same thing. Now do you begin to understand how powerful you are in changing your reality?   (22) QUESTION: Dear Kryon, I was wondering if scalar waves are really “flat magnetic waves.” I don’t think that’s correct, it seems to be that the scalar waves are not “longitudinal” at all. ANSWER: Scalar waves are interdimensional artifacts of magnetic waves relating to gravity. They’re not understood by anyone on the planet. They can also be very dangerous due to their ability to synchronize vibrationally with physical attributes around them.[1/29/2014 9:47:21 AM]

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They can also be used for profound things, such as healing and communication and the transmission of electricity and other energy modalities through many substances. Such is the way of science—that core physics can be used as a weapon or a healing mode. This requires free choice and wisdom to decide which it will be.   (23) QUESTION: Dear Kryon, could you comment on the situation of Southeast Asia in general and Malaysia and Singapore in particular? I’d like to know more about the magnetic field near the equator, could you advise? ANSWER: It might not seem “fair” to anyone in these areas, but the equatorial attributes of the magnetic grid carry some of the same ones that are at the pole. In many of these places the force of the grid magnetics are very low. This is because you’re sitting in the neutral area between positive and negative. It often creates a difficult place to live and makes a constant stable consciousness very hard to achieve. This creates unstable government as well as a greater feeling of anxiety for the people living there. If you doubt this, take a look at where so much of the earth’s poverty is, and the unstable places to live. They’ll be at or near the equator. In 1989 the question was asked of Kryon, “Where on earth is the best place to live?” Our answer was, “Move to places that are cool.” Perhaps now you understand why.   (24) QUESTION: Dear Kryon, as a scientist I’m interested in your comments regarding the interactions of magnetics, sound waves, and matter. Lately, my intuition has told me that this same effect may be used to produce chemicals without high degrees of risk and where reactants are converted to products in 100-percent yield. I also suspect that chemicals may be made by connecting one atom (or a group of atoms) at a time—once we know the specific conditions to “tell” the chemicals what we want them to do. I’d like to know if I’m on the right track and if you can add anything to this. ANSWER: Your assumptions are very accurate, but look past the 3D attributes you mentioned. What you’ve described is already being done. You can create custom molecules of your own design, atom by atom, that are perfect. Indeed you’re doing it by “telling” the chemicals what you want them to do. This is high science and has very substantial physics behind it. However, it is interdimensional physics, not 3D physics. The key here is designing a tool of chemical molecule creation that “talks” to atomic structure in a language it not only understands, but will obey because it’s the way atomic structure wants to work. So in reality, you’ll be mimicking the very bonding that’s natural in matter, and not tricking matter into aberrant behavior. When it’s natural behavior, it’s 100 percent and there are no anomalies to deal with. From Lee: A physicist in Scotland has integrated the software for this very achievement into the laser processes patented by he and Dr. Todd Ovokaitys in Carlsbad, California. This Southern California research firm is called Gematria. The existence of the machine isn’t a secret, in that Dr. Todd presents it during his lectures.   (25) QUESTION: Dear Kryon, I work in law enforcement and we have an x-ray truck called a VACIS. To control it’s speed, there’s a large magnet on the transmission, and it requires two people to be inside the truck all day. I feel somewhat out of balance when I spend any amount of time in it. I’ve since removed myself from working in it, but occasionally I have to fill in. My questions are: What kind of effect is this technology having on my physical body, and what can I do to protect myself from any damaging effects? Would a Q-Link pendant be enough? ANSWER: Dear one, this is a very dangerous place to be. The product you mentioned isn’t sufficient to void[1/29/2014 9:47:21 AM]

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this kind of strong magnetic field. It’s designed more for common environmental magnetic challenges. If you have to spend time in this vehicle, make it short and as infrequent as you can. Also be aware that unless you spend most of your time there, your body can recover and adjust very well. So don’t despair that your job might require you do it occasionally. Just as in an MRI machine, your body has an incredible memory for balance, and will come back to its natural state of magnetic balance when you remove yourself from the field. It’s only those who remain in these fields day after day who are truly in a state of danger. When a body is continually deprived of its balancing tools, it goes into dis-ease, which is a prime ingredient for early death.   (26) QUESTION: Dear Kryon, I just read an article on the Website of Drunvalo Melchizedek about the melting of the North and South Poles. He postulates that we’ll be part of a new ice age, especially here in Europe, and that it will take place soon—perhaps even within the next two years. It would mean that life would be almost impossible anymore here in Germany and the northern part of Europe. I’m not the kind of Human who gets panics easily, but I want to know what Kryon says about this. To me it doesn’t make sense that after we’ve solved so many problems and are on such a good way that something like this should happen. ANSWER: This has also been channelled before. We told you that your current global warming would bring about a mini-ice age, but we also told you that it wouldn’t be something that would be untenable for Humans, and would happen slowly enough for you to adapt. It doesn’t suit your magnificent plan for your planet to create a situation where entire populations are uprooted and displaced. Things aren’t always as they seem, and so we again proclaim that you won’t have this kind of emergency in the next few years. Spirit is in a partnership with you, and we need you, with free will, to focus on peace on earth, not just survival on earth.   (27) QUESTION: Dear Kryon, there’s a teaching that states that sacred geometry is an electrical-based energy, and therefore not compatible with Mother Earth. It can only be used in the early stages of ascension. After that, its use creates illness in the body. What’s your comment on this? ANSWER: Sacred geometry is one of the most powerful ancient energy technologies on the planet. Its use can easily make you uncomfortable, and perhaps even sick. However, we’ve told you before that the Human vibrates higher as the ascension attributes are achieved. This often keeps pace with anything you do to enhance your learning and spiritual growth, including advanced sacred geometry. So it’s up to the individual to understand it and use it appropriately. This is provided by the wisdom you achieve as your ascension steps are reached and you’re ready for advanced things. If you’re in school and don’t learn the lessons of one grade, the next grade won’t serve you. It’s also this way with spiritual growth. To assign a generic rule to energy is to ignore the vast variety of individual paths and the unique spiritual growth of each Human Being. Gaia is an energy that resounds with electrical and magnetic appropriateness. It’s an energy that supports Humanity and can be called upon to compliment your spiritual growth. It changes itself in response to Human consciousness and is your partner. Therefore it’s in synchronization with sacred teachings. Sacred geometry, used correctly, will be celebrated by Mother Earth. Used inappropriately, it will be rejected.   (28) QUESTION: Dear Kryon, it was quite a thrill to get your information that Shakespeare was really[1/29/2014 9:47:21 AM]

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“Kit” Marlowe—it answered, to my complete satisfaction, a question that many of us literary types have had for generations. But recently, from another channelling source, I read that Francis Bacon was Shakespeare! I don’t want to make this an either/or proposition, because that would mean that one or the other statement was untrue, which would invalidate the rest of that entity’s remarks as well. Is it at all possible, therefore, that somehow both statements are true? They seem to be in direct conflict. ANSWER: When history finally provides proof, then you’ll know the answer and can make up your own mind about what you perceive as the “conflict.” As for who it was? I was there.   (29) QUESTION: Dear Kryon, is there a supplement or nutrient I can take to restore the color to my hair? I’ve been getting more and more white/gray ever since the age of 15. Hair coloring is expensive and I’m afraid of what the chemicals may be doing to me after all these years of use. (I’m now 49.) Can healing/activating my DNA return me to a brunette? Or can I command to be blonde? What would be the specific words to use to return my hair to the color of my youth? ANSWER: There is chemistry that’s gentle and can be used to color (not dye) your hair. Use your intuition and “hold” the bottle using kinesiological techniques to see if your body “agrees” before you obtain and use it. Do it sparingly, and no more than weekly for a natural look. This will allow the hair to always regain its chemical balance between applications. Always hold a mini-ceremony around this to let the cells in your hair know what you’re doing, and honor the process of looking younger. For your body will cooperate by accepting parts of the chemistry and voiding the other as waste, instead of doing harm. As in all things biological, your body is your partner. If is knows what your intent is, it’ll help you by cooperating. If you leave body consciousness out of the process, it will simply “react” instead of cooperate. The other way is to work on slowing your body clock, as we’ve told you before. You can stave off the attributes of age, keeping many of the attributes of youth. Perhaps a combination of the two would suit you. Each Human is different in this respect.   (30) QUESTION: Dear Kryon, I don’t understand something: If we were our complete spirit beings when we purposely wrote our contracts for Human life, then as Humans, why should we be trying to cancel those contracts to create a new path? Shouldn’t we honor what we as all knowing spirits agreed to and wanted to participate in? ANSWER: As discussed many times before, your contracts are beginning plans only, changeable as you grow. They don’t represent a “set-in-cement” plan for your life. If they did, where’s your free choice to change? How could you respond to spiritual growth if you had no choice to change? Contracts are a beginning posturing of your goals that often represent older karmic payoffs or incomplete energy solutions [working out past-life attributes]. As we’ve told you before, this is exactly what you have the power to change with your mastery this time around. So what “knowing spirits agreed and wanted to participate in” is your coming out of your predisposed contract and rewriting it! The goal of the Human Being on Earth is to void the karmic past, which represents the old energy of Earth, and to activate of interdimensional DNA to begin the process of mastery. This is celebrated by all the Universe and refreshes the contract of life itself. The masters on Earth did this, and so can you.   (31) QUESTION: Dear Kryon, I’m not a mathematician and not a physicist (at least not in this[1/29/2014 9:47:21 AM]

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conscious experience). I have questions about magnetics and the number zero. Is there a relationship/importance with respect to zero and a null magnetic field? I suspect there is and this also relates to connecting with the Cosmic Lattice, as well as rejuvenation of our cells and perhaps even interdimensionality. For me it seems that the number zero is the most important, since it’s the mid (and null?) point of our linear counting. The symbol for the number seems significant also—the neverending/infinite circle with no polarization. ANSWER: Yes, zero is the most important number. See our past discussions of zero and base-twelve math. Zero is not a “number,” but an energy representing the potential of “now.” It has within it the potential solution to any problem it’s involved in. When you use base-twelve math and include the zero, it represents an entire potential mathematical process, not a placeholder. This isn’t understood yet, but when you finally see it work, there’ll be a giant revelation, opening up solutions to many difficult mathematical issues, including the very easy solutions to prime numbers.   (31b) QUESTION: (additional) If two or even three magnets were set up in order to create a null magnetic field and a human were to stand (or sit) in this null magnetic field, wouldn’t this help our cells remember a non-polarized consciousness? ANSWER: No. This isn’t the same as a null in the Cosmic Lattice or a zone of void consciousness. A neutral magnetic polarity is similar to what you’ll find at the poles and to some degree at the equator. It’s not a healthy place to be.   (32) QUESTION: Dear Kryon, I was wondering about an effect called magnetic reconnection. Current science believes that the lines of force just reconnect to polarities of magnetic fields after being separated and attracted . To me this seems incorrect. My idea is that when magnetic reconnection occurs, this creates a polarized circle loop. Then this field collapses upon itself going interdimensional. The end energies of the polarized lines of magnetic fields then reconnect, but after a portion of energy “disappears,” energy particles going near light speed are also observed. I don’t believe that these particles are pushed as much as they’re pulled along as an after-effect of the collapsed fields. ANSWER: Your theory is very close to the actuality of the physics. Magnetics is really an engine of force. It indeed is a circle, and this provides the ongoing energy you see within a magnetic field. The invisible lines of force that seem to disconnect and reconnect are in a quantum state. This state requires that the energy goes far faster than the speed of light, and reconnect instantly no matter the distance. When it goes interdimensional, it’s in an entangled state, and is actually only disconnected to the perception of the 3D viewer. Gravity has some of these same attributes, for it is an “engine” also. Keep up with your thinking, for it’s on the right track. Interdimensionality is a very, very difficult concept to plot out with your logic, so think out of the paradigm of straight lines or patterned influences of force. That’s only what you see magnetics do in 3D.   (33) QUESTION: Dear Kryon, if a person has reached the fifth dimension, will they shed their bodies, transform them, or will they completely disappear? Has anyone who is physical at this time in history reached the fifth dimension, or is this a goal of the future? ANSWER: There is actually no “fifth dimension.” When you get beyond 4D, you eliminate linearity, and counting is a linearity. Therefore, say “going into multidimensionality.” This is a far better term. It’s not just a “next step,” either. It’s the step that differentiates you from one who is in duality, and one who is not. Thus, moving into multidimensionality is “ascension.”[1/29/2014 9:47:21 AM]

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We have defined ascension many times. It’s not “disappearing” off the earth as Elijah did. Instead, it’s staying on the planet at a higher vibration, claiming master-hood in stages, and helping the planet create peace. Many have attained this status, and they walk among you balanced and in joy.   (34) QUESTION: Dear Kryon, you’ve spoken of how the current U.S. president is a stirrer of energies, a placeholder for change. How can I balance this with the fact that our government’s historic and current policies advocate freedom while simultaneously exploiting people and the earth’s resources? We all play our part, in that we’re individually so dependent on external means of energy, and yet it’s hard for me to accept one truth (our president’s role) while a more profound justice goes by the wayside. ANSWER: This isn’t a spiritual question, but rather a display of frustration from one who loves the earth. Patience dear one. For this situation isn’t going to last forever.   (35) QUESTION: Dear Kryon, you’re so very technically advanced in the sciences that many times I feel lost. At those times I sigh with relief, remembering that you’ve stated that we don’t need to know how the car works to drive it! I just know that there are wonderful things happening. My question: Will Mount Shasta ever erupt, and is Mount St. Helens taking the brunt of the “earth changes”? ANSWER: Mount Shasta is being held in a spiritual vortal (combination of portal and vortex) at the moment. As long as this is sustained, it won’t erupt. Mount St. Helens, however, is indeed potentially going to erupt again, but not with the same result as before, since it now has a pathway to release its pressure. It’s not taking the brunt of the earth changes, but rather only the portion that’s appropriate geologically for its position in the ring of fire. All is in appropriateness, and is balanced. Keep the watch, dear Lighthouse.   (36) QUESTION: Dear Kryon, I’ve read with great interest many of your writings. And I’ve found, at times, that they touch my heart to the point that I shed tears. Would you relate the correlation between light and sound? I understand that visible light is just one small part of an ever-expanding spectrum, so could sound be said to be the avenue of expansion beyond light to many other dimensions? Could “Lightworkers” also be “sound workers” in alternate realities? ANSWER: This may be difficult for you, since you wish to separate vibrational attributes. So here’s something we’ve never said before: We never perceive light in our discussions without it having a sound and a color connected with it! So in our purview they’re always together. Generic light in 3D is white (a combination of all the colors), and has the sound of an open fifth in your western music scale. The actual musical notes can be many, but they’re always five whole steps away from each other musically. Interdimensionally, this creates an energy all by itself that harmonizes within quantum state and “sings” to the core force of the Universe. We don’t expect you to understand this, but let’s say that this light has a whole spectrum of “action” around it that actually explains the very power of prayer. Beyond this, there are infinite combinations of vibrations both in 3D and beyond that also create other energies, including that of peace, healing, instruction sets to the body, balancing influences to Gaia, and more. So are Lightworkers “sound workers”? Yes, by default they all are.   (37) QUESTION: Dear Kryon, I’ve read your messages and have detected the Spirit of Truth in them. I’ve detected the same Spirit of Truth in The Urantia Book. However, I’m having a problem with the[1/29/2014 9:47:21 AM]

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concept of reincarnation because it appears to conflict between these two sources. The Urantia Book states that human souls don’t reincarnate. How can I reconcile this with the information you’ve given regarding reincarnation? Any insight you could provide would be appreciated. ANSWER: It’s semantics. Don’t use your logic to try to comprehend the working of Spirit. The Human soul is Human, just as this phrase suggests. Reincarnation involves a unique angelic core that comes and goes from earth. Each time, it picks up a Human soul. So you might say that a Human soul is unique to each Human, every time. Don’t spin in confusion over these concepts. Instead, go inside and see that you’ve been on the planet many times, and accept that there’s a system that’s honored and respected—one that you agreed to and are participating within. Feel the peace and love of God that’s provided for such a grand thing so that you can continue to help the planet. Do you have to label it and place it in your own structural box to belive it? If so, that box will remain very empty.   (38) QUESTION: Dear Kryon, I know you’ve said that nothing much will change until 2008 in the Middle East, but I was wondering if the elections in Palestine and Iraq might have affected the potentialities? What about what’s happening in Syria? Could things be happening more rapidly than first supposed? Bless you! ANSWER: These things you have mentioned are all part of the potential we gave you. They’re right on target and were anticipated within the scheme of the energy you’ve started, and the dates we gave. There is one more male leader who will be replaced soon, and it also will be part of this scenario we’ve given you.   (39) QUESTION: Dear Kryon, I’ve just read a passage in Kryon Book Ten that describes the shape of the Universe. If the Universe is shaped as a torrid (doughnut), and it’s pasted on the inside and outside of the toroidal tube, what exists in the center of the doughnut and outside of the shape itself? Would it be a Universe in another dimension that’s not visible to us in our 4D? ANSWER: It’s your dimensionality and the bias of it that requires you to somehow feel that “space” must be filled with something. Our description of the toroidal tube was the best thing we had in your 3D perception that might explain an interdimensional shape. You might as well ask “What exists within the space between the nucleus of the atom and the electron haze?” “What exists in the center of the doughnut” is the same question. The answer is that although you may perceive emptiness within a 3D shape, there really is no such thing. It’s filled with a quantum state of being that’s part of an “entangled” energy. There really is no empty space anywhere. It’s filled with the energy that is the glue of the Universe.   (40) QUESTION: Dear Kryon, somewhere I found Kryon addressing the existence of the Illuminati, but I can’t seem to find it again. As I remember, they do exist but are currently losing their power, or falling apart somehow. Can you reiterate or even elaborate? ANSWER: From Lee: Please see, and read the section called “Conspiracy.” (41) QUESTION: Dear Kryon, I’m sure you’ll get lots of questions regarding the new pope. He seems “old energy” to me. He’s not the cardinal that my guidance pointed to as the new pope. Please comment![1/29/2014 9:47:21 AM]

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ANSWER: From Lee: Read on this Website. This is a channelling done in Washington, D.C., before the new pope was elected. Kryon described one of two scenarios we would have through free choice, in terms of who the new pope would be. The one we got is exactly one of the choices Kryon described: a short-term, interim pope who is a placeholder. Timing is everything.   (42) QUESTION: Dear Kryon, you said that we have no “junk” genes (which is understandable), but what about the appendix? What is its purpose? Except to get us on an operation table and possibly killed by incompetent doctors (Human joke:-) . . . ANSWER: It’s interesting how Humanity decides things about nature and biology. Because they don’t understand it, therefore it’s junk! As time goes on, however, the junk becomes gold . . . simply through knowledge. The truth is that your appendix is very needed, and you might be dead without it. What you don’t realize is that it’s required mostly during childhood. So by the time you even know how to say the word, it has done its job. Its job is in controlling bacteria entering the intestines when you’re young. From Lee: In petrified form, it also makes a nice doorstop [Lee joke].   (43) QUESTION: Dear Kryon, I read in another Web page that Kryon has given 48 steps for Humans to learn. Of course on that site, you must pay a lot of money for every step. It reminds me of some other sites who use the same technique. They have 101 things you have to learn and you must pay for every one. And of course in both cases you can’t tell other people the steps you’ve learned, because as you can see, it wouldn’t be a business anymore. I want to know if Kryon really has 48 steps for the Human. If so, why do we need to pay to learn them? ANSWER: Dear one, within the 16 years I’ve been giving messages through my partner [Lee], I’ve never given a 48-step sequence. In addition, I’ve given the opposite message many times—that there are no generic steps to enlightenment. You can see this everywhere within these published messages, which are free within this venue [the Internet]. The way to ascension and enlightenment reduce everything to one step—where you open the door with pure intent and start your own complex process. It’s an inward journey that’s unique to each Human, and one that’s often filled with learning in a seemingly step-by-step process that’s also unique to each Human. You’re linear and learn in a straight line, and that’s why so many ask to know what that line looks like. But the process is as specialized as the Human it belongs to. This is why we can’t issue generic steps of enlightenment. They’re inspired and tempered by the past lives and current actions of each Human in his or her own path, right now. The only price for this knowledge are the Humans’ time and pure intent to obtain and understand it, and then to place importance on their life to the degree that they’re able to start the process. Beware of those who sequester core information for a price or tell you that it’s just too divine for you to handle, or that you need a membership to find God. For this is not the way of Spirit. The exchange of energy in your economic environment is appropriate within a barter arrangement [something for something]. You might receive a product that was made in love, or some kind of training in a specific facilitation technique, or perhaps you receive specific linear instructions on how to help others and yourself through a specific challenge. These are all appropriate within your culture, for they represent energy for energy, and also provide a system of balance within your economy (where everyone wins by receiving something they need). But core spiritual information belongs to every Human on the planet and is free. Blessed is the Human who understands that this information is within them and has been all the time. The only[1/29/2014 9:47:21 AM]

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thing they need to open this book of life, and the knowledge of the masters, is their own intent to say, “Dear God, I’m ready. Tell me what I need to know.” That is when the angels flood in to wash your feet.   KRYON   Submit Your Question To Kryon updated every quarter (we try)[1/29/2014 9:47:21 AM]

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UPDATE: April 28, 2003

Question: Dear Kryon: In the November 2002 New Hampshire channelling, the first thing that caught my attention was the sentence, "Each of you is eternal, and not all life in the Universe is." Exactly what did you mean when you said "not all life in the Universe is"? I was under the impression that everything in the Universe contained life, as God is Life and all was/is created from God. Please explain. Answer: As we've said before, there's life in the Universe that does not comprise "pieces of God," as you do. There's a tremendous amount of life in the Universe that's only in support of the divine pieces. Your concept of life is limited to 4D. There's also life in water, air, and the rocks of the planet (see the life question below). It isn't eternal like you are, nor does it have angelic properties. It is interdimensional, alive, and in support of your work on the planet. Question: Dear Kryon: I've gotten pretty good at living completely in the NOW, knowing that all things arrive exactly when needed. My question is this: Although all my moment-to-moment needs are always taken care of, the debts that I acquired in the old energy still remain. I have just enough money to live in the moment, but not enough to pay my old bills. What are we supposed to do with old credit card, medical, and other miscellaneous bills? They're certainly "old energy" and in the new energy, there doesn't seem to be a place for them. However, I would dearly like to pay my obligations and release them. How does this fit in? I thank you in advance for your answer. Answer: Your desire to pay off these debts shows the integrity in your quest. A "sufficiency" is what is promised, and if you include a small portion of your needs to work against your debt, that's what will then be included in your "moment-by-moment" needs. However, why not expand this co-creation to include the possibility of miracles to pay off these amounts? Look for synchronistic events that may appear - plans or ideas that were not there before - to allow these debts to be reduced substantially instead of having to drag them around with you for years. Your intent is the key, and your faith is the manifestation. Spirit sees all your situations as solved and temporary. How do you see them? As impossible and forever? Start celebrating the reduction of these debts. Give what you can slowly, but "see" them being dissolved through means that you cannot plan yourself, but which will come to you through synchronicity. Question: Dear Kryon: I've heard that the original transcribers of the first five books[1/29/2014 9:47:31 AM]

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of the Bible were instructed to write it exactly as it was given them, with absolutely no margin for deviation. I've also heard that the reason for this involves a code, recently discovered through the use of computers, that, when decoded, contains the entirety of human history within it. That is one of those things that make you go "Wow! God is amazing!" But... and here is the problem for me... those first five books of the Bible speak of exactly the kind of God I have no desire to believe in: hardening Pharaoh's heart, turning Lot's wife into a pillar of salt, etc., etc. So... is the code legitimate? If so, why all the gruesome stories of a very un-Godlike God? Thanks for your help with this, and much love and gratitude to you for your work with mankind. Answer: God is amazing... even without a code. If you wish to place credence in this synchronicity, however, then remember this: The God of the Old Testament is the same one as today. The bias you see was given in the dispensation of Law, and was a reaction to Human consciousness. As humanity changed, so did the teachings and the teaching energy. This gave the appearance that God changed, but this perspective is actually reversed. Humans changed, giving a new bias and slant to the ever-more-enlightened messages. As parents might treat a very young, difficult child with unflinching and consistent discipline, they also would treat a young, enlightened adult far differently - with choices and responsibility offerings. Who changed? The parents or the child? As the dispensation of Law gave way to Love, and now to Responsibility, God seems to have changed even again! But it is again the Human Being who drives this. But it doesn't make God any more amazing than right now. Human Beings on your planet are being asked to take their divine power at this unique time in Earth history. Put down the old texts and begin to live the new ones that are poised in your writing hand. Write the new and amazing code yourself. There's wonder in the old items of history, but the instructions for your "now" must come from the new energy information sources... the ones at the core level of your new consciousness. Question: Dear Kryon: I was wondering about the way I feel about whales and dolphins. I've had a feeling that I have to go to them sometime, but I don't know how or what I'm to do when I get there. Please help. Question: Dear Kryon: I'm a Turkish/Islam woman of 57. I live in Ankara and work for the European Commission's project in Turkey. I've read almost all of the Kryon books twice, and I'm planning to read them once more. My question is about the whales. Why do they commit mass suicide? What is the reason for this very sad event? Is it a kind of protest against Human Beings? Answer: Dear ones, we've channelled many times about the whales of this planet. In review, they're the living portions of an actual grid-system! They contain the "history of Earth" within their beings, and they're sacred for that reason. They coordinate and cooperate with the crystalline grid of your planet, which is currently being rewritten (see Kryon channelling on the Website: "What's Next?" December 8, 2002). Doesn't it strike you odd that these mammals are the only ones protected against hunting by more than 90 percent of the countries of Earth... even the places without oceans? Do you think that this is an accident or a coincidence? No. It's cellular information for all humanity to protect the whales and keep them safe. Dolphins are their cousins and support group, and they play a role in the whales' development. This is why you're so attracted to them. Whales do not commit mass suicide. They have no consciousness to allow for this, and it has never happened. Instead, you see whales often beaching themselves and then being saved by Humans, only to re-beach themselves and die. This takes place mostly on the[1/29/2014 9:47:31 AM]

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coastlines of your continents, and often on those areas of topography that "stick out," such as a peninsula or isthmus. Your Cape Cod is a good example in America, and is also a place where this has recently happened (up to 47 whales on a beach). The reason is that whales, dolphins, amphibians, birds, and even insects all navigate to their breeding ground or migration areas each year via the magnetic grid of the planet! Each group follows the ley lines of magnetic influence, almost as if they had a built-in compass. In fact, they actually do! The magnetic grid of this planet has changed so much, so quickly, as we told you it would in 1989, that there hasn't been time for the pods of whales to adjust with time to these changes. Instead, many simply follow the old magnetic lines of migration, only to find themselves on a beach instead of the open ocean, as the old magnetic direction used to take them. They're confused, and they simply line up and try again, just as they have for years. These things are temporary, and as tragic as you might see them, it's all part of "pruning" the system, and the calves will go around in the future, establishing new instinctive information for the new whales regarding the grid changes. This information has even now been validated this year (2003) by your scientists. Question: Dear Kryon: I'm confused by the whole issue of aliens and other intelligent life out there in the universe. Tobias seems to say that our experiences and contacts with aliens are really encounters with aspects of ourselves, but you're saying that aliens and other intelligent life forms are out there, although we are the only biological forms with free choice. Can you help to clarify this? Question: Dear Kryon, is there an extraterrestrial presence in the world today? If so, what do they want? Are they succeeding? Do they pose a threat? Answer: Dear ones, this answer is the same one we've given many times over the years. It has never changed. We even discussed this years ago at the place you call the United Nations. Yes, the Universe is teaming with life. Yes, you will even find microbial life within other planets and moons of your own solar system. This will beg the question about the creation of life, and how common it must be everywhere. And, yes... there are definitely extraterrestrials on the planet Earth. The ones who visit are no threat to you or to God or to the system you have set up for yourselves. They're curious about you, since they see the divine in you - something that you don't! They have almost no power unless you give it to them. As we've said before, they've been here for more than 60 years, yet they have yet to show themselves conclusively. This means that they hide for a reason... they know that we're powerful, and that our consciousness could accidentally destroy them. These who are here now are not important in the final scheme of things on the planet. So if they appear to you, simply tell them to go away, and watch them retreat! Someday, however, you'll meet the ones who will be meaningful to you. Don't be surprised when they look just like you. (Please see more ET information) – [More ET Information] Question: Dear Kryon: Thank you for your wonderful books and your love. You say that Earth is the only planet with divine creatures. What do you mean by this? Are there other planets that are populated with evolving creatures like us, who also have to keep reincarnating?[1/29/2014 9:47:31 AM]

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Answer: Dear one, Earth is the only planet in this divine scenario in the Universe. That doesn't mean that there weren't others before. Every time there's a test like your Earth, the attributes are the same. Here is new information... the existence of your current Universe was postured in energy by a test much like the one you're going through for still another Universe to be created. (Please see more about the only planet of free choice) [More on the "only planet of free choice"] Question: cont'd.: I don't mean to seem trivial, but will our genetic makeup continue to influence our future physical characteristics? Am I destined to live with it for eternity, or will I be able to redesign my body after 2012 rather than continuing to rejuvenate my current body cells? I have a great immune system and am very healthy and relatively fit, but I'm ready for a change or perhaps an enhancement in appearance to reflect how I feel inside. Answer: What a wonderful question. The Human body will continue to look the same. The difference, however, will be what you call "Human nature." That is what will be able to change. It is a Human staple, an attribute that many feel is responsible for war, greed, and a revolving door of sorrow on this planet. Slowly, however, this will be rewritten. In addition, the immune system will slowly give way to a system that harmonizes and mutates rather than fights. This is a cellular evolutionary shift that has the potential to take place over the next two or three Human generations. The year 2012 is a marker of energy. Whatever the energy is at that point will help set a stage for the next shift. Question: Dear Kryon: Other channellers have said that we should pay attention to our dreams and that we shouldn't use our dream books any longer, as the old symbols are no longer relevant. They've also stated that our dreams represent a release of old energies. So how do we analyze dreams now? Can you explain how we go about understanding the relevance of our dreams? Question: Dear Kryon: For many years I've been remembering many of my (sleeping) dreams, and also have been trying to interpret what they mean and what they can tell me about myself. I had some thoughts today, and was wondering if you could comment on them, and also about lucid dreaming. Here are my thoughts: Are my dreams my imagination, and also my reality? I guess, in a way, the continual shifting in dream scenery could be likened to the fact that our true realities are layered, and multidimensional and can change in an instant. Furthermore, who's to say that our dreamscapes aren't alternate realities, on different planes/dimensions, which are brought about by choices we've made, or didn't make, in our "past"? Maybe they're playing out in our subconscious, to poke and prod us to learn in this reality what we may have learned, or are trying to learn, in our other realities? Answer: First, let's give you, as best we can, the reasons for dreams, and the process involved. It's not what you necessarily indicated. This Human dream function is extremely complex. Even after our explanation, you may not fully understand. Biological: From a biological aspect, dreams are actually a memory release and rewrite. They are a form of mental clearing that the body must perform in order to actually reorganize the brain during the sleep state. It moves things around and prioritizes the places where memory is stored. In the process, you often get flashes of what it's doing. So this is the clinical truth, not yet seen or accepted by science. Soon, however, as you're able to map[1/29/2014 9:47:31 AM]

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the energies of the brain in real time, this will be shown. Remember where you read it first! Psychological: The memories that are moved from place to place are often done in a priority that's driven by your fears, loves, passions, and even your addictions. This is a hierarchy that remains very telling in analysis, and hasn't changed much through the centuries of Human existence. The nonlinear attributes... seeing people in places they never were, or couldn't be within a real 4D time line, are common, since the brain is moving these things in a nonlinear way. Think of it this way: You're carrying a box of photos of all your life experiences. Suddenly you drop the box, and the photos go everywhere. As you pick them up, they're not in any order. The past and present are all mixed up. As you hold the photos in your hand, your Aunt Sally is next to a home that she never saw, visiting your children whom she's never met. In addition, you pick up certain photos first that have more energy for you than the others, since they're going to be filed in a specific place that needs to be more available to the brain for remembrance. So the brain actually prioritizes the memories in an order that's telling. This is where psychological analysis has been so valuable in the past. Spiritual: With the coming of the new energy, Lightworker and ascension status has changed all the potentials, and a brand new piece of the dream puzzle emerges. Your newfound awareness is suddenly part of this memory rearrangement. In addition, if you're working at it (being a Lightworker), the dream process has changed its purpose. It's now actually a rewrite of the past within your DNA (in addition to the biological sorting of neuron storage, as seen above)! This is very difficult to describe. Think of it this way: Return to the photos on the floor. Now, as you pick up each photo, you get to rewrite the emotions and energies around them with a new, enlightened mind. The father that abused you is now the "partner in karma," and an entity who did a good job of stirring your life up. The brother who committed suicide and shamed the family is now the one who gave you a gift... a kick in the pants to find out more about spiritual things. The partner who loves you, who may be lying next to you, is becoming more precious with your new divine eyes. So you're not just rearranging the memories. The brain is rewriting them. This is a powerful new attribute that shows a new enablement for Humans, and is primal to the teachings of Kryon and the other channellers of the New Age. Now, the photos you pick up first are the ones that you're rewriting and are thereby changing your very time line in this place called Earth. The biological and psychological aspects cooperate fully with your enlightened state. They're subservient to the divine plan in your body, and have rearranged the priorities to help you fulfill a change in your DNA. How to interpret the dreams? Well, those other channellers were correct - if you're working on your enlightenment. For the old interpretations discount the new spiritual aspects of the process. Now you may look at the interpretations completely in a spiritual light. Did you dream of Aunt Sally? Why? Perhaps you're rewriting how you felt about her and bringing her into a new light? Perhaps she's visiting you in an interdimensional way to help you process and rewrite her history within the scope of your life? This is very, very common. Parents return; those you lost during your 4D time line show up. You see, it's very complex, but it has indeed changed. Look for far more nonlinear things in the dream state. Finally, a hint: If some of you have dreams that repeat and repeat a process or a song or an action seemingly all night (although dreams are actually happening in just a few seconds), it doesn't mean anything. Don't try to read into it. Instead, it's a smokescreen to let the brain and the divinity unify. The brain creates a feedback loop that runs while it does things that are beautiful, out of sight, and filled with new abilities for your consciousness.[1/29/2014 9:47:31 AM]

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Question: Dear Kryon: In your "What's happening" channel (on the Kryon Website), you say that each and every one of us has a group, or is a group. What can we do in order to integrate this group more into our daily lives? Answer: First, let's clarify that this "group" is you. You don't have a group. You are a group. But you're correct in questioning how to integrate it. The process is one of integrating the 4D you with the interdimensional you. It's worth the work, and it's the thrust of all our channelling for the last full year. The short answer? Each day: (1) Celebrate your life no matter what. (2) Talk to your cells every day! Tell them out loud what your plans are for your health and aging process. (3) Never utter any words about yourself unless you want the army of cells called "your body" to act on them. If you say in frustration, "This always happens to me!" Then about a trillion or so cells will get the message. Can you see them? They all have a meeting and say, "The boss says that he wants these things to happen all the time, so let's get busy and make them happen again!" In other words, your powerful energy manifests reality based on what you say and think. (4) Listen to Spirit. Don't do all the talking! Believe it or not, God actually knows what you're going through and what you need. (5) Visualize taking the hand of your higher self, and not letting go throughout the day. Question: Dear Kryon: My questions are: (1) Did you have a childhood? (2) Did you have a learning curve for the knowledge you have? (3) Did you go through a maturing process as we do on this dimension? Are you evolving and learning, also? Answer: No, no, and no. Let me describe something impossible to describe. My attributes are identical to yours. When you're not on planet Earth, you're a part of what you call God. There was no beginning. There is no past or future; therefore, the essence of us is timeless and fresh at the same time. The lessons you learn now are a process for a purpose that's not "angel education." It's for your 4D universe in your 4D time line. The stripes of color you carry as an angelic being are like awards for service, and you have thousands of them. They're about honor and expression, not learning. We all have the same information, and we've always had it. It's complete, and it's about everything that is. We're filled with the wisdom of the whole, and all the experiences of the whole. If one entity has a new awareness, we all have it. Believe it or not, you are part of this! Don't you remember? (A Kryon joke) Of course you don't. The duality you've accepted for your task on Earth hides this from you completely. You are family. You are God. You are eternal. Question: Dear Kryon: I have contact with several good astrologers who aren't acquainted with your messages re: the movement of the grid and how that affects astrological readings. It seems that without some understanding of, and research into, the specific measurements for the grid shift, any astrological work would be significantly inaccurate. Do you know of a list of Lightworkers who do work in astrology who can give those of us interested in the science a chance to consult with them? Thanks for your help. Answer: As we've discussed, details about the actual movement of the grid will be of no help. Instead, many astrologers who are seeing how the last ten years have altered their readings must do multiple overlays of possibility to justify or realign actual new reality to their readings. It's a reconciliation and realignment of the system. The hint that we've given[1/29/2014 9:47:31 AM]

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is that the main change is in the house sizes. A full three degrees has been rearranged. That means that some houses have been slightly reduced in their size, and some have been enlarged. The final hint given to you sometime ago was that the main energy shift is Jupiter related. Having astrologers get together is indeed the answer, and you have the perfect vehicle - it's the Internet, and you're looking at it right now. So let the meetings begin. For more on the this astrology question: [More on the Astrology question] Question: Dear Kryon: I've been giving intent and trying to change my reality in some areas of my life for a while now, and I'm not having any changes. I'm confident that I've been changing my reality correctly (based on reading your channellings), but I now feel totally stuck. My question to you is, does astrology have any effect on the timing of changing a person's reality? For example, if I'm trying to change my reality to one of prosperity and abundance, or to find a soul mate or travel overseas, etc., if these things don't show up as a possibility in one's astrology chart for a couple of years, does this mean that by trying to change my reality, nothing is going to happen for two years because astrologically it can't happen until the right stars are in place? Is astrology a stronger force than one's intent and reality to change things? Do we have the power to override the astrology aspect of timing and change? Answer: Our very first message to you in 1989 was that you can rewrite your own astrological attributes! Our last message to you (2003) was the same. This is the Kryon theme... masters can do this, and have done so many times on the planet. Astrological attributes are magnetic and gravitational imprints on the interdimensional portions of the DNA. They occur at birth and are part of the system of personality setups, beginning contracts, and potential interactions with other Humans. Although you will always have your birth sign, and the personality attributes, the reactions to the system can now be tempered and changed. Retrogrades won't affect you... typical well-known interactions between birth signs won't be as predictable anymore, and yes... your intent can completely and totally override these imprints. How? Because you're reprogramming the imprints! Now, as to the real question: Why hasn't anything changed for you? It's because you bought your ticket of intent, but the train hasn't arrived yet. It's a real ticket, with real manifestation. When the train finally arrives, you might write again and ask how to slow it down! Such are the various pathways that Humans take. One day you're convinced that nothing will change. The next you're begging for things to settle down. In your case... just a little more time in the train station will be needed. It's not about astrology. It's about your path. What to do while you wait? How about celebrating the fact that you have the ticket? How about laughing out loud at the systems around you, and getting ready to move through them like you never have before. How about taking time to think about the love of God, and how it hugs you every morning, even if you don't know it? How about loving yourself... your particular challenge? Question: Dear Kryon: I have a question that I feel is forever present on my mind. Often I have this kind of conversation in my head, especially when I'm dissatisfied with a particular life situation: My conversation is this. Voice one: "Do something to change it right now, and don't waste time." Then another voice steps in and cancels[1/29/2014 9:47:31 AM]

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the first one. It says: "Be patient and wait until you get a synchronicity sign that tells you that time is right for the change." How are we supposed to exercise our free will in Earthly life? Do we listen to what our minds tell us, or listen to our hearts and souls? How do we know the difference, and how would I know that a particular thought is coming from my Higher-Self ? On top of this, it seems as if there are so many contradictions in spiritual teachings. For example: Be patient and trust your Spirit, versus: Take action and be proactive now. Half of me wants to shake the world and be active; another half, to spend my life away from a mad rush in quiet meditation and observation of others. It's so difficult to be just an observer in this life dilemma, to stay above it. Usually I fluctuate between these two polarities - never really sure that I understood my life callings correctly. Answer: Dear one: I think you've just defined "duality" better than any Human I've ever heard! The answer is the information we've begun to talk about and teach for more than a decade. It's to integrate the two so that (1) there is no disagreement or fight, since your new "Earthly experience" is now divine; and (2) be proactive in your search for synchronicity! How does this translate? It means this: Stop waiting for something to happen. Go out and push on doors to see if the synchronicity is "out there." Gone are the days when you have to decide to act or wait. Always act, but act in a divine way with a divine mind. Kryon Book 5, The Journey Home, is the blueprint. That's why I channelled it. Not everything is as it seems. Question: Dear Kryon: I'm so moved by the Kryon books I've read. Thank you for all the information. I have a question about a magnetic therapy I've recently been introduced to called the QRS (Quantum Resonance System), which creates an active magnetic field using low-intensity pulsed electromagnetic energy to restore balance to cells. Is this one of the therapies that's safe to use? In one of your books you mention that such therapies were being developed in Germany, and this is one of them, I believe. I would be grateful for your guidance on the use of this therapy. Answer: This facilitation is a forerunner of what we've called "designer magnetics." It's safe, since it's a pulse mode, and also since it's designed for balance. The pulse mode doesn't send a constant magnetic message to the cells, but rather gives the cells a chance to recover and be awakened by the next pulse. It's almost like an alarm clock of magnetic resonance, giving the cellular structure a "choice." Part of the secret of its viability is the frequency and timed symmetry of the pulse. It also gives credibility to the basic premise that the body will heal itself, and wishes to operate perfectly, but often needs to be balanced for this to happen. So a system of balance is often one that leads to healing, but the healing will come from the Human. And, yes... the roots of this were German inspired. Each culture has something to offer. The German culture has established itself as the "machine" culture, and has a history of some of the best healing devices on the planet. Question: Dear Kryon: I'm from Norway. My question: What about organ transplants? What happens to the chakras? I've listened to many channellings (some valuable, others not), and no one except one has pointed out what kind of mess there will be when humans play "God" like this. What will happen on your side of the veil when humans leave part of an organ behind when they die? There are campaigns going on in my country that require people to give away their organs in case of an[1/29/2014 9:47:31 AM]

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accident. Answer: Dear one, get out of the drama of this entire subject. God/Spirit is not in a vacuum when it comes to these things. Did you ever wonder, in this new energy, if God actually created this so that Humans could help Humans? It is perhaps normal for you to think that these things will somehow affect your chakras, karma, etc. Here is the truth: Through your God-given new technologies, you have permission to save another's life in this fashion. You have permission to use intent to void out the problems of rejection and even to rearrange your own cells! This is not a taboo in a sacred journey. It is an extraordinary gift of life! It's part of a new energy science, and it is honored. God knows exactly what's taking place, and through your new cellular communication, your body does, too. Don't take these things to a place they don't belong, thinking that somehow God will somehow be displeased, or that the body won't know what's happening. Leaving the organ on Earth when you die is an awesome lineage. What a gift to the planet! How many Humans can say that when they die, part of their body remained to give life? The science was actually given to you so that you could have life-saving technology at this time in your history. It's a gift that can and should be used with spiritual integrity and love. Let's say that someone needs a kidney or they'll die. The one giving the kidney speaks to the organ and blesses the synchronicity that it will supply extended life to another Human. That Human may go on to affect others, and may help the planet. Therefore, the donated organ is not an accident of nature, or a freak of creation, or a mistake of bad science. The very cells of the kidney know of the contract between the Humans involved. Did you think of that? It was in the potentials of both lives all along, cooperating with new science and new energies. The kidney is blessed and is given sacredness, bringing life and contract fulfillment to both Humans. As for a requirement to donate? Each Human should have free choice over all things. The giving of an organ should be a sacred event, celebrated with intent - not a requirement. Question: Dear Kryon: Please could you tell me if I'm being oversensitive about my dislike of horror films, etc., or can they really affect us? Answer: No, you're not being overly sensitive. What goes into the consciousness is always personally processed. Most of the time your frightening stories are seen as fantasy and often even enjoyed for their adventure. Most Humans can separate the reality from fantasy. Sometimes, however, these two get mixed. How do you know which is which? Use your intuition and "feel" if a film presentation or book has the characteristics of being enjoyed for its adventure, or is an actual attempt at altering a mind through fear. The intent of the creator of the film is often where the truth lies. Entertainment or shock? Fun or fear? When you put some time into the examination, the truth will pop into your mind with clarity. Each individual Human is different, and the age of development of the early Human mind is very, very sensitive. So use discernment, and it will guide you. Each case is different, so honor each one with the same diligence, and answers will be given. Question: Dear Kryon: Although I haven't read a lot of metaphysical material, the bits I have, which talk about many Human/Earth issues, don't raise or mention the subject of drug usage in our society. What is the role of drugs, and why do they play such a[1/29/2014 9:47:31 AM]

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big role in our society? How can I explain both to students and users how they fit into the bigger scheme of things (or not)? Answer: Like everything else on the planet that's life altering, the drug use in any society plays an energy part that's appropriate. Some call it the tempter. In any good screenplay, there's often the choice of giving away one's power to Earthly desires, or to the integrity of what is seen as correct and good. This is a classic story. What we're saying is that your tests would never be good ones if these things didn't exist. So, indeed, it plays an appropriate and correct part of Earth's cycle of choices. The choice of light and dark is often muddied with desire. Such is the way of things, and of the complexity of choice. The good news is that for every choice that would create a life of addiction and sorrow, there is power available to solve it. There is no temptation given to man that does not also have a solution of equal power on the same divine selection tray. The Human who lifts himself out of the darkness is the one who will shine a light that's brighter than the others. Then you begin to understand why the test is the way it is. Blessed are the Humans who co-create healing for the substances that enslave them and spoil their health. For this will often be the lighthouse that leads many others to the safe harbor of solution and reconciliation in the harmony of life. Question: Dear Kryon: What can you tell us about Rods? They are semi-opaque, long, snakelike creatures with undulating wings on the side. They were discovered in slowmotion videotapes and have been found everywhere on the planet. Are these interdimensional creatures we share the planet with? What is their purpose here and now? Answer: Yes! They are the "shadows" we have spoken about that are the hints of interdimensional life in all things. Their purpose? To respond to Human consciousness! That is the way miracles are processed by all matter. This life is here to balance the planet, and to serve the Human test here. For more, see: [More on interdimensional life on Earth] Question: Dear Kryon: My question has to do with changing the past with love. The other day I got "lost" trying to find a particular restaurant for my son, and I ended up driving 20 miles or so down a main boulevard in my hometown. As I drove, I remembered many events that had occurred in my life, as I'd grown up in this neighborhood. Not all the memories were pleasant - most had to do with childhood "less than" feelings, painful sexual expressions, or those lost and lonely feelings. As these memories surfaced, I remembered that the NOW is all that really exists and that I could probably send strong messages of love and support to the little or younger Brian that was currently experiencing these events. I told my little Brian that he was not alone and that I was with him in love and that everything would be okay. Is this true? Can we send love to the "past" or "future," even to ourselves? Can I help heal the past by sending this love from the NOW? If we can send this love energy, then does it have the potential? Answer: My answer will be very short. Yes. Your description is exactly what we teach.[1/29/2014 9:47:31 AM]

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This is exactly how the past is rewritten. Blessing to you for this wonderful explanation. Question: Dear Kryon: Can you please tell me what Kryon says about suicide? What if the person truly believed they were finished with this physical life and truly wanted to move out of it, with a sense of joy at the prospect of leaving this Earth plane and going back home? Do they end up in hell? Answer: We have spoken about this many times. The answer is no. That beautiful soul who agreed to give the potential of this energy to the family is greeted on the other side of the veil, just as the one who went all the way to a natural death. Read the parable of the prodigal son in your scripture. It is about this exact thing. For more information on suicide, see: [More about Suicide] Question: Dear Kryon: (1). How do we free an Alzheimer's patient of his suffering?( 2). What role does death play in the new energy? Answer: (1) Love him. The Human brain may be confused and mentally ill, but it will always respond to love. That is the universal law. If he's not alone, he will be comforted. Even without a memory of his past, to have you next to him in love, holding his hand, speaks volumes. He may not even know who it is that holds his hand, but he will know he's not alone, and he'll know at some level that there's comfort available. See the next question. Question: Dear Kryon: I've been wondering about this for a while now. Do we decide how and when we're going to die before we come into the world? Is that why some people live a long and healthy life, while others die from an illness or accident at an early age? Does it have anything to do with our past lives? Answer: (2) Human death is not seen on this side of the veil as anything but a transition of energy and a freshening of expression. This is difficult for you to understand, for to you, death is pain, suffering, and grief. Can you even begin to understand why this is the setup? We see it as part of the "play of Earth." In any play, even the Human with the knife in his chest gets up after the curtain comes down and has a party with the cast. The cast members all know that the adventure in the play is not real. But in the play of Earth, your reality says that life is everything there is. Therefore, it's played "for keeps." It has to be this way, to make the challenge and the test... fair. Yes, you all have a beginning setup contract where your shift (death) is planned. Sometimes it's to facilitate another person (such as the profound energy created through the death of a child or suicide). So it can be part of an agreement with great energy around it, or a simple potential to leave when it's time. Each case is different, and yes, it is often tempered with a balance from past-life experience. It's also entirely temporary and waiting to be rewritten! All this is changing greatly. With the new energy brings a change in the system of life and death on Earth. Indigo Children are coming into the planet without past-life karmic attributes. They're "clean" of this karma, and also have a very different setup. They still have a potential life line, and they carry information about past-life experience and the wisdom of what they learned, but they're also aware that they can create a change in that beginning contract. This is the biggest difference between the old- and new-energy Human.[1/29/2014 9:47:31 AM]

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The old-energy Human somehow feels that the contract is absolute, that nothing can change it. He actually tries to follow this beginning temporary setup to its destination! This is information that has to be unlearned for most of you. The child? He knows better. He can do anything! Did you notice his attitude? He comes in ready to create and manifest. He's frustrated that you don't see the potentials, or that you wallow in some linear system, or that you try to follow an old setup. Did you notice? This is all part of the new Human-life scenario. Whereas the plan of old created life and death as a cycle in a karmic engine of lesson creating energy to help the earth - that is now void. The new system is one that encourages a contract rewrite, including death time, age, and even life lesson. It's a startling change, and brings new meaning to death in the new energy. Also, there's this fact: We told you in 1989 that a great number of Humans might have to pass quickly in these times for the new energy to manifest. You're seeing it now. With war and disease, the numbers are quickly being fulfilled. What does this mean? It means that many actually had the agreement to pass at this time if the earth had accomplished a vibratory rate shift. It did, and the process began. What is the reason for this? Although you might fee that it's too sorrowful to think about, we give you the truth: The new Indigo color of Human Being will do far better on the planet than one with a very old energy. Therefore, many are leaving early to immediately come back as Humans with the Indigo color. This will facilitate peace on Earth faster than anything else. Question: Dear Kryon: I believe that there's been mention of changing our physical bodies through intent. However, I was wondering about the effect of surgical enhancements on a person - specifically, implants of the silicon variety. :) I'm wondering how they affect or perhaps interfere with energy and the next steps of our evolution. Answer: So, you wish to speak of sexual attractiveness and self-worth? Let's do so. This is not a taboo subject with Spirit. It's all part of what makes you do what you do. Think of it as yet another tool of life choice, given in an age of technology that would support it, and a culture where it's not unusual. There's no spiritual judgment around enhancing your looks to accomplish better self-worth. There's also no taboo around it. There might be biological consequences, however (see below). The spiritual attribute is this, however: What does it bring to you that otherwise wouldn't have happened? Did you create a choice that would steer you into a place you didn't prepare for? If so, do you have good solutions? Did it help with your self-worth? The answers to these things are varied and complex, but they're all honored, since they're all part of what you're creating for yourself in free choice. To Spirit, there's no difference between this and selecting a new color of clothing or changing your hairstyle. It's not seen as a violation of your body for unholy purposes (as some would have you believe). We've spoken of how sex is one of the most respected energies on the planet, and how Humans have a choice to honor or abuse it. But if honored, it creates sacredness in itself, with love and joy at its center. The enhancement you've described is totally a cultural perception, and isn't seen by Spirit as anything more than your becoming more beautiful to a society that wishes to participate in this ritual of appearance. Since it affects your biology, however, here's some advice: Anything placed into cavities of[1/29/2014 9:47:31 AM]

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your body that are foreign to your system will have a tendency to create an energy of imbalance. Therefore, make the alteration sacred. Bless the substance, and tell it how much better you'll feel when it's added. Speak to it daily, and give the body permission to feel that it belongs there. Make it part of the whole. Question: Dear Kryon: The question I'd like to ask is, what information do I most need to know? Answer: The thing you need to know right now is how to create an energy around you that keeps you balanced and joyful, no matter what's happening in your life or the world. Can you see things in a sacred light? Can you send light to the places that need it the most, allowing for free choice? Or do you wallow in the drama of the politics? The biggest thing that you're learning right now is how to become interdimensional in these things. Learn to see appropriateness... the overview... and to then get to work and send the light to the most needed places on Earth - the Middle East, Africa, and the places of leadership and government. Send them light with spiritual integrity, not bias. Illuminate their areas, giving them a better choice to see things they never saw before. Be as the lighthouse that stands on the rock and helps to steer the ships into a safe harbor. Don't take sides. Don't judge the belief system of the ships. Just hold the light and anchor. Let Spirit do the rest.

Submit Your Question To Kryon[1/29/2014 9:47:31 AM]


UPDATE: January 1, 2003

Question: Kryon, why do you so often talk about things in "metaphoric" terms, or by way of a "parable?" When you do this, you even say that there are layers of meaning, and "stories within stories." Why don't you just give us the straight story? Are you hiding something? For example, I just read the September 21, 2002 channelling you gave on "Co-creation Explained - Singing in the Choir." I am an intelligent and intuitive person, and the information was, for me, as clear as mud. There must be a reason you don't give the information clearly and directly, without metaphors or parables that require us to guess at what you really mean. What's the reason? Answer: Let me begin by asking you this: Why is so much scripture the same way? All through history, God spoke to men through stories and parables. So when you ask that of the Kryon, you must also take in the whole question about all channelling and most scriptural writings. Next, the thought that we might be hiding something is very funny. We are instead trying to reveal to you the secrets of life within a structure of your duality. The "straight story" would be incomprehensible! Rather than giving you something that is guaranteed to fall on the floor of your logic and intellect, instead we give you a rich texture of story telling within your own understanding and dimensionality. This allows those who decide to reach out beyond their understanding to "connect" using their own divinity. This is a very old concept and has been explained many times. We even gave you a channelling called "Explaining the Unexplainable." "Singing in the Choir" is a concept given to you which is out of your time and space. It is much like the Parable of the Prodigal Son, which was given in one spiritual dispensation, only to be understood in another. Even your profits of only 400 years ago used metaphors and puzzles to try and give you future concepts so that when the future arrived, you would be able to use them. Nostradamus spoke in numbered riddles! What does "Singing in the Choir" mean? It means that there is a reality that goes far beyond what you see or that you can even begin to understand. It is multi-layered and responds to energies which you have not begun to study or that you feel do not even exist. It is the "way of God." But it's also a reality which is YOU, only partially seen because of your duality (divine-men). If you begin to connect to your Higher-Self, who is a hidden YOU, but who knows everything, then you can use the unexplainable. The "Choir" speaks simply about a concept that is unexplainable…one that says everything is connected to everything, and responds to harmony of vibration. You cannot create alone. You must have the concept of trying to "fit in" with everything else and "find your harmonious note" to create a better[1/29/2014 9:47:35 AM]


life. You must discern the melody! Meanwhile, if you understand the concept without the incomprehensible particulars, you can visualize yourselves within something that has not been revealed yet. You can be part of something that his years away from actual spiritual discovery… even using it intuitively. So what would you really have us tell you when we channel? We try to place our information into the Human experience so that you can understand the concepts. However, If we gave you the "straight story," as you indicated we should, it would be like explaining the workings of the internal combustion engine to an anteater… in words, language and concepts that are not even known yet… not even able to be conceived. Clear enough? Being intelligent and intuitive is relative to your own Human experience in your own reality and spiritual development. Throughout recorded time, history was filled with intuitive, intelligent Humans who were moving from level to level of understanding. If we gave an electronic scientific calculator to an intelligent and intuitive Human in past history who hadn't discovered math yet, what would they do with it? If we gave the formula for real interdimensional physics to intuitive, smart Humans 600 years ago, what would they do with them? What would a society without the knowledge of electricity do with a transistor or a light bulb? Most likely they all would throw these things in the mud! This has to do with spiritual and consciousness evolution. These things come in layers of discovery over time. You love to believe that you are fully aware enough to understand anything. You love to believe that you are at the top of the knowledge chain. That simply isn't the case. You gave yourself these restrictions, to make this a test. Remember? Therefore, our task is to give you stories on a level that you can understand, honoring the fact that you may have enough spiritual faith in the unknown to apply them even today. The parables are your "vehicle" of travel to places you cannot understand. You can use the metaphors to start the engine and go, just like the person who uses a vehicle without knowing how it works. Their reality is that when they move this way or that, something will happen, taking them places. Without any understanding of the physics of the inner workings of the complex vehicle, they go from place to place in comfort and speed. But some don't want to do this. They instead wish to have the full schematic of the engine before they go anywhere. Therefore what is your "mud" is another person's spiritual revelation and life change. Something that helps to change the vibration of the planet itself. Question: Dear Kryon, thank you for your teachings and for touching my heart. Being aware that doubting is an issue for me, I can't help having this question in my mind for some time and I long to receive your comment on this. So let's co-create an answer to my seemingly silly but true question: Am I allowing or am I being lazy? Thank you for your attention and care. - Amsterdam Answer: Dear one, neither. You are co-creating doubt! Who said that co-creation was always in one direction? Many co-create darkness and negativity, and even depression. It's knowing how powerful you are that is the key. So… answer this first: Do you believe that you can co-create anything at all? There is actual comedy in this, in that each day you co-create your reality… dark or light. Some of you enhance it daily, telling your cellular structure that you are "never going to make it," and actually giving it directions and a time of demise! Do you believe that what you think and do can cause reactions in matter and your own[1/29/2014 9:47:35 AM]


cellular structure? If not, then that is your reality, and you have created it very well. If you do believe you can change matter, then you also understand that what you do and say can be designed to start changing your reality. Thousands have done it, so this is not a mystery. Being lazy is also an issue too! (That's why you asked it) Just like exercise. If you just sit there and do nothing, will "nothing" be the result? The answer is unfortunately, no. Instead the energy of whatever is your reality will reinforce itself and continue. A body in trouble will continue its troubled ways and build upon that scenario until death. A mind without direction will go to the most common level of consciousness, often one that is shaped not by your intent, but by those around you and their influential energy. Blessed is the Human who asks: "Can I really change things?" That is the Human who is most apt to try to do it! Here are some helpful hints: 1. Start each day with an affirmation out loud so that your own ears hear it, and so it goes right into your cellular structure. Here is suggested one: "I am a piece of creation. I have created my current reality, and will create all of what I experience in the future. Therefore all that is before is my doing. Today I choose to raise my awareness. Today I choose to slow down the aging clock in my cells, and create divinity in my daily workings. Today I instruct my cellular structure to vibrate to my intent and directions. I create a peaceful balance in all things, everywhere I walk." 2. Never beat yourself up! Everything you say is "heard" by your cells! Even at your lowest ebb, don't do it. Instead, say: "I thank Spirit for giving me the ability to know that all this is temporary. I am peaceful in my power." Then wait for the pendulum of depression or sickness to correct itself. It will. 3. Even if you doubt that you are making a difference, do it! Your duality is built to be biased in these things. Let the results support you. Your intellect will kick into high gear when it sees things changing in your life. Just like exercise… when you start to see the results, you won't doubt it any more! Question: Dear Kryon, are you always in a state of "LOVE"? I mean do you always have an overview, a compassionate deep love for all that is, for us, for yourself? All the time? Answer: Yes! And the cosmic joke is that so do you! It's hiding in your duality, and it is the basic nature of all of you. This may seem hard to believe as you view the various ones around you, especially those who seem to have only hardness and who don't seem to feel any compassion. The reality is that this is what they created. Every Human has free choice. Question: Dear Kryon, I recently bought a BEFE [bio-electric field enhancement] unit called Q - The Experience. My eyelid was over-stretched during eye surgery, which caused a constant muscle pull in my eye area. The Q treatments have corrected this year long problem! Then I read in Kryon, Book 1, pg.19-20 to stay away from anything that interferes with the electro-magnetic field. Now I am confused and do not know if these treatments are a good thing or not, even though the machine has already helped me solve a previously unsolvable health problem!! Please comment! Answer: What you have done is excellent! You have combined the power of your intent with a device designed to enhance your visualizations. Remember, we teach balancing through understanding the Cosmic Lattice. We teach that the magnetic field of the planet is a comfort zone for your biology.[1/29/2014 9:47:35 AM]


So the admonition was to stay out of stray magnetic fields that might interfere with the normal processes of your life, or the ones you are using to help you. Magnetics can be healing or damaging, depending on the circumstances. We just want you to be aware of the circumstances! Question: Dear Kryon, this may be frivolous, but could perhaps be interesting. I was wondering if there was a reason why the Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings films have had the enormous response that they have had? Thank You. Answer: So you noticed this? Nothing is coincidental that is taking place now, not even the frivolous. These stories have to do profoundly with dark and light. They set a stage for profound choice, and define the light and dark very distinctly. They represent a desire at this time for all Humanity to "get off the fence" of complexity, and draw the line in the sand as to what is correct for Humans to exist together. It represents the desire of all Humanity to find that place where the enemy is clearly defined. It also represents and acknowledges at a vary subtle level, unseen energies. It opens a box that has formerly been kept under the bed. Can Humans have unseen power? Is there such a thing as dark power.. even created by others on earth? What has in the past been relegated to mythology or evil spirits, is suddenly at the forefront as part of parables and allegories for your entertainment. It is also something that is seen in the parables as common. Those in the stories are simply "working" these energies instead of running from them and calling them "the devil." Did you notice? In the stories, even the mystical has a good side. Indeed! Many feel that this entirely new popularity of these stories is dangerous…a mark that the earth is falling from God. Others see it just the opposite… that it's about time to get these things out of the dark box of ignorance and see them for what they are. Then, when all is exposed, even in allegory, the discerning Human might understand that all is appropriate when it comes to spiritual growth and understanding. When the light is turned on, even the dark objects are seen. There are no more mysterious things hiding under the bed. Use your own discernment when viewing these things, but understand they represent a canvas of Human experience, some which is myth and some which is not. What is real and what is not is the question, and the answers may surprise you. It truly is your desire to battle the unseen powers in this age, and to have a glorious Human victory… something we have always told you was your potential. It's a battle between the old and the new. As so it begins. Question: Dear Kryon, there is one question, which no one has been able to answer for me. It is a question that has perplexed and troubled me for a very long time. It would be most appreciated if you could give me an answer that I could understand. Why is it that we are here at all? I don't understand the purpose of the Human challenge? Why is it necessary? Why wear the veil of forgetfulness while in Human form? Why is any of this happening at all? Answer: Dear one, this question has been asked many times, and answered many times over the past years. You ask for the meaning of life! However, it's one of the most asked, and one of the most honored. We will never tire of giving you this answer ![1/29/2014 9:47:35 AM]


Think a moment. If indeed you are eternal, and pieces of God, and came here willingly, then there is something hiding is there not? After all, why would you? Why the free choice? Why the suffering of humanity and all the strife. All this must add up to something remarkable, and hidden, in a spiritual overview. Let me ask you this: Is there anything you can imagine that God/Spirit cannot accomplish? Initially you might say, "no." God can do anything. The answer is actually this: God is biased! God is biased in love. Therefore when there is a situation in the Universe that needs to be decided without this bias…within an unbiased and neutral playing field out of Godconsciousness, there is a method. In this case, it's called Earth. Have you ever heard the expression, "The Only Planet of Free Choice"? Did you wonder what it meant? Does it mean all other planets with life can't choose? Of course not. It means that this is the only one (at the moment) who can choose their vibratory level. They are the only ones with the power and the ability to (1) Recognize their own spiritual source, and (2) Use it to change the reality of Earth. At the moment, Earth is the only planet populated with divine creatures. We have given you much information about this in the past. Go find it. It explains why ET's come and go, but don't do much else (like land and show themselves, for example). It explains why ET's wish to mate with you (they can biologically, but not spiritually). They are trying to "clone" your Higher-Self! (The can't) They sense your incredible power, and you can't! (Cosmic humor surrounding your duality). It explains why you only have one sun (most life-planets have binary sun systems. The odds are far greater for life to develop when there are two suns, and more planet potentials within the "life zone." You have only one, and it makes you far less obvious and locatable to any other life. Call it a test, if you wish, but it isn't a test about you. It is a test only of energy and vibration. Therefore if you must name it, say you are in an "experience" not a test. That's more accurate. You are the voluntary testers, experiencing earth, but it hides completely from you as you come and go, and come and go. This is also the core meaning of "created equal." It means that all of you are divine creatures, whose spiritual abilities are the same. It's what you do with them that changes your reality and that of the planet. Here is something else to consider: Why, after a lifetime of trial, suffering, and sorrow, would a Human Being ever come back? Yet you do! Can you explain that? I can. When you are not here, you see the bigger picture. When you are not here you can hardly wait to return to do more… to continue the experience and help with this test of energy. Answer me this: Why did you come back this lifetime? With Armageddon looming and most earth prophesy telling you that it was going to be the "end," why did you pick this particular time to come back? You think it was an accident (or worse… some kind of punishment)? NO! Some of you actually waited to select this exact time. Why? Do you think you selected this time to come back and die horribly? The answer is no. Instead, you could hardly wait to come back and change it all! On the other side, you understand that there is no set future. The things that are "written" by your best prophets are only potentials of what might happen based on the energy of the moment. Therefore you must understand that there is a "grand secret" … know to all, yet hiding at the conscious level. It's about a new Universe, and the starting energy of it. It's about Earth providing an unbiased answer to a grand universal question. Where will the energy settle? When the final measurement is taken, what will be the result? Now it gets good: The final measurement was to be now. All your prophets told you so. All[1/29/2014 9:47:35 AM]


called your time the "end times." However you changed things, and moved off the old prophesies track. Now you have created something that was unexpected, out of the groove of any prophesy ever given. Prove it to yourself! Go find prophesy that describes your current situation. You can't. Did the prophesies of the ages happen? No they didn't. This is why the grid was changed, and why you now sit in a place that has the test extended. What happens on earth will eventually affect life in a whole new universe. What you are doing right now is known to all on the other side of what you call the "veil." This has been the reason for all the teaching, and why so many right now have the same message…an uplifting one that challenges you to keep going and find solutions to the formerly unsolvable… and to actually discover your divinity. This is also why we speak of your "big bang." It wasn't. It was a universal dimensional shift, everything created seemingly out of nothing, all at once. But there is a rich and vast spiritual history about how it happened, and what the starting energy was. You were here for that too, but then… that's another story. The "bias" of God is love. As you draw into a higher vibration, this very biased cheering section is becoming audible to your very cells. This is why we love you so. Question: Dear Kryon, I just read on the Internet about information Kryon talked about November 2001 in New England. Kryon gave a precise dated timeline of Atlantis, then added that indisputable evidence of Atlantis exists in Arkansas. This is not what I read in Book 9. You said artifacts. I did not know what group of people you were talking about but I thought it would be a lot more controversial since you did not elaborate. Can you elaborate? Also: I live on the water, a lake that connects to the intra-coastal region. I've seen the birds flying in circles, the entire circumference of the lake for a long time between 2 and 3 in the morning. Unusual? Answer: Do not make Human assumptions about the past. First, know that "Atlantis" is not just a city (although many think it is). It's a race. It's a philosophy, and it's a consciousness. Here are the simple facts. Combine these into anything you wish to call it, but don't limit it to the mythology you now call Atlantis. There is evidence on earth of races over 10,000 years old. It exists as artifacts on this planet. Some of the ones which are closest to the surface are in Arkansas. Simple. This information doesn't target a location, since the earth changed since the original civilization was there. Instead it gives evidence…empirical evidence, that your current history is incomplete, and that you really don't have understanding of when Humanity began. Landmasses were connected, religions and races existed that you don't give credibility to, and science was developed far beyond what you might expect. World navigation was understood, and even the concept of your solar system was known. The artifacts that may be exposed will show this. Some have been found and are currently being sequestered. If this continues, nothing will come of these revelations. The sequestering is due to fear, and nothing else. Controversial? Very. Others will find these artifacts and present them to the world, only to be laughed at due to the tremendous bias of what you have been taught. Even with proof,[1/29/2014 9:47:35 AM]


they will turn the other way. Expect this, but understand that eventually, when enough people see the truth, it will prevail. It always does. Then the textbooks will start being rewritten. About the birds? They are confused. Their migration scenarios follow old grid patterns which no longer exist. Make a sanctuary for them, or they will not survive. They simply don't know which direction to fly. Question: Dear Kryon: I love you, but I have a problem with your name. If one speaks out loud your name it sounds the same as "cry-on." Ever since this occurred to me I was wondering how an entity like you (all that is Kryon) can work under a name that bears such a sad prophesy in the vibrations of its name. Would you please help me there? Answer: Dear one, again assumption is your king. Did you assume that Kryon was only for those in English? It is a name which is a tone-name, and which carries an energy, not a meaning. * Even in English, however, did you ever think that Crying could mean those who weep in joy? Give it another test and see that sadness is not involved. Instead, the tears are the ones we all shed in joy for what you are doing. * [Kryon is currently in 15 languages worldwide.] Question: Dear Kryon and Lee: I was just at the New Hampshire channeling (November 2002). Thank you so much for sharing Kryon with so many! I must ask this: Many times reading your books, I weep from a place so deep inside. I felt very comfortable in New Hampshire, sitting on the floor in the back. yet as soon as the channeling section began, I sat with tears streaming down my face- (covering my face so nobody would see) as I have many time while reading. Kryon, why do I confuse love with sadness? Answer: As in the question above, it is a common Human experience to feel this emotion during a close encounter with Spirit. How shall I begin to describe this? How can I separate the so many energies from so many words? In English, there is one word for Love. In some languages, there are up to seven. There is the love of Human to Human in a love relationship… in a brother-sister relationship… in a Mother-daughter relationship. It goes on and on, and each is different. Yet you have one word. What about the relationship of Human to Higher-self? That is one of the most profound of all. It combines the love of a mother for her child with a compassionate energy of reunion. Yes, there is remembrance, and in that there is joy for what your cells know is on the other side. There is also tremendous appropriateness for what is actually happening in the room where you sit and listen and read. It's like an overview of everything…where the hosts of heaven literally sit with you and hold your hand. Sadness. No. But it feels that way since it brings tears so easily. Go to where mothers are birthing their children and watch the tears stream down their faces the first time they hold their infants. Watch as they cannot control their emotions and they weep and weep as they look into the faces of their own lineage. Then ask: sadness? No. It's[1/29/2014 9:47:35 AM]


JOY. Question: Dear Kryon: I was just curious as to the Temple of Rejuvenation in today’s world. Does it exist? Answer: Dear one, the answer may surprise you. YES! But it's not a building and never will be, again. The Temple of Rejuvenation, as described in our past texts is the blueprint for the Human's ability to change their DNA with the new abilities granted by a new grid system and a new spiritual reality on Earth. All that was presented as mechanical in those past texts are now intuitive and possible individually through each Human being. Healing and life extension are the subject, and personal control over both are the new gifts of Spirit. There is some cosmic humor in this. We seldom speak of it, but in the process of creating these things within your interdimensional DNA, you will actually be rewinding the tape of Human history, providing for a life-span and health pattern that was originally designed into you, but which was, over many years, changed to provide your duality with a sharper meaning. There is much honor is what is happening right now on your planet. The veil is being lifted slightly, allowing greater insight into what "life" really means, and also providing permission for a wisdom that will reach right down into the masses. Question: Dear Kryon, you have told us that the grid is about to stabilize and it will last through March of 2003. You have also told us that it would be wise not to start anything new for a while unless we want an uphill climb. Does that mean that we should try to avoid any major changes in our life right now? I have this feeling that a big change is pressing upon me, waiting for me to take the next step. Answer: Dear one, it's absolutely one hundred percent Human nature to be impatient, and also to feel urgency when there really is none. When you get information about what your potentials are, or about "taking the next step," why not immediately also go into a "now" consciousness and "see" the time line? Instead most Humans think that it means right NOW. Then they move toward energies which are simply potentials for the future. To make it worse, they don't get results (since it's not time yet), and say to themselves, "Well, I tried that and it didn't work. So now I know I was mistaken." How sad! Remember, sometimes reality has to catch up to co-creation! In other words, what you "feel" is urgent, is not. There is time. Relax, and YES… it would be better to allow another three months. For those in the category of "tried it and failed," review this grand potential and start getting in step with the timing of it all. Don't throw away anything that you tried, where it didn't seem to coordinate as you felt it should. This is all part of the new Human insight and consciousness… to know when as well as what. [Answer channelled in January 2003] Question: Dear Kryon, how much in life is just plain and simply habit? Habit meaning doing things away from awareness or away from the knowledge of the "free-will project?[1/29/2014 9:47:35 AM]


Any good tips for quick transformation? Thanks Answer: What a grand question! The answer is this: Unless you actively seek to know more about this, your life will follow this "habit" until the end. It goes like this: You are born with an imprint that many call contract. It's so strong that even Lightworkers feel that it's something that is honored so strongly that they should follow it completely. They are on their knees asking for help to fulfill it, never realizing that the entire work of a Lightworker is to alter it! This is therefore only a beginning contract, if you will. It's what you select to arrive. You selected your parents, your race, your country, and even your biological attributes and predispositions. Your past karma is all part if it, and what you call your "past life experience" is also there. It's complex, but you often feel it at the cellular level. It's what makes Humans drive toward a passion to be artists, musicians, mothers and fathers, or even criminals. It's a powerful force. And… it's only a habit. If you do nothing, it will fulfill itself to the degree you pursue it. You have free choice to move around it in any way you wish, but many don't understand that you have always had free choice to also cancel it! There are many walking around today who have changed their names. Why? When they cancelled this beginning energy… a groove that did not suit them (the habit), they felt as though they had a new life! Many have had profound changes of passion due to this. They studied all their lives to be one thing, and now they are another. They have given themselves permission to take control of the interdimensional "rudder" of their own ship! Change your DNA. Rewrite the past. Eliminate the biological predispositions of your Human family. All of this is not only possible, but is what we are teaching you to do. Question: Dear Kryon, in the channeling entitled "Co-creation Explained," you said that we are in duality and always will be. I am confused about the always will be part. If we attain ascension status, won't we be out of duality? Answer: Dear one, do not confuse what you think of as "ascension." Full ascension would be leaving earth and returning home. What you have is permission for an ascending vibration, taking you to the ability to create the next life while staying in the same body. This is still in duality, but a lighter one, with greater awareness. Go back and read the story of Michael Thomas in the Kryon parable book, The Journey Home. This is the real story of ascension as we teach it to you today. Question: Dear Kryon, at a convention in San Francisco last weekend, Konrad Steffen of Colorado Univ. claims satellite photos of the North Pole and the huge glacier in Greenland, indicate that twice as much ice melted this past summer than in 1992. He couldn't say to what extent natural climate changes were responsible vs. Human influence. Will the melting trend continue to escalate? Any comments? Answer: Yes. You are seeing geology speed up. In 1989 we brought you information about the potential of earth changes, specifically about weather. Now you are actually witnessing this event.[1/29/2014 9:47:35 AM]


ALL of it is in response to Human consciousness, but you see it as products of physical weather patterns, global warming, etc. Indeed, it seems that way, but can you tell me why the warming? It isn't what you think. The oceans are warming and that is caused by the earth's vibration increasing. Eventually you will see this when you discover all the new vents. It's very earth related, and not atmosphere related. Remember, your consciousness started all this. Your consciousness can also stabilize it. When it does, the scientists will have still another puzzle: Why did it stop? Question: Dear Kryon, I have never written to a spiritual publication or been in contact with a spiritual organization in my life, yet this is my second query in as many weeks. My question is this: even though I know much guidance will be needed by many people in the decade to come and the work is still not finished, when the grid is finished, will we be able to "leave our posts" and be with people like ourselves to create "cells" (LOL) of harmony, happiness and calmness (following synchronicity of course! That's the cakewalk part compared to other parts of it)? Here's to hoping… Answer: Never been in contact with a spiritual organization, you say? Then why is it you have the insight as thought you had? It is cellular information, and your question answers something not yet channelled. The answer? YES.

Submit Your Question To Kryon[1/29/2014 9:47:35 AM]


March 15, 2002

QUESTION: Dear Kryon, what is the connection between Reiki and other ancient healing practices with the Electromagnetic Grid? Do both of these sources access us to the same Universal Healing Energy? ANSWER: The grid of the earth, and all the changes that have taken place within it have enhanced the Human’s ability to use the tools of healing. Whatever the method… healing touch, Reiki, EMF Balancing, or the many modalities which have no name… are ALL going to be enhanced by the Human’s ability to understand them more. Realize this: All these are energy techniques. ALL of them touch the grid or what we call the Lattice at some level. Although they may look different to you, and although some tell you that they are unrelated, you must know that they all touch the “core” of your reality… your spiritual connection with what you have called God. Therefore they are all interconnected in some way. Some of the systems are more developed than others. Some approach tapping into the energy from different sides, and some are just now being developed. Therefore the old will eventually be seen as core pieces of the puzzle instead of competing systems. The wiser of you will understand that you are looking at the identical energies of God in different forms, some simply waiting to be married to the others. We continue to encourage all of you to get out of your 4D paradigm… the old ways that told you to place things in different boxes and to give them different names. Earth has done this with God. How has it served you? The answer? It hasn’t. The love of God is universal and is the core issue. It cannot be split apart and divided. Celebrate the systems and look for those that take healing to a new interdimensional level. Look for those that “tune in” to a new paradigm of Human calibration. QUESTION: Dear Kryon, I learned of Kryon in 1995 and obtained Book One, Two and Three. I began reading them on November 1 at 11:00 a.m. in the morning. I had just gone through a major relationship break up a couple of years prior and lost my most favorite job of all time due to a layoff. It is now six years later and I have done what I felt I needed to co-create after having given intent for two things: a decent income and a loving mate in my life. My income is just barely enough to get by on and the loving mate situation continues to show up as a fake each time a new one appears in my life. Please help me, what can I do? —Jean E. ANSWER: Each Human path is different and each has his own timing for co-creation, but you are giving the proper energy. We have given information on what’s happening on the planet in general for many of you: The grid is being completed this year (2002). With its completion comes a more stable way of communicating with Spirit, and also a clarity that was not there before. Celebrate your life each day and visualize being satisfied. Don’t give Spirit an agenda that you think[1/29/2014 9:47:38 AM]

Q&A-3-15.html is what you need. Let the magnificence of your higher-self co-create something even better! You are dearly loved. QUESTION: Dear Kryon, I first read your Kryon book series on 15th November 2001 and was extremely surprised. I want to learn an important thing from you and I know that you can help me. I’m from Turkey (from the bridge of Asia and Europe). I have been experiencing incredible synchronous things since my childhood. Chance events haven’t been leaving me since then. My name means “leader” in English. I was born in 1981. You know that 16 February 1981 is Aquarius. Now I am 20-years-old. Everybody says to me that “you are always different.” Some nights I wake up without reason and write about spirituality and scientific works and there are lots of things that I experience. For years I’ve been searching about New Age, Atlantis, ancient Egypt, Lemurians, angels, science, UFOs, and paranormal things. I want to learn if I’m an Indigo Child or not. Please explain this for me. Today may a 20-year-old person be an Indigo Child? Thanks for all your helps. —With my love, Nder Aytekin - Turkey ANSWER: Dear Leader! Yes, you are an Indigo Child. You have all the attributes accept one: There is still some unfinished Karma with you. Otherwise, you have an almost pure Indigo consciousness. Many older Indigos are on the planet and the indigo color has been arriving for almost 50 years. Many of the forerunners of this energy had great difficulty fitting into society. Now society is having to fit them! You therefore were not one of the first, but still a forerunner of this new energy for the planet. There is much in your area that can promote awakening, and it’s no accident that you are in Turkey. Use your intuition as to what you might do in your area. Continue to shine the light you have to those who would see you as “different.” Indeed you are! You are beginning to ask the questions that so many are asking today: “Is there more? - Do I have control over my life? Can I change my DNA?” Bless you for your wonderful question! QUESTION: Dear Kryon, A friend and I are meditating on the recent shark attacks and feel that it has to do with the planetary changes. We just can’t understand why they have become aggressive. What is the message the sharks are bringing? Why is this happening? —Thank you, Maryann ANSWER: Indeed there are changes with the environment and also with biology regarding the 12-year grid change. I will first give you what was happening in general: What you are seeing are mammals, amphibians, insects, and even fish that are in areas that are new to them. Every life-form that migrates is effected by magnetics. All life forms that follows certain feeding scenarios and are “following the food” have the potential to be affected. This is due to the changing of the magnetic ley lines of the earth as we have stated before. The areas where you can see in the ocean most clearly are within those migration patterns closest to the land. Where the ocean interfaces with the land, there are challenges for all these creatures for at least one of their generations. Whales will beach themselves by following old magnetics headings that now “drive” them into peninsula’s and other land areas that were marginally on the edge of their old paths. Birds, amphibians, and insects will be seen to do odd things for awhile. So these shark fish may be in greater numbers in these coastal areas than in the past, but the increased aggressive behavior was actually something else: There was a tremendous “release” of energy due to the Sept. 11 event. Much like the energy of earthquakes and other earth movement, much of the environment “feels it” coming. We have spoken about how the Sept. 11 event was not a surprise to the earth. [See Lee’s article “Did Kryon give us hints”] So, some of the new actions of these fish were due to an actual energy buildup of coming events... of which you now understand. If you are paying attention, therefore, you might ask, “Does this mean that Human consciousness issues affect the actual earth?” Yes they do! Finally you may begin to see how global consciousness is tied into the[1/29/2014 9:47:38 AM]

Q&A-3-15.html environment, and even to basic physics and reality. They are not separate, and never were. The indigenous knew it, and now the “modern” world is beginning to wonder. Blessed is the Human Being who understands that what they think, do, and intend, actually drives the reality of the dirt of the planet! QUESTION: Dear Kryon, what would our situation be like now if Al Gore had won the election? ANSWER: A seemingly cute question has a profound answer - and not one all of you will totally understand. Over twelve years ago you set in motion a potential for the planet. Call it “one reality track” of many, if you wish. There is no predestination, but your new “reality track” clearly showed the potential of creating your current leadership. Why do you think the race was so close? Why do you think it went the way it did? This was no accident, and what you had planned to do over a decade ago took place in a most unusual way. This should have made many of you sit up and take notice. “What just happened?” you might have asked. But most of you saw it as an interesting political event rather than a manifestation of something you were predisposed for. Al Gore was not the energy you had planned for, and against all political efforts of an older energy track, he did not gain office. So there is no “what if” answer for such a question. You might ask yourself in life, “If I had turned left instead of right, what would have happened?” The answer is all about physics, and is difficult to explain. Reality... the one you create... follows the Human Being. There is no “reality” when you are not there. Therefore there is no alternate reality on any other track you have abandoned. Therefore there is no future or past on a track that is not traveled. It just sits there, unused. Al Gore was not on your track, and that “other track” of reality therefore has no manifestation, no co-creation, no Human intent. These are the things that drive your reality, on the track you are on. I know this all sounds bizarre, but wait and watch it happen again - not necessarily within your political system [USA], but the one in the Middle East. Against all odds, something is brewing there. You shall see. Given in love! —KRYON[1/29/2014 9:47:38 AM]


February 15, 2002

QUESTION: Dear Kryon, you have mentioned briefly in some of your writings, that the cooler part of the continents are more beneficial to us. Could you please elaborate as to why and what part they play on the raising of our consciousness? Thank you. Yours in Light, — Christie ANSWER: Many have now understood this, and what a surprise it must be to realize that it has nothing to do with temperature! Our remarks twelve years ago refer completely and totally to the magnetics of the grid system on the planet. Moving toward the poles creates an energy that is more conducive to manifestation. The densest consciousness on the planet is at the equator. Some of your most “enlightened” cities are toward the top and bottom of the earth’s land masses. Some of the most profound problems are at the equator. No Human has yet to make a complete study of this, or ask, “why.” It’s about balance, not fairness, and everyone who is born in these areas actively chose to be there. QUESTION: Dear Kryon, I have a son that was just diagnosed with diabetes. I want to honor his spirit’s decision to have this disease in this lifetime, but at the same time I so desperately want him to be well. He is only four years old and the thought of him having to take shots for the rest of his life and to be controlled by this disease is difficult for me. If not taken care of properly, this could cause blindness, kidney failure, heart disease, and even amputations. I want him healthy and well so very badly, yet I feel incredibly impotent. My question is this: how should I approach my child having this disease? Should I just accept it or try to help him heal himself? I am just lost with the reasoning behind this and to what purpose this disease has in his life. Thank you for your time, —Bryan ANSWER: In some ways you have answered your own question. You fully understand the principle going on: The child has elected to bring this into your collective lives. You also know that you are powerless to change his biology… that he alone can change what he decided to bring to his life. Yet as the loving parent, you would do anything to help. You are therefore frustrated with the perception that you have to watch and be helpless. Dear one, nothing could be further from reality. Remember that your son’s spiritual decision to allow this disease in his life is for BOTH of you. So begin to change it: First, you must relax with what IS. You already understand the principle of your task, so take it! Send him light every day. Live in a way that shows this boy that Humans can change themselves! Be a wise example to him, and live in joy! Speak to him often of how the Human Being is able to change their own biology, and that some day he can do it too if he wants. Instill in him the seeds of empowerment… the wise words of the parent who honors and loves him dearly. Don’t show him fear or worry or anything but encouragement.[1/29/2014 9:47:43 AM]


Then, dear Bryan, when you least expect it… or even perhaps when you are gone… this child will remember the joy of his father, and your wise words. Perhaps he will look around and ask the divine questions, “Can I really change my DNA?” That will begin the healing process that can and will eliminate this biological imbalance from his cellular structure. There is precedent for this! It is possible, and many are doing it. By taking care of yourself and your own consciousness, you will have shown a light to him that he may strive for later. This is the miracle of an enlightened life. The light you show today never goes away. It is contained in an eternal storehouse, and is available to your children for their entire lives. Start storing the light! QUESTION: Dear Kryon, you have mentioned that some disorientation can be expected with raising one’s vibration level. In the past year, managing my life has become increasingly challenging with work – entrepreneurship – investments - marriage and a one-year-old child. Daily I co-create becoming aware of being in my contract, harmonious living and abundance. How can I tell if “I’m loosing it?” Are my feelings of disorientation (sometimes anger and confusion) a result of energy work or of stress? — Regards, George ANSWER: Your question is actually a very good one. We have indicated that until the grid is finished, and even after that to some degree, spiritual growth can be disorienting. However there are big differences between stress related challenges and spiritual ones. Anger is not a result of a spiritual disorientation. Neither are big health issues. Spiritual growth challenges are almost always ones of goal confusion, not knowing what is next, problems with decisions... sometimes energy levels, but not sickness. As you move from one plateau to the next, sometimes there are times when things are not clear. These items always end up balancing themselves, but in the past years they have become far more acute. The ones who have been raising their vibration for these years know exactly what I mean! Anger and sickness are signs of stress. In your specific case, you already know the answer. Spend more time with something creative, like ways to relax! Yes, you are too busy at the moment. Again my dear friend…. You knew that, didn’t you? QUESTION: Dear Kryon, I was wondering what you might have to say about diseases/syndromes such as narcolepsy and fibromyalgia? Would you say these sorts of diseases are part of the new Human (being that the brains of narcoleptics are lacking the chemical that keeps us grounded to the planet)? ...or could it have more to do with past life contracts/issues, etc.? —Thank you. Stephanie ANSWER: You have just mentioned two attributes of Human biology which are part of personal “setups” of birth. They also just happen to be part of a large set of attributes that are easily changeable within the new energy. So, No, they are not part of the new Human at all, but rather an artifact of the old one! You can get rid of both. QUESTION: Dear Kryon, ever since I gave intent to accept the Implant almost one year ago, I have lost many people in my life for reasons I cannot understand. No one has died, but every friend that I have been unconditionally kind and loving to, has turned away from me. They have used my kind favors and turned them around to judge me. I have no energy left! I need a break. I have given intent for new, more enlightened friends, but so far I find myself very alone. I thank Spirit every day that my fiance is still here with me and my family too. I have become afraid to be my normal giving and loving self with those who are left in my life. I don’t want to lose anyone else. What am I doing wrong?[1/29/2014 9:47:43 AM]

Q&A-2-15.html —Shanti, Laura ANSWER: You are doing nothing wrong at all. Remember when we told everyone over twelve years ago that the Implant was potent? Remember also that a few years later we defined it for you as: Permission to implant an ascended energy within your consciousness? When you have this kind of energy within you, the old will retreat away from you. Almost like the shedding of an old skin, the things which do not belong with your new energy go away slowly… sometimes in seemingly unusual ways. So rather than being alarmed at the retreat, celebrate it! Then don’t fret about what you might have done or not done to deserve it. The fact is that you gave permission for others to “see” your cellular change. It is then up to them to stay or go no matter how much you think you did for them. What is hiding is that there is a “new family” of friends that is waiting to meet you. They will recognize your energy too, and will love you for it!However, you must celebrate all the old changes and actively look for the new ones. Without this, you will just stay in one place and wallow in what you think is something negative. Understand what you have asked for, and then the changes won’t look so unusual. In fact, the very gift you wanted is waiting for you. Your true family knows who you are, and they will stay. Don’t fear being loving to everyone… this will separate the old from new. QUESTION: Dear Kryon, on the Kryon website there are links to other lightworkers and there is a link to Gary Smith with the Sacred Merkabah Techniques. This is connected to Melchizidek energy, etc. Are Gary Smith, Melchizidek and the Sacred Merkabah Techniques for real or are they a sham? I have been reading their materials and feel interested in learning the techniques and furthering my spiritual growth... if indeed that is what really happens through the techniques they subscribe to. — Thank you with much Love, Sandra ANSWER: Sandra, there is tremendous and profound power within the study of all sacred geometry. Within the study of sacred Merkabah you will find this geometry. It has the power to enhance your cellular structure, and even begin to awaken your DNA. Now, as for the big question, the answer has always been the same. You are now fully empowered to discern for yourself who is teaching the core information and who is not. Touch upon the various energies represented. Does it feel loving? Does it feel empowering or the opposite? Use your internal spiritual intuition. Give intent to “see” who has what, and then do the study. There is absolutely no entity on the planet, no guru or spiritual teacher that can give you this kind of validation… of who is, and who is not, real. There has never been a better time to try out your power than now. — KRYON[1/29/2014 9:47:43 AM]


UPDATE: June 15, 2002

QUESTION: Dear Kryon: Which direction do we place our head when sleeping? One channel suggests that it helps to place our heads pointing to North. But there’s no elucidation as to its applicable globally or if it’s only relevant to the northern hemisphere. I definitely did feel different when I slept with head toward North when I was in India. Now I am in Tanzania, which is in the southern hemisphere but quite close to Equator. Do I now keep my head pointing North or South when sleeping? Or is it that it simply doesn’t matter which way it’s directed? ANSWER: Your question is a good one, since it shows that there may be a misunderstanding about this. Sleeping with your body positioned a certain direction, and also certain body exercises (including spinning) are for temporary balance only. They are not considered as instructions for a lifetime. About the north and south? Yes, try to point your head to the pole that is closest to you for a few nights. When on the equator, it will not matter. What does this say to you about the equator? There is much hidden here about some of the consciousness setups on the planet, and where the most unbalance and unrest is. Those on the equator will have the hardest time creating and keeping balance. QUESTION: Dear Kryon: About the Merkabah: Is the breathing technique the only way to connect to my Merkabah, or can I accomplish the same through other methods? If so, kindly enlighten me about those method(s). Also, is smoking, apart form being a “health hazard, also detrimental to spiritual progress? ANSWER: There are many Merkabah enhancing techniques and the breathing is one very good one. That one is about oxygen, and the effect of intent combined with living oxygenation. Another is the attunement to the lattice, which is also scientific [which has been discussed at length]. Still another is the alignment of cellular memory, which is just being learned, and hard to itemize the way you might wish it to be. Many more ways are coming, and as the grid shifts to accommodate your new abilities, they will be revealed. Your habit of smoking in itself is not detrimental to spiritual progress. However, anything you willingly do to shorten your life-span sends a message to all the cells in your body, as well as your spiritual helpers, that you don’t expect to live a full life. That tells your cells that you are not here to take the best advantage of the gifts you are given. This is the same for those who overeat, or who willingly give their physical bodies a challenge in other areas with any other unhealthy substance abuse. For some time now we have told you that you are able to dismiss the most severe habits without the trauma that is normally associated with it. It’s up to you, as it always has been. Let the teachers see this…that they should be an example to the others of what can be accomplished.[1/29/2014 9:47:47 AM]


QUESTION: Dear Kryon: I have a question that seems somewhat silly to me, but I am curious. I have been reading in chapter seven of book six about life colors. I am very interested in healing with color, sound and touch. How much are we affected by the colors we choose to wear or have around us? For example, if I wear a color that does not harmonize with my skin or eye tone, or I dye my hair red if it’s supposed to be brown, do I create disharmony and imbalance? I don’t believe this is connected with life colors or is it? At any rate, I’d still like to know how important it is for us to wear or have harmonizing colors around us. ANSWER: Dear one, the use of colors and the attribute of life colors, are all related to healing and the work of your intent. You cannot harm your body energy by wearing mismatching colors or cosmetically changing the colors of hair against its normal state. You also won’t unbalance yourself if you do this. You might create a reaction from others, however! (Kryon joke) Understand that the color information is given to enhance the energy around you. Therefore it’s a grand tool. By wearing specific intuitive colors that suit you for the day, you can enhance your balance for that day. It always changes, since you always change, and it “shakes hands” with the astrological setup that belongs to you. Therefore you may benefit one day from wearing a color that is in harmony with your life color, and also the astrological aspects. Sometimes it is quite profound and it can help balance you on a day which might be difficult. Other times it just “feels good.” Use your intuition as you select your colors. This is not a complex subject. It’s easy to learn and much has been written about it by others. The study of color for balance is one of your greatest gifts. QUESTION: Dear Kryon: I had asked you a question about a very dear friend of mine being in a southern prison for 20 years... Who is innocent of the crime that he has been incarcerated for. He is very much a human being of great light. Is there anything he can do to be free of this experience... To change it? A visualization... Or a certain type of energy work that he can do for himself so he can freed? Thank you! ANSWER: Those who suffer the injustice of other Humans have profound contracts to be here…to be in places that they can change. It is their life-lesson. To be free? It cannot happen until they are free from the mental anguish and the feeling of being the victim. Once they free their consciousness from all of it, so that they are truly fine with the thought that this is their job on earth, then the other 4D things around their situation may begin to be cleared if that is their intent. We recommend trying some of the new energy techniques that are coming into their own at the moment, one being the EMF balancing Technique. The idea is that as goes your peace, goes your life. If you can truly be at peace with your contract, then you can see the bigger picture. That allows wisdom to decide if you are “needed” where you are, or if it is best to move on. Look at this! It’s a total empowering situation that puts the Human in control of their own reality. This is what we teach. QUESTION: Dear Kryon: Hello! My wife and I recently vacationed in Sedona, Arizona and while there we discovered the Kryon books. I am very interested and purchased several books at once. I am curious to know if Kryon has ever commented on the channeled entity called “Seth” who spoke through Jane Roberts, who published many books. I have many Seth books and so far, I do not see any contradiction between Seth and Kryon. They seem to reinforce one another. Thank you. ANSWER: How astute you are dear one! For we are definitely connected! Yes. Look for the love information to ring true to you, and the feeling of family. The energy of who you call Seth is also of the family of Archangel Michael...just like Kryon. QUESTION: Dear Kryon: The first question is one that I am sure every quack asks, but I will ask it any way. In 1990, in our spirit group, I channelled an entity who called himself Kryon. At the time I had never heard of him. I saw myself looking through what I interpreted as a “screen door.” I had[1/29/2014 9:47:47 AM]

Q&A-6-15.html not heard of the grid at that time. I channeled information briefly, then as one member of the group sought personal information, the energy was quite clear that all questions must be of a universal nature. That was in south west Alabama. I have never channeled that entity again. I have received from other channels, but not Kryon. What was that channeling? What was the significance of it? ANSWER: Indeed you have validated your own experience! You never heard of my energy, yet you named it correctly. You also did not know of the grid, yet you “saw” it. Was it real? Yes. Was it Kryon, Yes. Anyone can occasionally “pull in” the energy of Kryon, and we encourage it. This is what happened to you. We love it when this occurs, and we honor the time that is ours with you. We cherish the times when it happens, and again tell you that it is given as validation that you are family! Celebrate with us whenever it happens. You are dearly loved. There is nothing that says that the Kryon entity or any other, will be permanent in your energy, so don’t think anything about it if you move on to other things. The only permanent Kryon channels are the 9 I have indicated in my past writings. Here is a fact I have never shared, and one which will help you to validate the Kryon energy from others who say they are Kryon channels. If you find a Human who claims to be a world-Kryon channel (one of the 9), and you wish to know if he/she is valid, that Human will be channelling only Kryon. If other entities occasionally are present, they will be part of a Kryon message. QUESTION: Dear Kryon: How does evolution fit into our present human condition? ANSWER: There has been life on your planet for a very long time, and several types of human life as well. Some types even developed and became extinct. Other types evolved almost to what you see today. You should know that the human being on this planet right now is absolutely unique. Never in the history of the planet has a human developed with the consciousness attributes that you carry at this moment. With time, there will be slight physical changes as well, with some enlarged detoxification organs, adding to the uniqueness of your time. Now truly is the demarcation point of a whole new human being! QUESTION: Dear Kryon: Why do we, as humans, have difficulty loving ourselves? Isn’t loving our total Self one of the most important tools for Ascension? ANSWER: Yes! Love of self and establishment of self-worth is something that humans have to work at. It is all part of the hurdle that you face of finding the “God” within.” The most amazing thing about this question is how it relates the last one from an unrelated source. With the slow infiltration of the Indigo children, you have an entirely new attribute being given to human consciousness. The children have arrived with tremendous self-worth. Some even call them “head strong,” not understanding exactly what the real attributes of this personality is. This is human type will have far less trouble loving themselves than you have. Celebrate what you have done! Celebrate what you are becoming!

Submit Your Question To Kryon[1/29/2014 9:47:47 AM]


UPDATE: February 15, 2003

Question: Dear Kryon: The Two Towers, the second film in Peter Jackson's adaptation of JRR Tolkein's trilogy, The Lord of the Rings, has just opened to critical acclaim and box office success. Given the obvious appeal of this tale of the classic war between good and evil and the continuing success of the novels it is based upon, can you help explain why this particular story has struck so many readers and viewers so very, very deeply? Answer: Dear one, there is nothing sinister here, nor is this story a veiled description of a hidden earth history. Instead however, you see an interesting timing. Why now? These stories are over a half a century old! Besides the adventure that they represent, what has driven the timing of the conversion to this medium? It is the fact that the struggle you find yourself within right now is the one we told you was coming in back in 1989. We told you then that a battle between the old and the new energy was at hand. We told you that it would involve the whole earth, and we told you the attributes. We said that civilization was at stake, and that sides would have to be taken and many would have to get off the fence. The trilogy you speak of has many metaphors representing this, and many people are drawn to it because at the cellular level it indeed represents the kind of battle you begin for the planet. The battle seems simplistic in the adventure, does it not? And your current situation seems complex? In reality your situation is about releasing your earth of old energy thinking and performance… and it's not near as complex as you think. The politics of men have created the complexity. But the question of what you are fighting is very real and very simple. What energy will the planet allow to remain? Is there a new consciousness that has changed what is acceptable for governments, large organizations and big religion? Is integrity increasing? The answer is yes. Go look at your news. So your theatre mimics your reality, and you are drawn to the outcome. Question: Dear Kryon, please give me some more information on the interdimensional life in the air. How does it affect us? How does it affect our breathing? Is breathing itself an interdimensional act? Answer: Dear ones, there is much here that you do not yet understand. We have spoken many times about the interdimensional life in both air and water. Its also in the dirt of the earth. This is not something new, nor is it unusual. It's something that represents the way[1/29/2014 9:47:52 AM]


things work. This life is part of nature, and is a support attribute for many processes. However, one of the largest attributes is that it responds to Human consciousness. It does not have choice or intelligence as you might call it, but rather it is as natural as your forests and seas, all which help balance the planet and respond to influences. Does it affect your breathing? Let me ask this instead. Does your breathing affect it? The answer is yes in both cases. Breathing is your life-line is it not? Did you ever wonder if you could change the air you breath? Can you make it cleaner? Can you take "cleansing breaths"? Can you take in air that might be healing? Here is a brand new teaching, and one which we will be involved in greatly as time goes on. The interdimensional life in water and air (in particular) is ready to "listen" to what a powerful force on earth is about to say. That powerful force is focused Human thought. Those reading this who don't believe it, or think this is funny have only to wait. Even your own science will eventually discover the "shadows" of this life, and wonder what it is. When that happens, remember that you saw it here. Question: Dearest Kryon, I love you very much. The best thing that has ever happened in my life was the truth you brought forth from Spirit. It completely changed my life. My question is with regard to Ascension. Please tell me what is it I should know with regard to ascension at this time in my life. My greatest desire in the world is to ascend, but to stay in this planet to help my fellow brothers and sisters. Secondly, I desire very much to connect with an Ascended Master to study from them to carry out the Divine Plan here on Earth. Recently, I have been intuitively guided to meditate on the Ascended Master Koot Humi. I would like your guidance on this. Answer: There will be great teaching regarding ascension by the Kryon. This will begin by the end of February, and will be published. You may gain wisdom from any past ascended master you wish, but the one that has the best answers for you is the one with your face. It's about time to understand that there is no master who has ever lived on earth that can give you more information that the source you carry inside. All the ascended masters carried the same truth, and it's available through the process you call ascension. It's personal, and needs only you with the Higher-you. Question: Dear Kryon: Can we expect the "dark forces" - negativity to simply disappear quietly into the night? Is it not true that only something "cataclysmic" can change the paradigm? Why else would things change unless they had to? Answer: The only dark forces on this planet are the ones created by Human beings and their old energy ways. Read our many messages that we have given regarding what you call the dark side. As far a "disappearing into the night," who told you that? This is going to take energy and time. Your current challenge on this planet is completely about this energy, and the battle around it. This was information we have been giving for over a decade. It is a profound battle that is beginning, and it will take many warriors of the light to solve it. As for something "cataclysmic" happening…it did. This is the very message of Kryon, that you have changed the very fabric of reality on earth. Question: Dear Kryon, I am confused about what an "aspect" of the self is. When you[1/29/2014 9:47:52 AM]


speak of our dark side fighting for its survival, can an "aspect" be a physical person as well as an interdimensional part of us? Answer: In the context of our message to you about your duality, the "aspect" is 100% you. It's true that there are complements of what you have created that challenge you, but our message that you speak of [The channelling: "What's happening" at] was all about what is happening within your own cellular structure. Question: Dear Kryon, with the recent news of the cloned human baby, I am curious as to your views on "Human cloning.” Is this meant to be; does it matter how the human physical body is created, or is man overstepping ethical and spiritual boundaries. Answer: We have given many messages about this. It is the Human who sets the spiritual parameters of science, not God. Do you understand that yesterday's spiritual taboos are today's normality? So where did that leave God? Did God change, or did the Human? The truth is this. Nature clones a Human over a thousand times a day [identical twins], so the process is normal biology. You are not creating life when you clone scientifically. You are simply manipulating what is there to emulate what nature does daily. There is no spiritual taboo here, but rather there is a very high integrity question. This is all about children, and the reasons for creating them in a designed fashion. Is there integrity in this, or is it convenience? Where do you draw the line? Does the husband who lost his wife, clone a female child to bring her back? This is NOT fantasy, and may actually happen. Can you imagine the relationship between them? Do the parents who lost a child, try to replace him? Do they think that God will also honor the full karmic imprint of a cloned child compared to the one they lost? The answer is no. Humans will be cloned, and there will come a time when the line blurs between cloning and simply manipulating the genealogy of those ready to be born. In all those cases, there are spiritual consequences, but not judgment. The consequences are ones which simply are the results of your free choice. The karmic attributes of a clone will be just as individualistic as any other Human. They will have the karma of "a clone." For anyone to think otherwise makes us wonder if they think we [Spirit] are in the closet regarding these things? Spirit knows exactly what is happening. Your free choice regarding the manipulation of the seeds of life is respected since it is free choice. But there is nothing your science will ever be able to do that will alter the spiritual imprint of the portions of DNA which are interdimensional. There are many on the other side of the veil right now, ready to come in as clones if that is what you are going to produce. They will be just as much of an individual "angel" as any of you. All you will be doing it to predispose their biological make up… a very small portion of the whole of who you are. Question: Dear Kryon, I went where Spirit sent me. I have changed a lot in the past years and I know I have grown fast spiritually (maybe too fast). My husband and children are gone, my career is gone, and my best friend (on your side of the veil) is gone too. I have dropped the vows and lost the vision of heaven on earth I was carrying in me since birth. I don’t want to die (escape) anymore, and I have lost interest in having a companion. I’m somewhat peaceful, and the Third Language is here. Cocreation still works, I’m abundant (according to your definition). I feel[1/29/2014 9:47:52 AM]


different physically, and many things started to settle down in 2002 so I don’t feel the “spiritual heaviness” anymore. I’m wondering if the light in my lighthouse is shutting down (if so, why do the gifts work better than before?) I feel as if I am an empty and unmotivated shell that would have been peeled of its many layers. I no longer feel love and compassion as I used to. I just want to take care of myself. It all seems backward to me but it feels normal and right at the same time. What is going on? Answer: You should re-read your question some time when you are not tired. Almost everything you asked for has happened. Even the seemingly negative aspects of your life have had purpose in their removal with your permission. Even the gifts still work! The challenge you face at the moment is that you are between the attributes of ascension, and don't know where they are going. This year we will present some of these attributes in a series of channellings called "Through the eyes of ascension." Meanwhile, how is it that you can be in training for master-hood and not recognize it? The answer is almost completely that you judge everything by an old -D reality. There you are with so much in place, watching it all happen, and in the middle of the process you think it's finished? Does the traveler who is crossing the Atlantic, stop the ship in the middle of the ocean and wail that they are lost and can't see land? Or do they understand that they are navigating toward something and are in mid-voyage? You are honored in what you have been through. Now let the rest happen. Question: Dear Kryon, I have just purchased a new home and found out that there are electric power lines at the back of the property. It's nearly an acre, so the lines are not directly over my house, but still about 50 yards away on my property. Should I be concerned about the electro-magnetics and their effect on my family? Answer: Each problem of this sort is unique. What power do they carry, and how often? Are they high or low energy power lines? If they can move a compass from your back door, then they are inappropriate for your life. The distance, however, is the key here. The ones you have will be fine. They are far enough away. Now… about that transformer that is close to the house… Question: Dear Kryon, within me are the answers and the knowledge that goes beyond my comprehension, my trust and love for myself, humanity and all that exists within the boundaries of my conscience/unconscious knowledge makes me a person without limitations for making all the changes necessary. My known force is powerful as within all of us. With all my knowledge and self-awareness, why are the questions so hard to find? And why is that so important for me? Answer: Dear one, congratulations on full understanding. Even your question about the questions is very telling of the place you are within. Here is a metaphor: Let us say a sightless person was endeavoring to paint some artwork with the help of those who have sight. When it came to the sky or the trees in his landscape, would he even know how to ask "what color should these be?" The answer is no. He has never seen color. So there he sits with the brush in his hand, and does not even know what to ask. Blessed is the Human who understands that the best question for every Human on the[1/29/2014 9:47:52 AM]


planet is, "Dear Spirit, tell me what it is I should know." Stop the questions for awhile and listen for instructions. Question: Dear Kryon, I am much concerned about the excessive weight that I have acquired during the last three years. I perceive that the magnetic grids being in place have the potential to shift this weight as I will no longer have to "hold" so much energy within this physical vessel. Any comments or encouragement about this weighty subject? Is there any way to release this 40+ pounds of excess weight? Answer: Dear one, you are correct in everything you are saying. It is indeed time to correct this imbalance, but one which was given to you in your setup. Start by talking to your cells about the weight. Then visualize yourself with the body you desire and deserve. These things will actually begin to change your metabolism, and will alter the genetic properties within your DNA that control appetite and hunger. The kinds of foods you desire will change also. Honor the process, and the changes that will occur. Celebrate yourself, and give this process at least one year. It will be worth the delay, and will be a healthy way to discard the excess. Question: Dear Kryon, are all the 144,000 alive now, and what is their duty? Answer: Yes they are. They have been here for quite some time. They are NOT all together, and they encompass the earth. Their duty is to help with The Crystalline Grid of the planet. They are re-writing the past. There are also more than 144,000! This number is a metaphor. Question: Dear Kryon, Australia at the moment is in crisis from extreme heat and bush fires, fire sometimes signifying a "rebirth." Is this what is happening in Australia to its land and people as the magnetic grid settles? Do we need to give more love and peace to each other? How can I help more? Thank you Kryon and Lee for the love and joy in my heart through your word and teachings. Answer: Indeed your continent is undergoing a cleansing. It's not about the grid specifically, but about the energy you have asked for. When you see these kinds of situations which are unique and severe, there is always purpose around them. It's about pruning the land and clearing the energy. | The thing you can do is to hold the energy that there will be as little loss as possible. Also erase any fear that you have, and anchor the land with love! Although yours is a land with very little history of humanity, it is for this exact reason that it is being prepared for something special. Australia will eventually have a major role in the planet's spiritual growth. I think you knew that. Question: Dear Kryon/Lee, I am amazed at all the information and love I receive from your books. Thank you so much for delivering such a message of hope for this planet. My first question has to do with finances. I believe in keeping my word and integrity, but have recently lost my job and have found it increasingly difficult to continue my payments and will need to consider filing chapter 7. Without going into all the details of how I got here (do not want to go into being a victim) I am feeling very guilty by not paying everyone back. I sought the advice of a lawyer and was told they have more than made their money on me and not to feel bad it sometimes happen to all kinds of people.[1/29/2014 9:47:52 AM]


Answer: Dear one, do not 'beat yourself up' on this issue. Sometimes it is needed to completely close the books on one part of your life to open to the other. If there are some feelings regarding certain of those who you owe, then as time goes on, offer to pay back outside the legal parameters. This is an integrity issue of your own choice. Question: Dear Kryon/Lee, how come Lee/Kryon has never appeared on the Art Bell program? His message would be one of light and truth to his huge audience. Could help shift the critical mass on the planet in a positive way. Many lightworkers use this vehicle for getting out the message for world peace. Answer: From Lee: Thank you for this question. Art does not like channellers, so that lets me out. Also, he thrives on the dramatic, sensational, and often doom and gloom subjects. He has had Mark Hazelwood, the author of "Blindsided" (Planet X information about how we'll all be toast by May 2003) on his show at least three times. But a message of hope and peace, no matter how much validation, just doesn't seem to satisfy the advertisers or the those who want the drama. I'm sorry too. It would seem that if the United Nations would ask me (three times), that Art might also. Submit Your Question To Kryon[1/29/2014 9:47:52 AM]


UPDATE: July 15, 2002

QUESTION: Dear Kryon, I am from Holland and did not fully understand some of Lee’s teachings. If, in fact everything is in the NOW—the past, present and the future—is it even possible-maybe in another dimension (if that is the right word) to change the past? Maybe not even for ourselves (at this time of life), but for example, for the Earth? ANSWER: Dear one, you ask the “question of questions!” The short answer is YES...for both you and the earth. For over a year now we have been teaching this non-linear, interdimensional information. It is not possible for you to fully understand, since you only think you understand how time and reality work. You feel the past is the past, and the future is unknown. You don’t understand that they are all together as one, and variable…all of them. Suddenly your scientists are asking the question: “If a Human is not there to observe something, would it take place?” This is the kind of question that used to be an esoteric party subject...not a real question. But the reality of physics is creeping up on the finest thinkers you have on your planet, and the questions becomes real and important. Could your Human reality be a variable, affecting everything you see and do? Could your time be variable, affected by what you see and do? The answer has always been yes. The understanding of this is almost impossible as you walk in a linear 4D world. Consider the circle of reality. You walk the circle. The past is where you walked, but the future is also where you walked before (the circle). Although the future before you is not known, the potentials of what you will do is on your track because you walked it before and your energy is still there, modulating and influencing what “might be.” In addition, if you stop and decide to walk the other way (which is very possible in NOW TIME), the potentials modify where you just walked (a seeming reverse of what we just said). There are dichotomies and conundrums presented when you look at this in linear time. In NOW time, however, there is simply another reality to be experienced. Know this: What you do today, and the decisions that you have made in recent past, has already shaped the future of the earth. In order to do that, the past also changed. Not within in the history books, but in the energy of what was seemingly presented and done. What did it mean to you, and what does it lead to? In one reality, it was leading to the Armageddon. In your current reality, it is leading to solution! Now tell me… what changed? The answer? Both present, past, and future. Consider this, the next time you tell yourself that “the past is the past.” —Kryon QUESTION: Dear Kryon, Does A Course in Miracles synchronize with the teachings of Kryon? Or is it old energy teaching? Does it serve a purpose?[1/29/2014 9:47:57 AM]

Q&A-7-15.html ANSWER: We have indicated to you that as you move to a new reality, some of the oldest textbooks need to be rewritten. The subject matter and teachings of those books fits an old paradigm that is no longer here. Not all teachings match this scenario, however. For instance, if an old text told of a history of things leading up to an old prophesy that is no longer valid, it’s time to reevaluate that old book. However, some of the teachings you have had for a very long time deal with the empowerment of the Human Being and provide teachings regarding your ability to control your cellular structure through consciousness. Rather than being old, out-of-date teaching, the one you speak of, along with many others which approach this same subject in different ways, are not only valid, but now start to be more relevant than ever. Here is the only caution: Use wisdom and discernment when viewing the cultural aspects around these old and profound teachings. There may be some elements that need revision simply due to your change in culture. For instance, if a teaching tells you to ride your horse to a place where you can enhance yourself through a new calibration with cosmic energy, what will you do? Will you try to find a horse within the cosmopolitan society you live within in order to follow the exact instructions, or will you understand the context in which the writings were given, and instead use your current transportation to get to the place of understanding quicker? Do you understand? The core teachings may very current, but don’t get hung up in the details that may have been given to you through well-intentioned Humans in your past cultural protocols. Update the details and use these wonderful tools! — Kryon QUESTION: I am a native woman who wants to know that your thoughts are about native traditional healing that happens in sweat lodges which are conducted by a healer. What do we do to get the general population to understand that we are truly helping the people? ANSWER: We have stated many times that your indigenous had “earth wisdom.” This meant they were connected to the planet in ways that are very profound, but ways that have been lost in modern times. Therefore we applaud the energy of those who would wish to share and rediscover this. As in many things, the speed at which this information is accepted by a general population will be determined by how isolated the Grandfathers and elders wish to keep their old societies. There is still fear and resentment of the conquering cultures…that they would also destroy and bury the last of the protocols and ceremonies if given a chance. Therefore the new ones, not from the tribe, are not always welcome into the circle. There must come a time when the indigenous open their knowledge without fear, understanding that there are many on the planet who are ready to accept it and steward it with integrity. Let the wisdom of the elders pass hope to the youngsters of pure lineage… that there are also wise youngsters coming up in the new culture that will understand and embrace the old ways with honor. Yes, they may change them a bit to up-date them for a new time, but they will keep the core knowledge and give credit to those who loved Humanity enough to finally share what their ancestors knew. — Kryon QUESTION: Dear Kryon, I am in Amsterdam. Can you comment on this mater of free will and other planets? I am curious to understand. ANSWER: Dear ones, as much as I have told you and continue to tell you about your earth’s uniqueness, you many still never truly understand. The universe teems with life. You are just one of many worlds with intelligence and culture and life force. However, your planet was designed to be a place where something profound must be decided. This puzzle is so prevalent that when you are not here, it’s what you call “the big question.” Hiding on the other side of the veil are the answers to why you are here, and what this is all about, yet your duality will not let you see this. This is so that the fairness of what you are doing will never be compromised. This “big question” is known by all of you at the cellular level, and when you pass over each time, the first question you ask is “how is it now?” This scenario demands that Earth be unique in energy and populated by Humans that all are the same [see Kryon book 8 for more on this… that Humanity is counter-evolutionary in that there is only one kind of Human]. In addition, what you call “the soul” must be from one divine family which you call God… and it is.[1/29/2014 9:47:57 AM]


Efforts to disrupt this scenario by outsiders is not allowed, yet many try. In addition, you are hidden well in your own galaxy. Some day you may actually discover other intelligent worlds. When you do, you will also find that the majority must have two suns to have developed life the way it comes to be. Your development was pushed and pulled in altering ways to accomplish the needed evolutionary set-up, and by design, you only have one sun [see Kryon Book 9 for a discussion of earth’s physical and spiritual evolution]. This means that few will ever look for you in this small solar system at the edge of a galaxy that is very average in its placement. Your planet is totally unique. Although many in the universe have “choice,” yours is the only planet with free choice to evolve spiritually to a place where it actually broaches the divine… free choice to bring an entire world of beings into ascension status, or destruction. No other world has this latitude, or this contract, or the purpose of this earth. Yours is the only one that has free choice on how hight or low to vibrate! So the description “Only planet of Free choice” means far more than what you think. Someday you will understand that Earth is unique… the only place where God resides inside the biology called the Human Being. —Kryon

Submit Your Question To Kryon[1/29/2014 9:47:57 AM]


April 15, 2002

QUESTION: Dear Kryon, you have given us a few intriguing messages about astrology, and we would like to know more! If energy is shifting away from the inner (personal) planets, in particular the influence of their retrogrades, for those who are spiritually evolving into the “Now” Age — then where is this energy going? Will there be a corresponding increase in the power of transits involving the outer (collective and transpersonal) planets? I recently had an example of this in my own chart. It was difficult to “contain” a powerful Neptunian transit, and now I have to deal with some very unpleasant consequences! How can we handle these changes better? Thanks for your continuing support and all the best, —Kayla ANSWER: Your intuition serves you well. All my work has told of moving from sheep to shepherd… a metaphor meaning that the new energy is about individual empowerment. The result of massive individual empowerment is not chaos, but rather a collective wisdom. Therefore the magnetics and gravitational forces which actually create the astrological patterns at birth are being biased toward collectivity. Take a look at what we told you 12 years ago was the energy of the new grid: It was about Jupiter, and the energy of Jupiter in this new millennium. Since you understand the science of astrology, closely study what the meaning of the travel of Jupiter actually means during this time and the next few years. To handle it better? Decide that the transits no longer are part of your lesson. Too simple? Try the intent of your new Human power. Change your DNA! Don’t you understand that the source of the astrological influence is in your cells? And… by the way… don’t forget to study the meaning of the asteroid Chiron in the process. This “wounded healer” is about to change the pattern for all of you! [obscure Kryon hint] QUESTION: Kryon states that the prophecies of war have been averted. But why is it that current events are presently being correlated to bible prophecy as we speak? (leading up to the anti-christ and world war 3 ect) Is bible prophecy something that can be changed by the will of man? ANSWER: We stated that Armeggedon was averted, and it was. The main prophesies given in your scripture paint a picture which is now impossible to fulfill, both in the timeline given and with the players that were indicated. Those who tell you that there is still correlation wish you to continue to react and remain in fear. The fall of the Soviet Union in the late 80's, and the positioning of China both have voided the main scenario. The clock also ran-out long ago for the prophesies to happen when they were foretold. There will always be those who will try to correlate the metaphors of scripture to their own needs. You have[1/29/2014 9:48:05 AM]

Q&A-4-15.html the option to tremble in fear yet again for whatever duration you wish, or move forward in action to create a peaceful earth. Those who shut their doors and await an awful end will someday emerge and realize that they wasted years in worry when they could have been joyful and productive. Visualize solutions. Visualize the planet moving into wisdom. There is so much here to do! QUESTION: Dear Kryon: Is the earth hollow and do beings that are evolved live there? — Jean ANSWER: As you think of the planet, it is not hollow. Your reality shows well-known characteristics that have been mapped geologically for decades. Your spacecraft have added information, and it is all valid. The planet is solid. What is confusing it that when you get beyond 4D, everything in physics changes including what you call “your reality.” In an interdimensional way, the earth contains a “singular” life force, entities that help you and the planet, and even places where YOU come and go on the way through the veil! So… I ask you, is it hollow? You might say it is if you are speaking in an interdimensional way. Think of this: Where do you think I “am?” I am part of the support group of the planet. Therefore I am “in” the earth. There has been information given where people can “see” the coming and going of entities into and out of the earth. In addition, there has been information that at some time in the future, they will actually come forth from the inside of the earth. ALL of this is out of 4D. It always was, but that does not change the “reality” of it. Indeed there is much coming and going, and indeed there will come a time when the support group comes forth. But these are things that all fit into what I have already told you about the changing energy of the Earth. One of the most difficult things in these changing times for you is to know the difference between your old 4D reality and the new realities of the interdimensional aspects of YOU. Your science has now admitted the interdimensionality of matter, and it no longer means that you are suffering from a brain disorder when you claim to “see” some things out of 4D. There are many who “see” the coming and going at a level that is very convincing to them that the Earth must be hollow. They are only claiming interdimensional sight. Therefore celebrate the fact that the earth is what it needs to be in every dimension to bring about support to your lives. QUESTION: Dear Kryon: Many of the science aspects of your books go over my head and I find myself just skipping those sections. Is there a more simple way of understand those concepts? ANSWER: Dear one, you never have to read or understand any of the science. There are those, however, who would never believe the spiritual things that we speak of without the validation of the 4D physical science revelations that are their reality. This is the reason for the science within the channelling… to allow them a better choice. For you, however, relax and enjoy the love of God in your life! There is no reason to go any further with the science. QUESTION: Dear Kryon: I have just recently become aware of your communications and have gained much peace of mind as a result of reading them. I became aware of the earth changes that are due on the planet and much fear and anxiety followed. I live in Biloxi Mississippi with my US Air Force husband and 3-year-old son. I am not as afraid anymore and have given permission to operate at a higher vibration. However, I do not know whether I should be putting th wheels in motion to get my husband out of the military so we can move away from the water to avoid floods or tidal waves. Perhaps I should be stay here and try to assist the earth in this particular area? My instinct at this time is to move away from the water but this is partly due to fear of my family dying. I have done much reading of late and I wish to sincerely thank you for the peace I have in my soul. I want so much to be on earth with my husband and son after 2012 and experience life together for many more years to come. As I write this I feel somewhat contradictoryhaving gained so much peace via your communications, yet still fearful of the Earth changes that I realize must occur.[1/29/2014 9:48:05 AM]

Q&A-4-15.html ANSWER : Dear one: Let me give you something to think about: The light worker is called a worker because what they do is to anchor energy. They do it sometimes in places where there could be potential danger. My partner [speaking of Lee] not only lives near the water, but also on an active earthquake fault. This is his sweet spot, and where he anchors the energy. There are others around him who are doing the exact same thing! [speaking of Depak Chopra, Louise Hay, and many other light workers living in Southern California on the fault]. These of whom I speak could live anywhere they pleased, but have instead chosen the parts of the country that will someday move due to the changes. It is because they are there, that the earth will move LESS when it moves, but they are not in fear. Celebrate where you are! When the time is correct, move away because of synchronistic circumstances, and never from fear. You are in the right place, holding energy and sending light where it is most needed. We encourage all light workers to look around them and celebrate where they are…even the ones who are in areas that might seem dangerous due to the potential of earth changes. Finally, know this: That the earth changes we spoke of twelve years ago are in progress. Seen any weather changes lately? Volcanoes active? Warming of the oceans? Magnetic changes of your grids? These things will indeed change your environment, but none of them are “scheduled” disasters. Indeed the result of some of the changes will displace many, but there will be ample warnings and there will be LightWorkers in places where they are needed most. Honor the process. Do not live in fear of what Spirit is doing. Celebrate your family, and know that you are in your sweet spot. QUESTION: Dear Kryon: It is a fact that most of the world today is focusing in the aftermath of the 9/11 events. Nonetheless, South America is living one of its darkest hours and we seem to be fielding it all by ourselves. Violence, corruption, drug trafficking, political confusion, and economic distress have been accelerating their dreadful impact at a rhythm never seen before. Where do we stand in the "old vs. new" reality shift (within the new post 9-11 world we live in) and, how can we make use of the heightened spiritual awareness showing in our North American LightWorker family? Finally, awareness is taking its hold firmly in countries such as the USA; how spiritually aware are we down south? Are there enough LightWorkers? ANSWER: Dear one, let us take your questions separately. Your area of the earth is a denser one. Fair or not from the Human perspective, the equatorial places of earth face a deeper duality and more difficult challenges. What you call the “veil,” is thicker. This can be validated by mapping where the most awareness is taking place. It is above and below the magnetic neural mid point [equator] The nations which are in the most turmoil… and where there is most disease, are generally the ones nearest this midpoint. So when you ask how you stand in the “old vs. new” reality shift, we tell you that you have willingly agreed to be in one of the hard parts… but you knew that, didn’t you? Indeed all that you have said is correct. Part of the grid shift on this planet, as well as the arrival of master energy [referring to the information that the Earth’s masters avatar energy has returned to the earth], is all shaping up to give you new tools, as though you were NOT in this void area. Very few have asked this question, and yet the reality of the shift is very real in regards specifically to YOU! There will shortly be a great deal of awakening… and with it will also come the fear and the doubting. As you might expect, any time there is a challenge to existing spiritual history, you can look for those who will be against it. Again, there may even be spiritual rage against the change. There are enough LightWorkers… more than you think. There are also many who will awaken and ask themselves “is there more?” This question will prompt them to self-examination and will create a wonderful pool of those who will begin to help your area. Be patient and hold the light you have. Celebrate your culture, for it is rich in its lineage, and is a very spiritually-minded one. Don’t be surprised if some of the biggest doubters become the ones that awaken with the most intensity! There is time, but you will not see these changes potentially until 2004.[1/29/2014 9:48:05 AM]

Q&A-4-15.html — KRYON[1/29/2014 9:48:05 AM]

kryon-Q&A 4th Quarter2004

UPDATE: 4th Quarter 2004

(1) QUESTION: Dear Kryon, I've been reading all the channellings that say Humans are the only ones in the Universe who are eternal, who are from the family. To me the idea of death without an afterlife seems absolutely terrifying, and to think that all other intelligent life in the universe (ET's) can't exist after death is really painful. How do they take death? ANSWER: Dear one: The Kryon never said that other life didn't have an afterlife. You have singular preconceptions that there is one Human, one soul, one afterlife, and one consciousness of 'you.' This is all because you're single dimensional. This thinking is all incorrect when you consider the attributes of multidimensional existence, which you actually have but can't see.       All life participates to some degree in the whole, and is contained in the circle of the now. This simply means that all life contributes to the divine cycle and is eternal. In your case, your angelic compliment is so familiar with "home" that you can't conceive of one who isn't like you! The others do not have a "HigherSelf," but they are very much part of a come-and-go cycle. Therefore, your bias is correct and appropriate: to expect a return when you pass over, and to expect a cycle that is validated by your intuition. Humans know intuitively that there is something more after what seems like death - they all know. This is why most of the religions on the planet claim this is so - it's an attempt to put it together in a system that makes sense.       The difference between you and other life is remarkable. You are closer to the veil than any other life, and you have mastery within your DNA. Learning to use it is the test. Your dog has a cycle, too, and he will return as well, in order to do something for the planet. The difference is that your dog never stops to consider it. You do.   (2) QUESTION: Dear Kryon, in the last published channelling, you ended by asking all Lightworkers to shed light on various regions of the world, including the place I live: Portugal. I was shocked and grateful. For the past eight years, a group of us has followed Lee Carroll and the Kryon team's work and I thank you beyond words. Some of us managed to go to Spain, and it was quite an experience. We understood that the message then was directed at our Spanish family (March bombings), although - and I say this with some degree of selfishness - I was expecting a small word of advice regarding my country, which I feel is in a downward spiral. In our heads want we want to migrate, to leave and live somewhere where there is light, but our hearts tell us to stay. Kryon, what are we supposed to do? We need, or maybe I need, a word of advice. Thank you! Lisbon, Portugal. (3) QUESTION: Dear Kryon, in your last message, "The Challenge of Linearity," you said: "Lighthouse, peace on Earth is the goal. It's going to take a lot of masters living a long time in health to create it. They must shine their light to places like Africa, the Sudan, Iraq, Palestine, Israel, Argentina, Portugal, Russia."[1/29/2014 9:48:09 AM]

kryon-Q&A 4th Quarter2004

      Being Portuguese, I'd like to ask why you mentioned Portugal. I don't mean we don't need the light of course we do. Everyone does. It's just that compared to the other countries mentioned, we seem to be a little better off at the moment as we have no wars and not so much suffering. Or am I mistaken? Will something be happening here in the near future? ANSWER: Indeed the message in Spain was for Spain, as is often the case when we sit in the lands of other cultures on earth. We have yet to sit in Portugal with my partner.       Portugal has great sleeping awareness. Everything you feel about your country at the moment must be frustrating. Your government vacillates and can't decide who's in charge. The great, rich European heritage you have seems to be part of another era. You long for stability and abundance.       What's happening in your country isn't much different from what some of your South American family is going through. Argentina is in a similar situation, and there are others. Many of the planet's governmental leaders seem to be ignoring common sense, throwing away history, and proceeding with untried courses of action. Sound familiar? It's common to all, and the abundant North America is no exception.       You're not alone! This is part of the "Winter of Spirituality" we've mentioned.* There hasn't been a peace plan on Earth that's been taken seriously, even though almost all the world powers know exactly what the issues are. There's a return to internalizing instead of seeing the big picture, and the heroes you seek in your own country are missing. (Did you notice?) It's all part of a rest before the awakening begins.       The year 2008 will start a cycle that's a beginning of change. Much of it will be peaceful and welcomed in a time of drama and turmoil. Portugal and Spain both have an important part to play in this. Due to the recent restructuring of government in Spain (speaking of the revolution of 1936–39 and current stability), they're more ready to move forward. But Portugal is next, and doesn't need a civil war or 50 years to accomplish it. The new energy will move this forward.       Don't abandon your area just yet. Let your light do its work and then see if you can feel it working. There's so much promise for your land! The people are ready - more each day - to revitalize this beautiful land. Gaia needs your cooperation and help to return your area to a stable land filled with promise, not disappointment. This can only happen, lighthouse, if you stay and shine your light.       Remember, your light helps others, even your governmental leaders, to see better wherever they walk. This is what we teach for all the Lightworkers on Earth . . . even your family in Israel and Palestine, where the core issues lay unsolved. Think of what they feel daily about their futures.       You're not alone in this. *Please see (4) QUESTION: Dear Kryon, in reincarnation you don't remember your past lives until after your last reincarnation - or at least this is my take on it. In other words, a person's not aware of past lives while he or she is living this life. But sometimes I have the sensation that I just woke from a coma and I have amnesia - it's like I have knowledge of life before the coma in my subconscious that I'm somewhat, but not fully, aware of. This is kind of confusing for me.       To put it another way, I feel like I have the knowledge I need in this life, but there's a barrier blocking this knowledge from me. I believe that this is my last life because I'm aware of it, but I lack knowledge. I'm not sure how else to explain this. Please help clear my confusion. Your insight on the matter would help greatly. ANSWER: There is no problem, and you are with millions of others experiencing something you put so well! So your "take" is correct.[1/29/2014 9:48:09 AM]

kryon-Q&A 4th Quarter2004

      Consider this: A performer stands on the stage where a very powerful spotlight shines upon him. He must trust that there's an audience, but he can't see it, since the very light that lets others see him is blinding him to everything outside of the circle on the stage. Occasionally he hears the audience gasp or applaud or laugh. But it isn't real to him since he feels very alone in a bright light. Later, when the play is over, he is told how many were there, and how great it all was, but during the performance he felt alone.       Your duality designs reality to be this way. It has to be this way. If each one of you could peek into your past lives, verify them easily, and know that they were true, then where would the test be? Your "coma," as you call it, is appropriate and right where it should be.       The student sits at the desk. The answer to every question on the test before him is actually in his brain, and he knows it since he remembers studying it . . . somewhere, somehow. But he can't remember the school! As he puts his pencil to the paper to begin to answer the questions, he longs for the cheat sheet. Where did I study this? Why is this so hard to remember? Why should I feel that I know the answers? Is there more here than meets the perception of who I really am?       As he ponders these things, his pencil starts to answer all the questions - accurately and with great insight and wisdom. He smiles. Now he understands. He doesn't have to know the details of the school to answer the test. All he has to do is allow himself to be the graduate that he is.   (5) QUESTION: Dear Kryon, many years ago I invented my own dimensional-analysis system that has been very valuable for me in my physics education. In this system, virtually all the quantities in physics are organized into a table of two parameters, one of which is dimension. This system has seven positive dimensions, seven negative ones (the reciprocals), and the zero dimension. For example: Induction is a seven-dimensional quantity, velocity a zero-dimensional quantity, capacitance a minus five, mass and energy both three dimensions, action four dimensions, and so on.       In addition to the personal value for me in my learning process, does this system have any relevance or value to the "eleven plus zero" dimensional-analysis system that you talk about? If so, do you have any suggestions?       Second, the current state of the foundations of mathematics is still filled with contradictions. Is this due to mathematics still being founded on what amounts to only a two- or three-dimensional system? Since physics is currently more or less founded on mathematics, is it possible that this is somewhat backwards? Meaning that physics (and metaphysics) are the more fundamental concepts and mathematics is really a "language of precise perception" of these and should follow, rather than lead, the exploration of them?       Third, would you be willing to add any information to the concept of "nutritional rate of atoms" as in the difference between atoms that make up Angelic bodies versus Human mental body atoms or Human physical body atoms? ANSWER: Your perceptions are more correct than not, but not yet fully within the puzzle that's before you. You simply can't apply 4D quantitative logic to an multidimensional puzzle. Interdimensional thinking and logic aren't understood by Humanity yet. In addition, you still have a 4D mind and this keeps some of the puzzles from fitting together.       Imagine this: You have a jigsaw puzzle before you, but somehow the edges of the pieces are all hidden from you. They're all blurry in your sight. Therefore you have full sight of the graphic on each piece, but no concept of how they "fit" together in the puzzle. Your brain tells you that they might go next to each other, but how?[1/29/2014 9:48:09 AM]

kryon-Q&A 4th Quarter2004

      In addition, what if each piece had a graphic on the back that you had to guess at (could not see), but which fit in another place in the face of the puzzle? Even if you could somehow see the back, how could you take one piece of a jigsaw puzzle and then put it into two places? Understand? You don't have a concept of interdimensionality - no model, no overview.       I'll give you a hint: Make the table where the puzzle sits, transparent. Then place a mirror under the table. The mirror is the interdimensional math integer zero. It allows you to "see" the potentials of both what is on the back of the pieces and also how they might fit in a puzzle that has no front or back.       Can you imagine a reality without your kind of time? No. Can you think of a physics model that allows matter to flow through itself? No. Can you imagine a realty where everything is connected by a constant that hasn't been discovered, and which allows you to be part of everything? No.       Math isn't a profound reality. It's a construct that fits a specific reality and helps to explain the way it works. It's beautiful and logical, but does not stand alone as a life-force. It only explains what's happening. And yes, it can explain divinity and interdimensional beings and the way God uses physics to create universes.       The matter that makes up angelic beings isn't that much different than your own. You can't create a physics principle that separates an angel from you. Perhaps it's time to really get the message: You are the same as the angelic entities of the Universe! The thing that separates you from them isn't your atomic structure, it's the fact that you're operating in a 4D world, where more than half of your actual dimensional reality is hidden from you.       You don't understand that you have control of the elements. You don't understand or believe that you can travel without your body and instantly be anywhere in the Universe. You don't believe you're the boss of your own cells. So limited are you in your understanding of this that you feel enslaved by the elements and bodies that you exist in - always hoping they'll treat you well.       Imagine the greatest artist in the world, on another planet in another society. He grows up knowing he can draw and paint, yet there's no model for this anywhere he looks. Nobody paints or draws on this new planet. In fact, there are no materials for it either, and to his horror he finally notices that most of the entities don't even have hands and fingers! But he does. All his life he knows he can paint incredible works of art astounding in their scope of richness and beauty. But those around him think he's crazy, and have outlawed such thinking for a mortal entity, having developed religions that say "Only God can paint" and "Only God has hands and fingers."       You see? Inside, you know better. But outside you have yet to find the paints, or the surface to paint on, or in some cases you even doubt that you have hands! Such is the difference between you and the angels. Your divinity is intuitive and unlimited, but your reality lives in another place - a place where you're told that you can't be a master, with religions that keep you on your knees.   (6) QUESTION: Dear Kryon, could you provide new information about gravity that has less to do with matter and more to with time? What about Newton's gravity that has to with matter? The double helix is made of two distinct sides of a ladder. What kind of connection could be seen with an EM wave? Superstring theory must be tuned up to include a base-12 math system, which is interdimensional math. I don't understand how to get the base-12 system. I've got an approach that doesn't need base-12 system or I don't realize yet (from an interdimensional circle)?       I'm also wondering if your could share a deeper understanding of the integer that you call zero. Is[1/29/2014 9:48:09 AM]

kryon-Q&A 4th Quarter2004

there an another interdimensional integer (the three you talk about to go base-10 toward base-12 system)? What about the Einstein secrets brought to you in the 1940s? Can you talk about it without the formulas? My intuition (or my channelling) told me to look for an association between Bergmann and Einstein. (7) QUESTION: Dear Kryon, I was wondering about the news that the dimension of everything is a total of 36. I was curious if they can be grouped into three types, 12 totaling of expansive energies, 12 totaling of compressive energies, and 12 neutral energies that bind the other 24. I was thinking that gravity was a "compressive energy," which would make it different than electromagnetism (expansive energy), and the strong nuclear energy might be related to neutral energies, the weak nuclear energy would be an expansive energy. I understand that the 12D string theories comprise all the known forces, except for life energies. ANSWER: Dear ones, indeed you wish all the answers in a forum that calls for just a few. In addition, I won't reveal what must be learned slowly, but the hints are all around you. I don't wish to dodge any questions, but your very presumptions are still within a box that you must think outside of.       Newtonian physics does a good job of explaining the way things relate mathematically in 3D. Einsteinian physics does a good job of explaining the way things work using Newtonian physics, but bringing in another dimension (time), expanding it to 4D. Superstring theory physics starts to bring it up to 11D . . . and it's mind twisting and not fully understandable by even the best Human minds.       What if dimensionality isn't quantitative? Your very term quantum physics is a misnomer. Your reality and the answers you look for in you logic have everything quantified. There are answers in 3D to everything - how many, how much, how long. What if (are you ready?) there were no quantitative answers to anything? You say two plus two equals four. The answer is really: "It depends." You might say that this would be stupid math, since nothing would ever have an answer! But it would. It would depend on the potentials of the zero, and whatever it was, it would create a real answer, but only for that moment. This is the secret to base-12 math. It's interdimensional.       How could you plan ahead with such a math system, you might ask. The answer is this: Without time, it's meaningless to "plan ahead!" [Kryon smile] But consider using many kinds of math for many kinds of realities. There is a math that will suit you in your reality, and you're using it well to plan ahead (such as in sending spacecrafts to distant planets and moons). Then there is the way the Universe works, which is truly interdimensional, which you are only now discovering. Then there is the way divinity works, which is beyond even the thought of dimensions - into a realm that will be forever hidden from the Human thought process. But remember, at the cellular level, you know all the answers.       Again (referring to a previous answer), you don't have to know about the school to bring about the knowledge you have intuitively within your cells.   (8) QUESTION: Dear Kryon, gravity and magnetism are interdimensional forces, but our problem is this: What's the difference between gravity and magnetism? This could give us a direction toward the unification. (9) QUESTION: Dear Kryon, what are the differences between space and time? You talked about our 4D space-time and you said that an interdimensional vision requires 12 dimensions. Our science finds an 11 dimensional space-time and your clue is about zero for the 12th dimension. So what is the connection between zero and space and time? ANSWER: Gravity and magnetism are independent parts of a system that is indeed unified. The two of them work together with your 4D time and 4D distance in a formula we have even named - phasic displacement. So[1/29/2014 9:48:09 AM]

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you ask about the difference between two of the main principles of the Universe and we tell you "it depends." (An answer you didn't want to hear.)       What is the difference between the concept of three and of four? It's quantitative, isn't it? Then what is the difference between zero and zero, when both equal the potential of something that is unseen and in the "now"? The answer? "It depends." When you take out time as a constant and look at it as a variable, then everything "depends."       You don't like a reality that has no constant, do you? But it's true. Think of it this way: The only constants are the formulas themselves. It's backwards, therefore, from your existing logic. There are no absolutes to plug into the formulas. Instead there are formulas that are absolute, waiting to generate the values.       Here's a 4D answer that you still won't like: Both magnetism and gravity are forces that respond to something else in an interdimensional universal system that quantifies it for you within the realty you live in. That's why you can measure it and use it, and depend on it being constant. It's because the "rules" are stable within the puzzle of your 4D earth. But you can't see what's pulling the strings that makes it work and that defines what it is that creates this stability.       Now, take a closer look at real magnetism and gravity at the center of every galaxy (as we have mentioned to you for years). The black hole will really define it for you, and it's way out of kilter for your concepts in 4D, even 12D. The interdimensional power of a black hole reaches way beyond what you think is the distance it should affect 4D matter. It even has an effect on your own gravity and magnetism on this planet. There are multiple black holes everywhere, from microscopic to immense. The one that is in the middle of your specific galaxy is helping to determine your time frame, and even your perception of how far things are from one another. If it changed, so would you.       Example: You measure the distance to other objects in the Universe by light-years. However, if the speed of light were not a constant (and it isn't), and it changed and became much faster, would the distance therefore change, or would you simply say that the distance is now "fewer light-years away?" The answer is that the distance would also change. Why? Because everything is related to the master event at the center of your galaxy.       You have to re-evaluate your idea of what is related to what. What if, by magic, you could change the speed of light to infinity, or zero . . . just pretend. Then what would the distance to the furthest star be? The answer? Zero light-years. It's next door. That's the true reality of interdimensionality.       Also, remember what we told you years ago: There is a push-pull effect at the center of each galaxy, as you will eventually figure out. There is much more going on interdimensionally at the center of each galaxy than any astronomer of physicist has begun to project in their far-thinking imaginations.   (10) QUESTION: What's the difference you've talked about between speed and the rate of vibration (for example the electron)? On the one hand, Einstein's theory said that at the speed of light, time is becoming variable, but on the other hand, many times you said to us that to change the time frame we must vibrate higher. So in connection with the previous question, what's the point since one is talking of speed and one is talking of rate of vibration? ANSWER: Dear one, why would you separate the two? Imagine you're an electron. Suddenly you're required to vibrate. The definition of vibration is "oscillation." Oscillation requires something (in this case, the electron) to move back and forth quickly.       Suddenly you (as the electron) are asked to run to point A, then run back to point B, then run again to A and so on in order to oscillate and create a higher vibration. In addition, the Human Being (who you represent) is beginning to become enlightened, and requires you do it at a higher rate every day![1/29/2014 9:48:09 AM]

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      While you (as the electron) are doing this, an "electron reporter" would like to interview you. While the reporter tries to keep up with you as you're running and turning and stopping and running and turning and stopping, he asks: "How fast are you going, Mr. Electon?" Do you then answer, sarcastically (pant-pant): "What do you mean? There's no speed here. I'm just vibrating!" Understand? Speed is absolutely part of a high vibration, and many of the things that Einstein told you about speed directly relate to a higher vibrating Human Being, including time.       Now, as a finale to this discussion, let me throw a wrench into all of it. Imagine that in this scenario, the Human Being begins to vibrate at the rate of a divine master. I'll give you a hint at what's happening to this electron, who is doing all the work (pant pant). Physically, he's not being asked to run faster between two existing points. Instead, the distance between point A and B is getter bigger! He must maintain a time relationship between points A and B, but the distance is becoming greater due to the consciousness of the divinity within the Human Being. Therefore, he's running faster only to maintain the timing. To the Universe, the Human is therefore getting "larger," too. (Kryon smile)   (11) QUESTION: Dear Kryon, like many of my generation (born in the 1950s) who were brought up to be obedient out of fear rather than respect for the older generations, I decided that I didn't want my children to be afraid of me, so haven't imposed the same discipline on them. For two of my children this has worked quite well, but my middle child, who is 12, seems impossible to reason with. He can be rude, violent, and disruptive whenever things don't go his way. He's also very unhappy.       When I look around at other children I realize that he's by no means the only one who's acting and feeling this way, and indeed a lot of children are a lot worse. Is my generation, in our attempt to stop the tradition of fear of our elders, actually doing more harm than good? Do children need the rigid rules and discipline that characterized our youth? Could you please give some advice on what we should be doing to help our children to find happiness in what will be very uncertain times ahead of them? How we should be raising them? Also, specifically, if you can give me any advice on how to help my middle child I would be very grateful. ANSWER: Dear one, all children need discipline. It helps them in the future by teaching them to discipline themselves and have patience using the model you give them. But you're right: Fear isn't the answer. The best thing to do is the following:       Sit your children down and discuss matters as equals. Don't talk down to them in any way. Use big words and let them know what's going on, adult to adult. This will get their attention. They don't want to hear that you're in control of their lives because you are an adult and they're not. Remember, despite their size and circumstances (not yet grown up), their minds don't understand that they're not thinking as they will once they've matured, and you can't drill it into them. But they will understand that you hold the reins of the household, the money, and their comfort or discomfort. That's self-evident, and part of the conflict they're having.       In advance, decide what it is that our children really want, which you control. For instance, free time, phone time, or computer time. Then create a rewards system based on their compliance to your requests for reasonable behavior. Make it fair! Then stick to it. Don't administer consequences with anger, but with resolve. Let your kids know that they control their own reality - that is, what they want, they can have, but only if they decide with their own free choice to comply to the society of your household.       Last, build in surprise rewards for compliance. Just when they think they've earned something, give them more because they followed the rules. This is the reverse of punishment, and carries with it a positive life experience and the opportunity for you to show your children that you love them.[1/29/2014 9:48:09 AM]

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(12) QUESTION: Dear Kryon, I've struggled for a long time over the decision of whether or not to have children. I worry greatly about overpopulation and the frailty of this planet. I do consider myself an environmentalist, which affects a lot of my decisions about how I choose to live my life. Yet I look forward to passing on all I have learned, and have yet to learn, in the hopes that my child might become a Lightworker, too. I am quite torn. Would you please shed some light on this situation? Thank you. ANSWER: Dear one, your question is greatly honored, for it shows your willingness to place the whole life experience above that of your own wishes. However, you should know this: You're meant to have children, and there are some waiting to be your teachers (smile). The answer is therefore to have children in moderation. Plan for two. You won't be sorry, and the planet will welcome them and your intent to honor the issue of overpopulation. (13) QUESTION: Dear Kryon, we've been told that all knowledge (even beyond what we consciously know this lifetime) is available to us in every moment to draw forth through intention. I've been trying to apply this in my counseling to be of maximum use to clients, but I haven't noticed anything remarkable to this point.       I've recently felt a desire to return to reading professional information in my area and I'm wondering if this use of intellect could be blocking my drawing on wider multidimensional knowledge from within. Is it better just to go from what's within or is it okay to still be open to information from others on the planet but with discernment? ANSWER: Dear one, in a certain way, your puzzle is already answered within your own question. First, you're getting an "answer from within," and then you're questioning it! The answer you have is correct, since the professional information you're being pushed to seek out might also be something remarkable, right from another's intuition, or studies developed through channels that might surprise you. In other words, don't decide in advance what's divine and what isn't.       So go ahead and use your intuition and study the professional material. In your case, it's going to jumpstart the intuitive things you have to add to it. Understand? There's no wall between divine and ordinary, or divine and professional. It's all divine, and your job it so glean the pearls from all of it. (14) QUESTION: Dear Kryon, this morning on the news they were talking about a brand new galaxy. Scientists say this galaxy is similar to ours in it's early days of existence. Does our work here have anything to do with that galaxy coming into being? I just wondered because you say what we do affects our planet and the Universe as a whole, and even other universes we know nothing about, so why not a galaxy "in our neighborhood" so to speak? ANSWER: In this particular case, the answer is no. The creation we speak of is an actual new universe, and isn't visible right now with your dimensional tools. It will represent many galaxies, just like your own universe does.   (15) QUESTION: Dear Kryon, why do we create? If all the pieces of God exist in a state of love and compassion and fellowship before creation, it would seem that such a state would be perfection. Why do we need to create at all? Why are we not content to be what we are, in the fullness of our reality? ANSWER: Creation, to angelic beings - who you call God - is like breathing to a Human Being. There is joy on this side of the veil, and it's partially generated by more divine creation. Do you think God is simply a force that rolls around heaven all day celebrating itself? The answer is no. The definition of perfection is an energy where you're free to create perfection.       You can't begin to rationalize the mind of God while you have the mind of a Human, any more than your[1/29/2014 9:48:09 AM]

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pet dog can help you plan your next career move. This isn't a demeaning statement, but rather an example of how the duality and a single-digit dimensionality shapes your thoughts completely.   (16) QUESTION: Dear Kryon, I asked for the implant in the year 2001 and since that time, my life has been a living hell. Tell me, have I changed? Will my life become more peaceful and bountiful? Or am I forever to be in despair and suffering? Thank you for all your teachings - they have made me aware of my guides and how to ask for help from them and even to hold their "hands." I just want more joy in my life and a lot less pain. ANSWER: The "implant" is permission to be implanted with mastery. It's permission to receive the bridge that crosses the gap between being unaware of your divinity and being totally aware of everything, thus beginning the process of awakening. It's not a Kryon attribute, but a new gift of what you've created on the planet.       If you feel that everything changed right after you gave intent for it, then it's working. However, no Human claims their divinity and has it punish them. It's not designed to create a "living hell." So you have to ask yourself: When you asked for it, were you hoping that somehow it would solve some issues on its own? Or did you give the kind of intent we speak of where you would "listen" to Spirit and all the awareness that you had awakened? Perhaps you are fighting the very attributes you asked for?       The implant is a gift - a tool. If you open a box and out comes something you didn't expect that's challenging, do you sit on the box and hope for the best, or do you pick up the new tools you've been given and tackle the task of transmuting the difficulties into solutions for your life? You see, the implant may very well open a box that was always there, but you were sitting on. Now out come the challenges that were always there, but also with the new tools. It's time to use them. (17) QUESTION: Dear Kryon, I guess you're tired of questions about the neutral implant, however I realize that I'm still confused about it. If I ask for the neutral implant what happens to the karma that has to be resolved? A lesson has to be learned and in a way it seems like "unfair play" to just skip the karma and go on to whatever place and time there is.       This may sound stupid, but somehow I fear that when I abandon my karma and ask for the neutral implant, my karma will be worse than it is now. I have a feeling that my karma is the single most important force that keeps my life interesting. On one hand, I want nothing more than to have my karma resolved and ask for the neutral implant, while on the other hand I feel that I have to do it on my own. ANSWER: What hides completely from you is this: When you graduate from school as a Human Being, how much do you miss the toys, the primers, the nap time at noon, the milk and cookies, and the protection from responsibility - all which you had in kindergarten? If you had a choice to grow up, would you?       You see, you aren't skipping anything. Right now you're simply wallowing in the same old system that is perpetuated each time you come and go from earth. It may feel like there's a system that has to be resolved, but this is what you have in that old system - a duality that makes you feel like that's all there is. The masters of the planet had nothing to resolve! They came in without the old system. This is part of the activation and mastery scenario. But you're still stuck with an intellectual problem of being in kindergarten, and using kindergarten rules and feelings to ask questions about how to keep you there - out of awareness, which is your greatest gift.   (18) QUESTION: Dear inspiritmagazine-team, I recently performed the DNA changing process mentioned on Jan Tober's homepage. How do I know whether it worked or not, because all I[1/29/2014 9:48:09 AM]

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experienced were some sleepless nights? ANSWER: Here's a spiritual postulate - an absolute: Any time you do a process when you involve pure intent, the process is accomplished. What's difficult it that you have no interdimensional guide lines to "see" what took place. You're used to feedback in 3D, and there is very little of this kind of proof in spiritual things. The sleepless nights should have been a good indicator that something was happening.       Now do the rest. This activation is a balancing that enables you to move forward more easily. Are you waiting for something? Or are your guides now waiting for something? You have knocked on the door and are waiting for a return knock for proof. Instead, why don't you just open the door and walk through it? (19) QUESTION: Dear Kryon, how do we know the difference between co-creating through thought and an intuitional thought? When something happens soon after I've had a thought about it, I get confused as to whether I created it unconsciously or just received an intuitive knowingness that it was about to occur. Would this be an aspect of The Third Language? ANSWER: Why would you care? Don't you understand that true co-creation is an automatic posturing of energy around you that helps you to manifest appropriateness in your life? The masters didn't sit down and co-create. Everywhere they walked, the earth knew them and their thoughts worked to create their mastery. Nature itself knew them!       So, yes, it's The Third Language, but it's also part of an intuitive process of thought which we teach as cocreation. Begin to understand that they are very, very related… if not the same thing.   (20) QUESTION: Dear Kryon, can you explain to me what a parallel life is? I think it's a person somewhere else on this earth that's just like you, but I'm not sure. ANSWER: Each soul is unique, and there is no one exactly like you who is living your life. What you refer to can be many things. To some, it's the notion that somewhere you have a soul mate who's doing exactly what you're doing. This is actually very intuitive, for it leads you right to your Higher-Self, who fits this description exactly!       Other times it's the idea that there are others who are doing what you're doing, perhaps in another universe. This is interdimensional intuition, but your brain, being singular and linear, doesn't understand what that really is. It's not another Human, living a parallel life. Rather, it's you, not aware that you're surrounded by a lifeforce with your name on it, which isn't singular, but is part of you right where you stand. Therefore, there's actually an energy living a parallel life with you, but it is the "rest of you."       Did I tell you this would be easy? (Kryon smile)   (21) QUESTION: Dear Kryon, my question is directed to Lee Carroll. Before asking it I would like to say that I love the Kryon material, yet I'm an equally avid reader of The Crimson Circle, The Group, Kryon in South Africa, the Conversations With God material, and Kirael and Ronna Herman's Michael.       My question is twofold: First, do you (Lee) read other channelled material (not from Kryon) to allow a broader perspective? If so, what other channelled material are you most drawn to or inspired by?       Second, sometimes I think that my reading such a wide range of material may be a way of me remaining somewhat detached and a tad noncommittal to any of it - spreading myself too thin, perhaps. What's your perspective on this? Does Kryon have an opinion with respect to question?[1/29/2014 9:48:09 AM]

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ANSWER: (From Lee) First, I don't read any channelled material. Kryon gave me this instruction more than 16 years ago. It's to keep my translations of the Kryon work "clean" and without influence from the others. However, I want to!       The reason is this: Kryon has told us that today's channelling is very different than in the past. There is a "connect the dots" attribute that will enhance your life if you read it all. Kryon doesn't give all the answers, and many may not even like my interpretations and translations of the information I receive. Therefore, there are many others who are giving you the very same message, but using different words and feelings.  All the channellers you listed are doing this. Of your list, I have personally channelled side-by-side with three of them! In the case of Neal Donald Walsh, he just did an Indigo movie! (A strong relationship to what Kryon channelled, I would say.) We're all connected.       Therefore, my advice is not to get stuck on any one of them, and to read all you can. Remember, we're all giving information from the same source. The love you might feel in the work of Kirael or Ronna Herman, for example, is the love of God. It's also the same source from Kryon. So see all of this with one face on it, giving many messages differently about the same thing. The common message? There's a shift on the planet that's enabling Humanity to come to a place that is far, far different than any time in the history of the Earth.       It's a beautiful thing, and never feel that you're diluting any of our writings by reading the others. Instead, you're enhancing your own understanding of what all of us are trying to tell you.   (22) QUESTION: Dear Kryon, can you please clarify my healing attributes and those of my friend? She's a powerful healer, but doesn't understand energy. I understand much about energy but can't see or feel anything when I'm healing. I wish to start doing Reiki and massage, but I'm concerned about not knowing what I'm doing. My friend has fibromyalgia and other health problems that we haven't been able to heal. And should I discuss your answer with her, or is it her journey to find the answers? Can you also explain what happens when we do hands-on healing? How does it affect the cells and the different energy bodies? ANSWER: You actually answered it yourself, within your own question: "She's a powerful healer, but doesn't understand energy." When you get in your car to go somewhere, do you understand the transmission? Or do you just use it to get where you're going, knowing that it works for you?       Don't try to become so intellectual about energy that you get frustrated and give up! It's interdimensional power that you're given to use. So use it! Practice it all with the love of God in your hands, and never try to analyze mastery!       Your healing is actually a balancing. Some, who may be exposed to the very same healing energy and power you give out, won't be healed. Others will. It's a principle we've spoken of for many years: Healers don't heal - they balance. Therefore, it's up to the individual on the table to heal themselves after you've cleared the way. But many aren't ready. Proceed with what works, and celebrate it no matter what. (An additional resource for healers is a Kryon channelling called "Health and Healing - Choosing to Dance,") [] (23) QUESTION: Dear Kryon, what's Kryon's position on British Traditional Wiccan (A form of Witchcraft/Paganism) and the Spiritual focus on a Goddess and Horned God as a duality of the Oneness? ANSWER: It's difficult when you place yourself in a cultural box to then explain something that may go against your real-life experience. When you go to a cliff, you're careful where you step, due to your years of working with gravity. But the culture that has wings doesn't care. Would you then call them stupid or evil? Or[1/29/2014 9:48:09 AM]

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would you look for their wings?       Paganism isn't what you think. It's a word that means "outside of your religious beliefs." So is it devil worship, or is it just something that isn't Christian? Could it be that it means, instead, "understanding of nature"?       The same is true with the term witch. Is a witch a woman (or man) who is married to the devil? Or is it a name given to a person who has powers to heal, above other Humans, and who is therefore seen as evil by those who were taught this way? Do you see what I mean? Almost all of this is folklore created by fearful Christians.       The core of Wicca isn't what you think. What men and women have done with it is another story. It's the same for all the religions on Earth. So look at the core of it before you decide it's evil or filled with cults. Perhaps they're Lightworkers from another culture? Perhaps some might even have wings?       The love of God isn't proprietary. It sees all of you as masters, no matter what name you decide to paste upon your understanding of the way things work. Can you see it the same way?   (24) QUESTION: Dear Kryon, what words can I use to best present the concept of God and the All to my children (ages two and three) so that they have access to these ideas and I create an atmosphere of free choice in these matters? ANSWER: Dear one, your children already know. So why not just claim the obvious? It is self-evident to Indigo Children (and most of the children these days are Indigos) that there's a powerful, loving force that allowed for their creation.       Start with nature. It's a beautiful system where there is life, death, and creation all at once. Let that be the example. At the same time, they get to "feel" Gaia and also the incredible beauty of everything around them. All the while you're doing this, show them your love. If you need words, then use "Spirit" instead of God so they won't confuse what they see with what their culture tells them.       They can't help but apply all of this to their lives, and their search for whatever "God" means to them. Their free choice will be enhanced by the love and beauty you show them.   (25) QUESTION: Dear Kryon, why are Humans embarrassed about nudity? ANSWER: Not all are embarrassed. It's mostly cultural, and it has its roots in common sense. It's also folklore that Humans were embarrassed by their nakedness in the Garden of Eden. This story helps to enhance a religious system of control, creating shame and unworthiness to your nakedness.       Humans put on clothes to keep warm! Animals grew fur and hair, since they didn't have the intellect or ability to make clothes. This answer is really very simple and has nothing to do with shame or any of the things you might have been taught.       So it's your own culture and the religions of the planet that have created the feelings that you have now. Remember, many tribes in warm climates that were never exposed to your cultures were found to be naked, and they certainly weren't ashamed or embarrassed. They weren't savages, either, but simple people who had a very balanced way of life - one where they never got cold. They were not cursed by God, and they didn't have more sex crimes due to their nakedness. Think about it.[1/29/2014 9:48:09 AM]

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(26) QUESTION: Dear Kryon, I've read a number of reports that the tsunami has sped up the Earth's rotation - not by much, but by some measure. Will this help with people's vibration levels getting even higher? ANSWER: Yes.   (27) QUESTION: Dear Kryon, I was intrigued by an article in the magazine that said that those who left as victims of the tsunami did so because they were helping the Earth. That statement puzzles me. Do you mean that the loss of those individuals actually had an effect on the planet that couldn't have been achieved otherwise, or do you mean they left to return again and begin a work they couldn't have done before? Or is it that in leaving, they give the people here a chance to grow in compassion and unification? ANSWER: All three statements are true. It's difficult to give you information about this in a spiritual way, since you're designed to care about every Human life. [See Kryon's channelling "Responsibilities of a an Enlightened Human"* for a more in-depth explanation of this.] *Editor's note: If the channelling isn't there yet as you read this, it will be soon! Visit: []   (28) QUESTION: Dear Kryon, on the news they've talked of the fact that very few animals have been found dead after the devastating tsunami along the Indian Ocean. Also, they've mentioned that elephants were seen helping victims by pulling them from the water with their trunks. Would you please explain the animals' connection with the earth that would allow them to sense the impending danger of the tsunami? And if the information about the elephants is correct, please explain their behavior in helping the endangered people. Thank you. ANSWER: Again, you've explained it within your question. Without intellect as strong as yours, the animals are connected to the energy of the planet. They've also developed increased senses, especially that of hearing. Most of them, through intuition passed down - which you call instinct - knew what to do when they "heard" the sea coming. Remember, hearing is vibration in the air. The approaching swell, even though invisible and not available for your hearing, created a vibration within the earth. It approached at over 500 miles per hour, and disturbed the very crust of the earth as it passed over it with its incredible weight. This is what the animals heard, and tens of thousands of years of instinct automatically said, "Head for the hills."       Elephants have a very developed sense of "belonging to life." They mourn for their own dead, mate for life, remember friends for years, and yes, even recognize Humans in trouble. They're also revered in many religions for this awareness.       Humans don't have these increased and altered senses. They never did. Their evolutionary path was unique, apart from the animals of earth. The first great Human civilization (the Lemurians) had, instead, interdimensional perception, but even that was lost. Now you're on your own to use your intelligence and intellect to create your own safety. It's a trade off, as you can see, between the animals and you.       Our advice for next time? You can spend your resources on technical warning systems if you wish, but think about this: Why not just bond with the animals? They'll let you know about anything coming volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, tidal waves, and even about Humans in trouble.[1/29/2014 9:48:09 AM]

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(29) QUESTION: Dear Kryon, Tesla speaks of a "time-lock" that occurs at conception. He says this time-lock can be moved without losing any of the knowledge or experience in a current life. We can move the time-lock forward by a period of time and thus rejuvenate our bodies. This is a physical regression of time. Apparently, one of the reasons for the disasters occurring in the early 40s with the navy's experiments with time travel and invisibility was a lack of understanding of time-lock. Will you please give us your perspective on this? Also, can thought alone, without technical backup, achieve a moving forward of time-lock? If so, what thought processes will achieve it? ANSWER: Again we tell you that this is within the bulk of the Kryon teaching. It's both physical and spiritual information, which is common. You can't take God out of science! Phasic displacement is what we've called it, and it's a formula that isn't yet understood that we've invited you to discover [Kryon Book 8, page 150].  It works in 4D, so it's something you can test with magnetics and gravity.       Tesla was correct about many things, but he really didn't understand what he had found. There is a strong physics relationship between the density of mass, time frame of your reality, and location of the mass. This is what we called atomic phasic displacement.       Now, part of what we teach is that you can slow down time. We never told you that you could turn the clock back. I know this is confusing, but both concepts are the very same physics. As you lessen the density of your cellular structure through enlightenment, you "lock in" a location of time where your cells react to the aging clock. It's very similar to what Tesla was working on in his science lab. They are very related, you know?       So yes, you can do this yourselves, but also science will be able to eventually use the principle for instantly traveling from one place to another. It requires creating a quantum state of being, something that involves interdimensional understanding.   (30) QUESTION: Dear Kryon, if everything is God, what is the purpose of the physical dimension, where most of its inhabitants aren't divine? ANSWER: (From the editors) This question is a very good one, so we wish to include it. However, it has been answered multiple times. On the Internet page that features an alphabetical index of question and answer subjects, please see: the Meaning of Life []   (31) QUESTION: Hello Kryon, do you receive the hugs I send you every night? ANSWER: Every single night (Kryon smile). Do you receive mine?   (32) QUESTION: Dear Kryon, say a mother has a 5-year-old child who was born with health problems. Can she request healing on the child's behalf or does she just need to accept the health issues are part of the child's contract? ANSWER: The child's health issues aren't an accident, and sometimes they exists to create challenge in the life of the family. It's a system, remember, of lessons and teaching, some of which are painful, but designed to make Humans do things that they wouldn't do otherwise. Many times children come to earth for this exact reason - to enhance the rest of the family through their own health issues.[1/29/2014 9:48:09 AM]

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      The best thing the mother can do is to take care of herself spiritually so that each day with her child, she is able to shine a light of balance on him. If this is done completely, eventually he'll see the love of God in her and heal himself with the same principles he sees around him. (33) QUESTION: Dear Kryon, can we access and enjoy the art created on this planet (music, literature, films, and so forth) when we're on the other side of the veil? ANSWER: Here's what none of you understand: The greatest art, poetry, stories and music you have on the planet was thrust through the veil by the artists who channelled them. So I ask you, where do you think these things really live? (Kryon smile.) On our side of the veil, you're all the great artists.   (34) QUESTION: Dear Kryon, a friend of mine who is very sensitive has felt a lot of fluctuations in energy coming into the USA lately (this hasn't affected other countries yet). This energy is causing some sleep problems in people and a need for hormone supplementation and certain minerals to keep the body/mind/emotions in balance. Is there energy being sent to us now from an alien source to distract us and keep us from evolving spiritually as we near our entry into the fifth dimension? ANSWER: No. The only source of distraction is your own intellect that wishes to make you think you're distracted by an outside source. It's time to turn inward and see the duality within. Take responsibility for your own spiritual growth and see that the main obstruction to your enlightenment is a beast with your name on it that will fight to keep you in the dark, where it can roam without challenge.   (35) QUESTION: Dear Kryon, I've been told that great master's soul splits into pieces and each of these pieces incarnate as separate Humans. Can you tell me more about this? ANSWER: Every soul on the planet is split into many parts, yet you see yourselves as singular, linear individuals. Therefore, what you were told is accurate metaphysically and interdimensionally. Know this: You are also many parts, some of whom are on the other side of the veil, and some of whom actually reside with other Humans on this planet as guides. This is the most complex thing we have ever told you, and we have broached this very issue many times. So don't be surprised if you find the information has morphed its way into some kind of simple singular explanation. It isn't simple, and it's not understandable as long as you consider yourselves "one." Editor's note: Please see "Group Energy" on the alphabetical Q&A Index. Also, here's a reference to what Kryon is speaking of: []   (36) QUESTION: Dear Kryon, I've read that Lightworkers have extra protection during these times. Are we being protected at all times from other unseen forces that would like to knock us off course? I remember Jesus saying that he had legions of angels behind him and could be summoned by his calling. Am I correct to assume that since we are walking in the footsteps of Jesus, that these abilities are there for us also?       (I believe that things are given to us according to our beliefs, and all that is required is the acceptance of these beliefs. Have I answered my own question?) ANSWER: An enlightened Human is walking in the footsteps of all the masters, not just the Jewish ones.[1/29/2014 9:48:09 AM]

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      Your protection comes from an increased interdimensional awareness of what is around you, giving you wisdom of the ages, and also insight to be at the right place at the right time. The "legions of angels" have always been with you. But when you begin this journey of self-discovery, you tap in to the very reason they're here and you join their collective wisdom. The masters knew this, and this is the very reference you quote.       This is the secret to co-creation, and to becoming a Lightworker. When you turn on the light in a dark area, then you get to "see" everything that was hidden. This is your protection, and it's done by you with new tools, not a force outside of yourself.       The 3D Humans want God to do everything for them: create things, protect them from danger, feed them, and so forth. The real truth is that when you create mastery within yourself, you become that piece of God that you felt was your very protector. You, therefore, are your own protection!       Blessed is the Human Being who understands this. Why do you long to be in the protective arms of God when you are God? When things are going poorly around you, turn on the light and see what's hiding! Then, by your own powers, you may make the decisions that will manifest a peaceful, protected life.   (37) QUESTION: Dear Kryon, about a year ago I had two incidents where I projected out of my body at night. They were the most exhilarating experiences I've ever had, and I've been trying to recreate them ever since. However, I read in a book by Eckhart Tolle and a channelling by Tobias or Kryon that we shouldn't try to project into the astral plane but try to bring everything to us. I couldn't find the channelling where I heard/read this. Could you please put some of the intense light/love of family on this subject? How can one bring this same feeling while in the awakened state? Any exercises would be helpful! ANSWER: The answer is simple if you can understand the "now." If you're stuck in 3D, then you have a past, present, and future. But if you start to become interdimensional (which you all are by design anyway), you begin to understand that the past, present, and future are all happening at the same time.       Even your science is now beginning to broach this with new interdimensional theories of what reality really is. Scientists are now saying that your old reality was limited to 4 dimensions, but that there really are 11! (It's called superstring theory.) Therefore, the answer to your question is based on this premise: Instead of projecting astrally, bring the astral to you! You can have the very same out-of-body feeling, but bring the "out" to your body! Create "now" where everything is right in front of you and you don't have to go anywhere.       So don't travel, just expand! Bring the most divine principles you felt were "somewhere else" to you by expanding to where you think they are. This is what Eckhart Tolle teaches, and it's correct. Let the challenges in your life be solved by the one who designed them in the now - you!   (38) QUESTION: Dear Kryon, I recently read that the "blueprint" of where the chakras appear on/in the body is changing as the new cosmic energies arrive, and that the new blueprint contains 12 chakras, not the conventional 7. Can you provide any information on this? ANSWER: It's true. We've even told the classic acupuncturists that the body had "interdimensional meridians" above the basic 12. It's similar in auric work. The premise is that you're shifting, dimensionally. Therefore, your chakras will be enhanced. The ones that are in addition to the basic seven (the ones in 3D) are above you.       Now, working with them as you did the basic seven will be more difficult (of course). So information will be given by those who have the mantel to do this. It has already begun.[1/29/2014 9:48:09 AM]

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  (39) QUESTION: Dear Lee and Kryon, first I would like to thank you for all the inspirational work you've been doing over the last few years. It's touched me deeply and changed my life. I've started to read Book Ten, but I have a question that's been nagging at me for the last few days.       You speak of Earth as a planet in lesson, a test which affects trillions of beings and the energy of the rest of the cosmos. If this is a truly unbiased test to see if we're drawn naturally back to the light (it's working :-) ), then it seems to me that the teachings we're receiving through you and other channels introduces a bias back into the "test area" that undermines the value of the test. Don't get me wrong, I'm an avid reader of your books and glean new understanding from them each time I read them due to my spiritual maturing. It's just a small question that keeps nagging at me. ANSWER: I fully understand your question, and it's not off base. So in order to help you with your logic puzzle, I give you this: In a classroom, you have free choice. On the shelves of the classroom are books with the answers. You have free choice to either look at them or not. When you do look at them, you have a choice of which ones - the science answers, the religious answers, the philosophical answers, and many more.       The test on earth is the same way, except that with a shifting energy, the books are being increased. You still have the choice to ignore them or choose ones that are older. So there's integrity in all this. No test would be given to you that didn't also have the answers available. The test, therefore, has always been to discover where the books are.   (40) QUESTION: Dear Kryon, when we experience the sudden loss of a loved one (Human or a pet) through accident or trauma, what are some helpful, concrete ways to alleviate the sense of shock one feels? (I also believe that it's harder to go through this as a Lightworker, as part of me knows that my loved one is in a place of peace and joy, yet there is still the veil that makes this feeling of separation seem so real and painful.) Is there a way we can still energetically connect with the lost one's presence?       I know you've talked about grief before, but I'd like to know specifically some actions or things that would help move one through the initial sharpness of the pain, and the shock, while on this side of the veil. ANSWER: Dear one, you're correct. You're built to grieve, and it's not only appropriate, but honored and understood. Although we stand next to you through all of this, it often just isn't enough.       There's more than one thing you can do to get through this process more gracefully: Seek out a place where you can physically help someone. Go to a senior center and read to people, go on walks with them, or help them do their therapy. Meet at places where others are grieving and just listen to what they're going through. And this one might sound bizarre, but exercise! Your own body chemistry can help you balance when you do these things.       The grieving will slowly subside, but you'll always have a place in your heart that hurts a bit. This is normal. Never try to eliminate that or feel it's inappropriate. The reason these things are so difficult is that you truly are connected at a level that's beyond the physical. Your duality sees the one who you lost as "gone for good." This is your reality, and there's nothing you can do to change it. However, I can tell you something that will come to pass for certain - 100 percent. You'll have a reunion with the ones you "lost" and it will be grand! I speak from experience, having watched it many times . . . even now as I speak. There's nothing in the Universe like it - when the love of God manifests itself between entities who are connected both in Human life and on the other side of the veil, but who haven't seen each other for a long, long time.[1/29/2014 9:48:09 AM]

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(41) QUESTION: Dear Kryon, I wanted to just clear something up, and I'm not angry so don't confuse this with anger. You keep saying there's no such thing as a dark threat and it's all in our heads. Yes indeed, we do create negative wave patterns, and yes, they do respond to our fears, but that's just it the dark energy is created by the fear of many people all over the planet and different parts of the universe. That energy isn't converted, so it has nowhere to go. It collects. Did you ever ponder that if enough negative energy collected, it could somehow obtain some form of singular consciousness or awareness?       I'm really sorry if I'm sounding angry, it's just that I had to clear this up. The only way to destroy this negative collection is to go the core of the energy and send as much healing and light energy as possible. That is my mission after the great shift and first contact is past. If you tell people that there's no such thing as darkness as well as light, than that's just as bad as saying there's no Kryon. That's setting limitations on the mind. Again, sorry if I sound angry, but this has been in my head for long time.       Your new ways of thinking and healing have helped me and have helped others and I thank you so much. Just tell the whole story about dark energy buildup and how we can convert it to light energy with pure intention. That's all! I must depart, see you after the completion of the great shift and first contact! Healing and love to everyone! ANSWER: Dear one, let's be clear: Kryon never told you that there was no darkness. We told you that light and dark were of the same source, and therefore they were only shades of the same thing. We also told you that all of what you call "darkness" is Human generated. If enough Humans decide to keep you in the dark, then Earth will indeed be in the dark.       So our teachings are exactly as you stated: There's darkness all over Earth, and it has been this way, due to old Human consciousness, for eons. Now there are new tools for Lightworkers to transmute it and let others see what has been hiding there so they can also shine their light and start the great shift.       What we told you was that there's no dark entity who is after your soul, and no devil that's all-powerful who can take away your light. Instead, there are only Humans who do this, and your light is beginning to be far more powerful than any darkness they can create. This is new, and to some it's unbelievable. It's also grand news, since it releases the idea that you don't have a chance against some evil, powerful force. Instead, perhaps you'll come to understand that you are the most powerful thing on the planet - the one who created the problems, and also the one who has the solutions.       Set no limitations. To you, there's dark and there's light. They both come from Humans just like you, and, as you said, you have the choice for either one. You've seen what Humanity has done with it all your life. So do you see how much in control you are of the planet? Hold your light, dear one! We're on the same team!   (42) QUESTION: Dear Kryon, I apologize in advance for the length of this question, but I'm trying to sketch an entire book as briefly as I can. (I think I did quite well.)       I know from your other channellings that there's no devil or evil one, but I've run across a book introducing a group of entities referred to as "The Others." They supposedly feed on low energies and are trying to prevent the vibration of Earth and its inhabitants from increasing, lest their demise from this planet.       The author's creation story/allegory presents two original sparks: the first known as Lucifer and of a lower frequency; the second, God. Lucifer went on a creation binge and formed a bunch of low energy look-alike universes that were pretty much clones of each other. The "God Spark" watched and watched, finally creating our universe with ongoing life, free will, and emotional characteristics. The low-frequency but numerous "other" creation would like our attributes, presenting a very good[1/29/2014 9:48:09 AM]

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rationale behind alien abductions and expressionless entities.       These others have since been exploiting humanity in their quest for what we have. All manner of evil and calamity is attributed to this scenario because "The Others" need low frequencies to exist.       Humanity is a blend of light and dark, caused by our naively jumping into this duality to serve the Light (God) and clean up the mess. The author is saying the light ones will actually leave for Planet II, a sixth- or seventh-dimensional facsimile of Earth between now and 2012 - very similar to the "rapture" scenario. The author speaks of all entities (including the Kryon) being prevented (until very recently) from telling we Humans about this ancient deal gone sour.       Much of her writings make sense and agree with the Kyron's words, but I personally can't reconcile abandoning this third-dimensional planet to darkness, nor can I quite accept the personification of a dark side that really reflects the ancient belief in a devil, especially one that precedes God himself. Would you be kind enough to offer some Kryon insight into this particular channelling since it's obviously sincere and in some ways new? ANSWER: Dear one, as in the preceding question and answer, I tell you that intellectually you try to put all of this in a box that will keep you from seeing your own responsibility for everything on the planet. The story may sound good, but only if you are in a certain culture, for it's based on beliefs that are unique to a religious system (if you noticed). In addition, it creates hierarchies and levels that help Humans to linearize and compartmentalize something that's ugly and puzzling, so that society feels better about it all, and can get a grip on how to proceed.       The truth is far more simple: You are directly responsible for all of it - all the negativity, the slavery, the horror, the religious wars, and the test of Earth. There was nothing gone "sour." It's simply the energy of the planet - the denseness and the imbalance that produced a consciousness where you got to experience all your many lifetimes. This indeed is the test, isn't it? Where will Humans take it?       You wish to assign a holy angelic war that created your problems, but there was none. It's Humans at their worst, and this is darkness defined. So your intuition is totally correct! You don't have to abandon your 3D planet to darkness. Instead, observe who created it, and know that they're also the ones who can solve it!       The truth is always found in the intuition of the Human. Don't take Kryon's word for anything; test it within yourselves. For within your own DNA you have the full book of knowledge - everything that's ever happened, and the way things work. When you've examined that, go with your instincts and you'll always be correct. Use the angel inside to guide you in all things, for it's the only real source that's right for you.   Submit Your Question To Kryon updated every quarter (we try)[1/29/2014 9:48:09 AM]

KRYON -Through the eyes of Ascension Part 1



Live Kryon Channelling - Grand Rapids, Michigan February 23, 2003 As channelled by Lee Carroll for Kryon The information below is free and available for you to print out, copy and distribute as you wish. Its Copyright, however, prohibits its sale in any form except by the publisher. Lee Carroll Click the camera to see photos of this seminar!

CHANNELLING : Through the Eyes of Ascension - Part I Grand Rapids, Michigan – February 23, 2003 This Kryon live channelling was given in Grand Rapids, Michigan in February of 2003. It is part one of a two part series given in two different locations regarding Ascension, and what it means in this new grid complete energy. [This channelling has been added-to and enhanced by Kryon in a rechannelling process over the actual transcribed channelling. This has been done in order to make it more valuable for the written word and to bring clarity to concepts that were given energetically within the live channelling.]

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. There's a joy complement here today. Some of you, at a cellular level, who have been stuck, are actually starting to feel the release. In these next few moments, there will be an entourage who comes in here who is unique. They flow in to the area around you, both reader and listener. In these first few moments, while you're getting used to this voice, some of you are saying, "This[1/29/2014 9:48:14 AM]

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cannot be. Spirit does not talk to Human Beings this way; it has to be more complex." I think that's why you came... for the validation of it all. For accompanying the flow of energy and words and verbiage in speech, will be love. In this process, this entourage will distribute unto you much of what you came for… the validation of the love of God. It's a validation that Spirit is family, and a validation that fear can be no part of what we bring. Answers may be given, and energy discussed, but believe me, this is a reunion, and it's one that you've been waiting for. Oh, dear Human Being, listener and reader, I know who you are. You think you sit there alone with one pair of eyes, reading each word, one by one? It seems so personal, does it not? Well, it is. As the hearer hears only with their own ears and no one else's, so is it you read with only one consciousness and your individual sight on the page. It's a personal message we give, and yet it's universal. It's one of love, and always has been. This entourage who pours into this place is unique because it's tailor-made for you. It's always different, you know. There are those who would say, "Well, the entourage that comes in with Kryon has got to be one that is always the same. It's the Kryon entourage." Who told you that? Perhaps you thought it was a "service group" that somehow travels with Kryon? Perhaps you thought it was similar to what a king has, servants and such? I have thought-boggling information for you: The "King" that this group services is YOU! The entourage who is here right now has the potential to touch every reader and listener from this point on. That entourage has their energy on this place, the one you chose to be in. Reader, you might say, "Well, how could such a thing be? You don't have any idea who's going to read this, do you?" Actually, yes, we do. We know of the potentials of those who would pick up the magazine and the book. Think of it! For years to come on your time line, we see the potential as though it were right now. The "now" is like that, you know? We have the "picture" of the potential of how you're sitting there right now. Amazing? No. In fact, this is what we're actually trying to teach all of you. We knew of the potentials of your arrival, too, listener, before you ever took your seat. Did you know that? This isn't an invasive group who sits here with you. We're talking about an entourage who walks with you wherever you go. This is the very entourage who many of you have felt hasn't been listening to you for a long time! [Laughter] In this last decade, some of you have finally tuned those spiritual "radio stations" in to us. You finally learned to move that metaphoric dial, and you found us at another frequency... a higher one. Perhaps you've been listening for a long time on the other frequency? Well, that station had to go, you know? Interdimensional Human Being, let me tell you what has replaced it, metaphorically - a walkie-talkie! We've got two-way communication, and our communications are now on another channel. Therefore, the first thing we're going to advise is to tune in to it and find it. It doesn't live where the other one used to be. With the new frequency, when you meditate, pray, and come to that quiet spot where you've always felt us, the reactions aren't the same, the emotions aren't the same. The information is not nearly as simplistic. Some of you, still tuned to the old frequency, have felt as if you've been talking to nobody at all! The fact is that we're now on a much stronger station, but you have to be willing to find it and tune in. Let the learning begin. The entourage here plays many parts, posturing this veil for you, and it's a timeless group. Reader, you may take a look at the date as you read this, but it's "now" that I'm talking to you. Your now may be different from the ones who are hearing this with their ears. You may think that a long portion of time has elapsed since these who are here sat in the audience and listened. And you might say, "This is old information." No, it's not. If it were, you wouldn't be reading it, would you? What we bring to you today is timeless, absolutely timeless.[1/29/2014 9:48:14 AM]

KRYON -Through the eyes of Ascension Part 1

There's a group who is settled in this place and who's also around the chair of the reader. "What kind of group is it, Kryon?" you might ask. Is it a group who has information? Not really. Is it a group who has guidance? Not really. "Well, then, what kind of a group is it?" So I will tell you: This is an energy mist - a very, very fine mist that has your name on it. Each atom of that mist is an entity. As you change your consciousness, this group of entities also changes. As you make your decisions, the mist changes. What you utter out of your mouth, the mist hears. It does its best to complement what you feel and what you ask for. Whatever instructions come out of your mind, the mist tries to create it. Metaphors? Yes. But perhaps some of you are starting to understand that gone are the days when you can count the "guides." Gone are the days when you can give them names, although you still will. First of all, they really have no names. They're all one energy. Sometimes pieces or parts come to the front, and you'll say, "There she is! My guide named so-and-so. I feel her!" You aren't wrong, but a moment later, as the mist shifts again, it changes its name, its energy, and responds differently. How can you name a shifting energy? There's much family in there, too, and sometimes you will feel - even smell - them! But they're part of an interdimensional group that's aware of you and each other. They "shape-shift" to accommodate you, and what you need. Oh, precious Human Being, you're a piece of God. You were born in a timeless universe and space that has no beginning. The birth of which I speak is completely and totally ongoing. It's a complete circle. There will never come a time when you cease to exist, and there will never come a time when you cease being born into something. Such is the way of it, and even in your 4-D - in the linearity of what you call "The Human Experience," there are attributes of this very thing. It's a timelessness that you carry with you. Long after you leave this planet for the last time, you will be on to something else. Although we could say so much about the entourage who is here, reader, I hope you feel its presence. That will speak volumes to you. For much of this is uniquely for you, too, as well as those who are hearing this. For those in the audience today, I will say this: There are energies and colors to be seen. There are physical attributes that may visit you as you actually sit in these chairs. Some of you will know that Spirit spoke to you today. Even the doubters will know that sitting next to you is a grand potential. And sitting next to you and around you is a spiritual mist with your name on it. More metaphors? In this case, no. In the dimension we're sitting in, everything I've said is actually taking place. The Lifting Veil And so it is that the veil lifts slightly, and not just for a meeting such as this. This veil that's lifting is the activity of this age, which has been promised. It's the Apocalypse, and the changing of the age. The grids of Earth have changed for it to take place, and many Humans came here specifically to enable it. If you're hearing or reading this, the potential is that you were one of these . . . such is the "accident" that would bring you to this message. There was a time when humanity was polled - yes, actually polled at a high spiritual level. This occurred in 1987. Don't you remember it? No. But you don't remember being born, either, do you? There are some things that are relegated to the higher parts of you, but they're there and are very real. You were asked if you would be willing to make this consciousness shift for the planet. Why do you think Earth would be polled in such a way? The answer is "free choice." Even thought the "setup" was in place and all was prepared, you still had the choice to say no. But the warriors of the light are here! Many of you actually came here within this incarnation (expression of this life) for this very change. You stood in line on the other side of the veil for it! It's not necessarily an easy thing, slipping between dimensions, you know. You had to give permission to commence with the change, to move into an interdimensional place and find that other radio station. And so you said yes to the question. These are metaphors of what we call the[1/29/2014 9:48:14 AM]

KRYON -Through the eyes of Ascension Part 1

11:11 - the number that some of you still see on the clocks to this day, out of coincidence. It's no accident, seeing those numbers over and over - no accident at all. It's given for you at that instant. It's a reminder that you're not alone - a reminder that the love of God is surging in your very DNA, activated and cooperated with by the mist around you. It is so. Ascension – The Great Gift of This Age So starts a teaching that we will give a name. It's a teaching we promised we'd begin when the grid had settled after 2002. It's a teaching we could never have given before that occurred. Even now, as other grids are being aligned, this teaching is very appropriate, whereas it was not when the magnetic grid was in transition. For over a decade - 12 years - you've heard the name, that word, ascension. We even called it graduation. Here is the name we're going to give to this message and some others to follow: The name is "Through the Eyes of Ascension." Some will say that it should be "Through the eyes of the ascended," for it's a description of a process that's personal. That is the subject today. We can't do this in a quick fashion. That's why there will be several of these messages, each one different. Each one will be complete without the other, but together they'll represent a better picture than if they were separate. Let me remind you again what ascension is, and what it is not. You may have heard this before, but it's important enough to begin at the source. "Dear Kryon," we've heard people say, "I wish to ascend soon. I'm tired of being here." Oh, Lightworker! That is not what ascension is. It's not about escape. It's not about reward. It's about graduation, and we've defined it before. When you graduate from a school, you leave the school, but not life. You leave an old reality and begin a new one. The Ascension of Old Energy Let me take you back for a moment to a very real place and set a stage for you. We've done this before, but let's do it even again - one more time, as the opening of this teaching. [pause] The breeze is blowing briskly in a mountainous area where the prophet Elijah has moved next to a cliff. He stands there waiting for what he knows will take place. He has an appointment. The prophet Elijah is going to ascend. He knows it. He's been told it, and he's prepared for it. And we've painted this picture before. Our explanation is a little different now, however, for we will explain a little more of what took place that day. By invitation, Elisha was there, too. Perhaps you felt Elisha was a friend, or just his master's student? It doesn't matter for this story, for Elisha was really there in order to report and testify on what it looked like for the ascension of his master, the Israelite prophet Elijah. What most have missed is that Elisha was there for something far different! History will show that Elisha reported as best he could the ascension of Elijah. There were descriptions of flashes of light and rainbows of color. There was much spoken of how there was a disintegration of reality when Elijah ascended. It was the best a person could do in 4D to describe a process which isn't in 4D, and Elisha did it well. Now, we've discussed before what actually took place that very day. No matter what the reports say, there's a bias in all of them. It's a bias that would say that when ascension takes place, you have to go up... or away. You don't. There is no "up" in interdimensionality. There is no "away," either. The light was blinding, Elijah vanished, and the assumption was made that Elijah was taken away by God.[1/29/2014 9:48:14 AM]

KRYON -Through the eyes of Ascension Part 1

Here's what happened. In an old energy, a very old energy, Elijah touched the hand of his HigherSelf, and with a blinding flash, one that you could even smell in the air, Elijah seemed to disintegrate and be returned to a piece of God that he was. A lingering light remained, and the energy was potent and pungent. Elisha saw and reported it all. But here's what we never reported before. You see, Elisha stood in a "field of influence" when Elijah ascended. Something happened that even Elisha was unaware of. You see, he wasn't just there just to write down what happened. Oh, he did that well, but here's what really happened to Elisha: He took the mantel of his master because he was standing close enough to have been influenced. In the ascension of the one, energy was shifted to the other, and also into the dirt of the earth and into the atmosphere. In the case of the remaining Human, it went into the layers of the DNA of Elijah's pupil. Elisha returned from that experience seemingly alone, but he wasn't. Instead, he returned with potentials and tools he didn't know had been transferred to him. Want proof? Go read it in the history of his life. Elisha went on to do great things, many that were as wise and powerful as those his master had done. The mantel of the master encompassed him, and he received the wisdom of the ages. He had seen the unseeable. He had felt that which was interdimensional, and it changed him. Remember this, for it reflects upon the entire process we speak about in these new times. For most, however, the mind-set of ascension as reported is now seen as a vanishing, and a return to God or "heaven." Now let me return you to a time in the years you called "the two thousands," when the vibration of the planet has increased to such a degree that it is even in a different time frame. Physics demands that this planet even be in a different location, interdimensionally in space... and it is. Interdimensionality affects your reality. In fact, if you were to define reality, it would have to include the dimensionality you exist within as a root to the definition. Could it be that there's another Earth someplace else in another dimension - one that you used to be on? How bizarre, you say? It's actually so. Did the magnetic grid move as we told you it would? Were the weather changes significant, as we told you they would be? Can you feel this shift? Are you a bit more anxious than normal these days? Change does that, you know. You changed reality. Could it be that there's another YOU someplace else? The answer is no. Instead, there are many Earths and many paths, but only one of you. You might actually say, then, that the only thing that is unchangeable is you. That would be accurate in the physics sense. All reality revolves around spiritual consciousness. Humans perceive it backwards, as though they were being tossed and turned in a barrel of life that they cannot control. Instead, they control it all, but aren't aware of it. Therefore, they're tossed and turned in their own creation. It's fear and ignorance of this that creates Human who believe that they cannot change it. The most difficult thing we'll ever tell you is this: Interdimensional shift changes everything around you, but everything seems to stay the same in your eyes. But you feel it, don't you? Have you felt time speed up? Many have. When you sit in a train without windows and it speeds up, you feel the speed increase even if you can't see outside. The train car you're in, however, stays the same - same seats, same travelers, same atmosphere, yet you're now going faster, and everything outside your car knows it. Therefore, the reality of the car has changed, but to you it's the same, except it's rocking a bit more. What's really going on? The answer: You've sat through one of the most profound things that can happen to any planet, anywhere. This planet of yours is the only one in the universe that can do this, did you know that? Oh, there are many planets, and there is much life, more than you have any idea of, but yours is the only one in the universe that can shift reality by choice of the inhabitants. Based upon the consciousness of the beings upon it, reality can be shifted on planet Earth. We've told you this before, that you're sheltered from much visitation by others in the Universe, just as it should be. You're hidden within one sun system, whereas so much life is contained with those[1/29/2014 9:48:14 AM]

KRYON -Through the eyes of Ascension Part 1

systems with dual suns. Astronomy will someday discover that dual-sun solar systems are the ones most likely to harbor Earthlike planets. It will have to do with the potentials of what you take for granted with Earth . . . that it's in a perfect orbit and at a perfect distance for life. It's astonishing for your science to think that this was chance, yet most still do. Calculating the odds and just looking around should show them differently. You're hidden so completely in this vast universe that those who look for life like yours will look here last. You'll be left alone for this test until it's over. The few visitors you have are just lookers. They don't announce themselves to Earth because they can't. If you've noticed, they come and go in the shadows of your reality, never really ready to do anything but hide and run. There are reasons for that, and we've discussed them before. Did you ever wonder whether there was purpose here? Did you ever gasp as you looked into the stars and wondered if there was a purpose for your life? Did you ever ask, "Is there something greater than me?" I will tell you again: Yes, there is purpose in your life. Your intuition serves you well as you gaze into the stars, for that universe, the creation of God that you wonder about, is not that strange at all. If I could suspend duality for a moment, I'd love to give you the gift of remembrance. I want you to remember that you were there when this Universe was created. If you feel an infinity for it, it's because you helped create it, dear Human. You're in a masterful disguise! So what about this "ascension"? The veil is being lifted. The grid has settled. Physics has changed, and this planet has postured itself in a state that will allow for the kind of ascension that Elijah experienced, only without the results that Elijah had in his older reality. Let me make this as clear as I can. The very same procedure that took place with Elijah is now available to every single Human on the planet. The difference is that Humans won't disintegrate anymore. You know what happens to them? Instead, it's a profound shift in consciousness. It's the beginning of a multistepped procedure. It's interdimensional and unexplainable in your reality, but I'm going to give you some of the core information, finally. Ascension's Steps There are those who have said, "Kryon, you've never talked about the steps of ascension. How many are there?" I will tell you again: One. "Is that really true? Could it be that simple?" I never told you it was simple. I said there was only one step. "All right, how long does that step last?" Forever. When you push on that door of intent, dear Human Being, and open that box called ascension, you look into the eyes of infinity. How many steps? It's one... an infinite number of steps that equal one reality. How far do you want to go? What do you wish to learn? How far will you take it? There can't be a standard answer, can there? One answer for everyone? Could someone create a book that's about your life, your family, your joys and situations, then tell everyone that it belongs to them, too? The answer is no. It's a custom book for you. Free choice is that way, you know. Still, there are many who wish to have their 4D instructions for ascension. They want one book to fit everyone. This is like asking for a reading primer in kindergarten to explain the works and metaphors of a profound and complex literary playwright. It just isn't possible. In this new expanded energy, the free choice of consciousness for a Human Being is now the free choice to expand to masterhood while you walk on this planet. Will others notice? Chances are they already have! Some of you in this room and reading this aren't strangers to the process. I speak to those who have made this choice, who have pushed upon that door, and who have made life shifts and changes. Perhaps I'm talking to you? Perhaps that's why some of you came here or picked up this book? There are also some in this room who have made this choice and seemingly nothing happened. Well, get ready for some changes, for this is the time we told you about 12 years ago. This is the time we told you about that included Earth shifts - weather pattern alterations - new[1/29/2014 9:48:14 AM]

KRYON -Through the eyes of Ascension Part 1

alliances - those who can't hide and must get off the fence and make a decision - battles of consciousness. All through these happenings, what did we tell you? We said the invitation was to lift the veil, to strip away the duality. and through the eyes of ascension, to begin a path that would literally change the earth itself. Potentials for Everyone How do you begin? Again, we'll tell you, yet it may again be misunderstood in your 4D reality. There's only one method to open this door to start the process. It's a profound one, yet it doesn't take a school or even a book to do it. I'll tell you in a moment, but first let me ask you this: How complex do you think it was for Elijah to go stand in the field? How long do you think he studied in a school to go and stand there? How many books do you think it took him to read for Elijah to learn how to walk into the field and make an agreement with God? Maybe you're starting to get the point? You might say, "Well, Elijah was a master - a prophet. You can't compare him to us." That's where the Human disbelief sets in. That's where the fear starts to be generated. "Kryon, you mean we are like him?" In this new energy, with a lifting veil, the answer is yes. And here's where the departure will be for those who choose not to believe it. They will tell you that it can't be this way. They will drag out all of their history books and the lineage of spirituality. They'll point to the books, they'll give the ABC's of why you can't do what we're saying. They'll go so far as to say that the Kryon teaching must be false... a Human could never do such a thing, and their old books say so. Well, I'm sitting in front of those many Humans who have! How do you explain them? Let me tell you about this process through the eyes of those Humans who have done it. That's why we will call it "through the eyes of ascension." How is it done? What is the one step that is infinite? It's done with pure intent... a one-on-one meeting with the infinite parts of you - the same meeting that Elijah had when he walked into the field. Simple? No. Just ask anyone who has made lifechanging decisions. First, when you open that door and begin this process, you can't count the steps in 4D. You may want to know how many, but that's not possible. In school, you want to know the goal, the steps of accomplishment, and the format. But in this process, there are too many, and each step is unique. Listen closely: I'll say this again: Gone are the days when you go through procedures, travel to certain places, count items, ask forgiveness of different masters, or perform pilgrimages of sacrifice in order to get to a spiritual plateau where you'll be blessed enough to have something happen or be healed. Are you understanding this? You've always had masterhood! The seeds of this were with you in creation. You were told this over and over by the masters that walked the earth. How many times do you have to be told through the ages that you have this power? When Humans, whom you called masters and prophets, walked the earth doing miracles, they looked at you and said, "It's available, and you can do it, too." You can heal the sick, transmute physics, walk on water, even change biology. They were here as examples of what you could do, yet in an older energy, what did humanity do with this great knowledge? The earth fell down and worshiped them! The messages didn't get through. Even some of your ancient translations of scripture are biased in what was said and meant. This was because there wasn't a consciousness within the translator that allowed for the thought that the masters actually meant that regular Humans could ever have this power. But now it's time for you to pick yourselves up, if you're interested, and go to that place you always knew existed. Do you know how many lifetimes you've waited for this? Some of you rehearsed it. Monk, priest, are you listening? Shaman, are you listening? Reader, this is for you. Let me take you someplace else. I would like you to go to a place a long time ago when you weren't Human yet. See yourself as an angel (something you understand in 4D). You're about ready to come into Earth, and this process is sacred. You've done it before, and some of you actually held back so that you would arrive at the time of the prophesied Armageddon. What are you doing? Does that make sense to you, that you would have held back to come into the earth during one of its[1/29/2014 9:48:14 AM]

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final tests? This is why we love you the way we do. You came in to work, and you know it. Despite all that prophecy on that old path, you came in willingly, ready to go through it. We have to ask you: Why would you do such a thing? Why would you go through this? After all, on the other side of the veil, aren't you supposed to be smarter? [Laughter] Let me tell you why. Listener, reader, you are the ones who are awakening first. You're the ones who are beginning to understand that as you're awakened, you're changing the history of Earth. That angel on the other side, standing in line to come here, was wise, because it knew that nothing was preordained. All could be changed. The decisions you make to push upon the doors of ascension are having the same kind of influence on the planet that Elijah's ascension had on Elisha. How can we tell you this? As you push upon the door and open up this ascension step, energy is released. It's released to those around you. It's released to the planet. It changes the actual measurement of Earth. And you sit there, pretending to be so ordinary! Blessed are you in this moment! The First Step Your spiritual search generates an energy that helps the planet. The step to masterhood, even the one that opens the door, is profound. What is the step? The step is pure intent, and we'll say it again. Nothing could be purer than spiritual intent. It's not a casual intent, nor an angry one. It's a pure spiritual one. It's one where you greet the very core level of all that is you. Again, we give you the metaphor that pure intent is defined as that energy in the hand of Abraham, as the dagger was poised to go into the chest of his only son, Isaac. But it never got there, did it? His intent was to go the whole route if need be. Here's something for others who need to hear it, and may understand the meaning of it: Pure intent, is the energy in the hand of Abraham that almost sacrificed Ishmael in Mecca. Pure intent, worldwide, is the same story. No matter what the allegory says, or where it took place, the meaning is the same. It's the kind of intent where the Human sits on the floor and says, "Dear God, tell me what it is I need to know, and I'll follow it." The Human who does this is not doing it out of desperation or because he's at the end of his endurance. No. It's because he's now more aware if his purpose. Pure intent is accomplished outside of [apart from] fear. Pure intent is given in a state of ceremony, love, appreciation, maturity, wisdom, and with sound and balanced reasoning. That's the step. It opens a door. It's a door that you can never close. This is why we've always cautioned you not to do this unless you really mean it. Many have asked, "If there's free will, why can't you close that door if you wish?" Oh, there is free choice. Indeed, you can choose to ignore that you opened the door, and of course you'll be in denial. You will be in dis-ease, will you not? It creates unbalanced and anxiety. Why? Because, Human Being, it is impossible to un-know something. You cannot will yourself, no matter how much free choice you have, to forget something. When you start receiving the wisdom of the ages, what are you going to do? Pretend it isn't there? Be circumspect. Know what you're doing. Be truthful with your own self before you ever make this step. In the next message, we're going to begin to explain what happens to the individual who gives this profound intent. What are the immediate results? What is felt? What are the pitfalls? How long might each reaction take? These are common to the ascension experience, but not in all cases, and not in all circumstances. But the road map is being revealed, as we promised that it would be. What took so long? The energy wasn't finished! Many spoke out that they were moving on to other teachings, since Kryon wasn't coming forth with specifics. Let me ask you this: If you planned a voyage across the ocean to another continent, would you stop the ship in mid-ocean and demand another ship, since you weren't there yet? This voyage has taken 12 years. We told you that in the beginning, and now we've arrived in the port of knowledge. Before we go, we must give you this information: There are those in this room who are afraid.[1/29/2014 9:48:14 AM]

KRYON -Through the eyes of Ascension Part 1

"Kryon, what's going to happen to me if I take on this energy? Won't I stick out?" Oh, yes, you will! "Doesn't that mean that people will want to move away from me? I love my family and friends. I'm not certain I wish to sacrifice them for this spiritual quest. I don't want to be alone!" Dear one, that's old energy talking. That's an old bias. The Special Friend Here's a teaching we've given before in different places, in different times, but we're bringing it together now. Let me introduce you to someone... a master. I wish to introduce you to somebody you'd really love to be with. Forget the gender for a moment, for this Human will become a good friend. Every time this person looks at you, you feel safe and comfortable. This person is so easy to be with, you'd naturally go anywhere with them and do anything. There is never any judgment or agenda. This person won't ask you for anything, either. He just wants to be with you. You're proud to be with him, and he's proud to be with you. What if I could introduce you to somebody who had all of these qualities, and they were also wise as well? What do you say? May I do this? Are you afraid? Will you run the other way? No! You'll probably knock down the door to be introduced! Who is it? It's you, in an ascended status! I've just described you. Think back to what you've read in the sacred texts about the spiritual historic masters who walked your Earth. They were loved! People came for miles simply to sit in their energy. Children and animals recognized their peacefulness and followed them from place to place. They weren't weird, strange, or sullen. They emanated joy. They taught love and understanding. And those who were in their influence were changed - like Elisha was changed when standing in the same vicinity of the master while energy shifted. Expect a family who will look at you differently and fall in love with you again! Expect relationships to heal, if that's appropriate. Expect old barriers to drop. Expect enemies to see you differently and for drama to disappear. Do you know what I'm talking about here? It's not just about you, it's about the energy you carry and show. It's about what happens when a graduate walks from place to place, working the knowledge of what he went to school for. The part of the Human Being that's called perception is aware and reacts to this person. This person tempers and disarms difficult situation, and shines light in dark places. Perhaps you came to hear that? Do not fear the attributes of your masterhood, for it's an attribute of the love of God. This is just the beginning. Now, let me see... how many steps were there? That's the way of it, you know? You open the door to infinity, and what do you expect? How are you going to notate and document that experience? Do you know what kind of energy you sit in right now as we close this beginning message? You remember that mist I talked about earlier? That's the entourage who's around you. This would be a good time to feel it - a good time to "see" them. They're active and are waiting to shift for you. Do you realize that all of the teachings of all of the masters that ever walked the planet are coming to fruition now? Did you know that their messages all combined to give you this? Humanity is becoming enabled. Oh, it might not look that way on the news, but there's more to the situation than you think. When you look in the mirror, don't be deceived. There is timelessness in those eyes. The potentials are grand. It may not look like it - it may look awful to you now, but the earth is in a pruning state, sometimes ugly on its way to changing through consciousness. Accept nothing as permanent. Accept nothing as inevitable The potentials for solutions are always there. That's why they call you a Lightworker. All that you see before you this day on Earth, as we speak to you, was foretold. The energy shifts of the planet are at hand, and the rewriting has begun. You are the warriors who have made it possible, and you are the ones who hold the key to its final solution... to the reality of "The New Jerusalem."[1/29/2014 9:48:14 AM]

KRYON -Through the eyes of Ascension Part 1

And so it is.

Kryon[1/29/2014 9:48:14 AM]

KRYON - Through the Eyes of Ascension Part II



Live Kryon Channelling - Reno, Nevada March 29, 2003 As channelled by Lee Carroll for Kryon The information below is free and available for you to print out, copy and distribute as you wish. Its Copyright, however, prohibits its sale in any form except by the publisher. Lee Carroll Click the camera to see photos of this seminar!

CHANNELLING : Through the Eyes of Ascension - Part II Reno, Nevada – March 29, 2003 This Kryon live channelling was given in Reno, Nevada in March of 2003. It is part two of a two part series given in two different locations regarding Ascension, and what it means in this new grid complete energy. [This channelling has been added-to and enhanced by Kryon in a rechannelling process over the actual transcribed channelling. This has been done in order to make it more valuable for the written word and to bring clarity to concepts that were given energetically within the live channelling.]

Greetings, Dear Ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. How many of you felt it when you walked in this morning [speaking to the audience]? What’s lurking in the other dimensions that even your scientists now agree must contain something? I’ll tell you what part of it is: It's the unseen. It's "things that no longer can be denied."[1/29/2014 9:48:18 AM]

KRYON - Through the Eyes of Ascension Part II

A sweet entourage gathered here three days ago in the middle of the night. This group agreed to posture the very elements that this room is made of. It went around informing the wood, the plaster, and the cloth. It talked to the glass in the crystal, to the cement, the elements which were manmade, created out of elements that were here already. It told the elements: "Something will happen here in three days. Prepare the room for shamans," it said. It told the matter in this room to structure itself in celebration and to be prepared for the masters. And that was three days ago. Then, this morning, in walked the shamans and the masters… and those who gave intent to read these words. Some are questioning that this could possibly be a channelled message. There are those here right now who don’t believe such a thing. Channelling must be a joke, they say. After all, that’s not really the way God speaks to men and women, is it? Oh, yes, it is! It always has been. It always will be. It is the way of enlightenment, you know. It is the way of all of the masters you know of. It is the way of all of the prophets you know about. Men and women wrote all of the scriptures, if you recall. Where did they get their information? What made it scripture, if it only came from a Human? I’ll tell you. When it contains information that "rings true," then it’s speaking right to the core of your divinity. There’s a core inside of each Human Being that tells when things are accurate or not. It's a divine core because you are eternal. Dear Human Being, I know your name. And it's not the name that’s on the name tags that were given to you at the door. I know the name that is eternal... and so does the plaster... and so does the fabric, the iron, the cement, the glass, and the crystal. They celebrate that name, for this planet is populated with the energy of that name. Each of you is a piece of everything around you. Someday we'll even give a channelling on that. Well hidden, this planet is. It's to allow you to conduct the test without interruption. The divinity is also well hidden from you in what is called the "duality." Even this day, the questions have been asked, "Why me, why now, why this?" Oh, let us put our arms around you! Isn’t it time? Accept the pruning of the planet. The tree in winter is not a pretty sight, but the tree is ageless. The tree knows something about the way of things. The tree understands and realizes that with time, as the timeless cyclical weather changes take place, there will again be health and beauty. Go ahead and interview a tree in the dead of winter and it will say, "Oh, please, don’t look at me now. Come back later … please come back. I’ll be more beautiful the next time you see me, and then even more the next time after that." And so we say to you within this metaphor, celebrate your life! Celebrate the pruning and celebrate winter if you wish, for this is what you asked for, shaman. In a time in your life that you probably don’t even remember, divinity gathered around you and celebrated the fact that you gave permission to do what you’re doing right now! God does not "do things" to Human Beings. It’s not the way of it. Instead, what takes place is carefully orchestrated with your permission. Oh, you might deny that, and so it is, you say, "Why me, why now, why this?" Perhaps it's because you’re really not convinced about the family around you? So you sit here, humanitarian, and you cry for the earth. We told you about this time [speaking of the Iraq war], yet you don't wish to claim it, do you? Too much sorrow. Too much pruning. What if I told you that what you may be seeing on your earth is one of the last events like this on this planet? Perhaps a mold is being cast regarding something that you don’t ever want to see again? What if this event was one of the last of its kind? There would be those who would say, "Oh, no. You see, war is inbred in humanity. We will always destroy one another." You would continue to say, "War like this will always be. There will always be these things." Really? What if I told you this? Everything that has happened in these last 12 years has been about transmuting those very statements. What if I told you that when the veil lifts[1/29/2014 9:48:18 AM]

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and the consciousness moves, the battle we described between the old and the new energy would be one that informs consciousness of "what it will never do again"? What if I told you that this was a new dispensation? A renaissance of consciousness. What if I told you that you’re alive to facilitate it! What if I told you that’s why you came here? You might say, "Well, what have I got to do with it? What should I do with it? I abhor it. I don’t like anything about it." Some work is like that, you know? Oh, let the metaphors begin! There you are, lighthouse. You’re standing on the rock, aren’t you - shining your light. In fact, you may have found a place to anchor yourself, so no waves can wash over you and damage the structure. Not only that, you put yourselves on the rocks that are dangerous, haven’t you? Dangerous ground, you’re on, but not for a lighthouse. After all, that’s why you came, that’s why you were built. You're a lighthouse. Then it gets dark, and many people are afraid. The ships of humanity are trying to steer themselves into the safe harbors that you’re purposefully stationed around. And within this metaphor you can call the harbors anything you want to. Perhaps they’re harbors of wisdom, integrity, high consciousness, peace on earth, or The New Jerusalem. But there you are, standing in the right place at the right time. When it gets dark, it gets dangerous. It looks bleak, doesn’t it? But suddenly you kindle your light. In all of your glory, there you are, lighthouse, with the only light by the rocks. Then all you do is shine. The many ships see it, and one by one they steer themselves into the safe harbor. The masters of those ships don't know who you are. They never meet you or your family. They don’t know your name. But they see your light, and they steer by it. Sometimes it’s just intuitive. You may not even be aware of your own light, since you’re holding it, but the ships around you know. One after another, they make it to the safety of the harbor. If there are enough lighthouses on Earth, the ships of humanity will all find their way to the safe harbor. And through the ages, lighthouses stand fast no matter what the politics of the time. Let me ask you this, lighthouse: As you stand firmly on the rock, which side did you take in the current struggle? What language did you speak to the ship’s captain? And the answer is that you didn’t take sides, and you had no dialogue with the captain of any ship. Instead, you just stood there, anchored in the love of God, helping all the ships to see in the dark. I hope you understand what we’re saying. Get above the fray. No matter what your culture demands, or your three-dimensionality tells you you’re supposed to do, stop. Understand that you are beyond the polarization that others have. Instead, there’s a layer of new wisdom. It’s almost a layer of ascension. It's a layer that understands very, very clearly what is at hand. What are you supposed to do? I’ll give it to you again, lighthouse, and I’ll be plain about it. Does the lighthouse examine the flags of the vessels it helps? No. Does it interview the political ideas of the ship's masters? No. The lighthouse loves humanity, and it’s there to help the whole picture, regardless of what others see as correct or incorrect. Where do you think the trouble is right now on your planet? Reader, where is the trouble on your planet? Consider wherever that is. Perhaps it’s a country - maybe a battlefield or a culture, or a place where there’s disease. Maybe it’s a small office in a capital that’s oval? Whatever your perception is, listen carefully - get above the fray. Don't absorb the anger or the polarization of opinion. Get above that. These troubled places are dim and they’re dark. They don’t have the light that you have. So what do you do with that light? It’s not about sending some kind of political message. It’s not even about[1/29/2014 9:48:18 AM]

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sending peace or an idea of what you think should be, sent to areas that need it. Oh, no. Instead, it’s about turning on the light! What if you were to send the light that you have - the divinity that you have - into a dark area. What would take place? Sometimes people walk around in darkness and they don't even know it. When the light is turned on, they’re amazed, and they see things they never saw before. So when you turn on the light, you haven’t sent anyone any kind of message. Instead, all you’ve done is to enable their sight. You’ve given them free choice and the wisdom that’s theirs, to see what’s been hidden. It’s called revelation. I want you to remember the times in your life when you discovered things you never knew were so. I want you to remember the times in your life when you had the "ah-ha," when you made some decisions that changed things forever. That's the process of the lighthouse, and that light you carry. And that's what we wish to speak about. What’s the difference between this energy today and the energy, for instance, of a month ago? We speak to you in the year of the five, in the month of the three [2003, March]. The five represents change, and the three is catalytic. The catalyst is something that is a push, is it not? When combined with something else, the catalyst makes something happen. When there’s no combination, the catalyst sits unmoved, without energy. Together, they represent the eight, which is the number we gave for this new dispensation of responsibility. All the things you see happening at this point are not an accident. Can you get above the choices in 3-D and instead take the choice of wisdom and shine the light? That’s the message. It’s the message I gave to my partner to transmit sometime ago. It’s the message I transmit now. It’s why you came. During these times, many will be dragged down by what the culture says they should do, or by the politics of their time. But how many of you, instead, can climb up the ladder inside the lighthouse and put on the "Mantel of Spirit" and turn on the element of light? Don’t be surprised if you’re alone when you do that. Perhaps you’re understanding the dynamics? That lighthouse keeper who’s alone today in this room, or reading this, is surrounded by other lighthouse keepers. Let the teaching begin: Nothing is so profound as what we started discussing the last time we were with you. In the teaching today, some may wish to consider this "part two" of a larger teaching. And you’d be right. It is. Why Didn't Kryon give this information before now? Some have asked why it is that over 12 years of lessons and information, Kryon never spoke directly about the ascension energy. Now you know. It was a subject that could not be broached in its completeness before the grid was finished. For even we did not know what the energy would be like that you would settle on. Now it's here. Let me ask you this: If you took a long voyage from one continent to another, would you stop in the middle of the ocean and complain that you weren’t there yet? Would you throw the skipper overboard and ask for another, simply because you hadn't reached the destination yet? The answer seems fairly obvious, yet there are many who deserted this ship of enlightenment in mid-voyage... and sought other information... because Kryon would not stop the ship and give them instructions for the port of call. Eventually they’ll find themselves in an empty, sinking ship, while yours had finally reached the port, ready to disembark to the library of knowledge. Once you get past these first two steps, which are a result of you pushing open that door of infinity, then you start the work. "All right, Kryon, how many steps are there in the work?" Again, the answer is "Yes." [laughter] How many steps are there to infinity, when they show themselves one step at a time? Is there one, or many? And if there are many, how many? How long is a string? What is the length of a circle? Do you begin to understand how Spirit cannot give that longed-for linear answer to a nonlinear, interdimensional question?[1/29/2014 9:48:18 AM]

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The Big Picture - A Revelation of Possibility I will now give you some of the things that take place during the process we’ve described as "ascension." What happens when a Human Being starts to take on their own masterhood? Oh, listen: There’s a moment or two for some, which might be days, or even years, for others. This is very difficult. What we will describe happens in a ""moment or two" in nonlinear time where the veil is lifted instantaneously and you see Humanity - all of it, at once - and you weep. It's not just that you get to see the inhumanity, man to man. It's not just those who are dying and that you would cry for. Oh, no. Instead, you see the big picture for a moment, and that’s tough to get through. Through the eyes of ascension, one of the first things that happens is that the sensitivity of it all overwhelms you. You get to see what’s actually happening on the earth, and you cannot relate to any of it. Master shaman, this will explain why some run to the hills. They cannot even get through the first step. They’ll do anything they can to sequester themselves so they never have to see it, never have to hear it, and never, never have to tell about it. Oversensitive? That puts it mildly. It is but one step, and not a step you think you asked to go through. But indeed, it’s a result of what you’ve asked to do. This first reaction may pass quickly, or it can last a very long time. That’s up to you. How many will be stuck there, never understanding that it’s part of the voyage? There are many there now. It’s the foreknowledge of this that will help you to make it through. Many get paralyzed with awe, and don't even wish to come out, or continue. This is the "responsibility awareness," and it's a shock for many. Gone are the days when you may sit and pray for those in trouble and feel nothing. Instead, for a moment in this process, you get to BE those in trouble. You see the suffering, the sorrow, and the lessons. Through the eyes of the ascended, you see the duality of the earth Human, and you weep for their efforts. You visit their hearts, and you "see" the heart of humanity. Becoming Part of the Earth - Like Never Before Once you get through this stage, there’s another, equally potent step, or reaction, in an attitude where you may also become stuck. Suddenly you begin to relate to the earth - the very dirt of the earth. You look at the trees and sky differently. Your passion starts to shift, and you see yourself as part of this system of life. Now you begin to weep for the planet! Indeed, these first steps are all about responsibility and awareness. But what is it about becoming spiritual that makes one weep so much, you might ask? It’s about falling in love with humanity and the earth. It’s about falling in love with everything. As the veil is stripped away, I would like to tell you, the choruses of who you really are start to sing their songs, and the love of God is the tune. And some of you can’t get through it. You say, "Too sensitive! I'm becoming too sensitive." And then you decide to find anything to do that would keep you from seeing what it is you need to. You run from it. You may stay in this attitude as long as you wish, but we tell you about these things so you will know that if you find yourself in that situation, look at it as a long voyage, but a voyage, nevertheless. A voyage is, by its very name, a trip from one place to another. Perhaps it's one port to another, or perhaps it's a voyage across a large ocean. These first two reactions to the ascension energy are like a foreword to a book of knowledge. They represent a reposturing of attitude, and a revelation of spiritual purpose. They "soften the Human spirit" for what is next. Interdimensionality provides an entirely different concept of life. There’s a pallet of learning, of expression that comes next. For the exception of one element, this pallet of attributes could be presented in any order. It's called "the ascension pallet." Here are six colors in that pallet.[1/29/2014 9:48:18 AM]

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The Pallet of Learning There’s one attribute on the pallet that must come first. What’s the next step after the preliminary reactions we’ve described? After intent is given, after the door is open, after the posturing begins, after you fall in love with the planet and cry for humanity and you’re now stable enough to start the learning process, what’s the first thing that you learn? How do I tell you this? You’re going to begin to remove something from your DNA! This next step is unique. I want you to understand something about the interdimensional "cup" of DNA information. All of those layers within the DNA you cannot see - the ones that are filled with karmic information and life lesson - the ones that describe who you are this time around - your temporary contracts - are complete, full, layers. That cup of DNA is always FULL. All the DNA is used for information, every portion. There’s no unused portion. The entire DNA complement of every Human is filled to the brim when you arrive on the planet. You might ask, "What do some of these layers contain?" Let me tell you what just one layer contains: It contains a postulate of duality, an attribute of Human nature. It's something that you’re about to eliminate, and it's complicated, since it's "fear." Fear and Wisdom… the Interdimensional Brothers Find me the master who is afraid. You won’t. Perhaps you’ve studied the lives of many masters? Perhaps you felt they were afraid, but were just putting up a good show of faith? Name the master whom you’d like to study, and I’ll tell you that they were not afraid, and here’s why. In that cup called DNA, that layer that’s filled with fear in most Humans, there was none in the ascended one. The ascension process voided it. This process was the total and complete removal of that energy from the Human's psyche, from the body, from the divinity, and from all of the things that belonged to it. This is actually the first actual "working step" in the ascension process. The fearful things that have your "stamp" and your name upon them, must be stripped out, literally pulled like a string right out of your body's DNA - pulled out, wrapped around a metaphoric spool, called the "spool of fear," and tossed in the trash - severed. Never to be reconnected again. It's a change of Human nature, and a profound one, which will be taken away. To make this even more difficult to imagine, I will now tell you something interdimensional about your DNA. Fear is located as a sheath around almost every layer, one that we previously called a "crystalline sheath." Remember, the crystalline sheath is a metaphor for a "memory of knowledge" and begs to be reprogrammed and changed. Hiding in this information is the secret behind how DNA is reworked, and how miracles are accomplished within your biology. The first result of taking away fear is that this full cup of DNA I told you about is now only partially filled. It doesn't matter how much fear was removed, the cup is not filled anymore. Some might say that since each Human is different, there might be more or less space now available, with the fear removed. Actually, the same amount of "fear potential" is in every single Human Being. It only seems that some have more than others, since part of any spiritual process is the ability to void it. What we’re saying is that each Human has the same amount of "fear potential," but it's the balance of a Human that determines how much is actually manifested. However, in this divine process called ascension, the Human will eliminate it. Here’s where it also gets a bit more complicated. This pallet of items I’m beginning to tell you about is part of an interdimensional grouping. This group sits above, and at right angles, to one another. They are not in a line, or queue, waiting to be used. You’re not going to address one and then another and another. Instead, they’re used simultaneously, yet separately. Think of the painter. The pallet of mixed, colored paints exists in a circle. In order to paint the picture in the artist's[1/29/2014 9:48:18 AM]

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mind, he may seem to be using the colors one at a time, but in reality, he’s thinking about the whole as he continually dips back into the same colors over and over to create his vision. He doesn't use the colors one at a time. He uses all the colors constantly. The whole is therefore created from the pallet, and is a unique creation. Note… the artist doesn’t end up with a picture of a pallet! Therefore, do you understand that although this pallet may be the same for everyone, the result of using it is unique for each? As you strip out the string of fear, there’s another piece on the pallet that begins to replace it. To keep the cup full, the attribute that goes back in is called wisdom! Imagine: A Human Being who walks the earth with no fear and has his wisdom increased. Does that sound like a master? Yes. It is. It's a transformation… an alchemy. It's a profound change in Human nature, and within the setup you were born with. The Temple of Rejuvenation, revisited (Kryon Book II) Now, there is precedent for this at the molecular level, and it's an ancient one we've discussed before. There’s a process in cellular rejuvenation that no one has spoken of and it’s time to reveal. Part of the ancient molecular process of rejuvenation as it was experienced in the Temple in Atlantis is the process of rewriting and removal around layers of DNA. In those days, with the machinery of rejuvenation that we described [Kryon Book II - 1993], something interesting happened: In the process we described, the DNA was affected in a way that was temporary. Whatever seemed to be voided, also seemed to return with time. So the treatment became cyclical - removal, return, removal, return. The time-cycle (as we described) was three years. Therefore, you could say that even the best rejuvenation process known to humanity (and this was still the best one to date), only lasted for a while, until the natural state of your biology recovered from the magnetic time-reverse alteration. In the ascension process, there’s no return. The DNA sheath is rewritten, and the fear is removed. It’s about creating a Human Being who is unique - a Human Being who, if you had the instrument to look into the DNA under an interdimensional microscope, was changed from the normal DNA at birth. But no machinery is needed in this step, and the power of a lifted veil and a new Earth energy with a stable, altered gird, supplies the engine of the process. We have just described two of the six attributes on the interdimensional pallet: Fear and wisdom. One replacing the other. How long does that take? How about three days? How about three decades? What is it that the Human will allow in this process? What is the Human's divine time cycle? All these things play into this scenario. Each manual for ascension is different. Balance Let me describe the third. It's on the ascension pallet, and it's called balance, but it's actually a karmic rewrite. There’s a layer of your DNA that you’ve called your karma. It's completely and totally misnamed, however. In this energy, all of the processes that used to revolve around karma, the result of it, the decisions around it, and the purpose for it, are greatly reduced. We spoke before about one of the attributes of the pure Indigo Child. It is the complete lack of karma, did you know that? You cannot make an Indigo Child feel guilty. They have no programming for that. It’s not meaningful to them, since guilt is almost always a manifestation of karmic energy. If the DNA "cup" must always be full, what do you think the Indigo Child has instead of karma? The answer? Compassion and the quest for solution of strife. That is why we have named them "The Peacemakers." A Prediction Here is a potential clearly within your time. There will come a time when a young Palestinian and a young Israeli will stand eye-to-eye, both of the Indigo consciousness. They will look at one another[1/29/2014 9:48:18 AM]

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and they will make an agreement, starting something different - something you’ve never seen before in the Middle East. They will agree that it makes no difference what happened on the land they stand upon - who did what to whom - who believes they’re owed this or that, or who came first. They will agree instead to rewrite history, and let it begin NOW. They will do this without changing their spiritual beliefs and without changing their cultures. Only the consciousness of the past will change. In order for this to happen, the crystalline grid of this planet has got to change, also. That’s what they’re waiting for. You have a few more years for that to grab those who may be involved. This potential is on the radar screen of your immediate future so strongly that we even want to give you their names, but we cannot, for it could be one of 18 people. All alive right now. One may be female. If, in an interdimensional scenario, there is no such thing as the past and the present, then what is going to be contained in a layer you called karma, which was an engine that generated energy from past expressions? What do you think? Do you understand how the energy shift of this planet has created obsolete attributes within the spiritual portion of Human DNA? The ascension process will replace all karma with something you won’t even understand? The timeless balance of the "now." Think of it as instant karma, or "now" karma. You generate and fulfill it in one step! You absolutely cannot measure what’s happening now against some kind of spiritual blueprint that you had within the oldest teachings or texts on the planet. You cannot glean new energy information from the old energy tutorials! Yet many not only try, they use the old information as weapons in their attempt to stop you from your shift, and to void out your light. They try to stop the new by quoting the old. Watch for this, and make up your own mind when the arguments are put forward. You might ask, "But didn't the masters give us the information?" The answer is yes, but the masters presented information for an existing energy, not one that hadn't happened, and that was not even expected. The masters who walked the earth were timeless. At some level they knew that their words would be heard forever, but not one of them foresaw the changes that you’ve made on this planet! Some Humans laugh at that. "God knows everything that will happen," they say. Let me ask you this: If that is so, then why are you here, playing out a scenario that will temper the "future" of the universe. If the future is already known, then you shouldn't be here! There’s no reason for this test! See it this way: God knows every potential that could ever happen in the "now." Humanity is creating and selecting one of those potentials, and manifesting it into a reality that is a catalyst for all of creation. The masters who walked this earth in history even had control over the matter around them. You see, they were in love with the Earth. They knew that matter talked back. They were in the now, perpetually, without karma. There are even those today who have these exact attributes and are showing them to the masses daily. What does the new ascended one on this planet do with this new energy of wisdom and balance? What do you do, Lightworker, when you put on the mantel of ascension? What is the reason for your existence in the new energy? It’s to change what’s around you, through the process of "turning on the light," that others in free choice may see reveled concepts... brought through your efforts. The Earth Work Increasing the Vibration of the Planet Let us start with the earth. The one who is ascended, who walks on this planet as a Human, is the one who walks with all matter as his partner. This is the one who is in love with the East and North and South and the West. It’s the one who animals are attracted to, and the one whom Humans love to be with. It is a Human Being in ascension status who truly is in love with the planet. And this particular connection allows work in the planet that no other Human can do like this one can.[1/29/2014 9:48:18 AM]

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The rewrite of the crystalline grid is going to be the most important spiritual work, until 2012. The rewrite of this crystalline grid will rewrite the past of the planet. There’s nobody that this earth energy listens to more than the one without fear... the one who is in love with the air and the water, the trees and the dirt. When the masters walked on this planet, the elements cooperated with them... physics bent where they walked. Profound Earth work is more than just being a lighthouse. Instead, it's an interdimensional lighthouse - one that has its light on the top and bottom of the shaft extending as far below as it does above. It's shining a light into the planet as strong as the one shining above. The Situation Work - Sending Light to Places in Need Next is "the situation." There’s no greater warrior of light on this planet than the ascended one who has put on the mantel of Spirit. This Human can shine light into those dark places through the wisdom that they have and their lack of fear. This can be done outside of the box of culture, politics, and religious bias. This new Human can "cut to the quick" where the problems are, in order to advance the solutions and gather those around with them to help them send the light into the areas that need it the most. Every one of you has a manual for this, and every single one of your manuals is different. Biology Work - Changing Your Own Contract for Living And the last one? Well, it’s the best one of all for you. It's not the last, either, for we've only given you six of many. It’s called control over biology. Do you really think that you can be in ascension status and keep the biology that you have? You know better! Some of you have actually started the process through pure intent. Perhaps you didn't even know that you were going into "ascension status"? Instead, however, you gave permission to go to "the next step." Do you know how many divine spiritual ears perked up when you said that? Those beautiful spiritual helpers who have been with you for life went into action. Maybe you started this process already? If you have, it’s no accident, dear Human Being. You have the power to rewrite your own life span. You have the power to rewrite the Human genome. We've said it before, and we’ll say it again. What is it your father had, your sister had, or your mother had that you’re afraid that you’ll get? Do you finally understand that whatever that is, it’s only a "beginning setup"? Do you now understand that this setup begs to be rewritten? It lies there, ready to get instructions from what we’ve previously called "the boss" (you). Why create masterhood and then die, come back, and spend another 20 years growing up and getting it back? No. This is your time. Own it! What habits do you have that you know are destroying your body and hastening the day when it fails? Perhaps you say you can’t get rid of them? Think again. How long do you want to be here, to change the planet, to make differences for those around you? You've waited eons for this energy, did you know that? Now, here you sit within it! There has never been a time like this in the history of all humanity - never! It's your time to stay longer than your imprint said you would when you were born. Now this biological clock of life is in your hands completely. Such is the power of those, trough the "eyes of ascension." Finally... The tools have never been so sharp and refined. The information has never been clearer. The invitation for mastery has never been given like this. The return of all of the masters of old has already taken place. They’re in the grids of the planet, all together, all grouped, all here to provide the "engine of ascension" for humanity. So what is your responsibility within all of this? First, validate it for yourself. Don't believe something that does not "ring true" to your inner being. Take the time to make this your reality based on your own intellect, intelligence, and spiritual core being. Then I'll tell you this: Perhaps you came to Earth in order to actually see and participate in The[1/29/2014 9:48:18 AM]

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New Jerusalem? What a responsibility! Perhaps that’s why you’re here! And that’s why you’re in the chair reading and hearing and remembering this message. And so it is that the message is complete for this time. And so it is that two eyes have read the page and have a choice as they put down the book, what to make of this. Could it be so, that Spirit talks to humanity in this form? What if all I have revealed is real? Who are you, and why are you here? What brings you to an awaked state... a state that would have you come here, or take the time to read this? You think it’s an accident? It’s not. Perhaps it's what you asked for... when you ask Spirit: "Dear Spirit, tell me what it is I need to know." Start building that lighthouse. Get ready to light the lamp. There are no more profound people on the planet than those who carry the light of ascension knowledge. It's a knowledge and wisdom that they can affect consciousness around them, triggering revelation, turning on a light and exposing things that were unseen before. And that’s why we love you the way we do. There are many entities right now who are pressing upon you and saying "thank you for fulfilling your potential." And to the Humans here and reading this who are anxious, the ones who don’t understand why challenging things have happened recently in their lives? Well, we’re washing your feet. That’s why it’s called work, Lightworker. We promise to stand next to you, to be there when you need us and to help make the decisions. We want you to stay a long, long time. We want you to participate in a peaceful existence, with the joy and the love of God at your side every moment. And so it is

Kryon[1/29/2014 9:48:18 AM]


UPDATE: September 15, 2002

QUESTION: I am very curious about the hint you gave regarding the asteroid Chiron. I know the history of this “wounded healer” only by what I have read about its influence in magiastrological applications and it has always been very accurate in this aspect (which is magnetism and relationships). Can you elaborate? ANSWER: Much like astrological magnetic relationships strongly affect your spiritual attributes on the planet [thus the magnetic grid shifting], we have indicated to you that a potential for a future energy posturing may also be found in the movements of observable motion in your solar system. Chiron has a meaning, a mythology, and a track that is known. You say you know the history? Then you know the potential. Take a look at where it is right now and where it is heading. What are the astrological signatures of the planets it is meeting? What you will discover is discovery. What you may see in the relationships is enablement and even completion. It isn’t a hint. This is a book to be read by those who know the words. — Kryon QUESTION: Could you please explain in detail what happens as your earth body dies? My mother just died and I really hope to learn what she is going through right now. ANSWER: Dear one, bless you for your question, for your compassion, and for your caring about your beloved mother. First, we cannot answer in detail this process. The reason? It’s beyond comprehension! The simple explanation is one you may have heard before. First, there is a profound reunion with an energy we will call “the higher part of you.” This meeting is grand and filled with joy. Next there is a journey to a place where “essence” is re-melded, and records are shifted. Then a return to the family, which is simply not a concept explainable within your 4D. What is she going through? I’ll give you a big hint. She is standing next to you! She is far larger in essence and part of her will be part of you for the rest of your life. One of the most profound things that all of you should understand and realize is that your family never leaves completely. This is extremely hard to explain to a linear creature! How is it that your “mother” can be part of you for the rest of your life, yet also be in line to reincarnate to another time or life? These are the seeming mysteries of interdimensionality that you cannot grasp any more than if I told you that YOU were still helping others from a “past life,” and that you regularly “feel” them too. So… bless her and greet her all at the same time. She lives within you for your entire time left. Celebrate[1/29/2014 9:48:23 AM]

Q&A-9-15.html her Human life, and also celebrate the fact that she is eternal, just like you. — Kryon QUESTION: Dear Kryon, will there be a shift of the earth on its axis? I was hoping we had alleviated the need for this type of drastic shift. Now I’m not so sure. ANSWER: Be informed, just we indicated in 1989, there will be no earth axis shift. This wouldn’t simply be a drastic event, it would terminate most of Humanity. This is not an event that would enhance your lives or give you a place to create a peaceful planet! There is no alignment with the past, either, that is potentially going to turn the planet over. Instead, you are headed for an eventual magnetic neutral point, and a potential north-south polarity swap. Although this will be dramatic for life on the planet, it isn’t a termination event. It’s also not something that is in your potential lifetime, but you are closer to it than you think. Biology navigates for survival, and it depends on magnetics for this. Mammals on land and in the ocean, birds, amphibians, and even insects all depend on earth magnetics for their direction sensing abilities. So visualize these shifts as being slow, and the generations of animals on earth will adjust just as they have before. — Kryon QUESTION: With all the turmoil that is going on in the catholic church right now, along with other religions in the past, where do you see organized religion’s place in the coming years? ANSWER: Remember this: the turmoil you speak of was foretold in our writings over two year ago: “Belief systems all over your planet will tear apart with change. Oh, they will remain, but there can be no more fence-sitting in regard to the old ways that no longer work. Those who talk about the love of God but who do not practice it are on a fence, are they not? … The world is beginning to hold them accountable for what they teach.” (Kryon Book 8 – Passing the Marker – 2000 – page 225) So what you are seeing is right on target. These systems are not on their way out, rather they are in the process of rebuilding the trust of those who follow them. There will always be a need for organized religion. What is happening, however, is that organized religion must (and will) change to meet a more spiritual and discerning Humanity. Bless this organization, that it will prosper and continue to serve and help humanity the way it was set up to do. See it with a new integrity. The new leader... one who you will know shortly... will have an interesting job, and he will not be able to sit on a fence any longer. — Kryon

Submit Your Question To Kryon[1/29/2014 9:48:23 AM]


February 1, 2002

QUESTION: Dear Kryon, with the escalation of hostilities between Islamic Jihad and Western powers being played on a world media stage, how can a U.S. Light worker respond to friends, family and coworkers who want to ride the patriotic wave and create more warlike fervor? ANSWER: This is the test, is it not? We told you many times that the war would be the “old against the new.” You can see now that it is a battle between old and new consciousness. It happens within the old consciousness of the terrorist, and the old consciousness of the one sitting in the western home watching it. It is a worldwide conflict, but it’s about each person… not groups of persons. Doesn’t it strike you odd how you could be at war with something that has no border or defined structure? That’s because it is a war that will be won or lost through the individual choice of Humanity one-by-one. How can a U.S. Lightworker respond? The answer is with the enablement of “The Third Language.” Again, we tell you that this is a connection with Spirit that gives any Human Being a balanced wisdom to see “within” this battle. First, understand that despite what it appears on the outside, the battle is not between cultures or religions. It is between an old and new paradigm of civilization. Remember also that the U.S. was founded upon the idea that “all are created equally,” and that “all have a right to free choice.” Therefore the answer to your question is this: Respect the one who reacts with anger, for you are seeing basic Human response. However, give energy and wisdom to those in your leadership, and the leadership of the world through your power as a lightworker. Your consciousness can create change. It can shine light into dark areas. You can make a difference, even without speaking a word. Can you NOT take sides? Can you respect the right to free choice? Can you send light where it is needed despite the overwhelming Human response for revenge and action? Can you love those who might have less wisdom, but much compassion? This is why we call it “work.” QUESTION: Dear Kryon, I am sure beings are watching very closely over Israel and the events happening now in this territory, and I believe they also take part and assist sometimes. I have the feeling that many miracles already happened and many lives were saved. However, I feel that we, Israelis, need more understanding and empathy from the rest of the world. The dreadful events of September 11 in the USA have shocked us and most of the world, yet we also have to cope with evil, hatred and terror for a very long period. It is getting worse from day to day. So many innocent people were murdered. Our enemies send thousand of brainwashed young people to murder as many of us as possible. The propaganda is lying in the face of the world - on one hand they celebrate killings and continuous war, while on the other hand they complain that they are victims. Children are sent to fight against us and if some of them get killed our wounded they put the blame on us. How should we react at the moment? Until the light which people send can change the situation and we make the transition successfully, how should we react to the continuous killings - in the name of God, by Holy “Shaheeds” who for their killing “go straight to paradise”? At least we would find some comfort in being understood. Our enemies spread their false propaganda and everyone listens only to them, while the continuous[1/29/2014 9:48:29 AM]

Q&A-2-1.html terror we have to cope with day by day is mostly being ignored by people who have only a very vague idea of the facts. Why do I have the feeling that what is really happening to us is of little interest to most of the world, but so many people are very quick to blame us for being the cause of unrest and terror in other countries? I would like to hear what is your answer to all this. — A woman and mother from Jerusalem ANSWER: My dear Israeli, you have struck the magic chord of the strings of the new consciousness. Indeed your description fits the frustration of the ages. The “unsolvable” problem also was supposed to provide the seeds for Armageddon… an energy which was provided to end the entire earth! What was needed all along, instead, was for the other parts of the world to “see” some of the truths behind the real battle, as we have stated within the first answer. This process has begun. It is slow, but it has begun. It is not the process of a political coalition, but rather one of education and awareness. How should you in Israel react? Just like you have for the past thousand years… with patience and endurance. But instead of patience without resolution, you now have something brewing that you never had before: The rest of the earth has had a profound insight as to what it feels like to have this energy at their doorstep. Gone are the days when you and your seeming enemies battle it out with the world turning its back, or not fully understanding the subtleties. Now the major powers of the planet must look at it closely and study the true roots of the issue, not the false ones. We have said over and over… “As go the Jews, go earth.” Do you understand now? Do those reading this who are NOT in the Middle East understand now? Your problems are now Earth’s problems. You also share them with those on the other side of town [meaning the Palestinians]. They also wrench their hands in frustration, wondering what to do. Do you think other mothers in those areas wish their children to be filled with hate and die? No. As discussed, it is not a group consciousness that is forming, but many individual ones together. This means that there are many in what you call the “enemy” camp, who are beginning to think differently about everything that was impossible in the past to solve. What happens in the future where you live, is what will guide the entire planet. Be peaceful with the fact that because of the new energy, the leaders will change and the structure will change. You may see the seeds of solution within your own lifetime as governments, schools, and even fundamentalist religions slowly understand that hatred is no longer the energy-hat will bring about the means of what they desire. Force will no longer equal peace... a very old consciousness since the beginning of mankind. It’s easy to die. It’s far harder to live in peace for a long time. This requires a wisdom that is just beginning to form. Let the children lead the way, for as they grow up you will see amazing changes… not like the ones you have seen over and over all your life. The ones who are being “trained to hate” by old energy adults are beginning to ask questions on their own, which may surprise you. By the way… when the prophet Muhammad spoke of Martyrdom, it was wisdom offered in the context of consciousness of those who would sacrifice their lives on the battlefield of God… a battlefield where warriors fought for unity and for the God of the Abraham! Paradise was never promised to one who would willingly terminate themselves by their own hand. This latter concept came from men, not God. QUESTION: Dear Kryon, what is the exact nature and potential of our relationship with the mineral kingdom? How can I develop my relationship with crystals and healing etc.? Yours sincerely, — Simon, Melbourne, Australia ANSWER: So, dear one, you like the rocks do you? We are just now beginning to reveal a physical fact that in the past has caused open laughter and much eye-rolling! The Earth is alive! Water has life in it, and so do the rocks. There is much life - an actual consciousness in matter. It is not in your immediate dimension, however, and so it has never been seen. Suddenly, however, your science is beginning to broach interdimensional things. It has acknowledged the unthinkable, that at the heart of all matter there are interdimensional forces holding it all together! Welcome to “real” physics! Some of your scientists are even beginning to look at the actual consciousness of water… something that will lead you to wonderful new definitions of life itself. So your relationship to all this life is one of partnership. But you already knew that, didn’t you? You feel it.[1/29/2014 9:48:29 AM]

Q&A-2-1.html You “talk” to the minerals, and many “talk” to the canyons and the mountains, the lakes and the sky. As you attune yourselves to these live energies they will often reveal the “flavor” of what they are there for, and how they can be used in partnership with us. Listen: There is profound energy available in these hidden life energies. There is healing for the environment. There is healing for individual Humans, and even lessons in wisdom. This isn’t “life” like yours, but it’s life. There is no “test” going on with this energy. Instead there is an invitation to find the complete symbiosis between Human and matter…. and the energy to unlock it. The energy to discover it? Guess. It’s the energy of love. Does this sound familiar? Blessed is the Human who looks for unseen things which are intuitive but not yet accepted into the reality of life. They will be rewarded with knowledge and wisdom, and will become the forerunners of the newest sciences on the planet. QUESTION: In one of Kryon's early books, I thought it said his work would be done in 2002. Kryon, would leave us, but others would stay and help. Is this still true? I wanted to go on a Kryon cruse in 2003. I have been working hard to clear up my debts (cards) to make this dream come true. I would feel so bad if I missed a chance to be around his energy and here him speak. ANSWER: As we have been channelling now for almost a year, the Kryon grid changing entourage leaves at the end of the year 2002. The "I AM" of the Kryon remains until the end of Humanity. We told you in1989 that we had always been here. Therefore those who thought we arrived in 1989 had to justify the question, how could we have "arrived" in 1989 when we were always here? The answer is that the GRID CHANGE GROUP arrived in 1989, and is leaving in 2002. After the spiritual aspects of the grid are finished in 2002, we have also channelled that the "real" work of Kryon begins in the year of the five (2003). - KRYON[1/29/2014 9:48:29 AM]


(May 15, 2001)

Q: Kryon, some have said we have two guides, some say three. There has also been information lately that they left, and there are none! What's the deal?

  A: This has been the subject of this entire last year's channellings [year2000]. The energy, which you call the guides, is now starting to be revealed out of your own 4-D reality. It has been channelled to you that you can no longer number them, for they are infinite, yet one. You can't pretend to put skin on them and give them names or wings either. They are like an "energy soup." This has always been the case, but the Human is now changing and able to make this distinction and actually use it for better communication (see below). In addition, it has been revealed to you that a profound part of what you call the guide energy is YOU! You are part of your own guide energy. Now & how would you then answer the above question using this new knowledge? How many? Did they leave? Are they staying? The answer cannot be "yes" or "no" to any of these, since you now have new wisdom that changes the questions. When your perception of something dim, clears up, you cannot then ask intelligent questions using the attributes of the old perception. It's a completely new scenario for you with a clearer sight. We told you before: When the sleeping Human wakes up and leaves the room, questions on the "care and feeding of the sleeping Human" no longer apply. The guide energy hasn't changed & you did. So the questions no longer make sense. Like a child who gains wisdom with age, the childish questions are left behind. They no longer apply. Instead they are replaced by wisdom, and a longing to know more about the newly discovered world. Q: Kryon, when in this new energy are we going to be able to communicate better with our guides?

  A: The question should be, "When are you going to be able to listen better? " The reality is that you are becoming far more interdimensional than ever before. This allows a steady stream of communication, which has always been there, to now be "heard." We have spoken many times in 2000 about this, indicating that you must be willing to change the paradigm of your past ideas of what this communication is like. You continue to use a 4-D ideas when meditating, and nothing much is changing for you.[1/29/2014 9:48:34 AM]


Sit before Spirit and ask to be able to tune into the "third language." Then don't set aside any time for "listening or asking." Instead call on Spirit and celebrate your life all hours of the day. Be prepared to "hear" ideas, thoughts, and loving energies all through the day & when you least expect it. Be aware that this new "third language" is one that presents itself through the guide energy in moments of your everyday life where the energy is ripe for it and not especially during what you might call "Spiritual moments." Let me ask you this: If you needed a road map on a trip, what would you rather have? (1) A map explained to you in a private session before the trip, where you had to remember everything and apply it as you went? Or (2) A dynamic road map that spoke to you exactly when you needed to know where you were going? This is the difference between the old and new energy!

  Q: Kryon, how can we know this "guide stuff"is real? We can't see where's the proof?

  A: As a famous astronomer wrote: "Does your father love you? The answer,Yes, very much. Then prove it." Sometimes the proof of the intangible is in the actions and energy around you, and not visible in the 4-D that you walk around in. This is the case with awesome Love. When you fall in love with another Human, you feel you can "cut the energy" with a knife! It's wonderful and thick with reality. But you can't "see" it. Real, but not seen. Because of this, the energy which we call the "guide soup" is beginning to "knock on your door," to announce that they are real, but unseen like love. Here is your 4-D proof: How many of you are seeing the 11:11, the 12:12, and the 4:44 on clocks and signs? How many of you are drawn to look at a digital display device at the exact moment of these numbers appearing? What a coincidence, don't you think? How many times does it have to happen before you understand that it's on purpose? !! Dear Ones, the next time it happens to you, celebrate! This is a "guide hello." It's your own guide energy saying, "We're here!" The next time it happens, I encourage you to actually say out loud, "I love you too." Then, dear angel, you will begin a wonderful two-way interdimensional dialogue that you never expected. A 100% meditative communication with your eyes wide open, as you walk around every waking hour of your life. Would we have it any other way?

  KRYON[1/29/2014 9:48:34 AM]


UPDATE: October 1, 2002

Question: Dear Kryon: You speak of many possible changes and opportunities such as DNA modifications, chords in our cells, utilizing The Cosmic Lattice, The Third Language and more. What is needed to access or utilize the potentials? Will they accrue to us with just our intent or are their specific things that must be done to avail ourselves of these things? Answer: Your question shows what we call "The linearity puzzle,” one that you are now trying to sort out. Almost all of you wish to have a manual in order to move towards anything that has to do with this new energy, yet we are telling you that the book is inside. It's a complex one, but one that has your name on it. The key is within your intent to move there, and your resolve that this is something which you can actually do. An artist knows this best. The visualization is not a final painting with one color, but a full color image where the colors are mixed together over and over, slowly, one at a time, bringing the whole to fruition. The artist says, "I want to paint this picture." Then his creative intuition leads him forward, color by color, one at a time, until the painting is complete. What if he asked for a book to teach him how to paint each picture he envisioned? Can you see the complexity here? In the old energy, there might have been an art book where everyone was taught carefully how to paint a house. Then, depending on how well you learned the book, you ALL could paint a house. Now, however, each painting is different - interdimensional...and very specific. But the process is still one color at a time. The truth is that once you commit intellectually and emotionally to this move, the next step will become clear, and the next and the next. Why don't we give an ABC list? It's because there can't be one generic list for interdimensional spiritual growth. We have given all manner of lists in the past: The 7 ways to do this or that—the 9 ways to do this or that, but when it comes to The Third Language, there is only one step, and that's the big one: Start! So if you really need a list to get through that font door of starting, it would go like this: (1) Sit quietly and ponder what all this means. Does the desire to know more resound in your cells? Then proceed. (2) Commit. Out loud, tell those around you who are not visible in your dimension, and your own cells, that you are committed to move forward with new intent in your life. (3) Let go of all preconceptions of what this means. Is there baggage connected? Are there things you are holding back? Try to consider your body a place of complete safety as you give this permission to your own life force. (4) Imagine what you are asking is, now being manifested, and then thank Spirit for beginning a process that you cannot conceive of, but that you are part of. (5) Claim that the process has begun and then begin to ask the question, “Dear Spirit, tell me what it is which I must know first.” (6) Then let your own life show you what this means. There will be circumstances which will give you the answers to your question, and then you begin an involved process of self-growth, self-examination, rejuvenation, and even transformation. It grows at your own pace and honors the speed at which you wish to move. This process is the beginning of “writing your book of life,” –a manual for you that you have always been able to write. Why is it so specific? It's because it tells how to change the contract you came in with, the life-line that was preprogrammed into your DNA, and very specific individual traits that you will begin to[1/29/2014 9:48:39 AM]

Q&A-10-1.html work with, and change. It reveals and expands your hidden storehouse of gifts and tools, and slowly lets you awaken at your own speed. Believe me, dear one, there is no book on earth, and no amount of steps, rules, or procedures that will ever begin to be written that will address these personal steps. You are passing into a very empowering where the messages from Spirit are given not on stone tablets, but on the individual Human heart. The spectacular part of this is that when you start to compare the books which you are writing in your new cellular structure with others, you will find similarities that validate the existence of Spirit, and the love of God. Question: Dear Kryon: What is the meaning or significance of your name, Kryon? Answer: Dear one: This is difficult to explain. It's a sound within your energy, and it has messages in it. The sound is similar within all Human hearing, so it has meaning to the cellular structure of all. It's not really my name, either, but only the one which is applicable to your 4D. We have also indicated that it has a family connected to it, who also have similarities within the sound. The meaning? It's a name of an earth support group who is about physics, yet also has a hidden sound/meaning that is connected to the actual purpose of the group. It's a love group. So within the name there is communication of what it does, but with some 4D dichotomies. Question: Dear Kryon, from what I read and understand, you mentioned that we are not able to fully contain Spirit yet. Spirit is on the other side of the veil, and our three master guides are the bridge from our sacred biology to Spirit. What I cannot understand is this concept of separation from Spirit. Even Jesus Christ said that I and my father are one. He also said that Know ye not that ye are Gods? (John). He also said that the Kingdom of God is within you. It was also mentioned in the bible that "know ye not that the body is the temple of God and that God dwelleth within you?" At which point do we designate that divinity "begins here and ends there" or divinity "ends here and starts there?" Isn't all this separatist thinking? Isn't Spirit supposed to be indivisible? WHOLE and COMPLETE? I would appreciate if you could shed some light on the above questions as my intuition is not able to accept that Spirit is separated from me and is on the other side of the veil and that I need and intermediary such as my 3 Master guides to connect me to Spirit. I love my three Master guides but can't I connect to Spirit myself? Answer: Dear one, let me first begin with the validation of everything you have quoted: Indeed, you and your family ARE one. Indeed, all of God is within you, and yes, your body is the whole and complete temple for the divinity you carry. You ask why we separate it? We don't. The very instructions of Jesus were to inform you of your duality, and to move toward the marriage of body and soul. You arrive here with the separation in place, and your life’s work is to discover it and eliminate it. If this were not so, there would be no duality, and if that were not so, you would all float away, just like Elijah did. The very question you asked shows that you still do not understand the quest. Here are the basics: You are placed here as pieces of God, who don’t even know it. At the center core of yourselves is all that is described (above)...a divinity which is awesome. Your invitation from Kryon and the masters of earth are to begin to peel that onion of duality and discover the core of the the connection! This will bring integration and a higher vibration. It's all about free choice, and it's the reason for this test. All the entities around you, including the ones assigned to you, are here to help facilitate you finding this connection. And in the facilitation, they will teach you to indeed, do it yourself, just as you have perceived is the promise. If you were connected to the divine in the way you think you are, then we would never be having this discussion. You would be with me, instead. For a full connection is to NOT be a Human. Question: Dear Lee: There is a discovery by the Japanese over 50 years ago. It is called alkaline water. It is labeled as the Fountain of Youth. Acidity and Alkalinity play a very important role in our[1/29/2014 9:48:39 AM]

Q&A-10-1.html lives. The body produces a lot of acidic waste after processing the food and these residues must be expelled from the body. Otherwise, the body begins to store it somewhere as fat, cholesterol, etc. There is a product on the market called AlkaLife, a concentrate for alkaline water that is helping many people to recover the natural alkaline condition of the body therefore solving many health challenges. So my question i this. Is it convenient for the body to take this alkaline water made from AlkaLife, a concentrate made of Potassium and Sodium, in a very special formula? It is recommended 2 drops in a glass of water (8 to 10 oz.) 5 to 6 times a day. Thank you so much for your guidance and answer to this subject. Answer: Although this is not a question to Kryon, I will answer it. I have heard of this water, and would love to experiment with it. The balance of acidity and alkalinity in the Human body is thought to be well understood, but I have always thought it was the key to so much more. So this water should be brought forward and made more visible. It would then fit into the prophecy which Kryon has put forward many times about the future being filled with wonderful new water cures. Question: Dear Kryon: AIDS is on the increase worldwide. Could you comment on that? Why are so many people participating in that disease? Answer: You will find the answer in Kryon book one, given to you in 1989. We indicated that up to 1% of the planet may have to leave to accomplish a balance. This was back then, but now we also have indicated that although that plan is obviously in place (with permission of those participating), you have even changed this reality and now can void it. Therefore we still encourage you to meet in groups and give visualization and light to middle Africa and for the solution of this disease. Don't tell Spirit what to do about it, but instead visualize the families of this great continent as health and happy. See them reading books about how the disease was conquered. Question: Dear Kryon: In Book one you mentioned that the aura of a person of graduate status with the three masters guides is glowing white, white transparent or neutral. I was born in 1957. I gave intention for the neutral implant in March 02. I can feel the presence of my three master guides. When I had my aura taken recently, the colours are not glowing white, neutral or white transparent. The colours are lavender, orche, green, blue, turquoise, gold, yellow, red and ultra violet. Could you please explain the difference in my colour and that of Graduate status? Answer: Yes. We never told you to use a camera. Use a Human. Then also understand that not only have the guide scenarios changed since 89, but also the colours! As indicated many times before, you are all in a state of spiritual growth and flux. Things cannot remain the same if you are really changing reality can they? By the way. Congratulations on the green.

Submit Your Question To Kryon[1/29/2014 9:48:39 AM]

KRYON -Shasta Channelling 2003



Live Kryon Channelling - Mt. Shasta, California June 21, 2003 As channelled by Lee Carroll for Kryon

Click the camera to see photos of this seminar!

CHANNELLING : The Mt. Shasta Experience This Kryon live channelling was given in Mt. Shasta, California June 21-22, 2003 [This channelling has been added-to and enhanced by Kryon, through Lee Carroll in a rechannelling process over the actual transcribed channelling. This has been done in order to make it more valuable for the written word and to bring clarity to concepts that were given energetically within the live channellings.]

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. The energy is strong here. We picked a time and a place that had even higher energy than my partner expected, so I'm asking him to center [speaking of Lee]. There is much today that will require that he go slow. There will be concepts presented that he's never seen before, names he's never heard. The following is the kind of information that can only be delivered in a place like this - a place with Lemurian energy.[1/29/2014 9:48:46 AM]

KRYON -Shasta Channelling 2003

We will speak of these things more as we go, but for this moment, we wish to tell you that the entourage that arrived three days ago is active among you. There will be those who would ask, "Can such a thing be? How could we know that any of the esoteric subjects discussed this night are real or true - where is the proof?" We're going to tell you this: This entire evening's message will probably be the most esoteric ever given by my partner. If it's proof you're looking for, you may have to wait years, or you could follow your intuition and believe it tonight. You could also call upon those who stand next to you to help you with your own discernment [speaking of those unseen]. Tonight is very different for my partner. He has done this for years and years, yet this one is different. It's a throwback, is it not, my partner, to some of the days when you were filled with anxiety before the event? For you did not know what was happening next? Such is the way of the love of God. Such is the way of "the now." We are here, you know? So many of you feel us here. This group of beings that comes before you has only one purpose - to support humanity. We often tell you that you're not alone, and we tell you about the gifts of divinity that are yours. Yet so many of you say, "Who, me? I'm so ordinary." The duality hides it all. It hides it all! There won't be a day in your life that you will have proof of your sacredness. There won't be a day in your life that you will look in the mirror and say, "Oh, yes, I see that divine face." There will always be the duality at work - pieces and parts of you, pulling and pushing - always wondering if such a thing could be. Even the most enlightened of you, the ones who vibrate at the highest level, will have your moments. "Dear Spirit, you said I'd never be alone, yet today I feel alone!" We've heard you in your darkest moments - in your sorrow, and the lightest moments in your joy. We've been with you to celebrate when you danced in the light and cried in the dark. It is one of the reasons why, as long as we are here channelling through my partner, that the theme will be this: that you are dearly loved. Loved beyond all Human measure that you can imagine, dear family. There is so much hiding in your grandness. The theme of the Kryon has been, and always will be, this: that you have changed the reality of your planet. In the process, you have enabled a situation... one that was waiting for you. We told you this: that at the end of the magnetic grid shift, the work of Kryon would really begin. All my work in the last 12 years about being the magnetic master had to do with the changing of the grid, but now it's not about the changing of the grid. Instead, it's about what happens next after the grid has settled. And it's time to review that. If we're going to give you good communication about what is taking place, we must take it in careful steps, especially the message this evening. So here's the first step. We told you about the magnetic grid and the crystalline grid - two grids of the planet next to one another, in line with each other. We also told you of the third grid, which is Human Consciousness. That grid is one that will move with the Crystalline. When you gave permission to change the reality of the planet, one grid had to move first, and the second and third are moving now. Twelve years ago, we told you that now would be the completion of the magnetic grid of the planet, and it is. We gave you the dates and the energies around the shift, and they proved out. Even your geologists see it, and the navigation instruments of your planet responded to it. Then we began to tell you that there would those who would give you far more information about the next shift, that of the crystalline grid. And they are doing so. We told you that you are in a new dispensation, the "dispensation of responsibility," and it has the energy of "number eight." Eight is an interdimensional number that suits the interdimensionality of the energy that[1/29/2014 9:48:46 AM]

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you are moving into. [It reads the same upside down, and on its side it represents infinity.] One of the biggest subjects that we have ever had in all of the channellings has been the interdimensionality of Human DNA. Over and over, we have channelled what this means. We're going to do it again. The Crystalline Grid is being shifted. Perhaps you would ask, "What does that really mean? What is the major shift?" It is a shift in information and Earth energy. Think of things that are crystalline, such as the crystals you love. They hold energy, don't they? More than that, they may hold information. And what would be the largest piece of information that the crystalline grid would hold for planet Earth? It is the records of you and your history. It mirrors what you've done. Within the crystalline grid, you might say is the history of this planet and all of Human records of the past. The crystalline grid also contains the records of who you are, who you have been, and what you're doing right now. It's the past catalyst to the future, for it does not recognize time. It records energy, which then manifests into the "now." Immense in its storage ability, in interdimensional ways it continues to create and enhance the reality of humanity. The magnetics changed first [the magnetic grid of the planet]. They are the catalyst for DNA activation that will be starting with the completion of the stages of the crystalline. One shapes the other, and the biggest thing that's going to take place within the crystalline grid is the rewriting of the past. Yes, even the physicists were right! They are questioning the meaning of time and asking the question, "Does it even exist?!" You're dealing with interdimensionality, and therefore you must suspend your belief in the linearity of time itself. This will help you understand how such a thing could be... rewriting the past of the planet in order to change the "now." It's something we told you is needed and necessary. It indeed has the potentials to create something that we have called The New Jerusalem. Although this portion of this message is a quick review, it's a necessary one for those of you who are not familiar with it. And now you know that something is afoot. The energies are starting to move, and we even told you about this year (2003) being the "year of change." In all appropriateness, the things that you're seeing on your planet are unfolding even faster than we thought they would. It's no accident that finds you sitting in a Lemurian energy at this moment, listening to the message [to those in Shasta who are hearing the channelling]. We will tell you what the connection is in a moment. That is the review of what has taken place in the last 13 years. The magnetics of the planet have moved. They've postured themselves in a way that has actually lifted the veil slightly, and under that veil has poured energy to the planet... a new energy that will continue to unfold for another 12 years. It's an energy of a type that some of you never expected. I'm going to discuss that. Some of you say "new" energy, but the word is used so often in your language and culture that it may not even be meaningful to you. What does "new" mean? The last channelling we gave you, one that will be published, was one that gave you the information of "what is new and what is not." We ask you now to look at that, for it will tie in to what we tell you today. God is slow, and the wisdom of revelation is slow. Good things are given in this way, and you know this. The ancients knew it, too, and the wisest societies on Earth still honor the process of things that take time. So the "new" energy on the planet actually means "one that is different from the energy of the past millennia"... one that will be "new" for this entire dispensation. It's also one of the most profound changes and shifts of all Human history, and it will take time. Honoring Those Who Are Part of Mt. Shasta[1/29/2014 9:48:46 AM]

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It's time to speak of this area [Mt. Shasta]. There's no better time to speak of an area than when you're sitting in it, and it has much to do with the planet as a whole. It has a great deal to do with those listening and reading, also. Let's start with those who live here. I'd like to greet and celebrate the Guardians. This is a name we're giving to those who have vibrated higher almost all of their lives. They were born with the Lemurian energy, they could hardly wait to get here [Shasta], this is where they were drawn, and this is where they stayed. They literally nursed the information of the mountain, the Guardians did. You might say they were the forerunners of the Lightworkers. But oh, they're more than that. They anchored and held the energy and kept it fresh around this mountain. It's fresh to this day! First-timers to the area: Are you aware of the kind of energy you walk within? Those of you who have trekked up the mountain know that it speaks to you. Did that surprise you? There's much going on here, and we're going to even rename the process. The Guardians - who are they? They're the Human Beings who've lived in this mountain area for years and years and years. They've watched the comings and the goings - they've watched all of the energy around the mountain - they've seen the truth and they've seen the non-truth. They've seen the frivolity come and go, and they've remained anchored, keeping the mountain precious... holding it for what it's going to do. The Guardians. These are the ones to whom we say, "Well done!" These are the ones to whom we would like to say, "And if you wish to leave now, you may. Permission is granted, and you may pass the torch." In fact, some of you are tired, are you not? You think we don't know this? Now that the grid has settled and we move into the crystalline energy, the interdimensional active parts and pieces begin to move. It's a different energy. You Guardians are finished. You did it... held the energy to the manifestation of what it was designed for, and you've done a fine job. Why move? Because you're about to see a shift in this Mt. Shasta area. There will be great comings and goings even within the next three years. Those who have lived here for a very long time, for whatever reason, may choose to leave. I'll tell you something: There are Guardians here who would never come to a meeting like this! They don't think they're spiritual, but even they are holding and anchoring. Much of it is intuitive... drawn to the area lifetime after lifetime and keeping watch over it. Even these who don't hear this message will feel it in their bodies, a surging intuitive feeling that their job is done. Although it's a precious place to be, some of the Guardians will leave anyway, not even knowing why. We celebrate the Guardians, and we tell you that these Humans do not reflect old energy workers. They are the forerunners of you, Lightworkers! If you call yourselves Lightworker, then you are the ones who will take the mantel of the Guardians. An influx of energy and humanity is about to happen here. Guardian, as the energy begins to be realized and the reality of what is taking place begins to manifest, you'll no longer be able to keep Mt. Shasta a secret. Don't be alarmed, however. Yes, there will be growth. Perhaps there will even be commercialism. The mountain remains the mountain, regardless of what you do. It cannot be spoiled, for the Guardians have done their job. So we celebrate the Guardians, and some of you are here. Don't be surprised if you're pulled back to this spot for an annual trek of your own choosing, coming back to visit the family that resides in the mountain. There's a great shift occurring here. When you return, remember: Climb the mountain before you decide what has changed and what has not! Realignment and Shift of Mt. Shasta's Energy Many of you have always known about the energy of this place. But did you ever know of the[1/29/2014 9:48:46 AM]

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timetable? What about the prophecy of the mountain? There's a shift taking place that even the most esoteric of you are not totally expecting. Let me ask you this: If you think about those on the other side of the veil, you'll know intuitively that there's no gender there as there is on Earth. Angels may appear to be male and female, but they're neither. We've told you repeatedly that Kryon and all of the family around you are genderless. Gender labels and names in spiritual matters are something given to you for energy identification. When you speak of spiritual gender, you're speaking of attributes around energy. It gives you something to relate to... this thing is masculine, or something else is feminine. It becomes a communication identification tool, and not a biological designation. Get ready for something you didn't expect: That system is over. There's no longer any reason to give elementary information in parables to those who are enlightened in this new energy. So we tell you this: Something is going on in the mountain. Mark my words right now so you can refer to it later. In the not-too-distant future, the ones who identified the male and the female portions of that mountain behind us [Shasta] will have to reevaluate it. The energy around it is melding. It's melding. Some of you have been aware of this for a while. There will come a time when you can no longer say that this particular portion "is masculine" or that this particular portion "is feminine." Although those are the energies that have always been part of the mountain, the mountain itself is melding those energies. It's changing. It's changing because it's time to change. Oh, there's more. We're going to give you a new word. Some have asked the Guardians: "Is this Shasta mountain a vortex or a portal?" Some of you locals have thrown up your hands trying to explain this. It has the attributes of both, does it not? How do you explain it, then? There are other places and parts of this planet that have featured strong male and female energies as well. But with the magnetic grid shift, some of these attributes have "moved away" or melded. Let me give you an example. The area you call Sedona has changed greatly in the last 12 years... so much so that you will no longer feel what you felt the last time you visited there. Those of you who visit repeatedly know of this. That's what the grid shift did to this profoundly energetic area. It did the same with the area in Machu Picchu that many visit regularly. Things are beginning to change even within some of the most well-known energetic areas on Earth. Well, let me tell you what it did regarding the mountain behind us. It activated it. It has been waiting all of this time for the shift of the magnetics of the planet. Is it a vortex or a portal? Neither. It is instead something new: It's a vortal. A genderless vortal. And to some, especially those who call themselves Guardians, they're not going to like it. After all, it's the mountain they grew up with, and it's changing. Guardian, there is no judgment for leaving this place, only celebration. If you're one of those who's disturbed by the energy shift and the population increase, there's absolutely no judgment around your decision to leave. You've done your job, steward. For those who don't believe this melding process, I ask you: Why would you be shocked at this when the energies of the planet are shifting so greatly? Where does it say that the polarities always have to be the same geologically forever? With a huge shift in magnetics, wouldn't you expect the polarities of masculine and feminine to adjust? Where does it say that things only work one way and stay that way? Some say that the earth is moving into the fifth dimension. We told you before that we don't like to number dimensions, for they're not like peas on a table that are things to be numbered. However, since you're in 4D now, it's the next logical number for you to refer to dimensionally.[1/29/2014 9:48:46 AM]

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For now, and for clarity, we'll also call it the fifth dimension... that dimensionality that you're moving into that represents a big shift in reality. The prophecy regarding this mountain has spoken about those within the mountain who are fifth-dimensional. What's going on? What's happening to the land? This prophecy is beautiful. It's esoteric. To some, however, it's eye-rolling. Could there be proof? Some prophecies would indicate that there's an interdimensional city in the mountain, one inhabited by fifthdimensional beings with Lemurian energy, they say. God bless the Guardians who brought you that information, for they were right on the mark. We'd prefer not to call it a city. That makes you compare it to what you're used to. We'd like to call it a "gathering." It's a constantly shifting and changing interdimensional gathering of beings of the fifth dimension. (Again, the five is for you.) There's more prophecy, too. The most unbelievable and eye-rolling portion to some is this: There will come a day (they say) when the mountain will disgorge those who have been in there for eons! There will come a time (they say) when these fifth-dimensional beings will walk the streets of Mt. Shasta! That's what they've said. Well, perhaps you can celebrate this truth with me in an esoteric way, for it's beginning to happen. As you sit here, the city within stirs. Don't be frightened. It's a celebration of you. Let me give you some things to think about: For years, we've told you about a time when your DNA could be activated in an interdimensional way. Some have said that it would be activated into the fifth dimension. Again, that term stems from the idea that you're moving out of 4 (your reality) into the next one (which, to you, is 5). That has been the information. So, what do you think this activation includes? We're going to give you just one attribute of "activating DNA." What if today's scientists are right, and you actually have interdimensional matter within your body [a teaching from the seminar of the day]? What if the things that you cannot see, but which are there, might include beings (angels, to some) who have stood by to come forward when it was proper and the energy was right? They come to literally be part of the Lemurian family and to be part of the very DNA that you carry with you. Think about it for a moment. Do any of you feel incomplete? Are you waiting for something or someone to join you? And what is all of this Lemurian talk about? I'll give you some answers, but before I begin, remember this: You've given permission for this. No matter what I say or do, there are some (who see conspiracy and drama as their way of life), who will say that this is a takeover. "See!" they will say, "Kryon has tricked us to allow the Lemurians to take us over!" Let's get this out in the open where you can look at it so it's not a secret. Use your intuition and free choice. When God fills you with love, is it a takeover? No, it isn't. It's a transformation. The Lemurian Connection There is a core of humanity who has always been here... who's never left. Lifetime after lifetime after lifetime, it has incarnated into expressions of humanity that emanated from the continents and many societies you called Lemuria. It was one of the greatest civilizations on the planet. Although it was small compared to today's standards, it was enlightened, almost to the end. It had great leaders and scientists, almost to the end. The first group of you who emerged could be found in the Indus Valley in yet another great civilization - almost all composed of Lemurians. However, it was not in your best interest to "clump" into another advanced society, so you were scattered yet again, this time all over the Earth. The core of the group that sits in front of me tonight, and many who are reading this, are a part[1/29/2014 9:48:46 AM]

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of this original family. These are the ones to awaken first on planet Earth - the few of you who carry the stamp of the Lemurian and Indus culture. It surges within your DNA, Lightworker. Are not aware of this? Some of you have memories that you cannot explain of your time there. It is the core group that is interested in these things - the one with the Lemurian DNA that awakens first. Like some kind of broadcast receiver, the DNA in most of you is being activated at a level that tickles your free will, and is asking you to take a look at everything, because something is different. Feel anything lately? Are you the same as you always were, or is something stirring? Do you feel that time is speeding up, perhaps? Seeing 11:11 on the clocks? I'll tell you what's going on: For many of you, there is the awareness that you're now ready for those of the fifth dimension to join you. What am I saying? There's a great deal at work on this planet that you've called fifth-dimensional energy, including entities all over this planet who are waiting to enhance you, to join you in a way you cannot even fathom, in an interdimensional way. Don't make this sound like an invasion! It's an invitation through free choice, to accept the angels who are standing by to become "part of you." It also includes the energies of all the masters who have walked on this planet. Many of them even told you of their return, and that they would "fill you" with their presence. Many of you wondered if the ascended masters would return and walk the streets of this planet. Well, Human Being, when you leave this place, or the place where you're reading and you walk outside, that's what's happening! That's the reality. Are they walking the streets? You answer that. Are you walking the streets? It's about you, and it always has been about you. Many of you are beginning to understand our channellings over the years. You're now becoming aware that the ascension of this planet, and the return of the masters, is beginning to happen within you! Go back and revisit The Journey Home parable. It's about a Human who became divine, simply though pure intent and a transformation of being through knowledge. It's about ascension! Many spiritual Humans wish to sit back and have the earth and God "do something" for them. They wish to watch it, feeling that they're only Human, after all. Not this time. Those days are gone. You want to watch the handiwork of God? You're going to have to look inside where God lives. That's where it's going to be - all of it. And so we tell you this: All that is here in Mt. Shasta - all the prophecies about the beings waiting for a certain kind of time and energy on the planet - is being realized. The entities in the mountain are lining up to be part of you. Pieces and parts of them will become pieces and parts of you. Family will join family. How can we explain this to you? Will you change? Yes, it's called ascension! How did you think that was going to be accomplished? It's accomplished with profound help and beautiful love. It's all part of an energy on this planet that we told you about. Do you know what happens to a core group that goes through that? They change the very dirt of the earth, and the reality of the planet. The consciousness of the children are all part of it, and they're changing too. It's all part of this decade, one of the most profound in Human history, where you'll decide what peace on Earth really means. That's what's happening here.

DNA: The Beginning of an Elaborate Explanation We cannot stop the conversation now without discussing DNA. Let me tell you about it. You've named it for your 4D visibility and chemistry: deoxyribonucleic acid - DNA. That's what you see. It's what is in your reality of perception. It's 4D, and a description of your Human genome. To most of the earth, that's the extent of it. We've spoken of it time and time again. When we[1/29/2014 9:48:46 AM]

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say DNA, we don't mean the layer of chemistry that you can see. We mean all the layers. Here is the basic information. We've given some of it to you before, but we'll enhance it now. And we'll do something else, too. It's time to meet someone. DNA is 12 layers deep. Each layer has two attributes - the one you can see in four dimensions (the double helix) we will call the bottom layer. Although bottom and top don't mean much in an interdimensional aspect, that's just for you. It's to give you an idea of where it belongs. It's on the bottom. The two attributes of it we will say are the sides of the ladder, connected with a chemistry that you're well aware of that bridges both of the attributes and creates the bonds. On top of this layer, there are 11 more. Therefore, there are 12 layers total with 24 attributes. Each layer, even the interdimensional ones, have two sides. They're balanced very much like the one you can see. We told you that there would come a time when we'd discuss the other layers. And we will. Complex, it is. In order to do this properly, we'd like you to meet somebody. It's a surprise. Get this right, my partner, this is critical [Kryon talking to Lee]. We wish to celebrate Yaw-ee today. Yaw-ee is here [speaking of someone in the crowd]. Yaw-ee is a Lemurian name composed of nine glyphs. The Lemurian writing, much like Sumerian, which became part of the Asian culture and the Indus culture, was glyph writing. That is to say, the letters themselves had meaning. They were concepts, and not just sounds. Nine of them composed the name of Yaw-ee. Yawee was known to all of you as one of the greatest architects of Lemuria who ever lived. Beyond that, Yaw-ee had a gift. You see, Yaw-ee built the Temples of Rejuvenation that were present on the mountaintops. Yaw-ee knew all about DNA. He was given visions - visions he's still being given today. I would like to introduce him to you, for he's here in your group today. A surprise, even to Yaw-ee! You know him as Dr. Todd Ovokaitys. Doctor, are you here? Pause... Speak out if you are. "I'm here." (A surprised Dr. Ovokaitys answers from the audience.) And so we will address you as Yaw-ee. We bring you into this because we want to review your vision, and we want to tell you about your future. It's no accident that you find yourself on the planet in this place at this time. For an awakening is beginning. You can only go so far with what you've known. We wish to take you back to the vision that you had in this lifetime that set you on the course that you're currently on, a profound vision it was. Do you remember it? "Yes." Yaw-ee, do you remember the door we took you through? "I do." There, you were shown living DNA in the inner workings of a Human Being, which was alive and functioning. There, you were shown the magnetic resonances and more that are part of a ladder in four dimensions. Did you ever wonder, Doctor, why we took you into a room to show you something that's not in a room? "Yes!" And now we'll tell you: It's a metaphor. I'm going to give you information that even you,[1/29/2014 9:48:46 AM]

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Doctor, will not understand yet. The shape of all DNA together, all the interdimensional DNA when placed together with interdimensional eyes, as a complete and total shape, is in the form of a six-sided cube. It fits within the Merkabah, a very designed place where a cube should be. And that's why you were given the metaphor of the room. That's why there was a door to take you into a place with six sides, all equal in dimension. Now I'll ask you some more questions. Were you aware of the twists? "Yes." Did you count them? "No." Let me tell those listening and reading about Yaw-ee. He was known as the Twist Master! There's a secret here, Doctor. It's given publicly because you have the answer. I will tell you something about this. Many have asked, "What causes the twists within the twists in 4D DNA?" Some say that it's obviously the chemistry that pushes and pulls on it in certain ways to torque it in certain ways. I will give you the answer to what causes the twists, and then I'm going to tell you about The Twist Master. There are four elements, all of which are interdimensional, which twist DNA. DNA's relational twisting is from the interdimensional pull upon it. Time, gravity, magnetics, and one other, which you've called The Cosmic Lattice. But we will call it Ascended Master Energy. It's the divine energy of the cosmos. It's the pieces and parts of what you've called Human consciousness. It's an energy that you're starting to discover. All four of these energies are present in other dimensional DNA layers, and they push and pull upon the dimension you can see, and they twist the ladder and provide the twists within the twists. It's time to count the twists, Doctor, and it's time to also see which direction they twist, although that is well known. For we have information: When you start looking at the twisting, you're going to see some correlations... some things you didn't expect. Count the twists in the Indigos, too. Here are things that no one suspected. How different are the Indigos, really? Are there basic core biological differences? Yes. Yaw-ee, you will have two more visions within your lifetime, if you wish it. They will occur to you as you move from place to place, for you have taken a high vibration where these things can now be "seen" in ways that no longer require ceremony. Two more are granted to you. Yaw-ee, welcome back to Lemuria! There were songs about you. It seems that you applied your own science to your own body and lived a very, very long time. Even before the scientists of your time believed you, you were applying it and you outlived them all. If the culture was still there, there would be books about Yaw-ee, one of the greatest scientists that ever walked the planet. And that's the truth, Doctor. It is one of the reasons I asked my partner to speak to you often and channel to you in private. It's also one of the reasons why you have other visions about a past life that you've never told anyone about. More about DNA Let us finally (for today) speak of a layer of DNA that's next to the bottom - an interdimensional layer that all of you are feeling. It's difficult to explain this, but this particular layer that has a specific name and a color (neither of which we're going to give you yet), floats in and out of four dimensions. Yes, it's interdimensional, but it has attributes that interface with your 4D DNA. You might describe this piece as intuition... a layer unto itself that is also the[1/29/2014 9:48:46 AM]

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one responsible for fear, joy, and for love... and the responses those emotions carry to the bottom layer. Why do you cry when you're fearful and when you're joyful and when you're in love? Isn't that odd? There is a similarity, is there not, to your reaction to all three? This layer is responsible for it. It is interdimensional, and it touches the four-dimensional layer that you can see called the Human genome. It's the layer we described in the ascension channellings, which must be rewritten with ascension status. It's one of the layers that those in the mountain are interested in. It's the layer of your future and your past. It's the layer that is ready to be rewritten, and even redesigned and reactivated. It's the reason that some of you are feeling an interdimensional DNA aspect in your 4D layer. One of the biggest things that you're feeling is this: Dear Human Being, you are without a future! You were born into an energy where you knew you had a future. Just ask the prophets. Well, it didn't happen, did it? So where are you headed now? Your future is being written right now by you. The prophecies about the future are being written by you. And this is most uncomfortable for many of you. After all, only the masters can write a future for Earth. Is this becoming a familiar theme? For some, you have depended on an emotional status that has a future that was prophesied, and that belongs to you... good or bad. To be on Earth without a known or prophesied future is to be a ship without a rudder! It's why some of you wake up at three in the morning and want to know what's wrong. "What's different?" you might ask. Pieces and part of that DNA are being stripped away and reactivated because you asked for it. Had any interesting dreams lately? What's going on? Oh, celebrate the miracle! A time that some thought would never come is before you. It's a time when the land celebrates you. For eons there have been fifth-dimensional beings who did nothing but wait for you, and now they want to join with you to create an Earth for the potential you were born for... designed for, and yes, that even your DNA knows about. Now that's profound. All of the layers of DNA, interdimensional and not, are labeled for you. They're the names of God. Eventually, we'll give them to you. I've asked my partner to seek help from others so that the names will be familiar to him when they're channelled. That's the truth. But you're not ready for that yet. This layer is the closest one to the ones that you would feel as opposed to the ones that are etheric. The next channelling we will give will expose the third one, and the last one in the first grouping. There are layers that are active, and there are ones that are waiting to be active. There are layers that are informational only and set a stage. There are also ones that are only "stored potential," like batteries waiting to be used. There are even ones that communicate. Part of your divinity is wrapped up in what you call the DNA. And that's the truth. What is the overview of this as we close? What a puzzle that is coming together! Here you sit this day with the architect that some of you sang about, and you don't know it. Such is the duality that hides things, family. You are Lemurian, every one. You are core group, every one. You're the ones who have changed this planet. The duality is strong, and many of you reading and listening still don't believe it. That's called free choice. But I know your names! Blessed is the duality that lays upon you, for it keeps the play fair. You're going to have to decide if it's real. When you're most alone and when that time is upon you where you ask about the others, we ask you to stretch out your hand in an exercise we've told you before and let us touch you. Feel the tingling, feel the massaging and the love. "Are you there?" you might ask. "Oh, yes, we are, dear Human Being. Yes we are! We're always there." We support the love of God. That is the essence of those who wait to become your partners. As you walk from this place, many of you will embody and manifest that. That's why you came. Some of you will do it and some of you will not. It's about the journey, not about judgment of[1/29/2014 9:48:46 AM]

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what you do while you're here. That's why we love you the way we do. There has never been a time on the planet where so few will do so much for so many. And I'm looking at them. So why are you here? What's bothering you? Will you have abundance to sustain you? Yes. We've defined abundance before. It's when you get fed every day. Abundance is the love of God in your hearts. Can you walk through life healthy? Yes. It's called the love of God in your DNA. When you realize who you are and why you came, everything starts to change. The invitation for ascension? Yes. We've even defined it. The first ones to take that graduate step of ascension will be Lemurians. You have survived eons, lifetime after lifetime. You were monks, nuns, and shamans - killed, burned at the stake just so you could keep it fresh. And here you are. It's your time. Make it count. Make it count. Reader, listener, you will leave here different from how you came. Within the spectrum of free choice, each of you, to whatever degree you wish to accept it, will walk from this place different from how you came. You can't help it. You're Lemurian. And so it is.

Kryon[1/29/2014 9:48:46 AM]



Is the Dark Side Increasing? Lee Carroll - December 18, 2002

Within the last six months, we have seen many changes. One of the most profound of them comes in two parts. (1) The increase in personal difficulties which seem like the dark side is powering up for a battle, and (2) A very obvious choice of many who used to be on-board with New Age ideas, but lately have almost self-destructed, removing their own light. Let's look at these two areas briefly, and how they relate to what's happening today.

Planet X Lee Carroll - July 23, 2002 • NEW ARTICLES • ARTICLE ARCHIVE

(1) You may disagree, but one of the pillars of the Kryon teaching is that "there is no dark side." Let me explain: Kryon tells us that there is no group of entities or one big entity (horns or not) who is out to get you and pull you down. That all sounds fine, but it sure doesn't seem that way to many. In addition, it goes against ancient spiritual history, and I can personally testify that there is a whole lot of darkness going on! So what's really happening? If there is no actual dark side, then where are these challenges coming from, and why does it seem like we are being assaulted? Okay... next step. Lets define what we are actually feeling. If it isn't the dark side, then what is it? It feels dark and ugly, and it's thick with purpose against us. It creates fear. Some folks prefer to call it negativity, so that we won't be confused with the guy with horns and his supposed entourage of demons. But to some, especially those who hear the voices and feel attacked by negative feelings, there is nothing I can say that will dissuaded them from feeling that it's an army of evil forces. First, do you remember what Kryon told us of these times? Over 12 years ago we were told that this would be the time when the new grid would begin to settle, and that much change would be seen and felt. Weather would change and anxiety would increase. Disease and war would claim millions ( Kryon book 1). Change would unseat much that had been seen as permanent in the world, and many would question their sanity. However, we would have no Armageddon. Instead, we would have Apocalypse (a Greek derived word which means, "lifting the veil.") Personally, I think we are right on schedule. When I tell you what this dark energy is, some are going to holler, "impossible!" Kryon has been telling us for over a decade that we are powerful. We have the ability to change matter around us, and even our "aura at rest" has influence. By the way, for the first time in the history of my work, I have now been able to show scientific proof that this seemingly eye-rolling premise is indeed factual. This whole year (2002), in our seminars, we featured the work of Masaru Emoto, a scientist in Japan, and his experiments with water. Positively and empirically, it showed that Human consciousness is not only measurable, but it changes matter... we've got the pictures! So here we are being shown that we have far more power over mater and reality than we ever thought. John Wheeler, 90 year-old physicist, and colleague of Albert Einstein, gives us the most unusual premise of all: This researcher asks, "Does matter exist if the Human isn't looking?" He is one of the first to postulate that Human consciousness might be a huge energy player in physics (and it's about time). All this is to say that you and I are far more than blobs of accidental walking biology. We might actually have interdimensional power that postures what happens in what we call reality... the earth, the solar system, and our own personal paths. This then, starts to circle the wagons around the word intent. So what does this have to do with negative force? We also have been told that we have a duality. Duality is a balance between light and dark within our own consciousness that drives us to seek Spirit, or not, depending on our own free will. Could it be that our "dark parts" are just as potent as our light parts? Kryon says yes, but that light is active and dark is passive, so although light will always eliminate the dark, if a person wishes to turn off the light, the dark will prevail, real and scary. Any Human who wants to, can also increase this dark energy within their own lives... even project it.[1/29/2014 9:48:49 AM]


As humanity moves the balance of dark and light on earth, it actually changes the "middle point" of where the average balance is of everything. This changes not only us (you and I), but earth, and even our spiritual history. Kryon told us that all the old prophesies and channelling of the past that described the potentials of who we are and what would happen, now belong to another humanity, not ours. We changed tracks. Can the past change when we take action in the present? Yes. Hey, is this one of those weird metaphysical concepts? It used to be, but not any more. Just ask John Wheeler. His entire physics postulate is based around reality shifting and the ability of the Human Being to change the past by altering the present! ( Discover Magazine, June 2002 ) Kryon tells us this: As you change the balance of dark and light on the planet through your intent for ascension and interdimensional awareness, you are leaving a part of the old "you" behind. Due to the direction of the shift, there is an actual part of the "dark" you (in duality) which is about to be severed forever. This piece of "dark you" is fighting for its life! It's YOU fighting YOU, but personally it might seem like the demons of hell have ganged up. What proof of this is there? Let me ask you this: Who knows you better than you? The attacks seem very personal, don't they? The "voices" know exactly what you are afraid of, don't they? And there is a very profound attempt from that piece which has been part of you, lifetime after lifetime, to resist and fight for survival. Remember Kryon Book Five , "The Journey Home "? Years ago, Kryon channelled about this fight, which the book's character, Michael Thomas had with "IT." Many asked, "What was IT in the book? Now we know: IT is the dark part that each of us has, appropriately, that keeps us guessing, and that makes this test of enlightenment all the more challenging, and in all fairness, worth it. Even after you "slay" this dark part, there is still a balance of duality to contend with. This dual balance stays with us and asks us every day if we are doing the right thing or not. But the piece that is fighting to stay with you is one that knows you so well that is can impersonate anything. It's the monster under the bed, the devil, the ones who came to earth to get you... and (of course) the evil ETs and their helpers. It's all the conspiracies lumped into one, with your name as the target. But it's NOT. It's fake. Instead, it's the part of you , which is being sent into obscurity - a part that won't give up until you say "enough." You want proof? Okay. If it's a vast conspiracy of millions from the dark side, then how come they retreat so fast when you order them to? Why would such a powerful adversary be so afraid of little-old you? It's time to start "connecting the dots" as we are now saying. Think! Sometimes the intellect is very valuable at a time like this, in full cooperation with your emotions. What to do? Laugh in the face of this energy. Then have a ceremony around it. Honor that it was part of your life for so long, and dismiss it in love. Embrace the fact that it's you, and then send it on its way. What are the steps? They are the ones you make up! Have your own ceremony, oh powerful one. Do you really need some guru to give proceedure to you? Make it a good ceremony. Burn something old... use symbolism if you wish, then move on! (2) Kryon told us over and over that there would be an "end to the fence-sitting." Perhaps you thought that this would mean that thousands all over earth would "see the light" and join in an effort to change the balance of earth, and bring it into more light? Think again. It was a statement that meant that in these days you would really know where people stood. There would be a battle, not an earth war, but a battle. Take a look at the world right now. It's about choosing the very consciousness of civilization, isn't it? All in the name of God (just like always), consciousness if being tested. Light or dark? People are taking sides. It's not all about foreign cultures either. Many in our own camp have decided that you and I are "blinding humanity with light." They have retreated to the old books about civilization being polarized with ET's and conspiratorial plots against humanity. They frighten you by questioning if the person walking next to you is even Human. (Do this for awhile and watch how unbalanced, fearful and paranoid you become. Agenda anyone?) They have decided[1/29/2014 9:48:49 AM]


to embrace a dark place that is very comfortable for them, before all this light arrived in 1987. I have lost friends who now see Kryon as the "great liar." They want you to think it's a big conspiracy to lull you into submission with love, so that the evil ones can take you away. These also have their books and their channellings to "prove it" within their own circles. The darkness within each of them has won. There is no judgment here, just a fact. They are following their truth just like you are, so don't judge them or even feel sorry. It's all in the balance of free choice. I obviously don't agree, but I actually respect those who have taken a stand. I feel it's appropriate for us all to do this, and we are going to have to, in order to change this planet. What should you believe? Which is correct? Why don't you examine both sides? Listen to everyone. Feel the energy of both camps and discern for yourselves which one is for you. Go to a spiritual place that you trust within yourselves and say, "God, please tell me what I should know." Then look around and decide. I believe that humanity has thrown away the old prophesies, and the old conspiratorial texts. I believe that historians will point to this time some day, calling it a renaissance of sorts. I think those who wish to continue to embrace the dark will slowly be sucked into a place where eventually they will wallow in disappointment and fear, having separated themselves willingly from the love of God. As for me, I am bathed in the love of Spirit and the knowledge that all of us arrived here at a time that Kryon is calling a "new dispensation." It allows us to decide our own spiritual fate, and it gives us tools of discernment if we wish to find them. I celebrate this time!

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FREE TRANSCRIPTIONS From Lee Carroll - The Original Channel for KRYON OFFERED SINCE 1997 UPDATED - JANUARY, 2014

Dear friends, thank you for visiting this web site, and for your interest in the Kryon work. The below channellings are FREE for you to read and print out. We don't ask for your Email and we don't keep track of who comes and goes from this site. LOOK! We do not transcribe all the channellings we record. Many are recorded in AUDIO and available for you to hear that will never make this page. CHECK IT OUT LOOK! Is English not your first language? Take a peek at our World-Wide Kryon Language site for potential KRYON sites in your language. CHECK IT OUT The one hundred thirty nine (139) channelling choices below will take you to the complete transcriptions of some of the channellings of Kryon from live events around the globe since 1997. We update these as we travel. The most recent channellings of Kryon can also be found in "Sedona Journal of Emergence." This magazine publishes a Kryon channelling each month. In addition, some of these are now free audio downloads (The EAR indicates that). We hope you enjoy them and will be blessed by these words and sounds. There are now twelve Kryon books filled with channelling from 1989 to 2010, plus three Indigo Children books. Kryon channelled the subject of Indigo Children... now a popular subject after all these years. Lee Carroll and Jan Tober wrote the original Indigo Children book in 1999. Now there are many books from many authors, and even a movie and a documentary. Also... please take a few moments to look at the information contained after these descriptions. It may help you to better understand the entire channelling process.

New to Kryon? Is all this information overwhelming? Where to start? What channelling is the one to help those just coming into this belief? Which of the more than 100 channellings below will help you get started? Here is a series of channellings that have been put together for the very purpose of helping in this. Like the rest, they are free and available for you to read whenever you wish to. They are on a separate Internet page, for your convenience. Blessings! Lee Carroll[1/29/2014 9:49:16 AM]

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LAST CHANNELING OF 2013 "Moving into 2014" Laguna Hills, California December 15, 2013 Right before Kryon channelled this last 2013 message, Dr. Todd Ovokaitys presented brand new guided stem-cell protocols to the crowd. Kryon addressed what was "really happening" and also had a message for Lightworkers about changes in 2014 and beyond. There is a lot here to digest!

Hear the original channelling Click on the ear. 138

THE MYSTERIOUS INNATE Gaithersburg, Maryland August 31, 2013 This channelling should really go with "The Elusive Akash," below. Ask yourself: Why do you have to muscle-test (Kinesiology) to see if you are allergic to something? Shouldn't your brain tell you that? Is it possible that there is a huge disconnect between your brain and your cells? The Innate is that bridge, and Kryon discusses it in ways that might surprise you. What is "The second brain?" Find out!

Hear the original channelling Click on the ear. 137

THE WAY SYNCHRONICITY WORKS Asheville, North Carolina August 24, 2013 The real title of this channelling is "The Way Synchronicity Works - The Demise of the Bell-shaped Curve." Do you think we have the ability to change reality? Can we change simple things, like the "chances" of this or that, or of what most people call luck? Kryon tells us that the Bell-shaped curve is what statisticians call "the laws of average," but it only represents an energy that is static, and without Human energy involved. What if we could change it? What if we are supposed to? This is the channelling that will help explain it.

Hear the original channelling Click on the ear. 136

THE ELUSIVE AKASH Minneapolis, Minnesota August 10, 2013 This is a very informative channelling, and one that starts to tell about the puzzle of why we can't sense more about our Akashic record and out past lives on this planet. It's controversial, and may bring up some new concepts about the way things work.[1/29/2014 9:49:16 AM]

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2013- A DIFFICULT YEAR Laguna Hills, California July 14, 2013 This seems to be a continuing theme during 2013. It just isn't "energy as usual," and Kryon wants us continually updated as to the things which are happening, and why. Why are we losing people right now, seemingly in a larger quantity? Why the seeming imbalance of so many individuals. Kryon continues to help us understand.

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THE RECALIBRATION OF SELF PART 1 Newport News April 26, 2012 We know this channelling is out of order "date-wise" but because Kryon Book 13 is being built, some of the Recalibration channellings are being worked on separately. It's our policy to bring you some of the channellings of that new book here, even though they will be put together later for the book. This is in the "Spirit of the free web," and what we have done in the past for those who simply cannot afford a book. This Kryon message is one of three, and it again concentrates on the fallacy of dark energy being "alive."

Hear the original channelling Click on the ear. 133

THE NODES AND NULLS OF EARTH - UPDATED DECEMBER 2013 "The Missing Piece" Moscow, Russia, May, 2013 This is really different! You won't find this profound information on the audio site, or even in one stand-alone Kryon channelling, like the others below. Instead, it has been compiled from a number of sources, to give you a complete picture of brand new information only available this year (2013). There are 12 polarized energy time capsules of the earth. Kryon now reveals why they are here, the energies of them, and where they are. Interested?


THE THREE WINDS Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, and Calgary, Alberta, Canada February 23-24, 2013 It was hard to title this one, since once Kryon got going, this channelling was[1/29/2014 9:49:16 AM]

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about... well, about eight different topics! It's a longer one, and really packed with lots of information about the process of being a Human Being.

Hear the original channelling Click on the ear. 131

THE RECALIBRATION OF AWARENESS Madison, Wisconsin Grand Rapids, Michigan April, 2012 Hey! Why is this channelling being posted way out of order? The truth is that this is an excerpt from the up-coming KRYON BOOK 13. It is almost a prediction channel, and even mentions that the pope would not last long (he didn't). It's current, and profound, and covers a whole gamete of subjects about what is going to slowly happen over the next years.

Hear the original channelling Click on the ear. 130

THE TIME CAPSULES OF GAIA Salt Lake City, Utah February 9, 2013 This channelling is a continuation of the channellings from Phoenix and Boulder (below). It continues the discussion, a very controversial one, that Human scientific advancement is controlled... released to Humanity when it is ready. If this is the case (and the logic of it makes sense), then what is coming and where is it coming from? Are there Gaia time capsules left for us that open with ideas and enlightenment as we move into this newer energy past 2012? Are there personal time capsules as well? Where? When? It's all here...

Hear the original channelling Click on the ear. 129

THE 2013 OLD-SOUL TOOLKIT Boulder, Colorado January 13, 2013 This channelling is really meant to go with the one below, and is kind of a continuation of it. What are the tools we will need as the old souls that have helped to make this amazing transition into an era that no prophet said we would ever see? There are some unexpected things to know.

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2013 - NOW WHAT?[1/29/2014 9:49:16 AM]

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THE TRANSITION BEGINS Phoenix, Arizona January 6, 2013 Kryon tells us that this transition is significant. Not only that, but we are leaving old energy behind, and there are all kinds of things to think about in the process. Will there be issues we haven't thought of? How long will it take to see anything different? What is the time frame of all this? These are beginning explanations.

Hear the original channelling Click on the ear. 127

THE LETTER K Mendoza, Argentina Kryon Kundalini Tour October 17, 2012 The Kryon Kundalini Tour was one of the most spectacular tours we have ever done. During the tour 28 channellings were given, and nine of them were the letters of the word KUNDALINI. This is the first of those channellings... preparing us for the earth changes that were taking place in the rebalancing of the planet.

Hear the original channelling Click on the ear. 126

THE TIMING OF CREATION Hawaiian Cruise - Anchored at Lahaina, Maui August 12, 2012 Kryon has given us many different timings of how things happened and when. This is a summary, pulling them all together so we have a larger picture of the actual "story of creation," as we see it. It also describes Lemuria in more detail, and for the first time Kryon talks about Lee's past in Hawaii.

Hear the original channelling Click on the ear. 125

THE BRIDGE OF SWORDS Toronto, ON, Canada September 29, 2012 For over a decade, Kryon has referred to "The Bridge of Swords." Is it a final battle? Is it a battle at all? Could it be a metaphor for many things... or all of the above? Kryon finally reveals what it means. And, by the way, we are fully involved with it and have been for some time.

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The Recalibration of GAIA Melbourne, Australia March 18, 2012 Is the earth recalibrating itself to our DNA? What exactly could that mean? Does our DNA have something special within it that GAIA "sees?" How does that work? Is there really a shift that is affecting all this? This is the discussion in this latest "recalibration" series from Kryon.

Hear the original channelling Click on the ear. 123

Common Questions from NON-LIGHTWORKERS Monterey, California February 26, 2012 Why would Kryon entertain questions from those who don't believe any of this? The reason is that quite often these questions are the best ones, for they challenge the reality of what we believe, and often produce good, basic answers. Why is Humanity so unhappy? What happens when we die? Is there life on other planets? What about conspiracies? These are all answered by Kryon in this channelling in Monterey.

Hear the original channelling Click on the ear. 122

The Big Picture - You Are Not Alone Patagonia Kryon Kundalini Cruise February, 2012 Kryon again talks about the beginning of the planet, Lemuria, and the Pleadians. Then he speaks about what to expect from the Great Shift we are having, and a new kind of unexpected intuitive Human. This seems to be a theme, and sure enough, it was just enhanced further with a channelling in August on the Hawaii Cruise (it's in the Audio section now).

Hear the original channelling Click on the ear. 121

The Recalibration of Free Choice Dallas, Texas March, 2012 Free choice should be simple. You can choose anything. Right? That depends. But what if your view of choices is limited? That's the premise in this lengthy discussion: If a man sees in black and white, how is he going to chose red? There is a great deal more in this channelling than the subject of free choice. Our entire pallet of awareness might be changing.[1/29/2014 9:49:16 AM]

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Around the Horn Patagonia Kryon Kundalini Cruise January, 2012 Here is a short but profound channelling from the Patagonia Cruise. It was a channelling that Lee was not going to do... until those around him insisted. It was unscheduled, and there wasn't a room reserved for it on the ship. Still, all the attendees met and this was the result.

Hear the original channelling Click on the ear. 119

The Recalibration of Dark and Light San Antonio Texas February 25, 2012 Let's take a break from the Patagonia Cruise (the two channellings below) to give you still another "recalibration" channelling. Duality is static and unchangeable... right? Think again. For all things are being reshuffled, and even the one that you think you understand fully - dark and light - is changing. This message contains some of the best news yet, and even covers some politics and a prediction at the end.

Hear the original channelling Click on the ear. 118

The Recalibration of "Shoulds" Patagonia Kryon Kundalini Cruise January 26, 2012 Recalibration continues to be the theme for Kryon in 2012. Do the rules of what you should do and should not do change with new energy? Kryon discusses several of them. This is not your father's New Age anymore, and you might be surprised by some of the answers.

Hear the original channelling Click on the ear. 117

The Recalibration of The Universe Patagonia Kryon Kundalini Cruise January 27, 2012 Recalibration continues to be the theme for Kryon in 2012. What is happening to the sun? Are there any unusual magnetic forces coming through the solar system? Is time changing? These and a few other topics are woven into the subject of the[1/29/2014 9:49:16 AM]

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recalibration of energy that we are beginning to occur in 2012.

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The Recalibration of Knowledge Boulder, Colorado January 14, 2012 Recalibration continues to be the theme for Kryon in 2012, and this is the third of several regarding this topic. This time we also get an interview with a Lemurian included! Dr. Ovokaitys, MD, is with us again. This DNA researcher has been described by KRYON as "Yawee," a priest in Lemuria, and builder of the Temple of Rejuvenation, first mentioned in Kryon book 2 in 1994. Some secrets of how the Temple worked, are now beginning to be revealed.

Hear the original channelling Click on the ear. 115

The Recalibration of The Human Being Red Deer, Alberta, Canada January 7, 2012 Recalibration is the theme for Kryon in 2012, and this is the second of several regarding this topic. Look for a few more, including even the "Recalibration of the Universe," coming up soon. If you are interested, sometimes the newest channellings are on the audio site up to a month before they can be transcribed and edited.

Hear the original channelling Click on the ear. 114

The Recalibration of Wisdom Lima, Peru November 27, 2011 This is an important channelling, for it not only represents the manifestation of a prophesy given in Kryon Book Eight (2000) from the Maya regarding the "Journey of the Feathered Serpent," but it qualifies a misconception about how the wisdom of the planet is moving. The Planet's wisdom is not moving, but rather recalibrating to a more gentle source. This message is shorter than most of the channellings given on this page.

Hear the original channelling Click on the ear. 113

The Process Laguna Hills, California[1/29/2014 9:49:16 AM]

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December 4, 2011 Laguna Hills is the "Home Room" of the Kryon work, and the first place Kryon gave a full KRYON TEAM meeting over a decade ago. The message is about "The Process" of enlightenment, explained better than ever before. As the energy on this planet begins to increase and change, more specific information is being given. Are involved in steps and processes to achieve enlightenment? You might find this message interesting...

Hear the original channelling Click on the ear. 112

The Akashic Circle Totowa, New Jersey July 17, 2011 The second day of the New Jersey seminar, Kryon gave a very sweet message about how we basically... uh.. well, we are our own ancestors!! In addition, the message describes what happen when we switch genders (yes.. you have been the other! .. sorry). There's a plan, and Kryon explains the Akashic circle. Nice energy.

Hear the original channelling Click on the ear. 111

The Humanization of God Totowa, New Jersey July 16, 2011 Here is one of Kryon's favorite subjects, all put into one place and summarized for all to see. Why do we make Spirit into a Human, then assign Human traits to divinity? This is the core of mythology, and the reason why most of Humanity has such a difficult time understanding the concept of a personal, loving, God.

Hear the original channelling Click on the ear. 110

The Attributes of the Match Bearer Sacramento, California July 2, 2011 Are you here on purpose, or was it total chance? Those who would be reading this message are probably old souls... and there is a system to get you here right now at this critical time in history. Kryon addreses this, and again, why you are here.

Hear the original channelling Click on the ear. 109

All About 2011... and more[1/29/2014 9:49:16 AM]

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Sedona, Arizona June 11, 2011 This is the channelling from Saturday night, June 11, at the Kryon Summer Light Conference in Sedona Arizona. Kryon speaks of the numerological energies of 2011, plus our DNA activation, and what it is that God really wants from us. A heartwarming channeling and worth a listen too (below).

Hear the original channelling Click on the ear. 108

The Quantum Factor - Physics with an attitude! Edmonton, Alberta, Canada April 10, 2011 Kryon has spoken of it before, but never in this detail: Could physics itself have a bias? Could it be that it actually has consciousness? When a Human observes light, it turns from a wave to a particle. Do we have an influence over physics? How does it "know" we are looking? Is there a very large scientific concept that we have completely overlooked, simply because we think we know how everything works? Here is a channelling that you might enjoy. "Physics with an attitude!"

Hear the original channelling Click on the ear. 107

A Summary Gaithersburg, Maryland April 2, 2011 Is the earth going to stop rotating for 3 days, then start again? Will space ships rescue us from all this? Is the Illuminati alive and well? What's really happening with the weather? What about these amazing and frightening current events in the middle east? What about our recession? Is it really the end? Here is a very complete and "to the point" channelling about all of that and much more... even some predictions thrown in. Heartwarming as usual, putting a new light on so much that is troubling so many.

Hear the original channelling Click on the ear. 106

You Don't Know How the Frog Jumps Tucson, Arizona January 22, 2011 On January 8th, a man walked into a political meeting in a mall in Tucson and opened fire. Six were killed and thirteen injured by the time it was over. When Kryon came to Tucson 14 days later, the town was still in mourning, and the energy was ripe with the desire for spiritual answers. Therefore this channelling is very specifically about Tucson, and what had recently occurred. The title is odd, but it[1/29/2014 9:49:16 AM]

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refers to an example given in the channelling, where sometimes if you don't understand the basics, the whole concept can be misunderstood. In this case, the "basics" are often the way God works with the energy of Human Free choice. Our heart goes out to those who lost loved ones that day.

Hear the original channelling Click on the ear. 105

2011 and Beyond Boulder, Colorado January 16, 2011 This is a very specific channelling about what Kryon sees as the potentials of the future, both for 2011, and beyond. As you read some of the comments, take a look at the date of the channelling, for none of the things in February had occurred yet. Also given here is the "Parable of the Rainbow Room." There are controversial predictions here, and also things that will make science laugh... for awhile.

Hear the original channelling Click on the ear. 104

2010 in Review Dallas, Texas December 11, 2010 Every so often Kryon gives a synopsis of the year we just went through. As we head to 2012, the mid-point of the Galactic Alignment, it was a good thing to hear. Wait until you hear what Kryon said to look forward to in the 2011 winter.... oh, you already in it? :-)

Hear the original channelling Click on the ear. 103

The End of History Seattle, Washington November 20, 2010 At the top of every channeling page is a statement that it is a transcription of a live channelling, and that it has been "added to" by Kryon for the printed word. This is common for channellers, that the live audio would be only a starter for a fully transcribed "expanded" channelling. Sometimes the audio is only the "seed" for expanded information due to time constraints and the difference between hearing and reading. This is the case with this very profound channeling about how Human history is changing. Kryon went on to add at least another 20% to the live event. So if you ever think the live chanellings are the same as the transcriptions, think again! It's good to do both. So enjoy this very informative and challenging message from Kryon about what we face in the future... something that only historians are clearly seeing. But something we have expected all along... the unity of Humanity.[1/29/2014 9:49:16 AM]

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Hear the original channelling Click on the ear. 102

The Human Design Santiago, Chile October 18, 2010 This channeling is for South Americans, but you can "tune in" also if you wish. If you were God, how would you have designed the Human Being? Would it be as many have said... brought here to suffer? Or would it be something else? Is there any evidence that we are part of a grander system, one that is honored by Gaia herself? What is the real role of your parents? Did they know about the new coming shift? Kryon seems to skip around to many subjects, but returns to the main one: There is a shift going on, and the new energy is creating something special for those in South America. Kryon again talks about the prophesy of the ages concerning the movement of the Kundalini of the planet to the bottom of South America.

Hear the original channelling Click on the ear. 101

The Akashic System Syracuse, New York September 11, 2010 This is a full and complete explanation of how the Akashic record of Humanity interfaces with Gaia. There is some powerful information here, including information about animals and their souls. This is a very fact-packed channelling... worthy of a couple of reads.

Hear the original channelling Click on the ear. 100

The Secret of Mastery Moscow, Russia May 15, 2010 Here is a sweet and fairly short channelling with a reminder of what we already know at the heart level, but need to hear again. "Let a man know academics to the max; let him know all the lists; let him wallow in the years of training. But if he does not have compassion, he is just a small noise in the wind of life... and has learned very little about God." - Kryon

Hear the original channelling Click on the ear. 099

Energetic Consciousness Berkeley Springs, West Virginia[1/29/2014 9:49:16 AM]

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July 17, 2010 This is very informative channelling and will remain controversial forever. Kryon wants to give us information about energy on the planet that seems to be alive... but is not. Ghosts, speaking to the dead, and other things that go "bump in the night" are always a favorite of Humans. We love to be scared. But what if it's not what, or who, we think it is? Is there perhaps a system that keeps track of everything, and actually somehow plays it back as an "energetic imprint?" Kryon also tackles the subject of TIME. Whew! Engage your brain, for this is not a fluffy channelling!

Hear the original channelling Click on the ear. 098

DNA Layer Nine - The Healing Layer Moscow, Russia May 14, 2010 Here are some profound revelations about how cellular structure works in the Human body. In addition, Kryon talks about the mechanics of how cells divide, how they are tricked by a virus, and how cancers can attach. All this to point out a very beautiful attribute that had hidden, but we all knew about... the body's ability to heal itself without massive chemical alteration. It's about "information, and not allopathic reaction." This is a nice pre-cursor to Kryon Book Twelve, the Twelve Layers of DNA. But this channelling will NOT be in the book! Enjoy.

Hear the original channelling Click on the ear. 097

THE PERCEPTIONS OF GOD Portland, Maine June 6, 2010 Here is a very sweet, short channelling about how we see God, and how history has created something very different than what is actually there. Our culture has ask us fear God, worship God, and then assigned mythology to define God. Could it be that God is far more that this?

Hear the original channelling Click on the ear. 096

THE RELATIONSHIP TO GAIA Mt. Shasta, California April 24, 2010 Our relationship to GAIA is the subject, and also explanations of Global Warming (which isn't), the increase in volcanic activity, gamma ray bursts, sun spots, and more. Do you feel things are speeding up? What if YOUR vibration is? What is the result of your perception of things around you? Einstein talked about the relativity of time, but did you ever fully expect to see it within yourself?[1/29/2014 9:49:16 AM]

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This particular channelling comes with some scientific articles that seem to agree with Kryon in this case. 095

DNA REVEALED Melbourne, VIC, Australia March 13, 2010 DNA again. Finally we see why it is that Kryon returns to this seemingly biological imprint, to reveal what it really is, and how tied in it is with everything we study which is sacred. This channelling is very related to the information in the up-coming Kryon book "The Twelve Layers of DNA."

Hear the original channelling Click on the ear. 094

NEEDED SCIENCE FOR THE TIMES Albuquerque, New Mexico February 14, 2010 Kryon often gives hints as to what inventions are coming, or what kinds of things are being worked on. This channelling contains advice for two very needed processes for the times, and there is a sense of urgency surrounding them. The weather is changing, and Kryon begins advice to accommodate the changes we have created. Kryon also reminds us that when these things are on the world wide web, they simply cannot be sequestered anymore, or eliminated. "It is impossible to take away what everyone now knows." This is the beauty of the Internet.

Hear the original channelling Click on the ear. 093

WHAT DOES IT DO? Laguna Hills, California November 29, 2009 Presented in the Kryon "Home Room," here is an amusing channelling about many of the attributes of the New Age, and how they are often seen. Attending this seminar were many world-class facilitators of the very concepts that Kryon discusses. As Kryon said, "sure to offend just about all of them." The teaching is about how we must learn to think differently about what is before us, and how the energy all "knows" who we are.

Hear the original channelling Click on the ear. 092

KRYON AT THE UNITED NATIONS 2009 New York City - Manhattan - The UN Building November 13, 2009[1/29/2014 9:49:16 AM]

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This is the seventh time since 1995 that the Society for Enlightenment and Transformation at the United Nations building in New York City has asked Lee Carroll to bring Kryon for a live channelling. The meetings are often closed to the public, allowing only delegates, employees of the UN and guests, so they are not attended by a large number. They are often held upstairs in the secured areas in the committee rooms. This one was similar to the others - the attendees not necessarily spiritual, New Age or metaphysical. Some are there just to "have a look." This in itself changes the energy and also the messages, but they are always about world events No single channeller has ever been invited this many times to present at the society. Lee is honored and humbled by these extended invitations over the last 14 years. 091

THE GREAT SCIENTIFIC BIAS Washington DC Area (Gaithersburg, Maryland) November 7, 2009 Here is a message filled with science and physics and geology, but one where you don't really have to know much about any of those subjects. Controversial, and likely to offend just about all scientists, Kryon describes how we have a linear bias of consistency that keeps us from moving into quantum thought. Is our love for scientific consistency getting in the way of seeing what is really the way things work?

Hear the original channelling Click on the ear. 090

AGAINST ALL ODDS Montreal, QB, Canada October 17, 2009 For those who enjoy prophesy, this is the channelling you will wish to read. Kryon extends the potentials of what we may do on earth, way past a place he has before. He builds his case of "Against all Odds" from things you may have heard him speak about before, but this time he completes the picture with peace in the Middle East, and how it may be accomplished. For some, it's foolishness. For others, it's a reality. History will validate it or not, but if it's anything like the last 10 years, Kryon has been right so far...


HISTORY OF DNA AND THE HUMAN RACE Portland, Oregon August 29, 2009 There is much here that has been in portions of other channellings through the years. However, now Kryon is putting some of these things together in ways that are becoming very straight forward. There is much here to offend just about everyone, so it will probably be a popular channelling (smile). However, Kryon wishes to again let you know the sacredness of the beginning... sometimes the source for much controversy, conspiracy and mythology. This is all given as information to enhance the Human spirit, not to forward a belief system. If some of these things are unbelievable to you, it should not change your love of Spirit or the[1/29/2014 9:49:16 AM]

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way you view God. Kryon often says, "Take these things into your life and validate them over time. They are historic, and given to you for perspective only. It is not necessary for you to believe these things to continue to hold your light. Feel the love of God as proof that you are part of the creator."

Hear the original channelling Click on the ear. 088

THE LINEAGE OF SPIRITUALITY McCaysville, Georgia July 11, 2009 The Delphi University is located in the hills of the Blue Ridge Mountains in McCaysville, Georgia. This is one of Lee's favorite places, with the energy of the Delphi Temple of Wisdom ready to see another one of Kryon's channellings. This is a place of learning, healing, and where they teach channelling, so Lee is right at home. This channelling is a nice sweet revelation of some of the history of "intuitive Metaphisics," as Kryon calls is... the original sacred belief system of the planet. (Sorry, no audio file on this one)


BECOMING QUANTUM Sedona Arizona June 13, 2009 This is the message given at the Kryon Summer Light Conference in Sedona Arizona in June. It's a similar message to the one below, but with lots of enhancements, and, (trumpet goes here), it was given in English to an English speaking audience. This may seem like it's not an important thing, but it really is. When channelling to another culture with stops and starts, allowing translations to occur, the syntax is odd, and the message often feels segmented. Here is the chance to offer good information to an audience who speaks the language of the channeller. It's a good message... filled with good advice for this new energy, and things to come.

Hear the original channelling Click on the ear. 086

ATTRIBUTES OF THE SHIFT Moscow, Russia May 23, 2009 Here is a message for Moscow that is very similar to the message given only a few weeks later in Sedona, Arizona (above). Both of these messages will appear in this channelling section of the web site. This message is about the shift. The Sedona message is about becoming quantum. There is new and different information in each one, and also similar information and metaphors. If you see it repeated, know that those are the most profound things that Kryon sees for us today. This one seems like a shorter message, since what you are missing is the Russian translation. The USA message in Sedona will be more complete.[1/29/2014 9:49:16 AM]

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Hear the original channelling Click on the ear. 085

BEGINNING ACTIVATION OF DNA Riga, Latvia March 15, 2009 Here is another very heartfelt channelling about DNA. However, this one is a milestone, in that it starts to define the changes occurring in our DNA that are quantum and spiritual. Presented in the Riga Arena, it was a very advanced channel, given in the beautiful Baltics... the first time Lee Carroll and the Kryon team had been there.

Hear the original channelling Click on the ear. 084

THE TIMING OF THE GREAT SHIFT Madrid, Spain March 21, 2009 This really is a profound channelling, filled with information about the Great Shift. Yes, there is a plan, and Kryon tells of the potential timing of it... the years and what is to be accomplished. We are right in the middle of it, for it started in 1987. It goes until 2025. Want to know what's coming up? It's part of this channelling.

Hear the original channelling Click on the ear. 083

CHOICES Seattle, Washington January 17, 2009 The Word is coming to an end! (Didn't you see the History Channel Lately?). The economy is in shambles! The earth is warming and many are going into panic! What's your choice regarding all this? If something has been predicted (and all this has), doesn't that tell you that it's not an accident or mistake? Can you make some choices that might help not only you, but those around you to relax a bit and steer all this instead of letting it take you over? That's what this channelling is about.

Hear the original channelling Click on the ear. 082

PREDICTIONS FOR THE NEXT GENERATION II* St. Augustine, Florida December 13, 2008 This channelling is really the extension of the one below. Given about two weeks[1/29/2014 9:49:16 AM]

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later in Florida, Kryon again tells about what the next 25 years may hold for us, depending on the potentials before us. Predictions from Kryon are only based on energy that is "now." But he continues to show us that the potentials of even 20 years ago are being fulfilled. This indicates that we are on track... believe it or not. * Don't confuse this with the channelling of the same title in Dec 2007.

Hear the original channelling Click on the ear. 081

CURRENT EVENTS AND POTENTIALS FOR 2009 Laguna Hills, California November 30, 2008 Here is Kryon's Thanksgiving/Christmas message given at the "Home Room" town of Laguna Hills (since he started). This year it's about what's happening, the election, and even some advice for Obama.

Hear the original channelling Click on the ear. 080

THE INCREDIBLE HUMAN Caracas, Venezuela November 2, 2008 Did you hear anything about something dramatic happening in mid-October? Almost everyone in our esoteric "niche" did! There were predictions about everything from terrorist plots to a ship landing. What really happened? Kryon not only goes into that, but also reviews his favorite subject... what happens to us when we come into this earth, and we leave.

Hear the original channelling Click on the ear. 079

THE SHIFT IS HERE! Santiago Chile October 20, 2008 Is there any question about this? Kryon gives some examples that show that we are indeed experiencing the shift that all have seen coming. In addition, he delivers some good news to Chile.

Hear the original channelling Click on the ear. 078

HUMAN EVOLUTION Loveland, Colorado The Kryon Discovery Series September 26, 2008[1/29/2014 9:49:16 AM]

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Is the Human race evolving, or is it static like much of society feels it is? Kryon tackles this subject and brings you some very controversial and potent information about the increase of Autism worldwide. Is it a problem? Read on...

Hear the original channelling Click on the ear. 077

IT'S IN THE DNA! Kelowna, BC, Canada June 28, 2008 This is a complete teaching about what happens regarding karmic and Akashic attributes of Human Beings at birth and beyond. It's a study which Lee Carroll will be giving next year as part of his seminars. It's important, for it's all part of the enabling of the Human Being in the New energy.

Hear the original channelling Click on the ear. 076

CURRENT EVENTS Asheville, North Carolina July 12, 2008 Only about once a year or less, does Kryon take an entire channeling to give us information on current events. This is one of them. Given July 12, in North Carolina, Kryon tells us about many things that are in the news... a must read.

Hear the original channelling Click on the ear. 075

THE WAY TO GOD Sedona Arizona June 15, 2008 This is the first evening channelling in Sedona Arizona... the first time the Kryon Summer Light Conference has been held there. With 750 watching, Kryon gave a heart-felt channeling which has echoed many of the thoughts Kryon has given so far this year... that there is unity in the relationship with all those who search for God. In addition, he expands a profound metaphor that he has briefly given one other time, regarding the true relationship between Man and God: One that is loving beyond what we really consider.

Hear the original channelling Click on the ear. 074

THE STORY OF MARY - "One Life" Hamburg, Germany[1/29/2014 9:49:16 AM]

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April 12, 2008 Here is a channelling whose parts were given in several places separately, but then came together in a special meeting in April of 2008. The "Kryon channels of Europe" came together this weekend to create the fist International Kryon Konferenz. This is a sweet story of a woman named Mary. It takes you through her life... from before her birth to her death, in a esoteric way that is Metaphysically important. Kryon again answers some fundamental questions about the whole process, and hopefully helps you to see the appropriateness of it all.

Hear the original channelling Click on the ear. 073

QUANTUM HEALING Vancouver, BC, Canada January 26, 2008 Explaining the unexplainable is a Kryon term that he uses often. Here it is again, with a very profound and clear explanation of what is before us. It may surprise you in its scope, even if you think you know about quantum healing. The very interesting thing about this particular channel is that when the "rechannelling" process had begun, Kryon decided to expand upon what was given verbally, and clarify even more some of the examples given. It's a whole different channelling than the one it was taken from live! Enjoy this information, for Kryon says it's the "wave of what's to come."

Hear the original channelling Click on the ear. 072

THE EIGHT SHIFTS IN ENLIGHTENMENT - Part Two Mexico City October 21, 2007 Here is an interesting channelling given to the people in Mexico City about the eight shifts a Human Being goes through from awareness to ascension status. Much of this information has been given in small pieces through the last years, but here it is given as a summary all at once. This subject was given over 2 days, so this second part covers the last 4 shifts, 5 through 8.

Hear the original channelling (Spanish & English) Click on the ear. 071

THE EIGHT SHIFTS IN ENLIGHTENMENT - Part One Mexico City October 20, 2007 Here is an interesting channelling given to the people in Mexico City about the eight shifts a Human Being goes through from awareness to ascension status. Much of this information has been given in small pieces through the last years, but here it is given as a summary all at once. This subject was given over 2 days, so this first part[1/29/2014 9:49:16 AM]

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covers the first 4 shifts. The second part above, covers shifts 5 through 8.

Hear the original channelling (Spanish & English) Click on the ear. 070

2008 - The New Energy Longmont Colorado January 20, 2008


This channel is meant as the partner channelling to the one below. It is the natural continuation of Kryon's message about the 2007-2008 shift. But this one tells us that we are finally in the shift, and begins to enumerate the changes we will see, and the new tools we will have.

Hear this channelling Click on the ear. 069

2007-2008 TRANSITION Smithfield, Utah - The Smithfield Theatre Dec 9, 2007


This is a very important message for the transition time of the end of 2007 through the very beginning of 2008. Wonder what's been happening? Why are we feeling so odd? Why are things not going well? Kryon addresses this very issue. This channel was given twice. One time at the "Open Secret Bookstore" in San Rafael, and the second in Smithfield, Utah (next to Logan). The second channelling was more complete, and therefore it was selected.

Hear this channelling Click on the ear.


THE HISTORY OF HUMANITY The Western Mediterranean Sea August/September, 2007 This important fact filled channelling has been rechannelled [by Lee and Kryon] and added onto to provide even clearer understanding. This on-board channelling was given in two sessions and translated real time into Spanish (it was a cruise that left from Spain). When transcribed, this back and forth translation method often creates very short sentences which do not read well in English. Therefore it has been totally re-worked to make it flow. In addition, it has been expanded by Kryon to include many added explanations of a very comprehensive subject. This expansion creates even better communication than from the live audio. If you listen to the audio, you can tell how much more there is here, in added clarity. This particular channelling had many references to historic geologic events, and a[1/29/2014 9:49:16 AM]

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time line that is difficult to picture without a graph. So the graph of Kryon's explanation of the development of Humanity and the Lemurian race, is placed immediately at the bottom of the channelling page. 067

PHYSICS AND SCIENCE Mt. Shasta, California June 17, 2007 Here is the second channelling from Mt. Shasta, and the Kryon Summer Light Conference. It's all about physics and science, and was difficult for Lee to channel due to Kryon "coming in close" as he says.

Hear this channelling Click on the ear. 066

ALL ABOUT GOD Moscow, Russia May 20, 2007 This is the first time in Russia, the second meeting. Although this may seem like "core" information (that many have heard before), think of where it's being presented. In the 1920's the Soviet Union cancelled religion, and proclaimed there was no God. More than 2 generations later there are millions of Russians who wish to know more about this new age and what we teach.

Hear this channelling (Russian & English) Click on the ear. 065

THE MEANING OF ENLIGHTENMENT Moscow, Russia May 19, 2007 This is the first time in Russia, and what a meeting! We were welcomed greatly and more than 1100 came to hear Kryon for this first visit ever! The message was basic for both days, and the Russians loved it. Here is "The Meaning of Enlightenment" from this historic event. Be certain to see the photos (available from the channelling page).

Hear this channelling (Russian & English) Click on the ear. 064

HOW GOD WORKS WITH HUMANITY - 2007 New York City, NY March 10, 2007 Kryon is in Manhattan again for a message that speaks of the ways God works with Humanity. Why doesn't God come down and straighten out this mess? If there really is a God, She/He would do that (some say). Some even say God is dead, since there seems to be only bad news and worse news. The answer is not a new one, but[1/29/2014 9:49:16 AM]

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perhaps you should read it again (or hear it)?

Hear this channelling Click on the ear. 063

KRYON AT THE UNITED NATIONS - 2007 New York City, NY - United Nations building March 2, 2007 Kryon has been invited five other times to speak at the Society for Enlightenment and Transformation within the UN building in downtown New York City. This channelling represents an unprecedented sixth invitation! There is a surprise at the end for Lee!

Hear this channelling Click on the ear. 062

VIEWING THE OTHER SIDE OF THE VEIL Longmont, Colorado January 7, 2007 Did you ever wonder why different channellers tell you opposing things? What about the ones you might know and trust, coming up with entirely different scenarios about the future? Why are so many "doom and gloom" and others are uplifting and hopeful? Here is Kryon's teaching about this very thing, and a glimpse of what it's like to go to the other side of the veil, become interdimensional, and bring back information. Are you ready for a little mind-twister?

Hear this channelling Click on the ear. 061

HUMAN LIGHTHOUSE FILTERS Newport Beach, California December 3, 2006 This is an enhanced channelling from one that was first given in a primary form on the last Kryon Cruise. It is a long channeling, describing what happens to the light we send to others from our Human "filters." If you ever thought about it, it's quite sobering. Every time we meditate and send light to anyone or any group, we broadcast everything that's "us."

Hear this channelling Click on the ear. 060

THE SEVEN COSMIC LAWS Gaithersburg, Maryland (Washington DC area) November 25, 2006[1/29/2014 9:49:16 AM]

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These seven cosmic laws were actually channelled more than three times to allow for clearer transcription and a recording that would allow us to have it on the web as an audio file. These "laws" or attributes of life are the seven that Kryon has taught over the years, but never placed in a group like this before.

Hear a similar channelling done in Albuquerque Click on the ear. 059

THE PERCEPTION OF GOD Oberndorf, Austria October 14, 2006 This is one of four channellings given in Europe in October 2006. Some know this channelling as "Just Happy to be Here." It was given in simple form the last cruise, and then again in a different way at the annual event given by Dr. Todd Ovokaitys in November 2006. Some might take issue with what Kryon is saying... that you can't really understand what is beyond the point of Human understanding. Intellectuals take note, and you may not agree, but Kryon wishes to push on your perception and yet again challenge you to try and see beyond what you THINK is before you.

Hear this channelling (German and English) Click on the ear. 058

THE NEW ENERGY HEALING San Diego, California August 19, 2006 Has healing changed? What is a "true" Lightworker like? Kryon goes more into this, as the energy of this planet continues to change and give more tools to us in everyday life. This channelling was given at the annual "Healing Conference" held in San Diego each year. This year it featured Peggy Phoenix Dubro, founder of EMF Balancing Technique. (web site)

Hear this channelling! Click on the ear. 057

THE END TIMES REVISITED Toronto, Ontario, Canada August 12, 2006 The End Times is the title of Kryon Book One in 1989. In this channelling Kryon again admonishes those who are fearful about the storm he predicted back then, for it's here. "Would the master chef run from the kitchen and never cook a meal?" This is the description of the Lightworker consumed with fear. This channelling was given within weeks of the beginning of still another war in Israel, presented on two fronts from those who would wish it destroyed completely. Kryon gives still another description of who the Jews are on this planet, and why they have the challenges[1/29/2014 9:49:16 AM]

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they do.

Hear this channelling! Click on the ear. 056

THE SEVEN GREAT HUMAN ILLUSIONS OF GOD Edmonton, Alberta, Canada July 8, 2006 There is absolutely something in here to offend everyone! Kryon gives us a reminder about what God is like, and it isn't about being like a Human. Yet almost everything we have been taught has been that God is "like us." There are some funny comparisons here, and some profound ones. Sit back and be ready to say, "but I was told...." It might surprise you the way it really is.


WHERE IS AUNT MARTHA? Cape Cod, Massachusetts April 22, 2006 This is an especially fact-packed channel, with full exposure of death, what happens, and how we look at it. It also includes instructions on comatose individuals, heart transplants, ghosts, and even exorcism and "talking to the dead." Get ready... you might not agree with some of it since it's out of 3-D.


THE MANY "you's" Manhattan, New York City, New York April 1, 2006 Don't let the title fool you. This is about co-creation! Every heard of the "parking angel"? Kryon speaks about many things involving the fact that we are split into many parts.


KRYON AT THE UNITED NATIONS - 2006 New York City, NY - United Nations building March 31, 2006 Kryon has been invited four other times to speak at the Society for Enlightenment and Transformation within the UN building in downtown New York City. This channelling represents the fifth invitation. Current events is the subject, and the UN in particular.


BECOMING MASTERS St. Augustine, Florida March 11, 2006 Kryon has spoken of mastery many times. Here he gives "three impossible tasks" (as he calls them), that represent just the beginning of what we must do to change ourselves from the old Human mold to what the masters who walked the earth said we could be. The tasks are not impossible (of course), but they seem so when you take a look at how they represent an old built-in Human nature.[1/29/2014 9:49:16 AM]

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NEW INFORMATION FOR 2006 Longmont, Colorado January 22, 2006 Do you have any idea what the "Paradise Matrix" was? It happened in March 2005. How about something new that we are able to do now that we were not before? What is your definition of "deep pockets." These things and more are discussed in this first recorded meeting of 2006.


HOW ARE YOU DOING? Newport Beach, California December 4, 2005 Each year, Kryon goes to Newport Beach, the Kryon "Home Room" where it all started many years ago. The meeting is sponsored by Awakenings Bookstore in Laguna Hills, California. This channelling is kind of a marker on how it seems we are doing in our quest for "peace on earth." Look around you. You think we are failing? Read what Kryon says. Perhaps things are not always what they seem? This is a very basic message, but given right before the new year, it needed to be heard.

Hear this channelling! Click on the ear. 049

MESSAGE TO THE JEWS - 2005 - PART III Jerusalem, Israel, October 29, 2005 Here is the third of three parts of Kryon's channellings for the Jews, given in Israel in October 2005. This one includes the World Peace Meditation. If you wish to hear it (below), the world peace meditation is translated into both Hebrew and Arabic.

Hear this channelling! Click on the ear. 048

MESSAGE TO THE JEWS - 2005 - PART II Tel Aviv, Israel, October 28, 2005 Here is the second of three parts of Kryon's channellings for the Jews, given in Israel in October 2005.

Hear this channelling! Click on the ear. 047

MESSAGE TO THE JEWS - 2005 - PART I Tel Aviv, Israel, October 27, 2005 Here is the first of three parts of Kryon's channellings for the Jews, given in Israel in October 2005.[1/29/2014 9:49:16 AM]

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Hear this channelling! Click on the ear. 046

UN-DEFINING THE SPIRITUAL PATH Ft. Pierce Florida - September, 2005 Sedona, Arizona - October, 2005 This is a most unusual channelling. Kryon gives us advice on what NOT to do regarding our spiritual paths, and it's actually funny! Lee wanted to call it, "How Humans Stop Miracles," but Kryon said no to that title. But I think from that, you might get the picture? Also included are some predictions of future earth activity.


WHO YOU REALLY ARE Crystal Lake, Illinois August, 2005 Here is yet another channeling about who the Human really is. This one goes into some interesting subjects, however. Who were you before you came? Will you always come back? Kryon begins to describe the "real" you.


HOW IT WORKS Manhattan, New York City, NY February, 2005 We know this channelling is out of order according to dates, but it is in order energetically. It was given the weekend that Kryon was invited to channel at the United Nations SEAT group for the fourth time. It's a very sweet and gentle channelling, and if you had been there, it was delivered very softly. The energy was all about a precious message that Kryon has given many time, but not all at once like this... about how the process of enlightenment actually works and what the main questions are.

Hear this channelling! Click on the ear. 043

INVISIBLE THINGS Mt. Shasta, California June 18, 2005 Here we go with more Lemurian stuff! (Some still don't know what this is all about). Once a year the Kryon team visits Mt. Shasta in California for the Kryon annual Summer-Light Conference. This year was the biggest and best so far, with almost 500 in attendance. Kryon's message, as it often is in Shasta, was about what is going on in the mountain... and about Lemurians and our connection to them. Science was discussed also, for a very different channelling indeed.


BACK TO BASICS Harrisburg, Pennsylvania June 4, 2005[1/29/2014 9:49:16 AM]

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Sometimes it's good to hear the preliminary teachings again. Every so often Kryon brings them out again in a different explanation to remind us of the core teachings of the Kryon work, and how we can benefit ourselves by becoming responsible for who we are and what we do. This is such a channelling. 041

"CURRENT" EVENTS Washington, DC April 10, 2005 Normally we don’t publish information on current events since it tends to "date" the channellings and isn't very interesting or useful by the time it get edited and published (often a 60-day process). In this case, however, a very profound channelling was given in Washington, D.C., with respect to recent events, but containing deeper messages that will always be "current." There are some very important subjects covered here.


LIGHTWORKER RESPONSIBILITIES Redding, California January 29, 2005 Years ago, Kryon presented a channelling called Responsibilities in the New Age. This is not another one like that. Instead, this is a message directed at just those who feel they are Lightworkers, or those who are enlightened. Kryon defines that, then goes on to give specific information and models on how to perceive your enlightened responsibilities to yourself, family, mates, workers, your government, and even to God.


KRYON AT THE UNITED NATIONS New York City - Manhattan - UN Building February 18, 2005 This is the fourth channelling done at the SEAT organization within the United Nations building in New York City. See what Kryon's message is to the UN at this interesting time in history.


HOW BIG IS GOD? Salzburg, Austria - October 2004 This is the channelling of October 2004 in Austria. (Yes, we know it's out of order datewise). It's unusual in that normally we do not transcribe the channellings done out of the country due to the back and forth nature of translation. That fact often makes it difficult to read. But Kryon was specific to make this one different, and to place it on the web. Similar messages were given in 2 other places in the USA, so it has the energy of all these areas upon it. It is also the subject of a DVD release (April 2005)... the first video for Lee and Kryon in 16 years of channelling.


HEALTH & HEALING - CHOOSING TO DANCE Newport Beach, California - December 2004 This is the last channelling of 2004, and it's one mostly about healers. Kryon reminds us about some basic premises of healing, combining it with instructions for healers in the new energy. Some new things... very esoteric... broaching interdimensional healing, are presented.[1/29/2014 9:49:16 AM]

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THE TRUTH ABOUT DNA Hasbrouck Heights, New Jersey - November 2004 Kryon again given new information about DNA, this time exposing the fallacy behind what current science calls "Junk" DNA. He also identifies interdimensional layer 9 of the 12-strands of DNA.

Hear this channelling! Click on the ear. 035

THE CHALLENGE OF LINEARITY Nashua, New Hampshire - September 2004 This channelling goes further into the challenge of dealing with a linear world, when we are really interdimensional. Kryon gives us another lesson on "who we really came from," and points up some anomalies that he says are simply not looked at closely. He also again broaches the miracles in the past, and how they really happened. The newest information here is about mammals in general on the earth, and what they have in common with us.


THE WINTER OF SPIRITUALITY Edmonton, Alberta, Canada and The Kryon Mediterranean Cruise, Italy, Greece, Turkey Aug/Sept 2004 This channelling composite of two events helps us even more to understand why things seem so bleak right now. Where are the heros of our time? Where is the promised peace? Kryon gives the metaphor of A Spiritual Winter to try to allow understanding that things are going according to the plan we set almost 15 years ago. In this channelling, he also begins to explain and identify DNA Layer Eight.


THE LEMURIAN CONNECTION Mt. Shasta, California, June 20, 2004 This is the second of two channellings given in Mt. Shasta at the 7th annual Kryon Summer-Light Conference. It goes further into interdimensionality, since there is now the explanation that the ancient Lemurians had an extra dimension! Kryon goes on to tell a bit about Lemurians and what happened, their systems, and also he goes on to identify DNA Layer Seven.


THE VENUS TRANSIT GIFT Mt. Shasta, California, June 19, 2004 This is the first of two channellings given in Mt. Shasta at the 7th annual Kryon Summer-Light Conference. It speaks of the profound energy of the Venus Transit and what it meant to the planet. But would it have happened anyway? After all, the Venus Transit is an astronomical event which would have happened no matter what the consciousness of earth. Kryon answers this, and within the answer is even the explanation of how astrology works![1/29/2014 9:49:16 AM]

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WHAT'S HAPPENING? 2004 Indianapolis, Indiana, April 4, 2004 Here is a channelling jam packed with current information about our time. It includes comments on the USA, President Bush, the up-coming election (at this writing), and even some potential issues with earth changes. Energetic!


MEDITATION AND PRAYER Reno, Nevada, March 20, 2004 Did you ever wonder what the process of meditation and prayer really involved within your body? Here is the first ever channelling from Kryon where this is itemized. Also revealed is the name and function of DNA layer Six.


PERCEPTIONS OF MASTERHOOD III - "THE AGREEMENT" Gooding, Idaho, January 31, 2004 In a historic theatre in a small town in Idaho (a Kryon "at home" meeting), Kryon begins to reveal that there is an "agreement" that is not what we think. We spend most of our lives trying to figure out why we are on Earth, and working with the what we have called a "contract." What if there was also a Universal "agreement" that supersedes all of the planetary attributes? Since we are children of God, there is!


LIGHTWORKER FRUSTRATIONS PART II Newport Beach, California, December 6, 2003  Kryon returns to the HOME ROOM in California, and gives the second part of a twopart message. He speaks more about DNA (giving another two layers) and also six more frustrations for us to look at. These particular frustrations are very common! See if any of them fit you.


THE INTERDIMENSIONAL UNIVERSE East Rutherford, New Jersey, November 15, 2003  Each time Kryon visits the East Coast of the United States in November, he does a now traditional "science" channelling. Even though this event was held in a brand new venue (our New Hampshire host retired!), it was no different in that respect. So if you are one to ponder the Universe, and all things scientific therein, this message will be interesting to you. Kryon speaks of things difficult to understand, and broaches the interdimensionality of space and all that you see. In addition, he gives scientists something to think about: Is the speed of light really the absolute fastest thing we have? What is the actual shape of the Universe? Kryon also again speaks of the changes within the "Cave of Creation" that are occurring.


MISCONCEPTIONS & FRUSTRATIONS PART I and... THE HARMONIC CONCORDANCE Toronto, Ontario, Canada - September 27, 2003  This live channelling was given on September 27, 2003, in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The first part is an update on The Harmonic Concordance, which was to take place in the first part of November (coming up as this channelling was given).[1/29/2014 9:49:16 AM]

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The second part is the beginning of clarification and more "plain talk" about misconceptions of some common attributes of metaphysics, and also some frustrations around common issues. 025

PERCEPTIONS OF MASTERHOOD II The Pacific Ocean - September 11, 2003  This live channelling was given on September 11, 2003, on the NCL Cruise Ship Norwegian Star on the fourth annual Kryon Cruise. It is the second part of a twopart message. The ship was again under way on a trip from the Fanning islands, a small atoll group that's part of the Republic of Kiribati, back to the Hawaiian islands.


PERCEPTIONS OF MASTERHOOD I The Pacific Ocean - September 8, 2003  This live channelling was given on September 9, 2003, on the NCL Cruise Ship Norwegian Star on the fourth annual Kryon Cruise. The ship was under way at about 23 knots (a fairly brisk speed) on a trip from the Hawaiian islands, south to the equator to visit the Fanning islands, a small atoll group that's part of the Republic of Kiribati. The channelling took place in a meeting room on Deck 12, about eight stories above the water. The room featured floor-to-ceiling glass windows that looked out upon the moving ocean. There was no land in sight, just the magnificence of the great Pacific ocean as far as you could see. The day was crystal clear, and the calm ocean created a straight-line horizon that seemed to be surreal in its flatness. The ship plowed its way south, and the dolphins danced in front of the bow, "smiling," as though they knew what we were about to do.


ALL ABOUT SELF WORTH - Del Mar, California - August 30, 2003  This channelling was give at the first annual "Kryon self-empowerment" seminar in Del Mar, California... the place where Kryon first began. It was a very special and unique healing meeting where Peggy Phoenix Dubro of the EMF Balancing Technique and Dr. Eric Pearl of The Reconnection presented together in a full day of lecture and teaching. It was a grand day filled with great information provided by two world-class healers. Later they presented a lively Q&A together. This was the atmosphere that Kryon elected to present his first practical channelling on why our self-worth is so low, and how to increase it.


ACTIVATING THE THIRD LAYER OF DNA Philadelphia, PA - July 27, 2003  Kryon, as promised, is beginning to teach about the spiritual specifics of DNA. Here he even names two of the twelve layers, and gives further information about the third layer, which he calls, "The Ascension Layer." This particular channelling is filled with concepts that many Lightworkers would rather not hear... about suffering on the earth, and how it all works together in the grand scheme of the balance of the Universe.


THE MOUNT SHASTA EXPERIENCE - Mt. Shasta, CA - June 21, 2003  Here is one of the most esoteric channellings ever given by Kryon. It really has several parts of interest: If you are a Mt. Shasta fan, then there is certainly[1/29/2014 9:49:16 AM]

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something here for you. Kryon indicates the history of the mountain, and what is happening regarding the energy of the mountain itself, and also of the town around it. This channelling is also the beginning of a series of lessons regarding interdimensional DNA. Perhaps the most interesting thing was the identification of the "twist master." This was the name given to a man named "Yaw-ee," the most famous and long-lived DNA rejuvenation master in Lemuria. The interesting part of this was that Kryon said he was in the audience, and identified him. 020

WHAT'S NEW AND WHAT'S NOT! - Chicago, IL - May 17 , 2003  There are a many these days throwing around the concept that if it didn't happen within the last few months, it's old! This is a direct result of marketing, and the concept that yesterday's news is old news. This message is repeatedly given to us by the spinmasters of our fast-paced culture... the news, advertising, and PR folks who want you to "buy the latest and greatest." It's alive and well in the New Age community as well. Therefore there is often confusion about some of the things we cherish the most... meditation, healing modalities, ceremony, even the consistency of Spirit itself. The following channelling is part of Kryon's "Plain talk" approach, defining and clarifying these things. We often see these things in 25-year cycles, and we are right in the middle of one. The next ten years will carry with it the potentials of peace on the planet and the future of Humanity itself. Within God's process we are slowly creating the newest energy on the planet. Kryon celebrates us for this, and continues to elaborate on the process of creating the "New Jerusalem." The only thing "old" these days is the spin of those who wish you to turn from this profound message and "buy something new." After this channelling... you decide what's old and what's new.


THROUGH THE EYES OF ASCENSION PART II Reno, NV - March 29, 2003  This is part two of the channelling that began below in Grand Rapids. Although Kryon has spoken of ascension before, this is now the beginning of a more complete story, now that the grid has settled.


THROUGH THE EYES OF ASCENSION PART I Grand Rapids, MI - Feb. 23, 2003  Kryon begins instructions on the steps of ascension within this new complete energy. This is part one of two in this series. The next one to be given in Reno in March. Although Kryon has spoken of ascension before, this is now the beginning of a more complete story, now that the grid has settled.


PLAIN TALK Dallas, Texas - January 12, 2003  Welcome to the first channelling of 2003, and the first after the grid was completed. This message is filled with clear language about what's happening... even speaking of President Bush! Expect this kind of communication from now on. Now that the grid is settled, we are being allowed to have a clearer idea of what is before us. It's about time![1/29/2014 9:49:16 AM]

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THE CELEBRATION! - WHAT'S NEXT? Newport Beach, CA - December 8, 2002 This was the next-to-the-last channelling in 2002. It's a celebration of the grid group's work, and a treatise on what's happening next. Where is the grid group going? Are there other grids? What is the energy of the next change? And... what is the gender energy of the grid group and Kryon? You might be surprised!


WHAT'S HAPPENING? Bedford, New Hampshire - November 23, 2002  The year is wrapping up [2002], and the grid group is leaving. In the process much is happening on the Earth regarding the new energy. Kryon gives us more on the dark side (or lack of it), and also does what he has every New Hampshire channelling... gives us some more science. This time about free energy!

Hear this channelling! Click on the ear. 014

CO-CREATION, EXPLAINED Toronto, Ontario, Canada - September 12, 2002  Much like the last channelling (below), this one is also about co-creation. Again about resonance, Kryon's theme is subtitled "Singing in the Choir." What about our personal co-creation? Are you getting results? Have you given up? Do you really believe that you can create things for yourself? Did you ever wonder what the process was, or what your responsibility within it was? This may help.


A NEW DISPENSATION The Caribbean - September 2, 2002  Here is the first time any channelling given on a Kryon cruise has been transcribed. The cruises feature a specific energy that is unusual. The messages are always given while the ship is 'underway,' so there is never a land-based energy posturing the overall feeling. This particular channelling was filled with numerology and new information about the mechanics of resonance and the co-creation of energy.


AND SO IT BEGINS... Santa Fe, NM - July 20, 2002  This is the main Kryon channelling from the Santa Fe Kryon Summer Light Conference held in July 2002. Kryon starts to identify the beginning battle that he identified almost three years ago. "And So it Begins..." is the identification of the split between those, even in the New Age, who feel that what Lightworkers are doing all over earth are tricking Humanity, and "blinding them with love and light" so they won't see the truth. In addition, predictions are given, and some time line advice.


ATTRIBUTES OF ASCENSION Philadelphia, PA - June 9, 2002[1/29/2014 9:49:16 AM]

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Kryon speaks about 7 areas, or questions, about enlightenment and ascension. He again defines what ascension means in this age. New information is given about Near Death Experiences, talking to those on the other side of the veil, and even a discussion on what Spirit may think about bad habits and substance abuse. Also... what exactly is going to happen to the "Grid Group" when it leaves at the end of the year? * Kryon speaks again about ascension later in 2003


FOURTEEN QUESTIONS Reno, Nevada - February 23, 2002  Kryon answers fourteen questions that are the most asked in the group, and also for those reading this. How can Spirit answer questions that are in our future? Welcome to the paradox of the "now"! Take a look at the questions. They might be ones you have asked too!


THE CIRCLE OF ENERGY San Francisco, CA - October 2001  One month after the U.S.A. tragedy in New York, Kryon gives us a look at what he/she calls the "ordinary Human Being." It may surprise you to see what Spirit thinks is "ordinary." Quite an energetic message...


THE UNITY OF HUMANITY Vancouver, BC, Canada -August 2001  One month before the U.S.A. tragedy in New York, Kryon gave a channelling on the Unity of Humanity. This (for the first time) included words about Islam, and also about the "year of learning" for the U.S.A. Timely and profound. It didn't have the same meaning when it was given, as it does now.


THE GRID AND DNA Breckenridge, Colorado - July 2001  The Kryon Mid Summer Light Conference often creates some of the most informative channellings. This was no exception. What does the grid of the earth really have to do with anything spiritual? In fact, what does it have to do with us personally? Kryon answers these items, as well as gives a time-line of potential for the future. He also tells us for the second time that he (The Kryon Energy) is not leaving in 2002, but rather the grid entourage is. This was always the case. Will the grid stability change anything? Read it and see... It's good news.


KRYON IN ISRAEL - A NEW BEGINNING! Tel Aviv, ISRAEL - October 2000  On October 27, 2000, amid the violence and turmoil of what the Israelites call “The Situation,” a Kryon seminar was held in the middle of Tel Aviv. Attracting a sell-out crowd of more than 1,000 people, many put aside the fear of terrorism associated with large spiritual meetings, and showed their courage as they anxiously awaited the channelling. Click the blue title above to see this profound message, and share the love that permeated that auditorium during the strife in the Middle East that day.[1/29/2014 9:49:16 AM]

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THE POWER OF COMPASSION Seattle, Washington - August 2000  Kryon explains the mechanics of compassion. Did you know it was a catalyst for change? What does it have to do with guide and angel energy? What does it have to do with the ET's? (gasp). Is it a spiritual emotion, or just an emotion? As always, it's informative and loving information.


PACKING FOR THE NEW MILLENNIUM Portland, OR - August 1999 Wo returns! (The character in many of the Kryon parables). This time it's with a profound parable/metaphor regarding how we are to personally approach the energy of the new millennium shift. It represents instructions for the next 12 years, and is presented in a simple, sometimes humorous way. If you have enjoyed the parables of Kryon in the past years, you will like this one too. If you also wish to READ INTO this fun message, you will be rewarded with wisdom about who we really are!


THE COSMIC LATTICE, PART II New Hampshire - November 1998  Take a look at the channelling right under the one below. New Hampshire, November 97 was the first installment of the explanation of cosmic energy called "The Cosmic Lattice." Now a year latter in the same venue, Kryon expands on the science of the energy of the Universe. This information goes far beyond the last, and introduces some concepts for the first time. We also have an explanation on how it actually relates to our own biology. If you like physics, you will like this. If you like astronomy, you will like this. If you like how the love of God plays into it will like this!


THE COSMIC LATTICE, PART I New Hampshire - November 1997 This was the most profound information on energy that Kryon has ever presented. It is the beginning of a series with subjects such as this. Energy workers in the audience were taking notes furiously, and I have met with some recently to further discuss the implications of this new scientific information, but which impacts every new age worker today. Did you ever wonder what the mechanics of Reiki and other effective new age energy facilitation was? Where does the energy come from? How is it accessed? Kryon speaks of the source and attributes of basic cosmic energy. It is a total crossover of mainstream science and the New Age. It won't take long for this principle to be discovered by our scientists. They are very close to it now. When they do, you can remember that you read it first on this page. 


THE GOLDEN TRAY Banff - Alberta, Canada - September 1997 The last two times Kryon presented in Beautiful Banff, Canada, the basic subject of the entire next year of channels was begun. This is no different. The subject of Kryon Book Six, Partnering with God is based on the principle of the "Golden Chair," first presented in Banff 1996. Now the sequel to that information is presented in a very loving and moving message regarding how Spirit treats[1/29/2014 9:49:16 AM]

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solutions to our everyday problems. THE GOLDEN TRAY will be a "must" for the next Kryon book. You get to read it here first.

About Channelling... From Lee Carroll I want to take this opportunity to speak of channelling in general. It is often misunderstood as something spooky and weird and I'll bet you have certain friends that you would never tell.. that you were looking at this web page! Some feel it is evil, and many don't want anything to do with it. They would rather stick to other information that isn't channelled (they think). Channelling Definition: The divine, inspired words (or energy) of God as imparted to Humans by Humans. The above definition is what channelling actually IS. That means that not only were most of the sacred scriptures of the planet (all religions) channelled originally, but also much artwork and music too! It is absolutely commonplace, but like so many other re-emerging processes in the New Age, it has a stigma about it that is strange. God did not write the Bible... Humans did, while divinely inspired. We have been used to having "authorized and sanctioned" men and women of God passing information to us... not the common folks. Therefore in this New Age, where the actual basic intent of the New Age Master of Love is beginning to surface (that of self enablement for those other than the priests of the land), we are seeing more and more "common folk" passing on the information of God. Even in our own culture, we accept the letters from a common man to his friends in several cities in the Holy Land... as the sacred words of God! (This is how much of the New Testament of the Holy Bible was written.) Think about it. That's channelling! We believe that God did not stop speaking to humans 2,000 years ago. To think that God stopped communicating is to deny your own divinity, or to assign some special sacredness to the past, not feeling worthy to consider yourself part of God's continued plan for an enlightened Earth. You are worthy of a continued communication with God... which I teach is actually a part of YOU! But there is something that comes with channelling.... Responsibility! Anyone can channel, and Spirit is not proprietary in this regard. It's for all Humans, and not just a few. Therefore the ability and potential exists for this attribute for us all. Like so many other things, INTENT of the human means everything. Not all channelling is given with PURE INTENT. Therefore, some is real, and some is not... and YOU should be able to tell the difference when you HEAR or READ it. Is it really from Spirit? Many men and women are spouting verbiage these days, calling it inspired... some on web pages just like this. How can you tell if it's real or not, since there is no organization telling you who is "OK" and who is not? (Aren't you glad?) The responsibility of a REAL channel is AWESOME. Sacred, anointed information can change lives! Self-serving egocentric and fearful information can be confusing and actually halt a persons spiritual growth. How can you know the difference? Kryon tells us that we have the power of discernment to know, and that we will even be able to "feel" the difference.[1/29/2014 9:49:16 AM]

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For those of you who are still learning what that feeling is, I have some information that may help. It was published originally in New Realities magazine, July 1987... two years before I began channelling (how appropriate). The article is called "Guidelines for Spiritual Discernment." Twelve (12) guidelines are shown in the article for the reader to watch for, both negative and positive. I believe this information is accurate, and was developed by enlightened Humans to teach other Humans. Below I present Seven (7) of the twelve (as also presented in Kryon Book Six, "Partnering With God"). The next time you sit before a channel or read a transcription, consider these seven items presented below. As you listen to or read the words of a channeller, also try to ask "what is the intent of the human speaking?" Is there any ego or Human agenda? If you detect it... then stop. There cannot be Human ego present for the information to be accurate and true. Spirit demands this of the channeller... I know. I also know from almost 20 years of live channeling experience that the message will ALWAYS be filled with love, and not fear. Watch for this!  Do you "recognize" the energy as familiar and feeling like "home?" This is another key. If you don't, and you can't identify with the entity or entities that are channelling through the Human, then perhaps you should pass on the message for now. Not all channelling is from an entity. Much of it comes form your own spiritual center. Don't always try to determine "who" it is, asking for a name or trying to put skin and bones to it. Consider that your core is the Love of God... and is also able to give YOU messages for YOU. IMPORTANT: Please take a moment to read the "four attributes of love" as presented in chapter one of the Kryon Book - Partnering with God. It will help you to understand an ego-less state... and some of the attributes of pure sacred energy.  Discern for yourself. What is happening? Messages from a human? ... or messages from a loving and wise God? I expect and welcome this test for everything I write and speak as a channel for Kryon. It absolutely must stand up every time. GUIDELINES FOR DISCERNMENT - New Realities Magazine - July 1987 Paraphrased...


There will always be useful information for everyone. Beware of the channel that gives you useful information for only a few, or tells you that it's only for a special group or a sequestered number. It must be useful for ALL humanity, every single Human. This is an area of discernment allowing you to know you are hearing the truth. 


The message should be uplifting. Watch for an empowering message - NOT ONE OF FEAR, not one that drags you down - not one that makes you want to take fearful action or hide but an enabling message! This is a staple of God energy. It must be there. It should inspire the listener and reader. Every recorded angel appearance before a Human Being has begun with "Fear not!"


Spirit (God) will never, ever channel a message that asks you to give up your free will. Never! For your free will is what your experience on Earth is all about as you sit in your "chairs of gold" (a metaphor created in Kryon Book Six). Free will! FREE CHOICE is what drives your future. 


Spirit will never give you a message - ever - that asks you to violate the integrity of[1/29/2014 9:49:16 AM]

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what you believe. You are honored in your thought processes. Spirit will never trick you or "talk you" into anything. The message must never violate your integrity. You must feel comfortable with it, and it must ring true to your heart. 


Spirit will never represent a channeller as being the only source. Watch for this, for there are many channels of Spirit and they all coordinate their information to create a bigger picture, especially in this New Age. They will NEVER represent themselves as the ONLY source of information. 


Watch for the fact that the information is normally new information. Beware of the channel that simply re-hashes the old, for they are not channelling anything but the ego of the Human Being. New information is necessary, combined with "core information," it is the entire reason for the channel. Think about it. 


Watch for the fact that channelled information should have spiritual solutions presented. Solutions to life challenges on Earth, via new information, is the purpose of channelling. 

Offered in Love,

Lee Carroll[1/29/2014 9:49:16 AM]


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