Kryia Blessings

November 24, 2017 | Author: milupu | Category: N/A
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KRYIA BLESSINGS 1. In every step of you life, watch Him, and always remain alert with your attention in the fontanel 2. When a person comes to you, feel the presence of God in them 3. Whatever you are doing, feel that He is the doer 4. ou should try to be humble and give your love to every human being 5. Anything you are doing is done by the power of God. Keep this in mind, and you will feel constant happiness. 6. The life of God is sa, and the physical body is ham. It is the union between the two that 7. In calmness of mind, one perceives the presence of divinity. That is why it is said, calmness is godliness. It lead to the state of meditation. 8. One definition of yoga is jiva atmani eva aikyam: oneness of body and soul. This oneness or unity is already within you from birth. 9. How many people realize that the invisible soul is hiding in this visible form? You are that invisible soul 10. Do you have inner peace? If not, you have to strive for it. It is in your hand and depends on your deep desire 11. Inner peace is our birthright. 12. When one has withdrawn from the external world, one experiences inner calmness. 13. Never blame others. Act with coolness and peace. You will be more successful. 14. Pray, “O Lord, I will watch Thee in every thought, since there are no thoughts without The 15. Pray, “O Lord, when I am hungry, I will eat and bow to Thee, since You are digesting the food. 16. Pray, “O Lord, give me discipline of the senses and I will watch Thee as I live in the world.” 17. At every moment you should observe what is happening inside you 18. Pray, “O Lord, remove my diseases and sorrows. Take my anger and pride from me along with my mistakes and weaknesses. Remove all my negative tendencies and give me constant awareness of the inner Self. Give me spiritual wealth. Through all that I have I will watch Thee.” 19. By living a spiritual life, your wickedness and whimsical moods will disappear, and you will become divine. 20. Sit calmly and watch Him breathing. 21. You should not waste time. People waste their precious time in anger, pride, ego, and emotion 22. See that you are not your limited, egocentric self. You are that real “Self.” 23. The opportunity you have been given to change yourself is rare 24. Love Him in every breath 25. With the breath, feel that the power of God is moving from chakra to chakra, like the elevator going from the first to the seventh floor in a building. 26. If He stops inhaling, you would lose everything. God loves you and has given everything to you

27. God has given you a beautiful body; it is God’s body. The luster which is in you is the luster of God. 28. In deep meditation, you do not know where you are sitting, nor do you have any awareness of your body. Kriya Yoga Institute [email protected] via to me show details Oct 17 [email protected] NECTAR DROPS Watch your process in every moment, and feel the marvelous power of God within you. PARAMAHAMSA HARIHARANANDA 29. Be like a baby, simple and innocent. 30. When you have lost all sense of yourself, you are free. This is your divine addiction. 31. in meditation you are earning liberation and truth 32. In deep meditation, you do not know where you are sitting, nor do you have any awareness of your body. 33. God abides in the wife and husband, in the children, and in the family. So you must love them and serve them well. 34. Be alert and active. This is the constant awareness of the inner Self. Dear Kriyavans we are pleased to announce that the Videobiography of a Yogi, a beautiful DVD on the life of Baba Paramahamsa Hariharanandaji, is ready, and can be ordered now. The price of the DVD is 20 €+ delivery charges, and the playing time is 125 minutes! All the income from the sale of this DVD will be used for the children at Hariharananda Balashram in India.

If you would like to treasure this beautiful DVD, please contact Rajarshi Peter Baba at Sterksel Ashram, on the following e-mail address: [email protected] May the blessings of God and Masters be upon us all. your Kriya Yoga Team

Kriya Yoga Centre Vienna

Pottendorferstr. 69 2523 Tattendorf Austria Ph: +43 2253 81491 Fax: +43 2253 80462 Email: [email protected]

Everyone is suffering with some sort of trouble. No one is happy. You must be free from negativity. 35. Everyone is suffering with some sort of trouble. No one is happy. You must be free from negativity. 36. God is the ultimate cause for your breath, so you can regulate your breath with love for God, purifying your impure blood and giving you more brain power 37. Practice makes perfection. 38. Meditate sincerely. You are to feel that you are in the vacuum (ether/space) when you meditate. 39. You should put on your new Self 40. Do not waste your time 41. The heart is the place of both emotion and devotion. You must keep your heart pure and free of anger 42. At the heart center pray with love, “O God! Give me purity in the heart, without anger and pride. 43. You should eat good food through which you can get good health as well as Godrealization. 44. What is the best food for you? It is food that you can easily digest. 45. Avoid intoxicating drink and smoke, as it will ruin your health. It shows on the face when one drinks or smokes. Not only is it a waste of money, but it is bad for your health. 46. Be very careful about food. Food is your life. Do not abuse the food center. 47. Paths are many, but the goal is one. Religions are many, but God is one. Scriptures are many, but Truth is one. 48. Day and night people are working through the mind and senses, forgetting the essence of spiritual living in the process. 49. The difference between human beings and animals is that while animals live by their instincts, intelligent people can live consciously with calmness. 50. As I take one breath, I am fixing my attention one hundred percent in the fontanel, and the breath is entering and touching the top of the head. I feel heaviness and I say, “Lord, thank you. You are still inhaling.”

51. Anything you are doing it is done from above, in the fontanel. 52. With deepest love, you are to love Him, because He loves you. 53. If you really love God, He will give you everything. 54. The indwelling Self as God, embedded in delusion, illusion, and error is latent cosmic energy 55. In the rush and clamor of our conscious lives, we do not pay attention to the mystery of our being. 56. We are all the living sparks of divinity. 57. Soul is the microcosmic image of Spirit. 58. We must realize the precious nature of human existence. 59. Life implies evolution — a steady onward progress, a sustainable and gradual ascent into higher and higher stages of progressive perfection. 60. The one and same God is in humans, animals, insects, trees, plants, and even in inanimate objects. 61. Be humble and surrender to God through prayer.

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Daca nu sunteti in post atunci mai avem: placinte cu gris, fursecuri cu ghimbir si miere, cu ciocolata si nuci si alte delicatese si preparate noi pe care le puteti gasi aici. 62. he power of the masters remains within you unmanifested. 63. While living on the earth, we become engrossed in our worldly affairs and attachments, but we need to rise above all these tendencies and propensities. 64. Do not be too attached to the lower centers, but rise towards the higher aspects of life and consciousness in the upper centers.

Medicina isihasta

Mareste imaginea. Medicina isihasta, fiind o medicina de orientare direct crestina, incepe intotdeauna cu specificul crestin, cu rugaciunea. Cel mai adesea, medicina isihasta este pusa in legatura cu parintele Ghelasie Gheorghe de la Manastirea Frasinei, care vorbea multora despre aceasta. Cuvintele parintelui isihast Ghelasie privind medicina isihasta au fost adunate intr-o carte, editata in mai multe randuri, dupa cum urmeaza: "Medicina isihasta" (Editura Axis Mundi, 1992, 158 pagini), "Medicina isihasta" (Editura Platytera, 2008, 342 pagini) si "Taina hranei. Retetele medicinii isihaste" (Editura Platytera, 2011, 280 pagini). Desi limbajul folosit de medicina isihasta poate fi uneori greu accesibil, din pricina caderii limbajului nostru actual, el este de o coerenta impecabila: "Hristos a Luat Pacatele Lumii ca se le Curateasca. Eu Vreau sa Fiu un Urmator al Lui Hristos, vreau sa Fiu un Asemanator Hristic. Ca Asemanator Hristic, Eu Sunt o Viata si un Destin Sacru, care Merita cu Adevarat sa Traiasca. In Acest Destin Sacru am Datoria sa Vindec Bolile Mele, care sunt Mostenire de la Parintii mei, prin care apoi voi Mantui si pe Parintii mei. In

Mine Parintii mei sunt Bolnavi si Suferinzi si in Mine Parintii mei ma Roaga sa le Vindec Bolile si Suferintele. Prin aceasta Vindecare din Iubire fata de ei, totodata ma Vindec pe mine, cel ce am Esenta lor ca Fiinta a mea." (Avva Ghelasie de la Frasinei, "Medicina isihasta") Medicina isihasta Pentru a intelege cu adevarat ce este medicina isihasta, se cade a citi cu intelegere cartile parintelui Ghelasie, iar nu a ne forma pareri de mana a doua, straine de realitate. Din punct de vedere teoretic, medicina isihasta este foarte simpla, ea putand fi rezumata astfel: "Roaga-te lui Dumnezeu, cu mare credinta si iubire!" Deoarece consider ca parintele Ghelasie, ca unul ce a inteles si a trait tainele lui Dumnezeu, este cel mai in masura sa vorbeasca despre medicina isihasta, voi reda in continuare un cuvant elocvent al acestuia: "Neamule! Roaga-te la Dumnezeu, neincetat. Asta scrie Filocalia. Rugaciunea lui Iisus este medicamentul perfect pentru toate bolile timpului in care traim. Bolile noastre sunt de factura sufleteasca, in primul rand. Vine preotul sau calugarul, daca exista posibilitatea sa ai legatura directa cu un slujitor sarguincios al lui Dumnezeu, te spovedesti, este primul pas spre insanatosire!, apoi faci canonul pe care il primesti. Se numeste medicina isihasta. Isihasmul este cea mai directa metoda de linistire a sufletului. Asta si inseamnă in greceste. Linistire. Cum sa se faca omul bine de cauza profunda a bolilor sale... nimeni nu este bolnav doar de o singura boala, dar ele ies, pe rand, la suprafata, daca sufletul sau este tulburat. Ca sa fie intelese anumite profunzimi ale isihasmului, trebuie sa fie citite Filocaliile, Rugaciunea pelerinului rus si multe alte lucrari. Cine simte ca se trezeste ceva in sufletul sau, citind aceste randuri, sa mearga degraba la duhovnicul sau, iar daca nu are, sa-si caute unul, sa vorbeasca deschis despre durerile sale, care marea majoritate vin dintr-un suflet bolnav si sa caute. Sa caute si sa afle el, in mod direct, despre ce inseamna toate acestea. Pentru ca totul se reduce, in esenta, la rugaciunea lui Iisus. De acolo incepe urcusul." Medicina isihasta nu priveste atat trupul, cat sufletul, care imbolnaveste trupul. Chiar daca parintele Ghelasie nu manca decat seminte, nuci si paine pustniceasca (necoapta, ci doar uscata), el era constient de faptul ca nici postul, nici remediile naturiste, nici orice alt fel de tratament nu ne poate ajuta, atata timp cat ne lipseste iubirea de Dumnezeu, credinta si rugaciunea. Nu numai nevointele sunt importante, caci nu ele singure sunt cele care transforma omul, ci mai cu seama rugaciunea. Pentru aceasta, el spunea adesea: "Neamule, daca tii post fara rugaciune si fapte bune, nu faci altceva decat sa albesti osul. Dar sufletul tot trist si innegurat ramane." Medicina isihasta ca "dubla medicina" Potrivit medicinei isihaste, boala pentru care am fost pedepsiti cu alungarea din Eden este neatentia. Este suficient sa fim atenti la noi o zi intreaga, daca putem, pentru a pricepe cat de putin suntem atenti la noi insine si cat de mult stam cu mintea plecata, ori in trecut, ori in viitor.

Medicina isihasta este o "dubla medicina", a sufletului si a trupului, fiind cu adevarat o revenire la adevarata viata, care implica insanatosirea tuturor partilor noastre componente. Cuviosul Calist Catafygiotul, in scrierile sale filocalice, vorbeste despre modelul triadic al sufletului omenesc (minte, duh ratiune, energii). Deoarece boala este de fapt o ruptura a unitatii noastre trinitare, se cade ca tratarea sa se adreseze in pricipal refacerii acestei unitati. Pentru aceasta, medicina isihasta implica o terapeutica ortodoxa integrala, inteleasa si ca recuperare a limbajului adevarat al Tainei Vietii. Teodor Danalache

Saptamana Alba

Mareste imaginea. Incepand cu 28 februarie, ortodocsii intra in "Saptamana Alba sau a branzei". In aceasta saptamana nu se mai consuma carne, iar in zilele de miercuri si vineri se face dezlegare la oua, lapte, branza si peste. In calendarele bisericesti, pentru aceste zile apare mentiunea "harti", un termen popular care desemneaza zilele de dezlegare a postului. Miercuri, 2 martie, se rosteste pentru prima data in perioada Triodului, rugaciunea Sfantului Efrem Sirul - "Doamne si Stapanul vietii mele", rugaciune care inceteaza in miercurea din Saptamana Mare. In zilele de miercuri si vineri din "Saptamana Alba" nu se savarseste Sfanta Liturghie, cele doua zile sunt aliturgice. In Sambata lasatului sec de branza, Biserica ii pomeneste pe toti barbatii si femeile care au fost "luminati prin postire". Aceasta zi este numita "a ascetilor". Biserica ii aseaza ca modele, calauzitori pentru parcurgerea postului si a pocaintei: "Veniti toti credinciosii sa laudam cetele cuviosilor parinti: pe Antonie capetenia, pe luminatul Eftimie, pe fiecare deosebit si pe toti impreuna si vietile acestora ca un alt Rai al desfatarii cu gandul socotindu-le …". Duminica, 6 martie, exista randuiala de a se cere iertare. Este cunoscuta sub denumirea de "Duminica Iertarii". Asadar, prima incercare de iesi biruitori din lupta cu pacatul este iertarea, reintoarcerea la iubire. Este dureros ca aceasta slujba unica lipseste din multe

biserici. Faptul ca e intalnita mai mult in manastiri, denota despartirea noastra de duhul Bisericii. Aceste randuieli sunt trepte spre a deschide inima catre "o alta lume". Din cauza pacatului, omul a pierdut puterea de a pasi in mod natural catre Dumnezeu. Si prin aceste randuieli, Biserica ne poarta incet catre unirea cu Dumnezeu. Mai sunt cateva zile pana la intrarea in Postul Sfintelor Pasti. Sa nu ne abatem de la el. Acest post este ajutorul pe care ni-l daruieste Biserica spre a pune capat "celor vechi" si a intra intru "cele noi". Indiferent cat de grele sunt conditiile in care traim si cat de mari sunt obstacolele ridicate de cei din jurul nostru, nimic nu trebuie sa ne opreasca din a lua in serios Postului Sfintelor Pasti. 65. We should feel that our real life is always connected to God. 66. Food influences all aspects of a person.

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