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Radionics Book I: Ideas and Innovators

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Compiled by Peter J. Kelly from his research, as well as the work of the scalar energy community. 2016 2011 1991 1983

Edition edited by Cathie Jordan & Ed Kelly Edition edited by Cathie Jordan & Ed Kelly Edition edited by Douglas Hotch & Elizabeth H. Kelly & 1986 Editions edited by Robert Witney

                          DISCLAIMER: Publication and distribution of the ideals, theories and concepts published in this catalog in no way represents or constitutes a claim that any product, system, or device manufactured or offered by Kelly Research Technologies, Inc., nor any other scalar, radionic, psychotronic, or free energy device, can have a positive, negative or any other impact on human health, or is in any way a replacement for or supplement to the advice or treatment provided by state and federally licensed medical and other commonly recognized allied health care professionals. Kelly Research Technologies’ radionic instruments and accessories are intended for agricultural research only and can in no way treat any medical condition or prevent any human medical condition from occurring. If you are in need of medical or mental health care please contact a licensed professional!

Copyright 1983, 1986, 1991, 2006, 2011, 2016 by Kelly Research Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, translated, into language, computer language or code, including but not limited to the Internet, electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, manual, or otherwise, without the prior written permission and consent of Kelly Research Technologies, Inc. Post Office Box 128 Lakemont, Georgia 30552.

Foreword to the 2011 Edition This volume was originally published as Psychotronics - Book I: A Primer on Instruments Using Variable Capacitor Tuning by my father, Peter J. Kelly. He collected these essays from friends and colleagues to provide new researchers with an overview of the field of psychotronics, radionics and scalar energy, as well as to provide a basic introduction to operation of a Kelly radionic instrument. The core of the book really lies in the former category; rereading Book I some 28 years after the original publication it is amazing to see the breadth of the information covered, from the theoretical underpinnings of this field to descriptions of practical applications of the technology. For this reason it is with great pride that I am writing this new foreword to reintroduce this work under the new title, Radionics Book I: Ideas and Innovators. Despite its scope, this book can only begin to educate the reader in all there is to know about the field of scalar energy and variable capacitance tuning. Instead, new researchers will most likely find that they have more questions than ever after the last page is turned! For these people, this book will only serve as a starting place, a beginning. They are encouraged to consult the “Recommended Reading” pages at the end of the volume for other sources of information. If they have not already done so, new researchers are strongly encouraged to take a class from a reputable trainer and then begin doing real, hands-on work using a reputable radionics instrument. Experienced researchers reading Book I will hopefully find new insights to some of the big questions on which they have been working. Even those persons who have previously read the entire volume may find that there are new answers in this “old” information, since our ability to draw new conclusions is usually based on our frame of reference/life experiences at that particular time. An article that held a particular meaning 25 years ago may provide new insights today! One thing is clear: the need for research and action in radionic and other “alternative” energy technologies is greater now than ever before. Global warming, collapse of the oil supply, distortions in the planetary magnetic field failure, and unprecedented worldwide political upheaval… when Book I was first published these were the rantings of the alarmist fringe of society; in 2011 these are the undeniable realities that we read about in the morning newspapers. Radionic instruments are not a “magic bullet” that will solve all of our problems, but this technology can play a pivotal role in our ability to find our way through this time of worldwide change. It is my wish that Radionics - Book I: Ideas and Innovators play a role in forging a better tomorrow for us and our children.

Ed Kelly May 16, 2011

Statement of Mission To distribute top quality technology, resources, and information to the global community of radionic researchers.

About Us Located in Lakemont, Georgia, Kelly Research Technologies was incorporated in 2006 in order to sustain and advance the radionic technology developed by Peter J. Kelly from the early 1970’s until his untimely passage in 2004. Core among his contributions was the design of a two-bank radionic instrument that integrated the Hieronymus design for variable plate capacitance signal tuning with the knowledge of solid state amplification he’d acquired while in service to the nation in the U.S. Navy. As a founding member of the U.S. Pyschotronics Association in 1974, there were many opportunities for friends and colleagues to try the new instrument. The “Kelly Instrument” would be built for friends, then friends of friends, then in 1978 the first one was sold to a complete stranger – the first of thousands that would choose this sensitive, reliable, and easy-to-operate radionic device. Today, Kelly Research Technologies manufactures and distributes not only the famous Kelly Personal Instrument, but also a complete line of radionic instruments designed to meet the needs of both the advanced researcher and the busy farmer. In all Kelly instruments, the combination of variable capacitance tuning and solid state amplification allows determination of scalar frequencies and assessment of their intensities through the focused intent of the trained operator, as well as transmission of in-phase and reverse phase scalar frequencies. With thousands of two-dial radionic rates available, Kelly radionic instruments are ideal for all aspects of radionic agriculture, as well as many types of amplified dowsing. Our 30-day, no-hassle, money-back guarantee ensures that every customer has a pleasant, professional experience. Whatever your reasons, simply return the item to us in like-new condition and receive a full refund of the purchase price. Your only risk is the price of postage. Find out why we’ve had a great reputation in the radionics community since 1978!

Recommended Reading AUTHOR(S) Abrams, Albert Askew, Stella Baerlin & Dower Bearden, T. E. Bearden, T. E. Bearden, T. E. Becker, Robert Becker, Robert Bird, Christopher Bird & Tompkins Bird & Tompkins Boadella, David Brennan, Barbara Callahan, Phil Clement, Mark Day & De La Warr Day & De La Warr De La Warr, George Dinshah, Darius Flanagan, Pat G. Gallimore, J. G. Gerber, Richard Gerber, Richard Graves, Tom Hensel, Julius Hieronymus, T. G. Hieronymus, T. G. Hunt, Roland Kelly & Jordan Kelly & Jordan Keupper, George L. Keupper, George L. Kilner, Walter G. Lakhovsky, George Laurie, Duncan Lovel, Hugh 

TITLE The Electronic Reaction of Abrams How to Use a Pendulum Healing with Radionics Excalibur Briefing Gravitobiology Solutions to Tesla’s Secrets The Body Electric Cross Currents The Divining Hand The Secret Life of Plants Secrets of the Soil Wilhelm Reich Hands of Light: A Guide to Healing… Ancient Mysteries, Modern Visions The Waves that Heal Matter in the Making New Worlds Beyond the Atom Technique of Radionic Diagnosis Let There Be Light Pyramid Power The Handbook of Unusual Energies Vibrational Medicine A Practical Guide to Vibrational Medicine The Diviner’s Handbook Bread from Stones Cosmiculture U.S. Patent #2,482,773: Detection of Emanations From Materials and Measurement of the Volumes The Seven Keys to Colour Healing KRT Radionics Book 2: Applied Radionics KRT Radionics Book 3: Radionic Rates Radionics, Reality, and Man Plants, Soils, Earth Energy and Radionics The Aura The Secret of Life The Secret Art: A Brief History of Radionic… Quantum Agriculture: Biodynamics and Beyond 87

YEAR 1925 1955 1980 1980 1991 1980 1985 1990 1979 1973 1998 1973 1988 1984 1963 1966 1963 1962 1996 1973 1975 1988 2001 1977 1894 198? 1949 1958 2012 2012 1996 1998 1978 1990 2009 2014

AUTHOR(S) MacIvor & LaForest Mattioda, Don McCaman, Jay L. McCaman, Jay L. McInturff, Brian Mermet, Abbe Milner & Smart Moray, John Ostrander & Schroeder Radatti, Pete Reyner, J. H. Russell, Edward W. Russell, Walter Russell, Walter Sylver, Nenah Tansley, David V. Tansley, David V. Tansley, David V. Wethered, Vernon Wethered, Vernon Westlake, Aubrey T.

TITLE Vibrations Radionics/Homeopathy How-To Manual Scanner Rates for Agriculture When Weeds Talk The Electroherbalism Frequency Lists Principles and Practice of Radiesthesia Loom of Creation Sea of Energy in which Earth Floats Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain A Fun Short Course in Beginning Radionics Psionic Medicine Report on Radionics The Message of the Divine Iliad The Universal One Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy Radionics: Interface with the Ether Fields Radionics and the Subtle Anatomy of Man Dimensions of Radionics An Intro to Medical Radiesthesia and Radionics The Practice of Medical Radiesthesia The Patterns of Health

YEAR 1980 198? 2012 2013 2007 1975 1976 1928 1973 2013 2004 1974 1945 1926 2011 1975 1976 1977 1979 1967 1973

Online Reading Aetheric Arts Borderland Sciences Research Foundation Context Institute Dragonline Studio Electroherbalism KeelyNet Phoenix Books Radionic Association, The Tom Bearden’s Site U.S. Psychotronics Association 


Statement of Mission To distribute top quality technology, resources, and information to the global community of radionic researchers.

About Us Located in Lakemont, Georgia, Kelly Research Technologies was incorporated in 2006 in order to sustain and advance the radionic technology developed by Peter J. Kelly from the early 1970’s until his untimely passage in 2004. Core among his contributions was the design of a two-bank radionic instrument that integrated the Hieronymus design for variable plate capacitance signal tuning with the knowledge of solid state amplification he’d acquired while in service to the nation in the U.S. Navy. As a founding member of the U.S. Pyschotronics Association in 1974, there were many opportunities for friends and colleagues to try the new instrument. The “Kelly Instrument” would be built for friends, then friends of friends, then in 1978 the first one was sold to a complete stranger – the first of thousands that would choose this sensitive, reliable, and easy-to-operate radionic device. Today, Kelly Research Technologies manufactures and distributes not only the famous Kelly Personal Instrument, but also a complete line of radionic instruments designed to meet the needs of both the advanced researcher and the busy farmer. In all Kelly instruments, the combination of variable capacitance tuning and solid state amplification allows determination of scalar frequencies and assessment of their intensities through the focused intent of the trained operator, as well as transmission of in-phase and reverse phase scalar frequencies. With thousands of two-dial radionic rates available, Kelly radionic instruments are ideal for all aspects of radionic agriculture, as well as many types of amplified dowsing. Our 30-day, no-hassle, money-back guarantee ensures that every customer has a pleasant, professional experience. Whatever your reasons, simply return the item to us in like-new condition and receive a full refund of the purchase price. Your only risk is the price of postage. Find out why we’ve had a great reputation in the radionics community since 1978!

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