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Measurement Item

Sub Items Level 1


VS.RAB.AbnormRel.CS VS.RAB.AbnormRel.CS.OM VS.RAB.AbnormRel.CS.UTRANgen VS.RAB.AbnormRel.CS.Preempt VS.RAB.AbnormRel.CS.IuAAL2

Measurement Item

Sub Items Level 1

VS.RAB.AbnormRel.PS.RF VS.RAB.AbnormRel.PS VS.RAB.AbnormRel.PS.OM VS.RAB.AbnormRel.PS.Preempt VS.RAB.AbnormRel.PS.GTPULoss

Measurement Item

Sub Items Level 1 VS.SHO.Fail.Other.Cell VS.SHO.FailRLAdd.CfgUnsupp




Measurement Item


Measurement Item

Sub Items Level 1 VS.RAC.SHO.Fail.ULPower.Cong VS.RAC.SHO.Fail.DLPower.Cong VS.RAC.SHO.Fail.Code.Cong VS.RAC.SHO.Fail.ULIUBBand.Cong VS.RAC.SHO.Fail.DLIUBBand.Cong VS.RAC.SHO.Fail.HSUPANum.Cong VS.RAC.SHO.Fail.ULCE.Cong VS.RAC.SHO.Fail.DLCE.Cong Sub Items Level 1 VS.HHO.InterFreq.FailOther VS.HHO.FailInterFreqOut.CfgUnsupp VS.HHO.FailInterFreqOut.PyhChFail


VS.HHO.FailInterFreqOut.ISR VS.HHO.FailInterFreqOut.CellUpdt VS.HHO.FailInterFreqOut.InvCfg VS.HHO.FailInterFreqOut.NoReply

Measurement Item

Sub Items Level 1 IRATHO.FailRelocPrepOutCS.TAlExp




IRATHO.FailRelocPrepOutCS.NoResAvail IRATHO.FailRelocPrepOutCS



VS.IRATHO.FailRelocPrepOutCS.Abort VS.IRATHO.FailRelocPrepOutCS.ReqInfoNotAvail Measurement Item

Sub Items Level 1 IRATHO.FailOutCS.CfgUnsupp



Measurement Item

Sub Items Level 1 IRATHO.FailOutPSUTRAN.CfgUnsupp






Sub Items Level 2 VS.RAB.AbnormRel.CS.RF.SRBReset VS.RAB.AbnormRel.CS.RF.ULSync VS.RAB.AbnormRel.CS.RF.UuNoReply

Sub Items Level 2 VS.RAB.AbnormRel.PS.RF.SRBReset VS.RAB.AbnormRel.PS.RF.TRBReset VS.RAB.AbnormRel.PS.RF.ULSync VS.RAB.AbnormRel.PS.RF.UuNoReply

Description Soft handover failure caused by other factors. Number oft handover RL failures of the cells (the cause value is “Configuration Unsupported”.)The UE thinks that the active set update contents of adding or deleting links by the RNC are not supported. Number of soft handover RL failures of the cells (the cause value is incompatible simultaneous reconfiguration). The UE feeds back that the soft or softer handover process of adding or deleting links by the RNC is not compatible with other concurrent processes. The RNC ensures serial processing during the flow processing. The problem is caused mainly because the processing of some UEs is defective. Number of soft handover RL failures of the cells (the cause value is invalid configuration).The UE thinks that the active set update contents of adding or deleting links by the RNC are invalid. The RNC does not receive the response to the active set update command of adding or deleting links. It is the main cause of soft or softer handover failure in the network, and mainly occurs in the area where the coverage quality is poor or the handover area is small.(radio related).

Description SHO Admission Control fail due to UL power congestion SHO Admission Control fail due to DL power congestion SHO Admission Control fail due to Code congestion SHO Admission Control fail due to UL Iub congestion SHO Admission Control fail due to DL Iub congestion SHO Admission Control fail due to HSUPA number limit SHO Admission Control fail due to UL CE congestion SHO Admission Control fail due to DL CE congestion Description Failure of inter-frequency hard handover because of other factors Configuration unsupported Physical channel failure Incompatible simultaneous reconfiguration Cell update occurred Invalid configuration No response on the air interface Description After the SRNC sends the RELOCATION REQUIRED, the SRNC starts the timer to wait for the RELOCATION COMMAND message but the message is not received when the timer times out. The possible causes are (1) CN configurations whether inter-RAT handover is allowed. (2) RNC links and MSC links are abnormal. The relocation fails in the target CN/RNC or in the system. Usually, the cause is as follows: − The CN configurations are not correct. − The BSS does not support the relocation either the BSS allows inter-RAT handover-in or the configurations of GSM neighboring cells are consistent with the actual parameters. Number of Failed Preparations for CS Outgoing Inter-RAT Handover for Cell (Relocation not supported in Target RNC or Target system) No resources are available. Usually, the BSC has no resources available for the access of the UE or the 2G MSC has no information about the target cells. − Check the resource utilization of the 2G BSS. It is possible that no channel is available because the channel is occupied by another subscriber. − Check the status of the target cell. The target cell may be faulty. − Check the mapping between the target cell and 2G MSC on the 3G MSC. The target RNC is unknown. The cause is the main cause of relocation failure. Usually, the reason is that the MSC cannot find the route leading to the 2G cells. − Check the CN configuration. It is possible that the LAI of the 2G target cell is not configured on the MSC. − Check the consistency of the parameters of GSM neighboring cells configured on the RNC.

After requesting the handover preparations, the RNC receives the release command sent by the CN. It is usually caused as follows: − The inter-RAT handover request is initiated during the signaling (for example, location update). Location update is complete before the flow is complete, so the CN initiates the release. − The subscriber who sets up the call hangs up during the handover preparation, so the CN initiates the release. Number of CS Outgoing Inter-RAT Handover Preparation Failures due to operation termination Number of Failed CS Outgoing Inter-RAT Handover Preparations for Cell (Requested Information Not Available) Description The handover is not supported by the configuration. Usually, the UE does not receive the HANDOVER FROM UTRAN COMMAND message delivered by the RNC because of the incorrect RNC format, incompatibility of the UE, or incorrect configuration of the encryption parameters. Inter-RAT handover implementation failure is mainly caused as follows: 1) After receiving the Handover From Utran command, the UE attempts to access the system on the BTS. 2) The UE repeatedly sends the Handover Access message to the BTS through the FACCH, starts the T3124 timer (the default is 320 ms), and stops sending the message if receiving the PHY INFO message. 3) If the timer times out, the BTS returns the old Utran channel and replies the physical channel failure. − Check the parameter configuration of the GSM neighboring cells e.g. BCCH − Check whether the unreasonable setting of the handover threshold causes the easy handover but poor signal quality of the 2G cell.

Description The handover is not supported by the configuration. Usually, the UE does not receive the CCO message delivered by the RNC because of the incorrect RNC format, incompatibility of the UE, or incorrect configuration of the encryption parameters. After receiving the CCO message, the UE starts the T309 timer. The T309 timer is stopped if the UE sets up a connection in a new cell. Once the T309 timer times out, the original 3G cell is returned and the CCO failure message is sent. − Check the configuration of the GSM neighboring cell parameters. If the parameters are not configured correctly, the access is initiated in an incorrect target cell. − Check whether the status and KPIs of the target cell are normal. − Check the resource utilization of the target cell, and determine whether the access failure is caused by the insufficiency of resources. − Check whether there exists strong interference in the GSM radio environment.

After sending the CCO message, the RNC starts the Trelocoverall timer. The timer is stopped after the UE returns the CCO failure message or receives the IU RELEASE CMD (the cause value is Normal release) message sent by the SGSN. Once the timer times out, the RNC actively sends the IU RELEASE REQUEST message to the SGSN. If receiving the SRNS Context Req message during the period, the RNC restarts the timer. − Check whether the 2G SGSN allows the handover-in. − Check whether the RAU is complete after the UE accesses the 2G cell. Other causes.

Description RAB released by the RNC because of the downlink SRB reset due to poor coverage/quality. RAB released by the RNC because of Uplink Synchronization Failure RABs released by the RNC because of the Failure in the Radio Interface Procedure e.g SHO procedure. The failure is usually caused by the imbalance between the uplink coverage and downlink coverage and fast signal change. RABs released caused by the operation and maintenance work (for example, the cell is blocked). RABs released caused by the UTRAN Generated Reason RABs released caused by the high-priority preemption. Such call drop occurs when the load and resources are not enough. The RNC initiates abnormal release after finding that the AAL2 Path on the IU CS interface is abnormal Description RAB released by the RNC because of the downlink SRB reset due to poor coverage/quality. RAB released by the RNC because of the downlink TRB reset due to poor coverage/quality. RAB released by the RNC because of Uplink Synchronization Failure RABs released by the RNC because of the Failure in the Radio Interface Procedure e.g SHO procedure.The failure is usually caused by the imbalance between the uplink coverage and downlink coverage and fast signal change RABs released caused by the operation and maintenance work (for example, the cell is blocked). RABs released caused by the high-priority preemption. Such call drop occurs when the load and resources are not enough. The RNC initiates abnormal release after finding that the GTPU on the IU PS interface is abnormal

Measurement Item

Sub Items Level 1


VS.RRC.Rej.RL.Fail VS.RRC.FailConnEstab.Cell



Measurement Item

Sub Items Level 1

VS.RAB.FailEstabCS.RNL VS.RAB.FailEstabCS.Cell

VS.RAB.FailEstabCS.RNL VS.RAB.FailEstabCS.Cell


Measurement Item

Sub Items Level 1

VS.RAB.FailEstabPS.RNL VS.RAB.FailEstabPS.Cell

VS.RAB.FailEstabPS.TNL Measurement Item

Sub Items Level 1


VS.RAC.NewCallReq.Fail.HSUPANum.Cong VS.RAC.NewCallReq.Preempt.Cong VS.RAC.NewCallReq.Fail.ULCE.Cong VS.RAC.NewCallReqVS.RAC.NewCallAcc

VS.RAC.NewCallReq.Fail.DLCE.Cong VS.RAC.NewCallReq.Fail.ULPower.Cong VS.RAC.NewCallReq.Fail.DLPower.Cong VS.RAC.NewCallReq.Fail.Code.Cong VS.RAC.NewCallReq.Fail.ULIUBBand.Cong VS.RAC.NewCallReq.Fail.DLIUBBand.Cong

Sub Items Level 2 VS.RRC.Rej.Code.Cong VS.RRC.Rej.ULCE.Cong VS.RRC.Rej.DLCE.Cong VS.RRC.Rej.ULIUBBand.Cong VS.RRC.Rej.DLIUBBand.Cong VS.RRC.Rej.ULPower.Cong VS.RRC.Rej.DLPower.Cong

Description RRC Connection Setup reject due to DL code congestion RRC Connection Setup reject due to UL CE congestion RRC Connection Setup reject due to DL CE congestion RRC Connection Setup reject due to UL Iub congestion RRC Connection Setup reject due to DL Iub congestion RRC Connection Setup reject due to UL power congestion(RTWP or UL ENU) RRC Connection Setup reject due to DL power congestion(DL TCP or DL ENU) During RRC connection setup, Radio Link setup procedure is failed on the Iub interface . The possible causes are (1) the internal resources (cpu,hardware,logical resource) of the NodeB are not enough or (2) poor Iub quality e.g. high E1 BLER or high IP packet lost. During RRC connection setup,after the RNC and the NodeB complete the radio link setup procedure, the RNC starts an ALCAP transmission setup procedure on the Iub interface but failed.The possible causes are (1)Wrong transmission (AAL2PATH/IPPATH) configurations or (2) poor Iub quality e.g. high E1 BLER or high IP packet lost. RNC fails to receive a RRC CONNECT SETUP COMPLETE message from the UE before the timer expires after the RNC sends the RRC CONNECT SETUP message to the UE. The possible cause are (1) poor coverage (2) UL/DL interference (3) FACH congestion (4) improper cell reselection parameters (5) missing neigbours (6) Packet lost etc. (radio related)

Sub Items Level 2

VS.RAB.FailEstabCS.Cong VS.RAB.FailEstabCS.Unsp

Sub Items Level 3 VS.RAB.FailEstabCS.Code.Cong VS.RAB.FailEstabCS.ULCE.Cong VS.RAB.FailEstabCS.DLCE.Cong VS.RAB.FailEstabCS.DLIUBBand.Cong VS.RAB.FailEstabCS.ULIUBBand.Cong VS.RAB.FailEstabCS.ULPower.Cong VS.RAB.FailEstabCS.DLPower.Cong VS.RAB.FailEstabCS.RBIncCfg


VS.RAB.FailEstabCS.PhyChFail VS.RAB.FailEstabCS.UuFail




Sub Items Level 2

VS.RAB.FailEstabPS.Cong VS.RAB.FailEstabPS.Unsp

Sub Items Level 3 VS.RAB.FailEstabPS.Code.Cong VS.RAB.FailEstabPS.ULCE.Cong VS.RAB.FailEstabPS.DLCE.Cong VS.RAB.FailEstabPS.DLIUBBand.Cong VS.RAB.FailEstabPS.ULIUBBand.Cong VS.RAB.FailEstabPS.ULPower.Cong VS.RAB.FailEstabPS.DLPower.Cong VS.RAB.FailEstabPS.RBIncCfg


VS.RAB.FailEstabPS.PhyChFail VS.RAB.FailEstabPS.UuFail




Number of Failed Admissions Due to HSDPA User Number Exceeding Threshold During RAB Establishment for Cell Number of Failed Admissions Due to HSUPA User Number Exceeding Threshold During RAB Establishment for Cell Number of Preemptions During RAB Establishment for Cell Number of Failed Admissions Due to UL CE congestion Number of Failed Admissions Due to DL CE congestion Number of Failed Admissions Due to UL Power congestion Number of Failed Admissions Due to DL Power congestion Number of Failed Admissions Due to Code congestion Number of Failed Admissions Due to UL Iub congestion Number of Failed Admissions Due to DL Iub congestion

Description RAB Setup reject due to DL code congestion RAB Setup reject due to UL CE congestion RAB Setup reject due to DL CE congestion RAB Setup reject due to UL Iub congestion RAB Setup reject due to DL Iub congestion RAB Setup reject due to UL power congestion(RTWP or UL ENU) RAB Setup reject due to DL power congestion(DL TCP or DL ENU) In the RB setup phase, the UE returns the RB setup failure message. The cause value is “Invalid Configuration”, cause by invalid configurations of UE. In the RB setup phase, the UE returns the RB setup failure message. The cause value is “Configuration unsupported”. Usually, the failure is mainly caused because the UE capability does not support RB setup. In the RB setup phase, the UE returns the RB setup failure message and the cause value is “Physical channel failure”. After the UE receives the RB SETUP message, the downlink DPDCH cannot be synchronized.

In the RB setup phase, the RNC delivers the RB SETUP message, but does not receive any response. Therefore, the RNC considers that RB setup fails. The main causes are as follows: − The downlink SRB1 is abnormal, so the UE does not receive the RB SETUP message. The RNC RLC is reset or RbSetupRspTmr times out. − The UE receives the RB SETUP message and returns the RB SETUP COMPLETE message. However, the NodeB cannot demodulate the RB SETUP COMPLETE message because the uplink SRB2 is abnormal. RAB establishment fails due to radio link configuration failure (such as NodeB no response, NodeB returns a failure message). RAB setup fails due to transmission network connection failure (typical cause: Iu transport connection setup failure). Description RAB Setup reject due to DL code congestion RAB Setup reject due to UL CE congestion RAB Setup reject due to DL CE congestion RAB Setup reject due to UL Iub congestion RAB Setup reject due to DL Iub congestion RAB Setup reject due to UL power congestion(RTWP or UL ENU) RAB Setup reject due to DL power congestion(DL TCP or DL ENU) In the RB setup phase, the UE returns the RB setup failure message. The cause value is “Invalid Configuration”, cause by invalid configurations of UE. In the RB setup phase, the UE returns the RB setup failure message. The cause value is “Configuration unsupported”. Usually, the failure is mainly caused because the UE capability does not support RB setup. In the RB setup phase, the UE returns the RB setup failure message and the cause value is “Physical channel failure”. After the UE receives the RB SETUP message, the downlink DPDCH cannot be synchronized. In the RB setup phase, the RNC delivers the RB SETUP message, but does not receive any response. Therefore, the RNC considers that RB setup fails. The main causes are as follows: − The downlink SRB1 is abnormal, so the UE does not receive the RB SETUP message. The RNC RLC is reset or RbSetupRspTmr times out. − The UE receives the RB SETUP message and returns the RB SETUP COMPLETE message. However, the NodeB cannot demodulate the RB SETUP COMPLETE message because the uplink SRB2 is abnormal. RAB establishment fails due to radio link configuration failure (such as NodeB no response, NodeB returns a failure message). RAB setup fails due to transmission network connection failure (typical cause: Iu transport connection setup failure).

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