KP EZine 97 February 2015

March 10, 2018 | Author: KALSHUBH | Category: Ancient Astronomy, Astronomy, Science, Astrology, Nature
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Volume 9, Issue 1, February 2015

KP Ezine

February 2015


Volume 9, Issue 1, February 2015


Par culars




Editor note

Kanakkumar B. Bosmia



Criminal Proceedings on Ex-president Mahinda Rajapakse

Kanakkumar B. Bosmia



Kiram Bedi’s Entry into Delhi Politics

Tin Win



Delhi state election 2015

Hemantkumar Gajjar



Medicine business – Whether profitable or not?

Nirmal Kothari



Criminal Proceedings on former Defence secretary Gotabhaya Rajapakse

Kanakkumar B. Bosmia



Extraordinary Technique of KP Horary

Sumanadasa Namarathna



Second Marriage

Gunti Nagaraju



Success in examination

Dr. Abha Jain



Will Kiran Bedi be the next CM after Delhi State Navin Chitlangia Legislative Assembly Election 2015?



Swearing - in Chart of New President of Sri Lanka

Sumanadasa Namarathna



Delhi state election 2015

Kanakkumar B. Bosmia



Ques on-Answer

Tin Win



Astrosecrets & Krishnamurti Padhdhati Timing of Events, Part VII

Tin Win



Readers View


Planetary Position for February 2015

KP Ezine


February 2015


Generated from KPAstro 4.1TM 2

Volume 9, Issue 1, February 2015


Published by:

Kanakkumar B. Bosmia Sahakar- 2, Flat # 28, Jagabhai Park, Ram Baug, Maninagar, AHMEDABAD - 380 008, Gujarat State, India

Phone: +91 79 25431165 Mobile: +91 9825131165

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KP Ezine

February 2015


Dear Readers, With this February issue we are entering into 9th year of the World’s first astrological e-magazine KPEzine. This great journey happens only due to your love, suggestions and support. Many thanks for your support and blessing. After this long journey of eight years, KPEzine is now widely read by 4000+ subscribed members in 63 countries, showing how popular is this e-magazine. These figures are actually year by year accumulated numbers without any exaggeration to an unbelievable level. KPEzine has been free of charge to download from . But we are very strict on approving members by registration at this web site due to our past bad experience. If anyone wants to be a member to download KPEzine current and old issues, the person has to follow our rules in making registration. KPEzine has been published to properly propagate KP only. So whatever article received cannot be straightly published in this magazine. In order to maintain the standard of magazine and quality of articles, it is unavoidable to review all received articles with respect to consistency between the chart and write-up, validity of applied rules and logical rationale of presentation etc. In doing so, some points of irregularities have been pointed out sometimes to authors and some improvements or corrections have been sincerely made other times, which may make some authors unhappy and send article to another magazine for publication without any review. It is up to the free choice of author whether to be proud of whatever published article or reviewed article with standard. We don’t use any more page for editor's note other than articles to criticize others with special agenda. We don't also waste time in answering such critics. Instead we wordlessly do our job for the sake of KP learning by writing more own articles. Readers know who is who in KP by one's activity. Thanks to all readers and authors for support and love, which are hopefully to be continued in the next coming years too. Special thanks to Sri Tin Win ji for supporting me always, Sri K.S. Narayanan ji for doing very good design and composition of KPEzine, but due to his poor health he is not with us at this time, but soon whenever he feels better, would be back with us again, and Sri Dr. Rangarajan Krishnamoorthy who gave me idea to start e-magazine and also for support behind the scenes. With love, Kanak Bosmia, Editor KP Ezine

February 2015


Criminal Proceedings on Ex-president Mahinda Rajapakse By: Kanakkumar B. Bosmia

Sahakar-2, Flat No: 28 Jagabhai Park, Ram Baug Maninagar, Ahmedabad—380008 Mobile : +91-98 2531165. Email : [email protected] Question: Will Ex-president Mahinda Rajapakse face any legal inquiry regarding his misuse of power, State property, War Crimes & Crimes against Humanity if so what will be the outcome? Number: 123 (out of 249); Date of Judgment: 17-01-2015, Saturday; Time of Judgment: 15:28:39 PM IST Place of Judgment: Kankariya- Ahmedabad Long/Lat: 23° N 00', 72° E 36'; Aynamsha 23°.58'.37" Reference: TUESDAY 13 JANUARY 2015 M.I.A.: Sri Lanka has 'same government with different face' Rapper M.I.A. tells Channel 4 News that though she still wants former Sri Lankan president Mahinda Rajapaksa to face a war crimes trial, the priority is getting the country's Tamils their basic needs. Maya Arulpragasam, the Sri Lankan Tamil recording artist, spoke to Channel 4 News following the defeat of Rajapaksa, a man accused of presiding over war crimes at the end of Sri Lanka's civil war, in Sri Lanka's election. Mahinda Rajapaksa was in charge of Sri Lanka at the end of the war against terror group the Tamil Tigers. In the closing weeks of the war in May 2009 the Sri Lankan army is accused of deliberately shelling civilians, and the UN estimates that around 40,000 died. For their part, the Tamil Tigers were a brutal organisation also accused of war crimes including the use of child soldiers, human shields and suicide bombings. The UN is currently investigating alleged war crimes committed at the end of Sri Lankan civil war and in the years following, but it is an inquiry that Rajapaksa had refused to cooperate with. Rajapaksa has been replaced as Sri Lankan president by Maithripala Sirisena Rajapaksa's one-time ally and also the acting defence minister at the end of the civil war. 'Basic needs' Sirisena has also refused to cooperate with the international inquiry, and Arulpragasam told Channel 4 News that Sri Lanka's new government has the "same face" as it includes politicians who have been involved in government for the last 30 years. She said the Tamil community had embraced democracy and peace - the Tamil vote was largely responsible for Sirisena's election - and that now the government had to restore "basic needs" to the community. She told Channel 4 News that reconciliation can only come if the Sri Lankan government undoes some of the Rajapaksa regime's actions, such as his militarisation of Tamil areas in the country's north. On the UN inquiry, Arulpragasam said "we still want Rajapaksa to go to the Hague", but that peace in Sri Lanka's post-war period was a priority for Tamils. In the years since the war there have been continued allegations of ongoing abuses such as "enforced disappe arances" of Tamils and government opponents. Channel 4 News has been banned from Sri lanka since 2009 except for a brief trip there KP Ezine

February 2015


Horary No. 123/249 Sun Rise: 07:22:50 AM Nithya Yoga: Vridhi

Sun Set: Hora:

06:16:21 PM Jupiter

Dasa Days: 365.25 D Karana: Kaulav

Horary No.: 123 Question : Will Ex-president Mahinda Rajapakse face any legal inquiry regarding his misuse of power, State property, War Crimes & Crimes against Humanity if so what will be

Ruling Planets - 17/Jan/2015 03:28:39 PM KANKARIYA, AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India Planet


















Day Lord: Saturn

Nirayana Bhava Chalit Sa 07:08:25:15 Mo 07:20:42:11 II 06:25:14:36

XII 04:28:10:09 Ra 05:20:05:33 I 05:26:06:40

III 07:25:23:47

XI 03:27:37:24 7

5 4


Su 09:02:58:43 Me 09:21:31:03 Ve 09:23:17:07 IV 08:26:16:23

X 02:26:16:23 Ju[R] 03:26:13:39 6 12

VII 11:26:06:40 Ma 10:09:55:26 V 09:27:37:24

IX 01:25:23:47 10

2 1

11 Ke 11:20:05:33 VI 10:28:10:09

VIII 25:14:36

VIII 00:25:14:36

IX 25:23:47

X 26:16:23

Name: Criminal Proceedings Gender: Male Date: Saturday, 17/Jan/2015 Time: 03:28:39 PM SID: 22:35:06 Lat: 23:00:00 N Lon: 72:36:00 E Place: AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India

Ju[R] 26:13:39 XI 27:37:24

Ayanamsa: 23° 58' 37" [KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Star: Jyeshta, Pada 2 Star Lord: Mercury Rasi: Scorpio Rasi Lord: Mars Lagna: Virgo Lagna Lord: Mercury Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Dvadasi Bal. Dasa: Mercury 11 Y, 10 M, 7 D

XII 28:10:09

VI 28:10:09 Ma 09:55:26

V 27:37:24 Ve 23:17:07 Me 21:31:03 Su 02:58:43

Ra 20:05:33 I 26:06:40

IV 26:16:23

III 25:23:47 Mo 20:42:11 Sa 08:25:15

II 25:14:36

Stl Ma Ju Me Ve Ma Ju Me Ve Ma Ju Me Su

Sbl Ju Me Ra Ke Ju Ve Ju Me Ra Ke Ju Mo

Ssl Ju Ju Ve Ra Ra Sa Ju Ra Ve Ju Ra Ke

Sssl Ju Ju Ve Me Ra Su Ju Ve Ve Ve Ra Ra

Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su U.Ashada(2) Mo Jyeshta(2) Ma Satabhisha(1) Me Sravana(4) Ju[R] Ashlesha(3) Ve Sravana(4) Sa Anuradha(2) Ra Hasta(4) Ke Revati(2)

Sgl Sa Ma Sa Sa Mo Sa Ma Me Ju

Stl Su Me Ra Mo Me Mo Sa Mo Me

Sbl Ju Ve Ju Ve Ju Su Ve Ke Ve

Ssl Ra Ju Su Ra Ju Ve Ve Ra Ma

Sssl Mo Ma Ve Su Ke Ju Me Mo Ve

Dasa Summary Bhukti

VII 26:06:40 Ke 20:05:33

Sgl Me Ve Ma Ju Sa Sa Ju Ma Ve Me Mo Su

Significators - Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su 4 4 12 12 Mo 4 2 1, 10 11 Ma+ 12 5 3, 8 Me 2 4 11 1, 10 Ju+ 4 11 1, 10 4, 7 Ve+ 2 4 11 2, 9 Sa 2 2 5, 6 5, 6 Ra 2 12 11 Ke+ 4 6 1, 10 Rahu acts as agent for: Ma, Me. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars (B) - Occupant of house Ketu acts as agent for: Ju. (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner



Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 Chitra(1) 2 Visakha(2) 3 Jyeshta(3) 4 P.Ashada(4) 5 Dhanishta(2) 6 P.Bhadra(3) 7 Revati(3) 8 Bharani(4) 9 Mrigasira(1) 10 Punarvasu(2) 11 Ashlesha(4) 12 U.Phalguni(1)






Mercury Dasa 24-Nov-2009 - 24-Nov-2026 Mercury 24-Nov-2009 Ketu 21-Apr-2012 Venus 18-Apr-2013 Sun 17-Feb-2016 Moon 23-Dec-2016 Mars 24-May-2018 Rahu 22-May-2019 Jupiter 08-Dec-2021 Saturn 15-Mar-2024

Ketu Dasa 24-Nov-2026 - 24-Nov-2033 Ketu 24-Nov-2026 Venus 22-Apr-2027 Sun 22-Jun-2028 Moon 28-Oct-2028 Mars 29-May-2029 Rahu 25-Oct-2029 Jupiter 12-Nov-2030 Saturn 19-Oct-2031 Mercury 28-Nov-2032

Venus Dasa 24-Nov-2033 - 24-Nov-2053 Venus 24-Nov-2033 Sun 26-Mar-2037 Moon 26-Mar-2038 Mars 24-Nov-2039 Rahu 24-Jan-2041 Jupiter 24-Jan-2044 Saturn 25-Sep-2046 Mercury 25-Nov-2049 Ketu 24-Sep-2052

Sun Dasa 24-Nov-2053 - 24-Nov-2059 Sun 24-Nov-2053 Moon 13-Mar-2054 Mars 12-Sep-2054 Rahu 18-Jan-2055 Jupiter 13-Dec-2055 Saturn 30-Sep-2056 Mercury 12-Sep-2057 Ketu 19-Jul-2058 Venus 24-Nov-2058

Moon Dasa 24-Nov-2059 - 24-Nov-2069 Moon 24-Nov-2059 Mars 23-Sep-2060 Rahu 24-Apr-2061 Jupiter 24-Oct-2062 Saturn 23-Feb-2064 Mercury 24-Sep-2065 Ketu 23-Feb-2067 Venus 24-Sep-2067 Sun 26-May-2069

Mars Dasa 24-Nov-2069 - 24-Nov-2076 Mars 24-Nov-2069 Rahu 22-Apr-2070 Jupiter 10-May-2071 Saturn 15-Apr-2072 Mercury 25-May-2073 Ketu 22-May-2074 Venus 18-Oct-2074 Sun 18-Dec-2075 Moon 24-Apr-2076

Rahu Dasa 24-Nov-2076 - 24-Nov-2094 Rahu 24-Nov-2076 Jupiter 07-Aug-2079 Saturn 31-Dec-2081 Mercury 05-Nov-2084 Ketu 25-May-2087 Venus 12-Jun-2088 Sun 12-Jun-2091 Moon 06-May-2092 Mars 05-Nov-2093

Jupiter Dasa 24-Nov-2094 - 24-Nov-2110 Jupiter 24-Nov-2094 Saturn 12-Jan-2097 Mercury 25-Jul-2099 Ketu 31-Oct-2101 Venus 07-Oct-2102 Sun 07-Jun-2105 Moon 26-Mar-2106 Mars 26-Jul-2107 Rahu 01-Jul-2108

Saturn Dasa 24-Nov-2110 - 24-Nov-2129 Saturn 24-Nov-2110 Mercury 27-Nov-2113 Ketu 06-Aug-2116 Venus 14-Sep-2117 Sun 14-Nov-2120 Moon 27-Oct-2121 Mars 28-May-2123 Rahu 07-Jul-2124 Jupiter 13-May-2127

+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine

February 2015


when the Prime Minister, David Cameron, visited last year for the CHOGM meeting. The PM had made the free entry of the Channel 4 News team a condition of his visit. Repeated requests before and since to visit and be accredited as journalists have been refused, and a request for an interview with the Sri Lankan high commissioner about the new governemt has gone unanswered. Hint: Criminal Proceedings If the sub lord of the 10th cusp (status) be the significator (in the star of the occupant or owner) of 7 (court proceedings), 8 (infamy) or 12 (crimes), the native will be involved in court proceedings relating to crimes, will be ill-reputed and will be inflicted with punishment, during the joint period of the significators of 7, 8 and 12. Cuspal Sub lord (Criminal Proceedings): 10th Cusp (Gemini 260.16'.23"): The sub lord of the 10th cusp is Ketu. Ketu is in the star of Mercury and sub of Venus. Ketu is occupant of 6. No planet in the star of Ketu and Ketu is CSL of 4-10. Ketu is aspected by Jupiter. Jupiter is occupant of 11, owner of 4-7. No planet in the star of Jupiter and Jupiter is CSL of 1-5-7-11. Star lord Mercury is occupant of 4, owner 1-10. Sub lord Venus is occupant of 4, owner 2-9. No planet in the star of Venus and Venus is CSL of 6. Thus 10th cusp sub lord Ketu is significator of 1-4-10 and connected with 6-4-10-11-7-1-5-2-9. Hence will be involved in court proceedings relating to crimes, will be ill-reputed and will be inflicted with punishment is sure. Joint period: At the time of horary, Mercury dasa continue up to 24-11-2026. Joint period at the time of horary is Mercury-Venus-Jupiter is up to 11-02-2015. Dasa lord Mercury is in the star of Moon and sub of Venus. Mercury is occupant of 4, owner of 1-10. Star lord Moon is occupant of 2, owner 11. Sub lord Venus is occupant of 4, owner 2-9. No planet in the star of Venus and Venus is CSL of 6. Thus 10th cusp sub lord Mercury is significator of 2-11 and connected with 4-1-10-2-9-6. My opinion: 10th sub lord indicate court proceedings but dasa lord Mercury does not signifies 7 or 8 or 12 at all, hence he will not face any court proceedings.

KP Ezine

February 2015


Kiram Bedi’s Entry into Delhi Poli cs By: Tin Win Email: [email protected]

Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.- Mao Zedong Political power grows out of the 10th house.- Astrology Short Background 1. Ahead of 7 February 2015 Delhi Assembly elections, 65-year-old Kiran Bedi, former Indian Police Service top officer, a social activist and close aide of anti-graft crusader Anna Hazare, joined Delhi Politics on 15 January 2015, by formally joining the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) dialing a toll-free number established for the party’s nationwide membership drive and declaring at a press conference in New Delhi in the presence of party chief Amit Shah. 2. During the press conference Shah downplayed media queries whether she would be the BJP's chief ministerial candidate in Delhi. He said that a decision in this regard would be taken by the BJP parliamentary board. On 19 January 2015 the BJP named new entrant Kiran Bedi as its chief ministerial candidate for the February 7 Delhi assembly elections. She will contest from the Krishna Nagar seat in East Delhi, considered a BJP stronghold. Biography Birth Chart Details 3. Madam Kiram Bedi, Thursday, 09/Jun/1949, 02:10 PM IST, SID: 06:49:17, Lat: 31:34 N, Lon: 74:56 E, AMRITSAR, PUNJAB, India, KP New Ayanamsa: 23° 3' 40", Star: Anuradha, Pada 1, Lagna: Virgo 17:31:59, Bal. Dasa: Saturn 17 Y, 0 M, 7 D, calculated by KPAstro 4.1. Cuspal Sub Lord Analysis 4. 10th cuspal sub lord (CSL) Moon is in house 2, owner of houses 11, in the star and sub of Saturn in house 11, owner of houses 5,6, signifying only house 6,11, out of desired house 1 (self effort), 6 (service, gain in competition), 9 (fortune), 10 (political power, reputation, profession), 11 (gain, fulfillment of desire). 10th CSL Moon's star and sub Saturn is aspecting Mercury-Mars-Sun conjunction that is again aspected by Jupiter. Success in service is clearly promised by signification of houses 6,11 but 10 th house signification for getting political power is missing. 5. 11th CSL Venus+ is in 9, owner of 2,9, in the star of Rahu in 7, in Pisces representing Jupiter+ in 4, owner of 4,7, being the CSL of 3,6,12 having no planet in its stars, and in sub of Jupiter+ in 4, owner of 4,7, being the CSL of 3,6,12 having no planet in its stars, signifying only 6,9, out of 1,6,9,10,11. Again success in service is clearly indicated by signification of 6,11 but 10th signification for getting political power is missing. Dasa Analysis 6. On the February 7, 2015 Delhi assembly election day, Sun-Mercury-Saturn-Jupiter joint dasa sequence will be running. The running Dasa lord Sun is in 9, owner of 12, in the star of Mars in 8, owner of 3,8, and in sub of Rahu in 7, in Pisces representing Jupiter+ in 4, owner of 4,7, being the CSL of 3,6,12 having no planet in its stars, signifying favorable 6,9, KP Ezine

February 2015


Kiran Bedi Sun Rise: 05:24:52 AM Nithya Yoga: Siddha

Sun Set: Hora:

07:33:48 PM Mars

Dasa Days: 365.25 D Karana: Gar

Ruling Planets - 28/Jan/2015 12:30:44 PM KANKARIYA, AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India Planet


















Day Lord: Mercury

Nirayana Bhava Chalit Mo 07:04:43:25 II 06:15:35:41

XII 04:20:37:03

I 05:17:31:59 Ke 05:29:56:22

III 07:16:11:39 7

XI 03:20:21:15 Sa 04:07:32:50

5 4


Ju[R] 09:08:30:07 IV 08:18:16:08

X 02:18:16:08 6 12

Ra 11:29:56:22 VII 11:17:31:59

V 09:20:21:15 10

2 1

11 VI 10:20:37:03

VIII 15:35:41

Su 01:25:06:30 Me[R] 01:17:07:30 IX 01:16:11:39 Ve 02:09:16:50

VIII 00:15:35:41 Ma 01:06:27:16

Ma 06:27:16 IX 16:11:39 Me[R] 17:07:30 Su 25:06:30

Ve 09:16:50 X 18:16:08

Ra 29:56:22 VII 17:31:59 Name: Kiran Bedi Gender: Male Date: Thursday, 09/Jun/1949 Time: 02:10:00 PM SID: 06:49:17 Lat: 31:34:00 N Lon: 74:56:00 E Place: AMRITSAR, PUNJAB, India

XI 20:21:15

Ayanamsa: 23° 3' 40" [KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Star: Anuradha, Pada 1 Star Lord: Saturn Rasi: Scorpio Rasi Lord: Mars Lagna: Virgo Lagna Lord: Mercury Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Chaturdasi Bal. Dasa: Saturn 17 Y, 0 M, 7 D

Sa 07:32:50 XII 20:37:03

VI 20:37:03

V 20:21:15 Ju[R] 08:30:07

I 17:31:59 Ke 29:56:22

IV 18:16:08

III 16:11:39 Mo 04:43:25

II 15:35:41

Sgl Me Ve Ma Ju Sa Sa Ju Ma Ve Me Mo Su

Stl Mo Ra Sa Ve Mo Ju Me Ve Mo Ra Me Ve

Sbl Sa Ve Ju Ra Ke Ju Me Su Sa Mo Ve Ju

Ssl Ju Su Mo Ra Me Me Mo Mo Me Ra Ra Sa

Sssl Ju Su Ju Me Ke Su Sa Ma Ra Ra Ve Ju

Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su Mrigasira(1) Mo Anuradha(1) Ma Krittika(3) Me[R] Rohini(3) Ju[R] U.Ashada(4) Ve Aridra(1) Sa Magha(3) Ra Revati(4) Ke Chitra(2)

Sgl Ve Ma Ve Ve Sa Me Su Ju Me

Stl Ma Sa Su Mo Su Ra Ke Me Ma

Sbl Ra Sa Me Sa Ve Ju Ra Sa Sa

Ssl Me Ma Ju Ma Ma Me Ma Ju Ju

Sssl Su Ma Ju Me Sa Su Mo Mo Mo

Significators - Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su 8 9 3, 8 12 Mo 11 2 5, 6 11 Ma 9 8 12 3, 8 Me 2 9 11 1, 10 Ju+ 9 4 12 4, 7 Ve+ 7 9 2, 9 Sa 1 11 5, 6 Ra 9 7 1, 10 Ke 8 1 3, 8 (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars Rahu acts as agent for: Ju. Ketu acts as agent for: Me, Ju. (B) - Occupant of house (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner



Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 Hasta(3) 2 Swati(3) 3 Anuradha(4) 4 P.Ashada(2) 5 Sravana(4) 6 P.Bhadra(1) 7 Revati(1) 8 Bharani(1) 9 Rohini(2) 10 Aridra(4) 11 Ashlesha(2) 12 P.Phalguni(3)

Dasa Summary Bhukti






Saturn Dasa 16-Jun-1947 - 16-Jun-1966 Saturn 16-Jun-1947 Mercury 19-Jun-1950 Ketu 27-Feb-1953 Venus 08-Apr-1954 Sun 08-Jun-1957 Moon 21-May-1958 Mars 20-Dec-1959 Rahu 28-Jan-1961 Jupiter 05-Dec-1963

Mercury Dasa 16-Jun-1966 - 16-Jun-1983 Mercury 16-Jun-1966 Ketu 12-Nov-1968 Venus 10-Nov-1969 Sun 09-Sep-1972 Moon 17-Jul-1973 Mars 16-Dec-1974 Rahu 13-Dec-1975 Jupiter 02-Jul-1978 Saturn 07-Oct-1980

Ketu Dasa 16-Jun-1983 - 16-Jun-1990 Ketu 16-Jun-1983 Venus 12-Nov-1983 Sun 12-Jan-1985 Moon 20-May-1985 Mars 19-Dec-1985 Rahu 17-May-1986 Jupiter 05-Jun-1987 Saturn 11-May-1988 Mercury 19-Jun-1989

Venus Dasa 16-Jun-1990 - 16-Jun-2010 Venus 16-Jun-1990 Sun 16-Oct-1993 Moon 16-Oct-1994 Mars 16-Jun-1996 Rahu 15-Aug-1997 Jupiter 16-Aug-2000 Saturn 16-Apr-2003 Mercury 16-Jun-2006 Ketu 16-Apr-2009

Sun Dasa 16-Jun-2010 - 16-Jun-2016 Sun 16-Jun-2010 Moon 04-Oct-2010 Mars 05-Apr-2011 Rahu 10-Aug-2011 Jupiter 04-Jul-2012 Saturn 22-Apr-2013 Mercury 04-Apr-2014 Ketu 09-Feb-2015 Venus 17-Jun-2015

Moon Dasa 16-Jun-2016 - 16-Jun-2026 Moon 16-Jun-2016 Mars 17-Apr-2017 Rahu 16-Nov-2017 Jupiter 17-May-2019 Saturn 16-Sep-2020 Mercury 17-Apr-2022 Ketu 16-Sep-2023 Venus 16-Apr-2024 Sun 16-Dec-2025

Mars Dasa 16-Jun-2026 - 16-Jun-2033 Mars 16-Jun-2026 Rahu 12-Nov-2026 Jupiter 01-Dec-2027 Saturn 06-Nov-2028 Mercury 15-Dec-2029 Ketu 12-Dec-2030 Venus 11-May-2031 Sun 10-Jul-2032 Moon 15-Nov-2032

Rahu Dasa 16-Jun-2033 - 16-Jun-2051 Rahu 16-Jun-2033 Jupiter 27-Feb-2036 Saturn 23-Jul-2038 Mercury 30-May-2041 Ketu 17-Dec-2043 Venus 04-Jan-2045 Sun 04-Jan-2048 Moon 28-Nov-2048 Mars 29-May-2050

Jupiter Dasa 16-Jun-2051 - 16-Jun-2067 Jupiter 16-Jun-2051 Saturn 04-Aug-2053 Mercury 15-Feb-2056 Ketu 23-May-2058 Venus 29-Apr-2059 Sun 29-Dec-2061 Moon 17-Oct-2062 Mars 16-Feb-2064 Rahu 22-Jan-2065

+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine

February 2015


along with unfavorable 4,8,12. Success in competition is clearly indicated by signification of 6,9 but 10th signification for getting political power is missing. 7. Dasa lord is the final authority to give the ultimate result, and no Bhukti lord can offer a result if Dasa lord does not permit. So further analysis of lower level dasa period lords is not necessary. Transit Analysis 8. On the February 7, 2015 Delhi assembly election day at noon, the running Dasa lord Sun will be transiting in the star of Mars and sub of Rahu, as discussed above, success in competition is clearly indicated by signification of 6,9 but 10 th signification for getting political power is missing. Conclusion 9. Since the strong signification of 10th (political power) house for getting political power is missing in the above analysis, any chance is not astrologically seen for her to become the Chief Minister of Delhi, although winning her seat in the 2015 Delhi assembly elections is so assured by choice of constituency that there is no need for astrological analysis. Good Luck! Sources of Birth Deatails: 1.Astrological Biographies: Seventeen Examples of Predictive Insights by Bepin Behari, Motilal Banarsidass Publ., 1996 2.Advanced Techniques of Astrological Predictions, by Edt K N Rao, Bhartiya Prachya Evam Sanatan Vigyan Sansthan, 2005 3.Astrology Of Professions, Principles and Practices, 2 Vols, by K.K. Pathak, Alpha Publication, 2007 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

KP Ezine

February 2015


Delhi state elec on 2015 By: Gajjar Hemantkumar Manilal A/2, Sandeep Appt, Sardarpark Society, Maninagar – east, Ahmedabad – 380 008, Gujarat, India. Phone: 9879620307; 9428114524

NOTE: In India there will be again a state election fever in month of Feb.-2015 at Delhi. I have read from the newspapers that the Delhi state assembly election will be held on Feb- 7th, question come in my mind who will win this Election, so I cast Horary chart with random no. generated by the software itself. Question: Will B.J.P win Delhi state election to be held on 7th February 2015? Horary No. : 153/249. Date: 27/01/2015; Time: 13:08:47 Place: C. T. M Ahmedabad. 23 N 00, 72 E 38; Ayanamsha: 23.58.38. Rule: If 10th cusp Sub lord Signifies 3, 10, 11 one can win the election in the DBAS of the significators of 3,10,11. Cuspal sub Lord of B.J.P Party: Cusp 10th (Leo16:12:47): The cusp sub lord of the 10th cusp is Sun. Sun is in the star of Moon and sub of Rahu. Sun is occupant of 3, owner of 10. No planets in the star of Sun and Sun is CSL of 1,6,10. Star lord Moon is occupant of 6 and owner of 9. Sub lord Rahu is occupant of 11 and agent of Mars and Mars is occupant of 4 and owner of 1, 6. So 10th cusp sub lord indicate 3, 10 and 11. Hence Chance of win is sure. Cuspal sub Lord of Opposite Party: Cusp 10th (Aquarius 16:12:47): Cusp lord of 10th is Venus. Venus is in the star of Mars and sub of Moon. Venus is occupant of 9 owner of 1, 6. Star lord Mars is occupant of 10 and owner of 7, 12. Sub lord Moon is occupant of 12 and owner of 3. So 10th cusp sub lord indicates 3, 10 and hence chance of win in Election is Sure. Joint Period for B.J.P Party: On the day of election (7th February 2015) running dasa is Venus-Venus –Jupiter- Mercury. The Dasa and bhukti lord Venus is in the Star of Mars and Sub of Moon. The Venus is occupant of 3 owner of 7, 12. Star Lord Mars is occupant of 4 and owner of 1, 6. Sub lord Moon is occupant of 6 and owner of 9. So Dasa and Bhukti lord Venus indicates 3. Antra lord Jupiter is in the star of Mercury and sub of Rahu. Jupiter is occupant of 9 and owner of 2, 5. No Planets in the star Jupiter & Jupiter is CSL of 8. Star lord Mercury is occupant of 3 and owner of 8, 11. Sub lord Rahu is occupant of 11. Rahu is agent of Mars and Mars is occupant of 4 and owner of 1, 6 Hence Antra lord signifies 11. Sookshma lord Mercury is in the star of Moon and the sub of Ketu. Mercury is occupant of 3 and the owner of 8, 11. Star lord Moon is occupant of 6 owner of 9. Sub lord Ketu is occupant of 5. Ketu is agent of Jupiter and Jupiter is occupant of 9 and owner of 2, 5. No Planets in the star Jupiter & Jupiter is CSL of 8. Hence Sookshma lord signifies 3, 11.

KP Ezine

February 2015


Horary No. 153/249 Sun Rise: 07:21:09 AM Nithya Yoga: Shubha

Sun Set: Hora:

06:23:17 PM Saturn

Dasa Days: 365.25 D Karana: Bav

Horary No.: 153 Question : Will B.J.P will win Delhi state election held on 7th February 2015?

Ruling Planets - 27/Jan/2015 01:08:47 PM CTM, AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India Planet


















Day Lord: Mars

Nirayana Bhava Chalit II 08:10:18:22

XII 06:15:51:30 Sa 07:09:12:03 I 07:10:20:00

Ve 10:05:38:29 III 09:12:36:19 Su 09:13:03:25 Me[R] 09:20:07:16


Ra 05:19:34:04 XI 05:18:01:33

7 6


IV 10:16:12:47 Ma 10:17:39:39

X 04:16:12:47 8 2

VII 01:10:20:00 Mo 00:14:32:10 V 11:18:01:33 Ke 11:19:34:04 12


VI 00:15:51:30

Mo 14:32:10 VI 15:51:30

Ju[R] 03:25:01:34 IX 03:12:36:19



VIII 02:10:18:22

VII 10:20:00

VIII 10:18:22

Ma 17:39:39 IV 16:12:47 Ve 05:38:29

Me[R] 20:07:16 Su 13:03:25 III 12:36:19

Name: Delhi election Gender: Male Date: Tuesday, 27/Jan/2015 Time: 01:08:47 PM SID: 20:54:24 Lat: 23:00:00 N Lon: 72:38:00 E Place: AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India

IX 12:36:19 Ju[R] 25:01:34

Ayanamsa: 23° 58' 38" [KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Star: Bharani, Pada 1 Star Lord: Venus Rasi: Aries Rasi Lord: Mars Lagna: Scorpio Lagna Lord: Mars Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Ashtami Bal. Dasa: Venus 18 Y, 2 M, 10 D

X 16:12:47

XI 18:01:33 Ra 19:34:04

II 10:18:22

I 10:20:00 Sa 09:12:03

XII 15:51:30

Stl Sa Ke Mo Ra Me Ve Mo Ra Sa Ve Mo Ra

Sbl Su Sa Ra Ve Me Su Mo Ju Ma Su Me Ve

Ssl Su Ve Sa Ra Ju Ju Ju Ra Me Ve Me Mo

Sssl Su Ju Ve Ke Ju Ma Ju Me Sa Me Sa Ve

Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su Sravana(1) Mo Bharani(1) Ma Satabhisha(4) Me[R] Sravana(4) Ju[R] Ashlesha(3) Ve Dhanishta(4) Sa Anuradha(2) Ra Hasta(3) Ke Revati(1)

Sgl Sa Ma Sa Sa Mo Sa Ma Me Ju

Stl Mo Ve Ra Mo Me Ma Sa Mo Me

Sbl Ra Ve Su Ke Ra Mo Ve Me Ve

Ssl Ke Ju Ra Ju Me Mo Ra Sa Ve

Sssl Ke Sa Mo Ju Me Ve Mo Ma Ju

Dasa Summary Bhukti

Ke 19:34:04 V 18:01:33

Sgl Ma Ju Sa Sa Ju Ma Ve Me Mo Su Me Ve

Significators - Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su+ 6 3 9 10 Mo 3 6 7, 12 9 Ma 11 4 1, 6 Me 6 3 9 8, 11 Ju+ 3 9 8, 11 2, 5 Ve 4 3 1, 6 7, 12 Sa 1 1 3, 4 3, 4 Ra 6 11 9 Ke+ 3 5 8, 11 Rahu acts as agent for: Ma, Me. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars (B) - Occupant of house Ketu acts as agent for: Ju. (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner



Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 Anuradha(3) 2 Moola(4) 3 Sravana(1) 4 Satabhisha(3) 5 Revati(1) 6 Bharani(1) 7 Rohini(1) 8 Aridra(2) 9 Pushyami(3) 10 P.Phalguni(1) 11 Hasta(3) 12 Swati(3)






Venus Dasa 07-Apr-2013 - 07-Apr-2033 Venus 07-Apr-2013 Sun 07-Aug-2016 Moon 07-Aug-2017 Mars 07-Apr-2019 Rahu 07-Jun-2020 Jupiter 07-Jun-2023 Saturn 05-Feb-2026 Mercury 07-Apr-2029 Ketu 06-Feb-2032

Sun Dasa 07-Apr-2033 - 07-Apr-2039 Sun 07-Apr-2033 Moon 25-Jul-2033 Mars 24-Jan-2034 Rahu 01-Jun-2034 Jupiter 26-Apr-2035 Saturn 12-Feb-2036 Mercury 24-Jan-2037 Ketu 30-Nov-2037 Venus 07-Apr-2038

Moon Dasa 07-Apr-2039 - 07-Apr-2049 Moon 07-Apr-2039 Mars 05-Feb-2040 Rahu 05-Sep-2040 Jupiter 07-Mar-2042 Saturn 07-Jul-2043 Mercury 05-Feb-2045 Ketu 07-Jul-2046 Venus 05-Feb-2047 Sun 05-Oct-2048

Mars Dasa 07-Apr-2049 - 07-Apr-2056 Mars 07-Apr-2049 Rahu 03-Sep-2049 Jupiter 21-Sep-2050 Saturn 28-Aug-2051 Mercury 07-Oct-2052 Ketu 04-Oct-2053 Venus 02-Mar-2054 Sun 02-May-2055 Moon 07-Sep-2055

Rahu Dasa 07-Apr-2056 - 07-Apr-2074 Rahu 07-Apr-2056 Jupiter 18-Dec-2058 Saturn 14-May-2061 Mercury 19-Mar-2064 Ketu 06-Oct-2066 Venus 24-Oct-2067 Sun 24-Oct-2070 Moon 18-Sep-2071 Mars 20-Mar-2073

Jupiter Dasa 07-Apr-2074 - 07-Apr-2090 Jupiter 07-Apr-2074 Saturn 25-May-2076 Mercury 06-Dec-2078 Ketu 14-Mar-2081 Venus 18-Feb-2082 Sun 18-Oct-2084 Moon 06-Aug-2085 Mars 06-Dec-2086 Rahu 12-Nov-2087

Saturn Dasa 07-Apr-2090 - 07-Apr-2109 Saturn 07-Apr-2090 Mercury 10-Apr-2093 Ketu 18-Dec-2095 Venus 27-Jan-2097 Sun 29-Mar-2100 Moon 11-Mar-2101 Mars 10-Oct-2102 Rahu 19-Nov-2103 Jupiter 25-Sep-2106

Mercury Dasa 07-Apr-2109 - 07-Apr-2126 Mercury 07-Apr-2109 Ketu 03-Sep-2111 Venus 30-Aug-2112 Sun 01-Jul-2115 Moon 06-May-2116 Mars 05-Oct-2117 Rahu 02-Oct-2118 Jupiter 21-Apr-2121 Saturn 28-Jul-2123

Ketu Dasa 07-Apr-2126 - 07-Apr-2133 Ketu 07-Apr-2126 Venus 03-Sep-2126 Sun 03-Nov-2127 Moon 10-Mar-2128 Mars 09-Oct-2128 Rahu 07-Mar-2129 Jupiter 25-Mar-2130 Saturn 01-Mar-2131 Mercury 10-Apr-2132

+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine

February 2015


Joint Period For opoosite Party: On the day of election (7th February 2015) running Dasa is Venus-Venus Jupiter Mercury. Dasa and Bhukti lord Venus is in the Star of Mars and Sub of Moon. Venus is occupant of 9 owner of 1, 6. Star lord Mars is occupant of 10 and owner of 7, 12. Sub lord Moon is occupant of 12 and owner of 3. So dasa and bhukti lord indicates 3, 10. Antra lord Jupiter is in the star of Mercury and sub of Rahu. Jupiter is occupant of 3 and owner of 8, 11. No Planets in the star Jupiter & Jupiter is CSL of 2. Star lord Mercury is occupant of 9 and owner of 2, 5 Sub lord Rahu is occupant of 5. Rahu is agent of Mars and Mars is occupant of 10 and owner of 7,12 Hence antra lord signifies 3,10, 11. Sookshma lord Mercury is in the star of Moon and the sub of Ketu. Mercury is occupant of 9 and the owner of 2, 5. Star lord Moon is occupant of 12 owner of 3. Sub lord Ketu is occupant of 11. Ketu is agent of Jupiter and Jupiter is occupant of 3 and owner of 8, 11. No Planets in the star Jupiter & Jupiter is CSL of 2. Hence Sookshma lord signifies 3, 11. Opinion: Cuspal sub Lord of 10th signifies in the B.J.P. is 3, 10, 11 and 3 only for the opponent. So I think B.J.P. will win the election.

KP Ezine

February 2015


Medicine business – Whether profitable or not? By: Dr. Nirmal Kothari

Doctorate of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Astrology & Vastu Sciences Dayavati Mansion, 5th Floor, 13, Kyd Street, Opposite – MLA Hostel,Kolkata – 700 016, West Bengal. Mobile : +91-98300 89302, 094 777 507035. Email : [email protected]

Background Note: I wish to start a Medicine Shop. It almost all formalities has been completed and soon I will start the same. But astrologically I want to know whether medicine business will be fruitful for me in terms of profitability? Question: Whether Medicine Shop will be profitable business for me or not? Horary Number: 167 (out of 249). Time of Judgment: 27-03-2012, 18:31:06 Hrs. (IST). Place of Judgment: Park Street (Long/Lat: 22N33, 88E21), Kolkata, West Bengal. Moon reveals the nature of query Moon (Taurus 07-11-31) is in the star of Sun and sub of Ketu. Planet Moon is the occupant of 6, owner of 8. Starlord Sun is the occupant of 4, owner of 9. Sublord Ketu is the occupant of 6. Ketu represents Moon as Ketu conjoined to Moon. Moon is the occupant of 6, owner of 8. Moon signifies and/or in connection with the relevant houses, hence query or urge is genuine. Hints: If the sublord of the 11 cusp signifies 2 (Money), 6 (Daily income, Income from hardships) or 11 (Success, fulfillment of desire, Profits, Gains) and connected with 7 (Business) or 10 (Business & Profession) without 5 (being 12 th from 6th, Profits/Gains of Opponent), 8 (Money blockage, hindrances, difficulties, obstacles) or 12 (Loss or expenses), one will get success in business according his/her desire during the joint period (DBAS) of significators of 2, 6, 10 and 11. Cuspal analysis 11th Cusp (Libra 10-11-42): The sublord of 11th cusp Jupiter is in star of Venus and sub of Rahu. Planet Jupiter is the occupant of 5, owner of 1 and 4. Starlord Venus is the occupant of 5, owner of 6 and 11. Sublord Rahu is the occupant of 12. Rahu is having stellar (positional) strength I.e. untenanted (there is no planet in stars of Rahu) and CSL of 8-9. Rahu in Scorpio and aspected by Mars and thus represents Mars. Mars, being retrograde, is the occupant of 9, owner of 5 and 12. ◊ 11th CSL Jupiter feebly signifies 6-11 without connection of 2, 6 or 11. ◊ 11th CSL Jupiter strongly signifies 5 and in connection with 5-8-12. ◊ 11th CSL Jupiter is not connected with 7 or 10. My Opinion: 11th CSL Jupiter strongly signifies and in connection with 5-8-12 and not connected to 7 or 10 and further 7th CSL Mercury is retrograde at the time of judgment. This all indicates that the native will not able to attain profits or gains in medicine business (shop). Actual Fact: Predictions comes correct. The native started medicine shop as he completed all the formalities in this regards. But soon within a year, the native closed his business (medicine shop) due to losses incurred in it and thus he was unable to attain profits or gains.

KP Ezine

February 2015


Horary No. 167/249 Sun Rise: 05:34:05 AM Nithya Yoga: Priti

Sun Set: Hora:

05:50:04 PM Saturn

Dasa Days: 365.25 D Karana: Bav

Horary No.: 167 Question : Whether Medicine Shop will be profitable business for me or not?

Ruling Planets - 27/Mar/2012 06:31:06 PM PARK STREET, KOLKATA, WEST BENGAL, India Planet


















Day Lord: Mars

Nirayana Bhava Chalit II 09:01:39:57

Ra 07:14:27:31 XII 07:06:05:44 I 08:00:00:00

Me[R] 11:02:47:33 III 10:06:03:36

XI 06:10:11:42 10

8 7


IV 11:10:05:31 Su 11:13:19:36

X 05:10:05:31 Sa[R] 06:03:40:15 9 3

VII 02:00:00:00 V 00:10:11:42 Ju 00:18:24:08 Ve 00:29:17:04



VI 01:06:05:44 Mo 01:07:11:31 Ke 01:14:27:31

V 10:11:42 Ju 18:24:08 Ve 29:17:04

Ma[R] 04:11:43:34 IX 04:06:03:36



VIII 03:01:39:57

VI 06:05:44 Mo 07:11:31 Ke 14:27:31

VII 00:00:00

Name: Medicine Shop Gender: Male Date: Tuesday, 27/Mar/2012 Time: 06:31:06 PM SID: 07:15:57 Lat: 22:33:00 N Lon: 88:21:00 E Place: KOLKATA, WEST BENGAL, India

VIII 01:39:57

Ayanamsa: 23° 56' 16" [KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Star: Krittika, Pada 4 Star Lord: Sun Rasi: Taurus Rasi Lord: Venus Lagna: Sagittarius Lagna Lord: Jupiter Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Panchami Bal. Dasa: Sun 1 Y, 3 M, 5 D

IX 06:03:36 Ma[R] 11:43:34

III 06:03:36

II 01:39:57

X 10:05:31

I 00:00:00

Ra 14:27:31 XII 06:05:44

XI 10:11:42 Sa[R] 03:40:15

Stl Ke Su Ma Sa Ke Su Ma Ju Ke Mo Ra Sa

Sbl Ke Ju Mo Ve Sa Me Me Ra Ra Mo Ju Me

Ssl Ke Sa Sa Me Ve Ma Me Ju Ju Mo Ra Ve

Sssl Ke Ra Me Ra Mo Sa Me Ju Mo Su Ra Me

Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su U.Bhadra(3) Mo Krittika(4) Ma[R] Magha(4) Me[R] P.Bhadra(4) Ju Bharani(2) Ve Krittika(1) Sa[R] Chitra(4) Ra Anuradha(4) Ke Rohini(2)

Sgl Ju Ve Su Ju Ma Ma Ve Ma Ve

Stl Sa Su Ke Ju Ve Su Ma Sa Mo

Sbl Ra Ke Me Ra Ra Ra Ve Ra Ju

Ssl Ju Su Ke Ve Ra Ra Ra Ve Me

Sssl Ve Ju Ve Ju Ma Ju Ke Me Ve

Dasa Summary Bhukti

Su 13:19:36 IV 10:05:31 Me[R] 02:47:33

Sgl Ju Sa Sa Ju Ma Ve Me Mo Su Me Ve Ma

Significators - Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su 10 4 2, 3 9 Mo 4 6 9 8 Ma 6 9 5, 12 Me+ 5 3 1, 4 7, 10 Ju 5 5 6, 11 1, 4 Ve 4 5 9 6, 11 Sa 9 10 5, 12 2, 3 Ra+ 10 12 2, 3 Ke 6 6 8 Rahu acts as agent for: Mo, Ma. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars Ketu acts as agent for: Mo, Ve. (B) - Occupant of house (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner



Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 Moola(1) 2 U.Ashada(2) 3 Dhanishta(4) 4 U.Bhadra(3) 5 Aswini(4) 6 Krittika(3) 7 Mrigasira(3) 8 Punarvasu(4) 9 Magha(2) 10 Hasta(1) 11 Swati(2) 12 Anuradha(1)






Sun Dasa 02-Jul-2007 - 02-Jul-2013 Sun 02-Jul-2007 Moon 19-Oct-2007 Mars 19-Apr-2008 Rahu 25-Aug-2008 Jupiter 19-Jul-2009 Saturn 08-May-2010 Mercury 20-Apr-2011 Ketu 24-Feb-2012 Venus 01-Jul-2012

Moon Dasa 02-Jul-2013 - 02-Jul-2023 Moon 02-Jul-2013 Mars 02-May-2014 Rahu 01-Dec-2014 Jupiter 01-Jun-2016 Saturn 30-Sep-2017 Mercury 01-May-2019 Ketu 01-Oct-2020 Venus 02-May-2021 Sun 31-Dec-2022

Mars Dasa 02-Jul-2023 - 02-Jul-2030 Mars 02-Jul-2023 Rahu 28-Nov-2023 Jupiter 16-Dec-2024 Saturn 22-Nov-2025 Mercury 31-Dec-2026 Ketu 29-Dec-2027 Venus 26-May-2028 Sun 26-Jul-2029 Moon 01-Dec-2029

Rahu Dasa 02-Jul-2030 - 02-Jul-2048 Rahu 02-Jul-2030 Jupiter 14-Mar-2033 Saturn 07-Aug-2035 Mercury 14-Jun-2038 Ketu 01-Jan-2041 Venus 19-Jan-2042 Sun 19-Jan-2045 Moon 14-Dec-2045 Mars 14-Jun-2047

Jupiter Dasa 02-Jul-2048 - 02-Jul-2064 Jupiter 02-Jul-2048 Saturn 19-Aug-2050 Mercury 02-Mar-2053 Ketu 08-Jun-2055 Venus 13-May-2056 Sun 12-Jan-2059 Moon 31-Oct-2059 Mars 02-Mar-2061 Rahu 06-Feb-2062

Saturn Dasa 02-Jul-2064 - 02-Jul-2083 Saturn 02-Jul-2064 Mercury 05-Jul-2067 Ketu 14-Mar-2070 Venus 23-Apr-2071 Sun 23-Jun-2074 Moon 05-Jun-2075 Mars 04-Jan-2077 Rahu 12-Feb-2078 Jupiter 19-Dec-2080

Mercury Dasa 02-Jul-2083 - 02-Jul-2100 Mercury 02-Jul-2083 Ketu 28-Nov-2085 Venus 25-Nov-2086 Sun 25-Sep-2089 Moon 02-Aug-2090 Mars 01-Jan-2092 Rahu 28-Dec-2092 Jupiter 17-Jul-2095 Saturn 23-Oct-2097

Ketu Dasa 02-Jul-2100 - 02-Jul-2107 Ketu 02-Jul-2100 Venus 28-Nov-2100 Sun 28-Jan-2102 Moon 04-Jun-2102 Mars 03-Jan-2103 Rahu 02-Jun-2103 Jupiter 20-Jun-2104 Saturn 27-May-2105 Mercury 05-Jul-2106

Venus Dasa 02-Jul-2107 - 02-Jul-2127 Venus 02-Jul-2107 Sun 31-Oct-2110 Moon 31-Oct-2111 Mars 02-Jul-2113 Rahu 01-Sep-2114 Jupiter 01-Sep-2117 Saturn 01-May-2120 Mercury 01-Jul-2123 Ketu 02-May-2126

+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine

February 2015


Criminal Proceedings on Former Defense Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapakse By: Kanakkumar B. Bosmia

Sahakar-2, Flat No: 28 Jagabhai Park, Ram Baug Maninagar, Ahmedabad—380008 Mobile : +91-98 2531165. Email : [email protected] Question: Will Gotabhaya Rajapakse (Former Defense Secretary) face UN inquiry for War Crimes & Crimes against Humanity and if so what will be the outcome? Number: 194 (out of 249); Date of Judgment: 17-01-2015, Saturday; Time of Judgment: 15:47:45 PM IST Place of Judgment: Kankariya- Ahmedabad Long/Lat: 23° N 00', 72° E 36'; Aynamsha 23°.58'.37" Reference: TUESDAY 13 JANUARY 2015 M.I.A.: Sri Lanka has 'same government with different face' Rapper M.I.A. tells Channel 4 News that though she still wants former Sri Lankan president Mahinda Rajapaksa to face a war crimes trial, the priority is getting the country's Tamils their basic needs. Maya Arulpragasam, the Sri Lankan Tamil recording artist, spoke to Channel 4 News following the defeat of Rajapaksa, a man accused of presiding over war crimes at the end of Sri Lanka's civil war, in Sri Lanka's election. Mahinda Rajapaksa was in charge of Sri Lanka at the end of the war against terror group the Tamil Tigers. In the closing weeks of the war in May 2009 the Sri Lankan army is accused of deliberately shelling civilians, and the UN estimates that around 40,000 died. For their part, the Tamil Tigers were a brutal organisation also accused of war crimes including the use of child soldiers, human shields and suicide bombings. The UN is currently investigating alleged war crimes committed at the end of Sri Lankan civil war and in the years following, but it is an inquiry that Rajapaksa had refused to cooperate with. Rajapaksa has been replaced as Sri Lankan president by Maithripala Sirisena - Rajapaksa's one-time ally and also the acting defence minister at the end of the civil war. 'Basic needs' Sirisena has also refused to cooperate with the international inquiry, and Arulpragasam told Channel 4 News that Sri Lanka's new government has the "same face" as it includes politicians who have been involved in government for the last 30 years. She said the Tamil community had embraced democracy and peace - the Tamil vote was largely responsible for Sirisena's election - and that now the government had to restore "basic needs" to the community. She told Channel 4 News that reconciliation can only come if the Sri Lankan government undoes some of the Rajapaksa regime's actions, such as his militarisation of Tamil areas in the country's north. On the UN inquiry, Arulpragasam said "we still want Rajapaksa to go to the Hague", but that peace in Sri Lanka's post-war period was a priority for Tamils. In the years since the war there have been continued allegations of ongoing abuses such as "enforced disappearances" of Tamils and government opponents. Channel 4 News has been banned from Sri lanka since 2009 except for a brief trip there when the Prime Minister, David Cameron, visited last year for the CHOGM meeting. The PM KP Ezine

February 2015


Horary No. 194/249 Sun Rise: 07:22:50 AM Nithya Yoga: Vridhi

Sun Set: Hora:

06:16:21 PM Jupiter

Dasa Days: 365.25 D Karana: Kaulav

Horary No.: 194 Question : Will Ex-president Mahinda Rajapakse face any legal inquiry regarding his misuse of power, State property, War Crimes & Crimes against Humanity if so what will be

Ruling Planets - 17/Jan/2015 03:47:45 PM KANKARIYA, AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India Planet


















Day Lord: Saturn

Nirayana Bhava Chalit II 10:14:50:05 Ke 11:20:05:31

III 11:20:47:58 11

XII 08:11:17:51 Su 09:02:59:32 I 09:07:46:40 Ma 10:09:56:04 Me 09:21:31:37 Ve 09:23:18:06



IV 00:21:15:54

Mo 07:20:53:11 XI 07:17:03:40


X 06:21:15:54 Sa 07:08:25:19 10 4

Ju[R] 03:26:13:34 VII 03:07:46:40

V 01:17:03:40

IX 05:20:47:58


6 5

3 VI 02:11:17:51

IV 21:15:54

Ra 05:20:05:31 VIII 04:14:50:05

V 17:03:40

VI 11:17:51

Name: Criminal Proceedings Gotabhaya Rajapakse VII 07:46:40 Ju[R] 26:13:34 Gender: Male Date: Saturday, 17/Jan/2015 Time: 03:47:45 PM SID: 22:54:15 Lat: 23:00:00 N Lon: 72:36:00 E Place: AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India II 14:50:05 Ma 09:56:04

Ve 23:18:06 Me 21:31:37 I 07:46:40 Su 02:59:32

Ayanamsa: 23° 58' 37" [KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Star: Jyeshta, Pada 2 Star Lord: Mercury Rasi: Scorpio Rasi Lord: Mars Lagna: Capricorn Lagna Lord: Saturn Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Dvadasi Bal. Dasa: Mercury 11 Y, 7 M, 13 D

VIII 14:50:05

Ra 20:05:31 IX 20:47:58

XII 11:17:51

Mo 20:53:11 XI 17:03:40 Sa 08:25:19

X 21:15:54

Stl Su Ra Me Ve Mo Ra Sa Ve Mo Ju Me Ke

Sbl Ve Ke Ve Ju Sa Sa Ke Ve Ve Ju Me Sa

Ssl Ve Ra Sa Ve Ma Ve Ju Sa Ve Mo Ve Ju

Sssl Ve Me Sa Ke Ma Mo Ju Me Ke Mo Ve Ke

Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su U.Ashada(2) Mo Jyeshta(2) Ma Satabhisha(1) Me Sravana(4) Ju[R] Ashlesha(3) Ve Sravana(4) Sa Anuradha(2) Ra Hasta(4) Ke Revati(2)

Sgl Sa Ma Sa Sa Mo Sa Ma Me Ju

Stl Su Me Ra Mo Me Mo Sa Mo Me

Sbl Ju Ve Ju Ve Ju Su Ve Ke Ve

Ssl Ra Sa Mo Ra Ju Ve Ve Ra Ma

Sssl Ma Ve Mo Su Ke Sa Me Mo Ve

Dasa Summary Bhukti

III 20:47:58 Ke 20:05:31

Sgl Sa Sa Ju Ma Ve Me Mo Su Me Ve Ma Ju

Significators - Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su 12 12 8 8 Mo 1 11 6, 9 7 Ma+ 9 1 4, 11 Me 11 1 7 6, 9 Ju+ 1 7 6, 9 3, 12 Ve+ 11 1 7 5, 10 Sa 10 10 1, 2 1, 2 Ra 11 9 7 Ke+ 1 3 6, 9 Rahu acts as agent for: Ma, Me. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars (B) - Occupant of house Ketu acts as agent for: Ju. (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner



Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 U.Ashada(4) 2 Satabhisha(3) 3 Revati(2) 4 Bharani(3) 5 Rohini(3) 6 Aridra(2) 7 Pushyami(2) 8 P.Phalguni(1) 9 Hasta(4) 10 Visakha(1) 11 Jyeshta(1) 12 Moola(4)






Mercury Dasa 30-Aug-2009 - 30-Aug-2026 Mercury 30-Aug-2009 Ketu 27-Jan-2012 Venus 23-Jan-2013 Sun 23-Nov-2015 Moon 29-Sep-2016 Mars 28-Feb-2018 Rahu 25-Feb-2019 Jupiter 14-Sep-2021 Saturn 20-Dec-2023

Ketu Dasa 30-Aug-2026 - 30-Aug-2033 Ketu 30-Aug-2026 Venus 27-Jan-2027 Sun 27-Mar-2028 Moon 02-Aug-2028 Mars 03-Mar-2029 Rahu 31-Jul-2029 Jupiter 18-Aug-2030 Saturn 25-Jul-2031 Mercury 02-Sep-2032

Venus Dasa 30-Aug-2033 - 30-Aug-2053 Venus 30-Aug-2033 Sun 30-Dec-2036 Moon 30-Dec-2037 Mars 31-Aug-2039 Rahu 31-Oct-2040 Jupiter 31-Oct-2043 Saturn 01-Jul-2046 Mercury 31-Aug-2049 Ketu 30-Jun-2052

Sun Dasa 30-Aug-2053 - 30-Aug-2059 Sun 30-Aug-2053 Moon 18-Dec-2053 Mars 19-Jun-2054 Rahu 24-Oct-2054 Jupiter 18-Sep-2055 Saturn 06-Jul-2056 Mercury 18-Jun-2057 Ketu 25-Apr-2058 Venus 31-Aug-2058

Moon Dasa 30-Aug-2059 - 30-Aug-2069 Moon 30-Aug-2059 Mars 30-Jun-2060 Rahu 29-Jan-2061 Jupiter 31-Jul-2062 Saturn 29-Nov-2063 Mercury 30-Jun-2065 Ketu 30-Nov-2066 Venus 01-Jul-2067 Sun 01-Mar-2069

Mars Dasa 30-Aug-2069 - 30-Aug-2076 Mars 30-Aug-2069 Rahu 27-Jan-2070 Jupiter 14-Feb-2071 Saturn 21-Jan-2072 Mercury 01-Mar-2073 Ketu 27-Feb-2074 Venus 26-Jul-2074 Sun 25-Sep-2075 Moon 30-Jan-2076

Rahu Dasa 30-Aug-2076 - 30-Aug-2094 Rahu 30-Aug-2076 Jupiter 13-May-2079 Saturn 06-Oct-2081 Mercury 12-Aug-2084 Ketu 01-Mar-2087 Venus 18-Mar-2088 Sun 18-Mar-2091 Moon 10-Feb-2092 Mars 11-Aug-2093

Jupiter Dasa 30-Aug-2094 - 30-Aug-2110 Jupiter 30-Aug-2094 Saturn 18-Oct-2096 Mercury 01-May-2099 Ketu 06-Aug-2101 Venus 13-Jul-2102 Sun 14-Mar-2105 Moon 31-Dec-2105 Mars 02-May-2107 Rahu 07-Apr-2108

Saturn Dasa 30-Aug-2110 - 30-Aug-2129 Saturn 30-Aug-2110 Mercury 03-Sep-2113 Ketu 12-May-2116 Venus 21-Jun-2117 Sun 21-Aug-2120 Moon 03-Aug-2121 Mars 04-Mar-2123 Rahu 12-Apr-2124 Jupiter 17-Feb-2127

+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine

February 2015


had made the free entry of the Channel 4 News team a condition of his visit. Repeated requests before and since to visit and be accredited as journalists have been refused, and a request for an interview with the Sri Lankan high commissioner about the new governemt has gone unanswered. Hint: Criminal Proceedings If the sub lord of the 10th cusp (status) be the significator (in the star of the occupant or owner) of 7 (court proceedings), 8 (infamy) or 12 (crimes), the native will be involved in court proceedings relating to crimes, will be ill-reputed and will be inflicted with punishment, during the joint period of the significators of 7, 8 and 12. Cuspal Sub lord (Criminal Proceedings): 10th Cusp (Libra 210.15'.54"): The sub lord of the 10th cusp is Jupiter. Jupiter is in the star of Mercury and sub of own. Jupiter is occupant of 7, owner of 3-12. No planet in the star of Jupiter and Jupiter is CSL of 4-10. Star lord Mercury is occupant of 1, owner 6-9. Thus 10th cusp sub lord Jupiter is significator of 1-6-9 and connected with 7-3-12-4-10. Hence will be involved in court proceedings relating to crimes, will be ill-reputed and will be inflicted with punishment is sure. Ruling Planets At the time of judgment, ruling planets are as under. Day lord Sign lord Star lord Sub lord Day Saturday Saturn — — — Asc. Gemini 00°.36'.49” — Mercury Mars Mercury Moon. Scorpio 20°.53'.11” — Mars Mercury Venus Rahu is aspected by Mars, hence represent Mars. Thus ruling planets are Saturn, Mercury, Mars, Venus and Rahu. Joint period: At the time of horary, Mercury dasa continue up to 30-08-2026. Joint period at the time of horary is Mercury-Venus-Saturn is up to 01-05-2015. Dasa lord Mercury is in the star of Moon and sub of Venus. Mercury is occupant of 1, owner of 6-9. Star lord Moon is occupant of 11, owner 7. Sub lord Venus is occupant of 1, owner 5-10. No planet in the star of Venus and Venus is CSL of 1-3-8-9. Thus dasa lord Mercury is significator of 7-11 and connected with 1-6-9-5-10-3-8. Mercury is in RP Bhukti lord Venus is in the star of Moon and sub of Sun. Venus is occupant of 1, owner 5-10. No planet in the star of Venus and Venus is CSL of 1-3-8-9. Star lord Moon is occupant of 11, owner 7. Sub lord Sun is occupant of 12, owner 8. Thus bhukti lord Venus is significator of 7-11 and connected with 1-5-10-1-3-8-9-12. Venus is in RP Antra lord Saturn is in the star of own and sub of Venus. Saturn is occupant of 10, owner 1-2. Sub lord Venus is occupant of 1, owner 5-10. No planet in the star of Venus and Venus is CSL of 1-3-8-9. Thus bhukti lord Venus is significator of 1-2-10 and connected with 1-2-10-5-3-8-9. Saturn is in RP My opinion: he will face court proceedings sure before 01-05-2015.

KP Ezine

February 2015


Extraordinary Technique of KP Horary By: Sumanadasa Namarathna (Sunaparantha Kalyan)

Ex-Accountant, Justice of Peace No.22/1, Udugampola Road, Marapola, Veyangoda, SRI LANKA

Email: [email protected] The KP Horary Astrology, also called Prashna Sastra, is the very potent tool of the KP system, invented by our great Guruji Sothida Mannan JyothishMarthanad late Sri K. S. Krishnamurti ji. It is a unique system applicable any where of the globe by any individual for any type of question at any time. As an evidence for the perfectness and incredibility of this goldentechnique of Horary, I would like to draw esteemed readers attention to recent incident of astrological predictions done by two astrologers from two countries in two separate dates and times. As readers are aware, the residential Election of Sri Lanka held on 8th Jan. 2015 was a very hard and keen competition between the former president and a member of his owned government, who left the government and his post as a cabinet minister, and it was unthinkable for the opponent to win, as the former president was credited by most of the country men for ending the 30 years of ethnic war of Tamil Tigers. It is my personal notice that no famous astrologer in Sri Lanka forward to forecast the winning of the opponent. But three astrologers including myself had forecasted the victory of the opponent, where other two come from traditional astrology. In the meantime Kanak Kumar Bosmia ji, the editor of KPEzine, who has given advance election predictions with successful rate of around 75%, had given his verdict through Horary in this magazine, and it is an eye opener foremost astrologers not only in Sri Lanka but also all over the world. My horary prediction which also revealed the victory of Mr. Maithripala Sirisena was refused to publish in local Sinhalese astrological tabloids as they all were under the threat of the past government. Finally I had decided to issue the same to a Sinhalese Web site only for information of Sri Lankan Sinhalese readers. What I want to bring the notice of esteemed readers of KPEZine and KP enthusiasts is the unique format of the Horary astrology in getting the same verdict for the same question predicted by two different astrologers at different places and times, as follows: Question: (same as for both astrologers) Will Maithripala Sirisena win Sri Lankan Presidential Election 2015? KP rule applied: (same as for both astrologers) If 10th (one’s position in politics) cusp sub lord (CSL) signifies house10 (one’s reputation), 3 (one’s ability), 11 (one’s reputation as a winner) in the DBA of the significators of houses 3, 10, 11, then success is assured.

KP Ezine

February 2015


Horary No. 162/249 Sun Rise: 07:01:37 AM Nithya Yoga: Dhruva

Sun Set: Hora:

05:53:09 PM Sun

Dasa Days: 365.25 D Karana: Gar

Horary No.: 162 Question : Will Maithripala Sirisena win Srilankan Presidential election 2014?

Ruling Planets - 28/Nov/2014 01:11:43 PM KANKARIYA, AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India Planet


















Day Lord: Venus

Nirayana Bhava Chalit Ma 09:00:52:07 II 08:23:08:12 I 07:22:13:20 III 09:26:45:53 Mo 09:27:32:42

XII 06:28:17:28 Ve 07:20:29:39 Su 07:12:00:47 Me 07:06:22:18 Sa 07:03:08:12 XI 06:01:43:31


7 7


IV 11:00:50:44 Ke 11:22:44:49

Ra 05:22:44:49 X 05:00:50:44 8 2

VII 01:22:13:20 V 00:01:43:31

Ju 03:28:28:21 IX 03:26:45:53 1

4 3

1 VI 00:28:17:28

V 01:43:31 VI 28:17:28

VIII 02:23:08:12

VII 22:13:20

VIII 23:08:12

Name: Srilankan presidential El Gender: Male Date: Friday, 28/Nov/2014 Time: 01:11:43 PM SID: 17:00:39 Lat: 23:00:00 N Lon: 72:36:00 E Place: AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India

Mo 27:32:42 III 26:45:53 Ma 00:52:07

IX 26:45:53 Ju 28:28:21

Ayanamsa: 23° 58' 30" [KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Star: Dhanishta, Pada 2 Star Lord: Mars Rasi: Capricorn Rasi Lord: Saturn Lagna: Scorpio Lagna Lord: Mars Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Saptami Bal. Dasa: Mars 4 Y, 9 M, 14 D X 00:50:44 Ra 22:44:49

II 23:08:12

I 22:13:20 Ve 20:29:39 Su 12:00:47 Me 06:22:18 Sa 03:08:12

XII 28:17:28 XI 01:43:31

Stl Me Ve Ma Ju Ke Su Mo Ju Me Su Ma Ju

Sbl Mo Sa Ju Ma Ve Mo Ve Sa Ju Ra Me Ve

Ssl Mo Mo Me Sa Ra Ve Me Mo Me Su Sa Sa

Sssl Mo Ra Ma Me Me Ra Me Ve Ma Mo Ve Ju

Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su Anuradha(3) Mo Dhanishta(2) Ma U.Ashada(2) Me Anuradha(1) Ju Ashlesha(4) Ve Jyeshta(2) Sa Visakha(4) Ra Hasta(4) Ke Revati(2)

Sgl Ma Sa Sa Ma Mo Ma Ma Me Ju

Stl Sa Ma Su Sa Me Me Ju Mo Me

Sbl Mo Ju Ra Me Sa Ve Ra Su Mo

Ssl Ve Ma Su Mo Me Ju Mo Mo Sa

Sssl Sa Ju Ra Ve Ju Ju Sa Ve Me

Dasa Summary Bhukti

Ke 22:44:49 IV 00:50:44

Sgl Ma Ju Sa Ju Ma Ma Ve Me Mo Me Ve Ve

Significators - Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su 12 12 3 Mo 2 3 1, 5, 6 9 Ma 12 2 1, 5, 6 Me 12 12 3 8, 10 Ju 12 9 8, 10 2, 4 Ve+ 12 1 8, 10 7, 11, 12 Sa 9 12 2, 4 3 Ra+ 3 10 9 Ke+ 12 4 8, 10 (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars Rahu acts as agent for: Me. (B) - Occupant of house Ketu acts as agent for: Ju. (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner



Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 Jyeshta(2) 2 P.Ashada(3) 3 Dhanishta(2) 4 P.Bhadra(4) 5 Aswini(1) 6 Krittika(1) 7 Rohini(4) 8 Punarvasu(1) 9 Ashlesha(4) 10 U.Phalguni(2) 11 Chitra(3) 12 Visakha(3)






Mars Dasa 11-Sep-2012 - 11-Sep-2019 Mars 11-Sep-2012 Rahu 07-Feb-2013 Jupiter 26-Feb-2014 Saturn 02-Feb-2015 Mercury 12-Mar-2016 Ketu 09-Mar-2017 Venus 06-Aug-2017 Sun 05-Oct-2018 Moon 10-Feb-2019

Rahu Dasa 11-Sep-2019 - 11-Sep-2037 Rahu 11-Sep-2019 Jupiter 25-May-2022 Saturn 18-Oct-2024 Mercury 25-Aug-2027 Ketu 13-Mar-2030 Venus 01-Apr-2031 Sun 01-Apr-2034 Moon 23-Feb-2035 Mars 24-Aug-2036

Jupiter Dasa 11-Sep-2037 - 11-Sep-2053 Jupiter 11-Sep-2037 Saturn 30-Oct-2039 Mercury 13-May-2042 Ketu 18-Aug-2044 Venus 25-Jul-2045 Sun 25-Mar-2048 Moon 11-Jan-2049 Mars 13-May-2050 Rahu 18-Apr-2051

Saturn Dasa 11-Sep-2053 - 11-Sep-2072 Saturn 11-Sep-2053 Mercury 14-Sep-2056 Ketu 25-May-2059 Venus 04-Jul-2060 Sun 02-Sep-2063 Moon 14-Aug-2064 Mars 16-Mar-2066 Rahu 24-Apr-2067 Jupiter 01-Mar-2070

Mercury Dasa 11-Sep-2072 - 11-Sep-2089 Mercury 11-Sep-2072 Ketu 07-Feb-2075 Venus 05-Feb-2076 Sun 06-Dec-2078 Moon 12-Oct-2079 Mars 14-Mar-2081 Rahu 11-Mar-2082 Jupiter 28-Sep-2084 Saturn 03-Jan-2087

Ketu Dasa 11-Sep-2089 - 11-Sep-2096 Ketu 11-Sep-2089 Venus 07-Feb-2090 Sun 09-Apr-2091 Moon 15-Aug-2091 Mars 15-Mar-2092 Rahu 11-Aug-2092 Jupiter 30-Aug-2093 Saturn 06-Aug-2094 Mercury 14-Sep-2095

Venus Dasa 11-Sep-2096 - 11-Sep-2116 Venus 11-Sep-2096 Sun 11-Jan-2100 Moon 11-Jan-2101 Mars 12-Sep-2102 Rahu 11-Nov-2103 Jupiter 11-Nov-2106 Saturn 13-Jul-2109 Mercury 12-Sep-2112 Ketu 13-Jul-2115

Sun Dasa 11-Sep-2116 - 11-Sep-2122 Sun 11-Sep-2116 Moon 30-Dec-2116 Mars 30-Jun-2117 Rahu 05-Nov-2117 Jupiter 30-Sep-2118 Saturn 19-Jul-2119 Mercury 30-Jun-2120 Ketu 07-May-2121 Venus 12-Sep-2121

Moon Dasa 11-Sep-2122 - 11-Sep-2132 Moon 11-Sep-2122 Mars 13-Jul-2123 Rahu 11-Feb-2124 Jupiter 12-Aug-2125 Saturn 12-Dec-2126 Mercury 12-Jul-2128 Ketu 11-Dec-2129 Venus 12-Jul-2130 Sun 12-Mar-2132

+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine

February 2015


Horary No. 49/249 Sun Rise: 06:14:39 AM Nithya Yoga: Atiganda

Sun Set: Hora:

05:57:06 PM Sun

Dasa Days: 365.25 D Karana: Bav

Horary No.: 49 Question : Will Maithripala Sirisena win Sri Lankan Presidential Election 2015?

Ruling Planets - 17/Dec/2014 07:12:41 PM Marapola, Western, Sri Lanka Planet


















Day Lord: Mercury

Nirayana Bhava Chalit II 03:07:14:28 Ju[R] 03:28:31:36

XII 01:11:30:37

I 02:10:26:40 III 04:06:08:11

XI 00:10:33:21 4

2 1


Mo 06:05:25:16 IV 05:07:53:21 Ra 05:21:43:37

Ke 11:21:43:37 X 11:07:53:21 3 9

Ve 08:14:39:06 VII 08:10:26:40

Sa 07:05:21:19 V 06:10:33:21

IX 10:06:08:11


11 10

8 Su 08:01:33:16 Me 08:06:40:21 VI 07:11:30:37

XI 10:33:21

Ma 09:15:47:43 VIII 09:07:14:28

XII 11:30:37

I 10:26:40

Ke 21:43:37 X 07:53:21 Name: Sri Lankan Presidential Gender: Male Date: Wednesday, 17/Dec/2014 Time: 07:12:41 PM SID: 00:47:11 Lat: 07:09:00 N Lon: 80:01:00 E Place: Marapola, Western, Sri Lanka

II 07:14:28 Ju[R] 28:31:36

Ayanamsa: 23° 58' 33" [KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Star: Chitra, Pada 4 Star Lord: Mars Rasi: Libra Rasi Lord: Venus Lagna: Gemini Lagna Lord: Mercury Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Ekadasi Bal. Dasa: Mars 0 Y, 7 M, 25 D

III 06:08:11

IX 06:08:11

IV 07:53:21 Ra 21:43:37

Ve VII Me Su

14:39:06 10:26:40 06:40:21 01:33:16

VI 11:30:37 Sa 05:21:19

V 10:33:21 Mo 05:25:16

Stl Ra Sa Ke Su Ra Sa Ke Su Ma Sa Ke Mo

Sbl Sa Me Ra Ve Sa Mo Sa Ke Mo Ke Sa Ma

Ssl Sa Sa Sa Ve Sa Sa Su Mo Sa Sa Mo Me

Sssl Sa Ma Sa Ma Ke Me Su Ju Mo Sa Mo Me

Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su Moola(1) Mo Chitra(4) Ma Sravana(2) Me Moola(3) Ju[R] Ashlesha(4) Ve P.Ashada(1) Sa Anuradha(1) Ra Hasta(4) Ke Revati(2)

Sgl Ju Ve Sa Ju Mo Ju Ma Me Ju

Stl Ke Ma Mo Ke Me Ve Sa Mo Me

Sbl Ve Su Sa Ra Sa Ve Sa Ve Su

Ssl Ma Ke Sa Me Ke Ju Ju Ju Ra

Sssl Ve Ma Ve Ju Ke Ve Su Ve Sa

Dasa Summary Bhukti

Ma 15:47:43 VIII 07:14:28

Sgl Me Mo Su Me Ve Ma Ju Sa Sa Ju Ma Ve

Significators - Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su+ 10 6 3 Mo 8 4 6, 11 2 Ma 4 8 2 6, 11 Me 10 6 1, 4 Ju+ 6 2 1, 4 7, 10 Ve 7 7 5, 12 5, 12 Sa 5 5 8, 9 8, 9 Ra+ 4 4 2 Ke 6 10 1, 4 (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars Rahu acts as agent for: Me. (B) - Occupant of house Ketu acts as agent for: Ju. (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner



Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 Aridra(2) 2 Pushyami(2) 3 Magha(2) 4 U.Phalguni(4) 5 Swati(2) 6 Anuradha(3) 7 Moola(4) 8 U.Ashada(4) 9 Dhanishta(4) 10 U.Bhadra(2) 11 Aswini(4) 12 Rohini(1)






Mars Dasa 12-Aug-2008 - 12-Aug-2015 Mars 12-Aug-2008 Rahu 08-Jan-2009 Jupiter 26-Jan-2010 Saturn 02-Jan-2011 Mercury 11-Feb-2012 Ketu 07-Feb-2013 Venus 06-Jul-2013 Sun 05-Sep-2014 Moon 11-Jan-2015

Rahu Dasa 12-Aug-2015 - 12-Aug-2033 Rahu 12-Aug-2015 Jupiter 24-Apr-2018 Saturn 18-Sep-2020 Mercury 25-Jul-2023 Ketu 11-Feb-2026 Venus 01-Mar-2027 Sun 01-Mar-2030 Moon 24-Jan-2031 Mars 25-Jul-2032

Jupiter Dasa 12-Aug-2033 - 12-Aug-2049 Jupiter 12-Aug-2033 Saturn 29-Sep-2035 Mercury 12-Apr-2038 Ketu 19-Jul-2040 Venus 25-Jun-2041 Sun 23-Feb-2044 Moon 11-Dec-2044 Mars 12-Apr-2046 Rahu 19-Mar-2047

Saturn Dasa 12-Aug-2049 - 12-Aug-2068 Saturn 12-Aug-2049 Mercury 15-Aug-2052 Ketu 24-Apr-2055 Venus 03-Jun-2056 Sun 03-Aug-2059 Moon 15-Jul-2060 Mars 13-Feb-2062 Rahu 25-Mar-2063 Jupiter 29-Jan-2066

Mercury Dasa 12-Aug-2068 - 12-Aug-2085 Mercury 12-Aug-2068 Ketu 08-Jan-2071 Venus 05-Jan-2072 Sun 06-Nov-2074 Moon 12-Sep-2075 Mars 11-Feb-2077 Rahu 08-Feb-2078 Jupiter 27-Aug-2080 Saturn 03-Dec-2082

Ketu Dasa 12-Aug-2085 - 12-Aug-2092 Ketu 12-Aug-2085 Venus 08-Jan-2086 Sun 10-Mar-2087 Moon 16-Jul-2087 Mars 14-Feb-2088 Rahu 12-Jul-2088 Jupiter 30-Jul-2089 Saturn 06-Jul-2090 Mercury 15-Aug-2091

Venus Dasa 12-Aug-2092 - 12-Aug-2112 Venus 12-Aug-2092 Sun 12-Dec-2095 Moon 12-Dec-2096 Mars 12-Aug-2098 Rahu 12-Oct-2099 Jupiter 12-Oct-2102 Saturn 12-Jun-2105 Mercury 12-Aug-2108 Ketu 13-Jun-2111

Sun Dasa 12-Aug-2112 - 12-Aug-2118 Sun 12-Aug-2112 Moon 29-Nov-2112 Mars 31-May-2113 Rahu 06-Oct-2113 Jupiter 31-Aug-2114 Saturn 19-Jun-2115 Mercury 31-May-2116 Ketu 06-Apr-2117 Venus 12-Aug-2117

Moon Dasa 12-Aug-2118 - 12-Aug-2128 Moon 12-Aug-2118 Mars 12-Jun-2119 Rahu 11-Jan-2120 Jupiter 13-Jul-2121 Saturn 12-Nov-2122 Mercury 12-Jun-2124 Ketu 11-Nov-2125 Venus 12-Jun-2126 Sun 10-Feb-2128

+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine

February 2015


Matter Number (Out of 249 Date Time of Judgment

Kanak Bosmia 162

Sunaparantha Kalyan 49

28.11.2014 13.11.43 pm

17.12.2014 07.12.41 pm

IST (+5:30 GMT)

SLST (+5:30 GMT)

Place Long/Lat Ayanamsha Ascendant Dasa Balance 10th CSL for M Sirisena

Kankariya, Ahmedabad, India 23N00/72E36 230 58' 30" Scorpio Mars 04Y 09M 14D Rahu 3,9

Marapola, Veyangoda, Sri Lanka 80N01/07E09 230 58' 33" Gemini Mars 00Y 07M 25D Ketu 6,10

( 10,8,12)

( 6,2,7,10,3)

10th CSL for M Rajapakse

Mars 6

Venus 7



DBAS of Sirisena

Ma 12 (2,1,5,6,10,12,8)

Ma 2,4 ( 6,11,8,9,5)

Ju 8,10,12 (2,4,9,12,3)

Su 4 ( 2,7,10,7,5,12)

Ra 3,9 (10,8,12)

Ve 7 ( 5,12,11)

Me 3,12 12,8,10

Me 10 ( 2,7,10)

Ma 12 (2,1,5,6,10,12,8)

10th CSL is not agreed with the above KP rule and hence DBAS analyzing is cancelled.


DBAS of M Rajapakse

Ju 8,10,12 (2,4,9,12,3) Ra 3,9 (10,8,12) Me 3,12, (12,8,10)


KP rule is satisfied for the victory of M Sirisena

KP rule is satisfied for the victory of M Sirisena

Actual out come - Mr. Maithripala Sirisena won the presidential election. All the basic data of above two calculations are differing from eachother. But the final result or the conclusion is the same. This is the maindifference between KP and other systems of astrology. KP the divine scienceis universally applicable irrespective of the date, time, place, country orconsultant with its concrete rules for ever. "By the grace of God, I evolved certain methods which are most convincing, very clear and pin pointing to the time of event and explaining, the nature of event to the entire satisfaction of the querist and the Astrologer. It guides properly. So this method is the best and is very useful to the querists, as the prediction comes out correctly; also it brings name and fame to the Astrologers" K.S. Krishnamurti (6th Reader: Horary Astrology) My deepest tribute to honorable late Sri Krishnamurti ji.

KP Ezine

February 2015


Second Marriage By: Gun Nagaraju KP astrologer CAIIB, Retired Bank officer 12-13-668/5/2, Second floor, Nagarjuna Nagar, Tarnaka,Secunderabad- 500 017; Tel: 040-27172206; 9490752371 Email: [email protected] The mother of the native approached me in the month of Nov 2011, with an enquiry about the possibilities of second marriage for the native. On seeing Dasha period running at that time and taking the other factors into consideration, I predicted that there is a possibility for the marriage to take place in the last week of Feb 2012. On 9 august 2012 I was informed about the actual facts of the marriage by the native’s mother expressing thanks to me. Name: Miss Anamika. DOB: 6 April 1980; TOB: 08.35.02 PM; POB: Ambattur (TN). What are the K.P. rules for second marriage: For second marriage, K.P. rules say: Second marriage is indicated in the following cases 1. Rule- Note the 7th cusp sub lord (A) If it is deposited in dual sign (Gemini, Sagittarius and Pisces) or (B) In a star of a planet in or owning a dual sign or (C) If 7th cusp sub lord is Mercury (D) If the 7th cusp sub lord is also significator of houses 2 or11, 2. Rule- If 2nd cusp sub lord is connected to house 7th, second marriage is promised. 3. Rule- If 9th cusp sub lord signifies 2, 9, 11 houses, second marriage will take place. (as per Sri Kanak Bosmia). Analysis of the chart: As per rule no.1—(A) Seventh cusp sub lord is Ketu. Ketu is deposited in 4th cusp Aquarius sign. This sign is not a dual sign. (B) Ketu is the star of Mars owning Aries and Scorpio, is deposited in Leo. Neither Mars is a dual planet nor are the signs dual signs. (C) The seventh cusp sub lord Ketu signifies 2 and 7. Apart from this the 7th cusp sub lord Ketu is conjoined with Mercury. Mercury owns 9 and 12 (Gemini and Virgo) and as such Mercury is the dual planet which owns dual signs which are relevant factors for second marriage. The first rule is partly satisfied. As per rule no. 2--- second cusp sub lord is Rahu + which is conjoined with Mars-Jupiter and Saturn. Mars is lord of 7. The second rule is satisfied. As per rule no. 3--- 9th cusp sub lord is Mercury. Mercury is the owner of 9 and 12 placed in 5th bhava. Mercury is in Jupiter star and Ketu sub. The star lord Jupiter is the owner of 3 and 6 is placed in 10th bhava. The sub lord Ketu is deposited in 4th bhava in conjunction with Mercury. Thus the 9th cusp sub lord signifies 12 (bed comforts), 5 (love and romance) and 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11 and 12 at its sub lord Ketu level. Thus the third rule is satisfied. So we can say second marriage is assured for this native. Now we have to see when it will get materialized. The significators of the relevant houses (2, 9 and 11) are – 2nd house- Moon, Ketu, Mars and Rahu +. 9th house- Sun and Mercury KP Ezine

February 2015


Miss Anamika Sun Rise: 06:02:03 AM Nithya Yoga: Variyan

Sun Set: Hora:

06:20:42 PM Sun

Dasa Days: 365.25 D Karana: Vanij

Ruling Planets - 22/Jan/2015 11:43:19 AM KANKARIYA, AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India Planet


















Day Lord: Jupiter

Nirayana Bhava Chalit Mo 08:00:49:32 II 07:25:18:47

XII 05:28:25:33

I 06:26:18:03 III 08:24:46:12 8

6 5


Ke 10:03:17:14 IV 09:25:40:48 Me 10:26:03:54

7 4


Sa[R] 04:28:23:11 XI 04:27:39:18

X 03:25:40:48 Ju[R] 04:07:21:03 Ra 04:03:17:14 Ma 04:02:22:47

VII 00:26:18:03 Ve 01:09:16:02

IX 02:24:46:12


3 2

12 VI 11:28:25:33

VII 26:18:03

VIII 01:25:18:47

Ve 09:16:02 VIII 25:18:47

IX 24:46:12

V 27:39:18 Me 26:03:54 Ke 03:17:14

IV 25:40:48

Name: Miss Anamika Gender: Male Date: Sunday, 06/Apr/1980 Time: 08:35:02 PM SID: 09:26:23 Lat: 13:05:00 N Lon: 80:17:00 E Place: CHENNAI, TAMIL NADU, India

X 25:40:48

Ayanamsa: 23° 29' 29" [KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Star: Moola, Pada 1 Star Lord: Ketu Rasi: Sagittarius Rasi Lord: Jupiter Lagna: Libra Lagna Lord: Venus Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Sashti Bal. Dasa: Ketu 6 Y, 6 M, 24 D

Ma 02:22:47 Ra 03:17:14 Ju[R] 07:21:03 XI 27:39:18 Sa[R] 28:23:11

XII 28:25:33

III 24:46:12 Mo 00:49:32

II 25:18:47

I 26:18:03

Stl Ju Me Ve Ma Ju Me Ve Ma Ju Me Su Ma

Sbl Ke Ra Me Ra Ve Sa Ke Ra Me Ra Mo Sa

Ssl Ju Ke Su Ve Ra Me Ra Ke Mo Ve Ra Me

Sssl Ma Mo Ke Me Mo Ra Ve Mo Me Me Ma Ra

Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su Revati(3) Mo Moola(1) Ma Magha(1) Me P.Bhadra(2) Ju[R] Magha(3) Ve Krittika(4) Sa[R] U.Phalguni(1) Ra Magha(1) Ke Dhanishta(3)

Sgl Ju Ju Su Sa Su Ve Su Su Sa

Stl Me Ke Ke Ju Ke Su Su Ke Ma

Sbl Ma Ve Ve Ke Ra Ve Mo Su Ve

Ssl Ra Ve Sa Ma Mo Sa Ve Ju Mo

Sssl Ve Ve Ve Ra Sa Me Ke Su Ke

Dasa Summary Bhukti

VI 28:25:33 Su 23:28:12

Sgl Ve Ma Ju Sa Sa Ju Ma Ve Me Mo Su Me

Significators - Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su 5 5 9, 12 11 Mo+ 4 2 10 Ma 4 10 2, 7 Me 10 5 3, 6 9, 12 Ju 4 10 3, 6 Ve+ 5 7 11 1, 8 Sa+ 5 11 11 4, 5 Ra+ 4 10 Ke 10 4 2, 7 Planets in Occupant's stars Rahu acts as agent for: Su, Ma, Me,(A) Ju,-Sa. (B) - Occupant of house Ketu acts as agent for: Ma, Me, Ju, Sa. (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner


Su 11:23:28:12 V 10:27:39:18

Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 Visakha(2) 2 Jyeshta(3) 3 P.Ashada(4) 4 Dhanishta(1) 5 P.Bhadra(3) 6 Revati(4) 7 Bharani(4) 8 Mrigasira(1) 9 Punarvasu(2) 10 Ashlesha(3) 11 U.Phalguni(1) 12 Chitra(2)






Ketu Dasa 31-Oct-1979 - 31-Oct-1986 Ketu 31-Oct-1979 Venus 29-Mar-1980 Sun 28-May-1981 Moon 03-Oct-1981 Mars 04-May-1982 Rahu 30-Sep-1982 Jupiter 19-Oct-1983 Saturn 24-Sep-1984 Mercury 02-Nov-1985

Venus Dasa 31-Oct-1986 - 31-Oct-2006 Venus 31-Oct-1986 Sun 02-Mar-1990 Moon 02-Mar-1991 Mars 01-Nov-1992 Rahu 01-Jan-1994 Jupiter 01-Jan-1997 Saturn 01-Sep-1999 Mercury 01-Nov-2002 Ketu 01-Sep-2005

Sun Dasa 31-Oct-2006 - 31-Oct-2012 Sun 31-Oct-2006 Moon 18-Feb-2007 Mars 20-Aug-2007 Rahu 25-Dec-2007 Jupiter 18-Nov-2008 Saturn 06-Sep-2009 Mercury 19-Aug-2010 Ketu 26-Jun-2011 Venus 01-Nov-2011

Moon Dasa 31-Oct-2012 - 31-Oct-2022 Moon 31-Oct-2012 Mars 01-Sep-2013 Rahu 02-Apr-2014 Jupiter 01-Oct-2015 Saturn 31-Jan-2017 Mercury 01-Sep-2018 Ketu 31-Jan-2020 Venus 01-Sep-2020 Sun 02-May-2022

Mars Dasa 31-Oct-2022 - 31-Oct-2029 Mars 31-Oct-2022 Rahu 30-Mar-2023 Jupiter 17-Apr-2024 Saturn 24-Mar-2025 Mercury 02-May-2026 Ketu 29-Apr-2027 Venus 26-Sep-2027 Sun 26-Nov-2028 Moon 02-Apr-2029

Rahu Dasa 31-Oct-2029 - 31-Oct-2047 Rahu 31-Oct-2029 Jupiter 13-Jul-2032 Saturn 06-Dec-2034 Mercury 13-Oct-2037 Ketu 01-May-2040 Venus 19-May-2041 Sun 19-May-2044 Moon 13-Apr-2045 Mars 12-Oct-2046

Jupiter Dasa 31-Oct-2047 - 31-Oct-2063 Jupiter 31-Oct-2047 Saturn 19-Dec-2049 Mercury 01-Jul-2052 Ketu 06-Oct-2054 Venus 12-Sep-2055 Sun 14-May-2058 Moon 02-Mar-2059 Mars 02-Jul-2060 Rahu 08-Jun-2061

Saturn Dasa 31-Oct-2063 - 31-Oct-2082 Saturn 31-Oct-2063 Mercury 03-Nov-2066 Ketu 14-Jul-2069 Venus 23-Aug-2070 Sun 23-Oct-2073 Moon 05-Oct-2074 Mars 05-May-2076 Rahu 13-Jun-2077 Jupiter 19-Apr-2080

Mercury Dasa 31-Oct-2082 - 31-Oct-2099 Mercury 31-Oct-2082 Ketu 30-Mar-2085 Venus 27-Mar-2086 Sun 25-Jan-2089 Moon 02-Dec-2089 Mars 03-May-2091 Rahu 29-Apr-2092 Jupiter 16-Nov-2094 Saturn 21-Feb-2097

+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine

February 2015


11th house- Sat, Ven, Sun and Moon+. (Rahu represents, Mars, Jup and Sat) The running dasa at the time of judgment is Sun (up to 31 Oct 2012). Sun is in Mercury star and Mars sub. Sun signifies 9 and 11 and so Sun dasa should give marriage before it ends. The running bhukti is Venus. Venus signifies 11, 7 and 5th. The running anthara is Venus; I have selected Venus as bhukti lord so the next anthara is Sun, but Sun is also selected as dasa lord thus I select Mars anthara. The Mars anthara lis running from 18 Feb 2012 to 11 Mar 2012. Mars signifies 2 and 7. Sun transits in Aquarius sign on Rahu star from 19 Feb to 4 March, and Rahu represents Mars. The sookshma running at the time from 23 Feb 2012 to 26 Feb 2012 is Jupiter. Jupiter signifies 2, 7, 9 and 11. Basing on all the above factors it was predicted that the marriage would be materialized on 23rd Feb 2012. The actual fact is that the second marriage of this native took place on 24 Feb 2012. The supremacy of the K.P sub lord theory of Sri K.S. Krishnamurthy garu gets proved beyond doubt. My head bows with all the reverence at the lotus feet of such a great master who carved out an unforgettable name in the annals of history of astrology. I also express my sincere thanks to Sri Kanak ji for this opportunity.

KP Ezine

February 2015


Success in Examina on By: Dr. Abha Jain 36, Bajaj Nagar Enclave, Opp. Gandhi Nagar Railway Satation, Tonk Road, Jaipur, Rajasthan Email: [email protected] Mobile: 9829463000

Name: Shobhit Jain Question: what about success in examination? Detail of Birth: 29.12.91, 09:30 am, Jaipur, Rajasthan Date of judgment: 11-01-2015 Rule: If cuspal sub lord of 4th signifies 4, 9 and 11 in DBA of 4, 9, 11 success in examination will be assured provided 4th cusp sub lord should not be connected to 3, which is 12th to 4th cusp. Cusp 4th: Sub lord of 4th cusp is Jupiter. Jupiter in the star of Venus and sub of Jupiter. Jupiter is occupant of 7 and owner of 12, Jupiter does not have any planet in its star and is the CSL of 4. Star lord Venus is occupant of 10 and owner of 4, 5, 9, Hence 4th cuspal is connected to 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 12 and by connection to 4,9, success in examination is sure Significators of 4-9-11 Houses



Planets in the star of occupant ─


Planet in the star of owner Jupiter, Rahu


Jupiter, Rahu



Moon Ketu

Sun, Mars, Rahu




Significator of 4,9,11 are Sun, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Rahu and Ketu. Conclusion: Running dasa lord is Rahu (13.4.97 to 13.4.15) Bhukti lord is Mars (26.3.14 to 13.4.15) Antra lord is Venus (19.12.14 to 21.2.15) Sookshma lord is Rahu (11.1.15 to 21.1.15) Prediction: So if result comes out before 21 Jan. 2015, success in examination will be sure. Outcome: Result came out on 19 Jan. 2015, He got success Pranam to Sir sh. Kanak Bosmia who taught K.P. Astrology in a magical manner.

KP Ezine

February 2015


Success in Examination Sun Rise: 07:14:48 AM Nithya Yoga: Atiganda

Sun Set: Hora:

05:42:13 PM Mercury

Dasa Days: 365.25 D Karana: Gar

Ruling Planets - 28/Jan/2015 11:44:55 AM KANKARIYA, AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India Planet


















Day Lord: Mercury

Nirayana Bhava Chalit II 10:27:20:11

XII 08:19:54:56 Sa 09:11:53:12 I 09:17:40:43

III 00:02:57:49 11

9 8


IV 01:01:37:21

Ma 07:28:03:12 XI 07:26:01:42 Ra 08:16:18:06 Su 08:13:16:03

Me 07:21:09:25 Ve 07:03:22:12 X 07:01:37:21

10 4

Ju 04:20:58:10 VII 03:17:40:43

Ke 02:16:18:06 V 01:26:01:42

IX 06:02:57:49


7 5

3 VI 02:19:54:56

III 02:57:49

VIII 04:27:20:11 Mo 05:26:35:30

IV 01:37:21 V 26:01:42

Ke 16:18:06 VI 19:54:56

Name: Success in Examination Gender: Male Date: Sunday, 29/Dec/1991 Time: 09:30:00 AM SID: 15:31:44 Lat: 26:55:00 N Lon: 75:49:00 E Place: JAIPUR, RAJASTHAN, India

VII 17:40:43

Ayanamsa: 23° 39' 18" [KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Star: Chitra, Pada 1 Star Lord: Mars Rasi: Virgo Rasi Lord: Mercury Lagna: Capricorn Lagna Lord: Saturn Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Navami Bal. Dasa: Mars 5 Y, 3 M, 14 D

Ju 20:58:10 VIII 27:20:11

Mo 26:35:30

XII 19:54:56 Ra 16:18:06 Su 13:16:03

Ma 28:03:12 XI 26:01:42 Me 21:09:25 Ve 03:22:12 X 01:37:21

IX 02:57:49

Stl Mo Ju Ke Su Ma Ra Me Su Ma Ju Me Ve

Sbl Sa Ve Ve Ju Ra Ma Me Mo Ve Ra Ra Ra

Ssl Ju Ma Ke Sa Ma Su Ma Mo Ve Ra Ma Mo

Sssl Ve Su Sa Mo Ju Sa Me Mo Me Ma Ju Sa

Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su Moola(4) Mo Chitra(1) Ma Jyeshta(4) Me Jyeshta(2) Ju P.Phalguni(3) Ve Anuradha(1) Sa Sravana(1) Ra P.Ashada(1) Ke Aridra(3)

Sgl Ju Me Ma Ma Su Ma Sa Ju Me

Stl Ke Ma Me Me Ve Sa Mo Ve Ra

Sbl Me Ju Sa Ve Ju Sa Ma Mo Ve

Ssl Sa Sa Sa Me Ke Sa Mo Mo Ra

Sssl Ra Ra Ve Ke Sa Sa Su Ve Su

Dasa Summary Bhukti

II 27:20:11

I 17:40:43 Sa 11:53:12

Sgl Sa Sa Ma Ve Ve Me Mo Su Ve Ma Ma Ju

Significators - Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su+ 5 11 8 Mo 11 8 3, 10, 11 7 Ma 10 11 6 3, 10, 11 Me 10 10 6 6 Ju+ 10 7 4, 5, 9 12 Ve 12 10 1, 2 4, 5, 9 Sa 8 12 7 1, 2 Ra 10 11 4, 5, 9 Ke 11 5 Rahu acts as agent for: Su, Ju. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars Ketu acts as agent for: Su, Ma, Me. (B) - Occupant of house (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner



Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 Sravana(3) 2 P.Bhadra(3) 3 Aswini(1) 4 Krittika(2) 5 Mrigasira(1) 6 Aridra(4) 7 Ashlesha(1) 8 U.Phalguni(1) 9 Chitra(3) 10 Visakha(4) 11 Jyeshta(3) 12 P.Ashada(2)






Mars Dasa 13-Apr-1990 - 13-Apr-1997 Mars 13-Apr-1990 Rahu 09-Sep-1990 Jupiter 27-Sep-1991 Saturn 02-Sep-1992 Mercury 12-Oct-1993 Ketu 09-Oct-1994 Venus 07-Mar-1995 Sun 07-May-1996 Moon 12-Sep-1996

Rahu Dasa 13-Apr-1997 - 13-Apr-2015 Rahu 13-Apr-1997 Jupiter 24-Dec-1999 Saturn 20-May-2002 Mercury 26-Mar-2005 Ketu 13-Oct-2007 Venus 31-Oct-2008 Sun 31-Oct-2011 Moon 24-Sep-2012 Mars 26-Mar-2014

Jupiter Dasa 13-Apr-2015 - 13-Apr-2031 Jupiter 13-Apr-2015 Saturn 31-May-2017 Mercury 12-Dec-2019 Ketu 20-Mar-2022 Venus 24-Feb-2023 Sun 25-Oct-2025 Moon 13-Aug-2026 Mars 13-Dec-2027 Rahu 18-Nov-2028

Saturn Dasa 13-Apr-2031 - 13-Apr-2050 Saturn 13-Apr-2031 Mercury 16-Apr-2034 Ketu 24-Dec-2036 Venus 02-Feb-2038 Sun 04-Apr-2041 Moon 17-Mar-2042 Mars 16-Oct-2043 Rahu 25-Nov-2044 Jupiter 01-Oct-2047

Mercury Dasa 13-Apr-2050 - 13-Apr-2067 Mercury 13-Apr-2050 Ketu 09-Sep-2052 Venus 06-Sep-2053 Sun 07-Jul-2056 Moon 13-May-2057 Mars 12-Oct-2058 Rahu 09-Oct-2059 Jupiter 28-Apr-2062 Saturn 04-Aug-2064

Ketu Dasa 13-Apr-2067 - 13-Apr-2074 Ketu 13-Apr-2067 Venus 09-Sep-2067 Sun 09-Nov-2068 Moon 17-Mar-2069 Mars 16-Oct-2069 Rahu 14-Mar-2070 Jupiter 01-Apr-2071 Saturn 07-Mar-2072 Mercury 16-Apr-2073

Venus Dasa 13-Apr-2074 - 13-Apr-2094 Venus 13-Apr-2074 Sun 13-Aug-2077 Moon 13-Aug-2078 Mars 12-Apr-2080 Rahu 12-Jun-2081 Jupiter 12-Jun-2084 Saturn 11-Feb-2087 Mercury 12-Apr-2090 Ketu 11-Feb-2093

Sun Dasa 13-Apr-2094 - 13-Apr-2100 Sun 13-Apr-2094 Moon 31-Jul-2094 Mars 30-Jan-2095 Rahu 07-Jun-2095 Jupiter 01-May-2096 Saturn 17-Feb-2097 Mercury 30-Jan-2098 Ketu 06-Dec-2098 Venus 13-Apr-2099

Moon Dasa 13-Apr-2100 - 13-Apr-2110 Moon 13-Apr-2100 Mars 11-Feb-2101 Rahu 12-Sep-2101 Jupiter 14-Mar-2103 Saturn 14-Jul-2104 Mercury 12-Feb-2106 Ketu 14-Jul-2107 Venus 12-Feb-2108 Sun 13-Oct-2109

+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine

February 2015


Will Kiran Bedi be the next Chief Minister (CM) a er Delhi State Legisla ve Assembly Elec on 2015? By: Navin Chitlangia “RUDRA” Jyotish Ratna, Jyotish Visharad, Belabhumi – I, Flat No. 302, 2nd Floor, 22/2, Sukanta Sarani, Hind Motor Area, PO. BHADRAKALI, P.S. Uttarpara, Pin - 712 232, W.B., INDIA. Mobile : +91-9830580345. Email : [email protected]

Disclaimer: This analysis is only for professional study. This is not intended to blame, hurt and disappoint any individual or group or party. This analysis is only meant for predicting future event with help of on KP Astrology. Question: Will Kiran Bedi be the next Chief Minister (CM) after Delhi State Legislative Assembly Election 2015? Horary Number: 209 (out of 249, on behalf of Kiran Bedi). Time of Judgment: 26-01-2015, 18:10:40 Hrs. (IST). Place of Judgment: Hind Motor (22N41, 88E20), Hooghly, West Bengal, India. Moon (Aries 03-46-05) is in the star of Ketu and sub of Self (Moon). Planet Moon is the occupant of 2, owner of 6. Starlord Ketu is the occupant of 2. Ketu is in Pieces and aspected by Jupiter and thus Ketu represents Jupiter. Jupiter®, being untenanted, is the occupant of 6, owner of 2-11 and CSL of 12. Sublord Moon is the occupant of 2, owner of 6. Moon signifies and/or in connection with the relevant houses, hence query or urge is genuine. Hints: If the sublord of the 10th cusp (one’s position in politics) signifies 1 (one’s self-efforts for winning), 3 (one’s ability), 6 (defeat to rivals, loss of opponent), 10 (one’s reputation, position and power) or 11 (one’s reputation as a winner), then success is assured towards achieving reputation, position and power in politics. Cuspal analysis for Kiran Bedi 10th Cusp (Scorpio 11-32-39): The sublord of 10th cusp Moon is in star of Ketu and sub of Self (Moon). Planet Moon is occupant of 2, owner of 6. Starlord Ketu is the occupant of 2. Ketu is in Pieces and aspected by Jupiter and thus Ketu represents Jupiter. Jupiter®, being untenanted, is the occupant of 6, owner of 2-11 and CSL of 12. ♦ 10h CSL Moon signifies 6-11 and in connection with 6-11. (6-11) ♦ 10th CSL Moon signifies 12 and in connection with 12. (12) Cross verification 11th Cusp (Sagittarius 06-08-31): The sublord of 11th cusp Rahu is in star of Moon and sub of Mercury®. Planet Rahu is the occupant of 8. Rahu aspected by Mars and thus represents Mars. Mars is the occupant of 1, owner of 3 and 10. Starlord Moon is the occupant of 2, owner of 6. Sublord Mercury® is the occupant of 12, owner of 5-8. ♦ 11th CSL Rahu signifies 1, 3, 6, 10 and in connection with 6. (1-3-6-10) th ♦ 11 CSL Rahu signifies 8 and without connection with 5, 8 or 12. (8-12) 6th Cusp (Cancer 01-29-49: The sublord of 6th cusp Rahu is in star of Moon and sub of Mercury®. Planet Rahu is the occupant of 8. Rahu aspected by Mars and thus represents Mars. Mars is the occupant of 1, owner of 3 and 10. Starlord Moon is the occupant of 2, owner of 6. Sublord Mercury® is the occupant of 12, owner of 5-8. ♦ 11th CSL Rahu signifies 1, 3, 6, 10 and in connection with 6. (1-3-6-10) ♦ 11th CSL Rahu signifies 8 and without connection with 5, 8 or 12. (8-12)

KP Ezine

February 2015


Horary No. 209/249 Sun Rise: 06:18:07 AM Nithya Yoga: Sadhya

Sun Set: Hora:

05:20:16 PM Sun

Dasa Days: 365.25 D Karana: Vanij

Horary No.: 209 Question : Will Kiran Bedi be the next Chief Minister (CM) after Delhi State Legislative Assembly Election 2015?

Ruling Planets - 26/Jan/2015 06:10:40 PM Hind Motor, WEST BENGAL, India Planet


















Day Lord: Moon

Nirayana Bhava Chalit Mo 00:03:46:05 II 11:10:29:42 Ke 11:19:36:35 III 00:14:01:00 12

Me[R] 09:20:52:10 Su 09:12:15:12 XII 09:01:29:49 I 10:01:53:20 Ve 10:04:39:24 Ma 10:17:02:40

XI 08:06:08:31 10 9


IV 01:11:32:39

X 07:11:32:39 11 5

VII 04:01:53:20 V 02:06:08:31

IX 06:14:01:00 Sa 07:09:08:35 3

7 6

4 VI 03:01:29:49 Ju[R] 03:25:07:37

Mo 03:46:05 III 14:01:00

Ra 05:19:36:35 VIII 05:10:29:42

IV 11:32:39

V 06:08:31

Ma 17:02:40 Ve 04:39:24 I 01:53:20

Me[R] 20:52:10 Su 12:15:12 XII 01:29:49

Name: Kiran Bedi Gender: Male Date: Monday, 26/Jan/2015 Time: 06:10:40 PM SID: 02:55:58 Lat: 22:41:00 N Lon: 88:20:00 E Place: Hind Motor, WEST BENGAL, India

VI 01:29:49 Ju[R] 25:07:37

Ayanamsa: 23° 58' 38" [KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Star: Aswini, Pada 2 Star Lord: Ketu Rasi: Aries Rasi Lord: Mars Lagna: Aquarius Lagna Lord: Saturn Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Saptami Bal. Dasa: Ketu 5 Y, 0 M, 8 D

VII 01:53:20

VIII 10:29:42 Ra 19:36:35

XI 06:08:31

X 11:32:39 Sa 09:08:35

IX 14:01:00

Stl Ma Sa Ve Mo Ma Ju Ke Mo Ra Sa Ke Su

Sbl Ke Su Ve Ma Mo Ra Ve Mo Me Mo Ra Ju

Ssl Ke Ra Ma Me Sa Ra Ra Sa Ju Sa Sa Sa

Sssl Ke Sa Ra Su Mo Me Ma Sa Ke Ve Sa Sa

Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su Sravana(1) Mo Aswini(2) Ma Satabhisha(4) Me[R] Sravana(4) Ju[R] Ashlesha(3) Ve Dhanishta(4) Sa Anuradha(2) Ra Hasta(3) Ke Revati(1)

Sgl Sa Ma Sa Sa Mo Sa Ma Me Ju

Stl Mo Ke Ra Mo Me Ma Sa Mo Me

Sbl Ra Mo Ve Ve Ra Ve Ve Me Ve

Ssl Ju Ma Me Su Me Me Ra Sa Ve

Sssl Sa Ra Me Sa Mo Ra Ve Ra Sa

Dasa Summary Bhukti

Ke 19:36:35 II 10:29:42

Sgl Sa Ju Ma Ve Me Mo Su Me Ve Ma Ju Sa

Significators - Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su+ 2 12 6 7 Mo 2 2 6 Ma 8 1 3, 10 Me 2 12 6 5, 8 Ju+ 12 6 5, 8 2, 11 Ve+ 1 1 3, 10 4, 9 Sa 10 10 1, 12 1, 12 Ra 2 8 6 Ke 12 2 5, 8 Rahu acts as agent for: Ma, Me. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars (B) - Occupant of house Ketu acts as agent for: Ju. (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner



Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 Dhanishta(3) 2 U.Bhadra(3) 3 Bharani(1) 4 Rohini(1) 5 Mrigasira(4) 6 Punarvasu(4) 7 Magha(1) 8 Hasta(1) 9 Swati(3) 10 Anuradha(3) 11 Moola(2) 12 U.Ashada(2)






Ketu Dasa 03-Feb-2013 - 03-Feb-2020 Ketu 03-Feb-2013 Venus 02-Jul-2013 Sun 01-Sep-2014 Moon 07-Jan-2015 Mars 08-Aug-2015 Rahu 04-Jan-2016 Jupiter 22-Jan-2017 Saturn 29-Dec-2017 Mercury 07-Feb-2019

Venus Dasa 03-Feb-2020 - 03-Feb-2040 Venus 03-Feb-2020 Sun 05-Jun-2023 Moon 05-Jun-2024 Mars 03-Feb-2026 Rahu 05-Apr-2027 Jupiter 05-Apr-2030 Saturn 05-Dec-2032 Mercury 03-Feb-2036 Ketu 05-Dec-2038

Sun Dasa 03-Feb-2040 - 03-Feb-2046 Sun 03-Feb-2040 Moon 22-May-2040 Mars 21-Nov-2040 Rahu 29-Mar-2041 Jupiter 21-Feb-2042 Saturn 10-Dec-2042 Mercury 22-Nov-2043 Ketu 27-Sep-2044 Venus 02-Feb-2045

Moon Dasa 03-Feb-2046 - 03-Feb-2056 Moon 03-Feb-2046 Mars 04-Dec-2046 Rahu 05-Jul-2047 Jupiter 04-Jan-2049 Saturn 06-May-2050 Mercury 05-Dec-2051 Ketu 06-May-2053 Venus 05-Dec-2053 Sun 06-Aug-2055

Mars Dasa 03-Feb-2056 - 03-Feb-2063 Mars 03-Feb-2056 Rahu 01-Jul-2056 Jupiter 19-Jul-2057 Saturn 25-Jun-2058 Mercury 04-Aug-2059 Ketu 31-Jul-2060 Venus 27-Dec-2060 Sun 26-Feb-2062 Moon 04-Jul-2062

Rahu Dasa 03-Feb-2063 - 03-Feb-2081 Rahu 03-Feb-2063 Jupiter 17-Oct-2065 Saturn 11-Mar-2068 Mercury 15-Jan-2071 Ketu 04-Aug-2073 Venus 22-Aug-2074 Sun 22-Aug-2077 Moon 17-Jul-2078 Mars 16-Jan-2080

Jupiter Dasa 03-Feb-2081 - 03-Feb-2097 Jupiter 03-Feb-2081 Saturn 24-Mar-2083 Mercury 04-Oct-2085 Ketu 10-Jan-2088 Venus 16-Dec-2088 Sun 16-Aug-2091 Moon 03-Jun-2092 Mars 03-Oct-2093 Rahu 09-Sep-2094

Saturn Dasa 03-Feb-2097 - 03-Feb-2116 Saturn 03-Feb-2097 Mercury 06-Feb-2100 Ketu 17-Oct-2102 Venus 25-Nov-2103 Sun 25-Jan-2107 Moon 07-Jan-2108 Mars 08-Aug-2109 Rahu 17-Sep-2110 Jupiter 24-Jul-2113

Mercury Dasa 03-Feb-2116 - 03-Feb-2133 Mercury 03-Feb-2116 Ketu 02-Jul-2118 Venus 29-Jun-2119 Sun 30-Apr-2122 Moon 06-Mar-2123 Mars 05-Aug-2124 Rahu 02-Aug-2125 Jupiter 19-Feb-2128 Saturn 28-May-2130

+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine

February 2015


Cuspal analysis for opponent 10th Cusp (Taurus 11-32-39): The sublord of 10th cusp Mars is in star of Rahu and sub of Venus. Planet Mars is occupant of 7, owner of 4 and 9. Starlord Rahu is the occupant of 2. Rahu aspected by Mars and thus represents Mars. Mars is the occupant of 7, owner of 4 and 10. Sublord Venus is the occupant of 7, owner of 3 and 10. Venus is having stellar (positional) strength i.e. untenanted (there is no planet in stars of Venus) and CSL of 1-9. ♦ ♦ ♦

10h CSL Mars signifies 10 and in connection with 1-3-10. (1-3-10) 10th CSL Mars neither signifies nor in connection with 5-8-12. 10th CSL strongly signifies 7 and in connection with 7.

Cross verification 11th Cusp (Gemini 06-08-31): The sublord of 11th cusp Moon is in star of Ketu and sub of Self (Moon). Planet Moon is occupant of 8, owner of 12. Starlord Ketu is the occupant of 8. Ketu is in Pieces and aspected by Jupiter and thus Ketu represents Jupiter. Jupiter®, being untenanted, is the occupant of 12, owner of 5-8 and CSL of 6. ♦ ♦

11h CSL Moon signifies 6 and in connection with 6. (6) 11th CSL Moon signifies 5-8-12 and in connection with 5-8-12. (5-8-12)

6th Cusp (Capricorn 01-29-49: The sublord of 6th cusp Jupiter® is in star of Mercury ® and sub of Rahu®. Planet Jupiter® is the occupant of 12, owner of 5 and 8. Jupiter® is having stellar (positional) strength i.e. untenanted (there is no planet in stars of Jupiter) and CSL of 6. Starlord Mercury® is the occupant of 6, owner of 2-11. Sublord Rahu is the occupant of 2. Rahu aspected by Mars and thus represents Mars. Mars is the occupant of 7, owner of 4 and 9. ♦ ♦ ♦

6th CSL Jupiter® signifies 6-11. (6-11) 6th CSL Jupiter® signifies 5-8-12 and without connection with 5, 8 or 12. (5-8-12) 6th CSL (Jupiter) and its Starlord (Mercury) are retrograde at the time of judgment. COMPARISION TABLE


Kiran Bedi

Opponent Strong

Strength-wise Houses (Signifies & Connection) (6 is stronger than 1-3-10-11) (11 is stronger than 1-3-10) (10 is stronger than 1-3) (1 is stronger than 3) X













6-11 ***





Kiran Bedi

5-8-12 *** Kiran Bedi


Remarks 6th-10th-11th CSL and its Starlord is/are free from retrogression effects *** 6th CSL and/or its Starlord under retrogression effect

Kiran Bedi

The Comparison (Analysis) Table between Kiran Bedi and Opponent has been judged keeping in mind the following Golden Rules of KP Astrology, mainly KP Stellar Theory of Starlord versus Sublord.

KP Ezine

February 2015


Planet is the source of a result, Constellation is the nature of the result and Sub is the final deciding factor of a result.

If Starlord is benefic (favorable) and Sublord is also benefic (favorable), then the native enjoys.

If Starlord is malefic (unfavorable) and Sublord is also malefic (unfavorable), then the native suffers.

If Starlord is benefic (favorable) and Sublord is malefic (unfavorable), then apparently it may seem that the event is going to take place, but eventually it will hold.

If Starlord is malefic (unfavorable) and Sublord is benefic (favorable), then after some obstacles or hindrances, the event will take place.

My Opinion: After deep careful consideration of the above mentioned elaborated astrological analysis and further to the positive indication from GULBERGA THEORY (in our case Lagna CSL of Kiran Bedi and RP Moon Starlord are the same planet i.e. Moon) and FORTUNA (for Kiran Bedi Fortuna falls in 9th house) and TSP, it is clear that Kiran Bedi, with the support of NDA (BJP & Alliances) and luck, will be the next CM of Delhi. Pranaam to Lord Ganesh and Guruji KSK!

KP Ezine

February 2015


Swearing - in Chart of New President of Sri Lanka By: Sumanadasa Namarathna (Sunaparantha Kalyan)

Ex-Accountant, Justice of Peace No.22/1, Udugampola Road, Marapola, Veyangoda, SRI LANKA

Email: [email protected] Mr. Maithripala Sirisena, who had been the Minister of Health in Mahinda Rajapaksa's government, fought with his incumbent President in the Presidential Election of Sri Lanka held on 8th January 2015 and was declared the winner after receiving a shocking 51.28% of all votes caste. Mr. Sirisena was sworn in as Sri Lanka's 6th executive president on 9th Jan 2015. Chart Details President Mr. Maithripala Sirisena's Swearing-in Chart, Friday, 09/Jan/2015, 06:22:55 PM, h5:30 east, (starting time 06.21.22 pm and ending at 06.22.55 pm, according to Live Telecast of Sirasa TV channel) SID: 01:27:22, Colombo, Independence Square, Sri Lanka, Lat: 06:54N, Lon: 79:52E, KP New Ayanamsa: 23° 58' 36", 5 years compressed Vimshottari Dasa balance: Ketu 0 Y, 0 M, 3 D, calculated by KPAstro 4.1. Longevity Analysis The Lagna of the swearing-in chart is Gemini 28° 47' 10", and the 1st cuspal sub lord (CSL) is Sun, owner of house 3, placed in house 6, and also the CSL of houses 1, 3 having no planets in its stars. The Sun is in the star of Venus, the lord of house 11 located in house 7 (Maraka & Badhaka), and in the sub of Mercury, the lord of 1, 12 & 4. Hence the main longevity indicator 1st CSL Sun signifies inauspicious houses 7 (Maraka & Badhaka), 6 (sickness), 12 (renunciation, misfortune) and 4(end of life/ office term), along with the favorable houses 1 & 11 as a most detrimental indicator for the longevity of the term in office. For confirmation the supporting longevity indicators of 3rd and 8th CSLs are further analyzed. The 3rd CSL is Sun, the same as the 1st CSL, as discussed above. The 8th cusp for longevity is under the co-rulers of Saturn - Mars - Jupiter. The 8th CSL Jupiter+ is lord of 6, 7 & 10 placed in 2 (Maraka), the CSL of 2,8 having no planet in its stars. This Jupiter is in the star of Mercury, a significator for 7, 1, 4, 12, and in the sub of own Jupiter. So 8th CSL Jupiter signifies unfavorable 2 (Maraka),7 (Maraka & Badhaka), 12 (Moksha), 6 (sickness), 8 (danger to life/ term of office), 4 (end of everything), along with favorable 1 only. According to the above analysis of the 1st, 3rd and 8th CSLs, it doesn't indicate a long and good term of presidency. Authority The authority of the President is denoted by the 10th house of swearing - in chart. The sub lord of 10th cusp Saturn is the lord of 8, 9, located in 5, in the star of own Saturn, and in the sub of Ketu in 9, in Pisces sign representing Jupiter lord of 6,7,10, placed in 2, being the CSL of 2,8 having no planet in its stars. So for strong authority, positive houses 2, 6, 10 are indicated with some failure by signification of 5, 8, including government changes.

KP Ezine

February 2015


Sirisena's Swearing in Sun Rise: 06:25:08 AM Nithya Yoga: Ayushman

Sun Set: Hora:

06:09:45 PM Jupiter

Dasa Days: 365.25 D Karana: Balav

Ruling Planets - 22/Jan/2015 12:08:29 PM KANKARIYA, AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India Planet


















Day Lord: Jupiter

Nirayana Bhava Chalit Mo 04:12:53:12 II 03:26:40:26 Ju[R] 03:27:03:21

XII 02:00:21:45

I 02:28:47:10 Ra 05:20:30:37 III 04:27:17:38

XI 01:01:00:38 4

3 2


IV 05:29:37:15

X 11:29:37:15 3 9

VII 08:28:47:10 Ve 09:13:26:03 Me 09:12:40:31

V 07:01:00:38 Sa 07:07:43:09

IX 10:27:17:38 Ke 11:20:30:37


11 10

9 VI 08:00:21:45 Su 08:24:57:07

VIII 09:26:40:26 Ma 10:03:45:29

XI 01:00:38

XII 00:21:45 I 28:47:10

X 29:37:15 Ke 20:30:37 Name: Sirisena's Swearing in Gender: Male Date: Friday, 09/Jan/2015 Time: 06:22:55 PM SID: 01:27:22 Lat: 06:54:00 N Lon: 79:52:00 E Place: Colombo, Western, Sri Lanka

II 26:40:26 Ju[R] 27:03:21

Ayanamsa: 23° 58' 36" [KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Star: Magha, Pada 4 Star Lord: Ketu Rasi: Leo Rasi Lord: Sun Lagna: Gemini Lagna Lord: Mercury Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Chaturti Bal. Dasa: Ketu 0 Y, 0 M, 4 D

Mo 12:53:12 III 27:17:38

IX 27:17:38 Ma 03:45:29

VIII 26:40:26 Ve 13:26:03 Me 12:40:31

Ra 20:30:37 IV 29:37:15

VII 28:47:10 Su 24:57:07 VI 00:21:45

Sa 07:43:09 V 01:00:38

Sgl Me Mo Su Me Ma Ju Ju Sa Sa Ju Ve Me

Stl Ju Me Su Ma Ju Ke Su Ma Ju Me Su Ma

Sbl Su Ju Su Sa Ma Ke Ma Ju Ve Sa Ra Me

Ssl Su Me Ve Ra Me Ra Sa Me Ma Ra Mo Ke

Sssl Ra Ke Sa Ve Ra Sa Mo Ke Me Ve Sa Me

Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su P.Ashada(4) Mo Magha(4) Ma Dhanishta(4) Me Sravana(1) Ju[R] Ashlesha(4) Ve Sravana(2) Sa Anuradha(2) Ra Hasta(4) Ke Revati(2)

Sgl Ju Su Sa Sa Mo Sa Ma Me Ju

Stl Ve Ke Ma Mo Me Mo Sa Mo Me

Sbl Me Me Ve Ra Ju Ra Ke Ve Ve

Ssl Ma Ju Ra Sa Ve Ve Ra Ve Ju

Sssl Ra Me Mo Ma Mo Sa Me Su Sa

Significators - Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su+ 7 6 11 3 Mo 9 2 2 Ma 8 8 5 5 Me 2 7 2 1, 4, 12 Ju+ 7 2 1, 4, 12 6, 7, 10 Ve 2 7 2 11 Sa 5 5 8, 9 8, 9 Ra+ 2 3 2 Ke 7 9 1, 4, 12 Rahu acts as agent for: Ma, Me. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars (B) - Occupant of house Ketu acts as agent for: Ju. (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner



Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 Punarvasu(3) 2 Ashlesha(4) 3 U.Phalguni(1) 4 Chitra(2) 5 Visakha(4) 6 Moola(1) 7 U.Ashada(1) 8 Dhanishta(2) 9 P.Bhadra(3) 10 Revati(4) 11 Krittika(2) 12 Mrigasira(3)

Dasa Summary Bhukti






Ketu Dasa 08-Sep-2014 - 14-Jan-2015 Ketu 08-Sep-2014 Venus 15-Sep-2014 Sun 06-Oct-2014 Moon 13-Oct-2014 Mars 23-Oct-2014 Rahu 31-Oct-2014 Jupiter 19-Nov-2014 Saturn 06-Dec-2014 Mercury 26-Dec-2014

Venus Dasa 14-Jan-2015 - 14-Jan-2016 Venus 14-Jan-2015 Sun 16-Mar-2015 Moon 03-Apr-2015 Mars 03-May-2015 Rahu 25-May-2015 Jupiter 18-Jul-2015 Saturn 05-Sep-2015 Mercury 02-Nov-2015 Ketu 24-Dec-2015

Sun Dasa 14-Jan-2016 - 02-May-2016 Sun 14-Jan-2016 Moon 19-Jan-2016 Mars 28-Jan-2016 Rahu 04-Feb-2016 Jupiter 20-Feb-2016 Saturn 06-Mar-2016 Mercury 23-Mar-2016 Ketu 08-Apr-2016 Venus 14-Apr-2016

Moon Dasa 02-May-2016 - 02-Nov-2016 Moon 02-May-2016 Mars 17-May-2016 Rahu 28-May-2016 Jupiter 24-Jun-2016 Saturn 19-Jul-2016 Mercury 17-Aug-2016 Ketu 11-Sep-2016 Venus 22-Sep-2016 Sun 23-Oct-2016

Mars Dasa 02-Nov-2016 - 08-Mar-2017 Mars 02-Nov-2016 Rahu 09-Nov-2016 Jupiter 29-Nov-2016 Saturn 16-Dec-2016 Mercury 05-Jan-2017 Ketu 23-Jan-2017 Venus 30-Jan-2017 Sun 21-Feb-2017 Moon 27-Feb-2017

Rahu Dasa 08-Mar-2017 - 01-Feb-2018 Rahu 08-Mar-2017 Jupiter 26-Apr-2017 Saturn 09-Jun-2017 Mercury 31-Jul-2017 Ketu 16-Sep-2017 Venus 05-Oct-2017 Sun 29-Nov-2017 Moon 15-Dec-2017 Mars 12-Jan-2018

Jupiter Dasa 01-Feb-2018 - 20-Nov-2018 Jupiter 01-Feb-2018 Saturn 12-Mar-2018 Mercury 28-Apr-2018 Ketu 08-Jun-2018 Venus 25-Jun-2018 Sun 13-Aug-2018 Moon 27-Aug-2018 Mars 21-Sep-2018 Rahu 08-Oct-2018

Saturn Dasa 20-Nov-2018 - 01-Nov-2019 Saturn 20-Nov-2018 Mercury 14-Jan-2019 Ketu 04-Mar-2019 Venus 24-Mar-2019 Sun 21-May-2019 Moon 07-Jun-2019 Mars 06-Jul-2019 Rahu 26-Jul-2019 Jupiter 16-Sep-2019

Mercury Dasa 01-Nov-2019 - 07-Sep-2020 Mercury 01-Nov-2019 Ketu 15-Dec-2019 Venus 02-Jan-2020 Sun 23-Feb-2020 Moon 09-Mar-2020 Mars 04-Apr-2020 Rahu 22-Apr-2020 Jupiter 08-Jun-2020 Saturn 19-Jul-2020

+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine

February 2015


Dealing with Partners and Public In the President's swearing-in chart, the 7th house of the chart indicates the matters of alliances of the government or political partners and general public. The sub lord of 7th cusp is Mars lord of 5 and tenanted in the 8(disharmony), in its owned star Mars and in the sub of Venus lord of 11 located in 7, indicating favorable houses 5,7,11, along with problematic 8. The 11th cusp sub lord Rahu+ is in the 3rd,in the sign of Virgo representing Mercury lord of 12, 1, 4, placed in 7, aspected by Ma (8, 5). It is in the star of Mo (2, 2) and in the Sub of Ve (2, 7, 11). Thus Rahu+ indicates favorable 2, 5, 7, 11, along with unfavorable 8 (disharmony) & 12. Here 2 and 7 are favorable houes, and they are bad for health and longevity only. Budget condition The 2nd house of the swearing-in chart has special relation to the financial condition of the government. In this chart the sub lord of 2nd house is money planet Jupiter+ with its signification of 2, 6 -7 -10& 8 by its CSL-ship, in the star of Mercury (7,1 -4 -12) and in the owned sub, indicating favorable houses 2, 6, 10 for good financial position of the government, along with some waste and troubles by signification of houses 8 & 12. Dealing with religious affairs Mr. Maithirpala Sirisena the newly elected President came to the battle of election as a common opposition candidate through an alliance composed with the members of multi national and multi religions. So his liability towards all the religions cannot be considered as a simple matter. He has to win the good will of his owned followers, where the majority of them are Buddhist and minority of other religions like Catholic, Muslim and Hindu. The ruling house of the religious affairs of the swearing-in chart is 9th house. The sub lord of the 9th cusp is Venus the lord of 11 placed in 7, in the star of Moon lord of 2 located in 2. Venus is in the sub of Rahu+ in the 3rd,in the sign of Virgo representing Mercury lord of 12, 1, 4, placed in 7, aspected by Mars lord of 5 placed 8, indicating a bit mixed results. At the same time the 9th CSL also indicates not so smooth foreign relations. Dasa Analysis Opening 6 years compressed Vimshottari Dasa balance of Kethu for 4 days had already expired. The current running 6 years compressed Vimshottari Dasa from 14 January 2015 up to 14 January 2016 is Venus. Current running Dasa lord Venus is the lord of 11 placed in 7, in the star of Moon lord of 2 located in 2. Venus is in the sub of Rahu+ in the 3rd, in the sign of Virgo representing Mercury lord of 12, 1, 4, placed in 7, aspected by Mars lord of 5 placed in 8, indicating a bit mixed results. Since Dasa lord Venus signifies all life saving houses of 1, 5, 11, the new President is expected to survive this Venus Dasa with difficulties as a result of signification of unfavorable houses 2 & 7 (Maraka and Badhaka for longevity), 8 (danger to life/ office term, sudden troubles, disappointments), 12 (end of life/ office term), renunciation). The next Dasa periods from Sun to Rahu up to 01 February 2018 appear to be survived with their significations of both favorable and unfavorable houses that may not so end of presidential term. But Jupiter Dasa from 01 February 2018 to 20 November 2018 would be critical for survival of presidency because Dasa lord Jupiter signifies all deadly houses 2 (Maraka), 7 (Maraka & Badhaka), 12 (Moksha), 6 (sickness), 8 (danger to life/ term of office), 4 (end KP Ezine

February 2015


of everything), 10 (retirement from this world/ end of life), along with life saving house 1 only, as already discussed above in the case of 8th CSL Jupiter. We wish the new President Mr. Maithripala Sirisena Good Luck in his endeavor for a better future of Sri Lanka! My Pranams to Honorable Guruji Prof. KSK ji.

KP Ezine

February 2015


Delhi assembly elec on 2015 By: Kanakkumar B. Bosmia Sahakar-2, Flat No: 28 Jagabhai Park, Ram Baug Maninagar, Ahmedabad—380008 Mobile : +91-98 2531165. Email : [email protected] Question: Will BJP come in power in Delhi assembly election, on 7th February 2015? Number. 189 (out of 249) Date of Judgment: 17-01-2015, Saturday; Time of Judgment: 14:30:16 PM; IST Place of Judgment. Kankariya- Ahmedabad Long/Lat: 23° N 00', 72° E 36’ Aynamsha 230.58'.37" Note: Nowadays congress- I is very week in all over India. Only AAP (Aam Aadmi Party) is strong to fight with BJP in Delhi, hence in this horary chart I have considered AAP as an opposition. I have predicted 84 advance predictions by my rule below and get 61 correct that means it is 72.62% and not 50-50 in election prediction at all as some KP astrologers has said about this rule. This is first time in history of KP astrology that someone has done 83 advance predictions by using the same rule. Hint: If 10th (one’s position in politics) cusp sub lord signifies 10 (one’s reputation), 3 (one’s ability), 11 (one’s reputation as a winner) in the DBA of the significators of 3, 10, 11, then success is assured. Cuspal Sub lord for BJP: 10th Cusp (Libra 130.46’.25”): The sub lord of the 10th cusp is Mercury. Mercury is in the star of Moon and sub of Venus. Mercury is occupant of 1 owner of 6-9. Star lord Moon is occupant of 11 owner of 7. Sub lord Venus is occupant of 1 owner of 5-10. No planet in the star of Venus and Venus is CSL of 4-6-11. Thus 10th cusp sub lord Mercury is the significator of 7-11 and connected with 1-6-9-5-10-4-11. Hence, the wining in election is sure. Cuspal Sub lord for opponent AAP: 10th Cusp (Aries 130.46’.25”): The sub lord of the 10th cusp is Venus. Venus is in the star of Moon and sub of Sun. Venus is occupant of 7 owner of 4-11. No planet in the star of Venus and Venus is CSL of 5-10-12. Star lord Moon is occupant of 5 owner of 1. Sub lord Sun is occupant of 7 owner of 2. Thus 10th cusp sub lord Venus is the significator of 1-5 and connected with 4-7-11-5-10-12. Hence, the wining in election is sure. Joint period for BJP: On the day of election, (7th February 2015) the running joint period dasa is Mercury-VenusRahu-Jupiter Dasa lord Mercury is in the star of Moon and sub of Venus. Mercury is occupant of 1 owner of 6-9. Star lord Moon is occupant of 11 owner of 7. Sub lord Venus is occupant of 1 owner of 5-10. No planet in the star of Venus and Venus is CSL of 4-6-11. Thus 10th cusp sub lord Mercury is the significator of 7-11 and connected with 1-6-9-5-10-4-11. Hence, the wining in election is sure. Bhukti lord Venus is in the star of Moon and sub of Sun. Venus is in the star of Moon and sub of Sun. Venus is occupant of 7 owner of 4-11. No planet in the star of Venus and KP Ezine

February 2015


Horary No. 189/249 Sun Rise: 07:22:50 AM Nithya Yoga: Vridhi

Sun Set: Hora:

06:16:21 PM Saturn

Dasa Days: 365.25 D Karana: Kaulav

Horary No.: 189 Question : Will BJP come in powner in Delhi assembly election, on 7th February 2015?

Ruling Planets - 17/Jan/2015 02:30:16 PM KANKARIYA, AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India Planet


















Day Lord: Saturn

Nirayana Bhava Chalit II 10:06:01:59 Ma 10:09:53:32

III 11:12:16:41 Ke 11:20:05:41


XII 08:04:29:13

I 09:00:00:00 Su 09:02:56:14 Me 09:21:29:18 Ve 09:23:14:04



IV 00:13:46:25

Mo 07:20:08:33 XI 07:10:16:16


X 06:13:46:25 Sa 07:08:25:02 10 4

Ju[R] 03:26:13:56 VII 03:00:00:00

V 01:10:16:16

Ra 05:20:05:41 IX 05:12:16:41


6 5

3 VI 02:04:29:13

IV 13:46:25

VIII 04:06:01:59

V 10:16:16

VI 04:29:13

Name: Delhi Election 2015 Gender: Male Date: Saturday, 17/Jan/2015 Time: 02:30:16 PM SID: 21:36:33 Lat: 23:00:00 N Lon: 72:36:00 E Place: AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India

VII 00:00:00 Ju[R] 26:13:56

Ayanamsa: 23° 58' 37" [KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Star: Jyeshta, Pada 2 Star Lord: Mercury Rasi: Scorpio Rasi Lord: Mars Lagna: Capricorn Lagna Lord: Saturn Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Dvadasi Bal. Dasa: Mercury 12 Y, 6 M, 25 D

VIII 06:01:59

Ma 09:53:32 II 06:01:59

Ve 23:14:04 Me 21:29:18 Su 02:56:14 I 00:00:00

IX 12:16:41 Ra 20:05:41

XII 04:29:13

Mo 20:08:33 XI 10:16:16 Sa 08:25:02

X 13:46:25

Stl Su Ma Sa Ve Mo Ma Ju Ke Mo Ra Sa Ke

Sbl Ra Mo Ma Ve Mo Ve Mo Ra Ra Me Ve Mo

Ssl Sa Sa Ju Su Ra Me Sa Ju Ju Ra Ke Ke

Sssl Ma Sa Ju Sa Ve Me Ve Su Me Me Ra Su

Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su U.Ashada(2) Mo Jyeshta(2) Ma Satabhisha(1) Me Sravana(4) Ju[R] Ashlesha(3) Ve Sravana(4) Sa Anuradha(2) Ra Hasta(4) Ke Revati(2)

Sgl Sa Ma Sa Sa Mo Sa Ma Me Ju

Stl Su Me Ra Mo Me Mo Sa Mo Me

Sbl Ju Ve Ju Ve Ju Su Ve Ke Ve

Ssl Ra Ra Su Ra Ju Ve Ve Ra Ma

Sssl Ve Ra Sa Ve Ve Ve Me Mo Ve

Dasa Summary Bhukti

Ke 20:05:41 III 12:16:41

Sgl Sa Sa Ju Ma Ve Me Mo Su Me Ve Ma Ju

Significators - Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su 1 1 8 8 Mo 1 11 6, 9 7 Ma+ 9 2 4, 11 Me 11 1 7 6, 9 Ju+ 1 7 6, 9 3, 12 Ve+ 11 1 7 5, 10 Sa 11 11 1, 2 1, 2 Ra 11 9 7 Ke+ 1 3 6, 9 Rahu acts as agent for: Ma, Me. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars (B) - Occupant of house Ketu acts as agent for: Ju. (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner



Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 U.Ashada(2) 2 Dhanishta(4) 3 U.Bhadra(3) 4 Bharani(1) 5 Rohini(1) 6 Mrigasira(4) 7 Punarvasu(4) 8 Magha(2) 9 Hasta(1) 10 Swati(3) 11 Anuradha(3) 12 Moola(2)






Mercury Dasa 12-Aug-2010 - 12-Aug-2027 Mercury 12-Aug-2010 Ketu 08-Jan-2013 Venus 05-Jan-2014 Sun 04-Nov-2016 Moon 11-Sep-2017 Mars 10-Feb-2019 Rahu 07-Feb-2020 Jupiter 27-Aug-2022 Saturn 03-Dec-2024

Ketu Dasa 12-Aug-2027 - 12-Aug-2034 Ketu 12-Aug-2027 Venus 08-Jan-2028 Sun 10-Mar-2029 Moon 16-Jul-2029 Mars 14-Feb-2030 Rahu 13-Jul-2030 Jupiter 31-Jul-2031 Saturn 06-Jul-2032 Mercury 15-Aug-2033

Venus Dasa 12-Aug-2034 - 12-Aug-2054 Venus 12-Aug-2034 Sun 11-Dec-2037 Moon 11-Dec-2038 Mars 11-Aug-2040 Rahu 11-Oct-2041 Jupiter 11-Oct-2044 Saturn 11-Jun-2047 Mercury 11-Aug-2050 Ketu 12-Jun-2053

Sun Dasa 12-Aug-2054 - 12-Aug-2060 Sun 12-Aug-2054 Moon 29-Nov-2054 Mars 31-May-2055 Rahu 06-Oct-2055 Jupiter 29-Aug-2056 Saturn 18-Jun-2057 Mercury 31-May-2058 Ketu 06-Apr-2059 Venus 12-Aug-2059

Moon Dasa 12-Aug-2060 - 12-Aug-2070 Moon 12-Aug-2060 Mars 12-Jun-2061 Rahu 11-Jan-2062 Jupiter 13-Jul-2063 Saturn 12-Nov-2064 Mercury 13-Jun-2066 Ketu 12-Nov-2067 Venus 12-Jun-2068 Sun 10-Feb-2070

Mars Dasa 12-Aug-2070 - 12-Aug-2077 Mars 12-Aug-2070 Rahu 08-Jan-2071 Jupiter 26-Jan-2072 Saturn 01-Jan-2073 Mercury 10-Feb-2074 Ketu 07-Feb-2075 Venus 06-Jul-2075 Sun 05-Sep-2076 Moon 11-Jan-2077

Rahu Dasa 12-Aug-2077 - 12-Aug-2095 Rahu 12-Aug-2077 Jupiter 23-Apr-2080 Saturn 17-Sep-2082 Mercury 24-Jul-2085 Ketu 10-Feb-2088 Venus 28-Feb-2089 Sun 28-Feb-2092 Moon 22-Jan-2093 Mars 24-Jul-2094

Jupiter Dasa 12-Aug-2095 - 12-Aug-2111 Jupiter 12-Aug-2095 Saturn 29-Sep-2097 Mercury 12-Apr-2100 Ketu 19-Jul-2102 Venus 25-Jun-2103 Sun 23-Feb-2106 Moon 12-Dec-2106 Mars 12-Apr-2108 Rahu 19-Mar-2109

Saturn Dasa 12-Aug-2111 - 12-Aug-2130 Saturn 12-Aug-2111 Mercury 15-Aug-2114 Ketu 24-Apr-2117 Venus 03-Jun-2118 Sun 03-Aug-2121 Moon 16-Jul-2122 Mars 14-Feb-2124 Rahu 26-Mar-2125 Jupiter 30-Jan-2128

+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine

February 2015


Venus is CSL of 5-10-12. Star lord Moon is occupant of 5 owner of 1. Sub lord Sun is occupant of 7 owner of 2. Thus 10th cusp sub lord Venus is the significator of 1-5 and connected with 4-7-11-5-10-12. Hence, the wining in election is sure. Antra lord Rahu is in the star of Moon and sub of Ketu. Rahu is occupant of 9. Rahu is aspected by Mars. Mars is occupant of 2 owner of 4-11. No planet in the star of Mars and Mars is CSL of 3. Star lord Moon is occupant of 11, owner of 7. Sub lord Ketu is occupant of 3. Ketu is aspected by Jupiter. Jupiter is occupant of 7, owner of 3-12. Thus antra lord Rahu is the significator of 7-11 and connected with 2-4-11-3-7-12. Hence, the wining in election is sure. Sookshma lord Jupiter is in the star of Mercury and sub of own. Jupiter is occupant of 7, owner of 3-12. Star lord Mercury is occupant of 1 owner of 6-9. Thus Sookshma dasa lord Jupiter is the significator of 1-6-9 and connected with 3-7-12. Hence, the wining in election is sure. Joint period for AAP: On the day of election, (7th February 2015) the running joint period dasa is Mercury-Venus -Rahu-Jupiter Dasa lord Mercury is in the star of Moon and sub of Venus. Mercury is occupant of 7 owner of 3-12. Star lord Moon is occupant of 5 owner of 1. Sub lord Venus is occupant of 7 owner of 4-11. No planet in the star of Venus and Venus is CSL of 5-10-12. Thus 10th cusp sub lord Mercury is the significator of 1-5 and connected with 3-7-12-4-11-5-10. Hence, the wining in election is sure. Bhukti lord Venus is in the star of Moon and sub of Sun. Venus is occupant of 7 owner of 4-11. No planet in the star of Venus and Venus is CSL of 5-10-12. Star lord Moon is occupant of 5 owner of 1. Sub lord Sun is occupant of 7 owner of 2. Thus 10th cusp sub lord Venus is the significator of 1-5 and connected with 4-7-11-5-10-12. Hence, the wining in election is sure. Antra lord Rahu is in the star of Moon and sub of Ketu. Rahu is occupant of 3. Rahu is aspected by Mars. Mars is occupant of 8 owner of 5-10. No planet in the star of Mars and Mars is CSL of 9. Star lord Moon is occupant of 5, owner of 1. Sub lord Ketu is occupant of 9. Ketu is aspected by Jupiter. Jupiter is occupant of 1, owner of 6-9. Thus antra lord Rahu is the significator of 1-5 and connected with 3-8-5-10-9-1-6. Hence, the wining in election is sure. Sookshma lord Jupiter is in the star of Mercury and sub of own. Jupiter is occupant of 1, owner of 6-9. Star lord Mercury is occupant of 7 owner of 3-12. Thus Sookshma dasa lord Jupiter is the significator of 3-7-12 and connected with 1-6-9. Hence, the wining in election is sure. My opinion: The cuspal sub lords of 10th for BJP & AAP signify winning houses. Antra lord indicate 3-11 for BJP and 3-10 for AAP, so chance of winning for BJP is possible. Fight will be neck to neck. Let me try to predict the total seat to be won by the BJP. The total seat in Delhi Vidhan Sabha is 70. I am not much success in predicting seat of party in election but this exercise will help me to improve my work in future. Gaining the seats is wealth for any political party.

KP Ezine

February 2015


Hint: Level of wealth: No wealth If 2nd (money) signifies 5 (12th from 6th daily income), 8 (financial loss, income of opponent) ,12 (loss). Some Wealth If 2nd (money/income) signifies 5(12th from 6th daily income), 8(financial Loss, income of opponent), 12(loss) along with 2(Income), 6 (daily income), 11 (gain). Enormous Wealth If 2nd (income) signifies 2(income), 6 (daily income), 10 (profession/status), 11 (gain). AND NOT CONNECTED TO 5 (12th from 6th daily income), 8(financial Loss, income to opponent), 12(loss). 2nd cusp (Aquarius 06 0.01'.59”): The sub lord of the 2nd cusp is Moon. Moon is in the star of Mercury and sub of Venus. Moon is occupant of 11, owner of 7. Star lord Mercury is occupant of 1, owner of 6-9. Sub lord Venus is occupant of 1 owner of 5-10. No planet in the star of Veus and Venus is CSL of 4-6-11. Thus Moon signifies 1-6-9 and is connected with 7-11-1-5-10-4-6. 2nd CSL does not signifies only 5,12,8. So the condition of no wealth is not applicable in this case. 2nd CSL signifies 6-11 and connected with 6. So the condition of some wealth is applicable in this case. 2nd CSL does not signify only 6-2-10 and is not connected with 5-8-12. So enormous wealth condition is not applicable in this case. The total seat is 70, so I guess that BJP would get 50% of the total seat because we have only positive bhavas. Thus in my opinion BJP will get 35 to 40 seats.

KP Ezine

February 2015


Ques on-Answer By: Tin Win Email: [email protected]

Question- 1: Difference between Umang Taneja’s Nadi Astrology and KP Sir,what is the difference between nadi astrology thought by mr umanj taneja and kp system? Pl explain sir if possible for the benefit of students. Answer- 1: The so-called nadi astrology by Umang Taneja is in fact all about KP astrology. The main difference is Umang Taneja’s nadi astrology does not look at the cuspal sub lord of the respective house for a given event in order to check firstly whether the event is promised or not. It checks whether the Dasa- Bhukti- Antra lords signify the required houses, for marriage 2,7,11, at the planet, its star lord and sub lord levels. The reason of not taking into consideration of the cuspal sub lord is that it is difficult to handle the cuspal degree of houses in natal horoscope because it is practically very difficult to correct the degree of Ascendant of a native to minutes. In other words, the cuspal sub lords of houses keep changing in every few minutes and they are not reliable as most people do not have accurate birth times. In KP, firstly the cuspal sub lord of a house should be checked whether the matter of that house is promised or not. Promise is not a guarantee for materialization event. Only if the matter is promised, it will happen during the joint dasa period DBA of the significators of required houses. For example of marriage, first we have to check whether the 7th cuspal sub lord (CSL) signifies any of marriage houses 2,7 and 11. If so, marriage is promised; on the other hand if not so, marriage is not promised. If the 7th CSL signifies 2,7 or 11, marriage is promised to take place during the joint dasa period (DBA) of significators of 2,7 and 11. The promise of marriage is not a guarantee to get married, and marriage will take place only during the joint dasa period that signifies 2,7 and 11. If the 7th CSL does not signify 2,7 or 11 or negates marriage, it does not need further analysis of the joint dasa period as the marriage cannot take place even during the joint dasa period signifying 2,7 and 11. The bottom line is to use the cuspal sub lord of concerned houses in KP analysis. How the birth time is accurate, no body knows since astrology is divine science. Only if the birth time is doubtful, especially by the consultant himself or herself, the birth time rectification is to be done by the help of “ruling planets”, only then mysteriously God will help the astrologer. It should also be verified with major life events.. Question- 2: To consider planet and its star only or to go up to sub in KP? Dear Sir! I have a small question. please help me to understand it.. It is clear that 7th cuspal sub lord has to be checked to identify whether marriage is promised or not. What I do not understand whether it is necessary to check houses signified by sublord of 7th cuspal sub lord (CSL) also or only houses signified by 7CSL and its star lord? KP Ezine

February 2015


For example, if 7th CSL is Mercury and it signifies 1,3,4 houses. Mercury is in Jupiter star and it signifies 5,6,8 houses. Mercury is in sub of sun and it signifies 2, 7 houses. In planet and star level mercury denies marriage but it is located in a sub of Sun which promises marriage. In such a case can we say that marriage is promised? Having gone through your latest post (number 4) I understood that we have to check houses signified by the sublord of 7 CSL too! I have seen some KP astrologers checking only up to star level when it comes check whether some event is promised or not. Sir ! Please be kind be kind enough to explain this. Thanks! Answer- 2: As KP is the sub lord theory, the sub lord of CSL and DBAS lords are to be considered. Considering planet and its star (2-step) is stellar theory, and planet, it's star and sub (3-step) is KP system. Without considering sub it is not KP. Question- 3: Dear Sir, it is said that KP astrology is based on the cuspal chart which is casted according to Raphael's ephemeris. In that book cuspal degrees are given only to cities located up to 60 N latitude. There are many large cities in Russia, Finland , Norway, Canada which are located above 60N latitude. We can't cast charts manually with Raphael's ephemeris for those people born in locations above 60N, but all these softwares do it without any hesitation. I have lot of friends and relatives born at locations above 60N. Can we rely on charts given by those softwares? I would like to seek your advice on this. Thank you. Answer- 3: Yes, we can rely on charts given by accurate softwares using the Swiss ephemeris, as explained below: Raphael’s Ephemeris and Table of Houses ruled the astrological world during the period when Guruji KSK was doing research and writing KP. Nowadays the highly accurate Swiss ephemeris dominates the current astrological SWs like KPAstro 3.5, Jagannatha Hora, Astro-Kundli, Jyotishya Deepika, Astracadabra, KPStarOne. # Raphael's Table of Houses for Northern Latitudes from the Equator to 50 Degrees N.O' Also for Leningrad 59 Degrees N. 56' W. Foulsham & Co., LTD. 104 pages # Raphael's Astronomical Ephemeris of the Planets' Places for 2010 W. Foulsham & Co., LTD. 49 pages The drawback of the Raphael’s Tables of Houses (first published in 1821) is that only ascendant position is given to the degree and minute and other cuspal positions to the nearest degree only. The current Universal Table of Houses, Michelsen Tables of Houses and AFA Tables of Houses give the cuspal positions up to the degree and minute and Krishman KP Tables of Houses up to the second. The manual calculation by using these Tables of Houses provides the cuspal positions very close to the SW results. In the new era of high precision drive by SWs like Astrodienst/KPAstro 4.1, the Raphael’s Table of Houses looks like a historical record only without any more practical publication. Question- 4: I would appreciate if you could share what you have read about the invention and the history of KP. I have read a lot of confusing details about this and especially most of them say Guruji copied it from Meena. I have read all details included in KP readers and most of Astrology and Athrishta magazines. Hence no need to bother to share them. But If you know any other details please share them when you have spare time.

KP Ezine

February 2015


Answer- 4: One can easily see six KP Readers are not a copy from "Nadi Jyotisha or The Stellar System of Astrology", (1st Edition of Part I & II by "Meena" on Jan 1, 1945 by Modi Printing Press; 2nd Edition of 3 Vols by "R. Gopalakrishna Row", on Jan 1, 1951 ; and 3rd Edition in 1954 by Ranjan Publication). -the-Stellar-System-of-Astrology-3-Vols KP & TRADITIONAL Nadi & KP

KP Ezine

February 2015


KP Ezine

February 2015


Book ReviewAstrosecrets & Krishnamur Padhdha , Timing of Events, Part VII By: Tin Win Email: [email protected] Astrosecrets & Krishnamurti Padhdhati, Timing of Events, Part VII Edt. K. Subramaniam, Krishman & Co., 2013, 454 pages h t t p : / / s h o p . s a p t a r i s h i s a s t r o l o g y . c o m / i n d e x . p h p ? page=details&prod=2990&cat=74&group=63

Under the title of Timing of Events, Astrosecrets & Krishnamurti Padhdhati, Timing of Events, Part VII, is one more book of refreshing old articles compiled by K. Subramaniam and published by Krishman & Co. in 2013, 454 pages. The earlier book is Timing of Events, 3 Volumes, of 92 refreshing old articles compiled by K Hariharan, published by Krishnamurti Publications in 2008, 635 pages (Book Review, KPEzine December 2011 issue). This book includes 82 articles on various topics written by 51 authors although it does not show which article is written by whom. It is open with the extract of Prof. K.S. Krishnamurti's speech on transit touching timing of events. List of authors Sri Vaikarai Ramamurthy, G.E.W. Silva, P.V. Haranadhra Rao, M.R. Narayanan Rao, G.C.Vijayakumar, K.C. Subramanian, Nirmalendu Bhattacharya, Mercury, Sunil D. Deo, Sr. Jayaprakash Vyas, S. Rajagopalan, A.V. Ramanamurthy, K.A. Deasi, Kachalingam, M. Lakshminarayanan, Sunil K. Gondhalekar, J. R. Rakshit, A.V. Ramamurthy, T.R. Raghunath, A.Y. Divekar, Subhas Biswas, Kuppu Ganapathi, N.V. Shreevathsa, Ashok Trivedi, Tejendra Vikaasa, R. Gopal, S. Ramachandran Nair, Kamala Sesharatnam, J.C. Borooah, S. Vaidyanathan, Y.S.N. Murthy, C. Luthra, R. Ramesh, Bal Krishna Singh, M.R. Sharma, Gopal Raju, Basant Kumar Sharma, N.D. Kedare, R. Sharma, Kambigudi P.S. Chandra Bose, K.V.R. Anjaneyulu, D.M. Swamy, P.R. Muralidharan, M. Purushottam, Late C.V. Tyagaraja Iyer, Prof. M.C. Khare, C.H. Bhaskar, N. Krishnamurti, V.N.N.Rangachar, A. Sivapatham, K. Ganapathy

KP Ezine

February 2015


Contents 1) Timing of events 2) Timing of events- planetary transit 3) Timing of events- based on hoary 4) Will I recover my entangled money? When? 5) Horoscopy, when can I pay the balance? 6) President award 7) Surprisingly accurate 8) Timing of events based on transit 9) Transfer, when? 10) Financial aid for business 11) How scientific- K.P.? 12) Day of admission to college 13) Will I get through the examination? 14) Stars show the examination 15) Reinstatement in service 16) Timing of minor events using KP expounded ruling planets 17) Can I prosper as an actor or musicians ? 18) Scholarship for studies 19) K.P. analysis- evaluation of university exam marks 20) Krishnamurti Padhdhati- a unique predictive method 21) Stellar astrology and its efficacy 22) Change of residence through K.P. 23) Divine sub detects the truth 24) Accreditation as company secretary 25) Ruling planets- minor events 26) Hoary astrology and minor events 27) How the ruling planets work? 28) Gold bond gold- when? 29) Change in job 30) Hoary astrology and its significance to predict future events 31) An unusual query and how Krishnamurti Padhdhati effectively answers? 32) Employment- when? 33) Principles of mundane astrology- K.P. 34) Appeal successful or not? 35) A promotion case through Krishnamurti Padhdhati 36) Twin birth proves that K.P. system is the only system useful in predictive astrology 37) Arrival of washing machines 38) K.P. endoscope for K.P. astrologers- rum our true or false? 39) Overseas travel- when? 40) When I will get a job? 41) No news- your views 42) Application of ruling planets in predictions 43) Feathers in the cap of K.P. 44) An unique question answered through K.P. horary- time of events 45) Is there second marriage for me? 46) Any child for me? 47) Astrological prospects for progeny 48) Is progeny promised? 49) Stellar astrology and prospect of progeny 50) Horary- marriage 51) Disease diagnosis through stellar astrology 52) 7th lord Venus separated the couple 53) Any childbirth at all- if so when? 54) When can I deliver? 55) Predicting date of birth and sex of child KP Ezine

February 2015


56) 57) 58) 59) 60) 61) 62) 63) 64) 65) 66) 67) 68) 69) 70) 71) 72) 73) 74) 75) 76) 77) 78) 79) 80) 81) 82)

Time of arrival of mother When will I get the appointment? K.P. Sub-sub reveals marvelously The celestial stars through K.P. Promotion and retrograde planets A case of twin births and longevity Bother is to become father When will I have a child? Cancer- malignant or benign? Prosperity in business and pay off loans, when? Business prosperity K.P. answers share price fluctuations When will I get residential telephone? Early release from jail and reunion with husband Will I be able to borrow? When and from whom? Will I be selected as a minister? Will I be able clear off loans? When? Longevity of partnership? Success in litigation Astrology aids in recovering lost article When will I get my promotion? Transfer in service- K.P. reveals Marriage Break in partnership and divisions of industrial unit Bush vs Bin Laden Astrologers from all over India poll the stars to the next US president Change of job- as per K.P. & R.P.

KP Ezine

February 2015


Readers View


Sri Lanka has changed its destination to a better future with the winning of Mr. Maithreepala Sirisena in the recent Presidential Elections. The Editor, KPEzine, Sri Kanak Kumar Bosmia, predicted this in December 2014 issue, in a very wonderful way according to infallible Krishnamurthi Padhdhathi, These are our congratulations to Sri Kanak Kumar Bosmia, for his accurate prediction, which a large number of astrologers failed to predict correctly. Mr. Maithreepala Sirisena had his swearing in ceremony as the sixth President of Sri Lanka on 09th Friday, at 6.23 p.m. in Colombo. We wish the new President of Sri Lanka GOOD LUCK for a better future of our country and the neighbors around. AGAIN CONGRATULATIONS TO SRI KANAK KUMAR BOSMIA FOR HIS ACCURATE PREDICTION.


18th January , 2015

G.H.W.Silva, SREEPALEE Astrological Services, Ketawala-Leula., Sri Lanka. E mail: [email protected] Telephone: 094 081 2219055, Mobile:

KP Ezine

094 777 507035.

February 2015


Planetary Positions For O5.30 AM February 2015 Ahmedabad Date
















Cp 17:48:41

Ge 14:45:24

Aq 21:18:30

Cp 14:35:05

Cn 24:25:08

Aq 11:28:05

Sc 09:31:33

Vi 19:19:12

Pi 19:19:12

Pi 19:18:09

Aq 12:21:12

Sg 20:14:23



Cp 18:49:34

Ge 27:03:18

Aq 22:05:11

Cp 13:22:24

Cn 24:17:14

Aq 12:42:40

Sc 09:35:30

Vi 19:16:01

Pi 19:16:01

Pi 19:20:11

Aq 12:23:19

Sg 20:16:17



Cp 19:50:26

Cn 09:12:42

Aq 22:51:50

Cp 12:13:35

Cn 24:09:19

Aq 13:57:14

Sc 09:39:21

Vi 19:12:50

Pi 19:12:50

Pi 19:22:15

Aq 12:25:27

Sg 20:18:10



Cp 20:51:17

Cn 21:14:40

Aq 23:38:28

Cp 11:10:11

Cn 24:01:22

Aq 15:11:45

Sc 09:43:07

Vi 19:09:39

Pi 19:09:39

Pi 19:24:21

Aq 12:27:35

Sg 20:20:02



Cp 21:52:06

Le 03:10:18

Aq 24:25:04

Cp 10:13:26

Cn 23:53:24

Aq 16:26:15

Sc 09:46:48

Vi 19:06:28

Pi 19:06:28

Pi 19:26:30

Aq 12:29:44

Sg 20:21:52



Cp 22:52:54

Le 15:01:08

Aq 25:11:39

Cp 09:24:11

Cn 23:45:26

Aq 17:40:42

Sc 09:50:23

Vi 19:03:18

Pi 19:03:18

Pi 19:28:41

Aq 12:31:54

Sg 20:23:42



Cp 23:53:42

Le 26:49:09

Aq 25:58:13

Cp 08:42:59

Cn 23:37:27

Aq 18:55:08

Sc 09:53:54

Vi 19:00:07

Pi 19:00:07

Pi 19:30:55

Aq 12:34:05

Sg 20:25:31



Cp 24:54:28

Vi 08:37:05

Aq 26:44:44

Cp 08:10:07

Cn 23:29:29

Aq 20:09:31

Sc 09:57:19

Vi 18:56:56

Pi 18:56:56

Pi 19:33:11

Aq 12:36:16

Sg 20:27:20



Cp 25:55:13

Vi 20:28:20

Aq 27:31:14

Cp 07:45:34

Cn 23:21:30

Aq 21:23:53

Sc 10:00:39

Vi 18:53:45

Pi 18:53:45

Pi 19:35:29

Aq 12:38:27

Sg 20:29:07



Cp 26:55:57

Li 02:27:02

Aq 28:17:43

Cp 07:29:13

Cn 23:13:33

Aq 22:38:12

Sc 10:03:54

Vi 18:50:34

Pi 18:50:34

Pi 19:37:50

Aq 12:40:39

Sg 20:30:53



Cp 27:56:40

Li 14:37:52

Aq 29:04:10

Cp 07:20:46

Cn 23:05:37

Aq 23:52:29

Sc 10:07:03

Vi 18:47:23

Pi 18:47:23

Pi 19:40:13

Aq 12:42:52

Sg 20:32:38



Cp 28:57:22

Li 27:05:49

Aq 29:50:35

Cp 07:19:51

Cn 22:57:42

Aq 25:06:45

Sc 10:10:07

Vi 18:44:12

Pi 18:44:12

Pi 19:42:38

Aq 12:45:05

Sg 20:34:22



Cp 29:58:03

Sc 09:55:47

Pi 00:36:59

Cp 07:26:02

Cn 22:49:49

Aq 26:20:58

Sc 10:13:06

Vi 18:41:02

Pi 18:41:02

Pi 19:45:05

Aq 12:47:19

Sg 20:36:05



Aq 00:58:43

Sc 23:11:59

Pi 01:23:21

Cp 07:38:52

Cn 22:41:58

Aq 27:35:09

Sc 10:15:59

Vi 18:37:51

Pi 18:37:51

Pi 19:47:34

Aq 12:49:33

Sg 20:37:47



Aq 01:59:22

Sg 06:57:11

Pi 02:09:42

Cp 07:57:54

Cn 22:34:10

Aq 28:49:18

Sc 10:18:46

Vi 18:34:40

Pi 18:34:40

Pi 19:50:06

Aq 12:51:47

Sg 20:39:28



Aq 03:00:00

Sg 21:11:50

Pi 02:56:01

Cp 08:22:38

Cn 22:26:24

Pi 00:03:24

Sc 10:21:28

Vi 18:31:30

Pi 18:31:30

Pi 19:52:39

Aq 12:54:02

Sg 20:41:07



Aq 04:00:36

Cp 05:53:15

Pi 03:42:18

Cp 08:52:41

Cn 22:18:42

Pi 01:17:29

Sc 10:24:04

Vi 18:28:19

Pi 18:28:19

Pi 19:55:15

Aq 12:56:18

Sg 20:42:46



Aq 05:01:11

Cp 20:55:25

Pi 04:28:33

Cp 09:27:36

Cn 22:11:03

Pi 02:31:31

Sc 10:26:35

Vi 18:25:08

Pi 18:25:08

Pi 19:57:53

Aq 12:58:33

Sg 20:44:23



Aq 06:01:45

Aq 06:09:23

Pi 05:14:46

Cp 10:07:00

Cn 22:03:29

Pi 03:45:30

Sc 10:28:59

Vi 18:21:57

Pi 18:21:57

Pi 20:00:32

Aq 13:00:49

Sg 20:45:59



Aq 07:02:17

Aq 21:24:36

Pi 06:00:57

Cp 10:50:33

Cn 21:55:58

Pi 04:59:27

Sc 10:31:18

Vi 18:18:46

Pi 18:18:46

Pi 20:03:14

Aq 13:03:05

Sg 20:47:34



Aq 08:02:47

Pi 06:30:44

Pi 06:47:06

Cp 11:37:54

Cn 21:48:32

Pi 06:13:21

Sc 10:33:31

Vi 18:15:36

Pi 18:15:36

Pi 20:05:57

Aq 13:05:21

Sg 20:49:07



Aq 09:03:15

Pi 21:19:19

Pi 07:33:13

Cp 12:28:46

Cn 21:41:11

Pi 07:27:12

Sc 10:35:38

Vi 18:12:25

Pi 18:12:25

Pi 20:08:42

Aq 13:07:37

Sg 20:50:39



Aq 10:03:42

Ar 05:44:43

Pi 08:19:18

Cp 13:22:52

Cn 21:33:55

Pi 08:41:01

Sc 10:37:39

Vi 18:09:14

Pi 18:09:14

Pi 20:11:29

Aq 13:09:54

Sg 20:52:09



Aq 11:04:07

Ar 19:44:23

Pi 09:05:21

Cp 14:19:59

Cn 21:26:45

Pi 09:54:46

Sc 10:39:34

Vi 18:06:03

Pi 18:06:03

Pi 20:14:18

Aq 13:12:10

Sg 20:53:39



Aq 12:04:30

Ta 03:18:19

Pi 09:51:21

Cp 15:19:52

Cn 21:19:41

Pi 11:08:29

Sc 10:41:24

Vi 18:02:52

Pi 18:02:52

Pi 20:17:08

Aq 13:14:27

Sg 20:55:07



Aq 13:04:51

Ta 16:28:24

Pi 10:37:20

Cp 16:22:21

Cn 21:12:43

Pi 12:22:08

Sc 10:43:07

Vi 17:59:41

Pi 17:59:41

Pi 20:20:00

Aq 13:16:44

Sg 20:56:34



Aq 14:05:10

Ta 29:17:37

Pi 11:23:16

Cp 17:27:15

Cn 21:05:51

Pi 13:35:44

Sc 10:44:44

Vi 17:56:31

Pi 17:56:31

Pi 20:22:54

Aq 13:19:00

Sg 20:57:59



Aq 15:05:27

Ge 11:49:25

Pi 12:09:09

Cp 18:34:25

Cn 20:59:06

Pi 14:49:17

Sc 10:46:16

Vi 17:53:20

Pi 17:53:20

Pi 20:25:50

Aq 13:21:17

Sg 20:59:23


February 2015


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