March 2, 2017 | Author: Anonymous Mp5LmNTkLu | Category: N/A
Volume 8, Issue 4, May 2014
KP Ezine
May 2014
Volume 8, Issue 3, May 2014
Par culars
Horoscopes of Gandhi Family in the Perspective Tin Win of Indian General Elections
Introduction to KP relationship method of composite charts (KPCC)- Part 2
Kanakkumar B. Bosmia
Can BJP NDA Alliance Form Govt at Centre? –KP Analysis
O V N Murthy
Odisha state assembly election 2014
Dr. Nirmal Kothari
My Experience with Ruling Planets
Kanakkumar B. Bosmia
K. P. System and Marriage
Gunti Nagaraju
K.P. Reveals Hospital Deliveries
VSN. Murthy
Will I win election?
Kanakkumar B. Bosmia
Promotion in job
Navin Chitlangia
When will I be able to adopt a baby girl?
Kanakkumar B. Bosmia
Tin Win
Book Review- Stock Market Astrology & Astrological Theory of Business Cycles
Tin Win
Planetary Position for May 2014
Generated from KPAstro 4.1TM
KP Ezine
May 2014
Volume 8, Issue 3, May 2014
Published by:
Kanakkumar B. Bosmia Sahakar- 2, Flat # 28, Jagabhai Park, Ram Baug, Maninagar, AHMEDABAD - 380 008, Gujarat State, India
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KP Ezine
May 2014
Horoscopes of Gandhi Family in the Perspec ve of Indian General Elec ons By: Tin Win Email:
[email protected]
The analysis of AA-rated horoscopes of Smt. Sonia (relocated), Rahul and Priyanka Gandhi has been made in the perspective of the 2004, 2009 and 2014 Indian general elections on the basis of KP principles, being neutral towards all the stakeholders to the elections. Based on the following astrological data, they may retain their fame and power by leading the Congress party to be part of ruling coalition government despite of some failure and upset in the 2014 general elections.
Sonia Gandhi’s Natal Chart Born on Monday, 09/December/1946, 21:30 pm, TZ hr 1 east of GMT, Lusiana, Veneto, Italy, 45n47, 11e34, KP Ayanamsa: 23° 1' 34", Placidus, Mean nodes, Ascendant: Cancer 27° 16' 39, Star: Aridra, Pada 1, Bal. Dasa: Rahu 13 Y 7 M 1 D, calculated by KPAstro 4.1,_Sonia
KP Ezine
May 2014
Sonia Gandhi Sun Rise: 07:42:35 AM Nithya Yoga: Shubha
Sun Set: Hora:
04:29:05 PM Mercury
Dasa Days: 365.25 D Karana: Taitil
Ruling Planets - 07/Apr/2014 08:06:08 AM Maryland, USA Planet
Day Lord: Moon
Nirayana Bhava Chalit II 17:44:13
XII 28:24:33 Sa[R] 15:31:16 I 27:16:39
III 13:39:07 5
XI 23:41:12 Mo 09:56:04
3 2
Me 03:24:54 IV 16:24:51 Ke 18:17:33 Ju 23:06:04 Ve 24:07:57
Ra 18:17:33 X 16:24:51
IX 13:39:07 8
12 11
9 VI 28:24:33
VIII 17:44:13
Ra 18:17:33 XI 23:41:12
Mo 09:56:04 XII 28:24:33
IX 13:39:07 Name: Sonia Gandhi Gender: Female Date: Monday, 09/Dec/1946 Time: 09:30:00 PM SID: 02:28:10 Lat: 45:47:00 N Lon: 11:34:00 E Place: Lusiana, Veneto, Italy
Sa[R] 15:31:16 I 27:16:39
Ayanamsa: 23° 1' 34" [KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Star: Aridra, Pada 1 Star Lord: Rahu Rasi: Gemini Rasi Lord: Mercury Lagna: Cancer Lagna Lord: Moon Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Dvitiya Bal. Dasa: Rahu 13 Y, 7 M, 1 D
II 17:44:13
VIII 17:44:13
VII 27:16:39
III 13:39:07
VI 28:24:33 Ma 01:15:30
Su 24:09:11 V 23:41:12 Ke 18:17:33 Me 03:24:54
Stl Me Ve Mo Ra Me Su Ma Ra Sa Ve Ma Ju
Sbl Ju Ma Ra Ve Ma Mo Ju Su Ra Mo Ma Ve
Ssl Ve Me Mo Ju Sa Su Ve Ju Sa Ra Sa Me
Sssl Ke Me Ra Sa Ma Ju Ke Mo Mo Ju Ma Ve
Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su Jyeshta(3) Mo Aridra(1) Ma Moola(1) Me Anuradha(1) Ju Visakha(1) Ve Visakha(2) Sa[R] Pushyami(4) Ra Rohini(3) Ke Jyeshta(1)
Sgl Ma Me Ju Ma Ve Ve Mo Ve Ma
Stl Me Ra Ke Sa Ju Ju Sa Mo Me
Sbl Ra Ju Ve Sa Sa Me Ju Me Me
Ssl Ra Mo Su Sa Mo Me Me Ve Sa
Sssl Ra Mo Ve Me Me Sa Mo Ra Sa
Significators - Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su+ 4 5 3, 12 2 Mo 10 11 1 Ma+ 4 5 5, 10 Me 12 4 7, 8 3, 12 Ju 4 4 6, 9 6, 9 Ve+ 4 4 6, 9 4, 11 Sa 12 12 7, 8 7, 8 Ra 11 10 1 Ke 4 4 3, 12 Rahu acts as agent for: Su, Me, Ve. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars Ketu acts as agent for: Su, Ma, Me. (B) - Occupant of house (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner
VII 27:16:39
X 16:24:51
Sgl Mo Su Me Ve Ma Ju Sa Sa Ju Ma Ve Me
4 7 10
Ma 01:15:30 V 23:41:12 Su 24:09:11
Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 Ashlesha(4) 2 P.Phalguni(2) 3 Hasta(2) 4 Swati(3) 5 Jyeshta(3) 6 U.Ashada(1) 7 Dhanishta(2) 8 Satabhisha(4) 9 U.Bhadra(4) 10 Bharani(1) 11 Mrigasira(1) 12 Punarvasu(3)
Ve 24:07:57 Ju 23:06:04 IV 16:24:51
Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:
KP Ezine
Dasa Summary Bhukti
Rahu Dasa 11-Jul-1942 - 11-Jul-1960 Rahu 11-Jul-1942 Jupiter 24-Mar-1945 Saturn 17-Aug-1947 Mercury 24-Jun-1950 Ketu 10-Jan-1953 Venus 29-Jan-1954 Sun 29-Jan-1957 Moon 23-Dec-1957 Mars 24-Jun-1959 Mercury Dasa 11-Jul-1995 - 11-Jul-2012 Mercury 11-Jul-1995 Ketu 07-Dec-1997 Venus 05-Dec-1998 Sun 05-Oct-2001 Moon 11-Aug-2002 Mars 11-Jan-2004 Rahu 07-Jan-2005 Jupiter 27-Jul-2007 Saturn 01-Nov-2009 Sun Dasa 11-Jul-2039 - 11-Jul-2045 Sun 11-Jul-2039 Moon 29-Oct-2039 Mars 28-Apr-2040 Rahu 03-Sep-2040 Jupiter 29-Jul-2041 Saturn 17-May-2042 Mercury 29-Apr-2043 Ketu 05-Mar-2044 Venus 10-Jul-2044
May 2014
Jupiter Dasa 11-Jul-1960 - 11-Jul-1976 Jupiter 11-Jul-1960 Saturn 29-Aug-1962 Mercury 12-Mar-1965 Ketu 17-Jun-1967 Venus 23-May-1968 Sun 22-Jan-1971 Moon 10-Nov-1971 Mars 12-Mar-1973 Rahu 15-Feb-1974 Ketu Dasa 11-Jul-2012 - 11-Jul-2019 Ketu 11-Jul-2012 Venus 07-Dec-2012 Sun 06-Feb-2014 Moon 14-Jun-2014 Mars 13-Jan-2015 Rahu 11-Jun-2015 Jupiter 30-Jun-2016 Saturn 05-Jun-2017 Mercury 15-Jul-2018 Moon Dasa 11-Jul-2045 - 11-Jul-2055 Moon 11-Jul-2045 Mars 12-May-2046 Rahu 11-Dec-2046 Jupiter 10-Jun-2048 Saturn 10-Oct-2049 Mercury 11-May-2051 Ketu 10-Oct-2052 Venus 11-May-2053 Sun 10-Jan-2055
Saturn Dasa 11-Jul-1976 - 11-Jul-1995 Saturn 11-Jul-1976 Mercury 14-Jul-1979 Ketu 24-Mar-1982 Venus 03-May-1983 Sun 02-Jul-1986 Moon 14-Jun-1987 Mars 13-Jan-1989 Rahu 22-Feb-1990 Jupiter 29-Dec-1992 Venus Dasa 11-Jul-2019 - 11-Jul-2039 Venus 11-Jul-2019 Sun 10-Nov-2022 Moon 10-Nov-2023 Mars 12-Jul-2025 Rahu 10-Sep-2026 Jupiter 10-Sep-2029 Saturn 11-May-2032 Mercury 11-Jul-2035 Ketu 11-May-2038 Mars Dasa 11-Jul-2055 - 11-Jul-2062 Mars 11-Jul-2055 Rahu 07-Dec-2055 Jupiter 26-Dec-2056 Saturn 02-Dec-2057 Mercury 10-Jan-2059 Ketu 07-Jan-2060 Venus 04-Jun-2060 Sun 04-Aug-2061 Moon 10-Dec-2061
Significators of Planets at Planet, Star and Sub by Occupation and Ownership Sr
Su+5,2, CSL of 8
Ma+:5,5-10, CSL of 2,5,11
Ve+:4,4-11, CSL of 4,12
Ra:10, Sgl Ve+:4,4-11, CSL of 4,12 Ke:4, Conj Su+5,2, CSL of 8, Me:4,312,Sgl Ma+: 5,5-10,CSL of 2,5,11 Sa:12,7-8
Ra:10, Sgl Ve+:4,4-11, CSL of 4,12 Ju:4,6-9
Unfavorable 4,5,8,12
Ve+:4,4-11, CSL of 4,12 Sa:12,7-8
Ra:10, Sgl Ve+:4,4-11, CSL of 4,12 Ke:4, Conj Su+5,2, CSL of 8, Me:4,312,Sgl Ma+: 5,5-10, CSL of 2,5,11 Ke:3,Conj Su+:3,12,Me: 2,1-10, Sgl Ma+:3,3-8
7 8 9
+ Planets having no planet in their stars Note:- Favorable houses for success in politics are: 3 = ability to compete, 6 = victory over opponents, 9 = fortune, 10 = reputation as a winner, power, authority, 11 = gain, fulfillment of desire; Unfavorable houses are 4 = 10 for opponent, 5 = 11 for opponent, 8 = disappointment, dejection, 12 = 6 for opponent. Political Events in Life 14 March 1998 (Me-Ke-Su-Sa DBAS): Was elected as leader of the Congress Party 06 October 1999 (Me-Ve-Mo-Ve): Won her first parliamentary election 20 April 2004 (Me-Ma-Ju-Ve): First polling day of the 2005 Indian general elections 18 May 2004 (Me-Ma-Sa-Sa); Led her party to win the 2004 general elections 16 April 2009 (Me-Ju-Mo-Ju): First polling day of the 2009 Indian general elections 07 April 2014 (Ke-Su-Ju-Ra): First polling day of the I2014 Indian general elections The above birth chart of Sonia Gandhi is found not fit with her political rise in the Dasa of Mercury which does not signify any of the relevant houses 6,9,10,11 for political success. But she settled down in India since 46 years ago, and her rotated chart to New Delhi is found clearly fit to her political rise in the Mercury Dasa as shown below. (One should not always calculate the ascendant for the place of birth unless the native is permanent in his birth place. – KP Reader V, p 162/ 1971 original edition p 155) KP Ezine
May 2014
Sonia Gandhi (Relocated) Sun Rise: 07:02:44 AM Nithya Yoga: Shubha
Sun Set: Hora:
05:24:42 PM Saturn
Dasa Days: 365.25 D Karana: Taitil
Ruling Planets - 07/Apr/2014 08:07:31 AM Maryland, USA Planet
Day Lord: Moon
Nirayana Bhava Chalit Me 03:24:54 II 16:34:17 Ju 23:06:04 Ve 24:07:57 Ma 01:15:30 III 17:02:52 Ke 18:17:33 Su 24:09:11
Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 Hasta(3) 2 Swati(3) 3 Jyeshta(1) 4 P.Ashada(2) 5 Sravana(4) 6 P.Bhadra(1) 7 Revati(1) 8 Bharani(1) 9 Rohini(3) 10 Aridra(4) 11 Ashlesha(2) 12 P.Phalguni(3)
Sgl Me Ve Ma Ju Sa Sa Ju Ma Ve Me Mo Su
Stl Mo Ra Me Ve Mo Ju Me Ve Mo Ra Me Ve
Sbl Me Ve Me Ra Ke Ju Me Mo Sa Mo Ve Ju
Ssl Ke Ju Ve Ju Me Me Ju Ju Mo Sa Ra Me
Sssl Sa Mo Ve Ma Me Ju Ve Sa Su Me Ke Ve
Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su Jyeshta(3) Mo Aridra(1) Ma Moola(1) Me Anuradha(1) Ju Visakha(1) Ve Visakha(2) Sa[R] Pushyami(4) Ra Rohini(3) Ke Jyeshta(1)
Sgl Ma Me Ju Ma Ve Ve Mo Ve Ma
Stl Me Ra Ke Sa Ju Ju Sa Mo Me
Sbl Ra Ju Ve Sa Sa Me Ju Me Me
Ssl Ra Mo Su Sa Mo Me Me Ve Sa
Sssl Ra Mo Ve Me Me Sa Mo Ra Sa
XII 20:42:18
I 18:08:06 XI 20:20:27
5 4
IV 18:37:52
X 18:37:52 Sa[R] 15:31:16 6
Significators - Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su+ 2 3 1, 10 12 Mo 9 9 11 Ma+ 3 3 3, 8 Me 10 2 5, 6 1, 10 Ju 2 2 4, 7 4, 7 Ve+ 2 2 4, 7 2, 9 Sa 10 10 5, 6 5, 6 Ra 9 9 11 Ke 2 3 1, 10 Rahu acts as agent for: Su, Me, Ve. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars Ketu acts as agent for: Su, Ma, Me. (B) - Occupant of house (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner
9 12
VII 18:08:06 V 20:20:27 10
Ra 18:17:33 IX 17:02:52 Mo 09:56:04
2 1
11 VI 20:42:18
VIII 16:34:17
VIII 16:34:17
IX 17:02:52 Ra 18:17:33
Mo 09:56:04 X 18:37:52
VII 18:08:06 Name: Sonia Gandhi (Relocated) Gender: Male Date: Tuesday, 10/Dec/1946 Time: 02:00:00 AM SID: 06:50:42 Lat: 28:36:00 N Lon: 77:12:00 E Place: NEW DELHI, DELHI, India
Sa[R] 15:31:16 XI 20:20:27
Ayanamsa: 23° 1' 34" [KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Star: Aridra, Pada 1 Star Lord: Rahu Rasi: Gemini Rasi Lord: Mercury Lagna: Virgo Lagna Lord: Mercury Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Dvitiya Bal. Dasa: Rahu 13 Y, 7 M, 1 D
XII 20:42:18
VI 20:42:18
V 20:20:27
I 18:08:06
IV 18:37:52 Ma 01:15:30
Su 24:09:11 Ke 18:17:33 III 17:02:52 Me 03:24:54
Ve 24:07:57 Ju 23:06:04 II 16:34:17
Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:
KP Ezine
Dasa Summary Bhukti
Rahu Dasa 12-Jul-1942 - 12-Jul-1960 Rahu 12-Jul-1942 Jupiter 24-Mar-1945 Saturn 17-Aug-1947 Mercury 24-Jun-1950 Ketu 11-Jan-1953 Venus 29-Jan-1954 Sun 29-Jan-1957 Moon 24-Dec-1957 Mars 24-Jun-1959 Mercury Dasa 12-Jul-1995 - 12-Jul-2012 Mercury 12-Jul-1995 Ketu 08-Dec-1997 Venus 05-Dec-1998 Sun 05-Oct-2001 Moon 12-Aug-2002 Mars 11-Jan-2004 Rahu 07-Jan-2005 Jupiter 27-Jul-2007 Saturn 02-Nov-2009 Sun Dasa 12-Jul-2039 - 12-Jul-2045 Sun 12-Jul-2039 Moon 29-Oct-2039 Mars 29-Apr-2040 Rahu 04-Sep-2040 Jupiter 29-Jul-2041 Saturn 18-May-2042 Mercury 30-Apr-2043 Ketu 05-Mar-2044 Venus 11-Jul-2044
Jupiter Dasa 12-Jul-1960 - 12-Jul-1976 Jupiter 12-Jul-1960 Saturn 29-Aug-1962 Mercury 12-Mar-1965 Ketu 18-Jun-1967 Venus 23-May-1968 Sun 22-Jan-1971 Moon 10-Nov-1971 Mars 12-Mar-1973 Rahu 16-Feb-1974 Ketu Dasa 12-Jul-2012 - 12-Jul-2019 Ketu 12-Jul-2012 Venus 08-Dec-2012 Sun 07-Feb-2014 Moon 14-Jun-2014 Mars 14-Jan-2015 Rahu 12-Jun-2015 Jupiter 30-Jun-2016 Saturn 06-Jun-2017 Mercury 15-Jul-2018 Moon Dasa 12-Jul-2045 - 12-Jul-2055 Moon 12-Jul-2045 Mars 12-May-2046 Rahu 11-Dec-2046 Jupiter 11-Jun-2048 Saturn 10-Oct-2049 Mercury 12-May-2051 Ketu 11-Oct-2052 Venus 12-May-2053 Sun 10-Jan-2055
May 2014
Saturn Dasa 12-Jul-1976 - 12-Jul-1995 Saturn 12-Jul-1976 Mercury 15-Jul-1979 Ketu 24-Mar-1982 Venus 03-May-1983 Sun 03-Jul-1986 Moon 15-Jun-1987 Mars 14-Jan-1989 Rahu 22-Feb-1990 Jupiter 29-Dec-1992 Venus Dasa 12-Jul-2019 - 12-Jul-2039 Venus 12-Jul-2019 Sun 10-Nov-2022 Moon 10-Nov-2023 Mars 12-Jul-2025 Rahu 11-Sep-2026 Jupiter 11-Sep-2029 Saturn 11-May-2032 Mercury 11-Jul-2035 Ketu 12-May-2038 Mars Dasa 12-Jul-2055 - 12-Jul-2062 Mars 12-Jul-2055 Rahu 08-Dec-2055 Jupiter 26-Dec-2056 Saturn 02-Dec-2057 Mercury 10-Jan-2059 Ketu 08-Jan-2060 Venus 05-Jun-2060 Sun 05-Aug-2061 Moon 11-Dec-2061
Sonia Gandhi’s Relocated Chart Born on Monday, 10/December/1946, 2:00 am IST, hr 5:30 east of GMT, New Delhi, India, 28n36, 77e12, KP Ayanamsa: 23° 1' 34", Placidus, Mean nodes, Ascendant: Virgo 18° 8' 6", Star: Aridra, pada 1, Bal. Dasa: Rahu 13 Y 7 M 1 D, calculated by KPAstro 4.1 Significators of Planets at Planet, Star and Sub by Occupation and Ownership Sr
Its Star
Its Sub
Ve+:2,2-9, CSL of 2,11
Ra:9, Sgl Ve+: 2,2-9, CSL of 2,11 Ke:3,Conj Su+:3,12, Me: 2,1-10, Sgl Ma+:3,3-8 Sa;10,5-6
Ra:9,Sgl Ve+: 2,2-9, CSL of 2,11 Ju:2,4-7
Unfavorable 12
Ve+:2,2-9, CSL of 2,11 Sa:10,5-6
Ra:9,Sgl Ve+: 2,2-9, CSL of 2,11 Ke:3,Conj Su+:3,12,Me: 2,1-10, Sgl Ma+:3,3-8
7 8 9
+ Planets having no planet in their stars Note: The timeline of political events in life in the joint periods of the DBAS are the same as in the above birth chart. Dasa and Transit At the time of the 2004 Indian general elections, the running Dasa lord Mercury is the significator of houses 6,10, Bhukti lord Mars 3,9,10,11, Antra lord Jupiter 6,10, and Sookshma lord Venus 9,10,11. On the first polling day of the 2004 general elections, the running Dasa lord Mercury was transiting in the star of Ketu, agent of Dasa lord Mercury and Bhukti lord Mars and sub of Sookshma lord Venus; Bhukti lord Mars in the star of own Mars and sub of Rahu, agent of Sookshma lord Venus; Antra lord Jupiter in the star and sub of Sookshma lord Venus; Sookshma lord Venus in the star of Moon in house 9, lord of house 11 and sub of Ketu, agent of Dasa lord Mercury and Bhukti lord Mars. At the time of the 2009 Indian general elections, the running Dasa lord Mercury is the significator of houses 6,10, Bhukti and Sookshma lord Jupiter 6,10, and Antra lord Moon 9,11. On the first polling day of the 2009 general elections, the running Dasa lord Mercury was transiting in the star of Venus, significator of houses 9, 11 and in the sub of Rahu, significator of 9,11; Bhukti and Sookshma lord Jupiter in the star of Mars, significator of 3 and sub of own Jupiter; Antra lord Moon in the star of Venus, significator of 9,11 and sub of Rahu, significator of 9,11.
KP Ezine
May 2014
At the time of the 2014 Indian general elections, the running Dasa lord Ketu is the significator of 3,10, Bhukti lord Sun 3,9,10,11, Antra lord Jupiter 6,10, and Sookshma lord Rahu 9,10,11, especially 10 in all levels of the DBAS. Transit Jupiter will be passing the 10th house till mid-September 2014. On the first polling day of the 2014 general elections, the running Dasa lord Ketu was transiting in the star of own Ketu and sub of Mars in 3; Bhukti lord Sun in the star of Mercury in 10 and sub of Mars in 3; Antra lord Jupiter in the star of Sookshma lord Rau and sub of Bhukti lord Sun in 3; Sookshma lord Rahu in the star of Mars in 3 and sub of Bhukti lord Sun in 3. Transit of DBAS lords on the Starting Day of General Elections (at noon, IST) 20 April 2004 6 April 2009 7 April 2014 Sr
Rahul Gandhi’s Natal Chart Born on Sunday, 19/Jul/1970, 14:28 pm IST, hr 5:30 east of GMT, Holy Family Hospital, New Delhi, India, 28n34, 77e17, KP Ayanamsa: 23° 21' 16", Placidus, Mean nodes, Ascendant: Libra 2° 3' 4" , Star: Moola, Pada 1, Bal. Dasa: Ketu 5 Y, 9 M, 8 D, calculated by KPAstro 4.1,_Rahul Significators of Planets at Planet, Star and Sub by Occupation and Ownership Sr 1
Planet Su+:9,11
Its Star Ma: 9,2-7
Its Sub Ve:10,1-8
Favorable 9,10,11
Unfavorable 8
Ke:11,Sgl Su+:
Ma: 9,2-7
9,11 Ra:5,Aspt Ju+:1,
3-6, Sgl Sa:7,4-5 Mo:3,10
CSL of 6,9,12 Ju+:1,3-6
Ma: 9,2-7
CSL of 6,9,12 KP Ezine
May 2014
Rahul Gandhi Sun Rise: 05:23:18 AM Nithya Yoga: Shubha
Sun Set: Hora:
07:20:41 PM Moon
Dasa Days: 365.25 D Karana: Bav
Ruling Planets - 07/Apr/2014 08:09:09 AM Maryland, USA Planet
Day Lord: Moon
Nirayana Bhava Chalit II 00:50:35
Sgl Ve Ma Ju Sa Sa Ju Ma Ve Me Mo Su Me
Stl Ma Ju Ke Su Ma Sa Ke Su Ma Sa Ke Su
Sbl Ke Ma Ve Sa Mo Me Ve Ra Me Sa Ra Me
Ssl Ve Sa Ma Me Ma Me Ju Su Ju Sa Ra Ve
Sssl Me Me Ke Ju Ma Ju Ke Su Mo Ma Sa Ju
Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su Mrigasira(4) Mo Moola(1) Ma Aridra(4) Me Rohini(2) Ju[R] Chitra(3) Ve Pushyami(2) Sa Bharani(4) Ra Satabhisha(2) Ke Magha(4)
Sgl Me Ju Me Ve Ve Mo Ma Sa Su
Stl Ma Ke Ra Mo Ma Sa Ve Ra Ke
Sbl Ve Ve Su Sa Ve Ve Me Me Me
Ssl Sa Sa Me Sa Ve Sa Ve Ve Ju
Sssl Mo Ve Ve Sa Su Mo Ju Ve Mo
XII 05:39:49
I 02:03:04 Ju[R] 02:44:26
III 01:31:47 Mo 02:20:09
Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 Chitra(3) 2 Visakha(4) 3 Moola(1) 4 U.Ashada(3) 5 Dhanishta(4) 6 U.Bhadra(1) 7 Aswini(1) 8 Krittika(2) 9 Mrigasira(3) 10 Pushyami(1) 11 Magha(2) 12 U.Phalguni(3)
Ke 12:57:50 XI 05:39:01
6 5
IV 03:33:37
Ve 09:44:54 X 03:33:37 7
Significators - Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su+ 9 9 2, 7 11 Mo 11 3 10 Ma 5 9 2, 7 Me+ 3 8 10 9, 12 Ju+ 9 1 2, 7 3, 6 Ve 7 10 4, 5 1, 8 Sa 10 7 1, 8 4, 5 Ra 5 5 Ke 11 11 Rahu acts as agent for: Ju, Sa. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars (B) - Occupant of house Ketu acts as agent for: Su. (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner
10 1
Sa 24:33:01 VII 02:03:04
V 05:39:01 Ra 12:57:50 11
Ma 17:53:23 Su 04:18:38 IX 01:31:47
3 2
12 VI 05:39:49
VII 02:03:04 Sa 24:33:01
Me 15:40:31 VIII 00:50:35
VIII 00:50:35 Me 15:40:31
IX 01:31:47 Su 04:18:38 Ma 17:53:23
VI 05:39:49 Name: Rahul Gandhi Gender: Male Date: Friday, 19/Jun/1970 Time: 02:28:00 PM SID: 07:55:50 Lat: 28:34:00 N Lon: 77:17:00 E Place: NEW DELHI, DELHI, India
X 03:33:37 Ve 09:44:54
Ayanamsa: 23° 21' 16" [KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Star: Moola, Pada 1 Star Lord: Ketu Rasi: Sagittarius Rasi Lord: Jupiter Lagna: Libra Lagna Lord: Venus Tithi: Poornima Bal. Dasa: Ketu 5 Y, 9 M, 8 D
XI 05:39:01 Ke 12:57:50
Ra 12:57:50 V 05:39:01
IV 03:33:37
XII 05:39:49
Mo 02:20:09 III 01:31:47
II 00:50:35
Ju[R] 02:44:26 I 02:03:04
Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:
KP Ezine
Dasa Summary Bhukti
Ketu Dasa 28-Mar-1969 - 28-Mar-1976 Ketu 28-Mar-1969 Venus 24-Aug-1969 Sun 24-Oct-1970 Moon 01-Mar-1971 Mars 30-Sep-1971 Rahu 26-Feb-1972 Jupiter 16-Mar-1973 Saturn 20-Feb-1974 Mercury 01-Apr-1975 Moon Dasa 28-Mar-2002 - 28-Mar-2012 Moon 28-Mar-2002 Mars 27-Jan-2003 Rahu 28-Aug-2003 Jupiter 26-Feb-2005 Saturn 28-Jun-2006 Mercury 27-Jan-2008 Ketu 28-Jun-2009 Venus 27-Jan-2010 Sun 28-Sep-2011 Jupiter Dasa 28-Mar-2037 - 28-Mar-2053 Jupiter 28-Mar-2037 Saturn 16-May-2039 Mercury 27-Nov-2041 Ketu 03-Mar-2044 Venus 07-Feb-2045 Sun 09-Oct-2047 Moon 27-Jul-2048 Mars 25-Nov-2049 Rahu 01-Nov-2050
Venus Dasa 28-Mar-1976 - 28-Mar-1996 Venus 28-Mar-1976 Sun 28-Jul-1979 Moon 28-Jul-1980 Mars 28-Mar-1982 Rahu 28-May-1983 Jupiter 28-May-1986 Saturn 27-Jan-1989 Mercury 28-Mar-1992 Ketu 26-Jan-1995 Mars Dasa 28-Mar-2012 - 28-Mar-2019 Mars 28-Mar-2012 Rahu 24-Aug-2012 Jupiter 12-Sep-2013 Saturn 18-Aug-2014 Mercury 27-Sep-2015 Ketu 23-Sep-2016 Venus 19-Feb-2017 Sun 21-Apr-2018 Moon 27-Aug-2018 Saturn Dasa 28-Mar-2053 - 28-Mar-2072 Saturn 28-Mar-2053 Mercury 31-Mar-2056 Ketu 09-Dec-2058 Venus 17-Jan-2060 Sun 19-Mar-2063 Moon 29-Feb-2064 Mars 30-Sep-2065 Rahu 09-Nov-2066 Jupiter 15-Sep-2069
May 2014
Sun Dasa 28-Mar-1996 - 28-Mar-2002 Sun 28-Mar-1996 Moon 16-Jul-1996 Mars 14-Jan-1997 Rahu 22-May-1997 Jupiter 16-Apr-1998 Saturn 02-Feb-1999 Mercury 15-Jan-2000 Ketu 21-Nov-2000 Venus 28-Mar-2001 Rahu Dasa 28-Mar-2019 - 28-Mar-2037 Rahu 28-Mar-2019 Jupiter 09-Dec-2021 Saturn 03-May-2024 Mercury 09-Mar-2027 Ketu 26-Sep-2029 Venus 15-Oct-2030 Sun 15-Oct-2033 Moon 08-Sep-2034 Mars 09-Mar-2036 Mercury Dasa 28-Mar-2072 - 28-Mar-2089 Mercury 28-Mar-2072 Ketu 24-Aug-2074 Venus 22-Aug-2075 Sun 22-Jun-2078 Moon 28-Apr-2079 Mars 28-Sep-2080 Rahu 25-Sep-2081 Jupiter 13-Apr-2084 Saturn 19-Jul-2086
Priyanka Gandhi Sun Rise: 07:15:06 AM Nithya Yoga: Ganda
Sun Set: Hora:
05:42:49 PM Saturn
Dasa Days: 365.25 D Karana: Kaulav
Ruling Planets - 07/Apr/2014 07:56:20 AM Maryland, USA Planet
Day Lord: Moon
Nirayana Bhava Chalit II 13:22:20
Sgl Me Mo Su Me Ve Ma Ju Sa Sa Ju Ma Ve
Stl Ju Sa Ke Su Ra Me Ve Mo Ra Sa Ve Mo
Sbl Ju Ra Ju Ve Me Ke Ju Ra Ju Ve Ve Me
Ssl Me Ju Ve Ju Ra Mo Me Ve Ju Ra Ve Ma
Sssl Ra Su Ke Ju Ra Sa Ve Ju Sa Ra Me Ve
Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su U.Ashada(1) Mo Anuradha(3) Ma Revati(1) Me Moola(3) Ju Moola(1) Ve Dhanishta(3) Sa[R] Krittika(3) Ra Sravana(1) Ke Pushyami(3)
Sgl Ju Ma Ju Ju Ju Sa Ve Sa Mo
Stl Su Sa Me Ke Ke Ma Su Mo Sa
Sbl Mo Mo Me Ju Ve Me Me Ra Ma
Ssl Me Mo Mo Ju Ma Ju Ju Sa Ke
Sssl Me Ju Ma Sa Ju Ma Me Mo Sa
XII 18:48:12
Ke 12:38:56 I 20:41:16
III 08:42:49
Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 Punarvasu(1) 2 Pushyami(4) 3 Magha(3) 4 U.Phalguni(4) 5 Swati(3) 6 Jyeshta(1) 7 P.Ashada(3) 8 Sravana(2) 9 Satabhisha(1) 10 U.Bhadra(2) 11 Bharani(1) 12 Rohini(3)
XI 13:38:49 Sa[R] 06:32:16
2 1
IV 08:55:12
Ma 17:28:06 X 08:55:12 3
Significators - Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su 7 7 3 3 Mo 11 5 8, 9 2 Ma 6 10 1, 4 6, 11 Me 1 6 1, 4 Ju+ 1 6 7, 10 Ve+ 10 8 6, 11 5, 12 Sa 7 11 3 8, 9 Ra+ 5 7 2 Ke 11 1 8, 9 (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars Rahu acts as agent for: Sa. Ketu acts as agent for: Mo, Sa. (B) - Occupant of house (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner
6 9
Su 27:59:21 VII 20:41:16 Ra 12:38:56
Mo 11:02:04 V 13:38:49
IX 08:42:49
11 10
8 Ju 01:29:02 Me 07:35:57 VI 18:48:12
XI 13:38:49
VIII 13:22:20 Ve 01:32:46
Sa[R] 06:32:16 XII 18:48:12
I 20:41:16
Ma 17:28:06 X 08:55:12 Name: Priyanka Gandhi Gender: Female Date: Wednesday, 12/Jan/1972 Time: 05:05:00 PM SID: 00:08:26 Lat: 28:34:00 N Lon: 77:17:00 E Place: NEW DELHI, DELHI, India
Ke 12:38:56 II 13:22:20
Ayanamsa: 23° 22' 35" [KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Star: Anuradha, Pada 3 Star Lord: Saturn Rasi: Scorpio Rasi Lord: Mars Lagna: Gemini Lagna Lord: Mercury Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Dvadasi Bal. Dasa: Saturn 8 Y, 0 M, 9 D
III 08:42:49
IX 08:42:49 Ve 01:32:46
VIII 13:22:20 Ra 12:38:56
IV 08:55:12
Su 27:59:21 VII 20:41:16 Me 07:35:57 Ju 01:29:02
VI 18:48:12 Mo 11:02:04
Dasa Summary Bhukti
Saturn Dasa 22-Jan-1961 - 22-Jan-1980 Saturn 22-Jan-1961 Mercury 25-Jan-1964 Ketu 05-Oct-1966 Venus 13-Nov-1967 Sun 13-Jan-1971 Moon 26-Dec-1971 Mars 27-Jul-1973 Rahu 05-Sep-1974 Jupiter 12-Jul-1977 Venus Dasa 22-Jan-2004 - 22-Jan-2024 Venus 22-Jan-2004 Sun 24-May-2007 Moon 24-May-2008 Mars 22-Jan-2010 Rahu 24-Mar-2011 Jupiter 24-Mar-2014 Saturn 23-Nov-2016 Mercury 23-Jan-2020 Ketu 23-Nov-2022 Mars Dasa 22-Jan-2040 - 22-Jan-2047 Mars 22-Jan-2040 Rahu 19-Jun-2040 Jupiter 07-Jul-2041 Saturn 13-Jun-2042 Mercury 23-Jul-2043 Ketu 19-Jul-2044 Venus 15-Dec-2044 Sun 14-Feb-2046 Moon 22-Jun-2046
Mercury Dasa 22-Jan-1980 - 22-Jan-1997 Mercury 22-Jan-1980 Ketu 20-Jun-1982 Venus 17-Jun-1983 Sun 18-Apr-1986 Moon 22-Feb-1987 Mars 23-Jul-1988 Rahu 21-Jul-1989 Jupiter 06-Feb-1992 Saturn 15-May-1994 Sun Dasa 22-Jan-2024 - 22-Jan-2030 Sun 22-Jan-2024 Moon 11-May-2024 Mars 09-Nov-2024 Rahu 17-Mar-2025 Jupiter 09-Feb-2026 Saturn 28-Nov-2026 Mercury 10-Nov-2027 Ketu 15-Sep-2028 Venus 21-Jan-2029 Rahu Dasa 22-Jan-2047 - 22-Jan-2065 Rahu 22-Jan-2047 Jupiter 05-Oct-2049 Saturn 28-Feb-2052 Mercury 04-Jan-2055 Ketu 24-Jul-2057 Venus 11-Aug-2058 Sun 11-Aug-2061 Moon 06-Jul-2062 Mars 05-Jan-2064
Ketu Dasa 22-Jan-1997 - 22-Jan-2004 Ketu 22-Jan-1997 Venus 20-Jun-1997 Sun 20-Aug-1998 Moon 26-Dec-1998 Mars 27-Jul-1999 Rahu 23-Dec-1999 Jupiter 10-Jan-2001 Saturn 17-Dec-2001 Mercury 26-Jan-2003 Moon Dasa 22-Jan-2030 - 22-Jan-2040 Moon 22-Jan-2030 Mars 22-Nov-2030 Rahu 23-Jun-2031 Jupiter 23-Dec-2032 Saturn 24-Apr-2034 Mercury 23-Nov-2035 Ketu 24-Apr-2037 Venus 23-Nov-2037 Sun 25-Jul-2039 Jupiter Dasa 22-Jan-2065 - 22-Jan-2081 Jupiter 22-Jan-2065 Saturn 12-Mar-2067 Mercury 22-Sep-2069 Ketu 29-Dec-2071 Venus 04-Dec-2072 Sun 04-Aug-2075 Moon 23-May-2076 Mars 21-Sep-2077 Rahu 28-Aug-2078
V 13:38:49
Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:
KP Ezine
May 2014
Ra:5,Aspt Ju+:1, 3-6, Sgl Sa:7,4-5
Ra:5,Aspt Ju+:1, 3-6, Sgl Sa:7,4-5
Me+:8,9-12, CSL of 6,9,12
Ke:11,Sgl Su+: 9,11
Ke:11,Sgl Su+: 9,11
Me+:8,9-12, CSL of 6,9,12
+ Planets having no planet in their stars Political Events in Life 20 April 2004 (Mo-Ra-Sa-Ju): First polling day of the 2004 Indian general elections May 13, 2004 (Mo-Ra-Me-Ve): Won first time parliamentary election 25 Sept. 2007 (Mo-Sa-Ra-Me): Congress Party general secretary 16 April 2009 (Mo-Me-Sa-Sa): First polling day of the 2009 Indian general elections 19 Jan. 2013 (Ma-Ra-Sa-Mo): Congress Party vice president 07 April 2014 (Ma-Ju-Ve-Sa): First polling day of the 2014 Indian general elections Dasa and Transit At the time of the 2004 Indian general elections, the running Dasa lord Moon is the significator of houses 3,9,10,11, Bhukti lord Rahu 3,6,9, Antra lord Saturn 6,9,10, and Sookshma lord Jupiter 3,6,9,10. On the first polling day of the 2004 general elections, the running Dasa lord Moon was transiting in the star and sub of Venus, significator of 10; Bhukti lord Rahu in the star of Venus, significator of 10 and sub of Mars in 9. Antra lord Saturn in the star of Bhukti lord Rahu and sub of Mercury, significator of 6,9; Sookshma lord Jupiter in the star and sub of Venus, significator of 10. At the time of the 2009 Indian general elections, the running Dasa lord Moon is the significator of houses 3,9,10,11, Bhukti lord Mercury 3,6,9,10, Antra and Sookshma lord Saturn 6,9,10. On the first polling day of the 2009 general elections, the running Dasa lord Moon was transiting in the star of Venus, significator of 10 and sub of Rahu, significator of 3,6; Bhukti lord Mercury in the star of Venus, significator of 10 and sub of Rahu, significator of 3,6; Antra and Sookshma lord Saturn in the star of Venus, significator of 10 and sub of Jupiter, lord of 3,6. At the time of the 2014 Indian general elections, the running Dasa lord Mars is the significator of houses 3,6,9,11, Bhukti lord Jupiter 3,6,9,10, Antra lord Venus 10, and Sookshma lord Saturn 6,9,10, especially 6,9,10 at most levels of the DBAS. Transit Jupiter will enter the 10th house before the end of July 2014. On the first polling day of the 2014 general elections, the running Dasa lord Mars was transiting in the star of own Mars and sub of Rahu, significator of 3,6; Bhukti lord Jupiter in the star of Rahu, significator of 3,6 and sub of Sun in 9, lord of 11; Antra lord Venus in the star and sub of Rahu, significator of 3,6; Sookshma lord Saturn in the star of Bhukti lord Jupiter and sub of Antra lord Venus. Priyanka Gandhi’s Natal Chart Born on Wednesday, 12/Jan/1972, 17:05 pm IST, hr 5:30 east of GMT, Holy Family Hospital, New Delhi, India, 28n34, 77e17, KP Ayanamsa: 23° 22' 35", Placidus, Mean nodes, Ascendant: Gemini 20° 41' 16" , Star: Anuradha, Pada 3, Bal. Dasa: Saturn 8 Y, 0 M, 9 D, calculated by KPAstro 4.1,_Priyanka KP Ezine
May 2014
Significators of Planets at Planet, Star and Sub by Occupation and Ownership Sr
Ju+:6,7-10,CSL of 1,3,7,9
Ju+:6,7-10, CSL of 1,3,7,9
Ve+:8,5-12, CSL of 4,10,11
3,6,9,10, 11
Ve+:8,5-12, CSL of 4,10,11 Sa:11,8-9
Ke:1,Aspt by Sa:11,8-9, Sgl Mo:5,2 Ke:1,Aspt by Sa:11,8-9, Sgl Mo:5,2 Ma:10,6-11
Ra+:7,CSL of 2, 8, Sgl Sa:11,8-9 Ma:10,6-11
7 8 9
Ra+:7, CSL of 2, 8, Sgl Sa:11,8-9 Ke:1, Aspt by Sa:11,8-9, Sgl Mo:5,2
+ Planets having no planet in their stars Timeline of Indian General Elections 20 April 2004 (Ve-Ve-Ve-Ra): First polling day of the 2004 Indian general elections 16 April 2009 (Ve-Mo-Sa-Ma): First polling day of the 2009 Indian general elections 07 April 2014 (Ve-Ju-Ju-Ju): First polling day of the 2014 Indian general elections Dasa and Transit At the time of the 2004 Indian general elections, the running Dasa, Bhukti and Antra lord Venus is the significator of 6,10,11, and Sookshma lord Rahu 9,11. Priyanka was campaign manager of her mother Sonia Gandhi. On the first polling day of the 2004 general elections, the running Dasa, Bhukti and Antra lord Venus was transiting in the star of Moon and sub of Ketu, significator of 9,11; Sookshma lord Rahu in the star of Dasa, Bhukti and Antra lord Venus and sub of Mars in 9. At the time of the 2009 Indian general elections, the running Dasa lord Venus is the significator of houses 6,10,11, and Bhukti lord Moon 9,11, Antra lord Saturn 3,6,9,11, and Sookshma lord Mars 6,10,11. Congress star campaigner Priyanka Gandhi Vadra campaigned in the constituencies of her mother and brother. On the first polling day of the 2009 general elections, the running Dasa lord Venus was transiting in the star and sub of Antra lord Saturn; Bhukti lord Moon in the star of Dasa lord Venus and sub of Rahu, agent of Antra lord Saturn; Antra lord Saturn in the star of Dasa lord Venus and sub of Jupiter in 6, lord of 10; Sookshma lord Mars in the star of Jupiter in 6, lord of 10 and sub of own Mars. At the time of the 2014 Indian general elections 2014, the running Dasa lord Venus is the significator of 6,10,11, and Bhukti, Antra and Sookshma lord Jupiter 3,6,10,11, especially 6,10,11 in all levels of the DBAS. Transit Jupiter will enter the 2nd house in mid-August 2014, aspecting 10th house. Priyanka campaigned for her mother Sonia Gandhi and brother Rahul for the national election. On the first polling day of the 2014 general elections, the running Dasa lord Venus was transiting in the star and sub of Rahu, significator of 9,11; Bhukti, Antra and Sookshma lord Jupiter in the star of Rahu, significator of 9,11 and sub of Sun, lord of 3.
KP Ezine
May 2014
Introduc on to KP rela onship method of composite charts (KPCC)- Part 2 By: Kanakkumar B. Bosmia Sahakar-2, Flat No: 28 Jagabhai Park, Ram Baug Maninagar, Ahmedabad—380008 Mobile : +91-98 2531165. Email :
[email protected] Part 1: Casting the Chart The composite horoscope is created by calculating the midpoint between pairs of planets and twelve cusps of the two natal horoscopes, Sun of one and the Sun of the other, Moon of one and the Moon of the other, and so on for all nine planets and twelve cusps. The composite Sun is the midpoint of the two Suns; the composite Moon is the midpoint of the two Moons, and so on for all the other planets. A midpoint is a middle point in the zodiac from two other points. The whole system of astrology has been created around these mid points. Generally in horoscopes, Sun, Venus and Mercury are together and are always in approximately in the same bhava or one bhava before and after. In the composite chart, we have found a wonder of Sun-Mercury opposition or Venus-Mercury opposition, which is clearly impossible in an ordinary chart. Part 2: Checking the Chart After calculating the midpoints of cups and planets, we have to find out relevant sub lord and check occupants and ownership in individual chart, if it is positive then matching is good. Part 3: Checking the Dasa After calculating the midpoints of cups and planets, and checking of relevant sub lords we have to find out the midpoint dates of both. Details are given in the practical part. New let me give one mathematical example practically. Name: India Date of birth. 19/06/1970, Friday; Time of birth. 05:50:00 AM IST Place of Birth: New Delhi- Delhi, Lon/Lat: 28° N 36', 77° E 12', Ayanamsha 230.02'.08" Name: Rahul Gandhi Date of birth. 06/04/1980, Sunday; Time of birth. 11:45:00 AM IST (As per K N Rao) Place of Birth: Delhi, Lon/Lat: 28° N 39', 77° E 13', Ayanamsha 230.21'.16" Bhava Maths: RG Ascendant: 02.090.06'.20" + India Ascendant: 01.070.52'.25" 03.160.58'.45" ÷ 2= 01.230.29'.23" RG -India composite Ascendant RG 2nd cusp: 03.010.48'.44" + nd India 2 cusp: 02.030.28'.08" 05.050.16'.52" ÷ 2= 02.170.38'.26" RG -India composite 2nd cusp. KP Ezine
May 2014
RG 3rd cusp: 03.260.02'.45" + India 3rd cusp: 02.260.39'.55" 06.220.42'.40" ÷ 2= 03.110.21'.20" RG -India composite 3rd cusp. RG 10th cusp: 10.240.42'.14" + India 10th cusp:" 20.160.16'.04" ÷ 2= 10.080.08'.02" RG -India composite 10th cusp. RG 11th cusp: 11.280.56'.10" + India 11th cusp: 10.210.43'.33" 22.200.39'.43" ÷ 2= 11.100.19'.52" RG -India composite 11th cusp. RG 12th cusp: 01.050.29'.02" + India 12th cusp: 11.280.48'.52" 13.040.17'.54" ÷ 2= 06.170.08'.57" RG -India composite 12th cusp. + 06 = 00.170.08'.57" Now we will add 6 signs to the above found composite results to get other six bhavas. Planet Maths: RG Sun:
+ India Sun: 03.280.04'.31" 06.020.02'.33" ÷ 2= 03.010.01'.17" RG -India composite Sun. RG Moon: 07.270.07'.53" + India Moon: 03.040.04'.11" 11.010.12'.04" ÷ 2= 05.150.36'.02" RG -India composite Moon. RG Mars:
+ India Mars: 02.070.32'.33" 04.250.11'.49" ÷ 2= 02.120.35'.55" RG -India composite Mars. RG Mercury:
+ India Mercury: 03.130.45'.38" 04.280.49'.53" ÷ 2= 02.140.24'.56" RG -India composite Mercury. RG Jupiter:
+ India Jupiter: 06.250.57'.50" 12.280.42'.32" ÷ 2= 06.140.21'.16" RG -India composite Jupiter. RG Venus:
+ India Venus: 03.220.38'.50" 07.010.58'.18" ÷ 2= 03.150.59'.09" RG -India composite Venus.
KP Ezine
May 2014
RG Saturn: 00.240.30'.40" + India Saturn: 03.200.33'.33" 04.150.04'.13" ÷ 2= 02.070.32'.06" RG -India composite Saturn. RG Rahu: 10.120.58'.59" + India Rahu: 01.050.09'.21" 11.180.08'.20" ÷ 2= 05.240.04'.10" RG -India composite Rahu Ketu:
05.240.04'.10" + 6 sign = 11.240.04'.10" RG -India composite
Cusp table: Cusp
Sign. Deg. Mnt. Sec.
Sign lord
Star lord
Sub lord
1 2 3
01.230.29'.23" 02.170.38'.26" 03.110.21'.20"
Venus Mercury Moon
Mars Rahu Saturn
Mars Sun Moon
5 6 7 8 9 10
05.100.19'.52" 06.170.08'.57" 07.230.29'.23" 08.170.38'.26" 09.110.21'.20" 10.080.08'.02"
Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn Saturn
Moon Rahu Mercury Venus Moon Rahu
Moon Venus Mars Mars Mars Rahu
Planetary position table: Planet
Sign lord
Star lord
Sub lord
Sign. Deg. Mnt. Sec. 03.010.01'.17"
KP Ezine
May 2014
Composite chart of India and Rahul Gandh I II
Su 01 Cn 01 17
:1 1
Ve 15 Cn 59 09
8 :0
7G :1
6 82 e3
Me 14 Ge 24 56
0 Ar
Sa 07 Ge 32 07
Ke 24 04 10 XI 10 19 52
XII 17 08 57
I 23 29 23
Sa 07 32 07 Ma 12 35 55 Me 14 24 56 II 17 38 26
III 11 21 20 Ve 15 59 09 X 08 08 02
2 11
5 8
17 I: XI 1 Ke 24 Pi 04 10 12 XI :1 0P i1 95 2
Ma 12 Ge 35 55
M0 15 Vi 36 02 6 Ra 24 Vi 04 10 7 Ju 14 Li 21 16 57 08 Li 17 I: V
9 Sc
7 :1
q 8A
Su 01 01 17
IV 08 08 02 IX 11 21 20
:1 1C
VIII 17 38 26
a2 1
V 10 19 52
VII 23 29 23
VI 17 08 57 Ju 14 21 16
M0 15 36 02 Ra 24 04 10
Cuspal sub lord of composite chart: Ascendant cusp sub lord of composite chart is Mars. Mars is in the star of Rahu and sub of Mercury in composite chart. Mars is occupant of 1, and owner of 7(Maraka), 12 (Moksha). Star lord Rahu is occupant of 5. Rahu is conjoined with Moon. Moon is occupant of 5, owner of 3. Sub lord Mercury is occupant of 1, owner of 2(Maraka), 5. Thus Ascendant cusp sub lord Mars indicates medium life. Cuspal sub lord of composite chart in Rahul Gandhi chart: 10th sub lord of composite chart is Rahu. Rahu is in the star of Rahu and sub of Mars in Rahul Gandhi chart. Rahu is occupant of 9. Rahu is aspected by Jupiter. Jupiter is occupant of 5, and owner of 7-11. No planet is in the star of Jupiter and Jupiter is the CSL of 1 -7-8. Sub lord Mars is occupant of 1, owner of 6. Thus Rahu signifies 11 and is connected with 11. Thus 10th cusp sub lord indicates 11. Cuspal sub lord of composite chart in India chart: 10th sub lord of composite chart is Rahu. Rahu is in the star of Sun and sub of Mercury in India chart. Rahu is occupant of 1. Rahu is in Taurus, hence represents Venus. Venus is occupant of 4, and owner of 1. No planet is in the star of Venus and Venus is the CSL of 12-3-10. Star lord Sun is occupant of 4, owner of 5. Sub lord Mercury is occupant of 3, owner of 2-3-6. Thus Rahu is connected with 3-10. Thus 10th cusp sub lord indicates 310. Calculation of Dasa. India date: 15-08-1947 + RG Date: 19-06-1970 34-14-3917÷ 2= 17-01-1958 Composite birth date As per Astrological table for all by: R. Eshwara Manu, page no: 54-55 RG-India composite Moon is 05.150.36'.02" Moon dasa duration from 100.00'.00" to 230.20'.00" End of dasa 230.20'.00"- 150.36'.02" composite Moon = 070.43'.58"
KP Ezine
May 2014
YY-MM-DD 70= 05-03-00 + 43'= 00-06-14 + 58"= 00-00-04 05-09-18 Dasa Balance. 17-01-1959 18-09-0005 05-11-1964 7 05-11-1971 18 05-11-1989 16 05-11-2005 19 05-11-2024
Composite birth date Moon dasa ends Mars dasa ends Rahu dasa ends Jupiter dasa ends Saturn dasa ends
Now the composite chart is running Saturn dasa from 05-11-2005 to 05-11-2024. Now we will calculate Bhukti during Saturn dasa. 05-11-2005 03-00-0003 08-11-2008 09-08-0002 17-07-2011 09-01-0001 26-08-2012 00-02-0003 26-10-2015 12-11-0000 08-10-2016 00-07-0001 08-05-2018 09-01-0001 17-06-2019 06-10-0002 23-04-2022 12-06-0002 05-11-2024
Saturn dasa starts Saturn-Saturn bhukti ends Saturn-Mercury bhukti ends Saturn-Ketu bhukti ends Saturn-Venus bhukti ends Saturn-Sun bhukti ends Saturn-Moon bhukti ends Saturn-Mars bhukti ends Saturn-Rahu bhukti ends Saturn-Jupiter bhukti ends
Now as per the composite chart running Dasa-Bhukit is Saturn-Venus up to 26-10-2015. Dasa lord of composite chart in RG chart: Dasa lord of the composite chart is Saturn. Saturn is in the star of Venus and sub of Mercury in RG chart. Saturn is occupant of 11, and owner of 8-9-10. Star lord Venus is occupant of 2, owner of 12. Sub lord Mercury is occupant of 12, owner of 1-5. Thus Saturn is connected with 10-11. Thus 10th cusp sub lord indicates 11-10. Indication of 8 shows hurdles in his own party. Bhukti lord of composite chart in RG chart: Bhukti lord of the composite chart is Venus. Venus is in the star of Saturn and sub of own in RG chart. Venus is occupant of 2, owner of 12. Star lord Saturn is occupant of 11, and owner of 8-9-10. Thus Mercury signifies 10-11. Thus 10th cusp sub lord indicates 10-11. KP Ezine
May 2014
Dasa lord of composite chart in India chart: Dasa lord of composite chart is Saturn. Saturn is in the star of Mercury and sub of Venus in India chart. Saturn is occupant of 4, and owner of 10-11. Star lord Mercury is occupant of 3, owner of 2-3-6. Sub lord Venus is occupant of 4, owner of 1. No planet is in the star of Venus, and Venus is the CSL of 1-2-3-10. Thus Saturn is the significator of 3 and is connected with 3-10-11. Thus 10th cusp sub lord indicates 3-11-10. Bhukti lord of composite chart in India chart: Bhukti lord of the composite chart is Venus. Venus is in the star of Mercury and sub of Moon in India chart. Venus is occupant of 4, owner of 1. No planet is in the star of Venus and Venus is the CSL of 1-2-3-10. Star lord Mercury is occupant of 3, owner of 2-3-6. Sub lord Moon is occupant of 3, owner of 4. Thus Venus signifies 3-10. Thus 10th cusp sub lord indicates 3-10. Name: India Date of birth. 19/06/1970, Friday; Time of birth. 05:50:00 AM IST Place of Birth: New Delhi- Delhi, Lon/Lat: 28° N 36', 77° E 12', Ayanamsha 230.02'.08" Name: Naremndra Modi Date of birth. 17/09/1950, Sunday; Time of birth. 10:10:00 AM IST Place of Birth: Vadnagar-Gujarat, Lon/Lat: 23° N 47', 72° E 38', Ayanamsha 230.04'.44" Bhava Maths: NaMo Ascendant: 06.200.21'.35" + India Ascendant: 01.070.52'.25" 07.280.14'.00" ÷ 2= 03.290.07'.00" NaMo-India composite Ascendant NaMo 2nd cusp:07.190.36'.24" + India 2nd cusp: 02.030.28'.08" 09.230.04'.32" ÷ 2= 04.260.32'.16" NaMo -India composite 2nd cusp. NaMo 3rd cusp:08.200.23'.22" + India 3rd cusp: 02.260.39'.55" 11.170.03'.17" ÷ 2= 05.230.31'.39" NaMo -India composite 3rd cusp. NaMo 10th cusp:03.220.38'.31" + India 10th cusp:" 13.140.12'.21" ÷ 2= 06.220.06'.10" NaMo -India composite 10th cusp. + 06 = 00.220.06'.10" NaMo 11th cusp:04.240.50'.11" + India 11th cusp: 10.210.43'.33" 15.160.33'.44" ÷ 2= 07.230.16'.52" NaMo -India composite 11th cusp. + 06 = 01.230.16'.52"
KP Ezine
May 2014
NaMo 12th cusp:05.240.26'.27" + India 12th cusp: 11.280.48'.52" 17.230.15'.19" ÷ 2= 08.260.37'.40" NaMo -India composite 12th cusp. + 06 = 02.260.37'.40" Now we will add 6 signs to the above found composite results to get other six bhavas. Planet Maths: NaMo Sun: 05.000.38'.52" + India Sun: 03.280.04'.31" 08.280.43'.23" ÷ 2= 04.140.21'.41" NaMo -India composite Sun. NaMo Moon:07.080.23'.55" + India Moon: 03.040.04'.11" 10.120.28'.06" ÷ 2= 05.060.14'.03" NaMo -India composite Moon. NaMo Mars: 07.000.59'.46" + India Mars: 02.070.32'.33" 09.080.32'.19" ÷ 2= 04.190.16'.10" NaMo -India composite Mars. NaMo Mercury: 05.000.54'.40" + India Mercury: 03.130.45'.38" 08.140.40'.18" ÷ 2= 04.070.20'.09" NaMo -India composite Mercury. NaMo Jupiter: 10.060.41'.19" + India Jupiter: 06.250.57'.50" 17.020.39'.09" ÷ 2= 08.160.19'.35" NaMo -India composite Jupiter. NaMo Venus: 04.150.44'.03" + India Venus: 03.220.38'.50" 08.080.22'.53" ÷ 2= 04.040.11'.26" NaMo -India composite Venus. NaMo Saturn: 04.290.44'.13" + India Saturn: 03.200.33'.33" 08.200.17'.46" ÷ 2= 04.100.08'.53" NaMo -India composite Saturn. NaMo Rahu: 11.050.18'.33" + India Rahu: 01.050.09'.21" 12.100.27'.54" ÷ 2= 06.050.13'.57" NaMo -India composite Rahu Ketu:
KP Ezine
06.050.13'.57" + 6 sign = 00.050.13'.57" NaMo -India composite
May 2014
Cusp table: Cusp
Sign. Deg. Mnt. Sec.
Sign lord
Star lord
Sub lord
Planetary position table: Planet
Sign. Deg. Mnt. Sec.
Star lord
Sign lord Sun
Sub lord Venus
Sun Moon+
Mercury+ Jupiter+
Hint: If 10th (one’s position in politics) cusp sub lord signifies 10 (one’s reputation), 3 (one’s ability), 11 (one’s reputation as a winner) in the DBA of the significators of 3, 10, 11, then success is assured.
On next Page:
KP Ezine
May 2014
Composite chart of India and Narendra Modi II I
Mo 06 Vi 14 03
I: 29
:2 3
e 6G 2 :
IX 23 31 39
Ke 05 13 57 X 22 06 10
XI 23 16 52
I 29 07 00 1
Ju 16 Sg 19 35
8 9
XII 26 37 40
VIII 26 32 16 Ta
: VI
4 7
Ma 19 Le 16 10 Su 14 Le 21 41 Sa 10 Le 08 53 Me 07 Le 20 09 Ve 04 Le 11 26
Ra 05 Li 13 57
00 II VI
6 :2
11 16
2 :2
6 r0
Ve 04 11 26 Me 07 20 09 Sa 10 08 53 Su 14 21 41 Ma 19 16 10 II 26 32 16
VII 29 07 00
Ke 05 Ar 13 57
:2 3
Pi 31
VI 26 37 40 39
Mo 06 14 03 V 23 16 52
Ju 16 19 35
IV 22 06 10 Ra 05 13 57
III 23 31 39
Cuspal sub lord of composite chart: Ascendant cusp sub lord of the composite chart is Saturn. Saturn is in the star of Ketu and sub of own in composite chart. Saturn is occupant of 1, and owner of 7(Maraka), 8. No planet is n the star of Saturn and Saturn is the CSL of 1-4-7-10. Star lord Ketu is occupant of 9. Ketu is aspected by Jupiter. Jupiter is occupant of 5, owner of 6-9. Thus Ascendant cusp sub lord Saturn indicates medium life. Cuspal sub lord of composite chart in Narendra Modi chart: 10th cusp sub lord of composite chart is Saturn. Saturn is in the star of Sun and sub of Rahu in Narendra Modi chart. Saturn is occupant of 11, owner of 4-5. Star lord Sun is occupant of 11, owner of 11. Sub lord Rahu is occupant of 5. Rahu is in Pisces, hence represents Jupiter. Jupiter is occupant of 4, and owner of 3-6. Thus Saturn signifies 11 and is connected with 11. Thus 10th cusp sub lord indicates 3-11. Cuspal sub lord of composite chart in India chart: 10th cusp sub lord of composite chart is Saturn. Saturn is in the star of Mercury and sub of Venus in India chart. Saturn is occupant of 4, owner of 10-11. Star lord Mercury is occupant of 3, owner of 2-3-6. Sub lord Venus is occupant of 4, and owner of 1. No planet is in the star of Venus and Venus is the CSL of 1-2-3-10. Thus Saturn signifies 3 and connected with 3-10-11. Thus 10th cusp sub lord indicates 3-10-11. Calculation of Dasa. India date: 15-08-1947 + NaMo Date: 17-09-1950 32-17-3897÷ 2= 01-03-1949 Composite birth date As per Astrological table for all by: R. Eshwara Manu, page no: 54-55 NaMo-India composite Moon is 05.060.14'.03" Sun dasa duration from 000.00'.00" to 100.00'.00" End of dasa 100.00'.00"- 060.14'.03" composite Moon = 030.45'.57"
KP Ezine
May 2014
YY-MM-DD 01-04-06
+ 45'= 00-04-02 + 57"= 00-00-03 01-08-11 Dasa Balance. 01-03-1949 11-08-0001 12-11-1950 10 12-11-1960 07 12-11-1967 18 12-11-1985 16 12-11-2001 19 12-11-2020
Composite birth date Sun dasa ends Moon dasa ends Mars dasa ends Rahu dasa ends Jupiter dasa ends Saturn dasa ends
Now the composite chart is running Saturn dasa from 12-11-2001 to 12-11-2020. Now we will calculate Bhukti during Saturn dasa. 12-11-2001 03-00-0003 15-11-2004 09-08-0002 24-07-2007 09-01-0001 03-09-2008 00-02-0003 03-11-2011 12-11-0000 15-10-2012 00-07-0001 15-05-2014 09-01-0001 24-06-2015 06-10-0002 30-04-2018 12-06-0002 12-11-2020
Saturn dasa starts Saturn-Saturn bhukti ends Saturn-Mercury bhukti ends Saturn-Ketu bhukti ends Saturn-Venus bhukti ends Saturn-Sun bhukti ends Saturn-Moon bhukti ends Saturn-Mars bhukti ends Saturn-Rahu bhukti ends Saturn-Jupiter bhukti ends
Now as per the composite chart the running Dasa- Bhukit is Saturn-Moon up to 15-052014. Dasa lord of composite chart in NaMo chart: Dasa lord of the composite chart is Saturn. Saturn is in the star of Sun and sub of Rahu in Narendra Modi chart. Saturn is occupant of 11, owner of 4-5. Star lord Sun is occupant of 11, owner of 11. Sub lord Rahu is occupant of 5. Rahu is in Pisces, hence represents Jupiter. Jupiter is occupant of 4, and owner of 3-6. Thus Dasa lord Saturn indicates 3-11.
KP Ezine
May 2014
Bhukti lord of composite chart in NaMo chart: Bhukti lord of the composite chart is Moon. Moon is in the star of Saturn and sub of Venus in NaMo chart. Moon is occupant of 1, owner of 10. No planet is in the star of Moon, and Moon is the CSL of 10. Star lord Saturn is occupant of 11, and owner of 4-5. Sub lord Venus is occupant of 2, owner of 12. Thus Bhukti lord Moon signifies 11 and is connected with 10. Thus Bhukti lord Moon lord indicates 10-11. Dasa lord of composite chart in India chart: Dasa lord of the composite chart is Saturn. Saturn is in the star of Mercury and sub of Venus in India chart. Saturn is occupant of 4, and owner of 10-11. Star lord Mercury is occupant of 3, owner of 2-3-6. Sub lord Venus is occupant of 4, owner of 1. No planet is in the star of Venus, and Venus is the CSL of 1-2-3-10. Thus Saturn is the significator of 3, and is connected with 3-10-11. Thus 10th cusp sub lord indicates 3-11-10. Bhukti lord of composite chart in India chart: Bhukti lord of the composite chart is Moon. Moon is in the star and sub of Saturn in India chart. Moon is occupant of 3, owner of 4. Star and sub lord Saturn is occupant of 4, and owner of 10-11. Thus Moon signifies 3-10-11. Thus 10th cusp sub lord indicates 3-10-11. Conclusion: 1. India-NaMo composite chart's 10th cusp sub lord in NaMo chart indicates 3-11. 2. India- NaMo composite chart's 10th cusp sub lord in India chart indicates 3-10-11. 3. India-RG composite chart's 10th cusp sub lord indicates 11. 4. India- RG composite chart's 10th cusp sub lord indicates 3-10. 5. Composite chart's dasa and bhukti lords indicate positive bhavas for both. My opinion: 1. As mentioned above India-RG composite chart's 10th cusp sub lord is weaker than NaMo’s, which shows very clearly, that NaMo will rule India in this election. 2. In Part one we have seen that India-Congress I composite chart's 10th cusp sub lord does not indicate 3-10-11 at all. Thus it is clear that Rahul Gandhi will not be the next PM but as the composite chart of India and Rahul Gandhi show some good indication, he will be the opposition leader in the Lokshabha 2014. 3. All above indicate that Narendra Modi will be the next PM of India in the Lokshabha 2014. How many seats will get BJP? Hints Level of wealth: No wealth If 2nd(Money) cusp sub lord signifies 5( 12th from 6th Daily income), 8(Financial Loss, income of opponent) ,12(Loss). Some Wealth If 2nd(Money/Income) cusp sub lord signifies 5( 12th from 6th Daily income),8(Financial Loss, income of opponent) ,12(Loss). along with 2(Income), 6 (Daily income), 11 (Gain). Enormous Wealth If 2nd(Income) cusp sub lord signifies 2(Income),6 (Daily income), 10 (Profession/Status),11 (Gain), AND NOT CONNECTED TO 5 (12th from 6th Daily income), 8( Financial Loss, income of opponent), 12(Loss). In NaMo and India chart 2nd cusp (Leo 260.32'.16"): The sub lord of the 2nd cusp in Namo and India composite chart is Ketu. Ketu is in the star KP Ezine
May 2014
of own and sub of Mars. Ketu is occupant of 9. Ketu is aspected by Jupiter. Jupiter is occupant of 5, owner of 6-9. Sub lord Mars is occupant of 1 and owner of 5-10. Thus 2nd cusp sub lord Rahu signifies 9-5-6, and is connected with 9-5-6-1-10. 1. 2nd CSL does not signify only 5, 12, 8. So no wealth condition is not applied in this case. 2. 2nd CSL signifies only 6,10 and 5, indicating some wealth. 3. 2nd CSL signifies not only 6, 10 but also is connected with 5. So enormous wealth condition is not applied in this case. Thus as per 2nd cusp sub lord indicates medium wealth the BJP will get nearly 50% of seats under leadership of NaMo with alliance. Total seats are 545. As per 55% to 60% is 300 to 325 seats which will be got by the NDA.
KP Ezine
May 2014
Can BJP NDA Alliance Form Govt at Centre? – KP Analysis By: O V N Murthy, M.Com. FCS , II Fl Parisrama Bhavan, Bashir Bagh, Hyderabad 500004 AP Ph. Res. 27405975; Mobile : 94417-78427 Email:
[email protected] During the KP Astrologers Forum’s fortnightly meeting conducted on 27-Apr-2013 on VI house matters relating to Wining of Elections and Options Theory by Sri Rajendra Nimje, IAS (MD of Solar Energy Corporation GOI), were discussed. The present paper is a discussion of winning competitions / elections with Options Theory to know the number of seats that the party in question would win. On this subject matter Sri Kanak Bosmia the Editor of this ezine has made lot of research and found theories on competitions by judging the elections, cricket matches and even winning of music/dance competitions broad casted on the TV channels. Sri Tin Win ji’s house groupings through this ezine are like a dictionary for the KP findings. Option theory is founded by Sri Rajendra Nimje, IAS, President of KPAF Hyderabad. KP RULES: As per the KP House Grouping of Navaratnamala of E-zine compiled by Sri Tin Win, US:6
COMPETITION 1 Gain in any sort of competition (Election/litigation/ sports match etc) 2 Loss in competition
1,6,11 (2,3,10)
1,6,11 (2,3,10)
4,5,7 (8,9,12)
4,5,7 (8,9,12)
6&11 jointly; Also cross check 11th; For political success to consider 1,6,9,10 &11 also. For interview 3rd & 9th are also required to consider. Also to cross check 11th cusp sub-lord.
Based on the above rules, a Horary No. 11 was taken from Sri Vidya Sagar of Chappal Bazar, a staunch follower of RSS/BJP for judging the winning opportunities of BJP / Sri Narendra Modi as PM at Centre.
The Horary No 11 (Can BJP form Govt at Centre?), Date 23/04/2014, Time 17:17:16 PM IST, Place Bashirbagh- Hyderabad, Day Wednesday , Lat 17:23:00 North, Long 78:29:00 East, Time Zone Hr 5:30 East of GMT, KP Ayanamsa 23:58, Asc. : 15:33:20 Aries (chart attached) Venus and Sun are the cuspal sub lords of 6 n 11; Venus’ signification as occupant of 11, lord of 2n7, in the star Jupiter who is in 3rd , lord of 9n12 is promising; Sun’s signification as occupant of 12, lord of 5 in Kethu star who is in 12 indicates tough fight with UPA. KP Ezine
May 2014
Horary No. 11/249 Sun Rise: 05:55:13 AM Nithya Yoga: Shubha
Sun Set: Hora:
06:33:52 PM Mars
Dasa Days: 365.25 D Karana: Gar
Horary No.: 11 Question : Can BJP form Govt. at Centre?
Ruling Planets - 23/Apr/2014 05:17:16 PM BASHIRBAGH, HYDERABAD, ANDHRA PRADESH, India Planet
Day Lord: Mercury
Nirayana Bhava Chalit II 14:57:38
I 15:33:20 III 10:38:19 Ju 19:56:07
Su 09:16:48 XII 08:56:30 Me 06:15:12 Ke 04:20:39
Ve 25:15:58 XI 05:04:49
12 11
IV 06:16:15
Mo 24:42:24 X 06:16:15
Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 Bharani(1) 2 Rohini(2) 3 Aridra(2) 4 Pushyami(1) 5 Magha(2) 6 U.Phalguni(4) 7 Swati(3) 8 Anuradha(4) 9 Moola(4) 10 U.Ashada(3) 11 Dhanishta(4) 12 U.Bhadra(2)
Sgl Ma Ve Me Mo Su Me Ve Ma Ju Sa Sa Ju
Stl Ve Mo Ra Sa Ke Su Ra Sa Ke Su Ma Sa
Sbl Su Ju Sa Me Ma Ve Ve Ju Sa Me Su Ve
Ssl Su Ve Sa Mo Sa Ju Ve Ju Mo Ra Ra Ra
Sssl Su Sa Mo Ra Me Ju Me Me Sa Sa Ke Ra
Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su Aswini(3) Mo Dhanishta(1) Ma[R] Hasta(3) Me Aswini(2) Ju Aridra(4) Ve P.Bhadra(2) Sa[R] Visakha(3) Ra Chitra(4) Ke Aswini(2)
Sgl Ma Sa Me Ma Me Sa Ve Ve Ma
Stl Ke Ma Mo Ke Ra Ju Ju Ma Ke
Sbl Ju Ra Me Ra Ma Me Ve Ve Mo
Ssl Ra Sa Sa Sa Mo Ju Ma Sa Me
Sssl Ve Sa Ra Ve Mo Sa Ve Ma Ke
1 Significators - Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su+ 12 12 5 Mo 6 10 1, 8 4 Ma 10 6 4 1, 8 Me+ 12 12 3, 6 Ju 6 3 9, 12 Ve+ 3 11 9, 12 2, 7 Sa+ 3 7 9, 12 10, 11 Ra 6 6 1, 8 Ke 12 12 (A) -Sa. Planets in Occupant's stars Rahu acts as agent for: Su, Me, Ju, Ve, (B) - Occupant of house Ketu acts as agent for: Su, Ma, Me, Sa. (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner
4 7
Sa[R] 27:19:04 VII 15:33:20
V 05:04:49
IX 10:38:19
9 8
6 Ra 04:20:39 VI 08:56:30 Ma[R] 19:37:13
Ke 04:20:39 Me 06:15:12 Su 09:16:48 I 15:33:20
VIII 14:57:38
II 14:57:38
III 10:38:19 Ju 19:56:07
Dasa Summary Bhukti
XII 08:56:30
Ve 25:15:58 XI 05:04:49
Mo 24:42:24 X 06:16:15
Name: Vidya Sagar Gender: Male Date: Wednesday, 23/Apr/2014 Time: 05:17:16 PM SID: 07:06:59 Lat: 17:23:00 N Lon: 78:29:00 E Place: HYDERABAD, ANDHRA PRADESH, India
IV 06:16:15
Ayanamsa: 23° 58' [KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Star: Dhanishta, Pada 1 Star Lord: Mars Rasi: Capricorn Rasi Lord: Saturn Lagna: Aries Lagna Lord: Mars Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Navami Bal. Dasa: Mars 6 Y, 3 M, 10 D
V 05:04:49
VI 08:56:30 Ma[R] 19:37:13
IX 10:38:19
VIII 14:57:38
Sa[R] 27:19:04 VII 15:33:20 Ra 04:20:39
Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:
Mars Dasa 04-Aug-2013 - 04-Aug-2020 Mars 04-Aug-2013 Rahu 31-Dec-2013 Jupiter 19-Jan-2015 Saturn 26-Dec-2015 Mercury 03-Feb-2017 Ketu 31-Jan-2018 Venus 29-Jun-2018 Sun 29-Aug-2019 Moon 04-Jan-2020 Saturn Dasa 04-Aug-2054 - 04-Aug-2073 Saturn 04-Aug-2054 Mercury 07-Aug-2057 Ketu 16-Apr-2060 Venus 26-May-2061 Sun 25-Jul-2064 Moon 07-Jul-2065 Mars 05-Feb-2067 Rahu 16-Mar-2068 Jupiter 21-Jan-2071 Venus Dasa 04-Aug-2097 - 04-Aug-2117 Venus 04-Aug-2097 Sun 04-Dec-2100 Moon 04-Dec-2101 Mars 05-Aug-2103 Rahu 04-Oct-2104 Jupiter 04-Oct-2107 Saturn 05-Jun-2110 Mercury 05-Aug-2113 Ketu 04-Jun-2116
KP Ezine
Rahu Dasa 04-Aug-2020 - 04-Aug-2038 Rahu 04-Aug-2020 Jupiter 17-Apr-2023 Saturn 10-Sep-2025 Mercury 17-Jul-2028 Ketu 02-Feb-2031 Venus 21-Feb-2032 Sun 21-Feb-2035 Moon 15-Jan-2036 Mars 17-Jul-2037 Mercury Dasa 04-Aug-2073 - 04-Aug-2090 Mercury 04-Aug-2073 Ketu 31-Dec-2075 Venus 28-Dec-2076 Sun 28-Oct-2079 Moon 02-Sep-2080 Mars 02-Feb-2082 Rahu 30-Jan-2083 Jupiter 19-Aug-2085 Saturn 24-Nov-2087 Sun Dasa 04-Aug-2117 - 04-Aug-2123 Sun 04-Aug-2117 Moon 22-Nov-2117 Mars 23-May-2118 Rahu 28-Sep-2118 Jupiter 23-Aug-2119 Saturn 10-Jun-2120 Mercury 23-May-2121 Ketu 30-Mar-2122 Venus 05-Aug-2122
May 2014
Jupiter Dasa 04-Aug-2038 - 04-Aug-2054 Jupiter 04-Aug-2038 Saturn 22-Sep-2040 Mercury 05-Apr-2043 Ketu 11-Jul-2045 Venus 17-Jun-2046 Sun 16-Feb-2049 Moon 05-Dec-2049 Mars 06-Apr-2051 Rahu 11-Mar-2052 Ketu Dasa 04-Aug-2090 - 04-Aug-2097 Ketu 04-Aug-2090 Venus 31-Dec-2090 Sun 01-Mar-2092 Moon 07-Jul-2092 Mars 05-Feb-2093 Rahu 04-Jul-2093 Jupiter 23-Jul-2094 Saturn 28-Jun-2095 Mercury 07-Aug-2096 Moon Dasa 04-Aug-2123 - 04-Aug-2133 Moon 04-Aug-2123 Mars 04-Jun-2124 Rahu 03-Jan-2125 Jupiter 04-Jul-2126 Saturn 03-Nov-2127 Mercury 04-Jun-2129 Ketu 03-Nov-2130 Venus 04-Jun-2131 Sun 03-Feb-2133
For Opponent’s prospects we have to verify the cuspal sub lords of 5n12, Mars and Venus. Mars’ signification of 4n10 through Moon star and lord of 2n7, Mars in 12 hence indicates difficulties to the opponent. Venus as lord of 1n8 in 5th is in Jupiter star signifies 9,3,6. Hence there will be tough competition between the BJP Alliance NDA and Congress Alliance UPA. However BJP has got edge over the opponent and may need an external support from other small groups from the third front. However Options Theory was introduced by Late Sri Jyotindra Habseji to his student, Sri Vijay Hajari ji and Late Sri Suresh Shahasane ji (Ref. Jyotish Shastra chi guru killy-by Vijay Hajari, Edition 2 Oct 2005 (Marathi book), Page 426 to 435 (in Dadar Mumbai in 1987-88 Late sri Habse guruji’s lacture)- Bhavanavmansha Rahasya -Sri Vijay Hajari, Edition 2, 6-3-2008, page 309 to 318 and Krishnamurty Jyotish Rahashya Part-1 by Late Sri Suresh Shasane (Marathi book) Edition-2 1-5-2009, page no: 352 to 366. Both are doing more work on it and published article on optional theory in his Marathi books and applied by Sri Rajendra Nimje IAS gives clear picture for ascertaining the number of seats that a party can secure by arranging classes to provide all the possibilities with Ruling Planets technique. Options Theory: Taking RPs from the time chart at the time we want to know the results; while taking RPs take 1. Day Lord, 2. Moon Sign Lord, 3. Moon Star Lord, 4. Ascendant Lord and lastly not included by some astrologers, 5. Ascendant Star Lord. See the five RPs which are connected to a Planet Star who is in Retrogression. For Nodes take the Sign Lord. The numerical values are Moon 4, Sun 5, Mercury 3+6, Venus 2+7, Mars 1+8, Jupiter 9+10, Saturn 10+11; Like wise we have to arrive the total numerical value and make the digits from two digits to single digit or options whichever is higher. Multiple 9 has to be deducted if it is repeated. Options
1 2
Less 100
100 150
SN o. 1 2
4 5 6 7
175 200 225 250
200 225 250 275
4 5
RP Star
Day Lord Moon Sign Lord Moon Star Lord Asc. Sign Lord Asc. Star Lord
Moon MarsR
Ketu Moon
4 1+8=9
Mer Moon
Ven Ke
3+6=9 4 26= 2+6=8
RP in the star of Retro Is not taken for count.
Option No. range No. 8. Above 275 The following is example for this Party to know the total number of seats it can secure through its counter parts. Options for NDA No of Seats 543/272 Note: RPs on 28/04/2014, at 17:00:07 PM IST, Bashirbagh- Hyderabad Pranams to Guruji Prof. KSK. KP Ezine
May 2014
Odisha state assembly elec on 2014 By: Dr. Nirmal Kothari
Doctorate of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Astrology & Vastu Sciences Dayavati Mansion, 5th Floor, 13, Kyd Street, Opposite – MLA Hostel,Kolkata – 700 016, West Bengal. Mobile : +91-98300 89302, 094 777 507035. Email :
[email protected]
Background Note: In 2014, Legislative Assembly Elections will take place for seven states Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Haryana, Maharashtra, Odisha and Sikkim. In first phase, the legislative elections in Andhra Pradesh, Odisha and Sikkim will take place along with Lok Sabha elections. The elections in Andhra Pradesh will be for the two states which will be created on 2nd June 2014, Telangana and Seemandhara. Assembly elections to the 147-member Odisha assembly will be held on 10th April and 17th April 2014. The votes will be counted on 16th May 2014. Question: Will Congress win Odisha State Assembly Election 2014? Horary Number: 120 (out of 249). Time of Judgment: 19-03-2014, 19:50:19 Hrs. (IST). Place of Judgment: Park Street (Long/Lat: 22N27, 88E20), Kolkata, West Bengal. Moon reveals the nature of query. Moon (Libra 08-48-33) is in the star of Rahu and sub of Jupiter. Planet Moon is the occupant of 1, owner of 11. Starlord Rahu is the occupant of 1. Rahu is conjoined to Moon-Mars -Saturn and thus acts as agent of Moon-Mars-Saturn. Moon is the occupant of 1, owner of 11. Mars® is the occupant of 1, owner 3 and 8. Saturn® is the occupant of 2, owner of 5 and 6. Sublord Jupiter is the occupant of 9, owner of 4 and 7. Moon signifies the relevant house(s), hence query is genuine. Hints: If 6th or 11th cuspal sublord signifies 6 (defeat to opposition), 11 (reputation as a winner, fulfillment of desire, success), 10 (position and power in politics), 1 (efforts for winning), success is assured in the joint period (DBAS) of significators of 1, 6, 10, 11. Cuspal Positions for CONGRESS 11th Cusp (Cancer 23-49-40): The sublord of 11th cusp Mars® is in the star of self (Mars) and sub of Mercury. Planet Mars® is the occupant of 1, owner 3 and 8. Starlord Mars® is the occupant of 1, owner 3 and 8. Sublord Mercury is the occupant of 5, owner of 1 and 10. There is planet in stars of Mercury, and Mercury is the CSL 6, 12. 11th CSL Mars® signifies 1 and is in connection with 6, 10. (Note: The 11th CSL and its Starlord Mars is retrograde at the time of judgment and will remain retrograde during the period from voting to till the date of declaration of result). 6th Cusp (Aquarius 24-24-35): The sublord of 6th cusp Mercury is in the star and sub of Rahu. Planet Mercury is the occupant of 5, owner of 1 and 10. There is no planet in the stars of Mercury, and Mercury is the CSL of 6, 12. Star and sub lord Rahu is the occupant of 1. Rahu is conjoined to Moon-Mars-Saturn, and thus acts as agent of Moon-Mars-Saturn. Moon is the occupant of 1, owner of 11. Mars® is the occupant of 1, owner 3 and 8. Saturn® is the occupant of 2, owner of 5, 6. 6th CSL Mercury signifies 6, 10, 11 and is in connection with 6, 10. 10th Cusp (Gemini 22-40-26): The sublord of 10th cusp Saturn® is in the star of Jupiter and sub of Sun. Planet Saturn® is the occupant of 2, owner of 5 and 6. Starlord Jupiter is the occupant of 9, owner of 4 and 7. Sublord Sun is the occupant of 6, owner of 12. 10h CSL Saturn® signifies 6 and is in connection with 6. KP Ezine
May 2014
Horary No. 120/249 Sun Rise: 05:42:14 AM Nithya Yoga: Vyaghata
Sun Set: Hora:
05:47:06 PM Mercury
Dasa Days: 365.25 D Karana: Badreva
Horary No.: 120 Question : Will Congress win Odisha State Assembly Election 2014?
Ruling Planets - 19/Mar/2014 07:50:19 PM PARK STREET, KOLKATA, WEST BENGAL, India Planet
Day Lord: Mercury
Nirayana Bhava Chalit II 06:21:50:06 Sa[R] 06:29:06:48
III 07:21:58:04 7
XII 04:24:24:35
Ma[R] 06:01:32:16 Ra 06:06:11:37 Mo 06:08:48:33 I 05:22:40:00
XI 03:23:49:40 5 4
Ve 09:18:27:20 IV 08:22:40:26
X 02:22:40:26 6 12
VII 11:22:40:00 Ke 00:06:11:37
Me 10:07:59:42 V 09:23:49:40
IX 01:21:58:04 Ju 02:16:45:25
2 1
11 Su 11:04:55:59 VI 10:24:24:35
Ke 06:11:37 VIII 21:50:06
VIII 00:21:50:06
IX 21:58:04
Ju 16:45:25 X 22:40:26
VII 22:40:00 Su 04:55:59 Name: Odisha Election Gender: Male Date: Wednesday, 19/Mar/2014 Time: 07:50:19 PM SID: 08:01:52 Lat: 22:27:00 N Lon: 88:20:00 E Place: KOLKATA, WEST BENGAL, India
XI 23:49:40
Ayanamsa: 23° 57' 55" [KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Star: Swati, Pada 1 Star Lord: Rahu Rasi: Libra Rasi Lord: Venus Lagna: Virgo Lagna Lord: Mercury Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Tritiya Bal. Dasa: Rahu 15 Y, 1 M, 8 D
XII 24:24:35
VI 24:24:35 Me 07:59:42
V 23:49:40 Ve 18:27:20
I 22:40:00
IV 22:40:26
III 21:58:04
Sa[R] 29:06:48 II 21:50:06 Mo 08:48:33 Ra 06:11:37 Ma[R] 01:32:16
Sgl Me Ve Ma Ju Sa Sa Ju Ma Ve Me Mo Su
Stl Mo Ju Me Ve Ma Ju Me Ve Mo Ju Me Ve
Sbl Su Sa Su Sa Ma Me Mo Ju Ve Sa Ma Me
Ssl Su Sa Sa Ve Me Ve Ju Ra Sa Ve Me Ve
Sssl Su Me Ju Ve Sa Ra Ma Ve Me Ra Sa Ve
Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su U.Bhadra(1) Mo Swati(1) Ma[R] Chitra(3) Me Satabhisha(1) Ju Aridra(4) Ve Sravana(3) Sa[R] Visakha(3) Ra Chitra(4) Ke Aswini(2)
Sgl Ju Ve Ve Sa Me Sa Ve Ve Ma
Stl Sa Ra Ma Ra Ra Mo Ju Ma Ke
Sbl Sa Ju Me Ra Ve Me Su Mo Ra
Ssl Ra Ju Ju Ve Sa Ve Sa Sa Sa
Sssl Ju Ve Ma Ve Ke Ke Me Ju Me
Significators - Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su+ 2 6 5, 6 12 Mo 1 1 11 Ma 1 1 3, 8 3, 8 Me+ 1 5 1, 10 Ju 1 9 4, 7 Ve+ 1 4 11 2, 9 Sa 9 2 4, 7 5, 6 Ra 1 1 3, 8 Ke 7 7 Planets in Occupant's stars Rahu acts as agent for: Mo, Ma, Ju,(A) Ve,-Sa. Ketu acts as agent for: Mo, Ma, Sa. (B) - Occupant of house (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner
Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 Hasta(4) 2 Visakha(1) 3 Jyeshta(2) 4 P.Ashada(3) 5 Dhanishta(1) 6 P.Bhadra(2) 7 Revati(2) 8 Bharani(3) 9 Rohini(4) 10 Punarvasu(1) 11 Ashlesha(3) 12 P.Phalguni(4)
Dasa Summary Bhukti
Rahu Dasa 27-Apr-2011 - 27-Apr-2029 Rahu 27-Apr-2011 Jupiter 07-Jan-2014 Saturn 01-Jun-2016 Mercury 08-Apr-2019 Ketu 26-Oct-2021 Venus 13-Nov-2022 Sun 13-Nov-2025 Moon 08-Oct-2026 Mars 07-Apr-2028
Jupiter Dasa 27-Apr-2029 - 27-Apr-2045 Jupiter 27-Apr-2029 Saturn 14-Jun-2031 Mercury 26-Dec-2033 Ketu 01-Apr-2036 Venus 08-Mar-2037 Sun 07-Nov-2039 Moon 25-Aug-2040 Mars 25-Dec-2041 Rahu 01-Dec-2042
Saturn Dasa 27-Apr-2045 - 27-Apr-2064 Saturn 27-Apr-2045 Mercury 30-Apr-2048 Ketu 07-Jan-2051 Venus 16-Feb-2052 Sun 18-Apr-2055 Moon 30-Mar-2056 Mars 29-Oct-2057 Rahu 07-Dec-2058 Jupiter 14-Oct-2061
Mercury Dasa 27-Apr-2064 - 27-Apr-2081 Mercury 27-Apr-2064 Ketu 23-Sep-2066 Venus 20-Sep-2067 Sun 21-Jul-2070 Moon 28-May-2071 Mars 27-Oct-2072 Rahu 24-Oct-2073 Jupiter 12-May-2076 Saturn 17-Aug-2078
Ketu Dasa 27-Apr-2081 - 27-Apr-2088 Ketu 27-Apr-2081 Venus 23-Sep-2081 Sun 23-Nov-2082 Moon 30-Mar-2083 Mars 29-Oct-2083 Rahu 27-Mar-2084 Jupiter 14-Apr-2085 Saturn 21-Mar-2086 Mercury 29-Apr-2087
Venus Dasa 27-Apr-2088 - 27-Apr-2108 Venus 27-Apr-2088 Sun 26-Aug-2091 Moon 26-Aug-2092 Mars 27-Apr-2094 Rahu 27-Jun-2095 Jupiter 27-Jun-2098 Saturn 25-Feb-2101 Mercury 26-Apr-2104 Ketu 25-Feb-2107
Sun Dasa 27-Apr-2108 - 27-Apr-2114 Sun 27-Apr-2108 Moon 14-Aug-2108 Mars 13-Feb-2109 Rahu 21-Jun-2109 Jupiter 15-May-2110 Saturn 03-Mar-2111 Mercury 13-Feb-2112 Ketu 20-Dec-2112 Venus 27-Apr-2113
Moon Dasa 27-Apr-2114 - 27-Apr-2124 Moon 27-Apr-2114 Mars 25-Feb-2115 Rahu 26-Sep-2115 Jupiter 28-Mar-2117 Saturn 27-Jul-2118 Mercury 25-Feb-2120 Ketu 28-Jul-2121 Venus 26-Feb-2122 Sun 27-Oct-2123
Mars Dasa 27-Apr-2124 - 27-Apr-2131 Mars 27-Apr-2124 Rahu 23-Sep-2124 Jupiter 11-Oct-2125 Saturn 17-Sep-2126 Mercury 26-Oct-2127 Ketu 23-Oct-2128 Venus 21-Mar-2129 Sun 21-May-2130 Moon 25-Sep-2130
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.
Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:
KP Ezine
May 2014
Cuspal Positions for Opponent (Chart is rotated to 7th cusp as Lagna of Opponent) 11th Cusp (Capricorn 23-49-40): The sublord of 11th cusp Mars® is in the star of self (Mars) and sub of Mercury. Planet Mars® is the occupant of 7, owner 2 and 9. Starlord Mars® is the occupant of 7, owner 2 and 9. Sublord Mercury is the occupant of 11, owner of 4 and 7. There is no planet in the stars of Mercury, and Mercury is the CSL 6, 12. Thus 11th CSL Mars® is in connection with 6, 11. (Note: The 11th CSL and its Starlord Mars is retrograde at the time of judgment and will remain retrograde during the period from voting to till the date of declaration of result). 6th Cusp (Leo 24-24-35): The sublord of 6th cusp Mercury is in star and sub of Rahu. Planet Mercury is the occupant of 11, owner of 4 and 7. There is no planet in the stars of Mercury, and Mercury is the CSL of 6, 12. Starlord Rahu is the occupant of 7. Rahu conjoined to Moon-Mars-Saturn and thus acts an agent of Moon-Mars-Saturn. Moon is the occupant of 7, owner of 5. Mars® is the occupant of 7, owner 2 and 9. Saturn® is the occupant of 8, owner of 11, 12. So 6th CSL Mercury signifies 6, 11 and is in connection with 6, 11. 10th Cusp (Sagittarius 22-40-26): The sublord of 10th cusp Saturn® is in star of Jupiter and sub of Sun. Planet Saturn® is the occupant of 8, owner of 11 and 12. Starlord Jupiter is the occupant of 3, owner of 1 and 10. Sublord Sun is the occupant of 12, owner of 6. There is no planet in the stars of Sun, and Sun is the CSL 7, 9. Thus 10th CSL Saturn® signifies 10, 11 and is in connection with 6. (Note: 10th CSL Saturn is retrograde at the time of judgment and will remain retrograde during the period from voting to till the date of declaration of result). Conclusion: Congress Party will not win Odisha State Assembly Election 2014. Because both 11th and 6th CSLs signify 6, 10 and 11 for Congress Party and 6, 11 only for the opponent, but 10th CSL signifies 6 only for Congress Party and 6, 10, 11 for the opponent. Pranaam to Lord Ganesh and Guruji KSK! Pranaam to my Guruji Sri P. Roychaudhary!
KP Ezine
May 2014
My Experience with Ruling Planets By: Kanakkumar B. Bosmia Sahakar-2, Flat No: 28 Jagabhai Park, Ram Baug Maninagar, Ahmedabad—380008 Mobile : +91-98 2531165. Email :
[email protected] Example 1 Question: When will BJP declare Narendra Modi as PM candidate for the next election? Date: 10-9-2013 Tuesday, Time: 15.49.03 PM IST Place: Kankariya-Ahmedabad; Long/Lat: 230 N 00'; 720 E 36' Aynamsha: 230.57'.29" Ruling Planets Day lord Sign lord Star lord Day. Tuesday Mars ― ― Asc. Capricorn 01°.39'.42” ― Saturn Sun Moon. Libra 24°.25'.45” ― Venus Jupiter Ketu is in Aries sign, thus represents Mars. Rahu is conjoined with Moon, Venus and Saturn, hence represents Moon, Venus and Saturn. Thus ruling planets are Sun, Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu. Punarphoo: Saturn and Moon are in conjunction. On On On On On On On
11-9-2013- Wednesday- in Saturn star- Not in RP. 12-9-2013-Thursday- in Mercury star- Not in RP. 13-9-2013-Friday- in Ketu star- in RP Ketu represents Mars hence possibility. 14-9-2013-Saturday- in Venus star- Not in RP. 15-9-2013-Sunday- in Sun star- in RP hence possibility. 16-9-2013-Monday- in Moon star- Not in RP - No possibility. 17-9-2013-Tuesday- in Mars star- Not in RP.
Possibilities are: On 13-9-2013-Friday- in Ketu star- in RP Ketu represent Mars hence possibility. On 15-9-2013-Sunday- in Sun star- in RP hence possibility. Among these two I preferred 13-9-2013- Friday. Actual outcome: Narendra Modi was declared as PM candidate on 13-9-2013- Friday. Example-2 Question: When will election commission declare some election dates today by 4.30 PM? Date: 4-10-2013 Friday, Time: 13.19.01 PM IST Place: Kankariya-Ahmedabad; Long/Lat: 230 N 00'; 720 E 36' Aynamsha: 230.57'.32" Ruling Planets Day lord Sign lord Star lord Sub lord Day. Friday Venus ― ― ― Asc. Sagittarius 17°.42'.26” ― Jupiter Venus Mars Moon. Virgo 08°.41'.35” ― Mercury Sun Venus KP Ezine
May 2014
Ketu is in Aries sign, thus represents Mars. Rahu is conjoined with Mercury, hence represents Mercury. Thus, ruling planets are Venus, Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, Sun, Rahu and Ketu. As per election commission's TV press conference, we need to check during this time. Transition Information for Lagna KANKARIYA, AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India Date: 04/Oct/2013 Start Time: 03:30:00 PM End Time: 05:30:00 PM Transition Information Table Sign Time Lord Star Lord Location:
03:30:00 PM Saturn Moon 03:32:50 PM Saturn Mars 04:16:34 PM Saturn Rahu 04:57:59 PM Saturn Jupiter We have Moon-Mars-Rahu and Jupiter as star lord. We have RP as Venus, Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, Sun, Rahu and Ketu. First Moon star is not in RP, next Mars is in RP, so I select Mars as Star: 03:32:50 PM Saturn Mars 04:16:34 PM. Transition Information for Lagna Location: KANKARIYA, AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India Date: 04/Oct/2013 Start Time: 03:32:50 PM End Time: 04:16:34 PM Transition Information Table Sign Time Lord Star Lord Sub Lord 03:32:50 PM Saturn Mars Mars 03:35:28 PM Saturn Mars Rahu 03:42:11 PM Saturn Mars Jupiter 03:48:06 PM Saturn Mars Saturn 03:55:03 PM Saturn Mars Mercury 04:01:13 PM Saturn Mars Ketu 04:03:44 PM Saturn Mars Venus 04:10:53 PM Saturn Mars Sun 04:13:01 PM Saturn Mars Moon 04:16:34 PM We have all nine PLANETS as sub lord. We have RP as Venus, Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, Sun, Rahu and Ketu. We have selected Star Mars, now first sub is Rahu, again I select Node here from 03:35:28 PM Saturn Mars Rahu 03:42:11 PM. Transition Information for Lagna Location: KANKARIYA, AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India Date: 04/Oct/2013 Start Time: 03:35:28 PM End Time: 03:42:11 PM Transition Information Table Sign Time Lord Star Lord Sub Lord SS Lord 03:35:28 PM Saturn Mars Rahu Rahu 03:36:29 PM Saturn Mars Rahu Jupiter 03:37:23 PM Saturn Mars Rahu Saturn 03:38:27 PM Saturn Mars Rahu Mercury 03:39:24 PM Saturn Mars Rahu Ketu KP Ezine
May 2014
03:39:47 PM 03:40:54 PM 03:41:14 PM 03:41:48 PM 03:42:11 PM
Saturn Saturn Saturn Saturn
Mars Mars Mars Mars
Rahu Rahu Rahu Rahu
Venus Sun Moon Mars
We have all nine planets as sub sub lord. we have RP as Venus, Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, Sun, Rahu and Ketu. We have select Star Mars, sub Rahu. now first sub is Jupiter , second Saturn is not in RP, third Mercury. here I select Mercury: 03:38:27 PM Saturn Mars Rahu Mercury 03:39:24 PM. My opinion: election commissioner will hold press conference at 03.39 PM and announce election dates for 5 states. Actual outcome: At 3.39 PM press conference starts. Example-3 Question: When will my student Kalpesh Suthar come to my office? Date: 9-10-2013 Wednesday, Time: 15.51.57 PM IST Place: Kankariya-Ahmedabad; Long/Lat: 230 N 00'; 720 E 36' Aynamsha: 230.57'.33" Ruling Planets Day lord Sign lord Star lord Day. Wednesday Mercury ― ― Asc. Aquarius 05°.07'.01” ― Saturn Mars Moon. Scorpio 18°.57'.03” ― Mars Mercury
Sub lord ― Sun Ketu
Rahu is conjoined with Mercury and Saturn, hence represents Mercury and Saturn. Thus, ruling planets are Mercury, Saturn, Mars, Sun, Rahu and Ketu. Transition Information for Lagna KANKARIYA, AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India Date: 09/Oct/2013 Start Time: 03:50:29 PM End Time: 04:50:29 PM Transition Information Table Sign Time Lord Star Lord Location:
03:50:29 PM 03:56:54 PM 04:38:19 PM
Saturn Saturn Saturn
Mars Rahu Jupiter
We have Mars-Rahu-Jupiter as star lord. We have RP as Mercury, Saturn, Mars, Sun, Rahu and Ketu. First Mars star in RP, next Rahu is in RP, we give weightage to node, so I select Rahu as Star: 03:56:54 PM Saturn Rahu 04:38:19 PM. Transition Information for Lagna KANKARIYA, AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India Date: 09/Oct/2013 Start Time: 03:56:54 PM End Time: 04:38:19 PM Location:
Transition Information Table Sign Time Lord Star Lord Sub Lord 03:56:54 PM Saturn Rahu Rahu 04:03:14 PM Saturn Rahu Jupiter KP Ezine
May 2014
04:08:50 04:15:25 04:21:17 04:23:41 04:30:31 04:32:33 04:35:57 04:38:19
Saturn Saturn Saturn Saturn Saturn Saturn Saturn
Rahu Rahu Rahu Rahu Rahu Rahu Rahu
Saturn Mercury Ketu Venus Sun Moon Mars
We have all nine planets as sub lord. We have RP as Mercury, Saturn, Mars, Sun, Rahu and Ketu. We have selected sign lord as Saturn, Star Rahu, now first sub is Jupiter not in our RP, second Saturn we have taken as sign lord, third Mercury, next is Ketu; here as a node, I select Ketu from 04:21:17 PM Saturn Rahu Ketu 04:23:41 PM . Transition Information for Lagna Location: KANKARIYA, AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India Date: 09/Oct/2013 Start Time: 04:21:27 PM End Time: 04:23:41 PM Transition Information Table Sign Time Lord Star Lord Sub Lord SS Lord 04:21:27 04:21:49 04:21:56 04:22:08 04:22:17 04:22:39 04:22:58 04:23:21 04:23:41
Saturn Saturn Saturn Saturn Saturn Saturn Saturn Saturn Saturn
Rahu Rahu Rahu Rahu Rahu Rahu Rahu Rahu Rahu
Ketu Ketu Ketu Ketu Ketu Ketu Ketu Ketu Venus
Venus Sun Moon Mars Rahu Jupiter Saturn Mercury Venus
We have all nine planets as sub sub lord. We have RP as Mercury, Saturn, Mars, Sun, Rahu and Ketu. We have selected sign lord Saturn, Star Rahu, sub Ketu. now first sub is Sun, second Moon not in RP and next is Mars. Here I select Mars: 04:22:08 PM Saturn Rahu Ketu Mars 04:22:17 PM. My opinion: In my opinion, Kalpesh Suthar will come at 04.22 PM. Actual outcome: He comes at 04.22 PM Example– 4: Question: One of my students asks Mercury to meet at my office around 1 PM, when will he come to my office? Date: 11-11-2013 Monday, Time: 15.51.57 PM IST Place: Kankariya-Ahmedabad; Long/Lat: 230 N 00'; 720 E 36' Aynamsha: 230.57'.33" Ruling Planets Day lord Sign lord Star lord Sub lord Day. Monday Moon ― ― ― Asc. Sagittarius 21°.16'.34” ― Jupiter Venus Jupiter Moon. Aquarius 07°.44'.55” ― Saturn Rahu Rahu Rahu is conjoined with Sun, Mercury and Saturn, hence represents Saturn. Thus, ruling planets are Moon, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and Rahu. KP Ezine
May 2014
Note: Moon in Saturn sign indicates Punarphoo yoga. As he asks Mercury to come at around 1 PM: Transition Information for Lagna KANKARIYA, AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India Date: 11/Nov/2013 Start Time: 01:00:00 PM End Time: 02:00:00 PM Transition Information Table Sign Time Lord Star Lord 01:00:00 PM Saturn Moon 01:03:26 PM Saturn Mars 01:47:09 PM Saturn Rahu Location:
We have Saturn as sign lord. We have Moon-Mars-Rahu as star lord. We have RP as Moon, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and Rahu. First Saturn lagna sign is OK. For star lord Moon and Rahu star in RP. We give weightage to node, also in RP punarphoo indicates late result; so I select Rahu as Star: 01:47:09 PM Saturn Rahu 02:00:00 PM. Transition Information for Lagna KANKARIYA, AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India Date: 11/Nov/2013 Start Time: 01:00:00 PM End Time: 02:00:00 PM Transition Information Table Sign Time Lord Star Lord Sub Lord 01:47:09 PM Saturn Rahu Rahu 01:53:30 PM Saturn Rahu Jupiter 01:59:05 PM Saturn Rahu Saturn Location:
We have Saturn as sign lord. We have Rahu as star lord. We have three subs Rahu-JupiterSaturn. We have RP as Moon, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and Rahu. We have taken first Saturn as a lagna sign, Rahu as star lord. We give weightage to node, as it is twice in RP. Thus I select Rahu as sub: 01:47:09 PM Saturn Rahu Rahu 01:53:30 PM. Transition Information for Lagna KANKARIYA, AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India Date: 11/Nov/2013 Start Time: 01:00:00 PM End Time: 02:00:00 PM Transition Information Table Sign Time Lord Star Lord Sub Lord SS Lord 01:47:09 PM Saturn Rahu Rahu Rahu 01:48:07 PM Saturn Rahu Rahu Jupiter 01:48:57 PM Saturn Rahu Rahu Saturn 01:49:58 PM Saturn Rahu Rahu Mercury 01:50:52 PM Saturn Rahu Rahu Ketu 01:51:14 PM Saturn Rahu Rahu Venus 01:52:17 PM Saturn Rahu Rahu Sun 01:52:36 PM Saturn Rahu Rahu Moon 01:53:07 PM Saturn Rahu Rahu Mars Location:
We have Saturn as sign lord. We have Rahu as star lord and again Rahu as sub lord. We have all nine planets as sub sub. We have RP as Moon, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and Rahu. We have taken first Saturn as a lagna sign, Rahu as star lord and Rahu as a sublord. We KP Ezine
May 2014
give weightage to Saturn, as Punarphoo yoga in RP. Thus, I select Saturn as sub sub: 01:48:57 PM Saturn Rahu Rahu Saturn 01:49:58 PM. Transition Information for Lagna KANKARIYA, AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India Date: 11/Nov/2013 Start Time: 01:48:57 PM End Time: 01:49:58 PM Transition Information Table Sign Time Lord Star Lord Sub Lord SS Lord SSS Lord 01:48:57 PM Saturn Rahu Rahu Saturn Saturn 01:49:07 PM Saturn Rahu Rahu Saturn Mercury 01:49:16 PM Saturn Rahu Rahu Saturn Ketu 01:49:19 PM Saturn Rahu Rahu Saturn Venus 01:49:29 PM Saturn Rahu Rahu Saturn Sun 01:49:32 PM Saturn Rahu Rahu Saturn Moon 01:49:37 PM Saturn Rahu Rahu Saturn Mars 01:49:41 PM Saturn Rahu Rahu Saturn Rahu 01:49:50 PM Saturn Rahu Rahu Saturn Jupiter 01:49:58 PM Location:
We have Saturn as sign lord. We have Rahu as star lord and again Rahu as sub lord and Saturn as sub sub lord. We have all nine planets as sub sub sub. We have RP as Moon, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and Rahu. We have taken first Saturn as a lagna sign, Rahu as star lord and Rahu as a sublord and sub sub as Saturn. We have Venus and Moon in RP. Thus, I select last Moon as sub sub sub: 01:49:32 PM Saturn Rahu Rahu Saturn Moon 01:49:37 PM. My opinion: My student will come at 1.50 PM. Outcome: My student comes to meet Mercury at 1.50 PM. Note: Jupiter is retrograde. Sun-Jupiter and Saturn are in retro Jupiter star. Mars- Saturn is in the sub of retro Jupiter. Event happens during Saturn-Rahu-Rahu-Saturn-Moon. If we consider retro effect, Saturn never gives result, but as I advocate earlier in my articles of horary I never consider retro effect in horary too, as suggested by KSK ji in Natal.
KP Ezine
May 2014
K.P. System and Marriage By: Gun Nagaraju CAIIB, Retired Bank officer KP astrologer 12-13-668/5/2, Second floor, Nagarjuna Nagar, Tarnaka,Secunderabad- 500 017; Tel: 040-27172206; 9490752371 Email:
[email protected]
There are many factors that influence the institution of the marriage and I feel that astrology to some extent plays an important role in finding some solutions. And here is one such case of a native which I would like to discuss applying K.P. rules. The birth details of the native are— Name- Ms JOJO: DOB-22MAY1984: TOB-10:38:20 A.M: POB-HYDERABAD. What K.P. rules say regarding marriage and its related aspects --Love marriage- For materialization of love affairs K.P. rules say – If 7th cusp sub lord signifies 2 or 7 or 11 marriage is promised. If 5th cusp sub lord is a strong significator of 7 and 11, love affair will materialize into marriage. If 5th and 7th cusps are interconnected, then the chance of materialization of love affair is confirmed provided they signify 2, 7 and 11 houses. If the 5th cusp sub lord is in any way connected to 06 and 12 along with the significations of 2, 5, 7 and 11, then the love affair will be a failure. (E) If 7th cusp sub lord is in any way connected to 5th along with 7 – one may marry a boy/girl loved by her/him. If the 7th cusp sub lord is the significator of 5, it denotes love marriage and if it is connected with Rahu or Ketu, it indicates an inter cast marriage or /and unconventional marriage. As per the chart— (A) Marriage : 7th cusp sub lord is Jupiter. Jupiter is the lord of 6 and 9 placed in 6th. Jupiter is in star of Venus lord of 4 and 11 placed in10th. Jupiter is in sub Rahu placed in 10th, very close to 11th cusp. Rahu represents Sun, Mars and Venus. Sun is the lord of 2nd, Mars is the lord of 5th and Venus is the lord of 11th. 7th cusp sub lord Jupiter signifies 2, 5 and 11, and so as per rule marriage took place. (B) Love Marriage: 5th cusp sub lord is Jupiter. As discussed above, Jupiter signifies 7th, as per rule love marriage took place. (C) 5th and 7th cusp sub lord Jupiter signify 5,7 and 11 houses. So love affair materialized into marriage. (D) 7th cusp sub lord Jupiter is interconnected to 5th as co ruler and through its sub lord Rahu. So she married a boy whom she loved.
KP Ezine
May 2014
Ms JOJO Sun Rise: 05:42:27 AM Nithya Yoga: Indra
Sun Set: Hora:
06:43:11 PM Moon
Dasa Days: 365.25 D Karana: Balav
Ruling Planets - 15/Apr/2014 09:50:27 AM KANKARIYA, AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India Planet
Day Lord: Mars
Nirayana Bhava Chalit II 04:12:11:55
XII 02:16:15:26
I 03:15:25:13 III 05:12:15:00
XI 01:16:05:06 5
3 2
Ke 07:13:26:55 IV 06:14:22:47 Sa[R] 06:18:09:04 Ma[R] 06:23:26:46
4 1
X 00:14:22:47 Ra 01:13:26:55 Su 01:07:44:25 Ve 01:01:02:57
VII 09:15:25:13 Mo 10:01:57:35
Me 00:12:30:31 IX 11:12:15:00
12 11
9 VI 08:16:15:26 Ju[R] 08:18:38:15
Me 12:30:31 X 14:22:47
VIII 10:12:11:55
Ve 01:02:57 Su 07:44:25 Ra 13:26:55 XI 16:05:06
XII 16:15:26
VIII 12:11:55 Mo 01:57:35
VII 15:25:13
Name: Ms JOJO Gender: Male Date: Tuesday, 22/May/1984 Time: 10:38:20 AM SID: 02:22:15 Lat: 17:22:00 N Lon: 78:28:00 E Place: HYDERABAD, ANDHRA PRADESH, India
I 15:25:13
Ayanamsa: 23° 32' 56" [KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Star: Dhanishta, Pada 3 Star Lord: Mars Rasi: Aquarius Rasi Lord: Saturn Lagna: Cancer Lagna Lord: Moon Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Ashtami Bal. Dasa: Mars 2 Y, 5 M, 19 D
II 12:11:55
III 12:15:00
Ju[R] 18:38:15 VI 16:15:26
V 16:05:06 Ke 13:26:55
Ma[R] 23:26:46 Sa[R] 18:09:04 IV 14:22:47
Stl Sa Ke Mo Ra Sa Ve Mo Ra Sa Ve Mo Ra
Sbl Ju Me Ra Me Ju Mo Ju Sa Ma Ve Sa Ve
Ssl Me Su Ju Sa Su Mo Ra Ra Ra Ra Me Ra
Sssl Me Me Sa Ra Ra Ju Ra Ve Ve Ve Ve Ve
Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su Krittika(4) Mo Dhanishta(3) Ma[R] Visakha(2) Me Aswini(4) Ju[R] P.Ashada(2) Ve Krittika(2) Sa[R] Swati(4) Ra Rohini(2) Ke Anuradha(4)
Sgl Ve Sa Ve Ma Ju Ve Ve Ve Ma
Stl Su Ma Ju Ke Ve Su Ra Mo Sa
Sbl Ke Ke Sa Me Ra Ra Mo Ra Ra
Ssl Me Ve Ra Ra Ju Mo Mo Ve Ju
Sssl Ra Su Me Ra Ma Me Sa Me Ra
Dasa Summary Bhukti
IX 12:15:00
Sgl Mo Su Me Ve Ma Ju Sa Sa Ju Ma Ve Me
Significators - Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su 10 10 2 2 Mo 4 7 5, 10 1 Ma 6 4 6, 9 5, 10 Me+ 5 10 3, 12 Ju 10 6 4, 11 6, 9 Ve 10 10 2 4, 11 Sa 11 4 7, 8 Ra 7 11 1 Ke 4 5 7, 8 Rahu acts as agent for: Su, Ma, Ve. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars Ketu acts as agent for: Su, Ma, Ve. (B) - Occupant of house (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner
V 07:16:05:06
Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 Pushyami(4) 2 Magha(4) 3 Hasta(1) 4 Swati(3) 5 Anuradha(4) 6 P.Ashada(1) 7 Sravana(2) 8 Satabhisha(2) 9 U.Bhadra(3) 10 Bharani(1) 11 Rohini(2) 12 Aridra(3)
Mars Dasa 11-Nov-1979 - 11-Nov-1986 Mars 11-Nov-1979 Rahu 09-Apr-1980 Jupiter 27-Apr-1981 Saturn 03-Apr-1982 Mercury 12-May-1983 Ketu 09-May-1984 Venus 05-Oct-1984 Sun 05-Dec-1985 Moon 11-Apr-1986
Rahu Dasa 11-Nov-1986 - 11-Nov-2004 Rahu 11-Nov-1986 Jupiter 25-Jul-1989 Saturn 18-Dec-1991 Mercury 25-Oct-1994 Ketu 14-May-1997 Venus 01-Jun-1998 Sun 01-Jun-2001 Moon 26-Apr-2002 Mars 25-Oct-2003
Jupiter Dasa 11-Nov-2004 - 11-Nov-2020 Jupiter 11-Nov-2004 Saturn 30-Dec-2006 Mercury 13-Jul-2009 Ketu 18-Oct-2011 Venus 23-Sep-2012 Sun 25-May-2015 Moon 12-Mar-2016 Mars 12-Jul-2017 Rahu 18-Jun-2018
Saturn Dasa 11-Nov-2020 - 11-Nov-2039 Saturn 11-Nov-2020 Mercury 14-Nov-2023 Ketu 25-Jul-2026 Venus 03-Sep-2027 Sun 03-Nov-2030 Moon 16-Oct-2031 Mars 17-May-2033 Rahu 25-Jun-2034 Jupiter 02-May-2037
Mercury Dasa 11-Nov-2039 - 11-Nov-2056 Mercury 11-Nov-2039 Ketu 10-Apr-2042 Venus 07-Apr-2043 Sun 05-Feb-2046 Moon 13-Dec-2046 Mars 13-May-2048 Rahu 10-May-2049 Jupiter 27-Nov-2051 Saturn 04-Mar-2054
Ketu Dasa 11-Nov-2056 - 11-Nov-2063 Ketu 11-Nov-2056 Venus 10-Apr-2057 Sun 09-Jun-2058 Moon 15-Oct-2058 Mars 16-May-2059 Rahu 13-Oct-2059 Jupiter 31-Oct-2060 Saturn 07-Oct-2061 Mercury 15-Nov-2062
Venus Dasa 11-Nov-2063 - 11-Nov-2083 Venus 11-Nov-2063 Sun 13-Mar-2067 Moon 13-Mar-2068 Mars 12-Nov-2069 Rahu 12-Jan-2071 Jupiter 12-Jan-2074 Saturn 11-Sep-2076 Mercury 11-Nov-2079 Ketu 11-Sep-2082
Sun Dasa 11-Nov-2083 - 11-Nov-2089 Sun 11-Nov-2083 Moon 29-Feb-2084 Mars 30-Aug-2084 Rahu 04-Jan-2085 Jupiter 29-Nov-2085 Saturn 17-Sep-2086 Mercury 30-Aug-2087 Ketu 06-Jul-2088 Venus 11-Nov-2088
Moon Dasa 11-Nov-2089 - 11-Nov-2099 Moon 11-Nov-2089 Mars 12-Sep-2090 Rahu 13-Apr-2091 Jupiter 13-Oct-2092 Saturn 11-Feb-2094 Mercury 12-Sep-2095 Ketu 12-Feb-2097 Venus 13-Sep-2097 Sun 14-May-2099
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.
Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:
KP Ezine
May 2014
Marriage took place on 24 Feb 2011 that is during Jupiter dasa (2,5,7 and 11), Mercury+ bhukthi (2,5 &12), Jupiter anthara (2,5,7 &11) and Jupiter sookshma period (from 19-22011 to 6-3-2011). Married life - disturbances - rules - (K.P Annual year 2012) If 2, 7 and 11th cusp sub lords signify 1, 6, 4, 8, 10, and 12— then misunderstanding between husband and wife, differences of opinion, quarreling, frequent separations etc are the results. 2. If 7th cusp sub lord signify 6th house - then life partner will initiate to have divorce. aa Significator of 6th house - brings about separation due to partner walking out or dissertation. 3. If the 7th cusp sub lord signify 12th house - then the native himself/herself will initiate for applying for divorce. Significator of 12th house - the native seeks separation, gets out and lives singly. It also indicates disharmony and quarrels. 4. 8th house significations do not threaten separation, but the native will have trouble even then he/she continues to live together. 5. The healthy marital life shall be realized only if the 11th cusp indicates its linkage with the 5th, 7th and 11th house without getting linked to the adversaries. As per the chart: 1) 2nd significators are Sun and Venus. Both are in 10th. 7th significators are Rahu, Moon, Kethu and Saturn. Rahu is in 10th, Moon is in the star of Mars, lord of 10. Saturn is in the star of Rahu in 10th and Kethu is in the star of Saturn lord of 8th. 11th significators are Venus, Saturn and Rahu. Venus is in 10th. We have discussed about Saturn and Rahu above. So these significators have given her a lot of displeasure, dissatisfaction, frustration and frequent separations with misunderstandings. 2) 7th cusp sub lord Jupiter is occupant and owner of 6th and aspects 12th. So both have become a cause for separation. Divorce - K.P. rules say - (KP-Ezine July 2007) – Divorce is caused when the significator of 2, 7 and 11 are also the significator of the houses of 1, 6, 10, the negative houses (12th) to 2, 7, and 11, which are all detrimental for smooth and pleasant family life with the spouse. •
If the significator of 2, 7 &11 happen to be the significator of 1, 6 & 10, then separation will surely take place and then it may lead to separation/divorce.
If the separation is caused by the wife, then in one’s chart the significator of 7th will also be the significator of 6 (12th from 7) and 9 (3rd from 7). The significators of 6th house bring separation due to partners walking out or desertion. The 4th is the place of residence and 3rd is the negative to 4th. Therefore one will go away from his residence and thereby get separated.
If the husband does not like wife and if he goes away – then we have to judge the houses 3 and 12. 12th house significator denotes that the native will seek separation and get out.
KP Ezine
May 2014
8th house significator denotes disharmony and quarrels and it does not threaten separation. The native will only experience difficulties/problems and will continue to live together. As per the chart: The significators of 2nd house are Sun and Venus; 7th house are Rahu, Moon, Kethu and Saturn; 11th house are Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and Rahu. Jupiter signifies 6 and 10 houses for divorce. Sun and Venus are the significators of 1, 10 and 12 respectively; Rahu is the significator for 1 and 10; Moon for 10; Ketu for 10 and Saturn for 1 (by aspect) and 10 houses respectively. Jupiter signifies both the positive 2, 5, 7 and 11 houses and negative1, 6, 10 and 12 houses and became karaka for marriage and legal divorce. Both the incidents took place during it’s own dasa itself. (Jupiter dasa X Venus bhukti X Rahu anthara x Sun sookshma) So as per rule the signifiators of the above DBAS have led her to go for divorce. Even though the couple had love towards each other, surprisingly it is the incapacity of her spouse due to biological and physical problem that has become the main cause for their separation. On scrutiny of the chart of her spouse the following factors have been noticed which led to such a major issue. (Due to certain personal reasons of the native I express my inability to produce the chart of the native’s husband for the benefit of the readers.) It is only on account of this major reason, both the native and her husband have agreed mutually and applied for divorce. Before proceeding further I would like to mention here briefly the astrological significators in this regard— The testicles are ruled by Scorpio and Mars, and the right one by Sun and the left one by Moon. The male produces germ cells which is also called sperm. This is under the control of Rahu and Mars. (2) The sexual inter course- the act of transfer of the sperm from male to female for fertilization of the egg, is ruled by the 5th house, Scorpio, Mars and Venus. The native has filed a petition for divorce jointly with the spouse before the judge on 10 Jan 2014, that is during Jupiter dasa (6,10 & 11), Venus bhukthi (4, 10 & 11), Rahu anthara (1,10 & 11) and Sun sookshma (10) (from 3-1-2014 to 11-1-2014).
KP Ezine
May 2014
K.P. Reveals Hospital Deliveries
By: VSN. Murthy, (K.P. Astro Consultant) Sri Datta Sai Ram Astro Centre, #404, Teja Garden Apartments, Prakashnagar, KURNOOL- 4. (AP) Mobile:- 09440220874. E-mail:-
[email protected];
[email protected]
Definition of labor pain is as follows:“Pain and discomfort associated with contractions of the uterus during labor.” Nowadays, generally the pregnant ladies cannot bear the labor pains. So they will be admitted into hospitals to get safe delivery. Ascendant stands for the native. 4th house denotes mother of the native. 12th house indicates hospital. So (a) the 12th should be well connected to either lagna or the 4th in any manner. Generally in any chart 6th house represents sickness, in this case labor pain during delivery. So consider the 9th house for labor pains and sickness of the mother of the child. (6th from the 4th of the child is 9th). (b) 4th, 9th and 12th cusp sub lords should be inter-related for delivery in hospital. With this simple logic only we can identify the natal charts of those who took birth in hospitals. Table showing the birth particulars of the natives:Name of the native
Date of Birth
Time of Birth
V. Naga Sai Gayatri
13-04-1990, Friday
10-00-00 AM
Place of Birth Kurnool
V. Sreepada Vallabha
29-07-1993, Thursday
05-30-00 AM
V. Anuama
23-06-1983, Thursday
04-00-00 PM
V. Anil Kumar (Adoni)
16-03-1985, Saturday
01-04-00 PM
Veldurthi Sreenidhi
19-10-2009, Monday
09-17-20 AM.
D. Naga Sai Satya Ram
19-04-2000, Wednesday
11-30-00 AM.
D. Nikhil Sesha Sai
25-11-2006, Saturday
05-18-00 PM
G. Dharma, S/o Kamalakar
15-06-2007, Friday
10-59-00 PM
21-03-2004, Sunday
04-20-00 PM
G.Sreya Reddy
(1) V. Naga Sai Gayatri:(a) Mars, the 12th cuspal sub lord is in the sub of Mercury, who is the lagna sub lord as well as lagna lord. 12th cusp sub lord Mars is aspected by Jupiter who is the 4th cusp sub lord. Jupiter is the occupant of lagna who aspects Mars with his 9th aspect. Mars being the star lord of the lagna cusp aspects the 12th and the 4th. Mars (the starlord of lagna and the 12th cusp sub lord) is signifying the 12th. (b) 4th cusp sub = Jupiter; 9th cusp sub = Venus; 12th cusp sub = Mars; Jupiter (4th sub) and Venus (9th sub) are in the star of Rahu. Venus (9th sub) and Mars (12th sub) are in the sub of Mercury. Jupiter (4th sub) aspects Mars (12th sub) and Venus (9th sub) with his 9th aspect. Thus a good connection of the sublords of 4th, 9th and 12th indicate that the mother of this native is admitted in the hospital for safe delivery of this native. KP Ezine
May 2014
V. Naga Sai Gayatri Sun Rise: 06:04:59 AM Nithya Yoga: Siddhi
Sun Set: Hora:
06:32:06 PM Saturn
Dasa Days: 365.25 D Karana: Badreva
Ruling Planets - 13/Apr/2014 10:07:05 AM KANKARIYA, AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India Planet
Day Lord: Sun
Nirayana Bhava Chalit Ke 03:19:25:08 II 02:25:49:04
XII 00:29:02:55
I 02:00:33:54 Ju 02:10:35:54
III 03:22:07:53 3
1 12
IV 04:21:52:28
Su 11:29:21:38 XI 11:25:10:58 Me 00:18:47:08
X 10:21:52:28 3 9
VII 08:00:33:54 V 05:25:10:58 6
IX 09:22:07:53 Ve 10:13:27:40 Ma 10:00:35:00
7 Mo 07:02:45:51 VI 06:29:02:55
VIII 08:25:49:04 Ra 09:19:25:08 Sa 09:01:19:14
Me 18:47:08 XII 29:02:55
I 00:33:54 Ju 10:35:54 II 25:49:04
Su 29:21:38 XI 25:10:58
X 21:52:28 Ve 13:27:40 Ma 00:35:00
IX 22:07:53 Ra 19:25:08 Sa 01:19:14
Name: V. Naga Sai Gayatri Gender: Female Date: Friday, 13/Apr/1990 Time: 10:00:00 AM SID: 23:06:38 Lat: 15:50:00 N Lon: 78:03:00 E Place: KURNOOL, ANDHRA PRADESH, India
Ke 19:25:08 III 22:07:53
Ayanamsa: 23° 37' 52" [KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Star: Visakha, Pada 4 Star Lord: Jupiter Rasi: Scorpio Rasi Lord: Mars Lagna: Gemini Lagna Lord: Mercury Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Tritiya Bal. Dasa: Jupiter 0 Y, 8 M, 5 D
IV 21:52:28
V 25:10:58
VIII 25:49:04 VII 00:33:54
Mo 02:45:51
VI 29:02:55
Sgl Me Me Mo Su Me Ve Ju Ju Sa Sa Ju Ma
Stl Ma Ju Me Ve Ma Ju Ke Ve Mo Ju Me Su
Sbl Me Ke Su Ju Ra Su Ke Me Ve Sa Ra Ma
Ssl Ve Ke Ve Ra Me Ju Sa Sa Sa Sa Me Ve
Sssl Ju Me Su Ma Ra Ke Me Ra Ra Me Ra Ra
Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su Revati(4) Mo Visakha(4) Ma Dhanishta(3) Me Bharani(2) Ju Aridra(2) Ve Satabhisha(3) Sa U.Ashada(2) Ra Sravana(3) Ke Ashlesha(1)
Sgl Ju Ma Sa Ma Me Sa Sa Sa Mo
Stl Me Ju Ma Ve Ra Ra Su Mo Me
Sbl Sa Ra Me Ra Sa Me Ju Me Ve
Ssl Ma Ve Ve Sa Sa Mo Ju Sa Ve
Sssl Ke Ra Sa Ke Ve Ke Me Me Mo
Significators - Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su 11 11 1, 2, 5 4 Mo 1 6 7, 8, 11 3 Ma 9 9 12 12 Me 9 11 6 1, 2, 5 Ju 9 1 7, 8, 11 Ve 9 9 6 Sa+ 11 8 4 9, 10 Ra 6 9 3 Ke+ 11 3 1, 2, 5 (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars Rahu acts as agent for: Sa. Ketu acts as agent for: Mo, Sa. (B) - Occupant of house (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner
Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 Mrigasira(3) 2 Punarvasu(2) 3 Ashlesha(2) 4 P.Phalguni(3) 5 Chitra(1) 6 Visakha(3) 7 Moola(1) 8 P.Ashada(4) 9 Sravana(4) 10 P.Bhadra(1) 11 Revati(3) 12 Krittika(1)
Dasa Summary Bhukti
Jupiter Dasa 19-Dec-1974 - 19-Dec-1990 Jupiter 19-Dec-1974 Saturn 06-Feb-1977 Mercury 20-Aug-1979 Ketu 25-Nov-1981 Venus 01-Nov-1982 Sun 02-Jul-1985 Moon 21-Apr-1986 Mars 20-Aug-1987 Rahu 26-Jul-1988
Saturn Dasa 19-Dec-1990 - 19-Dec-2009 Saturn 19-Dec-1990 Mercury 22-Dec-1993 Ketu 31-Aug-1996 Venus 09-Oct-1997 Sun 09-Dec-2000 Moon 21-Nov-2001 Mars 22-Jun-2003 Rahu 01-Aug-2004 Jupiter 07-Jun-2007
Mercury Dasa 19-Dec-2009 - 19-Dec-2026 Mercury 19-Dec-2009 Ketu 16-May-2012 Venus 13-May-2013 Sun 13-Mar-2016 Moon 17-Jan-2017 Mars 19-Jun-2018 Rahu 16-Jun-2019 Jupiter 03-Jan-2022 Saturn 09-Apr-2024
Ketu Dasa 19-Dec-2026 - 19-Dec-2033 Ketu 19-Dec-2026 Venus 17-May-2027 Sun 17-Jul-2028 Moon 22-Nov-2028 Mars 23-Jun-2029 Rahu 19-Nov-2029 Jupiter 07-Dec-2030 Saturn 13-Nov-2031 Mercury 23-Dec-2032
Venus Dasa 19-Dec-2033 - 19-Dec-2053 Venus 19-Dec-2033 Sun 20-Apr-2037 Moon 20-Apr-2038 Mars 19-Dec-2039 Rahu 18-Feb-2041 Jupiter 18-Feb-2044 Saturn 20-Oct-2046 Mercury 20-Dec-2049 Ketu 19-Oct-2052
Sun Dasa 19-Dec-2053 - 19-Dec-2059 Sun 19-Dec-2053 Moon 08-Apr-2054 Mars 07-Oct-2054 Rahu 12-Feb-2055 Jupiter 07-Jan-2056 Saturn 25-Oct-2056 Mercury 07-Oct-2057 Ketu 14-Aug-2058 Venus 19-Dec-2058
Moon Dasa 19-Dec-2059 - 19-Dec-2069 Moon 19-Dec-2059 Mars 18-Oct-2060 Rahu 20-May-2061 Jupiter 18-Nov-2062 Saturn 19-Mar-2064 Mercury 18-Oct-2065 Ketu 19-Mar-2067 Venus 18-Oct-2067 Sun 19-Jun-2069
Mars Dasa 19-Dec-2069 - 19-Dec-2076 Mars 19-Dec-2069 Rahu 17-May-2070 Jupiter 04-Jun-2071 Saturn 10-May-2072 Mercury 19-Jun-2073 Ketu 16-Jun-2074 Venus 12-Nov-2074 Sun 12-Jan-2076 Moon 19-May-2076
Rahu Dasa 19-Dec-2076 - 19-Dec-2094 Rahu 19-Dec-2076 Jupiter 01-Sep-2079 Saturn 25-Jan-2082 Mercury 30-Nov-2084 Ketu 19-Jun-2087 Venus 08-Jul-2088 Sun 08-Jul-2091 Moon 31-May-2092 Mars 30-Nov-2093
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.
Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:
KP Ezine
May 2014
V. Sreepada Vallabha Sun Rise: 05:58:36 AM Nithya Yoga: Brahma
Sun Set: Hora:
06:49:44 PM Jupiter
Dasa Days: 365.25 D Karana: Badreva
Ruling Planets - 13/Apr/2014 10:08:01 AM KANKARIYA, AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India Planet
Day Lord: Sun
Nirayana Bhava Chalit II 04:01:17:24 Ma 04:27:35:16
Me 02:24:57:29 XII 02:05:47:14 I 03:04:58:18 Su 03:12:13:15
III 05:00:47:04 Ju 05:15:38:15
3 2
IV 06:02:57:23
Ke 01:15:40:52 XI 01:05:13:16 Ve 02:01:49:36
X 00:02:57:23 4 10
VII 09:04:58:18 V 07:05:13:16 Ra 07:15:40:52 Mo 07:18:30:28 8
IX 11:00:47:04 12 11
9 VI 08:05:47:14
X 02:57:23
Sa[R] 10:04:52:05 VIII 10:01:17:24
XI 05:13:16 Ke 15:40:52
Ve 01:49:36 XII 05:47:14 Me 24:57:29
IX 00:47:04
Sa[R] 04:52:05 VIII 01:17:24
VII 04:58:18
Name: V. Sreepada Vallabha Gender: Female Date: Thursday, 29/Jul/1993 Time: 05:30:00 AM SID: 01:38:50 Lat: 15:50:00 N Lon: 78:03:00 E Place: KURNOOL, ANDHRA PRADESH, India
I 04:58:18 Su 12:13:15
Ayanamsa: 23° 40' 38" [KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Star: Jyeshta, Pada 1 Star Lord: Mercury Rasi: Scorpio Rasi Lord: Mars Lagna: Cancer Lagna Lord: Moon Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Ekadasi Bal. Dasa: Mercury 14 Y, 7 M, 25 D
II 01:17:24 Ma 27:35:16
III 00:47:04 Ju 15:38:15
VI 05:47:14
Mo 18:30:28 Ra 15:40:52 V 05:13:16
IV 02:57:23
Sgl Mo Su Me Ve Ma Ju Sa Sa Ju Ma Ve Me
Stl Sa Ke Su Ma Sa Ke Su Ma Ju Ke Su Ma
Sbl Sa Ve Ra Ve Sa Ra Sa Me Ma Ve Me Mo
Ssl Ra Mo Ve Ve Ju Ra Ju Ra Ju Ke Me Ra
Sssl Sa Ra Me Sa Sa Ve Ve Su Ve Ju Su Me
Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su Pushyami(3) Mo Jyeshta(1) Ma U.Phalguni(1) Me Punarvasu(2) Ju Hasta(2) Ve Mrigasira(3) Sa[R] Dhanishta(4) Ra Anuradha(4) Ke Rohini(2)
Sgl Mo Ma Su Me Me Me Sa Ma Ve
Stl Sa Me Su Ju Mo Ma Ma Sa Mo
Sbl Ma Me Mo Me Ju Me Ve Ju Sa
Ssl Ra Sa Ra Ra Ra Sa Ke Ke Sa
Sssl Me Ra Me Ra Mo Ra Sa Ve Sa
Significators - Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su 8 1 7, 8 2 Mo 12 5 3, 12 1 Ma 1 3 2 5, 10 Me 3 12 6, 9 3, 12 Ju 5 3 1 6, 9 Ve+ 3 11 5, 10 4, 11 Sa 3 8 5, 10 7, 8 Ra+ 8 5 7, 8 Ke+ 5 11 1 Rahu acts as agent for: Mo, Ma, Sa. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars Ketu acts as agent for: Mo, Ju, Ve. (B) - Occupant of house (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner
Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 Pushyami(1) 2 Magha(1) 3 U.Phalguni(2) 4 Chitra(3) 5 Anuradha(1) 6 Moola(2) 7 U.Ashada(3) 8 Dhanishta(3) 9 P.Bhadra(4) 10 Aswini(1) 11 Krittika(3) 12 Mrigasira(4)
Dasa Summary Bhukti
Mercury Dasa 24-Mar-1991 - 24-Mar-2008 Mercury 24-Mar-1991 Ketu 20-Aug-1993 Venus 17-Aug-1994 Sun 18-Jun-1997 Moon 24-Apr-1998 Mars 23-Sep-1999 Rahu 19-Sep-2000 Jupiter 08-Apr-2003 Saturn 15-Jul-2005
Ketu Dasa 24-Mar-2008 - 24-Mar-2015 Ketu 24-Mar-2008 Venus 20-Aug-2008 Sun 20-Oct-2009 Moon 25-Feb-2010 Mars 26-Sep-2010 Rahu 22-Feb-2011 Jupiter 11-Mar-2012 Saturn 15-Feb-2013 Mercury 27-Mar-2014
Venus Dasa 24-Mar-2015 - 24-Mar-2035 Venus 24-Mar-2015 Sun 24-Jul-2018 Moon 24-Jul-2019 Mars 24-Mar-2021 Rahu 24-May-2022 Jupiter 24-May-2025 Saturn 22-Jan-2028 Mercury 24-Mar-2031 Ketu 23-Jan-2034
Sun Dasa 24-Mar-2035 - 24-Mar-2041 Sun 24-Mar-2035 Moon 11-Jul-2035 Mars 10-Jan-2036 Rahu 17-May-2036 Jupiter 11-Apr-2037 Saturn 28-Jan-2038 Mercury 10-Jan-2039 Ketu 16-Nov-2039 Venus 23-Mar-2040
Moon Dasa 24-Mar-2041 - 24-Mar-2051 Moon 24-Mar-2041 Mars 22-Jan-2042 Rahu 23-Aug-2042 Jupiter 22-Feb-2044 Saturn 24-Jun-2045 Mercury 23-Jan-2047 Ketu 23-Jun-2048 Venus 22-Jan-2049 Sun 22-Sep-2050
Mars Dasa 24-Mar-2051 - 24-Mar-2058 Mars 24-Mar-2051 Rahu 20-Aug-2051 Jupiter 07-Sep-2052 Saturn 14-Aug-2053 Mercury 23-Sep-2054 Ketu 20-Sep-2055 Venus 16-Feb-2056 Sun 18-Apr-2057 Moon 24-Aug-2057
Rahu Dasa 24-Mar-2058 - 24-Mar-2076 Rahu 24-Mar-2058 Jupiter 04-Dec-2060 Saturn 30-Apr-2063 Mercury 06-Mar-2066 Ketu 23-Sep-2068 Venus 11-Oct-2069 Sun 11-Oct-2072 Moon 05-Sep-2073 Mars 07-Mar-2075
Jupiter Dasa 24-Mar-2076 - 24-Mar-2092 Jupiter 24-Mar-2076 Saturn 11-May-2078 Mercury 22-Nov-2080 Ketu 28-Feb-2083 Venus 04-Feb-2084 Sun 05-Oct-2086 Moon 24-Jul-2087 Mars 23-Nov-2088 Rahu 30-Oct-2089
Saturn Dasa 24-Mar-2092 - 24-Mar-2111 Saturn 24-Mar-2092 Mercury 27-Mar-2095 Ketu 04-Dec-2097 Venus 13-Jan-2099 Sun 15-Mar-2102 Moon 25-Feb-2103 Mars 25-Sep-2104 Rahu 04-Nov-2105 Jupiter 09-Sep-2108
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars. Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:
KP Ezine
May 2014
V.Anuama Sun Rise: 05:47:51 AM Nithya Yoga: Shubha
Sun Set: Hora:
06:51:43 PM Venus
Dasa Days: 365.25 D Karana: Gar
Ruling Planets - 13/Apr/2014 10:09:38 AM KANKARIYA, AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India Planet
Day Lord: Sun
Nirayana Bhava Chalit Ke 08:01:08:09 II 07:29:02:19
III 08:29:05:33 8
Sa[R] 06:04:14:23 XII 06:03:00:17 Ju[R] 07:09:24:15 Mo 07:16:09:29 I 06:29:56:17
XI 05:02:52:50 7 6
IV 10:00:44:08
X 04:00:44:08 7 1
VII 00:29:56:17 Me 01:20:18:13
V 11:02:52:50
IX 02:29:05:33 Ve 03:23:02:20
3 2
1 VI 00:03:00:17
VI 03:00:17 VII 29:56:17
VIII 01:29:02:19 Su 02:07:52:08 Ma 02:02:30:07 Ra 02:01:08:09
Me 20:18:13 VIII 29:02:19
Ra 01:08:09 Ma 02:30:07 Su 07:52:08 IX 29:05:33
V 02:52:50 Name: V.Anuama Gender: Male Date: Thursday, 23/Jun/1983 Time: 04:00:00 PM SID: 09:46:19 Lat: 15:50:00 N Lon: 78:03:00 E Place: KURNOOL, ANDHRA PRADESH, India
Ve 23:02:20
Ayanamsa: 23° 32' 10" [KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Star: Anuradha, Pada 4 Star Lord: Saturn Rasi: Scorpio Rasi Lord: Mars Lagna: Libra Lagna Lord: Venus Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Chaturdasi Bal. Dasa: Saturn 0 Y, 8 M, 21 D
X 00:44:08
IV 00:44:08
XI 02:52:50
III 29:05:33 Ke 01:08:09
II 29:02:19 Mo 16:09:29 Ju[R] 09:24:15
I 29:56:17 Sa[R] 04:14:23 XII 03:00:17
Sgl Ve Ma Ju Sa Ju Ma Ma Ve Me Su Me Ve
Stl Ju Me Su Ma Ju Ke Su Ma Ju Ke Su Ma
Sbl Mo Sa Ma Me Ra Su Ra Sa Su Ke Ju Ve
Ssl Sa Su Ve Su Ve Su Sa Su Ju Me Ra Ve
Sssl Sa Ju Sa Ju Sa Ma Ve Ju Ra Ra Me Me
Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su Aridra(1) Mo Anuradha(4) Ma Mrigasira(3) Me Rohini(4) Ju[R] Anuradha(2) Ve Ashlesha(2) Sa[R] Chitra(4) Ra Mrigasira(3) Ke Moola(1)
Sgl Me Ma Me Ve Ma Mo Ve Me Ju
Stl Ra Sa Ma Mo Sa Me Ma Ma Ke
Sbl Ra Ju Ke Ke Ve Mo Ve Me Ve
Ssl Ke Mo Sa Sa Ju Ke Sa Ra Ve
Sssl Mo Mo Su Ra Ve Ve Ve Sa Ke
Significators - Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su+ 8 8 10 Mo 12 1 4 Ma 8 8 2, 6, 7 2, 6, 7 Me 1 7 9, 11 Ju+ 12 1 4 3, 5 Ve+ 7 9 9, 11 1, 8, 12 Sa 8 12 2, 6, 7 4 Ra 8 8 2, 6, 7 Ke 2 2 Rahu acts as agent for: Su, Ma, Me. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars (B) - Occupant of house Ketu acts as agent for: Su, Ma, Ju, Sa. (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner
Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 Visakha(3) 2 Jyeshta(4) 3 U.Ashada(1) 4 Dhanishta(3) 5 P.Bhadra(4) 6 Aswini(1) 7 Krittika(1) 8 Mrigasira(2) 9 Punarvasu(3) 10 Magha(1) 11 U.Phalguni(2) 12 Chitra(3)
Dasa Summary Bhukti
Saturn Dasa 14-Mar-1965 - 14-Mar-1984 Saturn 14-Mar-1965 Mercury 17-Mar-1968 Ketu 25-Nov-1970 Venus 03-Jan-1972 Sun 05-Mar-1975 Moon 15-Feb-1976 Mars 16-Sep-1977 Rahu 26-Oct-1978 Jupiter 02-Sep-1981
Mercury Dasa 14-Mar-1984 - 14-Mar-2001 Mercury 14-Mar-1984 Ketu 10-Aug-1986 Venus 08-Aug-1987 Sun 08-Jun-1990 Moon 14-Apr-1991 Mars 14-Sep-1992 Rahu 11-Sep-1993 Jupiter 30-Mar-1996 Saturn 05-Jul-1998
Ketu Dasa 14-Mar-2001 - 14-Mar-2008 Ketu 14-Mar-2001 Venus 10-Aug-2001 Sun 10-Oct-2002 Moon 15-Feb-2003 Mars 16-Sep-2003 Rahu 12-Feb-2004 Jupiter 03-Mar-2005 Saturn 06-Feb-2006 Mercury 18-Mar-2007
Venus Dasa 14-Mar-2008 - 14-Mar-2028 Venus 14-Mar-2008 Sun 14-Jul-2011 Moon 14-Jul-2012 Mars 14-Mar-2014 Rahu 14-May-2015 Jupiter 14-May-2018 Saturn 13-Jan-2021 Mercury 14-Mar-2024 Ketu 12-Jan-2027
Sun Dasa 14-Mar-2028 - 14-Mar-2034 Sun 14-Mar-2028 Moon 02-Jul-2028 Mars 31-Dec-2028 Rahu 08-May-2029 Jupiter 02-Apr-2030 Saturn 19-Jan-2031 Mercury 01-Jan-2032 Ketu 07-Nov-2032 Venus 14-Mar-2033
Moon Dasa 14-Mar-2034 - 14-Mar-2044 Moon 14-Mar-2034 Mars 13-Jan-2035 Rahu 14-Aug-2035 Jupiter 12-Feb-2037 Saturn 14-Jun-2038 Mercury 13-Jan-2040 Ketu 14-Jun-2041 Venus 13-Jan-2042 Sun 14-Sep-2043
Mars Dasa 14-Mar-2044 - 14-Mar-2051 Mars 14-Mar-2044 Rahu 10-Aug-2044 Jupiter 29-Aug-2045 Saturn 05-Aug-2046 Mercury 13-Sep-2047 Ketu 09-Sep-2048 Venus 05-Feb-2049 Sun 07-Apr-2050 Moon 13-Aug-2050
Rahu Dasa 14-Mar-2051 - 14-Mar-2069 Rahu 14-Mar-2051 Jupiter 25-Nov-2053 Saturn 19-Apr-2056 Mercury 23-Feb-2059 Ketu 12-Sep-2061 Venus 01-Oct-2062 Sun 01-Oct-2065 Moon 25-Aug-2066 Mars 24-Feb-2068
Jupiter Dasa 14-Mar-2069 - 14-Mar-2085 Jupiter 14-Mar-2069 Saturn 02-May-2071 Mercury 13-Nov-2073 Ketu 18-Feb-2076 Venus 24-Jan-2077 Sun 25-Sep-2079 Moon 13-Jul-2080 Mars 12-Nov-2081 Rahu 18-Oct-2082
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars. Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:
KP Ezine
May 2014
V.Anil Kumar(Adoni) Sun Rise: 06:25:22 AM Nithya Yoga: Parigha
Sun Set: Hora:
06:27:56 PM Moon
Dasa Days: 365.25 D Karana: Bav
Ruling Planets - 13/Apr/2014 10:11:39 AM KANKARIYA, AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India Planet
Day Lord: Sun
Nirayana Bhava Chalit II 03:13:05:24
XII 01:17:47:32
I 02:17:44:27 III 04:10:54:08 4
Ra 00:27:39:10 XI 00:15:37:43
2 1
IV 05:12:18:29 3 12
Ve[R] 11:28:36:11 Me 11:20:24:00 X 11:12:18:29 Ma 00:07:14:27
VII 08:17:44:27 Mo 09:03:27:18
IX 10:10:54:08 Su 11:02:06:06
11 10
8 VI 07:17:47:32
Ma 07:14:27 XI 15:37:43 Ra 27:39:10
Ju 09:14:31:18 VIII 09:13:05:24
XII 17:47:32
I 17:44:27
Name: V.Anil Kumar(Adoni) Gender: Male Date: Saturday, 16/Mar/1985 Time: 01:04:00 PM SID: 00:21:33 Lat: 15:50:00 N Lon: 78:03:00 E Place: KURNOOL, ANDHRA PRADESH, India
II 13:05:24
Ayanamsa: 23° 33' 37" [KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Star: U.Ashada, Pada 3 Star Lord: Sun Rasi: Capricorn Rasi Lord: Saturn Lagna: Gemini Lagna Lord: Mercury Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Ekadasi Bal. Dasa: Sun 2 Y, 11 M, 10 D
III 10:54:08
IX 10:54:08
Ju 14:31:18 VIII 13:05:24 Mo 03:27:18
IV 12:18:29
VII 17:44:27
VI 17:47:32 Sa[R] 04:30:03
Ke 27:39:10 V 15:37:43
Stl Ra Sa Ke Mo Ra Me Ve Mo Ra Sa Ve Mo
Sbl Su Ra Sa Ra Ve Me Ma Ra Sa Ma Su Me
Ssl Ju Ra Ra Ju Su Ra Me Ke Me Ju Mo Me
Sssl Mo Ve Ju Ke Ra Ju Ke Mo Su Me Me Me
Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su P.Bhadra(4) Mo U.Ashada(3) Ma Aswini(3) Me Revati(2) Ju Sravana(2) Ve[R] Revati(4) Sa[R] Anuradha(1) Ra Krittika(1) Ke Visakha(3)
Sgl Ju Sa Ma Ju Sa Ju Ma Ma Ve
Stl Ju Su Ke Me Mo Me Sa Su Ju
Sbl Ra Sa Ra Ve Ju Sa Sa Mo Ve
Ssl Sa Me Su Ra Me Ke Su Ra Ra
Sssl Mo Su Me Su Mo Ju Sa Ma Mo
Dasa Summary Bhukti
Ve[R] 28:36:11 Me 20:24:00 X 12:18:29 Su 02:06:06
Sgl Me Mo Su Me Ve Ma Ju Sa Sa Ju Ma Ve
Significators - Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su 8 9 7, 10 3 Mo 9 7 3 2 Ma+ 5 10 6, 11 Me 10 10 1, 4 1, 4 Ju 7 8 2 7, 10 Ve+ 10 10 1, 4 5, 12 Sa 5 5 8, 9 8, 9 Ra+ 9 11 3 Ke 8 5 7, 10 (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars Rahu acts as agent for: Ma. Ketu acts as agent for: Ma, Ve. (B) - Occupant of house (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner
Sa[R] 07:04:30:03 V 06:15:37:43 Ke 06:27:39:10
Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 Aridra(4) 2 Pushyami(3) 3 Magha(4) 4 Hasta(1) 5 Swati(3) 6 Jyeshta(1) 7 P.Ashada(2) 8 Sravana(1) 9 Satabhisha(2) 10 U.Bhadra(3) 11 Bharani(1) 12 Rohini(3)
Sun Dasa 26-Feb-1982 - 26-Feb-1988 Sun 26-Feb-1982 Moon 15-Jun-1982 Mars 15-Dec-1982 Rahu 22-Apr-1983 Jupiter 16-Mar-1984 Saturn 02-Jan-1985 Mercury 15-Dec-1985 Ketu 21-Oct-1986 Venus 26-Feb-1987
Moon Dasa 26-Feb-1988 - 26-Feb-1998 Moon 26-Feb-1988 Mars 26-Dec-1988 Rahu 27-Jul-1989 Jupiter 26-Jan-1991 Saturn 27-May-1992 Mercury 26-Dec-1993 Ketu 27-May-1995 Venus 26-Dec-1995 Sun 27-Aug-1997
Mars Dasa 26-Feb-1998 - 26-Feb-2005 Mars 26-Feb-1998 Rahu 25-Jul-1998 Jupiter 12-Aug-1999 Saturn 18-Jul-2000 Mercury 27-Aug-2001 Ketu 24-Aug-2002 Venus 20-Jan-2003 Sun 21-Mar-2004 Moon 27-Jul-2004
Rahu Dasa 26-Feb-2005 - 26-Feb-2023 Rahu 26-Feb-2005 Jupiter 09-Nov-2007 Saturn 04-Apr-2010 Mercury 08-Feb-2013 Ketu 28-Aug-2015 Venus 15-Sep-2016 Sun 15-Sep-2019 Moon 09-Aug-2020 Mars 08-Feb-2022
Jupiter Dasa 26-Feb-2023 - 26-Feb-2039 Jupiter 26-Feb-2023 Saturn 16-Apr-2025 Mercury 27-Oct-2027 Ketu 02-Feb-2030 Venus 09-Jan-2031 Sun 09-Sep-2033 Moon 28-Jun-2034 Mars 28-Oct-2035 Rahu 03-Oct-2036
Saturn Dasa 26-Feb-2039 - 26-Feb-2058 Saturn 26-Feb-2039 Mercury 01-Mar-2042 Ketu 09-Nov-2044 Venus 18-Dec-2045 Sun 17-Feb-2049 Moon 30-Jan-2050 Mars 31-Aug-2051 Rahu 10-Oct-2052 Jupiter 16-Aug-2055
Mercury Dasa 26-Feb-2058 - 26-Feb-2075 Mercury 26-Feb-2058 Ketu 24-Jul-2060 Venus 21-Jul-2061 Sun 21-May-2064 Moon 27-Mar-2065 Mars 26-Aug-2066 Rahu 24-Aug-2067 Jupiter 12-Mar-2070 Saturn 18-Jun-2072
Ketu Dasa 26-Feb-2075 - 26-Feb-2082 Ketu 26-Feb-2075 Venus 25-Jul-2075 Sun 24-Sep-2076 Moon 30-Jan-2077 Mars 31-Aug-2077 Rahu 27-Jan-2078 Jupiter 14-Feb-2079 Saturn 21-Jan-2080 Mercury 02-Mar-2081
Venus Dasa 26-Feb-2082 - 26-Feb-2102 Venus 26-Feb-2082 Sun 28-Jun-2085 Moon 28-Jun-2086 Mars 26-Feb-2088 Rahu 28-Apr-2089 Jupiter 28-Apr-2092 Saturn 28-Dec-2094 Mercury 26-Feb-2098 Ketu 28-Dec-2100
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.
Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:
KP Ezine
May 2014
Veldurthi Sreenidhi Sun Rise: 06:10:53 AM Nithya Yoga: Priti
Sun Set: Hora:
05:54:30 PM Mars
Dasa Days: 365.25 D Karana: Bav
Ruling Planets - 13/Apr/2014 10:16:09 AM KANKARIYA, AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India Planet
Day Lord: Sun
Nirayana Bhava Chalit Ra 09:01:38:29 II 08:13:25:30
XII 06:18:10:48
I 07:14:02:59 III 09:14:32:11 Ju 09:23:19:20
7 6
IV 10:17:16:59
Me 05:20:23:20 XI 05:19:18:01 Mo 06:13:38:54 Su 06:01:59:44
X 04:17:16:59 Ve 05:11:19:18 Sa 05:04:54:40
8 2
VII 01:14:02:59 V 11:19:18:01
IX 03:14:32:11 12
4 3
1 VI 00:18:10:48
VI 18:10:48
VIII 02:13:25:30 Ma 03:07:20:40 Ke 03:01:38:29
VII 14:02:59
VIII 13:25:30
Name: Veldurthi Sreenidhi Gender: Female Date: Monday, 19/Oct/2009 Time: 09:17:20 AM SID: 10:50:34 Lat: 15:50:00 N Lon: 78:03:00 E Place: KURNOOL, ANDHRA PRADESH, India
Ke 01:38:29 Ma 07:20:40 IX 14:32:11
Ayanamsa: 23° 54' 13" [KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Star: Swati, Pada 3 Star Lord: Rahu Rasi: Libra Rasi Lord: Venus Lagna: Scorpio Lagna Lord: Mars Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Pratipad Bal. Dasa: Rahu 8 Y, 6 M, 27 D
X 17:16:59
IV 17:16:59
Ju 23:19:20 III 14:32:11 Ra 01:38:29
Sa 04:54:40 Ve 11:19:18 XI 19:18:01 Me 20:23:20
II 13:25:30
I 14:02:59
XII 18:10:48 Mo 13:38:54 Su 01:59:44
Stl Sa Ve Mo Ra Me Ve Mo Ra Sa Ve Mo Ra
Sbl Ra Ve Ju Ve Ke Ra Ju Me Ra Mo Me Mo
Ssl Me Ve Me Me Me Ra Ju Mo Su Su Ju Mo
Sssl Sa Mo Ma Sa Ra Ju Su Sa Ra Mo Mo Ke
Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su Chitra(3) Mo Swati(3) Ma Pushyami(2) Me Hasta(4) Ju Sravana(4) Ve Hasta(1) Sa U.Phalguni(3) Ra U.Ashada(2) Ke Punarvasu(4)
Sgl Ve Ve Mo Me Sa Me Me Sa Mo
Stl Ma Ra Sa Mo Mo Mo Su Su Ju
Sbl Ke Me Ke Ke Su Ma Sa Ju Ra
Ssl Ve Ra Ke Me Ve Ju Ju Sa Ju
Sssl Ra Ra Su Mo Me Ke Sa Mo Ju
Dasa Summary Bhukti
V 19:18:01
Sgl Ma Ju Sa Sa Ju Ma Ve Me Mo Su Me Ve
Significators - Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su 8 11 1, 6 10 Mo 2 11 9 Ma 10 8 3, 4 1, 6 Me+ 11 11 9 8, 11 Ju 11 3 9 2, 5 Ve+ 11 10 9 7, 12 Sa 11 10 10 3, 4 Ra 11 2 10 Ke+ 3 8 2, 5 Rahu acts as agent for: Ma, Ju, Sa. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars Ketu acts as agent for: Mo, Ma, Ju. (B) - Occupant of house (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner
Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 Anuradha(4) 2 P.Ashada(1) 3 Sravana(2) 4 Satabhisha(4) 5 Revati(1) 6 Bharani(2) 7 Rohini(2) 8 Aridra(3) 9 Pushyami(4) 10 P.Phalguni(2) 11 Hasta(3) 12 Swati(4)
Rahu Dasa 16-May-2000 - 16-May-2018 Rahu 16-May-2000 Jupiter 27-Jan-2003 Saturn 22-Jun-2005 Mercury 27-Apr-2008 Ketu 14-Nov-2010 Venus 02-Dec-2011 Sun 02-Dec-2014 Moon 27-Oct-2015 Mars 28-Apr-2017
Jupiter Dasa 16-May-2018 - 16-May-2034 Jupiter 16-May-2018 Saturn 04-Jul-2020 Mercury 14-Jan-2023 Ketu 22-Apr-2025 Venus 29-Mar-2026 Sun 27-Nov-2028 Moon 15-Sep-2029 Mars 15-Jan-2031 Rahu 22-Dec-2031
Saturn Dasa 16-May-2034 - 16-May-2053 Saturn 16-May-2034 Mercury 19-May-2037 Ketu 27-Jan-2040 Venus 07-Mar-2041 Sun 07-May-2044 Moon 19-Apr-2045 Mars 18-Nov-2046 Rahu 28-Dec-2047 Jupiter 03-Nov-2050
Mercury Dasa 16-May-2053 - 16-May-2070 Mercury 16-May-2053 Ketu 12-Oct-2055 Venus 08-Oct-2056 Sun 09-Aug-2059 Moon 14-Jun-2060 Mars 13-Nov-2061 Rahu 10-Nov-2062 Jupiter 30-May-2065 Saturn 05-Sep-2067
Ketu Dasa 16-May-2070 - 16-May-2077 Ketu 16-May-2070 Venus 12-Oct-2070 Sun 12-Dec-2071 Moon 18-Apr-2072 Mars 17-Nov-2072 Rahu 15-Apr-2073 Jupiter 03-May-2074 Saturn 09-Apr-2075 Mercury 19-May-2076
Venus Dasa 16-May-2077 - 16-May-2097 Venus 16-May-2077 Sun 15-Sep-2080 Moon 15-Sep-2081 Mars 16-May-2083 Rahu 16-Jul-2084 Jupiter 16-Jul-2087 Saturn 17-Mar-2090 Mercury 16-May-2093 Ketu 16-Mar-2096
Sun Dasa 16-May-2097 - 16-May-2103 Sun 16-May-2097 Moon 02-Sep-2097 Mars 04-Mar-2098 Rahu 10-Jul-2098 Jupiter 04-Jun-2099 Saturn 23-Mar-2100 Mercury 05-Mar-2101 Ketu 09-Jan-2102 Venus 17-May-2102
Moon Dasa 16-May-2103 - 16-May-2113 Moon 16-May-2103 Mars 15-Mar-2104 Rahu 14-Oct-2104 Jupiter 15-Apr-2106 Saturn 15-Aug-2107 Mercury 16-Mar-2109 Ketu 15-Aug-2110 Venus 16-Mar-2111 Sun 15-Nov-2112
Mars Dasa 16-May-2113 - 16-May-2120 Mars 16-May-2113 Rahu 12-Oct-2113 Jupiter 30-Oct-2114 Saturn 06-Oct-2115 Mercury 15-Nov-2116 Ketu 12-Nov-2117 Venus 10-Apr-2118 Sun 10-Jun-2119 Moon 16-Oct-2119
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.
Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:
KP Ezine
May 2014
(2) V. Sreepada Vallabha:(a) The 12th cusp sub lord Moon is in the star of Mercury who is at 12. Saturn, the lagna sub lord aspects the Moon. 4th cusp sub lord Venus and 12th cusp sub lord Moon are in the sub of Mercury who signifies the 12th. Ascendant lord is Moon. 4th lord is Venus. 12th lord is Mercury. Moon and Venus are in the sub of Mercury. Mutual aspect of Saturn and Mars is seen. Lagna lord Moon, 4th lord Venus and 12th lord Mercury are all in the sub of Mercury. Thus these three planets are inter -linked with 1-4-12. Mars is the starlord of 4th and 12th cusps. Mars is in the sub of Moon who is the significator of 12th. (b) 4th cusp sub = Venus; 9th cusp sub = Mars; 12th cusp sub = Moon. Venus (4th sub) is in the star of Mars (9th sub). Mars (9th sub) is in the sub of Moon (12th sub). Moon (12th sub) is in the sign of Mars (9th sub). (3) V. Anupama:(a) Venus (12th cusp sub) is in the sub of Moon (Lagna sub lord). Venus is the significator of 1&12 also. Venus (12th cusp sub) is in the star of Mercury (4th cusp sub) and Mercury is in the sign of Venus. Mars is the constellation lord of 4th and 12th cusps. 4th sign lord Saturn is in the sub of Venus (12th lord). (b) 4th cusp sub = Mercury; 9th cusp sub = Sun; 12th cusp sub = Venus; 9th cusp sub lord Sun is in the sign of Mercury (Gemini) with Rahu. So Rahu represents Sun (9 th sub), & Mercury (4th sub). Venus (12th sub) is in the star of Mercury (4th sub). (4) V. Anil Kumar:(a) 12th cusp sub lord Mercury is the lord of 1 & 4. Moon holds the star lordship of 4th & 12th cusps. Lagna cusp star lord Rahu is in the sub of Moon who is the 12th cusp star lord. Both Sun (Lagna cusp sub lord) and Mercury (12th cusp sub lord) are in one sign (Pieces). Venus (12th lord) is the significator for 1-4-12. (b) 4th cusp sub = Rahu; 9th cusp sub = Saturn; 12th cusp sub = Mercury; Saturn (9th sub) aspects the 12th (hospital). Both Rahu and Saturn signify 9th (labor pains of mother). (5) V. Sreenidhi:(a) Rahu is the lagna cusp sub lord. Besides this, he holds the star lord ship of 4th and 12th cusps. Both Saturn( Lagna cusp star lord) and Rahu (12th & 4th cusp star lord) are in the star of Sun. 12th sign lord Venus is in the sub of Mars who owns the lagna. Saturn (4th cusp owner) and Venus (12th lord) are in the sub-sub of Jupiter. In this natal chart Mars, the chief significator for surgical operations is aspecting the Moon (12 th cusp sub lord), 12th house and the 4th house with his 4th and 8th aspects. (b) 4th cusp sub =Venus; 9th cusp sub = Rahu; 12th cusp sub = Moon; Moon (12th sub) is in the star of Rahu (9th sub). Moon is a significator of 9th. Venus is also the significator for the 9th. (6) D. Naga Sai Satya Ram:(a) Venus is the lagna cusp sub lord. Jupiter is the 12th cusp sub lord. Jupiter is in the star of Venus. Thus 1st and 12th cusp sub lords are well connected. Lagna cusp star lord Jupiter and 12th cusp star lord Mars are in the star of Venus who owns the 12th. Lagna lord Mercury and 12th lord Venus are in the sub-sub of Moon who is the 4th cusp star lord. 4th cusp sub lord Sun and the 12th sub lord Jupiter are in the sub of Rahu. Mars is in the star of Venus who signifies the 12th. (b) 4th cusp sub = Sun; 9th cusp sub = Jupiter; 12th cusp sub = Jupiter; Sun (4th sub) and Jupiter (9th & 12th sub) are in the sub of Rahu which is a significator for 9th . Jupiter signifies 12th. Jupiter and Sun are in one sign. (7) D. Nikhil Sesha Sai:(a) Saturn is the sub lord of both lagna and 12th cusps. 4th cusp sub lord Moon is in the sub of Saturn. Saturn is the occupant of 4th. Both Saturn and Moon are in the sub- sub of Venus. Mercury is the constellation lord of 4th and 12th cusps. Venus (lagna lord) and Jupiter (12th lord) are in the star of Saturn. Jupiter is the significator of 4 and 12. Sun is the signifiKP Ezine
May 2014
D.Naga Sai Satya Ram Sun Rise: 06:00:40 AM Nithya Yoga: Vajra
Sun Set: Hora:
06:33:19 PM Sun
Dasa Days: 365.25 D Karana: Kaulav
Ruling Planets - 13/Apr/2014 10:18:03 AM KANKARIYA, AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India Planet
Day Lord: Sun
Nirayana Bhava Chalit II 03:22:33:56
XII 01:27:20:59
Ra 03:05:30:37 I 02:26:47:05
III 04:21:17:58
XI 00:26:06:09
2 1
Mo 06:11:46:30 IV 05:23:15:27 3 12
Ma 00:25:55:38 Sa 00:23:55:10 X 11:23:15:27 Ju 00:19:37:02 Su 00:05:42:51
VII 08:26:47:05 Ke 09:05:30:37 7
VI 07:27:20:59
Su 05:42:51 Ju 19:37:02 Sa 23:55:10 Ma 25:55:38 XI 26:06:09
Ve 11:21:36:41 IX 10:21:17:58 Me 11:16:11:56
VIII 09:22:33:56
XII 27:20:59
I 26:47:05
Name: D.Naga Sai Satya Ram Gender: Female Date: Wednesday, 19/Apr/2000 Time: 11:30:00 AM SID: 01:02:47 Lat: 15:50:00 N Lon: 78:03:00 E Place: KURNOOL, ANDHRA PRADESH, India
Ra 05:30:37 II 22:33:56
Ayanamsa: 23° 46' 16" [KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Star: Swati, Pada 2 Star Lord: Rahu Rasi: Libra Rasi Lord: Venus Lagna: Gemini Lagna Lord: Mercury Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Pratipad Bal. Dasa: Rahu 11 Y, 1 M, 7 D
III 21:17:58
IX 21:17:58
IV 23:15:27
VII 26:47:05
VI 27:20:59
Stl Ju Me Ve Mo Ju Me Su Mo Ju Me Ve Ma
Sbl Ve Mo Ju Su Ke Ju Su Ve Ju Mo Ke Ju
Ssl Ve Ju Su Ve Ra Su Ma Ke Mo Ve Su Su
Sssl Ju Ju Ra Ma Ra Me Ve Ve Ra Me Ve Me
Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su Aswini(2) Mo Swati(2) Ma Bharani(4) Me U.Bhadra(4) Ju Bharani(2) Ve Revati(2) Sa Bharani(4) Ra Pushyami(1) Ke U.Ashada(3)
Sgl Ma Ve Ma Ju Ma Ju Ma Mo Sa
Stl Ke Ra Ve Sa Ve Me Ve Sa Su
Sbl Ra Sa Ke Ju Ra Su Sa Me Me
Ssl Ra Mo Ke Mo Ve Mo Ju Me Ve
Sssl Me Me Sa Ju Sa Ju Mo Ve Ve
Dasa Summary Bhukti
X 23:15:27 Ve 21:36:41 Me 16:11:56
VIII 22:33:56 Ke 05:30:37
Sgl Me Mo Su Me Ve Ma Ju Sa Sa Ju Ma Ve
Significators - Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su 7 10 3 Mo+ 1 4 2 Ma+ 10 11 5, 12 6, 11 Me 11 9 8, 9 1, 4 Ju+ 10 10 5, 12 7, 10 Ve 9 10 1, 4 5, 12 Sa 10 11 5, 12 8, 9 Ra 11 1 8, 9 Ke 10 7 3 Rahu acts as agent for: Mo, Ma. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars (B) - Occupant of house Ketu acts as agent for: Sa. (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner
V 06:26:06:09
Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 Punarvasu(3) 2 Ashlesha(2) 3 P.Phalguni(3) 4 Hasta(4) 5 Visakha(2) 6 Jyeshta(4) 7 U.Ashada(1) 8 Sravana(4) 9 P.Bhadra(1) 10 Revati(2) 11 Bharani(4) 12 Mrigasira(2)
V 26:06:09 Mo 11:46:30
Rahu Dasa 27-May-1993 - 27-May-2011 Rahu 27-May-1993 Jupiter 06-Feb-1996 Saturn 03-Jul-1998 Mercury 09-May-2001 Ketu 26-Nov-2003 Venus 14-Dec-2004 Sun 14-Dec-2007 Moon 07-Nov-2008 Mars 09-May-2010
Jupiter Dasa 27-May-2011 - 27-May-2027 Jupiter 27-May-2011 Saturn 14-Jul-2013 Mercury 25-Jan-2016 Ketu 03-May-2018 Venus 09-Apr-2019 Sun 08-Dec-2021 Moon 26-Sep-2022 Mars 26-Jan-2024 Rahu 01-Jan-2025
Saturn Dasa 27-May-2027 - 27-May-2046 Saturn 27-May-2027 Mercury 30-May-2030 Ketu 06-Feb-2033 Venus 18-Mar-2034 Sun 18-May-2037 Moon 30-Apr-2038 Mars 29-Nov-2039 Rahu 08-Jan-2041 Jupiter 14-Nov-2043
Mercury Dasa 27-May-2046 - 27-May-2063 Mercury 27-May-2046 Ketu 23-Oct-2048 Venus 20-Oct-2049 Sun 19-Aug-2052 Moon 26-Jun-2053 Mars 25-Nov-2054 Rahu 22-Nov-2055 Jupiter 11-Jun-2058 Saturn 17-Sep-2060
Ketu Dasa 27-May-2063 - 27-May-2070 Ketu 27-May-2063 Venus 23-Oct-2063 Sun 23-Dec-2064 Moon 30-Apr-2065 Mars 29-Nov-2065 Rahu 27-Apr-2066 Jupiter 15-May-2067 Saturn 20-Apr-2068 Mercury 30-May-2069
Venus Dasa 27-May-2070 - 27-May-2090 Venus 27-May-2070 Sun 25-Sep-2073 Moon 26-Sep-2074 Mars 26-May-2076 Rahu 26-Jul-2077 Jupiter 26-Jul-2080 Saturn 26-Mar-2083 Mercury 26-May-2086 Ketu 27-Mar-2089
Sun Dasa 27-May-2090 - 27-May-2096 Sun 27-May-2090 Moon 13-Sep-2090 Mars 15-Mar-2091 Rahu 21-Jul-2091 Jupiter 13-Jun-2092 Saturn 02-Apr-2093 Mercury 15-Mar-2094 Ketu 19-Jan-2095 Venus 27-May-2095
Moon Dasa 27-May-2096 - 27-May-2106 Moon 27-May-2096 Mars 27-Mar-2097 Rahu 26-Oct-2097 Jupiter 27-Apr-2099 Saturn 27-Aug-2100 Mercury 28-Mar-2102 Ketu 27-Aug-2103 Venus 27-Mar-2104 Sun 25-Nov-2105
Mars Dasa 27-May-2106 - 27-May-2113 Mars 27-May-2106 Rahu 23-Oct-2106 Jupiter 10-Nov-2107 Saturn 16-Oct-2108 Mercury 25-Nov-2109 Ketu 22-Nov-2110 Venus 20-Apr-2111 Sun 20-Jun-2112 Moon 26-Oct-2112
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.
Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:
KP Ezine
May 2014
D.Nikhil Sesha Sai Sun Rise: 06:25:38 AM Nithya Yoga: Ganda
Sun Set: Hora:
05:43:38 PM Sun
Dasa Days: 365.25 D Karana: Balav
Ruling Planets - 13/Apr/2014 10:19:47 AM KANKARIYA, AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India Planet
Day Lord: Sun
Nirayana Bhava Chalit II 02:00:38:41
XII 11:28:51:42
I 01:03:32:21 III 02:26:01:44 3
Ra 10:27:44:19 XI 10:24:02:46
12 11
Sa 04:01:06:07 IV 03:23:01:07
X 09:23:01:07 2 8
Ve 07:16:22:41 Su 07:09:12:11 Ju 07:06:25:30 VII 07:03:32:21
V 04:24:02:46 Ke 04:27:44:19 5
IX 08:26:01:44 Mo 09:03:57:41 9 9
6 Me 06:19:26:10 Ma 06:28:37:24 VI 05:28:51:42
VIII 08:00:38:41
I 03:32:21
II 00:38:41 III 26:01:44
X 23:01:07 Mo 03:57:41
Name: D.Nikhil Sesha Sai Gender: Female Date: Saturday, 25/Nov/2006 Time: 05:18:00 PM SID: 21:17:20 Lat: 15:50:00 N Lon: 78:03:00 E Place: KURNOOL, ANDHRA PRADESH, India
IV 23:01:07
Ayanamsa: 23° 51' 47" [KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Star: U.Ashada, Pada 3 Star Lord: Sun Rasi: Capricorn Rasi Lord: Saturn Lagna: Taurus Lagna Lord: Venus Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Panchami Bal. Dasa: Sun 2 Y, 8 M, 18 D
Sa 01:06:07 V 24:02:46 Ke 27:44:19
VI 28:51:42
IX 26:01:44 VIII 00:38:41
Ve Su Ju VII
16:22:41 09:12:11 06:25:30 03:32:21
Ma 28:37:24 Me 19:26:10
Stl Su Ma Ju Me Ve Ma Sa Ke Ve Mo Ju Me
Sbl Sa Me Ke Mo Me Sa Sa Ke Ke Su Me Sa
Ssl Me Ve Mo Me Me Ve Sa Sa Ve Sa Me Ve
Sssl Ra Me Sa Sa Ke Ju Mo Ra Sa Ke Ra Ju
Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su Anuradha(2) Mo U.Ashada(3) Ma Visakha(3) Me Swati(4) Ju Anuradha(1) Ve Anuradha(4) Sa Magha(1) Ra P.Bhadra(3) Ke U.Phalguni(1)
Sgl Ma Sa Ve Ve Ma Ma Su Sa Su
Stl Sa Su Ju Ra Sa Sa Ke Ju Su
Sbl Ve Sa Ve Ma Me Ju Ve Ve Mo
Ssl Ra Ve Me Ju Ma Ma Ve Ju Ju
Sssl Mo Ju Sa Ve Ju Ve Me Sa Ve
Dasa Summary Bhukti
XII 28:51:42
Ra 27:44:19 XI 24:02:46
Sgl Ve Me Me Mo Su Me Ma Ju Ju Sa Sa Ju
Significators - Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su 4 7 10, 11 5 Mo+ 7 9 5 4 Ma+ 7 6 8, 9, 12 7 Me+ 11 6 2, 3, 6 Ju 4 7 10, 11 8, 9, 12 Ve+ 4 7 10, 11 1 Sa 5 4 10, 11 Ra 7 11 8, 9, 12 Ke 7 5 5 (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars Rahu acts as agent for: Sa. Ketu acts as agent for: Su, Sa. (B) - Occupant of house (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner
Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 Krittika(3) 2 Mrigasira(3) 3 Punarvasu(2) 4 Ashlesha(2) 5 P.Phalguni(4) 6 Chitra(2) 7 Anuradha(1) 8 Moola(1) 9 P.Ashada(4) 10 Sravana(4) 11 P.Bhadra(2) 12 Revati(4)
Sun Dasa 14-Aug-2003 - 14-Aug-2009 Sun 14-Aug-2003 Moon 01-Dec-2003 Mars 01-Jun-2004 Rahu 07-Oct-2004 Jupiter 31-Aug-2005 Saturn 20-Jun-2006 Mercury 02-Jun-2007 Ketu 07-Apr-2008 Venus 13-Aug-2008
Moon Dasa 14-Aug-2009 - 14-Aug-2019 Moon 14-Aug-2009 Mars 14-Jun-2010 Rahu 13-Jan-2011 Jupiter 14-Jul-2012 Saturn 13-Nov-2013 Mercury 14-Jun-2015 Ketu 13-Nov-2016 Venus 14-Jun-2017 Sun 12-Feb-2019
Mars Dasa 14-Aug-2019 - 14-Aug-2026 Mars 14-Aug-2019 Rahu 10-Jan-2020 Jupiter 28-Jan-2021 Saturn 04-Jan-2022 Mercury 13-Feb-2023 Ketu 10-Feb-2024 Venus 08-Jul-2024 Sun 07-Sep-2025 Moon 13-Jan-2026
Rahu Dasa 14-Aug-2026 - 14-Aug-2044 Rahu 14-Aug-2026 Jupiter 26-Apr-2029 Saturn 19-Sep-2031 Mercury 27-Jul-2034 Ketu 13-Feb-2037 Venus 03-Mar-2038 Sun 03-Mar-2041 Moon 26-Jan-2042 Mars 28-Jul-2043
Jupiter Dasa 14-Aug-2044 - 14-Aug-2060 Jupiter 14-Aug-2044 Saturn 01-Oct-2046 Mercury 14-Apr-2049 Ketu 21-Jul-2051 Venus 26-Jun-2052 Sun 24-Feb-2055 Moon 13-Dec-2055 Mars 14-Apr-2057 Rahu 21-Mar-2058
Saturn Dasa 14-Aug-2060 - 14-Aug-2079 Saturn 14-Aug-2060 Mercury 17-Aug-2063 Ketu 26-Apr-2066 Venus 05-Jun-2067 Sun 05-Aug-2070 Moon 18-Jul-2071 Mars 16-Feb-2073 Rahu 28-Mar-2074 Jupiter 01-Feb-2077
Mercury Dasa 14-Aug-2079 - 14-Aug-2096 Mercury 14-Aug-2079 Ketu 10-Jan-2082 Venus 07-Jan-2083 Sun 07-Nov-2085 Moon 14-Sep-2086 Mars 13-Feb-2088 Rahu 09-Feb-2089 Jupiter 29-Aug-2091 Saturn 05-Dec-2093
Ketu Dasa 14-Aug-2096 - 14-Aug-2103 Ketu 14-Aug-2096 Venus 10-Jan-2097 Sun 12-Mar-2098 Moon 18-Jul-2098 Mars 16-Feb-2099 Rahu 15-Jul-2099 Jupiter 02-Aug-2100 Saturn 09-Jul-2101 Mercury 18-Aug-2102
Venus Dasa 14-Aug-2103 - 14-Aug-2123 Venus 14-Aug-2103 Sun 13-Dec-2106 Moon 13-Dec-2107 Mars 14-Aug-2109 Rahu 14-Oct-2110 Jupiter 14-Oct-2113 Saturn 13-Jun-2116 Mercury 13-Aug-2119 Ketu 14-Jun-2122
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars. Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:
KP Ezine
May 2014
G.Dharma Sun Rise: 05:46:26 AM Nithya Yoga: Ganda
Sun Set: Hora:
06:49:54 PM Saturn
Dasa Days: 365.25 D Karana: Bav
Ruling Planets - 13/Apr/2014 10:21:38 AM KANKARIYA, AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India Planet
Day Lord: Sun
Nirayana Bhava Chalit II 11:10:46:49 Ma 11:29:26:15
XII 09:03:53:03
I 10:04:24:28 Ra 10:17:01:22
III 00:13:45:49
XI 08:07:33:57
10 9
Su 02:00:22:29 IV 01:11:56:42
Ju[R] 07:19:48:26 X 07:11:56:42 11 5
Ke 04:17:01:22 VII 04:04:24:28
V 02:07:33:57 Mo 02:08:21:19 Me 02:17:43:31 3
IX 06:13:45:49 7 6
4 VI 03:03:53:03 Ve 03:15:33:40 Sa 03:26:58:27
III 13:45:49
VIII 05:10:46:49
IV 11:56:42
Su 00:22:29 V 07:33:57 Mo 08:21:19 Me 17:43:31
Ma 29:26:15 II 10:46:49
Ra 17:01:22 I 04:24:28
XII 03:53:03
Name: G.Dharma Gender: Female Date: Friday, 15/Jun/2007 Time: 10:59:00 PM SID: 16:15:41 Lat: 15:50:00 N Lon: 78:03:00 E Place: KURNOOL, ANDHRA PRADESH, India
VI 03:53:03 Ve 15:33:40 Sa 26:58:27
Ayanamsa: 23° 52' 15" [KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Star: Aridra, Pada 1 Star Lord: Rahu Rasi: Gemini Rasi Lord: Mercury Lagna: Aquarius Lagna Lord: Saturn Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Pratipad Bal. Dasa: Rahu 15 Y, 8 M, 19 D
VII 04:24:28 Ke 17:01:22
VIII 10:46:49
XI 07:33:57
Ju[R] 19:48:26 X 11:56:42
IX 13:45:49
Sgl Sa Ju Ma Ve Me Mo Su Me Ve Ma Ju Sa
Stl Ma Sa Ve Mo Ra Sa Ke Mo Ra Sa Ke Su
Sbl Ve Su Ve Ra Ra Sa Mo Mo Me Mo Ju Sa
Ssl Sa Me Su Ra Me Me Me Me Ra Ve Ju Ve
Sssl Ju Ve Sa Ju Me Ju Ra Ju Me Ra Ju Ra
Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su Mrigasira(3) Mo Aridra(1) Ma Revati(4) Me Aridra(4) Ju[R] Jyeshta(1) Ve Pushyami(4) Sa Ashlesha(4) Ra Satabhisha(4) Ke P.Phalguni(2)
Sgl Me Me Ju Me Ma Mo Mo Sa Su
Stl Ma Ra Me Ra Me Sa Me Ra Ve
Sbl Me Ra Sa Su Ve Ju Ju Ve Mo
Ssl Ke Su Ra Ju Su Me Ke Me Me
Sssl Me Me Ra Ve Ve Ra Me Me Sa
Significators - Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su+ 2 4 3, 10 7 Mo+ 1 5 6 Ma 5 2 5, 8 3, 10 Me 1 5 5, 8 Ju+ 5 10 5, 8 2, 11 Ve 6 6 1, 12 4, 9 Sa 5 6 5, 8 1, 12 Ra 1 1 Ke+ 6 7 4, 9 (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars Rahu acts as agent for: Sa. (B) - Occupant of house Ketu acts as agent for: Su. (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner
Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 Dhanishta(4) 2 U.Bhadra(3) 3 Bharani(1) 4 Rohini(1) 5 Aridra(1) 6 Pushyami(1) 7 Magha(2) 8 Hasta(1) 9 Swati(3) 10 Anuradha(3) 11 Moola(3) 12 U.Ashada(3)
Dasa Summary Bhukti
Rahu Dasa 05-Mar-2005 - 05-Mar-2023 Rahu 05-Mar-2005 Jupiter 16-Nov-2007 Saturn 11-Apr-2010 Mercury 15-Feb-2013 Ketu 04-Sep-2015 Venus 22-Sep-2016 Sun 22-Sep-2019 Moon 16-Aug-2020 Mars 15-Feb-2022
Jupiter Dasa 05-Mar-2023 - 05-Mar-2039 Jupiter 05-Mar-2023 Saturn 23-Apr-2025 Mercury 04-Nov-2027 Ketu 09-Feb-2030 Venus 16-Jan-2031 Sun 16-Sep-2033 Moon 06-Jul-2034 Mars 04-Nov-2035 Rahu 10-Oct-2036
Saturn Dasa 05-Mar-2039 - 05-Mar-2058 Saturn 05-Mar-2039 Mercury 08-Mar-2042 Ketu 16-Nov-2044 Venus 25-Dec-2045 Sun 24-Feb-2049 Moon 06-Feb-2050 Mars 07-Sep-2051 Rahu 17-Oct-2052 Jupiter 23-Aug-2055
Mercury Dasa 05-Mar-2058 - 05-Mar-2075 Mercury 05-Mar-2058 Ketu 01-Aug-2060 Venus 29-Jul-2061 Sun 29-May-2064 Moon 04-Apr-2065 Mars 03-Sep-2066 Rahu 01-Sep-2067 Jupiter 21-Mar-2070 Saturn 26-Jun-2072
Ketu Dasa 05-Mar-2075 - 05-Mar-2082 Ketu 05-Mar-2075 Venus 01-Aug-2075 Sun 01-Oct-2076 Moon 06-Feb-2077 Mars 07-Sep-2077 Rahu 03-Feb-2078 Jupiter 21-Feb-2079 Saturn 28-Jan-2080 Mercury 09-Mar-2081
Venus Dasa 05-Mar-2082 - 05-Mar-2102 Venus 05-Mar-2082 Sun 05-Jul-2085 Moon 05-Jul-2086 Mars 04-Mar-2088 Rahu 04-May-2089 Jupiter 04-May-2092 Saturn 03-Jan-2095 Mercury 05-Mar-2098 Ketu 03-Jan-2101
Sun Dasa 05-Mar-2102 - 05-Mar-2108 Sun 05-Mar-2102 Moon 23-Jun-2102 Mars 22-Dec-2102 Rahu 29-Apr-2103 Jupiter 23-Mar-2104 Saturn 09-Jan-2105 Mercury 22-Dec-2105 Ketu 28-Oct-2106 Venus 05-Mar-2107
Moon Dasa 05-Mar-2108 - 05-Mar-2118 Moon 05-Mar-2108 Mars 03-Jan-2109 Rahu 04-Aug-2109 Jupiter 03-Feb-2111 Saturn 04-Jun-2112 Mercury 03-Jan-2114 Ketu 04-Jun-2115 Venus 03-Jan-2116 Sun 04-Sep-2117
Mars Dasa 05-Mar-2118 - 05-Mar-2125 Mars 05-Mar-2118 Rahu 01-Aug-2118 Jupiter 19-Aug-2119 Saturn 25-Jul-2120 Mercury 03-Sep-2121 Ketu 31-Aug-2122 Venus 27-Jan-2123 Sun 28-Mar-2124 Moon 03-Aug-2124
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.
Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:
KP Ezine
May 2014
G.Sreya Reddy Sun Rise: 06:21:21 AM Nithya Yoga: Brahma
Sun Set: Hora:
06:28:45 PM Mercury
Dasa Days: 365.25 D Karana: Bav
Ruling Planets - 13/Apr/2014 10:23:25 AM KANKARIYA, AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India Planet
Day Lord: Sun
Nirayana Bhava Chalit II 05:06:00:56
XII 03:07:41:17
I 04:07:10:07 Ju[R] 04:17:57:38
III 06:07:00:51 Ke 06:19:36:59
Sa 02:12:38:12 XI 02:08:11:18
4 3
IV 07:08:06:48
X 01:08:06:48 5 11
VII 10:07:10:07 V 08:08:11:18 9
Ve 00:23:04:26 Ra 00:19:36:59 IX 00:07:00:51 Ma 01:06:15:33
1 12
10 VI 09:07:41:17
IX 07:00:51 Ra 19:36:59 Ve 23:04:26
Me 11:23:04:51 Mo 11:13:22:58 Su 11:07:20:04 VIII 11:06:00:56
Ma 06:15:33 X 08:06:48
XI 08:11:18 Sa 12:38:12
Me 23:04:51 Mo 13:22:58 Su 07:20:04 VIII 06:00:56 Name: G.Sreya Reddy Gender: Female Date: Sunday, 21/Mar/2004 Time: 04:20:00 PM SID: 03:59:22 Lat: 15:50:00 N Lon: 78:03:00 E Place: KURNOOL, ANDHRA PRADESH, India
XII 07:41:17
Ayanamsa: 23° 49' 33" [KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Star: U.Bhadra, Pada 4 Star Lord: Saturn Rasi: Pisces Rasi Lord: Jupiter Lagna: Leo Lagna Lord: Sun Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Pratipad Bal. Dasa: Saturn 4 Y, 8 M, 4 D
I 07:10:07 Ju[R] 17:57:38
VII 07:10:07
VI 07:41:17
II 06:00:56
V 08:11:18
IV 08:06:48
Ke 19:36:59 III 07:00:51
Sgl Su Me Ve Ma Ju Sa Sa Ju Ma Ve Me Mo
Stl Ke Su Ra Sa Ke Su Ra Sa Ke Su Ra Sa
Sbl Ra Me Ra Ve Ju Ke Ra Me Ra Ve Ra Ke
Ssl Ve Mo Ju Ve Me Me Ju Ve Ve Ve Ve Ra
Sssl Ke Ke Sa Ve Mo Ke Mo Ju Ju Me Sa Ju
Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su U.Bhadra(2) Mo U.Bhadra(4) Ma Krittika(3) Me Revati(2) Ju[R] P.Phalguni(2) Ve Bharani(3) Sa Aridra(2) Ra Bharani(2) Ke Swati(4)
Sgl Ju Ju Ve Ju Su Ma Me Ma Ve
Stl Sa Sa Su Me Ve Ve Ra Ve Ra
Sbl Ke Ra Me Mo Ma Sa Me Ra Ma
Ssl Ke Ju Ra Ke Ve Su Me Ve Me
Sssl Ke Mo Sa Sa Ju Me Ve Sa Me
Significators - Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su 11 8 6, 7 1 Mo+ 11 8 6, 7 12 Ma+ 8 10 1 4, 9 Me 8 8 2, 11 2, 11 Ju+ 9 1 3, 10 5, 8 Ve 9 9 3, 10 3, 10 Sa 9 11 6, 7 Ra 9 9 3, 10 Ke+ 9 3 Rahu acts as agent for: Ma, Ju, Ve. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars (B) - Occupant of house Ketu acts as agent for: Ve. (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner
Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 Magha(3) 2 U.Phalguni(3) 3 Swati(1) 4 Anuradha(2) 5 Moola(3) 6 U.Ashada(4) 7 Satabhisha(1) 8 U.Bhadra(1) 9 Aswini(3) 10 Krittika(4) 11 Aridra(1) 12 Pushyami(2)
Dasa Summary Bhukti
Saturn Dasa 26-Nov-1989 - 26-Nov-2008 Saturn 26-Nov-1989 Mercury 29-Nov-1992 Ketu 09-Aug-1995 Venus 17-Sep-1996 Sun 17-Nov-1999 Moon 29-Oct-2000 Mars 30-May-2002 Rahu 09-Jul-2003 Jupiter 15-May-2006
Mercury Dasa 26-Nov-2008 - 26-Nov-2025 Mercury 26-Nov-2008 Ketu 24-Apr-2011 Venus 20-Apr-2012 Sun 19-Feb-2015 Moon 26-Dec-2015 Mars 27-May-2017 Rahu 25-May-2018 Jupiter 11-Dec-2020 Saturn 19-Mar-2023
Ketu Dasa 26-Nov-2025 - 26-Nov-2032 Ketu 26-Nov-2025 Venus 24-Apr-2026 Sun 24-Jun-2027 Moon 30-Oct-2027 Mars 30-May-2028 Rahu 26-Oct-2028 Jupiter 13-Nov-2029 Saturn 20-Oct-2030 Mercury 29-Nov-2031
Venus Dasa 26-Nov-2032 - 26-Nov-2052 Venus 26-Nov-2032 Sun 27-Mar-2036 Moon 27-Mar-2037 Mars 25-Nov-2038 Rahu 25-Jan-2040 Jupiter 25-Jan-2043 Saturn 26-Sep-2045 Mercury 25-Nov-2048 Ketu 26-Sep-2051
Sun Dasa 26-Nov-2052 - 26-Nov-2058 Sun 26-Nov-2052 Moon 15-Mar-2053 Mars 14-Sep-2053 Rahu 20-Jan-2054 Jupiter 15-Dec-2054 Saturn 03-Oct-2055 Mercury 14-Sep-2056 Ketu 21-Jul-2057 Venus 26-Nov-2057
Moon Dasa 26-Nov-2058 - 26-Nov-2068 Moon 26-Nov-2058 Mars 26-Sep-2059 Rahu 26-Apr-2060 Jupiter 26-Oct-2061 Saturn 25-Feb-2063 Mercury 25-Sep-2064 Ketu 24-Feb-2066 Venus 25-Sep-2066 Sun 26-May-2068
Mars Dasa 26-Nov-2068 - 26-Nov-2075 Mars 26-Nov-2068 Rahu 24-Apr-2069 Jupiter 12-May-2070 Saturn 18-Apr-2071 Mercury 28-May-2072 Ketu 25-May-2073 Venus 21-Oct-2073 Sun 21-Dec-2074 Moon 28-Apr-2075
Rahu Dasa 26-Nov-2075 - 26-Nov-2093 Rahu 26-Nov-2075 Jupiter 09-Aug-2078 Saturn 02-Jan-2081 Mercury 08-Nov-2083 Ketu 28-May-2086 Venus 15-Jun-2087 Sun 15-Jun-2090 Moon 10-May-2091 Mars 09-Nov-2092
Jupiter Dasa 26-Nov-2093 - 26-Nov-2109 Jupiter 26-Nov-2093 Saturn 14-Jan-2096 Mercury 27-Jul-2098 Ketu 02-Nov-2100 Venus 09-Oct-2101 Sun 08-Jun-2104 Moon 27-Mar-2105 Mars 27-Jul-2106 Rahu 03-Jul-2107
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.
Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:
KP Ezine
May 2014
cator of 4th. Saturn aspects lagna also. Mars aspects lagna and the 12th . (b) 4th cusp sub = Moon; 9th cusp sub = Ketu; 12th cusp sub = Saturn. Saturn (12th sub) is in the star of Ketu (9th sub). This Ketu (9th sub) is in the sub of Moon (4th sub). Moon (4th sub) is in the sub of Saturn (12th). Moon is a significator for 9th. Both Saturn and Ketu are in one sign (Leo). (8) Dharma Reddy:(a) Lagna cusp sub lord Venus is a significator of 12, 4 and 1. Saturn is the lord of 1 and 12. In addition to it, he is the sub lord of 12th cusp. Venus (lagna sub lord) and Saturn (12th cusp ub lord) are in the sub of Jupiter. Sun (12th cusp star lord) is in the star of Mars who is the constellation lord of 1st cusp. Sun is the occupant of 4. Mars is the constellation lord of 1st cusp and it is in the sub of Saturn (12th sub lord) who is the owner of 1 and 12. (b) 4th cusp sub = Rahu; 9th cusp sub = Mercury; 12th cusp sub = Saturn ; Mercury (9th sub) is in the star of Rahu (4th sub). Saturn (12th sub) is in the star of Mercury (9th sub). Both Rahu and Mercury are in the star of Rahu. (9) Sreya Reddy:(a) Moon is not only the lord of 12th cusp but also a strong significator of 12th. Sun (lagna lord) and Moon (12th lord) are in the star of Saturn. Saturn is the constellation lord of 4th and 12th cusps. Lagna cusp constellation lord (Ketu) and the 12th cusp constellation lord (Saturn) are in the star of Rahu. 4th cusp owner (Mars) is a significator of 1 and 4. Both the nodes Rahu (1st cusp sub) and Ketu (12th cusp sub) are acting as agents for Venus who is the 4th cusp sub lord. (b) 4th cusp sub = Venus; 9th cusp sub =Rahu; 12th cusp sub = Ketu; Venus(4th sub) and Rahu (9th sub) are in the star of Venus who is a significator of 9th. Ketu (12th sub) is in the star of Rahu (9th sub).
KP Ezine
May 2014
Will I win elec on? By: Kanakkumar B. Bosmia Sahakar-2, Flat No: 28 Jagabhai Park, Ram Baug Maninagar, Ahmedabad—380008 Mobile : +91-98 2531165. Email :
[email protected] Name: Sunder Balakrishnan Question: I have just fought election from south central Mumbai from AAP. Let me know whether I will win? Election was on 24-4-2014. Number: 89 (out of 249) Time of Judgment: 29-04-2014, Tuesday; 19:24:57 PM; IST Place of Judgment: Kankariya- Ahmedabad Long/Lat: 23° N 00', 72° E 36’ Ayanamsha: 230.58'.01" Hint: If 10th (one’s position in politics) cusp sub lord signifies 10 (one’s reputation), 3 (one’s ability), 11 (one’s reputation as a winner) in the DBAS of the significators of 3, 10, 11, then success is assured. Cuspal Sub lord for Sunder Balakrishnan: 10th Cusp (Taurus 040.52’.29”): The sub lord of the 10th cusp is Saturn. Saturn is in the star of Jupiter and sub of Venus. Saturn is occupant of 3, owner of 6-7. No planet is in the star of Saturn, and Saturn is the CSL of 4-10. Star lord Jupiter is occupant of 11, owner of 5-8. Sub lord Venus is occupant of 8, owner of 3-10. Thus 10th cusp sub lord Saturn is the significator of 5-8-11 and connected with 3-6-7-4-10-8. Hence, the wining in election is sure. Cuspal Sub lord for opponent: 10th Cusp (Scorpio 040.52’.29”): The sub lord of the 10th cusp is Saturn. Saturn is in the star of Jupiter and sub of Venus. Saturn is occupant of 9, owner of 1-12. No planet is in the star of Saturn, and Saturn is the CSL of 4-10. Star lord Jupiter is occupant of 5, owner of 2 -11. Sub lord Venus is occupant of 2, owner of 4-9. Thus 10th cusp sub lord Saturn is the significator of 5-2-11 and connected with 9-12-1-4-10-2. Hence, the wining in election is sure. Joint period for Sunder Balakrishnan: On the day of election (24-4-2014) the running joint dasa period is Venus-Rahu-MercuryMoon. Venus is occupant of 8, owner of 3-10. Star lord Jupiter is occupant of 11, owner of 5-8. Sub lord Rahu is occupant of 3. No planet is in the star of Rahu, and Rahu is the CSL of 1, 5, 8. Rahu is conjoined with Saturn, hence represents Saturn. Rahu is agent of Saturn, occupant of 3, owner of 6-7. No planet is in the star of Saturn, and Saturn is the CSL of 4, 10. Dasa lord signifies 3-10-11. Rahu is occupant of 3. No planet is in the star of Rahu, and Rahu is the CSL of 1, 5, 8. Rahu is conjoined with Saturn, hence represents Saturn. Rahu is agent of Saturn, occupant of 3, owner of 6-7. No planet is in the star of Saturn, and Saturn is the CSL of 4, 10. Star lord Mars is occupant of 2, owner of 4-9. Sub lord Venus is occupant of 8, owner of 3-10. Bhukti lord signifies 3-10 Mercury is occupant of 9, owner of 2-11, No planet is in the star of Mercury, and Mercury is KP Ezine
May 2014
Horary No. 89/249 Sun Rise: 06:08:26 AM Nithya Yoga: Ayushman
Sun Set: Hora:
07:05:50 PM Jupiter
Dasa Days: 365.25 D Karana: Kintughna
Horary No.: 89 Question : I have just fought election from south central mumbai from AAP. Let me know whether I will win?
Ruling Planets - 29/Apr/2014 07:24:57 PM KANKARIYA, AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India Planet
Day Lord: Mars
Nirayana Bhava Chalit II 05:02:44:52 Ma[R] 05:17:48:31
XII 03:06:24:02
I 04:05:33:20 III 06:03:06:10 Ra 06:04:01:17 Sa[R] 06:26:53:02
Ju 02:20:47:26 XI 02:06:10:13
4 3
IV 07:04:52:29
X 01:04:52:29 5 11
VII 10:05:33:20 Ve 11:02:05:57
V 08:06:10:13 9
Me 00:19:14:18 Mo 00:19:08:54 Su 00:15:12:26 Ke 00:04:01:17 IX 00:03:06:10
1 12
10 VI 09:06:24:02
IX 03:06:10 Ke 04:01:17 Su 15:12:26 Mo 19:08:54 Me 19:14:18
VIII 11:02:44:52
X 04:52:29
XI 06:10:13 Ju 20:47:26
VIII 02:44:52 Ve 02:05:57 Name: SBalasubramaniyam Gender: Male Date: Tuesday, 29/Apr/2014 Time: 07:24:57 PM SID: 09:15:09 Lat: 23:00:00 N Lon: 72:36:00 E Place: AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India
XII 06:24:02
Ayanamsa: 23° 58' 1" [KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Star: Bharani, Pada 2 Star Lord: Venus Rasi: Aries Rasi Lord: Mars Lagna: Leo Lagna Lord: Sun Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Pratipad Bal. Dasa: Venus 11 Y, 3 M, 10 D
I 05:33:20
VII 05:33:20
VI 06:24:02
II 02:44:52 Ma[R] 17:48:31
V 06:10:13
IV 04:52:29
Sa[R] 26:53:02 Ra 04:01:17 III 03:06:10
Sgl Su Me Ve Ma Ju Sa Sa Ju Ma Ve Me Mo
Stl Ke Su Ma Sa Ke Su Ma Ju Ke Su Ma Sa
Sbl Ra Ju Ve Sa Ra Me Mo Ra Su Sa Mo Me
Ssl Ra Ra Su Ra Sa Ra Mo Ve Ma Ju Sa Ma
Sssl Ra Ra Sa Ra Sa Su Mo Ra Sa Sa Ra Ra
Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su Bharani(1) Mo Bharani(2) Ma[R] Hasta(3) Me Bharani(2) Ju Punarvasu(1) Ve P.Bhadra(4) Sa[R] Visakha(3) Ra Chitra(4) Ke Aswini(2)
Sgl Ma Ma Me Ma Me Ju Ve Ve Ma
Stl Ve Ve Mo Ve Ju Ju Ju Ma Ke
Sbl Ve Ra Me Ra Ju Ra Ve Ve Mo
Ssl Me Me Me Me Ke Sa Ve Ju Ju
Sssl Ve Ma Me Sa Ve Mo Me Mo Sa
Significators - Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su+ 8 9 3, 10 1 Mo 8 9 3, 10 12 Ma 9 2 12 4, 9 Me+ 8 9 3, 10 2, 11 Ju 11 11 5, 8 5, 8 Ve 11 8 5, 8 3, 10 Sa+ 11 3 5, 8 6, 7 Ra+ 2 3 4, 9 Ke 9 9 Planets Rahu acts as agent for: Su, Mo, Me,(A) Ju,- Ve, Sa. in Occupant's stars (B) -Sa. Occupant of house Ketu acts as agent for: Su, Mo, Ma, Me, (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner
Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 Magha(2) 2 U.Phalguni(2) 3 Chitra(3) 4 Anuradha(1) 5 Moola(2) 6 U.Ashada(3) 7 Dhanishta(4) 8 P.Bhadra(4) 9 Aswini(1) 10 Krittika(3) 11 Mrigasira(4) 12 Pushyami(1)
Dasa Summary Bhukti
Venus Dasa 10-Aug-2005 - 10-Aug-2025 Venus 10-Aug-2005 Sun 10-Dec-2008 Moon 10-Dec-2009 Mars 10-Aug-2011 Rahu 10-Oct-2012 Jupiter 10-Oct-2015 Saturn 10-Jun-2018 Mercury 10-Aug-2021 Ketu 10-Jun-2024
Sun Dasa 10-Aug-2025 - 10-Aug-2031 Sun 10-Aug-2025 Moon 27-Nov-2025 Mars 29-May-2026 Rahu 04-Oct-2026 Jupiter 29-Aug-2027 Saturn 16-Jun-2028 Mercury 29-May-2029 Ketu 04-Apr-2030 Venus 10-Aug-2030
Moon Dasa 10-Aug-2031 - 10-Aug-2041 Moon 10-Aug-2031 Mars 09-Jun-2032 Rahu 08-Jan-2033 Jupiter 10-Jul-2034 Saturn 09-Nov-2035 Mercury 10-Jun-2037 Ketu 09-Nov-2038 Venus 10-Jun-2039 Sun 08-Feb-2041
Mars Dasa 10-Aug-2041 - 10-Aug-2048 Mars 10-Aug-2041 Rahu 06-Jan-2042 Jupiter 24-Jan-2043 Saturn 31-Dec-2043 Mercury 09-Feb-2045 Ketu 06-Feb-2046 Venus 05-Jul-2046 Sun 04-Sep-2047 Moon 10-Jan-2048
Rahu Dasa 10-Aug-2048 - 10-Aug-2066 Rahu 10-Aug-2048 Jupiter 22-Apr-2051 Saturn 16-Sep-2053 Mercury 22-Jul-2056 Ketu 08-Feb-2059 Venus 26-Feb-2060 Sun 26-Feb-2063 Moon 21-Jan-2064 Mars 23-Jul-2065
Jupiter Dasa 10-Aug-2066 - 10-Aug-2082 Jupiter 10-Aug-2066 Saturn 27-Sep-2068 Mercury 10-Apr-2071 Ketu 17-Jul-2073 Venus 23-Jun-2074 Sun 21-Feb-2077 Moon 10-Dec-2077 Mars 11-Apr-2079 Rahu 17-Mar-2080
Saturn Dasa 10-Aug-2082 - 10-Aug-2101 Saturn 10-Aug-2082 Mercury 13-Aug-2085 Ketu 21-Apr-2088 Venus 31-May-2089 Sun 31-Jul-2092 Moon 13-Jul-2093 Mars 11-Feb-2095 Rahu 22-Mar-2096 Jupiter 26-Jan-2099
Mercury Dasa 10-Aug-2101 - 10-Aug-2118 Mercury 10-Aug-2101 Ketu 06-Jan-2104 Venus 02-Jan-2105 Sun 03-Nov-2107 Moon 08-Sep-2108 Mars 07-Feb-2110 Rahu 04-Feb-2111 Jupiter 24-Aug-2113 Saturn 30-Nov-2115
Ketu Dasa 10-Aug-2118 - 10-Aug-2125 Ketu 10-Aug-2118 Venus 06-Jan-2119 Sun 07-Mar-2120 Moon 13-Jul-2120 Mars 11-Feb-2121 Rahu 10-Jul-2121 Jupiter 28-Jul-2122 Saturn 04-Jul-2123 Mercury 13-Aug-2124
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.
Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:
KP Ezine
May 2014
the CSL of 6, 12. Star lord Venus is occupant of 8, owner of 3-10. Sub lord Rahu is occupant of 3. No planet is in the star of Rahu, and Rahu is the CSL of 1, 5, 8. Rahu is conjoined with Saturn, hence represents Saturn. Rahu is agent of Saturn, occupant of 3, owner of 6-7. No planet is in the star of Saturn, and Saturn is the CSL of 4, 10. Antra lord Mercury signifies 3-10-11. Moon is occupant of 9, owner of 12. Star lord Venus is occupant of 8, owner of 3-10. Sub lord Rahu is occupant of 3. No planet is in the star of Rahu, and Rahu is CSL of 1, 5, 8. Rahu is conjoined with Saturn, hence represents Saturn. Rahu is agent of Saturn, occupant of 3, owner of 6-7. No planet is in the star of Saturn, and Saturn is the CSL of 4, 10. Sookshma lord signifies 3-10. Joint period for opponent: On the day of election (24-4-2014) the running joint dasa period is Venus-Rahu-MercuryMoon. Venus is occupant of 2, owner of 4-9. Star lord Jupiter is occupant of 5, owner of 2-11. Sub lord Rahu is occupant of 9. No planet is in the star of Rahu, and Rahu is the CSL of 2-7-11. Rahu is conjoined with Saturn, hence represents Saturn. Rahu is agent of Saturn, occupant of 9, owner of 1-12. No planet is in the star of Saturn, and Saturn is the CSL of 4, 10. Dasa lord signifies 10-11. Rahu is occupant of 9. No planet is in the star of Rahu, and Rahu is the CSL of 2-7-11. Rahu is conjoined with Saturn, hence represents Saturn. Rahu is agent of Saturn, occupant of 9, owner of 1-12. No planet is in the star of Saturn, and Saturn is the CSL of 4, 10. Star lord Mars is occupant of 8, owner of 3-10. Sub lord Venus is occupant of 2, owner of 4-9. Bhukti lord signifies 3-10-11. Mercury is occupant of 3, owner of 5-8, No planet is in the star of Mercury, and Mercury is the CSL of 6, 12. Star lord Venus is occupant of 2, owner of 4-9. Sub lord Rahu is occupant of 9. No planet is in the star of Rahu, and Rahu is the CSL of 2-7-11. Rahu is conjoined with Saturn, hence represents Saturn. Rahu is agent of Saturn, occupant of 9, owner of 112. No planet is in the star of Saturn, and Saturn is the CSL of 4, 10. Antra lord Mercury signifies 10-11. Moon is occupant of 3, owner of 6. Star lord Venus is occupant of 2, owner of 4-9. Sub lord Rahu is occupant of 9. No planet is in the star of Rahu, and Rahu is the CSL of 2-7-11. Rahu is conjoined with Saturn, hence represents Saturn. Rahu is agent of Saturn, occupant of 9, owner of 1-12. No planet is in the star of Saturn, and Saturn is the CSL of 4, 10. Sookshma lord signifies 3-10-11. My opinion: The cuspal sub lord of 10th signifies 3-10 for Sunder Balakrishnan and 10-11 for opponent indicating the better chance of winning for opponent, but sookshma lord indicates 3-10 for Sunder Balakrishnan and 3-10-11 for opponent indicate. Hence it is clear that opponent will win this election but it will be a tuff fight.
KP Ezine
May 2014
Promo on in job By: Navin Chitlangia “RUDRA” Jyotish Ratna, Jyotish Visharad, Belabhumi – I, Flat No. 302, 2nd Floor, 22/2, Sukanta Sarani, Hind Motor Area, PO. BHADRAKALI, P.S. Uttarpara,
Name: Mr. Surajit Paul, Male. Question: Can I get promotion in present job in next 4 months? Horary No: 221 (out of 249). Date & Time of Judgment: 28-11-2013, 00:10:00 Hrs. (IST). Place of Judgment: Hind Motor - 22.41N / 88.20E, Hooghly, West Bengal, India. Hints: If the 11th cuspal sublord be the significator of house 2 (money), 6 (job or service), 10 (position, business & profession) or 11 (success in getting promotion in service or job, fulfillment of desire), getting promotion in job or service is assured during the joint period of the significators of houses 2, 6, 10 and 11. (Bhatt: Prashna Jyotish, page 102) Moon reveals the nature of query. Moon (Virgo 04-15-58) is in the star of Sun and sub of Saturn. Planet Moon is the occupant of 7, owner of 6. There is no planet in stars of Moon and Moon is the CSL of 3, 5. Starlord Sun is the occupant of 9, owner of 7. Sublord Saturn is the occupant of 8, owner of 1 and 12. Moon signifies the relevant houses, hence query is genuine. Cuspal analysis 11th Cusp (Sagittarius 18-49-49): The 11th cusp sublord Rahu is in the star of self (Rahu) and sub of Saturn. Planet Rahu is the occupant of 8. Rahu is conjoined to Mercury-Saturn and thus acts as agent of Mercury and Saturn. Sublord Saturn is the occupant of 8, owner of 1 and 12. Thus 11th CSL Rahu does not signify any of houses 2, 6, 10,11 at all). My Opinion: Promotion in job is not assured in coming 4 months. Actual Fact: Prediction comes correct. The querent does not get promotion in job till date. Pranaam to Lord Ganesh and Guruji KSK!
KP Ezine
May 2014
Horary No. 221/249 Sun Rise: 05:58:14 AM Nithya Yoga: Priti
Sun Set: Hora:
04:50:47 PM Moon
Dasa Days: 365.25 D Karana: Vanij
Horary No.: 221 Question : Whether I can get promotion in present service in next 4 months?
Ruling Planets - 28/Nov/2013 12:10:00 AM Hind Motor, WEST BENGAL, India Planet
Day Lord: Mercury
Nirayana Bhava Chalit Ke 00:12:07:09 II 11:27:14:51
XII 09:15:43:31
I 10:19:13:20 III 00:28:22:47 12
Ve 08:25:17:47 XI 08:18:49:49
10 9
IV 01:24:20:00
X 07:24:20:00 11 5
V 02:18:49:49 Ju[R] 02:25:51:06
VII 04:19:13:20 Mo 05:04:15:47 Ma 05:00:44:01
IX 06:28:22:47 Su 07:11:43:18
7 6
4 VI 03:15:43:31
Ke 12:07:09 III 28:22:47
VIII 05:27:14:51 Me 06:25:02:34 Sa 06:22:48:03 Ra 06:12:07:09
IV 24:20:00
V 18:49:49 Ju[R] 25:51:06
II 27:14:51 Name: PROMOTION IN JOB Gender: Male Date: Thursday, 28/Nov/2013 Time: 12:10:00 AM SID: 05:00:42 Lat: 22:41:00 N Lon: 88:20:00 E Place: Hind Motor, WEST BENGAL, India
VI 15:43:31
Ayanamsa: 23° 57' 40" [KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Star: U.Phalguni, Pada 3 Star Lord: Sun Rasi: Virgo Rasi Lord: Mercury Lagna: Aquarius Lagna Lord: Saturn Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Dasami Bal. Dasa: Sun 2 Y, 6 M, 29 D
VII 19:13:20
I 19:13:20
XII 15:43:31
Ma 00:44:01 Mo 04:15:47 VIII 27:14:51
Ve 25:17:47 XI 18:49:49
X 24:20:00 Su 11:43:18
IX 28:22:47 Me 25:02:34 Sa 22:48:03 Ra 12:07:09
Sgl Sa Ju Ma Ve Me Mo Su Me Ve Ma Ju Sa
Stl Ra Me Su Ma Ra Sa Ve Ma Ju Me Ve Mo
Sbl Ma Ju Mo Ra Mo Ju Ra Ju Ve Ra Ra Sa
Ssl Ma Ve Ve Ra Me Ke Me Ve Me Ra Sa Sa
Sssl Ma Me Ke Ve Mo Ju Ju Me Ke Ve Ve Me
Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su Anuradha(3) Mo U.Phalguni(3) Ma U.Phalguni(2) Me Visakha(2) Ju[R] Punarvasu(2) Ve P.Ashada(4) Sa Visakha(1) Ra Swati(2) Ke Aswini(4)
Sgl Ma Me Me Ve Me Ju Ve Ve Ma
Stl Sa Su Su Ju Ju Ve Ju Ra Ke
Sbl Mo Sa Ra Me Ke Me Sa Sa Me
Ssl Me Mo Ve Ra Ve Ra Ve Ra Ve
Sssl Mo Ra Sa Sa Mo Su Sa Me Ke
Significators - Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su 8 9 1, 12 7 Mo+ 9 7 7 6 Ma+ 9 7 7 3, 10 Me+ 5 8 2, 11 5, 8 Ju 5 5 2, 11 2, 11 Ve 11 11 4, 9 4, 9 Sa 5 8 2, 11 1, 12 Ra 8 8 Ke 2 2 (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars Rahu acts as agent for: Me, Ju, Ve, Sa. Ketu acts as agent for: Ma, Me, Sa. (B) - Occupant of house (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner
Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 Satabhisha(4) 2 Revati(4) 3 Krittika(1) 4 Mrigasira(1) 5 Aridra(4) 6 Pushyami(4) 7 P.Phalguni(2) 8 Chitra(2) 9 Visakha(3) 10 Jyeshta(3) 11 P.Ashada(2) 12 Sravana(2)
Dasa Summary Bhukti
Sun Dasa 27-Jun-2010 - 27-Jun-2016 Sun 27-Jun-2010 Moon 15-Oct-2010 Mars 15-Apr-2011 Rahu 21-Aug-2011 Jupiter 15-Jul-2012 Saturn 03-May-2013 Mercury 15-Apr-2014 Ketu 20-Feb-2015 Venus 27-Jun-2015
Moon Dasa 27-Jun-2016 - 27-Jun-2026 Moon 27-Jun-2016 Mars 27-Apr-2017 Rahu 27-Nov-2017 Jupiter 28-May-2019 Saturn 27-Sep-2020 Mercury 28-Apr-2022 Ketu 27-Sep-2023 Venus 27-Apr-2024 Sun 27-Dec-2025
Mars Dasa 27-Jun-2026 - 27-Jun-2033 Mars 27-Jun-2026 Rahu 23-Nov-2026 Jupiter 12-Dec-2027 Saturn 16-Nov-2028 Mercury 26-Dec-2029 Ketu 23-Dec-2030 Venus 21-May-2031 Sun 21-Jul-2032 Moon 26-Nov-2032
Rahu Dasa 27-Jun-2033 - 27-Jun-2051 Rahu 27-Jun-2033 Jupiter 09-Mar-2036 Saturn 02-Aug-2038 Mercury 08-Jun-2041 Ketu 26-Dec-2043 Venus 14-Jan-2045 Sun 14-Jan-2048 Moon 07-Dec-2048 Mars 08-Jun-2050
Jupiter Dasa 27-Jun-2051 - 27-Jun-2067 Jupiter 27-Jun-2051 Saturn 15-Aug-2053 Mercury 26-Feb-2056 Ketu 03-Jun-2058 Venus 10-May-2059 Sun 08-Jan-2062 Moon 28-Oct-2062 Mars 26-Feb-2064 Rahu 01-Feb-2065
Saturn Dasa 27-Jun-2067 - 27-Jun-2086 Saturn 27-Jun-2067 Mercury 30-Jun-2070 Ketu 10-Mar-2073 Venus 18-Apr-2074 Sun 18-Jun-2077 Moon 31-May-2078 Mars 30-Dec-2079 Rahu 08-Feb-2081 Jupiter 15-Dec-2083
Mercury Dasa 27-Jun-2086 - 27-Jun-2103 Mercury 27-Jun-2086 Ketu 23-Nov-2088 Venus 20-Nov-2089 Sun 20-Sep-2092 Moon 27-Jul-2093 Mars 27-Dec-2094 Rahu 24-Dec-2095 Jupiter 13-Jul-2098 Saturn 18-Oct-2100
Ketu Dasa 27-Jun-2103 - 27-Jun-2110 Ketu 27-Jun-2103 Venus 23-Nov-2103 Sun 23-Jan-2105 Moon 31-May-2105 Mars 30-Dec-2105 Rahu 28-May-2106 Jupiter 15-Jun-2107 Saturn 21-May-2108 Mercury 30-Jun-2109
Venus Dasa 27-Jun-2110 - 27-Jun-2130 Venus 27-Jun-2110 Sun 27-Oct-2113 Moon 27-Oct-2114 Mars 26-Jun-2116 Rahu 26-Aug-2117 Jupiter 26-Aug-2120 Saturn 27-Apr-2123 Mercury 27-Jun-2126 Ketu 27-Apr-2129
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.
Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:
KP Ezine
May 2014
When will I be able to adopt a baby girl? By: Kanakkumar B. Bosmia Sahakar-2, Flat No: 28 Jagabhai Park, Ram Baug Maninagar, Ahmedabad—380008 Mobile : +91-98 2531165. Email :
[email protected] Name: Female Question 1. When will I be able to adopt a baby girl? Date of birth. 27/3/1969, Thursday; Time of birth. 19-34-00 P.M. I.S.T. Place of Birth: New Delhi- Delhi Lon/Lat: 28° N 36', 77° E 12', Aynamsha 23.20.14 Hint If the cuspal sub lord of the 2nd house be the significator of house 2, 11, one will be able to adopt a child, during the joint period of the significators of houses 2, 4, 8, 11. 2nd cusp (Libra 250 34' 03”): The sub lord of the 2nd cusp is Mercury. Mercury is in the star of Jupiter and sub of Rahu. Mercury is occupant of 6, owner of 1, 10, 12. Star lord Jupiter is occupant of 12, owner of 4, 6, 7. Sub lord Rahu is occupant of 6. No planet is in the stars of Rahu and Rahu is the CSL of 12. Rahu is conjoined with Sun and Mercury. Sun is occupant of 6. Thus 2nd cusp sub lord Mercury does not signify houses 2, 11. Thus your desire to adopt a baby girl will be not be fulfilled. My opinion: Your desire to adopt a baby girl will be not be fulfilled. Outcome: She drop idea to adopt baby girl.
KP Ezine
May 2014
Poonam Malhotra Sun Rise: 06:17:47 AM Nithya Yoga: Atiganda
Sun Set: Hora:
06:36:04 PM Saturn
Dasa Days: 365.25 D Karana: Kaulav
Ruling Planets - 21/Sep/2011 01:24:10 PM KANKARIYA, AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India Planet
Day Lord: Mercury
Nirayana Bhava Chalit Ma 18:21:01 II 25:34:03
Ju[R] 07:05:02 Ke 06:44:39 XII 00:05:57 I 26:53:41
III 26:08:40
XI 29:54:47 7
6 4
IV 27:57:52
Mo 00:22:13 X 27:57:52 6 12
Ve[R] 01:47:23 Sa 02:27:17 VII 26:53:41
V 29:54:47
IX 26:08:40
2 1
12 Su 13:23:34 Me 01:25:51 Ra 06:44:39 VI 00:05:57
Ve[R] 01:47:23 Sa 02:27:17 VIII 25:34:03
VIII 25:34:03
IX 26:08:40
X 27:57:52
VII 26:53:41 Su 13:23:34 Ra 06:44:39 Me 01:25:51 VI 00:05:57
V 29:54:47
Mo 00:22:13 XI 29:54:47
Ayanamsa: 23° 20' 14" [KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Star: Punarvasu, Pada 4 Star Lord: Jupiter Rasi: Cancer Rasi Lord: Moon Lagna: Virgo Lagna Lord: Mercury Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Navami Bal. Dasa: Jupiter 3 Y, 6 M, 20 D XII 00:05:57 Ke 06:44:39 Ju[R] 07:05:02 I 26:53:41
IV 27:57:52
III 26:08:40 Ma 18:21:01
II 25:34:03
Stl Ma Ju Me Su Ma Ju Me Ve Ma Ju Me Su
Sbl Ju Me Ju Mo Sa Mo Ju Me Ju Ve Sa Ra
Ssl Ke Sa Ju Sa Ju Me Ke Ju Ju Ju Ju Sa
Sssl Ve Me Sa Ju Su Me Ve Ra Sa Ra Su Ju
Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su U.Bhadra(4) Mo Punarvasu(4) Ma Jyeshta(1) Me P.Bhadra(4) Ju[R] U.Phalguni(4) Ve[R] Aswini(1) Sa Aswini(1) Ra U.Bhadra(2) Ke U.Phalguni(4)
Sgl Ju Mo Ma Ju Me Ma Ma Ju Me
Stl Sa Ju Me Ju Su Ke Ke Sa Su
Sbl Ra Mo Me Ra Ke Ve Ve Me Me
Ssl Ju Ve Sa Ra Ve Ra Sa Ra Sa
Sssl Mo Mo Ke Sa Mo Ve Ma Mo Sa
Dasa Summary Bhukti
Name: Poonam Malhotra Gender: Female Date: Thursday, 27/Mar/1969 Time: 07:34:00 PM SID: 07:32:06 Lat: 28:36:00 N Lon: 77:12:00 E Place: NEW DELHI, DELHI, India
Sgl Me Ve Ma Ju Sa Ju Ju Ma Ve Me Mo Me
Significators - Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su 7 6 5 Mo+ 12 10 4, 6, 7 11 Ma+ 6 2 1, 10, 12 3, 8 Me 12 6 4, 6, 7 1, 10, 12 Ju 6 12 4, 6, 7 Ve+ 12 7 2, 9 Sa 12 7 5 Ra+ 7 6 5 Ke 6 12 Rahu acts as agent for: Su, Me, Ju. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars Ketu acts as agent for: Su, Me, Ju. (B) - Occupant of house (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner
Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 Chitra(2) 2 Visakha(2) 3 Jyeshta(3) 4 U.Ashada(1) 5 Dhanishta(2) 6 P.Bhadra(4) 7 Revati(4) 8 Bharani(4) 9 Mrigasira(1) 10 Punarvasu(3) 11 Ashlesha(4) 12 U.Phalguni(2)
Jupiter Dasa 17-Oct-1956 - 17-Oct-1972 Jupiter 17-Oct-1956 Saturn 05-Dec-1958 Mercury 18-Jun-1961 Ketu 23-Sep-1963 Venus 29-Aug-1964 Sun 30-Apr-1967 Moon 16-Feb-1968 Mars 17-Jun-1969 Rahu 24-May-1970
Saturn Dasa 17-Oct-1972 - 17-Oct-1991 Saturn 17-Oct-1972 Mercury 20-Oct-1975 Ketu 30-Jun-1978 Venus 08-Aug-1979 Sun 08-Oct-1982 Moon 20-Sep-1983 Mars 21-Apr-1985 Rahu 31-May-1986 Jupiter 06-Apr-1989
Mercury Dasa 17-Oct-1991 - 17-Oct-2008 Mercury 17-Oct-1991 Ketu 15-Mar-1994 Venus 13-Mar-1995 Sun 11-Jan-1998 Moon 17-Nov-1998 Mars 18-Apr-2000 Rahu 15-Apr-2001 Jupiter 02-Nov-2003 Saturn 07-Feb-2006
Ketu Dasa 17-Oct-2008 - 17-Oct-2015 Ketu 17-Oct-2008 Venus 15-Mar-2009 Sun 15-May-2010 Moon 20-Sep-2010 Mars 21-Apr-2011 Rahu 17-Sep-2011 Jupiter 05-Oct-2012 Saturn 11-Sep-2013 Mercury 21-Oct-2014
Venus Dasa 17-Oct-2015 - 17-Oct-2035 Venus 17-Oct-2015 Sun 16-Feb-2019 Moon 16-Feb-2020 Mars 17-Oct-2021 Rahu 17-Dec-2022 Jupiter 17-Dec-2025 Saturn 17-Aug-2028 Mercury 17-Oct-2031 Ketu 17-Aug-2034
Sun Dasa 17-Oct-2035 - 17-Oct-2041 Sun 17-Oct-2035 Moon 04-Feb-2036 Mars 04-Aug-2036 Rahu 10-Dec-2036 Jupiter 04-Nov-2037 Saturn 23-Aug-2038 Mercury 05-Aug-2039 Ketu 11-Jun-2040 Venus 16-Oct-2040
Moon Dasa 17-Oct-2041 - 17-Oct-2051 Moon 17-Oct-2041 Mars 18-Aug-2042 Rahu 19-Mar-2043 Jupiter 17-Sep-2044 Saturn 17-Jan-2046 Mercury 18-Aug-2047 Ketu 17-Jan-2049 Venus 18-Aug-2049 Sun 19-Apr-2051
Mars Dasa 17-Oct-2051 - 17-Oct-2058 Mars 17-Oct-2051 Rahu 14-Mar-2052 Jupiter 02-Apr-2053 Saturn 08-Mar-2054 Mercury 17-Apr-2055 Ketu 13-Apr-2056 Venus 09-Sep-2056 Sun 09-Nov-2057 Moon 17-Mar-2058
Rahu Dasa 17-Oct-2058 - 17-Oct-2076 Rahu 17-Oct-2058 Jupiter 30-Jun-2061 Saturn 23-Nov-2063 Mercury 29-Sep-2066 Ketu 18-Apr-2069 Venus 07-May-2070 Sun 07-May-2073 Moon 31-Mar-2074 Mars 30-Sep-2075
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.
Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:
KP Ezine
May 2014
Ques on-Answer By: Tin Win Email:
[email protected]
Question- 1: Houses for Siblings Sir, I am a kp student. Pl clarify my doubt. 1. A person having 2 elder brothers and one elder sister (all are elder to him). What are houses to be considered for the three elders from the native's birth chart? 2. A person having 2 younger brothers and one younger sister (all are younger to him). What are houses to be considered for the three youngers from the native's birth chart? Answer- 1: 1. 11th house represents first elder sibling (brother or sister), still elder 9th house (11th from 11) second elder sibling, further elder 7th (11th from 9) house third elder sibling, and so on. 2. 3rd house represents first younger sibling, 5th house (3rd from 3) second younger sibling, 7th (3rd from 5) house third younger sibling, and so on. Question- 2: Which house is house of Father 9th or 10th? Answer- 2: 1. According to Maharishi Parashara, the 9th house represents one’s experience of father, while the 10th house governs matters pertaining father. This is how one could have a lot of care from the father even while one’s father is facing difficulties. In the Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra, Ch. 11: Judgement of Houses, father is indicated by the 10th house and Chapter 12: Effects of Houses, father is indicated by the 9th house. The actions of one's father and his place are judged from the tenth house in Varaha Mihira: Daivagyna Vallabha, Chapter 2. Umang Taneja’s opinion is to take 9th when native is dependent on father and 10th when native is not dependent on father. 2. It is a common practice of both KP and Vedic astrologers to consider the 9th house to represent the father. (Appendix- 1) The better and accurate results of 9th house for father are also supported by a KP study of 40 charts for the joint dasa period of death of father inflicted by Badhaka, Maraka and Moksha significators, a Vedic study of 10 cases by R. Santhanam on “Premature Loss of Father”, 9th house and Sun for father, and another Vedic study of 10 cases by Liana Haywath “Casting Father’s Unknown Horoope from Children’s Charts” . The reasons are as given under: 1.In the ancient Hindu culture, one’s father used to give his knowledge to his offspring as a guru. In this light, dhama, pita (father) and guru are all seen from the 9th house; 2.As the 10th house is taken for profession, name, fame, leaving it, the 9th house is taken for father; 3.Counting the 9th house as the 1st, the 5th there from indicates the native. (However, such counting is not applicable to the 4th house of mother.) 3. Only some astrologers take 10th house for father. (Appendix- 2) By taking the 9th house for father, promotion as a result of 10th house is Maraka for the parents. (10th is 2nd for 9th and 7th for 4th.) However, some argue mainly by counting house to house like M.P. Shanmugam that if the 4th house denotes mother, the 7th from 4th i.e., 10th would be more appropriate to denote father as taken by the Westerners. KP Ezine
May 2014
APPENDIX- 1: 9th HOUSE FOR FATHER (KP & VEDIC) 1. Bhavartha Ratnakara by Ramanujacarya, Chapter 7 2. Bhrigu Sutras by Rishi Bhrigu, Part 2 3. Gopala Daivagna by Gopala Ratnakara 4. Jataka Parijata by Vaidyanatha Dikshita, Adhyaya XIV, sloka 65 5. Mansagari 6. Phaladeepika by Mantreswara 7. Saravali by Kalyana Varma, Chapter 30 8. Satya Jataka by Satyacharya, Adhyaya 1, Shloka 22 9. Deva Keralam 10.Uttarakalamritam by Kalidasa 11.Ansari Z.: Dasha Nirnay, Vimshottari Dasha, A Mystery, 1999, p 35 12.Baskaran, K: Principles of Cuspal Interlinks, 2000, p 207 13.Bhatt, Chandrakant R.: Nakshatra Chintamani, 1992, p 26 14.Ganapathi, K.P. Kuppu: Matters Controlled by Bhava, KPE-zine, April 2007 15. 14 Hariharan, K: How to Judge Longevity, 1997, p 38 16.Khullar, S P: Horary Astrology, 2006, p 320 17. Krishnamurti, KS: KP Reader II, p 209; KP Reader III, pp 147-8 (Old Edition, pp 140-1); KP Reader V, p 147-8 (1983 Edition, p 140-41); KP Reader VI pp 85, 119, 260 18. Kumar, T. Rajendra: Enigmatic Horoscopes & Mysterious Keys, K.P. & Astrology Year Book, 2004, p 26 19.Nayar, M.G.G.: K.P. & Education, Astrosecrets & KP Part II, 2003, p 2 20.Dr. Arastu Prabhakar: New Dimensions of K.P. Astrology, 2007, p 54 21. Raichur, A: Mother is always by Moon, and 4th house. Father is represented by 9th house and Sun. 22.Sattainathan, Kousalya: KP’s Astrology & Prime Ministers, 2000, pp 16-20, 71-74, 120, 23. Subramaniam, K.M.(Sublord Speaks): More about the Twelve Bhavasa, K.P. & Astrology Year Book 1997, p 56 24.Subramaniam, K: Astrology & Education, 2004, p 99 25.Taneja, Umang: a/ Prashna (Nadi Astrology) p 8; b/ Textbook of Astrology, 2001, p 130 26.Agarwal, G S: Practical Predictive Astrology, 2002, p 117 27.Behari, Bepin: The Timing of Events, 2002, p 135 28.Bhasin, J N: Art of Prediction, 2002, p 42; Sapta Rishi Nadi , 1992, p 59 29.Bloomfield,. Andrew: How to Practice Vedic Astrology, 2003 30. Braha, James: a/ Ancient Hindu Astrology for the Modern Western Astrologer, 1986, p 39; b/ The Art and Practice of Ancient Hindu Astrology, 2001, p. 378 31.Charak, Dr. K S: Elements of Vedic Astrology, 1995, p 94 32.Chatterjee, Dr. S.S.:Advanced Predictive Astrology, Vol I, 2003, p 258 33.Choudhry, V K: System’s Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes, 2002, p 48 34.Chugh, S: Timing of Events, 1996, p 13 35.Frawley, D: Astrology of the Seers, 2000, p 126 36.Hawthorne, David, V K Choudhry: Astrology for Life, 2000, p 23 37. Haywath, Liana: Casting Father’s Unknown Horoope from Children’s Charts in “Empirical Insights in Vedic Atrology” edited by R.K. Wishwakarma, 1999, p 27 38.Houck, Richard: The Astrology of Death, 1994, p. 223 39. Kedar, M N: Judgment of Bhavas & Timing of Events through Dasa and Transit, 1999, p 33 40.Mehta, M S: Planets and Travel Abroad, 1996, p 12 41.Patel, C S: Predicting Through Navamsa & Nadi Astrology,1996, p 14 42.Raman, . B.V.: How to Judge a Horoscope Vol. II, 2003, p 190 43. Rao, K N: Timing Events Through Vimshottari Dasha, 1995, p 25-26 http:// 44. Rath, Sanjay: Crux of Vedic Astrology, 1998, p 368 45. Santhanam, R.: Essentials of Predictive Hindu Astrology, 2003, p 45-55 46. Sastri, P.S.: Text Book of Scientific Hindu Astrology, Vol 1, p 256 KP Ezine
May 2014
47. Sharma, Chandrashekher: Vedic Astrology Demystified, 2007 48. Barat, Laura: 49. Berger, Ron: 50. Buckwalter, Eleanor: sagittarius/ninth.htm 51. Chowdhary, SP: 52. Chowdhury, T: 53. Crowther, Sandy: 54. Dadhich: 55. Das, Shyamasundara: wiva_yantra.pdf 56. DiCara, Victor Damien: 57. Fyfe, John R.: 58. Goravani, Das: 59. Juneja, N: 60. Kohli, Bob: 61. Kumar, G: 62. Kumar, Govind: 63. Lama, Barbara Pijan: 64. Maini, Harminder: 65. Manley, Vaughn Paul: 66. Naras, Paul: 67. Nath, Onkar: 68. Neuzil, Jiri: 69. Patry, Joni: 70. Rayudu, PVR: 71. Schoenfeld, Alan: 72. Sharma, Marisha: 73. Starsinger, Jewell: 74. Sudhanshu, Dr. Rajendra Raaj: 75. Tata, S.P.: 76. Ullal, Chakrapani: 77. Vasram, Vinod: 78. Vratham, Swamy: 79. Yavnacharya: 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. APPENDIX- 2: 10TH HOUSE FOR FATHER (KP & VEDIC) 1. Fouw, Hart de & Svoboda, Robert: Light on Life, 2003, p 144 2. Maheshri, Jagdish C, Ph.D.: It’s All in Timing, 1997, p 26 Parashar, Dr. A.P. &. Parashar, Dr. V.K: Explore the Power of Astrology Trikona-2, 2007,,45,a,0,USD,0,a/isbn=9788178061368/ KP Ezine
May 2014
EXPLORE+THE+POWER+OF+ASTROLOGY+TRIKONA-2/index.html 4. Shanmugam, M.P.: Astrosecrets & KP Part I, 2003, pp 79-80 5. Buckwalter, Eleanor: 6. Chaitanya: 7. Garg, Sandeep: 8. Karekar, Dr. Rajiv C.: 9. Kulkarni, Shrikar: 10. Naveen, H. N.: 11. Vasicek, Wendy: 12. Veno: 13. 14. 14. 15. 16. Question- 3: KP Significators I could not be able to understand how to find the significators especially the house significators. Where can I get detailed lessons with examples? In Bhatt's book, also it is confusing for me. Please help to understand. Answer- 3: Example Birth Horoscope No. 1 (Chandrakant R. Bhatt’s Nakshatra Chintamani, page 1) Male, 7 July 1912, Saturday, 20:41 P.M. I.S.T.,23° N 2', 72° E 35', Ayanamsa 22° 32'
:2 5
Ra 24 Pi 36
: II
:2 1
Sa 07:30 V 21:44
44 e G Su 22 Ge 34 Ve 23 Ge 00
Me 13 Cn 02 Ma 01 Le 40
VI 15:44 Su 22:34 Ve 23:00
VII 12:40 Me 13:02 Sc
II 19:44 44
Ju(R) 14 Sc 02
: VI
Sa 07 Ta 30 Ta
IV 25:44
Mo 21:49
6 V
III 25:44
1 XI
4 5
I 12:40
Ma 01:40 VIII 19:44
11 10
40 II VI
Ke 24 Vi 36
XII 15:44
5V i4 4
XI 21:44 Ju(R) 14:02
X 25:44
Ke 24:36 IX 25:44
Continue on Next Page:——
KP Ezine
May 2014
Star Lord and Sub Lord of Planets and Cusps Cusps
Planets Planet
Ju R
+ No planet in their stars
Cusps and Houses 1. The beginning degree of each house is called cusp. A house begins from the concerned cusp and ends at the next cusp. The cuspal degrees are like boundaries of the house. In the above Example Birth Horoscope No. 1, the 1st or Ascendant cusp is 12°Cap25' , 2nd cusp 19°Aq44' , 3rd cusp 25°Pi44' , and so on. The range of 1st house is from 1st cusp 12° Cap25' to 2nd cusp 19°Aq44' with dimension of 37° 19 ' ; 2nd house is from 2nd cusp 19° Aq44' to 3rd cusp 25°Pi44' with dimension of 36° ; 3rd house is from 3rd cusp 25°Pi44' to 4th cusp 25°Ar44' with dimension of 30° ; 4th house is from 4th cusp 25°Ar44' to 5th cusp 21°Ta28' with dimension of 25° 44 ' , and so on, by counting from a cusp to the next cusp. As shown above, the dimension of each house is different in a KP chart. A house may be less or greater than 30° due to the application of the unequal Placidus House system. 2. The lord of the house is the lord of rasi sign where the concerned cusp is located. In the above example chart, the 1st or Asc. cusp is located in Capricorn sign, and so the Capricorn sign lord Saturn is the lord of the Asc or 1st house. Since the 2nd cusp falls in Aquarius, the lord of 2nd house is the Aquarius sign lord Saturn; the 3rd cusp falls in Pisces, the lord of 3rd house is the Pisces sign lord Jupiter, and and so on. Location of Planets in Houses 3. In the above example chart, since the 1st house is from 1st cusp 12°Cap25' to 2nd cusp 19°Aq44' no planet is found located in the 1st house. The 2nd house is from 2nd cusp 19° Aq44' to 3rd cusp 25°Pi44' , and Moon at 21°Pi49' and Rahu at 24°Pi36’ are found located in the 2nd house. Moon and Rahu are the occupant of 2nd house. The 3rd house is from 3rd cusp 25°Pi44' to 4th cusp 25°Ar44' , and no planet is found located in the 3rd house. The 4th house is from 4th cusp 25°Ar44' to 5th cusp 21°Ta28' and so Saturn at 7°Ar30' is found located in the 4th house or Saturn is the occupant of 4th house, and so on. Order of Significators 4. The order of grade A to E significators is as follows: ♦Planets in the star of the occupant of house; ♦Occupant of house; ♦Planets in the star of house owner; ♦House owner; ♦Planets which are in conjunction with or aspected by the above significators.
KP Ezine
May 2014
Tables of Basic Significators 5. For the above example chart, the planet-wise and house-wise significators are compiled in the following tables. Basic Significators Tab 1: Planet-wise Significators
Tab 2: House-wise Significators
3 4
Mo,Ra, Ke
9 10
Me Mo
A = Planet in Occupant’s stars B = Occupant of house C = Planets in owners’ stars D = House owner + Planets having no planet in their stars * Very close to the next cusp within 3° 20' orb 6. In compiling the above Table 1 of planet-wise basic significators, Sun as the occupant of 6th house (significator B) and owner of 8th house (significator D), and Sun’s star lord Jupiter, as the occupant of 10th house and owner of 3rd , 12th houses, are filled up in the row for Sun. Similarly, Moon as the occupant of 2nd house (significator B) and owner of 7th house (significator D), and Moon’s star lord Mercury, as the occupant of 7th house and owner of 6th, 9th houses, are noted down in the row for Moon. Mars as the occupant of 7th house (significator B) and owner of 4th, 11th houses (significator D), and Mars’s star lord Ketu, as the occupant of 8th house are filled up in the row for Mars , and so on. 7. The house-wise basic significators in Table 2 are derived from the planet-wise basic significators in Table 1. It can be found in the above Table 1 that the 1st house significators are none in the grade A and B columns, but Mercury and Jupiter in grade C column and Saturn in grade D column are found as the 1st house significators, and so they are accordingly noted down in the Table 2 as shown above. The 2nd house significators are none in grade A column, but Moon and Rahu are found in grade B column, Mercury and Jupiter in grade C column and Saturn in grade D column as 2nd house significators, and they are filled up in the Table 2 accordingly. The 3rd house significators are none in grade A and B columns, but Sun and Venus in grade C column and Jupiter in grade D column are found as 3rd house significator, which are noted accordingly in the Table 2, and so on. KP Ezine
May 2014
Significators of Rahu/Ketu 8. The above charts details and the basic significators are the common print-out of any KP software. For Rahu/Ketu, the computerized table of significators usually shows its positional house and the houses occupied and owned by its star lord only. In addition its signification by the aspecting and conjoined planets and the sign lord by its location are to be considered. In the above example chart, Rahu is conjoined with Moon, occupant of 2nd house, owner of 7th house; aspected by Mars, occupant of 7th house and owner of 4th , 11th houses and aspected by Jupiter/ Rahu’s Pisces sign lord Jupiter, occupant of 10th house, owner of 3rd , 12th houses, are also to be consider. For Ketu, its Virgo sign lord Mercury, occupant of 7th house and owner of 6th. 9th houses are also to be considered. Grade E Significators by Conjunction/Aspects 9. Planets which are in conjunction with or aspected by the Grade A, B, C, D significato are very weak significators, and they are used as the last resort only. Other Significators 10. If there is no planet in the stars of a planet, that planet becomes the strong significators of houses for which it is the cuspal sub lord CSL). In the above example chart, there is no planet in the stars of Moon, but Moon is not the CSL of any house, and so there is no additional house signification for Moon. There is no planet in the stars of Venus, and Venus is the the CSL of 5th , 6th and 11th houses, and so Venus becomes the strong significator of these three houses. There is no planet in the stars of Rahu, and Rahu is the the CSL of 1st , 3rd, 8th and 9th houses, and so Rahu becomes the strong significators of these four houses. 11. If a planet is located very close to the next cusp within 3° 20' orb, that planet may become the significator of next house. In the above example chart, Rahu at 24°Pi36' is physically located in the 2nd house, but very close to the next 3rd cusp 25°Pi44' within 3° 20' orb, and so it may also give the results of next 3rd house. Similarly Ketu at 24°Vi36' is physically located in the 8th house, but very close to the next 9th cusp 25°Vi44' within 3° 20' orb, and so it may also give the results of next 9th house. 12. Finally it is very important to consider the significators of the CSLs and the DasaBhukti- Antra- Sookshma lords not only at the planet and star lord levels, as shown above, but also at the sub level by occupation and ownership, according to the following fundamental principles of KP. “The planet signifies the source of the matter. The star lord of the planet reveals the nature of the results of the matter. The sub lord of the planet shows as the deciding factor whether the matter is favorable or not.” 13. If the significators of sub lord is not considered, it is not KP because KP is the sub lord theory only, nothing else. 14. In the above example chart, Sun is the occupant of 6th house, owner of 8th house, in the star of Jupiter, occupant of 10th house, owner of 3rd , 12th house, and in the sub of Saturn, occupant of 4th house, owner of 1st , 2nd houses. Whether a planet is the CSL or dasa period lord it’s significators are to be considered at the planet, its star and sub levels. Suggested Readings 1) Compilation of significator tables: 1) KP Reader I, p 136 2) KP Reader III, pp 342-343 (1971 original edition pp 174-175) 3) KP Reader IV, p 110 KP Ezine
May 2014
4) KP Reader V, p 154 (1971 original edition p 149) 5) KP Reader VI, pp 184, 193, 288 2. Chandrakant R. Bhatt: Nakshatra Chintamani, pp 1-4, 11, 14-18 3. KP for Beginners- Part 5 (Significators), in KP-Ezine August 2008 issue or KP Navrtnamala part- 2 (Revised), free download at Question- 4: KP Software Sir, I am regularly reading the articles published in kp-ezine magzine by shri Kanak Bosima. I want to know which kp software is used by you in your articles, I have keen interest in this astrology and need a good software. I have seen advertisement of kpastro 4.1, but it is available in different types costing from Rs 3500 to Rs17000. Please guide me for beginning which software I should use... Answer- 4: 1. KPAstro software has been used in publishing the articles in the KP-Ezine magazine. For KP beginners the basic type of KPAstro 4.1 is enough at the beginning, and other options can be added later depending on their needs. 2. KPAstro 4.1 is not only very accurate by using NASA based Swiss ephemeris but also automatically providing the correct time zone and latitude/longitude of birth place by using the ACS atlas after just entering birth details. Free KP SWs (Swiss ephemeris is used) (Swiss ephemeris, but mainly meant for Vedic) (Jyotishya Deepika, Swiss ephemeris) (online) (online) (Astro Dienst, Swiss ephemeris and ACS atlas, online, only sayana or nirayana cuspal and planetary positions using Lahiri ayanamsa) Paid KP SWs (Swiss ephemeris and ACS atlas , also KB) (Swiss ephemeris) Question-5: KP for Beginners Where can I get a copy of your series of articles KP for Beginners that you wrote for KP Ezine? Answer- 5: KP Navrtnamala part-2 (Revised): " KP for Beginners articles & House Grouping articles by Tin Win" in the e-book form of 91 pages is available to download from the link below:
KP Ezine
May 2014
KP Ezine
May 2014
Book ReviewStock Market Astrology & Astrological Theory of Business Cycles By: Tin Win
[email protected]
Stock Market Astrology & Astrological Theory of Business Cycles by Indrodeep Banerjee Sagar Publications, 2009, Pages: pp. xv + 199
“Stock Market Astrology & Astrological theory of Business Cycles” is another Vedic work on the astrological influences on stock markets and the princes, with a different approach KP Ezine
May 2014
from “Vedic Astrology- Stock Market Analysis by Jyotish Vachaspathi, R. G. Krishnan”, which was reviewed in the last month April issue. The fundamental idea behind this book was that the stock markets are governed by the investor sentiments of greed and fear and the fact remains true that all the human sentiments, whether the sentiment of greed or fear, are governed by the astrological influences on the human brains, which drives the brain to take any buying or selling decision in the markets. In this book the implications of all the planetary transits, along with the transit of the Moon through each of the 27 Nakshatras, are explained with real examples of intraday trading. Influence of any particular planet gets intensified during certain particular hours of a day which is known as Hora. Formulating the trading strategies in intraday with the help of Hora is explained with the real examples of intraday trading. An additional method for timing the price movements is also explained with the help of micro projection of the Vimshottari Dasha system. The intraday, short term and long term price movement in the stock prices for 30 different sectors of the market and the principles for determining the movements in gold prices and in crude oil prices have been explained in the book. The relationship between the astrological phenomenon and the business cycles has been thoroughly discussed with the help of historical evidences of major economic recessions, including great depression of 1930 and subprime mortgage crisis of 2008. The prediction for the forthcoming periods of economic recessions has also been made. Many such useful astrological principles that have been discussed in the book may be useful for any astrologer seriously interested in predicting the stock markets. Contents Preface I. Introduction to Astrological Concept of Stock Market Trading II. The Fundamentals & Principles Used in the Astrological Analysis of the Stock Markets III. Sectors of Stock Market IV. Planets and Market Sectors V. Ruling Signs and Market Sectors VI. Sector Wise Predicting the Intraday, Short Term & Long Term Market Outlook : 1. Agriculture & Agro industries Sector 2. Automobile Sector 3. Aviation Sector 4. Banking & Financial Sector 5. Capital Goods Sector 6. Cement Sector 7. Crude Oil & Gas Sector 8. Eatable Oil Sector 9. Educational Sector 10.Essential Oils and Perfumeries Sector 11.Exports Sector 12.FMCG Sector 13.Gems & Jewellery Sector 14.Health Care Sector 15.Hospitality Sector 16.infrastructure Sector KP Ezine
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17.IT Sector 18.Leather & Footwear Sector 19.Media & Entertainment Sector 20.Metal Sector 21.Paints Sector 22.Pharmaceutical Sector 23.Power Sector 24.Publication Sector 25.Realty Sector 26.Shipping Sector 27.Sugar Sector 28.Telecommunication Sector 29.Textile Sector Travel & Tourism Sector 1 VII. Transit of Planets Through Twelve Signs of Zodiac : 1. Transit of Sun 2. Transit of Moon 3. Transit of Mars 4. Transit of Mercury 5. Transit of Jupiter 6. Transit of Venus 7. Transit of Saturn 8. Transit of Uranus 9. Transit of Neptune 10.Transit of Pluto 11.Transit of Rahu (North Node) 12. Transit of Ketu (South Node) VIII. Practical Intraday Trading with the Transit of Moon Through 27 Nakshatras IX. Aspects of Planets X. Practical Strategies of Intraday Trading with Hora-The Planetary Hours XI. Opening Bell Chart of Stock Market XII. Planetary Progressions (Grah Dashas) in Opening Bell Chart XIII. Twelve Stock Market Houses in Opening Bell Chart XIV. Reading the Opening Bell Chart : 1.Planets in First House 2.Planets in Second House 3.Planets in Third House 4.Planets in Fourth House 5.Planets in Fifth House 6.Planets in Sixth House 7.Planets in Seventh House 8.Planets in Eighth House 9.Planets in Ninth House 10.Planets in Tenth House 11.Planets in Eleventh House 12. Planets in Twelfth House XV. Business Cycles : 1. Astrological Periodicities in Business Cycles 2. Sun Spot Theory of Business Cycle XVI. Astrological Theory of Business Cycles : 1. Astrological Theory of Business Cycles 2. Historical Evidences of Major Economic Recessions, Including Great Depression of 1930
KP Ezine
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A.D. & Subprime Mortgage Crisis of 2008 A.D.; Confirming the Astrological Theory of Business Cycles 3. Watch-out List of Forthcoming Combinations for Economic Recessions as per Astrological Theory of Business Cycles XVII. Astrological Analysis of Gold Price Cycles XVIII. Astrological Analysis of Crude Oil Price Cycles XIX. Diwali Muhrat Trading: the Annual Trend indicator For the Stock Markets XX. Study of Correlation Between the Stock Markets and the Gold Prices
KP Ezine
May 2014
Planetary Positions For May 2014 Ahmedabad Date
Ar 16:35:13
Ta 07:40:56
Vi 17:26:37
Ar 22:17:15
Ge 21:00:03
Pi 03:42:13
Li 26:46:48
Li 03:56:46
Ar 03:56:46
Pi 20:05:49
Aq 13:12:11
Sg 19:32:59
Ar 17:33:29
Ta 20:23:46
Vi 17:12:04
Ar 24:25:28
Ge 21:09:04
Pi 04:50:08
Li 26:42:23
Li 03:53:35
Ar 03:53:35
Pi 20:08:57
Aq 13:13:26
Sg 19:32:29
Ar 18:31:43
Ge 02:50:53
Vi 16:58:15
Ar 26:32:50
Ge 21:18:12
Pi 05:58:09
Li 26:37:57
Li 03:50:24
Ar 03:50:24
Pi 20:12:04
Aq 13:14:38
Sg 19:31:58
Ar 19:29:55
Ge 15:04:20
Vi 16:45:11
Ar 28:39:02
Ge 21:27:26
Pi 07:06:16
Li 26:33:29
Li 03:47:14
Ar 03:47:14
Pi 20:15:11
Aq 13:15:49
Sg 19:31:25
Ar 20:28:05
Ge 27:07:04
Vi 16:32:53
Ta 00:43:47
Ge 21:36:47
Pi 08:14:29
Li 26:29:01
Li 03:44:03
Ar 03:44:03
Pi 20:18:15
Aq 13:16:58
Sg 19:30:51
Ar 21:26:13
Cn 09:02:46
Vi 16:21:21
Ta 02:46:47
Ge 21:46:15
Pi 09:22:48
Li 26:24:32
Li 03:40:52
Ar 03:40:52
Pi 20:21:19
Aq 13:18:05
Sg 19:30:15
Ar 22:24:19
Cn 20:55:43
Vi 16:10:36
Ta 04:47:47
Ge 21:55:48
Pi 10:31:13
Li 26:20:03
Li 03:37:41
Ar 03:37:41
Pi 20:24:21
Aq 13:19:11
Sg 19:29:37
Ar 23:22:24
Le 02:50:30
Vi 16:00:39
Ta 06:46:30
Ge 22:05:28
Pi 11:39:43
Li 26:15:32
Li 03:34:30
Ar 03:34:30
Pi 20:27:22
Aq 13:20:14
Sg 19:28:58
Ar 24:20:26
Le 14:51:51
Vi 15:51:30
Ta 08:42:45
Ge 22:15:14
Pi 12:48:18
Li 26:11:02
Li 03:31:20
Ar 03:31:20
Pi 20:30:21
Aq 13:21:16
Sg 19:28:17
Ar 25:18:26
Le 27:04:18
Vi 15:43:09
Ta 10:36:17
Ge 22:25:06
Pi 13:56:59
Li 26:06:31
Li 03:28:09
Ar 03:28:09
Pi 20:33:19
Aq 13:22:16
Sg 19:27:35
Ar 26:16:25
Vi 09:31:57
Vi 15:35:35
Ta 12:26:58
Ge 22:35:04
Pi 15:05:45
Li 26:02:00
Li 03:24:58
Ar 03:24:58
Pi 20:36:15
Aq 13:23:14
Sg 19:26:51
Ar 27:14:21
Vi 22:18:06
Vi 15:28:51
Ta 14:14:38
Ge 22:45:07
Pi 16:14:36
Li 25:57:29
Li 03:21:47
Ar 03:21:47
Pi 20:39:10
Aq 13:24:11
Sg 19:26:05
Ar 28:12:17
Li 05:24:56
Vi 15:22:54
Ta 15:59:10
Ge 22:55:16
Pi 17:23:32
Li 25:52:59
Li 03:18:36
Ar 03:18:36
Pi 20:42:03
Aq 13:25:05
Sg 19:25:18
Ar 29:10:10
Li 18:53:08
Vi 15:17:45
Ta 17:40:26
Ge 23:05:31
Pi 18:32:33
Li 25:48:28
Li 03:15:25
Ar 03:15:25
Pi 20:44:55
Aq 13:25:58
Sg 19:24:29
Ta 00:08:02
Sc 02:41:37
Vi 15:13:24
Ta 19:18:23
Ge 23:15:51
Pi 19:41:39
Li 25:43:59
Li 03:12:15
Ar 03:12:15
Pi 20:47:45
Aq 13:26:49
Sg 19:23:40
Ta 01:05:52
Sc 16:47:35
Vi 15:09:51
Ta 20:52:55
Ge 23:26:17
Pi 20:50:50
Li 25:39:30
Li 03:09:04
Ar 03:09:04
Pi 20:50:33
Aq 13:27:38
Sg 19:22:48
Ta 02:03:42
Sg 01:06:37
Vi 15:07:05
Ta 22:23:58
Ge 23:36:48
Pi 22:00:06
Li 25:35:01
Li 03:05:53
Ar 03:05:53
Pi 20:53:20
Aq 13:28:25
Sg 19:21:55
Ta 03:01:29
Sg 15:33:19
Vi 15:05:06
Ta 23:51:29
Ge 23:47:24
Pi 23:09:27
Li 25:30:34
Li 03:02:43
Ar 03:02:43
Pi 20:56:06
Aq 13:29:11
Sg 19:21:01
Ta 03:59:16
Cp 00:02:01
Vi 15:03:54
Ta 25:15:25
Ge 23:58:05
Pi 24:18:52
Li 25:26:07
Li 02:59:32
Ar 02:59:32
Pi 20:58:49
Aq 13:29:54
Sg 19:20:06
Ta 04:57:02
Cp 14:27:32
Vi 15:03:28
Ta 26:35:43
Ge 24:08:51
Pi 25:28:21
Li 25:21:41
Li 02:56:21
Ar 02:56:21
Pi 21:01:31
Aq 13:30:36
Sg 19:19:09
Ta 05:54:46
Cp 28:45:46
Vi 15:03:48
Ta 27:52:20
Ge 24:19:43
Pi 26:37:55
Li 25:17:17
Li 02:53:10
Ar 02:53:10
Pi 21:04:11
Aq 13:31:15
Sg 19:18:10
Ta 06:52:29
Aq 12:53:54
Vi 15:04:53
Ta 29:05:12
Ge 24:30:39
Pi 27:47:33
Li 25:12:54
Li 02:50:00
Ar 02:50:00
Pi 21:06:49
Aq 13:31:53
Sg 19:17:11
Ta 07:50:11
Aq 26:50:23
Vi 15:06:44
Ge 00:14:18
Ge 24:41:39
Pi 28:57:15
Li 25:08:33
Li 02:46:49
Ar 02:46:49
Pi 21:09:25
Aq 13:32:29
Sg 19:16:10
Ta 08:47:53
Pi 10:34:36
Vi 15:09:19
Ge 01:19:32
Ge 24:52:45
Ar 00:07:01
Li 25:04:13
Li 02:43:38
Ar 02:43:38
Pi 21:11:59
Aq 13:33:03
Sg 19:15:07
Ta 09:45:33
Pi 24:06:28
Vi 15:12:39
Ge 02:20:52
Ge 25:03:55
Ar 01:16:51
Li 24:59:54
Li 02:40:27
Ar 02:40:27
Pi 21:14:31
Aq 13:33:34
Sg 19:14:04
Ta 10:43:12
Ar 07:26:04
Vi 15:16:43
Ge 03:18:14
Ge 25:15:10
Ar 02:26:45
Li 24:55:38
Li 02:37:16
Ar 02:37:16
Pi 21:17:02
Aq 13:34:04
Sg 19:12:59
Ta 11:40:50
Ar 20:33:30
Vi 15:21:30
Ge 04:11:34
Ge 25:26:29
Ar 03:36:42
Li 24:51:24
Li 02:34:06
Ar 02:34:06
Pi 21:19:30
Aq 13:34:32
Sg 19:11:53
Ta 12:38:27
Ta 03:28:43
Vi 15:27:00
Ge 05:00:46
Ge 25:37:53
Ar 04:46:43
Li 24:47:12
Li 02:30:55
Ar 02:30:55
Pi 21:21:57
Aq 13:34:58
Sg 19:10:45
Ta 13:36:03
Ta 16:11:42
Vi 15:33:13
Ge 05:45:48
Ge 25:49:21
Ar 05:56:48
Li 24:43:03
Li 02:27:44
Ar 02:27:44
Pi 21:24:21
Aq 13:35:23
Sg 19:09:37
Ta 14:33:38
Ta 28:42:33
Vi 15:40:08
Ge 06:26:33
Ge 26:00:53
Ar 07:06:55
Li 24:38:56
Li 02:24:33
Ar 02:24:33
Pi 21:26:43
Aq 13:35:45
Sg 19:08:28
Ta 15:31:12
Ge 11:01:49
Vi 15:47:43
Ge 07:02:59
Ge 26:12:29
Ar 08:17:06
Li 24:34:51
Li 02:21:23
Ar 02:21:23
Pi 21:29:03
Aq 13:36:05
Sg 19:07:17
May 2014