
November 15, 2017 | Author: Abu Al-alaa Al-maari | Category: Combat Sports, Japanese Martial Arts, East Asian Martial Arts, Sports, Nature
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Koto Ryu

Tiger Knocking Down School


Koto Ryu Koppojutsu Kurai Dori Kamae 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Ichimonji No Kamae Seigan No Kamae Hira Ichimonji No Kamae Hoko No Kamae Bobbi No Kamae

Shoden No Kata 1. Yokuto 2. Ogyaku 3. Koyoku 4. Shuto 5. Hosoku 6. Hote Ki 7. Setto 8. Keto 9. Saku Geki 10. Batsugi 11. Gan Geki 12. Shato 13. Shikaku 14. Kyogi 15. Kako 16. Ura Nami 17. Ten Chi 18. Katamaki

Chuden No Kata 1. Hida 2. Hisaku 3. Hicho 4. Hito 5. Kappi 6. Monpi 7. Suito 8. Gohi 9. He Hi 10. Teki Gaeshi 11. Koto 12. Kakuhi

Okuden No Kata 1. Santo


2. Santo 3. Koto 4. Shisen 5. Kompi 6. Sho Setsu 7. So Setsu 8. Soto 9. Ko No Ki 10. Kimon 11. Ransetsu 12. Ura Kimon

Hekito No Kata 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Soku Boku Boku Ken Damara Shur Iki Kibo Batsu Yu Seki Ryoku Kahi


KOTO RYU KOPPOJUTSU ATEMI NO TANREN (Strike training) For Atemi training wrap straw around a tree, and place cloth over the straw. In the old days animal skin was used. A concentration of the mind body, and the spirit are to be expressed in the fist. This same principle is used when the training of the five fingers is under taken. Proper foot work will increase the power of the strikes. Your head becomes a weapon (kikaku ken), your body becomes a weapon (Tai ken). Training is needed to make every part of your body a weapon. When doing the three finger striking, you may feel that your strike is not strong enough, so then you must apply a kick with it. Also kick with both legs at the same time. If you lose your balance roll away. 1. From Seigan no kamae, strike the tree with Fudo Ken (Thumb on top). Step back to Seigan and repeat. 2. From Seigan strike the tree with Fudo Ken, Shukki (no step), Shuto (no step). Step back to Seigan and repeat. 3. From Hoko no kamae, keep the knees bent, and with switch stepping, strike the tree, with Shako ken. 4. Size up the distance with the right hand, and foot forwards. Yoko Aruki with the left foot, and strike with a left Boshi ken. Yoko Aruki back, and right Boshi ken. Repeat. NOTE: The right foot does not move. 5.


Step forwards, and strike with Kikaku ken. The left leg then comes up and kicks with the inside edge of the foot (from the ankle anywhere up to the chest). Two steps back and repeat. 6. Strike with San Shitan Ken (Thumb two fingers), with the left foot forward, striking with the right hand. The hand is held head high during the striking (Feet do not move). 7. As Number 6. After the strike use a combination of San Shitan Ken, and a kick with the right foot (toe point out) Tsuki - Tsuki - Keri Tsuki - Keri - Tsuki Tsuki - Tsuki / Keri - Tsuki. 8. From standing launch yourself upwards, and kick at chest height with a right or left Sokuyaku. Also two feet. If you fall roll backwards



(Body movement) Taihenjutsu is very important for the martial artist. The key point of the Taihenjutsu is that you use it escape, from the attack. The Taihenjutsu can be used to attack. There are many variations of Taihenjutsu. The straw covered beam is held thigh height. 1. Sanshin keri. Hicho Kaiten over the beam, and throw shuriken. 2. Sanshin Keri. Hicho Kaiten over the beam. Turn around, and Hicho Kaiten back over the beam. Finish in a low Kamae. 3. Hoko no kamae. Sanshin keri. Drop down to one knee, and Tsuki under the beam. Step back to the side of the beam.

Kurai Dori Kamae (Taking proper position) 6


HIDARI SEIGAN NO KAMAE (Ichimonji no Kamae) Figure 1 posture

The left leg is forward, and slightly bent. The left arm is straight out pointing at Ukes face, and the hand is in Fudo ken. The right hand is in Shuto, and is held above the left bicep with the palm face towards the face. NOTE: Ichimonji no Kamae, has the rear hand in Shuto. “In Koto Ryu” for Migi Seigan, your hand is placed in front of you, pointing at the adversary, and the left hand is placed in such a way that protects you from potential attack. Even though this is Migi Seigan no kamae, in reality your mind and heart can assume Kage no kamae (Shadow position), which can be Ichimonji no kamae, Hoko no kamae etc. You are ready for any type of attack. Since this is called Kurai Dori, foot positioning becomes very important, and is crucial for proper distancing. This will help freedom of movement. 2.

MIGI SEIGAN NO KAMAE Correct eye stance

The Kamae is the same as Hidari Seigan no kamae, but in Migi. NOTE: If the feet are not capable of moving then this is not a true Seigan. For the Seigan no kamae, the lead hand is placed so that it will protect you. Even though you are in this kamae, your heart and mind must be in Kage Kamae (Shadow posture). As You can see, this left Seigan no kamae is different from the illustration you saw before. This posture is what your heart is feeling. With this posture, you attack and strike the hidden target. 3.


Flat figure 1 posture The arms are held out to the side of the body, shoulder height. The left sole of the foot rests on the inside of the right calf. Hands are in Shuto NOTE: With the Hira Ichimonji no kamae, you must imagine yourself to be a spinning top, striking out as you spin. A top in motion flies away tangentially from what hits it, and continues to spin.



HOKO NO KAMAE Bear receiving posture.

The left foot is slightly forwards, and the body is very upright. The hands are held above the head in Shako Ken. The whole posture looks as though you are holding a large ball. The weight ratio is 70/30 forwards. Make yourself look big. NOTE: Make yourself look bigger”. You are showing yourself to the enemy, and saying “I will protect myself no matter what”. When some animals meet their enemy, they threaten the enemy by making their body look bigger than what it is. This posture is good for a small person, and the attitude for this posture is, “I will defend myself no matter what happens, attack whenever you want”. Your centre of gravity is balanced in the air 5.


The body is more up right than Ichimonji, and is side on to Uke. The right hand is at the obi, in a Fudo Ken., the left hand points directly in a straight line at Uke. You can also face straight on to Uke. NOTE: This posture contains the mental attitude - Come anytime. The foot positioning of the Koto Ryu is very important in Kamae. It will also help with distancing. This will also give you freedom of movement. Right hand is in front and left hand is on the hip. You are ready for any attack any time. Since this is Kurai Dori “Proper positioning’ your foot must follow the orbit of victory.

Kamae No Tanren (Kamae training) 1.



Hidari Ichimonji no kamae. As Uke kicks with the right foot, step out to the left, and catch the kick with the right hand. Turn to the right facing Uke, and kick with Sokugyaku keri into the back of the inside left thigh, or up into the base of the spine. From here drop the left foot into Ukes left (supporting leg) thigh. Kick and/or push him to the ground. 2.


Hidari Seigan no kamae. As Uke moves forwards with a Jodan Tsuki, Yoko Aruki forwards, and form a low / flat Jumonji Dori (left under right). The left hand is at Butsumetsu, and the right under the forearm. Turn to the left so your back comes near his. Push with the hands and strike with a right Ura Shuto. 3.


From Hira Ichimonji no kamae, as Uke strikes turn to the right, and step back, and down with the raised right foot. The left hand slaps Ukes right elbow, and then slaps Hachi-Yo to the Yo. HENKA Turn to the left, and slam the right foot into Ukes ribs, and slapping Hoshi, then drop the foot onto him. 4.


As Uke strikes step forwards with the left foot. The left hand drops down onto Ukes hand pushing it down. The right hand goes to Mura Same with either Ryu Ken, or Shako Ken, and pushes into Kyusho NOTE: Both hands move together. 5.


As Uke strikes Yoko Aruki to the right with the left foot. The left hand comes without moving to Ukes face (Natural movement). Yoko Aruki to the left dropping below the arm, and strike with a right Fudo ken into Ukes Butsumetsu / Suigetsu.

SHODEN NO KATA (Initial transmission forms) 1. YOKUTO (Scooping and throwing)


Uke grabs Tori’s lapel with the right hand. Tori does a Sanshin type kick to Uke’s groin (bend the knees, and keep hold of his hand), and at the same time drives a right Boshi Ken or Koppo Ken in to Ukes Hadome. Tori then steps in with the left foot (the right moves back), and does a left Happa Ken to Asagasumi, sink down as you push NOTE: Also start from Ryote Mune Dori. When you push if you miss hit the nose. If you are close to Uke the Boshi Ken will damage the ear, grab the shoulder to pull Uke closer to you. The type of kick does not matter. The point of this technique is to strike both Asagasumi and Yugasumi. HENKA Uke is in Ichimonji no kamae and does a right Jodan Tsuki. Tori is in Shizen, and does a left Uke Nagashi. The rest is the same as in the Kata. HENKA Uke holds Tori in Kumi Uchi, and attempts a Seio Nage. Tori steps back with the right foot, and a open right hand comes over the top of Ukes left wrist (from the inside). Finish the same as the Kata. NOTE: The right foot, comes and swings in to the left at the top of the thigh. HENKA (Bojutsu) Uke holds Tori in Kumi Uchi. Tori is in Shizen Tai with the Bo. Tori steps out across to the right (leg is straight). The top of the Bo is close to the chin, the Bo is in line with the right leg. Tori pushes the tip of the Bo into Asagasumi. Tori does a right kick to Gorin, and steps with the left foot, and pushes with the left hand. The left hand grabs the top of the Bo, and strikes with a Do Uchi. NOTE: Also do the Do Uchi without pushing. 2.

OGYAKU Big lock

Uke tries to throw Tori with a Seionage. Tori leans backwards, and pushes his left hand in to Ukes back (middle of pelvis by the spine). Tori then does a Fudo ken or Boshi ken to Butsumetsu to drop him. NOTE: If you resist the throw and hold on he will throw you.


HENKA Practice lowering the hips to jam the throw and taking Uke down by pushing down on the back of his legs with the knees. HENKA Lower your weight as he tries to throw. Strike with Nio Ken to Shichibatsu, then pivot the hips and Nio Ken to the right Kaku (inside of the knee). Then strike with a Nio Ken upwards to Asagasumi. If you are close use Kikaku Ken to Men or Kasumi. 3.

KOYOKU Resistance

Uke does a right Jodan Tsuki, Tori does a left Jodan Uke (Nio Ken) without stepping. Tori the does a right Fudo Ken to Uke Butsumetsu or Kimon. The left arm stays with the block. Tori then shifts his weight from the right or leg to the left leg. Tori then steps forward with the right or left foot, keeping close to Ukes body, the left hand drops under Ukes arm. Tori’s left foot steps through, with or without a right step, Tori throws with either Ganseki, or a Aruki Seio (walking shoulder throw). NOTE: With his first attack unbalance him. As you walk take more of his balance. In this technique, use all intention of inflicting damage to Uke. The Ganseki can be dropping to the left knee and turning to the right. The first Nio ken stops him hitting you again. HENKA (Jutte) Hold the Jutte in the right hand, and do the Kata. When the Left hand comes up under Ukes right arm, the Jutte is held vertical with the shaft against the back of the muscle. Tori then grabs the top of the shaft with the right hand, pulling it to apply pressure, taking Uke straight down to the ground face down. 4.


Uke grabs both of Tori lapels. Tori does Ryote Koppo Ken to both sides of the ears (Kyusho 18/40/41), and applies pressure to the head for Uzimaki to finish. HENKA As above. Before the Uzimaki the left hand takes Ukes right hand, and does Omote Gyaku. Brace his arm on your right shin.



HOSOKU Taking and dropping

Uke grabs Toris lapel with the left hand, and does a right Jodan Tsuki (do this with no step, or step for Miai). Tori covers the grab, and does a left Jodan Uke to Jakkin. Tori then releases his right hand drops the right hand in Boshi ken (no step) to strike Koe. Uke groin moves back, and his head comes forward, Tori strikes Uke with Kikaku Ken. NOTE: Attack the nose, temple, jaw etc. Do not strike the forehead as this is too hard. HENKA Uke does a grab and Tsuki. Tori does a right Sokugyaku keri to the left Koe to lower his body, rise up the body weight, and do a Kikaku Ken downwards, attack as many targets as possible nose, lips, chin etc. HENKA Uke strikes with a right Jodan Tsuki, left Jodan Tsuki. Tori does a Left Jodan Uke. Then avoid to the left, do not move the feet position, and strike with a right Boshi Ken to Koe, and at the same time Kikaku Ken. NOTE: After the first block, leave the left hand in this position to guard against any other attacks. 6.

HOTE KI Release and throw

Uke grabs Tori’s lapel with the right hand. Tori checks Ukes hand with his left hand. Uke steps in with a left Jodan Tsuki. Tori shifts to the left inside of the Jodan Tsuki and strikes with a right Omote Shuto to the bicep area of Ukes grabbing arm. Tori then pulls the grab from the lapel, uses Kosshijutsu to Ukes arm with his right hand, turns to the right, with the arm across the front of Toris body, and throws with Seio Nage. NOTE: your body, and is very powerful. Footwork is crucial, with the hand grabbing the Kyusho in the arm. Can also start by hitting with open Ura Shuto to the Tsuki to Jakkin.


HENKA Uke holds Tori in Kumi Uchi. Uke tries Seionage. The left hand strikes Kasumi. Tori then does a Yoko Aruki to the left stepping across to Ukes left side (both face same way). Tori pulls Ukes hand, and arm above his head (bend the knees). Tori bars the elbow. The right leg is across Ukes left leg, and throws. HENKA Uke grabs the right wrist with the left hand. Tori does a Yoko Aruki across to the left, taking the hand with him, and does a left strike to the inside of the left wrist. Tori does a Yoko Aruki back to the right, and to the side of Uke. Finish as last HENKA (Bojutsu) Tori is in Shizen Tai. Uke grabs with the left hand, and does a right Tsuki. Tori steps out to the right, and a left Jodan Uke. Tori grabs the Bo with the left hand below the right hand. Tori turns to the left, so that the Bo is in front of him, and against the back of Ukes hand. The right leg is over Ukes left leg, and with the use of the Bo throws Uke. 7.

SETTO Break and drop

Uke grabs Toris lapel with the right hand. Tori checks this with the left hand. With a left step to the left Tori strikes with a right Omote Shuto to the inside of Ukes right bicep area. Tori then strikes with a left horizontal Boshi ken Butsumetsu. NOTE: If after the Shuto he still holds on, Lift the arm, and strike with Fudo Ken to Jakkin to break the elbow. The Boshi Ken is so that it goes between the ribs. HENKA Uke grabs the lapel with his right hand. Tori takes hold of the grab with the left hand from underneath. Tori then strikes with a right Boshi ken into the right Bicep, and with a right step forwards, slides it from there into Ukes right armpit. HENKA Uke does a right Jodan Tsuki. Tori steps back with the left foot and strikes with a right Boshi ken to the Jakkin. Tori then steps forward with the left foot, and strikes with a left Boshi ken to the armpit.



KETO Hook and topple

Uke grabs the lapels with both hands. Tori covers the hands, then strikes the backs of the hands with a downward raking Shikan Ken. Tori then kicks with the right foot, to Gorin. NOTE: Touch the backs of his hands lightly first before striking. HENKA Hold the hands from underneath in Take Ori. Step in with the left foot, and lift the wrist to bend Ukes arms at 90 degrees. Tori then Turns underneath so that he has his back to Uke (his wrists are crossed). Tori then throws Uke over the top, onto his back. Hold the wrist, and bend the fingers back. HENKA Cross the wrists over the top of his wrists. With a scissors action Tori does a Ryote Ura Shuto to Uke, followed by a right keri to the stomach. HENKA (Bojutsu) Uke does a Ryote Mune Dori. Tori lays the Bo over the top of Ukes wrists. Tori then shoves the Bo into Ukes face, by pushing it out, followed by a right keri. NOTE: It is the leg the does the work not the Bo 9.

SAKU GEKI Wrenching attack

Uke does a Ryote Mune Dori. Tori steps forward with the right foot, and strikes with a right Koppo Ken to Ukes Hadome, and then does a right sweeping kick to the inside of Ukes right calf. NOTE: The Koppo Ken is a vertical rising strike. Kick horizontally across the front of Uke and Tori. These two strikes must cross. This is important. HENKA


Uke does a attempts Ryote Mune Dori. Before he can grab you, move to the left and a right Sanshin Style Boshi ken to Asagasumi. Tori then does a right Mawashi keri to Uchi Kaku. Tori place the foot down behind Ukes foot. Tori steps out across to the left and draws his Katana as he steps cutting Uke down. 10.


Uke grabs Toris lapel with the right hand. Tori with his left hand, takes the hand in Omote Gyaku, and strikes with a right Goshintan Ken to the face. Tori pulls Ukes hand from the lapel, and starts the Omote Gyaku, and strikes to the inside of the bicep with a right Shukki, finish Omote Gyaku. HENKA Uke grabs Tori’s collar with the right hand. Tori steps out to the left and does a right Ura Shuto to Uko. If Uke’s grip is still strong, Tori sinks down, and places the right arm under Ukes arm in Hiji Gyaku. Tori then steps back with the right foot, and applies Omote Gyaku. HENKA Uke does a right grab to the collar. Tori steps out to the left and does a right Ura Shuto to Uko to straight Uke’s right arm. It is then possible to take the thumb in the left hand, and use it in the same way as Omote Gyaku. The little finger can be taken in the right hand. Then pull Uke to the ground. NOTE: Use the Oya Goroshi, and the Ko Goroshi to control him for as long as you wish. 11.


Uke does a right then a left Jodan Tsuki. Tori steps back to the right with a left Jodan Uke, then to the left, with a right Jodan Uke. As Tori does the Jodan Ukes, he keeps his hands with Ukes arms Finishing in a Hoko no Kamae. Tori then does right keri to Suigetsu. 12.


Uke does a right grab to Mune. Tori checks the grab. Tori does a right Omote Shuto, to Ukes right Jakkin. Uke then does a left Boshi Ken to Butsumetsu downwards with a left step forward. HENKA


Uke does a right grab to Mune. Tori checks the grab. Tori does a right Omote Shuto to Ukes right Jakkin. Tori then does left Boshi ken to Butsumetsu downwards with a left step forwards. HENKA Uke grabs the lapel with the right hand. Tori checks the grab. Uke then steps with the left foot, and does a left Jodan Tsuki. Tori does a right Fudo ken to Ukes right Jakkin, Tori then slide the right foot forward, and strikes with a right Ura Koppo ken to Kasumi. Tori the kicks to Suzu using the shin. 13.

SHIHAKU (Finger clap)

Uke is in Ichimonji, and does a right Jodan Tsuki. Tori is in Ichimonji, and steps back to the right 45 degrees, and does a left Jodan Uke, Uke follows up with a left Jodan Tsuki. Tori steps back again to the left (the hands are as if in Hoko). Tori then does a right keri as a fake. As the foot comes down Tori does a right Fudo Ken to Suigetsu (strike downwards). NOTE: In the Densho it says that you do a double punch. This does not means striking with both fists together but one after another, and in a explosive manner. If you strike both together one goes high the other low (i.e Men and Suigetsu). Only raise the knee to try and make Uke block it open himself up. The attack to Suigetsu is the real attack. The kick (and double punch) has a Sanshin feeling. HENKA If you raise the knee for the feint also raise the right fist in preparation. Practice where the Uke will put his concentration, and attack through the guard that he makes. If he tries to block the kick, punch over the top at him. Also practice trying not to let Uke guess which is the real feint, and not deciding yourself which is the feint. Do not commit yourself to a particular attack. 14.

KYOGI Whipping of waza

Uke, and Tori are in Ichimonji no Kamae, and does a right Jodan Tsuki. Tori is in Ichimonji no kamae, and shifts back a little to the right, with the left foot comes next to the right (almost a Yoko Aruki). Tori does a left Uke Nagashi leaving the hand next to Ukes. Uke does a left Jodan Tsuki. Tori does a Yoko Aruki to the left sweeping (kick) Ukes right leg back, while doing a right Jodan Uke (keep the hand up). As Uke starts


to fall backwards strike with a right Boshi Ken to Koe. When Uke is on the ground kneel on his right muscle above the right knee, and right Boshi Ken to Gorin NOTE: With Yoko Aruki (the right to right Toki), kick his leg and strike with a Boshi Ken to Koe. Your knee breaks his leg. “Important” to practice the stamping on the Toki, and practicing the Yoko Aruki. HENKA Uke does left then right Jodan Tsuki. Tori does a right then left Jodan Uke. Uke attempts a 3rd Tsuki (left), Tori steps in with a right Yoko Aruki stamping on Ukes right Toki, also striking with a right Nio Ken to Asagasumi, blocking the Tsuki with the right elbow as he moves (keep constant control of Ukes right arm). Step forward with the left foot, and sweep Uke’s right foot, with the right foot, while pushing Uke down with the right fist. HENKA Same attack. As Uke attempts the 3 rd Tsuki, Tori steps onto Ukes left Toki with the right foot (step shallow so that Uke does not see the step and use his knee against yours). Control his right shoulder with the left fist, this way the only attack he can do is Kikaku Ken. As he attempts the Kikaku Ken the right arm goes under the left and a Ganseki Otoshi (do not let him roll). 15.


KUDEN: ‘The main point of Kakko is to take Uke down with the Shitan Ken.’ Uke does a right then a left Jodan Tsuki. Tori does a right Jodan Uke to the wrist, as the second comes steps back to the left blocking to Hoshi. Tori then does a right Sokuyaku to the top of his Knee, and a right Shitan Ken to Murasame. Simultaneously strike together. NOTE: The middle finger goes to Murasame and pushes downwards while the middle and index hook over the collar bone, and help to control any side ways movement. This is very difficult to practice safely. The simultaneous kick and Shitan ken should be practiced against an inanimate object. HENKA


As Uke attempts a 3rd strike (right) without blocking Tori steps to the right and a left kick across to Uchi Kaku (do with a Yoko Aruki style feeling), and a right Sanshi Tan Ken to Murasame. 16.

URA NAMI Inside wave

Uke does a right then left Jodan Tsuki. Tori does a left Jodan Uke with no foot movement, then a right Jodan Uke with a left Yoko Aruki to the rear. All the time keeping the left hand with the Tsuki, and doing the right Uke as he steps. Tori steps back in with a right Yoko Aruki forwards kicking the right ankle with a sweep, and striking with a Shizen Koppo Ken to Hadome or Dokko. NOTE: The Koppo Ken to Hadome is done naturally and is not an intentional strike. If Tori turns to the left as he moves in the Koppo Ken comes in much faster. HENKA As Uke does a right Tsuki, do a left Jodan Uke. Uke does his left Jodan Tsuki, and Tori shifts to the left, placing the right hand on Murasame , and walk around him with Yoko Aruki until Uke falls.


TENCHI Heaven and Earth

Uke does a right then left Jodan Tsuki. Tori does a right Jodan Tsuki to Kote, and a left Jodan Tsuki to Hoshi. Tori then does a fake right Kakushi Keri to Suzu. Tori then strikes with Shako Ken to Ganmen NOTE: The kick is a secret hidden kick (Kakushi), First block the Kote then Hoshi. Instead of the kick to Suzu, kick with the inside edge of the foot to Suzu. The thumb goes into Jinchu & fingers into the eyes. HENKA Uke does a right then left Jodan Tsuki. Tori first blocks to the Kote then Hoshi. Instead of the kick to Suzu, kick with the right foot to the right Uchi Kaku taking Uke down, and a simultaneous Shako Ken across to the side of the face.


NOTE: The Shako Ken should have the feeling of a Tiger clawing at something. 18.

KATAMAKI One side wrap

Uke does a right Jodan Tsuki. Tori steps back to the right, and a left Jodan Uke. Uke does a left Jodan Tsuki, Tori slides the right foot back, and does a Jodan Uke from low down striking upwards into Jakkin, then immediately turning it into Musha Dori. Tori turns a little to the left to apply the lock, then turns slightly tot he right and under the arms, strikes with a left Boshi Ken to Butsmetsu NOTE: The point is to keep hold of his arm, and take him down. You can strike his solar plexus. The Boshi Ken is done in a Sanshin style. HENKA After trapping Ukes left arm in Musha Dori, step forward with the left foot to face Uke, and place the elbow on top of Ukes arm (and a little over it). Apply pressure as you step back with the left foot, taking Uke down to the ground. NOTE: Uke the elbow as the weapon and attack his elbow. HENKA After the Musha Dori, step forwards with the left foot to face Uke, and sweep his leg back with your left foot, while striking a target with the left hand. HENKA (Bojutsu) Tori is in Shizen Tai or Tenchijin no Kamae. Uke is in Ichimonji no kamae. Step to the right as he strikes, then left to trap his arm between you and the Bo. Grab the bottom of the Bo in the left hand and pivot to the right or left , sweep his legs with your feet.


CHUDEN NO KATA Middle transmission forms In Chuden no kata, the kamae is not decided. The techniques can be tried in any kamae or no kamae. The way the Uke attacks is also flexible. It can also be tried, merely by walking towards your opponent and attacking him, or visa versa. The most important thing is timing. 1.


KUDEN: technique.

Hida means ‘Flying/jumping strike’. Use this feeling when doing this

Uke does a left then right strike. Tori does right then left Jodan Uke. With a small step forwards Tori strikes with a right Shuto (Ura or Omote) to Asagasumi or Yugasumi, and a left Sanshin Keri to Suzu. Tori then does O-Gyaku to Ukes right arm while dropping to the right knee. NOTE:


With the Shuto knock Ukes head back, and bring the body forwards, making the kick much easier to do. HENKA Uke does a right Zenpo Keri. Tori shifts to the right and a left Gedan Uke. With a small step forwards Tori strikes with a left Fudo Ken to Asagasumi, and a left Sanshin Keri to Suzu HENKA (Jutte) Tori has a Jutte in the right hand, and Uke strikes with a right Jodan Tsuki. Tori shifts to the right and strikes across into the side of Nagare. Tori then shifts to the left and takes Ukes right hand in the left hand, and holds it by the left shoulder. Tori strikes with the Jutte into the right side of the neck. The Jutte is placed under the bicep, and the left hand holds the shaft of the Jutte. Tori does a right keri to Suzu, and drops to the right knee while applying a Jutte O-Gyaku (keep the arm straight).


HISAKU Fly and squeeze

Uke does Ryomune Dori. Tori strikes with a Ryote Boshi Ken into the sides of the throat. Then grabbing the tops of the shoulders, Tori jumps up, and wraps his legs around Ukes waist. Squeezing the knees in, knocking the wind from Uke, Tori releases his hold on the shoulders and drops to the ground. Then taking hold of the ankles, he pulls Uke to the ground. Tori then does a Kagato keri to the chest, then rolls back with Koho Kaiten. NOTE: Place one foot on top of the other, and hook the toes of the foot on top under the sole of the foot below. This will give you a good grip. The push the feet out, and the knees in to attack Uke. You can also shove the sole of the foot into the groin to give you a push off for the Koho Kaiten. 3.


Tori strikes Uke in the face with a Shako Ken. Immediately Tori then does a Sokuyaku ken to Ukes groin, and Tori moves straight back to Ichimonji no kamae.


NOTE: For the Shako Ken, the thumb goes to Jinchu, and the fingers into the eyes. Kick the tip of the sternum. HENKA Instead of as Shako Ken use a Shuto 4.

HITO Flying fall

Tori strikes with Shitan Ken to Omote Kimon, causing Uke to slump from the pain, Tori then jumps and does Ryo Sokugyaku ken to the chest. Uke then lands on his feet.

NOTE: The key point is to initiate the attack without being noticed. Throw Shuriken if he starts to get back to his feet. When you land, and fall, you must roll backwards immediately to cushion the fall, then come straight up into a Kamae. KUDEN: This can be done in a 2 against 1 situation. The kicker can support himself on his partners shoulders. His partners can help by lifting him up by his belt. Also using low branches, door frames etc can help. 6.

KAPPI Lively jump

Uke and Tori walk towards each other. As they pass, Tori strikes Uke with a Ura Shuto to the Bicep, and with another Ura Shuto to the neck. Tori then leaps clear with Hicho Tobi and escapes. NOTE: This is good practice for proper distancing.


HENKA Walk towards Uke on his right side. Just when you are level with him turn to you right so that your back is almost to him. Strike out with a left Ura Shuto to the bicep, or Kimon. Turn to the left to face Uke, then strike with a right Ura Shuto to the side of the neck and Hicho Tobi to the rear. 6.


Tori steps forward with the right foot, and does a right Kosshijutsu Shako Ken to Ukes left Wakitsubo and twists it, to break his balance to your left, and open up the left Koe. Tori then does a right Sokuyaku ken to Ukes Koe.


SUITO Water sword

Uke does a right then left Jodan Tsuki. Tori shifts to the right the left with Jodan Uke. Uke grabs Tori in a right head lock. Tori strikes with the back of a right Fudo Ken to Omote Kimon, steps behind the right leg, turn the Fudo Ken to strike up to Asagasumi. HENKA Same start, then after striking Asagasumi, Tori grabs the right hand, and goes under applying a Musha Dori. Tori then twists the arm upwards and turns towards Uke. Tori applies a Ura Gyaku, the Gari Otoshi and a kick to Butsmetsu. NOTE: The final step backwards has a Take Ori effect on the leg. 8.


When Uke and Tori are close to each other, Tori strikes with a Sanshitan Ken to Murasame, and then does a otoshi.


NOTE: The middle finger hits Murasame the others hook the collar bone. To counter, power the neck muscles. To prevent this hit Asagasumi, and claw the face with a Shako Ken just like a Tiger. The Sanshitan Ken is horizontal. 9.


When Uke and Tori are close to each other, Tori strikes with a right Ryu Ken or Shako Ken to the base of the throat, followed by a right Shako Ken to the face and the eyes, taking Uke backwards down to the ground. NOTE: The Ryu Ken is also known as Gyokkaku Ken. You can also use a Goshin Ken to Men.



Tori strikes with a right Boshi Ken to Ukes Jujiro, followed by a left kick to Uchi Kaku. 11.


Tori strikes with a right Shitan Ken to Murasame, followed by a right keri to Suzu as Uke falls backwards. 12.


Uke grabs Toris right lapel. Tori steps out to the left then strikes with a right Nio Ken to Asagasumi. Tori then grabs the top of the shoulder. The left hand applies a Omote Gyaku to his right hand upwards, and a right keri (stamp this) to Koe and flip Uke over. HENKA Use a Ryomune Dori instead of Katamune Dori


OKUDEN NO KATA Inner transmission forms 1.


Uke does a Uchi Mata on the right side. Tori lets himself go with the throw to the right and strikes with a Fudo Ken to Kaku, using a slamming motion with the left forearm to break the right grip. Hicho Tobi to the right. HENKA Uke attempts Uchi Mata. As Uke kicks your left leg, drop your body weight down to the right and strike with a Nio Ken to Ganmen, and continue to drop the weight tot he ground, striking with the Nio Ken to the left Toki. Hold the left leg with the right arm, and pull over your body using your left leg against his right leg to control the throw. 2.


Uke does a Tanto Gedan Tsuki. Tori is in Hidari Ichimonji no kamae. Steps back and down to the left knee, and with the left hand grabs the right wrist. Tori comes up off the knee, and strikes to Hoshi with the right hand, then across the back of the hand with Shikan Ken (Ken Nagare), making Uke drop the Tanto. Tori then grabs the wrist with the right hand, and applies Ura Gyaku. Tori twists the wrist and steps forward with the left foot. Tori kicks with the left to the left Sai, and applies an Otoshi to finish.



KOTO Tiger sword

Uke has a Tanto and cuts with a R-L Kesa Giri. Tori is in Hidari Ichimonji no kamae, and does Moguri Gata to Ukes right knee. Tori then strikes with a left Fudo Ken to Ukes right Jakkin (one movement with the arm straight. And then rising up Tori strikes with a Ryote Happa Ken to Yo, followed by a kakushi keri to Suzu (simultaneous explosive from low then extending upwards)



Uke does Ryomune Dori, Tori stops this with his chin. Tori strikes with Happa Ken to Yo (use the nails), and stepping to the right forwards and does a Kikaku ken to Jinchu. 5.

KOMPI Surrounding jump

Uke strikes with Shikan Ken, Tori steps to the left to avoid the strike, stepping onto Ukes foot to stop him walking, but moves back in with a right Ura Shuto to the neck. Tori then jumps to the left with Hicho Tobi. NOTE: Practice jumping in any direction up to 1.5m 6.


Tori steps forward and strikes with a rising Fudo ken. Tori steps to the left onto Ukes left foot, and then does a right keri to Gorin (stand at Ukes side) then does a kick to Gorin. 7.



Tori steps forward and strikes with a rising Fudo ken. Tori steps to the left onto Ukes left foot, Tori grabs both Butsumetsu, then steps back to the left dropping to the knee, and pulls Uke to the side and down (in a circular motion), right hand up, left down. NOTE: Don’t throw as Uke can roll, drop him straight down. HENKA Try grabbing different parts of Ukes body and take him down as before. The whole body is a target.


SOTO Hold and fall

Tori does a Ryote Shako Ken to Ryumon, and pushes down with the thumbs. As Uke’s head comes close to Tori’s, Tori strikes with a Kikaku Ken to Men, and steps between Ukes legs with the left foot. The right foot does a Sokuyaku ken to Gorin, and Tori does Tomoe Nage. Tori continues the roll to finish astride Uke. Another Kikaku Ken to Ganmen, then roll off Uke. NOTE: The final movement by Tori is called Futari Kaiten (two person roll). Instead of being astride roll clear of Uke. 9.

KONOKI Strike the demon

Uke strikes Tori with Ryote Happa Ken to the ears. He then jumps in front of Tori and does a Ryo Sokuyaku Ken HENKA If Uke is tall, distract him with a Ryote Omote Shuto to Uko, then lower him by grabbing the ears. Jump up and kick him with both knees in the face or Suigetsu. HENKA


If Uke does a right Tsuki, step inside on his right Toki with the left foot. Clap in front of his face as a distraction. Do a right keri to Suzu, and as the foot comes down, do a left kick to Suzu. This can be done as one movement, kicking left then right before landing. 10.

KIMON Demon gate

Uke approaches Tori. Tori steps to the left, and grabs with a right Shako Ken to Wakitsubo, then grabs the right elbow with the left hand to off balance Uke. Tori then steps back and around to the left to the right knee, and throwing Uke over his knee. NOTE: The start of the Kata can be from Shime Waza, but by going with the throw Tori comes back to his feet. Don’t let Uke roll, let him fall, and make him land on his arm breaking it. 11.


Uke walks towards Tori and grabs the tops of the shoulders. Tori does a Ryote Shako Ken to Butsumetsu, and drops to the rear, bringing the right foot up between Ukes legs. Tori pulls his elbows in as he throws Uke over him. Tori then catapults himself tot he other side of Uke and escapes. NOTE: Apply a strike and a choke, throw Uke so that his face will scrap the ground, when you do the Suitemi waza. When you pull Uke towards yourself, your elbows will protect you. You can also strike to Koe with the right foot. This will also help lever him over to the left. HENKA If you can’t get your feet between Ukes legs, put it tot he side, and drop, using the grab to Butsmetsu to steer him in the direction you want him to go. NOTE: The point Ransetsu is to freely use Yoko Nagare and Tate Nagare to throw Uke.



URA KIMON Inside demon gate

Tori strikes with Goshin Ken to Omote Kimon, followed by a right Sokuyaku ken to Omote Kimon NOTE: The point of Ura Kimon is to strike the same point (Omote Kimon) twice.

HENKA Uke does a right Jodan Tsuki, block to Jakkin then kick Jakkin HENKA Uke does a right keri, Tori strikes with a right Nio Ken to the inside of the thigh, then a right Keri to the inside of the thigh.


HEKITO NO KATA Attack forms 1.


Uke is in Daijodan no Kamae, and does a Jodan Kiri. Tori is in a Migi Ichimonji no kamae, and steps back 45° with the left foot, and holds the right elbow with his right hand (do not grasp). Tori then right push kick to Hoshi/Kote/ Ude, and a right Goshin Ken to Ganmen, as the foot comes down. HENKA Without using the right hand to Hoshi etc, when the distance is close, kick up with the toes. Strike just above the elbow to the Kyusho point, then Goshin Ken to Ganmen. 2.


Tori is in Hira Ichimonji no kamae, Uke is in Chudan no kamae. Uke steps forward with the left foot, cutting with a L-R Yoko Ichimonji Kiri. Tori jumps back, and out to the left (very shallow, more of a step not too far). As Uke raises the sword to Daijodan, Tori jumps back in, a little to Ukes outside (a little to your left), and lightly placing the palms under the elbows (thumb on Hoshi), Tori then does a right push kick to Gorin or Suzu. NOTE: You are under the elbows with the knees bent. Jam his elbows so the arms are locked straight. 3.


Tori is in Hoko no kamae, Uke is in Chudan no kamae, and does a Chudan Tsuki to Suigetsu. Tori slightly steps forward to the left, and twists to the right (the blade just misses), this is a Yoko Aruki movement (right over left), turn to face Ukes arms, placing the left hand on his right hands. Tori then steps forward with a right step, and strikes with a right Nio Ken to the backs of the hands (Ken Nagare). Tori then takes hold of the right hand, and steps out left, extending Ukes arm out to the side. Tori then walks forward, and around with the right foot to face Uke while applying Omote Gyaku. 30



Tori is in Migi Bobbi no kamae. Uke is in Daijodan no kamae, and does Jodan Kiri. Tori steps forward to the left (left hand stays on the hip, right forearm is used as a guard). Tori then strikes with Ura Shuto to Ukes right Nagare. Tori then does a right Yoko Aruki forwards, and a right Omote Shuto to the point at the top of the nose at eye level. NOTE: The Ura Shuto should cut downwards from the elbow to the Nagare 5.


Tori is in Seigan, Uke is in Daijodan no kamae, and does Jodan Kiri. As the cut comes, Tori steps forward to the right (keep the kamae with the forearm as a guard). Without stepping, Tori twists from the hips, and strikes with a Nio Ken to Ukes left Tricep (this pushes the of half of the body back). The ribs are now exposed, and Tori does a right kick to Butsumetsu. 6.


Tori is in Hidari Bobbi no kamae. Uke is in Chudan no kamae, and cuts with a L-R Yoko Ichimonji Kiri.. Tori does a Yoko Aruki forwards to the inside of the cut. Tori places his left hand on the Tsuka, and punches with a right Nio Ken to Jinchu 7.


Tori is in Hidari Hoko no kamae. Uke is in Daijodan no kamae, and does Jodan Kiri. Tori steps slightly forward to the left to the outside of the cut, and drops down to the left knee. Tori then strikes with a right Nio Ken to Suigetsu. 8.


Tori is in Hira Ichimonji no kamae, Uke is in Chudan no kamae, and does a Chudan Tsuki to Suigetsu. Tori avoids to the right, and slightly to the rear. Tori then steps forward, and cuts from left to right, with a Yoko Ichimonji Kiri. Tori drops to his hands and knees, to duck under the cut. As Uke raises his sword to Daijodan no kamae to cut down, Tori jumps from the ground, up with a Ryote Sokuyaku Ken to Butsumetsu


HATSUDEN TSUGOKUI - KYUSHOZU RIKIMON YANAGIKAZA / RYUFU - Willow wand / ? RANGIKU / KASUMI - ? / Mist HIRYURAN - Flying dragon war SHISHIRAN / SUIGETSU - Tiger war / Watermoon KOSGI / KOSEI / SUZU - ? / Tiger force / Bells YUGIRI / YUGASUMI - Evening mist TSUYUGIRI / TSUYUGASUMI - Dew an mist RYUMON - Dragon gate JUJIRO - Crossroads JAKUKOTSU / JAKUKIN (Jakkin) - Weak bone / Weak muscle DAIMON - Great gate ASAGIRI / ASAGASUMI - Morning mist HOSHI - Star Below the armpit KIMON - Demon gate KINKOKU - Rib cage KOSHITSUBO - Hip bowl KOE - Voice TENMON - Heaven gate AMADO / HAMADO - Raindoors


All the side of the neck below the lymphatic glands JINCHU - Mans centre YABA / HACHI-YO - Eight leaves Ears MENBU - Face area DOTSUKOTSU - Throat GORIN GETSUEI / ITSUWA TSUKIKAGE - Five ring moonlight GORIN INAZUMA / ITSUWA INAZUMA - Five ring lightning SAI / SUI - Crush USAI / U-SUI - Crush YANO / YAKU - Press Calf muscle MATSUKAZE - Wind in the Pines SONU - Below the indent in the throat SEIZAWA VIN - Right shadow SEIZAWA SAIN - Left shadow TENTO - Heavenly head SHINCHU - Heart centre WAKITSUBO - Side bowl KENKOTSU - Hard bone YUBITSUBO / YUBIKOTSU / SHIKOTSU - Finger bone BUTSUMETSU - Buddha’s passing RIKIMON Below the chest GORIN - Five circles KYOGI / KYOKEI - Strong frontier HADOME - Pallet


AMADO Both sides below the chin




KENJUTSU KAMAE ICHI NO KAMAE No1 Posture The body posture is the same as Gyokko Ryu Ichimonji no kamae. The sword is held level, pointing at Ukes heart. SEIGAN NO KAMAE Correct eye posture The right foot is forwards, with the Kashira being held almost at the top of the thigh. The Kissaki points to the eyes. HASSO NO KAMAE Eight apparitions posture Left foot forward, heel close together, with the left side facing forwards. The sword is held vertical on the right side, with the left hand by the chest. DAIJODAN NO KAMAE. Big upper level posture Left foot forwards, the sword his held above the head at a 60♣ angle. The Kashira is above the forehead of the head. JIZURI GEDAN NO KAMAE (A.K.A Tosui no kamae) Left foot forwards, with the left shoulder pushed forwards, with the body leaning forwards. The sword runs along the line of the left calf. NOTE: In Jizuri Gedan no kamae with the left shoulder being forwards, you are vulnerable to attack. The basic defence is to lift the



Koto Ryu Koppojutsu is the basic for Togakure Ryu Ninpo Taijutsu. Basic training within the Ryu involves Ukemi, kaiten, Distancing (kurai Dori), Sabaki, striking, and learning the vital points of the body. The Shoden and Chuden levels both begin with Ichimonji no kamae, or Seigan no kamae. The Chuden, however can be done from Uke and Tori walking towards each other. The Okuden no Kata can use any Kamae. When doing the Okuden, all of your energy / intention and spirit etc must be directed at Uke. When you strike with a kick, you must not stop, you must finish the attack. When you have done extensive training in the kamae, you may choose the kamae of your choice. Basic Kihon is the same as Gyokko Ryu Ichimonji no kata from the Ki Gata. But the movement is more exaggerated. The was use a variation of Uke Nagashi, so as not to knock the arm too far away. For the Jodan Uke make a big circle. This is how it is done in the Shoden Kata. As you advance through the levels, the Jodan Uke becomes smaller. For the Gedan Uke sink the body by bend the knees. A special point of Koto Ryu is to move in diagonals. Yoko Aruki is prominent within the techniques, and this too is done diagonally. The main weapons of the Ryu are the fists (Fudo / Nio Ken), the edge of the hand (Shuto) the hand claw (Shako ken), elbow (Shukki), toes (Sokugyaku). Use of Makiwara will toughen the hands. Koto Ryu use a makiwara which is a animal skin wrapped around a tree. Straw is placed between the skin and the tree. Secondary weapons are the shin, the forehead (Kikaku ken), the heel (Kagato) and the fingertips (Sanshin tan Ken / Shi shi ken). Members of the Koto Ryu always try to avoid a fight. When a fight does occur, first they moved out of the way of the attack, and did not always use a powerful block first time. Most of the kicks attack the legs and the groin. When the opponent is drawn in, with a feeling of a flow, then a counter attack is crashed back. Then the ‘Spirit of the Tiger is unleashed’. The counter attack is similar to an explosion. Do not explode too soon or the body will become weak and you will lose. While in Ichimonji or Seigan no kamae, look at Ukes eyebrows. Keep the eyesblank of an emotion. This is because expression comes from the eyes, and Uke will see this just before you attack. Do not pull faces (as if showing some form of intention). This will warn Uke that you are about to attack, and if you do this during a technique too much of your attention will be focused on your face pulling.


Your eyes and face should be totally blank at all times. One of the points of Koto Ryu is to get in fast and strike. Then get out as fast as possible. If in the streets of old Japan, as Samurai bumped into another with even the minimum of force, on purpose of accidental, the result would be a sword or two being drawn. Techniques such as kappi are examples of what can happen and what to do. A quick jump would create distance between the two samurai . It is necessary to be able to jump 5ft - 7ft (1.5m - 2m). It is also important to learn how to draw a sword while jumping. When studying Koto Ryu techniques, a link with the North and South Chinese arts becomes visible. These are in the way the fists are formed, and in the low jumps. The school is now totally Japanese, but all in all it stretches back to the Shaolin temple in China. It is thought that it was in Japan for 23 generations before it was formalised into the Koto Ryu by Taro. Kung Fu etc when it arrived in Japan (and Okinawa) was called Karani, this was then later renamed as Koppojutsu (in Okinawa it was called such things as Te, Tote, Nanate, later to become Karate) OMOTE GYAKU Omote Gyaku is applied as normal. When the lock is felt, and the wrist is no longer moving (without pain). The wrist is then sharply rotated on it’s axis. This will result in a severe breakage of the wrist.


This densho is comprised of the personal notes of Graham Ramsden, based on training, study and material researched from various sources.

Graham Ramsden 7th Dan Shidoshi Bujinkan Dojo


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