Kotler Chapter 11
December 25, 2016 | Author: Duc Trung Nguyen | Category: N/A
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Chapter 11 Pricing Strategies
1) A company sets not a single price, but rather a ________ that covers different items in its line that change over time as products move through their life cycles. A) pricing by-product B) pricing structure C) pricing loop D) pricing cycle ) pricing bundle Ans!er" B Diff" 1 #age $ef" %11 &'ill" Concept (bective" 11-1 *) Companies facing the challenge of setting prices for the first time can choose bet!een t!o broad strategies" mar'et-penetration pricing and ________. A) mar'et-level pricing B) mar'et-competitive pricing C) mar'et-s'imming pricing D) mar'et-price lining ) mar'et-price filling Ans!er" C Diff" * #age $ef" %1* &'ill" Concept (bective" 11-1 %) (f the follo!ing, !hich statement !ould +( support a mar'et-s'imming policy for a ne! product A) he products /uality and image support its higher price. B) nough buyers !ant the products at that price. C) Competitors are not able to undercut the high price. D) Competitors can enter the mar'et easily. ) C and D Ans!er" D Diff" % #age $ef" %1* &'ill" Concept (bective" 11-1
10 Copyright 2 *1 #earson ducation, 3nc. #ublishing as #rentice 4all
5) A firm is using ________ !hen it charges a high, premium price for a ne! product !ith the intention of reducing the price in the future. A) price s'imming B) trial pricing C) value pricing D) mar'et-penetration pricing ) prestige pricing Ans!er" A Diff" * #age $ef" %1* &'ill" Concept (bective" 11-1 6) ________ pricing is the approach ap proach of setting a lo! initial price in order to attract a large number of buyers /uic'ly and !in a large mar'et share. A) 7ar'et-s'imming B) 7ar'et-penetration C) Belo!-mar'et D) 8alue-based ) 9eader Ans!er" B Diff" 1 #age $ef" %1% &'ill" Concept (bective" 11-1 :) Accent &oft!are faces the conditions belo!, all of !hich support Accents use of a mar'et penetration pricing strategy ;C# that ________. A) the mar'et is highly price sensitive B) production and distribution costs !ill fall as sales volume increases C) the products /uality and image support suppo rt a high price D) a lo! price !ould help 'eep out the competition ) A and C Ans!er" C Diff" % #age $ef" %1% &'ill" Concept (bective" 11-1
101 Copyright 2 *1 #earson ducation, 3nc. #ublishing as #rentice 4all
5) A firm is using ________ !hen it charges a high, premium price for a ne! product !ith the intention of reducing the price in the future. A) price s'imming B) trial pricing C) value pricing D) mar'et-penetration pricing ) prestige pricing Ans!er" A Diff" * #age $ef" %1* &'ill" Concept (bective" 11-1 6) ________ pricing is the approach ap proach of setting a lo! initial price in order to attract a large number of buyers /uic'ly and !in a large mar'et share. A) 7ar'et-s'imming B) 7ar'et-penetration C) Belo!-mar'et D) 8alue-based ) 9eader Ans!er" B Diff" 1 #age $ef" %1% &'ill" Concept (bective" 11-1 :) Accent &oft!are faces the conditions belo!, all of !hich support Accents use of a mar'et penetration pricing strategy ;C# that ________. A) the mar'et is highly price sensitive B) production and distribution costs !ill fall as sales volume increases C) the products /uality and image support suppo rt a high price D) a lo! price !ould help 'eep out the competition ) A and C Ans!er" C Diff" % #age $ef" %1% &'ill" Concept (bective" 11-1
101 Copyright 2 *1 #earson ducation, 3nc. #ublishing as #rentice 4all
0) ) Copyright 2 *1 #earson ducation, 3nc. #ublishing as #rentice 4all
%0) #romotional pricing can have all of the follo!ing adverse effects ;C# ________. A) creating deal-prone customers B) eroding the brands value in the eyes of customers C) giving pricing secrets a!ay to competitors D) becoming addicting to both the customer and business ) instigating industry price !ars Ans!er" C Diff" * #age $ef" %* &'ill" Concept (bective" 11-% %=) he most li'ely effect of the fre/uent use of promotional pricing is an industry ________. A) e?pansion B) price !ar C) erosion D) cooperation ) imbalance Ans!er" B Diff" * #age $ef" %* &'ill" Concept (bective" 11-% %>) ) Copyright 2 *1 #earson ducation, 3nc. #ublishing as #rentice 4all
05) Iailure to enter the current price into a retailers system may result in charges of ________. A) predatory pricing B) scanner fraud C) retail maintenance pricing D) discriminatory pricing ) price-fi?ing Ans!er" B Diff" * #age $ef" %% AAC&B" Jse of 3 &'ill" Concept (bective" 11-5 06) Comparison pricing claims are legal if they are truthful. 4o!ever, sellers should not advertise a price reduction unless ________. A) it is a saving from the usual retail price B) a KfactoryK price, if listed, is !hat it is claimed to be C) a K!holesaleK price, if listed, is !hat it is claimed to be D) Kcomparable value itemsK are not actually imperfect goods ) all of the above Ans!er" Diff" 1 #age $ef" %% AAC&B" thical $easoning &'ill" Concept (bective" 11-5 0:) 8aleo Iashions has ust introduced a ne! line of fashion dresses for teens. hey !ill initially enter the mar'et at high prices in a ________ pricing strategy. A) mar'et-penetration B) mar'et-s'imming C) competitive mar'et D) psychological ) demographic Ans!er" B Diff" * #age $ef" %1* AAC&B" $eflective hin'ing &'ill" Application (bective" 11-1
1>1 Copyright 2 *1 #earson ducation, 3nc. #ublishing as #rentice 4all
00) 7ar'et-s'imming pricing !ould li'ely be most effective in selling ________. A) any convenience item B) an electronic device for !hich research and development must be recouped C) shampoo and bath soap D) anything easily copied by competitors ) most items at D9# retailers such as ) 5 Copyright 2 *1 #earson ducation, 3nc. #ublishing as #rentice 4all
=:) A manufacturer offers %1, net %, terms to a !holesaler for a recent purchase. he !holesaler may deduct ________ percent if the bill is paid !ithin ________ days. A) 1@ % B) 1@ % C) %@ % D) %@ 1 ) 0@ 1 Ans!er" D Diff" % #age $ef" %1: AAC&B" Analytic &'ills &'ill" Application (bective" 11-% =0) ) 9ancaster $ecycling has a history of problems !ith customers !ho do not pay their bills on time. 9ancaster $ecycling !ants to improve its cash situation, reduce bad debts, and reduce credit-collection costs. he company might consider !hich of the follo!ing forms of pricing A) by-product B) inflation-adusted C) cash discounts D) captive-product ) penetration Ans!er" C Diff" % #age $ef" %1: AAC&B" $eflective hin'ing &'ill" Application (bective" 11-% >1) &ecret &nea'er !ill give anyone E1 for their old snea'ers, regardless of condition, !hen purchasing a ne! pair of snea'ers. he end result is essentially reducing the price of the ne! snea'ers by E1. : Copyright 2 *1 #earson ducation, 3nc. #ublishing as #rentice 4all
>*) Bose prices its most e?pensive noise reduction earphones at E%>>.>6, !hich is a full E1. more than its ne?t most e?pensive earphones. 3t costs Bose only a fe! dollars more to ma'e the most e?pensive earphones. Bose is using ________ pricing. A) customer-segment B) product-form C) s'imming D) penetration ) captive-product Ans!er" B Diff" % #age $ef" %1: AAC&B" $eflective hin'ing &'ill" Application (bective" 11-% >%) he Chicago Bears organiation charges different prices for seats in different areas of the &oldier Iield, even though the costs are the same. his form of pricing is called ________. A) location pricing B) s'imming pricing C) product form pricing D) fle?ible pricing ) penetration pricing Ans!er" A Diff" * #age $ef" %1: AAC&B" $eflective hin'ing &'ill" Application (bective" 11-% >5) 7anor Cinemas has announced that seniors over : years of age can enter the theater for free prior to 5" p.m. !hen accompanied by a paying customer. his is an e?ample of ________. A) promotional pricing B) discounts and allo!ances C) by-product pricing D) product bundle pricing ) none of the above Ans!er" A Diff" * #age $ef" %* AAC&B" $eflective hin'ing &'ill" Application (bective" 11-%
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>6) he HC 0) Big 7i'es 4ealth Iood &tore sells nutritional energy-producing foods. he price of the products sold varies according to individual customer accounts and situations. Ior e?ample, long-time customers receive discounts. his strategy is an e?ample of ________. A) price elasticity B) cost-plus pricing C) dynamic pricing D) value pricing ) penetration pricing Ans!er" C Diff" % #age $ef" %** AAC&B" $eflective hin'ing &'ill" Application (bective" 11-%
1>= Copyright 2 *1 #earson ducation, 3nc. #ublishing as #rentice 4all
>=) &avings for Mou, a discount retail chain, is highly competitive.
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