Korean-English Classroom English

May 2, 2017 | Author: redorchestra | Category: N/A
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교 실 영 어 (Classroom English)

이 연구는 2000 년도 교육부 정책 연구비에 의해 수행되었음

연구진 김영철 (부산해양대학교) 배두본 (한국교원대학교) 이완기 (서울교육대학교) 이의갑 (한국교육과정평가원) 이재근 (한국교육과정평가원)

집필진 김성연 (가톨릭대학교) 김영숙 (총신대학교) 문영인 (서울시립대학교)

협력 연구진

김영미 (덕성여자대학교) 김은주 (이화여자대학교) 김임득 (한양대학교) 김정렬 (한국교원대학교) 김혜련 (인천교육대학교) 박약우 (인천교육대학교) 이병호 (교육부) 이효웅 (부산해양대학교) 이흥수 (전남대학교) 전병만 (전북대학교) 정현숙 (성균관대학교)

보조 연구원 박순영 (서울충현고등학교) 박은영 (한국교육과정평가원) 윤현경 (서울시립대학교) 장순희 (서울대방초등학교) (이상 가나다순)

[일러두기] 「교실영어(Classroom English)」는 본 자료집 이외「의사소 통 중심의 생활영어 수업 모형 및 교실영어」연구 보고서로 구성되어 있으며 별책으로 발간 되었음을 알려 드립니다.

머 리 말 미국 보건교육 후생국의 근대어 협회가 정한 외국어 교사의 의사소통 능력 '상중하' 중 '하'에 해당되 는 것은 '준비된 환경(즉 교실환경)에서 가르치려는 내용을 쉽게 이해할 수 있도록 말할 수 있는 능 력'으로 규정하고 있다. 이 말은 아무리 수준이 낮은 교사라도 교실 상황에서 외국어 수업을 할 때 가 르치려는 내용을 외국어를 사용하여 쉽게 설명할 수 있어야 한다는 것이라고 할 수 있다. 이러한 점을 고려할 때 교사가 영어 수업을 영어로 진행하는 것은 어쩌면 너무 당연한 의무이자 자격 조건이라 할 수 있겠다. 그러나 우리의 많은 교사들은 지금까지는 수업을 영어로 할 기회가 많지 않았 기 때문에 실력의 부족보다는 상당 부분, 경험과 자신감의 부족으로 영어 수업에 적지 않은 부담을 느 끼고 있다. 그리고 특정한 지도 상황에서 무슨 말을 어떻게 해야 할지, 그리고 한다 하더라도 그 표현 이 과연 실제적(authentic)이고 올바른 표현인지 확신을 갖지 못하는 경우도 많다. 영어 수업시 처음부터 완벽한 영어로 수업을 능숙하게 진행한다는 것은 굉장히 어려운 과업임에 틀 림없다. 우리 교사들은 처음부터 영어 원어민과 같은 수준으로 영어를 완벽하게 구사해야 한다는 중 압감에서 벗어나서, 기본적으로 교실에서 많이 쓰는 일반적 수업 활동영어부터 시작하여 차츰 경험이 축적됨에 따라 수업 시간에 영어 사용 비율을 높여 가는 전략을 쓰도록 해야 할 것이다. 우리가 명심해 야 할 것은 바람직한 교실 영어는 자신이 전달하고자 하는 말을 최대한으로 간단하고 분명하게 나타 내려는 교사의 긍정적이고도 적극적인 태도에서 비롯된다고 하겠다. 본 교실 영어 자료집은 영어를 교실에서 의사소통의 도구로 많이 사용해보지 않은 교사들, 다시 말하 여 영어로 수업 운용을 해 본 경험이 많지않은 우리 나라 교사들을 위해 쓰여진 것으로 영어로 하는 영 어 수업의 충실한 안내 역할을 할 것으로 기대된다. 끝으로 본 연구의 수행과정에서 많은 협조를 해 주신 교육부 관계관과 연구진, 집필진 여러분들께 감 사를 드린다. 아울러 여러 가지 어려운 여건 속에서도 이 연구를 수행한 본원 연구진의 노고를 치하하 는 바이다.

2000 년 12 월 한국교육과정평가원

원장 박

자료의 활용 방법

본 자료의 구성은 ‘기초편(Part Ⅰ)’과 ‘활용편(Part Ⅱ)’으로 되어 있다. ‘기초편’은 교실영어의 기초적인 표현을 문장단위로 진술해 놓았으 며, ’활용편‘은 문장단위의 진술보다는 상호작용(interaction)이 이루 어질 수 있도록 내용을 구성하거나, 다양한 표현으로 전이활동이 가 능하도록 하였다. ’Part Ⅰ'과 ‘PartⅡ'는 초․중등학교에서 공통으로 사 용할 수 있으며 초등학교에서는 쉬운 표현을 골라 쓰도록 해야 할 것 이다. 자료의 구성을 보면 우선 수업 진행 단계별로 차례가 정해졌으 며, 각 장은 가장 기본적으로 알아야 할 기본 단어와 표현, 수업 시간 에 사용이 가능한 대화문, 각 대화문과 관련하여 도움이 되는 문화적 혹은 교수 방법적 조언(tips), 특정한 상황에서 활용할 수 있는 여러 가지 대안적 표현의 묶음 등으로 꾸며졌다. 또한 수업 진행 단계별로 필요한 영어 이외에 교실 운용과 언어 기능별 교수 활동에 관한 영어 표현도 따로 분리된 장으로 정리하였다.

머리말 Part Ⅰ 기초편 ▶ Introduction (수업 도입단계)

1. Greetings (인사) 2 2. Checking Attendance(출석 점검) 3 3. Physical Conditions in the Classroom (교실 환경 조성) 4 4. Blackboard Cleaning (칠판 지우기) 5 5. Seating(자리 배열하기) 6 6. Late Comers (지각생) 6

▶ Development & Classroom Activities (수업전개 및 활동단계)

1. Distributing Handouts (유인물 나누어주기) 8 2. Finding Page (페이지 찾기) 9 3. Locating Things on the Page (페이지에서 위치 찾기) 10 4. Exercises (연습 문제) 11 5. Tape Recorder & Other Electrical Equipment (녹음기와 전기 기구의 사용) 12 6. Blackboard Activity (칠판 활동) 15 7. Using Visual Aids (시각적 도구의 사용) 17 8. Grouping the Students (그룹 구성) 19 9. Comprehension Check-Up (이해 점검) 21 10. Compliments & Encouragements (칭찬과 격려) 22 11. Error Correction (오류 수정) 24 12. Taking a Break (휴식) 24 13. Games & Activities (게임과 활동) 25 14. Songs and Chants (노래와 챈트) 28 15. Coloring and Drawing (색칠하기와 그리기) 29 16. Acting out (시연) 30 17. Collecting (과제 수집) 32 18. Test (시험) 33 19. Student Presentations (학생 발표) 33 20. Introducing Different Stages of the Lesson (수업 단계의 소개) 34 21. Translation and Interpretation (번역과 해석) 35

▶ Consolidation (수업 마무리 단계)

1. Stop Working (수업 끝내기) 36 2. Assigning Homework (숙제 내주기) 38 3. Saying Good-bye (끝인사) 39

▶ Classroom Management (교실 운용)

1. Classroom Control & Discipline (교실 통제와 규율) 40 2. Warning (경고) 44 3. Student Classroom English (학생 교실영어) 44

▶ Teaching Language Skills (언어기능별 교수활동) 1. Teaching Vocabulary (어휘 지도) 47 2. Teaching Listening (듣기 지도) 49 3. Teaching Speaking (말하기 지도) 51 4. Teaching Reading (읽기 지도) 53 5. Teaching Writing (쓰기 지도) 58

Part Ⅱ 응용편 I. Introduction (수업 도입단계)

1. Checking Attendance (출석 점검) 68 2. Physical Conditions in the Classroom (교실환경 조성) 74 3. Blackboard Cleaning (칠판 지우기) 81 4. Seating (자리 배열하기) 84 5. Late Comers (지각생) 87 6. Review & Today's Lesson (복습 및 오늘의 수업내용) 91

II. Development & Classroom Activities (수업전개 및 활동단계) 1. Distributing Handouts (유인물 나누어 주기) 95 2. Finding Pages (페이지 찾기) 100 3. Locating Things on the Page (페이지에서 특정 위치 찾기) 105 4. Exercises (연습문제) 110

5. Other Electrical Equipment (녹음기와 다른 전기기구의 사용) 114 6. Blackboard Activity (칠판 활동) 123 7. Using Visual Aids (시각적 도구의 사용) 127 8. Grouping the Students (그룹 구성) 137 9. Comprehension Check-up (이해 점검) 145 10. Compliments & Encouragements (칭찬과 격려) 150 11. Error Correction (오류 수정) 155 12. Taking a Break (휴식) 161 13. Games (게임) 164 14. Other Activities (활동) 174 15. Songs and Chants (노래와 챈트) 191 16. Coloring and Drawing (색칠하기와 그리기) 200 17. Acting Out (시연) 206 18. Collecting (과제 수집) 212 19. Test (시험) 216 20. Student Presentations (학생 발표) 223 21. Introducing Different Stages of the Lesson (수업 단계의 소개) 229 22. Translation and Interpretation (번역과 해석) 237

III. Consolidation (수업 마무리 단계)

1. Stop Working (수업 끝내기) 243 2. Assigning Homework (숙제 내주기) 250 3. Saying Goodbye (끝인사) 257

IV. Classroom Management (교실 운용)

1. Class Control & Discipline (교실 통제와 규율) 262 2. Warning (경고) 268 3. Student Classroom English (학생 교실영어) 274

V. Teaching Language Skills (언어기능별 교수활동)

1. Teaching Vocabulary (어휘지도) 282 2. Teaching Listening Skills (듣기 지도) 291 3. Teaching Speaking Skills (말하기 지도) 297 4. Teaching Reading Skills (읽기 지도) 303 5. Teaching Writing Skills (쓰기 지도) 308

Part Ⅰ

기초편 ◉ Greetings (인사)

Hello, everyone. 여러분, 안녕하세요? Good morning, class. 여러분, 안녕하세요? Good afternoon, boys and girls. 여러분, 안녕하세요? How are you, everyone? 여러분, 안녕하세요?

How are you today? 여러분, 안녕하세요? How are you doing? 여러분, 안녕하세요? How are things with you? 여러분, 안녕하세요? Did you have a good weekend? 주말 잘 보냈나요? Let me introduce myself. 제 소개를 할게요. My name is Park Eun-Young. 내 이름은 박 은영입니다. Please call me Miss Park. 미스 박이라고 불러주세요. I'm your English teacher. 여러분들의 영어 선생님이에요. I'll be teaching you English this year. 이번 해에 영어를 가르치게 되었어요. Class, will your introduce yourselves? 여러분, 자신을 소개해 볼까요? Just say, "Hi!" and say your name. “안녕”하고 이름을 말하세요. Just say your name to the class. 반 친구들에게 이름을 말하세요.

◉ Checking Attendance (출석 점검)

I'll call your names. 출석을 부르겠어요. Now let me call the roll. 출석을 부르겠어요. I'm going to check the register. 출석을 부르겠어요. Is everyone here? 다 왔나요? Is anybody absent today? 결석한 사람 있나요? Who's absent today? 누가 결석했지요? Who's missing? 누가 안 왔나요? Who is not here today? 결석한 사람 있나요? No one is absent? 다 왔나요? Let's see who is absent. 누가 결석했나 봅시다. Let's see everyone is here. 다 왔나 봅시다. Let's see if you are all here. 다 왔나 봅시다. Does anyone know where he is? 그가 어디 있는지 아는 사람?

◉ Physical Conditions in the Classroom (교실 환경 조성)

It's too hot in here. 여긴 너무 덥군요. Let's have the door open a bit. 문 좀 열어 놓읍시다. Could you open the door a little bit? 문 좀 열어 놓겠니? Can somebody turn the heater off? 누가 히터 좀 끄겠니? That's much better. 훨씬 낫군요. It's noisy in here. 여기 참 시끄럽구나. Shut those windows please. 창문 좀 닫자. It's too dark in here. 여기는 너무 어둡네요. Would you turn the light on? 불 좀 켤래? Please be quiet. 조용히 하세요.

◉ Blackboard Cleaning (칠판 지우기)

Would you clean the board please? 칠판 좀 지울래?

Can someone clean the board? 누가 칠판 좀 지워주겠어요? Can you clean the board? 칠판 좀 지워줄래? Just clean this part. 이 부분만 지워. Rub everything off. 다 지우세요.

◉ Seating (자리 배열하기)

Let's make groups of 4. 4 명씩 그룹을 만드세요. Let's sit in groups of 4. 4 명씩 그룹을 만드세요. Could you get into groups of 4? 4 명씩 그룹을 만드세요. Could you move your chairs this way? 의자를 이쪽으로 옮기세요. Move your desks this way. 책상을 이쪽으로 옮겨라. Could you move back a little? 좀 뒤로 갈래? Would you move your desks back? 책상을 뒤로 옮기세요.

◉ Late Comers (지각생)

You are late again. 또 늦었구나. Why are you late? 왜 늦었지? Did you get up late? 늦게 일어났니? Did you oversleep? 늦잠 잤니? Don't be late next time. 다음엔 늦지 마라. Try to be on time next time. 다음부터는 시간 맞춰 오도록 해. Where have you been? 어디 있었니? What happened? 무슨 일이야?

◉ Review & Today's Lesson (복습과 오늘의 수업)

Let's review the last lesson. 지난번에 배운 것을 복습합시다. Let's go over our last lesson. 지난번에 배운 것을 복습합시다. Do you remember what we did last time? 저번에 무엇을 했는지 기억하나요? Who can remember what we did?

우리가 한 것 기억나는 사람? Can anybody tell me what we did last time? 누가 저번 시간에 무엇을 했는지 말해볼까요? Last time we learned about the body/our bodies. 지난 시간에 신체에 대해 배웠죠. Do you remember this picture? 이 사진을 기억하나요? Where were we? 지난번에 어디까지 했지요? Where did we stop last time? 지난번에 어디까지 했지요? Do you remember where we were? 지난번에 어디까지 했는지 기억하나요? I told you to read Lesson 1. Did you do that? 1 과를 읽으라고 했는데, 읽었나요? Today, we are going to (verb) 오늘은 -을 하겠어요. We're going to learn something new. 새로운 것을 배우겠어요.

◉ Distributing Handouts (유인물 나누어주기)

Pass around these handouts, please. 이 유인물을 돌려주세요. Take one and pass them on. 한 장은 갖고 나머지는 돌리세요. Two students share one sheet.

두 사람이 한 장씩 가지세요. Pass out the exercises. 연습 문제를 나눠 가지세요. Pass these to the back. 이것을 뒤로 넘기세요. Have you lost yours? 네 것은 잃어버렸니? Could you share with your partner? 짝과 같이 볼래? Is there anybody who hasn't got a copy? 안 받은 사람? Take out your books. 책을 꺼내세요.

◉ Finding Page (페이지 찾기)

Open your books to page 10. 10 쪽을 펴세요. Look at page 10. 10 쪽을 보세요 Now turn to page 10. 10 쪽을 펴세요. Turn back to page 10. 10 쪽으로 다시 돌아가세요. We are on page 10 now. 지금 10 쪽 하고 있어요. It's on page 10.

10 에 있어요. Did you find page 10? 10 쪽 찾았나요? Are you with me? 잘 찾고 있나요? Turn the page. 책장을 넘기세요. Turn to the next page. 다음 쪽으로 넘기세요. Next page, please. 다음 쪽으로 넘기세요. Let's move on to the next page. 다음 쪽으로 넘기세요.

◉ Locating Things on the Page (페이지에서 위치 찾기)

Did you find the place? 그 곳을 찾았나요? It's in the middle of the page. 이 쪽 중간에 있어요. Three lines down/up. 세 줄 내려가서 (올라가서) It's on the right. 오른 쪽에 있어요.

◉ Exercises (연습 문제)

Do excercise 7. 연습문제 7 번을 하세요. Try exercise 6. 연습문제 6 번을 하세요. I want you to do exercise 6. 연습문제 6 번을 하세요. I'll give you 10 minutes. 10 분을 주겠어요. Time is up. 시간 다 되었어요. How many did you get it right? 몇 개 맞았니? What is the answer to question number 1? 문제 1 번의 답은 무엇이지요? Let's go on to question 2. 문제 2 번으로 넘어갑시다. What do you have for question 1? 1 번의 답은 무엇이지요? Let's go through this exercise. 이 연습문제를 같이 풀어봅시다. Let's go over the excercise together. 이 연습문제를 같이 풀어봅시다. Let's check the answers. 답을 점검해봅시다. Check your answers on page 10. 답을 10 쪽에서 확인하세요. The answers are on page 10.

답은 10 쪽에 있습니다. Change papers with your neighbor. 짝과 시험지를 바꾸세요. Count up your points. 점수를 더해보세요. What's your score? 몇 점이지요? How many points did you score? 몇 점이지요?

◉ Tape Recorders & Other Electrical Equipment (녹음기와 전기 기구의 사용)

Listen to the tape. 테이프를 듣자. Listen and repeat after the tape. 테이프를 듣고 따라 해보세요. Listen carefully, please. 잘 들어보세요. Now, we'll listen to the tape. 이제 테이프를 듣겠어요. Let's listen to the dialogue. 대화를 들어보자. Is the sound clear (enough)? 소리가 깨끗하게 들리니? Is it now clear? 소리가 깨끗하게 들리니?

Can you hear it at the back? 뒤에 잘 들려요? Wait a minute. I'll just rewind the tape. 잠깐만. 내가 테이프를 앞으로 돌릴게. Turn on the tape recorder. 녹음기를 켜 주세요. Turn off the tape recorder. 녹음기를 꺼 주세요. Plug in the tape recorder, Yujin? 유진아, 녹음기를 전원에 꽂아라. Plug this into the socket, Sunmi? 선미야, 이 플러그를 소켓에 꽂아라. Unplug the tape recorder. 녹음기 전원을 빼 주세요. This cassette tape recorder isn't working. 이 녹음기가 고장이군요. I'll have it repaired. 그것을 고치겠습니다. Let's record your voice. 여러분의 목소리로 녹음해 봅시다. Let's listen to the dialogue. 대화를 들어보세요. Plug in the tape recorder. 녹음기를 전원에 꽂아 주세요. You are going to hear a dialogue on tape. 테이프의 대화를 들을 것입니다. Did you catch that?

이해했나요? Did you understand? 이해했나요? I'll go back and play it again. (테이프를)돌려서 다시 틀겠어요. We'll go back and listen again. 앞으로 가서 다시 들어봅시다. Is the volume all right? 소리가 괜찮은가요? Oh, it's too loud. 너무 소리가 크네요. I'd better turn it down. 줄여야겠어요. Is it better now? 이제 좀 나은가요? Can you hear at the back? 뒤에 들려요? Is the sound clear enough? 소리가 또렷하게 잘 들리나요? I'll rewind the tape. 테이프를 앞으로 돌릴게요. Turn off the tape recorder. 녹음기를 꺼주세요. Unplug the tape recorder. 녹음기 전원을 빼주세요. This tape recorder isn't working. 이 녹음기는 작동이 안 되는데.

It's out of focus. (OHP 의 경우) 초점이 안 맞네요. The picture is upside down! 사진이 거꾸로 되었군요! Is it clear enough? 또렷한가요? 잘 보이나요?

◉ Blackboard Activity (칠판 활동)

Look at the blackboard. 칠판을 보세요. Come up here. 이쪽으로 나오세요. Who wants to come up here? 누가 앞으로 나올까? Would you like to come up? 앞으로 나올래? Come here to the front. 앞으로 나오세요. Who hasn't been out to the board yet? 이제까지 칠판에 안 나온 사람? Face the board. 칠판 쪽을 보세요. Step aside. 옆으로 비껴 서세요. Pick up the chalk and write your name. 분필을 잡고 이름을 쓰세요.

Write a sentence on the board. 칠판에 문장을 써보세요. Write it out. 쓰세요. Copy this down from the blackboard. 칠판에서 보고 받아 적으세요. Here is a piece of chalk. 여기 분필이 있어요. We've run out of chalk. 분필이 떨어졌네. Would you go and look for some chalk? 가서 분필을 찾아올래? Go and fetch some chalk. 가서 분필 좀 가져오렴. Go back to your seat. 자리로 돌아가라.

◉ Using Visual Aids (시각적 도구의 사용)

(1) 비디오 Let's watch the video tape. We're are going to watch the video tape. Why don't you watch the video tape? 비디오를 보자. How about watching it with no sound? Let's watch it without sound. 그것을 소리 없이 봅시다.

Here is a nice cartoon. 여기 재미있는 만화가 있다. This time, I'll cover the screen. 이번에는 화면을 가릴거야. What did Minhee say? 민희가 뭐라고 말했지? What's Minhee like? 민희가 어떻게 생겼지? If you were Minhee, what would you do? 여러분이 민희라면 어떻게 하겠어요?

(2) 그림카드 및 그림활용 Take a look at the picture/table/diagram on page 25. 25 쪽의 그림을/표를/도표를 보세요. We're going to look at the picture on page 14. 14 쪽에 있는 그림을 봅시다. Let's look at the picture on page 12. 12 쪽에 있는 그림을 봅시다. Let's take a look at the flash card. 플래쉬 카드를 봅시다. Look at the pictures on the right. 우측의 그림을 봅시다. Here is another picture. 여기에 다른 그림이 있습니다. I'll ask you some questions about the picture. 그림에 관한 질문을 하겠어요. What do you see in this picture?

이 그림에 무엇이 있지요? Who do you see in the picture? 그림 안에 누가 있지요? What's happening in this picture? 이 그림에서 무슨 상황이 벌어지고 있지요? I'm talking about the picture at the top of page 15. 15 쪽 상단의 그림 얘기를 하고 있어요. Let's talk about the picture. 그림에 대해 이야기해 봅시다. Talk to your friends about the picture. 그림에 대해 친구와 이야기해보세요. Put the pictures in order. 그림을 순서대로 놓아라. Hold up your picture when you talk. 네가 말할 때 그림을 들어라.

◉ Grouping the Students (그룹 구성)

(1) 모둠 만들기 These five students are Team A. 여기 5 명이 A 팀이에요. These two rows are Team A and the others are Team B. 여기 2 줄이 A 팀이고 나머지가 B 팀이에요. These two rows are one team and the others are another team. 여기 2 줄이 한 팀이고 나머지가 다른 팀이에요. I'll divide the class into 5 groups. 반을 5 팀으로 나누겠어요.

For this game, I'm going to divide the class in half. 이 게임을 위해서 학급을 반으로 나누겠어요. Two teams of four, please. 네 명씩 두 팀을 만들어요. Make 2 teams. 2 팀을 만들어요. Form two groups of six. 여섯 명씩 두 개의 조를 만들어요. Please get into groups of four. 네 명씩 모이세요. Sunmi's team will do part A. 선미네 팀이 A 부분을 하도록 해요. Three students in each group. 한 조에 세 명씩 모여요. Which team would you like to choose? 어느 팀에 들어가겠니?

(2) 모둠․짝․개인 활동 Work together with a friend. 친구와 함께 하세요. Work in pairs. 두 명이 하세요. I want you to do this exercise in pairs. 두 명이 이 연습문제를 하세요. Get a partner. Practice the dialogue with your partner. 짝을 정해서 짝과 함께 대화 연습을 하세요. Just the front row do this.

앞줄만 하세요. Here are some tasks for you to work on in groups. 여기 소집단끼리 해야 할 과제가 있어요.

◉ Comprehension Check-Up (이해 점검)

Have you got it? 알겠어요? Do you understand? 알겠어요? Do you understand what I'm saying? 내가 말하는 것 이해되나요? Do you see what I mean? 내가 말하는 것 이해되나요? Do you think you've got it now? 지금까지 이해되나요? Are you following me so far? 지금까지 이해되나요? Does this make sense to you? 이해되나요? How does that sound to you? 그것을 어떻게 생각합니까? Is everything clear? 확실하게 이해되었어요? Is there anything you don't understand? 이해 안 되는 것 있나요? Does everyone know what to do?

모두들 어떻게 하는 건지 알겠어요? Can you explain it? 그것 설명할 수 있어요? Do you want me to explain it again? 내가 한번 더 설명해주길 원해요? Is anyone having trouble? (이해하는데) 어려움이 있는 사람 있어요? Everybody can try, but one at a time. 모두 할 수 있어요. 한번에 한 사람씩만 하세요. I'm sorry, I can't hear you. 잘 들리지 않아요. More loudly. Speak loudly. Speak up. 말 좀 크게 해 주세요.

◉ Compliments & Encouragements (칭찬과 격려)

Good! Good job! Well done. 좋아요. You did well. 잘했어요. That's it. 바로 그거에요. That's almost right.

거의 맞았어요. OK. You've got it. 맞아요. 이해했군요. That's much better. 훨씬 낫네요. Let's give him a big hand. 그에게 큰 박수를 쳐줍시다. You read it very nicely. 잘 읽었어요. Excellent! Perfect! Fantastic! Terrific! 정말 훌륭해요! Your pronunciation is very good. 발음이 참 좋구나. I'm sure you can do well. 넌 잘해낼 수 있을 거야. Take it easy. 마음을 편히 가지세요.

◉ Error Correction (오류 수정)

Try again. 다시 해봐. Think again. 다시 생각해봐.

Will you try (it) again? 다시 한번 해볼래? Good try but you're not quite right. 시도는 좋았지만 맞지는 않았어.

◉ Taking a Break (휴식)

Let's stop here for a while. 여기서 잠시 멈춥시다. We'll stop doing this here. 여기서 잠시 휴식시간을 갖겠다. Let's have a break. 휴식 시간을 갖자. It's time to have a break. 휴식 시간이다. We will start again in 5 minutes. 5 분 후에 시작하겠습니다. I'm afraid we'll have to stop here. 여기서 멈춰야겠어요.

◉ Games & Activities (게임과 활동)

Let's play a game. 게임을 합시다. It's time to play an interesting game. 재미있는 게임을 할 시간이에요. First, I'll tell you how to play. 먼저 내가 게임방법을 설명해줄게요.

Let me demonstrate. 내가 시범을 보여줄게. Let's have a quiz. 퀴즈 게임을 합시다. Do you like this game? 이 게임 좋아해요? What about the "Simon Says" game? Simon Says 게임 하는 것 어때요? Do you feel like a game now? 게임을 하고 싶니? When I say “freeze,” I want you to stop and listen to my command. 내가 “freeze” 라고 말하면 너희들이 하던 것을 멈추고 내 명령을 듣기를 바란다. I shall be the referee. 내가 심판이 될게. Heads or tails? 앞면 아니면 뒷면? The first one to answer gets a point. 먼저 답한 사람이 1 점을 얻는다. The first team to get ten points wins the game. 먼저 10 점을 얻는 팀이 승자입니다. Who wants to play first? 누가 먼저 할까? Take turns. 순서를 바꾸자. Whose turn is it? 누구 차례야? I'll write scores on the board.

점수를 칠판에 표시할게요. Two points for this group. 이 그룹에게 2 점을. You lose a point if you answer wrong. 답이 틀리면 1 점이 깎입니다. If your team wins the game, I'll draw/put/attach a star on the board. 네 팀이 이기면 칠판에 별표를 그릴게요/붙일게요. How many points have you got/did you get altogether? 모두 몇 점을 얻었니? What was your final score? 최종 점수가 몇 점이었죠? You're the winner. 네가 승자야.

It's a tie. 동점입니다. The winners say "hurray" and the losers give the winners a big hand. 이긴 팀은 “hurray"라고 외치고 진 팀은 이긴 팀에게 박수 쳐주세요. Let's switch the teams. 팀을 바꿉시다. You have three chances. 세 번의 기회가 있다. Clap your hands five times. 손뼉을 5 번 쳐라. Watch me carefully and copy me. 나를 잘 보고 따라해. Do what I'm doing.

나처럼 해봐. Do as I say. 내가 말한 대로 해봐. Try to do it exactly the same way as I'm doing it. 내가 하는 대로 똑같이 해봐. Let's continue the practice. 계속해서 연습해보자. Is everyone finished? 모두 끝났니?

◉ Songs and Chants (노래와 챈트)

Let's learn a new song today. 오늘은 새 노래를 배워봅시다. Listen to the song carefully. 노래를 잘 들어보세요. Repeat the words after me. 가사를 따라해 보세요. Repeat after me line by line. 한 줄씩 따라해 보세요. Now you sing with me. 나와 함께 노래 불러요. Let's sing along with me. 나와 함께 불러보아요. Everyone sing all together. 모두 함께 불러봅시다. Now, let's chant.

자. 챈트를 해봅시다. First listen carefully. 우선 잘 들어보세요. Let's chant line by line. 한 줄씩 챈트를 해봅시다. Clap your hands by the rhythm. 리듬에 맞춰 손뼉을 쳐보세요. Let's tap the rhythm together like me. 나처럼 박자를 맞춰보세요. One, two, three, four. 하나, 둘, 셋, 넷 Let's chant in two teams. 두 팀으로 나누어 챈트를 합시다. Let's chant with motion. 율동을 넣어서 챈트를 해봅시다. Listen and watch carefully. 잘 듣고 보세요. Let me play the piano. 피아노를 쳐보겠어요. Who wants to sing with me? 누가 나랑 같이 불러볼까?

◉ Coloring and Drawing (색칠하기와 그리기)

Let's draw some pictures. 그림을 몇 가지 그려봅시다. Take out your crayons.

크레용을 꺼내세요. You will need some crayons. 크레용이 필요해요. First, let's do some coloring. 우선, 색칠부터 하기로 해요. Color each balloon whatever you like. 자기가 좋아하는 대로 각각의 풍선을 색칠하세요. Everybody take one sheet of paper. 모두 종이를 한 장씩 가지세요. Listen and color the picture. 듣고 그림을 색칠해보세요. Color the house red. 집을 빨강 색으로 칠하세요. Draw what I say. 제가 말하는 것을 듣고 그리세요. I'm going to do some air drawing. 공중에 그림을 그려보겠어요. Guess what I'm drawing. 무엇을 그리는지 맞추어보세요. Let's draw them on the book. 그들을 책에 그려보세요. Follow my directions and draw what I say. 지시하는 대로 따라서 그려보세요. Draw a house inside the triangle. 삼각형 안에 집을 그리세요.

◉ Acting out (시연)

Let's do a role play. 역할극을 해봅시다. How about doing a short role play? 짧은 역할극을 해볼까요? Let me tell you how to do this. 어떻게 하는지 말해주겠어요. Each group make a family. 각 그룹이 가족을 만드는 거예요. Who wants to be a mother? 누가 엄마 역할을 해볼까? Su-mi, you will be a grandma. 수미가 할머니 역할을 해요. You two ask and answer like actors. 진짜 배우처럼 묻고 대답하세요. Act as if you are a real mother. 진짜 엄마처럼 연기하세요. Pretend you're a baby. 아기라고 가장을 해보세요. You can do the make up. 분장을 해도 좋아요. Let's rehearse first. 먼저 연습을 해봅시다. Ok. Let's get started. 자 그럼 시작해볼까요? Now switch the roles. 역할을 바꾸세요.

I'll divide you into two teams. 두 팀으로 나누겠어요. Act out your feelings to your group. 자기 그룹에 감정상태를 표정으로 나타내세요. You have to mime the action. 몸짓으로 표현해야 해요.

◉ Collecting (과제 수집)

I want to collect the answer sheets. 정답지를 걷겠어요. Will the last person in each row collect the sheets? 각 줄의 맨 뒷사람이 답지를 걷어주겠어요? Will you collect the flash cards, now? 단어 카드 걷어 줄래요? Have you all turned in your homework? 숙제 모두 제출했나요? Hand in your homework. 숙제를 내세요. Will you please give it in now? 지금 내세요. Pass the sheets to the front. 종이를 앞으로 보내세요. Hand in papers as you leave. 나가기 전에 종이를 내세요. Make sure your names are on your work. 문제지에 자기 이름 쓰는 것 잊지 마세요.

◉ Test (시험)

We'll have a short quiz. 간단한 퀴즈를 보겠어요. We'll have a listening test next week. 다음 주에 듣기 평가를 할거예요. There will be a test on this Friday. 금요일에 시험을 보겠어요. I shall give you a test on this lesson next week. 다음 주에 이번과에 대해서 시험을 볼 거예요. I will give a word test. 단어 시험을 볼 거예요. Pens down, everyone. 모두 펜을 내려놓으세요. Put your pencils down. 연필을 내려놓으세요. Time is up. Stop writing. 시간이 됐어요. 쓰는 것 그만.

◉ Student Presentations (학생 발표)

Which team wants to act the scene for us? 어느 팀이 나와서 장면을 연기해 볼까? Who hasn't been out to the front yet? 아직 앞에 나와서 안한 사람? Who wants to be store keeper? 누가 가게 주인 해볼까?

Min-su, please come up to the front. 민수, 앞으로 나오세요. Speak loudly and clearly. 크고 똑똑한 목소리로 말하세요. Are you ready to present your story? 이야기를 발표할 준비가 됐나요? Who would like to go first? 누가 먼저 해볼까? I want you to go alphabetically. 알파벳순으로 발표하겠어요. Go ahead, Su-mi. 수미, 해보세요.

◉ Introducing Different Stages of the Lesson (수업 단계의 소개)

First, I want to go over with the colors we learned last week. 먼저 지난 시간에 배운 색깔을 복습하겠어요. Then, we're going to do make a book. 그리고 나서, 책을 만들거예요. Okay, then, how about singing a song? 자 그러면 이제 노래를 불러보는게 어때요? Now, let's watch the clip from the CD-Rom. 자, 이제는 CD-Rom 으로 한 장면을 봅시다. It's time for "Guessing Game." I'll show you how to play this. 지금은 “Guessing Game" 할 시간입니다. 어떻게 하는지 보여주겠어요. Now, let's move on to the next activity. 자, 다음 활동으로 넘어가죠.

From now on, we're going to make a book about food you like. 이제부터, 자기가 좋아하는 음식에 관한 책을 만들기로 하겠습니다. Now, look up the screen, please. 자, 여기 스크린을 봐주세요. All right? Let's do it now. 잘 알았죠? 자 그럼 시작합시다. Now, open your books to page 35. 인제, 책 35 쪽을 펴보세요. All right then. I want you to listen carefully. 그러면, 잘 들어보세요. Well, everybody. It's time we did something different. 자, 여러분. 조금 다른 것을 해보기로 해요. Now we shall do some group work. 이제는 소그룹 활동을 해보겠어요.

◉ Translation and Interpretation (번역과 해석)

What is it? Say it in Korean. 무엇이죠? 한국말로 말하세요. In English, we say it 'fish'. 영어로 ‘fish'라고 해요. What's the meaning of 'lunch'? 'lunch'의 뜻이 무엇이죠? Please guess the meaning. 무슨 뜻인지 알아 맞춰 보세요. Tell me in Korean. 한국말로 말해보세요.

You can write them in Korean. 한국말로 써도 돼요. Ask and answer in English, please. 영어로 묻고 답하세요. Try it in English. 영어로 해보세요. How do you say this in Korean? 한국말로 어떻게 말하죠?

◉ Stop Working (수업 끝내기)

Everyone, please stop now. 여러분 모두 인제 그만. Have you finished? 다 했어요? Is everyone finished? 모두 다했나요? That's enough for now. 오늘을 이것으로 충분합니다. Time is up. 시간이 다되었습니다. That's all for today. 오늘을 이것으로 마치겠습니다. It's almost time to stop. 끝날 시간이 거의 다 됐어요. Did you have a good time? 즐거웠어요?

It's time to review now. 인제 복습해보겠어요. That's all for this time. 이번 시간엔 이것으로 마치겠어요. Let's call it a day. 이만 끝냅시다. We'll finish at this time. 이만 끝내겠습니다. Tidy your desk. 책상을 정돈하세요. You did a good job today. 오늘 공부 잘했어요. You've all done quite well. 여러분 모두 잘 했어요.

◉ Assigning Homework (숙제 내주기)

This is your homework for today. 이것이 오늘 숙제입니다. Write the sentences on page 10. 10 쪽의 문장들을 쓰세요. For your homework, make a story. 숙제로 이야기를 써오세요. Memorize this dialogue. 이 대화를 외우세요. Finish off this exercise at home.

집에서 이 연습문제를 다하세요. Don't forget your homework. 숙제를 잊지 마세요. Will you read this page five times at home?

집에서 이쪽을 다섯 번 읽으세요.

I want you to listen to the tape of today's lesson ten times. 오늘 배운 내용을 테입으로 10 번 들으세요. Please review what we've learned in the class. 오늘 수업에서 배운 것을 복습하세요. I'm not going to give you any homework this time. 이번에는 아무 숙제도 내주지 않겠어요.

◉ Saying Good-bye (끝인사)

Now, it's time to say good-bye. 헤어질 때가 되었어요. Good-bye, everyone. 여러분, 안녕. See you next time. 다음에 만나요. I'll see you again next Tuesday. 다음 화요일에 또 만나요. Take care (of yourself), Min-ji. 민지야, 안녕. Have a nice day. 좋은 하루 되세요. Have a good time, students. 여러분, 좋은 시간 가지세요.

See you on Wednesday. 수요일에 만나요. Enjoy your holiday. 휴일을 잘 보내세요. I hope you all have a nice weekend. 멋진 주말 보내세요.

◉ Classroom Control & Discipline (교실 통제와 규율)

(1) 주의 집중 Keep silent, please. 조용히 해. I'm waiting for you to be quiet. 조용해질 때까지 기다리고 있는 중이야. Calm down now. 이제 조용히 해. Would you please keep it down? 조용히 해주겠니? Attention! Pay attention, please. 차렷! 집중하세요. Pay close attention to me. 주목해라. Can I have your attention, please? 조용히 하세요. Let me have your attention. 조용히 하세요.

Stop talking and look at me. 이야기 그만 하고 나를 봐.

(2) 수업태도 Look over here. 여기를 보세요. Look this way, please. 이쪽을 보세요. Look straight ahead. 앞쪽을 보세요. Look straight in front of you. 앞쪽을 보세요. Look to the left. 왼쪽을 보세요. Look on your right. 오른쪽을 보세요. Eyes to the front. 앞쪽을 보세요. Face the front. 앞쪽을 보세요. Face the rear. 뒤를 보세요. Face the back of the room, please. 교실의 뒤를 보세요. Face the other way. 다른 쪽을 보세요.

Turn this way. 이쪽으로 돌아보세요. Turn around and face me. 돌아서 나를 보세요. Turn and face the board. 돌아서 칠판을 보세요. Turn and face the left side. 돌아서 왼쪽을 보세요. Stay where you are. 그 자리에 가만히 있어요. Stay in your seat. 의자에 가만히 앉아 있어요. Sit up straight, please. 똑바로 좀 앉으세요. Sit up straight and look at me. 똑바로 앉아서 나를 보세요. Sit up straight and put your hands on your heads. 똑바로 앉아서 손을 머리 위에 얹으세요. Don't lean back. 뒤에 기대지 마세요. Don't lean over your desk. 책상에 엎드리지 마세요. I've already asked you to stop. I won't tell you again. 그만 하라고 이미 말했지. 두 번은 말하지 않겠어.

(3) 학습분위기 조성 및 주의 환기 Stop it!

Stop doing that. Don't do that. 그만둬. 하지마. You shouldn't do that. 그렇게 하면 안되지. You shouldn't play around. 돌아다니면 안돼요. No more playing around. 더 이상 돌아다니지마. Nobody move. 아무도 움직이지 마세요. Don't look out of the window. 창 밖을 보지 마세요. Don't disturb your neighbor. 옆 친구를 방해하지 말아라. Leave it where it is. 있던 자리에 그냥 두어라. Keep it away. 멀리 두어라. Like this, not like that. 이렇게 해. 그렇게 하지 말고. You must be more careful next time. 앞으로는 더 조심해야겠다.

◉ Warning (경고) Stop doing it. 하지 마세요. Watch your step.

(발걸음을) 조심하세요. Stay in your seat. 자기 자리에 그대로 있어. Don't look out of the window. 유리창 밖으로 내다보지 마세요. Get back to your seat! 제자리로 돌아가. You'd better watch out. 조심하는게 좋겠어. Stop chatting. 잡담하지 마세요. Now, settle down. 자, 이제 그만 조용히 하세요. Please don't interrupt. It's not your turn. 남의 순서에 끼어 들지 마세요.

◉ Student Classroom English (학생 교실영어)

I'm sorry, I didn't understand. 저 죄송한데요, 잘 모르겠어요. Could you repeat that again? 한번 만 더 말씀해주시겠어요? Can we listen one more time? 한번 더 들을 수 있을까요? I can't hear you. 잘 안들려요.

Can you help me, please? 좀 도와주시겠어요? Could you repeat the instructions, please? 어떻게 하는지 한 번 더 설명해주시겠어요? What do we do next? 이제 다음에 뭘하는거예요? What are we doing now? 인제 뭘하는거예요? Is it my turn? 제 차례인가요? I'm done(finished). 다했어요. What is the answer? 정답이 뭐예요? What page are we on? 지금 몇 페이지죠? Excuse me, Miss. Kim. Is this alright? 저 김선생님, 이것 맞나요? What is homework? 숙제가 뭐예요? How do you spell "orange"? “orange" 철자가 어떻게되죠? How do you say that word? 그 단어를 어떻게 말하나요?

Excuse me. Could I ask something? 저 질문하나 해도 되요? May I go and get a drink? 저 물좀 마시고 와도 되요? I need one more copy. 한 장이 더 필요해요. I didn't bring my English book. 영어책 안가지고 왔어요. I forgot to bring my homework. 숙제를 깜박 잊고 안가져왔어요. I'm sorry I'm late. 늦어서 죄송합니다.

◉ Teaching Vocabulary (어휘 지도)

What's in here? 여기 뭐가 들었지? What's this? 이것이 무엇이지요? Can you say it? 말할 수 있겠어요? Can you guess? 짐작할 수 있겠어요? Repeat after me.

따라하세요. Who knows what jogging is? 조깅이 무엇인지 아는 사람? Who can write it on the board? 누가 칠판에 써 볼 사람? Who can draw an apple on the board? 누가 칠판에 사과를 그려볼까요? What am I drawing? 내가 무엇을 그리고 있지요? Let's learn some words. 단어를 배워봅시다. Who knows what this word means? 이 단어의 뜻이 무엇인지 아는 사람? Does anyone know what this is? 이것이 무엇인지 아는 사람? I'll give you a clue. 힌트를 줄게요. I'll give you some help. 좀 도와줄게요. I'll give you an example. 예를 들어줄게요. I'll give you another example. 다른 예를 줄게요. Almost right!

거의 맞았어요! Watch me and I'll show you. 선생님을 보세요, 보여줄게요. Look at this picture. What does it tell you? 이 그림을 보세요. 무엇이 떠오르나요? What could this word mean? 이 단어가 무엇을 의미할까요? Does anyone know what this is in English? 이것이 영어로 무엇인지 아는 사람? It is usually round and sweet. 이것은 보통 둥글고 달아요. You like this very much. What is it? What could it be? 여러분은 이것을 참 좋아하지요. 무엇일까요?

◉ Teaching Listening (듣기 지도)

Just listen. 듣기만 하세요. Just listen. Don't say anything. 듣기만 하고 말하지 마세요. Listen and repeat (after the tape). 듣고 (테이프를 따라) 반복하세요. Now we'll listen again. 이제 다시 들을거에요. Let's listen to it once more.

그것을 한번 더 들읍시다. Listen and point. 듣고 가리키세요. Listen for information. 듣고 정보를 찾으세요. Are you ready to listen? 들을 준비가 됐어요? Listen to how I say it. 내가 그것을 어떻게 말하는지 들어보세요. Let's all listen. Listen to my pronunciation. 들어보자. 내 발음을 들어보세요. Just listen how the conversation goes. 대화 내용을 들어보자. Can you hear my voice now? 내 목소리 잘 들려요? Can everybody hear? 모두 잘 들립니까? Is the volume all right? 소리 크기가 괜찮아요? As you listen, fill in the missing words. 들으면서 빠진 낱말을 적으세요. While you are listening, answer question number 5. 들으면서 5 번 문제 답하세요. While you're listening, mark your answer sheet.

들으면서 답지에 표시하세요. We'll listen to the dialogue on page 2 and then answer some questions. 2 쪽의 대화를 듣고서 몇 가지 질문에 답할거야. Are you ready to listen and answer these questions? 듣고 대답 할 준비가 되었나요? You're going to listen and fill in the answer sheet. 듣고 답안지에 답을 쓰세요. ◉ Teaching Speaking (말하기 지도)

I can't hear you. Will you speak louder? 잘 안들려요. 좀 더 크게 말해주세요. I couldn't catch what you said. 당신이 말한 것을 이해할 수 없어요. Will you speak more clearly? 좀 더 분명하게 말해주세요. Please answer loudly. 크게 대답해 주세요. Could you say it again? 그것을 다시 말해 주시겠어요? What did you say? 뭐라고 말하셨죠? Let's say it all together. 우리 모두 그것을 같이 말해 봅시다. Say it after me. 나를 따라 말해보세요.

Now I want you to repeat after me. 나를 따라해 보세요. Am I speaking too fast? 내 말이 너무 빠른가요? Shall I speak a little more slowly? 좀 더 천천히 말할까요? Would you mind speaking a little more slowly? 좀 더 천천히 말해주시겠어요? I'll ask you some questions. 몇 가지 질문을 할게요. Any questions? 질문 있나요? What do you call this in English? 이것을 영어로 뭐라고 하지요? Is there any other way of saying it? 그것을 달리 표현하면 뭐라고 하지요? How do you pronounce the word 'banana'? ‘banana'란 단어를 어떻게 발음하죠? Put the stress on the first syllable. 첫 음절에 강세를 두세요. Listen to the way I say it. 내가 그것을 발음하는 방법을 들으세요. Say the opposite word. 반대말을 말해 보세요.

◉ Teaching Reading (읽기 지도)

How do you spell 'e-mail'? 'e-mail'의 스펠링이 어떻게 되죠? Would you mind spelling out that word on the blackboard? 저 단어를 칠판에 써주시겠습니까? Can anyone read this lesson? 누가 이 과를 읽을래? Who can read next? 누가 다음을 읽을래? Who wants to read first? 누가 먼저 읽을래? First I'll read rather slowly. 처음엔 좀 천천히 읽을게요. I'll read once more. 한번 더 읽을게요. This time with natural speed. 이번에는 보통 빠르기로 읽을게요 Now read after me. 이번엔 나를 따라 읽어보세요. We are on page 10. 우리 지금 10 쪽을 하고 있어요. I'll read it to you first. 제가 먼저 읽을게요. Read the passage silently.

글을 조용히 읽으세요. Let's read the text aloud. 본문을 소리내어 읽어봅시다. Read the sentence aloud. 이 문장을 크게 읽어봅시다. Let's read the text together. 이 글을 다같이 읽어봅시다. Read the first line. 첫 번째 줄을 읽어라. Start reading from line 3. 세 번째 줄부터 읽어라. We're going to read it by taking turns. 교대로 읽을 거예요. Two sentences for each of you. 각자 두 문장씩 읽으세요. Read one sentence each. 각자 한 문장씩 읽으세요. Let's take turns reading. 교대로 읽어봅시다. One after the other, please. 차례 차례요. Let's start with Sun-hee. 선희부터 시작하지요. You start, Sun-hee.

선희야, 시작해라. Sun-hee will begin. 선희가 읽기 시작할 거예요. Now it is Midal's turn. 이제 미달이 차례예요. Read the next sentence, will you? 다음 문장을 읽을래? Next, please. 다음 사람이요. You go on reading, Min-Young. 민영아, 계속 읽어라. If there are any words you don't know, please ask. 모르는 단어가 있으면 물어보세요. June-Young, you read the part of Mr. Brown this time. 준영아, 이번에는 브라운씨의 역할을 읽어라. Let's read the conversation again. 대화를 다시 읽어봅시다. Don't stop in the middle of the sentence. 문장 중간에서 멈추지 마세요. Stop there, please. 거기서 멈추세요. That's enough, thank you. 됐다, 고마와. That will do, thank you.

그거면 됐다, 고마와. Let's look up the new words first. 새로운 단어를 먼저 찾아보자. Read the second line from the top. 위에서 두 번째 줄을 읽어. Let's take a look at the words on pages 65 to 66. 65 쪽에서 66 쪽의 단어들을 보자. Is this word new to you? 이 단어가 새롭니? Can you understand the meaning of the word? 이 단어의 의미를 이해할 수 있나요? Can you say it Korean? 우리말로 할 수 있나요? I'll put the Korean into English. 우리말을 영어로 옮길게요. Read the first word on the board. 칠판 위의 첫 단어를 읽어라. Read the passage silently. 문장을 조용히 읽어라. Will you read from the first line on page 8? 8 쪽의 첫째 줄부터 읽어볼래? Read from the beginning to the end. 처음부터 끝까지 읽어보세요. I asked you to read Lesson 1 at home.

선생님이 1 과를 집에서 읽으라고 했죠. Did you practice reading at home? 집에서 읽기 연습을 했나요? Now let's practice reading the previous lesson. 자, 지난 단원을 읽는 연습을 합시다. Will you read this page five times (at home)? 이 페이지를 집에서 다섯 번 읽어보세요. Memorize this dialogue. 이 대화를 암기하세요. Learn this dialogue by heart. 이 대화를 암기하세요. Underline the word I'm saying. 내가 말하는 단어에 밑줄 그으세요. Draw the circle around the right word. 맞는 단어에 동그라미 하세요. Will you ask Chulsoo to share his book with you? 철수보고 그의 책을 같이 보자고 하겠니?

◉ Teaching Writing (쓰기 지도)

Come and write the words. 와서 칠판에 낱말을 쓰시오. I want you to copy the questions down in your notebook. 공책에 질문을 베껴 쓰길 바란다. Be ready to write.

쓸 준비를 하세요. Try to take down the new words as we go along. 우리가 공부하고 있는 새로운 단어를 받아 적으세요. Watch how I write it, OK? 내가 어떻게 쓰는지 봐요, 알겠죠? Write the sentences on page 10. 10 쪽에 있는 문장들을 쓰세요. Write it in the margin. 그것을 여백에 쓰시오. Write the date in the upper right hand corner. 오른쪽 코너 위에 날짜를 쓰세요. Copy these sentences in your notebook. 다음 문장들을 노트에 베껴 쓰세요. Before you begin to write, let's see if you can do it orally first. 쓰기 전에 먼저 소리내어 말할 수 있는지 봅시다. Don't forget to begin your sentence with capital letters. 문장을 쓸 때 대문자로 시작하는 것을 잊지 마세요. Sign your name at the bottom. 아래에 서명을 하세요. Unscramble the words. 뒤섞인 글자를 바로 잡으세요. Complete the sentences. Draw a picture. 문장을 완성하고 그림을 그리세요. Write the missing words.

빠진 낱말을 쓰세요. Number the sentences. 문장에 번호를 매기세요. Make your own story. 자신의 이야기를 만드세요. Fill in each blank with an appropriate preposition. 적당한 전치사로 각 공란을 채우세요. Match these words and then copy them neatly. 이 단어들을 연결하고 그 다음에 깨끗하게 적으세요.

Part Ⅱ



Dialogue 1:

T: Good morning, everybody. S: Good morning, Miss Kim. T: How are you doing today? S: Fine. T: Good!

Dialogue 2:

T: Good afternoon, everybody. S: Good afternoon, Miss Kim. T: How are you all, today? S: Fine, thank you, and you? T: Very well, thank you. And what about you, Mi-dal? How are you? M: I'm well, thank you, Miss Kim. T: Good.


♣종래 우리가 전통적으로 배워왔던 인사는 Dialogue 2 에서 보 여지는 바와 같이 "How are you?" "Fine, thank you, and you?" "Very well, thank you"와 같은 형식을 따른다. 그러나 실 제로 수업을 해보면 학생들이 따로 교사가 요청을 하지 않았을 때 는 "Fine, thank you, and you?"라고 교사에게 다시 물어보지 않 는 경우가 많다. 그럴 경우 교사는 당황하고 학생들이 물어보지도 않았는데 "I'm fine, thank you."라고 혼자 대답하는 경우가 있는 데, 이는 아주 부자연스럽게 들린다. 보다 자연스러운 인사 방법은 Dialogue 1 에서 보는 바와 같이 교사가 ”How are you doing today?"라고 인사하고 몇 몇, 혹은 모든 학생이 "Fine"이라고 대 답하면 교사가 "Good!"하고 가볍게 넘어가는 것이다. 물론 전통 적인 Dialogue 2 의 대화도 좋고, 특히 인사를 배우고 있는 중이라 면 "How about you, Mi-dal? How are you?"처럼 개별적으로 학생들과 대화를 나누는 것도 효과가 있다. 마지막으로, 많은 학생들이 교사를 부를 때 “Teacher!”라고 하는 데 이는 아주 어색하게 들린다. 미국에서는 교사를 부를 때 “Mrs. Green" "Mr. Brown" 등으로 부르기 때문에, 우리 교사들은 첫 수 업 시간에 학생들에게 "Please call me Miss Kim"이라고 말해주 는 것도 좋겠다.

Dialogue 3: T: Good morning. S: Good morning. T: How are you? S: Fine, thank you. T: Did you have a good weekend? S: Yes. T: Can anyone tell us what she/he/they did during the weekend? Oh, Min-Gu, tell us what you did.

M: I played football. T: Did you play American football or soccer? M: Soccer. T: Who did you play with? M: My friends. They are my neighbors. T: Tell us how the game went. Did you win? M: No. T: But you had a good time, right? M: Yes. T: Did anyone travel anywhere at the weekend? S: Yes, I went to Ever Land. T: Oh, did you? With whom? S: With my family. T: What did you see there?


♣ 특히 월요일의 경우에는 “Did you have a good weekend?" 혹은, ”What did you do during the weekend?" 등의 인사말을 하게 된다. 그런데 많은 교사들을 관찰해보면 “What did you do during the weekend?"라고 형식적으로 묻고는 학생들의 대답에 아무 관심을 갖지 않고 그냥 넘어가는 경우가 많다. 이 인사는 교사 가 조금만 의식적으로 학생들의 말에 귀를 기울이면 그야말로 순수 하게 의사소통을 할 수 있는 대화로 자연스럽게 이어질 수가 있다. 형식적으로만 묻고 학생들의 반응은 무시한다면 학생들도 금방 이 질문을 무의미하게 받아들여 아무 응답을 하지 않게 될 것이다.

Dialogue 4: (수업 첫 날)

T: Well, good afternoon, everyone. Nice to see you all here. Welcome! Right, well, let's introduce ourselves, shall we? I'm Park Shin-hee. Call me Ms. Park. I'll write my name on the blackboard for you...OK? "Could you all sit in pairs please? Everybody in twos." Right. Now, "Can you two introduce yourselves?" Listen, like this: "I'm Park Shin-hee," "and I'm Kim Mi-hyun. Nice to meet you, Ms. Park" and so on. Do you understand how you introduce yourselves in pairs? S: (Students introduce themselves to each other) T: Very good, well done! Now, will you introduce your friend to me and the rest of the class? You say, "Ms. Park, this is so and so." Any volunteers? Young-hoon? Y: Ms. Park, this is Mi-dal. T: Good afternoon, Mi-dal, nice to meet you. M: And this is Young-hoon. S: Nice to meet you. T: You can also say 'Pleased to meet you,' Please to meet you...Can you repeat that? S: Pleased to meet you. T: Again, all together! Pleased to meet you. S: Pleased to meet you. T: Good. Now introduce your friend to the people in front of you or behind you.

Key Expressions

1. 평상시 인사

How are you all Are you all well How are you

today? this evening?

2. 주말이나 휴가 후의 인사


did you have a good



did you enjoy the


3. 구체적으로 한 일 묻기

last night? What did you do

yesterday after school?

Tell me what you did

at the weekend? in the holidays?

Checking Attendance

Dialogue 1:

T: Quiet, now, please. Let's see if everyone's here. Mi-dal? M: Yes. T: Young-Jin? Y: Yes, present. T: Hee-won? H: Here. T: Gi-won?...Gi-won? Absent? Does anyone know where Gi-won is? S: Oh, he's coming in a minute. T: Alright.


♣ 아시다시피 출석을 부르다의 표현에는 call the roll, take the register, call your names(뒤의 key expressions 참조) 등이 있 고, 이에 대한 응답으로 학생들은, "Yes" "Yes, present" "Present" "Here" 등을 이용할 수 있다. 또한 교사들은 출석을 부르면서 관심이 필요하다고 생각되는 학생 들에게 짧은 칭찬이나 말을 건넬 수 있다. (예) T: Jih-ho? J: Here. T: Oh, you've got a new sweater on today. J: Yes. T: It looks nice on you.

Dialogue 2:

T: Oh, You-jin! You are back! You've been absent for 3 days. I know that you've been ill.

Y: Yes. T: Are you better now? Y: Yes, thanks. T: Well, You-jin, ask your friends to tell you what we've done. And please come and see me after class, OK?


♣ Dialogue 2 는 삼일간 결석했던 학생이 학교에 나온 경우 나누 는 대화이다. 학생이 연락 없이 하루를 결석했던 경우에는 "What was the matter?" "Why were you away? Have you been ill?"등으로 물어볼 수 있다.

Key Expressions 1. 출석부를 때 call the roll. I'm going to take the register. I'll call your names.


see if you're all here.

Now! OK!

who's absent.

Quiet, please.

who is absent. Let's see if everyone's here. if anyone's away.


anybody absent? everybody here?

(Yes, Mi-dal is.) (Yes, I think so.) (No, I think Mi-dal is away.)

2. “미달이는 어디 있지?”


's Mi-dal?


are Young-hoon and Dong-hee?

(Sorry, I don't know.) (Oh, he's coming in a minute.) (They're just coming.)

Mi-dal is? Does anyone know

where Mi-dal and Jung-a are?

Does anybody know Who knows when

Can anyone tell me

Mi-dal will be back?

3. 결석했던 학생에게 말하기


nice. Mi-dal

you're back. That's



been You've



days missed 6 lessons

4. 결석한 이유 묻기

3 haven't you?

What was the matter? Have you been ill? Why were you away? (Well, I was ill.) (Yes, I have. I had a cough.) (I was ill.)


Tell me about it.

Oh, dear.

Sorry to hear that.

(Well, I had a bad cold.) (I had an accident.)

Are you better now? Do you feel (Yes, thanks.)

5. “이 시간 끝나고 남아요.”

Come and see me after the lesson, OK? Stay behind after the lesson and I'll see you.

Right! Now we'll get on with the lesson. Ready?

Physical Conditions

in the Classroom

Dialogue 1:

T: Good afternoon, everyone. Quiet, now, please! It's really hot in here, isn't it? S: Yes! T: Gees, the windows are all closed. Look, could you open those

two windows,

please? Yes, could you open them? S: Sure. T: Thanks. Now, Hye-jin, can you open that window over there? Thank you... H: That's alright. T: That's much better. Everyone sit down now. Good.

Dialogue 2: T: Gosh! It's noisy in here! S: Traffic...outside...bad! T: Noisy, yes. OK. Shut those windows, then. S: But...it's too hot in here. T: Let's have the door open a bit, Mi-dal. Will you open the door please? S: Yes, alright. T: Better? Hmm, it's kind of dark. Would you please turn those lights on? Thank you...That's much better. OK, let's get on with the lesson now.


♣ 교실에서의 영어는 실생활에서의 언어사용 패턴을 반영할수록 학생들에게 실제적(authentic)인 언어 입력(input)을 제공한다는 면에서 바람직하다. 따라서, 수업을 시작하기 전에 교실의 환경을 바꾸고자 할 때 학생들에게 명령법만을 이용하여 딱딱하게 말을 하 는 것보다는 좀 더 부드러운 어투를 쓰는 것이 좋다. 교실에서 교사 에게 들은 요청(request)에 관한 표현을 교실 밖으로 나가서 실제 로 학생들이 사용할 수 있기 때문이다. 실제로 교실 밖에서는 다른 사람에게 무엇을 해달라고 요청을 할 때 명령문을 쓰기보다는 "Could you please do this?" "Would you please do that?" "Would you mind V-ing?" 등의 표현을 쓰기 때문에, 교사들도 학생들에게 창문을 열라고 할 때에 "Open the window!"보다는 Dialogue 1 에서와 같이 "Could you open the window please?"등과 같은 형식을 택하는 것이 좋다.

Key Expressions

1. “교실이 너무 어둡네요.”

hot rather


a bit






in this room,


isn't it?


(Yes.) (Yes, it is.) (No, it's alright.) (No, it's OK.)

in here,

sunny Isn't it rather


Don't you think it's too


in here? dark (Yes, it is, rather.) (I think it's alright.) (It;'s alright for me.)

hot Is it too

are you OK?




can you work alright? can you see alright?

(I don't mind.)

terribly untidy It's


in here, isn't it? noisy


2. 교실 환경 정리하기 untidy for me to teach in. It's much too noisy for you to hear me.

tidy up,

would you?

settle down,

will you?

be quiet,

could you?

Pleas e

(I will!)

(I'll do it!) (I can!)


turn you


switch someone


put it





mind you






Woul d

(Alright.) (I'll do it.) (I will.)

see better we can Then

keep warm. we'll be able to


keep cool. we can get on.

a window open the window nearest you close the door

Woul d

shut you

the shutters

Could draw the curtains let the blinds down


the heating on? we had the heater off? I switched the lights on? Would you mind if

the door we had

open? the windows

(No, that's a good idea.) (No, that'd be fine.)

Blackboard Cleaning


T: Now, please could someone clean the blackboard? S1: Yes, I will! S2: No, me! S3: Oh please, can I? T: Wait a minute. Put your hands down. Now let's see...Not you, Mi-dal. You did it last time. Er...it must be Sang-Jin's turn. Alright, Sang-Jin? Would you clean the board please? Just clean this part, not that part. Here's the cloth. Here you are...Thank you, Sang-jin.


♣ 위의 Dialogue 는 주로 초등학교 교실에서 일어날 만한 대화이 다. 칠판 지우개는 천으로 만들어져 있기 때문에 그냥 ‘cloth’라고 말하면 되고, 학생이 칠판을 지우고 나서는 “Thank you”라고 꼭 말해주는 것이 좋다. 영어에서 감사하기(thanking)란 이런 상황에 서 절대 생략될 수 없다. 또한 칠판 지우기 활동은 학생들에게 ‘위치’를 학습시키고 난 후에 일종의 TPR 형식으로 학생들의 이해를 평가할 수가 있는데, 가령 예를 들면 “Could you clean the bottom left-hand corner, please?” “Could you please rub off the drawings on the right at the top?” 등이다.

Key Expressions 1. 칠판 지우기 요청하기 the can Pleas

you would


blackboard? clean



will whiteboard?

you Woul

cleaning someon




mind please.

e (No, I'll do it.) (Alright.)

half. Just clean

section, this


part. that

Don't clean

bit. side.








corner, please? the (Yes, of course.) (Certainly, Mr. Han.) (This bit, here?) (Here do you mean?)



T: Could somebody help me please?...While I clean the board? S: I will.

T: Fine. Thank you. If you would just arrange these chairs in a circle, here, and could you perhaps make another circle over there? S: Like this? T: Yes. And then...er...a table between the two circles...That's fine. Thank you.


♣ 특히 자리나 책상을 옮길 때는 손짓을 하여 어떻게 옮길 것인지 를 보여주는 것이 좋다. “뒤로 좀 갈래?”라고 할 때에는 몸짓과 함 께 “Would you mind moving back a little please?” 또는 “Would you move your desks back please?”라고 하고, “5 명 씩 그룹이 되도록 의자를 옮기세요”는 “Could you possibly arrange your chairs to make groups of 5?”등으로 표현할 수 있겠다. 또한, 굳이 의자를 옮기지 않고 5 명의 그룹을 만든다면, “Could you get into groups of 5 please now?”라고 한다.

Key Expressions

1. 의자 옮기기

straightening the chairs moving up(along) a bit Now!


you moving back a bit

mind sitting in groups of 4 making a bigger space here

(Yes, OK.) (No, OK.)


(Yes, alright.) (No, alright.) (Alright.)

2. 그룹 만들기

If you could...

3? to make



arrange yourselves

4? to form


groups of

arrange your chairs

6? in

Please would you


Late Comers

Dialogue 1:

T: Hello, So-young. You are late today. S: Yes, Ms. Moon, I'm sorry. T: Did you get up late? S: ...er... T: Well, never mind this time, but next time, try to be on time, O. K.?

Dialogue 2:

T: Hello, Jin-ho. You're a bit late today. J: Yes, I'm sorry I am late. T: Well, where have you been? J: ...er..I forgot my book and I...go... T: You went back for it? J: Pardon me? T: You had to go back home to get it? J: Yes, yes.

T: You shouldn't have gone back for it. You could have borrowed one from your friend. Alright, but you'd better try not to be late next time. Go and sit down, then. Class, let's get back to what we were doing. Where were we?

Dialogue 3:

T: Oh, Ji-hee, you've arrived (Teacher looks at watch and frowns). Ji-hee: I know, I'm sorry. T: Suzie, find out why she's so late. Ask her. Suzie: What happened, Ji-hee? Ji-hee: My alarm clock was broken, so I woke up late. Suzie: Why don't you buy a new clock? Je-hee: I don't have any money. T: Anyone? Joon-young: Then ask your mom to wake you up. T: O. K. Good. Now, who will tell Ji-hee what we've been doing so far today? Jiyoung, would you like to tell her what we've been doing so far?

Key Expressions

1. “늦게 일어났니?”

miss the bus

forget the time?

Did get up late


were you delayed?

you get stuck in the traffic

2. 지각한 것에 대해 주의주기

was the bus late?

never mind



just for once,

but next time, Well,


try to be on time. matter

this time,

Sit down, please. Would you sit down, then, please. Go and sit down, then.

3. 수업 다시 시작하기

Right! Back to

the register.

Let's get on with

the lesson.

Let's get back to

what we were doing.

Right, we'll go on with

our work.

Review & Today's Lesson

Dialogue 1:

T: Who can remember what we learned last lesson? Do you remember these pictures? Can somebody tell us what they were about? S: In a...uhm...shop. T: Yes. Good. Anything else? S: A customer...want to change her radio... T: Yes, that's right. She wanted to change her radio. Do you remember what was the reason? S: Didn't work...well. T: Because it didn't work well. Good. Now, today we're going to revise that dialogue and learn something new. OK?


♣ 학생들이 지난 시간에 학습한 내용을 말하게 할 때에는 그것이 특정한 목표 영어 구조나 문법 사항이 아니라면 학생의 실수를 일 일이 고쳐주지 않도록 한다. 학생의 발화에 있어서 모든 실수를 고 쳐주다 보면 학생들이 실수에 대한 두려움 때문에 자발적으로 말하 는 것을 꺼리게 된다. Dialogue 1 에서 보면 학생이 이야기의 내용 에는 영향을 미치지 않는 사소한 실수나 불완전한 문장(예: "A customer...want to change her radio/ Didn't work...well)을 말하는 것을 볼 수 있는데, 교사는 이 때 그 실수를 틀렸다고 지적 하기보다는 교사 자신이 옳은 형태를 자연스럽게 다시 반복하여 말 해줌으로써 학생들이 스스로 실수를 깨닫게 한다.

Dialogue 2:

T: Today, first, I want to go over the sports and hobbies we learned last lesson. Do you remember? Then we're going to practice making suggestions and plans in English. You know, deciding what you're going to do next weekend, for

example. Making plans. We'll do some oral work, and after that we could do some role play...if we have time, OK? S: Yes. T: Well, can anyone remember the dialogue we did last lesson - the man who joined the sports club? We used these pictures, let's see how much you can remember. How about saying it together, looking at the pictures. Ready?


♣ ‘복습하다’라고 말할 때는 'review'라는 동사 이외에 'go over it again,' 'do it once more' 등을 사용할 수 있다. 또한 새로운 학 습 사항을 소개할 때에는 "Today (later on, in a few minutes) we are going to do something"의 형식으로 할 수 있다. 예를 들 면, "Today we're going to do three main things. OK? I've planned three things for today. First, I'm going to teach you something new, something new, OK? Then you're going to write a dialogue and act it out. Right? After that I'm going to teach you a new song."과 같이 오늘 수업 시간에 할 활동을 소개할 수 있다. 위의 예에서 볼 수 있듯이 교실 영어는 교사가 말을 되도록 쉽고 간단, 명확하게 하며 반복을 하는 것이 특 징이다.

Key Expressions

1. 복습하기

did Who can





tell me

talked about what we

read about

last lesson?

wrote about

last time?

learned used

Do you remember these pictures? Look.

Do you remember this? Listen. Who is speaking? We did this last lesson, didn't we? Look! Listen! We used these pictures, didn't we? We practised a dialogue about ________, remember?

go over it again, Let's

revise it,

shall we?

do it at once,

doing it again quickly? How about revising it?


having another practice?


What about going over it again?

Distributing Handouts

Dialogue 1: 책 꺼내기

T: Now, you'll need the worksheets we didn't finish last week. S: (Some students are beginning to get their worksheets out.) T: Do you remember the worksheets that I gave you last time?

Get them out. You don't need these books. You only want the sheets I told you to get out. Mi-dal! Have you lost yours? S: Yes. I can't find it. T: Well, you'll have to share with your neighbour.


♣ 위의 대화는 교사가 학생들에게 지난 수업 시간에 끝내지 못한 연습문제(worksheets)를 꺼내라고 지시하는 상황이다. 책을 꺼내 라고 할 때에는 여러 가지 표현을 이용할 수 있는데, 예를 들면 "Get your blue book out," "Take out your blue book," "Your blue book out, please!" "Out with your blue book, please," 그리고 굳이 명령문이 아니더라도 "You'll need your blue book."라고 말할 수 있겠다.

Dialogue 2: 인쇄물 나누어주기

T: Would you pass out these handouts please? Take one and pass them on. S: (Students pass the handouts to the back.) T: Have you all got a copy of the exercise? Is there anybody who hasn't got a copy? Mi-dal? You don't have the copy? S: No, I don't.

T: Oh, I guess... I'm afraid I haven't got enough copies to go round. I am sorry. You are going to have to share with Gi-won this time. Gi-won, could you share with Mi-dal please? Thank you.


♣“연습 문제를 넘기세요”라고 할 때에는 "Pass out the exercises" "Pass them on" "Pass them around"등의 표현을 쓸 수 있는데, 앞에서 언급한 바와 같이 단순한 직접 명령문보다는 "Could you pass them around?" "Would you please pass out the exercises?"와 같이 간접 명령문을 쓰는 것이 보다 실제적 (authentic)인 표현으로 바람직하다. “모두 다 가졌나요?”라고 물을 때에는 위의 대화에서와 같이 "Is there anybody who hasn't got a copy?"라고 할 수도 있고 "Have you all got a copy of the excercise?" "Has everybody got a copy of the exercise?" "Is there anybody without (a copy)?"라고 할 수도 있다.

Key Expressions

1. “연습 문제를 돌리세요”

Pass out the exercises. Pass these (to the) back. Take one and pass them on.

2. “모두 다 가졌나요?”

Have you all got a copy of the exercise?

Is there anybody without (a book)? Is there anybody who hasn't got a copy? Can everybody see (a copy of) the text/passage? Where's your book, Mi-dal?

3. “두 사람이 책 하나를 가지세요.”

One for two. One book to every three pupils. Three pupils to each book. There's one dictionary/set of pictures for each group.

4. “미달이하고 같이 봐라.”

Could you share with Mi-dal, please. Share with Mi-dal this time. I'm afraid I haven't got enough (copies) to go round. I'm afraid there aren't enough for everybody.

5. “책을 꺼내세요”

Take out your workbooks. Books out, please! You'll need your workbooks. Out with your books, please.

Finding Pages

Dialogue 1: (페이지 찾기)

T: Now, open your books at (to) page 27. OK, last time we talked about the diagram on page 27. Do you remember what we discussed? Today we are going to start with the exercise on page 30. Now, I want you to turn to page 30, and have a look at exercise 1. It's on page 30. Are you with me, everybody? S: Yes!


♣ 페이지의 위치를 말할 때는 전치사에 유의하기로 한다. 다음 예 문의 전치사를 보면 각 각 전치사가 달라지는 것을 볼 수 있는데, 이를 혼동하지 않도록 하자. (1) Open your books to (혹은 at) page 50. (2) The exercise is on page 50. (3) I want you to turn to page 50. 그리고 “책을 꺼내서 50 페이지를 펼치세요”라고 말할 때 “Take out your books and open at page 50”이라고 하는 경우를 본 적이 있는데, 이는 'open'이 타동사임을 잊고 발화한 것이다. 여기 서 'open'이라는 동사는 목적어가 필요하므로 반드시 “Take out your books and open them at(to) page 50”라고 말해야 한다.

Dialogue 2: (페이지 넘기기)

T: We've spent enough time on this. Now, let's move on to the

next page. It's

page 167. S: (Students turn over the page.) T: Here, we have some readings to do. The title of this article is...


♣ “다음 페이지로 넘어 갑시다”라고 하는 표현에는 "Let's move on to the next page" 이외에 "Turn over" "Turn over the page" "Over the page" "Turn to the next page" "Next page, please" "I want you to turn on to page 167" 등이 있다. 그리고 100 이 넘는 페이지의 수를 읽을 때에는 가령, 167 은 'one hundred and sixty-seven'으로 읽든지, 혹은 보다 명확하 게 페이지 수를 전달하기 위해서는 페이지 수를 하나 하나 개별적 으로 읽기도 한다. 'one-six-seven.' 마지막으로 Dialogue 2 에 보면 "We've spent enough time on this."라는 표현이 나오는데, 이는 “이것에 대해서는 충분히 했 다"라는 뜻이다. 시험을 보고 나서 교사가 "I think you've spent enough time on this. Stop working now."라고 말했다면 이는 “충분히 시간 주었지? 이제 그만.”이라는 뜻이 된다.

Key Expressions

1. “123 페이지를 펴세요”

Take out your books and open them at page 123/lesson 12. Open your books, please.

You'll find the exercise on page 206. Look at page 19. Look at exercise 5A on page 46. Have a look at the diagram on page 25.

2. “페이지를 넘기세요”

Turn over. Turn over the page. Over the page. Turn to the next page. Next page, please. Let's move on to the next page. I want you to turn on to page 134.

3. “지난 페이지로 다시 돌아오세요”

Turn back to the previous page. Now look back at the last chapter. Keep one finger in the vocabulary list at the back. You can refer to the map/list on page 216. Look across at the other side. Use the index at the back of the book.

Locating Things on the Page

Dialogue 1: (한 페이지에서 특정 위치 찾기)

T: OK. Look at page 45. There is a picture in the very middle of the page. Have you all found it? Yes. Good. Oh, no, Mi-dal! You aren't even on the right page. M: (Mi-dal turns on to page 45 and finds the picture.) T: Good. Now, let's look at what William Shakespeare said about this. It is the third paragraph, the second line starting 'he said....' Have you all found the place? Mi-dal, please help Gi-won find the place. Good! Thanks, Mi-dal.


♣ 한 페이지 안에서 특정한 위치를 찾는 지시를 하고 교사는 다음 과 같이 확인을 할 수 있다. "Have you found the place?" "Do you know where we are?" "Is there anybody who still hasn't found the place?" 지시한 위치를 못 찾는 학생이 있으면 "Mi-dal, show Su-jin the place" "Help Su-jin find the place" 등의 표현을 사용하여 학생 들이 서로 돕게 하는 것도 한 방법이 되겠다. 또한 특정 페이지를 보라고 할 때 (예: Look at page 45) 정관사 'the'를 쓰지 않는 것을 기억하자. 즉, “Look at *the page 45"는 틀리다.

Let's Take a Break! * 다음의 위치를 영어로 표현한다면 어떻게 할 수 있을까요?



4 3

Hints: 1. The picture in the t...l...-h...corner. 2. It's in the t...row d..., second f...the l.... 3. It's in the s...row from the b..., second f...the r... 4. It's in the v...middle.

Answers: 1. The picture in the top left-hand corner. 2. It's in the third row down, second from the left. 3. It's in the second row from the bottom, second from the 4. It's in the very middle.

Key Expressions

1. 페이지에서 특정 위치 찾기

The picture at the top of the page/at the very top. The line in the middle of the page.


It's somewhere near the top/bottom (of the page). It's towards the bottom/end. It's about halfway down. It's in the very middle of the page. About three-quarters of the way down. The top/bottom/middle line. It's ten lines from the top/bottom. Ten lines down/up. (The) tenth line from the top/down. (The) tenth line down/up. (The) third row down/up.

2. “그건 오른쪽에 있습니다”

It's on the right. The left-hand side/the right-hand side. It's in the top left-hand corner. It's in the bottom right-hand corner. It's in the left-hand margin. Look at the right-hand column. (The) third column (from the left/right). The center/middle column. The shaded area on the right.

3. “세 번째 문단에 두 번째 줄”

(The) third paragraph, (the second) line/sentence.

(The) last line of the first paragraph. (The) last line in the second paragraph. (The) third line, (the) fourth word (along). Line five, (the) seventh word. About the middle of line 12.


Dialogue: (연습 문제 답 확인하고 채점하기)

T: Now, I want you to do Exercise 7. I'll give you 15 minutes. These are short questions and you should try to answer them very quickly. If you get stuck on one, leave it out and come back to it later, OK? S: Yes. T: O. K. (15 minutes have passed.) Time is up. Let's go over the exercise together. We are going to run through the answers very quickly. Mark your own. OK, what's the answer to number 1? S: It's "Charlie Brown." T: Right. Next, what have you got for number 2? S: "It was Halloween." T: That's right. T: Now, count up your points. How many did you get right? Did anybody get them all right?


♣위의 대사에서 교사는 학생들에게 주어진 시간 동안 연습 문제 를 빨리 풀도록 하고 어떠한 문제에 막힐 경우에는 그냥 넘어가고 (시간이 남으면) 다시 돌아와서 풀도록 지시를 하고 있다. 이 때 쓰 는 표현이 "If you get stuck on one question, leave it out and come back to it later"이다.

Key Expressions 1. “연습 문제 6 번을 하세요” Try excercise 6. I want you to do exercise 6. Try the next exercise as well. Answer the first four questions. Answer every other question. Let's go on to exercise number 2. Do the whole of/ part of/ some of the exercise. If you get stuck, skip the question. If you get stuck on one, leave it out and come back to it later.

2. 다같이 연습 문제 훑기

Let's go through this exercise. Let's go over the excercise together. Let's check the answers. Now we'll see how well you did. Let's run through the answers quickly.

I think you are more or less ready, so let's see how you got on.

3. 답 점검하기

Check your answers on page 123. Mark your own. Change papers with someone/ your neighbor/ partner. The right answers are on page 123. Give yourself one point for every correct answer. One point for every one right. Take off a point for every one (you got) wrong. Count up your points. How many did you get right/ wrong? Did anybody get them all right? What was your score? How many points did you score? Anybody with one mistake? Two mistakes? I didn't take any points off if you forgot to put -s there.

4. 학생들에게 답 묻기

What's the answer to number 1? How does the first one go? What have you got for number 1? What do you have for question 1? What have you put for question 1? Let's go on to number 2.

And the next one, please, Mi-dal. What about the last one, Mi-dal? Could somebody read out what they put for number 2? Has anybody got anything for the last one?

Tape Recorders & Other Electrical Equipment

Dialogue 1: (테이프 설치하기) T: You're going to hear a dialogue on tape now. See these people in the picture? Well, we're going to hear them talking about their party. Who can plug the tape recorder in for me? S: I will. T: Thanks. Now what do I have to do? S: Switch it on. T: Yes. I have to switch it on here. See? This knob. Right. I've put the cassette in. Now let's see if I can find the right place on the tape...I wonder why it won't work? What do you think could be wrong? S: Remember? You saw him/her do it. T: Yes, I have. You surely saw me do it. S: Oh, have you rewound the tape? T: Oh, dear. No. Thank you! Well, while I am rewinding the tape, let's talk about what we are going to hear. How many people do you see in the picture on the blackboard? S: Three!

T: Right. Can you tell me who they are? Are they students? Or, are they businessmen? Or, do they look like neighbors? S: They look like they are neighbors... T: Right. What do you think they are talking about?


♣ 실제 상황에서는 플러그를 꽂고 전원을 키고 테이프에서 원하는 위치를 찾는 일련의 행동들을 학생들에게 물어보면서 하는 일은 좀 어색하고 우습게 느껴질 수도 있다. 그러나 교실 영어의 필요성 중 의 하나는 실생활에서 쓰는 말을 한정된 공간과 시간 속에서 학생 들에게 효과적으로 입력시키는데 있다. 플러그를 꽂는다든지 전원 을 켤 때 쓰는 영어는 실제 생활에서는 많이 쓰이지만 교과서에서 는 소홀히 다루어질 수도 있는 말들이다. 따라서 이러한 말들을 한 국어로 하면 우습겠지만, 영어로는 교사들이 의식적으로 해 줄 필 요가 있겠다.

Dialogue 2: (O. H. P. 설치하기)

T: I want to discuss some of these tables now, so we'll need the O. H. P... the overhead projector. Can you tell me what I have to do first? S: Electricity? T: Well, do I have to swtch it on first or plug it in? S: Plug in. T: Plug it in. Good. Can you say that? Come on! Everyone, say it all together, "you have to plug it in"! S: You have to plug it in. T: Good. Well, I've plugged it in. Now what?

S: Er, you have to switch it... T: Switch it on, on. Everyone! You have to... S: You have to switch it on. T: That's it. Now I'll adjust the mirrors. It's out of focus. Oh dear, the picture's upside down!


♣ 요즈음 많은 초․중․고에서는 컴퓨터의 보급으로 O. H. P.를 사용 하는 경우는 거의 없지만 학교마다 시설의 차이는 있으므로 O. H. P.를 이용한 대화를 만들어 보았다. 대강의 내용은 Dialogue 1 과 유사한데, TPR 의 형식으로 “선생 님이 ...할 동안 플러그 좀 끼워줄래?”라고 학생의 이해도를 점검하 고 싶으면 "Could you possibly plug the O. H. P. in for me?...while I am arranging these pictures?"라고 말할 수 있 다. 참고로, 대화에는 나와있지 않지만 ‘플러그를 빼다’는 "Unplug the O. H. P." "Pull the plug out of the wall"등으로 말한다. 또한 'switch it on'은 'turn it on'으로 바꾸어 말할 수도 있으며, O. H. P.의 화면이 또렷하지 않으면, "It's out of focus." 혹은 "It's not clear enough." 등으로 표현할 수 있다.

Dialogue 3:

T: Right. You give me instructions for using the tape recorder. What do I have to do first? S: First, you have to plug it in. T: And if I don't plug it in? What will happen? S: Not play. T: It won't work. Can you say that?

S: It won't work. T: Fine. So what do I do next? Now you have to... S: Now you have to switch it on. T: Good. And if I don't, what will happen? S: It won't play. T: Right. It won't play.

Key Expressions

1. 전기 연결하기 Miss Han,

tape recorder

Mr Kim

cassette player could


possibly Mi-dal

please could you


video player plug the

loudspeaker radio TV monitor O. H. P.

2. 기계 조작하기

Ready? I'll turn it on.


too loud turn not



loud down.




too bright.



turn it up a bit.


adjust it. not


I'll just adjust the tone.

enough. adjust the focus. out of focus.

What's wrong with it? plug is in. It won't work

I'll just


I can't get it to work

Can you


switch is on. mains supply. It doesn't seem to work

It still won't work. I'll have to fetch someone to see it. Well, I'm sorry.

I'll have to go and ask Mr ______ if he can fix it. We'll have to do something else. We'll have to do it another way.

Oh. It's OK now? Good;




find the right


get the correct


find the


Let's better. I'll just Thank goodness! Now, wait a little

3. 오디오 테이프 다시 듣기



catch that? Did you understand?

I'll go back and play it again. I'll let you hear it again before I ask you those questions. We'll go back and listen again. Ready?

4. “녹음기가 고장난 것 같네요.” The tape recorder seems to be broken. There seems to be something wrong (with it). The recorder isn't working properly. I have/seem to have brought the wrong tape. We'll have to do something else, I'm afraid. There's nothing we can do about it. There's nothing to be done. Do any of you know anything about tape recorders? Does anyone know how this works? I can't find the switch.

5. “모두 다 잘 들리나요?”

Is it clear enough? Is the sound clear enough? Is the volume all right? Can you hear at the back? If you can't hear, come a bit nearer. Is that better?

6. 테이프의 위치 찾기

Wait a moment/second/minute, I'll just rewind the tape. Let me just find the beginning again. Look at the questions while I find the place.

7. 사과하기

I'm sorry about the mix-up over the tapes. I'll try not to let it happen again. Sorry about the delay.

Blackboard Activity

Dialogue 1: T: OK, now who wants to come up here and write that sentence on the board? S: I will! I will! T: Mi-dal! Would you like to come up?

M: Yes. T: Oh, we've run out of chalk. Mi-dal, would you go and look for some chalk for me, please? Go and fetch some chalk from the teacher's office. M: OK. (She comes back.) T: Thanks. Now, Mi-dal, write it out on the board. M: (Mi-dal writes the sentence on the board.) T: Step aside so that the class can see what you've written.


♣ 칠판에 글씨를 쓰다가 분필이 없는 경우가 종 종 있다. 이 때 학 생에게 분필을 가져오도록 부탁하고 싶으면 위의 대화에서와 같이 "Go and fetch some chalk from the teacher's office" 라고 하 거나 "Go and see if there's any next door" "Go and ask Miss. Kim for some chalk" "Does anyone know where the chalk is kept?"등으로 말한다. 참고로 색분필은 ‘colored chalk’ 라고 한다.

Key Expressions 1. “칠판 앞으로 나오세요” Come up to the blackboard, please. Go to the board. Go up to the blackboard. Come and stand by the blackboard.

2. “누가 칠판으로 나올까요?”

Whose turn is it to write the sentence up? Who would like to come up here to the board? You have already been out to the board. Who hasn't been out to the blackboard yet?

3. “여기 나와서 칠판에 써보세요” Please come up and write that sentence on the board. Take a piece of chalk and write the sentence out. Here's a piece of chalk. Write it up on the board.

4. “다른 사람이 볼 수 있도록 조금만 비켜볼래?” Move out of the way so that everyone can see. Step aside so that the class can see what you have written. Move to one side so that we can all see.

5. “칠판에 쓴 문장이 맞나요?” Are the sentences on the board right? Are there any mistakes in the sentences on the board? Can you see anything wrong with the sentences? Anything wrong with sentence 1? Is there anything to correct in sentence 2?

6. “틀린 부분을 지우세요” Rub out the wrong word. Wipe out the last letter. Wipe off the wrong sentence. Rub that off.

7. “칠판에 적힌 것을 받아 적으세요” Copy this down from the blackboard. I want you to copy the questions down in your notebooks. Make a note of the last two sentences.

Using Visual Aids

Dialogue 1: (Video)

T: Today we're going to watch a romantic comedy called "You've Got Mail." Sumi, please come up to the front of the class and pull down the screen. S: OK. T: Thanks. Chulsoo, turn off the lights. C: Why don't we watch the movie with the lights on? T: Alright, if that's what you want. Anyway, while you're watching the movie, I'd like you to pay special attention to the main characters. After watching the movie, we're going to discuss the plot. Do you have any questions? M: How long is the movie? Are we going to take a break in the middle? T: It is two hours long. We will have an intermission at 2:50. Any other questions? .... Alright. Are you ready? Here we go.

(after watching the movie...) T: How did you like the movie? M: It was slow. I felt sleepy throughout the movie. S: No way. It was a cool movie. T: Good. Can anyone summarize the story of the movie? Can anyone describe the characters in the movie?


♣비디오로 수업을 진행할 때 학생들이 이해하기 쉽고 흥미를 유 발할 수 있는 소재의 영화를 선정하는 것이 중요하다. 학생들에게 너무 쉽거나 너무 어려운 내용보다는 적당히 어려운 내용의 영화 를 고르는 것이 바람직하다. 또한, 영화를 보기 전과 후에 영화와 관련된 내용에 대해 다음의 질문들을 학생들에게 던져 학생들의 사고력과 토론 참여를 유발할 수 있다. -What kind of movie do you think it is? -What do you think this movie is about? -Who is in it? -What does the title imply? -Let's talk about the characters one by one. Name them. -Did you like the movie? If yes, why? What did you like? -If you did not like the movie, why not? -Was there any message this movie was trying to get at? -If you were the director, how would you end this movie? 참고) 여러 가지 유형의 영화들에 해당하는 영어 표현을 알아둡시 다. 1) Romantic movies: 로맨틱 영화 (예: When Harry Met Sally, You've Got Mail, Notting Hill, Titanic) 2) Horror movies: 공포 영화 (예: Halloween, Scream, Sixth Sense) 3) Action movies: 액션 영화 4) Comedies: 코메디 (예: Mrs. Doubtfire) 5) Animated movies (예: Mulan, Lion King, Beauty and the Beast) 6) Science fiction movies (예: X-File, ET, Star Wars) **줄여서 Sci-fi movies 라고 할 수 있으나 SF-movies 라고 할 수 없음

Dialogue 2: (Pictures)

T: Here are several pictures. Can you all see?

S: Yes. T: Please take a close look at the pictures. What do you see in the pictures? Y: Forks and knives M: Wearing shoes indoors T: Anything else? T: Well. Now, can anyone guess what they all show? M: Is that American habits of daily life? T: That's right. Good job, Minsu. All these pictures represent aspects of American culture. Now, I'd like you to talk about the pictures in groups. You can discuss differences and similarities between the two cultures. Y: You mean, American culture and Korean culture? T: Exactly. After 10 minutes, you will be asked to summarize your discussion about these pictures. Raise your hand if you have any questions.


♣그림이나 사진 자료 등을 이용할 때 뒤에 앉은 학생들에게 잘 보 이느냐고 확인하는 것이 중요하다. 따라서 교사는 Can you all see?; Is this visible?; Do you understand what this picture represents? 등의 질문을 활용하여 학생들이 이해했는지 확인할 수 있다. 대규모 수업인 경우에 교사는 그림이나 사진의 사본을 준 비해 와서 개별 학생이나 그룹에게 나눠 줄 수 있는데 이 때 교사는 "I made some copies. I'll pass/hand them out to each of you/each group"이라고 표현 할 수 있다.

Dialogue 3: (Real Objects: Globe)

T: Today we're going to learn about the capital cities of different the world.

countries in

M: Cool. T: We will be using this globe to locate the countries and their capital cities. Please listen carefully. Where is Korea on the globe? C: Somewhere between China and Japan T: Excellent, Chulsoo. Now, locate the capital city of Korea. J: Here it is. Seoul. T: Can anyone see a special mark there? J: Yes, there's a red dot next to the name. T: That's right. Good job, Jiyon. The red dot is an indicator of the capital city on the map or the globe. M: To make it easier to find the capital city? T: Exactly. Now, I'm going to give you the names of different countries, and you're going to locate their capital cities. S: OK. T: Please point to Canada. Tell me what the capital city of Canada is.


♣지구본 외에도 다양한 실물 자료(realia)를 활용할 수 있다. 예를 들어 우체국 상황이면 우표나 편지 봉투, 저울, 우체통 등과 같은 실물 자료를 사용할 수 있고 은행 상황인 경우에는 dollar 지폐나 penny, dime, quarter 같은 동전 밑 수표 등의 실물자료를 사용 할 수 있다. 특히 음식점이나 쇼핑몰 같은 상황은 실물을 이용하여 활동을 구성하는 것이 효과적이다. 실물을 사용하여 수업을 진행하 는 경우 교사는 다음과 같이 표현할 수 있다. “Today, I'd like you to act out the dialogue that you learned yesterday. Since the dialogue is taking place in the restaurant, we'll be using some real objects, such as plates, forks, knives, spoons, cups, tables, menus, napkins, etc.

Dialogue 4: (The Internet)

T: Today, we going to look at pictures of dinosaurs on the Internet. Are you all ready for this? S: Wow, that sounds exciting! T: Please type the following URL (web address). S: I am sorry I can't see it from here. T: Alright, it's Did you all move to the site? S: Yes, what do we do now? T: Please click on the link on the upper right, the highlighted link called "Life of dinosaurs." Did you all get that? Chulsoo: Wow, this site is cool. We can see pictures of dinosaurs. They look real. T: That's right. Click on the pictures on the screen one by one and your partner the characteristics of each. I'll give you your hand if you need any help. OK?

discuss with

ten minutes. Please raise

TIPS ♣인터넷으로 수업을 진행할 때 알아두면 유용한 표현은 다음과 같 다. 1) I'd like you to move to the following URL (Web address). Please type the following URL and hit the enter key. Please type the URL in the "Go TO" field and hit the enter key. Click on the link, then it will take you to the site. 2) You can search for information using search engines like Yahoo, Lycos, Hotbot, Simmani, etc. Please enter key words in the field. 3) You can search for information using directories. Please click on the relevant link. For example, when you intend to search for Internet-related terms, first click on the "Computers & Internet" link and then on the "Internet" link. Then you will see the link named "Internet Glossary." 4) Now, let's all move to our chat rooms. We're going to have real-time discussion on fast food. I'd like you to think about the advantages and disadvantages of fast food. 5) Please turn in/submit your assignments via e-mail by tonight. Attach the file to your message and send it to me. I'll forward your mail to the other students. After reading your






response/feedback/comments to them. Make sure to spellcheck your work before you mail it. 6) I'd like you to download the software/program from the site/page. I'd like you to upload/post/put your assignments/papers/work on the Web/our class home page.

Key Expressions

1. 학생들의 주의를 집중시키기

at this! Look

this way! over there!

Washington, DC.

Here is Now, you're going to look

America a picture



This is


a map Australia

What you see is


this picture want


would like

you to look at

this chart this map this

2. 시각적 자료를 제시하기

a bit out of focus It's

Can you all see?

Sit where you can see it.

not very clear

Tell me what you see.

3. 자료 제시를 위한 준비하기 Turn Put

the light(s)


Plug in Unplug

the projector the VCR the computer

on off

the (following) URL

Go to

the (following) Web address

Move to

the (following) link

4. 시각적 자료와 관련하여 질문하기 do you see in

can you say



the picture? the chart? the clip/scene?

is happening in

5. 시각적 자료를 이용한 활동 진행하기

Point to

the person. France.

put your answers on the overhead transparency Come up and

summarize the resources that you found on the Internet.

Grouping the Students

Dialogue 1: (Whole Class Activity)

T: Now, I'd like you to repeat after me. All together, ready? "What are you going to do tomorrow?" Ss: "What are you going to do tomorrow?" T: I can't hear you. Say it louder. Let's do it again. All of you, keep together. "What are you going to do tomorrow?" Ss: "What are you going to do tomorrow?" T: Very good. Now, Miyeon, your turn. M: What are you...er...going to... tomorrow? T: "What are you going to DO?" "What are you going to do tomorrow?" M: "What are you going to do tomorrow?"


♣학생이 틀리는 경우 ‘No, you're wrong'에서처럼 직접적으로 오류를 지적하는 것은 학생의 자신감 및 학습동기를 저하시킬 수 있다. 교사는

“Try again," "Say it again," "Say it once

more"라고 하며 학생에게 기회를 제공하는 것이 좋다. 또한, 본문 에서처럼, 교사는 학생들에게 틀린 부분을 수정한 후 그 부분을 강 조하여 제시할 수 있다. 만약에 다른 학생이 끼어 들어 대신 답하려 고 하는 경우에는 ”Let him/her try it on her/his own," "I'm sure s/he can manage on her/his own"이라고 할 수 있다.

Dialogue 2: (Team Activity)

T: To practice the conversation, I am going to divide you in half. This half of the class is 'A' and this half is 'B'. Now 'A', you ask the questions, and 'B', you answer the questions. Ready? Go.

Team A: 'What are you going to do tomorrow?' Team B: 'I think I am going to swim. What about you?' Team A: 'I am going to have a birthday party at home. It's my

birthday. Would

you like to come?' Team B: 'Sure. I'll be glad to come. Happy birthday!' T: Good. Now, switch roles. This side will be 'B', and this side will be 'A'. Begin.


♣학생들이 따라 읽기를 할 때 목소리가 작은 경우에 교사는 다음 과 같은 여러 가지 표현을 써서 크게 말할 것을 요청할 수 있다. 1) Speak up. 2) Say it (a bit) louder. 3) Once again, but this time louder. 4) Say it so that everyone can hear you. 5) I can't hear you. Louder, please.

Dialogue 3: (Group Activity)

T: Now, I'd like you to work in groups of four. So, look, you two turn around so that you can face the two behind you. C: Excuse me? T: Chulsoo, turn around so that you can talk to Minhee. C: Oh, I got it. T: Good. Now, all of you make groups like this one. You four, you four, and you four. Turn around to see your partner. That's it. Good job. M: There are five students here.

T: Five? It's alright. Go ahead and work in a group.


♣가능하면 학생들이 한 학기동안 다양한 그룹들과 학습을 할 수 있게 하는 것이 이상적이다. 하지만, 우리 나라의 교실 여건상 주변 의 학생들과 옹기종기 모여 학습하는 경우가 많기 때문에 “Turn around and face your neighbour," ”Can you face the people behind you?" "Can you face the people in front of you?" 같은 표현을 써서 그룹을 구성한다. 그룹 구성의 다양성을 위해 교사는 개개의 학생들에게 번호를 부여 하고 같은 번호끼리 모이게 할 수 있다. 예를 들어 교사는 “Now, I'm going to number each of you/I'm going to give you a number. People with the same number, please get together/Please get together with those who have the same number." 라고 하면서 그룹을 구성함으로써 지리적으로 가 까이 앉은 학생들끼리만 그룹 활동을 하는 한계점을 극복할 수 있 다.

Dialogue 4: (Pair Activity)

T: Now, I want you in pairs. I'd like you to read your partner's writing, paying attention to the organization or the structure. S: Only organization? T: That's right. This time, you will only be looking at organization. In pairs, please. You two together, you two, you two and so on. Y: Excuse me, ....I... T: Oh, you're on your own. Why don't you turn around to make a with Misook and Chulsoo? M & C: Come join us.

three some

T: Thanks. Now, I'll give you about 10 minutes to read. After 10 be asked to exchange some feedback with each other.


♣학생이 그룹이나 짝을 찾지 못하고 있는 경우에 교사는 Oh, you're by yourself/on your own/the odd one out, aren't you?" "You don't have anyone to work with, do you?" “What about joining their group?" "How about sitting over there, next to Sumi?" "Would you mind moving a bit and working with them?"이라고 말하며 그룹이나 짝을 지정해줄 수 있다.

Key Expressions

1. 그룹을 구성하기

I am going to I'll

divide you down the middle. divide you into two groups. divide you in half.

minutes, you'll

I want you in

twos, with your neighbor.

I would like you to work in


We're going to work in

groups of four.

Can you get into


Work in


2. 순서 정하기

Now, it's your turn You're next. Your turn. Now you. Is Sumi next? (Are) you next? Next time you can be first

Not you again, Chulsoo. Hold on, Chulsoo. You just answered. Let someone else have a turn. Yes, Minhee?

Who‘s next? Who‘s the next one to try? Whose turn is next?

Has everyone had a turn now? Have you all had a turn now? Who hasn't answered a question, yet? Who hasn't been to the board, yet? Who hasn't had a turn? Who‘s left? Who else is there? ,

Comprehension Check-up

Dialogue: T: Last Wednesday, we went over the new words. Are there any words you still don't know the meaning of? S: The difference between e-mail and snail mail is not clear to me. T: Oh, let me clarify it for you. E-mail is the abbreviated form of mail; in other words, mail that you send and receive computers. Snail mail, on the other hand, snail in terms of the delivery


through the networked

means mail that is as slow as a

process. E-mail can take only seconds to be

delivered. Snail mail, or regular mail, can take a few days to be delivered. It's so slow, that e-mailers like to say that it is "as slow as a snail". That's why it's called "snail-mail" Is that clear now? S: Yes, I've got it. Thanks.

T: Alright, any more questions? Were there any words or expressions you were not sure of? S: I don't understand why mail is wrong in the plural form. T: I see what you're having problems with. Let me explain. Mail is a non-count noun It's not really a set of things. It's more like time and news. So we think of it like air and water. We don't make it plural. A message, on the other hand, is a particular bit of mail, a piece of news in your mailbox. So we make it plural because it's a count noun. You don't make it plural. On the other hand, in case of the word message, you can make it plural because it's a count noun. You can look up the two words in the dictionary and check what types of nouns they are, OK? S: Thank you. T: Any more questions? ... Alright, then, let's get started. Let's move on to the Listen and Speak section. Please listen to the dialogueue



♣교사가 수업 중에 이해 여부를 확인하거나 질문 시간을 줄 때 내 성적인(reserved/passive) 학생들은 이를 잘 활용하지 못 하는 경우가 종종 있다. 이런 경우를 고려하여 교사는 다음과 같은 표현 을 사용함으로써 학생들에게 질문할 수 있는 기회를 확대할 수 있 다.

1) If you happen to have questions later on, you can visit me during my office hour or e-mail me. 2) If you come up with questions about this, you are always welcome to drop by my office and ask.

Key Expressions

1. 이해 여부 확인하기






see get

what I

mean? am saying? said?

you don't understand? Is there anything that

you don't get? is not clear (to you)?

Are there any


you are not sure of?


you are not familiar with?


you find difficult (to understand)?

words? phrases? expressions?

Do you know the meaning of all the

vocabulary items? idioms?

Is everything


2. 질문이 있는지 확인하기

(Do you have)

any questions?

(Are there)

you want to Is there anything that

you'd like to

ask (about)? clarify? confirm? make sure?

you want to Do you have anything

you'd like to

ask (about)? clarify? confirm? make sure?

Compliments & Encouragements


T: Last Thursday, we learned about the dialogue in Unit 7. Do you all remember where the dialogue was taking place? S: At the restaurant. T: That's right. Good job, Sumi. Can you tell me who was there? M: John and Mary. C: And a waiter. T: That's correct. Can anyone tell us what happened at the restaurant? M: They were unhappy at the restaurant. T: Good, you're on the right track. Why? Can anyone tell us the reason why? (A moment of silence) T: Have a guess if you don't remember. C: Their pood, oh, no, food ..... T: Oh, Chulsoo, don't worry about your pronunciation. What was the problem? C: Their food was cold. T: Very good! You're almost there. So, what did John and Mary do? S: They complained to..oh, no,... complained about.... T: Sunhee, there's no rush. Take your time. S: They complained about it to the waiter. T: Marvellous! That's what I was looking for.


♣칭찬과 격려의 표현들은 학생들의 학습 동기(motivation)를 높 이는데 큰 기여를 할 수 있기 때문에 교실에서 적극적으로 사용되 어야 한다. 칭찬, 격려의 의미를 나타내는 표현들을 사용함에 있어 주의할 것이 있다면 uh-huh 의 억양이다. Uh-huh 는 억양에 따라 그 의미가 달라질 수 있는데 긍정의 답을 하는 경우 끝을 올려 읽고 부정의 답을 하는 경우 끝을 내려 일기 때문에 반드시 구별하여 상 황에 맞게 쓸 수 있어야 한다. 따라서 학생들이 잘하는 경우 끝을 올려 un-huh 라고 말해야 하는 것이다. 그리고, ‘잘했다’를 표현할 때 good, excellent, marvellous, great, wonderful 과 같이 단어를 쓸 수도 있지만 You did a good job; that's correct; that's exactly the point; there's nothing wrong 등과 같은 다양한 표현을 사용하는 것이 바람직하다.

Key Expressions 1. 격려하기 half way You're


on the right

need to


track. rush. hurry.

There's no hurry.

your pronunciation. Don't worry about

the spelling. the grammatical mistakes.

It You


get better.


You (have)

improved. made (a big) progress.

2. 칭찬하기 Fine! Good! Very good! Right! Correct! Excellent! Well done!

(quite) right. (perfectly) correct. That's

it. nice. exactly the point. (just) what I was looking for.

your answer. There's nothing wrong with

your response. your idea. what you've said. good

You did a

wonderful great marvellous


pronunciation speaking skills reading skills Your

listening skills


writing skills

good advanced.

presentation skills










Error Correction


T: Last Friday, we learned about the difference between "Two coffees, please" and "Two cups of coffee, please." Can any of you tell us the difference between the two expressions? S: I'll try. T: Good. Go ahead. S: I think the first sentence is grammatically wrong. Coffee is a


noun, in other words, we can't count coffee. The only way to count coffee is to use units of measurement like cups, bottles, pots, and so on. T: Good try, but not quite right. Well, why don't I give you some time to talk about the difference with your classmates? Please feel free to ask me questions if you need any assistance. (2 minutes later) T: OK. Are you all done? Sumi, do you want to give it another try? S: S: It depends on how you think and where you are. If you are in a restaurant where coffee only comes in paper cups, you can say "two coffees". If you are at home sitting around a big coffee pot, you will say "two cups of coffee." T: Wow! I'm impressed. Your explanation was just what I was looking for. Good! T: Wow! I'm impressed. Your explanation was just what I was looking for. Good! Can anyone give me some examples of count nouns? M: pen, book, friend, telephone, teacher, student, furniture T: Very good, Minhee. You got most of them correct. There was something wrong, though. Can any of you point that out? C: "Teacher" is a non-count noun. T: There's no rush. Take your time and think again. J: I think furniture is the non-count noun. We have to use "a piece of," "two pieces of" when we count furniture.


♣부정적인 피드백은 학습자의 동기를 저하시킬 우려가 있으므로 가능하면 간접적으로 표현하는 것이 좋다. 특히, 틀린 학생의 오류 를 교정하는 경우 No, that's wrong; no, you're wrong; I've never heard anything so ridiculous! 같이 직접적인 영어 표현 은 학생들의 의욕을 상실시킬 수 있다. 같은 의미라도 우회적으로 표현하여 Good try, but not quite right; not exactly; try again 등과 같이 말하는 것이 좋다.

Key Expressions

1. 틀린 답에 피드백 주기

again. Not quite right.

Try (it)

one more time. once more.


exactly. really.


another try.

Give it

Take it easy. There's no rush.

Try again.

There's no hurry.

another possibility one answer




one way of



looking at it.

idea. an interesting

suggestion. point.

Did anyone notice the mistake?

Anything wrong?

Can anyone improve

on that? what s/he said?

to correct? Is there anything

to add? that needs correction?






say? answer?

the question Please

think the problem


one more time.

it this

You made

a small


a slight

in what you said.

There was



the verb.


the preposition.


the wrong tense.


the instructions.

d Is there a better

way of saying


What's a

the same thing? it?

That is alright, but is there another way?


Any alternative


say Can Could


another way? it


in other words? phrase




say put

differently? in other words



could you




could you

say it?

Taking a Break


T: For today's class, we're going to start off with debate sessions. I'm going to give you some time to discuss in a group the topic of your choice. After the discussion, we're going to have a break for about ten minutes. During the break time, you can get some coffee and cookies or go to the restroom. OK? Are you all ready? Start discussing! (After students' discussion) T: Time is up. It's time to take a break. (After the students' presentation) All of you did a fine job today. Well, it's ten to three. So, we'll have to stop now. During the break, you can go get some drinks.


♣ Break 과 intermission 은 모두 ‘휴식 시간‘을 의미하는데 intermission 은 주로 연극, 오페라 공연 등의 사이에 낀 쉬는 시간 을 지칭할 때 사용되는 반면 학교 상황에서는 break 가 더 자연스 럽다. ’몇 분 쉬겠다’ 라는 얘기를 할 때 (1) We're going to have a break for ten minutes, (2) Let's take/have a ten-minute break 이라고 한다. 특히 주의할 것은 break 를 수식하는 tenminute 은 단수 형태라는 것이다. 즉, “Let's take/have a ten-minutes break“ 라고 하는 것은 맞 지 않다.

Key Expressions



time to


a (five-minute) break.


a rest.

take Let's


a (five-minute) break. a rest.

take Why don't we


a (five-minute) break? a rest?

take We'll


a break


ten twenty


drinks. get


coffee. snacks. sleep.

During the break, you can restroom. go

to the

cafeteria. snack bar. playground.


Dialogue 1: (Miming)

T: Now, it's time for some fun. Let's play a miming game. For this going to divide you into two groups. This half of the

game, I am

class will be Team A, and

this half, Team B. And who'd like to be a team leader? Any volunteers? (No answer from the students) T: No volunteers? Alright, then, choose your team leaders. (Students choose their group leaders.) T: Ok. Now, listen while I explain how to play. Each team decides on the gestures first and the group leader acts them out. The other team has to guess what s/he is doing. You get three guesses, and you get a point if you guess correctly. You lose a point if you don't get the correct answer. The first team to score 5 points wins the game. Is everything clear? Ss: (nodding) Yes. T: Please keep in mind that the group leader should never talk. Now, who wants to go first? Team A: We'll go first. T: Ok, Team A, first discuss what to mime. Team A: We're done. T: Are you ready? Start. Ss: (miming: combing hair) Team B: Combing your hair? T: Good job. You got one point. Now, your turn, group B. Decide on the gesture. Are you ready to start?

Ss: Yes. (miming: driving a car) (Team A remains silent) T: Try one more time. Ss: (miming: driving a car ) Team B: Dancing? S2: No, But I'll give you another chance. Try again. Team B: Driving? T : Correct. Good job! (The game continues.) T: Team A, you've just got five points. You're the winner!


♣Miming Games 는 위에서처럼 driving a car, brushing one's teeth, combing one's hair, catching a ball 등의 동작을 나타내는 동작 동사구를 학습한 후 이를 연습/복습할 때 사용할 수 잇는 game 이다. 이 게임은 동작 동사(action verb) 뿐만 아니라 주어+ 동사-ing 의 현재 진행형 연습에도 효과적으로 사용할 수 있 다. 그밖에 go in one ear and out the other 같이 신체의 일부분 에 대한 표현을 포함한 idiom 을 학습할 때도 유용하다. 그리고 이 게임을 위에서처럼 Team 대 Team 이 아니라 student 대 student, 즉 Pair work 를 사용하여 진행할 경우에는 동작을 나 타내는 그림 카드와 단어 카드를 복사하여 둘씩 짝을 지어 번갈아 가며 mime 을 하고 맞추기를 하는 방법으로 변형시켜 활용하면 다 양한 표현들을 개별적으로 연습하는 것이 가능하다.

Dialogue 2: (Word Search)

T: To review the words you've learned so far, let's play a word Here is a worksheet. I am going to pass this out to

search game.

you. Please work in pairs.

Each pair gets one copy. Please share it

with your partner. (Is there) any pair

that hasn't got a copy, yet? S1: We don't have a copy. T: (Passing it to the student) Here you are. Wait while I explain what we are going to do. Find the hidden words on the sheet. There are

10 words, all of which are

from Lesson 7. Make a list of them. The first team to say the words out loud wins. Are you ready? Start. (15 minutes later) T: Are you all done? S: No. It's too difficult for us. Give us more time. (5 minutes later) S: We're finished. T: Ok. Can you say the words out loud? S: History, ship, sail, archeology, ruin, settle, ancestor, terror, destroy, rich. T: Very good. You're the winner.


♣ 위에서 소개한 Word Search 이외에도 Word Puzzle 을 활용 한 여러 가지 방법이 있다. -Fallen Phrases, -Letter Tiles, -Cryptograms, -Double Puzzle, -Criss-cross Puzzle, -Hidden Message Word Search

이러한 puzzle 을 만드는 것은 복잡하고 시간이 많이 걸리는 일이 다. 이러한 어려움을 느끼는 교사가 자신들이 교과서를 통해 가르 친 단어들을 가지고 위에서 나온 여러 종류의 puzzle 을 직접 만들 수







. 이 사이트에 들어가면, 교 사가 원하는 단어와 힌트 등을 입력하면 쉽고 빠르게 puzzle 이 만 들어진다.

Dialogue 3: (Numbering the Sentences)

T: Now, I'd like you to work in pairs. In twos, please. Turn around and face your neighbor. Sujung, why don't you sit next to him? S: OK. T: Alright, everybody. Look at the projector. Here are some speech Youngsoo, can you read the sentences inside the bubbles? Y: Hi; And you?; How are you?; Fine thanks. T: Good job. Now, let's watch the video/listen to the tape. -After watching the video or listening to the tape-


T: Now, put the speech bubbles in order. Then practice the mini dialogue with your partner. And practice the mini dialogue with your partner.


♣Speech Bubble 은 학생들의 흥미와 동기를 유발하는데 효과적 이다. 예를 들어, cartoon 을 이용하여 수업을 할 때 speech bubble 을 활용할 수 있는데 먼저 cartoon strip 을 제시하되 speech bubble 은 비워 듄다. 그리고 학생들이 그 비어있는 부분 을 영어 문장으로 채우게 하는데 이 때 수준이 낮은 학생은 부분적 으로 하나 정도의 speech bubble 을 채우고, 수준이 높은 학생은 전체를 채우게 하면 된다. 이 방법은 학생들의 상상력을 길러주는 데 효과적이다.

Dialogue 4: (Body Clocks)

T: Last week, we learned about how to tell time. Today, we're going to practice telling time. We need a person. Who wants to volunteer? M: I will. T: Minhee, imagine that you're a clock. Your left hand is the hour hand. Your right hand is the minute hand. Everybody, keeping that in mind, watch Minhee's hands closely. Your job is to tell the time. (Minhee indicates 3:30.) T: What time is it? Answer in English. S: It's three thirty. T: Very Good. Now, who wants to be a clock? Please come up. (Chulsoo comes up and indicates 5:00.) T: OK. Tell me what time it is.

S: It's five o'clock. T: Excellent! One more volunteer? (Repeats the same process.) T: OK, Now that you've had enough practice, you're going to play a real game. I'm going to divide you into two groups. This side, you're Team A. This side, you're Team B. OK. Now, please choose 'a clock person' from your group. The clock person from Team A will ask time. And, the clock

Team B what time it is while s/he is showing

person from Team B will ask Team A what time it is while

the person is showing the time. You got it?..... Please pay attention to the clock and tell the time. I am going to write down the scores of your teams. Alright, who wants to go first?


♣시계 게임을 할 때 주의해야 할 사항은 자리에 앉아 있는 학생과 시간을 표현하는 학생 또는 교사 사이에 시침과 분침이 혼동될 우 려가 있다는 것이다. 예를 들어 시간을 표현하는 사람이 다른 학생 들을 마주 보고 있는 경우 시간을 표현하는 사람이 생각하는 왼쪽 과 의자에 앉아 시간을 알아 맞추는 학생들이 생각하는 왼쪽이 반 대 방향이 되기 때문이다. 이로 인해 시침과 분침을 혼동하게 되는 경우 게임의 의미가 없어진다. 따라서 게임에 앞서 방향을 정확하 게 정하고 하는 것이 바람직하다.

Dialogue 5: (Simon Says)

T: Yesterday, we learned about some useful expressions. Do you what we studied? S: Brush C: Brush your teeth T: Good, what else?


J: Drive a car T: Anything else? K: Raise your hand ................................................... T: Excellent! Today, we're going to play a game using the expressions. I'm going to give you commands starting with "Simon says." Please listen carefully to what I say, and follow my commands. Do you understand what I'm saying? (Students nod.) T: OK. Then, let's have a warm-up. Are you ready? Here we go! Close your eyes, everybody! (Students close their eyes.) T: Well done! Raise your hands, everybody! (Students raise their hands.) T: Good job. Now, stand up and listen to me carefully. From now on, I'll give you commands with "Simon says," and without "Simon says." You got that? (Students look lost.) T: Alright, let me explain. Firar, I say "Stand up!" You DON'T stand up. (folding arms and frowning) I say "Simon Says Stand Up!" You DO stand up. (standing up) Next if I say, "Stand up!", you don't stand up. Now, if I say "Simon says stand up?" What do you do? And what do you do if I say "Simon says close your eyes?" (Students close their eyes.) T: Good. Are you ready for a real game? Here we go! Raise your hand! (Quite many students raise their hands and they have to sit down.) T: OK, We have several students left standing up. Now, listen carefully. Simon says "brush your teeth."

(All the students act out the command successfully.) T: Well done! (The game continues.)


♣Simon Says 같은 게임 설명을 영어로 듣는 것이 학습자에게 심 리적으로 부담이 될 수 있다. 이런 심리적 부담을 덜어줄 수 있는 방법으로 교사가 영어로 설명을 하면서 직접 시범을 보여주는 것이 효과적이다.

Other Activities

Dialogue 1: (Pop Songs)

T: Now, let's sing. Here is the song that we're going to learn. It's titled 'A Lover's Concerto'. Did you ever see the movie called 접속? S: Yes, it was very touching. T: ‘A Lover's Concerto’ is the theme song for that movie. Now, I'll pass out a copy of the lyrics to you..... Did you all receive one? S: Yes. T: Please look at the handout. The sentences A through L are all mixed up. I scrambled the sentences from the lyrics. While listening to the song, put the sentences in order. It might be a good idea to number the sentences. Are you ready? Here we go. (Listening to the song) T: Are you all done? S: Can we listen to the song one more time? T: Okay, let's try again. This time, listen carefully. (Listening to the song again) T: Are you all done? Now, let's go over the answers. Who wants to go first? M: Sentence A is 3 T: You're right. C: Sentence B is 5 T: Excellent. And C? K: Sentence C is 10 ....... T: You did a good job. Now, look at the overhead projector. You can see the lyrics in English and in Korean. Look at the lyrics in English and sing along. If you can't, just hum. T: Wow, all of you are great singers. You sound really good, especially in harmony. Now, let me explain key words and expressions to you.


♣보통 팝송을 이용해서 수업을 할 때 테잎을 들으면서 빈칸을 채우거 나 (filling in the blanks) 또는 받아쓰기(dictation)를 하는 것이 일반적인 활동이다. 그러나 위에서는 가사를 단락(paragraph) 단 위로 끊어서 순서 없이 나열해 놓은 후 학생들이 노래를 듣고 순서 대로 재배열하도록 하고 있다. 이 방법은 수준이 낮은 학생들이 단 어를 몰라서 처음부터 쉽게 포기하는 것을 막을 수 있다. 단어를 잘 몰라도 전체적인 내용을 듣고 대답할 수 있어서 자신감을 불어넣어 줄 수 있다.

Dialogue 2: (Chants)

T: Today we are going to start off with a chant. For all of you, I

created a chant

with the expressions we've learned. I'll hand out a copy of the words for each of you. Does everybody have a copy? Ss: Yes. T: Alright, I am going to chant. Please listen carefully. (After chanting) T: Did you all understand what it's about? How was it? S: I like it. It sounds like a song. T: Good! Now, I'd like you to tap your desk with your hands or pencils. (After chanting) T: Good job. Did you all get the rhythm? S: Yes. T: Good, Now, let's chant. Repeat after me. "When I get up

I make my bed I clean my room and brush my teeth". (Students repeat after the teacher.) T: And then what? What next? (Students repeat after the teacher.) T: "I have breakfast Go and do sports Play lots of games Have lots of fun" Repeat (Students repeat after the teacher.) T: And then what? What next? (Students repeat after the teacher.) (After chanting) T: Excellent! All of you did a great job. Now, I'm going to divide you into two groups. You chant Part A and the rest chant Part B. Are Group A: "When I get up I make my bed I clean my room and brush my teeth". Group B: And then what? What next? Group A: "I have breakfast Go and do sports

you ready? Go!

Play lots of games Have lots of fun" Group B: And then what? What next? T: Now switch parts.




♣ Jazz Chants 는 모든 수준의 학생들에게 흥미를 유발할 수 있는 효 과적인 자료이다. Carolyn Graham 의 Jazz Chants 나 Jazz Chants for Children 같이 기존의 교재에 나와 있는 다양한 chant 를 활용하는 것도 좋지만 교사가 수업시간에 가르친 문장이 나 표현들을 활용하여 직접 chant 를 만들어 활용할 수도 있다. 예 를 들면 위에서는 하루 일과를 chant 로 만들어서 배운 내용을 복 습할 수 있다.

Dialogue 3: (Role Play)

T: Do you remember the dialogue that we learned last week? Who was in it? S: A flight attendant and a passenger. T: Good. You have a good memory. And what were they doing? S: The stewardess misunderstood what the passenger said to her. T: Excellent. Now, I'd like you to do some role plays. In twos, please. One of you play the role of a passenger and the other play the role of a flight attendant. (After some practice time) T: Alright, everybody, back to your seats. Who would like to act for us? Any volunteers? Who wants to be the passenger? M: I do. T: Any volunteers for the role of the flight attendant? S: I'll try. T: Good! Are you ready to start? Here we go. (They act out the dialogue.) T: Excellent. You did a wonderful job. Let's give them a big hand.

Anyone else?


♣ 교실에서 역할극(role play) 활동을 할 때 소품(props)을 사용하는 것이 효과적이다. 이는 학생들이 dialogue 를 재현할 때 자신이 맡 은 역할과 상황을 생동감 있게 표현하는데 도움을 주기 때문이다. 또한, 몸짓(body language), 얼굴 표정(facial expressions), 억 양(intonation) 같은 요소를 적극적으로 사용할 것을 권장함으로 써 역할극을 보다 극적으로 만들 수 있다. 교사가 직접 시범을 보이 거나 비디오 클립 등의 자료를 보여주는 등 예시를 제공하면 더욱 효과적이다.

Dialogue 4: (News Articles and Headlines)

T: For today's classroom activity, we're going to use newspapers. What you have to do is to match the news articles and headlines. I'd like you to work in groups of four. Sumi, can you turn around and face the people behind you? S: OK. T: Good. I have 10 news articles to give out today. Each group gets a copy of one of these articles. Misook, will you please help me give these out? M: Sure. T: Thanks. Now, I'd like you to read the story and find the main idea. You have only five minutes. (5 minutes later) T: Are you all finished? Group 1: No, we need more time.

T: Okay, I'll give you two more minutes. (2 minutes later) Group 1: OK. We're done. T: Now, look at the overhead transparency. There are 15 headlines on it. Choose the most appropriate headline for your story. I'd like you to discuss the main idea of the article with your group members in order to find the proper headline. (1 minute later) T: Did you all find the headlines for the articles that you have? S: Yes. T: Good. Who wants to go first? Please come to the blackboard. S: The story that we read is about a ten-year-old boy called Mark, who had disappeared in the river and was found safe. We all agreed to choose the headline "Children at risk" for our story. T: Very good. Who 's next? S: Group 3. T: Please come up. Tell us about the story that you have and the you've chosen for the story.

headline that


♣신문이나 잡지를 이용하여 영어 수업을 하는 경우 학생들은 실제 생 활과 밀접하게 관련된 내용을 접할 수 있기 때문에 수업내용에 흥 미를 느끼기가 쉽다. 특히 신문 기사는 학생들에게 읽기 능력을 향 상시키는 연습에 사용될 수 있다. 예를 들면 신문 기사를 오려 복사 해서 개인이나 그룹의 학생들에게 나눠주고 주제를 찾는 훈련을 하 게 할 수 있다. 그리고 나서 여러 가지 머릿기사(headline)를 주고 읽은 기사내용에 가장 적합한 것을 고르게 할 수 있다. 이 방법은 수학능력시험에서 주제나 요지를 묻는 문제에 대비할 수 있도록 하 는 효과적인 읽기 지도 방법이다. 특히 단어 하나 하나에 집중하기 보다는 글 전체의 의미를 파악하는 연습을 하는데 효과적이다. 이 때 주의 할 점은 머릿기사의 내용이 너무 구체적인 경우 금방 찾을 수 있다는 점 때문에 학습자의 흥미가 감소될 우려가 있다. 따라서, 어느 정도는 일반적인 머릿기사를 쓰는 것이 바람직하다. 예를 들 면 “Madonna the greatest, says Gazza" 처럼 사람 이름이나 장소를 나타내는 고유명사가 나오는 headline 은 피하는 것이 좋 다.

Dialogue 5: (Newspaper Ads)

T: Today, we're going to use newspaper ads and practice reading for relevant information. For this activity, you don't have to know the

meaning of every

word. Now, I will give out a copy of two ads. I'd like you to use the scanning strategy while reading. Please refer to

the questions that I provided on the

overhead transparency. Scan for the important pieces of information. Are you ready? Start! You have only 5 minutes. (5 minutes later) T: Are you all done? Now, let's talk about answers to the questions. Number one: Whose concert is on August 26? Put your hands up if you know the answer.

S: Tony Braxston. T: Good job. Now, let's move on to question number two. How much are the tickets for Britney Spear's concert? Who knows the answer? S: $38, $28 and $23. T: Very good. Alright, let's move on to number three. How many

concerts are

there in July? If you know the answer, raise your hand. S: Four. T: Exactly. OK. Question number four.........


♣scanning 은 자신이 원하는 정보를 찾기 위해 선택적으로 주어진 글을 읽는 읽기 방법이다. 위에서는 신문광고문을 이용해서 scanning 을 연습하도록 유도하고 있다. 이때 학생들은 개별적인 단어의 뜻을 알 필요는 없다. 그리고 내용을 파악하는데 긴 시간을 요하지도 않는다. 교사가 직접 시간을 재면서 정해진 시간 안에 필요한 정보를 얻도록 연습시키는 것도 한가지 방법이 될 수 있다.

Dialogue 6: (Information Gap Activity)

T: Now, we are going to do an information gap activity using pictures. Can you get into pairs? Oh, Misook, you're on your own, aren't you? Why don't you turn around and work with Chulsoo? M: OK.

T: Good, Now, I'm going to hand out two types of worksheets with pictures. Type A sheet for this row, and Type B sheet for this row. S: My partner is trying to look at my sheet. Is that okay? T: Oh, no. Please don't let your partner look at your worksheet. Please keep that in mind! Are you all ready to listen to the instructions? There are 18 small drawings on your handout. Some pictures are the same, but others are different. What you have to do now is to describe to your partner the pictures that you have. You can also ask questions. Your job is to find out whether your pictures are the same as or different from your partner's. And then mark it S when they are the same or D when they are different from each other. Are you following me? S: Yes. T: Good. Keep asking questions until you find the differences. Are you all ready? Let's begin. (Students talk about the pictures that they have.) (Some students speak in Korean.) T: In English, please.


♣ Information Gap Activity 위에서는 서로 다른 그림을 두 학생에게 나누어주고 그림들의 차이 를 발견하기 위해 계속 대화를 할 수 있도록 하는 정보 차 활동을 소개하고 있다. 본문의 경우 장소나 방향을 나타내는 전치사구 표 현이 유용하게 활용될 수 있다. 만약 학생들의 수준이 낮다면 전치 사구가 포함된 표현들을 미리 제시해주는 것도 좋다. 또한, 두 학생 이 처음부터 끝까지 함께 질문을 주고받는 형태보다는 교실에 있는 많은 학생과 돌아가면서 포크댄스 대형으로 대화를 할 수 있도록 유도를 한다면 학생들은 한층 흥미를 느낄 것이다. 정보의 내용도 그림 이외의 다른 다양한 것들이 가능하다. 같은 뜻의 문장 찾기나 같은 모양의 도형 찾기도 가능하다.

Dialogue 7: (E-Mail)

T: This Monday, we finished Unit 7. Can any of you tell us what it was about? S: It was about pen pals. T: Very good. Now, can anyone tell me what are the benefits of having a pen pal? M: If you have an American pen pal, you can improve your writing skills. Also, you can learn about American culture. T: Excellent. Today, we're going to have an interesting activity called "Making an E-pal." Do you know what e stands for? Any good guess? C: Maybe, electronic? T: That's correct. For this activity, I'd like you to go to the following site. Hold on. Let me write down the URL, or the Web address . Click on the third link called Join Us on the left to sign up for the free e-mail pen pal service. I'll give you about 10 minutes to do that. If you have any questions or need help, just raise your hand.

(7 minutes later) T: Are you all finished with registration? S: No, not yet. T: Three more minutes. You'd better hurry up. (3 minutes later) T: OK. Now that you have all registered for the service and got a list of pen pals that you can contact, let's start writing messages. I guess many of you are already familiar with e-mail, right? K: I don't know how to use e-mail. T: Oh, OK. How many of you don't know how to receive and send e-mail? Only Kyungmi? I'll go help you in a minute, Kyungmi. Now, face the front and listen to me. I'd like you to write an introduction to yourself, about two paragraphs long. In your message, you can talk about your family, your school, and your country, Korea. Also, attach

to the message the GIF file that you created two weeks

ago. M: What is GIF? T: That's a graphic file. Remember, we scanned some pictures from the Korean postcards and saved them as graphic files. Please attach the file to your message. Now, while I am helping Kyungmi with e-mail, please keep on writing. (The teacher goes to help Kyungmi; after 10 minutes or so, the bell rings.) T: Alright, let's call it a day. I'd like you to finish up the message and send it to your pal. Next time when you come to class, please make sure to bring your message and a reply message from your pal. OK? Any questions? (There's no question.) T: TGIF! I hope you all have a great weekend. I'll see you next



♣ 다음은 이메일(e-mail)과 관련된 어휘 및 표현이다. 1) Send mail (메일을 보내다) 2) Receive mail (메일을 받다) 3) Forward mail (메일을 제 3 자에게 전송하다) 4) Check mail (메일을 체크하다) 5) Junk mail (쓸데없는 메일) 6) User ID (사용자 이름) 7) Password (비밀 번호) 8) Address book (주소록) 9) Trash (휴지통) 10) Signature (서명) 11) Attach file (파일을 첨부하다)

Dialogue 8: (Computer-Mediated Communication)

T: Today we're going to study Unit 2. What is the title of the unit? H: American Pop Culture T: That's right. We're going to learn about American culture. Sounds interesting, huh? (Students nod their heads.) T: Before we start the lesson, I'd like you to have time for

brainstorming. OK.

Everybody, please turn on the computer and open up Explorer. Please type in the "Go To" field. And then hit the enter key. It will take you to our all there? S: No, hold on. I'm not ready, yet.

course home page on the Web, right? Are you

T: Take your time. If you are on the page, please enter your user ID and password. Click on the link called "Communication," and then the link called "Virtual Chat." It'll take some time loading the chat program. .......Are you all there? S: Yes. T: This is how you join the chat. Now, all of you are in the same chat room. Please enter your opinions and/or ideas about American pop culture in the text field. Please feel free to share your perspectives with your peers. ........... At the end of Unit 2, I'm going to have you write a research paper on American culture. So, it might be a good idea to develop some kind of writing outline from the written discussion.


♣ 다음은 컴퓨터와 관련된 어휘 및 표현이다. 1) connected to an online service (PC 통신에 접속된) 2) connected to the Internet (인터넷에 접속된) 3) disconnected (연결이 끊긴) 4) explore(surf) the Internet (인터넷에서 이리저리 돌아보다) 5) download files (자료를 내려 받다) 6) upload files (자료를 올리다) 7) compile data (자료를 입력하다) 8) chat (채팅하다) 9) log on (들어가다) 10) log off (나가다) 11) insert the floppy disk (플라피 디스크를 넣다) 11) remove the floppy disk (플라피 디스크를 빼다) 12) drag one file into another file (파일을 옮겨 넣다) 13) scan something (스캔하다) 14) bookmark the site (홈페이지에 책갈피를 넣다)

Songs and Chants

Dialogue 1: (새로운 챈트 배우기)

Let's Chant : How much is it?

T: Now we are going to learn a new chant. It's "How much is it?" Let's begin with a slow tempo. And gradually will increase the speed. First just listen. One, two, one, two, one two three four, one two three four.

How much is it? How much is it? Please tell me. Please tell me How much is it? How much is it? Please tell me. Please tell me.

T: Let's chant line by line. Repeat after me. Very good. Now, let's chant all together.

Dialogue 2: (그룹활동으로 챈트를 할 경우)

Let's Chant: Where are you from

T: We're going to pass the flags around, OK?. S: Yes. T: At the same time we'll chant. First listen. Where are you from, where are you from? (clapping hands) Now, repeat after me.

S: Where are you from, where are you from? T: Good. Then, we'll pass the flags around. Listen to me. I'll say 'Stop' and call one of your names. You say, "I'm from . ." You got it? S: Yes. T: Are you ready? Let's begin. TS: Where are you from, where are you from? T: Stop. In-ho. In-ho: I'm from China. TS: Where are you from, where are you from? T: Stop. Su-a. Su-a: I'm from England. T: Very good. Let's do it one more time. TS: Where are you from, where are you from? T: Stop. So-ra. Sora: I'm from Italy. T: Everybody, say Italy. Ss: Italy T: OK. Very good job. Let's give yourselves a big hand.


♣ 앞 차시에서 ‘Where are you from? I'm from Korea.' 표현을 배우고 여기서는 chant 를 통하여 배운 표현을 다시 익히게 되는데 세계국기를 돌리면서 chant 를 하다가 stop 되면 국기에 따라서 I'm from .... 라고 대답한다. 여기서 우리말과 영어의 ’Italy' 발음 의 차이를 들려주고 영어식의 강세와 약세를 사용한 발음을 듣고 인식하며 정확하게 발음할 수 있도록 도와준다. 그리고 중간 중간 마다 학생들에게 칭찬을 하고 용기를 북돋워주는 영어표현을 잊지 않도록 해야겠다.

Dialogue 3: (챈트를 두 팀으로 나누어서 할 경우)

Let's chant: Where's the monkey? T: O.K. Now, let's chant. I'll ask you a question. one, two, three, four. Where, where, where is the monkey? S: Monkey, monkey. It's on the table. T: Very good. Very nice. Now, let's divide the class into two groups. You're team A. You're team B. Team A ask a question. Team B

answer to

the question. Ready go. Ss: Where, where, where is the monkey? Ss: Monkey, monkey, it's on the table. T: Very good. Now switch the roles. Team B ask a question. Team A answer.

Dialogue 4:

T: Listen to the song carefully watching the screen. T: Listen again clapping your hands by the rhythm. Ally Bally Ally bally, ally bally bee. Stand up. Sit down. Hee, hee, hee! Open and close. Open and close. Stand up. Sit down. Hee, hee, hee!

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