Korean Airlines v. CA
Short Description
2. Korean Airlines v. CA
Facts: FACTS: 1. Juanito Juanito Lapuz, Lapuz, an automotiv automotive e electrician electrician was contract contracted ed for employment in Jedda, Saudi Ara!ia for 1 year trou" #an #aci$c %verseas &ecruitin" Services and was supposed to leave on 'ov (, 1()* via +orean Airlines . -e was initi initiall ally y waitli waitliste sted d !ut !ut wen wen passen passen"e "ers rs did not appear, Lapuz and #erico were "iven te unclaimed seats . Lapuz Lapuz was allowed allowed to cec/ cec/ in w0 1 suitcase suitcase and and 1 soulder soulder !a" at te cec/ in counter of +AL and was cleared for departure . -e was a!le a!le to ride in te te suttle suttle !us !us and procee proceeded ded to te te ramp of +AL 2. 3en e e was at te stairs, stairs, a +AL +AL o4cer pointe pointed d to im and souted 5down6 7own68 and was tus !arred from ta/in" te 9i"t . 3en e later as/ed as/ed for anoter anoter !oo/in", !oo/in", it was canceled !y +AL and was una!le to report for is wor/ w0in te stipulated ;wee/ period and lost is employment ? 3eter moral and e@emplary e@emplary dama"es sould !e awarded, and to wat e@tent -eld: Te status of Lapuz as stand!y passen"er passen"er was can"ed can"ed to tat of a con$rmed passen"er passen"er wen is name was entered in te passen"er manifest of +AL for its Fli"t 'o. + (*. -is clearance trou" immi"ration and customs clearly sows tat e ad indeed !een con$rmed as a passen"er of +AL in tat 9i"t.
+AL tus committed a !reac of te contract of carria"e !etw !etwee een n tem tem wen wen it fail failed ed to !rin !rin" " Lapu Lapuz z to is destination. A contract to transport passen"ers is diBerent in /ind and de"ree from any oter contractual relation. Te !usiness of te carrier carrier is mainly mainly wit te travelin travelin" " pu!lic. pu!lic. =t invites invites people to avail temselves of te comforts and advanta"es it oBers. Te contract of air carria"e "enerates a relation attended wit a pu!lic duty. #assen #assen"er "ers s ave te ri"t ri"t to !e treated treated !y te carriers carriers emplo employee yees s wit wit /indn /indness ess,, respe respect ct,, court courtesy esy and and due consider consideration ation.. Tey are entitle entitled d to !e protect protected ed a"ainst a"ainst personal personal miscondu misconduct, ct, inDurious inDurious lan"ua" lan"ua"e, e, indi"nit indi"nities ies and a!uses from suc employees. So it is tat any discourteous conduct on te part of tese employees toward a passen"er "ives te latter an action for dama"es a"ainst te carrier. Te !reac of contract was a""ravated in tis case wen, instead of courteously informin" Lapuz of is !ein" a Ewait; listedE listedE passen"e passen"er, r, a +AL o4cer rudely rudely souted souted E7own6 7own6E wn6E wile ile poin ointin" in" at im, im, tus us caus ausin" in" im em!arrassment and pu!lic umiliation. Te evidence presented !y Lapuz sows tat e ad indeed cec/ cec/ed ed in at te depar departu ture re counte counter, r, passed passed tro trou" u" customs customs and immi"ration, immi"ration, !oarded !oarded te suttle suttle !us and proceeded to te ramp of +ALs aircraft. =n fact, fact, is !a""a" !a""a"e e ad already already !een !een loade loaded d in +ALs +ALs aircraft aircraft,, to !e 9own wit im to Jedda. Jedda. Te contract contract of carria"e !etween im and +AL ad already !een perfected wen e was summarily summarily and insolent insolently ly preven prevented ted from !oardin" te aircraft.
>? Te Court of Appeals "ranted moral and e@emplary dama"es !ecause: a. Te $ndin"s $ndin"s of te court court a uo tat te defendan defendant;ap t;appell pellant ant as committed !reac of contract of carria"e in !ad fait and in wanton, wanton, disre"ar disre"ard d of plaintiB; plaintiB;appe appellant llants s ri"ts ri"ts as passen"er laid te !asis and Dusti$cation of an award for moral dama"es. !. =n te instant instant case, we $nd tat defend defendant;a ant;appe ppellant llant +ore +orean an Air Lines acted in a wanton, fraudulent, rec/less, oppressive or malevo malevole lent nt manne mannerr wen wen it E!ump E!umped ed oBE plain plaintiB tiB;; appellant on 'ovem!er ), 1()*, and in addition treated treated im rudely and arro"antly as a Epatay "utom na contract wor/er $"tin" +orean Air Lines,E wic clearly sows malice and
!ad fait, tus entitlin" plaintiB;appellant to moral dama"es. c. Considerin" tat te plaintiB;appellants entitlement to moral dama"es as !een fully esta!lised !y oral and documentary evidence, e@emplary dama"es may !e awarded. =n fact, e@emplary dama"es may !e awarded, even tou" not so e@pressly pleaded in te complaint. Gy
te same to/en, to provide an e@ample for te pu!lic "ood, an award of e@emplary dama"es is also proper. A review of te record of tis case sows tat te inDury suBered !y Lapuz is not so serious or e@tensive as to warrant an award of #1.2 million. Te assessment of #1**,*** as moral and e@emplary dama"es in is favor is, in our view, reasona!le and realistic.
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