Kopp Juan Jose - Diario Del Piloto Nicolas Descalzi. Año de 1826. Relevamiento Del Río Bermejo.

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Download Kopp Juan Jose - Diario Del Piloto Nicolas Descalzi. Año de 1826. Relevamiento Del Río Bermejo....




 Lugo Lesí Aepp

Gbrghdfm`mdotes< Wudrd`es gbrghdfdr dspdfmgc`dotd g cg Vefmdtg” Dfeoö`mfg Hm Fkmgvgrm , do cg pdrseog hdc Hetter Bmgo Irgofdsfe Brgsse per cg dxqumsmtg bdotmcdzg gc kgjdroes su`momstrghe uo dld`pcgr hd cg ejrg –Xrd Fkmgvgrdsm hdcc” ;>>‐ (7)  , cg qud epertuog`dotd iudrg guspmfmghg guspmfmghg per cg Keoergjcd Dotmhgh y heohd sd rdprehufd uo trgjgle hdc ^reidser, hefter Zgomdrm Hdbcm Dspestm, sejrd cg cgjer hd qumdo iudrg dc dxpcergher d kmhröbrgie bdoevís, Omfecgs Hdsfgczm, hd heohd kd`es dxtrgàhe dc tdxte hdc hmgrme se`dtmhe g goçcmsms.Kgfd`es dxtdosmjcd oudstre gbrghdfm`mdote gc pdrseogc tehe hd cg Jmjcmetdfg hd hmfkg Mostmtufmöo, per cg prdhmspesmfmöo pudstg smd`prd hd `gomimdste gotd oudstrgs feosuctgs. Gc sd÷er @mbudc Çobdc Çobdc Jdctrço Vedobgs, Vedobgs, perqud smo smo su bdotmc motdr`dhmgfmöo motdr`dhmgfmöo oe kujmdsd smhe smhe pesmjcd dstg pujcmfgfmöo. ^er su pgfmdofmg gc gtdohdr g tehg kerg `ms rdqudrm`mdotes, su dsiudrze feotghe do `dsds do dstgjcdfdr uo pudotd hd dotdohm`mdote dotdohm`mdote pgrg qumdo susfrmjd, susfrmjd, dotrd dc mhme`g mhme`g mtçcmfe d kmspgoe, sus pdr`godotds subdrdofmgs, fe`dotgrmes y gpertds hefu`dotgcds smd`prd hdsmotdrdsghes, per tgote tmd`pe hdhmfghe hdhmfghe g cg cdfturg, fe`dotgrme y fràtmfgs fràtmfgs `ufkàsm`gs brgfmgs. Motrehuffmöo< Ogfmhe do dc Ferhöo hd Vgotg Vgotg Ymftermg, do cg rdpüjcmfg rdpüjcmfg hd Jecmvmg, Jecmvmg, gcm`dotgo dc furse hdc grbdotmoe Zàe Jdr`dle, dc cgs Cmpde y dc hd yXgrmlg, pgrg cudbe y sejrd tdrrmterme rdfmjmr gbugs hdcBrgohd Zme Mruyg Vgo Irgofmsfe, gjrmíohesd pestdrmer`dotd do hes jrgzes dc Jdr`dlmte y dc Xdufe kgstg hdsd`jefgr hdsd`jefgr do do dc ràe ^grgbugy ,gtrgvdsgohe g su pgse ce qud iudreo tmdrrgs hd fe`uomhghds @gtgbugyes, @gtgfes, Fkuoupàds, @gcjgcçds, Vmompàds, Gtgcgcçds, y Xejgs, qud qud per bdodrgfmeods sd smrvmdreo hd su furse. Dxmstd gjuohgotd rdbmstre hd cgs dxpcergfmeods dxpcergfmeods qud didftughgs didftughgs sejrd dstd ràe oes `udstrgo cg motdofmeogcmhgh motdofmeogcmhgh hd gjrmr gjrmr uog vàg hd fe`uomfgf fe`uomfgfmöo möo feo dc Brgo Fkgfe y `gs gccç tg`jmío. Momfmgc`dotd cgs d`prdohmhgs trgs dc sud÷e hd Zmqudzgs prdtdohmhgs per dc feoqumstgher, cudbe cgs erbgomzghgs per ces `msmeodres rdcmbmeses do su giço hd



gjrmr vàgs hd fe`uomfgfmöo fe`uomfgfmöo dotrd dotrd rdhuffmeods, rdhuffmeods, cgs hd ces sufdsmves sufdsmves bejdrogotds jusfgohe uog uog vàg rçpmhg hd mobrdse pgrg didftugr gffmeods rdprdsmvgs rdprdsmvgs sejrd sejrd fe`uomhghds mohàbdogs kestmcds (:)  , pestdrmer`dotd y g trgvís hd cg imogofmgfmöo hd d`prdsgrmes cefgcds, cgs hmrmbmhgs g dstuhmgr cg igftmjmcmhgh hd ogvdbgfmöo hmfke furse y gsà gsà yfgogcmzgr fgogcmzgr cgs prehuffmeods rdbmeogcds qude hdshd Fuye, hd Xufu`ço, Xufu`ço, ^grgbugy Judoes Gmrds sd dofeotrgjgo sd dofeotrgjg o do trçosmte trçosmt kgfmg dc dc ^drü, feosmhdrgohe tg`jmío cg igftmjmcmhgh igftmjmcmhgh hd hd qud dc trçimfe fe`drfmgc ermbmoghe do Jecmvmg feotgrg feo uo uo gffdse irgofe gc Gtcçotmfe, pgrg pgrg y per üctm`e, feo dc feosdfudotd feosdfudotd gvgofd hd hd cg fmvmcmzgfmöo fmvmcmzgfmöo cebrgr dc gsdotg`mdote gsdotg`mdote ku`goe g trgvís hd cg mostgcgfmöo hd feceomgs gbràfecgs (6)  Hd gccà doteofds doteofds cg dxpdhmfmöo hdc fgpdccço gohgcuz, gvdomhe gvdomhe g dxpcergher, dxpcergher, Irgofmsfe @urmcce qud do 726> ccdbg uo pefe `gs `gs gccç hd cgs luotgs hdc Fecerghe Fecerghe feo Luluy, cg hd Ghrmço Ferodle didftughg didftughg do dc g÷e hd 72=>, y cg hd ^gjce Vermg (8), qud pgrg dc fgse fgse ds cg qud oes efupg, rdgcmzghg do uo pdràehe hd 4= hàgs fe`prdohmhes dotrd dc 74 hd luome kgstg dc 7: hd gbeste hd 7;:9 (4). Feo pestdrmermhgh kgo dxmstmhe etrgs fe`e cg erbgomzghg erbgomzghg per O Cgvgrdcce Cgvgrdcce do 7;48 y 7;96, cg hd D`mcme ^gcgfmes do 7;9:, cg hd Ms`gmo, cg hd Xe`çs ^gbd, qud jmdo y dxtdosg`dotd oes moier`g Kmstgr`gr gc rdspdfte, feo cg feosdfudotd frdgfmöo do 7;2> 7;2> hd cg Vefmdhgh hd hd Ogvdbgfmöo hdc hdc Jdr`dle. Feovdobg`es per üctm`e qud dc Fecerghe smbud rdsuctgohe uo sud÷e mofu`pcmhe. To ràe feo cgs fugcmhghds hd ístd, feo uog dxtdosmöo dstm`ghg hd 7.84> A`., A`., pehràg key `drfdh gc gc gprevdfkg`mdote gprevdfkg`mdote motdbrgc motdbrgc hd su furse, dstgr dstgr `uy jmdo fujrmdohe cgs hd`gohgs mosgtmsidfkgs hd prehuftes gbràfecgs, bgoghdres, ierdstgcds, hd dcdftrmfmhgh, hd gbug petgjcd d mohustrmgc y rdfrdgtmvgs qud su fudofg `drdfd. Cg Vefmdhgh hdc ràe Jdr`dle< G mostgofmgs hd d`prdsgrmes rdbmeogcds rduomhes do uog sefmdhgh hdoe`moghg hdc ràe Jdr`dle, sd secmfmtö y ejtuve hd ces bejmdroes hd Vgctg y Judoes Gmrds cgs feofdsmeods mohmspdosgjcds pgrg pre`evdr cg ogvdbgfmöo hd hmfke furse. Motdbrghg per hmdfmsíms hmdfmsíms gffmeomstgs, gffmeomstgs, sd feostmtuyd cg d`prdsg uo :7 hd hmfmd`jrd hmfmd`jrd hd 7;:8, jgle cgs smbumdotds fgrgftdràstmfgs< 7¼< Ces mohmvmhues qud susfrmjm`es oes gsefmg`es y ier`g`es uog Fe`pg÷àg pgrg cg Ogvdbgfmöo hdc Zàe Jdr`dle. :¼< Vu ieohe per gkerg sdrç trdmotg `mc pdses, pdses, hmvmhmhe do gffmeods gffmeods hd g hes `mc pdses, qud motrehufd per su fgpmtgc fghg uoe hd ces sujsfrmpterds, g feosdfudofmg hdc prmvmcdbme feofdhmhe g dstd ejldte per cg ^revmofmg hd Vgctg. 6¼< H. Goteomoe Idroçohdz Ferodle tdohrç uog gffmöo, smo motrehufmr gc ieohe ces hes `mc pdses ferrdspeohmdotds g dccg, pdre fe`e sm ces kujmdrg motdbrghe, tmrgrç cgs utmcmhghds y sd moferpergrç feo ces `ms`es hdrdfkes qud ces gffmeomstgs. 8¼< Ces susfrmpterds fe`peohrço uog Luotg bdodrgc, fghg uoe tdohrç uo vete, ces gusdotds feofurrmrço per `dhme hd pehdrds. 4< Ces gffmeomstgs oe sdrço do fgse


gcbuoe rdspeosgjcds ces uoes per ces etres, fghg uoe rdspeohdrç per cg su`g qud kg susfrmpte. 9¼ hd `gye hd 7;:9 tdr`moí hd fgcgigtdgr dc jgrfe feo dc guxmcme hdc grbeogutg heo Vermg qud sece `d hme uo pequmte hd `gtd, vdgo su cmjrmcce y cddrço g ielgs 7: (;) qud íc tehe ce kg kdfke, pdre lure qud, `mdotrgs ye trgjglgjg, Vermg fgvmcgjg fö`e pehdr kgfdr pgrg dfkgrce tehe g pdrhdr y vecvdrsd g Vgctg. (Vd dfkg dc jgrfe gc gbug) Imogc`dotd ccdbö dc hàg hd `m hdsbrgfmg, dc hàg tdrrmjcd hd `m vmhg, hàg qud hdshd doteofds oe sdotà do `à, cg sgcuh pdridftg qud gotds hd dstd imo tdoàg , dc hàg :7, dc `ms`e do qud dc jgrfe (sd jetö) gc gbug. Gc g`godfdr hd dstd hàg hmld g Vermg qud kmfmdsd gccgogr dc fg`moe qud íc kgjàg kdfke do cg jgrrgofg pgrg dfkgr dc jgrfe gc gbug, dc qud drg `uy `gce, `mdotrgs ye kgràg peodr ces pgces qud kgjàgo hd sdrvmr pgrg dfkgr dc jgrfe gc gbug tehes hd uo (`ms`e) breser y ccgoes, qud gsà dc jgrfe mràg gc gbug smo ierfdldgrce, rdspeohmíohe`d qud dc jgrfe mrç gc gbug –µke qud dc hmgjce g hd sdr5 –(=). @d ccdoí hd föcdrg föcdrg y (`d) rdsecvà gqudc hàg `ermr, `gs jmdo jmdo qud vdr`d do cg fçrfdc hd Vgctg feo `m keoer pdrhmhe per uo ke`jrd moig`d. ^usd hdjgle hdc jgrfe ces pgces jmdo dosdjghes y feo dc gpgrdle per cg preg, ce trgjg`es fe`e g  Luhgs, bdotd pgrg vdr dfkgr dstes dc Jgrfe gc gbug, vmoe dcdotrdtgote hefter (5) mjg Cufgvmomdohe Frdfmr y`ufkg Heo Lugo Amo, fe`pg÷dres üctm`es, `d gyuhgreo feo dc gpgrdle qud kgjàg pudste hd pepg, kgstg qud dstuve dc jgrfe do cg ermccg hdc gbug, pgrg gsà hgrcd dc üctm`e tmröo. Vermg `d gjgoheoö tetgc`dotd y sd prdpgrö feo brgohds g`dogzgs. Hmld ye g ces pdeods qud `d ccdvgsdo uo gofcetd dofm`g hd uog mscg hd grdog e jgofe qud dstgjg do `dhme hdc ràe pgrg (gsà) g`grrgrcd uo fgjcd y vgrgr dc jgrfe gccà do fgse hd qud kmfmdsd gbug. Hghe qud omobuoe qumse mr, tehes sd kgjàgo pudste dofm`g hd cg jgrrgofg feo Vermg g `mrgr, cmste (dstd) qumzçs pgrg gprdohdr`d do fgse hd kgfdr gbug dc Jgrfe. Doteofds `d pusd dc gofcetd do `m dspgchg y dfkçohe`d gc gbug tehe suhghe, ce ccdví kgstg dc jgofe, `mdotrgs @drce qumtgjg ces gpgrdles hdc jgrfe. ^rdpgrghe gsà dc jgrfe pgrg hgrcd dc üctm`e tmröo, tehes sd pusmdreo dofm`g hd cg jgrrgofg g `mrgr. Gccç Gccç kgjràgo fugohe `does hesfmdotes ke`jrds, tehes g


`mrgr. ]e g uo pgse g cg hdrdfkg hd preg, do cg ermccg hdc gbug y @drce do cg pepg g cg mzqumdrhg, ces hes d`pulgohe feo dc ce`e gc Jgrfe pgrg `evdrce –qud  hd persm g gjmdo fgigcghe‐  (7>)  gc gbug, puds sd dofeotrgjg dofeotrgjg feo jgstgotd hdfcmvd, hdfcmvd, pdre güo gsà, oe pehàg`es `evdrce. Vgctí g jerhe dofm`g hd cg fujmdrtg y vudcte g tehes ces gh`mrgherds y `mrgohe g Vermg, lurí `ermr `mc vdfds `çs gotds qud trgjglgr feo dcces, perqud `dler ds `ermr qud trgjglgr feo ustdhds. Vgcte g tmdrrg, `d vey g `m pcgzg g preg y brmtí g @drce< -¡Hd gccà!, d`pulö @drce, d`pulí ye, `evmdohe uo pefe - uo tgotmte- dc jgrfe qud fe`dozö g hdscmzgrsd –ferrdr ‐, ‐, ferrmdohe rmdsbe hd qudhgr feo cgs pmdrogs jgle cg preg puds kgjàg qudhghe pdbghe do cg jrdg, pdre cmbdre, pusd dc pmd hdrdfke sejrd dc festghe hdc jgrfe y feo iudrzg `d hdspdbuí, tmrçohe`d gc gbug per sdbuohg vdz tehe suhghe y ccdoe hd giço. (Fgmbe doidr`e) Dstgohe dc Jgrfe y ye do dc gbug, brmtgjgo tehes –dosmd`g e g cgbug‐ (77) rdpdtmhgs vdfds y sd ccdoö hd bdotd, ye cds prdbuotí sm kgjàg gbug ghdotre y `d feotdstgreo qud –drg–dstgjg sdfe, ce `ms`e qud do tmdrrg. Vermg eyö dste hdshd cg jgrrgofg y sd puse dotrd g`grmcce g`grmcce y vdrhd y sd iud gc rgofke. rgofke. Vgtmsidfke –feosecghe‐ feo `m trgjgle, –`d‐ sujà g jerhe y vm qud –drg‐ dstgjg tetgc`dotd sdfe. Drg yg cg uog uog y `dhmg hd cg tgrhd y oe –`d‐ kgjàg hdsgyuoghe tehgvàg, `d ium gc rgofke pgrg fe`dr fe`dr d movmtí –feovmhí ‐ g Frdfmr y Amo. Xrgldreo cg fe`mhg y ye oe puhd fe`dr, –sd `d iud cgbug‐, pdhà uo pefe hd gbugrhmdotd te`í uo trgbumte y `d qudhd uo rgte oe sí fe`e, fgydohe cudbe gc sudce fe`e `udrte. @d pusmdreo dofm`g hd uo tgjcghe hd gqudcces qud dc hmiuote Icgohds, kgjàg trgàhe gccà. Heo Lugo Amo hmle g Frdfmr, ístd sd `udrd ce `ms`e qud Icgohds. Vermg sd dofeotrgjg dofeotrgjg efupghe do sdrvmr sdrvmr g Vgctg, g Heo Ymftermoe Vecç g Heo Heo Goteome Ferodle, dtf., hçohecds pgrtd hd qud dc juqud sd dfkö gc gbug feo cg ‐ pmhmíohecds idcmfmhgh uog betg hd gbug –y cd `gohdo cg bdotd do sus fgrtgs hdstmoghghdg oe cg kgfdr trmpucgfmöo, `estrgohe `ufkg gcdbràg qud –`estrgjg `efke feotdote‐ `mdotrgs tdoàg fcgvghe uo gbuhe pu÷gc do su fergzöo. @drce sd iud g Erço g pgrtmfmpgr feo sus g`mbes hd cg gcdbràg –feotdote‐ hd jetgr dc jgrfe.

(@ms hdsvgràes)  Dc hàg :: g cg tgrhd fe`dofí hd hdspdrtgr hd `m cdtgrbe pdre hdsvgrmgohe `ufke. Feo `ms hdsvgràes Vermg feoefmö –hd qud ye ce gjmg pdodtrghe gstg g  ieohe‐, perqud do dstd dstghe dstghe kgjcgjg cg vdrhgh. Cd pdhàg ye g @drce qud oe `d hdld kgstg dc `e`dote hd oudstrg sgcmhg. - µYd qud Vermg `d gjgoheoö sece5-1 - Tstdh sgjd qud dc qudràg sgcmr feo dc ràe frdfmhe y qud tmdod `mdhe hd


sgcmr feo ràe jgle, yg vd qud `d gjgoheog gjgoheog pgrg qud sd dfkd dfkd g pdrhdr tehe tehe y fucpgr`d per rdsuctgr mofgpgz-. -Tstdh sgjd tg`jmío qud dstd (…) (7:)  pmdosg brgoldgrsd cg dstm`gfmöo feo dc pudjce-. -Tstdh sgjd fe`e gspmrg g sufdhdr g Grdogcds-. -@drce do heohd dstí oe `d gjgoheod.@drce ccdbg hd Erço y dofudotrg qud sece movefgjg per íc y qud cd rebgjg g oe gjgoheogr`d, qud `d tuvmdsd pmdhgh, qud smd`prd gcgjgràg su oe`jrd y cd dstgràg `uyfeosecgjg, gbrghdfmhepdre per smd`prd. @drce `d oghg dotdohàg, feotmougjg gjgtmhe per uo iudrtd dstghe idjrmc. Vermg tehe ce eàg y sd ce ccdvgjgo ces hd`eomes oe huhe qud `d kujmdsd qumtghe cg vmhg sm oe kujmdsd sgjmhe qumdo drg. @drce hdspuís tehe `d ce feotgjg. (@d hds`gye g jerhe)  Dc hàg :6 g`godfà gcbe gcmvmghe, prdbuotí per dc jgrfe, `d hmle @drce qud gccà dstgjg y oe kgjàg kdfke (dotrghe) uog betg hd gbug. Hdsdjg mr`d g jerhe pdre oe puhd kgstg cgs eofd, qud gfe`pg÷ghe per @drce `d ium. @d feosecgjg dc vdrce fdrfg, pdre oe puhd bezgr hd `m feosudce, sd `d ejsfurdfmö cg vmstg hds`gyçohe`d y @drce `d ccdvö gc tgjcghe, fg`g prdfmesg qud oe ecvmhgrí  lg`çs. (Vd d`jgrfgo ces…. g jerhe) Dc hàg :8 g cg….y…..hd cg….y…..hd cg `g÷gog `d sdotà sdotà gcbe gcmvmghe y `d ium g jerhe hdc jgrfe feo @drce. Omoe Vecg `d hmle qud drg prdfmse ccdvgr dc jgrfe g ^mzgrre (qud gsà sd ccg`g dc cubgr qud Vermg ccg`ö ^gcfg hd Vermg) (76) Hmld g @drce qud kmfmdsd d`jgrfgr tehes ces trgstds g jerhe, `does ces pgces pgrg kgfdr ces rd`es, qud sdburg`dotd sm `d `dlergsd, oe vgo g igctgr rd`es. ^er gkerg seo suimfmdotds fugtre hd ces fugcds uoe ds `uy brgohd pgrg sdrvmr hd tm`öo. (^ZM@DZG M@GBDO) Dc hàg :4 g`godfmö g`godfmö bgrugohe, bgrugohe, `gohö Vermg g vgrmgs pdrseogs pdrseogs g ^mzgrre ^mzgrre per tmdrrg pgrg prdpgrgr cgs rdsds pgrg kgfdr fkgrqud pgrg cg prevmsmöo hdc vmgld y `d hmle g `à qud key kd`es hd mr g ^mzgrre e dc hmgjce kgrç hd cgs suygs. Cd prdbuotí ye feo quí bdotd y `d rdspeohmö, kd`es hd mr g ^mzgrre e sdrç dc hd`eome. (Vermg qumdrd qud pmdrhg dc jgrfe do cgs tesfgs) Gccà dstgjg @drce, dc fgcgigtd Bgrfàg, ^dhrmte doidr`e, Vermg, hmdz mohmes @gtgfes y ye qud hdshd dc hàg :> oe kgjàg prejghe uo jefghe hd fe`mhg, om smqumdrg `gtd, sece feo `m `gc `d gcm`dotgjg.


  Om uog betg hd gbug fgcmdotd, dc frudc qudràg qud `urmdsd e dfkgrg g pdrhdr dc jgrfe do cgs tesfgs qud kgy do dc hdsd`jequd hdc ràe Vgotg @gràg ö do cgs pmdhrgs qud kgy `gs gjgle –gjgsmte‐gotds hd ccdbgr g ^mzgrre, gc qud ccg`go ^gse hd Vgoheg. Dc jçrjgre sm ye `d `eràg kujmdrg hmfke feo dstd mjg y feo etre oe (78) qumdre y sm sd pdrhàg dc jgrfe `d kujmdrg gfusghe hd mosuimfmdotd y `d kujmdrg kdfke `ermr do uog fçrfdc, pdre guoqud ye drg `gce Hmes tehgvàg oe `d kgjàg gjgoheoghe. (Vgcbe per ^mzgrre e ^gcfg hd Vermg)  ^uds do dstd dstghe `d ium g jerhe, kmfd hdsgtgr dc Jgrfe y feo uo fgjcd g preg y etre g pepg kgfàg bejdrogr dc jgrfe per hmdz mohmes qud dstgjgo do dc gbug, kgfmíohece ccdvgr fudstg gjgle yg qud oe `d drg pesmjcd hd etrg `godrg feo sd`dlgotd bdotd. Vermg mjg hd pepg g preg y hd preg g pepg. ^grdfàg qud trgjglgjg fe`e uo brgo `grmoe y `d d`jreccgjg dc juqud y `ms sdotmhes. Cd hdfàg, -Vesmíbudsd `mrd qud sd pudhd rdsjgcgr, qud cg fujmdrtg dstç dobrgsghg y `elghg y sd cgstm`grç ustdh.- ] `çs sd gbmtgjg doteofds feo sus jetgs ferrmdohe hd gquà pgrg gccç. Fgsugc`dotd sd rdsjgcg feo dc pertmcce hd cg preg `dtmdohe uog pmdrog ghdotre, becpdgohe feo sus festmccgs, smdohe tgc dc becpd qud oe sd pgsdö `çs. (Zàe Vgotg @gràg) ^er cg oefkd g`grrg`es dc jgrfe g cg jgrrgofg pröxm`g g cg hdsd`jefghurg hdc Zàe Vgotg @gràg, kgjmdohe fg`moghe dsd hàg uo fugrte hd cdbug. VDBTOHG M@GBDO G cg oefkd smd`prd sdbuàg bgrugohe y do gqudc dstghe hd cg doidr`dhgh pdr`godfàg tehe `elghe y oe tdoàg gjrmbe puds cg fujmdrtg oe sd dofeotrgjg fgcgigtdghg. Ces mohmes sd qudràgo mr pdre g iudrzg hd g`dogzgs sd qudhgreo. Dc fgcgigtd sd dsfgpö. ^dhrmte qud smbud doidr`e. Cd hmld g Vermg qud `gohd per gcbüo pdöo –frmstmgoe‐ pgrg pehdr pgsgr cgs tesfgs, `d rdspeohmö< - ¡Fgrgle, kd`es hd mr g ^mzgrre e sdrç dc hd`eome-. Cd feotdstí feotdstí qud ccdvgjg fmofe hàgs hàgs feo `m doidr`dhgh y oe tuve cg jeohgh smqumdrg hd seferrdr`d feo uo pefe hd gbug tmjmg. Mrd`es g ^mzgrre y oe pmdosd qud vey g pdrhdr dc jgrfe. Vm ye `udre tdohrç ustdh qud –mouctrgrsd‐ (74)  odc Fkgfe, gccç ye `ermrí feo `m doidr`dhgh pdre ustdh tg`jmío `ermrç per igctgr ye g jerhe.


Dc hàg :9 g`godfmö hd cg `ms`g ier`g, dste ds bgrugohe. Dc judo @drce g iudrzg hd dldfutgr feo cg fgoeg brgohd qud tdoàg`es `ms `gohghes, ccdvgohe (…) gquà, gccà y gccç, cebrg`es pgsgr cgs tesfgs hd Vgotg @gràg. Vd kmze hd`gsmghe tgrhd pgrg pgsgr cgs ^mdhrgs hd Vgohug. Gsà do dstd hàg fg`mog`es fe`e 6>> ouhes y g`grrg`es dc jgrfe g cg jgrrgofg. Cd hmld g @drce qud `d kgbg dc jmdo hd kgfdr iudbe, pdre oe puhe, tehe dstgjg `elghe. Wudràg fgcdotgr gbug feo uo pefe hd gzüfgr pgrg kgfdr`d uog sepg hd bgccdtgs smo (gsà cgsg `gohö Vermg do bgccdtgs Luluy, per `ufke yefeo cd mosmstà qudcdvghurg kgygo bgccdtgs jerhe) ykgfdr gsà feo dstgs `dcekmfd uog qud sepmtg gbug iràg hdc ràe y uo pefe hd gzüfgr y fe`à hd dstg uo pequmte, ds (…) rgmjcd ces esfurdfm`mdotes hd vmstg qud `d hgjgo. Dc hàg :2 g`godfmö fcgre y pgsí cgs pmdhrgs hd Vgohüg. (Ccdbghg g ^mzgrre) Dc hàg :; per cg `g÷gog ccdbuí g ^mzgrre, hmstgotd fe`e hes fughrgs hd cg hdsd`jefghurg hdsd`jefghu rg hdc ràe brgohd hd Luluy. Vermg iud g heohd sd dofeotrgjgo dofeotrgjgo ces fustehmes hd cgs rdsds g uog hmstgofmg hd `dhmg cdbug, puote `çs fdrfgoe pgrg pehdr fgrodgr sejrd tdrrdoe imr`d, perqud gccà tehe ds jg÷ghe y tehgvàg dstgjg kü`dhe per cg frdfmdotd. ]e `d qudhí feo @drce y ^dhrmte, qud yg sd dofeotrgjg jmdo y pudste qud yg dstçjg`es do ^mzgrre, cd `gohí trgdr uo pefe hd fgrod hd uog rds rdfmío igdoghg y gpdogs vecvmö cd kmfd prdpgrgr fgche y te`í uo pefe. @d feoiertö jgstgotd, jgstgotd, guoqud guoqud `d feoiertö `çs dc kdfke hd kgjdrsd mhe hd `m vmstg dc pecàtmfe gsdsmoe. (Gr`í cgs fgreoghgs) Dc hàg := te`í purbg purbg hd frd`er, uog hesms fkmfg. fkmfg. G cg tgrhd `d sdotà `gs gcmvmghe. Kmfd prdpgrgr g @drce pgrg trgjglgr do cgs furd÷gs (79)  hd cgs fgreoghgs (72) qud drgo hes, hdc fgcmjrd 7: y fertmtes. (Ccdbghg hd oudstre dqumpgld) G ces pefes hàgs ccdbgreo ccdbgreo Heo Goteome Ferodle, Ymftermoe Ymftermoe Vecç y dc sd÷er sd÷er Er`gdfkdg feo ces sechghes y uo tdomdotd qud gfe`pg÷gjgo g :8 pefe hd judoe, hdstmoghes g oudstre jgrfe. Ces pusd g kgfdr kgfdr tgfes pgrg cgs fgreoghgs, fgreoghgs, hd uog ydrjg qud ccg`go jgrjg y sgcàgo `uy judoes. Kmfd kgfdr fgrtufkes fgrtufkes y jecsgs hd `dtrgccg, trgldreo trgldreo dc pdhrdre (7;)  y dc jreofd, qud Vermg `d kgjàg hmfke, hmfke, feo efke jgcgs hdc tg`g÷e hd cg jefg jefg hdc pdhrdre y fe`e tdoàgo cg jefg jefg dfkg g g`jes g`jes cghes, cgs jgcgs jgcgs pehàgo sdrvmr hd tgpöo. Hd gquà sd pudhd moidrmr cg sgjmhuràg hdc erbuccese Vermg. (@m doidr`dhgh sd hdfcgrg fkufke tdrfmgog e fetmhmgog)


Gc `dhme hdc jgrfe kgjàg gr`ghe uog dspdfmd hd fç`grg, feo hes fg`gretds. Toe hdstmoghe g Vermg y dc etre pgrg `à y qud per ce `does gjrmbgjg gjrmbgjg hdc refàe. Feo cg ccdbghg hd dstes trds sd÷erds, fdhà `m fg`gretd g Heo Goteomoe per sdr dc `gs vmdle y her`à hes oefkds gc sdrdoe, d`pdergohe jgstgotd, hdvecvmíohe`d `m fg`gretd heo Goteomoe. Xehes ces hàgs g cg tgrhd ds fugohe `gs `d gpurgjg cg imdjrd, hd `godrg qud yg sd kgjàg hdfcgrghe cg doidr`dhgh do –fkufke fetmhmgoe‐. (Vermg `d kgjcg hd Frdfmr) Vermg `d secàg hdfmr smd`prd qud Frdfmr qudràg vdomr g jerhe feo oesetres y qud qudràg trgdr uoes pgtgfeods hd tgjgfe. Fghg vdz qud `d kgjcgjg hd dste cd hdfàg qud sdràg `uy judoe feotgr feo Frdfmr g jerhe perqud dotmdohd gcbe hd `grmog, pdre qud dc tgjgfe pdcmbrgjg `ufke per vgrmgs fesgs1 prm`dre perqud dc jgrfe drg `uy híjmc y oe dstgjg prdpgrghe pgrg fgrbgr oghg, sdbuohe qud fgcgrd`es `gs gbug y oes dofeotrgrd`es `gs dxpudstes dxpudstes g vgrgr, tdrfdre qud gc suirmr uo tre`pmföo feotrg gcbuog fesg y sm dc dc jgrfe trgd ghdotre ghdotre 8>> grrejgs `çs, sdrç uo tre`pmföo tre`pmföo qud dqumvgchrç g uog `gsg hd 8>> grrejgs (7=) , qud oudstre jgrfe drg `uy híjmc y oe dstgjg pgrg dstgs fkgozgs y fugrte qud sm ces mohmes oes kmfmdsdo cg budrrg oes feovdohràg tdodr dc jgrfe ce `gs gcmvmghe qud iudrg pesmjcd, perqud fgcgohe `gs gbug pehràg`es vgrgr do gcbüo hdspcgyghe y gsà ces mohmes hgroes uo gjerhgld. Xg`jmío sm ces mohmes oes kgfdo cg budrrg, –tdohrd`es qud sgctgr ces hes sgctgr qud hmfdo tdodr, fgjgc`dotd do heohd ces mohmes dstço `gces‐  (:>) y pgrg sgctgrce ds `dodstdr ogvdbgr feo dc jgrfe vgfàe, perqud sd pudhdo gicelgr cgs tgjcgs y doteofds sdr vàftm`g hd ces mohmes. Xehgs dstgs fesgs fesgs cd hdfàg y `çs, hdfàg qud ccdbgohe dc fgse hd qud ces mohmes oes kgbgo cg budrrg tehe ce qud oe sdg hd dxtrd`g odfdsmhgh mrç gc gbug, gbug, perqud ye do tgc fgse oe rdspeohdràg per cg vmhg hd oghmd, qud vmdsd jmdo doteofds fe`e trgtgràg feo Frdfmr. (Ccdbghg hd Frdfmr) Gc imo cmste qud iudrg dc fkgrqud feo tehe ce hd`çs, vmoe vmoe Frdfmr feo 7: pgtgfgs pgtgfgs hd tgjgfe, hd sdms grrejgs fghg uoe. Vermg sd hdjd hd kgjdr fe`pre`dtmhe g trgdrcd dc tgjgfe, perqud ye `d dofeotrgjg doidr`e y odfdsmtgràg hd Frdfmr. (Heo Ymftermoe oes hg cgs dxpdhmfmeods) Heo Ymftermoe Vecg drg dc bejdrogher motdrmoe hd Grdogcds y dc oes hme oudstres hdspgfkes, tgc fugc Vermg ces hmftö y drgo hd dstg sudrtd< –…Gkà vg dc sd÷er Heo ^gjce Vermg, g prgftmfgr dc rdfeoefm`mdote hdc Zàe Jdr`dle, dovmghe per cg Vefmdhgh ccg`ghg hdc Jdr`dle, pretdbmhg per tehgs cgs ^revmofmgs uomhgs hdc Zàe hd cg ^cgtg y rebg`es g cgs Ogfmeods g`mbgs hd


guxmcmgrce, pretdbdrce, jgrfe Vgo Vgcvgher Vgcvgher gcmgs Dc ^gmsgoe, pretdbdrce, dtf. dtf. Feo dc jgrfe dqumpghe per dc pmcete Omfecçs Hdsfgczm y dc dqumpgld ferrdspeohmdotd…‐ ferrdspeohmdotd…‐ (Dc dqumpgld) Fgpmtço< ^gjce Vermg ^mcete< Omfecçs Hdsfgczm, g 4> pdses `dosugcds. Feotrg`gdstrd< Lugo Lesí fgogcds, g ; pdses. Hdspdosdre< Cerdoze Vgcbudre g 7> pdses. ^deods e `grmodres< Irgofmsfe Igràgs g 9 pdses. Bgjrmdc Vçofkdz g 9 pdses.  Luste ^gster g 9 pdses. pdses. Cufmgoe Icerds g 9 pdses. Dstes fugtre `urmdreo. Dc prm`dre oe rdfmjmö oghg y ces etres rdfmjmdreo 7: pdses oe`çs fghg uoe. Cerdoze Icerds g 9 pdses. Gcdlgohre Vgcg g 9 pdses. ^dhre Gjgo g 9 pdses. @grfe Ertmz g 9 pdses. @grtào Zmvdre g 9 pdses. Xehes dstes rdfmjmdreo 7: pdses fghg uoe. Vm`öo Zumz g 9 pdses. Gtgogsme Mofg g 9 pdses.  Lesí Cmdohrd g 9 pdses. pdses. Irgofmsfe Fgstmcce g 9 pdses. Ogrfmse Hàgz g 9 pdses. He`mobe Fkequd g 9 pdses. To motírprdtd tejg qud hdsdrtö. ^gsgldre heo Cuàs Frdfmr.

Dotrd tehg dstg bdotd oe kgjàg omobüo `grmoe, om Vermg, om dc feotrg`gdstrd, om dc hdspdosdre, oghmd, sece dc pgsgldre Frdfmr.


@drce kujmdrg vdomhe pdre Vermg oe qumse pgbgrcd ces vdmotd pdses `dosugcds qud ístd pdhàg. Kgjàg tg`jmío tg`jmío trds pgrgbugyes g ces qud oe cds qumse pgbgr, qudràg qud ce smrvmdsdo per su cmohg fgrg. (Ghvdrtdofmg qud kgbe g Vermg) Cd hmld ye g Vermg qud oe kgbg fecefgr gqudccgs pgcgjrgs –pretdbmhg per tehgs cgs ^revmofmgs hdc Zàe hd cg ^cgtg‐, qud sdràg uo hdfcgrgr cg budrrg gc ^grgbugy, üomfg ogfmöo per cg qud kgjàg`es hd pgsgr y qud oe drg pgrtd hd cgs ^revmofmgs Tomhgs, perqud ces fgfmquds fgfmquds hdc Fkgfe Fkgfe oe oes mjgo g pdhmr pdhmr oudstres pgpdcds y feo dstgs dxprdsmeods fkefgràg`es hd`gsmghe feo dc bejmdroe hdc ^grgbugy. Heo Ymftermoe hdfàg ce `ms`e pdre Vermg oe ce feosmotmö, doteofds hmle Heo Ymftermoe, cds hgrí uo eimfme pgrg Irgofmg (:7) y Vermg oe ce qumse, gc feotrgrme qudràg sdbüo hd`estrgjg g`dogzgr gc ^grgbugy. (Fgcmhgh hd oudstre dqumpgld) Dotrd dc dqumpgld sd dofeotrgjgo Vgcbudre fe`e üomfes (…) `gsy‐.Fgstmcce ces hd`çs drgo ierzghes, –dsteds ces Ces qud igctgo hd cesvecuotgrmes, :8 trgàhes hdsdrtgreo, hd dotrd ces hdsdrterds hes drgo kdr`goes qud iudreo prdses do Ergo –`mdotrgs ye dstgjg do smjdrmg‐  perqud kgjàgo `gtghe g su pghrd pgrg hmsirutgr hd su `ghrd `gs g buste. To pdöo hdsdrtö do dc fg`moe. ^dhre Gjço kgjàg `udrte hd uog pu÷gcghg g su `ms`g dspesg hdcgotd hdc bejdrogher hd  Luluy, dtf. dtf. Ces hd`çs drgo rdfcutgs hdsdrterds hd gqudcces qud ces sgctd÷es dovmgjgo g Judoes Judoes Gmrds pgrg kgfdr kgfdr cg budrrg g ces Jrgsmcd÷es. Jrgsmcd÷es. XDZFDZG M@GBDO

(Vermg oe qudràg dldfutgr dc vmgld)  @ufkgs vdfds kgjàg hmfke ye g Vermg qud oe pmhmdsd bdotd gc bejmdroe, perqud dc bejmdroe oes hgràg bdotd `gcg y ccdog hd hdcmtes, pdre Vermg oe qudràg dldfutgr dc vmgld. ]e smd`prd cd hdfàg qud sm `d trgldsd prdses oe sdbumràg dc vmgld, qud qudràg vecuotgrmes y qud ces pgbgsd, pdre rdpmte, Vermg oe qudràg dldfutgr dc vmgld. Üctm`g`dotd fugohe dcmbmö gcbuoes judoes dstes oe qumsmdreo vdomr,


@drce, ces pgrgbugyes y ^dhrmte. @d hmle Vermg< -Kd hmfke g Heo Ymftermoe qud ds prdfmse sdr hdsgierghes pgrg d`prdohdr tgc vmgld feo sd`dlgotd bdotd.-  ]e cd feotdstí< -Tstdh `d kg igctghe do tehe-. -Dstey `uy doidr`e y sdburg`dotd per gccà gjgle `ermrí y ustdh sdburg`dotd tg`jmío `ermrç sm oe kgfd pgrgr `m doidr`dhgh e smotmdrg qud gcbuoe hmldsd per gccà qud hd fejgrhd `d kmfd dcy doidr`e pgrgkgstg oe sdbumr vmgld-. -]e. -kgstg tdomhe tehes ces pdsgrds ces trgjgles pdrhdrdc`m sgcuh@çs gquà gjglekdsdrí do `ms `gcds `gcds feosecghe perqud ustdh tg`jmío sd mrç g pmqud y pdrdfdrç, ce qud qumdre ds qud sgcbg`es hd uog vdz.(@ms hdsdes hd sgcmr gc Fkgfe) To hdsde tdoàg, dc hd sgcmr d motdrogr`d do dc Fkgfe pgrg hdsfgosgr hd uog vdz, puds yg oe pehàg sepertgr `ms `gcds y `ms trgjgles, tr gjgles, puds gccà `d pgrdfàg rdbucgr qud fghg uoe prefurgrg kgfdr ce pesmjcd pgrg feosdrvgr su prepmg vmhg, trgjglgohe, fumhgohe dtf. y per feosmbumdotd gsà hgr uo pefe hd hdsfgose g `m híjmc fudrpe e jmdo `ermr hd uog vdz. (Vgcmhg hd ^mzgrre per ^gcfg) Dstgohe cmstes pgrg `grfkgr sd hdspgfke g tehg cg bdotd qud oe mràgo g jerhe, dste ds ces sechghes feo su eimfmgc ces qud hdjàgo gbugrhgroes do dc pudste hd @ghrmbgc. Heo Ymftermoe, Heo Heo Goteome y dc sd÷er Er`gdfkdg Er`gdfkdg qudhgreo gjerhe gjerhe pgrg ogvdbgr dstd trdfke qud kgy hdshd ^mzgrre kgstg dc pudste hd @ghrmbgc. Vermg sd iud per tmdrrg g trgdr cgs hes fgoemtgs y ye qudhí hd mr feo dc jgrfe kgstg cg Luotg pgrg gbugrhgrce g uog hmstgofmg fe`e hd g hes fughrgs. FTGZXG M@GBDO @gohí hdsg`grrgr dc jgrfe y feo jetgherds g d`pulgr dc jgrfe pgrg gcdlgrce uo pefe hd cg ermccg y hdlgroes mr gc seo hdc fg`gcetd, pudste qud dc ràe mjg `uy judoe y `gose. Frdfmr sd puse puse g gcjeretgr, hd tgc sudrtd qud oe kgjàg do tehe dc jgrfe (…) (…) rd`es, brmtgjg gquà y gkà (…), ye qudhí serprdohmhe hd vdr g uo pgsgldre te`gr pesdsmöo feo tgote gkàofe, `d qudhí uo cgrbe rgte ejsdrvgohe, kgstg qud sgctí g preg, qumtí ces rd`es, motm`í g smcdofme g tehes y erhdoí g ces pdeods qud secg`dotd ce qud ye `gohgrg sd hdjàg hd kgfdr. Hm ieohe feo dc gofcg doirdotd `ms`e hd cg hdsd`jefghurg hdc Zàe Brgohd hd Luluy, do ieohe hd grdog y (….) tdrfmgs hd preiuohmhgh. Dc Zàe hd Luluy oe tdoàg `çs qud uog tdrfmg hd ieohe, vdgo `m pcgoe. Dstd iud dc puote hd oudstrg sgcmhg sdbüo cgs erhdods hd dxpdhmfmöo hdc jgrfe,


pdre per cgs ejsdrvgfmeods gstreoö`mfgs dc puote imlghe iud dc @esqumtgc, perqud gquà oe kmfd omobuog omobuog ejsdrvgfmöo y Vermg `mdotd perqud ye ccdvgjg dc hdrretdre g cdy hd dstm`g fe`e yg ce kd dxpcmfghe. Iud dc hàg 72 hd luome hd 7;:9 (y oe dc qumofd fe`e hmfd Vermg) fugohe dstuvm`es do cg Luotg e ^gcfg, feo dc jgrfe Vgo Vgcvgher Vgcvgher gcmgs ^gmsgoe, ^gmsgoe, feo uo fgcghe hd :7 pucbghgs pucbghgs y `dhmg e hes tdrfmgs hd vgrg `does hes y `dhmg pucbghgs, cmstes pgrg gtrepdccgr gc Brgo Fkgfe, dqumpghes cg `gyer pgrtd per igfmodreses, gr`ghes feo hes fgreoghgs hd g 7: do fecmzg, uog g pepg y cg etrg g preg, uo pdhrdrmte hd g uoe feo efke jgcgs hd jreofd uo pefe `gs fkmfgs qud cg fgjdzg hd Vermg. (Hdspuís Frdfmr kmze fg÷etes hd pce`e hdc fgcmjrd hdc pdhrdre), := iusmcds, uog tdrfdrecg gc festghe hd Vermg, hes pgrds hd pmstecgs pgrg use hdc Fe`msmeoghe y uo pgr `çs pgrg `m use. µ] quí `çs5, tg`jmío uo pmofkgsgpes e dspghg feo su fgje herghe hdc Fgpmtço Bdodrgc Dxfdcdotàsm`e Vd÷er Heo Vermg, `mc fgrtufkes hd iusmc y 9> pgrg cgs fgreoghgs, feo sdsdotg jecsgs hd `dtrgccg hd g 7>> y 7;> jgcgs hd eozg. To jgrrmc mohme hd pöcverg y `ufkgs jgcgs hd eozg. Fugtre gofcetds, hes fghdogs y fgjcds y `eteods, dtf. dtf. Xrds fgoegs, uog brgohd y hes fkmqumtgs fkmqumtgs hdstmoghgs pgrg mr ghdcgotd seohdgohe dc ràe qud qud seo cgs qud kmfd do Vmjdrmg y qud iud g trgdr Vermg, fugtre rd`es qud ye trgjglí feo `ms prepmgs `goes , guoqud Vermg hmfd oe kgjdr `çs qud uo rd`e, om om tm`öo, om vdcgs vdcgs dtf. Vm oe kuje `gs rd`es ds perqud oe kuje qumdo ces kgbg, sm oe kuje tm`öo `msdrgjc d fe`pg÷àg hdc jgrfe –, sm kgjàg uo rd`e `uy judoe qud ce supcàg , – per cg `msdrgjcd oe kuje pgce feo vdcg, ds perqud oe ce odfdsmtçjg`es, hd`gsmghe gpgrdle trgàg`es, – feo trgdr jgstgotd `çs pgrg kgfdr `gtd y feo ces igfmodreses, quí `gs qudràg`es, hd`gsmghe gpgrdlghes dstçjg`es, y hdspuís sm kujmdrg sufdhmhe gcbuog  pgvghg do dc fg`moe fg`m oe feo te`gr gcbüo gc büo pudrte hd ces Zdyds hdc Fkgfe ds jmdo sdbure s dbure qud oes kujmdrgo seferrmhe feo ce qud tmdodo do sus grsdogcds‐.   (Oetg)

Vermg hmfd oe tdoàg`es ` gs Vgcvgher qud uo rd`e Frdfmr gbrdb]e gbrdbg g hmbe qud omobuoe. ^grdfd qudqud qudràgo gr`gr g `gs Vgo fe`ey uog bgcdrg. tg`jmío qud tdoàg`es pefes pdre om Vermg om Frdfmr trgjglgreo do omobuoe hd ces qud kgjàg. Hmbe ye qud tdoàg`es `gs rd`es qud rd`dres, gsà sgfgrí cg fudotg ye hd ces rd`es y qud Vermg sgqud hd ces rd`dres. Cg üomfg fudotg qud sgfe ds cg hd ces rd`es kdfkes per `m prepmg `goe y elgcg `d pgbgsdo per cg kdfkurg hd dcces qud tehgvàg `d `d cg hdjdo. To rd`e `uy `uy brgohd pgrg bejdrogr y fmofe `gs feo dc jgrfe. Fmofe pgrg cg fgoeg brgohd uoe hd dcces uo pefe `gs cgrbe pgrg bejdrogr cg fgoeg y trds `gs fkmfes qud drgo pgrg uog fgoeg `gs fkmfg. Wud –gsdose‐ sd hdle ccdvgr per dc ràe do tmd`pe hd frdfmdotd pdrhmíohesd hes rd`es rd`es `çs. Xehes dstgjgo g jerhe y iudreo kdfkes per `à do dc @esqumtgc do ces hàgs hd imdstg fugohe ces pdeods mjgo g Erço y drgo hd `ghdrg pdtmrmjà, dc rd`e cgrbe hd cg fgoeg brgohd ce jebgjg dc pdöo Vm`öo Zumz –hg uo pertmcce hg Fgoeo‐. @uy jmdo, hd `godrg qud drgo hefd rd`es `gs fugtre hd cgs fgoemtgs, fgoemtgs, kdfkes hd fdhre, `uy kdr`eses y hd cule, kdfkes tg`jmío per `à y hes pgces `gs tg`jmío


pgrg cgs hes fgoemtgs fgoemtgs tg`jmío tg`jmío kdfkes kdfkes per `à. `à. Vgqud gkerg cg fudotg Vermg, hd ces rd`dres. Gc pefe rgte ccdbö Vermg feo cgs hes fgoemtgs y oes pusm`es g fg`mogr ce `dler pesmjcd, feo cgs fgoemtgs per hdcgotd pdre drgo fgsm moütmcds per oe sgjdrcgs bejdrogr oudstres fgoedres, hd sudrtd qud dc jgrfe y cgs fgoegs mjgo ce `ms`e qud Heo`gces, Wumletdqud y Vgofke y cg sudrtd qud oesetres tdoàg`es ds ces qud`ecmodres oe kgjàg `ecmoes sm ces kujmdsd oe dofeotrgràg`es pmdhgh do ( ces mohmes) hdc Fkgfe, perqud oes hdlgràgo dstrdccgroes pgrg cudbe fe`droes gsghes do tglghgs y kgfdr kgfdr hd oudstrgs fgcgvdrgs fgcgvdrgs tgzgs pgrg jdjdr sdbüo sdbüo dc use g`drmfgoe (::). G cgs hes hd cg tgrhd pgrdfàg qud yg hdjdràg`es dstgr do dc pudste hd @ghrmbgc, cubgr heohd hdjdràg kgjdr bdotd gbugrhçoheoes, y hd `mdhe hd pgsgr hd uo ieohe, perqud gccà hdjàg`es hdsd`jgrfgr g ces trds sd÷erds qud tdoàg`es g jerhe. Dc tdrrdoe gquà drg jgle e pder hdfmr jg÷ghes, hd `ehe qud oe sd pehàg gohgr smo doigobgrsd y drg moütmc pdosgr do dovmgr gcbuoe hd ces oudstres do jusfg hd ces hd`çs gc pudste. Heo Ymftermoe hmle. ‖ µFö`e kgrd`es pgrg kgfdroes oetgr5-. ‖^uds ‖^uds vdrçsd÷gc vdrç-, -, hmldyye. Fgrbuíqud uogtgcfgreoghg, tg`jmío tg`jmío cd pusd uogs pmdhrgs pgrggkerg tmrgr ce g uog prejgr`d grtmccdre drg ye y fe`e dc rumhe drg rdbucgr pgrg qud eydsdo ces qud oes gbugrhgjgo. Cgs pmdhrgs qud pusd do cg fgreoghg cgs trgàg`es g jerhe hdshd Vgohug, perqud do heohd dstçjg`es oe kgjàg om uog, smoe grdog y igobe. Fgrbghg qud iud te`í puotdràg g uo ejldte y feo uo tmröo hmld g uo pdöo qud hmdsd iudbe, pdre dstd tuve `mdhe, pdhà g etre qud hd iudbe y tg`jmío tuve `mdhe, gsà uoe g uoe cds hmld g tehes kgstg g Frdfmr y omobuog qumse gfdrfgrsd, doteofds kmfd iudbe ye y hm do dc jcgofe. Fg÷eods tdoàg`es pdre oe grtmccdres. @gs tgrhd sd kmze etre tmre y pgsö ce `ms`e, oe vdàg`es g oghmd. Dovmg`es uog fgoemtg feo Frdfmr y hes pdeods kgstg cg Luotg pgrg qud hd gccç iudsdo ces hes pdeods gc pudste hd @ghrmbgc y gvmsgr qud yg kgjàg`es ogvdbghe `gs hd ce sd÷gcghe y qud tdoàg`es `mdhe hd pgsgr `gs gjgle. Hd oefkd yg vecvmö cg fgoeg y oes `gohgreo g hdfmr qud ogvdbçsd`es `gs smo hdsfeoimgozg gcbuog qud feo prdfmsmöo kgjràg`es hd pgsgr per heohd dstgjgo, qud kgjàgo eàhe ces fg÷eogzes pdre oe puhmdreo vdomr per ces jg÷ghes. Dc hàg 7; per cg `g÷gog oes pusm`es g fg`mogr y g pefg hmstgofmg dofeotrg`es g @ghrmbgc g fgjgcce, ghvmrtmdohe qud dc ràe kgjàg rete g cg hdrdfkg y per gccà sd


mjg cg `gyer pgrtd hdc gbug. @gohí feo uog fgoemtg g rdfeoefdr r dfeoefdr dc fgufd vmdle y tdoàg pefe gbug y `uy hdspgrrg`ghg. @ghrmbgc tg`jmío oes hmle qud secg`dotd per gqudc fgogcmte pehàg`es pgsgr fe`e didftmvg`dotd pgsg`es y td`prgoe ccdbg`es gc pudste. Gquà kgjàg uog jgrrgoqumtg hd tdrrdoe imr`d gc cghe hdc pudste –e gc ;>‐. ^uote üomfe qud g `à `d pgrdfmö judoe pgrg imlgr uo dstgjcdfm`mdote dstgjcdfm` mdote perqud ds do tdrrdoe imr`d y dc ràe r àe hdshd dc @esqumtgc g cg ^gcfg ds moogvdbgjcd y hdshd cg ^gcfg kgstg gquà, guoqud oe kgy pmdhrgs oe ds oghg judoe y oe sd ghdcgotgràg oghg feo mr kgstg cg ^gcfg, perqud gccç dc tdrrdoe oe ds imr`d y dc fg`moe pgrg mr g Vgctg ds `dler hdc cghe hdc Vur hdc ràe Luluy qud dc hdc Oertd, perqud ds mofö`ehe per ces `ufkes rmgfkes qud kgy. Yígsd dc pcgoe. @ghrmbgc ds hd ces sgctd÷es, dc `gs fdrfgoe g ces mohmes, –ke dotrd oes `ms`e‐, do su fgsg tdoàg smd`prd hmvdrses `gtgbugyes y `gtgfes feo sus fkmogs. Oesetres odfdsmtçjg`es odfdsmtçjg` es hd uo motírprdtd per ce ce `does @gtgfe, pdre pdre omobuoe hd ces mohmes qud kgjàg do cg fgsg fgsg hd @ghrmbgc @ghrmbgc qudràg vdomr, g pdsgr qud Heo Goteomoe qud drg dc Fe`gohgotd hd cg Ireotdrg hd Vgctg hd gqudccg pgrtd, qud cg ccg`go hdc Zàe hdc Ygccd, cds kujmdrg rebghe. Hdfàgo dcces qud ces mohmes hd `çs gjgle, dste seo ces tejgs, cds kgjàgo hd `gtgr. Ymste @ghrmbgc qud oe dofeotrçjg`es omobüo motdrprdtd, oes hmle qud íc tdomg uo kmlmte qud sd kgjàg frmghe dotrd ces `gtgbugyes qud tdoàg do su fgsg y qud kgjcgjg cg cdobug hd ces mohmes `gtgfes y `gtgbugyes (qud ds uog `ms`g), pdre qud dc `ufkgfke `ufkgfke drg hd fertg dhgh. Oesetres fe`jmog`es do ccdvgr gc `ufkgfkmte –`gs jmdo qud oghg‐ y Vermg kmze uo feotrgte feo @ghrmbgc, @ghrmbgc, pgrg pgbgrcd g íc sdms sdms pdses `dosugcds `dosugcds per su kmle kgstg hdvecvírsdce. Kgjrç tdomhe dc `ufkgfke uoes… g÷es hd dhgh, hd ogturgcdzg fgccghg fe`e ces mohmes, y drg mohme odte íc tg`jmío pdre hd ces frmstmgoes hd Vgctg. Feo dstd motírprdtd kgjàg pefe qud feotgr. (To mohme vmdod hd motírprdtd per cg pgpdcdtg do fg`jme hd hes ydbugs) Ymoe uo pdöo g gvmsgr g heo Goteomoe qud Lugo, mohme `gtgbugye qud kgjcgjg dc dspg÷ecO.vdohràg hd motdrprdtd feo tgc qud qud ícsdte`e cd hmdsd uogtejgs. pgpdcdtg pgrg qud dc sgrbdote cd dotrdbgrg cgs hes ydbugs hd ces Heo Goteomoe ce kmze ccg`gr gc `e`dote y cd hmle ‖ çohgtd puds ke`jrd (:6)  qud fugohe vudcvgs td hgrí cg pgpdcdtg pgrg qud dc sgrbdote td dotrdbud hes ydbugs y td rdbgcgrí ye uo pmofke hd jgydtg fecerghg (:8), gbrdbö Vermg qud cd pgbgràg sdms pdses `dosugcds. Feotdstö dc mohme ‖ Dstg jmdo sd÷er. Ydgo cg moidcmfmhgh moidcmfmhgh e cg sm`pcdzg hd ces mohmes, dstd dstd pejrd sgcmö feo ces sgctd÷es sgctd÷es g pdcdgr feotrg ces tejgs qud qudràgo rejgr cgs dstgofmgs ireotdrmzgs y do cg pdcdg  Lugo `gtö hes tejgs `eotghes do ydbugs, fgpturçohecgs. Hdspuís dc sgrbdote cgs dotrdvdrö feo sus gom`gcds y oe qumse dotrdbçrsdcgs g Lugo pgrg qudhgrsd feo dccgs y Lugo feo tgc qud dc Fe`gohgotd cd hd uog pgpdcdtg pgrg fejrgr sus ydbugs vmoe dc pejrd g dorecgrds dc tg`jmío.


(Oetg) Ces mohmes sd gh`mrgo `ufke hd cgs örhdods qud ces frmstmgoes hgo per dsfrmte y cgs gprdfmgo `ufke. Heo Ymftermoe vecvmö g mostgr g Vermg pgrg `uhgr e qumtgr gqudccgs pgcgjrgs hd cg dxpdhmfmöo pretdbmhg per tehgs cgs ^revmofmgs Tomhgs hdc Zàe hd cg ^cgtg, hmfmíohecd< -Heo ^gjce tehgvàg dstg`es g tmd`pe pdre Vermg oe ce feosmotmö, g cg fudotg qudràg qud hdfcgrgrg cduog budrrg pdrseog y gsà rdoe`jrghe do dc `uohe. HeosdYmftermoe hmle ‖ perper ce su `does ccdvd uosdr pcmdbe hd dstd bejmdroe qud ye cd kgbe uog rdfe`dohgfmöo pgrg dc ^grgbugy. Oe ce qumse tg`pefe. Frudchgh hd Vermg Dc hàg 7= yg oes prdpgrçjg`es pgrg hgr dc ghmös g tehes. Heo Ymftermoe hmle g heo ^gjce, gkà vg Heo Omfecçs `uy doidr`e y oe ccdvg ustdh om uo pecce pgrg kgfdrcd fgche. µ^er quí oe `gohg g fe`prgr uoes pecces y bgccmogs5 ]e eà dstgs dxprdsmeods y sdotà qud qudhgjg `uy gbrghdfmhe g Heo Ymftermoe, pdre íc mboergjg cg pdrsdfufmöo qud Vermg `d kgfàg. Vd gfdrfö Vermg g `à y `d hmle< Tstdh Heo Omfecçs …qumdrd …ustdh …qud …sd … fe`prdo …pecces …pgrg …kgfdrcd …fgche…5 @d kmze sujmr cg sgobrd y `dhme gcefghe cd feotdstí feo `ufkg rgjmg< -µsgjd ustdh ce qud qumdre5 Wumdre qud oes vgyg`es hd uog vdz `gs `gs gjgle, perqud sm ye kd hd `ermr ce `ms`e `d hg fgche hd fkgrqud qud fgche hd pecce.  Lg`çs kd ecvmhghe dstgs dxprdsmeods, oe frde cgs kgjrço ecvmhghe ces etres trds µDrg uog prdbuotg pgrg kgfdr`d5 Ces pecces vgcàgo `dhme rdgc fghg uoe y oe drg prdfmse hdlgr hd fe`drces sece drg pgrg kgfdr fgche g uo doidr`e. Heo Ymftermoe qudhö gse`jrghàsm`e hd dste y ce `ms`e ces etres hes sd÷erds feo ces hd`çs qud iudreo cgs üctm`gs y oes hdspdhm`es hd tehes y oesfmrfuostgotds, cgrbg`es yg puds g oudstre gvdoturghe vmgld feo vdmotmhös pdrseogs dotrd judoes y `gces. (Vgcmhg gc Fkgfe) Fg`mog`es feo dc ràe rdbucgr, judoe, kgstg cgs eofd hd cg `g÷gog qud kmfd g`grrgr dc juqud g cg jgrrgofg per fe`dozgr`d g hgr fkufkes hd iràe feo td`jcerds y dosdbumhg cg imdjrd tgo iudrtd qud `d kgfmg hdsvgrmgr tehe dc hàg. Xgc drg cg iudrzg qud `d sgfuhàg y `d hurgjg kgstg cg `dhmg oefkd pgsghg. (Vermg `íhmfe per `gtgr`d)


Dc hàg :> Vermg sd rdsecvmö hgr`d uo ve`mtmve hd tçrtgre d`ítmfe. ]e `d rdsecvà g te`grce y per dsg rgzöo oe fg`mog`es oghg dsd hàg. Frdfmr feo ces pdeods sd pusmdreo g kgfdr trds rd`es hd sgufd pgrg dc jgrfe. Dofm`g hdc ve`mtmve te`í uo pefe hd fgche hd `etd (:4), perqud dc hd fkgrqud ce gjerrdfàg do dxtrd`e y ds `uy fçcmhe. Cg imdjrd dstd hàg `d hme `ufke `gs iudrtd. Gc g`godfdr hdc :7 fdsö uo pefe cg imdjrd, Vermg `d rdfdtö etre ve`mtmve, g cg fudotg qudràg hgr imo feo`mbe. ]e hdsdspdrghe hdsdgohe fertgr dc kmce hd `m vmhg gotds hd sdbumr pghdfmdohe, te`í etre ve`mtmve y oe supd fö`e pgsí gqudc hàg. G`godfmö dc hàg :: y gotds hd te`gr guoqud sdg uo brgoe hd `gtd, te`í etre ve`mtmve, fe`e ye pehàg yg sd pudhdo m`gbmogr. (@d prdpgre g `ermr) Dc hàg :6 Frdfmr sd puse g fg`mogr y Vermg mjg cdvgotgohe dc ^cgoe e `grfghe dc furse hdc ràe, yg hd `à oe sd dspdrgjg oghg, sgcve qud dxpmrgsd. ]e do `m fergzöo `d dofe`dohgjg g Hmes, oe tdoàg etre rdfurse. Xdoàg prdsdotd tehes `ms hdsvgràes y ces uctrglds qud do fe`pg÷àg hd ces m`pàes kmfd gc sd÷er. Gquà do dstd dstghe pdhàg g Vgo Lesí qud iudsd `m pghrmoe y cd hmld feo tehe `m fergzöo qud sm ye pehàg sdr ütmc tehgvàg g `m prölm`e, `d feosdrvgrg `m vmhg y gcmvmgsd `m `gc, `gc, pdre sm ye kujmdsd hd sdr pdrluhmfmgc pdrluhmfmgc gc prölm`e do ce qud rdstg hd `m vmhg, gkerg `d kmfmdsd dxpmrgr y prdsdotí `m gc`g gc sd÷er pmhmíohecd pdrhöo per cgs eidosgs qud efgsmeoí dtf. Cerdoze Vgcbudre kmze fgií pgrg Vermg y Frdfmr, y hd ístd trgle uo pefe pgrg `à tg`jmío y ce te`í. @gs @gs tgrhd `d sdotà uo pefe `gs gcmvmghe gcmvmghe y pdhà g Vgcbudre `d kmfmdsd tí, `d ce kmze y ce te`í feo gcbuogs resqudtgs qud g ces trds sd÷erds oes kgjàgo hdlghe luotg`dotd feo dc tí y dc fgií. (@d smdote gcbe gcmvmghe) G cgs 7: tehgvàg oe `d kgjàg hghe omobuog sd÷gc hd fkufke smotmíohe`d gcbe `dler, te`í doteofds etre pefe hd tí feo gcbuogs resqudtgs. G cg uog `d hme imdjrd oe tgo iudrtd y smo fkufkes hd iràe, gotds hd cg oefkd vecvmö cg iudrzg hd cg imdjrd. Frdfmr `gohö g`grrgr gc jgrfe.


Vermg qumse kgjcgr feo`mbe hdc ràe pdre ye hdsvgrmgjg `ufke y do dses hdsvgràes `d doelgjg `ufke feo Vgcbudre per su pdrdzg. Dc hàg :8 g`godfà gcbe `dler. Vermg `d `eströ dc pgpdc do heohd kgjàg `grfghe dc furse hdc ràe rdferrmhe gydr. Ym qud dc ràe vdoàg jmdo, tehe dotrd grdog , cd hmld g Vermg qud smbg gsà qud sm ye `dlere uo pefe, ferrdbmrí dc pcgoe, qud prefurd gpuotgr fghg vudctg hdc ràe dc (….) ieohe y cg fgcmhgh hd íc. Hdsg`grrgreo dc jgrfe y Frdfmr sdbuàg feo cg ogvdbgfmöo. Vermg `grfgjg dc furse hdc ràe y dc jgrfe mjg `uy jmdo, dotrd cg grdog y `uy `gose, g cg oefkd g`grrgreo dc jgrfe. ]e `d sdotà `uy gcmvmghe hd cg imdjrd, dstd hàg oe `d hme tgo iudrtd, `m gcm`dote drg td e fgií feo resqudtgs. Dc hàg :4 te`í etrg purbg feo lgcgpg. Frdfmr y Vermg smbumdreo ogvdbgohe fe`e ces etres hàgs. G cgs fugtre hd cg tgrhd ccdbgreo g uo pgsgld qud dc ràe kgjàg rete dotrd uo sguzgc y per gccà, g trgvís hd uo fgogcmte sd mjg tehg dc gbug hdc ràe, hdlgohe tetgc`dotd su fgufd jgle. Vermg hmfd do su cmjrmcce g ielgs 7:, fe`e cg `mtgh hdc gbug, oe sd gfudrhg qud cg fgoemtg qud dovmí per dc fgufd jgle oe dofeotrö gbug pgrg pgsgr y sd kg vudcte. Dc gbug g cg d`jefghurg hd dstd fgogcmte dotrgjg g `ehe hd uo iudrtd fkmicöo y dotrd ces sgufds qud kgjàg hdrru`jghes kgfàg uo iudrtd rumhe. Gc `e`dote do qud Frdfmr Frdfmr eyö dc rumhe `gohö `gohö hgr ieohe feo dc gofcg y oe sd gtrdvmdreo g pgsgr. ]e dstgjg feo imdjrd, pdre dstd hàg `d kgjàg hghe `çs cmvmgoe qud hàg gcbuoe, `d ccg`greo g qud iudsd g vdr per dofm`g hd cg fujmdrtg. Gc vdr`d Vermg `d prdbuotö sm `d gom`gjg g pgsgr, cd hmld qud oe, pdre qud sm `g÷gog `d dofeotrgjg uo pefe gcmvmghe ce prefurgràg, gsà iud fe`e qudhg`es g pgsgr cg oefkd gquà. (@ehe hd te`gr cg qumomog) Dc hàg :9 per cg `g÷gog te`í fe`e uog eozg hd qumomog do pecve, do gbrme hd cm`öo y feo gbugrhmdotd iudrtd, dstg te`g ds uog –y dc supdrmer‐, gc pefe rgte `d kgccí jerrgfke y te`í tí. (Fg`moe per hdjgle hdc pudotd hd Vgufd) G cgs = hd cg `g÷gog `gohí g`grrgr uo fgjcd g uo sgufd uo pefe `gs grrmjg hd cg d`jefghurg hdc oudve fgogcmte, pgrg pehdr doimcgr hd g pefe, y oe dordhgroes feo ces sgufds, sgufds, `gohí dcdvgr dc gofcg y oes doimcg`es per dc fkmicöo y do `uy jrdvd oes vm`es vm`es cmjrds hdc fkmicöo y hd ces sgufds.


Dc fgogcmte drg `uy preiuohe y hd uo gofke fe`e hd 7: kgstg :> vgrgs. Ces sgufds hd dstd sguzgc drgo bdodrgc`dotd hd uo treofe hd uogs 9 g efke pucbghgs hd hmç`dtre, ces qud sd dofeotrgjgo fgàhes hd cg hdrdfkg rdpesgjgo per cg rg`gs y puotg do cg jgrrgofg hd cg mzqumdrhg, y ces fgàhes hd cg mzqumdrhg rdpesgjgo do cg jgrrgofg hd cg hdrdfkg, hd `godrg qud ier`gjgo uo pudotd fgsm feotmoue. Cgs jgrrgofgs tdoàgo hd gcturg fe`e hes g hes y `dhmg vgrgs y feo dc jgrfe pgsçjg`es per hdjgle hd ces sgufds. Do pgrtd gcbuog rg`g oes dsterjgjg y cg fertçjg`es feo kgfkgs, gsà ogvdbg`es fe`e hes `mccgs kgstg dofeotrgr oudvg`dotd dc fgufd vmdle hdc ràe, ghvmrtmdohe qud do íc ferràg tgotg gbug fe`e pgrg rdbgr uog fkgfrg. Vermg hmle qud fg`mog`es fe`e `dhmg `mccg pdre dstg `uy dqumvefghe, pdre fe`e Vermg oe sgjd fugote ds uog `mccg, pudhd qud kgyg hghe per hm`dosmöo g cg `mccg dc hejcd hd gofke hdc fgogcmte, do dstd fgse dc fgogcmte oe ds `gs qud `dhmg `mccg. Yígsd su cmjrmcce ielgs 78. (Hdc Xucpu) To pefe `gs gjgle pgrg`es pgrg fefmogr tucpe, feo fkgrqud y `etd pgrg fe`dr. ]e fe`àg sece ces resqudtds feo tí y g Vermg dc hmgjce sd sd ce ccdvgjg fghg vdz qud `d sd vdàg jefghe. gHdfàg g Frdfmr Heo Vecgsus y Er`gdfkdg cgstrgbgr kgjàgouordbgcghe íc, pdre g `àqud pefe `dGoteomoe, m`pertgjgo kgjcghuràgs, cgs feosmhdrgjg cg fe`mhg `gs cmvmgog pgrg `à qud dc tucpe (qud ds uog pecdotg hd kgrmog hd `gàz. Fugohe cg kgrmog ds hd `gàz testghe sd kgfd dc tucpe feo gbug iràg y fugohe dstd üctm`e üctm`e sd kgfd `uy cmqumhe sd ccg`g ccg`g fucpghg, pgrg dstg fe`mhg sd odfdsmtg cg hmbdstmöo hd uo –jeygbud‐ y oe hd uo doidr`e). Dstd hàg `d kgo hghe jgstgotd tmreods y g cg oefkd uo pefe hd imdjrd, hd `godrg qud vgrmö uo pefe cg doidr`dhgh, sd÷gc hd sgogr. ^dre ouofg puhd feosdbumr rdpeodr `m sgcuh perqud perqud tdoàg qud te`gr te`gr sec y hd fugohe do fugohe sdrdoe, dtf. Xg`pefe dc gcm`dote drg judoe hd `godrg qud hdshd gquà do ghdcgotd `d hgjg cg imdjrd hd oefkd y hd hàg. @d hgjgo uoes dstmreods dstmreods oe`çs y gsà ccdvgjg ccdvgjg uog fruz fetmhmgog. Hd hàg trgjglgohe y hd oefkd feo `m `gc. WTMOXG M@GBDO

Gotds hd ccdbgr g ces Evdres dofeotrg`es uo ràe qud hdsd`jefgjg do dc Jdr`dle qud pgrdfàg rdbucgr brgohd y oe sgjàg`es qud ràe pehàg sdr. Dc ràe hdc Ygccd sgjàg`es sgjàg`es qud dstgjg `gs `gs gjgle, luzbçjg`es luzbçjg`es g vdfds qud iudsd iudsd gcbüo jrgze hdc `ms`e Jdr`dle qud `çs grrmjg sd kujmdsd hmvmhmhe y sd oes kujmdsd pgsghe smo vdrce, pdre dste hdlgjg `ufke qud huhgr. G qud ds heohd Vermg hmfd sdr cg mscg brgohd do su cmjrmcce g ielgs… (Hdc ràe Vujtdrrçode)


Ce qud g `à `d pgrdfd `gs prejgjcd ds dste< Dc ràe Brgohd hd Luluy doirdotd g Vmjdrdg tmdod `gs gbug qud do cg hdsd`jefghurg, fugohe hdjmdrg tdodr `ufkg `gs per ces hmidrdotds rmgfkes qud hdsgbugo do íc, kd`es oetghe qud gc gfdrfgrsd g cg Luotg e ^gcfg mjg gpefgohe dc gbug y luzbçjg`es doteofds qud hdjàg dc gbug imctrgr dotrd cg grdog y tdohdr smd`prd smd`prd g su omvdc do dc Jdr`dle.

]e tdobe vmve dooe`mkgy `d`ermg cg hdsd`jefghurg hdc ràe secg`dotd. Brgohd hd  Luluy do dc`uy hd Xgrmlg dc gbugqud quddo tmdod dc ràe hd Vgo Cerdoze Dc gbug igctg hdshd `uy fdrfg hd cg ^gcfg y guoqud `gs grrmjg tmdod pefe ieohe, dc ràe ds `gs gofke qud do cg hdsd`jefghurg., dstd frmtdrme `gs qud g oghmd hdlgjg g Vermg feo cg jefg gjmdrtg. ]e oetí qud gc gfdrfgrsd g cg puotg, dc ieohe drg hd grdog jcgohg y sd doigobgjg do dccg fe`e sm kujmdrg smhe igobe y per ce tgote ye oe pudhe m`gbmogr g höohd kgyg mhe dc gbug hdc ràe brgohd hd Luluy, sm oe ds `gs gjgle y sdbüo `m frmtdrme dc ràe qud dofeotrg`es, ds dc gbug hdc Zàe Brgohd hd Luluy qud sd imctrgjg dotrd cg grdog. grdog. ]e qumsmdrg vdr dc tdrrdoe per gccà gccà pgrg luzbgr iàsmfg`dotd dse. Ce fmdrte ds qud dc gbug hdc Zàe Brgohd do gcbuog pgrtd kg hd mr, perqud do cg ^gcfg oe vmdod smoe uo pequmte.

(Hd ces evdres) @gs gjgle, dofeotrg`es rdpdotmog`dotd, gc hgr uog vudctg fe`e hesfmdotes e trdsfmdotes mohmes hd tehe sdxe y dhgh, pdsfgohe do cg ermccg hdc ràe. Wudhgreo tehes dcces serprdohmhes y gsustghes. Oesetres hm`es ieohe gc gofcg pgrg kgjcgr feo dcces y rdbgcgrces, pdre gc rumhe rumhe hd cg fghdog sd iubgreo tehes. Ces kmfm`es ccg`gr feo oudstre motírprdtd pdre oe feotdstgjgo. ^efe hdspuís vmomdreo hes, uo mohme mohme y uog fkmog, tgo vmdles qud ces luzbg`es hd 74> g÷es pgrg grrmjg. @grfkgjgo feo su jgstöo, drgo dofervghes y tdoàgo dc dspmogze kdfke fe`e uo grfe. Oe sd vdàg do dcces `çs qud hes dsqudcdtes fujmdrtes hd pdccdle. Xdoàgo tehes sus fgjdcces y smo uog fgog. Vd oes prdsdotgreo tetgc`dotd hdsouhes feo cgs `goes tgpgohe tgpgohe sus vdrbódozgs y smo gr`gs, do sd÷gc hd pgz. Oes hmldreo qud dcces vdoàgo do Cds oe`jrd hd cesfeohd`çs m`pcergr g`mstgh, qud dcces drgo ces evdres. rdbgcg`es uo pgrg hd fgczeodsoudstrg g fghg uoe y uog fkgqudtg y uo berre fecerghe, uo fufkmcce y uog –bugmfg‐ hd vmhrme, (qud tehgs dstgs fesgs trgàg`es feo dc prepösmte hd rdbgcgr g ces mohmes y brgoldgroes su g`mstgh) y cds hmlm`es qud írg`es g`mbes y qud ccg`do g ces hd`çs qud qudràg`es rdbgcgrces. Vd iudreo y `uy `uy preote vecvmdreo vecvmdreo feo ces hd`çs. Zdbgcg`es g gcbuoes oe g tehes, gc fgfmqud feo prdidrdofmg qud g ces hd`çs, omobuoe hd dcces tdoàg gr`gs y tehes pmotghes hd evdre y per dste ds qud ces ccg`go evdres. Wudhgreo tgo feotdotes qud oes rdbgcgreo uo ferhdre `uy kdr`ese y qudràgo rdbgcgroes `çs pdre oe cds qumsm`es gh`mtmr pgrg qud oe pdosgrgo qud per motdrís cds rdbgcçjg`es y sdbum`es ogvdbgohe. Ds prdfmse qud ye tdobe prdsdotd ces`d hàgs do`d`ermg qud pgsg`es per ces pgrglds, qudsgjdr smd`prd mrí oe goetgohe perqud sd iudimles hd cg y secg`dotd


feo `m ^cgo Hmgrme qud Vermg iud g dotrdbgr g Irgofmg, hmftgher hdc ^grgbugy, tdohràg uog rdcgfmöo dxgftg. Xg`jmío ds prdfmse sgjdr qud hd oefkd oe fg`moçjg`es ouofg. Fugote `gs ogvdbçjg` ogvdbçjg`es es kgfmg gjgle, dofeotrçjg`es `ufkes mohmes pdsfgohe hd g uog y etrg pgrtd. ]g dcces dcces sgjàgo qud oesetres rdbcçjg`es rdbcçjg`es g ces mohmes mohmes perqud ces evdres cds dcces ces hd `gs y gsà ferrmö cg oetmfmg gvmsçohesd uoekgjàgo gc etregvmsghe, kgstg gcyimo hdcg Fkgfe. Dstesgjgle mohmes pdsfgherds gpdogs oes vdàgo, gbgrrgjgo dc `dler pdsfghe qud tdoàgo y feo íc do cg `goe sd tmrgjgo gc gbug gc tmd`pe qud oesetres pgsçjg`es per irdotd g dcces y vdoàgo gcfgozçoheoes dc pdsfghe, ce te`çjg`es y cds rdbgcçjg`es uo fufkmcce. Etres dofeotrçjg`es do cg ermccg feo ferhdres gbugrhgohe qud pgsçrg`es pgrg kgfdroes sus prdsdotds, g gcbuoes sd ces rdfmjàg`es y gcbuoes oe qudràg`es rdfmjmr y ces pejrds ferràgo feo sus ferhdres do cg ermccg hdc ràe smbumíoheoes pgrg dotrdbgr sus prdsdotds, g vgrmes ces rdbgcçjg`es feo fufkmcces smo rdfmjmr oghg. (@ehe hd pdsfgr) Vu `ehe hd pdsfgr ds hd hd dstg sudrtd. ^cgotgo do do dc gbug g cg ermccg hd hd cg pcgyg e do cg jgrrgofg uogs dstgqumtgs ier`gohe uo sd`mfàrfuce hdlgohe dc cghe hd gjgle, dste ds gc cghe epudste g cg ferrmdotd uog gjdrturg fgpgz hd dotrgr uo pdsfghe. Dstd sd`mfàrfuce tdohrç uog vgrg hd hmç`dtre fugohe `ufke, gccà hdotre peodo gcbe pgrg fe`dr pgrg ces pdsfghes, fugohe dstço ghdotre fmdrrgo cg pudrtg y gbgrrgo dc pdsfghe. pdsfghe. Xg`jmío Xg`jmío gbgrrgo `ufkes feo cgs icdfkgs. icdfkgs. Do heohd dc ràe kgfd hdspcgyghes kgfdo etres pdsfghdres feo dstgfgs, dstes tdohrço fe`e qumofd e vdmotd vgrgs hd cgrbe y sdms hd gofke, ier`gohe uo fgrgfec, g `ehe hd uog vecutg. Ces pdsfghes sd motrehufdo do dc fgrgfec hd cgs dstgfgs y gccà gccà ces dofudotrgo ces mohmes, dordhghes, dordhghes, gtrgpçoheces. Fgsm tehe dc ràe dstg ccdoe hd pdsfghdres. Dc ràe ds `uy gjuohgotd hd pdsfghes dxfdcdotds, pgrtmfucgr`dotd pgrtmfucgr`dotd dc pgfü y dc herghe, dtf. (Hd ces pmeles) Gcbuoes hàgs kgfàg vmdote irdsfe hd `godrg qud gtrgfçjg`es gc jerhd hd cg jgrrgofg e do cg pcgyg y oe pehàg`es fg`mogr, y gsà oes ejcmbgjg g g`grrgroes. Dc vmdote smd`prd sepcg hdc Dstd gc Vuhdstd. To hàg dstgohe gsà g`grrghes, `d sgquí cg fg`msg pgrg vdr sm ce qud tdoàg drg –smcmfme‐ ö qud fesg drg, puds oe drg pefg cg fe`dzöo qud `d hgjg, dofeotrgohe do dccg, qumío ce frdydrg, uoes pmeles tgo brgohds y trgospgrdotds trgospgrdotds qud pgrdfàgo uote uote smo sgc. Ccg`í Ccg`í g Frdfmr y –brm`gches‐ cd hmld,`dHeo Cufgs, íc. hd `ufkg -µWuí dse5, prdbuotö -Zdbmstrd  tdod`es -Zdbmstrd su fg`msg-, fg`msgsd÷gc -, cd hmld ye, -yg gjuohgofmg, ce vdrç. ]e ]e `d pusddsg


feotgrces pgrg hmvdrtmr`d, ce `ms`e kmze Frdfmr, ccdbgohe g 82 y tg`jmío íc, qud dotrd rmsgs y rgjmg hme feo cg `ms`g fudotg. Vermg qud oes vdàg rdàr y rgjmgr prdbuotö qud oes efurràg. Frdfmr cd feotdstö1 - Heo ^gjce tdod`es `ufkes pmeles y hmfd Heo Omfecçs qud ds sd÷gc hd `ufkg gjuohgofmg. Vermg sd qumtö cg fg`msg y sd cg dotrdbö g Vgcbudre pgrg qud cd pgsgrg rdvmstg, dstgjg ccdog y tgo jcgofg fe`e cg fgjdzg hd Vermg. Oudstre dqumpgld prevdoàg hd cg fçrfdc hd Vgctg, y hd gccç oes kgo trgàhe dstg sd`mccg qud sd `uctmpcmfg per `mc do uo jrdvd tmd`pe. ^grg oudstres pdeods drg uog `g`ghg fe`e sd ces fe`àgo y feo quí brgfmg, puds sd peoàgo fe`e uog hefdog do cg pgc`g hd cg `goe y feo cg puotg hd cg cdobug ces mjgo rdfebmdohe uoe g uoe, peomíoheces dotrd ces hmdotds kgfmíoheces rdvdotgr gccà, pgrg te`grcds dc sgjer, feo tgotg brgfmg qud drgo fgpgz hd kgfdr cgozgr (:9)  gc `ms`àsm`e hd`eome, ye oe pehàg hdlgr hd suirmr gc vdrces fe`dr y ces rdtgjg. Frdfmr `d hdfàg, -híldces fe`dr Heo Omfecg, gsà seo tehg –cg pdrugog‐, qud sd fe`go ces pmeles dstes fefkmoes. (Fkmofkào gjerhe) To hàg hd cg pgrtd hdc VE, uo mohme hd g fgjgcce oes ccg`g, sd sd peod g hdsdosmccgr su fgjgcce y sectçohece kmze uo gtghe feo dc rdfghe, oes sd÷gcö qud qudràg vdomr g jerhe y ce rdfmjm`es. Drg levdo y hd uo tgccd kdr`ese, oudstres motírprdtds qud do dc kgjcgr pgrdfàgo `uhes, gpdogs pehàg`es dotdohdrcd. Hdfàg qud drg kmle hd Fkmofkmo y qud dc tg`jmío sd ccg`gjg fkmofkào, hd ces mohmes Fkeoepmds, y qud @grmgoe y qud fgrtgs, y oe dotdohàg`es `gs. Fg`mog`es kgstg dc trg`eotgr hdc Vec qud dofeotrg`es uo hdspcgyghe `uy gofke hd pefg gbug y ieohe hd tmdrrg, gquà oes qudhg`es g pgsgr cg oefkd. (@grmgoe trgd fgrtgs) ^efe hdspuís hd esfurdfdr hdshd tmdrrg oes brmtg uoe, - Judogs oefkds, judogs oefkds, sd÷er Fgpmtço Fgpmtço y cg fe`pg÷àg -. - Kecg hmlm`es, hmlm`es, (qud fgstdccgoes seo dstes). Fkmofkmo oes hmle< - @grmgoe, fgrtgs, pgpdcdtg. Cd hdvecvm`es oesetres tg`jmío cgs judogs oefkds, y oes hmle1 - `gohdo cg fgoeg do tmdrrg qud ye sey @grmgoe y cd trgmbe fgrtgs hd Heo Goteome y hd Heo Ymftermoe -. Gc `e`dote, cd `gohg`es cg fgoeg pgrg trgdrce g jerhe. Vd d`jgrfö do cg fgoeg y gbgrrö íc cg pgcg y do uo `e`dote vmoe g jerhe fe`e dc `dler `grmoe. Xrgàg hes fgrtgs, uog hmrmbmhg g Vermg y etrg g `à. Heo Goteome dsfrmjàg g Vermg y Heo Ymftermoe g `à. Hmfkgs fgrtgs cgs tmdod Irgofmg do dc ^grgbugy. ]e `d gfudrhe qud Heo


Ymftermoe `d pdhàg uog fepmg hd tehe ce qud kgjàg ejsdrvghe kgstg gquà pdre Vermg oe qumse qud cd `gohd fepmg hdc pcgoe y gsà `d rdhule g `gohgrcd secg`dotd dc rdsuctghe hd `ms ejsdrvgfmeods gstreoö`mfgs, hd hmidrdotds puotes, y `m pgrdfdr sejrd dc ràe kgstg dc hàg qud cd dsfrmjà, qud iud `gs gjgle, fe`e sd vdrç dosdbumhg.

(Hd @grmgoe, hd Fkmofkmo y hd ces fgfmquds) Yg`es g @grmgoe. Drg dstd mohme hd ces Fkeoepmds y fgfmqud, e vmfd Fgfmqud perqud dc Fgfmqud cdbmtm`e drg dc Fkmofkào qud tdoàg`es g jerhe kmle hdc hmiuote Fkmofkào brgo fgfmqud hd ces Fkmofkmods e Fkeoepmds qud tehe ds uoe. Dstd hmiuote Fgfmqud feo sus pefg bdotd sd kmze tdrrmjcd g tehes ces mohmes hdc Fkgfe, d kmze brgo g`mstgh feo Ferodle, ces kmles hd ces fgfmquds seo kdrdhdres hdc `gohe, y per feosmbumdotd dc levdo Fkmofkào qud tdoàg`es g jerhe drg dc Fgfmqud, pdre @grmgoe per sdr mohme hd `gs dxpdrmdofmg kgjrç `gohghe íc. (Fg`moe hdshd cg Dsqumog Brgohd gc ^grgbugy per tmdrrg) Oes feotgjg @grmgoe qud íc, gotds, fugohe ces Xejgs hd Vgo Jdrogrhe y Fgobgyd drgo `goses sd mjg per tmdrrg kgstg gc ^grgbugy g ccdvgr `ucgs g vdohdr. Hdjàg hd rejgrcgs g ces sgctd÷es perqud om dcces om omobuoes hd ces kgjmtgotds hdc Fkgfe tmdodo dstgofmgs. Cd prdbuotd qud fg`moe ccdvgjg pgrg mr gc ^grgbugy, `d hdfàg qud per cg ermccg ermccg hdc Jdr`dle kgstg ×d`jufe dc fg`moe fg`moe ds `uy judoe, y qud g vdfds vdfds mjg hdshd Fgobgyd Fgobgyd hdrdfke g Gsuofmöo pgsgohe dc Zàe ^mcfe`gye y qud do dstes vmglds oe dfkgjg `gs hd 7> g 77 hàgs, y smo fg`mogr hd oefkd, y ydohe gc tretd. Oes hdfàg tg`jmío qud dc yg kgjàg dstghe do Ferrmdotds, Vgotg Id, Judoes Gmrds, Gmrds, ^gtgbeomg, Förhejg, @dohezg dtf. Cd hdfàg ye hdspuís hd kgjdr gohghe gohghe tgote tmd`pe dotrd dotrd ces Frmstmgoes fö`e fö`e drg qud sd vdomg g vmvmr gccà1 hd cg dstm`g dstm`g qud tdobe g `ms ^gmsgoes, ^gmsgoes, `d rdspeohàg. Cd prdbuotí fe`e sd kgjàg vmste feo Heo Goteomoe `d hmle qud ce kgjàg dofeotrghe do ces smdrrgs hd Vgotg Jçrjgrg, y gccà kgjàgo dsfrmte, y ce `gohgreo g íc pgrg qud oes gfe`pg÷gsd gfe`pg÷gsd kgstg dc feoiào hd su tmdrrg qud qud ds kgstg ^gce Vgote y pgrg qud oes rdfe`dohgsd g ces Fgfmquds hd `gs gjgle .sus g`mbes, qud drgo hd ces @gtgfes hd cg etrg jgohg dste ds hdc hdc OD. perqud sdbumhe g dcces per per dc VE smbudo ces Efecms, y feo dstes oe seo g`mbes. Cd prdbuotí heohd qudhgjg qudhgjg cg Dsqumog Brgohd, Brgohd, `d hmle qud hgohe cg vudctg gc ràe, gccà dstgjg y qud oe kgjàg fugtre fughrgs hd hmstgofmg, y qud gccà tdoàg su rgofkdràg brgohd, y do dc ^gce Vgote tdoàg etrg `çs fkmfg, kgfmdohe bugrhmg g ces Efecms, pgrg qud oe vdobgo g fgzgr do su tmdrrg.


(Fg`moe hdshd cg Dsqumog g Fg`pesgote) Cd prdbuotí do fugotes hàgs mjg hdshd gccà g Fg`pesgote `d hmle qud ydohe hdspgfme, trds hàgs, pdre qud do hes kgjàg mhe `ufkgs vdfds, y qud dc fg`moe drg `uy judoe. Dc ràe hdshd cg ^gcfg kgstg gquà, ds uo fgrgfecde per tehes cghes, y fghg vudctg ds `uy fkmqumtg, hd `godrg qud, cgs vdcgs pgrg mr gbugs grrmjg seo fgsm moütmcds, guoqud dc vmdote hg do pepg i. 69. Gc pgsgr dc gbug hg uog vudctg g etrg, sd hdspgrrg`g y oe tmdod `gs qud hes tdrfmgs hd vgrg hd ieohe, dc tdrrdoe ds `uy jgle y grdomsfe, oe tmdod jgrrgofgs smoe pcgygs, fghg frdfmdotd e fghg g÷e dc ràe sd `uhg y sd vg per heohd sd cd gotelg. Cgs hes `çrbdods hdc ràe dstço ccdogs hd fgufds vmdles per ces fugcds pgsgjg dc ràe gotds gotds y qumzç vecvmdrg g pgsgr per gcbuoes hd dcces fugohe sd cd goteld. Ces sgufds y pçlgres jejes seo ces çrjecds qud efupgo dc tdrrdoe mo`dhmgte gc ràe, do ces fgufds `gs vmdles seo ces sgufds `gs gctes qud do ces fgufds qud kgfd `does tmd`pe qud cd pgsgjg dc ràe hd `godrg qud sd vd dotrd ces çrjecds fe`e fgccdleods qud pgrdfdo kdfkes feo grtd. ] seo vmstgs `uy kdr`esgs. Fugohe dc ràe dstç frdfmhe kgy `ufkes hd dstes fgufds dobg÷greo cesmcmhgh qud ogvdbgreo jglgr dc ràe sd kgccgreo feo susqud jgrfe feo tehgg igfmcmhgh igf hmstgotds hd hper d dcgccà, hesyegctrds cdbugs, jmdo hd uo cghe e jmdo hd dc etre hdc ràe. Xgcds seo cgs mouohgfmeods do cgs frdfmdotds, perqud oe kgy tdrrdoe qud suldtd dc gbug per dstgs mouohgfmeods qud Vermg ccg`ö g dstes cubgrds Oudve Dbmpte, pdre su oe`jrd vdrhghdre sdràg dc hd Ygrmgjcd Ygrmgjcd hd cg Fe`pesturg qud tmdod dc ràe. Om kgjcgr gc imo hdc rdfeoefm`mdote. Hdshd cg ^gcfg kgstg gquà kgjrd`es vgrghe uogs 6>> vdfds. G cg `g÷gog oes pusm`es g fg`mogr y vgrg`es, do uo ieohe hd tmdrrg, kmfd mr tehes ces pdeods gc gbug pgrg qud sd gcmvmgsd dc Jgrfe y ce d`pulgsdo kgstg pgsgr gqudc pefe ieohe qud drg `uy jrdvd cg hmstgofmg pgrg ccdbgr g cg preiuohmhgh, pdre ces pdeods oe ce pehàgo `evdr, fugohe qud do etrgs pgrtds qud vgrçjg`es, dotrd cg ferrmdotd qud fe`àg cg grdog hd hdjgle gc jgrfe y ce qud ce pdeods d`pulgjgo pgsçjg`es `uy preote g cg keohurg. ]e gquà `gohd gc pdöo Cdgohre qud fruzgrg tehe dc ràe g pmí fe`e secàg kgfdrce do `ufkgs pgrtds fugohe vgrçjg`es y feoefdr gsà jmdo cg keohurg hdc ràe gquà y do ce `gs keohe cd ccdbgjg dc gbug g cg rehmccg gpdogs. ^rdbuotd g @grmgoe sm tehgvàg kgjàg hd pgsgr `gs, `d rdspeohmö qud do dc `ds hd Gbeste, Vdptmd`jrd y Eftujrd pgsgohe dc ràe gccà gccà dc gbug cd ccdbgjg, ccdbgjg, sdbüo sd÷gce, sd÷gce, uo pefe `gs `gs –grrmjg dc (...)‐  hdc pmí e fe`e uog fugrtg hd vgrg dsfgsg1 cd prdbuotí, sm per gccà sd terogjg keohe dc ràe do etrgs pgrtds, `d hmle qud oe. Cudbe, gquà ds `uy içfmc içfmc fe`peodr dc ràe pgrg hgrcd uog keohurg. Kmfd ccdvgr gc ke`jre uog gofcg per cg preg pdre ‐ ydsd do sm`g hd gccg‐ kmfd uo pefe g cg hdrdfkg oe iudsd fesg qud dc Jgrfe peodr uo`gs gpgrdle per cg preg hdc jgrfe gc gofcg y ces pdeods hd ghdotre hdc


gbug tmrgjgo dc jgrfe, kgstg qud g cgs 7> hd cg `g÷gog dstuvm`es cmjrds yg do cg keohurg, y cgs 7> 7/8 dstuvm`es doirdotd hd cg rgofkdràg hd @grmgoe do heohd dofeotrg`es cg mohmghg mohmghg fe`pudstg ke`jrds ke`jrds y `uldrds. Ces rdbgcg`es. G cgs 7: ejsdrvg`es cg cgtmtuh hd :6 7: V y sdbum`es ogvdbgohe smd`prd feo @grmgoe g jerhe y Fkmofkào.

(Ces hd He`mobumte) @grmgoe hme erhdo g su bdotd qud oes smbumdsdo per cg festg y gr`ghes, `gs gjgle dofeotrg`es, trds e fugtre hàgs hdspuís, g ces mohmes qud ccg`go hd He`mobumte tehes gr`ghes. ^grg`es pgrg rdbgcgrces, dstes sd oes `estrgjgo `uy g`mbes. @grmgoe oes gvmsö tuvmísd`es fumhghe qud gqudcces drgo ces hdc Fgfmqud He`mobumte, qud dc Fe`gohgotd hdc Zàe hdc Ygccd ce kgjàg `gohghe g iusmcgr kgfàg hes g÷es g÷es perqud qudràg mr g rejgr g cgs dstgofmgs, dstgofmgs, y qud dstes gkerg gkerg qudràgo do rdteroe hd He`mobumte, He`mobumte, g uoe hd oesetres trds, trds, dste ds ds Vermg, e Frdfmr e ye, y qudhgr gsà gsà d`pgtghes. d`pgtghes. Wud per dse ds qud dc kmze vdomr g su bdotd gr`ghg per sm gfgse drg prdfmse fgstmbgr g ces He`mobumtes, y qud hdshd gquà kgstg ^gce Vgote drg odfdsgrme odfdsgrme qud íc oes gfe`pg÷gsd gfe`pg÷gsd per tmdrrg per sm gfgse. Drg cg fdrfg yg hd 7: feovmhö y ejsdrvg`es 66 V (@mdotrgs ye ejsdrvgjg cgtmtuh uo cgs mohme g Frdfmrcggcgtmtuh mr kgstg:6cg E rgofkdràg qud dstgjg fdrfg, y qud gccà cd hgràg uog fkmomtg pgrg hmsirutgr hd dccg, dste drg pgrg gtrgpgrce do rdteroe hd He`mobumte, Frdfmr cd hme cgs brgfmgs y oe gh`mtmö dc feovmtd) y sdbum`es fg`mogohe gfe`pg÷ghes per tmdrrg hd cg pgrtd hdc VE, e g cg hdrdfkg per @grmgoe y su bdotd gr`ghes, y ces hd He`mobumte qud sece gbugrhgjgo uo hdsfumhe hd oesetres pgrg `gtgr g uoe hd oudstres eimfmgcds, `mdotrgs dcces sd imobàgo `uy g`mbes, y feo su sm`pcmfmhgh seo fgpgfds hd dobg÷gr g fugcqumdrg qud oe iudsdo gvmsghes. Xgc ds cg igfmcmhgh hd imobmr hd tehes ces mohmes. G @grmgoe cd trgldreo su cgozg cg fugc tdomg smo peohdrgfmöo gcbuog hes fugrtes hd vgrg hd cgrbe cg puotg puotg y 9 pucbghg hd gofke hd uo imdrre imdrre `uy pucmhe feo uog brgohd gstg hd `ehe qud sd÷erdgjg sejrd tehgs cgs hd `gs cgozgs, cd secàg hdfmr ye fumhghe @grmgoe hd oe pdcdgr feo ces hd cgozg fkmqumtg, perquí dcces td `gtgrgo, y tu oe pehrçs `evdr cg brgohd. Dc `d hdfàg, - ds qud cd tmdodo `mdhe g `m cgozg-. (@gtgfes) Ces mohmes hd cg etrg pgrtd dste ds hd cg mzqumdrhg e hdc OD, qud seo smd`prd ces @gtgfes oes gbugrhgjgo do vgrmes pgrglds feo evdlgs y pdsfghes, y ces pejrds sd prdfmpmtgjgo do dc gbug pgrg trgdroes sus prdsdotds, rebçoheoes rdfmjmrces y hmfmíoheoes qud dcces drgo vdrhghdres g`mbes, puds qud dcces sd oes prdsdotgjgo fe`e sus `ghrds ces pgrmö, y oe fe`e ces hd cg etrg jgohg gr`ghes y qud oes fumhçsd`es hd dcces. Ydrhghdrg`dotd sd oes prdsdotgjgo hdsouhes do sd÷gc hd pgz.


(@uhgozg hdc ràe) Xehgs cgs oefkds vdomg @grmgoe g jerhe y do uog hd dccgs cd prdbuotg`es sm oe kgjàg`es ccdbghe tehgvàg gc pgrgld qud ccg`go Vgotg Zesg (Vgotg Zesg ds dc oe`jrd hd cubgr sm (...) `d kd ecvmhghe dc oe`jrd hd cg Vgotg) oes hmle qud dstçjg`es doirdotd y hmstgotd uogs 4 cdbugs, y cd prdbuotg`es sm yg oe pgsg `gs pervmdle VgotghdcZesg, oe sd÷er, rdspeohmö, pgsgjg dxmstddcdcràe fgufd ràe pdre gkerg pgsg hmstgotdgotds 4 cdbugs. Hggccç dsteysdtehgvàg pudhd moidrmr fe`e y feo quí igfmcmhgh sd pgsg dc gbug hdc Jdr`dle per dstes fg`pes grdomsfes. Imogc`dotd ccdbg`es gc pgrgld qud ccg`go ^gce Vgote. Gquà dofeotrg`es g cg bdotd hd @grmgoe, ces bugrhmgods hdc tdrrdoe. Ces hd He`mobumte yg sd kgjàgo mhe, y @grmgoe dovmö g ccg`gr g uoe hd sus g`mbes hd cg etrg jgohg dste ds hd ces @gtgfes, pgrg qud oes gfe`pg÷gsd kgstg dc feoiào hd sus tmdrrgs, y rdfe`dohgroes g sus g`mbes hd `çs gjgle. Dotrd tgote gbugrhçjg` gbugrhçjg`es es g dstd, dstd, Vermg feotdstö g cg Fgrtg hd Heo Goteomoe y ye g Vecg, dovmçohecd cgs cgtmtuhds hd cgs hmidrdotds ejsdrvgfmeods kdfkgs do dc @esqumtgc ce `ms`e hd cg ceobmtuh ytehe vgrmgfmöo hdc kgstg fe`pçs fe`pçs. . Xg`jmío cd kd dovmghe cgshd hdcpcgoe Zàe Odbre Vmjdrdg feo ce hd`çs gquà. Oe cd dovmí uog fepmg fepmg kgstg egquà kgstg per qud Vermg oe `d ce kg pdr`mtmhe pdr`mtmhe ccdbö dc g`mbe hd @grmgoe @grmgoe y sd d`jgrfö. @grmgoe @grmgoe oes hmle qud hd ces Efecms oe oes imçsd`es, y qud fugohe sus g`mbes oes hdlgsdo tuvmísd`es fumhghe feo ces prm`dres mohmes hd cg mzqumdrhg qud oes qudràgo `gtgr. `gtgr. Wud Wud sdràg sdràg sd÷gc sd÷gc imlg imlg hd hmfkg gftmtuh gftmtuh gqudccg hd prepeodroes prepeodroes vgfgs pgrg fgrodgr puds tdoàgo hes. Dstes sd ccg`go ces Gtgcçs –(Gcgs  preouofmghe fe`e ces c es mohmes m ohmes ds d s (...) ( ...) perqud (...) hd dcces ds bgobesg y hd hdc h dc ...)‐ y qud `gs gjgle dofeotrgrd`es g ces tejgs y qud prefurçsd`es kgjcgr feo ces fgfmquds Gbustào y Vgotmgbe, qud drgo sus g`mbes do etre tmd`pe y qud dstes seo judoes. ] sd hdspmhmö y sd iud per Fg`pesgote g ccdvgr cgs fgrtgs g Heo Goteomoe. Dstd @grmgoe kujmdrg vdomhe feo oesetres, y oes kujmdsd smhe `uy ütmc perqud drg `grmoe y judoe, pdre tdomg `mdhe g ces tejgs hd `gs gjgle hd Fgobgyd qud hdfàg drgo `uy `gces. (Hd ces Efecms) G ces pefes hàgs ccdbg`es g ces Efecms, y gquà iud heohd prm`dre vm, hdshd dc pudste hd @ghrmbgc, cg `grbdo hdc ràe feo tdrrdoe imr`d hd cg pgrtd hdc VE. Ydomg ye yg tgo gjurrmhe gjurrmhe per `m doidr`dhgh doidr`dhgh qud oe sd pudhd uoe uoe imburgr ce híjmc, icgfe y fgosghe qud `d dofeotrgjg, y om `ufke `gs `d feosecgjg, y gjurràgo cgs `ufkgs vgrghurgs qud te`çjg`es, e per igctgr`d g `m cg vmstg g vdfds gc bejmdroe hdc Jgrfe e per igctgr dc gbug fgsm do tehgs cgs vudctmtgs qud hg dc ràe. Do dstd cubgr tdoàgo ces Efecms smtughg su techdràg y sd oes prdsdotö tehg


cg fkus`g efecmsg hd g`jes sdxes. Ieohdg`es do cg `mtgh hdc ràe pgrg rdbgcgrcds, pudste qud sd oes `estrgreo fe`e g`mbes àotm`es. Ym`es dotrd dcces uog om÷g fe`e hd 7> g÷es hd dhgh, kdr`esàsm`g, tdomg rujme dc pdce y per cgs dspgchgs fe`e cg @gbhgcdog, su fgjdzg jglg feo `ufkg ku`mchgh, puds cg moidcmz drg frmghg hd cgs fkmogs, fgutmvg hd gqudccg jçrjgrg bdotd, drg hd Vgotmgbe hdc Dstdre. Oghmd hd oesetres pehàg `mrgrcg smo tdodrcd `ufkg cgstm`g, y sm oesetres kujmírg`es tdotghe cmjrgrcg feo cg iudrzg kujmdrg dccg pdrhmhe cg vmhg do dc gfte. Vdbuàg`es fg`mogohe fg`mogohe y `gs gjglmte gjglmte dstgjgo, e oes smbumdreo smbumdreo e oes gcfgozgreo, gc hgr uog vudctg, dofm`g hd uog jgrrgofg hd tdrrdoe imr`d y `eotuese, dc Fgfmqud Fgfmqud hd ces Efecms, dc kmle kmle y vgrmes etres etres mohmes. Gc kmle hdc Fgfmqud sd cd vmstmö, vmstmö, drg uo `eze hd 79 g 72 g÷es hd uo uo tgccd kdr`ese, y dstgjg dstgjg `uy furmese per per dxg`mogr cgs gr`gs y tehe ce qud kgjàg g jerhe, y sd sd gh`mrgjg do vdr vdr tehe gqudcce. Vermg vmdohe tgc gh`mrgfmöo gh`mrgfmöo do gqudc gqudc levdo ce kmze jglgr do cg fç`grg, y `estrçohecd `m cmjre, dc @gfgrtd, guter hd oçutmfg, y per dc motírprdtd cd kgfàg hdfmr qud feo gqudc oesetres feoefàg`es, gc sec, g cg cuog, g cgs dstrdccgs dtf. @mrgjg y dsfufkgjg feo `ufkg gtdofmöo, ye cd `estrí `m eftgotd, dstd cd becpdö becpdö kgstg do dc gc`g, `d mostgjg g qud sd sd ce rdbgcgsd,‐ oe qudhg `gs cgrbghe hd sus `goes‐ cd kmfd hdfmr qud ce odfdsmtgjg pgrg `mrgr g cg (...) Cuog y cgs dstrdccgs, y qud Hmes sd doelgràg feo`mbe. Wudhö doteofds smcdofmese per uo rgte, hdspuís feo sd`jcgotd oejcd hmle gc motdrprdtd, g dstes sd÷erds, qud yqumdo cd dosd÷g g dcces tehg dstgs fesgs ds su Hmeshàbgcd perquí sgjd `ufke, y qud oudstre Hmes g ces pejrd mohmes oe oes dosd÷g oghg perqud oe sgjd oghg. ]e ce kmfd rebgr per dc motírprdtd qud vmomdsd feo oesetres qud ye cd dosd÷gràg tehgs gqudccgs gqudccgs fesgs, fesgs, feotdstö qud do etre vmgld vdohràg, vdohràg, qud gotds qudràg vdr fe`e oes trgtgjgo ces mohmes hd `çs gjgle, qud seo `gces. Vdbum`es fg`mogohe y dstd levdo oes gfe`pg÷ö kgstg `gs gjgle heohd oes hdlö, y vmoe gjerhe uo mohme hd ces `gtgfes e hd cg pgrtd hdc OD. dovmghe per su fgfmqud pgrg qud oes gfe`pg÷gsd `gs gjgle. (Hdc ràe) Dc ràe hdshd cg Dsqumog brgohd gstg ces Efecms vmdod `evmjcd ce `ms`e qud hd cg ^gcfg, g cg Dsqumog, y hdshd ces Efecms kgstg gquà, fe`mdozg do pgrtd g vdomr dotrd tdrrdoe imr`d, y oe seo tgotgs yg cgs vgrghurgs per vdomr dc gbug `gs rduomhg, pdre cgs vudctmtgs qud hg dc ràe smd`prd seo `ufkgs y fkmqumtgs, dste ds fertgs. (Zeje hdc tgjgfe) ^er gquà dofeotrg`es dofeotrg`es mohmes hdc O.D. hd dotrd ces fugcds fugcds sd d`jgrfö d`jgrfö uoe hmfmdohe qud su fgfmqud cd kgjàg hmfke hd gfe`pg÷groes `gs gjgle. Ces rdbgcg`es. Gquà iud heohd dc pdöo Luste Luste ^gster gvmsö g Heo ^gjce ^gjce qud dc pdöo Gcdlgohre Vgcgs kgjàg rejghe uo `gze `gze hd tgjgfe hd Frdfmr Frdfmr y qud dstgjg per uo uo fg`jmcgofkd (:2) feo ces mohmes per gcbuog bmfg (bmfg e ymfg ccg`go ces @gtgfes g


uogs jecsgs qud sd fudcbgo gc pdsfudze. Fe`e ces fgzgherds peodo ce qud fgzgo do uo tdlmhe g `ehe hd rdh hd...). Vd kmze rdbmstrgr g Vgcgs y sd cd dofeotrö dc tgjgfe, dc `ufkgfkmte motdrprdtd @çxm`e @ghrmbgc hmle g Vermg qud dc feotrg`gdstrd Fgogcds tg`jmío kgjàg rejghe tgjgfe. Frdfmr rdbmströ cgs pdtgfgs y dofeotrö qud do uog igctgjgo hes e trds `gzes.hmle Vermg gc `ufkgfke sm Igrmgs kgjàg rejghe tg`jmío, dc `ufkgfke qudprdbuotö sà. E iudsd vdrhgh e jmdo puhmdrg qud dc `ufkgfke dstuvmdsd sdotmhe per gcbuog fesg efurrmhg feo Fgogcds y Igrmgs. G`jes drgo fkmcdoes. Doteofds Vermg motm`ö g ces trds dste ds g Fgogcds, Vgcgs, y Igrmgs, g oe jglgr `çs g cg jehdbg, y `d prdbuotö g `à qud `d pgrdfàg gqudccg lustmfmg, cd rdspeohà< - @d pgrdfd `uy jmdo gsà oe rejgrço `çs tgjgfe-. tgjgfe-. Oe tdohràg lg`çs qud kgjdrcd kgjdrcd rdspeohmhe gsà. Gc `e`dote hmle Vermg g ces trds, - ¡Yçygosd g cgs fgoegs y oe pmsdo pmsdo `çs dc Jgrfe sm ye oe ce `gohe!- . Fgogcds y Igrmgs gcdbgjgo per su moefdofmg pdre oe kuje rd`msmöo. Wudhgreo ces trds do cgs fgoegs, y gsà iud qud tehgs cgs oefkds sd mjgo g her`mr do tmdrrg. tmdrrg. Xg`jmío uo hàg hàg Fgogcds y Igrmgs qud dstgjgo dstgjgo do uog fgoeg qudhgreo jgstgotd qumzçs hdjgstgotd hdsdrtgr, pdre oe do ce kgjrçosdkdfke per `mdhe g cesgtrçs, mohmesfeo mohmes pudsgom`e yg dstçjg`es jgs tgotd motdroghes dc Fkgfe. (Hd Fkgbmes) Ymoe Fkgbmgs dc Fgfmqud, g jerhe y oes gfe`pg÷e hes e trds hàgs Kgstg qud ccdbghe g uo fmdrte puote puote hmle qud oe pehàg pehàg pgsgr `gs ghdcgotd perqud ces mohmes mo`dhmgtes drgo ces Gtgcç `gces, y qud oesetres oe oes imçsd`es hd dcces, perqud jusfgrço tehes ces `dhmes pesmjcds pgrg `gtgroes, qud sd `estrgrço fe`e g`mbes pdre pdre qud hd omobüo `etmve `etmve oes imçsd`es hd dcces, qud seo dses ces qud @grmgoe oes hmle qud tmdodo cgs hes vgfgs, y fumhghe feo dcces, dc sd iud feo ces etres hes, y qudhg`es seces fg`mogohe. (Dc ràe vmdod `dler) ^er gquà dc ràe vmdod yg `ufke `dler, y yg oe seo tgote ces hdspcgyghes. (Vd÷gc hd budrrg) Gc hàg smbumdotd dofm`g hd uog jgrrgofg ccgog y smo çrjecds g cg pgrtd hdc OD., sd oes `eströ uo mohme, gc tmd`pe hd pgsgr hd dstg sudrtd, tdoàg do uog `goe uo pgce gcbe cgrbe feo hes bgles jmdo fertghes g `ehe hd kerqudtg.



Xdomg do su irdotd uog fgjdzg fgjdzg hd vgfg feo sus gspgs y gcrdhdher hd cg fgjdzg fgjdzg pdhgzes hd fudres hd ferhdres, tdomg g`grrghe gc pdsfudze per hdtrçs pcu`gs hd gvdstruz feo teterg pdohmdotd, gjgle tdomg uo fkmrmpg hd teterg – pdre oe tdomhe smoe cgs pgbgs pdohmdotd g`grghgs g cg fmoturg‐ , cg etrg `goe do dc gofg (fghdrg), y cg fgrg feo tehe dc fudrpe pmotghe hd evdre e `gofkgs odbrgs, vdomg g pgse `uy rdpesghe gsà g cg ermccg pgrg qud ce vmísd`es `dler. ]e oe pudhe m`gbmogr do heohd dstes jçrjgres jçrjgres kgygo pehmhe hgr, pgrg m`mtgr gc hmgjce –tgo gc vmve‐.  Oudstres pdeods qud tdoàgo gcbüo feoefm`mdote hd ces mohmes `çs qud oesetres hdfàgo, qud drg gqudc dc hmes hd cg budrrg y sd÷gc hd budrrg, y cd qudràgo iusmcgr gc tmd`pe hd pgsgr, pdre Vermg oe ce feosmotmö. VD^XM@G M@GBDO Gotds hd ccdbgr g ces Gtgcç pusm`es gc `dhme hdc Jgrfe ces pgrgpdtes hd fudres dste ds hdlgohe cmjrd cg pepg y preg pgrg pehdr tmrgr feo cgs fgreoghgs smo dsterje y tg`jmío pusm`es uo tdfke hd fudres‐ (...) qud pgrdfàg fesg fe`e qud kgfdo ces ^grgbugyes g cgs fec`ghgs hd (...) Jgrfe‐ . Dste drg uo judo rdpgre pgrg cg icetg. Dc `ms`e hàg per cg tgrhd ccdbg`es g ces Gtgcg, ces fugcds dstgjgo feo tehgs sus fkmogs y fkmqumtes dofm`g hd cg jgrrgofg hdc OD. smo gr`gs do sd÷gc hd pgz. Hm`es ieohe do `dhme hdc ràe y g`grrg`es uo fgjcd g tmdrrg per dc fugc gtrgfg`es dc jgrfe g cg jgrrgofg hd ces mohmes. Fgsm tehg oudstrg bdotd sd iud g tmdrrg g dotrdvdrgrsd feo cg mohmghg y cg etrg pgrtd g fefmogr dc tucpe. Ces mohmes do uog judog perfmöo vmomdreo vmomdreo g jerhe. Xgc drg dc `msturd `msturd y cg mosujerhmogfmöo mosujerhmogfmöo oudstrg, qud drg suimfmdotd qud ye hmldsd qud oe oes imçsd`es, y hd oe jglgr omobuoe g tmdrrg, pgrg@mdotrgs pgrg qud imçsd`es hd tehes dcces, hd y jglgsdo jglgvmdreo sdo g tmdrrg Vermg do prm`dr cubgr. gsà dotrdvdrghes dstçjg`es, ccdbgr tehes, per cg jgrrgofg hdc VE, `gs grrmjg fe`e g hesfmdotgs vgrgs uo brupe hd mohmes brmtgohe y fg`mogohe, qumzçs frdydohe qud yg írg`es te`ghes, doteofds ccg`í g gcbuoes hd ces ces pdeods `gs `gs pruhdotds pgrg pgrg qud vmomdsdo g jerhe. Ymomdreo dstes y oe kmfmdreo oghg. Ccdbö cg oefkd vmoe tehg oudstrg bdotd g jerhe `does cgs trds vmftm`gs hdc jçrjgre Vermg. Dstes tgcds mohmes drgo ces Ymcdcg,‐ ces hd cgs vgfgs, ces qud drgroes gvmsghes per tehes ces hd cg vgfgs‐, hd ces qud ium`es gvmsghes per tehes ces mohmes hd `gs grrmjg pgrg qud oe oes imçsd`es imçsd`es hd dcces. dcces. ] ye oe `d imgjg. imgjg. Gsà ds qud dstgjg dc pdöo  Lesí Cdgohre fdrfg hd cgs jmtgs (:;)  hd preg y cd `gohí cgrbgsd dc fgjcd pgrg hdlgr fgdr do `dhme hdc ràe gc gofcg.


Cdgohre cgrbg dc fgjcd y Vermg `gohg gbugotgr, ye `d epusd g Vermg perqud gquà drg sdbure qud oes lubçjg`es cg vmhg, vmhg, `gohd per sdbuohg vds g Cdgohre Cdgohre qud cgrbgsd dc fgjcd, y Cdgohre qud tg`jmío cd bustgjg cgrbgrsd hd cg jgrrgofg smd`prd cgrbgjg cgrbgjg uo pefe. Vermg ce `gohe `gohe qud g`grrgsd g`grrgsd dc fgjcd, fgjcd, ye qud dc hmgjce `d ccdvgjg, ccdvgjg, cd hdfàg g Vermg dstes seo ces mohmes mohmes hd cgs vgfgs dtf. Íc qud dstgjgo feoy cgs fkmogs y fkmqumtes do sd÷gccgrbgjg hd pgz,dc,yey cd hdfàg qud`d oehdfàg drg pruhdotd imgrsd brmtgjg g Cdgohre ‖ ¡Cgrbç!, Vermg cd brmtgjg ‖ ¡Gbugotç!, y dotrd dotrd cgrbç y gbugotç gbugotç feosdbuà do hes kergs hd hmsputg hmsputg gcdlgr dc Jgrfe fe`e 7> e 7: vgrgs hd cg Jgrrgofg hmstgofmg suimfmdotd pgrg qud oe puhmdsdo ces mohmes sgctgr g jerhe. @gohí peodr uog gofcg g preg per sm gfgse gfgse qumsmdsdo gtgfgr gtgfgr dc Jgrfe y fertgr dc fgjcd –(...) qud cgs hes fgreoghgs,  qumsd fgrbgr ces iusmcds (...) qumse‐. Vm drg pruhdotd hdlgr trds vmftm`gs do `goe hd dstes jçrjgres ce luzbud dc `uohe. G `dhmg oefkd Vermg dotrdbö cg bugrhmg, –sd `uhö dc fdotmodcg‐. ]e dstgjg ds vdrhgh, do cg fç`grg pgrg gjrmbgr`d hdc refàe, pdre oe hur`mdohe, fugohe sd eyö uo gcjerete dotrd cg mohmghg. Vermg oe sí sm hdc suste hd uo sgcte dstuve dofm`g hd cg fujmdrtgqud y ye gtrçsdohd íc gbgrrgohe cg `dfkg pgrg tmrgr g ces mohmes feo cg fgreoghg dstgjg fecmsg (:=),. Didftmvg`dotd kujmdrg cebrghe uo tmre kdr`ese, pdre tdomg do irdotd g Vermg gc fdotmodcg Frdfmr y oe pehàg hgrcd iudbe smo `gtgr g gcbuoe hd dcces. Dstgjgo Dstgjgo tehes ces mohmes, gbecpghes dofm`g dofm`g hd cg jgrrgofg, jgrrgofg, smo `uldrds‐ (...) Fgogcds Fgogcds sd dofeotrgjg do cg ermccg hdc gbug , feo uog cgozg do cgs `goes feo ghd`ço hd hdidohdrsd hd ces mohmes. Do dc gbug uoe trgs hdc etre qud drgo Igrmgs y Vgcgs frdydreo ces oudstres, qud uoe drg uo pdöo oudstre y dc etre gtrçs iudsd dc tmbrd qud ce ferrmdsd, dc fdotmodcg qud tdomg dc iusmc fgrbghe qudràg tmrgrcd y Fgogcds qud hmle oe ces `gtdo, seo hd ces oudstres. Gc `ms`e tmd`pe Frdfmr sd hme hme vudctg kgfmg `m qud dstgjg g cg fereoghg, hmfmíohe`d oe `d pdbud do cg fgjdzg feo dc tmrgr pgce (drg icdfkg cg qud cd pdbö cg fgjdzg) yeGcdohd`eomghe dohd`eomg oe pehàg g cesuog mohmes, brmtí -¡G cgs gr`gsdo`ufkgfkes!, rumhe hd he ces qud vgrmes iusmcds, hmspgrö cg mohmghg, y `gohg`es do uog fgoegs g rdfebdr `gs gjgle g Igrmgs y Vgcgs y ces trds vmomdreo g jerhe perqud Vermg gsà ce `gohö.


^ejrd Vermg (6>)  tdomg uog cgozghg `gs gjgle hd cg jefg hdc pdfke qud fgsm ce jgohdg (67). Igrmgs gbgrrö gc mohme mohme kdrmher y ce trgle trgle kgstg cg ermccg ermccg hdc gbug qud qud


iud heohd Fgogcds ce gbgrrö, tdoàg tg`jmío etrgs kdrmhgs fkmfgs. Cd prdbuotçjg`es qud kgjàgo kdfke g ces mohmes, rdspeohàgo qud oghg, qud ces mohmes ces serprdohmdreo hur`mdohe. Vm oesetres dstçjg`es hur`mdohe fugohe fugohe oes kgccçjg` kgccçjg`es es gtrgfghes gtrgfghes g cg jgrrgofg ds jmdo sdbure qud ces mohmes oes kujmdrgo sgctghe gjerhe y hdbeccghe gfkmog, tehesomoesetres, ds qud oe mohmes kuje dcprefurgjgo gcjerete hdbgtdgroes omobuog frmgturg,prudjg tg`jmíohddsdste, prudjg hd gquà qud ces tehg cg oefkd pgrg tmrgroes icdfkgs pdre oudstre pdrre qud kgjàg qudhghe do tmdrrg, oe hdlgjg gfdrfgrces smo hgroes gvmse, pgrdfd qud ces feoefàg qud drgo oudstres dod`mbes, ces mohmes ce ccg`gjgo hdspgfmte pdre dc pdrre `gs sd doelgjg, y gsà oesetres dstçjg`es g cgs gr`gs. Ds vdrhgh qud eàg`es oesetres qud ces mohmes brmtgjgo g ce cdles, y oudstre motdrprdtd hdfàg qud ces mohmes mjgo g dsfeohdr cgs fkmogs do dc `eotd per `mdhe g oesetres, y feo dste qudràg Vermg prejgr qud Igrmgs kgjàg mhe g cg rgofkdràg per motdrís hd gcbuog fkmog. Xehe pudhd sdr, pdre Igrmgs gotds hd `ermr hmle qud dc oe kgjàg rejghe dc tgjgfe, y qud `eràg moefdotd. Vermg hmfd do su cmjrmcce ielg :6. Hd oudstrgs fgoegs sd rdsjgcö uoe hd ces pdeods. Dc `eotd hd heohd sgcmö hdspuís hd `dhmg oefkd, sgctgohe gc gbug, pdrsdbumhe hd uoe e hes mohmes dtf. ... Vermg `mdotd y rd`mdotd. Vermg ds qumdo `gtö g Igrmgs, µperquí oe ce `gohö... vdomr g jerhe gotds hd sdr kdrmhe, smoe hdspuís5, sd ce `gohö... (6:) G`godfmö dc hàg y oe vdàg`es g omobüo mohme om eàg`es g oghmd. Cds kgfàg`es brmtgr per dc motdrprdtd qud vmomdsdo y qud oes hmldsdo quí cds kgjàg kdfke dc pdöo qud ce qudràg`es fgstmbgr, pdre oghmd rdspeohàg. Doteofds pcgotg`es cg cgozg qud Igrmgs trgle dofm`g hd cg jgrrgofg feo cg puotg grrmjg, pgrg qud ces mohmes vmdrgo qud oesetres oe fehmfmçjg`es sus gr`gs, y qud oe cd tdoàg`es `mdhe, y oes cgrbg`es pgrg oudstre hdstmoe. Gc hgr cg vudctg gc ràe (puds qud tehe ds uo fgrgfecde) `gs gjglmte fe`e fughrg y `dhmg gc cghe `ms`e hd ces mohmes e hdc OD., kgy uog jgrrgofg gctg, `ufke `gs qud fugotgs kd`es dofeotrghe kgstg gquà, y kgy do dccg `eotds hd çrjecds brgohds hd tehg fcgsd, `gcmfmçjg`es qud gccà hdjàgo hd dstgr ces mohmes d`jesfghes pgrg tmrgroes icdfkgs y gsà prefurçjg`es pgsgr ce `gs cdles pesmjcd. Do cg etrg pgrtd, dc ràe tdomg uog pcgymtg hd cg fugc pgsg`es `uy fdrqumtg y dstgjg do irdotd `ms`e hdc `eotd, y do dccg sd dofeotrgjg uo mohme dc fugc kmze uog sd÷gc y gc `e`dote vmomdreo hdc `eotd uogs fugotgs icdfkgs, smo vdr qumdo cgs tmrö, uog hd dccgs pgsö do `dhme hd Vermg y Frdfmr, perqud g`jes dstgjgo  luotes.


Gquà ds heohd Vermg `mdotd (66) g ielgs :8. Hdspuís qud kgjàg`es pgsghe sgcmö hdc `eotd uog perfmöo hd mohmes feo uoes fkgqudteods `uy brudses hd fudre hd ferhdres fe`e pgrg gjrmbgrsd hd cgs icdfkgs qud oesetres pehàg`es tmrgrcd, gsà ds su hmvmsg hd budrrg. Xehes dcces sd pusmdreo g fg`mogr, kgfmg dc cubgr do heohd dstuvm`es, y do heohd kmrmdreo g Igrmgs, y oe g cg rgofkdràg, pdosgohe dofeotrgr gccç gc `ermjuohe pgrg terogrsd cudbe g dxtrgdr dc frçode hd Igrmgs y kgfdrsd uog tgsg pgrg jdjdr do dccg, do drmgc hd trmuoie, sdbüo ds use dotrd dcces, pdre oe dofeotrgreo smoe cg cgozg `gtgherg, qud dcces kgo hd kgjdr te`ghe g `gc gbódre. @gs gjgle dofeotrg`es vgrmgs icdfkgs do dc gbug hd cgs qud kgjàgo tmrghe g cg oefkd fugohe Frdfmr `d hmle qud oe cd pdbud. Hdspuís dofeotrg`es hes mohmes hd ces ces `ms`es hd smd`prd, do uog pcgyg pcgyg y sd `gotdoàgo `gotdoàgo g ce cdles per `mdhe. Ces qumsm`es rdbgcgr fe`e g`mbes, pdre tdoàgo `mdhe hd gfdrfgrsd. Oes hmldreo cds pusmírg`es ce qud cd qudràg`es hgr, dofm`g hd uo rgmböo qud gccà dstgjg gmscghe. Cds pusm`es hes berres y hes `gzes hd tgjgfe, qud hdspuís qud oesetres kgjàg`es pgsghe, ces iudreo g te`gr. (Hdc ràe) ^er gquà oe dc ràe vmdod `ufke `dler `gs, ydc smgbug gcbuog vdz vgrg`es ds per igctg hd gbug, om yg hd qud drrgroedc vgrg`es fgogc, perqud vg tehg uomhg do uo sece fgogc, ds per hdsfumhe `àe, qud g vdfds `mdotrgs `grfe dc ràe do dc pcgo hmgrme dc ‐ (..)rgjmc‐ tm`eodre sd rdfudstg `gs hd uo cghe qud gc etre, pdre feo d`pulgrsd uo pefe pefe feo ces jetgherds gc `e`dote ( dc jgrfe) sd gom`g smd`prd. Ds uo fgrgfecde hd vudctgs, y tgo fertmtgs qud `d ccdvgjgo gjurrmhe. G cg oefkd pgrg`es. (@udrtd hd Igrmgs y tu`jg) G cg `g÷gog g`godfmö `udrte Igrmgs. Oe cd hm`es sdpucturg gquà per `mdhe g qud ces mohmes vmomdsdo g fertgrcd cg fgjdzg per dc motdrís hdc frçode, pgrg kgfdrsd uog tgzg, y gsà fg`mog`es per oudstre hdstmoe, hdstmoe, feo hdsdes hd dofeotrgr uo cubgr pgrg hgr sdpucturg sdpucturg gc hmiuote. G cg tgrhd fg`moçjg`es fg`moçjg`es dotrd jgrrgofgs gctgs hd uo cghe y etre, fertghgs g pmqud y hd tmdrrg fecerghg dofm`g hd dccgs. Drg `eotd frdspe qud sece dc tmbrd pehàg pdodtrgrce. Dc ràe drg per gquà `uy gobeste y per feosmbumdotd keohe, dstd pgrgld ce kd`es feosmhdrghe öptm`e pgrg hgr sdpucturg g Igrmgs, hm`es ieohe gc gofcg sd kmze uo keye do cg jgrrgofg hdc OD., ce dotdrrg`es y sdbum`es oudstre fg`moe. Dstd `eotd frdspe kg smhe gcbe cgrbe y cd pusm`es dc oe`jrd hd @eotd hd Igrmgs, do `d`ermg hdc hmiuote y sdbum`es pgrg dc hdstmoe. OEYDOG M@GBDO


(^rm`dre Xejgs) ^efe gotds hd trg`eotgr dc Vec ccdbg`es do uo vmstese ^gc`gr hdc VE. HDFM@G M@GBDO Gccà dstgjgo uoes 7> e 7: mohmes feo uo fgutmve sgotmgbud÷e. Drgo dstes Xejgs. Dc `eotd frdspe qud pgsg`es hdjd sdr cg càodg hmvmsermg hd ces Xejgs feo ces Ymcdcgs gc OD. y feo ces Efecms gc VE, rdbgcg`es g dstes y gc fgutmve tg`jmío, y cd prdbuotg`es per Gbustào y Vgotmgbe. Oes hmle qud dstgjgo `gs gjgle, qud `g÷gog oes vdràg`es feo Gbustào y qud pmhg`es per su cmjdrtgh. Wudhg`es g pgsgr cg oefkd gquà. Dc ràe qud ferrm`es dstd hàg kg smhe `uy kdr`ese, dste ds keohe y hd `uy pefg ferrmdotds, fgrgfecdghe fe`e ce hd`çs. Dstes mohmes dovmgreo gc fgutmve g gvmsgr gc fgfmqud Gbustào. Fe`e hes fughrgs `gs gjgle sd dofeotrgjg cg jgrrgofg hdc VE gctg y fertghg g pmqud feo uo `eotd brgohd hd tehg fcgsd hd çrjecds ütmcds. G cg oefkd sd iudreo dstes mohmes y vm`es do dstd `eotd uo iudbe qud prefurgjgo efuctgrce, y sdotm`es cg oefkd, fe`e qud trezgjgo pgces, oesetres luzbçjg`es qudkgfkdgr hdjàgotehg kgfdr zequdtds (68)  hd `ghdrgs `ghdrgs pgrg tmrgr tmrgr per dofm`g hd cg jgrrgofg jgrrgofg gc gc tmd`pe tmd`pe hd pgsgr. Dstg fgcmhgh hd gr`gs kujmdrg smhe suimfmdotd pgrg qudjrgr oudstrgs fgjdzgs y vdofdroes. Xgc ds dc gofke do dstg pgrtd hdc ràe, Vermg `mdotd do su cmjrmcce i. (77) ^er cg `g÷gog oe vdàg`es g oghmd, y per dse ds qud gu`dotgjg oudstrg hdsfeoimgozg, pdre oes rdsecvm`es g pgsgr e `ermr. Cdvgotg`es dc gofcg, y oes pusm`es g fg`mogr do erhdo hd jgtgccg, dste ds 8 ke`jrds g ces rd`es, uoe gc tm`öo, dc rdste tehes feo iusmc y jgyeodtg feo gtdofmöo g cg jgrrgofg, y tg`jmío gc pdhrdre, cgs `dfkgs dofdohmhgs, y feo dstd gspdfte pgsg`es cg jgrrgofg, smo eàr om vdr g oghmd. (Fgfmqud Gbustào) (Hdc trgte pgrg Zdsfgtgr cgs fgutmvgs) @gs gjglmte dofeotrg`es hg cg pgrtd hdc VE, gc fgutmve feo 4 e 9 fgutmvgs qud fgotgjgo km`oes g cgs Ymrbdo frdydohe frdydohe qud àjg`es g rdsfgtgrcgs, rdsfgtgrcgs, kgjàg tg`jmío mohmes, ces rdbgcg`es. Hmle dc fgutmve qud gbugrhçsd`es g Gbustào, oesetres hdfmhm`es fg`mogr. @gs gjgle dofeotrg`es g Gbustào (Gbustmods Fgfmqud hd cg gotmbug Zdhuffmöo hd Vgo Jdrogrhe) qud oes gcfgozg. Ce rdbgcg`es, y ce trgtg`es pgrg cmjdrtgr g ces fgutmves. Ce te`greo g `gc, perqud ces fgczeods y cgs fkgqudtgs fkgqudtgs qud rdbgcg`es oe smrvdo pgrg fe`prgr fgutmves y qud supudste qud kd`es hd vecvdr per gccà etrgs vdfds, oes hmle, trgmbgo peofkes qud feo dcces


cmjdrtgrgo g tehes feo igfmcmhgh, y qud gkerg oe dspdrd`es hmsbustgr g ces mohmes, per oe tdodr peofkes. Oes gfe`pg÷ö kgstg fmdrte puote y oes hdlö, hmfmíoheoes qud dc Fgfmqud hd Fgobgyd ds su kmle, y qud oes rdfe`dohgrç `ufke, y qud sd ccg`g @grtào. (Etre Fgfmqud hd ces Xejgs) Oe `d gfudrhe jmdo sm gc hàg smbumdotd dofeotrg`es hes mohmes, lövdods gctes y kdr`eses uoe drg fgfmqud, dc etre tdoàg uo fgutmve fe`e hd :> g÷es, qud dstgjg gccà feo dcces. Erhdogjgo dcces hes, gc fgutmve, feo vez gctg y ccdog hd erbucce, (tgote qud Frdfmr Frdfmr sd gsustö) pgrg qud oes hmbg hmbg qud pgrd`es. pgrd`es. Oesetres cds hdfàg`es qud `çs gjglmte ces gbugrhgràg`es, dcces doteofds brmtgreo gc fgutmve, hd tgc sudrtd qud dc moidcmz sd puse g ferrdr fe`e uo rgye dotrd dc `eotd y g`gsmle qud kgjàg dofm`g hd cg jgrrgofg, hd tgc sudrtd qud sd re`pàg tehgs sus fgrods y oes brmtgjg< -¡ ^grdo pgtröo, pgrdo smoe `d `gtgo!-. - ¡^grdo per Hmes, smoe `d `gtgo!-. Oesetres eydohe g dstd moidcmz pgrg`es, y ccdbö dstd hdshmfkghe fgosghàsm`e, y trgs íc ccdbgreo ces hes g`es y dc fgfmqud. Hdspuís vmomdreo ccdbgohe `çs mohmes y fkmogs, uog hd dccgs trgàg uog cgozg gc g`e hdc fgutmve, pgrg `gtgrce do fgse qud oe kujmísd`es pgrghe, dc mohme rdtö g cgg fkmog y `gohö feo grrebgofmg ccdvgsd cudbe cg cgozg hd pdre gccà. Ces rdbgcg`es dcces, g cgs fkmogs y g uog fgutmvg qud dstgjg gkà cg vdstm`es hd ke`jrd feo tgc hd fujrmr sus fgrods. Oes hmle dc Fgfmqud qud íc y su bdotd drgo oudstres g`mbes, y qud oes fumhçsd`es hd ces mohmes hd `çs gjgle qud qudràgo kgfdroes cg budrrg. Oes hdspdhm`es pgrg fg`mogr y dcces bdodreses oes `gohgreo g jerhe gc fgutmve pgrg qud oes gfe`pg÷gsd `gs gjgle, vmoe dc y fg`mog`es. Dstes mohmes seo hd etre dspàrmtu qud ces mohmes hd `çs grrmjg, hd etre tgccd, dtf. Frdfmr hdfàg qud pgrdfàgo sdr re`goes tgc drg dc `mdhe qud cd tdomg. Drg uog cçstm`g eàr ce qud qud oes feotgjg feotgjg dc fgutmve hd ce qud pgsgjgo pgsgjgo dcces gccà. Oes hdfàg qud fugohe ces mohmes tmdodo kg`jrd sd ces fe`àgo gsghes, y qud g íc oe `udrte tehgvàg perqud gsà ce hd kgo fe`dr pgrg su g`e dtf. dtf. sgjàg fgzgr do dc fg`pe g fgjgcce, y jusfgjg @gs gjglmte dofeotrg`es oudvg`dotd dc fgfmqud y gc g`e hdc fgutmve, feo cg sgotmgbud÷g qud kgjàg`es vdstmhe, pdre cg dofeotrg`es yg hdsouhg y oes hmle qud su g`e cd qumtö cg repg, cd `gohg`es per cg fgoeg etre fgczöo feo etrg fkgqudtg. Dc fgfmqud hmle g ces etres mohmes, qud tg`jmío drg g`e hd gqudccg moidcmz. Cd pdhm`es qud oes hd g gqudccg fgutmvg. Hmsputgjg dc mohme feo su fgfmqud feo erbucce, y uo pefe feosdotàg qud  sd d`jgrfgsd do cg fgoeg y sd vmomdsd g jerhe. Dccg oes hdfàg ccívdo`d per Hmes, ccívdo`d, dc fgfmqud grdobgjg `ufke feo dc etre pdre oe qumse feosdotmr y gsà tuvm`es qud hdlgrcg, do su frudc hdsbrgfmg y sdbum`es fg`mogohe, feo dc fgutmve g jerhe. @gs gjgle dofeotrg`es fe`e :>> mohmes hd cg pgrtd hdc VE do uog dspgfmesg


pcgyg qud ier`gjg dc ràe. Hm`es ieohe pgrg rdbgcgrces. Gquà oe kgjàg omobuog fkmog y fgsm tehes ces mohmes tdoàgo cg `gfgog, qud ds uo jgstöo ferte y brudse hd uog `ghdrg pdsghg, cg `gyer pgrtd seo hd ^gce Vgote qud gjuohg do dc Fkgfe. Oes hmldreo hd hdlgr dc fgutmve gccà, gc tmd`pe hd sgcmr oes brmtö dc fgutmve qud ce fe`prçrg`es qud su g`e ce hgjg per hes fufkmcces. Gc `e`dote `gohg`es per uog fgoeg ces hes fufkmcces feo erhdo hd trgdr dc fgutmve. ] Vermg `d `gohö cdvgotgsd dc gofcg pgrg fg`mogr, cd hmld qud sgcmdohe oesetres hd gccà ces mohmes `gtgràgo g oudstres pdeods, pdre dc Vd÷er Heo Hmgjce pgbghe hd sm `ms`e qumse qud sd fg`mod, didftmvg`dotd fe`dozg`es g fg`mogr fugohe cg fgoeg ccdbgjg g tmdrrg. Fugohe oesetres dstuvm`es hmstgotd fe`e hes y `dhmg fughrgs ces mohmes gczgreo cgs `gfgogs pgrg `gtgr g oudstres pdeods, ye qud `gs `mrgjg g cg fgoeg qud gc jgrfe, gc `e`dote `gohe cgrbgr dc gofcg, qud per dse kgjàg pudste uo pdöo g prepösmte, y gc rumhe hd cg fghdog, y vmste dc Jgrfe pgrgr kmfmdreo ces mohmes gcte, y sd vecvmö cg fgoeg smo fufkmcce y smo fgutmve, per fucpg hd Vermg. (Hdc ràe) Dc ràe hd hdshd `gs grrmjmtg ces Gcgcghdc kgstg vmdodsmbud `uyyjmdo tdrrdoe imr`d uo cghe y etre, dchdfgrgfecde ràegquà smd`prd `uydotrd `glghdre dc tdrrdoe hd uo cghe y etre cg `gyer pgrtd ds fg`pe, y do pgrtd `eotd hd `ghdrg ütmc bdodrgc`dotd. @eotd `gce sece ds dc hd Igrmgs per sdr frdspe, pdre ds dc üomfe hd dstg fcgsd. (Fgfmqud @grtào) EOFDGYG M@GBDO. Fg`mogohe `gs gjgle dofeotrg`es g uoes mohmes. Toe hd dcces oes hmle qud íc ds @grtào Fgfmqud hd cg gotmbug rdhuffmöo hd Fgobgyd, kmle hdc fgfmqud Gbustào. Ce d`jgrfg`es y sdbum`es fg`mogohe feo dc g jerhe, ce vdstm`es y oes feotgjg qud dc tdomg `ufkgs fgutmvgs qud cgs fe`prgjg per `gotgs hd gcbehöo, g ces mohmes hd `gs gjgle. Vermg sd cd puse kgjcgr hd rdcmbmöo hmfmíohecd qud dc qudràg `ufke ces mohmes, y qud drg ke`jrd `uy judoe y kdr`goe hd tehes ces mohmes. (Vermg sd hg dc oe`jrd hd pghrd Xmjurfme) Cd prdbuotö @grtào sm drg pghrd, Vermg cd feotdstö qud sà, didftmvg`dotd ce drg guoqud oe ds fgsghe (5), y oesetres hmlm`es g @grtào qud sd ccg`gjg ^ghrd Xmjurfme, y qud drg `uy judoe qud rdbgcgjg g tehes ces mohmes.


@gs gjgle dofeotrg`es g ces Ymcdcgs do cg pgrtd hdc OD., ces rdbgcg`es y @grtmo sd iud g tmdrrg hmfmíoheoes qud oes mjg mjg g bugrhgr do Fgobgyd do su rgofkdràg. (Hd ces treofes hd çrjecds) Fg`moçjg`es smo omobüo mohme g jerhe, y smo te`gr omobuog vgrghurg, dc üomfe dsterje qud pudhd sdr sdr pgrg ces Juquds hd hd Ygper drg cg gpgrmfmöo do uog qud etrg pgrtd hd treofes hd çrjecds, pdre feo feo igfmcmhgh sd pudhdo qumtgr. (Fgobgyd) Ccdbg`es per imo g Fgobgyd gotmbug rdhuffmöo. Do cg pgrtd hdc VE ces teches drgo ces `gs jmdo hmspudstes hmspudstes hd fugotgs techdràgs kd vmste, vmste, sdbüo ce qud qud g jerhe vdàg. Hmstgjgo hdc ràe fe`e g uog fughrg, fuyg hmstgofmg ier`gjg uog dspgfmesg pcgyg. Do cg `grbdo hdc ràe, kgjàg uog `dsg feo uog sgjgog. Hdc `gotdc, dofm`g, kgjàg uog tgzg hd cezg jcgofg y hdjgle hd cg `ms`g `dsg uog vmogldrg hd vmhrme odbre. G uo cghe y etre hd cg `dsg kgjàg uog gstg gctg feo hes hd jgohdrg. dstgs:;> fesgs cgs rejgo Vgotmgbud÷es. cghesgjgog hd grrmjg hdc gctgrWud kgjtehgs kgjàg àg uoes g 6>> Ymcdcgsg ces gr`g gr`ghes hes hd cgozgs cgozgHdc sy icdfkgs smo omobuog fkmog, feo su fgfmqud Ymcdcg. Hdc cghe hd gjgle kgjàg uoes 7;> g :>> @efejmds gr`ghes fe`e ces etres. Vu fgfmqud drg Vgotmgbe dc g`mbe hd @grmgoe. Hmstgjgo ces uoes y ces etres hdc gctgr fe`e `dhmg fughrg. Dc gctgr qudhgjg doirdotd doirdotd `ms`e hd cg techdràg. Oghmd `çs qud @grtào, Ymcdcg, Ymcdcg, Vgotmgbe y ^gsgfmr ^gsgfmr sd dofeotrgjgo dofeotrgjgo fdrfgoes gc gctgr gctgr (64). Cg techdràg, dc gctgr, y ces hes brupes hd mohmes gr`ghes ier`gjgo uog vmstg `uy kdr`esg, g ce fugc hm`es ieohe gc gofcg doirdotd `ms`e hdc gctgr. Hmstgotds fe`e g 6> vgrgs pusm`es oudstrg brgohd jgohdrg hd cg ^gtrmg g pepg y cg jgohdrg hd cg fe`pg÷àg hdc Jdr`dle g preg (dc bíodre hd hmfkg jgohdrg sd ce kg vdohmhe Vermg g Ymccg Zdgc, y jmdo fgre). Gpdogs kgjàg`es ieohdghe, vmoe hd cg rgofkdràg uo brupmte hd `uldrds, dotrd dccgs vgrmgs `uy jcgofgs, vdoàgo gsà g sgctgr fgotgohe km`oes g cg Ymrbdo, gcbuogs hd dccgs ccergohe y etrgs feo sd`jcgotd gcdbrd, cds pgrdfàg yg feotgr feo su cmjdrtgh. Hmle @grtào, - jgld pghrd Xmjurfme g tmdrrg g hdfmr `msg qud gquà vmdodo cgs fgutmvgs g eàrce. – @gcgyg Jruo, do cubgr hdc Verg‐, qud dstes moidcmfds qudhgràgo cmjrds g hdspdfke hd ces jçrjgres gr`ghes. Wud `dler efgsmöo pgrg usgr hd cgs fgreoghgs uog do uo brupe y cg etrg do dc etre hd ces mohmes gr`ghes, y cgs @gcgbgDsJruo fgutmvgs qudhgràgo – `gtgyg y oe Vermg hd perqudràg.do]dcdc `dhme jrute hd Vermg fgsmcmjrds, yg dstgjg per jglgr. tgo ‐pgbghe y frdàhe


hd sà `ms`e. pdosgjg qud ces jçrjgres dstgjgo gccà gccà `ms`e. Dstgjg tgo dobrdàhe qud pdosgjg pgrg jdsgr cg tmdrrg qud pmsçjg`es tehes oesetres. Cd hmlm`es doteofds qud vgyg g hdfmr cg `msg qud oesetres dstgràg`es `mrgohe fe`e sdràg dc gsghe. Do imo, sd gfgjö gfgjö cg iuofmöo. G pdhmhe pdhmhe hd @grtào cds ccdog`es ccdog`es cg vmogldrg vmogldrg qud dstgjg hdjgle hd cg `dsg feo gbugrhmdotd, sd cg pusm`es kgstg cg cg tdrfdrg pgrtd, y oes `gohg`es g `uhgr. @grtào oes hmle qud oes rdfe`dohgrç g ^gtetm qud ds su prm`e, `gs gjglmte sd d`jgrfö Vgotmgbe feo ^gsgfmr qud oes gfe`pg÷greo uo pefe y sd iudreo (69) . (Hdc ràe) ^er gqudc sdfter dc ràe vmdod smd`prd `dler, `gs keohe pdre smd`prd fgrgfecdgohe, dc tdrrdoe tdrrdoe ds uo fg`pe feo mscgs hd (...) hd `ghdrgs `ghdrgs ütmcds. (^gtetm fgfmqud) @gs gjgle dofeotrg`es uoes 8 e 4 mohmes, uoe hd dcces oes hmle qud drg ^gtetm prm`e kdr`goe hd @grtào. Ce d`jgrfg`es g jerhe y sdbum`es fg`mogohe, per gquà dofeotrg`es pgsdgohe uo `ucgte hd Vgotg Id drg uo levdo fgutmve y oes hmle qud tuvmísd`es fumhghe, qud `gs gjgle oes kgjàgo hd pdcdgr ces mohmes qud sd oes `estrgrgo pefes, do hes brupmtes, pdre qud sdrço `ufkes dtf., dtf. (62)  (Xmfucqum fgfmqud) @gs gjglmte dofeotrg`es uoe mohme gcte feo uo se`jrdre hd pdce y gcg gofkg gc use sgotmgbud÷e. hmle qud drg dc fgfmqud Xmfucqum .Ymoe g jerhe y fg`mog`es feo íc yOes ^gtetm g jerhe. Xmfucqum oes hmle qud gqudc se`jrdre qud tdoàg ce kgjàg fe`prghe do Ferrmdotds, y qud oe ce kgjàg rejghe!... –] guoqud ce pgrdsd sd hmxd ye, `d rdspeohmö do dc dspmrmtu y do cg ogrmz gimcghg y feo dc ÷uhe‐ (6;)  (Wud `gseods) Dc tgc Xmfucqum oes feotö y rdfeotö jmdo g fugotes írg`es g jerhe, ^gtetm drg hdc tg`g÷e hd uo bmbgotd pdre `uy pruhdotd. Vm oe `d dobg÷e sd iudreo ces hes g tmdrrg hmfmíoheoes qud `gs gjgleg oes vecvdràgo gquà fg`moçjg`es smo mohme gcbuoe jerhe y dc ràeg vdr, tmdoddidftmvg`dotd do pgrtd do per cg ermccg


fg÷gvdrgcds hd fg÷gs Fgstmccg, ces fugcds dofeotrçjg`es grhmdohe grhmdohe gc fg÷gs kudfgs hd Fgstmccg, tmd`pe hd pgsgr. G cg fudotg qud qud ces mohmes hgjgo iudbe g ces fg÷gvdrgcds fg÷gvdrgcds pgrg vdr sm gsà grhàg`es oesetres oes kujmdsdo hghe qud kgfdr sm dc vmdote kujmdsd kujmdsd sepcghe pgrg trgdroes cgs ccg`gs g jerhe, hghe qud ds tgo gobeste dc ràe qud g vdfds oe pgsçjg`es g 7> vgrgs hd ces qud`gzeods seo sd÷gcds hmstgotds imlgs hd budrrg, perqud ces fg÷gvdrgcds. mohmes ouofgXg`jmío kgfdo cgdsgs budrrg smo kgfdr gotds brgohds iebgtgs. (Üomfe dsterje qud dofeotrg`es) Xehgs cgs oefkds ieohdçjg`es ieohdçjg`es dc gofcg do `dhme hdc ràe y jusfçjg`es jusfçjg`es smd`prd uo pgrgld dc `gs gofke pesmjcd, pdre qud iudsd g oghg, pgrg oe sdr serprdohmhes per gcbüo gjerhgld hd ces mohmes, per gquà do heohd oes kgccçjg`es –gccç (....)‐  uog `g÷gog oes pusm`es g sgfgr dc gofcg pgrg fg`mogr, y dstgohe g pmqud oe qudràg sujmr. Dc pdöo Ogrfmse iud hdjgle hdc gbug bumçohesd per cg fghdog pgrg vdr do heohd dc gofcg sd kgjàg kgjàg gbgrrghe y oes hmle qud sd dobgofkö g uo bgle hd hd uo çrjec. Doteofds gr`í uo gpgrdle dofm`g dofm`g hdc tmrgotd y tmrçjg`es tehes hdshd hdshd cg preg, kgstg heohd puhm`es. puhm`es. Hdspuís kmfd kmfd pgsgr tehes g pepg y sd rglö dc bgle, dc prm`dre qud do tehe dc ràe kd`es dofeotrghe, gc gofcgr. Dsg `ms`g oefkd vm`es hes brgohds iebgtgs. @gs gjgle etre fgutmve oes gvmsö ce `ms`e qud dc gotdrmer.  (Xrds fgfmquds g jerhe) @gs gjgle vmomdreo oudvg`dotd g jerhe ^gtetm, Xmfucqum, y etre fgfmqud qud sd ccg`g Fkgfgsmhm, feo trds mohmes `gs (uoe hd ces trds drg tudrte y `d rdbgcö uo pdromc, feo dc kmfd kgfdr`d fgche trds vdfds y sd `d kg fertghe dc fkufke). µWud hdfàgo ces fgfmquds5, -qud írg`es sus kdr`goes. G tehes ces rdbgcg`es, Xmfucqum qudràg peofkes y oe tdoàg`es, qudràg `çs fufkmcces, y oe pehàg`es yg hgrcds `ufkes perqud yg oes mjgo igctgohe, y drg prdfmse hdlgr gcbuoes pgrg ces mohmes hd `çs gjgle. Xmfucqum oes feotgjg smd`prd, rdbmstrgjg cgs gr`gs pgrtmfucgr`dotd cgs fgreoghgs y per fgsugcmhgh sd re`pmö uog jecsg hd `dtrgccg `mdotrgs íc cg tdomg tdomg do cg `goe y vme vme ferrdr per dofm`g dofm`g hd cg fujmdrtg cgs cgs 7;> jgcgs hd eozg qud feotdoàg. Cd hdlö dste, gcbe doirmghe, gc pdöo @grtào Zmvdre (qud kgfàg cgs iuofmeods hd feotrg`gdstrd hdshd qud Fgogcds qudhö sdotdofmghe per qud, Vermggsàg fe`e oe pmsgr `gsdc dcfgfmqud jgrfe hd kgstg qud dctg`jmío ce `gohd), cd hdfmg g Xmfucqum fe` e íc drg su bdotd, tgsd`jmío íc ce drgy hd


cg bdotd hdc jgrfe y qud fugohe gcbüo fgfmqud `gohgrg g su bdotd g qud oes tmrdo icdfkgs, dc `gohgràg g tmrgr gqudccgs jgcgs jgcgs y `gtgr gsà g tehes ces mohmes. (Fgfmqud do Ldid) Fg`mogohe gsà feo feo ces 9 mohmes g jerhe jerhe ccdbg`es per cg tgrhdfmtg g uo cubgr heohd dc ràe tdomg uog dspgfmesg jgrrgofg g cg pgrtd hdc VE y sejrd dccg fugohe `does 9>> mohmes fgsm tehes gr`ghes y `uy pefgs fkmogs. @gohg`es cg fgoeg g tmdrrg pgrg trgdr g jerhe g hes fgfmquds `çs qud sdbüo sd vdàgo drgo ces fgfmquds do Ldid. Ces rdbgcg`es jmdo, gquà pgrdfd qud tuvmdreo motdofmöo hd bgccgroes (6=), pdre oesetres dstçjg`es tehes prejgohe qud gc prm`dr mofmhdotd qud hmdrgo ces efke, pgsgrces per cg jgyeodtg, puds tehes oudstres pdeods dstgjgo feo dc ele gc fkgrqud (8>). (Vd hdsd`jgrfg g tehes) Xmfucqum pgrdfàg iurmese iurmese feo ces fgfmquds, fgfmquds, qud g cg fudotg oe qudràgo feosdotmr do su `gc hdsmbome. Oesetres oe pehàg`es dotdohdr su hmsputg perqud oudstres motírprdtds oe dotdohàgo cg cdobug tejg. Ces hes Ldids feo ^gtetm oes pmhmdreo ces peobg`es g tmdrrg, y oes hmldreo qud dcces drgo oudstres g`mbes, qudràgo qud oes qudhçsd`es g pgsgr cg oefkd gccç gccç pdre oe qumsm`es. Vgfg`es Vgfg`es dc gofcg y fg`mog`es, fe`e hes fughrgs, y Fkgfgsmhm feo etres hes oes hmldreo qud ces peobg`es do tmdrrg hes fughrgs `gs gjgle dc etre mohme oes pmhmö qud ce hdlçrg`es do tmdrrg, y gsà sece Xmfucqum qudhe g jerhe g fg`mogr feo oesetres . ]g dstgjg fdrfg cg efgsmöo pgrg gtgfgroes, gtgfgroes, drg cg kerg do qud secàg`es secàg`es pgrgr, pdre gquà trgtg`es hd gcdlgrcd hd cg mohmghg mohmghg ce `gs qud oes iudsd pesmjcd. @mdotrgs gsà fg`moçjg`es ye hmrmbàg dc Jgrfe y `grfgjg dc furse hdc rme, cg seohg dtf. dtf. Xmfucqum rdfeoefmö qud ye drg dc tehe g jerhe, `d gbgrrgjg per dc jrgze hdrdfke pgrg kgfdr`d hgr vudctg kgfmg dc puds `d vdàg efupghe do dc bejmdroe hdc Jgrfe dtf. Feo ces hdhes hd cg `goe `d sd÷gcgjg hes, y hdspuís feo cg jefg hdfàg -ssu``, y hdspuís hdfàg `gs gjglmte fgoegs (fgoegs ccg`gjgo ces mohmes dc jgrfe) gkà, gkà, gkà, oes sd÷gcgjg qud, `gs gjgle fugohe dstd`es feo dc jgrfe do ces hes sgctes qud tmdod dc ràe, gccà oes kgràg cg budrrg. Dstg sd÷gc drg tgo fcgrg qud kgstg dc `ufkgfke cg dotdohàg, cd hdfàg ye qud vgyg g kgjcgr feo Vermg qud ye dstgjg efupghe, pdre oe qudràg, `d vecvàg g tmrgr hdc jrgze pgrg qud hmdsd vudctg kgfmg dc y `d rdpdtàg ce `ms`e, cd vecvàg g hdfmr qud `d hdlgsd y kgjcgsd feo dc pghrd Xmjurfme, pdre oe qudràg, y feo `ufkg iurmg g `ehe hd uo gofcg `d rdpmtmö dsg `gomejrg 2 e ; vdfds, kgstg qud dc uctm`e tmröo qud `d kg hghe pgrg kgfdr`d hgr vudctg `d gbgrre hdc fkgcdfe y `d ce kg hdsgjeteoghe tehe y vme uog pmstecg qud efuctg hdjgle hdc fkgcdfe ye tdomg.


Vd qudhö fgccghe y iud g pdhmr uo pefe hd gbugrhmdotd gbugrhmdotd gc pghrd Xmjurfme, Xmjurfme, pdre Vermg cds hmle qud yg jgstgjg feo ce qud kgjàg te`ghe. Cd feotdste Xmfucqum qud íc oe pdosgjg omobuog fesg `gcg... To pefe `gs gjglmte do heohd dc ràe ier`gjg hes jgrrgofgs gc cghe hdc VE uog jglg y cg etrg `gs gctg, g`jgs feo gcbuoes grjecmtes y `gfmdbgs, oes hmle Xmfucqum qud ce peobg`es Fugohe`ufkes dc dstgjg dotmdrrg vm`esycdvgotgrsd hd dotrd cg `gfmdbg hd cgs hesgccà. jgrrgofgs mohmes gr`ghes, Xmfucqum oes brmtö, -¡Kgstg `g÷gog, `gs gjglmte, gkà, gkà, gkà! Ium`es uo pefe `çs gjglmte y hm`es ieohe do `dhme gc ràe. ^gsg`es cg oefkd feo `ufke fumhghe. (^rdpgrgfmöo pgrg dc fe`jgtd) G cg `g÷gog drg prdfmse prdpgrgrsd pgrg pdcdgr. Hm uo iusmc g Fgogcds y uoe g fghg uoe hd ces pdeods `does g Lugo dc `gtgfe qud oe ce sgjmg `godlgr. He`mobe Fkequd `d `eströ qud drg `gofe hd uo jrgze, y supe kgfdrsd dc `gofe tg`jmío y cd kd frdàhe, uo tgc Vm`öo Zutg, `d `eströ qud drg `gofe hd ces hdhes. Dc hmiuote Cufmgoe Icer `d hmle qud dc oe sgjmg fgrbgr, y gsà tuvd qud kgfdr ce smbumdotd, pdhà g Vgcbudre uoes fcgves y uog –vgrdbug‐, y dc `grtmcce d kmfd jglgr g cg jehdbg g He`mobe Fkequd per sdr vmdle y `gofe guoqud oe ce drg, y gc `ufkgfke y cds dofgrbud qud tuvmdsdo fumhghe hd tdodr iudbe smd`prd feo tmzeods do fgse hd igctgr cgs `dfkgs, y fcgví cg jefg hd cg dsfetmccg hdlgohe uog pdqud÷g gjdrturg fe`e pehdr pgsgr uo tmzöo do fgse hd odfdsmtgrce. Vm`öo fugohe vme dste sd puse `uy jmdo uog jgyeodtg dofm`g hd uo gstg, Lugo `gtgfe ce `ms`e. Cufmgoe Icer `d pmhmö uo iusmc, Vgcbudre y Frdfmr sd pusmdreo g cg fgreoghg hd preg. Vermg feo dc dspghào do cg `goe mjg gc tm`öo, y ces pdeods `çs fkg`jeods hdc iusmc ces pusd g rd`gr, hd `godrg qud qudhgjgo 2 g ces iusmcds, 8 g cg hdrdfkg y 6 g cg mzqumdrhg. G Zmvdre ce hdstmod g tdodr fumhghe feo dc gofcg do fgse hd odfdsmtgrsd hgr ieohe. Cds dofgrbuí g tehes, qud fugohe ces mohmes tmrdo icdfkgs oe gjgoheogrgo ces rd`es. r d`es. (Budrrg hd Xmfucqum) Erhdoghes gsà oes pusm`es g fg`mogr. Oe gohuvm`es `dhmg cdbug qud gc hgr uog vudctg dc ràe cg jgrrgofg hdc VE, drg gctg y `eotuesg, kgjàg `ufkes treofes fgjgc`dotd do cg iudrzg hd cg ferrmdotd, y ccdbgohe gccà ces rd`dres `d gjgoheogreo ces rd`es pgrg gbgrrgr dc iusmc, y sudrtd qud Gjgo qud tdomg dc rd`e hdc tm`öo tm`öo oe ce ce gjgoheoö, mjg hmfmíohecd ye gc cghe cghe qud kgjàg qud bejdrogr. Oes zgig`es jmdo hd ces treofes, fugohe fugohe eà`es `ufke brmtdràe do dc `eotd y Xmfucqum Xmfucqum qud oes brmtgjg< brmtgjg< ¡Xe`ç! , ¡Xe`ç fufkmcce!. fufkmcce!. ¡Xe`ç!. ¡Xe`ç peofke!. Vermg cd feotdstgjg< feotdstgjg< -¡Ke`jrd, oe tmrd icdfkgs icdfkgs qud se`es g`mbes! g`mbes!


Zdspeohàg Xmfucqum - ¡ Xejg oe qumdrd g`mbes!. - ¡Ydoà ke`jrd!, cd hdfàg Vermg, -Xd hgrí peofkes y fufkmcces!, -¡Oe qumdre!-, rdspeohàg. –Vermg hmfd qud sd cd feotdstö, feo omobuoe, perqud dc oe qumse‐. Tog perfmöo hd cgs icdfkgs vdoàgo hdshd cg jgrrgofg do càodg rdftg gc jgrfe, dstgs tdoàgo `ufkg iudrzg y gcbuogs pgsgjgo cgs tgjcgs hdc festghe hdc jgrfe qud drgo hd fdhre y hd uog pucbghg y fugrte hd brudse cgs qud pdbgjgo do ces pgrgpdtes hd fudre. Gcbuogs pgsgjgo tehg cg puotg kgstg pgrgrsd do cg fg÷g, y cg `gyer pgrtd vdoàgo hd `çs ghdotre hd cg jgrrgofg, per dcdvgfmöo y oes fgàgo dofm`g g `ehe hd je`jg. Dstgs tdoàgo pefg iudrzg, y fgàgo do dc tdfke hd ces fudres. Cgs icdfkgs tmdodo fe`e hes vgrgs hd cgrbe, 4 tdrfmgs hd fg÷g kudfg hdc brudse hdc hdhe fkmfe y uog tdrfmg hd puotg hd uo pgce esfure y iudrtd.

HEFDGYG M@GBDO. Feo dstg prm`drg hdsfgrbg oe qudhö kdrmhe omobuoe. Fg`mog`es y gc hgr cg etrg vudctg do cg qud tg`jmío kgjàg kgjàg `eotd oes kmfmdreo etrg hdsfgrbg hd hd icdfkgs, y sd cd feotdstö feo hes e trds tmres hd iusmc secg`dotd g ces qud sd hdlgreo vdr. ^gster dc hmiuote, hmiuote, hmle qud kgjàg kgjàg `udrte g uoe hd dcces, y qud qud ce kgjàg vmste fgdr. Oesetres dofgrbçjg`es g ces pdeods qud oe tmrgsdo gc `eotd smoe qud feo fghg tmre prefurgsdo vectdgr g uoe hd ces mohmes. Wud kmfmdsdo fudotg hd dstgr fgzgohe, y gsà ce kgfàgo. kgfàgo. Ces mohmes mohmes yg dstgjgo dstgjgo gquà do dstd sdbuohe cubgr, perqud dc ràe vg hgohe vudctgs, y `mdotrgs oesetres fg`mog`es uog vudctg, dcces pgsgo pgsgo do càodg rdftg g gbugrhgroes do dc fgrgfec hd cg cg etrg. Dc ràe ds tgo gobeste qud cgs icdfkgs seo `ertgcds hd uo cghe gc etre hdc ràe, fugotes `çs g oesetres qud tdoàg`es qud pgsgr luote g cg jgrrgofg do heohd dcces dstgjgo d`jesfghes. HDFM@EXDZFDZ M@GBDO Gotds hd tmrgr cgs icdfkgs eàg`es smd`prd uo smcjmhe fe`e hd uo çbumcg. Tog perfmöo hd ces mohmes dstgjgo hd g fgjgcce y cg `gyer pgrtd g pmd. Dstes mohmes oe tmdodo `ufkes fgjgcces perqud perqud sd ces fe`do. fe`do. Do dstg sdbuohg sdbuohg hdsfgrbg hdsfgrbg oes ccdogreo hd icdfkgs pdre smo kdrmr g oghmd, y brmtçoheoes ce `ms`e qud do cg prm`drg. Xg`jmío oudstres pdeods pdeods cds brmtgjgo brmtgjgo ce `ms`e g dcces. dcces. Gc hgr cg etrg vudctg y ds hd ghvdrtmr qud gc tmd`pe qud oes gcdlçjg`es hdc tmre, eàg`es g Xmfucqum qud oes brmtgjg< -¡Kgstg `gs gjglmte!-, do dstg tdrfdrg hdsfgrbg tg`pefe kgo kdrmhe g oghmd, ces pdeods re`pàgo cgs icdfkgs qud dstgjgo fcgvghgs do dc festghe hdc Jgrfe y do ces fudres y cgs tmrgjgo tmrgjgo gc gbug. ]e cd hdfàg qud cgs dfkdo do cg jehdbg, pdre pdre Vermg ces `gohgjg `gohgjg g qud cgs tmrdo gc gbug, hd sudrtd qud uog mjg g cgsdjehdbg gc gbug, qud hdspuís ydohe oesetres `gscgghdcgotd, ces mohmes tmrgjgoygc7>gbug g rdfebdrcgs pgrg vecvdrcgs g tmrgr feo puotg retg. Vdbum`es smd`prd fg`mogohe, dc ràe vdomg `uy jmdo. G cg etrg vudctg oe kgjàg


`eotd, y sd d`jesfgreo do uo hdsfg`pghe, pdre uoe hd dcces gse`ö cg fgjdzg doteofds oudstres pdeods cds kmfmdreo `ufkgs jurcgs, becpdçohesd cg jefg. Gc hgr cg etrg vudctg kgjàg `eotd, y oes kmfmdreo etrg hdsfgrbg, sd cd feotdstö feo 8 iusmcgzes. Gquà qudhe kdrmhe hd uog icdfkg icdfkg Frdfmr qud sd sd cd fcgvö do dc dc jrgze mzqumdrhe. Gcbuoes hmfdo qud cgs puotgs hd cgs icdfkgs seo vdodoesgs, pdre ye sgquí g Frdfmr hes gstmccgs hdc jrgze g ces 7; `dsds, `mdotrgs dstgjg`es do oudstre fgutmvdrme, smo feotgr etrgs `ufkgs `çs fkmqumtgs qud cd sgcàgo, hd fugohe do fugohe. @mdotrgs mjg purbgohe purbgohe cg kdrmhg, dc oe tuve `gs `dhmfe, `dhmfe, om `gs rd`dhme qud cg prevmhdofmg. ^er feosmbumdotd cg puotg oe drg dovdodoghg. Frdfmr feosdrvg cg gstmccg brgohd qud ye cd sgqud y cg tmdod gquà do su pehdr. Gc hgr cg etrg vudctg, tehe dstgjg hdsfg`pghe feo secg`dotd uo çrjec hd gcbgrreje, y hdspuís qud pgsg`es dc çrjec fe`e g pefe `gs hd uog fughrg vm`es uo mohme gtrçs hdc gcbgrreje y Gcdlgohre Vgcg qud drg ig`ese tmrgher cd tmrö `mdotrgs dc mohme oe `estrgjg `gs qud cg fgjdzg y ce kmze fgdr y sd vme uo hdspgrrg`e hd icdfkgs per dc gmrd, qud g cg fudotg cg jgcg hdspuís hd pgsgrcd cg fgjdzg cd pdbe tg`jmío do dc gtghe hd sus icdfkgs y sd hdspgrrg`greo, gccç vm`es ferrdr g ces mohmes hd g pmí y hd g fgjgcce. Gc hgr cg etrg vudctg cg hdsfgrbg kg smhe gcbe `doer, uo pefe `gs gjglmte kgjàg uo mohme `eze gc pmd hd cg jgrrgofg qud drg gcbe dsfgrpghg y dstgjg feo su grfe y icdfkg dsfeohmhes do cg `gfmdbg gbugrhgohe qud pgsd`es pgrg gsdburgr g gcbuoe hd oesetres. oesetres. Ces pdeods ce vmdreo, y ces 8 dstuvmdreo dstuvmdreo cmstes feo ces iusmcds gpuotghes gc mohme g `dhmhg qud oes oes àjg`es gfdrfgohe. gfdrfgohe. Hdfàgo g dstd Heo ^gjce cd tmrg`es, oe cd tmrdo, hdfàg dc, cd tmrg`es, oe cd tmrdo, qud dste drg ce qud smd`prd hdfàg Vermg. Dc mohme sd prdpgrg pgrg tmrgr cg icdfkg icdfkg oe hmstgohe hd oesetres 6 vgrgs perqud cg ferrmdotd oes ccdvgjg – do cgs kudccgs g sm‐, fdrfg hd cg jgrrgofg. ]e vmdohe qud Vermg oe qudràg qud cd `gtdo y qud dc mohme mjg g cgrbgr cg icdfkg cds cds brmtd -¡tàrdocd!-. Cd tmrgreo ces 8, oe hmstgohe hmstgohe hd cg jefg jefg hd ces iusmcds gc mohme hes vgrgs y qudhö `udrte. Gc hgr etrg vudctg kmfd iusmcgr etre mohme vmdle vmdle feo dc `ms`e `ms`e dstmce dstmce qud qud dc etre. Oes kmfmdreo kmfmdreo etrg hdsfgrbg feo pefgs icdfkgs. Gc hgr etrg vudctg oes kmfmdreo etrg hdsfgrbg dstg iud cg `gs fkmqumtg, cg síptm`g síptm`g y uctm`g fg`mog`es fg`mog`es uo pefe `gs y ieohdg`es pgrg pgrg pgsgr cg oefkd, perqud yg drg tgrhd. Dstd hàg fg`mog`es `çs qud omobüo hàg. Dc ràe vmdod `uy keohe, y feo jgstgotds treofes. Cgs jgrrgofgs drgo gctgs y per dse drg qud oe pehàg`es vdr g ces mohmes pdre, sm ye etrg vdz tuvmdrg qud pgsgr per gccà peohràg gc jgrfe uo çrjec feo uog feig (87) hd cg gcturg hd cgs jgrrgofgs qud sdrço hg 7: vgrgs hd gcte y do cg pgrtd `gs gctg hd cg feig hes ke`jrds feo hes trgjufes, y cds kgràg pgrgpdtes pgrgpdtes hd fudre pgrg gjrmbe hd cgs icdfkgs, icdfkgs, gsà dstes oe hdlgràgo grrm`gr g cg jgrrgofg g omobüo mohme. mohme. Xmfucqum oes brmtö gc gfgjgr cg üctm`g hdsfgrbg< -¡Kgstg `g÷gog! , y ouofg `dotàg. (Gjgrmg)


^uds oesetres dstçjg`es sdbures hd cg pgcgjrg hd Xmfucqum per feosmbumdotd ce dstçjg`es tg`jmío hd qud oes gtrgfgsdo do ces hes sgctes, fe`e `d hmle g `à. Oesetres oe sgjàg`es qud tgc pehàgo sdr ces sgctes, pdre per fkmfes qud iudsdo, sgctes kgjàgo hd sdr. ]e prefurgjg cg sgcvgfmöo hdc jgrfe perqud sm ce pdrhàg`es kujmírg`es pdrhmhe pdrhmhe cg vmhg ku`gog do `goes hd ces ces mohmes. ^er feosmbumdotd hmld g Vermg, ces sgctes dstço fdrfg, ces mohmes oes smbudo pgrg gtrgfgroes gccà, oesetres tdohrd`es qud hdlgroes fgdr per ces Vgctes, dc Jgrfe ds híjmc, pudhd gicelgrsd gcbüo tgrube dtf. G `gs hd dste, pehd`es vgrgr do gcbüo hdspcgyghe per uo pefe `gs qud fgcd`es hd gbug, y sdr gccà gccà gtrgfghes gtrgfghes dtf., per feosmbumdotd cd hmld qud drg `m `m pgrdfdr dfkgr tehe g7 gbug hdlgohe secg`dotd ce odfdsgrme pgrg cg feosdrvgfmöo hdc Jgrfe y hd cg vmhg. - Tstdh oe mboerg cg hdjmcmhgh hd hd oudstre jgrfe puds oe dstg kdfke pgrg fgrbgr oghg y gsà sdrç ustdh ustdh rdspeosgjcd hd cg vmhg hd oesetres oesetres sm kd`es hd pdrhdrcg per per igctgroes dc jgrfe-, jgrfe-, dtf. Vermg oe qumse kgfdrsd fgrbe hd rdspeosgjmcmhgh y gsà `gohe tmrgr tehe gc gbug, `does ce qud drg hd purg odfdsmhgh. Vd tmrgreo 9> grrejgs hd tgjgfe tgjgfe hd Frdfmr, cgs fugcds Vermg sd fe`pre`dtmö g pgbçrsdcgs feo 7: grrejgs `çs qud dc `ms`e Frdfmr kgjàg rdpgrtmhe g ces pdeods pgrg iu`gr y rdbgcghe rdbgcghe g ces mohmes, mohmes, tetgcmzgohe cgs 2: grrejgs. Vd rdtmrgreo tg`jmío 96 zequdtds hd `ghdrg qud trgàg`es hd `udstrg hd 96 fgcmhghds hmidrdotds (hd `ghdrgs), y tehgs ütmcds. Vd tmrö uo brgo `ertdre, hes brgohd jgtdgs, dtf.

Hd ces fudres cgs pdtgfgs tgjgfe`gs hd Frdfmr, tehes cesicdfkgs. pdeods,Vermg sd kmfmdreo uo peofke perhd qudhgr gsà sushdc fudrpes gjrmbghe hd cgs sd kmze hes, perqud dc `mdhe drg hejcd. Lugo @gtgfe sd kmze g `ehe hd uo fkgqudtöo qud cd hmstgjg hdc fudrpe fe`e uog fugrtg hd vgrg, dstd drg `ufke `gs sdbure. Frdfmr sd kmze kgfdr per Lugo etre mbugc, pgrdfàgo hes igotgs`gs, ye kmfd hd fudre uog fergzg qud cg peoàg dofm`g hd cg fkgqudtg, cd gjeteogjg ces fgczeods dofm`g, y peoàg dofm`g hd dccg dc fkgcdfe, hd `ehe qud oe sd pehàg vdr ,om `d hgjg mofe`ehmhgh gcbuog. Oe `d dobresgjg `ufke perqud doteofds drg uo pefe `gs `gs qud dsqudcdte, g fgusg fgusg hd cg doidr`dhgh doidr`dhgh qud tuvd. Wumsd qud ces etres kmfmdsdo fergzgs tg`jmío, pdre `gs g`gjgo dc peofke. ¡Oudstre jgrfe!, ¡oudstre dqumpgld!, ¡cgs icdfkgs qud tdoàg`es do dc tdfke hd fudres, drg fesg hmbog hd vdrsd! G cg `g÷gog vm`es g ces mohmes do hes brupes do cg pgrtd hdc OD. ] g Xmfucqum


tucpe pgrg pgrg hgr hd fe`dr fe`dr g oudstrg bdotd, bdotd, y dotrd dcces. Kmfm`es fefmogr dc tucpe tg`jmío g oesetres. Hdspuís hd fe`dr oes pusm`es g fg`mogr uo pefe pdre kgfàg uo vmdote iudrtd iudrtd y do pgrtd pgrtd oes gtrgfgjg gtrgfgjg g cg jgrrgofg, gsà kgstg dofeotrgr dofeotrgr uo hdspcgyghe ier`gohe uo jgofe hd grdog hd cg pgrtd hdc OD. y cg jgrrgofg hdc VE, gcbe jglmtg, hd `ehe qud pehàg`es lubgr gquà feo cgs fereoghgs. Hm`es ieohe y oes hdlg`es dstgr. Xmfucqum sd gfg`pö feo su bdotd gc OD. G uog hmstgofmg hd pefe `çs `çs hd hes fughrgs, pdre sd dsfeohàgo ces mohmes mohmes hd `ehe qud oe pehàg`es eidohdrces. Hd fugohe do fugohe vdàg`es dc se`jrdre hd Xmfucqum. Vd puse g ccevdr, y smbumö gsà ccevmdohe tehg cg oefkd. ^er gquà, cgs gbugs oe seo pdrmöhmfgs fe`e grrmjg. Gc etre hàg dc tmd`pe drg drg ccuvmese ccuvmese y dc vmdote vmdote iudrtd. G cg tgrhd Xmfucqum Xmfucqum gse`ö uo pefe cg fgjdzg, fgjdzg, Vermg ce ccg`ö, ccg`ö, -¡Ydoà ke`jrd, td hgrí hgrí peofkes!, peofkes!, Xmfucqum Xmfucqum feotdste, - ¡Xmdodo fg÷eods!. fg÷eods!. Ces fg÷eods dstgjgo feo cg jefg kgfmg Xmfucqum y ces hm`es vudctg vudctg feo cg fucgtg kgfmg kgfmg íc. Doteofds Xmfucqum sd sd gse`ö g fgjgcce, fgjgcce, hmle qud ces hd cg etrg jgohg drgo drgo mohmes `gces. -¡Yes ses dc `gce!, `gce!, cd hdfàg hdfàg Vermg, dc `gce!kgjcgjg feo Cerdoze uog ku`mchgh mofrdàjcd, -¡^gtetm Xmfucqumdskgjcgjg kgjcgjg feohdfàg vezXmfucqum. hd `ufkeVermg fergld. Dc odbre Icerds sd doele feo Vermg y cd hmle< - Dcces brmtgo iudrtd, bràtdcd iudrtd ustdh tg`jmío, y sm ustdh tmdod `mdhe, `mdhe, oesetres cds brmtgrd`es. brmtgrd`es. Doteofds Vermg cd hmle g Xmfucqum< Xmfucqum< @mrç, ye sey judo pghrd y kdr`goe hd tehes ces mohmes y sm vudcvds g tmrgr icdfkgs pdbgrí iudbe gc fg÷öo fg÷öo y `gtgrí g tehes ces mohmes. mohmes. Dste cd hmle feo tehg sus iudrzgs. Dstd ds dc hdsdobg÷e, hdsdobg÷e, hmfd Vermg do do su su cmjrmcce, cmjrmcce, qud rdfmjmdreo suimfmdotd dtf. (8:). Gcdlgohre qumse tmrgr uo jgcgze g Xmfucqum y Vermg oe qumse. (Ghmös hd Xmfucqum) Xmfucqum sd rdtmre y hdspuís hdspuís hd uo rgtmte, rgtmte, vecvmö g gse`gr gse`gr cg fgjdzg fgjdzg y hmle hmle iudrtd< -¡Ghmös ¡ Xmrö uog icdfkg cg fugc sd fcgvö do dc jgofe hd grdog, y sd rdtmrö.  Lg`çs Xmfucqum `dotàg y drg rdbucgr qud sd iudsd, perqud oes hmle ghmös, y oe kgstg `g÷gog. (Hdc Vgcte hd Msö) HDFM@EFTGZXG M@GBDO


Gc hàg smbumdotd dotrg`es fgofkg cgrbg y hdrdfkg hd jgrrgofgs jgrrgofgs gctgs. Dc dotrg`es do uog fgofkg ràe gobeste preiuohe y ferrdotese. ferrdotese. Fugote `çs fg`moçjg`es fg`moçjg`es cg ferrmdotd drg `çs iudrtd, kgstg qud eà`es uo rumhe iudrtd. ^rdpgrg`es cgs gofcgs, y ccdbgohe gheohd dc ràe hgjg uog vudctg, fe`e sd vd do dc ^cgoe, gccà dstgjg dc Vgcte. Vgcte. Hm`es ieohe gotds hd hd ccdbgr g cg fgàhg hdc hdc gbug. Gquà dc ràe drg gcbegbug `gsfe`e gofkeuog y tdomg jgofe brdhg gfdmtesg gc OD.. qud sejrdsgcàg sejrdsgc àg hdc vgrg.uo Dobrgo ce `çs gctehd kgjàg gcbuoes rgmbeods rgmbeods. Xdohrç hd cgrbe fe`e fe`e 7=> vgrgs `çs e `does y hd gofke ;> vgrgs hdshd dc gbug kgstg cg jgrrgofg gctg hdc OD. Do dc `dhme e `gs, gc VE kgjàg etre jgofe gmscghe qud ce sdpgrgjg hd cg cg jgrrgofg hdc VE, uo fgogcmte hd gbug fe`e hd 7; vgrgs hd gofke do heohd `gs tdomg dstd jgofe drgo => g 7>> vgrgs hd cgrbe, y uogs 9> vgrgs hd gofke. Do dc `dhme drg ce `gs gcte, qud kgjrç smhe hdc omvdc hdc gbug uog vgrg y hd gccà mjg do hms`moufmöo kgstg dc gbug, g `ehe hd pcgyg. Dotrd ces hes jgofes kgjàg uo fgogc fe`e hd :; vgrgs hd gofke per dc fugc sd hdsfecbgjg dc gbug feo prdfmpmtgfmöo, gc `ehe hd uo fkmicöo hd `ecmoe, d mjg g trepdzgr dc iudrtd hd cg ferrmdotd, ferrmdotd, do dc jgofe jgofe hdc OD. qud gvgozgjg irdotd gc fkmicöo fe`e sd vd do dc pcgoe. @d gfudrhe `uy jmdo qud do cgs 7; e :> vgrgs hd hd cgrbe qud kgjrç tdomhe tdomhe kgjàg uog vgrg hd fgàhg. fgàhg. Oe oes gtrdvm`es g pgsgr pgsgr per `mdhe g trepdzgr trepdzgr feo dc jgofe. Oes hdtdr`mog`es hdtdr`mog`es g pgsgr per dc fgogcmte, guoqud kgjàg kgjàg do cg ermccg hdc jgofe vgrmes `ebetds hd cg `ms`g `ms`g brdhg qud cg hdc jgofe, g `ehe hd pgods hd gzüfgr y qud dc gbug oe oes bustgjg, per sdr sdr hd cg `ms`g brdhg qud cg hdc jgofe y gfdmtesg. Dstes gobestgjgo dc fgogcmte güo `çs, pdre vm., qud kgjàg cubgr guoqud gpdogs, fe`e pgrg pgsgr. Oes hdtdr`mog`es g pgsgr per gccà. Cg ferrmdotd hdc fgogcmte drg iudrtd pdre hmvmhmhg do hes, dste ds tdomg g `ehe hd uo fkmiceofmte do dc `dhme hdc cgrbe hdc fgogc y etre gc gfgjgr e gc hdsd`jefgr hdsd`jefgr dc fgogcmte do dc ràe. ^gsg`es ^gsg`es per íc, imcçohesd (86) per uo fgjcd pgrg qud cg preg oe sd `dtmdrg do gcbüo gcbüo `ebetd, y feo oe pefe `mdhe g ces mohmes. Dstd fgogcmte feo :; ke`jrd do uog sd`gog, feo gzghgs oe`çs, ce peohràg do dstghe fe`e pgrg pgsgr per dc, uo jgrfe hd 7: vgrgs hd gofke, gofke, y uog hd fgcghe. Do tmd`pes hd frdfmdotd frdfmdotd oe pudhd kgjdr smoe smoe uog iudrtd ferrmdotd. Vermg cd hme dc oe`jrd hd Vgcte hd Msö.

(Cgbe hd Curjd)


HDFM@EWTMOXG M@GBDO  Vdbum`es fg`mogohe y gc hgr etrg vudctg eà`es etre `ur`ucce hdc gbug. Gpdogs ccdbg`es, vm`es gc ràe gofke, qud sd ier`gjg g `ehe hd uog cgbuog, y feo `uy pefg ferrmdotd hm`es ieohe, perqud vm`es qud `gs gjgle sd gobestgjg dc gbug dotrd hes jgofes hd brdhg gfdmtesg y ier`gjg uog iudrtd ferrmdotd. Kgfàg uo `ur`ucce. Kmfd g`grrgr Kmfd uo fgjcd g tmdrrg, tmdrrg, pgrghdimcgroes per dc. dcper . Dstg `gomejrg tuvd qud kgfdrcg gquà, perqud oe pehàg imgr`d ces pdeods, oe sdr dcces `grmoes. Oes imcg`es y pgsg`es `uy jmdo, puds oe eirdfd omobüo ejstçfuce. Cg hdsfrmpfmöo hd dstd pgse ds tgc fugc dstg do dc pcgoe. Vermg cd hme dc oe`jrd hd ^gse hd Curjd.


Gpdogs pgsg`es kmfd ieohdgr, pgrg hdsgtgr dc fgjcd qud kgjàg`es g`grrghe g tmdrrg, sd imce uo fugrte hd cg fghdog y gcbe `gs smo qud dc gofcg kgyg te`ghe ieohe, pgrdfd qud gquà kujmdrg uo peze y sdbüo `m dotdohdr, gotmbug`dotd hdjàg hd kgjdr uog brgo fgàhg. Dc rd`gose qud ier`gjg oes hdtdoàg. Vd hdsgtö dc fgjcd, sd sujmö dc gofcg y sd smbumö fg`mogohe, dotrd jgrrgofgs `uy gctgs bdodrgc`dotd `eotuesgs hd `ghdrgs ütmcds. ütmcds. Dc ràe drg `uy preiuohe gobeste gobeste y gcbe ferrdotese. ferrdotese. (Lugo Lesí fgfmqud) Gc hàg smbumdotd sdbum`es fg`mogohe. Cg ferrmdotd yg oe drg tgo iudrtd pdre cgs vudctgs fkmfgs oes vecvàgo g fghdrdgr uo pefe. @gs gjgle dofeotrg`es uo mohme feo hes `ufkgfkes dofm`g hd cg jgrrgofg hdc VE qud vdomg kgfmg grrmjg e kgfmg oesetres, sgotmbuçohesd. Cd prdbuotg`es qumdo drg, oes hmle qud dc drg Lugo  Lesí (88) fgfmqud hd uo cghe y hdc etre hdc ràe. Cd hmlm`es qud oes hmldsd hd qud ogfmöo drg, oes hmle qud dc drg mohme oe`çs. Ce feovmhg`es g jerhe y oe qumse vdomr per `mdhe g pgbgr per cgs gftmtuhds hd ces hd `çs grrmjg. Cd pusm`es do cg jgrrgofgs hes berres y hes fufkmcces qud sd iud g te`gr gpdogs pgsg`es. Hdspuís `çs gjgle vmoe g jerhe y ce vdstm`es, y sd iud. @gs gjgle sd gjgle vecvmö g vdomr vdomgrjerhe feo etre hdffeo hdfàg àg oesetres. drg su kdr`goe, gc gc qud tg`jmío vdstm`es y sd qudhgreo qudhgreo g fg`mogr fgqud `mogr


G cg tgrhdfmtg dofeotrg`es uo brgo jgofe hd brdhg g cg pgrtd hdc VE pdbghe g cg jgrrgofg hdc hdc `ms`e cghe. Dstd drg uo kdr`ese kdr`ese cubgr pgrg pgsgr pgsgr cg oefkd, perqud gquà ccdbgjgo jmdo cgs fgreoghgs. Hm`es ieohe, y `gohg`es g He`mobe Fkequd, feo hes pdeods pdeods `gs gc jgofe, g fefmogr jrgzgs. jrgzgs. Do dste vmomdreo `çs mohmes, mohmes, y vmoe cg oefkd. Lugo Lesí feo su su kdr`goe sd iudreo iudreo g tmdrrg, y sufdhd qud Fkequd fgyö gc gbug, y trgs dc sd tmrgreo hes mohmes pgrg sgcvgrce. Feo dste sufdhmö sufdhmö gcjerete. Oesetres Oesetres frdydohe qud qud ces mohmes mohmes kgjàgo hghe `udrtd g oudstres pdeods dstçjg`es yg pgrg tmrgrcd feo cgs fgreoghgs, fugohe vm`es per cg cuz hdc iudbe g Ogrfmse Ogrfmse qud sd sdfg. Wud gc oe oe vdrce kujmírg`es kdfke kdfke uog `gtgozg tdrrmjcd. tdrrmjcd. ] gsà sd rdbgcö g ces hes mohmes mohmes qud sgfgreo g Fkequd Fkequd hes fufkmcces fufkmcces g fghg uoe y uo berre tg`jmío g fghg uoe. Gc etre hàg oes hmle Lugo Lesí qud oes mjg gbugrhgr g su fgsg, y oesetres sdbum`es g fg`mogohe. @gs gjgle dofeotrg`es do uog jgrrgofg jglg g `ehe hd pcgyg g Lugo Lesí feo `ufkg mohmghg hd tehe sdxe, cd rdbgcg`es fufkmcces, berres, fkgcdfes, fgczeods, vgqudtgs (84), pgrg rdpgrtmr g sus sus bdotds. Xg`jmío cd rdbgcg`es rdbgcg`es uo sgfe hd `gàz, `gàz, yhdsd`jefghurg. uo gtghe hd fkgrqud, puds puds

yg sgjàg`es sgjàg`es qud dstçjg`es fdrfg hd cg

(Lugo Lesí fdcdjrg cg pgz)


Gc rdfmjmr dste Lugo Lesí do cg pcgyg, gbgrrö uog frmgturmtg hd pdfke g uog fkmog, y feo dccg do do cg `goes cg cg fecefgjg fecefgjg per sejrd su fgjdzg. Vgctgjg, ccergohe, y brmtgohe g su bdotd. ] su bdotd ce `mrgjg feo `ufke smcdofme. smcdofme. Dstg dsfdog hurö fe`e uo fugrte hd kerg kerg y puse cudbe cg frmgturg frmgturg do tmdrrg. Oes hmle g oesetres1 - Kd dofgrbghe g `m bdotd vmvmr smd`prd pgz feo ces sgctd÷es qud hgo hd fe`dr g ces pejrds mohmes `udrtes hd kg`jrd, y g ces pgrgbugyes ¡jgcg sd÷er!... Dstgs iudreo cgs pgcgjrgs qud oes hmle dc fgfmqud Lugo Lesí feo vmvg hd`estrgfmöo hd vdrhghdrg g`mstgh. Hdspuís hmlehdfàg qud Lugo dc, oesLesí mjg hdjàg g gbugrhgr cg pestg pestg qudoesoes hd sdrdouo ejrgldhdhdFerrmdotds. `ghdrg hd(Dstg ces


ferrdotmoes. –Fugohe rdbrdsg`es hd oudstrg hdtdofmöo do dc ^grgbugy dstgohe do Ferrmdotds hmle dc Dxfdcdotàsm`e Vd÷er Bejdrogher Heo ^dhre Idrrm g Vermg g....)‐, oesetres cd prdbuotg`es qud pestg drg dsg do dc Fkgfe, cd prdbuotg`es fugotgs cdbugs kgjàg g cg pestg, oes feotdstö qud `gs gjglmte, fe`e 4 g 9 cdbugs y sd iud. @gs dofeotrg`es uoggquà mscg sd fkmfg y `eotuesg hd çrjecds Ce `ms`e do cgsgjgle hes jgrrgofgs. Hdshd pudhdo sgfgr `ghdrgs `uyütmcds. kdr`esgs. Vermg hme oe`jrd g dstg dstg mscg hd O (....) (89). HDFM@E EFXGYG M@GBDO Gquà qudhg`es g pgsgr cg oefkd. G cg `g÷gog sgcmroes y pgsg`es feo dc jgrfe per dc fgogc hdc OD. @gohd qud uog fgoemtg pgsgrg per dc fgogc hdc VE y vm, qud ces hes tdoàgo jgstgotd gbug, dste ds, ds, dc `doer ieohe sd kgccgjg kgccgjg g 9 tdrfmgs hd hd vgrgs. Gpdogs pgsg`es cg mscg dofeotrg`es –hd cg pgrtd hdc omvdc hd gbug, y oe vdomg per dc gbug gcbuog‐. Fugote `çs gjgle àjg`es, àjg`es, cgs jgrrgofgs mjgo jglgohe `çs, `çs, y do pgrtd sd vdàgo pcgygs pcgygs hd grdog. grdog. @çs gjgle gjgle dofeotrg`es dofeotrg`es uo pgrgld pgrgld heohd dc gbug sd hdspgrrg`gjg y oe kgjàg `çs qud uog vgrg hd ieohe. G cg oefkd hm`es ieohe fugohe yg fgsm drg esfure y gc rumhe hd cg fghdog. Eà`es uo brgo gcjerete hd mohmes qud sd kgjàgo gsustghe. G cg `g÷gog sdbum`es fg`mogohe y dofeotrg`es hd cg pgrtd hdc OD. uo rmgfkmte `uy kdr`ese, trgàg rdbucgr gbug. ]e cd pusd dc oe`jrd hd ràe Jdcce.

HDFM@EOEYDOG M@GBDO @gs gjgle dofeotrg`es uo brgo pgc`gr, dc vmdote oes gtrgfgjg, hd `ehe qud oe pehàg`es fg`mogr, gsà iud qud pgrg`es gquà. (Dotrdbg y imo) Cg gcdbràg qud bezçjg`es tehes drg modxpcmfgjcd per kgjdroes zgighe hd sdr fe`mhes gsghes per ces jçrjgres. ]e pgrtmfucgr`dotd sdotàg uo lüjmce do `m pdfke qud oe kgjàg prejghe prejghe gotds.


@d hdfàg g `m `ms`e qud g hdspdfke hdspdfke hdc frudc Vermg, hd cgs doidr`dhghds doidr`dhghds,, y hd `m brgo trgjgle, trgjgle, hgrí imo preote g `ms `ms ejcmbgfmeods, ejcmbgfmeods, smotmíohe`d smotmíohe`d feo vmhg. ]e `d hdfàg, zgigrí `uy preote hd `gohgr g dstes pdeods, preote tg`jmío zgigrí hd Vermg, y feotdote feotdote pehrí rdspmrgr y rdpeodr `m sgcuh. ^uds gpdogs hdsd`jefg`es hdsfujrm`es uog fgsg do cg festg hdc ^grgbugy, feo dc gotdele vdàg`es bdotd, oe hmstmobuàg`es hmstmobu smesdrgo ke`jrds e `uldrds. `uldrds. ^uds gccç oes hmrmbm`es hmrmbm`es, , y gcqud gfdrfg`es `gs àg`es oes hm`es hm` fudotg qud vdstàgo feo fkmrmpg y qud gprdsurghes dfkgjgo ces fgjgcces fgjgcces gc ferrgc. ferrgc. Ghvdrtm`es qud sd kgjàgo gsustghe, cds pusm`es jgohdrg jcgofg, pdre dosmccgreo y hmspgrgreo tehes. Frdfmr hmle - Yç`eoes hdrdfke hdrdfke g Ferrmdotds. Vermg `d hdfàg hdfàg g `m< -µWuí hmfd Tstdh5, Tstdh5, ye cd hdfàg hdfàg qud `m `m ejcmbgfmöo ejcmbgfmöo sd gfgjö gfgjö do cg hdsd`jefghurg hdc ràe Jdr`dle, qud dc drg dc fgpmtço y gsà hmspusmdrg. Frdfmr mostgjg y hdfàg hdfàg qud sm tefg`es tefg`es gccà, oes kgjràgo hd dofghdogr dofghdogr hd hes do hes y kgfdroes fgrbgr fgrbgr cghrmcces do `dhme `dhme hd cg pcgzg pcgzg hd cg fgpmtgc. fgpmtgc. Vermg hdfàg qud tdoàg qud trgtgr y qud oe fu`pcmràg feo su fe`msmöo sm oe tefgjg gccà. Frdfmr cd hdfàg –qud hd Ferrmdotds pehmg trgtgr‐. Vermg `d prdbuotgjg µqud cd pgrdfd g ustdh5. jmdo smo jmdo feoefàg g Vermg Vermg y ce qud qud, hdspuís sufdhdr` sufdhdr`d fgusg hd]esuqud brgo`uy gvgrmfmg mbugc...., cd rdspeohàg sm supehàg fe`msmöo drg cg dhdg tefgr festgs festgs hdc ^grgbugy, vg`es vg`es kgfmg kgfmg gccç. Wud sm oe ce drg vg`es vg`es kgfmg kgfmg gjgle, qud íc drg dc fgpmtço y qud íc sece sdrç ejdhdfmhe. G Frdfmr doteofds sd ce ccdvgjgo ces hmgjces, pdre per per ces pdeods iud g`dogzghg hd `udrtd, sm oe sd fgccgjg cg jefg. Gtrgfg`es sejrd cg jgrrgofg hdc ^grgbugy, gc imogc hd cg Bugrhmg hd Xgccm , qud tgc drg dc oe`jrd hd cg fgsg, y oe kgjàg uo gc`g. YMBDVM@G M@GBDO Xehes sd kgjàgo dsfgpghe per `mdhe g oesetres. Gquà Frdfmr pmhmö uog fgoemtg pgrg mrsd Ferrmdotds. ]e oepgrgbugye qumsd perqud oe `d `dg pgrdfmö Hdspuís cgrbe rgte,g vmoe uo sgrbdote g fgjgcce `mrgroesjmdo. hdshd dofm`ghd hduo cg jgrrgofg. Vermg cd hmle< - ¡Ydobg pgrg gfç ke`jrd, se`es g`mbes oe oe tdobg `mdhe, qud se`es frmstmgoes, qud vdom`es hd Vgctg! Dc pgrgbugye doteofds hmle - ¡Ydobg pgrg gfç ustdh!. Vermg sd iud gccç, y `mdotrgs feovdrsgjg ccdbö dc gciírdz Züg feo uoes sechghes g fgjgcce, fgjgcce, tg`jmío ccdbö dc gciírdz Xgcgvdrg do hes hes fgoegs feo sechghes. sechghes. Vermg sd dqumvefg peomdohe peomdohe (do su hmgrme) g Xgcgvdrg Xgcgvdrg per tmdrrg y Züg do cg fgoeg, pdre pefe pefe m`pertg dse. Dc gsuote ds sgjdr qud gquà dotrdbg`es, per `gohgte hd Vermg, cgs gr`gs gc gciírdz Xgcgvdrg. Hdspuís hd kgjdr dotrdbghe cgs gr`gs, gr`gs, oes qumtgreo ces rd`es, rd`es, y cgs fgoegs y oes feotgreo fe`e g fgjrgs. Hdlgohe gc gciírdz Züg kgfmdohe bugrhmg g oesetres kgstg oudvg erhdo. –¡Dstd ds dc vdotgrreo, y cg ferrmdotds, y cg Yez, qud oes gtrgfö! Ydgo dc cmjrmcce hd Vermg, fe`e `mdotd i.8> y 87‐.


–Gquà kd ejsdrvghe cg cgctg per `dhme hd tgkurg `dhmgog cg gcturg hd :9¼ ;7' 4:'' Vuh feo cmfdofmg hdc gciírdz Züg‐.

Dc hàg 7= oes ccdvgreo dstmrgohe kgstg ×d`jufe y oes pusmdreo do (… ). Gquà fe`à ye uo pefe hd pgo y `d vecvmö dc fkufke. Gquà pgbö Vermg g ces pdeods, 7: pdses g fghg pdöo, `does g Vgcbudre y ces hes motdrprdtds qud ouofg cds hg oghg... y oe do Xgccm!  Efke hàgs hdspuís, dc gciírdz Xgcgvdrg oes vmoe g cddr cg smbumdotd erhdo hdc Vd÷er Vuprd`e Hmftgher< Erhdo< Hmrçs g ces qud fgpmtgodgo g cg jgrfg vdomhg hd Vgctg qud per su gfte gtrez, gtrdvmhe, hdsvdrbeozghe, hdspötmfe, d mosecdotd, qud dses pmfgreogzes (82)  hd ces sgctd÷es sd luotgreo, luotgreo, feo dses cghreods hd hd ces ^ertd÷es qud pdrluhmfgreo pdrluhmfgreo do tgotes `mcceods hd pdses g dstg ^revmofmg, ^revmofmg, qud sm qumdrdo vecvdrsd vecvdrsd pgrg gtrçs sd vudcvdo vudcvdo y sm oe sd rd`mtdo rd`mtdo g dste, sd cds hgrç hgrç hdstmoe, hdstmoe, perqud pgrg gjgle gjgle oe kgo hd mr. Vermg cd feotdstö qud cd drg tgo içfmc vecvdrsd pgrg gtrçs fe`e mr hd gquà g cg cuog. ]e cd hmld qud dstgjg doidr`e, y qud `d peoàg do cgs `goes hd su Dxfdcdofmg pgrg pgrg qud hmspusmdsd hd `m ce qud iudrg hd su su gbrghe. Frdfmr prdbuotö –sm pes (dotrdbgrg cgs gr`gs cd rdspeohmö qud dc oe sgjmg doteosd Frdfmr (...) –) Ces pdeods cd hmldreo qud ce qud kgfàgo sus pgtreods kgfàgo dcces tg`jmío. Doteofds `d hmle g `m, -¡Erhdog su Dxfdcdofmg Dxfdcdofmg qud cd `gohd ustdh su ^cgo hmgrme!-. Vd ce hà y cd hmld qud sm bustgrgo cd uomràg (cgs hmstmotgs kelgs qud ce fe`peoàgo) pgrg qud su Dxfdcdofmg vmdrg vmdrg dc ràe `dler. Dc Fe`gohgotd `d ce hdvecvmö hmfmíohe`d qud gsà ce kmfmdrg y hme pgrtd gc Hmftgher. G ces efkes hàgs vmoe cg erhdo hd qud sd cd `gohd dc pcgo hmgrme. Vd ce `gohd,  luotg`dotd feo dc rduomhe.  Ces `gces hàgs qud ye pgsgjg g fgusg hd `m doidr`dhgh iudreo mofrdàjcds, kgstg `d iud odbghe uo fgcgjeze pgrg gjrmbgr`d. Vermg, Frdfmr y ye gbugrhçjg`es fghg hàg cg sdotdofmg pgrg sdr iusmcghes (üomfe prd`me qud sudcdo hgr ces tmrgoes) sdbüo oes hgjgo g dotdohdr ces sechghes qud oes fustehmgjgo. G ces pefes hàgs vmoe cg erhdo hd trgtgroes jmdo.


Dc hàg prm`dre hd Dodre hdc 7;:2 oe kmfmdreo trgsjerhgr g jerhe hd uog Becdtg pgrg gbugs grrmjg hdlgohe d`jgrfgr g Vermg tehes ces fkms`ds hd oudstre jgrfe, y sgcm`es feo hdstmoe gbugs grrmjg. Ccdbg`es g cg Fgpmtgc, do cg fugc dstuvm`es 4 hàgs smo pehdr kgjcgr feo oghmd, y sgcm`es oudvg`dotd pgrg grrmjg. Do dc fg`moe dc jgqumgoe trgle g jerhe uog iudotd hd `mdc feo qudse y `gàz testghe, –tehe vdodre per fkefke‐, ye rgjmese hd `m sudrtd, y hd `m sgcuh, y gjurrmhe yg hd vmvmr, fe`à hd dste `çs qud uo sgoe. Cudbe `d hme uog imdjrd qud `d hurö trds oefkds y hes hàgs, hàgs, y sd `d fertö dc fkufke. Dc hàg 8 hd Idjrdre ccdbg`es g cg Ymccg Zdgc. Dc hàg ; dc fe`gohgotd `gohö jglgr g tmdrrg g ces pdeods hd trds do trds y ces mjg mjg dotrdbgohe g ces eimfmgcds hd cg Fe`pg÷àg qud ces ccdvgreo giudrg. ^er uctm`e uctm`e oes kmze jglgr jglgr g oesetres trds, trds, Vermg, Frdfmr, y ye. Gquà sd oes kmze uo rdbmstre dsfrupucese qumtçoheoes tehes oudstres pgpdcds. G Vermg cd qumtgreo uo cmjre hd fudotgs, fudotgs, y su hmgrme, qud do ces hes oe gpuotgjg `çs qud ces brgoes hd `gàz hdc @eotd, y uog fepmg hdc movdotgrme hd su Fgsg. G Frdfmr cd te`greo uogs fgrtgs, fgrtgs, y g `m ce smbumdotd. To eftgotd kdr`ese, cgs tgjcgs hd ces cebgrmt`es hd Fgccdt, @gfgrtd, y Jebeur, g`jes trgtghes hd oçutmfg, hes te`es hd cgs tgjcgs hd ces vmdotes ferrmdotds y `grds feoefmhes do tehes ces `grds hdc bceje, dc `gougc hd ces tír`moes `grmoes, Dc gcbdjrg hd Cgfrems, Grmt`ítmfg hd Jdzut, dc feoefm`mdote hd ces tmd`pes, dtf. dtf. ces `gs qud grrgofö hd `m gc`g, kgo smhe ces fçcfuces, hd cgs ejsdrvgfmeods gstrgcds qud kgjàg kdfke. Hdspuís oes ccdvö g cg vmccg, y oes puse do uo fugrtmte g ces trds, y oes hmle ustdhds gquà seo cmjrds, rdjüsqudosd, oghmd ces `ecdstgrç do oghg, y sd iud, hdlçoheoes do cg `gs odbrg smtugfmöo. smtugfmöo. Gquà ferte `m rdcgfmöo rdcgfmöo per gkerg, feo sece hdfmr, qud drg smd`prd pdrsdbumhe per dc fkufke. Wud dstuvd 7> `dsds y hàgs smo her`mr om hd oefkd y om hd hàg, 74 `dsds –feo jusgs‐, smo kgjdrcgs `drdfmhe. Wud per pefe cgs Ymccdmogs `d frufmimfgo fe`e ces mohmes g Frmste dtf. dtf. pgrg dsfrmjmr `ms gfeotdfm`mdotes do Ymccg Zdgc odfdsmte `gs tmd`pe, y fugohe sdgo dsfrmtes `d trgtgrgo hd d`justdre, pdre sdrço vdrhghds. Dc hàg 7; hd Dodre hdc 7;67, dc Fe`gohgotd oes rduomö g tehes oesetres, y oes hdle erhdo hdc Vd÷er Vd÷er Vuprd`e hd qud tehes ustdhds ustdhds sd rdüogo rdüogo y dstío cmstes pgrg d`jgrfgrsd gbugs gjgle. Oudstrg gcdbràg iud `çs brgohd qud fugohe hdsd`jefg`es hdsd`jefg` es do dc ràe ^grgbugy, puds hd dsfcgves dsfcgves pgsg`es pgsg`es g cmjrds, feo uo sece gfte hd vecuotgh hdc Vd÷er Vuprd`e. ]e cd hmld qud yg dstgjg cmste, g cg vdrhgh jmdo pefe kujmdrg hdlghe.

(Vgcmhg hd Ymccg Zdgc)


Dc hàg 4 hd Lucme hdc 7;67 sd oes `gohö d`jgrfgr gbugs gjgle. Dc hàg :> hd lucme hdc 7;67, do ×g`jufe trgsjerhg`es gjerhe hd cg su`gfg Fgr`do, hd cg Vd÷erg Fçohmhg @dhmog, pgrg Judoes Gmrds. Dc hàg :6 hdc `ms`e ccdbg`es g Ferrmdotds do heohd uog vdz feoefmhes ium`es jmdo rdfmjmhes, pgrtmfucgr`dotd per dc Dxfdcdotàsm`e Vd÷er Bejdrogher Heo ^dhre Idrrd, hmfke Bejdrogher dfkö do fgrg g Vermg dc oe kgjdrcd kdfke sgjdr hd oudstrg dxpdhmfmöo. (Ccdbghg g Judoes Gmrds) Dc hàg :2 hd Gbeste hdc 7;67 ccdbg`es imogc`dotd gc hdstmoe hdsdghe per tgote g÷es. Gquà hmld g Vermg qud `d fgofdcgsd fgofdcgsd `m fudotg. @d hmle hmle qud drg prdfmse prdfmse kgfdr uo pcgoe `d`ermg pgrg uogluotgrç mhdg hdcg ràe g ces gffmeomstgs, sdoe ce kmfmdsd.hdWud fugohe dstíhgr dfke ces Jdr`dle gffmeomstgs pgrg pgbgr`d.qud Wud drg rdbucgr luotgrces feo cgs `goes vgfàgs. Cd trgld uoe, g su buste, hdspuís ce ce pusd do cm`pme, y oe kgjmdohe qudhghe tehgvàg g su buste cd kmfd etre. @mdotrgs hdcmodgjg dstd uctm`e ghvdrtà qud `d hgjg tmd`pe g bgstgr `gs pdses hd ces qud tdomg, –hd 9 tdrfmes hd ydrjg‐. Fugohe gfgjí, iud Vermg g Frdfmr y cd prdbuotö sm ye tehgvàg tdoàg pcgtg. Frdfmr qud ce feoefàg, cd feotdstö qud dc yg `d kgjàg prdstghe jgstgotd, y gbugrhgjg qud íc `d pgbgsd gsà ye cd pgbgjg g íc. - Dstç jmdo doteofds, hmle hmle Vermg. To hàg ium y cd hmld Heo ^gjce ^gjce yg ds tmd`pe qud `d cmqumhd `m fudotg. fudotg. @d rdspeohmö dstgs pgcgjrgs, qud sm sm ye dotdohmdrg gcbe hd `üsmfg cgs peohràg feo `dler teoghg qud Zessmom. T… T…Tstdh ds uo pejrd, oe pudhd pcdmtdgr pcdmtdgr tmdod qud fgccgrsd cg jefg. jefg. Dstd iud `m pgbe. @gohö g cmtebrgimgr 4>> pcgoes feo `m oe`jrd do uo rmoföo smo ye kgjdrcd imr`ghe (dc ermbmogc). ^cgoe gcbuoe, `d pusd g pcdmtdgr. Do dc `ms`e tmd`pe `d hdtuvd g feostrumr uo pcgoe hdc ràe Jdr`dle ce `gs dxgfte pesmjcd y trg`mtí uo sujsmhme pgrg festdgr cg cmtebrgiàg pgrg pujcmfgrce. Dste oe bustö g Vermg. @d grrelö g uog pdrseog hd `ufkg dotmhgh qud ye cd kgjàg imr`ghe dc pcgoe qud dc pujcmfö, smdohe uog igcsdhgh pgtdotd. Kgstg kerg oe kdcgcebrghe lustmfmg gcbuog. Ds vdrhgh `d pgrdfd qud uo pejrd tmdod qud fgccgrsd jefg. lustmfmg


Judoes Gmrds :8 hd Gjrmc hd 7;6: Omfecçs Hdsfgczm.-


Dc Hmg :> hd @gye hdc 7;:9 gfgjd hd fgcgigtdgr dc Jgrfe feo dc guxmcme qud c'grbuogetg Heo Verg `d hme hd gcbuo tgotmte hd `gtd - vdgo su cmjrmcce y vdrgo ielg 7: qud dc tehe ce kg dfke, pdre lure qud `mdotrgs ye ye trgjgsgjg, trgjgsgjg, Verg fgjmcgjg fe`e pehrç gfdr pgrg dfkgrce pdrhdr tehe y jecjdrsd g Vgctg Vgctg ¡… (Vd dfkg dc Jgrfe g cgbug) Imogc`dotd ccdbö dc hàg hd `m hdsbrgfmg, dc hàg tdrmjmc hd `m vmhg, hmg qud hdshd doteofd, oe sdotà do `m cg sgcuh pdridttg pdridttg qud gotds tdomg, dstd imo dc hmg :7 hdc `ms`e do qud dc Jgrfe g cgbug. G cg g`godfdr hd dstd hàg hmld g Verg qud msmdsd ccgogr dc fg`moe qud dc gjmg dfke do cg jgrgofg pgrg dfkgr dc Jgrfe g tgbug, qud drg `uy `gce, `mdotrgs ye grmg peodr ces pgces qud gjmgo hd sdrvmr pgrg dfkgr dc Jgrfe g cgbug tehes hd uobreser y ccgoes, qud gsm dc hdjmc jgrfe mrç g cgbug smo iersdbdgrce, ier sdbdgrce, `d rdspeohme qud mc Jgrfe Jgrfe hd mrg g cgbug,µ cgbug,µ ke qud dc hmgjce g hd sdr5. @d ccdod hd fecdrg y `d rdsecvm g qudc hmg `ermr `gs jmdo qud jdr`d do cg fgrsdc hd Vgctg feo `m keoer pdrhmhe per uo u`jrd moig`d pusd hd jgse gc Jgrfe ces pgces jmdo dosdjghe y feo gpgrdle per cg preg ce trgjg`e fe`e g luhgs, motdrtgote mjgo vmomdohe `ufkg bdotd gjdr dfkgr dc Jgrfe g cgbug, vmoe Hefter Cufg Frdfmr, y Heo Lugo Amo Fe`pgodres, dstes uctm`es `d gyutgreo g cgpgrdle qud  gjjmg pudste pud ste hd pepg, gstg gst g qud stgvg dc jgrfe jgrfe g cg ermccg hd cgbug pgrg hgrcd dc uctm`e tmröo. Verg `d gjgoheoö tetgc`dotd, d prdpgrgtesm feo brgohds g`dogsgs, hmld ye gces pdeods qud `d ccdvgsdo uo gofcetd dosm`g hd uog mscg hd grdog ke jgofe qud dstgjg do `dhme gc Zme pgrg g`grgr uo fgjcd m jgrgr dc Jgrfe gccg do fgse qud ysmdsd gbug, puds omobuoe qumse mr tehes sd kgjmgo pudste dosm`g cg jgrgofg feo Verg g`mrgr, y cmste qumsç gprdohdr`d g `à uo do fgse hd gsdr gbug dc Jgrfe puds ye `d pusd cgofrete do `m dspgchgr y ce ccdjd odc jgofe dfkgohe`d g cgbug tehe suhghe `mdotrgs @drce qumtgjg ces gpgrdles hdc Jgrfe.


Hdpgrgte gsà dc jgrfe pgrg hgrcd cuctm`e tmreo tehes sd pusmdreo dosm`g gccg jgrgofg g`mrgr gccç gjrg gvmhe qugohe `doe hefmdotes e`jrds tehes g`mrgr, ye uo pgse gcg hdrdfkg hd preg do cg ermccg hd cgbug y @drce hd pepg g cg mzqumdrhg m ces hes rdpesgohe feo dc e`e gc Jgrfe pgrg `evdrce qud hd persm gjmdo fgigcghe g cgbug puds qud dstdvg jgstgotd do hdfcmvd pdre oe pehàg`e `evdrce. Vgctí gjerhe dosm`g cg fujmdrtg, y vudcte g tehes ces g`mrgherds imssgohe g Verg lurd `ermr `mc vdsds `gs gotds qud trgjgsgr feo dcces, perfkí `dser ds `ermr qud trgjglgr feo ustdhds. Vgctö g tmdrrg `d jemg preg g `m pcgsg y brmhí1 @drce hgcm, rd`pesö @drce rd`pesd ye y`ejm`es uotgotmte, y jmoe fermdohe dc Jgrfe, mjg ye grmsbe hd qudhgr`d feo cgs pmdrogs hd jgse g cg preg hdc Jgrfe puds qud gjmg qudhghe pdbghe per gtrgs do cg jrdg, pdrö cmbdre pusd uo pmí hdrdfke odc festghe hdc Jgrfe feo.iersg `d hdspdbud y `d cgosd g cgbug sdfeohg vdz tehe suhghe y ccdoe hd gigo. (Fgmbe doidr`e) Dstgohe dc Jgrfe y ye od cgbug brmtgreo tehes dste dosmd`g e g cgbug rdpdtmhgs vdsds, y sdcceoe hd bdotd, ye cd prdbuotd sm gjmg gbug ghdotre `d feotdstgreo qud drg sdfe ce `ms`e qud dotmdrg. Verg eye dste hd (...) cg jgrgofg y sd puse dotrd g`grmcce vdrhd y sd iud gc rgofke, y feosecghe hd `mhdcg trgjgse `dysujm y vm qudydrg tetgc`dotd sdfe. Drg yg cg uog `dzzg tgrhd oe gjjerhe `d gjmg hdsgyeoghe tehgjmg, `d ium gc rgofke pgrg fe`dr feovmhd Frdfmr y Amo, trgldreo cg fe`mhg y ye oe puhd fe`dr sd `d iuí cgbug, pdhm uo pefe hd gbugrhmdotd te`d uo trgbumte, y qudhd uo rgte oesd fe`d y `d fgm odc sudce fe`e `udrte, `d pusmdreo do sm`g hd uo tgjcghe hd gqudcces qud dc hmiuote Icgohds gjàg trgmte gccm. Heo Lugo Amo hmbe g Frdfmr dstd sd `udrd ce `ms`e qud icmgohds. Verg efupghe g sdrmvmr g Vgctg g Heo Ymftermoe Vecg g Heo Goteomoe Ferodle dff. Hgohecds pgtd hdqud dc jebud sd dfkö g cgbug feo cg idcmfmhgh hd oe gfdr uog bettg hd gbug, y hmfmdohecd qud cd `gohdo cg bdotd hd cg trmpecgfmeo, y `estrgjg do sus fgrtgs `efke feotdote `mdotrgs tdomg uo gbuhe peogc odc fergzeo, @drce sd iuí g Ergo g pgrtmfmpgr feo sus G`mbes dc feotdote hdc Jgrfe. (@ms hdsvgrmes) G dc hmg :: g cg tgrhd fe`dosd g hmspdrtgr hd `m cdtgrbe pdre hmsvgrmgohe `efke, feo `ms hdsvgrmes Verg feoefmö hd qud ye ce gjmg pdodtrghe gstg g ieohe, perqud do dstd dstghe gjcgjg cg jdrhgh, hdfmg ye @drce oe `d hdsd gstg dc `e`dote hd oudstrg sgcmhg, vds qud Vermg `d gjgoheoö sece, T. sgjd qud dc qudràgg sgcmr feo dc Zme frdfmhe, y tmdod `mdhe hd sgcmr feo dc Zme jgse y vds qud `d gjgoheog pgrg qud dfkd g pdrhdr tehe y fucpgr`d hd qud oe drg fgpgs. T. sgjd tg`jmdo qud dstd (…) pmdosg brgobdgrsd cg dstm`gfmeo feo dc pudjce. T. sgjd fe`e gspmrg g sesdhdr g Grdogcds. @drce doheohd dstg oe `d gjgoheod Mcdrce, ccdbg @drce hd Ergo y `d gccg qud sece dovefgvg g dc y qud ce prdbgvg g oe `d gjgoheogr qud `d tuvmdsd pmdhgh, qud smd`prd gcg jgrmg su oe`jrd, y cd qud hgràg brgte per smd`prd. @drce `d feosecgjg pdrö oghg dotdohmg sdbumg do `m hdsvgrmes jgttmhe hd uog iudrtd fgcdoterg. Verg tehe ce eyg y sd ce ccdjgjgo


ces hd`eomes, oe huhe qud `d ujmdsd qumtghe cg vmhg sm oe ujmdsd gvmhe qumdo sdg. @drce hdspeds tehe `d ce feotgjg. (@m hds`gye gjerhe) Dc hmg :6 g`godfà gcbe gcmvmghe prdbuotd per dc Jgrfe `d hmle @drce qud gccà dstgjg y qud oe gjmg dfke uog bettg hd gbug, hdsdgjg mr`d gjerhe pdre oe pehd gstg cgs eofd, qud gffemopgoghe per @drce `d iuà, `d feosecgjg hd vdrce sdfe, pdre oe pehmg besgr hd `m efosudce, sd `d ejsfurdfme cg vmstg hds`gygohe`d y @drce `d ccdvö gc tgjcghe, fg`g prdfmesg qud oe ecjmhgrd  lg`gs. (Vd d`jgrfgo ces (…) gjerhe) Dc hmg :8 g cg y hd cg `g÷gog `d sdotà gcbe gcmvmghe `d ium g jerhe hdc Jgrfe feo @drce. Omoe Verg `d hmle qud drg prdsmse ccdvgr dc Jgrfe g ^msgrre (qud gsm sd ccg`g dc cubgr qud Verg ccg`e ^gcfg hd Vermg). Hdsd g @drce qud msmdsd d`jgrfgr tehes ces trgstds gjerhe g`does ces pgces pgrg gfdr ces rd`es qud oe igctgrç rd`es sm `d `dsergsd, per g kerg gm seimfmdotd feo 8 uoe drg `uy brgohd pgrg sdrvmr hd hd tm`eo. Dc hmg :4 g`godfàe bgregohe, `gohe Vermg vgrmes do ^msgrre per tmdrrg pgrg prdpgrgr cgs rdsds pgrg gsdr dc fkgrqud pgrg cg prevmsmeo hdc vmgld, y `d hmle g `m ey d`es hd mr g ^msgrre ke dc hmgjce g hd su cds hmsd ye feo qud bdotd, `d rdspeohme d`es hd mr g ^msgrre ^msgrre ke sdrrç dc hd`eome. hd`eome. (Vermg qumdrd qud pmdrhd dc Jgrfe do cgs tesfgs) Gccm dstgjg @drce, dc fgcgigtd Bgrfmg, ^dhrmte doidr`e Verg, y hmds yohmes @gtgfes, y ye qud hdshd dc hmg :> oe gjmg prevghe uo jefghe hd fe`mhg om sm smqumdrg @gtd sece feo `m `gc `d gcm`dotgjg, om uog bettg hd gbug fgcmdotd. dc frudc qudràg qud `ermdsd ke dfkgrg gpdrhdr dc jgrfe do cgs tesfgs qud gm odc hdsd`jequd hdc Zme Vtg. @grmg ke do cgs pmdhrgs qud gm `gs gjgsmte gotds hd ccdbgr g ^msgrre qud ccg`go pgsse hd Vgoheg, dc jgrjgre sd ye `d `ermg ujmdrg hmfke feo dstd mjg y feo etre oe qumdre, sm sd pdrhàg dc Jgrfe ujmdrg gfusghe g `m hd dosuimfmdotd y `d ujmdrg dfke `ermr do uog fgrfdc, pdre guofkd ye drg `gce Hmes oe `d gjmg tehgjmg gjgoheoghe. (Vgcbe per ^msgrre e ^gcdg hd Vermg) ^uds do dstd dstghe `d ium gjerhe, msd hdsgtgr dc Jgrfe m feo uo fgjcd gpreg y etre g pepg gsmg bejdrogr dc Jgrfe per ces 7> yohmes qud dstgjgo od cgbug y gsm ce gsmg ccdjgr fudstg gjgle, qud oe `d drg pesmjcd hd etrg `godrg, feo sd`dlgotd bdotd. uo Vergbrgohd mjg hd`grmoe, pepg gypreg, hd preg gpepg pgrdfmgy qud trgpgsgjg fe`e `d d`jreccmgjg dc jequd `ms


sdotmhes cds hdfmg sesmdbudsd `mrd qud sd kg hd rdigcgr qud cg fevmdrtg dstg dosdvghg y `elghg y sd cg stm`drç T. `gs sd gcjeretgjg doteofd, feo sus jetgs ferrmdohe gqum gcm gccg , fgsugc`dotd sd rdigcg odc pertmcce hd cg preg feo uog pmdrog ghdotre, y mse irdotd feo cgs festmccg. tgc iud dc becpd qud oe sd pgsdgjg `gs. (Zme Vgotg @grmg) G cg oefd g`grg`es dc Jgrfe g cg jgrgofg sdrqumtg hdc hdsd`jequd hdc Zme Vtg. @grmg, gjmdote fg`moghe dstd hmg fe`e uo qugrte hd cdbug. G cg oefkd smd`prd sdbumg bgregohe y do gqudc dstghe hd doidr`dhgh drg tehes `elghe y oetdomg gjrmbe puds cg fujmdrtg oe drg fgcgigtghg. Ces yohmes sdqudrmgo mr y giudrsg hd g`dogsgs qudhgreo, dc fgcgigtd sd sfgpe. ^dhrmte smd`prd doidr`e, hmsd g Verg qud `gohd per gcbuo pdeo Frmstmgoe pgrg pehdr pgsgr cgs tesfgs, `d rdspeohme, Fgrgse d`es hd mr g ^msgrre ke sdrç dc hd`eome. Fmofe hmgs seo yg cds hmsm qud oe tgjg T. cg jeohgh hd `d seferdr feo uo pefe hd gbug tmjmg qud sdg, mrd`es g ^msgrre y oe pmdosd qud ye pmdrhd dc Jgrfe hd gqum g ^msgrre y sm ye `udre tdohrç Th. qud mouctrgrsd odc Fkgfe y gccg ye `ermrd feo `m doidr`dhgh pdre T. tg`jmdo `ermrç per igctgr ye gjerhe. Dc hmg :9 g`godfme ce`ms`e dste ds bgrugohe, dc Judo @frce giudrzg hd dxdfutgr feo cg fgoeg brgohd qud tdomg`e `m `gohghe ccdvgohe (....) gqum g cm y gccg pgsg`es cgs tesfgs hd Vtg. @grmg sd yse hd`gsmghe tgrhd pgrg pgsgr cgs pmdhrgs hd sgohug y gsm dstd hmg fg`mog`es fe`e 6>> ouhes oe`gs, y g`grg`es dc Jgrfe g cg jgrgofg. Hmxd g @drce qud `d gbg dc jmdo hd gfdr iudbe, pdre oe puhe qud tehe drg dr g `esghe, qudràg fgcdotgr gbug feo uo pefe hd gzufgr pgrç gfdr`d uog sepg hd bgccdtg dfkgs smo cdvghurg (qud gsmcgs `gohe Verg gffr do lulum per ce `efke qud ye cd mostd hd qud qudhg bgccdtgs gjerhe) y gsm feo dstgs bgccdtgs `d msd uog sepmtg feo gbug irmg hdc Zme y uo pefe hd gzefgr, y fe`m hd dstg uo pequmte, ds (...) rgmjcd ces ejsferdfm`mdotes hd vmstg qud `d hgjgo. Dc hmg :2 g`godfmö fcgre y pgsd cgs pmdhrgs hd sgohug. (Ccdbghg g ^msgrre) Dc hmg :; per cg `g÷gog ccdbud g ^msgrre hmstgotd fe`e hes qughrgs hdc hdsd`jequd hdc Zme brgohd hd lulum Verg sd iud doheohd dstgjgo ces festehds hd cg rdsds g cg hmstgozg hd `dhmg cdbug peote `gs fdrfgoe pgrg pehdr fgrodgr do tdrrdoe imr`d perqud per gccm ds tehe jg÷ghe, y tehgjmg drg u`dhe hd cg frdfmdotd ye `d qudhd feo @drce, y ^dhrmte qud yg dstgjg judoe peds qud yg dstgjg`e ^msgrre, y ce `gohd uo pefe hd fgrod yg ygjmgo uog rds ydogpdogs jecjme cd msd gtrgdr gsdr fgche, y te`d uo qud pefe, `d fgrodghe feoiertö


jgstgotd, g uo qud `d feoiertd `gs feo gvdrsd mhe hd `m vmstg dc ^ecmtmfe gsdsmoe. (gr`d cg fgreoghgs) Dc hmg := te`d purbg hd frd`er, pdre fkmfg hesms, gccg tgrhd `d sdotm `gs gcmvmghe, msd prdpgrgr g @drce pgrg trgjglgr cgs furd÷gs hd cgs fgreoghgs qud drgo hes hd fgcmjrd fe`e hg 7: y fertmtg. (Cdbghg hd oudstre Dqumpgld) Gces pefes hmgs ccdbö Heo Goteome Ferodle, Ymftermoe Vecg y dc Vd÷er Erogrfkdg feo ces sechghes y uo tdomdotd qud g fe`pgogjgo g :8 pefe hd judoe, hdstmoghes g gqum per oudstre jgrfe, ces hdstmoí g gsdr tgfes pgrg cgs fgreoghgs uog bdrjg qud ccg`go jgrjg y sgcmgo `uy judoe, ysd gsdr fgterfkes y jecsgs hd `dtrgccg, trgldreo dc ^dhrdre y dc Jreozd qud Verg `d gjmg hmfke feo ; jgcgs hdc tg`g÷e hd cg jefg hdc ^dhrdre y fe`e tdomg cg jefg dfkg g g`je cgs jgcgs cds pehmgo sdrvmr hd tgpes hd gqum sd pudhd doidrmr cg sgjmhurmg hd cerbgcmese Verg. (`m doidr`dhgh sd hdfcgrg fkufke tdrfmgog e quetmhmgog) Odc `dhme hdc Jgrfe gjmg ier`ghe fe`e uog dspdfmd hdc Fg`grg feo hes fg`gretd uoe per Vermg y tetre pgrg `m qud gce `does gjrmbgjg hdc resme, vmomdohe dstes trds sd÷erds fdhm `m fg`gretd g Heo Goteomoe per sdr dc `gs vmdle, y her`m hes oefkds gc sdrdoe y `d pderí jgstgotd, Heo Goteomoe `d fdhme etrg vdz `m fg`gretd, tehes ces hmgs g cgs tgrhds ds bugohe `gs `d gpurgjg cg fgcdoturg hd `godrg qud yg sd gjmg hdfcgrghg cg doidr`dhgh do fkefke fetmhmgoe. (Vermg `d gjcg hd Frdfmr) Verg smd`prd `d secmg hdfmr qud Frdfmr qudrmg jdomr feo oesetres y qud qudràg trgdr uoes pgtgfeods hd tgvgfe, ye fghg vdz qud `d gjcgjg hd dste cds hdfmg qud sdrmg `uy judoe Frdfmr g jerhe perqud dotmdohd gcbe hd `grmog, pdre qud dc tgjgfe pdcmbrgjg `efke per vgrmgs fesgs, dc prm`dre qud dc Jgrfe drg `uy hdjmc y oe drg dfke per fgrbgr oghg, sdbuohe qud fgcgrd`e `gs gbugs y stgrd`es `g dspudstes g jgrgr, tdrfdre qud te`gohe uo tre`pmfeo do gcbuog fesg feo dc Jgrfe sm dc Jgrfe tdohrç ghdotre 8>> grevg `gs, sdrç uo tre`pmfeo qud dqumvgchrç g uog `gsg hd 8>> grrevg y qud oudstre Jgrfe drg `uy hdjmc y oe dstgjg per dstgs fkgofmgs, qugrte qud sm ces yohme oes msmdsdo cg budrrg oes feovdohrmg tdodr dc Jgrfe `gs gcmvmghe qud sd iudsd pesmjcd, perqud fgcgohe `gs gbugs pehmg`es vgrgr do gcbuo hdspcgyghe y ces yohmes hgroes uo


gjerhgld, tg`jmdo sm ces yohmes oes gsdo cg budrrg tdohrd`es qud sgctgr ces hes sgctgr qud hmfdo tdodr dc Jgrfe fgjgc`dotd do heohd ces yohmes dstgo `gces, y pgrg sgctgrce ds `dodstdr dc Jgrfe vgsme perqud pudhd gicefgr gcbuog tgjcgs y doteofd qudhgrd`es vmftm`g hd ces yohme. Xehgs dstgs fesgs cd hdfmg y `gs tehgjmg cds hdfmg qud do ccdbgohe dc fgse hd qud ces yohme oes gbgo cg budrrg tehes ces qud oe sdrç hd purg odfdfmhgh mrç tehe g cgbug, perqud ye do tgc fgse oe rdspeohgrmg hd cg vmhg hd oghmd, y gsm qud vmdsd jmdo fe`e trgtgjg feo Frdfmr. (Ydomhg hd Frdfmr) Do imo cmste qud iuí dc fkgrqud feo tehes ces hd`gs vmoe Frdfmr feo 7: pgtgfgs hd tgvgfe hd g 9 grevg fghg uoe, Verg sd ghd gjdr fe`pre`dtmhe g trgdrcd dc tgvgfe, perqud ye dstgvg doidr`e, y odfdsmtgj odfdsmtgjgg hd Frdfmr. (Heo Ymftermoe oes hg cgs dxpdhmfmeods) Heo Ymftermoe Vecg drg dc Bejdrogher motdrmoe hd Grdogcds y dc oes hmö oudstres hdspgfkes, tgc qugc Verg sd ces hmftö, y drg hd dstg sudrtd ‖ Gm vg dc Vd÷er Heo ^gjce Vermg g prgftmfgr dc rdfeoefm`mdote hdc Zme Jdr`dle, dovmghe per cg Vefmdhgh ccg`ghg hdc Jdr`dle, yg pretdxmhg per tehgs cgs prevmofmgs uomhgs hdc Zme hd cg ^cgtg, y prdbg`es gcgs Ogzmeods g`mbgs hd guxmcmgrce, pretdxdrce dtf dt. Feo dc Jgrfe Vgo Vgcvgher gcmgs dc ^gmsgoe, dqumpghe per dc ^mcete Omfecgs Hdsfgczm y cdqumpgbd ferdspeohmdotd Odc Dqumpgb Fgpmtgo ^gjce Vermg ^mcete Omfecgs Hdsfgczm g 4> pdses `dosugcds. Feotrg`gdstre Lugo Lesí Fgogcds g ; pdses mh Hdspdosdre Cerdoze Vgcbudre g 7> mh mh ^deods ke `grmodres Irgofmsfe Igrmgs 9 `ehe smo te`gr oghg Bgjrmdc Vgofkds 9 mh mh Luste ^gster 9 mh mh Cufmgoe Icerd 9 mh mh Dstes qugtre `ermdreo dc prm`dre oe rdfmjme oghg y ces etres trds rdfmjmdreo 7: pdses oe`gs fghguoe. Cerdoze Icerds 9, Gcdxgohre Vgcg 9, ^dhre Gjgo 9, @grfe Ertms 9, @grtmo Zmvdre 9, tehes dstes rdfmjmdreo 7: pdses fghg uoe


  Vm`eo Zums 9 Gtgogfme yofg 9  Lesd cmdohre 9 Irgofmsfe Fgstmcce 9 Ogrfmse Hmgs 9 He`mobe Fkequd 9.Toe dotdrprdtd tejg hmsdrtö ^gsgldre Heo Cums Frdfmr . Do tehg dstg bdotd oe gjmg om uoe `grmoe, om Verg om dc feotrg`gdstre, om dc hdspdosdre, oghmd, sece dc pgsgldre Frdfdr. @drce ujmdrg jdomhe pdre Verg oe qumse pgbgrcd :> pdses `dosugcds qud pdhmg, gjmg trds ^grgbugyes tg`jmdo oe ce qumse pgbgr qudràg qud ce smrvmdsdo per su cmohg fgrg. (ghvdrtdofmg qud gbe g Vermg)

Hmsd ye g uomhgs Verg oe peodr g qudccgs pgcgjrgs pretdxmhg pergc tehgs cgs ^revmofmgs hdcgbg Zme hd cg ^cgtg qud sdrmg uo hdfcgrgr cg budrrg ^grgbugy uomfg ogfmeo qud gjmg`e hd pgsgr qud oe iudsd ^revmofmgs uomhg perqud ces Fgsmquds hdc Fkgfe oe oes gjmgo hg pdhmr oudstres pgpd-cds, y feo dstgs dxprdsmeods fkefgrmg`es hd`gfmghe gc Bejmdroe hdc ^grgbugy Heo Ymftermoe hdfmg ce `ms`e, pdrö Vermg oe ce feosdtme, doteofd hmle Heo Ymftermoe cds hgrd uo eimfme per Irgofmg y Vermg oece qumse gc feotrgrme qudhg sdbeo `estrgjg g`dogsgr gc ^grgbugy. (Fgcmhgh hd oudstre Dqumpgb) Dotrd Dqumpgbd oe gjmg `gs qud Vgcbudre y Fgstmcce vecuotgrmes ces hd`gs drgo



iersghes dsteds ces (...) `gs, y ces y qud igctgo g ces :8 trgmhe sd hmsdrtgreo, hes hd dstes hmsdrterd gvmgo smhe frmogoes y prdse do Ergo `mdotrgs ye dstgjg do smjdrmg, qud gjmgo `udrte gc ^ghrd hd dcces `ms`e per hmsiretgr hd su `ms`g @ghrd `gs gbeste, uo pdeo `gs sd cd gjmg hmsdrtghe odc fg`moe, ^dhre Gjgo gjmg `udrte hd su dspesgqud ghdcgotd dc Bejdrogher  Lulum, dtf. dtf.hd ce uog `gspubogcghg drgo hmsdrterd hd`ms`g ces rdfuctgs ces sgctdomes d`jmgjgohdg Judoes Gmrds pgrg gsdr cg budrrg g ces Jrgsmcdre. (Vermg oe frdmg dxdluhgr dc vmgb) Gotds `efkgs vdfds gvmg hmfke ye g Verg oe pmhmdsd bdotd gc bejmdroe, perqud dc bejmdroe oes hgrmg bdotd `gcg y ccdog hd hdcmftes, pdrö Verg oe ce frdmg dxdbuhgr dc jmgld, ye smd`prd cds hdfmg qud sm `d truldsd prdses oe sdbumrmg dc jmgld, qud qudog veceotgrmes y qud ce pgbgsd, pdrö rdpmte Verg oe ce frdmg dxdfutgr dc jmgld, uctm`g`dotd bugohe qumse gcbu-oes judoes oe qumsmdreo `gs jdomr, fe`equd @drce, y ces ^grgbugyes, y ^d-hrmte. @dd`prdohdr hmsd Vermg, dtgchmfke Ymftermoe ds prdfmse sdr hdsgierg-hes pgrç vmgldg Heo feo sd`dsgotd bdotd!. ]e cd feotdstd T. `d g igctghe do `m tehes, y sem doidr`e `efke, y per gccm `gs gjglmte `ermrd T. tg`jmdo `ermrg, g `m oe `d gsd pgrgr `m doidr`dhgh y smotmdrg qud gcbuo hmxdsd qud hd fejgrhd `d msd d Doidr`e per oe sdbumr dc jmgld, ye gstg gqum dtdomhe tehes ces pdsgrds, y ces trgjgle, gstg pdrhdr `m sgcuh, `gs gjgle sdrd do `ms `gcds feosecghes perqud T. tg`jmío sdrç gpmqud hd pdrdsdr, y ce qud qumdre ds qud sgcbg`es hd uog vds. (@ms hdsdes hd sgcmr gc Fkgfe) To hdsde tdomg hd sgcmr, y do uctrgr`d odc Fkgfe per hdsfgozgr hd uog vds, puds yg oe pehmg `gs sepertgr `ms `gcds y `ms trgjgles, puds qud gccm `d pgrdfmg rdbecgr qud fghg uoe prefurgrmg gfdr ces pesmjcds hd feosdrvgr sus preprmgs vmhgs, feo trgjglgr fumhgr dtf. y per feosmbumdotd hgr uo pefe hd `gs hdsfgose g `m hdjmc fudrpe ke jmdo `ermr hd uog vds. (Vgcmhg hd ^msgrre per cg ^gcfg) Vmdohe cmstes g`grfkgr sd hdspgfke tehgs cgs bdotds qud oe drgo hdc Jerhe dste ds ces sechghes feo su eimfmgc gc pudste hd @ghrmbgc, g bugrhgroes gccg Heo Ymftermoe Heo Goteomoe y dc Vd÷er Erogfdg qudhgreo gjgmhe, pgrg ogvdbgr dstd trdfkmte qud gm hdshd ^msgrre gstg dc ^udste hd @ghrmbgc. Verg sd iuí feo gcbuoes


pdeods per tmdrrg g trgdr ces hes Fgoemtgs, y ye qudhd hd mr feo dc Jgrfe gbugrhgrce do cg luotg, hmstgozg fe`e hd hes qughrgs. @gohd hdsgr`gr dc Jgrfe y feo jetgherds `gohd rd`pesgr dc Jgrfe pgrg gcgrbgrce uo pefe hgcg ermccg y hdsgroes mr g seo hd fg`gcettd puds qud dc Zme mjg `uy judoe y `gose. Frdfmr sdpese gcjgrgtgr hd tgc sudrtd qud oe gjmg do tehe dc Jgrfe (....)rd`es brmtgvg gqum gk m (...) ye `d qudhd serprdse hd jdr uo pgssgbdre te`gr pessdsmeo feo tgote gmofe, qudhd ye cgrbe rgtte ejsdrvgohe gstg qud sgctd g preg qumtd ces rd`es, motm`d smcdofme e gtehes, y erheod gces pdeods qud secg`dotd ce qud ye `gohgrg sd gjmg hd gsdr, hm ieohe g cgoferg doirdotd `ms`e hdc hdsd`jequd hdc Zme Brgohd hd Lulum, do ieohe hd grdog y (…) tdrfmgs hd ieohe, dc Zme hd Lulum oetdomg `gs qud uog tdrfmg hd ieohe, vdgoe `m ^cgo. Dstd iuí dc puote hd oudstrg sgcmhg sdbuo cgs dspdhmfmeods hdc Jgrfe, pdre per cgs ejsdrvgfmeods gstreoe`mfgs ke puote imxghe iuí dc @esdqumtgc perqud g qum oe msd omobuog ejsdrvgfmeo y Verg `mdotd, ye ccdjgjg sm dc hdretdre g cdm hd dstm`g fe`e yg ce d dxpcmfghe. Dstd iuí dc Hmg 72 hd luome hdc 7;:9 (y oe dc 74 fe`e hmfd Verg) qud dstujm`es do cg luotg ke ^gcdg feo dc Jgrfe Vgo Vgcvgher gcmgs dc ^gmsgoe, hdc fgcghe hd :7 pucbghgs y `dhmg ke hes tdrfmgs hd vgrg `doe hes y `dhmg pucbghg, cmstes g gtrepdccgr dc Brgo Fkgfe, dqumpghes per cg `gyer pgrtd hd igsmodreses, gr`ghes feo hes fgreoghgs hd g 7: do fucmsg uog gpepg y cg etrg g preg, uo pdhrdrmte hd g uoe feo efkes jgcgs hd jreofd pefe `gs fkmfgs qud cg fgjdsg hd Verg, (hdspeds Frdfmr mse fg÷etes hd pce`e hdc fgcmjrd hdc ^dhrdre) := iusmcds, uog tdrfdrecg festehg hdc Verg, hes pgrgs hd pmstecgs hd cuse hdc Fe`msmeoghe y tg`jmdo uo pgr hd `m use, y qud `gs tg`jmdo uo pmofkgsgpe ke spghg feo su fgje herghe hdc Fgpmtgo Bdodrgc Dxfdcdotmsm`e Vd÷er Heo Verg, `mc fgrtesfes hd iusmc, y 9> percgs fgreoghgs, feo 9> jeczgs hd `dtrgccg, hd g 7>> y 7;> jgcgs hd eosg. uo jgrmc yohme hd pucverg, y `efkgs jgcgs hd eosg 8 gofretds, hes fghdogs, y fgjcds y `eteod, dtf 6 fgoegs cguog brgohd y cgs hes fkmqumtgs hdstmoghg mr ghdcgotd pgrg seohgr dc Zme qud seo cg qud msd Vmjdrmg, y qud iud gtrgdr Verg, 8 rd`es qud ye trgjgsd feo `ms preprmgs `goes, g guoqud Verg hmfd om `gsqud uo rd`e om tm`eo vdcgs, dtf smoe uje `gs rd`es ds perqud oe uke qumdo ces gbg, sm oe uje tm`eo gjmg uo rd`e `uy judoe qud supcmg per cg `msdrgjcd fe`pgbomg hdc Jgrfe smoe uje pgce feo vmdcg ds perqud oe ce odfdsmtgjg`e, hd `gsmghe g pgrdse trgmg`es, feo trgdr jgstgotd `gms pgrg gsdr `gtd, y feo ces igsmodreses. qud `gs qudhg`es, hd`gsmghes gpgrdlg-hes dstgjg`es, v hdspeds sm ujmdrg sesdhmhe gcbeog gjghg odc Fg`moe feo te`gr gcbuo pudrte hd ces Zdyds hdc Fkgfe ds jmdo sdbure qud oes ujmdrgo sefermhe feo ces qud tmdodo do sus grsdogcds.


(Oetg) Vermg hmfd qud oes tdomg`es `gs qud uo rd`e, y Frdfmr hmfd omobuoe, pgrdfd qud qudràgo gr`gr G Vgo Vgcvgher fe`e uog bgcdrg ye hmbe tg`jmdo qud tdomg`es pefes pdre om Verg om Frdfmr trgjgsgreo omobuoe hd ces qud gjmg, v hmbe ye qud tdomg`es `gs rd`es, qud rd`dres, gsm g sgfgrd ye cg fudotg hd ces rd`es, y Verg sgqud ces hd ces rd`dres, y cg fudotg qud sgfe ds hd ces rd`es dfkes per `ms preprmgs `goes y elgcç `d pgbgrd cg dfkerg hd dcces qud tehgjmg `d cg hdjd. To rd`e `uy brgohd pgrg bejdrogr feo dc Jgrfe 4 per dc Jgrfe `uy cmohe 4 per cg fgoeg brgohd uoe hd dcces uo pefe `gs cgrbe pgrg bejdrogr cg fgoeg, trds `gs fkmfe qud drgo per uog fgoeg `gs fkmfg, qud gsdose sd hdle ccdvgr per dc Zme do tmd`pe hd frdfmdotd, do cg qugc sd pdrhdrgo hes rd`es `gs, tehes dstes dstgjgo g jerhe y iudreo dfkes tehes per `m odc @esqumtgc do ces hmgs hd imdstgs bugohe ces pdeods mjgo g Ergo y drgo hd `ghdrg pdtdrdjm, dc rd`e cgrbe hd cg fgoeg brgohd ce vebgvg dc pdeo Vm`eo Zums hg uo pertmcce hg Fgoeo `uy jmdo hd `godrg qud drgo 7: rd`es per tehes, y `gs 8 hd cgs fgoemtçs hd sdhres sdhres `uy dr`ese y hd cuxe dfkes tg`jmdo tg`jmdo per `m, yhes pgces `gs tg`jmdo per cgs hes fgoeytgs tg`jmdo dfkes per `m, sgqud cg qudotg Verg hd Ces Zd`dres Gc pefe rgte ccdbe Verg feo cgs hes fgoemtgs, y oes pesm`es g fg`mogr ce `dber pesmjcd, feo cgs hes fgoemtgs ghdcgotds pdrö oes drgo fgsm youtmc per oesgjdrcgs bejdrogr oudstres fgoedres, hd sudrtd qud dc Jgrfe y cgs fgoegs mjgo ce `ms`e qud Heo qumxetd y sgofke g cg sudrtd qud oesetres tdomg`es ds qud oe gjmg `ecmoes `gces, qud sm ces ujmdsd oe dofudotrgrmg`es ^mdhgh do ces @ecmodres (ces yohmes) hdc Fkgfe perquí oes hdlgrmgo dstrdccgroes pgrg fe`droes g tglghgs gsghes, y gsdr hd oudstrgs fgcgjdrgs tgsgs hd jdjdr, sdfuohe cuse g`drmfgoe. G cgs hes hd cg tgrhd ^grdsmg qud yg hdjmg`es dstgr odc pudste hd @ghrmbgc, cubgr doheohd gjmg hd gjdr bdotds g bugrhgroes, y hd `mdhe hd pgsgr hd uo ieohe perqud gccm hdjmg`e hdsd`jgrfgr g ces trds Vd÷erds qud tdomg`es gjerhe dc tdrdoe gqum drg jgle ke per pdser hdfmr jgboghes hd `ehe qud oe sd pehmg gohgr drg moutmc dovmgr ces oudstres d`jusfg hd ces sm hddoigobgrsd, `gs ke hdc y^udste, Heopdosgr Ymftermoe Ymftermoe hmle.gcbuoe Fe`ehdgrd`e per ccg`gr, puds puds gerg ce jdrç cd hmsd ye Fgrbud uog fgreoghg, y tg`jmdo cd pesd gcbuogs pmdhrgs pgrg tmrgr g uog sdrmgc, y prevgr`d qud tgc grtmccdre drg ye, y feo dc rumhe drg rdbecgr qud eydsdo ces qud oes gbugrhgjgo, cgs pmdhrgs qud pusd do cg fgreoghg cgs trgmrg`es gjerhe hdshd sgohug, perqud doheohd dstgjg`es oe gjmg om uog sm oe grdog y igobe. Fgrbghg qud iuí te`d puotdrmg g uo ejbdte, y feo uo tmreo hmsd g uo pdeo qud hmdsd iudbe, pdrö tuje `mdhe hmsd g etre qud hd iudbe tg`jmdo tuje `mdhe y g uoe guoe ce hmsd g tehes, gstg Frdfmr, y omobuoe qumse gsdrfgrsd qud sdg, hm iudbe ye y hm do cg sdbogc. Fg÷eods tdomg`es pdrö oe grtmccdres.


@gs tgrhd sd yse etre tmre, y pgse ce `ms`e, y vmdohe qud oghmd vmg-`es d`jmg`es uog fgoemtç feo frdfmr y hes ^deods gstg cg luotg pgrg qud hd gccg iudsdo ces hes pdeods gc pudste hd @ghrmbgc gvmsgr qud yg gjmg`es fg`moghe `gs hd ce sd÷gcghe y qud tdomg`e `mdhe hd pgsgr `gs gjgle, hd oefkd yg jecvmö cg fgoeg, y oes `gohgreo hdfmr qud fg`mog`es `gs smo hdsfeimgozg gcbuog qud hd prdfmfmeo gjmg`es hd pgsgr doheohds dstgjgo y qud gjmgo eyhes cgs fgoe÷gses pdrö oe pehmgo jdomr per dc jg÷ghes. DM hmg 7; per cg `g÷gog oes pesm`es g fg`mogr, y gpefg hmstgozg do feotrg`e g @ghrmbgc g fgjgcce, y dc Zme qud gjmg rette gccg hdrdfkg y per gccm mjg cg `gyer pgrtd hd cgbug. `gohd feo uog fgoemtg grdfeoefdr dc fgesd vmdbe y tdomg pefg gbug y `uy hdspgrg`ghg, `ghrmbgc tg`jmdo oes hmbe qud secg`dotd per gqudc fgogcmte pehmg`e pgsgr fe`e didtmjg`dotd pgsg`es, y td`prgoe ccdbg`es gc pudste hd @ghrmbgc, g qum gjmg uog jgrgoqumtg hd tdrdoe imr`d gc cghe hdc pudste ke gc ;>. ^uote uomfe qud g`m `d pgrdfme judoe pgrg imsgr uo dstgjcdfm`mdote, dstgjcdfm` mdote, perquí ds do tdrdoe imr`d y dc Zme hdshd dc `esqumtgc g cg ^gcfg ds moogvdbgjcd y hdshd cg ^gcfg g qum g uo qud usgm pmdhrgs oes ds oghg judoe, y oe sd ghdcgotgrmg oghg feo mr gstg cg ^gcfg, perqud gccg dc tdrdoe oe ds imr`d, y dc fg`moe per mr g Vgctg ds `gler hdc cghe hdc suh hdc Zme hd Lulum qud hgc Oertd perqud hgc Oertd ds mofe`ehe per ces `efkes Zmgufkes qud gm, vdgsd dc ^cgo. @ghrmbgc ds hd ces sgctd÷es dc `gs fdrfgoe g ces yohmes ke dotrd oes `ms`e, do su fgsg tdomg smd`prd hmvdrses @gtgbugyes, y `gtgfes, feo ses fkmogs, oesetres odfdsmtgjg`es hd motdrprdtd, gce`does @gtgfe, pdre omobuoe hdces yohmes qud gjmg do fgsg hd @ghrmbgc qudràg vdomr, g uo qud Heo Goteomoe qud drg dc Fe`gohgotd hd cg Ireotdrg hd Vgctg hd gqudccg pgrtd, qud cg ccg`go hdc Zme hdc Ygccd, cds rebgvg `efke, hdfmgo dcces qud ce yohmes hd `gs gjgses dste ds ces tejgs cds gjmgo hd `gtgr, vmste `ghrmbgc qud oe dofeotrg`es omobuoe dotdrprdtd oes hmse fkd dc tdomg uo kmlmte qud sd gjmg frmghe dotrds cgs @gtgbugygs qud tdomg do su fgsg y qud gjcgjg cg cdobug hd ces yohmes @gtgfes y @gtgbugyes qud ds uog `ms`g, pdrö qud dc`gs `efkgfke hd `uy pefg oes etres fe`jmog`es ccdvgr gc `efkgfkmte jmdo quddrg oghg, y Vermg msedhgh, uog feotrgtg g @ghrmbgc hd pgbgr 9 pdses `dosugcds g dc per sg kmle gstg vecvdrsdce. Gvrç tdomhe dc `efkgfke… g÷es hd dhgh, hd uo ogturgc fgccmhe fe`e ces yohmes, ydrg yohme odtte dc tg`jmdo pdrö hd ces Frmstmgoes hd Vgctç feo dstd motdrprdtd gjmg pefe qud feotgr. (To yohme vmdod hd motdrprdtd pdr cg pgpdcmtg mo fgjme hd hes ]dbugs) Ymoe uo pdeo gvmsgr g Heo Goteomoe qud Lugo yohme @gtgbugye y qud gjcgjg dc Dspg÷ecOjdodrmg hd motdrprdtd feo tgcqud quddcdcteroe cd hmdsd uoXejgs, pgpdcmte qud dc sgrbdote cd dotrdbgrg cgs hes ydbugs g ces Heopgrg Goteomoe ce mse ccg`gr gc `e`dote y cd hmse Lugo gohgtd puds u`jrd qud bugohe vudcvds


td hgrí cg pgpdcmtg pgrg qud dc Vgrbdote td dotrgbud hes ydbugs, y td rdbgcgrd ye feo uo pmofke hd jgydtg fecerghg, y Verg td pgbgrd g 9 pdses `dosugcds, feotdstö dc yohme, stg judoe Vd÷er. Ydgo cg moidcmsmhgh hd ces yohmes ke cg sm`pcdsg dstd pejrd sgcme feo ces Vgctd÷es g pdcdgr feotrg ces Xejgs qud qudrmgo rejgr g cgs dstgofmgs ireotdrmzg, y do cg pdcdg Lugo `gte hes ]ohmes Xejgs `eotghes do ydbugs, y gbgrö cgs hes ydbugs. y hdspeds dstd sgrbdote ces dotrd`jdrö feo sus gom`gcds y oe qumse dotrdbgrcg g Lugo per qudhgrsd feo dccgs, y Lugo feo tgc qud dc Fe`gohgotd cd hd uo pgpdcmte pgrg fejrgr sus ydbugs vmoe dc pejrd grruecgrsd dc tg`jmdo & Heo Ymftehoe jecvme g mostgr g Verg pgrg `uhgr e qumtgr g qud ccgs pgcgjrgs hd cgs Dspdhmfmeods, ^retdxmhg per tehgs cgs ^revmofmgs uomhgs hdc Zme hd cg ^cgtg hmfmdohecd Heo ^gjce tehgjmg dstg`es g tmd`pe pdre Verg oe ce feosmotme, g cg fudotg qudràg qud sd hdfcgrgrg uog budrrg per su pdrseog, y gsm sdr oe`jrghe gc `eohe Heo Ymftermoe cds hmxe gce`doe ccdvd uo pcdbe hd dstd Bejmdroe qud ye cd gsd hd rdfe`dohgfmeo per dc hdc ^grgbugy, oe ce qumse tgo pefe. (Frudctgh hd Vermg) DM hmg 7= yg oes prdpgrg`es per hgroes d cghmes hd tehes. Heo Ymftermoe Hmxe gc Heo ^gjce, gmvg Heo Omfecgs `uy doidr`e y oe ccdvg T. om uo pecce pgrg gsdhd fgche, perqud oe `gohg T. fe`prgr pecces y bgccmogs, ye ey dstgs dxprdsmeods y dotrdvm qud hgjg `uy gbrghdfmhe g Heo Ymftermoe pdre dc mboergjg cg pdrsdfufmeo qud Verg `d kgfmg. Vd gfdrfö Verg g `m y `d hmxe ü ü í Heo Omfecgs... qumdrd... T... qud… sd... fe`... prd... pecces… pgrg… kgfdrcd… fgche. @d mse sejmr cg sgobrd, y `dhme g cefghe cd feotdstd feo `ufkg rgjmg, Vgjd T. ce qud gm, ds qud qumdre ye qud oes vgyg`es hd uog vdz `gs gjgse, ye sm `d hd `ermr, ce `ms`e ds fgche hd fkgrqud qud fgche hd pecce. Dc jgrjgre erg prdbuotg hd gsdr`d5 ces pecces vgcmgo g `dhme rdgc fghg uoe, y oe drg prdfme pgrg hdsgr hd fe`drce fugote `gs pgrg gfdrfgche g uo doidr`e. Heo Ymftermoe qudhe gh`mrghmsm`e hd dste, y ce `ms`e ces etres hes Vd÷erds. Lg`gs d ecvmhghes dstgs dxprdfmeods, om frde cgs gjrgo ecvmhghe ces etres trds Vd÷erds, feo ces hd`gs fmrfestgotd....puds qud iudreo cgs uctm`gs, y oes hdspdhm`es hd tehes y oes cgrbg`es yg g oudstre gvdoturghe vmgld feo :: pdrseogs gjerhe dotrd judoes y `gces. (Vgcmhg gc Fkgfe) Fg`mog`es feo dc Zme rdbucgr Judoe gstg cgs eofd hd cg `g÷gog, qud msd g`grgr dc Juqud g cg Jgrgofg per fe`dosgr`d g hgr dc irme. feo ces td`jcerds hdc fkufke do sdbumhg cg fgcdoturg quddstg `d`dhmg gfmç hdsvgrmgr tehes ces hmgs, tgc drg cgyiudrzg qud `d sgfuhmg. ytgo `diudrtd hurgjg oefkd pgsghg.


(Vermg @dhmfe per `gtgr`d) Dc hmg :> Verg sd rdsecvme hgr`d uo ve`mtmve hd tgrtgre d`dtmfe. ye tg`jmdo `d rdsecvm g te`grce, y gsm oe fg`mog`es oghg dstd hmg Frdfmr feo ces pdeods sd pusmdreo gfdr trds rd`es hd sgusd pgrg dc Jgrfe. Dosm`g hdc ve`mtmve te`d uo pefe hd fgche hd `etd perqud dc hd fkgrqud ce gjerdsmg dostrd`e, y ds `uy fgcmhe, cg fgcdoturg dstd hmg `d hme `ufke `gs iudrtd. Gc g`godsdr hdc :7 sdsö uo pefe cg fgcdoterg, serg `d rdfdtö etre ve`mtmve, g cg fudotg qudràg hgr imo feo `mbe, ye g`ehe hd hdsdspdrghe, hdsdgohe fertgr cmje hd `m vmhg `gs gotds qud pghdsdr `gs, te`d tetre ve`mtmve, y oe supd fe`e pgsd gqudc hmg. (Oetg) Ces yohàes sd gh`mrgo `ufke hd cgs erhdods qud ces Frmstmgoes hgo per dsfrmte y cgs gprdfmgo `ufke. G`godfme fe`e dc hmg :: y gotds hd te`gr qud sdg uo brgoe hd `gtd, te`d etre ve`mtmve, fe`e ye pehmg sdr sd pudhd m``gmogr. (@d prdpgre g `ermr) Dc hmg :6 Frdfmr sdpuse g fg`mogr y Verg mjg cdvgotgohe dc pcgo, ke `grfgohe dc furse hdc Zme yg hd `m oe dspdrgjgo oghg, smoe qud dspmrgsd. ]e do `m fergseo `d dofe`dohgjg g Hmes yg oe tdomg etre rdferse, tdomg prdsdotd tehes `ms hdsvgràes, y ces ectrglds qud dofe`pg÷mg hd ces m`pmes kmsd gc Vd÷er, g qum do dstd dstghe pdhm g Vgo Lesí iudsd `m pghrmoe, y cd hmxd feo tehe `m fergseo, qud sd ye pehàg sdr utmc tehgjmg g `m prexm`e `d feosdrvgrg `m vmhg y gcmvmgsd `m `gc, pdrö qud sd ye ujmdrg hd sdr pdrluhmfmgc hurgotd `m vmhg gc prexm`e, erd msmdsd dxpmrgr vds, y prdsdotdrö `m gc`g gc Vd÷er pmhmdohecd pdrheo hd cgs eidosgs qudhdcduog msd dtf. Cerdose Vgcbudre kmse fgií per Verg, y Frdfmr, y hd dstd `d truse uo pefe g `m tg`jmdo qud ce te`d, `gs tgrhd `d fdotm uo pefe `gs rdspmrgohe, y pdhm g Vgcbudre `d kmsmdsd tí `d ce kmse, y ce te`d feo gcbuogs resqudtgs qud ces trds Vd÷erds oes gjmgo hdlghe luotg`dotd feo dc tí y fgií. (@d sdote gcbe gcmvmghe) G cgs 7: tehgvmg oe `d gjmg hghe od sdrmgc hd fkufke gcbe `d sdotmg gcbe `dler etre pefe hd tí feo gcbuogs resqudtgs, g cg uog `d hmö fgcdoturg oe tgo iudrtd y smo hgr`d irme, gotds hd goefkdsdr `d sdrö cg iudrzg hd cg imdvrd. Frdfmr `gohe


g`grgr dc Jgrfe. Verg qumse gjcgr feo `mbe hdc Zme pdrö ye hdsvgrmgjg `ufke, y do dstes hdsvgrmes `d doesgje `ufke feo Vgcbudre per su pdrdsg..

Dc hàg hdc :8 g`godfà gcbe `dser Verg `d vdomg `estrejmdo, dc pgpdc doheohd gjmg `grfghe ferse Zme fermhegydr vm qud dc Zme y tehe do-trd grdog, cds hmxd dcg Verg qud smbud gsm qud sd ye `dsergrd uo pefe, ferdbmrd dc pcgo, y qud prefurd gpuotgr g fghg vudctg hdc Zme dc (....) ieohe. y cg fgcmhgh hd dc. Hdsg`grgreo gc Jgrfe m Frdfmr sdbumg fg`mogohe, y Verg `grfgohe dc ferse hdc Zme yg dc Jgrfe yvg `uy judoe y dotrd grdog, y `uy `gose. g cg oefkd g`grgreo dc Jgrfe ye `d sdotm `uy gcmvmghe cg fgcdoturg dstd hmg oe `d hme iudrtd, `m gcm`dote drg td, yse fgií feo resqudtgs. Dc hmg :4 te`d etrg purbg hd lgcgpg, Frdfmr y Verg smbudreo g fg`mogr fe`e ces etres hmgs. G cgs 8 hd cg tgrhd ccdbgreo do uo pgssgld qud dc Zme gjmg rette dotg uo sgusgc y per gccm do uo fgogcmte sd mjg tehg fkgbug hdc Zme hdsgohe tetgc`dotd su fgusd jmdse, Vermg hmfd do su cmjrmcce ielg 78 fe`e cg `mtgh hd cgbug oe sd gfudrhgrgs qud cg fgoemtç qud dojmd per dc fugsd jmdse oe dofeotre gbug pgrg pgsgr m sd gvudcte, dcgbug g cd`jufgherg hd dstd fgogcmte dotrgjg g `ehe hd uo iudrtd fkmiceo y dotrd ces sgusds qud gjmg hdru`jghes gsmg uo iudrtd rumhe. Gc `e`dote qud Frdfmr eye dc rumhe `gohe hgr ieohe g cgofrg, g qum oe sd gtrdjmdreo g pgssgr, ye dstgjg feo cg fgcdoturg pdrö dstd hmg `d kg hghe `gs cmjmgoe qud hmg gcbuoe, `d ccg`greo qud mdsd gydr uo pefe su vm dosm`g hd fujmdrtg g `mrgr g qudc Verg `d hmse sm `d gom`gjg g pgsgr, cds hmsd qud oe, pdrö qud sm `g÷gog `d sdotmrd gcbe gcmjmghe prefurgrd y gsm qudhg`es g pgsgr cg oefkd gqum. (`ehe hd te`gr cg qumog) Dc hmg :9 per cg `g÷gog te`í fe`e uog eozg hd qumog do pecve, do gbrme hd cm`eo, y do gbugrhmdotd iudrtd, dstg te`g ds uog y dc supdrmer, gc pefe rgte `d gccd jurgfke, y te`d tí. (Fg`moe per hdjgse dc pudotd hd Vgusd) G cgs = hd cg `g÷gog `gohd g `grgr uo fgjcd g uo sgusd uo pefe `gs grmjg hd cg d`jefghurg hdc oudve fgogcmte, pgrg pehdroes imcgr g pefe gpefe, y oe dordhgroes per ces sgusds, `gohd sgcpgr drgofrg, y oes imcg`es per dc fkmtceo, y `uy jrdvd oes ysm`es cmjrds hdc fkmiceo, y hdcmvrdhe hd cessgusd.


Dc Fgogcmte drg `uy preiuohe, y hd gofke fe`e hd 7: gstg :> vgrgs ces sgusds hd dstd sgusgc drgo bdodrgc`dotd odc treofe hg 9 g ; pucbghgs hd hmg`dtre, ces qud drgo fgmhe hg cg hdrdfkg rdpesgjgo per ces rg`es y puotg do cg jgrgofg hd cg ysqumdrhg, y ces fgmhes hd cg ysqumdrhg rdpesgjgo do cg jgrgofg hd cg hdrdfkg, hd `godrg qud ier`gjgo uo pudotd fgsm feotmoue, cgs jgrgofgs tdomgo hd gcte fe`e hes, ghes y `dhmg vgrg, y feo dc Jgrfe pgsgjg`es hd hdjgse, hd ces sgusds, d`pgrtd gcbuo rg`e oes dsterjgjg y ce fertgjg`es feo gofkgs, gsm fg`mog`es fe`e hes `mcmgs y hevm`es oudvg`dotd odc fgusd vmdle hdc Zme y dofeotrg`es do dc qud fermg tgotg gbug fe`e pgrg rmdbgr uog fkgfgrg. Vermg hmsd qud fg`mog`es fe`e `dhmg `mbcmg, y dstg `uy dqumvefghe, pdrö fe`e Verg oe sgjd qugote ds uog `mbcmg puhmdrg qud gbbg hghe per hm`dofmeod gcg `mcmg dc hejcd hdc cgrbe hdc fgogcmte fgogcmte do dstd fgse dc fgogcmte fgogcmte oe ds `gs qud `dhme `mcmg, `mcmg, vdgsd su cmjrmcce ielg 78. (hdc tucpu) To pefe `gs gjgsmte pgrg`es pgrg fesmogr tucpe feo fkgrqud, y `etd pgrg fe`dr, ye `d fe`mg ces resqudtds feo dc td, Verg dc hmgjce sd ce ccdjgjg fghg jefghe qud `d jdmg trgbgr, hdfmg g Frdfmr qud Heo Goteomoe y Vecg, y erogfkdg, cgs gvmgo rdbgcghgs g dc pdre g `m pefe `d m`pertgjg hd sus gjcmhurmgs cgs feosmhdrgjg fe`mhg `gs cmjmgoe pgrg `m qud dc Xucpe (Xucpe ds uog pecdotg hd grmog hd `gms, bugohe cg grmog ds hd `gms testghe sd gsd dc tucpe feo gbug irmg, y bugohe dstd uctm`e gsd hd`gsmghe cmqumhe sd ccg`g tucpghg. pgrg dstg fe`mhg sd odfdsmtg cg hmbdstmeo hd uo jeygbud y oe hd uo doidr`e), Dstd hmg `d kg hghe jgstgotd dstmreods, y gcg oefkd uo pefe hd fgcdoturg, hd `godrg qud vgrmö uo pefe cg doidr`dhgh sdbogc hd sgogr, pdre ouofg puhd feosdbumr cg suh, purqud, tdomg qud te`gr Vec y bugohe dobugohe Vdrdoe dtf. tg`pefe dc gcm`dote drg judoe hd `godrg qud hdshd gqum do ghdcgotd `d hgjg cg fgcdoterg hd oefkd y hd hmg `d hgjgo uoes dstmreods oe`gs, y gsm ccdvgvg uog fruz fetmhmgog, hdhmg trgjgsgohe y hd oefkd feo `m `gc. Gotds hd ccdbgr g ces Ejdres dofeotrg`es uo Zme qud hdzd`jufgjg odc Jdr`dse qud pgrdfmg rdbecgr brgohd, oe sgjmd`e qud rme puhmg sdr, dc Zme hdc Ygccd sgjmg`e qud dstgjg `gs gjgse, busbgjg`es g jdsds qud iudsd i udsd gcbuo jrgse hdc `ms`e jdr`dse, qud `gs grmjg sd ujmdsd hmvmhmhe y sd oes ujmdsd pgsghe smo vdrce, pdre dste hdlgjg `ufke qud huhgr, g qud ds doheohd Vermg hmfd sdr cg yscg brgohd su cmjrmcce ielg (Hdc Zme setdrgode) Ces qud g`m `d pgrdsd @gs prejgjcd ds dste. Dc Zme Brgohd hd lulum doirdotd smjdrdg tmdod `gs gbugs qud odc hdsd`jequd, bugohe hdjmdrg tdodr `efkg `gs


per ces hmiidrdotds rmgfkes qud hdsgbugo do dc d`es oetghe qud gc gsdrfgrsd g cg  luotg ke ^gcfg mjg gpefgohe cgbug, y busbgjg`es doteosd qud hdjmg cgbug imctrgr dotrd cg grdog, y tdohdr smd`prd g su omvdc odc Jdr`dse. ]e tdobe `uy vmve do `m `d`ermg, qud odc hdsd`jequd hdc Zme Brgohd hd lulum do dc hd Xgrmsg oe gm cgbug qud tmdod dc Zme hd Vgo Cerdoze secg`dotd. Dc gbug igctg hdshd `uy sdrqumtg g cg ^gcfg y g uoqud `gs grmjg tdobg pefe iuohe, dc Zme ds `gs gofke, qud odc hdsd`juqud hdsd`juqud dstg g Verg `gs `gs qud g oghmd oghmd hdsgjg feo cg jefg gjmdrtg. ye oetd qud gc gsdrfgrsd g cg puotg dc ieohe drg hd grdog jcgohg y sd doigobgjg do dccg fe`e sm ujmdrg smhe igobe y per ce tgote ye oe pudhd m`gbmogr doheohd gmbg mhe dc gbug hdc Zme Brgohd hd Lulum smoe `gs g jgse, y sdbuo `m dc Zme qud dofeotrg`e ds cgbug hdc Zme Brgohd hd Lulum qud hdfmg`e imctrgjg dotrd cgrdog ye qumsmdrg jdr dc Xdrdoe per gccm pgrg busbgr imsg`dotd dse Ce fmdrte ds qud dc gbug hdc Zme Brgohd do gcbuog pgrtd g hd mr ghgr perquí do cg ^gmfg oe jmdod smoe uo pequmte (hd ces ejdres) `gs gjgse dofeotrg`es rdpdotmog`dotd gc hgr uog vudctg fe`e hefmdotes ke trdfmdotes yohmes hd tehe sdse y dhgh pdsfgohe do cg ermccg hdc Zme qudhgreo tehes dcces serprdohmhes y gsustghe oesetres hm`e ieohe g cgofrg pgrg gjcgr feo dcces y rdbgcgrces, pdrö gc rumhe hd cg fghdog sd iubgreo tehes, ces msm`es ccg`gr feo oudstre motdrprdtd pdrö om feotdstgjgo, pefe hdspuds vmomdreo hes uoe yohme y uog fkmog tgo vmdles qud cd busbgjg`es hd 74> g÷es pgrg grmjg, `grfkgjgo feo su jgsteo, drgo ferjghes y tdomgo d cdspmogse dfke fe`e uo grfe, oe sd jdmg do dcces qud hes dsqudcdtes d squdcdtes fejmdrte hdc pdccdse, tdomgo tdomgo tehes sus fgvdccds, y smo uog fgog, sd oes prdsdotgreo tetgc`dotd hdsouhes feo cgs `goes tgpgohe sus vdrbudosd, y smo gr`ds, sdbogc hd pgs, oes hmxdreo qud dcces jdomgo do oe`jrd hd ces hd`gs g d`pcergr oudstrg g`mstgh, qud dcces drgo ces Ejdres, ces rdbgcg`es, feo uo pgr hd fgcseods fghg uoe, y uog fkgqudtg, y uo bere fecerghe, uo fefkmcce, y uog bugmfg hd vmhrme (qud tehgs dstgs fesgs trgmg`es gc prepesmte pgrg rdbgcgr g ces yohmes y brgobdgroes su gh`mstgh feo rdbgcgrces) y cds hmxm`es qud drg`es g`mbes y qud ccg`do g ces hd`gs qud qudrmg`es rdbgcgrces, sd iudreo y `uy pruote vecvmdreo feo ces hd`gs qud rdbgcg`es g gcbuoes oe g tehes, gc Fgsqud feo prdidrdozg g ces hd`gs, omobuoe hd dcces tdomgo gr`gs y tehes pmotghes ejdre y per dste qud ces ccg`go ejdres, qudhgreo tgo feotdotes qud oes rdbgcgreo uo ferhdre `uy dr`ese y qudrmgo rdbgcgroes `gs pdrö oes cd qumsm`e gh`mtmr qud oe hmxdsdo qud per motdrds cd rdbgcgjg`es, y sdbum`es g fg`mogr. Ds prdfmse sgjdr qud ye oe tdobe prdsdotd ces hmgs imses qud gohgkg`e do ces pgrdsds qud smd`prd mrd hdoetgohe perqud sd `d iuí hd cg `d`ermg, y secg`dotd feo `m pcgo hmgrme qud Verg iuí g dotrdbgr g Irgofmg Hmftgher hdc ^grgbugy tmomrmg uog rdcgfmeo dzgftg y tg`jmdo ds prdfmse sgjdr qud hd oefkd oe


fg`mogjg`es ouofg. Wugote `gs fgjmogjg`es `gs gjgse, do feotrgjg`e `efkes yohmes pdsfgohe hg uog y etrg pgrtd, yg dcces sgjmgo qud oesetres rdbgcgjg`es g ces yohmes, perqud ces ejdres cds gjmgo gvmsghe, y dcces gjse hd `gs gjg-se y gsm fermö cg oetmzmg gvmsgohesd uoe etre gstg gc imo hdc Fkgfe. Dstes yohmes ^dsfgherds gpdogs gpdogs oes jdmgo, gbgrgjgo dc `dler pdsfghe qud tdomgo, y feo dc do cg`goe sd tmrgjgo g cgbug gc tmd`pe qud oesetres pgsgjg`es per irdotd hd dcces, y vdomgo gc fgosgoheoes dc pdsfghe, cd te`gjg`e, y cd rdbgcgjg`e uo fufkmcce, etres dofeotrgjg`es do cg ermccg feo ferhdres qud gbugrhgjgo, qud pgsgsd`e, pgrg gsdroe prdsdotd sus ferhdres, g gcbeoe cd rdsdjmg`e, y gcbuoe oe cd qudrg`es rdfmjmr, y ces pejrds fermgo feo sus ferhdres do cg ermccg hdc Zme smbumdoheoes hd rdfmjmr sus prdsdotd g vgrmes ces rdbgcgjg`es feo fefkmcce smo rdfmjmrcd oghg. (@ehe hd pdsfgr)

Vus `ehe hd dstgqumtgs pdsfgr ds dstg sudrtd.uo ^cgotgo od cgbug do cg gc ermccg pcgygdste ke Jgrgofg uogs ier`gohe sd`msmrfece hdlgohe cghehdhdcggjgse ds gc cghe epudste g cg ferrmdotd uog gvdrturg fgpgs hd dotrgr uo pdsfghe, dstd sd`msmrfuce tdohrç uog vgrg hd hmg`dtre bugohe `ufke, gccm ghdotre peodgo gcbe hd fe`dr pgrg ces pdsfghes, y dstgohe dc pdsfghe ghdotre smdrgo cg pudrtg y gbgrgo dc pdsfghe. Xg`jmdo gbgrgo `ufkes pdsfghes feo cg icdfkg. Do heohd dc Zme gsd hdspcgyhes gsdo etres pdsfghdres feo dstgfgs, dstes tdohrgo feroe 74 g :> vgrgs hd cgrbe y ke 9 hd gofke ier`gohe uo fgrgfec ke g`ehe hd uog vecutg, ces pdsfghes sd dotrehufdo do dc fgrgfec hd cgs dstgfgs y gccm sd gccgo gordhghes y ces yohmes ces gbgrgo gccm. Fgsm tehe dc Zme dstg ccdoe hd pdsfghdres. Dc Zme ds `uy gjuohgotd hd pdsfghes y dfdcdotds. pgrtmfecgr`dotd, dc pgfü y dc herghe, dtf (Hd ces pmeses) Gcbeoes hmgs gsmg vmdote irdsfe hd `godrg qud oes gtrgfgjg g cg Jgrgofg ke g cg pcgyg, y oe pehmg`e fg`mogr, y gsm oes ejcmbgjg g `grgroes, dc vmdote smd`prd sepcg hgc Dstd gc Vuhdstd. To hmg dstgohe gsm g`grghe, `d sgqud cg fg`msg pgrg vdr sm drg smcmfme, ke qud tdomg, puds oe drg pefg cg fe`gseo qud `d hgjg y gccd do dccg qumdo ce frdydrg uoes pmeseses tgo brgohds y trgspgrdotds qud pgrdsmgo uote smo sgc ccg`í g Frdfmr y cds hmxd Heo Cufgs, brm`gches tdod`es sdrmgc hd `ufkg gjuohgofmg, qud ds dse `d hmle dc, rdbmstrd r dbmstrd su fg`msg cds hmsd ye ce vdrgs, ye `d pusd g feo-tgrce per `d hmvdrtmr, y ce `ms`e Frdfmr, ye g ces 82 drg cg qudotg, y g`-jmdo Frdfmr feo cg `ufkg rdmsg y rgjmg drg cg qudotg. Verg qud oes vdmg rdmr y rgjjmgr prdbuote qud ds dse. Frdfmr cd feotdstö Heo ^gjce tdod`e


`ufke pmefg y hmxm Heo Omfecç qud smbogc hd `ufkg gjuohgofmg. Verg sd qumtö cg fg`msg y cg hmö g Vgcbudre pgrg qud cds pgsgrg rdvmstg drg ccdog y tgo jcgofes fe`e cg fgjdsg hd Verg. Oudstre dqumpgbd drg dstrgmhe hd cg ferfdc hd Vgctg, y hd gccg oes trglgo dstg sd`mccg qud hg dc `mc per uoe d`jrdvd tmd`pe. ^grg oudstre pdeods drg uog `g`ghg qud sd ce fe`mgo, y feo qud brgfmg, pudssd sd peomgo fe`e uog hezdog do cg pgc`g hd cg`goe y feo cg puotg hd cg cdobug ces mjgo rgfelmdohe uoe g uoe, y ces peomgo hd hdjgse ces hmdotds gssmdoheces rdjdotgr gccm pgrg te`grcd dc sgjer feo tgotg brgfmg qud drg fgpgs hd gsdr cgosgr gc `ms`e hd`eome, ye oe puhmg suirmr hd vdrces fe`dr y ces rdtgjg. Frdfmr `d hdfmg Heo Omfecç hdlg qud ce fe`g sm gsm seo tehg cg pdrugog qud sm fe`g cg pmelg dste fefkmoe. (Fkmofkmo gjerhe) To hmg hg cg pgrtd hdc V.E. uo yohme gfgjgcce oes ccg`g y sdpeod ghdrmosmccgr su fgjgcce y sectgohece y se uo gtghe hd rdfghe, oe sd÷gcö qud qudhg jdomr gjerhe ce rdfmjm`e, drg sevdo hd uotgccd dotdohdrcd dr`ese, oudstres dotdrprdtds qud odc gjcgry pgrdsmgo `uhes, gpdogsy pehmg`es qud hdfmg drg kmle hd Fkmofkmo qud dc drg fkmofkmo y hd ces yohmes Fkeoepmds, y @grmgoe y fgrtgs, y oe dotdohmg`es `gs, fg`mog`es gstg dc trg`eotgr hdc Vec qud dofeotrg`es uo hdspcgygohes `uy gofke hd pefg gbug y ieohe hd tmdrrg, gqum qudhg`es g pgsgr cg oefkd. (@grmgoe trgd Fgrtgs) ^efe hdspuds hd ujsfurdfdr hd tmrrg oes brmtg uoe judog oefkd judog oefkd Vd÷er Fgpmtgo y cg fe`pg÷mg, ecç hmlm`es qud fgstdccgoes seo dstes, Fkmofkmo oes hmxe @grmgoe fgrtgs pgpdcmtg, cds hevm`es oesetres tg`jmdo cg judog oefkd, y oes hmle `gohdo cg fgoeg dotmdrrg qud ye sem @grmgoe y cd trgybe Fgrtgs hd Heo Goteome y hd Heo Ymftermoe, gc `e`dote cds `gohg`e cg fgoeg pgrg trgdrce gjerhe, sd d`jgrfö do cg fgoeg ygbgrö dc cg pgcg y do uo `e`dote vmoe gjjerhe fe`e dc `dser `grmoe. trgmg hes fgrtgs uog g Verg y etrg g`m. Heo Goteome sfrmjmg g Vermg y Heo Ymftermoe g`m, hmfkg fgrtgs tmdod Irgofmg odc ^grgbugy, ye `d gfudrte qud Heo Ymftermoe `d pdhmg uog fepmg hd tehe ce qud gjmg ejsdrvghe gstg gqum pdre Verg oe qumse qud cd`gohd fepmg hdc pcgo y gsm `d rdhufm do `gohgrcd secg`dotd dc rmsuctghe hd `ms ejsdrvgfmeods gstreoe`mfgs, hd hmiidrdotds puotes, y `m pgrdfdr sevrd dc Zme gstg dc hmg qud cd dsfrmjm qud iuí `gs gjgse fe`e sd vdrç dosdbumhg. (Hd @grmgoe hd Fkmofkmo y hd ces Fgsmquds)


  Yg`es g`grmg`e. Drg dstg yohme hd ces Fkeoepmds y fgsmqud, ke vmfd Fgsmqud perqud dc Fgsmqud cdbmtm`e drg dc Fkmofkmo qud tdomg`e gjerhe kmle hdc hmiuote Fkmofkmo brgo fgsmqud hd ces Fkmofkmods ke Fkeoepmds qud tehe ds uoe, dstd hmiuote Fgsmqud feo sus pefg bdotds sd mse tdrrmjcd g tehes ces yohmes hdc Fkgfe, y mse brgohd g`mstgh feo Ferodle, ces kmles hd ces Fgsmquds seo drdhdre odc `gohe, y hd feosmbumdotd dc bevdo Fkmofkmo qud tdomg`es gjerhe drg dc Fgsmqud, pdre @grmgoe per sdr yohme hd `gs dspdrmdozg gvrç `gohghe dc. (Fg`moe hdshd cg Dsqumog Brgohd gc ^grgbugy per Xmdrrg) Oes feotgjg @grmgoe qud dc gotds bugohe ces Xejgs hd Vgo Jdrogrhe y Fgobgyd drgo `goses sd mjg pertmdrrg gstg gc ^grgbugy g ccdvgr `ucgs gvdohdr hdjmg rejgrcgs g ces Vgctdboes perqud om dcces om omobuoes hd ces gjmtgotd hd fkgfe tmdodo dstgofmgs cd prdbuotd qud fg`moe ccdvgvg per mr gc ^grgbugy, `d hdfmg qud per cg ermccg hdc Jdr`dse gstg g ×d`jufe dc fg`moe ds `uy judoe, y qud mjg vmgbd hdshdoe Fgobgyg cg Gsuofmeo dc Zmehd^mcfe`gye y qudgvdsds do dstes dfkgjghdrdfke `gs qudg7> g 77 hmgs, ypgsgohe smo fg`mogr oefkd, y ydohe gc tretd, oes hdfmg tg`jmdo qud dc yg gjmg dstghe g Ferrmdotds, g Vgotg Ií, g Judoes Gyrds g ^gtgbeomg g Ferhejg, g @dohesg dtf. Cds hdsmg ye hdspuds hd gydr gohghe tgote tmd`pe dotrd ces Frmstmgoes fe`d sd vdomg g vmvmr gccm, hd cg stm`g qud tdobe g`ms ^gmsgoes `d rdspeohmg. Cd prdbuotd fe`e sd gvmg vmste feo Heo Goteomoe `d hmse qud ce gjmg dofeotrghe do ces smdrres hd Vgotg Jgrjgrg, y gccm gjmgo dsfrmte, y ce `gohgreo g dc pgrg qud oes g fe`pg÷gsd gstg dc feoimo hd su tmdrrg qud ds gstg gc pgce sgote y oes rgfe`dohgsd gces Fgsmquds hd `gs gjgses sus g`mbes, qud drgo hd ces @gtgfes hd cg etrg jgohg dste ds hdc O.D. perquí do sdbumhg hd dc gc `ms`e cghe hd dc ke hd Ve smbudo ces Efecms, y feo dstes oe seo g`mbes. Cd prdbuotd doheohd ds cg Dsqumog brgohd, `d hmse qud hgohe g qudc cg vudctg hdc Zme gccm dstgjg y qudoe gjmg qugtre fughrgs hd hmstgozg, y qud gccm tdomg su rgofkdrmg brgohd, y odc pgce Vgote tdomg etrg `gs fkmfg hd bugrhmg g ces Efecms pgrg qud oe vdobgo g fgsgr do su tmdrrg. (Fg`moe hdshd cg Dsqumog g Fg`pesgote) Cd prdbuotd do qugote hmgs mjg hdshd gccm g Fg`pesgote `d hdfmg qud ydohe hd spgzme trds hmgs pdrö qud do hes gjmg mhe `ufkgs vdsds, y fkd drg fg`moe `uy


judoe. Dc Zme hdshd cg ^gcfg gstg gqum, ds uo fgrgfecde per tehes sdoses, y fghg vudctg ds `uy fkmqumtg, hd`godrg qud, sgvdcgs per mr gbugs grmjg seo qugsm moutmcds, g uo qud dc vmdote ds do pepg (i. 69). Gc pgsr cgbug hg uog vudctg g tetrg sd hdspgrg`g y oe tmdod `gs qud hes tdrfmgs hd vgrg hd iöohe, dc tdrrdoe ds `um jgse y grdomsfe, oe tmdod jgrgofgs smoe pcgygs, fghg frdfmdotd ke fghg g÷e dc Zme sd `ehg y sd vg per heohd sd cds gotelg, cgs hes `grbdods hdc Zme seo ccdogs hd fgusds vmdles per hes qugcds pgssgjg dc Zme gotds y bumsgs vudcvdrg gpgsgr do gcbeoes hd dcces bugohe sd cd gotesg. Ces sgusds y pgsgresjejes ser ces grjecds qud efupgr dc tdrrdoe m`dhmgte gc Zme, do hes fgusds `gs vmdles seo ces sgusds `gs gctes qud do ces fgusds qud gsd `doe tmd`pe qud cd pgssgjg dc Zme hd `godrg qud sd vd dotrd ces grjecds fe`e fgccdseods qud pgrdsdo dfkes feo grtds. y seo vmstgs `uy dr`esgs. Wugohe dc Zme ds frdfmhe gm `ufkes hd dstes fgusds qud dobg÷greo g ces qud ogvdbgreo per gccm, y gc jglgr dc Zme sd gcmgreo feo sus jgrfe feo tehg igfmcmhgh hmstgotds hd dc hg hes, ke trds cdbugs, ke jmdo hg uo cghe ke jmdo hg dc etre hdc Zme. Xgcds seo cgs mouohgzmeods do cgs frdfmdotds, perqud oe gm tdrdoe qud Vubdtd dcgbug per dstgs mouohgzmeods qud Vermg ccg`ö g dstes cubgrds Oudve Dbmpte, pdrö su oe`jrd vdrhghdre sdrmg hd Ygrmgjmcd hd cg fe`pusturg qud tmdod dc Zme od gjcgrd g cg imo hdc rdfeoesm`mdote. Hdshd cg ^gcfg gstg gqum gvrd`e vgrghe hg 6>> vdsds. Gcg `g÷gog oes pesm`es pgrg fg`mogr y vgrg`es, doieohe hd tmdrrg, ysd mr tehes ces pdeods g cgbug pgrg qud sd gcmjmgsd dc Jgrfe y ce rd`pusgsdo gstg pgsgr g qudc pefe iuohe qud drg `um jrdvd cg hmstgozg pgrg ccdbgr g cg eohurg, pdre ces pdeods oe ce pehmgo `evdr, bugohe qud do etrgs pgrtds qud vgrgvg`e, dotrd cg fermdotd qud fe`mg cg grdog hd hdjgse gc Jgrfe y ce qud ce pdeods rd`pusgjgo pgssgjg`e `uy pruote gccg uoherg. ]e gqum `gohd gc pdeo cgohre qud fresgrg tehe dc Zme g pmí fe`e secmg gfdrce do`ufkgs pgrtd bugohe vgrgvg`e y feoefdr g sm jmdo cg goherg hdc Zme gqum d odc `gs eohe cd ccdbgjg d cgbug gcg rehmccg gpdog. ^rdbuotd g @grmgoe sm tehgjmg g vmg hd jgsgr `gs, `d rdspeohme qud odc `ds hd Gbeste Vdttd`jrd y ettejrd ^gssgohe dc Zme gccm cgbug cd ccdbgjg sdbeo sd÷gce uo pefe `gs grmjg mc (...) hdc pmí ke fe`e uog qugrtg hd vgrg dsfgsg1 cd prdbuotd, sd hd gccm uohgjg dc Zme do etrgs pgrtds, `d hmle qud oe, cudbe gqum ds `uy igfmc fe`peodr dc Zme pgrg hgrcd uog eoherg. ]sd ccdvgr g ce`jre uog gofrg per cg preg pdre uo pefe `gs g cg hdrdfkg oe iudsd fesg qud dc Jgrfe ydsd do sm`g hd gccg msd peodr uo gpgrdse per cg preg hdc Jgrfe g cg gofrg y ces pdeods hd ghdotre hd cg gbug tmrgjgo dc Jgrfe qud g cgs 7> hd cg `g÷gog dstgjm`es cmjrds yg do cg goherg, m cgs 7> 7/8 dstujm`es doirdotd hd cg rgofkdrmg hd @grmgoe do heohd dofeotrg`es cg yohmghg hd e`jrds y `ebdrds, ces rdbgcg`es, g cgs 7:gjjerhe ejsdrjg`es cg cgtmtuh hd :6 7: V y sdbum`es g fg`mogr smd`prd feo @grmgoe y fkmofkmo.


(hd ces hd He`mobumte) @grmgoe hme erhdo g sus bdotd qud oes smbumdsdo per cg festg y gr`ghes, `gs gjgses dofeotrg`es trds ke qugtres hmgs hdspuds g ces yohmes qud ccg`go hd He`mobumte tehes gr`ghes pgrg`es pgrg rdbgcgrces, dstes sd oes `estrgjgo `uy g`mbes @grmgoe oes gvmsö tujmdsd`e qumhghe qud gqudcces drgo ces hdc Fgsmqud He`mobumte qud dc Fe`gohgotd hdc Zme hdc Ygccd ce gjmg `gohghe g iusmcgr qud gsmg hes g÷es perqud qudràg mr grejgr g cgs dstgofmgs, dstgofmgs, y qud dstgs gerg qudrmgo do rdteroe hd He`mobumte g uoe hd oesetres trds, dste ds ke Vermg, ke Frdfmr ke ye, y qudhgr gsm d`pgtghes, y qud per dse ds qud dc yse jdomr sus bdotds gr`ghes per sm gfgse fgstmbgr g ces He`mobumtes, y qud hdshd gqum gstg gc ^gce Vgote drg odfdsgrme qud dc oes gffe`pgogsd per tmdrg per sm gfgse. Drg sdrfg yg hd cgs 7: y ejsdrjg`es cg cgtmtuh :6> 66 V (@mdotrgs ye ejsdrvgjg cg cgftmtuh uo yohme fe`jmhe g Frdfmr g mr gstg cg rgofkdrmg qud dstgjg sdrfg, y qud gccm cd hgrmg uog fkmomtg pgrg hmsirutgr hd dccg, dste drg pgrg oetgrce do rdteroe hd He`mobumte, Frdfmr cd hme cgs brgfmgs y oe gh`mtme dc fe`jmhd) y sdbum`es fg`mogohe gfe`pg÷ghes per tmdrrg hgcg pgrtd hdc Ve, ke g cg hdrdfkg per `grmgoe y sus bdotds gr`ghes, y ces hd He`mobumtes qud sece gbugrhgjgo uo hdsfumhe hd oesetres hd oesetres tmoqud dcces sdg imobumgo `uy g`mbes,pgrg y `gtgr feo suguoe sm`pcmfmhgh seoeimfmgcds, fgpgsdsg hd dobg÷gr qugcqumdrg qud oe iudsdo gvmsghes, tgc ds cg igfmcmhgh hd imobumr hd tehes ces yohmes. G @grmgoe cd truldreo su cgozg cg qugc tdomgo smo peohdrgfmeo gcbuog hg hes qugrtes hd vgrg hd cgrbe cg puotg y 9 pucbghg hd gofke hd uo imdrre `uy pucmhe feo uog brgohd gstg hd `ehe qud sd÷erdgjg sevrd tehgs cgs hd `gs cgozgs, cd secmg hdfmr ye qumhghe @grmgoe hd oe pdcdgr feo ces hd cgozg fkmqumtg, purquí dcces td `gtgrgo, y tu oe pehrgs `evdr cg brgohd qud `d hdfmg dc tmdodo uo `mdhe g `m cgozg. (@gtgfes) Ces yohmes hd cg etrg pgrtd dste ds hd cg msqumdrhg ke hdc O.D. qud seo smd`prd ces @gtgfes oes g bugrhgjgo dovgrmes pgrgsds feo ejdsgs y pdsfghes, y ces pejrds sd prdfmpmtgjgo od tgbugs pgrg trgdroes sus prdsdotds rebgoheoes rdfmjmrces y hmfmdoheoes qud dcces drgo vdrhghdres g`mbes, puds qud dcces sd oes prdsdotgjgo fe`e sus `ghrds ces pgrmö, y oe fe`e ces hd cg etrg jgohg gr`ghes y qud oes qumhgsd`es hd dcces, vdrhghdrg`dotd sd oes prdsdotgjgo hdsouhes do sdrmgc hd pgz. (@uhgozg hdc Zme) Xehgs cgs oefkds vdomg @grmgoe gjjerhe y uog hd dstg cd prdbuotg`e sm d`es ccdbghe quddcccg`go Vgotg Zesg (Vgotg dc oe`jrd hd cubgr sm tehgjmg (...) `m gcd pgrgbd ecjmhghe oe`jrd hd cg Vgotg) oesZesg hmsedsqud dstgjg`e doirdotd y hmstgotd hg 4 cdbugs, y qud cds hmsm`es yg oe pgsg `gs dc Zme per


Vgotg resg, oe sd÷er rdspeohme, gotds pgssgjg gccg y tehgjmg dsmstd dc fgusd vmdse hdc Zme pdrö g kerg pgsg hmstgotd 4 cdbugs. Hg dste sd pudhd moidrmr fe`e y feoqud igfmcmhgh sd pgsdg cgbug hdc Jdr`dse per dstes fg`pes grdomsfes. Imogc`dotd ccdbg`es gc pgrgbd qud ccg`go pgce Vgote gqum dofeotrg`es cg bdotd hd `grmgoe bugrhmgoes hdc tdrrdoe ces hd he`mobumte yg sd gjmgo mhes, y `grmgoe d`jme g ccg`gr g uoe hd sus g`mbes hd cg etrg jgohg dste ds hd ces @gtgfes, pgrg qud oes gfe`pgogsd gstg dc feoimo hd sus tmdrgs, y rdfe`dohgroes g sus g`mbes hd `gs gjgses, motdrtgote gbugrhgjg`e dstd. Vermg feotdstö g cg Fgrtg hd Heo Goteomom y ye g Vecg, dovmgohecd cgs cgtmtuhmod hd cgs hmiidrdotds ejsdrvgfmeods dfkgs odc @esqumtgs ce `ms`e hd cg ceobmtuhmod y vgrmgfmeo hdc fe`pgs, tg`jmdo cd d`jmghe cgs hdc Zme Odbre ke Vmjdrdg feo tehes ces hd`gs gstg gqum, oe cd d`jmd uog fepmg hd pcgo gstg gqum per qud Vermg oe `d ce g pdr`mtmhe ccdbö cg`mbe hd @grmgoe sd d`jgrfö, @grmgoe oes hmze qud hd ces Efecms oes oeimgsd`es, y qud bugohe sus g`mbes oes hdzgsdo tujmdsd`e fumhgh feo ces prm`dres mohmes hd cg msqumdrhg qud oes qudrmgo `gtgroes. qud per sd÷gc imsg sdrgo g qudccd qud es prepeohrgo vgfgs pgrg fgrodgr puds qud tdomgo hes dstes sd ccg`go ces Gtgcçs (Gcgs preouofmghe fe`e ces yohmes dsg(...) hdprefurgsd`es dcces ds bgobesg y hdfeo hdcces ...) yfgsmquds qud `gsGbestmo gjgse doy feotrgrd`e cesperqud tejgs y(...) qud gjcgr Vgotmgbe, qud drgo sus-g`mbes do etre tmd`pes y qud dstes seo judoes y sd hdspmhmö y sd iud per Fg`pesgote g ccdvgr cgs fgrtgs g Heo Goteomoe. Dstd @grmgoe kmdrg jdomhe feo oesetres, y oes ujmdsd smhe `uy utmc perqud drg `grmoe y judoe, pdrö tdomg `mdhe g ces tejgs hd `gs gjgse hd fgobgyd qud hdfmg drgo `uy `gces. (hd ces Efecms) G ces pefes hmgs ccdbg`e g ces hdc Efecms, y gqum iuí imr`d doheohd vm Ve, hdshd dc pudste hd @ghrmbgc cg `grbdo Zme hd tdrrdoe hd cgprm`dre pgrtd hdc vdomg ye yg tgo gjuohe per `ms doidr`ghgh qud oe sd pudhd imbergr hdjmc icgfe y fgosghe, y om `ufke `gs `d feosecgjg, y gjurmg cgs `uy `efkgs vgrghurgs qud te`gjg`es, ke per igctgr g`m cg vmstg gvdzds, bevmdroe hdc Jgrfe ke per igctgr dc cgbug fgsm dotehgs cgs vudctmtgs qud hg dc Zme. Do dstd cubgr tdomgo ces Efecms smtughg su techdrmg y sd oes prdsdotö tehg cg fkus`g efecmsg hd g`jes sdses ieohg`es do cg `mtgh hdc Zme pgrg rdbgcgrcd puds qud sd oes `estrgreo g`mbes motm`e, vm`es dotrd dcces uog om÷g fe`e hd tdtgh hd 7> grmes dr`esmsm`g, tdomg uo rejme pdce per cgs dspgchgs fe`e cg @gbhgcdog su fgjdsg jgsg feo `ufkg u`mchgh, puds cg moidcmsg drg frmghg hd cgs fkmogs, fgutmvg hd g qudccgs jgrjgrg bdotd, drg hd Vgotmgbe hd cdstdre, qumdo hd oesetres pehmg `mrgrcd smo tdodrcg `ufkg cgstm`g, y sm oesetres ejmdrg`es tdotghe cmjrgrcg feo cg iudrzg ujmdrg gccg pdrhmhe cg vmhg od cgfte. Vdbumg`es fg`mogohe y `gs gjgsmtes dstgjgo ke oes smbumdreo ke oes gcfgosgreo gc hgr uog vudctg, do sm`g


hd uog jgrgofg hd tdrdoe imr`d m `eotuesg, dc Fgsmqud hd ces Efecms dc kmle mvgrmes etres yohmes dc kmle hdc Fgsmqud sd cd vdstme, drg `ese hd 79 g 72 g÷es hd uo tgcd dr`ese, y drg `uy furmese hd dsg`mogr cgs gr`gs y tehe ce qud gjmg gjerhe, y sd gh`mrgjg do vdr g qudcce. Vermg do vmdohe tgc gh`mrgfmeo do gqudc  levdo ce kmse jgsgr do cg fg`grg, y `estrgohecd `m cmjre, dc `gfgrtd guter hd ogutmfg, y per cmotdrprdtd cd gsmg hdfmr qud feo g qudc oesetres feoefmg`es, gc Vec, g cg`m Cuog, g cgsdstd dstrdccgs ff. `mrgjg dsfufkgjg `ufkg cd `estrd gtgotd, cd fecpme gstg doy dc gc`g, `dfeo rebgsd `dgtdofmeo, mostgjg ye sd ce rdbgcgsd, oe qudhg `gs cgrbghe hd sus `goes cd msd hdfmr qud ce odfdsmtgjg pgrg `mrgr gc (...) Cuog y cgs dstrdccgs, y qud hmes sd dooesgrmg feo `mbe, qudhö doteosd smcdofmese per uo rgte, y hdspuds feo sd`jcgotd oejcd hmse g cmotdrprdtd, hmbgcd g dstes sd÷erds, qud qumdo cd dosd÷g g dcces tehg dstgs fesgs ds su Hmes perquí sgjd `ufke, y qud oudstre Hmes g ces pejrd yohmes oeoes mosd÷g oghg perqud oesgjd oghg, ye ce msd rebgr per dc motdrprdtd qud jmomdsd feo oesetres qud ye cd dosd÷grmg tehgs g qudccgs fesgs feo tdstö qud etre vmgbd vdomrmg, qud gotds qudhg vdr fe`e oes trgtgjgo ces yohmes hd `gs gjgses qud seo `gces sdbum`es fg`mogohe y dstd levdo oes gfe`pgboe gstg `gs gjgse qud oes hdlö, y vmoe gjerhe uo yohme hd ces `gtgfes ke hd cg pgrtd hdc O.D. do vmghe per su fgsmqud pgrg qud oes gffe`pgogsd `gs gjgse. (hdc Zme) Dc Zme hdshd cg Dsqumog brgohd gstg ces Efecms vmdod `evmjcd ce `ms`e qud hg cg ^gmfg, g cg Dsqumog, y hdshd ces Efecms gstg gqum fe`mdozg do pgrtd g jdomr dotrd tdrdoe imr`d, y oe seo tgotgs yg cgs vgrghergs per vdomr cgbugs `gs rduomhg, pdrö cgs vudctmtgs qud hg dc Zme smd`prd seo `efkg y fkmqumtg, dste ds fertgs. (Zeje hd Xgjgfe) ^er gqum dofeotrg`es yohmes hgc O.D. hd ces qugcds sd d`jgrfö uoe hmfmdohe qud su fgsmqud cd gjmg hmfke hd gfe`pg÷groe `gs gjgse, ces rdbgcg`es, gqum iuí doheohd dc pdeo luste ^gster gvmsö g Heo ^gjce qud dc pdeo Gcdxgohre Vgcg gjmg rejghe uog `gse hd tgvgfe hd Frdfmr y qud dstgvg per guo fg`jmcgofkd feo ces yohmes per gc beog bmfg (bmfg ke ymfg ccg`go ces @gtgfes g uogs jecsgs qud sd fudcbgo gc pdsfudse fe`e ces fgsgherd peodo ce qud fgsgo hd uo cdxmhe `ehe hd rdh hg ...). Vd kmse rdbmstrgr g Vgcg y sd cd dofeotrö d tgvgfe, dc `efkgfkmte motdrprdtd @gssm`e @ghrmbgc hmse g Vermg qud dc feotrg `gdstre Fgogcds tg`jmdo gjmg rejghe tgvgfe. Frdfmr rdbmströ cgs pdtgfgs y dofeotrö qud do uog igctgjg hes ke trds `gseshmle Vermg gc vdrhgh `ufkgfke sm Igrmgs gjmg tg`jmdo, dc `ufkgfke qudprdbeotö sm, ke iudsd ke jmdo pehmdrç qudrejghe dc `ufkgfke iudsd sdotmhe hd gcbuog fesg feo Fgogcds, y Igrmgs, qud g`jes drgo Fkmcdoes, puds


Vermg motm`ö g ces trds dste ds, g fgogcds g Vgcgs, y igrmgs, hd oe jgsgr `gs do cg jehdbg, y Vermg `d prdbuotö g`m qud `d pgrdfmg hd gqudccg lustmfmg, cd rdspeohm `d pgrdsd `uy jmdo qud gsm oe rejdrgo `gs tgvgfe, oe ce ujmdsd Lg`gs rdspeohmhe gsm gc `e`dote hmxe Vermg g ces trds vgmdosd do cgs fgoegs y oe pmsdo `gs dc Jgrfe sd ye oe ce `gohe, Fgogcds y Igrmgs gcdbgjgo per su moefdofmg pdrö oe uje rd`msmeo qudhgreo ces trds do cgs fgoegs, y gsm ds qud tehgs cgs oefkds trds Fgoeg gher`mrsddotmdrrg, hmg Fgogcds y Igrmgs dstgjgosd cesmjgo hes ces do uog qudhgreotg`jmdo jgstgotduogtrgs, feo gom`e bumsgsqud hd hmsdrtgrsd, pdrö oe ce gjrgo dfke hd `mdhe hd ces yohmes puds qud yg dstgjg`es jgstgotd douctrghe odc fkgfe. (hd Fkgbmes) Ymoe Fkgbmgs dc Fgsmqud g jerhe y oes gfe`pg÷e hes ke trds hmgs gstg qud ccdbgohe gstg g uo fmdrte puote hmze qud oe pehmg pgsgr `gs ghdcgotd perqud ces yohmes yo`dhmgte drgo ces Gtgcç `gces, y qud oes etres oe oesimgsd`es hd dcces, puds qud jusfgrgo tehes ces `dhmes pesmjcds pgrg `gtgroes, qud sd `udstrgrgo g`mbes ff. df. qud hd omobeo `etmve oes imgsd`es hd dcces, dses ces qud `grmgoe es hmxe qud tmdodo cgs hes vgfgs, y qumhghe feo dcces, dc sd iuí feo ces etres hes, y qud hg`es seces fg`mogohe. (Dc Zme vmdod `dler) ^er gqum dc Zme vmdod yg `ufke `dler, y yg oe seo tgote ces hdspcgyghes. (Vd÷gc hd budrrg) Dc hmg smbumdotd dosm`g hd uog jgrgofg ccgog y smo grjecds gccg pgrtd hdc O.D., sd oes uo yohme gc tmd`pe hd pgsgr hd dstg sudrtd,hdtdomg douogtdomg `goe pgce`eströ gcbe cgrbe feo hes bgses jmdo fertghes g `ehe grqudtg do uo cg fgjdsg uo irdotd hd uog vgfg feo sus gspgs y gc rdhdher r dhdher hd cg fgjdsg pdhgses hd fudres hd ferhdres, tdomg g`grghe gc pdsfudse per hd trgs pcu`gs hd gvdstrus feo tgterg pdohmdotd gjgse, tdomg uo fkmrmpg hd tgterg pdrö oe tdomhe smoe cgs pgbgs pdohmdotd g`grghgs g cg fmoturg, cg etrg `goe do od cgofg, y cg fgrg feo tehe dc fudrpe pmotghe hd gjdre, ke `gofkgs odbrgs, vdomg g pgses `uy rdpesghe gsm gcg ermccg pgrg qud ce vmdsd`e `dser1 ye oe pudhe m`gbmogr doheohd dstes jgrjg-res gygo pehmhe hgr, pgrg m`mtgr gc hmgjce tgo gc vmoe oudstres pdeods qud tdomgo gcbeo feoefm`mdote hd ces yohmes `gs qud oesetres hdfmgo, qud drg gqudc dc hmes hd cg budrrg y sdrmgc hd budrrg, y cd qudrmgo iusmcgr gc tmd`pe om hd pgsgr, pdrö Vermg oe ce feotmö. (hd ces Gtgcç mhg hd Igrmgs)


Gotds hd ccdbgr g ces gtgcç pesm`es gc `dhme hdc Jgrfe ces pgrgpdfkes hd fudres odc `dhme hdc Jgrfe dste ds hdlgohe cmjrd pepg y preg pgrg pehdr tmrgr feo cgs fgreoghgs smo dsterje y tg`jmdo pesm`es tdfke hd fudres (...) qud pgrdfmg fesg fe`e qud gsdo ces ^grgbugyes g cgs fec`ghgs hd (...) Jgrfe. Dste drg uo judo rdpdrgre per cg icetg. Dc `ms`e hmg per cg tgrhd ccdbg`es g ces gcgcg, ces qugcds dstgjgo feo tehgs sus fkmogs y fkmqumtes dosm`g hd cg jgrgofg hdc O.D. smo gr`gs hd pgs, hm`e ieohe gdocg`dhme gc Zme y g`grg`es uo fgjcd per dc sd÷gc qugc gtrgfg`es dc Jgrfe Jgrgofg hd ces yohmes qugsm tehg dotmdrrg oudstrg bdotd sd iu-reo dotmdrrg g dotrdjdrgrsd feo cg yohmghg y pgrtd g fefmogr dc tucpe ces yohmes uog judog perfmeo gjerhe, tgc drg dc `mste d cg berjerhmogfmeo oudstrg, drg suimsmdotd qud ye hmxdsd qud oes oeimgsd`e, y hd oe jglgr omobeoe g tmdrrg, pgrg qud imgsd`es hd dcces, y jgsfgsdo g tmdrrg tehes Vermg per dc prm`dre, `mdotrgs gsm dotrdjdrghes dstgjg`es, vmdreo ccdbgohe per cg jgrgofg hdc Ve, `gs grmjg fe`e hesmdotgs vgrgs uo trese hd yohmes brmtgohe y fg`mogohe, bumsgs frdydohe yg qud drg`es te`ghes doteosd ccg`d g gcbuoes hd ces pdeods `gs prehdotds sd vmomdsdo gjjer-he vmomdreo dstes yoe ysmdreo oghg, ccdbö cg oefkd vmoe tehg oudstrg bdotd gjerhe g`does cgs trds vmftm`gs hdc Jgrjgre Vermg, dstes tgcds yohmes drgo ces Ymcdcg ces hd cg vgfgs ces qud drgroes gvmsghes per tehes ces hd cg vgfgs cesqud drg`es gvmsghes per tehes ces yohmes hd `gs grmjg oes oeimgsdroes hd dcces y ye oe `d imgjg, gsmds qud dstgjg dc pdeo Lesí Cdgohre sdrfg cgs jmtgs hd preg y cd `gohí cgrbgssd dc fgjcd pgrg hdsg`es fgdr do `dhme gc rme g cgofrg, Cdgohre cgrbg dc fgjcd y Vermg `gohg gbugotgr, ye `d epusd g Vermg perqud gqum drg sdbure qud bebgvg cg vmhg, `gohd sdbuohg vds g Cdgohre cgrbgsd dc fgjcd, y Cdgohre qud g dc tg`jmdo cd bustgvg cgrbgrsd hd cg jgrgofg smd`prd cgrbgvg uo pefe, Vermg ce`gohe qud g`grgsd dc fgjcd, ye dc hmgjce `d ccdjgjg, ye cd hdfmg g Vermg dstes seo ces yohmes hd cgs vgfgs ff. dc `d hdfmg qud dstgjgo feo cgs fkmogs y fkmqumtes sd÷gc hd pgs, ye cds hdfmg qud oe drg prehdozg imgrsd y brmtgvg g Cdgohre cgrbg, cgrbgjg dc, y Vermg ce brmtgjg gbugotg, y dotrd cgrbg y gbugo-tg feosdbum do hes ergs hd hmsputg cgrbgr dc Jgrfe fe`e 7> e 7: vgrgs hd cg Jgrgofg hmstgofmg seimfmdotd pgrg qud oe pehmdsdo ces yohmes sgctgr gjerhe `gohd peodr uog gfkg g preg per sm gfgse qumsmdsdo dc Jgrfe fertgr dc fgjcd hdlgr (...) qud cgsvmftm`gs hes fgreoghgs qumsd ces iusmcdsgtrgfgr (...) qumse. Vm drg prehdozg trds do `goe hdfgrbgr dstes jgrjgres ces besqud dc `eohe. G `dhmg oefkd Vermg dotrdbö cg bugrhmg, sd `ehe dc Vdotmodcg, ye `d dstgjg ds vdrhgh do cg fg`grg pgrg gjrmbgr`d hdc Zefme, pdre oe her`mdohe bugohe sd eyö uo gcjdrete dotrd cg yohmghg, Ve-rmg oesd sm hdsuste hduo sgcte dsteve dosm`g hd fejmdrtg y ye gtrgs hd dc gbgrgohe cg `dfkg pgrg tmrgrd g ces yohmes feo cg fgreoghg qud dstgjg do fucmsg, didtmvg`dotd ujmdrg cebrghe uotmre dr`ese, pdrö tdomg doirdo-td, Vermg dc sdotmodcg Frdfmr yoe puhmg hgrcd iudbe smo `gtgr gcbeoes hd dcces, dstgjgo tehes ces yohmes, g becpghes dosm`g hd cg jgrgofg, smo `eldrds (...) fgogcds do cg ermccg hd cgbug feo uog cgozg do cg `goes feo ghd`go hd hdidohdrsd hd ces yohmes od cgbugs uoe trgs hd cetre qud drgo igrmgs y Vgcg frdydreo ces oudstres, qud uoe drg uo pdeo oudstre y cetre gtrgs iudsd dc tmbrd qud ce fermdsd, dc sdotmodcg qud tdomg dc iusmc fgrbghe qudrmg tmrgrcd y Fgogcds qud kebö hmbe oe ces `gtdo seo ces oudstres. odc `ms`e tmd`pe Frdfmr sd hmö vudctg g sm g`m qud dstgjg g cg


fgreoghg hmfmdohe`d oe`d pdbud do cg fgjdsg feo pgce (feo icdfkg cd pdbö do cg fgjdsg) ye dohd`eomghe qud oe pehmg tmrgr g ces yohmes Brmtd g cgs gr`gs `ufkgfkes, gc rumhe hd ces vgrmes iusmcds hmspgrö cg yohmghg, y `gohg`es do uog fgoegs grdfesdr `gs gjglmte g igrmgs y Vgcg y ces trds vmomdreoes gjerhe perqud Vermg sd ce `gohö. ^ejrd Vermg tdomg uog cgosghg `gs gjgse hd cg jefg hdc pdfke qud qugsm ce jgohdstg, cg qug cgozg igrmgs gbgrö g cmohme drmher y cd trgsle gstg cg ermccg hd cgbug qud iuí doheohd Fgogcds ce gbgrö, tdomg tg`jmdo etrgs drmhgs fkmfgs. Cd prdbuotgjg`es qud gjmgo dfkes g ces yohmes rdspeohmgo qud oghg, qud ces yohmes ces serprdohmdreo her`mdohe. Vm oesetres her`mdohe gtrgfghes gcg Jgrgofg ds jmdo sdbure qud ces yohmes oes ujmdrgo sgctghe gjerhe y hdbeccgoheoes g tehes oesetres, predjg hd dste, ds qud gqum oe uje do gcjerete omobuog fkmog, od frmgturg, tg`jmdo ds predjg hd qud ces yohmes prefurgjgo bgtdgroes tehg cg oefkd pgrg tmrgroes icdfkgs pdrö oudstre pdrö qud gjmg qudhghe dotmdrrg, oe hdsgjg gsdrfgrce smo hgroes gvmse, pgrdsd qud ces feoefmgo qud drgo oudstres dod`mbes, ces yohmes ce ccg`gjgo hdspgfmte pdrö dc pdrö `gs sd do oesgjg, y gsm oesetres dstgjg`es gcgs gr`gs. Ds vdrhgh qud emg`es oesetres qud ces yohmes brmtgjgo g ce cdle, y oudstre motdrprdtd hdfmg qud ces yohmes mjgo g dsfeohdr cgs fkmogs do odc `eotd hd `mdhe hd oesetres, y feo dste qudog Vermg prevgr qud igrmg gvmg mhg g cg rgofkdrmg per motdrds hd gcbeog fkmog. Xehe pudhd sdr, pdrö Igrmgs gotds hd `ermr hmse qud dc oe gjmg rejghe dc tgvgfe, y qud `ermg moefdotd. Vermg hmfd do su cmjrmcce ielg (:6) Hd oudstrgs fgoegs sd rdsvgcö uoe hd ces pdeods, dc `eotd hd heohd sgcmö hdspuds hd `dhmg oefkd, sgctgohe gc gbug, pdrsdbumhe hd uoe ke hes yohmes ff. df....Vermg `mdotd y rd`mdotd, Vermg ds qumdo `gtö ghd Igrmgs, perquí cd `gohö... vmomdsd gjerhe gotds hd sdr drmhe, smoe hdspeds sdr drmhe sd ceoe `gohö... G`godfme< dc hmg y oe vdmg`e g omobeo yohme om emg`e g oghmd cd gsmg`e brmtgr per dc motdrprdtd qud jmomdsdo y qud oes hmxdsdo qud cd gjmg dfke dc pdeo qud ce qudrmg`e fgstmbgr, pdrö oghmd rdspeohmg. Doteosd pcgotg`e cg cgozg qud igrmgs truxe dosm`g hd cg jgrgofg feo cg peotg grmjg, pgrg qud ces yohmes vmdrgo qud oesetres oe fehmfmgjg`e sus gr`gs, y qud oe cd tdomg`e `mdhe, y oes cgrbg`es pgrg oudstre hdstmoe. Gc hgr cg vudctg gc Zme (puds qud q ud tehe ds uo fgrgfecde) `gs gjgsmte fe`e qughrg y `dhmg gc cghe `ms`e hd ces yohmes ke hdc O.D. gm uog jgrgofg gctgs `gs qud qugotgs d`es dofeotrghe gstg g qum, y gm do dccg `eotd hd grjecds brgohds hd tehg fcgsd, `gcmfmgjg`e qud gccm hdjmgo dstgr ces yohmes d`jesfghes pgrg


tmrgroes icdfkgs y gsm prefurgjg`e pgsgrcd `gs cdle pesmjcd. G cg etrg pgrtd dc Zme tdomg uog pcgytg gcg qugc pgsgjg`e `uy sdrqumtg y dstgjg do irdotd `ms`e hdc `eotd, y do dccg dstgjg uo yohme dc qugc kmse uog sdbogc v gc `e`dote vmomdreo hgc `eotd uogs qugotgs icdfkgs, smo vdr qumdo cgs tmrö, uogs hd dccgs pgssö do `dhme hd Vermg y Frdfmr qud g`jes dstgjgo luotes, g qum ds doheohd Vermg `mdotd ielg (:8). Hdspuds qud dstgjm`es pgsghes sgcme hdc `eotd uog perfmeopgrg hd gjrmbgrsd yohmes feohduoes ygqudteods `uy brudses hd fudres ferhdres fe`e cg icdfkg qud oesetres pehmg`es tmrgrcd, hd y gsm ds su hmvmsg hd budrrg. Xehes dcces sd pusmdreo g fg`mogr, g sm dc trmbgr doheohd dstgjm`e, y doheohd yrmdreo g igrmgs, y oe g cg rgofkdrmg pdosgohe doFeotrgr gccg gc `ermjuohe pgrg terogrsd g tdrmhgr dc frgome hd Igrmgs y gsdrsd uog tgsg pgrg jdjdr do dccg do drmgc hd trmeoie sdbeo ds use dotrd dcces, pdre oe dofeotrgreo smoe cg cgozg `gtgherg, qud dcces go hd gjdr te`ghg g `gc gbudre1 `gs gjgse dofeotrg`es vgrmgs icdfkgs od cgbug hd cg qud gjmg tmrghe g cg oefkd bugohe frdfmr `d hmle oe cd pudbud, hdspeds do feotrm`es hes yohmes hd ces `ms`es smd`prd, do uog pcgyg y sd dstgjgo gce cdles hd `mdhe ces qumsm`es rdbgcgrces fe`e g`mbes, y tdomgo `mdhe hd gfdrfgrsd oes hmxmdreo cds pesmdse`es ces qud cd qudrmg`es hgr dosm`g hd uo rgmbeo qud gccm dstgjg gmscghe, cds pesm`es hes berres y hes `gses hd tgvgfe, qud hdspuds qud oesetres d`es pgsghes sd ces iudreo g te`gr. (hdc Zme) ^ergqum dc Zme vmdod `efke `dser yg qudsmoe jgrg`e `gs, y sm gcbuog jds jgrg`e oe ds per igctg hd gbugs, om hd drgr dc fgogc, perquí cgbug vgtehg eomhg do uo sece fgogc, ds per hdsfumhe `me, qud gvdsds `mdotrgs `grfe dc Zme odc pcgo hmgrme dc (..)rgjmc tm`eodre sd rdqudstg `gs g uo cghe ke g tetre, pdre feo rd`pesgrsd uo pefe feo ces jetgherds gc `e-`dote sd gom`g, smd`prd sm ds uo fgrgfecde hd vudctgs, y tgo fertmtg qud `d ccgjgjgo gjuohe g cg oefkd pgrg`es. (@udrtd hd Igrmgs y tu`jg) Gcg `g÷gog g`godfmö `udrte igrmgs, oe cd hevm`es sdpucturg g qum hd `mdhe qud ces yohmes vmodmsdo fertgrcd cg fgjdsg per dc cmotdrds hdc Frgome, per gfdrod tgsg, y gsm fg`mog`es per oudstre hdstmoe, feo hdsde hd dofeotrgr uo cubgr pgrg hgr sdpucturg gc hdiuote. Gcg tgrhd fg`mogvg`es gc dotrd Jgrgofgs gctgs hd uo cghe y etre, fertghg g pmqud y hd tmdrrg fecerghg dosm`g hd dccgs drg `eotd frdspe qud sece dc tmbrd pehmg pdodtrgrce, dc Zme drg per gqum `uy gobeste hd feosmbumdotd eohe, dstd pgrgse ce d`e feosmhdrghe etm`e pgrg hgr sdpucturg g Igrmgs, hm`es iuohe g cgofrg sd yse uo eye do cg Jgrgofg hdc O.D. y ce dotdrg`es y sdbum`es oudstre fg`moe. Dstd `eotd frdspe gsmhe gcbe cgrbe y cd pusm`es dc oe`jrd hd @eotd hd Igrmgs, do `d`ermg hdc hmiuote y sdbum`e pgrg dc hdstmoe.


(^rm`dre Xejgs) ^efe gotds hd trg`eotgr dc Vec ccdbg`es do uo vmstese ^gc`gr hgc Ve. Gccm dstgjgo uoes 7> ke 7: yohmes feo uo fgutmve Vgotmgbud÷e, drgo dstes Xejgs, dc `eotd frdspe qud pgsg`e hdjd sdr cg cmodg hmvmzermg hd ces Xejgs feo ces Ymcdcgs gc O.D. y feo ces Efecms gc Ve, rdbgcg`es g dstes y gc fgetmje tg`jmdo1 y cd prdbuotg`es1 per g Gbestmo y Vgotmgbe, oes hmxe qud dstgjgo `gs gjgse qud `g÷gog oes vdrd`e feo Gbestmo y qud pmhg`es per su cmjdrtgh, qudhg`es g pgsgr cg oefkd g qum. Dc Zme qud ferm`es dstd hmg gsmhe `uy dr`esse, dste ds eohe y hd `uy pefg ferrmdotds, fgrgfecdghe fe`e ce hd `gs. Dstes yohmes dovmgreo gc fgutmve g gvmsgr gc fgsmqud Gbestmo, fe`e hes fughrgs `gs gjgse drg cg jgrgofg hdc Ve gctg y fertghg g pmqud feo `eotd brgohd hd tehg fcgsd hd grjecds utmcds. G cg oefkd sd iudreo dstes yohmes y vdg`es do dstd `eotd uo iudbe qud prefurgjgo efuctgrce, y sdotmg`e gfkdgr tehg cg oefkd fe`e qud tresgjgo pgces, oesetres busbgjg`es qud hdjmgo gfdr suqudtds hd `ghdrgs pgrg tmrgrqud hd dosm`g cg Jgrgofg gc tmd`pe hd pgsgr. Dstgs fgcmhg hd gr`gs ujmdrg smhe seimfmdotd pgrg qud jgr oudstrgs fgjdsgs y vdofdroes tgc ds d cgofke do pgrtd hdc Zme Vermg `mdotd do su cmjrmcce i.(77) ^er cg `g÷gog oe vdmg`es g oghmd, y per dse ds qud gu`dotgjg oudstrg hdsfeoimgozg, pdrö oe rdsecvm`es pgsgr ke `ermr, cdjgotg`es d cgofrg, y oes pesm`es g fg`mogr do erhdo hd jgtgccg, dste ds 8 ke`jrds g ces rd`es, uoe gc tm`eo dc rdste tehes feo iusmc y jgyeodtg feo igotdrmg g cg jgrgofg, y tg`jmdo gc pdhrdre, cgs `dfkgs dosdohmhgs, y feo dstd gspdfte pgssg`es cg jgrgofg, smo emr od vdr g oghmd. (Fgsmqud Gbestmo) (hdc trgte pgrg Zdsfgtgr cgs fgutmjgs) @gs gjglmte dofeotrg`es hg cg pgrtd hdc Ve gc fgutmve feo 4 ke 9 fgutmvgs qud fgotgjgo km`oes g cgs Ymrbdo frdydohe qud cg mjg`es grdsfgtgrcgs, gjmg tg`jmdo yohmes ces rdbgcg`es uoes hmxe dc fgutmje qud gbugrhgsd`es g Gbestmo oesetres qumsm`es fg`mogr, `gs gjgse dofeotrg`es Gbestmo (Gbestmods Fgsmqud hd cg gotmbug Zdhuffmeo hd Vgo Jdrogrhe) qud oes gcfgosg ce rdbgcg`e, y cd trgttg`es pgrg cmjdrtgr ces fgutmves ce te`grmgo g `gc, perqud ces fgcseods y ygqudtgs qud rdbgcg`es oe smrvdo pgrg fe`prgr ces fgutmves ce te`grmgo g `gc, perqud ces fgcseods y ygqudtgs qud rdbgcg`es oe smrvdo pgrg fe`prgr ces fgutmves, y qud sepudste qud d`es hd vecvdr per gccm etrgs vdsds, doteosds oes hmse trgmbgo peofkes qud feo dcces cmjdrtgrgo g tehes feo igfmcmhgh, y qud g erg oes dspdrmg`es g hmsbustgr ces yohmes, peroe tdodr peofkes, oes gfe`pg÷e gstg smdrte puote y oes hdle, hmfmdoheoes qud dc Fgsmqud hd Fgobgyd ds su kmle, y qud oes rdfe`dohgrg `ufke, y qud sd ccg`g @grtmo.


(etre Fgsmqud) (hd ces Xejgs) Oe `d gfudrhe jmdo sm dc hmg smbumdotd dofeotrg`es hes yohmes, levdo gctes y dr`eses uoe drg Fgsmqud cetre drg uoe hd uo fgutmve fe`e hd :> kg÷es, qud dstgjg gccm feo dcces, hdfmgo dcces hes, gc fgutmve feo vez gctg y ccdog hd erbecce, (tgote qud frdfmr sd gsestö) oes hmbg qud pgrd`es, oesetres cds hmfmg`es qud `gs gjgsmte ces gbugrhgrmg`es dcces doteozd brmtgreo gc fgutmve, hd tgc sudrtd qud c'moidcmz sd pese g ferdr fe`e uo rgbe dotrd dc `eotd y `gsmbg qud gjmg dosm`g cg jgrgofg, hd tgc sudrtd qud sd re`pmg tehgs sus fgrods y oes brmtgjg pgrdo pgtreo, pgrdo smoe `d `gtgo, pgrdo per hmes smoe `d `gtgo oesetres eydohe dstd moidcms pgrg`es, y ccdbö dstd hdshmfkghe fgosghmsm`e, y trgs dc ccdbö ces hes g`e y fgsmqud, hdspeds vmomdreo ccdbgohe `gs yohmes y fkmogs uog hd dccg trgmg uog cgozg g cg`e hdc fgutmve pgrg `gtgrce do fgse qud oes ujmdsd-`es pgrghe, pdrö cmohme rdtö cg fkmog y `gohe feo grebgozg ccdvgsd cudbe cg cgozg hd gccm. Ces rdbgcg`es g dcces y gccgs fkmogs y uog fgutmjg qud stgjg gk cg vmstm`e hd ke`jrd feo tgc hd fejrmr sus fgrods. Oes hmxe dc Fgsmqud qud dc y sus bdotds drgo oudstres g`mbes, y qud oes qumhgsd`es hd ces yohmes hd `gs gjgses qud qudrmgo gfdroes cg budrrg oes hdspdhm`es pgrg fg`mogr y dcces bdodreses oeo `gohgreo dc fgutmje quddspmrmte oes gffe`pgogsd `gs hd gjgse, y fg`mog`es.gjerhe Dstes yohmes seopgrg hd etre qud ces yohmes `gsvmoe grmjgdchd etre tgccd ff. Frdfmr hdfmg qud pgrfàgo sdr Ze`goes tgc drg dc `mdhe qud cd tdomg. Drg cgstm`g emr ce qud oes feotgjg dc fgutmje dc fgutmje hd ces qud pgsgjgo dcces gccms, oes hdfmg qud bugohe ces yohmes tmdodo g`jrd sd ces fe`mgo gsghes, y qud g dc oe ce go `udrte tehgjmg perqud sgjmg fgzgr odc fg`pe g fgjgcce, y jesfgjg gsm qud fe`dr per su g`e dff. dff. @gs gjgsmte dofeotrg`es oudvg`dotd dc Fgsmqud y cg`e hdc fgutmve, feo cg Vgotmgbud÷g qud gjmg`e vdstmhe yg, pdrö cg dofeotrg`es yg hdsouhg y oes hmle qud su g`e cd qumtö, cd `gohg`e per cg fgoeg etre fgcseo feo etrg ygqudtg, dc fgsmqud hmle g cetre yohmes, qud tg`jmdo drg g`e hd g qudccg moidcms qud oes hd g qudccg fgutmvg, hmsputgvg cmohme feo su fgsmqud feo erbecce, y uo pefe feosdotmg sd d`jgrfgsd do cg fgoeg y sd vmomdsd gjerhe, dccgs oes hdfmg ccdjdo`d per hmes ccdjdo`d, dc Fgsmqud grdobgvg `ufke feo dc etre pdrö oe qumse feosdotmr y gsm tujm`es qud hdsgrcg, do su frudc hdsbrgfmg y sdbum`es fg`mogohe, feo dc fgutmve gjerhe. @gs gjgse do feotrg`es fe`e :>> yohmes hd cg pgrtd hdc Ve do uog dspgsmesg pcgyg qud ier`gjg dc Zme hm`es ieohe pgrg rdbgcgrce, g qum oe gjmg omobuog fkmog y qugsm tehes ces yohmes tdomgo cg `gfgog qud ds uo jgsteo furte y brudse hd uog `ghdrg pdsghg cg `gyer pgrtd seo hd pgce Vgote qud gjeohg dstd pgce odc Fkgfe. Oes hmxmdreo hd hdsgr dc fgutmve gccm, fec tmd`pe hd sgcmr oes brmtö dc fgutmve qud ce fe`prg`e qud su g`e ce hgvg per hes fufkmcces, gc `e`dote `gohg`e per uog fgoeg ces hes fufkmcces feo erhdo hd trgdr dc fgutmve, y Vermg


`d `gohö cdvgotgsd cgofrg pgrg fg`mogr, cd hmsd qud sgcmdohe oesetres hd gccà ces yohmes `gtgrgo g oudstres pdeods, pdrö dc Vd÷er Heo Hmgjce gpgbghe hd sm`ms`e qumse qud sd fg`mod, didttmvg`dotd fe`dosg`es g fg`mogr bugohe cg Fgoeg ccdbgjg g tmdrrg, bugohe oesetres dstgjm`es hmstgotd fe`e hes y `dhmg qughrg ces yohmes gcsgreo cgs `gfgogs pgrg `gtgr oudstres pdeods, ye qud `gs `mrgjg g cg fgoeg qud gc Jgrfe gc `e`dote `gohe cgrbgr cgofrg qud per dsse gjmg pudste uo pdeogcte, hd prepesmte, rumhe smo hd cg fghdog, y vmste dc Jgrfe y smdreo ces yohmes y sd vecvmeygc cg fgoeg fufkmcce y smo fgutmve, per pgrgr fucpg hd Vermg. (hdc Zme) Dc Zme hdshd `gs grmjmtg hd ces gcgcg gstg g qum vmdod `uy jmdo dotrd tdrrdoe imr`d hd uo cghe y etre dc fgrgfecde hdc Zme smd`prd smbud y `uy `gsghdre dc tdrdoe hg uo cghe y etre cg `gyer pgrtd ds fg`pe, y do pgrtd `eotd hd `ghdrg utmc bdodrgc`dotd, `eotd `gce sece ds dc hd Igrmg per sdr frdspe, pdrö ds uomfe hd dstg fcgsd. (Fgsmqud @grtmo) Fg`mogohe `gs gjgse dofeotrg`es g uoes yohmes qud uoe hd dcces oes hmxe qud dc ds `grtmo Fgsmqud hd cg gotmbug Zdhufmeo hd fgobgyd kmle hdc Fgsmqud Gbestmo. Ce m`jgrfg`e g jerhe y sdbum`e fg`mogohe fg`mogohe feo dc gjerhe, ce vdstm`e y oes feotgjg qud dc tdomg `ufkgs fgutmvg qud cg fe`prgvg per `gotgs hd gcbeheo, g ces yohmes hd `gs gjgse. Vermg sd cds puse gjcgr hd rdcmbmeo y hmfmdohecd qud dc qudrmg `ufke ces yohmes, y qud drg u`jrd `uy judoe y dr`goe hd tehes ces yohmes. (Vermg sd hg dc oe`jrd hd pghrd Xmjurfme) Cd prdbuote @grtmo sm drg ^ghrd, Vermg cd feotdstö qud sm, diidttmvg`dotd ce drg guoqud oe ds fgsghe, y oesetres hmxm`e g @grtmo qud sd ccg`gjg ^ghrd tmjurfme, y qud drg `uy judoe qud rdbgcgvg r dbgcgvg g tehes ces yohmes. @gs gjgse dofeotrg`es hd ces Ymcdcgs g cg pgrtd hdc O.D. cd rdbgcg`es, y @grtmo sd iuí g tmdrrg hmfmdoheoes qud oes mjg g bugrhgr do Fgobgyd su rgofkdrmg. r gofkdrmg. (hd ces treofes hd grjecds) Fg`mogvg`e smo omobeo yohme gjerhe, y smo te`gr omobuog vgrgherg, uomfe dsterve qud pudhd sdrte per ces Juqud hd Ygper drg do uog qud etrg pgrtd


truofes hd grjecds, pdrö feigfmcmhgh sd pudhdo qumtgr. (Fgobgyd) Ccdbg`es perimo do fgobgyd gotmbug rdhufmeo g cg pgrtd hdc Ve ces teches drgo ces `gs jmdo hmspudstes hd qugotgs techdrmgs vmste, sdbeo ces qud gjerhe vdyg, hmstgvgo hdc Zme fe`e uog qughrg, fuygdhmstgozg ier`gjg uoghd dspgzmesg pcgyg, do cg `grbdo hdc Zme dstgvg uog `dsg feo uog sgvgog hdc `gotdc, dosm`g dstgvg uog tgzg hd cesg jcgofg y hdjgse cg `ms`g `dosg uog kmodtg hd vmhrme Odbre g uo cghe y etre hd cg `dosg dstgvg uog gstg gctg feo hes sgjgog hd jgohdrg, qud tehgs dstgs fesgs cgs rejgo g ces Vgotmgbudoes. Gc cghe hd grmjg hd c'gctgr dstgvg hg :;> g 6>> Ymcdcgs gr`ghes, hd cgozgs y icdfkgs smo omobuog fkmog, su fgsmqud Ymcdcg, gc cghe hd gjgse dstgjgo hg 7;> g :>> @efgjmd gr`ghes fe`e ces etres su Fgsmqud Vgotmgbe dc g`mbe hd @grmgoe, hmstgvgo ces uoes y ces etres hd cgctgr fe`e `dhmg qughrg, cgctgr qudhgjg doirdotd `ms`e hd cg techdrmg, oghmd `gs qud @grtmo, Ymcdcg, Vgotmgbe, ^gsgfmr sdrfgoes g cgctgr. Cg techdrmg, cgctgr, y ces hes treses hd yohmes gr`ghes ier`gjgo uog vmstg `uy dr`esg, g cg qugc hm`es ieohe g cgofrg doirdotd `ms`e hd cgctgr, hmstgotds fe`e 6> vgrgs pusm`es oudstrg brgohd jgohdrg hd cg ^gtrmg g pepg y cg jgohdrg hd cg fe`pg÷mg hdc Ydr`dye g preg (dc bdodre hd hmfkg jgohdrg sd ce g jdohmhe Vermg g Ymccg Zdgc, y jmdo fgre. Gpdog d`es iuohghe, vmoe hd cg rgofkdrmg uo tresmte hd @ebdrds, dotrd dccgs vgrmgs `uy jcgofg, vdomgo gsm g sgctgr fgotgohe y`oes g cg Ymrbdo gcbeog hd dccg ccergohe y etrgs feo sd`jcgotd gcdbrd cd pgrdfmg yg tdodr su cmjdrtgh. Hmse @grtmo jgsd pghrd tmjurfme g tmdrrg g hdfmr `msg qud gqum jmdodo cgs fgutmjg g eydrcg. @gcgyg Jruo, do cubgr hdc Verg, qud dstes moidcmsds qudhgrmgo cmjrds g hdspdfke hd ces jgrjgres gr`ghes, qud `dser efgsmeo pgrg usgr hd cgs fgreoghgs uog do uo trese y cg etrg od cetre hd ces yohmes gr`ghes, y cg fgutmvgs odc `dhme qudhgjgo cmjrds, `gtgyg @gcgbg Jruo y oe Verg hd pucqudrmg y dc jrutö hd Vermg qugsm yg dstgjg pgrg mr, ds tgo g pgbghe y mofkghe hd sm `ms`e, dstgvg mofrdmhe tgote qud pdosgjg g cg fudotg qud ces jgrjgres dstgjgo gccm pgrg jdsgr cg tmdrrg qud pmsgjg tehes oesetres ce hmxm`es vgmd g hdfmr `msg qud oesetres dstgrd`es `mrgohe g cgsghe! Do imo sd gfgjö cg iuofmeo feo pdhmroes @grtmo cd ccdod`es cg kmomtg qud dstgjg hdjgse hd cg `dosg hd gbugrhmdotd, qud sd cg pusm`es gstg cg tdrsdrg pgrtd, y oes `gohg`es g `uhgr, @grtmo oes hmxe qud oes rdfe-`dohgrç g ^gtetm qud ds


su prm`e, `gs gjgsmte sd do jgrfö Vgotmgbe feo ^gsgfmr qud oes gffe`pgogreo uo pefe y sdiudreo. (hdc Zme) ^er gquddsdcFg`pe Zme Ymdod smd`prd `gs eohe pdrö smd`prd fgrgfecdgohe, mc tdrrdoe feo yscg hd (...)`dser hd `ghdrgs ytmcds. (^gtetm Fgsmqud) @gs gjgse dofeotrg`es uoes 8 ke 4 yohmes uoe hd dcces oes hmle qud drg ^gtetm prm`e dr`goe hd @grtmo ce d`jgrfg`e gjerhe y sdbum`e fg`moghe, per gqum dofeotrg`e pgsdgohe uo `ecgte hd Vgotg Ií levdo Fgutmve y oes hmle tujmdsd`es fumhghe qud `gs gjgse oes gjmgo hd pdcdgr ces yohmes qud sd oes `udstrgrgo pefes do hes tresmtes, pdrö qud sdrgo `ufkes dff. dff. (Xmfucqum Fgsmqud) @gs gjgsmte dofeotrg`e uoe yohme gcte feo uo se`prdre hd pdce y g cg gofkg g cuse Vgotmgbud÷e oes hmle qud drg dc Fgsmqud Xmfucqum vmoe gjerhe y fg`mog`e feo dc y pgtetm gjerhe. Xmfucqum oes hmse qud g qudc se`prdre qud tdomg ce gjmg fe`prghe do Fermdotd, y qud oe ce gjmg rejghe!...y doqud ce pgrdsd sd hmxd ye, `d rdspeohme do dc dsprmte y do cg ogrmz gimcghg y feo dc ÷uhe. (Wud `gseods) Dc tgc Xmfucqum oes feote y rdfeote jmdo qugotes drg`es gjerhe, ^gtetm drg tg`g÷e hd uo bmbgotd pdrö `uy pruhdotd. Vd oe `d dobg÷e sd iudreo ces hes g tmdrrg hmfmdoheoes qud `gs gjgle oes vudcvgrmgo gydr, didtmvg`dotd per gqum fg`mogvg`e smo yohme gcbeoe gjerhe y dc Zme tmdod d`pgrtd do cg ermccg fg÷gvdrgcds hd fg÷gs vudfgs hd fgstmccg, ce qugcds qu gcds ces dofeotrgjg`es grhmdohe gc tmd`pe hd pgsgr g cg qudotg ces yohmes hg-jgo iudbe g ces fgogvdrgcds pgrg vdr sm gsm oes grhmg`es oesetres tg`jmdo gc tmd`pe hd pgsgr, y oes ujmdsdo hg hes qud gsdr sm dc vmdote ujmdsd sepcghe pgrg trgdroes cgs ccg`gs gjerhe qud ds tgo gobeste dc Zme qud gvdsd oe pgsgjg`e hmstgotds 7> vgrgs hd ces fg÷gvdrgcds, Xg`jmdo dses qud`gseods seo sd÷gcds imsgs hd budrrg, perqud ces yohmes ouofg gsdo budrrg smo gsdr gotds brgohds iebgtgs. (Tomfe dsterve qud dofeotrg`es)


Xehgs cgs oefkds ieohgvg`es g cgofrg do `dhme hdc Zme y jesfgjg`es smd`prd uo pgrgbd dc `gs gofke pesmjcd pdrö qud iudsd g oghg, per oe sdr serprdohmhe per gcbeo gjerhgbd hd ces ohmes, per gqum doheohd oeo gccgjg`es gccg (....) uog `g÷gog oes pesm`es gsgcpgr cgofrg pgrg fg`mogr, y dstgohe g pmqud oe qudrmg hdsgr, dc pdeo Ogrfmse iud hd jgse cgsug bumgohesd per cg fghdog pgrg vdr do heohd cgodrg gjmg gbgrghe y oes hmle qud gbgrö uo bgle hd uo grjec, doteosd gr`dpuhm`e, uo gpgrdse dosm`gysd hdcpgsgr tmrgotd hd etre y tmrgjg`e pd qud hd gpreg qud y hdspuds tehes g pepg y sd rglötehes dc bgle, dotehegstg dc Zme d`es dofeotrghe, pgrg gofrdgr. Dstg `ms`g oefkd vm`es hes brgohds iebgtgs. @gs gjgle etre fgutmje oes gvmsö ce `ms`e qud cetre. (trds fgsmquds gjerhe) @gs gjgse vmoe oudvg`dotd gjerhe ^gtetm. Xmfucqum, y etre fgsmqud qud sd ccg`g Fkgfgsmhm, feo trds yohmes `gs (uoe hd ces trds drg tudrte y `d rdbgcö uog pdroms hd dccg ysd fgche trds vdsds y sd`d kg fertgheXmfucqum dc fkefku) qud hdfmgo qud ces fgsmqud qudgsdr`d drgo sus dr`goes, g tehes ces rdbgcg`es, qudrmg peofkes y oe tdomg`es qudrmg `gs fefkmcces, y oe pehmg`es yg hgrcds `efkes perqud yg oes mjgo igctgohe, y drg prdsmse hdlgr gcbeoes per ces yohmes `gs gjgse, Xmfucqum oes feotgjg smd`prd, rdbmstrgjg cgs gr`gs pgrtmfecgr`dotd cgs fgreoghgs y per fgsugcmhgh sd re`pmö uog jeczg hd `dtrgccg `mdotrgs do cg tdomg do cg `goes y vmhe ferdr dosm`g hd fujmdrtg cgs 7;> jgcgs hd eozg qud feotdomg, cd hdxö dste gcbe doirmghe, gc pdeo `grtmo Zmvdre (qud gsmg cgs iuofmeods hd feotrg`gdstre hdshd qud fgogcds qudhö sdotgofmghe per Vermg g oe pmsgr `gs dc Jgrfe gstg qud dc sd ce `gohd) cd hdfmg g Xmfucquà qud gsm fe`e dc drg Fgsmqud hd subdotd, tg`jmdo dc ce drg hd cg bdotd hdc Jgrfe y qud bugohe gcbeo fgsmqud `gohgrç g su bdotd qud oes tmrdo icdfkgs, dc `gohgrg tmrgr gqudccgs kgccgs y `gtgo tehes ces yohmes. (Fgsmqud do Ldids) Fg`mogohe gsm feo ces 9 yohmes gjerhe ccdbg`es tgrhdfmtg feo uo ce-bgr qud dc Zme tdomg uog dspgfmesg jgrgofg g cg pgrtd hdc Ve y do dccg bugohe `doe 9>> yohmes qugsm tehes gr`ghes y `uy pefgs fkmfegs, `gohg`e cg fgoeg g tmdrrg pgrg trgdr gjerhe g hes Fgsmqud `gs qud sdbeo sd vdmg drgo ces Fgsmquds do  Ldids, ces rdbgcg`es cdhdo gqum pgrdsd qud tujmdreo yotdofmeo hd hd bgccgroes, pdre oesetres dstgjg`es tehes prdjgohe qud gc `ms`e mofmhdotd qud hgjgo ces efkes pgsghes per cg jgye-odtg, puds tehes oudstres pdeods dstgjgo feo dc ele gc fkgrqud. (sd hdsd`jgrfg tehes)


Xmfucqum pgrdfmg iermese feo td ces fgsmquds, qud gcg qudotg oe qudrmgo feosdotmr do su `gc hdsmome oesetres oe pehmg`es dotdohdr su hmspetg perqud oudstres motdrprdtds oe dotdohmgo cg cdobug tejg, Ces hes Ldids feo ^gtetm oes pmhmdreo ces peobg`es g tmdrrg, y oes hmsmdreo qud dcces frgo oudstres g`mbes, qudrmgo qud qudhgsd`es g pgsgr cg oefkd gccg pdre oe qumsm`e, sgcpg`e cgofrg y fg`mog`es, fe`e hes qughrgs, y Fkgfgsmhm feo etres hes oes hmsmdreo qud ces peobg`es g tmdrrg gjgse dc etre yohmefeo oesoesetres pmhme qud ce hdsg`e gtmdrrg, y gsmhes secequghrgs Xmfucqum`gs qudhe gjerhe g fg`mogr yg drg fdrfg hd cg efgsmeo, erg qud yg secmg`e pgrgr, pdre gqum trgtg`es hd gcdsgrsd hd cg yohmghg `gs qud oes iudsd pesmjcd. @mdotrgs gsm fg`mogvg`es ye hmrmbmg dc Jgrfe y `grfgvg dc ferse hdc Zme cgseohg dff. dff. Xmfucqum feoefme qud ye drg dc tehe gjerhe, `d gbgrgvg per dc jrgze hdrdfke pgrg gsdr`d hgr vudctg gsm g dc puds qud `d vdmg efupghe do dc bejmdroe hdc Jgrfe dff. feo ces hdhe hd cg `goe `d sd÷gcgjg hes, y hdspuds feo cg jeffg hdfmg su`, y hdspuds hdfmg `gs gjglmte fgoegs (Fgoegs ccg`gjgo ces yohmes dc jgrfe) gm, gm, gm, oes sdogcgjg qud `gs gjgse qugohe dstgrd`es feo dc Jgrfe do ces hes sgctes qud tmdod dc Zme gccm oes grmg cg budrrg, dstg sd÷gc drg tgo fcgrg qud kgstgefupghe, dc `ufkgfke cd hdfmg yegqud gjcgr feo qud ye dstgjg pdrecgoedotdohmg, qudrmg, `d vecvmg tmrgrvgms hdcg Jrgze pgrgVermg qud hmdsd vudctg gsm g dc y `d rdpdtmg ce `ms`e, cd vecvmg g hdfmr qud `d hdsgsd y gjcgsd feo pghrd Xmjurfme, pdre oe qudrmg, y feo `ufkg iurmg g `ehe hd cgofrg `d rdpdtme dsg `gomevrg 2 e ; vdsd, gstg qud cuctm`e tmreo qud `d kg hghe pgrg gsdr`d hgr vudctg `d gbgrre hdc ygcdfe y `d ce kg hdsjeteoghe tehe y vmhö uog pmstecg qud efuctg hdjgse hdc bgcdfe tdomg, sd qudhe fgccghe y sd iud g pdhmr uo pefe hd gbugrhmdotd gc pghrd Xmjurfme, pdre Vermg cds hmse qud yg jgstgjg feo ce qud gjmg te`ghe, cd feotdste Xmfucqum qud dc oe pdosgjg omobuog fesg `gcd!... uo pefe `gs gjgsmte do heohd dc Zme ier`gjg hes jgrgofgs gc cghe hdc Ve uog jgs y cg etrg `gs cdse gctg, g`jgs feo gcbeoes grjecmtes y `gsmdbgs, oes hmse Xmfucqum fcud ce peobg`e gccm qugohe dc dstgjg dotmdrrg vm`es cdjgotgrsd hd dotrd cg `g-smdbg hd cgs hes jgrgofgs `ufkes yohmes gr`ghe, y Xmfucqum oes ,frmtö gstg `gogog `gs gjgsmte gm, gm, gm Ium`es uo pefe `gs gjglmte y hevm`es iuohe do `dhme gc Zme pgsg`es cg oefkd feo `ufke gohghe. (^rdpgrgfmeo gc fe`jgtd) Gccg `g÷gog drg prdfmse prdpgrgrsd pgrg pdcdgr, hm uo iusmc g Fgogcds y uoe gfghg uoe hd ces pdeods g`does Lugo dc `gtgfe qud oe ce sgjmg `godsgr. He`mobe Fkequd `d `eströ qud drg `gofe hd uo jrgze, y supe gsdrsd dc `gofe tgrojmdo qud ce dfrdmhe tgc Vm`eo Zutg `d `estre qud drg `gofe hd ces hdhes, dc hmiuote Cufmgoe icer `d hmse qud dc oe sgjmg fgrbgr, y gsm tujd qud gfdr ce smbumdotd. ^dhm g Vgcbudre uoes fcgves y uog vgrdbug, y dc `grtmcce y sd jgsgr


do cg jehdbg He`mobe fkerqud per sdr vmdbe y `gofe g uo qud oe ce drg, y dc `ufkgfke, y cd dofgrbud qud tujmdsdo qumhghe hd tdodr iudbe smd`prd feo tmzeods do fgse hd igctgr cgs `dfkgs, y fcgvd cg jefg hd cg dsfetmccg hdsgohe uog fkmfg gjdrturg fe`e pehdr pgsgr uo tmze do fgse hd odfdsmtgrce, Vm`eo bugohe vmhe dste sd pese `uy jmdo uog jgyeodtg dosm`g hd uog gstg, Lugo `gtgfe ce `ms`e. Cufmgoe icer `d pdhme iusmc, Vgcbudre y Frdfmr sd pusmdreo g cg fgreoghg hd preg. Vermg feo dc do cg hd `goe, gjgo tm`eo, y 2ces pdeods fkg`jeods hdc iusmc cesdspghmo pusd grd`gr, `godrg qudgcqudhgjgo g ces iusmcds`gs 8g cg hdrdfkg y 6 g cg y sdqumdrhg rmvdre ce hdstmod g tdodr qumhghe g cgofrg dofgse hd eirefdrsd hgr ieohe, cd dofgrbud gtehes qud bugohe ces yohmes tmrdo icdfkgs oe gjgoheodo ces rd`es. (Budrrg hd Xmfucqum) Erhdoghes gsm oes pusm`es gfg`mogr, oe gohevm`es `dhmg cdbug qud gc hgr uog vudctg dc Zme cg jgrgofg hdc Ve drg gctg y `eotuesg, gvmg `ufkes truofes fgjgc`dotd do cg iudrzg hd cg fermdotd, y do ccdbgohe do trd ces rd`dre `d gjgoheogreo ces rd`es pgrg gbgrgr dc iusmc, y sudrtd qud Gjgo qud tdomg dc rd`e hdc tm`eo oe gjgohe÷e su rd`e qud hmfmdohecd ye gc cghe qud gjmg hd bejdrogr oes sgig`es jmdo hd ces truofes, y em`e `ufkg frmtdrme odc `eotd y Xmfucqum oes frmtgvg te`g te`g fefkmcce, te`g te`g peofke, Vermg cd feotdstgvg e`jrd oe tmrd icdfkgs se`es g`mbes rdspeohmg Xmfucqum tevg oe qumdrd g`mbe, vdom ke`jrd cds hdfmg Vermg td hgrd peofke y fefkmcces oe qumdre rdspeohmg, Vermg hmfd qud sd cd feotdstö feo omobeoe, perfkí dc oe qumse, perfmeo hd cgs icdfkgs vdomgo hdshd cg jgrgofg do cmodg rdttg gc jgrfe, dstgs tdomgo `ufkg iudrsg y gcbuogs pgsgjgo cgs tgjcgs hdc festghe hdc jgrfe qud drgo hd sdhre y hd uog pucbghg y qugrte hd brudse cgs qud pdbgjgo do ces pgrg pdfkes hd fudres gcbeogs pgsgjgo tehg cg puotg gstg pgrgrsd do cg fg÷g, y cg `gyer pgrtd vdomgo hd `gs ghdotre hd cg jgrgofg per dcdvgfmeo y oes fgygo dosm`g g`ehe hd je`jg, dstgs tdomgo pefg iudrsg, y fgmgo do dc tdfke hd ces fudres cgs icdfkgs tmdodo hes vgrgs hd hd cgrbe, 4 tdrfmgs hdyfg÷g vudfg hdc brudse hdc hdhe fkmfe yfe`e uog tdrfmg hd puotg uo pgce esfure iudrtd. G dstg prm`drg hdsfgrbg oe qudhe drmhe omobeoe, fg`mog`es y gc hgr cg etrg vudctg qud tg`jmdo g vmg `eotd oes ysmdreo etrg hdsfgrbg hd icdfkgs, y sd cd feotdstö feo hes ke trds tmres hdiusmc secg`dotd g ces qud sd hdsgreo vdr, pgster dc hmiuote hmse qud gjmg `udrte g uoe hd dcces, y qud ce gjmg vmste fgdr, oesetres dofgrbgjg`e g ces pdeods qud oe tmrgsdo gc `eotd smoe g fghg tmre prefurgsdo vectdgr g uoe hd ces yohmes qud ysmdsdo fudotg hd fgsgr, y gsm ce gsmgo. Ces yohmes yg dstgjgo g qum do dstd sdbeohe cgbud, perquí dc Zme vg hgohe vudctgs, y `mdotrgs oesetres fg`mog`e uog vudctg, dcces pgsgo do cmodg rdttg g gbugrhgroes odc fgrgfec hd cg etrg, dc Zme ds tgo gobeste qud cgs icdfkgs seo `ertgcds hg `ms`e uo cgheggcgcetre hdc Zme qugotesdcces `gsdstgjgo g oesetres qud tdomg`es pgsgr suote jgrgofg do heohd d`jesfghes, gotdsqud hd tmrgr cgs icdfkgs emg`es smd`prd uo smcvmhe fe`e hd uo gqumcg, uog perfmeo hd


ces yohmes dstgjgo hd gfgjgcce y cg `gyer pgrtd g pmds, dstes yohmes oe tmdodo `efkes fgjgcces perqud sd ce fe`do, do dstg sdbeohg hdsfgr-bg oes ccdogreo hd icdfkgs pdre smo drmr goghmds, y brmtgoheoes ce `ms`e qud do cg prm`drg, tg`jmdo oudstres pdeods cd fucpdgjgo ce `ms`e g dcces. Gc hgr cg etrg vudctg y ds hd ghvdrtmr qud gc tmd`pe qud oes gcdlgjg`es hdc tmre emg`e g Xmfucqum qud oes brmtgjg gstg `gs gjgsmte, do dstg tdrfdrg hdsfgrbg tg`pefe go drmhe g oghmg, ces pdeods cgs icdfkgs qud odc festghe hdc Jgrfe doces fudresre`pmgo y cgs tmrgjgo g cgbug, yedstgjgo cd hdfmgofcgvghgs qud cgs dfkdo do cg jehdbg pdrey Vermg cds `gohgjg qud cg tmrdo g cgbug hd sudrtd qud uog mjg g cg jehdbg y 7> g cgbug, qud hdspuds smdohe oesetres `gs ghdcgotd ces yohmes sdtmrgjgo cg cgbug grgfesdrcgs pgrg vecvdrcgs gtmrgr feo cg puotg rettg. Vdbum`es smd`prd fg`mogohe qud dc Zme vdomg `uy jmdo, g cg etrg vudctg oe gjmg `eotd, y sd d`jesfgreo do uo hdsfg`pghe, pdre uoe hd dcces gse`ö cg fgjdsg doteofd oudstre pdeods ces ysmdreo `ufkg jurcg becpdgohecd cg jefg gc hgr cg etrg vudctg gjmg `eotd, y oes ysmdreo etrg hdsfgrbg, sd cd feotdstö feo 8 iusmcgses, gqum qudhe drmhe hd uog icdfkg Frdfmr qud sd cd fcgvö do dc jrgze msqumdrhe, gcbeoes hmfdo qud cgs puotgs hd cgs icdfkgs seo vdodoesg, pdrö ye sgqud g Frdfmr hes gstmccg hgc jrgze g ces 7; `dsds `mdotrgs dstgjg`es do oudstre fgetmjdrme, smo feotgr etrgs `efkgs `gs fkmqumtgs qud cd sgcmgo doqugohe doqugohe `mdotrgs mjg purbgohe cg drmhg, dc oetuje `gs `dhmfe om `gs rd`dhme qud cg prevmhdofmg, hd feosmbumdotd cg puotg oe drg vdodoghg, Frdfmr feosdrvg cgs gstmccg brgohd qud ye cd sgqud y cgs tmdod gqum do su pehdr. Gc hgr cg etrg vudctg drg hdsfg`pghg feo secg`dotd uo grjec hd gcbgreye, y hdspuds qud dstujm`es pgsghes hdcgrjec fe`e pefe `gs hd uog qughrg vm`e uo yohme g trg hd cgcbgreve y Gcdlgohre Vgcg qud drg ig`ese tmrgher cd tmrö `mdotrgs dc yohme oe `estrgjg `gs qud cg fgjdsg y ce yse fgdr y sd vmhe uo hdspgrg`es hdicdfkgs per dc gmrds qud g cg qudotg cg jgcg hdspuds hd pgsgrcd cg fgjdsg cd pdbe tg`jmdo od cgtghe hd sus icdfkgs y sd hdspgrg`greo, gccg vm`es ferdr ces yohmes hd gpmí y hd gfgjgcce. Gc hgr cg etrg vudctg cg hdsfgrbg gsmhe gcbe `doe, uo pefe `gs gjglmte gjmg uo yohme `ese gc pmd hd cg jgrgofg qud drg gcbe dsfgrpghg y dstgjg feo su grfe y icdfkg dsfeohmhg do cg `gsmdbg gbugrhgohe qud pgsgsd`es pgrg gsdburgr g gcbeoe hd oesetres, ces pdeods ce vmdreo, y ces 8 feo ces iusmcds puotghe g cmohme qud oes mjg`e gsdrfgohe, hdfmgo g dstd Heo ^gjce cd tmrg`e, oe cd tmrdo hdfmg dc, cd tmrg`e oe cd tmrdo, qud dste drg ce qud smd`prd hdfàg Vermg d cmohme sd prdpgrg pgrg tmrgr cg icdfkg oe hmstgohe hg dc g oesetres 6 vgrgs perqud cg fermdotd oes ccdjgjg do cgs kudccgs g sm sdrfg hd cg jgrgofg, ye vmdohe qud Vermg oe qumdrd qud cd `gtdo y qud cmohme yjg g cgrbgr cg icdfkg cd brmtd tmrdocd, cd tmrgreo ces 8 oehmstgohe hd cg jefg hd ce iusmcds g cmohe hes vgrgs y qudhe `udrte. Gc hgr etrg vudctg kmsd iusmcgr etre yohme vmdbe per dc `ms`e stmce qudtetre, oes msmdreo etrg hdsfgrbg feo pefgs icdfkgs, gc hgr etrg vudctg oes ysmdreo etrg hdsfgrbg dstg iu í cg `gs fkmqumtg, cg sdttm`g y cg uctm`g fg`mog`e uo pefe `gs1 y iuohdg`es pgrg pgsgr cg oefkd qud yg drg tgrhd, dstd hmg fg`mog`es `gs qud omobeo hmg dc


rme jmdod `um eohe, y feo jgstgotds treofes cg jgrgofgs gctgs y per dse ds qud oe pehmg`e vdrces yohmes pdrö sd ye etrg vdz tujmdrg hd pgsgr per gccm peodrmg gc jgrfe uo grjec feo uog feig hd cgcter hd cgs jgrgofgs qud sdrgo hg 7: vgrgs hd gcte y do pgrtd `gs dosà`g hd cg feig hes e`jrd feo hes trgjefes, y cd grmg pgrgpdfke hd fudre pgrg gjrmbe hd cg icdfkg, dstes oe hdsgrmgo grm`gr g cg jgrgofg g omobuoe yohmes. Xmfucqum oes hmle g cgfgjgr cuctm`g hdsfgrbg gstg `g÷gog, y ouofg `dotmg. (Gjgrmg) ^uds oesetres drg`e sdbures hd cg pgcgjrg hd Xmfucqum hd feosmbumdotd ce drg`e tg`jmdo hd qud oes gtrgfgsd do ces hes sgctes fe`e hmse hmle g`m, oesetres oe sujmg`es qud tgc pehmgo sdr ces sgctes, pdrö per fkmfe qud iudsdo, sgctes gjmgo hd sdr, ye prefurgjg cg sgcvgfmeo hdc jgrfe per-qud sm ce pdrhmg`es gjmdrg`e pdrhmhe cg vmhg e`gog hd ces yohmes, hd feosmbumdotd hmsd g Vermg ces sgctes dstgo sdrfg, ces yohmes oes smbudo pgrg gtrgfgroes gccà, oesetres tdohrd`es qud ces Vgctes, Jgrfe dshdspcgyghe hdjmc, pudhdper g icelgroes gcbeo tgrube dff.hdsgroes g`gs hdfgdr dsteper pehd`es vgrgrdcdo gcbeo uo pefe `gs qud fgcd`es hd gbug, y sdr gccm gtrgfghes ff. hd feosmbumdotd cd hmsd ds `m pgrdsdr dfkgr tehe g 7gbug hdlgohe secg`dotd ce odfdsgrme pgrg cg feosdrvgfmeo hdc Jgrfe y hd cgvmhg, T. oe yrmerg cg hdjmcmhgh hd oudstre Jgrfe puds oe ds dfke pgrg fgrbgr oghg y gsm sdrç T. rdspeosgjcd hd cg vmhg hd oesetres d`ese hd pdrhdrcg per igctgroes dc Jgrfe dff. Vermg oe qumse gsdrsd fgrbe hd rdspeosgjmcmhgh y gsm `gohe tmrgr tehe gcgbug, g`doe ce qud drg hd purg odfdsmhghg. Vdtmrö 9> grevg hd tgvgfe hd Frdfmr ce qugc Vermg sd fe`pre `dtme pgbgrsdce feo 7: grevg `gs qud hdc `ms`e frdfmr gjmg rdpgrtmhe gces pdeods pgrg iu`gr y rdbgcghe g ces yohmes qud seo cgs 2: grevg. Vdrdtmre tg`jmdo 96 sequdtds hd `ghdrg qud trgm`es hd oudstrgs hd 96 fgcmhghds hmiidrdotds, y tehgs utmcds. Vdtmr9 uo brgohd `ertdre, hes brgohd jgtdgs, dtf. Hd ces fudres hd cgs pdtgfgs hdc tgvgfe hd Frdfmr tehes ces pdeods sd msmdreo uo peofke per qudhgr gsm sus fudrpes `gs gjrmbghe hd cgs icdfkgs, Vermg sd yse


hes, perqud dc `mdhe drg hejcd. Lugo @gtgfe sd yse g `ehe hd uo ygqudteo qud cd hmstgjg hgc fudrpe fe`e uog qugrtg hd vgrg dstd drg `gs sdbure, Frdfmr sd yse gsdr per Lugo etre yqugc, pgrdfmgo tgohes igotgs`g, ye y sd hd fudre uog fergsg qud Cg peomg dosm`g hd Mg ygqudtg cd gjeteogjg ces fgcseods dosm`g, y peomg dosm`g hd dccg dc ygcdfe hd `ehe qud oe sd pehmg vdr om `d hgjg dofe`ehmhg gcbuog, oe `d dobresgjg `efke perqud doteofd drg uo pefe `gs qud dsqudcdte, doidr`ghgh qud tujd, bumsd qud oudstre ces etres ysmdsdo fergsgs tg`jmdo,fgusg pdre hd `gscgg`gjgo dc peofke, Oudstre jgrfe, dqumpgbd, cgs icdfkgs qud tdomg`es odc tdfke hd fudres, drg fesg hmbog hd vdrsd! G cg `grmgog vm`es ces yohmes do hes treses hg cg pgrtd hdc O.D. y Xmfucqum do dcces, ysm`e fesmogr dc tucpe pgrg hgr hd ferodr g oudstrg bdotd, y tg`jmdo g oesetres hdspuds hd fe`dr oes pesm`es g fg`mogr uo pefe pdre gfmg vdote iudrtd y do pgrtd oes gtrgfgjg g cg jgrgofg, y gsm dofeotrgohe uo hdspgyghe ier`gohe uo jgofe hd grdog hg cg pgrtd hdc O.D. y cg jgrgofg hdc Ve gcbe jglmtg, hd `ehe qud pehmg`e bebgr gqum feo cgs fgreoghg, hm`es ieohe y oes hdlg`es dstgr. Xmfucqum sd gfg`pö feo su bdotd gc O.D. hmstgofmg hd hes qughrg pefe `gs pdre sd dstgjgo ces yohmes hd `ehe qud oe pehmg`es eidohdrces, doqugohe doqugohe vdmg`e dc se`prdre hd Xmfucqum. Vd puse g ccevdr, y sdbume gsm ccevmdohe tehg cg oefkd. ^ergqum yg cgs gbugs oe seo pdrmehmfg fe`e grmjg. G cetre hmg dc tmd`pe drg ccevmese y vmdote iudrtd, g cg tgrhd Xmfucqum sd gse`e uo pefe feo cg fgjdsg Vermg ce ccg`e vdomke`jrd td hgrd peofkes, Xmfucqum feotdste tmdodo fgrmeods, ces fgrmeods dstgjgo feo cg jeffg gsm g Xmfucqttm m ces hevm`es vudctgs feo cg fgcgtg gsm g dc, do teofkd Xmfucqum sd gse`e g Fgjgcce hmse qudces hd cg etrg jgohg drgo yohmes `gces, ves sems dc `gce cd hdfmg Vermg, ^gtetm ds dc `gce hdfmg Xmfucqum, Vermg gjcgjg feo uog u`mchg mofrdmjcd, Xmfucqum feo uog ves gjcgjg hd `ufke furgbd, dc odbre Cerdoze Icerds sd do ele feo Vermg y cd hmle dcces brmtgo iudrtd brmtdcd iudrtd T. tg`jmdo, y sm T. tmdod `mdhe oesetres cd brmtgrd`es, doteofd Vermg cds hmse g Xmfucqum, `mrgs ye sem judo pghrd y dr`goe hd ieohes ces yohmes y sm vudcvds gtmrgr icdfkgs pdbgrd iudbe gc Fg÷eo y `gtgrg g tehes ces yohmes dste cd hmle feo tehg sus iudrsgs, dstg ds dc hdsdobg÷e qud hmfd Vermg do su cmjrmcce rdfmjmdreo suimfmdotd dtf. i. :2. Gcdxgohre qumse tmrgr uo jgcgse g Xmfucqum y Vermg oe qumse. (ghmes hd Xmfucqum) Xmfucqum sd rmtmre y hdspuds hd uo rgtmte vecvme gsu`gr cg fgjdsg y hmse iudrtd ghmes tmrö uog icdfkg cg qugc sd fcgvö odc jgofe hd grdog, y sd rdtmrö. Hd`gs Xmfucqum `dotàg y drg rdbecgr sd iudsd perqud oes hmle ghmes, y oe gstg


`g÷gog. (hdc Vgcte hd yze ) Gc hmg smbumdotds dotrg`es do uog fgofkg cgrbg y hdrdfkg jgrgofgs gctgs dc Zme gobeste preiuohe y ferdotese fg`mogjg`es drg cgyfermdotd `gs iudrtd gstg qud kem`e uo rumhequgote iudrtd,`gs prdpgrg`es cgs gofrgs, do ccdbgohe heohd dc Zme hgjg uog vudctg fe`e sd vd odc ^cgo gccm dstgjg dc Vgcte hm`es ieohe gotds hd ccdbgr do cg fgmhg hd cgbug, gqum dc Zme drg gcbe `gs gofke y tdomg uo brgo jgofe hd frdhg gfdmtesg gc O.D. qud sejrd sgcmg hdc gbug fe`e uog vgrg do dc `gs gcte gjmg do dc gcbeoes rgmbeods tdohrg hd cgrbe fe`e 7=> vgrgs pefe `gs ke `does y hd gofke ;> vgrgs hdshd dc gbug gstg cg Jgrgofg gctg hdc O.D.. Odc `dhme ke `gs gc Ve gjmg etre jgofe gmscghe qud ce sdpgrgjg hd cg Jgrgofg hdc Ve uo fgogcmte hd gbug fe`e hd 7; sgs hd gofke do heohd `gs tdomg dstd jgofe fe`e => g 7>> vgrgs hd cgrbe, y hg 9> vgrgs hd gofke do dc `dhme drg dc `gs qudggjrg smhe omvdcdotrd hd cgbug uogjgofe vgrg gjmg y hd uo gccmfgogc mjg dofe`e hm`moufme gstg ggcte cgbug `ehe hdhdc pcgyg, ces hes hd :; vgrgs hd gofke per dc qugcsd hdsfecbgjg cgbug feo prdfmpmtgzmeo gc `ehe hd uo fkmiceo hd `ecmoe, y mjg gtrepdzgr dc iudrtd hd cg ferrmdotd do dc jgofe hdc O.D. qud sd gjgosgjg doirdotd hdc fkmiceo fe`e sdvd odc pcgo. @d gfudrhe `uy jmdo qud do 7; ke :> vgrgs hdcgrbe qud gvrg tdomhe cg fgmhg, d hevm`e uog vgrg hd fgmhg, oe oes gtrdvm`es g pgsgr per dc hd `mdhe hd trepdsgr odc jgofe, oes hdtdr`mog`es pgsgr per dc fgogcmte, guoqud gjmg do cg ermccg hdc jgofe vgrmes `ebetds hd cg `ms`g frdhg hdc Jgofe g `ehe hd pgods hd gzufgr y qud cgbug oe ce bustgvg per sdr hd cg `ms`g frdhg hdc Jgofe y gsdmtesg dstes gobestgjgo dc fgogcmte `gs pdrö vm qud gjmg cubugr guoqud gpdog pgrg pgsgr oes hdtdr`mog`es pgsgr per dc, cg fermdotd hdc fgogcmte drg iudrtd pdre hmvmhmhe do hes, dsteds tdomg g `ehe hd uo fkmiceofmte odc `dhme hdc cgrbe hds fgogc y etre g cgfgjgr ke gc hdsd`jefgr dc fgogcmte odc Zme pgsgjg`es per dc imcgohesd per uo fgjcd pgrg qud cg preg oe sd `dtmdsd do gcbeo `ebgtd, y feo oe `uy pefe `mdhe hd ces yohmes. Dstd fgogcmte feo :; ke`jrd do uog sd`gog feo gsghgs oe`gs cepeohrmg do dstghe pgrg pgsgr per dc uo jgrfe hd 7: vgrgs hd gofke, y uog hd fgcghe, dc tmd`pe hd frdfmdotd oe pudhd gjdr smoe uog iudrtd fermdo-td. Vermg cd hmö dc oe`jrd hd Vgcte hd yzö. (Cgbe hd Curjd) Vdbum`es fg`mogohe y gc hgr cg etrg vudctg em`es etre `er`ecce hd cgbug, gpdog ccdbg`es, vm`e gc Zme gofke qud ier`gjg g `ehe hd cgbuog, y feo `uy


pefg fermdotd hm`es ieohe, perquí vm`es qud `gs gjgses sd gobestgjg cgbug dotrd hes jgofes hd frdhg gfdmtesg y ier`gjg uog iudrtd ferrmdotd gssmg `er`ecce, ysd g`grgr uo fgjcd g tmdrrg, pgrg imcgroes per dc, dstg `gomevrg tujd qud gsdrcg gqum perqud oe pehmg imgr`d hd ces pdeods per oe sdr dcces `grmoe, oes imcg`es y pgsgjg`es, `uy jmdo puds oe eirdsd omobuo estgfece, cgs hdsFrmfmeo hd dstd pgse ds tgc qugc dstg odc pcgoe, Vermg cd hme dc oe`jrd hd ^gse hd Curjd. Gppdogs pgsg`e ysd ieohdgr pgrg hdsgtgr dc fgjcd qud gjmg`es g`grghe g tmdrrg, sd imce uo qugrte hd cg fghdog y gcbe `gs smo qud cgofrg gmbg te`ghe ieohe, pgrdsd qud gqum ujmdsd uo pese y sdbuo `m gotmbug`dotd hdjmg hd gjdr uog brgo fgmhg. Dc rd`gose qud ier`gjg oes hdtdomg sd hdsgte dc fgjcd sd sevme cgofrg y sd smbume fg`mogohe, dotrd jgrgofgs `uy gctgs bdodrgc`dotd `eotueVgV hd `ghdrgs utmcds, dc Zme `uy preiuohe gobeste y gcbe ferdotese. (Lugo Lesí Fgsmqud) Dc hmg smbumdotd sdbum`e fg`mogohe. Cg fermdotd yg oe drg tgote iudrtd pdrö cg fkmfgs vudctgs vecvmgo g`gsbghdrdgr uo pefe, `gs gjgle dofeotrg`es uo yohme feo hes `efkgfkes dosm`g hd cg jgrgofg hdc Ve qud vdomg gsm grmvg ke gsm goesetres, sgotmbugohesd, cds prdbuotg`es qumdo drg, oes hmle qud dc drg Lugo  Lesí Fgsmqud hd uo cghe y hdc etre hdc Zme cds hmsm`es qud oes hmxdsd hd qud ogfmeo drg, oes hdfme qud dc drg yohme oe`gs, ce fe`jmhg`e gjerhe yoe qumse vdomr hd `mdhe hd pgbgr per ces hd `gs grmvg, cds pesm`es do cg jgrgofg hes berre yhes fefkmcces qud sd ces iud g terogr gpdogs ujm`es pgsghes, hdspuds `gs gjgle vmoe gjerhe y ce vdstm`e, y sd iuí, `gs gjgle sd vecvme g vdomr feo etre qud hdfmg qud drg su dr`goe, qud tg`jmdo ce vdstm`e y sd qudhgreo gjerhe gfg`mogr feo oesetres. G cg tgrhdfmtg dofeotrg`es uo brgo jgofe hd frdhg g cg pgrtd hdc Ve pdbghe gccg jgrgofg hdc `ms`e cghe dstd drg dr`ese cebgr pgrg pgsgr cg oefkd, perquí gqum yebgvgo jmdo cgs fgreoghgs, hm`es ieohe, y `gohg`e g He`mobe fkequd feo hes pdeods `gs odc jgofe g fefmogr jrgzgs, do dste vmomdreo `gs yohmes, y vmoe cg oefkd, Lugo Lesí feo su dr`goe sd iudreo g tmdrrg, y susdhd qud Fkequd fgmö gcgbug, y trgs dc sd tmrgreo hes yohmes pgrg sgcvgrce, feo dste sesdhàe gcjerete, oesetres frdydohe qud ces yohmes gmbgo `udrte g oudstres pdeods dstgjg`e yg pgrg tmrgrcd feo cgs fgreoghgs. bugohe vm`es per cg cuz hdc iudbe g Ogrfmse qud sd sdfg qud goevdrce ujmdrg`es dfkes uog `gtgozg tdrmjcd y gsm sd rdbgce gces hes yohmes sgfgreo g Fkequd hes fufkmcces fghguoe y uo bere tg`jmdo fghguoe.


Dc etre hmg oes hmle Lugo Lesí qud oes mjg gbugrhgr g su fgsg, y oesetres sdbum`es g fg`mogr. @gs gjgle dofeotrg`es do uog jgrgofg jglg g `ehe hd pgyg g Lugo Lesí feo `efkg dofcmghg hd tehe sdse, cd rdbgcg`es Fefkmcces, Berres, bugcdfes, Fgcseods, vgqudtgs pgrg rdpgrtmr g sus bdotds, tg`jmdo cd rdbgcg-`es uo sgfe hd `gms, y uo gtghe hdc fkgrqud, puds qud yg sgjmg`es qud dstgjg`es sdrfg hdc hdsd`jequd. (cugo Lesí fdcdjrg cg pgs Gc rdfmjmr dste Lugo Lesí do cg pcgyg, gbgrö uog frmgturmtg hd pdfke g uog fkmog, y feo dccg do cg `goes cg tdomg grmjg sejrd su fgjdsg sgctgvg, ccergohe, y brmtgohe gsus bdotd, y sus bdotd ce `mrgjgo feo `ufke smcdofme, dstg sfdog hurö fe`e uo qugrte hd erg y pusd cg frmgturg dotmdrrg oes hmle g oesetres, do dofgrbghe g `m bdotd smd`prd pgs feo ces sgctd÷es qud hgo hd fe`dr g ces pejrds yohmes `udrtes hd kg`jrd, y ces ^grgbugyes jgcg sd÷er!... Dstg iudreo cgs pgcgjrgs qud oes hmle dc fgsmqud Lugo Lesí feo vmvgs hds`estrgfmeo hd vdhghdrg g`mstg. Hdspuds oes hmse qud dc oes mjg g bugrhgr do cg pestg hd ferrmdotd (Dstg pestg qud oes hdfmg Lugo Lesí hdjàg hdsdr uo ejrgld hd `ghdrg hd ces ferrdotmoes. Wugohe rdbrdsg`e hd oudstrg hdtdofmeo odc ^grgbugy dstgohe do ferrmdotd hmle dc Dffdcdotàsm`e Vdboer Bejdrogher Heo ^dhre Idrm g Vermg g....), oesetres hdfmg`e qud pestg ds dstg do dc Fkgfe cd prdbuo-tg`es qugotgs cdbugs gjmg g cg pestg, oes hdfmg qud `gs gjglmte, fe`e 4 g 9 cdbugs y sd iuí. @gs gjgle dofeotrg`es uog yscg fkmfg y `uotuesg hd grjecd utmcds, ce `ms`e docgs hes jgrgofgs, hdshd gqum sd pudhdo sgfgr `ghdrgs `uy dr`esgs, Vermg hmö dc oe`jrd g dstg yzcg hd O(....) , gqum qudhg`es gpgsgr cg oefkd. G cg `g÷gog sgcmroes y pgsgroes feo dc Jgrfe per dc Fgogc hdc O.D. y `gohd qud uog fgoemtg pgsgrg per dc fgogc hdc Ve qud ces hes tdomgo gbug jgstgotd, dste ds dc `doe ieohe 9 tdrfmgs hd vgrgs, gpdogs ujm`es pgsghes cg yzcg dofeotrg`e hd cg pgrtd hdc omvdc hd gbug, y oe vdomg per dc gbug gcbuog. Wugote `gs yjg`es `gs gjgle cgs jgrgofgs y kgo jgsgohe `gs y do pgrtd g vmg pcgygs hd grdogs, `gs gjgle dofeotrg`e uo pgrgbd qud cgbug sd hdspgrg`gjg y oe gjmg `gs qud uog vgrg hd ieohe. Gcg oefkd hevm`es ieohe qud yg drg fugsm esfure y gc rumhe hd cg fghdog. eà`es uo brgohd gcjerete hd yohmes qud sd gjmgo gsustghes.


G cg `g÷gog sdbumroes fg`mogohe y do feotrg`es hd cg pgrtd hdc O.D. uo rmgfkmte `uy dr`ese trgmg rdbecgr gbug, ye cd pesd dc oe`jrd hdc Zme jdcce `gs gjgse dofeotrg`es uo brgohd pgc`gr, dc vmdote oes gtrgfgvg. hd`ehe qud oe pehmg`e fg`mogr y gsà pgrg`es g qum. (Hdsd`jequd odc Zme ^grgbugy) Gcg `g÷gog oes pusm`es g fg`mogr y cgs y hd cg `g÷gog hdsd`jefg-`es do uo brgohd Zme qud gc `e`dote hmsm`es dstd ds dc .Zme ^grgbugy. Hdshd dc hdsd`jequd gstg gc sgcte hd yzö dc Zme sd pudhd ogvdbgr feo uo jgrfe hd 2 qugrtes hd fgcghe, feo cg sdburmhg qud oe do fudotrgrç `gs qud uo pgse hd uog vgrg pdrö gcmlgohe sd pgsg gc `e`dote perqud ds `uy furte, ds hd ghvmvdrtmr qud dc Zme hdc ^grgbugy drg frdfmhe, pdrö dc Jgrfe jgle. (Dotrmdbg m imo) Cg gcdbrmg qud besgjg`es tehes drg mo dspcmfgjcd per gjdroes sgighes hd sdr fe`mhes gsghes per ces jgrjgres. ye pgrtmfecgr`dotd Vdotmg uo lejmce do `m pdfke qud oe`g ce gjmg prdvghe ye hdfmg g`m `ms`e, g hdspdfke hdc Frudc Vermg, hd cgs doidr`dhghds, y hd `ms brgohd trgjgses, hm imo g`ms ejcmbgfmeods, feo rdspmrgr tehgjmg `m vmhg, ye `d hdfmg g erg, `d qudhgrd sgie `uy preote hd `gohgr g dstes pdeods, preote `d sgigrd hd Vermg, y feotdote rdspmrgrd y rdspeohrd `m sgcuh. ^uds gpdogs hdsd`jufg`es hdsfujrm`e uog fgsg do cg festg hdc ^grgbugy, feo dc gotdele vdm`es bdotd qud oe hmstmobum`es sm drgo e`jrd ke `ebdrds, puds gccg oes hmrmbm`es, y gcg fdrfg`es `gs feoefm`es qud drgo feo fkmrmpg qud gprdsurghes gfkgjgo ces Fgjgcce gc fergc Feoefm-`es qud sd tmjmgo dsustghes cd pesm`es jgohdrg jcgofg, pdrö do smccgreo y sd hmspgrgreo tehes, Frdfmr hmle gqud vg`es gqum vg`eoes hdrdfke g fermdotds, Vermg hdfàg g `m qud hmfd T. ye cd hdsmg qud `m ejcmbgfmeo sd gfgje odc hdsd`jequd hdc Zme Jdr`dse qud dc drg dc Fgpmtgo y hmspesmdrg, frdfmr mostgjg y hdfmg qud sm tefg`e gccm oes gjmgo hd dofghdogr hdhes dohes y gsd`es fgrbgr cghrmcces do `dhme hd cg pcgzg hd cg fgpmtgc, Vermg hdfmg qud tdomg qud trgtgr y qud oe fe`pmg feo sg fe`msmeo smo tefgr gccm. frdfmr cd hdfmg qud hd Ferrmdotds pehmg trgtgr Vermg hdfmg g`m qud cd pg rdfd g T. H.O. ye qud `uy jmdo feoefmg g Vermg ce qud hdspuds pehmg sesdhdr`d fgusg hd su brgohd gvgrmfmg smo yqugc....cd rdspeohmg qud sm sg Fe`mfmeo drg hd tefgr odc ^grgbugy, vg`es gccm, qud sm oe ce drg vg`es gjgle, qud dc drg dc Fgpmtgoe y qud dc Vece sdrg ejdhdfmhe, Frdfmr doteofd sd ce Mcdjgjgo ces hmgjces pdre per ceshdc pdeods iuí `dogsghe hdBugrhmg `udrtd, hd sm oe fgccmgjg cg drg jefg. cg jgrgofg ^grgbugy gc imo hd cg Xgccm qud tgc cg gtrgfg`e fgsg, y oeg gjmg uo gc`g tehes sd gjmgo dsfgpghes hd `mdhe hd oesetres, g qum Frdfmr pmhmö


uog fgoemtg per mrsd g Ferrmdotd, ye oe qumsd perqud oe `d pgrdfmö jmdo, hdspuds hd uo cgrbe rgte, vmoe uo sgrbdote ^grgbugye g fgjgcce dosm`g hd cg jgrgofg g `mrgroes Vermg cds hmse jdobg pgrg g gfg ke`jrd se`es g`mbes oe tdobg `mdhe, qud se`es frmstmgoes, qud vdom`es hd Vgctg. dc ^grgbugye do teofd hmle vdobg pgrg fg T. Vermg sd iuí gccg, y `mdotrgs feovdrsgjg ccdbö cgc idrd Zug feo feo uoes sechghes g Fgjgcces, y ccdbe cgcidrd Xgcgvdrg feo hes fgoegs feo sechghes Vermgdste, dqumvefg cgcgvdrg tmdrrg y per Zug`gohghe do cg fgoeg, pdre pefe m`pertg cgsuotepeomdohe d sgjdr qud g qum per dotrdbg-`e hd Vermg cgs gr`gs g cgcidrd Xgcgvdrg, hdspuds hd gjdr dotrdbghe cgs gr`gs oes qumtgreo ces rd`es, y cgs Fgoegs oes feotgreo fe`e fgjrgs, y hdle cgcidrd Zug hd bugrhmg g oesetres gstg oudvg erhdo. Dstd ds dc Ydotgreo, y cg fermdotds, y- cg Yez, qud oes gtrgfö! Ydgo dc cmjrmcce hd Vermg, fe`e `mdotd i.8> y 87. Gqum d ejsdrvghe cg cgctg per `dhme hd tgkurg `dhmgog cg Cturg hd :9> ;7' 4:'' Vuh feo cmfdofmg hd cgcidrd Zug. Dc hmg 7= oes ccdvgreo dstrmgohe gstg Od`jufe y oe pesmdre do( ) gqum fe`m ye uo pefe hd pgo y `d vecvme dc Fkdfke. Gqum pgbe Vermg g ces pdeods 7: pdses g fghg pdeo, g`doe Vgcbudre y ces hes motdrprdtd qud ouofg cd hgo oghg....y oe do Xgccm! Efke hmgs hdspuds, cgcidrd tgcgjdrg oes jmoe g cdr cg smbumdotd erhdo hdc Vd÷er Veprd`e Hmftgher Erhdo Hmrgs gces qud Fgpmtgomgo g cgs jgrfg vdomhg hd Vgctg qud per su gfte gtres, gtrdvmhe, hdsvdrbeosghe, hdspetmfe, y mofeosecdotd. qud dses pmfgreogse hdc Vgctd÷es sd luotgreo, feo dses cghreods hd ^ertd÷es qud pdrsuhmfgreo hd tgotes `mcceods hd pdses g dstg prevmofmg, qud sm qumdrdo vecvdrsd pgrg gtrgs sd vudcvdo y oe qud sd rd`mtdo g dste qud sd cds hgrg hdstmoe, pgrg gjgle oe kgo hd kmr. Verg cd feotdstö qud cd drg tgo igfmc vecvdrsd pgrg gtrgs fe`e hd gquà g cg Cuog, ye cd hmsd qud dstgjg doidr`e, y qud `d peomg do cgs `goes hd su Dxfdcdofmg hmspesmdsd hd `m ce qud iudrg hd su gbrghe, Frdfmr prdbuotö sm pes (dotrdbgrg cgs gr`gs cd rdspeohme qud dc oe sgjmg doteosd Frdfmr (....) ) ces pdeods cd hmsdreo qud qud gfmgo qud sus pgtreods dcceshmgrme tg`jmdo. `d hmle g`m, Erhdo hd suceDxfdcdofmg cd `gohdkgfmgo T. su ^cgo sd ceDoteofd hm y cd hmle qud sm bustgo cd uomrmg pgrg qud su Dxfdcdofmg vmdrg Zme `dser.


Dc Fe`gohgotd `d ce hdvecvme hmfmdohe`d qud gsm ce kmfmdrg y hme pgrtd gc Hmftgher. G ces efkes hmgs vmoe cg erhdo qud sd cd `gohd dc pcgo hmgrme, sd ce `gohd,  lustg`dotd feo dc rdeomhe. Ces `gces hmgs ye pgsgjg fgusg hd `m doidr`dhgh seo mofrdmjcd, `d iuí odbghe uo fgcgjese pgrg gjrmbgr`d. Vermg, Frdfmr, y ye gbugrhgjg`es fghg hmg cg Vdotdofmg hd sdr iusmcghes (uomfe prd`me qud sudcdo hgr ces tmrgoes) sdbeo oes hgjgo g dotdohdr ces sechghes qud oes bugrhmgjgo. Gces pefes hmgs vmoe erhdo hd trgtgroes jmdo. Dc hmg prm`dre hd Dodre hdc 7;:2 oe msmdreo trgsjerhgr gjerhe hd uog Becdtg pgrg gbugs grmjg hdlgohe feojgrfgr g Vermg tehes ces fkms`ds hd oudstre jgrfe, y sgcm`es feo hdstmoe gbugs grmjg ccdbg`es do cg Fgpmtgc do cg qugc dstujm`es 4 hmgs sm pehdr gjcgr feo oghmds, y sgcm`es oudvg`dotd per grmvg, odc Fg`moe dc Ygqudgoe trule gjerhe uog iudotd hd `mdc feo qudse y `gms testghe, tehe vdodre per fkefke, ye rgjmese hd `m sudrtd, y hd `m sgcu, y gjecmhe yg hd vmvmr, fe`m hd dste `gs qud uo sgoe, cudbe `d hme cg fgcdoturg qud `d hdxe trds oefkd y hes hmgs, y sd `d ferte dc dc fkefke. Dc hmg 8 hd Idjrdre cdbg`es do cg Ymccg Zdgc, dc hmg ; dc fe`gohgotd `gohe jgsgr gtmdrrg g ces pdeods g trds g trds y ces mjg dotrdbgohe g ces eimfmgcds hd cg Fe`pg÷g qud sd ce ccdvgreo g iudrg, uctm`g`dotd oes kmse jgsgr g oesetres trds, Vermg, Frdfmr, y ye gqum oes kmse uo rdbmstre sfrepucese qumtgoheoes tehes oudstres pgpdcds, g Vermg cd qumtgreo uo cmjre hd fudotgs, y su hmgrme, qud do ces hes oe, gpuotgjg `gs qud ces brgoes hd `gys hdc @eotd! y uog fepmg hd cd`jdotgrme hd su Fgsg g Frdfmr cd te`greo uogs fgrtgs, y g`m ce smbumdotd, To eftgotd dr`ese, cgs tgjcgs hd ces cebgrmt`es hd Fgccdt, @gfgrtd, y Jebeur, g`jes trgtghes hd ogutmfg, hes te`es hd cgs tgjcgs hd ces vmdotes ferrmdotds y `grds feoefmhes do tehes ces `grds hdc bceje, dc `gougc hd ces tdr`moes `grmoes, Cgcbdjrg hd Cgfrems, grmt`dtmfg hd Jdzut, dc feoefm`mdote hd ces tmd`pes, dtf. dtf. ces `gs qud grgofö hd `m gc`g, gosmhe ces Fgcfuces, hdcesejsdrvgfmeods gstrgc qud gjmg dfke. Hdspuds oes Mcdjö do cg vmccg, y oes pese do uo qugrtmte g ces trds, y oes hmbe T. gqum seo cmjrds, rdjesqudosd oghmd cd g`ecdstgrç do cghg, y sdiuí, hdsgoheoes do cg`gs odbrg smtugfmeo, gqum ferte `m rdcgfmeo per gkerg feo sece hdfmr, qud drg smd`prd pdrsdbumhe per dc fkefke, qud dstevd 7> `dsds y hmgs smo her`mr om


hd oefkd y om hd hmgs, 74 `dsds feo jusgs, smo gjdrcgs `drdfmhe. Wud per pefes cgs Ymccmdogs `d Frusmimfgo fe`e ces yohmes g Frmste dtf. dtf. pgrg dsfrmjmr `ms gfeotdfm`mdotes do vmccg rdgc odfdsmte `gs tmd`pe, y qugohe sdrgo dsfrmtes `d trgtgrgo hd d`jestdre, pdre sdrgo vdrhghds. Dc hmg 7; hd Dodre hdc 7;67, dc Fe`gohgotd oes rdeome g tehes oesetres, y oes hdle erhdo hdc Vd÷er Vuprd`e qud tehes Tstdhds sd rdhehdo y dstdo cmste per d`jgrfgrsd per gbugs gjgle, oudstrg gcdbrmg iud `gs brgohd qud bugohe hdsd`jefg`e do dc Zme ^grgbugy, puds hd dsfgves pgsg`es g gcmjrds, feo uo sece gcte vecuotgh hdc Vd÷er Vuprd`e, ye cd hmxd qud ye dstgjg cmste, g cg vdrhgh jmdo pefe ujmdrg hdlghe. (Vgcmhg hd Ymccg Zdgc) Dc hmg 4 hd Lucme hdc 7;67 sd oes `gohe d`jgrfgr per gbugs gjgles. Dc hmg :> hd lucme hdc 7;67, do Od`jufe trgsjerhg`es gjerhe hd cg Ve`gfg Fgr`do, hd cg Vdoerg Fgohmhg `dhmog, pgrg Judoes Gyrds. Dc hmg :6 hdc `ms`e ccdbg`e do Ferrmdotds do heohd feoesmhe jmdo rdfmjmhe, pgrtmfecgr`dotd per dc Dxfdcdotmsm`e Vd÷er Bejdrogher Heo ^dhre Idrrd, hmfke Bejdrogher dfkö do fgrg g Vermg dc oe gjdrcd dfke sgjdher hd oudstrg dxpdhmfmeo. (ccdbghg g J.G.) Dc hmg :2 hd Gbeste hdc 7;67 ccdbg`es imogc`dotd gc hdstmoe hdsdghe per tgote g÷es. Gqum hmld g Vermg qud `d fkgofdcgsd `m fudotg `d hmle dc qud drg prdsmse gsdr uo pcgo hd `d`ermg pgrg hgr uog mhdg hdc Zme Jdrjdle g ces freomstgs, y sd ce ysmdse, qud bugohe sdrg dfke yotgrg g ces gffmeomstgs pgrg pgbgr`d, qud oe drg rdbecgr yotgrces feo cgs `goes vgsmgs, cd trgsd uoe, g su buste, hdspeds ce pesd do cm`pme, y oe gjmdohe qudhghe tehgjmg g su buste cd kmsd etre. @mdotrgs cd hdcmodgjg dstd uctm`e feoesm qud `dhgjg tmd`pe gbgstgr `gs pdses qud tdomg hd 9 tdrfmes hd ydrjg, bugohe gfgjd, iuí Vermg hg Frdfmr y cd prdbuotö sd ye tehgvmg tdomg pcgtg Frdfmr qud ce feoefmg, cd feotdstö qud dc yg `d gjmg d`prdstghe jgstgotd, y gbugrhgjg qud dc `d pgbgsd perquí ye cd pgbgsd gc, dstg judoe doteosd hmle Verg To hmg `d ium y cd hmxd Heo ^gjce yg ds tmd`pe qud `d `m qudotg. @d rdspeohme dstgs pgcgjrgs qud sd ye dotdohmdrg gcbe hd `usmfg cgs


peohrmg feo `dser seoghg qud Zessmom. T T Tstd ds uo pejrd, oe pudhd pcdmtdgr tmdod qud sd fgccgr cg jeffg. Dstd iuí `m pgbe, `gohe cmtebrgimgr 4>> pcgods feo `m oe`jrd do uo rmofeo smoye gjdrcd imr`ghe. ^cgo gcbeoe, `d pesd gpcdmtdgr, odc `ms`e tmd`pe `d hdtuvd g festrumr uo pcgo hdc Zme Jdr`dye ce `gs dxghe pesmjcd, y sd uog sujsezmsmuo pgrg festdgr cg cmtebrgimg pgrg pujjcmfgrce, dste oe bestö g Vermg, `d grulö g uog pdrseog hd `ufkg dotmhgh qud ye cd gjmg imr`ghe dc pcgoe qud dc pujjcmfö, smdohe uog igcsdhgh pgtdotd. Gstg kerg od kd cebrghe lustmfmg gcbuog, ds vdrhgh `d pgrdfd qud uo pejrd tmdod qud sd fgccgr cg jeffg. Judoes Gyrds :8 hd Gvrmc hd 7;6: (Imr`gte) Omfecgs Hdsfgczm. Ejsdrvgfmeods< (7) Ejrg qud hdtgccg gspdftes hd cg vmhg hd qumdods iudrgo Bmevgoom Fgsgrdtte y Idhdrmfe Hdcpmoe , g`jes jetçomfes y Omfecg Hdsfgczm , dxpcergher y bdebrgie. (:) Gccç per 7244 qumdo iudrg bejdrogher hd cg ^revmofmg hdc Zàe hd cg ^cgtg, dc Xdomdotd Bdodrgc ^dhre Fdvgcces, ghvmdrtd cg odfdsmhgh hdc use hd ces furses hdc ^grgoç, ^grgbugy y Jdr`dle pgrg dstgjcdfdr fe`uomfgfmeods feo ^etesà, Gsuofmöo y Judoes Gmrds. (6) Wud tehgs cgs prevmofmgs hdc motdrmer hd Vuh G`írmfg sdgo prehmbmesg`dotd jdodimfmghgs per dc gprevdfkg`mdote te`ghe hd dstgs mostgcgfmeods pgrg cg motdrfe`uomfgfmöo, oe gh`mtd huhg1 pdre ces hmstrmtes qud, gc prdsdotd seo ces `çs gmscghes, sdràgo ces `çs iudrtd`dotd `dlerghes per dstg, dstes seo ces hd @exes, Fkmqumtes, y Vgotg Fruz hd cg Vmdrrg, do dc oudve dstghe hd Jecmvmg, feo rdspdfte g ce gotdrmer, cgs smbumdotds hdfcgrgfmeods seo kdfkgs do uoe hd ces pgoicdtes hd Judoes Gmrds. Dstes feotmdodo fdrfg hd fugrdotg y trds `mc cdbugs fughrghgs hd tdrrmterme1 y prehufdo gzüfgr, grrez, fgií, g÷mc, fefeg, gcbehöo (ces hd @exes smdohe pdfucmgr`dotd imoes), brgoes, fertdzg y `ufkgs etrgs hrebgs vgcmesgs, `ghdrgs td÷mhgs, tgjgfe, `m`jrds, ou`dreses tmpes hd cgs `ghdrgs `çs imogs, fudres, sdjes, dtf.1 tehes dstes grtàfuces oe dstço hmspeomjcds do dc prdsdotd g fudotg hd su vecu`do, qud ces kgfd m`pesmjcd hd trgospertgr per ces `dhmes yg feoefmhes do dc pgàs. ] dc üomfe pudrte `gràtm`e feo dc fugc dcces tmdodo fe`uomfgfmöo ds Cg`gr (Fejmlg), do dc ^gfàimfe, guoqud cg feoicudofmg hdc Lguru feo dc ^grgbugy (heohd dc üctm`e sd kgfd ogvdbgjcd) ds sece sdtdotg cdbugs hdshd Vgotg Gog, cg fgpmtgc hd Fkmqumtes, fmdo hdshd Vgotg Fruz hd cg Vmdrrg, y sdtdotg y trds hdshd Ymccg-jdccg do @gtg-bresse. ^gjce Vermg , Moier`d g ces Gffmeomstgs.


(8) ^gjce Vermg< ^rehufter Luld÷e, prepmdtgrme pgrg cg ípefg hd ces dstgjcdfm`mdotes Zàe Odbre y Vgo Mbogfme, hdstmoghes dc prm`dre y prmofmpgc`dotd g cg prehuffmöo hd àohmbe (g÷mc), dc etre g cg fg÷g hucfd (fg÷g hd gzüfgr) y dc gcbehöo. Do erhdo hd m`pertgofmg cgs kgfmdohgs qud sd rdbmstrgo seo do Fg`pe Vgote cgs prepmdhghds hd Kdrdhmg Ferodle y Imbudreg. Dstgjcdfm`mdote Vgo ^dhre hd Etdre, Dstgjcdfm`mdote Cdhds`g hd Evdldre1 Dstgjcdfm`mdote Vgo Cerdoze hd \dbghg1 Dstgjcdfm`mdote Vgo Cufgs hd @grqumdbum, Dstgjcdfm`mdotes Zàe Odbre y Vgo Mbogfme hd ^gjce Vermg, Dstgjcdfm`mdote Vdotg hd Trmjuru. (4) Cgs ccuvmgs d`pmdzgo do eftujrd, y hurgo kgstg imo hd `grze. Ces ràes frdfdo hdshd oevmd`jrd kgstg `grze, y hdfrdfdo hdshd gjrmc kgstg eftujrd. Ces `dsds hd `gyer fguhgc seo dodre, idjrdre, `grze1 y ces hd `çs jglg, lucme, gbeste y sdptmd`jrd. (9) Dc prm`dr pgse mohmspdosgjcd hd cg d`prdsg ds dc rdfeoefm`mdote hd cg fgpgfmhgh hdc ràe sus hd`grfgfmeods perqud sece sejrd dstg festesg jgsd, su pudhdo omvdcgr cgs uctdrmerds epdrgfmeods, fe`pudstg hd uog dxtdosg omvdcgfmöo, juquds ghdfughes, `dhmhgs hmiàfmcds y hmspdohmesgs, dtf. ^grg hgrce güo do cg feotmobdofmg hdc íxmte hdsdghe, ds prdfmse feostrumr juquds g prepösmte, gfepmgr `ghdrgs pgrg dcce y grrestrgr etrgs hmimfuctghds, y fe`e dstes trgjgles kgo hd didftugrsd do hdsmdrte, ds ierzese ccdvgr g íc hdshd dc prm`dr motdcmbdotd qud ces kg hd hmrmbmr kgstg cg sgc qud kg hd feosu`mr dc üctm`e hd ces ces pdeods hdstmoghes g hds`eotgr, g gjrmr fg`moes pgrg feohufmr cgs `ghdrgs gc ràe, g cdvgotgr jgrrgfgs hd gjrmbe, do imo ds ierzese ccdvgr gccà uog feceomg hd grtdsgoes y bdotds mohustrmesgs rdfebmhgs hd heohd sd dofudotrdo y `gotdodrcgs. (2) –feo uo fgcghe hd :7 pucbghgs y `dhmg e hes tdrfmgs hd vgrg `does hes y `dhmg pucbghgs‐ oes tdr`mog hd gsdburgr, Omfecçs Omfecçs Hdsfgczm  (;) Kgfd rdidrdofmg gc hdoe`moghe –Moier`d hdc Fe`msmeoghe hd cg Vefmdhgh hdc ràe Jdr`dle‐ susfrmte per ^gjce Vermg. (=) –µKe (=)  –µKe qud dc hmgjce g hd sdr5‐, µE quí hmgjces pmdosg kgfdr5 (7>)  –qud hd per sm g gjmdo fgigcghe‐,  (7>)  fgigcghe‐,   hdjdràg cddrsd fe`e –qud pgrg fec`e dstgjg `uy jmdo fgcgigtdghe‐, (jmdo sufme hd jrdg). (77) –dosmd`g –dosmd`g e g cgbug‐, sejrd cg jgrrgofg e hdotre hdc gbug (7:) Ces puotes suspdosmves rdimdrdo sdburg`dotd g pgcgjrgs momotdcmbmjcds pgrg qumdods didftugreo cg prm`drg dhmfmöo hdc prdsdotd hmgrme.  (76) Vd trgtg hdc smtme hdoe`moghe Luotgs hdc Jdr`dle feo dc Brgohd, gc qud Vermg rdjgutmzö fe`e ^gcfg hd Vermg. (78)‐Dc jçrjgre sm ye `d `eràg kujmdrg hmfke feo dstd mjg y feo etre oe‐, gc pgrdfdr .oes `udstrg fmdrte hdsmotdrís hd Vermg per ccdvgr ghdcgotd cg dxpdhmfmöo. dxpdhmfmöo. (74) –Mouctrgrsd‐< Vd vdrç moütmc. (79) Fgrre heohd sd `eotg dc fg÷öo. (72) Fg÷eods fertes hd brudse fgcmjrd (7;) Fg÷öo ferte feo sm`mcmtuhds gc `ertdre y qud cgozg pmdhrgs. (7=) Fugrtg pgrtd hd uo qumotgc1 77,4>: abs.


(:>) Xdohrd`es qud sgctgr ces hes sgctgr qud hmfdo tdodr, fgjgc`dotd do heohd ces mohmes dstço `gces‐, `gces‐ , hdjd cddrsd fe`e –…tdohrd`es qud pgsgr ces hes sgctes qud hmfdo tdodr (dc furse hdc Jdr`dle), gccà heohd ces mohmes seo `gs kestmcds‐ (:7) Lesí Bgspgr Zehràbudz hd Irgofmg, rmbmö ces hdstmoes hdc ^grgbugy hdshd 7;78 kgstg su `udrtd efurrmhg do 7;8>. (::) Ces feoqumstgherds y ces `msmeodres oe kgo pdosghe lg`çs do kgfdr uog hdsfrmpfmöo vdrhghdrg hd cgs hmidrdotds ogfmeods mohmgogs, smoe secg`dotd do rdgczgr sus predzgs y dxgbdrgr sus trgjgles. Ds feo dstg `mrg qud dcces kgo gu`dotghe moimomtg`dotd dc oü`dre hd ces mohmes y cgs ogfmeods y qud kgo kdfke gotrepöigbgs g gcbuogs1 dcces ce kgfàgo smo rgzöo, perqud key hàg omobuog hd dstgs ogfmeods fe`e fgrod ku`gog y oe rdfudrhgo kgjdrcg fe`mhe. Iícmx hd Gzgrg. (:6) –Çohgtd puds ke`jrd‐, Gohg ke`jrd, gfe`pg÷g g cg dxpdhmfmöo smo prejcd`gs qud g tu rdbrdse… (:8) Vd trgtgjg hd uog tdcg `uy gprdfmghg dotrd cgs fe`uomhghds mohàbdogs (:4 @etd, sd trgtg hd `gàz pdcghe.

(:9) Cgozgr, ve`mtgr (:2) Fg`jmcgofkd, fg`jgcgfkd, fg`jgcgfkdgohe. Motdrfg`jmgohe, fgoldgohe. (:;) Jmtg< pestd hd `ghdrg qud gsdburghe sejrd fujmdrtg smrvd pgrg hgr vudctg g ces fgjcds hdc gofcg fugohe sd ieohdg uog ogvd. (:=) Fecmsg, pcgtgier`g bmrgtermg sejrd cg fugc bmrg cg furd÷g smo rudhgs hd uo fg÷öo. (6>) Vd trgtg hd Igràgs y oe hd Vermg. (67) –Jgohdstg‐< jgohdg, trgspgsg (6:) – Hd oudstrgs fgoegs sd rdsjgcö uoe hd oudstres pdeods gc `eotd, hd heohd sgcmö hdspuís hd `dhmgoefkd, sgctgohe gc gbug pdrsdbumhe hd uoes hes mohmes…‐1 – Ce rdfebm`es g jerhe feo trds cgozgzes qud cd kgjàgo hghe do dc `eotd y cg mohmghg hdsgpgrdfmö do uo mostgotd…‐1 – Gc hàg smbumdotd `urmö dc pdöo Igràgs.‐ - Hmgrme ^gjce Vermg(66) –Vgcm`es hd gccà feo sec y gc pgsgr per uog jgrrgofg gctg, tmrgreo gc fe`msmeoghe hes icdfkgs, gc sgcmr g cg fujmdrtg, g fuye imo sd kgjàgo gpertghe (gpestghe) hdtrçs hd ces çrjecds ccg`gohe etre hd dcces feo brgohds brmtes cg gtdofmöo g cg jgohg epudstg . Oe drgo `çs qud sdms u efke ces qud gpgrdfmdreo do hmidrdotds pgrtds. Dc pdöo smo huhg ces kgjàg prevefghe, motdotgohe rejgrces e hd gcbüo etre `ehe do su rgofkdràe…‐ ‖ Hmgrme ^gjce Vermg(68) Xgfes hd `ghdrg hd feosmhdrgjcd pdse y tg`g÷e (64) Irdotd hd cgs gotmbugs rdhuffmeods hd Fgobgyí, cgrduomöo hd fkus`g sd kmze `gyer< pusmdreo g cg ermccg uog dspdfmd hd gctgr feo sçjgogs, zgrgzgs, cm`dtgs hd vmhrme y lgrrgs hd cezg1


`gs om per dse frdyö dc fe`msmeoghe pruhdotd jglgr g tmdrrg, om dcces ce dxmbmdreo tg`pefe hmrdftg`dotd1 puds dste sdràg smd`prd grrmdsbghe, dotrd bdotd qud om g jerhe pehàg feotdodrsd hd dfkgr `goe g fugote dofeotrgjgo. Hmgrme ^gjce Vermg (69) –Vgcm`es hd gquà y sd kg d`jgrfghe dc fgfmqud ^gsgmo, qud hmfd sdrce per dc bejdrogher Cuz y etre mohme `çs .Dc prm`dre `gomidstgjg hdsdes hdc rdstgjcdfm`mdote hd gqudccg rdhuffmöo y eimfmesg`dotd dovmö g su kmle g prdvdomr g uo fgmqud, su pgrmdotd, hd oudstrg mhg do judog g`mstgh. Hd vudctg yg dc kmle, oes hdlgreo uo hàg gotds hd ccdbgr g ces ccgoes hd Gspg. Hmgrme ^gjce Vermg. (62) –Vdbum`es per cg `g÷gog smo qud oghmd sd oes gfdrfgsd, `gs cudbe gpgrdfmö dc fgfmqud ^etetm, g qumdo oes kgjàg rdfe`dohghe dc hd Fgobgyí, pmhmö d`jgrfgrsd y sd ce rdfmjmö. Hmgrme ^gjce Vermg‐. (6;) –G pefg hmstgofmg sd gpgrdfmö tg`jmío dc fgfmqud hd cg jgohg ermdotgc, Xdfucqum, feo etres fmofe. Vd cds rdfmjmö g jerhe g pdsgr hd cgs prdvdofmeods qud kgjàg feotrg dcces, pdre gr`gohe g fghg pdöo hd uog jgyeodtg g cg fmoturg, tehe dstgjg preote g fugcqumdr dvdote‐. Hmgrme ^gjce Vermg

(6=) Bgccgroes, bgccdgroes< ^revefgroes. (8>) –Feo dc ele gc fkgrqud‐, `ehms`e qud smbomimfg, dstgr `uy gtdote g ces gfeotdfm`mdotes qud vgygo g sufdhdr. (87) Feig< @dsdtg fecefghg kermzeotgc`dotd do dc fudcce hd uo pgce. (8:) –Gc smbumdotd hàg sd hdsfumhgreo uo pefe ces mohmes do hdlgrsd vdr gc hdsfg`pghe y gccà rdfmjmdreo uo hdsdobg÷e suimfmdotd pgrg oe vecvdr g tmrgr `gs icdfkgs guoqud oes smbumdreo per cg festg gc hàg smbumdotd…‐ Hmgrme ^gjce Vermg. (86) Hd imcgr, grrmgr prebrdsmvg`dotd uo fgjcd. (88) –G `dhmg cdbug `gs gjgle gjgle sd gpgrdfmö uoe pdsfgohe, qud mostghe g qud hmldsd hd qud ogfmöo drg, feotdstö qud drg mohme oe`çs, fgfmqud hd cgs hes festgs y qud sd ccg`gjg Lugo Lesí< drg tejg, fe`e ce seo tehes hdshd cg rdhuffmöo hd Fgobgyí kgstg dc ^grgbugy, íc dstgjg m`pudste hd cgs efurrdofmgs hd grrmjg y oe qumse kestmcmzgroes `gs, prejgjcd`dotd per kgccgrsd do rdcgfmöo hd g`mstgh feo dc Dxfdcdotàsm`e bejdrogher hd Förhejg, heo ^dhre Idrrí‐. Hmgrme ^gjce Vermg (84) Ygqudtgs< Fudres furtmhes (89) Vd trgtgràg hd cg mscg ×gfurutü. (82) ^mfgreogze< ^mfgröo, pàfgre< Jgle, ruào, hecese, igcte hd keorg y vdrbódozg. Gstute, tgm`ghe. 


Jmjcmebrgiàg y Iudotds feosuctghgs< Idrogohdz Ferodle, Ghrmço. Dxpdhmfmöo gc Fkgfe per dc ràe Jdr`dle. 7;69 Fgstre Jedhe, D`mcme. Dstuhmes sejrd cg ogvdbgfmöo hdc ràe Jdr`dle y feceomzgfmöo FkgfeGoöom`g. (7;2:). Judoes hd tmpes hd cg hdc Vefmdhgh 7;26. Gmrds, M`prdotg, cmtebrgiàg y Iuohmfmöo Xerrd Zdvdcce, Lesí. Dstdce y Feofdpfmöo hdc Jdr`dle, hes fmuhghds hdsgpgrdfmhgs.  Judoes Gmrds.7=86.  Grfkmve Bdodrgc hd Mohmgs, Zdprdsdotgfmöo gc Zdy hdc Bejdrogher Fg`pdre,  Vgctg, 72 hd gjrmc hd 7294. Vdffmöo Y, Guhmdofmg hd Judoes Gmrds, Cdbgle 8=.  \gpgtg Beccgo, Gbustào. Dc Fkgfe Bugcg`jg y cg fmuhgh hd Feofdpfmöo hdc Jdr`dle.  Dh Feosdle Ogfmeogc hd Movdstmbgfmeods Fmdotàimfgs y Xífomfgs, Judoes Gmrds 7=99. Adrstdo, Cuhwmob. Cgs trmjus mohàbdogs hdc Brgo Fkgfe g imods hdc smbce [YMMM . Hdpgrtg`dote hd Kmstermg hd cg TOOD.Zdsmstdofmg 7=9;. Vecg Lugo . Jrdvd dstuhme sejrd dc Fkgfe y dc Jdr`dle. Judoes Gmrds 7;;>. Budvgrg Lesí. Feoqumstg hdc ^grgbugy, Zme hd cg ^cgtg y Xufu`ço. Judoes Gmrds 7;;: Hwdrkgbdo, K. F., –Zdvmdwdh wera(s)< Dosgye sejrd cg Xepebrgpkmg hd ces Zmes ^cgtg, ^grgog, ^grgbugy, Ydr`dle, ^mcfe`gye, pgrg sdrvmr hd @d`ermg î su Ogvdbgfmeo.  Guterds Ygrmes. –Xrd Fkmgvgrdsm Hdcc”;>>‐. Vefmdtç” Dfeoe`mfg hm Fkmgvgrm 72=77==7.Xmpebrgimg Cmteprmot.7==7. Hdrdfkes Xehes ces hdrdfkes seo rdsdrvghes per cg Vefmdtg¸Dfeoe` Vefmdtg¸Dfeoe`mfg mfg hd Fkmgvgrm, ^revmofmg hd Bíoevg, Zdppujcmfg Zdppujcmfg Mtgcmgog. Cmfdofmg pgrg dstg dstg pujcmfgfmöo gutermzghg epertuog`dotd epertuog`dotd per cg Hmrdffmöo hd cg Jmjcmetdfg hd dsg Keoergjcd Mostmtufmöo do uo tehe feoier`d g cgs hmspesmfmeods qud rdbucgo cg rdprehuffmöo hd hefu`dotes fustehmghes per jmjcmetdfgs pujcmfgs dstgtgcds, do pgrtmfucgr hd cg Cdy 966/87 oevdccgtg hg C. 7;.>;.:>>>, oü`dre 8;, hdc Hdfrdte Cdbmscgtmve hdc = hd gjrmc hd :>>6, oü`dre 9; y hdc grtàfuce 7>2 hdc Föhmbe hd Jmdods Fucturgcds. Feo gpcmfgfmöo hdc grtàfuce


8;4 hdc Föhmbe ^dogc do fgse hd mofu`pcm`mdote hd cgs oer`gs prdfdhdotd`dotd fmtghgs. Dstg oe pudhd sdr rdprehufmhg, om do tehe om do pgrtd, om rdbmstrghg do, e trgos`mtmhg per, uo smstd`g hd rdfupdrgfmöo hd moier`gfmöo, do omobuog ier`g om per omobüo `dhme, sdg `dfçomfe ietequà`mfe, dcdftröomfe, `gboítmfe, dcdftreöptmfe, per ietefepmg e fugcqumdr etre, smo dc pdr`mse prdvme y per dsfrmte hd cg Dotmhgh gotds fmtghg.  Lugo Lesí Aepp.  luleagNcmvd.fe` Zdpüjcmfg Grbdotmog, :6 hd `grze hd :>77.

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