Konica-Regius - Sigma2service Manual PDF

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Service Manual





Safety Warnings & Precautions


Before Repairing




Using a Service Tool to Confirm Behavior 


Disassembly & Assembly


 Adju  Ad justm stmen ents ts


Maintenance & Inspection


 Appe  Ap pend ndix ix


Revision History





Blank Sheet



Contents Introduction.................................................................................... i Introduction.................................................................................... Cautions .............................................................................. .............................................................................. i Trademarks Trademark s .................................................................. ......................................................................... ....... i How to Read this Manual............................................................. Manual ............................................................. i Structure Structur e of This Manual..................................................... Manual..................................................... i Difference between REGIUS  and REGIUS  II.......................ii Parts changed.....................................................................ii


Rec Recov overy ery Op Opera eratio tion n ...... ......... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... .....3..3-2 2


How to Retri Retrieve eve Logs. Logs.... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... .....3..3-3 3


Err Error or Mes Messag sage eC Cont ontent ent & Cou Counte nterme rmeasu asures... res...... ...... ...... ....3-4 .3-4

Board Compatibility................... Compatibility.............................................................ii ..........................................ii

Chapterr 1 Chapte 1.1

Safety Warnings Warnings & Precautions....... Precautions....... 1-1

Symbo Symbols ls relati relating ng to Safety.... Safety....... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ......1...1-2 2

3.4.1 3.4. 1

70x 70xx: x: Initializ Initializatio ation n Erro Errors..... rs........... ............ ............ ........... ........... ..........3-4 ....3-4

3.4 3.4.2 .2

71xx 71xx:: Sensor Sensor Err Errors ors... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ... 3-1 3-12 2

3.4 3.4.3 .3

72xx 72xx:: Singl Singlee Un Unit it O Ope pera ratio tion n IInit nitial ializa izatio tion n

3.4 3.4.4 .4

Errors.................................................................... 3-29 73xx 73xx:: Sing Single le U Unit nit Ope Operat ration ion Sen Senso sorr E Erro rrors...... rs...... 3-3 3-35 5

3.4 3.4.5 .5

74xx 74xx:: Image Image Re Read ad Relat Related ed Er Erro rors.. rs..... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... .. 3-5 3-52 2

3.4 3.4.6 .6

76xx 76xx:: Sing Single le Unit Unit O Ope perat ration ion Image Image Re Read ad Related Errors...................................................... 3-55


1.1.1 1.1.1

Safety Safety Al Alert ert Symbo Symbol.... l....... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ... 1-2

1.1.2 1.1.2

Warning arning No Notic ticee (Sig (Signal nal W Wor ords)... ds)...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ... 1-2

3.4 3.4.7 .7

77xx 77xx:: FPGA FPGA,, SD SDRA RAM MR Rela elated ted Err Errors ors... ...... ...... ...... ..... .. 3-5 3-59 9

1.1.3 1.1.3

Des Descri cripti ption on of Gra Graph phic ic Sym Symbo bols.. ls..... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ... 1-2

3.4 3.4.8 .8

780x 780x:: Other.... Other....... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ... 3-6 3-65 5


Wa Warni rning ng Labels Labels... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ....1-3 .1-3

3.4 3.4.9 .9

781x 781x:: Door Door sta status.... tus....... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... .. 3-6 3-65 5


Saf Safety ety Pre Precau cautio tions..... ns........ ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... .....1-4 ..1-4

3.4.10 3.4. 10

782x: 782x: Warnings arnings...... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ......... ... 3-66

1.3.1 1.3.1

Precau Precautio tions ns Nec Neces essar sary y to Follow Follow Leg Legal al and and Regulatory Requireme Requirements nts..................................... ..................................... 1-4

3.4.11 3.4. 11

7999: 7999: Reader Reader Prog Program ram Dest Destroye royed d ...... ............ ........... ......... .... 3-66

3.4.12 3.4. 12

14xxx: 14xxx: Sens Sensitivi itivity ty Corr Correcti ection on Error.... Error.......... ............ ......... ... 3-66

1.3.2 1.3.2

Ge Gene neral ral Preca Precauti ution onss ... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... 1-4

3.4.13 3.4. 13

24xxx: 24xxx: JM Comm Communic unicatio ation n Errors........ Errors.............. ........... ....... 3-67

1.3.3 1.3.3

Han Handli dling ng Precau Precautio tions... ns...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... .. 1-4

3.4.14 3.4. 14

25xxx: 25xxx: Imag ImagePilo ePilott Conn Connectio ection n Error Error ...... ............ .......... .... 3-67

1.3. 1. 3.4 4

Pr Prec ecau auti tion onss Re Rela lati ting ng tto o Hand Handli ling ng Cassettes/Plates...................................................... Cassettes/Pla tes...................................................... 1-4

3.4.15 3.4. 15

26xxx: 26xxx: the service service tool Erro Error......... r............... ............ ............ ......... ... 3-68

3.4.16 3.4. 16

27xxx: 27xxx: USB Rela Related ted Errors... Errors........ ........... ............ ............ ............ ...... 3-68

1.3.5 1.3.5 1.3.6 1.3. 6

Chapterr 2 Chapte 2.1

Servic Servicing ing Precau Precautio tions. ns.... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... 1-5 Disp Disposal osal Caution Cautions...... s............ ............ ........... ........... ............ ............ ............ ......... ... 1-5

3.5 3.5

Before Repairing...................... Repairing............................... .........2-1 2-1

Nam Names es of Parts. Parts.... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ......2...2-2 2 2.1.1 2.1.1

Exter Externa nall View of the devi device ce... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... 2-2

2.1.2 2.1.2

Statu Statuss lam lamps..... ps........ ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ... 2-3


Con Config figura uratio tion n ... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ....2-4 .2-4


Main Sp Specifi ecificati cations. ons....... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ..........2-5 ....2-5

Coun Counte term rmea easu sure res s fo forr de deal alin ing g with with p pro robl blem ems s no nott displayed as error mess messages.................................... ages.................................... 3-70 3.5 3.5.1 .1

Devic Devicee Sound...... Sound......... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ... 3-7 3-70 0

3.5 3.5.2 .2

If powe powerr can canno nott be tur turne ned d ON ON... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... 3-7 3-70 0

3.5.3 3.5. 3

Plate rela related ted...... ............ ............ ............ ............ ........... ........... ............ ............ ........... ..... 3-70

3.5 3.5.4 .4

Defect Defective ive image image ... ...... ...... ...... ...... ....... ....... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... 3-7 3-70 0

Chapter 4

Using a Service Tool to Confirm Behavior Behavi or................. .................................. ............................4-1 ...........4-1

2.3.1 2.3.1

De Devic vicee Spe Specif cifica icatio tions. ns.... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... 2-5


Beh Behavi avior or Confi Confirm rmati ation on Su Summ mmary.... ary....... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ....4-2 .4-2

2.3.2 2.3.2

Ima Image ge Re Read ading ing & Er Erasi asing...... ng......... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ... 2-5


[Un [Unit it Test Test]] (Chec (Check) k) Scr Screen een Dis Displa play.. y..... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ....4-2 .4-2

2.3.3 2.3.3

Co Contr ntrol ol Part Part Fun Functi ction onss ...... ......... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ... 2-7

4.2 4.2.1 .1

The [Unit [Unit test test]] Sc Scree reen n&F Fun uncti ction on S Sum umma mary... ry......4 ...4-2 -2


Blo Block ck Dia Diagra gram m ... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... .....2-8 ..2-8

4.2 4.2.2 .2

The The [Unit [Unit T Test est]] Scree Screen n & Fu Func nctio tion n Su Summ mmary ary... .....4..4-3 3


Ma Main in Part Loca Locatio tions ns ... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ....... ....... ...... ...... ...... ....2-9 .2-9



Con Confir firmin ming g behav behavior ior of a sin single gle dev device.... ice....... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ....4-3 .4-3


Sen Sensor sor statu status s Che Check.... ck....... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ......4 ...4-5 -5 4.4 4.4.1 .1 Senso Sensorr statu statuss Con Confir firma matio tion n Proc Proces esss ... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ......4 ...4-5 -5

2.5.1 2.5. 1 2.5.2 2.5.2

Fram Frame..... e........... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ........... .....2-9 2-9 Up Uppe perr Ins Insert ertion ion Uni Unitt ...... ......... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... 2-1 2-10 0

2.5.3 2.5.3

Lower Lower Inser Insertio tion n Un Unit.... it....... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ... 2-1 2-11 1

4.4 4.4.2 .2

Casset Cassette te size & sen sensor sor status.. status..... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ....4-5 .4-5

2.5.4 2.5.4

Sub-s Sub-sca can n Un Unit it ... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ......2-12 ...2-12

4.4 4.4.3 .3

Ins Insert ertion ion site se senso nsorr sta status.... tus....... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ......4 ...4-6 -6

2.5.5 2.5.5

Expo Exposur suree Un Unit.... it....... ...... ...... ...... ....... ....... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... 2-1 2-13 3

2.5.6 2.5.6

Light Light Col Collec lectio tion n Un Unit it... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ......2-13 ...2-13

Chapter 5

2.5.7 2.5.7

Era Eraser ser Uni Unitt ... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... .. 2-1 2-14 4


Beh Behavi avior or Expla Explaine ined d ... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ....2-15 .2-15 2.6.1 2.6.1

State State Tra Transi nsitio tion n Dia Diagr gram.... am....... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... .. 2-1 2-15 5

2.6.2 2.6.2

Nor Normal mal O Ope perat ration ion ((Ima Image ge Re Read ading ing).... )....... ...... ...... ...... ..... .. 2-1 2-16 6

2.6.3 2.6.3

Initi Initiali aliza zatio tion n Op Opera eratio tion n ...... ......... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ......2-19 ...2-19

2.6.4 2.6.4

Era Erase se Op Opera eratio tion n ...... ......... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ......2-21 ...2-21


Disassembly & Assembly.............. Assembly..... ............ ...5-1 5-1

Bef Before ore Dis Disass assemb embly ly... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... .....5..5-2 2 5.1 5.1.1 .1

Disas Disassem sembly bly/As /Assem sembly bly Ca Cauti ution onss ... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ....5-2 .5-2

5.1 5.1.2 .2

Check Checking ing & ad adjus justme tments nts need needed ed after after assembly..................................................................5-2

5.1 5.1.3 .3

Pro Proble blems ms th that at o ofte ften n oc occur cur after after asse assemb mbly ly ... ...... ...... ......5 ...5-3 -3

Fun Fundam dament ental al Steps teps ...... ......... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...5-3 5-3


Cas Casset sette/ te/Pla Plate te Handli Handling ng ... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... .....2..2-22 22

5.2 5.2.1 .1

Power Power OFF OFF/ON.. /ON..... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ....5-3 .5-3


Tools, ools, Ins Instru trume ments nts,, J Jigs igs,, et etc. c. Need Needed ed ffor or Ser Servic vice e ... ....2-22 .2-22

5.2 5.2.2 .2

Remov Removing ing tthe he ex exter terna nall pan panel el & parts.... parts....... ...... ...... ...... ......5 ...5-4 -4

Troublesho Troubleshooting oting.................. ................................ ..............3-1 3-1

5.2 5.2.3 .3 5.2 5.2.4 .4

Remov Removing ing & attac attachin hing g th thee up uppe perr co cove verr assy.... assy.......5 ...5-5 -5 Re Remo movin ving g & att attach aching ing the the up upper per inse inserti rtion on u unit nit... ...5-6 5-6

Wo Work rk Flo Flow.... w....... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... .....3-2 ..3-2

5.2 5.2.5 .5

Remov Removing ing & aatta ttach ching ing tthe he le left ft si side de p pan anel.... el....... ...... .....5..5-7 7

Chapterr 3 Chapte 3.1

REGIUS /II Service Manual


  s    t   n   e    t   n   o    C




  s    t   n   e    t   n   o    C




5.2.7 5.2.7

Re Remo movin ving g & att attach aching ing tthe he re rear ar pa panel nel p patc atch h ass assy y.5-9


REGIUS  Device Wiring Diagram..............8-9

5.2.8 5.2.8

Rem Remov oving ing & aatta ttach ching ing the low lower er ins insert ertion ion unit.. unit.. 5-9


REGIUS II Device Device Wiring Diagram......... 8-10

5.2.9 5.2.9

Re Remo movin ving/a g/atta ttach ching ing the fro front nt p pan anel el assy..... assy........ ..... .. 5-1 5-11 1

5.2.10 5.2. 10

Rem Removin oving g & attachin attaching g th thee Su Sub-sc b-scan an unit unit..... .......... .....5-12 5-12

Chapter Chap ter 9

5.2.11 5.2. 11

Rem Removin oving g and attachin attaching g tthe he eras eraser er unit unit...... ............5-17 ......5-17


5.2.12 5.2. 12

Rem Removin oving g & attachin attaching g th thee ex expos posure ure unit... unit......... ........ 5-20

5.2.13 5.2.13 5.2.14 5.2. 14

Rem Removin oving g & attachin attaching g light light coll collectio ection n unit...... unit...... 5-21 Rem Removin oving g & attachin attaching g th thee upper upper doo doorr assy...... assy......5-23 5-23

5.3.1 5.3.1

Cha Chang nging ing the stat status us L LED ED b boar oard d ...... ......... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... 5-2 5-25 5

5.3.2 5.3.2

Cha Chang nging ing tthe he L LED ED dr drive ive2 2 bo board.. ard..... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... 5-2 5-25 5

5.3.3 5.3.3

Ch Chan angin ging g tthe he Era Eraser ser Un Unit it A Assy ssy (Er (Erase aserr L LED).. ED)..5-2 5-27 7

5.3.4 5.3.4

Cha Chang nging ing the main boa board. rd.... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... .. 5-2 5-28 8

5.3.5 5.3.5

Cha Chang nging ing the SW p pow ower er sup supply.... ply....... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... .. 5-3 5-30 0

5.3.6 5.3.6

Cha Chang nging ing tthe he p pow ower er su supp pply ly ci circu rcuit it br break eaker er... ...... ..... 5-3 5-31 1

5.3.7 5.3.7

Cha Chang nging ing th thee Inl Inletet-NF NF wi wirin ring g Ass Assy.. y..... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... .. 5-3 5-32 2

5.3.8 5.3.8

Cha Chang nging ing siz sizee de detec tectio tion n se sens nsors ors 1 an and d 2........ 2........... ...5-3 5-33 3

5.3.9 5.3.9

Cha Chang nging ing the ca casse ssette tte sen senso sor..... r........ ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... 5-3 5-34 4

5.3.10 5.3. 10

Cha Changin nging g th thee pl plate ate ssens ensor or (l (light ight rece receivin iving)..... g)....... .. 5-34

5.3.11 5.3. 11

Cha Changin nging g the plat platee ssens ensor or (lig (light ht emit emitting ting)) ........ ........ 5-35

5.3.12 5.3. 12

Chan Changing ging the V-SYN -SYNC C sensor sensor aand nd V V-SYN -SYNC C assembly...............................................................5-37 assembly............................................................... 5-37

5.3.13 5.3. 13

Cha Changin nging g th thee entra entrance nce NIP sens sensor...... or............ ............ ......... ... 5-38

5.3.14 5.3. 14

Cha Changin nging g th thee exit exit N NIP IP ssenso ensor........ r.............. ........... ........... .......... ....5-39 5-39

Cha Changi nging ng mec mechan hanica icall part parts s ... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ......5 ...5-40 -40 5.4.1 5.4.1

Cha Chang nging ing tthe he lo load ading ing/fe /feed eding ing m moto otor...... r......... ...... ...... ..... .. 5-4 5-40 0

5.4.2 5.4.2

Ch Chang anging ing the sub-s sub-scan can NIP NIP m moto otorr and sub-scan drive drive Assy............................................. Assy.............................................5-41 5-41

5.4.3 5.4.3

Ch Chan angin ging g the sub-s sub-sca can n fe feed eding ing motor.... motor....... ...... ...... ..... .. 5-4 5-43 3

5.4.4 5.4.4

Cha Chang nging ing the Eras Eraser er L LED ED co cool oling ing fan... fan...... ...... ...... ......5-44 ...5-44

5.4.5 5.4.5

Cha Chang nging ing th thee mag magne netic tic clu clutch.. tch..... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... .. 5-4 5-45 5

5.4.6 5.4.6

Cha Chang nging ing th thee upp upper er door door guid guide..... e........ ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ......5-46 ...5-46

5.4.7 5.4.7

Cha Chang nging ing the lin link k asse assemb mblie lies.... s....... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... 5-4 5-47 7

5.4.8 5.4.8

Cha Chang nging ing th thee entr entran ance ce gui guide.... de....... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... .. 5-4 5-48 8

5.4.9 5.4.9

Ch Chan angin ging g the driv drivee rol roller lers. s.... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... 5-4 5-49 9

Cha Changi nging ng cass cassett ette e parts..... parts........ ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ......5 ...5-51 -51 5.5.1 5.5.1 Disass Disassem embli bling ng a casset cassette. te.... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ......5-51 ...5-51

Adjustments Adjustments ................................... ...................................... ...6-1 6-1

Obl Obliqu ique e adjust adjustme ments nts... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ....6-2 .6-2

Maintenance & Inspection............... Inspection...... ........... 7-1


Mai Mainte ntenan nance/ ce/Ins Inspec pectio tion n Schedul Schedule...... e......... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ......7...7-2 2


Pla Plate te fe feedi eding ng path path cl clean eaning ing ... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... .....7-2 ..7-2

Chapterr 8 Chapte


Appendix Appendix ................................... ........................................... ........8-1 8-1

Ser Servic vice e Tool Tool Sc Scree reen n (Unit (Unit test test)) ... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ......8...8-2 2 8.1.1 8.1.1

[U [Unit nit test] test] Screen.. Screen..... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... 8-2

8.1.2 8.1.2

[Un [Unit it Te Test] st] (Ch (Check eck)) Screen... Screen...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... .. 8-3

8.1.3 8.1.3

[Er [Error ror Hist Hist]] Scr Scree een n ...... ......... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ... 8-7

8.1.4 8.1. 4

[W [Warni arning ng setting] setting] Scre Screen. en....... ........... ............ ............. ........... ........... ......... ... 8-8

8.1.5 8.1.5

[Repo [Report rt of reader reader]] Scree Screen.. n..... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ... 8-8

Revision Revision History History ................................9-1 ................................9-1

Manu Manual al revi revision sion hist history ory...... ............ ............ ........... ........... ............ ............ ............ ........9-2 ..9-2

Cha Changi nging ng electr electrica icall par parts ts... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... .....5..5-25 25

Chapter 7


Dev Device ice Wiring Wiring Diag Diagram..... ram........ ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ....8-9 .8-9

Re Remo movin ving g & aatta ttachi ching ng tthe he rrigh ightt si side de p pane anel.... l....... ..... .. 5-8

Chapterr 6 Chapte 6.1


5.2.6 5.2.6

REGIUS /II Service Manual




How to Read this Manual

The Direct Digitizer REGIUS  and/or REGIUS  II (called the "device" hereinafter) is an X-ray image cassette reading device that uses photostimulable phosphor as an X-ray detector.

Structure of This Manual

This manual states the cautions and steps for service engineers to  perform repair or main maintenance tenance of this device (or a system includin including g this device). After reading through this manual, make sure it is readily accessible for future reference.

This manual is divided into the following 9 chapters describing device repair and maintenance methods, as well as safety  precautions  precautio ns and ope operation. ration.

Chapter 1: Safety Warnings & Cautions An explanation of the safety warnings and cautions to follow while repairing or maintaining this device.

Chapter 2: Before Repairing An explanation of device fundamentals that need to be understood  before attempting attempting to re repair pair or main maintain tain this devic device. e.

Chapter 3: Troubleshooting An explanation of the various methods for dealing with devicerelated troubles.

Chapter 4: Using a Service Tool to Confirm Behavior  An explanation of how to confirm device operation.

Chapter 5: Disassembly & Assembly An explanation of the steps needed to disassemble and assemble the device.

Chapter 6: Making Adjustments An explanation of part adjustments necessary for repair and maintenance.

Chapter 7: Maintenance & Inspection An explanation of how to maintain and inspect the device.

Chapter 8: Appendix A list of technical information for reference during device repair or maintenance.

Chapter 9: Revision History



1) Unauthorized reproduction of any p part art of thi this s manual is prohibited. 2) The contents contents of this manual are subject to change without notice. 3) Any discrepancies, discrepancies, errors or omissions noted should be communicated to the manufacturer.

Settings and behavior confirmation of the device are performed with the service tools of REGIUS ImagePilot (hereinafter ImagePilot).Service tool operation details can be found in the ImagePilot Installation & Service Manual, so you are recommended to refer to it when necessary.

4) Notwithstanding Notwithstanding item 3) a above, bove, the man manufacturer ufacturer ac accepts cepts no responsibility whatsoever whatsoever for any loss or decrease in profi ts arising from usage of the product.

Trademarks Company names and product names in this manual are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.

©, ® and ™, representing these ownerships, are omitted in the following pages. Copyright © 2011 Konica Minolta Medical & Graphic, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

REGIUS /II Service Manual




Difference between REGIUS  and REGIUS  II  II Parts changed The following REGIUS  parts are replaced in the REGIUS  II. No.



Outline of the change



Front panel

Logo (REGIUS II) is printed



Rating plate



Sensor on each part_relay Assy












FFC cable_Assy

Number of pins, Connector connection method



SW p po ower supply MAIN_BOARD_Assy

With a ferrite core



Eraser Unit



Board Compatibility Equipment and Board

• REGIUS  can use both new and old boards. • REGIUS  is also be planned to be integrated in the new board. Board Equipment REGIUS 


• •  


• •




LED and Drive Board

• The new and old boards are not compatible with each other when combined. Drive Board L ED_ ED_DR DRII V VE E_ _B BO OA AR RD D







 

REGIUS /II Service Manual



Chapter 1   Chapter1

Safety Warnings & Precautions An explanation of the safety warnings and cautions to follow f ollow while repairing or maintaining this device.


Symbols Symbols relating relating to Safet Safety y ..... .......... .......... ........... ............ ............ ........... ........... ............ ...........1-2 .....1-2 1.1.1 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1 .2 1.1.3 1.1 .3

Safety Safety Ale Alert rt Symbol... Symbol...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ......1-2 ...1-2 Warni Warning ng Noti Notice ce (Sig (Signal nal Words) Words) ...... ......... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... .....1-2 ..1-2 Descri Descripti ption on of of Graph Graphic ic S Symb ymbols..... ols........ ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... .....1-2 ..1-2


Warning Warning Labels...... Labels........... ........... ............ ............ ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... .......... .......... .......... ....... 1-3


Safety Precaution Precautions s ..... ........... ............ ........... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ........... ............ ........... ........1-4 ...1-4 1. 1.3. 3.1 1 Prec Precau auti tion ons s Nece Necess ssar ary y to F Fol ollo low w Lega Legall and and Regulatory Requirements.............................. Requirements ......................................... ...........1-4 1-4 1.3.2 1.3 .2 Genera Generall Precau Precautio tions. ns.... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ....1-4 .1-4 1.3.3 1.3 .3 Handli Handling ng Pre Precau cautio tions ns... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ......1-4 ...1-4 1. 1.3. 3.4 4 1.3.5 1.3.5 1.3.6 1.3 .6

Prec Precau auti tion ons s Rela Relati ting ng to Ha Hand ndliling ng Cassettes/Plates........................................................1-4 Servic Servicing ing Pre Precau cautio tions. ns.... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... .....1-5 ..1-5 Dispos Disposal al Cau Cautio tions. ns.... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... .....1-5 ..1-5

  s   n   o    i    t   u   a   c   e   r    P    &   s   g   n    i   n   r   a    W    t   y   e    f   a    S  


Chapter 1 Safety Warnings & Precautions

1. 1.1 1 Sy Symb mbol ols s re rela lati ting ng tto o Sa Safe fety ty

1.1.3 1.1 .3 Descri Descripti ption on of of Graph Graphic ic Sym Symbol bols s

1. 1.1. 1.1 1 Safe Safety ty Al Aler ertt Sym Symbo boll

A triangle indicates a danger against which you should take precaution. e.g.)

This is the "safety alert symbol." This symbol alerts you to matters and/or operation potentially hazardous to yourself and other people. Read these messages and follow the instructions carefully.

This symbol warns against "Danger of Electrical Shocks". A diagonal line indicates a prohibited course of action.

1.1.2 1.1 .2 Warning arning Noti Notice ce (Sig (Signal nal Word Words) s)

1   y    t   e    f   a    S   o    t   g   n    i    t   a    l   e   r   s    l   o    b   m   y    S    1  .    1


Signal words indicate the degree of potential hazards in the use of the product.

This symbol indicates you "Do Not Disassemble".

Signal words include the following three types, which are used according to risk of damage caused by danger and the severity of damage.

A solid circle indicates an imperative course of action. e.g.)


This symbol indicates you must "Remove Plug from Power Outlet".

Indicates a imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.

WARNING Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.

Graphic symbols


Indicates items that cannnot be touched.

CAUTION Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury. It may also be used to indicate hazardous situation where only physical damage is likely to occur.

Indicates that AC power is being used.

Indicates the off position for the main power switch of this device. Indicates the on position for the main power switch of this device.

Indicates that a plate is jammed inside the device.


REGIUS /II Service Manual


Chapter 1 Safety Warnings & Precautions

1. 1.2 2 War arni ning ng La Labe bells Warning labels are attached to the following areas of the device.  UTION CAUTION

Before performing maintenance such as installation or repair, make sure to fully understand the meaning of each warning label, and how to handle each section they are located in.

Laser warning label

1   s    l   e    b   a    L   g   n    i   n   r   a    W    2  .    1 Exposure Unit

REGIUS /II Service Manual



Chapter 1 Safety Warnings & Precautions

1.3 1.3 Sa Safe fety ty P Pre reca caut utio ions ns

1.3. 1.3.3 3 Hand Handli ling ng Pre Preca caut utio ions ns

Read all safety precautions thoroughly before using the device. Be sure to observe the safety precautions described in this section.

1.3.1 1.3 .1 Precau Precaution tions s Neces Necessar sary y to Follow Follow Legal Legal and Regulatory Requirements Requirements  CAUTION Caution as to laser control


To prevent danger, make sure that only service engineers who received proper formal training will remove the exterior cover or touch the inside of the equipment.

Specifications Specification s of llaser aser unit

  s   n   o    i    t   u   a   c   e   r    P   y    t   e    f   a    S    3  .    1






Semiconductor laser  


659 nm

Maximum output

130 m W

 WARNING • If unusual noises, odor, or smoke comes from this device, stop operation. If unusual noises, odor, or smoke coming from this device is detected, immediately stop operation. If you continue to operate it with the abnormal condition left as it is, it could cause an electric shock, fire, or damage to the device.

• Be careful not to trip over or trample on the power cable. If you continue to use the damaged cable, it could cause an electric shock, heat generation or fire.

• Do not remove the power plug by pulling on the power cable. Doing so may cause the power cable to break, resulting in heat generation or fire.

• Do not put drinks or foreign objects on the device.

This device is a Class 1 laser product.

Do not put drinks such as juice or foreign objects such as clips and pins on this machine. If you use this device after liquids or foreign objects such as metals have entered the machine, it can cause a short in the internal circuit, resulting in fire.


1. 1.3. 3.2 2 Gene Genera rall P Pre reca caut ution ions s

• Do not block air intakes or outlets of the device. If air intakes or outlets of the device are blocked, it can cause the device to fail or reduce the accuracy of image reading.

 WARNING • Do not perform any work or operations that are not described in this manual. If you do accidentally conduct work not described in this manual, you may suffer from burns or electric shock due to touching a hot section or high voltage component of this machine.

• Be sure to follow safety precautions for warning labels. Be sure to follow the safety precautions contained in this manual and shown on warning labels attached to this machine. Failure to observe these precautions may result in personal injury or damage to this machine.

• This device is equipped with a laser generator (class 3B). Avoid exposing the eyes or skin to direct laser, as it could cause

• Do not leave objects standing on the device or do not step on it. Doing so may lead to the risk of injury due to falling, or damage the device.

• Do not use equipment such as mobile phones that emit electromagnetic waves. If you use equipment such as mobile phones that emit electromagnetic waves near the device, it can have a negative effect on the device.

1.3.4 1.3 .4 Preca Precauti utions ons Rela Relatin ting g to Handl Handling ing Cassettes/Plates  WARNING

a serious injury.

• Removing exterior covers To prevent danger, make sure that only service engineers who received proper formal training will remove the exterior cover or touch the inside of the device.

• Do not scratch the plate. The photostimulable luminescent material used on the plate can cause problems if it enters the human body. If the protective layer on the plate surface has been severely damaged and the  photostimulable  photostimu lable lumin luminescent escent mater material ial is exposed, exposed, take the following actions.

- If swallowed, consult a physician immediately. - If the eyes are exposed to it, flush them with clean water and consult a physician immediately immediately..

- If the skin is exposed to it, rinse with clean water immediately.

- Even if the photostimulable luminescent material does not enter the human body, take preventive measures against contact and dispose of the plate immediately in accordance with the applicable standards.


REGIUS /II Service Manual


Chapter 1 Safety Warnings & Precautions

1. 1.3. 3.5 5 Serv Servic icin ing g Preca Precaut utio ions ns  WARNING • Do not insert a piece of wire or metal. Do not insert foreign objects such as metal strip or wire through vent or gap in the main device. Doing so may result in electric shock.

• Be sure to turn OFF when servicing. Pulling the circuit board out of this machine or removing connectors and cables while the power is turned on may result in a serious accident. Make sure to turn off the power supply circuit breaker before starting these operations.


  s   n   o    i    t   u   a   c   e   r    P   y    t   e    f   a    S    3  .    1

• When handling internal electronic components of the device, wear a wristband. When handling internal electronic components, wear an antistatic wristband. If you touch an electronic component such as circuit board with an electrostaticallycharged hand, it can cause damage.

• Before cleaning, make sure to unplug the power supply supply,, or switch OFF the power supply circuit breaker. Be sure to unplug or turn OFF the power switch before cleaning this machine. You could get your finger caught in sliding or rotating parts.

1. 1.3. 3.6 6 Di Disp spos osal al Caut Cautio ions ns  CAUTION • Please follow the rules and regulations of your relevant authorities in the disposal of this thi s device, accessories, options, consumables, media and their packing materials.

REGIUS /II Service Manual



Blank Sheet


Chapter 2   Chapter2

Before Repairing An explanation of device fundamentals that need to be understood before attempting to repair or maintain this device.


Names of Part Parts......... s.............. .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ........... ............ ........... .......... ....... ..2-2 2-2 2.1.1 2.1 .1 Extern External al View View of the dev device.. ice..... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ....2-2 .2-2 2.1.2 Status Status lamp lamps... s......... ........... .......... ........... ........... .......... ........... ........... ........... ............ ...........2-3 .....2-3


Configura Configuration tion..... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ........... ............ ........... .......... .......... .......... ........... ........... .........2-4 ....2-4


Main Sp Specifi ecificatio cations..... ns.......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ........... ........... .......... ........... ...........2-5 .....2-5 2.3.1 Devi Device ce Specifi Specificatio cations.. ns........ ............ ........... ........... ............ ............ ........... ........... ........ 2-5 2.3.2 2.3 .2 Image Image Rea Readin ding g & Erasing.... Erasing....... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... 2-5 2.3.3 2.3 .3

Contro Controll Part Part Fun Functi ctions ons... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... .....2-7 ..2-7


Block Diagram Diagram ........... ................ .......... ........... ............ ............ ........... .......... .......... ........... ........... .......... .........2-8 ....2-8


Main Part Locations. Locations...... .......... .......... .......... .......... ........... ............ ........... .......... ........... ........... .......... ....... ..2-9 2-9 2.5.1 Frame....... Frame............ .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ....... 2-9 2.5.2 2.5 .2 Upper Upper Insert Insertion ion Uni Unit.. t..... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... .....2-10 ..2-10 2.5.3 2.5.3 2.5.4 2.5 .4 2.5.5 2.5 .5 2.5.6 2.5 .6 2.5.7 2.5 .7

Lower Lower Insert Insertion ion Unit.. Unit..... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... ..2-1 2-11 1 Sub-sc Sub-scan an Uni Unitt ...... ......... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ....2-12 .2-12 Exposu Exposure re Unit Unit ...... ......... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ....2-13 .2-13 Light Light Collec Collectio tion n Unit... Unit...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ....2-13 .2-13 Eraser Eraser Unit Unit ...... ......... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ......2-14 ...2-14


Behavior Behavior Explained Explained ............ ................. ........... ............ ............ ............ ........... .......... ........... ........... .......2-15 ..2-15 2.6.1 2.6 .1 State State Tr Trans ansiti ition on Dia Diagra gram.... m....... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ....2-15 .2-15 2.6.2 2.6 .2 Normal Normal Ope Operat ration ion (Image (Image Readin Reading).... g)....... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ....2-16 .2-16 2.6.3 2.6 .3 Ini Initia tializ lizati ation on Ope Operat ration.... ion....... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... .....2-19 ..2-19 2.6.4 Erase Operation Operation..... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ..........2-21 .....2-21


Cassette/ Cassette/Plate Plate Handl Handling ing .......... ............... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ........... ........... ..........2-22 .....2-22


Tools, ools, Instr Instrume ument nts, s, Jigs, Jigs, e etc. tc. Need Needed ed fo forr Serv Service ice ...... ......... ...... ...... ....2-22 .2-22

2   g   n    i   r    i   a   p   e    R   e   r   o    f    B   e  


Chapter 2 Before Repairing

2. 2.1 1 Na Nam mes of Pa Part rts s Part names are indicated here that should be known in order to repair the device.

2.1.1 2.1 .1 Extern External al View View of of tthe he dev device ice 17


2 1 13


  s    t   r   a    P    f   o   s   e   m   a








   N    1  .    2

11 12 2 3


4 5 Left

Front 6


Common Name (Part Name)



Common Name (Part Name)




Common Name (Part Name)


Common Name (Part Name)


Intake vent


Light Collection Unit Cleaning Handle (Handle)


Unjamming dial (Handle)


Left Door  (Left door Assy)


Left side panel (Left side panel)


USB Cover  (USB cover)


Power supply circuit breaker  (Circuit protector)


Exhaust outlet


Front panel (Front panel Assy)


Cassette insertion slot


Status lamps


Erase button (Erase button)


Right side panel (Right side panel)


Power supply port (Inlet-NF wiring Assy)


Rear panel (Rear panel patch Assy)


Upper cover  (Upper cover Assy)


Upper Door  (Upper door Assy)


2-3.. • Refer to Page 2-3 15

Rear door  (Rear Assy)

REGIUS /II Service Manual


Chapter 2 Before Repairing

2. 2.1. 1.2 2 Stat atus us la lamp mps s





2 The 4 LEDs that indicate this device's current status are called "Status Lamps." Na m e Ready Lamp

Color Green

  s    t   r   a    P    f   o   s   e   m   a

Function Indicates when a cassette is loaded or ejected.

• Lit: The cassette can be loaded. • Blinking: The process has finished, and the cassette can be ejected. Busy Lamp


Indicates the process status.

   N    1  .    2

• Lit: Process in progress. • Blinking: Preparing to start process (inspection questions during image reading) • Unlit: The process has stopped. Error Lamp


Indicates error and warning status.

• Lit: Warning status alert, or connection with ImagePilot not established. • Blinking: Error status alert Erase Lamp


Indicates Erase Mode status.

• Lit: Image erase in progress, or the Erase switch is being pressed. • Blinking: Image erase mode is selected, and device is in standby mode for cassette loading (5 seconds).

REGIUS /II Service Manual



Chapter 2 Before Repairing

2. 2.2 2 Co Conf nfiigu gurrat atiion A description of how the device is configured.


2   n   o    i    t   a   r   u   g    i    f   n   o    C





   2  .    2

4 No.






Ex Extter n na al Un Unit

Protects cts tth he d de evic vice's iin nter io ior p pa arts ffrrom lilight, v vib ibrr at atio ion n, an and ot other ou outside iin nfluences. It is made up of a upper panel, side panels, and a door for accessing interior parts of the device.



Make up the device's frame. Control parts, an inlet for power supply, and power sources are also included.


Uppe Upperr Ins Inser erti tion on Unit Unit

Has Has a me mecha chani nism sm to re rele leas ase e tthe he load loaded ed ca casse ssett tte' e's s lock, lock, and and tto oe eje ject ct or retu return rn the the p pla late te to norm normal. al. Display and operational parts are also included.


Lower Insertion Unit


Sub-scan Unit

Feeds the plate (with sub scan).


Eraser Unit

Erases any image information remaining on the plate.


Exposure Unit

Scan excited laser light for the plate.


Ligh Lightt Coll Collec ecti tion on Unit Unit

Ga Gath ther ers sp pho hosp spho horr light light gene genera rate ted d from from the the plate plate and and c con onve vert rts s iitt iint nto oe ele lect ctric ric sig signa nals ls..


REGIUS /II Service Manual


Chapter 2 Before Repairing

2.3 2.3 Ma Main in Sp Spec ecif ific icat atio ions ns

Compatible Cassettes & Plates

2. 2.3. 3.1 1 Devi Device ce Speci Specifi fica cati tion ons s Item Item


External dimensions

510 (W) × 610 (D) × 355 (H) mm


Approximately 28 kg (excluding cassette and plate)

Noise level (Excluding noise originating from user operation (such as cassette loading).)

During operation

 Average = 53 dB or less Maximum = 61 dB or less

During standby

 Average = 25 dB or less

Maximum power consumption

100 VA or less (100 V, 1 A or less)

Power source

Jap Japan

100 100 V ± 1 10% 0% (50 (50/6 /60 0 Hz) Hz)

Other areas

115/120 V ± 10% (60 Hz) 115/120 110/220/230/240 110/2 20/230/240 V ± 10%(50/60 Hz) 200 V ± 10% (50 Hz)

Hygrothermal environment

Transport packing status

-20 to 60 ℃ / 90% RH or less (no condensation) 0.7 to 1.0 atmospheric pressure

Readable cassette types

Readable plate types

Content RC-300 cassettes with isolated open/close structures and equivalent Japan

14" × 17", 14" × 14 14", 11 11" × 14 14", 10" × 12", 8" × 10", 15cm × 30 cm

Other areas

14" × 17", 14" × 14", 11" × 14", 10" × 12", 8" × 10", 24cm × 30 cm, 18cm × 24 cm, 15cm × 30 cm

Regius Plate FP-1S or equivalent


Cassettes/plates that can be used with this device are device exclusive. Rigid type cassettes used with the REGIUS MODEL 110, etc. cannot be used for this device.

2.3. 2.3.2 2 Imag Image e Read Readin ing g & Eras Erasing ing Processing Ability

(= 709 to 1013 (hPa)) During operation

10 to 30 ℃ / 15 to 80% RH (no condensation)

When not operating

-10 to 40 ℃ / 90% RH or less (no condensation)

External connection

USB 2.0 (Konica Minolta independent communications specifications)

Se Serrvice vice lif life

7 ye years (1 (10 ca cassettes pe per da day × 25 da days per month × 12 month months s per year × 7 years = 21,000 cassettes)

Item Reading resolution

Content Normal read mode (175 µm) High-definition read mode (87.5 µm)

•  According to ImagePilot licensing. There are no resolution settings for this unit. Cycle time


Up to 75 seconds per cassette (14" × 14" / normal read mode)

Other areas

Up to 80 seconds per cassette (14" × 17" / normal read mode)


User should consider service life 6 years. (A 6year service life is also mentioned in the operation manual.)






• Power cable (length: 3 m) • USB Cable (length: 5 m, USB 2.0 High Speed compatible)

• Operation manual • Opening tools for cassette Parts requiring periodic change

Up to 54 seconds per cassette (14" × 14" / normal read mode)

Other areas

Up to 60 seconds per cassette (14" × 17" / normal read mode)

• The fastest time from the cassette being


loaded and locked, to the end of the reading process when the cassette is removed. The fastest erase speed for standard s tandard dose exposure. Cassette replacement time = 0 seconds.

REGIUS /II Service Manual


2   s   n   o    i    t   a   c    i    f    i   c   e   p    S    i   n   a    M    3  .    2


Chapter 2 Before Repairing


Read image size (Other areas)


Processing  Ability



Other areas



Other areas


About 48 cassettes per hour (14" × 14" / normal read mode)  About 45 cassettes per hour (14" × 17" / normal read mode) About 66 cassettes per hour (14" × 14" / normal read mode)  About 60 cassettes per hour (14" × 17" / normal read mode)

• When continuous cassette loading, for the

  s   n   o    i    t   a   c    i    f    i   c   e   p    S    i   n   a    M    3  .    2

number of cassettes going through the process per hour. Digital gradation level

Cassette type

Read pixel count Normal read mode

X way

Y wa y

X way

Y way

X wa y

Y way

14"  17"







14"  14"







11"  1  14 4"







10"  12"







8"  1  10 0"







24 cm   30 cm







18 cm   24 cm







15 cm   30 cm







Exposure Unit

Read capacity (mm)

Item Read pixel count Normal read High-definition mode read mode

X way

Y wa y

X wa y

Y way

X wa y

Y wa y

14"  17"







14"  14"







11"  1  14 4"







10"  12"







8"  10"







15 cm   30 cm









Laser scanning by polygon mirror  

Laser wavelength

659  5 nm

Light Collection Unit Item



Light c co ollecting mi mirror + reed-shaped lliight guide + angled excitation light cut filter + rounded photomultiplier tube (PMT)

Excitation light elimination

 An angled excitation light cut filter is placed in the light guide window to eliminate excitation light.

Eraser Unit Item Method


High-definition read mode

12-bit (4096 gradation)

Read image size (Japan) Cassette type

Read capacity (mm)

REGIUS /II Service Manual

Content Erasing done by white LED.


Chapter 2 Before Repairing

Sub-scan Unit Item Method

Content Exposure unit fixed plate feed method

• Sub-scan (read/erase) of feeded photostimulable phosphor plate by optical/ light collection unit. Driving Driv ing me metho thod d

The sheet sheet-ty -type pe pla plate te rol roller ler fe feed ed me metho thod d using using


a 3-phase stepping motor. • When reading: reading is outward, erasing is out and back.

• When erasing: reading is outward (max signal value confirmation), erasing is out and back.


2. 2.3. 3.3 3 Cont Contro roll Part Part Fun Funct ctio ions ns The main control part functions are as follows. Function name

  s   n   o    i    t   a   c    i    f    i   c   e   p    S    i   n   a    M    3  .    2


Image data generation function

• This function generates image data via laser

Image data

• Moire elimination calculation

revision/ calculation function

• Gain/offset revision calculation • Shading irregularity correction, polygon



• Erase speed calculation Communication 


• Command receiving function • This function transmits read image data to a console PC.

• This function provides a device status notification. Control function

• This function is triggered by cassette loading, and performs a series of controls including mechanical control, optical control, signal processing control, communication control, etc.

• This function performs the controls needed •

Calibration function (during maintenance/ shipment settings)

to execute commands received via USB 2.0 interface communication. This function saves the base board serial number to device memory which should recognize the device's uniqueness.

Mainly the following functions are performed.

• • • •

Gain/offset function Irregularity calibration function Sensitivity calibration function Image position/size adjustment function

REGIUS /II Service Manual



Chapter 2 Before Repairing

2. 2.4 4 Bl Bloc ock k Di Diag agrram

Tray Moving Motor 

Eraser LED Cooling Fan



Loading NIP Motor 

Magnetic Clutch



Size Detecting Sensor 3

Loading/Feeding Motor 

Size Detecting Sensor 4

Left Door Open/Close Detection Sensor 

Left Cassette Lock Sensor 

Plate Sensor (light receiving)

Right Cassette Lock Sensor 

Cassette Sensor 



Loading NIP HP Sensor 

2   m   a   r   g   a    i    D    k   c   o    l    B    4  .    2


Sub-scan NIP Motor 

Loading NIP Open/Close Sensor 

Sub-scan Feeding Motor 

Tray Lock Release Sensor 

Size Detecting Sensor 1

V-SYNC Sensor 

Plate Sensor (light emitting)

Size Detecting Sensor 2

Entrance NIP Sensor 

Tray Sensor 

Exit NIP Sensor 

Tray HP Sensor 

Rear Door Interlock SW


Photomultiplier Tube


Upper Door Interlock SW DC24V


External IF

 AC Power Source


Noise Filter 

SW power supply 24V


ImagePilot PC

 AC100V to 240V

Excluding what is listed in the diagram, motors are supplied 24V, and other devices are supplied 5V of electricity from the main board.


REGIUS /II Service Manual


Chapter 2 Before Repairing

2.5 2.5 Ma Main in Pa Part rt Lo Loca cati tion ons s This is an explanation of where each device's main parts are positioned and how they function.

2.5.1 Frame 2


1 11



4 No.









Reference for how to change


Cassette Sensor

Turned ON when the cassette is loaded.

"5.3.9 Changing the cassette sensor (Page 5-34)"


Feeding Roller

The loading/feeding motor operates to remove or insert the plate from/into the cassette.

"5.4.5 Changing the magnetic clutch (Page 5-45)"


Magnetic Clutch

Regulates power sent to feeding roller.

"5.4.5 Changing the magnetic clutch (Page 5-45)"


Left Door Open/Close Detection Sensor 

Turned ON when the left door is open.



Power Pow er suppl supply y circuit circuit bre breake akerr

Used Used to tur turn n the d devic evice's e's p powe owerr ON/ ON/OFF OFF..


SW power supply



A base board that controls the device.

"5.3.4 Changing the main board (Page 5-28)"


Inse serrtio ion n fe feed m mo otor

Removes or or in inserts th the pla platte fr fr o om m/into th the cassette.

"5.4.1 Changing the loading/feeding motor (Page 5-40)"


Eras Eraser er LED LED C Coo oolin ling g Fan Fan

Takes akes in outs outsid ide e air air to keep keep the the era erase serr u uni nitt L LED ED cool.

"5.4.4 Changing the Eraser LED cooling fan (Page 5-44)"


Inlet-NF wiring Assy


"5.3.7 Changing the Inlet-NF wiring Assy (Page 532)"


Noise filter




Plate Sensor (light receiving) receiving)


Works toget together her wi with th the the plate plate sen sensor sor (lig (light ht emitting) of the upper insertion unit to detect whether a plate exists or not. Turns ON when a plate exists.

REGIUS /II Service Manual

"5.3.6 Changing the power supply circuit breaker (Page 5-31)" "5.3.5 Changing the SW power supply (Page 530)"

"5.3.10 Changing the plate sensor (light receiving) (Page 5-34)"


  s   n   o    i    t   a   c   o    L    t   r   a    P   n    i   a    M    5  .    2


Chapter 2 Before Repairing

2. 2.5. 5.2 2 Uppe Upperr Ins Inser erti tion on Unit Unit 1




3 4









2 11


  s   n   o    i    t   a   c   o    L    t   r   a    P   n    i   a    M    5  .    2




2 12

3 4


No. 1

Name Switch (interlock 1)

6 7



Function Turned OFF when the upper door is open. This is not a safety interlock, but when turned OFF,, power is disconnected OFF di sconnected from the following.

Reference for how to change -

• Mechanical control power for motors, fans, etc. • Eraser LED, power for high-voltage generation • LD power  2

 Adjusting cam, adjusting board

Used for oblique adjustments. Refer to "6.1 Oblique adjustments (Page 6-2)". 6-2)".


Loading NIP Open/Close Sensor 


Tray Lock Release Sensor 


Loading NIP HP Sensor 

Detects NIP status, the tray's lock status, etc. when the plate is moving in and out of the cassette. Refer to "4.4.3 Insertion site sensor status (Page 4-6)".. 4-6)"


Insertion n niip mo motor

Performs N NIIP o op peration, or or m mo oves tth he ttrray's abutment plate up and down when the image plate is moving in and out of the cassette.

Not changed as a single unit.


Lef Leftt Casse Cassette tte Loc Lock k Se Senso nsorr

Turne Turned d ON whe when n the the cassett cassette e is locked locked on the left left side.

Not changed as a single unit.


Size Size D Det etec ectio tion n Sens Sensor or 4

Not changed as a single unit.


Size Detection Sensor 3

Dete Determ rmin ines es casse cassett tte es size ize in a g grou roup po off 4 se sens nsor ors s together with size detection sensors 1 and 2 of the lower insertion unit. Refer to "4.4.2 Cassette size & sensor status (Page 4-5)". 4-5)".


REGIUS /II Service Manual

Not changed as a single unit.


Not changed as a single unit.


Chapter 2 Before Repairing




Reference for how to change


Plate Plat e Sensor Sensor (ligh (lightt emitting emitting))

Works Works to toget gether her with with th the e frame's frame's p plat late e sen sensor sor (l (ligh ightt receiving) to detect whether a plate exists or not.

"5.3.11 1 Changing the plate sensor ( light emitting) "5.3.1 (Page 5-35)"


Tray Sensor

Turned ON when the tray is outside of the cassette.

Not changed as a single unit.


Right Right Ca Casse ssette tte Lock Lock Senso Sensorr

Turne Turned d ON when when th the e cas casset sette te is lo locked cked on th the e right side.

Not changed as a single unit.


Case Casett tte e ttra ray ym mov ove em mot otor or

Mo Move ves s tthe he tray tray in an and do out ut,, and and corre correct cts sc cas asse sett tte e

Not changed as a single unit.

tilt. 14

Tray HP Sensor

Turned ON when the notches used for moving the tray in and out are in their home position.


2. 2.5. 5.3 3 Lowe Lowerr Ins Inser erti tion on Unit Unit

2 3


  s   n   o    i    t   a   c   o    L    t   r   a    P   n    i   a    M    5  .    2





Reference for how to change


Status L LE ED b bo oard

Ab ba ase b bo oard for s sttatus d diisplay ((s status lla amps) an and operations (Erase switch).

"5.3.1 Changing the status LED board (Page 525)"


Size Size D Det etec ecti tion on Sens Sensor or 1

Dete Determ rmin ines es casse cassett tte es size ize in a g gro roup up of 4 s sen enso sors rs

"5.3.8 Changing size detection sensors 1 and 2


Size Detection Sensor 2

together with size detection sensors 3 and 4 of the upper insertion unit. Refer to "4.4.2 Cassette size & sensor status (Page 4-5)". 4-5)".

REGIUS /II Service Manual

(Page 5-33)"



Chapter 2 Before Repairing

2. 2.5. 5.4 4 SubSub-sc scan an Un Unit it 1

2 3






2   s   n   o    i    t   a   c   o    L    t   r   a    P   n    i   a    M    5  .    2

6 7 No.

9 Name



Reference for how to change


Entr Entran ance ce NIP NIP Sen Sensor sor

Turn urned ON when when Driv Drive e Roll Roller er U is in NIP st stat atus us..

"5.3.13 Changing the entrance NIP sensor (Page 5-38)"


Drive Roller U

Feeds the plate via a Sub-scan Feeding Motor.

"5.4.9 Changing the drive rollers (Page 5-49)"


Drive Roller D


Sub-scan N NIIP M Mo otor

Pe rrfforms N NIIP ffo or D Drrive ive R Ro olle lerr U and D Drriv ive eR Ro oll lle er D.

"5.4.2 Changing the sub-scan NIP motor and subscan drive Assy (Page 5-41)"


Sub-sca n Feeding M Mo o to r

Feeds th the pla platte.

"5.4.3 Changing the sub-scan feeding motor (Page 5-43)"


Handle (Unjamming dial)

Used to rotate Drive Rollers U and D when a plate  jam occurs.



Exit NIP Sensor

Turned ON when Drive Roller D is in NIP status.

"5.3.14 Changing the exit NIP sensor (Page 5-39)"


Driven entrance assembly driven roller 

Operates via Sub-scan NIP motor to perform NIP for Drive Roller U and Drive Roller D.



Driven exit assembly - driven roller 


Switch (interlock 2)


Turned OFF when the rear door is open. This is not a safety interlock, but when turned OFF,, power is disconnected OFF dis connected from the following.


• Mechanical control power for motors, fans, etc. • Eraser LED, power for high-voltage generation • LD power  11

V-SY SYN NC asse sem mbly


V-SYNC Sensor 


Detects when passage is ava vail ila able for the plate in a reading area. Sensor is ON when a plate exists.

REGIUS /II Service Manual

"5.3.12 Changing the V-SYNC sensor and VSYNC assembly (Page 5-37)"


Chapter 2 Before Repairing

2. 2.5. 5.5 5 Expo Exposu sure re Unit Unit


Parts within the exposure unit cannot be changed individually. If a problem occurs within the exposure unit, the entire exposure unit must be changed. IMPORTANT

Do not disassemble the exposure unit.

2. 2.5. 5.6 6 Li Ligh ghtt Col Colle lect ctio ion n Uni Unitt


1 No.



Reference for how to change


Handle (Light Collection Unit Cleaning Handle)

 Activates a cleaning mechanism to keep the light guide and laser scanning line of the light li ght collection unit free of dust.

"5.2.10 Removing & attaching the Sub-scan unit (Page 5-12)"


 Analog board

A base bo board ard that takes in analog analog signals from the photomultiplier tube and converts them.

Not changed as a single unit.

REGIUS /II Service Manual


  s   n   o    i    t   a   c   o    L    t   r   a    P   n    i   a    M    5  .    2


Chapter 2 Before Repairing

2. 2.5 5.7 Er Era aser Uni Unitt


2   s   n   o    i    t   a   c   o    L    t   r   a    P   n    i   a    M    5  .    2

No. 1



Function Ab bas ase eb bo oar ard d ttha hatt con contr tro ols th the eE Era rase serr L LED ED..

REGIUS /II Service Manual

Reference for how to change "5.3.2 Changing the LED drive2 board (Page 525)"


Chapter 2 Before Repairing

2.6 2.6 Be Beha havi vior or Ex Expl plai aine ned d 2.6.1 2.6 .1 St State ate Tra ransi nsitio tion n Diag Diagram ram

Power Supply Circuit Breaker OFF  OFF  (Constant)

Power Supply Circuit Breaker ON

Boot Initialization Process

Routine Mode Erase Switch pressed for 2 seconds


Cassette Inserted

   d   e   n    i   a    l   p   x    E   r   o    i   v    h   a   e    B    6  .    2

Erase Mode Cassette Inserted

Cassette Ejected

Erase Process

Cassette Ejected

Image Reading

Error Occurs

Door Opened/Closed

 No sleep mode mode as with REG REGIUS IUS MODELS 1 110/210 10/210 is available available.. (No opera operation tion switch.)

REGIUS /II Service Manual



Chapter 2 Before Repairing

2.6.2 2.6 .2 Norma Normall Operat Operation ion (Ima (Image ge Readi Reading) ng) Operation/ control Initialization

No. 1

Feed (letters in parenthesis correspond to the diagram)

Exposure / Optical / Eraser 

Diagram (Numbers here correspond with the "No." column)

Notch (A) for tray removal retracts.

Upper Insertion Unit

• Drive source: Tray moving


motor (F) 2


The tray's lock release Notch (B) retracts.


• Drive source: Loading NIP


motor (G)

User loads cassette


2    d   e   n    i   a    l   p   x    E   r   o    i   v   a    h   e    B    6  .    2



Notch (D) releases tray lock (bolt mechanism). (For large cassettes only) • No drive sourcePart (E) is pushed into operation by the cassette.


Notch (A) ejects the tray, and bumps it against the abutment plate. • Drive source: Tray moving motor (F)


Magnetic Clutch (H) is turned ON. (Feeding roller connects to drive source.)



11  Abutment Plate

NIP Roller  E

Size Detection Sensor 3 7 3 4 Cassette 5 8 6 12

10 11

The NIP roller is lowered, and moves into NIP status with the feeding roller. • Drive source: Loading NIP motor (G)

 Abutment Plate F

The abutment plate is raised with the tray attached, and the image plate is removed from the tray. • Drive source: Loading NIP motor (G) Notch (A) slightly returns the tray (to avoid tray and roller contact). • Drive source: Tray moving motor (F) Loading/Feeding Motor (I) starts the plate into send feed.  At the same time, Sub-scan Feeding Motor (J) starts up.

NIP Roller  G

I 13 ON

H 9 ON

Feeding Roller  J 13 ON

• Seven seconds later, l ater, the polygon lock is confirmed, the laser emits low level light, and PMT high voltage is turned ON. (PMT voltage level rises until V-SYNC detection)

source: Loading/ • Drive Feeding Motor (I)




Notch (A) moves in the tray's return direction and corrects the cassette's position. • Drive source: Tray moving motor (F) Notch (B) is lowered, and the tray lock is released. • Drive source: Loading NIP motor (G)


rotate for cassette detection.

Notch (A) is lowered, and connects to the cassette's tray ejection notch (cassette open/ close lever). • Drive source: Loading NIP motor (G)



Plate is sent (feed)

• Polygon starts to

Notch (C) locks the cassette.

• No drive source 4

Plate is ejected


REGIUS /II Service Manual

Drive Roller U Drive Roller D



Chapter 2 Before Repairing

Operation/ control (V-SYNC detection)

No. 14


Feed (letters in parenthesis correspond to the diagram) Loading/Feeding Motor (I) stops. Magnetic Clutch (H) is turned OFF. The feeding roller is released from NIP status. (Otherwise the plate will scrape against the roller.)

Exposure / Optical / Eraser 

Diagram (Numbers here correspond with the "No." column)

• When V-SYNC

Driven Entrance Assembly

detection has 42 line counts (H-SYNC) remaining, the laser emits strong light, and image reading begins.

Driven Exit Assembly


Drive Roller D goes into NIP

14 OFF

status. (Theoftiming is the same regardless cassette size.)

14 OFF

12 ON 15

• Drive source: Sub-scan NIP

12 ON V-SYNC Detection 14

Motor (K) 16



Drive Roller U is released from NIP status. (Timing differs according to cassette size.)

• Drive source: Sub-scan NIP


Motor (K)

Plate is returned (feed)


Send feed stops at 10 mm from V-SYNC detection.


Sub-scan Feeding Motor (J) begins the plate's return feed.  At the same time, an operation begins in which Drive Roller U moves into NIP status.

• The Eraser LED lights

• Drive source: Sub-scan

8 ON

Feeding Motor (J) (V-SYNC detection) (Plate detected)



Plate Detected 20


18 ON 20 ON

• From V-SYNC detection to 45 mm, feed speed gets faster, then slows down.


When the plate sensor detects a plate (at the front end of its return direction), the Magnetic Clutch turns ON, and the feeding roller begins its return operation. (Timing differs according to plate size.)


The NIP roller is lowered, and moves into NIP status with the feeding roller.

   d   e   n    i   a    l   p   x    E   r   o    i   v   a    h   e    B    6  .    2


20 ON

18 ON 19 V-SYNC Detection

• Drive source: Loading NIP motor (G) (No plate detected)


When plate not detect the a plate (atsensor the fardoes end of its return direction), the plate is determined to be stored in the cassette, and the tray's abutment plate is lowered.  At the same time, Notch (B) is enabled to release the tray lock to take in tray storage.

Eraser LED shuts • The down.

No Plate 22 Detected

23 OFF


22 OFF

• Drive source: Loading NIP motor (G) 23

The Magnetic Clutch is turned OFF.

REGIUS /II Service Manual



Chapter 2 Before Repairing

Operation/ control Plate storage

No. 24

Feed (letters in parenthesis correspond to the diagram)

Exposure / Optical / Eraser 

Diagram (Numbers here correspond with the "No." column)

Notch (A) returns the tray to the cassette. (Max send: Abutment)

• Drive source: Tray moving


motor (F) 25


Notch (A) moves slightly in the extraction direction. (To relieve the tray of push stress.)

• Drive source: Tray moving motor (F) 26

Notch (C) releases the cassette lock.

• Drive source: Loading NIP

Plate Sensor (light emitting)


motor (G) 26

2 24

   d   e   n    i   a    l   p   x    E   r   o    i   v   a    h   e    B    6  .    2

User ejects the cassette (and initialization begins).



Moves into standby mode to prepare for the next image reading.

REGIUS /II Service Manual



Chapter 2 Before Repairing

2.6.3 2.6 .3 Initia Initializ lizati ation on Operat Operation ion By switching the power supply circuit breaker to ON, device operation will begin, starting with the initialization process. After starting up, firmware initialization content is as follows.

1) CPU Initia Initializat lization ion Proce Process ss 2) OS Initia Initializat lization ion Proc Process ess 3) FPGA Config Configurati uration on & Initia Initializat lization ion 4) Generation of all resources, s such uch as eac each h firmware task, etc. 5) Ke Kern rnel el runs runs Each task operation will begin from this point, and the device will start up. USB communication initialization, mechanical and optical initialization etc. will also be performed simultaneously.

Mechanical Initialization Operation

Power ON/When door is closed Initialization Operation

Sensor Check

Plate Residue Check

Motor HP Eject Operation Eraser LED / Cooling Fan Disconnection Check

Error Detection

Error Detection

Error Detection

Error Detection

Optic Device Operation Check

Gain Offset Calculated

Normal Shutdown

Error Detection

Abnormal Shutdown

Summary Sensor Check  All sensors sensors are check checked, ed, then then checks checks are made of wheth whether er or not there is a cassette in i n the Cassette Insertion Slot, and whether or not a plate is inside the device. If one is detected, error notification is provided. For details, refer to " Sensor Check Flow (Page 2-20)" 2-20)".. Plate Residue Check The Sub-scan Feeding Motor is rotated for a certain amount of time, and if the V-SYNC sensor is turned ON (plate detected) at that time, the following operation is performed. 1. After th the e Sub-scan F Feeding eeding Motor Motor has stopped stopped,, it will turn a determined number of revolutions, and the plate is sent to an area where it can easily be ejected from the upper Door (unjamming send process). 2. An err error or mes message sage is is displaye displayed. d. Motor HP Eject Operation The Tray Moving Motor, Loading NIP Motor, and Sub-scan NIP Motor HP eject operation is performed. During each operation, changes to the sensors attached to each motor are confirmed to make sure that no errors have occurred in the sensors. Tray Moving Motor: Motor: Tray Tray HP Se Sensor  nsor  Loading Loadi ng NIP Motor: Lock Re Release lease S Sensor  ensor  Loading NIP HP Sensor  Loading NIP Open/Close Sensor  Sub-scan Sub-sca n NIP Motor Motor:: Entran Entrance ce NI NIP P Sensor  Sensor  Exit NIP Sensor  Eraser LED/Cooling Fan Disconnection Check The Eraser LED and Eraser LED Cooling Fan are turned ON for a certain time, and if an Eraser LED error signal or Erase Fan error signal is detected during that time, error notification is given. For details, refer to " Moving into Eraser LED/Cooling Fan Disconnection Check Status (Page 2-21)". 2-21)" . Optic Device Operation Check Polygon is rotated, and confirmation is made that polygon lock signal detection can be performed. Laser is activated to emit light, while HSYNC updates and PID (Polygon-ID) detection are confirmed. If HSYNC updates and PID detection cannot be confirmed, error notification is provided. For details, refer to " Moving into Optical Device Operation Check Status (Page 2-20)". 2-20)". Gain Offset Calculated Pixel values are entered with two reference current source types, and the gain offset is calculated from each average.

Motor HP Eject Operation and Eraser LED/Cooling Fan Disconnection Check will be performed in parallel.

REGIUS /II Service Manual


2    d   e   n    i   a    l   p   x    E   r   o    i   v   a    h   e    B    6  .    2


Chapter 2 Before Repairing

Sensor Check Flow Sensor Check

High Voltage SW

OFF (High Voltage OFF)

Tray Sensor 

Error Notification to Status Management Task (Error Code = E7001)

OFF (Plate Attached)

V-SYNC Sensor 

   d   e   n    i   a    l   p   x    E   r   o    i   v   a    h   e    B    6  .    2

Error Notification to Status Management Task (Error Code = E7000)

ON (Tray Ejection)

Plate Sensor 


Error Notification to Status Management Task (Error Code = E7413)

Error Notification to Status Management Task (Error Code = E7002)

ON (Plate Attached)

Cassette Sensor 

Error Notification to Status Management Task (Error Code = E7003)

ON (Cassette Attached)

Cassette Status Monitor notified that Cassette Insertion Monitoring will begin

Normal Shutdown

 Abnormal Shutdown

Moving into Optical Device Operation Check Status

Polygon Rotation Begins Polygon Rotation Stability Standby Timer B egins

Polygon Rotation Check in Progress Timeout

Polygon Lock Detected Polygon Rotation Stability Standby Timer Stops Laser ON (half size 87.5 μm setting)

PID Signal Detection Standby

PID Signal Detection Failure

PID Signal Detection OK Laser OFF Polygon stopped


REGIUS /II Service Manual

Laser OFF Polygon stopped


Chapter 2 Before Repairing

Moving into Eraser LED/Cooling Fan Disconnection Check Status

Eraser LED ON Eraser LED Cooling Fan ON Error Monitor Timer Begins

Eraser LED Error Detection

Error Signal Monitoring


Erase Fan Error Detection Eraser LED OFF Eraser LED Cooling Fan OFF

Eraser LED OFF Eraser LED Cooling Fan OFF

Eraser LED OFF Eraser LED Cooling Fan OFF

2 2. 2.6. 6.4 4 Eras Erase e Oper Operat atio ion n When the device's status is READY, holding down the Erase switch for at least 2 seconds will put it into Erase Mode status. Loading a cassette while the Erase Lamp is blinking will start the Erase operation. The Erase operation adjusts to the plate status to perform at the optimal speed.

REGIUS /II Service Manual


   d   e   n    i   a    l   p   x    E   r   o    i   v   a    h   e    B    6  .    2


Chapter 2 Before Repairing

2. 2.7 7 Ca Cass sset ette te/P /Pla late te H Han andl dlin ing g Carefully adhere to the following instructions when handling a cassette or plate. IMPORTANT

Only cassettes and plates exclusively produced for this device can be used with it. Rigid cassettes that are used with REGIUS MODEL 110 etc. cannot be used.

2.8 Tool ools, s, Inst Instrum rument ents, s, J Jigs igs,, et etc. c. Needed for Service The following tools, instruments, jigs are needed to service this device. Jig / Tool Standard Tools

• Phillips-head screwdriver

Comment The tray is used to store loose screws and parts.

(#1 bit): for cassette

Maintaining image quality •  Always make make sure the plate's reading surfac surface e has not been scratched or contaminated with foreign objects.

• If you find any foreign objects on the plate's reading surface, immediately clean it off.

• When handling a plate, wear the proper type of gloves according to film handling.

2   g   n    i    l    d   n   a    H   e    t   a    l    P    /   e    t    t   e   s   s   a    C    7  .    2

• Keep the plate away from sunlight. • If the plate is exposed to fluorescent light during cleaning, etc. make sure to complete the task as quickly as possible and immediately load the plate into the cassette when finished.

• Do not let the cassette get scratched or dirty dirty..

screwdriver  • Phillips-head (#2 bit): for device

• • • • •

Flathead screwdriver  Hex wrench Wrench Nippers Tray

 A static electricity countermeasure type wristband (for grounding) Laser safety glasses


Transport & storage


• Follow the specifications below in regards to temperature and humidity.

- Temperature: 10 to 30 °C - Humidity: 15 to 80% RH (with no condensation) • Do not expose it to X-rays,  rays or any other sort of radiation.

Portable vacuum cleaner

Used to clean the plate's feeding path.


Used to clean the device's external parts after servicing.

Plastic sheet

Use to cover light collection unit when removing them to keep dust out.

•  A plate which has been unsealed unsealed must be loaded and stored in the cassette.

• Do not drop or bump the cassette. • Stand the cassette in a rack for storage during operation. Things to confirm before insertion To prevent trouble during feed of the plate, insert the cassette only after confirming the following points.

• Make sure the cassette has not been altered in form or

Cloth, cardboard, etc. Maintenance PC USB Cable

Used to connect a maintenance PC to the device.

 A 14" × 17" size cassette and plate

Used when performing oblique light adjustment. (If not possessed by the user)

damaged.If the cassette is found to have a problem, do not insert it into the device.

• Confirm that no memo clips, paper paper,, or other such objects are caught inside.


• Confirm that the cassette is locked. Disposal • Refer to "1.3.6 Disposal Cautions (Page 1-5)"

Jig / Tool  Alcohol Zip ties Snap bands


Capable of protecting against 659 nm laser wavelength

REGIUS /II Service Manual



Chapter 3   Chapter3

Troubleshooting An explanation of the various methods for dealing with device-related troubles.


Work Flow............. Flow.................. .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ........... ........ ..3-2 3-2


Recovery Recovery Opera Operation tion..... .......... .......... .......... .......... ........... ............ ............ ........... ........... ........... .......... ....... 3-2

3.3 3.4

How to Retrieve Retrieve Logs..... Logs.......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ........3-3 ...3-3 Error Error Messa Message ge Co Conte ntent nt & Cou Counte nterme rmeasu asures... res...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... 3-4


Counte Counterme rmeasu asures res for deali dealing ng with with pro proble blems ms not not d disp isplay layed ed as error messages......................................................... messages..................................................................3.........3-70 70

3   g   n    i    t   o    h   s   e    l    b   u   o   r    T  


Chapter 3 Troubleshooting

3.1 Work Flow

3.2 3.2 Re Reco cove very ry Op Oper erat atio ion n

The following flow provides countermeasures to various issues that may occur with the device.

When an error occurs, restart this device and check if the error occurs again. The following is an explanation on how to restart.


Countermeasure Flow


1. If the plate is still inside the device, remove it. 2. Restart the device.


 An error error m messag essage e is displayed displayed on the ImagePilot for this problem.

If the plate is still inside the device, remove it before performing a recovery operation. For details on how to eject a plate, refer to the operation manual.

Refer to "3.2 Recovery Operation (Page 3-2)". 3-2)".

3. Check if the error occurs again. 4. Refer to "3.4 Error Message Content & Countermeasures (Page 3-4)"  and perform the appropriate 3-4)" countermeasure.


Open and close the upper door.

If unable to perform the countermeasure. Contact our service window with a detailed explanation of the problem (refer to " Contact Information"). Information").

3   w   o    l    F    k   r   o    W    1  .    3

Refer to "3.5 Countermeasures for dealing with problems not displayed as error messages (Page 3-70)" and 3-70)" and  perform  perfo rm th thee ap approp propriate riate

 An error error m messag essage e is not displayed on the ImagePilot for this problem.

countermeasure. If the plate is still inside the device, remove it before doing anything else.

Opening and closing the upper Door triggers the device's initialization process. HINT

Opening/closing any other door on the device will also work. The initialization process will be triggered in the same fashion.

If unable to perform the countermeasure. Contact our service window with a detailed explanation of the problem (refer to " Contact Information"). Information").

If a sensor, etc. has gone bad, the initialization process will be halted, and the error will occur again.

Contact Information When contacting our service window regarding a problem, provide the following information with as much detail as possible. Item Log, etc.


When trouble occurs with the device, extract a device log etc. from the ImagePilot. Logs")) (refer to "3.3 How to Retrieve Logs"

If a defective image is created, compile the following log from the ImagePilot.


App Log System Log Reader Log

Dealing with a Service Call Error  If a V-SYNC error occurs during the image read process, or a basic operation failure occurs in the base board (RAM/ROM cannot be accessed), reader will bethe in power ServiceOFF/ON Call Error Opening/ closing thethe door or turning willstatus. not correct the error in this case. If a Service Call Error (Error code 7118, 7125, 7318, etc.) occurs, repair/replace the part that caused the error, then have a service engineer perform the following steps for recovery.


JM Log

Facility connection format Recovery information

Start up the Reader Settings Service Tool on an ImagePilot connected to this device. The [Service Tool] screen will be displayed for reader settings.

• •

Did the device recover with the door opened/ closed? Did the breaker have to be switched OFF/ ON?


Select [Reader Settings], then click the [Settings] button for [Unit test].

System Information Image Da Data

If a defective image is created, make a backup of the defective image from the ImagePilot.

Other Details


REGIUS /II Service Manual


Chapter 3 Troubleshooting

3.3 3.3 Ho How w tto oR Ret etri riev eve eL Log ogs s

The [Unit test] screen is displayed.

This section describes how to retrieve logs. IMPORTANT

Retrieve logs before powering ON/OFF.


Launch the reader setting service tool using Image Pilot with this device connected. The [Service Tool] screen for reader setting is displayed.

2. 3.

Click the [Clear Service Call error] button.

Select [Reader Setting] and click on the [Setting] button of [Reader log]. The [Reader log] screen is displayed.

The error will be cleared.


Turn the device power OFF and ON.


Click the [Get reader log] button. The behavior depends on the Image Pilot version.


• For V1.50/1.51 The log is stored in the following location: C: ¥  ¥Konicaminolta ¥kim ¥Server   ¥ReaderSetting ¥Prog ¥ Pegasus ¥ ~ Board Number ~ ¥Log ¥

  s   g   o    L   e   v   e    i   r    t   e    R   o    t   w   o    H    3  .    3

Board number example r170-0001_A1P5H1010-00050

• V1.52 or higher  Select the save destination folder from the [Browse for Folder] screen, and click the [OK] button.

The log is saved in the selected folder.

REGIUS /II Service Manual



Chapter 3 Troubleshooting

3.4 Err Error or Me Messa ssage ge Co Conte ntent nt & Co Count unterm ermeas easure ures s 3.4.1 3.4 .1 70xx: 70xx: Ini Initia tializ lizati ation on Errors Errors Error code 7000

Error Name/Description

Tray ejection detected during initialization When sensors are checked upon initialization:

• Tray Sensor is OFF OFF.. (tray ejection)

Possible causes if solutions provided in Operation Manual do not resolve the issue (including reoccurrence)

• • • • • • •

Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Cassette not removed Foreign object No solid connection Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction

Countermeasure (Please take the following steps to diagnose and the problem.) 1. Use the service ttool ool to confim that that the Tray Tray Sensor is detect detecting ing the tray. If not, take the following steps and replace parts as required: - Confirm that all connectors are secure, there is no deformation of the detector, and that the spring is loaded. Confirm that the Tray Sensor (JP26)-(JP28-1)(JP28-2)-(JP30-1) (JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Replace the upper insertion unit.(Sensors do not require replacing) 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board.. 3. Replac Replace e the upper insertion insertion unit. unit.



OFF.. • Plate Sensor is OFF

  s   e   r   s   u   a   e   m   r   e    t   n   u   o    C    &    t   n   e    t   n   o    C   e   g   a   s   s   e    M   r   o   r   r

Plate detection during initialization When sensors are checked upon initialization: (There is a plate.)

• • • • • •

Sensor malfunction Plate not removed Foreign object No solid connection Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction

1. Use the service ttool ool to confirm that that the Plate Sensor Sensor detect detects s a plate. If not, take the following steps and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure. Confirm that the Plate Sensor (light receiving) (JP12)-(JP11-1) (JP11-2)-(MCN7) is working. Confirm that the Plate Sensor (light emitting) (JP27)-(JP29-1) (JP29-2)-(JP30-1)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working. Confirm that all wires are firmly connected.

- Change the sensor. 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board.. 7002

Plate detection via V-SYNC during initialization When sensors are checked upon initialization:

• V-SYNC Sensor is ON. (There is a plate.)

• Sensor malfunction • Deformation of detector  • Detector not securely attached

• • • • •

Plate not removed Foreign object No solid connection Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction

1. Use the service ttool ool to confirm that that the V-SYNC V-SYNC Sensor is workin working. g. If not, take the following steps and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure, there is no deformation of detector, the spring is loaded, and the detector is securely attached. Confirm that the V-SYNC Sensor (JP32)-(JP31-1)(JP31-2)(JP36-1)(JP36-2)-(MCN5) is working. Confirm that all wires are firmly connected.

- Change the sensor. 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board..

   E    4  .    3


REGIUS /II Service Manual


Chapter 3 Troubleshooting

Error code 7003

Error Name/Description

Cassette L/R lock detection during initialization When sensors are checked upon initialization:

Possible causes if solutions provided in Operation Manual do not resolve the issue (including reoccurrence)

Countermeasure (Please take the following steps to diagnose and the problem.) 1. Use tthe he ser service vice tool tool to confirm that Size Detectio Detection n Sensor Senso r 1 to 4, Cassette Sensor and Right/Left Cassette Lock Sensor are working. If any are not working, take the following steps and replace parts as required:

to 4 are in any status other

• • • • •

than "no cassette detected."

•• Disconnection MAIN_BOARD

Confirm Confir m that Size Detection Detecti on Sensor 1(JP14)-(JP16-1 1(JP14)-(JP16-1)(JP16-2 )(JP16-2))(MCN7) is working.


Confirm that Size Detection Confirm Detecti on Sensor 2(JP15)-(JP16-1 2(JP15)-(JP16-1)(JP16-2 )(JP16-2))(MCN7) is working.

• Size Detection Sensors 1

• Cassette Sensor is ON. (There is a cassette.)

Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Plate not removed Foreign object No solid connection

- Confirm that all connectors are secure, there is no deformation of the detector, and that the spring is loaded.

Confirm that Size Detection Confirm Detecti on Sensor 3 (JP23)-(JP30-1)( (JP23)-(JP30-1)(JP30-2)JP30-2)(MCN6) is working. Confirm that Size Detection Confirm Detecti on Sensor 4(JP17)-(JP30-1 4(JP17)-(JP30-1)(JP30-2 )(JP30-2))(MCN6) is working. Confirm that Right Cassette Lock Sensor (JP25)-(JP30-1) (JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working. Confirm that Left Cassette Lock Sensor (JP21)-(JP30-1)(JP30-2)(MCN6) is working.


Confirm that Cassette Sensor (JP10)-(MCN7) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - If Size Detection Detecti on Se Sensor nsor 1/2 is malfunctioning, malfunctioning, replace replace the

  s   e   r


- If Size Detection Detecti on Se Sensor nsor 3/4, Cassette Sensor Sensor or Right/Le Right/Left ft Cassette Lock Sensor is malfunctioning, replace the upper insertion unit.(Sensors do not require replacing) 2. Use the ser service vice tool to c confirm onfirm that that Load Loading ing NIP Mo Motor tor is workin working. g. If not, take the following steps and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure. Confirm that the Loading NIP Motor (JP2)-(JP3-1)(JP3-2)(MCN4) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Replace the upper insertion unit.(No motor should be replaced.) 3. Cha Change nge the the main main board board.. 4. Replac Replace e the upper insertion insertion unit. unit.

  s   u   a   e   m   r   e    t   n   u   o    C    &    t   n   e    t   n   o    C   e   g   a   s   s   e    M   r   o   r   r    E    4  .    3

REGIUS /II Service Manual



Chapter 3 Troubleshooting

Error code 7004

Error Name/Description

Cassette L lock detection during initialization When sensors are checked upon initialization:

Possible causes if solutions provided in Operation Manual do not resolve the issue (including reoccurrence)

Countermeasure (Please take the following steps to diagnose and the problem.) 1. Use tthe he ser service vice tool tool to confirm that Size Detectio Detection n Sensor Senso r 1 to 4 and Cassette Sensor are working. If any are not working, take the following steps and replace parts as required:

to 4 are in any status other

• • • • •

than "no cassette detected."

•• Disconnection MAIN_BOARD

Confirm Confir m that Size Detection Detecti on Sensor 1(JP14)-(JP16-1 1(JP14)-(JP16-1)(JP16-2 )(JP16-2))(MCN7) is working.


Confirm that Size Detection Confirm Detecti on Sensor 2(JP15)-(JP16-1 2(JP15)-(JP16-1)(JP16-2 )(JP16-2))(MCN7) is working.

• Size Detection Sensors 1

• Cassette Sensor is OFF OFF..

Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Plate not removed Foreign object No solid connection

(There is no cassette.)

• Right Cassette Lock

- Confirm that all connectors are secure, there is no deformation of the detector, and that the spring is loaded.

Confirm that Size Detection Confirm Detecti on Sensor 3 (JP23)-(JP30-1)( (JP23)-(JP30-1)(JP30-2)JP30-2)(MCN6) is working.

Sensor is ON. (unlocked)

• Left Cassette Lock Sensor

Confirm that Size Detection Confirm Detecti on Sensor 4(JP17)-(JP30-1 4(JP17)-(JP30-1)(JP30-2 )(JP30-2))(MCN6) is working.

is OFF. (locked)

Confirm that Cassette Sensor (JP10)-(MCN7) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - If Size Detection Detecti on Se Sensor nsor 1/2 is malfunctioning, malfunctioning, replace replace the sensor.


- If Size Detection Sensor 3/4 or Cassette Sensor is malfunctioning, replace the upper insertion unit.(Sensors do not require replacing) 2. Use the ser service vice tool to c confirm onfirm that that Load Loading ing NIP Mo Motor tor is workin working. g. If not, take the following steps and replace parts as required:

  s   e   r   s   u   a   e   m   r   e    t   n   u   o    C    &    t   n   e    t   n   o    C   e   g   a   s   s   e    M   r   o   r   r

- Confirm that all connectors are secure. Confirm that the Loading NIP Motor (JP2)-(JP3-1)(JP3-2)(MCN4) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Replace the upper insertion unit.(No motor should be replaced.) 3. Cha Change nge the the main main board board.. 4. Replac Replace e the upper insertion insertion unit. unit. 7005

Cassette R lock detection during initialization When sensors are checked upon initialization:

• Size Detection Sensors 1 to 4 are in any status other than "no cassette detected."

• Cassette Sensor is OFF OFF.. (There is no cassette.)

   E    4  .    3

• Left Cassette Lock Sensor is ON. (unlocked)

• Right Cassette Lock Sensor is OFF. (locked)

• • • • • • •

Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Plate not removed Foreign object No solid connection Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction

1. Use tthe he ser service vice tool tool to confirm that Size Detectio Detection n Sensor Senso r 1 to 4, Cassette Sensor and Right/Left Cassette Lock Sensor are working. If any are not working, take the following steps and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure, there is no deformation of the detector, and that the spring is loaded. Confirm Confir m that Size Detection Detecti on Sensor 1(JP14)-(JP16-1 1(JP14)-(JP16-1)(JP16-2 )(JP16-2))(MCN7) is working. Confirm that Size Detection Confirm Detecti on Sensor 2(JP15)-(JP16-1 2(JP15)-(JP16-1)(JP16-2 )(JP16-2))(MCN7) is working. Confirm that Size Detection Confirm Detecti on Sensor 3 (JP23)-(JP30-1)( (JP23)-(JP30-1)(JP30-2)JP30-2)(MCN6) is working. Confirm that Size Detection Confirm Detecti on Sensor 4(JP17)-(JP30-1 4(JP17)-(JP30-1)(JP30-2 )(JP30-2))(MCN6) is working. Confirm that Right Cassette Lock Sensor (JP25)-(JP30-1) (JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working. Confirm that Left Cassette Lock Sensor (JP21)-(JP30-1)(JP30-2)(MCN6) is working. Confirm that Cassette Sensor (JP10)-(MCN7) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - If Size Detection Detecti on Se Sensor nsor 1/2 is malfunctioning, malfunctioning, replace replace the sensor.

- If Size Detection Detecti on Se Sensor nsor 3/4, Cassette Sensor Sensor or Right/Le Right/Left ft Cassette Lock Sensor is malfunctioning, replace the upper insertion unit.(Sensors do not require replacing) 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board..


REGIUS /II Service Manual


Chapter 3 Troubleshooting

Error code 7006

Error Name/Description

Plate remnant detection during initialization When the sensor searches for a plate during initialization:

•  A plate is detected.

Possible causes if solutions provided in Operation Manual do not resolve the issue (including reoccurrence)

• Sensor malfunction • Deformation of detector  • Detector not securely attached

• Plate not removed • Foreign object

Countermeasure (Please take the following steps to diagnose and the problem.) This error code indicates that a plate has been detected.To detected.To correct this error, remove the detected plate. If this error code continues to be displayed, V-SYNC Sensor or Plate Sensor may be malfunctioning. 1. Use the se service rvice tool to confirm that that V-SYNC V-SYNC Sensor Sensor and Plate Sensor are working. If any are not working, take the following steps and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure, there is no deformation of detector, the spring is loaded, and the detector is securely attached. Confirm that the V-SYNC Sensor (JP32)-(JP31-1)(JP31-2)(JP36-1)(JP36-2)-(MCN5) is working. Confirm that the Plate Sensor (light receiving) (JP12)-(JP11-1) (JP11-2)-(MCN7) is working. Confirm that the Plate Sensor (light emitting) (JP27)-(JP29-1) (JP29-2)-(JP30-1)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Change the sensor. 7007

Tray HP Sensor error during initialization When the tray is ejected from HP during initialization: • When Tray Motor moves the tray from HP:

- Tray HP Sensor is OFF.

• Sensor malfunction • Deformation of detector  • • • •

(light interception)

Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction


1. Use the ser service vice tool to c check heck if Tray Tray Motor a and nd Tray Tray HP Sensor are are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure and there is no deformation of detector. Confirm that Tray Motor (JP1)-(JP3-1)(JP3-2)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that Tray HP Sensor (JP24)-(JP30-1)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Change the sensor. - Replace the upper insertion unit.(No motor should be replaced.) 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board.. 7008

Tray HP Ejection Sensor error during initialization When the tray is ejected from HP during initialization: the tray from HP:

• • • • •

HP Sensor is ON. - Tray (transparent)

• MAIN_BOARD malfunction

• When Tray Motor ejected

Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection

1. Use the ser service vice tool to c check heck if Tray Tray Motor a and nd Tray Tray HP Sensor are are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure and there is no deformation of detector. Confirm that Tray Motor (JP1)-(JP3-1)(JP3-2)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that Tray HP Sensor (JP24)-(JP30-1)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Change the sensor. - Replace the upper insertion unit.(No motor should be replaced.) 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board.. 7009

Loose sub-scan connector detection during initialization During initialization:

• Sensor detected that a sub-scan connecter is loose.

• • • • •

Old FPGA version. No solid connection Disconnection (Sensor malfunction) (MAIN_BOARD malfunction)

1. Check th the e version of the the FPGA and u update pdate it when when the version version is older than V110R00001. 2. Check th the e wiring between between ma main in board a and nd sub-scan sub-scan unit.

- Confirm that all connectors are secure. From (JP36-1)(JP36-2) to (MCN5)

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. 3. Cha Change nge the the main main board board.. HINT

This error code indicates that three connectors for sub-scan unit are loose.Please make sure that all connections are secure after replacing unit or taking other corrective actions.

REGIUS /II Service Manual


  s   e   r   s   u   a   e   m   r   e    t   n   u   o    C    &    t   n   e    t   n   o    C   e   g   a   s   s   e    M   r   o   r   r    E    4  .    3


Chapter 3 Troubleshooting

Error code 7010

Error Name/Description

Loading NIP ejection from HP error during initialization When Loading NIP Motor ejects NIP from HP during initialization:

• Loading NIP HP Sensor did not detect any change.

Possible causes if solutions provided in Operation Manual do not resolve the issue (including reoccurrence)

• • • • •

Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection

• MAIN_BOARD malfunction

Countermeasure (Please take the following steps to diagnose and the problem.) 1. Use the service ttool ool to confirm that that Loadin Loading g NIP Motor and Lo Loading ading NIP HP Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure and there is no deformation of detector. Confirm that the Loading NIP Motor (JP2)-(JP3-1)(JP3-2)(MCN4) is working. Confirm that Loading NIP HP Sensor (JP18)-(JP30-1)(JP30-2)(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Change the sensor. - Replace the upper insertion unit.(No motor should be replaced.) 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board.. 7011


Loading NIP HP ejection HP / lock release sensor error during initialization When Loading NIP Motor ejects NIP from HP during initialization:

• Loading NIP HP Sensor

  s   e   r   s   u   a   e   m   r   e    t   n   u   o    C    &    t   n   e    t   n   o    C   e   g   a   s   s   e    M   r   o   r   r

• • • • • •

and Tray Lock Release Sensor did not detect any

Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction

1. Use the service ttool ool to confirm that that Loadin Loading g NIP Motor and Lo Loading ading NIP HP Sensor and Tray Lock Release Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure and there is no deformation of detector. Confirm that the Loading NIP Motor (JP2)-(JP3-1)(JP3-2)(MCN4) is working. Confirm that Loading NIP HP Sensor (JP18)-(JP30-1)(JP30-2)(MCN6) is working.


Confirm that Tray Lock Release Sensor (JP19)-(JP30-1)(JP30-2)(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Change the sensor. - Replace the upper insertion unit.(No motor should be replaced.) 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board.. 7012

Loading NIP HP ejection HP / lock release / open/close sensor error during initialization When Loading NIP Motor ejects NIP from HP during initialization:

• Loading NIP HP Sensor, Tray Lock Release Sensor and Loading NIP Open/ Close Sensor did not detect any change.

   E    4  .    3

• • • • • •

Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction

1. Use the service ttool ool to confirm that that Loadin Loading g NIP Motor and Lo Loading ading NIP HP Sensor, Tray Lock Release Sensor and Loading NIP Open/ Close Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure and there is no deformation of detector. Confirm that the Loading NIP Motor (JP2)-(JP3-1)(JP3-2)(MCN4) is working. Confirm that Loading NIP HP Sensor (JP18)-(JP30-1)(JP30-2)(MCN6) is working. Confirm that Tray Lock Release Sensor (JP19)-(JP30-1)(JP30-2)(MCN6) is working. Confirm that Loading NIP Open/Close Sensor (JP20)-(JP30-1) (JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Change the sensor. - Replace the upper insertion unit.(No motor should be replaced.) 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board..


REGIUS /II Service Manual


Chapter 3 Troubleshooting

Error code 7013

Error Name/Description

Loading NIP HP ejection lock release sensor error during initialization When Loading NIP Motor ejects NIP from HP during initialization:

• Tray Lock Release Sensor did not detect any change.

Possible causes if solutions provided in Operation Manual do not resolve the issue (including reoccurrence)

• • • • •

Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection

• MAIN_BOARD malfunction

Countermeasure (Please take the following steps to diagnose and the problem.) 1. Use the serv service ice tool to confirm confirm that Loading Loading NIP Motor Motor and Tray Tray Lock Release Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure and there is no deformation of detector. Confirm that the Loading NIP Motor (JP2)-(JP3-1)(JP3-2)(MCN4) is working. Confirm that Tray Lock Release Sensor (JP19)-(JP30-1)(JP30-2)(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Change the sensor. - Replace the upper insertion unit.(No motor should be replaced.) 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board.. 7014

Loading NIP HP ejection lock release / open/close sensor error during initialization When Loading NIP Motor ejects NIP from HP during initialization:

• Tray Lock Release Sensor and Loading NIP Open/ Close Sensor did not detect any change.

• • • • • •

Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction

1. Use the serv service ice tool to confirm confirm that Loading Loading NIP Motor Motor and Tray Tray Lock Release Sensor and Loading NIP Open/Close Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure and there is no deformation of detector. Confirm that the Loading NIP Motor (JP2)-(JP3-1)(JP3-2)(MCN4) is working. Confirm that Tray Lock Release Sensor (JP19)-(JP30-1)(JP30-2)(MCN6) is working. Confirm that Loading NIP Open/Close Sensor (JP20)-(JP30-1) (JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Change the sensor. - Replace the upper insertion unit.(No motor should be replaced.) 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board.. 7015

Loading NIP HP ejection and Loading NIP Open/Close Sensor error during initialization When Loading NIP Motor ejects NIP from HP during initialization:

• Loading NIP Open/Close Sensor did not detect any change.

• • • • • •

Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction


1. Use the service ttool ool to confirm that that Loadin Loading g NIP Motor and Lo Loading ading NIP Open/Close Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure and there is no deformation of detector. Confirm that the Loading NIP Motor (JP2)-(JP3-1)(JP3-2)(MCN4) is working. Confirm that Loading NIP Open/Close Sensor (JP20)-(JP30-1) (JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Change the sensor. - Replace the upper insertion unit.(No motor should be replaced.) 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board..

REGIUS /II Service Manual


  s   e   r   s   u   a   e   m   r   e    t   n   u   o    C    &    t   n   e    t   n   o    C   e   g   a   s   s   e    M   r   o   r   r    E    4  .    3


Chapter 3 Troubleshooting

Error code 7016

Error Name/Description

Possible causes if solutions provided in Operation Manual do not resolve the issue (including reoccurrence)

Loading NIP HP ejection HP / open/close sensor error during initialization When Loading NIP Motor ejects NIP from HP during initialization:

• • • • •

NIP HP Sensor • Loading and Loading NIP Open/

• MAIN_BOARD malfunction

Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection

Close Sensor did not detect any change.

Countermeasure (Please take the following steps to diagnose and the problem.) 1. Use the service ttool ool to confirm that that Loadin Loading g NIP Motor and Lo Loading ading NIP HP Sensor and Loading NIP Open/Close Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure and there is no deformation of detector. Confirm that the Loading NIP Motor (JP2)-(JP3-1)(JP3-2)(MCN4) is working. Confirm that Loading NIP HP Sensor (JP18)-(JP30-1)(JP30-2)(MCN6) is working. Confirm that Loading NIP Open/Close Sensor (JP20)-(JP30-1) (JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Change the sensor. - Replace the upper insertion unit.(No motor should be replaced.) 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board.. 7017


• When Loading NIP Motor

  s   e   r   s   u   a   e   m   r   e    t   n   u   o    C    &    t   n   e    t   n   o    C   e   g   a   s   s   e    M   r   o   r   r    E    4  .    3

Loading NIP HP Passing Loading NIP HP error during initialization When scanning is re-erased: has passed HP:

- Loading NIP HP Sensor

• • • • • •

Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction

is OFF. (light interception)

1. Use the ser service vice tool to confirm that that Loading Loading NIP HP Sen Sensor sor is working. If not, take the following steps and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure and there is no deformation of detector. Confirm that Loading NIP HP Sensor (JP18)-(JP30-1)(JP30-2)(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Change the sensor. 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board..


Sub-scan NIP HP ejection entrance NIP sensor error during initialization When the tray is ejected from HP during initialization:

• When sub-scan NIP motor completes HP ejection:

• • • • • •

- Entrance NIP Sensor is

Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction

ON. (Entrance NIP is open.)

1. Use the ser service vice tool to c confirm onfirm that that Sub-sca Sub-scan n NIP Motor Motor and Entrance NIP Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure, there is no deformation of detector, and spring is loaded. (The spring for the driven roller at entrance may be loose.) Confirm that Sub-scan NIP Motor (JP5)-(JP7-1)(JP7-2)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that Entrance NIP Sensor (JP33)-(JP31-1)(JP31-2)(JP36-1)(JP36-2)-(MCN5) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Replace the motor/sensor. 7019

Sub-scan NIP HP ejection exit NIP sensor error during initialization When the tray is ejected from HP during initialization:

• When sub-scan NIP motor completes HP ejection:

- Exit NIP Sensor is OFF.

• • • • • •

Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction

(Exit NIP is closed.)

2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board.. 1. Use the se service rvice tool to confirm confirm that that Sub-scan Sub-scan NIP Motor Motor and Exit NIP NIP Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure and there is no deformation of detector. Confirm that Sub-scan NIP Motor (JP5)-(JP7-1)(JP7-2)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that Exit NIP Sensor (JP34)-(JP36-1)(JP36-2)-(MCN5) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Replace the motor/sensor. 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board.. 7020

Inerasable cassette detection  After the sensor detects incomplete insertion of a


This error code indicates that a cassette is inserted during initialization.To correct this error, remove the cassette.

cassette during initialization: • Cassette is locked inside when it is being removed.


REGIUS /II Service Manual


Chapter 3 Troubleshooting

Error code 7021

Error Name/Description

Tray HP Ejection Sensor malfunction during initialization When the tray is ejected from HP during initialization:

• When Tray Motor ejects a tray from HP: - Tray HP Sensor did not detect any change.

Possible causes if solutions provided in Operation Manual do not resolve the issue (including reoccurrence)

• • • • •

Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection

• MAIN_BOARD malfunction

Countermeasure (Please take the following steps to diagnose and the problem.) 1. Use the ser service vice tool to c check heck if Tray Tray Motor a and nd Tray Tray HP Sensor are are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure and there is no deformation of detector. Confirm that Tray Motor (JP1)-(JP3-1)(JP3-2)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that Tray HP Sensor (JP24)-(JP30-1)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Change the sensor. - Replace the upper insertion unit.(No motor should be replaced.) 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board.. 7022

Loading NIP Sensor error when cassette lock release When cassette is being unlocked:

No cassette

A cassette must be inserted in order to execute a feeding command during a unit test.

• Loading NIP HP Sensor is


ON (transparent) or Tray Lock Release Sensor is OFF (light interception). 7023

Main unit/erase identification error during initialization During initialization

• The erase identification detected it as the eraser unit for , although the main unit identification is II.

• The eraser unit for  is installed.

• Eraser unit malfunction (LED2_BOARD or LED_DRIVE2_BOARD malfunction)

• Disconnection (disconnection of a bundle wire, etc.)

• MAIN_BOARD malfunction

1. Che Check ck the the era eraser ser unit unit.. If the eraser unit for  (LED_BOARD, LED_DRIVE_BOARD) is installed, replace it with the eraser unit for II (LED2_BOARD, LED_DRIVE2_BOARD). 2. Cha Change nge the the erase eraserr unit. unit. 3. Confir Confirm m that all wires wires are firm firmly ly connect connected, ed, and replace replace wires wires as required: Confirm that LED_DRIVE2_BOARD(CN1, CN2, CN3, CN4) (LCN2)-(JP35-1)(JP35-2)-(JP36-1)(JP36-2)-(MCN5) (LCN3)-(JP37)(JJ37)-(MCN2) is working. 4. Cha Change nge the the main main boar board. d.

  s   e   r   s   u   a   e   m   r   e    t   n   u   o    C    &    t   n   e    t   n   o    C   e   g   a   s   s   e    M   r   o   r   r    E    4  .    3

REGIUS /II Service Manual



Chapter 3 Troubleshooting

3. 3.4. 4.2 2 71 71xx xx:: Sen Senso sorr Err Error ors s For sensor errors, please take the following steps: 1. Check the sensor-side sensor-side connector. connector. 2. Check the rela relay y connectors connectors between between main device an and d other device devices. s. 3. Con Confirm firm that that m moto otorr is work working. ing. 4. Check inte interaction raction b between etween motor an and d detect detector. or.  in

the SC (Service Call) error column indicates that error cannot be corrected by opening/closing the door or turning power on/off.In order to clear error, use the service tool.Please refer to Section "3.2 Recovery Operation", Operation", " Dealing with a Service Call Error (Page 3-2)" . Possible causes if solutions Error code 7100

Error Name/Description

Tray HP Sensor error during cassette insertion When a cassette is being inserted:

• Tray HP Sensor is ON. (transparent)

provided in Operation Manual do not resolve the issue (including reoccurrence)

• • • • •

Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  No solid connection Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction

Countermeasure (Please take the following steps to diagnose and the problem.) 1. Use the ser service vice tool to c confirm onfirm that that Tra Tray y HP Sensor is working. If not, take the following steps and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure and there is no deformation of detector. Confirm that Tray HP Sensor (JP24)-(JP30-1)(JP30-2)(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Change the sensor.


2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board.. 7101

  s   e   r   s   u   a   e   m   r   e    t   n   u   o    C    &    t   n   e    t   n   o    C   e   g   a   s   s   e    M   r   o   r   r    E    4  .    3

Tray Sensor error during cassette insertion When a cassette is being inserted:

• Sensor malfunction • Deformation of detector  • No solid connection

OFF.. (tray • Tray Sensor is OFF

• Disconnection • MAIN_BOARD



1. Use the ser service vice tool to c confim onfim that that the Tray Tray Senso Sensorr is detecting the tray. If not, take the following steps and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure, there is no deformation of the detector, and that the spring is loaded. Confirm that the Tray Sensor (JP26)-(JP28-1)(JP28-2)(JP30-1)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Replace the upper insertion unit.(Sensors do not require replacing) 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board.. 7102

Loading NIP HP sensor error during cassette insertion When a cassette is being inserted:

• Loading NIP HP Sensor is ON. (transparent)

• • • • •

Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  No solid connection Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction

1. Use the ser service vice tool to c confirm onfirm that that Loadin Loading g NIP HP Sens Sensor or is working. If not, take the following steps and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure, there is no deformation of the detector, and that the spring is loaded. Confirm that Loading NIP HP Sensor (JP18)-(JP301)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Change the sensor. 7103

Lock release sensor error during cassette insertion When a cassette is being inserted:

• Tray Lock Release Sensor is OFF. (light interception)

• • • • • •

Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction

2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board.. 1. Use the ser service vice tool to confirm that that Loading Loading NIP Mo Motor tor and Tray Lock Release Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure and there is no deformation of detector. Confirm that the Loading NIP Motor (JP2)-(JP3-1)(JP3-2)(MCN4) is working. Confirm that Tray Lock Release Sensor (JP19)-(JP301)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Change the sensor. - Replace the upper insertion unit.(No motor should be replaced.) 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board..


REGIUS /II Service Manual

SC Error 


Chapter 3 Troubleshooting

Error code 7104

Error Name/Description

Loading NIP open/close sensor error during cassette insertion When a cassette is being inserted:

• Loading NIP Open/Close Sensor is OFF. (light interception)

Possible causes if solutions provided in Operation Manual do not resolve the issue (including reoccurrence)

• • • • •

Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection

• MAIN_BOARD malfunction

Countermeasure (Please take the following steps to diagnose and the problem.)

SC Error 

1. Use the ser service vice tool to confirm that that Loading Loading NIP Mo Motor tor and Loading NIP Open/Close Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure and there is no deformation of detector. Confirm that the Loading NIP Motor (JP2)-(JP3-1)(JP3-2)(MCN4) is working. Confirm that Loading NIP Open/Close Sensor (JP20)(JP30-1)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Change the sensor. - Replace the upper insertion unit.(No motor should be replaced.) 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board.. 7105

Plate detection sensor error during cassette insertion When a cassette is being inserted:

• Plate Sensor is OFF OFF..

• • • •

(There is a plate.)

Sensor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction

1. Use the se service rvice tool tool to confirm that that the Plate Plate Sensor Sensor detects detects a plate. If not, take the following steps and replace parts as required:


- Confirm that all connectors are secure. Confirm that the Plate Sensor (light receiving) (JP12)(JP11-1)(JP11-2)-(MCN7) (JP11-1)(JP1 1-2)-(MCN7) is working.

  s   e   r   s   u   a   e   m   r   e    t   n   u   o    C    &    t   n   e    t   n   o    C   e   g   a   s   s   e    M   r   o   r   r

Confirm that the Plate Sensor (light emitting) (JP27)(JP29-1)(JP29-2)-(JP30-1)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Change the sensor. 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board.. 7106

V-SYNC sensor error during cassette insertion When a cassette is being inserted:

• V-SYNC Sensor is ON. (There is a plate.)

• Sensor malfunction • Deformation of detector  • Detector not securely attached

• No solid connection • Disconnection • MAIN_BOARD malfunction

1. Use the ser service vice tool to c confirm onfirm that that the V V-SYNC -SYNC Sens Sensor or is working. If not, take the following steps and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure, there is no deformation of detector, the spring is loaded, and the detector is securely attached. Confirm that the V-SYNC Sensor (JP32)-(JP31-1) (JP31-2)-(JP36-1)(JP36-2)-(MCN5) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Change the sensor. 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board..


Loading NIP Sensor error during scanning tray lock

• • release • When Loading NIP Motor • completes unlocking the tray for scanning: • • Three loading NIP sensors • are malfunctioning.

Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector 

1. Use the ser service vice tool to confirm that that Loading Loading NIP Mo Motor tor and Loading NIP HP Sensor, Tray Lock Release Sensor and

No solid connection

Loading NIP Open/Close Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:


- Confirm that all connectors are secure and there is no

Motor malfunction

MAIN_BOARD malfunction

   E    4  .    3

deformation of detector. Confirm that the Loading NIP Motor (JP2)-(JP3-1) (JP3-2)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that Loading NIP HP Sensor (JP18)-(JP301)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working. Confirm that Tray Lock Release Sensor (JP19)-(JP301)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working. Confirm that Loading NIP Open/Close Sensor (JP20)(JP30-1)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Change the sensor. - Replace the upper insertion unit.(No motor should be replaced.) 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board..

REGIUS /II Service Manual



Chapter 3 Troubleshooting

Error code 7108

Error Name/Description

Tray detection sensor error during read/lowering of NIP When Loading NIP Motor completes lowering the loading NIP for scanning:

• Tray Sensor is ON. (no tray ejection)

Possible causes if solutions provided in Operation Manual do not resolve the issue (including reoccurrence)

• • • • •

Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection

Countermeasure (Please take the following steps to diagnose and the problem.) 1. Use the ser service vice tool to confirm that that Loading Loading NIP Mo Motor tor and Tray Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure and there is no deformation of detector.

• MAIN_BOARD malfunction

Confirm that the Loading NIP Motor (JP2)-(JP3-1) (JP3-2)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that the Tray Sensor (JP26)-(JP28-1)(JP28-2)(JP30-1)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Replace the upper insertion unit.(No motor/sensor should be replaced.) 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board.. 7109


Tray HP Sensor error during scanning tray ejection When Tray Motor ejects the tray for scanning:

• Tray HP Sensor is OFF. (light interception)

  s   e   r   s   u   a   e   m   r   e    t   n   u   o    C    &    t   n   e    t   n   o    C   e   g   a   s   s   e    M   r   o   r   r

• • • • • •

Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection

1. Use the ser service vice tool to c check heck if Tray Tray Motor a and nd Tray Tray HP Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure and there is no deformation of detector.

MAIN_BOARD malfunction

Confirm that Tray Motor (JP1)-(JP3-1)(JP3-2)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that Tray HP Sensor (JP24)-(JP30-1)(JP30-2)(MCN6) is working. Confirm that all wires are firmly connected.

- Change the sensor. - Replace the upper insertion unit.(No motor should be replaced.) 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board.. 7110

Plate Sensor error during scanning tray ejection When Tray Motor ejects the tray for scanning:

• Plate Sensor is ON. (There is no plate.)

• • • • • •

No plate in the cassette Sensor malfunction Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection

1. Use the se service rvice tool tool to check if Tray Tray Motor Motor and Plate S Sensor ensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure. Confirm that Tray Motor (JP1)-(JP3-1)(JP3-2)-(MCN4) is working.

MAIN_BOARD malfunction

Confirm that the Plate Sensor (light receiving) (JP12)(JP11-1)(JP11-2)-(MCN7) (JP11-1)(JP1 1-2)-(MCN7) is working. Confirm that the Plate Sensor (light emitting) (JP27)-

   E    4  .    3


(JP29-1)(JP29-2)-(JP30-1)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working. Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. Change the sensor.

Replace the upper insertion unit.(No motor should be replaced.) 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board.. 7111

Tray Sensor error during scanning tray ejection When Tray Motor ejects the tray for scanning:

• Tray Sensor is ON. (no tray ejection)

• • • • • • •

Cassette jam Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction

1. Use the ser service vice tool to c check heck if Tray Tray Motor a and nd Tray Tray Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure and there is no deformation of detector. Confirm that Tray Motor (JP1)-(JP3-1)(JP3-2)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that the Tray Sensor (JP26)-(JP28-1)(JP28-2)(JP30-1)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Replace the upper insertion unit.(No motor/sensor should

be replaced.) 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board..


REGIUS /II Service Manual

SC Error 


Chapter 3 Troubleshooting

Error code 7112

Error Name/Description

Possible causes if solutions provided in Operation Manual do not resolve the issue (including reoccurrence)

Loading NIP sensor error during read/lowering of NIP When Loading NIP Motor completes lowering the loading NIP for scanning:

• • • • • Three loading NIP sensors • are malfunctioning.

Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection

• MAIN_BOARD malfunction

Countermeasure (Please take the following steps to diagnose and the problem.)

SC Error 

1. Use the ser service vice tool to confirm that that Loading Loading NIP Mo Motor tor and Loading NIP HP Sensor, Tray Lock Release Sensor,and Loading NIP Open/Close Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure and there is no deformation of detector. Confirm that the Loading NIP Motor (JP2)-(JP3-1) (JP3-2)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that Loading NIP HP Sensor (JP18)-(JP301)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working. Confirm that Tray Lock Release Sensor (JP19)-(JP301)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working. Confirm that Loading NIP Open/Close Sensor (JP20)(JP30-1)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Change the sensor. - Replace the upper insertion unit.(No motor should be


replaced.) 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board.. 7113

Loading NIP Sensor error during raising scanning tray When Loading NIP Motor

• Sensor malfunction • Deformation of detector 

completes raising the tray for scanning:

• • • Three loading NIP sensors • are malfunctioning. •

1. Use the ser service vice tool to confirm that that Loading Loading NIP Mo Motor tor and Loading NIP HP Sensor, Tray Lock Release Sensor and Loading NIP Open/Close Sensor are working.

Motor malfunction No solid connection

If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:


- Confirm that all connectors are secure and there is no

MAIN_BOARD malfunction

  s   e   r   s   u   a   e   m   r   e    t   n   u   o    C    &    t   n   e    t   n   o    C   e   g   a   s   s   e    M   r   o   r   r

deformation of detector. Confirm that the Loading NIP Motor (JP2)-(JP3-1) (JP3-2)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that Loading NIP HP Sensor (JP18)-(JP301)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working. Confirm that Tray Lock Release Sensor (JP19)-(JP301)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working. Confirm that Loading NIP Open/Close Sensor (JP20)(JP30-1)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Change the sensor. - Replace the upper insertion unit.(No motor should be replaced.) 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board.. 7114

Tray Sensor error during scanning/loading/feeding When Loading/Feeding Motor completes feed a plate for scanning:

• Tray Sensor is ON. (no tray ejection)

• • • • • •

Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction

   E    4  .    3

1. Use the ser service vice tool to c check heck if Loading/F Loading/Feeding eeding Mo Motor tor and Tray Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure and there is no deformation of detector. Confirm that Loading/Feeding Motor (JP4)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that the Tray Sensor (JP26)-(JP28-1)(JP28-2)(JP30-1)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Replace the motor/sensor. 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board..

REGIUS /II Service Manual



Chapter 3 Troubleshooting

Error code 7115

Error Name/Description

Possible causes if solutions provided in Operation Manual do not resolve the issue (including reoccurrence)

Entrance NIP sensor error during read/sub-scan/NIP HP removal When Sub-scan NIP Motor completes HP ejection for scanning:

• • • • •

NIP Sensor is • Entrance ON (entrance NIP is open)

• MAIN_BOARD malfunction

Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection

or OFF (entrance NIP is closed). This OFF state will soon be turned to ON (entrance NIP is open).

Countermeasure (Please take the following steps to diagnose and the problem.) 1. Use the ser service vice tool to confirm confirm that that Sub-scan NIP NIP Motor and and Entrance NIP Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure and there is no deformation of detector. Confirm that Sub-scan NIP Motor (JP5)-(JP7-1) (JP7-2)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that Entrance NIP Sensor (JP33)-(JP31-1) (JP31-2)-(JP36-1)(JP36-2)-(MCN5) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Replace the motor/sensor. 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board.. 3. Replac Replace e su sub-scan b-scan drive Assy. Assy.



Exit NIP sensor error during read/sub-scan/NIP HP removal When Sub-scan NIP Motor completes HP ejection for scanning:

• Exit NIP Sensor is OFF. (Exit NIP is closed.)

  s   e   r   s   u   a   e   m   r   e    t   n   u   o    C    &    t   n   e    t   n   o    C   e   g   a   s   s   e    M   r   o   r   r

• • • • • •

Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction

1. Use the ser service vice tool to confirm confirm that that Sub-scan NIP NIP Motor and and Exit NIP Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure and there is no deformation of detector. Confirm that Sub-scan NIP Motor (JP5)-(JP7-1) (JP7-2)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that Exit NIP Sensor (JP34)-(JP36-1)(JP36-2)(MCN5) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Replace the motor/sensor. 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board..

   E    4  .    3


REGIUS /II Service Manual

SC Error 


Chapter 3 Troubleshooting

Error code 7117

Error Name/Description

Plate detection sensor error during read/sub-scan/send When Sub-scan Feeding Motor completes feed a plate for scanning:

Possible causes if solutions provided in Operation Manual do not resolve the issue (including reoccurrence)

• • • •

Plate jam

•• • •

Motor malfunction No solid connection

• V-SYNC Sensor is OFF. OFF. (There is no plate.)

• Plate Sensor is OFF OFF.. (There is a plate.)

Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Detector not securely attached

Disconnection Upper Door not installed properly

• MAIN_BOARD malfunction

Countermeasure (Please take the following steps to diagnose and the problem.)

SC Error 

1. Use the ser service vice tool to c check heck if Loading/F Loading/Feeding eeding Mo Motor tor and Magnetic Clutch are working. Check the motor to see if it operates normally in both directions. If the motor runs fine, check belt tension. If the motor does not run normally, take the following steps and replace parts as required: - Confirm that all connectors are secure. Confirm that Loading/Feeding Motor (JP4)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that Magnetic Clutch (JP9)-(MCN4) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Replace motor/magnetic clutch. 2. Use the ser service vice tool to confirm confirm that that Sub-scan NIP NIP Motor and Check the motor to see if it operates normally in both directions. If the motor runs fine, check belt tension. If the motor does not run normally, take the following steps and replace parts as required:


- Confirm that all connectors are secure. Confirm that Sub-scan NIP Motor (JP5)(JP7-1)(JP7-2)(MCN4) is working.

  s   e   r   s   u   a   e   m   r   e    t   n   u   o    C    &    t   n   e    t   n   o    C   e   g   a   s   s   e    M   r   o   r   r    E    4  .    3

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Replace motor. 3. Reinst Reinstall all upper door.( door.(Feeding Feeding g guide uide may be out out of alignment.) 4. Use the servi service ce tool to check check if Sub-scan Feeding Feeding Motor Motor and V-SYNC Sensor and Plate Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure, there is no deformation of detector, the spring is loaded, and the detector is securely attached. Confirm that Sub-scan Feeding Motor (JP6)(JP7-1)(JP7-2)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that the V-SYNC Sensor (JP32)-(JP31-1) (JP31-2)-(JP36-1)(JP36-2)-(MCN5) is working. Confirm that the Plate Sensor (light receiving) (JP12)(JP11-1)(JP11-2)-(MCN7) (JP11-1)(JP1 1-2)-(MCN7) is working. Confirm that the Plate Sensor (light emitting) (JP27)(JP29-1)(JP29-2)-(JP30-1)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working. Confirm that all wires are firmly connected.

- Replace the motor/sensor. 5. Cha Change nge the the main main board board.. 7118

V-SYNC sensor error during scanning/loading/feeding When Loading/Feeding Motor completes feed a plate for scanning:

• V-SYNC Sensor is OFF. OFF. (There is no plate.) This OFF state will soon change to ON (with a plate).(remains OFF)

• • • •

Plate jam

• • • •

Motor malfunction

Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Detector not securely attached No solid connection

1. Use the ser service vice tool to c check heck if Loading/F Loading/Feeding eeding Mo Motor tor and V-SYNC Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure, there is no deformation of detector, the spring is loaded, and the detector is securely attached.


Confirm that Loading/Feeding Motor (JP4)-(MCN4) is working.

MAIN_BOARD malfunction

Confirm that the V-SYNC Sensor (JP32)-(JP31-1) (JP31-2)-(JP36-1)(JP36-2)-(MCN5) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Replace the motor/sensor. 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board..

REGIUS /II Service Manual



Chapter 3 Troubleshooting

Error code 7119

Error Name/Description

Entrance NIP sensor error during read/closing of exit NIP When Sub-scan NIP Motor completes closing exit NIP for scanning:

• Entrance NIP Sensor is ON. (Entrance NIP is open.)

Possible causes if solutions provided in Operation Manual do not resolve the issue (including reoccurrence)

• • • • •

Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection

• MAIN_BOARD malfunction

Countermeasure (Please take the following steps to diagnose and the problem.) 1. Use the ser service vice tool to confirm confirm that that Sub-scan NIP NIP Motor and and Entrance NIP Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure, there is no deformation of detector, and spring is loaded. (The spring for the driven roller at entrance may be loose.) Confirm that Sub-scan NIP Motor (JP5)-(JP7-1) (JP7-2)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that Entrance NIP Sensor (JP33)-(JP31-1) (JP31-2)-(JP36-1)(JP36-2)-(MCN5) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Replace the motor/sensor. 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board.. 7120


Exit NIP sensor error during read/closing of exit NIP When Sub-scan NIP Motor completes closing exit NIP for scanning:

• Exit NIP Sensor is ON. (Exit NIP is open.)

  s   e   r   s   u   a   e   m   r   e    t   n   u   o    C    &    t   n   e    t   n   o    C   e   g   a   s   s   e    M   r   o   r   r    E    4  .    3

• • • • • •

Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction

1. Use the ser service vice tool to confirm confirm that that Sub-scan NIP NIP Motor and and Exit NIP Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure, there is no deformation of detector, and spring is loaded. (The spring for the driven roller at exit may be loose.) Confirm that Sub-scan NIP Motor (JP5)-(JP7-1) (JP7-2)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that Exit NIP Sensor (JP34)-(JP36-1)(JP36-2)(MCN5) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Replace the motor/sensor. 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board.. 7121

Entrance NIP sensor error during read/opening of entrance NIP When Sub-scan NIP Motor completes opening entrance NIP for scanning:

• Entrance NIP Sensor is

• • • • • •

OFF. (Entrance N IP is OFF. closed.)

Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction

1. Use the ser service vice tool to confirm confirm that that Sub-scan NIP NIP Motor and and Entrance NIP Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure and there is no deformation of detector. Confirm that Sub-scan NIP Motor (JP5)-(JP7-1) (JP7-2)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that Entrance NIP Sensor (JP33)-(JP31-1) (JP31-2)-(JP36-1)(JP36-2)-(MCN5) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. the motor/sensor. - Replace 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board.. 7122

Exit NIP sensor error during read/opening of entrance NIP When Sub-scan NIP Motor completes opening entrance NIP for scanning:

• Exit NIP Sensor is ON. (Exit NIP is open.)

• • • • • •

Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction

1. Use the ser service vice tool to confirm confirm that that Sub-scan NIP NIP Motor and and Exit NIP Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure, there is no deformation of detector, and spring is loaded. (The spring for the driven roller at exit may be loose.) Confirm that Sub-scan NIP Motor (JP5)-(JP7-1) (JP7-2)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that Exit NIP Sensor (JP34)-(JP36-1)(JP36-2)(MCN5) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Replace the motor/sensor. 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board..


REGIUS /II Service Manual

SC Error 


Chapter 3 Troubleshooting

Error code 7123

Error Name/Description

Possible causes if solutions provided in Operation Manual do not resolve the issue (including reoccurrence)

Entrance NIP sensor error during read/closing of entrance NIP When Sub-scan NIP Motor completes closing entrance NIP for scanning:

• • • • •

NIP Sensor is • Entrance ON. (Entrance NIP is

• MAIN_BOARD malfunction

Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection


Countermeasure (Please take the following steps to diagnose and the problem.)

SC Error 

1. Use the ser service vice tool to confirm confirm that that Sub-scan NIP NIP Motor and and Entrance NIP Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure, there is no deformation of detector, and spring is loaded. (The spring for the driven roller at entrance may be loose.) Confirm that Sub-scan NIP Motor (JP5)-(JP7-1) (JP7-2)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that Entrance NIP Sensor (JP33)-(JP31-1) (JP31-2)-(JP36-1)(JP36-2)-(MCN5) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Replace the motor/sensor. 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board.. 7124

Exit NIP sensor error during read/closing of entrance NIP When Sub-scan NIP Motor completes closing entrance NIP for scanning:

• Exit NIP Sensor is ON. (Exit NIP is open.)

• • • • • •

Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction

1. Use the ser service vice tool to confirm confirm that that Sub-scan NIP NIP Motor and and Exit NIP Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:


- Confirm that all connectors are secure, there is no deformation of detector, and spring is loaded. (The spring for the driven roller at exit may be loose.) Confirm that Sub-scan NIP Motor (JP5)-(JP7-1) (JP7-2)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that Exit NIP Sensor (JP34)-(JP36-1)(JP36-2)(MCN5) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Replace the motor/sensor. 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board.. 7125

V-SYNC Sensor error as subscan returns When Sub-scan Feeding Motor completes return plate for scanning:

• V-SYNC Sensor does not come on (with a plate) when Sub-scan Feeding Motor is returning the plate, or the sensor remains ON after the operation is complete.

• • • •

Plate jam

• • • •

Motor malfunction

Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Detector not securely attached No solid connection

1. Use the se service rvice tool tool to check if S Sub-scan ub-scan Feeding Motor Motor and V-SYNC Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure, there is no deformation of detector, the spring is loaded, and the detector is securely attached.


Confirm that Sub-scan Feeding Motor (JP6)(JP7-1)(JP7-2)-(MCN4) is working.

MAIN_BOARD malfunction

Confirm that the V-SYNC Sensor (JP32)-(JP31-1) (JP31-2)-(JP36-1)(JP36-2)-(MCN5) is working.

• Slipping of the slowdown pulley and drive belt.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Replace the motor/sensor. 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board.. 3. Trea Treatt the slowdo slowdown wn pulley pulley su surface. rface.


Tray Sensor error 1 during read/sub-scan/send When Sub-scan Feeding Motor completes feed a plate for scanning:

• Sensor malfunction • Deformation of detector  • Detector not securely

• (There is a plate.) and Tray • Sensor is ON. (no tray • ejection) •

• V-SYNC Sensor is ON.

attached Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction

1. Use the ser service vice tool to c check heck if Sub-scan Sub-scan Feeding Feeding Moto Motor, r, V-SYNC Sensor and Tray Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure, there is no deformation of detector, the spring is loaded, and the detector is securely attached. Confirm that Sub-scan Feeding Motor (JP6)(JP7-1)(JP7-2)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that the V-SYNC Sensor (JP32)-(JP31-1) (JP31-2)-(JP36-1)(JP36-2)-(MCN5) is working. Confirm that the Tray Sensor (JP26)-(JP28-1)(JP28-2)(JP30-1)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working. that all wires are firmly connected. -- Confirm Replace the motor/sensor. 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board..

REGIUS /II Service Manual


  s   e   r   s   u   a   e   m   r   e    t   n   u   o    C    &    t   n   e    t   n   o    C   e   g   a   s   s   e    M   r   o   r   r    E    4  .    3


Chapter 3 Troubleshooting

Error code 7127

Error Name/Description

Possible causes if solutions provided in Operation Manual do not resolve the issue (including reoccurrence)

Tray Sensor error when scanning NIP tray is being lowered When Loading NIP Motor completes opening roller NIP and tray is lowered for

• • • • •

scanning: • Tray Sensor is ON. (no tray ejection)

• Disconnection • MAIN_BOARD

Plate jam Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Motor malfunction No solid connection


Countermeasure (Please take the following steps to diagnose and the problem.) 1. Use the ser service vice tool to confirm that that Loading Loading NIP Mo Motor tor and Tray Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure and there is no deformation of detector. Confirm that the Loading NIP Motor (JP2)-(JP3-1) (JP3-2)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that the Tray Sensor (JP26)-(JP28-1)(JP28-2)(JP30-1)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Change the sensor. - Replace the upper insertion unit.(No motor should be replaced.) 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board..  7128

3   s   e   r   s   u   a   e   m   r   e    t   n   u   o    C    &    t   n   e    t   n   o    C   e   g   a   s   s   e    M   r   o   r   r    E    4  .    3

Loading NIP Sensor error when scanning NIP tray is lowered When Loading NIP Motor completes opening roller NIP and tray is lowered for scanning:

• • • • • •

• Three loading NIP sensors

Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction

are malfunctioning.

1. Use the ser service vice tool to confirm that that Loading Loading NIP Mo Motor tor and Loading NIP HP Sensor, Tray Lock Release Sensor, and Loading NIP Open/Close Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure and there is no deformation of detector. Confirm that the Loading NIP Motor (JP2)-(JP3-1) (JP3-2)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that Loading NIP HP Sensor (JP18)-(JP301)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working. Confirm that Tray Lock Release Sensor (JP19)-(JP301)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working. Confirm that Loading NIP Open/Close Sensor (JP20)(JP30-1)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Change the sensor. - Replace the upper insertion unit.(No motor should be replaced.) 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board.. 7129

Plate detection sensor error during read/insertion/feed (return) When Loading/Feeding Motor completes returning a plate for scanning:

• Plate Sensor is OFF OFF.. (There is a plate.)

• • • • • • • •

Plate jam Cassette defect Plate defect Sensor malfunction Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction

1. Che Check ck casset cassette te and and plate. plate.

- Confirm that nonwoven fabric inside cassette is intact. - Confirm that there is any deformation/damage to plate slot.

- Confirm that there is any damage to plate. 2. Use the ser service vice tool to c check heck if Loading/F Loading/Feeding eeding Mo Motor tor and Plate Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required: - Confirm that all connectors are secure. Confirm that Loading/Feeding Motor (JP4)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that the Plate Sensor (light receiving) (JP12)(JP11-1)(JP11-2)-(MCN7) (JP11-1)(JP1 1-2)-(MCN7) is working. Confirm that the Plate Sensor (light emitting) (JP27)(JP29-1)(JP29-2)-(JP30-1)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Replace the motor/sensor. 3. Cha Change nge the the main main board board.. 


REGIUS /II Service Manual

SC Error 


Chapter 3 Troubleshooting

Error code 7130

Error Name/Description

Size detection error during cassette insertion  After inserting a cassette and position control operation operation is launched:

• None of Size Detection Sensor 1 to 4 matches any cassette size.

Possible causes if solutions provided in Operation Manual do not resolve the issue (including reoccurrence)

• Wrong cassette (not supported by this device)

• Sensor malfunction • No solid connection • Disconnection • MAIN_BOARD malfunction

Countermeasure (Please take the following steps to diagnose and the problem.)

SC Error 

1. Check to se see e that th the e link spring o off lower insertion insertion unit unit is intact. 2. Use th the e service service tool tool to conf confirm irm that that Size Detection Sensor 1 to 4 are working. If any are not working, take the following steps and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure. Confirm that Size Detectio Confirm De tection n Sensor Se nsor 1(JP14)-(JP16-1) 1(JP14)-(JP16-1) (JP16-2)-(MCN7) is working. Confirm that Size Detectio Confirm De tection n Sensor Se nsor 2(JP15)-(JP16-1) 2(JP15)-(JP16-1) (JP16-2)-(MCN7) is working. Confirm Confir m that Size Detectio De tection n Sensor Se nsor 3 (JP23)-(JP30-1) (JP23)-(JP30-1) (JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working. Confirm Confir m that Size Detectio De tection n Sensor Se nsor 4(JP17)-(JP30-1) 4(JP17)-(JP30-1) (JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - If Size Detection Detecti on Se Sensor nsor 1/2 is malfunctioning, malfunctioning, replace replace the sensor.


- If Size Detection Detecti on Se Sensor nsor 3/4 is malfunctioning, malfunctioning, replace replace the upper insertion unit.(Sensors do not require replacing) 3. Cha Change nge the the main main board board..  7131

Tray HP Sensor error when scanning tray returns When Tray Motor completes returning the tray for scanning:

• Tray HP Sensor is ON. (transparent)

• • • • • • •

Cassette defect Deformation of detector  Sensor malfunction Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction

  s   e   r   s   u   a   e   m   r   e    t   n   u   o    C    &    t   n   e    t   n   o    C   e   g   a   s   s   e    M   r   o   r   r    E    4  .    3

1. Confir Confirm m that cassette tray tray can be inserted/ejected inserted/ejected smoothly smoothly.. If not, replace the cassette. 2. Use the ser service vice tool to c check heck if Tray Tray Motor a and nd Tray Tray HP Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure and there is no deformation of detector. Confirm that Tray Motor (JP1)-(JP3-1)(JP3-2)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that Tray HP Sensor (JP24)-(JP30-1)(JP30-2)(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Change the sensor. - Replace the upper insertion unit.(No motor should be replaced.) 3. Cha Change nge the the main main board board.. 7132

Tray Sensor error when scanning tray returns When Tray Motor completes returning the tray for scanning:

• Tray Sensor is OFF OFF.. (tray ejection)

• • • • • • •

Cassette jam Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction

1. Use the ser service vice tool to c check heck if Tray Tray Motor a and nd Tray Tray Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure and there is no deformation of detector. Confirm that Tray Motor (JP1)-(JP3-1)(JP3-2)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that the Tray Sensor (JP26)-(JP28-1)(JP28-2)(JP30-1)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Replace the upper insertion unit.(No motor/sensor should be replaced.) 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board..

REGIUS /II Service Manual



Chapter 3 Troubleshooting

Error code 7133

Error Name/Description

Lock sensor error during read/cassette lock release When Loading NIP Motor completes unlocking the cassette for scanning:

• Either Left or Right Cassette Lock Sensor is OFF. (locked)

Possible causes if solutions provided in Operation Manual do not resolve the issue (including reoccurrence)

• • • • •

Cassette jam Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Motor malfunction No solid connection

• Disconnection • MAIN_BOARD malfunction

Countermeasure (Please take the following steps to diagnose and the problem.) 1. Use the ser service vice tool to confirm that that Loading Loading NIP Mo Motor tor and Cassette Lock Sensor Left/Right are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure, there is no deformation of the detector, and that the spring is loaded. Confirm that the Loading NIP Motor (JP2)-(JP3-1) (JP3-2)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that Left Cassette Lock Sensor (JP21)-(JP30-1) (JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working. Confirm that Right Cassette Lock Sensor (JP25)(JP30-1)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Replace the upper insertion unit.(No motor/sensor should be replaced.) 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board.. 7134

3   s   e   r   s   u   a   e   m   r   e    t   n   u   o    C    &    t   n   e    t   n   o    C   e   g   a   s   s   e    M   r   o   r   r    E    4  .    3

Tray Sensor error when releasing scanning cassette lock When Loading NIP Motor completes unlocking the cassette for scanning:

• Tray Sensor is OFF OFF.. (tray

• • • • • •


Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction

1. Use the ser service vice tool to confirm that that Loading Loading NIP Mo Motor tor and Tray Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure and there is no deformation of detector. Confirm that the Loading NIP Motor (JP2)-(JP3-1) (JP3-2)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that the Tray Sensor (JP26)-(JP28-1)(JP28-2)(JP30-1)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Replace the upper insertion unit.(No motor/sensor should be replaced.) 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board.. 7135

Loading NIP sensor error during read/cassette lock release When Loading NIP Motor completes unlocking the cassette for scanning:

• • • • • Three loading NIP sensors • • are malfunctioning.

Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction

1. Use the ser service vice tool to confirm that that Loading Loading NIP Mo Motor tor and Loading NIP HP Sensor, Tray Lock Release Sensor and Loading NIP Open/Close Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure and there is no deformation of detector. Confirm that the Loading NIP Motor (JP2)-(JP3-1) (JP3-2)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that Loading NIP HP Sensor (JP18)-(JP301)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working. Confirm that Tray Lock Release Sensor (JP19)-(JP301)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working. Confirm that Loading NIP Open/Close Sensor (JP20)(JP30-1)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Change the sensor. - Replace the upper insertion unit.(No motor should be replaced.) 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board..


REGIUS /II Service Manual

SC Error 

3 22

REGIUS / II Service Manual


Chapter 3 Troubleshooting

Error code 7136

Error Name/Description

Plate long check error during read/sub-scan/send When Sub-scan Feeding Motor is feeding a plate for scanning:

• The feeding distance by Sub-scan Feeding Motor (from V-SYNC Sensor is ON to OFF) differs from inserted cassette plate length.

Possible causes if solutions provided in Operation Manual do not resolve the issue (including reoccurrence)

• Wrong length plate inserted

• Plate jam • Sensor malfunction • Deformation of detector 

Countermeasure (Please take the following steps to diagnose and the problem.) 1. Use th the e service service tool tool to conf confirm irm that that Size Detection Sensor properly detects cassette size. If any are not working, take the following steps and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure, there is no deformation of the detector, and that the spring is loaded.

not securely • Detector attached

Confirm Confir m that Size Detectio De tection n Sensor Se nsor 1(JP14)-(JP16-1) 1(JP14)-(JP16-1) (JP16-2)-(MCN7) is working.

• Feeding guide malfunction • Foreign object in feeding

Confirm Confir m that Size Detectio De tection n Sensor Se nsor 2(JP15)-(JP16-1) 2(JP15)-(JP16-1) (JP16-2)-(MCN7) is working.


• • • • •

Confirm Confir m that Size Detectio De tection n Sensor Se nsor 3 (JP23)-(JP30-1) (JP23)-(JP30-1) (JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working.

Feeding roller slippage Motor malfunction

Confirm Confir m that Size Detectio De tection n Sensor Se nsor 4(JP17)-(JP30-1) 4(JP17)-(JP30-1) (JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working.

No solid connection Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction

SC Error 

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - If Size Detection Detecti on Se Sensor nsor 1/2 is malfunctioning, malfunctioning, replace replace the sensor.

- If Size Detection Detecti on Se Sensor nsor 3/4 is malfunctioning, malfunctioning, replace replace the upper insertion unit.(Sensors do not require replacing) 2. Check d detector etector of V V-SYNC -SYNC a assembly ssembly..

- Confirm that spring is intact. - Confirm that there is no deformation. - Confirm that the plate moves smoothly. 3. Che Check ck feedin feeding gp path ath..


Confirm that there is a foreign object on feeding path. Confirm that there is no protrusion on feeding guide. Confirm that there is a foreign object on the roller.

Confirm that roller has any condensation. 4. Use the se service rvice tool tool to check if S Sub-scan ub-scan Feeding Motor an and d V-SYNC Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure. Confirm that Sub-scan Feeding Motor (JP6)(JP7-1)(JP7-2)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that the V-SYNC Sensor (JP32)-(JP31-1) (JP31-2)-(JP36-1)(JP36-2)-(MCN5) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Replace the motor/sensor. 5. Cha Change nge the the main main board board.. 7137

No cassette when controlling cassette position and releasing cassette lock When cassette position control and unlocking operations are initiated:

• Either Cassette Sensor or Cassette Lock Sensor Left/ Right is OFF.

No cassette

A cassette must be inserted in order to execute a feeding command during a unit test.

3   s   e   r   s   u   a   e   m   r   e    t   n   u   o    C    &    t   n   e    t   n   o    C   e   g   a   s   s   e    M   r   o   r   r    E    4  .    3

REGIUS /II Service Manual

3 23


Chapter 3 Troubleshooting

Error code 7138

Error Name/Description

Tray Sensor error 2 during read/sub-scan/send When Sub-scan Feeding Motor completes feed a plate for scanning:

• V-SYNC Sensor is OFF (There is no plate.) and Tray Sensor is ON. (no tray ejection)

Possible causes if solutions provided in Operation Manual do not resolve the issue (including reoccurrence)

• • • • •

Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection

• MAIN_BOARD malfunction

Countermeasure (Please take the following steps to diagnose and the problem.) 1. Use the se service rvice tool tool to check if S Sub-scan ub-scan Feeding Motor Motor and Tray Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure, and there is no deformation of detector. Confirm that Sub-scan Feeding Motor (JP6)(JP7-1)(JP7-2)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that the Tray Sensor (JP26)-(JP28-1)(JP28-2)(JP30-1)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Replace the motor/sensor. 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board.. 7139


V-SYNC Sensor error 2 during scanning/loading/feeding/ returning When Loading/Feeding Motor completes returning a plate for scanning:

• V-SYNC Sensor is ON. (There is a plate.)

  s   e   r   s   u   a   e   m   r   e    t   n   u   o    C    &    t   n   e    t   n   o    C   e   g   a   s   s   e    M   r   o   r   r    E    4  .    3

• Plate Sensor is ON. (There is no plate.)

• Tray Sensor is ON. (no tray ejection)

• Plate jam • Deformation of detector  • Detector not securely attached

1. Check d detector etector of V V-SYNC -SYNC a assembly ssembly..

- Confirm that spring is intact. - Confirm that there is no deformation. - Confirm that the plate moves smoothly.

Check ck feedin feeding gp path ath.. • Feeding guide malfunction 2. Che - Confirm that there is a foreign object on feeding path. • Foreign object in feeding path - Confirm that there is no protrusion on feeding guide. • Feeding roller slippage - Confirm that there is a foreign object on the roller. • Cassette defect - Confirm that roller has any condensation. 3. Che Check ck casset cassette te and and plate. plate. • Plate defect • Upper door not installed - Confirm that nonwoven fabric inside cassette is intact. properly - Confirm that there is any deformation/damage to plate • Sensor malfunction slot. • Motor malfunction - Confirm that there is any damage to plate. 4. Use the ser service vice tool to c check heck if Loading/F Loading/Feeding eeding Mo Motor tor,, • No solid connection Magnetic Clutch, V-SYNC Sensor and Tray Sensor are • Disconnection working. • MAIN_BOARD malfunction

Check the motor to see if it operates normally in both directions. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure. Confirm that Loading/Feeding Motor (JP4)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that Magnetic Clutch (JP9)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that the V-SYNC Sensor (JP32)-(JP31-1) (JP31-2)-(JP36-1)(JP36-2)-(MCN5) is working. Confirm that the Tray Sensor (JP26)-(JP28-1)(JP28-2)(JP30-1)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Replace motor/magnetic clutch/sensor. 5. Reinst Reinstall all upper door.( door.(Feeding Feeding g guide uide may be out out of alignment.) 6. Cha Change nge the the main main board board..

SC Error 

3 24

REGIUS /II Service Manual


Chapter 3 Troubleshooting

Error code 7143

Error Name/Description

V-SYNC sensor error 2 when sub-scan When Sub-scan Feeding Motor completes feed a plate for scanning:

• V-SYNC Sensor is ON.

Possible causes if solutions provided in Operation Manual do not resolve the issue (including reoccurrence)

• Plate jam • Deformation of detector  • Detector not securely attached

SC Error 

1. Check d detector etector of V V-SYNC -SYNC a assembly ssembly..

- Confirm that spring is intact. - Confirm that there is no deformation. - Confirm that the plate moves smoothly.

Check ck feedin feeding gp path ath.. • Feeding guide malfunction 2. Che

(There is a plate.)

object in feeding • Foreign path


• • • •

Feeding roller slippage

• • • • •

Sensor malfunction

• Tray Sensor is OFF OFF.. (tray

Countermeasure (Please take the following steps to diagnose and the problem.)

Cassette defect Plate defect Upper door not installed properly Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction


Confirm that there is a foreign object on feeding path. Confirm that there is no protrusion on feeding guide. Confirm that there is a foreign object on the roller.

Confirm that roller has any condensation. 3. Che Check ck casset cassette te and and plate. plate.

- Confirm that nonwoven fabric inside cassette is intact. - Confirm that there is any deformation/damage to plate slot.

- Confirm that there is any damage to plate. 4. Use the ser service vice tool to c check heck if Loading/F Loading/Feeding eeding Mo Motor tor and Magnetic Clutch are working. Check the motor to see if it operates normally in both directions. If the motor runs fine, check belt tension. If the motor does not run normally, take the following steps and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure. Confirm that Loading/Feeding Motor (JP4)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that Magnetic Clutch (JP9)-(MCN4) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Replace motor/magnetic clutch. 5. Reinst Reinstall all upper door.( door.(Feeding Feeding g guide uide may be out out of alignment.) 6. Use the service ttool ool to check if Sub-scan Sub-scan Feeding Feeding Motor, Motor, VSYNC Sensor Sensor and Tray Sensor are working. working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure. Confirm that Sub-scan Feeding Motor (JP6)(JP7-1)(JP7-2)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that the V-SYNC Sensor (JP32)-(JP31-1) (JP31-2)-(JP36-1)(JP36-2)-(MCN5) is working. Confirm that the Tray Sensor (JP26)-(JP28-1)(JP28-2)(JP30-1)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Replace the motor/sensor. 7. Cha Change nge the the main main board board..

3   s   e   r   s   u   a   e   m   r   e    t   n   u   o    C    &    t   n   e    t   n   o    C   e   g   a   s   s   e    M   r   o   r   r    E    4  .    3

REGIUS /II Service Manual

3 25


Chapter 3 Troubleshooting

Error code 7144

Error Name/Description

Possible causes if solutions provided in Operation Manual do not resolve the issue (including reoccurrence)

V-SYNC Sensor error 1 during scanning/loading/feeding/ returning When Loading/Feeding Motor completes returning a plate for scanning:

• Plate jam • Deformation of detector  • Detector not securely

• V-SYNC Sensor is ON.

object in feeding • Foreign path

• Plate Sensor is ON. (There

• • • •

Feeding roller slippage

• • • • •

Sensor malfunction

(There is a plate.) is no plate.)

• Tray Sensor is OFF OFF.. (tray ejection)


1. Check d detector etector of V V-SYNC -SYNC a assembly ssembly..

- Confirm that spring is intact. - Confirm that there is no deformation. - Confirm that the plate moves smoothly.

Check ck feedin feeding gp path ath.. • Feeding guide malfunction 2. Che

3   s   e   r   s   u   a   e   m   r   e    t   n   u   o    C    &    t   n   e    t   n   o    C   e   g   a   s   s   e    M   r   o   r   r    E    4  .    3

Countermeasure (Please take the following steps to diagnose and the problem.)

Cassette defect Plate defect Upper door not installed properly Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction


Confirm that there is a foreign object on feeding path. Confirm that there is no protrusion on feeding guide. Confirm that there is a foreign object on the roller.

Confirm that roller has any condensation. 3. Che Check ck casset cassette te and and plate. plate.

- Confirm that nonwoven fabric inside cassette is intact. - Confirm that there is any deformation/damage to plate slot.

- Confirm that there is any damage to plate. 4. Use the ser service vice tool to c check heck if Loading/F Loading/Feeding eeding Mo Motor tor and Magnetic Clutch are working.V-SYNC Sensor are working. Check the motor to see if it operates normally in both directions. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure. Confirm that Loading/Feeding Motor (JP4)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that Magnetic Clutch (JP9)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that the V-SYNC Sensor (JP32)-(JP31-1) (JP31-2)-(JP36-1)(JP36-2)-(MCN5) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Replace the motor/magnetic clutch/sensor. 5. Reinst Reinstall all upper door door.(Feedi .(Feeding ng guide m may ay be out of alignment.) 6. Cha Change nge the the main main board board.. 7145

Plate detection sensor error during read/sub-scan/return When Sub-scan Feeding Motor completes returning a plate for scanning:

• Plate Sensor is ON. (There is no plate.)

1. Che Check ck feedin feeding gp path ath.. • Plate jam Confirm that there is a foreign object on feeding path. • Feeding guide malfunction - Confirm that there is no protrusion on feeding guide. • Foreign object in feeding path - Confirm that there is a foreign object on the roller. • Feeding roller slippage - Confirm that roller has any condensation. 2. Reinst Reinstall all upper door.(F door.(Feeding eeding g guide uide may be out of of • Upper door not installed properly

• • • • •

Sensor malfunction Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction

alignment.) 3. Use the se service rvice tool tool to check if S Sub-scan ub-scan Feeding Motor an and d Plate Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure. Confirm that Sub-scan Feeding Motor (JP6)(JP7-1)(JP7-2)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that the Plate Sensor (light receiving) (JP12)(JP11-1)(JP11-2)-(MCN7) (JP11-1)(JP1 1-2)-(MCN7) is working. Confirm that the Plate Sensor (light emitting) (JP27)(JP29-1)(JP29-2)-(JP30-1)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Replace the motor/sensor. 4. Cha Change nge the the main main board board..

SC Error 


REGIUS /II Service Manual


Chapter 3 Troubleshooting

Error code 7146

Error Name/Description

Possible causes if solutions provided in Operation Manual do not resolve the issue (including reoccurrence)

Loading NIP open/close sensor error during read/subscan/send When Sub-scan Feeding Motor completes feed a plate for scanning:

• • • • •

• Loading NIP Open/Close


Sensor is ON (transparent).

Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection malfunction

Countermeasure (Please take the following steps to diagnose and the problem.)

SC Error 

1. Use the se service rvice tool tool to check if S Sub-scan ub-scan Feeding Motor Motor and Loading NIP Open/Close Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure and there is no deformation of detector. Confirm that Sub-scan Feeding Motor (JP6)(JP7-1)(JP7-2)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that Loading NIP Open/Close Sensor (JP20)(JP30-1)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Replace the motor/sensor. 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board.. 7147

Tray Sensor error during scanning/loading/NIP closing When Loading NIP Motor completes closing the loading NIP for scanning:

• Tray Sensor is ON. (no tray ejection)

• • • • • •

Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction

1. Use the ser service vice tool to confirm that that Loading Loading NIP Mo Motor tor and Tray Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure and there is no deformation of detector. Confirm that the Loading NIP Motor (JP2)-(JP3-1) (JP3-2)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that the Tray Sensor (JP26)-(JP28-1)(JP28-2)(JP30-1)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Replace the motor/sensor. 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board.. 7148

Loading NIP sensor error during lowering of notch to regulated position  After inserting a cassette and position control operation operation is launched:

• • • • • • Three loading NIP sensors • are malfunctioning. •

Cassette jam Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Motor malfunction No solid connection


1. Use the ser service vice tool to confirm that that Loading Loading NIP Mo Motor tor and Loading NIP HP Sensor, Tray Lock Release Sensor and Loading NIP Open/Close Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure and there is no


deformation of detector.

MAIN_BOARD malfunction

Confirm that the Loading NIP Motor (JP2)-(JP3-1) (JP3-2)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that Loading NIP HP Sensor (JP18)-(JP301)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working. Confirm that Tray Lock Release Sensor (JP19)-(JP301)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working. Confirm that Loading NIP Open/Close Sensor (JP20)(JP30-1)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Change the sensor. - Replace the upper insertion unit.(No motor should be replaced.) 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board..

  s   e   r   s   u   a   e   m   r   e    t   n   u   o    C    &    t   n   e    t   n   o    C   e   g   a   s   s   e    M   r   o   r   r    E    4  .    3

REGIUS /II Service Manual



Chapter 3 Troubleshooting

Error code 7149

Error Name/Description

Plate detection sensor error during read/lowering of NIP When Loading NIP Motor completes lowering the loading NIP for scanning:

• Plate Sensor is ON. (There is no plate.)

Possible causes if solutions provided in Operation Manual do not resolve the issue (including reoccurrence)

• • • • •

No plate

• •

Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction

Cassette defect Sensor malfunction Motor malfunction No solid connection

Countermeasure (Please take the following steps to diagnose and the problem.) 1. Chec Check k casse cassett tte. e.

- Confirm that there is a cassette. - Confirm that there is any deformation/damage to cassette plate loading lever.

- Check to see that tray can be inserted/ejected without any problem. 2. Use the ser service vice tool to confirm that that Loading Loading NIP Mo Motor tor and Plate Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure. Confirm that the Loading NIP Motor (JP2)-(JP3-1) (JP3-2)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that the Plate Sensor (light receiving) (JP12)(JP11-1)(JP11-2)-(MCN7) (JP11-1)(JP1 1-2)-(MCN7) is working. Confirm that the Plate Sensor (light emitting) (JP27)(JP29-1)(JP29-2)-(JP30-1)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Change the sensor. - Replace the upper insertion unit.(No motor should be

3   s   e   r   s   u   a   e   m   r   e    t   n   u   o    C    &    t   n   e    t   n   o    C   e   g   a   s   s   e    M   r   o   r   r    E    4  .    3

replaced.) 3. Cha Change nge the the main main board board.. 7150

Tray Sensor error while raising tray for scanning When Loading NIP Motor completes raising the tray for scanning:

• Tray Sensor is ON. (no tray ejection)

• • • • • •

Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction

1. Use the ser service vice tool to confirm that that Loading Loading NIP Mo Motor tor and Tray Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure and there is no deformation of detector. Confirm that the Loading NIP Motor (JP2)-(JP3-1) (JP3-2)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that the Tray Sensor (JP26)-(JP28-1)(JP28-2)(JP30-1)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Replace the motor/sensor. 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board.. 7151

Loading NIP sensor error during read/insertion/opening of NIP When Loading NIP Motor

• Sensor malfunction • Deformation of detector  • Motor malfunction No solid connection

completes opening the loading NIP for scanning:

•• Disconnection • Three loading NIP sensors • MAIN_BOARD are malfunctioning.


1. Use the ser service vice tool to confirm that that Loading Loading NIP Mo Motor tor and Loading NIP HP Sensor, Tray Lock Release Sensor and Loading NIP Open/Close Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required: - Confirm that all connectors are secure and there is no deformation of detector. Confirm that the Loading NIP Motor (JP2)-(JP3-1) (JP3-2)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that Loading NIP HP Sensor (JP18)-(JP301)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working. Confirm that Tray Lock Release Sensor (JP19)-(JP301)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working. Confirm that Loading NIP Open/Close Sensor (JP20)(JP30-1)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Change the sensor. - Replace the upper insertion unit.(No motor should be replaced.) 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board..

SC Error 


REGIUS /II Service Manual


Chapter 3 Troubleshooting

Error code 7152

Error Name/Description

Loading NIP sensor error during read/insertion/closing of NIP When Loading NIP Motor completes closing the loading NIP for scanning:

Possible causes if solutions provided in Operation Manual do not resolve the issue (including reoccurrence)

• • • • •

Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Motor malfunction No solid connection

Countermeasure (Please take the following steps to diagnose and the problem.) 1. Use the ser service vice tool to confirm that that Loading Loading NIP Mo Motor tor and Loading NIP HP Sensor, Tray Lock Release Sensor and Loading NIP Open/Close Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:


- Confirm that all connectors are secure and there is no

• Three loading NIP sensors • MAIN_BOARD

deformation of detector. Confirm that the Loading NIP Motor (JP2)-(JP3-1) (JP3-2)-(MCN4) is working.


are malfunctioning.

SC Error 

Confirm that Loading NIP HP Sensor (JP18)-(JP301)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working. Confirm that Tray Lock Release Sensor (JP19)-(JP301)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working. Confirm that Loading NIP Open/Close Sensor (JP20)(JP30-1)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Change the sensor. - Replace the upper insertion unit.(No motor should be replaced.) 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board..

3.4.3 72xx: 72xx: Single Single Unit Operation Operation Initializat Initialization ion Error Errors s Error code 7200

Error Name/Description

Single unit operation: Tray ejection detection during initialization When sensors are checked upon initialization: OFF.. (tray • Tray Sensor is OFF ejection)

Possible causes if solutions provided in Operation Manual do not resolve the issue (including reoccurrence)

• • • • • • •

Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Cassette not removed Foreign object No solid connection Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction

Countermeasure (Please take the following steps to diagnose and the problem.) 1. Use the service ttool ool to confim that that the Tray Tray Sensor is detect detecting ing the tray. If not, take the following steps and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure, there is no deformation of the detector, and that the spring is loaded. Confirm that the Tray Sensor (JP26)-(JP28-1)(JP28-2)-(JP30-1) (JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Replace the upper insertion unit.(Sensors do not require replacing) 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board..


Single unit operation: Plate detection during initialization When sensors are checked upon initialization:

• Plate Sensor is OFF OFF.. (There is a plate.)

• • • • • •

Sensor malfunction Plate not removed Foreign object No solid connection Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction

1. Use the service ttool ool to confirm that that the Plate Sensor Sensor detect detects s a plate. If not, take the following steps and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure. Confirm that the Plate Sensor (light receiving) (JP12)-(JP11-1) (JP11-2)-(MCN7) is working. Confirm that the Plate Sensor (light emitting) (JP27)-(JP29-1) (JP29-2)-(JP30-1)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Change the sensor. 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board..


Single unit operation: Plate detection via V-SYNC during initialization When sensors are checked upon initialization:

• V-SYNC Sensor is ON. (There is a plate.)

• Sensor malfunction • Deformation of detector  • Detector not securely attached

• Plate not removed • Foreign object solid connection •• No Disconnection • MAIN_BOARD malfunction

1. Use the service ttool ool to confirm that that the V-SYNC V-SYNC Sensor is workin working. g. If not, take the following steps and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure, there is no deformation of detector, the spring is loaded, and the detector is securely attached. Confirm that the V-SYNC Sensor (JP32)-(JP31-1)(JP31-2)(JP36-1)(JP36-2)-(MCN5) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Change the sensor. 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board..

3   s   e   r   s   u   a   e   m   r   e    t   n   u   o    C    &    t   n   e    t   n   o    C   e   g   a   s   s   e    M   r   o   r   r    E    4  .    3

REGIUS /II Service Manual



Chapter 3 Troubleshooting

Error code 7203

Error Name/Description

Single unit operation: Cassette L/R lock detection during initialization When sensors are checked upon initialization:

• Size Detection Sensors 1 to 4 are in any status other than "no cassette detected."

Possible causes if solutions provided in Operation Manual do not resolve the issue (including reoccurrence)

• • • • •

Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Plate not removed Foreign object No solid connection

Countermeasure (Please take the following steps to diagnose and the problem.) 1. Use tthe he ser service vice tool tool to confirm that Size Detectio Detection n Sensor Senso r 1 to 4 and Cassette Sensor are working. If any are not working, take the following steps and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure, there is no deformation of the detector, and that the spring is loaded.

• Disconnection • MAIN_BOARD

Confirm Confir m that Size Detection Detecti on Sensor 1(JP14)-(JP16-1 1(JP14)-(JP16-1)(JP16-2 )(JP16-2))(MCN7) is working.


Confirm that Size Detection Confirm Detecti on Sensor 2(JP15)-(JP16-1 2(JP15)-(JP16-1)(JP16-2 )(JP16-2))(MCN7) is working.

• Cassette Sensor is ON. (There is a cassette.)

Confirm that Size Detection Confirm Detecti on Sensor 3 (JP23)-(JP30-1)( (JP23)-(JP30-1)(JP30-2)JP30-2)(MCN6) is working. Confirm that Size Detection Confirm Detecti on Sensor 4(JP17)-(JP30-1 4(JP17)-(JP30-1)(JP30-2 )(JP30-2))(MCN6) is working. Confirm that Cassette Sensor (JP10)-(MCN7) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - If Size Detection Detecti on Se Sensor nsor 1/2 is malfunctioning, malfunctioning, replace replace the sensor.

3   s   e   r   s   u   a   e   m   r   e    t   n   u   o    C    &    t   n   e    t   n   o    C   e   g   a   s   s   e    M   r   o   r   r    E    4  .    3

- If Size Detection Sensor 3/4 or Cassette Sensor is malfunctioning, replace the upper insertion unit.(Sensors do not require replacing) 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board.. 7204

Single unit operation: Cassette L lock detection during initialization When sensors are checked upon initialization:

• Size Detection Sensors 1 to 4 are in any status other than "no cassette detected."

• Cassette Sensor is OFF OFF.. (There is no cassette.)

• Right Cassette Lock Sensor is ON. (unlocked)

• Left Cassette Lock Sensor is OFF. (locked)

• • • • • • •

Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Plate not removed Foreign object No solid connection Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction

1. Use tthe he ser service vice tool tool to confirm that Size Detectio Detection n Sensor Senso r 1 to 4, Cassette Sensor and Right/Left Cassette Lock Sensor are working. If any are not working, take the following steps and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure, there is no deformation of the detector, and that the spring is loaded. Confirm Confir m that Size Detection Detecti on Sensor 1(JP14)-(JP16-1 1(JP14)-(JP16-1)(JP16-2 )(JP16-2))(MCN7) is working. Confirm that Size Detection Confirm Detecti on Sensor 2(JP15)-(JP16-1 2(JP15)-(JP16-1)(JP16-2 )(JP16-2))(MCN7) is working. Confirm that Size Detection Confirm Detecti on Sensor 3 (JP23)-(JP30-1)( (JP23)-(JP30-1)(JP30-2)JP30-2)(MCN6) is working. Confirm that Size Detection Confirm Detecti on Sensor 4(JP17)-(JP30-1 4(JP17)-(JP30-1)(JP30-2 )(JP30-2))(MCN6) is working. Confirm that Right Cassette Lock Sensor (JP25)-(JP30-1) (JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working. Confirm that Left Cassette Lock Sensor (JP21)-(JP30-1)(JP30-2)(MCN6) is working. Confirm that Cassette Sensor (JP10)-(MCN7) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. Detecti on Se Sensor nsor 1/2 is malfunctioning, malfunctioning, replace replace the - If Size Detection sensor.

- If Size Detection Detecti on Se Sensor nsor 3/4, Cassette Sensor Sensor or Right/Le Right/Left ft Cassette Lock Sensor is malfunctioning, replace the upper insertion unit.(Sensors do not require replacing) 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board..


REGIUS /II Service Manual


Chapter 3 Troubleshooting

Error code 7205

Error Name/Description

Single unit operation: Cassette R lock detection during initialization When sensors are checked upon initialization:

• Size Detection Sensors 1 to 4 are in any status other than "no cassette detected."

Possible causes if solutions provided in Operation Manual do not resolve the issue (including reoccurrence)

• • • • •

Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Plate not removed Foreign object No solid connection

Countermeasure (Please take the following steps to diagnose and the problem.) 1. Use tthe he ser service vice tool tool to confirm that Size Detectio Detection n Sensor Senso r 1 to 4, Cassette Sensor and Right/Left Cassette Lock Sensor are working. If any are not working, take the following steps and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure, there is no deformation of the detector, and that the spring is loaded.

• Disconnection • MAIN_BOARD

Confirm Confir m that Size Detection Detecti on Sensor 1(JP14)-(JP16-1 1(JP14)-(JP16-1)(JP16-2 )(JP16-2))(MCN7) is working.


Confirm that Size Detection Confirm Detecti on Sensor 2(JP15)-(JP16-1 2(JP15)-(JP16-1)(JP16-2 )(JP16-2))(MCN7) is working.

• Cassette Sensor is OFF OFF.. (There is no cassette.)

Confirm that Size Detection Confirm Detecti on Sensor 3 (JP23)-(JP30-1)( (JP23)-(JP30-1)(JP30-2)JP30-2)(MCN6) is working.

• Left Cassette Lock Sensor is ON. (unlocked)

Confirm that Size Detection Confirm Detecti on Sensor 4(JP17)-(JP30-1 4(JP17)-(JP30-1)(JP30-2 )(JP30-2))(MCN6) is working.

• Right Cassette Lock Sensor is OFF. (locked)

Confirm that Right Cassette Lock Sensor (JP25)-(JP30-1) (JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working. Confirm that Left Cassette Lock Sensor (JP21)-(JP30-1)(JP30-2)(MCN6) is working. Confirm that Cassette Sensor (JP10)-(MCN7) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - If Size Detection Detecti on Se Sensor nsor 1/2 is malfunctioning, malfunctioning, replace replace the sensor.

- If Size Detection Detecti on Se Sensor nsor 3/4, Cassette Sensor Sensor or Right/Le Right/Left ft Cassette Lock Sensor is malfunctioning, replace the upper insertion unit.(Sensors do not require replacing) 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board.. 7206

Single unit operation: Plate remnant detection during initialization When the sensor searches for a plate during initialization:

• • • •

Sensor malfunction

• • • • • •

Sensor malfunction

Deformation of detector 

This error code indicates that a plate has been detected.To detected.To correct this error, remove the detected plate.

Plate not removed Foreign object

•  A plate is detected. 7207

Single unit operation: Tray HP Sensor error during initialization When the tray is ejected from HP during initialization:

• When Tray Motor moves the tray from HP:

- Tray HP Sensor is OFF.

Deformation of detector  Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction

(light interception)

1. Use the ser service vice tool to c check heck if Tray Tray Motor a and nd Tray Tray HP Sensor are are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure and there is no deformation of detector. Confirm that Tray Motor (JP1)-(JP3-1)(JP3-2)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm working.that Tray HP Sensor (JP24)-(JP30-1)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Change the sensor. - Replace the upper insertion unit.(No motor should be replaced.) 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board.. 7208

Single unit operation: Tray HP Ejection Sensor error during initialization When the tray is ejected from HP during initialization:

• When Tray Motor ejected the tray from HP:

- Tray HP Sensor is ON. (transparent)

• • • • • •

Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction

1. Use the ser service vice tool to c check heck if Tray Tray Motor a and nd Tray Tray HP Sensor are are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure and there is no deformation of detector. Confirm that Tray Motor (JP1)-(JP3-1)(JP3-2)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that Tray HP Sensor (JP24)-(JP30-1)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Change the sensor. - Replace the upper insertion unit.(No motor should be replaced.) 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board..

3   s   e   r   s   u   a   e   m   r   e    t   n   u   o    C    &    t   n   e    t   n   o    C   e   g   a   s   s   e    M   r   o   r   r    E    4  .    3

REGIUS /II Service Manual



Chapter 3 Troubleshooting

Error code 7209

Error Name/Description

Single unit operation: Loose sub-scan connector detection during initialization During initialization:

• Sensor detected that a sub-scan connecter is

Possible causes if solutions provided in Operation Manual do not resolve the issue (including reoccurrence)

• • • • •

loose. 7210

Single unit operation: Loading NIP ejection from HP error during initialization When Loading NIP Motor ejects NIP from HP during initialization:

• Loading NIP HP Sensor

Old FPGA version. Sensor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction

• • • • • •

did not detect any change.

Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction

Countermeasure (Please take the following steps to diagnose and the problem.) 1. Check th the e version of the the FPGA and u update pdate it when when the version version is older than V110R00001. 2. Check th the e wiring between between ma main in board a and nd sub-scan sub-scan unit.

- Confirm that all connectors are secure. From (JP36-1)(JP36-2) to (MCN5)

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. 3. Cha Change nge the the main main board board.. 1. Use the service ttool ool to confirm that that Loadin Loading g NIP Motor and Lo Loading ading NIP HP Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure and there is no deformation of detector. Confirm that the Loading NIP Motor (JP2)-(JP3-1)(JP3-2)(MCN4) is working. Confirm that Loading NIP HP Sensor (JP18)-(JP30-1)(JP30-2)(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Change the sensor. - Replace the upper insertion unit.(No motor should be replaced.)

3   s   e   r   s   u   a   e   m   r   e    t   n   u   o    C    &    t   n   e    t   n   o    C   e   g   a   s   s   e    M   r   o   r   r    E    4  .    3

2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board.. 7211

Single unit operation: Loading NIP HP ejection HP / lock release sensor error during initialization When Loading NIP Motor ejects NIP from HP during initialization:

• • • • • •

• Loading NIP HP Sensor

Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction

and Tray Lock Release Sensor did not detect any change.

1. Use the service ttool ool to confirm that that Loadin Loading g NIP Motor and Lo Loading ading NIP HP Sensor and Tray Lock Release Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure and there is no deformation of detector. Confirm that the Loading NIP Motor (JP2)-(JP3-1)(JP3-2)(MCN4) is working. Confirm that Loading NIP HP Sensor (JP18)-(JP30-1)(JP30-2)(MCN6) is working. Confirm that Tray Lock Release Sensor (JP19)-(JP30-1)(JP30-2)(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Change the sensor. - Replace the upper insertion unit.(No motor should be replaced.) 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board.. 7212

Single unit operation: Loading NIP HP ejection HP / lock release / open/close sensor error during initialization When Loading NIP Motor ejects NIP from HP during initialization:

• Loading NIP HP Sensor, Tray Lock Release Sensor and Loading NIP Open/ Close Sensor did not detect any change.

• Sensor malfunction • • • • •

Deformation of detector  Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction

1. Use the service ttool ool to confirm that that Loadin Loading g NIP Motor and Lo Loading ading NIP HP Sensor, Tray Lock Release Sensor and Loading NIP Open/ Close Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure and there is no deformation of detector. Confirm that the Loading NIP Motor (JP2)-(JP3-1)(JP3-2)(MCN4) is working. Confirm that Loading NIP HP Sensor (JP18)-(JP30-1)(JP30-2)(MCN6) is working. Confirm that Tray Lock Release Sensor (JP19)-(JP30-1)(JP30-2)(MCN6) is working. Confirm that Loading NIP Open/Close Sensor (JP20)-(JP30-1) (JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Change the sensor. - Replace the upper insertion unit.(No motor should be replaced.) 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board..


REGIUS /II Service Manual


Chapter 3 Troubleshooting

Error code 7213

Error Name/Description

Possible causes if solutions provided in Operation Manual do not resolve the issue (including reoccurrence)

Single unit operation: Loading NIP HP ejection lock release sensor error during initialization When Loading NIP Motor ejects NIP from HP during

• • • • •

initialization: • Tray Lock Release Sensor did not detect any change.


Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection malfunction

Countermeasure (Please take the following steps to diagnose and the problem.) 1. Use the serv service ice tool to confirm confirm that Loading Loading NIP Motor Motor and Tray Tray Lock Release Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure and there is no deformation of detector. Confirm that the Loading NIP Motor (JP2)-(JP3-1)(JP3-2)(MCN4) is working. Confirm that Tray Lock Release Sensor (JP19)-(JP30-1)(JP30-2)(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Change the sensor. - Replace the upper insertion unit.(No motor should be replaced.) 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board.. 7214

Single unit operation: Loading NIP HP ejection lock release / open/close sensor error during initialization When Loading NIP Motor ejects NIP from HP during initialization:

• • • • • •

• Tray Lock Release Sensor

Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction

and Loading NIP Open/ Close Sensor did not detect any change.

1. Use the serv service ice tool to confirm confirm that Loading Loading NIP Motor Motor and Tray Tray Lock Release Sensor and Loading NIP Open/Close Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure and there is no Confirm that the Loading NIP Motor (JP2)-(JP3-1)(JP3-2)(MCN4) is working. Confirm Tray Lock Release Sensor (JP19)-(JP30-1)(JP30-2)(MCN6) that is working. Confirm that Loading NIP Open/Close Sensor (JP20)-(JP301)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Change the sensor. - Replace the upper insertion unit.(No motor should be replaced.) 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board.. 7215

Single unit operation: Loading NIP HP ejection and Loading NIP Open/Close Sensor error during initialization When Loading NIP Motor ejects NIP from HP during initialization:

• Loading NIP Open/Close Sensor did not detect any change.

• • • • • •

Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction


deformation of detector.

1. Use the service ttool ool to confirm that that Loadin Loading g NIP Motor and Lo Loading ading NIP Open/Close Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure and there is no deformation of detector. Confirm that the Loading NIP Motor (JP2)-(JP3-1)(JP3-2)(MCN4) is working. Confirm that Loading NIP Open/Close Sensor (JP20)-(JP30-1) (JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Change the sensor. - Replace the upper insertion unit.(No motor should be replaced.) 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board..

  s   e   r   s   u   a   e   m   r   e    t   n   u   o    C    &    t   n   e    t   n   o    C   e   g   a   s   s   e    M   r   o   r   r    E    4  .    3

REGIUS /II Service Manual



Chapter 3 Troubleshooting

Error code 7216

Error Name/Description

Single unit operation: Loading NIP HP ejection HP / open/close sensor error during initialization When Loading NIP Motor ejects NIP from HP during initialization: • Loading NIP HP Sensor and Loading NIP Open/ Close Sensor did not detect any change.

Possible causes if solutions provided in Operation Manual do not resolve the issue (including reoccurrence)

• • • • •

Sensor malfunction

MAIN_BOARD malfunction

Deformation of detector  Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection

Countermeasure (Please take the following steps to diagnose and the problem.) 1. Use the service ttool ool to confirm that that Loadin Loading g NIP Motor and Lo Loading ading NIP HP Sensor and Loading NIP Open/Close Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure and there is no deformation of detector. Confirm that the Loading NIP Motor (JP2)-(JP3-1)(JP3-2)(MCN4) is working. Confirm that Loading NIP HP Sensor (JP18)-(JP30-1)(JP30-2)(MCN6) is working. Confirm that Loading NIP Open/Close Sensor (JP20)-(JP30-1) (JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Change the sensor. - Replace the upper insertion unit.(No motor should be replaced.) 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board.. 7218

3   s   e   r   s   u   a   e   m   r   e    t   n   u   o    C    &    t   n   e    t   n   o    C   e   g   a   s   s   e    M   r   o   r   r    E    4  .    3

Single unit operation: Subscan NIP HP ejection entrance NIP sensor error during initialization When the tray is ejected from HP during initialization:

• When sub-scan NIP motor

• • • • • •

completes HP ejection:

Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction

- Entrance NIP Sensor is ON. (Entrance NIP is open.)

1. Use the ser service vice tool to c confirm onfirm that that Sub-sca Sub-scan n NIP Motor Motor and Entrance NIP Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure, there is no deformation of detector, and spring is loaded. (The spring for the driven roller at entrance may be loose.) Confirm that Sub-scan NIP Motor (JP5)-(JP7-1)(JP7-2)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that Entrance NIP Sensor (JP33)-(JP31-1)(JP31-2)(JP36-1)(JP36-2)-(MCN5) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Replace the motor/sensor. 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board.. 7219

Single unit operation: Subscan NIP HP ejection exit NIP sensor error during initialization When the tray is ejected from HP during initialization:

• When sub-scan NIP motor completes HP ejection:

• • • • • •

Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction

- Exit NIP Sensor is OFF.

1. Use the se service rvice tool to confirm confirm that that Sub-scan Sub-scan NIP Motor Motor and Exit NIP NIP Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure and there is no deformation of detector. Confirm that Sub-scan NIP Motor (JP5)-(JP7-1)(JP7-2)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that Exit NIP Sensor (JP34)-(JP36-1)(JP36-2)-(MCN5) is

(Exit NIP is closed.)


- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Replace the motor/sensor. 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board.. 7220

Single unit operation: Inerasable cassette detection  After the sensor detects incomplete insertion of a cassette during initialization:


This error code indicates that a cassette is inserted during initialization. 1. Open the up upper per door and rem remove ove cassett cassette e while pulling pulling the lever. lever.

• Cassette is locked inside when it is being removed. 7221

Single unit operation: cassette tray ejection failure Tray cannot be ejected due to cassette bolt mechanism failure to unlock.

No cassette

A cassette must be inserted in order to execute a feeding command during a unit test.


REGIUS /II Service Manual


Chapter 3 Troubleshooting

Error code 7223

Error Name/Description

Single unit operation: Main unit/erase identification error during initialization During initialization

Possible causes if solutions provided in Operation Manual do not resolve the issue (including reoccurrence)

• The eraser unit for  is installed.

• Eraser unit malfunction (LED2_BOARD or LED_DRIVE2_BOARD malfunction)

• The erase identification detected it as the eraser unit for , although the main unit identification is II.

• Disconnection (disconnection of a bundle wire, etc.)

• MAIN_BOARD malfunction 7224

Single unit operation: Main unit/erase identification error during initialization During initialization

• The eraser unit for II is installed.

• Eraser unit malfunction (LED2_BOARD or LED_DRIVE2_BOARD malfunction)

• The erase identification detected it as the eraser unit for II, although the main unit identification is .

• Disconnection (disconnection of a bundle wire, etc.)

• MAIN_BOARD malfunction

Countermeasure (Please take the following steps to diagnose and the problem.) 1. Che Check ck the the era eraser ser unit unit.. If the eraser unit for  (LED_BOARD, LED_DRIVE_BOARD) is installed, replace it with the eraser unit for II (LED2_BOARD, LED_DRIVE2_BOARD). 2. Cha Change nge the the erase eraserr unit. unit. 3. Confir Confirm m that all wires wires are firm firmly ly connect connected, ed, and replace replace wires wires as required: Confirm that LED_DRIVE2_BOARD(CN1, CN2, CN3, CN4) (LCN2)-(JP35-1)(JP35-2)-(JP36-1)(JP36-2)-(MCN5) (LCN3)-(JP37)(JJ37)-(MCN2) is working. 4. Cha Change nge the the main main boar board. d. 1. Che Check ck the the era eraser ser unit unit.. If the eraser unit for II (LED2_BOARD, LED_DRIVE2_BOARD) is installed, replace it with the eraser unit for  (LED_BOARD, LED_DRIVE_BOARD). 2. Cha Change nge the the erase eraserr unit. unit. 3. Confir Confirm m that all wires wires are firm firmly ly connect connected, ed, and replace replace wires wires as required: Confirm that LED_DRIVE2_BOARD(CN1, CN2, CN3, CN4) (LCN2)-(JP35-1)(JP35-2)-(JP36-1)(JP36-2)-(MCN5) (LCN3)-(JP37)(JJ37)-(MCN2) is working. 4. Cha Change nge the the main main boar board. d.

3.4.4 73xx: 73xx: Single Single Unit Operation Operation Sensor Sensor Error Errors s For sensor errors, please take the following steps: 1. Check the sensor-side sensor-side connector. connector. 2. Check the rela relay y connectors connectors between between main device an and d other device devices. s. 3. Con Confirm firm that that m moto otorr is work working. ing. 4. Check inte interaction raction b between etween motor an and d detect detector. or.  in

the SC (Service Call) error column indicates that error cannot be corrected by opening/closing the door or turning power on/off. In order to clear error, use the service tool.Please refer to Section "3.2 Recovery Operation", " Dealing with a Service Call Error (Page 3-2)". Error code 7300

Error Name/Description

Single unit operation: Tray HP sensor error during cassette insertion When a cassette is being inserted:

• Tray HP Sensor is ON.

Possible causes if solutions provided in Operation Manual do not resolve the issue (including reoccurrence)

• Sensor malfunction • • • •


Deformation of detector  No solid connection Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction

Countermeasure (Please take the following steps to diagnose and the problem.) 1. Use the ser service vice tool to c confirm onfirm that that Tra Tray y HP Sensor is working. If not, take the following steps and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure and there is no deformation of detector. Confirm that Tray HP Sensor (JP24)-(JP30-1)(JP30-2)(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Change the sensor. 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board.. 7301

Single unit operation: Tray Sensor error during cassette insertion When a cassette is being inserted:

• Tray Sensor is OFF OFF.. (tray ejection)

• • • • •

Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  No solid connection Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction

1. Use the ser service vice tool to c confim onfim that that the Tray Tray Senso Sensorr is detecting the tray. If not, take the following steps and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure, there is no deformation of the detector, and that the spring is loaded. Confirm that the Tray Sensor (JP26)-(JP28-1)(JP28-2)(JP30-1)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Replace the upper insertion unit.(Sensors do not require

replacing) 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board..

SC Error 

3   s   e   r   s   u   a   e   m   r   e    t   n   u   o    C    &    t   n   e    t   n   o    C   e   g   a   s   s   e    M   r   o   r   r    E    4  .    3

REGIUS /II Service Manual



Chapter 3 Troubleshooting

Error code 7302

Error Name/Description

Single unit operation: Loading NIP HP sensor error during cassette insertion When a cassette is being inserted:

Possible causes if solutions provided in Operation Manual do not resolve the issue (including reoccurrence)

• • • •

• Loading NIP HP Sensor is

Sensor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction

ON. (transparent)

Countermeasure (Please take the following steps to diagnose and the problem.) 1. Use the ser service vice tool to c confirm onfirm that that Loadin Loading g NIP HP Sens Sensor or is working. If not, take the following steps and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure, there is no deformation of the detector, and that the spring is loaded. Confirm that Loading NIP HP Sensor (JP18)-(JP301)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Change the sensor. 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board.. 7303

Single unit operation: Lock release sensor error during cassette insertion When a cassette is being inserted:

• Tray Lock Release Sensor is OFF. (light interception)

• • • • • •

Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction

3   s   e   r   s   u   a   e   m   r   e    t   n   u   o    C    &    t   n   e    t   n   o    C   e   g   a   s   s   e    M   r   o   r   r    E    4  .    3

1. Use the ser service vice tool to confirm that that Loading Loading NIP Mo Motor tor and Tray Lock Release Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure and there is no deformation of detector. Confirm that the Loading NIP Motor (JP2)-(JP3-1) (JP3-2)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that Tray Lock Release Sensor (JP19)-(JP301)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Change the sensor. the upper insertion unit.(No motor should be - Replace replaced.) 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board.. 7304

Single unit operation: Loading NIP open/close sensor error during cassette insertion When a cassette is being inserted:

• Loading NIP Open/Close

• • • • • •

Sensor is OFF. (light interception)

Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction

1. Use the ser service vice tool to confirm that that Loading Loading NIP Mo Motor tor and Loading NIP Open/Close Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure and there is no deformation of detector. Confirm that the Loading NIP Motor (JP2)-(JP3-1) (JP3-2)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that Loading NIP Open/Close Sensor (JP20)(JP30-1)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Change the sensor. - Replace the upper insertion unit.(No motor should be replaced.) 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board.. 7305

Single unit operation: Plate detection sensor error during cassette insertion When a cassette is being inserted:

• Plate Sensor is OFF OFF.. (There is a plate.)

• • • •

Sensor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction

1. Use the se service rvice tool tool to confirm that that the Plate Plate Sensor Sensor detects detects a plate. If not, take the following steps and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure. Confirm that the Plate Sensor (light receiving) (JP12)(JP11-1)(JP11-2)-(MCN7) (JP11-1)(JP1 1-2)-(MCN7) is working. Confirm that the Plate Sensor (light emitting) (JP27)(JP29-1)(JP29-2)-(JP30-1)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Change the sensor. 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board..

SC Error 


REGIUS /II Service Manual


Chapter 3 Troubleshooting

Error code 7306

Error Name/Description

Single unit operation: V-SYNC Sensor error during cassette insertion When a cassette is being inserted:

• V-SYNC Sensor is ON. (There is a plate.)

Possible causes if solutions provided in Operation Manual do not resolve the issue (including reoccurrence)

• Sensor malfunction • Deformation of detector  • Detector not securely attached

Countermeasure (Please take the following steps to diagnose and the problem.) 1. Use the ser service vice tool to c confirm onfirm that that the V V-SYNC -SYNC Sens Sensor or is working. If not, take the following steps and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure, there is no

• No solid connection

deformation of detector, the spring is loaded, and the detector is securely attached.

• Disconnection • MAIN_BOARD

Confirm that the V-SYNC Sensor (JP32)-(JP31-1) (JP31-2)-(JP36-1)(JP36-2)-(MCN5) is working.


SC Error 

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Change the sensor. 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board..


Single unit operation: Loading NIP Sensor error during scanning tray lock release When plate is being feeded:

• When Loading NIP Motor completes unlocking the tray:

• • • • • •

Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction

- Three loading NIP sensors are malfunctioning.

1. Use the ser service vice tool to confirm that that Loading Loading NIP Mo Motor tor and Loading NIP HP Sensor, Tray Lock Release Sensor and Loading NIP Open/Close Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure and there is no deformation of detector. Confirm that the Loading NIP Motor (JP2)-(JP3-1) (JP3-2)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that Loading NIP HP Sensor (JP18)-(JP301)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working. Confirm that Tray Lock Release Sensor (JP19)-(JP301)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working. Confirm that Loading NIP Open/Close Sensor (JP20)(JP30-1)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Change the sensor. - Replace the upper insertion unit.(No motor should be replaced.) 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board.. 7308

Single unit operation: Tray Sensor error during lowering the scanning NIP When plate is being feeded:

• When Loading NIP Motor completes lowering the loading NIP:

• • • • • •

- Tray Sensor is ON. (no

Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction

1. Use the ser service vice tool to confirm that that Loading Loading NIP Mo Motor tor and Tray Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure and there is no deformation of detector. Confirm that the Loading NIP Motor (JP2)-(JP3-1) (JP3-2)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that the Tray Sensor (JP26)-(JP28-1)(JP28-2)(JP30-1)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working.

tray ejection)

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Replace the upper insertion unit.(No motor/sensor should be replaced.) 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board.. 7309

Single unit operation: Tray HP Sensor error during scanning tray ejection When plate is being feeded:

• When Tray Motor completes tray ejection:

- Tray HP Sensor is OFF. (light interception)

• • • • • •

Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction

1. Use the ser service vice tool to c check heck if Tray Tray Motor a and nd Tray Tray HP Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure and there is no deformation of detector. Confirm that Tray Motor (JP1)-(JP3-1)(JP3-2)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that Tray HP Sensor (JP24)-(JP30-1)(JP30-2)(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Change the sensor. - Replace the upper insertion unit.(No motor should be replaced.) 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board..

3   s   e   r   s   u   a   e   m   r   e    t   n   u   o    C    &    t   n   e    t   n   o    C   e   g   a   s   s   e    M   r   o   r   r    E    4  .    3

REGIUS /II Service Manual



Chapter 3 Troubleshooting

Error code 7310

Error Name/Description

Single unit operation: Plate Sensor error during scanning tray ejection When plate is being feeded:

Possible causes if solutions provided in Operation Manual do not resolve the issue (including reoccurrence)

completes tray ejection:

• • • • •

- Plate Sensor is ON.


• When Tray Motor

No plate in the cassette Sensor malfunction Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection malfunction

(There is no plate.)

Countermeasure (Please take the following steps to diagnose and the problem.) 1. Use the se service rvice tool tool to check if Tray Tray Motor Motor and Plate S Sensor ensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure. Confirm that Tray Motor (JP1)-(JP3-1)(JP3-2)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that the Plate Sensor (light receiving) (JP12)(JP11-1)(JP11-2)-(MCN7) (JP11-1)(JP1 1-2)-(MCN7) is working. Confirm that the Plate Sensor (light emitting) (JP27)(JP29-1)(JP29-2)-(JP30-1)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Change the sensor. - Replace the upper insertion unit.(No motor should be replaced.) 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board.. 7311

3   s   e   r   u   s   a   e   m   r   e    t   n   u   o    C    &    t   n   e    t   n   o    C   e   g   a   s   s   e    M   r   o   r   r    E    4  .    3

Single unit operation: Tray Sensor error during scanning tray ejection When plate is being feeded:

• When Tray Motor completes tray ejection: Sensor is ON. (no - Tray tray ejection)

• • • • • • •

Cassette jam Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Motor malfunction No solid connection

1. Use the ser service vice tool to c check heck if Tray Tray Motor a and nd Tray Tray Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure and there is no deformation of detector.

Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction

Confirm that Tray Motor (JP1)-(JP3-1)(JP3-2)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that the Tray Sensor (JP26)-(JP28-1)(JP28-2)(JP30-1)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Replace the upper insertion unit.(No motor/sensor should be replaced.) 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board.. 7312

Single unit operation: Loading NIP sensor error during lowering of read/NIP When plate is being feeded:

• When Loading NIP Motor completes lowering the loading NIP:

- Three loading NIP sensors are malfunctioning.

• • • • • •

Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction

1. Use the ser service vice tool to confirm that that Loading Loading NIP Mo Motor tor and Loading NIP HP Sensor, Tray Lock Release Sensor and Loading NIP Open/Close Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure and there is no deformation of detector. Confirm that the Loading NIP Motor (JP2)-(JP3-1) (JP3-2)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that Loading NIP HP Sensor (JP18)-(JP301)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working. Confirm that Tray Lock Release Sensor (JP19)-(JP301)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working. Confirm that Loading NIP Open/Close Sensor (JP20)(JP30-1)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Change the sensor. - Replace the upper insertion unit.(No motor should be replaced.) 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board..

SC Error 


REGIUS /II Service Manual


Chapter 3 Troubleshooting

Error code 7313

Error Name/Description

Single unit operation: Loading NIP Sensor error while raising scanning tray When plate is being feeded:

• When Loading NIP Motor completes raising the tray:


Three loading NIP sensors are malfunctioning.

Possible causes if solutions provided in Operation Manual do not resolve the issue (including reoccurrence)

Countermeasure (Please take the following steps to diagnose and the problem.) 1. Use the ser service vice tool to confirm that that Loading Loading NIP Mo Motor tor and Loading NIP HP Sensor, Tray Lock Release Sensor and Loading NIP Open/Close Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

• • • • •

Sensor malfunction


- Confirm that all connectors are secure and there is no

MAIN_BOARD malfunction

deformation of detector. Confirm that the Loading NIP Motor (JP2)-(JP3-1) (JP3-2)-(MCN4) is working.

Deformation of detector  Motor malfunction No solid connection

SC Error 

Confirm that Loading NIP HP Sensor (JP18)-(JP301)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working. Confirm that Tray Lock Release Sensor (JP19)-(JP301)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working. Confirm that Loading NIP Open/Close Sensor (JP20)(JP30-1)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Change the sensor. - Replace the upper insertion unit.(No motor should be replaced.) 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board.. 7314

Single unit operation: Tray Sensor error during scanning/ loading/feeding When Loading/Feeding Motor completes feed a plate for scanning:

• Tray Sensor is ON. (no tray

• Sensor malfunction • Deformation of detector  • • • •


Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction

1. Use the ser service vice tool to c check heck if Loading/F Loading/Feeding eeding Mo Motor tor and Tray Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure and there is no deformation of detector. Confirm that Loading/Feeding Motor (JP4)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that the Tray Sensor (JP26)-(JP28-1)(JP28-2)(JP30-1)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Replace the motor/sensor. 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board.. 7315

Single unit operation: Entrance NIP sensor error during read/sub-scan/NIP HP ejection When plate is being feeded:

• When Sub-scan NIP Motor completes from HP: tray ejection

- Entrance NIP Sensor is ON (entrance NIP is open) or OFF (entrance NIP is closed). This OFF state will soon be turned to ON (entrance NIP is open).

• • • • •

Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection

• MAIN_BOARD malfunction

1. Use the ser service vice tool to confirm confirm that that Sub-scan NIP NIP Motor and and Entrance NIP Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure and there is no deformation of detector. Confirm that Sub-scan NIP Motor (JP5)-(JP7-1) (JP7-2)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that Entrance NIP Sensor (JP33)-(JP31-1) (JP31-2)-(JP36-1)(JP36-2)-(MCN5) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Replace the motor/sensor. 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board..

3   s   e   r   u   s   a   e   m   r   e    t   n   u   o    C    &    t   n   e    t   n   o    C   e   g   a   s   s   e    M   r   o   r   r    E    4  .    3

REGIUS /II Service Manual



Chapter 3 Troubleshooting

Error code 7316

Error Name/Description

Single unit operation: Exit NIP sensor error during read/subscan/NIP HP ejection When plate is being feeded:

• When Sub-scan NIP Motor completes tray ejection from HP: - Exit NIP Sensor is OFF. (Exit NIP is closed.)

Possible causes if solutions provided in Operation Manual do not resolve the issue (including reoccurrence)

• • • • •

Sensor malfunction

MAIN_BOARD malfunction

Deformation of detector  Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection

Countermeasure (Please take the following steps to diagnose and the problem.) 1. Use the ser service vice tool to confirm confirm that that Sub-scan NIP NIP Motor and and Exit NIP Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure and there is no deformation of detector. Confirm that Sub-scan NIP Motor (JP5)-(JP7-1) (JP7-2)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that Exit NIP Sensor (JP34)-(JP36-1)(JP36-2)(MCN5) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Replace the motor/sensor. 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board.. 7317

Single unit operation: Plate detection sensor error during read/sub-scan/send When plate is being feeded:

• When Sub-scan Feeding


Motor completes feed a plate:

- V-SYNC Sensor is OFF OFF..

  s   e   r   u   s   a   e   m   r   e    t   n   u   o    C    &    t   n   e    t   n   o    C   e   g   a   s   s   e    M   r   o   r   r    E    4  .    3

(There is no plate.)

- Plate Sensor is OFF. (There is a plate.)

• • • •

Plate jam

• • • •

Motor malfunction

Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Detector not securely attached No solid connection

1. Use the ser service vice tool to c check heck if Loading/F Loading/Feeding eeding Mo Motor tor and Magnetic Clutch are working. Check the motor to see if it operates normally in both directions. If the motor runs fine, check belt tension. If the motor does not run normally, take the following steps and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure.


Confirm that Loading/Feeding Motor (JP4)-(MCN4) is

Upper door not installed properly

working. Confirm that Magnetic Clutch (JP9)-(MCN4) is working.

• MAIN_BOARD malfunction

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Replace motor/magnetic clutch. 2. Use the ser service vice tool to confirm confirm that that Sub-scan NIP NIP Motor and Check the motor to see if it operates normally in both directions. If the motor runs fine, check belt tension. If the motor does not run normally, take the following steps and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure. Confirm that Sub-scan NIP Motor (JP5)(JP7-1) (JP7-2)-(MCN4) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Replace motor. 3. Reinst Reinstall all upper door.( door.(Feeding Feeding g guide uide may be out out of alignment.) 4. Use the servi service ce tool to check check if Sub-scan Feeding Feeding Motor Motor and V-SYNC Sensor and Plate Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure, there is no deformation of detector, the spring is loaded, and the detector is securely attached. Confirm that Sub-scan Feeding Motor (JP6)(JP7-1)(JP7-2)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that the V-SYNC Sensor (JP32)-(JP31-1) (JP31-2)-(JP36-1)(JP36-2)-(MCN5) is working. Confirm that the Plate Sensor (light receiving) (JP12)(JP11-1)(JP11-2)-(MCN7) (JP11-1)(JP1 1-2)-(MCN7) is working. Confirm that the Plate Sensor (light emitting) (JP27)(JP29-1)(JP29-2)-(JP30-1)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Replace the motor/sensor. 5. Cha Change nge the the main main board board..

SC Error 


REGIUS /II Service Manual


Chapter 3 Troubleshooting

Error code 7318

Error Name/Description

Single unit operation: V-SYNC Sensor error during scanning/ loading/feeding When plate is being feeded:

• When Loading/Feeding

Possible causes if solutions provided in Operation Manual do not resolve the issue (including reoccurrence)

• • • •

Motor completes feeding a plate: - V-SYNC Sensor is OFF OFF.. (There is no plate.) This OFF state will soon change to ON (with a plate).(remains OFF)

Plate jam Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Detector not securely attached Motor malfunction No solid connection

• • • Disconnection • MAIN_BOARD malfunction

Countermeasure (Please take the following steps to diagnose and the problem.) 1. Use the ser service vice tool to c check heck if Loading/F Loading/Feeding eeding Mo Motor tor andV-SYNC Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

SC Error  

- Confirm that all connectors are secure, there is no deformation of detector, the spring is loaded, and the detector is securely attached. Confirm that Loading/Feeding Motor (JP4)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that the V-SYNC Sensor (JP32)-(JP31-1) (JP31-2)-(JP36-1)(JP36-2)-(MCN5) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Replace the motor/sensor. 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board..


Single unit operation: Entrance NIP sensor error during read/closing of exit NIP When plate is being feeded:

• • • • When Sub-scan NIP Motor • completes closing exit NIP: • • - Entrance NIP Sensor is ON. (Entrance NIP is open.)

Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction

1. Use the ser service vice tool to confirm confirm that that Sub-scan NIP NIP Motor and and Entrance NIP Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure, there is no

Confirm that Sub-scan NIP Motor (JP5)-(JP7-1) (JP7-2)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that Entrance NIP Sensor (JP33)-(JP31-1) (JP31-2)-(JP36-1)(JP36-2)-(MCN5) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Replace the motor/sensor. 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board.. 7320

Single unit operation: Exit NIP sensor error during read/ closing of exit NIP When plate is being feeded:

• • • • When Sub-scan NIP Motor • completes closing exit NIP: • • - Exit NIP Sensor is ON. (Exit NIP is open.)

Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction

1. Use the ser service vice tool to confirm confirm that that Sub-scan NIP NIP Motor and and Exit NIP Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure, there is no deformation of detector, and spring is loaded. (The spring for the driven roller at exit may be loose.) Confirm that Sub-scan NIP Motor (JP5)-(JP7-1) (JP7-2)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that Exit NIP Sensor (JP34)-(JP36-1)(JP36-2)(MCN5) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Replace the motor/sensor. 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board.. 7321

Single unit operation: Entrance NIP sensor error during read/opening of entrance NIP When plate is being feeded:

• When Sub-scan NIP Motor completes opening entrance NIP:

- Entrance NIP Sensor is OFF. (Entrance NIP is closed.)

• • • • • •

Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction


deformation of detector, and spring is loaded. (The spring for the driven roller at entrance may be loose.)

1. Use the ser service vice tool to confirm confirm that that Sub-scan NIP NIP Motor and and Entrance NIP Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure and there is no deformation of detector. Confirm that Sub-scan NIP Motor (JP5)-(JP7-1) (JP7-2)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that Entrance NIP Sensor (JP33)-(JP31-1) (JP31-2)-(JP36-1)(JP36-2)-(MCN5) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Replace the motor/sensor. 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board..

  s   e   r   u   s   a   e   m   r   e    t   n   u   o    C    &    t   n   e    t   n   o    C   e   g   a   s   s   e    M   r   o   r   r    E    4  .    3

REGIUS /II Service Manual



Chapter 3 Troubleshooting

Error code 7322

Error Name/Description

Single unit operation: Exit NIP sensor error during read/ opening of entrance NIP When plate is being feeded:

• When Sub-scan NIP Motor completes opening entrance NIP: - Exit NIP Sensor is ON. (Exit NIP is open.)

Possible causes if solutions provided in Operation Manual do not resolve the issue (including reoccurrence)

• • • • •

Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection

• MAIN_BOARD malfunction

Countermeasure (Please take the following steps to diagnose and the problem.)

SC Error 

1. Use the ser service vice tool to confirm confirm that that Sub-scan NIP NIP Motor and and Exit NIP Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure, there is no deformation of detector, and spring is loaded. (The spring for the driven roller at exit may be loose.) Confirm that Sub-scan NIP Motor (JP5)-(JP7-1) (JP7-2)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that Exit NIP Sensor (JP34)-(JP36-1)(JP36-2)(MCN5) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Replace the motor/sensor. 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board.. 7323

3   s   e   r   u   s   a   e   m   r   e    t   n   u   o    C    &    t   n   e    t   n   o    C   e   g   a   s   s   e    M   r   o   r   r    E    4  .    3

Single unit operation: Entrance NIP sensor error during read/closing of entrance NIP When plate is being feeded:

• When Sub-scan NIP Motor completes closing entrance NIP:

• • • • • •

Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction

- Entrance NIP Sensor is ON. (Entrance NIP is open.)

1. Use the ser service vice tool to confirm confirm that that Sub-scan NIP NIP Motor and and Entrance NIP Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure, there is no deformation of detector, and spring is loaded. (The spring for the driven roller at entrance may be loose.) Confirm that Sub-scan NIP Motor (JP5)-(JP7-1) (JP7-2)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that Entrance NIP Sensor (JP33)-(JP31-1) (JP31-2)-(JP36-1)(JP36-2)-(MCN5) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Replace the motor/sensor. 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board.. 7324

Single unit operation: Exit NIP sensor error during read/ closing of entrance NIP When plate is being feeded:

• When Sub-scan NIP Motor completes closing entrance NIP:

• • • • • •

- Exit NIP Sensor is ON.

Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction

(Exit NIP is open.)

1. Use the ser service vice tool to confirm confirm that that Sub-scan NIP NIP Motor and and Exit NIP Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure, there is no deformation of detector, and spring is loaded. (The spring for the driven roller at exit may be loose.) Confirm that Sub-scan NIP Motor (JP5)-(JP7-1) (JP7-2)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that Exit NIP Sensor (JP34)-(JP36-1)(JP36-2)(MCN5) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Replace the motor/sensor. 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board.. 7325

Single unit operation: V-SYNC Sensor error during scanning/ sub-scan/returning When plate is being feeded:

• V-SYNC Sensor does not come on (with a plate) when Sub-scan Feeding Motor is returning the plate, or the sensor remains ON after the operation is complete.

• • • •

Plate jam

• • • •

Motor malfunction

Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Detector not securely attached No solid connection

1. Use the se service rvice tool tool to check if S Sub-scan ub-scan Feeding Motor Motor and V-SYNC Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure, there is no deformation of detector, the spring is loaded, and the detector is securely attached.


Confirm that Sub-scan Feeding Motor (JP6)(JP7-1)(JP7-2)-(MCN4) is working.

MAIN_BOARD malfunction

Confirm that the V-SYNC Sensor (JP32)-(JP31-1) (JP31-2)-(JP36-1)(JP36-2)-(MCN5) is working.

• Slipping of the slowdown pulley and drive belt.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Replace the motor/sensor. 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board.. 3. Trea Treatt the slowdo slowdown wn pulley pulley su surface. rface.


REGIUS /II Service Manual


Chapter 3 Troubleshooting

Error code 7326

Error Name/Description

Possible causes if solutions provided in Operation Manual do not resolve the issue (including reoccurrence)

Single unit operation: Tray Sensor error 1 during read/ sub-scan/send When Sub-scan Feeding Motor completes feed a plate for scanning:

• Sensor malfunction • Deformation of detector  • Detector not securely

• V-SYNC Sensor is ON.

• No solid connection • Disconnection • MAIN_BOARD

(There is a plate.) and Tray Sensor is ON. (no tray ejection)


• Motor malfunction


Countermeasure (Please take the following steps to diagnose and the problem.)

SC Error 

1. Use the ser service vice tool to c check heck if Sub-scan Sub-scan Feeding Feeding Moto Motor, r, V-SYNC Sensor and Tray Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure, there is no deformation of detector, the spring is loaded, and the detector is securely attached. Confirm that Sub-scan Feeding Motor (JP6)(JP7-1)(JP7-2)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that the V-SYNC Sensor (JP32)-(JP31-1) (JP31-2)-(JP36-1)(JP36-2)-(MCN5) is working. Confirm that the Tray Sensor (JP26)-(JP28-1)(JP28-2)(JP30-1)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Replace the motor/sensor. 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board.. 7327

Single unit operation: Tray Sensor error when scanning NIP tray is being lowered When plate is being feeded:

• When Loading NIP Motor completes opening roller NIP and tray is lowered:

• • • • • •

- Tray Sensor is ON. (no

Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction

tray ejection)

1. Use the ser service vice tool to confirm that that Loading Loading NIP Mo Motor tor and Tray Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure and there is no deformation of detector. Confirm that the Loading NIP Motor (JP2)-(JP3-1) (JP3-2)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that the Tray Sensor (JP26)-(JP28-1)(JP28-2)(JP30-1)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Change the sensor. - Replace the upper insertion unit.(No motor should be replaced.) 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board..  7328

Single unit operation: Loading NIP Sensor error when scanning NIP tray is lowered When plate is being feeded:

• When Loading NIP Motor completes opening roller NIP and tray is lowered: loading - Three sensors are NIP malfunctioning.

• • • • • •

Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction


1. Use the ser service vice tool to confirm that that Loading Loading NIP Mo Motor tor and Loading NIP HP Sensor, Tray Lock Release Sensor and Loading NIP Open/Close Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure and there is no deformation of detector. Confirm that the Loading NIP Motor (JP2)-(JP3-1) (JP3-2)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that Loading NIP HP Sensor (JP18)-(JP301)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working. Confirm that Tray Lock Release Sensor (JP19)-(JP301)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working. Confirm that Loading NIP Open/Close Sensor (JP20)(JP30-1)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Change the sensor. - Replace the upper insertion unit.(No motor should be replaced.) 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board..

  s   e   r   u   s   a   e   m   r   e    t   n   u   o    C    &    t   n   e    t   n   o    C   e   g   a   s   s   e    M   r   o   r   r    E    4  .    3

REGIUS /II Service Manual



Chapter 3 Troubleshooting

Error code 7329

Error Name/Description

Single unit operation: Plate detection sensor error during read/insertion/feed (return) When plate is being feeded:

Possible causes if solutions provided in Operation Manual do not resolve the issue (including reoccurrence)

Motor completes returning

• • • • •

a plate: - Plate Sensor is OFF. (There is a plate.)

• No solid connection • Disconnection • MAIN_BOARD

• When Loading/Feeding

Plate jam Cassette defect Plate defect Sensor malfunction Motor malfunction


Countermeasure (Please take the following steps to diagnose and the problem.) 1. Che Check ck casset cassette te and and plate. plate.

- Confirm that nonwoven fabric inside cassette is intact. - Confirm that there is any deformation/damage to plate slot.

- Confirm that there is any damage to plate. 2. Use ser service vice to c check heck if Loading/F Loading/Feeding eeding Mo Motor tor and Platethe Sensor aretool working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure. Confirm that Loading/Feeding Motor (JP4)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that the Plate Sensor (light receiving) (JP12)(JP11-1)(JP11-2)-(MCN7) (JP11-1)(JP1 1-2)-(MCN7) is working. Confirm that the Plate Sensor (light emitting) (JP27)(JP29-1)(JP29-2)-(JP30-1)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Replace the motor/sensor.


3. Cha Change nge the the main main board board..  7330

  s   e   r   u   s   a   e   m   r   e    t   n   u   o    C    &    t   n   e    t   n   o    C   e   g   a   s   s   e    M   r   o   r   r    E    4  .    3

Single unit operation: Size detection error during cassette insertion  After inserting a cassette and position control operation operation is launched:

• None of Size Detection

• Wrong cassette (not supported by this device)

• • • •

Sensor 1 to 4 matches any cassette size.

Sensor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction

1. Check to se see e that th the e link spring o off lower insertion insertion unit unit is intact. 2. Use th the e service service tool tool to conf confirm irm that that Size Detection Sensor 1 to 4 are working. If any are not working, take the following steps and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure. Confirm Confir m that Size Detectio De tection n Sensor Se nsor 1(JP14)-(JP16-1) 1(JP14)-(JP16-1) (JP16-2)-(MCN7) is working. Confirm that Size Detectio Confirm De tection n Sensor Se nsor 2(JP15)-(JP16-1) 2(JP15)-(JP16-1) (JP16-2)-(MCN7) is working. Confirm that Size Detectio Confirm De tection n Sensor Se nsor 3 (JP23)-(JP30-1) (JP23)-(JP30-1) (JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working. Confirm Confir m that Size Detectio De tection n Sensor Se nsor 4(JP17)-(JP30-1) 4(JP17)-(JP30-1) (JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - If Size Detection Detecti on Se Sensor nsor 1/2 is malfunctioning, malfunctioning, replace replace the sensor.

- If Size Detection Detecti on Se Sensor nsor 3/4 is malfunctioning, malfunctioning, replace replace the upper insertion unit.(Sensors do not require replacing) 3. Cha Change nge the the main main board board..  7331

Single unit operation: Tray HP Sensor error when scanning tray returns When plate is being feeded:

• When Tray Motor completes returning the tray:

- Tray HP Sensor is ON. (transparent)

• • • • • • •

Cassette defect Deformation of detector  Sensor malfunction Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction

1. Confir Confirm m that cassette tray tray can be inserted/ejected inserted/ejected smoothly smoothly.. If not, replace the cassette. 2. Use the ser service vice tool to c check heck if Tray Tray Motor a and nd Tray Tray HP Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure and there is no deformation of detector. Confirm that Tray Motor (JP1)-(JP3-1)(JP3-2)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that Tray HP Sensor (JP24)-(JP30-1)(JP30-2)(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Change the sensor. - Replace the upper insertion unit.(No motor should be replaced.) 3. Cha Change nge the the main main board board..

SC Error 


REGIUS /II Service Manual


Chapter 3 Troubleshooting

Error code 7332

Error Name/Description

Single unit operation: Tray Sensor error when scanning tray returns When plate is being feeded:

• When Tray Motor completes returning the tray: - Tray Sensor is OFF OFF.. (tray ejection)


Single unit operation: Lock sensor error during read/ cassette lock release When plate is being feeded:

• When Loading NIP Motor completes unlocking the cassette:

- Either Left or Right

Possible causes if solutions provided in Operation Manual do not resolve the issue (including reoccurrence)

• • • • •

Cassette jam Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Motor malfunction No solid connection

• Disconnection • MAIN_BOARD malfunction

• • • • • • •

Cassette Lock Sensor is OFF.. (l OFF (locked) ocked)

Cassette jam Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction

Countermeasure (Please take the following steps to diagnose and the problem.) 1. Use the ser service vice tool to c check heck if Tray Tray Motor a and nd Tray Tray Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required: - Confirm that all connectors are secure and there is no deformation of detector. Confirm that Tray Motor (JP1)-(JP3-1)(JP3-2)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that the Tray Sensor (JP26)-(JP28-1)(JP28-2)(JP30-1)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working. - Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Replace the upper insertion unit.(No motor/sensor should be replaced.) 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board.. 1. Use the ser service vice tool to confirm that that Loading Loading NIP Mo Motor tor and Cassette Lock Sensor Left/Right are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required: - Confirm that all connectors are secure, there is no deformation of the detector, and that the spring is loaded. Confirm that the Loading NIP Motor (JP2)-(JP3-1) (JP3-2)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that Left Cassette Lock Sensor (JP21)-(JP30-1) (JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working. Confirm that Right Cassette Lock Sensor (JP25)(JP30-1)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working. - Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Replace the upper insertion unit.(No motor/sensor should be replaced.) 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board..


Single unit operation: Tray Sensor error when releasing scanning cassette lock When plate is being feeded:

• When Loading NIP Motor completes unlocking the cassette:

• • • • • •

OFF.. (tray - Tray Sensor is OFF

Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction


1. Use the ser service vice tool to confirm that that Loading Loading NIP Mo Motor tor and Tray Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required: - Confirm that all connectors are secure and there is no deformation of detector. Confirm that the Loading NIP Motor (JP2)-(JP3-1) (JP3-2)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that the Tray Sensor (JP26)-(JP28-1)(JP28-2)(JP30-1)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working. - Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Replace the upper insertion unit.(No motor/sensor should be replaced.) 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board..


Single unit operation: Loading NIP sensor error during read/cassette lock release When plate is being feeded:

• When Loading NIP Motor completes unlocking the cassette:

- Three loading NIP sensors are malfunctioning.

• • • • • •

Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction

SC Error 

1. Use the ser service vice tool to confirm that that Loading Loading NIP Mo Motor tor and Loading NIP HP Sensor, Tray Lock Release Sensor and Loading NIP Open/Close Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required: - Confirm that all connectors are secure and there is no deformation of detector. Confirm that the Loading NIP Motor (JP2)-(JP3-1) (JP3-2)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that Loading NIP HP Sensor (JP18)-(JP301)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working. Confirm that Tray Lock Release Sensor (JP19)-(JP301)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working. Confirm that Loading NIP Open/Close Sensor (JP20)(JP30-1)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working. - Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. the sensor. -- Change Replace the upper insertion unit.(No motor should be replaced.) 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board..

3   s   e   r   u   s   a   e   m   r   e    t   n   u   o    C    &    t   n   e    t   n   o    C   e   g   a   s   s   e    M   r   o   r   r    E    4  .    3

REGIUS /II Service Manual



Chapter 3 Troubleshooting

Error code 7336

Error Name/Description

Single unit operation: Plate long check error during read/ sub-scan/send When plate is being feeded:

• When Sub-scan Feeding Motor is feeding a plate:


The feeding distance by Sub-scan Feeding Motor (from V-SYNC Sensor is ON to OFF) differs from inserted cassette plate length.

Possible causes if solutions provided in Operation Manual do not resolve the issue (including reoccurrence)

• Wrong length plate inserted

• Plate jam • Sensor malfunction • Deformation of detector  •

Countermeasure (Please take the following steps to diagnose and the problem.) 1. Use th the e service service tool tool to conf confirm irm that that Size Detection Sensor properly detects cassette size. If any are not working, take the following steps and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure, there is no deformation of the detector, and that the spring is loaded.

Detector not securely attached

Confirm Confir m that Size Detectio De tection n Sensor Se nsor 1(JP14)-(JP16-1) 1(JP14)-(JP16-1) (JP16-2)-(MCN7) is working.

• Feeding guide malfunction • Foreign object in feeding

Confirm Confir m that Size Detectio De tection n Sensor Se nsor 2(JP15)-(JP16-1) 2(JP15)-(JP16-1) (JP16-2)-(MCN7) is working.


• • • • •

Confirm Confir m that Size Detectio De tection n Sensor Se nsor 3 (JP23)-(JP30-1) (JP23)-(JP30-1) (JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working.

Feeding roller slippage Motor malfunction

Confirm Confir m that Size Detectio De tection n Sensor Se nsor 4(JP17)-(JP30-1) 4(JP17)-(JP30-1) (JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working.

No solid connection Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - If Size Detection Detecti on Se Sensor nsor 1/2 is malfunctioning, malfunctioning, replace replace the sensor.

- If Size Detection Detecti on Se Sensor nsor 3/4 is malfunctioning, malfunctioning, replace replace


the upper insertion unit.(Sensors do not require replacing) 2. Check d detector etector of V V-SYNC -SYNC a assembly ssembly..

- Confirm that spring is intact.

  s   e   r   u   s   a   e   m   r   e    t   n   u   o    C    &    t   n   e    t   n   o    C   e   g   a   s   s   e    M   r   o   r   r    E    4  .    3

Confirm that there is no deformation.

-- Confirm that the plate moves smoothly. 3. Che Check ck feedin feeding gp path ath..


Confirm that there is a foreign object on feeding path. Confirm that there is no protrusion on feeding guide. Confirm that there is a foreign object on the roller.

Confirm that roller has any condensation. 4. Use the se service rvice tool tool to check if S Sub-scan ub-scan Feeding Motor an and d V-SYNC Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure. Confirm that Sub-scan Feeding Motor (JP6)(JP7-1)(JP7-2)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that the V-SYNC Sensor (JP32)-(JP31-1) (JP31-2)-(JP36-1)(JP36-2)-(MCN5) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Replace the motor/sensor. 5. Cha Change nge the the main main board board.. 7337

Single unit operation: No cassette when controlling cassette position and releasing cassette lock When cassette position control and unlocking operations are initiated:

• Either Cassette Sensor or Cassette Lock Sensor Left/ Right is OFF.

No cassette

A cassette must be inserted in order to execute a feeding command during a unit test.

SC Error 


REGIUS /II Service Manual


Chapter 3 Troubleshooting

Error code 7338

Error Name/Description

Single unit operation: Tray Sensor error 2 during read/ sub-scan/send When Sub-scan Feeding Motor completes feed a plate for scanning:

V-SYNC Sensor is OFF (There is no plate.) and Tray Sensor is ON. (no tray ejection)

Possible causes if solutions provided in Operation Manual do not resolve the issue (including reoccurrence)

• • • • •

Sensor malfunction

MAIN_BOARD malfunction

Deformation of detector  Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection

Countermeasure (Please take the following steps to diagnose and the problem.)

SC Error 

1. Use the se service rvice tool tool to check if S Sub-scan ub-scan Feeding Motor Motor and Tray Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure, and there is no deformation of detector. Confirm that Sub-scan Feeding Motor (JP6)(JP7-1)(JP7-2)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that the Tray Sensor (JP26)-(JP28-1)(JP28-2)(JP30-1)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Replace the motor/sensor. 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board.. 7339

Single unit operation: V-SYNC Sensor error 2 during scanning/loading/feeding/ returning When Loading/Feeding Motor completes returning a plate for scanning:

• V-SYNC Sensor is ON. (There is a plate.)

• Plate Sensor is ON. (There is no plate.)

• Tray Sensor is ON. (no tray ejection)

• Plate jam • Deformation of detector  • Detector not securely attached

1. Check d detector etector of V V-SYNC -SYNC a assembly ssembly..

- Confirm that spring is intact. - Confirm that there is no deformation. - Confirm that the plate moves smoothly.

Check ck feedin feeding gp path ath.. • Feeding guide malfunction 2. Che - Confirm that there is a foreign object on feeding path. • Foreign object in feeding path - Confirm that there is no protrusion on feeding guide. • Feeding roller slippage - Confirm that there is a foreign object on the roller. • Cassette defect - Confirm that roller has any condensation. 3. Che Check ck casset cassette te and and plate. plate. • Plate defect - Confirm that nonwoven fabric inside cassette is intact. • Upper door not installed properly - Confirm that there is any deformation/damage to plate slot. • Sensor malfunction - Confirm that there is any damage to plate. • Motor malfunction 4. Use the ser service vice tool to c check heck if Loading/F Loading/Feeding eeding Mo Motor tor,, • No solid connection Magnetic Clutch, V-SYNC Sensor and Tray Sensor are • Disconnection working. • MAIN_BOARD malfunction

Check the motor to see if it operates normally in both directions. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure. Confirm that Loading/Feeding Motor (JP4)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that Magnetic Clutch (JP9)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that the V-SYNC Sensor (JP32)-(JP31-1) (JP31-2)-(JP36-1)(JP36-2)-(MCN5) is working. Confirm that the Tray Sensor (JP26)-(JP28-1)(JP28-2)(JP30-1)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Replace motor/magnetic clutch/sensor. 5. Reinst Reinstall all upper door.( door.(Feeding Feeding g guide uide may be out out of alignment.) 6. Cha Change nge the the main main board board..

3   s   e   r   u   s   a   e   m   r   e    t   n   u   o    C    &    t   n   e    t   n   o    C   e   g   a   s   s   e    M   r   o   r   r    E    4  .    3

REGIUS /II Service Manual



Chapter 3 Troubleshooting

Error code 7343

Error Name/Description

Single unit operation: V-SYNC sensor error 2 when sub-scan When plate is being feeded:

• When Sub-scan Feeding

Possible causes if solutions provided in Operation Manual do not resolve the issue (including reoccurrence)

• Plate jam • Deformation of detector  • Detector not securely attached

- Confirm that spring is intact. - Confirm that there is no deformation. - Confirm that the plate moves smoothly.

Check ck feedin feeding gp path ath.. • Feeding guide malfunction 2. Che

- V-SYNC Sensor is ON.

• Foreign object in feeding path

• - Tray Sensor is OFF OFF.. (tray • ejection) • • • • • • •

  s   e   r   u   s   a   e   m   r   e    t   n   u   o    C    &    t   n   e    t   n   o    C   e   g   a   s   s   e    M   r   o   r   r    E    4  .    3

1. Check d detector etector of V V-SYNC -SYNC a assembly ssembly..

Motor completes feed a plate: (There is a plate.)


Countermeasure (Please take the following steps to diagnose and the problem.)

Feeding roller slippage Cassette defect Plate defect Upper door not installed properly Sensor malfunction Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction


Confirm that there is a foreign object on feeding path. Confirm that there is no protrusion on feeding guide. Confirm that there is a foreign object on the roller.

Confirm that roller has any condensation. 3. Che Check ck casset cassette te and and plate. plate.

- Confirm that nonwoven fabric inside cassette is intact. - Confirm that there is any deformation/damage to plate slot.

- Confirm that there is any damage to plate. 4. Use the ser service vice tool to c check heck if Loading/F Loading/Feeding eeding Mo Motor tor and Magnetic Clutch are working. Check the motor to see if it operates normally in both directions. If the motor runs fine, check belt tension. If the motor does not run normally, take the following steps and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure. Confirm that Loading/Feeding Motor (JP4)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that Magnetic Clutch (JP9)-(MCN4) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Replace motor/magnetic clutch. 5. Reinst Reinstall all upper door.( door.(Feeding Feeding g guide uide may be out out of alignment.) 6. Use the service ttool ool to check if Sub-scan Sub-scan Feeding Feeding Motor, Motor, VSYNC Sensor Sensor and Tray Sensor are working. working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure. Confirm that Sub-scan Feeding Motor (JP6)(JP7-1)(JP7-2)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that the V-SYNC Sensor (JP32)-(JP31-1) (JP31-2)-(JP36-1)(JP36-2)-(MCN5) is working. Confirm that the Tray Sensor (JP26)-(JP28-1)(JP28-2)(JP30-1)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Replace the motor/sensor. 7. Cha Change nge the the main main board board..

SC Error 


REGIUS /II Service Manual


Chapter 3 Troubleshooting

Error code 7344

Error Name/Description

Single unit operation: V-SYNC Sensor error 1 during scanning/loading/feeding/ returning When plate is being feeded:

• When Loading/Feeding

Possible causes if solutions provided in Operation Manual do not resolve the issue (including reoccurrence)

• Plate jam • Deformation of detector  • Detector not securely attached

• Foreign object in feeding

- V-SYNC Sensor is ON.

• • • •

Feeding roller slippage

• • • • •

Sensor malfunction

- Plate Sensor is ON. (There is no plate.)


- Tray Sensor is OFF OFF.. (tray ejection)

1. Check d detector etector of V V-SYNC -SYNC a assembly ssembly..

- Confirm that spring is intact. - Confirm that there is no deformation. - Confirm that the plate moves smoothly.

Cassette defect Plate defect Upper door not installed properly Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction


Confirm that there is a foreign object on feeding path. Confirm that there is no protrusion on feeding guide. Confirm that there is a foreign object on the roller.

Confirm that roller has any condensation. 3. Che Check ck casset cassette te and and plate. plate.

- Confirm that nonwoven fabric inside cassette is intact. - Confirm that there is any deformation/damage to plate slot.

- Confirm that there is any damage to plate. 4. Use the ser service vice tool to c check heck if Loading/F Loading/Feeding eeding Mo Motor tor and Magnetic Clutch are working.V-SYNC Sensor are working. Check the motor to see if it operates normally in both directions. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required: - Confirm that all connectors are secure. Confirm that Loading/Feeding Motor (JP4)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that Magnetic Clutch (JP9)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that the V-SYNC Sensor (JP32)-(JP31-1) (JP31-2)-(JP36-1)(JP36-2)-(MCN5) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Replace the motor/magnetic clutch/sensor. 5. Reinst Reinstall all upper door door.(Feedi .(Feeding ng guide m may ay be out of alignment.) 6. Cha Change nge the the main main board board.. 7345

Single unit operation: Plate detection sensor error during read/sub-scan/return When plate is being feeded:

• When Sub-scan Feeding Motor completes returning a plate:

1. Che Check ck feedin feeding gp path ath.. • Plate jam - Confirm that there is a foreign object on feeding path. • Feeding guide malfunction - Confirm that there is no protrusion on feeding guide. • Foreign object in feeding path - Confirm that there is a foreign object on the roller. • Feeding roller slippage - Confirm that roller has any condensation. 2. Reinst Reinstall all upper door.(F door.(Feeding eeding g guide uide may be out of of • Upper door not installed properly

- Plate Sensor is ON. (There is no plate.)

SC Error 

Check ck feedin feeding gp path ath.. • Feeding guide malfunction 2. Che

Motor completes returning a plate: (There is a plate.)

Countermeasure (Please take the following steps to diagnose and the problem.)

• • • • •

Sensor malfunction Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction

alignment.) 3. Use the se service rvice tool tool to check if S Sub-scan ub-scan Feeding Motor an and d Plate Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure. Confirm that Sub-scan Feeding Motor (JP6)(JP7-1)(JP7-2)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that the Plate Sensor (light receiving) (JP12)(JP11-1)(JP11-2)-(MCN7) (JP11-1)(JP1 1-2)-(MCN7) is working. Confirm that the Plate Sensor (light emitting) (JP27)(JP29-1)(JP29-2)-(JP30-1)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Replace the motor/sensor. 4. Cha Change nge the the main main board board..

3   s   e   r   u   s   a   e   m   r   e    t   n   u   o    C    &    t   n   e    t   n   o    C   e   g   a   s   s   e    M   r   o   r   r    E    4  .    3

REGIUS /II Service Manual



Chapter 3 Troubleshooting

Error code 7346

Error Name/Description

Single unit operation: Loading NIP open/close sensor error during read/subscan/send When plate is being feeded:

• When Sub-scan Feeding Motor completes feed a plate:

Possible causes if solutions provided in Operation Manual do not resolve the issue (including reoccurrence)

• • • • • •

Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction

- Loading NIP Open/Close

Countermeasure (Please take the following steps to diagnose and the problem.) 1. Use the se service rvice tool tool to check if S Sub-scan ub-scan Feeding Motor Motor and Loading NIP Open/Close Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure and there is no deformation of detector. Confirm that Sub-scan Feeding Motor (JP6)(JP7-1)(JP7-2)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that Loading NIP Open/Close Sensor (JP20)(JP30-1)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working.

Sensor is ON (transparent).

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Replace the motor/sensor. 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board..


Single unit operation: Tray Sensor error during scanning/ loading/NIP closing When plate is being feeded:

• When Loading NIP Motor


completes closing the loading NIP:

• • • • • •

- Tray Sensor is ON. (no

  s   e   r   u   s   a   e   m   r   e    t   n   u   o    C    &    t   n   e    t   n   o    C   e   g   a   s   s   e    M   r   o   r   r    E    4  .    3

Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction

tray ejection)

1. Use the ser service vice tool to confirm that that Loading Loading NIP Mo Motor tor and Tray Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure and there is no deformation of detector. Confirm that the Loading NIP Motor (JP2)-(JP3-1) (JP3-2)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that the Tray Sensor (JP26)-(JP28-1)(JP28-2)(JP30-1)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Replace the motor/sensor. 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board.. 7348

Single unit operation: Loading NIP sensor error during lowering of notch to regulated position  After inserting a cassette and position control operation operation is launched:

• • • • • • • Three loading NIP sensors • are malfunctioning.

Cassette jam Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Motor malfunction No solid connection

1. Use the ser service vice tool to confirm that that Loading Loading NIP Mo Motor tor and Loading NIP HP Sensor, Tray Lock Release Sensor and Loading NIP Open/Close Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure and there is no


deformation of detector.

MAIN_BOARD malfunction

Confirm that the Loading NIP Motor (JP2)-(JP3-1) (JP3-2)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that Loading NIP HP Sensor (JP18)-(JP301)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working. Confirm that Tray Lock Release Sensor (JP19)-(JP301)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working. Confirm that Loading NIP Open/Close Sensor (JP20)(JP30-1)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Change the sensor. - Replace the upper insertion unit.(No motor should be replaced.) 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board..

SC Error 


REGIUS /II Service Manual


Chapter 3 Troubleshooting

Error code 7349

Error Name/Description

Single unit operation: Plate detection sensor error during read/lowering of NIP When plate is being feeded:

• When Loading NIP Motor completes lowering the loading NIP:

- Plate Sensor is ON.

Possible causes if solutions provided in Operation Manual do not resolve the issue (including reoccurrence)

• • • • • • •

(There is no plate.)

No plate Cassette defect Sensor malfunction Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction

Countermeasure (Please take the following steps to diagnose and the problem.)

SC Error 

1. Chec Check k casse cassett tte. e.

- Confirm that there is a cassette. - Confirm that there is any deformation/damage to cassette plate loading lever.

- Check to see that tray can be inserted/ejected without any problem. 2. Use the ser service vice tool to confirm that that Loading Loading NIP Mo Motor tor and Plate Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure. Confirm that the Loading NIP Motor (JP2)-(JP3-1)(JP32)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that the Plate Sensor (light receiving) (JP12)(JP11-1)(JP11-2)-(MCN7) (JP11-1)(JP1 1-2)-(MCN7) is working. Confirm that the Plate Sensor (light emitting) (JP27)(JP29-1)(JP29-2)-(JP30-1)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Change the sensor. - Replace the upper insertion unit.(No motor should be replaced.) 3. Cha Change nge the the main main board board.. 7350

Single unit operation: Tray Sensor error while raising tray for scanning When plate is being feeded:

• When Loading NIP Motor completes raising the tray:

- Tray Sensor is ON. (no tray ejection)

• • • • • •

Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction

1. Use the ser service vice tool to confirm that that Loading Loading NIP Mo Motor tor and Tray Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure and there is no deformation of detector. Confirm that the Loading NIP Motor (JP2)-(JP3-1) (JP3-2)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that the Tray Sensor (JP26)-(JP28-1)(JP28-2)(JP30-1)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Replace the motor/sensor. 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board.. 7351

Single unit operation: Loading NIP sensor error during read/insertion/opening of NIP

• Sensor malfunction • Deformation of detector  • Motor malfunction

When plate is being feeded: • When Loading NIP Motor completes opening the loading NIP:

• No solid connection • Disconnection • MAIN_BOARD

- Three loading NIP sensors are malfunctioning.


1. Use the ser service vice tool to confirm that that Loading Loading NIP Mo Motor tor and Loading NIP HP Sensor, Tray Lock Release Sensor and Loading NIP Open/Close Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required: - Confirm that all connectors are secure and there is no deformation of detector. Confirm that the Loading NIP Motor (JP2)-(JP3-1) (JP3-2)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that Loading NIP HP Sensor (JP18)-(JP301)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working. Confirm that Tray Lock Release Sensor (JP19)-(JP301)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working. Confirm that Loading NIP Open/Close Sensor (JP20)(JP30-1)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Change the sensor. - Replace the upper insertion unit.(No motor should be replaced.) 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board..

3   s   e   u   r   s   a   e   m   r   e    t   n   u   o    C    &    t   n   e    t   n   o    C   e   g   a   s   s   e    M   r   o   r   r    E    4  .    3

REGIUS /II Service Manual



Chapter 3 Troubleshooting

Error code 7352

Error Name/Description

Single unit operation: Loading NIP sensor error during read/insertion/closing of NIP When plate is being feeded:

• When Loading NIP Motor completes closing the loading NIP:

Possible causes if solutions provided in Operation Manual do not resolve the issue (including reoccurrence)

• • • • • •

Sensor malfunction Deformation of detector  Motor malfunction No solid connection Disconnection MAIN_BOARD malfunction

- Three loading NIP sensors are malfunctioning.

Countermeasure (Please take the following steps to diagnose and the problem.)

SC Error 

1. Use the ser service vice tool to confirm that that Loading Loading NIP Mo Motor tor and Loading NIP HP Sensor, Tray Lock Release Sensor and Loading NIP Open/Close Sensor are working. If not, take the following steps for the malfunctioning motor or sensor and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure and there is no deformation of detector. Confirm that the Loading NIP Motor (JP2)-(JP3-1) (JP3-2)-(MCN4) is working. Confirm that Loading NIP HP Sensor (JP18)-(JP301)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working. Confirm that Tray Lock Release Sensor (JP19)-(JP301)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working. Confirm that Loading NIP Open/Close Sensor (JP20)(JP30-1)(JP30-2)-(MCN6) is working.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Change the sensor. - Replace the upper insertion unit.(No motor should be

3   s   e   u   r   s   a   e   m   r   e    t   n   u   o    C    &    t   n   e    t   n   o    C   e   g   a   s   s   e    M   r   o   r   r    E    4  .    3

replaced.) 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board..

3.4.5 3.4 .5 74xx: 74xx: Imag Image e Read Read Rela Related ted Errors Errors Error code 7400

Error Name/Description

Polygon lock timeout during initialization When optical device operation is checked during initialization:

Possible causes if solutions provided in Operation Manual do not resolve the issue (including reoccurrence)

Countermeasure (Please take the following steps to diagnose and the problem.)

• No solid connection • Polygon malfunction

1. Confirm that all co connector nnectors s on MAIN_ MAIN_BOARD BOARD are secure. secure. (CN8, CN9) 2. Rep Replace lace expo exposur sure e unit. unit.

HSYNC count error during initialization When optical device operation

• No solid connection • Hsync Sensor malfunction

1. Confirm that all co connector nnectors s on MAIN_ MAIN_BOARD BOARD are secure. secure. (CN8, CN9) 2. Rep Replace lace expo exposur sure e unit. unit.

is checked during initialization: • Within a set time frame after Laser is turned on, HSync counter only goes up to 7.

• Laser malfunction

PID signal detection error during initialization When optical device operation is checked during initialization:

• No solid connection • Polygon malfunction

• Within a set time frame after Polygon is turned on, Polygon lock is not detected. 7401


• When HSync counter exceeds 7 after Laser is turned on, PID signal is not ON.

1. Confirm that all co connector nnectors s on MAIN_ MAIN_BOARD BOARD are secure. secure. (CN8, CN9) 2. Rep Replace lace expo exposur sure e unit. unit.


REGIUS /II Service Manual


Chapter 3 Troubleshooting

Error code 7403

Error Name/Description

Eraser LED error detected during initialization When Eraser LED cooling fan connection is checked during initialization:

Possible causes if solutions provided in Operation Manual do not resolve the issue (including reoccurrence)

• No solid connection • Disconnection • Eraser LED malfunction

Countermeasure (Please take the following steps to diagnose and the problem.) 1. Use the ser service vice tool an and d confirm confirm that the Eraser Eraser LED com comes es on with the upper door open. If not, take the following steps and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure. LED_DRIVE2_BOARD(CN1, CN2, CN3, CN4)

• Eraser LED error is detected.

(LCN2)-(JP35-1)(JP35-2)-(JP36-1)(JP36-2)-(MCN5) (LCN3)-(JP37)(JJ37)-(MCN2)

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Replace Eraser Unit Assy.  UTION CAUTION

The luminous intensity of LED is high. Do not look directly at the LED. IMPORTANT

Even if the Eraser LED comes on when the service tool is used, a connector may be loose or the Eraser LED malfunctioning. 7404

Erase fan error detection during initialization When Eraser LED cooling fan connection is checked during initialization:

• No solid connection • Disconnection • Eraser LED cooling Fan malfunction

- Replace Eraser LED cooling Fan.

error is detected. Analog board disconnection error  Gain Offset calculation during initialization

• The difference between

• No solid connection • Disconnection •  ANALOG_BOARD malfunction

average pixels at 10 A and 100 A is smaller than threshold value. 7406

Gain overflow Gain Offset calculation during initialization

• Gain value is larger than 0x00020000.


1. Confirm that all co connector nnectors s on MAIN_ MAIN_BOARD BOARD are secure. secure. (CN3, CN10, CN11, CN12) 2. Confir Confirm m that all connecto connectors rs on ANALOG_BOARD ANALOG_BOARD are secure. secure. (CN1, CN2, CN3, CN4) 3. Confirm that al alll wires are firmly con connected nected.. 4. Rep Replace lace light light collectio collection n unit.

• No solid connection

1. Confirm that all co connector nnectors s on MAIN_ MAIN_BOARD BOARD are secure. secure.

Gain Offset calculation during initialization

• Disconnection •  ANALOG_BOARD

(CN3, CN10, CN11, CN12) 2. Confir Confirm m that all connecto connectors rs on ANALOG_BOARD ANALOG_BOARD are secure. secure. (CN1, CN2, CN3, CN4) 3. Confirm that al alll wires are firmly con connected nected.. 4. Rep Replace lace light light collectio collection n unit.


Offset overflow Gain Offset calculation during initialization

• Off set value is larger than 0x30000000.


malfunction (AD Converter malfunction)

1. Confirm that all co connector nnectors s on MAIN_ MAIN_BOARD BOARD are secure. secure. (CN3, CN10, CN11, CN12) 2. Confir Confirm m that all connecto connectors rs on ANALOG_BOARD ANALOG_BOARD are secure. secure. (CN1, CN2, CN3, CN4) 3. Confirm that al alll wires are firmly con connected nected.. 4. Rep Replace lace light light collectio collection n unit.

Gain underflow

• Gain value is smaller than


• No solid connection • Disconnection •  ANALOG_BOARD

Offset underflow Gain Offset calculation during initialization

• Off set value is smaller than 0xe0000000.

malfunction (AD Converter malfunction)

• No solid connection • Disconnection •  ANALOG_BOARD malfunction (AD Converter malfunction)

• No solid connection • Disconnection •  ANALOG_BOARD malfunction (AD Converter malfunction)


- Confirm that all connectors are secure. Eraser LED cooling Fan (JP8)-(MCN4)

• Eraser LED cooling fan 7405

1. Use the ser service vice tool an and d confirm confirm that Eraser Eraser LED cooli cooling ng Fan is working. If not, take the following steps and replace parts as required:

1. Confirm that all co connector nnectors s on MAIN_ MAIN_BOARD BOARD are secure. secure. (CN3, CN10, CN11, CN12) 2. Confir Confirm m that all connecto connectors rs on ANALOG_BOARD ANALOG_BOARD are secure. secure. (CN1, CN2, CN3, CN4) 3. Confirm that al alll wires are firmly con connected nected.. 4. Rep Replace lace light light collectio collection n unit. 1. Confirm that all co connector nnectors s on MAIN_ MAIN_BOARD BOARD are secure. secure. (CN3, CN10, CN11, CN12) 2. Confir Confirm m that all connecto connectors rs on ANALOG_BOARD ANALOG_BOARD are secure. secure. (CN1, CN2, CN3, CN4) 3. Confirm that al alll wires are firmly con connected nected.. 4. Rep Replace lace light light collectio collection n unit.

  s   e   u   r   s   a   e   m   r   e    t   n   u   o    C    &    t   n   e    t   n   o    C   e   g   a   s   s   e    M   r   o   r   r    E    4  .    3

REGIUS /II Service Manual



Chapter 3 Troubleshooting

Error code 7410

Error Name/Description

Eraser LED error detected during scanning When plate is feeded:

• Eraser LED error is

Possible causes if solutions provided in Operation Manual do not resolve the issue (including reoccurrence)

• No solid connection • Disconnection • Eraser LED malfunction

detected while Eraser LED lamp is on.

Countermeasure (Please take the following steps to diagnose and the problem.) 1. Use the ser service vice tool an and d confirm confirm that the Eraser Eraser LED com comes es on with the upper door open. If not, take the following steps and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure. LED_DRIVE2_BOARD(CN1, CN2, CN3, CN4) (LCN2)-(JP35-1)(JP35-2)-(JP36-1)(JP36-2)-(MCN5) (LCN3)-(JP37)(JJ37)-(MCN2)

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Replace Eraser Unit Assy.  UTION CAUTION

The luminous intensity of LED is high. Do not look directly at the LED. IMPORTANT

Even if the Eraser LED comes on when the service tool is used, a connector may be loose or the Eraser LED malfunctioning.



Erase fan error detected during read When plate is feeded:

• Eraser LED cooling fan

  s   e   u   r   s   a   e   m   r   e    t   n   u   o    C    &    t   n   e    t   n   o    C   e   g   a   s   s   e    M   r   o   r   r    E    4  .    3

error is detected when Eraser LED cooling Fan is running.

• No solid connection • Disconnection • Eraser LED cooling Fan malfunction

1. Use the ser service vice tool an and d confirm confirm that Eraser Eraser LED cooli cooling ng Fan is working. If not, take the following steps and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure. Eraser LED cooling Fan (JP8)-(MCN4)

- Replace Eraser LED cooling Fan.


Polygon lock error   After Polygon is turned on, Polygon lock is not detected until V-SYNC Sensor is turned on.


High voltage switch OFF error  DIPSW settin ing ge errror When sensors are checked upon initialization:

• No solid connection • Polygon malfunction

1. Confirm that all co connector nnectors s on MAIN_ MAIN_BOARD BOARD are secure. secure. (CN8, CN9) 2. Rep Replace lace expo exposur sure e unit. unit.

Tur n on H HV V ((h hig igh hv vo olt lta age) sw switch o on n MAI MAIN N_BO AR ARD.

• High voltage switch is i s OFF. 7414

Read complete timeout When plate is feeded:

MAIN_BOARD malfunction (FPGA abnormality)

If this error reoccurs, replace MAIN_BOARD.

High voltage error detected

• No solid connection

1. Confirm that all co connector nnectors s on MAIN_ MAIN_BOARD BOARD are secure. secure.

during initialization When optical device operation is checked during initialization:

• Disconnection •  ANALOG_BOARD

(CN3, CN10, CN11, CN12) 2. Confir Confirm m that all connecto connectors rs on ANALOG_BOARD ANALOG_BOARD are secure. secure. (CN1, CN2, CN3, CN4) 3. Confirm that al alll wires are firmly con connected nected.. 4. Rep Replace lace light light collectio collection n unit.

• Timeout occurs before confirmation of completion of image scanning. 7415

• High voltage error is

malfunction (high voltage)

detected while Laser is on. 7416

High voltage error detected during read When plate is feeded:

•  An error is detected during high voltage output.


High voltage READY standby timeout Ready signal is not activated and a timeout occurs when high voltage value is being specified.

• No solid connection • Disconnection •  ANALOG_BOARD malfunction (high voltage)

• No solid connection • Disconnection •  ANALOG_BOARD malfunction (high voltage)

1. Confirm that all co connector nnectors s on MAIN_ MAIN_BOARD BOARD are secure. secure. (CN3, CN10, CN11, CN12) 2. Confir Confirm m that all connecto connectors rs on ANALOG_BOARD ANALOG_BOARD are secure. secure. (CN1, CN2, CN3, CN4) 3. Confirm that al alll wires are firmly con connected nected.. 4. Rep Replace lace light light collectio collection n unit. 1. Confirm that all co connector nnectors s on MAIN_ MAIN_BOARD BOARD are secure. secure. (CN3, CN10, CN11, CN12) 2. Confir Confirm m that all connecto connectors rs on ANALOG_BOARD ANALOG_BOARD are secure. secure. (CN1, CN2, CN3, CN4) 3. Confirm that al alll wires are firmly con connected nected.. 4. Rep Replace lace light light collectio collection n unit.


REGIUS /II Service Manual


Chapter 3 Troubleshooting

Error code 7418

Error Name/Description

Possible causes if solutions provided in Operation Manual do not resolve the issue (including reoccurrence)

HSYNC count error during read When plate is feeded:

• No solid connection • Hsync Sensor malfunction • Laser malfunction

1. Confirm that all co connector nnectors s on MAIN_ MAIN_BOARD BOARD are secure. secure. (CN8, CN9) 2. Rep Replace lace expo exposur sure e unit. unit.

• • • •

1. Confirm that all co connector nnectors s on MAIN_ MAIN_BOARD BOARD are secure. secure. (CN8, CN9) 2. Rep Replace lace expo exposur sure e unit. unit.

• Within a set time frame

Countermeasure (Please take the following steps to diagnose and the problem.)

after Laser is turned on, HSync counter only goes up to 7. 7419

PID signal detection error during read When plate is feeded:

• When HSync counter exceeds 7 after Laser is turned on, PID signal is not ON. 7420

AD converter error detected during initialization When Gain Offset is calculated during initialization:

No solid connection Polygon malfunction Hsync Sensor malfunction Laser malfunction

MAIN_BOARD malfunction (AD converter abnormality)

1. Cha Change nge the the main main boar board. d.

•  AD converter error is


detected. 7421

AD converter error detected during read When plate is feeded:

MAIN_BOARD malfunction (AD converter abnormality)

1. Cha Change nge the the main main boar board. d.

MAIN_BOARD malfunction (AD converter abnormality)

1. Cha Change nge the the main main boar board. d.

•  AD converter error is detected. 7422

AD converter error detected during reference current read When reference current value is being read:

•  AD converter error is detected.

3.4.6 76xx: 76xx: Single Single Unit Operation Operation Image Image Read Read Related Related Error Errors s Error code 7600

Error Name/Description

Single unit operation: Polygon lock timeout during initialization When optical device operation is checked during initialization:

Possible causes if solutions provided in Operation Manual do not resolve the issue (including reoccurrence)

Countermeasure (Please take the following steps to diagnose and the problem.)

• No solid connection • Polygon malfunction

1. Confirm that all co connector nnectors s on MAIN_ MAIN_BOARD BOARD are secure. secure. (CN8, CN9) 2. Rep Replace lace expo exposur sure e unit. unit.

• No solid connection • Hsync Sensor malfunction • Laser malfunction

1. Confirm that all co connector nnectors s on MAIN_ MAIN_BOARD BOARD are secure. secure. (CN8, CN9) 2. Rep Replace lace expo exposur sure e unit. unit.

• Within a set time frame after Polygon is turned on, Polygon lock is not detected. 7601

Single unit operation: HSYNC count error during initialization When optical device operation is checked during initialization:

• Within a set time frame after Laser is turned on, HSync counter only goes up to 7.

  s   e   u   r   s   a   e   m   r   e    t   n   u   o    C    &    t   n   e    t   n   o    C   e   g   a   s   s   e    M   r   o   r    E   r    4  .    3

REGIUS /II Service Manual



Chapter 3 Troubleshooting

Error code 7602

Error Name/Description

Single unit operation: PID signal detection error during initialization When optical device operation is checked during initialization:

Possible causes if solutions provided in Operation Manual do not resolve the issue (including reoccurrence)

Countermeasure (Please take the following steps to diagnose and the problem.)

• No solid connection • Polygon malfunction

1. Confirm that all co connector nnectors s on MAIN_ MAIN_BOARD BOARD are secure. secure. (CN8, CN9) 2. Rep Replace lace expo exposur sure e unit. unit.

• No solid connection • Disconnection • Eraser LED malfunction

1. Use the ser service vice tool an and d confirm that that the Eraser Eraser LED com comes es on with the upper door open. If not, take the following steps and replace parts as required:

• When HSync counter exceeds 7 after Laser is turned on, PID signal is not ON. 7603

Single unit operation: Eraser LED error detected during initialization When Eraser LED cooling fan connection is checked during initialization:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure. LED_DRIVE2_BOARD(CN1, CN2, CN3, CN4) (LCN2)-(JP35-1)(JP35-2)-(JP36-1)(JP36-2)-(MCN5) (LCN3)-(JP37)(JJ37)-(MCN2)

• Eraser LED error is detected.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Replace Eraser Unit Assy.



The luminous intensity of LED is high. Do not look directly at the LED.

  s   e   u   r   s   a   e   m   r   e    t   n   u   o    C    &    t   n   e    t   n   o    C   e   g   a   s   s   e    M   r   o   r    E   r    4  .    3


Even if the Eraser LED comes on when the service tool is used, a connector may be loose or the Eraser LED malfunctioning. 7604

Single unit operation: Erase fan error detection during initialization When Eraser LED cooling fan connection is checked during initialization:

• No solid connection • Disconnection • Eraser LED cooling Fan malfunction

1. Use the ser service vice tool an and d confirm confirm that Eraser Eraser LED cooli cooling ng Fan is working. If not, take the following steps and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure. Eraser LED cooling Fan (JP8)-(MCN4)

- Replace Eraser LED cooling Fan.

• Eraser LED cooling fan error is detected. 7605

Single unit operation: Analog board disconnection error  Gain Offset calculation during initialization

• The difference between

• No solid connection • Disconnection •  ANALOG_BOARD malfunction

average pixels at 10 A

1. Confirm that all co connector nnectors s on MAIN_ MAIN_BOARD BOARD are secure. secure. (CN3, CN10, CN11, CN12) 2. Confir Confirm m that all connecto connectors rs on ANALOG_BOARD ANALOG_BOARD are secure. secure. (CN1, CN2, CN3, CN4) 3. Confirm that al alll wires are firmly con connected nected.. 4. Rep Replace lace light light collectio collection n unit.

and 100 A is smaller than threshold value. 7606

Single unit operation: Gain overflow Gain Offset calculation during initialization

• Gain value is larger than 0x00020000. 7607

Single unit operation: Gain underflow Gain Offset calculation during initialization

• Gain value is smaller than 0x00000000. 7608

Single unit operation: Offset overflow Gain Offset calculation during initialization

• Off set value is larger than 0x30000000.

• No solid connection • Disconnection •  ANALOG_BOARD malfunction (AD Converter malfunction)

• No solid connection • Disconnection •  ANALOG_BOARD malfunction (AD Converter malfunction)

1. Confirm that all co connector nnectors s on MAIN_ MAIN_BOARD BOARD are secure. secure. (CN3, CN10, CN11, CN12) 2. Confir Confirm m that all connecto connectors rs on ANALOG_BOARD ANALOG_BOARD are secure. secure. (CN1, CN2, CN3, CN4) 3. Confirm that al alll wires are firmly con connected nected.. 4. Rep Replace lace light light collectio collection n unit. 1. Confirm that all co connector nnectors s on MAIN_ MAIN_BOARD BOARD are secure. secure. (CN3, CN10, CN11, CN12) 2. Confir Confirm m that all connecto connectors rs on ANALOG_BOARD ANALOG_BOARD are secure. secure. (CN1, CN2, CN3, CN4) 3. Confirm that al alll wires are firmly con connected nected.. 4. Rep Replace lace light light collectio collection n unit.

• No solid connection • Disconnection

1. Confirm that all co connector nnectors s on MAIN_ MAIN_BOARD BOARD are secure. secure. (CN3, CN10, CN11, CN12)


2. Confir Confirm m that all connecto connectors rs on ANALOG_BOARD ANALOG_BOARD are secure. secure. (CN1, CN2, CN3, CN4) 3. Confirm that al alll wires are firmly con connected nected.. 4. Rep Replace lace light light collectio collection n unit.

malfunction (AD Converter malfunction)


REGIUS /II Service Manual


Chapter 3 Troubleshooting

Error code 7609

Error Name/Description

Single unit operation: Offset underflow Gain Offset calculation during initialization

• Off set value is smaller than 0xe0000000. 7610

Single unit operation: Eraser LED error detected during scanning When plate is feeded:

Possible causes if solutions provided in Operation Manual do not resolve the issue (including reoccurrence)

• No solid connection • Disconnection •  ANALOG_BOARD malfunction (AD Converter malfunction)

• No solid connection • Disconnection • Eraser LED malfunction

• Eraser LED error is

Countermeasure (Please take the following steps to diagnose and the problem.) 1. Confirm that all co connector nnectors s on MAIN_ MAIN_BOARD BOARD are secure. secure. (CN3, CN10, CN11, CN12) 2. Confir Confirm m that all connecto connectors rs on ANALOG_BOARD ANALOG_BOARD are secure. secure. (CN1, CN2, CN3, CN4) 3. Confirm that al alll wires are firmly con connected nected.. 4. Rep Replace lace light light collectio collection n unit. 1. Use the ser service vice tool an and d confirm that that the Eraser Eraser LED com comes es on with the upper door open. If not, take the following steps and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure. LED_DRIVE2_BOARD(CN1, CN2, CN3, CN4) (LCN2)-(JP35-1)(JP35-2)-(JP36-1)(JP36-2)-(MCN5) (LCN3)-(JP37)(JJ37)-(MCN2)

detected while Eraser LED lamp is on.

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Replace Eraser Unit Assy.  UTION CAUTION

The luminous intensity of LED is high. Do not look directly at the LED.


Even if the Eraser LED comes on when the service tool is used, a connector may be loose or the Eraser LED malfunctioning. 7611

Single unit operation: Erase fan error detected during read When plate is feeded:

• Eraser LED cooling fan error is detected when Eraser LED cooling Fan is running.

• No solid connection • Disconnection • Eraser LED cooling Fan malfunction

1. Use the ser service vice tool a and nd confirm confirm that Eraser Eraser LED cooli cooling ng Fan is working. If not, take the following steps and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure. Eraser LED cooling Fan (JP8)-(MCN4)

- Replace Eraser LED cooling Fan.


Single unit operation: Polygon lock error   After Polygon is turned on, Polygon lock is not detected until V-SYNC Sensor is turned on.

• No solid connection • Polygon malfunction

1. Confirm that all co connector nnectors s on MAIN_ MAIN_BOARD BOARD are secure. secure. (CN8, CN9) 2. Rep Replace lace expo exposur sure e unit. unit.


Single unit operation: High voltage switch OFF error  When sensors are checked upon initialization:

DIPSW settin ing ge errror

Tur n on H HV V ((h hig igh hv vo olt lta age) sw switch o on n MAI MAIN N_BO AR ARD.

• High voltage switch is i s OFF. 7614

Single unit operation: Read complete timeout When plate is feeded:

MAIN_BOARD malfunction (FPGA abnormality)

If this error reoccurs, replace MAIN_BOARD.

• No solid connection • Disconnection •  ANALOG_BOARD

1. Confirm that all co connector nnectors s on MAIN_ MAIN_BOARD BOARD are secure. secure. (CN3, CN10, CN11, CN12) 2. Confir Confirm m that all connecto connectors rs on ANALOG_BOARD ANALOG_BOARD are secure. secure. (CN1, CN2, CN3, CN4) 3. Confirm that al alll wires are firmly con connected nected.. 4. Rep Replace lace light light collectio collection n unit.

• Timeout occurs before confirmation of completion of image scanning. 7615

Single unit operation: High voltage error detected during initialization When optical device operation is checked during initialization:

malfunction (high voltage)

• High voltage error is detected while Laser is on. 7616

Single unit operation: High voltage error detected during read When plate is feeded:

•  An error is detected during high voltage output.

• No solid connection • Disconnection •  ANALOG_BOARD malfunction (high voltage)

1. Confirm that all co connector nnectors s on MAIN_ MAIN_BOARD BOARD are secure. secure. (CN3, CN10, CN11, CN12) 2. Confir Confirm m that all connecto connectors rs on ANALOG_BOARD ANALOG_BOARD are secure. secure. (CN1, CN2, CN3, CN4) 3. Confirm that al alll wires are firmly con connected nected.. 4. Rep Replace lace light light collectio collection n unit.

  s   e   u   r   s   a   e   m   r   e    t   n   u   o    C    &    t   n   e    t   n   o    C   e   g   a   s   s   e    M   r   o   r    E   r    4  .    3

REGIUS /II Service Manual



Chapter 3 Troubleshooting

Error code 7617

Error Name/Description

Single unit operation: High voltage READY standby timeout Ready signal is not activated and a timeout occurs when high voltage value is being

Possible causes if solutions provided in Operation Manual do not resolve the issue (including reoccurrence)

• No solid connection • Disconnection •  ANALOG_BOARD malfunction (high voltage)

specified. 7618

Single unit operation: HSYNC count error during read When plate is feeded:

• Within a set time frame

Countermeasure (Please take the following steps to diagnose and the problem.) 1. Confirm that all co connector nnectors s on MAIN_ MAIN_BOARD BOARD are secure. secure. (CN3, CN10, CN11, CN12) 2. Confir Confirm m that all connecto connectors rs on ANALOG_BOARD ANALOG_BOARD are secure. secure. (CN1, CN2, CN3, CN4) 3. Confirm that al alll wires are firmly con connected nected.. 4. Rep Replace lace light light collectio collection n unit.

• No solid connection • Hsync Sensor malfunction • Laser malfunction

1. Confirm that all co connector nnectors s on MAIN_ MAIN_BOARD BOARD are secure. secure. (CN8, CN9) 2. Rep Replace lace expo exposur sure e unit. unit.

• • • •

1. Confirm that all co connector nnectors s on MAIN_ MAIN_BOARD BOARD are secure. secure. (CN8, CN9) 2. Rep Replace lace expo exposur sure e unit. unit.

after Laser is turned on, HSync counter only goes up to 7. 7619

• When HSync counter

3   s   e   u   r   s   a   e   m   r   e    t   n   u   o    C    &    t   n   e    t   n   o    C   e   g   a   s   s   e    M   r   o   r    E   r    4  .    3

Single unit operation: PID signal detection error during read When plate is feeded:

No solid connection Polygon malfunction Hsync Sensor malfunction Laser malfunction

exceeds 7 after Laser is turned on, PID signal is not ON. 7620

Single unit operation: AD converter error detected during initialization When Gain Offset is calculated during initialization:

MAIN_BOARD malfunction (AD converter abnormality)

1. Cha Change nge the the main main boar board. d.

MAIN_BOARD malfunction (AD converter abnormality)

1. Cha Change nge the the main main boar board. d.

MAIN_BOARD malfunction (AD converter abnormality)

1. Cha Change nge the the main main boar board. d.

The communication control version is for .

1. Use the REGIU REGIUS S SIGMA update kit V1. V1.10R00 10R00 or higher, higher, to upd update ate it.

The reader version is for .

1. Use the REGIU REGIUS S SIGMA update kit V1. V1.10R00 10R00 or higher, higher, to upd update ate it.

•  AD converter error is detected. 7621

Single unit operation: AD converter error detected during read When plate is feeded:

•  AD converter error is detected. 7622

Single unit operation: AD converter error detected during reference current read When reference current value is being read: converter error is •  AD detected.


Version inconsistency when reading: Communication control error When reading

• Detected that the communication control version is for . 7651

Version inconsistency when reading: Reader error When reading

• Detected that the reader version is for .


REGIUS /II Service Manual


Chapter 3 Troubleshooting

3.4.7 3.4 .7 77xx: 77xx: FPGA, FPGA, SDRA SDRAM M Relat Related ed Er Error rors s  in

the SC (Service Call) error column indicates that error cannot be corrected by opening/closing the door or turning power on/off.In order to clear error, use the service tool.Please refer to Section "3.2 Recovery Operation", Operation", " Dealing with a Service Call Error (Page 3-2)" . Error code 7700



Error Name/Description

Possible causes if solutions provided in Operation Manual do not resolve the issue (including reoccurrence)

Countermeasure (Please take the following steps to diagnose and the problem.)

FPGA configuration timeout

MAIN_BOARD malfunction

If power OFF/ON does not clear the error, there may be a

FPGA occurs.configuration timeout

(FPGA abnormality)

firmware problem. Upgrade the firmware and Confirm that the same error reoccurs. If reloading/upgrading firmware still does not clear the error, that indicates the main board is damaged.MAIN_BOARD needs to be replaced.

SDRAM initialization timeout SDRAM initialization timeout occurs.

• Firmware problem • MAIN_BOARD

1. Upg Upgrade rade the firmwar firmware. e. 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board..

Irregularity correction: SDRAM write error during startup process During startup process:

MAIN_BOARD malfunction (SDRAM abnormality)

SC Error 

malfunction (SDRAM abnormality) 1. Cha Change nge the the main main boar board. d.


• Irregularity correction data is not transmitted to SDRAM. 7711

FPGA setting error when image is being sent When image is being sent:

1. Cha Change nge the the main main boar board. d.

MAIN_BOARD malfunction (FPGA abnormality)

1. Cha Change nge the the main main boar board. d.

MAIN_BOARD malfunction (Flash ROM abnormality)

1. Cha Change nge the the main main boar board. d.

MAIN_BOARD malfunction (FPGA abnormality)

• Clearing FPGA Out-FIFO and setting up of DMA transmission has failed. 7712

FPGA setting error when reference current/image is being read When reference current is being read:

• Clearing FPGA Out-FIFO and setting up of DMA transmission has failed. 7713

Flash ROM erase failure during serial number change When serial number is changed:

• Flash ROM sector cannot be erased.


Flash ROM write failure during serial number process When serial number is changed:

MAIN_BOARD malfunction (Flash ROM abnormality)

1. Cha Change nge the the main main boar board. d.

MAIN_BOARD malfunction (Flash ROM abnormality)

1. Cha Change nge the the main main boar board. d.

• Data is not recorded on Flash ROM. 7715

Flash ROM erase failure during mechanical counter count up When mechanical counter is counting up:

• Flash ROM sector cannot be erased.

  s   e   u   r   s   a   e   m   r   e    t   n   u   o    C    &    t   n   e    t   n   o    C   e   g   a   s   s   e    M   r   o   r    E   r    4  .    3

REGIUS /II Service Manual



Chapter 3 Troubleshooting

Error code 7716

Error Name/Description

Flash ROM write failure during mechanical counter count up When mechanical counter is counting up:

Possible causes if solutions provided in Operation Manual do not resolve the issue (including reoccurrence)

Countermeasure (Please take the following steps to diagnose and the problem.)

SC Error 

MAIN_BOARD malfunction (Flash ROM abnormality)

1. Cha Change nge the the main main boar board. d.

MAIN_BOARD malfunction (Flash ROM abnormality)

1. Cha Change nge the the main main boar board. d.

MAIN_BOARD malfunction (SDRAM abnormality)

1. Cha Change nge the the main main boar board. d.

MAIN_BOARD malfunction (FPGA abnormality)

1. Cha Change nge the the main main boar board. d.

MAIN_BOARD malfunction (SDRAM abnormality)

1. Cha Change nge the the main main boar board. d.

MAIN_BOARD malfunction (FPGA abnormality)

1. Cha Change nge the the main main boar board. d.

MAIN_BOARD malfunction (SDRAM abnormality)

1. Cha Change nge the the main main boar board. d.

MAIN_BOARD malfunction (FPGA abnormality)

1. Cha Change nge the the main main boar board. d.

• Data is not recorded on Flash ROM. 7717

Flash ROM erase failure during mechanical counter clearing When mechanical counter clearing is running:

• Flash ROM sector cannot be erased. 7718


Sensitivity correction: SDRAM write failure during data transmission When sensitivity correction data is being transmitted:

• Data not recorded to SRAM.

  s   e   u   r   s   a   e   m   r   e    t   n   u   o    C    &    t   n   e    t   n   o    C   e   g   a   s   s   e    M   r   o   r


Sensitivity correction: FPGA DMA transmission settings failure during data transmission When sensitivity correction data is being transmitted:

• Clearing FPGA Out-FIFO and setting up of DMA transmission have failed. 7720

Unit setup: SDRAM write failure during data transmission When unit setting data is being transmitted:

• Data not recorded to SRAM. 7721

   E   r    4  .    3

Unit setup: FPGA DMA transmission settings failure during data transmission When unit setting data is being transmitted:

• Clearing FPGA Out-FIFO and setting up of DMA transmission have failed. 7722

Irregularity correction: SDRAM write failure during data transmission When irregularity correction data is being transmitted:

• Data not recorded to SRAM. 7723

Irregularity correction: FPGA DMA transmission settings failure during data transmission When irregularity correction data is being transmitted:

• Clearing FPGA Out-FIFO and setting up of DMA transmission have failed.


REGIUS /II Service Manual


Chapter 3 Troubleshooting

Error code 7724

Error Name/Description

Log: SDRAM write failure during data transmission When log data is being transmitted:

Possible causes if solutions provided in Operation Manual do not resolve the issue (including reoccurrence)

Countermeasure (Please take the following steps to diagnose and the problem.)

SC Error 

MAIN_BOARD malfunction (SDRAM abnormality)

1. Cha Change nge the the main main boar board. d.

MAIN_BOARD malfunction (FPGA abnormality)

1. Cha Change nge the the main main boar board. d.

MAIN_BOARD malfunction (SDRAM abnormality)

1. Cha Change nge the the main main boar board. d.

• Data not recorded to SRAM. 7725

Log: FPGA DMA transmission settings failure during data transmission When log data is being transmitted:

• Clearing FPGA Out-FIFO and setting up of DMA transmission have failed. 7726

Counter: SDRAM write failure during data transmission When counter data is being transmitted:

• Data not recorded to


SRAM. 7727

Counter: FPGA DMA transmission settings failure during data transmission When counter data is being transmitted:

MAIN_BOARD malfunction (FPGA abnormality)

1. Cha Change nge the the main main boar board. d.

MAIN_BOARD malfunction (SDRAM abnormality)

1. Cha Change nge the the main main boar board. d.

MAIN_BOARD malfunction (FPGA abnormality)

1. Cha Change nge the the main main boar board. d.

• Clearing FPGA Out-FIFO and setting up of DMA transmission have failed. 7728

CC save data: SDRAM write failure during data transmission When CC save data is being transmitted:

• Data not recorded to SRAM. 7729

CC save data: FPGA DMA transmission settings failure during data transmission When CC save data is being transmitted:

   E   r    4  .    3

• Clearing FPGA Out-FIFO and setting up of DMA transmission have failed.


Sensitivity correction: SDRAM read failure during data receiving When sensitivity correction data is being received:

MAIN_BOARD malfunction (SDRAM abnormality)

1. Cha Change nge the the main main boar board. d.

MAIN_BOARD malfunction (Flash ROM abnormality)

1. Cha Change nge the the main main boar board. d.

• SDRAM readout fails. 7731

Sensitivity correction: Flash ROM erase failure during data receiving When sensitivity correction data is being received:

• Flash ROM sector cannot be erased.

  s   e   u   r   s   a   e   m   r   e    t   n   u   o    C    &    t   n   e    t   n   o    C   e   g   a   s   s   e    M   r   o   r

REGIUS /II Service Manual



Chapter 3 Troubleshooting

Error code 7732

Error Name/Description

Sensitivity correction: Flash ROM write failure during data receiving When sensitivity correction data is being received:

Possible causes if solutions provided in Operation Manual do not resolve the issue (including reoccurrence)

Countermeasure (Please take the following steps to diagnose and the problem.)

SC Error 

MAIN_BOARD malfunction (Flash ROM abnormality)

1. Cha Change nge the the main main boar board. d.

MAIN_BOARD malfunction (SDRAM abnormality)

1. Cha Change nge the the main main boar board. d.

MAIN_BOARD malfunction (Flash ROM abnormality)

1. Cha Change nge the the main main boar board. d.

MAIN_BOARD malfunction (Flash ROM abnormality)

1. Cha Change nge the the main main boar board. d.

MAIN_BOARD malfunction (SDRAM abnormality)

1. Cha Change nge the the main main boar board. d.

MAIN_BOARD malfunction (SDRAM abnormality)

1. Cha Change nge the the main main boar board. d.

MAIN_BOARD malfunction (Flash ROM abnormality)

1. Cha Change nge the the main main boar board. d.

MAIN_BOARD malfunction (Flash ROM abnormality)

1. Cha Change nge the the main main boar board. d.

MAIN_BOARD malfunction (SDRAM abnormality)

1. Cha Change nge the the main main boar board. d.

Counter: SDRAM read failure

MAIN_BOARD malfunction

1. Cha Change nge the the main main boar board. d.

during data receiving When counter data is being received:

(SDRAM abnormality)

• Data is not recorded on Flash ROM. 7733

Unit setup: SDRAM read failure during data receiving When unit setting data is being received:

• SDRAM readout fails. 7734

Unit setup: Flash ROM erase failure during data receiving When unit setting data is being received:

• Flash ROM sector cannot be erased.

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Unit setup: Flash ROM write failure during data receiving When unit setting data is being received: Data is not recorded on

• Flash ROM. 7736

Irregularity correction: SDRAM read failure during data receiving When irregularity correction data is being received:

• SDRAM readout fails. 7737

Irregularity correction: SDRAM development failure during data receiving When irregularity correction data is being received:

• SDRAM development fails. 7738

   E   r    4  .    3

Irregularity correction: Flash ROM erase failure during data receiving When irregularity correction data is being received:

• Flash ROM sector cannot be erased. 7739

Irregularity correction: Flash ROM write failure during data receiving When irregularity correction data is being received:

• Data is not recorded on Flash ROM. 7740

Firmware: SDRAM read failure during data receiving When firmware data is being received:

• SDRAM readout fails. 7741

• SDRAM readout fails.


REGIUS /II Service Manual


Chapter 3 Troubleshooting

Error code 7742

Error Name/Description

Counter: Flash ROM erase failure during data receiving When counter data is being received:

Possible causes if solutions provided in Operation Manual do not resolve the issue (including reoccurrence)

Countermeasure (Please take the following steps to diagnose and the problem.)

SC Error 

MAIN_BOARD malfunction (Flash ROM abnormality)

1. Cha Change nge the the main main boar board. d.

MAIN_BOARD malfunction (Flash ROM abnormality)

1. Cha Change nge the the main main boar board. d.

MAIN_BOARD malfunction (SDRAM abnormality)

1. Cha Change nge the the main main boar board. d.

MAIN_BOARD malfunction (Flash ROM abnormality)

1. Cha Change nge the the main main boar board. d.

• Flash ROM sector cannot be erased. 7743

Counter: Flash ROM write failure during data receiving When counter data is being received:

• Data is not recorded on Flash ROM. 7744

CC save data: SDRAM read failure during data receiving When CC save data is being received:

• SDRAM readout fails. 7745

CC save data: Flash ROM erase failure during data receiving When CC save data is being received: ROM sector cannot • Flash be erased.


CC save data: Flash ROM write failure during data receiving When CC save data is being received:

MAIN_BOARD malfunction (Flash ROM abnormality)

1. Cha Change nge the the main main boar board. d.

Damage to the data restored at the time of [PCB] (inside ImagePilot)

1. Res Restore tore appro appropria priate te data. data.

Damage to the data restored

1. Res Restore tore appro appropria priate te data. data.

• Data is not recorded on Flash ROM. 7750

Sensitivity correction: Incoming data error during data receiving When sensitivity correction data is being received:

• Problem is detected with received data. 7751

Unit setup: Incoming data error during data receiving When unit setting data is being received: received data. Irregularity correction: Incoming data error during data receiving When irregularity correction data is being received:

Damage to the data restored at the time of [PCB] (inside ImagePilot)

1. Res Restore tore appro appropria priate te data. data.

Damage to firmware update data (inside ImagePilot)

1. Upgra Upgrade de firmw firmware are usin using g unda undamaged maged data. data.

• Problem is detected with received data. 7753

Firmware: Incoming data error during data receiving (FPGA configuration data) When firmware data is being received:

• Problem is detected with FPGA configuration data of firmware data.

  s   e   u   r   s   a   e   m   r   e    t   n   u   o    C    &    t   n   e    t   n   o    C   e   g   a   s   s   e    M   r   o   r    E   r    4  .    3

at the time of [PCB] (inside ImagePilot)

• Problem is detected with 7752


REGIUS /II Service Manual



Chapter 3 Troubleshooting

Error code 7754

Error Name/Description

Firm: Incoming data error during data receiving (boot loader) When firmware data is being received:

Possible causes if solutions provided in Operation Manual do not resolve the issue (including reoccurrence)

Countermeasure (Please take the following steps to diagnose and the problem.)

Damage to firmware update data (inside ImagePilot)

1. Upgra Upgrade de firmw firmware are usin using g unda undamaged maged data. data.

Damage to firmware update data (inside ImagePilot)

1. Upgra Upgrade de firmw firmware are usin using g unda undamaged maged data. data.

Damage to firmware update data (inside ImagePilot)

1. Upgra Upgrade de firmw firmware are usin using g unda undamaged maged data. data.

Damage to firmware update data (inside ImagePilot)

1. Upgra Upgrade de firmw firmware are usin using g unda undamaged maged data. data.

• USB connection was lost

1. Confi Confirm rm that the USB cabl cable e connect connection ion is secure and update update again. 2. Updat Update e using using u undama ndamaged ged data data..

• Problem is detected with boot loader data of firmware data. 7755

Firmware: Incoming data error during data receiving (main firm 1) When firmware data is being received:

• Problem is detected with main firm data 1 of firmware data. 7756

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Firmware: Incoming data error during data receiving (main firm 2) When firmware data is being received:

• Problem is detected with main firm data 2 of 7757

firmware data. Firm: Incoming data error during data receiving (update) When firmware data is being received:

• Problem is detected with upgrade data of firmware data. 7758

Firm: Incoming data error during data receiving (type code error) When firmware data is being received:

• Problem is detected with

during data transfer.

• Update data for firmware is damaged. (data inside ImagePilot)

model code of firmware data. 7759

Firm: Incoming data error

Damage to the data restored

during data receiving (size error) When firmware data is being received:

at the time of [PCB] (inside ImagePilot)

• Problem is detected with size of firmware data.

1. Res Restore tore appro appropria priate te data. data.

SC Error 


REGIUS /II Service Manual


Chapter 3 Troubleshooting

3. 3.4 4.8 780 780x: Othe ther  Error code

Error Name/Description

Possible causes if solutions provided in Operation Manual do not resolve the issue (including reoccurrence)

Countermeasure (Please take the following steps to diagnose and the problem.)


Cassette size inconsistency Job search result and size of the loaded cassette do not match.


1. Turn Turn Rea Reader der po power wer OFF/ON. OFF/ON. 2. Turn b both oth the IImagePilo magePilott and Reader Reader OFF/ON OFF/ON..


Irregularity correction data error  Cassette size obtained when irregularity correction data is received is smaller than cassette size for actual job.

Irregularity calibration has been conducted with the cassette size smaller than the size for actual job.

Perform irregularity calibration using cassette in maximum size for the facility.


Re-erase run error   At the time of re-erase:


1. Erase imag image e for non-aeration non-aeration plat plate e and Confi Confirm rm that this error error occurs. If this error still occurs, Reader may be malfunctioning.Then, Confirm that image can be read.

•  Abnormal value for erase reference


• Light Collection Unit malfunction

• Plate defect

- If so, replace MAIN_BOARD. - If not, replace both light collection unit and MAIN_BOARD. 2. Cha Change nge the plate. plate. (If the problem persists when the same plate is used, the plate may be damaged.)


Job parameter error  Parameter of job search result

Sett Settin ings gs be beyo yond nd ca capa pabi bilit lity y

Revi Review ew sett settin ing g ffor or Im Imag ageP ePil ilot ot.. HINT

is abnormal.

This device supports scanning only at 175/87.5m and standard sensitivity.

3. 3.4. 4.9 9 78 781x 1x:: Door Door st stat atus us Error code 7810

Error Name/Description

Upper door open Upper door is open.Rear door and left door are closed.

Possible causes if solutions provided in Operation Manual do not resolve the issue (including reoccurrence)

• Sensor malfunction • No solid connection • Disconnection

Countermeasure (Please take the following steps to diagnose and the problem.) 1. Use the servi service ce tool to confirm confirm that Interlock Interlock 1 (Upper (Upper Door Sensor) Sensor) is working. If not, take the following steps and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure. Interlock 1 -(JP22-1)(JP22-2)-(JP30-1)(JP30-2)-(MCN6)

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Change the sensor. 7811

Rear Door: Open Rear door is open.Left door is closed.(It is unknown if upper Door is open.)

• Sensor malfunction • No solid connection • Disconnection

1. Use the servi service ce tool to confirm confirm that Interlock Interlock 2 (Lower (Lower Door Sensor) Sensor) is working. If not, take the following steps and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure. Interlock2 - (JP31-1)(JP31-2)-(JP36-1)(JP36-2)-(MCN5)

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Change the sensor. 7812

Left door: open Left door is open.(It is unknown if upper door/rear door is open.)

• Sensor malfunction • No solid connection • Disconnection

1. Use the service ttool ool to confirm that that Left Door Door Open/Close Open/Close Sensor is working. If not, take the following steps and replace parts as required:

- Confirm that all connectors are secure. Left Door Open/Close Sensor (JP13)-(MCN7)

- Confirm that all wires are firmly connected. - Change the sensor.

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REGIUS /II Service Manual



Chapter 3 Troubleshooting

3.4.10 3.4.1 0 782x: 782x: Warning Warnings s These are warning messages. Error codes will not be displayed in message dialog window. Error code 7820

Error Name/Description

Cassette not inserted completely Cassette is not locked (is not properly inserted).



Possible causes if solutions provided in Operation Manual do not resolve the issue (including reoccurrence)

• Not properly inserted • Sensor malfunction • Lock mechanism damage

Cassette tray ejection failure Tray cannot be ejected due to cassette bolt mechanism failure to unlock. Temperature rise Thermometer detects a value that exceeds threshold when cassette is inserted.


Countermeasure (Please take the following steps to diagnose and the problem.) If warning message stays on after the cassette is properly inserted: 1. Che Check ck the the cas casset sette te slot. slot.

If this warning frequently appears: 1. Confir Confirm m that there there is a any ny damage damage to ca cassette ssette..

Sensor malfunction (Eraser LED)

1. Check de device vice usage environm environment ent and take take necessa necessary ry steps if there there is any problem.

- Confirm that the temperature is within specifications. - Confirm that the exhaust and intake vents are clear of obstructions. 2. Replac Replace e th the e Eraser Eraser Unit Assy. Assy.

3   s   e   u   r   s   a   e   m   r   e    t   n   u   o    C    &    t   n   e    t   n   o    C   e   g   a   s   s   e    M   r   o   r    E   r    4  .    3


Eraser LED count Eraser LED count exceeds threshold value during initialization.


1. Rep Replace lace Eraser Eraser U Unit nit Ass Assy y. IMPORTANT

 Aft  After er era eraser ser unit ass assy y is rep replace laced, d, per perfor form m [[LED LED drive drive boar board d coun counter ter clear.] on [Processing counter] screen of the service tool.

3.4.11 3.4.1 1 7999: Reader Reader Program Destroyed Error code 7999

Error Name/Description

Reader program destroyed Reader program is damaged and cannot be started. Retrieval function is running.(If retrieval function is not active, Reader cannot be detected.)

Possible causes if solutions provided in Operation Manual do not resolve the issue (including reoccurrence)

• Reader power turned OFF during update.

Countermeasure (Please take the following steps to diagnose and the problem.) 1. Upg Upgrade rade the program program.. 2. Cha Change nge the the main main board board..

• MAIN_BOARD malfunction (Flash ROM abnormality)

3.4.12 14xxx: Sensitivity Correction Error  Error code 14010

Error Name/Description

Sensitivity Correction Error  Result of sensitivity correction exceeds prescribed value.

Possible causes if solutions provided in Operation Manual do not resolve the issue (including reoccurrence)

• Improper scanning dose at the time of sensitivity correction

• Wrong setting value for sensitivity correction

• Plate defect •  ANALOG_BOARD malfunction

Countermeasure (Please take the following steps to diagnose and the problem.) 1. Check X-ray do dosage sage and "Ex "Exposure posure Dose" Dose" on [Sensitivity] [Sensitivity] screen and perform sensitivity correction again. 2. Perform s sensitivit ensitivity y correction correction using differen differentt plate. 3. Rep Replace lace light light collectio collection n unit.


REGIUS /II Service Manual


Chapter 3 Troubleshooting

Error code 14011

Error Name/Description

Sensitivity Correction Error  Result of sensitivity correction does not attain prescribed value.

Possible causes if solutions provided in Operation Manual do not resolve the issue (including reoccurrence)

• Improper scanning dose at the time of sensitivity correction

• Wrong setting value for

Countermeasure (Please take the following steps to diagnose and the problem.) 1. Check X-ray do dosage sage and "Ex "Exposure posure Dose" Dose" on [Sensitivity] [Sensitivity] screen and perform sensitivity correction again. 2. Perform s sensitivit ensitivity y correction correction using differen differentt plate. 3. Rep Replace lace light light collectio collection n unit.

sensitivity correction

• Plate defect •  ANALOG_BOARD malfunction

3.4.13 24xxx: JM Communication Communication Errors Error code 24000

Error Name/Description

JM connection error  JM cannot be connected.

Possible causes if solutions provided in Operation Manual do not resolve the issue (including reoccurrence) 1. Rea Reader der is connec connected ted before before completion of ImagePilot server startup. 2. LAN com commun municat ication ion can cannot not be established between

Countermeasure (Please take the following steps to diagnose and the problem.) 1. Che Check ck LAN cable cable conne connectio ction. n. 2. Con Confirm firm that that HUB po power wer is O ON. N. 3. Res Restar tartt Imag ImagePil ePilot. ot.

Reader connection destination and ImagePilot server.(if different PCs are used for the connection destination and ImagePilot server) 3. Prog Program ram ha has s faile failed d to sta start rt up.

3.4.14 25xxx: ImagePilot Connection Error  Error code


Error Name/Description

TCP connection failure Connection with ImagePilot/ the service tool cannot be established.

Possible causes if solutions provided in Operation Manual do not resolve the issue (including reoccurrence) disconnection (if • LAN different PCs are used for the connection destination and ImagePilot server)

Countermeasure (Please take the following steps to diagnose and the problem.) 1. Che Check ck LAN cable cable conne connectio ction. n. 2. Con Confirm firm that that HUB po power wer is O ON. N. 3. Res Restar tartt Imag ImagePil ePilot. ot.

• Program malfunction 25200

TCP disconnected (retry is possible) Connection with ImagePilot/ the service tool is aborted while image is being sent.(Image resend is supported. Image will be resent when connection resumes.)

• LAN disconnection (if different PCs are used for the connection destination and ImagePilot server)

• Program malfunction

1. Che Check ck LAN cable cable conne connectio ction. n. 2. Con Confirm firm that that HUB po power wer is O ON. N. 3. Res Restar tartt Imag ImagePil ePilot. ot. HINT

Restart of ImagePilot will erase the images.

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REGIUS /II Service Manual



Chapter 3 Troubleshooting

Error code 25300

Error Name/Description

TCP disconnected (retry is not possible) Connection with ImagePilot/ the service tool is aborted while image is being sent.(Image resend is not supported. Image will not be resent when connection resumes.)

Possible causes if solutions provided in Operation Manual do not resolve the issue (including reoccurrence)

• LAN disconnection (if different PCs are used for the connection destination and ImagePilot server)

Countermeasure (Please take the following steps to diagnose and the problem.) 1. Che Check ck LAN cable cable conne connectio ction. n. 2. Con Confirm firm that that HUB po power wer is O ON. N. 3. Res Restar tartt Imag ImagePil ePilot. ot.

• Program malfunction

3.4.15 26xxx: the service service tool Error  Error code

3   s   e   u   r   s   a   e   m   r   e    t   n   u   o    C    &    t   n   e    t   n   o    C   e   g   a   s   s   e    M   r   o   r    E   r    4  .    3


Error Name/Description

Possible causes if solutions provided in Operation Manual do not resolve the issue (including reoccurrence)

Unsupported mode job Reader cannot perform maintenance command.


Countermeasure (Please take the following steps to diagnose and the problem.) 1. Wait ffor or Read Reader er to com complete plete o operatio perations. ns.

3.4.16 27xxx: USB Related Errors Error code 27000




Error Name/Description

Possible causes if solutions provided in Operation Manual do not resolve the issue (including reoccurrence)

Image transmission interruption due to Reader power being OFF Process cannot be carried out because Reader power was turned off during the scan.

USB is disconnected while image data is being sent.The image cannot be resent even if Reader is restarted.

USB disconnected during calibration USB is disconnected while image data is being sent.

• USB disconnection • MAIN_BOARD

USB disconnected during execution of maintenance command USB is disconnected while maintenance command is being performed. This aborts maintenance operation.

• USB disconnection • MAIN_BOARD

Reader software version mismatch Program versions (for Reader and communication control) do not match.

•  A problem occurs during

Countermeasure (Please take the following steps to diagnose and the problem.) If the power was not manually turned off: 1. Che Check ck tthe he follo following wing::

- Power supply circuit breaker  - Power cable connection (including power supply port and power plug)



firmware update and ImagePilot update is not complete.

1. Confirm that USB cable co connecto nnectors rs are secure. secure. 2. Rep Replace lace USB cable(s) cable(s).. 3. Cha Change nge the the main main board board.. 1. Confirm that USB cable co connecto nnectors rs are secure. secure. 2. Rep Replace lace USB cable(s) cable(s).. 3. Cha Change nge the the main main board board..

1. With all Image ImagePilot Pilot programs programs activated, activated, use update update functions functions of the service tool to upgrade Reader and single communication control. Then, check [Program] screen to see if all ImagePilot communication controls (except the client that Reader is connected) are upgraded to the latest version. IMPORTANT

Upgrade must be done with all ImagePilot programs activated. 2. Cha Change nge the the main main boar board. d.


REGIUS /II Service Manual


Chapter 3 Troubleshooting

Error code

Error Name/Description

Possible causes if solutions provided in Operation Manual do not resolve the issue (including reoccurrence)

Countermeasure (Please take the following steps to diagnose and the problem.)

New reader detected with cassette process in progress  Another Reader (that is in scanning operation) is detected.(The PC connected to a Reader cannot continue image transmission.)

• Other PC is receiving the


Changed to different reader during image reading.  A Reader is disconnected from UBS and another Reader is connected during the reading process.

 A Reader is disconnected from UBS and another Reader is connected during the reading process.


Reader inoperable When Reader(s) is already connected, another reader is connected.

Two or more Readers are connected to a system.

Disconnect all Readers except the one that needs to be operated.(Do this process while Readers are in standby state.)


USB disconnected during reading USB is disconnected during reading.

• USB disconnection • MAIN_BOARD

1. Confirm that USB cable co connecto nnectors rs are secure. secure. 2. Rep Replace lace USB cable(s) cable(s).. 3. Cha Change nge the the main main board board..


image, and the Reader that is transmitting image data is connected.

• ImagePilot that is connected to Reader is restarted during image transmission.


If Reader connection is changed: If possible, reconnect the Reader to ImagePilot that begins receiving image. If not, remove cassette and plate and turn OFF/ON the Reader. If ImagePilot is restarted: Remove cassette and plate and turn OFF/ON the Reader.

Connect the USB back to the original Reader. If this cannot be done, remove cassette and plate and turn OFF/ ON the Reader.Then, restart ImagePilot.

3   s   e   u   r   s   a   e   m   r   e    t   n   u   o    C    &    t   n   e    t   n   o    C   e   g   a   s   s   e    M   r   o   r    E   r    4  .    3

REGIUS /II Service Manual



Chapter 3 Troubleshooting

3.5 Cou Counte nterm rmeas easure ures s ffor or dea dealin ling gw with ith problems not displayed as error messages

3.5. 3.5.4 4 Defe Defect ctiv ive e ima image ge If an image is defective, take the appropriate steps to deal with it. Problem Image or erase remnants

3. 3.5. 5.1 1 Devi Device ce Soun Sound d Examine the area where an abnormal noise was heard, then confirm the following.

Countermeasure If the Eraser LED warning indication is on, replace the Eraser LED. (Refer to "5.3.3 Changing the Eraser Unit Assy (Eraser LED) (Page 5-27)") 5-27)") Leave the following content to the customer.

• Check gear tooth surface (if a gear tooth is chipped, an

abnormal noise will occur)

• Check for dents in the feeding guide • If near the upper door, check the upper door's positioning It may be hitting against the guide to produce a noise.

• Check for foreign objects or chipped areas • Check the connectors • Change the MAIN_BOARD and check for noises

3.5.2 3.5 .2 If power power cannot cannot be tur turned ned ON

3   s   e   g   a   s   s   e   m   r   o   r   r   e   s   a    d   e   y   a    l   p   s    i    d    t   o   n   s   m   e    l    b   o   r   p    h    t    i   w   g   n    i    l   a   e    d   r   o    f   s   e   r   u   s   a   e   m   r   e    t   n   u   o    C    5  .    3

• The image size displayed on the ImagePilot will differ.

Details: A 14  17 sized image was read, but only the top part is shown (14  14 size), and the bottom portion is a white image. Make sure a plate of a different size is not loaded in the cassette.

Vertical lines (sharp)

1. Use the cleaning mechanism to remove dust from the light collection unit. 2. Remove the light collection unit, and make sure no dust or foreign objects are obstructing the laser scanning path.Make sure the cleaning mechanism is not

Confirm the following:


Check the power cable


Check the SW power supply's input voltage (100 to 200 V) If it's no good, check the inlet and noise filter to pinpoint the abnormal area.


Check the SW power supply's output voltage (24 V)

Vertical lines (faded)

If it's no good, change the SW power supply.


Check wiring from the SW power supply to the MAIN_BOARD If 24 V of power is coming to the MAIN_BOARD, change the MAIN_BOARD.

After unjamming the plate, have them  perfor  perform m the ima image ge erase erase o oper perati ation. on. (Th (Thee image erase operation might have not  been  bee np perfo erforme rmed dw when hen the error error occurred.) Have them perform the plate image erase operation every morning.

Horizontal lines

3. 3.5. 5.3 3 Plat Plate e re rela late ted d • When dirty

interfering with the laser scanning path. 3. Clean the exposure unit's window to make sure it is free of dust. 4. Change the exposure unit. (Refer to "5.2.12 Removing & attaching the exposure unit (Page 5-20)") 5-20)") 1. Clean the light collection unit and light guide surface to make sure they are free of dust. 2. Clean the exposure unit's window to make sure it is free of dust. 1. Check the installation environment. If the environment is as described below, horizontal lines will occur. - The table is unsteady. unsteady. - The table rocks when someone moves. - The unit is touching the table in some area other than its rubber feet. A cable is crushed between it.

Clean the plate. (Refer to the Operation Manual for cleaning methods.)


• When bent

Small vibrations directly from the table are  being  being abs absorb orbed ed by the 4 rrubb ubber er feet. feet. (Vibration can only be absorbed to a limit)

Change the plate.

2. Clean as needed so that no dust, sticky residue, or dents are on the guide board or roller. Make sure no sticky residue is on the plate. 3. Change the Sub-scan unit. (Refer to "5.2.10 Removing & attaching the Subscan unit (Page 5-12)") 5-12)") 4. Change the exposure unit. (Refer to "5.2.12 Removing & attaching the exposure unit (Page 5-20)") 5-20)") 5. Change the light collection unit. (Refer to "5.2.13 Removing & attaching light collection unit (Page 5-21)") 5-21)") White spots (left/right)

Refer to "6.1 Oblique adjustments (Page 62)"and 2)" and perform plate oblique adjustment.


REGIUS /II Service Manual


Chapter 4   Chapter4

Using a Service Tool to Confirm Behavior  An explanation of how to confirm device operation. IMPORTANT

The ImagePilot service tool will only start up with the ImagePilot server. Moreover, when confirming operation of this device connected from the client's side, run service tool and user tool operations from the ImagePilot server side.


Behavi Behavior or Confir Confirmat mation ion Summar Summary y ...... ......... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... .....4-2 ..4-2


[Unit [Unit Test] (Chec (Check) k) Scree Screen n Displ Display.... ay......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ........... ........ ..4-2 4-2 4. 4.2. 2.1 1 The The [Unit [Unit tes test] t] Sc Scre reen en & Fun Funct ctio ion n Sum Summa mary ry .... ...... .... .... ...4-2 .4-2 4.2.2 4.2 .2

The [Un [Unit it Test est]] Scr Screen een & Func Functio tion nS Summ ummary ary ...... ......... ..... 4-3


Confir Confirmin ming g behavio behaviorr of a single single de devic vice e ...... ......... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... .....4-3 ..4-3


Sensor Sensor status status Check Check ..... ........... ............ ............ ............ ........... .......... .......... ........... ........... .......... .........4-5 ....4-5 4.4.1 4.4 .1 Sensor Sensor statu status s Co Confi nfirma rmatio tion n Proces Process..... s........ ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... 4-5 4.4.2 4.4 .2 Casset Cassette te size size & sen sensor sor statu status. s.... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... 4-5 4.4.3 4.4 .3

Insert Insertion ion site sensor sensor statu status.. s..... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... .....4-6 ..4-6

4   r   o    i   v   a    h   e    B   m   r    i    f   n   o    C   o    t    l   o   o    T   e   c    i   v   r   e    S   a   g   n    i   s    U  


Chapter 4 Using a Service T Tool ool to Confirm Behavior 

4.1 Beh Behavi avior or Conf Confirm irmati ation on Sum Summar mary y

4.2 [Un [Unit it T Test est]] (C (Chec heck) k) S Scre creen en D Disp isplay lay

To confirm the operation of each device within the device, as well as check sensor status, an ImagePilot service tool called the Unit Test function (REGIUS /II exclusive) can be used.

Below is an explanation of how to display the [Unit Test] screen needed to confirm device operation, as well as a summary of available functions.

4.2.1 4.2 .1 The [Unit [Unit test] test] Scree Screen n & Funct Function ion Summary Displaying the "Unit test" Screen


Start up the Reader Settings Service Tool on an ImagePilot connected to this device. The "Service Tool" screen will be displayed for reader settings. For details on the "Service Tool" screen, refer to the ImagePilot Installation & Service Manual.


2. ImagePilot


Select "Reader Settings", then click the "Settings" button for "Unit Test". The [Unit test] screen is displayed.

When displaying the [Unit test] (Check) screen, the device will move into maintenance mode. The following actions can be performed at the [Unit test] (Check) screen.

4   y   r   a   m   m   u    S   n   o    i    t   a   m   r    i    f   n   o    C   r   o    i   v   a    h   e    B    1  .    4

operation of each device (motors, LEDs, • Independent etc.)

• Display sensor status • Setting reader parameters This chapter provides a summary of the functions available at the [Unit test] (Check) screen, steps to take in order to confirm single device operation, and an explanation of how to confirm sensor status. For details not covered in this chapter, including detailed screen explanations, refer to "8.1 Service Tool Screen (Unit test) (Page 82)".. 2)"

 A Summary of [Unit test] Screen Functions The "Unit test" screen includes 6 buttons, each capable of activating a function as explained below. Button [Unit Test] button

[D [Dis isp p Err Error or Hi Hist st]] but butto ton n

Content Allows you to perfor form an independent operation check for each device in the device. (A function explained in this chapter.) Al Allo lows ws yo you u to to che check ck th thee erro errorr hist histor ory y.

[Setting for Warning]  button

Allows you to toggle the "Study is not registered." and image re-erase request dialogs ON/OFF.

[Clear Service Call error]  button

Used for a Service Call Error status.

[Confirm reader status]  button

Allows you to check the following reader adjustment results.

• • • • • [Exit] button

Unit settings Irregularity Sensitivity Mechanical counter  Base board number 

Allows you to exit the "Unit test" screen.

For screens displayed during execution of these functions, refer to 8-2)".. "8.1 Service Tool Screen (Unit test) (Page 8-2)"


REGIUS /II Service Manual


Chapter 4 Using a Service Tool to Confirm Behavior 

4.2.2 4.2 .2 The [Uni [Unitt Test Test]] Scree Screen n & Functi Function on Summary Displaying the [Unit Test] screen.


Click the [Unit test] button at the "Unit test" screen (Page 4-2 4-2). ).

4.3 Con Confir firmin ming gb beha ehavio viorr o off a sin single gle device The loading/feeding motor will be used to illustrate the steps involved in confirming the operation of a single device in the device.


The [Unit Test] screen is displayed.

Click the "Motor" tab at the "Unit Test" screen. The "Motor" panel is displayed.


Select which operation you would like performed at the Operation Selection column. IMPORTANT

• If you only want to confirm motor operation, select [CW] (Clock Wise) or [CCW] (Counter Clock Wise).

Summary of functions at the [Unit Test] screen


The [Unit Test] screen consists of 3 panels, each of which can be accessed by clicking a tab.


Each panel is explained below. Panel [LED]

Content Enables you to check the operation for each of the LEDs used as status lamps.


Allows you to check the operation for each motor.

[Erase Unit]

Allows you to check op operation for the Eraser LED and its cooling fan.

In addition, the "Sensor status" area at the bottom of the screen allows you to display the status of every sensor, even if you switch to another panel. When you are finished at the "Unit Test" screen, clicking the "Back" button on the lower right of the screen will return you to the "Unit test" screen.

• For details on how to confirm device operation, refer to "4.3 Confirming behavior of a single device (Page 4-3)". 4-3)".

• For details on how to confirm sensor status, refer to "4.4 Sensor status Check (Page 4-5)". 4-5)".

• For screen details, refer to "8.1 Service Tool Screen (Unit test) (Page 8-2)". 8-2)".

• If using a cassette, refer to " Unit Test: Cassette Feeding Flow (Page 4-4)", 4-4)", and follow the process described for operation.


When selecting [CW] or [CCW] for operation, enter the number of rotations you want the motor to perform in the Set Rotations column. IMPORTANT

The [CW] of the Casette tray move motor does not work if the Tray HP Sensor is turned off. [CW] also stops if the Tray HP Sensor is turned off while it is working.

  e   c    i   v   e    d   e    l   g   n    i   s   a    f   o   r   o    i   v   a    h   e    b   g   n    i   r   m    i    f   n   o    C    3  .    4

REGIUS /II Service Manual



Chapter 4 Using a Service T Tool ool to Confirm Behavior 


Select all other operation settings. Item


[Erase Sp Speed]

Unit Test: Test: Cassette Feeding Flow

Set tth he er erase sp speed. ((W When se selecting tth he "Transport Plate (Return)" operation.)


Select a resolution to be used during the image read operation. (When selecting the "Transport Plate (Send)" operation.)

[Elect [ElectroM roMag ag clu clutch tch]]

Se Sele lect ct whet whethe herr or or not not the the mag magne neti ticc clu clutc tch h iiss operated. (When selecting the "Transport Plate (Send)" or "Transport Plate (Return)" operation.) • When selecting OFF, the loading/feeding operation will be performed with the magnetic clutch as it was before operation. This will not change regardless of whether the magnetic clutch is ON or OFF. Refer to "• Setting combinations for the loading/feeding motor's magnetic clutch". clutch".

[Ca [Casset sette Siz ize] e]

Sel Select ect the cas casset ette te si size ze.. (Wh (When en sele lect ctin ing g the "Transport Plate (Return)" operation.)

• Setting combinations for the loading/feeding motor's


Other than [CW] and [CCW] for motor operations performed via [Unit Test], only the following order of operation be guaranteed to work. Also, a cassette is used for this operation. (15 × 30 cm cassettes cannot be used.)




Full initialization


Cassette insertion


Lo Load adin ing g NI NIP P moto motorr

Ca Cass sset ette te po posi siti tion on control


Tray ray movi moving ng moto motorr

Ca Cass sset ette te po posi siti tion on control 1

magnetic clutch

4   e   c    i   v   e    d   e    l   g   n    i   s   a    f   o   r   o    i   v   a    h   e    b   g   n    i   r   m    i    f   n   o    C    3  .    4


Magnetic Clutch

Button is ON

Button is OFF


Tray ray movi moving ng moto motorr

Pulldown set to OFF

Magnetic clutch operates via ON. After operating, turns OFF.

Magnetic clutch operates via ON. After operating, turns OFF.

Ca Cass sset ette te po posi siti tion on control 2


Load Loadin ing g NIP NIP moto otor

Tray ray llo ock rele releas ase e

Pulldown set to OFF

Magnetic clutch operates via ON. After operating, stays ON.

Magnetic clutch operates via OFF. After operating, stays OFF.


Tray ray mo movi ving ng motor otor

Tray ray pull pullo out


Load Loadin ing gN NIP IP mo moto torr

Roll Roller er NIP NIP + Tray ray raised


SubS SubSca can n ni nip p mot oto or

Ini nittia iali lize ze


Magnetic clutch (button)



Loading/Feeding motor 

Pla Plate fe feed edin ing g (se (send) nd)


Insertio ion n nip nip motor

Scannin ing g


Sub-s Sub-sca can n NI NIP P mo moto torr

Pl Plat ate e feed feedin ing g (sen (send) d) 1


Sub-scan feeding motor 

Plate feeding (send)


Sub-scan feeding motor 

Plate feeding (return)


Insertio ion n nip motor

Erasin ing g


Magnetic clutch (button)



Loading/feeding motor 

Pla Plate te feed feeding ing (ret (retur urn) n)


Lo Load adin ing g NIP NIP moto motorr

Tray ray low lower ered ed + rrol olle lerr NIP


Magnetic clutch (button)



Tray ray mo movi ving ng motor otor

Tray ray retu return rn 1


Tray ray mo movi ving ng motor otor

Tray ray retu return rn 2


Load Loadin ing g NIP NIP m mot otor or

Cas asse sett tte e lloc ock k release


Leaving the magnetic clutch ON for a long period of time will not cause the reader any errors. Also, initialization will occur when exiting the "Unit Test" screen, so no problems will occur.


Click the [Start] button.

The loading/feeding motor will operate according to the selected content.


Cassette removal

Magnetic Clutch (Pulldown)




REGIUS /II Service Manual


Chapter 4 Using a Service Tool to Confirm Behavior 

4.4 4.4 Se Sens nsor or st stat atus us Ch Chec eck k

4.4.2 4.4 .2 Casse Cassette tte size size & sens sensor or sta status tus

Perform the following steps to confirm sensor status.

Cassette size calculation is performed based on the status of 4 sensors.

Also, the relationship between sensor status and device status when calculating the device status with multiple sensors is explained here.

Cassette size

• "4.4.2 Cassette size & sensor status (Page 4-5)" • "4.4.3 Insertion site sensor status (Page 4-6)"

4.4.1 4.4 .1 Sensor Sensor statu status s Confirm Confirmati ation on Pro Proce cess ss Perform the following steps to confirm sensor status.


Click the "Start Monitoring" button at the "Unit Test" screen.

Sensor status S1




14" × 17"





14" × 14"




15 cm × 30 cm



11" × 14"


10" × 12"


24 cm × 30 cm




8" × 10" 18 cm × 24 cm




No cassette

• • • •

S1: Size detection sensor 1 status S2: Size detection sensor 2 status S3: Size detection sensor 3 status S4: Size detection sensor 4 status


The sensor status is then monitored, and the "Start Monitoring" button changes to a "Stop" button. Once monitoring begins, an updated sensor status is displayed on the [Sensor status] screen about once every 3 seconds. Also, a progress bar is displayed above the "Stop"  button.

Progress bar 


Confirm the sensor status. IMPORTANT

Other single device operation commands cannot be sent while the sensors are being monitored. For example, sensors cannot be monitored while operating a motor. If you want to run a different single device operation command, you'll have to stop sensor monitoring first.


After confirming sensor operations, click the "Stop" button. Sensor status monitoring will come to a halt.

   k   c   e    h    C   s   u    t   a    t   s   r   o   s   n   e    S    4  .    4

REGIUS /II Service Manual


Chapter 4 Using a Service T Tool ool to Confirm Behavior 

4.4.3 4.4 .3 Insert Insertion ion site site s sens ensor or statu status s The status of NIP insertion by the loading NIP motor, and the status of 3 sensors located to the left of the upper insertion unit, are defined in the following chart. Sensor status No.

NIP in inse sert rtio ion ns sttatus atus

NIP open/ close

Lock release


Home position


Tray ejecting notch lowered


Tray lock released



NIP insertion status



Tray raised



Inserted NIP released




Cassette lock released





Rotatio n angle




85° ON

135° 180°


225° -45°

• Rotation angle: The rotation angle from home position.

4    k   c   e    h    C   s   u    t   a    t   s   r   o   s   n   e    S    4  .    4







Loading NIP Open/Close Sensor 


Loading NIP HP Sensor  Tray Lock Release Sensor 

Upper Insertion Unit



REGIUS /II Service Manual


Chapter 5   Chapter5

Disassembly & Assembly An explanation of the steps needed to disassemble and assemble the t he device.


Before Disassem Disassembly bly ..... ........... ........... ........... ............ ........... .......... ........... ............ ............ ........... .........5-2 ....5-2


Fundament Fundamental al Steps Steps ............ ................. .......... ........... ........... .......... ........... ........... ........... ............ ...........5-3 .....5-3


Changing Changing electrical electrical parts..... parts.......... .......... ........... ............ ............ ........... .......... ........... ........... .......5-25 ..5-25


Changing Changing mechanical mechanical parts parts ..... .......... .......... .......... .......... ........... ........... .......... .......... ..........5-40 .....5-40


Changing Changing cassette cassette part parts s ..... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ........... ........... ........... ............ .........5-51 ...5-51

5   y    l    b   m   e   s   s    A    &   y    l    b   m   e   s   s   s   a    i    D  


Chapter 5 Disassembly & Assembly

5.1 5.1 Be Befo fore re Di Disa sass ssem embl bly y 5.1.1 5.1 .1 Disass Disassem embly bly/As /Assem sembly bly Cauti Cautions ons  UTION CAUTION

• Before disassembling/assembling disassembling/assembling this device, be sure to switch OFF the power supply circuit breaker and disconnect the power cable from the device. Otherwise, your fingers may get caught in sliding or rotating parts inside of the device due to accidental operation.

• Please use a static electricity resistant wristband when handling electronic components inside the device. Touching Touching a charged b base ase board or other electronic component may damage or destroy it.

5.1.2 5.1. 2 Checking Checking & adjust adjustment ments s needed needed after after assembly When devices or parts have been reattached or changed, adjustments and confirmation must be done as described in the following chart. IMPORTANT

 After making vertical/horizontal vertical/horizontal m magnification agnification adjustments, adjustments, adjustments, read makestarting sure topoint correct irregularity irregularity..or oblique Correction of irregularity must be done for both 175 µm and 87.5 µm resolutions.

Device/part All units and parts

Upper Insertion Unit


Confirm that all status lamps are lit right after turning the power ON.

Confirm that the Ready Lamp is lit after initialization.

When performing an image read, confirm that the image is displayed on the ImagePilot.

Oblique confirmation/adjustment confirmation/adjustment

For details, refer to "6.1 Oblique adjustments (Page 6-2)". 6-2)". Exposure Unit Attach a ground strap to your wrist, and attach its clip to a metal  portion of the unit for for solid grounding. grounding.

5   y    l    b   m   e   s   s   a   s    i    D   e   r   o    f   e    B    1  .    5

• • • •

Confirm/adjust horizontal magnification Confirm/adjust read starting point Perform sensitivity calibration Correct irregularity

• Do not touch the inside of this device with bare hands. Dirt or oils from the skin may cause the device to rust, resulting in defective sliding or rotating parts.

• When assembling this device, make sure all wiring is

Refer to the ImagePilot Installation & Service Manual. Light Collection Unit

returned to its proper location, and confirm that no wires are lodged in any attachments, etc. If wires are lodged or caught in any attachments attachments,, it may cause the device to malfunction.

• Do NOT loosen any screws that are painted white or yellow. If any white screws are loosened, device

• •

Perform sensitivity calibration Correct irregularity

Refer to the ImagePilot Installation & Service Manual. Eraser Unit/Assy (Eraser LED)

When changing parts:

recovery may be impossible to perform at the service site.

Confirm that the Eraser LED lights up Use the service tool's [Unit Test] (Check) function to make the Eraser LED light up, then confirm visually that it has indeed lit up.


If it flickers or does not light up at all, there is a defective connection.

For a detailed explanation of the [Unit Tes Test](Check) t](Check) function, refer to "4.2 [Unit Test] Tes t] (Check) Screen Display (Page 4-2)". 4-2)".

Clear the Erase Counter  Use the service tool's [Processing Counter] function to perform this task. Refer to the ImagePilot Installation & Service Manual.


REGIUS /II Service Manual


Chapter 5 Disassembly & Assembly



Sub-scan Unit

Confirm image If there are no problems, no adjustment is necessary. If a problem is found, perform the following confirmation/adjustment.


Confirm/adjust vertical and horizontal magnification


Confirm/adjust read starting point


Perform sensitivity calibration

When disassembling and reassembling this device, certain fundamental steps must be taken, including a method of removing and attaching the external panel, which are fully explained here.

5.2.1 .2.1 Powe Powerr OFF OFF/ON /ON The device's power OFF/ON method is explained below.

Power OFF

Correct irregularity

Refer to the ImagePilot Installation & Service Manual.


5.2 5.2 Fu Fund ndam amen enttal S Ste tep ps

Oblique confirmation/adjustment

Turn the power supply circuit breaker OFF, then remove the power cable and USB cable.


Make sure the Busy Lamp is unlit.


Turn OFF the power supply circuit breaker.

For details, refer to "6.1 Oblique adjustments (Page 6-2)". 6-2)".

SW power supply

Confirm voltage

Details can be found in the change process descriptive text ("5.3.5 ("5.3.5 Changing the SW power supply (Page 5-30)". 5-30)". Main board

Make a backup of base board data before changing. After changing, the backup data must  be restored via the new base base board. Details can be found in the change process descriptive text ("5.3.4 ("5.3.4 Changing the main board (Page 5-28)". 5-28)".


3. 5.1.3 5.1 .3 Proble Problems ms that that oft often en occur occur aft after er assembly When forgetting to connect the connectors, or they are not securely attached, the following problems will occur. Make sure to thoroughly check that all connectors are fastened securely. Trouble

Connectors to check when a problem occurs

The Status Lamp will not light up.

Status LED board • SCN1

 An error occurs during initialization.

Left side of device (Sub-scan unit)

• JP36-2(-A) Right side of device (Subscan unit) • JJ37 • JP7-2  After the image reading process is complete and the cassette is removed, the Ready Lamp continues to blink. (No problem before the image reading process)

Right side of device (lower insertion unit)

• JP16-2

Unplug the power cable from its outlet and disconnect it from the device.

  s   p   e    t    S    l   a    t   n   e   m   a    d   n   u    F    5    2  .

REGIUS /II Service Manual



Chapter 5 Disassembly & Assembly


Disconnect the USB cable from the device.


Switch ON the power supply circuit breaker breaker..


Check the status lamps.

•  After  After turnin turning g the the pow power er ON, all lam lamps ps sho should uld be lit for approximately 5 seconds during initialization. If any of the lamps are not lit, they may be in need of repair.

• Once initialization has ended, and image reading can be performed, the Ready Lamp should be lit. HINT

If this device is not connected to the ImagePilot, or the ImagePilot has not started up, the Error Lamp will be lit. This concludes the power ON sequence.

5.2.2 5.2 .2 Removi Removing ng the exte externa rnall panel panel & part parts s This concludes the power OFF sequence. External panel and part removal should be performed as follows.

Power ON Connect the USB cable and power cable to the device, then switch the device power ON.


Connect the USB cable to the device.

Upper Cover Assy (Page 5-5) Upper Insertion Unit (Page 5-6)


When wiring the cable to the back of the device, it can be threaded through the notches at the bottom.

Left Side Panel (Page 5-7) Right Side Panel (Page 5-8)


Rear Panel Patch Assy (Page 5-9)

  s   p   e    t    S    l   a    t   n   e   m   a    d   n   u    F

Lower Insertion Unit (Page 5-9)

Front Panel Assy (Page 5-11)

   5    2  . USB Cable


Sub-scan Unit (Page 5-12)

Eraser Unit (Page 5-17) Exposure Unit (Page 5-20)


Connect the power cable to this device, then plug it into an outlet. IMPORTANT

To prevent the power cable from coming loose, make sure to thread it through the locking wire saddles (× 2).

Light Collection Unit (Page 5-21) Upper Door Assy (Page 5-23) : External Unit


REGIUS /II Service Manual


Chapter 5 Disassembly & Assembly

5.2.3 5.2 .3 Removi Removing ng & atta attachi ching ng the the upper upper cover cover assy


Remove the upper cover assy.

The following is a description of how to remove and attach the upper cover assy.


Before disassembling/assembling disassembling/assembling this device, be sure to switch OFF the power supply circuit breaker and disconnect the power cable from the device.

Things to prepare Standard tools are required to perform the following steps.

The removal process


Open the upper Door.

This concludes the upper cover assy removal process.

The attachment process


Open the upper door.


Attach the upper cover assy. First attach the 2 protruding parts in front, then slide the back  part down and and in until it ffits. its.



Attach the screws to the upper cover assy.

  s   p   e    t    S    l   a    t   n   e   m   a    d   n   u    F

• Screw × 2

   5    2  .

Remove the screws from the upper cover assy.

• Screw × 2


This concludes the upper cover assy attachment process.

REGIUS /II Service Manual



Chapter 5 Disassembly & Assembly


5.2.4 5.2 .4 Removi Removing ng & att attach aching ing the the uppe upperr insertion unit

Lift up the upper insertion unit a bit from each side, then insert cables into the square holes.

The following is a description of how to remove and attach the upper insertion unit.



Insert the cables removed in step 2 into 2 into the square holes from the top.

Remove the upper insertion unit.

Before disassembling/assembling disassembling/assembling this device, be sure to switch OFF the power supply circuit breaker and disconnect the power cable from the device.

Things to prepare Standard tools are required to perform the following steps.

The removal process


Refer to "5.2.3 Removing & attaching the upper cover assy (Page 5-5)", 5-5)", and remove the upper cover assy.


Remove the cables (connectors) as shown in the diagram.

• JP30-2 • JP3-2

Handle the upper insertion unit from the sections circled in the illustration below (normally from the 2 sections on the inside).

JP3-2 JP30-2

5   s   p   e    t    S    l   a    t   n   e   m   a    d   n   u    F


Remove the screws from the upper insertion unit.  A: TP hex hexago agonal nal Phi Philli llips ps-he -head ad screw screw × 4 (M3 × 6 6))

   5    2  .

• • B: TP hexagonal Phillips-head sems II screws × 2 (M3 ×


When setting down the removed upper insertion unit, place it upside down to avoid scratching the antistatic sheet Assy (circled in the illustration below).








This concludes the upper insertion unit removal process.


REGIUS /II Service Manual


Chapter 5 Disassembly & Assembly


The attachment process


Pull the connectors out of the square holes they were placed in while removing the upper insertion unit, and put the upper insertion unit on top of the frame.

Refer to "5.2.3 Removing & attaching the upper cover assy (Page 5-5)"and 5-5)"and attach the upper cover assy.

This concludes the upper insertion unit attachment process.

Things to check/adjust when re-attaching the same upper insertion unit. Perform the following checks/adjustments when re-attaching the upper insertion unit.

• Checking/adjusting oblique lighting 6-2)".. For details, refer to "6.1 Oblique adjustments (Page 6-2)"

5.2.5 5.2 .5 Removi Removing ng & attac attachin hing g the left left side side panel The following is a description of how to remove and attach the left side panel.



Before disassembling/assembling disassembling/assembling this device, be sure to switch OFF the power supply circuit breaker and disconnect the power cable from the device.

Press the upper insertion unit in towards the rear, and tighten it down with screws.

•  A: TP hex hexago agonal nal Phi Philli llips ps-he -head ad screw screw × 4 (M3 × 6 6)) • B: TP hexagonal Phillips-head sems II screws × 2 (M3 × 8)

Things to prepare Standard tools are required to perform the following steps.





The removal process

1.  A





Refer to "5.2.3 Removing & attaching the upper cover assy (Page 5-5)", 5-5)", and remove the upper cover assy. Remove the left door and USB cover.

   5    2  .

Connect the cables.

• JP30-2 • JP3-2 (After connecting the connectors, thread the cable through the 2 wire saddle points.)

JP3-2 JP30-2

  s   p   e    t    S    l   a    t   n   e   m   a    d   n   u    F

Left Door Assy

USB Cover 

REGIUS /II Service Manual



Chapter 5 Disassembly & Assembly


Remove the left side panel.

• Screws × 3

5.2.6 5.2 .6 Removi Removing ng & atta attachi ching ng the righ rightt side side panel The following is a description of how to remove and attach the right side panel.  UTION CAUTION

Before disassembling/assembling disassembling/assembling this device, be sure to switch OFF the power supply circuit breaker and disconnect the power cable from the device.

Things to prepare Standard tools are required to perform the following steps.

The removal process


Refer to "5.2.3 Removing & attaching the upper cover assy (Page 5-5)", 5-5)", and remove the upper cover assy.


Remove the right side panel.

This concludes the left side panel removal process.

The attachment process


• Screws × 3

Attach the left side panel.

• Screws × 3 Attach while abutted in the upward direction.  A

5   s   p   e    t    S    l   a    t   n   e   m   a    d   n   u    F

This concludes the right side panel removal process.

The attachment process IMPORTANT

   5    2  .

Make sure Notch A shown above does not get caught on the frame, and that the panel bottom is not open.


Attach the right side panel. • Screws × 3 Attach while abutted in the upward direction.


Attach the left door assy. HINT

If no difficulties are experienced during this process, attach the USB cover after connecting the USB cable.


Refer to "5.2.3 Removing & attaching the upper cover assy (Page 5-5)" and 5-5)" and attach the upper cover assy.

This concludes the left side panel attachment process.



REGIUS /II Service Manual


Chapter 5 Disassembly & Assembly


The attachment process

Make sure Notch A shown above does not get caught on the frame, and that the panel bottom is not open.



Attach the rear panel patch assy together with the rear assy.

• Screws × 4

Refer to "5.2.3 Removing & attaching the upper cover assy (Page 5-5)" and 5-5)" and attach the upper cover assy.


While supporting the rear assy so that it doesn't fall off,

This concludes the right side panel attachment process.

attach the rear panel patch assy.

5.2.7 5.2 .7 Removi Removing ng & atta attachi ching ng the the rear rear panel panel patch assy. assy.


Refer to "5.2.6 Removing & attaching the right side panel (Page 5-8)" and 5-8)" and attach the right side panel.

The following is a description of how to remove and attach the rear  panel patch assy assy..


Refer to "5.2.5 Removing & attaching the left side panel (Page 5-7)" and 5-7)" and attach the left side panel.


Refer to "5.2.3 Removing & attaching the upper cover assy (Page 5-5)" and 5-5)" and attach the upper cover assy.


Before disassembling/assembling disassembling/assembling this device, be sure to switch OFF the power supply circuit breaker and disconnect the power cable from the device.

This concludes the rear panel patch assy attachment process.

Things to prepare Standard tools are required to perform the following steps.

The removal process



5.2.8 5.2 .8 Removi Removing ng & att attac aching hing the lower lower insertion unit The following is a description of how to remove and attach the lower insertion unit.

Refer to "5.2.3 Removing & attaching the upper cover assy (Page 5-5)", 5-5)", and remove the upper cover assy.


• Before disassembling/assembling disassembling/assembling this device, be sure to switch OFF the power supply circuit breaker and disconnect the power cable from the device.

Refer to "5.2.5 Removing & attaching the left side panel (Page 5-7)" and 5-7)" and remove the left side panel.

• In order to avoid potential base board damage while discharging it, refer to "5.1.1 Disassembly/ Disassembly/Assembly Assembly Cautions (Page 5-2)" and 5-2)" and wear a grounding strap during the process.


Refer to "5.2.6 Removing & attaching the right side panel (Page 5-8)" and 5-8)" and remove the right side panel.


Remove the rear panel patch assy together with the rear assy.

Things to prepare

• Screws × 4

Standard tools are required to perform the following steps.

5   s   p   e    t    S    l   a    t   n   e   m   a    d   n   u    F


While supporting the rear assy so that it doesn't fall off, remove the rear panel patch assy.

The removal process


Refer to "5.2.3 Removing & attaching the upper cover assy (Page 5-5)", 5-5)", and remove the upper cover assy.


Refer to "5.2.5 Removing & attaching the left side panel (Page 5-7)" and 5-7)" and remove the left side panel.


Refer to "5.2.6 Removing & attaching the right side panel (Page 5-8)" and 5-8)" and remove the right side panel.

Rear Panel Patch Assy

Rear Assy

This concludes the rear panel patch assy removal process.

   5    2  .

REGIUS /II Service Manual



Chapter 5 Disassembly & Assembly


Remove cables connected to the status LED board.


Remove the lower insertion unit.

• SCN1 These cables travel underneath the status LED board, so make sure to pull them out.


This concludes the lower insertion unit removal process.


The attachment process Remove connectors from the right side of the device as illustrated.


• JP16-2

Check the upper insertion unit's cam part. If the situation is not as shown below, rotate the cam part so that the detector is angled according to the illustration.

Loading NIP Open/Close Sensor 

Tray Lock Release Sensor 

5   s   p   e    t    S    l   a    t   n   e   m   a    d   n   u    F

Loading NIP HP Sensor 

Upper Insertion Unit


Remove the screws from the lower insertion unit.

• TP hexagonal Phillips-head sems II screws × 2 (M3 × 8)

   5    2  .


When the situation is the same as illustrated, the upper insertion unit's notches are in the escape position. If the notches are not in the escape position, contact may occur when attaching the lower insertion unit.


Attach the lower insertion unit to the frame.


Secure the lower insertion unit with screws.

• TP hexagonal Phillips-head sems II screws × 2 (M3 × 8)


REGIUS /II Service Manual


Chapter 5 Disassembly & Assembly


Connect cables to the lower insertion unit from the right side of the device.

• JP16-2

5.2.9 5.2 .9 Removi Removing/ ng/att attach aching ing the front front panel panel assy The following is a description of how to remove and attach the front panel assy.


• Before disassembling/assembling disassembling/assembling this device, be sure to switch OFF the power supply circuit breaker and disconnect the power cable from the device.

• In order to avoid potential base board damage while discharging it, refer to "5.1.1 Disassembly/ Disassembly/Assembly Assembly Cautions (Page 5-2)" and 5-2)" and wear a grounding strap during the process.

Things to prepare Standard tools are required to perform the following steps.


Connect cables to the status LED board.

• SCN1 Pass the cables underneath the status LED board to connect them.

The removal process


Refer to "5.2.3 Removing & attaching the upper cover assy (Page 5-5)", 5-5)", and remove the upper cover assy.


Refer to "5.2.5 Removing & attaching the left side panel (Page 5-7)" and 5-7)" and remove the left side panel.


Refer to "5.2.6 Removing & attaching the right side panel (Page 5-8)" and 5-8)" and remove the right side panel.


Refer to "5.2.8 Removing & attaching the lower insertion unit (Page 5-9)", 5-9)", and remove the lower insertion unit.




Refer to "5.2.6 Removing & attaching the right side panel (Page 5-8)" and 5-8)" and attach the right side panel.


Refer to "5.2.5 Removing & attaching the left side

  s   p   e    t    S    l   a    t   n   e   m   a    d   n   u    F

panel (Page 5-7)" and 5-7)" and attach the left side panel.

   5    2  .


Remove the front panel assy.

• Screws × 4


Refer to "5.2.3 Removing & attaching the upper cover assy (Page 5-5)" and 5-5)" and attach the upper cover assy.

This concludes the lower insertion unit attachment process.

This concludes the front panel assy removal process.

REGIUS /II Service Manual



Chapter 5 Disassembly & Assembly

The attachment process


Attach the front panel assy.

• Screws × 4 Attach while abutted as shown by the illustration.

5.2.10 Removing & attaching the Sub-scan Sub-scan unit The following is a description of how to remove and attach the Sub-scan unit. (In this explanation, the term "sub-scan unit" refers to the exposure unit, light collection unit, and eraser unit together as a single assembly.)  UTION

CAUTION • Before disassembling/assembling disassembling/assembling this device, be sure to switch OFF the power supply circuit breaker and disconnect the power cable from the device.

Abutment direction

• In order to avoid potential base board damage while

Abutment Part

Disassembly/Assembly Assembly discharging it, refer to "5.1.1 Disassembly/ Cautions (Page 5-2)" and 5-2)" and wear a grounding strap during the process.

Things to prepare The front panel assy in the bubble is a cross-section view.


  s   p   e    t    S    l   a    t   n   e   m   a    d   n   u    F    5    2  .

The removal process


Refer to "5.2.6 Removing & attaching the right side panel (Page 5-8)" and 5-8)" and attach the right side panel.

Refer to "5.2.3 Removing & attaching the upper cover assy (Page 5-5)", 5-5)", and remove the upper cover assy.



Refer to "5.2.5 Removing & attaching the left side panel (Page 5-7)" and 5-7)" and remove the left side panel.

Refer to "5.2.5 Removing & attaching the left side panel (Page 5-7)" and 5-7)" and attach the left side panel.


Refer to "5.2.6 Removing & attaching the right side panel (Page 5-8)" and 5-8)" and remove the right side panel.


Refer to "5.2.3 Removing & attaching the upper cover assy (Page 5-5)" and 5-5)" and attach the upper cover assy.


Refer to "5.2.7 Removing & attaching the rear panel patch assy. (Page 5-9)" and 5-9)" and remove the rear panel patch assy.


Refer to "5.2.8 Removing & attaching the lower insertion unit (Page 5-9)", 5-9)", and remove the lower insertion unit.


Remove the frame's anterior cover.

3. 5

Refer to "5.2.8 Removing & attaching the lower insertion unit (Page 5-9)" and 5-9)"  and attach the lower insertion unit.

Standard tools are required to perform the following steps.

This concludes the front panel assy attachment process.

• TP hexagonal Phillips-head screw × 4 (M3 × 6)


REGIUS /II Service Manual


Chapter 5 Disassembly & Assembly


Remove cables connected to the main board from the exposure unit and light collection unit.

• Exposure unit: CN8, CN9 • Light Collection Unit: CN3, CN10, CN11, CN11, CN12

10. Remove the handle (light collection unit cleaning handle). Take it out while turned in the #2 position.

(Together with the main board connector names.) Light Collection Unit

Exposure Unit CNxx


USB (13)

11 10 14 9 8




7 4

21 1


3 Unused

11. Remove connectors from the right side of the device as illustrated.

• JJ37 • JP7-2


Remove connectors from the left side of the device as illustrated.

• JP36-2




12. Remove the fan assembly (Eraser LED cooling fan). • TP hexagonal Phillips-head screw × 2 (M3 × 6)



Remove the handle (unjamming dial).

• TP hexagonal Phillips-head screw × 2 (M3 × 6)

  s   p   e    t    S    l   a    t   n   e   m   a    d   n   u    F    5    2  .

REGIUS /II Service Manual



Chapter 5 Disassembly & Assembly

13. Pull the device's rear lever and slide down the exit

16. Pull the sub-scan unit about 5cm out of the device, then coil the cables removed from the main board around the exposure unit protrusions.



When removing the sub-scan unit, be careful not to get the cables caught on the frame, upper insertion unit, etc. Space Space between the exposure unit and upper insertion unit is extremely small, so be sure not to pull out the sub-scan unit while cables remain on top of the exposure unit. Exit Guide Exposure Unit Lever 

14. Remove the screws from the sub-scan unit.


• TP hexagonal Phillips-head screw × 8 (M3 × 6)

Sub-scan Unit Wrapping Reference

5   s   p   e    t    S    l   a    t   n   e   m   a    d   n   u    F

17. Pull out and remove the sub-scan unit. 15. Open the upper door.

Handle the sub-scan unit from the sections circled in the illustration below. When setting it down, place it on the table so that the protruding parts hang off the edge, enabling it to sit flat as shown in the bubble.

   5    2  .


This concludes the sub-scan unit removal process.


REGIUS /II Service Manual


Chapter 5 Disassembly & Assembly

The attachment process



Close the upper door.


Secure the sub-scan unit with screws.

Make sure all parts removed from the sub-scan unit are back in place.

• TP hexagonal Phillips-head screw × 8 (M3 × 6)

 The unjamming dial and Light Collection Unit cleaning handle are not attached here.



Raise the exit guide upright.

Attachments you might forget:

• Attach exposure unit screws (Exposure unit: 6 places, Fixed pin Assy: 2 places)

• Reconnect cables disconnected when removing and attaching base board assembly (4 places)


As done during removal, coil the exposure unit cables, etc. around the exposure unit protrusions.


When inserting the sub-scan unit into the device, unravel the coiled cables part way through and place them on top of the exposure unit.



• When inserting the sub-scan unit, make sure it slides into the guides along the bottom of the device. Make sure it is not loaded at a slant, or that it does not hit the loaded part when lifted.

• Depending on how the cables were coiled, they might get smashed when putting the sub-scan unit back into the device. In some cases you may not be able to uncoil the cables, so make sure to check the cable status while inserting the sub-scan unit into the device, then uncoil them from the protrusions part way through.

Sub-scan Unit


Attach the fan assembly (Eraser LED cooling fan).

• TP hexagonal Phillips-head screw × 2 (M3 × 6)

  s   p   e    t    S    l   a    t   n   e   m   a    d   n   u    F    2  .    5

REGIUS /II Service Manual



Chapter 5 Disassembly & Assembly


Connect cables on the right side of the device.

11. Connect cables on the left side of the device. • JP36-2

• JJ37 • JP7-2


JP36-2 JP7-2

12. Connect exposure unit and light collection unit 9.

Attach the handle (light collection unit cleaning handle). Insert aligned with mark #1. Once abutted, twist it to the mark #2 position and push it in until it stops. After pushing it in, remove your hand, and the handle will return to the mark #1 position.

cables to the main board.

• Exposure unit: CN8, CN9 • Light Collection Unit: CN3, CN10, CN11, CN12 (Together with the main board connector names.) Light Collection Unit

Exposure Unit CNxx


USB (13)


11 10 14 9 8



7 4

21 1

  s   p   e    t    S    l   a    t   n   e   m   a    d   n   u    F



3 Unused

10. Attach the handle (unjamming dial). • TP hexagonal Phillips-head screw × 2 (M3 × 6)

   2  .    5

13. Attach the frame's anterior cover. • TP hexagonal Phillips-head screw × 4 (M3 × 6)


REGIUS /II Service Manual


Chapter 5 Disassembly & Assembly

14. Refer to "5.2.8 Removing & attaching the lower insertion unit (Page 5-9)" and 5-9)"  and attach the lower insertion unit.

5.2.11 5.2.1 1 Removing and attaching attaching the eraser unit The following is a description of how to remove and attach the eraser unit.

15. Refer to "5.2.7 Removing & attaching the rear panel


patch assy. (Page 5-9)" and 5-9)" and attach the rear panel patch assy.

• Before disassembling/assembling disassembling/assembling this device, be sure to switch OFF the power supply circuit breaker and disconnect the power cable from the device.

16. Refer to "5.2.6 Removing & attaching the right side panel (Page 5-8)" and 5-8)" and attach the right side panel.

order to avoid potential base board damage while • In Disassembly/Assembly Disassembly/ Assembly discharging it, refer to "5.1.1 Cautions (Page 5-2)" and 5-2)" and wear a grounding strap during the process.

17. Refer to "5.2.5 Removing & attaching the left side panel (Page 5-7)" and 5-7)" and attach the left side panel.

• Do NOT touch the erase filter (the yellow part) of the

18. Refer to "5.2.3 Removing & attaching the upper

eraser unit. Do not let dust or debris contaminate the parts while handling them.

cover assy (Page 5-5)" and 5-5)" and attach the upper cover assy.

Things to prepare This concludes the sub-scan unit attachment process.

Things to check/adjust when re-attaching a sub-scan unit When re-attaching a sub-scan unit, make sure to check the read image status as a final step. If the image has a problem, check/ adjust the device as follows.

• Confirm/adjust vertical and horizontal magnification • Confirm/adjust read starting point • Perform sensitivity calibration • Correct irregularity

Standard tools are required to perform the following steps.

The removal process


Refer to "5.2.10 Removing & attaching the Sub-scan unit (Page 5-12)", 5-12)", and remove the sub-scan unit. In this explanation, the term "sub-scan unit" refers to the exposure unit, light collection unit, and eraser unit together as a single assembly.


Remove the air intake duct from the left side of the sub-scan unit.

• TP hexagonal Phillips-head screw × 2 (M3 × 6)

Refer to the ImagePilot Installatio Installation n & Repair Manual for details on the items above.

• Checking/adjusting oblique lighting

5   s   p   e    t    S    l   a    t   n   e   m   a    d   n   u    F

For details, refer to "6.1 Oblique adjustments (Page 6-2)". 6-2)".

   2  .    5


Remove the exhaust air duct from the right side of the sub-scan unit.

• TP hexagonal Phillips-head screw × 2 (M3 × 6)

REGIUS /II Service Manual



Chapter 5 Disassembly & Assembly



Remove the dustproof cover.

• TP hexagonal Phillips-head screw × 4 (M3 × 6)

• TP hexagonal Phillips-head screw × 1 (M3 × 6)



Remove the base board cover.

• TP hexagonal Phillips-head screw × 1 (M3 × 6)

Remove the screws from the eraser unit.

Remove the eraser unit. At this point it will be hitched on the sub-scan unit's side  plate boss, so so slide it up a bit to remove it.

5   s   p   e    t    S    l   a    t   n   e   m   a    d   n   u    F    2  .    5



Remove 2 cables connected to the LED drive2 board. Eraser Unit

• CN CN2 2 • CN CN3 3 (Together with the LED drive2 board connector names.) After removing each connector, unhook them from their clamps andunit. wire saddles so that they are no longer secured to the eraser



This concludes the eraser unit removal process.


REGIUS /II Service Manual


Chapter 5 Disassembly & Assembly


The attachment process


Attach the base board cover.

• TP hexagonal Phillips-head screw × 1 (M3 × 6)

Hitch the eraser unit to the sub-scan unit's side plate boss. There are 3 bosses on one side. Fit the eraser unit to the top 2  bosses and slide it down down.. Once the eraser unit's in indentation dentation enters the second boss from the top, it will slide down by its own weight.

Eraser Unit


Attach the dustproof cover.

• TP hexagonal Phillips-head screw × 1 (M3 × 6)

Boss Eraser  Unit



Attach the air intake duct.

• TP hexagonal Phillips-head screw × 2 (M3 × 6)


Secure the eraser unit with screws.

• TP hexagonal Phillips-head screw × 4 (M3 × 6)

  s   p   e    t    S    l   a    t   n   e   m   a    d   n   u    F    2  .    5


Connect 2 cables to the LED drive2 board. CN2 2 • CN • CN CN3 3 (Together with the LED drive2 board connector names.)

REGIUS /II Service Manual



Chapter 5 Disassembly & Assembly


Scanner y colector de luz

Attach the exhaust air duct.

• TP hexagonal Phillips-head screw × 2 (M3 × 6)

5.2.12 Removing & attaching attaching the exposure exposure unit The following is a description of how to remove and attach the exposure unit.


• Before disassembling/assembling disassembling/assembling this device, be sure to switch OFF the power supply circuit breaker and disconnect the power cable from the device.

• Do not touch the exposure unit's dustproof glass

(where laser light is emitted). Do not let dust or debris contaminate the parts while handling them.

Things to prepare Standard tools are required to perform the following steps.


Refer to "5.2.10 Removing & attaching the Sub-scan unit (Page 5-12)" and 5-12)" and attach the sub-scan unit.

This concludes the eraser unit attachment process.

The removal process


In this explanation, the term "sub-scan unit" refers to the exposure unit, light collection unit, and eraser unit together as a single assembly.

Confirmation/settings needed when changing the Eraser Unit or Eraser Unit Assy When the eraser unit or and eraser unit assy have been changed, the following confirmation settings must be performed.


• Confirm that the Eraser LED lights up


Refer to "5.2.10 Removing & attaching the Sub-scan unit (Page 5-12)", 5-12)", and remove the sub-scan unit.

Remove the screws from the exposure unit.

• TP hexagonal Phillips-head screw × 6 (M3 × 6)

Use the service tool's [Unit test] to access the [Unit Test] (Check) screen, operate the Eraser LED, and confirm visually that it lights up.

- If the LED flickers or does not light up,

  s   p   e    t    S    l   a    t   n   e   m   a    d   n   u    F    2  .    5

cable connection may be defective. For a detailed explanation of the [Unit Test] (Check) function, refer to "4.2 [Unit Test] (Check) Screen Display (Page 4-2)". 4-2)".

• Clear the Erase Counter  Use the service tool's [Processing Counter] function to perform this task. Refer to the ImagePilot Installation & Service Manual for details. HINT

When the Eraser LED has lit up more than 42,000 times, a warning message is displayed.


Remove the exposure unit's positioning pin Assys (one per side).

• TP hexagonal Phillips-head Phillips-head screw × 1 per side (M3 × 6)


REGIUS /II Service Manual


Chapter 5 Disassembly & Assembly


5.2.13 Removing & attaching attaching light collection unit

Remove the exposure unit.

Exposure Unit

The following is a description of how to remove and attach the light collection unit.


• Before disassembling/assembling disassembling/assembling this device, be sure to switch OFF the power supply circuit breaker and disconnect the power cable from the device.

• Do not touch the light collecting mirror base (at the tip) or the light guide (transparent part).Do not let dust or debris contaminate the parts while handling them.

Things to prepare This concludes the exposure unit removal process.

Standard tools are required to perform the following steps.

The attachment process

The removal process



Place the exposure unit on top of the sub-scan unit's rail, then press it inward.

Refer to "5.2.10 Removing & attaching the Sub-scan unit (Page 5-12)", 5-12)", and remove the sub-scan unit. In this explanation, the term "sub-scan unit" refers to the exposure unit, light collection unit, and eraser unit together as


a single assembly.


Refer to "5.2.12 Removing & attaching the exposure unit (Page 5-20)", 5-20)", and remove the exposure unit from the sub-scan unit.


Remove the screws from the light collection unit.

•  A: TP hex hexago agonal nal Phi Philli llips ps-he -head ad sc screw rew × 4 (M3 (M3 × 6) • B: TP hexagonal Phillips-head sems II screws × 2

  s   p   e    t    S    l   a    t   n   e   m   a    d   n   u    F

(M3 × 10)


Attach the exposure unit's positioning pin Assys (one per side).


• TP hexagonal Phillips-head Phillips-head screw × 1 per side (M3 × 6)


Secure the exposure unit with screws. • TP hexagonal Phillips-head screw × 6 (M3 × 6)


Refer to "5.2.10 Removing & attaching the Sub-scan unit (Page 5-12)" and 5-12)" and attach the sub-scan unit.

This concludes the exposure unit attachment process.

Things to check/adjust when re-attaching an exposure unit When the same exposure unit has been re-attached, adjustments and confirmation must be done as follows.

• Confirm/adjust horizontal magnification • Confirm/adjust read starting point • Perform sensitivity calibration • Correct irregularity Refer to the ImagePilot Installation & Service Manual for details.

 A  A

 A B



   2  .    5

REGIUS /II Service Manual



Chapter 5 Disassembly & Assembly


Remove the light collection unit.


Refer to "5.2.12 Removing & attaching the exposure unit (Page 5-20)" and 5-20)" and attach the exposure unit to the sub-scan unit.


Refer to "5.2.10 Removing & attaching the Sub-scan unit (Page 5-12)" and 5-12)" and attach the sub-scan unit.

Light Collection Unit

This concludes the light collection unit attachment process.

Things to check/adjust when re-attaching the same light collection unit. When the same light collection unit have been re-attached, adjustments and confirmation must be done as follows.

• Perform sensitivity calibration • Correct irregularity Refer to the ImagePilot Installation & Service Manual for details. This concludes the light collection unit removal process.

The attachment process (when changing assemblies) The attachment process



Place the light collection unit on top of the sub-scan unit's rail, then press them inward.

When changing the light collection unit, the PMT support plate and light collection unit positions needs to be adjusted. Refer to " The attachment process (when changing assemblies) (Page 5-22)". 5-22)".


Place the light collection unit on top of the sub-scan unit's rail, then press them inward. Rail

5   s   p   e    t    S    l   a    t   n   e   m   a    d   n   u    F    2  .    5



Loosen the screws on the PMT support plate.

• D: Screws × 2 (step (step 3 illustration) 3 illustration)


Secure the light collection unit with screws. Attach screws marked A through D in the illustration in the


Secure the light collection unit with screws.

following order. 1) A: TP hexagonal Phillip Phillips-head s-head screw × 2 (M3 × 6)

First attach the 2 screws marked "A" in the illustration.

2) B: TP hexagonal Phillip Phillips-head s-head screw × 2 (M3 × 6)

•  A, B: TP hex hexago agonal nal Phi Philli llips ps-he -head ad sc screw rew × 4 (M3 × 6 6)) • C: TP hexagonal Phillips-head sems II screws × 2

3) C: TP hexagonal Ph Phillips-head illips-head sems II screws × 2 (M3 × 10)

(M3 × 10)

4) D: S Screw crews s ×2 C C













REGIUS /II Service Manual


Chapter 5 Disassembly & Assembly



Refer to "5.2.12 Removing & attaching the exposure unit (Page 5-20)" and 5-20)" and attach the exposure unit to the sub-scan unit.


Slide the Rotation Support Point Assy (left side) to the right and remove it. Remove the spring at this point as well.

Refer to "5.2.10 Removing & attaching the Sub-scan unit (Page 5-12)" and 5-12)" and attach the sub-scan unit.

This concludes the light collection unit attachment process when changing them out.

Things to check/adjust when changing light collection unit.


When changing light collection unit, adjustments and confirmation must be done as follows.

• Perform sensitivity calibration • Correct irregularity

Rotation Support Point Assy

Refer to the ImagePilot Installation & Service Manual for details.

4. 5.2.14 Removing & attaching attaching the upper door assy The following is a description of how to remove and attach the upper door assy.  UTION CAUTION Before disassembling/assembling disassembling/assembling this device, be sure to switch OFF the power supply circuit breaker and disconnect the power cable from the device.

Slide the upper door assy to the left, remove the right shaft from the device, and remove the upper door assy. Remove the spring at this point as well. Upper Door Assy Spring


Things to prepare Standard tools are required to perform the following steps.

The removal process



Refer to "5.2.3 Removing & attaching the upper cover assy (Page 5-5)", 5-5)", and remove the upper cover assy. Remove the screw from the Rotation Support Point Assy on the left side. • TP hexagonal Phillips-head screw × 1 (M3 × 6)


This concludes the upper door assy removal process.

  s   p   e    t    S    l   a    t   n   e   m   a    d   n   u    F    2  .    5

REGIUS /II Service Manual



Chapter 5 Disassembly & Assembly


The attachment process

Loosen the screws on each side of the locating plate.

• Screws on each side × 2 IMPORTANT

When changing the upper door assy, the locating plate's position needs to be adjusted. Refer to " The attachment process (when changing assemblies) (Page 5-24)".. 5-24)"


Place the spring into the support pillar (Rotation Support Point Assy) on the right side of the upper door assy, then insert the support pillar into the device.


Attach the removed Rotation Support Point Assy to the spring, then fix it to the device.

Locating Plate

• TP hexagonal Phillips-head screw × 1 (M3 × 6)


Upper Door Assy Spring

Close the upper door, push in the direction indicated below, then tighten the locating plate's screws.

• Screws on each side × 2 Press This Direction


Rotation Support Point Assy

5   s   p   e    t    S    l   a    t   n   e   m   a    d   n   u    F    2  .    5



Refer to "5.2.3 Removing & attaching the upper cover assy (Page 5-5)" and 5-5)" and attach the upper cover assy.


• TP hexagonal Phillips-head screw × 1 (M3 × 6)

This concludes the upper cover assy attachment process.

The attachment process (when changing assemblies)


Attach the upper door assy to the device without a spring.

• TP hexagonal Phillips-head screw × 1 (M3 × 6) Rotation Support Point Assy

Upper Door Assy

Remove the upper door assy, insert the spring, then attach it to the device.


Refer to "5.2.3 Removing & attaching the upper cover assy (Page 5-5)" and 5-5)" and attach the upper cover assy. IMPORTANT

 After attaching the upper cover assy assy,, confirm that there is no noticeable difference in level between it and the upper door assy. assy. If the upper door assy is raised, readjust its positioning board. This concludes the upper door assy attachment process for changing assemblies.


REGIUS /II Service Manual


Chapter 5 Disassembly & Assembly

5. 5.3 3 Ch Chan angi ging ng el elec ectr tric ical al p par artts

5.3.2 5.3 .2 Changi Changing ng the the LED LED drive drive2 2 boar board d

5.3.1 5.3 .1 Changi Changing ng the the sta status tus LED board board

Follow the steps below to change the LED drive2 board.


Follow the steps below to change the status LED board.

• Before disassembling/assembling disassembling/assembling this device, be sure to switch OFF the power supply circuit breaker and disconnect the power cable from the device.


• Before disassembling/assembling disassembling/assembling this device, be sure to switch OFF the power supply circuit breaker

• In order to avoid potential base board damage while Disassembly/Assembly Assembly discharging it, refer to "5.1.1 Disassembly/ Cautions (Page 5-2)" and 5-2)" and wear a grounding strap during the process.

and disconnect the power cable from the device.

• In order to avoid potential base board damage while Disassembly/Assembly /Assembly discharging it, refer to "5.1.1 Disassembly Cautions (Page 5-2)" and 5-2)" and wear a grounding strap during the process.

Process Summary This process requires the following number of employees and estimated number of man-hours to perform.

Process Summary This process requires the following number of employees and estimated number of man-hours to perform.



1 Employees



Things to prepare Standard tools are required to perform the following steps.

Things to prepare Standard tools are required to perform the following steps.

The changing process



Refer to "5.2.3 Removing & attaching the upper cover assy (Page 5-5)", 5-5)", and remove the upper cover assy. Change the status LED board.

• Screws × 2 • CN CN1 1 (Status LED board connector name.) Pass the cables underneath the status LED board to connect them.


The changing process


Refer to "5.2.10 Removing & attaching the Sub-scan unit (Page 5-12)", 5-12)", and remove the sub-scan unit.


Remove the dustproof cover.

• TP hexagonal Phillips-head screw × 1 (M3 × 6)

5   s    t   r   a   p    l   a   c    i   r    t   c   e    l   e   g   n    i   g   a   n    h    C    3  .    5



Refer to "5.2.3 Removing & attaching the upper cover assy (Page 5-5)" and 5-5)" and attach the upper cover assy.

This concludes the status LED board changing process.

REGIUS /II Service Manual



Chapter 5 Disassembly & Assembly



Remove the base board cover.

• Screws × 4

• TP hexagonal Phillips-head screw × 1 (M3 × 6)


Remove all cables connected to the LED drive2 board.

Change the LED drive2 board.


Connect cables to all LED drive2 board connectors. IMPORTANT

How to connect the FFC cable (CN1) CN1 CN2

Insert the FFC cable placing the contact face toward the opposite side of the lock lever and insert it vertically vertically.. When doing so, make sure to firmly insert the FFC cable to the connector vertically until it touches the body.


5   s    t   r   a   p    l   a   c    i   r    t   c   e    l   e   g   n    i   g

 FFC Cable Contact Face


How to remove the FFC cable (CN1) Remove the FFC cable after unlocking the lock by pushing up the CN1 lock lever.

Push up the vertically standing lock lever toward the

  a   n    h    C    3  .    5

rotation to lock Afterpulling connecting confirm that it is direction firmly locked by it. gently up theit,FFC cable.

Lock Lever 


Attach the base board cover. • TP hexagonal Phillips-head screw × 1 (M3 × 6)


REGIUS /II Service Manual


Chapter 5 Disassembly & Assembly


Attach the dustproof cover.


• TP hexagonal Phillips-head screw × 1 (M3 × 6)

• Screw × 3

Remove the substrate backing plate.

Loosen the 2 screws on the top, and remove 1 screw on the  bottom. Loosen


Base Board Backup Plate


Refer to "5.2.10 Removing & attaching the Sub-scan unit (Page 5-12)" and 5-12)" and attach the sub-scan unit.

This concludes the LED drive2 board changing process.

5.3.3 5.3 .3 Changi Changing ng the Eras Eraser er Unit Unit Assy Assy (Erase (Eraserr LED)


• Screw × 3


Follow the steps below to change the Eraser Unit Assy.

• Before disassembling/assembling disassembling/assembling this device, be sure to switch OFF the power supply circuit breaker and disconnect the power cable from the device.

• In order to avoid potential base board damage while


Refer to "5.2.10 Removing & attaching the Sub-scan unit (Page 5-12)" and 5-12)" and attach the sub-scan unit.

This concludes the eraser unit assy changing process.

Process Summary This process requires the following number of employees and estimated number of man-hours to perform. Employees

Refer to "5.2.11 "5.2.11 Removing and attaching the eraser unit (Page 5-17)", 5-17)", and attach the eraser unit to the sub-scan unit. In addition, refer to the attachment process covered in "5.2.11 Removing and attaching the eraser unit", unit", and when "connecting cables to the LED drive2 board", attach the  previously  previous ly removed LED drive2 b board, oard, then cconnect onnect the cables to all LED drive2 board connectors.


discharging it, refer to "5.1.1 Disassembly Disassembly/Assembly /Assembly Cautions (Page 5-2)" and 5-2)" and wear a grounding strap during the process.

Attach the substrate backing plate to the new Eraser Unit Assy.



Confirmation/settings needed after changing the Eraser Unit Assy that the Eraser LED lights up • Confirm Use the service tool's [Unit test] to access the [Unit Test]

Things to prepare

(Check) screen, operate the Eraser LED, and confirm visually that it lights up.

Standard tools are required to perform the following steps.

- If the LED flickers or does not light up, Cable connection may be defective.

The changing process


Refer to "5.2.10 Removing & attaching the Sub-scan unit (Page 5-12)", 5-12)", and remove the sub-scan unit.

For a detailed explanation of the [Unit Test] (Check) function, refer to "4.2 [Unit Test] (Check) Screen Display (Page 4-2)". 4-2)".

• Clear the Erase Counter  Use the service tool's [Processing Counter] function to perform this task.


Refer to "5.3.2 Changing the LED drive2 board (Page 5-25)", 5-25)", and remove the LED drive2 board.


Refer to "5.2.11 Removing and attaching the eraser unit (Page 5-17)", 5-17)", and remove the eraser unit from

When the Eraser LED has lit up more than 42,000 times, a

the sub-scan unit.

warning message is displayed.

Refer to the ImagePilot Installation & Repair Manual for details. HINT

5   s    t   r   a   p    l   a   c    i   r    t   c   e    l   e   g   n    i   g   a   n    h    C    3  .    5

REGIUS /II Service Manual



Chapter 5 Disassembly & Assembly


Exit the ImagePilot and device, then turn OFF their power sources.


Refer to "5.2.3 Removing & attaching the upper cover assy (Page 5-5)", 5-5)", and remove the upper cover assy.

A reader program is also written to the main board. A program written to the main board may become old when the main board is changed, and require overwrite to a new program.


Refer to "5.2.5 Removing & attaching the left side panel (Page 5-7)" and 5-7)" and remove the left side panel.

Use the service tool of the ImagePilot connected to this device to  backup or or restore data or overwrite a program program..


Refer to "5.2.6 Removing & attaching the right side panel (Page 5-8)" and 5-8)" and remove the right side panel.


Refer to "5.2.8 Removing & attaching the lower insertion unit (Page 5-9)", 5-9)", and remove the lower insertion unit.


Remove the frame's anterior cover.

5. 5.3. 3.4 4 Chan Changi ging ng the the mai main n boar board d All of the device's setting data is saved to the main board. So when changing the main board, it's important to back up any data saved to the current main board before progressing. After changing it, the  backup data data must then be restored to the new ma main in board.

The steps needed to change the main board are summarized as follows.

• For details on service tool operation, refer to the ImagePilot Installation & Service Manual.  UTION CAUTION

• Before disassembling/assembling disassembling/assembling this device, be

• TP hexagonal Phillips-head screw × 4 (M3 × 6)

sure to switch OFF the power supply circuit breaker and disconnect the power cable from the device.

• In order to avoid potential base board damage while discharging it, refer to "5.1.1 Disassembly Disassembly/Assembly /Assembly Cautions (Page 5-2)" and 5-2)" and wear a grounding strap during the process.


The main board must be changed when a problem is thought to have occurred from within the main board. In most cases, when a problem occurs with the main board, connection is cut off between the device and ImagePilot, and backup data can no longer be created.

5   s    t   r   a   p    l   a   c    i   r    t   c   e    l   e   g   n    i   g   a   n    h    C    3  .    5

The backup option is included while adjusting settings, so be sure to create backup data each time settings are changed while the device is being serviced, etc.


Remove all cables connected to the main board. CNxx

Process Summary This process requires the following number of employees and estimated number of man-hours to perform. Employees


20 12 USB (13)

11 1014 9 8 5




4 1



1 Unused

Things to prepare Standard tools are required to perform the following steps.

The changing process


If communications are possible between this device and the ImagePilot, access the service tool's [Change Base Board] screen to back up all data saved to the main board into the ImagePilot. HINT

When using the REGIUS MODEL 110 etc. to back up ImagePilot setting information (system and JM information), ImagePilot settings had to be returned to default. However, since USB connection is used for the REGIUS /II, this is no longer necessary.


REGIUS /II Service Manual


Chapter 5 Disassembly & Assembly


12. Attach the frame's anterior cover.

Change the main board.

• Screw × 8

• TP hexagonal Phillips-head screw × 4 (M3 × 6)

When attaching the main board, loosely fasten the 2 screws marked "A" in the illustration, then tighten them after sliding it to the left. After that, tighten it down with the remaining 6 screws.

13. Refer to "5.2.8 Removing & attaching the lower insertion unit (Page 5-9)" and 5-9)" and attach the lower insertion unit.

14. Refer to "5.2.6 Removing & attaching the right side panel (Page 5-8)" and 5-8)" and attach the right side panel.

15. Refer to "5.2.5 Removing & attaching the left side panel (Page 5-7)" and 5-7)" and attach the left side panel.  A


16. Refer to "5.2.3 Removing & attaching the upper cover assy (Page 5-5)" and 5-5)" and attach the upper cover assy.

17. Turn ON the ImagePilot and device to start them up. 18. Overwrite the MAIN_BOARD program with the latest version on the [Install] screen and the [Program] screen of the service tool.

10. Confirm that the HV (high voltage) switch of the MAIN_BOARD is set to ON.

Refer to the ImagePilot Installation & Service Manual for details.

19. Restore the backup data, which is created in step 11   ON


Turn it on ON if it is OFF.

11. Connect the cables removed in step 88 to  to the main board.

at the [PCB] screen (or created when setting or servicing the device, etc.) of the service tool, to the new main board. If no data is available to restore If you were unable to back up the previous main board's data, and there is no backup data created when setting or servicing, the following recheck/readjustment process must be  performed..  performed

• Confirm the number of read pixels and read starting point •  Adj  Adjust ust the im image age siz size e and and ima image ge pos positi ition on • Calibrate irregularity • Perform sensitivity calibration Refer to the ImagePilot Installation & Service Manual for details. IMPORTANT

 After making these these settings, make s sure ure to back up the main board data.

5   s    t   r   a   p    l   a   c    i   r    t   c   e    l   e   g   n    i   g   a   n    h    C    3  .    5

20. Restart the device. This concludes the main board changing process.

REGIUS /II Service Manual



Chapter 5 Disassembly & Assembly

5.3.5 5.3 .5 Changi Changing ng the SW power power supply supply


Change the SW power supply.

• Screws × 2

Follow the steps below to change the SW power supply.  UTION CAUTION

Before disassembling/assembling disassembling/assembling this device, be sure to switch OFF the power supply circuit breaker and disconnect the power cable from the device.

Process Summary This process requires the following number of employees and estimated number of man-hours to perform. Employees



Things to prepare Standard tools are required to perform the following steps.


Connect the power supply circuit breaker cable to the SW power supply.

• CN CN1 1 The changing process


5   s    t   r   a   p    l   a   c    i   r    t   c   e    l   e   g   n    i   g   a   n    h    C    3  .    5


Refer to "5.2.3 Removing & attaching the upper cover assy (Page 5-5)", 5-5)", and remove the upper cover assy.

Temporarily Temporarily connect the power cable to the device and plug it into an outlet.

10. Turn Turn the device ON, confirm the SW power supply's output voltage, and adjust if out of range.


Refer to "5.2.5 Removing & attaching the left side panel (Page 5-7)" and 5-7)" and remove the left side panel.


Refer to "5.2.6 Removing & attaching the right side panel (Page 5-8)" and 5-8)" and remove the right side panel.


Refer to "5.2.8 Removing & attaching the lower insertion unit (Page 5-9)", 5-9)" , and remove the lower insertion unit.


Refer to "5.2.9 Removing/attaching the front panel assy (Page 5-11)" 5-11)" and  and remove the front panel assy.


Remove all cables connected to the SW power supply.

Signal name +24 V

Po Poiint of of m me easurement

Voltage ra range

CN51-6 (+ side)

23.50 - 24.50V

CN51-1 (- side)



Voltage Drop CN1


Voltage Rise


11. Unplug the power cable from its outlet and disconnect it from the device.

12. Connect the cables to the SW power supply. • CN51

13. Refer to "5.2.9 Removing/attaching the front panel assy (Page 5-11)" 5-11)" and  and attach the front panel assy.

14. Refer to "5.2.8 Removing & attaching the lower insertion unit (Page 5-9)" and 5-9)" and attach the lower insertion unit.

15. Refer to "5.2.6 Removing & attaching the right side panel (Page 5-8)" and 5-8)" and attach the right side panel.

16. Refer to "5.2.5 Removing & attaching the left side

5-7)" and  and attach the left side panel. panel (Page 5-7)"


REGIUS /II Service Manual


Chapter 5 Disassembly & Assembly

17. Refer to "5.2.3 Removing & attaching the upper


cover assy (Page 5-5)" and 5-5)" and attach the upper cover assy.

Remove the brackets attached to the power supply circuit breaker.

• Screws × 2

This concludes the SW power supply changing process.

5.3.6 5.3 .6 Changi Changing ng the the powe powerr suppl supply y circu circuit it breaker  Follow the steps below to change the power supply circuit breaker.  UTION CAUTION

Before disassembling/assembling disassembling/assembling this device, be sure to switch OFF the power supply circuit breaker and disconnect the power cable from the device.

Process Summary This process requires the following number of employees and estimated number of man-hours to perform. Employees


Change the power supply circuit breaker. Check the switch's ON/OFF symbols to make sure it is  pointing in the direction direction shown in th thee illustration w when hen attaching it.



Things to prepare Standard tools are required to perform the following steps.

The changing process


Refer to "5.2.3 Removing & attaching the upper cover assy (Page 5-5)", 5-5)", and remove the upper cover assy.


Refer to "5.2.5 Removing & attaching the left side panel (Page 5-7)" and 5-7)" and remove the left side panel.


Refer to "5.2.6 Removing & attaching the right side panel (Page 5-8)" and 5-8)" and remove the right side panel.


Refer to "5.2.8 Removing & attaching the lower insertion unit (Page 5-9)", 5-9)" , and remove the lower insertion unit.



Attach the brackets.

• Screws × 2


Refer to "5.2.9 Removing/attaching the front panel assy (Page 5-11)" 5-11)" and  and attach the front panel assy.


Refer to "5.2.9 Removing/attaching the front panel assy (Page 5-11)" 5-11)" and  and remove the front panel assy.

10. Refer to "5.2.8 Removing & attaching the lower insertion unit (Page 5-9)" and 5-9)" and attach the lower insertion unit.

11. Refer to "5.2.6 Removing & attaching the right side panel (Page 5-8)" and 5-8)" and attach the right side panel.

12. Refer to "5.2.5 Removing & attaching the left side panel (Page 5-7)" and 5-7)" and attach the left side panel.

13. Refer to "5.2.3 Removing & attaching the upper cover assy (Page 5-5)" and 5-5)" and attach the upper cover assy. This concludes the power supply circuit breaker changing process.

  s    t   r   a   p    l   a   c    i   r    t   c   e    l   e   g   n    i   g   a   n    h    C    3  .    5

REGIUS /II Service Manual



Chapter 5 Disassembly & Assembly

5.3.7 5.3 .7 Changi Changing ng the the Inlet Inlet-NF -NF wiring wiring A Assy ssy


Remove the box cover patch assembly.

• Screws × 2

Follow the steps below to change the Inlet-NF wiring Assy.  UTION CAUTION

Before disassembling/assembling disassembling/assembling this device, be sure to switch OFF the power supply circuit breaker and disconnect the power cable from the device.

Process Summary This process requires the following number of employees and estimated number of man-hours to perform. Employees



Things to prepare Standard tools are required to perform the following steps.


• Screws × 2 • Screw × 1 (ground)

The changing process


Attach so the inlet's central terminal is facing downward.

Refer to "5.2.3 Removing & attaching the upper cover assy (Page 5-5)", 5-5)", and remove the upper cover assy.


Refer to "5.2.14 Removing & attaching the upper door assy (Page 5-23)", 5-23)", and remove the upper door assy.



Refer to "5.2.5 Removing & attaching the left side panel (Page 5-7)" and 5-7)" and remove the left side panel.

  s    t   r   a   p    l   a   c    i   r    t   c   e    l   e   g   n    i   g   a   n    h    C    3  .    5


Refer to "5.2.6 Removing & attaching the right side panel (Page 5-8)" and 5-8)" and remove the right side panel.


Refer to "5.2.7 Removing & attaching the rear panel patch assy. (Page 5-9)" and 5-9)" and remove the rear panel patch assy.


Change the Inlet-NF wiring Assy.

Remove upper door stoppers A and B.



Attach the box cover patch assembly.

• Screws × 2

10. Attach upper door stoppers A and B. • Screw × 1 each

• Screw × 1 each

11. Refer to "5.2.7 Removing & attaching the rear panel Upper Door Stopper (B)

patch assy. (Page 5-9)" and 5-9)" and attach the rear panel patch assy.

12. Refer to "5.2.6 Removing & attaching the right side panel (Page 5-8)" and 5-8)" and attach the right side panel.

13. Refer to "5.2.5 Removing & attaching the left side panel (Page 5-7)" and 5-7)" and attach the left side panel. Upper Door Stopper (A)

14. Refer to "5.2.14 Removing & attaching the upper door assy (Page 5-23)" and 5-23)" and attach the upper door assy.

15. Refer to "5.2.3 Removing & attaching the upper cover assy (Page 5-5)" and 5-5)" and attach the upper cover assy.

This concludes the Inlet-NF wiring Assy changing process.


REGIUS /II Service Manual


Chapter 5 Disassembly & Assembly

5.3.8 5.3 .8 Changi Changing ng size size detec detectio tion n sensor sensors s 1 and 2


Remove the sensor assembly.

• Screws × 3

Follow the steps below to change size detection sensor 1 and size detection sensor 2.


• Before disassembling/assembling disassembling/assembling this device, be sure to switch OFF the power supply circuit breaker and disconnect the power cable from the device.

• In order to avoid potential base board damage while discharging it, refer to "5.1.1 Disassembly Disassembly/Assembly /Assembly Cautions (Page 5-2)" and 5-2)" and wear a grounding strap during the process.

Process Summary This process requires the following number of employees and estimated number of man-hours to perform. Employees


Change the sensors.


Size Detection Sensor 1


Things to prepare Standard tools are required to perform the following steps.

The changing process


Refer to "5.2.3 Removing & attaching the upper cover assy (Page 5-5)", 5-5)", and remove the upper cover assy.

5 Size Detection Sensor 2

2. 3. 4.


Refer to "5.2.5 Removing & attaching the left side panel (Page 5-7)" and 5-7)" and remove the left side panel. Refer to "5.2.6 Removing & attaching the right side panel (Page 5-8)" and 5-8)" and remove the right side panel. Refer to "5.2.8 Removing & attaching the lower insertion unit (Page 5-9)", 5-9)" , and remove the lower insertion unit. Turn over the lower insertion unit and remove its cover.

• P Tight × 4 (M3 × 8)


Attach the sensor assembly.

• Screws × 3


Attach the lower insertion unit cover.

• P Tight × 4 (M3 × 8)

10. Refer to "5.2.8 Removing & attaching the lower insertion unit (Page 5-9)" and 5-9)" and attach the lower insertion unit.

11. Refer to "5.2.6 Removing & attaching the right side panel (Page 5-8)" and 5-8)" and attach the right side panel.

12. Refer to "5.2.5 Removing & attaching the left side panel (Page 5-7)" and 5-7)" and attach the left side panel.

13. Refer to "5.2.3 Removing & attaching the upper cover assy (Page 5-5)" and 5-5)" and attach the upper cover assy. This concludes the changing process for size detection sensors 1 and 2.

  s    t   r   a   p    l   a   c    i   r    t   c   e    l   e   g   n    i   g   a   n    h    C    3  .    5

REGIUS /II Service Manual



Chapter 5 Disassembly & Assembly

5.3.9 5.3 .9 Changi Changing ng the the ca casse ssette tte sensor  sensor  Follow the steps below to change the cassette sensor.

5.3.10 Changing the the plate sensor (light receiving) Follow the steps below to change the plate sensor (light receiving).



• Before disassembling/assembling disassembling/assembling this device, be sure to switch OFF the power supply circuit breaker and disconnect the power cable from the device.

• Before disassembling/assembling disassembling/assembling this device, be sure to switch OFF the power supply circuit breaker and disconnect the power cable from the device.

• In order to avoid potential base board damage while Disassembly/Assembly /Assembly discharging it, refer to "5.1.1 Disassembly Cautions (Page 5-2)" and 5-2)" and wear a grounding strap during the process.

• In order to avoid potential base board damage while discharging it, refer to "5.1.1 Disassembly/ Disassembly/Assembly Assembly Cautions (Page 5-2)" and 5-2)" and wear a grounding strap during the process.

Process Summary This process requires the following number of employees and estimated number of man-hours to perform. Employees


Process Summary This process requires the following number of employees and estimated number of man-hours to perform. Employees




Things to prepare Standard tools are required to perform the following steps.

Things to prepare Standard tools are required to perform the following steps.

The changing process

1. 5


Refer to "5.2.10 Removing & attaching the Sub-scan unit (Page 5-12)", 5-12)", and remove the sub-scan unit.

The changing process


Change the cassette sensor.

Refer to "5.2.10 Removing & attaching the Sub-scan unit (Page 5-12)" and 5-12)" and "5.2.4 Removing & attaching the upper insertion unit (Page 5-6)" to 5-6)" to remove the sub-scan unit and upper insertion unit. At this point, only the front panel assy and upper door assy are attached to the frame.

  s    t   r   a   p    l   a   c    i   r    t   c   e    l   e   g   n    i   g   a   n    h    C    3  .    5


Refer to "5.4.5 Changing the magnetic clutch (Page 5-45)",, and remove the feeding roller. 5-45)" Magnetic Clutch

Feeding Roller 


Refer to "5.2.10 Removing & attaching the Sub-scan unit (Page 5-12)" and 5-12)" and attach the sub-scan unit.

This concludes the cassette sensor changing process.

Bearing E Ring


REGIUS /II Service Manual


Chapter 5 Disassembly & Assembly


Remove the detector mounting plate.

• Screws × 2

5.3.11 5.3.1 1 Changing the the plate sensor (light emitting) Follow the steps below to change the plate sensor (light emitting).  UTION CAUTION

Before disassembling/assembling disassembling/assembling this device, be sure to switch OFF the power supply circuit breaker and disconnect the power cable from the device.

Process Summary Detector Mounting Plate

This process requires the following number of employees and estimated number of man-hours to perform. Employees




Change the plate sensor (light receiving).

Things to prepare Standard tools are required to perform the following steps.

The changing process


Refer to "5.2.3 Removing & attaching the upper cover assy (Page 5-5)", 5-5)", and remove the upper cover assy.


Refer to "5.2.4 Removing & attaching the upper insertion unit (Page 5-6)" and 5-6)" and remove the upper insertion unit.




Attach the detector mounting plate.

• Screws × 2


Refer to "5.4.5 Changing the magnetic clutch (Page 5-45)",, and attach the feeding Roller. 5-45)"


Refer to "5.2.4 Removing & attaching the upper insertion unit (Page 5-6)" and 5-6)"  and "5.2.10 Removing & attaching the Sub-scan unit (Page 5-12)" to 5-12)"  to attach the upper insertion unit and sub-scan unit.

This concludes the plate sensor (light receiving) changing process.

Remove the plate sensor (light emitting) from the upper insertion unit. Make sure not to scratch the antistatic sheet Assy (circled below) during this process.

  s    t   r   a   p    l   a   c    i   r    t   c   e    l   e   g   n    i   g   a   n    h    C    3  .    5

REGIUS /II Service Manual



Chapter 5 Disassembly & Assembly


Remove the connector (JP29), then remove the cable connected to the plate sensor (light emitting) from its wire saddles (× 4).


Take the detector mounting plate out from under the upper insertion unit, then change the plate sensor (light emitting).


Place the detector mounting plate and run its cable through the wire saddles.



Remove screw from the lever.

• Screws × 1


Once the detector mounting plate has been secured, running its cable through the wire saddles becomes difficult. Run the cable through the 2 wire saddles on the sensor side here.


Attach the detector mounting plate.

• Screws × 1



Connect the cable and run it through the wire saddles.

• JP29

  s    t   r   a   p    l   a   c    i   r    t   c   e    l   e   g   n    i   g   a   n    h    C    3  .    5

10. Attach the lever screw. 5.

Remove screw from the detector mounting plate.

• Screws × 1

11. Refer to "5.2.4 Removing & attaching the upper

• Screws × 1 Rotate the cam part, then move the slide guide as indicated by the arrow below. Once the lever is loose, the screws can be accessed.

insertion unit (Page 5-6)" and 5-6)" and attach the upper insertion unit.

12. Refer to "5.2.3 Removing & attaching the upper cover assy (Page 5-5)" and 5-5)" and attach the upper cover assy.

Detector Mounting Plate

This concludes the plate sensor (light emitting) changing process. Lever 

Slide Guide

Slide Guide


REGIUS /II Service Manual


Chapter 5 Disassembly & Assembly

5.3.12 Changing the V-SYNC V-SYNC se sensor nsor and VVSYNC assembly


Remove the V-SYNC assembly.

• Screws × 2

Follow the steps below to change the V-SYNC sensor and VSYNC assembly.


Before disassembling/assembling disassembling/assembling this device, be sure to switch OFF the power supply circuit breaker and disconnect the power cable from the device.

Process Summary This process requires the following number of employees and estimated number of man-hours to perform. Employees



7. Things to prepare

If you are changing the V-SYNC sensor sensor,, replace the old one.

Standard tools are required to perform the following steps.

The changing process


Refer to "5.2.3 Removing & attaching the upper cover assy (Page 5-5)", 5-5)", and remove the upper cover assy.


Refer to "5.2.5 Removing & attaching the left side panel (Page 5-7)" and 5-7)" and remove the left side panel.

3. 4.



Refer to "5.2.6 Removing & attaching the right side panel (Page 5-8)" and 5-8)" and remove the right side panel. Refer to "5.2.7 Removing & attaching the rear panel patch assy. (Page 5-9)" and 5-9)" and remove the rear panel patch assy.


Attach the V-SYNC assembly.

• Screws × 2 Insert the V actuator into the exposure guide holes, then attach so it is abutted as shown in the illustration.

Remove the cable from the V-SYNC sensor.

• JP32 Exposure Guide Hole

V Actuator  JP32


Connect the cable to the V-SYNC sensor.

• JP32

10. Refer to "5.2.7 Removing & attaching the rear panel patch assy. (Page 5-9)"

  s    t   r   a   p    l   a   c    i   r    t   c   e    l   e   g   n    i   g   a   n    h    C    3  .    5

11. Refer to

5.2.6 Removing & attaching the right side panel (Page 5-8)" and 5-8)" and attach the right side panel.

REGIUS /II Service Manual



Chapter 5 Disassembly & Assembly

12. Refer to "5.2.5 Removing & attaching the left side


Change the entrance NIP sensor.


Refer to "5.4.2 Changing the sub-scan NIP motor and sub-scan drive Assy" starting Assy" starting from Process 8 on Page 5-42, 5-42, and attach the other parts that were removed from the sub-scan drive Assy during the sub-scan unit removal process.


Refer to "5.2.10 Removing & attaching the Sub-scan unit (Page 5-12)" and 5-12)" and attach the sub-scan unit.

panel (Page 5-7)" and 5-7)" and attach the left side panel.

13. Refer to "5.2.3 Removing & attaching the upper cover assy (Page 5-5)" and 5-5)" and attach the upper cover assy. This concludes the V-SYNC sensor and V-SYNC assembly changing process.

5.3.13 Changing the the entrance NIP sensor  sensor  Follow the steps below to change the entrance NIP sensor.  UTION CAUTION

• Before disassembling/assembling disassembling/assembling this device, be sure to switch OFF the power supply circuit breaker and disconnect the power cable from the device.

• In order to avoid potential base board damage while discharging it, refer to "5.1.1 Disassembly Disassembly/Assembly /Assembly Cautions (Page 5-2)" and 5-2)" and wear a grounding strap during the process.

Process Summary This process requires the following number of employees and estimated number of man-hours to perform. Employees



5 Things to prepare

  s    t   r   a   p    l   a   c    i   r    t   c   e    l   e   g   n    i   g   a   n    h    C    3  .    5

Standard tools are required to perform the following steps.

The changing process


Refer to "5.2.10 Removing & attaching the Sub-scan unit (Page 5-12)", 5-12)", and remove the sub-scan unit.


Refer to "5.4.2 Changing the sub-scan NIP motor and sub-scan drive Assy (Page 5-41)", 5-41)", and remove the sub-scan drive Assy Assy..


Remove the upper open/close springs (× 2).

This concludes the entrance NIP sensor changing process.


REGIUS /II Service Manual


Chapter 5 Disassembly & Assembly


5.3.14 Changing the the exit exit NIP sensor 

Remove the base board assembly.

• Screw × 6

Follow the steps below to change the exit NIP sensor.  UTION CAUTION

• Before disassembling/assembling disassembling/assembling this device, be sure to switch OFF the power supply circuit breaker and disconnect the power cable from the device.

• In order to avoid potential base board damage while Disassembly/Assembly /Assembly discharging it, refer to "5.1.1 Disassembly Cautions (Page 5-2)" and 5-2)" and wear a grounding strap during the process.

Process Summary This process requires the following number of employees and estimated number of man-hours to perform. Employees




Remove the protective cover.

• Screws × 2

Things to prepare Standard tools are required to perform the following steps.

The changing process


Refer to "5.2.10 Removing & attaching the Sub-scan unit (Page 5-12)", 5-12)", and remove the sub-scan unit.


Remove the connectors (× 4) circled in the illustration, then remove their cables from the base board's cable hole.

• • • •


JP5 JP32 (V-SYNC sensor)


JP33 (entrance NIP sensor) JP31-1


JP5 JP32 Leave this cable attached to the base board.


Remove the lower open/close springs (× 2).

  s    t   r   a   p    l   a   c    i   r    t   c   e    l   e   g   n    i   g   a   n    h    C    3  .    5

REGIUS /II Service Manual



Chapter 5 Disassembly & Assembly


Change the exit NIP sensor sensor..

5.4 5.4 Ch Chan angi ging ng m mec echa hani nica call pa part rts s

• JP34

5.4.1 5.4 .1 Changi Changing ng the the loadin loading/f g/fee eedin ding g motor  motor  Follow the steps below to change the loading/feeding motor.  UTION CAUTION

• Before disassembling/assembling disassembling/assembling this device, be sure to switch OFF the power supply circuit breaker and disconnect the power cable from the device.

• In order to avoid potential base board damage while Disassembly/Assembly Assembly discharging it, refer to "5.1.1 Disassembly/ Cautions (Page 5-2)" and 5-2)" and wear a grounding strap during the process. Top Down View

Process Summary


Attach the lower open/close springs (× 2).


Attach the protective cover.

This process requires the following number of employees and estimated number of man-hours to perform. Employees 1

• Screws × 2


Attach the base board assembly.

• Screw × 6


Things to prepare Standard tools are required to perform the following steps.

2 and connect the cables. 10. Refer to step 2 and

5   s    t   r   a   p    l   a   c    i   n   a    h   c   e   m   g   n    i   g   n   a    h    C    4  .    5

• JP5 • JP32 (V-SYNC sensor) • JP33 (entrance NIP sensor) • JP31-1

11. Refer to "5.2.10 Removing & attaching the Sub-scan

The changing process


Refer to "5.2.3 Removing & attaching the upper cover assy (Page 5-5)", 5-5)", and remove the upper cover assy.


Refer to "5.2.5 Removing & attaching the left side panel (Page 5-7)" and 5-7)" and remove the left side panel.


Refer to "5.2.6 Removing & attaching the right side panel (Page 5-8)" and 5-8)" and remove the right side panel.


Refer to "5.2.8 Removing & attaching the lower insertion unit (Page 5-9)", 5-9)", and remove the lower insertion unit.


Change the loading/feeding motor (stepping motor).

unit (Page 5-12)" and 5-12)" and attach the sub-scan unit. This concludes the exit NIP sensor changing process.

• Screws × 2 • JP JP4 4



REGIUS /II Service Manual


Chapter 5 Disassembly & Assembly


Refer to "5.2.8 Removing & attaching the lower insertion unit (Page 5-9)" and 5-9)"  and attach the lower insertion unit.


Refer to "5.2.6 Removing & attaching the right side panel (Page 5-8)" and 5-8)" and attach the right side panel.


Refer to "5.2.5 Removing & attaching the left side panel (Page 5-7)" and 5-7)" and attach the left side panel.



Take Take off the tension arm R spring, then remove the drive belt and slowdown pulley.

• Screw × 1 After removal, move the roller part of tension arm R downward (as shown in the illustration bubble) so that it does not make contact with the drive pulley.

Tension Arm R

Refer to "5.2.3 Removing & attaching the upper cover assy (Page 5-5)" and 5-5)" and attach the upper cover assy.

This concludes the loading/feeding motor changing process. Drive Pulley

5.4.2 5.4 .2 Changi Changing ng the the sub-sc sub-scan an N NIP IP motor motor and and sub-scan drive Assy

Slowdown Pulley Drive Belt

Follow the steps below to change the sub-scan NIP motor. The sub-scan drive Assy is removed when changing the sub-scan  NIP motor. motor.



Remove the connectors (x4) circled in the illustration, then remove their cables from the base board's cable hole.

• Before disassembling/assembling disassembling/assembling this device, be • • • •

sure to switch OFF the power supply circuit breaker and disconnect the power cable from the device.

• In order to avoid potential base board damage while Disassembly/Assembly /Assembly discharging it, refer to "5.1.1 Disassembly Cautions (Page 5-2)" and 5-2)" and wear a grounding strap during the process.

JP JP5 5 JP32 (V-SYNC sensor) JP33 (entrance NIP sensor) JP31-1

5 JP33

Process Summary This process requires the following number of employees and estimated number of man-hours to perform. Employees





Things to prepare Leave this cable attached to the base board.

Standard tools are required to perform the following steps.

The changing process



Remove the base board assembly.

• Screw × 6 Refer to "5.2.10 Removing & attaching the Sub-scan unit (Page 5-12)", 5-12)", and remove the sub-scan unit.


  s    t   r   a   p    l   a   c    i   n   a    h   c   e   m   g   n    i   g   n   a    h    C    4  .    5

REGIUS /II Service Manual



Chapter 5 Disassembly & Assembly


Remove the sub-scan drive Assy screws.


Change the sub-scan NIP motor.

• Screws × 2

• Screw × 4

Sub-scan NIP Motor 


Remove the sub-scan drive Assy.


1) Rotate the free shaft holder 90 d degrees, egrees, release the lock, and remove it from the sub-scan drive Assy. 2) Slide the sub-scan drive Assy togeth together er with the drive transmission gear, gear, then pull them up and out. 3) Remove the driv drive e transmission ge gear's ar's parallel pin for baffling.

Refer to step 6 6,, then assemble and attach the subscan drive Assy. Align it with the sub-scan unit's side plate and emboss.


Secure the sub-scan drive Assy by attaching the screws.

• Screw × 4 Start with the screws closest to the synchronization axis.

5 Emboss

  s    t   r   a   p    l   a   c    i   n   a    h   c   e   m   g   n    i   g   n   a    h    C    4  .    5

Free Bearing

Synchronization Axis

Sub-scan Drive Assy

10. Attach the base board assembly. • Screw × 6

11. Refer to step 33 and  and connect the cables. Parallel pin

Free Bearing Drive Transmission Gear 

• • • •

JP JP5 5 JP32 (V-SYNC sensor) JP33 (entrance NIP sensor) JP31-1

12. Attach the slowdown pulley and drive belt, then If you are not going to change the sub-scan NIP motor, skip to step 8.

connect the tension arm R spring.

• Screw × 1


REGIUS /II Service Manual


Chapter 5 Disassembly & Assembly

13. Adapt the drive belt to the pulley.


Rotate the slowdown pulley in reverse and normal directions at least 5 times each.

Take Take off the tension arm R spring, then remove the drive belt. After removal, move the roller part of tension arm R downward (as shown in the illustration bubble) so that it does not make contact with the drive pulley.

Normal Rotation Direction

Tension Arm R

Reverse Rotation Direction

Drive Pulley Drive Belt

14. Refer to "5.2.10 Removing & attaching the Sub-scan unit (Page 5-12)" and 5-12)" and attach the sub-scan unit.


Remove the protective cover.

• Screws × 2

This concludes the sub-scan NIP motor and sub-scan drive Assy changing process.

When removing the rear side screws, hold tension arm R in your hand and move it for accessibility.

5.4.3 5.4 .3 Changi Changing ng the the sub-sc sub-scan an fe feedi eding ng mo motor  tor  Follow the steps below to change the sub-scan feeding motor.



• Before disassembling/assembling disassembling/assembling this device, be sure to switch OFF the power supply circuit breaker and disconnect the power cable from the device.

• In order to avoid potential base board damage while discharging it, refer to "5.1.1 Disassembly Disassembly/Assembly /Assembly Cautions (Page 5-2)" and 5-2)" and wear a grounding strap during the process.

Process Summary This process requires the following number of employees and estimated number of man-hours to perform. Employees




Change the sub-scan feeding motor (stepping motor Assy).

• Screws × 4 • JP JP6 6 When removing the screws, hold tension arm R in your hand and move it for accessibility.

Things to prepare Standard tools are required to perform the following steps.

The changing process


Refer to "5.2.10 Removing & attaching the Sub-scan unit (Page 5-12)", 5-12)", and remove the sub-scan unit.


Refer to "5.2.12 Removing & attaching the exposure unit (Page 5-20)", 5-20)", and remove the exposure unit.


Refer to "5.2.13 Removing & attaching light collection unit (Page 5-21)", 5-21)" , and remove the light

  s    t   r   a   p    l   a   c    i   n   a    h   c   e   m   g   n    i   g   n   a    h    C    4  .    5

collection unit.

REGIUS /II Service Manual



Chapter 5 Disassembly & Assembly


The changing process

Do NOT remove the drive pulley attached to the stepping motor.



Refer to "5.2.3 Removing & attaching the upper cover assy (Page 5-5)", 5-5)", and remove the upper cover assy.


Refer to "5.2.6 Removing & attaching the right side panel (Page 5-8)" and 5-8)" and remove the right side panel.


Remove the Eraser LED cooling fan cable.

Attach the protective cover.

• Screws × 2


Attach spring.the drive belt and fasten the tension arm R


Adapt the drive belt to the pulley. Rotate the slowdown pulley in reverse and normal directions at least 5 times each.

• JP JP8 8


Remove the fan assembly.

• TP hexagonal Phillips-head screw × 4 (M3 × 6) Normal Rotation Direction


Reverse Rotation Direction Fan Assembly

5   s    t   r   a   p    l   a   c    i   n   a    h   c   e   m   g   n    i   g   n   a    h    C    4  .    5

10. Refer to "5.2.13 Removing & attaching light collection unit (Page 5-21)" and 5-21)"  and attach the light collection unit.


Change the Eraser LED cooling fan (fan motor).

• Screws × 2

11. Refer to "5.2.12 Removing & attaching the exposure unit (Page 5-20)" and 5-20)" and attach the exposure unit.

12. Refer to "5.2.10 Removing & attaching the Sub-scan unit (Page 5-12)" and 5-12)" and attach the sub-scan unit. This concludes the sub-scan feeding motor changing process.

5.4.4 5.4 .4 Changi Changing ng the the Erase Eraserr LED cool cooling ing fan fan Follow the steps below to change the Eraser LED cooling fan.  UTION CAUTION

Before disassembling/assembling disassembling/assembling this device, be sure to switch OFF the power supply circuit breaker and disconnect the power cable from the device.

This process requires the following number of employees and estimated number of man-hours to perform.


Things to prepare

Attach the fan assembly.

• TP hexagonal Phillips-head screw × 4 (M3 × 6)


Process Summary



Connect the Eraser LED cooling fan cable.

• JP JP8 8


Refer to "5.2.6 Removing & attaching the right side panel (Page 5-8)" and 5-8)" and attach the right side panel.


Refer to "5.2.3 Removing & attaching the upper


cover assy (Page 5-5)" and 5-5)" and attach the upper cover assy.

Standard tools are required to perform the following steps. This concludes the Eraser LED cooling fan changing process.


REGIUS /II Service Manual


Chapter 5 Disassembly & Assembly

5.4.5 5.4 .5 Changi Changing ng the magne magnetic tic clutch clutch


Remove the baffle board.

• Screws × 1

Follow the steps below to change the magnetic clutch.  UTION CAUTION

Before disassembling/assembling disassembling/assembling this device, be sure to switch OFF the power supply circuit breaker and disconnect the power cable from the device.

Process Summary This process requires the following number of employees and estimated number of man-hours to perform. Employees



Baffle Board

Things to prepare Standard tools are required to perform the following steps.


Remove the shaft holders (× 2), feeding Roller, and magnetic clutch.

• E Rings × 2 The changing process Feeding Roller


Refer to "5.2.3 Removing & attaching the upper cover assy (Page 5-5)", 5-5)", and remove the upper cover assy.


Refer to "5.2.5 Removing & attaching the left side panel (Page 5-7)" and 5-7)" and remove the left side panel.


Refer to "5.2.6 Removing & attaching the right side panel (Page 5-8)" and 5-8)" and remove the right side panel.


Refer to "5.2.4 Removing & attaching the upper insertion unit (Page 5-6)" and 5-6)"  and remove the upper insertion unit.


Remove the magnetic clutch cable.

• JP9

Magnetic Clutch



Attach the shaft holders ((× × 2), feeding Roller Roller,, and new magnetic clutch.

• E Rings × 2 Make sure to insert the right-side shaft holder into the gear connection assy hole.

Magnetic Clutch

Bearing JP9


Feeding Roller 

Gear Connection Assy

(The lower insertion unit is removed in this illustration.)

5   s    t   r   a   p    l   a   c    i   n   a    h   c   e   m   g   n    i   g   n   a    h    C    4  .    5

REGIUS /II Service Manual



Chapter 5 Disassembly & Assembly


Attach the baffle board.

The changing process

• Screws × 1


Clipping the baffle board's  protruding part, attach the magnetic clutch's hook to it.

After changing the upper door guide, the locating plate which secures the upper door support pillar needs a position adjustment. The upper door assy must be removed to perform this task.


Refer to "5.2.3 Removing & attaching the upper cover assy (Page 5-5)", 5-5)", and remove the upper cover assy.


Refer to "5.2.14 Removing & attaching the upper door assy (Page 5-23)", 5-23)", and remove the upper door assy.


Change the guide.

Baffle Board

• Screws × 5

10. Connect the magnetic clutch cable. • JP9

11. Refer to "5.2.4 Removing & attaching the upper insertion unit (Page 5-6)" and 5-6)"  and attach the upper insertion unit.

12. Refer to "5.2.6 Removing & attaching the right side panel (Page 5-8)" and 5-8)" and attach the right side panel.

13. Refer to "5.2.5 Removing & attaching the left side 5

panel (Page 5-7)" and 5-7)" and attach the left side panel.

14. Refer to "5.2.3 Removing & attaching the upper   s    t   r   a   p    l   a   c    i   n   a    h   c   e   m   g   n    i   g   n   a    h    C    4  .    5

cover assy (Page 5-5)" and 5-5)" and attach the upper cover assy.


Refer to "5.2.14 Removing & attaching the upper door assy (Page 5-23)" and 5-23)" and attach the upper door assy.


Refer to "5.2.3 Removing & attaching the upper cover assy (Page 5-5)" and 5-5)" and attach the upper cover assy.

This concludes the magnetic clutch changing process.

5.4.6 5.4 .6 Changi Changing ng the upper upper door door guid guide e Follow the steps below to change the upper door guide.  UTION CAUTION

Before disassembling/assembling disassembling/assembling this device, be sure to switch OFF the power supply circuit breaker and disconnect the power cable from the device.

Process Summary This process requires the following number of employees and estimated number of man-hours to perform. Employees



Things to prepare Standard tools are required to perform the following steps.

This concludes the upper door guide changing process.


REGIUS /II Service Manual


Chapter 5 Disassembly & Assembly

5.4.7 5.4 .7 Changi Changing ng the link link a ass ssemb emblie lies s


Remove the sector spring.

Follow the steps below to change Link Assy.1 and Link Assy.2.  UTION CAUTION

Sector Spring

• Before disassembling/assembling disassembling/assembling this device, be sure to switch OFF the power supply circuit breaker and disconnect the power cable from the device.

• In order to avoid potential base board damage while discharging it, refer to "5.1.1 Disassembly Disassembly/Assembly /Assembly Cautions (Page 5-2)" and 5-2)" and wear a grounding strap during the process.

Process Summary This process requires the following number of employees and estimated number of man-hours to perform. Employees



Change the link assemblies.

• E Rings × 2 per assembly


Attach them in alignment with the sector gear circles.

Things to prepare

Link Assy.1

Standard tools are required to perform the following steps.

Link Assy.2

The changing process


Refer to "5.2.3 Removing & attaching the upper cover assy (Page 5-5)", 5-5)", and remove the upper cover assy.


Refer to "5.2.5 Removing & attaching the left side panel (Page 5-7)" and 5-7)" and remove the left side panel.


Refer to "5.2.6 Removing & attaching the right side panel (Page 5-8)" and 5-8)" and remove the right side panel.



Refer to "5.2.8 Removing & attaching the lower insertion unit (Page 5-9)", 5-9)" , and remove the lower insertion unit. Turn over the lower insertion unit and remove its cover. • P Tight × 4 (M3 × 8)




Attach the sector spring.


Attach the lower insertion unit cover.

• P Tight × 4 (M3 × 8)

10. Refer to "5.2.8 Removing & attaching the lower insertion unit (Page 5-9)" and 5-9)" and attach the lower insertion unit.

11. Refer to "5.2.6 Removing & attaching the right side panel (Page 5-8)" and 5-8)" and attach the right side panel.

12. Refer to "5.2.5 Removing & attaching the left side panel (Page 5-7)" and 5-7)" and attach the left side panel.

13. Refer to "5.2.3 Removing & attaching the upper cover assy (Page 5-5)" and 5-5)" and attach the upper cover assy. This concludes the changing process for link assemblies 1 and 2.

  s    t   r   a   p    l   a   c    i   n   a    h   c   e   m   g   n    i   g   n   a    h    C    4  .    5

REGIUS /II Service Manual



Chapter 5 Disassembly & Assembly

5.4.8 5.4 .8 Changi Changing ng the entran entrance ce guide guide


Follow the steps below to change the entrance guide.

Pull down the driven entrance assembly, release the feeding Roller clamp, and change the entrance guide.

• Screws × 2


• Before disassembling/assembling disassembling/assembling this device, be sure to switch OFF the power supply circuit breaker and disconnect the power cable from the device.

Entrance Guide

• In order to avoid potential base board damage while Disassembly/Assembly /Assembly discharging it, refer to "5.1.1 Disassembly Cautions (Page 5-2)" and 5-2)" and wear a grounding strap during the process.

Process Summary This process requires the following number of employees and estimated number of man-hours to perform. Employees


Driven Entrance Assembly


When attaching it, abut its locating boss to the sub-scan unit's notches, then secure with screws while bringing it in.

Things to prepare Standard tools are required to perform the following steps.

The changing process IMPORTANT

When removing and attaching an entrance guide, make sure the eraser unit is attached to the sub-scan unit.

5   s    t   r   a   p    l   a   c    i   n   a    h   c   e   m   g   n    i   g   n   a    h    C    4  .    5


Refer to "5.2.10 Removing & attaching the Sub-scan unit (Page 5-12)", 5-12)", and remove the sub-scan unit.


Refer to "5.4.2 Changing the sub-scan NIP motor and sub-scan drive Assy (Page 5-41)", 5-41)", and remove the sub-scan drive Assy Assy..


Attach the upper open/close springs (× 2) and entrance NIP sensor.

Remove the upper open/close springs (× 2) and entrance NIP sensor.


Refer to "5.4.2 Changing the sub-scan NIP motor and sub-scan drive Assy" starting Assy" starting from Process 8 on


Page 5-42, 5-42, and attach the other parts that were removed from the sub-scan drive Assy during the sub-scan unit removal process.

Entrance NIP Sensor 


Refer to "5.2.10 Removing & attaching the Sub-scan unit (Page 5-12)" and 5-12)" and attach the sub-scan unit.

This concludes the entrance guide changing process.


REGIUS /II Service Manual


Chapter 5 Disassembly & Assembly


5.4.9 5.4 .9 Changi Changing ng the drive drive roller rollers s Follow the steps below to change drive roller U and drive roller D.

Remove the flywheel of the drive roller to be changed.

• Screw × 1 each



• Before disassembling/assembling disassembling/assembling this device, be

When removing the screw for flywheel D (bottom), holding the reverse side slowdown pulley secure will make it easier.

sure to switch OFF the power supply circuit breaker and disconnect the power cable from the device.

• In order to avoid potential base board damage while Disassembly/Assembly /Assembly discharging it, refer to "5.1.1 Disassembly Cautions (Page 5-2)" and 5-2)" and wear a grounding strap during the process.

Process Summary This process requires the following number of employees and estimated number of man-hours to perform. Employees



Things to prepare Standard tools are required to perform the following steps.

The changing process


Refer to "5.2.10 Removing & attaching the Sub-scan unit (Page 5-12)", 5-12)", and remove the sub-scan unit.


Refer to "5.2.11 Removing and attaching the eraser unit (Page 5-17)", 5-17)", and remove the eraser unit.


Refer to "5.2.12 Removing & attaching the exposure unit (Page 5-20)", 5-20)", and remove the exposure unit.


Refer to "5.2.13 Removing & attaching light collection unit (Page 5-21)", 5-21)" , and remove the light collection unit.


Take off the tension arm L spring, then remove the Take sync belt. After removing, pull tension arm L's roller side down to the right as shown in the illustration bubble.

Tension Arm L

Sync Belt


Take Take off the tension arm R spring, then remove the drive belt and slowdown pulley.

• Screw × 1 After removal, move the roller part of tension arm R downward (as shown in the illustration bubble) so that it does not make contact with the drive pulley. Tension Arm R

Drive Pulley

Slowdown Pulley


Drive Belt

  s    t   r   a   p    l   a   c    i   n   a    h   c   e   m   g   n    i   g   n   a    h    C    4  .    5

REGIUS /II Service Manual



Chapter 5 Disassembly & Assembly


Change drive roller U. (If only changing drive roller D, these steps are unnecessary.) 1) Remove drive ro roller ller U's left shaf shaftt holder holder..


Change drive roller D. (If only changing drive roller U, these steps are unnecessary.) 1) Remove drive rroller oller D's right shaft holder.

• Screws × 3

• Screws × 3

2) Chan Change ge drive rroller oller U. The right shaft holder is not secure, so it will come off when sliding the roller to the right.

2) Chang Change e drive ro roller ller D. The left shaft holder is not secure, so it will come off when sliding the roller to the left.

3) Attach drive roller U's left shaf shaftt holder.

3) Attach drive rol roller ler D's right shaft hol holder. der.

5   s    t   r   a   p    l   a   c    i   n   a    h   c   e   m   g   n    i   g   n   a    h    C    4  .    5

• Screws × 3

• Screws × 3

Make sure no screws fall into the shaft holder notches.

Make sure no screws fall into the shaft holder notches.




REGIUS /II Service Manual


Chapter 5 Disassembly & Assembly

10. Refer to step 7 to 7 to attach the slowdown pulley and drive belt, then connect the tension arm R spring.

5.5 5.5 Ch Chan angi ging ng c cas asse sett tte ep par artts 5.5.1 5.5 .1 Disas Disassem sembli bling ng a ca casse ssette tte

• Screw × 1

11. Adapt the drive belt to the pulley. Rotate the slowdown pulley in reverse and normal directions at least 5 times each.

The following steps describe how to disassemble the cassette's front plate, back plate, and tray.

Process Summary This process requires the following number of employees and estimated number of man-hours to perform.

Reverse Rotation Direction




Things to prepare In addition to standard tools, the following tool(s) will be needed to  perform this this task. No.

Normal Rotation Direction

5, attach the flywheel and 12. Refer to step 6 and 6 and step 5,



Opening tools for Cassette


Portable vacuum cleaner 

No. 2

Tool Plate storage bag

sync belt, then connect the tension arm L spring. HINT

• Flywheels: 1 screw each

Screw removal and attachment requires a Phillips-head screwdriver (#1 bit).

The disassembly process


Eject the plate from the cassette. Leave the tray out of the cassette. Put the plate in a storage bag. For details on how to eject a plate, refer to the operation manual.

The part with screw holes goes on the bottom. b ottom.

13. Perform the same operation done in step 11 11 (rotate  (rotate the slowdown pulley in reverse and normal directions at least 5 times each), then adapt the sync Belt.

14. Refer to "5.2.13 Removing & attaching light collection unit (Page 5-21)" and 5-21)"  and attach the light collection unit.

15. Refer to "5.2.12 Removing & attaching the exposure unit (Page 5-20)" and 5-20)" and attach the exposure unit.

16. Refer to "5.2.11 Removing and attaching the eraser unit (Page 5-17)", 5-17)", and attach the eraser unit.

17. Refer to "5.2.10 Removing & attaching the Sub-scan unit (Page 5-12)" and 5-12)" and attach the sub-scan unit. This the changing process for drive roller U and drive rollerconcludes D.



Position the back plate face up and remove the screws.

• Screws × 4

  s    t   r   a   p   e    t    t   e   s   s   a   c   g   n    i   g   a   n    h    C    5  .    5

REGIUS /II Service Manual



Chapter 5 Disassembly & Assembly


If the cassette size is 14 × 17, 14 × 14, 11 × 14, 10 × 12, 24 × 30 cm, or 15 × 30 cm (The illustration shows 14 × 17)

Detach the front and back plates from the cassette. The tray is attached to the back plate. Tray

Back Plate

Rib Position

Rib Position

Front Plate

4. 5.

Lift Area

Position the back plate so that the tray faces upward.

If the cassette size is 8 × 10 or 18 × 24 cm (illustration shows 8 × 10)

Push the tray out as far as it will go. It can only be pushed out a short distance at this point. Once caught on the abutment rib in the next step, it will no longer  push out any any farther farther..

Rib Position

5   s    t   r   a   p   e    t    t   e   s   s   a   c   g   n    i   g   a   n    h    C    5  .    5

Rib Position


Lift Area

Remove the tray from the back plate. Tray


Lift up around the abutment rib so that the tray is no longer stuck on it, then continue pushing the tray out to its limit. Tray Abutment Rib

Abutment Rib

Back Plate

Back Plate Rib

The abutment rib's position differs according to cassette size.

This concludes the cassette disassembly process. Things to note during assembly


• When assembling the cassette, make sure there is no dust inside of it. If dust is found, clean it out with a

mini vacuum cleaner.


REGIUS /II Service Manual


Chapter 5 Disassembly & Assembly

• If the cassette in use has a cassette lock release lever, lever, the tray lock (bolt mechanism) must be released before attaching the tray to the the back plate. Use the opening tools for cassette to release the lock, then attach the tray to the back plate.

2) Once the opening tools for cassette is att attached, ached, turn the back plate over and rotate the tray lock cams (x2) as shown in the diagram.

1) Attach the opening opening tools for c cassette assette to the back plate. Cassette Lock Release Lever 

Cassette Open/Close Tool

• When assembling and attaching the tray and back plate, line up all of the tray's protruding parts with the back plate's corresponding holes, and make sure they are pressed in correctly. Tray

5   s    t   r   a   p   e    t    t   e   s   s   a   c   g   n    i   g   a   n    h    C    5  .    5

Back Plate Align the tray's protruding parts with the wide ends of the back plate's holes, press them together, and slide the tray downward.

Things to do after assembly

• Erasing an image from the ejected plate After re-attaching the tray to the back plate, check the following.

• Expose and check an X-ray image When the image is shielded from light, the tray's protruding  parts may not not be prope properly rly aligned with with the back plate's

corresponding holes.

REGIUS /II Service Manual


Blank Sheet



Chapter 6   Chapter6

Adjustments An explanation of part adjustments necessary for repair and maintenance.


Oblique Oblique adjustment adjustments... s........ .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ........... ............ ...........6-2 .....6-2

6   s    t   n   e   m    t   s   u    j    d    A  


Chapter 6 Adjustments

6.1 6.1 Ob Obli liqu que e adj adjus ustm tmen entts

4. Check the v value alue of the green green X on the upper upper screen an and d lower plate to measure the amount of oblique motion. - The mouse position is shown on the status bar at the bottom of the screen. Position the cursor at the position indicated with the bold line in the figure to obtain the value X.

If the read image is oblique, adjust the tray abutment assembly flap.

Things to prepare In addition to standard tools, the following tool(s) will be needed to  perform this task. task.



rounded square

No. Tool 1  A 14" × 17" size cassette and plate

0 5 Position at  which you check the value X

Pixel 30

Checking the oblique amount


Read a 14" × 17" sized image in normal read mode (175 µm), and measure the oblique amount. Mouse position

If the oblique amount is more than ± 4 pixels, adjustment is necessary.

X 1=35


When an image is read using the service tool Obli liqu que e Am Amou oun nt: – Ob

The following values are used in the figure above. - X at the upper screen: 35 - X at the lower screen: 36 The oblique motion amount of the image, therefore, is -1 (35-36).

Obli Ob liqu que e Am Amou oun nt: +

Because the value is within the ± 4 no adjustment is necessary.

 Adjustment methods Operate the upper insertion unit's adjusting cam. The adjusting cam can be accessed by opening the upper door.


6   s    t   n   e   m    t   s   u    j    d   a   e   u   q    i    l    b    O    1  .    6

Note the adjusting cam's current position (where it points on the scale).

If an image is read through normal ImagePilot operation, the image is vertically flipped.

(Example) Reading an image with the service tool and confirming the amount of oblique motion.

 Adjusting Cam

1. Prep Prepare are a so solid lid imag image. e.


 Adjusting Board

- Perform an appropriate amount of exposure (80kV, 2m, 10mAs) to the front side of the cassette. 2. Read the im image age by pressing pressing the [Read Ca Cassette] ssette] bu button tton on the [Device Settings] screen. - [Resolution]: 175m For details, refer to the ImagePilot Installation & Service Manual. 3. Display the im image age u using sing th the e imag image e tool. - [Display] [View Size] [No Pixel Skip]


To check the post-adjustment position of the cam, check the motion amount of the adjustment cam to the oblique motion amount in the following table. Oblique amount (pixels)

Movement from original position




6 degrees in the "+" direction




5 degrees in the "+" direction




4 degrees in the "+" direction





3 degrees in the "+" direction




3 degrees in the "–" direction

REGIUS /II Service Manual


Chapter 6 Adjustments

Oblique amount (pixels)

Movement from original position




4 degrees in the "–" direction




5 degrees in the "–" direction




6 degrees in the "–" direction


Check the adjusting cam's amount of movement for the oblique amount in the chart below, and slowly rotate it in the "+" direction. IMPORTANT

• Rotate the adjusting cam equal to or less than 1 degree per second in the "+" direction. Rotating it too fast may damage the adjusting cam. you have rotated the • If 4.. adjusting cam too much, start again from process 4


X1=32  Align with the scale position, together with the amount of distance needed for the original position.

Oblique amount = 32 - 37 = -5


X1=37 1. Check the ttable able to get the "distanc "distance e moved from th the e original position". Because in the case of the figure above, the motion amount is "-5", it is "shifted toward the + direction by 3 steps" from the current  positio  pos ition. n. 2. Check the c current urrent position position of the the cam (which (which step on the sc scale ale it is pointing at) and the post-adjustment position.


Rotate all the way in the "–" direction.


Post-adjustment (planned)

1. Rota Rotate te the adju adjusting sting cam to its maximum maximum "–" direction direction..

Shifted toward the + direction by 3 steps



Loosen the adjusting board's screws (× 2).


Rotate the adjusting cam to its maximum "–" direction.

2. Slowly tur turn n the adju adjustment stment cam cam to the planned planned postpostadjustment position.


Tighten the adjusting board's screws (× 2) to secure it.

This concludes the adjustment process. Make adjustments for all cassettes used in the facility to minimize the oblique amount as much as possible (to eliminate white streaks).

Rechecking/adjusting the oblique amount after initial adjustments • Check irregularity correction data If an error is found, perform irregularity correction. For error details, refer to the ImagePilot Installation & Service

  s    t   n   e   m    t   s   u    j    d   a   e   u   q    i    l    b    O    1  .    6


REGIUS /II Service Manual


Blank Sheet



Chapter 7   Chapter7

Maintenance & Inspection An explanation of how to maintain and inspect the device.


Mainte Maintenan nance/ ce/Ins Inspec pectio tion n Sch Schedu edule le... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ......7-2 ...7-2


Plate feeding feeding path clea cleaning. ning...... .......... ........... ............ ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ........7-2 ...7-2

7   n   o    i    t   c   e   p   s   n    I    &   e   c   n   a   n   e    t   n    i   a    M  


Chapter 7 Maintenance & Inspection

7.1 Mai Mainte ntenan nance/ ce/Ins Inspec pectio tion n Sch Schedu edule le

7.2 7.2 Plat Plate e fe feed edin ing g pa path th c cle lean anin ing g

Maintenance/inspection should be performed according to the following schedule.

If dust gets into the plate feeding path, it should be cleaned as follows. Cleaning area

User duties Maintenance/inspection co content



Plate cleaning

Once per week


Cassette cleaning

Once per week


Cassette insertion slot cleanin ing g

Once per week

Ex Exte tern rnal al cl clea eani ning ng of th the e dev devic ice e

Once Once pe perr m mon onth th

Intake vent, exhaust outlet cleaning

Once per month

Cleaning method

Rol Roller lers, s, guid guides, es, etc. etc.

Use a vacuu vacuum mc clea leaner ner etc. etc. to suck out any dust.

 Antistatic Sheet

Apply adhesive tape etc. to the antistatic sheet to remove any dust.  UTION CAUTION

Do not use the following items to clean the antistatic sheet, as they might scratch it.

•  An extre extremely mely stic sticky ky or or adhes adhesive ive substance

Light Collection Unit cleaning (keeping them dust free) Filter cleaning

suction If white lines error occurs When an error occurs

Refer to the operation manual for details.

Duties for maintenance service head Maintenance/inspection co content Roller cleaning (all rollers)

• Refer to "7.2 Plate feeding path cleaning

Period When an error occurs

(Page 7-2)". 7-2)".  Antistatic Sheet cleaning

• Refer to "7.2 Plate feeding path cleaning (Page 7-2)". 7-2)".

7    l   e   u    d   e    h   c    S   n   o    i    t   c   e   p   s   n    I    /   e   c   n   a   n   e    t   n    i   a    M    1  .    7

• Vacuum cleaners etc. with powerful

When an error occurs


REGIUS /II Service Manual


Chapter 8   Chapter8

Appendix A list of technical information for reference during device repair or maintenance.



Service Service Tool Screen Screen (Uni (Unitt test) test)..... .......... .......... .......... ........... ........... ........... ............ ...........8-2 .....8-2 8.1.1 8.1 .1 8.1.2 8.1.2 8.1.3 8.1 .3 8.1.4 8.1 .4

[Unit [Unit test] test] Scr Screen een... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... 8-2 [Unit [Unit T Test est]] (Check) (Check) Screen Screen... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ....8-3 .8-3 [Er [Error ror Hist] Hist] Scr Screen...... een......... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... .....8-7 ..8-7 [Warn [Warning ing setting] setting] Screen..... Screen........ ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... .....8-8 ..8-8

8.1.5 8.1 .5

[Repor [Reportt of reader] reader] Screen.. Screen..... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... 8-8

Device Device Wiring Wiring Diagram Diagram ...... ........... ........... ............ ............ ............ ........... ........... ............ ............ ........ ..8-9 8-9 8.2.1 REGIUS  Dev  Device ice Wiri Wiring ng Diagram Diagram ..........................8-9 8.2.2 REGIUS II Device Device Wiri Wiring ng Diagram Diagram ......................8-10

  x    i    d   n   e   p   p    A  



Chapter 8 Appendix

8.1 Ser Servic vice eT Tool ool Scr Screen een (Un (Unit it tes test) t) An explanation of the [Unit test] screen, part of a service tool which provides various maintenance functions for this unit.

8. 8.1. 1.1 1 [U [Uni nitt te test st]] Scre Screen en [Unit test] Screen Display Process


Start up the Reader Settings Service Tool on an ImagePilot connected to this device. The [Service Tool] screen will be displayed for reader settings.


Select [Reader Settings], then click the [Settings] button for [Unit Test].

[Unit test] Screen

   )    t   s   e    t    t    i   n    U    (   n   e   e   r   c    S    l   o   o    T   e   c    i   v   r   e    S    1  .    8

Button [Unit Test] button

Content Allows you to perform an independent operation check for each device in the device.

• [Disp Error Hist] button

Allows you to check the error history.

• [Setting for Warning] button

8-3)) is displayed. The [Unit Test] (Check) screen (Page ( Page 8-3

The [Error Hist] screen (Page (Page 8-7) 8-7) is displayed.

Allows you to toggle the "No Test Registration" and image re-erase request dialogs ON/OFF.

Page 8-8) The [Warning setting] screen ((Page 8-8) is displayed.

[Clear Service Call error] button

Used for a Service Call Error status. If a V-SYNC error occurs during the image read process, or a basic operation failure occurs in the base board (RAM/ROM cannot be accessed), the reader will be in Service Call Error status. Opening/closing the door or turning the power OFF/ON will not correct the error err or in this case. Repair/replace the part that caused the error, then click the [Clear Service Call error] button to clear the error. 3-4)" for error codes Refer to "3.4 Error Message Content & Countermeasures (Page 3-4)" for applicable to Service Call Errors.

[Confirm reader status] button

Allows you to check reader adjustment results.


• [Exit] button

8-8)) is displayed. The [Report of reader] screen (Page (Page 8-8

Allows you to exit the [Unit test] screen.


REGIUS /II Service Manual


Chapter 8 Appendix

8.1.2 8.1 .2 [Unit [Unit Test Test]] (Chec (Check) k) Scre Screen en IMPORTANT

•  All [Unit Test] Test] (Check) screen functions can even be executed during an error. error. • If an error occurs while using this function (a blinking Error Lamp), use of "Unit Test" cannot resume until the error is corrected. If you want to continue using "Unit Test", open and close any door on the device to resolve the error status.

[Unit Test] Test] (Check) screen display process 8-2.) .) Click the [Unit Test] button at the [Unit test] screen ( Page 8-2

[Unit Test] Test] (Check) Screen

   )    t   s   e    t    t    i   n    U    (   n   e   e   r   c    S    l   o   o    T   e   c    i   v   r   e    S    1  .    8 Item/button Command control panel

Explanation The command control key group is made up of 3 panels. Panels can be viewed by clicking their tabs. The following text provides a description for each panel.

• • • [Sensor status]

LED: Refer to  to " [LED] panel (Page 8-4)" Motor: Refer to " [Motor] panel (Page 8-5)" Eraser Unit: Refer to " [Erase Unit] panel (Page 8-6)"

An ON/OFF status is displayed for each sensor. Sensor status right after the reader starts up is displayed in black, and any sensor status which differs from that is displayed in red. To monitor and update sensor status, click the [Start Monitoring] button. Sensor status is updated every 3 seconds.

IMPORTANT Other single device operation commands cannot be sent while the sensors are being monitored. For example, sensors cannot be monitored while operating a motor. If you want to run a different single device operation command, you'll have to stop sensor monitoring first.

[Start Monitoring] button/[Stop] button

Clicking the [Start Monitoring] button will begin sensor status monitoring. It will then change to the


[Stop] button on screen. A progress bar is displayed above the [Stop] button during monitoring.

• [Back] button

Clicking the [Stop] button will halt sensor status monitoring.

Takes you back to the [Unit test] (Check) screen.

REGIUS /II Service Manual



Chapter 8 Appendix

[LED] panel Enables you to check the operation for each of the LEDs used as status lamps.

Item/button [Ready LED]

   )    t   s   e    t    t    i   n    U    (   n   e   e   r   c    S    l   o   o    T   e   c    i   v   r   e    S    1  .    8



[ON] button

Causes the Ready Lamp to light up.

[Blink] button

Causes the Ready Lamp to blink.

[OFF] button

Turns off the Ready Lamp.

[Busy LED]


Causes the Busy Lamp to light up, blink, or turn off. (Same as [Ready LED])

[Error LED]


Causes the Error Lamp to light up, blink, or turn off. (Same as [Ready LED])

[Erase LED]


Causes the Erase Lamp to light up, blink, or turn off. (Same as [Ready LED])

[All Setting]


Causes all lamps to light up, blink, or turn off. (Same as [Ready LED])


REGIUS /II Service Manual


Chapter 8 Appendix

[Motor] panel Allows you to check the operation for each motor. IMPORTANT

If you only want to confirm motor operation, select [CW] or [CCW]. If using a cassette, refer to " Unit Test: Cassette Feeding Flow (Page 4-4)", 4-4)", and follow the process described for operation.

Item/button [Initialization]

[Casette tray move motor]


[Init. All] button

Sets all motors at home position.

[Init. Transport] button

All parts within the device will be moved to safe positions for feed. (Home position applies to all motors, so clicking this button has the same effect as clicking the [Init. All] button.) Allows you to check tray moving motor operation.

1. Select which operation you would like performed at the Operation Selection column. 2. When selecting [CW] or [CCW] for operation, enter the number of rotations you want the motor to  perfor  perform m in in tthe he Set Rotati Rotations ons col column umn.. 3. Click the [Start] button. IMPORTANT

The [CW] of the Casette tray move motor does not work if the Tray HP Sensor is turned off. [CW] also stops if the Tray HP Sensor is turned off while it is working. [Insertion nip motor]

Allows you to check loading NIP motor operation.

1. Select which operation you would like performed at the Operation Selection column. 2. When selecting [CW] or [CCW] for operation, enter the number of rotations you want the motor to  perfor  perform m in in tthe he Set Rotati Rotations ons col column umn.. 3. Click the [Start] button. [Insertion feed motor]

Allows you to check loading/feeding motor operation.

1. Select which operation you would like performed at the Operation Selection column. 2. When selecting [CW] or [CCW] for operation, enter the number of rotations you want the motor to  perfor  perform m in in tthe he Set Rotati Rotations ons col column umn.. 3. Select [Erase Speed] to set the speed of the erase operation. (When selecting the [Transport Plate (Return)] operation.) 4. Select [Resolution] to set the resolution used during the image read operation. (When selecting the [Transport Plate (Send)] operation.) 5. Select [ElectroMag clutch] to set whether or not the magnetic clutch is operated. (When selecting the [Transport Plate (Send)] or [Transport Plate (Return)] operation.)

• •

ON: Operates the magnetic clutch. OFF: Halts magnetic clutch operation. (The magnetic clutch status will stay as it was when selected with the [ElectroMag clutch] button.)

6. Use [Cassette Size] to select the cassette size.

   )    t   s   e    t    t    i   n    U    (   n   e   e   r   c    S    l   o   o    T   e   c    i   v   r   e    S    1  .    8


(When selecting the [Transport Plate (Return)] operation.) 7. Click the [Start] button.

REGIUS /II Service Manual



Chapter 8 Appendix

Item/button [ElectroMag clutch]

Explanation Allows you to check magnetic clutch operation.

• • [Polygon]

Clicking the [ON] button will activate the magnetic clutch. Clicking the [OFF] button will deactivate the magnetic clutch.

Allows you to check polygon operation.

• • [PolygonLaser]

Clicking the [ON] button will rotate the polygon. Clicking the [OFF] button will halt the polygon.

Allows you to check polygon and laser operations.

• • [SubScan feed motor]

Clicking the [ON] button will rotate the polygon and cause the laser to emit light. Clicking the [OFF] button will halt the polygon and deactivate the laser.

Allows you to check sub-scan feeding motor operation.

1. Select which operation you would like performed at the Operation Selection column. 2. When selecting [CW] or [CCW] for operation, enter the number of rotations you want the motor to  perfor  perform m in in tthe he Set Rotati Rotations ons col column umn.. 3. Select [Erase Speed] to set the speed of the erase operation. (When selecting the [Transport Plate (Return)] operation.) 4. Select [Resolution] to set the resolution used during the image read operation. (When selecting the [Transport Plate (Send)] operation.) 5. Use [Cassette Size] to select the cassette size. (When selecting the[Transport Plate (Return)] operation.) 6. Click the [Start] button. [SubScan nip motor]

   )    t   s   e    t    t    i   n    U    (   n   e   e   r   c    S    l   o   o    T   e   c    i   v   r   e    S    1  .    8

Allows you to check sub-scan NIP motor operation.

1. Select which operation you would like performed at the Operation Selection column. 2. When selecting [CW] or [CCW] for operation, enter the number of rotations you want the motor to  perfor  perform m in in tthe he Set Rotati Rotations ons col column umn.. 3. Select [Resolution] to set the resolution used during the image read operation. (When selecting the [Transport Plate (Send) 1] or [Transport Plate (Send) 2] operation.) 4. Click the [Start] button.

[Erase Unit] panel Enables you to check operation of the Eraser LED and Eraser LED cooling fan.


Item/button [Erase LED & Erase FAN]

Explanation Enables you to check operation of the Eraser LED and Eraser LED cooling fan.

1. [Duration of turning on] enables you to set how many seconds the Eraser LED will stay lit. 2. Click the [ON] button. The Eraser LED will stay lit, and the Eraser LED cooling fan will continue operating for the designated number of seconds. (Clicking [OFF] during operation can immediately halt operation even if the designated number of seconds hasn't elapsed.)

[Erase FAN]

Allows you to check Eraser LED cooling fan operation.

• •


Clicking the [ON] button will start Eraser LED cooling fan operation. Clicking the [OFF] button will halt Eraser LED cooling fan operation.

REGIUS /II Service Manual


Chapter 8 Appendix

8. 8.1. 1.3 3 [E [Err rror or Hi Hist st]] Scr Scree een n

[Accum. error list] screen Frequency of error occurrence is displayed for each error code.

Error Hist Screen Display Process Click the [Disp Error Hist] button at the [Unit test] screen (Page ( Page 82). HINT

This can also be displayed from the "Reader Log" screen. Refer to the ImagePilot Installation & Service Manual for details.

[Error Hist] Screen

Item/button [Back] button

Exits the [Accum. error list] screen.


Frequency of error occurrence is displayed for each error code.

[Save Table] button




A chronological log of error occurrences is displayed here.

[Error Information]

A list of selected error information (messages displayed on the ImagePilot)


Enables you to output an "Accum. error list" file in text format (.txt). Pressing this button will display the [Save As] dialog, so choose any name to save the file as.

   )    t   s   e    t    t    i   n    U    (   n   e   e   r   c    S    l   o   o    T   e   c    i   v   r   e    S    1  .    8

is displayed.

[Prev] button [Next] button [Accum. error list] button

Available when the error history is Available displayed on more than one page, allowing you to cycle through pages. Frequency of error occurrence can be checked for each error code.

• [Exit] button

The [Accum. error list] screen (Page (Page 8-7) is displayed. 8-7)

Exits the [Error Hist] screen.


REGIUS /II Service Manual



Chapter 8 Appendix

8.1.4 8.1 .4 [Warn [Warning ing settin setting] g] Scree Screen n

Item/button [Re-erase is performed automatically.]

Warning setting Screen Display Process Click the [Setting for Warning] button at the "Unit test" screen 8-2). ). (Page 8-2

Explanation Erase speed is determined from the image signal.

When a high dose of X-rays are used for exposure, and the signal value is at 4095 or above, it is unknown how many mR of X-rays have hit the plate, so one of the following 2 controls can be selected. (1) Automatically run the erase process a second time.  No message display. display. a message and select whether or (2) Display not to run the erase process a second s econd time.

[Warning setting] Screen

The [Continue] button and [Eject]  button are displayed displayed together with this message: "Excessive X-ray dosage at examination. Need to be reerased." Here you can select to run r un the erase  process again, or eject the the cassette. When filling in the checkbox, Control (1) will  be perform performed. ed. (D (Default efault:: check checkbox box filled in)


This setting can be changed for both the service tool and user tool.

Item/button [Display no registration dialogue]

   )    t   s   e    t    t    i   n    U    (   n   e   e   r   c    S    l   o   o    T   e   c    i   v   r   e    S    1  .    8


Saves the selected settings and exits the [Warning [Warning Settings] screen. The change in the settings are reflected after restarting the Image Pilot.

[Discard] button

Exits [Warning Settings] screen without savingthe settings.

Explanation Sets whether or not the "Study is not registered." dialog is displayed when loading the a ecassette into the device without  putting th ImagePilot ImagePilot in im image age captu capture re standby mode (without clicking the CR Modality button). By filling in the checkbox, this dialog will  be displayed. displayed. (Default: (Default: check checkbox box fi filled lled in)

[Enable Eject Button]

[Save & Exit] button

Sets whether or not a cassette [Eject] button will be displayed, enabling the user to eject the cassette, along with the "Study is not registered." dialog. (By using the [Eject]  button, the cass cassette ette can be re removed moved without without using the lever inside the upper door.) By filling in the checkbox, this button will  be displayed. displayed. (D (Default: efault: checkbox checkbox filled in) IMPORTANT

8.1.5 8.1 .5 [Repor [Reportt of of reader reader]] Scre Screen en Report of reader Screen Display Process Click the [Confirm reader status] button at the "Unit test" screen (Page 8-2 8-2). ).

[Report of reader] Screen

When installing an ImagePilot client, removing the check mark is recommended. This dialog will be displayed for both the ImagePilot server and ImagePilot client, so if the checkbox is in to [Eject] displaybutton the [Eject] thefilled server's mightbutton, be clicked before the CR modality button is clicked.



[Back] button

Exits the [Report of reader] screen.


Shows adjustment results set to the reader.

[Save table] button

Enables you to output a file of the displayed

content in text format (.txt). Pressing this button will display the "Save as..." dialog, so choose any name to save the file as.


REGIUS /II Service Manual


Chapter 8 Appendix

8.2 8.2 8.2.1

De Devi vice ce W Wir irin ing g Diag Diagra ram m

ñ    éü

REGIUS  Device Wiring Diagram

1 Tray Moving Motor 

Loading NIP Motor 

Loading/Feeding Motor 

Sub- scan NIP Motor 

Sub-scanFeeding Motor 

Eraser LED Cooling FAN





3 ñ    éü 1 IncludesMotor 

2 3 4 5 6 7

Serial Communication


Reserve FAN

 8  9 .2  D  e 10 v i    c  e1 1 W i   r  i   n 12  g D i   13  a  g r   a m 14

15 8 17

Switching Power Supply

18 Cassette Sensor

Plate Sensor 

Left Door Open/Close DetectionSensor 

SizeDetecting Sensor 1

SizeDetecting Sensor 2



Breaker  Panasonic

20 SizeDetecting Sensor 4

LockRelease Sensor 

LoadingNIP HPSensor 

LoadingNIP Open/CloseSensor 

SizeDetecting  Sensor 3

Left Cassette Lock Sensor 

TrayHP Sensor 

Exit NIPSensor 

Right Cassette Lock Sensor 




NoiseFilter      e       d     e     e     o       d       d       h     o     o       t     n     n     a       A       A       C

27 Tray Sensor

Upper Door Interlock 1 Type

Plate Sensor   (LightEmitting:G310)

Lower Door Interlock 2 Type

V-Sync Sensor Entrance NIPSensor 

28 29 30 REGIUS /II Service Manual



Chapter 8 Appendix

ñ    éü


REGIUS II Device Wiring Diagram Loading/Feeding


Tray Moving Motor Loading NIPMotor 



Includes Motor 

2 3 4 5 6

Serial Communication

7 Reserve FAN

8  8  9 .2  D  e 10 v i    c  e1 1 W i   r  i   n 12  g D i    a 13  g r   a m 14


15 8

Switching Power Supply

17 18

C a ss e t e S e n so r

P l at e S e n so r  

Left Door Open/Close Detection Sensor 

Size Detecting Sensor 1

Size Detecting Sensor 2

Light Receiving:


Sub- scan NIP Motor 

Sub-scan Feeding

Eraser LED


Cooling FAN

Magnetic Clutch





Breaker  Panasonic

19 20

Size Detecting Sensor 4

Lock Release Sensor 

LoadingNIP HPSensor 

LoadingNIP Open/Close Sensor 

Size Detecting  Sensor3

Left Cassette Lock Sensor 

TrayHP Sensor 

RightCassette Lock Sensor 

ExitNIP Sensor 



Noise Filter      e       d     e     e     o       d       d       h     o     o       t     n     n     a       A       A       C

26 Upper Door Interlock 1 Type


Tray Sensor

Pl ate Se Sensor   (Light Emitting:G310)

Lower Door Interlock 2 Type

V-Sync Sensor


28 29 30 8-10

REGIUS /II Service Manual


Chapter 9   Chapter9

Revision History 9.1

Manual Manual revision revision history history..... ........... ............ ............ ........... ........... ........... .......... .......... .......... .......... ....... ..9-2 9-2

  y   r   o    t   s    i    H   n    i   s   o    i   v   e    R  



Chapter 9 Revision History

9. 9.1 1 Ma Manu nual al re revi visi sion on hist histor ory y This manual was revised as follows.

Version  A

  y   r   o    t   s    i    h   n   o    i   s    i   v   e   r    l   a   u   n   a    M    1  .    9


Issue Date Apr. 19, 201 2012 2


• New (The same manual is used for both REGIUS SIGMA and SIGMA2 )


REGIUS /II Service Manual


Blank Sheet


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