KODE ODE IC ICD-1 D-10 UN UNTU KODE 23 1 23 2 23 ( 23 11 23 1( 23 +( 2+ (( K00 K00 K00 K00 K00 K00 K00 K00 K00 K00
0 1 2 3 + 4 (
K01 K01
0 1
K02 K02 K02 K02 K02 K02 K02
0 1 2 3 + 4 (
K03 K03 K03 K03 K03 K03 K03 K03 K03 K03
0 1 2 3 + 4 (
K0+ K0+ K0+ K0+ K0+ K0+ K0+ K0+ K0+
0 1 2 3 + 4
K0 K0 K0 K0
0 1 2 3
DIAGNOSA Extraction of deciduou toot! "etoration of toot! #$ %in' Extraction of ot!er toot! "e)o*a of reidua toot! Ot!er ur'ica extraction of toot! Ot!er denta retoration ,cain' Disorders of tooth development & eruption nodontia ,u.ernu)erar$ teet! #nor)aitie of i/e and for) of teet! Motted teet! Ditur#ance in toot! for)ation ereditar$ ditur#ance in toot! eru.tion Ditur#ance in toot! eru.tion Teet!in' $ndro)e Ot!er diorder of toot! de*eo.)ent Diorder of of to toot! de de*eo.)ent5un.eci%ed Embedded and impacted teeth E)#edded teet! I).acted teet! Dental caries Carie i)ited to ena)e Carie of dentine Carie of e)entu) rreted denta carie Odontocaia Ot!er denta carie Denta carie5 un.eci%ed Other diseases of hard tissue of teeth Excei*e atrition of teet! #raion of teet! Eroion of teet! 6at!oo'ica reor.tion of teet! $.erce)entoi n7$oi of teet! De.oit 8accretion9 8accretion9 of teet! 6oteru.ti*e coour c!an'e of denta !ard tiue Ot!er .eci%ed dieae of !ard tiue of teet! Dieae of !ard tiue of teet!5 un.eci%ed Diseases of pulp and periapical tissues 6u.iti Necroi of .u.:toot! 'an'ren 6u. de'eneration #nor)a !ard tiue for)ation in .u. cute a.ica .eriodontiti of .u.a ori'in C!ronic a.ica .eriodontiti 6eria.ica a#ce ;it! inu 6eria.ica a#ce ;it!out inu "adicuar c$t Ot!er and un.eci%ed dieae of .u. and .eria.ica tiue Gingivitis and periodontal diseases cute 'in'i*iti C!ronic 'in'i*iti cute .eriodontiti C!ronic .eriodontiti
K0 K0 K0
K0 K0
0 1
K0 K0 K0 K0
+ 4 (
6eriodontoi Ot!er .eriodonta dieae 6eriodonta dieae5 un.eci%ed Other disorders of gingiva & edentulous ridge Gin'i*a receion Gin'i*a enar'e)ent Ot!er .eci%ed diorder of 'in'i*a and edentuou a*eoar rid'e Dentofacial anomalies (including malocclusion Maoccuion5 un.eci%ed Te).oro)andi#uar
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