KOC.he.012 - Radiation Hazard Control Procedure

October 11, 2017 | Author: AkimBi | Category: Ionizing Radiation, Radiation Protection, Ion, Radiation, Forms Of Energy
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KOC.he.012 - Radiation Hazard Control Procedure...


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Radia ation Hazzard Con ntrol Proc cedure Docum ment Numbe er: KOC.HE.012 Appro over: nical) (Techn

Manager Medical

Auth hor:


Appro over: (Administrative)

Manager HSE

Docu ument Coordinator:

TL Standards S

Scope e:

All KOC Directorate es

Conttrol Tier:

Tier 3

Issue Date:

November 17, 2009 9

Issuing Group::

HSE E Group

Revision/Review w Date:

July 24, 2011

Nextt Review Date:

July 23, 2014


Purpose/S Scope

The purrpose of thiss Radiation Hazard Co ontrol Proce edure is to establish e gu uidelines and procedu ures for the protection of KOC em mployees fro om hazards associated d with ionizin ng radiatio on exposure e. Ionizing rradiation ex xposure, if not n properly identified and a controlle ed, can lead to serious and d debilitating g injuries an nd illnessess. on Hazard Control C Proccedure are to: The objjectives of this Radiatio


d procedure es for KOC facilities in developing radiation safety Provide guidelines and a programs; and

Provide ressources for the recogniition, evalua ation and co ontrol of pottential radia ation exposures and to prevvent the occ currence of illnesses orr injuries ca aused by rad diation exposure.

Definition ns

Absorb bed Dose – The amount of energyy imparted to t matter by y ionizing ra adiation perr unit mass off irradiated material at the place of o interest. Absorp ption – The e phenomen non by which radiation imparts som me or all of its energy to t any materia al through which w it passses. Alpha P Particle – A strongly io onizing particle emitted d from the nucleus during radioacttive decay h having a ma ass and cha arge equal in magnitude to a helium nucleus, consisting of two protonss and two ne eutrons with h a double positive p cha arge. Annuall Limit of In ntake (ALI) – The derivved limit forr the amoun nt of radioac ctive material taken into the e body of an n adult workker by inhala ation or inge estion in a year. y As Low w As Reaso onably Ach hievable (ALARA) – A radiation safety principle for minimizing radiatio on doses and releases of radioactive materials by employing all reas sonable me ethods of contrrol; principle e assumes that t every radiation r do ose of any magnitude m can c produce e some level of detrimenta al effects, wh hich may be e manifeste ed as an inc creased risk k of genetic ons and cancer. mutatio Atom – The smalle est particle of an eleme ent, which is capable of o entering into a chem mical reaction n. Backgrround Radiiation – Ion nizing radiattion arising from natura ally occurrin ng radioactivve materia al and is alw ways presen nt (e.g., cosmic rays). Beta Pa article – Ch harged particle emitted d from the nucleus of an atom havving a mass and charge equal in ma agnitude to that of an electron. e T organ or o tissue tha at will result in the greatest hazard d to the heallth of an Criticall Organ – The individu ual (or his/he er descendants) when irradiated. Control Tie er 3

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Curie (C Ci) – The quantity of any a radioacttive materia al in which th he number of disintegrrations is 3.700 0 x 1010 perr second. Declare ed Pregnan nt Worker – A woman who has vo oluntarily informed her employer, in writing, of her preg gnancy and the estimatted date of inception. ce – A basicc control co oncept for minimizing m e exposure to ionizing rad diation by Distanc increasing the dista ance from tthe radiation n source. t denoting the quan ntity of radia ation or ene ergy absorb bed in a spe ecified Dose – A generic term mass. on – Negativ vely charge ed elementa ary particle, which is a constituent c of every ne eutral Electro atom. adge – A pa acket of pho otographic film f used fo or the appro oximate mea asurement of o Film Ba radiatio on exposure e for personnel monitorring purpose es; the badg ge may con ntain two or more films of differing se ensitivity, an nd it may co ontain filterss that shield d parts of the film from certain types off radiation. Gamma a Ray – Very penetratiing electrom magnetic rad diation of nuclear origin. Geiger--Mueller Co ounter – Highly sensitive gas-fille ed detector and a associa ated circuitrry used for radia ation detecttion and me easurementt. Half-Va alue Layer – The thickness of anyy specified material m neccessary to reduce r the intensityy of a x-ray or gamma ray beam to one-half its original value. v Health Physics – The sciencce concerne ed with reco ognition, eva aluation, and control off health n-ionizing ra adiation. hazardss from ionizzing and non High Radiation Area – Any area, a access sible to perssonnel, in which w there exists radia ation at m portio on of the bo ody could re eceive in any one hour a dose in excess e such levvels that a major of 100 m millirem. Inverse e Square La aw – The in ntensity of radiation r at any distancce from a po oint source varies inversely as the sq quare of tha at distance. Atomic partic cle, atom, o or chemical radical bearing an elecctrical charg ge, either ne egative Ion – A or posittive. Ionization – The process p by which w a neu utral atom or o molecule acquires eiither a posittive or negative charge. Ionizing g Radiation n – Any ele ectromagnettic or particu ulate radiation capable e of producing ions, directly or indirectlyy, in its passsage throug gh matter. ogen ntary particle e with a ma ass approxim mately the same s as tha at of a hydro Neutron – Elemen nd electrica ally neutral. atom an Occupa ational Exp posure – Th he exposure e received by an individual in a re estricted are ea or in the course of emplloyment in which w the in ndividual’s assigned a du uties involve e exposure to g radiation or o radioactivve material. ionizing Radiatiion – The emission e and propagatiion of energ gy through space s or thrrough a ma aterial medium m in the form m of waves. Radiatiion Area – Any area, accessible a to t personne el, in which there t exists s radiation a at such levels th hat a majorr portion of the t body co ould receive e in any one e hour a dos se in excesss of 5 millirem m, or in any 5 consecutive days a dose d in excess of 100 millirem. Radiatiion Safety Officer (RS SO) – A perrson designated at eac ch facility wh here an ioniizing radiatio on source is present tha at is respon nsible for the e developm ment, implem mentation, and a ongoing g managem ment of the facility f radia ation safety program; se erves as the primary point p of contact for all ionizzing radiatio on concerns s at the resp pective facility.

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Radiatiion Survey y – An evalu uation of the e radiation hazards h incident to the production n, use or existencce of radioa active materials or othe er sources of o radiation under a specific set off conditio ons; evaluattion include es a physica al survey of the disposition of mate erials and equipment, measu urements orr estimates of o the levelss of radiatio on that may be involved d, and a nt knowledg ge of processses using or affecting these mate erials to pre edict hazard ds sufficien resulting from expe ected or posssible changes in mate erials or equ uipment. active Mate erial – Any material m tha at emits ionizing radiatio on. Radioa Restric cted Area – An area de esignated by b an emplo oyer for the purposes of o controlling g access for protection of individ duals from exposure e to o radiation or o radioactivve materialss. Roentg gen – A sim mple unit of radiation r exxposure thatt does not take t into consideration the effects on biologica al tissue. gen Equiva alent Man (R REM) – A unit u of radiattion exposu ure that reprresents the energy Roentg of the io onizing radiation and th he damage to soft tissu ue as a resu ult of expos sure to that radiatio on. Shielding – A bassic control co oncept for minimizing m e exposure to o ionizing ra adiation by aterial or sh hield betwee en a person n and the ra adiation sou urce. inserting a solid ma al – Any ma aterial (e.g., lead, concrrete, alumin num, water or o plastic) that is Shielding Materia o absorb rad diation and thus t effectivvely reduce e the intensity of radiatiion and in some s used to cases e eliminate it. Specific Activity – Total radioactivity of a given nucclide per gra am of a com mpound, ele ement oactive nuclide. or radio Time – A basic control concept for minim mizing expossure to ionizzing radiatio on by decre easing e a person is i exposed to a radiatio on source. the time X-Rays s – Penetratting electrom magnetic ra adiations ha aving wave lengths sho orter than th hose of visible light; usuallyy produced by bombarrding a meta allic target with w fast ele ectrons in a high m. vacuum



General Requireme R ents 

KOC Indusstrial Hygien ne Managem ment Plan, November N 2 2008

Guide to KO OC HSE Ma anagementt System

Relevant KOC K HSEMS S Procedure es

Key Resp ponsibilitie es

4.1 Man nagement KOC managementt is responssible for the following: 4.1.1

Enssuring that the appropriate equipm ment, materials, supplie es, and train ning servvices requirred by this procedure p a budgete are ed for and ac cquired;


Enssuring comp pliance with this proced dure through their auditing process;


Imp plementing immediate corrective c a action for de eficiencies discovered d i this in proc cedure;


Mon nitoring the ongoing efffectivenesss of this proccedure;


Maintaining an effective ra adiation saffety awareness training g program; and a


ocedure ava ailable to em mployees or their desig gnated Makking this pro reprresentative((s).

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4.2 Sup pervisors/A Asset/Direc ctorate HSE E Personne el/Contracttors KOC su upervisors are a responssible for the following: 4.2.1

Iden ntifying emp ployees affe ected by thiss procedure e;


Obttaining and coordinating training sessions s req quired by this procedurre;


Com mplying with h all specificc requireme ents of this procedure; p and


Enccourage employees to immediatelyy report anyy incident or potential exposure to a radioactive r material.


ntractor emp ployees eng gaged in rad diological work w on KOC C facilities, must Con obsserve both Kuwait’s K Leg gislation and KOC rela ated procedu ures .

4.3 Rad diation Safe ety Officerr (Certified//authorized d by approp priate authority) Designa ated RSO shall s be resp ponsible forr the following: 4.3.1

Obttain approprriate level of o radiation safety s trainiing as required by loca al or national regula ations that is s representa ative of the type(s) of io onizing radiation sent at theirr respective e facility. pres


Serve as a prim mary point of o contact fo or all concerns related to radiation n safety heir respecttive facility. at th


Enssure complia ance with all a local and national reg gulations re elated to rad diation safe ety and radiiation licenssing require ements.


Provide ongoin ng managem ment and au uditing of th he facility ra adiation safe ety gram. prog


Con nduct radiattion surveyss and perso onnel monito oring progra ams as nece essary.


Con nduct an annual review w of the radiation protecction progra am to ensurre its continued effecctiveness.

4.4 HS SE and OH H Medical Personnel (Corpora ate Health & Environment Tea am and Directo orate/Assett HSE Team ms) KOC HS SE and medical personnel shall be b responsib ble for the fo ollowing: 4.4.1

Serve as a resource for KOC facilitiess;


ceive appropriate training in radiattion safety principles; p Rec


Enssure that rad diation mon nitoring and inspectionss are being performed in their area as;


Ass sist with faciility and job analysis su urveys; and


Initiate the occupational illlness investtigation process when appropriate e and he investiga ation processs. partticipate in th

4.5 Employees mployees are responsible for the following: f KOC em 4.5.1

mplying with h all specificc requireme ents of this procedure; p Com


Following workk practice prrocedures related r to th heir jobs; an nd


porting any unsafe act or condition n to their im mmediate su upervisor. Rep

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Procedure e


Facility Su urvey for Prresence off Ionizing Radiation R Sources S

An insp pection survvey shall be conducted at each KO OC facility to o determine e the presen nce of ionizing g radiation sources. s If sources s of ionizing rad diation are present, p an inventory of o all sourcess shall be de eveloped fo or each facility. Types of ionizing radiation that may be present p include x-ray equip pment for in ndustrial rad diography, m medical radiography an nd/or labora atory ons, sealed sources off various rad dioactive materials for measureme ent techniqu ues operatio such ass flow rate, liquid density, and com mpaction tessting equipm ment. If sou urces of ion nizing radiatio on are prese ent within a facility, an RSO shall be b designatted and a ra adiation safety program m, as outline ed in this prrocedure, shall be deve eloped and maintained d. 5.2

Radiation Safety Pro ogram

ntents of the e facility-specific radiattion safety program p shall, at a min nimum, inclu ude the The con followin ng:  De esignation of o responsib bilities for va arious KOC employees s under the radiation sa afety pro ogram;  Ide entification of o the facilitty RSO;  Pro ocedures fo or requestin ng authoriza ation to posssess and us se radiation n sources;  Pe ersonnel training requirrements spe ecific to the types of radiation sources presen nt at a faccility;  Po osting and la abeling requ uirements fo or radiation n areas;  Acccess, custo ody and acq quisition pro ocedures for radiation sources; s  Ha andling and storage pro ocedures;

 Wa aste manag gement and disposal procedures;  Tra ansportation requireme ents for radioactive sou urces;  Em mergency procedures during d radia ation inciden nts;  AL LARA principles, dose limits and ALARA A inve estigation lim mits;  Ra adiation monitoring requirements including i pe ersonnel mo onitoring an nd area surveys/monittoring proce edures;  Pe ersonal prottective equip pment and personal hyygiene/deco ontamination procedure es;  Re ecordkeepin ng requirem ments;  Re eporting req quirements for f accidenttal exposure es or loss or o theft of a radioactive ma aterial; and  Ma anagement of contracto ors who pos ssess radio oactive mate erials (e.g., testing and d insspection serrvice provid ders). The RS SO shall be responsible e for reviewing the prog gram on an annual bassis to ensurre its continued effective eness. 5.3

Radiation Safety Offiicer

At each h location where w a rad diation sourrce is prese ent, the faccility must have h a designated, RSO ce ertified by th he appropriiate authoritty. The RS SO serves as a the prima ary point off contact for all concerns related to the radiation so ources pressent at his/h her assigned d facility.

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Radiation Monitoring g Programs s


Radiation Survey Pro ogram

Radiatio on surveys shall be pe erformed at frequenciess to ensure adequate control c of radioacctive materia al and limit the t potentia al for accide ental exposu ures and crross-contam mination. Surveyss shall be performed p by trained pe ersonnel witth properly calibrated (e.g., ( annua al factory calibration required) su urvey instru uments (e.g., Geiger Mueller Coun nter). Radia ation t following g: surveyss shall include, but not limited to, the 

active materrial and devvices containing radioa active materrial When receiving radioa f gauges); (including fixed

Prior to a ta ask that cou uld potentially put an in ndividual in the path of ionizing rad diation (such as ga auges – to ensure e shuttters are wo orking prope erly).

Following maintenance m e or repair operations o o devices where shie on elding has been disturbed.


M Program Personal Monitoring

A perso onal monitoring program m shall be developed d a implem and mented for KOC K employyees and con ntractor perrsonnel who o receive or are likely to o receive ra adiation dosses in excesss of 10 percentt of the applicable values specified d in Section n 5.6 of this procedure. Personal monitorring can include film ba adges, pock ket chambers, pocket dosimeters d or o film ringss. The specificc monitoring g program developed d fo or each faciility will dep pend on the type of radiation sourcess present an nd the potential exposu ures to that radiation. KOC shall notify, n in wrriting, each em mployee inccluded in the e personal radiation monitoring m prrogram of his/her h moniitoring results at least ann nually (quarrterly for me edical radiog graphers). An annual monitoring report h employee e shall includ de the follow wing: for each 

Name and date of birth h of the individual;

here exposu ure occurred; and Name of the facility wh

p of one month or o a calenda ar quarter in ncluding: Dose equivvalents for periods o

Dee ep dose equ uivalent;


Len ns dose equ uivalent;


Sha allow dose equivalent e w whole body;;


Sha allow dose equivalent e m maximum extremity;


Com mmitted dosse equivalent;


Com mmitted dosse equivalent maximallly exposed organ;


Tota al effective dose equivalent; and


Tota al organ dose equivale ent.

5.4.3 Medical Mo onitoring Program P Any cla assified work ker must be e medically examined including required bloo od tests befo ore comme encing employment for work involv ving radioacctive source e. Further medical m examinations mustt be carried out at interrvals of not more than 12 months. A new me edical c of expo osure or susspected exp posure to ex xcessive ra adiation examination is neccessary in case dose. diation dose e record for all classifie ed workers must m be kep pt up to date e & radiatio on dose The rad relating to previouss employme ent shall be also mainta ained in the e individual’s record. Th he ed work may request medical m dep partment forr a transfer record r perta aining to rad diation classifie dose, when w the ind dividual leavves employment.

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In case of radioacttive source leakage, all persons exxposed or suspected s exposed e mu ust be ed. The persson exposed / suspecte ed exposed d to excessiive radiation n dose medically examine eport to Med dical Departtment for thorough exa amination. must re 5.5

ALARA Principles

mployee exposures to ionizing rad diation shalll be managed under th he principless of KOC em ALARA A. This is to be accomp plished usin ng the three basic conccepts of time e, distance, and shieldin ng to limit ra adiation exp posure. The e facility-spe ecific radiattion protection program m shall outline the specific c controls im mplemented d at the facility to ensurre employee e radiation nimized in accordance with ALARA A principles s. exposures are min 5.6

Dose Limitts for Expo osure to Ion nizing Radiation

mployee exposures to ionizing rad diation shalll not exceed d the follow wing quarterlly and KOC em annual dose limits.. Based on rules, given in Publica ations No. 26 2 and 60 of the Interna ational adiological Protection P (ICRP), ( the following criteria shall apply when n using Commisssion on Ra ionizing g radiation: 

e shall be adopted a unless its intrroduction prroduces a positive p nett benefit No practice (justification n of a practice or cost benefits principle);

All exposurres shall be kept ALAR RA; and

The effective dose to o individualss shall not exceed the e limits reccommended d for the e circumstan nces (dose and risk lim mitation principle). appropriate

Exposure Area Whole b body: head d and trunk; active bloo od-forming organs; o lenss of eyes; or gonads s Hands and a forearm ms; feet and d ankles Skin of whole body y

Quarte erly Dose Limit (rem)

nnual An Dose Limit (rrem)


12 ½ 7½

50 30

eclared pre egnant woman, KOC sh hall ensure that the ind dividual is no ot subject to o For a de occupational expossure to radiation that will w result in a total dose e equivalen nt to the indiividual’s o or fetus du uring the entire pregnancy that excceeds 0.5 rem. If the dose d equiva alent to embryo the emb bryo or fetus exceeds 0.5 0 rem, or is within 0.0 05 rem of th he dose, at the time an n individu ual becomes s a declared d pregnant worker, KO OC shall enssure that the e individual’s dose during tthe remaind der of the prregnancy do oes not excceed 0.05 re em. Exposu ure to minorrs (less than n 18 years of o age) to io onizing radia ation shall be b prohibited at all KOC fa acilities. Followin ng ALARA principles, if an employyee’s radiattion dose exxceeds 2.5% % of any qu uarterly dose lim mit or 10% of o any annu ual dose limit specified above, the RSO shall initiate an investig gation to dettermine if th he employee’s dose ca an be furthe er reduced. 5.7

Employee Training Program P

al awarenesss training shall be cond ducted annually for all KOC emplo oyees workking at a Genera facility w where radio oactive mate erials are prresent. The e content off the genera al awarenesss training should include the following: 

Basic princciples of ionizing radiatiion;

Types of ra adiation sou urces used within w the fa acility;

ALARA prin nciples and use of time e, distance, and shieldiing to reducce exposure es;

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An explana ation of the facility f radia ation area signage s and d container labeling requiremen nts; and

Emergencyy response proceduress and notificcations.

mployees who w are resp ponsible forr handling ra adioactive materials m orr are potentially KOC em exposed to radiatio on sources in the gene eral vicinity of o their work environment shall alsso adiation pro otection training. The level of train ning require ed for receive annual task-specific ra es of radioactive materrial present in the facilitty and the facility RSO is dependent on the type ecific trainin ng requirements impose ed by local or national regulations s. any spe 5.8 Storage Re equirements ances should be kept in specially designed co ontainers with w proper Radioacctive substa shieldin ng, shutters and locks. The effective dose ratte outside the storage place in are eas accessiible to mem mbers of the public shou uld never exxceed 1 S Sv/h; when account a is ta aken of the likely exposure e time of me embers of th he public, th he combination of expo osure time and a e dose rate e should nott lead to exp posures excceeding 1 mSv m per ann num. Inside effective premise es not accessible to the e general public a limitt of 2.5 Sv//h can be accepted. X-ray X equipment should be provided d with a lock on the ma ain circuit. 5.9

Posting an nd Labeling g Requirem ments

Rooms or areas de efined as re estricted rad diation areas due to the e presence of radioactiive materia als shall be posted with h signs to wa arn personn nel of the prresence of ionizing rad diation. If the on nly ionizing radiation so ource prese ent in a room m or area iss a sealed source, s and the ionizing g radiation le evel at a disstance of 30 0 centimete ers from the surface container or housing h does no ot exceed five milliroen ntgens per hour, h then signage s is not n required for the room m or area. T The signage e shall include the gene eral warning g of “CAUTION: RADIATION ARE EA” or “DANGER: RADIA ATION ARE EA.” Areas designated as high rad diation area as shall be posted p gns that include the gen neral warnin ng “CAUTIO ON: HIGH RADIATION R N AREA” orr with sig “DANGER: HIGH RADIATION AREA” printed p in Arrabic and English. p off ionizing ra adiation shall be include ed on In addittion, the universal symbol for the presence the possted signs. The radiatio on symbol shall s have a yellow bacckground with w magenta a or purple ttri-foils as shown below w.

ual containe ers or sources of ionizin ng radiation n shall be la abeled with the t radiation Individu symbol and the ge eneral warning of “CAU UTION: RAD DIOACTIVE E MATERIA AL” or “DANGER: ACTIVE MA ATERIAL.” The label shall s also co ontain the fo ollowing: RADIOA 

The kind(s)) of ionizing materials present p in th he containe er;

Ionizing rad diation levels being em mitted from the containe er;

An estimate e of the radioactive ma aterial activity; and

The date fo or which the e activity is estimated. e

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5.10 Transporta ation Requ uirements ernational Atomic A Enerrgy Agency (IAEA) reg gulations forr the safe tra ansport of The Inte radioacctive materia als should be b followed.. The radiation levels allowed a by these t regulations require that in man ny cases tra ansport should be in the e hands of classified ra adiological nge in the lo ocation of ra adioactive material m sho ould be regiistered. The workerss. Any chan carriage e of radioacctive source es by helicopter must conform to th he requirem ments of Internattional Civil Aviation A Org ganization (ICAO) ( regu ulations govverning the transportation of hazardo ous materia als by air. Similarly S the e carriage off radioactive e source by y sea must conform c to Intern national Ma aritime Orga anization (IM MO) rules in n this regard d. 5.11 Unsealed Radioactiv R ve Substanc ces e use of radioactive sub bstances sh hall be avoid ded whenev ver possible e. Only specially Routine equippe ed and train ned personn nel shall carrry out hand dling of such h substance es. In the ccase of a tesst with unse ealed radioa active substtances, man nagement shall s ensure e that no radiatio on hazard exxists for KO OC personne el, contracto ors and anyy other persson. 5.12 Emergencies An eme ergency situ uation is a situation s in which w an un nplanned, po otentially ha azardous exxposure to ionizing radiation or radioacctive substa ances has occurred o or is likely to occur. o Thesse situations may include:  An exposurre exceedin ng the dose limits of pe ersonnel or any a other in ndividual inccluding cases wherre over-exp posure is suspected.  A high dose e rate of equipment, sttorage conta ainers or in and around d areas whe ere radioactive sources arre in use, ab bove the lim mits.  Damage to o equipmentt, transport or storage containers. c  Spillage of radioactive e substances.  Fire or any other incide ent occurrin ng in an are ea where rad dioactive su ubstances are a in use.  The loss, disappearan nce or any other o unacco ounted absence of rad dioactive sources.  In case of an a emergen ncy manage ement should be notifie ed immediattely.  Provisions should be made m so tha at, in an em mergency, th he sources can c be retu urned he storage container with w the leasst possible exposure e off the staff quickly to th concerned..  Emergencyy procedure es shall be established e by Manage ement beforre any radio ological work is starrted, and all personnel involved sh hall be care efully instruccted.  Emergencyy regulations shall be posted p at ea ach place where w radioa active substtances or equipme ent producin ng ionizing radiation r are e used or stored.  Manageme ent shall org ganize emerrgency drillss.  If a person has receive ed a radiatio on dose abo ove the effe ective dose limit, or inte ernal or ontamination n by radioacctive substa ances has been b found or is suspected, external co the manage ement mustt be notified d immediate ely.  In the case e of fire, X-ra ay equipme ent shall be switched offf immediate ely and radioactive sources in use shall be e returned into their sto orage conta ainer and im mmediately placed opriate storre. If for anyy reason a radiation so ource canno ot be removved, line in the appro manageme ent shall be warned imm mediately. Apart frrom safety equipment e n normally req quired for working w with h sources off ionizing ra adiation, the follo owing equip pment shall be available and speccifically rese erved for use e in emerge encies only:  Personal protective eq quipment, likke gloves, gowns, g boots etc.  A self-conta ained breathing appara atus with prrotection facctor of 10,00 00.  Cleaning and decontamination eq quipment.  Remote ha andling equipment, including recep ptacles for contaminate c ed personall protective clothing, c cle eaning mate erials, etc. Control Tie er 3

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 Spare chain n barriers and a ionizing radiation warning w sign ns. om a work-ssite during an a emergen ncy shall be e notified Failure to remove a source fro immediately to Management. urce is dam maged to an extent, which involvess or might in nvolve the sspillage When a sealed sou of a rad dioactive substance, au uthorized pe ersonnel shall recover or remove that t radioacctive substan nce. Until th his has bee en done, all practicable measures shall be takken to preve ent the dispersal of the rad dioactive su ubstance an nd to safegu uard all pers sons involve ed. These orary evacua ation of con ntaminated areas. a measurres may include tempo 5.13

eping Requ uirements Recordkee

o this proced dure shall be b maintaine ed in accord dance with local and na ational Records related to OC internal recordkeep ping require ements. At a minimum, the followiing regulations and KO or each facility: recordss shall be maintained fo 

ned for Records off survey results and insstrument calibration reccords shall be maintain e years. at least five

Personal monitoring m re esults (e.g., annual exp posure sum mmary reporrts) shall be maintained for the durration of an employee’ss employme ent plus five e years.

a off employee overexposu ures to ionizzing radiatio on, as Reports to regulatory agencies aintained fo or the life of the facility. applicable, shall be ma

ocal and/or national liccenses or pe ermits to po ossess radia ation source es shall Copies of lo be maintain ned for the life of the fa acility.

Employee training t reco ords to document compliance with h this proce edure shall be b maintained for the mosst current trraining plus the previou us five yearrs.

ovements sh hall be main ntained for the t life of the facility. Records off source mo


Key Docu uments/To ools/Refere ences 

KOC Indusstrial Hygien ne Managem ment Plan, November N 2 2008

Guide to KO OC HSE Ma anagementt System

Relevant KOC K HSEMS S Procedure es

Kuwait Envvironmental Public Auth hority Regulations

Recommen ndations of the Internattional Comm mission on Radiologica al Protection (ICRP Publication 26 - Annals of the ICR RP, Vol. 1, 1977) 1

ndations of the Internattional Comm mission on Radiologica al Protection (ICRP Recommen Publication 60 - Annals of the ICR RP, Vol. 21,, 1991)

FR Part 20, Standards for Protectiion Against Radiation NRC 10 CF

OSHA 29 CFR C Part 19 910.1096, Io onizing Rad diation

Kuwait Deccree - Law 1 131 of 1977 7 on the Con ntrol of the Use of Ionizzing Radiattion and Protection from f the Ha azards

Ministerial Decree 55 53/2003, da ated 11 No ov 2003 de escribes th he instructio ons and egarding radioactive waste w storag ge and dispo osal proceduress to follow re


Abbreviattions 

ALARA – As A Low as Reasonable R Achievable e

ALI – Annu ual Limit of Intake

CFR – U.S. Code of Federal F Regulations

Control Tie er 3

Rev. Date: July 24, 2011 Uncon ntrolled Copy if P Printed.

KOC.HE.0 012 - Radiation Hazard Control Procedure Page 11 of o 11

Ci – Curie

alth, Safety and Environ nment HSE – Hea

HSEMS – HSE H Manag gement Sysstem

IAEA – Inte ernational Atomic A Enerrgy Agency

ICAO – Inte ernational Civil C Aviation n Organizattion

ICRP – Inte ernational Commission C n for Radiolo ogical Prote ection

IMO – Interrnational Ma aritime Orga anization

KOC – Kuw wait Oil Com mpany

KPC – Kuw wait Petroleu um Compan ny

NRC – U.S S. Nuclear Regulatory R C Commission n

OSHA – U..S. Occupattional Safety and Healtth Administration

REM – Roe entgen Equivalent Man n

RSO – Rad diation Safe ety Officer


HSE Reco ords (Rete ention perriod) 

Facility Spe ecific radiation survey records r (Ind definite period)

Facility Spe ecific radiation safety programme p p (Indefinite period)

Employee radiation r mo onitoring re eports. (Inde efinite period d)

Training reccords. (Inde efinite perio od)

Licenses - permits (Lo ocal / national) to posse ess radiation sources (Indefinite ( p period)

Review w and Rev vision Log g Re eview/ Revis sion Date

Document ver Approv

Document D Author

Revision n Details

April 17, 2009

Manager HSE

T Health & TL Environmentt

Draft fo or Internal Review R by ta ask force

Sept. 27, 2009

Manager HSE

T Health & TL Environmentt

Final Draft D presented to HSEMS IC for app proval.

Nov. 17, 2009

Manager HSE

T Health & TL Environmentt

Approvved & issued d for implem mentation

July 24, 2 2011

Manager HSE

T Health & TL Environmentt

Annuall review & update. u Onlyy docume ent formattiing amendm ments.

Control Tie er 3

Rev. Date: July 24, 2011 Uncon ntrolled Copy if P Printed.

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