KOC-P-001 R2 Painting and Coating of Metal Surfaces New Construction

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NO. KOC-P-001






DOC. NO. KOC-P-001







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DOC. NO. KOC-P-001


REV. 2





















This document " KOC Standard for Painting and Coating of Metal Surfaces - New Construction " has been amended t o incorporate the several changes occurred since . its first publication (Rev.1) in 1995. Funher, it has been updated in line wrth " Preparation Procedure for Generating KOC Standards & Recommended Practices " (KOC-A-001). Thus the document (Rev.1) was superseded and withdrawn. This revised Standard ( Rev.2 ) has been approved b y the Standards Technical Comm~ttee( STC ) and the Standards Division for publication which is ult~mately intended for use throughout the corporate engineering and operational funct~onsof Kuwait Oil Company. This Standard sets out t o achieve the following objectives:6)

To esabltsh the basic technical requirements for surface preparation, paint~ng maierials, methods of application and inspection/testing of protective external & internal coatingtpainting of metal surfaces aboveground in oil, gas and sea water facilities and related utilities under both onshore & offshore conditions.


To provide the general technical guidance for developing project specifications in order t o achieve reliability, quality and safety in an economical manner.


T o set our clear requirements t o monitor compliance in design, material seiect~on,applcation, inspection & testing with a contract.


T o maintain the KOC requirements of safety and environmental protection established by UOC regulations and procedures.

Feedback as well as any comments or suggestions derived from the application of this Standard at any stage of engineering, purchase or field application are invited and should be directed to: Supdt. Standards Division (Chairman, Standards Technical Cornminee) Engineering Group, K.O.C. P.O. Box 9758, Ahmadi 61008 State of Kuwait. %

The amendment of this Standard is acknowledged t o the Task f o r c e (TF-PC101) comprising of the following members:-


Mr. S. Kumar Standards Division Dr. Muayyad Ajjawi (Ex) Standards Division



SCOPE This Standard specifies the minimum basic requirements for surface preparation, coating materials, method of application and inspection/testing for protective external and where applicable, internal paintinglcoating of metallrc surfaces above ground oil, gas and sea water facilrties and related utilities. This Standard covers the paintinglcoating for both newly constructed onshore and offshore facilities. It also covers the repair of defects or damages t o the new painted items. The internal linings (Gunite & Fibreglass) of tanks and vessels are covered in separate documents KOC-P-002, Pans 1 & 2 respectively. This Standard is not applicable t o buried pipelines and subsea lines, decorative parnts for non-metal surfaces areas (concrete, masonry, wood, etc.), freld t r ~ a l of newly developed pa~ntrng/coatingsystems. APPLICATION The materials and equipment for surface preparation, paint and coating applcation and inspectionltesting, shall conform t o the requirements of this Standard and the referenced standardskodes mentioned herein. Any exceptions or deviations from this Standard, along with their merits & justification, shall be brought t o the attention of KOC's Controlling Department for their review, consideration and amendment by Standards Division (if required). Compliance with this Standard does not of itself confer immunity from legal or statutory obligations. TERMINOLOGY Definitions For the purposes of this Standard, the following definitions apply:Abrasive Natural or synthetic solid material used as a medium in abrasive blast-cleaning. Grit

A term used to describe the angular or irregularly shaped particles of abrasives used. <

Shot A term used t o describe the spherically shaped panicles of abrasive used for blast cleaning.

Comparator A specimen surface, or surfaces, of known average profile, representing a panicular abrasive blast-cleaning process.

Coat A continuous layer of a coating material that results from a single application.

Cure The chemical reaction psin1 'coa;~ng system.

resulting in the final polymerized product in the

Discontinuity (Holiday A void, crack, thin spot, foreign inclusion or contamination in the coating film

that significantly lowers the dielectric strength of the coating.


Film Thickness

The dry film thickness of paint is the thickness of paint without solvent and is measured by film thickness gauge & expressed in micron (1000 microns equivalent t o 1mm ).

Pot-life The elapsed time within which a coating can be effectively applied after all components of coating system have been thoroughly mixed. Rust grade (degree of rusting)

Classification describing the degree of rust formation on a steel surface prior t o cleaning.

Atmospheric Zone The part of an offshore structure above the splash tone.

Splash Zone The zone of the structure that is sfternately in and out of the water because of the influence of the astronomical tides, winds and sea waves.



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REV. 2

Submerged zone The zone that extends downward from the splash zone and include that structure below the mudline. Surface Rofile 'he micro-roughness of a surface, generally expressed as the average height of ye major peaks relative to the major valleys.

Abbreviations KOC

Kuwait Oil Company (K.S.C.)


Carbon Steel


Dry Film Thickness (of Paint)


Wet Film Thickness (of Paint)


Micaceous Iron Oxide


Relative Humidity


Lowest Astronomical Tide

REFERENCE CODES AND STANDARDS Conflicts In the event of conflict between this Standard and the standardskodes referenced herein, or other contractual or purchase requirements, the most stringent requirement shall apply, unless otherwise specified. List of Standards, Codes and Specifications The latest edition of the following standards, codes and specifications shall t


National 1 International Standards


Paintin~Coating General

BS 349

Identification of the Contents of Industrial Gas Containers.

BS 381C

Specification for Purposes.

Colour for Identification, Coding and Special ..



REV. 2

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Specification for Hot-dip Galvanized Coatings on lron and Steel Amcles. Specifcation for Identification of P~pellnesand Services. Specification for Bitumen-based Coatings for Cold Appl~catron, Suitable for Use in Contact with Potable Water. Schedule of Paint Colours for Buildmg Purposes. Code of Practice for Protective Coating on lron and Steel Structures agarnst Corrosion. Metallic and Other Inorganic Coatings. Thermal Spraying, Zrnc, Alumrnum and their Alloys. Surface Preparation


ASTM D2092 Gu~de for Treatment of Zmc-Coated

(Galvan~zedi Steel

Surfaces for Painting. ES 7079-A1 Specifcation for Rust Grades and Preparation Grades of ( I S 3 8521- 1) Uncoated Steel Substrate and of Steel Substrate After Overall

Removal of Previous Coatings - Visual Assessment of Surface Cleanllness.

ES 7079-D2

Preparation of Steel Substrate Before Application of Paints and

(IS0 8504-2)

Related Products. Abrasive Blast Cleaning.

SIS 05 59 00 Pictorial Surface Preparation Surfaces. SSPC-SP

Steel Structures Specifications.


Standards for Painting Steel Council

Surface Preparation

Inspection nesting

ASTM Dl 186 Test Method for Nondestructive Measurement of Dry Film Thickness of Nonmagnetic Coatings Applied to a Ferrous Base. ASTM Dl212 Test Methods for Measurement of Wet Film Thickness of

Organic Coatings.

ASTM D2697 Test Method for Volume of Nonvolatile Matter in Clear or Pigmented Coatings. ASTM D3276 Guide for Painting Inspectors (Metal Substrates).


ASTM D3359 Test Methods for Measuring Adhesion by Tape Test. ASTM D U l 7 Test Methods for Field Measurements of Surface Prof~leof Blast Cleaned Steel. ASTM D4541 Test Method for Pull-Off Strength of Coatings Using Portable Adhesion-Testers.

BS 3900 - H3 Designation of Degree of Rusting. IS0 9000

Model of Quality Assurance in Design, Production, Installation and Servicing.


NACE RP0188 Discontinuity (Holiday) Testing of Protective Coatings.

& A C E R23287 Surface Profile Measurements of Abrasive Blast Cleaned Steel Surface Using a Replica Tape.


Measurement of Dry Paint Thickness with Magnetic Gauges.

Health and Safety API 2217

Guidelines for Confined Space Work in the Petroleum Industry.

BS 1319

Specification Connections.

BS 5378

Safety Signs and Colours.

NFPA 231

Standard for General Storage

for Medical Gas Cylinders, Valves and Yoke

OSHA 29 CFR 1910 Regulation, Penaining Work in Confined Areas. KOC Standards KOC Fire and Safety Regulations. KOC-GO02

KOC Standard for Hazardous Area Classification.


KOC Standard for Basic Design Data.

ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITION The e n v i r o n m e ~ tof Kuwait, is severe on all plant and equipment and must be considered carefully before selection/approval o f paints and coating materials. $

The ambient temperature range is - 3°C t o + 55°C. The exposed black body metal temperature due t o solar radiation is 8 5 T . Humidity can pose a serious problem with long periods of relative h u m ~ d ~ t y (RH) level of 100% being p a n of normal weather pattern. other environmental conditions in Kuwait, refer t o KOC Standard for Basic 3esiyn Data, KOC-G-007, which provides the detailed design informat~on ,.?garding the environmental, site and utility supply conditions prevailing i rough out the KOC facilities.


HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT General The contractor shall employ all necessary health and safety procedgres to

pro;ect persome! and surrounding environment during on-site f ~ e l dworks. Ali r ~ i e v a n ts ~ f e t y requirements of the KOC Fire and Safety Regulations shall

be conformed, in particular the requirements for blasting and power tool cleaning, for scaffolding and access platforms, for compressors and compressed air equipment for ventilation and ventilation equipment in confined. areas and for personnel protection, protective equipment and clothing. The contractor shall comply with the KOC Fire & Safety Regulations and the Health & Hygiene Procedures while performing the works within KOC areas. Where there 1s a risk of flammable atmosphere being present in a particular vbiork area, KOC may, with relevant safety authority, impose restr~ctionson methods of surface preparation. Flame heating equipment shall not be used in hazardous areas. KOC-G-002 describes area classif~cationfor facil~ttesand eqil~pment. For internal paintingkoating of drinking water facilities (tanks, vessels, etc.), the contractor shall submit evidence ( Kuwait heath authority approval) that the paint system will not in any way contaminate the water. Storage, Handling and Mixing Safety Precautions Safe Storage


All paints, coatings and thinners shall be stored in enclosed storage ereas or structures that are well-ventilated and protected from temperatures exceeding manufacturer's recommendations, open flames, electrical discharge and direct sunlight. Air conditioned storage areas shalt be considered where excessive ambient temperatures are expected.


The storage area shall be secluded and no other materials shall be stored in the enclosed place. The enclosure shall be demarcated as " NO SMOKING " area strictly.


All paints, coatings, solvents, oil and equipment cleaners shall be s;ored in closed labelled original containers.


Portable fire extinguishers of suitable quality and appropriate.quantlty shall be provided at the storage areas and such extinguishers shall be inspected and approved by Fire & Safety Depanment.

Manufacturer's HealthISafety Precautions Manufacturer's healthhafety precautions and procedures for mixing, handlrng, storage and application of paints and coating materials shall be strictly adhered. Safety precautions shall be clearly described on the technical data sheet of pamt and coatrng materials supplied as well as on the containers. Safety Precautions for Blasting!Painting Equipment Blast cleaning and spray painting guns shall be earthed (spark proofmg) t o prevent building up of an electrostatic charge, especially when the application is in confined work places. All blasting equipment shall be inspected and certified by an authorised competent third party. Pressurised hoses shall be tested and certified for maxlmum safe working pressure. Hoses and other pressure items shall be checked period~callyt o make sure that any damage or loss of electrical conductivity will not lead t o a safety hazard. Pressurised hose and blasting gun shall compulsorily be equipped w ~ t h 'Deadman Switch'. Suitable fire extinguishers shall be provided near the air compressor. Enclosures shall be provided all around the area, where shot / grit blasting will be carried out. 4

Clean sir-mask PPE shall be worn by the technicians while blasting or spray painting.


Safety Precautions in Fbmmable Atmos@wres

KOC will advise on the area classification for b o t h plant design and construction / maintenance projects. Cenain paint compositions shall not be used i n some plant design area classification (e.g. zone I ) , 8s it can ignite with explosive force at certain conditions.(see clause 7.15 of this Standard).

The contractor shall provide KOC with all necessary material safety data sheet for the proposed paint systems, solvents and painting procedure In order t o determine area classifcation for the duration of painting work. Safety Precautions in Confined Space All tank / vessel interiors shall be gas-free. Approval under entry permit

procedure is required before the tanklvessel can be entered. A!I elecrrical equipment used including lighting equipment, ventilat~on equipment, high voltage holiday testing equipment, etc., shall be grounded and suitable for the hazardous area classifcation of the working areas as advised by KOC. All other equipment including ladders, tools, etc., shall be sparkproof. The procedures for performing safe work in confined spaces shall be in 2,-cordance ~ w t hOSHA 29 CFR 191 0 or API 221 7. Site Clearance & Environmental Protection On completion of painting works, facilities shall be arranged by contractor for effective and safe removal of spillage collection and disposal of paintskoating materials, brushes, scaffolding, waste, equipment, etc. All necessary p r e c a i l t ~ o wshall be taken t o safeguard the surrounding environment. PAINTS ICOATING MATERIALS General All palnts ! coating materials shall be chemically pure, and free from foreign contaminants. The age of coating material components shall not exceed the recommended pot-life as limited by the manufacturers. All paints 1 coating materials shall be delivered t o the site in original sealed manufacturer's containers with batchkode numbers and date of manufacture clearly marked thereon. Approvals

All paints and coating materials, including thinners and equipment cleaners, in any one system shall originate from one manufacturer. The KOC approved schemes are only those used in the paintinglcoating schedules A-E (Appendix 3) end as defined in clauses 7.3-7.14 of this Standard. The use of alternative schemes shall be approved in writing by KOC.

The contractor's submittal for paintingkoating materials shall include details of generalized composition, service temperature and technical specificat~ons of the products to be used for KOC review and approval. The selected composition of painting / coating materials shall comply with the relevant clauses penaining to the materials given below. '

'inc-Rich Epoxy Rimer


his primer based on polyamide cured 2 pack epoxy. Minimum volume of solids shall be 63% as per ASTM D2697. Inorganic Zinc Silicate Primer Sased on ethyl silicate media. Minimum volume of solids shall be at least 5890 as per ASTM D2697. Capable of withstanding continuous high temperature ( u p t o 403'C) and have excellent abrasion and chemical resistance. Zinc Phosphate Primer Based on long oil alkyd and urethane alkyd media. Minimum volume of solrds shall be 48% as per ASTM D2697. Mordent Solution (1-wash) Pre-treatment Primer Used for preparation of galvanized surfaces. It is a two components etch primer, based on phosphoric acid solution incorporating copper salts and corrosion inh~bitivepigments in a solventlwater solution. High Build Epoxy Intermediate Based on polyamide cured two pack high build epoxy binder. Pigmented with M~caceousIron Oxide (MIO). Minimum volume solids shall be 55% per ASTM D2697. Coal Tar Epoxy Rimer/lntermediate/Finish The formulation of the two pack incorporate: Pack 1. Epoxy resin and suitable pigments. Pack 2. Polyamide or amine curing agent and coal tar. The Epoxy tesin shall comprise at (east 35% by weight in the resin/coal tar blend as per ASTM 02697.

For contrasting of intermediate coats, aluminium or red oxide may be used.


- Pack Polyurethane Finish

B2sed on acrylic modified t w o pack aliphatic polyurethane with titaqium dioxide or M I 0 pigment. Minimum volume of solids shall be 45% per ASTM D2697. \ sevi-gloss and colour retention finish is required.

;mine Adduct Epoxy Paint 4 t w o pack epoxy amine adduct cured paint which cures t o a coating with excellent resistance t o chemicals.

Mmimum volume of solids shall be 48% as per ASTM D2697. IT shail be approved by the NIYC (National Water Council) and Kuivait heal:? a~thority. "Solvent Free" High Build Epoxy Paint f32sed on polyamide cured t w o pack epoxy with a coating with good resistance t o fresh water and t o abrasion. Minimum volume of solids shall be 100% per ASTM D2697 (solvent free). It shall be approved by the NWC (National Water Council) and health authority. "Zinc Free" Inorganic Silicate Finish Air curing zinc free inorganic sil~catebased on ethyl silicate media; capable of wrthstandmg continuous high temperature (up t o 400'C) and have excellent abrasion and chemical resistance.

High Temperature Aluminum Silicone Finish Based o n silicone alkyd or modified silicone alkyd media (e.g. ecrylic silicone). M ~ n i m u mvolume of sohds shall be 49% as per ASTM 02697. Ptgmtrnted with leafing aluminium pigment. Heat resistant, capable t o withstand continuous high temperature up t o 400°C. Must be capable of "curing" t o handle at ambient temperature.

Metal Spray Coatings a)

Based on molten Aluminium metal sprayed on surfaces prepared in accordance with BS EN 22063.


Aluminium metal spray coating is suitable for high temperature (up to 550°C) surfaces with restriction (see clause 7.15). The sprayed aluminium may be silicon sealed and for temperatures up t o 250'C silrcon sealed sprayed aluminium can provide more protection and longer I~fe.


Restriction on Using Aluminium Pigments and Metal Spray Due t o the susceptibility of metallic aluminium to ignite with explosive force, Aluminium metallic pigments and Aluminium metal spray shall not be used on any surface operating above 1 2 0 T in area tolie 1 as specified in KOC Standard for "Hazardous Area Classification" (KOC-G-002) or KOC Hazardous Area drawings. SURFACE PREPARATION General

All fabrication works including cutting and drilling of holes shall be completed prior to surface preparation. In special areas, however, preparation and priming of structured steel members and piping may be approved b y KOC prior to final assembly. Surface preparation shall preferably, for optimum coating performance, be carried ou! by dry abrasive blast cleaning. Alternative techniques shall only be applied in some circumstances as described in clause 8.7. The surface preparation requirements for painting systems are indicated in the painting schedules A-E (Appendix 3) and detailed in the clauses as follows: Working Restrictions Weather Conditions All surface preparation shall not be conducted in the following conditions:


When the steel surface temperature is less than 3% above dew point.


When the air temperature is below 5°C. -


When the relative humidity (RH)is 85% or higher.


Under adverse weather conditions, e.g. rain, fog, sandstorm, high wind velocity (56 Kmhr. or higher), high wave tide or when such conditions are likely prior t o completion of the work ( i.e abrasive blast cleaning 1.



Work Cond~tions F~eldsurface preparation shall not be conducted in the following cond~t~ons: Outside daylight hours on exterior locations, unless permitted by KOC. Approved special lighting shall be arranged for night blast cleaning. When the initial primer coe? cannot be completed within 4 hours of prepara:ion. Surfaces which remain uncoated for longer than this period shall be reblasted prior t o priming. When adjacent areas or equipment are insufficiently protected from damage or contamination by abrasive dust or debris. In areas close to painting operations, t o prevent damage or contamination of wet palnt films by abrasive material.


Surface Imperfections Removal Surface imperfections or irregularities shall be removed completely (made flush or smooth) prior t o blast cleaning. Imperfections shall be considered as follows: LVel3 spatter and slivers shall be removed. Sharp or rough welds shall be

rounded and contoured. Any other observed defects in welds and material should be referred t o KOC for disposit~on. Poros~ty (weld voids) shall be cleaned and filled with acceptable filler mz?erial or closed over by a suitable mechanical method approved by KOC. Sharp or rough edges shall be rounded, chamfered or broken. Such imperfections that appear after blast cleaning or acid pickling shall be similarly removed. If grinding is needed, checking of the remaining wall thickness and KOC's approval are required.


Surface Contaminants Removal


The metal surface shall be cleaned t o remove any oil, grease, din, etc. using solvent andlor suitable emulsifying alkaline cleaners followed b y washing with clean water or w e t steam rinsing. SSPC-SP7 outlines these methods.


Degreasing b y wiping the surface with solvent only is not recommended in heavily oillgrease surface contamination, because this invariably leads t o the

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REV. 2

spreading of a thin film of oil over wide area. The solvent/emulsifying agent cleaned surface shall be allowed t o dry before proceedmg with further preparation or painting. Soluble salts on steel surface exposed t o a salt laden atmosphere shall be removed by washing or by any other suitable technique. See clause 10.5.3 for iron salts contaminant free testing. Dry Abrasive Blast Cleaning Practice

Dry abrasive blast cleaning shall be used t o remove all rust and mill scale and t o achieve the required visual standard and surface profile defined in the approved painting'coating schedules (Appendix 3). Ab:ssive material shali satisfy the following requirements:Abrasive material for mild / carbon steel preparation shall be industr~al grade metal angular grit or shot (generally iron or steel). Contaminated or re-cycled grit or shot shall not be used. Abrasives for stainless steel substrate shall be non-metallic materials. New less-dust generating abrasive media such as "Garnet" plastic granulates and alike, capable of producing the required surface profile, may be used for blast cleaning. Sand may be used as abrasive material for field blast cleaning, subjected t o KOC's approval. Sand material shall be graded (30 - 6 0 mesh), hard, version, silca or olivine sand with less than a 10 percent breakdown. No sand shall be used more than once. The selected abrasive material shall be in accordance with SSPC-SP-COM or BS 7079 R.D2 (IS0 8504-2). Abrasive material shall be dry and free from oil, grease, dust, salts and any other impurities or contaminants. Abrasive materials shall be capable of achieving the required surface profile without contamination of the substrate. To produce the required surface profile, abrasive particle size shall follow the surface preparation commentary of SSPC manual as necessary t o comply with visual blast cleaning standards mentioned in clause 8.6 of this Standard. All abrasive materials shall be kept dry,

and covered when not used.

Abrasive material sample shall be provided by the contractor, for KOC's testing and approval before work commencement. The blasting equipment and technique shall comply with the following requirements:

The contractor's abrasive blast cleaning equipment shall satisfy KOC's safety requirements (See clause 6.3). For field and shop blast cleaning, abrasive shall be carried by a jet of compressed air through a hand-held nozzle. The compressed air s u ~ p l y and volume shall meet work requirement and shall be substantially free from oil and wa:er contamination. Traps and filters shall be cleaned regularly. For blast cleaning of large horizontal surface areas, like tank roofs ,:' bottoms etc., a self contained vacuum blast unit can be used. Sirch machines are usually operated by remote compressed air or hydraulica!ly actuated for traction. 'Deadman handles' shall be fixed t o the blast line as close as practicable to t h blast ~ nszzle and shall be held by the blast operator alone. Nrjzzles used shall have a maximum oriflce size of 9 m m and shall be of venturl des~gn. Openings in vessels, piping, access fittings, nozzles, etc. shall be properly protected against entry of abrasive material. All previously painted or ga!~,anised surfaces shall be adequately protected prior t o commencine any blasting operation. Giast cleaned rusty surface (due t o rain or condensation) and surfaces with temporary holding primer, shall be re-blasted t o the specified surface profile. Surface blast cleaning t o the specified surface profile shall extend a minimum of 150 mm beyond the area t o be coated during the same day. Surface blasting t o the specifled surface profile shall continue a minimum of 25 m m into adjoining previously coated surface. The edges of the previous coating shall be feathered. All prepared surfaces shall be cleaned from any dust / abrasive material preferably by dry brushing andlor vacuuming with industrial vacuum cleaner. Pressure air blowing is not permitted. Any surface showing signs of contamination, after blast cleaning, shall be solvent cleaned and re-blasted. Blast Cleaning Standard The surface profile height shall be in accordance with the requirement of painting system. The measurement techniques of surface profile testing are specified in ASTM D4417.



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Blast cleaqing shall be carried out t o a visual standard in accordance w t h S!S 05 59 00, e~thera s Sa 2, Sa 2'/1 or Sa 3. (identical to BS 7079 Part A1 or IS0 8501-1) subjected t o the requirements of paint manufacturer's data sheet. Reference shall be made t o these standards for photographs of equivalents to the mentioned qualities. Gestrictions on Atterna tive Techniques to Blast Cleaning


some circumstances, blast cleaning shall not be done and alternative surface .reparation techniques ( like manual 1 power tool cleaning 1 shall be applied. These alternative techniques are subjected t o KOC's approval and restricted as iollows: a)

When dry abrasive blast cleaning is unsafe or any of KOC's safety precautions / requirements cannot be met.


When there is a risk of damage t o instrumentation, equipment (e.g., electrical, rotating, etc.) within the proximity of blasting operations.


Where there is a flammable atmosphere or similar condition present, restrictions may be applred by KOC.


Where blast cleaning is not practical, e.g. for welds, edges, bolts, nuts, corners, crevices etc. and for paint defectstdamages repair.

Power Tool Cleaning Power tool cleaning shall be t o a visual standard in accordance with SIS 05 59 00 St3 or BS 7079 Part A1 S t 3 (equivalent t o U.S. Standard SSPC-Sp3). Where power tool cieaning is carried out, 1 0 0 % of the surface shall be covered using abrasive or wire type power discs. In some locations which can not accommodate a power disk, e.g. welds, power impact tools shall be applied (vibratory and rotary, needle guns, scrapers) followed up by wire brush cleaning. Power tool cleaning shall extend a minimum of 25 mm distance into adjoining coated surfaces. *

Hand Tool Cleaning Hand tool cleaning may be used for cleaning rusted surfaces in some circumstances as specified in clause 8.7 and for paint defectsJdamages repair. Hand tool cleaning shall be to visual standard in accordance with SIS 05 59 00 S t 2 (BS7079 St2) which is equivalent to SSPC-SPZ..

Acid Pickling (Etching) Preparation

This method may be used by contractors, in some circumstances and locattons a s an alternative t o blasting provided that it is compatible with palnt system

and approved by KOC. When using this method, the surface shall be etched t o a degree suitable for the specified coating system. Details on this method are specified in SSPCSPB. KOC Flre and Safety Regulations shall be adhered t o when using this method

Preparation of Stainless Steels Sramless steels shall not be painted unless specifled by the relevant equipment d 6 : ~~ ' 7 e e tThe . surfsce specifled t o be painted shall be: th0:oughly degreased using solvent cleaning or suitable emulsify~ngaaent and washed with fresh water t o remove any contamination. blast cleaned t o a surface profile of 25-50 micron using chlorlde free abrasive such a s alumina. Copper slag abrasives shall not be used. Hand or power tools using P60 grade paper may be used for surface preparmon, when grit blast cleaning is impractical. (see clause 8.7). protected from any funher contamination by debris produced during grit blas?ing of adjacent carbon steel because embedded panicles could promote corrosion. Any observed contamination should be referred to KOC for disposition. Blast / Power tool cleaning equipment used for carbon steel shall not be subsequently used on stainless steel. Preparation of Galvanized Surfaces Painting of n e w galvanized surfaces shall be only for top coating purpose in conformity with systems B1, Dl -10,Dl -1 1 of Appendix 3 of this Standard. The surface preparation method shall be carried out as follows:


The greasy film on t h e n e w galvanized steel surface and any other oil or grease contamination shall be removed using emulsifying agent:


The surface shall be chemically etched (primed) b y using proprietary Twash solution. (see clause 7.6 )


Weathered surfaces shall be cleaned using wire brushing or s w e e p blasted to remove all corrosion products or deposits and degreased wrth emulsifying agent.

8.12.2 Other surface preparation methods may be used in accordance with ASTM D 2092 for painting new galvanized surfaces subject t o KOC's approval. PAINT/COATING APPLICATION

General Requirements Paintingkoating works shall be in accordance with the requirements established by this Standard and t h e recommendations of the paintlcoatlng manufacturer. Any area not specifically covered, shall be in accordance wrth the principles and guidelines set fonh in the SSPC Manual. The contractor shall provide all materials, tools, equipment and manpower required for carrying out the works. Surfaces, t o be painted /coated, shall be inspected and approved by KOC before any pa~ntlngcoatmg is applred. Thrs shall be after surface preparation and between each subsequent coating. No primer or paint shall be applled v,~~thout KOC's approval. All surfaces, t o be painted 1 coated, shall be dry and dust / contaminants free before applcatlon of the first coat.

Precautions shall be taken t o prevent painting from being appl~edt o name plates, coupl~ngs,shafts, valve stems, vent openings, gauge glasses, pressure gadges, etc. Masking tape, plastic film or any other suitable material shall be used, and all shall be removed after completion and acceptance of the palntlng apphcatron. All areas prepared for field welds shall be kept free from paint over a drstance of at least 100 mm from the weld centre, except welding I shop primer of 25

mrcrons. minimum of 100 mm around edges of abrasive blasting shall be left unless adjoining a recently prepared and coated other surface. A

Crevices created by t w o surfaces in close contact which cannot be protected by painting should be mastic sealed on both sides. Selection of paint in^ 1 Coating System The selection of painting / coating system for particular applications and required surface preparation Shall be as given in t h e approved painting Schedules A, B, C, D, and E (Appendix 3) of this Standard.



REV. 2

Paint Mixing and Thinning Mlxing of paint t o an even consistency, manufacturer's mixing instruct~ons, environmental conditions and maximum pot life shall be strictly adhered, specially for T w o - pack paints. Mixing, by h g h speed mechanical agitators or rotary mixers, with flat blade ?nd speed control, shall be used for containers larger than 5 I~tres.Hand 71xrng is permrned only for containers up t o 5 litres. t o r painting systems where pigment separation readily occur e.g. zinc silicate ~ r i m e r s continuous , mixing shall be carried out during application. After thorough mixing, the correct viscosity of the paint shall be proved by measuring with an approved flow cup. Thinners shall not be added to paint without KOC's approval, only the thlnners recommended by the palnt manufacturer may be used, even for cleanrng. When thinning is permitted by KOC, paint manufacturer's instructions shall be strictly adhered and the accepted procedures mentioned in clause 7.3 of ASTM D3276 shall be followed. Restrictions on Painting Weather Conditions Palnting shall not be conducted in the similar weather conditions of abrasive blast cleaning as specified in clause 8.2.1 of this Standard and also under the following condit~ons:



When the metal surface temperature above


Under adverse weather conditions, e.g. rain, fog, sandstorm, high wind velocity (56 Kmlhr. or higher), high wave tide or when such condit~ons are likely before the paintkoating has become dry.

Work Conditions Painting 1 Coating shall not be conducted in the following work conditions: a)

Where the specified surface finish is not existed at the time of applying the first coat.


When adjacent areas or equipment are not sufficiently protected from paint application.

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Outside daylight hours on exterior locations, unless permitted by KOC Approved special lighting shall be arranged for night painting.


Paint Application Practice


General The specified surface fmisfi, of all areas t o be painted, shall be prepared before applying the first c o a t ff required, surfaces shall be re-prepared to the specifled fmish. The paint shall be applied in a uniform manner and t o the prescribed number of coats and dry film thickness (DfT) given in Painting Schedules without any .runs, sags, marks or other blemishes. Finished application shall be uniform in colour, texture and appearance. Intermediate and finish paintings shall be applied following final assembly of component pans. For surfaces inaccessible for proper painting and / or inspection, painting shall be applied prior t o final assembly. The contractor and KOC will designate inaccessible areas. Where a multi-coat paint system is specified t o be used, all intermediate coats shall be of contrasting colour t o differentiate between coats. Colours for intermed~atecoats shall refer t o the paint manufacturer's recommendations. T m e intervals between coats shall be kept t o t h e minimum recommended by pamt manufacturer in order t o prevent contamination between coats. In case contamination does occur, it shall be removed by washing w~tti suitable detergent solution and rinsing with clean fresh water.


Airless Spray Application


Paint application by airless spraying shall be the preferred paint application process. The use of air spray method shall conform t o the requirement of coating system and shall be subject to K0Cts approval.


Spraying equipment, guns, nozzle sizes, orifice sizes & shapes and pressure ranges sP.ali meet the work requirements and the paint manufacturer's recornmendations and shall be free from oil and water contamination.


All paint spraying lines and pots shall be cleaned and flushed before the

addition of new material. d)

Large surfaces shall be painted with passes in t w o directions at right angles. Spray overlap of the previous pass shall be by 50%. .


Brush Application Brush application shall be done on areas which cannot be properly sprayed e.g. for welds, edges, bolts, nuts, corners, crevices etc., and for touch-up maintenance where spray application is not practical. Stripe coating of sharp edges, corners and welds can be done before application of flnish paint t o ensure that these areas receive the mlnlmJm specifred film thickness. Brushes shall be of a type, size and shape which permits proper application of paint and meets manufacturer's recommendations. Brush application shall be done such that a uniform coat, with no deep or detr~mentalbrush marks, is obtained. Runs and sags shall be avo~ded.

T h ~ s method of applcation can be used, subject t o KOC's approval, for painting large areas of relatively flat steel surfaces and where high film build is generally not t o be attained. Roller application will ride over high spots and mlss edges and shall not be used for painting corners, bolt heads, etc. Care mils? be taken t o choose the correct roller pile length, depending on the type of paint and degree of roughness of the surface. 9.6

PI iming


Priming shall be done on prepared surfaces before rusting occurs or within 4 . hours of blast cleaning, whichever is sooner. The only relaxation allowable t o this requirement is where the following three (3) conditions are existing.


The work t o be primed is fully enclosed.


The ambient temperature is above 1I°C.


The relative humidity is below 75%.



All acid descaled steel surfaces shall be primed as soon as the surface is dry and while it is still warm.


In order t o facilitate shop or site handling procedure, holding (shop) primer of 25 microns may be applied on steel surface. Ifapplied, however, this shall not replace the function or pan of the film thickness specified for the priming coat. Shop or welding primers shall be compatible with the specified painting system.

DOC. NO. KOC-P-001


P a ~ e26 of 55

REV. 2

Zmc silicate primers shall be applied to abrasive blasted surfaces only. In order t o protect the porous primer film from salt or chemical contamination, rt shall be sealed with a tie coat as soon as practicable after complete curing has occurred. The tie coat shall achieve sound adhesion t o the zinc siicate primer and be compatible with the finishing coat.

,hop Painting 3 0 p painting of items may be carried out by the contractor as below, subject KOC's approval. 3)

The contractor shall be responsible for paint condition on arrival of such items 'on-site' and shall carry out any paint damage repair needed.


The contractor shall comply with all aspects of this Standard and related aspects of KOC's safety regulations.

Completely Fabricated Items


Full surface preparation and painting works shall be done prior t o transportation t o site.


All painted items shall be protected!packed t o avoid any coating damage during transportation. Care shall be taken in handling and installat~ont o minimize coating damage.

Partially Fabricated or Non-Fabricated ltems a)

These items may be prepared / primed and further coated before transportation to sire with the approval of KOC.


The painting used shall have enough durability t o withstand the 'on-site' construction period before further painting occurs.

Repair of Darnages'Defects New painted surfaces are likely to require repair and maintenance in the following cases:


f o r painted areas which have been damaged b y other adjacent field activities or during handlingltransportation of off-site painted items.


For areas which suffer paint defects e.g. disbonding, insufficient film thickness, blisterin& etc.

The type of coating materials used for repair and maintenance shall be identical to, or compatible with the original material.

The selection of suitable surface prsparation shall depend on the size of areas t o be painted, the type of repair painting materials t o be used and the Safety regulations involved. The following order of preference shall be adopted.


Dry blast cleaning t o the required visual standard ( S a 2% or Sa 3) and surface profile.


Power tool cleaning r o standard St3 (only where blast cleaning is not practical or permitted). Hand tool cleaning t o standard St2 (only for minor touch up!repair work)

Surface preparation of defective or damaged areas shall be extended over the surrounding sound coating for a minimum of 25 mm on all sides and a further 25 mm of sound paint work shall be lightly blasted t o etch the surface. Surfaces t o be painted that become contaminated with oil, grease, salts, etc. shall be cleaned with a proprietary solventidetergent solution and rinsed ~ ~ 2 1 t h fresh clean water. Repair works shall be in accordance with the specified painting system t o restore the f ~ l mthickness and shall cover the prepared surface and the etched p a n t work. For colour codmg and/or cosmetic reasons it may be necessary t o extend the f ~ n ~ coat s h over a large surrounding area. It is mandatory thai KOC's representative.

all defective work be corrected t o the satisfaction of Work shall not be deemed complete until the foregoing

bas been achieved. INSPECTION AND TESTING

General Requirements lnspectlon and testing at all stages of surface preparation and paintingkoating a p p l c a t ~ o n shall be conducted by the contractor. The contractor shall provide all necessary inspection equipment and perform such inspections as necessary t o assure t h a t t h e painting I coating complies with t h e requirements of this Standard. Surface preparation and painting /coating application m a y be subjected t o inspection and approval a t any stage by KOC.

KOC inspector shall have the right to inspect at all times a n y tools, materials or equipment used in t h e performance of surface preparation and paint application to ensure t h e compliance with t h e requirements of this Standard.

Materials and Equipment lnspection Abrasive material shall be inspected t o ensure compliance requirements of this Standard. (see clause 8.5.2)

with the

Painting / coating materials shall be inspected t o ensure compliance with the requirements of clause 7.0 and the specified painting schedules (Appendix 3) of this Standard. Equipment for blast cleaning and paint application shall be inspected to ensure the compl~ancewith the requirements of this Standard (see clauses 6.3, 8.5.3 and 9.5) and paint manufacturer's recommendations. lnspectionrresting Equipment The contractor shall heve the necessary equipment and tools for inspection and testing of environmental conditions, surface preparation and painted.'coated surfaces. All this equipment shall be approved by KOC prior to starting any work. The contractor shall provide calibration certificates for all measurement and test equipment for KOC's review. Environmental Conditions Testing Prior to commencing any blast cleaning 1 paint application work, ambient temperature, metal surface temperature and relative humidity (RH) shall be measured. Readings shall comply with clauses 8.2.1 and 9.4.1. For works in confmed areas, the oxygen deficiency and gas testing shall be performed. Other environmental conditions, e.g, wind speed, wave tide and sandy or rainy weather, shall be checked before the commencement of any work. Blasted Surface InspectionResting

Visual lnspection


Metal substrate shall be checked t o ensure spatter / protrusions removal, cleanliness etc. prior t o blast cleaning.


Blast cleaned surfaces shall be visually inspected (surface magnifier may be used) t o ensure the absence of all types of imperfections and contaminants and for the conformance with the specified visual standard mentioned in the painting / coating schedules (Appendix 3). -

Surface Profile Testing On dry blast cleaned surfaces the profile height shall b e spot checked by means of surface profile comparator or by replica tape and a calibrated

micrometer in accordance with ASTM D4417 or NACE RP0287 t o ensure the compl~ancewith p a m n g schedule requirements. Contammants Free Testing When requested by KOC, a Potassium Ferrocyanide paper test shall be carried out t o confirm the absence of contamination of the blast cleaned surface by soluble iron salts. This shall be done in accordance with BS 5493 Appendix G . Painted Surface lnspectionrresting Visual Inspection All painted surfaces shall be visually inspected t o ensure the absence of skips, overspray, sags, foreign panicles contamination, air pockets, drips, holiaays and s n y other palnt defects. The repair of damagedldefected coating shall be done In accordance wtlh clause 9.8 of this Standard. Curing of Inorganic Zinc Srlicate Primer Test a)

Z ~ n csilicate primed substrate shall be tested for adequate curing prior t o 0vercoa:ing (see clause 9.6.4). The test shall be performed as follows:Rub the applred coating with a clean tissue or piece of cloth. There should be no trace of paint on the cloth. The cloth should then be soaked In cleaners as recommended by the paint manufacturer; and again rubbed on the coatrng. After about thirty seconds there should be no trace of zinc on the cloth. If there is any greyness, then the zinc silicate IS not fully cured and shall not be overcoated.


The manufacturer's recommendations 1 instructions shall be fully adhered when performing this test.

Paint Film Thickness Test a)

The paint shall conform t o the system and t o the minimum film thickness as specified in the painting schedules. *


The wet film thickness ( WTT 1 shall be spot measured as an initial indication of the expected dry film thickness IDFT). The measurement shall be in accordance with ASTM D1212.


The DFT of individual coats end of the total painting system shall be measured in accordance with ASTM D l 1 8 6 or SSPC-PA2. There shall be at least one area each for horizontal, vertical and curved surfaces. For internal painting in storage tanks, the film thickness shall be measured at ten (10) randomly selected areas.


A minimum of five (5) readings shall be taken in each area. Additional readings shall be taken, if there is any change in personnel, application equipment, spray nozzle size, thinning of the paint, etc.


The (DFT) shall be measured by using an approved coating thickness gauge suitable for the given type of painting system and thickness range.


The gauae shall be calibrated prior any measurement. The calibration shall be repeated at least once an hour if working on the same surface, and before measuring film thickness on the insides of angles and at points nearer than 15 m m from an edge.

Paint Adhesion When requested by KOC, a spot adhesion test may be carried out using a suitable Adhesion Tester. The paint adhesion recorded must be at least eqilal t o the specifled adhesion by the paint manufacturer for the type of paint and or system. The paint adhesion testing shall be in accordance wlth ASTM D3359 or ASTM D4541. Hohday Detection (Porosity Check) All coated metal surfaces shall be subjected t o visual inspection for holidays, pinholes and overspray. For special coatings where pinholes cannot be allov,~ed, a full scan holiday test shall be done, using suitable equipment for each type of coating as high voltage can cause damage t o coatings. The acceptable level of pinholes shall be subjected t o KOC's approval. Holiday detection test shall be carried out in accordance with NACE RPO188. QUALITY ASSURANCE

The Contractor / Manufacturer shall operate quality systems t o ensure that the requirements of this Standard are achieved. The quality systems shall be preferably based on IS0 9000 series of standards and the contractor / manufacturer shall demonstrate compliance by providing a copy of the accredited certificate or the quality manual. Verification of a contractor's I manufacturer's quality system is normally part of the pre-qualification procedure and is, therefore, not detailed in the core text of this Standard."

DOCUMENTATION General All correspondence, drawings, instructions, data sheets, design calculations, or any other written information shall be in English language. I n case of dual languages, one language shall be English. All dimensions, units of measurement, physical constants, etc. shall be in SI units, unless otherwise specified. All documents (texts, specifimtions, data sheets, etc.) shall be provided with electronic files in the approved software I MS Word, Excel, AutoCAD, etc.).

A n y design calculations shall be submitted in the approved and widely used software agreed by KOC. Work


The contractor shall submit his proposal for all aspects of work, for the approval of KOC prlor t o the commencement of any work. This will include t h e following: a)

Information on work location, materials selection, equipment to be used, items t o be coated, surface preparation, painting schedule to be used, etc.


Manufacturer's technical data sheet, material performance cenifcates and test approvals shall be provided for each paint 1 coating product.


f d ~ t e r ~ safety ai dsta sheets and safety precautions to be taken


lnspect~ona n d tes; plans and procedures, and the equipment to be used.


S p e c ~ f crepair proposals t o satisfy the requirements of clause 9.8 for both extensive and minor repair.

Work Records~Reports contractor shall operate a comprehensive recording!reponing system on all sspects of the painting work includmg inspection/testing work. The data shall be set out on painting work recordldata sheet within 24 hours of carrying out a spec~ficwork. Appendrx 1 shows a sample of this recordjdata sheet.


Final Report

A report shall be s u b m ~ n e d on completion of the painting works. The fmal repon shall include a summary on all aspects covered e.g., surface preparation, painting systems used and inspection and testing records performed.


The painting I coating schedules (A-E) are attached t o this Standard in Appendix 3. The requirements for surface preparation and paintinglcoating systems are listed for categories of onshore / offshore structure, equipment and other facilities. The paintinglcoaring schedules explained in Appendix 3 are: Schedule A


External PaintingICoating Processing Equipment.

Systems for Onshore Storage &


Schedule 0


Painting Systems for Onshore Structural Steel works.

Schedule C


Painting Systems for Mechanical, Electrical and Instrumentation Equipment .-

Schedule D


?ainting.lCoating Equipment.

chedule E


Internal Painting Equipment.



Systems for




Storage and Processing

COLOUR SCHEDULE The finishing colours t o be applied t o various equipment and facilities shall be in accordance wirh colours mentioned in colour schedule of Append~x2. S~!e::~ng different colmrs is subject t o KOC's approval.




Proposed by .................. . . ....... Checked by ........................

Date:. ........

Item being painted. ................ ......................Location. ........................................... Substrate Material.. ........................................................................




Surfact Preparation

Surface Cleanliness (Visual Standardi


Surface Condition


S;*!~:E cf,:,c:c-l


Prc'li~ He!;?!

Cleaning Method(s) .....................


Ambient Temperature ('C) .......................

Abrasive type

C o v a m ~ n a n t sFree Test

Abrasive S ~ e v eS ~ t e......................

De.0. Point





R ~ ; i i i d €Humidity (C/o)

SLI:~B:E Temperature ('C) .......................



Application Equipment Primer

2nd Coat

3rd Coat

4 t h Coat

Brush Roller /Con. Spray' A~rless

............................... . . ................................

Conventiona! Gun


A~rlessTIP S z e 'Angle (thou'deg'

.............................. ....................................

Pump Ratio


Supply Air Pressure (psi)


C. Painting Conditions Relative Humidity (%I Surface Temperature t°Cl Ambient Temperature PC) Dew Point


Other weather Conditions



(Contd... 1

0 . Paint & Coating Materials Manufacturer

............................... Product No

No of t



Bstch No.











Colour Codmg Over Coa?~ng

T ~ m eInterval


T o ~ a \l V R


To?al D R


Adhesion Test




Material Safety Data Sheet

Remarks :



for information 1


- .. -


Item -....

Stora e 81 Processing Equipment: &Pressure Vessels, Exchangers, Heaters Columns, Skirts, Saddles and Piping

Rritish Standard No.




Alirminium colour shall be "Non Leafing" grade.

BS 4800

Rotating Equipment ElectricallMechanicaI Equipment Instrumentation Equipment Control Panels/Equipment Support


Pipe Works, Valves and Fittings

Refer to Table 2

Refer to KOC-P-017 for colour coding arrangement and application for piping.

KOC-P-017 All valves/devices used for over pressure protection (e.g., Safety valves). Overhead Travelling Crane Structural Steel Works Hazards - Firelsafety systems Gas Cylinders (Industrial) Gas Cylinders (Medical) Safety Signs


BS 381 C Ref. No. 107

Yellow - red

BS 4800 Shade 08-E-51


BS 4800

Refer to Table 2


BS 381


Refer to Table 3

DS 349

Refer to Table 4


Refer to BS 5378

RS 5378 --

- . ..- -








D -[OC.

NO. KOC-P-001




Page 38 of 55

REV. 2


Methyl Ctrlotrde


-Neon --

-Ne -Nr

(Table 3) (Contd...)

Ch een N~tro~en

- - .-.. ..

Oxygen - - - . . --





I &ak P ~ L O C Hue ~ &

-- - -- - - -


) Black None



Propane (Comrner call - - Sulphur 0:oxldtt

41 1 -





Red -S~gnal ---*

b ~ h Brunsw~ck t GIeen

Note: For d o u r + White and E I k k , (u)reference number is quoted in BS 381C.



. . 103

Gbss Gbss





--1319 -


(Table 4)


Vl)ua End

BS 381C Illack f rnnch Rlue 166 -~ 1.1ght Orange 557 rrench Grey 630 ----Dark Violet 796 Middle Drown 41 1 - French Grey 630 -- --Black I-...--

Oxvaen Nitrous Oxide Cyctopropm ---.Carbon Dioxide


I .


Helium Nitroaen Oxygen & Carbon Dioxide (mixtures)


Oxygen and Helium M i m e s


0 2

Air (Medial) Oxygen and Nitrous Oxide mixlures


+ He



1 French Rlue

White and 81ack. no reference number k quoted in BS 381C.




Gloss GlossIMatt GlosslMatt -Gloss Gloss - Gloss Gloss Gloss

I Gloss 630 166


N 7 0



French Grey - -- -French Wue

AIR 0 2


Whlt~ French nlueN70 -- - - - - C3Hn light Orange -- - ~ r e n-ch Grey C02 Dark Violet C7H4 - - -- --M~ddleRrown He -R i xk NZ - -White and 7 C07 0 2


Gloss .- -Gloss


OOC. NO. KOC-P-002


Page 45 of 55





- --





Rev. 2




1 G,&Q. Lbddcn, Nmdrdl. Fmclng, Stdrwavs. Wdkwnv, Stdr treads, Cable trays, D u c t i n n rmd Platforms. 2 ~encrdConcrete INot Concrete Encased Structrmd Steel Work. SPECIFICATION

SCOPE Ladders. platforms. handrails, stair treads. open grid flooring s t e d grating.

Hot dtr, galvantnnq anti Top cnattnq Hot dip galvani~ing P l q a r a t on, - Vtwal standard Sa 2% - BS 7 2 9 rr,qrrtr~rncnts CoatingHot dtp ~alvan17cshall b~ c a r r t 4 OII~ In accordancr, wvth RS 729 The mtntmum coattnq w o q h t shall b e 610 ~rarnslrn'surface Top coating Top coatvnq of galvanrwd surface maybe r r q r ~ t r dfor colour c d m g or for r n a i n t m a n c ~ of s m r r a l weathered t t m s

&qal;rtio% In accordance w i t h clarrse 8.12 of this Standard. Interm(H1~ale Two-pack High-build Epoxy

FAjsk Recoatable Acrylic Polyurathane in the reqtrirmf colorrr.


Wh~rc? not galvanlsed. rnc! system 'R2' axccpt handrails which shall be A 1 - 1.

for all


Item: Rotating Equlpmcnt lhmps, Compressors. Motors. etc.), Elr?ctrical E q t t i p m n t m d Equipment's Supparts. -

- .-.-

- ..

- ---..








-- - ... - - . .- A s f o r A l - 1 , A l - 3 , A1 4 a n d A l - B s y s t c m s - Machinery and drivms. instrrtrnents Pi associal4 valves may he finish coated tn accordance wcth man~rIactttrc?r'sstaridard coatinn syslmns. - Manttfactrtrcs shotrld provide d ~ t a i l sof the p r o m s d PAINTING systems for fttttrre maintcmance and fopair. - The p a n t system mttst bc? capable of wtthstanding the c?nvtronrncntal cnndtttons for pcrrtod nf 5 vcnrs to Ri3 pm BS 3900 H 3 scale of drylrw of ntstinq. -

Pumps, Compressors. Motors. Fans etc.

Total patnting system to be shop applid.


F F ~Parts: ~ S Z ~Couplings I T X etc. P~~,

Preprat tonV I ~ Standard I I ~ I Sa3 - S ~ ~ r f a cprollle o 25-35 micron Coattng Syz1c.mShail i ) ( ? a ~for system A 1-1

Total painting system t o be shoo applied

Electrical Equipment Motors, Switchmars, Standard Equipment ,Transformers 1 Rectifiers

- This type of

Manufacturer's standard shall be sttbiect t o KOC approval.

Housings and Equipment Supports.

Pr9arjat;bni - ~tsr~aTstandard Sa 2% - Surlace proltle 25-35 micron


eq~ripmentshall be prc?pard, prim& (t finished

in accordance w i t h the man~tlact~rrcr's standartl.

The system mttst be canahle of wtthstanding the environmcnfal cnncfitions for period of 5 ycars to Ri3, per BS 3 9 0 0 H 3 scale o f d q r w 01 rusttnq.

Pnmi tnt: coc rtch Epoxy

Intr?rrndiale: ' f w & & d High buitd MI0 Fwxv Ftnrsh: Ar.iviZ Modif id Polyurethane

Control Pands

As lor C3 Svstem


Housings t o be finish coated in sdlers works. - Shop fabricated supports shan he patntcd in workshop.


hems: Structural Steel, Tanks. Vessels. Piping, Valves , Plant Equipment.

D l : Atmospheric Zone

- P n m d surface to be tree of zinc salts prlw to 1-


- Inorganrc Ztnc Srbcate pruned surface shall be rested lor w r e e of cure pror to over coarmq. ISM clause 10.6.2)

rmc salts prmr to funsh coalmy. - Inorgmrc Zmc Sllrcate pr~nwdsurface shall be leslt?d foc dqrue of cure p r w to ovw coarmg. l s w clausel0.6.2J - Second ccktt to ba appked as a trust prior to lull Cwlrn(). - Prtriwd surfaces to be f r w of

- S m o as 01-1

- Allerndi~veplyruents to Al shall be used m

zone 1

;vws lscw clause 6.5.1 & 7.1 5). Slllcorl Alu~nrwnll~nrslrcoal nwy no1 tully cure urll~lequrpmcrbl 6 In servce.


SCHEDULE O 1Contd.. .1


- CS ILow alloy s t d sttrfaces. - Uninsrrlated - U p t o 550°C





ShRH not be used far services opetatkg hr wea zone 1.

Propara1 Inn: - - ~ l s ~ rstindard ni Sa 3 - S~rrfacc!proltlc 5 0 nvcrons First coat: AI~Meinispray Finlsh: t;?mperatrrre A l Silicone

1 !iO


Total hcparatlo? IT1stcai st~r~cfard Sa 3 Prrrn~rig/6orclawc Zinc Silicate Tle coatTwo-pack Epoxy Fincsh: Two gack hiqh bttild M I 0 Epoxy f 2 coats1



7x75 Total



As above 'Dl -5' remarks.

75 25 Total

and 400 series and duplex tym. Up t o 120ec

Primcd srtrface to be f r w of 7inc salts prior t o f incsh coatinn. Inorqanrc Zinc Silicate primed swfacc?shall b e t ~ d for d dcqrcv! of cure prior to over coating. lsce clartse 10.6.2)


Fqariyio": - Vlsr~alstandard Sa 3 - Srrrlxe profrle 5 0 micron Prirningi hi%31

Gen. Supdt. Ahmadi Services

Engg Projects ( N&E 1



Gen. Supdt. Maint. S v c s . Gen. Supdt. Maint. ( N&W )

Gen. Supdt. Consv. & Insp. Gen. S u p d t . Fire & S a f e t y


Supdt. Proj. Engg. & Facilities Div.


This KOC Standard for " Painting a n d Coating of Metal Surfaces New Construction " has been amended by the Task Force ( TF-PC101 ) comprising of the following m e m b e r s :-

Mr. S. Uumar Dr. Muayyad Ajjawi


S t a n d a r d s Div. (Ex) S t a n d a r d s Div.


Member Member

Tel. No. 61407

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