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'EALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT SEFERENCE CODES, STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS 4.1 National/lnternational Standards 4.2 KOC Standards 4.3 Other Relevant KOC Standards 4.4 Project Specifications 4.5 Units 4.6 Conflicts 4.7 Exceptions/Deviations ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS QUALITY SYSTEMS 6.1 Documentation & Accreditation 6.2 Inspection & Test Plan 6.3 Sub-contractors and Vendors MATERIALS 7.1 .Material Selection 7.2 Procurement 7.3 Inspection of Materials 7.4 Certification Requirements 7.5 Marking 7.6 Weld Consumables etc. 7.7 Notch Ductility 7.8 Weld Repairs to Materials DESIGN GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 8.1 Safe Practice 8.2 Capacity 8.3 Seismic Loads 8.4 Wind Loads 8.5 Wind Girders Uplift 1 Overturning I Sliding Stability 8.6 8.7 Foundations 8.8 Design Metal Temperature 8.9 Corrosion Allowance 8.1 0 Tank Bottoms 8.1 1 Bottom Connections 8.1 2 Shell 8.13 Shell Connections - General 8.14 Shell Access Connections
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8.15 8.16 8.1 7 8.18 8.1 9 8.20 8.21
Stairways, Ladders and Platforms Cathodic Protection Earthing Clips Settlement References Calculations Drawings Weld Details
REQUIREMENTS SPEClFIC TO FIXED CONICAL ROOF TANKS 8A. 1 Vapour Pressure 8A.2 Vacuum 8A.3 Roof Loads 8A.4 UplifttOverturning Stability 8A.5 Shell Connections - General 8A.6 Top Angle 8A.7 Roof 8A.8 Roof Support 8A.9 Roof Connections 8A. 10 Stairways, Ladders & Platforms 8A.1 1 Weld Details
REQUIREMENTS SPECIFIC TO EXTERNAL FLOATING ROOF TANKS 27 Overall Configuration Design and Operating Levels Roof Types Pontoon Configuration . Double-Deck Configuration Flotation Compartments Centre Deck of Pontoon Type Operating Flowrates Stability Main Tank Connections Roof Connections and Openings Rolling Ladder Anti-Rotation and Centering Devices Roof Sealing Earthing Roof Support Legs Gauging
LOSS PREVENTION 9.1 Fire Protection 9.2 Overpressure Protection 9.3 Venting Capacity 9.4 Setting of Protective Devices Design of PressureNacuum Protective Devices 9.5 Sparing of PressureNacuum Protective Devices 9.6 Location & Installation of Protective Devices 9.7 9.8 Overfill Protection 9.9 Boilover Prevention 9.10 Evaporation Loss Control 9.1 1 Protection Against Ignition
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FABRICATION & ERECTION 10.1 Health, Safety & Environment 10.2 Fabrication and Erection Procedure 10.3 Plate Squareness 10.4 Cutting, Forming and Pre-fabrication 10.5 Marking and Traceability 10.6 Plate Preservation 10.7 lnterpass Cleaning 10.8 Weld Proximity 10.9 Preheating 10.10 Post Weld Heat Treatment 10.1 1 Temporary Attachments 10.1 2 Tank Isolation 10.13 Coating & Lining 10.14 Tank Calibration
11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 11.7 11.8 11.9 11.10 1 1.1 1
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39 39 39 39 40 40 40 40 41 41 42 42 42 43
44 45 46 47 47 47 48 49 49 50 50
General Welded Joints Dimensions lnternals Floating Roof Compartments Testing Procedure Shell Test Floating Roof Test Fixed Roof Test Coils Internal Examination '
NON-DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION 12.1 General 12.2 Volumetric Examination - General Requirements 12.3 Image Quality Indicators 12.4 Film Density 12.5 FilmType 12.6 KOC Acceptance 12.7 Retention of Radiographs 12.8 Surface Examination
WELDING PROCEDURES & QUALIFICATIONS 13.1 General 13.2 Weld Procedures 13.3 Qualification Testing of Weld Procedures 13.4 Welder Qualification
MARKING & FINAL DOCUMENTATION 14.1 Certifying Letter 14.2 Marking 14.3 Safety Precautions 14.4 Certification Dossier 14.5 Technical, Operating and Maintenance Manuals
51 51 51 52 52 52 52 52
53 53 53 54
55 55 55 55
PAGE NO. 15.0
APPENDICES APPENDIX A : A. 1 A.2 A.3 A.4 A. 5 A.6 A.7 A.8 A.9 A. 1 0
FIELD INSPECTION CO:ORDINATION Scope Forms Design Documents Punchlisting Communications lnspection & Test Equipment & Personnel Activity Notification lnspection Notification lnspection & Test Records Repairs, Non-Conformities etc.
ESTABLISHMENT & MAINTENANCE OF WELDER QUALIFICATIONS Qualification Testing Qualification on Production Welds Qualification Test Records Identity Cards Records Maintenance of Qualifications through Produl:tior; Welding
57 57 57
DATA SHEETS Standard Data Sheet for Fixed Roof or Unroofed Tank Standard Data Sheet for External Floating Roof Storage Tank.
TABLES : Summary : Internal Coatings, Lining & Corrosion Allowance Table 8.9 Table 11.7.5 Hydrotest "Hold" Points Table 12.3 Radiographic Sensitivity ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
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This document has been generated by the Task Force (TF-Mech.102) and is approved by the Standard Technical Committee (STC) and Standards Division for use throughout the corporate engineering and operational functions of Kuwait Oil Company (KSC). The document sets out t o achieve the following:To set standard requirements for tanks which are not project-specific but which have general applicability for all new construction and will ensure a consistent approach. To reference established KOC Standards wherever possible but t o allow other specifications wherever KOC Standards are pending. ( A list of these t o be appended by the controlling department of a particular project or contract.) The utilization of past operational experience t o avoid repetition of problems and t o consolidate worthwhile and beneficial features. Recognition of the different criticalities of the duties of different categories of tanks. To comprehensively and clearly cover all aspects of design, construction and testing so as t o minimize clarifications and t o avoid disputes. To avoid conflicts standards.
with the basic requirements of API 6 5 0 or other KOC
To avoid repetition of basic API 6 5 0 requirements. To standardize wherever a benefit to KOC is envisaged, but t o allow some freedom of design where it is envisaged that this might result in a more economical design or more competitive tendering. To maintain KOC requirements for safety and environmental protection as established by KOC regulations and procedures. To introduce data sheets which:
incorporate all essential features of the API 6 5 0 Data Sheet.
maintain consistency with the text of the standard.
act as a check sheet t o assist in ensuring that all relevant topics are considered.
provide a mechanism for KOC engineers t o specify options permitted both by this standard and by API 650.
will serve as a useful consolidation of data not only during design and construction but also for long term record purposes.
may be utilized retrospectively for existing tanks.
Feedback as well as any comments or suggestions derived from the application of this Standard at any stage of design, construction or operation are encouraged and should be directed t o : The Superintendent Standard Division ( Chairman, KOC Stds Technical Committee) Engineering Group, K.O.C. Compliance with this KOC Standard does not of itself confer immunity from legal or statutory obligations.
Acknowledsernent The preparation of this document has been entrusted by the Standards Technical Committee (STC) t o the Task Force (TF-Mech102) comprising the following members:Mr. Mohammed Emam (Insp. & Corr. Div.) : Team Leader : Author, Member Mr. Phil Brooks (Insp. & Corr. Div.) Mr. Salah Heikal (Insp. & Corr. Div.) : Member
This Standard specifies the minimum requirements for materials, design, fabrication, erection, inspection and testing of vertical, aboveground, field erected, welded steel tanks. This Standard is based on API Standard 650 : Welded Steel Tanks for Oil Storage, and modifies and/or amplifies the requirements of that standard to suit the specific requirements of Kuwait Oil Company (KOC) hereafter referred to as "KOC". It extends beyond the scope of API 650 to include tanks which have a process rather than a storage function and also to include tanks intended to contain water for fire fighting or process use. Tanks with open tops for firewater storage or similar applications are described as "unroofed" in this standard to avoid confusion with external floating roof tanks which are sometimes also described as "open". This Standard is not intended to be applied to the following: (a) (b) (c)
(d) (el
Tanks with structurally supported Aluminum dome Appendix G) Tanks with internal floating roofs (Appendix H) Shop assembled tanks (Appendix J) Tanks operating at elevated temperatures (Appendix M) Austenitic stainless steel tanks (Appendix S)
roofs (API-650
This Standard complements the data sheets (Appendix C] for the equipment, in which the operating conditions and other basic design requirements are listed in detail. This Standard is based on the Ninth Edition of API Standard 650 including up to the 1995 Addendum. However, this does not necessarily preclude its use in conjunction with later editions. Note :
To facilitate cross-reference, corresponding API 650 clauses which have been amplified or modified are shown in brackets {.....]. These references are for information only. It should not be assumed that the API 650 references are comprehensive or complete.
2.0 TERMINOLOGY Throughout this Standard, the following terms shall have the meaning indicated for each one: "shall" is used where the provision is a requirement to be followed strictly in order to conform to the standard. (Deviations will only be permitted as outlined in 4.7 of this standard.) "will" is used normally in connection with an action by KOC rather than by a contractor or supplier. "should" is used where a provision is recommended. (A Contractor must, on request, be ready to justify any deviation from these provisions.)
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"must" is used where a requirement or action is statutory or considered to be essential. "may" is used where an alternative course of action is acceptable within the limits of the standard. "KOC" means Kuwait Oil Company (K.S.C.I.
Design and construction practices (including those of any sub-contractorl shall be consistent with KOC's Health, Safety and Environment policies and guidelines. In particular, during construction, and as far as practical during subsequent operation and maintenance, the risks of all of the following shall be minimized:-
Safety and Health of Personnel Damage t o or Degradation of KOC Assets Damage t o or Degradation of the Environment (liquid discharges or gaseous emissions whether planned or unplanned)
National 1 International Standards Except as modified or amplified by this Standard, the requirements of API 650 latest edition shall be met together with all relevant requirements and recommendations of the standards referenced therein. Standards referenced herein are listed below: API RP 6 5 1 API API API API API
Cathodic Protection of Above Ground Petroleum Storage Tanks. STD 6 5 3 Tank Inspection, Repair, Alteration & Reconstruction : Venting Atmospheric and Low Pressure Storage STD 2 0 0 0 Tanks. RP 2 0 0 3 Protection Against Ignition Arising out of Static, Lightning and Stray Currents. 2555 Method for Liquid Calibration of Tanks. Manual of Petroleum Management Standards : Sections 2A & 2B.
NFPA-11 NFPA- 15 NFPA-30 1S0.9000 series
Standard for Low-Expansion Foam. Water Spray Fixed Systems for Fire Protection. Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code
Quality Management and Quality Assurance Standards. Metallic Products - Types of Inspection Documents.
As referenced in the text.
EN. 1 0 2 0 4 ASTM & ASME
BS 3 9 7 1
Image Quality Indicators for Industrial Radiography.
lnstitute of Petroleum : Model Code of Safe Practice.
DOC. NO. KOC-MV-007 4.2
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KOC Standards
This Standard makes reference t o the following KOC Standards, Recommended Practices and Standard Drawings:4.2.1
Standards KOC-C-026 KOC-G-007 KOC-G-009 KOC-ME-026 KOC-P-001 KOC-P-002
: Earthing & Bonding : External Cathodic Protection of New Steel Tank Bottoms
Standard Drawinas 0 1 5-CB-1013 0 1 5-MB-1002
: :
Earthing Clip Standard Handrail Details
Other Relevant KOC Standards KOC-(2-033
Storage Tank Foundations Basic Design Data Spare Parts & Maintenance Data Tank Side Entry Impeller Mixers Painting and Coating of Metal Surfaces - New Construction : Internal Lining of Tanks and Vessels - Part 2 : Rigid Reinforced Fibreglass Lining
Recommended Practices KOC-E-024 KOC-L-026
: : : : :
Bund Wall for Storage Tanks
Proiect Specifications This Standard also makes reference t o other specifications which should be designated by the Controlling Department on a project specific addendum sheet. i) ii) iii) iv) V)
General Welding Requirements Structural Steel Design, Materials & Fabrication Cathodic Protection Design Requirements The Use of Brackish Water for Site Hydrotesting Fire Protection & Safety Equipment Fire & Gas Detection Equipment
4.5 Units Units adopted by this Standard are generally SI metric but some US Customary units have been retained for consistency with API and ASTM standards or where these are more familiar within the industry.
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4.6 Conflicts Any conflict between this Standard and other drawings, standards, codes, specifications, contractual or purchase requirements, shall be notified in writing t o the Superintendent of the Contract for clarification.
Exceptions or deviations will only be considered when submitted in writing and supported b y evidence of merit or justification. (If documents are inadvertently approved or released for construction when these show exceptions or deviations from this Standard which have not received prior approval, then this will not be deemed t o constitute acceptance by KOC of these variations) Where proposed exceptions and deviations are judged to have general relevance, then the Superintendent of a Contract may bring these to the attention of KOC Standards Division for possible incorporation into the next revision of the standard.
ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS For environmental conditions in Kuwait, refer to KOC Standard for Basic Design Data (KOC-G-0071, which provides the detailed design information regarding the environmental, site and utility supply conditions prevailing throughout the KOC facilities.
Documentation and Accreditation The constructor shall operate a quality system t o ensure that the technical and quality requirements are achieved. The quality system should be based on I S 0 9 0 0 0 series of specifications or other internationally recognized standard. It shall be fully documented and should have been verified by a recognized accreditation scheme.
Inspection & Test Plans Inspection and test plans covering procurement, pre-fabrication and field erection shall be submitted for KOC's approval prior to commencement. This shall include but not be restricted t o the relevant inspection notification points listed in para. A.8 of Appendix A of this standard.
Sub-contractors & Vendors
A contractor shall ensure that QA requirements specified in the inquiry and purchase documents are applied t o all materials, equipment and services provided by vendors and sub-contractors.
The selection of sub-contractors for fabrication, erection, nondestructive testing, coating and lining shall be subject t o KOC approval. Subcontractors who fabricate pipe supports and other non-containment items but with the exception of roof trusses may however be selected in accordance with the contractor's quality system.
-- ---
Material Selection 7.1.1
Materials used for tank fabrication shall be as specified on the tank data sheet. The materials shall be new and shall not have suffered undue deterioration in storage or transit. Any substitutions shall be agreed in writing by KOC before any procurement or fabrication commences.
Except where materials have been specified on the data sheet by KOC, a Contractor may select appropriate ASTM plate materials from those listed under para. 2.2.2 of API 650, except as below:a) b) C)
ASTM A 6 7 8 shall not be used. ASTM A 3 6 shall not be used for shell, roof, bottom or annular plates. (2.2.2a) Components of frangible joints shall be Group lllA as a minimum. The bottom shell course and annular plates of crude oil tanks in excess of 50,000 bbls nominal capacity shall be Group lllA as a minimum.
Where steels complying with specifications of other standards organizations are offered as equivalents, then these shall be subject to KOC's approval. 7.1.3
Selection of plate material for shells and annular rings shall be limited to steels w i t h a specified minimum tensile strength of 7 0 0 0 0 psi or less, but in exceptional circumstances, higher grades may be acceptable t o KOC in order t o limit shell thickness.
.. 7.1.4
Shell and annular ring plates shall have a minimum manganese t o carbon ratio of 2.5:1. Rimming steel shall not be used. (2.2.6)
Annular plates shall be of the same material specification and grade as the bottom course of shell plates.
7.1 - 6
All shell nozzle flanges shall be in accordance with ASTM A 1 0 5 or A 3 5 0 Gr.LF2. (
Piping for internal or external connection shall be seamless t o ASTM A 1 0 6 Gr. 8, A333-6 or API 5L Gr. B or alternatively may be rolled and welded plate of the same specification as the shell. Electric resistance welded (ERW) pipe is not permitted for shell connections or loaded structural components but may be used for internal distributor or collector piping (
Bolts and nuts shall conform t o ASTM A1 93 Gr. 8 7 and ASTM A1 94 Gr.2H respectively. (2.7)
Selection of materials for internals shall take due account of the possibilities of galvanic corrosion and static discharge.
Manufacturers of plates for the shell and bottom shall be subject t o KOC's approval. ( Unpriced sub-orders for these materials and for welded pipe used for shell nozzle or manway necks shall also be subject t o KOC's approval together with technical purchase specifications. These should include any relevant requirements for steelmaking, heat treatment, toughness, forming, beveling or coating. Technical purchase specifications shall also be submitted for fittings such as seals, drains, venting devices, flame arrestors, heating coils, foam pourers, gauging devices and anodes,
lns~ectionof Materials
KOC shall be afforded the right t o inspect any or all material at source.
In the event that KOC opts not t o inspect shell and bottom plates at source, but when the tank data sheet indicates any special material requirements t o be applied, then mill certificates shall be submitted for approval prior t o loading for transportation t o Kuwait. Certification of any other materials will be subject t o checking on receipt of the materials.
When it is proposed t o make large diameter shell connections from plate rolled and welded at the Constructor's local shop, then the plate shall be subject t o inspection on receipt.
7.4 Certification Requirements 7.4.1
Certification shall be provided to the 3.1 .B, level of EN 10204 (DIN 50049) for the following:- (4.2.1) (a) (b) (c) (dl
Materials comprising the containment envelope. Wind girders and compression rings. Anchorage and other load bearing attachments. Primary supporting sections of roof trusses and girders.
For shell plate and annular ring materials, a check analysis shall be made b y the mill, stockist or contractor t o at least the same frequency as required b y the relevant material specification for tensile testing. The results shall be furnished to KOC. All elements included in the long formula for carbon equivalent as below shall be determined.
The Carbon Equivalent (C.E.) shall be determined and reported for materials listed above using the following formula: C.E. = C
+ (Mn/6)+
(Cr+Mo+V) / 5 + ( N i + C u ) I 1 5
The CE shall not exceed 0.42% for plates exceeding 25 m m thickness and 0.43% for other materials comprising or intended t o be welded t o the containment envelope.
Limits apply t o both ladle and t o product or check analyses. It will not be acceptable t o assume zero content for a non-determined element for However, for materials other than plates for which the relevant plates. standard does not require analysis of all the above elements, it will be in order for acceptance t o be on the basis of a maximum carbon equivalent of 0 . 3 5 % by the short formula (C + MnI6)
Shell and annular plates shall be marked in accordance with the relevant material specification by the mill by die stamping. Other plates may be marked by stenciling when permitted by the material specification. Weld Consumables, etc. The constructor shall maintain sufficient records t o provide assurance of the identity and quality of weld consumables and other materials of construction. Notch Ductility (, For tanks which are designed t o contain hydrocarbons, all plates in excess of 19 m m thickness for shell, annular ring, nozzle and manway necks, anchors and reinforcement shall be subject t o impact testing. Testing shall be in accordance with section 2.2.10 of API-650, but the test temperature shall be O°C in all cases. Weld Repairs t o Materials 7.8.1
When unacceptable defects are found in materials forming part of the . . tank containment (other than after removal of temporary attachments
which is covered by paragraph 10.1 1 of this Standard), and when a constructor proposes t o undertake a weld repair, he shall submit his proposals t o KOC's site representative for approval, including weld procedures, qualification records, heat treatment procedures and NDE proposals. 7.8.2
The constructor is required t o keep records of weld repairs t o materials, t o make these available for review, and t o include them in certification dossiers. These should record the nature, location and depth of defects, the weld procedure(s) used and NDE techniques employed and include NDE and heat treatment records.
When defects have been excavated with a view t o repair, ncrification shall be given t o KOC's field inspection representative for w.! -..qC of NDE and inspection.
Safe Practice
For topics and features not addressed in detail'in this Standard, the design shall incorporate the relevant recommendations contained in the various parts of the Institute of Petroleum : Model Code of Safe Practice.
8.2 Caoacity
The basis of capacities shall be as indicated on the Appendix E sketch.
Fixed roof and unroofed tanks shall be ordered on the basis of "nominal (rated) capacity".
Floating roof tanks may be ordered on the basis of either "safe operating capacity" or "net working capacity". Whichever basis is used, the tank designer shall determine and set the other defined capacities.
Seismic Loads
When the Tank Data Sheet specifies that seismic design applies:a) b c
d1 e
Importance factor shall be taken as 1.0 except where otherwise specified on the Data Sheet. Site coefficients shall be as specified on the Data Sheet or as agreed by KOC based on a site survey. Where seismic design requires shell thickness t o be added, the minimum amount t o be added shall be the greater of the seismic element or the corrosion allowance. Appropriate consideration shall be given t o possible combinations of loadings from sources such as earthquake, wind and internal pressure. Configurations of floating roof crude oil storage tanks which require anchorage against seismic effects shall be subject t o KOC approval.
8.4 Wind Loads
Tanks shall be designed for wind loads arising from a design wind speed V, of 45 m/s or 1 0 0 mph. Prevailing wind directions are given in KOC-G-007.
8.5 Wind Girders 8.5.1
The spacing of intermediate wind girders shall be based on the net thickness (i.e: corroded thickness) of shell plate.
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A sufficient number af holes shall be provided for drainage of rain or deluge water when the section is not inherently self-draining.
The top of an open tank (unroofed or external floating roof) shall be stiffened by a top curb angle ( and by a wind girder located one metre below the top of the curb angle which shall also be designed t o serve as a aalkway. (3.9.4) The effective width of the walkway shall be 1 0 0 0 m m minimum, and an outer handrail and kickplate shall be provided around the entire periphery. The walkway shall be reached from the access stairway of an open top tank or by access stairway from the gauger's platform of a floating roof tank.
U ~ l i fIt Overturnina I Slidina Stabilitv Stability and /or anchor loads shall be calculated for all tanks. A safety factor of 1.5 shall be applied to sliding.
Foundations The tank foundations shall be in accordance with KOC-C-026.
Desian Metal Tem~erature Minimum metal design temperature shall be nominally plus 1OVdegreesCelsius. This is a conservative figure equal t o the minimum allowable test water temperature and is somewhat lower than the figure derived from published lowest one day mean temperature data for Kuwait. ( In any case, impact testing of plate materials shall be in accordance with paragraph 7.7 of this Standard and weld procedure qualification impact testing shall be in accordance with paragraph 13.3.2 of this Standard.
8.9 Corrosion Allowance Corrosion allowances shall be as Table 8.9 below:
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8.10 Tank Bottoms The tank bottom shall have a slope of 1 in 120 from the centre down to the periphery (Apex up). All tanks shall be provided with annular plates on which the shell plates shall rest. (3.5.1) Minimum width for annular plates shall be 750 mm. {3.5.2){E.4.2) Minimum un-corroded thickness of annular plates shall be 0.35 x the thickness of the bottom shell course or 0.375" whichever is the greater. (3.5.3) Water draw-off sumps shall be provided as shown on the tank data sheet. These shall be located so as to clear any 3-plate lap joints in the tank bottom and the bottom to annular joint by a minimum of 12 inches. Plating shall be 0.375" thick minimum. Draw-off piping from sumps shall be provided with a single pair of flanges inside the shell to facilitate removal and shall be securely supported from the tank bottom. The minimum thickness of rectangular and sketch bottom plates shall be 0.375" including corrosion allowance. (3.4.1) Flat wear plates shall be provided below dip pipes and under pipes discharging against the tank bottom. Wear plates shall also be provided in the vicinity of mixers. These shall be minimum 0.1875" plates continuously welded to the bottom and around the shell connections prior to applying the bottom lining.
8.11 Bottom Connections when. connections are required to be made to a tank bottom, the recommendations of A3pendix 0 of API 650 shall in general be followed. Unless otherwise agreed by KOC, the arrangement shown in fig.O-2 shall be provided. The connections shall be located so as to clear any lap joints in the tank bottom.
The shell thickness shall be calculated using the one foot method for tanks up to and including 30 metres diameter. ( Finite element analysis techniques shall be applied to tanks with diameters 61 metres and larger. (3.6.5) Any proposal to utilize "banding" to confine the shell stress of large tanks within the limits allowed by API 650 shall be subject to KOC approval.
A specific gravity of 1.02 shall be used for computing both the design shell thickness ( and the hydrostatic test shell thickness ( except that when a higher value is indicated on the data sheet this higher value shall be used.
8.13 Shell Connections - General 8.1 3.1 In general, all nozzles / manholes shall be of the flanged type. However foam chambers may be mounted on studded pads welded t o the shell. 8.1 3.2 Where anti-vortex arrangements are required for pumpout, these shall be as indicated on the tank data sheet. In the case of the oil outlets of floating roof tanks, vortex breakers are mandatory t o allow for the possibility of the installation of pumps in the future. 8.1 3.3 Anchoring brackets, if required, shall be provided at centres specified in API 650. Caution shall be exercised in locating brackets so as not to land or interfere with stress relieved assemblies, shell vertical seams or other appurtenances or reinforcement plates. 8.13.4 Shell nozzles shall be designed not only for the static liquid load (3.7.2) but also for the loads imposed by connecting pipework, and in the case of manways utilized for mounting of side entry mixers, for the loads transmitted by the mixers. For connections situated in the bottom shell course, it shall be verified that allowable loads derived from Appendix P of API-650 are not exceeded. ( 8.1 3.5 All shell nozzle reinforcement plates shall be of the same material as the shell. These plates shall be provided with 114" diameter threaded vent I telltale holes t o facilitate pneumatic testing and after testing shall be left unplugged but weather sealed with grease. ( 8.13.6 L o w type shell reinforcement plates ( only be used where it is impractical t o raise the nozzle opening by an amount sufficient t o avoid this condition. 8.13.7 For piping routed t o nozzles at high shell elevations or on the tank roof, suitable support pads and reinforcing steelwork shall be provided to enable such piping t o be completed after tank hydrotest.
8.14 Shell Access Connections 8.14.1 Requirements for the number and orientation of 3 6 " x 48" flush type cleanout doors shall be as indicated on the tank data sheet. 8.14.2 One of the shell manways shall be located near the foot of the main access stairway or ladder. The others shall be spaced approximately equally. 8.1 4.3 Shell manways shall be at least 24" nominal and shall be provided with suitable hinged cover davits. Manways shall be provided with external handgrips positioned approximately 400 m m above the top of the manhole. Internal handgrips shall also be provided except that when they would be located in a fibreglassed area they shall be omitted. 8.14.4 When rnanways are also used for mounting side-entry mixers, they shall have ANSI type forged flanges.
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8.15 Stairways, Ladders & Platforms 8.1 5.1 Main access t o the top of a fixed or floating roof tank shall be provided by an outside double stringer radial stairway 1000 m m wide or, for fixed roof tanks only, b y a spiral stairway where so indicated on the tank data sheet. A radial stairway shall extend t o the tank bund wall with additional provision for access from inside the tank bund area. 8.15.2 Main access t o the top windgirder walkway of an unroofed tank'shall be by spiral stairway. 8.15.3 Stairways shall have a minimum width of 1000 m m and be arranged with the angle of slope t o the horizontal plane from 35 degrees t o 40 degrees. Angles greater than 40 degrees shall be subject t o approval by KOC. 8.1 5.4 Intermediate landings shall be provided at approximately 6 metre intervals for all types of fixed stairways and ladders. 8.1 5.5 All treads and platform floors shall be galvanized safety tread or equal as approved by KOC. Hand and knee rails and 200 mm high toe kick plates shall be provided for platforms, and hand and knee rails shall also be provided for stairways. Handrails shall conform t o Standard Drawing 01 5-MB-1002.
8.16 Cathodic Protection 8.16.1 Cathodic Protection shall be generally in accordance with the designated Project Specification and with API RP 651. Reference should also be . made t o the Scope of Work for delineation of responsibilities. 8.1 6.2 In addition t o protective coating, the underside of all tank bottoms shall be cathodically protected by an impressed current system in accordance w i t h KOC-L-026.
8.1 6.3 An impressed current system shall be applied t o the internal surfaces of tanks containing predominantly aggressive water such as fire, brackish or untreated seawater. Cable support studs shall be provided for unroofed tanks, and arrangements shall be made for connecting and suspending the C.P. Anodes. 8.1 6.4 Fixed sacrificial anodes shall be installed in tanks containing fuel gas blanketed or treated water. .
8.16.5 No additional internal cathodic protection is required for oil tanks with bottoms lined with fiberglass (or equivalent thick) linings.
8.17 Earthina C l i ~ s Earthing facilities shall be in accordance with clause 8.5 of KOC-E-024 and Standard Drawing 01 5-CB-1013.
8.18 Settlement References TO facilitate settlement checks, reference markers shall be provided on the shell at an elevation of 1 m and at an early stage of erection. They shall be made from angle bar, 5 0 x 5 0 x 5 mm and 100 m m long. The number and distribution of markers shall be accordance with of API Standard 653 except that N shall be rounded up t o the next multiple of four. When large connections are made t o the tank bottom, additional reference markers shall be provided inside the shell t o enable their settlement t o be checked. When a tank is t o be constructed b y a "jack-up" method, the erection procedure shall address other means of monitoring foundation settlement during erection.
8.1 9 Calculations 8.19.1 Detailed design calculations are required. Computer printouts which have insufficient steps or which do not declare input data and assumptions will not be acceptable.
8.19.2 Calculations t o be submitted for approval or information shall include any of the following aspects which are applicable. Nozzle sizing, process and hydraulic. Derivation of allowable stresses. (3.6.2) Design pressure P (F.4.1) and maximum design pressure ,,P, (F.4.2) for tanks subject t o small internal pressures. Foundation and annular ring loading. Required compression area at the roof t o shell. Shell thicknesses. (, Venting (including open vents, rim vents and automatic bleeder vents) and emergency pressure relief. Overflow capacity. Anchorage. Cathodic protection (current density, anode life etc.) Uplift. Sliding. Required top wind girder sections for open top tanks. {3.9.1){} Wind induced buckling / intermediate wind girder height & section. (3.9.7) Roof support. Shell opening reinforcements (3.7.2) (including significant piping loads at nozzles ( Support of bottom connections (0.2.3) Rainwater drainage from floating roofs. Buoyancy, stability and strength of floating roofs.(C.3.4) Water and foam requirements for firefighting. Derivation of settlement limits.
DOC. NO. KOC-MV-007 8.20 Drawinqs Drawings shall be issued to provide as a minimum the information listed below. Design pressure (for fixed roof tanks) and design temperatures (minimum design metal temperature and other limitations such as for coatings or linings). Allowable stresses. Material specifications and grades. Required and/or nominal thicknesses. Dimensions. Weights Dimensional tolerances. Slopes. References to any Standard Drawings. NDE requirements (including any NDE of butt welds in roof support trusses or rafters.) Proximity limits for openings (3.7.3) and for both permanent and temporary attachment welds. Location of major load bearing temporary attachments (eg for roof raising) Weld details and dimensions. Special attention shall be given to the profiles and tolerances of fillet welds connecting the shell plate to the bottom annular plate and to frangible joints. 8.21 Weld Details 8.21.1 The shell to bottom joint shall be made with a minimum of two weld passes on each side of the shell. Each leg of the finished weld shall be of equal length. 8.21.2 The bottom rectangular and sketch plates shall be lap welded with double-pass fillet welds to provide continuous drainage to the periphery. 8.21.3 The shell vertical and horizontal joints shall be double butt-welded with full penetration and fusion. For floating roof tanks only, abutting shell plates at horizontal joints may at the designer's option have their internal surfaces aligned. However there shall be no measurable "overhang". (,
4 All piping supports and other welded attachments to the shell, bottom and roof shall be welded to pads and not directly except for nameplate brackets, earthing clips and settling markers. Pads welded to the shell shall have any corners radiused to 50 mm minimum. 8.21.5 Internal fillet welded attachments shall as far as practicable be seal welded. The use of non-seal welded internal fillets direct to the shell or bottom shall be subject to KOC's approval. Seal welding is mandatory on tanks susceptible to pyrophoric scaling.
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8A.0 REQUIREMENTS SPECIFIC TO FIXED CONICAL ROOF TANKS 8A. 1 V a ~ o u rPressure Tanks with fixed roofs shall always be designed for a vapour pressure. Tanks with open vents shall have a design vapour pressure assigned such as t o avoid lifting of the roof plates (1.1.1) Tanks which normally operate with a vapour pressure whether this arises from gas blanketing or from vapour evolution from the contained liquid shall have a design vapour pressure assigned t o provide a suitable operating margin t o minimize discharge t o the environment from pressure relief valves. 8A.2 Vacuum
8A.Z. 1
Tanks with open vents shall be assigned the basic 1 inch water gauge vacuum design. (3.2.4) The basic 1 inch water gauge vacuum design shall also be applied t o other tanks as far as practicable. However a higher design vacuum may be deemed necessary for operational reasons, or t o limit the number of vacuum breakers required for tanks from which vapour recovery compressors draw. In such cases, the higher design vacuum shall be supported by finite element analysis or other appropriate calculation method, and shall take into consideration the combined effects of wind loading and external pressure (vacuum) on the empty tank.
8A.3 Roof Loads
The uniform live load t o be applied in the design of a fixed roof and its supporting structure shall be in accordance with API 6 5 0 -
8A.4 Uulift 1 Overturnins Stability Shell dead weight (W) shall be corrected for uplift due t o design pressure rather than due t o operating pressure. (3.1 1) 8A.5 Shell Connections
- General
Inclined inlet distributor pipe with slots/perforations (except on upper 3 meters section) shall be provided inside crude test tanks and dry crude tanks. Horizontal spreader 1 collector pipes shall be provided inside w e t crude tanks. Oil inlets shall be sized such that flow velocity does not exceed 1.25 m/s. Internal pipes shall be provided with flanges t o ensure easy removal / installation through manholes and shall be protected internally and externally with epoxy coatings. When agreed by KOC, they may be designed for removal through cleanout doors.
A top angle shall be provided with the horizontal leg turned outwards ( except where a strong roof to shell joint is specified by KOC, in which case detail "h" of API 650 Fig F-1 shall be used.
Roofs shall be of conical form whether they are supported or of the self su,pporting type. 8A.8 Roof S u ~ ~ o r t 8A.8.1
Roof supporting columns and trusses shall be designed in accordance with the designated Project Specification covering structural steelwork, and taking into account the appropriate loadings applied to them from all possible sources. Roof suppox columns of hollow section shall be designed to be internally dry and shall be seal welded top and bottom. It shall be verified that the loading of any support column will ensure that it cannot become buoyant.
Support columns shall be provided with means of height adjustment to compensate for settlement.
The base of support columns shall be restrained against lateral movement irrespective of whether or not the tank is designed to withstand seismic loads. (E.8.2)
8 A . 9 Roof Connections 8A.9.1
One or more 24" diameter roof manways shall be provided complete with suitable davit arms / hinges. These will be primarily for venting purposes during maintenance work rather than for access.
Unless otherwise specified, oil tank roofs shall be equipped with a centre cylindrical gas dome to which the tank vapour line and vent shall be connected. Both the diameter and cylindrical height of the dome shall be at least twice the diameter of the vapour outlet connection, but with a minimum of 900 mm.
Main vapour connections to the tank roof shall be adequately reinforced to take care of vibration Istress transmitted by piping.
2 diametrically opposed dip hatches with covers and dip-tubes shall be provided near the stair and ladder heads of crude oil tanks. The hatches shall be readily accessible and suitable for manual dipping. The dip-tubes shall be protected internally and externally with epoxy coatings, and shall be provided with two rows of slots (50 mm x 300 mm) facing the shell and continued above the maximum level of the liquid. Flat plates, not be less than 600 mm square, shall be provided below the dip pipes. They shall be mounted level not less than 75 mm from the tank bottom and supported from the tank shell.
'Nozzles for purging the tank shall be provided at the highest point of oil tanks (gas dome) and at an elevation of 900 m m above the tank bottom.
8A.10 Stairways, Ladders & Platforms {Tables 3-19 to 3-21) 8A. 10.1 A walkway shall be provided giving access to the roof from the head of the stairway. 8A. 10.2 When the roof slope exceeds 1 :12, access to all accessories located away from the rim shall be bar treaded. Handrails shall surround the accessories area, and hand and knee rails and 200 m m high toe kick plates shall be provided for platforms and the complete circumference of the roof. 8A.10.2 A vertical caged ladder shall be provided as a second means of escape from the roof and shall be located at the opposite side of the tank roof t o the main stairway. This ladder may also be utilized in conjunction with platforms t o access instruments, valves, foam chambers etc.
8A. 1 1 Weld Details 8A. 1 1.1 The top angle-to-shell joint of fixed roof tanks shall be butt-welded w i t h complete penetration and complete fusion except where KOC approves a design with continuous double fillet welding. (3.1 -5.3) 8A.1 1.2 Frangible roof t o shell joints shall not be offset by more than half the dimension of the angle leg from the vertical line of the shell. 8A. 1 1.3 Roof plates shall be lapped so that the lower edge of the uppermost plate is beneath the upper edge of the lower plate (ie. optimized for internal drainage of condensation rather than for external drainage). Plates shall be continuous fillet welded on the outside with a minimum 25 m m overlap. ( Double pass welding is mandatory on roofs requiring leak tightness. Double lap or butt welding is mandatory on tanks susceptible to pyrophoric scaling.
Overall Confiauration Prior t o proceeding with detailed design, the following features shall be established:Overall height and diameter. Minimum and maximum operating levels and measures proposed t o optimize these. Roof type. Shell material specification(s1 and gradeb). Proposed arrangement of mixers (if required) and mixing timetable. Rim seal type and materials. Roof drain type and minimum maintenance / replacement intervals. Sealing facilities for deck fittings. Note :A Contractor should be required to submit the above data prior to a ward.
Oesian and Operatina Levels
Levels and associated capacities shall be as defined in Appendix E of this standard.
8B.2.2 For the purposes of calculating shell thicknesses of floating roof tanks, the level t o the top of the top angle shall be used in conjunction with the hydrostatic test stress S, ( and the design liquid level shall be used in conjunction with the product design stress S,. (
Roof Tvpes Floating roofs shall be either of the pontoon or double deck type. Pan type roofs are not permissible. (C.1)
Pontoon Confiquration The top pontoon deck shall slope downwards towards the centre of the tank and the bottom pontoon shall slope upwards towards the centre. (ie "low type" roofs are not permissible) The height of attachment of the centre deck t o the inner pontoon rim shall be at a height such that no significant bendin? moment is applied t o this joint when the roof is floating normally (without s.iditiona1 loading from rainwater accumulation or pontoon flooding).
Double Deck Confiauration The bottom deck shall slope upwards towards the centre of the tank. The top deck may either slope t o drain towards the centre ("converging double deck" type) or it may slope down from both the rim and the'centre.
DOC. NO. KOC-MV-007 8B.6
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Flotation Corn~artrnents 88.6.1
Compartments shall be designed and constructed so as to provide reasonable access for inspection and maintenance. Where stiffening is necessary, preference shall be given to underside external stiffening. Any internal stiffening shall be essentially non-obstructive to personnel.
All compartments and bulkheads shall be internally seal welded along top, bottom and vertical edges.
Topside surfaces, including the outer rim, shall be painted.
The minimum thickness of the bottom deck shall be 6 mm. The minimum thickness of outer rim plating shall also be 6 mm except where a greater thickness is specified on the Data Sheet. (C.3.3.2)
88.7 Centre Deck of Pontoon Tvoe 85.7.1
minimum thickness of the bottom deck shall be 6 mm.
The joint between the centre deck and inner pontoon rim shall be sufficiently reinforced where necessary to minimize the possibility of failure at this location due to flexing of the deck.
Fabrication of the centre deck shall ensure that it is essentially flat in form. If fabricated on the tank bottom, steps shell be taken to ensure that the deck does not take the conical form of the bottom.
O~eratinaFlowrates For oil storage tanks the overall design and the operating manual shall specify a suitably low filling rate at commissioning and at start-up after maintenance shutdown to avoid the tendency of "ballooning" of the centre deck of pontoon type roofs due to higher than normal amounts of gas being introduced into the tank. In any case the inflow rate shall be such that a flow velocity of 3 ft/s is not exceeded up to the point at which the roof leaves its supports, in accordance with the recommendation in clause 4.2.b of API RP.2003.
88.9 Stability .
In addition to the buoyancy criteria of C.3.4.1 of API-650, a pontoon type roof shall also have sufficient buoyancy to remain afloat on product of the lowest specified specific gravity with the centre deck flooded with firewater and t w o adjacent pontoons concurrently flooded with product.
The designer shall declare the allowable stress and stability criteria that he proposes to use to verify strength and stability. The tilt which needs to be taken into account in setting the upward height of slew~esarocnd deck penetrations shall be detsrmined. (C.3.4.2)
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88.10 Main Tank Connections
8B.10.1 The oil inlet shall be arranged t o project well into the tank so as t o avoid the local accumulation of entrained gas under the roof deck or overpressuring of the seal. I t shall also be arranged t o minimize turbulence which may affect the roof seal, roof drains, mixers, etc. 88.10.2 The oil outlet shall connect t o the tank bottom plates unless otherwise agreed by KOC. A weir shall be provided around this connection which shall also be provided with a vortex breaker. The weir height shall be as indicated on the Data Sheet. The bore of the oil outlet, up to thefirst flange outside the tank, shall be lined with the same system as applied to the tank bottom. 88.11 Roof Connections 81 O~enincrs
8B.11.1 Manwavs A second manway shall be provided for each double-deck buoyancy compartment if, in KOC's judgment, the size and/or configuration is such that a single manway would be insufficient t o provide safe and rapid escape. (C.3.5)
8B. 1 1.2 Deck Hatches (C.3.11) T w o - 30" deck hatches shall be provided for all tanks, located diametrically opposite t o provide access from the underside t o topside of the roof during maintenance. In the case of double deck roofs, the top and bottom deck openings shall be connected by a tube w i t h ladder rungs. The bottom deck opening shall not be covered.
88.1 1.3 Primarv Roof Drains (C.3.8) 88.1 1.3.1 The rainfall t o be considered in sizing roof drains is defined in KOC-G-007. 88.1 1.3.2 Primary roof drains shall be of either the articulated joint or flexible hose type as specified on the Data Sheet. The drain pipes shall be located so that they are not unduly affected by the forces imposed by the operation of the mixers or by the tank inlet flow. 88.1 1.3.3 The maximum nominal size of articulated drain lines shall A n additional drain shall be provided if one - 4" be 4". drain would have insufficient capacity. It is not permissible t o branch t w o drain lines from a single deck opening. 8B.11.3.4 For pontoon type roofs the check valve shall be made accessible from the top of the deck by mounting it in a recess. This shalt afiow the valve t o be replaced without entry into the tank.
88.1 1.3.5 The drain shall be valved at the tank shell so that it can be isolated in the event of failure of the pipe inside the tank. If more than one drain is provided then each one shall be individually valved at the shell. Emerqencv Drains Double deck roofs shall be provided with at least one emergency drain (draining into the product). It shall be located close t o the centre. Its upward projection shall be such as t o be midway between the high and low points of the upper deck. Inside the tank, the drain shall be fitted with a deflector to minimize vapour losses. Maintenance Drains Pontoon type roofs shall be provided with t w o - 3" brass drain plugs, one located close t o the centre and the other close t o the inner rim and fitted from the top for use when the roof is landed on its supports. The drainage of double deck roofs may be achieved by removing (unscrewing) the emergency drain. Roof Vents (C.3.9)
88.1 1.6.1 The arrangement and configuration of all roof vents shall be such as t o minimize the possibility of oil contamination of working snd sealing components.
88.1 1.6.2 A minimum of one rim vent shall be installed for each tank. 88.1 1.6.3 The design, size and location of automatic bleeder vents shall be adequate t o breathe air / vapours at a volumetric rate at least equal to the maximum tank outflow and t o twice the specified commissioning liquid inflow. A t least one bleeder vent shall be located near the centre of the deck. 88.1 1.6.4 Pontoon type roofs shall also be provided with t w o weighted pressure relief valves t o discharge excess tank vapour and incondensibles whilst the roof is afloat. One of these devices shall be located within one t o t w o metres of the centre and the other shall be located adjacent t o the inner rim and oriented 180" from the pivot of the rolling ladder. The set pressure of each valve shall be 25% above the pressure exerted by the weight of the centre deck and its fittings so that there will be no discharge under normal operation, but only in the event of a pronounced "ballooning" of the centre deck.
88.1 1.7'
A sampling hatch shall be provided where required by the Data Sheet. The hinged cover shall be brass to preclude the risk of sparking. A bare steel datum plate shall be provided below the sampling hatch to enable this fitting to be used as an alternative gauging device. This shall be mounted level on the lined bottom and held in place by resin as for the manual still well. 88.1 2 Rollina Ladder (C.3.7) 88.12.1
A rolling ladder with rails shall be provided for all floating roof tanks. The rails shall be welded to pads and not direct onto the roof deck. The ladder shall connect to the gauger's platform. The pivot and wheel bearings shall be of a type which does not require any lubrication after commissioning. The wheels shall be non-sparking. The slope of the ladder shall not exceed 50"to the horizontal at the extreme low position. Treads shall be self-leveling. The minimum inside width of the ladder shall be 750 mm. If it is necessary for the rails to be significantly elevated, then suitable steps shall be provided down to the deck.
The design shall ensure that the ladder will not be damaged or derailed when exposed to the design wind velocity with the roof at its highest operational level. The anti-derailment device shall be such that there is no locking or permanent distortion.
88.1 2.3
The tilting effect of the loading from the rolling ladder and runway shall be assessed and avoidance of the accumulation of rainwater at local depressions shall be addressed for centredecks of pontoon type roofs.
88.13 Anti-Rotation and Centerina Devices (C.3.12) The type and configuration of anti-rotation and centering devices shall limit lateral and rotational movement to the extent necessary to ensure that free vertical movement and rim sealing are not compromised and that drain piping is not unduly stressed. Roller type devices shall be provided with grease nipples. 88.14 Roof Sealing The roof perimeter shall incorporate a flexible double sealing mechanism except where KOC approves an alternative type. Irrespective of the type of seal, details of the proposed sealing mechanism shall be provided to KOC for approval. Details shall include data on the following:-
the suitability of non-metallic materials for the stored product and for temperatures up to 80°C; the fire-retardant properties of non-metallic materials; foam application considerations; the shell and roof (or rim gap) tolerances necessary to maintain the seal; operational constraints for inspection, maintenan,ce and component replacement;
whether maintenance can be performed on secondary sealing without affecting the primary sealing; self cleaning characteristics (eg. wax scraping); means of electrical insulation of mechanical shoe hangers to ensure that no lightning induced arcing can occur; drainage of the seal system for maintenance; Corrosion resistance of metallic sealing materials.
Irrespective of the type of primary / secondary rim sealing, a weather shield shall also be provided. This shall be selected primarily on its ability t o protect the main seals from dust, sand and painting operations rather than its rainwater shedding capability
Bonding of the roof and rolling ladder t o the shell shall be in accordance with KOC-E-024.
8 8 . 16 Roof S U D P OLeqs ~~ Roof supports shall be designed to support the weight of the roof with 2 adjacent flooded compartments and with 25 pounds per square foot uniform loading of the centre deck of pontoon type roofs. Pads of minimum 600 m m diameter shall be provided t o distribute the support loads at the landing of the legs t o the tank bottom. The pads shall be continuously welded t o the tank bottom. After lining of this pad along with the tank bottom, an additional pad shall be provided t o avoid damage t o the bottom lining by the legs. This second pad shall be slightly smaller than the first and shall be located and lightly secured by an epoxy fillet round its edges. (C.3.10.2) Drain holes at the bottom of support legs shall be ample t o ensure that blockage by sludge does not prevent the legs from draining completely with the tank emptied. (C.3.10.1) The upward projection of support leg sleeves through the centre deck shall be sufficient t o ensure that product cannot flow onto the deck under either of the conditions described in C.3.4.1of API 650. Sleeves shall be adequately reinforced by means of topside pads and gussets but shall also be welded t o the underside of the deck. Supporting legs shall be adjustable so that, whatever is the grounding height for operation, the height can be set t o give 2 metres clearance up t o the lowest deck for maintenance. (C.3.10.1)
T w o slotted still wells of minimum 8" diameter shall be provided for manual dipping and for level gauging. These shall be located close to the shell so that they are operable from the gauger's platform or the wind girder accessway.
88.17.2 The still wells for manual dipping shall be provided with a hinged brass cover to preclude the risk of sparking. A semicircular top reference plate, notched 25 mm wide x 40 mm deep, shall be welded inside the manual still well. 88.17.3 The lower end of the still well pipes shall be restrained from lateral movement by sleeves supported from the shell. 88.17.4 A datum plate shall be provided below the manual still.wel1. This shall be bare steel, mounted level on the lined bottom and held in place by resin.
DOC. NO. KOC-MV-007 9.0
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LOSS PREVENTION This section deals with potential losses associated with tanks used t o store or process liquids. Where issues are not strictly within the scope of this standard and may also not be within the tank constructor's scope, then the relevant provisions are written as recommendations.
Fire Protection 9.1 .1
Water SoravlDeluqe
A fixed water spray deluge system shall be provided t o cover the exposed side(s) of roofs of fixed roof tanks as per the designated project specification for Fire Protection & Safety Equipment and NFPA-15 in the following circumstances.
When the tank is designed t o contain crude or other low flash flammable liquid.
Other tanks where KOC has determined that the location or content necessitates protection from adjacent tanks or other facilities.
Fixed Foam installations Fixed roof oil tanks require fixed installations t o apply a foam blanket t o the liquid surface. KOC may also require these facilities t o be provided for other tanks which are primarily designed t o contain water but which normally have a layer of flammable liquid having a volume of 1 0 m3 or more floating on the surface. The foam pourers shall be of the flanged type as specified on the data sheet and shall be readily accessible for maintenance. Floating roof tanks require facilities for applying foam t o the rim space and these shall also be fixed installations when specified on the data sheet. They shall be arranged t o be compatible w i t h the selected roof seals. In either of the above cases, fixed installations shall be according t o NFPA-1 1 except that a minimum of 4 pourers shall be required for tanks from 120 f-t to 140 f-t in diameter.
Heat Detectors Fixed roof tanks shall have fusible link heat detectors i r ~ s r -~, ~ t,.. heat indicated on the Data Sheet. Floating roof tanks shall have I~i?a=r detectors installed as indicated on the Data Sheet. Heat detectors shall comply w i t h the designated project specification for Fire & Gas Detection Equipment.
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9.2 Over~ressureProtection 9.2.1
Fixed roof open vented tanks shall be provided with weather shielded "open" type breather vents. The vent shall not include flanges or any other device which may introduce the possibility of inadvertent obstruction. Vents shall be sized so that neither the design pressure nor half the design vacuum may be exceeded at maximum tank breathing rates.
Whether an essentially vapour tight roof is provided principally to limit evaporation losses, or to allow recovery of tank vapour, or to retain an inert gas blanket, such tanks shall be protected by pressure/vacuum breather valves to limit the vapour space pressure within the design pressure as established per paragraph 8A. 1 above.
Fixed roof pressurized tanks may additionally be protected by the provision of a frangible roof to shell joint when required or agreed by KOC. This feature may provide additional protection against preferential failure of the shell to bottom joint in circumstances such as:a liquid overfill an internal explosion an unexpectedly high degassing rate (where relief valves might not provide adequate discharge capacity), or in the event of:failure of relief valves to operate However, wherever the risk of these events is judged to be acceptably low, and the risk of failure by other mechanisms to be unacceptably high, then KOC may prohibit frangible joints.
The venting of floating roof tanks is covered in Section 8 8 and none of the provisions of this Section 9 apply.
9.3 Ventinq C a ~ a c i t y 9.3.1
Normal Ventinq Vent valves shall be sized for "normal venting" due to product movement (including degassing and flashing) and for thermal effects in accordance with API Std. 2000. Sizing shall also assume the coincident failure of any vapour recovery compressor and of any control valve designed for alternate vapour take-off or make-up under normal operating conditions.
Emernencv Venting Calculations shall be provided in accordance with API Std. 2000 for the emergency venting of all fixed roof tanks intended to contain flammable liquid. Environmental factor "F" shall be taken as 1.0 in all cases. Pressure relief valves shall be provided t o satisfy any emergency venting requirement whether or not a frangible joint is also provided. When a tank is operated in conjunction with a "Degassing Boot", the fire exposure of this vessel shall also be taken into consideration. The total vapour required to be relieved shall be that due t o fire exposure of the tank plus that due to fire exposure of the associated degassing boot. (ie., it is the vapour quantities which are t o be added together rather than the exposed areas.)
Settino of Protective Devices 9.4.1
Pressure When vapour recovery or controlled vent t o flare is not provided for, then the protection valves shall be set at a pressure coincident with or higher than the upper limit of the normal operating pressure range. When vapour recovery or controlled vent t o flare is provided, the protection valves shall be set at a pressure higher than the upper limit of the normal operating range t o provide a margin to avoid unnecessary atmospheric discharge of vapour. In either case, a check shall be made against manufacturer's data t o ensure that the required capacity is achieved at an accumulated pressure which is no higher than the design pressure.
Vacuum Vacuum breakers shall in all cases be set so that the required capacity is achieved at an accumulated vacuum which is no higher than the design vacuum.
Desian of PressureNacuum Protective Devices 9.5.1
Except when otherwise agreed by KOC, only pressure-vacuum valves shall be installed whether or not the capacity requirements could be satisfied by a combination of pressure and pressure-vacuum valves.
Once the capacity requirements for breathing and venting have been established in accordance with paras 9.2 and 9.3 above, then the minimum size and quantity of suitable relief valves shall be established t o satisfy both requirements.
9.5.3 Vent valves shall not be readily adjustable (ie. not of the weight & lever type.) 9.5.4
Manufacturer's certified valve capacity data shall be provided. This shall clearly indicate the relationship between tank pressure and volumetric throughput for both the pressure and vacuum set pcints.
S ~ a r i n qof PressureNacuum Protective Devices
9.6.1 The number and type of installed devices shall satisfy the following criteria:-
Normal venting requirement 2 spare valves, (one spare t o be blocked open t o provide a safety margin in the event of a sticking pallet and the other will be also normally be blocked open but will be a maintenance spare.)
Emergency venting requirement maintenance spare.
Flame arrested open vent requirement spare.
Plain open or blanked vents do not require sparing.
1 spare valve which will be a
1 safetylmaintenance
9.6.2 The above sparing requirements shall be satisfied for both inbreathing and outbreathing.
9.6.3 P&IDvs should indicate all protective valves or vents to be normally in service. In addition, a note should be added t o the effect that only one may be removed at a time for maintenance 1 inspection when the tank is in service.
Location and Installation of Protective Devices
9.7.1 Pressure 1 vacuum valves shall be more or less equally spaced around the tank periphery except as may otherwise be approved by KOC. Butterfly isolating valves shall be provided and these shall have locking devices fitted, and shall have clear indication of the position of the disk. Drip accumulation trays and drain lines shall be provided t o ground level for fixed roof oil tanks.
9.7.2 Open vents shall be located near t o the apex of the roof. 9.8
Overfill Protection
9.8.1 All tanks containing flammable and / or combustible liquids should be provided with a high level alarm located t o avoid overfill.
9.8.1.I In the case of crude storage tanks, the alarms should satisfy criterion (b) or (c) of NFPA 30 clause 2-10.1if the tank will not be gauged at frequent intervals in accordance with - criterion (a). In the case of process tanks which normally receive continuous inflow of flammable and combustible liquids, the alarms should normally satisfy criterion (b) of NFPA 30 clause 2-10.1.
DOC. NO. KOC-MV-007 In the case of process tanks which receive only intermittent inflow which is manually controlled, then the avoidance of overflow may be achieved by application of either (a) or (b) of NFPA 30 clause 2-10.1, irrespective of whether the inflowing liquid is flammable and / or combustible.
9.8.2 Fixed roof water tanks with inert gas blanketing shall be provided with an overflow through a device designed to preclude discharge of blanket gas or (if present) the oil layer. 9.8.3
Fixed roof water tanks without inert gas blanketing shall be provided with a conventional liquid overflow. The downpipe shall be external to the tank (except for the internal elbow / tundish).
Calculations shall be provided to demonstrate that the required overflow capacity will be achieved with the height of the overflow pipe(s) set at an appropriate level below the design liquid level.
9.9 Boilover Prevention The phenomenon of 'boilover' may occur when a large floating roof tank suffers a full surface area fire and the heat wave travels down to reach the tank bottoms where a significant quantity of water may be present. The resultant rapid boiling action could eject large quantities of burning oil over the tank rim and into the bund. To avoid this, a route should be provided to safely draw off the water bottoms during such a fire to a location outside the bund. 9.10 Eva~orationLoss Control A study of anticipated evaporative losses shall be performed for floating roof tanks. This shall include losses from the rim seal and also around deck penetrating fittings. The study shall quantify the annual savings to be expected from:-
a) bf
Selection of different roof types. The installation of the different available rim seals and other loss control devices.
The cost of procurement and installation of these devices shall be estimated on a unit basis together with typical replacement intervals.
9.1 1 Protection Aqainst lqnition The recommendations of API RP-2003 shall be implemented as far as practicable in the design of tanks. Those operating recommendations that are contained in this RP and which are pertinent to the actual design of the tank shall be written into the Technical, Operation & Maintenance Manual.
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REV. 1
Health, Safety 81 Environment During tank fabrication and erection, all field activities shall adhere t o KOC's Fire and Safety Regulations and its Health Safety & Environment policies.
' 1 Fabrication & Erection Procedure f~
A fabrication and erection procedure shall be submitted for KOC's approval and shall describe the following:Locations for material receiving, cutting, shaping and pre-fabrication operations. Methods, techniques and equipment for cutting, shaping straightening and marking. Traceability and marking of materials and components. Pre-coating of material surfaces or edges. Method(s) of positioning plates for welding. ( Weather conditions under which welding work may not proceed or may only proceed under shielded conditions (described), or with preheat. ( Dimensional control. Erection sequence t o avoid built-in stresses and distortion (5.2.2) and arrangements t o minimize construction loads and vulnerability t o buckling and other wind damage. (Wind girders and fixed roofs shall be welded at the earliest possible stage.) Precautions t o be taken t o maintain the slope of fixed roof sheets from the centre t o the shell and t o prevent the development of flat areas or depressions. Fabrication sequence to avoid distortion of floating roof centre decks. (C.3.3.4)
Plate Suuareness
1 All shell plates shall be profiled t o a tolerance of k 2 mm in length and m m width. In addition, t o ensure that plates are truly rectangular, the diagonals, measured across the rectangle formed by scribing lines 5 0 m m from each edge, shall not differ by more than 3 mm. ( For lapped and welded roof and bottom plates, normal mill tolerances are acceptable.
10.4 Cuttina, Forrnina & Pre-fabrication 10.4.1 Plate material shall be straightened and I or flattened by p: i f ' yor rolling and this shall be done before the material is proces~~?r: - r. way. ( a
10.4.2 Any proposals t o extend the API-650 thickness limitation of 0.375" up t o which plates for buttwelding may be cut by shearing, shall be submitted for KOC approval at the time of tendering. (4.1.2)
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10.4.3 When the ratio of tank nominal diameter t o shell plate thickness is less than 5000:l then the shell plates shall be rolled t o the required curvature. Additional pre-forming of plate ends t o the tank radius is mandatory for the following:- 14.1.3)
When the thickness exceeds219mm, or When the thickness exceeds 1 0 mm and the diameter:thickness ratio is less than 1000: 1.
10.4.4 Manual gas cutting may be used for trimming the corners of bottom plates where t w o lapped joints intersect, and for cutting openings for fittings positioned on site. Manual gas cutting shall not be otherwise utilized for containment parts without the approval of KOC's representative.
Markinq and Traceability All plates and structural members shall be marked for traceability in accordance with the scheme outlined in the Fabrication and Erection Procedure together with any additional marks as may be required t o facilitate site erection. Erection marks shall be painted clearly on plates and structural members in white paint and shall be at least 50 m m high. Heat numbers on each plate shall be highlighted t o facilitate correlation with mill certificates, and shall be located on the outside of the completed tank except for bottom plates.
Plate Preservation 10.6.1
All plate materials shall be shop primed for temporary protection during shipment, storage and construction.
10.6.2 The underside of tank bottom plates shall be blasted and coated according t o System A 1 -2 of KOC-P-001.
i n t e r ~ a s sCleaninq 10.7.1 All completed welds shall be free from slag, brushed and thoroughly cleaned before final inspection and subsequent painting / lining. Peening of weld caps is prohibited. 10.7.2 The reverse side of double-welded vertical butt joints shall be backchipped, ground or flame gouged before the application of the first run of welding to this side and in a manner which will leave the exposed surface accessiole and satisfactory for the fusion of the weld metal t o be added. All flame-gouged surfaces must be dressed by grinding. (
10.8 Weld Proximity 10.8.1 Vertical joints in bottom shell courses shall be at least 3 0 0 m m clear of any annular plate joint.
10.8.2 Vertical joints in adjacent shell courses shall in.general be offset by at least 113rd of plate length but with a minimum of 500 mm where make-up plates are used. ( "
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10.8.3 Vertical and as far as practicable, horizontal shell seams shall be located t o clear all shell connections and their reinforcing pads b y the minimum distances specified i n API-650. (3.7.3) In the event that KOC agrees for horizontal seams only that it is not practicable t o comply w i t h the above requirements, then penetrated, covered or closely approached seams shall be 1 0 0 % radiographed for at least three times +he opening diameter or the length of the interference. ( 10.8.4 Other shell attachment welds shall clear these seams b y 5 0 m m except where larger spacings are required b y API-650 for the higher material groups ( Where it is impractical t o achieve these spacings, the attachment should preferably be modified such that the fillet weld crosses the main seam b y at least 5 0 m m and these welds shall be examined per para 1 1.2.2 of this Standard. 10.8.5 Butt welds joining compression rings, top angles or wind girder sections shall be at least 1 5 0 m m away from any shell vertical seam. 10.8.6
"Rat-holesi' shall be provided t o avoid contact between the radial welds o f stiffening rings and the shell, and between shell vertical seams and the rings. The fillet welds that join the sections on t o the shell shall be deposited b y starting 5 0 m m from the rat-hole and welding away from the rat-hole.
Requirements for preheating will be established b y the welding procedure and tests. However, unless otherwise agreed b y KOC, the following minimum requirements shall apply:(a)
Automatically welded horizontal seams may be welded without preheat u p t o 3 8 m m thick.
Other plates over 2 5 m m and irrespective of location shall be preheated t o 1OO°C minimum.
Other shell plates from 1 9 m m t o 25 m m shall be preheated t o 50°C minimum.
The above preheat requirements shall also apply t o attachment welds and repairs t o plate surfaces and shall be based o n the thickness of the shell or annular plate. 10.9.2 A n appropriate level of preheat shall also be applied when materials of Group I V or higher and 1 9 m m or thicker are flame cut or arc-air - gouged.
10.10 Post Weld Heat Treatment (3.7.4) 10.10.1 Heat treatment procedures shall be subject t o approval. These shall include any temporary support or other provisions t o avoid distortion.
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10.10.2 Clean out doors and any other assembly requiring stress relief shall be furnace heat treated as per API 650. No local stress relief of these assemblies is permitted. 10.10.3 When side entry mixers will or may be mounted on shell manways, then post weld heat treatment of the pre-fabricated manway assembly shall be mandatory. (
10.11 T e m ~ o r a r vAttachments 10.1 1.1 Holes in platework, t o assist in erection, are not permitted. Lugs, nuts, clamps, and other devices t o assist in erection may be attached to the tank plates by welding, but all such attachments required only for the purpose of erection shall ultimately be removed and any noticeable projections of weld metal remaining shall be carefully ground or chipped away. 10.1 1.2 Great care shall be exercised t o avoid gouging or tearing of plates in the process of removing attachments. (5.1.5) However when such instances do occur, remedial welding shall be restricted t o areas where the depth exceeds 1.5 mm. Shallower areas shall be carefully "blended" by grinding only. 10.1 1.3 When required by KOC, repair welds shall, on completion, be ground smooth (but not necessarily flush with the plate). 1Q.11.4When it is proposed t o use arc-air gouging on plates t o remove temporary attachments, the procedure t o be used shall be subject t o approval by KOC. The preheat requirements shall not be less than those specified in the procedure test for welding plates of equivalent thickness by the welding method and procedure under consideration.
10.12 Tank Isolation After hydrostatic testing of the tank, it shall be swept clean internally prior t o painting activities. All nozzles shall be blanked-off using temporary steel blanks.
10.13 Coatinrr & Lining 10.13.1 The external and internal coating shall be in accordance with the Tank Data Sheet and the referenced KOC-P-001 : Appendix 3 systems. A summary of surfaces requiring coating is also given in Table 8.9 in Section 8. 10.13.2 Surface preparation shall include the removal of remaining shop primer as required by clause 10.6.1 of this standard, except where no internal coating is required by the Tank Data Sheet in which case the shop primer may be left in place. 10.13.3 Except for the temporary shop primer, coating and lining is not permitted prior t o hydrostatic testing of the tank. No paint or coating shall be applied t o weld seams which are subject t o leak testing.
10.1 3.4.Bottoms shall have a thick internal lining in accordance with KOC-P002 Part 2. This lining shall extend up the shell as follows:i)
0.5 m above the oil-water interface for Wet Crude Tanks (including Test Tanks). 0.5 m above the bottom for others.
10.13.5 Procedures for surface treatments and for the application, examination and testing of coatings and linings shall be submitted for KOC's approval together with product data. 10.14 Tank Calibration 10.14.1 Calibration is mandatory for tanks used for hydrocarbon storage. The liquid calibration method in accordance with API 2555 shall be used unless otherwise agreed by KOC. However, calibration of the volume below the minimum operating level of floating roof tanks may alternatively be calculated from linear measurements within the guidelines contained in Appendix F of Section 2A of the API Manual of Petroleum Management Standard. 10.14.2Other oil tanks shall be calibrated when require'd by the Data Sheet. Fixed roof "Wet", "Dry" or "Test" tanks shall be taken as being for "operating control" as defined in para l 3 ( a ) ( l ) of API 2550. The method shall be at the Constructor's option within the guidelines contained in Appendix F of Section 2A of the API Manual of Petroleum Management Standard. 10.14.3 Calibration shall be performed and certified by an internationally recognized specialized agency approved by KOC. Capacities shall be tabulated for all oil tanks in millimeters and API (42 gallon) barrels. Calibration data and tables shall be subject to KOC approval prior to final issue. 10.14.4Water tanks whether with fixed or open roof need not be subject to "as-built" calibration. Their nominal capacity may be as calculated from the design, and variations within the required dimensional
1 1 .I General 1 1.1.1 lnspection shall be performed by or on behalf of the constructor t o an extent necessary t o ensure that all requirements of the Code, the specification(s), the drawings and the inspection and test plans are met.
1 1 .I .2 KOC's inspection representatives shall have, at all times, free entry t o all work locations while work is in progress. The constructor shall afford reasonable facilities t o ensure that the work is being carried out in accordance with the requirements of this Standard. (5.3.1 .I)
11.1.3 The constructor shall submit a "Field lnspection Co-ordination Procedure" which shall as a minimum deal with all the topics covered Timely written activity and in Appendix "8" of this Standard. inspection notifications shall be provided to KOC's field inspection representative as outlined in Appendix 8. lnspection surveillance and monitoring will also be performed by KOC.
11.1.4Mill and shop material test reports shall be submitted t o KOC for approval prior t o shop fabrication.
11.1.5 Shell plates shall be inspected by KOC at the tank fabricator's shop or at site or both. (depending on the scope of any shop activities.)
11.1.6 Impact test results of plates after heat treatment (if any) shall be submitted t o KOC for evaluation. Welding procedure qualification records shall include such results.
11.1.7 The constructor shall inspect and keep stock of all materials and shall also be fully responsible for their safekeeping and traceability. All fittings, valves, plates, etc., shall be properly laid out on wooden supports clear of the soil. Special care must be taken t o ensure that no damage or harmful sand or water ingress occurs.
11.1.8 All site welding shall be subjected t o close visual inspection by competent welding inspectors of the constructor as the work progresses, and any faults or bad practices shall be corrected as soon as possible. In particular, each pass of main shell seams shall be examined after thorough cleaning for faults such as lack of fusion, surface cracks, slag inclusions and undercutting. Special care shall be taken in the examination of double-bevel joints before welding the second side. Examination of fillet welds shall not be confined t o the weld itself. The reverse side of fillet welds on the shell and the floating roof compartments and decks shall be examined for evidence of burnthrough. Such indications shall be repaired irrespective of the ability t o pass a leak test.
1 1.1.9 Assemblies which will be stress relieved such as manways, nozzles and flush type clean-out fittings shall be inspected by KOC at the tank fabricator's shop prior to heat treatment. 11.2 Welded Joints 1 1.2.1 Tack Welds Tack welds in shell to bottom welds shall be subject to visual inspection prior to completing the joint and any cracked tack welds completely removed. if tack welds are to be incorporated into horizontal shell seams, these shall be dressed to the general satisfaction of KOC's inspection representative. 1 1.2.2 Fillet Welds Fillet welds that cross vertical or horizontal shell seams shall be 100% magnetic particle inspected. Permanent fillet welded attachments to the bottom shell course shall be 100% magnetic particle examined irrespective of the material group of the shell. ( 1 1.2.3 Annular Rinas Irrespective of whether radial joints in annular rings are single or double welded, one spot radiograph shall be taken of each radial joint. ( Completed t o operate laminations location of segment of 1 1.2.4
annular rings for tanks to contain hydrocarbons and tanks with gas blanketing shall be ultrasonically examined for in a 150 mm wide band centered on the attachment the shell. Any lamination shall be cause for replacing that the ring.
Leak Testina of Bottom Joints After welding of the bottom plates has been completed, all welds shall be leak tested by using a vacuum box and soapsuds. The test shall be made as soon as possible after welding of the bottom, removal of slag and wire brushing, but before any surface coating is applied. (5.3.4) A partial vacuum of at least 5 psi shall be applied. (
1 1.2.5
Shell t o Bottom Weld The shell to bottom plate weld shall be wet magnetic particle inspected on the inside and outside, after the first pass each side and after hydrotest on the completed welds prior to lining.
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In addition t o API 650 requirements; a) b)
Vertical shell seams shall be 1 0 0 % radiographed when the plate thickness exceeds 1 9 mm. ( When electrogas welding (EGW) is used, an additional 100% radiographic examination shall be made of one vertical weld of each shell course up t o and inc!uding 1 9 mrn thickness of each tank.
Care shall be taken t o ensure that vertical welds are examined and cleared prior t o proceeding with the attachment of stiffening rings. ( 1 1.2.7
Shell Connections When nozzle necks are fabricated from welded plate, the longitudinal butt welds shall be 1 0 0 % radiographed. Circumferential butt welds in nozzles shall be 1 0 0 % visually examined t o ensure complete fusion, i.e. in single-sided welds, the inside shall be examined t o ensure adequate penetration and in double sided welds, the hack gouge shall be examined t o ensure removal of the root face. All welds attaching nozzles, manholes, and any other openings shall be examined by a w e t magnetic particle technique. When post weld heat treatment is applied, then this examination shall be after the heat treatment.
1 1.2.8
Roof Truss Joints When main supporting members of roof trusses are made up from t w o shorter lengths butt welded together, the penetration of these welds shall be demonstrated either by radiography or by examination of the 2nd side preparation of the weld by KOC's inspection representative.
11.3 Dimensions 1 1.3.1
In addition t o the dimensional requirements of API-650 Sec:ion 5.5, local departures from the design form for individual shell plates horizontally and vertically shall not exceed the follow~vg when measured over a gauge length of 2.5 m (remote from weld serns):
1 6 m m for plates up t o and incl. 13 m m thick. 1 3 m m for plates over 1 3 m m and up t o and including 25 1 0 m m for plates over 25 m m thick.
, ::t
Such departures from the design form shall be gradual over the gauge length. Sharp changes in form are not permitted. For floating roof tanks, additional tolerances may need t o be applied based on the rim seal vendor's recommendations and taking into consideration that some differential settlement is likely to occur.
REV. 1
11.3.2 A t horizontal and vertical shell seams the shell profile shall not deviate from its design form by more than the following, measured over a gauge length of 1m: (5.5.4)
1 0 mm for plates up to and including 13 mm thick. 8 mm for plates over 13 m m and up to and including 25 mm. 6 mm for plates over 25 mm. thick.
11.3.3 The plumbness and roundness of the tank shall be checked during construction and in the event of major departures, the constructor shall advise KOC of the situation and of the steps proposed to deal with it. 11.3.4 Any indication that the tank is settling unevenly during erection, such as the appearance of excessive gaps in the set up of circumferential seams or departure of the shell from the vertical shall prompt a measurement of foundation settlement which shall be reported to KOC. In no circumstances shall excessive force be applied to rectify such dimensional deviations. 11.3.5 The tank shell shall be carefully checked for circularity, dimensions and level before the roof members (fixed roof tank) are erected.
11.4 lnternals 11.4.1
Before installation in the tank, any gauging or dip tube shall be inspected for straightness, freedom from internal obstructions, e.g. welding burrs and drilling chips, and for correct positioning of all vent holes along the length of the pipe.
11.4.2 When propeller mixers are installed, special attention shall be given to their mounting. The mixer manufacturer's recommendation shall be followed unless otherwise agreed in writing. 11.4.3 Some form of leak test shall be applied to hollow section roof support columns to ensure that product will not rise up inside the column.
Floatina Roof Comaartments Irrespective of any in-house penetrating oil tests performed during fabrication, each compartment shail be subjected to a low pressure pneumatic leak test and examined with a "soapy" water solution. (C.3.6)
11.6 Testina Procedure 11.6.1
For hydrotesting, brackish water shall be used in accordance with the designated Project Specification covering this topic.
11.6.2 Procedures for hydrostatic and leak testing shall be submitted for approval and shall address the following topics as a minimum:(a) (b) (c)
Sequence of activities (including any anchorage checks) Test level (and test pressure for fixed roofs) Extent of any coating which may be applied or left in place prior to testing.
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Restraining effects of internals. Test fluid and details of any chemical additions. The minimum temperature for test water. Filling rate(s) and holding time(s1. Venting arrangements ( + means of ensuring these are not compromised during filling or emptying) Arrangements for emergency emptying. Settlement measurement methods, locations and intervals. Limiting settlement criteria. Leak detection methods. Notification t o KOC of any leaks or deformations identified during filling.
1 1.7
Shell Test Water for hydrostatic testing shall be at a temperature not lower than 1O°C. In exceptional circumstances when test water temperature falls below this value, then filling shall not proceed without approval of KOC. Any such approval will be based on an assessment of the risk of brittle fracture. The shell of fixed roof tanks shall be tested after completion of the roof and those of open top tanks after completion of the wind girder and top angle. For the shell testing of a floating roof tank, the weatherseal shall not be installed. The test level shall be t o a height such that the secondary seal is just retained within the shell. The design shall ensure that the roof will not interfere with the gauger's platform or any other fitting when at this test height. To successfully complete the test, the tank shall stand for a period of 48 hours with no leaks. In addition t o a foundation level survey prior t o erection, level surveys shall be performed of the tank periphery and bottom apex for settlement prior t o filling for the hydrostatic test and for the periphery at each of the "hold points" listed in Table 11.7.5 below. A t the "hold points", filling or emptying should stop and the tank left standing for the time indicated. Measurements shall be taken at the beginning and the end of the standing periods. All levels and settlements shall be measured with optical survey apparatus and the final record submitted for KOC review 1 approval. All measurements shall be recorded and plotted as illustrated in Fig.8-3 of API 653. Limiting settlement criteria shall not exceed the following (using the definitions of 8.2.2 of API
653):Uniform Settlement 150 mm. (however filling shall be stopped and KOC notified if uniform settlement reaches 50 mm.)
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Planar Tilt Max of 1:400 for Oil Tanks or 1:250 for Water Tanks. Filling shall be stopped and KOC notified if it becomes evident that the limit would be exceeded by proceeding further. Out-of-Plane (Differential) Settlement One half of the limit calculated by the formula in 8.3.2 of API 653. Filling shall be stopped and KOC notified if it becomes evident that the limit would be exceeded by proceeding further. When any of the above criteria are exceeded, any remedial or concessionary proposal shall be subject to KOC approval. Table 11.7.5 : Hydrotest 'Hold" Points Operation Filling:
1 Emptying: 11.8
Level Empty 25% full 50% full 75% full 100% full 50%
Holdincr Time .
24 hours 24 hours 24 hours 48 hours 24 hours
Floatina Roof Test
11.8.1 The hydrostatic test of floating roof tanks shall include examinations for water leaks inside pontoon and double deck compartments and through the single deck. The examination for roof leaks may be conducted at any convenient flotation level but not when it is wet or raining. Roof drains shall have been pre-tested to 50 psig prior to filling the tank and a further check shall be made for leaks from external pressure when the roof is floating at its highest level. (C.4.3, C.4.5) 11-8.2 During filling and emptying of the tank, the roof shall be monitored for even flotation. At half-full and full, the shell shall be checked for circularity and measurements recorded.
11.9 Fixed Roof Test 11.9.1 All fixed roof tanks which are not open vented shall be deemed to require gas-tightness and shall be subject to leak testing. (, F.7.6) 11.9.2 Pressurizing of the space under the fixed roof may not proceed until the shell hydrostatic test has stood for the specified time with no evidence of leakage. 11.9.3 A manometer shall be set up for a roof pressure test such that any significant overpressure will blow out the water. The bore of the manometer shall be sufficient to release air from the tank at a rate which will avoid a build up from the pressurizing source.
pressure. The pressurizing source shall be disconnected immediately on completion of the test and the pressure shall be released and the space suitably vented without delay. 11.10 Coils
Heating coils or other heating devices containing fluid pressure shall be tested hydrostatically while the tank is empty to a pressure of 1.5 x working pressure, but not less than 7 barg.
11.1 1 Internal Examination Prior t o internal lining, the bottom apex and, if applicable the bottom outlet connection, shall be checked for settlement relative t o the shell and the measurements recorded. Displacement of the bottom apex shall not increase or decrease the bottom slope by more than 50%.
A detailed survey of settlement of the bottom plates is not required, but any area of pronounced depression or bulging shall be mapped and assessed against the criterion in clause 8.3.3 of API 653. The maximum allowable depression or bulge shall be two-thirds of that derived from the formula.
12.1 General 12.1.1 Comprehensive NDE procedures shall be submitted for approval by all NDE contractors together with detailed technique sheets. 12.1.2
Interpretation of non-destructive examinations shall be made by or on behalf of the constructor by ASNT SNT-TC-1A Level II or Ill personnel or agreed equivalent.
12.2 Volumetric Examination - General Requirements 12.2.1 Volumetric examination shall be by radiography except for lamination checks or as otherwise agreed by KOC. 12.2.2 X radiography shall be used unless prior approval has been obtained for the use of the isotope Iridium 192. ( 12.2.3 Radiographic examination shall be made as the work progresses. Where shell seams require 100% examination this shall be delayed at least 2 4 hours. Otherwise, radiography shall be performed as soon as practicable to give an early indication of problems with equipment or consumables. Mark up of the radiographic location record shall also be done progressively. ( 12.2.4 Locations for the spot radiography of vertical seams and intersections may be selected by the constructor if KOC's inspection representative is satisfied that welders are not aware of selected locations in advance. ( 12.2.5 Locations for spot radiography of horizontal seams and for random radiography of vertical seams shall be selected by KOC's inspection representative. ( 12.2.6 Identification markers shall appear on the films as radiographic images. 12.2.7
When additional radiography adjacent to a defective area of a spot or randomly radiographed vertical seam reveals further unacceptable defects, then that vertical seam shall be subject to 100% radiographic examination. (6.1.6)
12.2.8 KOC shall be afforded the right to have further additional exminations performed. When the additional examinations required by K O ' w e a l no defects which require repairing then the cost of these e x a v i ~ :' - - s may be charged to KOC.
12.3 lmaqe Qualitv Indicators
Radiographic sensitivity shall be controlled by utilizing test method ASTM E747 and image quality indicators or penetrameters conforming to that standard or to BS 3971 or EN 462-1. However the required visible wire shall be as per Table 12.3 for the listed nominal material thicknesses. No additional thickness shall be allowed for weld reinforcement or for backing strips.
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Table 12.3 : Radiographic Sensitivity
Nominal Thickness
Wire NO, BS 3971
under 7 mm up to 8 mm up to 14 mrn ua to 1 9 m m
9 10 11
Wire No. EN 462-1 14 13 12 11
Wire Diameter ASTM-E747 0.006" (0.16 mm) 0.008" (0.20 mm) 0.010" (0.25 mm) 0.01 2" (0.32 mm)
Film Densitv: The density through the weld metal shall not be less than 2.0 and not more than 3.2. The density in parent metal adjacent to the weld shall not exceed 4.0. Film density shall be assessed using a suitably calibrated densitorneter.
Film T V D ~ The type of film shall be at least medium speed (e.g. Kodak AX, Gevaert D7 or equivalent). Intensifying salt screens shall not be used.
KOC Acceptance 12.6.1 Exposure conditions shall be attested in the report b y the organisation responsible for "shooting" the radiographs. After interpretation and checking by an ASNT level I1 or Ill qualified operator, all radiographs complete with reports shall be subject t o KOC's review and acceptance. Suitable viewing facilities shall be provided and a calibrated densitometer shall be made available. 12.6.2 When t w o or more types of weld defects are present in the same radiograph whose extent equals the maximum acceptable limit for both, the weld shall be judged unacceptable. Retention of Radiociraohs After completion and acceptance of a tank, the radiographic films including those showing defects t o be repaired, shall be handed over t o KOC suitably sorted, boxed and indexed, and become the sole property of KOC. (
Surface Examination
Surface examination shall be by the wet magnetic particle technique using electromagnets except where other methods are agreed by KOC t o be more suitable for particular applications.
13.1.1 Welding procedures and qualifications shall be in accordance with Section IX of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code and any Project Specification for General Welding Requirements. ( 13.1.2 Weld procedures shall be submitted for approval together with supponing procedure qualification records and weld key plans which shall indicate the procedures t o be applied for all welds or groups of welds in the tank, including temporary welds and repairs. 13.2
Weld Procedures 13.2.1 Low hydrogen electrodes shall be used for welding the shell to bottom joint, for all steels with a specified minimum tensile strength in excess of 60,000 psi and for the repair of surface defects. (, 2.8.1) 13.2.2 All shell vertical joints shall be welded by shielded metal arc welding (S.M.A.W.) with uphill progression or, when specifically approved by KOC, by automatic electro-gas welding (EGW). (5.2.1 . l ) 13.2.3 Horizontal shell joints shall be welded utilizing either shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) or automatic submerged arc welding (SAW). ( 13.2.4 When it is proposed to use a "weldable" protective coating on edges prepared for welding, technical data on the coating shall be appended to the applicable weld procedures submitted for approval. (, 13.2.5 Primers applied principally to protect plate surfaces shall not be considered weldable and shall be locally removed by grinding or brushing prior to the welding of attachments etc.
13.3 Qualification Testina of Weld Procedures 13.3.1 The procedure qualification test for submerged arc welding (SAW) of shell horizontal seams shall be executed in a test frame on plates with a minimum length of 3 metres under restrained conditions. Procedure qualification for shell vertical seams shall be performed vertically (3G) and shall be subject to impact testing of the weld metal of SMAW welds and weld metal and heat affected zone of EGW welds. Qualifications for EGW shall be run on specimens of the full tier height for both the maximum and minimum shell thicknesses. Impact testing of other procedures for thicknesses 38 mm and under shall not be required irrespective of any requirement for impact testing of the plate (
DOC. NO. KOC-MV-007 13.3.3
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Procedure qualification for shell t o bottom joints shall be performed on the actual joint configuration, material grades and thicknesses to be used. This procedure qualification test shall demonstrate that the hardness of the heat affected zone at the shell t o bottom plate does not exceed 280 H.,
13.3.4 Hardness testing of procedure qualifications shall be mandqtory for Group IV and higher materials as outlined in para. 3.3.4a of API-650. Hardness testing of EGW procedures shall also be mandatary irrespective of the shell material group. Welds and heat affected zones shall be surveyed. The maximum allowable hardness shall be 280 Hi,.
13.4 Welder Qualification
Welders shall be qualified in accordance with ASME Section IX and Appendix B of this Standard. (7.3.2)
Certifyina Letter 14.1.1
A separate certifying letter shall be provided b y the constructor t o certify that each tank has been constructed i n accordance w i t h the requirements of API 650, this standard and the data sheet. (8.3)
14.1.2 When it is agreed that all pertinent requirements have been met, KOC shall issue a letter of acceptance which may be subject t o subsequent satisfactory compilation of the certification dossier or t o any other condition. In the case of floating roof tanks, acceptance will be conditional on satisfactory leak-free flotation on crude oil when the roof is less buoyant than on test water. 14.2 Marking 14.2.1 The tank shall be identified b y an austenitic stainless steel nameplate welded t o a bracket above one of the manways. The nameplate may n o t be affixed until KOC's acceptance letter has been received. (8.1.2) 14.2.2 The tank identification number shall also be painted onto each tank w i t h a re-coatable urethane finish. Characters shall be painted in black and be a minimum of 6 0 0 m m high. Identifications shall be painted at t w o diametrically opposite positions. 14.3 Safety Precautions The constructor shall not under any circumstances remove spades from product or process connections, or introduce product into the tank b y any other means without prior the written authorization of KOC which will not be issued before the nameplate has been affixed. 14.4 Certification Dossiers Individual dossiers should be compiled for each tank. Duplication of documents within a dossier should be avoided. The content o f a dossier shall be as follows:Master and volume index. Certificate o f Conformity t o the applicable construction code together w i t h "as-built" data sheet. Concessions. Cross reference t o vendor certification dossiers containing item certification for appurtenances etc. Material certificates cross referenced t o location records. Material repair records. Weld key plan(s) WPS's & PQR's. Summary sheet of qualifications of utilized welders.
Production weld records t o include WPS and welder traceability and cross references t o NDE reports and heat treatment records if applicable. NDE reports & records. Heat treatment chartslrecords. Dimensional records Hydrostatic and leak test reports. Pre-erection foundation level survey record. Settlement records. Surface preparation and coating application records and examination reports. All design calculations. Certified tank calibration record. Arrangement drawing. Nameplate facsimile. 14.5
Technical, O~eratincland Maintenance Manuals
14.5.1 Technical and Maintenance data may be consolidated for each tank or each group of tanks. The content shall be as follows:(a) Drawing lists. (b) Drawings (including, tank construction, civil, piping, electrical, hazardous area dassification, cathodic protection, process & instrument, firefighting and safety equipment, tank fittings, etc.) (c) Safe working loads for roofs, platforms, etc. (dl Maintenance intervals and procedures. (el Test and calibration recommendations for electrical installation, cathodic protection, instruments, controls and safety devices. (f) Spares listslrecommendations. (g) Lubrication schedulelrequirements. (h) Mixer performance data.
14.5.2 The Operating Manual may be integrated with data for the operating centre as a whole or for the tankage area, as appropriate. The content shall be as follows:(a) Start-up checks, precautions, sequence and parameters. (b) Shut-down checks, precautions and sequence. (c) Limits of operating parameters (pressures, temperatures, flow rates, fluid compositions). (d) Mixing recommendations.
15.0 SPARE PARTS AND MAINTENANCE For all relevant requirements refer t o KOC-G-009.
For the purposes of this document, "field" shall refer t o any location within the borders of Kuwait at which tank pre-fabrication, construction, erection or testing are performed.
Forms The Field lnspection Co-ordination Procedure as required by paragraph 1 1.1.3 of this Standard shall identify all the forms which will be utilized t o control and record inspection activities and tests. Sample forms shall be appended. Outline indexes of the content of inspection records and dossiers shall also be appended.
Desiqn Documents The Field lnspection Co-ordination Procedure shall describe how the constructor will ensure that checks and inspections are performed against the correct issue of drawings etc. The means by which such documents will be certified "as-built" shall also be described.
Punchlisting Co-ordination aspects of punchlisting shall be described. The - Field lnspection Coordination Procedure shall also provide for a periodic report t o be issued giving the subject matter and close-out status of each punchlist.
Communications The Field lnspection Co-ordination Procedure shall address how formal communications from KOC's field inspection representative will be dealt with. When the constructor is unable t o take immediate action or to provide an immediate response, the communication should nevertheless be formally and promptly acknowledged and an indication given of h o w the issue is being handled and the anticipated timescale.
lnspection and Test E q u i ~ m e n and t Personnel
A.6.1 The constructor or his sub-contractors shall be responsible for making available all the equipment and means of calibration in sufficient quantities for the performance of the tests and inspections required by the applicable codes and specifications. When it has been agreed t o make specific KOC facilities available, this shall be indicated in the procedure. A.6%2 NDE operator and interpreter qualifications shall be made available t o KOC on demand. A.7
Activitv Notification KOC's inspection representative shall be advised on a daily basis the intended commencement of quality related activities and their location. This is both t o facilitate implementation of inspection surveillance, and t o allow for inspections t o be performed on a "first-off" basis t o ,establish contacts, verify competence, verify adequacy of tools and equipment and t o ensure that requirements are properly understood.
DOC. NO. KOC-MV-007 Examples of such "first-off" inspections are cutting, rolling,: bending, pre-heating, welding, joint lapping, PWHT, test equipment calibration, blasting, and coating application and testing.
Inspection Notification KOC's inspection representative shall be provided w ~ t hformal individual notifications for inspections as below:Identify and inspect materials of construction. Structural checks on foundations. Check of foundation levels, orientations and slopes. Sub-assemblies prior t o any PWHT. Fit-up of annular ring joints. Fit-up of shell vertical and horizontal joints. Fit-up of shell t o bottom joint / Shell roundness and circumference at 1 ft. elevation. Fit-up of floating roof centre deck t o pontoons. Selection of locations for spot radiography (horiz. seams) and random radiography (vert. seams). Leak testing of bottom joints. Marked nozzle locations prior t o cutting. Fit-up of nozzles t o shell. Fit-up and elevation of wind girders. Air testing of reinforcing plates. Peaking and banding checks of each shell course. Magnetic Particle and Ultrasonic Examinations. Leak tightness of roof support columns (if required.) Checks of shell and stillwell plumbness and datum plate level. Leak testing and overall dimensions of floating roof. Level check of top angle prior t o erection of roof or framing. Flatness and condition of flange faces of large openings prior t o closure for test. Testing of floating roof drains. Hydrostatic test, settlement measurement and volumetric calibration. Leak testing of roof joints (if required.) Internal pre-commissioning examination. Pre-commissioning tests of pressure and vacuum relieving devices. Checks on pressure and vacuum relieving devices and other fittings after mounting. Instrument and electrical checks and calibrations.
l n s ~ e c t i o n& Test Records
NDE reports shall be copied t o KOC's field inspection representative after endc:
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