Purpose of the Knowledge Management (KM) in business
Knowledge management (KM) is the systematic management of an organization's knowledge assets for the purpose of creating value and meeting tactical & strategic requirements; it consists of the initiatives processes strategies and systems that sustain and enhance the storage assessment sharing refinement and creation of knowledge! KM involves the understanding of"
#here and in what forms knowledge e$ists; what the organization needs to know; how to promote a culture conducive to learning sharing and knowledge creation; how to make the right knowledge availa%le to the right people at the right time; how to %est generate or acquire new relevant knowledge; how to manage all of these factors so as to enhance performance in light of the organization's strategic goals and
short term opportunities and threats! reateprovide the right tools people knowledge structures (teams etc!) culture etc! so as to enhance learning; it must understand the value and applications of the new knowledge created; it must store this knowledge and make it readily availa%le for the right people at the right time; and it must continuously assess apply refine and remove organizational knowledge in conunction with concrete long and short term factors!
An overview of the assignment content
he aim of this paper is to analysis a %usiness scenario of Knowledge Management (KM) in determine importance of managing knowledge and knowledge advantage at *rotasco +erhad (*+)! *+ %usiness activities are organized into four main areas , *roperty -evelopment .oad and /ighway Maintenance .&- in 0nfrastructure echnology and 1ducation! he primary purpose of knowledge management is to approach in achieving *+2s o%ectives %y making the %est use of the knowledge such as improved performance competitive advantage innovation the sharing of lessons learned integration and continuous improvement of the *+!
KM need to %e practiced in *+ to fulfils its mission which reaches the corporate o%ectives and strategies and identifies the most valua%le knowledge from the 3sea of information4! hrough its operations *+ acquires creates processes and stores a significant amount of data and information some of which is turned into knowledge! 5ince there are different su%sidiaries under *+ we can analysis how the important of managing knowledge for each department and the details as %elow"
1. PB Property
6or *+ *roperty the concept of KM will give a %etter way of management and also will generate more profit! 0t an alternative way ena%led %y technology and produced %y knowledgea%le people such as architect and engineer!
0mplementing KM in *+ *roperty ena%les the employees especially architect and engineer to learn from its corporate memory share knowledge and identify competencies in order to %ecome a forward thinking planning and learning!
*ractises KM in *+ *roperty also can drive innovation helps to attract new and retain valua%le customers that qualified to %uy property and in the process increase organisational productivity and seeking the %est practises in all *+ *roperty activities to providing a %etter service to customers!
. PB !ducation
*ractices KM in *+ 1ducation gives most effective way to transfer efficient methods models ideas practice is creating network as field of interaction that will provide circulation of them as well as underpin innovation and development!
KM of *+ 1ducation system must reflect and comprise information at all levels starting from management level to student level in order to improve professional knowledge of employees to achieve quality of lecturers and students!
*+ 1ducation is considered to %e responsi%le for students2 achievements in a democratic contemporary and fle$i%le educational system! 5o student2s
knowledge skills talents should %e preserved in the knowledge %ase! 0t helps them to create new knowledge and gives platform to newly enrolled students!
Knowledge management in *+ 1ducation can provides techniques for capturing tacit knowledge hidden in e$pertsindividual mind and practices and records it for future use! 0t is also useful for %uilding knowledge for pro%lem solving and decision making purpose! 7uality and 5ervice improvement is also achieved!
". PB #oad and $ighway Maintenance
*+ road engineering has %ecome a comple$ discipline where road safety environmental and socio,economic issues are as important as technical design and construction supervision!
*+ .oad are develop specify procedures for the esta%lishment of criteria the road safety %y analysing data from road condition and tra ffic surveys and developing estimates for cost improvement and maintenance!
*+ .oad and /ighway Maintenance attach much importance to the planning and design of facilities to meet specific proect environmental requirements while incorporating financial constraints!
%. PB #esearch and &evelopment (#'&)
KM can decide the technical direction that the *+ .esearch and -evelopment (.&-) should take and through .&- to provide leading,edge technologies that will spawn new solutions in infrastructure technology
*+ .esearch and -evelopment (.&-) provide detailed operational guidelines data and information for infrastructure technology to prevent future pro%lems! 0t also on,going monitoring and research to continue to provide improve understanding and guidelines!
KM in organization such as *+ is formed via unique patterns of interactions %etween people process and product! *eople generate share apply knowledge and stimulate knowledge sharing! *rocess entails the methods to o%tain generate arrange share and transfer knowledge! *roduct involves improved or create new product through KM! KM solutions and knowledge can impacts on *+ performance and the impacts can %e on the following" 8! *eople 9! *rocesses :! *roducts
MPA* +, P!+P-! 1*eople
has an important role for knowledge management in *+! he whole success in
KM depends on the willingness of people in sharing their knowledge! rust is a necessary element for the willingness to share knowledge! his is achieved through com%ination of motivation recognition and rewards realignment of performance appraisal systems and other measurement systems! 0mpacts on *eople KM can facilitate employee learning! KM also causes employees to %ecome more fle$i%le and enhances their o% satisfaction! KM impacts people through" 1mployee earning 1mployee >8 and e$panded %y Bonaka and akeuchi 8>>F)! 0t descri%es how e$plicit and tacit knowledge is generated transferred and recreated in organizations! #hile it was first proposed within the conte$t of %usiness organizations the model can easily %e applied to education as e$plored %y in in and /uang (9AAG) and Heh /uang and Heh (9A88)! #e can refer as the 510 Knowledge conversion Model as shown as %elow"
he 510 model consists of four modes of knowledge conversion"
ociali0ation (*acit to*acit)
0t process converts tacit knowledge into new tacit knowledge through shared e$perience and this takes place through every social and cultural process linked to ongoing organizational activities (Martin,de,astro et al! 9AAG)! 5ocialisation typically occurs in a traditional apprenticeship rather than from written manuals or te$t%ooks! ) Knowledge Management and Jrganizational -esign!
+utterworth,/einemann J$ford! Maertensson M! (9AAA) < ritical .eview of Knowledge Management as a
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