Knock! Knock!

September 1, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Knock! Knock!


Breaching “If you can’t get in, you might as well just stay at home!” Christopher veteran operator an% author of theWhitcomb, best&selling boo', FI Cold "#$ Zero-Inside the FBI Hostage Rescue Team.


Breaching reaching isn’t roc'et science, but the person tas'e% with opening %oors must have a clear un%erstan%ing of what 'eeps them close% an% how they can be opene% (uic'ly) *ven the biggest an% strongest team member is a poor choice for a “breacher” if impro improperly perly traine% an% e(uippe%)



“+ny team thatthemselves %oes not ta'e their breaching seriously, ris's eposing themselve s to hostile -re whileproce%ures %elaye% outsi%e in the open)” .ar' /) /) 0ons%ale, 0ons%al e, 1*+ 1* + 2peciali3e% 2peci ali3e% $actical $raining 4nit)

 $he longer it ta'es ta'es to get through a %oor, the more time suspect’s have to escape, %estroy evi%ence or prepar prepare e %efenses)


Sometimes it is simple…


Target Location  $he -rst or%er or%er of business is to i%entify i%entify an% verify the eact target location, both a%%ress an% %escription) will be followe% by a physical more complete stu%y$his using5 • Intelligence

reports from un%ercover o6cers


bys by the rai% team lea%er •7hotography  vi%eo of the location lo cation an% entry points •2tu%y

of available buil%ing plans


Target Location *ntry 7oints5 7oints5 2pecial attention must be given to the location an% type of entry points into the location) •1oors •Win%ows •

Walls •8ates


Entry Point - Doors • Woo%en

 hollow  metal 9peephole -el% of

view: • Wi%th

 thic'ness • ;pening %irection • ect a rapi% entry presentris's an% the potential ris's of the operations outweigh the is potential associate% with the use of the breaching roun%)  If

there appears to be no other viable breaching option)


Shock Lock - )les contined  If

the physical barrierstructure to be engage% is accessible in such a manner that the breacher can safely an% e>ectively %eploy the roun%L or  If

the o6cer is facing uni(ue circumstances beyon% those or%inarily encountere%, encountere%, such as interior forti-cation, or breaching


Shock Lock - Dangers  $his roun% %elivers %elivers a lot of energy energy)) 0i'ewise, the inherent energy of a projectile capable ofpenetrate overcoming soli% metallic targets target s will any woo%en %oor an% certain varieties of metal %oors)  $his penetration can have have 0*$"+0 C;ere nt types of o f problems) 2electing the proper roun% roun% will generally limit some of the over&penetration concerns)


Shock Lock - Deployment Tech: B) +rrive at the %oor an% ta'e an appropriate position of cover) ) 4pon rece receiving iving the or%er to breach, chec' to see if the %oor is unloc'e%) unloc'e%) D) If the %oor is secure, initiate the shotgun breach in the following manner5  $he

point places the shiel% against

the %oor to protect o6cers from gun-reL

 Continue%

on net sli%e&&&


Deployment Techni;es /ont:  $he

breacher eamines the %oor an% %etermines the appropriate aiming point)  $he

breacher -rmly %igs the teeth of the mu33le brea' into the

woo% at the %eployment location) $his ensures that the mu33le %oes not move as the gun is -re% an% provi%es the proper stan%o>)  $he

breacher angles the mu33le as a %egree %etermine% by a process of visuali3ing the trajectory of the roun% as it passes through the target 9%ea% bolt: an% into the Nat face of the %oor frame, at as steep a %ownwar% angle as possible) + stan%ar% rule of thumb is a E %egree angle)


Deployment Techni;es 

 $he breacher then aligns the gun an% -res a roun% at each obvious target 9%ea% bolts, hinges, etc:) $hen steps asi%e to allow the ram o6cer to engage the %oor)


ehicle %ssisted Entry ;ne or two “A” "oo's are inserte% into the barrier an% attache% with a heavy rope to a vehicle) ;nce set the comman% is given an% the barrier is pulle% %own) *treme care must be ta'en to ensure that team member are clear of the path when the breach is ma%e to avoi% being hit with %ebris)


E9plosie Entry 0inear Cutting Charge 9factory or impro improvise%:) vise%:) 7ushing charge for steel %oors) Water charge for breaching steel or woo% %oors) 7ole charge for shattering win%ows) 2pecialty charges for loc's, bars an% interior %oors) *plosive breaching re(uires etensive training an% is usually reserve% for hostage rescue operations or etremely har%ene% areas)


Breaching 5
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