Indian furniture market:INR 135 billion ofhi!h "5# falls in the unorgani$ u norgani$ed ed se!tor% se!tor% &he total addressable 'arket for Retail ()rban *reas+:INR 5,2-- .rore%
Furniture imports India ranked frst rom 1-1-04 to 15-7-05 imporng 17 per cent o the total imports in urniture worldwide •
Furniture Import Value Growth 03-04
/ooden it!hen urniture /ooden Reside den nal al u urniture
INR -- million 93# INR 55- mi million 0# 0#
The Furniture Business in India - A Case Study
Business happening •
Indian furniture market:INR 135 billion ofhi!h "5# falls in the unorgani$ u norgani$ed ed se!tor% se!tor% &he total addressable 'arket for Retail ()rban *reas+:INR 5,2-- .rore%
Furniture imports India ranked frst rom 1-1-04 to 15-7-05 imporng 17 per cent o the total imports in urniture worldwide •
Furniture Import Value Growth 03-04
/ooden it!hen urniture /ooden Reside den nal al u urniture
INR -- million 93# INR 55- mi million 0# 0#
Real state !"er"iew o# India
&he groth of the ser4 ser4i!e i!e se!tor hi!h no !onstutes more than the 50# of the 6 *4erage household in!ome in urban areas has gron at a 5# .ompounded *nnual roth Rate o4er the last de!ade% B8 2010 the higher in!ome earning group ()6 2000+ is e;pe!ted to !onstute "# of the total earning populaon% So$ial Indi$ator
India toda8 boasts of 57 million m illion strong populaons that is belo 25 8ears of age% &he si$e of the market at ur!hasing oer oer arit8 (+ is esmated around )< 1%5 trillion It also produ!es a large pool of edu!ated professionals as under = >4er 3 million scienfc technical manpower = >4er 1 million graduate engineers and 0!4 million doctors and 0!" million post graduates in s!ien!e% = 0!3 million graduates in agriculture and #eterinar$ #eterinar$ sciences! proessionals and 3&0%000 engineering graduates = In addion 50%000 computer proessionals ea!h 8ear%
Buyin% &ower and Consump'on
&he number of middle !lasshouseholds in these !ategories !ombined is e;pe!ted to gro b8 3"%"# o4er the period 2005?200-% &he loer in!ome !ategories are pro@e!ted to de!line b8 10%7#, hile the 4er8 ri!h !ategor8 is pro@e!ted pro@e!ted to double% Retailers will now focus on the consumpon paerns of the middle class to map their future strategies’ as this upward push will lead to greatly increased purchasing power.
(it$hen &lannin% ) Furniture *esi%n
it!hens 2 should fa!e North Aast or North /est % it!hens should be ell lo!ated internall8 ith respe!t to pantr8, dining room and li4ing% la!es of meeng and ha4e so!ial signi!an!e % >!!up8 large amount of users me andpeak aCenon periods% In residen!es it!hens should be pla!ed strategi!all8 for eas8 a!!essibilit8 to all ma@or ork areas and rooms
Ideal seuen$e 'torage - (ooking area - )reparaon area * +raining area
Basi$ (it$hen /ayouts Sin%le /ine ,it$hen
* 4er8 basi! la8out that should be kept as !ompa!t as possible% &he !ooker and sink must be kept !loser in this la8out
/ Shaped ,it$hen
* ork seDuen!e runs around to alls, keeping ork triangle reasonable !ompa!t% In a 4er8 small room it ma8 be diE!ult to a4oid pla!ing refrigerator !lose to !ooker, so not an ideal arrangement as refrigerator looses eE!ien!8 in !ooling%
Gallery /ayout
aller8 kit!hen ha4e a !ompa!t ork triangle than an8 of the arrangements so are less ring in usage% ink and !ooker !an be pla!ed in opposite sides% &his plan possesses least safet8 ha$ards%
shaped layout
&his adaptable la8out is rapped around three alls in an unbroken seDuen!e %&his la8out pro4ides lots of ork surfa!e but the to !orners ould gi4e some asted spa!e
Island ,it$hen
&his should be used in pla!es here spa!e is plenful, if !ooking a!4it8 in4ol4es lots of alking then ork triangles are in!on4enient in this !ase%
+or, 1ones in (it$hen
2inimum Area #or ,it$hen plannin%
.ooking re!ess 5 ? - m2 Normal kit!hens " ? 10 m2 kit!hens ith dinning 12 ? 1 m2 Aa!h ork !enter in a kit!hen should ha4e three !omponents% 1% *deDuate ork area on !ounter spa!e 2% *deDuate storage areas and 4olume 3% uE!ient a!!ess to fa!ilies like 4enlaon, lighng ,drainage et! 6iFerent t8pes of furniture in kit!hen !an be !lassied as 1% ,ase units or under counter units - hese units are used or storing large% hea#$ or seldom used kit!hen eDuipment% 2% .all mounted units - .all mounted ha#e small depth so worktops /eneath them !an be used ithout hindran!e% &he8 allo !ro!ker8 to be rea!hed ithout bending 3% all units - Full height cup/oards are suita/le or storing cleaning materials% brooms et!% the8 !an also house refrigerator or mi!roa4e
uman Fa$tors ) (it$hen r%onomi$s
Fran,#urt ,it$hen
&he idea of eE!ient kit!henGs e4ol4ed from the mu!h !elebrated rankfurt kit!hen% *r!hite!t .hrisne redri!k in 1927? 2" !reated the kit!hen in a so!ial housing pro@e!t% &he kit!hen as anal8$ed folloing &a8lorist prin!iples using detailed me and moon studies hi!h ere published from 1913 in a series of ar!les on HNe ousehold 'anagementH •
(it$hen +or, Trian%le he idea o kitchen work triangle was ormulated at the 'chool o 2rchitecture o the ni#ersit$ o Illinois at r/ana-(hampaign% ounded in 144 with aims at reducing cost through standardiaon!
/ork triangle is simpl8 an e6cient arrangement o three maor work points i!e cooking%storage and sink% It is ne!essar8 to
design arrangement hi!h !uts don travelling distances of the user %
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