Kit Kat Brand Analysis
November 19, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Cécile Tiphine Alexandre Alexandr e Gonfalonieri Bai Xue Lachartre Juliana Trieu Trieu élanie Garcia
!arah Khel"
#$ *$ -$ 0$
Brand Brand audit o%&ecti'e() o%&ecti'e() (cope) (cope) and approach approach +i( +i(tor, Bac./ro Bac./round und a a%out %out the indu(t indu(tr, r, Con(u Con(u1er 1er anal,( anal,(i( i(
PART I - BRAND INVEN INVENTORY TORY (suppl (supply y side)
#$ +i( +i(tor, 23ner(hip *$ 4roduct 4roduct related related attri%ute( attri%ute( 5territor,) 5territor,) identit,6 identit,6 1antra7 1antra7 Brand ele1ent(6 a((ociation( !upportin/ 1ar.etin/ pro/ra1( -$ Brand Brand portfo portfolio lio Role of the %rand 3ithin the portfolio 0$ ar. anal, anal,(i( (i( •
• •
Chocolate indu(tr, Co1petiti'e %rand( 424( and 42D( 8$ !trate !trate/ie /ie(( 5047 5047 4roduct !trate/, 4lace !trate/, 4ricin/ !trate/, 4ro1otion !trate/, • •
• • • •
PART II - BRAN BRAND D EXPLORATORY (dem!d sid side) e)
#$ Brand Brand po(itio po(itionin/ nin/ anal,(i( anal,(i( •
T Tar/et ar/et 1ar.e 1ar.ett Anato1, of %rand po(itionin/ *$ Con(u1er Con(u1er percepti perception on anal,( anal,(i( i( 4erceptual 1ap Brand a((ociation( Cu(to1er %a(ed %rand e9uit, anal,(i( and (ource( of KitKat:( %rand e9uit, Do the de(ired and percei'ed 1atch; KitKat) a lo'e1ar.; •
• • •
• •
I!#$%dui%! B$!d udi# %'eie* s&%pe !d pp$%&+
A( part of thi( %rand audit) our /oal i( to a((e(( the health of the KitKat %rand 3ithin Ne(tlé:( portfolio %, unco'erin/ it( (ource( of e9uit,) it( po(ition on the co1pared to it( co1petitor( and %, (u//e(tin/ 3a,( to i1pro'e that e9uit,$ e9uit,$ rance$ A fe3 ,ear( later) in #) the %rand 3a( exported to Canada) !outh Africa) Ireland) Au(tralia and Ne3 ealand and 3a( %ou/ht %, Ne(tlé$ It 3ould not #http333$con(o/lo%e$co1penu #http333 $con(o/lo%e$co1penurie=de=chocolat=cacao=c/ rie=de=chocolat=cacao=c/ *http333$rtl$fractuecono1iela= *http333 $rtl$fractuecono1iela=con(o11ation=de=chocolat con(o11ation=de=chocolat=en=france= =en=france= a=au/1ente=de=#H=en=cin9=an(=HHH0H*#HH8 - http333 http333$l(a=con(o$fr $l(a=con(o$frle(=francai(=et=le=chocolat=etu le(=francai(=et=le=chocolat=etude= de= exclu(i'e)*@0??H
%e 3ron/ to a((u1e that part of KitKat:( (ucce(( i( due to it( Briti(h ori/in($ In fact) a( a Briti(h cand,) KitKat 3a( a%le to reach urope) the U! and Au(tralia reall, (oon) and a%o'e all %efore an, of it( co1petitor( tried to export their product( and %uild an inMuence there$ No3ada,() KitKat i( pre(ent in o'er H@ countrie( 3orld3ide and i( doin/ extre1el, 3ell in Japan) 3here it ha( an enor1ou( ran/e of product( and e'en dedicated (tore($ I!dus#$y
KitKat i( co1petin/ in the confectioner, indu(tr, ha( and %een 1orefacin/ particularl, in the chocolate %ar$ Recentl,) the indu(tr, a cocoa de"cit) 3hich re(ulted in o'erall increa(e( in price($ Thi( pro%le1 pu(hed the co1panie( to chan/e their product( in order to reduce the production co(t($ The confectioner, indu(tr, i( a 1ature one) 3ith 1an, e(ta%li(hed co1petitor( in it$ It i( currentl, /ro3in/ 5around 8 %illion of /lo%al (ale( in *@#*07) and it i( expected to .eep on /ro3in/ %ecau(e of the counter= c,cl c, clic ical al natu naturre of thi( thi( indu indu(t (tr, r, inde indeed ed)) in ti ti1e 1e(( of ec econ ono1 o1ic ic cr cri( i(e( e()) con(u1er( percei'e candie( a( aOorda%le luxurie($ "$.e# S+$e %/ C+%&%l#e C%!/ei%! Sles 'y 0l%'l $e0i%! i! 1 'illi%!s (2344)
A( a 3ell=.no3n %rand) KitKatP( 1ain purpo(e i( to %rin/ &o, to e'er, choc ch ocol olat ate e lo'er lo'er %et3 %et3ee een n #@ and and 8@ ,ear( old$ KitKat tend( to reach e'er,one no 1atter the a/e) ethnical and an d de1o de1o/r /rap aphi hica call fa fact ctor or() () and and to ena%le people to treat the1(el'e( and relax 3ith a (nac. durin/ %rea. ti1e$ The cu(to1er( are not the onl, one( 3ho %en %ene" e"tt fr fro o1 Kit KitKat at)) %ut al(o al(o Ne(tlé$ Accordin/ to in(iderer1edia$co1) in *@#0 KitKat ha( reached a (ale( /ro3th of #@@ 1illion pound( in the United Kin/do18$
The diOerentiation a1on/ chocolate %rand( i( not o%'iou() %ut KitKat (ucc (u ccee eede ded d in reach eachin in/ / cu cu(t (to1 o1er er(( 3ith 3ith an e1 e1ot otio iona nall ap appe peal al 5&o 5&o, , an and d (harin/7) e(peciall, in Japan 3here it ha( %eco1e a real life(t,le 5KitKat i( a((ociated 3ith /ood luc. there7$ There are 1ore than *@@ Ma'or( of KitKat in Japan) (uch a( %lue%err, chee(eca.e) /r /reen een tea) peach etc$ "p %/ 5i#5# i! 6p!
0http333$p11i$or/"le(Re(earch4IB*@#-Confectioner,$pdf 8 http333 http333$in(ider1edia$co1 $in(ider1edia$co1in(ider,or.(hir in(ider,or.(hire##8=ne(tle=u.=(3in e##8=ne(tle=u.=(3in/(= /(= %ac.=pro"ta%ilit,
C%!sume$ !lysis
The 1a&orit, of chocolate con(u1ption i( in IG@@@@*= chocolat=le(=francai(=ne=(ont=pa(=(i=/our chocolat=le(=francai(=n e=(ont=pa(=(i=/our1and(=9ue=ca$php 1and(=9ue=ca$php
to 8$H /ra1( per da, for adult( $ In /eneral) fe1ale( tend to eat 1ore chocolate than 1ale($ C%!sume$ 'e+i%$
In the 1ind( of con(u1er() chocolate ha( al3a,( %een con(idered a( a luxur, product) e'en if opinion( are pro/re((i'el, chan/in/ to Ee'en the 1o(t expen(i'e chocolate i( an aOorda%le luxur,F$ Chocolate i( (een a( a product 3hich pro'ide( plea(ure$ >or thi( rea(on) in 0@of the ca(e() chocolate %ar( are %ou/ht on an i1pul(e#@$ To experience a ne3 .ind of plea(ure) con(u1er( are 3illin/ to tr, ne3 Ma'or($ Tho(e Ma'or( can %e ori/inal a((ociation() li.e chocolate 3ith %lue%err,) or exotic one( li.e chocolate 3ith pepper or 3a(a%i$ In /enera /enerall chocol chocolate ate(( ar are e con(u1 con(u1ed ed %et %et3ee 3een n 1e 1eal( al($$ >or thi thi(( rea(o rea(on) n) con(u1er( are de1andin/ 1ore con'enience concernin/ the pac.a/in/ ## (o1eti1e() the, do not 3ant to eat all their chocolate or their %ar at once) (o in order not to put chocolate e'er,3here it 3ould %e 1ore con'enient for the1 to ha'e a pac.a/in/ that can %e refolded 3ith the chocolate in(ide) li.e ar(: T3i(t un KitKat:( internal core 'alue( lie in tho(e characteri(tic( Kit Kat put( an e1pha(i( on %ein/ a fun %rand) intended to /i'e a %rea. to e'er, 1an and 3o1an that need( it throu/h a ta(t, (nac. that the, 3ill %e a%le to %rea. and (hare) an,ti1e and an,3here$
;7B$!d p%$#/%li% •
Role of the %rand 3ithin the portfolio BCG 1atrix
Ne(tlé:( %rand portfolio i( 'er, lar/e and exten(i'el, co'er( all cate/orie( of food and %e'era/e($ KitKat i( part of the chocolate and confectioner, cate/or,) 3hich include( Aero) Butter"n/er) Cailler) Crunch) KitKat) 2rion) !1artie() ood(Corp 5U!A7 Chocoladenfa%ri.enLindt6!pr_n/li AG 5!3iterland7 Arcor 5Ar/entina7 a.iGlico Co Ltd 5Japan7 Au/u(t !torc. KG 5Ger1an,7 ^ Thi( include( production of non=confectioner, ite1(
#)0@ #0)-8@ #@)## #@)0?? )#^ H)08 0)@** -)8@@^ -@0 ^ *)*H*
*#http333$euro1onitor$co1/lo%al=confectioner,=o'er'ie3=.e,= cate/orie(=countrie(=and=trend(= cate/orie(=countr ie(=and=trend(=to=*@#report to=*@#report **http333$le"/aro$frcon(o*@#8@0@-@8@@H=*@#8@0@-ART>IG@@@@*= chocolat=le(=francai(=ne=(ont=pa(=(i=/our chocolat=le(=francai(=n e=(ont=pa(=(i=/our1and(=9ue=ca$php 1and(=9ue=ca$php *- http333 http333$planeto(cope$co1(u $planeto(cope$co1(ucre=cacao#8@= cre=cacao#8@=%arr %arre(=de=chocolat= e(=de=chocolat= 'endue(=dan(=le=1onde$ht1l *0 http333$icco$or/a%out=cocoachocolate=indu(tr,$ht1l
!o1e of th !o1e tho( o(e e co1p co1pan anie ie() () (uch (uch a( th the e >er errrero ero Grou Group p or Ne(t Ne(tlé lé)) o3n o3n (e'eral chocolate %rand( and (e'eral product cate/orie($ The follo3in/ cla((i"ed the T24 #@ of confectioner, %rand( in the 3orld in *@#**8 $ ! $il.a $ 6:( $Cat%ur, Dair, il. $ Trident $2r%it $ Ree(e(:( $xtra $ Galax, Do'e $KitKat In order to diOerentiate the1(el'e( to attract con(u1er( and increa(e con(u1er lo,alt,) co1panie( tr, to %e 1ore inno'ati'e$ Tho(e inno'ation( can concern the pac.a/in/ 5li.e for exa1ple the E1e1or, 3rapperF fro1 ar( a r(7) 7) the the pr prod oduc uctt de(i de(i/n /n 5li. 5li.e e th the e part partne ner( r(hi hip p %et3 %et3ee een n KitK KitKat at an and d Andr An droi oid7 d7)) th the e (i (ie e of th the e prod produc uctt 5f 5for or exa1 exa1pl ple e the the 1i 1ini ni fo forr1at7 1at7)) the the di(tri%ution channel 56:( 3hich open a 6:( (tore7 and (o on$ •
Co1petiti'e %rand(
rance) >errero had the t3o hi/he(t (hare( 3ith Kinder Bueno and Kinder axi$ KitKat i( onl, in - rd po(ition*H$ *8http333$planeto(cope$co1(ucre=cacao#8@=%arre(=de=chocolat='endue(=dan(=le= 1onde$ht1l
*? http333 http333$unctad$infoenInfoco $unctad$infoenInfoco11Be'era/e(Co 11Be'era/e(Cocoa*Co1panie( coa*Co1panie( *Hhttp333$le"/aro$fr(ociete(*@#*@0#*@@@8= *@#*@0#ART>IG@@H#=l=ener *@#*@0#AR T>IG@@H#=l=ener/ie=du=1arche=fr /ie=du=1arche=francai(=de(=%arr ancai(=de(=%arre(= e(= chocolatee($php
KitKat ha( t3o 1ain co1petitor( =one of >errero:( 1ain confectioner, %rand( Kinder Bueno) 1ade of t3o indi'iduall, 3rapped chocolate 3afer %ar( 3ith crea1, haelnut center( in each 3ith four pre=portioned %ite( on e'er, %ar V = and one of the 1ain confectioner, %rand( of ar( Incorporated T3ix) t3o %ar( 1ade of cri(p, crunch, %i(cuit( 3ith (1ooth crea1, chocolate and che3, cara1el$ The confectionar, indu(tr, i( hi/hl, co1petiti'e$ Brand( often introduce ne3 line( of product( that are (i1ilar to other co1petitor(: product($ >or in(tance) to e1pha(ie the idea of (harin/) the %rand( KitKat) Kinder Bueno and T3ix (ell diOerent (ie( li.e KitKat %all() KitKat 1ini or Kinder Bueno 1ini) T3ix 1ini$ All the(e three chocolate %ar( can ea(il, %e (hared %ecau(e of their (pecial (hape( 5li.e Kinder Bueno or KitKat7) or %ecau(e of their nu1%er 5* T3ix in a pac.a/e7$ The(e product( are all aOorda%le 3ith a di'er(e ran/e of (ie($ The(e (nac.( re(ult fro1 i1pul(i'e purcha(e( and are a'ai a' aila la%l %le e to %u %u, , 3her 3here' e'er er and and 3hen 3hene' e'er er the the co con( n(u1 u1er er 3i(h 3i(he( e( to purcha(e it$ Indeed) 3e can ea(il, "nd the1 not onl, in (uper1ar. ( et( and con'enience (tore() %ut al(o in 'endin/ 1achine() cine1a([ The(e three chocolate %ar %rand( u(e %ri/ht color( on their pac.a/in/) li.e /old) red or 3hite$ oreo'er) the(e three %rand( ha'e the (a1e tar/et their core i( children) ,oun/ adult( and adult( until 8@ ,ear( old) 3hich i( %a(icall, 1a(($ To To (u1 up) the(e three chocolate confectioner, %rand( are 9uite (i1ilar the, all ha'e the (a1e tar/et) tar/et) the (a1e ran/e of pric price) e) the (a1e (ellin/ poi oint nt(() re(e e(e1%li 1%lin n/ pac pac.a/in a/in/ / 5r 5red ed)) 3hit hite7 e7)) and the, the, laun launcche hed d approxi1atel, appro xi1atel, the (a1e product( at the (a1e ti1e$ But 3hat diOerentiate( KitKat i( it( (hape thethe four="n/ered %ar 3hich 1an, 3ould con(ider (,non,1ou( 3ith %rand$ The KitKat chocolate %ar( allo3 con(u1er( to %e a%le to %rea. oO a "n/er at a ti1e and to %rea. ea(il, the chocolate into proportio proportioned ned %it($
oreo'er) in Japan) KitKat encountered a /reat (ucce(( 3ith the KitKat Chocolato Choc olator, r, (tore=in=( (tore=in=(tor tore e conc concept ept*) and it( (hare( ha'e onl, %een %e en in incr crea ea(i (in/ n/ o' o'er er th the e *@@ *@@=* =*@# @#0 0 peri period od than than.( .( to thi( thi( .i .ind nd of 1ar.e 1ar .etin tin/ / initia initiati' ti'e($ e($ Ne(tlé Ne(tlé ha( al( al(o o incre increa(i a(in/l n/l, , pla pla,ed ,ed the car card d of exclu(i'it, throu/h (pecial edition( and inno'ati'e Ma'or() or throu/h product( 3ith re/ional Ma'or( or adapted to 'ariou( occa(ion( throu/hout the ,ear$ It ha( al(o %eco1e a fa(cinatin/ cultural /ood in Japan$ And KitKat %oxe( are particularl, popular a( a /ift to pupil( and (tudent(*$
424( and 42D(
The of KitKat:( co1petitor( 3e:'e pre'iou(l, done /i'e( u( enou/h ele1ent( to e'aluate the %rand:( point( of parit, and point( of diOerence co1pared to the other %rand( in the indu(tr,$
P%i!#s %/ p$i#y
=AOorda%ilit, and acce((i%ilit, =AOorda%ilit, acce((i%ilit, althou/h all the %rand( in the chocolate %ar do not focu( on price=co1petition) there i( (o1eho3 a co11on a/ree1ent %et3een the1 to char/e 9uite lo3 price( for their product($ Thi( i( 3h, KitKat) e'en a( a (tron/ (tron/ %rand 3ith a fair de/ree of Mexi%ilit, in it( pricin/ (trate/,) ha( .ept it( price( re1ar.a%l, (ta%le o'er the la(t #@@ ,ear( 5a cla((ic 0=%ar( (nac. co(t( around * uro(*$8 dollar(7$ Thi( i( the a'era/e price of all the (tandard=(i (tandard=(ie e chocolate (nac.( in the indu(tr, indu(tr,$$ The aOorda%ilit, of KitKat:( product( al(o allo3( it to tar/et a 'er, 3ide ran/e of cu(to1er($ KitKat can al(o %e found al1o(t e'er,3here) &u(t li.e it( co1petitor( ( (uper1ar .et() /a( (tation() 'endin/ 1achine( etc[ = U(e of diOerent chocolate( a( all the other %rand( in the indu(tr,) KitKat de'eloped a 'ariet, of (nac.( 1ade of diOerent chocolate( 53hite) dar.) 1il.7) 1il .7) 3hich 3hich help( help( it tar/et tar/et diOer diOerent ent (e/ (e/1en 1ent( t( of con(u1 con(u1er( er($$ >erre errero ro Rocher al(o oOer( 1il. and dar. chocolate 'ariation() a( 3ell a( 6:( that (ell( dar. or peanut %utter (3eet() or Kinder Bueno 3ith it( 3hite chocolate %ar($ = 4ac.a/in/ 'ariation( KitKat:( t3o=(tic. and four=(tic. (nac. pac.a/in/ can %e found in 1an, (ie( and t,pe($ There i( not onl, the cla((ic (9uare 3ith * or 0 "n/er( in it) %ut al(o %oxe( containin/#* or *0 (tic.( and an d lo lon/ n/ pac. et(( 3i 3ith th ? to (t (tic ic.( .( in it it$$ 2f co cour ur(e (e)) ther there e ar are e al(o al(o nu1erou( li1ited edition() (uch a( the Chun., 4eanut Butter (nac. or the * http333 http333$a/ro=1edia$fractu $a/ro=1edia$'eloppe=(o'eloppe=(on=concept=de= n=concept=de= chocolaterie=%ar=au=&apon=#H@-$ht1l *http%lo/$euro1onitor$co1*@#8@01orina/a(=Ma/(hip=dar(=(tore=in= *http%lo/$euro1onitor$co1*@#8@01orina/a(=Ma/(hip=dar(=(tore=in= the=foot(tep(=of=ne(tlC-A( the=foot(tep(=of =ne(tlC-A($ht1l at$ht1l
ToOee ToOee Treat one$ It i( co11on in the chocolate confectionar, indu(tr, to co1e up 3ith ne3 and inno'ati'e pac.a/e( to 1eet all .ind( of de1and() 3hich i( 3h, 6:( oOer( colu1n( and %oxe( alon/ 3ith the nor1al or 3h, T3ix (nac.( co1e in of *) 0 or #@ %ar() %oxe( of -? %ar( etc$ Li1ited edition( al(o allo3 the %rand( to increa(e their (ale( 3ithout canni%aliin/ the ori/inal product$ P%i!#s %/ di=e$e!&e
= >or1at and (ie of the product it(elf the fact that KitKat (nac.( can %e found in 1an, 'er(ion() (uch a( (in/le (tic.) t3o=(tic.) four=(tic. or chun. enhance( the peculiarit, of the %rand$ Thi( i( the onl, %rand that (ell( (o 1an, for1at( in thi( indu(tr,) and it ena%le( it( cu(to1er( to "nd the perfect (nac. an,ti1e and an,3here) "tted for e'er, cra'in/ the, 1i/ht experience$ Chun., %ar() for exa1ple) 3ere de(i/ned for people 3ho loo. for a %i//er hit of chocolate) (3eeter) hea'ier and heartier than a (i1ple "n/er$ Thi( .ind of product line exten(ion doe( not exi(t for T3ix or >errero Rocher) 3hich) on the contrar,) onl, ha'e one (tandard (ie for their (nac.() or 6:( and Kinder Bueno that onl, co1e in nor1al and 1ini (ie($ ='ariet, ariet,ofofMa'or( Ma'or( In Canada and%utter) the U!) KitKat (nac.( co1e incara1el) a lar/e (uch a( peanut 1int) coOee) haelnut) 1int 1i nt etc$ etc$ In Ja Japa pan) n) th the e ra ran/ n/e e of Ma'o Ma'or( r( i( e' e'en en %i// %i//er er chil chilii pe pepp pper er)) ra(p%err,) pear) /reen tea) 3a(a%i) ro,al 1il.) e'en pia or (and3ich= Ma'ored KitKat( KitKat( can %e found there$ Thi( i( the onl, %rand in the chocolate %ar that oOer( (o 1uch po((i%ilitie( in ter1( of ta(te$ = errero Rocher al(o (tarted to include 3afer( in their product( 5not to the (a1e extent a( KitKat thou/h7$ The fact that i( co1e( in (tic.( i( al(o a diOerentiatin/ attri%ute (ince it ena%le( con(u1er( to %rea. oO a "n/er at a ti1e and (hare the1 3ith their friend( or their fa1il,) an e1otional appe ap peal al th that at i( (t (trron/l on/l, , a((o a((oci ciat ated ed 3ith 3ith KitK KitKat at$$ The The (i (i1p 1ple le acti action on of oO a "n/er i( 3hat add( 'alue to the product$ = A((ociation 3ith %rea.( a( oppo(ed to the 1a&orit, of it( co1petitor() KitKat i( often a((ociated 3ith the 3ord E%rea.F$ Thi( 3a( achie'ed than.( to the fa1ou( E+a'e a %rea.) ha'e a KitKatF ta/line that ena%led KitKat to diOerentiate it(elf fro1 it( co1petitor() 3hich are pri1aril, (een a( plain choc ch ocol olat at, , (nac (nac.( .( th that at ar are e con( con(u1 u1ed ed 3h 3hen ene' e'er er on one e i( hu hun/ n/r, r, or &u(t &u(t cra'e( for (3eet() li.e Kinder Bueno) 3hich de"ne( it(elf a( a E!1all +un/erF product$
4oint( of parit,
=4rice and place (trate/, 5aOorda%ilit, ` acce((i%ilit,7 =Tar/et 5fe1ale ` 1ale) %et3een #8=8@,$o7 =4ac.a/in/ =4ac.a /in/ 'ariation( =U(e of 3hitedar.1il. chocolate
4oint( of diOerence
= Left %arRi/ht %ar = !tor, tellin/
= 1otional appeal childhood no(tal/ia =A( A((o (oci ciat atio ion n 3ith ith E!1all +un/erF =Li/htne(( of the product 5not too hea',7
=>or1at ` (ie =ariet, of Ma'or( =
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#@x08 ;7)
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0* httpcour(e($1 httpcour(e($1onoprix$fr(ear onoprix$fr(earchre(ult%ar chre(ult%arre(@@*@chocolat re(@@*@chocolat@@ee( @@ee( 0-http333$oo(hop$co1cour(e(=en= li/neor li/ne< e%>or1(Catalo/ueDetailU 1(Catalo/ueDetailUni'er($a(px;UNIQ ni'er($a(px;UNIQ C-4ICRI6RDIRCTQor1(Catalo/ueRechercheRe(ult$a(px ;!Q%arre`chocolatee(
Thi( chart (ho3( a (1all price diOerence %et3een retailer( for a (a1e product 51ar/in7$
Sede! ;G7G35R ace%oo. pa/e and recei'e( 1an, co11ent( and inter int ere(t e(t fr fro1 o1 the *-) *-)@@@ @@@)@@ )@@@ @ >ace%oo ace%oo. . fan dat data%a a%a(e (e0$ +o +o3e 3e'e 'er) r) 3e noticed that the %rand i( not u(in/ it( herita/e a( a core ad'erti(in/ ele1ent$ 4erhap() (ince the co1pan, 3ant( to po(ition it(elf a( a fun and cheerful %rand) ad'erti(in/ on herita/e 1a, %e outdated$
0? http333$$fr(ocial=%rea.=eOect 0Hhttpi1t$x#@ho(t$co1rachel%enderp 0Hhttpi1t$x#@ho(t $co1rachel%enderpdf(re(ear df(re(earchpro&ect$pdf chpro&ect$pdf 0 http(333 http(333$face%oo.$ $face%oo.$;%randZr atfr;%randZredirQ#H08*@*@H8 edirQ#H08*@*@H8
>urther1ore) the %rand doe( a lot of co11unication in(ide the point( of (ale) 1ainl, throu/h throu/h e'ent( and (pecia (peciall e1plo e1plo,ee( ,ee( 3ho enter entertain tain people and oOer (a1ple( for exa1ple) a/ain in order to rai(e a3arene(( on their product ran/e and increa(e (ale() directl, 3here the pro(pect( are$
Sp%!s%$s+ip !d p$#!e$s+ip
KitKat doe( a %it of (pon(or(hip) 3hether it:( for (pecial e'ent( (uch a( the 3orld cup of foot%all or directl, in (o1e foot%all tea1( 5(ee the i1a/e %elo37$ The, al(o pro1ote their product( throu/h partner(hip( 3ith (pecial cultural e'ent( (uch a( 1o'ie( 5late(t >a(t and >uriou( o'ie for in(tance7$ >urther1ore) the co1pan, doe( (o1e partner(hip( tooV the 1o(t fa1ou( one i( pro%a%l, the one 3ith Android) the Goo/le (,(te1 de'ice 8@$ Thi( partner(hip oOered a /lo%al 'i(i%ilit, to the KitKat %rand and the po((i%ilit, to a((ociate the %rand 3ith another po3erful and /ro3in/ %rand$
6p!ese /%%#'ll /%%#'ll #em 6u'il% I# 233 ,%me s+i$#>4
0 http333$1oodiereport$co1i1a/e(*'a$&p/ 8@ http333$the'er/e$co1*@#--0?,= %ehind=a=deliciou(=partner(hip 8# httpri(in/foot%all$%lo/ httpri(in/foot%all$%lo/(pot$fr*@@@&u%ilo=i3ata$ht (pot$fr*@@@&u%ilo=i3ata$ht1l 1l
O!li!e &%mmu!i&#i%!
KitKat i( an acti'e co1pan, online) indeed) the co1pan, u(e( online 1ar. 1a etin in/ / to fu furt rthe herr in in'o 'ol' l'e e it( it( fa fan( n( 5t 5thr hrou ou/h /h di dial alo/ o/ue ue(( %et3 %et3ee een n cu(to1er( and the co1pan,7) a( 3ell a( pro1ote their 'ariou( conte(t() e'ent( and ne3 product( or ca1pai/n($ KitKat u(e( >ace%oo.) T3itter) 4intere(t and it( o3n 3e%(ite to .eep con(u1er( infor1ed of product de'elop1ent( and upco1in/ e'ent($ 2nline) the %rand often a(.( 9ue(tion( to it( co11unit, of follo3er() (uch a( Eair=trade 8?) and %, doin/ thi() the, 3ere a%le to enhance the credi%ilit, of the /roup$ It:( a 3in=3in relation(hip) for %oth co1panie($
4artner(hip 3ith >airTrade 5on the
KitKat:( (ituation i( co1plicated %ecau(e of the (i1ilarit, of it( price and di(tri%ution (trate/ie( tothe one( of it( co1petitor( in the$ KitKat ha( to rel, on product and pro1otion (trate/ie( to di(tin/ui(h it(elf in the 1ind( of cu(to1er( (ince it i( i1po((i%le to do (o 3ith the price$ KitKat i( one of the 1o(t popular chocolate (nac. %rand( around the 3orld) and it partl, o3e( to the it ha( in place all o'er the 1a.e( ,ear($ It( trade1ar. red1ar.etin/ and 3hite(trate/, color( and theput di(tinct EKitKatF lo/o= it one of the 1o(t reco/nia%le %rand( e'er and one of the leader( in thi( (e/1ent of the$ ace%oo. pa/e and o'er *@@ @@@ follo3er( on T3itter ?8$ It allo3( people to interact 3ith the %rand and po(t picture( of their Kit Kat experience) a( 3ell a( co1plain a%out it$
Anato1, of %rand po(itionin/
B$!d D%mi!
en and 3o1en of all a/e( %et3een #8=0@ ,ear( old ?? at a 3orld3ide le'el$ Chocolate lo'er( 1ore particularl, particularl,$$
B$!d ,e$i#0e
Dar. chocolate) pac.a/in/ %ein/ chan/ed to %lue durin/ rench ta(te($ 8H of the >rench •
prefer dar. chocolate %etter than 1il. chocolateH@) (o launchin/ EKitKat EKitK at NoirF 3ould %e a (1art 1o'e (ince it 3ill al(o %rin/ older a/e /roup( (uch a( the 8@ ,ear( old and 1ore$
Co %randin/ 5in/redient co= %randin/7
The traditional Efondant chocolatF had %een elected au a( the the fa fa'o 'ori rite te de(( de((er ertt a1on a1on/ / * >rench people ) therefore 3e (u//e(t to launch a ne3 chocolate fondant "lled KitKat$ A( KitKat doe(n:t ha'e the experti(e of EChocolate fondantF 3e (u//e(t to co %rand thi( ne3 product 3ith Gg De((ert$ >or KitKat the %ene"t( 3ill %e reduced in'e(t1ent and oper op erat atio iona nall co(t co(t($ ($ Gg 3ill 3ill /i'e /i'e Kit. at the the nece nece(( ((ar ar, , .no3 .no3 ho3 ho3 of de((er de( (ertt and %ri %rin/ n/ cu( cu(to1 to1er( er( to the de( de((er (ertt (e/1en (e/1ent$ t$ Thi( Thi( partner(hip i( a 3a, for KitKat to en(ure that it( ne3 chocolate %ar 3ill ha'e a /enuine Chocolate fondant ta(te$ Thi( al(o 3ill %rin/ to KitKat %roader u(a/e( (ituation(V (ituation(V the con(u1er( 3ill not onl, (ee the %rand a( a (nac. %ut al(o a( a de((ert$ In return) G_ 3ill /ain %rand a3arene(( and ta.e ad'anta/e( fro1 KitKat:( lar/e cu(to1er( %a(e$ •
!ocial 1edia ca1pai/n
To To further enforce enforce it( (ocial 1edia co'era/e) 3e 3e (u//e(t launchin/ a !el"e ca1pai/n on >ace%oo.$ The rule( of thi( /a1e 3ould %e for participant( to ta.e a (el"e durin/ %rea. ti1e( and the picture 3ith the hi/he(t nu1%er of Eli.e(F or Eret3eet(F Eret3eet(F 3ould 3in the conte(t$ The prie could %e %rea. related and 3ith a (tre(( relief purpo(e) for in(tance) trip() concert( cine1a etc$$ •
Co11unication (trate/, to enhance %rand a3arene(( of exi(tin/ Ma'or(
H@ http333$l(a=con(o$frle(=francai(=et=le=chocolat=etude= * exclu(i'e)*@0??H http333$tn(=(ofre($co1etude(=et=point(=de='uele(=de((ert(= prefere(=de(=francai(
Ca1pu( Ca1 pu( pr pro1o o1otio tion n IG T>IG@@ @@@@ @@*= *= chocolat=le(=francai(=ne=(ont=pa(=(i=/our1and(=9ue=ca$php
= http333 http333$l(a=con(o$fra'ec=?=?=./=de=chocolat=par $l(a=con(o$fra'ec=?=?=./=de=chocolat=par=an=le(=francai(=(ont=de= =an=le(=francai(=(ont=de= petit(=con(o11ateur()#0@= http333$(,ndicatduchocolat$frle=chocolatchocolat=con(o11ation =http333$ne(tle$co$u.a((et= li%rar,docu1ent(li%rar,docu1ent(annualZreport(*@#-=annual=report=en$pdf = http333$ne(tle$co1a((et= li%rar,docu1ent(li%rar,docu1ent(annualZreport(*@#0=annual=report=en$pdf = http(333 http(333$$co1 $$co1 = http%u(ine((ca(e(tudie($co$'itali(in/=a=%rand=leader3h,='itali(in/$ht1lax-p(J, = httpi1t$x#@ho(t$co1rachel%enderpdf(re(ear httpi1t$x#@ho(t$co1rachel%enderpdf(re(earchpro&ect$pdf chpro&ect$pdf = http%u(ine((ca(e(tudie($ http%u(ine((ca(e(tudie($co$'itali(in/=a=%rand=leader3h, co$'itali(in/=a=%rand=leader3h,=='itali(in/$ht1lax-p(J, = http333 http333$$fr $$fr = http333 http333$ne(tle$frno(1ar9ue(chocolatcon"( $ne(tle$frno(1ar9ue(chocolatcon"(erie( erie( = http333 http333$ne(tle$co11ediane3(andfeature(& $ne(tle$co11ediane3(andfeature(& i9ue = http333 http333$ne(tle$co11ediane3(andfeature(& $ne(tle$co11ediane3(andfeature(& i9ue = httpinternationalcon(u1er%eha'ior httpinternationalcon(u1er%eha'ior$co1ta/ $co1ta/ = http333 http333$ne(tle$co11ediane3(andfeature(& $ne(tle$co11ediane3(andfeature(& i9ue = htt http p333 333$di $di/it /ital' al'id,a id,a$co $co1% 1%lo/ lo/.i .it=. at=/ot /ot=8? =8?@@@@ @@@@=un =uni9u i9ue=c e=con( on(u1e u1er(= r(= face%oo.=alone = http http333 333$di/it $di/ital1ar.$a( et$a(iane( iane(tle=u( tle=u(e(=tec e(=technolo hnolo/,=to=c /,=to=create at=%rea.= ea.= arti(t( = http(333$ne(tleprofe((ional$co1u.en!iteArticle(4 a/e(+i(tor,ZofZKitKat$a(p http(333$ne(tleprofe((ional$co1u.en!iteArticle(4a/e(+i(tor,ZofZKitKat$a(p x = http(333 http(333$,outu%e$co13atch;'QS2K $,outu%e$co13atch;'QS2K
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