Kisi-kisi Sap 2015

March 21, 2017 | Author: Mpit Kyupit | Category: N/A
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soal dan jawaban SAP fundamental...


KALAU ADA PILIHAN GANDAYANG GASESUAI JUMLAHNYA BERARTI YANG GA ADA ITU BUKAN JAWABANNYA (contoh harusnya 5 jawaban tp cuman ada 4 dan yg c gada brarti bukan C jawabannya) A 1. A chart of accounts can be us only for one company code an the result is (FALSE) 2. A CO document consist of the following information (ALL OF THE ABOVE) 3. A formal request requesting a vendor o supply certain goods or service is called (PURCHASE ORDER) 4. A particular job can only be assigned to one authorized user only (FALSE) 5. A process that distributes transaction loads according to first in first out (FIFO) principal in known as (DISPATCHER) 6. A process which involves taking material from storage location and preparing them for delivery is called (PICKING) 7. A standard program for accesing almost all of sap solutions is known as (SAP EASY ACCES) 8. ABAP Dictionary is one of several development tools that provided within the SAP system (TRUE) 9. Account payable is posted to accounting upon creation of te following document (INVOICE VERIFICATION) 10.An example of processing documents is (GOOD RECEIPT) 11.Any changes in public holiday calender parameter setting in client 100 shall automatically change the setting in client 200 (TRUE) 12.Asset acquisition can only be proceeded by a purchase order in SAP R/3 Purchasing (FALSE) B 13.Below are information provided in sales area data provides below information, except (DUNNING) 14.Billing does not have intregation with financial accounting (FALSE) 15.Buffer is llocated in Application Layer (TRUE) 16.Business event group and business event types are created on the following process in training and even management (PREPARATION OF BUSINESS EVENT) C 17.Capabilities of enterprise controlling is known as a. Internal Order b. Activity Based Costing c. Product Cost Controlling d. Profit Center 18.Client in SAP represents the following in the actual organization structure (ENTERPRISE GROUP) 19.Cient that is used for real… (PRODUCTION) 20.Client that is use for training can should be created in the following SAP system a. Development

b. Quality assurance 21.Controlling area includes only one company code in the same controlling area (FALSE) 22.Controlling statement is required for external reporting purpose (FALSE) 23.Default values for SAP transactions are set on the following level (CLIENT LEVEL) RAGU D 24.Depreciation area data in asset master are derived from default value which are set previously in asset class (TRUE) 25.During delivery document creation the following activities can also be performed, except (BILLING) 26.During good receipt process, user can use the following document as a reference (PURCHASE ORDER) 27.During the process of your first loging on, use should enter a new password after initial password entered (TRUE) E 28.Employee data is maintained in the following module a. Organizational plan b. Personnel Management c. Personnel Development 29.Every general ledger account master data with account type PL statement account must be have cost element master data if controlling module is implemented (TRUE) F 30.Field definition in ABAP dictionary is the largest unit representing businessrelated information (FALSE) 31.Following statement are TRUE in regards with Company Code, except a. It can generate or display the profit and loss statement according to costof-sales-accounting b. The smallest organizational unit that represents the law view of the company c. It represents a foreign operation that carries inventory 32.Following statement is not true in regards with system wide concept a. Organizational elements, master data, and a transactions are the basic elements designed and utilized to represent a company’s enterprise structure and business process in SAP b. Several plants can be assigned to the same company code c. Master data is created centrally and available to all applicants and users d. None of above H 33.How are information provided in Sales Area data provides below informations, except a. Shipping b. Billing

c. Dunning d. Partner Function I 34.If you change GL no account in costumer master data a company code, it will be automatically update in another company code within the same client (FALSE) 35.If we activate organizational unit business area, we can generate financial statement by segment or branch within company (TRUE) 36.Innovation Goods company has organization structure with Finance, Operation, and IT departements. In SAP, these departements are called as the following object (Bukan position) a. Job b. Division c. Organizational Units d. None of the above 37.Instruction for display an overview of session represent with (/o) 38.Internal reporting is typically established by general accounting standards, for instance GAAP (FALSE) 39.Invoice verification is the final step in the procurentment cycle (FALSE) 40.Issuing credit memos are part of functions in billing (TRUE) 41.It is not possible to add and delete transactions and folder from the SAP Menu (TRUE) 42.It is possible to classify fixed asset by using (ASSET CLASS) 43.It is possible to enter a website address in Favorite (TRUE) M 44.Material Documents is created in the background upon completed the following transaction (GOOD RECEIPT) 45.Mr. Geroge Vega holds a position as Finnace Manager wgereas Ms. Catherine Carmino as an IT Manager. Both of them have same objects which is known as a. Job b. Division c. Organizational Units 46. Mr Stewards is located in head office as a sales manager while owen is a HR manager what objects do they have in common (Antara job and none of the above) 47.Ms cathlene will be assigned to another location. Therefore her personel data such as location, addres, salary, work schedule should be changed in this case, the HR administrator should update the employee data through (PERSONAL ACTIONS) / (1,2,3) 48.Multiple Organtional units and their relationships from the organizational structure (TRUE) N 49.Not all applicants will be accepted as employee. Therefore user requires to reentry the applicant data into HCM Master (FALSE)

O 50.One of the followings describes the various business units date exist in an entreprise (ORGANIZATIONAL UNIT) 51. One of the following field in customer master is maintained at the sales area level (SHIPPING CONDITION) 52. Outbound delivery can be created by referencing the following document (SALES ORDER DOCUMENT) P 53.Parameter ID is used to set default values for a field (TRUE) 54.Persons occupies the following object in organization plan (POSITION) 55.Personnel files are master data record in SAP Human Capital Management. The following are true statement in regards with objects in organizational management, accept (1,5) 56.Product Cost Controlling provides an external view point of the company’s profitability (FALSE) 57.Production department can not monitor requirement after sales order creation (FALSE) Q 58.QAS is a client that is used Quality Testing (TRUE) 59.Quality assurance is a client thet is used for real live transactions (FALSE) S 60.SAP library is used to find online documentation (TRUE) 61.Sales Organization is assigned to a client (FALSE) T 62.The account payable component of the financial accounting module is responsible for monitoring and controlling customers accounts (FALSE) 63.The calculation of gross payroll and legal and voluntary decution shall comprise a. Employee remuneration b. HCM master data c. Time Data 64.The favorite folder in SAP easy access menu can consist of the followings, except (Email Address) 65.The field …… 999 (TRUE) 66.The followings are capatilities of Controlling, except a. Internal Orders b. Activity Based Costing c. Profitability Analysis d. Consolidation 67.The followings are important structure for employee and maintained, except a. Personnel structure b. Enterprise structure c. Employee maintenance structure

68.The following are organizational elements in controlling, except (COST CENTER) 69.The followings are principal characters of the ACID concept, except (CONSTANT) 70.The followings are the adventages of posting good receipt by referencing to purchase order, except (2,5) 71.The followings are the basic procurement cycle, except (GOOD ISSUE) 72.The following are TRUE statement in regard of cost planning except: (antara 1 dan 4) 73.The following are tools of product cost controlling (2,4,5) 74.The following are ways to record time data, except (2,4) 75.The following document is created upon completion of billing process (ACCOUNTING DOCUMENT) 76. The following is not a true statement in regards with system wide concepts (ORGANIZATIONAL ELEMENT, MASTER DATA DSB) 77.The following statement show the intergration between Appraisal and Personnel Development module (NONE OF THE ABOVE) 78.The highest level of Organization Elements in SAP system is (CLIENT) 79.The info type that contains work schedule wich employee is assigned to is known as the following info type a. Absence quota (IT2006) b. Planned working time (IT0007) c. Attendances (IT2002) d. Absences (IT2001) 80.The infotype planned working time covers the following information except (ABSENCES) 81.The infotype that contains Enterprise Structure, Personnel Structure, Personnel Structure, and Organizational Structure is known as (ORGANISATIONAL ASSIGMENT) 82.The integration between Time Management and Training Event Management module can be seen through the activity below: a. The booking causes a time data record to be created as an attendance b. The pre booking causes a time data record to be created as an attendance c. The time used for attending an off site training shall be recorded as an absence to show that the employee is not at the workplace 83. The Maximum number of characters you can enter in the client field is: 3 Three 84.The main data …. (3) 85.The result of payroll calculation shall be posted in (FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING) 86.The result of personnel cost plan that have been released are used for the following module, except a. HCM time management b. SAP business information werehouse 87.The status bar can display….. (TRUE)

88.The three part structure of master records makes it possible to flexibility depict the various organizational structures of an operation. In customer master, these parts are represented by a. Organizational Unit, Position, Person/ User b. Plant, Storage, Distribution Channel c. Data for Client, Data for Material, Data for Sales d. General Data, Data for Company Codes, Data for Sales 89.There are options of personalizing the user interface in SAP R/3, except (CHANGE THE LAYOUT) 90.There are required data to completed sales order creation, expect a. Sold to party b. Material c. Sales Organization d. Vendor 91.To access help information for a specific field in a transaction, users can press the following key on the keyboard (F1) 92.To allow intergration and data exchange between different SAP and non SAP system, the following service is required (ALE) 93.Training and Event Management has an intuitive menu that enables user to access individual functions of the application directly via the objects in the business event catalog. These menus are known as a. Dynamic action b. Day-to-day activities c. Attendance menu d. Dynamic menus 94.Two main data for processing Payroll are: a. Master data and Training data b. Master data and Remuneration statement c. Master data and Time data U 95.Upon invoice verification, the system automatically carry out the payment process (FALSE) 96.User can enter…. (COMMAND FIELD) 97.Users have several options in accessing in a transaction in SAP systems (ALL OF THE ABOVE)

W 98.We can assign link to files to Favourite Folder in SAP Easy Access Menu (TRUE) 99.We can perform picking during the creation of delivery document (TRUE) 100.We must create purchase requisition based on purchase order (FALSE) 101.What is the smallest organizational structure? (POSITION)

102.When a job requirement in compare with employee’s existing qualification, the result is stored in (APPRAISAL) 103.When executing a hiring action, user requires to at least maintain the following infotypes, except (TRAVEL PRIVILEGES) 104.You can only save document as Park Document, if debits and credits are balanced to zero (FALSE) 105.You can use internal order for controlling purpose organization (FALSE) 106.You may access a transaction by entering a transaction code in the command field to go directly to a transaction or function the convention of transaction code for cancelling the current transaction is a. /o b. /n c. /i d. None of the above

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